#time travel bullshit that probably makes no sense lmao
dire-kumori · 1 year
Oh and i had a question about, like, logistics of the reaper au!
Assuming there's a possible ending where reaper Mike dies and young Mike manages to live... do you think it would change things? Would it matter, in the end?
Or is Evan still fated to die at Mike’s hands, is Liz still fated to die, too? Is young Mike still fated to grow up and get scooped before ultimately dying while trying to kill his younger self? (Which is just... very, very sad and horrific in so many ways)
Because if none of these things happen, it could create a paradox; where would reaper Mike have come from if Evan and Liz never die, and Mike never gets scooped?
...Very good question.
Okay, so I like to think that Reaper Mike's mission is ultimately doomed to fail. Obviously he's never going to successfully erase his past self. But after a while, it's stopped being about 'making things right' and 'protecting Evan' and more about 'hurting (kid) Mike as much as possible,' so that doesn't really matter to him. At a certain point he just kind of stops being 'Michael Afton' and just becomes 'the Reaper.'
But Reaper Mike isn't the only one who's changed by the repeated loops. Even with the memories fragmented, young Mike is living out... weeks? Months? Hell, maybe even years in this loop. He's growing up, essentially, but without aging. I mean, of course his emotional and mental maturity is skewed because - [vague gesture at the blood-soaked death parade he's trapped in] - but after a certain number of loops he isn't quite the same person who would have thoughtlessly shoved his brother's head into moving machine parts. Especially not when he still has the broken images of Evan sobbing hysterically and begging the somebody to stop hurting his brother (the Reaper turning its fury onto Evan for daring to get between him and his target, past Mike throwing himself over Evan's little body in a vain attempt to at the very least save Evan's life, if not his own) floating around in his brain.
Can you tell I'm just word vomiting at this point? I kind of lost track of the original question.
I'm not 100% what this would mean for the Reaper Mike because with past Mike growing and changing, the Reaper would inevitably change as well. I like throwing characters up against forces or circumstances beyond their control, but I don't like saying things are just fated to happen. If things play out the same way again, it's because factors leading to those events are still the same. It might actually be that so long as Reaper Mike is stuck outside of his own time, he's largely unaffected by changes made to his past aside from some ripples in his memories. He was pretty shocked when his past self made choices he was certain he never would have made, such as seeking vengeance for Evan's sake after the loop where the Reaper killed them both. So scratch what I said above, past Mike is growing, while Reaper Mike stagnates, wallowing in his self-loathing.
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creature-featurez · 8 months
omg can i know ab betty and simon bc i also have one with like multiple parties at once im curious...
hello!!! sorry this took forever to answer (and for the... absolute novel that is the answer) this is surprisingly a very loaded question LMAOOO also sorry if i misinterpreted the question... i realized halfway through that you may have been asking something completely different...
putting under a [read more] to avoid being a terribly long post on the dash
First, I know you don't have a lot of knowledge on Adventure Time lore (at least I think..) so I'll probably be going on several smaller tangents and explanations of things so that the rest of what I explain makes sense. :3 If I get off topic, that's proooobably why. Second, the first "arc" of Reader's (my oc for anyone new here) story is heavily inspired by this fic, though I am currently rewriting it to be a bit more separate, and all of the later arcs are completely original. I like giving credit where credit is due, however.
OKAY! So now back to the actual question LMAO
In Adventure Time, there is a great war among humans somewhere in the 90's-2000's. It's a nuclear war that wipes out most of humanity and leaves a lot of radioactivity around, essentially creating an apocalypse for any surviving humans. In my au, this war takes place sometime in the late 90's. The seeds for Reader and Simon being in a relationship exist as early as the early 90's, though circumstances regarding the both of them being unable to further their education together prevent it from ever really going anywhere. Reader (who is still female presenting) struggles to keep up in the very male dominated field of anthropology and archaeology in the 90's while Simon easily finds his footing in doctorate programs. (He's cis in this au sorry Simon.. it just makes the most narrative sense.) Reader eventually loses contact with Simon as they drift away from each other and this is around the time that Reader goes missing, finding an ancient shrine and making a deal with a deity to survive the upcoming war. This is about 3 years before the nuclear fallout from the war. Meanwhile, Simon and Betty have met and the canon events of Fionna & Cake / Adventure Time are playing out for them! They find the Enchiridion (a magic book Simon was looking for to prove his studies on magical relics isn't bullshit), fall in love, get engaged, and this is around the time Simon loses contact with Reader. And then Reader's family reaches out to Simon. Reader has been missing and no one can find them. Betty comforts Simon during this time, but there isn't really much anyone can do. Eventually Simon finds the crown and becomes cursed, and Betty time travels 1000 years into the future to help save him like in the show. And we're back with Reader! Who accidentally overslept surviving the war by 800 years. They wake up and realize very quickly that they are (1) no longer human and (2) definitely not in the 20th century anymore... After a while they also learn they are immortal. About 200 years later, Reader is a successful healer, using 20th century medical practices and whatever they can find in centuries old texts. They've gotten quite the reputation as many families have been using their practice for generations, and rumors have spread that they can cure even curses (much to Reader's chagrin). This is when Betty, who is now going insane desperately trying to save Simon, visits their shop. Of course, when Betty learns that Reader can't, in fact, cure curses, she's pissed. They get into a big fight and Betty is banned from Reader's shop. The two don't interact again by the time Betty actually does save Simon from being cursed as the Ice King, and Reader never puts 2-and-2 together. To make a very long explanation a very short one, Betty saves Simon by fusing with a chaos deity named Golb, becoming Golbetty. She then returns to this void between universes, leaving Simon once again mortal but now all alone. 12 years later, Simon and Reader reconnect! They slowburn fall in love, but Simon isn't really over Betty, esp when it comes to wanting to save her. Simon is trying to reach Golbetty through an ancient shrine, but Reader is completely unaware of this. Reader is left in the dark when it comes to a lot about Betty, actually, but respects Simon's privacy. The two of them settle into life together after reconnecting after 1000 years, both having long accepted the other died in the 90's, and things seem okay for the most part...
Okay so things aren't all that okay. Turns out becoming a weird pseudohuman fucks with your self-image and connection to humanity, who would have thunk! This isn't anything new for Reader, who already associated their being nonbinary/transmasc with being turned into a creature shortly upon settling in the Land of Ooo (tho: author's note, they were always nonbinary, it's just hard to accept that when you're already struggling to make a life for yourself in a male dominated career in the 90's. Reader is mega-coping.) But reconnecting with Simon kind of made it... worse. Sure, Simon was cursed for a while but he got out of it mostly human, where Reader is very much not human. They find themself comparing how they once were to how they are now and feeling inadequate for Simon. Simon tries his best to help, but there's only really so much he can do. Things only get worse when a witch comes along who claims to know exactly what kind of creature Reader is. Reader is a golb-beast, a rare (often only thought to be mythical) creature created by being cursed, or in some interpretations blessed, by Golb. Reader is the only one of their kind known in existence, and this witch worships Golb. Knowing magic, she is able to manipulate Reader's curse so that they attack Simon, almost killing him, and in the chaos of everything she kidnaps Reader. The captor (I need to name her..) has a mansion that is decorated with statues and artwork of Golb, think Catholic cathedrals, and she initially locks Reader in the basement where she has a dungeon of sorts. She's kind of really fucked up and treats Reader like an exotic pet she tamed rather than a sentient human and even goes as far as to only let them eat raw meat it's crazy. Reader keeps up hope that Simon will come for them but the captor tells them (a lie) that Simon ran away from them when they attacked him. He's scared of Reader being a beast and won't be coming back for them. While Reader doesn't believe this at first... the longer they're trapped the more doubt starts to set in. Meanwhile Simon is actually losing his mind trying to find Reader after healing from his wounds, but to little avail. It takes months before he even gets a real lead. Eventually he is able to rescue Reader but in the chaos a fire starts. A statue of Golb falls and crushes the captor, killing her instantly while Reader watches. It should feel good but... Reader is emotionally crushed. It takes them a long time to get used to being back in the normal world again. There's a lot more I didn't cover here bc it isn't too important to Reader and Simon specifically, but there's a lot Reader has to overcome. This entire situation really sets them back on feeling human and accepting themself as they are. This time, Simon can't even seem to really help them when they're at their worst.
(continued in a reblog bc apparently i flew too close to the sun with this post...)
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frenchy-and-the-sea · 2 months
KICKS DOWN DOOR. multiples of 3 for the oc ask meme (for tritchett OR val)
WAHHH THAT IS MANY!!! Thank you!! I will do Odds for Val and Evens for Tritchet. :>
3. weapon of choice? any particular reason they chose their weapon?
HER TRIDENT!! God, she misses her trident. She loves polearms, both for the reach and the versatility, and while she'll be the first to admit that handling a sword alongside a shield is much easier, she feels like her trident was sort of her calling card! It's what people remembered!
She originally chose it because she spent a good long while on a monster hunting ship pre-campaign, and ended up favoring a harpoon. The trident seemed a natural choice when she stumbled across one while back on shore, and she kept it...basically until my DMs put a dragon slaying sword in front of her that was just TOO powerful to leave behind.
9. favorite food? least favorite? are they a picky eater? do they have any dietary restrictions
Val is a terrifically simple woman; she will pick a handful of fresh blackberries over just about anything else. At this point, most of the love for them is simple nostalgia. She spent a lot of her youth getting scratched to shit while digging the little bastards out of the wild bushes that she and her family found, and now they are a taste of simpler, better times.
That said, her simple taste means that she's also not particularly adventurous? She's kind of a simple eater, which means she's kind of a picky eater, and she is hyper sensitive to sweet things, which she actively dislikes. Her family were wandering tradesfolk, so she grew up on road food, and I'm very sure it absolutely destroyed her sense of taste LMAO.
15. how big or small is their family? who did they live with growing up? do they live with anyone now?
