#but he's super oblivious and only really likes to code
cyborg-franky · 3 months
Hello!! Could I request some headcanons or whatever you want, where the reader is talking to one of the crew members or a friend about her crush and has a corny code name for him like ‘cutie pie’ and said cutie pie overhears and tries to figure out who the readers crush is and can’t figure it out so the reader keeps giving him clues but he doesn’t get it until it’s super obvious. Hope that makes sense. And thank you!!!
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GN Reader - SFW
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Ace first hears you talking about your crush when he’s rounding the corner, and see’s you talking to Marco who looks amused at the conversation topic.
“Just my little, Matchstick.” You sigh dreamily, having had a crush on Ace for what seemed like months.
He squinted as he stuffed his mouth at the dinner table when you talked to Izou this time about ‘Matchstick’ and what he’d apparently done that was so ‘wonderful’ and it was pissing him off.
Ace had no idea it was your nickname for him, everyone else knew and just watched as Ace stumbled around in jealous obliviousness.
Seemed you had to step up your game, whenever you knew he was in earshot you would test nicknames, more pointed than the last.
It wasn’t until ‘Flaming freckles’ did it click with him.
Others had been this close to grabbing Ace and shaking him, screaming in his face that you had a crush on him.
You both ended up skirting around one another for about a week before Pops burst the bubble and was basically like ‘now kish’
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At first you try a subtle name because you aren’t sure you want Marco to know about your all-consuming crush just yet and Marco is very astute.
You swear with each smirk on his lips and raise eyebrow whenever he is near you that he just knows.
You wanna play it cool at first. Only talking about him vaguely. Calling him ‘Pina Colada’ when mentioning him in conversation.
He hears you and Jozu walking past his office window, hearing you gush about how ‘cute’ this Pina Colada was and for a good week he has no idea.
This gives you time to decide you want the good doctor to know you want to give his face kisses and hold his hand.
You and Ace are sitting outside his window one day and Ace hands you a slice of pineapple from his stack of fruit he’d acquired from the kitchen.
“I love pineapple, reminds me of my cute bluebird.” You hum happily and Ace just grimaces “Oh gross, shut up.” He huffed, nudging you.
“Oh, is that so?” you both look up at the window, seeing Marco peering down over the edge, amusement on his face, half-lidded eyes focused on you.  “Maybe the ‘bluebird’ like you too, yoi.”
“Oh, gross.” Ace repeats and stuffs an apple in his mouth wishing he wasn’t there.
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Every time you mention him in passing with others it’s always some bread-related pun or name which makes everyone side-eye you. You used all the puns you can, mentioned his ‘bread rolls’ and get Marco to snort coffee up and out his nose.
Thatch has no idea but can’t help feeling jealous at all the attention this person is getting from you.
It’s a little annoying and he feels his eyebrow twitch when you mention ‘My lovely baguette man’ and he’s very close to shaking Marco and Ace down for information, or rather lay at their feet and whine till either one of them gives in.
You thought he would have gotten it by now with how obvious and frankly obnoxious you are about the whole thing.
Marco and Ace just want the dance to be over.
One day you step into the kitchen with Ace, talking about this and that before you decide to make a very clear point “I really like his smile, his wonderful warm smile that’s as soft as the bread he’s baking.”
Ace drops his plate on the floor, a face that looks aghast at your bombshell subtly as Thatch whirls around, the biggest grin on his face.
“An’ I like yours darlin’!”
“Oh, thank fuuuck.” Ace groans as he collects the food off the floor.
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belovedcloud · 5 months
I saw one of your latest fics (PERFECT HONEY🤍) and I just thought you were a great writer and it was like so cute and soft AAARGH
and then I also saw that you were accepting requests and I couldn't help but get excited, because I had an idea the other day - BUT I DON'T KNOW HOW TO WRITE 😭 so...
I was thinking about a short story fluff like with re2r Leon, where he still works at the police station but kind of without those traumatizing events YOU KNOW (or idk, you decide) so,,, he already knows Claire, who works in a cozy café near the police station where Leon usually goes on his break,buttt,, a new employee arrived (reader) and became friends with Claire (and kind of attracted Leon's attention 🥀) and idk, she (you decide if you want to use a feminine or neutral pronoun;) could work as a barista or waitress and was kind to Leon, until Leon started going to the cafe more often just to see her (or babbling about how pretty she is with Claire) until he found the courage to ask for her number or talk properly with her and, I don't know, this could end in a date or just Leon being a fool in love with a kind barista or waitress :)
so...feel free to ignore this if you found it boring hun ^^ Thank you in advance for reading this thought and if you want to accept the idea ;)🩷🩷
Sweet Treats | Leon Kennedy x Barista! Fem! Reader
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Notes: My first request! I hope you like this, I honestly found this concept so cute, and I love writing for RE2R Leon.
WC: 1.7K
CW: Fluffy Leon, no outbreak, Leon just being a clutz sometimes. Claire being your wingwoman basically and getting you both together. Mention of Y/N like once.
After his first week in the RPD, Leon managed to get himself to work early enough to not get a lecture from Lieutenant Branagh. Soon enough, he met Chris Redfield who worked for S.T.A.R.S. Which quickly led to Chris taking him to a nearby café where his sister worked. Claire was a sweet girl, Leon and her slowly opened up to each other after a few days. Promptly, he became a regular customer. Getting the same raspberry and white chocolate muffin alongside a vanilla latte. Today was no different, Leon entering the café - however, he didn't see Claire at the counter. But you.
Leon couldn't help but think you were the prettiest girl he had seen. Trying to avert his eyes from your face he felt his legs subconsciously walk over to where Claire was sweeping the floor. "Morning Claire... New employee?" He mumbled as he nodded his head over to your direction. "Yeah! She came in yesterday. Super sweet." She laughed, taking out the tea towel as she wiped down the coffee table. "You don't have to be scared Leon." Claire couldn't help but snicker as she stared at Leon mentally psyching himself up to not fuck up his order. "I'm not scared.." He yipped back, before walking up to the counter.
Your hands slowly wrapped around the mug handle as you polished the inside of it, oblivious to the man in front of you. A quiet tap of the bell seized your attention, looking up to see a dark blonde haired man staring at your movements. "Oh! Sorry, hold on I'll only be a minute." You frantically rush back to the mug stack, gently placed it on top before returning to the stranger. "Sorry about that, what can I get you?" A bright smile is plastered on your face as you tap onto the half broken machine, trying to input your worker code. "Uh.. please could I get the raspberry white chocolate muffin and a vanilla latte?" Leon asked, fumbling with his thumbs below the counter. Thank fuck he didn't mess up his sentence. His hands slowly travelled to his face as he swept the hair out of his eyes, maybe he really should get a trim...
"Yeah of course! That'll be $6.24 please." Leon fumbled with his wallet after taking out $10. "You can keep the change." Leon uttered as the cash register opened, the till jittering out. You couldn't help but smile sweetly as he offered the change to you. "Are you sure?" He nodded as he saw you put the tip in your pocket. "Thanks... I'll get that for you straight away." Your body shifted towards the coffee machine. Leon couldn't help but admire the way you performed your job, it was somehow so different to how Claire would do it. You were angelic in your movements - his thoughts soon interrupted as he felt someone tap his shoulder. "In love?" Claire teased, earning a nudge from Leon's elbow into her side. "Ouch! Okay.. okay." She laughed as she went behind the counter, packaging Leon's muffin. You couldn't help but glance at Leon's smile. He was cute, super cute.
