#but hhh has been posting a lot and i need to make sure people dont forget about me
werchezdeeno · 3 years
My Problem With Marinette Dupain-Cheng
DISCLAIMER: This is my opinion. If you have a different opinion, that’s totally okay! I’m not trying to invalidate your opinion, I just wanted to get my thoughts out! I respect yours, and I hope you respect mine! :-)
Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I’m well aware that she is a hot topic in the fandom. Some people hate her, while others love her. Personally, I think the idea of her character is pretty neat. I’ve seen some people talking about how her home life is boring, and how it, in turn, makes Marinette boring. I disagree with that. I’ve always thought the writers were trying to have her represent inner struggles. Because of that, I think that having Marinette have a normal life is a good thing. She’s surrounded by good luck and people, but has inner turmoil due to balancing her life and her superhero life while also cracking under the stress of being a hero. I think it’s a cool idea. It shows how anxiety can attack everyone. It can also call for a good character, and it has so much potential. But that’s the thing: it’s only potential. Potential matters, but it’s the execution that matters most. And the execution of Marinette’s character? Yeah, that’s something I don’t like.
My problem with Marinette is that she has flaws, but they are never addressed. (Obviously I also have problems with her…questionable behavior towards Adrien, but since I feel uncomfortable writing about it, I’m not going to.) Marinette isn’t the best person. She does rude things, and is sometimes rash with people. And hey, in some instances, that’s a good thing! Characters need to have flaws in their actions so they can grow. The problem is, however, that none of Marinette’s rude actions are addressed. She’s been toxic on several occasions to her friends and people around her. For instance, when Lila was lying about being a superhero to Adrien, Marinette reacted badly. See, Lila wasn’t doing the right thing in this situation–she shouldn’t have been lying, but Marinette shouldn’t have transformed into Ladybug, call Lila out on her bluff in front of someone she knew Lila was crushing on, and embarrass her. There were countless mature ways to handle it, but Marinette chose the rash way. Which, again, is fine if she grows from it. But she didn’t. She never has.
The show depicts Marinette as being in the right all the time. Even when she is doing the wrong thing, she’s still put in a positive light. That’s a problem. Marinette needs to learn from her actions. After making a mistake, a character realizes what they did wrong, and they grow. I know that Marinette is young, she’s not going to be perfect, but that doesn’t mean the show should gloss over her flaws. The show keeps on trying to paint her in a good light, trying to tell the audience that she is a perfect little girl who does nothing wrong. But by doing that, they are contradicting the actions they made her do and making her more and more one-dimensional.
I thought that making her a guardian would be a smart choice. I thought she would make bad decisions (which she did) and learn from them to become the leader her team needs her to be. She made the mistakes, but once again didn’t grow. And when a character tried to call her out on it, he was painted in a bad light. Marinette just gave him a stupid rant and then he’s suddenly all happy with Marinette. Like, no, that’s not what should’ve happened. Have Marinette accept that she was wrong and understand why. Take what she learned and implement it by showing her working to be a better leader. But alas, that didn’t happen. So all I can do is imagine. By ignoring Marinette’s flaws, the showrunners have made me less interested in her and more interested in other characters (Juleka, Kagami, and Chloe). It’s infuriating too, because I adore the potential Marinette has. She could have been a great character! She could have been a character with struggles and flaws and she could have grown from them! But, like most of my old hopes for the show, that never happened, and it may not ever happen.
In short, I like the potential Marinette has, but her execution throws me off. The show ignores flaws and actions and paints her in a perfect light, which creates a one-dimensional and infuriating character.
Anyway, thanks for reading this ramble. If you have any other thoughts, I would love to know them! That’s all I have today, so once again, thanks for reading!
Signing off,
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actualbird · 3 years
// very vague and unspecific spoilers for basically everybody’s stories everywhere, specific spoilers maybe in linked analyses, obligatory disclaimer that these are just my own opinions and interpretations
character analysis: the nxx boys and “bad things”
okay so ive made a chart and it’s gonna look like A Lot but i swear i can explain myself fully if you read to the end
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this chart is visualizing what each nxx boys’ tendencies, behaviors, and actions seem to lead back to.
on the left side, we have vyn and marius. 
i havent played too many of vyn’s stories, but thanks to some discussion with my friend kathleen @miladymiss​, somebody who HAS played a bunch of vyn’s stories, ive come to the vague conclusion that vyn has this general perception and belief that the world is cruel. he has an expectation that everybody has some kind of ulterior motive, that people will cast out those who are not in accordance with the mainstream, that people will hurt others. he does not want bad things to happen to him mostly because he expects that bad things will happen. to counter this, he leverages himself into a place of control more often than not (link leads to a prev vyn theory i wrote about this). 
marius on the other hand seems be the opposite in the sense that it’s actually his hope that people can/will be good that gets him into hot water. he employs facades and acts to protect himself from bad things happening to him (link leads to a prev marius analysis i wrote about this), because lol that actually has already happened a bunch, and yet he still has some a belief that people can change, something that makes him go to many lengths to try and prove.  if vyn expects that bad things will happen, marius does too, but marius, deep down, still wants to be wrong about that. to counter the danger his hope may cause, he puts up walls to mask his sincerity and true self.
vyn actively puts himself in control so that bad things do not happen to him. marius passively protects himself with his masks so that if bad things do happen to him, he’ll get out of it somewhat unscathed (or at least thats what he hopes, rip king). vyn is taking charge while marius is taking precautions.
but i want to immediately nix the thought of “i do not want bad things happening to me” being a purely selfish desire, because this desire, when pushed by friendship and/or love for another person, branches out into “i do not want bad things happening to you.” that’s pretty damn selfless! it’s protective! vyn and marius caring about another person would be them thinking something along the lines of “dont be too trusting, that will only get you hurt.”
now on the right side, we’ve got luke and artem
let me go to artem first (because i want to save my ultimate fave for last HAHA). the thing about artem and the “bad things” he doesnt want to do is that it manifests in the form of failure. ive said in a bunch of posts (cant link them bc theyre scattered over several posts hhh) that my vague conclusion on artem is that he holds himself to a merciless and meticulous standard because his life has been all about earning things, and the only way to earn things (sometimes things that do not need to be earned, like...happiness, artem, u good???), is to work tirelessly for those things. artem is scared of being underserving, and if he underserving, if he fails, he is a committing a sort of passive “bad thing” to those around him. 
luke, on the other hand, is in my opinion, frigging nuts. ive written an analysis on how luke perceives his existence and effect on other people’s lives as an inevitable negative. in this analysis, there is no “if i fail,” like artem. to luke, he thinks he’s already done it. and it’s not that he’s failed, it’s that he’s a bad thing completely (or at least a bad thing waiting to happen, and for him, thats fucking close enough). luke is both simultaneously scared of not being good and resigned that he is not good. he thus thinks that almost all of his desires are selfish and/or greedy somehow, because hey, im bad, why do i get to even want the rewards of being loved, thats not right! to luke, he is actively committing a “bad thing” to those around him at every given moment of his current life.
artem passively stops himself from being a bad thing by repressing aspects of himself he thinks to be faulty and/or not perfect (most of the time, emotions) to protect those around him. luke actively stops himself from being bad thing by putting the lives/desires of others above his own life/desires as some kind of penance for the people around him. 
now i want to immediately nix the thought that “i do not want to do bad things to others” as a purely selfless desire. it looks like that at first, but when this concept is pushed by friendship/love onto another person, it branches out into “i do not want to do bad things to you.” which, sure, is noble, but is also very focused on the self, on wanting to control the self and self’s effect on other people’s lives.
vyn and marius are worried about the threats from the outside while artem and luke are worried about the threats coming from themselves. all of them have their specific ways of dealing with this worry. all of them have their pros and cons, their strengths and weaknesses, but damn.
doesnt it feel great to see it all compared and contrasted on a chart???
