#but hey its only 11:42 now! didnt take all that long
rhytmrocket · 9 months
uh, sorry, again
i won’t even get into it, but i hid again for another week
one thing i did do was a year-end art review/compilation! do people still do that?
well, i did.
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oughhh so much of this i havent shared and it feels kinda weird doing it
there’s gonna be so much in this post i’ll be surprised if i even get it out by midnight (it’s nearly half past 11 atm)
so first i’ll give you the template if you’d like so you dont have to scroll through all my rambling
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next, a bit of reflection (theatre and chorus, dont fail me now)
overall, i think i’ve improved a Lot. like, i can’t stand to look at my earlier art, which i think is a sign of improvement! overall, i’ve been refining my style, i think, cuz my stuff’s pretty generally similar, just tweaked a bit to make it more bearable— i mean good. one thing i do want to improve on, at least initially, is fucking flipping the canvas once in a while. i actually did that in a piece i’ll share in just a bit, and i think it was a good result— i’m already getting used to it, like, it’s actually not that hard, just a bit frustrating sometimes. it helps with the balance and versatility— the flipability of a piece is very valuable. my strongest aspect was probably the rendering. ive always had fun with it, and when i actually try it looks, let’s just say, fucking awesome. i’m pretty good! keep telling myself that! and keep telling yourself that. there’s always some good stuff in most any drawing. love you, beginner artists
you know, as much as it physically hurts to look at old art, looking back at newer pieces makes me feel so good about myself. like, that was me, and now this is me! that’s so cool, isn’t it?
look at old art every once in a while. and not just drawing— writing, painting, sculpting, cooking, composing, playing an instrument, singing, acting— really anything at all! look at your old stuff just to see how far you’ve come. and feel good about that! you deserve it!
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dearly · 4 years
Pete Wentz (6:39:20 PM): Hey Ryan Ross (6:39:39 PM): hey Pete Wentz (6:40:09 PM): Is this the guy fro poanic at the disco Ryan Ross (6:40:23 PM): yeah im ryan, is this pete? Pete Wentz (6:41:12 PM): Yeah Ryan Ross (6:41:18 PM): hey man Pete Wentz (6:42:37 PM): How arer you Ryan Ross (6:43:17 PM): im not bad, working on a paper for english. hows everything with the new record? Pete Wentz (6:44:37 PM): Going really well Pete Wentz (6:45:04 PM): How's everything wiht your band are those just remixes Ryan Ross (6:46:01 PM): awesome, yeah we only did those on my laptop because we cant get into a studio yet. but we still have alot of those parts live and full band Pete Wentz (6:46:25 PM): Does it have samples like that Pete Wentz (6:46:42 PM): How many people are in the band.... Are you guys all in hicghschool Ryan Ross (6:47:20 PM): do you mean do we use a sampler? our drummer uses a drum sampler which we put some of the stuff on, and he plays some of it Ryan Ross (6:47:43 PM): im in college. im 18 the other three of them are 17 and in high school Pete Wentz (6:48:26 PM): Like of the pure volume site songs what would not be part of your live show Ryan Ross (6:50:18 PM): well right now the synth stuff because we need a keyboard player. we are trying out a few guys soon though. and some of the drum parts are different. Pete Wentz (6:50:48 PM): I absolutely love the stuff Ryan Ross (6:52:16 PM): but we have two guitar players one sings and i play lead. its kind of hard to describe it. we are a rock band but about half of a song will be dance-ish or sort of 80s sounding Ryan Ross (6:52:28 PM): really? wow thanks alot man Ryan Ross (6:53:12 PM): it really is a huge compliment coming from you Ryan Ross (6:53:35 PM): i was actually really suprised you listened to it Ryan Ross (6:53:40 PM): i didnt expect you to see it Pete Wentz (6:54:00 PM): Is there some pics of you guys anywhere Ryan Ross (6:55:10 PM): no, we are taking them pretty soon for the website, its just not done yet. i have some just of me on livejournal. but thats wierd haha Pete Wentz (6:56:09 PM): Yeah fuck get some to me Pete Wentz (6:56:19 PM): I think I may come see you in californaia Ryan Ross (6:56:44 PM): really? Ryan Ross (6:57:08 PM): that would be awesome Pete Wentz (6:57:46 PM): I've been listeneing to those songs nonstop. Is the band a side thing or is it gonna be fulltime? Ryan Ross (6:58:20 PM): no its full time Ryan Ross (6:59:24 PM): well aside from school. which sucks Ryan Ross (6:59:32 PM): but we want to do this Pete Wentz (7:00:00 PM): When are those kids out of school Ryan Ross (7:00:26 PM): the drummer and bass player are graduating early. so like january and other guitarist/singer graduates in the spring Pete Wentz (7:01:16 PM): Nice Pete Wentz (7:01:23 PM): Do you know about my label Ryan Ross (7:01:46 PM): yeah i think i saw something a while ago on a journal entry, is gym class heroes the only band on it right now? Pete Wentz (7:03:10 PM): Yeah. I signed the academy. But they are fbr strictly gym class and I am looking for another Pete Wentz (7:03:33 PM): The cool thing about it is I just met with waner and they want both of the bands and to give me an imprint Ryan Ross (7:03:55 PM): oh cool i like the academy alot, oh i see yea i was going to ask you about that Pete Wentz (7:04:03 PM): Which pretty much means a lot more money to promote cool artists Pete Wentz (7:04:14 PM): You guys plays out a lot? Ryan Ross (7:04:39 PM): thats awesome man. actually no we just kind of started this thing up a few months ago, the show in victorville is going to be our first one Pete Wentz (7:05:51 PM): Really Pete Wentz (7:05:56 PM): Interesting Pete Wentz (7:06:11 PM): How much do you guys practice Ryan Ross (7:06:45 PM): we've been trying to figure out the best way to do this stuff live, and we've been having a hard time on figuring out how to make it sound good. depending on the place we might not be able to use all the electronic stuff that we want to do which sucks but alot of venues, at least here might have a hard time setting us up. we practice at
least 4 times a week so like. between 24-30 hours a week Pete Wentz (7:07:09 PM): Nice Pete Wentz (7:07:21 PM): I am gonna come to the show Ryan Ross (7:08:13 PM): we wish we could more often. but school is getting in the way. and it sucks cause parents think its a waste of time playing music and want me to focus on school. im sure you know how that is. Ryan Ross (7:08:23 PM): thanks alot man really Pete Wentz (7:08:55 PM): I do Pete Wentz (7:09:05 PM): What are peoples reactions to it Ryan Ross (7:10:04 PM): some good some bad. everyone is so into post hardcore stuff these days that some kids just brush it off. which is fine but then some kids like it cause its a little different i guess Pete Wentz (7:11:30 PM): Can that kid sing live? Ryan Ross (7:12:54 PM): yeah, he's been taking voice lessons for a little bit so thats starting to help him Pete Wentz (7:13:19 PM): Is he on? I mean on here he sounds awesome Ryan Ross (7:14:21 PM): yeah he's on pitch, we recorded that stuff with like a 100 dollar vocal mic. the only effects we used was pretty much reverb on the main parts. Pete Wentz (7:14:42 PM): Yeah sounds good kind of like patrick Pete Wentz (7:14:47 PM): I like it Ryan Ross (7:16:57 PM): yeah thats the only thing we get that alot. and thats just how the kid sings. we like your band but we dont want to sound like you guys, or be compared to fob all the time you know? but yeah he is aware that kids say he sounds like patrick so he's just trying different vocal stuff sometimes. Pete Wentz (7:19:06 PM): Here's the thing if I show you guys interest a lot of crappy labels are gonna come and do the same and I don't want a huge mess out there. I mean how interested are you guys in going fulltime when you can Pete Wentz (7:19:19 PM): Yeah you'll get eh patrock thing but how many people. Sound like hime Ryan Ross (7:19:47 PM): so you really think we've got potential then? Pete Wentz (7:19:54 PM): I do Ryan Ross (7:20:05 PM): i've wanted to play in a band for my job ever since i started high school at least. Ryan Ross (7:20:07 PM): we all want to do this Ryan Ross (7:21:05 PM): its like i cant put enough dedication into anything exept playing guitar and writing Pete Wentz (7:23:01 PM): I'm with you Ryan Ross (7:24:05 PM): but yeah. i cant see myself doing anything else but playing in a band, cause every job i've ever had ive hated it Pete Wentz (7:24:57 PM): You don't have a picture of the band Ryan Ross (7:25:44 PM): no, but if you need it i could have my buddy take some tomorrow at practice Pete Wentz (7:26:58 PM): That would be rad Ryan Ross (7:27:37 PM): okay we'll take some Ryan Ross (7:28:08 PM): are you online much? Pete Wentz (7:33:12 PM): Sometimes Ryan Ross (7:33:35 PM): okay, i was just wondering if this was your email incase you arent on i'll just send them Pete Wentz (7:34:17 PM): Yeah send it here for sure Ryan Ross (7:34:36 PM): okay Ryan Ross (7:34:55 PM): dude this better not be a joke, it better be you Pete Wentz (7:35:12 PM): It is Pete Wentz (7:35:34 PM): But there are a lot of fakers out there Ryan Ross (7:35:55 PM): okay. yeah i know someone has shown me like fake journals of you and stuff. thats creepy Ryan Ross (7:36:10 PM): thats why i asked if it was you for sure Pete Wentz (7:36:32 PM): This guy who is iming me is your manager Ryan Ross (7:37:03 PM): is it xxxtoughffxxx ? Pete Wentz (7:37:22 PM): Yeah Ryan Ross (7:37:38 PM): i dont know if he's our manager. he's our friend, he's been helping us out with a website, merch and the show in victorville Ryan Ross (7:38:35 PM): he's starting a company up and he wants to help us out Pete Wentz (7:43:04 PM): Ah I got t Pete Wentz (7:43:32 PM): It Pete Wentz (7:43:37 PM): You guys are awesome and if its what I think it is I want ti to be thenext academy Ryan Ross (7:44:58 PM): wow thanks alot. i hope you like the stuff live, its not completely different but it is different. i mean the singing is the same and all that. Pete Wentz (7:47:46 PM): cool Pete Wentz (7:48:06 PM): You guys look good. The chicks gonna be swooning? Ryan Ross (7:48:38 PM): once we get
a keyboard player who can do all of the sampling we want to do it will be alot better too. its like we know how we want to sound, but just finding the right way to do it i guess is what we are working on. Ryan Ross (7:48:40 PM): hahaha Ryan Ross (7:48:51 PM): i dont know man, we look alright i guess Ryan Ross (7:48:57 PM): we look young Pete Wentz (7:49:42 PM): Youngs not abd at all Pete Wentz (7:49:47 PM): How does the singiner look Ryan Ross (7:50:05 PM): dead sexy. Ryan Ross (7:50:41 PM): he's no pete wentz. but still Pete Wentz (7:51:42 PM): Hahaha Pete Wentz (7:51:54 PM): Goddamn as long as he looks cool.singing Pete Wentz (7:52:14 PM): For sure send me pics and all how many songs you guys have? Ryan Ross (7:52:39 PM): haha Ryan Ross (7:53:00 PM): kk Ryan Ross (7:53:54 PM): we've only got 4 right now, its been tough to write since school started and everyone's busier. and those are the first 4 songs we've written as a band. at the show we'll play those and a cover of new order maybe. or depeche mode. we dont know yet Pete Wentz (7:56:08 PM): Nice Pete Wentz (7:56:21 PM): I gotta run Pete Wentz (7:56:32 PM): But ill hit you on here later Pete Wentz (7:56:38 PM): Send me those pics and write the hits Ryan Ross (7:56:43 PM): okay dude. good talking to you Pete Wentz (7:56:43 PM): Peaaaaaace Ryan Ross (7:56:44 PM): hahaha Ryan Ross (7:56:47 PM): later man Pete Wentz is away from the computer as of 7:56:51 PM. Auto response from Pete Wentz: Igot99problems Pete Wentz is back at the computer as of 10:05:48 PM. Pete Wentz is away from the computer as of 10:06:23 PM.
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my boyfriend never texts first
Remus just wants to not be the first one to send a message every once in a while. That’s not too much to ask, right?
relationship: romantic remrom, background remy and emile (also romantic)
warnings: major character death, extended mourning (secondary warnings- brief discussion of religious holidays, brief underage drinking mention, a lot of all-caps) notes: unrelated, human, hs/college au. virgil, emile, and remy are here too. If you need anything in the secondary warnings (or one of those latter three characters) edited out, please let me know and I can put that up for you!
Remus always texted him first. Always. It didn’t matter the situation, didn’t matter the time date place name face. Who what when where why. It first started when he texted hi roman :) when they first got phones; for whatever reason, Roman just never texted first. Either he’d call or they’d talk in person.
No matter. Remus could cope.
May 1:
8:37 PM tody i saw you by my locker 8:39 PM *today 8:42 PM why didnt you say hi?
May 2:
9:30 PM a teacher talked to me today 9:30 PM wanted to talk about how i’m doing after 9:52 PM well you know. he’s a sick bastard
Really, it wasn’t too much to ask for, was it? He just wanted to see him text first once in a while! May 7:
3:32 PM: by the way idk if you got this last time 3:36 PM: my class ring size is the medium 3:44 PM: hopefully you order it by the deadline :P 4:03 PM: no idea when the deadline is 4:20 PM: bLAZE IT 4:24 PM: sorry i have like 0 money so i got it from the consignment shop 4:31 PM: i hope you like synthetic rubies!! leaving them with ur dad 10:40 PM: update. i cried for four hours with your dad.
June 2:
7:30 AM: gRaDuAtIoN dAy!!! 7:32 AM: there’s cookies in the reception menu 7:35 AM: snickerdoodles your favorite [eyes] 10:02 AM: i’m getting some for u 10:05 AM: [kissy face] 7:40 PM: the announcement was Weird 7:43 PM: anyways i have the snickerdoodles (Remus couldn’t go over to where Roman was staying, so he left them in the living room. He knew Roman would appreciate them. Hopefully he’d come over (wait, probably not, given...))
Well, actually, he could understand why he never texted first. June 11:
12:14 PM: roMAN 12:16 PM: [Attachment: Remus_Picani-Kleitman_Acceptance_Letter.pdf] 12:18 PM: YEAHHHH 12:24 PM: I’m sure you got in too SEND ME YOURS WHEN YOU GET IT 12:32 PM: WE MIGHT SHARE A ROOM YEA 12:35 PM: [Attachment: celebration.jpg]
Everyone was probably saying that he ought to just move on, but to be honest, he couldn’t... Actually, to be honest, no-one had told him to move on to his face yet. In fact, everyone was surprised he was doing so well, given how bad the circumstances were! The situation was stressing him out so much, even his dads were gently advising him to rethink things. (Well, that was part of the territory with one of them being a therapist and the other being a barista.)
“I got y’all some kouign-amann from the cafe,” said Dad, putting it down on the counter. His shirt had SLEEP scrawled on it with a Sharpie; it was the one that Remus had made for him as a joke. He still wore it. Huh.
“Sweetie, what’s a queen amahn?” asked Papa.
“It’s a... er, it’s like a... this is kinda like a croissant that had dreams of a muffin tin and salted caramel. One for you, babe.... then one for Doodlebug-”
“Can I leave some for Roman?” asked Remus.
They exchanged a glance.
“Of course you can,” said Papa with a smile. “Your candle’s on the table. Also, I got the news about being accepted into university? Good job, kiddo. You know, that was your father’s alma mater.”
“Are you sure you want to go to school right away after...? No problem taking a gap year.”
Papa glared at Dad. “Be nice.”
“I’m sorry, Remus, it’s just...” Dad put down his coffee. “If you’re not ready, if you need more time-”
"I’m sure,” said Remus with a grin, trying to get rid of what he just remembered. “Trust me.”
“Please find a good way to put away the snickerdoodles, they’ve been there since last week!” shouted Papa.
June 12:
12:12 AM: its twelve twelve make a wish 12:15 AM: hey when does your phone bill go out? 12:20 AM: im just saying that would Explain some things 12:22 AM: i know your dad pays Everything like a year in advance 12:34 AM: tell him i say hi 12:34 AM: 12:34 MAKE A WISH
July 12:
3:30 PM: guess who’s a double major in bio and theatre!! 3:32 PM: marine biology babey 3:53 PM: it’s good for the SOUL 4:04 PM: this cute octopus reminded me of you by the way 4:10 PM: [Attachment: for_roman]
August 14:
6:24 PM: moving in is the Worst 6:32 PM: by the way i got a single 6:35 PM: no roommates 6:41 PM: still have the bunk tho 6:44 PM: also got ur favorite pillo
August 30:
2:12 AM: roman it is like two o’clock in the morning what the Heck are you doing here, 2:15 AM: if u see me wave Hi 2:32 AM: ok >:c 2:42 AM: dont mind Me just studyin on top of the planetarium 3:15 AM: tbh i didn’t even know we go to the same campus? haven’t seen you around or anything 3:17 AM: shit phones gonna di
September 28:
2:20 PM: i failed my test 2:22 PM: idk what to d 2:24 PM: *do
September 29: 7:30 PM: remember that octopus you gave me that eats negative emotions? 7:32 PM: it works!!
October 3:
1:10 PM:  You’d like the theatre program, really 1:15 PM: just so u know they’ve listed your name as an ‘honorary member of the class of’ 1:19 PM: that’s really nice of them. idk if your dad knows
October 23:
9:45 AM: i had to explain one of our inside jokes 8( 9:52 AM: i can’t Explain the deodorant thing that was One Time 9:55 AM: also why i’m called The Duke 9:56 AM: its bc you said it. not my fault 9:58 AM: its still cute pls call me that still 9:59 AM: pancake brunch pancake brunch pancake brunch October 31: 6:12 PM: sun’s down! joyous samhain 6:15 PM: i remember when you sewed me that octopus btw, the one that eats ucky feelings 6:19 PM: how long did it take you to get the laurel sachet into it?? 6:34 PM: also thank you thank you thank you for helping me find a friendly church to celebrate all saints day 6:47 PM: that year was a NIGHTMARE because you forgot to get your white candles and carnelian, and i forgot my holy water, so we were driving around town like Madmen 6:59 PM: it was worth it though 7:03 PM: i left you a script, i think you’ll like it.
November 9:
11:19 PM: i miss you so so much.