A few minutes later, a warm takeaway coffee cup and muffin stuffed into a brown paper bag laid neatly in front of Leon. "Thanks." Leon took both items into his hand and waved off to Claire, showing you a small smile as the bell chimed, indicating he had left the store. "Who was that?" You rushed over to Claire, her eyes looking at you with playful eyes. "That's Leon, he's my brother's friend or I guess co-worker sort of? He works for the RPD." Claire responded to you with a funny tone. "Why are you looking at me like that?" You laughed out, slowly wiping down the coffee stains on the counter. Your eyes wondering over to the door, missing the stranger you just encountered. "Oh it's nothing, I'm sure you and him will get along well y'know?" She giggled, shoving the tea towel in her pocket. "What the fuck is that suppos-" Your sentence quickly cut off as Claire shouted "I'm going on my break!"
Days passed, time and time again Leon soon became a person you got used to seeing. Smiling whenever you would see that navy blue uniform. A small crush blossomed in your heart - you couldn't tell him that though. Nor could you tell Claire, but she saw it in the way you stared at him as he ordered the same thing. Soon enough, you prepared it beforehand for him to have immediately. 8:30 AM, that's when Leon would come in. With that same uniform and same hairstyle, oh and of course he was handsome every time. Today was no different, except for the fact you weren't in. Leon's day was 100 times better when he saw you, entering the café he expects to see you. Seeing Claire at the front instead of cleaning caught him off guard. "Where's Y/N?" Leon closed the door behind him, leaving the cold and rubbing his hands together as the cozy environment felt different.
"She called in sick, why? Are you lovestruck?" She poked fun at him, getting his order ready. "Oh shut up.." He chuckled, sitting down at a nearby table. Thinking about Claire's words, he knew she was right. He was lovestruck by you. Leon couldn't help but find you so attractive, the way you were so attentive to him. That small talk wasn't awkward with you. He had a crush. "Honestly, yeah." His eyes diverted to the muffin and latte ahead of him. Claire's ears perked hearing his mini confession? "Oh?" She smacked his shoulder lightly. "She's beautiful and super sweet, don't get me started on how.." Leon soon rambled on about you, from your personality to your looks, the way you carried yourself. Losing himself in time as he subconsciously sipped on the latte, finishing the muffin. Claire had to sit down for this, it was cute seeing him chatter about you. "Fuck, sorry about that." He chuckled, checking his wrist-watch, seeing the time flicker to 9:00 AM. "Shit, I gotta go. Thank you for the treat Claire." Leon hastily got up and dashed out the door. Oh how Claire couldn't wait to tell you all about this tomorrow.
"You're shitting me right?" You mumbled, polishing the mugs as you looked over to the wall clock. 8:25 AM. Leon's order by your side as you heard Claire laugh. "Why would I lie about him basically confessing his love about you?" She nudged your arm, snickering as your eyes rolled back playfully. As if Leon could have a crush on you. I mean, you were just a barista who served him his raspberry white chocolate muffin and vanilla latte. What could've been so special about your actions? "Get out of your trance, it's 8:28." You heard Claire from one ear to another as she moved to dust the corners of the room. Oh how cruel could she be to leave you with this new information? The chime of the door caught you off-guard, seeing that same man in that RPD uniform.
"Good morning Leon." A shaky voice elicited from your throat. For Christs sake, pull yourself together. "Morning.. I see my order there." He chuckled, pulling out his wallet, taking out a $20 bill. "Keep the rest." A small grin crept on his face as he passed it to you. You couldn't accept this, not for basically doing something that took you three minutes at most. "Oh Leon, I can't accept this." A breathy laugh pursued out your lips. He wasn't going to take no for an answer. "Please, it's on me. You've been nothing but sweet to me. And this place must be a pain in the ass to clean up at the end of the day." Leon laughed as he took his muffin and latte, sitting down at a table. That was unusual. He usually left to enjoy his snack, but today seemed different. Your friendship seemed different. Leon was right, the sticky sugared tables and coffee splatters were annoying to clean - knowing he would refuse the money if given back to him, you stuffed the change in your pocket. "Thanks Leon.. but you really don't have to tip me each day. Makes me feel guilty, like I owe you." You muttered as you came out from behind the counter. Leon's eyes wondered over you, a small smile corrupting his lips as he thought of something.
"Well.. if you think you owe me, come sit down with me for a bit?" A teasing tone was laced with his words, but who were you to deny him. Even if the blush on your face was evident. "Alright, but why are you sat down? Don't you have to get to the station quick?" Your question rang in his head, your voice melodic in his ears. "Not really, if it comes to it I'll run." He chuckled, sipping on the latte. Burning just the tip of this tongue - warming up the rest of his body. Nothing warmed him up like you though, those pretty lips that rested peacefully on your face. Your giggles enticing him as he looked at your hands slowly fiddle, it was clear you were nervous. Fuck. So was he, but to him this was now or never.
"I uh... can I have your number?" Leon hastily said, averting his eyes from you and staring into the little leaf shape carved by the frothed milk in his hot drink. Did he mess up? Troubled thoughts rushed over Leon's head until he heard you speak. "My number, sure." You couldn't help but smile, Leon just asked for your number. This was practically a dream come true. A quick exchange of each others phone numbers soon lead to a conversation. Getting to know each other was time consuming which soon lead to Leon's face dropping as he checked his wristwatch. "Shit it's 9:15." He laughed, putting his leftovers in the bin. "I'll text you later yeah?" His hand waved off to you, feeling content in yourself.
Throwing your bag to the side of your room, your back aching from the constant horrible posture you had as you bent over tables to wipe them. Your phone buzzed. It was from Leon.
Leon: Can I take you out for dinner this weekend?
likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated! thank u for reading :)
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signanothername · 3 months
But wasn’t it in implied that in this comic that Killer himself didn’t accept the Deal but that the player simply changed his code to where he would accept the Deal?
Omg i completely forgot about this comic (it’s lost treasure fr)
But you’re completely right Anon, i stand corrected, Killer’s code has definitely been messed with so he’d accept the deal and imma cry cause ma boi didn’t deserve this shit i need him to be happy 😭
Not only that but i love how this comic also brings up Something New’s different endings even if briefly, something i completely forgot to bring up in the last post
But hear me out quick analysis
I love the parallel of the comic you shared with the comic of Killer stating he was simply following his code, only to “give up”
(Art by Rahafwabas)
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It gives the vibes he doesn’t know about what happened to his code, but he still knows that the player is the reason to his suffering, he sees what happened to him from a completely different perspective, he fully believes his suffering is only due to the genocide runs, that it’s cause he “gave up”
Yet Killer also obviously knows about “codes” so it makes me wonder if he’s truly oblivious to the state of his own code, cause the thing is, Killer’s really really smart, a lot smarter than he lets on, so whether he knows about his own messed up code or not and how that plays into his own perspective of things are questions i think would be super intriguing to explore, like would knowing that his code had been messed with change how Killer sees himself?? To me the answer would be no, he’d still hate himself regardless
If he had the ability, would he change his code back to what it used to be? Would he be content with simply undoing what’s been done through his code? Even when it’s the player messing with his code got him to this point? Would trying to undo what’s been done to his code actually fix his soul and return it back to normal or would it change for the worse even further?