....or is that just me HAHA
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starswake--archived · 3 years
Snooow I'm late to ask game but 6, 11, 26, and 28 for the fe games one :D Hope you have an awesome weekend pal!
HI FRIEND SORRY I FORGOT THIS WAS IN MY ASKS HHH i appreciate u sending one in tho !!! ; v;
there's some spoilers regarding fe3h in case you wanted to check that one out ! thatll be on #11
FE Series Asks
6. Who’s your favorite lord/protagonist?
My all time fave lord probably has to be Alm from FE Echoes! I just can't help but fall for his growth becoming a leader and his passion/devotion. And I just love how dorky he is at the start before it gets serious later. Like okay, I'm still pretty ??!?!?!?! regarding his characterization towards the end of the game about "berkut was my only family :(" and whatever feelings towards rudolph and all, but aside from that, it's been so fun to see and do comparisons between him vs berkut and seeing how much he grows :]
11. A character that deserved better?
The first character that came to mind was Dedue from FE3H lol I will never forget how mad I was hearing that Dedue could die if you didn't get to a certain support level before the timeskip, much like with Kaze (who would be my second choice for 'character that deserves better) because he was built up to be the last survivor of his people and it just hurt so much to think he was gone after the timeskip.
OH and don't get me started though on Dedue's treatment in Crimson Flower. I hated Crimson Flower (for very personal reasons more than story) so much, but I think what really put me off is when we fight against Dedue and he sacrifices himself by making himself turn into one of those big beast (i forgot what they were called.) and i just :( why.
26. Come up with a pitch for a new FE title, no matter how silly it is!
fire emblem flying sneakers
28. Because this fandom doesn’t see enough discourse [citation needed], post a spicy hot take here🔥🔥
man i dont even know if i have a hot take id say most of my opinions are mild alskdjfalk
uhh at the very least, i can at least say that fates really isn't as bad as a lot of the fandom makes it out to be lol like okay from all the games i've played fates probably does rank as the lowest for me, but that doesn't necessarily mean i hated it, i've actually really loved learning bits and pieces of lore and i adoooore the creative maps so much, esp in conquest. there's a lot of stuff that fates does suffer from in terms of character writing and story writing (and sure i havent finished the entire story yet, given i've had to restart conquest three times because my laptop craps itself literally every single time i was in the middle of a gameplay), but the game overall is alright.
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a-drama-addict · 3 years
About Me
Got tagged by the lovely @dungeons-and-dragon-age ! Thank you for tagging me this was a lot of fun
1: Why did you choose your url?
I honestly do not remember LMAO. I made the username A Drama Addict ages ago (when I was 13 I think??) I honestly have no idea where it came from
2: Any side blogs? If you have them, name them and why you have them.
I don't have one, I'm planning on making one for The Owl House but this is my main
3: How long have you been on tumblr?
On this blog for only a year, but I've been on Tumblr itself for 2-3 years
4: Do you have a queue tag?
Nope, never felt like doing it
5: Why did you start your blog in the first place?
So I could post Dragon Age stuff somewhere. I used to mainly post on Instagram which is also the place i have the most followers (tho i was a meme account for video games, now i post art there too)
6: Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
Because Zevran is beautiful (also gender envy for him KDKKS)
7: Why did you choose your header?
Hhh Kirkwall (Dragon Age 2 is my favorite game if you haven't noticed)
8: What’s your post with the most notes?
This one! Honestly I love it too so I'm glad it has this many
9: How many mutuals do you have?
Oof not a lot. I think 5 but I could be wrong
10: How many followers do you have?
153! More than I expected lmao
11: How many people do you follow?
37 :'), I am very picky and don't tend to follow people fast. And the people I do follow, I really enjoy their content (or you are one of my beloved mutuals)
12: Have you ever made a shitpost?
I've made a lot of 'em. I'm a meme creator at heart
13: How often do you use tumblr each day?
Maybe 3/4 hours a day. I regularly check it (FOR MY  B E L O V E D  MUTUALS)
14: Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog once? Who won?
Nah I'm not one to get into fights
15: How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
I ignore them mostly, they're pretty annoying
16: Do you like tag games?
Yes! I love getting tagged in shit, it always makes me excited. I rarely tag people since I'm a nervous wreck
17: Do you like ask games?
Ohoho yes! It usually means I get to ramble about my ocs and I'm living for that (I really should talk about them more)
18.Do you have a crush on a mutual?
Nope, BUT I do have "I want to be actual friends with you, but I'm too nervous to message you. but I hope you'll message me because I think we'd make good friends but I cannot message you because of my anxiety" mutuals. (I'm pretty sure the ppl I'm talking about know who they are and if they dont, I still love 'em)
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macklives · 4 years
session 92 end (bye 413...)
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this session was so long but so fucking hectic what the fuck
im going to try and slim it down to its bare essentials rather than go on a full rant because im pretty sure i want to make a post later on about vriska’s characterisation (not anything about me liking her/disliking her, just an analyse on her life really, so it wont be too bias because thats not the point of an analysis. i also want to do one on aradia, been meaning to for a while... hmm... damn i havent done much analogies lately, and i THINK the last long post on a character i made was about davesprite??? so its been a fucking while. that being said, ill leave a lot of details out for this end of session notes so i dont just repeat myself later on. rather will keep to plot points here and then make character points in another)
first we had a page or two where aradia confided in nepeta about her being dead which means nepeta is the only one to know this revelation. im pretty sure aradia confided because there was no other way around it, since nepeta was her server player, so it was inevitable. either way, aradia still put her trust in nep, which means, if you think about it, nobody else knows and nobody else ever will. and considering aradia asked nep to keep it a secret, it probably wont get explored by others until MAYBE later on, whenever its plot relevant, so everyone will be in the dark about it for a while which ill have to remember for future dialogue and scenes with aradia in them
then we met vriska
which, yes, is a meme. i may not have been on a lot of fandom platforms, but you cant escape some of the stuff that goes around the internet. even if you dont know undertale, im pretty sure you know of sans. or komaeda if you have/havent seen danganronpa. its just.. the memes, ya know? ive heard from many sources of the “vriska did nothing wrong” quote (even through mbmbam which??? WHAT) but since i didnt even know what it meant, i never explored it so then i never knew it was a homestuck thing. imagine my surprise...... i think even at the time, i wouldnt have known what homestuck was either honestly so it wouldnt even matter. i only recently learned about the fandom.... uhh, maybe half a year ago??? yeah, august, so my knowledge was slim but vriska is a thing ive heard before, which still shocks me
anyways back to her
so her intro was something, we pretty much found out she likes DnD (a FANATIC in fact) and feeds her lusus the flesh of living trolls. which is fucked up. but i wont get too much into detail about that until i make a post about her life on alternia and the consequences of such. or maybe just alternia in general...?? or *both* heheheh but i feel i need more information before i go off on a tangent about that
then we met??? white text dude?? who is a major asshole but an asshole with insults that hURted, to think i felt bad for VRISKA when that happened. woah.