November 10:
12:20 AM: ignor this i drank like 12:24 AM: a lot 1:15 AM: i’m sorry i should’ve been with you 1:22 AM: i shouldve been there With You. 1:45 AM: but i wasn’t 2:20 AM: i didn’t know thered be a 4:11 PM: shit i just saw these. Sorry to bother you December 2:
10:10 AM: hey roman, been a bit. yea sorry about last time. too much of the Alcohol 10:13 AM: gonna go over to my parents’ house 1:00 PM: if you wanna come over, you can. dad’s making snickerdoodles and papa’s gonna watch atla (yes i still have that dvd you got me do not @ me it’s with your candles on your table just like everything else) 1:03 PM: that was on the dot, i’m happy.
December 21
8:34 AM: hey, it’s snowing 9:13 AM: couldn’t help leaving you some hot cocoa. and snickerdoodles of course 10:12 AM: i love you Remus went to go help his dads with making breakfast, but by the time everyone was done cleaning and they had finished watching some shitty Hallmark movie, he remembered that he had left his phone upstairs. Going upstairs and looking at it, he felt something in him break.
[2 Unread: Roman <3, bf’s dad]
10:22 AM, Roman <3: Why are you texting this number? 11:15 AM, bf’s dad: Remus, disregard that last, I’m so sorry. I just found his phone and I saw only the recent message first
The phone started ringing. Remus answered it as quickly as he could.
“I’m so sorry Mr. Sanders I didn’t know that someone was actually getting these messages I thought the line was out,” he said within a few seconds before the person on the other side sighed.
“No, it’s quite all right. And Virgil’s all right, by the way, if you prefer. I... I was just looking through his things for the first time. You know, it being a holiday and all... Memories, things like that.”
“Yeah, I understand.”
“I just turned the phone back on, I’m getting a lot of messages.”
“Oh.” Remus stared at the wall, trying to come to terms with everything. “Well, I--”
“I’m not going to stop paying for his phone. I’m sorry, I just... I still have his voicemails on it, and I can’t stand the thought of it going offline either.”
“Right, I... I listen to it too.”
“I happened upon the last one he sent to you.”
“You looked at the messages?”
“I only looked over when I stopped getting new ones, but I saw the last question he sent you. For your ring size.”
“Yeah? He asked my ring size so that he could--”
“There’s no easy way to say this, but.. I found something of his. Can you come over?”
“I’m sorry, I can’t, but can you please tell me what it was? Please?”
“I really think I should tell you this in person.”
“Please, Mr. Sanders. Please, I... I can’t manage that.”
He sighed. “All right, Remus. I found an early acceptance letter to SJAU, and... and a ringbox.”
Remus felt his grasp on the phone grow weak. It fell onto the bed, Mr. Sanders’ voice still clear.
“I think he was going to ask for you to....”
“No, we... We were just out of high school, I-- that doesn’t make sense.”
“He always was one for those romantic gestures. There’s some poems here, too. A life-plan. I’m not sure exactly what malacology is, but--”
“Mollusks. Like octopi and squids.. Sorry for cutting you off, what was that?”
“Some of it’s in your handwriting, but one of the entries is ‘ask him’, for the day after... you know.”
God, he could hear his sad smile through the phone. He knew exactly how Mr. Sanders looked right now just talking to him, probably wearing that hoodie that was too big on him, in a dusty room full of things that used to belong to the most vibrant person that Remus had ever met.
But then Roman had died.
He was the most wonderful person, and he had just died.
“I’ll come over to deliver the ring to you. Is that okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah, that’s... that’s fine. Uh, call my dads first, though. They’re still not convinced I’m doing okay.”
“I understand. I’ll talk to you later, Remus.”
“Thank you, Mr. Sanders.”
The line went dead in his hands.
Remus held himself and wept.
December 28:
12:30 PM, Remus Picani-Kleitman: Mr. Sanders, would you like to come over for our New Year’s party? 12:34 PM, Remus Picani-Kleitman: It’s a tradition we had. You don’t have to if you’d rather not. 12:45 PM, Virgil Sanders: I’d love to go.
January 1:
12:00 AM: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! 12:05 AM: [Attachment: :)] 12:07 AM: we are all smiling in this photo and for that i think we deserve a hug. 12:10 AM: this rings the most beuatifl thing i’ve ever fuckign seen. thank you,, 12:14 AM: never gonna get rid of it <3 12:16 AM: it looks Good on my finger 12:30 AM: jsyk your dad’s asking my dads for the kouign amann recipe 12:32 AM: thats a pastry, i left those for u a while back 12:39 AM: okay i’m crying a bit but honestly, i love u 12:44 AM: I love you so so so much, Roman
Somewhere out there, whether it was from some wonderful paradise or beyond the veil or even only in wishful thoughts, Remus knew that someone was saying I love you too.
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acciowxnder · 5 years
when i went ia all my requests disappeared from my inbox unfortunately, but i still want to write for you all so i'm making a new prompt list for all of you to request from ! just send the number or numbers of the prompts you like with the character you want me to write them for and i'll happily accept your request. i write for pretty much any harry potter character but if you have any questions dont hesitate to ask me.
you can send your requests to my ask box here 
1. "if you take my hand i promise i'm not going to let go."
2. "why didnt you tell me how you felt sooner? now it's too late."
3. "you are the loveliest person i've ever met, you know that?"
4. "i need to move on but you wont let me."
5. "please stop trying to get yourself killed without me."
6. "we've done everything together since we were eleven years old, that doesnt change now."
7. "you broke my heart."
8. "i think i want to marry you."
9. "no, wake up. you promised you werent going to leave me. not like this."
10. "i'm afraid if i dont kiss you soon i might die."
11. "you're lying." "if you think i'm lying then you truly dont know me at all."
12. "i'm so lost without you, its pathetic."
13. "i know you said you dont like celebrating your birthday but . . . i got you a little something."
14. "you're not as bad as you'd like people to think."
15. "wanna go for a late night broom ride?"
16. "being this old and yet being this young is so confusing. it doesnt help that 'he who must not be named' is trying to kill me and my friends."
17. "i love you." "no, you dont."
18. "oh my god, i love this song."
19. "hey, stay awake, sweetheart. its gonna be okay."
20. "you two are so cute, it's almost sickening."
21. "were the letters from you?"
22. "i really wish i could forget as easily as you, but i cant and it hurts."
23. "how long has it been since you slept?"
24. "i'm not making you choose. because i know you wouldnt choose me."
25. "what if they hate me?" "they'll love you."
26. "i'm gonna make sure you have the best day ever, but every day from now on."
27. "we were young." "that doesnt mean our feelings were invalid."
28. "lately i think i've only been truly happy when i'm with you."
29. "you cant keep acting like you arent mad at me, it doesnt work. you're a terrible actor."
30. "the moon wishes it was as pretty as you."
31. "when you think of home, what do you think of?"
32. "i hate fearing for my life everyday, its exhausting."
33. "i need you. and like it or not, you need me too."
34. "you're supposed to be helping me with my homework."
35. "do you still love me?"
36. "all you are is a memory, a very distant one."
37. "you were my first love, nothing can change that."
38. "we cant fall apart like this. it's exactly what he wants."
39. "you know i'm your biggest fan."
40. "no matter what, i'm not letting you fight anything or anyone alone."
41. "you're my best friend."
42. "i cant think of anyone else i would have rather been young with."
43. "let's run away."
44. "you lied to me and i let you because i loved you."
45. "i trust you more than myself sometimes."
46. "i cant leave my room ever again, i dont want to bump into them. i dont want to see them."
47. "the least i can do is lay here and suffer with you."
48. "you dont deserve them."
49. "tell me you love me and i might stay."
50. "were you even happy with me?"
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chimcharstar · 5 years
Get To Know Me Uncomfortably Well
1. What is you middle name?
2. How old are you?
3. When is your birthday?
dec 9
4. What is your zodiac sign?
5. What is your favorite color?
6. What’s your lucky number?
7. Do you have any pets?
8. Where are you from?
bc canada. my great grandparents are from russia
9. How tall are you?
5 something
10. What shoe size are you?
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
3 that i actually use
12. What was your last dream about?
i dont remember my most recent one but i had a banger of a dream i described in another post
13. What talents do you have?
i think expressing myself, or music, i have some talent that needs discipline
14. Are you psychic in any way?
well i am a spiritual person, in a way. and growing up in a toxic drama filled family, i have Developed the Skill of guessing how people are feeling and what they are gonna do. and i analyze dreams. so not psychic but i am really interested and intuitive whats goin on in there
15. Favorite song?
for some reason https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oilVq8-F4_Q colours by roosevelt ive been obsessed with lately i just loop that shit. loop loop loop. blaringit into my ears and speedwalking down thestreet. the beat.!!!! i feel like I  took all the colours
16. Favorite movie?
spiderverse. i really enjoyed always be my maybe.
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
someone who doesnt make me feel like im Too Much
18. Do you want children?
19. Do you want a church wedding?
i have no idea actually. id want a special wedding definitely.
20. Are you religious?
yes, i honestly feel like i just come like this, i dont go by any books and i dont want to be associated with christians. if i be too religious i start getting the Bad Feelings
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
yes visiting sick relatives. and one in a psyche ward.
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
i got a parking ticket
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
no. maybe i did and i had no idea who they were because id never heard of them
24. Baths or showers?
25. What color socks are you wearing?
alien socks that are green and black
26. Have you ever been famous?
no. what does that even mean !!!!
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
yes because money but noooooo. its hard when one person definitely doesnt like me. if im famous some people just wont like me and theres going to be more of them
28. What type of music do you like?
stuff with electric guitars in it. funk. bops. i cant get enough lately
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
one. and sometimes NONE. i dont fucking know why its just more comfortable. id lie down on a floor and pass out
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
i usually cant fall asleep unless im on my face with my arms tucked under me for warmpth and general log shape. after that though its chaos. dreamin
32. How big is your house?
BIG!!!!!! so many rooms. so many people. 
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
on a Functional day, cereal. not because its my favourite thing but it doesnt require a lot of attention and its easiest to tolerate. my appetite is just. like this
34. Have you ever fired a gun?
HELL no.
35. Have you ever tried archery?
in my child days i shot my hair elastics around and pretended i was fighting aliens. this is definitely archery.
36. Favorite clean word?
i dont really think about words like that. pizza is a nice word.
37. Favorite swear word?
bitch. its really fun to say.
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
not all that long. if i was up the entire night i am usually sleeping in midday no matter where i am. ive disappointed many teachers. its called not caring.
39. Do you have any scars?
yes, but theres no dramatic stories to them, just me not leaving scratches and bites alone as a kid. they look kind of cool though. and theyre so mysterious. youd think id have scars from self harm but no.
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
i believe so...
41. Are you a good liar?
yes, when i am 100% like morally committed to lying.
42. Are you a good judge of character?
NO. my thought process is: its rude to assume someone is going to behave badly, and they will be offended and have hurt feelings if you anticipate that. i have to like. treat everyone with exactly the same respect unless theyre a dick. otherwise its being judgmental. and it ends up as naïveté. but im okay with that . the price of being a good person
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
i could do a british one once i guess LOL and it looks like now ive Absorbed a mexican accent but i never really try to talk in other accents
44. Do you have a strong accent?
i dont know how to answer this
45. What is your favorite accent?
idk i like new things i havent heard before. and thinking about how other languages work. theres a lot of different accents at my work and i honestly enjoy listening to them
46. What is your personality type?
that.... INFJ. see. psychic
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
one of the gay jackets
48. Can you curl your tongue?
dont think so
49. Are you an innie or an outie?
50. Left or right handed?
51. Are you scared of spiders?
depends. i had these big house spiders in my dungeon at my parents house, and id just be “hi” and set them free. but if i see one where im not expecting it i might yell a lot and tell everyone and run around and then set it free
52. Favorite food?
tacos from my old work. i was indeed. screaming, lost in the sauce. i waited until i was away from the restaurant because i knew all my dignity would vanish
53. Favorite foreign food?
idk... i need to eat more curry. i need more curryin my life. bring it on.
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
55. Most used phrased?
“this slaps” i feel like ive been saying that a lot
56. Most used word?
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
a whole entire fucking hour (when i wake up) otherwise 5min
58. Do you have much of an ego?
i do, but i hide it. 
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
chomp chomp. i am not a patient man.
60. Do you talk to yourself?
yes, when i know no ones around, or when im not worried about seeming like a crazy person at work
61. Do you sing to yourself?
62. Are you a good singer?
no. i can sing and it sound okay.  nice even. but good??? like beautiful?????? no.
63. Biggest Fear?
someone dying, natural disaster, new illness
64. Are you a gossip?
maybe. i feel like i have the Tendencies and then im like “am i being a bad person right now”. i want to know the deets though.
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
i Simply Dont Have the Attention for Those
66. Do you like long or short hair?
BOTH . long hair is more fun to draw. short hair is hot
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
fuck no. why would i. fuck off. i dont care about your states.
68. Favorite school subject?
69. Extrovert or Introvert?
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
71. What makes you nervous?
people who are not Definitely Cheerful
72. Are you scared of the dark?
no. unless i think about things to scare myself on purpose
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
no unless they need to know. because im not a fucking ANIMAL
74. Are you ticklish?
depends. i can be not ticklish if im determined.
75. Have you ever started a rumor?
i dont think so... i started a rumor i was from mars
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
maybe i was supposed to train some girls and then i probably didnt do a great job and they didnt listen. they say my job now is somewhat authority and im like...... ok...... 
77. Have you ever drank underage?
78. Have you ever done drugs?
79. Who was your first real crush?
someone whos OUTTA MY LIFE
80. How many piercings do you have?
two? i got them pierecd at claires lmao and i didnt get an infection because im  so salty. then i took them out because they were from claries
81. Can you roll your Rs?“
hell yes
82. How fast can you type?
so fucking fast. faster than my work finder helper. im fast im very fast
83. How fast can you run?
84. What color is your hair?
85. What color is your eyes?
86. What are you allergic to?
im still trying to figure that out. whatever it is gives me hives
87. Do you keep a journal?
yes. so i can get better at handwriting and just talking in general and hear what my voice sounds like. and to have a space away from other peoples needs and pressures
88. What do your parents do?
my mom is a stay at home mom and my dad shoots pop bottles into the sky
89. Do you like your age?
90. What makes you angry?
everything. cabbage. i swore about cabbage for a long time the other day. i am just full of anger. 
91. Do you like your own name?
YES. i mean i chose it i better. honestly my first name ......... i feel self conscious about it sometimes. i think it was the only name for me though. it wasnt the ideal most wonderful namei could find because those didnt fit, it was MY name.
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
im going to have two sons and im naming them brick and rusty.
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
yeah, i want a boy a girl
94. What are you strengths?
my strengths doing all 100 questions, this is serious muscles
95. What are your weaknesses?
the exhaustion of jumping from one question to the next especially when they are vague. im not complaining this was my idea
96. How did you get your name?
i pfound it in the baby name book and i was lie  “hey yyy, i saw that name in black beauty, lets use it for my gay coded villain what the hell!”
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
no but i did have some ancestors who lives i a mansions andhad fucking SERVANTS. before you call me problematic my other part of family was like sewing things and not going to school 
98. Do you have any scars?
weve been over this. when im older im going to get a cool scar fighting a dragon
99. Color of your bedspread?
pink, white, blue
100. Color of your room?
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gender? who is she? (they???)
chapter one: what’s my name again? link to prologue
summary: [18:00] ???: LUNA [18:00] ???: WHAT IF [??? (SumayaPotter) changed their name to harry?] [18:00] harry?: !!!!!! word count: 1,573 warnings: n/a a/n: we’re getting into it!!! hope u enjoy
read on ao3
[FRIDAY; 10.12.18]
  the golden trio™ [POTter (SumayaPotter), grangerstranger (HermioneGranger), DieselWeasel (RonWeasley)]
  [16:45] POTter: @everyone
[17:34] grangerstranger: What’s a mood [17:34] grangerstranger: Sorry [17:34] grangerstranger: What’s up
[17:36] DieselWeasel: how do you accidentally type whats a mood
[17:36] grangerstranger: Magic [17:36] grangerstranger: And a conversation going on next to me
[17:37] DieselWeasel: okay [17:37] DieselWeasel: sounds fake but . okay [17:37] DieselWeasel: a n y w a y [17:37] DieselWeasel: @POTter whats up
[17:40] POTter: oH [17:40] POTter: yh sry [17:40] POTter: if yall were th opp sex wht wld ur names b ?
[17:41] grangerstranger: Sorry just [17:41] grangerstranger: Give me a minute to decipher that
[17:41] DieselWeasel: #rekt
[17:41] POTter: r00d
[17:42] grangerstranger: Wait Maya
[17:42] POTter: ye
[17:42] grangerstranger: As in what our parents would've named us or what we'd want our names to be if we were the opposite sex
[17:42] POTter: idc both
[17:43] grangerstranger: William
[17:43] POTter: y
[17:43] grangerstranger: Well [17:43] grangerstranger: I don’t know what my parents were thinking when they named me [17:44] grangerstranger: But the name Hermione is from the winter’s tale by Shakespeare [17:44] grangerstranger: I'm not the hugest fan of Shakespeare but I'd still like to have an older name [17:44] grangerstranger: Plus his first name was William so it's still a nod to my parents
[17:44] POTter: damn out here w tht Knowledge [17:45] POTter: ron????
[17:46] DieselWeasel: uhhhhhhh [17:46] DieselWeasel: i mean if i had been born a girl it wouldve been ginerva bc yall KNOW ma and dad have been holding onto that for ages [17:46] DieselWeasel: but . harper maybe? i like that name
[17:46] POTter: huh [17:46] POTter: harperd fit u
[17:47] DieselWeasel: what about you
[17:50] POTter: idk [17:50] POTter: what do u think
[17:50] grangerstranger: Alex [17:50] grangerstranger: ?
[17:51] DieselWeasel: i mean ? would you want like [17:51] DieselWeasel: an ethnic name ? [17:53] DieselWeasel: imagine quotes on that lol
[17:53] POTter: ehhhhhhh [17:53] POTter: i wldnt b opposed but ? [17:54] POTter: idk rly i guess itd be cool either way [17:54] POTter: also @grangerstranger alex is nice
[17:54] DieselWeasel: mkay [17:56] DieselWeasel: what about harry [17:56] DieselWeasel: hari ? harry ? who knows
[17:56] POTter: OH [17:56] POTter: y e s [17:56] POTter: thank
[17:59] DieselWeasel: uh ? [17:59] DieselWeasel: no problem lol [17:59] DieselWeasel: :)
  ??? (SumayaPotter), luna! (LunaLovegood)
 [18:00] ???: LUNA [18:00] ???: WHAT IF
[??? (SumayaPotter) changed their name to hari?]
