#but for some reason. a part of me is in conflict with it. im dying over here
Prince Soma: possibly being the key that causes Ciel to have a conflict with Sebastian?
I don't know if im the first one to notice how Anime!Abberline and manga! Prince Soma have some very striking parallels when it comes to their relationship to O!Ciel, which made me realize a few things.
First of all, I do think that some concepts of season 1 in general do parallel to the manga. Here's an excellent analysis on the topic if you want to dive deeper on that area.
Alright, let's start with me drawing some parallels to make this analysis more digestable, and then explaning how this will theoretically give us a conflict between the demon butler and our petty child.
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Basically, Abberline drawing the similarties with our earl due to a shared trauma/tragedy: They both lost their families, but one learned to heal from the event, and the other completely refuses to accept happiness. (guess who's who, lol)
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Fundamentally, O!Ciel is creating a hypothetical comparassion: If he hadn't gone through his personal tragedy, then he would've been as naive and innocent as Soma.
Something to consider about this parallel: The narrative in both cases textually highlights the similarities between Ciel and Abberline/Soma.
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O!Ciel saying he only needs pawns, and that he has no time to have real emotional connections with people.
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O!Ciel saying he uses people as pawns and doesn't see Soma as a friend, he doesn't need him by his side.
Notes to take here:
In both of these instances, o!Ciel refueses to form real human connection.
Both of these convesations spark up due to confrontation about o!Ciel's true intentions and nature.
His face is turned on both scenes/pannels, making us question how genuine o!Ciel's words are.
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"Keep your distance from me, or you'll get killed" - Ciel to Abberline, season 1 episode 20
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o!Ciel explicitly stating why he kept Prince Soma at arms lenght. He didn't want him and Agni to get hurt/killed in result of their closeness to our earl.
Things to point out:
o!Ciel's entire reason to push people away is because he doesn't want them to get hurt, so his earlier refusal to cut ties with others is due to fear and hestiance to accept love.
Abberline got hurt because of his relationship with o!Ciel, likewise with Soma. Causing our earl to display emotional reactions in both cases, demostrating he does care for the people close to him.
While Abberline ended up dying due to his closeness to our earl, Soma did survive the attack in chapter 125, but a part of him died with Agni as shown in the image below:
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Remember when o!Ciel said that he would've turned out like the prince if it weren't for the amount of abuse and grief he went through? Well, isn't it ironic that Soma is turning out exactly like o!Ciel after losing Agni: Turning his back to salvation, his heart longing for revenge after the injustice he was put through.
(I also want to point out, Yana had made a statement that Prince Soma was originally going to die instead of Agni, but changed her mind in respect for Agni's character.)
Now, lets run back to the title of this post:
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"You do have a chance to move forward, to build a brand new future for yoursef. Don't ever forget that, promise, you won't." - Abberline, Black Butler season 1, episode 20
Before our dear investigator dies, he states that he wants o!Ciel to open up his world despite his desire for revenge.
How does this connect to Soma's resolve and his relationship to Ciel? Well...
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Here, our prince boasts that he wants to become o!Ciel's "Agni." In other words, he wants to provide his friend with love and protection, creating a positive worldview for the earl, who continues to turn away from the light.
It's important to note that this was before Soma thought o!Ciel killed Agni! But of course, I feel like his initiaal intentions to help o!Ciel will come back when he finds out o!Ciel isnt the true killer. (also, Soma now has Agni's powers, so atleast physically, he already has his strenght that he will hopefully use to protect the ones around him.)
So, now what?
Anime!Abberline and Soma having a similar resolve for o!Ciel, as well as their relationship with him. (as if it isn't clear enough, Abberline died protecting o!Ciel, making the earl realize his own life has value).
Prince Soma has his back turned away from the light, and o!Ciel will witness this eventually. I think it's crystal clear that our earl wouldn't want the prince to make this decision, but wouldn't that make him doubt his own quest for revenge?
Circling back to Yana intending for Soma to die, there could be a chace for him to die while becoming o!Ciels "Agni", causing o!Ciel to realize how Soma died protecting him due to love and not bc of revenge, making him question everything about his own resolve??? Plus, if o!Ciel willingly gives his life now, then that would make Soma's sacrifice worthless.
There could be a slight chance, Prince Soma survives this whole ordeal, and completes his mission of protecting o!Ciel without dying. In this hypothetical, he would then decide to florish again and go back to india, which could give o!Ciel a similar relazation that maybe, his life is worth living, just like Soma's.
In the anime, Abberline's sacrifice causes our earl to truly question his contract with Sebastian, as well as his need for revenge.
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This causes the demon to feel obvious anger towards his master. And throughout the following episodes, he desperately attempts to make the earl feel hopeless again. (he clearly doesn't want to lose the meal he has been working on for years).
In conclusion:
Theres plenty of textual evidence that Soma and the earl have lots in common, especially now that the prince lost someone and vows to get revenge.
o!Ciel and Soma's relationship with revenge as of now are in a similar stance, but Soma's initial idea of protecting o!Ciel and living for love instead of revenge will come in fruition soon enough.
What would be the point of having glaring obvious parallels, and not taking advantage of them to further create a long awaited conflict between the two main characters, additionally developing them?
Anyways, that's all I have to say folks! I hope you enjoyed my take and please, let me know your thoughts:)
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menlove · 3 months
i saw on some of your posts that you say you aren’t an india truther, out of curiosity what do you think caused john and paul to have a fallout? do you think the resentment was more gradual and happened over 68-69? im sorry if you’ve answered this before but i love hearing about people’s theories of what happened in india and the aftermath.
sorry I totally forgot to answer this but for me.... hm. tossing under a readmore bc it got long oops
I think it was more gradual. like the way they act w each other in the get back sessions & just in general speaks more to something more unspoken happening than some big dramatic break up or rejection, at least to me. esp given how john & yoko lived with paul for a while in the summer of 68 (and talk about the world's worst throuple)
I wouldn't say I don't think Anything happened in india, but imo it seems more like.... I saw someone talking about how up until that point they were all on a lot of drugs & india was them getting off them for a minute & they sort of looked around and went "what the fuck are we doing? do I even know these people?" and that rings the most true to me I think.
some of the bigger reasons I have my doubts abt india being some huge thing where they fucked for the first time and paul rejected john are a) they still got along after that. things were weird but not much weirder than they'd been after brian's death b) paul wrote "i will" in india and I've talked before about how I'm 100% convinced that's about john and to me "will I wait a lonely lifetime, if you want me to I will" doesn't sound like the words of someone about to do any rejecting c) the infamous blowing the mic scene in get back is way too lighthearted and makes paul blush and giggle like they're just referencing fucking as a part of their relationship that happened enough to not be disarming. doesn't seem like john is being bitter or trying to egg him on and paul isn't reacting like someone that got called out for fucking john and then rejecting him. it reads more, to me, like just two lovers slyly joking around about a time they fucked that no one else can know about
which brings me to d) I'm also a "they had a sexual relationship" truther (which would be a whole other essay tbh) and so For Me Personally that just doesn't jive w smth big and dramatic happening in india. I just don't think they ever talked about what the fuck was going on between them, whatever it was, and then the typical band breakdown reasons coincided w a breakdown of their personal relationship as well. like just sort of dying out without much fanfare which can honestly be worse than some big rejection or breakup. and then ofc john goes full in with yoko and paul flounders around trying to settle down with a woman and marry her in such a weirdly frantic way. like that quote where he asks if he was supposed to be a 26 year old queer that never got married....... I would wager, imo, that things breaking down w john & then jane would've lead him to a bit of a Crisis about all that. but he found linda and went all in w her and she wound up pregnant so there you go.
which would lead them to a really weird place by the get back sessions, which I at least feel like is reflected pretty well- this awkward tension, paul's nervous desperation, nostalgia for the old times, lingering sexual tension. but not the attitude like they hated each other yet or had some big breakup or rejection. they're still joking and flirting, it's just awkward. the Big Moment would've been something else after that imo, probably john announcing he wanted a divorce but could've also been something more private that would go a long way to explaining why they were basically not on speaking terms at all by the abbey road sessions
again this is all Purely Speculation. mostly based on my more conflicting view from the fandom at large that they did have a sexual relationship and paul isn't as repressed/clueless as he puts on. so w those Two Beliefs in mind, this is sort of the trajectory that would make the most sense to me!
of course, without those two Core McLennon beliefs of mine I can see why people would point to india as the game changer if they think paul is a repressed bisexual who thinks he's straight while john pined over him. like it would make sense in that scenario if that's where the tension snapped & it was just a mess after that. but I very firmly and adamantly don't believe that so it's just hard for me to see the india theory as anything solid when there's a lot of other explanations for why india was such a shitshow
but all that is just me personally! don't have shit to back it up beyond what I can bring up about the evidence of a sexual relationship and paul being closeted that then lead me to these speculations based on that but yeah lmao
(and fun fact lmao whenever we publish it this is gonna be like half of the story of "i need you" so yall will get to see my fully baked opinion there mixed w just what I think would be fun or angsty dbshsjss)
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rkaln · 2 months
I'm dying to know if they ever get married in your AU. If so would you ever draw them on their wedding day?
well… ive written so much that I'll even leave the lore tag.
