#but i am expecting/hoping something a little tighter for episode 5 it would be nice
littleragondin · 8 months
Here we go again dears
Absolute Zero Time
So last week gave us ample time to see teen!Ongsa develop his very big crush on Soon, and adult!Soon letting himself enjoy some of that maybe a little too much. It ended with the potential promise of things picking up with Ongsa finding and playing with his 2023 phone.
- Okay so the phone will not trigger The Conversation yet. Alright I guess.
- Sine and Teng work so well together, and that little glimpse of a more... playful? Soon when she asks for that ridiculous porridge and he rolls his eyes was delightful. It felt SO natural.
- HA that's the breakfast restaurant from the start of Ep. 02!
- That discussion with the video shop old man feels jarringly out of nowhere - how did we go from that awkward exchange last episode to this is a little ?? to me.
- "If you meet, you'll be parted. If you don't meet, you won't be parted." Alright, is that what Soon's going to riff off to make his decision then? Better never to have met than to have to be parted from you ?
- Oof yeah so that hug out of context is adorable but Soon, my man... You can't give that kind of hope to the boy while building the expectation that you're going to leave him behind all the time.
- I did like that little "missed connection" moment between the teens.
- "for all the people that love you." "including you?" teen!Ongsa is SO clear and forward and secure in what he feels and what he wants, it makes the contrast with adult!Soon even worse for the later...
- The way he interacts with his younger self is so strange. I get that he wants to do something for the lonely kid he used to be but man, you're planning to take away so much from him, too...
- I do like Na and Ongsa's friendship, it's sweet and she really has his back.
- HA finally we are getting the conversation. I am actually really liking the way Ongsa reacts, it feels ... normal. "How much can I trust you?" is a very valid question. The way he asks "I should be happy, right?" yet does not sound happy at all? I liked it. That's a lot, and it's very fair to not feel super positively about it all ngl.
Ok so the pacing of that episode was shakier for me than the previous one, especially the first half. Things happened either very fast or felt artificially delayed so I enjoyed it a little less than the previous ones on that front.
Adult!Soon is being SO frustrating - I sort of defended him last week but right now he feels... too undecided, too incompetent, also - like sir. You're a full adult, you need to take some kind of charge at least about yourself, you can't defer all your decisions to someone else ESPECIALLY A TEEN alright?? I do wonder how much of it is intentional, because - and I am very aware it may be a reach - in the short view we get of their adult relationship in episode 1, Soon does defer all decision to Ongsa, big (taking in the whole DVD collection) or small (what movie are we watching tonight) and in that case, if that's a personal flaw he needs to work on. But we need to know if that's the case now, give me a flashback or anything that point it out more clearly.
I feel so bad for teen!Ongsa, he spent the whole episode being pulled and pushed by Soon, having to deal with so many mixed signals (I was sighing with him when he settles in his bed), and then he gets burdened with that knowledge? That's SO heavy. And conclude on the man you love telling you "yeh so btw all I told you about the fact that we are together and such? Yeah, I will actively try to stop it from happening." like OK?? I don't want to hold hope for anything right now because I'm unsure about the way the story is going, but if that were to happen... I would like a recalcitrant teen!Ongsa actively working against adult!Soon here - trying to save that hypothetical relationship in a way.
I am hanging in there because I am still having a good enough time watching the show, and I am already so very attached to the characters, but I hope now that the truth is out things are going to pick up a bit, not so much in actual pace but with a stronger direction for the plot and especially for Suansoon...
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sicjimin · 3 years
—Little Min's Discovery : Morning Sickness pt. 2
A.N : hahah ... you already know. i hope you like this :)
TW : emeto, graphic descriptions of vomiting
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Seokjin never expected that there would be a day where his morning sickness just gonna hit so hard, until to the point it become extreme.
He wakes up with a harsh wave of nausea engulfed him. He's used to waking up with nausea but never the harsh one that almost left him suffocated. He squirms and curled his body deeper into his husband's chest while inhaling and exhaling his breath deeply. Yoongi is a light sleeper, so it didn't surprise Seokjin when the younger raspy voices followed with fingers brushing his hair gently come into his sense, "Baby .. what's wrong?"
Seokjin shakes his head, "I'm just so nauseous ..", he says as he inhales deeply in the hope to calm his chaotic stomach. Yoongi hugs him tighter and rubs his back a few times before he checks the time on his phone. 9 AM — " Hyung, is it okay for me to go to the company? I already make some appointment with PD-nim, Hobi, and Namjoon", Yoongi warily asks. He wants to stay in bed and take care of his pregnant husband so bad but on the other side, he also didn't want to disappoint his member and producer.
"Of course you can go. I will be fine, Yoongi-chi. This is just like my usual morning sickness", Seokjin says in between his effort swallowing every wave of nausea that crippling the back of his throat. "I think I will continue to sleep", he continues. Yoongi mustered a soft okay before slowly getting up from bed and get ready as quietly as possible. He plants a soft kiss and whispers, "I'm going" to his sleeping husband that makes the older stir a little before he goes to the company.
The moment Seokjin wakes up, it's already 10.30 AM, and the other side of his bed already cold—meaning Yoongi is already gone for a quite long time. He inhales deeply feeling nausea that still hit him on and off but not as bad as earlier before moving his body slowly and take a bath. The warm water gives a nice sensation to his skin and relaxing his muscle, he took his sweet time there, absorbing every sweet and warm feeling he could get, slowly rubbing his bump that's not quite prominent yet, hoping the baby there also relaxing. When he feels the water start gone cold, he finishes his bath session and moves to the sink to do his skincare routine.
A thing about morning sickness is the wave of nausea hit you in surprise, just like right now. He was about to open his toner when his tongue suddenly arched, making him open his mouth wider as a harsh gag erupted. He ducked his head to the sink, spilling a quite generous amount of thick saliva. He spits as he closed his eyes shut, riding the wave of nausea that comes on and off to his stomach, flipping it upside down even though he's empty. His shoulder heaves again as he let out another gag. It goes for a solid one minute, he keeps gagging as his stomach clenches but brings nothing except a trickle of saliva. Seokjin squirmed on his position, still letting his mouth wide open, drooling the thick saliva. Shit, he's so nauseous.
