#but he saw that it was me and he pinched my hip and winked at me BITCHALSKKSKDKD I YELLED
tenderleavesbob · 3 days
Hey!! I don’t know if you’re taking any asks but I was wondering if you would write something with wars and wild bonding? Maybe because they’re both soldiers (who started young) or something. Anyway, I really enjoy your fics! I liked the ones with wind and wars too :D
Warriors didn't say anything when Wild sat beside him. He just shifted to make room and continued cleaning his armor.
Wild liked that about Warriors. Warriors flashed him a smile and Wild smiled back and Warriors cleaned his armor until it shone in the sun. No commentary necessary.
The other heroes were busy doing other things. Everyone enjoyed when they could visit LonLon Ranch. Wild thought Twilight was with the horses in the barn. Sky, the madman that he was, was playing with the cuccos. Almost everyone seemed to be relaxing. He wasn't surprised that Warriors was taking care of his equipment. He wasn't the type of man who could just relax. Not until everything was done.
Wild wondered if he used to be that way, too. He remembered practicing his swordplay in the rain while Princess Zelda looked on, but it was a vague memory. It felt like he was watching a stranger. He thought he had been like that, though. It fit that silent stranger to make sure the perimeter was secure and his sword and shield were polished and his gear was handled before he settled in for the night.
Warriors didn't have all of his gear on for a change. The scars on his left arm were in clear view in a way they rarely were. Wild found his gaze drawn to them. "Do they hurt?" he asked.
They looked like his. Wild was tempted to scoot closer and compare the marks. All of the heroes had scars, but only Warriors's looked like his. Hyrule's royal scarred Knights.
Warriors hummed and followed Wild's gaze. "My scars? Not usually. Sometimes they get stiff if I don't put cream on them. Do you do anything for yours?"
"Impa gave me some cream, and I can make my own." Wild patted the bag at his hip. "I'll need to refill soon."
"If you need more, you can ask me. I always have extra."
Wild grinned and let himself lean a little into Warriors's shoulder. Warriors didn't say anything about that, either. "That would be great! Yours always smells good." Edible, even, but Wild didn't say that. "What's in it?"
Warriors laughed and put down his armor. After a moment of digging through his bag, he offered a bottle to Wild. "It says it on the bottle. You can keep that if you want. Yours has monster parts, I'm guessing."
"Yep." Wild studied the ingredients. Several were unfamiliar, but he thought he could make some of his own. He would need to ask Hyrule later if he wanted to join him to search for the ingredients. From the looks of it, he was right. Wild bet he could eat it in a pinch.
When they first met, Warriors intimidated him. Warriors was beautiful and proud and intelligent. His armor shone and he held his head high and his smile was confident and bright. He was a Knight in a way the silent stranger in Wild's memories could never be, in a way Wild himself could certainly never be. He wondered every time he looked at Warriors if that was his goal, if that was what he was supposed to be.
Things grew better after Twilight and Time pulled them out of the foliage and Twilight lectured them both, ears flat and eyes wild and finger wagging. Time stood behind Twilight. Wild was never sure if Time had blinked or if he had winked at them. Things grew much better.
"You didn't come over here to ask about my burn cream, though," Warriors said.
Wild grinned at him and put the cream away in his slate. "I saw some stray monsters when I was at the entrance of the ranch. Do you still have Legend's fire rod?"
Warriors beamed. "Do I!"
Of all the things about Warriors, Wild thought he liked Warriors's love of fiery destruction the best. "Great! Let's go before anyone notices!"
The best friendships were forged in fire. Or something like that.
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harrysfolklore · 25 days
of the jealous kind - charles leclerc blurb
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inspired by this request ! i hope you like it
The Miami heat embraced your skin as you walked holding Charles' hand through the Ferrari garage. It was race day and you were beyond excited to be joining him.
The Miami Grand Prix was known to be a place where all kinds of celebrities wanted to be, from actors to influencers, the paddock and the garages were filled with starlets who wanted to meet the drivers. So you wondered who would you be seeing around the area and possibly fangirling if any of your favorite celebrities happened to attend
"They told me Ed Sheeran is coming," Charles said, as if he read your mind, "I really want to meet him, he's a legend."
"Look at you, fan boy," you teased, pinching his side and letting him wrap his arm around your shoulders, "Are you going to tell him how many times you play his songs around the house?"
"Definetely, I'm also going to ask him to sign my forehead," he said and you threw your head back in laughter, "Are you good? Do you want anything to drink? Or anything I can get you."
You smiled tenderly at him, one of Charles' many love languages was always making sure you felt comfortable and happy, no matter the place or setting.
"I'm all good, baby," you pecked his cheek affectionately, "I can't wait for the race to start, honestly."
"Me too, I have a great feeling about this one," he moved his arm to placed around your waist, squeezing your hip, "I feel like it's going to be special."
Before you could reply, someone from his team called for him.
"I'll be back in a minute, mon coeur," he kissed your lips quickly, "Don't go too far, okay?"
"Don't miss me too much." You winked at him and sent him his way, watching as he walked off with a confident stride.
As you waited for Charles to return, you took in the atmosphere of the garage. Mechanics rushed around, making last-minute adjustments to the cars, while team members and guests mingled, discussing the upcoming race. You spotted a few familiar faces among the crowd, fellow drivers and their partners, all sharing in the pre-race anticipation.
Lost in thought, you almost didn't notice when a voice called out your name. Turning, you could swear your jaw fell to the floor as you realized that it was Zayn, your ex-boyfriend.
You and Zayn dated for almost two years and broke up nearly six years ago, the breakup was healthy and you were in good terms with him after it, but it had been years since you had seen each other, and you had never expected to run into him here, of all places.
"YN, hey," Zayn said, a warm smile on his face as he reached you, "Wow, it's been a while,"
"Yeah, it has," you replied, returning his smile. "What are you doing here? Are you a fan of Formula 1 now?"
"Yeah, I'm really into it," he said, "I was dying to meet the drivers and hang around here, I'm glad I could finally do it."
"That's amazing," you said, genuinely surprised. "I had no idea you were into that kind of stuff."
"Yeah, it's been a huge hobby of mine for a while now," Zayn explained. "But enough about me, how have you been? What have you been up to?"
You filled Zayn in on your life since you last saw each other, telling him about your job, your hobbies, and of course, your relationship with Charles. Zayn listened intently, nodding along and asking questions, clearly interested in hearing about your life.
"I'm really happy for you, YN," Zayn said sincerely. "It sounds like you're in a really good place right now."
"Thank you, Zayn," you replied, smiling sincerely at him, "I'm glad we ran into each other. It's nice to catch up."
Before any of you could say anything else, you felt a presence behind you and a strong arm wrapping protectively around your waist.
You didn't have to turn around and look at his face to know that Charles was jealous.
"Hey, love," he said, his gaze fixed on your face, "All good?"
"Yeah, I was just catching up with Zayn. Zayn, this is Charles,"
"Her boyfriend," he said before you could even speak, and you almost rolled your eyes comically, "It's nice to meet you, mate."
"Nice to meet you too," Zayn said as you shook hands, "YN was just telling me about you, I'm a big fan."
"Likewise," Charles replied, his tone polite and kind but and with a hint of possessiveness "Are you visiting all the Garages?"
"Yeah, that's my goal for the day," Zayn said, "Actually, I should probably get going, It was really nice seeing you, YN. And it was great meeting you, Charles."
"Yeah, it was nice catching up," you replied, offering him a smile.
"Take care, both of you, and goof luck on the race." Zayn said, returning your smile.
As Zayn walked away, you could feel Charles relaxing beside you. He turned to you, his expression softening, and you looked at him with accusing eyes.
"So, care to explain what was that?" you said, raising your eyebrows at him.
"What was what?" Charles looked at you innocently, but you could see his jaw was still tensed
"Don't play dumb, Charles," you chuckled, nudging him with your elbow. "You were totally jealous back there, acting all petty and protective."
"I wasn't jealous," he protested, but his eyes betrayed him, glancing away for a split second before meeting yours again, "I wasn't!"
"Sure, sure," you teased, wrapping your arm around his waist and leaning into him. "It's cute, you know. Seeing you get all protective."
"Okay, you win," he rested his arm on your back, "I just wanted him to know you're with me now."
"Don't worry, I think he got the message," you teased, leaning into his side.
"Good," Charles chuckled, pressing a kiss to your temple "Because I don't like sharing."
"Don't be ridiculous now," you rolled your eyes playfully, "You're like a big, jealous puppy."
"Hey, I can't help it," Charles protested, a grin on his face, "You're stunning and such a catch, anyone would die to be with you," he said, instantly making you blush, "I just love you so much."
"I love you too," you replied, leaning up to kiss him softly, "Now, come on, let's go watch you win this race."
"Sounds like a plan," Charles said, squeezing your waist, "I hope Verstappen doesn't ruin that plan though."
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wlntrsldler · 3 months
ode to a conversation stuck in your throat | luke castellan
based on this post in luke's pov.
warnings: loser!luke a little bit, percabeth crumbs and teasing from them, swear words, luke being jealous
i. i used to call you my best friend, way back before you were my everything.
"beth, you need to drop it," luke groaned, toying with the armor on his body. the young girl had been stuck on this conversation for hours now. ever since luke showed up to the athena cabin to talk strategy (there was no strategy talk, it was a ploy to get luke alone so she could knock some sense into him), annabeth had been going on and on about you and luke and your relationship.
"i'm just saying, you need to make a move."
"you have been saying that," luke checked the watch around his wrist. he tapped on the glass, "for about an hour and seventeen minutes."
"i'm sorry, but we're tired of watching you guys give googly eyes to each other and not do a thing about it," she replied, trying to keep up with luke as he walked towards the woods. luke was using his height and long legs to his advantage, hoping that she'd finally give up. (he should've known better; annabeth never actually gave up on anything.) "even percy asked me what was going on between you guys and he just got here like ten minutes ago."
"we do not give each other the googly eyes," annabeth shot him a pointed look. luke paused, pursing his lips, "fine, i give her googly eyes but she doesn't reciprocate."
"i knew you were dumb, but i didn't think you were a fucking idiot."
"hey, language," he tutted, crossing his arms over his chest. he can see the crowds of campers gearing up for capture the flag. "who taught you that word?"
she rolled her eyes, "sorry, but 'freaking' didn't have the same oomph."
"we're done with this conversation, 'kay?" luke walked away, shaking his head. under his breath, he mumbled, "fucking kids, man."
from behind him, he heard annabeth call out to him, "and you wonder where i learned the word!"
luke chuckled, twirling his sword expertly as he approached the group. he spotted you a few feet back talking to percy. the kid looked scared out of his mind, but after you reassured him that he probably wouldn't sustain any life-altering injuries, his demeanor relaxed.
luke walked over to you, immediately placing an arm around your waist. you knew that it was luke before you even got a look at him. you nudged yourself closer to him as you ended your conversation with percy.
"you'll be alright kid," you said, offering him a genuine smile. "i know clar has been giving you a hard time, but she's just like that. she'll warm up to you."
luke could tell that percy didn't really believe you based on the look on his face, but he also saw percy's eyes flicker to the lack of space between you and luke and knew that it was his time to go.
percy rubbed the back of his neck and cleared his throat, "alright, thanks, y/n. i appreciate it."
"no problem, percy. i'm sure beth wouldn't let anything happen to you anyway."
as percy walked away to find annabeth, you twisted your body to face luke. you beamed at him in a way that luke could only describe as cute. whenever you talked to him, the crinkles by your eyes appeared and your cheeks pushed up on your face, a slight tint of pink dusted over them.
"hi, luke," you greeted, "ready to win?"
"yes, ma'am," he mirrored your smile. he adjusted the strap on your armor, lightly grazing his fingers over your exposed collarbone. "you gonna show off the skills i taught you?"
"of course," you paused, "i might even be better than you now. maybe i can teach you some things."
he softly pinched your hip, making you squeal. he laughed at your reaction. "don't get cocky, dove."
"i'm just saying," you slowly peeled yourself away from him, but held his hands in yours as you moved backward. "one day the student becomes the teacher, castellan."
"that day is not today, but i'm loving this confidence."
you sent him a wink before joining your siblings. luke felt his knees buckle at the simple gesture. his heart was hammering in his chest and he was half-sure that the people around him could hear his heart thumping against the armor, like a drumbeat. he was glad that his helmet was hiding his face because annabeth and percy were now looking at him, both of their hands in a "thumbs up" gesture in the air.
ii. and it may not mean much but your plates are in his sink and your sweater's on his bed.
your team won (of course you did), but the victory came second to the claiming of percy. percy didn't make it to dinner, no doubt stuck talking to chiron and mr. d about what it all meant, but he was back in time for the celebratory bonfire.
percy found annabeth and luke grabbing some cookies on the snack table when he finally gave up trying to understand the prophecy for the night. luke threw an arm over his shoulder, "forbidden child, how you holding up?"
"i don't really want to talk about it. i honestly don't even know how i feel right now."
"that's fair," annabeth said, outstretching her hand to reveal a handful of oreo cookies. "want some?"
"thanks," percy took a cookie, his eyes scanning the bonfire for any other familiar (and kind) faces. his eyes landed on you. "i do want to talk about that, though."
luke and annabeth's eyes followed percy's to find you talking to an ares kid. you were sitting far from the fire (luke knew you hated how the smell of smoke lingered on your clothes.) luke's eyes narrowed, head tilting in question because he'd never really paid attention to the kid before. james? jackson? j-something? he was racking his brain trying to remember the kid's name.
"they look cozy," annabeth stated through a mouthful of oreos. "he's cute."
"no he's not," luke argued, looking at his sister in disbelief. "he's like okay looking, i guess, but he's nothing like special. i don't know. do you think he's cute percy?"
"dude, you have issues."
whether luke chose to ignore percy's comment or genuinely didn't hear him, didn't matter, because luke was already riled up. he shouldn't go over there, right? you were just talking to the kid. gods, he really should know his name. "plus, he's an ares kid. he's like the enemy. y/n wouldn't do that."
the two kids shared a look, trying to hold in their laughter. luke was too preoccupied with looking at you to notice them anyway. his eyes were on you like a hawk. he watched as you moved over on the log you were sitting on to make room for him. luke's eyes widened when you locked eyes with him. you smiled at him, offering a little wave, before returning to your conversation.
"did she really just do that?"
"let someone sit next to her...?" annabeth asked, dusting her hands on her pants to rid of the crumbs. "yeah, it is allowed."
luke chewed on his bottom lip, "i don't like the look of this."
percy rolled his eyes, voiced laced with sarcasm. "really? what a surprise."
iii. my baby, spare me all the rest. please just tell me that nobody else touches you like i do.
luke was going crazy. he could count on one hand the amount of interactions he's had with you over the last two weeks. at first, he tried to tell himself that you were just busy. you had a lot of things to do, but then he started noticing that you didn't seem busy when jake asked to hang out. (luke scoffed when he found out the boy's name. of course, his name was jake. typical.)
it felt like luke was getting stabbed in the heart every time he saw you walking around with jake, his arm thrown over your shoulder while you laughed at his (probably unfunny) jokes. you called off your training sessions with him to go practice your archery with jake (he wasn't even that good) his usual seat next to you during meals were suddenly occupied by the ares boy. he even saw him walk you back to your cabin one night and he wrapped his arms around you in a hug like he wasn't going to see you the next day.
luke had grown grumpy and everyone noticed it, but nobody was willing to ask him why you and him stopped being attached to the hip all of a sudden. nobody was brave enough to.
the final nail to the coffin was when he wandered into the dining hall, making his way over to chris (because that's where he sat now) and he saw you in an unfamiliar hoodie. plastered over your chest was the insignia for the ares cabin.
enough was enough.
luke stood outside your cabin while everyone else was giving their offerings to the gods. he was trying to figure out what to say to you but his brain was going a million miles an hour. all the words blurred together into a gigantic mess. he was never good with words or explaining himself when it came to you. he never really had to tell you anything before, you always just knew.
sighing, luke mustered up the courage to knock on your door with his head hanging low. when you opened the door, luke could've died in embarrassment because he just started talking, like all of the lines he prepared just spilled out of his mouth.
