#but he would have no way of knowing to worry about Elizabeth at Circus Baby's unless Reaper said something
dire-kumori · 1 year
Oh and i had a question about, like, logistics of the reaper au!
Assuming there's a possible ending where reaper Mike dies and young Mike manages to live... do you think it would change things? Would it matter, in the end?
Or is Evan still fated to die at Mike’s hands, is Liz still fated to die, too? Is young Mike still fated to grow up and get scooped before ultimately dying while trying to kill his younger self? (Which is just... very, very sad and horrific in so many ways)
Because if none of these things happen, it could create a paradox; where would reaper Mike have come from if Evan and Liz never die, and Mike never gets scooped?
...Very good question.
Okay, so I like to think that Reaper Mike's mission is ultimately doomed to fail. Obviously he's never going to successfully erase his past self. But after a while, it's stopped being about 'making things right' and 'protecting Evan' and more about 'hurting (kid) Mike as much as possible,' so that doesn't really matter to him. At a certain point he just kind of stops being 'Michael Afton' and just becomes 'the Reaper.'
But Reaper Mike isn't the only one who's changed by the repeated loops. Even with the memories fragmented, young Mike is living out... weeks? Months? Hell, maybe even years in this loop. He's growing up, essentially, but without aging. I mean, of course his emotional and mental maturity is skewed because - [vague gesture at the blood-soaked death parade he's trapped in] - but after a certain number of loops he isn't quite the same person who would have thoughtlessly shoved his brother's head into moving machine parts. Especially not when he still has the broken images of Evan sobbing hysterically and begging the somebody to stop hurting his brother (the Reaper turning its fury onto Evan for daring to get between him and his target, past Mike throwing himself over Evan's little body in a vain attempt to at the very least save Evan's life, if not his own) floating around in his brain.
Can you tell I'm just word vomiting at this point? I kind of lost track of the original question.
I'm not 100% what this would mean for the Reaper Mike because with past Mike growing and changing, the Reaper would inevitably change as well. I like throwing characters up against forces or circumstances beyond their control, but I don't like saying things are just fated to happen. If things play out the same way again, it's because factors leading to those events are still the same. It might actually be that so long as Reaper Mike is stuck outside of his own time, he's largely unaffected by changes made to his past aside from some ripples in his memories. He was pretty shocked when his past self made choices he was certain he never would have made, such as seeking vengeance for Evan's sake after the loop where the Reaper killed them both. So scratch what I said above, past Mike is growing, while Reaper Mike stagnates, wallowing in his self-loathing.
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theladyofrosewater · 1 month
If any of you guys have read my fic "He Never Did" on AO3, then you might be familiar with this idea but I've decided to expand on it with a new au.
(More art at the end by the way)
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The first big difference between this AU and canon is that Charlie never died, she never got locked out of her party and William never killed her. Her parents divorced when she was around 10 and her mom took Sammy in the divorce while Henry got Charlie.
Also side note but like standard FNAF content warning because I know a big chunk of my followers dont care about fnaf.
Basic backstory is in 1982 William gets springlocked but survives which sets him on the path of searching for some form of immortality, after this incident he starts acting colder to his family which causes Michael to start acting out and later leads to the prank that goes wrong and kills his younger brother in 1983 with the bite. This leads to the family further falling apart, especially when William starts his experiments which of course leads to Elizabeth's death and the Missing Children's Incident in 1985. Unfortunately, just like how we see in Sister Location the animatronics and the ghosts inside of them are mistreated terribly and without the Puppet being there to calm them down or at least direct the anger towards just adults. They start behaving a lot more dangerously and maiming and evening killing a few people, with the Bite of '87 instead being an incident where several people were killed instead of just a brain injury (don't worry even though he's not featured in this au Jeremy was relatively fine besides the whole frontal lobe thing). Henry is freaking out over all of this while getting most of the blame, while William uses this opportunity to do more experiments. Henry then closes Freddy's for a few years, with the promise it will reopen in a few years once everything has been resolved. William gets pissed and they get into a huge argument afterward Henry kicks him from the company and William opens Circus Baby's Rentals to continue his work. After a few years he gets a breakthrough with remnant but ruins into a huge problem.
In my AU remnant isn't exactly a cure all. It's absolutely TERRIBLE at de-aging someone unless you literally have gallons of the stuff, and even remaining at your current age take a lot in addition to the fact that until you wait for it to disperse into your bloodstream and get absorbed, a person becomes highly flammable and you have to deal with bouts of nausea and vomiting unless you find a good doner match if you consume large amounts. Something important to note is it's similar to blood in my rewrite with a WAY longer regeneration time, like 6-12 months compared to blood's few weeks, but killing someone violently or drawing it out gets you a higher yield
So, William hits a wall in terms of his research that until remembers that he still has (at least in this AU) two kids left alive, Michael and Vanessa. Now right now Vanessa is about 5 and William tested both her and Michael and found that Vanessa would be a terrible match for him but a decent match for any of her siblings, both the live one and the dead ones, so he notes that down but basically ignores her. Not Michael though, he unfortunately could provide a similar enough template to William that any experiments performed on Michael would roughly have the same outcome if performed on William. So, like in canon he convinces Michael to work at Circus Baby's so he can experiment on Michael in secret and if Michael dies, see if he can be brought back. Unfortunately, while William is out of state dealing with investors and some of his other testing grounds, Michael gets scooped and after Ennard leaves him for dead, he wanders around until he finds his way to where Charlie lives because Michael thinks he is well DYING and A. needs someone to know his sister doesn't have anyone to take care of her and B. This is a Marlie AU and if Michael is going to die, he's at least going to tell the girl that he likes how he feels before he kicks the bucket. So, he does and then immediately falls into a coma because he's like super weak and Charlie is freaking out because oh my god what else would you do. She's freaking out on her porch when who shows up but William. What happens next is basically what happens in the fic I wrote. He basically tells Charlie "Hey Michael is basically going to be a suffering mess in constant pain forever unless you help me murder people so we can fix him and if you say no, I may just murder you instead" So Charlie agrees and after about two months, they have hypothetically "fixed" Michael, but he still hasn't woken up yet. William then hands Charlie a case of remnant and tells her to use it on Michael until its gone and then he'll wake up. William then disappears! and yes, he does abandon 5-year-old Vanessa, but don't worry she still has Charlie. So, Charlie does as she's instructed but here comes the issue. Michael never wakes up, no matter how much Charlie waits, in fact he stops even breathing and goes in a rigor mortis like state. Charlie is heartbroken and one night during a thunderstorm she gets a really fucked up idea.
She needs more remnant.
Specifically, she saw and read Williams notes about remnant compatibility and knows that both William and Vanessa have a high compatibility with Michael. Now she's obviously not going to hurt Vanessa, so Charlie goes to the Afton house to try and get answers from William but again he's not there, what Charlie does find is a taunting note and some VERY unsettling records of all the child murder, so Charlie then decides to hunt him down. Obviously, she can't just abandon Vanessa alone with her comatose/possibly dead brother so she heads home to plan. The first thing she does is empty out a freezer in her garage and she sticks Michael in there after giving him another dose of remnant just in case and gathers up all of Vanessa's things and drops her off at Jessica's house, She tells Jessica she has to be gone for a little bit but promises she'll be back as soon as she can and even puts a wad of cash into her best friend's hands as she runs off. Jessica is a little pissed but mostly worried, so she waits exactly a week before she decides to go check on Charlie. Instead of finding Charlie however, she finds an equally confused and concerned Henry because he'd been calling Charlie's house phone and there had been no response. After Jessica tells him how weird Charlie the last time was she saw her, the two decide to enter the house and grow increasingly more concerned as they see that the house is a mess and find more and more concerning notes and papers. Side note Jessica took Vanessa with her because she wasn't going to leave the kid alone. The tour of the house gets worse when they end up in the garage and when Henry is freaking out and little baby Vanessa asks him to be quiet because "Mikey's sleeping right now" and points to the freezer. Que the abject horror of Jessica and Henry as they open the freezer and find what they think is Michael's corpse, which looks like someone has performed surgery on and he's missing an arm which was replaced by a modified endoskeleton hand. Henry and Jessica then rush out of the room, with Jessica dragging Vanessa out with her. They then start freaking out and due to shenanigans Vanessa somehow manages to electrocute Michael because "that's what they do in cartoons." and they start freaking out even MORE when Michael actual wakes up very confused to why he's not dead. Eventually once everyone calms down and talks it out, they realize they need to find Charlie and probably also William.
The main plot of this AU will follow Charlie hunting down William while she frees the spirits she finds along the way. Henry, Jessica and Michael with little Vanessa tagging along have to find Charlie and William to prevent any future possible murders.
If you've made it this far down, Congrats! feel free to send in an ask about the au if you're curious about anything!
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phoenixkaptain · 1 year
Have you ever noticed that while we have a bunch of evidence that William explicitly told Elizabeth not to go near the Circus Baby animatronic, and the implication of the lines is that he said this multiple times and was very insistent on it, and the Fredbear plush (no matter who you think is speaking through it) told the Crying Child not to go near the animatronics in general, the lines here also suggest that it has given this advice multiple times, we don’t actually have any evidence that Michael was ever told not to go near any of the animatronics?
In fact, in regard to Michael, the only evidence we do have is Michael being explicitly told to go mess around with animatronics. “It was right where you said it would be.” “I put her back together, just like you asked me to.” These both tell us that 1. Unlike the other children, Michael was not only encouraged to go hang out with animatronics but was also encouraged to go mess around with animatronics and 2. Michael’s tone of speaking could imply that this is the first time he’s been told to go mess around with animatronics.
Now, I’m not saying that William, from the very start, took a baby Michael and just handed him over to Fredbear without worrying about it, but I do think William tried to get Michael invested in some aspect of the business. I believe this because Michael’s the oldest son. And while Utah doesn’t have heir apparent to the family title, it did, back in the seventies and eighties, have a common idea that young men should follow in their fathers’ footsteps. Or, at the very least, the oldest son should bond with his father through a shared knowledge of the father’s job.
This was exceptionally common everywhere, but especially in Utah, where the people have always been (as we will diplomatically call it) traditional.
(But, of course, the Aftons probably are not originally from Utah. That doesn’t actually have much of a sway in form of argument in this particular case, because Mormons have a long history of outcasting people they considered “other.” If you smoked, if you drank to excessively, if you didn’t go to church, if you did go to church but not the “correct” way (I have no fucking clue what the correct way is, I only know that I, personally, did not do it correctly as a four-year-old, I know, baffles the mind), you were other and therefore, nobody would speak to you. And, more importantly to my case, nobody would go to your business.
William, being the one who spoke to more people (if we trust the books) had to at least play at being charmingly British enough that his neighbours wouldn’t think he’s a bad person. In fact, they would probably accept that he doesn’t want to go to church if he just used being from another country to get out of it (but they would probably suggest it everytime he spoke to them anyway) but William would have to fit in in other ways so he didn’t come across as too other. Enter Michael.
His relationship with Michael, if it mimicked the common relationship of father-and-son at the time, would be enough to charm people into believing he’s a family man and going to his diner anyway. Having three children was already going to boost people’s opinions of him, but if, on top of that, his oldest son “helped” with animatronics or paperwork or even if he just occasionally wiped tables, that would add more to the public image of the business being a family operation, just this one included two families.)
Admittedly, we don’t know much about how Michael acts. But, since it’s a similar case to Ethan Winters from the Resident Evil series (1. Both first person. 2. Both keeping the face out of view from the viewer, even going as far as obscuring mirrors or leaving mirrors out entirely. 3. Both of them get taken over by an outside entity (Ennard and Mold, respectively). 4. Both seem to do incredibly stupid things (“I think I’ll go see my wife in this ominous house I was given the address to multiple years after her disappearane and assumed death. I want my dearest darlingest baby girl back so I am going to fight hell monsters with whatever weapons aren’t nailed down and if I have to fight a god, then I guess I have to fight a god. I inexplicably know how to put together a functioning flamethrower.” “Well, Dad told me to go down in his weird undergroudn bunker that he keeps behind the house where my sister who has been missing for some amount of time is apparently hanging out, so I guess I’ll head down there on the nightly.” “I will not make any noise of complaint or annoyance or fear or even pain as I am inconvenienced and hurt and even murdered.” “I inexplicably consider being used as a flesh suit by the possessed wires of multiple animatronics a win because I’m pretty sure my sister was in there somewhere, so great news, Old Man, I’ve succeeded in the task.”) 5. I like comparing media that technically is very different but is similar in key ways and that’s what I’m currently doing. Shh, go with it, my child, go with it) I’m going to assume that Michael’s face does the same thing Ethan’s does. As in, if you wait long enough, even in situations where Ethan should reasonably be terrified, he just looks sort of like he’s wondering if he left the oven on. I like to think that’s how Michael’s face looks. Like: “Oh no, Ballora could catch me at any moment and kill me! …I wonder if that bird I saw last week is having any luck finding worms? It’s been a bit of a dry year.”