He sucked a deep breath before lurching his body more to the sink as a mouthful of beige murky vomit spurts from his lips, leaving him coughing after. He didn't manage to catch a breath before another wave following after, this time sending his dinner down to the drain. He squeezed his eyes shut and whimpered as the wave is quite .. big. He opened his eyes slowly and, that's proven a mistake, seeing the half-digested dinner below him as a pale brown color liquid, sending another retch from his stomach. Seokjin's stomach keeps contracting, demanding to expel every bit of his dinner. It took him another 3 rounds of sick before he managed to let go of the sink and rinse his bitter taste mouth.
Seokjin took a look at the mirror, immediately meets with glassy—bloodshot eyes, his cheeks tears-stained, and he sniffles once a while as his nose becomes runny, "Baby, look what you did to my handsome face", Seokjin whispers slowly while rubbing his bump, " please don't make it too difficult for me, okay?"
Seokjin decides that today is a good day to eat some toast with Nutella and banana—Hobi's recipe— a thing that he rarely did if it's not because of his pregnancy. His early episode of vomiting got the baby in him hungry. So it didn't take a long time for him to make one and devour it happily, along with chamomile tea that quick to spread warmth and calmness to his body. Completely washing the bitter and foul aftertaste on his tongue. After his breakfast, Seokjin brings his leg to the couch and turns on the TV, so it won't be too quiet in their apartment. He took a glance at the clock, 11.35 AM, its still a long time before his husband goes home. He sighs before opening his iPad and start reading through the recording notes and other emails he has. After 10 minutes of scrolling through, his morning sickness acting up again.
Seokjin sighs tiredly as he shut his eyes closed and starts controlling his breathing when he feels his stomach churning. He makes a soft pattern over his belly, "baby... no", he whispers slowly, hoping that his little one would give mercy. But the little one apparently a rebel, since his nausea becomes more prominent. He could feel the gag hanging on the back of his throat like a yawn. He tightens his lips and swallows thickly, pushing the sick back to his stomach. It was a tight battle between him and his stomach until he's losing.
Seokjin's body convulses as a harsh gag finally escaped his throat, he quickly clamped his mouth as his eyes frantically searching for a place to be sick. Another heave erupted from his stomach, filling his mouth with thick water, some of it already spilling from his mouth, making his palms wet—urging the man to search faster. His eyes fall to the box on the table, as far as he remembers, that was the container for cookies last week. Bless anyone that placed it there. He reaches for the clear plastic box and opened his mouth widely, letting the thick brown liquid filling it.  Another wave immediately rushing from his lips, making him cough and gag more when he could feel the sweet taste of chocolate in his mouth. He gasps, before sending another round. This time he could see banana plopping to the container. The sight only making him more nauseous, so he squeezed his eyes shut while his body keeps heaving forward.
Seokjin leaned his body to the couch, panting when the wave finally tapered down. He weakly walks to the sink and washes the container with his eyes closed, rinses his mouth, and drinks some water to calm down his burning throat.  
He plops back to the couch, exhaustion crashing his body. Suddenly, his throat tightens, as his eyes start brimming with tears. Damn this pregnant hormone, he only wakes not even 2 hours and he already being sick 2 times and he's so tired. He doesn't want to be alone. He wants to be cuddled and curled himself in sleep.
And damn Min Yoongi and his job, that makes him need to go to the studio and leaving him alone. Seokjin groans in frustration and harshly wipes the tears that manage to spill, fished his phone and tap the number, "Bighit Min Yoongi—husband"
5 seconds, before the deep voices of his husband entering his ears, making his emotion sky-rocketed, and the next thing he knows, Seokjin is crying, "Y-Yoongichi ...", he croaked out in between sobs. Alarming the man on the other side, "Hyung? Babe? Why are you crying? What happened? Are you hurt?"
"Then why are you crying?", Yoongi patiently asks, "Babe, breath. You cant talk if you're sobbing like that. Hey, I'm here, breath"
Its silence for a minute as Seokjin busy calming himself down, "Can you come home now?", he cautiously asks. His voice small and weak, making Yoongi coos but sad at the same time, "I can, right now?"
Seokjin nods, completely forgot that Yoongi can't see him. "Can I know why I need to be home now? Does anything happen?", Yoongi softly asks as his hand starts grabbing his things and turn off the computer. 
"My morning sickness ... is bad. I keep throwing up, and I don't want to be alone", Seokjin mumbled. Yoongi could imagine the older talking while pouting. "Okay, is there anything you need?"
"No, just .. come quickly" 
"You're so demanding baby", Yoongi giggles, "Oh shut up" 
Seokjin can hear the sound of the car beeping at the other side, indicating that Yoongi already in his car. Suddenly, he felt guilty, what if Yoongi was busy? what if Yoongi currently finishing his deadline then it got cut off because of his whining? 
"Umm... Yoongichi", Seokjin calls out
"I'm sorry"
"Huh?", Yoongi confused, "Why are you sorry? Did you break or lost something mine?"
"Uh .. no, but", Seokjin exhales, trailing his words. 
"I'm sorry I cut your work.. just because of my whining"
Its silence. Seokjin pulls his phone away, the call still connected, "Yoongi?"
Oh. Yoongi didn't want to talk about it. Maybe the younger is really upset. Asking him to go home early is a mistake. Seokjin sighs, "Nothing, drive safely. I love you", he says before ending the call, not waiting for Yoongi's answer. 
Seokjin stared blankly at the TV, his mind is too loud for his liking. Nausea start building back on his stomach as his baby could sense his distress. He rubs his bump again, "No baby, I'm okay", Seokjin croaked out. Voice-breaking at the end. He sniffles back tears that almost slip down when the front door opened, showing his tiny husband figures. 
Seokjin didn't move from his seat, busying himself rubbing his stomach. He feels the couch dipped, "Hey" 
"You're home", Seokjin says but not lifting his head. 
"Yes I'm home", Yoongi scoots over and lifts the older chin, "Look at me", and Seokjin did. The sight of the younger black soft eyes making his eyes teary. He really gonna fight everyone that has an idea to mess with pregnant hormone. He's tired of being so emotional. Tears start spilling to his cheeks that quickly wiped off by his husband thumbs, " I'm home, and i'm not upset you're asking me back faster, and you're not bothering anything. Okay? So,", Yoongi flicks Seokjin's forehead, gaining a glare from the older, "Yah!"
