#and he has a twin brother called Henry
tstain-is-an-idiot · 8 months
It's 2/2 so take this 2
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Terms of Endearment - Brothers and Dateables
Lucifer: My love, my dear
Lucifer tends to use the more traditional pet names for his partner when he does use them, which isn’t very often. He will call you my love or my dear when he’s particularly pleased or feeling sentimental, and he’s also known to use them when you’re upset. 
Mammon: My human, my baby/babe
Mammon regularly uses nicknames for his partner that begin with my like my human or my babe/baby. He really just like anything that sounds possessive because it shows everyone how you belong to him. They’re not super sappy names though because he has his tough reputation to live up to. 
Levi: Henry, true friend, normie
Levi uses a lot nicknames because there’s something super embarrassing and vulnerable about using your actual name. He uses casual nicknames, almost joking ones, like normie or Henry. He likes hearing you laugh when he uses them but he blushes like crazy if you ever use on one him. 
Satan: Kitten, darling, Watson
Satan is all about the romantic nicknames; typically he will use something like darling or kitten, especially when he is in a good mood. However, he will sometimes use Watson when he is in one of his chaotic or fun moods. Watson may be his favorite honestly because it just shows how great of a team you are. 
Asmo: Hun, darling, beautiful/gorgeous, sweetie, anything goes.
We all that Asmo uses nonstop pet names. It’s second nature to him to call you anything cute that he can think of: hun, sweetie, darling, gorgeous. He’ll even make up random little nonsense names like ‘my sugar free cupcake’ because he loves to see how far he can take it before you call him out on how ridiculous he’s being. 
Beel: Honey, sweetheart
Beel is a very simple guy. He’s not going to use flowery nicknames or use them all the time.Typically, he’s going to use your name or maybe a shortened version of it, but if you catch him in a particularly soft mood or if he’s trying to comfort you, he might call you honey or sweetheart. 
Belphie: Idiot, princess/prince
Belphie, like Beel, doesn’t use nicknames a lot but he does it more than his twin. Belphie will call you idiot like a term of endearment and then call you princess/prince and make it sound like an insult. Honestly, he just enjoys riling you up. If he’s actually trying to be nice, he will call you his dream. 
Diavolo: My queen/king, actual name
Diavolo looooves nicknames. He didn’t grow up with them or any friends to use them on so he tries out all different kinds with you at first, figuring out what you both liked best. He loves to call you dearest (since you’re the person he cares about most) and once you’re in a serious relationship, he likes to call you his king/queen. Once in a while he’ll throw out something like “pookie” because he heard someone else say it and it always leads to a good laugh. 
Barbatos: My lady, actual name
Barbatos follows a strict set of rules and has perfect manners which means he’s not known for using nicknames. He thinks even using someone’s first name can be incredibly intimate based on his station but, deep down, Barbatos is incredibly soft, especially for MC. When they are alone, he’ll regularly call them ‘love’ or ‘my heart’. He uses these because he claims you are the person who brought love into the heart he forgot he had. 
Solomon: My better half, something based on an inside joke
Solomon enjoys using nicknames but almost all of them are a joke. He typically uses embarrassing moments or inside jokes to come up with them and they change out regularly. It wouldn’t be weird for him to call you something like ‘spilled milk’ or ‘my croissant’. But, during serious moments or when he’s introducing you to someone, Solomon likes to call you his better half because that’s exactly what he thinks you are. 
Simeon: lamb/little lamb, sunshine
Simeon goes 50/50 with pet names. Like Barbatos and Beel, he most enjoys using them in private but he’s certainly not ashamed to use them in front of people if he thinks the moment calls for it. He most commonly calls you lamb or little lamb and it’s always said so fondly that it makes up for any condenscion you might feel. He will also call you sunshine because he claims you not only light up the Devildom but also his life. 
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multi-fandoms-posts · 21 days
Twin Trouble
Cherik x reader
X Men Masterlist
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Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr are sitting together in the living room of their cozy villa. Today, they have taken on the task of looking after their twins, William and Henry, so that Y/N, their wife and the boys’ mother, can enjoy a well-deserved break. The twins, energetic three-year-olds, have the same fire in their hearts as their fathers. William has inherited his father Erik’s ability and can already use it a little. Charles senses a spark of telepathy in his son Henry, but Henry cannot yet fully utilize this ability.
“How hard can it be?” Erik asks, leaning back casually. “We’ve saved the world from destruction. Two little boys won’t bring us to our knees,” he says confidently.
Charles smiles and nods, though he secretly suspects it won’t be that easy. “They’re only three years old, Erik. What could possibly go wrong?” says Charles, but no sooner are the words out of his mouth than William and Henry are already running around the sofas, chasing each other and screaming with excitement. William is holding a toy car, which he’s flying through the air, while Henry giggles loudly and tries to grab the car from his brother.
“Dad, look at this!” William shouts proudly, crashing the car onto the coffee table. It’s just a small, harmless toy, but Erik flinches slightly as if he had felt the impact himself.
“Careful, William,” Erik says, trying to remain calm. “We don’t throw things.”
“But Dad, I’m just like you! I can make everything fly!” William beams and sends the car soaring through the air again before it crashes into a lamp, which wobbles precariously.
“William!” Charles warns this time, extending a calming hand. “Erik, we need to set some boundaries for them.”
Erik sighs deeply. “Yes, yes. I’ll handle it. William, come here.” He takes the car from his son and sits him on his lap. “We can make the car fly later together. But we don’t want to wake Mom, do we?” Erik asks.
Meanwhile, Henry has quietly sneaked out of his fathers’ sight and begun climbing onto a chair to reach the cookies on the kitchen counter. Charles notices just in time and quickly goes over to him.
“Henry, my dear, why don’t you just ask for the cookies?” Charles gently lifts his son off the chair. “You don’t have to do everything by yourself.”
“But Dad, I’m hungry!” Henry replies, looking at his father with big eyes.
“I know, sweetheart. Here, have a cookie, but we need to be patient too, okay?”
But before Charles can hand him the cookie, a loud crash comes from the living room. He hurries back to find William, who has now turned the rug in the middle of the room upside down and is crawling underneath it, while Erik desperately tries to contain the chaos.
“William, stop that! Oh, Charles, what were we thinking?” Erik runs a hand through his hair, visibly overwhelmed. William laughs, undeterred, and calls from his hiding place, “Dad, come play!”
“This won’t do,” Charles murmurs, trying to regain control. “Boys, let’s play a game that doesn’t make such a mess,” Charles calls out.
“But Dad, this is fun!” Henry protests, tugging on his father while William reappears and tips over a toy box, scattering its contents in all directions.
“Erik, we need to distract them somehow,” Charles says in desperation as Henry starts building a fortress with the toy blocks. “They need a quieter activity.”
“How about a book?” Erik suggests, though he doubts it will be the solution.
But before they can even try this idea, everything spirals out of control. William and Henry have now decided that the entire living room is their castle. Charles tries to calm the situation with his telepathic powers, but the twins are simply too wound up.
“I think we’ve overestimated ourselves,” Erik finally admits, as Henry suddenly starts crying because his fortress has collapsed, and William loudly accuses him of doing it on purpose.
“Mama! I want Mama!” Henry cries through his tears, while William joins his brother in demanding their mother.
Charles and Erik exchange helpless looks. “Maybe… maybe we should really take them to Y/N,” Charles finally suggests. “It seems only she can tame their chaos.”
Erik reluctantly nods. “You’re right. Let’s get Y/N.”
As they bring the children into their bedroom, Y/N is lying relaxed on the bed, but the twins’ loud crying has already woken her up. She smiles wearily when she sees her two sons, who immediately throw themselves into her arms.
“What’s wrong, my loves?” she asks gently, stroking their hair soothingly.
“Daddy and Daddy broke everything!” William complains, while Henry just sobs.
Y/N throws an amused glance at Charles and Erik. “Looks like you two had your hands full,” she grins slightly.