Michael certainly seems determined, but he only seems determined if we assume that he’s in more than one game. Like, if we think Michael isn’t the guy running the pizzeria in Pizzeria Simulator, then Michael said “I’m going to come find you” to his father and didn’t do anything? If we assume he isn’t the nightguard of the first game, if we assume he isn’t the second nightguard in the second game, if we assume he is only the protagonist of Sister Location, then Michael is the funniest character of all time. Because he literally said “Father, I am going to come find you” and then went back inside and enjoyed a quiet life? Maybe he did look around but didn’t go to any of the obvious places, the restaurants his father worked and killed at? Maybe he knew exactly where William was and just said “Ah, fock it, I’m going back to my tele-novella, tell me when you’re dead, Father.” It also makes William screaming for Michael a lot funnier because oh my God, William, do you think he’ll just teleport there?
(Sorry, that was a tangent. I saw someone complain about the night guards all being the same person or related to the events of the game in some way and it kind of annoyed me. “Why must they be the same person?” you ask? Because that’s just basic storytelling. The characters have to be related to the plot in some way, or the storytelling is nonexistent. And besides, from a narrative perspective, it makes a more satisfying story if Michael is the night guard of at least one location, because it means that Michael isn’t the stupidest man alive. He’s looking for his father. If I was in Michael Afton’s shoes, looking for my father who I knew was a tad obsessive about robots, I would go to the robot restaurant. It makes sense. (I’m sorry, I went on a tangent within my apology for going on a tangent. I will get back to the actual point now.))
We know that William told Elizabeth not to go near animatronics (or at least not to go near one animatronic). We know that someone told the Crying Child not to go near any animatronics. But we don’t have any evidence that Michael was ever told any of the animatronics were dangerous. In fact, evidence suggests that he was not only told to hang around animatronics, but he’s basically used to them. He finds his brother’s fear of animatronics amusing, which, to me, suggests that he finds the animatronics to be the opposite of scary. It suggests that he’s around them enough (because apparently Crying Child and Michael just hung out at the robot restaurant nearly every day of their lives, for some reason) that he’s either ignored any warnings that they’re dangerous or he was never told they could be dangerous in the first place.
Why does any of this matter?
Because I am sick and tired of people complaining about Michael killing his brother. They say it makes him an asshole big brother, I’ve seen some suggest it makes him just like his father, and I respectfully disagree. Michael is certainly not winning any Brother of the Year awards, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t find his relationship with his brother to be unrealistically cruel.
Michael doesn’t hurt his brother. He only scares him. That’s his entire goal. He’s a dick, yes, but he doesn’t seem to actively pursue harmjng his little brother.
Michael was never told the animatronics were dangerous. Michael was never told to stay away from them, and even if he was, it wasn’t terribly convincing. (“Son, the robot performers are super duper dangerous and you should never ever not once go near any of them. Now, here’s a dollar, go play near the robot performers.”)
Michael, if anything, is trying to get his brother to see that he’s overreacting. He’s trying to prove that they aren’t dangerous. He’s trying to show his brother that the animatronics won’t hurt him. He’s making fun of his brother, yes, but the fact that he gets him so close to the stage and goes so far as to put his head in Fredbear’s mouth tells me that he was basically doing something similar to shoving a worm in someone’s face. He was trying to scare him, yes, but then his brother would, we assume, see that nothing happened and would be shaken, but ultimately admit that Michael was right, the animatronics aren’t dangerous.
This, obviously, isn’t what happens. But I’m pretty sure Michael didn’t purposefully kill his brother and I’m even more sure that he wasn’t even trying to hurt him.
I have three older brothers. And, it was a similar situation in that the four of us were left to watch each other a lot while our parents were at work. And while I know my brothers are not the mold for all brothers, I also know that there’s a reason people talk about the “Cain Instinct.” Boys roughhouse. And, while not actively encouraged in Utah, it’s certainly not discouraged either.
Michael was being a dick, yes. But, the behaviour is similar to a child who doesn’t think that guns are dangerous, whether because they’re not told or because they’re left unsupervised with access to guns. This sort of incident is not without precedent. And while it was certainly stupid, Michael didn’t do anything that a dumb big brother wouldn’t do.
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codergalsblog · 1 year
Fnaf revival au(headcanons):
(DISCLAIMER: This is my opinion on the bite, but I respect everyone's opinions equally, but these are my thoughts).
You know what really bothers me about Evan's death. It wasn't the fact that he was killed by his brother(that still is horrible, though), but it's the fact that not one person working at fredbears tried to help the poor kid. Like, they could clearly see that evan was terrified and scared. He clearly didn't want to go to fredbear, but instead of the dayshift guards running up the stage and grabbing the kid from his brother arms, they just said "hey kid, back up from the stage." WHAT. THE. FREAK. IS THAT GONNA DO!!! it's like they didn't even care about the kid. Clearly, Mike wasn't gonna stop. Listen, when I tell you I would've run up to the stage SO FAST, I'm talking like sonic speed, moving faster than the speed of sound!!!
I also hate that after the bite, William was more concerned about the restaurant than his own child dying. This is more proof that William is in NO WAY a good father at all. heck, in my au, he ain't even a good husband. He would abuse his wife, too, verbally and physically. That was the main reason why Clara left him(she wanted to take the kids too, but didn't wanna risk William calling the cops on her). I also have a headcanon that William planned for Elizabeth's death because he wanted to test out remnant and how it works. So, he used his own family as lab rats for his experiment. He just faked being upset about Elizabeth's death because, like I said, there was no way that William was ever seen as a good father or a good husband.
While both Liz and evan visited their old, abandoned house, they found tapes that William had stored in his room. They both played and listened to all 10 tapes, and some of them were about remnant and immortality. But the other tapes are about how he didn't even love his own family and was just using them as lab rats, especially Elizabeth. William said in those tapes that he always manipulated her into thinking that she was the "golden child" of the family and that she was more important than her two brothers. He also said that he would always tell her to dress in proper clothing and look modest. but not because he loved her, but it was all just to save his own reputation and make everyone believe that the aftons were the "perfect" family. He also said that he purposefully told Elizabeth not to see circus Baby because he knew that she would be too tempted and impatient enough to rebelle and go see her.
When I tell you that Elizabeth's face was red, I mean RED red. Not of embarrassment, but of anger. She was just in disbelief that all this time: she was never loved, was never the favorite to begin with, always was told to dress up like a pretty doll and for what: for William afton to save face. Liz was about ready to punch that tape recorder right then and there, but evan said it wasn't worth it.
But what William said about evan was even worse: he always said that evan was just a mistake and a ghost to the afton family. Will would always say that he was the one who would lock evan in his room or in the backroom of fredbears, not Michael. This was because he knew that Michael, even though he scares evan sometimes, he wouldn't dare to lay even a FINGER on his own brother if it meant he would get hurt somehow. The same goes for Elizabeth, too. So, in order to make evan so terrified of Michael to the point where he was too scared to even be in the same room as him, he would always record Michael playing hide and seek with Elizabeth and would play those tapes in order to scare evan to the point where he doesn't leave his room. William did all of that just so he can have one less "problem" to worry about(these are William's words, btw). When the bite of 83' happened, he wasn't sad at all. In fact, william was actually relieved to know that he had one less problem to deal with now. He treated evan like he never even existed, and even after the bite, he always covered it up by saying, "Who's evan?" Or "I only have 1 son, what do you mean?"
When evan heard this, he was unfazed but was also very sad too because the whole time, he was just non-existent to his own father, and no matter how much he tried to be perfect for him, it was never enough. He was sad, but just let it slide. ohh, but Elizabeth didn't, cuz She was FURIOUS and DISGUSTED about how he would treat his own family this way. She was about ready to actually FIGHT the tape recorder (and even the tape itself) but evan stopped he and told her again that it's not worth it and that they both should leave and try to calm down back home.
(P.S: Liz took the tape recorder and the tapes, smashed them to bits and pieces, and put it in a little bag.....then threw it into the bonfire along with the pictures of William.)
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crumbleclub · 1 year
*High speed throwing a use at you like a Baseball cannon*
Au where William's wife or whatever only has Michael so Evan and Elizabeth don't exist?
Au where William on his way to go kill Charlie accidentally crashes his car! Don't worry he Is still alive sort of as like a weird robot or something? (I don't think this through)
Elizabeth and Michael swapped death Au pretty easy to understand Elizabeth takes michael's place and Michael takes elizabeth's place!
If you want to do something with it I'm just bored and thought it would be fun to throw these at you-
No E's AU:
Without siblings, I think that Michael would be more withdrawn. He was close to Elizabeth growing up, and ended up redirecting his anger at William towards Evan, so, without them, he just sits and festers alone. Without the added risk to his siblings, Mike would be even more likely to fight back against William, and William would have less targets to spread his abuse out across; so their relationship would become more volatile and dangerous.
William doesn't want to kill his son, but there is a very real possibility of him doing so accidentally. I can also see Michael becoming a sort of chronic runaway, but I don't know that he'd ever be able to make his way out of the state without help. If he remained in Utah, William would inevitably find him again. The cycle would be vicious.
Without his past treatment of Evan, I do think that Michael would feel less horrifically guilty, but that he'd still feel like there's something inherently wrong with him. He'd still lash out, but towards peers, since he didn't have as much access to easier targets. I can see him butting heads with Charlie a lot in this au, but he wouldn't have much power over anyone his own age. Young Michael (and older Michael, though in a different way) is noticeably immature, so he comes off as younger than most of his peers and doesn't frighten them all that much. All he has going for him in that regard is rage and the tendency to fight with teeth and claws like a wounded bobcat.
He'd still find out about the missing kids, I think, and he'd still try to save them. I don't think that guilt is his main motivation there, as much as canon Mike thinks it is. He'd probably focus a bit more on Charlie's death in this au, since she would have been the one he was closest to. He'd be able to avoid scooping without Elizababy, at least.
Car Crash AU
I think he'd try again. Charlie's murder may have been opportunistic, but it was still very personal. The robot aspect would probably just be a speedrun method of becoming Glitchtrap in a Springtrap-like body.
Elizabeth and Michael Swap AU
I have no idea how this would work lmao. There would have to be a pirate Foxy with a containment mechanism to get Mike; he doesn't care about Circus Baby or Funtime Foxy. Elizabeth could easily be convinced to do most things her father asks, so her death in SL would be similar to Mike's.
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soniccrazygal · 1 year
Is wow a new bad guy who could have guessed!! I'm really excited for this one I hope you like it
It took in a while to get away from all the people... When they had gotten back to the car where Charlie waited, Michael could tell she wasn't at full strength. She immediately Hug both of them "Oh my God I was so worried!! I'm sorry! I couldn't come to help I just can barely hold myself together right now! I'm so sorry-" "We're OK Charlie let's get in the car And find another hotel I don't think this place is gonna let us back in..." Elizabeth pointed at the hotel Michael hadn't seen it since he was running but the front entrance had Been destroyed he could also see that there was blood inside... It only took a minute for them all to get in the car Charlie drove and Michael sat with Elizabeth in the back seat as she told her story.. "When you got nabbed by that thing that looks like baby at 1st I wanted to Save you.. But then it stepped forward and its hands turned into a taser and-" Tears collected in Elizabeth's eyes "Hey Liz don't cry... it's OK... That's what I want you to do.. your safety comes 1st" Michael hugged her. the black goo was Gone now most of it had fallen off during their walk, She was still glowing slightly but Michael didn't mind. "foxy continued chasing me... he kept on tearing through cars on the way a-and people to-o it was terrible.. Then you jumped on top of me and bit me.." Elizabeth pointed to her bite mark. Her shirt was torn where it happened and It was Almost fully healed which should be impossible- "I don't know what came over me Michael I just felt something... And I just ripped off its head like it was nothing.." Elizabeth looked at Michael terrified.. "Then I-I Ripped into it right there in the middle of the road.. Couldn't stop it was like I wasn't in control.. When I finally snapped out of it I ran to where you were and ripped that thing stomach open and got you out..."
