#but he hates davetrap with all his soul
hearts401 · 5 months
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"I HATE DAVETRAP" I scream as i draw davetrap repeatedly
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buttmuncher77 · 1 year
DSaF 3 Evil Ending Transcript
[  DaveTrap  ] Here we are! Last room!  Boy, oh boy! I feel absolutely...! ...nothing. I’m still not happy. Jack… I’ve come to realize something… About myself… …and what I’ve done.
[  Jack  ] Oh?
[  DaveTrap  ] I’ve made a huge mistake. I mean, piles of dead kids aside. I made a mistake, giving you immortal life.
[  Jack  ] Willy…
[  DaveTrap  ] No, you don’t get it… I’M not happy like this… Why would I presume that you’d be? I wasn’t giving you a gift. I was merely being selfish. I just- I hated the thought of losing you again… …and being stuck here, all alone, as this… monster.  You were the only person who’s ever seen me for what I am- A person. …and tried to help me. I’m sorry I did this to you. In a way, this story is all about you… …and since your life can’t ever end, neither can the story. I’m sorry. I ruined the last good thing left in my life. I always do.
[  Jack  ] But, Willy- You HAVE given me a gift. Flesh merged with steel… Steel merged with FLESH… It’s the Joy of Creation, William.
[  DaveTrap  ] Wait a second- That’s- Jack, have you been listening to conversations that aren’t your own?
( Jack laughing. )
[  DaveTrap  ] Jack… I don’t like this...
[  Dr Henry Miller ] Weak. He’s WEAK.
[  Jack  ] Willy!  I got something to tell ya!
[  Dr Henry Miller ] Tell him. Break him.
[  Jack  ] Do you remember the third kid that you and Henry abducted? A small redheaded girl, back at the Diner.
[  DaveTrap  ] I mean… Sure, of course I do… I showed you her scarf…
[  Jack  ] She was my sister, Dave.
[  DaveTrap  ] What, she was- I can’t believe I- Jack-
[  Jack  ] I was the night guard that you two pinned her murder on!
[  DaveTrap  ] Jack, I had no idea- I-
[  Jack  ] You two have killed everyone that I’ve ever cared about… My sister… My brother, Peter. Even myself- Henry has been dealt with. He isn’t coming back. You’re the last loose end.
[  DaveTrap  ] Jack, I-
[  Dr Henry Miller ] It’s time.
[  Jack  ] It’s time for you to pay a bloodprice, William.
(  Jack stepping closer, slowly.  )
[  DaveTrap  ] Jack, please, don’t hurt me. Please, don’t do this, I love you.
( Jack ripping Dave apart, Dave screaming. )
{  Peace out!  }
(  Fade to black. Show Henry.  )
[  Dr Henry Miller ] So… He’s finally gone. Good riddance. William was always a foolish creature. Easy to manipulate… No family, no childhood… All I needed to do was make him hope. He died like he lived. A coward. But, YOU.  I didn’t molly-coddle you, did I now? I left you to die in that suit, 50 years ago. I could have saved you, but I chose not to. YOU found your own way out of that suit. You proved your usefulness to be superbly. And look at you now. You’ve blossomed. William was lonely, deep down. He fancied himself my partner. In a way, he saw me as the father he never had. And saw his time at the Diner as the childhood that was always just out of his reach. Of course, I never considered him my partner. He was a lacky. Someone I knew how to manipulate. My little puppet. But, you? You have a vile imagination.  You have no conscience.  No soul pushing you back. You.  With my voice in your head… you shall be my vessel.  My partner.  It’s time. Come. Let us now go forth and show those cattle the Joy that our Creation will bring.
(  Jack laughing.  )
[  Dr Henry Miller ] I always come back.
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the-acid-pear · 1 day
y'know. thought about something. i can't explain this in the best way, but. this section of "Hermit the Frog", but it's Jack towards Henry:
"Did you find your bitch in me?
Oh, you're abominable socially.
You're just a little bit too much like me."
like. the way i see it, Jack and Henry mirror each other, especially some of their worst traits. and i feel like this can be seen the clearest in Legacy, where he apparently sometimes seems to act similar enough to Henry to basically trigger Dave, not that the guy would admit it (specifically see: post-Fredbear Fight in "An Ending" in Dsaf 2, and the "Can I Call You Willy?" dialogue thing that literally made Davetrap go from :D to D: in like a second).
but like. they're still effectively opposites. they hate each other (even Legacy seems to hate him, considering he still points out what Henry had done to him and his family in his rant to Davetrap, as well as laughing as he says "Henry has been dealt with...he isn't coming back."), and regardless of the ending, it seems that Jack still despises Henry for what he did to him and his family. when Henry "kills(?)" his siblings again, it clearly pisses him off, and he says that he'll flay Henry alive after what happens to Dee.
