#but he also gets really snuggly and into it so he sorta.. squeezes on really tight
mydemonsdrivealimo · 9 months
thinking about jensen and bryce snuggling in their sleep but it's just the part where jensen accidentally totally and completely puts bryce into a choke hold
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High Voltage [+18]
Rating: Explicit +18 / Minors Do Not Interact
Length: 11700k words 
Summary: What happens when your parents aren’t home, and you have a certain blue ghost whom you want to show the wonders of the human body on his special day?
Writer’s Notes: Please don’t be weird, I just want to write a couple of my guy ocs having a healthy relationship. 
Content Warnings: Heavy kissing, male on male, hand / oral / anal sex, unprotected anal sex + use of lubricant, some cursing here and there
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Floating silently just behind his partner, Kai let out a drawn-out sigh alerting his partner to his annoyance, “Marco, where are we going?”
It was true, the 20-year-old ghost had no idea where they were truly going, for all Marco had been pretty quiet about it. They were in the Akahoshi family home, but that was all Kai knew.
The 19-year-old in question halted and turned on his heels with an exasperated expression. “You know Kai? I swear you’re pretty dense sometimes, I told you it’s a bit of a surprise.”
Marco came closer to the blue ghost and stared into his dark orange eyes. Not minding that his black messy bangs were in the way, Marco gently pressed his forehead against Kai’s feeling the cool blue skin against his. His own dark brown eyes stared into Kai’s eyes.
Kai shifted his eyes a bit bashfully seeing the genuine love in the human’s eyes, he felt his mouth twitch into a grin. He raised a gloved hand, in which he had claws for fingers, he carefully held the side of Marco’s face. Kai really did admire the human’s pleasantly warm features of dark hair and eyes with pale, warm ivory skin.
After a few minutes of close contact, Marco drew away taking Kai’s hand into his own and began gently pulling him in one particular direction. Letting himself be pulled through the dining area and towards the patio doors that lead into the backyard, Kai became a little bit more curious. With Marco still holding his hand, the blue ghost stood back awkwardly as the human strained himself to open the heavy patio doors.
Marco groaned and grunted in effort as he slowly slid the patio door open, letting in the fresh air of the evening. Smiling in victory, he turned to Kai and began pulling at him once more.
“What’s so interesting about the backyard?” Kai asked floating along, his feet just barely touching the ground.
“Oh, you silly ghost,” Marco crooned softly, which struck the blue ghost as odd. “You’ll see when I show you.”
Kai wanted to say something, but nothing came out of him. As though the words were simply stalled in the back of his throat.
“You know my parents aren’t home, right?” Marco crossed his arms.
Remembering that tic, Kai nodded. Although Marco’s father just didn’t sit right with him and desired to spend as little time around him as possible.
“Yes...” Kai started, thoughtfulness filled him up. “And your grandpa is…?”
“Deep asleep,” Marco finished feeling a little giddy. “It’s just us tonight.”
“Oh…kay?” The blue ghost furrowed his brows in confusion. He squawked a little when he unexpectedly lurched forwards, being pulled by Marco once again.
That confusion only continued to broaden as the peculiar duo made their way across the lawn, mindful of the lawn furniture that were scattered about. Kai looked ahead to see where Marco was apparently heading, towards the very back of the yard was a series of thick bushes and a few trees.
Sharing a look with his partner, the human only shook his head and motioned for the blue ghost to come. Marco got down on to his knees and crawled into the bushes, Kai leaned down and stared at the spot where he had vanished. He remained there for several moments before he heard a voice come out of the bush.
“Kai, come on!” Marco hissed at the blue ghost, feeling rather impatient.
The tiniest of a growl rumbled in Kai’s throat, he clamped it down and got down to his knees and crawled in after Marco. Taking care to avoid branches poking his eyes out and leaves limiting his vision, he came into a decent space that was surprisingly well hidden.
It seemed familiar too.
Looking up Kai found Marco sitting against the tree trunk, apparently taking a short rest. He looked so cozy and snuggly, the blue ghost flew forwards, his legs momentarily turned into a ghostly tail. Silently settling himself beside Marco, he leaned in and set his chin atop of the human’s head.
Kai leaned into him, Marco smiled and nudged him with his head, silently asking for more physical contact. That smile became a wide grin as a pair of strong arms wrapped around him and Marco felt himself being lifted. He was carefully placed on Kai’s lap, in turn he placed his cheek against the toned chest and closed his eyes, Marco let out a soft sigh of content.
“This place familiar to you yet?” Marco mumbled against Kai’s chest.
“It seems so...” Kai responded looking around. “I haven’t been here in a long while.”
“This is where we first met, remember that Kai?”
“Yeah, I do.”
“So this place is kinda special, in a way.”
“Mm...I suppose.”
Marco went to say some more but for whatever reason, his mind decided to focus on the fact that he was sitting on Kai’s lap. Specifically, almost right on his crotch. His face flushed hotly at the thought, making him whimper quietly and clutch onto the blue ghost’s coat.
Kai stiffened at the sensation of Marco grabbing onto his coat like that. He cocked his head and raised an eyebrow, wondering what had his partner all riled up.
Getting a closer look at Marco’s face, he saw it seemed to be red and flushed. Reaching out Kai carefully took his face and nudged it in his direction.
“Marco, what’s wrong?” He asked, his eyes glinted slightly with worry.
“I...um...” the human fumbled, his face still flushing. He desperately needed to change the direction his mind apparently wanted to go in. “Oh yeah! I wanted to surprise you with something since it’s sorta your birthday and all...”
Moving around to get in a more comfortable position, Marco found himself sitting right on top of Kai’s lap and also directly on top of his crotch. He whimpered again feeling both of their bodies pressed together.
“Birthday?” Kai repeated with some exasperation, unaware of the human’s current dilemma. “Marco, ghosts don’t exactly celebrate birthdays.”
“I know that,” Marco huffed out, finally calming down a little. “It’s still the day I met you.”
The blue ghost nonchalantly nodded his head, even after all this time he still wondered why Marco insisted that the 1st of July was Kai’s ‘birthday’.
“Right,” Kai nodded, looking directly at Marco’s eyes. “You said you had a surprise for me?”
“Yes,” Marco glanced away, his hands curled into fists on Kai’s chest. “It...it’s about us.”
“What about us?” Kai asked, suspicion crept into his tone.
“In all the time we’ve been together,” Marco exhaled softly, embarrassment built up in his chest. “Have you ever thought about...you know...sex?”
There was no immediate response as Kai seemed to have been struck dumb by the question. His face had a noticeable twitch and blush. His body squirmed in embarrassment.
“Not really...maybe?” He shrugged, not sure what to say. “I mean, we have seen each other naked before, even slept together naked. But beyond that...no.”
“Yeah,” Marco’s expression had crunched up a little into a mix of exasperation and embarrassment. “I’ve been thinking about it, I even dreamed about it.”
His faced turned a brighter red upon finishing the last of that sentence. That dream had come to a point he nearly orgasmed in his sleep.
“You dreamed...of having sex with me?” Kai’s face had turned a darker shade of blue, his eyes avoided Marco’s. “I don’t know whether I should be flattered or mortified.”
His voice had let out such a drawl at the end that Marco playfully smacked Kai’s shoulder, making the blue ghost chuckle in return. They both had wide grins and were chuckling quietly.
Kai stopped chuckling and took notice that his legs were becoming stiff laying flat like that. He started to move, making Marco yelp slightly.
He slowly bent his legs, dragging his feet along the ground and bending the knees. Once he was in a more satisfactory position, Kai was in a partial fetal pose, only with Marco on his lap.
Marco whimpered a little, their bodies were pressing together even closer this time. He tried to move, but the fact that he sort of had his legs spread out in order to comfortably sit on his partner’s lap, he ended up brushing along Kai’s crotch and felt a small jolt go through him.
The human blushed quite intensely at the sensation, and buried his face in Kai’s chest.
“What is it?” Kai raised his eyebrow in a questioning manner, while noting that their bodies were pressed together in a strangely pleasant way. He slowly and carefully placed his hands on Marco’s sides as if he were holding him upright.
Oh god what do I tell him? Marco squeezed his eyes shut. He set his jaw as his face grew hotter. That I’m literally rubbing up against his dick? Even if accidentally...
“Marco? Hello?” Kai tilted his head and waved his hand near the human’s face.
I don’t think he heard me...the blue ghost thought to himself. Looking over his partner, Kai realized how the human seemed to be sitting in an interesting position.
“That’s an interesting position you decided to sit in,” he stated.
“What do you mean?” Marco asked avoiding Kai’s eyes. He very much wanted to pretend he wasn’t sitting on the blue ghost’s lap in a suggestive manner.
“I think you know exactly what I mean,” Kai slightly tightened his grip on Marco’s sides. “You could’ve chosen any other position, yet you chose to sit in this one, and I wonder why.”