“That’s an understatement,” Erik murmurs, leaning against the door. “We thought we could give you a little rest, but…”
“They’re a handful,” adds Charles, sitting down beside Y/N and gently rubbing Henry’s back. “Maybe we’re just not as good at this as you are,” he sighs.
Y/N chuckles softly. “You did your best. But sometimes, they just need their mom.” Y/N says, giving William and Henry a kiss.
“Maybe next time… we should have a Plan B,” Erik suggests, and everyone laughs, even the twins, who have now calmed down and are content in their mother’s arms.
“Yes, that would be wise,” Charles agrees. “But until then… they’re better off with you,” Charles says, and Y/N laughs in response.
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retrospacejelly · 3 months
Henry Creel x Fem! Reader: Where the reader is Jonathan Byers twin and will sister and Henry takes a very strong liking to her. Like if he was still human/not all burned up?
Hi there, of course! I hope you enjoy the read! <3
Can’t Take My Eyes Off You
Pairing: Henry Creel x FemByers!Reader 
Summary: Y/N Byers, her mom, Joyce, and Hopper sneak into Hawkins Lab to look for, and hopefully find Will. However, when Y/N separates from Jim and Joyce, she meets an odd character.
Not proofread
Warnings: Yandere Henry Creel, allusions of murder, dreams of world domination, the usual with Vecna.
PLEASE READ! So, this fic doesn’t follow the exact plotline. And thank you so much for @edb954 for making the request and for helping me with the plot!
Part: 1/?
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The stuffy closet felt like it was closing in on Y/N as she pressed her back against the wall. Then running footsteps of the Hawkins Lab guards echoed throughout the hallway, slowly getting softer.
Well, so much for sticking together. She thought to herself, praying that her mom and Hopper weren’t in the same predicament as her. 
They were supposed to stick together to look for Will. But no, one guard noticed them and they had to split off. 
Y/N pressed her ear to the door, sighing when she heard silence. She slowly opened the door, peeking her head out and scanning her surroundings. Stepping out, the Byers sister crept toward the end of the hall, listening for anyone else approaching.
Seeing that the coast is clear, she makes a run for it, hoping to find Hopper and her mom. 
“Umph!” she stumbles back, bracing herself for the hard floor. 
She opens her eyes. Where was the floor? Looking up, she gasps as she sees a blonde man staring back at her. He has a smile on his face, and somehow it’s unsettling.
His arms are wrapped around her shoulders, keeping her steady. Y/N quickly scrambles out of his grasp. 
“I…” she starts.
“You seem lost.” The man says, studying her. 
All she can do is nod dumbly, frozen in place. Oh, was she in for it now? He isn’t dressed like a guard. Maybe he was a higher-up? The all-white outfit suggests it. 
What would he do to her? Is he going to torture her? Kill her? What if he thinks she’s some spy?! 
He chuckles at her stunned silence. He can’t help but find her adorable. 
“Are you meeting someone here, miss?” he asks, his arms now folded behind him.
No, she can’t tell him the truth. But boy is she tempted to. The man is alluring, his gaze pulling her in. 
She takes a breath, standing taller. He doesn’t seem to be armed. Good, she has a taser in her jacket pocket if he tries anything. 
“I’m looking for my younger brother. He went missing, and I have reason to believe he’s here.” she confesses. 
He hums and nods, taking in her words. 
“Why on earth would you think he’s here?” 
“When we organized a search party, I went out on my own.” A lie. “I found his jacket by a hole in the fence surrounding the lab.” Another lie. “I figured he somehow made his way here and is being held hostage for some freaky experiment.” Not a complete lie.
Henry nods again. “I can help you look for him.”
“What?” Y/N asks, not sure if she’s heard him correctly.
“I’ll help you look for your brother, Miss. He must be scared. All alone in a big place like this. If he’s even here.” he continues. 
He supposes it will give him more time with her. To…figure her out.
“Why…?” Y/N asks, uncertainty lacing her tone. 
He shrugs. “I may work here, but it doesn’t mean I’m fond of this place. The man in charge of this lab takes security very seriously. Even if your brother is young, he wouldn’t hesitate to rid of him.” 
Y/N can’t help but gasp at his words. Now she’s hoping that Will isn’t here.
He suddenly motions her to follow him, leading the woman through the maze of halls. 
Somewhere in the upsidedown…
Henry sensed someone in the underground. A child. And the child was scared. He kept calling out to different people.
“Mom…?! Jonathan, Y/N…?!” the boys shouted, curling in on himself.
“Will?! Will!” another voice shouts, catching Henry’s attention. 
The boy perked up, looking around frantically. 
“Y/N! Y/N, I hear you! Where are you?!” he shouts, starting to cry. 
“Will, oh my god! Will, we’re going to save you!” This Y/N person shouted, sounding like she had been crying herself.
He was intrigued. Who was this, Y/N person? 
It didn’t take long for Henry to find out who she was. Will’s older sister, and a college student at Hawkins Community College. And she was…beautiful.
Henry knew right then, that he was going to have her. No matter what. 
“Where are we going?” Y/N asks, trying to keep up with his pace.
He’s silent for a moment, before speaking up. “There is a place called the Rainbow Room. It used to be a place where test subjects had their free time. It’s very appealing to a young child. I suspect he could’ve hidden somewhere in that room.”
She covers her mouth in shock. “So they do experiment on children!”. Y/N can’t help but tear up, praying that Will hasn’t been caught. 
Noticing her frightened behavior, Henry places a hand on her shoulder. “It will be okay, Miss. We will find your brother.” he reassures her, smiling when she calms down.
“Thank you,” she mumbles quietly. “I never got your name…” she says as she looks up at him.
“Peter, Ballard.” He answers. “And your name, Miss?” he asks, as if he didn’t already know. “Y/N Byers. It’s nice to meet you, Peter.”.
“Likewise, Miss Y/N.” He replies, stopping in front of the Rainbow Room. Henry opens the door, a twisted smile making its way onto his face as flashbacks of the massacre run through his mind.
“What…happened here…?” Y/N asks eyes widened at the dried blood painting the walls.
Henry frowns. “A tragedy in the ‘70s. One of the orderlies, Henry, who was in charge of the children had gone mad, killing them in cold blood.”
“That’s horrible…” She says, the hairs on her neck standing on end. 
They look around for Will, more so Y/N than Henry. He knew it would be useless, anyway. As she looked around, he thought to himself.
Y/N didn’t seem like she would go down without a fight, but maybe if he struck up a deal with her…
“He’s not here,” Y/N says dejectedly, running a hand through her hair. “Where could he be?!” she exclaims to herself, pacing back and forth. 
Henry coughs quietly, getting her attention. “Let’s keep looking, surely he’s here somewhere,” he suggests, already leaving the Rainbow Room.
Y/N quickly follows suit, trying to forget about the eerie room. She almost bumps into Henry’s back, when he comes to a stop. He quickly guides her into another closet, shutting the door with a soft, ‘click’.
She looks at him, confused. Henry glances at her, putting a finger to his lips. Only now does she realize their proximity to one another. She can’t help but blush, practically pressed against his chest. 
Her brow furrows. He seemed cold, and on top of that, his heart was beating so slow she was surprised at the amount of energy he had. And that he was alive in general.
Before she could ask any questions, he leaves the room, pulling her with him. He presses his front to her back, not letting her turn around. The turn out of the hall, and unbeknownst to Y/N, left behind the bodies of two guards.
Henry stops again at another door, turning to Y/N. 
“Close your eyes, Miss Y/N” he requests.
“Why-” “Just do so, please,” he says sternly, turning back to face the door. 
Once checking that her eyes are closed, he cracks open the door, making quick work of the scientists and guards inside. 
He takes Y/N’s hand, still making sure her eyes remain shut. 
When he tells her to open them, she is met with a rotting flesh-looking mass. There’s a glow coming from the opening. The only thing separating it from her is a glass wall. 