Yoongi giggles, "So, wiped out all the negative thoughts you're pilling in there. Remember, happy things only"
Seokjin nods slowly and lurched himself to his husband's arms, "You're clingy today"
"Blame your baby that keeps making me sick", Seokjin pouts, voice mumbled as he nuzzled himself on Yoongi's crooks. Inhaling the fresh pine from his husband's perfume, he loves it so much. Yoongi plays with Seokjin's caramel hair, " You're so strong. Lets move to our bedroom and cuddle"
"Mhm, sounds like a plan"
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allthingsfangirl101 · 4 years
Cemetery Confessions–Charlie St. Cloud
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Trigger Warning: death, talking to deceased loved ones, mention of suicide attempt
Charlie's POV
When Sam died, there was barely any of me left to salvage. The small piece that was left, vanished when I got the news that Sully had died overseas with the Marines. But that didn't stop Y/N from trying to keep my head above water.
She came over to my house every night with dinner and sat with me for hours. We rarely talked. Sometimes we ate in silence, watched tv without a word, or just sat together on the couch. And neither one of us minded. We just liked having someone to get comfort from.
She was my rock and I was hers.
During dinner tonight, I noticed her acting a little strange. Her movements were slower and she barely ate anything.
"You okay?" I finally asked. I watched as she put down her fork and slowly looked at me.
"I was thinking about going to see Sully on Sunday," she said, nervously biting her lip. "And I was wondering if you could. . . If you would come with me. . . I know you work at the cemetery and probably don't want to go on your day off but. . . I just thought. . . It might be nice going together and. . ."
I reached across the table and put my hand on hers. She looked up at me with hopeful eyes, still chewing on her bottom lip.
"I think that's a great idea," I smiled. "I'd love to join you."
                       * * * * *
We got out of the car and walked over to where Sully was buried with our hands intertwined. The closer we got, the tighter I felt Y/N holding onto me. I didn't mind. Her holding onto me, depending on me, actually made me feel grounded.
That's how it always was with Y/N and me. Whenever I needed help or was having a panic attack, Y/N was the only one who could pull me out of it. She got me out of my depression after Sam died and again when Sully died. She has stood by my side through every depression episode, panic attack, PTSD moment, and anger outburst over the past five years.
I would be nowhere without her. Actually, without her, I'd be buried next to Sam. On the year anniversary of Sam's death, I shut everybody out. I didn't go into work, I didn't leave the house, I didn't even eat anything all day.
Towards the end of the day, I couldn't take it anymore. I went to the bathroom and found my pain medication from the accident and took whatever was left in the bottle.
I wasn't sure how long I was on the bathroom floor, but I woke up around 5 am the next morning to Y/N asleep in a chair next to my hospital bed.
When she woke up, Y/N told me that she had come to my house with dinner and found me in my bathroom. She called an ambulance and sat with me until I woke up.
She wasn't angry with me. She knew how hard it was to lose Sam. Instead of getting mad at me, she made me promise that the next time something like this happened, I would call her.
From then on, when the anniversary came around, Y/N would take a sick day at work and spend all day with me. She would come over and make sure I got out of bed and ate something. Y/N even got me to leave the house. We would go pick up flowers and take them to Sam.
Y/N was all I had left in this world. The very thought of losing her was more terrifying to me than losing my own life.
"Don't cry for me, Charlie St. Cloud."
I looked up, my breath getting stuck in my throat when I saw Sully a few rows away from us standing in his uniform.
"What are you. . ." I mumbled.
"You okay?" Y/N asked, making me look away from Sully.
"Yeah," I stuttered. "Just. . . Just thinking about Sully." She smiled before turning back to his grave. I smiled weakly as she gave my hand a reassuring squeeze.
I glanced back over at Sully to see him still there. "Just so you know," he chuckled, "I'm not really here."
He glanced down at Y/N's and my intertwine hands, his smile turning into a smirk. "You still haven't told Y/N you've been in love with her since middle school? Really? Come on, man!"
"Like I've been telling you," I thought, "if I tell Y/N how I feel, it would change the whole group aesthetic."
"Dude," Sully laughed. "I'm dead. I think the group aesthetic is already changed."
I glanced over at Y/N and sighed. "You promised that you would eventually tell her," Sully said, making me look back at him. "Don't you think it's about time? You telling her how much you love her will make my passing easier on her."
"Wait, what?" I asked, my eyes wide. I glanced over but noticed that Y/N hadn't heard me. Weird. . .
"Yeah," Sully sighed. "You don't know this, but Y/N comes here almost every day."
"Seriously?" I said, under my breath. "Why?"
"She feels guilty."
"But you died halfway across the world."
"Doesn't matter," Sully shrugged. "She thinks that because she never told me she didn't think I should leave, it's her fault. Every time she comes, she spends the entire time apologizing for not voicing her concerns."
"Wow," I said under my breath.
I looked over at Y/N and studied her. Usually, she always has a smile on her face, but she suddenly looked different. My heart sank when I noticed the bags under her eyes, her shoulders slouched, her hair slightly messy, and her eyes red from crying.
"See?" Sully whispered. "She needs you, man. Now more than ever. So please, tell her. Tell her you miss me too. Tell her that you're still there for her. Tell her you love her and will never leave her. Please, Charlie. Before her depression takes over and you lose her too."
With that final plea, Sully vanished. I took a deep breath before glancing over at Y/N. I wanted to tell her how I felt, but I was nervous. What if she didn't feel the same?
I looked back over at Sully's headstone and took a shaky breath, gathering the last little bit of courage I needed. "Y/N," I whispered, breaking the silence. "I have to tell you something."
"What is it?" She asked, turning towards me.
I looked over to see Sully was back and was sending me an expectant look. I sighed before finally turning towards Y/N. I reached forward and grabbed both of her hands, instantly intertwining our fingers.
"I have. . . There's something. . . I can't. . ." I stuttered, unable to get the words out.
"Hey," she said gently. "You can tell me anything."
"I love you," I blurted out. I held my breath and watched as her eyes widened.
"You love me?" She whispered, still shocked.
