#but i LOVE him and he deserves a fic damn it😤
electric-plants · 4 months
alrightttt about a day and a half left to finish literally ANY of my haino wips in time to post on alhaitham’s birthday surely nothing can go wrong
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katasstrophy · 1 year
I feel like I've seen every Bluelock boy paired with a very cute, very bubbly, and chill gf/reader before, but I haven't seen any of them paired with a cool and competent or even bossier type. Are there any guys you think of liking that type??? Or maybe just deserve that type to be kept in line lmao 🤣
nonnie!! 😳 NONNIE UR BRAIN I’M GIVING IT A THOUSAND KISSES UR SOOO RIGHT FOR THIS!!! i guess it doesn’t really show with the fics i’ve uploaded so far – which is a damn shame, i should fix that – but i am absolutely all for readers who are just… out there, ya know? they’re prickly, or easy to anger, or sardonic as all hell, or way too clever for their own good or yes yes, bossy<3 i eat that shit UP like it’s my last meal. this is not to say i don’t enjoy sweet, bubbly readers (bc i do!) but the type you describe just… scratches a certain itch iykwim 👁️👁️
i think one of my first posts ever about blue lock on this blog (cw. mid writing LMAO) was exactly about this. obviously most of the blue lock guys are only extreme egoists when they’re playing soccer, but i do think that aspect of their lives will ultimately start to bleed into their personality as they grow up/go pro. so having someone who’s just like “yeah that’s great and all but if you won’t make it to date night i’ll leave your sorry ass” is just. so sexy to them like?? they haven’t gotten their ego knocked down a peg in a while so i think they’d be drawn to a partner like that askdhxnbz idk if i’m explaining this very well but as far as i’m concerned all blue lock boys deserve an unhinged reader lol 😤
THAT BEING SAID!!! >:))) i have a top three list of blue lock men who i, personally, would love to put in their place and encourage anyone out there to do so as well LOL
1. MICHAEL KAISER — this cocky motherfucker ugh need i say more 🙄 the urge to censor his name was real strong but i persevered still cannot believe i’m (sadly) attracted to this horrible, horrible man. he’s sooo insufferable and just so obsessed with himself like he unironically refers to himself as the emperor when i tell you there’s nothing i want more than to make this man beg on his knees i mean it – what a pretty sight that would be hm? <3 all his past lovers probably treated him like he was god’s greatest gift to women (HE IS NOT) – and by now he’s not only used to it but comes to expect it – so when he meets you and you’re like “mm you’re kind of a prick leave me alone thenk yew✨✨” he’s just. so scandalized LMFAO suddenly he’s the one chasing after you and vying for a shred of your attention oooohh yes that’s exactly what he deserves how it should be
2. ITOSHI SAE — listen he might be my precious babygirl now but i used to hate this mans guts like no other and that little resentment still lives on in my heart in the form of wanting this man’s downfall to be a woman like don’t tell me that’s not the hottest thing you’ve ever heard. he’s just so single-mindedly focused on soccer – japan’s treasure and what not – and thinks he can get away with being an asshole because of it but you place down your foot and tell him to cut the bullshit or you’ll find someone who treats you better (AMEN SISTER) and suddenly he’s grappling with the reality that shit he might just fall apart without you yes girl make him suffer
3. OLIVER AIKU — i couldn’t not include the resident fuckboy here mmmm the possibilities for him are endless and each one more delicious than the last. he might not be as insufferable as the others but he still thinks extremely highly of himself, especially when it comes to his way with the ladies. typical “oh no i don’t do relationships” kinda guy who can show you a good time for a night before dipping in the morning – and you just don’t want that. so you reject his advances, say you’re not interested and move on, but for some reason, oliver can’t. literally physically wounds his pride when he crawls back for a second chance but you don’t budge, still wary of him due to his past behavior unless he can show you otherwise. and the way he scrambles to prove himself as trustworthy to you? god tier groveling from a man YUMM
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muniimyg · 1 year
22 | maybe
series m.list
note: hi 🥹 it’s been a while :o how are you guys? sorry this update took so long 🤡 i was on vacation and jus got home yesterday... trying to catch up with my personal life and resetting my room in time for school has been tiring! but ,, i’m back and will be updating again soon <3 here is the promised fluff and “angst” if you’re a CRYBABY 🫵 thank u for being so patient and wishing me a nice break ✨ i can’t wait for more of this story to unfold because as you know… we are near the end 🫣💓 ps: this ch is unedited 😤 i jus wanted to post it nd get it OUT so we can carry on gawd daYuMmm..
taglist request: send a request with the title of this fic “your universe” // please DO NOT comment here or on the masterlist . it gets confusing and i prefer answering and tagging through asks !!!
taglist: @yukiehyukie @tarahardcore @bbsantc @jeonqkooks-main @whoa-jo @ellesalazar @exhibitachol @pamzn @floweryjeons @boraength @4ksj @joonsjuice @taegijns @avtrns @taegix94 @bloopkook @jihopesjoint @firesighgirl @vantxx95 @damn-u-min-yoongi @yoongukie-ff @hopeworldjimin @thisisaburnphone @pb-n-juju @xjiminsthighsx @miss-rainy-days @percyjacksonlovesannabethchase​ @whitefoxgirl​ @slutforheeseung​
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No one ever talks about how difficult it is to unlearn feelings of rejection. 
To begin with, the entire concept is so ridiculous! it practically comes off as insincere, stupid, and careless. Yet, it’s so rare to experience. Usually, rejection is rejection. No means no. So how could it be shocking for you to be struggling right now? From being someone who was so familiar with rejection to now struggling to accept the love you deserve; it’s hard.
But Yoongi makes it easy. 
Ever since the talk between you two, he has shown over and over again that he heard you, he respects you, and most importantly he understands you. Every day, every handhold and tight hug was a step closer to loving again. Obviously easier said than done, you’re thankful that the time between you two makes things better. 
Time with him. 
With Yoongi, time seems to heal.
While you’re grateful for the effort and complete change in atmosphere between you and Yoongi, you know deep down that his actions would have meant nothing if he wasn’t constantly in motion investing his time with you. Texting you, calling when he can, showing up early, and leaving late… They all play such a huge part in convincing you that he cares. He’s here now and he’ll want you for as long as you’ll have him. 
To have him the way you do now… Well, it simply doesn’t feel real.
Every minute spent with him, every smile he dedicates to you, and every laugh shared in between—it creates a stronger bond between you two. As of now, time spent with Yoongi has evolved to be routine and you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
Tuesday is your busiest and earliest day. 
It begins with an early 7:30AM class and a schedule packed with the class until 5:30PM, then you attend practicum and club meetings that run as late as 9:45PM. Apart from that, it’s also your laundry day and usually the time your favourite shows release new episodes.
It’s always just been like this. 
Yoongi, for some reason, has recently taken it upon himself to be a part of your busy Tuesdays. He knows how easily grumpy you become when you feel overwhelmed. You aren’t too sure exactly why, when, or how he began to show up outside of your 7:30AM lecture building with a cup of freshly brewed coffee; he just did. 
How could you complain? 
Even if his place is right in front of your lecture, waking up to meet with you for a few minutes is such an inconvenience and a waste of good sleep. The fact that he makes an effort to get up, brew you coffee, and sleepily meet with you… It makes your heart glow. 
It’s safe to say that the coffee he brings you does more than wake you up. It wakes your feelings up and serves as a constant reminder of his care. Sleepily, he would hold the cup of coffee above your head and pucker up his lips. Cheekily and sleepily, Yoongi is always ready to tease you. 
It’s funny because his eyes would be closed half of the time. Regardless, you would lean in and let his soft lips kiss your puffy morning cheeks. After he gives you a kiss and your coffee, he’ll hold the door open for you to head in. Waving him goodbye, Yoongi continues with his day and looks forward to catching up with you later. 
However, this Tuesday is different. 
Tuesday Morning Lecture: Class Cancellation. 
Good morning students! This email was meant to be sent last night but unfortunately was scheduled inaccurately. My apologies!
Notes will be provided for the module and extra time will be set aside next week for review and questions. 