“What..the hell is that?!” she shrieks, reaching out for Henry’s arm. He smiles at the contact.
“This, Y/N, is a portal to another dimension,” he tells her, holding her arms gently.
“Is Will in there?”
Her question goes unanswered. “Just keep looking at the portal, Y/N,” he says, his head now next to hers, his voice a low whisper.
She does as told when suddenly, her surroundings change. She gasps. It looks just like the room she and Henry are in….but….abandoned. Dark. 
Y/N looks behind her, and Henry is gone.
“Peter?!” she shouts, hoping for a response. Going against her better judgment, she starts walking around, stepping over thick vines. 
The scene changes again, and suddenly she is in a forest, silence enveloping her. 
“Peter?!” she shouts again, frantically looking all around her. Y/N hears a rustling in the bushes and turns her head to the sound.
“Who’s there…?” she shakily asks.
A voice says, making her jump.
“Peter!” she exclaims, recognizing the voice. “What is this place? Is Will here?” she asks into the air, still looking around.
“He is, Y/N. This is The Underground,” he answers.
“He’s here!” she exclaims “Where…exactly?”
“I’m right here, Y/N,” Comes Will’s voice from behind her, making the woman quickly turn to face him.
She runs to Will, hugging him tightly, sobbing into his shoulder.
“Oh, Will! God, I thought I lost you forever, Will!” she says, not wanting to let go. Despite her relief, she feels that something is off. Will hasn’t hugged her back.
Pulling away, she sees the terrified expression on his face. He’s focused on something behind her, and she freezes as well.
Y/N slowly turns to look at what Will is staring at, gasping at the sight.
Standing on all fours is a hairless-looking beast. Its mouth slowly opens up to reveal rows and rows of sharp teeth. Y/N quickly stands in front of Will protectively.
Something shoves her out of the way, and the beast lunges for Will.
“No!” Y/N shrieks in horror, trying to run to Will, but tripping over a vine. As she tries to stand, the vine wraps around her ankle, and another comes out of the ground to wrap around her middle.
“Wh-What’s going on?! Will!” She continues to holler but stops when she sees nothing in front of her. 
“You’ve seen what happens to your brother if he stays here, Y/N.” Henry suddenly says, stepping from his spot behind a tree.
“Peter! Peter, what’s happening? Where’s Will?!” she’s crying now, trying to break free of the vines.
He quickly shoes her, kneeling in front of her restrained form. “Don’t cry, my dear. Will is perfectly fine. Or, he will be once you agree to my terms.” 
Her eyes widen. “What?” she says quietly, the color draining from her face.
“Oh dear, you still don’t understand. That’s okay,” he gently caresses her cheek.
“I can bring Will back to your dimension if you become my eternal bride in this one,” he states, giving her an unsettling smile. 
“You’re sick, Peter.” she snaps, hatred seeping its way into her veins. 
“Now, Now,” he tuts, “That’s not my real name, Darling.”
Her heart drops. 
“Henry…?” she lets out, her voice only a whisper.
He nods, “Correct, Darling! Just think, we can make this world our own, I can give you everything you’ve ever wanted. We can enslave your dimension, and rule over it. Or of course, I leave Will here to die, and make you live with the weight of your brother’s death until you too perish.”.
Y/N stays silent, her tears now dried up. Her decision was made.
“I will stay here with you. But you have to bring Will back to our dimension.” She says, glaring at Henry.
“You have my word, Darling.”
Oh my goodness he is just so UGH!
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erikiara80 · 6 months
March 22nd and all the birthday references in ST
Will's birthday has always been important.
A birthday mug in episode 1
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Same mug in Mike's basement. We see it in scenes with El in S1 and Will in S2. Yeah, I think birthdaygate could be about her, too. Will is the only character whose birthday was used to literally save him and the whole town. And we've seen El's birth and birth certificate, but we still don't know when she was born? Strange
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The I forgot your birthday card in Will's room in S1
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But in S2 we only see it when Joyce looks at the Will the Wise drawing. In all the other shots the card is not there, and the drawing is on another wall. This could be a hint at different timelines (of a timeloop?) More screenshots here
Basically, I have two theories about Will's birthday: either people really forgot it in S4, or the Will who was born on March 22 is the brown-eyed Will in the Missing poster, in the timeline we see in the shed scene, and not the hazel-eyed Will we see in the rest of the show. Maybe they hid the truth in plain sight, they let people believe that his eyes were different because he was possessed. But then in S3 they show that Billy's eye color never changes (here) Can't wait to see what this means
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No birthday card in these shots
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Lesbianmindflayer found a video posted on the official IG account in August 2017. At the time, they had already filmed S2, they knew there was an important scene about Will's birthday, so why posting the wrong date? Is it actually a mistake, or that's really his birthday in another timeline? We'll see!
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The amazing shed scene. One of my favorite! Joyce talks about Will's 8th birthday. That was in 1979, the year of the massacre. She also mentions his rainbowship, a hint at his queerness, but also a reference to the lab. And I think there's a connection to the "rainbow rocket" near Creel House, and the ship of Brenner's father, who was involved with Project Rainbow, and the first man to wind up in Dimension X. This scene is so important!
Will drawing a spaceship could also be a parallel to Olivia Dunham (Fringe), who drew what she saw in another universe. A Zeppelin
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Olivia's drawing (Byler-Polivia parallel and Subject 13)
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3x03. Happy Birthday and '76 on the poster. The lifeguard is talking to El and Max here. My theory about what this could mean and what might have happened in 1976 here and here
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The original title of episode 3x06 was The Birthday. There is no birthday in that episode, but after the intro, the song that plays is Stand up and Meet your brother, and then El meets the Mind Flayer/Vecna (as a lab kid, Henry is kinda her brother), who is possessing a boy named William. A surfer boy.
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Episode 3x08, posters of Firestarter and Sixteen Candles. Will is associated with fire, and in Sixteen Candles a girl hopeful thar her 16th birthday is the beginning of a great year, is shocked when her family forgets it because her sister is getting married the next day.
Sixteen Candles and a boy's 16th birthday are also mentioned in S4, and it is likely that S5 is set in 1987, after the time-jump, when Will is 16.
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S4. There are so many mentions of birthdays in this season, it's crazy to think that the writers forgot Will's birthday.
Mentions of birthday and stolen thoughts in the opening scene.
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Birthday party at Rink-o-mania. I could be wrong, but it looks like a party for two people, to me. And there's a hidden reference to the massacre. The game Asteroids was released in 1979 (here)
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The scene that made many people believe that the writers forgot Will's birthday.
March 22. The Rink-o-mania scene is a parallel to the lab scenes, Asteroids was released in 1979, and the day of the massacre El remembered her birth. Maybe a hint that her birthday is also on March 22?
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They call her little baby, and two of the bullies are twins.
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Murray says that a one-year-old won't remember their birthday
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Also, the wallpaper reminds me of these birds we see in his house, when Alexei explains how the two keys open a gate
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Murray says that his "son" is almost 16
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Mention of Sixteen Candles
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Mike's Happy Birthday mug
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At Suzie's, Will mentions Dustin's birthday
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Yeah, I think something will happen to Will in 1987, when he's 16. And it won't be funny, lol. But he'll get his happy ending.
Happy birthday, Will!
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welivetodream · 9 months
Camilla Macaulay: the twist villain that never was.
(ps: this is just a headcanon and personal opinion, nothing serious!)
Out of all the characters in TSH, Camilla to me seemed the most enigmatic, more than even Henry Winter. There's something about her that I cannot understand. I couldn't trust her when I was reading TSH for the first time, I thought she was going to be the mastermind behind it all.
Why? Isn't Camilla the nicest of all of them? So was Charles, and look at what happened to him. The twins gave me the ick a lot of the times, especially during re-reads where I could see the early hints of the incest reveal and the abuse. It could have been completely believable, if Camilla, behind the scenes was the one causing the drama all along.