Oh, very small, if we're talking blood family. She grew up almost exclusively with her parents, and with the occasional visit from her very cool, definitely-not-part-of-a-thieves-guild uncle, and almost no one else. She has...met...her aunt on her mother's side, and her cousin, but since her mother passed, Val has felt no urge to reconnect with them.
Her parents passed something like eight years before the campaign began, and she is under the (incorrect) impression that her uncle is also gone, so at this point? Her family is this group of weirdos that she took up with on a whim. And she loves them so, so much.
21. their favorite place to be?
ON THE ROAD!!! Anywhere on the road!! Traveling is her hobby, her passion, and her oath!! Val took up with the god of travelers a few months back and pledging herself to his cause has only renewed her sense of peace and joy while traveling the world's highways. She LOVES the outdoors, and she loves helping people love them too.
It's really no wonder she fell in love with a druid.
27. if applicable, do they have a favorite sport? do they play any sports or prefer to watch?
Val has never sat down to watch a particular sport in canon, but I could see her being a soccer nut. God. Actually, now that I say it out loud, I'm so afraid that she would be obsessed with soccer. Not to play, naturally. She's not that dexterous. But to WATCH....
33. if applicable, how would your other characters describe them? i mean specifically the people around them.
STRONG. A huge sap. Bit of a goody-two-shoes. A little too overprotective for the sort of bullshit they get into. Cheesy and fond of really stupid jokes. Willing to throw down for any one of the idiots she's traveling with at the drop of a hat. Hot.
(She is deeply embarrassed by this last one.)
6. how do they wear their hair? do they care a lot how their hair looks?
Tritchet has worn her hair short since leaving home, and she will probably keep it short forever. It just makes sense! She is usually trying to cultivate a very specific Look, and thus cares a lot about how her hair looks at almost any given time. Cutting it off means it's less of a hassle for her to manage. She also just thinks long hair is kind of silly when you're jumping around all over the place in a fight.
12. how long have they been around? do you know their birthday? is their birthday the day you made them or another day? what do they think of celebrating birthdays?
Tritchet has been around since...2022? Ish? Her birthday is canonically on November 17th (thank you FFXIV for saving that data for me so I can remember) and she is very keen to let almost no one else know about it! She loves to be the center of attention, yes, but she thinks that attention just because she happened to be born on a specific day is very silly.
That said, she will absolutely go all in for someone ELSE'S birthday. That's all fair game!
18. their opinion on lying, stealing, and killing?
Lying - something that happens, but that she would be devastated to find out happened to her. She takes being lied to VERY personally, and certain people who have done it in the past *coughcough*Urianger*coughcough* have had to claw their way back into her good graces.
Stealing - generally bad, but not wholly damning. She actively doesn't support the idea of stealing to get by, since she spends a lot of time with struggling craftsfolk and traders for whom their business is their life, but folks that are starving need coin too, y'know? She won't ENTIRELY hold that against them, even if she will try and step in to stop them.
Killing - something that she would love to avoid overall, but that tends to run rampant in her line of work. Tritchet values freedom intrinsically, and will do her damnedest to avoid handing down a consequence that you can't walk back. But...she's also not going to roll over in a fight. And in the case of Zenos, it was a matter of giving him plenty of fuckin chances before he forced her and her sisters' hands.
24. do they have any creative hobbies? (art, writing, music, etc)
Goldsmithing! Tritchet likes the fiddly little work it calls for. It calms her down and gives her something to laser focus on. :> She also likes making accessories for herself that are totally one-of-a-kind, and she finds that it makes gift giving SO much easier. Typically, if you find her sitting still for a long period of time, it is because there is food involve, or because she's working on a Project.
30. do they smell like anything notable?
There is a...fairly notable scent of warm scales that comes about whenever the weather gets hot. Tritchet got a pretty nasty wound during the end of Endwalker that was compensated for by Dragoon Shit, which left her with a sizeable patch of scaling that healed up over the scar. So she gets a touch of Warm Lizard smell during the warmer months. It's one of those things that SHE hasn't really picked up on yet, and that she would be absolutely mortified to find out about.
Present company has yet to mind, though. :>
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raincxtter · 2 years
OKAY I'M AWAKE NOW so that means I can drop the artifact sets for kdj and yjh
full disclosure, I actually saw a piece of fanart of these two with a genshin design and that was what kickstarted this entire fiasco. Anyway! Yjh might be a claymore user, but he could also technically be a sword user (see alhaitham's physique and apparent "weakness". I call bullshit). He... hm, I was thinking of either a dendro of a cryo vision. Since his pursuit of... yknow, was what led to the whole shebang in the first place. Dps status for this absolute tank of a man
Kdj would either be a sword or a catalyst user, because he's not lifting anything heavier than a sword without his stats. Electro vision for him, partly because of one of his Bookmark abilities and partly because I think it'd be funny if he could conjure a little Biyoo to follow him around. Sub-dps, but I do think it would be funny if he could also be a dps when yjh's on the team.
Now, artifact sets. I think that they'd both scale off elemental mastery, maybe with a pinch of cr cd*? Well, the timepiece is obvious, it's the pocket watch that kdj commissioned. The feather could be one from kdj, the headpiece- well, I have a very specific image for kdj, and that is a crown of horns to allude to dkos hehe.
That's mostly it for their kits lmao, I also did draw some parallels between od-kdj and lesser lord and greater lord of sumeru, so. you know.
if we follow the orv's thing, kdj would probably be basically like traveler and be able to access all elements, BUT ELECTRO DOES REALLY FIT HIM (i can kinda see hydro too?)
:eyes: ooo the scalinggggggg nglngl the em makes sense
I HAVENT CAUGHT UP TO THE NOVEL YET BUT HWELKSFD YESYESYES THE POCKET WATCH THE FEATHER THE CROWN (some of it was spoiled for me so i have an idea of waht you mean)
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bndair · 5 months
((Been reading your writing and am now geeking out about Aang. Hope you don't mind me letting it all out in this ask lmao. But like, I just thought about that one scene where Roku was like "yo gimme the phone" with Jeong Jeong, and I got to thinking. Would Aang ever do that? Because I do agree with you about his less direct approach to guiding future Avatars.
And then a possibility came to mind. What if the continuing Air Nomads started warping into something more...fundamentalist, for lack of a better word? To the point that some future Avatar down the line is being refused airbending teachings due to not being an Air Nomad by blood. The Avatar. And the scene in my head was Aang making an appearance to be like "Am i enough of an Air Nomad for you?" because that sentiment just singlehandedly popped the top off of his "how much bullshit I can take" meter. I got a little carried away there, but what do you think?))
first things first , you're precious ! thank you for this. and i'm so glad you enjoy my rambling about our lil glowy marshmallow bc here's some more !!
oh , if he found out about something like that ? abso-fucking-lutely he'd go roku on them. he'd probably even use the same line !! "i have mastered the elements 1,000 times in 1,000 lifetimes. now, i must do it again. you will teach the avatar airbending." it'd likely be less aggressive / confrontational than roku was , but that also depends on the airbending master he needs to talk to and their reaction to him.
depending on the reception he gets , i think there's a few possibilities of how he'd approach it. 1) how dare you try to dictate air nomad beliefs to me. you know nothing. 2) the avatar is me , is every avatar that came before me. they are more air nomad than you. 3) i don't care what they are. the avatar must master the elements and you will teach them.
aang didn't devote a very large chuck of his life to preserving and teaching air nomad culture just to see it warped into something so exclusionary. air nomads were definitely isolationist with their temples , but i don't think of them as being an isolated people , ya know ? aang had friends all over the world before he was turned into an ice cube. the monks definitely traveled ! and , as far as i'm concerned , they were happy to share many of their thoughts, beliefs, customs, etc with interested parties. ( minus a few exceptions. they're a nice people, not a stupid people. they wouldn't knowingly teach someone who harbors ill intentions. ) so that kind of gatekeeping knowledge to anyone , but especially the avatar , double especially an air avatar would strike a cord in him. that's an immediate , visceral "oh, no you don't." catch kyoshi in the background "tell 'em, aang!"
he'll concede that there are some things that should not be shown/taught to outsiders , that should remain exclusively air nomad/air nation. so this hypothetical master is not wrong in that sense. but that does not apply here. this is not an outsider. this is the avatar. so get teachin', buddy !
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wildcatofgreen · 2 years
Dear future me
Send me one "Dear---" and I'll write a letter to this person
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"Future me, huh?"
Wasn't that an interesting one? What would she even be like, in the future? How far into the future? Five, no ten years? She's never been one for outrageous ambitions--always felt like the next day should come as it does. No real plans, no nothin'. Let the flow come to you.
Maybe a year would be nice. Or two--yeah, lets do two years.
That's not too far off. A lot can change in two years. She should be married by then, right? She'd be in her own happily ever after.
Tapped the pen onto paper. She wouldn't try to write properly to start out with this time. No reason to--who the hell's gonna see it, anyway?
dear +2 yrs carol
suuuuuuup dude. its the coolest cat from way back here to check in on how youre doin. must be livin pretty, right? must be in like a super cool mansion with sony and must be swimmin in gold gems all day LOL. invite me sometime yo! id love to swim in all that cash~
okay but seriously, how are things? incase you dont remember writin this bravo sierra then here's a little reminder. this is before we say anythin to sony, just got done talkin to tangle. you still keep up with her, right? damn i hope you do, she's probably the coolest girl we've met on these dumb gemerald travels, besides asagi.
Shit, that wasn't a name she thought about in a while. Still trying to figure out the gem back then. She swore she got... something out of it, it got more consistent at one point. Consistent enough that she could visit people like Asagi all the time.
Then, she lost the mojo, somehow. Felt like it shifted. She could use it for short distances, but what was the point if she could just use her bike instead? Hell, now she can't even do that anymore.
But, the recent developments seemed hopefuly, at least. If she really could use it like this, to hop between her friends like a ping-pong ball then...