There was silence for a moment then Charlie spoke."I was right circus baby's remnant definitely affecting you... I've never seen this happen before but.." Elizabeth hugged Michael again moving as close to him as she could. "I don't think we need to talk about this Charlie... Let's just find another shady motel and stay there.. Get our bearings again" Elizabeth didn't say anything just Hugged on as tight as she could to Michael like if she didn't he would disappear...
(Somewhere else in London)
Bethany took a long ship of the "cocktail" Remnant and alcohol mixed together swimmingly.. She could already feel the rot along her body undoing itself as the remnant worked its magic.. "Honestly I liked you better when you were half decayed..." Jack the man across from her gave her a Disappointed look... Bethany gave Jack a foul look and had another large ship. Jack was from America so of course he was crass.. She didn't know too much about him other than; His full name was Jack Davis Kennedy, he what's the product of a Irish businessman father and a East Asian actress, Had inherited his father's company and his mother's good looks, And was an all around @#$#.... "I'm honestly disappointed in you Bethany you didn't just fail spectacularly you killed and somehow altered both of them.. And manage to kill yourself in the process!" Bethany rolled her eyes.. how she had miss the feeling of actually being able to feel.. only a week as a undead undead had been miserable and she hadn't even fully rotted away yet... "I mean Mr. Afton's not too happy about it! But on the other hand he never really cared for the boy much and from the news reports the girl seems to have turned out perfect.." Bethany just rolled her Hold her eyes turning her head to the tv Located on the opposite wall. Footage of the attack and the girl ripping the Fox to shreds had been caught through a shaky home video Cam and The traffic cameras so it wasn't the best footage but Anyone could recognize that bright red hair. "So what are you going to do that I can't..." Bethany said finally feeling comfortable enough to take off her gloves. the skin had regenerated perfectly it still had a slightly purple tent to it but at least it wasn't completely decayed. "I'm going to catch them, take them to the States and take them to their Dad!" Bethany rolled her eyes again again.. the shadows we're beginning to stretch as the sun was setting. (If you were judging just on that there would only be a woman on the roof..)
It didn't take long for them to find a new hotel room and for Michael to contact Damian changing the place where the package would arrive. Charlie had went out with him leaving Elizabeth alone in the room. Her veins hadn't stopped glowing but they had dimmed.. As she sat there boardly flipping through channels she could have sworn she saw the figure and a boy in the static.. (Cassidy and Evan are trying to talk to her)
There you go new villain a bit more mystery and all done I hope you like this and interested to see where you take it Signed your Person who keeps on doing this random Tumblr user!
Elizabeth was going to just turn off the tv when she noticed all the static, but then she heard a voice that she hadn’t heard in a long time attempting to talk to her. Slowly creeping loser to the tv, she asked, “Evan?”
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tenebraevesper · 10 months
Five Nights at Freddy's: Salvaged, Night 35: Mechanical Instinct
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''Here, all alone in the darkness, why can't I escape their soulless eyes? It's a lost cause now, they've got my scent, and I can't get out. Now, I'm afraid to look because they are just the beasts to hunt me down. With no way fight back, the night is already over. Looks like I'd better run for my life, I'll never be in one piece to see night five. I've got eleven on my tail, with no time to think of a way to survive mechanical instinct.''
– Mechanical Instinct by Aviators (Five Nights at Freddy's 2)
Sam and Springtrap glanced at each other, then at the kitchen. If they wanted to confront Connor, they needed to deal with another obstacle first – Emma. They still haven't told her about what they planned for tonight, as they knew that she would freak out. Not to mention, lying to her would make things even worse.
''It's not like we have much of a choice,'' Sam whispered, with Springtrap nodding. The two entered the kitchen, giving Emma a nervous glance. She was busy with reading something on her phone, with the two exchanging glances, waiting for her to notice them. At least a minute passed until Emma sighed and looked at them.
''Okay, what's going on now?'' she asked, slightly annoyed.
''I just wanted to ask you whether I could borrow the car keys,'' Sam said. ''We were planning on going to the Machinations Factory this evening.''
''Why?'' Emma crossed her arms, frowning.
''Considering what happened yesterday at Ricky's, we just wanted to make sure that the dismantled animatronics stay dismantled,'' Sam replied. Emma turned her glance from Sam to Springtrap, glaring at him, with the latter wincing.
''Well, I don't think I'd be really able to stop you from leaving,'' she said in a pleasant tone, turning back to Sam. ''Of course, there's something I'd need to discuss with Afton first.''
''What?'' Sam looked surprised, while Springtrap felt anxious. He knew from experience that those conversations with Emma never ended up well.
''Don't worry, it won't take long,'' Emma said in a carefree tone, with Sam getting even more suspicious. ''Trust me, you'll get your friend back in one piece. Although, I'm not sure about his mental health, since not much has remained.''
Springtrap shot Emma an annoyed look, but didn't say anything, as he knew that she was right. He then turned to a concerned Sam, nodding. She still seemed to be unsure about the situation, but then left, going upstairs. Emma then turned to Springtrap, being surprisingly calm, despite the look of irritation on her expression.
''I know that there's something you two aren't telling me,'' she said. ''As I had already said, I'm not going to stop you from doing whatever you were planning to do. However, I want to know just how serious this situation is, Afton.''
''Emma, I am going to keep Sam safe,'' Springtrap said calmly, with Emma rising an eyebrow, looking as if she was going to protest. ''I know that I'm asking a lot, but please, I need you to trust me. I won't let anything happen to Sam, and I promise that I will explain to you what's going on once we have returned.''
''If the situation is so bad, maybe I shouldn't let either of you leave,'' Emma said. Springtrap shook his head.
''This would make the situation only worse,'' he replied, then frowned, a determined look on his expression. His eyes were glowing in a soft purple, the glow growing stronger. ''I know that this is not what you want to hear and I would understand if you screamed at me for not telling you anything. Believe me, none of us would be going there if it weren't for the fact that this was a problem that needed to be dealt with. I mean, I would have left Sam here and dealt with the situation on my own, but that isn't possible.''
Springtrap fell silent, the memories of Elizabeth dying inside the Circus Baby, Sammy having his frontal lobe crushed by Fredbear and Michael, after being scooped by Ennard, confronting him inside that small room overwhelming him. He clenched his fist.
''I won't let anything happen to Sam,'' he said, his eyes flaring up purple as he became more resolute. ''I won't lose her.''
He looked at Emma, not caring anymore what she would tell him. However, to his confusion, rather than being angry or trying to mock him, Emma looked stunned. She snorted, shaking her head lightly and her expression turning into a mix of disbelief and amusement.
''If there's anything I have learned about you in these past weeks, it's that, whenever you become serious, nothing will stop you from keeping your word,'' Emma said. She then narrowed her eyes. ''However, only because you're determined to keep Sam safe doesn't mean that there is a possibility that something you have no control over might occur and cause her to get hurt.''
''I know that,'' Springtrap said firmly. ''However, this time, things will be different.''
''I hope that they will,'' Emma replied. ''Just promise me that both of you will return.''
''I promise,'' Springtrap said, noting the look of content on Emma's expression. She then left him, with Springtrap turning towards the stairs, feeling somewhat strange. Then, he realized what was bothering him.
Did she just say that she wants both of us to return?
He just smiled, a sense of warmth spreading through his chest, soon replaced by a feeling of determination.
As I said, I promise that we will return.
''This is it,'' Sam muttered as she parked in the usual spot near the Machinations Factory. She felt nervous, a knot forming in her stomach. However, she knew that this was something she couldn't avoid. They needed to deal with Connor.
''Seems like Connor is waiting for us,'' Springtrap said, pointing at the front gate, which was open. He frowned. ''Honestly, I'd rather use the usual entrance.''
''Me too,'' Sam said. ''We're basically doing exactly what he wants.''
''Not that it will last,'' Springtrap said as the two went to the front entrance. They opened the door, walking into the building and looking around cautiously. It was quite dark inside, with Sam having brought a pocket flashlight, but she didn't take it out yet. Both were wondering were Connor was, with Springtrap having a bad feeling about this.
Suddenly, Sam cried out, with Springtrap turning around, realizing she was grabbed by Drawkill Bonnie from behind. The Drawkill animatronic gave Springtrap a smug grin as he held Sam, who was kicking and flailing to free herself, but didn't succeed. However, as Springtrap stepped towards Drawkill Bonnie, the dim lights had turned on and he heard a familiar voice behind him.
''I wouldn't do that if I were you.''
Springtrap's eyes flared up purple as he saw Connor approaching them, followed by Drawkill Freddy, Drawkill Chica and Drawkill Foxy. Not only did he manage to repair them, but it seemed that he was also right about improving them. They were moving much smoother, almost looking like they were breathing. However, that made them only creepier.
''What do you want?'' Springtrap asked, already feeling the rage rising within him.
''I just wanted to have a conversation with a fellow intellectual,'' Connor said.
''I'm not really in the mood to talk to an idiot,'' Springtrap replied, with Connor looking irritated, but then smirked.
''You haven't even heard my offer,'' he said. Drawkill Bonnie and Drawkill Chica suddenly stepped out, walking away, with Drawkill Bonnie still holding the struggling Sam.
''Let go of me!'' she yelled.
''Sam-'' Springtrap wanted to follow them, but Drawkill Freddy and Drawkill Foxy blocked his way, with Drawkill Foxy brandishing his sickle and Drawkill Freddy lifting his arms. Springtrap knew that, if he made one wrong move, he'd be sliced and burned to ashes. He glared at Connor, his eyes flaring up purple. He growled, ''If something happens to her, you're dead!''
''Don't worry, she'll be fine as long as she behaves,'' Connor said calmly, not reacting to Springtrap's threat at all. ''On the other hand, if you really decide kill me, she won't survive either.''
''That's why you wanted her to be here,'' Springtrap muttered, clenching his fist. ''You're sick, twisted bastard…''
''That makes two of us,'' Connor replied. If it weren't for the fact that he was held back by the Drawkills, Springtrap would've grabbed him by the throat and bashed his head against the wall. He had enough of that smug, self-absorbed psychopath. ''I told you that I would make you an offer you cannot refuse. Now, I'd be grateful if you'd follow me.''
Springtrap knew that he had not much of a choice, but to go along with Connor. He didn't care about Drawkill Freddy and Drawkill Foxy destroying his suit, but more about what would happen to Sam. The only thing he hoped for was that Sam would be able to disable Drawkill Bonnie and Drawkill Chica on her own, as she still had that device that would interfere and mess with an animatronic AI. He wasn't sure how the Drawkills would react to the device, but he hoped it would be enough for Sam to get away from them.
''I told you that she was a burden,'' Connor said, with Springtrap keeping silent. He grinned. ''If anything, my animatronics will keep a close eye on her.''
''You mean the Drawkills,'' Springtrap muttered, with Connor giving him a confused look. ''I have noticed a lot of endoskeletons in this place.''
''I'm glad that you're actually showing some interest,'' Connor said. ''Most of them were failures, though.''
Springtrap frowned, doing his best not to tell Connor why they were failures. If there was anything he and Henry had agreed on, it was that if you knew how to build a decent animatronic and if you kept it up to your standards, it would perform flawlessly. However, it was obvious Connor didn't care unless he got direct results or some kind of recognition. Nothing else mattered.
''If you treat them like failures, they will be failures,'' Springtrap muttered in a dry tone, but Connor ignored him. He glanced at the two Drawkills, whose eyes were glowing as they were staring at him. There was something feral and animalistic about them, with Springtrap feeling that the animatronics reflected their creator's personality. After all, if Henry wanted to entertain families by creating friendly animatronics, while he wanted to murder by creating animatronics that were friendly on the surface, but deadly when approached, what did this mean for Connor and the Drawkills?
Eventually, they entered a room inside of which Springtrap hadn't been before. It was filled with more elaborately constructed animatronic parts and endoskeletons. Some looked generic, while some had ears or claws, being associating with some kind of animal, but Springtrap had no idea what they were supposed to represent. However, this had confirmed that Connor's experiments with the animatronics had been going on for much longer than he thought.