1. Richard's rose coloured lens: since the story is told from his point of view, it's understandable if he decided to leave some details, changed the story or was oblivious to some things he didn't want to remember or think about. He had the most bias for Camilla, she was his crush. And we often look at our crushes with rose tinted glasses and often hide their flaws and mistakes. Richard shows bias towards the Greek class even before he was in it and his infatuation with Camilla could be the reason why we don't get any bad details about her throughout the story.
2. Motives: while Bunny did get murdered for blackmailing and trying to betray the Greek class. Only Camilla had other motives to cause distress among the others. Particularly, Charles. We know he was extremely possessive with her and has caused her emotional and physical abuse (there's background info we get at times about the twins having broken objects in the house and other times where Charles is possessive of Camilla). I don't think she truly loves Henry, it's more that being with him gives her the protection and safety she needs. She has shown some kind of liking to Francis, they seem good friends and have kissed two times (I call it gay solidarity). She plays with Richard's heart a lot, kissing him when no one is looking and making him think he has a chance when he clearly doesn't. Camilla is overshadowed by the guys in her friend group; getting the "only girl treatment". Bunny is always trying to get under her nerves and is misogynistic towards her. Charles is controlling and abusive (her own brother). Henry is cold and sociopathic, as well as someone you can't trust ("I call it redistribution of matter"). Richard is a simp. Francis is there.
3. What could have happened: Camilla, tired of the way her life is tied to Charles, Henry and Richard and their feelings towards her forcing her into a corner with no choice of her own. As well as, mentally scared from the murder of the farmer, decides to end all of the misfortunes in her life. Instead of Henry making the plans, it's Camilla in this version of the story that decides to kill Bunny both to get rid of him from her life as well as to hide the first murder. But she does this from the shadows. And the person that discovers her plan is Francis, since they have a relatively good relationship, it's possible he wouldn't spill her plans and stay quiet. She gaslights Henry into believing he ended up killing Bunny (let's say he went through with the poisonous mushrooms but instead Camilla gave Bunny actual posion)
When Charles goes into his villain arc, Camilla uses Henry as a shield to keep him away. And in the final scene, instead of Henry shooting himself, Charles ends up shooting him and Camilla shoots Charles as an act of revenge. She then threatens Richard that if he says a word about this (both Bunny and Charles's murder) then he would die too, she does that to seal her secret; she knows Richard has a big mouth and might betray her and spares Francis, since he already knew and is trustable. Camilla cleans her fingerprints from the gun and puts it in Charles's hand in order to frame it as a murder-suicide. Camilla attends their funerals and gives an alibi in front of the police that her, Richard and Francis were in the country house during the murder-suicide and then testified that Charles and Henry were the ones who were involved in the two murders and were holding them hostage with that information, clearing the three of them from the murders. Then she finally leaves for a better life. (Maybe the epilogue would be about Francis telling Richard about Camilla's behind-the-scenes story, showcasing the aftermath and what they are doing in the present)
4. Character arc: making Camilla crucial to the plot and a twist villain would give so much to her character. Her mysterious nature, absence from the main plot and lack of impact at the start of the story could be explained by her secretly planning their downfalls and her escape. Instead of her being the object of affection for the three guys and being the typical "girl that ruins the friendships between guy friends", she is the hidden mastermind with her own motives, personality and story. She was the only one who didn't change in the second part. But in this version of the story, she is the one who drives it's entire narrative.
Let her be manipulative, a liar, a gaslighter. Let her show the wrath of female rage.
When the twins were introduced in white clothing, looking like angels. Maybe they were wolves in sheep's clothing. Both of the twins. Not just Charles but Camilla too. They were creepy, eerie, and strange. They hid their true personalities behind southern hospitality and beautiful features.
"Whatever we call beautiful, we quiver before it"
After all, the best characters are the grey ones.
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beware-of-you-98 · 3 months
bestie quick jemily prompt for you:
A: do I look like I know what I’m doing?
B: [starts to reply]
A: [holds up hand] actually, don’t answer that.
B: [shrugs and walks away]
A: that wasn’t me.
make it fluff, make it angst.. just no smut challenge tee hee have fun if you answer the call
challenge accepted??
Breakfast was something Emily Prentiss is good at, especially when she’s making the breakfast for her family. She has it down to a science: getting the pot of coffee ready for her fiancé, while JJ gets the twins bottle fed and laid in their bassinets, Henry settled at the table while she works over the stove.
(Or helping her out if he so desires. Emily’s not one to say “no” to the 8 year old too often.)
It’s something she’s done for years at this point, and something she refuses to accept JJ’s help with.
(It’s a small, daily act of service she does to show the blonde just how much she appreciates her, and while it’s far from the only act Emily does, there’s a part of her that still gets butterflies as she watches JJ watching her and their children interact before their day begins.)
It’s a bit more challenging, though, when both Matthew and Maggie grow into rambunctious toddlers.
Matthew’s her little shadow, and often refuses to peel himself from her side right after he wakes up in the morning.
Maggie often follows what her slightly younger brother does, craving her maman’s attention as she babbles enthusiastically about the dreams she’s had, or what her stuffed animals are up to.
It’s more difficult, sure, but Emily manages.
She has Matthew and Maggie sit down on chairs she’s pulled from the island, close enough so she can focus her attention on both children while simultaneously focusing on the stovetop.
Henry, with his long hair tied up in a messy bun not too dissimilar from Emily’s, stands beside the older woman as he makes the eggs.
He’s definitely more put together than Emily is at this current moment.
Matthew is a bit more clingy than normal, whimpering for her and not satisfied until he’s up in his maman’s arms, clinging to her tightly and refusing to let go.
Maggie, on the other hand, is very enthusiastic and talkative demanding Emily’s attention pointedly whenever she tries to focus her attention elsewhere for even a split second.
“Maman,” she demands impatiently, tiny hand on her hip. She sits up on the tall chair on her knees, making Emily’s anxiety peak.
“Whoa, bug!” she says cautiously, maneuvering Maggie’s chair close to the countertop to the toddler doesn’t go tumbling to the floor. It’s difficult with Matthew balanced on her hip, but she manages. Maggie’s giggle is shrill as the chair she’s on slides slowly towards the countertop, her hands planting on the granite excitedly. She bends down and plants a kiss on top of the girl’s long black locks.
Matthew whines, pressing himself further into Emily’s grasp. She gently bounces him on her hip, shushing him gently before planting a kiss to his temple. “Oh, buddy, it’s okay,” she coos to him assuredly.
She glances around Matthew’s head towards the empty bowl on the counter, puffing out a breath. She’s not entirely sure if she can mix the pancake ingredients with one hand, and she’s honestly not too sure what Matthew’s reaction will be once she has to set him down to cook on the stove.
From across the room at the table, JJ smiles tenderly at the scene. “Need a hand?” she offers, chin in her hand, elbow propped on the table. “Want me to take Mattie?”
Emily gently blows Matthew’s hair from her lips, tucking the toddler’s head under her chin to look over at her fiancé. Her eyes soften, smile spreading automatically on her face at the adoring look on the blonde’s face. “No way,” she insists gently. “We got this.” She grins, raising a brow. “Why? Does it look like i know what I’m doing?”
JJ raises a brow, lips curled into a smirk.
Emily’s eyes narrow, pointing a finger over at the blonde. “Oh, don’t you answer that.”
“Maman!” Maggie demands.
Emily peers down at their daughter, tenderly stroking her cheek with her index finger.
Maggie, satisfied with the gesture, goes on about her dream.
With one hand wrapped securely around Matthew, Emily cracks an egg into the bowl, pours in a touch of vanilla extract and caps it just as steadily.
From beside her, Henry slowly stirs the eggs in the pan.
Emily grins smugly across at JJ. “See? We got this,” she repeats boldly. “You just sit there and look pretty.”
JJ snorts, rolling her eyes fondly.
Emily grins adoringly over at her, before her attention is dragged back to Maggie. She murmurs in earnest at the toddler’s thoughts, looking around the countertop.
