#but i ain't feeling it now lmao
ask-the-rag-dolly · 2 months
i'm going to be honest what you all have been doing is harmful to her wellbeing and will have considerable impacts going forward and yes i am saying this right as it's too late to change it , you're welcome everybody
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bi-badass-geek · 29 days
Hades 1 vs Hades 2 Designs
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● Hermes besides Hypnos was first character that made me think when i saw him oh some time has passed since Zag's escapes indeed, makes you feel that time skip. In this particular debate between those i'm really digging both but if needed to say which i prefer would go with second. I feel it should be said he sure rolls nicely with longer hair i would say darker outfit too but that's probably because pallet that's used for levels.
Ps. I saw post that mentioned how his ring is the same as ones Charon is wearing in first game and if it's a hint at something i'm here for it!
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● Zeus for this god specifically there is discourse about how his pose is less dynamic and oh boy if i don't agree with that so much. In first game you see him and his look makes you think yeah this is the king of gods while in second game man is just there with posture i take often because i'm useless gay that don't know what to do with my hands and feels like they took all this might and put it into chiseling his nipples & abs into his golden chestplate. Not to mention the detail of missing the iconic bolt! Don't think it needs to be said but 100% would pick Hades 1 design out of those options.
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● Poseidon the King of the Sea another example in my humble opinion where they went with flattening that dynamic looks exchanging it for man that just standing there chilling which is good for him but where first screams cool uncle second one goes uncle that wants retirement. I really like how we can see the trident now tho and need to point out his outfit sure got more print on it. When it comes down to pointing out which one is the winner in my eyes it would be 2020 one.
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● Aphrodite if she wasn't the one that got thrown into drama because people double standards and hypocrisy. Design from first game and the pose straight up makes you think of love, lust, seduction all the things that are associated with said goddess. As for Hades 2 version i have no clue why it feels like this considering it's actually the opposite because we can see armor on her legs now but she feels less covered for me, do i find it negative or in any way problematic? Not one bit let the woman show off all her assets all day long! Really love the adds of her weapon and shield makes you immerse in the store of oh fights are happening around these parts. From seduction to i stand here at the ready kinda vibe and i'm really digging it.
Ps. Another post i read was about fact that her war paint i will call it (not 100% sure if that is it or just line for the giggles) is reference to Ares and considering her myth i really like that touch!
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● Hypnos was the first OG i saw and was like man not only catching up on his sleep but also got such glow up i absolutely adore the design. Not to say he looked bad in Hades 1 but there it was like okay nice to Hades 2 like Damnnn and his lil helpers that keeps him up! Love the fact that of all things they made him be tucked into his cape like burrito.
Ps. I really do hope by the end of the game we get to wake him up so he can try out that nectar that we all leave there waiting.
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● Chaos so many things to say and at the same time silence says it all. Seen people focusing on fact some out there call them he or how it's a downgrade from previous but don't even elaborate why they think that because everyone has right to have their own preference but at least put it into words instead of going trash next..there was also notion how they resemble Meg and while i see where people get that idea from for sure before reading that my mind didn't went there at all. I think both designs really work with someone who is primordial originator and how time goes so can their form. I find it very fascinating that they put old skeleton with new one and adore galaxy under suit makes me think of Nyx right away and how they're connected. Can totally see how between those two gamers got major stance that left reminds them more of male and right of female beings but at the end of the it chaos is chaos. Gotta take chair routine from Meg while they at it! The face on the shoulder surely throws me in loop tho fits? Sure. Does it disturb me in micro scale? Yes. About frames and poses don't have much to say cause both caption the essence of i mind my business everything unrelevant until i say so.
Ps. I know it's about physical aspect but let me say Chaos roasting Mel about how her brother is amusing one out of two Hades spawns is living rent free in my brain.
