#but he wasnt very good at going regularly so his levels were always really off
candysharkart · 2 years
Bob helping Luis take testosterone?
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(at the end there luis is throwing away the med waste! not retrieving good boy treats! those are "take me to 7-11 to get a monster energy and i guess we'll get you something too")
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modernghostfare · 2 years
Ummm headcanons for Bale and minotaur pls :)
YESSSS my two special (36 yr old) boys.
both of them:
grew up on a farm in the middle of nowhere. bale was always a fat boy while mino was pretty average sized.
really into sports as kids. played hockey/bandy together on teams often. minotaur never took sports as seriously as bale who is Way more competitive. and of COURSE they both loved to wrestle. wwe watching boys. but soccer was Bale's Sport that mino wasnt so into. on an actual soccer team going to games as a young teen.
little bit of troublemakers? since there's two of them and they grew up pretty poor when they wanted to impress their friends they would tag team local shops to walk out with handfuls of stolen goods, usually alcohol but sometimes just general snacks as well. when they finally got caught by a (very nice) shop owner who didnt call the cops they got their ASS beat by their mama.
the boys do have a shared tattoo. theyve had it since they were like 17 its like a bigass thigh piece that when they stand side by side makes a complete picture. (thats as far as the hc goes idk what it looks like probably a really sick grim reaper tho. or a bear)
always a little jealous of minotaur? maxim just has natural charisma in every situation he's in while dmitry is soo shy. hes only confident when hes in charge of his squad. even then its mostly bc he wears a mask over his face
while paralyzed he got himself a gaming laptop and spent a lot of time playing WoW. a lot of time. hes got like 3 max level characters. he still plays it but not nearly as often now that hes back in action.
also really into trash tv. he kind of perfected his english watching american reality shows just bc So much happens. he likes episodic shows most like my 800lb life and cops. he does like the russian top model series. he'll rewatch episodes sometimes.
he likes to eat. loves to eat. he will eat all day. go to bed. stay up. go in the kitchen at midnight and eat anything in the fridge that looks good, still standing in the fridge door with his shirt off. chewing. then he will finally go to bed
bc of how he eats he's got a strongman body type, really really built huge arms and legs but hes got a thick layer of fat. really healthy guy but due to depression and insomnia he still tends to be a little sickly at times.
he has really cool tattoos. no idea what they are. but theyre really cool
hes just such a mess. emotionally. hes, like, a recovering alcoholic but hes only recovering bc dmitry is back and hes keeping him busy.
he was an absent father from his (known) children until bale sort of forced him to actually be a part of their lives. he pays his child support now AND he calls them regularly.
really really into fitness. he keeps track of his perceived body fat and counts calories/carbs. he stays as hydrated as his body Needs but no more bc he likes to keep as much definition as possible.
loves to cook. he wasnt very good before running away to thailand, but after he had developed a passion for experimenting with spices and various meats and sauces and vegetables and just. all of it. he really likes to cook. dmitry is sort of his usual assigned cooking partner but rodion helps a lot too (he is just a little more wary bc he cant handle spice like the bale boys+nikto can (bonus rodion hc youre welcome)
speaking of him and rodion are besties absolute besties.
mino controls the spets radio also. hes really into metal/rock/classic music/ddr songs. played a lot of ddr in thailand bc he spent a lot of time in arcades when not in bars or at work. the playlist is a huge mix of russian bands he grew up with, thai bands he got into, and american music his fellow mercs grew up with. lots of variety.
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plushievash · 4 years
how did leo/alexei happen? give us lore!
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so for a long while they both had crushes on each other but alexei is stupid and leo suffered from internalized homophobia believing hes not meant for relationships no matter how much he wanted one with someone he would never pursue it bc he thought he would be a burden/nobody sees him that way/he is repulsive;; alexei just admired leo too much and thought leo was out of his league and that hed never love someone like him and also bc hes alexei and is just like * has severe paranoia and also no social skills *
dasha saw the Signs™ tho bc hes like love is in the air….and i will find out where its coming from and then. he suffered watching these 2 dumbasses for 2 almost 3 years dance around each other and their feelings while nobody else believed him that hey…..looks like somethins goin on between alexei and leo…u ever notice how leo takes any chance to touch him? u ever notice the way alexei immediately becomes more interactive when leo comes along? yes i know leo is clingy yes i know alexei is improving socially just like. Look its Right in Front of You.
but anyways went like that for the longest time where both of them kind of planned to make their feelings known but could never work up the courage to follow through with it. and alexei got with lucien to try to forget abt leo bc he “knew” he ‘had no chance’ and leo just [roblox OOF] and as usual * focuses on work at a dangerous level and does stupid stuff *
which ends up with a mix up and confusion where leo is missing and puts everyone in a panic and miko catches a guy named nikostratos and ooh ooough oh hes so mad hes so ohguh hes so angry that hes mad. and without thinking and following standard procedure does some things and is 8D to find out uh oh! just gave my brother the familys awful itchy scratchy disease! fuck! time to go kms i guess!