"Yeah," I chuckled awkwardly. "I know this is kind of a weird place to do it, but. . . I made Sully a promise back in high school that I would tell you someday and with him dying and Sam. . ."
I took a shaky breath when my voice got caught in my throat. "I've lost my little brother and my best friend. I can't lose you too, Y/N. The fact is, I actually need the opposite."
"What do you mean?" She stuttered.
"You are just about the only thing left in my life that I care about. You're the only reason I'm still here. I need you, Y/N. I. . . I love you. I needed you to know how I really feel about you. I just hope I don't lose you because I said something and. . ."
Y/N cut off my nervous rambling by grabbing my face and pressing her lips to mine. It took me a second before I started kissing her back. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her into my chest. I felt her smile into the kiss as I held her.
I finally broke the kiss and leaned our foreheads against each other. We stood there, neither one of us saying anything as we caught our breaths.
"I love you too, Charlie," she whispered. I picked her up and spun her around making her giggle. When I put her back on her feet, I didn't let her go. I glanced over her shoulder to see Sully watching us.
"Told you so," he laughed.
Y/N pulled out of the hug and looked down at Sully's headstone. "What's wrong?" I asked, reaching up and tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.
"I should've told him," she mumbled, barely audible.
"Sully?" I asked, glancing over to see Sully still watching us. "Tell him what?"
"Not to go," she said, her voice breaking. I pulled her into my chest and held her as she stared down at Sully's grave, and I stared at Sully. "I should've told him that I had a bad feeling the day he announced he was joining the Marines. I should've begged him not to go. . . It's all my fault."
"Hey," I interrupted her and tightened my arms around her. "It's not your fault, Y/N. It was his decision. Besides, it was an accident. These things happen."
Suddenly Y/N smiled as she looked back at me. "I tend to remember someone saying that to you after your accident."
"Yeah," I sighed. I gasped when I noticed someone else standing next to Sully.
"You know," Sam said, glancing at Sully with a knowing smirk. "I always liked Y/N. Out of the three of you, she was my favorite."
"Mine too," Sully joked. The two laughed as they turned and looked at us.
"I like them together," Sam said softly.
"So do I, kid." Sully nodded as he wrapped his arm around my brother.
Sam smiled up at me and said, "Now he has someone to take care of him."
"And vice versa," Sully chuckled.
"So," Y/N chuckled, bringing me back. "What happens now?"
I looked down and smiled as I saw the red on her cheeks. I reached up and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, my hand lingering.
"Can I take you to dinner?"
"I'd like that," Y/N smiled. She stood on her toes and kissed me. When we broke apart, I glanced back over at Sully and Sam but my heart sank when they were no longer there.
"I guess it's a good thing we drove here together," Y/N joked as she turned towards the car. She stopped when she saw that I was still standing in front of Sully's headstone.
"I'll meet you at the car," Y/N said with an understanding smile on her face. She leaned over and pressed a kiss to my cheek. I grabbed her and pulled her into my chest, pressing a kiss to her lips.
"I'll be right there," I whispered when we broke apart.
She stood on her toes and kissed me again before heading to the car. I watched her leave and once she was in the car, I turned back to Sully's headstone. I chuckled when I saw him standing in front of it.
"It's about damn time," he joked. "Should've told her sooner and maybe then you wouldn't have been so pathetic in high school."
"And she wouldn't have dated that dick George," I laughed.
"The only reason you hated him so much was because you were jealous," Sully reminded. I shrugged but laughed. My smile fell when I remembered that he wasn't really here.
"I miss you, man."
"I miss you too," he sighed. He glanced over at Y/N waiting in the car and smiled. "Take care of her for me."
"I will," I reassured him. I smirked as I lifted my arm and saluted him. He rolled his eyes before saluting me back with a smile on his face.
"You better," he said as he dropped his arm. "Or I'll come back and haunt your ass."
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odanurr87 · 4 years
Flash Review: My Sassy Girl (2017)
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From left to right: Kim Yoon-Hye as Lady Da-Yeon; Joo Won as Master Gyeon Woo; Oh Yeon-Seo as Princess Hye-Myung; and Lee Jung-Shin as Lieutenant Kang.
Release Date: May 29 - July 18, 2017
Episodes: 16 hour-long (Netflix), 32 half-hour-long (Viki)
Available on: Netflix, Viki
I’ll try to make this quick and painless. This should have been a ‘Dropped’ review. However, for some inexplicable reason, I managed to complete it when it was clear 5 episodes in that this show was not gonna live up to my expectations. The remaining 11 episodes changed the tone somewhat, but confirmed my initial impressions overall. The show focuses on a Joseon scholar, named Master Gyeon Woo, who returns from China to instruct the crown prince, and his encounters with a rude and ill-mannered woman, by name of Hye-Myung, who later turns out to be the Princess. At the same time, there is a plot to overthrow the King which our protagonists naturally have to expose (and survive).
There are many reasons why this show didn’t click for me. The first and foremost happens right at the very beginning when a false accusation of rape leveled at the main protagonist is played for laughs (that incidentally never goes anywhere). Expect him to be called a pervert for several episodes as the writers secretly hope that’ll draw a few laughs. It drew none. Second, the Princess is not at all likable in these first few episodes. She’s rude, prone to violence, quick to level false accusations without looking into the circumstances (what makes her a hypocrite), and utterly irresponsible, never thinking about how her actions will affect the people around her, often with serious consequences. There is one scene where the Princess has an exchange with Lady Da-Yeon in which she basically accuses her of abusing her power to get her own way. Pot, meet kettle, as that’s exactly what the Princess keeps doing throughout the show, with the King punishing anyone else he can get his hands on but her. If that’s not abuse of power, I don’t know what is.
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From zero to couple.
The show is blatantly trying to push the formula of the protagonists initially disliking each other only for them to eventually become lovers. I don’t have a problem with that formula, but there needs to be a reason to explain such a drastic change and I don’t feel the show ever provided enough of one. If you want an example of the formula done right, or at least considerably better than here, look no further than My Love from the Star (ironically, the lead actress there, Jun Ji-Hyun, also plays the part of the sassy girl in the movie this show is based on). There have to be moments where each person understands where the other comes from and why they act the way they do, and I feel that was missing here. This couple went from disliking each other to becoming lovers so fast that I was left wondering if I had missed some episodes. I hadn’t. To sum up this point: throwing two people at each other constantly does not a romantic relationship make.