Connor noticed Springtrap's stunned expression, chuckling softly.
''I can assure you, in terms of being a technician, I'm not an amateur,'' he said. He then pointed at one of the endoskeletons which had pointed ears and patches of matted blue fur. ''However, you know something I don't. You know how to attach a soul to an animatronic and achieve what is essentially immortality…''
''If you really think that I'm going to tell you how I have accomplished this, you're wrong,'' Springtrap replied.
''You really are stubborn about keeping it a secret, aren't you, Mr. Afton?'' Connor said, with Springtrap hearing steps behind him, knowing that the Drawkills have moved closer.
''If you already know that this is only possible via death, then how is it a secret?'' Springtrap asked in a sarcastic tone.
''I am aware of that, but the problem is keeping the soul attached to the animatronic,'' Connor replied. ''Considering how you have visited this place before, I'm sure that you had already seen how I had trying to deal with that issue.''
''I know that you have killed that girl,'' Springtrap said coldly. ''You had torn her apart, but for what? Her death was senseless and brutal, but you don't care, do you?''
''The reason I had murdered her wasn't because she was supposed to help me solve the issue with the souls, but because she showed no appreciation for my creations,'' Connor replied. ''It felt quite insulting.''
''This makes the circumstances of her death even worse,'' Springtrap replied. Connor showed no reaction towards that comment.
''If anything, at least someone did acknowledge my efforts,'' he said. ''I told you about Bran. He was the only one who stood by my side, even after his death.''
''He wasn't,'' Springtrap said, with Connor looking stunned. Springtrap's eyes gleamed, with a malicious grin appearing on his expression. He had actually hoped that Connor would bring up Bran's situation.
''What do you mean? He's here!'' Connor replied angrily. ''I know that I had brought him back! I gave him a new body!''
''Maybe you did, but from what I had seen during my interaction with Raven, Bran Crawford's soul isn't inhabiting it anymore,'' Springtrap replied, enjoying seeing Connor's shocked expression.
''You're lying,'' Connor growled. ''How would you even know that?''
''I am dead, and therefore, I am able to see spirits of the deceased around me. During my interaction with Raven, I didn't see a soul inhabiting it. However, I do believe that it is better that way,'' Springtrap explained, with Connor staring at him in disbelief. ''I don't see the life I live as a gift, but as a curse.''
''It may be a curse, but it isn't less useful,'' Connor pointed out.
''It doesn't matter!'' Springtrap snapped, stepping towards a startled Connor. He ignored the Drawkills behind him, who seemed to be quite tense, but didn't do anything. ''Rest assured, the animatronic you were constantly talking to wasn't Bran, but he still had Bran's memories. His soul may have inhabited the animatronic for a while, but it left its mechanical body. All Raven now knows is pain, and I'm quite sure that everything he wants is to get revenge on you for murdering him.''
''It was an accident!'' Connor snarled.
''It may have been an accident, but there's no doubt that you would've murdered your best friend once you lost his support,'' Springtrap replied. ''In the end, you have completely failed to achieve anything. Not to mention, you have no understanding of death. You may claim that you know what you're doing because you had experienced death, but you're still a complete idiot. I told you that you're nothing to me and that hasn't changed.''
Connor was fuming, feeling livid and humiliated as it slowly dawned him that everything he had done; that all of his attempts and efforts to impress Afton, the man who inspired him to conquer death, were a complete waste of time. Not only that, but he was being mocked regardless of his achievements as a technician. He snapped.
''What do you know?! What makes you think that you can judge me?'' he bellowed. A deranged grin suddenly appeared on his expression. ''You said that the animatronic I was talking to was Raven who retained Bran's memories. How would you know whether you are a soul haunting an animatronic, or an animatronic with the memories of William Afton? Have you thought of that?''
Springtrap just stared at him coldly, his eyes glowing in a soft purple, with Connor being stunned to see that the animatronic didn't show absolutely any reaction to his question. He thought that he would have some kind of mental breakdown or at least show some doubt about his own identity. Instead, he was met with the same menacing glare. He frowned.
''It doesn't matter,'' Connor said. ''The next time won't be a failure. I believe that your little morality pet would make a perfect-agh!''
There was a cracking sound, with Connor crying out in pain and shock when Springtrap suddenly grabbed him by his throat and slammed him against the wall. The animatronic looked absolutely furious, ready to tear Connor apart.
''I have enough of you!'' he growled. Connor gasped as he felt Springtrap's grip around his throat tightening. ''Trust me, I will murder anyone who even dares to lay a finger on Sam, and you are no exception. As a matter of fact, I would do everyone a favor if I got rid of you here and now, as I doubt that anyone would miss you.''
Springtrap grinned, looking creepily delighted about seeing Connor suffer.
''As for my identity, you were a little too late with trying to make me doubt myself,'' Springtrap added in a sinister tone, clearly enjoying himself. ''I am William Afton, and I am Springtrap. I had been a monster in life, and I became a complete nightmare in death. Now, I'm here to do the Devil's work.''
Sam was kicking and flailing as she tried to free herself from Drawkill Bonnie's grip, groaning in pain when she felt Drawkill Bonnie's grip around her tightening. She could barely move, noticing Drawkill Chica looking at her with a creepy grin on her expression. She frowned, realizing that it would get only worse if she kept on resisting. She was in a dangerous situation, but she knew that she had to fight back.
She could still feel the black device that would interfere with an animatronic's system in her pocket. All she needed to do was to reach for it and flip the switch, as it was already turned to the max. She hoped that it would work, since this was her only way to escape Drawkill Bonnie and Drawkill Chica. If anything, both she and Springtrap had discussed how to deal with the Drawkills and agreed on using the device again, regardless of whether it would hurt Springtrap or not.
I hope that Springtrap is okay.
Sam was aware that Connor wanted her to be here in order to use her as a leverage so he could keep Springtrap under control, as it was obvious that he wouldn't do anything that would cause her to get harmed. Not to mention, making sure that she was out of sight would make him more cautious, as he had no idea whether she was fine or not.
Only that Connor underestimated Springtrap and I. Considering what we went through last night, I'm sure that Springtrap would snap at some point.
Sam frowned as she looked up, noticing that they were at a rather familiar part of the factory. She realized that the two Drawkills were bringing her to the room with the conveyor belt and that they were going towards the room where Connor had been working on the Drawkills.
Now that we're here… Where's Raven?
As they opened the door to the hallway, Sam heard banging noises coming from the room she and Springtrap left Raven in. She then realized that she could use this situation to her advantage. She pretended to faint, lowering her head and closing her eyes, hoping that the two Drawkills would figure out that she was in trouble and stop keeping her in a crushing hug.
Surprisingly, they did stop moving, with Sam hearing steps in front of her, knowing that Drawkill Chica was looming over her, probably examining her. She could feel Drawkill Bonnie's grip on her loosening and she quickly reached for the device in her pocket, flipping the switch.
She cried out in surprise when Drawkill Bonnie suddenly dropped her, only to hear him and Drawkill Chica screeching. They fell on their knees, looking as if they were in agony. Sam quickly got up, rushing towards the door to the room inside of which Raven was and unlocking it. Raven too was in pain, but Sam figured it was worth it considering that he was free now.
She then quickly went to the room where she had seen the gasoline tanks, closing the door and turning the switch off. The screeching has stopped, with Sam being able to hear the movements of the animatronics, including that one of Raven. She looked around the room, but realized that the gasoline tanks weren't there anymore.
''Damn it!'' she hissed, biting her lip. She was startled when she suddenly heard noise outside the door. She opened it, peeking outside and saw Drawkill Bonnie trying to get Raven away from Drawkill Chica.
''Krach- Krach-''
She knew that they wouldn't be distracted for too long and quickly ran out. The fact that she heard steps behind her made her run only faster.
This place and the Drawkills need to burn down!
Springtrap was holding Connor by his throat, almost crushing it. His eyes were glowing in a dark purple and he was grinning, feeling a mix of glee and contentment as he watched Connor suffer. If anything, he wanted his death to be slow and agonizing, as he believed that this is what Connor deserved. However, he briefly turned his head back to the Drawkills, who didn't attack him at all.
''Why aren't they doing anything?'' Springtrap muttered, loosening his grip around Connor's throat, but still holding him against the wall. While Drawkill Freddy and Drawkill Foxy still had their flamethrower and sickle pointed at him, they seemed to be hesitating. Springtrap then realized what the issue was and turned to Connor. ''If the Drawkills go after me, I could easily use you as a human shield, so you'd be the one who got sliced and burned. However, that's not what you want, right? For all your talk about your fascination with death, you are actually afraid to die unless you have a way to return or preserve your soul in a different body. Despite everything you have said and done, you're just a pathetic coward.''
Springtrap suddenly laughed, sounding disturbingly elated about his discovery. His laughter sent chills down Connor's spine, who was gasping for air when he suddenly felt Springtrap crushing his windpipe again.
''To make one thing clear,'' Springtrap added, enjoying seeing the look of terror on Connor's expression. ''Unlike you, I don't fear dying again.''
It was at this moment that Connor had realized just how terrifying and cruel William Afton truly was. Not only had he underestimated him, but he would be paying with his life for this mistake.
Suddenly, they heard a scream, startling them.
Springtrap frowned, then slammed Connor once again against the wall, releasing him. Connor fell over, feeling something warm trickling down his head. He felt nauseous, briefly looking up only to see Springtrap quickly leaving, not even paying attention to the Drawkills who didn't seem to even attempt to stop him.
Connor frowned, trying to get up, with Drawkill Freddy helping him out. He managed to stand up, leaning against the table. He had a throbbing headache and his throat hurt. The fear he felt was slowly being replaced by rage.
''Destroy them,'' he muttered, taking deep breaths. Drawkill Freddy and Drawkill Foxy then left, going after Springtrap. Connor took another deep breath, taking out his switchblade and glancing at the box in the corner.
This time, I'm not taking any chances.
Sam managed to dodge Drawkill Bonnie as he lunged at her, with him hitting the conveyor belt. She ran out of the room, spotting an air-vent in the hallway. She could hear steps behind her, knowing that Drawkill Bonnie was after her and quickly flipped the switch on the device. She heard an agonizing screech, knowing that she merely had delayed Drawkill Bonnie's next attack. However, it was enough for her to enter the air-vent and quickly crawl through it.
She turned the device off, taking the pocket flashlight out and hoping that she would find either Springtrap or spare gasoline tanks. She hoped that Connor would actually have a supply of gasoline tanks for Drawkill Freddy in the case he runs out of it. She noticed another opening in the air-vent and took down the grille. The room was quite dark, but she noticed that it was filled with boxes. She pointed the flashlight at it as she exited the air-vent, noticing a strange smell in the air. She looked around and saw in the corner of the room three gasoline tanks.
''Please be full,'' she muttered as she approached them.
She grabbed one, but it was empty. The second one was empty as well, but the third one was full. She put the flashlight into her mouth and grabbed the gasoline tank with both hands, trying to drag it outside the room, as it was rather heavy. She managed to put it into the hallway and turned the flashlight off, putting it back into her pocket and taking out the device. She was afraid that the Drawkills might find her and try to attack her.
She took a deep breath and lifted the pod-like gasoline tank, planning on to bring it to the area with the conveyor belt. Considering how many times she had been here, she was aware of which way she should take to get to that room. She hoped that Drawkill Bonnie and Drawkill Chica had left the room in search for her and that it was empty.
''Com'n,'' she muttered under her breath. ''Soon, everything will be over.''
She carried the gasoline tank, navigating through the dark hallway, looking around nervously for any signs of animatronic activity. As she crossed into the next corridor, she was startled by a loud noise. It sounded as if someone got slammed against the wall. The gasoline tank fell out of her hands and she quickly took out her flashlight, illuminating Springtrap who hit Drawkill Bonnie with a pipe, knocking him out. He then quickly approached her, still holding the metal pipe.
''Springtrap! But, how-'' Sam stared at Springtrap who picked up the gasoline tank.
''I saw Drawkill Bonnie roaming around and I followed him. It's a good thing I did that, as he was about to sneak up on you,'' Springtrap told her as they walked over to the room with the conveyor belt. ''Where's Drawkill Chica?''