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im usually not very interested in plot tropes about weddings and that's it.
i think that if wedding had been, it probably wouldn't have been something "in plain sight". Lee goes to the ANBU because it's still a way to stay out of prison, u know.
speaking of politics, what do I mean in fact, including the fillers and the novel, we are clearly being made aware that, in fact, throughout Gaara's career, there have always been opponents of his rule. (by the way, this is a separate point why in the end my vision of gaara turned out like this, and why it's rather strange for me to perceive him as a soft character. like. without being a sassy bitch, it's unlikely that you would have stayed in office, so to speak.) but at the same time remain reasonable enough not to enter into a dubious open conflict with those who are against his policies.
and to have a wedding with an actual criminal openly… It would be a very dubious gesture. who will also frame Konoha, who contributed to Lee's departure.
"Oh, you were just planning a coup because you are not satisfied with my policy. perhaps some of the supporters, too, under your influence, could begin to doubt. Let me just do it… I'm going to marry a war criminal in public. a great plan."
so.. most likely, it would have been a long time later and as a fairly closed event. personal.
at the same time, this formally excludes this need to "get married", which was discussed in the novel. I admit, I once thought about the concept of the visual component of a potential wedding.) but then I was thinking in a different way, and Lee did not live in Suna. therefore, I relied on Chinese culture in his visual. (as it was in the series with Naruto's wedding, it is quite logical)
NOW I HAD TO GIVE IT UP. Because Suna is home, and that plays a role in how you integrate into that culture. (But I left the parts of Chinese culture that I relied on, simply because it remains a part of it.)
I did not plan to draw something in this direction, but I will leave a sktch))
the fastest divorce in the world
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fotibrit · 5 months
Got a thought question for you.
In IM2 deleted scene there was Pepper offering Tony midol (or some other brand don't remember) and Tony throwing a fit in his refusal. But would Tony later in his life make the same rejection?
!!!! i was actually just chatting with my friend abt this scene a few days ago! Forgive my rambling, but I will be talking abt the scene in general before answering the question.
I love this scene. I wish it had been left in the movie. I think its a significantly better introduction to the movie than the existing replacement scene. Heres a few reasons why:
At the end of IM1, tony is still trying to navigate being seen as anything other than an extension of his fathers legacy. He's still in the midst of trying to get his company to agree that they don't need to sell weapons in order to be successful. At the end of IM1, he's still an asshole. Yes, he isn't irredeemable, but he makes some dick moves throughout IM1. so, i think the jump from IM1 to IM2 should remind people that he is still the same entitled guy from the start of IM1. IM2 kinda starts with the writers letting the audience think of Tony as "a guy who has always been iron man" (especially given the central man vs self conflict has to do with Tony's using the Iron Man suit). But, starting with Tony puking and then yelling at Pepper for offering him a "womans" medicine kinda helps remind the audience who theyre dealing with. That he's still the guy from the start of IM1.
Him throwing up. Its great, for set up. its been a few days since i watched the movie so forgive me if Im wrong, but at this point a first-time viewer isn't aware that tony is dying. Personally, I assumed he was hungover. Its fantastic, because again, it shows that hes kinda a mess. He has to be a mess, for the movie to make sense. He's mixed up in his plan for the future, his health, his history, his parents history... he has to be conflicted for the "man vs self" conflict and the "man vs ma" conflict to co-exist in a meaningful way. So, by having Tony be sick and implying that his sickness is tonys own fault gets watchers to 1. remember hes still a mess. 2. judge Tony for his decission. Which is powerful, because later, we find out that hes sick and his throwing up may have been related to that. if the deleted scene had been used, the viewer would be able to see Peppers perspective, and then they could refrence that perspective (the one in which they dont know that tony is ill) later as tony deteriorates.
Again, a few days since I watched. so might be wrong. But i believe that in the deleted scene, he gets hit by one of the fireworks. Yeah! Good! because he isnt a master at operating the suit yet! He should be still getting the hang of it, he should be making stupid mistakes and shouldn't be completely perfect at manuvering in it yet.
So. To answer the question. I think he wouldn't react the same later in life, though it in part depends on how much late in life it would be.
The Tony living in the lake house with Pepper and Morgan would not react so strongly, though he may react negatively (but mildly). I think he wouldnt react so explosively because he would trust Pepper to be taking him and his pain seriously, and might have unpacked some of the misoginy that led him to hate taking a "womans" pill and think that the suggestion implies Pepper isnt taking the pain seriously. I think he might still react negatively because I dont think Tony ever completely became comfortable with help or with admitting to his pain.
I dont think he would yell. I do think he wouldn't take the offer.
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see.. me personally, i think dewey dying would inflict the most trauma in the long term. of course what the other anon said IS true i think it’d be much harder to have all the emotions ranging from resentment, anger, and probably some sort of yearning for the motherly bond r always wanted because it would seem unattainable for a VERY long time especially in the beginning after (and because) you’ve lost your dad. gale dying would leave dewey, the parent who did nothing wrong and it is a lot easier to work through than being left with a parent who IS at fault, she had all this time to find you given you know that’s HER JOB!!! as a journalist and a mother. but never did regardless of what she says. she never even told dewey. and she had her reasons but in my opinion it’s just a lot harder to work past on both parts because gale already feels so much guilt and add the fact that she lost dewey and robbed them of a chance of a relationship and being a family.. at some point i think r would let it be known she wishes it was gale instead during one of their worse moments (like in those cheesy teenage dramas that i eat up btw so not a bad thing) and it’s just this constant push and pull because gale wants the relationship but r is probably confused and doesn’t know what she wants and gale would be constantly faced with the face of the man she loved and robbed of a happy family. as well as her shortcomings as a mother and i could really get into it but im ready to have a debate on this. i just think it’ll lead to a lot more emotional turmoil because of their complex relationship. and gale dying feels almost easier for them to face
Say, Gale dies, and Dewey lives. Sure, there will be some drama, but it would mostly be awkwardness with this new territory and dynamic. There wouldn't be this anger and animosity.
But, now, if Dewey dies, and Gale lives. The door is wide open with the angst! We got the basics with abonnement issues but then on top of that we got this successful woman who knew about her kid and married the kids' father after giving said kid up and lied about it and went on with her life. Then we got Gale feeling guilt and regret and then on top of that, losing the love of her life who, she betrayed and lied to. Then we got the kid who felt abandoned and wanted and it's basically proven true but then turns out their dad didn't know about them, and he could have been a great father but then they lose him. So, the kid is feeling anger and resentment towards Gale, grieving a father they never even had. And on top of that they're family and they're all each other has and the conflict within the kid of wanting to know their mom maybe but also hating her but then we got Gale trying to right her wrongs and make up for something that could be unforgivable.
We just all need to imagine the complexity and angst of it all. Like, if Gale lives and Dewey dies, just imagine the aftermath of all this. Just imagine Scream 6 and what that would look like. Does Gale right her book? Does she mention Reader? What does she say about Reader? And where are they at now? All this stuff goes down then we jump to Scream 6 which is a year later and, in a New York, like, a lot could happen. There's just so many possibilities! But with Dewey living we got none of that! If Dewey lives it will all be so much easier (and happier).
See, look what you did, you got me rambling now.
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silent-partner-412 · 8 months
ok i need to vent about a trope in video games (mostly rpgs and visual novels) that i really don’t like, and want to talk about why a lot of games fail at it and give a few examples of how it succeeds. however to do so im going to spoil a shitton of games. so if you plan on playing any of the social sim persona games, the xenoblade trilogy, sea of stars, 9 hours 9 persons 9 doors, pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of sky, chrono trigger, the great ace attorney, or danganronpa 2 and 3 (the anime not the game), do not read this post. i will be spoiling all of them.
so what’s up with characters dying But Not Actually so much?? it’s gotten to the point where whenever a main character dies, i’m almost certain that there’s going to be some funny business to justify bringing them back. it kind of drives me nuts, and i wanna talk about why this plot point fails in so many games (and also a few where it works in my opinion because it CAN work).
to start, the xenoblade games, specifically 1 and 3. i think fiora’s death in xenoblade 1 was my first exposure to this trope and honestly i think it’s done alright. there’s a LOT of foreshadowing about the nature of the face units in the early game, and having her be turned into one makes complete sense. also she’s not the only character who’s presumed dead that ends up in a face unit, so the concept feels more complete than just an excuse to bring back a main character. the main problem with fiora is more that her character pre-death is so much better than post-death, but that’s less to do with the resurrection and more just me disagreeing with the direction they take her character. overall this game gets a pass from me, not a bad use of the trope.
xenoblade 3 however i will not be so kind to. mio’s fakeout death fucking sucks and it ruined one of my favorite characters up to that point. they build up the fact that mio is dying all game, it’s a huge part of her character. the existentialism of it all was so compelling to me, i was excited to see where it was going to go. but the body swap with m during the prison sequence was so underwhelming it hurts. it is mildly foreshadowed in the fight against m, but it still felt like they sidestepped the conflict entirely because they didn’t have the guts to actually follow through on what they had set up. which, to be fair, this would be fine if they actually explored how she felt about living when she was supposed to die, but they don’t. this is pretty much the last major character moment for mio all game, and it was so disappointing to me. not a good use of the trope at all.