Best regards!
You squeal. 
Your classes never get canceled! You also slept later than usual last night so this is truly a blessing. Pulling your covers above your head, you drift back to sleep and completely forget to text Yoongi about the change of plans.
As you continue sleeping, Yoongi drags himself out of bed. 
He gets himself ready and brews your coffee. Then, he heads out the door and stands outside in the cold spring air waiting for you. He waits.
And waits.
And waits even more. 
Yoongi waits until you’re officially late.
Yoongi waits until you don’t show up. 
A few days ago, you two talked about your feelings regarding his efforts. Everything since that talk has been going great! You two were communicating better and are even a little closer than before. Therefore, it confuses Yoongi as to why you aren’t here right now with no notice. He goes back home and sets your coffee on his kitchen counter. Taking out his phone, he doesn’t even bother to text you. 
He calls you right away.
Half awake, you pick up. 
Yoongi feels relieved you answered but can’t help but feel protective and entitled to your whereabouts. “Are you sick?”
“... W-what?”
“Are you mad at me?” Yoongi paces back and forth, feeling a little nervous. He runs back to his last few encounters with you and struggles to pinpoint where he could have fucked up. 
“Are you avoiding me?”
Once you register it’s Yoongi’s voice and the worrisome tone attached to his words, you force yourself to sit up from your bed. Checking the time, you gasp as you connect the dots. 
“Oh my god! I’m so sorry, aki… I fell asleep after I read my class cancelation notice and forgot to text you.”
Yoongi sighs.
You groan. “Aki…”
“I’m really sorry… I should’ve remembered. I was just so tired and it slipped my mind.” Feeling guilty, you can’t help but feel upset with yourself. Yoongi didn’t deserve this!
“Don’t be mad,” you beg him. “Please..”
“I’m not mad. Who said I’m mad?” Yoongi huffs. His words are sharp and his tone feels so superficial. It’s like he’s just saying things for the sake of saying them and not because it’s what he truly feels.
In all honesty, he’s not mad.
Why should he be? He feels a little disappointed but that’s it. It’s just an innocent misunderstanding and it would be unfair to you if he blamed it all on you. It’s not that deep…
You sigh, taking his word for it. “I have the morning off.. Do you want to study?”
He bites his tongue. 
He doesn’t want to study. He wants to spend time with you for no reason even if you practically just stood him up. 
“I don’t want to study.” 
“That’s fair. Oh, wait! Never mind, don’t you have class in an hour or so? Just rest up until then. I’ll call you again when I’m more awake… Sorry, aki.”
Yoongi nods out of habit. 
He can’t help but feel a little disappointed. Seeing you all sleepy and cold, needy for his coffee and hugs… Well, it was something he looked forward to every morning. Despite all these arising feelings, he manages to mumble, “you better,” as a response. You laugh sweetly and thank him. 
“Have a good day, aki.” You sing sweetly.
Yoongi feels a lump in his throat form. He swallows it away and shyly reaches for reassurance. 
“Call me later?”
“I will, silly. Goodnight,” you promise. “Sorry again.”
“It’s okay,” he tells you. “... And good morning, ace. I miss you.”
“Good morning, aki,” you yawn before ending the call. “I miss you too.”
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Yoongi bumps into you on his way out of his 2PM lecture. 
You’re laughing alongside some of the swimmers that tried to bid on you. He glares at the sight of them crowding over you and the way that Jungkook is standing on the sideline, shoving his face with a bag of cotton candy.
He approaches Jungkook first. 
“What the fuck is that?” Yoongi growls. 
With a mouth full of blue cotton candy, Jungkook smiles. “Swimmers gave me cotton candy for bringing ___ to our practice today.”
Yoongi hisses at Jungkook. “Thanks for trading our friendship for cotton candy.”
It’s not like he saw this coming. Jungkook is an easy guy to win over. Loyalty isn’t his strongest forum…
Jungkook rolls his eyes.
“As if she’d ever get over you. You can’t possibly be this insecure! Actually, I take that back. Let me see your abs right now so I can accurately measure how insecure you should be—”
Then, Jungkook reaches for the hem of Yoongi’s crewneck and tries to lift it up. Yoongi shoves the blue sugar-stained hands away and glares at Jungkook angrier than ever. Yoongi’s darting eyes make Jungkook feel uneasy. 
It totally ruins his happy vibe. 
“Geez… What crawled up your ass today?” Jungkook asks, disliking Yoongi’s attitude.
Yoongi has always been grumpy and shy but he has never been so moody and lost. It’s like he’s a puppy that just got kicked.. Jungkook feels bad for him.
Yoongi’s eyebrows knit together in confusion and ignores his friend’s question. He watches you nod politely at the swimmers. You look so pretty today. He should’ve seen you first—not them. 
“She has class until 5:30PM on Tuesdays.. What’s she doing here with you?”
“A few of the education department profs have a conference a few cities away. Her entire Tuesday and Wednesday classes are empty this week! Except for her 7:30AM one today but apparently that got canceled. Didn’t she tell you?” Jungkook asks Yoongi rather dumbfounded. “Stop looking at me like you want to kill me.. I’m not the one that’s flirting with your girlfriend—”
“I’ll kill you, you little brat—”
Your voice calling his name makes him gulp. He turns and sees you breaking through the crowd of swimmers and practically running to him. You giggle as you crash into him and greet him with a hug. 
He wraps his arms around you and hugs you tight. Yoongi wishes for this moment to last forever.
When you pull away, you smile at him brightly. “I was about to surprise and meet you at  your lecture but I bumped into Jungkook and he asked me to watch his practice—”
“Your classes are canceled until Wednesday?”
“Oh? Yeah. I mentioned it a few days ago,” you tell him. “... I think?”
“You think?”
“I let Jungkook know!” you defend, knowing he’ll be a little upset. Honestly, these past few days have been so hectic… It’s not surprising that this slipped your mind too. 
Yoongi pouts. “But you didn’t let me know.”
Your heart aches. You feel so bad.
“I’m sorry,” you hold his hand and squeeze them. “I should have left his practice earlier to catch up with you. I promised a friend a late lunch today so I’m going to meet up with her now.. I was just on my way. I’ll call you later though.”
With that, Yoongi feels empty when you let go of his hand and wave goodbye. You walk in the opposite direction and soon enough, he’s left alone with Jungkook.
“___ looks pretty today,” Jungkook comments.
“I know,” Yoongi groans. He turns to see the other swimmers watching you walk away as well. He instantly feels annoyed. “I fucking hate this.”
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Later that night, you forget to call. 
The day just went by so fast and by the time you get home, you knock out. It’s a little funny since you spent the morning sleeping in and now you’re asleep before 9PM. 
Yoongi stays awake until 2:30AM waiting for your call. 
He falls asleep feeling more and more anxious and annoyed.. It doesn’t last long though because he remembers how pretty you were as you ran to him this afternoon. How brightly you smiled and how tight you hugged him. It’s okay if you break a few promises… As long as were his… Everything should be okay.
And then it hits him. 
You aren’t his yet.
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The next day, you wake up to a bunch of texts from Yoongi. All updating you about his day and random thoughts that had popped up. You find it touching how he’s truly trying to be more communicative and feel like a complete asshole for falling short since yesterday. 
Today, you hope to do better.
Today, you will do better. 
You begin today with calling him. He answers after the third ring. 
“Yeah, yeah,” he mutters. “You forgot to call. You’re sorry. It’s okay. I’m not mad.”
You sigh and take a deep breath. “I liked your texts… They were really cute. Thanks for sending them.”
Yoongi can’t help but half-smile. He’s getting dressed for the day and your call surely made him feel relief from his overwhelming thoughts last night. 
“It’s whatever. You never replied by the way…”
“I’m on a call with you right now,” you snicker, finding his sulking attitude to be quite cute. “Wow, I never knew you were this needy! To think you come off as a bad boy? Crazy…”
Your realization hits you hard. He’s always been a softie deep down, of course, you knew that… But this… This is a whole other level. 