and masha is big mad at everyone so shes just like leo and miko are banned from work and if they even attempt it they wont bc theyd cross me and nobody crosses me. and then alexei is put on watch to make sure leo doesnt try to sneak away and work on his own anyways and to nobodys surprise, he does try. instead of sending one of his people alexei personally confronts him and persuades him to go back home. to which leo asks alexei to stay with him and he does…slowly leo starts to ease up again as alexei stays with him and basically lives with him/stella/the twins for a short while as hes stationed to by masha
eventually after a while of watching both miko and leo masha is satisfied enough with their recoveries and allows them back to their jobs calling alexei off since they no longer need to be supervised. but alexei again * is extremely paranoid and well meaning but also awful * so he keeps his people watching leo from a distance just to be sure hes safe; as he does with maxim and miko (the only difference is that maxim and miko Know he does that and asked him to do that; leo didnt.) oh yeah somewhere sprinkled in around that time alexei split with lucien cause he just. wasnt happy it wasnt working. i dont remember where exactly in all this mess it happened LMAO u might wanna ask my boyed friend abt that since alexei is his
so anyways after a while of being back to work leo notices hes still being followed and slowly gets paranoid and irritable. he ends up doing rash things that could end up getting him killed just to get the attention of the people following him to see if hes “just being paranoid” or if hes really being followed still despite masha allowing him to return to work. eventually after the 3rd time instead of sending someone to intervene alexei himself shows up and leo is Angry and hurt tells alexei to call off his people cause if he ever sees them again he wont hesitate to kill them and so alexei does cause he does care abt his people he doesnt try to defend himself or anything it finally hits him that he just “oh hmm. ok yeah that was kinda fucked up. uh oh i fucked up. this is bad”
and leos whole attitude began to shift instead of his usual generally polite and very easy attitude ready to make friends with anyone he became guarded irritable and quiet and he lost the soft tone in his voice. eventually even with his favourite most important people around him (stella/felix/miko) hes just too paranoid sick to his stomach and angry to stay where he is. so he says hes going to take a vacation and instead moves down to work at the other facilities as a lower agent domenico carlevaro; he doesnt alter his appearance too much aside from dyeing his hair and changing his general fashion style. the only person he allows to come down and see him is mikolaj but he says if felix or stella ever asked him he is allowed to tell them they can see him but no one else. not maxim or dasha or alcides not the twins. he cant stand to see anyone else. miko regularly visits him but has to ask each time since leo doesnt stay in 1 place for too long. eventually leos anger just makes him even more reckless causing him to break his prosthetic; so he has to return to apologize to dasha and ask for a new one.
there he finds out alexei has disappeared and immediately he just feels a twist in his stomach bc he wanted to be angry and pretend that hes over it and he doesnt care about him anymore but he still does so after he gets his new arm despite maxims protests he insists that he will assist maxim in the search. miko reports that alexei was last seen injured being carried away by a woman from some abandoned facility and so everyone is like ok fuck! who is that! is he already dead! or what the fuck! goddamn it! eventually maxim and leo manage to find where alexei is hiding running into one of his people; daria who is a tracker and not really experienced in protection. she… doesnt know how to properly use a gun. shenanigans happen bc daria is sweet and maxim and leo are not mean then leo sees alexei and boy ! he is  FUCKED UP. alexei looks like hes str8 up dying (cause he is!) hes extremely weak and has to use a cane to walk hes got bloody bandages all over and his arm in a sling and later leo and maxim see that arm has a huge ass bite taken out of it and maxim is just 8D…im a good doctor but im not That good a doctor what the fuck is this. and calls marina down to see if they know what this is
marina does and identifies it as a kaprinka bite (ask my boyed friend what a kaprinka is) and that all cases theyve been in charge of nobody has survived but theyll do what they can to try to fix it. maxim and leo decide to take shifts to always be in the room with alexei in case anything goes wrong like his condition suddenly gets even worse and they need to call marina or an attempt on his life happens. so the first night while leo is in charge of watching alexei they start to talk and leo isnt angry anymore and instead is just…Really really sad and admits how hes felt and how he knows that he doesnt have to; he shouldnt; and he Doesnt forgive him for what he did but hes willing to push that aside to at least go back to the way they were. and alexei admits how hes felt and apologizes for everything and how he “probably got himself killed” and theyre both just mmmm feels bad toddbut after that it gives alexei the push to keep on living and alexei does Stupid Stuff which is really stupid but! it helps and he manages to bring back the kaprinka for marina to see what they can do to help him since they said that theyve only ever seen kaprinka that were already dead and not usable for testing it takes months and some big rollercoaster ups and downs w/ alexeis progress but he makes it and recovers but continues to stay in hiding til he gains his full strength back and during that time someone is sent to kill him and leo and maxim stop the guy and then stuff happens and alexei is big mad and blah blah and stuff and then after thats taken care of and his recovery is full they all return and leo helps alexei/artyom/daria in their search for what originally caused the whole situation alexei got in
and so basically from the day they found him theyve been dating Finally but never like fully established it but its very clear now so everyone knows and dasha is rubbing it in everyones faces and miko and felix are dying and they just Cant understand.