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seasonal-writes · 1 year
“i ain’t ever liked sweets (till you sugar coated my teeth)” (AO3 Link is here!<3) pairing: jimmy / tango cw: kisses, neck kissing (which, among a few other things, makes me label this one as mildly suggestive! nothing TOO bad happens, but just be aware.) happy valentine’s day, everyone! i wrote this very self-indulgent, plotless, tiny valentine’s day fluff one-shot for the ranchers. because i’m a sap. yeah. ya’ll are probably so sick of my rancher fic posting but SORRY i am ROTTING over them, alright?? at this point, it’s turning into my brand. anyway. i hope you guys enjoy! :D thanks for reading and all the support recently! p.s. the title is from “Sugar Rush” by Addison Grace! <3 ~ “Uhh, alright- now we need to add a cup and a half of sugar..” Jimmy reaches across the kitchen island for the white and pink bag, sitting in a cluster with the other varying ingredients. He grabs it with one hand and hauls the heavy paper bag down, landing with a dull thud against the counter. Pulling it open at the top, he’s about to find a measuring cup, only for Tango to hold it out for him.
Jimmy smiles warmly and takes it from him.“Thank you.” “Mhmm,” Tango hums, grabbing the cookbook splayed out in front of them and pulling it close. On the page, there’s a picture of a very pink cake. It’s decorated perfectly, with curly piped frosting and cut strawberries tracing the heart shape of it. The book itself is a little old, some of the edges of the pages folded in and yellowing. Right at the top of the page, Valentine’s Day Chocolate Cake: A perfect treat for you and your special someone! He feels like laughing. So corny. Tango’s eyes fall onto the steps of the recipe. “Hey, did you preheat the oven?” “No, um- Can you-?” Jimmy asks, focusing hard on the tedious movement of the heaping cup to the bowl placed between the two of them. “I’m on it!” Tango says, turning around and heading for the oven just behind them. In doing so, he bumps Jimmy’s elbow, making the heaping cup of sugar jerk to the side. Jimmy lets out a tiny squeak, and some of the sugar is cast onto the workspace. “Tango!” Jimmy exclaims, though he snorts, “Careful!” Tango’s shoulders jerk up, turning back to look at Jimmy with gritted teeth. “Oops, sorry..” He quickly presses a few buttons, setting the oven to a toasty 350 degrees before coming back and joining Jimmy, careful to avoid getting too close this time—though, their shoulders still brush. He doesn’t want to be too far away, of course. Tango watches Jimmy pour in another cup of sugar, the sparkling white dust building up the tiny hill of ingredients forming in the bright red bowl. Jimmy’s face is something like a determined child’s, his tongue lightly peeking out with furrowed eyebrows as he leans over the cookbook. His eyes scan over it intently. “Lookin’ good, chef Jimmy,” Tango says. Jimmy’s tongue disappears as he breaks from his focus, head turning to him, a goofy smile appearing. “Thanks. You’re quite the assistant, yourself.” Tango finds himself leaning in, getting onto his tippy toes as he attempts to steal a quick kiss. Jimmy, at first, looks like he’s going to meet him halfway—but instead, turns his face and looks back down to the bowl, leaving Tango with puckered lips and a furrowed brow. “Nice try, love. Cake first.” Tango lets out a long, pathetic-sounding whine as he falls back onto his heels roughly. “What do you mean?” he asks, puffing out his bottom lip as he’s ignored, “It’s Valentine’s Day!” Jimmy shakes his head, grabbing the vanilla extract. Tango doesn’t stop his job, which he has decided is handing Jimmy things when he needs them, so he holds out the spoon despite his pity party. “I knoooow,” Jimmy says, graciously taking the spoon and pouring the sweet-smelling extract into it, “I just don’t wanna get distracted. And you know that’s what’ll happen.” Tango shrugs a little. Okay, fair. They definitely had a tendency to distract each other. It’d be something completely innocent or non-related, like Tango at his workbench or Jimmy trying to work on something in the barn and well.. one thing leads to another. Maybe it was the lingering “honeymoon” phase, maybe it was because there was a mutual, un-tethered obsession with each other. Who could tell? But Tango couldn’t help it, not today. Even Tango was not impenetrable to the forces of Valentine’s Day. The cheesiness infects you from dawn to dusk, and he’s already constantly hanging all over Jimmy. All in all, it was a recipe for disaster. “Gah,” he huffs, poking at a bottle of