It made her want to train with it more. It made her happy. She could see her friends, for real this time.
...She'd really hope she'd keep up with them all. And... she would, right? She's seen so many people come and go...
speakin of, you keep up with everyone else, too? jet, bapho, dan--that weird bird girl seemed interestin', too. iunt remember her name if she told me. just has some weird marital probs. lmao cant say we cant relate right?
well. YOU probably cant. everythin must be perfect with him now. shit i bet you guys are thinkin of kids too right? i really hope not i dont wanna deal with kids theyre AWFUL. please future c. im beggin you dont get kids DONT GET KIDS
sony's okay too, right? we treatin' em better? no more drama bullshit right?
and lilac! hows she??? did she ever come back??? like she totally did right shes chillin with me and sony again
She scribbled out the last line.
she totally did right shes prolly like a world famous runner right. i bet theyd have to ban her from all of the competitions LOL. LIKE I BET SHE'D ENTER AND THE GUARDS OR WHATEVER WOULD BE LIKE ''LMAO SORRY DRAGON GIRL YOURE TOO FAST''
She snickered. Why did it feel like she wanted to tear up? That didn't make sense.
anyway keep up the good work, me! becareful tho we're in for another world invasion if timing suits us right lmaaaao.
Paused for a moment.
Nobody would ever see this, right?
so how did talking to lilac go. she put us down hard didnt she, right? like how i figured. for as much as i wanna call her flaming id never do it to her face. we're sisters to her. she'd never see us in that kind of light.
this isnt a bad thing or anything lmao i
Nobody would ever see this.
She scribbled out the last line.
it hurt, right? thats what im expecting it to feel like. she'll comfort us or whatever but there's gonna be some sort of painful closure we get outta that. she's always there for us, she'd help us through this too. i can say that for sure because i know how this girl is. always helping other people. little miss heropants
A somber smile formed.
itll be nice to get that closure, though. im excited for it. especially after everything that happened so far. finally be at peace with the whole thing, keep her as our bestie, then focus solely on sonar. thats the best case scenario here.
regret not saying anything sooner, about all of this. i know i gotta keep with my ''everythin happens for a reason'' motto but damn it i fuckin hate havin regrets. like if i told lilac sooner she couldve rejected me sooner and i wouldnt have these will they wont they feelings about it all.
sure, whatever, i love her. i admit it tenfold now. but i KNOW in my heart that i love sony more. if i gave up ''my boy'' like that i think id ki--
id be fucked up about it for a long ass time. worst mistake of my life
swhy i want them both, on some level. and like i CAN have them both i just gotta keep lilac as my friend and sonar as my husband.
but the
She paused. What the hell was the word for it? Big long fancy word. Started with a D...
Whatever, she'll think of it later.
but the [FANCY D WORD] is whats important right. i gotta keep my head in the game and keep em that way. and thatll be easier when i get over lilac, shit i bet its easy as hell for you right now right
yeah ofc it is youve already been through it all. i envy you, carol. youre way cooler than me and i can only hope to get there someday. and i guess i will but the fact that im still choking on it makes it hard.
everythin with sony's gonna go fine. im only a little worried about that now. and lilacs just gonna say she's always been straight and that'll be that. easy.
bet it wasnt easy though. bet it was still anxiety inducing talking to either one of them. sonar's not gonna hate me for it, i cant imagine he would.
but id be lying if i said i wasnt scared of his reaction. tangle said itd be okay. so i think itll be okay. but honestly i dont realy know for sure.
the uncertainty is killin me. but my due date for the assignment's coming up and i cant procrastinate until the final second. ive already done that too much.
shit carol idk what this letter is anymore. im sure youll look at this in the future and crumble it up into a ball becaue its so cringe. but
shit idk.
hope its okay out there in the future. if one of my friends ive met now aint here with me by then then ill
i dont know what ill do.
take care, your's truly
carol tea
. . .
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She sighed. She'll actually fold this letter up, then walk over to the closet and put it in her hoodie pocket. She'll have a better hiding place for it later. But for now.
It'll stay there.
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bardicious · 2 years
Umbrella Academy Season 3 Spoilers Thoughts:
(Okay, actually, this might be an Allison bitchfest in the notes. And well, some other general bitching - because some characters made me so annoyed - but generally speaking I really really REALLY loved this season)
Season 4 Five needs to go apeshit, seriously, all of his shitty little siblings give him so much shit like he's supposed to know everything. I wouldn't put it against him to just leave their asses if something else comes up.
Allison REALLY REALLY pissed me off this season. It's not that I don't get her trauma, but the constant belittling of everyone else's trauma? Fuck that. I don't know where I stand with her after this Season, while she was one of my faves in the last two.
NO, I'm sorry Harlen didn't deserve to die. And LMAO. Excuse fucking me, but if the Academies went after him after the vote, he would have killed them all. Seriously, so many of these characters pissed me off this season. And yes, I do give certain characters more of a pass to be murderous (ie. Five and Lila) but the rest of them? Like, holy fuck, y'all are BABIES at this time traveling thing. And Victor wanting to protect Harlan (BECAUSE HE PROBABLY SAW HIM AS A SON - is not fucking selfish and is not a BETRAYAL). Viktor was responsible for Claire's death by mistake. Allison murdered Harlan for not having control of something he didn't choose to have. The fact that she feels right and doesn't feel sorry? Yeah, fuck off with that, what a piece of shit. This whole season has been a testament to how little Allison cares about her family and that's very disappointing. (I'm liable to think the last time jump really fucked with her head because ??? This is just too much)
Allison just being so fucking manipulative. Using her love against her family, like fuck off, the amount of times Five has had to deal with that shit and hasn't murdered a family's loved one. Allison really gave me vibes that she would kill anyone for her kid, even if it's another kid. And I don't know what's going to happen with her but yeah. There's a lot she needs to apologize for.
At the end of it though, even though I get her (the events of her life after the first apocalypse seem unreal and it's easy how she could lose sight of whats wrong or right) I'm really mad at her.
I am happy she got her happy ending though. (Presumably)
omg, almost forgot. What she was going to do to Luther. Jfc. Like, holy shit. I really hope they acknowledge all this in the next season.
Okay, and another thing, that shit she said about Viktor betraying her trust? LMAO. What a laugh, as if the whole family hadn't done that to him his whole life???? Viktor lies ONCE? And oooooo, I can never trust you. Fuck off with that bullshit. (If I were Viktor I'd never trust her again)
Honestly the whole fam was being held by a thread, which this time was Klaus, the last two times it was Five. But you know what, old man, you do you, fuck these hoes, you deserve to retire.
The way that Five was just ready to accept death because at least he wouldn't be the only one alive.
Luther instantly falling in love with Sloan, is well... makes sense. Both of them are so lonely, smart, and naive. lmao They quite honestly deserve each other 10/10. Never did like Allison/Luther (just a boring relationship)
I also love Allison/Ray and thought they brought out the best out of each other, so if she gets to be with him and her daughter, then I'll accept it. (Hope it wasn't just an illusion or something)
Wish Five's relationship with Deloras wasn't a constant joke. And quite honestly happy that Sparrow chick (the one who does the spitting) died, cause -shrugs- what can I say, not impressive.
I was ready for all Sparrows to die. Glad Ben and Sloan lived, wish bird lady lived in the end, I liked her and she actually seemed to care about her family.
YO, REGGIE IS PURE EVIL. The man is just EVIL. I mean, I think he expected Allison to kill him, and somehow that gets him to be with his wife, but I wonder what his original plan was. LMAO. Really hope they have a new season.
That said, Reg and Klaus hanging out was hilarious, still fucked up, but lmao, I think Klaus is at least used to so much fucked up shit in his life where he can practice his power.
But also, why was Klaus dead in the apocalypse??? Did he just choose to stay dead and never knew Five was there? So sad.
There was just so much Five hanging out in ordinary situations. A+++ HIS SPEECH. (I'm sorry but Five just deserves a better family, ffs)
Five and Victor need more time together, because they are about the only sensible siblings and actually care about their family despite their issues...
I love my babe Lila, she reminds me of Vala mal Doran, same chaotic energy - same accent too. LOVE the idea of her and Five being besties. And LOVE that she found out about the Handler killing her and Five rewinding time.
Five being the Commission's founder???? So many questions???? I don't get it, I don't get why he would want Five to accept the apocalypse, maybe there's something even worse next season???? Because if Five did nothing than they'd all just be dead? Is that a better alternative than Hargreeve's owning everything?
Diego and his not kid, so cute. LMAO. And then Diego going to be a soon to be father anyhow! :D
These people never really learn. lmao. They spent how many episodes talking about the briefcase and Marcus, meanwhile, the man's been dead the whole time, and the briefcase has been with them forever. Hilarious when Luther comes back and no one's noticed he's gone.
All in all, this felt like a family breaks up season, which is sad. I hope next season (lord help me) is them coming together.
But as stated before, I NEED Five to go apeshit. And also for actual acknowledgment of HIS traumas. Like??? Same could be said for Klaus. I can totally see why fandom falls on these two, because the rest of the family literally just makes fun of them the whole time. Meanwhile I have to listen to Allison and Luther's issues the whole 3 seasons and want to throw something. Viktor's issues? Good shit. Transformative. Diego? Also transformative. Allison and Luther? I mean, probably, but meh.
I miss the Commission. I miss older Five. It's good to see Reggie in a bigger role. Cause I really fell for his manipulative bullshit. Which is nice! That seems to be a common villain in this story. Hardcore manipulation. I like that.
ANYWAY. Loved the trans rep. Viktor was placed in seamlessly. It was really beautiful. Loved Harlan, was super excited for him to have powers in the end of Season 2. Loved the wacky scenes where everyone is just partying and FIVE is involved.
Jessica who?