persona 3 (portable) and 4 use this trope too and it’s also pretty rough. shinjiro’s death is a big moment in persona 3, and saving him in portable feels super underdeveloped and feels like it was just used for fanservice at the end of the day. nanako’s death in persona 4 is almost insultingly underdeveloped too, it feels like it only happens because they needed to add extra tension during the climax of the game, when it would’ve worked perfectly fine if she was just severely injured in my opinion. having her die and come back just feels cheap and unearned.
persona 5 does it much better with akechi in my opinion but that’s also because him coming back is pretty much a mirage. the only reason he comes back in the third semester is because maruki thought him being back would be part of joker’s ideal reality, and once maruki is defeated akechi goes away too. it’s all pretty fantastic, and the way they explore akechi’s feelings about the whole situation is great too. of course, there is the moment at the ending where you seem him through the window but that’s left purposefully ambiguous and i choose to believe it’s just joker’s imagination lol.
chrono trigger is probably one of the oldest examples of this trope and it didn’t really bother me, but that’s mostly because i wasn’t super attached to crono in the first place cuz he doesn’t have much going for him in terms of characterization lol. i also think that because there are multiple endings including one where he doesn’t come back (and you really have to go out of your way to bring him back) makes it feel a bit less cheap? i don’t know, i don’t really have a strong opinion one way or the other for this case.
now sea of stars i’ve gone on record saying i adore, but i still don’t love how they handle garl’s resurrection. it feels almost identical to crono’s, and feels a bit too fanservicey for my liking especially since i thought garl’s death was so extremely well done. it’s cute, and i do love garl, but i prefer the regular ending where he doesn’t come back.
so… remember how all the characters in danganronpa 2 didn’t actually die? cuz they were in a simulation the whole time and it wasn’t a “you die in the game you die in real life” situation like they implied in the game? yeah that was weird. i don’t remember this bugging me a ton back in my danganronpa phase but like… the deaths in that game in particular were really well done for the series (let’s forget about chapter 3 for now) and having none of them matter in the end kind of sucks. it also doesn’t feel like that was the original vision since this reveal only happens in the danganronpa 3 anime and not in dr2, so it feels like it was probably done for fanservice more than anything.
these next two are ones i don’t think were too bad and that’s because they both happen and you kinda just know they’re not gone for good. kazuma from great ace attorney and snake from zero escape (999) both die so early and so suddenly after being set up to be seemingly important that you sort of just know they’re not gone for good, and if they were you’d probably be disappointed. also they both slap when they come back and their characters would probably feel incomplete without their reveal that they didn’t actually die. if you’re going to kill characters and bring them back, this is one of the better ways to do it in my opinion.
finally, this isn’t really a death but it still really bothered me. i really don’t like the ending of pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of sky’s final special episode. for years i thought that once grovyle and dusknoir returned to the future and you and your partner save the world, they’re gone. that’s how the game sets it up. i’ve thought that’s how it was for years since i didn’t play sky until last year. learning that no, they save the world and all the pokemon from the future are fine actually was so… it just felt wrong. i feel like they didn’t want a sequence that grim to end the episode in a game made for children, but i was like 9 when i beat explorers of time/darkness the first time and i understood the implications of what happened. learning that wasn’t actually the case now that i’m an adult bothered me and i wish they had stuck to their guns.
so what’s the common thread here? well, the times where it doesn’t work are usually because it feels like fanservice or like the story didn’t justify it well enough. it feels like you’re being coddled almost, like don’t worry your blorbo is fine!! they’re still alive!!! and i hate that so much. stick to your guns!!! if you don’t have a damn good reason to bring back characters after they supposedly die, don’t bring them back. it usually feels wrong and hollow. look, in real life, people die (i know big shocker), and there’s nothing you can do about it. i’ve had people very close to me die, and while i would do anything to bring them back, that’s just not how it works. i know games are supposed to be escapism where you suspend your disbelief, but i don’t usually feel happy when characters i love die and come back. it just feels like mildly condescending wish fulfillment. i just wish authors would be more thoughtful about this kind of thing.
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kingcunny · 11 months
What's your opinion on Viserys and Otto after the Episode 4 confrontation? There's such a difference between what Viserys says and implies to his face and what he says to Rhaenyra.
When Otto makes his report to Viserys, he immediately clocks what Otto is trying to do. (And makes a clear distinction between Aegon as Otto's blood and Rhaenyra as "mine own." OOP.) And then as he's scolding Rhaenyra, he acts entirely oblivious. "What vulture?" Is he putting on act for Rhaenyra? To counter her trying to put blame on someone other than herself? Is it more conflict avoidance?
And THEN he fires Otto, and he's like, "I think you killed my dad. Or at least you were gleeful at the opportunity his death provided you." There's some deep suspicion and resentment going back yearsss in that conversation that had nothing to do with why Rhaenyra wanted him gone.
oh my god viserys accusing otto of killing his dad makes me INSANE. cause no one wouldve told him that? the fact that we never hear daemon or any other character accuse otto of the same thing means this is a theory viserys came up with on his own, and has been just quietly holding onto all these years. and that theory sounds like the paranoid jealous ramblings of a kid on some “youre not my REAL dad” type shit. like Obviously the man who came in to take his fathers place MUST have killed him to steal his position and power. but viserys was like 24 at the time.
about viserys theory, i believe the unknown is the scariest thing of all. humans have a need to try and make sense of the unsensable. i think viserys theory about baelons death comes from that same place. viserys not understanding how his father could go from “a hale and healthy warrior and dragonrider at the peak of his ability” to so feverish and racked with pain that he cant even get out of bed and finally dying, all in the span of 5 days, is terrifying. he doesnt know what an appendix is, a ‘burst belly’ doesnt mean anything to him (just like his own illness, appendicitis would be both undiagnosable and untreatable in their time) . but poison? treachery? thats simple. thats understandable. he can point at someone and its *their fault* his father is dead.
this doesnt take away from anything ive said about viserys and otto before either. even with the belief that otto mightve killed his dad, what other father figure does he have? baelon is dead, aemon is dead, vaegon doesnt want anything to do with him. jaehaerys is so ill at this point hes calling viserys by the wrong name half the time. otto is the only one he has to cling too, to seek that parental affection and approval from. and after seeing how he takes care of jaehaerys during his final years, and prepares himself for being king, viserys starts to put his resentment on the back burner. otto is just a faithful and loyal servant, he has to be. jaehaerys trusted him after all. viserys was just blinded by grief.
when otto comes to viserys to report what rhaenyra is doing the first thing viserys does is almost engage in a strange game of chicken? like he refuses to accept ottos implications of what rhaenyra and daemon were doing, makes him "speak it, plainly" almost either *daring* him to say it or maybe giving him a chance to back down. and i think this is a part of his conflict aversion, if he can pretend its not real then it isnt. but otto doesnt back down, even when viserys tries to offer the out of "youve been lied too", either because he *is* trying to ruin rhaenyras reputation or because he believes viserys should know the truth. (theres that scene right before this were otto looks very upset. either debating whether or not he should tell viserys or trying to mentally prepare himself for what he knows will be a very difficult conversation? considering ottos conversation with his brother in ep 3, im leaning toward the latter, hes just been given a very real reason to discredit rhaenyra. aside- i would KILL for the rest of the hotd script to be released) its the confirmation that his daughter and brother have betrayed his love and confidence, and ottos refusal to let viserys remain delusional, to speak it into being almost, that upsets him so much. because now he *has* to accept that this is the truth, to deal with each of them, and the knowledge that Someone Else Knows. (both otto AND alicent now) and im wondering if the distinction between "your blood" and "mine own" isnt a freudian slip at this moment, both revealing that he does not view alicents and his children as 'his' and a resurfacing of those old paranoias about ottos ambitions with the new knowledge that otto has been spying on his daughter.
speaking of daemon actually, something interesting when viserys confronts him, he doesnt directly accuse him either. ("my daughter. wont you even deny it?") he tries to offer daemon an out too, for him to offer up some other explanation for what happened last night. but daemon is all too happy to take credit for taking his nieces virginity.
so when viserys finally confronts rhaenyra about it, he doesnt ask her what happened. just implies that he knows. where she challenges him that he hasnt asked her the truth of it, and he replies it doesnt matter what the truth is, only perception, HIS perception. it doesnt matter what really happened now, just what *he* believes is/isnt true. and both otto and daemon have forced him to accept that the truth is that rhaenyra slept with daemon. but he still doesnt directly accuse rhaenyra of this, because even though hes been forced to accept it, hes moved on to the 'covering it up' phase. if he can pretend it didnt happen, then it didnt. daemon is gone, rhaenyra will be married, it didnt happen and even if it did it wont happen again.
i think when rhaenyra calls otto a vulture it takes him aback a bit. cause how many times in those early days, when viserys believed otto was responsible for his fathers death, or at the very least jumped at the opportunity his death provided him, must viserys have thought of otto in the same way? i think he is feigning ignorance here, for two reasons. the first as a way to shift the blame, but not rhaenyras- his own. his own guilt of letting a man who he does not trust to become so close to him. to have allowed himself to become so reliant on someone who does not have his familys best interests at heart. the fact that otto is using him for his own gain, and viserys even suspected him of this and yet let it happen anyway. the second as a similar sort of game he was playing with otto, to see if rhaenyra will confirm his suspicions about otto. to make her 'speak it into being' so to speak. unlike otto however, rhaenyra does not hesitate to accuse him.
and thats why when viserys fires otto, he does not bring up rhaenyra, but instead the thing that originally made him suspicious of otto - his fathers death.