''She was busy dealing with Raven when I last saw her,'' Sam said. ''What happened to Connor?''
''I left him at a room inside this building when I heard you screaming,'' Springtrap said. ''I know I'll probably regret it, but I had to make sure that you were fine.''
The two had finally managed to enter the room with the conveyor belt, with Springtrap taking the cap off the gasoline tank. Sam looked at him with a worried expression. While burning the animatronics was a rather insane plan, they figured that it would work. However, the only problem they had encountered was the fact that none of the animatronics were inside the room. Nevertheless, Springtrap started to pour the gasoline across the room, making sure that there was a way for him and Sam to escape. The gasoline tank was almost empty when the doors suddenly slammed wide open.
Sam and Springtrap observed Drawkill Freddy, Drawkill Bonnie, Drawkill Chica and Drawkill Foxy entering the room, knowing that this time, they wouldn't hold back. Suddenly, Drawkill Foxy charged at Springtrap, snarling like a rabid fox and swinging his sickle at the animatronic. Springtrap managed to block it with the pipe, pushing Drawkill Foxy back, only to see Drawkill Freddy go after Sam. He pointed his hands at her and a stream of fire was blasted at Sam, who threw herself on the ground, barely dodging it.
Furious, Springtrap managed to push Drawkill Foxy at Drawkill Chica, who attempted to come to his aid, knocking both of them away. He went after Drawkill Freddy, but was stopped by Drawkill Bonnie, who snarled, grabbing the pipe he was holding. Meanwhile, Drawkill Freddy approached Sam, who picked up the almost empty gasoline tank and threw it at Drawkill Freddy with all her might, knocking him back. She then took out the device and flipped the switch.
All the Drawkills screeched in pain, with Springtrap feeling as if his head was going to explode. Static covered his vision and an irritating buzzing sound filled his ears. He fell on the ground, groaning in agony. There was only one clear thought on his mind.
Everything will be over soon.
He and Sam had agreed on this, as they couldn't find any other way to deal with this situation. He felt the pipe being taken away from him, and in a brief moment of lucidity, he saw Sam slamming the pipe against Drawkill Chica, causing her to stagger back across the gasoline.
Sam knew that it was up to her to force the Drawkills into the gasoline circle Springtrap made and to ignite it. However, that was easier said than done. She had managed to force Drawkill Bonnie to join Drawkill Chica, but Drawkill Foxy was a problem, as he was swinging blindly with his sickle. At one point, he almost managed to slice her head off, but she managed to ram the pipe into his chest, managing to get him behind the line.
She turned to Drawkill Freddy, who was kneeling on the ground, screeching like a maniac. Breathing heavily, she hit his head with the pipe, drawing his attention. He tried to get up, pointing one arm at her, with Sam dodging another stream of flames. She reached for the device, crouching down right above a pool of gasoline, and turned it off.
The animatronics stopped, with Drawkill Freddy growling as he spotted her. He pointed his arms at her, with Sam quickly dodging the stream of flames that suddenly set the gasoline ablaze. Drawkill Foxy, Drawkill Chica and Drawkill Bonnie snarled and screeched in surprise and fear when the fire surrounded them, stepping back. Drawkill Freddy glanced at them and the growled at Sam, but before he could get her, he was tackled by Springtrap, stumbling across the flames. He didn't catch on fire though, but he didn't seem to be willing to try to cross it.
Sam and Springtrap exchanged glances of relief, but they knew they weren't done yet. Not only did they need to find Connor, but they also had to escape the building, since it was clear that the rest of it would also catch on fire. However, before they could do anything, Springtrap suddenly saw a figure trying to sneak up on Sam from behind, brandishing a switchblade. He lunged at the figure, hearing Sam screaming. He had managed to grab the figure's arm, twisting it until he heard a cracking noise and took the switchblade away.
His eyes flared up purple as he felt an outburst of rage, staring at the figure's eyes. He then drove the knife deep into the figure's throat, their eyes widening in shock. Springtrap grinned as he saw Connor, now dressed as Ricky, stare at him completely paralyzed by the shock and overwhelmed by the pain he felt. He then twisted the knife, with blood spraying and staining the Ricky costume and Springtrap's hand. He grabbed Connor's throat with the other hand to hold him, causing it to also become stained with Connor's blood, and sliced the artery in his neck with the switchblade.
Connor coughed as blood was gushing out of his neck, staggering back as he was bleeding out. He fell over into the flames, joining the Drawkills. Springtrap stared at him coldly, throwing the switchblade away. He then turned to Sam, who was stunned by what just happened, grabbing her arm. She managed to snap out, with the two of them quickly leaving as the fire and smoke spread through the room.
They had managed to get outside, not looking back until they got to the car. Once they reached the car, they turned back, now watching in stunned silence as the Machinations Factory was engulfed into smoke and flames.
''It's over,'' Springtrap muttered.
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#Five Nights at Freddy's: The Untold Story (Masterlist)
4 notes · View notes
pwurrz · 1 year
uh. to put the games in chronological order it would be
fnaf 4: we play as the crying child as he lay in the hospital after the bite of 83. the minigames show the days leading up to the day he died, his birthday. the animatronics we see as the nightmares the crying child is having before he passes away at the end of the game.
fnaf 5: michael is told by his father to investigate an underground bunker connected to their house. there he finds a massive facility that houses the funtime animatronics, animatronics that never made it into the public eye because of an incident that occured opening day. this incident was of course elizabeth afton's death at the hands of circus baby. william had already killed children at this point because the reason he made the funtime animatronics was to lure and kill children in order to study remnant, a substance that allowed children murdered by animatronics or near them to have their souls bonded to the very endoskeletons of the animatronics. anyways this is when circus baby and the rest of the funtimes meld together to form an animatronic named ennard and use michael's hallowed out body as a way to escape.
fnaf 2: takes place in 1987, one of the rare occasions we get an actual year the events occured. besides fnaf 4 which ofc takes place in 1983. william has been shut out from any freddy's locations at this point. probably bc of all this missing and dead children he leaves behind everywhere he goes. this is their third? location. so the first missing kids incident takes place and when the bite of 87 takes place. after all that went down obviously they had to close and re-opened using remodeled versions of the old animatronics from the previous restaurant (the second one in the chain of many, many locations).
fnaf 1: takes place after the bite of 87 and is a direct sequel to the second game. we've known this since the second game came out. probably michael afton takes up the job of nightguard to do investigations into his father's crimes and is eventually fired for tampering with the animatronics. since it's the first game in the series we don't actually learn a lot at this point except for a) the bite of 87 happened and b) some kids went missing
fnaf 3: takes place in 2023. some dickwads open up a horror attraction to capitalize on the kind of urban legend that the freddy's restaurants had turned into. michael starts working here as a nightguard because of course he does and is rewarded in the form of his father's corpse, now melded to the spring bonnie animatronic (it's a long story). yay! a family reunion! too bad every family member michael meets is trying to kill him. turns out the people running this horror attraction managed to find a real aimatronic that had been left over from the fnaf 1 location and that was, of course, william. long story short michael tries to burn down the attraction and kill his child murdering father but is unsuccessful.
then finally fnaf 6: don't know how far into the future this is but it's after ennard has been forcibly removed by michael's body (you know. bc he was dying. and what's a dead body to a bunch of robots trying to blend in?) and was forced to live in the sewers and after the fnaf 3 attraction was burned down. henry emily, father of charlie and previous business partner of william is actually responsible for building a new freddy's location with the sole purpose of luring all the animatronics into one place so he can finally kill them all. michael once again takes this job because of course he does (shouldn't he be dead? don't worry about it). so boom it works and all the animatronics with souls attached to them including the original five murdered kids, elizabeth, william and charlie are lured to the location and burned, finally setting them free. henry and michael choose to stay behind and burn as well.
fnaf custom night: william's eternal purgatory/hell, basically. idek if it's canon to the timeline but if it is this is where it fits in.
idc about security breach or help wanted as they relate to the lore. i'm just gonna say the story wrapped up in 6 because that's the best possible timeline that makes the most sense!
also this isn't like. a description of the lore it's just a timeline for me to decide where to start when talking about the lore. also if i got anything wrong let me know (anything canon that is, most of the stuff we have is just heavily implied or speculation anyways lmao)
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I love the idea of there being another Afton child! Could I get some cute headcanons about Rebecca Afton and her family again?
Luckily, I’ll probably never run out of these! These are more bittersweet, just to warn you. If you want cuter ones or a drabble even hit me up!
William, as a recently divorced man, caught a lot of unwanted attention from single moms at the diner when he’d bring baby Rebecca to work. It overwhelmed his infant daughter, which only irritated him further. He started having her stay in a playpen in parts and service with him as he worked, so they could be interrupted a little less.
This is part of the reason that Rebecca had no phobia of animatronics, unlike her brother Evan. He was introduced to them as a toddler and had enough brain development to think these robots ate people. Meanwhile, Becca has seen them since before she can remember, with Spring Bonnie being the one she was in contact with most.
Micheal loved to play rough and tumble with his younger siblings. Picking them up, tossing them around, and letting them try to take him down. His father would often get on him for being too harsh and reckless, but all of his siblings were usually crying from laughter by the time they were done play fighting. Rebecca would even have giggle fits.
Elizabeth was the only child her mother wanted custody of, being her favorite. When she did get to see her father, brothers and sister, she would make the most of it. She would often sneak Becca to the workshop to see Circus Baby when she was still being built, claiming that Baby would let her see them all the time at the new restaurant made just for her.
Evan and Rebecca were extremely close, with her big brother taking his role to heart. He hovered over her, worried about her getting hurt, especially when she was by the animatronics at the diner. He would sneak into her room at night to protect her from monsters, with William or Micheal having to go get them tucked back into bed.
Henry had lost his only daughter months before Rebecca was born, and immediately became attached as a way to fill the hole in his heart. Nobody could replace his little girl but when Clara walked out on William, he knew all of his kids would need someone else to rely on. Uncle Henry was beloved by all the Afton children, especially Micheal and Rebecca.
Clara was only ever interested in her other children when Elizabeth vanished, secretly blaming them for it. It made the youngest of them determined to find her. Rebecca snuck down into the sister location in her father’s bag one night, claiming that Lizzie told her to. William, being very frightened, was quick to scoop her up before she could get close to Baby.
Rebecca and Evan were both the ones William was most worried about after he killed Elizabeth, as he didn’t know what threats could kill them before he had a chance to do it himself. Plushbear and Plushbon were long standing projects of his, almost as old as the two children, and meant to be there when he wasn’t around to keep them safe.
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dire-kumori · 1 year
Some more of my ideas because I'm feeling silly before bed :>
I think Mike does continue mostly killing his younger self but every once in a while he kills Elizabeth too.. Like for one month of Mike killing there's 1 Elizabeth killing.. Every time he does it he tells her as much as he can remember about all the things that she did... He explains circus baby and every horrible murder that he knows she did.. He goes into extreme detail sometimes especially when he's waiting for younger Mike to come and find what he's done to Elizabeth. At this point he knows that he's wrong and he's being just like his dad but "You saw how many people she hurt all those horrible things she did.. All the people she killed as baby, ennard, scrap baby. Just one quick death can't compare to all the horrors that she's committed.." Turns out nearly 50 years of undiagnosed trauma + time travel + accidentally committing a murder and getting to see yourself at the age you committed the murder + Seeing your own sort of murderer walk around like nothing happened. Doesn't end well...
Younger Michael is obviously terrified by this he has some recollection whenever it happens but it's rare. Does everything in his power to protect Elizabeth not wanting her to fall into the hands of the reaper... Elizabeth Usually has vivid dreams about the reaper himself and the things he tells her... She sees the scooping room in every bloodstained detail, The hanging man slightly swaying in the underground wind, Michael's body slowly rotting in as she just acts like herself and his voice screams and bakes for her to stop, The poor innocent people begging the giant wiry monstrosity not to hurt them and their children... Sometimes she can see younger Michael as just Michael but other times she sees the monster that keeps on killing her and the monster that seems to hate himself.. So much but also hates her..
I love giving the babies trauma!! At some point if it's all right i'd love to write a short or one shot about it- Post scoop Michael is really fun to write for always I love it when my boy goes into full Crazy mode! BTW sorry for any speech mistakes I have severe dyslexia and use Speech to type to write!
Things poor Elizabeth deserves: None of this.