bright pink sprinkles, “Fine. I guess.” “That’s a good Tango,” Jim teases, still not looking at him as he moves onto whisking in the bowl, “Can you get the cake pan, my little assistant?” “Don’t deny me kisses and then patronize me,” Tango says, narrowing his eyes at Jimmy, who grins evilly. “Please?” he asks again, very sweetly. Wrinkling his nose, Tango nods. He grumbles like an old man, shuffling over to the cabinets and popping one open. Scooping out the cool, gray pan, he pushes a few things aside before setting it on the counter. Tango continues watching intently, afraid to touch anything as Jimmy gives the pan a spray-down with oil that makes him want to cough. Slowly, Jimmy then lifts the bowl and pours the dark mix into the heart-shaped cake pan, now slick and shiny. He looks pleased with his work as he sets the bowl aside. Where Tango feels he lacks in these things like baking and cooking, Jimmy makes up for it. In fact, Tango doesn’t even like sugar-y foods that much. It’s good on occasion, but he doesn’t go out of his way for them. But then he shows up for their date, and Jimmy shoves that recipe in his face. Those eyes so big and starry with excitement, bouncing on his heels and saying how fun it’d be... Tango couldn’t say no. He’ll eat cake for Jimmy. Frankly, he’d bend over backwards and kill a man for Jimmy—but for now, cake. One that he’s, successfully, barely helped with. “You’re really good at this,” Tango says, letting the thoughts fall. The oven beeps to signal it’s ready, and Jimmy glances over to him as he picks up the pan. Jimmy’s cheeks get a little pink, and he looks a little taken aback, though it melts into a smile. “Stopp..” he says, taking the cake pan from the counter. “What? It’s true!” Tango says. Jimmy just chuckles to himself. Pulling open the oven door, Jimmy quickly slides the cake onto the rack and sets the timer. He turns around once it’s closed, leaning his back against it and looking at Tango. “25 minutes,” he says, “and then I’ll have to check it with a toothpick.” Nodding, Tango slowly steps over. He hears 25 minutes and his brain reels with ideas and opportunity. Curling up close and fiddling lightly with the collar of his shirt, he purrs.  “25 whole minutes,” Tango says, staring intently at those big brown eyes, “What should we do?” “Hmm, I think I have an idea..” Jimmy hums, voice going low and husky. Tango grins. “Mhmmmm?” “We could..” Jimmy starts, and Tango feels him grab at the sides of his arms lightly, “Make some frosting. And cut some strawberries.” As Jimmy pulls back from his ear, he plants a quick kiss on Tango’s cheek, then spinning the two of them around to change places as he hops back to the counter. Tango stays next to the oven, a little dumbfounded for a second. He feels all warm and tingly now, and that playful frustration only grows within him. Oh, he’ll get Jimmy for this one. “Wanna cut the strawberries?” Jimmy asks cheerily, though it’s laced with the knowing that he’s being a little cheeky. “I-.. Yeah, okay.” Jimmy hands Tango a knife once he’s back in his station, sliding over the bowl of water-speckled strawberries from when they were washed before. Tango gets to work slowly chopping them, one at a time. Next to him, Jimmy hums as he throws together the ingredients for a frosting. It’s pink and fluffy within a few minutes, while Tango’s empty plate has a decent pile of bright strawberries. Tango picks one out and plops it into his mouth, that sweet and tart taste attacking him immediately. He lets out a pleased hum, reaching for another. When he catches sight of a few fingers reaching for the bowl, though, he swiftly smacks them away. “Aye!” Jimmy says, dropping the spoon into his bowl as he holds his hand, “What was that for?” “No kiss, no berry,” Tango says in a very firm way, mouth still half-full, “That’s the rules.” “Since when?” “Since now.” “No fair!” Jimmy exclaims, reaching for the berries once more. Tango smacks him again, cuing yet another dismayed cry from Jimmy. Trying to fight the smile that tempts his face, Tango ignores Jimmy’s pitiful and intent stare as he picks up the knife. “Sorry, Jimmy. You know what you have to do..” he says in a sing-song voice, about to continue his work, when something cold and pink is smudged across his cheek.  