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sentofight · 7 months
ooc. me replying? nah. i will make a ship thingie post for my muses wahahaha.
bold (prefers it) italics (can happen) cross (needs building but could happen)
This list will not be naming the ships i have but the name of characters in the muse's franchise (if i have interactions in other verses might add characters i see my muse clicking with in that verse.) Though i will add if the character named is taken or not.
deuce (taken by @/oursongofhealing)
honestly he is probably one of the few muses i can't put a name just some ideas of who can be compatible with him.
strong willed
willing to accept that he is not a romantic person and will see his job as important as you? and maybe more because he is pragmatic person
can compromise to some extent, but never that be conflicting with the person or their interest
Lara Mel Marta
Fractured Milla
Jude Mathis
Avatar/ Robin m/f
Avatar f/m
Avatar f/m
Mark ( taken by @/rcdhotnight)
someone kind and understanding of his 'vampire dilemma'
idk what else to write he is not that demanding he is a sweet child sobs
MC f/m
shinji (im putting him despite not being one of my favs for personal reasons but i cant ignore that he is part of aki's life and ngl i like the trio mitsu x aki x shinji but haha we dont talk about that cuz some d.umblr ding dong people are fossils with ideas)
probably more but thinking
Lu Guang
Can't think of someone compatible with his in the TYPE0 world, but Emina can and might ruffle his feathers a little bit. idk.
ngl Aki Minahara could have a chance if she is a little bit older dlfkjsdkfs
anyway he looks for someone serious about the relationship.
he wants a family not just one night stand but he is afraid of making said family because of the crystal and dying and getting people's memories wiped clean.
basically, he does not want to be forgotten ...
uuh he can cook so he is not expecting the whole 'gender role thing'. as long as you are good in the things you like to do, then sure fine. tbh he prefers to cook. he is not big on eating other people's food. though he wont stop you from cooking. surprise him.
cats. tbh it is not something he can give up on for a partner???? because for him feeding and looking after the stray cats is an important part of his life. silly as it sounds but he takes it seriously.
he can compromise a little bit with the cat thing but don't expect him to stop going out to feed them.
laugh tracks but sure. I feel like Severa would be fun to see her bicker with him. they can judge their parents together lol
---she's younger than the 2nd generation.
---she's old than most of the cast.
someone who can understand her past is not something she is proud of and wants to change
Licca (big crush she's older than him but he does not understand)
in lore
in awakening verse
Avatar f/m
in lore
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sirenemale · 4 months
I was hoping someone would ask for theseee YAY
❓️ : fav total background character (im not talking minor characters like say. whitewing or moonlight, i mean cats with like...3 lines tops)
This is sooo hard actually. I think most of mine still fall into minor adjacent cause they get some focus and lines. But I've always really liked Ashfoot, literally one of the only wc map parts I've made was about her. I always thought the windclan family dynamic of her being related to onestar was really fun. She just seems very together and competent and idk, I like that she and her husband were both deputies with a foot suffix.
I also always really liked breezepelt's kids, idk what they ever really got up to in canon but Smokehaze, brindlewing, appleshine and woodsong are such cute names. There's probably a lot to explore with how he'd approach parenting with how he grew up. I also think it's really cute that the older sisters ended up mentoring their younger siblings.
Also not super minor, but I guess semi-minor in terms of how often I see fan stuff for them. Pretty much every side or minor character in Graystripe's vow i really liked. Gremlin, Fury, all of warriorclan. Petunia especially, I think all of them you can draw some really fun parallels with first arc characters, I almost wish we'd gotten some kinda soft reset where we start following them instead of the kinda giant extended never ending conflict we have in the main clans. Fury is the antagonist obviously but I don't think she made any kinda impact on the fandom really, I just think she's fun. At the end when she's mostly defeated and bleeding out she crawls to the top of the high rocks in thunderclan camp and I was hoping soooo fucking bad she'd be deranged enough to just stand up there boasting until she died. Not what happened but it's what happened in my heart, not deep at all as a character I just liked that she got to be kinda crazy.
OTHER than thattt. I can only think of Red from Skyclan's destiny. There was a rogue camp and she had drama with her dad bc she had a boyfriend, then her dad Stick tries to kill that guy and she jumps in front first and dies and everyone regrets it lmao.
💢 : what scene made you the most irrationally angry upon first reading
The entirety of Squirrelflight's hope for 1. It was such a viscerally deeply upsetting book to me.
The scenes of Bramblestar demoting squirrelflight to children's tasks, not letting her leave the camp without telling him because she Challenged him, taking her autonomy away, guilt tripping her, telling her she's selfish for not wanting to kill pregnant woman who is going to leave in Less than a MONTH anyway. The whole book just made me feel crazy. It's crazy how uncharacteristically sadistic every character becomes JUST so squirrelflight can be made to look inconsiderate for Embarrassing her husband in public by telling him they can just Wait for them to leave. And it's worse because it does completely break her down, Bramblestar completely shatters her sense of confidence, her sense of safety and personality ALL for the book to treat it like it was two-sided, all for her to apologize to him for speaking up and then the book ends. I don't think warrior cats has ever written anything more vile than this genuinely.
I remember that scene where she brought one of the sisters, who was dying, into camp for Leafpool to treat. and bramblestar threatened leafpool, his sister-in law and their DOCTOR not to heal an outsider. when squirrelflight argues and protects leafpool, fights for sunrise, bramblestar asks Why are you doing this to me. Guilting her and forcing her to choose between saving a woman's life, protecting her sister, AND listening to him beyond all reason. Choosing anything else except him is Hurting him. That's the framing. And it's crazy bc this isn't normal for warrior cats either, again it's uncharacteristically sadistic, it goes against the code, and it's all so they could write this scene, so bramble could say that, So it would Hurt squirrelflight, and punish her narratively.
You'd think it's intentional writing but then you remember this is the last book he's meant to be Good, because the next arc he's possessed by ashfur and is meant to actually be abusive and possessive and terrifying, which he is. But it's just fucking mortifying that the writer's idea of Bramblestar at his best, at the point where everyone missed him, is this. That they consistently do believe their relationship is healthiest and most equal when she is completely submitting to him.
ANYWAY that;s not even the actual last scene that broke me irt actually reading warrior cats myself LMAO.
it was similar though it was the way they handled shadowsight in the broken code. Similar thing of a character who is being so outrageously abused, other characters around him are suddenly far more sadistic and cruel than they've been before just to further beat him down While also having it be narratively justified.
Anyway it's the scene where Shadowsight, mothwing (i think), lionblaze and willowshine are trying to access the dark forest or starclan to get bramble's spirit back. No one trusts shadowsight, they all literally hate him, especially Lionblaze. Shadowsight offers to go to the dark forest, knowing there's a good chance he'll die there. He does this because he's basically suicidal at this point, so wracked with guilt over unknowingly creating this situation and having everyone Blame him for it that he's like Let me make it right. Lionblaze refuses because he doesn't trust him, so Willowshine offers instead. Willow lies down and closes her eyes so she can dream herself into the dark forest and in one of the fucking rawest scenes they've had in a MINUTE she dies on the spot. Ashfur killed her spirit in the darkforest so fast that barely a minute after she closes her eyes her physical body DIES. Lionblaze immediatelyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy blames shadowsight for this and is like it should have been you why did you let this happen. And at that point i was really like. if i keep reading this series I am Actually going to smash my head into a walllllllllll. I think I did finish the book a while later and idk.
It's hard knowing so much of this could be really hard hitting writing about abuse and complex situations. I think the meta of warriors is really interesting, the way the authors misogyny and absurd hate for abuse victims literally warps the world and character morals book by book. The way it literally gets worse as the books continue. I can't stomach reading it myself anymore LMAO. But I also have permanent brain worms for warriors so I still keep up with the character drama in the new books, there's stuff that's really interesting to me. Looking at curlfeather, frostpaw and splashtail's stuff. But yeah
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purpleglitch · 2 months
Did it say anything cwazy about George’s destructive dream stream because that one changed my brain chemistry
There was only one paragraph on c!george's page about it, it's this :0
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I really love the dreams as concept for lore streams because you could find different meanings to it and theorize so many things AAAAA. Like in that paragraph, why does c!gnf have knowledge of stuff he didn't know awake? Outside of lore it's just because as cc he knows about it or because chat told him but how can you connect it to his character... aaahggg sorry the brainworms...
Since there was a link to a whole article about it, here are some highlights of it :0 the wiki is just summarizing it but I'm adding stuff of my theories of that stream and things not mentioned there that I thought were worth mentioning ^_^
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I think why c!dream's answers are so vague here are because c!george just doesn't have that info, since he's dreaming c!dream is not actually there, it's just his brain making up stuff to fill the blanks, also the reason why dream didn't want to show george the interior of pandora and deflecting more questions about the prison with wanting george to show him kinoko instead
It's not mentioned on the wiki but i loved the confrontation they have because i think it's not actually dream talking to george, but his own guilt, he keeps questioning himself, "why did you not visit" "you could've asked" and george keeps throwing excuses but it all represents that inner conflict, he wanted to go in and visit but he never put on the effort to do so. idk idk. also rip cdnf villain husbands :( "if you're not with me, you're against me" god....... and iirc cdream saying that if they teamed up things could be like before
but really awesome that it took c!dream killing c!george for him to go insane, that's his way of coping with the breakup (??)