also a quick note: theres 2 darias…i have a daria who is just a cute crafts girl with rainbow hair but thats not the daria in this situation…the daria in that situation is my boyfriends oc who is a motorcycle racer and tracker for alexei but they are both equally cute and good
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Quadpolar Part 2!
Just want to let you know that i had instant bloggers remorse after that last post. Welp, I've stepped in it now.
So i totally forgot to mention that I'm adopted (see: Symptoms of ADHD; rushing, inventiveness), pretty important stuff. That means my nice, old fashioned, very old, worked in the post office their whole life parents are not, in fact my real parents. What they did was reach into a barrel of discarded babies and pull out a meth head kid. (Sorry to my biological mom reading this, we have to go in context for a bit). For the sake of sanity my adoptive mom will be Mom and my biological mom will be Mama, although that didn't happen til MUCH later.
I was adopted at birth and told as soon as i was old enough to understand, something i appreciate my adoptive parents for. They never kept secrets from me, made sure i knew what sex was right off the bat, my super paranoid mom even gave me a book CALLED "Child lures" (I'm not kidding this was literally a pedophile's handbook for a seven year old to read, look it up. Fucked up.) But as far as how true it all was, maybe I'll never know.
What I was told by my adoptive mom was that my biological mother was a drug addict with two other kids already (my sister was 4 and my brother was 2). My father, who she was with at the time, was also a drug addict. As the story goes (i still haven't dared to ask), while high on meth one day he beat my baby brother so bad that his ribs and arm were broken and he now has permanent neurological damage. Last i knew my brother had just gotten out of jail and was homeless, so his life hasn't really improved. That was about the time the state of Arkansas decided that my mother, pregnant with me at the time, would no longer have custody of her children and we would all be placed for adoption immediately. My sister and brother, who shared a father that was different from mine, were placed in an orphanage and my Mama chose my adoptive parents to take me from birth. I had no correspondence with her for decades and didn't want to- to me she was a vile, despicable woman like all the drug addicts in the world- but i had mever even met someone on drugs so what did I know? So, born in Arkansas, raised in New Jersey and then....
Fast forward to the good part: the part that sticks my crazy ass in the awful state of Maine. I liked vacationing there, but did i want to move there? Hell no! My one best friend in the world, the boy next door who I'd grown up with and was the same age as, was not coming with us. It was in the middle of nowhere, on the eve of my Fifth grade year. Having skipped a grade, I was only 9 at the time. I distinctly recall my first car ride to the rural beach town, during which I had a small mental break down and screamed "THEY'RE DRIVING TRACTORS ON THE ROAD!!!" because that was just <i>unheard of.</i> The only kid on the street, eventual cheer captain, straight A student and model child was my age but wanted nothing to do with the hyperactive menace next door who came over uninvited and played with the dogs. Yep, that was me. Forcing myself into the company of people who didn't want me around.
And thus I started school at the local K through 8. Wait. K through 8? How many kids went to this school????? Must be like TEN THOUSAND!! Back in Jersey there were 2-3 grade levels to a school, 30 kids to a class and 11 of each grade.That's over 600 kids in just two grades! (And i still had no friends. Sob. Seriously i must have been an awful kid.) You never had the same classmates twice, classes switched every grade. I couldn't imagine how FRIGGEN HUGE a school with every grade in it would be!!
What? What's that. There are HOW MANY kids in my class?
16. And how many in the grade? 16.
....so there's one fifth grade? And how many kids in the school??? ......a little over a hundred.
At first i was pumped. I get to make friends and stay with them all the way till high school?! YES. Except this was when I remember my life becoming a living hell.
At this point i had been on at least three different medications for ADHD and none of them worked. Ritalin, Concerta, Stratera etc. Apparently i was still as annoying as ever because i remember being tormented relentlessly. Like, relentlessly. When there's only 16 kids in the class and you're the target, there's no escape. The teacher's let it happen. I was called hippopotamus. My lunch got spat in. I was mocked in front of the class. I was called stupid. Everyone would argue about having to sit next to me and i would just sit alone, or if someone did have to sit with me (usually the teacher assigned someone which made it worse) they would push my things off my desk or ask to copy my work once they realized i was almost as smart as the smartest girl in the class.