I will admit however, that they were more tolerable, likable even, during the more serious second-half (more like around or after Episode 6) of the show. Hye-Myung finally starts to behave like the princess she’s supposed to be, and Gyeon Woo is the only character who remembers to move the plot forward every once in a while, for which I was eternally grateful. They even have some cute moments during their dating phase, to the point Hye-Myung briefly reminded me of Cheong Song-Yi in My Love from the Star. There are also some heartbreaking moments when the Princess dates the Qing Prince with Gyeon Woo as their translator that have no right to be this emotional considering where we’re coming from, but Oh Yeon-Seo manages to do a great job selling them. Sucks for the Qing Prince since who was a really nice guy.
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Perhaps one of the best scenes of the show.
Another thing that bothered me from the first episode was how, well, modern the show felt. Everything from the humor, through how (some) characters spoke and behaved, to the way some rooms were decorated felt odd, out of place. I’ll readily admit I am ignorant about this (or any) period of Korean history, but I just couldn’t shake that feeling (which may turn out to be justified seeing as the show was based on a movie set in the present).
While I could further dissect this show and complain about things like how they handled the Qing Prince plotline, I am considerably more irked about the twist the show pulls as it draws near the end. During the second half, Gyeon Woo is starting to have nightmares repeatedly, leaving the viewer to guess whether these are visions or something else entirely. It would’ve been extremely odd if they had decided to introduce supernatural elements in the show at this point, but It turns out it’s the latter, as Gyeon Woo is remembering past events he had completely forgotten about and which end up playing a crucial role in exposing the conspirators who plan to overthrow the King.
BUT! And here comes the twist, Gyeon Woo ends up recalling that he was the one who started the rumor about the previous Queen having an affair, ultimately leading to her dethronement. You can imagine this does nothing to improve his relationship with the King and the Princess, and they both immediately shun him and blame him for all their troubles. I’m surprised he didn’t get the death penalty then and there. How very hypocritical of them, for let us recall that the document that misled a ten-year old (I’m just guessing here) into believing this was a forgery was meant to fool the King himself, and did indeed. Should he have turned the evidence to the police? Probably, and he did try, but we’re still talking about a kid who had just witnessed the murder of an entire family. Furthermore, once he realizes this was all a setup, he tries to make amends, although a little too late. So when you tell me that the King, who has been little more than a puppet throughout the show, has the gall to accuse Gyeon Woo, who was a kid at the time, of groundlessly spreading rumors when he himself, an adult and the supposed leader of the country, didn’t even try to investigate the matter further... it just confirms my initial impressions that the King is as useless as they come. The issue is exacerbated when the King once more falls into the trap of believing false accusations leveled against Gyeon Woo and his father, but by this point I no longer cared. Heck, I may have even been half hoping the conspirators would replace him with someone more competent (fat chance of that).
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To drama or not to drama, that is the question!
I can level a dose of hypocrisy at the Princess as well, but I’d rather dispatch against Gyeon Woo a little bit because he clearly has some communications problems. When he confesses to the King he was the one who started the rumors long ago, that’s all he does. He provides absolutely no context for his actions, instead begging, “Punish me, punish me!” Then, when the Princess asks him if the rumors are true, he replies with a succinct, “Yes.” For a supposed scholar, he is suddenly very economical with the truth. I realize this is a kdrama, and having the protagonists suffer from a sudden lack of communication is a surefire way of creating drama, but this was borderline ridiculous.
What else? Ah, yes, the ending. I suppose I can say this show is at least consistent because the ending was just as disappointing. Gyeon Woo decides he wants to propose to the Princess and does so... to be rejected. The reason? The Princess wants to become a physician and travel to Qing in order to do so. Remember how I said this show felt too modern? Anyway, what bothered me about this scene is that only 10 minutes ago (and 13 before the episode ends) the Princess was begging Gyeon Woo not to leave (admittedly, his departure was of a more permanent nature). Then 4 minutes before the episode ends, the Princess leaves for Qing, and 3 minutes before the end she returns. Repeat after me: Pacing. Is. Important. Hasty and sloppy execution is a cardinal sin, I’ll get Meliodas to vouch for me. And we didn’t need to have any of it. We didn’t need to have a proposal, we didn’t need to have the Princess wanting to leave and become a physician. It added nothing to the show and only served to dilute the ending to the point of being unsatisfying.
Verdict: This is not a bad show, but it’s certainly an average one, and I’m putting the blame squarely on the script. Despite disliking the character of the Princess initially, I feel Oh Yeon-Seo does a pretty good job as does Joo Won. I’d like to see what these two could pull off with a tighter script. The supporting cast is mostly underwhelming, save perhaps for Gyeon Woo’s cute kid sister who’s trying to play matchmaker.
Rewatch meter: Low
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nutslovesdolts · 5 years
Qrowin week submission day 1
Family feast
Winter sat alone in the cold empty Atlas base. She was tasked with keeping it secure during the Non-descript winter holiday while the rest of the troops and supplies were moved back to Atlas.
The base was a relatively small one just south of Vale and not that far from the island of the Xiao Long home, nevertheless it used to be a pretty important stronghold before the fall of beacon, now it was moot point. They had already moved most everything out, Her main objective was to prevent looters and scavengers from taking what was left.
It wasn't that she had anywhere to go anyways, there was no way she would ever go home and risk scrutiny from her father as always. Being in the military they usually held a short gathering where there were festive rations and decorations, nothing like the overly extravagant parties her father would throw.
No, she was alone.
The only sound coming from the small empty halls was the ticking of a clock that was left for some reason down the hall. This was the life she had chosen, and this is how it would be.
She had planned to spend this year with Qrow at the Xiao Long homestead but she knew deep down it was too good to be true.
She was cold
As soon as Qrow’s foot touched the porch of the Xiao Long home he was instantly tackled by Ruby seeming to materialize out of nowhere.
Qrow -Hey easy there kiddo, you hit harder than most Grimm hehe
Ruby -Uncle Qrowwwwww!... hi
Qrow -Heya kid, where’s your dad? Who else is here?