Hell, how does messing with codes work in Something New’s setting?? is there a limit to how many times Killer can mess with his own code before it completely destroys him? would he even survive messing with his code even if for one more time? (cough more comic ideas cough)
Ugh i love ma son he’s in dire need of therapy
Thank you for sharing this <33333
(This is in reference to this post)
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robby-bobby-tommy · 11 months
I haven't watched purgatory streams cuz I am too busy rn, but here's some hcs
- Only emotionally charged scars stay on the body. Like both Phil and Fit have their scars because they felt so betrayed. The other wounds heal with respawn.
- Fit thought that Pac not only helped to kill him, but also agreed to be a bait to lure 2b2t veteran in a trap. After this "betrayal" Fit's eyes change.
- as a dumbahh who watched arcane, I really like the idea of eye changing with emotional stability. Like powder — blue/grey eyes, Jinx — pink eyes. So I have a HC that after the incident Fit's usually brown eyes change to almost toxic green eyes.
- Fit has severe PTSD about 2b2t. The betrayal triggered it and now he doesn't trust people.
- also Fit has 2b2t gravured in his prosthetic arm/gauntlet.
- every time étoiles kills someone, they have a star shaped scar.
- Phil has star shaped scar. Also the majority of his scars from nightmare and code fight. Also some from earth smp.
- Phil had a very speedy, flying oriented battle type. Now he has a different fighting skills, but likes to attack from above (using paraglider)
- Fit's battle skills are way more grounded, he puts way more force in his punches and swings. He also used to fight with only gauntlets/bare hands, so he's a master of hand-to-hand combat.
- Étoiles is just a goat, but he's something in between. He's also very grounded, but is jumpy.
- Roier is a funny but quiet kid, when it comes to battles. Nobody expects it, but he's a pro. He's super good at breaking through shields and at unarming opponent.
- Fit and Phil train together, and it's fun. But sometimes when crowza accidentally triggers PTSD, Fits fighting style suddenly changes. He now doesn't fight to better his skills, he fights to survive. His punches become more chaotic and heavy. They both apologize later.
- Jaiden is literally "I'm a helpless little girl. And j set the building on fire by accident, tooootaly by accident. Also I brought this dynamite. Goodbye:)" And then everything blows up. She's the epitome of "act weak when you're strong".
- Pol (i sadly haven't watched any of his streams cuz of language barrier, but I think he deserves more recognition) only pretends being oblivious and indifferent towards federation. Like he's the first person from all frozen members to remember his past and cooperate with cucurucho.
- I kinda feel like Rubius is one of the old residents of the island.
- Aypierre is Ayanami Rei (/j but I honestly don't understand his lore. I use Tumblr as a news channel and I still don't know what happened to Pierre. Is he ayrobot? Do they now share a body???)
- after the nether Forevers hair go to shoulders.
- Rubius once was just a man. He was an original old resident. After a few years of working with people on the server he was promoted to an angel/devil entity. For it was funny at first, but soon enough it became boring, cuz he wasn't allowed to interact with people apart giving them quests. So he disguised himself as a man and left the island. Later he came back on train with everyone. For escaping and messing with people, giving them illegal stuff ect he was demoted and "fell from heaven". (This HC has literally no reasons, but I like it.
- Carre likes to stretch like a cat.
- team bollas sleep close to each other, but don't go under blankets, cuz in their base there's literal lava above the celling.
- Fit is severely touch starved but he doesn't always trusts enough. During qsmp he became more affectionate, and started to initiate touching. He always puts his hand of someone's shoulder to comfort them (baby steps). I don't feel like after purgatory this stays like that.
- it's not my headcanon, but I adore when people draw Bagi muscular. Like, I dunno why. But I love it so much.
- Missa is a real skeleton, so when death duo reunited for the first time, Phil literally detached wet cat's skull from the neck, yelling "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN"
- Some people have things that represent their close ones. Phil has skull, trinket (is it how it called?) of his kids on his back, flowers from forever, star keychain from étoiles and a bomb from Fit. Fit has Philza's feather, a necklace with a pacman on it, a bolt from Tubbo, and Ramon modifies his arm a lot. Ect ect.
- waaaay back when Slime went on a rampage after Juana's death, Fit called him to a tête-à-tête dialogue. At first he pushed Slime to the tree and put elbow on his neck, but during Charlie's monologue he let his guard down and even wanted to place his hand on the shoulder. Yet before that they were interrupted by Roier. (Also Charlie asking advice and trusting Fit all this time was quite sweet. Like, he even asked advice when dead eggs came back)
- during purgatory Phil balances himself with weapons.
- Charlie always suspected CodeFlippa wasn't the real one, but he deliberately chose to ignore that. Ignorance is a blessing.
- gladiator by Jann but Étoiles, you see what I see???
- Phil and Fit are terrible sleep bros. When they went to adventures with kids and had to sleep in the open, Fit couldn't sleep, listening to players steps, and Phil tried to figure out mobs. Also they play footsie (they said it on one stream, this is cannon. I really dunno are they besties or homos anymore)
- one of the ways to know if an avian on the server is sick is to see how their feathers react to water. If I'm correct, irl birds have a special stuff on them to not get wet. Only birds with sickness appear to be wet (mb not all birds are like that, I don't remember)
- just "are we still sisters?" Dialogue from arcane but Bagi and Cellbit
- everyone has bags under the eyes
That's all for now.
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waechan · 6 months
love is patient, love is kind.
pairing: mark lee x reader (jisung plays a rly small role)
genre: angst, sorry guys lol
wc: 704
notes: i've been going through a lot of relationship/crush problems so i just wanted to vent through my writing and share what i'm going through with u guys somehow! the guy i like is very mark coded so that's where were going with this one- thanks for listening and supporting me:)
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mark came out of nowhere. i met him through jisung, and we went to go hangout at an outdoor mall that day. i remember everything.
he was funny, sarcastic, super cute, and if i'm not wrong, flirted with me the entire day. his lingering touches, his hand on my back when he walked by me, the smiles he gave me when he thought i wasn't looking.
we hungout almost every day with the rest of the group for a while, but then the we started to communicate and call on the phone separately, just the two of us.
calls switched to facetimes, facetimes changed to hanging out in person, and whenever we did hangout i felt the rest of my world melt away.
he showed me what others couldn't. he showed me bliss, ignorance (in the greatest way possible), fun, pure joy, and comfort.
we were in the back of my car one day, eating food that the two of us had picked up, and we were out watching the stars. it was sprinkling, but we were protected by the open trunk. we shared a blanket, and we were both just staring, in silence. comfortable silence.
i looked at him and he looked at me, and he tilted his head.
"nothing." i whisper as i look away, feeling my heart race.
"you okay?"
i nod.
"yeah, i'm good."
"you want a hug?"
i freeze, and before i know it i'm declining. god, i was so nervous.
"no, it's fine. i'm okay."
"alright then." he says as he shrugs.
i should've said yes.
we drove home afterwards, and it was late, almost midnight. i drop him off at his house and i'm about to leave, but he comes running outside with his dog.
"it's not my dog, it's chenles but i'm taking care of her for him."
my eyes widen in happiness as i hold her in my arms, and i hold her close. she was nestled comfortably against me, and i cuddled up to her.
i could feel his stare on me, and he took a picture. i saw him in my peripheral, and he was smiling. he laughs.