"please dump him," luke pushed past you to pace around the floor of your cabin. "i don't know how serious your relationship is with him but i am begging you to dump him. you belong with me. i miss you and i haven't seen you really in weeks and it's killing me, dove. i don't know what to do because you keep canceling our plans to hang out with him and i feel like i'm losing you. and-and you're wearing his clothes now? if you were cold or something, you know you could always wear mine! i literally have a drawer under my bed of things that are reserved for you. i sprayed my cologne on them and everything because i know you like it, but you went to him? i just-"
luke stopped pacing and finally looked at you. you were hiding your giggles behind your fist. luke furrowed his eyebrows in confusion before his eyes trailed down your body. oh.
you were wearing his shirt. you walked over to him, reaching up to grab his face, "are you done?"
he was calmer now, "please dump him."
"i can't do that, luke."
"why not?"
you laughed at his whiny voice, "i can't dump him because i'm not dating him."
luke blinked, "you're not?"
"no," your rubbed his face with the pad of your thumb, "we're just friends. he's actually been helping me get over my crush on you."
luke's head was spinning. he definitely read the situation so wrong. "your what?"
"oh, castellan, please," you were blushing now. "it started out with jake wanting to ask me out but i told him about my crush on you and how i felt like nothing would ever happen between me and you. he suggested that maybe i should distance myself from you, at least until my crush went away, but the longer i was away from you, the clearer it became. i'm not getting over you any time soon."
"please don't ever get over me."
"you're a dork," you teased, but you smiled at him again. that special smile you reserved for him. "i can't believe you never noticed i liked you."
"i can't believe you didn't notice i liked you."
"will you shut up and kiss me, please?"
you didn't need to tell him twice. "yes, ma'am."
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honeyedmiller · 4 months
Real Love, Baby | Joel Miller
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pairing: husband!joel miller x wife!reader
rating: none
warnings: no outbreak, lots of fluff, and some good ol’ joel miller lovin’ and a few kisses. no use of y/n.
word count: 904
synopsis: joel has a bad day at work, but seeing you dancing in the kitchen makes it all better.
a/n: based on the song real love baby by father john misty
divider by @saradika-graphics
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Joel deeply sighed as he parked his truck in the driveway. He closed his eyes for a few beats, pinching the bridge of his nose as his bad mood kept festering in his chest, daring to settle into his aching bones. 
He had a terrible day at work. Though, terrible doesn’t even do the day justice. He knew you were going to ask about his day, which was routine now, but he truly didn’t want to talk about his day from hell. 
He knew seeing you and Sarah would make it all better, though. 
He groaned as he hopped out his truck, stretching his sore limbs before grabbing his toolbox and heading for the door. 
When he opened it, the aroma of dinner flooded his senses and a song playing mid-level from the vinyl player wafted from the kitchen. He set his tools down by the front door, toeing off his work boots before making his way to the kitchen. 
He paused when he saw you, totally enamored as you swayed your hips and sang along to the song. 
“I’m in love, I’m alive, I belong to the stars in the sky,” You sing unashamedly, never noticing the watchful eye of your husband. You stir the pot of what seemed to be noodles a few times before checking on the sauce cooking next to it, humming to the song as you swayed your hips some more. 
The horrible day Joel’s had rolls off of the weight of his chest and shoulders, dissipating into thin air as he leans on the wall, crossing his arms. A smile curls onto his lips, replacing the frown that’d seemed indefinite the whole day. 
His heart bloomed with warmth as you twirled, eyes closed, before focusing on dinner again. You opened the oven to take out the Texas toast, and Joel quietly hummed to himself as he realized what you made for dinner. 
“I want real love baby, oh don’t leave me waiting, I’ve got real love maybe, wait until you taste me,” You sang again, and he pushed himself off of the wall to make his way toward you, finally making his presence known. 
His hands settled on your hips and you gasped, laughing as you set a hand over your rapidly beating heart. 
“Scared me, baby.” You huff, smiling at the handsome man as you spun around in his grip. 
“Don’t stop dancin’ n’ singin’ now just cus I’m here, honey.” He teases, pressing a kiss to your lips as he starts swaying you to the song. You fold your hands behind his neck, leaning into him with a grin on your lips. 
“How much did you see and hear?” You quirk your brow, moving one hand down to rest over his strong heartbeat in his warm chest. 
“Just about enough to fall in love with you even more, darlin’.” He winks, and you playfully roll your eyes. 
“Such a sweet talker you are, Miller.” 
“What can I say? I’m crazy for my wife.” He grins before pressing his lips to yours, longer this time, before humming against your lips. 
“Where’s Sarah?” He asks, rubbing small circles into your hips with his thumbs. 
“Doing homework upstairs.” 
“Mm. Dinner smells delicious.” Joel says, jutting his chin toward the pots on the stove that sat alongside the sheet of Texas toast. 
“Thanks baby. Sarah and I decided on chicken alfredo. Hope you don’t mind.” You say, lightly scratching the back of Joel’s neck with your fingertips. 
“Not at all, baby.” He tosses you a saccharine smile, resting his forehead against yours. 
Your heart fluttered in your chest, always cherishing these intimate moments with Joel. Your love for him only grew by the day, always telling yourself how lucky you are you found a man like him.
He was your best friend, your life partner, your soulmate. You didn’t believe in any of that stuff before you met him, and now, you’re two years married and you still feel like you’re in the honeymoon stage. 
“How was your day, baby?” You ask, retracting your forehead from his in the slightest so you could kiss the tip of his nose. 
A groan rumbles in his sturdy chest and his eyebrows pinch together. 
“Rather not talk about it, darlin’. Wanna dance with you instead.” He separates himself from you, grabbing hold of your hands as they slip off his body. He sways you back and forth before twirling you into his chest so your back against his front, rocking you side to side before planting a kiss to your cheek. 
He twirls you again, and he can’t help but melt at your laugh and the way you look right now. So carefree, so full of love, so beautiful. 
He grins as he pulls you to his chest gently, dipping your body down in his arms. He holds you there as the song comes to an end, those beautiful brown eyes of his boring into yours. You can’t help the lovestruck look that crosses your face. 
He’ll never get tired of seeing that look. 
He leans down to kiss you once more. It lasts more than a few seconds as his free hand that isn’t holding your body up cups your cheek, calloused thumb gently swiping over your soft skin. 
“Oh– jeez,” Sarah’s voice startles you both, pulling apart from each other with a huff of a laugh. 
“Get a room, you two!” 
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tags: @party-hearses ; @ilovepedro ; @punkshort ; @joelsgreys ; @nostalxgic ; @tinygarbage ; @bastardmandennis ; @pamasaur ; @cool-iguana ; @pascalpvnk
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anantaru · 2 years
˖˚˳⊹ wearing a maid outfit for them feat. ayato : xiao : albedo : scaramouche : cyno : childe x fem! reader
˖˚˳⊹ warnings: nsfw
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˖˚˳⊹ 𝗔𝗬𝗔𝗧𝗢
"oh," his voice was deep, would lie if he says he wasn't totally surprised but archons, what a tease you were right now in those clothes of yours, "darling, what honor to see you like this." his chuckle was dark, from deep inside of his throat as he reached over his hand for you to take it. You made yourself comfortable on his lap, straddling him as you didn't waste anymore time, slowly circling your hips teasingly over his growing erection. His had lolled back in his leather chair as he scrunched his eyes shut for a moment. Your hands grabbed onto his soft hair, massaging his scalp without ever losing on pace, still grinding against his leaking cock.
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It seemed like he was tired from work, lazily dragging your clothed folds over his growing bulge as he admired the beauty in front of him from underneath his brows. "You're my maid now, hmm?" he just hummed his question, half lidded eyes pointing at your features. "so." slowly hooking your white lace panties to the side so your pussy was bare on top of his hidden cock now, "You're supposed to do everything I say." he finished the sentence off with a wink, grabbing onto the soft flesh of your thighs to push you onto his cock harder and fuck, you just wanted to cum right here and there, —twisting and turning—, movements never faltering. <3
˖˚˳⊹ 𝗫𝗜𝗔𝗢
You had your back to him when he opened the door to your knocking, but once turning quickly around to face your beautiful boyfriend, you saw his broad, surprised face, his cheeks blushed as he realized just what you were wearing right now. "I'm your maid tonight, baby." your voice was more cheeky than anything else, —almost baby like—, you knew he liked it that way. He only got more nervous the further he looked at your body, almost breaking the door frame he was holding on to right now. "a maid?" his question sounded over the top serious, as if he was trying his hardest to not let his guard down at all times.
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"Yes." you paused before placing your pointer finger on his lips, "you can do whatever you want to me, tonight." slowly prancing it over his —lips, chest and stomach— until it hit his clothed bulge that was already throbbing against your touch. His adams apple bobbing harshly against his throat as xiao encircled your body with his arms, drawing you closer, letting you taste his hungry lips and archons, he can't remember the last time when he was this horny for you. Already ripping off all the unneeded fabric of your body to see your now exposed perky nipples wait for his touch. He didn't actually wait though and put the mounds of flesh in his mouth right away to suckle harshly on it while the other one was being pinched in between his thumb and pointer finger. You're in for a wild ride. <3
he was honestly too stunned to speak at first, lowkey thought he missed an important event in mondstadt or something. Once you reassured him though, that it wasn‘t in fact an event, but a little something for him, he quickly let go of his tense expression. He‘s been always so good to you :( always making you feel good so it‘s only natural for you to give him a day of pleasure. "You can touch me, you know" you‘re grinning, so fucking proud of making him so unbelievably flustered right now, standing tall in front of him while albedo was still settled on his chair.
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His hands slowly reached out for your hips to grab onto your soft flesh, feeling how good you felt underneath his skin made him throb against his pants, "push your dress up." he‘s cold with that certain command, taking it seriously now as he carefully hooked his fingers up the waistband of your white panties, dragging them down and exposing your soft folds to the cold room. He was quick with it, really. Pushing his head hard against your pussy to taste the already leaking juices while simultaniously grabbing onto your leg to slightly pull it up for good measure. You were only able to hold onto his scalp for additional support, unable to comprehend anything anymore as he ate you out like it was his last meal, slowly moving his pointer finger to your entrance to prod a digit in since he knows he had to prepare you before diving his fat cock into your needy pussy.
you were currently kneeling in between his thighs, lazily suckling on his cock with a maid outfit that was already half ripped. By the looks of it you can clearly see that scaramouche was more than delighted to see you like this, so fucking obedient and ready to be devoured by his aura. "Fuck." his breathing was heavy, —but his tone was dark—, barely a whisper if anything, he doesn‘t want to show you just how off guard you caught him today, with that little stunt of yours. Just how dare you look all pretty in that maid dress, so confident with your breasts perking up nicely from the small corset, like a dream come true, really.
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"don‘t you dare stop." he‘s whimpering now when you picked up on pace, remotely letting his tip hit the back of your throat, over and over again and archons, throat fucking you was his absolute favorite. The way you were trying to suck him in was almost to die for, groaning out against gritted teeth as he looked down on you. Your chin messily stained with both your saliva and his cum, a fucking sinful masterpiece in his eyes. His hands found refuge in your hair and pulled back a few of your strands so he could clearly see your fucked out face. You knew he was about to spill his seed into you once he was rutting his cock inside of your mouth, meeting your pace halfway and once he filled your throat with warm white ribbons, he —as always— expects you to swallow all of it like a good little maid would. <3
˖˚˳⊹ 𝗖𝗬𝗡𝗢
He's a flustered mess, tries his hardest to hide it but fails regardless. Was just tinkering in his lab a moment ago when you decided too grace him with your appearance, head to toe with an adorable maid outfit. He gulped out harshly against his throat, licking his lips in nervousness before he advanced towards your waiting figure. "You." he stopped mid sentence once he reached you, lips mere inches away from one another, "you're beautiful." he caught his breath in his throat, feeling how your fingers lazily stroked over his stoned stomach.
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It didn't take cyno long to actually close the distance between your faces and kiss you passionately, at first it was more teeth and tongue than anything though, far too gone in your beauty had him already seeing stars. His hands quickly finding refuge on your behind as he felt up the tiny lace that decorated your body in the utmost erotic way, he's so fucking lucky to have you. His fingertips prancing over your pussy, —that eagerly awaited him already—, as he prodded the first digit against your hole, teasing you for what's more to come later. He didn‘t want to overdo it but once he felt you basically rut against his pointer finger, he immediately went in knuckles deep, grazing in with his nails before finding that sweet spot of yours. <3
after a long work day, ajax thought he‘d come home to your cute figure sleeping soundly on your shared bed but once he actually saw you waiting for him, —dressed like a maid—, he could already feel his cock twitch deep inside his pants. Balls getting heavy by the mere thought of filling you up with his seed tonight, can‘t wait to be honest. He‘s licking his lips before narrowing an eyebrow at you, "what do we have here?" His question was almost cute, really, as you slowly guided him on top of you so he‘d hover over your body. Creaking noises of the bed —because of his added weight— were falling against deaf ears once you spread your legs further apart for him. He was licking his lips as if he was preparing himself for a meal, which he kind of was if we‘re being honest.
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You could feel him smirk against your body once he placed wet kisses all over your stomach, pushing up the dress so he‘d see your soaked lace panties that were desperately waiting to be ripped apart by him, which he then, —of course did—. Carefully lowering his head to place a messy kiss on your throbbing folds, licking all the way up your clit to slowly circle his tongue over your bundle of nerves. He won‘t stop there though, ajax really wanted to taste you tonight, moving down to your hole to desperately suckle up everything you gave him so far. "My cute little maid, only spreading your legs for me, right?" he grinned at you while sliding his first digit in, going back to grinding his tongue against your clit. <3
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do not! share, copy or repost my work. ✎ ©ANANTARU 2022
5K notes · View notes
buckleysbitch · 5 months
18+ under the cut!
note - reblogs and comments keep this account going! if you like what you read, please don’t hesitate to share ♡
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okay okay so you and secret boyfriend!eddie attending a party, and you can tell in his aching glances just how badly he wants to be close to you. he’s hitting a joint in a circle of other metalheads, while your little black dress flows to the beat of the music, cocktail in hand. you double take to make sure eddie is watching, wink, then spin around so your ass peeks out from the fabric just enough to give him a show. i mean, you already had a couple drinks in you, what did you have to lose? you continue dancing with your friends and suddenly a large familiar hand grabs your wrist and is hauling you off to the car. the ride home is deathly silent, the tension rising with every mile the truck races. you follow him into the trailer, and you’re expecting his absolute worst.
he takes you off guard with sickly sweet, reefer heavy kisses down your neck, his fingers memorizing every detail of your dress. the texture, the fit, everything.
“trust me?”
you nod enthusiastically, and his hands unbuckle his belt, and it thwips out with a loud crack. suddenly you’re being pushed onto the bed, and his belt is being locked tightly around your wrists.
“didn’t think you’d get in trouble huh? i saw that little show you were putting on, with that tight ass dress.”
you mewl for him, as the temperature rises in the room. his calloused hands tug at the dress, the sound of seams ripping dance through the thick air.
“who do you belong to?” he questions as with one last tug, your tits are free from the silky black fabric, and his hands are already roaming, pinching your nipples lightly.
“youyouyouyou” you yelp like a broken record. one of the best things about secretly dating eddie is how much alone time you get together. he’s absolutely broken you and knows all your weaknesses.
“that’s a good girl…” his rings are cold against your bare skin, making you convulse involuntarily. he chuckles darkly, and pushes your skirt up, so now the dress is just covering your waist, and even then, barely. he finally pulls his raging cock out of his pants, and you hold back the urge to whine for him. his cock twitches against your wetness as they finally make contact, and he wastes no time thrusting into you. with one hand on your hip and the other gripping the bed frame, his hips roll into yours at an animalistic pace. his knuckles go white as every thrust gets hard and harder, as he laughs at your fucked out face. “that’s my goddamn slut. i’m the only one who can make you feel this way, huh?”
you can’t even respond, your mind is completely blank, the only feeling you have in your body is eddie inside you. soon his pace slows, and his cock quivers inside you. you feel his hot, sticky cum crash into your walls as he roars your name.