Don't like their Mom being cast aside, and it's so interesting how Pogo finally takes a stand against Reggie in this timeline. It just comes way later and at the end doesn't save anyone. Because he's just gone.
Can't think of anymore right now, so I'll leave it there. lmaooo. Lots of complaining, but complaints just stand out to me, and it's not really about the writing. Just SUPER annoyed at the characters. oof. The family dynamics just feel less this season. Granted, no one's had leisure time, so they're all prime assholes right now, hell even Five was keeping most shit to himself the first season. (But Five is at least progressing at quite a quick pace considering he's been fighting of apocalypse after apocalypse within a month, I believe?)
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nyxthejinx · 2 years
I just saw your posts about the reader being diluc’s younger sibling and I was wondering how the reunion would turn out. I imagine that by the time they meet again years later that the reader has through the ranks of the fatui. Not exactly harbinger level (idk) but like its clear that they are important to the other harbingers and the tsaritsa. And they come back with signora during the beginning of the game to get venti’s gnosis and probably has a verbal smackdown with diluc (who is remorseful for their last interaction after getting years of self reflection and realizing he was at fault for almost killing them and ruining their relationship with each other). They probably fought each other when they first reunited (reader doing shady fatui stuff and diluc as the dark knight hero) and they manage to knock each others masks off and the reader retreats after theirs gets knocked off. I feel like diluc would probably apologize (not exactly forgive or be the same sibling dynamics but to civil again) and the reader basically isn’t having it and puts emphasis on how diluc cut them off back then and how now their roles are reversed leaving a stunned diluc behind. Not to mention their grudge with kaeya who didn’t even check on them after he left and basically let them get taken by the fatui.
YOO I kinda ran out of writer juice for today BUT before I forget, everything you said makes so much sense. It wouldn't be a tearful reunion, nor a completely violent one. (I apologise if it doesn't turn out great or anything like that I'm sleepy :') F)
If Diluc was still willing to talk with the Kaeya via mail, I can only imagine he'll regret the shit out of his actions as time goes by.
And while he goes thru existential crisis for abandoning a 13 y/o in a puddle of mud, just because they were protecting the secret of someone they loved, reader sharpens their hate for him.
What they don't expect though is to tear up from nostalgia after he knocks off their mask.
The harbingers, being fond of them in their own way, make sure to talk reader into cutting their bonds with their brothers once and for all. Since they hurt them and stuff. It's kinda manipulative BUT they have "good" intentions (and are right lmao).
Meanwhile Diluc feels twice the piece of shit because the first thing he does after three years of absolutely zero news about their sibling is to make them cry LOL.
He tries desperately to find something, anything about his sibling after that. He knows they're fatui, and yet despite his endless networks he can't find them. Hell he even asks kaeya for help, who gladly obliges him because he feels thrice the piece of shit and needs to apologise as well (with love <3)
In the end reader willingly goes to angle's share, while signora does her stuff with venti and the traveller. It somehow end up in a heated discussion between the three of them (though I doubt they'd force the subject if reader rejected their apologies) and bam: reader, fed up with their pathetic bullshit, pulls the collar of their uniform down and shows the scars Diluc left behind.
"How many times I tried to forget you, both of you. But this damn thing won't leave me alone. Here, are you happy now? Do you get why I can't sweep it all under the rug?"
And before it escalates further they leave, while Diluc and Kaeya just want to dig up a hole and die in here from the sheer amount of shame and regret.
Yes I'm feeling angsty today how could you tell? 😃
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kyoryu · 2 years
We have heard your gospel on the shitty finale. Now, dear prophet, I humbly ask for your fix-it ideas
you said FIX IT... so how would i fix it. oh in so many ways. but to make what we had WORK, its simple. ive said it before and i will say it again. 3 simple things:
- having no way back to amphibia is treated by the characters as something unfair and theyre all very broken up about it, especially anne. she's inconsolable. shes not accepting just cuz omg i changed i will just take every bad thing life keeps throwing at me here throw some more
- we get to see anne reunite with her parents when shes back (sasha and marcy with theirs too would be nice but thats another can of worms to open)
- after the trio hug in the timeskip, have an actual open end where we see a light flash when they walk off screen. like they went... Somewhere 😳 thatd be cool, like have they opened it before? is this the first time? is it even a portal? dont know, actual open end ✌️
(people keep saying what we got was an open end and the more i think about it the more i call bs. it wasnt open ended they just didnt go back to amphibia and ur in denial. cry about it ig)
anyways id be so happy with an ending like that. im not even changing much its just adding 3 things.
(also id probably skip on the trio growing apart and shit. like i keep saying, i dont think them growing apart in the situation where amphibia is closed for good works out. its just weird. like yeah we close this chapter that totally didnt mark us for life and we move on 🤟 BUT AGAIN JUST LIKE SASHARCYS PARENTS, THATS ANOTHER CONVO)
AS FOR AN ACTUAL FIX IT... to make exactly what we got work we'd have to rewrite the whole thing. not make it about saving the world, not making it so much about family, changing everything. cuz that ending just shits on everything lmao if the ending we got actually worked then amphibia would have to be a completely different story
ANYWAY a fix it would be what i said. tbh i like it when u add those 3 things. its genuinely bittersweet like that. it makes me angry about how its only 3 simple little things that couldve been added and i wouldve been content. but whatever
HOWEVER, A DELUSIONAL ENDING THAT WOULD MAKE ME HAPPY WOULD BE: annes given 3 full stones, bc i dont see why tf not if she meets god. i mean if its gonna be nonsensical then lets be nonsensical all the way and have 3 stones. each of them get one, and they can use it to travel back and forth by themselves. each time they have to charge it.
this means they dont usually Go together. they go separately, and if theyre ever in amphibia at the same time they might not even know. sasha always warps at toad tower, anne in wartwood, marcy in newtopia. they go to amphibia for their own purposes and business. and thus the trio grows apart.
it makes more fucking sense, ofc i think the trio growing apart makes sense, it just Doesnt when you add it up with closing off amphibia forever lol. but with amphibia being accessible i totally see it. theyre all doing their own stuff and making their own friends (both human and amphibians). even like this, after what they went through, sasha anne and marcy are intertwined for life. no matter how much time passes, how different they become, theyre unique to each other. they always come back to each other at one point. other than that, amphibia is open, they get to grow up in a place they love with people they love without having to sacrifice choosing one or the other bc that Sucks Ass and they've been thru enough, and have enough mental scars that will keep haunting them even after if they get to thrive in both worlds
this version is kinda. unrealistic. i get it. but the realistic ending we got was bullshit and shitted on everything, its sad and not to mention Boring. i think this ver still gets the point across (point that was already made so many times in the show anyway), sprig and anne grow up together, anne still becomes a herpetologist but now instead of fucking tragic and sad its very fun and cute, sasha has a getaway from her chaotic homelife and can be with grime who never ever EVER left her side, marcy gets to become close to olivia like shes failed to do and hence gain an actual mother figure in her life, etc etc. hehe
(and as adults sasha and marcy choose to move to amphibia. or as teenagers they just straight up stay there. but thats another convo as well)
i actually do enjoy a version where they only go back after 10 years and they have to reconnect, its fun to explore, but it never stops being Sad. i think of it and make hcs about it and comics about it but it never stops being full on sad ending to me and when i remember its not just a fun concept im exploring, its the genuine ending we got that is supposed to be Good and Satisfying, i become enraged. i continue not to see the sweet in the bitter. i wish people would at least admit its full on a very sad ending instead of pretending it was something else (people who liked it say it makes them want to d1e or say "idk i just like sad endings" so u agree. u agree it is a sad ending where characters end up sad)
anyways. kind of a stupid ramble here. i love amphibia (kicks the ending on the throat)
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sleptwithinthesun · 2 years
prompt idea: Eddie not realizing / in denial that he's getting a cold and Steve not having any of it (cue aggressive caretaking)
hnng this is cute. not super long, only 0.5K, but enjoy i guess lmao
"So, how long did you think you'd get away with it?"
Eddie looks up from the stack of tapes he's been organizing and at Steve, expression earnestly confused. There's a light flush spread across his face, attempting to hide under the freckles that've slowly been darkening as summer approaches. Any other time, Steve would probably (read: definitely) be mapping out random constellations and playing connect-the-dots in his mind, pining as he tends to do now, but his attention is drawn by the other man's paler-than-usual pallor and rosy cheeks.
"Get away with what?" he asks, voice breaking on the second word. Eddie clears his throat, congestion crackling lightly in his chest as he shuffles his weight between his feet for a second, then meets Steve's eyes again. His own display dark bags underneath, only slightly deeper than they normally are, but it's enough that Steve notices.
"Coming in to work while sick." Steve makes a vague motion at Eddie's face, stepping closer and pressing a palm to his forehead. His breath hisses out between his teeth in response to the heat present. "You're so goddamn warm, how do you not feel that?"
Eddie shrugs, a knuckle coming up to rub at his nose like he's just noticing he's sick. "I don't really feel any different than I normally do," he says, ducking under Steve's still-outstretched hand and going back to the tapes. Keith, being fairly out of it from a social standpoint, had no qualms about hiring Eddie at the Family Video to work alongside Steve and Robin. The pay wasn't great, but it was enough for Eddie and Wayne to live off of. It makes sense that he'd try to keep working, even while sick, but Steve's been in this situation before and knows how it'll go the second he gets Robin involved.
So, he grabs gently onto the back of Eddie's work vest, the various pins the older added clanking together as tension enters the fabric. "Hey," he says, waiting for Eddie to turn around before he continues speaking. "Don't give me that bullshit, okay? If you're feeling crappy, go home. Robin and I can cover for you."
"I need the cash," he mumbles, a finger twisting deep into the hem of his shirt. "Plus, today's Friday. It's going to be busy in, like, thirty minutes, and I know you and Robin can't handle all of that alone."