Henry, at least, attempts to act professional, mysterious, and actually intimidating. Jack is immature (i mean, the guy was killed when he was twenty-two, and i wouldn't say that a guy in his 20s is the peak of maturity tbh), pretty goofy at times, and generally doesn't give off too intimidating vibes. in the good route, at least, Henry is the cause of most of the problems, while Jack tries to fix them to the best of his ability.
Jack literally felt so much regret as he died that his soul can effectively travel through time and across timelines. Henry regrets nothing, even as he faces death.
Jack and Henry are opposites, but they're also eerily similar in some ways. not that i think either of them, but especially not Jack, would want to admit it.
- dee-in-the-box
Y'KNOW IT'S SO FUNNY YOU BRING UP THAT SONG bc that shit has been tied in my head to dsaf since I saw this animatic which by proxy landed it in my Dave playlist but I think there's something to be said about that too bc Dave really ISN'T quite like them... Like, he tries to be because that's what Henry taught him and he's Admittedly good at it so THINKS he stands equals with both of them but we know both can and will snap him like a twig if they get the chance.
But like frrrr tho the Henry and Jack connection mental. I mean tbf Henry was a bit goofy too my man did also blow up that urinal lest we forget. And also was a clown for a while. And Jack by all means CAN pretend to be gestures vaguely miiildly professional in what we see of neutral route where he gets his sigma pants on. I don't know if Henry would pee on a slide tho, and I know Jack isn't one for violent outbursts, but like, in rough terms? They're really similar fr.
And honestly this very fact is what makes good route Jack be so effective narratively against Henry bc it's like I COULD be like you but I CHOOSE not to be. Like I looove that sm.
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lucarioisinthevoid · 4 years
a Series of stupid ideas and misfortune (not sure how to ask the characters from this yet.) how is everything plus dave doing? also something for you, there is no henry in that universe right? or he just is dead and doesn't exist there
For asking the other characters, uh- I don’t know either. I considered making it a whole point of the blog, like that you can actively ask them like normal and these specific people answer (Davetrap for Dave, etc.), but then the epilogue thing happened and yeah. This blog is a mess, you guys get what you’re paying for! Anyways, onto the questions at hand:
Oh, there is a Henry! I mean- was. It takes place after dsaf 2, or at least the lore I could get from there (RIP everything to do with BlackJack, never found anything about that until it was far too late). Henry was nulled and voided and didn’t find a vessel in time to make his way back. At a certain point resisting the void is not even about willpower anymore… it erodes you from where you pay the least attention… Okay but because I’m cripplingly afraid of the concept of death being permanent and souls being destroyed, making you unable to think, to exist, joining the great dark a very soft person who hates when people disappear, even if they’re objectively better off doing so: Henry is basically gone, but the blood pact he (unwillingly) and Dave made prevented him from actually disappearing and having his soul evaporating in the void. Instead the void consumed everything it could- basically memory, personality, capabilities. So in theory, it would be possible to remove Henry’s soul from Dave’s and send him to the afterlife ending in potential reincarnation (which IS a thing in my works even if I leave it up for interpretation) OR have him be revived. Thing is- why would anyone want to do that? Not only is he an untrustworthy psychopath by nature, he would also lack all the skills and knowledge he had before, being forced to relearn it from the very beginning. It might be easier a second time around, but it’ll still take a shitton of time!