i said before, but... karkat, he cant really hit deep because his insults are just HIM and his way to express himself. like some people find it natural to just go “FUCK YOU” to show emphasis on a point, and thats just karkats way. he may do it so aggressively that it takes you a second to realize what he said, but usually i dont take anything to heart whenever he spurts out some insults. ive progressed to the point where whatever he says, is just “karkat” and not him trying to be actively mean. rather, its now funny whenever he does say anything SOMEWHAT creative, dude has an imagination that goes on for miles
but vriska?? she IS trying to be a bully, you can tell. but i feel theres something much more to that. like shes trying to prove herself and her “blueblooded” demeanours or whatever the hierarchy is. she doesnt want to show emotions so she makes herself a barrier by being mean is what i can gather from her conversation with kanaya. im pretty sure youre not supposed to understand her until its pointed out and rather see her as an “antagonist” at first, but yeah, her insults are more pitiful than anything and i also cant take her too seriously. i may not like her as a person but her character is interesting because you cant always have the goodie two shoes as the protags. it doesnt diversify the characterisation so i like vriska as someone who makes the plot work and it becomes more interesting since you have someone that makes it harder for the main crew to progress. a happy-go-lucky adventure with no trouble and no turnabouts would be boring in a way. so having a character like vriska, or like this new white text guy, it makes you stop for a second and realize oh shit okay, here’s where shit CAN go wrong and WHY. and i do especially like it when these bastards of characters somehow have more depth than being the “bastard characters”. kinda humanizes them in a way. doesnt mean you have to LIKE them continuously, but theyre humans (trolls whatever) in the end and every person has their own story whether its for better or for worse
for example, i like her being placed into the story, along with white text, by how its all leading to this “accident” and is slowly showing us hints on what happened, but in the end, it wont be until later that we know the full story. even if it was in the past, it apparently is very vital to the plot and shapes how the characters act in the future, so important aspects like that are to look out for. and usually they only occur when theres been some trouble within friend dynamics. so without these bastard of characters, plot wouldnt grow AS strong and i often keep that in mind when i explore a story.
anyways, I HAD A POINT TO THIS: so vriska and karkat are characters who are yes, mean, but it seems to be their personality, and the way they either show emotions and convey feelings (karkat) or make a barrier so they DONT show emotions to produce vulnerability (vriska), white text guy seems to mostly be out to be an asshole. he told vriska she was useless to sum it up but im not too sure if this is one of those “first dialogue” to mould out a bias opinion before we even get to the character themselves, but judging by how vriska and karkat played out, he surely means something bad and i dont know how to explain it. but i cannot base anything off from one piece of dialogue. i dont even know what else to call him other than white text guy so...... ill just leave that out for now, until we finally get his introduction
though, i do wish to mention, and will expand on, im not wrong when i say karkat and vriska are similar but in different context. sorry if youre favourite is karkat and you dont like vriska, or vice versa, but uhhhh their introductions are so similar its uncanny and the way they’re portrayed is the same except one is more on crack about the meddling, while the other is angry about the meddling. similar to how it was with karkat, we were introduced to vriska talking with someone we knew (tavros) whom she obviously didnt like, so obviously, from her point of view, she wanted to be menacing. like how karkat was menacing to jade because she wouldnt listen to his point... he got angry, so he lashed out. but us, the readers, didnt know that. we thought “oh god its this asshole” until we made it further in the story and started to warm up to karkat. it may not be the same with vriska, she may be a bully regardless, but you cannot tell me we moulded a bias towards her character as we did when we first read karkat. theyre both truly mean to other people, maybe both for different reasons, but i do want to point out the similarities and not leave that out. im pretty sure andrew basically gave us a conversation that formed our opinion of a character right off the bat rather than go into depth of WHY they did it, and how they are naturally without the conditions of the game. which, you can also see with vriska when she conversed with kanaya. andrew started off with a character who only appears to speak once, and makes you judge them from first appearance alone, without any explanation as to why they said what they said and how they are with other characters, let says. so you assume they were simply a rude character. now look how karkat turned out. so im guessing in homestuck, the first impression should never be the opinion you stick with until MAYBE 5 more conversations with that character (each one different)
OKAY done with the vriska introduction, now to slutquius
yes, hes kinda weird, i have stated that many times. i have no idea what to say about him other than he likes porn, he likes centaur dick which just so happens to be his lusus as well and if that isnt a red flag idk what is
he also likes his lusus milk, right from the udders of his guardian
fun times, fun times
my opinion of equius kinda.. differs. which i should really put in place the “dont judge by first impression” rule, because at first i thought he was rude with, then i thought he was hhh okay, because i understood why he was being so protective over nepeta and her team placement, since the people she was going to play with WERE dangerous. but if you think about it, both sides will probably put you in danger. it just depends on which ones you confide in more to protect your back rather than those which would cause trouble on purpose, in my HONEST opinion. so equius was a little overdramatic on that part, but i got what he meant. he was on the blue team and he didnt want to leave nepeta alone without him on the red. but then this session happened. and he went back to being weird again because of the whole porn thing, especially being so open about it like dude chill youre 13. but the thing is, then i felt bad for him because hes basically touch starved. to say that he could break anything he touches, i doubt people would go up to him for hugs. in fear they would be crushed to death by a simple hug. so im guessing hes rather lonely and doesnt really know how to interact because of this. so i felt sad that he had to live a life where he needs to be careful of everything he touches so it doesnt break randomly. see? poor dude. but then things got weird. and im pretty sure hes a masochist. so my opinion on equius is a fucking cosine graph
which brings us to the final point:
gamzee and equius’ conversation
i dont even know.....like.........gamzee was unaware that equius was using him for his own power play roleplay, right? gamzee knew it was a roleplay but it had had some.. idk.... obvious sexual implications? and i bet gamzee didnt really know that? he thought they were only venting out through a simple roleplay and trying to get closer because he originally thought equius hated him, considering equius flat out said “i hate you” and gamzee went “you tell me everyday and im okay with that” so.. gamzee probably wanted only to get closer to equius so he helped out his little problem which.. thats so sweet but i feel bad he was coerced into something he didnt get, especially since he was innocent enough to go along without knowing equius’ true gain
anyways, equius was getting off with the hierarchy thing. considering he’s “lower” than gamzee, and gamzee is surprisingly ...high on the spectrum??? so equius wanted gamzee to boss him around, because it felt only natural to him since he’s the “inferior one” and gamzee is The Big Man. like i get that, but it was written in a way that was so uncomfortable, that i wish i didnt. equius is just a weird character... hes not BAD per say, but hes... hes something alright
but im really liking gamzee. the two things which struck me in that one conversation, was the “i dont get why we should dictate people by the colour of their blood, i just see people as people” piece of dialogue and “i cant go around pleasing just everything so its alright if you hate me”
thats... so good, idk. i really liked that. i also really liked when kanaya said “youre dangerous but dangerous people are needed and are important because it shapes you” like <33 my fucking heart
god homestuck may be a tad on the weird side with some of its characters but it surely knows how to create great lines of dialogue
and that concludes the long 4 hour session i did, hope you all enjoyed it
with that, i rest
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z7rkive · 6 years
DHAU: What To Know
Hey! its what all of u have been waiting for: more dhau stuff :)
Also!! most of this is by the one powerful braincell @snaxarba and I share hhh,, we’ve both worked hard (lmao not rlly we just screamed at each other sksks) on creating the universe around dhau uwu she’s been a great help aaa please send her love through her inbox! She’s currently writing a fic for this au, so if u got any questions or want a snippet go over to her :))))
Now that that’s out of the way, get ready for a LONG post:
DH = Deathly Hallows
5 members
Fandom name: Hallows
Ages: S.S (26), T.R. (24), D.M. (21), H.P. (21), C.D. (19)
Hyung Line (oldest members) : Prince (Severus Snape) & L.V. (Tom Riddle)
Maknae Line (youngest members) : Draco Malfoy, Seven (Harry Potter), & Zed (Cedric Diggory)
Visual Line (“Faces/Most Handsome” of the group) : L.V., Draco, & Zed
Rap Line (Rappers in the group) : Prince & Zed
Dance Line (“Best” Dancers) : L.V., Seven, Prince, & Draco
Vocal Line (“Vocals of the group) : L.V., Seven, & Draco
Choreo Line (Take part in creating choreography) : Prince & L.V.