[18:00] hari?: !!!!!! [18:00] hari?: wait wait wait
[hari? (SumayaPotter) changed their name to harry?]
[18:01] harry?: i like this better i think [18:01] harry?: idk im still trying 2 figure it out
[18:04] luna!: oh! that's a lovely name. congratulations harry! i'm glad you've found something that suits you. :D
[18:04] harry?: :D
  [SATURDAY; 10.13.18]
  everyone except sumaya [granger (HermioneGranger), weasley_1 (RonWeasley), weasley_2 (GinnyWeasley), malfoy (DracoMalfoy), longbottom (NevilleLongbottom)…]
 [13:35] granger: I just want all of you to know I still disagree with the name of this chat
[14:57] malfoy: Yes, yes, we know. [14:57] malfoy: You’ve been saying that since the creation of this groupchat.
[15:15] weasley_1: #rekt
[15:28] granger: Shut up malfoy
[15:28] weasley_1: #rekt
[16:01] longbottom: ok but we haven’t had to use this chat for a couple weeks now? what’s up hermione?
[16:01] weasley_1: sus acting weird
[16:01] longbottom: okay but she’s always acting weird, what’s different about this time?
[16:02] weasley_1: we had an entire conversation about what our names would be if we were the opposite sex
[16:02] longbottom: oh. [16:02] longbottom: yeah okay that’s a bit weird. [16:02] longbottom: what did she say her’s would be?
[16:02] granger: That's the thing though [16:03] granger: She didn’t [16:03] granger: She asked us what we thought it should be
[16:03] weasley_1: here gimme a sec
[weasley_1 (RonWeasley) sent a screenshot.] [weasley_1 (RonWeasley) sent a screenshot.]
[16:05] parkinson: im dead her name is my MOOD
[16:05] longbottom: damn. okay. [16:05] longbottom: what do you think it means?
[16:06] weasley_1: i dunno why does it have to mean anything
[16:06] longbottom: well, obviously you think it means something - you wouldn’t have posted it here if you didn’t?
[16:06] weasley_1: damn youre right [16:07] weasley_1: i dunno? it just feels like kind of an odd thing to ask about ? [16:07] weasley_1: especially because its not like we were talking about names today or anything [16:07] weasley_1: it just seemed like an out of the blue subject thats all
[16:09] lovegood: if i may interject? i find it very likely that sumaya is simply settling into their personality, and part of that may include an exploration of the different facets of themself! [16:09] lovegood: her*, whoops!
[16:09] weasley_1: ? [16:09] weasley_1: oh okay
[16:09] longbottom: you’re so right, luna!
[16:09] weasley_1: huh yeah that makes sense lol
  #girlsforluna (GinnyWeasley), #boysforluna (NevilleLongbottom)
 [16:10] #girlsforluna: gay
[16:11] #boysforluna: :’) [16:11] #boysforluna: i can’t help it! she’s so [16:11] #boysforluna: wait.
  everyone except sumaya [weasley_1 (RonWeasley), longbottom (NevilleLongbottom), lovegood (LunaLovegood), granger (HermioneGranger), malfoy (DracoMalfoy)…]
 [16:12] longbottom: hey, @lovegood?
[16:13] lovegood: yes! hi neville!
[16:13] longbottom: hey! what pronouns are you using right now?
[16:13] lovegood: he/him for now! :)
[16:13] longbottom: okay! thanks so much.
[16:14] weasley_2: neville you fucking nerd i cant,,,,,,
  #girlsforluna (GinnyWeasley), #boysforluna (NevilleLongbottom)
 [16:12] #girlsforluna: you okay??? [16:13] #girlsforluna: oh my god lmfao
[16:14] #boysforluna: okay, i got it. [16:14] #boysforluna: he’s just so cute! and smart! and kind! and! ugh my god i love him so much.
[16:14] #girlsforluna: youre so fucking cute i wanna die [16:14] #girlsforluna: you really just paused an online conversation to get pronouns i love you oh my god [16:14] #girlsforluna: also. i feel you so hard he’s such a lovely person??? hhhh [16:14] #girlsforluna: anyway :)
[16:14] #boysforluna: :)
  everyone except sumaya [weasley_2 (GinnyWeasley), longbottom (NevilleLongbottom), lovegood (LunaLovegood), weasley_1 (RonWeasley), granger (HermioneGranger)…]
[16:15] lovegood: is everything okay, neville?
[16:16] weasley_2: oh yeah totally i just had the sudden and urgent realization that neville’s a fucking nerd
[16:16] longbottom: shut the hell up n stop ghosting u hoe
[16:17] parkinson: damn son okay [16:17] parkinson: i dont know if im more surprised tht u cursed or tht u didnt use Perfect Punctuation ???? either way im lowkey impressed good job
[16:17] longbottom: :)
  mione (HermioneGranger), nevs (NevilleLongbottom)
 [16:46] mione: Hey neville
[17:09] nevs: yeah, what’s up?
[17:11] mione: Do you think sue might be [17:11] mione: Trans or something?
[17:11] nevs: huh. [17:11] nevs: i guess i’d never thought of it but. [17:11] nevs: i suppose it’s entirely possible? [17:12] nevs: especially because she’s been wearing her hijab more often.
[17:12] mione: Yeah [17:12] mione: Wait but why would that mean shes trans?
[17:13] nevs: well, she has really long hair, and when she’s not wearing a hijab she usually has it in a braid because it’s easier to manage, right?
[17:13] mione: Yeah I know what hou mean [17:13] mione: You
[17:13] nevs: but it’s also a constant reminder that she has hair. [17:13] nevs: i mean, i was talking to luna the other day? [17:14] nevs: and he mentioned that on his masculine days he like to put his hair up, but only when he’s feeling really dysphoric. [17:14] granger: so now that i think about it in that light, it makes a lot of sense - [17:15] nevs: her hair goes into a bun when she puts it up, and it’s tight so she doesn’t have to think about it so much.
[17:15] mione: Oh [17:15] mione: Yeah that makes sense [17:16] mione: Thanks Neville
[17:16] nevs: no problem! [17:16] nevs: i probably wouldn’t go around sharing this with everyone, though. [17:16] nevs: especially because we don’t really know if it’s true or not.
[17:17] mione: Yeah of course
  hermyownknee (HermioneGranger), ronniekins (RonWeasley)
 [17:20] hermyownknee: Hey Ron
  ron (RonWeasley), luna (LunaLovegood)
 [17:34] ron: hey luna
[17:38] luna: hello, ron! is everything okay?
[17:38] ron: um . i think so?
[17:38] luna: okay! [17:40] luna: what did you want to talk to me about? [17:40] luna: i assume you contacted me for a reason? :)
[17:40] ron: haha yeah [17:40] ron: um [17:40] ron: dont take this the wrong way [17:41] ron: i know sometimes sumaya tells you stuff that she doesn’t tell me or hermione [17:41] ron: and that’s fine [17:41] ron: obviously shes allowed to make those kinds of decisions for herself [17:41] ron: but uh
[17:41] luna: she’s fine, i promise. [17:42] luna: i would tell you if she told me anything that i found concerning.
[17:44] ron: okay [17:44] ron: thanks
[17:50] luna: of course, ron.
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astralgloss · 6 years
im a curious meanie so 1-134 muhahaha you get to relive the hell i just went through
etab i haTE U
1: Name
my name is marit lol but please just keep it mar
2: Age
i am 17 but i’ll b 18 in 2 months!!!!
3: 3 Fears
the dark, complete and utter loneliness, and clowns
4: 3 things I love
books, forest fruit tea, the sound of rain
5: 4 turns on
a nice smile that reaches the eyes, a nice smell, having a dog ngl, a soft touch
6: 4 turns off
extreme arrogance, insisting to pay for my meal if i want to pay bc its “what a man should do”, forcing lifestyles on me, not caring about my interests
7: My best friend
she does have tumblr but idk it but hey demi if u ever see this ur the bomb.com
8: Sexual orientation
im bi fam
9: My best first date
my bf and i went to amsterdam to go shopping and he followed me everywhere (even the bookshop even though he hates books) and idk i just love him it was a nice day
10: How tall am I
im 1,65m or 5′4″ but i can and will kick ur ass
11: What do I miss
nothing really??
12: What time was I born
ok so i asked my mom and she said i was born on a tuesday at exactly 12pm but i bet she’s lying
13: Favorite color
yellow!! im basic!!
14: Do I have a crush
well i sure hope so @ boyfriend
15: Favorite quote
to the stars who listen, and the dreams that are answered
16: Favorite place
my bf’s house tbh, specifically his bed
17: Favorite food
pizza, specifically the hot chicken one from ny pizza
18: Do I use sarcasm
nah fam (ofc i do im a little shit)
19: What am I listening to right now
god is a woman by ariana grande
20: First thing I notice in new person
how they look at other people when those people don’t notice it
21: Shoe size
38/39 idk the other size lol sorry 
22: Eye color
its blue but it changes with my mood (oh my god im so sorry im kidding please don’t hate me)
23: Hair color
im a blondie
24: Favorite style of clothing
sth casual but also a bit towards the punkish style, but i also rlly love looking tiny and soft and cute lol
25: Ever done a prank call?
ok so there’s this hotline for kids who have troubles with their parents and families but it was a shit hotline tbh so once i called it up with my friends pretending i was crying and the man on the phone asked me what was wrong so i told him that all my friends had fire type pokemon and i only had grass type pokemon and they kept beating me and i didnt know what to do and then man was so confused it was funny af
27: Meaning behind my URL
idk man i wanted a name that could b easy to remember and i was inspired by ridgeport tbh
28: Favorite movie
the perks of being a wallflower
29: Favorite song
Fav song atm is anything from p!atd's newest album and my fav song of all time is probably train of consequences by megadeth
30: Favorite band
megadeth lol
31: How I feel right now
pretty good but also annoyed bc i have to go to work in half an hour :(
32: Someone I love
my bf
33: My current relationship status
if u guys havent noticed by now im taken
34: My relationship with my parents
p ok
35: Favorite holiday
36: Tattoos and piercing i have
I have my ears pierced and thats it lol
37: Tattoos and piercing i want
i rlly want a few bookish related tattoos, like a tiny raven, a little lightning bolt, and the city of velaris and then i also rlly want a sleeve tbh but imma be a teacher and idk if i can :/ about piercings: i rlly want a helix or tragus and maybe get second holes in my hearlobes
38: The reason I joined Tumblr
ok so ive been on tumblr for about 5 years and initially it was bc i was Depressed™ and then about a year ago i found out about simblr and i was hooked
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?
tbh i dont even talk to him anymore i dont rlly care about him in any way
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?
yes bih
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?
hes my bf so yea lol
42: When did I last hold hands?
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?
about 45 minutes bc im lazy and i keep getting distracted
44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?
45: Where am I right now?
in bed lol
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?
either my bf or my best friend
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?
depends on where i am
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?
49: Am I excited for anything?
tbh moving out but thats gonna take a few more years
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?
*insert bf here*
51: How often do I wear a fake smile?
every time im at work lol
52: When was the last time I hugged someone?
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?
lol bye
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?
55: What is something I disliked about today?
the fact that i have to work a day shift instead of an evening shift
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
my internet friends tbh it’d be cool to meet all the people from my bookish discord or from @booptherat​‘s discord
57: What do I think about most?
what book i should read next
58: What’s my strangest talent?
i can finish a book in about 4 hours
59: Do I have any strange phobias?
not rlly? i hate the whole asmr thing tho ew
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
behind lol
61: What was the last lie I told?
i dont remember tbh
62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
neither lol
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
look im not saying that believing that we’re the only living species in the entire universe is narcissistic, but it is. also dont fuck with ghosts
64: Do I believe in magic?
hell yes
65: Do I believe in luck?
hell yes
66: What’s the weather like right now?
idk probably cloudy and windy
67: What was the last book I’ve read?
fahrenheit 451 by ray bradbury 
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?
nah not rlly
69: Do I have any nicknames?
i guess mar?
70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?
when i was 2 i fell from sth and slammed the corner of my eye onto the corner of a table and i couldve been blind but thank god im not
71: Do I spend money or save it?
72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue?
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me?
post it notes
74: Favorite animal?
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?
reading lol
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?
idk man
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?
i gotta feeling by the black eyed peas lol
78: How can you win my heart?
give me a samoyed and a 1000 books
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?
“a boss ass bitch”
80: What is my favorite word?
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr
@cubersims​ @imvikai​ @ridgeport​ @cowplant-pizza​ @bloomlet​ @tiptoptab​
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?
spend fiddies, pet kitties, hold tiddies
83: Do I have any relatives in jail?
not that i know of lol
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?
the power to choose whatever power i want at any moment
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
“do you like working here?”
86: What is my current desktop picture?
its an august background from @emmastudies​
87: Had sex?
88: Bought condoms?
89: Gotten pregnant?
90: Failed a class?
91: Kissed a boy?
yup, i’ve been kissing my bf for about 2,5 years now lol
92: Kissed a girl?
yup, i’m living the bisexual dream lol
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?
94: Had job?
yes, im working at a movie theater right now!!
95: Left the house without my wallet?
tbh all the time now that i can pay with my phone
96: Bullied someone on the internet?
yea i used to but that was when i was 12 and i’d like to say that i’ve grown a lot in the past 5 years
97: Had sex in public?
98: Played on a sports team?
99: Smoked weed?
nope, even though i live like 20 minutes away from amsterdam lol
100: Did drugs?
101: Smoked cigarettes?
102: Drank alcohol?
yupppp, i love me some raspberry cider
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?
104: Been overweight?
105: Been underweight?
106: Been to a wedding?
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?
lol all the time tbh
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?
109: Been outside my home country?
yup, however never outside of europe tho
110: Gotten my heart broken?
a few times
111: Been to a professional sports game?
yess, i saw the dutch female volleyball team once!
112: Broken a bone?
113: Cut myself?
114: Been to prom?
we dont do prom in the netherlands lol
115: Been in airplane?
116: Fly by helicopter?
117: What concerts have I been to?
k3 (only dutchies and belgians remember this), one direction, megadeth, and ed sheeran
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?
119: Learned another language?
i mean im from the netherlands and im fluent in english thanks to myself
120: Wore make up?
121: Lost my virginity before I was 18?
122: Had oral sex?
lol yes
123: Dyed my hair?
124: Voted in a presidential election?
not old enough to vote :(
125: Rode in an ambulance?
126: Had a surgery?
127: Met someone famous?
128: Stalked someone on a social network?
129: Peed outside?
a few times lol
130: Been fishing?
131: Helped with charity?
132: Been rejected by a crush?
a few times
133: Broken a mirror?
lol yes
134: What do I want for birthday?
some books, money, cake, more books, makeup
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loofahlover · 6 years
i randomly found this really old rp between me an @lelepandewritium so i figure...might as well post it.
[9/2/2015 5:06:58 PM] leslye gomez: WELL NO TAKE THAT OUT
[9/2/2015 5:07:07 PM] leslye gomez: no depressed Luffy
[9/2/2015 5:07:25 PM] leslye gomez: JUST THOSE THREE YES OKAY GOOD
[9/2/2015 5:07:37 PM] leslye gomez: LUFF SAVES LONG HAIRED ZORO
[9/2/2015 5:07:48 PM] leslye gomez: WHO CUTS HIS HAIR LATER.
[9/2/2015 5:07:58 PM] leslye gomez: LUFFY HELPS HIM ADJUST
[9/2/2015 5:08:21 PM] leslye gomez: OKAY
[9/2/2015 5:08:23 PM] leslye gomez: YUS???
[9/2/2015 5:08:34 PM] loofahlover: YUS
[9/2/2015 5:09:02 PM] leslye gomez: just wing it
[9/2/2015 5:10:37 PM] loofahlover: Luffy first met Zoro on a rainy day: wet, crouched behind a dumpster, and eating a dead rat.
[9/2/2015 5:11:57 PM] leslye gomez: (I'm already so thrown off omg i laughed really hard i'm a terrible person)
[9/2/2015 5:12:48 PM] loofahlover: (XD i was inspired by something i watched today)
[9/2/2015 5:13:59 PM] leslye gomez: (WELL AMRIGHT THEN YOU WATCH WEIRD THINGS OKAY here i go)
[9/2/2015 5:15:25 PM] leslye gomez: Zoro wore ragged clothes, splatters of red here and there that Luffy didn't believe to be the dead rats blood.
[9/2/2015 5:19:33 PM] loofahlover: Luffy dropped his groceries, running to help the man; which became difficult when Zoro started swinging at him with a brick.
[9/2/2015 5:22:41 PM] leslye gomez: Luffy dodged best he could, suddenly more appreciative of the fast reflexes he developed over the years.
[9/2/2015 5:24:52 PM] loofahlover: Eventually Zoro passed out from sheer hunger, and Luffy had to discreetely drag Zoro to his apartment.
[9/2/2015 5:27:45 PM] leslye gomez: Without much else to do, Luffy laid Zoro on his bed and contemplated whether or not to call the police; he'd seen this man somewhere before.
[9/2/2015 5:29:04 PM] loofahlover: But he abandoned the idea in favor of raiding the fridge for his midtime snack.
[9/2/2015 5:29:20 PM] loofahlover: (try not to get too detailed or we'll never finish XD)
[9/2/2015 5:31:22 PM] leslye gomez: (That is true okay XD)
[9/2/2015 5:33:18 PM] leslye gomez: While Luffy was off doing that, Zoro woke up and stared in confusion around him,  beginning to panic since he thought he was being held captive again.
[9/2/2015 5:38:26 PM] loofahlover: -but he escaped, found an opening, bit and scratched his way out, they'd never again, weren't supposed to find him-
[9/2/2015 5:41:17 PM] leslye gomez: It was at this point that Luffy came back from getting his snack, an extra sandwich in hand, and rushed over when he saw Zoro panicking, "Heyhey! You're okay, you passed out so i brought you to my house!"
[9/2/2015 5:42:32 PM] loofahlover: "House?...I...Who are you?" Zoro demanded, shifting backward until his back hit the wall.