Steve bites his lip. Eddie's right; Family Video tends to get swarmed in the Friday afternoons, usually teenagers looking for something to watch over the weekend with their friends or parents bringing their kids in. They'll be busy for a couple hours, but if Eddie's sick, there's no way he'll be able to keep up with it all.
"Tell you what," he says, compromising and slipping Eddie a small travel pack of tissues as he does so, "you can log the returns, rewind, and put the tapes back on the shelves; Robin and I will deal with the customers. But the second you start feeling worse than you already are, you're done. Okay?"
Eddie nods, an easy agreement as exhaustion weighs a bit heavier on his features. "Yeah, okay. Thanks, Steve."
"Don't thank me, just wait until Robin hears," Steve says, a smirk curling at the corners of his mouth, tracking her movement and approach in his peripherals. Speak of the devil.
"Wait until Robin hears what?"
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blue-pastel-cat · 3 years
Xiaobedo Fanfic Recommendation
Welcome to my personal “if you are new to xiaobedo peeps please read these” list. As said before this is my personal list so please feel free to reblog/comment/hit me for not including any gem here. I might miss a lot of them because I am drunk or blind. (mostly have them on my to read and then forgot as I am being assault by real life shit).
I would like to say first that so far there are 150+ Xiaobedo fics on Ao3. I can’t review all of them but I can say that I have read a majority of them. Most of them are just pure love and I would like nothing more than a thousands thank you for all the fic writers who spent their free time writting these gems for us to read for free. But these...these takes the cake as it finds a special landing spot in my heart that I would just thrust them into someone’s hand if they say “I am new to this ship can you recommend me?”
1. Orange dust by bobamilkteas (Wes)
In which Xiao learns to open himself up to the world a little more after the collapse of Rex lapis's contracts but it was not always easy for a soul doomed to eternal damnation. Meanwhile, Albedo liked to tempt fate where the extraordinary are concerned.
If only the traveler's comrades are made of saner bunch.
Comment: Long ago when I like both Albedo and Xiao as a character, I was wondering hmmm....will anyone actually even write about them lmao they never met each other. I am surprise to see this one as the 3rd fic in the whole 3 Xiaobedo fic on Ao3 (yeah back when there’s literally only 3 fic for this couple). I was like I’ll read it for the curiosity, I’ll probably won’t ship them. And that people is how I put my clown make up on my face upon finishing reading it. This ONE fic alone convert me into a devotee of Xiaobedo. Please consider joining me in this circus if you want to know what is Xiaobedo. I would put this as the first of my “Big 3″
Orange Dust also come with its compliation of short stories over the course of the game and a big sequel to it. Please also consider reading ALL OF THEM.
2. Solar Wind by birdpriestess (Sparrow)
For the yaksha, his duty was his life, and his life was his duty. No human could ever hope to understand the eternal war he fought out of sight and in silence.
So why, then, did he feel that Albedo would understand?
Finding himself at death's door once more, Xiao is saved by a surprising person, setting off the unlikeliest of adventures.
Comment: Do you like crying? Do you like the feeling of getting your heart ripped into pieces as the author destroy your emotions over the end of each chapter as the story picked up the climax? Yeah, this one is for you masochists. The action, the characterisation, the drama THE EMOTIONS OH WOW. I kid you not that it was so good I read this while workinng when I am not suppose to me. Also, this fic has my favourite characterisation of Gold ever. I love that dramatic queen Mad Alchemist. AND DAIN. I LOVE DAIN IN THIS FIC. Our dearest Sparrow manage to toy with our feelings like how I bully ruin guard for big numbers lmao. This is the secound of “Big 3″ of my Xiaobedo list.
Again, just like Orange Dust, Solar Wind comes with its own compliation of short stories of what came after that. Please also consider reading ALL OF THEM.
3. Castle of Glass by AlchemicalStardust (Morgie) 
A black shadow rises over Huaguang Stone Forest. Caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, Albedo flees the shaking ground and the crash of boulders tumbling form the sky. As the dust settles, Albedo finds a young man – an Adeptus – amidst the carnage. Despite the karmic agony ripping his body from the inside, Xiao’s only question is “How?” How did a human survive after witnessing his battle?
Comment: The last of the “Big 3″ of my Xiaobedo list. And it is still on going! Castle of Glass? More like I AM IN A GLASS CASE OF EMOTIONS! Have you read a fic about 2 people yearning, longing, reaching out for each other so damn well that you just want to throw your phone in the air as they both had their impending doom coming down upon them? Yeah this is one of them. You will like want to be stuck in the moment they express how much they just yearn for each other’s love and care that you want to shake the author for what comes next. Like...everytime Morgie update I am expressing my gratitude at the end of the chapter by writing on Xiaobedo discord “MORGIE COME HERE AND LET ME BONK YOU WHY ARE YOU ENDING IT THERE”
trust me when you read you will def feel the same. With just Big 3 and their compliation alone that would give you like a LONG list of reading already LMAOOOOOOO
4. Find a place to call it home  by yamajiroo 
Our room, he said. Xiao’s brow twitches. Zhongli never said anything about this. But then again, perhaps he should anticipate this from the beginning...
Xiao looks over at Albedo, who is now tilting his head, his look as innocent as ever.
“Are you not okay with sharing a room?”
Comment: College AU for Xiaobedo! One thing that I love this is the slow burn and what made me LOVE LOVE LOVE this fic more is how cute Klee is in this fic. Their relationship in this one is very simple, but that simplicity highlight why their chemistry work. Xiao is someone who was just very gentle, who was largely misunderstood by his lonesome nature. Albedo was someone who like peace and quite in his introvert bubble. And how they respect that bubble that each other has actually made their relationship work. I love it when fic highlight this and this one captures it.
5. I Can't See Your Face From the Other Side of the Classroom by MissWeaver  
When Albedo and Xiao unexpectedly start eating lunch together, they begin to find that they have more in common than anyone would have realized. They both struggle in their own ways with blossoming feelings, too many assignments, and annoying classmates as they navigate a relationship for the first time.
Comment: I’ll be honest, I usually hate high school au just because its so cliche. I don’t even watch and drama/anime surrounds high school student anymore LMAOOO (unless it’s very good). So if there’s an high school AU that I actually keep come back and read after a couple of chapters, it means that the cliche that I hate wasn’t there or barely was there at all. The pinning in this fic makes me want to bang their head together sometimes LMAOOO The tag wasn’t kidding when they said both Xiao and Albedo are bad at feelings. Also that’s a lot of heart broken caused by these two idiots XD
6. new world, same me, same bullshit  by  bobamilkteas (Wes)
At the belly of Dragonspine, Albedo lost control to the festering corruption that permeated his senses and watched, from the recesses of his mind, as his devoured body turned his allies into enemies. Before his rampage reached its climax, he is sealed in a crystalized confinement by the last hand of Reindottir, where he then reawakens centuries after, in a rebooted Teyvat.
Comment: Yeah I know it was list in Orange Dust but here me out. This sets out in an entirely different universe. And if you like Polyamory, this one has Zhongli joining the duo and I love it because I also love ZhongXiao with my life. Time Travel is my biggest kink. Especially when I am the person who love it when people explore Archon War era/ Alatus!Xiao. So this one hits double of my kink. Of course it is still on going and I will bully Wes whenever I can to see that new chapter. Albedo is a total fucking badass in this story and I completely agree from using him in Abyss so often. Everyone should write badass Albedo.
7. misplaced heart of mine by  inkburn           
“If you are ill, then you should be resting at home. In Mondstadt.” He emphasized Mondstadt with a pointed look in his direction.
“I assure you I won’t be troublesome, Adeptus Xiao,” Albedo said, “You’ll find I’m a rather low-maintenance traveler.”
“Travel,” Xiao scoffed, “without airstep?”
Albedo looked him up and down. “Are your legs just for decoration?”
(albedo is sent to liyue on mandatory vacation. xiao is his unfortunate bodyguard.)
Comment: Most of the time you will see Albedo and Xiao starting their relationship with one of them taking interest in another. But this one took another approach, they starting off by make them hating each other’s guts LMAOOOO and I live for every second of it. There’s only 1 chapter so far but wow it was SOOO GOOD. I am really really excited for next chapter and is waiting patiently ;w;
8.  Blossom of Grace  by birdpriestess  
One day in Liyue Harbor, Albedo watches a street performance by an enigmatic dancer named Xiao. And he becomes completely obsessed.
Comment: Have you ever look at Xiao fight and thinking that he’s one of the most beautiful deadly thing ever? How it was like he was dancing around the battlefield? How about actual dancer Xiao being so absolutely beautiful and perfect and that slow burn of Albedo falling in love with that beauty with a touch of Modern AU and cute Ganyu as the Wing woman. Yes, Sparrow delivers yet again another beautiful slow burn and while it’s still ongoing it is worth the read.
9. i think we could make this work (could get used to this) by outspaced               
“Xiao? What are you doing out here?”
“It’s raining,” Albedo says, as if it isn’t obvious. “You could get struck by lightning.”
“What are you doing out here then?” Xiao does the only thing he knows how to do, he challenges Albedo. “It’s raining.”
Albedo just hums. “If I get struck by lightning, it’s for science.”
Comment: A short one-shot where I read the summary and went “This is it... this is their relationship.” I am sold immediately. Oh god Albedo why are you like this.
10. Ephemeral by criedprinz        
“It’s not for your investigation, is it?” Aether asked mildly.
Albedo traced a finger around the sketchbook, considering the question. “No,” he admitted finally. “I... I just want to see them again.”
He opened the sketchbook to reveal the drawing he’d just finished. Aether nodded, clearly recognizing the sharp golden eyes.
“Xiao,” he said. “You were rescued by an adeptus.”
When a visit to Dragonspine goes horribly wrong, Albedo is rescued by an unknown stranger, wielding powers he's never heard of. Led on a search to find out who it is, he finds himself in the middle of an unforgettable encounter..