>I would consider it super funny, because it would mean I get to have feral Henry (there’s a reason he could possess Old Sport) run around, but no in-universe excuse, so all I get to do is make stupid AUs and DREAM. - - -
The restaurant was SHINING. GLITTERING. GLOWING. Someone spilled radioactive waste all over it. And it was to the only three non-people in the world to clean it up! THAT’S RIGHT! “LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, GIVE IT UP FOOOOOOOOOOOOR OOOOOOOOOOOOOLD SPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORT!” Under cheering and applauding, Old Sport stepped into the restaurant waving to cheers from all sides, then he jogged towards the closet with the cleaning supplies. “NEEEEEXT UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAVETRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP!” Being objectively way cooler than the Orange Guy, the giant bunny jumped through the door, allowing the momentum to carry him forward as he slid through the suspect liquid, splashing it everywhere, before giving an extremely badass s p i n, ending in a pose, before he bowed and moved towards the cleaning closet as wall. “LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAST, BUT NOT LEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAST- SECURITY PUPPET!” Floating from their box gracefully, the machine bowed directly, before moving instantly towards the closet. “THAT IS IT DEAR AUDIENCE, THAT IS THE LINE UP IN THE ULTIMATE CLEANING CONTEST AND-“ Old Sport who was starting to put the radioactive liquid into plastic bags, fully intending to throw them down some of Henry’s stupid workshops, shortly gave the Rockstar Freddy a judging look. “Hey! Why aren’t you helping?!” Upset the four-armed bear instantly shut up, glaring down. “Excuse?! I’m doing a WAAAAAY more important job and-“ Funtime Chica piped up. “We slip too much! We would break ourselves!” As though on cue, Dave slipped, landing on the neon green floor, groaning. “… well it ain’t stopping me, so-“ “We’re a bit pricier than you, old man.” Freddy instantly clapped back, before high-fiving Chica. “I can crush both of ya like bugs!” Old Sport was already looking at the floating puppet again though. “… wait, why can it float again? I’m sure you told me, but all the radiation is making me dizzy.” “Magic.” Chica answered. “Invisible strings!” Freddy guessed. “Magnets.” The Security Puppet answered calmly, continuing his work. Dave shrugged. “Don’t worry too much.” “Invisible strings would have been fun.” Disappointed Freddy mumbled. “Stupid magnets, magnets can’t do that stuff, we’re not in some cheap scifi from the sixties-“ As Dave was getting out the flamethrower to make the radioactive vapor everyone else’s problem, he laughed, harshly. “CHRIST! Can ya imagine?! If it were attached to strings that were bein’ moved by a computer system, then the Marionette would be in the computer system of the whole location! People would drop like flies!” It took another moment, before they noticed the Anon that had materialized out of nowhere, making all of them jump, as well as the two colorful people slip, dropping painfully. Now both of them were green! “Look, Sportsy, partner-look-! Ain’t that cute-” You wouldn’t get your answer here. Right outside the restaurant, with a security barrier, a small Phone Guy and a big bear stood, staring onto the streets, smoke coming out of the black bear. As the Anon approached, both of them looked up at them. “A-ah. Apologies, potential customer, but uhm- so uh, a few events happened and uh- we’re KINDA closed, so yeah I- I would r-recommend-“ “Fuck off.” “LEFTY! DON’T!” The bear chuckled to himself, glancing at the Anon out of one eye. “… why are you even here?” The Anon repeated their ask. Breathing out, the hidden Marionette shifted. “How we are doing… okay I guess. Considering everything.” “Like the tornado.” “After the earthquake.” “With the thunderstorm.” Both of them slowly sighed and the Phone Guy glanced at the asker, the dial shifting. “Uhm- I’m really, really sorry we don’t have better news! We’re- going to be open soon. Once new year starts, I’m sure w-we can have a grand-reopening!” “I wish we wouldn’t.” Marion growled. “E-EVERYONE IS EXCITED. RIGHT. YES. EVERYONE. THIS- Th-THIS IS A GREAT RESTAURANT THAT EVERYONE LOVES!” “Nobody got hurt in the events, so there’s that.” The bear mumbled, slightly muffled. “That’s- that’s true!” Relieved over having good news, Phone Guy nodded frantically. “The kids were fine. They come over sometimes to see if the place is okay to enter again, but uh- well. You just missed them, I, uh-“ “We’re not letting them anywhere NEAR this place. Especially with the toxic waste. And you should probably leave too.” “I-if you want to talk to them, maybe come back some other time? But uh- don’t breath in anything dangerous until then.” They watched as the Anon walked off.
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Second Headcanon post: Dave Miller|William Afton (From the “A Scheme of my Design”AU)
Headcanon about Dave’s appearence:
-Dave has silver grey eyes(as William does in the FNAF books), his hair are straight and dark purple in color, he keeps them short so that they don’t end up stuck in the springlocks of the springlock suit he used to have to wore. He is quite pale, in fact he is so pale that his sking could almost look as if it is paper white. He as well as Jack has quite a lot of scars due to some springlocks failures that he managed to survive, in a way.
-He is taller than most of his co-workers(and love to taunt the Phone Guys of most locations he worked at, with it), he seems rather slim, but don’t let that fool you he is quite strong even if his appearences could make you think otherwise.