Unfortunately between him losing most of his memory of each reset and the infrequency of Liz's murders, it's hard for younger Michael to predict when she'll suddenly become a target. I wonder if she believes this horrible monster who claims to be her brother, or if she believes the Reaper's lost his mind.
Either way, she can't help associating the monster with her brother. It's not like Michael's ever been a nice person, even if he tormented Evan far more than he ever did her. Maybe it's not so hard for her to believe he could grow up to become an evil monster. Maybe he already is one and has something to do with what's going on right now...
She knows this isn't true. The monster killed her brother too, and she remembers him trying to save her in her dreams. And besides, she'd never hurt people like this monster says she would! But that doesn't stop her from connecting the two in her mind. When she begins to instinctively flinch away, shake, and at one point even cries out when Michael comes near, his already fragile heart breaks further. She's more afraid of him now than Evan's ever been, and he begins to wonder if this quiet voice in the back of his mind telling him that he's an irredeemable monster is in fact right.
I would be thrilled to see you write something! Please tag me if you do, I'd love to read it. And no worries, the typos were pretty minimal and it was easy to tell what you meant!
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Chapter 38: A Not-so-Grand Finale
Word Count: 647
TWs: Brief gore mention, implied death
It had been a long time since Michael felt so utterly alone. It wasn’t her fault, but the picking of sides still stung.
“... He left me a task, knowing you’d come.” Before he could question her, she had seized him. Her large, articulated hands pinched his bare arms as she began half-carrying, half-dragging him out of the room.
“Ouch, dammit, let me go!”
“He told me, there’s one final way you can make yourself useful, considering you’ve been such a disappointment all these years…”
“Whatever he told you to do, you don’t have to! You don’t need to listen to him, you’re free to make your own choices! Honestly, when did you start?? You were never the most obedient child, where’s your rebellious streak?!”
She brought him into the room with the oversized scooping device. The dread Michael felt increased upon seeing it up close.
“I agree with him. We need you to help further his research. After all, he can’t keep his favourite locked away. Not like the others. We need a solution.” She roughly dropped him onto a metal chair and began to bind him there with duct tape.
“How did you find out?” He couldn’t help but ask, even as he attempted to struggle against her. It was no use, what with her larger, sturdier form, but it was slowing her down slightly.
“Stop squirming. There are others like me, here. Were others.” Those big, green eyes glanced at the parts on the floor. “They’re going to help, too, though they don’t quite know the extent of it…”
Michael had a sudden idea of what they were doing in this room. “Elizabeth. Don’t. I’m sorry if I wasn’t clear enough when you were alive, but I care about you, so much. Please, don’t kill me. Especially not for him, if he wanted me dead, he should’ve done it himself.”
“Oh Michael, don’t worry. He assured me, you won’t die, not really. Besides, dad would’ve been here, but you sent him on a goose chase with how you blackmailed Norman into moving SpringBonnie out of the house. You think he’d miss something like this on purpose?”
“Fuck, he did that today?! Charlie!” He couldn’t help but scream, despite knowing there was absolutely no way she’d hear him. “I never told her the plan, oh God!”
Elizabeth finished taping him up. “Plan?”
“Nothing!” He went back to struggling. “Lizzy, please, please--”
She turned away from him and went to stand on an X on the floor, marked in front of the scooping machine. A red light above the arm of the machine flashed and an alarm briefly sounded. Then, in the blink of an eye, the arm swiftly and violently came down, scooping out Circus Baby’s insides- part metal, part desecrated flesh. The empty animatronic clattered to the ground with the rest of its companions while Michael sat, shocked, on the sidelines. For a long moment, everything was deathly quiet again. Then something entered the room; A mass of wires in the shape of a person, its most distinguishing features being its plain, humanoid mask and askew green and yellow party hat, along with the numerous eyes twisted into its body. Michael couldn’t help but scream as it dragged him into the spot where Circus Baby had briefly stood, angling him so that he was staring straight down the metaphorical barrel of the scooper before slipping off to the side.
“We need your body, Michael.” Several voices came out of the thing, though its mouth never moved. Then came Elizabeth’s, distinct and quiet, “I’m sorry, Michael.”
There was something serene about knowing so assuredly that he would die, even if Elizabeth had comforted him that he wouldn’t. He didn’t close his eyes or flinch when the light and the alarm went off. He sat perfectly still in the chair and let the scooper do its job.
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jiyansthesis · 2 years
WILLIAM ☆ AFTON sfw headcannons
I have a love-hate relationship with this man and these headcannons smh
reader is of age
canon william, non murderer au, milf reader
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canon / murderer william
☆ you caught his eye as soon as you came in on your first day of work
☆ he'd immediately get to know you, making small talk whenever the two of you bump into each other
☆ he'd be obsessed, especially if you're shy
☆ you were always wary of the pizzeria, especially after the last one got closed down for the kids going missing, but william always brushed of your worries. besides, they were all kids
☆ honestly he'd be obsessed enough to kill you and stuff you in your own suit
☆ he might even take you out on some dates after a while to some fancy restaurants
☆ he loves seeing you in his favorite color
☆ (let's say for the sake of this, william directly killed another kid at circus baby's before elizabeth's death) you were walking past the back rooms, and you stopped as soon as you heard a muffled scream
☆ you opened the door, and there was william, all in his bloody glory
☆ this could go multiple ways:
☆ one, you scream and try to run away, only for william to catch up, shaking his head like he's disappointed. he slipped his hand across your mouth and held the knife up for you to see. "I'm sorry about this, love."
☆ two, you stay there in shock, looking up at william with huge disbelieving eyes. "oh, y/n, you weren't supposed to see this," he started to slowly walk over to you.
☆ you kept staring at him, until your eyes drifted over the knife in his hand. "I won't tell anyone mr.afton! I swear!" you held your hands up, trembling.
☆ he seemed to think about this for a moment, before shrugging. "that's a risk i can't take."
☆ three, you're smart, and you slowly close the door and run away. but not without william hearing your hurried footsteps. he groans, quickly cleaning himself and hiding the kid's body before following you.
☆ he decided he'd wait to see what you'd do, considering the fact he's hidden all evidence. he didn't want to kill you anyways.
☆ two days passed, and no one came for william, although the police did come looking for the kid.
☆ you kept giving william glances, but you hadn't said a word to him. until he calls you into his office.
☆ "so tell me, why didn't you tell the police?"
non murderer william
☆ loves tea but also loves black coffee
☆ he has those slightly lean arms, he obviously isn't ripped
☆ notices a lot about what makes you blush or embarrassed and constantly does it
☆ like if you like when he rolls his sleeves up, he'll roll them up while staring right into your eyes
☆ he'll introduce you to his kids, and you'd have a really good friendship with michael
☆ divorced and probably still doesn't have the greatest relationship with michael
☆ he'd praise you a whole lot
☆ would ask you out in the parking lot before you leave work (and he'd be smooth with it)
milf reader
☆ when he first saw you he knew he was gonna marry you
☆ you two probably met while he was picking evan up from school
☆ when he found out you were divorced he immediately asked for your number
☆ you would probably talk together on his couch with wine every other night
☆ you bring your kids to the pizzeria just to talk to him while he's at work
☆ you offer to babysit his kids whenever he has to stay at work overnight
☆ when he comes back to you sleeping on the love seat he drapes a blanket over you and smiles a little bit
☆ offers to take you to a restaurant to repay for babysitting since you wouldn't accept his money
☆ spoils you on your birthday
☆ his kids LOVE you and your kids
☆ michael occasionally jokes to you about you marrying william and then proceeds to roast the fuck out of him
☆ you blush everytime and shake your head
☆ william eventually asks you to go out with him and you agree
☆ already planning the other kids you guys are gonna have
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arsonistbunny · 2 years
Is Willam really asking: So you just killed someone.... Wanna do it again?
Yep!😬 But it's also like. William are Michael are very alike. They're both committed, they know what they want, they're clever, observant, they stand their ground, and they like to tease others to show their affection.
But their bond is very different from the relationship William has with his other children. Elizabeth's getting a free pass on everything. He doesn't even hide that she's his favourite and she knows it and absolutely uses it to get things she wants. He probably never said "no" to her hence why she wouldn't stop asking to see Circus Baby later on. With Evan, William's protective and soft because the kid needs to be reassured - but William doesn't like that he is acting like a kid his age and therefore crying, worrying, getting easily scared etc.
But with Michael, he's more absent. Maybe because Michael's older. Maybe because they're very alike and William thinks he doesn't need words to communicate with him (he is so wrong tho). But there is mutual respect.
Anyways, at some point, Michael is jealous and starts picking on Evan. Because Michael is observant and noticed his dad isn't too fond of Evan acting like a child and so there is a stupid attempt to try to get dad's attention this way?
After Evan died things changed. William was very uspet at Michael because despite him being overall terrible and the fact that he doesn't care for other people's life, he does care for people around him. In William's eyes, he's like, a god, and others are nothing except for his family and friend(s) who matter a little bit more - if that makes sense? And there's also the whole thing where William played his part in Evan's death, pushing him to be scared of the animatronics.
And in William's eyes, Michael was like a tiny version of himself. But for the first time, he isn't. Because Michael has guilt and remorse over what happened to Evan. He cares for others a lot more than William. Michael goes through a really bad time mentally for accidentally killing his brother when William has, at this point, killed Cassidy and indirectly drove Evan to his death and does not feel that bad about it.
Not only Michael isn't a clone of William but he's also a better human being than him. And William doesn't like morality, he is selfish and will do whatever serves him.
There's also a thing I don't have time to talk about in the comic but will try to talk about it in the small animation I'm making. The thing is that Michael, just like Henry, knows something's wrong. Henry chooses to dismiss it and pretend everything is ok. But Michael acknowledges it, he can't tell what's happening exactly, but he knows his dad is up to no good. But who can he tell when no one else notices? He feels like he's making it up, and keep an eye out for any clue. Michael is beginning to be scared of his own dad without knowing the exact reason why.
So William would still like to put back Michael on the same path he is on but he knows he can't. He just failed to do that with Henry. If he tells Michael things will go the same way it went with Henry.
"You could be more like me" as if Michael having a good heart is wrong.
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1984, August 7, Circus Baby's Pizza World
Elizabeth's pov
"But it's my birthday and my birthday robot!"
"You can't go over to her, that's final."
I was about to beg and argue more, but Daddy walked away and went back to work.
It wasn't fair. He made the robot for me, why couldn't I just go see her?.
I was stuck with Mike. He didn't want to be here, I didn't want to be stuck here, and neither of us wanted to be without Jeremy.
Under normal circumstances, we would be at Fredbear's, but after the spring locks were deemed too dangerous, the place was shut down. Any other locations with the golden suits were shut down as well, including Freddy Fazbear's Pizza.
"He wouldn't be so strict if Jeremy were here."
"I'm not wrong."
"Please stop."
I looked over at him. He seemed sad. I guess Jeremy's death weighed heavily on his conscience.
"I've got an idea! We're going to watch Funtime Foxy's show!"
"Didn't you want to watch Baby's?"
"Yeah, but Daddy won't let me. Foxy is the next best thing. Come on, let's go!"
Mike's characteristic eye roll followed by him standing up saying "I'm coming" and for me to slow down.
Funtime Foxy is very short. She is close to Mikey's height. On stage though, he towers above us. I can see Mike smile just a little.
Funtime Foxy challenges us to a juggling competition. I fail immediately. Mike gets a steady rhythm before screwing up four minutes in. Funtime Foxy does it for twelve minutes before dubbing herself the winner.
"You only won because you're programmed for this."
"Want to try again?"
Foxy's question lingers in the air. He seemed genuinely excited to face us. I shake my head. Mike seems transfixed, like in hypnosis.
"Game on."
For the next half an hour, I watch as Mike and Foxy try to out juggle the other. Mike gets closer each time, but Foxy still remains triumphant. Mike gets more and more agitated as well.
With all his focus on this, I could slip away. With one final check of his attention, I shrink out of the room.
Down the hall, I hear music. It's a popular song, Michael likes it. I think it's by Wham!. The tune is catchy.
I pass by a room with a twinkling ballroom, music box song. Inside is Ballora. She's a giant ballerina with blue hair. She reminds me of my mother. I miss her.
The next room has loud laughter coming from it along with even louder teasing. This is Funtime Freddy. He's a big white and purple bear with a blue rabbit hand puppet.