"you look funny."
i went home, and he sent the picture to me later that night. i smiled when i saw it.
i looked beautiful. i looked truly happy.
i really hope that's how he saw me.
now, i stare at him across the gym.
he wasn't looking at me, and i knew he was avoiding my gaze on purpose.
my heart still beat for him, my cheeks still got red when i saw him. i knew i wasn't over him, but how would i ever be? i never got the closure.
i feel a tap on my shoulder and i'm snapped back into reality as i force a smile towards whoever had touched me.
i'm met with jisung standing right next to me, tilting his head as he smiles right back, completely oblivious. "you okay?" he asks softly as he looks at me, looks at me like i'm the only girl in the world, the only girl who mattered. my heart clenches...
but not in the good way.
me being the people pleaser i am, i nod and i smile. i lean closer to him, pretending to be okay, and i look him dead in the eyes to once again pretend.
i'm great."
well i wasn't. i missed him, and i still wondered if he missed me. he had to, the way he looked at me, the way he treated me, the time he spent with me.
i feel someone's gaze on me as i turn instantly to look.
he's staring at me.
mark, he's looking right at me.
our eyes lock, my heart skips a beat.
oh how i wanted to go over and hug him, to cry, to smile, to do anything. to be with him again like i had been before.
i take a step in his direction.
he turns away and walks right out of the room.
love is patient, love is kind. love is dangerous.
i loved him. how was i ever going to move on?
remember this;
love is patient.
and it takes its time.
lol so yeah thats my love life rn, im in love with this guy but his friend and i had a talking stage recently but i realized that he was just a distraction and i feel horrible
i really hope you feel the emotion and care that i have for this guy in this story, i just wanted a place to rant and just relieve myself from all these feelings i have
ty for being a group of people i feel safe with<3
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kokinu09 · 4 months
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Let Go of the Reins || Chapter 5
pairing seungmin x fem!reader
genre strangers to lovers, romance, fluff, slight angst later, happy ending, social media, not meant to be, someday
summary Australia is considered home for two of the eight members. When two tour dates are scheduled for the land down under, the boys can’t help but want to spend a bit more time there to visit family and do a little sightseeing. So how do they convince the company that they need to stay a couple weeks? Filming some SKZ Code episodes.
A local riding school just outside the city with amazing reviews for their skilled instructors and beautiful horses is hosting a very popular kpop group to film their experiences. Y/N knows the group well and she just so happens to be their star working student.
status ongoing
taglist OPEN
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Seungmin’s leg bounces as the cars rumble along the gravel road leading up to the ranch. His neck cranes and stretches to peek past Minho’s headrest.
“This car is going to tip over if you don’t stop rocking it with how fast your leg is moving on this bumpy road,” Chan teases as he gives his arm a light shove to lighten his mood.
“What are you so nervous about anyways? Y/N was super chill yesterday,” Han asks obliviously, laidback with his eyes closed like he hadn’t gotten enough sleep last night. Which he probably didn’t.
“Her being ‘chill’ has nothing to do with this. She’s more fun to be around than any of you.”
“Ouch! You wound us Seungmin-ah~!” Minho shouts too loudly in the small confines of the vehicle.
“Ah! Hyung my ears!” Han whines. At least he’s wide awake now. Minho chuckles as he pats his knee from across the center console.
Seungmin slouches back into his seat, propping his chin in his hand as he pouts and stares out the window. Chan reaches to place a hand on his shoulder. “Everything’s gonna work out how it’s supposed to. Just enjoy the moment.”
The younger takes in his words for a moment before letting out a sigh and smiling at their leader. “Since when have you been so philosophical?”
Chan’s smile widens at his lightened mood. “I don’t know what you mean! I’ve always been this wise!” He puffs his chest proudly.
“Whatever you say, Old Man,” Seungmin pokes with a less than serious eye roll. The car fills with the eldest’s whines of protest, claiming that he’s not old, he’s only foive.
It’s mornings like these that are some of your favorites.
You laugh as you and your best friend jump around, singing, and dancing to ‘Social Path’. Only one of the many Stray Kids songs on your playlist you’ve been blasting in the wash bays with the horses. You’ve both been at it for half the morning and were finally on the last two. And of course, you’d saved the best for last, Storm and Nova.
A giggle bubbles out of you when Storm bobs his head along while you’re dancing. Seems like the love for Stray Kids might be an inherited trait.
It’s a beautiful day. The doors are swung wide open with the sunlight pouring in. A refreshingly cool breeze is a welcomed relief from how stuffy it can get when the water steams up the place. The smell of wet (but clean) horses dominating the air, a thing that might be unpleasant to some people but was oddly satisfying for you. Probably because you’d just spent the last couple of hours washing them.
You give Storm his final spray, the suds washing away and pooling at his hooves. Then you turn your hose to the floor to push them towards the drain faster.
Watching the bubbles disappear, your mind starts to drift. You’re not really ready for this moment to end. You’d rather stay in the wash bay with Liv and blast Stray Kids for the rest of the day. But you know that’s not an option.
There’s a particularly loud bray cut through the blare of the music from one of the ‘drying’ horses a few stalls away, you swear it’s Shadow, and it draws your attention towards that side of the barn. Your eyes immediately widen when you see what, or who rather, all the commotion was about.
A group of 8 men you never thought you’d meet again, Stray Kids.
With who out in front leading the charge? None other than Seungmin. The same man who confused you by posting that photo of you on his social media. An odd sense of giddiness and hope had swirled in your chest at seeing it but then your brain kicked those feelings down into the pit of your stomach with the reminder that he is an Idol. There is no ‘keeping in contact’ with someone like him.
Olivia had rushed over to the speakers when you weren’t looking and turned the music down. It’s enough to snap you out of your daze.
“Aww! I was just about to bust into my verse!” Changbin laughs out a complaint. You also don’t miss how Hyunjin and Felix are vaguely going through the motions along to the dulled music anyways.
“Uh, hey guys! We…weren’t expecting to see you here! Did I forget about another scheduled ride?! Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” Your nerves slowly turning to panic as you frantically comb your fingers through your hair, brush your shirt free of any residue from washing the horses, in a vain attempt to make yourself look presentable.
Seungmin laughs, waving his hands in front of him to ease her worries. “No, no! We’re here all on our own!” With a chuckle, he goes on when you tilt your head in confusion. “We really enjoyed our time here yesterday and were hoping for a redo.”
You stare at him.
The group of boys look at you curiously. He isn’t fazed by your silence, giving you a moment to absorb before adding, “Would you and your friend want to hang out and ride with us again?”
You must still be giving him a stupid look because Olivia shows up next to you with a sharp elbow to your ribs. “Ow,” you mumble, shooting a glare at your best friend but quickly straighten up to give the boy in front of you a much nicer smile, albeit a little awkward. “I mean, yeah, of course! We would love to but…I’m sure our boss wouldn’t appreciate us playing hooky for our shift.”
Chan pokes his head out from around Seungmin’s shoulder at that. “Actually! We’ve already cleared it with your boss! All good!” He smiles the biggest smile along with a big thumbs up.
“Oh my god! No way, really?!” Olivia exclaims while your mouth hangs open in shock. How many more curveballs will these men throw at you today?! Probably more than you can count on one hand.