The blue ghost’s voice had deepened a little towards the end, making Marco lean back, his face full on blushing at this point. Marco supposed he did know why he decided to sit like this.
“That dream...” Marco began softly. “It wasn’t the only one, there were more. I... really want you, Kai.”
Kai didn’t say anything, but the spreading blush on his face said otherwise. He glanced away, one part of him wanted to feel what a human would feel on him, especially if that human was Marco. However the other half was more doubtful, no thanks to the negative reactions from those who didn’t see their relationship as ‘normal’.
“I’ve always wondered what that would feel like,” Kai’s voice faltered a little in embarrassment. “But...Marco, aren’t you worried? I’m a ghost...”
He stopped talking when Marco put a finger on his lips to shush him, along with an upset expression.
“Don’t you dare...don’t you fucking dare, Kai,” Marco said sharply, which made Kai raise his brow at the sound of him swearing. “I don’t care. Ghost or not, I love you, and I want you to fuck me because I know it’ll feel good, and I know you’ll take good care of me.”
His face was a bright crimson upon declaring that. He looked away with a small pout once he realized that he actually said all of that in a heated and emotional state. Sighing in exasperation, Marco leaned in and placed his cheek against Kai’s chest, trying to calm down and relax.
“Well...you...I mean...” Kai blustered, a warmth buzzed in his chest. “Ok...tell me what you’re really thinking, how do you feel about it?”
“Remember those times when it was really awkward and we both wanted to say something, but didn’t?” Marco responded, quirking his brows as he sorted his thoughts. “Do you remember that time when we were home alone, and you were on my bed resting?”
“And do you remember when I came in and accidentally jumped on top of you? Our dicks were literally rubbing together and you were so surprised-“
“Oh ghost, Marco,” Kai shook his head and hid his face. “Don’t remind me! Well... I kinda did want to ask you then if you wanted to do it, but like you said, I was so surprised the question just stalled in my mouth.”
He looked up at his partner, “You must really want me.”
“I do,” Marco came closer so that their noses were nearly touching. “Very badly.”
“Are we really doing this?”
“Yes...? Unless you’re not comfortable?”
“I’m fine, just...jittery that’s all,” Kai let out a quiet laugh. “I want to do this.”
“I think I’m nervous too,” Marco smiled softly.
Curious about how they were going to do this, the blue ghost went to ask, but he was silenced by a finger touching his lips once again. He looked up to see Marco with a thoughtful expression.
“Like this,” Marco said as he leaned forward, his heart beat faster and faster with his body shivered in excitement. Moments later, his lips connected with Kai’s.
The blue ghost leaned into it. The human’s breath was warm against his face and his lips were so soft. Kai shifted around, his body quivered slightly and his ghost core thrummed in response.
The kiss was gentle and full of...passion in a way. Marco raised his hand to Kai’s face and held his jaw gently with his thumb and index fingers.
The blue ghost tilted to the side a little, leaning into his partner’s touch.
With a hidden grin, he wanted to tease Kai a little, Marco carefully pulled away. He didn’t move further than a few inches from Kai’s face, the blue ghost whined a little in protest.
Keeping just a few inches from Kai, the human took his hand away and reached down to his bicep and gave it a small squeeze. He heard Kai let out a small gasp, which was soon followed by a soft groan.
Kai tensed up, a small groan escaped his mouth. He wrapped his strong arms around Marco and pulled him closer in an assertive manner. Kai gazed into Marco’s dark brown eyes, seeing a glint of wonder of what was going to happen next.
Holding Marco closer, Kai placed one hand on the upper section of Marco’s back, the other on the lower section where his spine ended. Marco carefully pressed himself against Kai’s body and wrapped his arms around Kai’s neck.
Their lips met once again, the heat feeling more intense than last time. It seemed as though magic was at work, bringing the two closer together. It did feel rather quite nice.
Marco then slowly began to run his fingers through Kai’s soft hair, using his fingers as a makeshift comb. The stroking sent pleasurable tingles down Kai’s body. Marco put his other hand to use by stroking his partner’s back, making a soothing circling motion.
Meanwhile, Kai had taken to slowly rubbing Marco’s body by running his claws down the human’s spine, his other hand doing a circling motion on his lower back. Marco felt goosebumps at the motions, which was followed by a smaller, pleasurable tingle travelling through him.
Continuously running his fingers through Kai’s fiery hair, Marco decided to try caressing Kai’s back instead. He ran his fingers along the toned muscles, causing the blue ghost to let out a soft sigh against the kiss.
Glad that Kai was starting relax and loosen up a little, Marco deepened the kiss, their lips locking together. Kai let a rough sounding moan escape his mouth, his breaths now starting to come out in small gasps.
Hearing the soft moans and feeling Kai’s grip on him tighten, Marco knew he was doing a good job pleasing him. Still wanting to take it slow though, he slowly moved down and nipped gently on the blue ghost’s lower lip. The resounding response was Kai’s breath quickening.
“Mm~” Kai moaned closing his eyes. He held Marco closer to him, he wanted more. “M- M-“
Seeing that Kai wanted more, Marco nipped the blue ghost’s lower lip again. As soon as his breaths quickened, Marco slipped his tongue into Kai’s mouth. As he did so, he began to lightly grind himself against Kai’s pelvis.
“Mmm...” Kai mumbled, his face heated up feeling Marco’s tongue sliding into his mouth. He jolted a little feeling the human rub himself up against him, it sent what felt like electricity through him in small bursts. “Mm~!”
He moaned loudly and quivered in pleasure as Marco began to explore his mouth. As the grinding down below continued, Kai’s body tensed just feeling it and he felt his inner muscles tighten. It sent small jolts through the blue ghost making him twitch. Then slowly he felt the sensation of his pants feeling a tad too tight.
“Nnng~” the blue ghost whimpered, his dick grew hard. “Mmmg~!”
He pulled his arm from behind Marco’s back, Kai slid his hand down towards the bulge in his pants. In the meantime he began to push his tongue with Marco’s, trying to get his own into his partner’s mouth.
With the heat growing in intensity between them, and no sign of them parting any time soon, Kai brushed his hand against the bulge in his pants. The tightness became more prominent than before, as though his dick wanted to be freed and played with.
Kai whimpered and rubbed the bulge, it made him jolt in pleasure. It gave Marco advantage and he quickly made his way back into Kai’s mouth. Marco made sure to slowly explore and lick the most sensitive spots he found. Namely, the back of Kai’s throat.
Feeling more into the moment, Marco smiled to himself hearing the soft sounds coming out of Kai. Another thing he noted, was that the blue ghost seemed to be touching- no, rubbing himself between his legs. Marco’s face felt a rush of heat, knowing what that meant.
Marco moaned softly, his mind making up all sorts of dirty scenarios. They all seemed too much to handle-
He quickly held a hand at his crotch, his dick slowly hardened at the sexual tension. Marco grimaced as it strained, and without any second thoughts, he pushed himself against Kai. The sensation sent jolts through his body.
Marco groaned softly, the straining down below became stronger. Oh god...I want you so fucking bad...
Kai grew rigid when their bodies pressed together, he could feel Marco’s erection through the fabric. He squirmed around, breath shuddering, and bucked his hips a little.
Marco gasped loudly when Kai bucked his hips, their lower bodies grinding against each other. With excitement building up in his body, Marco slowly began to move as he pulled his lips away from the blue ghost.
Once they parted, their faces were fairly flushed and panting loudly. Although Kai’s panting faded into small gasps as he felt the human moving, he looked down to see Marco grinding his lower body against the bulge in Kai’s pants.
Every time Marco would rub against Kai’s member, it sent such strong jolts through him making him arch his back in pleasure. It turned out, as Kai soon discovered, that it encouraged Marco to grind himself harder. The grinding made the blue ghost’s muscles tense up and start moving in sync with Marco.
“Ah...fuck~” Kai groaned, continuous tingles of pleasure shot through him. His pants were starting to feel much more tighter too. “Agh~ Marco...”
Hearing Kai speak his name in that husky manner had Marco blushing and quivering, his heart thundering at this point. He continued to rub himself against Kai’s body, and he tensed up feeling the blue ghost moving with him, pushing and rubbing against his member.
“Nn~” Marco let out a small sound, biting his lips. S-so good...
After a short time passed, Kai arched his back once again. Not only because of the grinding, but also because he felt his insides almost contracting. Down below, he felt his erection become more intense and started throbbing. The bulge in his pants was a lot more noticeable now.
Kai shivered at the sensation. Not a moment too soon, he felt a bit of wetness leaking from his dick. The wetness made him shiver more. “M-Marco...I think I’m...going to cum...”
Indeed he was, for the flow of the precum was slowly growing thicker. Sooner or later, it was going to become messy.
“I-I didn’t think you’d go that fast,” Marco whispered with a small grin.
Tentatively, Marco reached down and touched the bulge with a couple of fingers. Like Kai said, he could feel a small wet patch. Grinning devilishly, the human gently pressed on the bulge.