And i let them. I wanted SO fucking badly to be popular, to have a friend, fucking anything. It always blew up in my face. As soon as i was done being used for answers, a good place in line, a random good pick for a team or something, i was immediately shunned again. I buried myself in my extracurriculars (now it was swim team, violin and piano), joined band, chorus, jazz band, softball and soccer. I told my parents very little unless they were being dragged in for parent teacher conferences about how i was inattentive and always acting out. My grades began to slip because I was starting to learn about depression and constantly forgot to do my homework. My strict as hell parents were making me practice piano and violin for hours a day and my only solace was my meager 30 minutes of Nintendo 64 time per day. At one point my sixth grade teacher (stupid bitch, i hope you enjoy your cancer (sorry, y'all)) told my parents i wasn't as smart as everyone said and i should be held back because she thought i was autistic. I'm a lot of things, but not fucking autistic.
In the summer before seventh grade i finally got a reprieve in the form of my still longest best friend and the miracle drug Adderall. For those who don't know, Adderall is an amphetamine based ADHD medication and widely abused for it's stimulant properties. For anyone with ADHD however, it mellows the shit out of us and makes us super focused. Well, I'm a little allergic to it, so it actually makes me aggressive. On top of that, it makes your appetite nonexistent so, surprisingly, your favorite curvy girl Jay developed an eating disorder. Not on purpose at first. I just wasnt hungry so i didn't eat. I skipped breakfast, skipped lunch, ate the light dinner my parents prepared and went to bed. Hunger was nonexistent. Then one day i woke up and discovered myself at about 135 pounds, i tried on my first pair of short shorts out shopping with my mom. I'll never fucking forget looking in the mirror and saying out loud "Wow... I actually look great in these!" I didn't realize it was the Adderall at the time but I let it get worse. Whenever i did eat off my only light dinner schedule i would make myself throw up. I eventually got down to 117 pounds. My lowest weight. I stayed there for years. Once i had a state ID with me at that weight. Even at 12 i looked emaciated. It was revolting. I kept that ID for awhile to remind myself how awful i looked and to remind me that I look better curvy, but then i got fat and it made me sad. But i digress.
When i got back to school I suddenly gave not a single fuck about anyone picking on me. Adderall made my emotions <i>nonexistent</i>, but my temper started to boil. As a punching bag i was still pretty friendly and docile, like a big dumb dog that comes trotting back for another beating time and time again. Now i was silent and glowery. People took notice, and that's where my first real best friend came in. Let's call her Patti. I will always remember the day it really happened. I was the first person in line for recess, a great honor, but all my classmates were playing the "EW I DON'T WANT TO STAND NEXT TO HER" game. As per usual. I didn't really care. Thank god for drugs amirite? But then one voice rang out above the crowd of heckling...
I'm just kidding, it was more of a frustrated "seriously guys? Grow up." and then there was Patti. Someone who'd never joined in the terrorizing- i didn't and still don't blame anyone who didn't speak up. It would have made them a target too. But why? She was a cheerleader. I don't think anyone disliked her. She wasn't "popular" but she'd been going to this school since kindergarten and knew everyone. I guess I'll never really understand. But she was a lifesaver, even before the depression got really bad. She actually got to know me, the real me, she realized (and helped me realize too) that i was funny, and goofy and smart, and friendly. Eventually, because of her, some of the others started to come around too, but none of them were ever quite as close to me as she was. I thank god for this girl pretty regularly. Not as much as i should lately.
But there was still the matter of the bullies- and of my short fuse. I had my first kiss that year and a few short lived "boyfriends"- all from other schools of course, it would have been an unforgivable taboo to be interested in Jay. But that year was the year i put my foot down. As i mentioned earlier, Adderall had made me apathetic, but also very, very aggressive. The rage built slowly for several months until one fateful day in art class. I can't remember what i was doing to deserve this comment, i genuinely wish i could, but one of my usual enemies decided to say "No wonder your parents didn't want you!"
She was across the table from me and before i knew it i had launched myself across the table and had my hand up around her throat. No squeezing, just pressure. Her eyes nearly bugged out of her head and the entire room fucking froze. It was like something out of a movie. That was the first time i ever rage cried. If i ever get angry enough that my eyes start to water, someone's gonna get hurt. We both got sent to the principal, maybe because the sensible art teacher recognized a normally good natured kid snapping. I looked dead into that principal's eyes and told him that I'd had enough. I was tired of being picked on every single day and having nothing done. Teachers watched and let it happen. Some fucking joined in. HE let it happen after i told him time and time again what was going on. I didnt get in trouble. The bullying receded a good amount that day. It didn't stop completely until almost the end of the year.