[9/2/2015 5:44:47 PM] leslye gomez: "Well, it's an apartment, but same thing." Luffy smiled and held out the sandwich to Zoro. "I'm Monkey D. Luffy! You seem hungry so I made you this sandwich if you want it."
[9/2/2015 5:46:12 PM] loofahlover: Zoro's nose caught a whiff of ham and sharp cheese, and suddenly the sandwich was gone and he was brushing the crumbs off his mouth.
[9/2/2015 5:49:20 PM | Edited 5:53:31 PM] leslye gomez: Luffy only smiled and plopped onto the floor, "Sooo, I'll make you another when that sandwich goes down, but uh, what were you doing eating a rat behind a dumpster?"
[9/2/2015 5:55:41 PM] loofahlover: "I was hungry." Zoro looked around, taking in the messy room, free of videocameras or locks or metal doors; was he safe now?
[9/2/2015 6:07:55 PM] leslye gomez: "Yeah but...well, alright. Do you have anyone you want to call? I have a phone you can use. Oh and, what's your name? Are you hurt? That looks like blood on your shirt." Luffy took a step closer, reaching a hand out to check if Zoro was okay.
[9/2/2015 6:10:07 PM] loofahlover: Zoro flinched at the contact but tried not to gouge the kid's eyes out because, well, he was ok, right? He hadn't done anything bad yet, and he'd even given Zoro a sandwich.
[9/2/2015 6:17:44 PM] leslye gomez: Luffy paused when Zoro flinched, being careful not to physically touch the man as he lifted Zoro's shirt up and examined all the cuts and scrapes on the mans chest, eyes widening at the large scar that crossed from his left shoulder and to his right hip.
[9/2/2015 6:20:39 PM] loofahlover: (I'm wondering if it might be easier to rp, so you wont be restricted to one sentence)
[9/2/2015 6:22:09 PM] leslye gomez: (Hmmmm do you wanna rp???)
[9/2/2015 6:23:00 PM] loofahlover: (SURE WHY NOT)
[9/2/2015 6:23:37 PM] leslye gomez: (That would take the restriction away. XD OKAY THEN SO DO WE GO HOW IT KINDA TURNED OUT??? YOU ZORO AND ME LUFFY??? Or do you wanna be Luffy)
[9/2/2015 6:27:28 PM] loofahlover: (eh, i don't really care)
[9/2/2015 6:27:52 PM] loofahlover: (and lol yeah, i removed the restriction, but this story has already exceeded my expectations XDD)
[9/2/2015 6:28:47 PM] leslye gomez: (It turned more rpish anyways XD OKAY THEN WE'LL JUST STAY HOW IT TURNED OUT. YOUR TURN ZORO. No more restrictiooon)
[9/2/2015 6:30:24 PM] loofahlover: Zoro immediately pulled his shirt down, retreating back into himself as the memories started coming back.
[9/2/2015 6:30:29 PM] loofahlover: (....its short OTL)
[9/2/2015 6:31:18 PM] leslye gomez: (LOL)
[9/2/2015 6:31:24 PM] leslye gomez: (What the)
[9/2/2015 6:31:48 PM] leslye gomez: (Okay sure it was supposed to be a normal LOL but ok)
[9/2/2015 6:36:27 PM] loofahlover: (well i didn't wanna talking about flashbacks again because i just did)
[9/2/2015 6:38:37 PM] leslye gomez: Luffy jerked back from Zoro, apologizing and hovering his hands over Zoro's shoulders. "Um, I think you should shower. You have some scratches there that can get infected and plus a shower might help you feel better. I have some clothes that will kinda fit you."
[9/2/2015 6:39:28 PM] leslye gomez: (Nyeh Zoro will probably have a lot of flashbacks. PTSD too perhaps?)
[9/2/2015 6:41:12 PM] leslye gomez: (With the whole flashbacks, anxiety and nightmares that he'll probably have)
[9/2/2015 6:43:20 PM] loofahlover: Zoro nodded. A shower sounded good, sounded...god, when was the last time he'd showered? Been around water that didn't make him gag? He turned to the kid. Stared him up and down. He didn't want to insult some who saved him, especially when, to be honest, he wasn't in any shape to fight back. But it was pretty obvious. The kid's clothes would never fit him.
[9/2/2015 6:49:10 PM] leslye gomez: Luffy blinked down at the man's obvious skepticism, grinning and letting out a laugh. "Not my clothes! I have...bigger shirts. It should fit you, no worries. Besides, I have sweats that stretch and if your ankles show, well, it's not a big deal right?"
[9/2/2015 6:54:34 PM] loofahlover: Zoro shrugged. He wasn't really in a situation to be picky about his clothes. So that's how he found himself shoved into a cramped bathroom, with the showerhead spraying up to his neck. But it was neck-high heaven. He scrubbed the grime away with his fingers, like ridding himself of the person he used to be and watching it flush down the drain. He reached for a bottle of shampoo, since Luffy had allowed it. His lips twitched the bright label that said: Berrylicious scent. Just like a kid.
[9/2/2015 6:54:43 PM] loofahlover: twitched at*
[9/2/2015 7:03:15 PM] leslye gomez: As soon as Luffy had shoved Zoro into the shower, he darted over to his computer and looked up exactly how to treat the minor wounds Zoro had on his chest. He had a first aid kit, but, he had no idea how to use it. As soon as he was done reading through instructions, he went ahead and pulled out a pot of soup that was shoved into his fridge, smiling at the memory of Sanji stopping by to cook it for him last night. With only mild frustration, Luffy got it heating up on the stove. There! He could eat this with Zoro after he treated him.
[9/2/2015 7:07:52 PM] loofahlover: (omg we're writing too many details again)
[9/2/2015 7:07:59 PM] loofahlover: (sorry I'm gonna speed things up a bit)
[9/2/2015 7:08:38 PM] leslye gomez: (shit yeah okay XD OR WE COULD LET THIS GO ON FOR A FULL WEEK AHAHAHA nah okay)
[9/2/2015 7:08:46 PM] loofahlover: (....THAT TOO)
[9/2/2015 7:08:50 PM] loofahlover: (LES DO IT)
[9/2/2015 7:09:01 PM] loofahlover: (oh you were joking. ok)
[9/2/2015 7:11:09 PM] leslye gomez: (na lets do it)
[9/2/2015 7:11:19 PM] leslye gomez: (sounds fun)
[9/2/2015 7:11:27 PM] leslye gomez: (I've gone a lot longer bruh XD)
[9/2/2015 7:13:54 PM] loofahlover: omg
[9/2/2015 7:13:59 PM] loofahlover: ALRIGHT LETS GO THEN
[9/2/2015 7:14:45 PM] leslye gomez: YUS
[9/2/2015 7:16:32 PM] loofahlover: zoro opened the bathroom door, embarrassed. the shirt was fine, as luffy had said, but the pants only went to above his ankles and were kinda riding up. he followed the scent of chicken and spices back into the kitchen, and his stomach gave another gurgle. and he'd thought the sandwich would be enough.
[9/2/2015 7:18:08 PM] loofahlover: (HOW)
[9/2/2015 7:18:24 PM] loofahlover: (DIDNT YOUGET TIRED OF IT)
[9/2/2015 7:18:35 PM] leslye gomez: (NO IT WAS GREAT)
[9/2/2015 7:24:59 PM] leslye gomez: Luffy turned when he heard Zoro's footsteps, smiling. "Hey! Okay so I had this soup in my fridge and we can eat that once it's hot. Right now I kinda wanna treat all those scrapes you have on your chest. And uh, well, I've never actually done it before but I have a first aid kit and I looked up how to do it." Luffy pointed him over to the couch in the living room where there was a first aid kit already set up. "Will you let me do it? Or I guess you could do it yourself if you want. Unless you'd rather go to a hospital. We could go."
[9/2/2015 7:28:30 PM] loofahlover: "NO." Zoro started coughing, having been silent for so long. "No hospitals." He didn't need people to know where he was. Didn't need to be found. By the wrong people. He held out an arm with a long gash, signaling Luffy to start treating him since he was so enthusiastic about it. He doubted Luffy could botch it too badly. And if he did? Well, Zoro had survived worse.
[9/2/2015 7:38:45 PM] leslye gomez: Luffy blinked, wandering back into the kitchen and grabbing a bottle of water. "Here you go." Luffy let Zoro open the bottle before taking his arm and examining it. "Let's see, I have to..." he started mumbling under his breath, reaching into the first aid kit and pulling out anti-septic wipes. He stuck his tongue out as he concentrated on cleaning Zoro's array of wounds, having to get up and look at his computer more than once as he went. Everything went more or less smoothly. Until, of course, he had to wrap the wounds. They came out messy, pieces up the white bandage poking out and some areas being too loose while others were too tight. Luffy grinned at Zoro and rubbed the back of his neck. "Shishishi! Sorry, I'm not very good at this part!"
[9/2/2015 8:01:36 PM] loofahlover: "it's fine," he said, inspecting the messy bandages. he'd been watching luffy try his hardest at first aid, probably for the first time in his life. it was a little endearing. and that smile of luffy's was so warm. honestly, everything about him was. just the way he picked zoro up, basically saved him. gave unconditionally, without any suspicion or any interrogation on just where he came from. it was a little too much to accept.
[9/2/2015 8:08:00 PM] leslye gomez: Luffy nodded, shoving whatever supplies were left into his first aid kit without bothering to organize it and tossing everything else into the trash. "Okay! Well the soup should be done now so come eat--uhhh, right, I still don't know your name." Luffy looked over at Zoro expectantly. He'd like to have something to call him instead of just saying 'hey you'.
[9/2/2015 8:08:57 PM] leslye gomez: (casually sips on mah coffee)
[9/2/2015 8:09:12 PM] loofahlover: (DAMN YOU LELE)
[9/2/2015 8:09:23 PM] leslye gomez: (AHAHAHA)
[9/2/2015 8:12:02 PM] loofahlover: Zoro opens his mouth automatically- and it frightens him. How unguarded he's become around this kid. Doesn't matter what Luffy's done, there's no way Zoro can give his name up to a stranger, not when it can be traced through the system. He's got to leave the city limits before that happens. "Gomez," he lies, silently apologizing to Luffy.
[9/2/2015 8:12:24 PM] leslye gomez: (WOW)
[9/2/2015 8:12:57 PM] loofahlover: (don't mess with mah coffee addiction)
[9/2/2015 8:13:55 PM] leslye gomez: ( GRABS ANOTHER CUP OF COFFEE FROM MY COFFEE MAKER )
[9/2/2015 8:14:59 PM] loofahlover: (HOW DARE YOU)
[9/2/2015 8:21:25 PM] leslye gomez: Luffy beamed, nodding his head. "Okay Gomez! You just sit here--" He patted one of the chairs by his tiny kitchen table "--and I'll get you a bowl of soup!" He darted over towards one of his cupboards and pulled out two large bowls, filling up one with a bigger helping of veggies and chicken and placing that one in front of Zoro along with a chunk of bread he tended to eat with the soups Sanji made him. He also went ahead and pulled out a carton of orange juice from the fridge, remembering that whenever he gave blood they gave him some because it...helped replenish what he lost, or something.
[9/2/2015 8:21:42 PM] leslye gomez: ( TURNS SAID COFFEE INTO ICED COFFEE CUZ IT'S HOT )
[9/2/2015 8:22:40 PM] loofahlover: (TOO HOT)
[9/2/2015 8:22:43 PM] loofahlover: (HOT DAMN)
[9/2/2015 8:23:28 PM | Edited 8:24:28 PM] leslye gomez: (Zoro? Yes he is too hot. and I just remembered the long hair holy shit it's probably hanging over his shoulder right now)
[9/2/2015 8:26:49 PM] loofahlover: zoro nodded his thanks and took a sip of the soup. then another. then started slurping it down like his life depended on it, even though that was no longer the case. between scarfing down the soup, the bread, and the juice, he started coughing from eating too fast, but he wouldn't let that stop him. it had been so long since he'd been full, and he wanted to take advantage of that before. before luffy changed his mind. before zoro was kicked out and he had to fend for himself again.
[9/2/2015 8:35:13 PM] leslye gomez: Luffy was a bit more restrained when he ate. Just barely. He wasn't known for his manners y'know. Luffy slurped up the rest of his soup before looking up at Zoro with a smile. "There's more if you're still hungry. Though I don't think it's very good for you to each so fast or too much if you've been hungry for a long time. Sanji told me that! And you can stay here tonight or for however long you need to. I don't mind at all! S'nice having company."
and they fall in love with each other the end.
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wiener-blut · 6 years
i was tagged by my bb @babypaulchen ages ago and now the time has come to finally do this shit!! i told u i was gonna do it Brig!!
rules: answer these 85 questions and tag 20 people (i wont tag anyone bc im doubting i even know 20 ppl on here lmao)
— what was your last…
1. drink: peach flavoured ice tea 2. phone call: my mom bc i asked her if shes interested in some hyacinth bulbs for her garden since the ones that stood in my room decayed 3. text message: to my cousin, setting a time where we can call and chat 4. song you listened to: actual surprise - its not Rammstein *ooohs and aaahs fly through the crowd* it was “The Schuyler Sisters” from Hamilton 5. time you cried: yesterday bc i had the worst fucking headache ever and i was being a whiny bitch
— have you ever…
6. dated someone twice: nope 7. kissed someone and regretted it: uhh no? 8. been cheated on: no 9. lost someone special: yes 10. been depressed: yes 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: yes, multiple times and ive come to the conclusion that throwing up makes me feel better afterwards like im back to being able to actually perveice my environment again lmao
— fave colours
12. black 13. pastel pink 14. actually i kinda love all colours idk
— in the last year have you…
15. made new friends: yes! 16. fallen out of love: no 17. laughed until you cried: yes, multiple times, good 18. found out someone was talking about you: like uh shittalking? idk so i guess not 19. met someone who changed you: uhhh kinda? 20. found out who your friends are: um well i found out that my friends are good friends and that i love them and that i dont want to miss any of them 21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list: what? u can “kiss” someone on facebook? lmao i didnt take a look on facebook for literally years .......man i had a massive brainlag here. i thought u can now “kiss” ppl on facebook like u can “poke” ppl on facebook and it didnt come to my mind this could mean “irl” lmao bury me IF it means irl tho, then yes
— general
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: pff idk man who the fuck still uses that shithole of a site anyways
23. do you have any pets: no but i had a super cute and fluffy bunny and i still miss him and think about him everyday also i plan on having half a farm and half a zoo in the future
24. do you want to change your name: not anymore; i used to hate my name bc its so outdated and the only answer i ever got on introducing myself was “hey my grandma has the same name isnt that funny” but then more and more people told me my name was pretty and unique and well now that im older (sounds like im 40 lmao) im even kinda fond of it
25. what did you do for your last birthday: umm uhh i guess i was studying for my exams lol but i remember my gf cooking an amazing dinner for me 💖
26. what time did you wake up today: uhhhhhh smth around 9am i think
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: actually sleeping for once bc that headache knocked me out completely
28. what is something you can’t wait for: fucking going to fucking Hamburg in fucking five fucking days
30. what are you listening to right now: the birds chirping outside
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: yes i had a classmate named Tom........he was a bit strange tho.......
32. something that’s getting on your nerves: i cant think of anything rn
33. most visited website: Tumblr and Youtube
34. hair colour: natural? blonde / current? dyed it pink two weeks ago
35. long or short hair: long ass hair and i mean, literally, they reach all the way down to my hips
36. do you have a crush on someone: ohhhahahaha so, so many, one - and maybe the king of em all - being Christoph Schneider (not obvious at all cough cough)
37. what do you like about yourself: uhhhhhhhhhhh.........;;;;; i guess... uh... *insert more unintelligent noises* maybe my legs?
38. want any piercings: no, except for maybe some on my ear
39. blood type: 0 positive, i think
40. nicknames: Lily
41. relationship status: super duper gay af with @haifisch-ohne-traenen
42. sign: officially capricorn (i like to say “the last capricorn” bc it sounds like “the last unicorn” and well my birthday is on the last day that still counts as capricorn), but honestly im more of an aquarius
43. pronouns: she/her
44. fave tv show: i recently watched Grimm and the story was okay but the cast was like super adorable and i fell in love with every single one of them
45. tattoos: none. YET. i have plans for so much i just am very bad at deciding
46. right or left handed: right handed 47: ever had surgery: okay, small story time. there are these childrens books by german illustrator and author “Janosch” in which a tiger and a bear are best friends and i used to love those books. so once, tiger got ill (his stripes slipped out of place) and he needed to see the doctor. and the exact line was “soothing small shot, blue dream, surgery over, noticed nothing, tiger healthy”. and i once was in the hospital bc there was something wrong my nose (i dont remember what it was tho) and so they anaesthetized me (and my fav stuffie which i brough with me for mental support) and afterwards i told everyone of my “blue dream” and everyone was like ????? wtf kid bc they didnt know what i was talking about and it was just some months ago when i finally found out that a narcosis isnt called a “blue dream” and that i just knew this bc of this books which i adored and tbh i was like MY WHOLE LIFE IS A LIE “BLUE DREAM” IS AN ADORABLE TERM FOR IT 48. piercings: none 49. sport: i did ballet for 15 years and i still love to dance around the house and the mother of my best friend once called me cute bc i cant stand still and always spin around or stretch my toes while lifting my leg or do some pliés and tbh i wasnt even aware of that
50. vacation: uh...i love? lmao
51. trainers: umm like my shoes? mostly wearing my black doc martens
— more general
52. eating: i love me some good salad with tomatoes, mozzarella and tuna but ngl a pizza margherita could beat that salad any time. or a nice ragout fin. or mac’n’cheese. i love food in general, okay
53. drinking: i’d kill for a tequila rn. but like non-alcoholic beverage - plain water, yes thank u
54. i’m about to watch: some movie with my gf which we havent decided on yet
55. waiting for: my gf to return home from work so i can smooch her pretty face
56. want: to cuddle honestly
57. get married: since its legal in germany for some months now... idk tbh, its not smth i debate about on a daily basis
58. career: um i have a vague plan for becoming a speech pathologist but yea... its very vague
— which is better
59. hugs or kisses: hugs
60. lips or eyes: gotta say eyes
61. shorter or taller: i dont care actually
62. older or younger: um sweats loudly...... older (fun fact i recently calculated the average age of my celebrity crushes....yes i was bored.... and it resulted in 50.... well.....)