However, he ignores your comment and decides to prioritize his pride. Yes, he was needy and clingy when it comes to you… But if you already know, there’s no need to re-establish it. 
“I know you’re probably busy today too so I’ll let you go… And I only updated you because I know you’d like it.”
“Awh,” you whine at his goodbye. “Don’t go. Don’t sulk. Don’t act like you don’t miss me.”
“I do miss you,” he confesses. 
Your heart skips a beat.
“Where are you right now?” you ask him, recalling on your own that he should be free today. 
“Home.. But I’m probably going to head to the gym. Jungkook’s been commenting on my abs lately and now I’m starting to be a little self-conscious.” A forced laugh escapes Yoongi’s lips. “Anyways, bye. Have a good day. Don’t call me… Maybe you’ll remember to do things you’re not supposed to do.” 
In response, you gasp. “Stop it! Stay home. I’m coming over.”
“I miss you, duh.”
This time, Yoongi’s heart skips a beat. 
“That so?”
“Yes, it is so. Don’t leave, okay? I’m coming over,” you practically nag. “… And fuck Jungkook.”
“No thanks.”
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“Oh, it’s you... What do you want?” he crosses his arms and leans against his door. Downplaying his excitement is the best solution he’s found for this interaction. His greeting is his way of masking his pain.
He feels like he hasn’t seen you in forever when the truth is; it’s only been a day or two. 
You roll your eyes and push past him, carrying a bag of groceries and your books. You set them on his kitchen island and begin to unpack. 
“I brought over some of my lesson plan prep for next week. I think my kids will love our upcoming themes! Like, my partner and I planned a Disney theme at first but she suggested we do something like—”
Your words are cut off by Yoongi resting his chin on your shoulders and wrapping his arms around you. Hugging you from behind, he takes in the scent of your just-washed hair and nuzzles into your neck. 
“Missed you.”
You like the way his body feels against yours. Heavy and comforting, you feel so safe and happy to be with him. You let him hold you and stay silent for a moment. 
“Are you upset with me? I really didn’t mean to be such a lousy friend—”
“What?” you laugh as he breaks away from you. 
He nods, holding your hands together and kissing them. With puppy eyes, he begs. “You need to make it up to me. Do you know how much sleep I’ve lost because of you? How sick to my stomach I’ve been without you? How neglected I’ve been feeling? Ugh, this is the least you can do.”
Yoongi never fails to amuse you. You lean back, playing along to his mood. “Oh my! How could I do such a thing to this sweet angel kitty face,” you tease, reaching for his cheeks and squishing them together. “How can I make it up to you?”
“Let me be your boyfriend,” he says through pucker lips. Your eyes widen and he takes your surprised reaction as a good sign. In a way, you look excited. It’s like he can feel your heart beating fast. 
Before he continues, he gives you a minute to compose yourself. Yoongi then tilts his head at you and pouts. “___, I’m asking and confessing to you for the second time. This is it. I want to be yours. I want to miscommunicate, get upset, makeup, and be happy with you.” 
Yoongi feels like every part of him is on fire. He’s so nervous and yet so foolishly confident. Time away from you made things so clear. He can’t do it! He can’t be away from you. He needs you. He wants you. He likes you so much… What else could he do but ask for you to his? 
His mouth drops. “Maybe?”
“It’s not a no,” you laugh, pushing away from him and continuing to unpack as if he didn’t just cash in his second try. As if… As if he didn’t just put his heart out on the line again. 
“It’s not exactly a yes either,” he counterpoints, shifting to face you. “___, be serious. What’s your answer?”
You look at him lovingly, knowing damn well that the answer isn’t what he wants to hear right now. You want to say yes. You want to give in so badly and just be happy together… But a part of you feels like it’s too early and too easy. Yoongi’s rejections made you go through so much and even if this isn’t about revenge—it’s a good lesson and journey to go through. 
At the end of the day, Min Yoongi has always been dreamy. 
To have him the way you do now… It’s a dream you don’t want to wake up from. So, you stay sleepy. 
You press snooze.
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sailorstarr-chan4 · 2 years
Some of my Favorite Manga That Deserve an Anime Adaptation
Red River (28 volumes)
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😍😍😍 !!!!!!!! *gestures dramatically at the screen* I just!!! I cannot scream this enough!!!! This forgotten gem stole my heart in 2020 and I cannot get over it. In a word, this series is: passionate. Exquisite. UNDERRATED. 😭😭😭 It's a historical isekai romance that is full of political intrigue, erotica, brilliant characterization, GORGEOUS art, and great action. This manga is the reason why I wrote 3 out of the 8 non-crossover Red River fics that exist on AO3 lmaooooo. IT'S JUST SOOOOO GOOD!!!! I never finished a series longer than 7 volumes within less than 2 weeks, and completely online, no less! It's a damn shame that it's so hard finding even physical copies of the manga to own, because dammit, I NEED!!!! 😍😍😍🥺🥺🥺 I would straight up CRY from joy if an anime adaptation was ever announced skgjfdfkjgdf (but I doubt it'd ever happen 😭)
MAO (14 volumes and counting!)
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I mean, it's only the legendary Rumiko Takahashi's latest work, COME ON. It has Takahashi's usual touch in the art style, themes, and motifs, but is also wonderfully refreshing, with all new memorable characters and low-key one of her BEST main ships of all time. The game's afoot, and there's mysteries to unravel with deeper conspiracies beneath them all, all with a hot immortal doctor and a feisty girl who shares his curse with a cat demon thing (a byoki, to be precise). WHAT'S NOT TO LOVE?!
FAKE (7 volumes)
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Yes, there's an OVA 2-part special. No, it's not enough. This bitch is thirsty for MORE. 😍😍😍👀👀👀 Yuri on Ice may be the first "yaoi" to steal my heart (I only put quotations because there's no porn lol), but FAKE is the first "official" yaoi to make me SQUEEEE while reading. Yes, this older series is not free from some of the unfortunate trappings of older yaoi series (*cough* noncon issues! *cough cough*), but I think what makes it work is that it's never pushed too far. And honestly, the mysteries surrounding their work as private detectives was so compelling, that it was almost like they never had time for shenanigans.... until after they fell in love 👀👀👀 Or, rather, after Ryo FINALLY accepted that he's gay AF for Dee lmao. Also: points for Dee being an openly bisexual man, who constantly corrects those who call him a homosexual. For the 90's??? That's surprisingly progressive.
Angel Sanctuary (20 volumes)
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Yes, there's a 3 episode OVA. But it only "covers" the first 2 volumes out of TWENTY. This series is absolutely gorgeous: the Gothic inspired art, every panel is just dripping in angst, detail, and passion. The incest takes a backseat for the REAL drama, a savage dressing down of the hypocrisy of Christian ideals in a world where even the realm of Heaven is corrupt and full of sin. Dark, angsty, deliciously sinful, and a thoughtfully cynical yet inspiring commentary on what makes us human (even if you're a devil or an angel), it is an absolute CRIME that this series was never made into a full-length anime. If other controversial anime can be made/adapted in this day and age, then why not give this classic, forgotten gem a try, anime studios?! 😤
The Gentlemen's Alliance Cross (11 volumes)
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Arina Tanemura's art is simply *chef's kiss* She has such a Shoujo Style that is unparalleled. Two are of her earlier works were made into beloved early 2000's magical girl anime series: Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne and Full Moon wo Sagashite. So why not THIS?! It is such a deliciously absurd Drama that is addicting and frustrating as hell. It's also just a truly touching tale of how family baggage can be so damaging to people's perceptions on love, relationships, and self-worth. It's a series that's near and dear to my heart, and I'd love to see it animated one day.
Kitchen Princess (10 volumes)
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This adorable series is 90% fluff, 10% ANGST, with some of the cutest art styles imaginable. If you're itching for a series about food that doesn't go batshit like Food Wars (I love that show, but I can understand that it can be, er, overwhelming lol), Kitchen Princess invites you in for tea and cake and holds your hand as you eat delicious desserts that warm your soul. It is just a sweet, sweet story, with an abundance of fluff, but enough angst and hurt/comfort to balance out the cutesyness. Definitely a comfort food series that NEEDS AN ADORABLE, WHOLESOME ANIME AND CUTESY SOUNDTRACK, DAMMIT!!!!