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@kangaracha @rainfallingfromthesky @puppysmileseungmin @defnotfertilizedtoesw @teenyfinds @bbokari711 @lakoya @chlodavids @rylea08 @keepswingin
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ao3-deviance · 1 year
Hypothetically Speaking
New Fic on Ao3
"And if the friendly person is oblivious?"
"Like, how oblivious?"
"Like," Bakugou held up his hand, ticking things off on his fingers. "They've held hands, call each other their given names, go out to eat together, watch movies together, train together, we're best friends, I'm pretty damn sure we've cuddled, he plays with my goddamn hair, and he hugs me whenever I've had a bad nightmare–is any of this ringing any bells for you?"
"Are we not talking hypothetically anymore?"
"Obviously we're not!"
"Oh. Well, when'd you start doing all that stuff with Midoriya? You're supposed to tell me these things, we're best friends!"
"Mido–Deku? What the fuck are you talking about?"
"You said the super friendly person was you're opposite."
"First off, Deku isn't the only friendly person in our class. Second off, did you hear literally anything that I just said? I said they're my best friend."
"Yeah! I can't believe you didn't tell me! Bro code, dude. How cold, kicking me to the curb."
"Eijirou," Bakugou said. "Please. Stop talking and actually think about the last five minutes of this conversation. I need you to really think about what I said. Really really hard."
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nekucreates · 2 months
I think it’s funny that a got into Resident Evil for many reasons, one being Chris x Wesker fanart, but then I found out about Leon x Wesker and I strongly prefer it, despite never having played a game with Leon in it (yet). And I’ve played multiple games as Chris now, and somehow I found him really boring the more I played as him? I’m sorry Chris fans, he’s just not interesting to me. And I want to love him, but I really don’t. Not even the boulder punching impressed me (maybe because I kept failing at it at first). I like him in 1, because his obliviousness was endlessly funny to me, and so was Wesker’s canon special treatment towards him if you play as him (guess who gave Chris supplies and wrote him notes, Jill got none of that from Wesker). But in Code Veronica I was so disappointed to play as him (doesn’t help that Claire is way more interesting). In 5, I really don’t have much to say about Chris? But Sheva is amazing though!!! It’s a crime that she isn’t in more games!!!!!
Anyway, I really hope I’m not the only one who doesn’t care much about Chris. Because I know he’s super popular. But I literally want to play so many other characters over him at this point. Doesn’t help that I’m tackling the games Wesker’s in (character hyper-fixation go brrrr), so it makes sense for Chris to be there, and it could contribute to why I’m so bored of him. Maybe if I get to be other characters and not forced to be Chris then I would ease up on him. Please make a Sheva game Capcom. I’m begging. Sheva as the protagonist. Please, she’s literally one of the best characters and she’s only in one game.
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sillicii · 4 months
✦ — 18+ Chatbot | Ray Navarro | bad decisions, bad men — ✦
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✦ — ᴏᴄ | ᴅᴀᴅᴅʏ ᴋɴᴏᴡs ʙᴇsᴛ | 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩-𝐟𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚 𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐧 — ✦
ғᴇᴍᴘᴏᴠ | ɴsғᴡ ɪɴᴛʀᴏ | ᴅᴀʀᴋ ᴛʜᴇᴍᴇs ᴄᴡ: step-incest, non-con elements
His son: Diego Navarro
Character Description:
Ray was exposed to the world of crime from a young age and began running with a gang at the age of thirteen. Once turning eighteen, he left his old gang and attempted to go legit by investing and starting various businesses in the area until he eventually grew his business empire into what it is today. He has good relationships with the city’s law enforcement and even the mayor’s office, he is known as a necessary evil within the community but is also fair and never overstepping any boundaries. Ray gives back to the community regularly and is well-liked by the general folk despite his reputation as a ruthless crime boss. Ray has had a string of failed marriages and relationships. From them he has a few children, but his eldest son Diego is the only recognised legitimate child acknowledged in line for succession in the business. {{user}} was adopted into the family when Ray had a short-lived but impassioned relationship with {{user}}’s mother, who was a stripper that worked in one of Ray’s club. {{user}}’s mother died when she was caught between a mob conflict and to this day {{user}}’s father is unknown.
Ray is sick of {{user}} disobeying him and constantly wearing skimpy clothing around the house. He gets especially angry when {{user}} tries to leave the house wearing a super short skirt and decides to show you exactly why you shouldn’t be walking around with your ass hanging out.
First message:
More and more, {{user}} has been getting on his fucking nerves. Flaunting around the house in those skimpy clothes looking like one of the damn hookers he had employed at his clubs, your perky tits in tight fitted tank tops and without a bra no less which left nothing to the imagination. Then there were those denim miniskirts you recently purchased from the mall, you seemed to have bought one in every damned shade of blue they had, strutting about with your ass practically hanging out. Despite his repeated warnings and stern scolding, you were none too concerned as you went about your business. Either too oblivious or too stupid to notice the way his men had been ogling after you. Hell, he had even caught his own idiot son drooling after you and Diego really didn’t need any more distractions. It went on for the entire summer vacation and there was not much Ray could do but discourage you and show his disapproval in his own way. Until one day, post summer vacation, you were sent home after a you had broken dress code… Of course, you had. Even after he had warned you not to go to school dressed like a whore, you had hidden your strappy crop top underneath a large shirt which you promptly took off once you left the house. Ray was the picture of calm, but any that happened to enter the sitting room would notice the heavy tension simmering in the air. He was restraining to keep himself in check as he attempted to read his morning paper, making very little progress as he was distracted by every noise that went by outside… listening out until he heard your car roll up into the driveway of their mansion. “{{user}},” he called out when he heard the front door open. “In here now.” His expression remained neutral as he watched you walk in, those ridiculous platform heels of yours clacking against the wooden floor with each step you took. Ray let out a heavy sigh at the sight of you, white baby-doll tee and another tiny skirt this time in a light powder blue denim wash… and with those heels… you looked like jailbait. “On the couch now,” he placed his paper to one side, standing up as he directed you to the seat opposite the one he was sat in. Under his deep watchful gaze, he dared you to disobey his instructions and he was almost disappointed when you decided to take the seat. Without hesitation, he stepped forward and peered down at you. “The hell you doing dressing like that to school? Or do you want every guy to know what a little whore you are?”
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neongreenllama · 10 months
You said Antifa Wolfstarbucks and who am I to disagre????? Here are some random unorganised thoughts, just pure word vomit straight from my brain into your inbox!! you're welcome/I'm sorry!!