Maggie grabs her sippy cup full of orange juice, drinking from it deeply.
Emily sighs softly when the realization hits her: she forgot to grab the flour.
“We’re gonna go up,” she murmurs to Matthew, peering up at the cupboard above her head just to the right of the stove. “Careful, bug,” she adds, gently touching Maggie’s shoulder as she reaches up to open the small door.
Fear grips her chest as the brown paper bag tilts out, falling out towards the countertop.
With speed she only figured out she possessed after becoming a mother, she grips Maggie back beside her with the same arm she’s using for Matthew, her other arm shooting out to push Henry away from the stove.
She hears JJ move just as quickly, the chair she had been sitting it clacking to the floor.
The bag of flour lands on the counter with a solid thud, tearing open and spraying the four in a cloud of white.
She closes her eyes, shielding all three children’s eyes either with her arm [Henry] or tucking their faces into her neck and shirt [Matthew and Maggie].
She puffs out a breath, knowing a cloud of flour expels from her lips. “That… wasn’t me.”
She opens her eyes to the sound of the stove shutting off.
JJ is standing in front of them all, her hand over her mouth and eyes shining in amusement.
Emily grins at her sheepishly before she peers down at the kids, shoulders slumped in relief.
She’s covered head to toe in flour, her black shirt looking as if it’s been dipped in white paint.
The twins’ entire sides and hair dusted in the substance as well, Henry appearing to have avoided the flour the most. (Though, his shirt has a dusting of flour coating the front, and there’s a delicate pile in his hair).
Maggie lets out a shrill laugh, her hand coming up to cover her toothy grin. A cloud of flour falls from her tiny frame as she giggles. She looks up at JJ, beaming. “Hi, mommy!”
“Hello, little snowflake,” JJ beams, her thumb curling along the girl’s cheek before hoisting her up. Flour smears messily along her red t-shirt, but the blonde doesn’t mind.
Matthew blinks owlishly, pouting at the flour covering his body. “Mommy,” he murmurs, sighing as he tucks further into Emily.
JJ presses a kiss to the back of his head, her fingertips dancing along his back. She peers across towards Henry, eyes shining. “Baby, you okay?”
Henry shakes the flour from his hair like a dog drying off, spraying both his moms in the substance. “I’m good!” he chirps.
Maggie screams with another giggle, holding her hands out to avoid the slow onslaught.
Henry goes to poke the flour soaked eggs with the spatula he was using to stir them with. His lips press together to stop himself from laughing. “Eggs aren’t, though,” he adds.
Emily grins sheepishly, hiding her expression behind Matthew’s hair as she looks down at JJ. “I’ll order Denny’s?”
JJ raises an eyebrow over at her.
Emily presses her lips together. “I’ll clean up this mess and you’ll order Denny’s?” she tries again.
“There you go.” JJ bumps her hip playfully against Emily’s. “Love you, you stubborn woman.”
Emily stares back at her, expression completely lovestruck. “Love you, too.”
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theballadofmars · 6 months
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Quick sketch I did for and FNAF AU: REVERSE TIMELINE or, how I like to call it, SCOOBY DOO TIMELINE, where Michael and Henry are the ones who died during the 83-87 incidents, plus the mci, and years later Elizabeth and Evan, who were raised by their mother, make a group of ghost hunting / going to cursed places with Charlie and Sam (who were also raised by their mom because Henry died) and Billy, the protagonist of B7 because this is my au and he deserves better.
Some more details because this au has been in my brain for some time:
I don't usually take characters from the fnaf books, but I liked the idea of Charlie having a twin and I just really like Billy and want good things for him.
Charlie, Sam and Elizabeth have the same age. Evan and Billy are two years older.
Evan and Elizabeth have memories of Michael and William, and they miss their big brother a lot.
Charlie is the one who drives. She has an old van that was from Henry and has to fix something almost every week.
Sam doesn't really believe in the paranormal stuff but he likes to go in this trips, even if he never says it out loud.
Evan and Billy became best friends when they were kids.
The plot starts when they decide to investigate an urban legend: Freddy's Fazbear Pizzeria. They know their father's were the owners of the place, and they want to know more about them and the events that lead to Henry and Michael's deaths, because their mothers don't talk about that time.
Actually I have more about their dynamics and things like that but this is getting pretty long but I had to talk about this AU somewhere.
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stories-of-the-nrm · 5 months
Time Doesn't Heal All Wounds Part 5
(Sir Topham Hatt looks over his schedule to see when he can allow Gordon to slip away to the medical center.)
Sir Topham Hatt: Dear oh dear. We're right in the middle of the summer holiday. Duck and Edward will be busy on their branch lines. Henry has the Flying Kipper for the next two weeks. I suppose the only way to get around this is to run multiple trains. James, Emily and the Scottish Twins will have to relay the express for the day.
(He organizes the timetable in a way that makes sense.)
Sir Topham Hatt: Well I guess this is good enough to send to all of the station masters.
(Sir Topham Hatt's assistant faxes the new timetable.)
Sir Topham Hatt's message: I want all of the stations on the Main Line to share this updated time table. Make sure all passengers going to and from the station are aware of the changes to the express service for the day.
Narrator: After all of the station masters receive the temporary timetable, everyone works to share that information with all of the passengers using the express service.
(It's now the end of the day at Tidmouth Sheds.)
Narrator: Gordon rolls into his shed just as Sir Topham Hatt arrives.
Sir Topham Hatt: Gordon I'm sure you already heard the news, but tomorrow you're going to the medical center. I redid the timetable so you can have the day for yourself and our passengers can still get to their destinations on time.
(Gordon humbly nods.)
Gordon: Thank you, sir. I understand how difficult it would be to replace me. I hope that this would only be for one day.
Sir Topham Hatt: I hope so too. Good night engines.
Tidmouth Shed Engines: Good night sir.
(Sir Topham Hatt drives home for the night.)
Emily: Gordon? What's going on that you won't be able to pull the express all day?
(Gordon sighs.)
Gordon: My brother Scott is in the human hospital. His rebuild is going very poorly and none of the humans know how to treat him.
Edward: My goodness! I've never heard of a rebuild going so poorly that an engine's had to go to a human hospital.
Gordon: Indeed. I believe it shows just how little is known about our human forms. From my understanding, Scott is only stuck in this position because some parts have been woefully delayed. I don't think he even has a boiler.
(All of the engines gasp.)
Henry: What will you have to do?
Gordon: I'm his only living relative. The A4's simply have nothing in common with Scott to determine what would be normal for his human form. As someone who actively pulls passenger trains, I consider myself to be in relatively perfect condition. Yes my age is to be considered, but in spite of that, my health is not a problem. Therefore, I was asked to go to the medical center and do some tests.
Emily: What would happen next?
(Gordon contemplates the possibilities.)
Gordon: If Scott is in a physical state that is completely different than mine, then I have no idea. Our human forms are after all based on the state of our engine. If an important part is missing, a human doctor simply lacks the tools needed to fix it.
(The engines look solemn.)
Gordon: I have no idea if Scott will even make it out of this. I can only hope that my tests will help his medical team find a solution.
(James has a rare look of maturity.)
James: At least you won't have to worry about the express. We'll take good care of your coaches.
Gordon: Thank you. Now I must get some sleep. I believe tomorrow will be a very long day.
(The sun rises for the next day.)
Narrator: The next day, Gordon arrives bright and early at the medical center.
Receptionist: May I help you?
Gordon: I have business on behalf of Scott of the National Railway Museum.
(She looks at her notes and puts in a call. A man enters the waiting area.)
Doctor: Hello Gordon. I'm Dr. Pine. Thank you for taking time to come here today.
Gordon: What do you need me to do?
Dr. Pine: Well we'd have to do some tests to see what would be considered normal for an engine like yourself. I would ask to do a blood test but I'm not sure if you even have blood.
(Gordon thinks about how to answer that.)