“so eds….i think you owe me a new dress.”
144 notes · View notes
happilysmythe · 11 days
❥ 𝙬𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙧
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trent frederic.
word count: 5.0k
warning: explicit content
"can you blow my mind?" — tyla
A/N: i recently received a request for trent and a leafs fan. i was given creative freedom and this is what i came up with. hope you like it, nonny <3
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Bruins win Game 7 in OT.
The headlines came out at a rapid rate, informing the rest of the world that the Boston Bruins made it out of the first round and turned the Toronto Maple Leafs into mulch. Again.
Trent Frederic, along with a few teammates, were on too much of a high to return to their rooms at the hotel they’d been staying in just yet. Though they were home in Boston, coach Jim Montgomery thought it would be smarter to have the guys stay in a hotel instead of going back to their homes and apartments. Team bonding, he said.
The bunch set off for the bar inside the hotel, only a few blocks away from TD Garden, waiting a few hours before slipping in nonchalantly. They weren’t trying to get outed too fast, and they usually didn’t. Even once they were recognized, not much came of it. Most people were too drunk by then to make a scene, anyway.
So they sat down at the bar and ordered a few beers, celebrating accordingly and talking amongst themselves. They would finally let loose for just a night before the inevitable start of round 2 in just two days. They’d be having practice the next morning and flying down to Sunrise, Florida to face the Panthers, who were on their extensive break after knocking the Lightning in just 5 games.
Trent decided he’d had enough after his fourth beer, so he left his share and stood up to make his way out. As he turned around, his body hit something with a thud. He looked down and saw what it was that he came into contact with; a thin blonde woman with her arms out, jaw slack, and an empty hand that once held her drink.
Oh, and a Maple Leafs jersey.
“Oh, shit,” Trent muttered, compressing his lips.
You scoffed, “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“I can get you a new one.”
You looked up, a look of guilt on your face as your hands fell back down to your sides. “Shit, I’m sorry. I should’ve been looking where I was going, too—”
You paused.
“Where do I know you?”
He remained silent, shooting you a look as if to tell you that it should be obvious. It wasn’t long before your face dropped and it hit you. He suppressed a grin at your realization and parted his lips to speak.
“Name’s Trent,” he spoke smoothly, “but something tells me you already figured that out.”
“Well, you’re one of the last people I’d like to see right now,” you rolled your eyes, arms folded. “What’s a guy like you doing at some random bar at,” you looked at your watch, “12 in the morning after the game where you just knocked my team out of the playoffs?”
“Had to celebrate somehow,” he winked.
“Oh, god,” you grimaced. “I really do hate you guys.”
“Well, aren’t you a little ray of sunshine,” he laughed, putting his abnormally large hands on his hips. Your eyes subtly followed their path.
“Lighten up,” he teased. “C’mon. What’s your name? I know you’re not a,” he pinched the fabric of your jersey and pulled it to see the numbers, “Marner. Unless you’re into that sort of thing.”
You sighed at his remark and told him your name, but he made a face afterward.
“Too long.”
“Too long?”
“I think I’ll stick to Marner,” he told you, much to your dismay.
“Gross,” you replied irritatedly. “I don’t particularly feel like giving you the privilege of using a nickname. Just use my real name like everyone else. ”
“I’m all set, actually. I think I’ll stick to mine.”
“God, you’re annoying.”
“You gonna let me buy your drink or keep bitching about who I am?”
“Fine,” you sighed, “buy me the damn drink.”
He and you made your way to the other side of the bar, far enough away from the rest of the guys and the few friends you went with that you wouldn’t be noticed. You sat next to each other on the bar stools, Trent talking your ear off and you reluctantly replying with mostly one-word responses.
“You can’t be that angry with me,” he finally spoke, breaking another silence. “I’m not the whole team, you know.”
“I can and I will,” you shrugged, sipping your almost-empty drink.
“If you won’t talk, then I’ll just have to make you talk.”
He put his elbows down on the table and turned his head to face you, “Why’d you decide to come out in public after that game? I wouldn’t have even bothered to show my face in a bar wearing that. You here with other people or something?”
“I came with a couple of friends.”
“Doesn’t answer my first question.”
You looked down. “They wanted to come down here. I told them it was probably a bad idea because of the fact that we’re, you know, Leafs fans. They did it anyway so I just tagged along.”
“Bet you didn’t expect to run into me,” he nudged you with his shoulder, bringing a faint smile to your lips. “There you go,” he teased when he noticed your expression. “See? I’m not so bad.”
“Fraternizing with the enemy is a bad look for a woman like me,” you retorted, a playful undertone to your words. It was uncharacteristic compared to the closed-off manner you had with every other response. You wouldn’t admit that, however.
“Oh, she jokes,” he took the final sip of the drink he’d bought himself upon sitting with you, even after deciding he’d had his last beforehand.
“Shut up, Frederic.”
“We’ve regressed to my last name now? Can’t even call me by my first?”
“But you won’t use mine at all,” you rolled your eyes, “Trent.”
You looked at him for maybe a tad longer than you should’ve, eyes slowly moving down his body. He wore a white collared shirt that hugged his arms and gray dress pants that looked awfully tight around his thighs. You couldn’t help but notice the facial hair he’d grown since the start of the round, giving him a gingery mustache with a somewhat patchy beard. You’d seen what he looked like before that and were undoubtedly intrigued by it, regardless of whatever grudges you held against him. But you couldn’t let him know that.
So you turned to face the television above the bar, watching the commercial in a quiet trance as if nothing happened.
“Hey,” he tapped his finger on the bartop, diverting your attention back to him. “Tell me something,” he softly requested as you looked back, adjusting his body to face yours. “Why did you let me buy you the new drink if you weren’t going to talk to me, hm?”
You swallowed, “I wasn’t going to be rude.”
“The real reason,” he pressed.
“There is no real reason.”
“Alright,” he nodded, “so why were you staring at me before?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
He lowered his voice and brought his face just slightly closer, a faint grin tugging at his lips. “You’re not a very good liar, you know that?”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me. I mean,” he laughed, shrugging his shoulders, “unless I didn’t see you looking for a while there. But I’m pretty sure I know what I saw.”
“Just…just shut up, Trent, alright?”
“Sounds like I hit a nerve,” he noted and you rolled your eyes. “You know, you’re cute when you’re irritable.”
His grin widened when you shook your head again, promptly informing him of how annoying he was once again. “But if I’m really being honest here,” he lifted his fingers and gently brushed a strand of hair behind your ear, “I think you’re pretty.”
At this, your hardened exterior softened. Your head turned just slightly so that he was in your field of view and you sighed gently. “Thanks.”
“I, um,” you cleared your throat, taking a breath, “I was looking before.”
“I know,” he softly responded, hand slipping down until his palm rested on your thigh. Initially, you flinched at the contact, but your muscles relaxed when you realized it was a warm gesture rather than one with malicious intent.
“You don’t have to be so cold,” he told you. “No matter who I play for, I’m just a guy.”
You were more attracted to him than you wanted to let on, and it surely didn’t help that he was being nicer to you. You suppressed a smile and faced him fully.
“It’s not that, it’s—it’s the point,” you flatly responded.
“You can look at me again,” he teased, thumb rubbing your thigh. “I won’t tell anyone.”
“Don’t count on it.”
Your gaze lingered on him again, eyes flitting down to his lips before you looked away. It wasn’t hard for him to see through you—after all, you allowed him to keep his hand where it was, even after refuting his words. He took notice of your wandering eyes and finally pieced it together.
“Like the new look, eh?”
Your brows furrowed and you swallowed, “What new look…?”
“I think you know what I’m talking about,” he replied with certainty. “You have a thing for the scruff?”
“Please. I don’t even know what you looked like before that,” you lied, taking an unsteady breath.
“Doesn’t change that you were looking at it, does it?”
“Well…” you trailed off, lips parted as you tried to think up an excuse. “No,” you finally gave up, letting your head hang down. “It doesn’t, because I have seen you before and I do have a thing for it. For you,” you shook your head, laughing at the reality of how weak you truly were. How stupid you must have looked to him. “So tease me all you want, say that you told me so—you’re right.”
A ringed finger slipped under your chin and tilted your head toward him, his face mere inches away from yours.
“I’m not going to tease you.”
You swallowed, expression falling as your eyes locked with his. They were brown, you noticed. And they were…warm. They largely contrasted how he looked at you previously. It brought you to an entranced sort of state.
His touch was soft, comforting. But in a way that made you want him more. Caused your mind to wander to places you knew it shouldn’t have gone. It felt good. Really good.
And you had no business wondering what the rest of him would feel like on you.
“Where are you staying?” you blurted out.
“Take me,” the words left your mouth before you could protest.
An eyebrow raised and his grin turned to a smile. “Gladly,” he whispered, lowering his hand and standing up.
He held his hand out and you hesitantly took it, allowing him to discreetly walk you toward the exit of the bar. You ducked when you saw your friends, praying that by some miracle they didn’t see you walk out with Trent Frederic.
“Trent,” you whispered, clutching onto him harder now that you couldn’t be hidden by the darkness of the bar any longer. “What if someone saw?”
“You would’ve known by now. Trust me,” he reassured you as the elevator doors slid open. You walked in and the doors shut, enclosing you in the small space. “And if anyone did,” he started, fingers brushing against the nape of your neck, “it’s none of their business, anyway.”
“Mhm,” you agreed softly, eyes beginning to close when you felt his warm breath on your neck.
“See? Not so hard to agree, is it?”
He laughed softly in your ear and pressed a tiny kiss to the skin behind it. He intricately placed a few more on the exposed skin, prompting a faint hum from your lips as the doors slid back open. His hand found its place on your waist as he gently pushed you out, guiding you down the hallway and finally stopping in front of his door.
By now, you’d become urgent—urgent to feel his lips on yours no matter how much you told yourself it was a stupid idea. You lived in Toronto; a whopping 500 miles away. And he played for Boston, the team you hated with a passion so strong that you vowed to never let yourself be endeared by them. Yet there you were, standing next to the forward who contributed to your favorite team’s loss, wanting nothing more than for him to make you feel oh, so good.
And he would.
The door clicked open and he pushed the lever down, stepping aside to let you in. He was quick to pin you to the door with his body, arm coming up behind your head to lock it and toss the room card to the side.
“I can’t believe I let you charm me.”
“What can I say,” he rasped, leaning in closer, “I know how to get a girl in my room.”
His lips finally connected with yours and you immediately reciprocated, hand flattening against his chest and gripping the material of his shirt. You pulled him closer, slipping your free hand around his neck before tilting your head to deepen the kiss. The hair above his lips rubbed against your skin, the feeling eliciting a faint hum from your mouth into his. He grinned at this and hooked his fingers under the blue jersey you wore, pulling away promptly and carefully lifting it up.
“Taking this shit off,” he mumbled, pulling the fabric over your head and discarding it to the floor. “You’d look much better with mine.”
You rolled your eyes, “Not going to happen, Trent.”
“We’ll see,” he grinned, moving his lips to your neck and marking up the skin, drawing whimpers from your mouth.
Your hand snaked into his hair, fingers threading between the dusty ginger strands as you pushed his head closer. He kissed up to your jaw, sliding his hand up to your neck, the other placed on the bare skin of your hip. His fingers pressed into the nape of your neck and his thumb rested just under your chin, hand pressing the back of your head against the door as his lips kissed a path down your jawline.
“Shit,” you moaned breathily, reaching for the buttons on his shirt as his mouth returned to yours hungrily.
You worked your way down, the material of his shirt parting and exposing his skin as each button fell open. His tongue slipped between your lips, grazing your teeth before rolling over yours languidly. Soft fingers untucked his open shirt from his pants and began to trace his stomach, moving slowly up to his firm chest. The action caused the large hand around your neck to tighten its hold, prying a moan from your throat.
“Didn’t know,” you panted, “—didn’t know you wore a chain.”
“Like it, mm?”
The way he grinned down at you brought a lump to your throat. He made you nervous. Weak, even. And the height at which he stood compared to you surely didn’t help. So you nodded curtly in response, hoping he’d take the hint and not press you further.
But he took it and instead removed his hand from your neck to slide it down and meet the other at your lower back, promptly hoisting you up. Your hands moved to his face and held it while you continued to kiss him, him walking the two of you away from the door and in the direction of the bed. You kicked your shoes off just as he grabbed a towel from the rack on the wall outside the bathroom and laid it lazily atop the sheets. He then lowered you onto your back and let go, allowing you to lie comfortably on the bed as he remained on his knees in front of you.
He quickly shed himself of the torn-open shirt and tossed it toward the empty bed on the other side of the room. His body soon hovered over yours, an arm on the bed on each side of your head as he kissed you again. His lips moved to your neck once again, working the skin until soft moans slipped through your parted ones.
“Trent,” you exhaled, chest rising and falling deeply, “isn’t…isn’t someone else staying here with you? There’s—mm—two beds.”
“There was,” he mumbled into your skin, moving down to your collarbones.
“So couldn’t we get—”
“Was,” he repeated. “He already went home to his girlfriend. And I have both room keys.” He chuckled softly and reached around your back to unclasp your bra, the fabric coming loose on your chest. “So relax.”
You nodded and lifted your arms for him to pull it off, him letting it fall from his hand before kissing a path down the valley of your chest. His body moved down as he continued down to your stomach, then to your waist where his fingers hooked in your pants and slid them down your legs.
You kicked them off and opened your legs, allowing Trent to slip between them. He gently kissed your inner thigh, slowly working his way up until he reached the lacy fabric that covered your skin. He looked up, making and not breaking eye contact with you as he took the waistband between his teeth and tugged the fabric slowly down your legs. As he rose upwards, they and your pants were dropped to the floor.
Warm breath fanned the skin between your aching thighs, awaiting his touch oh, so impatiently. His fingers brushed the area, dragging themselves slowly up and down. His eyes flitted up to you, a faint grin playing on his lips before focusing back down.
“God, you’re wet,” he rasped, leaning down and settling his face between your thighs, your legs atop his shoulders. His hands wrapped around your outer thighs and gripped them, pulling you in promptly.
“Especially for someone who claims to hate me so much.”
You rolled your eyes and groaned, “Think that’ll make me like you any more?”
“No, but maybe this will.”
With that, his mouth wrapped around your clit, tongue swirling around and eliciting a gasp of shock from your parted lips. Your eyes widened as he sucked gently, hands kneading the warm flesh of your thighs.
He then trailed downward, planting small, light kisses on the sensitive flesh, all before his tongue carefully parted your folds and delved slowly inside. Your fingers gingerly threaded into his strands, palm flattening itself on the back of his head as you pushed him down, your body weak with the need for more friction.
The hair that had recently grown above his lips brushed against your skin, rubbing back and forth forcefully and bringing meaning to the term, ‘hurts so good.’
“God, fuck,” you groaned, hands tenaciously gripping the sheets and his curls as his tongue moved in a rhythm that was just enough to make you long for more.
He lapped at you mercilessly, expert movements of his tongue coaxing soft moans from your mouth. A cocky grin stretched across his lips as he brought you to the brink, then pulled away, forcing a whimper from you at the loss of contact.
A large hand was removed from your thigh and brought between your legs, knuckles once again dragging lazily along the sensitive, needy skin, but refusing to give you the satisfaction of doing what you wanted most. He was teasing you; punishing you for the way in which you treated him earlier without giving him as much as a chance to prove himself.
“Trent,” you whined impatiently, hips writhing involuntarily against his bearded face.
You refused to admit the irrevocable attraction you had to him because you didn’t want to let him win. And now he was being a bitch to you, just like you were to him. He chuckled softly and pressed the tip of his finger to your entrance, allowing you to feel the small bit of pressure that came with it. 