Ruby -Dad is helping Yang in the shed, Weiss, Blake and Jaune are here, Nora and Ren are upstairs getting ready, thats it so far.
Qrow -haha no Winter? It’s not like her to be late…
Ruby -You didn’t see her letter? She has to watch some old Atlas base, she can’t come.
Qrow looked over the note and frowned a little bit, at least if she had some other troops or something there he would have felt a bit better, but alone?
It's not that she couldn’t take care of herself, Boy does he know she can, but being alone… it was something that both he and Winter finally could be without.
They had only finally confessed to each other during a duel which left them both breathless and at a draw. Winter’s cold hard deminer finally broke down as she started to laugh, it wasn't a shrill cockey laugh as he had expected, it was a beautiful warm laugh that seemed to make the world brighten up a little. It put Qrow at ease and the uncontrollable urge to laugh as well washed over him.
Qrow -Hey Ice Queen
Winter still laughing a bit -hmm?
Qrow -how much longer can we keep this up?
Winter -I…
Qrow - we are evenly matched, all we do is fight, your laugh is perfect and I don't think I want to keep fighting a flock of angry mini nevermors every time I see you.
Winter -Oh I definitely had the upper han.. Wait what (a look of curious surprise came over her face and He saw a slight twinkle in her eyes), you think what?
Qrow smirking -I just don’t think that was proper form hehe, you wanna grab a drink or something? (he said reaching out his hand to help her up)
Winter (grabbing his and and pulling him down to her) -I think we’ve earned it haha
Qrow handed the letter back to Ruby
Qrow -thanks pipsqueak (he said with a melancholy smile)
Ruby noticed this and grabbed his arm -come on in its cooollldd
As the two walked inside and was created by the warm house with smells of holiday food and cheer filling the air (*1)
Later Tai and Yang came back in dressed in ugly holiday garb with lights flashing through the santa grimm laden sweaters,  with overszed bells, causing Ruby to fall out of her chair laughing, making Weiss crack her first real smile of the evening.
Qrow seemed distant for the entire event which was unspokenly noticed by the Tai, Yang and Ruby., the three huddled together and hatched a scheme.
Winter had thought of calling Qrow to see how things were but the tower was already taken down by the Atlas soldiers earlier that day.
She sighed, there was just enough rations and her own personal supply of hot coco (*2) to make a nice warm meal to pass the time, she was a terrible cook as She and Qrow had learned the hard way… The thought of him made her a bit sad actually, she hadn't expected it being a hardened soldier, but there was a freedom when he was around, she could be herself and not be reprimanded for it.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a loud bang that echoed through the empty base followed by the shuffling of feet in one of the halls.
Great, she thought, more scavengers… at least this will keep my mind off things
She rose to her feet and placed the coco on the table next to her. Grabbing her weapon she headed for the door.
It made a loud creak as it was opened, surely heard by the invaders.
Before she took her first step a OOF and a thud were heard through the halls, causing winter to pause in her tracks.
After Blake had tied up the scavenger Qrow snuck up ahead to see Winter standing frozen looking in the opposite direction
Qrow,you know Ice Queen… I get you have an image to uphold but you could always turn on some heat in here jeez
Winter spin around and immediately attack without a second thought charging forward until she saw who was standing there.  She tried to stop but ended up tackle hugging Qrow and pinning him against the wall, her sword clambering down next to her.
Winter- QROW HOW DID YOU, (she turned beat red as she realized she still had him pinned to the wall
Qrow Smirking *3 -you know, I would have waited till the bedroom to pin me to the wall, but this’ll do hehe
The rest of the party tried to hide their giggles but couldn’t contain themselves (except Weiss who was glaring at Qrow menacingly)
Winter quickly got off Qrow and brushed her self of trying to maintain any scrap of professionalism but dropped it with a sigh, she could be herself now, surrounded by friends
After an hour they had set up a nice cozy gathering in the mess hall, tiny lights and food and all,
Qrow looked at Winter laughing with Weiss who was still a bit red in the face from her and Ruby’s Mistletoe mishap (*4)
He had never been so at peace himself, even just in her company he felt warm and welcome, he walked over to where Ruby Yang and Tai were sitting
Qrow -hey… I just wanted to say.. Thanks, you guys really did me a favor tonight
Tai, oh Qrow, she's almost a part of the family already, just don't make ME and uncle too soon alright
This caused Qrow to turn beat red
Winter overhearing this walked over and wrapped her arms around Qrow and placed her head on his shoulder
Winter - no promises mister Xiao Long, wrapping tighter around Qrow making him turn even more red
Over by the Atas fire place (*5) in the corner
Jaune turned to Nora and Ren,
Jaune -huh, I always figured Qrow would be making Her blush
Nora - Oh please you saw her stand on his sword in that one fight, pg euphemisms are CCrRAAZZYY
Jaune -wha..?
Ren -don’t even try
In the closet the scavenger squirmed against his ropes,
Scavenger - mmmmph mph mmph hmhpmh mhh pmhmh (*6)
In the end all gathered around the table and had a great evening, when it was over the family loaded up everything back into Tai’s car (before it was destroyed in that one chibi episode) and headed off
Qrow stayed behind to help clean up a bit more and of course to stay with Winter a bit longer
Winter stopped what she was doing and looked up at Qrow with tears in her left eye
Winter -Qrow…. Thank you, you don’t know how much I needed this
Qrow -It was Tai yang and Ruby’s idea… but I’m just glad to see you Snow angel (he smirked) ((jaune internally screeching in the distance))
Winter -You don’t have to go you know… I mean I am allowed to have guests, if you want to…
Qrow stopped her with a kiss
Qrow looking deep into her eyes -I’m not going anywhere
Winter turned deep red and seemed to melt in his arms
They stayed like that for a bit until Winter snapped up and tightened her grip on him with narrow eyes and a demanding pose
Winter -If you think our last “fight” was tough, you aren't ready for this one she said walking towards what was at the time her room gesturing Qrow with one finger
Qrow now legitimately kinda frightened for his safety -ooooohhh boy hehe
With a swig of his flask and a quick hop to the door, (((I leave this part of the story because tumblr and morals and i'm writing this so I don’t have to study for my AI test)))
Back at the Xiao Long home the gang was unpacking the car
Ruby -I think we really did a good thing for Uncle Qrow
Tai - hehe I haven't seen him that happy or embarrassed over a girl since Beacon
Yang -where is he anyways, I thought he was just saying goodbye
Weiss had the realization set in that not only were her sister and Ruby’s Uncle likely tearing down the atlas base, but that she could be Ruby’s Aunt soon
She immediately dragged Ruby back under the mistletoe
Weiss -No way am I waiting till this is even more weird come here
Back in the closet of the base the bag falls off the “scavengers head”
Oscar -Guys… I just wanted to join you… hello…
Ozpin -I told you we should have brought Fruit cake
Oscar -...