He gasps, retracting a bit as he whips his head to the side. Jimmy licks some remaining frosting from his finger, overwhelmingly happy with himself. “Did you know pink’s a good color on you?” “You little-!” Tango huffs. Instinctively, he reaches into the open bag of flour, gathering a bunch into his fist and tossing. It scatters across Jimmy in a cloud, covering his entire upper half. “Tango!” he says, pulling at the blue t-shirt that is now covered in flour, “Ohh, you are goin’ to get it..” “That so?” Tango asks, putting his hands on his hips and wiggling them playfully, “What are you gonna do, huh?” The two moving in such slow sync could only be described as predator and prey, Jimmy holding out his hands in preparation. Tango watches a glint of mischievousness flash through Jimmy’s eyes, and he prepares to run. “C’mere and I’ll show you!” Jimmy suddenly says, reaching out to Tango with both hands and dashing forward. Tango jumps back, but Jimmy’s surprisingly quick. He’s scooped up into big arms before he can get away, laughter bursting out from him as he grabs at Jimmy’s shoulders as his feet leave the ground. “What the- You were so fast?!” Tango questions, looking down at his grinning partner. “Gotcha,” Jimmy says. With the word, he leans in and plants his mouth right on Tango’s cheek. In a sloppy kiss, he licks most of the frosting right off his face. Tango can feel warmth crawl up his neck at the sensation, a bunch of tingles spreading from head to toe and shocking his nerve endings with something weirdly exciting. Despite this, his face scrunches up with a high pitched shriek as he tightly grips Jimmy’s shoulders while he attempts to lean away. When Jimmy pulls away, he’s halfway to a full mess. Covered in of flour still lingering on his neck and dusting his face, mouth now a little artificially-pinker than before, his tongue swipes across his bottom lip. “You’re right, I am pretty good at this baking thing,” he chimes, “That frosting is quite good.” “You..icing-coated jerk..” Tango grumbles, though it’s full of so much love he can taste it and his smile is undeniable. “Excuse me, that’s your icing-coated jerk, thank you,” Jimmy says, smiling big as his eyes scan over Tango’s face, who is a bright tomato red even still. With an easy lift, Jimmy sets Tango up on a clear area of the counter. He tears a paper towel from the roll set aside for occasions like this—though, maybe not exactly like this. Tango goes to take it himself, but Jimmy pushes the hand away and gently wipes at his cheek, getting rid of any remaining.. frosty stuff. Jimmy’s eyes drift to Tango’s as he cleans it off—who is shamelessly staring when their eyes meet. Jimmy’s teeth burst past lip in a smile, something dopey. With the sight comes that warm, syrup-y feeling that seeps from Tango’s chest and alllll the way down to his toes. Butterflies kick up in his stomach, heart rate exploding. “What’re you starin’ at?” Jimmy asks, cocking an eyebrow. The crumpled napkin joins the mess of bowls and other half-open ingredients once he’s done with it. “Nothing,” Tango says softly, eyes flicking down to his lips, “Just somethin’ real pretty..” “And what might that be?” Jimmy insists further, voice delicate as his hands find Tango’s knees and gently rest upon them. It sends a chill down his spine. “If I say it’s you, will you kiss me already?” “Maybe.” “Okay then, mister..” Tango reaches out, curling his fingers into the belt loops of Jimmy’s jeans and giving them a decent tug. Jolting forward a bit, Jimmy glides into the space between Tango’s legs with ease, pulled right up against the counter until it stops him. “It’s you, my pretty thing,” Tango says lowly. Jimmy goes red in the face, cheeks a pleasantly rosy color that matches the cake frosting almost perfectly. As if by habit, the closer Jimmy gets to Tango, the further his hands slide up. They grip Tango’s hips lightly, resting like they’re meant to be there. “Awww, Tangooo..You think I’m pretty?” Jimmy asks, giving a gentle, dramatic gasp. More teasing. With a roll of the eyes, Tango leans up and presses his lips against Jimmy’s, closing the mere inch or two they’d had left between them. Jimmy giggles against it, but the delighted noise dies off as he kisses him deeper, more hungry as the seconds pass. Unhooking his fingers, Tango’s hands wander slowly up his waist, snaking around Jimmy’s neck and clasping behind it. Pulling him in further, he can feel Jimmy’s hands grip his hips tighter now, the tall man letting out a low guttural groan that makes Tango’s jaw buzz. Oh, he wishes he could get closer, even scooting forward just a tad (spare not immediately falling off the counter) and hooking his legs around Jimmy’s hips. With the movement, big hands shift to his back and fingers roughly hold the fabric of his t-shirt in fists, sending sensations all the way up to the back of Tango’s head. Distracted.. might be an