Gordon: How would you know if I do have blood?
(Dr. Pine leads Gordon to the lab.)
Dr. Pine: We will have to find a vein and see what comes out. Just have a seat here and we'll start.
(Gordon sits down as the lab worker begins.)
Narrator: Many tests are conducted until Dr. Pine has a thorough idea of what's considered to be normal for a steam engine.
Dr. Pine: Thank you for helping us Gordon. I think we have everything we need now. If we need anything else, we'll contact Sir Topham Hatt.
Gordon: I hope that my tests can help you manage Scott's condition. Can you please provide updates on his condition?
Dr. Pine: Why yes we can. As soon as anything changes, we'll let you know.
(Gordon shakes Dr. Pine's hand.)
Gordon: Thank you for taking care of my brother. I hope you have a good day.
Dr. Pine: Same to you Gordon.
(Gordon leaves the medical center hopeful that the effort put in today helps his brother.)
Tagging: @bluy1206, @werbitssft, @klein-sodor-bahn, @theyellowroseofsodor, @juniebugsss, @tornadoyoungiron, @pxmun,
@nelllia, @pxmun2, @thefedoragirl, @roosinii, @ethereal-capricorns-blog, @jessica-sv509510,
@jayde-jots, @thatcheeseycandle, @jordeynnotgordon, @be-kind-and-rewind-again, @hardchildpainter, @asktheoriginalorder,
@onyx-and-friends, @that-mr-e, @sustysteel198, @monika-396, @fabianvalencia561, @gordon208, @savannahlee-d29,
@bladexjester, @sketalya, @agent-7-at-your-service, @i-heart-ukrain3, and @engineer-gunzelpunk.
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aceofwhump · 9 months
Have you made a list or notes on whumpy Hallmark and if so where?🥺
You know what, I haven't yet! Let me do that for ya now. And if anyone wants to add their favs please do so!
A Gift To Remember: Darcy (Ali Liebert) hits Aiden (Peter Porte) while riding her bike and he gets knocked out and loses his memory. It’s pretty good.
Love on the Sidelines : Laurel (Emily Kinney) is a struggling fashion designer who finds herself with a job as a personal assistant for Danny (John Reardon), a quarterback sidelined with an broken ankle. Danny is on crutches for most of the movie and is recovery from his injury.
Spirit of Christmas: A young lawyer (Jen Lilley) finds romance with a spirit (Thomas Beaudoin) that takes the form of a human 12 days before Christmas. He was murdered and there are flashbacks to him being attacked and killed.
Christmas Homecoming: Stars Michael Shanks (Daniel Jackson from SG1!!) as an Army Captain recovering from an injury in battle. He's got a broken leg and suffers from survivors guilt and ptsd.
Hailey Dean Mysteries: Deadly Estate for some good poisoning whump of a medical examiner. You want unconscious? medically induced coma? respirator? bedside vigils? worry? waking up with a twitching hand? walking down the hospital floor holding onto their iv pole? Then this is the movie for you!
Love Blossoms: one small part when the main guy, Declan, gets sick with a cold during the movie. It’s kind of cute but the rest of the movie's got nothing.
Second Chances: "A badly injured leg forces fireman Jeff, who lost his father in a fire as a young boy, to rent a ground floor room during his recovery. Thus he moves in with Jenny, a 911 emergency call center operator, and her two young children, Luke and Elsie, who soon dote on him as an ideal substitute father and try matching him with their mother."
My Gal Sunday: Henry (Cameron Mattheson) gets shot in the beginning of the movie.
Signed Sealed Delivered Lost Without You: Oliver goes on a hike with his father. His dad trips and gets a seemingly innocuous injury on his leg but the two of them get lost in the woods and the injury turns out to be life threatening.
A Godwink Christmas Miracle of Love: Eric (Alberto Frezza) is run over by a plow near the end of the film. There's lots of surgery, worry, hospital stuff.
Retreat to Paradise: "Jordan is recovering from a shoulder injury and his grumpiness tempts Ellie, his carer, to leave him to his misery. But will romance finally blossom?"
The Christmas Waltz: Roman (Will Kemp) hits his head due to slipping on an icy sidewalk and has to go to hospital
Taking a Shot at Love: "Sparks fly between a ballet instructor and a professional hockey player as she tries to help him recover from the same injury that sidelined her dancing career." It's not got a lot of whump but it is about a hockey player in rehab.
Martha's Vineyard Mysteries series: The whole series. Jesse Metcalfe's character Jeff was shot on a previous case and the bullet is still in lodged in his back and it causes him pain a lot AND he continually has nightmares about the incident. It's great.
Mystery 101: Killer Timing: Travis (Kristopher Polaha) gets blown up and even though the aftermath doesn't last long its still wonderful. He gets knocked out, there's an ambulance and hospital scene (kinda), worried family members.
Never Kiss a Man in a Christmas Sweater: Maggie O'Donnell (Ashley Williams) accidentally breaks Lucas Cavelli (Niall Matter)'s arm while carrying a Christmas Tree and offers him a room to stay in when he can't find a hotel room cause she feels guilty.
A Timeless Christmas: Charles Whitley (Ryan Paevey) passes out in 1903 and wakes up in 2020.
Aurora Teagarden A Bundle of Trouble: Martin Bartell (Yannick Bisson) gets shot in the shoulder
Christmas on the Range: Clint McCree (Nicholas Gonzalez) is attacked and beaten up pretty badly.
Mix Up in the Mediterranean: Josh (Jeremy Jordan)'s twin brother Julian gets hurt and can’t do a cooking competition so Josh takes over.
The Christmas Cure: Mitch (Steve Byers) falls off ladder and gets a concussion
Love's Christmas Journey: Sheriff Aaron Davis (Greg Vaughan) gets shot in the leg while chasing a robber. His injury is bad and gets infected. He gets a fever and is rescued by an old man who cares for him. The wound needs cauterizing and he suffers fever, chills, and more.
Hearts in the Game: Diego Vasquez (Marco Grazinni) is a hot shot baseball pitcher who has a panic attack during a game which costs the team the game. Turns out it was triggered by the anniversary of his moms death and he has another panic attack later in the movie as well.
Fourth Down in Love is about an athlete who is sidelined by an injury. Broken ribs I think? 
Rip in Time: Another fun time travel movie. Rip (Niall Mater) gets knocked out at least once. 
Three Wise Men and a Baby: Paul Campbell's character has social anxiety and has a sort of panic attack in the park at the beginning of the movie.
Jolly Good Christmas: Will Kemp's character falls into a frozen river and he comes out shaking and shivering and she gets him a blanket and tea and he needs a hot shower. 
That's all I've got for right now. The bolded ones have the best whump in my opinion so definitely check those out first :) Love's Christmas Journey and the Martha's Vineyard Mysteries are A+ whump hallmark movies. Do those first ;)
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hey I'm not sure how asking works because it's the second time I do it and so sorry. My request would be an mc with like strict or toxic parents where they don't like to be hugged and stuff because their parents would demand hugsand get mad when not getting them and I'd like to see how the brothers react, if they respect their boundaries and stuff. I'm trans ftm but I'd wrather it being written in gender neutral so anyone who identifies with the situation can be comfortable enough
No need to apologise! I'll do my best for ya, Anon!
You'd vocalised your boundaries to Mammon first, you spent the most time with him so it was only natural, and he became your advocate.
Anyone who came close to threatening those boundaries, any time you looked even remotely uncomfortable, he was there, pushing people away, telling them to ask before laying their mits all over his human.
Of course, his brothers catch on quick.
It was Asmodeus who worried you the most at first. The Avatar of lust was rather...free with his physical affections, but he's also extremely empathetic, and the second he felt you freeze up in a panic response when he hugged you, he pulled away and started asking what he'd done wrong.
He's painfully patient, kind and supports whatever it is you want to do. If you want to explore any kind of physical contact with him, he waits for your que, say the word, and he's backing off and reverting to face masks and painting your nails.