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My personal highlight from this part is c!george giving up on destroying the statue of himself that bad built and saying "it takes so long to destroy myself" like in that context it makes sense but that line haunts me GODDDDD and the parallel of cdream in their previous encounter and a sign by dream on ctommy's house saying "did you miss me? :)" and george being hurt by both he destroys them
i love how george is all "i don't care :/" while destroying everything and saying that he did it because of dream, if dream is not with him then nothing matters........ he never cared about the server, he only cared about the people close to him......... (dream)
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this part is just c!george's jealousy demons im crying. him dreaming that dream and techno are a team, saying to dream "your technoblade", somehow george knowing that techno only has 1 canon life and imagining they're both weak enough he can kill them, and stealing techno's armor im just speechless.
Don't want to make this too long but some other fun stuff from that stream to theorize over is c!karl, how did george know about karl's whole time traveler thing and his connection to XD, and that karl said that he already tried to stop george many times with no success, hellooooo.... and george saying that being a sad and alone god ruling over nothing on the server sounded awesome is so crazy, c!george please go to therapy...
Then with the final fight against XD i loved how c!george went all in to taunt him calling XD scared and an idiot for not wanting to fight him. it also leaves me thinking why when XD died, it sounded like the enderdragon dying sound effect oughhh.....
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ALSO WHY WERE THE CRYSTALS ALREADY DESTROYED?????? crazy insane c!george is so awesome i love him, welcome back georgeeeHD god headcanon
Bonus quotes from c!george i found in the wiki from that stream because i really believe george deserved an oscar for that performance 😁
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emulation-0 · 1 year
ok jjk 221 lets get into it
mixed feelings on the unboxing. it was hilarious how unserious they all were and i didn't actually care that much because i love seeing all of them together <3 shoko <3 momo <3 kirara <3 maki <3 miwa <3 hakari <3 hana <3 lowkey i missed inumaki too. twas nice!! but the tone shift was really weird, i was hoping it would be more high stakes than that and it really feels like theyre going back to the 'let gojo handle it' mindset which. feels very much against the point considering the last thought we had from him before the culling game was 'i have faith in all of them.' its like nothing has changed since then.
it's also really weird that nothing has really been said about tengen. all of their actions have been pointing towards them being very untrustworthy and on their own side, and it just so happened that their goals at the time aligned with yuki and co's, but there's just been nothing. it feels very anticlimactic. they knew that gojo could have possibly died upon being unsealed and said nothing, they could've ended the culling game at the beginning and said nothing. like it goes back to yuki getting really mad at them back in ch 201 i think and then just going along with the plan and dying. it feels like there's no point, no fanfare, nobody cares about the really important parts. it feels like tengen's existence was unimportant and pushed aside despite their actions and existence being the reason (or helping the reason) why jujutsu society is so shitty?? idk if this makes a lot of sense but even their conversation with kenjaku in the last chapter... it just feels like tengen means nothing. that's annoying. but anyway
gojo's unboxing was so unserious but i hoped maybe he would go a little berserk when he was actually out. the ripped jacket was cool and i wish gege kept it, that wouldve fucked so hard but he's still suffering the disease of making his men buff when they shouldn't be :/ whatever i guess. up until sukuna showed up it really did seem as if he was going to go berserk which i was so here for!!! especially since the angel was kind of hyping it up. alas it was not to be 😔 which is annoying!!! at least we got a your mom joke? but anyway!! im glad at least gojo vs sukuna is happening first because its not as if kenny really wanted to fight him anyway unless some bullshit with their technique happens like last time with yuki. which would be stupid. but also im not sure how i feel about this upcoming battle though. it would tie back to the 'six eyes and ten shadows killed each other in the past' but one, it feels way too soon for that, and two, i think with the way gojo said 'you? a loser that had to run away from yuuji?' is hinting towards another conflict between sukuna and yuuji. i have many thoughts about this and i'll probably derail later so let's bookmark it here *
gojoken fight would be kind of stupid because if theyre leaving it all to gojo (😐) he would probably just one-shot them. realistically. yuuta coming to fulfill his promise to kill gojo's best friend for him would feel better personally because then his words would actually hold weight lmao and maybe he'll die too!! if gege is continuing his pattern of getting rid of the special-grades (unless he's only getting rid of the adult special-grades which is 😐but whatever!!!) yuuta doesn't really serve a purpose in the story rn anyway besides being gojo's temporary replacement so it wouldn't be a pointless loss either. especially if such a fight would show gojo that his students dont need to depend on him and they have grown in his absence. like he had faith in them to when he first got boxed!! though in that case maybe yuuta's death wouldn't be the best way to express that. unless kids like hakari and maki picked up the slack. idk. my thoughts are a mess rn bear with me here 🙏
* ok so in the last panel too gojo says that he'll win and sure, he could, because sukuna's not even at full strength yet. it makes me wonder where the other five fingers are since if they kill each other wouldn't it be a little pointless if sukuna was missing some fingers? you'd have to get rid of the rest of him through yuuji and that would be stupid. bookmarking this for later also * but anyway!! the game is changed now since sukuna has the ten shadows technique and knows how to use it better than megumi can so theres likely a real chance gojo would get hurt. maybe he'll even lose an eye this time and live to tell the tale considering hana and inumaki got to live (but then again are they really characters in the story anymore? 💀) if he did get hurt that would make it easier for a students vs kenjaku fight to take place as well
and about yuuji. sukuna's not 'running' from yuuji because he's scared but i'm sure that he's wary at least. there was that comment: 'right, this brat is from back then...' which was ambiguous in its meaning (im pretty sure he was saying 'this brat has been strong since back then [pre-sukuna]' or something like that but the possibility of some heian stuff going on is equally interesting!! and weird!!) but yeah. and its not as if being trapped in yuuji was a very convenient place to be anyway. gojo was probably just taunting him saying he was running from yuuji but he is wary of him at least!! especially since he's so sturdy or whatever. so i hope that between gojo vs sukuna someone gets hurt or dies because i think another fight between yuuji and sukuna would be a nice wrapping up. yuuji's active involvement with jujutsu started with sukuna and it would be cool to end it with him, too
not only that but there's also the whole 'if you die i'll kill you' 'so start by saving me, itadori' 'i have a few suggestions about how we can save fushiguro' thing thats going on between yuuji and megumi. we all know it so i guess i won't say it but that's more fuel for the sukuna vs yuuji fight right
* i think gojo is going to lose. if not against sukuna then he's going to lose against something. i'm torn between not feeling great about 'leave it all to gojo' and the adults' feelings that kids shouldn't have to take on adult problems but i think he's going to lose against someone and then the kids will fight so we can have both perspectives? the confidence with which he says 'i will win', the history between six eyes and ten shadows, the one-eye imagery in official arts combined with the weird timing and tone of his unboxing feel like they're spelling defeat but i'm just wondering how it's all going to tie in. like what order are these events going to happen? who's going to do what? how's this going to play out? which isn't even theorizing that's just waiting for the next chapter to come out kldehwjakfdjzhs since gege has dashed all my hopes and expectations. don't even know whos going to die anymore. but whatever!!
this ended up being very long 💀 if i've said anything that was immediately obvious sorry lmao
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fairly-curtain · 2 years
Glass Onion - I Love it. Watch it pls. now here’s my rant.
(Glass onion spoilers) theres something so cathartic about watching billionaires go out in flames, and their dignity being publicly destroyed. As a huge murder mystery fan, the Glass Onion was a movie I was very excited to see, (its the sequel of Knives Out!!), and murder mysteries are amazing okay—, the spicy mystery, plot twist, funky suspense, and satisfaction style of them was ever present in the movie, for me to sink my teeth into. what I didn’t expect was for it to deliver me the same hearty satisfaction I derive from watching Elon Musk make a fool of himself as he derails twitter. Its some👌good stufff
I wasn’t ever a twitter user, and my twitter knowledge all comes from social media aus on ao3. But the joy i feel at seeing Muskrat suffering, as he clambers for public gratification on the website he owns, and proceeds to fail miserably is so euphoric. And Glass Onion, it just has that same joy of watching someone you hate immensely be utterly destroyed, and have their own words twisted on them as they cannot escape the horror of their own creation.
I also didn’t expect the amogus. I’m dying. Im so happy we got an amogus appearance. It was even foreshadowing for the end of the movie as well??? And ALSO was world building for the 2020 earlier pandemic setting bro. Im dying. I love among us, and the other games mentioned, bc they are so fun to play with friends. They know their audience, their audience is me. Amogus is my lifeblood. Queer detective playing among us ? Yes. Yes pls. 0-0 All the characters are so fun to look at, but the main characters both go so hard for different reasons. Bless Helen/Andi, and Blanc. They have a permanent space in my brain now.
Also, slightly disheartened bc I saw a post about the first 20 minutes being boring, and im so sad bc that was such a juicy 20 minutes and thats such under-appreciation of this crucial part of ‘setting the scene’. It was done really craftily, the foreshadowing and most importantly world building and characterisation (ie. the masks) just making for the meat of the movie. Ive had to deal with the idea that maybe people were not expecting a murder mystery, but a more action-esque movie, and so if you can’t deal the set up in this movie, murder mysteries probably arent for you. There is too much necessary to build up, and this movie did it so well, that if you don’t like it at its best...well. The huge fireworks of gold top tier everything plot that just blow up later in the movie are sparked by this 20 minutes, you couldnt have an impactful conflict without this. And also I love me some terrible rich people that are unapologetically awful because its a murder mystery, and a Knives out Sequel, you aren’t going to watch those rich annoyances anything but suffer later.