understatement. Maybe Tango understands why Jimmy was so insistent on not getting into this earlier, as stopping is the last thing on his mind. Jimmy breaks the kiss with a quick inhale, only to dive below Tango’s jawline and press a long kiss there. Tango’s sharp teeth graze at his own bottom lip with a delicate gasp, claws curling into the blonde hair on the back of Jimmy’s head.. He can feel hot breath casting onto his neck and fingers on skin and... A loud, high-pitched beep sounds. They stop moving, Jimmy plopping his forehead onto Tango’s shoulder with a raspy chuckle. “Damnit..” he curses. “I promise I’ll forgive you if you let the cake burn,” Tango suggests, whispering right into his ear with a grin. Jimmy looks up to him briefly, only turning to look at the oven as it beeps again, attempting to beckon him. He bites at the inside of his cheek, visibly weighing the option. When Jimmy turns back to Tango, he waves away the the oven. “It probably needs another minute anyway. Altitude and.. things..” he says. “Of course, of course. It’ll be fine,” Tango says, nodding rapidly. “It’ll be fine. Few more minutes,” Jimmy says, words dissolving into Tango’s skin as he dips back below his jaw. Safe to say, Tango and Jimmy decorated a slightly burnt cake that day. And Tango finds that he might be more inclined to indulge his newfound sweet tooth. 
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dutybcrne · 2 months
Imagine if the remaining Khaenri'ahns, due to the influence of the curse or affliction of Abyssal energy they've been exposed to are able to see like. Warped visions of their old comrades/people via the leylines or in domains from first glance, where it would take others direct exposure or even special abilities to even begin to see them-
#☆ ┆ ( .ooc. );#//Kae as a kid seeing like. Spectres hanging around a domain and being creeped out#//Meanwhile bby!Luc is nonethewiser and happily tromping on over to pat the door of the domain to Prove he ain't scared of NOTHIN#//Kae trying not to scream and pull Luc away as he unknowingly makes the spectres part around him (bc his Vision) on his way#//Kae finally breaking through his terror and rushing forward to wrench Luc away when the spectres start acting weird and crowding him#//Cringing as he can almost feel them touching his head; whispering abt his role as Khaenri'ahs last hope while Luc yells at him#//Kae; older now; going to that same domain & being almost greeted by Them as he heads inside to investigate just What was going on there#//Getting a NASTY slew of Visions and torments bc he was WHOLLY unprepared for what they were tryna show him#//Dainsleif being Haunted by all the spectres in the Chasm; seeing shadowy figures everywhere he looks/walks#//Stalking him; whispering to him; calling his name; his title; begging for mercy; to be Saved; when he can scarcely do so for himself#//Bc that Abyssal device drained the HELL out of him; and with it amplifying the energy afflicting him; he can almost make out the faces#//Of each and every shadowy spectre coming at/near him. Can almost SEE the tormented faces of the Husks as they Challenge him#//Of HIS comrades; HIS people; hearing their dying; agonized screams through the agony of the Abyss's corruption#//The more affliction with Abyss energy; the clearer yet more Gruesome the images get#//As if it was always TEMPTATION in order to get the person to corrupt themselves more with it all along#//Baiting the person with things they can be intrigued by; be Desperate enough to seek out; feel GUILTY of and try to 'save them'#//Only to end up Ruined themselves when they fall far too deep into its clutches-#//Eh; idk where I was going with this lmao#//An attempt at horror plottings perhaps#//I do miss being able to fully; tho got a lil practice running Boo.thill hcs
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cinna-bunnie · 2 months
why is it always the forbidden fruit that entices me the most (⁠´⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠`⁠)