The twins want nothing but to see you happy and comfortable. They push their beds together for movie nights so that you can have your own space. A nest, as you call it, blankets, pillows, Beel's shirt, Belphie's favourite plushy, things that smell like them.
They are still demons after all, it's their instinct to make it known that you're theirs.
Lucifer has no issue accommodating your boundaries, not because he doesn't want to hold you, but because he values time spend with you so much that he doesn't see the lack of physical affection as anything major at all.
You two sit in his office together, doing work or listening to music, just...existing in each other's presence.
Say the word, and he'll make sure any member of your family who's done you wrong never lays eyes on you ever again.
Say that word to Satan, and the Avatar of Wrath may get himself banned from the Human world for a good long while.
Satan is furious in your name, but that rage has never once overflowed to you and your boundaries. He encourages you to set them, introduces you to experts in mental health and recommends books on the subject. More than anything, he reminds you that you are not alone.
He himself sometimes struggles to just...accept affection, not for the same reasons, but he understands better than most.
Leviathan didn't know what to do with himself at first. I mean, it's not as if he was bold enough to just lay hands on you without permission, and he can't imagine why anyone would ever force that upon you.
He became quietly protective. Between he and Mammon no unwanted demon could ever get within arm's reach of you. No one touches his Henry without their say so. The Otaku prince even stood up to Barbatos once when the butler unwittingly crossed a line!
Levi almost combusted doing it-but he did it for you so it's fine!
The road to healing is different for everyone, but within the House of Lamentation, with the company of those brothers, your personal boundaries are law, pacts or no pacts.
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mary-games-and-arts · 6 months
OC's Masterpost
Well, here are all of my OCs and my Sona and some info about them
Rivalry Of a Creator And a Creation
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Mary (She/They) - 15 y.o. | An unfortunate victim of being tortured by a cruel creator April. Successfully escaped from her in 2018(a week after Showdown) and was taken care of by Chosen. Now she just chills with Chosen and Dark and has a bestie Lenny (I know Mary's my Sona but I gave her a different backstory cuz yes)
April (She/her) - 19 y.o. | Mary's cruel creator that had no empathy for her own creation. She googled every life-threatening thing to test them out on that poor stickfigure. Gladly she suffered consequences from her actions
A Relationship Of A Human And An Enderman + MT's Boyfriend
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Hazel/Henry (She/They) - 16 y.o. | A teenager who ran away from their strict parents to find a better life. Lives with their girlfriend Ellie who is a kind Enderman that accepts them as who they are
Ellie (She/They) - 19 y.o. | An Enderman with unique abilities of being immune to water and turning into a stickfigure. Jacob is her best friend. She's the one who found Hazel and decided to help her. Now Hazel is her girlfriend
Jacob (He/him) - 21 y.o. | A silly boi and MT's husband. He's an ordinary Enderman, but also can turn into a stickfigure. His bestie is Ellie. Likes adventures
From Enemies to Besties
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Pinkie (She/her) - 16 y.o. | A caring girl that has her abilities from her necklace. She's (non-canonically) Yellow's twin sister and after finding each other she visits her. Cyan was her enemy at first cuz of different teams, but now that everything's over and teams have been disbanded, Pinkie gave him a chance to get better. Now they're besties and they share a blog called @pinkie-and-cyan
Cyan (He/him) - 15 y.o. | Pinkie's past enemy that became a better person and let go of the past. He still has flashbacks, but rarely. Has power thanks to Pinkie
The Games Sisters
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Anita (She/her) - 18 y.o. | An older sister who specializes in Minecraft. She enjoys that game and also lives in it. Likes adventures and her sisters are Alice and Mia.
Alice (They/them) - 17 y.o | Middle sister who enjoys playing Roblox's different experiences and games. Sometimes visits her sisters Anita and Mia
Mia (She/they) - 13 y.o. | A younger sister that adores Geometry Dash. She's a silly fella who just hates dual portals. Is a really curious kid, but gets into trouble sometimes. She also has a special ability to turn into a cube and a stickfigure or a human, depending on an environment. Sometimes forgets that she has 2 sisters
The Guardian of The Galaxy and A Nightmare + The Sealer
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Vivian (She/her) - 24 y.o. | A guardian of the Galaxy who observes everything in the cosmos. Sometimes she would come into someone's dreams to warn them about something bad that would happen to them soon
Nightmare Mary (She/They) - 15 y.o. | An evil version of Mary, created by April. She's (non-canonically) a team of the Victim's Rocket Corporation. Her goal is to find Mary and bring her back to April so that she would continue her suffering.
The Sealer (She/It) - ?? y.o. | (An OC inspired by The Keeper by @/thedeservedone). A monster that lives in a cave and considers it her home. She would seal anyone who dares to enter her place
The Anon Duo
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Prankster Anon 2/Lenny Flower (She/her) - 24 y.o. | A silly prankster and Mary's bestie. She's also friends with Andrew and his friends (@pranksteranon) Loves adventures and sometimes is overprotective over Mary. Has a separate blog @prankster-anon-2
Minty The Anon (She/They) - 16 y.o. | Eh, just an Anon sona who enjoys drawing and can sometimes visit someone's blog
Smol Kids Trio
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Glace (He/him) - 13 y.o. | A little shy boy but is super overprotective when it comes to protect his little sister Janet and his friend Cotton
Janet (She/her) - 11 y.o. | An energetic girl who would spend all day having fun with her brother Glace and her friend Cotton
Cotton (She/They) - 8 y.o. | A child who was a victim of The Chosen One's and The Dark Lord's actions back in 2011. She was stuck in the Void after passing out, and waited for 7 years for her chance to return back to life. Turns out, she was in a coma for 7 years. She got the ability to see ghosts after she woke up, though. Now she's living with Glace and Janet. Full backstory here
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booktomoviebrawl · 1 year
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We are not judging how bad the movie is, we are judging which adapted the book the worst. There are good movies that are bad adaptions.
Propaganda below the cut (spoilers may apply)
The Witcher:
Henry Cavill, mostly. Also awful hair and makeup dept.
What they did to Geralt is straight up character assassination and they destroyed his friendship with Dandelion. I will never stop being bitter
completely disregards the themes the books represent and Anglicizing the eastern european literary traditions present. they cast actors who were a poor fit for the roles and the writers expressing open disdain for the books. there is no point to putting work and effort into adapting a media you hate.
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children:
While Miss Peregrine was one of my favorite books as a kid and incredibly unique in the way the story is written (The author basically took a box of weird antique photographs and created an underlying story behind a handful of them) the movie is incredibly boring. Like seriously I can't remember a single goddamn thing about the movie besides my extreme disappointment with it after leaving the theatres. It's probably because the original is a trilogy but they didn't want to make it a trilogy for the movie so they just scrapped the ending of the first book and rewrote a shitty climax where they threw snowballs at the nightmare child eating creatures or something. I remember THAT scene perfectly because it was so, so dumb. It was so stupid oh my God- ALSO, thank God I have a copy of the book from before the film came out because new copies don't have one of the photographs that the actual book uses as a base anymore and instead have the shitty movie poster! We truly do live in a society.
Changed way too much so it doesn't feel like the same thing. The main characters are these kids with different abilities (called peculiarities) and the movie switches around their powers and changes almost everyone's age. Emma and Olive switch powers so that Emma now floats (they also added that she can kind of control air to some extent) when she's supposed to have fire powers to match her fiery personality. Olive can make fire now and she's also aged up from an eight year old to a teenager and put her in this weird romance with Enoch. Enoch is also aged up from a grumpy thirteen year old to around the same age as Olive. Bronwyn, one of the older kids in the book and sort of a motherly figure to the younger kids, is now one of the youngest kids. Hugh and Fiona are aged down and basically have no interaction at all in the movie, even when their book counterparts had such a good relationship. The only one they didn't really change was Horace and Jacob. They also added these gorgon twins that do like two things. The antagonist in the movie is Mr. Barron who honestly isn't super memorable and isn't in the books whatsoever. The ending of the movie is weird too because they manage to turn back time somehow so Jacob's grandfather isn't dead and then he hops through loops so he can be with Emma and the other peculiars. I guess the problem of wights and hollowgasts is magically eliminated and we do not have to deal with the consequences. It took six books to fix everything. I appreciate that the movie engaged me enough to read the series but once I did, I could not believe they did my kids that dirty.