Comment: A really really well written one-shot that I love. The yearning oh godddd the yearning from Albedo side is just so so much that I have to put it here. (I think you can see the trend here lmao. I am a sucker for yearning). And the moment they get to meet each other again is just chef kiss. MWHAA
11. Idle Yaksha, Brilliant Yaksha by Pit0fTheEarth
Alatus didn’t have a lot of responsibilities to keep. He spent most of his days dancing across the sky and eating away all nightmares that plagued a person’s sleep.
But one fortunate encounter led to too many unfortunate ones, taking his carefree existence and plunging it in darkness. His wings, stripped from him. His gentle touch, replaced by an unforgiving grip of destruction.
There was a lot of blood on his hands. With each passing moment, it became harder for Alatus to recall the last time someone gently held him.
Comment: This is one of the ongoing fic where I am very very much excited on the take of Naberius. And the way the author portray Xiao when he’s still the innocent Alatus is just *clench fist*. Baby ;w; Baby why do you have to lose all that innocence. Also the fic has long LONG flashback to Xiao past and his relationship with Naberius. We are unwielding more what happened to both of them and why perhaps does this have to do with Albedo.
That’s it for now, might add more later! Thank you <3
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albatris · 2 years
Ask time! How would your character(s) react to…
A dauntingly high mountain climb? Do they make it to the peak? Do they have trouble breathing with the air so thin? Are they scared of heights, or of the danger of the path? What's the view like?
A derelict small town that was inexplicably recently abandoned? What do they think happened here? Do they explore, or is it too creepy for them?
thank you for the ask!
scenario 1:
ah. the Rental Car gang as a whole, minus Zeke, are not a particularly athletically-inclined bunch hahaha. Zeke would be thrilled! everyone else's first instinct would be "we need to find a way out of this right now immediately whatever it takes". they simply Would Not Go unless the plot really really forced their hand
Alex and Nat would have an easier go of it than the humans 'cause they're vampires! they can access at least short bursts of increased strength and speed, plus heightened senses and quicker reaction times. and they have the ability to heal not-immediately-lethal injuries! they have a much better chance at doing okay safety-wise, even if (mild) mortal peril rears its head. Nat would just prefer to be curled up sleeping under a nice warm blanket with Quinn and Alex is more the desk work type than the type to go on daring adventures in the great outdoors :P
there is also the fact that Alex's body will just shut down and die in direct sunlight though, so. for simplicity's sake, let's assume they all travel as a group during a safe cloudy day, with extra protection and precautions for Alex c:
the vampires are Pretending like they're not nervous, but they're vampires, so they're full of all that ever-present instinctive vampire nervousness by default lmao. Alex is much better at hiding it than Nat, but both of them are super super super on edge
Zeke will have a blast and chide the others for not keeping up with her. Zeke completely fails to comprehend how this is not fun and thrilling to the rest of the group. she's super fit and super competitive and mostly just sees this as a delightful challenge despite its dangers
Yvonne is the least well-equipped but the most enthusiastic. her expertise lies in tinkering with electronics and stategising like an evil mastermind and being weird. she's not super fit, she's got no hiking or climbing experience, she has none of the advantages the vamps have, n she has a teensy bit of a fear of heights. she would absolutely be like "FUCK YEAH LET'S GO" nonetheless, using overexcited cheerleading and optimism to counter the fact that she's scared out of her mind
Quinn is............... not there. if there's any way Quinn can weasel their way out of expending that much undignified energy and potentially getting covered in dirt and grime and sweat, they're pouncing on it. the ONLY way Quinn is participating is if they can somehow con Nat or Alex into carrying them the whole way, which...... no. Quinn stays behind for some bullshit reason they're just charming and persuasive enough to make seem reasonable and the others are just like "yeah fine this will probably go much smoother without your sarcasm and complaining anyway"
Yvonne decides halfway that for the sake of her physical and mental health she's going to find a spot to chill out and wait while the others continue. Nat is immediately like "WE SHOULDN'T LEAVE ANYONE ON THEIR OWN THAT'S DANGEROUS" and insists on staying with her. deeefinitely only for safety reasons. not at all because he's also exhausted, and sitting around sharing snacks with Yvonne and chatting and maybe taking a nap together sounds 1000x more appealing than continuing the climb. he desperately wanted to give up hours ago but wanted to look cool and capable in front of his friends fgfdhg
Zeke and Alex are the only two who make it to the peak :P they're both stubborn as all hell. they'll do fine. Zeke is struggling and exhausted but enjoying it. Alex is struggling and dying but is way too petty to admit it
the view is nice! Alex will adore it and be like "this is wonderful, we should sit and enjoy this peace and quiet for a while :)" and think that maybe the view made the trip worth it. Alex just really fuckin loves a good nature view tbh
Zeke is. impatient. the climb itself was the interesting part! she will indulge Alex in maybe one single minute of sitting quietly and admiring the scenery before she gets jumpy and restless and all "ok come on this is boring nothing's happening let's get moving already"
scenario 2:
Alex, Nat and Yvonne are noping out of there SO goddamn fast. Yvonne has seen horror movies. Yvonne knows what the fuck is up. and the two vampires have super overactive anxiety/paranoia responses n the instinctual drive for self-preservation would make the idea of venturing into a place so clearly Wrong And Bad seem like literally the most nightmarish idea in the universe
Zeke and Quinn charge in with no reservations :P Zeke because a creepy abandoned small town just screams 'DANGER' and 'SOMETHING BAD HAPPENED HERE' and she's going to rush in to see if anyone needs help or if she can be a hero :P Quinn just thinks the others are huge babies for being so scared and that they're overreacting. whatever's going on, Quinn's pretty sure they've seen scarier. Quinn's curiosity paired with the kick they get out of engaging in risky impulsive behaviour and the fact that they're just. prone to thinking they're immortal..... yeah, Quinn's going in lmao
Alex CAN be coaxed in, but it won't be happy about it. it will scream internally the entire time. but yes, Alex will follow after Quinn into all sorts of objectively terrifying situations if it thinks Quinn might land themself in trouble. anywhere Quinn goes, Alex usually caves and follows
Nat either trails dejectedly after Alex or fucks right out of there with Yvonne. at some point after which, Yvonne will eventually steel her nerves and be like "I have a super bad feeling about this, I've gotta go in and check they're all okay, what if they need help", and then Nat will trail dejectedly after her instead :P either way, Nat is trailing dejectedly
as for what they think is going on....... well, they've never really encountered anything like this before so they'd have no real idea. but with a giant rampaging vampire hivemind throwing a hissy fit and wreaking havoc wherever it can, chances are it's nothing good lol
of course, the shorter alternative answer to this one is just "between the three of them, Alex, Nat and Yvonne manage to grab Quinn and Zeke by the scruffs of their necks before they can impulsively rush in, then forcibly drag them back to the car and no one goes into the creepy abandoned horror movie town at all and they all go to Wendys instead :)"
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inukag · 3 years
I've seen some people say that Yashahime is canon only to the OG anime, but I'd make the argument that it's not even that! Think about it:
While the Inuyasha anime did mess around with the manga lore or make up their own here and there, they still did bring to attention some lore that they CLEARLY ignore/retcon in Trashahime. Like in one of the 1st episodes of the OG anime where Myoga explains how Tessaiga was made to protect Izayoi, Inuyasha's mother. Yet, later on in Yashahime we find through a flashback that Touga apparently had Tessaiga long before he met Izayoi? What?
I actually talked about this next one with @loveyou-x3000 a long while back, but remember Hosenki l? Remember on how in the OG anime we found out he was the one whole created the black pearl that was in Inuyasha's eye? Well, I apparently found out that by Yashahime's logic, the black pearl was created by Izayoi's or somebody's tears? I'm sorry, but how does that make sense? (Correct me if I'm wrong there)
They even ignore the lore they created themselves from the OG anime, like when InuKag give Moroha the lip stick shell that was destroyed by Naraku in the Anime-only episode "Tragic Love Song of Destiny". What, am I just supposed to assume that InuYasha's been walking around with a bunch of his mother's old make-up stuff this whole time? And that he never thought to give one to Kagome, his wife, even tho he gave it to Kikyou and his own daughter?
Let's also not forget what the director has said in one of the recent interviews about demons apparently throwing their kids out in the wild as a "test of courage and cowardice", AKA Demon parents apparently not caring about their kids and abandoning them similar to how lions apparently treat their cubs. This absolute bullshit because not only is this not true in the manga, but the OG anime itself has shown several examples of demons caring about and raising their kids!!! Think about Shippo's dad, that little cat demon's dad when Inu trained with Totosai, Kuroro (demon cat that looks like Kirara), that demon dad who got his head chopped off by Hokudoshi, and even that insect demon that Jeniji killed who went out to teach its offspring how to hunt and feed! Its important too note that a good chunk of these parents are anime-only characters.
Hell, even the demon parents who didn't get to raise their kids still gave a fuck about them!!! Just look at Shiori's dad who clearly had every intention of raising his kid and even when he was dead STILL came back to protect her from her grandfather! What about Jeniji's dad who left his farm to his son so that both he and his mother would have a place to call home!?
What about Touga who sacrificed his own life so that his hanyou son could live??? (And that was from one of the movies mind you, so its anime lore.)
So now your telling me that the demon way of parenting was to leave your kids out in the middle of the woods when they're not even old enough to hold up their heads by themselves? If the OG anime series and movies followed that logic, then Touga wouldn't have even bothered to save Inuyasha's life on the night of his birth. Better yet, Touga could've just left Inuyasha in that fire, but saved Izayoi. He wouldn't have even bothered to give InuYasha his name if he just figured that his son failed his "test of courage" for being in that fire that he surely would have perished in if Touga didn't get there in time.
Also, and you can correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Yashahime's director HIMSELF (who worked on the OG anime too) say that a certain pairing that I won't name was never depicted as romantic in the original anime series? We all know it wasn't in the manga, but a while back I swear I read an interview where the director said it was never depicted in the anime either. Clearly, Yashahime threw that out the window, too.