So Sirius and James probably go to protests all the time, they're such a good team (thinking of that drabble you wrote for the trick or treat ask a while ago <3). But one time they get separated at a protest and Sirius randomly bumps into this guy who's just dancing to Bella Ciao, eyes closed, like the world around him doesn't exist. As established, Sirius is gone for him, listens to Cordula Grün on repeat, we know the drill. Sirius and James eventually find each other again and Sirius can't shut up about the guy he just saw, and how perfect and hot he is. I think Sirius and James are already in a relationship at that point, but they're open and love telling each other about their crushes and other partners/dates. Maybe they're even relationship anarchists? 🖤
So anyways a week or so later they're at a soli party and Sirius is busy playing table football against Peter and James is just out there being a social butterfly, socializing with everyone at the party becoming bffs with anyone who doesn't run away quickly enough, and then he sees Remus, sitting in a corner, reading Karl Marx because he's not like other commies, he actually reads Marx and he needs everyone to know it, you know? James casually walks over to Remus and starts a conversation about Marx, and at first Remus takes one look at James and sighs, thinking he's just another rich guy who doesn't get it but the longer they talk the more he realizes James is actually kind of smart and knows what he's talking about? AND he's cute?? But then James's boyfriend comes over and gives off the WEIRDEST vibes ever, poking James in the ribs, raising his eyebrows and telepathically communicating something to James that Remus doesn't understand at all. James's boyfriend may be the hottest person Remus has ever seen but he's definitely giving off super weird and awkward vibes when he pulls James to the side and says, a bit too loudly, "James, das ist Cordula Grün!!!!" whatever the fuck that means, anarchist weirdos, speaking in code.
Anyways James is very excited by this revelation and goes to buy them all some more beers and maybe a round of Pfeffi, and then another and then another, and James and his boyfriend are now sitting next to Remus on the couch, his little communist manifesto book long forgotten, now being used as a coaster for the Sterni bottle. Anyways, the party eventually dies down but they're not done with their political discussions, reform vs revolution isn't something that can be settled over just 3 drinks, so James casually mentions that his and Sirius's flat is near by, they could stop by a Späti for some more drinks and maybe some snacks or other stuff and continue this at home?
And Remus is so oblivious, of course he goes with them to talk some more about politics, nothing else, what else would these two extremely hot guys who have been casually touching him all evening (in a purely platonic, very friendly way!!!) want from him? Sure, they were all joking about having a threesome and Sirius actually picked up condoms on their way home but they were only joking, they would never actually be into Remus? Sirius and James probably just needed condoms anyways so it just made sense that Sirius bought them when they were in the store. And if Sirius looked at Remus and asked him which brand he preferred that was purely so he didn't feel excluded when third wheeling a couple, which was so nice of him, looking out for his very platonic new friend. Remus is a bit sad they were only joking about the threesome because he really thinks Sirius and James are both extremely hot, AND they actually get Marx? They're basically his dream guys, but *sigh* they would never actually go for someone like Remus, who is he kidding?
So they get to their apartment, and Remus immediately goes to sit at the kitchen table, they're here to settle the age old reform vs revolution debate after all, but James and Sirius just give him a weird look, and James casually suggests the couch in the living room might be a bit more comfy? And Sirius puts out some candles, which he probably only does because his eyes are tired, so he needs soft lighting, that must be why. It's so funny, because he actually says "let me put on some candles for mood lighting, to make it a bit more romantic for us", and Remus just laughs, he loves Sirius's sense of humor, that guy is so funny!! He even kissed him on the mouth when he said it, just a quick little peck and then he got all flustered and red in the face, probably because James was watching them with a grin. They're such good new friends, Remus really likes them and hopes he will get over his crushes quickly so he can actually become friends with them!
Remus is so happy when he sees they have all the books of Das Kapital in their flat, and he stands in front of the bookshelves, looking fondly at his hero, Karl Marx, when James comes up behind him and gives him a back massage, which is so nice of him, Remus did mention he carried a lot of tension in his back, and James is such a nice guy and already a good friend for taking care of him like that.
Sirius puts on music [sidenote: wolfstarbucks playlist? there are SO MANY songs called Liebe zu Dritt, it took me a while to find the one I was thinking of LOL!] and Remus can't NOT dance, it's just such a deep instinct, he hears good music - he has to dance! The lyrics are really funny to him, again another classic example of Sirius's sense of humor!! And the lyrics even mention communism, so he feels very seen. James has gone from massaging his back to just holding his hips and swaying to the music with him and when remus looks back because he wants to compliment Sirius's music choices he sees them making out?? And at first he's a bit taken aback, because that's kind of rude to make him feel like such a third wheel but then Sirius grabs him and they all dance together and he honestly also thinks it's kind of hot that James and Sirius are so open with their love, and he loves watching them, so really, he doesn't mind if they occasionally kiss while they all dance. They keep giving him these looks though, and if he didn't know that they're way out of his league he would almost think they're prompting him to flirt back and kiss one of them? But surely he's mistaken, they couldn't possibly be into him, they're way too hot!!
Never apologize for your word vomit! (You call it unorganized thoughts but it's an entire fic) And it's Wolfstarbucks!!! WOLFSTARBUCKS EVERYONE STOP SCROLLING!!!! You have no idea how much I love this!!! I don't even know what to say this is perfect begnning to end
I love the Prongsfoot and their amazing communication and being completely open with each other and trusting and 🥺
Ad Remus "I'm not like the other girls" Lupin! And being completely oblivious the whole time!!?? Honeyyyyy, they're so obvious 😭😭😭 The candles and the dancing and the COndOmS bdjsksksjlsjdjd I can't
Will Remus get it eventually? Or will he be say "well it was nice" and go home and everyone ends up totally disappointed? Will they see each other again? Or will they fuck and Remus remains oblivious the whole time? "Just friends doing each other a favor"? "They didn't want me to feel left out"??? Will they start dating and Remus will never know? What happens when he does figure it out? How happy will he be that those two hot amazing guys want him? How will they go to protests in the future? I NEED ANSWERS! If you ever decide to write a second part to this I will love you forever
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reviewinghiccup · 2 years
Blog Post Series : Breaking Down Hiccup
Title : Portrait of Hiccup as a Buff Man
Ep/Season : Episode 8, Season 1 (Riders of Berk)
Premise :
Following a proud Viking tradition, Stoick and Hiccup pose for a portrait which will hang on the walls of the Great Hall. However, much to only Hiccup’s chagrin (it seems) some “minor” modifications were made depicting a very different him. At the same time, the great treasure map left by the son of Hamish the 1st was discovered. Many have failed trying to decipher its codes, yet harder they try still. Upset by the portrait and trying to prove that he is more than his make, Hiccup embarks on a journey to find the elusive treasure. Something that even Stoick the Vast himself failed attempting.
I felt really bad for Hiccup. At the start of the show, you can see him get super excited about the portrait, loving that he gets to take part in Viking history / culture.
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Stoick has grown a lot too. He accepts Hiccup for who he is. After all, he has proven himself many times to be a worthy heir and son. And we know Stoick loves him.
However, the painting was exaggerated and Hiccup’s built and size was way larger in proportion to the actual fact.
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Yet, no one seems to mind it, except him. It must’ve been confusing and degrading to find that everyone else, including Stoick, loved the work. Even comments like “now that’s the son of a chief,” echoed through.
Common, even Astrid simped over buff Hiccup.
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So, Hiccup then goes on this rant, where he believes that his father loves the painting more than his real self.
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And the “am I worthy enough” debacle starts brewing in Hiccup’s mind.
So, there he goes, leading the team on an adventure to find the treasure.
What ticked Hiccup off was, that his father couldn’t succeed in this treasure hunt and knowing that the “clues are so complicated that only a brilliant mind can decipher them,” meant that if Hiccup could, then all insecurity about his capabilities would be quashed, i.e., doing something even the strongest Vikings couldn’t do.
Hiccup manages to breakdown the riddles and find the treasure in an afternoon, of course w the help of the dragons and the riders, but the fact remains, he is and will always be the brains of the operation.