He watched Kai jerk at the sensation, his muscles tense and his overall posture rigid.
“...please...” Kai mumbled, his face pinched in delight.
“Please...what~?” Marco asked, rubbing the bulge with his hand.
“Ah...ah...ha...” the blue ghost whined in frustration. His pants were too fucking tight at this point and a little painful because Marco was teasing him too much.
Continuing to methodically rub Kai’s dick, the blue ghost let out a drawn out gasp and the wet patch spread out. The human’s grin grew wider and began rubbing his partner even faster.
Kai whimpered squirming around, his member throbbed painfully and the precum becoming heavier. Better yet, it seemed as though Marco was going to help with that doing all the rubbing and stimulation.
“Fuck~ I feel like I’m going to explode...”
Marco looked up sharply at his partner with a slight pout. He stopped rubbing and pulled his hand away, he then leaned back and got off of Kai’s lap. He left behind a slightly dumbfounded ghost.
The human looked down at Kai again, taking in all the details. The blue ghost seemed so damn tense, judging by how his hands kept clenching and unclenching. Then there was the bulge in his pants along with the precum having leaked through.
As delectable as Kai was, Marco secretly wanted the blue ghost to go inside him.
“Marco?” Kai prompted, tilting his head to the side.
“Wha- oh,” the human looked away, his blush returned. The erection in his pants felt uncomfortable and tight, and Marco wanted to strip down.
“Kai, if you’re ok with it,” Marco said gazing at his partner. “Could we strip off? I feel really hot in my clothes and...I could use some attention~”
Kai nodded as he slowly stood up, a grin brightened his face.
Going for his coat, Kai undid the zipper and slid his coat off revealing his muscled body underneath. Technically he was still wearing a shirt, but the muscles were showing through.
“H-hold on, wait,” Marco leapt up remembering something. “I almost forgot...”
Walking to the side of their hiding space, he crouched down and reached out for something hidden. After fumbling around for a moment or two, Marco drew out a bag from the bushes.
Turning to Kai, the human opened up the bag and dumped out some things that the blue ghost couldn’t quite identify. Marco took the largest item and began unfolding it.
“Is that a blanket?” Kai asked, his brows furrowed together. “And how did that bag get there?”
“Um...yeah,” Marco quickly looked away, holding a half-unfolded blanket in his arms. “I knew we were going to need them, so I hid them before you got here.”
Kai shrugged, not quite understanding the logic of this.
Once the fairly large blanket was unfolded and placed on the ground, Kai got a closer look at it. It was a nice shade of blue illuminated by the lights coming from the yard. Touching it, it was surprisingly soft.
Seeing Marco pick up something from the corner of his eye, Kai turned his head to see his partner holding some kind of tube. The human was looking at it very intently, as though he was scrutinizing it.
“What’s that?” Kai asked, gesturing to the unidentifiable tube.
“Er...” Marco blushed, he held it close to hide it from Kai. “It’s...lubricant.”
“Lube-what?” The blue ghost’s expression scrunched up in utter confusion.
Sighing, Marco shook his head and set the tube near the blanket. “I’ll tell you, but not right this moment.”
He stared at the blue ghost, noticing how Kai’s toned body was showing through his shirt. Marco crawled forward and gently pressed his forehead against Kai’s, their lips were almost touching yet so far apart.
“Strip. Now.” Marco stared into the dark orange eyes, his tone commanding.
“Anything for you~” Kai had a small smirk as he slid his gloves off. He went to slide his shirt off but he was stopped.
Kai watched with a small grin as Marco reached for his shirt and slid a hand under it. He quivered a little feeling the warm skin on his own. Then the stroking started, causing Kai to bite his lip.
“Your body feels so good,” Marco said softly, feeling Kai’s abs. “Your abs feel rock hard.”
Kai grinned awkwardly.
Marco continued to feel up his partner’s lower body, caressing and paying extra attention to his sensitive spots.
“Mm...your massages always feel so good...” Kai mumbled, breathing in sync with the motion of Marco’s hands.
His chest warmed up at the praise, Marco slid his hands further up Kai’s shirt, right up to his chest. He felt the blue ghost move around, which was followed by a quiet sigh. Slowly, the human began massaging Kai’s chest, running his hands in a circular motion.
“Ah...nn~” Kai moaned softly, his body twitched and a warmth spread over it.
“Oh? What’s that?” Marco grinned, knowing if he massaged certain areas on his partner’s chest, Kai would let him know those spots were sensitive. “What if I...massage this...”
He began to lightly mass Kai’s pecs, grinning widely as he heard a sharp intake.
“O-oh, yeah...” Kai mumbled, “Right there...it’s kinda sensitive...”
Perfect, the human thought, he applied more pressure. Down below, his erection grew hard again, slowly becoming sexually aroused once more. Fuck...I didn’t...
The blue ghost inhaled and leaned back, enjoying the sensation of Marco feeling up his pecs. His dick remained hard and leaking just a little bit, but not as heavily as before.
Good...I don’t wanna make a mess before we even get started, Kai thought, lust briefly took hold of his thoughts. He let out the barest of a whimper, his dick strained against his pants. He did let out a slight groan, he sat up straighter and stiffly.
Noting his partner’s stiffer posture, Marco instinctively knew the blue ghost was slowly getting annoyed by his erection, making his pants uncomfortable until they could be stripped off.
Making his decision, Marco moved his hands away from Kai’s chest and held the bottom of his shirt.
Kai looked up briefly at Marco, then gazed down to see the human’s hands holding his shirt.
Here we go...Marco inhaled quietly before lifting Kai’s shirt. He made sure to do it slowly, smirking faintly watching the blue ghost’s face twitch in anticipation. As he pulled the shirt upwards, he used his other hand trail it slowly along Kai’s body, caressing him.
“You’re such a fucking tease, you know that Marco?” Kai muttered, he looked away to avoid his eyes.
“Of course,” Marco teased, leaning in and gently bumping his forehead with Kai’s.
He continued to slide the shirt up while marveling Kai’s soon to be bare upper body. Soon enough he pulled the shirt over his partner’s head and flung it away.
“Excited, are we?” Kai asked holding Marco’s sides again.
Rather than verbally respond, Marco leaned in to give Kai a soft kiss right on the lips. The blue ghost warmed up at the sensation.
Kai raised his hands and gently held his partner’s head while whispering, “When I get the chance, I’m gonna kiss you until you can no longer think straight~”
“You’ll have to get me first~” Marco whispered back, eyes soft.
“Don’t you worry...” Kai said, unzipping his partner’s grey coat and flung it away. “I will~”
The human shivered, not because it was cool out, but because he felt butterflies in his stomach at the sound of Kai’s...sexy voice.
When did you have such a sexy voice, Kai? Marco thought idly as he wrapped his arms around the blue ghost’s neck.
He trembled when he felt cool skin against his own. Glancing down he found Kai’s hands under his shirt, feeling him up. Shortly afterwards Marco let out a loud gasp and bounced up and down. He made a small sound, something a tad sharp dragged along his stomach.
Looking down yet again Marco had a face of desire, despite the fact that the pain should be bothering him. He shifted around feeling Kai’s claws slowly trail up his stomach, it sent tingles through him. His back jerked in pleasure and his dick hardened some more.
Marco’s body arched, Kai smiled lightly and took hold of his partner’s shirt, he slowly began to slide it off. Kai heard Marco mumbling quietly and the arms around his neck removed themselves. Finally pulling the shirt over Marco’s head, Kai watched with an amused expression as the human shyly wrapped his arms around himself.
“You ok?” Kai asked holding Marco’s face.
“Yeah...I’m just so jittery!” Marco responded shyly. “I don’t know if it’s because it’s cool out tonight or...”
“Because you want me to touch you?” Kai finished, caressing his partner’s face ever so slowly.
Seeing Marco’s face flush brightly, Kai smiled softly and nudged the human’s face in his direction.
“I won’t hurt you,” Kai affirmed, “We both know that. But if you do feel like I’m hurting you, you can just tell me to stop Marco.”
Smiling lightly, Marco nodded and leaned in pressing his lips against Kai’s. The blue ghost leaned in, wanting to savour this moment.
“You’re the best, you know that?” Marco asked softly, his expression relaxed.
“Well...I guess,” Kai shrugged nonchalantly. “I wouldn’t call myself the best.”
“You’re the best for me,” Marco repeated, huffing faintly. “That’s all I need.”
Eyebrow raised, Kai had a thoughtful expression before his face broke out into a small smile. He held Marco’s head gently and lightly nuzzled him on the forehead.
Marco laughed quietly, revelling in the attention his partner was showering him with. He held the blue ghost’s shoulders and pulled him a little closer.
There was a soft grunt which made him lean back to get a better look at the blue ghost. Kai had what seemed to be an annoyed expression, and he was fidgeting on the spot.
“Kai,” Marco began, feeling shy. “Would you mind taking your pants off?”
“Are you sure you still want to go through with this?” Kai asked, his expression serious.