Headcanons about Dave’s personality and behaviour:
-Dave’s personality is much more similar to the one that William has in the books respect of that of DSaF Dave, he still mantain some of DSaF Dave qualities, though.
-Dave is a genius and a quite impressive engineer, though he is kind of the creative genius so he tends to get easly distract by his own ideas, to complete most of his robots manually so he usually draws the blueprints and let someone else build the robots for him.
-He is a talented entrepreneur, and his silver tongue has got him more funds than what he dreamed to ever have for making his dream real. He founded the Afton Robotics and brought the company from nothingness to being known in all the world, thanks to his revolutionary projects and technologies.
-Dave don’t like Henry Miller very much, to be honest he pretty much hates him. He was, in his youth, tricked and used by the Pink Man and now he resent him so much that he has promised himself that one day he will get that man (but only by name) out of hell so he could send him there again with his own hands. There is basically no-one who Dave hates the most than Henry Miller.
-His dislike of the Phone Guy is in the most part dued to the fact that they don’t follow strictly enough (for him at least) the protocols that he wrote for them. And to add at that he is more than a little creeped out by the fact that they have phones for heads. He actually suggested the thing to the Fazbear Entertainment inc’s CEO as a joke, never thought they could have actually do it.
-Dave can seem one of the most carefree guys, one could meet, he is not actually that carefree or as honest as some (Phone Guys mostly) thinks he is. But he loves to wear that mask as he feel almost relaxing the fact that he has not to hide a lot of his true self when he acts as ‘carefree Dave’.
-He is almost fearless, seeing that he is already dead and now immortal and so has not to worry about human’s fragilities anymore. Though ghosts still scare him, because they are untouchable and he can’t defend himself from them for this reason.
-He is a very possessive, obsessive man in almost every aspect of his life.
-He is a very light sleeper and he’s a little insomniac, he usually has to take some sleeping pills to actually fall asleep and to sleep for more than one or two hours at night.
-Dave had a family of his own(such as William in the FNAF lore) but he lost it, and don’t usually like to talk about them. (He loved his family and his children were the light of his life… now whenever he thinks about them he can only see blood and hear screams)
Headcanons about Dave’s relationship with Jack:
-He is obsessed with Jack(even more than how much he is in canon DSaF lore)
-He told Jack his real name and a bit of his personal story because he trusts him with al the heart he doesn’t have anymore but still feels. As such he now knows that Old Sport’s real name is: Jack Kennedy. He still don’t know why that name feels almost as if he knew it before.
-Dave loves his Old Sport and is certain of it but still he has not done any move because he thinks that Jack don’t feel the same and he don’t want to ruin that beautiful close friendship they have.
-He feels like he could kill anyone Jack’s told him to kill, and to protect him he would arrive as far as in slash, kill and disembowel anything that would disturb, or be foolish enoguh to hurt, his Old Sport.
Headcanons about DaveTrap:
-Dave was forced into the faulty springlock suit by Marionette and the other souls of the children that he and Jack killed. His death was slow and painful and he actually begged the ghosts to snap his neck or bash his head so he could not feel anything anymore.
-Even after his death and possession of the suit he can still feel pain, and in thirty years it hasn’t lessened his grip by nothing.
-Due to his immortality he is still pretty much ‘alive’ inside the suit, and his body keeps healing non-stop around the metal bits embedded in his flesh that rips open every times he does something even as little as breathe.
-Even if he is actually alive, his always bleeding, always reopening wounds have attracted a fair amounts of kinds of bugs to him. He can feel their little armored feet thrashing and moving inside his own flesh and feel their little clawed mouth chew bits of him. He will never admit it but this is something he wouldn’t wish to anyone else to bear, and sometimes he wishes to just die so he could stop feeling and hearing all of those disgusting little creatures.
-Dave has become increasingly more aggressive as time passed with him still caged in that springlock ‘iron maiden’ of his.
-During the time he passed trapped in the safe Room, he started imagining things that he would have done has soon as he was freed from there. His ‘daydreams’ usually revolved around Jack coming to rescue him and than they living an immortal life together.
-He is now deathly afraid of maggots, after he almost lost one of his eyes to them. He still screams even if he saw a glimps of a white twisting, pulsating thing that is even only barely similar to a maggot.
(That’s all I got for now… wow it got really dark and sad in the end. Hope none of you is afraid of bugs(I actually am so it’s a lot harder for me to even  imagine how Dave feel in such situations without feeling sick myself… but well atleast the feelings to withness such thing are a lot easier to write…))
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