They work under G.G. Entertainment (G.G.E.) with Dumbledore as the Big Boss
Drarry is the most popular ship among fans
Dispatch is a company that takes photos of idols and tries to expose dating scandals
Dispatch Boss: so r they dating anyone
the hallow stan twt is crazy as fuck lmao
theres so many memes
solo stans are fans who only like 1 member of the group (the person is their favorite) and don’t pay attention to the others/give hate to the rest of DH
antis are just hateful ppl in general, they send lots of hate to either Hallows, one specific member, DH, or just the whole group in general
one time Severus and Harry did a vlive (they haven’t done one in a long time so sevenprince fans were excited! :0)!! Harry’s like, “Sev and I have a great plan for this live! :D” and then someone in the comments just says, “Can we have a different member on vlive please :/ i dont wanna look at both yall ugly mugs lmao” :((
Harry, “Cedric? Ah no he’s not here. Draco? He’s not here either sorry :(. Oh ok, I’ll get Tom for you guys.”
big sad^ :(
ot5 = loving the whole group; EX: “No solo stans allowed!! only ot5 enthusiasts!!!”
it does not mean they all fuck skshs
but All7 means they all fuck harry lmao
there’s this super popular twitter account called “@Sevensfw” and it’s basically just an account that posts bottom harry moans ft other DH members
DH wasn’t that popular before, but a fancam of L.V. dancing blew up on social media, and that got them a lot of attention
there will be lots,,, and lots,, of social media in this fic
we get inspiration from u guys as fans so go off on ur reactions
Prince / Severus Snape
Oldest in the group
Prince Stans are called: Robins
Produces most of the songs
Unofficial leader; whenever Harry’s not there he’s automatically in charge and no one questions it
Bat Dad / Goth Daddy
Joined G.G. Entertainment to become a producer but then got stuck with DH
“Nation’s Prince 💞💞💞” - Robins uwu
He’s usually very frowny and makes lots of mean remarks but he’s rlly a soft boy daddy
He, Harry, and Tom are the ones who speak most in interviews
People say he’s lazy because he stays indoors most of the time but!!! He works his ass off helping produce most of the tracks the band makes
AND helps choreograph their dances and help run their big ass dorm
Husband material 10/10
Deep voice mmmm
Big ass softie for their leader
Snape: *makes Harry dance & moan for no reason at all* “all in the name of music.”
He and Harry have been labeled the “Mom & Dad” of DH by Hallows
He and Harry usually discuss big decisions to see what’s best for the group
Only other person he’s comfortable with besides Harry is Tom since they’re closer in age, and work together with choreography
He and Tom are chill buds; the “mature ones of the group”
When he first got into DH, he actually thought Harry was a visual of the group ;)
Harry needs help? Whether it be to get away from Visual Line or just in general Goth Daddy got him 😌
one time he and harry went to another country and couldn’t speak the language, and the waiter thought they were a couple bc of the way they acted around each other so they got a couple discount sksksks
So,, so underrated,,, like please stan this whole ass man
Why wouldn’t you??? like,,, he know how to cook, he humble, he got the tongue technology, husband material, high ass IQ,,, tall, dark,,,, what more can u ask for tbh?
you could also ride his nose lmao but ig thats reserved for Harry
L.V. / Tom Riddle
Visual as FUCK
Has the biggest vocal range; king can go from Deep & Raspy to High & Angelic in 0.001 seconds
One word to describe his voice: soulful
used to be part of the rapline in their early debut days, but for some reason he hasn’t rapped recently?? kows r thirsty pls rap for us again tommy boy,,,
bc of that he’s not “part” of the rapline, so he’s just labeled as a sub-rapper, which means he’s like the backup-backup rapper.
Wanted to be leader and kinda resented Harry for a bit before he met him and now he too, is whipped for Harry
Does not care for personal space, literally just crowds around Harry whenever the fuck he wants
He’s labeled himself as Harry’s personal seat, and is always pulling Harry into his lap
Tom’s never been touchy with others but for some reason Harry is just,,, There. He likes that feeling that Harry gives him whenever he’s around; he’s fascinated about his own actions toward Harry so he’s always trying to explore their physical intimacy
HES GOOD AT EVERYTHING AND HE KNOWS IT; everyone’s just like, “wtf that’s not fair”
Yeah he’s good at everything but he watches anime sksksk 🗿🗿🗿
Lowkey-Highkey dislikes Cedric bc dumb bitch unplugged his computer while he was binge watching bnha & happy go lucky mf named Tom’s fandom KOWs (like cows 🐄), when it was supposed to be Knights of Walpurgis smh
His dance!! His dance sequences always look like fight scenes and it’s the B E S T
Very smooth & quick on his feet
Literally so many fancams of him body rolling
Takes no shit from antis,, they’re not relevant.. only DH & Harry are 😤
Adopts any brand with the initials L.V. And everyone just goes along with it
Tom stans (KOWs) clown pre-debut Tom bc he was gonna have his stage name as “Lord Voldemort” and no one will let him live it down skskks
Was scouted by another agency- that agency asked him to audition for their company but he thought it was a scam; he would’ve been in a diff group if he went
Originally auditioned to G.G. Ent. To become an actor, but changed his mind.
Since he’s also one of the choreographers he’s always trying to make it so he and Harry get lots of skin ship
Draco Malfoy
Harry’s/Ferret’s/Hallows’ sugar daddy no lie
Whatever the fans want? The fans get. Whatever Harry wants? He gets it too.