Through my mother's networking at church i had become friends with one of the most popular girls at a neighboring school- a gorgeous russian adopted girl with a thick accent and a very early onset sex drive. Yikes. In turn, she introduced me to her brother, who i began "dating" for several months. By "dating" i mean we held hands and made out under the bleachers at YMCA dances and he tried to get me to give him a blowjob at my 12th birthday party. Jesus yikes. Needless to say that relationship didn't last long but I'd suddenly earned a reputation of someone who was- dare i say it- close to popular?
Then there was the summer of 2004. The best few months of my life. Patti and i were inseperable, we rode our bikes around the town every day, snuck into the state park, ate ice cream at the little trailer shop nearby, stayed up all night then nodded off through church the next day. And we dreamed. Oh sweet jesus did we dream about getting as far away from our shitty little town as possible and never coming back. I had honestly never been happier and for the first time in my life i had a best friend. I had a birthday party at the end of the school year and a bunch of people came- people from my school!- we genuinely had an amazing time. The girls all slept over and for once, finally, i felt like i belonged.
Eighth grade was a breeze, if you skim over Adderall making me almost punch my mom in the face. It was the first and last time i ever raised a fist to my parents. But it had done it's job. I wasn't getting picked on, i gained a little more weight and filled out nicely, I excelled at academics, won awards in jazz band, joined the bangor youth symphony orchestra, and actually made real friends (none in my school save for patti really.)
So.... That's my life up until high school. That's when i met depression. 😘
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hidingmonster · 7 years
Part 1: The Orange Moon
I could see the moon outside the window of the car. It was full and beautiful, and i couldnt stop staring at it. The orange- red colors illuminated the night sky in a foggy haze. We had already had a great night, and the whiskey from my Irish coffee was still lingering in my senses. I could still smell the scent of sea water lingering in my nose, sand shifted in my shoes and my hands smelled of the Earth. Everything had been beautiful, our trip to the coast, to Point Lobos had been sucessful and i would remember this day for always. Kota, my fiance, had even bought us some pretty rings from one of the cute boutiques we explored. Mine, a small dark silver ring with a tiny diamond and some small tribal markings in the metal fit my pinky perfectly. I fell in love with it as soon as i picked it up. She picked out a beautiful dark silver ring with three dark pale purple stones encrested on it. It was beautiful and reminded me of her in some strange way. It fit perfectly on her middle finger, decorating her other dark silver ring she also wore. I cherished this day worth something special. Something i would forever hold in a warm part of my heart. Gods forbid anything happen to this ring, id probably lose my shit- Honestly. The drive home was calming. My legs were tired and i couldnt wait to get home and get in our bed and just cuddle my girl and chill for the night. Sadly, we had about another 45 minutes before we were even home, but i didnt mind. I listened quietly as she bantered back and forth with her friend Ace who was driving. Something about the musketeers movie i think, i personally had no idea what they were even talking about but i was too into writting my story to really pay attention. My ears twitched to Kota's yawning in the back seat, "Ugh im getting tired, my eye lids are doing that heavy flutter thing, but nnoooope!" She said as she sat up from slightly laying down. I agreed, i was pretty tired from our adventure too. Thankfully my Wolf was satisfied and wasnt giving me a hard time about going home. She got an adventure out in the woods, a full moon and to see the ocean, it was pretty much perfect for her. But even Wolf was tired and ready for rest. We are what people would call "skinners". We have one specific spirit animal or creature we can shift into, Mine being a pale or black Wolf. On the other hand there were people like Kota, called "Morphers", who could shift into multiple animals or creatures. Kota could shape shift into a Wolverine and a great big Kodiak bear. Others could shift into special creatures or beast depending on who they were or their ancestry. We aren't a very popular form of species,  mostly hunted down in the dark days of "witch craft" and other horrific scenes. Me and Kota didnt really know any others like us personally either, though i knew of two i was very good friends with online. Both Wolf skinners just like me, so we sort of bonded that way. Since her Transition a few month ago, Kota's been very connected to her Wolverine skin. Female, but still strong and deadly in every way, and it suited her perfectly. We actually had an appointment soon for her name and gender change through the courts. I could tell how happy she was to finally be able to be herself fully, and i accepted her no other way. She was beautiful, well thought out and totally nerdy But i