#but i also don't get it because yeah. people dislike certain storylines lmao
maddy-ferguson · 1 year
byler tumblr is a crazy crazy place because why do people get booed for disliking some stuff in canon. isn't that idk normal in fandoms
#you know that quote from the last black man in san francisco#you don't get to hate it unless you love it#there's parts of it i hate because i love the rest and just wish it was better#and it's not like the show would be better if i was the one writing whatever i'm just me but ykwim#isn't that normal. am i crazy#even if/when byler's canon and everything in that area makes sense there's still things i'm gonna hate about the show (and about the way#byler came to be...maybe not hate but dislike)#like i get where you're coming from because sometimes the way people see characters is skewed because they hate the direction the show took#but i also don't get it because yeah. people dislike certain storylines lmao#i mean the only storyline i REALLY disliked in season 4 was...russia...and that's very common and an acceptable thing to hate on here i#think. but even then i'm sorry i don't just dislike it i hate it like with a PASSION i can't even tell you how much i hate it it taints the#whole show in my eyes and sure i think season 5 is gonna be great i hope it is but i can't trust the people who came up with that to come u#with something I'M gonna love in s5. i hope they do though#also season 4 will never be LOVED by ME because the episodes are two hours long which is just annoying#i mean i really like it. i love parts of it. i love the themes and what it has to say. the season as a whole though...#the last episode was 140 fucking minutes long and we got a two days later time skip right in the middle of everything#you will just never see me pretend i love everything#the byers were sidelined and we got russians under a mall#and like i say: brf slt
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neverevan · 25 days
istg if the twitter crazies ruin this for us and get him fired while edy stayed for a whole season despite what she said/did literal weeks ago, not years.
they won't get him fired, I highly doubt Tim gives a crap about what is being said on twitter. I'd wager that the only person on the show who is actually seeing this shit is Lou. (I mean, I bet Oliver has a burner but yk lmao)
but if it gets to a certain level, I would absolutely not be surprised if he'd pull back from social media or the show itself. I have no idea about his inner workings, he's essentially a stranger to us (so is the rest of the cast) but he spoke about getting hateful comments a few years ago and how he didn't really mind, since his fans always came to his defense, so he didn't really have to worry about it.
his filmography is filled with noname small appearances though, aside from S.W.A.T. and that show doesn't have half the size of the fandom as 911 —nor is he the subject of shipping wars turning people into rabid dogs on the internet over fictional men to the degree that he is on 911twt.
so who knows how much it's getting to him. I really couldn't care less who likes and dislikes any of the actors, but harassing other, real people, be it someone on the show or other fans will never be an okay behaviour and it will never go without an impact, unfortunately.
but one thing that I don't see any of these 911 "fans" considering is the limitless pettiness of Tim Minear.
if, after sending him death threats over cut scenes just this year, they end up chasing away the guy who played the characer who gave Tim such a refreshing opportunity to finally go there with bi Buck and the accidental writing genuis that is the invisible string theory, then made him exit before Tim could work out his storyline to its natural progression — which is a phrase we're hearing a lot in the interviews and for a reason — yeah, I don't know how keen he would be on catering to that side or the fandom.
also yeah, no one gaf about Edy, so I really don't think this would break the camel's back with a character that has an actual personality and some bearing on the story, instead of being a pushover cardboard cutout who was only kept around because having two off-screen breakups didn't scratch Tim's writing itch.
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pesh-tigo · 6 years
sorry if this is too personal -- are you on hiatus from DV because you're bored of it or because of something else (don't need to specify if it's personal)? you were the one who got me hyped up for DV so if it's because you're bored as well... then RIP
Hey friend! No worries at all. (Is the internet not for oversharing and being too personal?) Kind of a mix of both to be honest. The “something else” part is that I had a really shitty job IRL that sucked all the life out of me, and then got a new job that I am really enjoying and have been doing other things with my life / playing other games that are more interesting to me (any of yall gonna play fallout 76? hmu).....
The “bored of it” part isn’t just strict boredom, again it’s kind of a mix of reasons. I still love a lot about Dappervolk but I think there are a lot of fair criticisms about it. I’m definitely... not the only one who’s grown a little distant from it. I guess I wish there was more interaction besides “click 1000 and read through this story”--for example, I just finished Visindy’s first part of the Silvie’s Mine storyline (yeah, yeah, that’s how far behind I am). There was a part in the story where it said something like “you look around and the cave is shining with crystals all around” (or something like that) and I thought, damn, how cool would it have been if there was an image that popped up, even if it were in the painterly style/not super detailed, that gave us an idea of what we could be picturing and what this cave looks like? Idk, I guess maybe some others would disagree and would rather picture it on their own? But for me I would love more visuals and things like that.
But I just don’t feel as engaged with the story and characters as I would have liked to and a lot of it does seem a bit grindy, and I’m not sure if I feel like it’s worth it to spend all the time grinding, because I don’t really know what I’m grinding for. Maybe once the premium shop comes into effect and there are big ticket items, but otherwise idk. And not to say that I dislike grinding, I’m fine with grinding, as long as it’s enjoyable.... but after you’ve created 500 “1 nip for 1 nip” trades it gets a lil bit tiring. Also in games, I like exploring, finding new things and locations, etc. It would be cool if there were new secret locations on the map that we could unlock by doing or completing certain things that weren’t part of the main storyline. I think I would be much more into the game if housing/guilds were around, so that’s one thing I can think of for official launch that I could get really into. Especially if I could interact with other players in real time. Don’t get me started about the issues with Adventuring. I hope to see a big improvement by the time official launch comes around, and I’m certain the staff will do so.