#🚶🏾‍♀️ not that it impacts the way i feel about anyone else but i actually do fr love my manager and it's crazy bc idk how or when this#happened. like i have fun by myself n i love my friends but i rly am at my happiest when I'm next to her huh (⁠´⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠`⁠) ♡⁠#and that is a wild way to feel about someone i work with let alone who supervises me akdkaka#i still can't believe how naturally and affirmingly “i love you” jumped out of me the other day without thinking about it#and i do??¿ after thinking about it??¿ i would literally do anything for you#and she said she loves me too 😵‍💫 and we've never articulated that before. and now our talks feel more personal than before but it#was a much bigger conversation for sure (⁠´⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠`⁠) she's out of work this week though and I'm thinking about her.#🚶🏾‍♀️i wanna show her my knife throwing but idkk...... struggling w where the line between professional and personal needs to be 💀#i treat my work friends and my real friends very differently lol. i don't know (⁠´⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠`⁠) aaa#now that i said it it's like a dam of feelings burst ૮ – ﻌ–ა girl...#she has a husband. but he's a scrub. but she's my boss. but we're already so sweet to each other. but i shouldn't. but i want to#aaauuugghghfhfghhghkhkjltlskxkvofjw !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#ignore me and my pining (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠) ♡⁠ im crazy about that girl. i really am huh.. 🚶🏾‍♀️#if you got to hang out with her u would get it.... i can't believe her man ain't shit... pls let me give u my attention#u don't have to be mine nor am i wanting that but let me take care of you (⁠。⁠ノ⁠ω⁠\⁠。⁠) ♡⁠ u work so hard for everyone else#she's fantasizing.... ......... wanting.. contemplating...?..?? no. no....??¿......? ......... 😐 hm#lmao
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toygirljackal-archive · 7 months
Getting ready to shower after a tiring day...
Wish someone could join me~
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@xenasaur thought you might like this <3
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h0ney8ee · 4 months
it really feels like 25 is the last birthday to get excited for and that's only if you care about lame stuff like being allowed to rent a car or whatever. this year i turn 26 and all im getting is kicked off my insurance
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mad-hunts · 23 days
what's your hotness diagnosis?
person on the train reading a book hot.
you're totally their type. well, you're not. but that's what the passenger across from you is thinking as you sit there, completely oblivious. you're mysterious and serene, and look so natural sitting there on the train they think your feet might be bolted to the floor the way the chairs and safety rails are. you're in your own world, you're reading something with an intriguing title, and without even knowing it, passengers are praying for some reason that you'll look up and ask for their number. you don't, of course. and they don't ask for yours, either. how could they disturb such a peaceful moment? but despite the fact that nothing was said, they managed to fall in love with you for 15 minutes. for the rest of the day they think about what your voice might've sounded like, what your interests might've been, how you might've smiled at them like they were your whole world if they'd managed to make you feel that way. you have that effect on people, in case you didn't know.
tagged by: @divingdownthehole!
tagging: @hexsreality, @honeyrage, @killerharvey, @vtriol, @umbralui, and anyone else who might want to take this quiz!
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wander-over-the-words · 6 months
"Benny is the only one who gets away with treating Ethan like a short person" btw means that if someone else laid their chin on top of Ethan's head or picked him up Ethan would fuckin *FERAL CAT HISS*
but then Benny does it and Ethan just :3
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definitionsfading · 11 months
I’ve been listening to some video content about c-ptsd recently and it’s making me realize why I actually liked undergoing medical procedures as a child and teenager. when I was in the hospital undergoing my thyroidectomy surgery or getting radiation therapy to treat the thyroid cancer, it was one of the only times in my adolescent life where my parents were [affectionately] attentive and I could exist without criticism or scorn. because they felt worried and guilty about me being “sick” and doted on me more than they ever had at any other point. to this day I still have a warm fondness for the smell of hospital soap because of the positive association; absolutely fucking bonkers shit
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I really wish some of the actresses who have voiced Disney Princesses would stop comparing their princess to the previous ones and claim how she was the "first" one to have *gasp* independence and strength *gasp*. Have they ever watched a Disney movie outside of their own?