“Please,” you whimpered, fingers tightening in his curls.
Enough was enough and he pushed the finger in, drawing a moan from your lips before adding another and thrusting them in and out with no room for complaint. The cold metal of his ring brushed against your sensitive inner walls and you gasped at the initial contact, your rampant mind having forgotten about the jewelry to begin with. And deep down, you loved it.
His mouth returned to your skin, tongue licking small stripes on the mound of flesh above his fingers, the scruff on his chin rubbing roughly against it. You knew you were going to have burns on your skin caused by his facial hair but you didn’t care; you just wanted to keep feeling him.
“Trent, don’t stop.”
He laughed quietly and sped up the pace of his fingers, urging you even closer to the edge. Your thighs closed in around his head, hand still pushing his head down. He hummed in satisfaction, the noise vibrating against your skin as he felt you clench around his long fingers.
His lips sucked on your clit in a steady pattern, causing your release to rip through you, prying a moan from deep within your stomach. You fisted the sheets tighter as your hips writhed against his face and fingers, legs beginning to shake from the pressure. Trent continued to work you through it, tongue lapping up the wetness that accumulated until you sunk back down into the mattress, spent.
Slowly he removed his fingers, first bringing them to his lips to lick them clean before rising back up. You inched backward on the bed until your head pressed against the pillow, Trent following and planting himself on his knees between your legs. His fingers reached down and fumbled with the buckle on his belt, eyes never leaving your body in the process. It wasn’t long before his belt haphazardly hit the floor, then his pants and his painfully hard cock was freed from its constraints. A rough palm placed itself on your knee, rubbing it slowly.
“Trent,” you swallowed, drawing his attention back up to your face. “Con—”
He raised his hand to cut you off, a gold wrapper resting comfortably between his index and middle fingers. The action having rendered you silent, he promptly took the foil between his teeth and pulled, spitting out the excess before taking out the latex and rolling it onto himself. You soon felt the pressure of him at your entrance, legs subconsciously widening to let him slip between them further, then heard the sound of him groaning as he pushed into you.
You swore it was the sexiest thing you’d ever heard.
He leaned forward slowly, giving you just a moment’s time to adjust to his size as he stretched you out. Your breaths were unsteady, eyes screwed shut as your fingers maintained their forceful grip on the sheets around you. Your mind was racing, but you knew one thing for certain—the man was about to fucking blow it. His body hovered above yours as he kissed a path from your stomach up to your neck, hands pressing into the mattress on each side of you.
“Where did you,” you breathed, “get that?”
“Pocket,” he rasped, mustache brushing against your neck.
Eyes wide, you responded, “That’s not—”
“Relax,” he mumbled, the corners of his lips slightly upturned. “I put it in there today.”
Then you impatiently lifted a hand to the back of his head and pushed his lips onto yours, kissing him urgently and wordlessly telling him to just move. He obeyed your silent command and pushed his hips into yours, burying his dick into you before pulling back, leaving only the tip inside. He repeated the process at a steady, slow rhythm—tortuously slow, at that—until your back was arching, hand in his hair sliding down to his shoulder blade as the long, coffin-shaped nails dug into his soft skin. The chain that you’d noticed earlier tapped against your cheek, the feeling provoking you to throw your head back against the pillow.
His hand slid up your front, fingers curling around to the nape of your neck and thumb resting under your chin once again, pulling your head back up as he quickened his pace, driving into you with more force. Every inch of his thick cock slid smoothly along your velvety walls, your mouth frozen in its open state as his lips worked at your neck again. And god, you just couldn’t understand what made you hate that guy in the first place. It must have slipped your mind completely.
Upon the first thrust of his hips, he felt just how tight you enveloped him. The immense pressure of you wrapped around his strained length, practically squeezing it. The age-old trick of conjuring up the most repulsive of thoughts seemed nothing but moronic to him in the past, yet for some reason he found himself naming off presidents in his head to prevent from coming so fucking soon. He only wished that he could feel it; really feel it, if it weren’t for that godforsaken rubber that separated him from you.
And he’d make it his mission to do so, whether you lived five hundred miles away or not.
He just hoped he’d last when he finally did.
The hand around your throat closed just slightly, using just enough pressure to threaten your intake of breath without causing any pain. It was delicious. You didn’t have the will to fight it—your body had already submitted to him long before, and there wasn’t much that you could focus on other than the feeling of him roughly thrusting into you, lips marking up one side of your neck while his hand firmly gripped the other.
The sounds of your mixed moans bounced off of the walls and you began to wonder whether anyone could hear it or not; if any of his teammates were close by, walking back to their rooms from the bar. The thought instilled enough fear for you to weakly voice it.
“What if—ah—what if someone hears us?”
“Let them,” he rasped, kissing behind your ear.
“God, shut up,” he pushed his lips to yours, swallowing your words, moans, and expletives that threatened to destroy your mediocre attempt to stay quiet. His tongue rolled over yours, low hums reverberating in your mouth and filling your ears.
Finally, he released his hold from your neck, allowing the air to flow smoothly into your lungs once more. The hand reached for yours, roughly threading his fingers between yours before pushing the two forward and pinning the back of your hand to the headboard behind you. You let out a whimper at the sudden contact but quickly gripped his hand with a matching force to his as he hit the sweet spot inside you and a familiar pit in your stomach formed.
“Close,” you panted, back arching off of the bed and forcing your front to press firmly into his.
“I know,” he told you, grip tightening as the taut line in your stomach snapped.
His mouth enveloped yours again to swallow your noises, tongue swiping against your bottom lip. Your inner walls constricted around his length as you hit your climax, nails digging into his back as you grasped desperately at him for stability, support—any sort of strength that he could provide you with. And he did, grunting sporadically as he fucked you through your second orgasm, thrusts growing sloppier.
It wasn’t long before he twitched inside you, hitting his own peak and letting out a deep moan. Your name—to your surprise—left his lips in a slurred form, repeating it softly as if it were a hymn. Sweat coated your forehead, droplets dripping slowly down your face, and the frontward strands of your hair had grown wet. His curls dripped with his own sweat as his lips hovered just centimeters above yours, warm breath fanning your face and gaze aligning with yours.
You finally swallowed, “Wow.”
“Mm,” he hummed, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips, hand letting go of yours and gently running up and down your side.
He waited a moment and carefully pulled out, the action drawing your eyes shut before he slipped off the used latex and disposed of it. You adjusted yourself as he did so, ridding the bed of the towel and briefly cleaning yourself up before you felt a piece of fabric hit your arm. You looked down to see a large, black t-shirt on the bed and grabbed it, quickly slipping it on as he walked back over. He motioned you under the sheets and you silently obliged.
Your back pressed against his chest, chain pressing into the skin as an arm wrapped around you and a hand flattened on your stomach. His other fingers pushed your hair to the side, exposing the skin to his eyes, and he saw the faint marks his fingers left on your neck. A pair of lips brushed against your ear and the soft rasp of his voice returned.
“You know, that’s a Bruins shirt,” he teased, scruff grazing your damp skin as his lips connected with your shoulder.
“Mhm,” you flatly responded.
“Going against your word pretty fast, eh?”
“Yeah, well,” you started, nuzzling back into him. “I told you I hated you and ended up in your bed, so,” you turned to him slightly, “unreliable source.”
He chuckled softly and brought his fingers up to brush your hair back, pressing a light kiss to your cheek. “Night, Marner.”
“Shut up,” you mumbled, and he laughed one final time before closing his eyes and relaxing into you.
So, against everything that you stood for just hours before, you fell asleep in Trent Frederic’s arms without much forethought. In his shirt and his bed, effectively leaving your friends behind because they’d for some odd reason just slipped your mind completely.
And when Trent woke up the next morning, he was no longer in your company, much to his dismay. Any trace of your presence the night before had perished, down to the towel on the floor. But there was one thing—one saving grace that caught his eye as he scanned the room.
A piece of paper on the nightstand with a phone number scribbled on it and a small note below it that read,
“For the next time you’re in Toronto.”
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It was my favorite time of night - right before a performance. I was slightly nervous but so elated. It was exhilarating hearing the crowd outside and knowing they were here to see me. Well, me along with all the other girls but still. Me!
I was fixing my lipstick and doing a final check of my look for the night.
My hair was pinned high up with various sparkling clips and my naked body was covered in glitter so I'd shine under the spotlights. After one last look in the mirror, it was time to head out.
The bouncers saw me take my place and clicked a few buttons to announce I'm ready. I heard my name shouted through the intercoms in the club and the buzz on the other side of the curtain quieted.
I smiled and walked past the curtains, on stage, under the spotlights.
"Hello, lovely people! I'm so happy you've come to see me tonight. I can't wait to make you happy, too." I winked at them and they started whistling and clapping. I giggled and gave them a few twirls and low bows. So everyone can see every piece of me. I just love the stage.
I made my way down the steps and further into the club, to my area.
The shallow pool glittered almost as prettily as me. I slowly walked into the water and took my place on the cushioned area to lounge in.
I ran my hands over my body once and settled them on my tits, spreading my legs wide. My breasts were peaking above the water and my pussy remained slightly under.
I started pinching my nipples, hard enough to bruise. I couldn't help myself and began moving my hips trying to ride something that wasn't there. My pussy was soaked already. From all the eyes on me, from me abusing my nipples, knowing what's to come. I began moaning loudly.
"Please.. Please!"
"Look at my little slut. So pretty in the water. So shiny, so wet... Are you ready for me, my whore?"
"Yes! Yes, I am. Please. Please come to me."
The crowd was immovable and silent. Everyone's eyes were darting around trying to see where he'd come from. He always switched it up, to keep us guessing. To keep the game fresh. I could feel him though. He made the ground shake and my pussy spasmed in anticipation.
He descended from the ceiling this time. A few of his giant tentacles came to the ground first. He followed.
I loved seeing him come to me. Come to claim me. I let my eyes rove over his form. I still couldn't get enough.
He claimed me over a year ago. I was on the beach, tanning on the shore and then the water stirred and in no time he was coming out of it. He was dark grey with white looking hair. It took on the light and reflected it in the most beautiful ways. He had a dominant set of tentacles he used as hands, but didn't have fingers exactly. His top half was somewhat humanoid but his bottom was all tentacles of various sizes and girths with various... Abilities. His eyes were black and he had smooth skin that felt sticky to the touch. He explained it secretes all kinds of feromones when we first talked. After... After he claimed me that day on the beach.
His tentacles softened his landing in the water next to me. I heard people from the crowd gasp.
He was fully next to me now and his tentacles were already making their way onto my body. I felt a few tighten around my wrists and pull my restrained arms above my head, perking up my tits even more above the water.
Some of his smaller tentacles surrounded my boobs and started circling my nipples. When they reached my pointed tips, they began to suck. I moaned loudly.
"We can't have that much noise now, can we, doll?" So he shoved three small tentacles into my willing mouth. He began rhytmically fucking my mouth in front of everyone. I was moaning and whimpering and my body was trembling. I needed him so bad. He saw the need in my eyes and smirked.
"Do you want to see her drenched?" The crowd was initially quiet but quickly realized his question and ascented.
He took a few of his bigger tentacles, took me by my calves and thighs and lifted my bottom half off the water and spread me even further.
"Mm... That's not helpful is it. You're already wet from the water. How can we possibly tell what's water and what's your desire. My, my, what a conundrum." He smiled viciously at me. "I know what'll help. Do you want to see her desire flow out of her like a waterfall?"
The crowd was quick to yell yes this time.
"Good." And among the mass of tentacles came a miniscule looking one that squirted a liquid directly on top of my clit. The effect was instantaneous.
I began to buck and shake and cry and I was moaning so loud it sounded like screaming. Maybe I was screaming..
In no time at all, everyone could see my arousal. First it gathered at my entrance and then it was coming out so quick that it began leaking out of me and flowing down my body. A few people gasped again. A few chuckled. There were murmurs and comments but I was deaf to them because I needed to be filled so bad!
I was crying and whimpering and begging, even though my mouth was still being fucked by his tentacles. My nipples were mercilessly teased, and I needed release!
"Shall we reward my little doll or make her suffer a bit more?"
Someone yelled "Suffer!" and he chuckled. "Sorry, doll, but the people have spoken."
A few more tentacles slid their way up my legs and delved between my ass cheeks. They held me spread for a girthy looking tentacle covered in a sticky looking substance. He speared me on his tentacle in one rough thrust and I screamed around the ones mouth-fucking me. He lifted me a bit higher and adjusted the position so that everyone could see how his tentacle was fucking my ass while his other ones were squeezing my tits and fucking my mouth, keeping me bound and spread.
A few more tentacles slithered on my body and covered me in his gooey substance. I shivered and kept leaking my arousal all over myself and him. You could hear it falling into the pool below.
"Unbelievable" someone from the crowd said.
"Oh, you haven't seen anything yet. Do you want to see me stuff her pussy so full that she stops leaking her pussy juice?"
"Oh, my God, yes.." a voice whispered.
He didn't respond but began to direct tentacles towards my pussy. He started with a really big, girthy one that felt like bliss coming inside me. Then he pushed another big one in. I was crying but it felt so fucking good. When the two big ones were nicely fitting inside me, he surrounded them with an array of smaller ones and began fitting them in one by one. I felt stretched beyond humanly possible but he was relentless. I was shaking even more.
"Your ass seems lonely." And he stuffed four more smaller tentacles inside it and kept fucking me. The ones in my pussy joined and I screamed and cried more. It was so delicious I felt like passing out.
"No, no. Bad doll." And I felt something spray me on the face, focusing on a tentacle doing the spraying. I immediately perked up and resumed my moaning and whimpering. I had drool coming down my chin. My pussy was still leaking around his tentacles that kept fucking me. And my ass was pounded so good. He kept me on the edge of cumming but I was about ready to break.
He began to slide a few more tentacles inside my pussy and finally the crowd stopped seeing me leak arousal. The tentacles in my pussy were massaging my inner walls and g-spot while the others were fucking in me so deep you could see their outlines on my belly area.
"I think it's time for your reward now, love."
I felt the most delicious sucking motion on my clit from a tentacle secreting a tingly feeling liquid and that was my undoing. I shattered as I was completely owned by him.
I think I was cumming for several minutes before I finally stopped and began to breathe heavily. His tentacles started to slither out of my mouth, leaving wet trails behind them. He was looking at me. "Please. Please, more.." I had no voice left and sounded exhausted, but he smiled at hearing me.
"Insatiable..." He began to fuck me even harder and my screams filled the entire room and echoed loudly. I was cumming again in no time. I think I came four more times in various different positions, but always spread so the audience can see a different side of me.
"Are you ready, doll?" He finally asked and I croaked a yes in response. He cradled me in his remaining tentacles forming a bed of sorts over the water.
Every tentacle that was touching me began to cover me in liquids of various colors. My tits looked green and black. My ass started leaking purple and blue liquids. My pussy was full of white and grey. My whole body was his canvas, covered in his release.
We stayed put for a while so the crowd can have its fill. I was panting and felt shattered. I think I almost fell asleep at one point but I jolted awake at him hugging me close and taking us away the same way he came to me. In no time, we were in my private dressing room. He held me close and whispered next to my ear.
"Are you okay, my precious flower? Do you want food or drink? Or maybe a shower first?"
I smiled and said "Just hold me some more."
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navybrat817 · 11 months
It's a Ginger Thing
Pairing: Soft Dark!Nick Fowler x Female Reader Summary: Feeling a bit stir crazy from your daily routine, you share an idea with Nick that may be good for the other wives. Word Count: Over 1.5k Warnings: Implied smut, noncon/dubcon elements (you have been warned), gaps in memory, gaslighting, coercion, creepy vibes, Nick Fowler (yep, he's a warning) A/N: Nick and Ginger's Intro for my Disturbia AU! ❤️ Beta read by the lovely @whisperlullaby, but any and all mistakes are my own. Divider by the talented @firefly-graphics. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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Nick took you to the gym at the same time each day before he went to work. Exercising was your favorite part of your daily routine. It gave you a chance to get out of the house, stay in shape, and have some time with your husband before he went on his way and you got to work on your chores. It was also a good way to get some of your frustrations out of your system, which you could only do so much through cleaning.