“Yes...please...” Marco responded, his gaze was cast downwards.
“Alright then,” the blue ghost moved his hands away, and held them on the hem of his pants. Kai glanced up briefly, he saw his partner’s face turning bright.
With a steady breath, Kai undid the buckle of his belt, and firmly held the hem. He began to slide them down.
His body shivered once they slid past his hips.
Marco’s face flushed hotly, his eyes taking in the sight of his partner’s muscular body. He inhaled deeply to keep himself calm.
Pushing them down his legs, Kai stripped off the pant legs one by one so they wouldn’t be too much of a hassle to remove. He shivered as the only thing that was left were his boxers.
Marco stifled a laugh, seeing that Kai’s bulge was definitely more visible now.
“I see you’re very excited~” the human commented in a smug tone.
Looking down, Kai face darkened with a sense of embarrassment. He inhaled, shifting his body around.
“Can I...” Marco paused for a second. “... touch it?”
“Of course,” the blue ghost had a toothy grin.
He held a hand out, waving his fingers in encouragement. Slowly and tentatively, Marco reached out and gripped it. Their fingers intertwined together as Kai gently guided his hand down to his crotch.
Marco’s breath quickened as he slowly lowered his hand, it was just a couple inches away. He could feel the heat, though whether it was coming from Kai, or him, he couldn’t tell.
Biting his lip nervously, Marco gently held his hand on his partner’s crotch. He lightly rubbed the bulge, his eyes darted up to watch Kai’s reaction.
Kai stiffened, a soft groan emitted from him. He looked down, watching his partner’s hand rub him. The blue ghost shifted on the spot, his legs quivered, a tingling pleasurable sensation travelled through his body.
Marco gasped softly, his hand automatically went between his legs. Heat spread through his body like a wildfire, his face flushed brightly.
He chuckled softly, though there was a tinge of nervousness to it, “It feels pretty hard. Let’s see...”
He very lightly squeezed, making sure to at least partly curl his fingers around it. He heard a faintly drawn out gasp.
Kai squirmed around in pleasure, he tried to press his legs together but of course, Marco was right there.
“Please...” Kai said with a wispy tone, “T-take them off...”
“Hm? You want me to do the honours~?” Marco teased.
With an excited look on his face, Marco moved his hand away from the bulge to the hem of Kai’s boxers. He gently traced his thumbs along his partner’s iliac furrows - two prominent shallow grooves that ran along his pubis.
Marco held his partner’s boxers firmly, and began to slowly slide them off. He grinned widely as he pulled them down Kai’s legs, taking in the sight of his partner in the nude.
Humming softly Marco pulled the boxers off of Kai and tossed them somewhere to the side. He watched Kai move around a little nervously.
Oh my god...Marco half covered his face with his hand, he turned a bright red.
Now that the blue ghost’s erect dick was freed from the confines of the clothing, Kai let out a breath of relief. He felt much better without them.
Wiping his face, Marco gazed back at Kai who was sitting in a manner that left him fairly open. Marco wringed his hands, staring at his partner’s rather delectable looking dick.
He leaned forward, one hand outstretched to touch Kai’s package.
“Ah, wait,” Kai sat up straighter, preventing the human from getting closer.
“What?” Marco asked a tad sharply.
“If you want to play with my dick,” Kai raised a brow. “Then I should play with yours too.”
“Ah...heh...” he laughed nervously, he pressed his legs together. Marco nuzzled Kai’s forehead, “Fair enough.”
He sat back as Kai moved to stand on his knees, albeit carefully so he wasn’t putting pressure on the most sensitive part of his anatomy.
They were both standing on their knees, their eyes carefully trained on each other.
Kai tentatively reached down and held Marco’s pants, fingering the hem. His dark orange eyes drank in the sight of the human’s bare upper body.
Slowly he began to slide Marco’s pants down, trailing his fingers along his legs as he did so. Kai smirked when he heard a faint whimper.
“You alright?” Kai whispered, he leaned in so that their noses were in contact.
“Mm~ Y-yes...” Marco whispered back, “Don’t keep me waiting.”
“As you wish~” Kai said softly, gently burrowing his face into his partner’s neck.
He wasn’t just sliding the pants off, Kai made sure to get the boxers too. He firmly pushed them down to the ground, stopping where Marco’s knees were sitting.
Marco’s breath shuddered once the coolness hit him. He bit his lip again, knowing that he was bearing all for Kai to see.
Just for Kai. No one else.
He grinned a little as Kai phased the restrictive clothing off of him.
“There...that’s a little better, don’t you think Marco?” Kai inquired as he held his partner’s face.
“Much better, yes,” Marco mumbled, he wrapped his arms around the blue ghost’s broad shoulders.
They remained close together, savouring the other’s touch. Marco nuzzled into his partner’s neck, feeling a net of safety within his embrace.
“All of this just...feels right,” Marco mumbled into Kai’s ear.
“It does,” Kai gently pushed his partner away to get a good look at him. Their hands were intertwined again, holding each other firmly.
Marco’s eyes darted down, he really wanted to get a good feel of Kai. He bent down slowly, his eyes went back and forth between the blue ghost’s face and his dick.
“I’m going to...” Marco said, trailing off shyly.
Kai nodded in acknowledgement, he shifted his body. He carefully sat back with his legs spread out.
As he thought about how he was going to go about it, Marco grinned as an idea came to him. He went and placed a hand on Kai’s thigh, giving it a small squeeze.
He noticed the blue ghost tense up at the motion. A small whine escaped his partner, followed by a series of slightly louder ones. Kai’s face turned a dark blue, the blush slowly spreading.
Marco slid his hand down to Kai’s inner thigh, gently trailing his fingers.
Kai sighed quietly, an odd sensation bubbled in his body. His inner muscles ‘contracted’ in a way, tingles shot through him.
He twisted his body and shuddered.
“Ah...nn...” Kai held back a breath. He inhaled deeply, his muscles twitched.
Marco’s hand snaked up towards Kai’s crotch, trailing gently along his inner thigh.
Kai let out a series of small whines of frustration, his thighs had always been one of his more sensitive areas. He felt his inner muscles tightening.
Kai noticed Marco staring at him with amusement in his eyes, his body tensed in frustration.
“You were always a bit twitchy,” Marco commented with a small smirk.
He shook his head in amusement and removed his hand from the thigh and took hold of Kai’s dick. He squeezed it making Kai gasp out in surprise and pleasure, and causing the first bit of cum to spill over his hand.
“Ha...fuck...” Kai grunted softly, his body tense. “Fuck...”
The blue ghost moved around a little, small bursts of excitement shot through him. The white, gooey substance dripped from the tip of his dick, steadily becoming thicker.
“Oh god...” Marco muttered, he moved his hand upwards, he gently rubbed the shaft. “It feels so weird.”
His partner’s dick had quickly become wet and was somewhat slippery. His hand was wet and sticky.
Moans began to flow from Kai’s mouth, sounding faintly like music to Marco.
Marco began running his hand up and down the shaft of Kai’s member, keeping a tight grip on it. The flow of cum grew faster as Kai’s moans of pleasure grew louder.
Slowing down his ministrations, Marco gave Kai one last squeeze - which made the blue ghost jump - before taking his hand away. Kai actually whined a little at that, a small pout graced his expression.
In the dim moonlight, Kai’s body glistened faintly with sweat. Despite the fact that they hadn’t done too much yet, he might as well have been set on fire.
Taking in a gulp of fresh air, Kai spoke with a noticeable shake in his tone.
“Th...that was...” Kai spoke quietly, staring at Marco.
He trailed off, his eyes focused on his human partner. Without a word, he crawled forwards and gently nipped Marco’s bottom lip.
Marco made a sound of surprise, his lips quivered in response. He held his partner’s arms to keep himself upright, a warm sensation burned in his chest.
“...kiss me...” Marco muttered as Kai drew away, his eyes half lidded.
He wanted Kai’s lips on him, his hands touching him. He wanted to feel the shudders as he caressed and stroked his body. Marco wanted all of Kai, if he was being honest.
“Later,” Kai muttered back.
Marco pouted in protest, as indicated by his lips puckering a little.
With a fanged smirk, the blue ghost leaned in close to lightly bump his partner on the nose. Their eyes met and Marco crossed his arms shyly, a sense of vulnerability welled up in him.
He jerked violently in surprise, a faint whimper escaped his mouth. His body shuddered and his muscles twitched, tingling.
“Ah...” Marco exhaled softly. He glanced downwards, he saw Kai’s index finger slowly and gently stroking the shaft of his dick. “Kai...god...”
“You’re warm,” Kai said casually, he took enjoyment in the cute sounds his partner made.
Marco didn’t respond, his attention was only focused on the finger stroking him. He fidgeted on the spot, his breath shuddered in delight.
Still smirking, Kai trailed the tip of his finger along the sensitive skin, and Marco would twist his body along with somewhat arching his back. Kai’s finger travelled from the base to near the top, where he would pause just right under the head.