So this train wreck is my first ever fic and yeah hope you like it or not whatever its for Qrowin week so yeah this kind just went on and on sorry about that, i'll get better the more I do have a nice day and yeah
Authors notes? What even
*1, what the heck does “holiday cheer” smell like? Cookies? Eggnog? Idk BLood? Eeh its up to you,
*3 because what else (insert Lenny face)
*4 would literally anyone read that cuz it could be fun
*5 just roll with it
*6 he’s is apparently the pyro from Team Fortress 2
I didn’t re read this or proof it so sorry if its trash
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strangenormal · 6 years
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Cherry Bomb Part 5
Summary: You were Billy’s best friend when he lived in California. You lost touch not by choice. You never took the chance to share your feelings before he left. Will you take the chance now that you followed him all the way to Hawkins?
Billy x Reader/ POSSIBLE Steve x Reader
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters featured in strange things. Story will contain mature content as it progresses. Requester open & hope you enjoy. Image credit to original poster.
Warnings: Minor foul language
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3 Part 4
Flashback Episode (Billy is 11 & y/n is 12)
You were walking home from school when you saw a little boy poking something on the ground with a stick. You walked up to investigate and saw he was ever so lightly poking a bird that appeared to be unable to fly.
“Hey! What do you think you’re doing?!” you asked as you lightly shoved the boy away from the bird.
“I was just seeing if he was still alive,” the boy responded.
You pulled a small towel out of your backpack you always had with you just in case. You lightly wrapped the bird in the towel before picking it up and starting to walk to your vet’s office. The little boy stood there looking at you like you were crazy. It took a moment to snap out of his thoughts before he started to rush after to follow you.
“Hey! Where you going with it?” He was walking beside you now.
“I’m taking it to the vet’s office. I bring little animals to him all the time. He mends them and then I take them home for them to heal.”
“Can I come?”
You stopped to actually look at the little boy standing before you. He had dirty blonde hair and REALLY blue eyes. They reminded you of the ocean on a summer’s day. He held himself in a somewhat timid way, but still looked you right in the eye. You placed your hand out in greeting.
“My name’s y/n. And yours is?”
He smiled slightly before he shook your hand in his, “Billy.”
“Can you keep a secret Billy?”
“Of course.”
“Then you can come.” You started walking again and he walked right along side you.
You both walked silently, the only words were spoken were you softly assuring the bird they’d be better in no time. You arrived at your vet’s office and he looked at you as if he was expecting you to show.
“And what do you have for me today y/n?” He asked as he stopped down to be more eye level with the bird.
“Billy found him and was poking him with a stick. So I brought it here. I think its wing is broken.”
“I was only poking it to see if it was still alive. My mom told me not to just touch wild birds, they carry diseases.” He replied somewhat defensively.
“I know that, why do you think I wrapped it in a towel? It’s also easier to carry him that way.”
“Ok y/n. No need to get on his case. I’ll take a look at him, reset his wing, and you can pick him up tomorrow, ok?”
“Ok Doc. Thanks!” You take Billy’s hand in yours and start to leave the clinic smiling with a wave behind you at the doctor.
It wasn’t until you made it back to the sidewalk that you noticed you were still handing Billy’s hand. The hand which he was staring at being held in a girl’s hand. He had never had a girl be so direct with him.
“Come on Billy, it’s not like I got cooties or something.”
***Flashforward (Billy is 13 and y/n is 14)***
You couldn’t believe she was gone. She was like a mother to you, an even better mother than your stepmom had been the past few years. You had no idea how Billy was going to get through this, but you knew you’d always be there for him. You found him hiding in your shed holding one of the rabbits you two had found and were taking care of.  You didn’t say anything, but sat next to your best friend. What do you say to someone who lost their mom? Hardly anything anyone said to you did any good at taking the pain away. It was your Aunt who just sat with you ‘til you cried and couldn’t cry anymore that helped the most. You placed an arm over Billy’s shoulder pulling him closer to you and the dam broke. You kissed his forehead and rubbed your other hand up and down his arm that held the rabbit to him. It wasn’t until the rabbit started to squirm from getting wet by his tears that you dared move and remove it back to its cage. As soon as you sat back down Billy wrapped himself around you instead and continued to cry.
“If I didn’t get hurt playing with guys…she wouldn’t have needed to pick me up…and she wouldn’t have…she wouldn’t have been hit-“
“Hey, Billy, stop.” You lifted his head to look at you. It was only then you saw the welt on his cheek and a bruise starting to form under his eye. “What happened Billy?” He only shook his head and buried it in the crook of your neck to sob even more. You held him tighter and closer, “This is NOT your fault Billy. Don’t listen to anyone who tells you otherwise. Your mom loves- loves you and went to pick you up because of that. It’s not your fault that Al can’t drink at home and not drive. Don’t you dare put this on yourself Billy. I won’t let you.”
It was after the funeral that he started showing up with random bruises and was out of school more often. Days he didn’t show up at class, you’d sneak into his room. Sometimes he wouldn’t let you in, but you found one of his house windows never locked and would sneak in anyways despite his protests of telling you to just go home. You stayed best friends until he turned 16 and started dating a bunch of floozies.  He stopped spending time with you as often, but you two always kept your tradition of having every Sunday night to just the two of you. That’s when Bobby came into the picture. He was the star quarter back of your high school and yet somehow the “Dr. Doolittle” of the school caught his eye. Him and Billy did NOT get along and thus another wedge between the two of you. He tried telling you Bobby was a prick, that you deserved better, but you ignored him. He wasn’t dropping any floozy you said was no good, so why would you drop the guy who gave you all of his attention? Although you were about a year and a month apart in age, you always celebrated together and had a joint party. He was turning 17 and you 18 that you had a turning point in your relationship and not a very good one. Him and Bobby had gotten into a fight that broke up the party due to the cops being called. You were livid. It was your 18th birthday party and your boyfriend and best friends ruined it because they couldn’t play nice for even a few hours. You hadn’t even gotten to exchange your gifts yet and you really wanted to give him his.