Those kids are having fun. One is even hugging Freddy. How is that fair?
Anger flashed through me. I stalked all the rest of the way to Circus Baby. I could hear her singing from outside her room.
Peering in the doorway, I could see a couple of kids in there. They were screaming the lyrics along with her. I stepped inside.
Something grabbed my arm.
"Lizzy, what do you think you're doing?"
"I just want to watch her show once."
"You can't."
I rip my arm free. He looks worried. I wished he didn't care.
"I don't care what you or he said, I'm watching her show!"
"I'll get Father..."
"Go ahead! He'll have to come over here and stop me himself!"
I turn around and leave Mike in the dust. Peeking behind me let me know Mike had left. Circus Baby was only a few feet away.
"I don't get why Daddy won't let me see you, you're wonderful."
Her shiny red dress reflected the changing lights. I could see my face in her skirt.
"Where did the other children go?"
It was very cold in here. It was quiet. Too quiet. Baby shifted and something metal came out of her stomach. It was holding ice cream.
I looked around. No one was there to tell me no. It was my birthday, my animatronic, my ice cream. I took the ice cream.
The metal drew back when I took it and shot out again, wrapping around my waist.
I screamed but I don't think anyone heard me. Her stomach shut close. I banged on it and tried to pry open where I thought the plates opened.
My voice was ragged and my fingers bled. I banged as hard as I could on the metal surface. I got blisters and the cold increased. I shivered and hit the wall weakly.
"Please, let me out."
My words came out strained and unsteady. I could hear muffled screaming on the other side. Did someone else see? I heard the clicking of the stomach... claw? Yes, it is a claw.
Inside, I saw it scoop up ice cream and set up a cone. The stomach opened up slowly and I felt pain go through my body. Something warm dripped down. I tried to curl up on my side. Something was in the way.
Tears flowed from my face. I think I heard screaming along with a thud. Did someone fall? I'm getting tired.
I moved my hand to rub out the sleepiness but found I couldn't, I was too weak.
A splatter of ice cream and the metallic shrieking along with another burst of pain.
Was that him screaming? It sounded like it.
a few hours later...
Footsteps. Tools being dropped. Swearing.
"Why didn't she just stay away, like I told her? All of this could've been avoided."
Daddy? It's Daddy. I can't see him. There he is.
"Daddy, I'm sorry."
He froze like a deer in headlights. He came up to me and touched my cheek. Why am I so tall?
"Of course, you fused with the robot. Would you like to help me with work, Elizabeth? To make up for mistakes?"
"I'd love to. Can we go home now?"
"Of course, we can. Your mother has missed you."
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trashyswitch · 4 years
Putting Elizabeth Back Together
Michael is finally taking the time to put Baby back together. After she's mostly finished, Baby surprises him with her curiosity and her advancements.
This fanfic has mentions of death (Michael's, William's and Elizabeth's) and references to PTSD. If you're sensitive to that subject, it is quite short and takes place while he's looking at the scooper.
As well, this fanfic prompt was suggested by another anonymous user. I hope you enjoy despite the slight dark themes! Although, this is FNAF...So...it's bound to happen.
Michael had calmly waited for the elevator ride to finish before walking out of the elevator with one of the boxes of scrap metal he had collected. Looking around for a moment, his eyes came across a hand truck in the corner of the building. That would be perfect for transporting! Michael placed the box onto the hand truck, and wheeled it over to the elevator. When it opened, Michael wheeled it in and placed all 7 of the boxes of metal parts onto the hand truck. Then in one quick trip, Michael brought everything further into the building. The best part was that it wasn’t that hard to push! If only he had this thing upstairs. Trying to open up the elevator while holding heavy boxes filled with metal that’ll slice you open, had quickly proven to be quite difficult earlier.
Michael walked a different way into the Pizza World rooms so that he didn’t have to try and crawl the hand truck through the tiny vents. He soon made it back to a storage spot that hadn’t been locked. Michael wheeled the stuff into it and decided to use this as his work station. Michael left the stuff inside the storage room and walked over to where the scooping room was.
He opened the door, and shivered at the look of the scooper. It was still a little stained with his own blood. The organs were gone, but you could tell something had happened in this room. Michael bit his lip as he felt the huge gaping hole that had been scooped into his gut. That scooper hurt terribly. Though the nerves were pretty much destroyed in the incident, he could still remember the phantom pain of the scooper hitting his intestines. How he wasn’t dead from physical trauma or even the internal bleeding, he will never know.
As Michael walked around the scooper to get to Baby’s body, he could feel himself disassociating and flashing back to the scooping incident over and over again in his head. The beeping...the impact...the pain, and the redness that filled his eyes just before he blacked out from trauma. It felt like he was hearing the beeping all over again. And he thought he had seen the scooper move a little bit. He tried to convince himself it didn’t actually move, and it was just his imagination. But his head was telling him to RUN!
Michael suddenly felt the back of his foot stop against something, making him lose his footing. Michael came crashing down onto the animatronic parts, making an ear-ringing metallic crash. It felt like 8 separate symbols had smashed almost at the same time! And the sound physically HURT. Michael groaned as his ears slowly stopped ringing. Moving and opening his jaw seemed to help a little. Michael got himself back up with help from the wall, and looked around for Circus Baby’s upper body. He couldn’t see it with the other animatronics. So where was it?
Michael took some time to look around, and soon found Baby’s head without the hair. It was hidden in the far corner of the scooping room on top of a maintenance desk. On top of that, Michael found more parts of Baby: her middle chest piece with the red sleeves, the fan that belonged in her belly, her full red skirt, and one of her hands without the plate covering. It looked like a black skeleton claw without the plates covering it. Using the legs and an arm from Funtime Foxy, Michael started bringing the supplies one by one to the storage closet to start working on putting Baby back together bit by bit. On top of that, Michael started collecting tons of wires from the other animatronics and putting them into a pile. With a few rolls of electrical tape at his disposal, he’d be able to make the wires longer.
Michael started off with the neck, chest and arms. Michael grabbed a voice box from Ballora’s chest and placed it into Baby. With that in place, Michael placed Baby onto the desk and placed the arm down beside it as well. He put the flashlight into his mouth and removed the chest plates from Circus Baby to replace the fan. But a strong smell emitted from Baby. It made Michael wince in disgust. If he still had a stomach, he probably would’ve thrown up. But Michael continued anyway until he accessed a storage unit of some sort.
This sent Michael mixed feelings. He knew his father was capable of murder and kidnapping, which made the storage tank all the less surprising. But...is this where the smell is coming from? Michael grabbed a metal cutter and attempted to open it. But when he couldn’t, he looked around for an easy access opening. Thankfully, there was one. Michael opened it up and found…
A red bow in the bottom of the storage unit.
Michael sighed as he grabbed the bow and put it into his pocket. He knew exactly who’s bow it was: Elizabeth’s. Michael removed the containment unit from Baby’s body and threw it out the window. No more murder. No more kidnaps. William’s murderous tendencies can end with him. Next, Michael found a metal claw thing that had been hidden inside Baby. He removed it, pulled it out and got a better look at it. Hmm...I wonder what this was used for?
With some time and patience, Michael soon got the upper part of her body done. But it wasn’t without its complications. The Foxy arm that Michael had planned to use for Baby, had a separate attachment option than Baby’s arm. This had annoyed him to no end. But the moment he looked at the leftover claw, Michael started to experiment with it. Could the claw be used as another hand option? With a little tweaking and wiring, it could! Even though it looked like something even more murderous than his father’s blueprint plans, it did make Baby look more complete.
Michael soon laid the upper body down on the desk and started attaching the legs. Funnily enough, the legs were similarly reattachable just like Baby’s legs. Though Foxy’s legs looked more slim than Baby’s did. Baby had some thick legs. But with the new set up and the arms (kinda), the legs seemed to look anatomically correct. So, Michael connected them and stood Circus Baby back up.
It was...not as pretty as it started out. Well duh...It most likely wasn’t gonna be as nice-looking. The nice-looking one was also a secret killer. At least it actually looks like it commits murders. Michael started up the Servos motor, and watched as the animatronic quickly came back to life. Circus Baby lifted its body, opened its eyes wider and started moving its hand and arms around.
“Hello! Welcome to Circus Baby’s Pizza world. Are you ready for the show? I can sing, I can dance, I can even make you ice cream.” Baby greeted.
“Hello again Baby.” Michael greeted with a smile.
Baby moved her left hand up to her chin. “Do I know you?” She asked.
Michael nodded. “I worked here a week ago. Eggs Benedict, as Handunit called me.” Michael explained.
Baby held her hands in front of her belly, and tilted her head to the side with a smile. “Welcome back Mr. Afton.”
Michael’s eyes widened. How-
“I recognize you now. You’re much too big to fit in my storage tank. You must be fully grown.” Baby told him.
Michael bit his lip and awkwardly nodded. Thank goodness for that. “Do...Do you know my name?” Michael asked.
“You’re the first born son of Afton. He talked about you while he was building me. He didn’t know I was aware at the time.” Circus Baby explained.
Michael nodded and started to detach the chest again. Michael grabbed some wires and started connecting them to Circus Baby’s neck. “That’s funny. My father barely noticed me, and was too embarrassed to talk about me.” Michael admitted.
Baby looked at Michael as he weaved the wires into the chest and replaced them. “What are you doing to me?” Baby asked.
“Fixing you as best I can.” Michael replied.
“Where is Mr. Afton?” Baby asked.
“He…” Michael sighed as he removed a faulty wire. “He died a decade ago. He got into a wearable animatronic, and…” Michael made a raspberry sound and did a ‘cut the throat’ signal to represent death.
“Oh.” Baby replied. “I’m sorry to hear that.”
Michael guffawed and snorted at those words. Baby quickly lifted her head up to look at him in worry. Michael’s smile dropped as he saw Baby’s facial expression. “Sorry. He...did some really bad things. So: it was a relief to hear he died. He deserved his death.” Michael explained.
Baby looked down, looking really sad. “I did something bad once.” Baby admitted.
Michael nodded. “I know, I know. You tried to give a little girl ice cream, and you ended up killing her.” Michael added.
“I didn’t know I would do that. I didn’t know my ice cream would be used to kill a child.” Baby admitted.
Michael placed his hands onto her shoulders and looked her in the eyes. “I know that. And it’s okay. You were created by an evil man who killed children with his bare hands. You are not to blame for what happened to Elizabeth.” Michael told her.
Baby tilted her head. “...Elizabeth?”
Michael nodded. “Yup. Her name was Elizabeth.” he explained. He looked down a little. “She was my sister.”
Baby looked down, hung her head and dropped her tiny pigtail connectors. “I’m sorry.”
Michael smiled empathetically and lifted her chin a little with his hand. “It’s okay. You remind me of her a lot.” He admitted. “Just...with no british accent.” Michael said with a chuckle.
Baby looked at him more and smiled.
“Now: I need to keep wiring you up and replacing any faulty wires. You’re kind of a mess right now, Baby.” Michael told her as he started connecting a wire to her neck.
“Okay. I’ll try to stay still Mr. Afto-” Baby stopped herself. She looked at Michael for clarification.
Michael chuckled and connected another wire. “Call me Michael.”
Michael took a break from all the wiring in the body, and decided to spend some time turning black wires and different-colored tube parts into makeshift pigtails for her. When he filled in the face with layered orange and yellow bangs, Michael put together a pony by wrapping another black wire around the start of both pigtails. After the pigtails and the bangs were complete, Michael returned to fixing the wires on her body. But when Michael worked on her neck, Baby began struggling to stay still.
“Michael, your hands feel strange against my neck.” Baby admitted.
“Feel...strange…?” Michael repeated slowly. He brought his hand up to Baby’s neck and touched it. “Like this?”
Baby smiled and tilted her head to the side the hand was on. “Yes!”
“You...You can feel something?” Michael asked, moving his hand to the front of her neck. Baby quickly pushed his hand away with her hand and...let out a quiet little giggle. It was hard to hear, but Michael was just able to catch it.
Michael decided to ignore it for now, and started weaving a few wires through the chest. That didn’t seem to cause a reaction. But as soon as the other side of the wire reached her side, Baby started wiggling and smiling a little wider. Michael looked up at Baby just once, and quickly started spidering his fingers up and down the left white side cover.