A good wife keeps a tidy home for her husband.
You pinched the bridge of your nose as you stopped in mid stretch. It was difficult to pinpoint why you weren’t overly fond of cleaning. It wasn’t that you didn’t like a put together home and you would never look down on anyone who thrived on being a stay-at-home spouse. But it wasn’t a way for you to flourish. It was as if one day you just decided to give up on your wants without a second thought.
What did I want to do before we moved to The Haven? I had goals, didn’t I? Ambition?
You sometimes liked to imagine that you wanted something more beyond the duties of a housewife. Something exciting or a job that could help people in some way. It was possible to support Nick in the ways he needed while having something of our own. Was that too much to ask?
Yes. Because Nick helps so many with his job, along with taking care of me. Supporting him should be enough.
“What’s wrong?” Nick asked when you quickly finished stretching.
“Nothing,” you said, putting your hands on your hips as his bright blue eyes focused on you. Seeing him in his workout clothes, the taut muscles defined through the fabric, made it difficult to concentrate. “Just don’t really think I’m up for doing any housework today.”
“Your head bothering you?” he asked, taking a sip of water with an unwavering gaze.
Nick was a little different from some of the men you knew in the neighborhood. From what you observed, Steve ruled his home with an iron fist and he expected Cherry to fall in line. You had to bite back a retort more than once when you saw how he treated her, especially since she was so kind. Scott was one of the nicest guys on the block, but traditional in that he expected Rose to find fulfillment as a homemaker and future mother. Andy and Ruby, you still weren’t quite sure how they fit together, but they at least seemed happy.
But Nick? It didn’t bother him if you skipped cooking one night to order takeout or if you let laundry go for a day. The last time you snapped at him to put his own plate in the dishwasher, he laughed and bent you over the kitchen table until you were a drooling mess. All while telling you he loved the fire inside you. Because at the end of the day, he wanted you by his side and in his bed.
That was the only true rule he enforced: Don’t ever leave him.
And why would I? Nick Fowler is the man I want to spend the rest of my life with.
“I think you went away there for a second,” he said.
“Sorry. Guess my head is bothering me,” you replied, graciously accepting the other bottle as he handed it over.
You never expected to crave fruit infused water, but it soothed the aches in your body. You once asked if he put muscle relaxers or something in your drinks since you always seemed to feel better once you had them. He said “yes” with the most serious expression before he winked. And you promptly dumped your drink out. He had to make them in front of you for a week straight before you took them again without question. It didn’t matter that it was a joke to him because you took it seriously.
Nick wouldn’t hurt me though. He loves me with his entire being.
“So, I was thinking,” you began, pausing to take a large sip.
“That can’t be good,” he joked, chuckling when you grabbed his towel to toss it at him. “Kidding! I was kidding. What’s going on in that beautiful brain of yours?”
I don’t know half the time and that scares me.
“I was thinking that it might be good if I taught the girls a little bit of self-defense. Maybe we can rent out a spot here? Or I can even teach it in our backyard?” You told him, giving him a pleading smile. “What do you think?”
“Why would you want to do that?” he asked, motioning for you to follow him to one of the sparring mats.
Where Nick goes, I’ll follow him.
“It would be good for me to break up my routine a little bit. I love our time here at the gym and it’s fun hanging out with the girls, but I think it might be good for all of us. I know that we live in a safe neighborhood, but you never know what'll happen.”
“I'm sure Ruby can defend herself just fine,” he joked, running a hand through his short hair. You could tell he was trying to get your attention on him and not the topic at hand.
“And what about Cherry and Rose?” you asked. “And didn’t you say someone is living with Bucky now? What about her?”
“Plum. We haven’t met her yet,” Nick shrugged a little. “I understand that you don’t want to stay home all the time, but I really don't see the need for a self-defense class. The others will probably feel the same way.”
“Of course, you don't see the need for it,” you snapped before you could stop yourself. “You know why? Because you're not here. Day in and day out, you get to leave and go to work. The other husbands get to leave. And the wives? We’re stuck here. It’s enough to drive me crazy.”
Don’t raise your voice at your husband.
A shuddering breath left your lungs when Nick clenched his jaw and narrowed his eyes. It reminded you of a nightmare you had before you moved into the neighborhood. Of him chasing you down and catching you with that same terrifying look before he fucked you into submission. There was an ache between your thighs when you woke up, but he assured you it was nothing more than a vivid, terrible dream.
You felt so bad about it that you ended up apologizing to him.
A good wife knows when to concede to her husband and chooses her battles wisely.
“Whatever it is that you're feeling, you don't need to take it out on me. I'm on your side,” he reminded you before he took a deep breath. “Look. I can’t make any promises that anyone will be okay with a self-defense class, but I’ll at least ask.”
“You will?” you asked in a softer voice, bringing your water to your lips and deflating a bit as the cool liquid flowed through your body.
“I will,” he promised, taking the drink away from you when you gave a smile. “May I offer a compromise in case they say no? An aerobics class? This way you can still get quality time with the girls here.”
That didn’t seem like a fair compromise to you. How would aerobics help the girls, besides staying in shape? But the smile Nick gave you was enough to back down the rising words in your throat.
Nick knows the best course of action.
“I’ll consider that,” you said, gasping when he kicked your feet out from under you. Luckily, you didn’t get the wind knocked out of you as you landed on your back. “Nick!”
“Always be aware of your surroundings, Ginger,” he smirked, joining you on the ground. He easily caught your wrists and pinned them above your head. The position left you vulnerable. “If you’re going to help these girls, you need to be able to help yourself.”
“I can,” you said through your teeth.
I’m not weak. I’m stronger than he thinks I am.
“Yeah? Then get out from under me or stay there and let me get you off,” he said, bending down to brush his lips against yours. “Or maybe I should leave you hanging for snapping at me.”
You moaned when he dipped his hips against yours. Was it the control he had that made him hard or the fact that anyone could walk into the gym and catch you? It wouldn’t be the first time. He liked it when others caught him fucking you.
He’s a proud husband and there’s nothing wrong with that.
“Sorry I snapped,” you whispered, arching your back when he tightened his grip on your wrists.
“Why don’t you let your pussy show me how sorry you are? Then I’ll believe you.”
Whatever Nick wants, he gets. And I’ll be happy to give it to him.
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Good life with Nick, right? Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Nick Fowler Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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coleskingdom · 3 months
Adam Page x f reader
Genre Smut
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For @madhatterbri
Why did I even agree to come on this stupid trip? I thought woefully, Kenny’s level of control of who I saw and where I went was driving me crazy. The fact that he didn’t trust me to make my own decisions, equally annoying was the fact that he put my hotel room next to his. Looking at the clock I knew I had just enough time to get down to the bar for a nightcap and see if anything interesting was going on.
Walking into the hotel bar, I recognized the back of the Cowboys head. I sat beside him, “Hey” I said he looked over at me his green eyes sad and annoyed. “ Hey aren’t you supposed to be in your room?” his voice a bored tone. “ I couldn’t sleep, so I figured I’d grab a drink. What about you?” I asked “ Apparently I’m doing the only thing I’m good at” looking at the glass of whiskey in front of him. He really was devastatingly handsome, his strong profile. “You really should go, one Omega is enough in my life honestly.” Taking a long drink. “I’m not my brother” I said ordering a whiskey neat. The half hearted chuckle, “ I can tell by your drink order, you’re not your brother, well not just by your drink order.” The wink he gave me made me smile. “I’m shit company these days” he said “ Honestly, any company these days is better than the isolation that I’ve been relegated to this trip.” the resentment in my tone shown through. “Well according to Kenny, I’m a drunk that only cares about whiskey and fucking women. Shit, maybe he’s right.” his eyes looking me up and down appraisingly. “ Is that so?” Finishing the last sip of my drink. “Your room or mine darlin?” as he finished his drink “Mine is next to my brothers room.” I said “ So your room ?” He threw cash on the bar . His hand on my lower back as he guided me to the elevator. In the elevator his light touch on my neck down my shoulders set my skin on fire. The elevator dinged as he reached for my hand leading me towards his room.
Once inside his hands went to my face kissing me, it was heartbreakingly tender, his mouth moved on mine, his hands gaining confidence as I wrapped my arms around him. His hands went to my waist pulling off my shirt, walking me backwards until my knees hit the bed. I reached for his shirt, lifting it over his head, my hands running over his chest. “Darlin, if you want to stop, now would be the time?” his voice low , “I want this, I want you.” I said looking into his green eyes.
He laid me on the bed, his body hovering over me his hands exploring my curves, humming appreciatively as he kissed down my body. He undid my bra, the man was in no hurry, as his hands played with my breast massaging and pinching eliciting moans out of me with his movements. “Come on darlin let me hear you, let me know how good it feels.” I ran my fingers through his hair holding him there, as my body craved more of him. His hand reached for the button of my jeans as he slid them off throwing them on the floor .
His palm drifted over my panties, to my core, “You’re already so wet for me. Darlin, we haven’t even begun to have any real fun yet.” he said removing the offending piece of fabric. His lips kissed my hip bones, “Darlin lift your hips for me, I want you as comfortable as possible.” Sliding a pillow around under my hips , he dropped to his knees, in front of me kissing the inside of my legs before positioning my legs over his shoulders. “Adam, you don’t have to?” I said as I raised up on my elbows “ Darlin, I want to, just lay back and let me take care of you.” Just before his mouth was on my pussy. “Adam” I moaned at the first swipe of his tongue over my aching center, he turned his attention to my aching clit , pulling it into his mouth sucking on it, my hands gripping the sheets as my eyes rolled back in my head. Appreciative noises came from him as he licked and sucked my body arching to meet his mouth. He stiffened his tongue inserting it and began fucking me with it. “Adam , oh fuck, oh my I’m close.” he kept working a way, a different feeling came over my body, my release flooded over and through me, a deep moan fell from my lips, as the sensation overwhelmed me. I looked down at him, wiping his mouth smiling up at me, I covered my face with my arm. “ How about another round?” He asked “I don’t know that I can?” I said “ Darlin, I know you’ve got at least two more in you.”
This time his mouth and fingers were working in tandem as, he worked my body over. The sounds my body made for him, left me feeling desperate and needy. “Come on Darlin let me hear you .” I reached for his hair as I anchored him to my body, as the moans fell from me his name falling from my lips as he worked me through the second orgasm.
“ Adam, let me take care of you” as thoughts slowly came back into my head. “Darlin all I want is to be buried deep inside you right now.” as he took off his jeans freeing his hard length. He offered me his hand to help me sit up. “ Darlin as much as I’d like to take this slow, I need you.” he kissed me , “ Get on your knees, and grab the headboard.”he said his voice husky and warm. He joined me on the bed, resting on his heels, “Darlin, you’re so beautiful” as I got into position, I looked back at him as he kissed me again. He entered me in one long thrust, as he swallowed the moan. My body feeling impossibly full , he began to move in long strokes, leaving the just the tip before slamming in back into me. The bed and the headboard were knocking on the wall. Moans fell from my lips as my headed was buried in the mattress. He pulled my hair bringing me back up my back arched as I didn’t recognize my own voice begging him to take me harder and deeper.he obliged as he brought his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him his fingers reaching for my clit, his mouth on my neck sucking and biting me. “Adam, I’m so close.” I whined,” I’ve got you just let go.” his words and a flick of his fingers sent me over the edge, my pussy contracted around him bringing him with me. As the moans and grunts fell from him,he called out my name before his release swept over him. He kissed up and down my back, praising me, my body was so relaxed as I felt him get off the bed. I heard him in the bathroom, he came back with a bottle of water and a warm wash cloth, as he was running it over my body there was a knock at the door.
Adam wrapped a sheet around him, and went to answer it, as I pulled the comforter up over my body, resting against the head board. He opened the door” Adam for fucks sake some of us are trying to sleep. You’ve been going at it all night. “ I heard my brothers irritated voice “ Well, you’re the one who said I was only good at drinking and fucking women, and now Atleast one omega can attest to it.” As he opened the door wider so that Kenny could see me in his bed. “ I’m going to kill you” he seethed, “ Adam come back to bed” I called as he shut the door. “ You couldn’t have told me your room also backed up to my brothers.” I asked “ Darlin what would’ve been the fun in that. “ he winked at me before climbing back into bed.
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A sweetly perverse Valentine's Day
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I saw how you came into my home, how the golden sun shone on you from outside. The short dark dress, the red velvet on you so beautiful, so incredibly beautiful. Your eyes in which I lost myself when you looked at me, be it with joy when we saw each other, when you wanted to show me something.
When you look down on me when you ride me, your hands leave warm and gentle stripes on my chest. Sweet and painful when you throw your head back in pleasure moaning my name for every fucking inhabitant of this complex.
As your thighs tense and relax your scratches drive me to move my hips to thrust my cock deeper into you and give you everything you want. ,,Marcus" you said when you greeted me and you would moan that name.
I knew how you sounded, I knew everything about you down to the smallest detail of the pleasure I had given you. With my cock inside you in one way and another, my hands running over your divine body that robbed me of my mind at night, you cuddled up to me in my dreams.
I wake up with the stain and the bulge in my underwear and can't help but close my eyes and touch you and moan your name into the night. Would you be ashamed if you knew what I wanted to do to you? My lips that kissed you now as well as at night but instead of your cheek it was all on you.
Your breasts, the sensitive nipples that always made you shudder when I licked, sucked and pinched them. My hand pushed you back onto the soft mattress, ,,Not yet darling...let me spoil you" I had whispered seductively in your ear. You came closer and I smelled the sweet perfume. Strawberries.
You tasted just as sweet, a hint of bitter, and yet it was the best thing when I licked my way between your lips, embracing your soft skin and nestling my cheek against it. Feeling and moaning as you used your hands with a certain beloved strength to press me against your center.
My nose grazed your nerve point with every other move I made. I ate you like it was the last time forever while you used me. ,,I am all yours" I told you in bed and here when I asked you to the table. You had that anticipation in your eyes when I ran something new for us together.
No matter if blindfold, cockring, vibrator, dildo, hand and ankle cuffs everything simply everything I had run for us. But when I turned around and picked up the bowl, the individual drops of water ran over my fingers through the washed fruit in the small bowl that was overflowing with it.
I saw exactly how you looked at my hands, knew you had seen it countless times, had seen my cum in the shower, not yet completely blurred by the water, and yet you had never said anything.
Almost as if you wanted me to get caught one day. ,,Only the best for Valentine's Day," I said with a wink and saw the pink on your cheeks as you reached for the strawberry. The "glaze" almost shimmered in the sun.
Which you had already tasted hundreds of times. I saw your lips that tasted of strawberry, of sweetness and love that had closed around my cock, your pretty eyes full of tears when you looked at me, I had just used you for a moment knowing you wanted it.
I had praised you, ,,So good for me" hundreds if not thousands of times. Just like now when I took myself a fruit with the glaze and saw you chewing and swallowing the fruit with the glaze.
,,Marcus... this gift I think I want some more of the strawberries and that delicious glaze," she murmured to him as her fingers began to play with a strand of his hair and she saw his grin as he licked the glaze from his fingers and gave her hand a kiss.
,,Then let me make this wonderful day even better for you and spoil you, my love," he replied, kissing his way along her hand as they both slowly rose from the bowl and headed towards the bedroom.
After all, it was Valentine's Day and the strawberries weren't the only sweet thing they both wanted.
@icarus-star , @angelsanarchy , @certifiedsimper , @dreamingofleon , @roryculkinsgf , @wildathevrt , @madamemaximoff06 , @romanroyapologist
Me too dear anon and happy valentine's day ;)
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ravennaortiz · 4 months
I’m back 😆!!!! Can I get a Juicy with prompt 18. Go Slow, 29. Give me attention and 36. Want a hug? Maybe something sexy with my sexy ass Puertorrican? Thank you!!!!