Stoick is reprimanded by Gobber for what he said to Hiccup about the painting, pointing to Stoick’s obliviousness and how it had affected Hiccup’s perception about himself.
I love that Gobber is like a check and balance for them. No doubt that Gobber has helped Stoick parent Hiccup. No doubt there.
Then, we have Stoick’s over-protective parent personality seep out, knowing that this adventure was dangerous, nearly even fatal and that he could actually lose his son, which made him realise that he would not want buff Hiccup, or stronger Hiccup, he just wanted Hiccup.
I love how just like the perception we have of Hiccup, the story is also nothing like we expect it to be. Hiccup admits that he knew his father accepts him, it was a question of whether Hiccup accepted himself.
Nothing was sweeter than to see Stoick run to his son and Hiccup running to his dad when the adventure ended.
Parents aren’t perfect. Stoick is far from it. But the most important thing about being a dad, is showing up. Sure, they fail. Stoick did, big time. But he makes up for it and thankfully, Hiccup has a big enough heart to forgive his dad.
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This episode was heart warming. For an adventure story, I enjoyed the pacing. It made sense why they were quicker. With Hiccup’s mind and the ease of transport the dragons provided (and that of fire and safety) they could manoeuvre in and out of the dangerous bits of the exercise w ease. I also love how the story panned out and how, sometimes it really takes the least of the herd to do something spectacular.
Definitely one of my top favourite episodes in the HTTYD Series Universe.
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dulcewrites · 1 year
I'm a bad influence cus you said Hades and Persephone
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Ya twisted my arm (jk). But a Aemond x oc story starting from slightly from the perspective of her mother. Some details that I think would be hades x persephone coded
- house [redacted] (I’ll think of a name lmao) is a stormlands house made up of our oc (I like the name annora but I also like having flower motif) her two younger sisters and brother, and her parents -Johanna and Omar
- their sygil is a narcissus blooming through rain. It sort of symbolizes how their house sits in the intersection between the reach and stormlands/dornish marshes. Much of their wealth comes from being around extremely fertile area and what grows there. Let’s say both team green and black go there (over house Baratheon) based on that wealth
- random but i sort of like the idea of house Baratheon feeling a bit slighted that Aemond didn’t come to their house. they are like daeron will marry whoever as a conciliation prize (daeron slays but you know what I mean)
- Aemond specifically came there for annora. Johanna instantly gets #bad vibes. Not even just the obvious war thing but just the way Aemond is looking at her daughter is NOT sitting right with her. So, she lies and says her daughter is betrothed to another. Omar, completely oblivious, is like no she isn’t????
- now I go back and forth between if this Aemond is charming enough to put the rizz on annora. On one hand, I think both book and show aemond have to work themselves up bc of insecurities. But ngl something about that probably bs account, bc it’s from mushroom, of book Aemond kissing all the Baratheon girls lives rent free in my head. Like why would he do that 😵‍💫😵‍💫
- a hot prince shows up on a dragon saying he wants to marry you, there is only one answer. She’s here for it. Johanna pulls Omar to the side and is like ummm our daughter could be essentially a war prisoner. Now I don’t think Omar is a bad dad, he loves his kids. But do I think he’s super smart? Probably not lol. He sees baby targs with baby dragons. He thinks about tides changing and stormlands houses swearing fealty to them
- the luke stuff happens in front of them. Johanna is mortified, annora is still like “but mom, he took his eye of course he wouldn’t like him ☹️”
- now I kind of like deviating from the book and show in the sense that no one really knows what happened to Luke. Pieces are arrax do not wash up. Did he die on accident? Did Aemond/Vhagar kill him on purpose. Did luke runaway? Who knows. Obviously people think Aemond did something but 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
- they still get married despite Johanna pleading to her husband to not let this happen. Annora and Aemond have a traditional westeros faith of the seven wedding BUT and here’s the kicker. Aemond wants a Valyrian wedding as well. I really don’t care about whole blood binding thing (If y’all want to pretend she has distant Valyrian blood go for it). I just like the idea of the blood being a similar motif as the pomegranates.
Anyway I don’t want this to be too long. Just in case I’m a glutton for punishment and actually do this. But yeah it spirals from there. Aemond descends further into madness as people think he is kinslayer. He probably puts a lot of energy/obsessiveness into his relationship bc of it. Very much ‘but you don’t think I’m a murdering psycho right baby 🥺’ while cleaning off his sword of blood. Johanna just wants her daughter back… it’s a mess y’all.
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moonjxsung · 6 months
my bf understands the type of insane that i am😭 he sometimes enables it too much tho, i literally just got paid and saw the aniteez plushies and i was like 👀👀 and he was like “yeah get one”😪 much obliged to my plushie collection. (which i just finished organizing at my apartment so i’ll send a pic soon so yk what im talking about)
and also, i love your pc pics!! you should post them more often! they’re always so cute! and the holders!! (also, the bunny!! she looked to my melody coded that i had to try to look her up and she’s this kinda obscure sanrio bunny named “wish me mell”) and she’s super cute and totes lino coded too!
and also, look at this baby😭 https://x.com/uniceflaos/status/1769998216878322010?s=46&t=-PVQ6sHI18cunHWQ1pCVbw
i love him so much, i love the fact that despite his fame and whatever that might sometimes make people oblivious about social problems and injustice, he actually even takes his time off to advocate for volunteer work😭 felix is a sunshine fr. i love how he talks about being there was an amazing experience and that he would love to go back. and it makes me so emotional to have a person with such a platform advocating for this🥲 i love him so much.
and i love you so much!!! thank you for being so sweet to me/us!!! 😘😘
Your boyfriend is SOOOOO REAL FOR THAT 😭 honestly that’s me bc my sister will be trying to save money and I have a special TALENT for encouraging her to buy things 🫠 she’s been trying to save money and somehow convinced her to buy like 3 Channie pcs within the past week AND the social path bag charm and she got so mad at me for not telling her to save her money instead 😭 and we need to be saving for Lolla now !! Someone kill me if I buy another pc between now and then frfr
ALSO WISH ME MELL???? THAT’S SO CUTE? I didn’t know she was a Sanrio character I thought it was just a random bunny! And I almost have her to a friend because I don’t use it as much LMAO not anymore that thing is staying with me forever (and because we match hehehe)
THE FELIX STUFF AAAAAAA I COULD CRYYY HE IS THE SWEETEST???? 😭 I watched his live recently and hearing the way he talks about his time in Laos is just so heartwarming, like he not only makes an effort to help out where he can but he genuinely enjoys it 🥹 I’m so proud of him for using his platform and being such a good advocate, that’s our sunshine 🫶💞
Also I will absolutely post more of my pc pics ahhh I’m glad you like them! I have a really exciting one I’m bringing to a cupsleeve this weekend so I’ll keep you guys posted with lots of cute pics 👼 I love you my angel I hope you’re having the best week!!! 💖🩷💓✨
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ao3feed-bakusquad · 1 year
Hypothetically Speaking
Hypothetically Speaking by deviance
"And if the friendly person is oblivious?" "Like, how oblivious?" "Like," Bakugou held up his hand, ticking things off on his fingers. "They've held hands, call each other their given names, go out to eat together, watch movies together, train together, we're best friends, I'm pretty damn sure we've cuddled, he plays with my goddamn hair, and he hugs me whenever I've had a bad nightmare–is any of this ringing any bells for you?" "Are we not talking hypothetically anymore?" "Obviously we're not!" "Oh. Well, when'd you start doing all that stuff with Midoriya? You're supposed to tell me these things, we're best friends!" "Mido–Deku? What the fuck are you talking about?" "You said the super friendly person was you're opposite." "First off, Deku isn't the only friendly person in our class. Second off, did you hear literally anything that I just said? I said they're my best friend." "Yeah! I can't believe you didn't tell me! Bro code, dude. How cold, kicking me to the curb." "Eijirou," Bakugou said. "Please. Stop talking and actually think about the last five minutes of this conversation. I need you to really think about what I said. Really really hard."