Final notes: so glad that that random dude on the island, did end up being a red herring and had no involvement in anything, love him for that.
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stregoniconiconii · 2 years
I thought I was the only one tired of all the untagged r*nance in steddie/gen fic! I have them filtered out on ao3 for a reason, so why I'm still seeing it? I know not everyone is a stobin first, but I am. so for me it's unthinkable to even imagine Robin dating Nancy (or Steve dating Tammy/Vicki). they would never break the girl/bro/bff code like that😔
untagged relationships get to me in general I just don't like getting jump scared altho I have to say I empathise/sympathise with the ronancers it's hard out there for a wlw ship and they have to do deal with sooo much more untagged steddie and also just. actually this fic with the ronance tag is actually just steddie :)) a common problem for popular side ships unfortunately. but it does annoy me bc I don't ship it and a lot of really good steddie or gen fics just have it now. oh well its just fanfiction
I think Ive said this before but it's not necessarily the bff code violation of it all that gets to me with ronance it's the way that it always seems to be a non issue. like robin sometimes gets anxious over his reaction but Steve never gets upset about it or has many feelings about it in general besides oh im so happy my best friend has fallen in love with someone and ofc it was with Nancy bc everyone falls in love with Nancy and I think im supposed to think its some sort of trope subversion like when Steve didn't really say anything when Nancy "chose" Jonathan bc it's like oh look the thing u thought would be a problem and cause jealousy and emotional conflict actually didn't! which. yeah okay whatever. I happen to like problems. and sometimes im like are we going to explore how Steve folds like a house of cards if he thinks that it will cause the least conflict even if he's like dying inside? and then we don't bc he's busy getting dicked down by Eddie. and also I think Nancy is painfully straight but that's by the by
part of it is also me just not vibing with the pair the spares thing that happens in fandom a lot. like there's a popular pairing and then ppl are like well what are we going to do with the rest of them? and they just start pairing them off and if there's like one left over they get thrown into a throuple or something. like how after s3 harringrove shippers started shipping robin with heather so that nobody was alone. it just makes me wonder how much thought is being put into the shipping...idk. at the end of the day wanting everyone to have a romantic happy ever after isn't necessarily a bad thing I just think it's boring. and I obviously don't have an inside look as to why something I don't ship is popular bc well. I don't read it. so maybe there's a lot of very compelling reasons and characterisations or whatever for whatever pairing that im just not seeing. even if the compelling reason is just hot girls should kiss
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psychewritesbs · 2 years
A huge factor into why I'm interested in megumi is quite literally seeing him grow with his ct, and seeing him accomplishing his domain, etc is very satisfying, but I think it's pretty much inevitable that sukuna will cast the completed chimera shadow domain (don't like that idea at all), and yeah, we don't know this for a fact and I'm very much jumping the gun, but the silver lining I see is sukuna once again acting as a unintentional or intentional mentor for megumi yk. I'm like 96.4% sure megumi is not dead (could be wrong idk anymore 😭).
I sound very much as though I don't care for character arcs, and solely care for power feats, but I promise I do care for the character development!! I regularly read and watch all sorts of series from different demographics, but im just specific with jjk for this ask. I just enjoy the ways in which authors can create power systems within its own world and seeing how characters respond to those rules, etc.
I'm wondering if gege will revisit the concept of being a good/bad person through megumi/yuji and if hana will play a role in that. I like how hana and megumi share the same "putting someone on a pedestal" thing and wonder if we'll see their relationship develop too (of she survives ofc haha 😢). Hana doesn't know megumi whatsoever, but I think she has more of an obsession with him than just a crush, and I do think her very rough childhood played into that, but only gege knows where this is going, so I guess we'll see hehe. They were both in a sense tricked by that someone (tsumiki, etc). Also, I don't know if it's intentional on gege's part, but is there a reason megumi was not able to deduce that tsumiki wasn't the same or is their dynamic truly a bit stunted where they don't know each other as well. I thought megumi would apologize too like he said, but I can't tell if it's intentional and it will lead to something more, or gege just wants to move the plot and won't explore those things anymore. Tsumiki did really feel as just a plot device, but I still hoped she wouldn't as I wanted to know her feelings on the situation and about her brother and her mom, etc, but I don't know how she would have survived now... but hope is always there I guess! No problem with that. I guess I say this bc I'm interested in knowing how megumi will overcome this need to ignore his own goodness to uplift those worthy individuals (tsumiki and yuji) and I always thought that seeing tsumiki as an actual person capable of good and bad would have challenged him, so I'm curious if that's still what we'll be exploring with megumi or if it doesn't matter anymore and he just died like a fool.
This is definitely the fight obsessed part of me, but ever since we knew that no ten shadows user in history has tamed mahoraga, the thought of megumi being the first is always on my mind, but I may have to settle for mahoraga being tamed by sukuna even if just for a short while. I'm jumping the gun again, but on a happier note 😊 I've been having a ball seeing sukuna mess around again with the mcs 😭 he's so fun to watch, so I'm not completely negative just conflicted lol.
I love the "save me/you" concept that we've seen in yuji and megumi, so I think yuji will play a role in saving him so to speak or playing a big role in megumi saving himself. OR since gege is using the titles to parallel the first few chapters of the series, we may get megumi dying in front of yuji after taking some control back and waha its sad again !! (Don't know how to feel about this theory either) It's fun thinking of ways this could go and gege has clearly thought of these moments in the story as he's clearly expressed what sukuna would do to megumi. I wonder what that interviewer thought when he heard gege speak lmao and if what happened in 212 and beyond is what he told him a while ago 🤔
What do believe to be a fulfilling character arc for megumi? I don't mind him dying or living, but not in this very moment hehe 😃
Sorry for the big ask again, but thanks again for reading!!
Oh my! Thanks for reaching out and sharing your #thoughts with me! I love all the #thoughts. There was so much juiciness to brainrot about!
My own #thoughts in response to your #thoughts under the cut!
A huge factor into why I'm interested in megumi is quite literally seeing him grow with his ct, and seeing him accomplishing his domain, etc is very satisfying,
Ugh! I KNOW! Satisfying is exactly the right word for it.
Honestly, Megumi is beautifully written.
I think it's pretty much inevitable that sukuna will cast the completed chimera shadow domain (don't like that idea at all), and yeah, we don't know this for a fact and I'm very much jumping the gun, but the silver lining I see is sukuna once again acting as a unintentional or intentional mentor for megumi yk
Yeah I have to agree with you on this. Something interesting is happening because Sukuna is clearly better able to use or make the most out of Megumi's Cursed Technique.
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What I am not sure is whether this is due to Megumi's mentality still limiting what he can do or whether this is Sukuna simply being more powerful.
Like in my head, Megumi should be able to accomplish the same, he just doesn't know that he doesn't know that he can do it. That said, Sukuna has been a catalyst for realizations like that in the past, so as you say, Megumi might grow because of Sukuna.
Which is also kind of interesting because Sukuna is equally impressed by Megumi...
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Also... about Megumi's domain... gosh... yeah I must admit I am not a fan of Megumi not being the one who maximizes his own potential.
I have mixed thoughts on what exactly Sukuna is and isn't because of the whole mind = body = soul relationship and how he's just body-hopping and overriding other people's mind's information to merge with the soul and body.
So in a sense this is still Megumi but it isn't Megumi? Because in the end, this is Megumi's body and soul.
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Regardless... I'm sure Sukuna will do something big with Megumi's domain and I do hope that, as you say, Megumi will learn from Sukuna because of it.
"I'm like 96.4% sure megumi is not dead"
That deserved to be made a title because of how specific you are about it lol. Don't hesitate to send in your theories. I'm collecting "the mental gymnastics Megumi fans will do to convince themselves he's still alive".
I do hope you're right tho and will light some prayer candles just to make sure your theory manifests.
I've made peace with Megumi not coming back but I'll still be disappointed if he doesn't which means I have not made peace with it at all.
Also... I am super curious about the other 3.6%...?
I sound very much as though I don't care for character arcs, and solely care for power feats, but I promise I do care for the character development!!... I just enjoy the ways in which authors can create power systems within its own world and seeing how characters respond to those rules, etc.
I'd say you get it. In JJK power = character development and psychological wholeness. It's a nice twist on the trope and Gege has done a good job with it.
In retrospect, I really do think the Culling Game arc has been about showing that relationship between power and the power system in JJK, how it relates to the sorcerer's personality, how the characters respond to those rules, and how they grow and get stronger as a result.
Like... don't get me wrong, I've been consuming Shonen for yeeeeears and while I appreciate Goku powering up because he was like...
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I also really like how Gege pushes his characters to grow outside of long drawn out screaming.
I'm wondering if gege will revisit the concept of being a good/bad person through megumi/yuji and if hana will play a role in that.
Personally, I hope and think so.
How deeply he'll elaborate and/or how he executes is what is unsure. He might hide the struggle in the symbols.