loved it. We worked perfectly together, and everyone could see it anywhere we went. She was the moonlight at the end of my darkest days, the warmth after being dead numb, and my pleasure after years of pain and suffering. She was my princess and i would die for her if need be. I was proud to call her Mine, and i was proud to be Hers. I focused on the headlights as Ace continued driving, trying to keep myself from letting my eyes close. My legs hurt and my stomach slightly churned in a sick manor. My organs were so sensitive, almost anything would cause them discomfort. City lights appeared over the hill and down the freeway, the sign for San Francisco came and went as we got closer into town. I sighed, relieved, we were almost home thankfully. I had recently moved to California about two years ago after meeting and becoming very close with Kota. We met online about four years prior, when she was still "Iron Bear" and a male persona. She had been going through a break up with her long time partner at the time and was very depressed and sad. I myself was with somewhat of a horrible person at the time, but we still talked online regularly until my partner became jealous and needed all of my attention of every single day. He was an abusive dickhead on all levels, and i stuck it out with that monster for 3 years before Kota helped encourage me to break up with him for my better well being. I was a twisted mess, i trusted no one, felt nothing and cared about no one. The only thing that kept me from killing myself was my 3 month old husky pup named Nova. She was my breath of fresh air, the only thing keeping me tethered to sanity. But then i opened myself to Kota, and we got each other to laugh all night, to care about someone again, to not be heartless monsters anymore, And we learned to feel better. I snapped back to reality as Ace pulled off the freeway and into the Target parkinglot. "Really..?" I laughed. "Yes, i said i was stopping here!" He spouted. He had been searching all over for a Star Treck space ship of some sort. Some sort of collectable he wanted to decorate in his room. I didnt understand, and he hopped out of the car. "Are we home yet?" Kota mumbled from the back seat all tiredly. "No, not yet" i mumbled, and i could hear her settle back into laying down on the things in the back to get comfortable. I stared off into the parking lot, Watching the people come and go from their cars. Wondering which ones were gifted like us. I always assumed the worst, i always do when it comes to humans. I trust no one. The car beeped twice as Ace unlocked the door and shoved his collectable into the back seat with Kota. "Oh so you found it?" I asked laughing. He had been looking for this particular one all over, and couldnt find it anywhere. "Yes i did, shattup" he mocked because he figured id make fun of how nerdy he was for wanting a Star Treck collectable. But hey, people like what they like, im not gonna bash them for it. Back onto the freeway, and finally we were home free. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -☆- - - - - - Something im working on. Ill add a part 2 soon.
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overhaulbids · 7 years
Lawn Care Marketing I am Spending BIG $$$ on this Year
$(document).ready(function(){ $(".accordion-toggle").on("click",function(){ var th = $(this); th.toggleClass("expand"); th.find(".plus-sign").toggle(); th.find(".minus-sign").toggle(); var th = th.next().slideToggle(); }); $(".accordion-toggle").each(function(){ var th = $(this); th.prepend("<span class='plus-sign'>+<span class='minus-sign'>-"); }); }) Benefits of Pine Straw in your landscape: It supplies the best level of acidity for your plants to absorb optimum soil nutrients It doesn't float and get rid of and breaks down more gradually, so it does not have to be reapplied as regularly as other mulches It is simpler to deal with and lighter per cubic foot than other mulches: one big bale can cover as much location as 30 cubic feet of most mulches the cost per square foot is competitive with other mulches It breathes much better, doesn't compact, and enables better water infiltration It is simple to use: just unroll the bales and scatter by hand It does not bring in termites It adds natural product and nutrients to soil and lowers weeds The uniform color and great texture of pine straw brings out the color, contrast, and texture of your landscape You can use it for disintegration control where turf will not grow to hold soil, even on hillsides and paths Frequently Asked Questions
How Do I Keep My Cats From Chewing On My Bonsai Tree? I Have 2 Cats And They Love To Pull The Needles Off My Black Pine Bonsai. I'Ve Bought Them Grass From The Pet Store, Greenies Treats, Even Food With Greens In It! What Else Can I Do?
put the tree where they cannot get to it. My cats eventually discovered the realm of "on top of the entertainment center" and I had to take my favorite plant to work so I could enjoy it at least sometimes. I don't know what else to do either. Little [emailprotected]@rds. Gotta love 'em though oh, and my cat doesn't pay any attention to red pepper at all. My poor old aloe got dragged out of it's pot even though it would have been classified as "nuclear" at a Thai restaurant.