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Welcome back Love!!!! Now you know I can't resist our Juice!!! Then to top if off with the wink gif!?!? *Stares for 10 minutes* Alright alright I am here to work magic so lets get to it! Something sexy with those prompts? I got you! As always 18+.
P.S Stop by anytime!
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"Juice are you listening?" questioned Jax in frustration as he caught Juice on his phone again. "Yup" replied Juice as he glanced up before his eyes drifted back to the screen. A small smile creeping onto his face as he saw your message - I need attention. NOW.- Along with another mirror photo showing your arched back and ass in his favorite lacy panties of yours. "What's so important?" started Tig as he snatched the phone from Juice. "Jesus Christ" he muttered as he handed the phone back.
Juice chuckled as he texted you back - Want a hug?- before closing his phone. "Your gonna learn one day. Your lucky she had anything on" he stated as Tig shot him a glare. "I don't appreciate how you have corrupted my only daughter that is a decent person" scolded Tig as the others laughed. "I'm innocent in this. Shes the one who corrupted me" replied Juice as he put his hands up as in defeat. "Enough" growled Jax with annoyance as he pinched his nose. "All of you just go. I can see we will get no where today" he added with a sigh.
"So you want that hug or not?" called Juice as he stepped into your guys house toeing off his boots as he slipped out of his kutte. "A hug the best you can offer me?" you inquired as you stepped into the living room with a laugh. "I'm open to discussion" replied Juice as he looked over your naked body as he licked his lips. Tilting your head to the side as your eyes danced with mischief and lust. "I bet....I could hug you tighter than you can hug me" you replied lowly.
Juice nodded as he walked over to you yanking his thsirt off. The meaning of your words not lost on him as his brain got fuzzy with lust. "Is that so?" he replied as he put his hands on your hips and pulled you into his arms kissing you. "Mmhmm" you moaned as he pushed you into the wall and your hands snaked to his belt desperately wanting to eliminate the barrier between you two. "Not yet" whispered Juice as his lips ghosted the sensitive area of your neck as he grabbed your hands gently. "I'm going to go slow so you get all that attention you were wanting" he added as he nipped your neck making you whimper before carrying you to your bedroom.
Laying you down on the bed he climbed on top of you making you wrap your legs around his waist. "Going to start at the top and make my way down to those cute little toes. Left, right then the center" murmured Juice as he kissed down the left side of your neck as his fingers trailed a path down your left thigh.
Want more Juice? Click here
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welldonebeca · 5 months
Uncertain Ground (6)
WC: 3.3k words Warnings: 1970s, angst, fluff. Hurt/Comfort. Smut. Overstimulation. Vaginal sex. Oral sex. Multiple orgasms. Cum play. Daddy kink. Degradation. Drug use.
If you like my work, consider buying me a coffee or subscribing to my Patreon. It’s just $2 a month and I promise you won’t regret it.
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Ben held Abby’s hand as he guided her out of the building, leaving through a way she hadn’t seen before, more isolated, and she was surprised when she found his car hidden away.
“I need an easy escape sometimes too,” he winked at her.
Abby didn’t even bother to remember telling her agent where she was going.
They drove for an hour or so, past the streets and up to the Upper East Side, until they reached a tall building.
He parked up and took her along with him to the highest floor, and the door of the lift opened to a very large penthouse.
"Wow," she sighed, awed.
The place looked exactly what she thought Soldier Boy's place would, though not what she imagined Ben's place would look like.
It was strange, the way she separated them mentally.
The walls were full of posters from all of his films, medals and photos of him with several influential people.
It looked like a museum more than it looked like someone's home.
He embraced her from behind, holding her close and kissing the back of her neck, and she gasped.
He moved his kisses up the neck and a hand behind her back.
"Been wanting to get you out of this dress all night," he hummed. "You look so pretty in it, baby girl."
He pulled away slowly, and placed a little kiss on her neck.
"Let me go grab us a little fuel," he hummed. "And you make yourself naked for me, uh?"
His big hand slapped her ass, and she gasped in response as he walked away.
That was very considerate of him, Abby was feeling a little hungry now that she had thought about it.
She took off her dress, and had folded it and looked for a place to leave it on, walking through the corridor.
Abby stopped in front of a door, and her eyes widened when she opened it.
It was Ben’s bedroom.
His bed was huge - as big as some rooms, she would bet.
Her eyes skimmed over a bar counter as she placed her gown on a dresser, seeing bottles of liquor and… other things. It made her face burn, remembering their first meeting.
“There you are,” Ben exclaimed from behind her. “I see you found my bedroom alright.”
She turned around, seeing him emerging from his closet.
He was already naked, and Abby found herself forcing her gaze to see his face, and frowned when she saw him pulling something from a tin.
The blue bottle.
“You remember this, baby doll?” he shook it, smirking teasingly.
Her cunt creamed as if he had just rung her a little bell.
And yet, she also remembered how it felt to come down from it.
“Ben…” she started speaking.
Before she could finish, he walked over and kissed her lips hungrily.
She melted into his arms, moaning, and he pulled back slowly, pushing two fingers into her lips, and she sucked on them.
“Open up, baby doll,” he pushed her jaw down. “You know you like this one.”
She whimpered, and he pulled his fingers back, placing the pill on her tongue.
Abby couldn’t say no.
Ben tipped her chin up, humming along.
“Swallow down, pretty girl,” he hummed. “I’m gonna be able to fuck you the whole night and morning with this.”
She swallowed it down, feeling a little giddy, and looked at his face.
It would be worth a few days of soreness.
“Your turn,” she hummed.
Ben smirked.
“I’ll take mine in a better way, sweetheart,” he decided.
He grabbed her hips and she yelped, holding onto his shoulders as he carried her to his bed, laying her down.
“Stay still,” he hummed running his finger over her stomach. “Love those abs so much…”
He pinched his pill, crushing it and placing the powder on her stomach in a long line tracing the contour of her abs.
Ben licked his stained fingers and looked up at her through his eyelashes, and Abby held her breath.
“The things you fucking do to me,” he growled, moving down to sniff across her torso.
He used his way up to lick the vale between her breasts and bit the meaty bottom of her breast.
Abby gasped, sensitive, and squirmed, but he held her down while his tongue explored and licked her chest, devouring her skin.
She could feel his erection rubbing against her thigh, and it only made her feel wetter.
“Ben,” she spread her legs.
She needed him to fuck her.
“You want me to fuck that pussy?” he teased her, moving his hand down and pushing a finger into her cunt, rubbing and teasing. “What if I wanna stick my dick somewhere else?”
She moaned, needy as his fingers played with her.
“Where?” she looked down at him. “My mouth?”
He hummed a little, pushing two fingers inside and rolling his fingers a little before pulling them back.
“I’ was thinking somewhere a little… south,” he hummed, taking his fingers down.
He teased her asshole with his wet finger, and she jumped a little, closing her eyes in pleasure, sensitive.
“Ben,” she panted. “I-”
He had never fucked her there.
“It’s alright, baby doll,” he shushed her. “I’ll be slow, don’t worry.”
Ben moved down slowly, kissing her cunt, licking and sucking on it.
“Look at that,” he spread her legs. “You’re already dripping and you haven’t even cum yet.”
She flushed, a little embarrassed, and moaned as he licked across her entrance, sucking her clit.
Ben moved hungrily, devouring her as he squeezed her thigh with a hand and fucked her ass with another.
“Ben!” she moaned, reaching and grabbing his hair, arching her hips.
She came so quickly it was embarrassing.
He looked amused as he rubbed more of her wetness onto his fingers, and finally - finally - pushed a single finger into her, making her groan and squirm.
“There you go,” he hummed. “Relax, sweet girl. Just like that.”
Abby squirmed a little.
“It feels strange,” she confessed.
She had never experimented with anal sex, not even with fingering.
Ben hummed a little.
“Of course, baby,” he cooed. “You are an ass virgin, I bet my finger feels so big inside you…”
Abby whined.
It didn’t quite feel big, but it absolutely felt new.
“Imagine two fingers in,” he near hissed. “And then three. And my cock, pretty doll.”
She didn’t have to imagine for too long, as he pushed a second finger inside, and she moaned.
Ben moved up, kissing her lips and pushing the third finger inside, and she could feel her ass stretching around them as his other hand rushed to her breast, fondling it.
“I’m gonna fill that ass up,” he hissed, biting her nipple. “Make it messy with my cum until you can’t do anything but beg me to fuck your pussy and make you cum.”
She moaned, and he pushed her legs spread wide, taking his fingers from inside, and she moaned when he pushed his cock between her folds, and Ben coated himself with her wetness.
“All your holes are going to be stuffed tonight,” he grunted, pressing the head of his cock to her asshole. “Because they are all mine. You’re just mine.”
“Yes, Ben,” she moaned, arching her hips to him. “I want to be yours.”
Ben pushed his cock into her slowly, and she couldn’t quite figure if he was teasing her or just being patient.
“Look at me,” he commanded.
Abby opened her eyes, moving her gaze to his face.
“Say you’re mine,” he commanded, cock halfway into her. “Promise me you’re only mine.”
She panted.
“I’m yours,” she promised. “I’m only yours.”
Ben’s eyes continued to stare at her.
“Who do you love?”
“You,” she moaned.
“And only me,” he spoke between teeth. “Say it.”
She nodded along, pushing her hips up, trying to get him more inside her.
“Only you,” she promised. “I only love you, Ben.”
He pushed all the way into her, and Abby embraced him, clinging to him as the stretch sent pleasure all over her body.
“Fuck,” he groaned. “So tight, baby.”
Was she?
Abby couldn’t even feel it.
He was everywhere inside her, and though the feeling was different, it was still pleasurable.
“Mine,” he chanted, pulling his hips back and pushing into her again. “All mine. Just mine.”
She squirmed, trying to push herself closer. It felt so good, but she couldn’t cum like this
She just fucking needed it.
“Please, Ben,” she whined. “Please.”
Abby tried to touch her clit, but he just grabbed her wrists and pinned her hands above her head.
“You’ll take what I give you,” he grunted. “Nothing more, baby doll. You’re mine, just mine.”
She whined and he fucked deep into her.
“And being mine means I decide,” Ben stated.
Abby just moaned more, hungry and feeling her mind foggy.
“Ben,” she panted, breathless.
“You are my slut,” he hissed. “My bunch of holes to fill in.”
She just cried in pleasure, a little overwhelmed, and closed her eyes, taken by it.
“There you go,” he growled. “Love you like this, all surrender, my baby doll.”
Yes, yes, she was his. His sweet baby doll, all his.
“Gonna cum inside you,” he growled. “Fill that ass up. You want that, don’t you?”
Abby moaned and he squeezed her wrists in a death-like grip.
“I’m going to give my slut a big load of cum in her ass,” he rambled. “And she is going to love it so much because that is exactly was she needs.”
“I do,” she moaned. “It’s what I need, Ben. Cum in me, please, please.”
He fucked her harder.
“Gonna be leaking out of all your holes when I’m done with you,” his pace became more erratic. “Everyone is gonna know you belong to me.”
Abby loved that idea.
She did. She belonged to him, only him.
No one would ever deny that she was his.
Ben moaned loudly and finally came in her, pushing his cock as deep as it could go and holding his hips in place as he twitched in pleasure.
She whimpered at the feeling of being filled, and Ben pulled out - a little too - soon, leaving her to twitch as she felt his cum slowly leaking out of her.
She was still lost in the feeling as he walked away to somewhere she couldn’t see, letting her go, and Abby rubbed her thighs together, rubbing her body on the soft covers, shivering all over, too sensitive.
The sheets caressed her skin, making her body warm up and her pussy twitch around nothing.
They felt so good, like a warm hug and a sweet hand moving all over her skin, a sweet massage made to make her feel so, so good.
She felt like she could just rub herself all over it.
So she did.
It felt so good, so warm and soft…
Gosh, that could make her cum.
Abby remembered the times when she would hump her pillow to get off, never using a toy or daring to do the things she did today, now that she had Ben. And it was so good.
She was so close, she could feel her clit throbbing and her toes curling.
“What are you doing?” Ben’s voice echoed through the bedroom.
Her eyes widened as she turned to look at him, standing by the door frame and looking very disappointed.
“I know your moans, baby doll,” he walked to her.
Abby tried to back away, but he grabbed her quickly, manhandling her until she was lying over his lap.
“And here I was, thinking my slut was so obedient,” he pined her with a hand. “And she was trying to get herself off without me.”
She squirmed.
“Ben, please,” Abby tried to beg. “I didn’t-”
He stopped her with a harsh slap, and she gasped out in response.
“Don’t give me any of that,” he scolded, slapping her rhythmically. “You know better. This cunt is mine.”
Ben emphasised his words with his smacks, and she could only cry as he did.
“You are not allowed to cum without my permission,” he grunted. “Don’t you know that, baby doll?”
Abby’s eyes welled up at the thought of having disobeyed him.
“I’m sorry, Ben,” she begged. “I didn’t cum, I promise!”
He smacked her ass again, and her cunt fluttered.
Finally, he stopped and held her down.
“If you ever try that again, daddy will make sure you won’t ever touch yourself again, do you hear me?”
She nodded, though still whining a bit.
“Yes, daddy,” she moaned.
The nickname danced on her lips too easily for something she had never said before.
Ben pushed back to the bed, stomach first and with her ass sticking out.
“And here I got you such a nice gift,” he hummed, pressing something hard and cold into her ass while caressing her hot skin.
Abby moaned as it fit snugly inside her.
“What do you say, baby doll?”
“Thank you, daddy,” she whined.
Ben hummed along, pressing his cock into her entrance already.
"Ready for daddy's cock, baby?" he teased her.
Abby whined. She was so needy.
"Yes, daddy," she moaned.
He pushed in deep, not even waiting for her to get adjusted.
Not like she cared, anyway. She just wanted him inside her.
Abby came just with the feeling of him all inside her, too on edge to hold back.He pushed in deep, not even waiting for her to get adjusted.
Not like she cared, anyway. Abby just wanted him inside her.
Ben started fucking her deep, not seeming to be any bothered by her lack of self-control, and didn’t have any either as he moved, hips slamming into her so hard it would break any weak bed.
Luckily, this bed was sturdy and held its place as he thrust hard inside her, grunting and moaning, closer and closer already.
She felt and heard as he came, but Ben didn't even stop after that.
"Gonna fill you up over and over again," he grunted.
She whined, already about to cum again.
"You'll always know you are mine," he squeezed her. "Anyone who fucks you is gonna know you are mine."
As if she would let anyone else even touch her.
Ben took his hand between her legs and pinched her clit.
That was enough to drive Abby into another loud orgasm.
She came and came, almost unstopping, and Ben continued to fuck her, filling her up over and over again.
Abby had to fight to keep her eyes open, overwhelmed by the deep pleasure pumping in her veins.
“That’s enough cum for you, right?” Ben chuckled, pulling out of her.
She just followed along as he flipped her, on the bed, making her kneel on the bed in front of him, and whined when he grabbed her chin.
“What?” he looked at her face. “Tired already, baby doll?”
Abby pouted a little, fighting to keep herself alert.
“Ben,” she whined.
He ran a thumb over her lip.
“Maybe you need some protein,” he decided, eyes full of lust as he looked at her. “That will perk you right up.”
He moved, and she looked down at his cock right before he rubbed it over her lips. It was covered in her juices and cum.
“Clean me up, baby,” he commanded. “Open up.”
She complied, and Ben pushed his cock into her lips.
Abby still couldn’t remember the first time she had supposedly sucked him, but she still didn’t remember how she could have done it easily.
“Relax,” he grunted. “You’ve done it before. Be a good girl for daddy.”
He pushed all the way into her mouth, and she couldn't help but gag as it invaded her throat.
"There you go," he grunted. "Good girl, good girl."
Her pussy got even wetter.
She reached for his cock with a hand, sucking what she could take and stroking the thick base she couldn't swallow down.
“Yes,” he hissed. “Just like that.”