Marco knew what the blue ghost was doing, and he wanted to say it. But he didn’t want that intense, pleasurable sensation disappearing. His body vibrated in a mix of pleasure and frustration.
“Nn~” Marco mumbled, he set his jaw and bared his teeth. His face become hot and flushed, a wave of warmth washed over him.
Kai felt the human’s body twitching and warming up in response to his ministrations. His smirk turned into a full on grin, his fangs glinted faintly.
“I heard that~” Kai teased, tilting his head in a feigned manner. “I wonder what that could be...?”
“Ugh...” Marco grunted in annoyance. “I want you!”
Brows quirked, Kai moved his head in the opposite direction. He moved his hand, his claws curled around Marco’s dick. It twitched under his touch.
“You sure about that?” The blue ghost asked in a faintly mocking manner. “You haven’t come yet.”
“What does that have to do with this?” Marco burst out, flustered.
“If you want me to fuck you,” Kai’s voice lowered to a soft hiss as he leaned in close to Marco’s ear. “I want you to come first.”
“Is that a question?” Marco inquired, staring into the glowing orange eyes. “Or a demand?”
Kai’s eyes narrowed, down below, he gave his partner’s dick a small squeeze.
A sharp gasp came out of Marco, his body twitched in response.
“Did that sound like a question to you?”
“Nn~” Marco mumbled, unable to procure any words at the moment. “...f-fuck~”
Kai’s grip tightened, gradually putting pressure on the soft, sensitive flesh.
“K-Kai...” the human whimpered. He bit his lip as the pressure increased. His lower body gave a small lurch.
His dick twitched and throbbed under the blue ghost’s slow and deliberate squeezes. Marco’s skin crawled as though there were ants scurrying on it.
“...Kai~” Marco repeated with a heavy breath. “Kai~ I...”
He stopped, moaning softly. He straightened his back, his muscles became tense in a good way. Marco tossed his head, face flushed and drops of sweat dripped down his jawline.
His dick was hard and tense, seeing as his partner had a good, tight grip on it. Tingles of what felt like electricity were building up, especially at the head.
Kai had been watching silently the whole time, it was a little amusing watching his partner squirm around. Keeping a careful eye on Marco, he momentarily lessened his grip.
He grinned as Marco’s expression relaxed, most likely in relief.
Without warning, Kai squeezed, perhaps a little too painfully. The sound he heard was well worth it.
Marco made a loud mix of a gasp and a whimper. His brain went momentarily numb before an odd, tingling, but amazing sensation shot through him.
His dick and Kai’s hand were coated with the white, gooey likeness of cum. Marco moaned quietly, his eyes squeezed shut. He was feeling a mix of embarrassment and relief at the same time.
“...fuck...” Marco swore in a shaky voice.
He panted loudly, taking in huge gulps of cool air. His chest heaved up and down and his heart pounded against his chest.
Kai backed away with a smug expression planted on his face. He sat back to give Marco some room, while taking a breather himself. Kai’s ghost core hummed, causing him to hold a hand to his chest, feeling a sense of happiness emanating from it.
Inhaling deeply, Marco let out a huff before he spoke, “I just need...a moment...”
“Take all the time you need,” Kai said as he nodded, his elbow rested on his knee and his cheek pressed into the palm of his hand.
Kai’s eyes went from his partner’s slumped form, down to his hand that was still coated with cum. Curious, Kai raised his hand to inspect it more closely.
A stray thought passed through, it made a giddy, excited feeling churn in him. He brought his fingers close to his mouth and sucked on them.
Kai mumbled quietly as a very distinct, salty taste touched his tongue. He wrapped his tongue around them and then pulled his fingers away.
“You...you taste good,” Kai commented awkwardly, he licked his lips.
“You literally swallowed some of...” Marco stuttered. “Of...”
He stopped, the word stuck in his throat. A sigh came out instead, too flustered to speak anymore.
It was quiet for several minutes, the two of them stared at each other. They both took in the sight of the other’s mussed up, sweaty state.
“Can you lay back?” Marco asked.
“Uh...what for?” Kai’s eyes darted back and forth, confusion evident on his face.
Rather than answer, Marco crawled forwards and gently pushed his partner down to the ground. Kai landed on his back with a soft grunt.
“Maybe I’m just feeling a little petty,” Marco responded vaguely, he placed his hands on Kai’s legs and slowly pushed them apart.
He bent down, lowering his head until he was only several inches from Kai’s crotch. The blue ghost’s dick was no longer overtly erect, having calmed down. It was still twitching though, begging for more attention.
Marco exhaled softly and stared down at Kai’s crotch for several seconds. Banishing the thought of stopping, he lowered his face until he was several millimetres away. Swallowing thickly, he opened his mouth and took Kai’s dick deep into it. His lips grew tight and he began sucking at it, he bobbed his head upwards. Hearing a sharp intake from Kai, Marco picked up the pace. Just hearing those moans coming from the usually stoic ghost had him keep going, he hoped to hear them become screams. Kai bit back a small cry that threatened to erupt from his throat, his entire body twitched and twisted in pleasure. The feeling around his dick was hot and intense, and the sensation of Marco slowly working on him was driving him wild.
Encouraged Marco leaned in and began sucking, granted a little more harshly this time. Part of him wondered how he would even be able to fit his partner’s dick all the way into his mouth.
It was particularly big, unconsciously his thoughts went to how it would feel inside him.
He whimpered quietly at the thought, his imagination making up the sensation. He arched slightly, his jaw became stiff. Marco heard Kai hiss, and he peered up to see the blue ghost’s face pinched in pain. Kai sat up with tension running through him, his dick throbbed with pain, and enjoying it. He let out a small breath, his body vibrated.
His body jerked and Marco made what sounded like a strangled noise. Kai felt Marco just several millimetres from his pelvic area, his mouth was warm and tight around him. The human moaned loudly, feeling the thick skin of Kai’s dick and at the same time desperately trying to not let it choke him.
Marco went upwards, slowing down the motion which drew out a whine of frustration from Kai. Then as quickly as he went up he’d immediately go back down, nipping ever so gently near the base. Kai would then make moaning and whimpering sounds, asking for more. This went on with Marco going faster every turn and he could taste a salty, fluid-like substance slowly spilling into his mouth.
Kai tried to not let out so many sounds, but his partner just knew how to draw them out of him. His grip on the blanket had gradually tightened to a point he feared he might accidentally rip it with his claws.
Kai moaned loudly, his insides clenched with a buzzing sensation crawling on his skin.
He attempted to press his legs together, momentarily forgetting that Marco had a tight grip on them. His felt his insides unclench before churning and twisting around in a pleasurable sort of way.
That same hot tingling feeling formed once again in his body, but it didn’t go away instantly. Rather it remained, becoming intense. Kai let his head fall back, his face became flushed, “M-Marco~”
Marco kept his lips tight around Kai’s dick and roughly pushing his tongue against it, as if he was urging him to release.
“That-that feels so…” Kai huffed out, “So...” he couldn’t finish as a warm wave of pleasure went through him.
His body grew rigid making him press himself into the blanket. His limbs felt as if they were locked into place and his insides churned, the hot tingling sensation spread throughout his body.
“Marco...I...” Kai said, his face hotly flushed. “...don’t stop...please...”
Marco mumbled quietly, taking enjoyment in the cute sounds the blue ghost made. Who knew Kai looked and sounded so cute when he was begging?
“Marco…Marco~” Kai whimpered softly, he repeated his partner’s name over and over. His muscles clenched once again and the hot sensation vanished. He started upright, his body vibrating and he panted heavily. Kai’s legs shook violently as his body began pulsing in a rhythmic manner, his pants reduced to gasps of pleasure.
Slowing down his ministrations, Marco licked the underside of Kai’s shaft, drawing out a small whine from the blue ghost. He hummed softly listening to the vocals steadily becoming louder and louder.
Kai’s body quivered and he squirmed around, that familiar feeling bubbled up inside him once more. He shivered as a wave of heat washed over him.
“Marco...damn it...” Kai growled, he fisted the blanket, his entire body tense. “Ahh~!”
A sharp, albeit shuddering gasp escaped his mouth when he finally spilled into his partner’s mouth. Tingles of relief went through him as he moaned out his release, his dick twitched excitedly.
Marco stilled as the salty tasting fluid spilled into his mouth. He mumbled as it quickly became full and he couldn’t swallow all of it down.
He sighed quietly as the cum leaked from the corners of his mouth. It dribbled down to his chin, where it slowly dripped like a water tap.
Giving the head of Kai’s dick one last suck, Marco slowly pulled away. He licked and smacked his lips, cleaning off of what was left of his partner’s release.
Kai’s breath shuddered in relief and excitement, he moved his legs and awkwardly sat on the side. He inhaled deeply, his chest rose up and then went back down. His body was covered in a warm and sticky sweat.
Exhaustion came over him and he laid down on his side, he stared ahead blankly.