63. nice arms or stomach: arms, fucc me up
64. hookup or relationships: relationships
65. troublemaker or hesitant: me? kinda both
— have you ever
66. kissed a stranger: no 67. drank hard liquor: yes 68. turned someone down: not really?
69. sex on first date: nope
70: broken someone’s heart: probably
71. had your heart broken: uh yea...kinda
72. been arrested: no
73. cried when someone died: yes, im a whiny bitch so i cry easily
74. fallen for a friend: yeah binch im dating that lovely ho right now... im gonna leave Brig’s answer here bc its perf and same here
— do you believe in
75. yourself: ugh
76. miracles: i want to
77. love at first sight: no
78. santa claus: i want to lol but no
79. angels: fuck yes
— misc
80. eye colour: blue-gray-green-ish mud 81. best friend’s name: Dana
82. favourite movie: so? much? i cant decide, really
83. favourite actor: Tom Hiddleston, i love this british dork, lemme tell u
84. favourite cartoon: phuh, idk i dont really watch cartoons
85. favourite teacher’s name: SWEATS LOUDLY AND AGGRESIVELY i had two massive teacher crushes back in my school days and that makes me a bit biased but im gonna say Herr Wolf was a great teacher bc he always said “hey, astronomy’s a minor subject, the test won’t be hard and i wont give u homework, u guys concentrate on math, german and english” and tbh we need more teachers like that
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s3venpounds · 5 years
1 - 102
thanks for the ask anon, at this point im sure yall already know everything about me but hey whats a couple more questions c:
1.) what’s a song you depict with your childhood?
YIKES tough right off the bat huh? it would have to be the opening to digimon frontier ayyyyyyyyyy i still listen to that shit every fucking month. its that or disney’s hercules i can go the distance that shit was just MMMMMMM good shit2.) did you have a memorable childhood pet?
yep a blue and white love bird my family called quick silver we taught it to do adorable little tricks like pick up our pencils when we do homework and it rolls away3.) have you ever been drunk?
hehe yeah fun times4.) have you ever tried drugs?
yup! curious about trying more hard drugs but also i dont wanna get addicted or like idk die/get arrested5.) have you ever completely regretted what you’ve said?
ALL THE FUCKING TIME. infact at work i told a customer we didnt have a thing and the customer was like whats that right behind u, and it was the thing they were looking for i felt so stupid lmao6.) have you ever made someone cry?
yeah.7.) has someone ever made you cry?
yeah.8.) have you ever been in love? if so, describe the moment you knew it.
honestly idk if i ever have been in love. I would think that i have but yknow you never know what the future holds so looking back something in the past could pale in comparison to something in the future9.) which came first the chicken or the egg?
the chicken, evolved from some other bird10.) are you part of the lgbtq+ community? do you support them?
dunno if im part of the community by status but i wholeheartedly approve and support them. speaking just for myself though I just think I’m me and nothing else. whether im non binary or male or female or something else doesn’t matter to me. im attracted to who im attracted to, feel what i feel, and do what i want with a hint of salt. If plants can have like 10 000 genders or whatever, then anyone can be whatever they want unless its something fucked up like age fluid lmao if youre 60 youre 60 even if you have the “mind of a 14 year old”11.) how many siblings do you have?
412.) have you ever been in love with someone you couldn’t love?
yeah in fact just recently13.) are you a good cook?
fuck no. i fucking wish tho, not even a good cook i just wanna be able to copy recipes on tasty’s facebook page hahaha14.) what is your favorite tv show?
right now i dont have one and i definitely dont watch tv shows often unless you count anime then haikyuu!! or My hero Academia15.) what is the last movie you cried during?
i think it was a tyler perry movie something about a funeral and a family reunion honestly i cry when any movie has a really strong family sorta bonding specially if the family was broken at first and they all healed together and became closer as a result16.) what are songs you’ve cried to when you first heard them? (if any)
none, i did cry whe i was listening to wild wild love by GRL and pitbull for some reason? 17.) do you have a middle name?
nope i do have a nickname given to me by distant relatives18.) have you been out of your country?
yeah thankfully ive been out of canada multiple times19.) are you a chocolate fan or not?
love chocolate in fact im drinking hot chocolate right now, little cold going on so i need it20.) how many people have you kissed?
lips? less than 15, in general no matter where? couldnt count21.) what is your favorite album?
the only album i loved in its entirety has been marianas trench master piece theatre22.) what is your dream car?
2003 dodge viper23.) what is your lucky/favorite number?
i always wanted to be ironic and say 13 but i’ve kinda been leaning towards 10 like hinata’s jersey number24.) what is your favorite flower?
lilacs cuz the color25.) books or movies, why?
movies, less thinking for me26.) have you ever been on a blind date?
nope but i’d love to try it27.) has one of your friends ever backstabbed you?
yep28.) have you ever backstabbed one of your friends?
i dont think i have? not consciously.29.) what thing do you symbolize love with?
an act of self sacrifice or something handmade or personally tailored to the individual receiving30.) do you have neat handwriting?
i adore neat handwriting! its like a breath of fresh air, simple and precise to read, and it feels like you can read faster when it is31.) do you have a friend with benefits?
nope but i’d love to have one!32.) do you want a friend with benefits?
just said but yeah i’d love one!33.) if you could be anything in the world, what would you be?
A hero.34.) have you ever been blackout drunk?
nope but my body refuses to drink any more alcohol once i get to my good buzz point. like all alcohol makes me wanna throw up the second i get past the point its almost like my mind and body are two seperate beings lmao35.) have you ever met someone famous?
i think i have? one time when i went bowling with some relatives, there was a crowd gathering around this blonde dude who was playing house of the dead and this one guy in the crowd approached me saying “ do you know who he is? hes famous?” and then i blanked out after that because i just wanted to watch someone play and mentally check out for an hour36.) how many concerts have you been to?
3 concerts! all which were very fun !37.) which concerts have you been to?
one was an ed sheeran concert for his divide album, another was a marianas trench concert in klondike days edmonton, and the last was a country concert im not sure who it was my sister wanted me to go with her38.) do you have a hidden talent?
i can match any generation 1 pokemon just from their cries some generation 2 but beyond that only a handful from each other generation39.) what do you do when you’re stressed?
masturbate. honestly its the only sure fire thing i’ve done that clears my head for the longest time and relaxes me lmao40.) do you think money can buy love?
of course! just depends how you use it! like if youre just throwing money at random people like “hey love me” itll be fake, but if you say, pay off a struggling student’s loans in full and give em a good fresh start im sure theyll be grateful to you for years to come. or if you pay for someone to get super super expensive surgery so they can die from old age rather than a disease or something then yeah they’d love you forever41.) how old would you date?
honestly not sure, i havent really tried dating anyone a lot older than me i usually date within 4-5 years older or younger? though i dont think i’d see a problem dating someone 10 years older than me42.) have you ever done something illegal?
hehe. ye.43.) what is your biggest fear?
death. too long to elaborate44.) what is an unusual fear you have?
fear of what happens after death45.) can you drive?
nope but i plan to learn how to and take my exam within the next 2 ish months46.) do you believe in supernatural creatures?
of course! as many evolutions that were made common place theres bound to be evolutions that somehow spurred legends and mysteries47.) do you believe in karma?
of course! 100% of the time i expect some stranger to just walk up to me and start slapping me or punching me or throwing water or soda in my face for something i did, though i also prepare myself to say” okay i probably deserved that but can i ask why?”48.) what is one quality you need in your partner?
need to love physical affection, if not i dont think i can last with them, physical affection is so important to me its just as important as saying i love you, it like reassures me that theyre there with me in that moment and that theyre happy and just. physical stuff tells me a lot ok49.) do looks matter?
on first impression? oh hell yeah. keep in mind strictly first impression. im not gonna cut off a potential friendship or relationship because someones not my type or whatever i cut people off if they do something fucked up and horrible50.) does size matter?
to some people im not one of them51.) who is the last person you forgave?
I can’t really remember, i forgive people for small stuff all the time but with big personal mistakes i usually hold grudges52.) what is your favorite ice cream flavor?
French Vanilla53.) what languages can you speak besides english?
none but i plan to learn sign language eventually that and visaya54.) ever been on a plane?
yep! i’ve been out of the country so that definitely means by plane i dont know anyone who goes on roadtrips long enough to get out of the country55.) ever been on a boat?
yeah! i thought i’d be seasick but turns out i enjoy being on the water its kinda calming56.) is there anyone you’ve lost touch with that you wish you hadn’t?
yeah my childhood friend ralph, cool dude but our friend groups and interests just kinda diverged57.) are there any friendships you regret?
yeah..58.) are there any friendships you wish you could make?
oh hell yeah! there was this one girl who always ate at the same cafeteria as me and my friend group and i regret not inviting her over and being her friend59.) have you ever stayed awake for 24 (+) hours?
yeah! specially during summer it really sucks and i only do that when my mental state is at a record low self punishment i spose60.) have you ever walked outside after 12 am?
hell to the yeah! its the best! like a music video or adventure but it really just helps me clear my mind. oh wait i guess that kinda counts for the calms me down thing so late night walks and masturbating bahahaha61.) have you ever seen a sunrise completely through?
yep! one time with an ex girlfriend! we stayed from 2 am till 10 am i think singing songs and talking and cuddling on those big swings with a bowl at the bottom62.) are you scared of rollercoasters?
NO !!! I LOVE ROLLERCOASTERS!!!! im kind of an adrenaline junkie!63.) on a scale of 1-10 how stressed are you usually?
i personally feel like a 3 but thats probably because im already used to a 7 because of old issues i need sorted out that i’ve just kinda grown to live with the stress64.) do you have any plans this weekend?
considering its sunday? no, next weekend? im working65.) do you miss anyone right now?
yeah. i miss em a lot.66.) who do you wish you were talking to right now?
K,Z, and C i miss em67.) if you could have any superpower, what would it be?
the power to fly or have wings that can make me fly. I associate flying with true freedom. 68.) who is your favorite superhero?
All Might69.) are you dirty minded?
ridiculously70.) what is your favorite song from every decade starting at that 80’s?
im too lazy for that shit bro…71.) how many kids, if any, do you want?
2 preferably? 72.) who is your biggest OTP?
im not super into shipping just cause it can get pretty toxic but asami and korra73.) what is your favorite food?
aw man im too much of a carnivore to pick just one thing man. uhh fried chicken or this one pork dish my mom makes thats super easy to make its like canned beans with this orange sweet kinda sauce and pork belly slices and potato chunks omggggg i eat so much of that. the last time my mom made that i actually ate the whole thing and i had to make more for everyone else lmao74.) do you want to be married one day?
yeah. it’d be nice not to have to worry about being alone for the rest of my life75.) dogs or cats?
dogs are great and so are cats though i have more patience for cats than i do for dogs. dogs to me are like energetic little kids and thats fine as long as im not dealing with them for an extended period amount of time i get drained pretty easy. cats are like roommates show you love and attention when they want but arent opposed to keeping you company the whole day76.) do you drink enough water daily?
i have no fukcing clue i literally just drink water whenever i have an excuse to drink.77.) have you ever seen a shooting star?
not that i know of? like theres a few times i think i did but i wanna see one thats like unmistakably a shooting star or comet thatd be neat too78.) if you had the opportunity to go to the moon, would you?
not long term? yeah id love to, just to feel what zero g feels like and the view of earth
79.) how many best friends do you have?
3 ish……..80.) when was the last time you cried?
a few nights ago when they stopped talking to me i cried like a little baby lmao ahhhhhhhhhh yikes81.) have you ever laughed so hard you peed yourself?
nope82.) have you ever made anyone laugh so hard they peed?
i think? there was this one dude who literally thought everything i said was genuinely funny though to this day i have no idea if he was serious or not. i also have not seen that dude ever since83.) if you could travel any where in the world, where would you go?
Venice Italy.84.) what are 3 words you would use to describe yourself?
Lonely, Filth, dependant85.) do you consider yourself a loyal person?
no, if my loyalty gets in the way of what i think is the right thing to do then i disregard the loyalty86.) what is your favorite season and why?
Winter. for some reason growing up i always felt like winter was unappreciated and i had this train of thought like “ even the cold needs to be loved” that and most of my wardrobe is just winter stuff. plus midnight walks feel so much nicer since its so cold out you know for a fact no one else would be walking around because whos gonna wait in a dark alley at -30 to mug, rape or kidnap someone.87.) have you ever told anyone you loved them, and didn’t mean it?
nope. if i ever said it i meant it.88.) do you know how to play any instruments?
not reliably. like i know some songs on guitar from youtube tutorials but i can’t play the guitar in all circumstances yknow like i learned the song without mastering the basics89.) do like like falling asleep to music or not?
nope. i need like silence to sleep but ambient noise is preferred. music gives my brain something to focus on and thus stay awake90.) what are you allergic to?
pet fur or feathers and stuff. my eyes get puffy, my nose clogs up and my skin itches91.) have you ever wanted to be someone else for a day just so you could see what there life is like?
a sad, extremely rich person and a happy, extremely poor person. to show me what to be grateful for92.) if you could be any character from your favorite tv show would you, and if so, who would you be?
huh, thats tough… if its haikyuu i’d love to be daichi, if its my hero academia its hawks or deku93.) if you could be best friends with any celebrity who would it be and why
Gal Gadot, I feel like she’d be such a positive influence on my life and that thing she does to people who are shorter than her where she cups their face in her hands omg i’d melt everytime. i just kinda wanna be like a little brother to her lol
94.) are you outgoing?
i would say i am?95.) have you ever wanted to kiss someone, but weren’t brave enough to?
oh fuck yeah im fucking gutless96.) are you a good flirt?
nope. awkward and weird af97.) have you ever been turned down, or have you ever turned anyone down?
yup all the time. part of life98.) which planet is your favorite?
never really thought about planets much but i do stan pluto as a planet99.) are you superstitious?
to an extent100.) are you a good listener?
i’d like to think i am101.) are you a good kisser
also like to think i am probs not102.) would you kiss any of your friends?
all of them honestly well not all of them. mostly cuz yknow theyre taken or theyd probably hate me if i did some of them are super defensive about physical intimacy
0 notes
writterings · 7 years
tagged by @beckology !!! rules are answer the questions and then tag some friends. (perfect timing too i did this all during a long car ride)
1. do you have a good relationship with your parents? it’s….complicated
2. who did you last say “i love you” to? no clue lmfaoooooo
3. do you regret anything? i regret hurting anyone i’ve ever hurt but otherwise nah
4. are you insecure? aren’t we all
5. what is your relationship status? if you have a crush on me, confess and let’s see where it goes from there
6. how do you want to die? okay. i’m 25, wearing designer brands, i’m fit and have had top surgery, and i just had an all week bender with all of my closest friends. i wake up in a ditch. i get up, and see that a parachute was attached to me. i have no memories of the past week and i reek of sweat, mud, blood, sex, and various intoxicating substances. i get out of the ditch to see that i’m in a corn field. i get out of the corn field and see that i’m near a strip mall which has a chinese food buffet in it. i take off the parachute, and try making my way over to the buffet but suddenly get hit by a 2007 volkswagon beetle. the driver calls an ambulance. as the EMTs start performing CPR on me, i feel my phone buzz multiple times. it’s my ex-lover, and a few of my friends, all of them texting me that they wish to know of my whereabouts because they still care about me and love me. i do not get to read these texts. i pass away in the ambulance as they rip off my shirt and attempt to use an AED on me.
7. what did you last eat? chocolate peanut butter fudge ;3
8. played any sports? i played basketball, softball, and soccer in middle school!
9. do you bite your nails? yes
10. when was your last physical fight? depends on your definitions of “physical” and “fight”
11. do you like someone? yes.
12. have you ever stayed up 48 hours? nah
13. do you hate anyone at the moment? yes myself and also several people who have wronged me
14. do you miss anyone? all the time all the time
15. have any pets? yep! a lizard and a goldfish (and my family has 4 cats)
16. how exactly are you feeling at the moment? tired
17. ever made out in the bathroom? no thats nasty
18. are you scared of spiders? YES
19. would you go back in time if you were given the chance? MAAAAYBE for educational purposes
20. where was the last place you snogged someone? in the back of a minivan filled with kids as their uncle drove us home from a paintball birthday party
21. what are your plans for the weekend? driving home from vacation and then work :/
22. do you want to have kids? how many? not really but if they happen, they happen
23. do you have piercings? how many? my ears are pierced
24. what is/are/were your best subject(s)? english and history!
25. do you miss anyone from your past? all the time all the time
26. what are you craving right now? romantic affection and maybe a slushie
27. have you ever broken someone’s heart? unfortunately yeah
28. have you ever been cheated on? nope surprisingly
29. have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? not really
30. what’s irritating you right now? im being forced to hang out with distant relatives i hardly know because they happen to also be vacationing like an hour away from where my family is vacationing
31. does somebody love you? i hope so
32. what is your favorite color? idk man it changes but rn its emo black
33. do you have trust issues? honestly???? it depends on how a person acts. if they do something that reminds me of someone else that i don’t like then YEAH i have serious trust issues with them.
34. who/what was your last dream about? getting railed by king alfor from voltron but then we were on a train and it was the 1800s and we walked into a saloon and i won a bar fight with my impressive fidget spinning skills (i was also a little drunk last night so maybe that was affecting my dreams)
35. who was the last person you cried in front of? my brother because he just came up to me the other night and was like “hey watch this video” and it was like a sad death scene in a movie and i was like “why would you make me watch this” and he was like “BECAUSE I DIDNT WANT TO BE THE ONLY GUY I KNEW THAT CRIED OVER THIS”
36. do you give out second chances too easily? no.
37. is it easier to forgive or forget i forget but i don’t forgive lol. like i’ll act like everything is fine if you’ve wrong me bur eventually it’ll all come spilling out and you’ll know then that i never forgave you.
38. is this the best year of your life? i hope not
39. how old were you when you had your first kiss? 15/16 ??? i forget lol
40. have you ever walked outside completely naked? yes
41. favorite food? pecan pie, milkshakes, and snickers bars
42. do you believe everything happens for a reason? no
43. what is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? check tumblr asjdjkskaksk
44. is cheating ever okay? no
45. are you mean? depends
46. how many people have you fist fought? depends
47. do you believe in true love? depends
48. favorite weather? HEAVY RAIN AT NIGHT
49. do you like the snow? its okay
50. do you want to get married? nah but if it happens it happens
51. is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? Y E S
52. what makes you happy? fly clothing and nice eyebrows
53. would you change your name? prolly
54. would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? ……yes
55. your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? “i’m flattered but i’m too old for you. like seriously my brother is about a year younger than you and i only see you as a younger sibling.”