Draco appreciates his Hallows/Ferrets sm,, he’s always reminding them that they are the ones who keep DH going and that without Hallows they wouldn’t be where they are
He always tries to go on vlive (think: IG live, but better) every 2 weeks even with their busy schedules and just spends time talking with the fans :’)
During concerts he’s interacting the most with everyone, walking around the stage the most so the fans can see him from different views: he’s always trying to make eye contact with them
He’s rich enough he doesn’t have to be an Idol but he still wants to stay ,, he wouldn’t give up DH & Hallows for anything.
also helps with any financial problems the boys have!! they need a place to rent? he got their backs
Center of the group!! This means whenever they’re dancing you’d usually find him in the center/middle position. The center is the one who calls attention to them-self the most and has to make sure their formation looks good; they have to carry the group during a performance. If the center looks bad, then the rest of the group and performance is too.
STABLE AS FUCK VOICE. Do you know how hard it is to dance and sing? At the same time??? Draco makes it so effortless,, when he sings and dances his voice doesn’t shake or waver- It’s stable and whenever he’s doing a live performance his voice sounds like it’s from the actual track
HE LOVES DANCING. Dance dance dance. He joined DH because he really just wanted to dance, he didn’t think he’d be part of the vocal line lmao but ugh king got thru
He & Harry are both 21, and Draco’s always making it a point that he’s older than Harry (only by 2 months!); since they’re the same age, they relate and hang out with each other more. He and Harry usually go out and have “bro-dates”. He talks to Harry abt personal problems n vice versa.
He and Harry always support each other and have formed that bff bond and Draco’s always pulling Harry towards him on stage so Harry will get noticed more (since Harry’s one of the unpopular members, while he himself is veeerry popular)
Antis usually say that Draco doesn’t really have any talent and that he just bought his way into DH with his money and good looks, and that he doesn’t deserve his place as ‘center’ :(
The Confident Gay,,, always slapping that Harry booty.
Cheesy asf,, any chance he gets he always flirts w Harry
Seven / Harry Potter
Best leader 11/10
Always comforting members !! He sings to them to make them happy :)
Main vocal- king can hit that note 😩.
Voice is very calming/lullaby like. Relaxing uwu.
Mother hen lmao,, he’s always worried about his group and how they’re doing
Duality king go from 0-10000000 real quick
What a caring bitch I love him
Gives special massages to his members when they feel stressed,, and in turn they help him when he needs to step down from all that leader work.
He’s not really one to do ‘cute things for the fans on purpose’ but when he does he gets really embarrassed,, flustered bb will hide his face behind his hands n cover himself. He’d hide his face in his clothes, on another member’s chest/shoulder, or look at the ground while he stirs in cute embarrassment
Knows the members have some type of fascination with him so he uses that as like a punishment/reward system- “First one to memorize all their lines And choreo gets to go with me to help pick out my clothes.”
Insult his group? Won’t hesitate to cut u with his long eyelashes + sharp tongue lmao
Reassuring Hallows that they’re fine even when they get hate because they have each other,, DH/Hallows is best ship
Blames himself when another member gets hate- he feels like he’s not taking care of his group and he’s trying his best to make them feel not excluded :(
Lil bun bun uwu 🐰Seven Nation !! Stay winning 🤩🤩🤩 Protecc this hard working baby 😩
On stage he’s a force to be reckoned with,, like ugh what a sexy boi hshsh,, but off stage!!! A literal cutie!!!!! Soft & pure
Second half of underrated duo
Built up muscle during debut, but throughout the years/eras he went a bit lax, and since he didn’t have as much muscles since before, he’s gotten a lot of hate :( The members love his squishy cheeks n thicc thighs but antis think he should have a sharper jaw line hhh
oblivious mf,,, he rlly went on a date with a female idol from another company without knowing it was a date hh this boy
actually got in DH because he lost a bet
Zed / Cedric Diggory
Sunshine boy!! ☀️ Literally a ray of happiness in the group,,, always smiling and keeping everyone happy
most popular boy
Chaotic mf,,, in this au he’s the equivalent of the shaggy meme 🗿
Joined DH bc of Harry :’)) He’s gotten offers of joining other agencies but decided to go with G.G. Ent and decline all those offers because he saw Harry sing n dance + had a taste of Harry’s sweet personality when he first met him!! 
Cedric joined when he just turned 15, so Harry and the other members have been raising him for like 4 years :(. He could be a manifestation of all their groups personalities.
Looks up to Harry so much?? He’s Harry’s biggest fan and will literally do anything for him,, Harry’s done so much for him when he was younger that he wants to try and repay his leader by also being there for him :(.
M U S C L E  M A N / STRONG boi
literally harry sat on his back while he did push-ups wtf,, like he doesn’t even get winded if harry runs and jumps in his arms
every hallow who’s been with them since debut (15) to present time (19 going on 20): WHY DID HE GROW UP SO FAST HE HAD CUTE CHEEKS HOW DOES HE HAVE A JAWLINE WTHHHHH
his fandom name: satans
ok like,, cedric used to be a rlly shy boy during the beginning years of debut days and like?? he’s been getting more comfortable and one day he just thought “fuck the agency i do what i want” and he’s so happy now
this is why he’s so chaotic,,, his fandom used to be named “Puffs” but after Cedric’s Big Awakening, the Puffs renamed themselves as “Satans”
“Oh you’re a Hallow, too? Cool! I’m a Robin! :D” “Nice! I’m part of the Satanic cult haha”
earlier i said he was a sunshine but uhhhh
When he’s on stage ohoho,,, damn what a M A N,, like??? spits fire and memes on a daily basis
h a t e s losing,,, “I’m never losing my virginity” “Why??” “BECAUSE I NEVER LOSE”
Harry meanwhile: but u could win me??? 
Cedric is just,, “...” “for the greater good” 
released a solo album called “Spared” (name idea was from L.V. bc Cedric ate his last dumpling; originally wasn’t gonna go with it but Harry liked it lmao)
Spared Title track - “Kill The Spare”
The seventh track on his solo album is called “Septem”, and its basically a song dedicated to Harry and how much he appreciates him as a person, how he’s so thankful to have him and his life,, blah all that mush
Septem = Hedric/Zedven shippers anthem
Cedric has a cool necklace that he always wears and he tells people, “Harry gave me the chain. It had a different pendant but I changed it for this one. It’s the Roman numerals for Seven.” :D
so,, much,, puns its stupid
a crackhead
his whole group is made up of crackheads but he’s the TRUE crackhead  ya feel
this boy is always active on social media im,,, like?? he’s just on vlive talking with the fans and then he’ll show the camera around to where Draco is helping Harry stretch before warm ups (surprise they’re in a compromising position) and Cedric just goes, “Haha! I love friendship :).” 