She tried her best to take him and keep herself awake, feeling all loopy, and inhaled deeply when he put his fingers in her hair, pushing her as deep as she could go.
“You need help, pretty baby?” he hummed. “Need daddy to help you?”
Abby moaned around him, feeling his cock already throbbing on her tongue.
Ben fucked her mouth roughly, holding her from pulling away and grunting loudly.
“I’m gonna give you a good load of cum, my baby doll,” he tightened his grip.
Her nose was buried in his coarse hairs when she felt his cock throbbing and his cum sliding down her throat.
Ben didn’t stop fucking her, though, slamming into her mouth fast and hard, so much so that his balls were loudly hitting her chin.
“You’re like a fucking vice!” he moaned. “My perfect fucking girl.”
Abby swallowed around him, tearing up and trying to keep her breath steady.
"I'm gonna cum again," he grunted. "Got a nice big load for you again, baby doll."
She moaned around him, looking up at Ben's face through her lashes, and he smirked.
"I'll paint that beautiful face," he announced. "Get it all covered with cum. What do you think, uh?”
It wasn't like she could give any input, too dazed to do anything but moan.
He fucked her mouth a little more and pulled out, stroking himself, and she watched as his head fell back and Ben moaned loudly.
His cum was warm as it dribbled down her skin, and she couldn't help darting out her tongue and licking and sucking his balls, earning another moan and another shot on her face.
“Such a good slut,” Ben panted. “My slut.”
Abby smiled, delighted.
“All yours,” she giggled.
He smirked and she bit her lip, watching his face.
"I love you, Ben," Abby affirmed.
Ben came again at those words, panting her skin more and more.
She closed her eyes instinctively, but opened her eyes once she realised nothing as getting in her eyes, and found him gazing at her face.
“I love that look on you,” he licked his lips. “If only I had a camera, God, baby doll… I’d put that right up on my wall, so I could see you like this every night.”
Her face burned even more as he moved down again, face to face with her and pushing her legs open.
"Ben," she whined.
He made her lay down and spread her legs, moving his lips to her cunt and licking her hungrily.
"Fuck!" she cried, over sensitive.
Ben held her down, holding her hips as he buried his face in her cunt.
"I can't!" she arched her back. "Not again, Ben! It's too much!"
Ben growled.
"Just one more, baby slut," he squeezed her close. "Give it to me, just one more."
She moaned, not able to even deny him that, letting her love her drive her into another orgasm.
"You taste so good, baby doll," he moaned. "I don't know how I've lived this long without that delicious pussy."
She squirmed, barely down from her orgasm.
"One more," he hissed. "Just one more, come on. Cum for me, let me taste your fucking juices."
Abby cried out, shaking and he shoved two fingers into her.
Suddenly, something inside her broke, and she came loudly as she gushed and gushed from her cunt, moans so loud she knew the city below them could hear them.
"Fuck," Ben grunted.
She looked at him with eyes wide, scared back into an alert state.
Fuck, did she pee on him?!
She sat up, completely embarrassed, and he looked at her with dark eyes, face covered with her liquid.
"You gushed for me, pretty girl," he moved up, grabbing her. "Squirted just for me."
He kissed her deeply with both their faces still dripping before they pulled away from the air.
"Maybe," she giggled. "Maybe we should clean up."
Ben snorted, holding her close.
"Sure," he hummed. "I could fuck you in the bathtub.”
She rolled her eyes playfully, and yelped when he grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder.
“Come on, woman,” he chuckled. “Time to ravish you in a different spot of this big fucking apartment .”
“Uncertain Grounds” was fully posted on my Patreon on 2022. If you like Soldier Boy and other Jensen Ackles characters, and like the idea of having early access to my work, consider checking it out. It’s just $2 a month and I promise you won’t regret it. (link takes you to the public masterlist)
Forever Tags: @emoryhemsworth​​​ @amythyststorm33​​​ @shaelyn102 @yknott81​ ​​ @letsdisneythings​​​ @maximofftrash​​​ @kgbrenner @thefridgeismybestie​​​ @magpiegirl80​​​ @mogaruke​​​ @shadowhunter7 @musicalcoffeebean​​​ @megasimpleplan4ever​​​ @deemoriarty @05spn18​​​ @malindacath​​​ @kdcollinsauthor​​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112​ @widowsfics​​​ @frozenhuntress67​​​ @averyrogers83 @notyourtypicalrose​​​ @nerdypinupcrystal @giruvega
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gegewrites · 1 year
Alex(stardew)- homesteading(SMUT)
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This is in zero way edited, I finished it and just posted it
I crawled into the warm plush bed, making my way under the warm covers, my muscles simultaneously relaxing. I pushed myself a bit too hard today at the mine. Those flies are the only thing keeping me out of there most days but I made it through their swarm...so who's really got the power?
I laid on my back, my arms behind my head feeling my damp hair on my arm. The stove was burning in the room, so it was warm and cozy, accompanied by the scent of Alex's cologne on his side of the bed. My hunk of a husband was out at the saloon watching gridball with the boys, though it should be over soon if it hadn't already ended. My shoulders are craving his fingers working my muscles. I think I'm just craving him, cause even the thought of him working this knot out of my shoulder had my thighs pressing together lightly.
It was almost like my prayers were answered because I heard Dog scurrying to and barking at the door. I pulled the covers to my legs as I sat up and looked out the cracked bedroom door and saw Alex scratching behind Dogs ear as we closed the door.
"Hey boy! You miss me?" I saw him get down onto one knee, Dog pushing his face into Alex's hands for ultimate ear scratches,"of course you did."
"I missed you too, do I get ear scratches?" I giggled, finally making my presence known. He looked over at me with his famous lopsided toothy grin, and my heart just warmed up. My smile grew brighter as he stood up, giving dog one last ear scratch before making his way to the bedroom.
"Hey good lookin." He winked as he closed the door, his brows furrowed lightly as he looked at my face and walked closer. I raised my brow and leaned back as he leaned forward over me.
"What?" I questioned him as he stood up straight.
"Your lip." He pointed to the right side of his top lip,"what happened babe?" I touched my top lip and i nodded as he sat down on the edge of the bed and took his sneakers and socks off.
"Head butted by one of the cave flies, got caught in a swarm." I laid pushed back into the bed, leaning my back against the headboard. He stood up, with his sneakers in hand, and walked away shaking his head as he put them by the door. I slightly giggled waiting for his cute little lecture about my safety.
"You," he turned around putting his hands in his hips,"should invest- no, even better, wear my football helmet. Its meant to protect your head babe." I let my head fall down as I silently chuckled and winced at the sudden pinching and pulling feeling from the knot in my shoulder.
"I'll think about it." I gave him a smile as I reached with my left hand to rub the knot right between my right shoulder and my neck.
"What else happened?" He took his jacket off and hung it up on the hooks behind the door.
"Got a knot." My eyes fell closed as I worked it, all my muscles tightening up from how much it hurt.
"Scoot up, I got it." I felt his hand on my thigh and I jumped a bit, not expecting him to be there,"sorry." He leaned down and kissed the top of my head, my hand falling from my shoulder as he took my chin in his index and thumb gently. His lips met mine slowly and lovingly, just the type of kiss I needed to relax me again. I leaned forward for more as our lips stilled and he pulled away.
"Alex." I whispered, my tone was needy and I didn't plan for it to be, but he does that to me.
"Ah Ah," he placed his thumb pad over my lips,"let me work this knot out first." He patted the center of my side of the bed and I scooted forward, the blankets bundled up in front of my legs. I felt the bed dip behind me, he had one leg extended and the other off the bed. He grabbed my hips and pulled me closer, so I was right in his crotch, then he whispered in my ear,"wearing my favorite.." it took me a second to register what it was, and then k realized...my panties. Cause I'm only in his shirt and my light green Lace panties.
"That why I put them on." I whispered back as I leaned back and pressed a kiss to his jaw, seeing that light blush creep onto his cheeks,"you're adorable."
"Alright." He smiled, he was a bit flustered, like usual,"where's this knot?" His fingers starting grazing over my skin along my right shoulder.
I leaned off of him and reached and pointed out the area, leaning my head to my left shoulder. he immediately started working lightly, figuring out where it actually was...and then working it with his thumb harshly, which was exactly what it needed.
"That's Fuckin perfect." I moaned out the words and heard him chuckle and press a kiss below my ear as his free hand rested on my thigh.
"How long have you had this thing? Must hurt like a bitch." He winced as he starting working it harder. I like deep tissue massages, and he likes to give them(...it's because of the moaning.)
"I got back from the mine at...six so...like, three?" I breathed between my words, my eyes falling closed, and his free hand pressed flatly against my ribs keeping my back straight for him.
"You shouldn't of kept working, you probably made it worse then it would've been babe." I groaned and ket out a sharp exhale from my nose,"I'm serious, you gotta be careful."
"And I'll eat my vegetables dad." I chuckled and shook my head slightly.
"Especially breakfast." He said in a stern tone before chuckling,"besides that, find anything cool?"
"Iridium." I swooned before moaning again at him massaging the knot in it tightest area. I reached with my left hand and grabbed his denim covered thigh right above knee,"right there Alex, right-mmm- there."
He didn't respond just continued working it deeply as moans, I truly could not control, slipped from my lips. His hand ran down my shirt and sat on the inside of my thigh.
He worked that knot for awhile, not planning on stopping till I told him he could. We shared light small talk about what we did today, but mainly it was me moaning and sighing and him listening. His fingers were working the area lightly, his other hand working my other shoulder.
"Alex?" I spoke up after a few minutes of silence.
"Hmm?" He hummed.
"How strong are you?" I asked, and even though I couldn't see him, I knew he starting grinning at the question. A question that pretty much meant I wanted him to fuck me. His hands trailed down from my shoulders to my hips and he placed a kiss to the sore area on my shoulder before he responded
"Strong." He whispered in my ear before swiftly flipping me over into my back so I was now in the middle of the mattress. One hand stayed planted on my hip and the other planted into the mattress close to my head. I was trapped under him, he had a knee planted into the mattress between my legs and the other on the outside of my thigh.
He came down and his Lips met mine quickly getting heated but still gentle. My arms can up and I laced him around his neck keeping him close as his hand trailed off my hip and in between my thighs and cupped my needy pussy in his big hand and my hips rolled into his palm. His lips left mine with a chuckle as he looked down at me with his eyes blown with lust, though mine definitely were as well.
"You're really wet." He noted, kissing down my jaw and onto my neck,"massages always get you worked up," he took the time to nip snd suck on at neck before continuing the rest of his comment,"Fix one knot.."his hand slid up my pussy as his middle finger rubbed the wet patch over my clit,"gotta fix another soon after."
"Please fuck me." I hurriedly sighed out as he placed more kisses to my neck before going back to hovering over me.
"Patience, sweet girl. I gotta know if you're hurt anywhere else first." He raised his brow at me, his finger stilling, and I shook my head no,"you're okay?"
"I'm fine 'lex." I carded my fingers through the shorter hair on the back of his head and pulled him down closer to me so our noses were close to touching," I'm fine, I promise." I leaned ik and placed a small kiss to his lips and in return he started rubbing harsh circles over my clothed clit.
"Let's get you outta these baby, I wanna taste." His hand left my pussy as he started making his way off the bed, taking time to press kisses down my chest and stomach till both his feet hit the ground. He hooked his index and middle fingers into the waist of my panties and slowly slid them down my legs, making sure to press a kiss on my lower stomach.
I was propped up on my elbows, watching him with a smile as he got down on one knee, kissing the inside of my calf and dropping the panties to the floor. Before I knew it, he gripped the back of my knees and pulled me closer to him, ripping a small yelp and a giggle from me. the back of my shirt riding up, no longer covering below my ribs and he put my legs over his shoulders.
"Take my shirt off." He said before he started kissing the inside of my thigh and I did just as he said. My heel digging into his back as I sat up a bit more and ripped it off, tossing it behind me. Exposing the rest of my body to him. his lips getting closer to where I desperately need him. My clit throbbing and my wet hole tightening around nothing,"so wet for me baby."
"Always am for you." I giggled, feeling my body getting hotter waiting for him. He placed one last kiss to the inside of my thigh, before licking a broad strip over my slicked lips snd dipping the tip of his tongue to my clit. His grip on my thighs tightened, making sure to keep my pussy as close to him as possible as he started licking my bundle of nerves quickly. My hand shot to his hair, tugging at the brown locks as his tongue worked quickly, licking from my clit to my needy hole and back to my clit, each time around getting harsher. My back arched off the bed as I moaned, my nails scratching his scalp and he groaned at the feeling. My eyes were closed and I was focused on the feeling of his wet tongue spreading my slick around, probably covering his chin as well. He was a messy eater and I'd have it no other way.
I felt a finger slip into my needy cunt and my walls tightened around it as he slowly started to pump it in and out, adding a second finger shortly after.
"O-ooh God!" I moaned, rolling my hips into him as he sucked harshly at my clit, pumping his fingers quickly and and out of me, curling them against my gspot. I felt him smirk as moans rolled out of my mouth. Words of praise which made him go even faster. The feelings of electricity ran up my spine, my hips still rolling into him trying to match his fingers.
He was properly eating me out, I could hear the wet obscene sounds my cunt made. My moans got higher in pitch as I felt the knot forming in my lower stomach, my hand gripping his hair as tight as I could and he laid his forearm over pelvis, keeping my hips as still as possible. I completely forgot about how sore my arms and shoulders felt. His fingers were burried in my cunt, focusing on my gspot. My thighs tightened around his head, I was gripping into the sheets with my other hand,
My mind completely lost in how he was making me feel.
"Just like-like that! Don't stop please, pleeaase don't stop." My breathing was heavy, my chest rising and falling erratically as my orgasm was getting to its breaking point,"so Fuckin good!"
My thighs were twitching around his head from the abuse on my clit, I felt my head getting dizzy with oncoming ecstasy, my body flushed with heat and thin layer of sweat.
"Good girl." I heard him mutter before going back to sucking my sore sensitive clit.
"I'm-im so close, so close." My brain was focused on my orgasm, the feeling of the knot about to burst. The effect my words had on him was huge, he was fucking me with his fingers as fast and hard as he could, licking and sucking My clit. Without warning it flooded through me. The knot finally bursting, a yell of a moan ripping from my throat as my muscles tightened in my core and in my legs, my walls fluttering and gripping around his fingers as my orgasm washed over me. My cum dripping down my ass and onto the sheets, covering his chin and most likely wetting the collar of his T-shirt. But He didn't stop working his fingers, trying to get every last bit out of me. his tongue lapping up at my first orgasm. He started to slow down- slowly slowing down. He was groaning, probably straining against his jeans, craving Being stuffed inside of me, I was craving it to though.
"Al-Alex! Oh god you got-ta stop." I huffed out, I didn't want him to, but I needed more then his fingers and tongue.
His fingers slid out of me, and ny legs fell from his shoulders as he stood up. My legs quivering and hanging off the mattress.
"Open your mouth." He huffed out and I did, he slid his fingers in ky mouth and I started lapping at my cum which soaked his fingers, cleaning them as I felt him pressed wet kisses to my chest and collarbones, his free hand massaging my boob. My eyes opened lazily, and I looked at him through my half lidded eyes as I cleaned his fingers. He slid them out and gripped my hips and kept pressing kissed on my skin, nipping at areas to mark me.
"Clothes." I sighed,"off."
"Huh?" He asked looking up at me,"can't even form a sentence?"
"Take them off." I said, looking abt his damp T-shirt collar, my eyes gazing down to the strained erection in his jeans,"come on."
"You want my cock?" He asked and I nodded vigorously and he chuckled and smirked,"how bad baby?"
"'Lex please," I pushed up on my forearms as he stood up, removing his shirt, revealing his toned and tan body and dropping it to the floor. I sat up fully, feeling the wetness of the sheets on my thighs,"I need your cock, I need to be filled by you." I started unbuckling his belt, placing kissed to his abs and his v line and he cupped my cheek in his palm bringing my eyes to his. his eyes egging me to go one with how bad I want him,"I need your cum Alex, I need you to fill me up."