Also with the whole “datamining” accusations I just got so tired lmao. I felt like some folks were not-so-subtly hinting that I was an asshole for gathering info/spoilers or finding a cool thing and posting excitedly about it to keep the hype going (”we wanted this to be a surprise but SOME PEOPLE had to go ruin the fun for everyone” or acting like grabbing a image URL from a page was equivalent to hacking into the site) and tbh I got a lil bitter because of it. Not saying that I wasn’t in the wrong, I followed the rules afterwards and apologized, it was my bad, and I understand that the staff was upset and not everyone wanted to see easter eggs/spoilers. I’ve just never been on a site that had a rule against it before, or be so strict about it what is and isn’t “datamining”. So I kinda stopped working on spreadsheets and such because the energy and passion wasn’t there anymore (a super lame thing to say about spreadsheets, yeah, that’s my life).
Anyway, I’m sorry that you’re also feeling bored/detached from the site (that’s what I think you’re saying). And sorry that I can’t give you any reason or motivation to get back into it. :C Maybe after full launch things will be better? God I hope I’m more invested seeing as I invested hundreds of dollars into the site..... /sweatdrop I don’t have any plans for any more spreadsheets or polls, or to edit/finish any of the current ones I have out there, but maybe in the future I will. Also sorry this got so long, you sent me an ask right at the time I was looking into getting back into the site to finish out the story for beta (although I’m stuck at a part I literally can’t beat in time for the end of beta, so fuck me I guess) and reminiscing about things that have happened the past few months. If you want to discuss anything, feel free to hit me up again on here or on Discord. I guess this is kinda drama-y, sorry if this starts anything. I’m really not trying to start anything; I can honestly say I don’t care enough to do so. 
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panlyv · 4 years
I was a little late to the game but I've only recently realised how fucked up ttts is. I'm also realising how odd m*w is as a person (he's so clingy and possessive without it being reciprocated half the time.) Is there any other shows you think I should avoid now I'm starting to be more critical of the media I consume - minghao-ah 💛
hello!!! hi!! i'm so glad you've been starting to be more critical and conscious about the media you consume!! it's essential we do that most of the time, even with the things we like a lot, because nothing is 100% perfect and, especially in an environment like the one thai bls create, we should always be mindful and critical of what that piece of media represents and showcases of our community to the rest of the world. and th*rnt*pe does a terrible job at showing to others what the lgbtqia+ community really is when they base a whole relationship on sexual harassment, violence and disdain to the other party. not to mention that horrible and heartbreaking side story with tar (and fuck lh*ng man fuck him so much.). as for m*w, we don't //really// know what went down between him and art, but i honestly don't think art would be that distressed and crying that much if he'd made it all up, so i prefer to believe him (since he clearly was the victim) and just shove m*w as far away from me as i can because i feel the same as you: he basically tries to force himself on others (when he's a fully grown ass adult) and it's just not reciprocated. which is awkward as fuck.
as for which shows you should avoid, i'm not a connoisseur in bl, but i'm gonna name a few that threw me off and i wouldn't want to go back to (or certain storylines that just don't do us a favour as a community that is in desperate need of positive rep) under the cut!
waterboyy the series is a show i regret SO MUCH wasting my time on and i wish i could just erase it from my mind. it has a weird couple with a huge age gap, the main couple is the worst enemies to lovers i've ever seen, r*pe that is never addressed, terrible female representation, side couple is forced and lowkey toxic (one of them is extremely predatory on the other ://), and a lesbian character with great potential turned predatory and "crazy" and then they make her end up with a boy (which makes my blood boil.).
en of love: love mechanics is another one idk why i wasted my time watching, yet most people will tell you it's their fave part of the trilogy. i personally dislike this so much because their relationship is fucked up since day one. mark (drunk out of his mind) kisses vee thinking vee is someone else, vee (who wasn't as drunk and definitely conscious of what was happening) just lets him do it, proceeds to sleep with him (very dubious consent) and then throws mark away as if mark was a toy because vee has a girlfriend. the basic plot is that but it just gets worse as the story goes on and vee never treated mark with respect. which is a shame since the actors have an amazing chemistry :/
love by chance BUT only tumtar's and technokengkla's storylines. lbc is happening in the same cinematic universe as ttts so tar is going through basically the same he did in tt, but this time they feed into this incest plot that sickens me. and to put it shortly, kengkla and techno's brother (who literally sold his brother to kengkla) plot a whole scene to make kengkla and techno sleep together, which happens when techno is so drunk he can barely walk. kengkla proceeds to r*pe him and then blame him afterwards for what happened. their "story" will really "begin" now in lbc2 but if i were you, i would just skip their scenes.
history2: crossing the line side couple is also an incest couple (but the main couple is great and i recommend you check the series out!!) and history3: make our days count side couple is between a high school student and an adult......... so yeah yikes. (but the main story is also good so if you wanna watch it just skip their scenes lmao)
these are all the ones i can think of rn, maybe there's more, but the fact that you are already watching them with your critical sense turned on is really great! you'll be able to tell harmful plots from good ones yourself in no time. i hope i helped and that you are safe and well 💓
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