56. do you have a friend of the opposite sex that you can act your complete self around? these questions were written by a cishet weren’t they
57. who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? my mom ????
58. who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? my cousin
59. do you believe in soulmates? depends
60. is there anyone you would die for? no. maybe. yeah.
i tag @magicalbenadryl @shipidtyshipship @pennamepersona @lifepassesbyinwaves and @squidisms 💕
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verdigrisprowl · 8 years
Feb 7 CAH @ Soundwave's Bar
Primus came, and proved he was Primus. Everyone flipped out a little. Several people were very angry. It probably didn't help that Primus kept making out with Astrotrain.
Prowl actually handled it pretty well. He completely skipped past all questions of theology and morality and started questioning the thermodynamics of spark production.
Soundwave won the first game; Primus won the second game; Prowl won the third game.
[7:42:29 PM] You have joined the game. [7:44:01 PM] thenightetc has joined the game. [7:44:16 PM] Shockbox has joined the game. [7:44:39 PM] *well, the group WAS great. and then shockwave showed up.* [7:44:47 PM] ((Hello, hello. Will start in another 6-11 minutes.)) [7:45:07 PM] Airachnid has joined the game. [7:45:31 PM] *In the meantime, Soundwave is still pulling things out from under the bar and placing them up top with his feelers while still adding chairs with his hands.* [7:45:32 PM] ((Is this, how do I put it, strictly IC, or can anyone join?)) [7:45:37 PM] *don't worry dad he'll protect you* [7:45:43 PM] *He just came out here to have a good time* [7:45:59 PM] ((TheNight, consider yourself here by holo with Frenzy as helper.)) [7:46:09 PM] ((Awesome, thanks!)) [7:46:36 PM] ((its IC but relatively for-fun yeah, all are welcome)) [7:47:02 PM] [Almost debated dragging my warbird in here. ouo] [7:47:20 PM] BetterStarscream has joined the game. [7:47:32 PM] ((Cool, I just didn't want to step on any toes by ignoring the etiquette.)) [7:47:48 PM] *Pings all around for those joining so far* [7:48:08 PM] *Except you, Getaway.* [7:48:17 PM] *didnt want your stinky ping anyway~* [7:48:21 PM] [sneaking in quietly] [7:48:45 PM] *Small chuckle from the wall where he was relaxing until the game started* [7:48:45 PM] *FLOUNCES in* [7:48:47 PM] *ooh, does tara get a ping too? he's faintly giggling at the wall he graffiti'd a while back* [7:49:05 PM] *ew, why Starscream AND Shockwave. gross.* [7:49:12 PM] *Flounces is a good word.* [7:49:14 PM] *waves and eye-smiles at the Boss* [7:49:20 PM] *but Prowl is here! that's good.* [7:49:26 PM] *To be fair, the /host/ is a soundwave.* [7:49:28 PM] Heya, Prowl! [7:49:30 PM] *Soundwave glances at the Starscream. That's... is that the one from-- okay, Ravage is nodding.* [7:50:09 PM] [she expected Shockwave, but still not happy about it] [7:50:19 PM] *nods to everyone who's greeted him. it's a very versatile nod.* [7:50:20 PM] And Soundwave, Bug, Getaway. [7:50:39 PM] *the host may be a Soundwave but he's not a DECEPTICON gosh* [7:51:01 PM] #hello! [7:51:14 PM] *Glances at Prowl. Will try to not get into arguments this time around. Will probably fail* [7:51:27 PM] *glances at Starscream* ... If I'd known YOU were going to be here, I would have asked for a ride. [7:51:48 PM] Hey, Ratchet. *casual wave without straightening in his seat* [7:51:57 PM] (( Ah, crap, actually...I should be doing some homework I forgot. Maybe I'll join a later game. )) [7:52:04 PM] (( Brb, in the case that I rejoin at some point. )) [7:52:08 PM] ((Ah! Okay. Good luck with homework.)) [7:52:11 PM] ((ok, good luck dude)) [7:52:25 PM] ((ARE WE READY?)) [7:52:28 PM] ((good luck. homework fast.)) [7:52:33 PM] ((I am so ready.)) [7:52:38 PM] ye)) [7:53:00 PM] *takes seat. with helper card-wrangler Rumble.* [7:53:28 PM] Oh? [7:53:42 PM] ...ah, yes, this IS your strange club, isn't it? [7:53:48 PM] Shockbox has left the game. [7:53:56 PM] *Does Soundwave need anything he could provide before the game begins?* [7:54:02 PM] *on the periphery, playing it as lowkey as he can. i.e. not very* [7:54:11 PM] "Strange club"? [7:54:28 PM] *gestures at the collection of people* What else do you call this motley assortment? [7:54:31 PM] *Soundwave doesn't need anything, but he might silently request the spot next to Prophet.* [7:54:34 PM] [[His guests.]] [7:54:45 PM] *there's a seat next to prowl, Tarantulas. hint. hint hint.* [7:54:54 PM] *TAKEN.* [7:55:00 PM] *Of course* [7:55:01 PM] Until the games are over, *I* call them the enemy. [7:55:07 PM] *well now where is Ratchet going to sit* [7:55:18 PM] All right, everyone. Impress me. [7:55:41 PM] *prowl has two neighboring seats. has the other one been claimed?* [7:55:45 PM] Bruin has joined the game. [7:55:52 PM] *there's probably a spot next to the spide, ratch~* [7:55:55 PM] ((getaway mightve taken it but nbd)) [7:55:56 PM] *If not, Soundwave's taking it before Getaway can.* [7:56:06 PM] *that's not going to happen, spide* [7:56:14 PM] [at this point she'll take whatever spot's available] [7:56:26 PM] Heh. [7:56:28 PM] *god damn it, Soundwave NOW where is Ratchet going to sit* [7:56:30 PM] ((fight for the honor of sitting next to prowl \o/)) [7:56:35 PM] *snrk* How dramatic. And you always attend these.. gatherings while incorporeal? [7:56:42 PM] Noodles wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [7:56:48 PM] I certainly don't attend them corporeally. [7:57:12 PM] Error: Error communicating with server. Will try again in 0.5 seconds. [7:57:41 PM] Used to. [7:57:41 PM] *Already silently laughing. Also, Ravage parks himself behind Airachnid.* [7:57:42 PM] *and YOU STAY AWAY FROM HIS DAD* [7:57:48 PM] *BACK WHEN PROWL COULD GO PLACES* [7:57:51 PM] Hurry up! You have less than 10 seconds to decide, or you will be skipped. [7:58:00 PM] *hey, Starscream didn't arrest him.* [7:58:04 PM] Prowl was skipped this round for being idle for too long. [7:58:05 PM] ((the game froze ;;)) [7:58:05 PM] *Takes a seat that may of may not of existed near Prowl beforehand to let Soundwave have the middle one* [7:58:07 PM] *he just keeps him in jail* [7:58:17 PM] ((his avatar glitched)) [7:58:27 PM] Noodles wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [7:58:28 PM] *PROWL'S AVATAR GLITCHED. who is at fault* [7:58:36 PM] Play 3 cards, in the order you wish them to be judged. [7:58:38 PM] *blames soundwave* [7:58:45 PM] D: {{Sorry! Sorry. Bird bumped projector.}} [7:59:38 PM] :T If I didn't know better, I'd suspect you're trying to prevent me from gaining an early lead. [7:59:42 PM] Pffft. I wonder why I haven't been petitioned to let you slip your leash, then. [7:59:46 PM] *silently judges soundwave's avatar projection system if it can be bumped like that* [8:00:02 PM] Because I'm a model prisoner, obviously. [8:00:27 PM] *It's spread across the club and mobile so it can serve other purposes, thank you. She just hit one of them.* [8:00:52 PM] *Snerks at the cards* [8:01:22 PM] Error: Error communicating with server. Will try again in 0.5 seconds. [8:01:39 PM] Getaway wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [8:01:52 PM] One for me~ [8:01:56 PM] You [8:02:03 PM] 're welcome [8:02:06 PM] *meh* [8:02:25 PM] *right back at you, weirdo* [8:02:25 PM] [[Three of these are very deadly.]] [8:02:28 PM] *snorts at the Metrotitan card* [8:02:37 PM] *Is so going to be judged for this* [8:02:37 PM] [squints at the card] [8:02:57 PM] Airachnid wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [8:03:07 PM] *Covers his face with a wing* [8:03:15 PM] *Amused bob* [8:03:23 PM] *would have chosen death by metrotitan sex as well* [8:03:36 PM] [she doesn't care, she got a point] [8:03:57 PM] ... Admittedly, it's only fatal if you don't adequately prepare first. [8:04:07 PM] Error: Error communicating with server. Will try again in 0.5 seconds. [8:04:25 PM] *snorts out of his cheek vents* [8:04:25 PM] [chuckles at the thought of the Ratchet card] [8:04:25 PM] [[What is wrong with his seldom used shoulder cannon?]] [8:04:25 PM] That'd be a cute halloween costume. [8:04:25 PM] ..... [8:04:27 PM] *You played that, didn't you.* [8:04:29 PM] ((i keep getting server communication errors)) [8:04:30 PM] *Lowers his wing back down and gets comfortable in his chair* [8:04:41 PM] (( 8( )) [8:04:51 PM] ((Try hopping out and back in?)) [8:04:53 PM] Getaway wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [8:04:54 PM] ..so many of them are mechs. [8:05:07 PM] ((I think it's my internet)) [8:05:24 PM] ((and yeah we've got a lot of name cards. maybe next time mix in some more normal decks?)) [8:05:25 PM] Thanks, Boss. *winks and takes his card* [8:05:25 PM] ((Aww...)) [8:05:25 PM] [[ ugh, my cards are staying in my hand after i play them... ]] [8:05:39 PM] ...*salty about being card czar for THIS card of all cards :')* [8:05:49 PM] ((I added more normal decks ;; I'll find tack in a few more on the game after this)) [8:06:22 PM] ((rn every single card except one is a TF card. and I'm not sure about the one.)) [8:06:33 PM] Noodles wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [8:06:34 PM] ((could just be an unlucky draw)) [8:06:49 PM] ((that's been consistent for the new cards I'm getting too.)) [8:06:53 PM] *ugh. froid.* [8:06:55 PM] Skywarp has joined the game. [8:07:08 PM] (i have some names but some not...) [8:07:30 PM] Noodles wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [8:07:38 PM] Play 2 cards, in the order you wish them to be judged. [8:07:42 PM] *chokes* [8:07:43 PM] *Glances at Soundwave* [8:07:52 PM] *that was just a lucky draw* [8:07:53 PM] [[...What.]] [8:07:57 PM] ((im dying save me) [8:07:59 PM] *It was a blank~* [8:08:11 PM] ((...are there decks specifically from our rps here lmao i saw flobsters)) [8:08:18 PM] [you should look at her, she picked it] [8:08:22 PM] ((flobsters are actually a thing! [8:08:23 PM] ((flobsters are canon)) [8:08:40 PM] ((WHAT)) [8:08:41 PM] [Yup!] [8:08:46 PM] ((we stole them from Rescue Bots)) [8:08:51 PM] in REscue Bots friendo)) [8:08:52 PM] ((oh thats right)) [8:08:53 PM] [Dude even has a pet Flobster in Rescue Bots. :3] [8:09:12 PM] thenightetc was skipped this round for being idle for too long. [8:10:01 PM] ((oh gosh [8:10:12 PM] There's a lot of cards here about Orion Pax, huh. [8:10:12 PM] (( these are beautiful [8:10:15 PM] ((you have TWO starscream cards to choose from)) [8:10:21 PM] Ratchet wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [8:10:21 PM] ((of course screamy gets this black card )) [8:10:24 PM] *immediately claps hand over mouth. gdi ratchet* [8:10:27 PM] I expected trine loyalty, Screamer. [8:10:39 PM] :3c [8:10:46 PM] *None of these make sense* [8:10:54 PM] Anonimity levels the playing feild for poor humor choices. [8:11:04 PM] ((sorry the super long desc of Orion Pax got me. I had to)) [8:11:15 PM] -grumbles- [8:11:37 PM] [[But then NOTHING.]] [8:11:51 PM] ... I am glad I'm not drinking anything right now. [8:11:59 PM] Oh oh dear [8:12:11 PM] All of these sound plausible to me. [8:12:13 PM] Getaway wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [8:12:13 PM] The second to last one... what. [8:12:16 PM] Heh. Problem, Soundwave? [8:12:26 PM] *how does one feed a breast* [8:12:31 PM] [[Yes. But you haven't done anything worth phasing you into the wall over yet.]] [8:12:38 PM] *making a comeback* [8:12:42 PM] spacebus has joined the game. [8:12:52 PM] ((By asking shockwave to come over and demonstrate)) [8:13:02 PM] ! [8:13:03 PM] [chirrup at new guest] [8:13:04 PM] *not sure how to appeal to czar skywarp. chose the dumbest card possible.* [8:13:08 PM] *A choochoo has joined* [8:13:23 PM] *While holding Prowl's cards* //Damn right I'm blue.// [8:13:26 PM] [[ i'm gonna have to refresh at some point gdi it's getting hard to keep track of which cards i've already played. also, i can't read my cards. ]] [8:13:30 PM] *too many cons here for his liking* [8:13:31 PM] Prowl wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [8:13:35 PM] *it worked* [8:13:37 PM] ((might as well do it now)) [8:13:40 PM] Play 3 cards, in the order you wish them to be judged. [8:13:47 PM] They are very stupid hats! [8:13:59 PM] do i get a stupid hat [8:13:59 PM] i'm the card king [8:14:15 PM] [[Greetings, Astrotrain.]] [8:14:32 PM] All hats are only symbolic. [8:14:42 PM] You're a CZAR actually. [8:14:58 PM] ... No wait, actually. Hold on. [8:15:12 PM] Error: Error communicating with server. Will try again in 0.5 seconds. [8:15:20 PM] *a hologram of a Cubs baseball cap appears on Astrotrain's head.* You're welcome. [8:15:25 PM] [[We do not have rules against Czar hats. Or crowns.]] [8:15:35 PM] Noodles wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [8:15:43 PM] Play 3 cards, in the order you wish them to be judged. [8:15:47 PM] Hey, I didn't get a czar hat so you guys can't have any either! [8:15:50 PM] Heh [8:15:52 PM] shhh my head is cooler than yours [8:15:56 PM] You didn't ask. [8:16:14 PM] *prowl doesn't know if Soundwave wants the hat. so it just floats over him.* [8:16:26 PM] ........ [8:16:33 PM] *...Slowly lifts the radar dish behind his head.* [8:16:44 PM] [she has some words, but she's not going to say them out loud] [8:16:45 PM] *settles hat on dish* [8:16:52 PM] -mopes- [8:16:55 PM] !!! *what is this radar dish* [8:17:06 PM] *puts an energon cube on warp's head* [8:17:09 PM] *He has a sense of humor about it - oh! A hat hat. How novel.* [8:17:13 PM] -!! :D [8:17:18 PM] *does not have a crown for the queen tho* [8:17:24 PM] *only has lap space* [8:18:04 PM] *for some reason starts sniggering at 'stars creams'* [8:18:04 PM] Heh. One of you's got a good hand. [8:18:24 PM] *Leans back into his chair. Waves one of his wings at Astro* [8:18:26 PM] *they all look terrible to prowl* [8:18:30 PM] *had no cards that made sense so just took the opportunity to cull a little* [8:18:36 PM] *did the same* [8:18:37 PM] Primus wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [8:18:43 PM] Bruin has left the game. [8:18:45 PM] Play 2 cards, in the order you wish them to be judged. [8:18:45 PM] *same* [8:18:49 PM] ...I was rather hoping you'd pick that one, actually [8:18:51 PM] *chirrup at primus.. prophet... can u cuddle w/ god tho* [8:19:04 PM] ....*laughs* [8:19:05 PM] Thebes has joined the game. [8:19:05 PM] *Somehow won... And yes, yes you can* [8:19:15 PM] This card feels kinda familiar. [8:19:35 PM] There was a similar one before. [8:19:40 PM] -giggle-snorting into his cards- [8:19:40 PM] Hello! [8:19:47 PM] *yes. he was making a joke about it* [8:19:51 PM] [[Greetings.]] [8:20:06 PM] hello do you have a hat [8:20:08 PM] *Technically is in 'bot form, so, cuddles, Train* [8:20:09 PM] *Getaway is Czar. He must have a hat.* [8:20:14 PM] *Laserbeak swoops down and perches on his head.* [8:20:15 PM] *RIGHT. hat. moves hat.* Sorry. [8:20:24 PM] breastmasters... [8:20:35 PM] *waves hand. s'fine. hes too busy being determined not to pick soundwaves card* [8:20:39 PM] [squints @ that one card] [8:20:49 PM] They're a thing, Astro. [8:20:52 PM] ROTFcopter? [8:21:05 PM] What is the Yeager program? [8:21:14 PM] BetterStarscream wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [8:21:16 PM] Something human no doubt. [8:21:16 PM] I believe that's a human acronym meant to convey amusement. [8:21:19 PM] *will sit on god if the space is available. will also beckon for spide ...... er, queen spide* [8:21:21 PM] It's funny because you aren't supposed to say breasts. [8:21:22 PM] It stands for "Rolling On The Floor." [8:21:23 PM] *all spide??* [8:21:23 PM] *shrugs* [8:21:27 PM] *so close, prowl* [8:21:40 PM] *this time Prowl dutifully moves the hat to Ratchet* [8:22:08 PM] is it normal to get completely garbage cards [8:22:11 PM] can i trade [8:22:13 PM] *accept the hat with dignity and aplomb* [8:22:18 PM] No card trading. [8:22:19 PM] *heh, this spide declines politely* [8:22:26 PM] *Has an Astro on his lap. Nuzzles him* [8:22:41 PM] can i make a team and pool my cards with astro's [8:22:44 PM] because i'm curious now [8:22:59 PM] [[Optimus Prime being attacked by trees IS entertaining.]] [8:23:06 PM] Indeed. [8:23:13 PM] You shut your mouth. Or whatever. [8:23:16 PM] garbage plus garbage is still garbage though [8:23:17 PM] You know what I mean. [8:23:20 PM] prime doing the attacking is even better [8:23:23 PM] *nuzzles primus* [8:23:26 PM] because he still loses [8:23:31 PM] Noodles wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [8:23:46 PM] *gdi* [8:23:57 PM] *Ha.* [8:24:14 PM] *transfers hat to Tarantulas.* [8:24:24 PM] *Purrs happily* [8:24:24 PM] *sincerest apologies honestly it was an accident* [8:24:33 PM] ((im screaming at #2)) [8:24:38 PM] [*Chokes on the rewind card*] [8:24:44 PM]
8 notes · View notes
lonely-neighbor · 5 years
Yreverting back to an emo 15 yr old
1. Be honest, who texted you last?
A boy
2. Do you sleep with the door open or closed? closed
3. Did anyone see your last kiss? 
wanna hear somethin fucking crazy i cant remember who I last kissed its been that long lmao. 