Fushigi Yuugi: Genbu Kaiden (12 volumes)
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If the original series can get an anime, then SO CAN THE PREQUEL, DAMMIT!!!! Genbu Kaiden took what is good about Fushigi Yuugi, and made it better. The protagonist is a thousand times more likable and stronger, both physically and emotionally. The dramatic scenes are far more effective and don't rely on Soap Opera BS. And the art has improved! GENBU KAIDEN DESERVES MORE LOVE!!!
Arisa (12 volumes)
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Don't let the cutesy art fool you: this is one of the darkest series I ever read that didn't kill off the entire cast. With the right soundtrack and animation studio, this could be a downright chilling show to watch, without resorting to Higurashi levels of terror and violence. I don't Do horror at all, but the psychological thrills and twists of this dark series kept me invested, frightened, alarmed, and entertained until the very end. I would love to see it animated one day.... 👀
Shinobi Life (13 volumes)
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THE BODYGUARD ROMANCE BEFORE YONA OF THE DAWN MADE IT COOL!!!! 😍😍😍 Lol, but in all seriousness, this series is SO GOOD!!! Now that I finally own all of the physical copies published in English (which is only half, because this world is cruel 😭😭😭), I cannot WAIT to dive back into this world of time-traveling ninjas and reincarnated princesses and adorkable relationship shenanigans, with an added bonus of backstory ANGST.
Alice in the Country of Joker: Circus and Liar's Game (7 volumes)
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Listen. LISTEN. I DEMAND AN ANIME BASED OFF THIS MIND-BOGGLING TRASH, and no, not just that joke of a "movie" that is even somehow even more incoherent than the countless manga spin-offs. Not all of us have the patience or understanding to play the games, pleeeeeease 😭😭😭
Honorable Mentions:
Fairy Cube (3 volumes)
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First of all: fairies. Second of all: this tiny 3-volume series is such a clusterfuck of chaos, lightning fast plot points, that if stretched out to even a 12 or 13 episode series would probably make it coherent AND give justice to the story.
Alice 19th (6 volumes)
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Same logic to Fairy Cube: I just want someone to take this mind-fuck of a series, because, in the right studio and director's hands, it'd be soooo amazing!
Otomen (17 volumes)
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Honestly, I barely remember much of this adorkable series, other than the very refreshing and honest takes on gender, gender roles, and gender identity and how all are similar and yet separate. It would be nice to see more representation in mainstream anime, even now.
RG Veda (10 volumes)
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Once again: a 2-episode OVA does not an anime make. Literally I just love the art and mythologies. And it's one of CLAMP's earliest work, and is low-key their most gorgeous. Imagining this story animated to today's standards would be *chef's kiss* AMAZING!!! 😍
Kilala Princess (5 volumes)
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Let me make one thing absolutely clear: this will never happen. Ever. Never ever ever. Not in my lifetime, certainly, as long as copyright laws exist. If Kingdom Hearts is never gonna get an anime/animated show adaptation, then this cutesy manga sure as hell won't. But GODS I WANT IT!!!!!! 😍😍😍🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭 It is every childhood Disnerd's self-insert dream come true sdkjgdjfgr
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popponn · 6 months
hehe popon !!! i'm like trying my best to keep my eyes open bc i am v tired 😞 so i am apologising in advance if there are any grammatical mistakes in this chunk of text 🤞🏻😸 but hi lovely:
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WISHING U A HAPPY BIRTHDAY, POPON !!!! i not sure whether it's like ur birth date where u live yet, but it is for me, so i hope this mssg is on time ! but happy birthday to one of the cutest, cleverest and sweetest yoichi kissers in the world 🫶🏻😽 isagi loves u sm and giggles and kicks his legs when u post him on ur blog (real. bro told me and i was "damn yoichi 🤨")
on my friends' birthdays, i usually write a letter and give them my thanks for a number of things. and i think the number one thing i wanna say "thank u" to u for is definitely our interactions <3 u have always been friendly to everyone who interacts w u, including me, and i reckon i'm rly lucky to met u this year !!! u're a kind soul w a lot of love to give, and i think that's why we all love u sm !!! and i'm super thankful for all the times u've visited my inbox/mssges 🫶🏻🫶🏻 it makes me happy hehe
i must also mention that i am so thankful that i was able to find "coincidences and flickers" one fateful day,, like that series has the potential to forever change me as a person and even make me become a temporary isagi kisser (never forgetting who i am 😤) <33 it was that series that helped me find ur blog and realise the insane amount of talent u have for writing !! my favourite writers on this platform often changes (sometimes it's a, or sometimes it's b), but i think u have a fixed position up there <3 i truly adore u and the way u write, so thank u for all the works u post 🫂 it's such an honour to be mutuals w a v skilled writer
i also wanna thank u for all the reblogs u make on everyone's works <3 when u reblog my fics w a bunch of tags, it truly makes me feel like that the effort i have put in didn't go to waste bc there was someone who appreciated what i wrote. also like,, the quality of my writing often fluctuates (😞💔), but u reblog them anyways, and i will ALWAYS thank u for that !! i love uuu (⁠づ⁠ ̄⁠ ⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠づ🫂💞
oh, and, thank u for constantly feeding my reo delusions 😸😸 not sure if i'd love him the same without u telling me that reo loves me too lol 😽🧎🏻‍♀️
i do hope that everything will treat u nicely today !!! and every other day bc u deserve it <33 eat cake, laugh w friends and mb be silly for a little while—u're not a grandma yet, so have fun being in ur twenties, popon !!!!
love u always 🫶🏻☹️
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(i hope u like words bc this was a bit of a read lmao)
SAKI IM SOBBINGGG???????? WHATT????? D: JESUS I WILL BE WORDY TOO!! HOW DARE U MAKE ME ALL SOFTTTT thank u so much for typing all this despite being very tired omg ;;;; im gonna bawl mom im so glad i meet saki the sweetest adgudk (also...my grammar is also a mess i hope this shall be forgiven as i am sincere ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡))
it already is!! :">> thank u for remembering it bae :""" and omg yoichi did all that? i get even more in love :(( pls tell yoichi i also kick and giggle when he breathes :(( AND HEY YOU ARE OVERPRAISING ME WHAT IF MY HEAD GET BIG [ahjussi voice]
saki :(((( im also very thankful i get to meet you this year ue ue ue ;;; i never thought i will ever talk to you (or anyone here at all tbh sksk) like i was very shy and hesitate a lot, but then you are there?? being so sweet friendly and welcoming ;;; like you are one of the reasons i'm here and i mean it??? like you are one of the person who gave me courage to be more friendly here too hehe <3 im so glad i meet someone as kind you saki <3
im gonna start blushing and bawling fr now. IM SO GLAD I MAKE THAT SERIESS ;;;;; (CHAPTER WILL COME SOON TRUST!!) hdfkdj idk what to say here before sounding like a madman so uh ;;;; pls know that i was so happy too when u commented and reblogged so positively ;;;;;;; ghjk saki your praises i think i read them over and over girly u r too sweet for me sometimes ;;;;;; ♡( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
okay channeling my coolness energy a bit, saki 🫵i like your writing GENUINELY!!! okay! so im glad you like the madman ramblings in the tags :>> and come on buddy fic writer to fic writer, it would be impossible to like everything we write SKSKSK remember that one time i immediately lose it after posting that rin studying fic. sigh. stupid ass me. BUT YOU AND EVERYONE WERE THERE AND IT SERVED ITS PURPOSE HOHOHO SO I TOO FEEL IT WASNT A WASTE HEHEHEHE
and i will keep feeding ur delusion get ready (❀❛ ֊ ❛„)♡ also quick mention real quick your cats are cool sunglasses or not
THANK YOU FOR THE WISHES SAKIII!!! omg :((( thank you so much for?? writing all these gosh uhuhuu i will reread this over and over again a lot of times today hehe (no matter how busy and hard it is to open tumblr today!!!) this make my day so much ;;;;;; uhuhuhu and aw <3 i will!!! i wanna make a grandma joke again but for today i will spare saki uwu
i love you always too!!!! 🫶🏻😤
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
What would Shisui x Zabuza look like to you?