Yikes where to start. The 3 girl characters are all mixed up. There are 2 teens, one who's super strong and has a brother (I'll get back to him) and one who controls fire and is the love interest named Emma. The third girl is a child called Olive who floats. She's lighter than air.
In the movie, strong girl is the child, olive is now the fire girl and is for some reason super introverted, and Emma the love interest floats and gets given a super breath??? Power?? Like she rises a sunken ship by blowing in and keeps a man blown against a wall by blowing air at him. He makes a remark that she'll run out of breath eventually, which happens here because plot convenience, but not when she's blowing in the sunken ship.
The enemies in the book are terrifying Hollows. Creatures who have lost themselves and devour souls of those with powers... The movie decides they eat eyes now. And turn human again. And get busted up in a fair for the final act of the movie. Ugh.
The movie also decides randomly that time travelling through the loops is a thing; a loop being a pocket of time that replays the same day over and over. But apparently this means Main Character can travel back in time and stop his grandfather dying??? What?? His grandfathers death is the whole start of the movie and motivation for the character.
The movie undermines many of things that made the book amazing and even decides it's not a trilogy anymore!! Fuck the other 2 books, right?!
Tldr; it is terribly hollywood-ised and t tim Burton ruined a franchise by trying too hard to make it quirky and fun when the books already had a brilliant sombre and interesting tone to them.
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conflictofthemind · 4 months
so basically…..Will is Eros/Cupid who, as well as being the Greek/Roman god of (romantic) love, is the concept of ‘the will to live’ and ‘the life force’ in Freudian psychology. and Eros in Freudian is not only actually about sex like most Freud stuff but ‘becoming’ and ‘creating’ - art is specifically mentioned here - which is diametrically opposed to the other force which is called ‘the death instinct’ and was expanded upon by other psychoanalysts as being represented by the Greek/Roman god of death, Thanatos. and Thanatos has a twin brother who is Hypnos (the god of sleep) Henry and Edward Creel truthers? and this is part of Freud’s obsession with dreams, as in this work he changed his mind about nightmares always representing repressed desire but that they are ‘repetition compulsion’ - the tendency for people to repeat traumatic events in their memory and also the tendency for us to fall back into similar traumas and abusive dynamics. the compulsion to repeat was directly tied into the death drive / Thanatos. Vecna shows his victims their traumas within their dreams and pushes them to accept death. in this upcoming essay I will-
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shellyflowerfury · 8 months
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Still, have you ever been interested in knowing the facts about my oc Tammy
Tammy introduces herself as a brash and rude woman and is Thomas' older sister
(This is my au)
Her personality is cheerful, kind, cunning, serious and hot-tempered
It happens that she always sings along to some songs that she listened to
I sometimes like to tease Thomas when I'm bored and always call him "brother" or just by his name (I don't know why I wrote that lol)
She could be mistaken for Thomas as she was very similar to him but could be distinguished by color as so Tammy looks like a tank locomotive, she is a little lighter and has a small lightning bolt pattern on her side where her number is
Tammy can have a neutral and negative attitude towards steam locomotives; she hates diesels most of all; she doesn’t like it when they say that diesels are better than steam locomotives or when they call them names, it irritates her and
Tammy enjoys doing her job and sometimes helps other engines with freight and freight trains
Her favorite animals are cats, dogs and foxes
In human form, she looks like an ordinary girl with long blue hair, her height is 165cm and she is almost taller than Thomas but some may mistake Thomas and Tammy for twins but they have different personalities and common interests
Tammy doesn't respect arrogant and serious engines
Her best friends are Percy, Edward, James, Henry, Diesel999, Angel, Rosie, Mavis, Nia and Rebecca
I was always glad to meet someone and be interested in different topics
Usually she doesn’t smile before work, it makes no sense for her to just smile like that, it happens that she may be in a bad mood, one of the engines wants to ask what happened and she speaks rudely or raises her voice when she is angry
At some point after work, she can go into the forest and relax from the sounds of nature to relieve stress and this calms her down
She sleeps in the Sydery station shed with Angel and sometimes talks to him
The sound of the whistle makes the same sound as Thomas's, but it is longer and a little low, but it still makes the sound of the whistle for 3 seconds and maybe 15 seconds to signal that there is an accident
In his free time, he can listen to music on headphones and dance, draw what he wants, watch videos from his phone and sometimes talk to someone
Travels quickly in a straight line at a speed of 100 km/h and with turbo acceleration 200 km/h
(yeah, she has turbo acceleration, but I didn't mention that)
Can take on the form of a steam engine and a person whenever she wants
When there is no working day, she sits in the driver’s cabin, Thomas, where the fireman and driver are, to watch nature and think about herself
At an early age she received several scars on her body, but after she turned 19 years old, her wounds healed, but the marks remained a little, but it was impossible to notice it
This seems to be all the facts that I told, I apologize if I made mistakes when I wrote about it
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erikiara80 · 7 months
The two tables with presents and balloons seem to hint at the birthday of two people.
There are also three Asteroids games, and two are off (twin imagery). Three games, three people: El, Will and Henry. And this is also a cool and subtle reference to the massacre at the lab. Asteroids was released in 1979.
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And they call Eleven little baby. On March 22nd.
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It's 2:36 PM. 2+3+6= 11
Eleven, like the address (47 Main Street) of the Rick who watched Sixteen Candles, in which the family of the main character forgets her birthday.
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Murray says that people can miss the birthday party of a one year old, because they won't remember it.
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In 4x01, there's a curious line about sending a copy of your Star Lights letter (or yourself?) the year following your birthday. Also, the address, Lakeview. It's always a lake (here and here)
Not to mention the risk of someone snatching your clever thoughts
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When Yuri kidnaps them, Murray says that his "son" Jeremiah is almost 16. Right after Joyce says that she has three kids.
Jeremiah 16: 'Then the word of the Lord came to me: You must not marry and have sons or daughters in this place...'
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Twins in the lab. Maybe a reference to Will and El, and Henry/Edward. Or two timelines. I have also thoughts about the girl here, but that's for another post.
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When Joyce asks Will if he remembers what March 22nd is, she says 'It's your birthday' twice. Is that because it's actually the birthday of two kids?
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If that's true, maybe the I forgot your birthday card in his bedroom in S1 and S2 is not just about forgetting Will's birthday, but a hint that another kid's birthday has been forgotten.
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And maybe they've been a hinting that Will has a sister, and that she's in trouble, since his very first scene.
'Something's wrong with your sister.'
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Dustin is talking about Nancy, but then they mention the last time she played Dnd with them. Four years ago, says Mike. So, in 1979.
In S1 El wears Nancy's dress and asks Mike if he'll be her brother. I've talked about El's parallels with the sisters, Nancy, Holly and Alice here.
Maybe El is the member of the family that was taken away, swapped at the hospital and forgotten.
He felt to his knees and began to cry as though he were a child abandoned by his parents
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A bit dramatic, lol. But then we get another mention of brothers and sisters, and let's not forget that people should've read this article on March 22nd. So that crying like a child who's been abandoned has nothing to do with a basketball game. And I doubt it's about El mourning Hopper, or about Terry, who did everything she could to save her child.
But if El was separated from her family, and because of mind control or some time loop they forgot her, then yes, I think it makes sense that she would feel abandoned.
Maybe people really forgot Will's birthday, but the Rink-o-mania scene is a big parallel of the massacre, and that's when Eleven remembers her birth. So I think that birthdaygate is also about her.
@chirpsythismorning @shippingfangirl013
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