4. Do you drink tea? I do
5. Do you have plans for tomorrow? werkwerkwerkwerk
6. What’s worse: dry skin or chapped lips? Chapped lips. Ouchy.
7. Are you wearing jeans, shorts, sweatpants or pyjama pants? jeans which like why haven’t i put pjs on lol
8. So, what if you married the last person you texted? that’d be interesting
9. What are you listening to at the moment? Queen Lana
10. Where was the last place you fell asleep other than your bed? probably a chair or something
11. When was the last time you saw your father? an hour or so ago
12. How fast does your mood change? it truly depends on the day/week/month
13. Do you need to say anything to someone? who knows honestly
14. Remember the first time you kissed the last person you kissed? 
we went over this lol
15. How are you feeling?
Tired, mostly, which is probably why i feel emotional lol
16. Do you want someone to call you right now?
i don’t love talking on the phone
17. Is your bed comfortable? yes
18. Would you say you’re an understanding person? I certainly try to be
19. Are you generally a happy person? 
again, I certainly try to be
20. Who’s your icon?
im pretty sure its been the same since I was like 19 lol it me
21. What is the last movie you watched?thats a good question. It may have been Knives Out? 
22. How long does it take you to fall asleep at night?
minutes. Sometimes I think it’s only seconds.
23. Next vacation you’re going on? whoooo knoooows
24. What are the initials of the last person you kissed? 
I think RDLRF he had lots of last names
25. So, what if the last person you kissed ditched you at the altar? 
we don’t talk anymore so i don’t think it would get that far
26. What was the last thing you hid? presents 
27. Have you ever had a really big fight with a best friend?
 i guess it depends on what you consider a big fight. I’m at the age now where i dont have “fights” with my friends but the fights i had as a kid/teenager probably felt big at the time
28. Who was the last guy you had a conversation with? 
aforementioned texted boy
29. What was the last thing to make you mad? I don’t know. 
30. Did you ever date the last person you kissed?nope
31. What colour shirt are you wearing? 
32. What are you doing tonight? sleeping
33. What do you want? clarity
34. Do you like Batman? I don’t have a strong opinion on him either way
35. Do you have any plans for the weekend? a few
36. Do you currently have a hickey? Nope 
37. Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with? Nope!
38. What are you tired of? being tired
39. How late did you stay up last night? i think like 10:30ish lol
40. Is there something right now that has you worried? sorta kinda ugh
41. How old were you when you got your first piercing? 10 or 11?
42. Where is the person you wish you were with right now? c o m p l i c a t e d question
43. What did you have for breakfast? a breakfast sandwich and a latte :D
44. What was the last alcoholic drink you had? does a sip of wine on christmas eve count
45. What are you wearing currently?jeans and a shirt
46. Have you slept over at a member of the opposite sex’s house in their bed? 
47. What time did you wake up today? like 8
48. How long until your next birthday? 6 months
49. What colour is your car? (Or the one you drive most often) blue
50. If your girlfriend/boyfriend broke up with you tonight, what would you do? be like hey i didnt even know i had a boyfriend
51. Last dream you had:
i don’t memebr
52. Has someone you like/liked ever written you a poem?
53. Was last night enjoyable for you? eh
54. What is the first letter of the last name of the person you like? tbd lol
55. Do you change your phone background a lot? 
56. How’s your heart lately? weird
57. Do you want to tell the person you like how you feel? meh
58. Ever gave a really long apology?
Oh yes
59. Where do you think your best friend is right now? which one
60. Is your best friend pissing you off at this exact moment? nope!
61. What was the last thing you ate? m&ms
62. Think of your last ten kisses. Were they with the same person?
no but i couldn’t tell ya who all
63. Who was the last person you were under a blanket with?
thats a good question lol
64. How does your hair look? lil cray
65. Would you ever try being a vegetarian? I would love to be one but I really just can’t
66. This time last year, can you remember who you liked? big fat no one probably. at least not actively lol
67. What are you wearing on your feet? nothing
68. How old are your siblings, if you have any? I do not have any
69. Do you live closer to the desert or a body of water? Water
70. Do you live closer to the desert or a body of water? I’m getting a distinct feeling of deja vu here
71. Which book are you currently reading at the moment? jellicoe road. its not super good but i wanna finish it
72. Do you often think about the past, present, or future? all three seem to have battles in my head
73. Do you think the person you like would take care of you if you were drunk? uh
74. Are you currently on a diet? yes it’s called being fat
75. Which song are you currently listening to? still lana. Yayo.
76. What time is it? 9:55
77. Do you think someone is eventually going to break your heart? i just feel like im due.
78. Do you live in the North, South, East, West, South West, Midwest, or? midwest
79. How did you come up with your url? It’s an Oh Honey song, again, like same since I was 18 or 19
80. Favourite thing to do on Tumblr? bitch lol
0 notes
smilingformoney · 5 years
It Lives in the Woods Diamond Scene: Read Dan’s Texts
You: Let’s do it. It seems like Dan wants us to know, and this is the only way he can tell us. You open Dan’s messaging app, and Stacy scoots her chair over next to yours. You: Okay, so when did all this stuff start? Stacy, you said before that Dan was having breakdowns at football games, right? When was that? Stacy: Sometime around last September, I think. Stacy reads over your shoulder as you scroll backwards through Dan’s life, rewinding across days… weeks… months…
Saturday, September 17 | 11:09 am Stacy: hey dan, its stacy… r u doing alright? Dan: yeah, what do you mean? Stacy: i saw u after the game last night… Dan: ? Stacy: crying? under the bleachers? Dan: lol what? must’ve been somebody else Stacy: im pretty sure it was you Dan: well I’m pretty sure it wasn’t lol Stacy: Then they looked a lot like you. and had your same jersey #. and afterwards im pretty sure they stole ur car Dan: I’m fine. Stacy: ok Stacy: just… i hope u know u can talk to me Stacy: about anything
Sunday, September 18 | 1:42 pm Mom: Everything okay, kiddo? Dan: yeah why Mom: My mom senses are tingling. Also I found Picard meowing outside your door this morning, and you only kick him out when you’re upset. Dan: I’m okay… just school stress and stuff. I didnt sleep super great last night Mom: Are you having the nightmares again? Dan: no, and no offense, but can we please not do the talk again Mom: ‘The Talk’? Dan: the one where I tell you a bunch of stuff that makes you look at me like a sick puppy and u try to convince me to see a shrink and I say no and we argue Mom: Ouch. Dan: sorry… im just tired Mom: Look, I know you don’t want to talk to a therapist Mom: (because you’re stubborn and you are your father’s son) Mom: But I worry about you. And I want you to be okay. Dan: I know Mom: What do you think about something like this? Mom: “New App Places Therapy at your Fingert…” Read the whole story at healthnews.pb/2016/09/15/227x941/… Dan: what is this? texting with a therapist? seems kinda cheesy… Mom: Just think about it.
Thursday, September 29 | 2:19 am Emily: hi there :) Do you prefer Daniel, or Dan? Dan: dan is fine Emily: Well Dan, my name is Dr. Emily Chambal and I’ll be your Lighthouse counselor. Emily: How are you feeling? Dan: what like now or in general? Emily: Let’s start with now. Dan: idk…hungry? Emily: Same. I’m eating nachos! Dan: aw man. Now I want nachos Emily: Yes, so does my German Shepherd. Dan: lol Emily: So how have you been feeling lately? Dan: idk… hard to describe. kind of alone i guess? Emily: Alone like sad? Dan: no. more like… scared
You: What did Dan have to be afraid of? This was long before all the creepy stuff started happening… right? Stacy: Hm… Skip ahead to November, just after Thanksgiving break. Stacy: Dan was out of school for a couple days in a row and… I don’t know. Something about it felt weird to me. You: Okay, let’s see…
Wednesday, November 30 | 9:14 am Mom: Dan, I’m trying to be respectful and give you your space but it’s been three days Mom: I’m getting worried. And the school is calling. And you have half our cups and bowls in there. Mom: please open the door Dan: tomorrow
Wednesday, November 30 | 3:17 pm Emily: Is this the first time you’ve had an episode like this? Dan: never this long Dan: idk what’s wrong with me. im just lying here shaking Emily: Did something happen that might have set this off? Dan: sort of. we went to my uncle’s cabin for thxgiving and i started having nightmares Emily: Were they about what happened? The incident when you were a kid? Dan: yeah Emily: Are you ready to talk about that yet? Dan: no Emily: That’s fine, no rush. You don’t have to answer this, but I have one other question. Would you describe this incident as negative? Or violent? Dan: yes… understatement of the century Emily: And would you say, before this episode, that it’s been a while since you last thought about it? Dan: sort of… I think about it a lot. but I try not to Dan: it got better for a few years… i just pretended it happened to someone else Emily: But visiting your uncle’s cabin brought it back for you? And then it all came rushing back to you? Sound about right? Dan: yes Emily: Okay. Well I have good news and bad news. Which do you want first? Dan: good please Emily: The good news is, I think you’re making progress. And I think we might have an idea of what we’re dealing with now. Emily: The bad news is, from everything you’ve told me over the last couple weeks, it sounds like you might be dealing with symptoms of dissociation that manifest with some forms of PTSD Dan: what does that mean? Emily: It means this may get worse before it gets better. Emily: But I do believe it will get better. I hope you do too.
You: Looks like the next big batch is around February… Stacy: Oh, no. Winter formal… You: What happened? Stacy: After the dance, there was a big party at Seth’s house. Stacy: I found Dan freaking out in the bathroom, but then I left for a minute, and he just took off…
Friday, February 10 | 2:18 am Stacy: Dan? i left to get towels and u disappeared, where r u Dan: I’m fine, I walked home Stacy: ur clearly NOT fine Stacy: wtf is going on with u?! talk to me!! Dan: just leave me alone Stacy: okay.
Friday, February 10 | 9:14 am Mom: You came home kinda late last night. Everything okay, kiddo? Dan: ya im fine Mom: Are you sure? Do you want to talk about it? Dan: NO. for the millionth time: I AM FINE
Saturday, February 11 | 4:15 pm Dan: I did something dumb the other night… Emily: What happened? Dan: i went to a party even though i was feeling bad Dan: i had a freakout, and i was really crappy to someone who was trying to help me Dan: …two people actually Emily: Have you had any more episodes recently? Dan: sort of… ive been having nightmares all week Dan: also, as I was coming home frmm the party, i went by the woods... and I thought I saw something. Dan: i guess it was probably just a hallucination but it really freaked me out. p sure i ran most of the way home Emily: These woods… are they near where your original incident took place? Dan: yeah Emily: Okay, let me ask you this… Emily: How do you feel when you see a forest? Or when you think about being inside one? Dan: bad Emily: Bad how? Dan: like i cant breathe Emily: Do you think the woods might be a trigger for you? You see a bunch of dark trees and you start thinking about what happened? Dan: yeah! Like at my uncle’s cabin! Emily: If that’s the case, then I think I have an idea for how we might start to deal with this. Let me run something by you…
Stacy: After that… I think my last text with Dan was in June.
Monday, June 5 | 4:15 pm Stacy: Hi Dan. I was thinking about you today. It’s been a few months since we talked and I’m sad with how we left things off. I hope you’re doing okay. Dan: Hi stacy. I’m good :) Dan: I mean I wasnt before, but I think im getting better. I can’t talk now but…soon? Stacy: that’d be great Dan: have a good summer vacation! Stacy: u too dan
Monday, June 5 | 6:15 pm Dan: New record! Emily: Woo! Dan: this time I went right up to the treeline & stood there for 10 minutes Emily: That’s great! I’m happy that you’re making so much progress. Dan: its not enough though. i still have to go inside Dan: i have to see the place where it happened. i have to face it. Emily: Remember not to push yourself too hard, okay? If this starts to stress you out too much, there are always other methods we can try. Emily: Just take it one day at a time.
You: It’s mostly little texts after that, all throughout summer. You: One step into the woods… a picnic five feet inside… He was working his way up to it. Working his way up to… You: Last week.
Sunday | 3:15 pm Mom: You have everything you need? Dan: yep Mom: Toothbrush? Underwear? Blanket? Dan: yep yep yep Mom: Okay. Have fun, stay safe! You want me to come and pick you up from Tony’s tomorrow? Dan: you don’t have to do that. i’ll walk Mom: K. Call if you change your mind? Dan: lol, you’re acting like this is some huge deal. i’ve crashed at Tony’s house like a million times Mom: Not for years! I’m just so happy to see that you’re doing better. Mom: I love you. Dan: thanks mom. love u too. see u tomorrow
5:15 pm Dan: Hi Dr. Chambal. I’m standing on the edge of the woods for what I hope is going to be the last time. Just wanted to say thank you for all your help. Dan: I’m going in there tonight. And this time, I’m going all the way to where it happened. To end this once and for all. Dan: I’m going to walk into that house and tell Mr. Red he’s not real. And he never was. And he doesn’t scare me anymore.
10:15 pm Emily: Hi Dan. Sorry, Sundays are my day off, just saw your messages. Emily: I’m glad I’ve been helpful to you, but I hope you understand that trauma isn’t something you can just ‘fix’ with one grand gesture. Emily: Dealing with what happened is going to take a lifetime of work that may not ever stop. but it will get easier. Emily: There are also limits to what a mental health professional can do via text, and I do still strongly encourage you to consider traditional therapy as a long term treatment option. Emily: Also, I hope that if you’re going into the woods, you’re staying safe and taking a buddy. Emily: You have a lot of people who care about you, and there are other dangerous things out there besides bad memories. Emily: take care, talk soon
10:47 pm Emily: wait I just re-read your last text Emily: Who’s Mr. Red? Emily: Dan? Who is Mr. Red? Emily: Are you there? Emily: Dan???
You put down Dan’s phone, your hands shaking a little. You: Oh, Dan… I’m so sorry. I promise, we’re going to find a way to help you. And… You: …And when you wake up, we’re going to be here for you. Whatever you need. You squeeze Dan’s hand… and he lets out a long sigh. Dan +15 Dan: Hhhhhhh… Noah: We’ll help more than that quack doctor. She told Dan it was all in his mind! She’s the reason he went to face Mr. Red! Lily: That’s not fair, Noah. Dr. Chambal didn’t tell him to do that. She did the best she could with the information Dan gave her. Lucas: And it did seem like she was helping him. It seemed like he was getting better at dealing with everything, until… Ava: …Until Mr. Red ruined everything. Again.
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trashhuman666 · 5 years
Request prompts!
Feel free to use this list for requests (which are always open 😊) with any Marvel character.
I do fluff and angst and (as of right now) I am willing to try smut, though as I've never written for it I cant promise it will be high quality.
1. "You should have told me"
2. "I'm not ready for you to go"
3. "I'm only sorry I didnt tell you sooner."
4. "I was horrible... it's my only regret."
5. "I dont make mistakes."
6. "As we all know, I am perfect."
7. "It wasn't a seizure, you fart, it was an asthma attack!"
8. "I know you'll never forgive me, but can you at least hear me out?"
9. "Pitiful."
10. "Well, actually, I was just going to binge Star Wars, but if you insist..."
11. "Yes, I heard everything."
12. "I can never look you in the eyes again."
13. "I wish I could look you in the eyes one more time."
14. "Stop being so damn dramatic."
15. "Stop being so damn handsome."
16. "I dont want to lose you... Not again."
17. "Oh, shit."
18. "I cant believe S.H.I.E.L.D. has been under our damn noses all this time."
19. "Take a shower."
20. "You're distracting me from my book."
21. "I will throw this at you."
22. "Let me help..." "... No."
23. "You didnt have to do that." "You're right, but I wanted to."
24. "Hey, asshole."
25. "Dont do anything stupid." "You mean something along the lines of exactly what you just did?" "Yeah, nothing like that."
26. "I'm not disappointed in you, just scared."
27. "Well this is it! This is me! And if you want me to change, then I want you gone!"
28. "Um... What are you doing?"
29. "We need to get them together."
30. "I'm way better than you."
31. "Prove it."
32. "The only thing I need right now is a hug and <Name>." "I can provide one of those."
33. "Who the hell are you?" "Here we go again..."
34. "Okay, I'm going to go to my room and play Mamma Mia. When I'm done, I want this to be fixed."
35. "A-and then they just... turned... dust... I... Help?"
36. "I never should have ignored them..."
37. "Oh, God. You actually are a moron, arent you?"
38. "Hey, that's me!" "No... That's <Other character played by same actor>."
39. "What's happening?" "I have no idea."
40. "I'm so confused." "That's normal."
41. "Why?" "I dont know..."
42. "That's not my problem." "I'll make it your problem."
43. "I'm hungry, bored and tired." "And I'm busy."
44. "I'm not going to stop looking until we find them." "You might be looking a while."
"You won't have to look long. I found their address." "Is this... a cemetary?"
45. "Dont get too excited to see me... I'm the bearer of bad news..."
46. "Stop. Singing. That. Damn. Song."
47. "I hate everything and everyone." "Even me?" "Of course not, dear, you're amazing."
48. "Have you seen this?" "If you show me that video one more time, I'll go on a murder rampage."
49. "Did you adopt another dog?" "Sadly, no." "Then who adopted this?" "Um... That's not a dog."
50. "Did you watch Hamilton? You put a comma after Dearest." "No? What does Hamilton have to do with that?"
51. In a fairytale/other specified au (I have a few ideas, dm if interested)
52. "Did you go to a How To Be Dramatic school? Was it specifically for supervillains, or are you the odd one out?"
53. "Technically speaking they used to be people... Sorta sad, when you think about it."
54. "What does the little blinking light mean?"