Hey Anon~
It looks like a damn good time to me 😂
There's four fics, I think, on this pairing on AO3 and I've probably read all of them...? It's been a while
Tbh, if people are interested, I might do one of those "rank character" thingies and post it here because then you'd all see that Zabuza is very high up my list. I have a great love for him with Kisame, too. Who am I kidding, I'll ship almost anyone if it's good 😂
He's loyal 😤 this man loves his village so much that he's attempting a coup to yank it back onto course, he literally made a political statement as a kiddo by massacring his class (which is like, the innocents? But also hardcore)
Rocking single dadhood, he's so gruff and yet cares deeply (idgaf about canon dialogue let me have this), Haku and Itachi were BORN to be conjoined at the hip (it's genuinely a wonder that Sasuke didn't have an aneurysm from the similarities of personality to pre-massacre Itachi)
How the fuck does he hold that sword??? His back must be insane and Kishi just didnt have the time to render it properly. Imagine Shisui running up the sword in Shunshin? Excellent 👏
He is willing to do anything for his beliefs. Shisui has met his match. Also, Zabuza has an extremely hard won loyalty but when you have it? He will KILL you if you die on him, Shisui deserves this ❤️‍🔥
Shisui would probably meet them on a job, maybe Zabuza is really hard done by when Haku is younger because he can't contribute to income/fighting and Zabuza is distracted with protecting him (possibly impacting Haku's determination to be a useful weapon) and Shisui Shunshins into the fight. Zabuza has this moment of "oh shit a leaf brat" and then that immediately turns into "oh shit THAT leaf brat" because maybe Ao already has a Shisui-grudge. Shisui is breathtakingly fast, he absolutely slaughters the enemy, and Zabuza is like fuck okay Haku you run with the money and get as far from here as you can, he knows that if he doesn't kill Shisui then there's no way Haku can evade him.
Shisui, who is the favoured Uchiha both with babysitting and outside of the Clan, catches Haku very gently. Figures out what's going on. Has Zabuza considered joining or subcontracting to Konoha? Zabuza will do anything for Kiri, even working with her enemy because the current Kiri isn't the one he's concerned about but the Kiri that will come after... Voila! You have Haku being aggravatingly (to Zabuza, Shisui is loving this) starry eyed over Shisui's speed, Zabuza is reluctantly impressed with him, and Shisui is... Well. Enamoured. He doesnt know many men who would tear down the system just to lovingly reforge it afresh. Makes him want to do the same with Konoha... But no, surely not~
A great ship, Anon!
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i-sveikata · 5 months
Hiii! This chapter was a long one and I have a lot to say about it too 😅
Firstly I need to ask before I forget. Does any of one word game quotes have been cut out of this chapter to include in the next one or they might have been changed? Like the one when Vegas asks if Pete wants his cock or him touching Pete's. And "friend" one when Vegas asks someone? I'm just curious if this was changed in the final check or maybe split to fit in the next chapter more.
Also more technical question. Would mind if someone were to point out some spelling mistakes in new chapters? I know it's easier to find errors when reading the first time. I found some minor ones and an incorrect name used but I don't want to correct others. I don't want to appear rude so I needed to ask 🥲
To the plot we go!
So much was happening in this chapter! So many emotions!
First of all I was really impressed with Pete's planning and the whole getting Vegas out. He really was wasting his potential at a major family. I'm so glad the rest is getting the bitter taste of his competency thrown back at them. And omg, I love every interaction of Pete with Vegas's bodyguards. So glad they are skilled and loyal to Vegas and Pete(!) too. Mafia husband's in the making 😁
I'm always shocked how well you can write Korn so I have a need to smother him all the time. Almost the same as Kinn but he can be better. Korn is only waiting for death. Which we all would rather have in any situation. I always secretly wish that Korn will die by Tankhun hands, which I only read once. He deserves this so much and seeing his rage and hurt only proves this idea. Like he is so smart and the most likable brother in the whole family. He didn't deserve any of it. Half of the time people are not even taking him seriously. I know he kind of preferred it this way. But I can see his role is bugging him much more now.
I still love how you acknowledge Kinn's toxic and predatory behavior. It always bugged me when KP fans were shitting on VP saying their relationship is toxic. But in the series specifically they consented! Porsche didn't have that chance. In your fic it's even more complicated but I would take Vegas a thousand times back if I was Pete and run and didn't look back in Porsche place 😤 Kinn's behavior has me fuming 😂 He doesn't even notices that Macau nor Vegas had really any say in how the minor family operates and the coup too.
Macau is a pure soul and it warmed my hurt how Phalin and Grandma took him in providing so much comfort. He deserves all of this and more.
I love how Yaai is portrayed. Very observant and clever. Vegas is not going to have a good time at all. But if she already can sense his devotion to Pete then maybe it won't be that bad 😂
And Vegas OMG. In one second as he wakes up, he thinks Pete left him. In another is so happy that he was wrong and lovingly stared at them both. And in third he was just horny all the way. Like Pete wasn't kidding when he was sensing Vegas thinks of sex all the time. Like damn, he really is. Doesn't even ask what happens, how? When? No. He is safe, Macau is safe. Pete is safe too but angry, but he can work with that. Like wtf. Touch some grass 😂
I'm very curious how the interrogation plays out. How to even explain all that without sounding like an asshole.
I'm so curious about any plans after Vegas is finally healed.
Thank you so much for this! I had a whole day free so I had my VegasPete day in peace. The chapter was amazing and very much worth the wait! Thank you so much for being here and proving for our starving VP souls 😭🙏❤️
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Hello again!!! no they're not cut scenes they're just scenes from the next chapter- i had the cut off placed somewhere differently in the draft before i realised how long the chap was getting. i dont cut things from my stories as a general rule. i either dump them at the end of the story as extras to work into a different point later on or they get reworked so those hints are still to come!
oh yes please do point out spelling mistakes or name mix ups!! (Just send me an ask or IM me with the details if thats easier) i do try to do a final reread before i post but i dont have a beta reader so i often miss mistakes before i come back and read the latest chap again. weird how your brain can just pass over them until you end up noticing the mistake later on!!
ahhhh thank you!!! yes it did feel like a lot of pete just letting loose in this chap because there is a lot of that 'dont think for themselves' element for a bodyguard but pete is smart!! so there is a bit of an obvious change in him already now that hes no longer blindly following the family. aw yeah they were so impressed by him, so ready to fall in line behind pete. funny how so easily pete can inspire loyalty in people!!
oh yeah dude is actually such a frightening kind of character because he hides all of these horrible things behind politeness and smiles. ugh yeah kinn, hopefully porsche is getting through to him and he can understand how to be a better partner because as far as im concerned during that porsche totally dumped him lol. poor tankhun for sure!! he will definitely be taking a much needed reassessment of things after all of this and we can only hope it works out for the better!
oh yeah all of the relationships in kp are fucked up but kinn and porsches feels worse to me because its subtler, the kind of relationship you dont realise is abusive when youre in it but yeah porsche taking a stand for himself was so so necessary and it has been building up for a long time now. yeah i think kinn is mostly focusing on feeling wronged than having the capacity to understand that circumstances havent left vegas or macau with much control either. hes not being very rational atm
aw poor macau!!!! him crying was so painful like noooooooooo. oh yeah man vegas is in SO much danger now lol petes grandmother is going to see through all of his bullshit (but she will start to see his affect on pete and that will slowly bring her around to warming to him)
hahahaha yeah hes running on such a different intensity to everyone else, like obvs pete has seen elements of that but im not sure how aware he is of the way vegas is constantly thinking about him. pete is the sun of his world now, he orbits around him but yeah lol chill out man and touch some grass hahaha
its going to be tricky!! but pete is going to try and give as much as he can without over explaining and he'll be careful to make sure vegas doesnt get too honest with his grandmother. either way pete is going to be heavily involved here.
youre so very welcome! im glad you enjoyed your vegaspete day in peace!!!