Baby’s reaction was immediate! She closed her eyes as she let out a squeal! She quickly leaned over and covered up her side with her arms. “Heeheehee!...” Baby opened her eyes and looked down in confusion. “It’s making me laugh.” Baby looked up at Michael.
Michael was looking at her with wide eyes and a dropped jaw. Her laughter was...really innocent-sounding! And it reminded him a little of his mother’s laugh. “I...Wow!” Michael immediately ran back up and started tickling the side again. “Do you actually feel this?”
Baby closed her eyes and started giggling again. As her hands moved around to cover up her sides, Michael snuck around and started attacking them from behind. This caused Baby to squeal again and bounce around on the spot! “HEHEHEhehehe! Mihihichahahael! Ihihihi dohohon’t uhuhunderstahahahand!” Baby told him, shaking her head as she giggled.
“This is gonna sound nuts…” Michael paused for a moment and held his forehead. “But so far, you have the same ticklish spots as Elizabeth.” Michael finished.
Baby had her back to Michael while holding her sides a few feet in front of him. Curious, Baby turned her head around 180 degrees to look at him again. “Really?” Baby asked, turning the rest of her body 180 degrees to match her head’s direction.
Michael widened his eyes at the super wrong head contortion, but soon walked back up to her. “Yeah! Her sides,” Michael poked her sides and watched as Baby jumped and threw her pigtails up.
“Her neck,” Michael gave both sides of Baby’s neck a little tickle. Baby giggled and started laughing as well while bouncing on the spot and waving her head back and forth.
“And her hips!” Michael went for the orange pieces at the bottom right before Baby’s skirt, and gave them both a squeeze. To Michael’s surprise, Baby leaped a good 3 feet into the air and thankfully, landed on both her feet! But the moment Michael so much as touched her orange ‘hips’ again, Baby flopped backwards onto the ground like she had lost all the muscles in her legs.
Michael had bursted out laughing at Baby’s funny-looking fall. Baby had gotten herself back up onto her feet, and looked at Michael with growing curiosity in her eyes. “Do you have this same feeling?” Baby walked up to Michael and attempted to give his side a poke. While the finger touched the shirt, the shirt seemed to sink in, revealing something unusual about his body shape. Baby was about to lift up Michael’s shirt to see why his body was so thin, but Michael pushed her hand away and tucked his shirt in again. “No touching my lower body.” Michael ordered. He waved his hands up and down from the bottom ribs to the hips. “All of this is a no touch zone.” Michael told her.
Baby nodded in understanding, and proceeded to poke his ribs instead. Michael jumped and yelped, quickly realizing what she was doing. He tried stepping back to get away, but it didn’t take long for another yelp to leave Michael’s mouth as he discovered: He had backed himself into a wall! Baby smiled, opened her big claw hand and placed it around him! This caused Michael to get stuck in between the claw and somewhat pinned against the wall.
“I want to see if you jump and giggle when I poke you.” Baby told him casually.
Michael tried to get himself through the claw, but the claw spikes would scratch against his arms and dig into the already-dying skin. So he was forced to attempt escapes while she tickled him out of pure curiosity.
Baby started off poking his different ribs. Michael would yelp and jump with each and every poke, trying his hardest not to satisfy her. But the longer that she poked and scratched the ribs, the more his instincts would betray him. Soon, Baby would tilt her head at the look of a wobbly smile growing on his face. “You do grow happy when I poke your endoskeleton.” Baby reacted with a smile.
Next, Baby tried tickling his neck. Michael squealed super high-pitched and shook his head all over the place. Then, things got even worse when Baby remembered how Michael had squeezed her! Baby had started imitating the squeezing motion, which was making Michael sweat in fear and anticipation. Finally, after about 3 minutes of squeezing the air, Baby moved her hand to the ribs and gave them a squeeze.
“eeEEEEEHEHEHEHEHE! STAHAHAHAHA!” Michael bursted out laughing almost instantly!
Baby was impressed! “You sound like you’re having fun.” Baby told him as she continued squeezing and poking his ribs.
Baby stopped squeezing and leaned her body ahead a little. “What did you say?” She asked.
Michael’s laughter fell right to giggles the moment she stopped tickling. “Ihi...I said...Stop I’m way too ticklish.” Michael replied.
Baby straightened her back and tilted her head to the right side. “What is ticklish?”
Michael let out a few laughs and widened his smile a little. “Ihit’s...something I haven’t experienced in years.” He replied. “It’s...what I was doing to you. Tickling you, to be specific. Tickle is a noun meaning to touch someone in a spot that makes them laugh.” Michael explained. “E...Elizabeth...I tickled her a lot...especially as a toddler.” Michael explained.
“Ooh. So this-” Elizabeth gave his ribs another squeeze, “is tickling.” Baby asked.
Michael squeaked yet again and bursted out laughing again. “YEHEHEHES, TIHICKLIHIHING, FEHEHEHEELS LIHIHIKE IHIT, YEHEHEAH!” Michael replied, nodding his head.
Baby smiled and continued to squeeze his ribs. “I’m tickling you. I’m giving you a tickle squeeze.” Baby said out loud as she tickled him.
Baby tilted her head and lowered her pigtails. “But why would I stop? You’re enjoying yourself the way children enjoy ice cream, or balloons. You’re laughing.” Baby told him.
Michael didn’t really want to admit it, but she had a point. He was actually enjoying himself. The years of not being touched properly, were starting to really get to him. And this random act of touch, was making up for all the years of lacking love. It felt...nice.
Baby raised her pigtails and practically beamed upon hearing those words. ‘You’re right’! ‘You win’! She was right! She actually won! Baby placed Michael down and clapped her metal hand and claw together excitedly. “I won! I won! I won I won I won!” She declared.
Baby quickly pulled out a few balloons from another little storage unit, and started blowing up balloons with her fingers. Then, she tied them together and added string to them. Michael watched the funny celebration reaction as he got himself up off the floor. Then, to Michael’s surprise:
Baby handed him the tied bouquet of balloons. “Here.”
Michael looked at the balloons, in which the strings had been tied together near the bottom. Michael smiled and happily took the balloons.
...Only for him to tie it onto a dresser knob and squeeze Baby’s hips again.
Baby squealed yet again, and flopped backwards onto the ground, holding her hips. This time, Michael took advantage of the girl down and climbed on, to continue tickling her hips and sides. Baby was now a mess of childish laughter and cute little giggles. And thankfully, Michael never got a claw to the face! Who knew that putting Baby back together would be one of the best things to ever happen to him?
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bindi-the-skunk · 4 years
Son of Frankenstein
"What did you all do!?" Robert called as he ran into the room and attempted to calm the other doctor down, who screamed as if he was being murdered.
"We did not do anything! He just started pitching a fit!" Miss Flowers defended, scowling a bit at the accusation.
Robert wanted to scream himself, with no doubt in his head that they dashed in here and shoved yet another blunt explanation bomb in his lap to deal with, and it was the final straw that broke the camels back into a fit of hysterics.
He had half a mind to deck every single one of them!
Henry felt as though there was a ringing in his ears that refused to stop...spots danced before his eyes, everything hurt as he thrashed, bones screaming as loudly as he was for it all to-just-stop, desperate to run but legs refusing to listen, just as broken as their owner's mind, his head pounding as if Hyde was tap dancing on it despite the fact the blond-haired hellion had gone scarily quiet.
Suddenly he was pressed against something sturdy and felt a soft pressure against his back, strong hands rubbing his back soothingly, hands that were obviously trying to be careful as to not cause the injured man any more pain as the smell of cinnamon and apples hit his nose.
"Do something useful and look in the cabinet for a mild sedative, I don't want to give it to him yet, just in case he calms down on his own, but I want it out just in case" Robert barely kept from snarling at the lodgers and was grateful when they slinked away to do as asked, looking properly guilty.
The chemist went limp in the other's hold like a puppet with the strings pulled clean out and left forgotten on the floor, and Robert checked a bit frantic for a pulse and calmed when there was a rapid but steady one under his fingertips.
Frankenstein watched the two, mild jealousy stirring in her gut at how easily her son relaxed in the grip of that little chipmunk and recoiled from her as if she bore fangs and a rattling tail, she knew it would be a bit of a chore getting him to see reason, but this was-
Then again, she had not exactly reacted well to things when she had been young either, Harry's skilled hand at caretaking and tending to her sickly body's whims had been part of what she loved about him, she had never, to him, been the one to inherit her family's title, she had just been a woman he loved, Victoria, now she was beloved by dozens of people breaking into the unknown and the one person who she should have been striving to get and give love to had been hurt by her actions.
Yet another whose personality had been soured because their life-giver chose to not consider the consequences...
Had she been too harsh? He was a grown man who did not need babying, he had given up far too much dignity in his circus for the 'normal' people, but he took pride in his work in alchemy.
What had she truly offered at this point besides being the one who spit him out? He got her tendency for melancholy and foul temper when pushed far enough, him hitting a nerve with her about Elizabeth had been a low blow, but she had not exactly had tact with him either and made several low blows herself.
Slut had been a harsh word...slave to the public might have been a bit more suited a phrase, in all honesty, she should not be surprised if the moment Henry became lucid again he threw the S-word at her since she and Harry had not been married before his conception.
Everything else was her Harry, gangly limbs that they magically never tripped over, the soft brown hair that was just slightly wavy, the eyes of passionate fire and smell of peppermint, perhaps that was another reason Victoria had been cruel on her arrival, angered that someone not only dared to try and sanitize mad science, but also who dared to look like someone she had loved and lost, like a specter trying to haunt her, striking out at his face the same way someone might attempt to destroy a bug on their window, buzzing in their ears and not allowing peace.
What did she hope to even get out of reaching out? Telling him, all of them, of her past?
A normal mother and son relationship? Ha! Victoria Frankenstein was far from a mother and she knew it! She did not do warm hugs and kisses, saying I love you's, and possessed no ability to cook, clean, or sew and her nose curled up at the idea of doing.
Ugh, but what possible harm could it do? Kill her faster? Climbing out a window and being grabbed by Creature had done her no lasting damage, cooking her own damn son something or giving him a peck on the head would not be the end of the world.
Now, where was the kitchen in this stupid building? --- Robert once again got the lodgers to leave the room as Henry started to become more aware, the freckle-faced man had no plans of telling him of his breakdown, if he remembered it, that was what happened, but he was not going to shove it back in his lovers face to re-live it.
Whining near the edge of the bed drew both their attention
Henry smiled tiredly at hearing the familiar sound "Zosi.."
Zosimos spun in circles beside the bed, whimpering till Robert scooped him up and settled him next to his master who hugged the pup close with his good arm and giggled when the grim licked at his face.
"I'm going to change the bandages again alright? Seems a few have..come loose" Robert said and was glad when he got a nod of consent and got to work replacing the bloodied or loose wrappings, trying his best to be gentle and feeling bad whenever he saw the other biting back a wince.
But it was the quick glances to the door that worried him the most.
"Don't worry about them, they won't bother you anymore" Robert tried to comfort but could tell that is not what the other wanted to hear.
"Robert, tell me honestly, does what...who...I am ....change how you feel about me? That I am a Frankenstein? The lodgers are all ...acting so...I don't want you to-"
A kiss cut him off
"I do not care if you are a Jekyll or a Frankenstein, all that matters is that you are my Henry, that is who you are, the others will see that too, they just have to get over the hero worship is all..." Robert chuckled cupping his lover's face, noting the still soaked cheeks.
"Like a child with a new toy..." Henry chuckled himself "I don't even know who I am anymore, the past few hours have just been...a blur of emotions I did not know I could feel"
"You are who you make yourself, it's your choice, not theirs," Robert said, feeling very much like those fortune cookies his mother used to bribe him with in order to get him to do his schoolwork, but also knowing that it was true, nothing he said would fix what happened, but, perhaps he could keep it from completely falling apart.
"Can I stay with you a few days? I know it is asking a lot, but I need to get out of ...here...for a while" Henry asked, perhaps stepping away from the society and all its madness would be able to bring a little clarity to his mind.
"Of course, just rest a while now, and I will make the arrangements,"
Had a bloody nose the past few days because of the change in seasons and just tonight I bought a new humidifier (the old one got ick all in it and would not register it had water in it) so hopefully it works ... Not sure if I should take my misery out on Henry or not...maybe save it for my serial!killer au I have planned...
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