And finally, I don't think I have to mention the retconning of all if the OG cast's character developments that were CLEARLY SHOWN IN THE OG ANIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And that is why I don't think Trashahime can even be considered canon to the anime either. I rest my case.
(Sorry for the long post. I just had to vent and get that out of my system)
Don’t worry about venting! I agree with what you said there, I would love to add more plotholes and inconsistencies that are in Yashahime to your list but... I get exhausted just thinking about it lmao
The Tessaiga retcon is especially bad. First, like you said both in the anime and manga it is said that Tessaiga was forged for Inuyasha’s mother, who in Sunrise-canon was born 200 years ago, but in Yashahime Toga had Tessaiga and was using a perfect meido zangetsuha 500 years ago to destroy the comet... 
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^^ He literally has Tenseiga on his hip even though Tenseiga was created to take Meido Zangetsuha out of Tessaiga lmao
You’re not wrong about the black pearl and Hosenki. Hosenki II says in chapter 298 that he and his father “cultivate” the pearls, it has nothing to do with tears, and Inuyasha’s father commissioned the black pearl before his death... 
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The rouge / lipstick is not even a different rouge, they imply in episode 15 that it’s the same one Inuyasha gave to Kikyo, but Riku somehow found it and gave it to Hosenki II for some reason. 
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That raises SO many questions... When did Riku find the pieces of the rouge? Was he spying on Kikyo and Inuyasha this whole time?? How did he know the rouge belonged to Izayoi?? Is he a time traveler?? Why did Riku and Hosenki II even work together to create the new black pearl?? Is this ever going to be addressed??
Oh man the interviews... I get a headache every time I read them. Personally, I don’t really think it’s ooc for Sesshomaru to set up some kind of rite or trial for his hanyo daughters to prove their strength. I never imagined him being soft and loving with them, especially not with the way he treated Inuyasha. But like you said, it’s definitely not a universal yokai thing, we all know that. Sesshomaru is just Like That lmao. I still don’t understand why his “rite” had to take 14+ years, why it involves Kirinmaru and Zero and what it has to do with Inuyasha, Kagome and Moroha...? If he wants to make his daughters go through that, that’s his business, there’s no need to also ruin Moroha’s childhood by letting her parents rot in the border to the after life when he could get them out whenever he wants (since he can go through the gate to the afterlife thanks to Tenseiga).
Other hilarious things that Sumisawa mentioned in the last interview: - Moroha knows Sesshomaru’s scent because he’s famous amongst demons - Everyone call the girls “yashahime” because Treekyo started the trend (no one was there to hear Treekyo except the girls...?)  - Kirinmaru met Jesus Christ and Buddha at some point 
And probably other stuff I’m forgetting... I’m so tired lol
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otvlanga · 3 years
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omg yes soft bonding moments <3
Like when frenemy cats in the same household groom each other after terrorizing and chasing each other around all day. He seems like the type who’d ham it up too when it’s someone he’s comfy with, he’d have like a mild headache and whine to lay his head in her lap and have her massage his temples lol, just basking in the affection while denying he needs it. What about Meallana? Does she have any ailment or something she comes to him for?
akhsjhbsjhbd omg yes
I always headcanoned Neloth to be like... he hates you 99% of the time but in the 1% he likes you and enjoys your presence, he's super annoying lmao. If he wants something, he will keep bothering you until you comply. He definitely over-dramafies things to use people to his advantage, so chances are if he does have headache and wants some sort of relief, he'll make it seem like he's in urgent need of assistance so the person in question will either dote on him or do shit for him.
Though he's such an independent person, I think being comfortable enough around someone to be that vulnerable would be a huge deal for him. Very very few people will ever get that privilege.
And yes he'd definitely bother Meallana at the worst moments too, she could be in the middle of writing some super important scroll or something and he'll walk in like "I am in excruciating pain. I am incapacitated. I writhe in agony every passing moment. I will die without attention. Pamper me." And she sort of just sighs in mild annoyance and gives in so she doesn't have to deal with His Bullshit. She knows he's full of shit, but secretly she enjoys it and understands and even though he's mostly acting, it's a real moment of transparency where he can let his guard down for once.
Tbh Meallana herself probably doesn't go to him when she's in pain. She's very reserved in that sense and prefers to handle it herself, because she gets irritable when things aren't handled in the exact way that she likes. It's obviously not that she doesn't trust Neloth, he just tends to blatantly ignore other people's instructions. She probably gave up going to him after the 5th time he totally disregarded her very specific directions and left her even more annoyed than before. She'd be more likely to go to Teldryn for assistance -- he's much more competent and they've been through all sorts of unimaginable danger together on their travels, so he'd know exactly what to do
She would probably go to him when she’s feeling really down and unmotivated, though. She goes through depressive episodes where she basically goes into hermit mode and does absolutely nothing, losing track of crazy amounts of time. Neloth’s not so great in the comforting husband department, but he’s very good at distracting her. He’s always busy, always doing something, it gets her out of her funk and helps her get back into the groove of things. She’ll help him out around with his experiments, or he might make up some crazy story about how he desperately needs this super rare thingamabob from all the way across Solstheim, just so she has an excuse to get out and take her mind of things. It’s a good dynamic for them, his insanity keeps her (somewhat) sane in a way (even though they’re both a little off their rockers lol)
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ketchupkio · 3 years
Pillow Talk
co-written with @mizuriii!!
Rating: G
Category: M/M
Relationship: Legend/Warriors
Words: 2123
established relationship, the rest of the polycule is mentioned, trans male character, fluff, like some cavity inducing fluff, light angst, nightmares, prophetic dreams, phantom pain, chronic pain, comfort, Legend and Warriors being mushy, sleeping in the same bed, lullabies, contains like 1.5 references to sex lol, also a reference to Plot??? OWO???
Legend and Warriors get some rest... or try to.
An excerpt of something that was supposed to be canon in the AU, but we didn't think hard enough about the timeline first so it's not lmao. Hope you like it!!!!!
Context: Legend, Twilight, Sky, and Wild have just come back from a excursion and traveled the whole night, not sleeping, because they got freaked out by something. Warriors couldn't sleep either because he was worried about them (...but mostly about Legend, let's be real). Legend saw him and immediately went cling! but Wars started spouting theory and strategy and that wasn't super appreciated by the sleep deprived heroes.
The hero with his face currently buried in Warriors’ scarf groaned in protest. “Babe, c’n it wait until ’ve had caffeine or a nap? Please…”
Twilight looked like he didn’t absorb half of what Wars had said. “Strategist brain is appreciated, but a nap would be good, yeah.”
"Er.... s-sorry. We've got these rooms for the next two days, so you're all welcome to head back upstairs if you want...?"
Legend tugged on his scarf, trying to get his eyes to focus enough to glare at him. “You’re coming too. Ya didn’t sleep either, dummy.”
"I-- .... okay, okay, I'm coming. I just wanted to let them know they don't have to rush."
Warriors smiled at him and let Legend push him toward the stairs.
"Your rooms are the three at the far end of the second floor, and the first right hand door on the third."
“Their room is on the third, if you wanna avoid it,” Wind sneered. Hyrule pinched his ear and Legend flipped him off before managing to successfully shove Warriors into the stairwell.
"Are you really alright?" Warriors asked, slipping an arm around Legend’s body. ".....You look exhausted, love...."
Legend hummed. “No one got hurt, but… haven’t been sleepin’ well recently. Barely got any ‘n past few days… Nightmares… ‘N I have a hard time without you...”
"....Me too. When I turn over and you're not there, it's--.... it's cold, you know? But more than cold."
Warriors kissed his temple as he led up to their room, and produced a spare key for Legend in case he wanted to get up and get breakfast before Warriors woke later on, unlocking the door with it before slipping the key into Legend's waist pouch.
"Come sleep with me, okay...? We'll actually get some rest for once."
Legend nodded, and after the door closed, he let Warriors unbuckle his belt and open his tunic. Legend would have dropped them on the floor, but Warriors laid them over the back of a chair, along with his scarf.
“Stays and boots off,” he instructed, and Legend complied with barely an insubordinate tongue sticking out in return. Warriors chuckled at him fondly as he climbed into bed and reached for him, trying to snag the hem of his shirt as he changed into something softer.
“Love you…” Legend murmured. “C’mere…”
"Your wish is my command," Warriors hummed, settling in once he was changed himself, and nestling up under Legend’s chin. His hands pressed gently against Legend’s side and his back, and Warriors took a minute just to breathe in the smell of Legend’s presence. "I love you more..."
Legend would have protested if he hadn’t been so damn tired, so all Warriors got was a (frankly adorable) grumble as the younger hero slung his arms around him and pressed his cheek against the golden hair at his crown. Warriors could feel the tension leaving him as he relaxed, and with Legend’s steady heartbeat under his ear, he could finally breathe easy enough to relax too.
"......Goddesses, we're such anxious wrecks," he laughed after a minute. "Fuck me sideways..."
"Mmh. Maybe tomorrow."
Warriors snorted, then kissed his neck before settling again.
"Sleep well for me, love.... My night depends on it."
…..Legend tried his best. He did.
There were flashes of the desert, of a different era’s Hyrule Castle, of the shade of a king and a jaded prince taking the throne from a corrupt queen, a furious Sheikah founding a rogue organization, and an old, bitter sorcerer with a young face making a deal he couldn’t refuse. Then, dark, choking mists of acid, plants and grass melting at their feet as they advanced, searching, hunting--
Legend shot awake, gasping as phantom pain shot through his arms and back along old, white scars that coiled and branched off like vines through his blood vessels in place of the stinging, corroding pain of acid from his dream.
He didn’t even hear Warriors calling his name until the pain receded to a strong, but not overwhelming ache.