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strangerthings1975 · 2 years
Always flooding you with the ramblings of lyrics I find that draw me back to you and thoughts of MPG bestie 🥹🤣🫠
Basically I’m just daydreaming, so don’t take any of this toooo seriously. Just me finding comfort between updates 🖤🖤🖤
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I just picture their future. Eddie and Steve are in the GOOD place. Steve goes to every show that Eddie performs, the supportive lovebug he is. Eddie melts every time he locks eyes with Steve in the crowd. That’s the chemical reaction when you mix puppy dog eyes with doe eyes don’tcha know 🤓
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I just picture Eddie folding into his feelings of unworthiness mid-set on this one particular occasion and gets the band to pull out a cover of ‘Sparks’ by Coldplay. It’s admiration tied into pain towards the love he feels towards Steve. Love that hurts because he got in the way of it in the beginning. He knows he’s lucky, he know his love is secure, but damn if he didn’t make it harder on himself. On Steve.
It’s occasional pings of the pain that keeps Eddie open and authentic with Steve. Phantom pain of losing his person. The kind to jolt you feel when you avoid a collision by the skin of your teeth. It makes you hug your love tighter, and soak up the space that exists between you both.
Bestie you’ve brought me to tears. 🥺🥺😩🖤🖤
Not just because of the beautiful words of this message but by messaging me at all.
Every time you talk to me about MPG I get so happy (but also weirdly sad?) because the story and Steve and Eddie within it mean so much to me it actually feels painful sometimes. 😅 and every time you or anyone shows me that they care too…it’s incredibly overwhelming (I’m sensitive, okay? 🥺👉👈)
I’m so grateful and moved by every song suggestion or piece of your imagination you share in response to the fic. MPG is all I think about, and I’m so connected to it, and Idk. I just love discussing it in any context—canon happenings or imagined futures or songs. Anything. And as you know, I doubt myself/writing a lot, so I find your investment very reassuring. 😩🥺🥺🖤🖤
That being said, imagining Steve and Eddie being in a good place in the future makes me ascend to the astral plane lmao. Eddie being so grateful every day that Steve forgave him, and just so grateful that he’s alive. Still doesn’t know sometimes if he really deserves it but he trusts Steve so entirely that if his sweetheart says he deserves love then it must be true. And Steve being so satisfied that he gets to call Eddie his baby, doubts about Eddie ever taking it back and leaving him long gone. Because trust has fully been restored, and they feed off one another’s love to fuel their own self love. They’re just always touching and teasing and flirting. Only have eyes for each other. The kind of relationship where if either of them says something negative about themselves, they’ll get a “that’s my fucking boyfriend you’re talking about. You better watch your mouth. 😤” from the other. Everyone around them finds it disgusting—but they’re all moved by it because their friends know what it took for them to get there. Even Gareth admits they’re cute. 🤣🤣🤣
*Screams* I looooveeee them ☹️☹️☹️🥺😩
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theresthesnitch · 2 years
Hello! OMG, I am loving OLT! ❤️
So, I've been wondering something, and I can't seem to get it out of my head. I know that it's 99.99% not going to happen in OLT, but I thought you might still have some thoughts about.
Basically, why doesn't Mary just tell James about Harry being his son? Like, I get that it's not Mary's place to tell James without Lily's permission, and I also get that James is not Mary's favorite person (although I would assume they got along when Jily were together). But, given that Mary is sooo protective of Lily (which I'm totally here for), I don't see why she doesn't just say, "To hell with it. I'm tired of watching my best friend get hurt over miscommunication and stupid assumptions. I'm going to tell James, and then whatever happens, happens."
I know that Lily would be mad, and rightfully so. But, Marry has already mentioned how, if Lily never reconciled with James, Mary would help Lily find someone else because she deserves better than James. IMO, if Mary ever wants the whole "find someone better" thing to be a possibility, she should want Lily to get some closure, which I don't think would happen unless all the cards (i.e., Harry existence) are on the table.
Anyway, all of that being said, I am super excited to see where OLT goes from here, especially after what Sirius said to Lily (bad Padfoot! 😤).
This is such an interesting question! And you’re right, that is not how OLT ends.
First, I think that Mary just hasn’t reached that point yet. I know that time is hard to discuss in fics, and I definitely didn’t sit down with a calendar and plan it out day by day, but I don’t think all that much time has passed. Mary, Lily, and Harry came back late November or early December. There’s the one chapter that’s set at New Years, and we really aren’t far past that. Chapter 4 opened on January 1, and Lily goes to James’s flat a few days after that. When she comes home, Mary tells her she’s going to meet the boys “on Friday,” so we’re at most a week or 10 days into January. It’s not that months and months have passed. They’re being irresponsible, but in the terms of days not months.
Second, Mary doesn’t see the boys that often. It’s not like a Hogwarts fic where they live on top of each other and see each other at meal times and classes. She’s seen them four times at this point—when they first got back and Remus and Sirius invited her to drinks, the first night out, the NYE party, and the second night out. James was only at three of those, and Mary only saw him for a tiny bit at the NYE party before he disappeared for Lily.
I do think that Mary would eventually get to the point that she’d take it into her own hands and tell James, though I don’t know if it would be to push Lily to someone better. She’s aware that they’re both being stupid and that a grown up conversation would fix all of this, but that her two friends are two caught up in their own feelings to do it. For Mary, the “we’ll find someone else” is a back up plan that she doesn’t actually expect to ever need. James is being an ass, but James is made of love, and there’s no chance he won’t love Lily and Harry with all he has.
However, if this went on too long, Mary would absolutely tell him, Lily’s feeling be damned.
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only-angel-28 · 10 months
Okay I’m finally here! I wanted so badly to read it when you posted but I was so freaking tired I crashed 😭 But I’m here with another rant/essay of thoughts and emotions haha I feel like with every chapter I write more and more 😂
Getting a glimpse into Conrad’s head in any fic itches my brain nicely, idk I just love him?? Anywho, the way you write his like emotions and his anger/frustration? I’m here for it, he deserves to be a little upset instead of just shutting himself down to protect himself 🥺🖤 BUT him tracking Dean down and punching him before the ass can even get a word in?! Yes!! Thank you omg, protector Conrad getting his emotions out AND making sure Dean knows he’s not welcome anymore? no and then he comes home and tucks us in??? After beating a guy up?? God I’m feral for him I need therapy 😂
Him and his moms? (Bc lbr Susannah x Laurel is the real otp here 😭🖤) I tear up every time Susannah’s cancer gets brought up bc of personal stuffs so like Conrad crying on her and letting himself feel bc he didn’t mean to hurt us while his mom was sick?? My eyes were sweating I wanna give him cuddles and back rubs and forehead kisses 🥺😭🖤🖤
Steven would be that person tho “oh don’t worry I watched the cooking channel I can do this!” And then fucks it all to hell 😂 I love him, I feel like Steven and I would be those besties that are complete idiots together because we share half a braincell 😂
And Connie calling us my girl?!?! AND baby?!! That shit gives me butterflies omg 😭😭 im so lonely lmfao ahh the whole living room scene has me in a choke hold I love him, just ahhhhh the domesticity of caring for your lover after he beats someone up for you 🥺🖤
The almost kiss on the beach had me swooning too 😭 Fucking Steven and cockblocking us 😂😂
No but who tf does Thérèse think she is???? “Sorry I stole your bf I was jealous but I ended things with him” like good for you but stay away lmao like that trust would be so damaged!!! Thérèse and Dean really do deserve each other 😤😤
Okay but us hitting Dean? And just being a feral cat about him not shutting up? Yes please?! Couples who beat shitty exes up together are top tier 😂 (I know we’re not a couple yet but in my heart Conrad’s already my husband 😂🖤) AND AGAIN the of checking over each others wounds?!!! I love them, your honor. 🖤🖤
Okay but Connie immediately wanting to take off and beat the shit out of Dean, while the love of his life’s injured??? But his tunnel vision is just like “gotta kill this guy”?? Like you idiot I don’t want Jere to take me to the hospital I want the person that makes me feel safe there 😭😭😭
Overall I love how theres a bunch of little moments showing how we love each other but it doesn’t feel forced or too fast? Like obviously Conrad and her just wanna kiss (damn you Steven) but also they’re comfortable just existing together too because they both know they care?? Does that make sense? Is that even what you were going for? Idk but that’s how I’m feeling it rn, maybe it’s just my craving for love that’s reading in too deep 😂😂
AHHH 😭 Anyway thank you again for another glorious chapter, I love it, I adore you, and I’m so so excited for more! I can’t wait to see the moms reactions to their tattoos (and for getting into a fight and getting injured 💀😂) and just for more shenanigans in general with everyone 🖤🖤😭
ok so i totally agree, dean is a RAT he deserves whatever happens to him ik i wrote the damn thing but i stand w it🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
no but fr someone needed to humble dean and thérèse both like they’re so annoying. i didn’t want thérèse to have a giant monologue just explaining why she did what she did bc honestly people like that don’t rly say all that much irl, they’re just looking for ways to get back in ur life and mess it up again tbh and she was just annoying too like
and i mean i didn’t wanna say it myself but yes the main characters here ARE susannah and laurel, glad we cleared that up. they’re literally so cutesy and wonderful i love them sm
STEVENS SO FUNNY STOP- hes literally hilarious i love him sm
no honestly i love the living room scene too it’s so cutesy and domestic i thought those two needed a tiny little cute relaxed moment before it all went down tbh💀💀
and i agree, if someone called me baby??????????