Actually, as a symbol, Hana's Cursed Technique is a massive rabbit hole that gets at the core of good vs. evil. I'm working on writing this super nerdy meta about it. Stay tuned!
What I will say about Hana right now is that she sort of symbolizes light.
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So it's an interesting symbol to bring in for a dynamic with a character like Megumi who represents the shadow.
If you think about it, dark is in need of light.
I'd say there's something there worth exploring.
I like how hana and megumi share the same "putting someone on a pedestal"... Hana doesn't know megumi whatsoever, but I think she has more of an obsession with him than just a crush, and I do think her very rough childhood played into that
Yes! Such a good point! I noticed the same thing about her. Going back to the idea of light, think of how light also make shadows all the more obvious and pronounced. So to me, from a psychological perspective, Hana's obsession is a sort of balance to her "light".
When you look at it like that, the Hana/Megumi parallels are interesting and I also wonder where Gege will go with them given Sukumi just betrayed Hana the way Yorozu betrayed Megumi.
is there a reason megumi was not able to deduce that tsumiki wasn't the same or is their dynamic truly a bit stunted where they don't know each other as well
Ah so, while I can see why people think this is the case, I personally don't interpret like this.
So for one, I do think that the relational dynamic is stunted and that it carries Pygmalion and the Princess and her Knight undertones. This involves how much Megumi idolizes Tsumiki as this epitome of goodness because it appears as though to Megumi, Tsumiki doesn't have a will of her own. Rather, she's an object upon whom he can project his emotional world and everything that is good about himself.
As an object that carries a projection of his emotional world, Tsumiki is also a Sleeping Beauty. Which can be taken as a metaphor for the status of Megumi's own emotional self--cursed to sleep for a hundred years.
Maybe I should expand upon this symbol in more detail. But for the sake of time what I'll say is that Sleeping Beauty is about awakening the feminine principle in order to achieve inner-balance between mind and heart/soul.
In JJK, Megumi's feminine principle has awakened, literalized by Tsumiki waking up, but the twist is that this carrier of Megumi's emotional world is now a cursed existence.
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So it's almost like the Sleeping Beauty has turned against Megumi's immature perception of her. She has a will of her own and is not afraid to do as her sense of self is pleased.
I like that Gege has given us this twist to this dynamic because it gives us another look at Megumi's immature perception of the world and where he needs to grow.
JJK is a true tragedy in that its character's flaws are what ushers their ultimate downfall, and the way Gege is executing is very Jungian to boot.
Not sure if Megumi will grow from this experience because of that 3.6% possibility that he is dead, but the thing about the Princess and her Knight trope is that the Knight in question might eventually learn to see the real heart under the projections he casted upon her.
Twelve from Terror in Resonance is a favorite example of this trope's execution where, after dragging his Fair Lady into trouble, Twelve eventually sees her for who she is. In other words, the Sleeping Beauty comes to life in her own right and the Knight recognizes her true essence and achieves wholeness within himself.
So there's A LOT of possible character development in store for Megumi if he's 96.4% alive given all of the symbolism surrounding Jacob's Ladder and even Kon as the alchemical principle of antimony which unifies opposites.
All of this said, I've read quite a bit of discourse about how Megumi should have known this wasn't Tsumiki that I personally don't agree with.
First, I don't think that because Megumi idealized her that he didn't know her. I find that to be a massive leap of faith in logic because Yorozu was acting based on information she had about Megumi. In a sense, she always had the upper hand.
Again... Reggie cursed Megumi to die a fool.
What's more foolish than looking down on Remi for having failed to recognize Reggie was no longer who she thought he was, and then dying because of it?
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So to me, its more of a question of Megumi failing to recognize this was not Tsumiki's soul / temperament.
There's a couple of characters that are favorites of mine who fool others because they walk a fine line between who they pretend to be and who they are at their core.
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People can say and behave in one way, but temperament is an entirely different thing.
In Tokyo Babylon, Seishiro acts a certain way, and even though Subaru seems to be aware of it, he ignores his intuition about it because Subaru enjoyed Seishiro's temperament.
The way I see it, by the mere fact that they grew up together, Megumi is familiar with Tsumiki's idiosyncrasies and/or temperament. You know, the small things that make her Tsumiki.
Like what she might say in any given moment.
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Or how she might behave in specific circumstances.
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I personally see these panels as Megumi noticing that something was off but that he ignored his intuition because Yorozu is pretty much an optical illusion. Again, she is someone with access to Tsumiki's mind's information.
But that's how I see it at least.
If I'm honest, this all makes me wonder why Yorozu played coy. Why not just beat him to a pulp and enter the Culling Game? Was she enjoying humoring Megumi?
Or is this simply a plot hole for the sake of shock value?
ANYWAYS. I hope that I didn't go on an unrelated tangent as per usual. Moving on!
I thought megumi would apologize too like he said, but I can't tell if it's intentional and it will lead to something more, or gege just wants to move the plot and won't explore those things anymore.
Ah I feel the same way!
There's so many little details that feel like might be left unresolved. So far it looks like Gege is paying off on his promises so I wonder if he's going to deliver some angsty moment where Megumi apologizes because Sukuna killed her. Perhaps not that precisely but I wouldn't put it past the cursed cat.
I always thought that seeing tsumiki as an actual person capable of good and bad would have challenged him, so I'm curious if that's still what we'll be exploring with megumi or if it doesn't matter anymore and he just died like a fool.
Oh this is GOOD stuff. Not the part about Megumi dying like a fool but... y'know.
Again, "go back to sleep Tsumiki. I am busy protecting you."
Honestly, I am not sure what I like the most about how things unfolded... that Megumi's soul broke because Tsumiki might be dead, or that Megumi's soul broke because she has a will of her own when she never did before lol.
Again. I am eager to see how Gege executes on the trope.
on a happier note 😊 I've been having a ball seeing sukuna mess around again with the mcs 😭 he's so fun to watch
Yeessssss... sort of... not really... but still... yeeeeeeessss...
I love Sukuna and I love that every time Sukuna shows up he just has this overbearing and amazing sense of self that comes through the page in such a beautiful way.
I kind of just wish he want back to Yuji's body for that lol.
But ok, FINE! Go forth Sukumi! I'm looking forward to seeing what shenanigans he gets into this time.
Sort of... not really... ok maybe.
I love the "save me/you" concept that we've seen in yuji and megumi, so I think yuji will play a role in saving him so to speak or playing a big role in megumi saving himself. OR since gege is using the titles to parallel the first few chapters of the series, we may get megumi dying in front of yuji after taking some control back and waha its sad again !!
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Wait... jk, noooooooooooo!
This is interesting because Jacob's Ladder also gets at the core of the idea of the human heart. OMG what is Gege planning?!!!
ok I personally think it's a bit too predictable for Megumi to do a reverse uno from chapter 9, but it is also very likely to happen. Sad indeed.
Gege did drop possible foreshadowing about Megumi's death, but it could also very well be a red herring.
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The reference to Patrasche is very tragic. You can read about A Dog of Flanders in Wikipedia, which has a quick summary of the story and mentions a couple of anime adaptations of the story.
In a nutshell, A Dog of Flanders is about a boy (who happens to be an orphan like a certain someone) with a very tragic life and his very tragic death.
Anyways, thanks for sharing this theory. I loved the continuity that Gege brought in from chapter 9 but I never thought to explore the end of the arc.
What do believe to be a fulfilling character arc for megumi? I don't mind him dying or living, but not in this very moment hehe 😃
Shoot. I have no clue!!! I'm really focused on taking each chapter at a time and not getting my hopes up about Megumi coming back. This is my own personal way of not getting hurt heh. I just don't want to be disappointed because Gege is unpredictable af sometimes.
So... I keep referring to Jacob's Ladder because as a symbol it represents the upward mobility of the soul. There's a clear theme of corruption and redemption of the self. So I feel like a fulfilling arc would be Megumi doing the whole union of opposites thing (remember the Sleeping Beauty references?) and re-awakening and overpowering Sukuna's sense of self.
After all, Gege already made it a point to make a distinction between how some people can be a vessels and others can be cages. I think it might be a theme of overcoming evil within oneself.
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Thanks for reaching out again!!!
It's always good to brainrot and chat with others about JJK so thank you for sending in your thoughts. Keep them coming if you wish :)
Apologies on the delayed answer as well.
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Hi there I’m looking for some advice and . Just someone to talk to about my dad. Content warning for… being subjected to an adults anger issues ig?? And physical violence (abuse?) and… sexual??? Something. Something happened
My dad was really nice for a lot of my younger years. I didn’t see him much because he works away most weeks since I was 3 months, but I made do with it. Then we started being a Saturday carer for someone. The entire Saturday was what he wanted. Macdonalds every week, and one set of bowling. I couldn’t refuse the macdonalds. I couldn’t go to the arcade area while the others bowled. But this was ok. It was still time with dad.
Sunday then became a day to visit nana. I love her and I would never change this. Then it also became the day grandma comes for tea. Then Saturday was also a day for grandma to come. Then Friday.
When I was in my young teens, my dad got sick. He had to have a surgery, which removed a gland which is partially responsible for controlling anger. Since then, my dad has been so scary.
He yells so much when things go wrong. He gets angry on the road and I feel like we’re going to crash. He got annoyed I was saying I needed to go to the hospital, that I was *dying* and told me to man up. I ended up hospitalised, on oxygen, drip in my arm giving me the fluids I’d spent days missing out on.