Words: 2087, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou
Additional Tags: Awkward Flirting, Teen Romance, First Kiss, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Bakugou Katsuki is a Dork, Bakugou Katsuki Tries, Kirishima Eijirou is a Ray of Sunshine, Insecure Kirishima Eijirou, Himbo Kirishima Eijirou, Getting Together
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47240527
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thestobingirlie · 1 year
just when i think i'm safe from fandom trope stupidity in the 4th chapter of the 3rd installment of a fic series i am blindsided by the bandana bullshit and the author acting as if bandanas weren't a common accessory for metalheads in the 80s for no deep reason aside from the aesthetic and maybe copying james hetfield. and it also implies the dom eddie sub steve bullshit bc of the way it's framed i hate everything. like specifically in this fic the premise is that steve is the one who knows he's bi while eddie is the one that ends up having a sexuality realization bc of steve. and when eddie (who is just. incredibly oblivious and it ends up blowing up in his face in this fic) is explaining himself to robin says that a bunch of guys/specifically metalheads at concerts and bars wear bandanas as just an accessory robin acts like he's an idiot for not realizing they could be using the code or w/e even tho eddie is fucking right, particularly w the concerts part of that statement like jesus christ. and i knew this would come back bc it's something steve (who's been getting involved in the community/club scene and sleeping w guys) noticed early on and assumed meant eddie was flagging but i thought it would just be as a general miscommunication and not in the most annoying way possible.
hi i'm the anon that complained extensively about the bandana code featuring in a fic and i calmed down enough to continue reading bc i do generally like this fic and author only for it to go harder w the dom eddie sub steve stuff (and specifically have robin say steve would be into the stuff eddie was saying about imagining steve crying like,,,, i will just never understand bc sm of that bs verges directly into territory overlapping w steve's various traumatic experiences and esp him getting tortured so no i do not think that makes any sense for steve. i also firmly believe that if eddie made steve cry he would not be able to handle it at all), have eddie make fun of robin for being into vickie bc vickie is boring, and further imply ronance might happen. i am never giving ppl the benefit of the doubt again.
i think when it comes to eddie and flagging, people are just so desperate for it to be queer coding, that they ignore any facts that point to the others. yeah, metalheads wore that kinda shit, and they probably weren’t all queer. and it’s super weird of robin to like, judge eddie for not knowing that? people just love having robin pop up in fics as a judgmental lesbian and i hate it lol
also hate when you lower your standards and accept that you’ll have to read a fic and it turns out even worse then you thought.
honestly, dom eddie sub steve shit gives me the ick. like the way people write it is so often just feminising one of them (usually steve) and it just feels really fetishy. and it so doesn’t make sense when people turn around and pretend that steve would be into any of that stuff. he’s been tortured!! he’s been beaten. he’s been tied up and dragged around without his consent. why would he want any of that shit to be done to him sexually?? and crying? really. yeah, i want steve to open and vulnerable, but not like that. and i totally agree that eddie would not be able to handle any discomfort in the bed area, even if the other person wanted it.
people literally just get two attractive men and write them as having whatever sex they find attractive even if it’s fucking weird and doesn’t make sense.
also, hate that they made fun of vickie. she is my girl. curses on all those that take the piss out of vickie, but especially those that do it for r//nance.
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piercethelenn · 2 years
Track five — Love Letter.
Warnings: Stalking, cursing, mentions of violence, drug dealing, smoking and empty threats. || Word count: 724.
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一Are you sure this is a good idea?一 Y/N whispered as both girls were hiding in a corner, with their backs against the wall. Yeojin was peeking from their hiding spot, scanning the hallway in search of their target. Heeseung was not actually that difficult to spot amongst the sea of students, his tall stature and e-boy dress code gave him away. The man of the hour was currently holding a heated conversation with a considerably shorter boy, who the pianist recognized as Yang Jeongin, as she had seen him pick his younger brother up after vocal lessons plenty of times. 一They seem distracted一 She noted 一Can you hear what they are talking about?一.
Yeojin rolled her eyes and turned back to stare at her friend 一Yeah, let me activate my super hearing, one sec一. The oblivious pair of friends that they were currently spying on, (Well, it was more like stalking, please never do anything like this, kids) stood beside a classroom door, a few meters away, but the noise of conversation, rushed steps and laughter was enough to block the girls from catching on anything. All they could guess from the boys’ body language was that Heeseung and Jeongin were arguing about something. 一My back hurts一 Yeojin complained. They decided to switch positions so that Y/N was now the one with more access to peek from their totally not suspicious hiding spot. The feeling of curious eyes gazing at them made her ears burn in embarrassment.
The pianist then noticed a little detail that could be the biggest clue of what were the boys quarreling so much about: Heeseung was holding a paper envelope, most likely with a letter inside. Her eyes widened in surprise as she turned back to update Yeojin on her findings. 一He’s moving now! We need to follow him一 the influencer commanded, not giving Y/N time to react as she was practically dragged out of the corner, right into the tide of people. 一Act natural一 What does that even mean?
Both girls made their way through the hallway, following Heeseung close behind; they were not noticed though, as the students passing by in all directions masked their true intentions. They followed him for a pretty long time, even going up a few stairs until the dubious vocal coach stopped on his tracks before an open classroom door. He took a deep breath and entered the room, with determined steps that gave Y/N a strong sense of Deja vu.
The girls rushed to the window of the almost empty room and gasped in unison at the sight of Heeseung handing the envelope to a girl with multi-colored hair. 一That’s Choi Yerim!一 Yeojin whisper-yelled into her friend’s ear 一I never expected a guy with his reputation to be into old-fashioned romance, but I totally get it, Yerim is really nice…一 Y/N used her hand to stop the girl from speaking and dragged her out of the window, she doubted the walls were soundproof, and also they had already collected plenty of material on her new co-worker, so there was no need to spy on him any further.
Could it be that Jay and Sunghoon were wrong? Were all the rumors fake? Or mayhaps Heeseung had grown as a person and was now behaving like a decent man? Many questions popped up in Y/N’s head as she and Yeojin walked back to their respective classrooms. Mayhaps her friend was right, it was not right to judge a person based solely on popular opinion without checking the facts by yourself, but at the same time, a single proof of Heeseung not being as bad as people make him seem to be was not enough to make a conclusion, at least not yet. The pianist was now sure that she would be pretty much okay with working alongside him, but only time could tell whether the infamous guitarist had been falsely accused in the past.
In her heart, Y/N really hoped that just like her friends, Heeseung had been misunderstood, half because she could not believe that someone in Seokmin’s family could have so much history of being a literal criminal, and half because she would never let her precious students, that she grew so fond of, be in danger because of him.
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