started his dancing career when he joined DH, so he’s the most behind with dance; many people criticize him bc he’s a “bad dancer” but everyone knows he’s a better dancer than any Hallow
but!! he has improved so much D: sunshine baby rlly went thru it
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cloneslugs · 6 years
hey uh callout for @/sugarandmemories for things, im doing this as a vb blog & someone who’s seen him pop up more and more in the fanbase but this is gonna include stuff from other fanbases bc ik he’s very active in a lot of things & has acquired quite the following from it, and i wanna make sure everyone knows who they’re reblogging from (tw for incest & pedophilia)
basically Nick/Sugar has sexualized minors/has shitty ships + interacts with an artist who draws pedophilia/incest, and he himself has drawn some pretty questionable art
okay so Sugar/Nick is an 18 yo artist who draws a lot of fanart and his main blog is @/scepterno, his art blog, again, is @/sugarandmemories and he has another art blog @/monfernomaxie but he’s most active @/sugarandmemories ! (his ig is also sugarandmemories & his twitter is sugarnziles)For the sake of this post, i’m only gonna go over things that were posted after he turned 18! anything thats a little suspicious or problematic before his 18th will be ignored for simplicity
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so people who dont know venture bros the two pictured are twin brothers and let me start off by saying i have nothing against touchy siblings but what rubs me (and a lot of others the wrong way) is the blush & stuff & also just the one on the neck (sorry its small, the one w blue around it) all of it just feels a bit off
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this is also something that rubs me the wrong way bc the twins pictured are just recently 18 in canon (okay, so age stuff is weird w them bc of different things that happen but for the sake of reference, dean is a kid who is just entering college & just graduated high school we saw their 16th birthday and the show has spanned about 2 years in canon time) the person with hearts around him are traits from a henchman of the twins’ father’s arch enemy who as a henchman has tried to (and succeeded in) killing the twins, has kidnapped the twins multiple times, and yes, they have had silly and friendly interactions but vbros honestly brushes a lot of things off really easily, and even strained relations aside, has a significant amount of years over the twins (10+)
okay this is now jumping into venturecest more so uh for reference & pictures will be censored accordingly 
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@/scepterno is his main blog (sorry for the photo hhh) and theres a venture bros artist who i won’t be leaking the url of here bc i dont need that shit spreading but if you want to know it for blocking purposes, message me, also, sorry for some pretty Bad art below but essentially sugar/nick interacts w someone who posts pedophilia & incest 
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this is just proof they interact and also is really dubious for me because OP draws really shitty things (incest/pedophilia) involving hank so it really rubs me the wrong way (and also OP never tags their stuff, so i can only assume sugar/nick follows them)
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okay here’s a pic of the same blog from above of some of their art, showing the twins in sexual situations together & even kissing (one of multiple pics they have of the two of them) again thats Sugar/Nick’s main blog liking this pic, OP has multiple pictures, again, of incest, pedophile, and just implied sexual situations within the venture family, all of it untagged but still viewed/recognized but sugar/nick. it makes me really question that hank + dean art that he posted to his art blog before, especially considering the types of post he’s interacted with and appears to support, 
you cant look at people’s followers on tumblr as far as ik but Nick does follow that same artist above on twitter, has liked some post and even shared some of their cleaner art ! (message for proof bc im not posting twitter handles or more art)
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he supports hotdiggedydemon & has retweeted/reblogged his work (hotdiggedydemon is known to have racist/pedophilic works & nick is still willing to support him)
anyway nick/sugar has been shown to support shitty artist because he thinks its okay to support good art and ignore what the artist does, which basically just gives said shitty artists a bigger platform/validates what they do
he draws borderline inappropriate/questionable art and interacts with/chooses to be friends with artists who openly support/draw incest/pedophilia/racism/rape and sees no issue with it 
if you have anything to add/extra info you can message me and i’ll add it but otherwise stop interacting with/supporting sugarandmemories because he has a pretty low moral highground when it comes to art and the artists behind it
Misc other info: 
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he’s drawn tagged nsfw(ish) art of teenagers which he’s defended and sees no issue with 
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here’s him contradicting the nsfw tag on his tumblr and defending it on ig/arguing over it ! i remember seeing him getting defensive of it on ig before i think, but the comments are locked now ! 
supports (likes) hotdiggedydemon on twitter (pretty openly problematic, white & uses the N word, etc)
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more defense of the cyrob piece he did/defending the sexualization of minors
also he’s made ddlg jokes before on his blog & twitter (not something inherently bad but he’s made one in reference to robin from ttg 
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defending pedophilic/rape/etc art as if its not bad, equating pedophilia/rape/etc to just a “mature theme” as if its not a real issue even if it is just art
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implied ddlg jokes about a kids show/involving a teenage character
im probably not gonna update this post anymore but here’s 
a doc w/ misc other info (just one new thing as of this update, but if i need to add anything it will be there/you can always still send info in, i just honestly dont keep up w/ him)
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baekyeol-fics · 7 years
[Fic Search] #21
1. Here Cums the Groom hey TT im looking for this fic in which i think jongin?? takes chanyeol to a gay club or smth and baek is a popular stripper who likes him and gives him a free dancelap in front of everyone?? i think they end up fucking lol
2. Hello! ^^ I’m looking for a fic where Chanyeol and Baekhyun are roommates. Baekhyun was lamenting to Kyungsoo(?)/Jongdae(?) about his crush on Chanyeol and Chanyeol accidentally overhears this and Baekhyun locks himself in his room to avoid Chanyeol./(I can’t really remember if it was Baekhyun accidentally calling Chanyeol instead ><)) Sorry for not remembering >< The fic I’m looking for is not “the confession I couldn’t make”. Thank you in advanced! :3
3. to touch a daydream hi im so so so so sorry i know i shouldn’t ask for a fic here but every time i went here to check if the ask box is open, it’s not when i clicked on it and it’s been months and i’ve been so frustrated because i really really had been searching for this story for so long 😭 i think you’ve posted this story before on your blog bcs i remember clicking the link from here (i could be wrong :/) but it’s a broken up getting back together au. chanbaek was engaged before and i think chanyeol left baekhyun(?) and then he got into an accident. i remember theres sehun as chanyeols bestfriend and chanyeol keep calling baek’s name before he wake up then he found baekhyun when he crossed the street but unfortunately baekhyun is alr in a relationship with kris or smth like that (not sure with the kris part) idk if this story really exist or im just imagining it but i hope it really does exist and im so desperate to find it back. im so so sorry to cause you trouble for writing it here but im so desperate. please help me!! thank you so much you guys are really amazing people 😭💖
4. There is a fic that I read a while ago, I don’t remember the name or where it was but all I remember that it was a band au where the members kinda hate baek especially kyungsoo because baek takes his songs or something like that and chan was in between hating baek and loving him because he was on kyungsoo’s side.. I’m sorry about this bad description. I hope you find it I really want to read it💜
5. Do you know of this fic where its like a werewolf au and chanyeol meets baek in the hospital where baek is like on the verge of dying or something and chanyeol turns baek into a werewolf to so that he can live but he ends up becoming his mate too?? Theres also kaisoo hunhan and a bit of krisho in it, but i dont really remember the plot very well. I know its kind of a vague description but do you know it or anything similar to it?