That was the first time I can remember him cancelling a work trip.
I’ve always been a daddy’s kid, because I barely get time with him. And he’s always been a gift parent, because he doesn’t know how to make up for how long he’s away. And he’s too scared to apologise for screaming at me and hurting me. He dislocated my wrist and my shoulder one night. He wanted to take my phone. I was left on my bed feeling violated and scared and in pain and I had to put my joints back in myself. I’m too quiet, he calls me “creeping jesus” and sometimes I’m just trying to get past him and he won’t know I’m there and he’ll whack me as a first response.
One time he sprayed salt water Inbetween my upper thighs, on my… feminine parts. because I wasn’t waking up fast enough. It sure did wake me up.
When he gets annoyed with me I feel so scared, but when he’s happy I feel so loved. Im so confused and scared.
He also just got a new apprentice and shes my age. She travels with him. I’m so jealous. He talks about her a lot. I want to be her so bad. I’d kill to be her. She’s taking my dad away from me. I hate her so much.
Hi anon,
I'm sorry to hear about the way your dad has been mistreating and abusing you. Thank you for sharing your experiences.
It doesn't completely make sense to me that the removal of a gland that "controls anger" is the reason why he mistreats you. Because in my mind, when something that has been partially controlling his anger is removed and as a result he has been tormenting you, that implies that those urges were there this whole time and he was merely holding them back. The process of behavior typically relies on desire, which is filtered before it is acted upon. When you remove that filter, every desire to act becomes action, regardless of what the filter would've stopped. So the removal of the filter isn't to blame so much as the origin of those desires, if that makes sense. So ultimately, I don't think it's his surgery that's to blame, it's himself. I think it's important to hold him accountable for his actions regardless of any medical procedures he's undergone.
There is no excuse for him to neglect getting you medical attention, exhibiting road rage especially with you as a passenger, physically abusing you, or not apologizing to you. That's hurtful and damaging to you and as your father he should recognize that.
I can understand how conflicting it feels to be fond of someone who also hurts and scares you in one moment and is happy the next. It's valid to have mixed feelings about your father. I hope that your dad can either better learn to manage his behavior or that you can reach a safe distance from him. I wish you the best.
If anyone reading this has any additional comments, it would be highly appreciated.
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fictionfixations · 1 month
i set it as mature because im kind of vaguely referring to it but just in case.
Since I talk about anything and everything on this blog, here are my opinions over live action shows. Note that I am very biased in the sense that I prefer animation over real life stuff, but also live action stuff has stupidly good sound design that it just hits that satisfying part.
But anyway I don't watch them that often. That's partially my fault because I don't keep up to date with news regarding that, however reasons I don't really like to watch them that much is kind of just.. the drama??
Like uhh, let me talk about How to Get Away with Murder. It's kind of crazy that you can have something with that title, but then again there's like a book that's like.. Lol(complete this word) something. I can't remember now but I think it's about uhh a pretty bad thing? (I found it in the wild and was like 'huh I think I've heard of this' and googled it to see if it'd be something I'd like to read. Haha no.) I don't really wanna google to make sure anyway but uh under the assumption that it's kind of over a really bad thing (and probably fiction because I think it's in the POV of the person who is doing the bad????)
So I guess anything can really exist tbh, including a title like that. But so. I got into it cause I had an interest in law and crime stuff. And the beginning part where it shows a thing that's happening, then we rewind back to how we got there. That was really cool, but maybe it's my bad for not knowing what's going on anymore, but with later seasons it felt like it was just plot twisting because without any actual reason besides 'ahh the other seasons did this'.
Anyway. I hate relationship drama. Like there's just this gay guy I think? And he got with someone. And then he cheated and he gets dumped and sad times and I'm just like WHY D ID YOU DO THAT ??? I mean iirc he did it to get like information but om
or like. So there's these pairings. I generally can't remember age difference but I'm pretty sure.. I think her name was Bonnie...???????? It's been awhile so I can't remember any names actually. But so it was I think the main lawyer teacher person's assistant or something? and i think she got into a relationship with a student. Now I think they're all 18 at least but like OM. WHY. Like. It just felt like they were doing the naughty because. with no actual reason?? like ohh lets all put them into relationshipss because. i dont know???
and again i might be completely biased but this is how i felt watching it and so thats what i remember. maybe there is a reason. i dont know. i just feel iffy with the probably age difference. or at least power difference
or maybe i just dont like work relationships turning into romance or sexual ones like om
And then there's this guy who I think is older but I can't remember what his position was. ANd there's this girl whose like also a student? Like okay so basically there's this lawyer teacher person and there's a bunch of students in her class. and she chose a bunch of them to help her with managing cases
But so there's this guy who is NOT a part of that. but pursuing a relationship with the girl despite age gap probably??? I swear there was something something during the show about it that made conflict but im just like what the fuck why
Like okay ignoring all the dark and fucked up shit in like some of the cases iirc, can we not have everyone getting into a relationship for some unknown reason?
and then there was the thing about the lawyer teacher persons husband???? or no ? person she has a thing. with? but i think he has a wife??? but like he basically did a lot to help her win the cases (and also meant he like lost his job or got demoted or something) so that fucked him over a lot
blah blah blah.
also his wife who was like dying or some shit was like to her 'pull the plug' and she did it and then the guy found her and his wife dead and he thought she did it maliciously and im just like CO.MU.NI.CA.TI.ON. PLEASE. and like he might not believe her but also NOT saying it means that its a 0% chance of being believed anyway because you dont propose the idea??
maybe im just like. being. super confused. also i stopped somewhere during like this weird hallucination baby part and i dont know what the fuck happened??? and its like the baby isnt real but the teacher lawyer person thinks theres a baby
and im pretty sure i missed something because i have no idea when that became a thing
anyway i got too off topic. what i mean about my general dislike of live action shows is
drama. because like they have to get some conflict to continue the story?? but it either feels like it comes out of nowhere or makes one of the characters or both characters assholes and really shitty to each other. and like getting good relationships breaking up and getting back together and being toxic and im just like BRUV stop hurting each other?? PLEASE????
often said but MISCOMMUNICATION. the bad kind. like not tcf miscommunication of haha funny, but the kind that breaks relationships??? like yknow the frustration of itd all just be solved if they TALKED TO EACH OTHER
like. i dont know, maybe its just me. but like the first few seasons of a show tend to be like really good? and then it kind of feels like it degrades over time because they're trying to keep it going and so theyre dragging it out, adding bits and pieces here to try and keep the audience hooked.
and dont get me wrong its okay to like those kinds of shows, its just not my cup of tea and probably even more considering age difference relationships are kinda not something i like to see. i mean irl if its like something that makes you happy, and youre old enough to make your own choices and you know what youre doing and being with your partner makes you happy, then all the power to you.
and i honestly might be irritated by the amount of stories where character falls in love with like someone who they work with, generally in a higher position so im more against it.
tbh though it might just be that what i dont like about more darker or like adult shows tend to include doing the thing? because it becomes something dark because thats the kind of show they're in so it inevitably gets dragged down with it ?? like it becomes less 'im doing it because im in love' or 'im doing it and im genuinely enjoying it' and becomes something else that makes me not able to enjoy it. and idk a lot of feels like 'impulsive lets do the thing, wake up the next morning how the fuck do we act'. and thats not to be like you cant do that because you can, but it feels like its generally kind of done to run away from problems or deal with stress without thinking of how they're going to handle it later? so its like doing it with (implied??) consent but not really actually thinking about like consequences so its kind of muddy
or like. doing the thing just because they can? to which its just there because uh plot without actually meaning anything.?? like theres no point and it makes everything more complex and like it brings about a kind of relationship that i dont like and hhh
actually while im thinking about this
can we talk about how like squid game. i think that had a scene where two characters did the thing. and how the fanbase is kind of made up of kids who probably assumedly watched it..? like cause it got really trendy and so on. which is kind of wtf
anyway i dont remember why they did it because i havent watched that in awhile either. who knows maybe they had valid reasons, idk i forgot it even happened until now.
anywayyy theres probably plenty of shows that have none of that (honestly i should probably just find shows with no romance because the few ive seen have probably tainted how i think of them in general). but ive never seen them so womp womp.
to be perfectly clear though theres very few shows ive watched. like theres..
How to Get Away with Murder (idk what season I stopped at) Supernatural (idk what season i stopped at..) Lucifer (idk what season i stopped at) Squid Game The Umbrella Academy (idk what season I stopped at? i cant remember if there was any romance in this one, but I think I watched it to its recentest point at one point. and then like I think next season the one character whose name I cannot remember's actor became of the opposite gender? which good for them and i think their character changed genders too? but that was before next season came and then i didnt keep up with news so had no idea until i went to like the shows wiki tbh) Crazy Ex Girlfriend (honestly it was more me watching it with a friend. there was generally some crazy shit tbh and then we stopped cause watching it was stressful to them. i dont really fully remember what happened but it was weird)
so like really not big enough of a pool for me to really know if theres shows that are different and better. and it might be also because that i watched it my recommendations are then filled with stuff like that
so yeah. shrug.
anyway i just like talking so i wanted to get that out there. i might be totally wrong but if i dont get it out its just gonna keep bothering me to think about it
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