that’s all i have to say. next question.
no everytime i write an almost kiss im literally on the edge of my seat as well like should i make them kiss or should i wait🤨🤨
REAL. we’re not officially w conrad yet but we bascially are married w two dogs and an adopted son (steven) so we don’t even need to go through the formalities anymore
no fr like ily conrad but now is not the time, you better get in that car and drive to the hospital.
YESS IT DOES MAKE SENSE IM SO GLAD YOU NOTICED!!!! i didn’t want to make this one too like fast paced or too like oh everyone gets what they want happily ever after like i feel like you don’t need to be constantly making out or talking w someone you care about, even just spending some time w them is more than enough like just having these tiny cute little moments is so lovely
YESS IM SO EXICTED TO WRITE MORE ON THIS ONE sadly i don’t think i can post another part until like friday night / the weekend bc schooo started again today (kms) and it’s gcse year (double kms) but im so happy you like it, i love love love these conment things so much you have no idea🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽
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misstalwyn · 2 years
Okay Thebes, what the FUCK
cut again bc I just need to vibrate on this shit
It was so much exactly like what I thought and exactly the opposite of what I wanted
I hated being right about the goddamn tomb décor but it’s nice to see that narcissism at work ig lol
Like, damn, on one hand I wanted to see Thebes, and it looked more like the Thebes I could see in my head than I thought they’d do! (I really thought he’d just jump out of a sarcophagus tbh)
On the other hand, I had two BIG wants on two conditions
If Ted is alive, we get to fight/kill him
If he’s dead, it had to have been ironic/funny and we get to spit on his grave
So you can maybe see why I’m just ticked all the way off now 😤
It’s a little disappointing that because of the way they went about using it, Thebes & Ted feel like a footnote in this game’s narrative? And the series as a whole? Am I alone in feeling like that??
I mean, Ted is the reason all this shit even started, he was the Big Bad and they deliberately left all these threads hanging in ZD just to wrap them up way too neatly in a plot where he’s not even the antagonist anymore?? WHY
Don’t get me wrong, I think the zeniths are interesting enough as villains, but doesn’t it feel a little odd that they were more successful just by being stupidly rich people who happened to pick the venture that worked, rather than Ted, who was smart enough to have Omega Clearance done under Elisabet’s nose, become functionally immortal, and kill the alphas?
I can’t believe I’m even defending Ted at all but when you spend a whole 100+ hour game’s worth of lore building this guy up and then don’t even show his gross, resident evil mutation IN THE GAME ABOUT FIGHTING GROSS, COOL MONSTERS, I’m gonna be a little disappointed, k?
I hate to think it was because they thought Ted was too easy to hate? They really thought “let’s undercut every little thing he ever did and even when we DO deliver what you’d expect, we’re gonna kill him passively so players don’t even get the satisfaction of kicking his ass”
I expected this whole scenario at the end of a trilogy, hence why I wrote that fic as vaguely as I did—bc I really didn’t think they’d just go and do it now! I thought I had to leave space for a whole ass sequel! And they just,,, went and did it,
It feels especially cowardly now bc it’s clear in all his datapoints that he never came remotely CLOSE to realizing exactly what he did/was doing. And then they just let him die with that mindset! Half the reason I wanted to confront him (and why I’m so glad I wrote the fic when I did lol) was so he could see, if not realize, how wrong he was!
Aloy just really deserved a chance to give Ted a piece of her mind tbh, and I would have LOVED to see the look on his face when he realized who/what she was. 😤
I guess the zeniths could fill in on that narrative thread, but it’s just not gonna feel as satisfying, especially bc I still don’t know who they are!!
Tilda knew Lis? Okay, that’s a total retcon, but w/e.
Erik and Peter? Whomst?!
I feel a wayyyy more intriguing tie to Regalla than any of those chumps, bc I love the Tenakth so much and her shit has really divided them and brought them closer together at the same time in a long, consistent manner. It’s great! I wanna fight her more!
The zeniths? Eh, I guess I just wanna break their stuff more than them rn lol
Plus, Regalla’s motivation/conflict ties into the first game and extended lore so well! Ofc it makes sense a segment of the Tenakth wouldn’t be capable of forgiving the Carja! That shit was fucked up!! No amount of smiles and gifts from Avad could ever “fix” that! (Sorry, my sun-king 😭)
All this to say you could’ve just had this game be Aloy’s long quest to repair GAIA, feat. All these new cool tribes and people. Regalla was already your shadow carja equivalent, and just finding the subfunctions while she’s running around fucking shit up would’ve been challenge enough. Didn’t need the space people at all, tbh! But, I’m not a game writer! (Yet!!)
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You just got your first ask Cookie????
I know those are super fun! So I'm sending you another one ;)
Uhhh a question I always liked answering:
Tell us the character you
Simp for
Just kinda like
Hate like most people do
Hate even though most people like 'em
And why!
If I missed a category you think I should add feel free to add it :)
- ♥️ Lefty
I had to think about some of these for a minute, but here's my list.
1. Simp for:
Jimmy Bae - Weak Hero
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I could seriously have listed a whole slew of characters but I ultimately decided on Jimmy because I just love his character. There's definitely more depth to him than just being the typical hot headed bully, and I wish more people would see that. And I mean there's a reason my Jimmy fic (on Wattpad) is turning into a damn novel, because I just can't stop myself from writing about him. Plus I have a thing for redheads. What can I say, I like what I like, ya know. 🤷‍♀️
2. Just Kinda Like:
Mikey - Tokyo Revengers
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I know this could be an unpopular opinion but Mikey is just a there character for me. I don't hate him, but I also don't love him. He's just kinda there. I find more enjoyment from watching the other characters like Draken, Mitsuya, or Chifuyu. Even Takemichi is more fun to watch than Mikey, and Tekemichi annoys me half of the time he's on screen. I've only watched the anime, so maybe I'm missing something that didn't transfer over?
3. Hate Like Most People Do:
Shou Tucker - Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
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I hate this guy more than I hate Bryce Oh, because at least Bryce didn't hurt his own family. And a child that depended on him at that. And if his name isn't ringing any bells, then maybe this picture will. Cuz I can't even bring myself to actually write about what he did to his own family.
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He's a total trash person. Period.
4. Hate Even Though Most People Like 'Em
Orihime Inoue - Bleach
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Honest, I can't stand her. She's super freaking annoying, and if I was Ichigo I would have told her to stop shouting his name all the damn time. Now I can give that her ability was useful and could be strong, but it was only ever used to heal others. I think she is just portrayed as too much of a damsel in distress character for my liking, and it just irritates me to no end. Plus. I am team Rukia. (I don't care about Renji's feelings. Renji Does Not Deserve Rukia 😤)
And I'll add one more for fun...