6. Hello there, I have been looking for a smut fanfic of Chanbaek that consist of an age gap. From what I'm able to recall, Chanyeol is the father of either Baekhyun's girlfriend, best friend or tutee. One smut scene happens in Chanyeol's bed and another in a reclined (?) chair where I think Chanyeol's daughter walks in on them. I hope you're able to help me find this fanfic, so thank you in advanced
7. Hey! I was looking for this fic, “Unfaithful”, if I’m not mistaken. It was Chanbaek and they had a child together, Taehyung. Baek was working as Sehun’s secretary, but was always kept back and was raped by Sehun. C found out when he checked B’s phone (S sent B a photo of B naked) and C went with Taehyung to B’s workplace, where he saw B together with S. C sent Taehyung to KaiSoo, then raped B and suffocated him. C took his life in the end too. It’s no longer in my bookmarks, can you help me?
8. you shook me all night long (deleted) hello!!! can you help me find a fic ;-; i think its arranged marriage chanbaek?? or like friends (fiancee) with benefits and chanyeol is a ceo then this one time chanbaek were having sex (they had a lot of sex) and baekhyun ride him on reverse cowgirl and was saying it was so good and it kinda triggered chanyeol smth so he distanced himself from baek after that. hhh i hope this does its job as a clue though please help meeeeee :((
9. Hi!!! This has been bugging my mind for a while but do you guys remember any fem!Baek fic where Chanyeol teaches her how to masturbate, as in they finger her together and stuff huhu I can't seem to find it for the life of me. Or perhaps if you can't remember, can you suggest other fics like it? Thank you so much this thirsty ass needs quenching :((((
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homestucky · 7 years
ok time to do a sort of a vent post  which i may regret and delete but i got lotso thoughts
i been doin a lot of my classic Lindsaylohac Self Indulgent Navel Gazing(TM) because obviously, 
and anyways in this time i been trying to figure myself out a bit. ive probably already ranted about this but anyways. im kind of feeling like maybe im aromantic and asexual altho im still not 100% but its just rlly made me have some interesting revelations
and i know theres a lot of discourse atm about ace stuff and honestly im not commenting on any of that (for one thing its not like theres one big idea being debated there, from what i can see theres loads of different questions and issues so i dont know how people can take such confident stances... seems like theres no clear cut like “sides” so to speak, just like........... a big mess)
im kind of freaked out by it all, just because i feel like ive just sort of realised how much about attraction that i never knew because no one ever explains it because youre meant to just feel it at some point and thats how you know BUT I DONT KNOW and i need someone to tell me because i dont understand it and i only recently realised how badly i dont understand it like ive been on forums with a bunch of aroace people and we were all being like ‘woa guys i just found out that romantic feelings are meant to feel DIFFERENT to friendship, guess i might be aro too lol’ and a bunch of other people responding like wait WHAT is that how its meant to feel????? nobody ever told me that!!! 
and i just
at the moment theres a bit of tumblr content making fun of ace people a little like people saying that being on the ace spectrum doesnt exist because thats just called ‘not sleeping with everyone you see lol’ and other stuff but like this is legit.. this is different to ‘having standards’ or ‘waiting for the right person’ or any decision like that.. this feels at least at the moment like im built to have zero comprehension for anything involving relationships or attraction. it feels like a rlly important distinction to me. like its not a choice im making.. i feel colour blind
dont get me wrong i know i am a privileged person in a lot of ways. and while i dont think i feel like i can call myself het, im not about to try and muscle in on the lgbt community, or attempt use that as a get out of jail free card so i can.. like, hide ignorance or prejudice behind ‘im not het, so i cant be problematic!’. and im certainly not about to start saying im being oppressed by gay ppl or something stupid like that, im not. first and foremost when it comes to sexuality n identity politics i want to listen and to be a good ally because my sexuality doesnt have prejudice against it directly as much as it just isnt really discussed. which has its own problems sure, but ykno. 
i wuld kind of dig it if asexuality and aromanticism were more widely talked abt or represented at least so people know what it is in case thats what they are because obviously a) its just nice to see but mainly b) i and many other people like me im sure have gotten myself into situations or almost gotten myself into situations because i didnt understand them or didnt understand that what i was feeling wasnt ‘feelings’. because otherwise u can just sort of.. end up doing what you think a ‘normal’ person would do. and it sort of sucks and is confusing
nd by representation i do NOT mean white men who are depicted as highly intellectual, cold, alien, or robotic, who’ve like, ‘deleted’ sexuality for efficiency, but then always ALWAYS still end up somehow having an implied relationship with ONE SPECIAL WOMAN because shes just SO SPECIAL he has to make an exception because thats nothing. thats useless. stop.
so basically in conclusion heternormativity sucks for everyone and i want it to be destroyed
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iimmcrtalis-archive · 7 years
DA verse
a summary post of all my active muses verse(s) in dragon age because i’m f EELING IT BOYS. except terry for rn bc it’ll be Hard. one day. gonna try and go in a from least knowledge bout their verse to extensive knowledge of ‘em so. ayy
this is a pretty long post i apologize to those on mobile!!
Nova; mage(???), human ( ? ), possibly a distant noble
probably a mage? because blue space magic is her jam. though she’s actually more of a combat & tech. she was like well rounded in that regard so i’m considering iunno??? battlemage maybe w/ lockpicking who knows. she’s a sneaky mage that can stab u real good.
would probably also assume she’s pretty good as inquisitor because she would treat it as her role and thing she still has to bare and takes it seriously. like nova is no nonsense as inquisitor but absolute nonsense when she’s not playing that role lmao. 
Morgan; mage?? human af ye. defo a noble blood t BH. 
i unno man. iunno. is he a mage? yeah probably. would he be a legit battlemage + arcane warrior? probably. Would i say he uses a real sword? pro b ab ly. like listen he’s a beefy mage who wears normal armor and probably looks like a fckn non mage but bOOM SUDDENLY LIGHTNING FROM HIS HAND W H AT 
iunno he’s a mage and he’s aggressive as FUCKKKK. aggro as fuck. probably sides withhh iunno both he’d want both and think it’s wasted potential to only have one lmao. iunno he’s hard to figure out man. he’d ultimately probably be like templars because actual ppl who know how to fight. but also wouldn’t wanna condemn the mageS??? so who knows who knows. 
anyways he probably likes blackwall and the iron bull and viv and cass?? and just ye. chills w/ them a lot probably. probably would flirt w/ cass tho god. butw/e no he’s uhhhh real aggressive as a fckn inquisitor like every body getting beheaded. except a few probably.. he would probably make uh... whats his name... tranquil tbh. worse fate than death that yes he would wish on his enemies bc otherwise they get what they want & too risky otherwise. 