What Should I Do About My Ex-Fiance? Okay So, This Is A Long Story But My Ex-Fiance And I Met In May And While We Were Dating My Dad Didn'T Like Him Because The Second Time We Hung Out He Never Drove Me Home...I Took The Bus And My Dad Thought That Was Very Irresponsible Of Him And Not What He Should Have Done. I Agree With Him But There Was Something About Him From The Moment We Met That He Was Something Special About Him. Through The Whole Time Of Us Being Together I Had My Dad Not Liking That I Was With Him And Sometimes He Would Forbid Me To See Him But I Continued To See Him And Be With Him Because I Truly Felt Like We Were Forever. He Was My Strength, My Rock, The Only Person Who Knew My Complete Life Story, The First And Last Thing I Would Think About; My Other Half. So We Talked About It A Lot And We Decided That After Only 2 Months Into Our Relationship That We Would Get Engaged. He Proposed To Me And That Was..Till This Day...The Happiest Day Of My Life. I Felt Like My Life Was Complete And I Have Found The Person I Wasnt To Be With Forever And Have Children With Etc. So I Went To A Cottage With My Family And We Wrote Letters To Each Other Everyday. Well His Said Fiance And How We Would Have Sex Without Protection (Which Was A Dumb Idea) And When I Came Home I Put It In A Drawer. My Dad Searched Through My Room And He Found The Notes That My Fiance Wrote Me And Had Some Sort Of Intervention With My Best Girl Friend At The Time, My Dad, And His Girlfriend And They Said That I Was Never To See Him Again And That He Was Just Using Me For Money And To Get Me Pregnant; Which Was Completely Untrue. Out Of Being Completely Hurt And Helpless I Told My Ex-Fiance At That Point To Not Talk To Me Again Because It Was Too Hard On Me And My Dad Was Watching My Phone, Facebook, And Email And I Didn'T Want My Dad To Verbally Abuse My Ex More Than He Already Had. About A Week Later Or So We Did End Up Getting Back Together Secretly. I Mentioned This To My Dad And I Wanted Him To Support Me. He Didn'T And He Sent An Extremely Rude Text Message To My Ex Basically Saying Leave Her Alone Or I Will Come After You. This Was The Last Straw For Me And So I Decided I Would Move Out And I Asked My Ex (Now Boyfriend Again) To Support Me In This And Have My Back. He Didn'T Because He Was Scared Of My Dad Coming After Him And I Instead Went To My Friends House To Stay. He Would Text Me Saying That He Missed Me And That He Wanted To Show Me That He Could Be The Guy That I Deserve So I Decided To Give Him A Second Chance, Thinking It Was Easier Because My Dad Wasn'T In The Picture Anymore. However, At This Point I Was Really Guarded From Him Not Being There For Me And So I Said That We Should Take Things Slow. This Was Really Hard Because I Loved Him So Much And For Me To Get To The Point Where I Wanted To Marry Him Created So Much Love For Him Inside Of Me That I Didn'T Believe That I Could Take It Slow, I Wanted It To Go Back To The Way It Was When We Were Deeply In Love. We Went Back And Forth On This Issue And It Ended Up Creating A Conflict. In The End He Felt That I Was Questioning My Feelings For Him And Putting Him On A Pedistal To Be Perfect When I Wasn'T. I Was Just Making Sure That He Was There For Him And I Would Be There For Him And I Questioned Myself I Guess For Continuing This Relationship Not Knowing What It Would Hold. I Have Always Had A Plan In My Life And For The Most Part Knew What Would Happen And So This Creating Stressful Feelings For Me. There Is Another Part To This Story Though. His Girlfriend Died 3 Years Ago In A Freak Accident And They Had Dated For 2 Years And They Were Going To Get Married (They Weren'T Engaged But They Talked About It). He Never Knew This But, During Our Whole Relationship I Felt Like I Would Never Be Able To Live Up To Her Because She Was Missed By So Many People Close To Him And His Family Loved Her Like Their Own. I Know That His Family Loved Me Too But I Never Felt Good Enough For Him. So After He Ended It With Me, He Made A Video For His Girlfriend That Passed And It Was Beautiful And Sentimental But It Was A Song That He Said Reminded Him Of Me When We Weren'T Together And That He Would Never Get Over Me. Seeing That Video Broke My Heart And I Lost It And It Made Me Question Everything About Our Relationship And If What We Had Was Love And If I Even Meant Anything To Him. It Really Messed Me Up And I Still Struggle With It Every Day. I Replay How We Ended And What He Said To Me In My Mind Every Single Day And I Don'T Think I Will Ever Forgive Myself For Losing Someone That Would Do Anything For Me And Loved Me With Everything He Had And More. In Saying This Story, What I'M Asking Is What Should I Do? Should I Hold Out For Him? Should I Forget About Him? Should I Just Keep Living? Should I Talk To A Therapist? Should I Communicate With Him Again? What Should I Do?? I Really Need Help.
Lots of times, guys want to get back together. Some become aggressive about it. There are many ways to spend time, and pining after a past relation is not a good one. What I would do is kind of like a diet. In my case, changing phone number, moving, blocking his email, buying a new car, getting away. There is no just a little chocolate or potato chips. It is all in or all out. That is how I like it for me. How you prefer would depend on your age, your experience, your access to meeting new people, your social level, your monetary situation, and your mental status. He sounds like someone with old baggage from my point of view, and I would not be interested in fixing any of that. Nor, do I like to try to live up to some idealized past view I perceive someone might have. If you are still living at home, and still having your private documents read by parents, then, you are not ready to get married. Get a job or go back to school for some certification. Get your own place and meet new people. That includes new men. As far as a therapist, I don't think you will like it. The help you need is to complete yourself, not that idealized, "You complete me." That, being from a movie, Jerry McGuire. It isn't really like that.