Marco coughed quietly, sweat drenched his hair and face, he found it a little bit uncomfortable. He wiped his face with the back of his hand and he felt not as flushed as before.
Shakily, he got up to his knees and crawled up to near the edge of the blanket. He found Kai laying on his side, his face covered with one hand and the other clutched the blanket. He inched himself closer to the blue ghost before snuggling into his toned chest. Marco sighed softly and felt the excitement fade away from him, soon to be replaced by a sense of tiredness.
An arm wrapped around him and pulled him closer into the warmth. Marco smiled faintly and pushed into Kai’s chest, intent on using him as a pillow.
Neither of them moved or spoke for a long time, they took comfort in the physical contact. Their bodies were close together and their arms were wrapped around each other in a warm and protective embrace.
Marco hummed softly, he could hear the low hum of Kai’s ghost core. He always thought it was a beautiful sound.
Slowly he moved his hand to Kai’s face, and held it there. The blue ghost leaned into the touch, his expression eased.
“You’re so cute,” Marco said quietly with a small smile. He gently caressed Kai’s jawline.
“You think?” Kai retorted with a with a toothy grin.
“Yes, you are,” Marco tapped Kai’s nose with his finger. “You make the cutest sounds I’ve ever heard. I never thought I’d hear them from you.”
He heard Kai grumble and he smiled smugly. Marco sighed happily and curled up into his partner’s chest, basking in his body heat.
They both grew quiet again, a comfortable silence came over them. The dim moonlight shone over their naked bodies, the sheen of sweat glistened.
A lingering thought passed and Marco held Kai’s shoulders a little firmly. Uncertainty boiled in his gut, he pressed his legs together.
“I want you,” he said as he pulled Kai closer.
“I know-” Kai started but he was cut off.
“No... I mean as in I want you,” Marco insisted, “Now.”
“Are you sure?” Kai asked as he gently pried Marco’s hands from his shoulders and held them.
“Yes, I’m quite sure,” Marco frowned, frustration formed in his chest. “I told you before, and I will tell you again, I know you won’t hurt me.”
“It’s just...” the blue ghost trailed off, his shoulders became a little slack. “Something that’s always been on my mind.”
“Oh? Well...will you tell me what’s on your mind?” Marco asked, genuinely curious.
His grip lessened, he held his partner’s hands loosely.
There was no immediate response, Kai turned his head away to take a moment to organize his thoughts. The only sound between them was the steady yet tense breathing.
Kai inhaled deeply before he exhaled, mentally prepared.
“I think it’s the fact that our relationship is just so...different,” Kai began, his voice quaked a little. “Marco, you’re human, I’m a ghost. That’s bound to make people’s heads turn.”
Marco nodded in agreement, but he remained silent as he didn’t want to interrupt.
“Our relationship is not a bad thing, but I don’t think anyone’s ever talked about just how different our needs and wants are,” Kai began to explain, he fidgeted as he did so, and crossed one arm over his chest.
“That’s true...interspecies relations are still relatively recent,” Marco added in.
“Ghosts, spectres, spectrals, whatever you call us, our biological and psychological needs are vastly different from a human’s,” the blue ghost said, he looked down at himself.
His ghost core thumped against his chest.
“We depend more on our primal instincts,” Kai turned his head away again. “That includes...physical needs.”
“So, what you’re saying is...” Marco took a moment to gather his thoughts for an adequate answer. “You’re afraid of losing control of yourself?”
“...yes...” Kai closed his eyes, he set his jaw and bared his fangs. His fiery hair flickered with emotion.
“Hey,” Marco held his partner’s face with both of his hands. “Don’t talk like that...please.”
He stopped to stare into the dark orange eyes.
“I know you, and you know yourself better than anyone else,” Marco said with a half smile. “Listen, we’ve nearly spent all of our time together. Where and when have you ever hurt me?”
“I mean never, but...” Kai responded quietly. “That doesn’t mean I will never lose myself.”
“And you won’t,” Marco stated a little harshly. “I’ll be right there with you every step of the way.”
“...thanks,” Kai rubbed his neck. His eyes met Marco’s and he smiled bashfully, seeing the warmth in his partner’s dark brown eyes.
Marco smiled back and closed his eyes, enjoying this small moment.
“Now that I think about it...” Kai said as he put a hand to his chin. “I’m not one to self depreciate, it’s usually the other way around-”
The blue ghost was shushed by a finger planting itself on his lip.
“Just...not tonight, ok?” Marco inquired a little stiffly.
Kai raised his hands in surrender. He tilted his head before he asked, “Still want me to kiss you?”
Marco hummed quietly at the thought, his muscles twitched with anticipation. He bore a huge grin on his face.
“How about...you kiss me...while fucking me?” He whispered in Kai’s ear.
“Mm... you sure about that~?” Kai asked huskily, he lightly stroked his face with a claw. “You won’t be able to walk by the time I’m done with you~”
“It’ll be amazing~” Marco retorted with a sound of finality.
They were both sitting up now, and held each other close. They could feel the heat coming off of each other in waves.
Shifting his eyes to the side, Kai spotted the lube-thing sitting at the edge of the blanket, long forgotten. He moved to reach out to it, only to be nearly obstructed by Marco clinging onto him. Kai grunted quietly and reached out, straining his arm just far enough to snitch it.
He brought to close to his face to inspect it. He held it carefully in his hand, noting that it seemed to be brand new, as it still felt glossy to the touch and not a dent to be seen on it. Also, the tube was ridiculously small.
“So, this lube-thing you were going to tell me about,” Kai said while lightly shaking it.
“Oh, yeah,” Marco straightened his posture and took it from Kai’s waiting hand. He brought it close to his face to read the labels on the back of it.
Kai sat in silence next to Marco, a couple of times he did lean over to try to read over his shoulder, but he wasn’t overly successful.
“Kai, this is lubricant,” Marco spoke, snapping up the blue ghost’s attention. “It’s always recommended for smoother sex, especially if it’s anal.”
Kai shifted on the spot, he felt weird hearing that.
“What do I need to do? Use it on my dick?” He wondered out loud in exasperation.
“That’s exactly it,” Marco grinned, glad he didn’t have to explain every little step of the way. “This is the standard water lube, it shouldn’t bother you.”
“Why would it?”
“There’s variations of it, mostly with some kind of flavour or to make your cock and balls warm,” Marco rubbed his neck, his eyes darted around. “It’s in the ingredients.”
Kai held a hand out to let Marco pour some of the lubricant onto it. His partner popped the cap off with ease and tipped it upside down. He gave it a light squeeze and transparent cream squirted out.
The cream formed a puddle on his palm, which he lowered his hand to his dick. Kai took a few seconds to prepare before he allowed his hand to wrap itself around it. He stiffened as the cold sensation hit him, his dick twitched.
“It’s cold,” Kai stated as he began to rub it, making it wet and slick.
“It’s supposed to be,” Marco’s lips upturned a little in amusement. He shuffled backwards and laid on his back. “Do you mind helping me here?”
Kai halted the rubbing, he looked up to see his partner laying in a open position. He crawled forwards himself, curious.
“I need you to rub some of the lube down there,” Marco turned his body to the side, exposing his butt.
Kai placed his hand on the soft skin. Marco trembled under his touch, which made him smirk. He began to rub his hand along the crack, he found it tight and warm.
Carefully he wiggled his fingers deeper into the crack and felt the outside of Marco’s opening. He smirked lightly when he heard a soft sound emit from his partner.
Very gently Kai slid his finger inside, and moved it around in a gentle circle.
Marco took a deep breath as he felt his partner feeling him up on the inside. He wiggled his body, it slowly became excited. He flexed his hands, they would open and then un-open, it left small marks on his palms.
Once he was satisfied that he rubbed in all the lube, Kai pulled away as Marco turned back on to his back. The blue ghost came close and held the human’s legs apart.
Marco shuddered once Kai did that, feeling a little more than vulnerable.
“Are you certain you still want to do this?” Kai questioned, concern laced his tone.
“Y-yes, please,” Marco responded in a weak voice. “I’m not waiting all night...just fuck me...please~”
Taking a deep breath, Kai carefully took hold of his dick and lined it with Marco’s opening. A small shiver went through him, whether of excitement or fear, he didn’t know.
Slowly he slid himself inside of Marco, he inhaled sharply at the warmth and the tightness. Kai’s body trembled with ecstasy, his legs became weak.
Marco gripped the blanket with such force that he could accidentally tear it. An indecipherable sound came out of him, his body lurched.
Kai began to slowly thrust back and forth, he held Marco’s legs up in the air to prevent him from moving around too much. He groaned softly and his ghost core hummed intensely in his chest.
Moans began to flow from Marco’s mouth, his muscles churned on the inside and his skin crawled with pleasure.
His partner’s dick was so big and hot, Marco had difficulty comprehending it. He twisted his body as the thrusting picked up the pace.