It was dark, he could hear rain hitting the shutters of the windows, and he could feel the storm in his hands and knees and hips.
“Link…” he managed, in an effort to let his partner know he was alive.
Warriors loosed a gasp of relief and worry, and then pulled Legend tight to his chest.
"Y-you were wailing," the captain said, tripping over his words, "a-and crying for me-- are you okay?"
“Sorry…” he rasped, trying to get his bearings. Gods, his throat was raw and he could feel sweat rapidly cooling on his skin in the chill the rain brought. It’d be nice if he could flex his hands at all, or move his anything without it hurting. “I-I ruined your sleep, didn’t I?”
"To hell with my sleep, y-you're in pain, aren't you? Is it the storm? ....Fuck, where'd I put my potion bag--"
“‘S okay, don’t rush… Potions don’t help a lot when there’s nothin’ to heal, babe,” Legend muttered, sluggish even as a sense of urgency crept over him. “...Had a dream. Been having similar ones lately… I have a bad feeling about it.”
"....... Can you tell me about it?" Warriors asked. "You sounded like you were in agony, it scared me...."
Legend leaned into him as best he could. “O-old pain trying to come close to dream pain… It had a sorcerer in it, and a rogue Sheikah… Didn’t Wild say the Yiga from his era used to be Sheikah? This might have been the first of them… Something about Hylian royalty… I-I had prophetic dreams before my first quest…. This feels like those.”
".....A prophetic dream you have bad feelings about....?" Warriors grimaced. "....Should we wake up Sky and the sprite? If you're having prophetic visions, they might be too, but if they're not we can maybe rule out that there's an evil sorcerer on our case."
Legend wanted to ball his fists in Warriors’ shirt, but he couldn’t make his fingers do more than curl loosely. “If I could move, yeah, but that’s probably not going to be for a while… You could get them if you wanted.”
".......Later. When the storm passes, because I'm not leaving you."
Legend let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. “Thank you…. Come here and hold me? I’m cold…”
He didn't have to ask Warriors twice. The captain practically wrapped himself around Legend, and pulled in close and tight.
"I've got you, love. I'll keep you warm."
Legend kissed whatever part of Warriors was closest, which happened to be his jaw. “....You’re wonderful…”
….Something nagged at him, though. Warriors hadn’t been a part of his dream that he could remember, but…
“Hey… You said I called out to you…?”
"Yeah.... I think you were asking for help...."
“That… doesn’t bode well,” Legend grimaced. “Can you promise me something, though? I mean like actually promise, no matter the circumstances.”
"......You're scaring me a little.... What is it...?"
“Don’t throw yourself in front of anything for anyone. Not even me. Don’t do reckless bullshit that would get yourself hurt instead of others. That’s not to say you can’t defend anyone, just… don’t jump in where you know you’re gonna overextend and get hurt as a result. Does that make sense? I know that’s both specific and not at the same time, but I can’t explain it. I just… have a feeling. Promise you’ll be careful about that?”
"Don't do something reckless that'll get me killed out of some white knight complex and lack of self preservation? Is that what you want from me?"
Legend tried to shrink further into Warriors’ chest. “....Yes….”
"......You're asking me for quite the tall order," Warriors hummed, pressing kisses against Legend’s temple. "Aren't I supposed to be your dashing knight in shining armor, astride a white horse, keeping all the scary monsters at bay?"
He was trying for humor, but humor wasn't a given promise.
Legend huffed, but the kisses were sweet and he liked the attention. “Yes, and I know that’s a whole personality archetype for you, but Link… I’m worried. Please. This wasn’t in my dream, but it’s got the same feeling. Can you promise me that you won’t do something stupid like that?”
Warriors hesitated.
".....Legend-- if something happened to you--"
“No, no, that’s not relevant. Link. We carry fairies and spells and items as countermeasures so if we do get into a dire situation like that, we’ll survive and not have to endanger anyone else in the process. There would be no need for you to risk yourself like that, which is why I want you to promise me you won’t. Hyrule has the goddamn triforce. I’m sure if something were to happen to one of us, there would be some way to help that wouldn’t involve you needlessly throwing your life away. Especially if it’s me, who has items so overpowered that I don’t use them, but keep them in reach so if I need to, I can…. You’re not making me feel good about this.”
"......You didn't hear what you sounded like tonight.... I'm sorry, I just-- ....There's not a whole lot worse than having someone you love screaming for you to help them and being helpless... I don't want to repeat that when there's someone trying to kill us."
Legend scowled, then gave a long sigh. “...We also have three partners at home. We have to think about them too. Minimum number of people getting hurt…”
He… felt like he wasn’t going to get his answer at this rate. Goddamnit.
"............That could also go for you, you know.... but that isn't what you want me to say."
Warriors sighed.
".......If you promise not to get into a situation I feel like you won't come home okay in, I won't do anything stupid. Deal....?"
….That was also a hard thing to guarantee. But…
“I’ll try my best. Deal,” Legend said with a note of finality. “...Now kiss me to seal it. We’re making a contract.”
Warriors smiled and tilted up Legend's chin with his fingers, and pressed a soft, but long, luxuriant kiss against his mouth.
"I love you, love.... Please, goddesses above, get some rest..."
Legend stole another kiss because he needed it. “And I love you, Sir Knight… I’ll try, if I can. Tired…”
".... Should I sing for you...?"
When Legend looked up, Warriors wasn't looking at him, and instead trained his eyes on a particularly interesting lump on the old earthen wall as his ears burned.
"Y-y'know.... t'help you sleep...."
Goddesses above, Legend was smitten. Every day he fell a little bit harder for this man.
He kissed Warriors’ cheek. If his hands worked, he’d be tempted to stroke those beautiful, flushed ears and run his fingers over the scarred edge of his left one. “...I’d love that, baby.”
"M'kay..... Tell. No one. Okay?"
“Why would I? This is just for me. Wouldn’t wanna share it with anyone else…”
"Three reasons. Guess their names."
Legend grinned. “Why wouldn’t you want them to know? They’re our partners, we love them. Two are very musically gifted and would love it. While cute, you’re also being silly.”
"Mhhhhhhh because!! It makes me self conscious and people used to stare.... A-anyway, are you gonna hush and let me, o-or what??"
Warriors’ face was so, so red, and Legend was having some very dangerous thoughts about proposing marriage. Nonetheless, the younger hero conceded.
“Gods above, I’m so in love with you. Okay, yes, I’ll be quiet,” he said, tucking himself more comfortably into Warriors and the pillows.
Warriors kissed him again, and sighed, letting his thumb rest on Legend's cheek, the circles it ran over his skin serving as his metronome. A gentle lullaby brought Legend back to gentle shorelines, warm sand and easy, soft sunlight. It nestled him against merchants fabric that smelled lightly of spice and fairy dust, to old books with knowledge ancient and timeless. It brought him round to soft white linen and blue silk, and rocked him gently on the heels of someone taller than he was, pulling Legend over to a gentle heartbeat.
It brought him home even though home was a thousand miles and goddess only knew how many years away from now.
There was something to be said for song magic, because Warriors was doing it, whether he intended to or not. Legend could feel the intent of a spell woven into his voice. It made him feel warm and safe, eased the pain and fatigue of his body, and relaxed him enough that he immediately started to drift off, awash in the calm sea of Warriors’ voice.
He was out like a light.
Thanks for reading!!! Reblogging and/or screaming in tags/replies/inbox is SO appreciated!!!
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gnar-slabdash · 3 years
- lmao i love the ones that start with referencing a job we don’t get to see what a good gimmick
- oh yep there it is it’s the convention center again! every time they’re pretending to be in an airport it’s actually the convention center. i’ve been to so many cons there lol.
- god it’s fucking hilarious to look at the convention center, i’ve been there in fucking costume lmao. dammit what would be extra funny is if i’d been in costume there AS NATE but i only ever did that in seattle not at any of the portland cons. I’m so mad I lost those pictures gfdi
- lol look my dog is passed the fuck out
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-”I don’t suppose you travel with handcuffs” “Nope not on this trip” LOLLLLLL nice callback to the handcuffs/whip moment in that other episode.  
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- Awwwww the bit where eliot uses star trek references is cute af
- OKAY LEMME ADDRESS THIS, cause I am the person who obvs needs to address this. I have seen peeps list the FtM joke in this ep as one of the times that Leverage fucked up. And I get why they see it that way but guess fucking what? I’m a trans man and I’m here to tell you that this reads to me like Exactly the way a legit, non-offensive trans joke should read. “Oh shit I have to pretend to be an FtM and make it feel like YOUR problem for misgendering me?” Fuck yeah that’s how a joke should actually work. I’m a hundred percent for this joke. From my pov it WORKS. 
-ooooookay and now here’s my least favorite fucking line. “we don’t like it when you drink but we trust you when you do.” what the fuck is that supposed to mean???? it doesn’t fucking mesh with anything else in the season or the show.awfjkl;fdsaj dislike. look none of the pathos about sam makes “you should have a drink” make any more fucking sense okay? it just doesn’t.
- Lol leverage airlines 1701 
- “I want him to know my name” lmaooooo
- God my neighbors can probably hear me fucking cackling WHOOPS
- lol the CincinatiMetropolitan Area that’s some bullshit ur at the Oregon Convention Center dumbasses :P
- God I wish I had the money for my Leverage Tatt. 
- Hey anybody out there watched enough of How To Get Away With Murder to tell me whether it’s worth watching all the seasons up to when FuckFace McGee joins the cast? Srsly will I actually enjoy the first three seasons? Should I watch it?
- Oh FUCK i hope my neighbors are too sober to know what I’m drinking rn.
- i can’t believe my wife just knew exactly when and why to call me. WHOOOPS.
- Episode 4.09 Neighbors. U wanna know what;s up? that;s the episode u turn to. Jesus jfucking christ is my life so in tune that ep. 409 is where i should tune to? 
- sorry this got a little bit tioo fucking real. 
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