5. Just Simply Love
Shiro - Deadman Wonderland
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I love Shiro and I just want to give her the whole world. First she's super freaking badass, and second she's such a strong character to have survived what she went through and to still be able to possess love for someone is amazing. Even if it's a warped crazy kind of love lol.
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saintobio · 3 years
Pls someone tell y/n it's time for hot girl summer and to ditch Gojo on this honeymoon. 😩
Sera is just as shitty a person and just as much to blame for y/n's treatment so far as Gojo imo because she knows he's married and there's no real chance for them atm and is still with Gojo. Love be damned and regardless of reasonings Gojo is cheating in his marriage and treating y/n so badly and carelessly and for what? Gojo and y/n never stand a chance together as things are now. I'm so invested about learning more as we read but as much as I want to root for Gojo in Sincerly Not cheaters do not deserve happy endings. There will have to be a hella good reason for y/n to ever forgive him because he's just being straight up cruel in this fic.
I love your fics. They always make me feel so much while I read them.
😩 u have a point there!! sera is barely introduced into the story so i get why the opinions abt her are all over the place, but specific to what u said — i agree it is kinda wrong to tolerate someone’s unfaithfulness just bc they were forced to like their spouse.
they all have individual crises in this fic and will be revealed as the story goes. for now yes gojo’s rights are revoked 😤
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choerrypuffs · 2 years
its a comeback indeed!!! mark accidentally slipped it out during an award show LMAOAOAOA
also!!!!!!!!!!! molo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mark!!!! solo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i cant wait its gonna be epic huge the highlight of the century
and omfg?!?!!?!?! i havent read the jeno fic im to scared to read it not rn i have so much school sigh </3 i will read it as soon as i have a break!! wait a damn minute i have break tomorrow
- ccsa anon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yes i saw the molo teasers on insta !!! i’m finally not behind for once 😩 i’m so happy for him though he deserves it after carrying every nct unit on his back😭 now hyuck solo next or else sm 🔫🔫🔫
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tenderlyrenjun · 3 years
hi!! <3 i just finished reading timeout and this is so embarassing but holy shit that was such an intense experience, you just took my breath away with how amazing this fic was. 🤧❣️ like literally!!!!! i was feeling dizzy and having a hard time breathing while reading NWKSISJSJS i love the way you described each details of their actions like the part where jeno and y/n got pressed up on each other MSKSKSKS I'M GONNA GO FERAL PLS THAT WAS SO GOOD I ALMOST LOST IT😭😭😭😭 the fact that i could see everything so explicitly in my mind and my brain going 🚨🚨🚨. and i don't why but i love the "jeno always sees her first before she does" AAAAAAA. and i'm also obsessed with y/n shoving jeno inside his car and hovering over him BBBBBBRRRRRRRR🤒. aND THEN THE SMUT GOOD LORD I WAS FIGHTING FOR MY LIFE!!! i am not kidding when i say i had to take mini breaks in between bcs i. suddenly. forgot. how. to. breathe???????? wtf?????? iT'S THAT GOOD. even right now as i'm typing this i'm still catching my breath like hOW DARE YOU PLS TAKE RESPONSIBILITY RN😤😤. jeno whimpering from y/n groping his thighs, y/n whispering on jeno's ear and jeno pulling her skirt, jeno grabbing her waist, the teasing, and jeno biting on his shirt bc he was told to daMN, the whole "can i kiss you? no, not there" part just got me like fUCK I WANT THAT LMAO. and when it got to the fucking part, just when i thought "ok this is it i'll get some oxygen here" but nO it just kept going and going and it became too much to handle that i'm just 😵🚨😵🚨😵🚨😵🚨 the whole time. and up until the end. and the ending!!!!!! 💯 i'm so curious of what's gonna happen to them next eeeee eee. i also really love how jeno kinda just accepts whatever y/n does lol. anway, you did such a great job on this fic, it's so well written and it's one of my fav jeno fics now💞 it's been awhile since i've felt this overwhelmed over a fic aaaa😩💖 i'll prolly read it again!!! 😎❤️ i love u i'm literally so happy i found this beautiful work of yours❤️
and last, i'm gonna have a hard time recovering from this jsksoskssj the jeno feels are hitting me bad these days. he's just soooo damn fine🙄 i'm tryna deny it but this just dragged me back in by the leg NSKSISJSKS this fic made me feel weak and vulnerable!!!!! :")))))
ahh thank you <33 thank you <33 i'm really glad that you enjoyed reading it!! it's supposed to be an experience! i try to make all my fics somewhat intense, just because i like the emotion - i was worried, at first, that it came across as cringey >-<
and yeah! every scene that i write, i can see it very clearly - it's why my fics are member-specific! they can't really be interchangeable.
they way that i see jeno is like ... someone who enjoys the security and familiarity. he can be free to do things; they can be free to do things, but the two of them must be loyal to each other. like, he's posessive but in the sense that, like, he needs security lol. and the whole letting y/n do whatever she wants thing is based off of jaemin and haechan chosing jeno during nct 2020 enquete20 for "member whose preferences match mine" solely because jeno would do whatever they wanted lol. he's easy breezy and only likes (10) people.
read time out: the prequel here
the part where they get pressed against each other:
this part sets up a whole thing that I have in the main part! everything is going to come full circle to this prequel lol. i'm glad you liked this part lol; i thought that i described it too much >-<
You have the same look in your eyes as when Jeno first met you. It took a few more meetings, after that one, until he was able to name it: contempt, maybe even irritation, or disrespect. However, unlike now, he was unable to discern why he had been so deserving of your precious scorn; all he did was show up to practice! This time though, Jeno concedes that it was partially his fault. He was weaving between couples and trios, trying not to hit anyone on his way to alcohol; he barely had any in his system, to be so wobbly on his feet, like a drunkard, but he walked too close to the drywall and bounced off it, in an attempt to avoid two people making out, then he hit you right in the shoulder, your arm carrying a shot glass filled to the brim (you would get dinged in a chem lab, Jeno thinks, not that he has taken chemistry recently; he mostly listens to all the ways Jaemin kept failing the lab safety quiz). You spilled peach soju on his wrist and the edge of his shirt, forcing him to lift it enough to show off his sharp v-line, his transversus abdominis, that gets cut off by his pants tied above his waist, rather than at his waist – a tease, honestly.
Jeno’s arm jerks backward, responsively, to force some space away from everyone, mostly you, but your watch snagged on the fabric, pinching the draw string tightened around his hips, wrapping you closer the more that Jeno tries to detangle himself. He takes a step to the wall, shoulders alert, feeling for the rough material until he falls against it. Your waist slumps against his as he drags you with him, and you grumble, ugh, holding out a second while people pass behind you, pushing past you away from the kitchen. Jeno presses your hips down, your feet coming to the ground, his hands resting more on your butt than your lower back, almost like a trap. The hallway is too narrow for this many people, Jeno thinks, wishing that Hongjoong had the sense to either limit how many students could attend or limit Seonghwa’s invites. Although, he probably would not have been able to attend had any of those two events occurred. And his hands tighten with the thought, locking you between his arms. He can feel you stare at him, blocking out the crowd that he watches equally intently.
the part where jeno notices you (or at least, one of them):
my user name is tenderlyrenjun, after the lipstick that renjun promoted, yeah, but mostly because they're tender!! they haven't said that they hate each other; they're just assuming it!! they don't know what this feeling is!!
Jeno scans his eyes further into the living, searching for someone familiar, then he spots you and Yeeun. Well, you first. He noticed that he always does this: sees you before you see him, and it turns into this whole thing.
I can't put the whole sex scene into this ask because it's ... the whole fic bdfkjghfdsghds but i'm glad you like it!! i'm aware that smut is my best genre - I just don't write it very often .-.
but there are only two times where "can i kiss you" is said and it is by each of them!! he says it in the closet; y/n says it in the car! they're not polar opposites!! they are two sides of the same coin ahhhhhh.
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