Kai was thrusting back and forth a little slowly, so that Marco would get used to it. But he eventually decided to go a little faster, he figured why not make his human make some beautiful noise.
“Fuck!” Marco cried out, his breath was heavy. “God...Kai!”
A hot tingle flashed through him, it made him arch his body. He squirmed around as his body jerked back and forth with Kai’s thrusting. Marco could feel him going in deeper and deeper.
Marco whined quietly, his dick hardened and it throbbed. He slid his hand down between his legs to touch it, rub it, or something.
Kai stalled a groan that threatened to leave his throat, his dick vibrated violently and a continuous tingling sensation kept going through his body. He sat up straighter to thrust deeper with ease.
“You...you feel tight around me...” Kai grunted against the thrusts.
“A-and you’re so big...god~!” Marco countered, his bit his lip and began to thrash around a little.
Their little hidden spot was filled with moans, groans, and the occasional pant. Marco cried out loudly as the thrusts went deeper and deeper.
His body jerked as an intense sensation vibrated through him. He clutched onto the blanket and Kai’s grip on him tightened. Marco tensed up, he could feel Kai’s claws slowly digging into his skin.
“Ah~! Fuck!” Marco yelled out, his head thrown back. “Kai- fuck! Kai~!”
Kai let a fanged grin appear on his face, his body quivered violently and his muscles twitched with anticipation. He revelled in the tremors he felt under him, zeal coursed through him.
“Keep calling my name Marco,” Kai said breathily, his body heaved forwards. “I love it when you do~”
Marco squirmed around in delight as his partner began to pound into him, his muscles tensed up inside and his skin crawled with goosebumps.
“Kai- damn it!” Marco shook his head, his face blazed fiercely. “Kai- oh my god!”
The blue ghost smirked at the sound of his partner’s begging.
“Kiss me,” Marco said between breaths, “Please...kiss me Kai...”
Kai smiled as he bent over Marco’s body and wrapped one arm around his back. His other one held his hip.
With a deep breath, Marco wrapped both of his arms around Kai’s neck and pulled him close. Since they were so close together they could practically feel the heat radiating off of one another.
With soft eyes, Kai stared at Marco, he drank in the sight of his partner’s face that held so much love for him. He remembered whenever he saw him his face would always light up.
Not a moment too soon, their lips met in a rush of warmth. Both of their grips had tightened, they held each other even closer.
Kai began to rub gentle circles on Marco’s back, while he used his other hand to squeeze his hip.
Marco groaned softly, he put his hand in Kai’s hair, he ran his fingers through it. He shifted around, his mind lost in a heated haze.
Slowly, Kai moved his body forwards, and grinned when he heard a sharp intake from his partner. Kai went and gently nipped Marco’s upper lip.
His lips quivered when he felt Kai nipping him, Marco grumbled and pushed his head closer. He then very lightly bit Kai’s lip and smiled smugly at the sound of his partner’s groan.
“You’re a feisty one,” Kai muttered in the kiss.
“So are you,” Marco whispered as he gave him a small lick on the lips.
Their lips locked together into a more heated session, Kai grinded his body against Marco’s. The blue ghost moaned softly as the warmth around him became intense, he shuffled his legs.
Marco groaned out loud feeling Kai deep within him, he raised his legs and wrapped them around his partner’s waist. Though he was no longer thinking about Kai thrusting into him, his mind had become numb with pleasure.
It was evidenced by how his arms became slack and his hands loosened their grip.
Kai’s breath became shaky as he slowly moved back and forth, he kept his lips on Marco as to not break the momentum. His body buzzed with delight and he started thrusting harder.
Breath caught in his throat, Marco clung onto his partner’s muscular body, the thrusts sent shocks of pleasure though him.
“Oh god,” Marco said, his words somewhat slurred. “Kai...Kai, do you know...how much I love you?”
There was no immediate response, Kai’s body grew rigid. He twitched and his muscles churned inside, he let out a loud moan. He dug his fingers into Marco’s skin, as though he was holding onto him for dear life.
“Fuck...Marco...” Kai panted out between breaths. “I think...I...do...”
He trailed off and groaned, his body lurched forwards. He slammed one hand on the ground, Kai’s body twitched and quivered. He let out a sharp gasp and let go, spilling his release inside of Marco.
Kai’s body heaved as he did so, ecstasy built up inside of him. He let out another, albeit louder groan.
Marco stilled and whimpered, his body also became rigid as he felt Kai spilling into him. The sensation was so alien, yet so good too.
A strange sound came out of him and before he knew it, Marco cried out softly as he felt an intense orgasm going through him. He whimpered, he felt his dick twitch before it decided to relieve itself as well.
He shuddered as he felt the wet, gooey likeness of cum spilling onto his stomach. His dick gave one final twitch before it slowly dripped.
Kai was bent over his partner, using only his arms to keep himself upright.
“Fuck,” he swore shakily. “Fuck...”
Marco stared up at the blue ghost, his mind momentarily blank. He hadn’t felt this great since...ever, to be honest.
The two of them shared a look before Kai leaned in and kissed Marco softly on the lips. He then started to slowly and carefully pull away, he groaned as he pulled himself out of his body.
Marco stayed down, he opted to turn on his side so he wouldn’t feel as uncomfortable. He barely looked up as Kai clumsily crawled up to his side and flopped down, completely spent.
“Holy...fuck,” Kai said, he wiped his face down with a hand.
“Yeah...” Marco responded sleepily.
They grew silent for a while, taking the time to process what happened earlier. They mainly stared at each other, hoping to find clues of how they felt.
Eventually, Marco decided to reach out and held Kai’s hand. He intertwined his fingers with his, offering comfort to the blue ghost.
“That was amazing Kai,” Marco started softly, a small grin appeared on his face.
“You think so?” Kai inquired, he titled his head.
“Well...that’s good...” the sentence trailed off with a nervous chuckle.
“Are you still afraid about losing yourself?” Marco asked, his jaw a little stiff.
“Yeah,” Kai nodded and let his head fall.
“I’ll tell you what, I was nervous wreck the whole time,” Marco laughed quietly, he robbed the back of his head awkwardly.
“Were you? It didn’t seem like it.”
“Oh no, I definitely was,” he held his partner’s hand tightly. “I kept thinking about how I might be doing so many things wrong...”
The air became quiet again, both were lost in their thoughts.
The nighttime air became colder and they instinctively huddled up to each other, their arms around each other in a protective embrace.
“...I love you, Marco,” Kai said quietly. “You know that?”
“Always,” Marco tapped him right on the nose. “I’ll always love you Kai. Nothing will ever change that.”
They smiled at each other. Their words and body heat warmed each other up.
“So...is this something you’d want to do again?” Kai questioned with a nervous tic.
“Oh yes,” Marco’s smile lit up his face. “I loved it, I’d probably do it a hundred times over.”
He laughed nervously again.
“L-let’s wait for a while before we try this again,” Kai mumbled. “I don’t want to accidentally tear you apart.”
“Silly ghost,” Marco playfully shoved his shoulder.
“I know, it’s ok,” Marco held his partner’s face. “And we need to work through with you self-depreciating yourself. You’re not the monster you think you are.”
“That’s supposed to be my job,” Kai muttered sleepily. “You’re always mentally beating yourself.”
“I know,” Marco kissed Kai again. “Let’s sleep for now, we can talk again tomorrow.”
The peculiar duo quickly fell into a deep sleep. They held onto each other as though they were protecting each other from any outside forces. If one were to see them right now, they were both bearing the largest smiles anyone would have ever seen on them.
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blame-canada · 7 years
Midnight Snack - Bunny
Butters couldn’t deny that he enjoyed being spoiled. Kenny may not have been the most well-to-do man in town, but he did his best, and it made every treat tastier, and each act sweeter.
Hello friends! It’s about time I wrote some Bunny, eh? I’ve shipped them forever but never been able to finish something, so I took one of the prompts from this month’s South Park Mini-Bomb - Treat - and came up with this. Find it on AO3 here!
“A’ight baby, get ready for some grade A Kenny McCormick special treatment action, because it’s comin’ your way in approximately ten minutes,” his phone said, and Butters cradled it to his cheek, as though the tenderness in which he held it could transfer through the call and kiss Kenny’s ear for him.
“Aw, Kenny,” he said, his voice melting as much as his body did as he sunk into the pillows on his bed, “you shouldn’t have.”
“Too late!” Kenny exclaimed, loudly into the receiver, so much so that Butters had to pull the speaker from his ear just slightly. In doing so, the screen awoke, and the picture he assigned to Kenny’s contact made his heart even warmer. It was a selfie of the two of them together, but it was held by Kenny’s arm, not his, and that somehow made it much more magical. “I provide only the best, and there’s nothin’ you can do to stop me.”
“Nothing?” he teased, fiddling with the tassels on the ends of one of his throw pillows, and Kenny laughed, nearly as wonderful through the phone as in person. He had such a musical laugh, so full of life.