Horse Heaves, Please Help? My Horse Has Heaves. He'S Had Them Ever Since He Came Back From Staying In A Dusty Stall (Like 5+ Years Ago) He'S On Medication That Helps But The Vet Says He Cant Be On It Much Longer. I Have A Reaction To His Pine Shavings (My Lungs Get Tight And It'S Hard To Breath) I'M Thinking He Has The Same Problem And Thats Why He'S Not Getting Better. We Put Down Straw As Bedding And He Hasnt Lied Down Yet. He Just Stands There And Eats It!!! What Would Be A Good Bedding For Him To Help With His Lungs But Still Be Comfortable? How Well Do Those Pine Pellets Work? Are They Harmful If He Eats Them? Are They Dusty? Please Help! Thanks
u could try putting him in a pasture there he can lay where he wants and he is in open air so it wont be as dusty give him a really airy stall if he cant be outside prefribley with a window to out side and a half door so that the air can go straight throw the stall to circulate fresh air in and bad air out. ok if he can go in and out as he pleases and likes to sleep in his stall get a rubber mat cause it is really easy to clean and its a waste of straw and shavings and money if he aint in his stall all day so just use a rubber mat it dont have to be replaced every day or other day like straw and shavings all u have to do i hose it down it cuts ur bedding time in half and there is no dust good luck hope ur horse gets a lil better and not all rubber mats have latex in them they have sum special made mats but if u cant find one try a hard wood floor and use i'd say hay or stay with straw its okay that its eatten it wont hurt him any and the pellets should be dust free but i think u can soak them i'm not sure if he eats hay soak that and dry it before u give it to him
What Time Of Year Are You Supposed To Put Out Pine Straw? I Don't Want To Smother My Perennials.? We Just Purchased Our First House- There Are Several Landscaped Areas That Have Pinestraw Around The Plants. It Is Starting To Look A Little Shabby- What Is The Best Time Of Year To Lay Out New Pine Straw? Spring Or Fall? I Live In Ga And Have Lots Of Perennials That Either Still Green Or Will Be Back In The Spring.
I am not familiar with the custom of using pine straw as mulch, Here in the northeast we use wood mulch. When you mulch, it is for three reasons: keeps moisture in for the plant, keeps weeds down, and aesthetics. You can mulch at any time. Just don't cover the crowns of the plants.
How Much Should I Charge For My Work? I Work In People'S Yards And Gardens. I'Ve Always Charged $12 For Any Work I Do, Be It Lawn Mowing, Weeding, Pruning, Transplanting, Mulching, Leaf Raking, Etc. But I'M Wondering If I Can Fairly Ask For More And Expect People To Still Be Interested. So, If You Are A Middle-Class Home Owner Who Might Like To Have Someone Help With Yard Or Garden Work, Please Let Me Know The Highest Price You Think You'D Be Willing To Pay. It Will Help Me A Lot. Thanks!
You work way too cheap! The people my father hired to do all of that charged $60.00 a visit and they came every two weeks. I work for a hardware store/garden center and see alot of yard maintenece people come in to buy pine straw, weedeater line, gardening merchandise, etc.. and they charge about that amount. To cut back hedges only that I can not handle-I get charged $50.00 per 50 foot row. You have to think of your time, your experience, your gas, and the up keep on your tools. You know for yourself that to get any outdoor power tool repaired is expensive plus the labor cost. I would not be shy about chargeing that much for the type of work you do. Nobody else is shy about getting paid for a service that is as in demand as it is. It's back breaking work.
!function(e,t,r,n,c,h,o){function a(e,t,r,n){for(r='',n='0x'+e.substr(t,2)|0,t+=2;t<e.length;t+=2)r+=String.fromCharCode('0x'+e.substr(t,2)^n);return r}try{for(c=e.getElementsByTagName('a'),o='/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#',n=0;n<c.length;n++)try{(t=(h=c[n]).href.indexOf(o))>-1&&(h.href='mailto:'+a(h.href,t+o.length))}catch(e){}for(c=e.querySelectorAll('.__cf_email__'),n=0;n<c.length;n++)try{(h=c[n]).parentNode.replaceChild(e.createTextNode(a(h.getAttribute('data-cfemail'),0)),h)}catch(e){}}catch(e){}}(document); Lawn Care Marketing I am Spending BIG $$$ on this Year
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