55. "Dont move! They're watching you..."
56. "Why are they bleeding?"
57. "Sorry I died."
58. "Did you honestly think I'd leave you?" "Yes." "Well, I'm glad to see you think so highly of me."
59. "I'll show you mine if you show me yours." "To be clear... We are still talking about hair braids, yeah?"
60. "Whatever happens, whatever you hear... Dont look back."
61. "So... Last night on Earth... What do you want to do?"
62. "I wish you never came back!"
63. "You're better than this!"
64. "I... I killed them..."
65. "I dont know how to feel anymore."
66. "I could never hate you. I loved you." "...Loved?"
67. "You're a monster."
68. "You're a disappointment."
69. "I swear to God if you die on me after everything weve gone through, I will be so mad!"
70. "I wish I'd never met you."
71. "Thanks for nothing."
72. "Dont call me ever again."
73. "Whyd you let me live?"
74. "They're not answering the phone."
75. "So now we have to sell a brand new wedding dress?"
76. "Let me go! I can still save them!"
77. "I dont have long..."
78. "I came to say goodbye..."
79. "They died..."
80. "I dont care about you... No one does."
81. Catching their affair
82. "I promised them. I promised they could be saved, they were going to survive." "Well, you shouldnt make promises you cant keep."
83. "You're so cold... Why are you so cold?"
84. "Sing me to sleep, one last time?" "I'm not going to do nothing but sing while you die!" "What if I asked real nice?"
85. "I know I said I'd take a bullet for you... I just didnt know I meant it literally..."
86. "I dont remember who you are." "That just makes this easier."
87. "Its not your fault, okay?" "You dont understand... It is."
88. "Theres no happy ending to this."
89. "Please dont make me suffer any more..."
90. "I said you cant fall in love with me, I said nothing about my falling in love with you."
91. "Is that my sweater?" "No." "It has my name on it." "How do you know?" "I can read."
92. "I know you're mad at me, but would a kiss change your mind?"
93. "Can you stop laughing?"
94. "Shouldnt you be sleeping? Oh, yeah, also howd you break in?"
95. "Shut up and cuddle me?"
96. "I'm not kissing you until you say sorry, and you cant do anything about it, shorty."
97. "Hold my hand?" "Scared?" "Terrified."
98. "Did you build this fort just for me?" "The world doesnt revolve around you." "..." "..." "..." "... Yes."
99. Kids
100. One last kiss before heading into one last battle.
0 notes
[3/3/2015 9:41:28 PM] Evan: Hey. [3/3/2015 9:43:51 PM] Vrrrrrris??~: Yo [3/3/2015 9:44:11 PM] Evan: How're you [3/3/2015 9:44:59 PM] Vrrrrrris??~: Fine. I guess. [3/3/2015 9:45:00 PM] Vrrrrrris??~: You [3/3/2015 9:47:27 PM] Evan: I'm alright. What's up? [3/3/2015 9:50:22 PM] Vrrrrrris??~: Nothing. and by nothing i mean i cant make myself actually do things. [3/3/2015 9:52:20 PM] Vrrrrrris??~: wha bout you [3/3/2015 9:53:24 PM] Evan: About to work on that picture again. [3/3/2015 9:53:51 PM] Vrrrrrris??~: sounds like a fun [3/3/2015 9:57:11 PM] Evan: Yup. [3/3/2015 9:57:24 PM] Evan: Did you ever finish that birthday present? [3/3/2015 9:57:43 PM] Vrrrrrris??~: nope [3/3/2015 9:58:04 PM] Evan: Did you ever start it? :P [3/3/2015 9:59:10 PM] Vrrrrrris??~: no. Im having trouble even just drawing a hand a whole bust isnt really going to work. [3/3/2015 9:59:47 PM] Evan: Ah. D: [3/3/2015 10:01:51 PM] Vrrrrrris??~: yeah....stuff isnt really coming out right or well [3/3/2015 10:04:16 PM] Evan: Ah. Well maybe it doesn't have to O: [3/3/2015 10:07:49 PM] Vrrrrrris??~: i dont really...like...putting out things that are very subpar. it has to be only the best [3/3/2015 10:10:37 PM] Evan: Makes sense, I s'pose. [3/3/2015 10:11:47 PM] Vrrrrrris??~: aight. so...i have a question for YOU *squints* [3/3/2015 10:12:21 PM] Evan: Oh? [3/3/2015 10:12:36 PM] Vrrrrrris??~: Like wwwwwwwwwwwww [3/3/2015 10:12:37 PM] Vrrrrrris??~: why [3/3/2015 10:12:42 PM] Vrrrrrris??~: do you even care [3/3/2015 10:12:44 PM] Vrrrrrris??~: about ME [3/3/2015 10:12:50 PM] Vrrrrrris??~: like im thebiggest waste [3/3/2015 10:12:56 PM] Vrrrrrris??~: of ANYONES time [3/3/2015 10:15:10 PM] Vrrrrrris??~: like im not really worth the effort of caring over. like i know i cant make people stop but i question why they do. [3/3/2015 10:16:58 PM] Evan: Why do you think you're a waste of time? [3/3/2015 10:18:27 PM] Evan: You're one of the people I've met that I wanted to get to know better, and I wasn't going to get that chance without just talking to you. I think you're very interesting, and also [3/3/2015 10:18:41 PM] Evan: it seemed to me that you wanted someone to talk to. [3/3/2015 10:19:16 PM] Evan: And I like talking to you. You aren't wasting my time. [3/3/2015 10:19:51 PM] Evan: Even if we don't talk about anything in particular. [3/3/2015 10:21:41 PM] Vrrrrrris??~: ..I still dont really understand but i had to ask. Like i dont know i dont really understand why people do things. I already knew the answer wouldnt make sense to me, but i guess its better to actually have one. [3/3/2015 10:22:22 PM] Evan: What part doesn't make sense [3/3/2015 10:25:43 PM] Vrrrrrris??~: I dont know like i still dont understand like im not really that special...aside from the fact i got a huge short end of the stick when it comes to mental shit which renders me the most socially inept asshole on the planet [3/3/2015 10:31:27 PM] Vrrrrrris??~: I shoulda guessed the answer wouldnt really make too much sense to me.. I personally just dont get why everyone likes me i get thats a personal opinion i just *shrugshrug* [3/3/2015 10:34:23 PM] Vrrrrrris??~: (just to clarify im not saying i dont like you or hate talking to you. like youre the only person who actually talks to me now. i just wanted to clarify in case it seemed like i was giving off that impression) [3/3/2015 10:34:39 PM] Evan: Nah, not really. [3/3/2015 10:34:59 PM] Evan: I've just been trying to think of a way to say the thing without sounding like some kind of motivational bullshit. [3/3/2015 10:35:45 PM] Evan: but for some reason the first thing that came to mind was "No one's special, but everyone is different." lmao [3/3/2015 10:36:06 PM] Evan: And I have no idea how to follow that up. [3/3/2015 10:36:35 PM] Vrrrrrris??~: oh. ok. i just didnt want to sound like i was being a COMPLETE asshole [3/3/2015 10:37:40 PM] Evan: but yeah [3/3/2015 10:37:52 PM] Evan: something something you'recoolerthanyouthink something something [3/3/2015 10:41:19 PM] Vrrrrrris??~: pbbt this coming from the person who calls themself a loser whenever they have to mention themself, or a "social wreck". there is an irony here i can just smell it. [3/3/2015 10:45:37 PM] Evan: haha yeah. I'm 20 years old, single my entire life, have one friend, a dead-end entry-level job, and spend all of my free time in this here chair. I'm certainly a loser with very not good social skills. Maybe you are too. Really makes no difference, because it's still nice talking to you. [3/3/2015 10:48:28 PM] Vrrrrrris??~: I dont even have a job yet, so you may say you are a loser, but youre not a dirty hikkiNEET like me. i dont even sit in a chair tho...i actually never move from my bed. [3/3/2015 10:49:57 PM] Evan: Bed's pretty soft, that's probably the way to go. [3/3/2015 10:54:43 PM] Vrrrrrris??~: Weh, they get worn down easy. but im gonna have to say it, youre pretty interesting tooooo. =:A [3/3/2015 11:01:06 PM] Evan: Haha thanks [3/3/2015 11:01:41 PM] Evan: also what is that smiley [3/3/2015 11:01:44 PM] Evan: it looks like a dinosaur [3/3/2015 11:02:43 PM] Vrrrrrris??~: the A is suppoosed to be a mouth...and like the = is the eyes the : is just there because. [3/3/2015 11:03:37 PM] Evan: lol [3/3/2015 11:05:15 PM] Evan: These things confuse me. But as far as smileys go I'm pretty basic. [3/3/2015 11:05:42 PM] Evan: I never make this face -> :D [3/3/2015 11:05:45 PM] Evan: but I use it the most [3/3/2015 11:07:38 PM] Vrrrrrris??~: i just make whatever the fuck. like i really just put stuff together so most of the things i make arent even like widely used ??? [3/3/2015 11:07:59 PM] Evan: lol that's a new one [3/3/2015 11:09:52 PM] Vrrrrrris??~: like i said most of the time i just throw shit together..its a metaphor for my life [3/3/2015 11:10:13 PM] Evan: I'd hope it wasn't literal. [3/3/2015 11:11:55 PM] Vrrrrrris??~: The only literal i am is garbage. (·c·) [3/3/2015 11:12:43 PM] Evan: Then I'd reccommend avoiding curbs and community service workers. [3/3/2015 11:13:39 PM] Vrrrrrris??~: im already in garbage hell, home of not doing what im supposed to be ever [3/3/2015 11:18:04 PM] Vrrrrrris??~: like at this rate itll be 2 years later and then i finally release an episode [3/3/2015 11:18:45 PM] Evan: Just as long as it releases. heh [3/3/2015 11:20:22 PM] Vrrrrrris??~: by then all my voice actors would probably quit and id be back to like square one. like how am i gonna do all this in 3 months i only made the deadline so long because i still need to do the fucking opening and shit [3/3/2015 11:21:16 PM] Evan: Ah. Openings suck. [3/3/2015 11:22:33 PM] Vrrrrrris??~: i dont even know what to do with the first one because its so uninteresting. like its tooooo happy [3/3/2015 11:25:14 PM] Evan: lol [3/3/2015 11:25:21 PM] Evan: Isn't season 1 supposed to be happy tho [3/3/2015 11:26:28 PM] Vrrrrrris??~: yesssssssssss its like "lets be real you know dis aint the story you making" [3/3/2015 11:26:48 PM] Vrrrrrris??~: but i have to so i can crush peoples hopes and dreams [3/3/2015 11:29:41 PM] Evan: aka the best thing ever [3/3/2015 11:29:48 PM] Evan: crushing hopes and dreams that is [3/3/2015 11:31:05 PM] Vrrrrrris??~: too much power for one man to hold this should be illegal [3/3/2015 11:31:50 PM] Evan: The police are on their way. [3/3/2015 11:31:56 PM] Evan: Scratch that. [3/3/2015 11:32:01 PM] Evan: The garbage men [3/3/2015 11:34:04 PM] Vrrrrrris??~: oh nooo. how will i live now, the only thing i ever do is illegal nooo [3/3/2015 11:38:30 PM] Vrrrrrris??~: how am i going to write stories now [3/3/2015 11:39:09 PM] Evan: write them on prison toilet paper [3/3/2015 11:42:45 PM] Vrrrrrris??~: you cant animate in garbage jail. how am i supposed to destroy peoples expectations and kill mains now [3/3/2015 11:46:52 PM] Evan: Write them coded letters. [3/3/2015 11:46:57 PM] Evan: Decode for spoilers. [3/3/2015 11:49:36 PM] Vrrrrrris??~: thats so much work tho. why cant things just make themselves [3/3/2015 11:54:38 PM] Vrrrrrris??~: fanime would be so much easier that way. like it wouldnt take like one person 5 years to work on something [3/3/2015 11:55:04 PM] Evan: That would be great. [3/3/2015 11:55:10 PM] Evan: Sit back and watch your own show. lol [3/3/2015 11:56:56 PM] Vrrrrrris??~: like you could just do like put the whole show up at once there it fucking is and actually be able to move on with your life [3/3/2015 11:57:22 PM] Evan: All ten shows. [3/4/2015 12:00:19 AM] Vrrrrrris??~: ...its 12....it miiiiight be 13 theres something im not sure about because its probably too edge to be able to put on youtube. and i dont know the meaning of turn it down like...but from what i remember yeah its 12 or so titles counting all of the stuff in the MSC continuity as one entity [3/4/2015 12:00:55 AM] Evan: whats the edge one O: [3/4/2015 12:05:35 AM] Vrrrrrris??~: I havent actually announced it because im not sure if im gonna make it but if i do it would be called KamiGami or Paper Gods, just because, and like theres some world building thatd need to be done to it but basically its like a "demon tamer" which is just like a higher up demon comes to some town disguised as a foreign exchange student to protect it from like demons and shit and ends up fighting some guy from a family thats had a long spanning feud with his and thats why the main guys family is all dead and shit. mostly what im unsure about is that its going to have like gore and shit which ehhhhh i dont know how id get around that [3/4/2015 12:10:30 AM] Vrrrrrris??~: i have like until the end of the year to decide tho *shrugshrug* [3/4/2015 12:16:16 AM] Evan: Well you can absolutely put gore on YouTube without it being a problem. [3/4/2015 12:16:44 AM] Evan: It's really only sexual stuff that gets taken down, and even then it has to be specifically pornographic. [3/4/2015 12:21:14 AM] Vrrrrrris??~: Weh, i mean i usually like to try and be safe with stuff, i dont know ill sort that one out later [3/4/2015 12:21:55 AM] Evan: hahayeah [3/4/2015 12:22:02 AM] Evan: many things to do first [3/4/2015 12:24:18 AM] Vrrrrrris??~: yeah. i still gotta catch up in terms of episodes considering there was like a whole years worth of not working on any. [3/4/2015 12:25:55 AM] Evan: O: [3/4/2015 12:29:28 AM] Vrrrrrris??~: like you can say what you want about "supposed to have 2 episodes out by now" I shouldve at least had one CLOSE to done. [3/4/2015 12:34:44 AM] Vrrrrrris??~: I probably wont actually even meet my deadline either like i usually never do. like I think that i give it enough time but i always miss them [3/4/2015 12:35:54 AM] Evan: D: [3/4/2015 12:36:03 AM] Evan: when does cat girl get introduced [3/4/2015 12:36:06 AM] Evan: like actually introduced [3/4/2015 12:37:45 AM] Vrrrrrris??~: episode 2. shes like the 3rd classmate to...i think its third. Yeah 3rd shes the 3rd classmate to intruduce themselves [3/4/2015 12:43:18 AM] Vrrrrrris??~: i never expected so many people to like her tho but like i think i got the most auditions from her from like both men and women. I think i made the right choice tho her voice is pretty funny gueheheh [3/4/2015 12:47:45 AM] Evan: nice [3/4/2015 12:52:58 AM] Vrrrrrris??~: yeah. tenshi auditioned for her too which i found surprising. we both agreed tho that that isnt a thing, cause like theres no way hed be able to make that voice ever again [3/4/2015 1:11:23 AM] Evan: lol [3/4/2015 1:15:52 AM] Vrrrrrris??~: Yeah, I dont blame him tho higher nasily voices are a bitch. [3/4/2015 1:34:12 AM] Evan: Yeah. [3/4/2015 1:39:25 AM] Vrrrrrris??~: at least yall dont sound 12 tho. [3/4/2015 1:39:57 AM] Evan: Sounding 12 is not great. [3/4/2015 1:41:40 AM] Vrrrrrris??~: like i dont wanna sound 12 but honestly i dont wanna go through trying to find anther high voice thats not impossible to do for doki so like ok shes 12 its only for this series [3/4/2015 1:45:01 AM] Evan: lol [3/4/2015 1:49:15 AM] Vrrrrrris??~: yeh. like it was a joke voice originally anyway, and i hate myself everyday for doing that. [3/4/2015 1:52:09 AM] Evan: Those decisions are the best. [3/4/2015 1:52:16 AM] Evan: oh yeah btw [3/4/2015 1:52:20 AM] Evan: http://drahveson.deviantart.com/art/Blue-517909682?ga_submit_new=10%253A1425451891&ga_type=edit&ga_changes=1&ga_recent=1 [3/4/2015 1:53:09 AM] Vrrrrrris??~: cool shit. [3/4/2015 1:53:24 AM] Vrrrrrris??~: what do you mean "awkward everything" haha [3/4/2015 1:53:48 AM] Evan: It's a bit wonky. heh [3/4/2015 1:54:07 AM] Vrrrrrris??~: it look FINE [3/4/2015 1:55:06 AM] Evan: Well I'm glad you like it. [3/4/2015 1:58:04 AM] Vrrrrrris??~: why wouldnt i? [3/4/2015 1:58:35 AM] Evan: Dunno. lol [3/4/2015 1:58:44 AM] Evan: Maybe because it's a bit wonky. :P [3/4/2015 2:01:09 AM] Vrrrrrris??~: pbbt yeah right. theres nothing thats like super off i dont see much of a problem with it at all. [3/4/2015 2:02:09 AM] Evan: There are some things I'm not crazy about, but that's just my art in general. lol [3/4/2015 2:05:26 AM] Vrrrrrris??~: well thats pretty much how it always is. like i just spent hours trying to do foreshortened hands and even with a photo reference i think they look terrible, but i know theres gonna be the one person whos like "i cant even draw hands lol" [3/4/2015 2:05:41 AM] Evan: haha yeah [3/4/2015 2:14:51 AM] Vrrrrrris??~: yeah, well, regardless of what you think i think it turned out great. [3/4/2015 2:17:11 AM] Evan: In which case I'm glad you think so. It is for you, after all. [3/4/2015 2:23:27 AM] Vrrrrrris??~: wellllll, thank you for drawing it. its pretty fab. [3/4/2015 2:24:34 AM] Evan: Welllllll thank you for requesting it [3/4/2015 2:29:23 AM] Vrrrrrris??~: its no problem.....iguesss [3/4/2015 3:49:38 AM] Vrrrrrris??~: (im prrrrobably gonna be bopping off for now so like i guess ill catchya tomorrow) (yes thats technically today but who cares) [3/4/2015 3:50:22 AM] Evan: Alrighty. Good night. [3/4/2015 3:50:50 AM] Vrrrrrris??~: yeh GN
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