Igne; old af elf, probably an assassin combo w/ magic??
like listen if you tell me that they can’t be both ima fckn punt u bc really that’s dumb. defeats the point of multiclassing in the fantasy genre of g am es. anyways really tho they’re old. old as balls. probably? iunno. probably served like... andruil for a while or somethin! got a lil lil corrupted but didn’t want it and wanted freedom so they were like FUCK THIS SHIT IM OUTTIE 
how’d they live? no idea. not a single clue bc i just don’t know jackshit bout ancient elf shit anymore (when did i ever) but honestly. it’s probably a thing right? old af elves everywhere. but no no they’d probably even annoy sera bc like they’re literally?? nonsense. violent af nonsense. hanging off a roof with a fckn potato in their mouth & lookin ready to murder. 
it’s a look™  but nah thinkin that u hhh corruption shit is probably what gave them a red eye ayyy
inquisitor igne is like dagger eyes at solas but doesn’t snitch on him ever not even once. she’s got his back man. she’d be like cool i’ll plaY BOTH SIDES SUre. sure. no mercy run on ppl tho god 
EVELYN / ISENE; old af elf. got that fckn combo again
it’s a theme really, combo classes. all my muses? multiclassed fuckers.  for a detailed everything, please refer to her old blog bc this is gonna be a stupid summary of it so ayyy.
old as dicks dude. lost her arm in the rebellion, against the rebellion. served elgar’nan because he fits her the most tbh. still sort of serves him i guess. like if he showed up she wouldn’t hesitate to follow his orders is what i mean here. otherwise she keeps up the facade of being a former dalish elf mercenary. and definitely doesn’t shy away from admitting she’s got magic. never calls herself a mage because  like lmao 
she has a fckn big ol sword she carries around one handed? and if ur like UR JUST A MAGE she’s gonna use said big ol sword to chop ur head off. not a fan of modern mages tho lmao. at all. like not a lot of sympathy for them. but she would also just kick a circles door in and be like cool leave gtfo you weaklin lil fucks jfc go learn somethin. 
would fight solas in a denny’s parking lot at 2am if she knew jack shit. but she really doesn’t so she’s like ur weird and i dont trust you  butyeah lm ao
Eludysia; ngl i unno if she’s old old but she’s Old. Old seer lady. 
honestly i think she’s not gonna have much of a da verse in general but it exists enough that i feel like i should cover it here. but essentially she’s an old elf seer in rivain. leader of a port side town. No chantry or qunari around its a lot of elves tho. refugees and what not from kirkwall and stuff. 
i unno if she’s an ancient elf but i know she’s old. like real old. so who knows
if she is ancient she probably woulda been like a priestess to ?? falon’din or dirthamen??? because seer shit but like even in a current state she’s fairly devoted to on e o f them or both? probably both lmao. so it’s w/e. 
she’s the former keeper of the clan revas got sent to, which is where revas’ mom is also from and how she gets to that clan. but she was keeper of the clan for like.. a long time like a long time. like that bald fuck from da:o  but without plaguing people with a curse. iunno how she did it but magic and better than that shit. 
more important if revas is inquisitor because lmao she’d probably be like.. welp im gonna come guide you?? probably.   shit she’s probably like emerald knights old tho shit but no fuckin!!! probably comes to be an advisor. 
i think if u go revas as commander/advisor or inquisitor in a thread eludysia’s probs gonna show up and be like sup  but otherwise she’s mainly just a contact in rivain for info and resources!! no special quest or anything u can just contact her for stuff. 
Warren; half-elf, half-qunari. big man w/ a bow.
&& a thick af accent let’s be real here. 
i haven’t made a post about his shit yet so! this one might be a lil longer!! 
grew up in/around starkhaven. in an alienage somewhere really! but he’s got that starkhaven accent. probably just fumbled his way there because honestly he got fucking ditched by his people and has no idea who his parents are lmao. just knows his mom died during child birth and he was fuckin cursed essentially via his?? clan or something. that qunari bit of him is real obvious as his horns grew out and probably had a harsh life in an alienage. 
because he’s not an elf. but he’s not human. and he’s not a qunari. so he’s just. him. 
eventually falls in with some ppl who teach him to steal. so he does a lot and then gets busted and they fckn break his horns off and chop his ears!!! and throw him the fuck out. as you do. but they taught him to use a bow so he’s good with that. and knives. good at close quarters and a long range.
gets better with a bow. real top knotch stuff. ends up in a mercenary crew (same one as qunari inquisitor? probably.) enjoys his merc lifestyle ya know has a good time killin shit 
anyways. companion warren is p much like ‘Strength & force.’ because he has no tact and doesn’t care about politics. like one day i’ll have his approval / disapproval shit. but today is not that day.
but the same applies to his inquisitor shit. he’s fucking brutal as an inquisitor. cares about the little people but FUCK the rich. takes the well for himself ( tho if i would also say revas is there bc i can and she’d take it) but generally just!! give him power and let him kill shit!! that’s all he cares about. tho he wouldn’t kill samson or calpernia bc he doesn’t see them as enemies or villains truly? just pawns in a big scheme and he’d probably stare corypheus in the face and be like get fucked you saggy fuck 
he’s great, great guy. 
Revas: Keeper. Dreamer. Dalish elf. 
literally like most people know Revas’ Dragon Age basics!! but if you don’t i’ll just direct you to her old blog, so you know what’s up.  i’ll put it into a summary the best i can tho! 
Backstory: short and simple? #fucked.  expanded? she was born to the lavellan clan to one of the head hunters & warriors. ended up having magic so she was sort of training to become second, or first, till her moms old clan was like hey we need a new first so uhhhh help us out. and they traded some goods and revas went on her way. ended up being a fucked up situation where the previous first was murdered by two clanmates who eventually tried ( and did) murder revas but she came back bc lmao spirit help & ended up killing them and leaving for her actions.
Dragon Age: Awakening:  full page about it Takes place shortly after this event happened. she lived on her own for awhile, protecting people as much as she could from darkspawn during the blight. ends up going to the wardens because someone doesn’t appreciate her help since she’s a Mage.     The choices made by the warden in regards to her effect how she becomes a warden and the rest of the timeline. Sort of a branch off feel. highly recommend taking a look at the page and also this post. 
DA 2:  If not in the Awakening verse, Revas travels around to the clans. becoming a traveling keeper & helping the clans the best she can. As well as finding ruins and exploring man memories from lost objects. Eventually finds her way to Kirkwall to actually speak with Merrill. But some other shenanigans play out and some stuff goes down. Ends up helping in the fight at the end and leaving with Zevran ( @allurfavesrqueer‘s zevran only lmao. )
DA:I     Companion: Shows up in fereldan with some tree peeps. gets some elvhen shit. offers her services to the inquisition bc that’s what her spirit told her to do. and ya know real fucky. shares some approvals as solas but usually has some pretty contrasting opinions on things! Will defo take on the role of like older sibling or sibling figure with the inquisitor if they’re close enough. Be kind to elves & mages and you’re good.  ( also she’s an option to take the well if the inquisitor doesn’t want it) 
   Advisor: Takes up an offer by the inquistor to become an advisor which is more or less her using her network with the elves around the countries to do certain objectives and what not. acts a bit like an ambassador for the elves & mages in the meetings to give them a voice and remind the human board of trusteeeess that they’re fucking not the only ones around :)) 
  Commander: Mainly with @desiderrium‘s Cullen. Basically Revas takes over for Cullen? at his request kinda because she’s like what the fuck you’re whAT. and gets pissed at everyone else for keeping him on when he’s Not Okay even if she’d rather kick his teeth in 99% of the time. why revas take over? because she’s actually p fuckin qualified, gestures vaguely towards being a first and the advisor au. like she knows how to lead ppl so ayy. 
  Inquisitor: Same ish backstory happens except her parents died to the blight and she left the clan for the other and ye same shit happens. but the clans ask her to go check shit out for them and shes like of course and gets caught up in the mess so. 
so that got long but yea!! hopefully this is a more condensed version of stuff and good for reference later. 
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