#disney#disney princess#txt#that crap irks me#a few of them have done like paige o'hara mandy moore auli'i cravalho#can people talk about disney princesses as humans and not as stand-in's for “girl power” for once?#this is why i mess ONLY with jodi benson. she is one of the only ones who speaks about her character as a PERSON and not just a vessel for#whatever the hell they want to promote#“she isn't like the others” head asses#shut up#ironically they are actually pushing that “i'm not like other girls” mentality on them LMAO#i mean jodi will actually bring up all of her character traits and praise how well-written she is and now real she feels#some of the other ones only say “she didn't need no man so there's THAT” 🙄#don't get wrong i respect their work and contribution but man that stuff really annoys me#the guys who have voiced their princes do not do that nonsense. they don't feel the need to compare their characters to the previous ones#only women do this crap. i ain't surprised. it's expected honestly#i mean imagine if one of the va's for a disney prince went “my character was the first one to have a personality”#cuz we all know that if disney princesses have been getting blasted for their lack of proactivity and independence#the princes have been getting blasted for their lack of personalities which is also bullcrap too and that criticism was decimated a long#time ago as well as the princess one#but yeah imagine that#although bruno campos (hunky babe prince naveen) did say that his prince was “different” from the others and it was like uuuh no he isn't#he is cocky smooth handsome tall muscular and charming he is actually like MOST of the princes at the beginning if we are gonna be honest#he just takes it to a slightly more exaggerated level
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2-wuv · 1 year
so like are the people behind garten of banban taking the games seriously anymore. genuine question
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hauntingblue · 2 months
Inept 8 year old boy dragon tries to save floating island is such a concept
#momo just tell him!!! you've done this before!!! yeahhh#'this roof ain't big enough for the both of us'#luffy just telling momo to throw him something too akdhakaj this is back to how he was with koby but it worked so...#just grow some balls man!!! if he can spit something so can you!! BITE HIM!!! AHEKAHQK HE DID IT!!!! YEAHHH!!!!#he drew blood omg.... hell yes..... just be careful he doesn't bite back#luffy's exposure therapy is so effective. worlds greatest psychologist i have been saying this.#also nekomamushi and inuarashi better not die. i am also saying this.#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 1050#me as baby chopper crying. actually and for real.#i don't have any points to prove for this but sanji and zoro look married in wano. idk man. i can just feel it.#i remember several episodes ago i was complaining about the missmatch of the colors on luffy.... i forgor why the band is purple.... qjwjaj#the music.... slay#i might be getting the luffy worms again i feel so insane..... what do you mean the sky parted.... omg neko and inu.... KICK THEIR ASSES!!!!#luffy fighting kaido and he still has time to boss momo and yamato around ajdbaks and roast him too lmao#momo thinking about kinemon and kiku....#PEROSPERO AND JACK FINALLY!!!!!!!!! carrot omg..... pedro avenged ✔️ now fucking orichi.... how many heads does he have left.....#why is luffy turning supersayian aldjaksn#episode 1051#just saw trafalgay written on a comment and idk if its on purpose or a misspelling but thags so funny akshaksjaka#yamato and momo father-son bonding time <3 teaching him how to be a dragon... so sweet#also the race of people that could set themselves on fire on mariejoa??? kinda random dropping it in there but alas... ✍️✍️#zoro didn't want franky to help but there he goes.... out of onigashima... a good franky fart would have prevented that...#petition to rename coup de burst to franky fart. like why is it even in french. he is A YANKEE.#episode 1052#boy dragon sounds like boy genius. who wants to join my band
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leechloach · 7 months
My best friend of uhhh since I was 11 so that's 15 almost 16 years....... Is dumping me because I said that I dislike how grossed out he is by snot and spit (insanely stupid. Who needs this conversation. I blame myself) and he didn't like how I worded it. no indication he was mad btw he just waiting a day to try to confront me about it but got scared, deleted the message, I saw the message preview and read it, etc etc our last like 4-5 fights have been about how he doesn't like how I phrased things i.e. Semantics it is. So. So. SOOOOOOO stupid. It literally reminds me of fights we or like our friend group would have when we were fucking 14 but I guess people can only take so much huh!
Literally I feel like a dog with behavioral issues that snapped at someone's hand one too many times bc they didn't understand my "I'm scared, leave me alone" signals. One Too Many Times. So im getting dumped in the fucking woods for it. but don't worry, the person dumping me feels guilty about it
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idfk-im-bad-at-names · 8 months
Well I may not have experienced whatever minime lore there most likely was today but at least I've got this-
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dadralt · 2 years
like i am making the content i want to see but it’s hard to keep going when stuff barely hits 100+ notes these days
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