“Nothin’ at all, darlin’. Unlock the window for me?” Kenny requested almost unnecessarily, and Butters nodded before realizing that Kenny couldn’t see him doing so.
“You bet! See ya soon, mister man,” he murmured coyly, and he knew he threw Kenny for a loop by the slight pause in his response. He cleared his throat and Butters tried not to laugh.
“You got it. See you. Love you,” he said, in that special way he always said it in which he put too much emphasis on the word ‘love,’ and Butters smiled.
“Love you too, Kenny,” he said. He bid him farewell without goodbye- he didn’t like the word goodbye. It was too final, too concrete, and whenever he said it, he had a superstitious feeling that Kenny would vanish before he got the chance to say ‘hello’ again. Maybe because he was afraid to lose him, or because the days he did disappear felt like torture, but either way, Kenny was a doll to never say it again.
When he hung up the phone, he couldn’t help himself- he let out a small giggle that made his ears feel hot and his stomach tingly, and he rolled back and forth with his phone to his chest in the nest of plushy pillows he wrapped around himself. Oh, he loved him. “I love him so much,” he whispered to himself, as if it might help release the energy that was building in his chest that felt like rainbows and tickled like feathers.
Carefully, with pointed toes donning striped socks, he crossed his bedroom floor and crept to the window to unlock it. He reached under the window sill and felt around blindly with his fingertips until he found the rudimentary notch Kenny had chipped into it for him, and, popping off the little cover fashioned from the displaced wood, he flipped a tiny switch. He gripped the sides of the window frame and tested it, pulling it up just a crack, and true to form, the alarms were left untripped.
Kenny had gone practically ballistic when his father installed the high security electronic locks on his window and door.
It was not a pretty sight, that was for sure, and Butters still felt bad to have subjected Kenny to his sadness. He tried not to cry very much, he really did, but that was a hard one. The sound of metal smacking metal rang in his ears while he cowered on his bed that night, as though his father was driving nails into his skull too.
They hadn’t been dating yet, when Butters begged Kenny for help in a moment of weakness. Even though the nails made it impossible to open his window, Kenny still perched himself on the branch of his oak tree the whole night, looking right into his eyes while they sat silent with each other, their cell phones connected so that they could speak if they wanted to, but for the most part did not. Butters thought that might have been the first time he loved Kenny, gazing into his hardened eyes that still looked at him tenderly despite the rage he could see tensing his shoulders and setting his jaw. Kenny had a protective soul, one made of gold and strong as steel, and it radiated sunshine from his immaculate smiles. He was also, luckily, good with technology, and he designed and installed a workaround for his window within the week.
Butters was startled from his memories by tapping on glass, and when he sat up to look at the noise, he saw another of those toothy grins, framed by dimples and freckles and old white scars. His hands were full so Butters hopped from his bed, moving as quickly as he could as quietly as he could, and he inched the window up bit by bit, careful not to let the wood squeak. As soon as he had it pulled up high enough that his arms were above his head, Kenny swooped forward and kissed his nose.
“Evenin’,” he drawled, a proud smirk on his lips at the way Butters tried not to giggle behind his hands, and he ushered him in, carefully moving away obstacles so he wouldn’t make much noise. Kenny was an expert at breaking into windows though, and he maneuvered like a cat off the tree and into his bedroom. In his hand was a cardboard drink tray that held two plastic cups, each filled with ice cream, milk, and flavored syrup, and a cheap fake cherry to top it off.
“Don’t I just feel like a sorta prince, now,” Butters whispered, and Kenny sat down on the floor cross-legged, tugging the strawberry milkshake from the tray and handing it over to Butters’ waiting hand.
“Only the highest of luxuries for you, my dear,” Kenny said with his usual bravado, enthusiasm shining through even in his hushed murmur. Butters sat across from him and took care to unwrap his straw at the very end so he had most of the paper intact. It increased his chance for a wish, after all, if he could get more paper to knot. Kenny watched him patiently; he knew the routine.
Butters loosely tangled the wrapper and paused a moment, closing his eyes, before tearing it apart. When he opened his eyes again, he saw two clean strips, one in each hand, and it appeared McDonald’s had granted him a wish once more. “Aw Ken, I dunno what to wish for anymore,” he said, the smile on his face hurting his cheeks, and Kenny smiled back, the picture of adoration.
“I can think ‘a plenty of things! Here, lemme try it this time,” Kenny said, and he pulled his straw wrapper to end up with a knot on one end, and no wish to speak of. “Damn,” he muttered, and he shoved the bits of paper into his coat pocket. Kenny never got wishes, and it made him a little sad.
“Maybe next time,” Butters chirped, optimistic, and Kenny’s scowl softened to a slight appreciative smile, the heart-melty kind.
“I doubt it baby, but thank you,” he said. He took a long sip of his drink, and they fell into comfortable silence.
It was a growing colder outside, and the combined chill of the milkshake and the breeze that swirled in past his curtains had him reaching for a blanket. He tugged on his favorite one within reach, an extra soft pastel blue throw that was part of the massive conglomerate of snuggly things he slept with each night on his bed. He wrapped part of it around his shoulders, and used his other hand to gesture at Kenny. “You’re gonna catch cold over there, Kenny,” he whispered, and Kenny chuckled breathily, so prettily.
“I got a coat on, I’m good,” Kenny said, and Butters started to protest, but then he scooched forward, crawling over to cuddle up close to his side and lean into his shoulder. “Won’t complain, though.”
Butters hummed and nuzzled his nose into his messy hair, noting that he’d recently showered and it still smelled like his shampoo. He held his cup with both hands, drinking the last of his precious treat until his straw started to slurp. Kenny had his tucked between them, and he took occasional slower sips as they embraced the world exactly how it fell around them.
Kenny was starting to fall heavier against his side, and Butters, knowing the signs, took Kenny’s cup in the nick of time before he became complete deadweight on his shoulder. His breathing had evened out and deepened, each exhale leaving him in a quiet hiss between a slightly unhinged jaw. The angel upon his shoulder had fallen asleep, but Butters was quite familiar with this routine as well.
He didn’t want to move at first, because he knew the slightest stirring would have him up in a flash and hyperactive to compensate. No, Butters didn’t want that; Kenny was clearly exhausted, having come over immediately after finishing a shift at one of this several jobs, and he knew he never got good sleep in his own bed. Instead, he drank the last few sips of Kenny’s milkshake for him, knowing he wouldn’t mind, and let his sighs of sleepy contentment puff against his collarbone.
Butters glanced at his clock- it was nearing midnight. He set the cup down beside his own emptied one, back in its carrier, and used both arms to gingerly adjust Kenny’s sleeping form to lie over his chest. Kenny hummed in his sleep and wrapped his arm lazily across Butters’ torso, slinging it over one shoulder and squeezing once in an awkward hug. He giggled quietly at his unconscious affections, and rubbed one hand up and down his back to comfort him. His body fit so perfectly against his own, for such an unusual angle. He hoped Kenny could hear his heart beating, and maybe its shouting of “You’re wonderful! You’re perfect! Thank you, Thank you!” too.
The condensation on the sides of their cups was starting to drip and seep into the carrier they sat inside. Butters watched beads of water drop and disappear within the brown cardboard, and listened to the ticking of the clock above his closet door. It was off by an hour, but the minute hand was still correct. It was past midnight now.
It was well known, by any person in town, that the McCormicks didn’t have much. This unfortunately fell on Kenny, too, and he worked hard at several jobs to help keep his family afloat. Butters wished he could’ve had more of a childhood, instead of the rapid way he had to grow up to care for his siblings and, occasionally, his mother. As a result, Kenny didn’t know how to relax very well, or talk out his feelings. They were working on that, together.
A cheap milkshake from a fast food restaurant would ordinarily mean nothing, could even be considered subpar, if it was anyone but Kenny or anyone but Butters. Kenny scraped what he could together to get him that drink, he knew it, and that made it more valuable than the fanciest milkshake at the fanciest restaurant Butters could think of.
“How lucky,” he whispered, raising his hand to ruffle it through Kenny’s locks. He stirred from his sleep, chirping like a woken cat as of to ask, ‘What? I’m up.’
“Nothin, darlin’, I love you,” Butters said, pressing a gentle kiss into the very top of his head and tickling his nose with his hair, and Kenny hummed again.
“Love you too, baby,” he mumbled, smiling and nuzzling into his chest a bit more before sitting back up. With a big yawn and a stretch Kenny blinked rapidly, forcing himself up so that he could make the trek back home.
“Text me when you get home?” Butters said, feeling the cold absence of his boyfriend already, and Kenny swiped the empty cups and drink tray from the floor as he stood on woozy legs.
“Always,” he said, and with one last grin and a lazy salute with two fingers that made Butters laugh, he climbed back through the window, and headed off to play protector in his living room. The paper straw wrapper that Butters had torn was still on the ground, a remnant that they both missed, and Butters tied both halves to pull again. He got both wishes, and with one, he wished the other could go to Kenny instead.
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