"You want cum, huh?" He chuckled lightly, his green eyes dark with lust as I unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans,"wan' my cum spilling out of you? Begging for load after load?" He leaned down closer to my face as his hand fell from my cheek to grab my hands,"wan' me to fuck a baby into you?"
"So badly." I responded quickly, my voice Whiney and bitchy,"so Fuckin bad Alex." He bit his button lip and pushed me down onto my back, ridding himself of his jeans and boxers. His stiff cock bouncing lightly, his tip red and angry, he pumped it lightly before grabbing onto my thighs, hooking my legs on his waist.
"You have no Idea what you do to me." He shook his head, rubbing his tip against my clit. I realized he didn't actually realize I was serious about him fucking a baby into me, because he reached over to my bedside table and I quickly grabbed his arm.
"I'm serious." I looked at him releasing his arm and his brows furrowed for a second before relaxing,"fill Me up."
"I'm Fuckin with you." He circled his tip around my wet hole,"just wanted to hear you say it again." I let out a giggle as my head laid back down on the mattress, my legs were tight around his waist,"want nothing more but to make you a mom."
"Make you a daddy." I said, feeling my walls tighten,"fuck me."he leaned down without saying anything back and placed his lips in mine, the kiss heated and messy, pure lust. My arms wrapped around his neck. Our lips moving together quickly as our tongues danced with each other. Right as I was getting comfortable in the kiss, he slid his tip right into me, his fat girth making my cunt tighten around him.
"Always so tight baby." He groaned in my ear, and k could tell he had to hold back the want to thrust the rest of his cock inside.
"You're jus' big." I shot back  as he slid another inch into me, getting my walls adjusted to his size like he always has too, my hands grabbing onto his back, my nails already digging into the muscles.
He couldn't hold back, sliding and forcing the rest of his length into me, his balls slapping against my ass when he finally bottomed out. A high pitch moan rang out into his ears and he grunted and deeply exhaled at the feeling of being enveloped in me. My walls fluttering around him, a slight pain from his size that quickly went away.
"Feel so good baby." He placed kisses along my neck, giving me time to adjust before he started moving,"always s'good for me."
"Start moving...daddy." I whispered the pet name into his ear and when it registered in his brain he pulled out so only his tip was in and slammed right back in, ripping a yell out of me,"fuck!"
"Say it Again."
"Daddy." I whispered before he stood up, my hands falling from his shoulders, his hands gripping my thighs harshly which was bound to leave some marks. I peeled my eyes open and looked up at him, I was already panting like a bitch in heat. He didn't look at me, his eyes fixated on where our bodies connected as he started to move slowly, his length rubbing against and stretching my walls as he rolled his hips into mine. I tried to keep my eyes open to watch him, see the way he bites down and sucks at his bottom lip fire  soothing the bite with the tongue. How his eyes drifted from my pussy to my chest, watching my boobs bounce in the same rhythm as his hips.
"God." He groaned, his hips speeding up sk he was no longer rolling into me but now thrusting, sliding out half way before slamming back into me. A slow yet harsh pace,"You're so Fuckin hot." 
"Have-have you seen yourself?" I breathily chuckled and saw him look over to the north left corner of the room where I had a full length mirror pointed towards the bed. His right hand  left my thigh and he flexed his arm, his muscles tightening and making him look like a god.
I let out a Giggle which turned into a moan as his hand came down to rub my clit with his thumb as he picked up his pace, causing my hips to roll into him as my back arched. I coukd hear how wet I was, the vulgar sounds of his cock thrusting into my wet pussy, his balls slapping against my ass; His groans and sighs, and my moans, accompanied them. It made me even wetter as i zoned into the sound of his vocals and the feeling of his thumb quickly circling my clit.
"Such a good- fuck- pussy baby." He was gonna end up Fucking himself ,and me, dumb tonight, I can already tell.
"Faster, please." I breathed out, my nails scratching against the fitted sheet below me.
"Thinkin' the same dammmn thing." He groaned as he sped up gradually. I could feel him better now, his speed and with his tip hitting my gspot more causing my walls to tighten against him, and in response, his thumb left my clit, joining with his left hand to grab my hips and lift them up more and my legs wrapped around his waist tighter, getting a deeper angle.
"That's-thats Fuckin peeerfect." My head pushed into the mattress below me. his hands slid down my thighs to my waist, sliding under to my back. i could feel his hot breath in my neck, hear his groans and murmered praises as my nails raked down his back. he wast thrusting fast but he was deep. his cock grinding against my gspot. i felt one of his hands slide up and cradled my neck. he stopped moving and picked me up quickly and turned around to sit on the bed, i let out a yelp and giggled. i was now on top.
"ride me baby, cmon." his hands gripped my ass, his fingertips digging into my skin. i wasted no time and started rocking my hips slowly onto his,"nah nah, cmon." he took control, guiding me up and down his cock. i love riding him, i get to see how his muscles tense under me, get to see his face more clearly...can hear him better,"good girl, soo fuckin good."
"im gon-na cum." i choked out, my eyes were closed, my back was arched a bit, pushing my chest into him, my nails digging harshly into his shoulders.
"wait f'me." he huffed,"wan' cum with you." he wasnt telling me, though it did sound like it. it was an order, and order i was gonna obey.
I started moving faster, raising my hips up so I could onky feel his tip inside of me and then slamming down onto him. I opened my eyes when I when I took him fully back into me. His head was back, his lips parted. I kept with this action, rising off and coming back down. Yanking groans from his throat as his hands gripped my ass, his finger tips digging into my skin, and his cock started twitching. He helped to speed up my actions, which didn’t help me, I wanted to cum so badly.
“Please stop focusing on how-how good this feels, and just cum with me already.”I said between pants,”wanna cum on your cock.”
“That’ll do it.” He choked out as I felt his abs tense against my stomach. I finally let myself relax and let go as he started shooting into me.
My head fell onto his shoulder as he kept up with the actions, helping us ride out our orgasms.
The sounds in this room made me glad I lived far from town. Wet slapping accompanied by groans and moans, which stopped when he slowed me down to a stop, making sure to push me down as far as he could so his cock was stuffed inside me.
He kept a grip on my ass but the other was rubbing my back, my head was buried in his neck, my arms draped over his shoulders. Both of our bodies were sticky with a layer of sweat, which to me means an excuse for another round in the shower. When he finally went soft he lifted my hips up and slipped out, snd he pressed kisses to my shoulder.
“So…” he started,”can I interest you in your second shower?”
“If that shower comes with another round, then yes.” I sat up as I spoke and he grinned and his brow cocked slightly.
“If that’s the case-“ he flipped us over, so I was now on my back,” then why not go another round?”
“I won’t say no.” I grinned as his came down to kiss me.
If this is what homesteadings about, then I’m all in.
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
Kinktober 2022, Day 28: Harpaxophilia
You’re Not Right
Summary:  Curtis just couldn’t rob the place and leave.  There was something else he had to take...you
Pairings:  Curtis Everett X Reader
Rating:  explicit
Warnings:  explicit language, explicit sexual content, smut, unprotected sex, PIV sex, spitting, spanking, hard sex, scene, creampie, breeding kink, daddy kink, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  800
Harpaxophilia is when you get turned on or 'hot and bothered' by a robbery.
Kinktober 2022 Masterlist
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You jerk awake, brow lined with sweat when you look at his empty spot in the bed.  A glance over at the clock lets you know he was working late.  Again.  The nightmare was one you had over and over again, and it never seemed to want to go away.  
You carry yourself to the bathroom, splashing water in your face, when you spin to look out the window.  You swore you saw someone staring at you from the outside.  It was enough to have you walking over to the window, looking around on the dark lawn, before closing the curtains.  
With a deep breath, you go to get a quick snack, and a drink of water.  Feeling jumpy from the fake encounter.  But was it fake?  You start to get into your head about what you saw, and then your skin starts to prickle.  Everything in the quiet house seemed to be screaming.  It was a maddening feeling, and you wondered what noises your brain was making up.  
Glancing up, you see the figure again, but when you spin around, your mind wasn’t making things up.  You try to scream, but a gloved hand covers your mouth, and the man sniffs around your hair.  Rubbing his hand over your neck, before licking a stripe up the side, “You smell good.”
His hands rub over your silk negligee, spending extra time on your sensitive nipples.  Giving each one a pinch, as tears form in your eyes.  “Your husband must be so lucky.  Come home to see you like this.  He should be here,” he spins you around, and pushes your body flat against the counter.  You try to get him off of you.  Kicking and flailing around, but it was no use.  
He kicks your legs apart, and pulls up your nightie, smiling when your bare ass comes into view, “So you were hoping that when he came home, that he would just fuck you,” his buries his hand into your folds, and leans forward to kiss on your shoulders.  “You’re so fucking wet.  You understand what’s happening?  I came here to rob your beautiful home, but what a surprise to see you here.  Don’t mind if I take this, too.”
He spits onto his hand, shoving it back into your sex before he yanks himself free.  “Do you understand?” You give him a nod, and he rubs his tip over your entrance.  “Do you need a fruit salad?” You shake your head no, and he immediately pushes into your wet heat.  A hand still pressing you onto the counter, the other grabs onto your hip.  
There was nothing sweet about this moment, just him brutally pushing himself into you.  Balls slapping over your clit, and your eyes roll into the back of your head.   Your body betrays you, and you whimper out in pleasure.  “A husband shouldn’t leave his beautiful wife alone.”
“Tell him that,” he grunts in answer, and pounds harder into your pussy.  Feral in his approach, and even spanking your ass.  “Fuck”
“You enjoy this a bit too much.  Look at me,” you look back at him, giving him a wink.  “You asshole.”
“What?” You giggle, and both his hands move to your hips.  “Curtis!”
“Fuck, why is this making you so hot?”
“Why is my husband so much harder at fucking me when he’s in a scene?” You try to bring yourself closer, but Curtis slams your head back on the table, “Curtis,” you plead.
“Stay in character,” he presses up against your back again.  His pace was bruising, and you wanted this all the time.  It was beautiful, and he had you racing for your end.  Begging him to go harder, and deeper, to which he doesn’t respond by giving you what you needed.
Hips pounding into your ass, and you choke on his name, “Almost there, Yuki.  I’m right there.  Squeeze me so tight, and tell me who your daddy is.”
“You are, Daddy!”
Your walls put him in a vice grip, and he growls to no one in particular as hot thick creamy ribbons of his seed paint the inside of your walls.
“Fuck, My Yuki, you did so well.”
“Why were you so late?” You pant out.  Allowing him to help you back up, you give him a quick hug.
“Meeting ran overtime.  But I know the rules.  If I come late, I got to fuck you like I’m taking advantage of you,” you nod your head with a smile, and give him a chaste kiss.  “I love you, Yuki.”
“I love you, too, daddy.  Maybe this time, it’ll stick,” his hand rubs over your belly, and he kisses gently on your neck.  “I was very wet, so it’s a possibility.”
“You’re not right,” he says, throwing you on his shoulder.  “Now, how about you fuck me.  Show me how hard you like it.”
“Yes, daddy.”
Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season​ @marveloustaylortot​ @infatuatedjanes​ @pono-pura-vida​ @sstan-hoe​ @peaches1958​ @whimsyplaty92​ @rebekahdawkins​ @johndeaconshands​ @thedarkplume​ @whiskeytangofoxtrot555​ @sgtjaamesbaarnes​ @missusbarnes-rogers​ @km-ffluv​ @mickeyhenrys​ @awkwardgiraffe726​ @seitmai​ @smile1318​
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mika-no-sekai-blog · 7 months
You chose
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Cassian was standing in front of the mirror playing with his fake werewolf ears, admiring himself. You couldn't help it and chuckled.
"What are you doing?"
"I look damn good. What do you think?" he grinned over the shoulder. You examined him from the fake ears to the tip of tail. He wore T-shirt with torn sleeves and jeans with holes, he even pasted some extra fur on his arms, chest and face. As hairy as he was at the moment you had to admit it suited him even though you didn't like his choice at first.
"You are cute like stray puppy," you teased him. His eyes grew bigger and lighted up with happiness, he showed you rows of white teeth in wide smile. Even his fake tail began to wag. "And now tell me how you did that," you demanded in surprise.
He just grinned tugging you closer, his big fingers massaging your hips. "Magic." Cassian leaned down and you pursed lips in the expectation of a kiss. Kiss that never came. Instead he sniffed your neck and then licked you from jaw up to the temple. You yelped in disgust, pushing against his firm grip.
"Ewww," you managed to push away from him. "I think you are taking it too seriously." You giggled.
"I thought you like it when I lick you," he playfully winked trying to get back to your neck. You blushed fiercely.
"But that's in different situation and different place," you murmured shyly. He grinned widely, his large hands sliding down to your thighs. "Anyway we should go. We'll be late at this rate."
When you arrived to the party you immediately run to your friends to greet them and catch up on the hottest news. Cassian followed you closely. You had a lot to catch up to and after a while he seemed to be bored. Suddenly he leaned in, sniffing to your neck. You giggled and playfully slapped him to the shoulder. Laughing he run off, going to say hello to Rhysand who just arrived.
After few minutes he startled you appearing behind you, again sniffing your neck and running away. At first it was funny, but it repeated every few minutes throughout the evening. By the time to return home came, you were seriously pissed off.
Glad that the party was over, you walked into your room in the House of Wind, kicking your shoes off and striking straight to the bathroom. Cassian walked in few steps behind you, fake ears hanging down and tail tucked between legs, visibly aware that something was off. You slapped the door closed into his face.
He sat down in front of the bathroom and scratched the door with his fingernails. "Babe? You angry?" He sounded so sad that for a brief moment you felt sorry for him and wanted to hug him. You bit down on your lower lip hard, refusing to talk with him.
"Babe?" He scratched the door again. He sounded like whimpering dog so much your heart squeezed painfully. Eventually you gave in and sighing opened the door just to be met with sad dog eyes.
"Did Cass do something bad?" he whispered. You rolled your eyes, kneeling down in front of him.
"Why did you do that?" you asked in reproachful tone. He tilted his head to the side, not understanding what you mean. "The sniffing thing," you reminded him.
Cassian's brows furrowed, shoulders hunched and he looked down on his hands.
"I was bored," he grumbled under his breath.
"Bored? I thought you had a good time. You were running around, talking with friends." You raised an eyebrow on him.
"Yeah, but you didn't notice me much," he looked to the side. You sighed.
"I'm sorry, love. It was long time since I saw my friends for the last time. I really missed them and wanted to talk with them." You pinched his fake ear, gently tugging on it. He began to wag his tail.
"And now would you tell me how you do that," you chuckled. He looked up at you with a lovesick expression.
"That's secret," he grinned. Leaning in he brushed his nose down your neck. Laughing you hugged him, running your fingers down his spine. He leaned into your touch. His lips wiped over your jaw. When your eyes met, he gently pushed them against yours. You prepared yourself for a slow burning deep kiss, but instead..
Cassian jumped up, howling like a wolf at the moon he began to run around the bed. With wide eyes you watched him. Today he was clearly not in his skin. After several rounds he ran to you lifting you up as if you were light as feather and dropped you onto the bed. Before you could comprehend what happened he launched into the air, landing on all four on top of you. Baring rows of sharp canines he wildly grinned at you, but the motion actually scared you. You didn't know what to do so you said the first thing that came to your mind.
"Sit down!"
Surprised he halted, tilting his head to the side, but then slowly he got off of the bed and sit down on the floor still with the puzzled look fixed on you. Trembling you sat up and swallowed hard.
"B-bad boy.." you stuttered. He hanged his head down, shoulders hunched. "What's wrong with you today? Go and think about what you have just done." You pointed your finger at the door. Whimpering he did as you told him, giving you last sad look as the door were closing behind him. You breathed sigh of relieved collapsing into the covers.
'What the hell was that,' you thought as your eyes started to close with fatigue.
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