You were about to go to bed when you heard a tapping on your window. You almost ignored it knowing exactly who it was and not really wanting to talk to him at the moment. You waited before turning towards your window only to have him be nowhere to be found. Before you could open your window, the doorbell rang. It was already midnight and you knew your step mom would be more than pissed at you for the intrusion on her “beauty sleep.” *gag*
She made it to the door before you in a huff in her nightgown starting to rant about a lady needing her beauty sleep only to stop once seeing Billy in your doorway. His eyes flicked to you down the hall and your step mom started to turn, but Billy was quick to lay out his charms. Telling her she didn’t need any sleep to be beautiful blah, blah, blah. She was dating it up like it was served on a silver platter.
“I really am sorry to intrude, but y/n left this evening before I could give her her gift and I’d really hate to break tradition. I’m sure a smart, beautiful woman such as yourself can understand and would be so kind as to let me see y/n for a brief moment.”
She was contemplating and he bit his lower lip as he tilted his head down to look at her through his lashes. You could see it worked as she became flustered and allowed him in.
“Only for you Billy. But don’t let her dad find out if else we’ll both in be in trouble and I’m not sure what kind of…punishment would be in store.”
You watched him try not to grimace at her antics as he thanked her and kissed her hand before beelining for you and your room.
He shut the door as soon as he got inside and braced himself against it as if afraid she’d bust through and have her way with him.
“Have you NO shame?” You stood in front of him with your arms crossed over your chest as you slightly glared at him.
He only smirked at you as he rolled his tongue across his lower lip. You noticed now he had a cut on his left cheek and a bruise starting to form from his fight with Bobby. You couldn’t help but reach for his face and his hand caught yours as he looked at you with absolute seriousness in his eyes.
“There’s very little I wouldn’t do for you y/n.“ 
And you felt a jerk in your insides at his remark and the look he was giving you. He started to close the distance between you, but you panicked and spoke up.
“You uh… said you had my present." 
He stopped and looked at you with a brief look of pain before he replaced it with a not so confident smirk on his face.
"Uh… yeah… yeah I do.” He took a small book out of his back pocket.
You opened it to find a photo album with photos of the 2 of you from over the years and some of the letters you wrote back and forth. You also found a small mix tape labeled “Remember Me”
“Remember Me?… You going somewhere?” You half laughed your question, but when he didn’t respond you looked up at him, he was looking down with a sudden interest in his shoes.
You moved closer to him and lifted his chin to look at you. He had a small trail of tears already finding your answer you only wrapped him in your arms as you yourself began to cry. What were going to do without your best friend being around anymore?
You waited a few minutes before parting slightly to look at him, “When do you leave?”
“Next week…”
“WHAT?! When were you going to tell me?! As you were driving off?! How long have you known?!”
“My dad announced the move a couple of days ago. He’s making us leave rather suddenly…”
“Does this have to do with Mrs. Jenkins getting suspicious of how your dad treats you? Or the suspension you got for your last fight? Or-“
“It doesn’t matter y/n. I’m not an adult, I have no say in the matter and we’re leaving.”
You sniffled a little and tugged at his hand for him to lay with you in your bed as you each laid facing each other.
“Where is he moving you to?”
“Hawkins, Indiana.”
“Fuck, that’s so far away.” You felt more tears wanting to burst, but tried to hold yourself together.
He pushed some hair behind your ear and cupped your face. “I know, but we can write to each other, call each other, and as soon as I turn 18, I’m coming back to Cali.”
You were worried he might not even survive that long. His dad was starting to get worse again and then Billy started taking it out on Max. You liked the young girl. You two would skateboard together and she loved helping you guys take care of all your little creatures. But now you wouldn’t be around for Billy to run to and have someone be a buffer between him and Max.
“Hey…” He broke you from your thoughts. “Everything will be ok. It’s only for a little while and then I’ll be back… Just don’t do anything stupid like get married before I do.”
You could only scoff at his ludicrous idea that you would get married. You did care for Bobby and enjoyed your time with him, but you didn’t feel that you loved him. Someone else got your heart racing faster, skin electrified with a single touch more than Bobby ever did. And now he was leaving. You leaned in and kissed his cheek and then his forehead.
“I won’t get married if you behave rebel.”
It was his turn to scoff at you.
“I have a gift for you too.” You rolled over to get his gift out of your nightstand.
You both stayed lying down as he opened the small box. He pulled the chain out and the pendant swung at the bottom of the loop.
His eyes instantly flushed with tears as he looked at it before looking at you and then back to the necklace as if not believing he really held it in his hands.
“Where did you get this?” He sat up as he took a closer look at the pendant.
You brushed away his tears with the pads of your thumbs. “I have my ways. Don’t worry about it. Your mom wanted you to have it and I wasn’t about to let that ass hole keep it away from you.” You turned around to grab something else out of your drawer. You placed an envelope in his hands and he dropped it recognizing the handwriting on the top. He stared at the envelope for a short time before picking it back up and holding it delicately.
“You don’t have to open it now. I just found it in the same place as the pendant.”
He stuffed the envelope in his coat pocket not ready to read it.
You gently took the necklace from his grip, “I put it on a more ‘manly’ chain for you. I know you have a reputation to protect. But I know that she wanted you to have this and it means a lot to you.” You placed the necklace around his neck and he stared down at it before looking back up at you with that indescribable appearance in his eyes from just little bit ago.
“Thank you y/n. This means so much to me. Thank you.”
You both fell asleep tucked together enjoying one of the last nights you’d have together.
The next week you were helping to pile some boxes into his car with as many as possible.
“I think that’s the last of it.” You shuffled over to him with your hands in your back pockets.
He pulled you into a hug and a placed a kiss on your head. He held you close for a few moments before he dug into his pocket.
“This is for you.” He held up the other dangling spear head earing to his set.
“But what if you lose the other one?”
“I’ll just have to be extra careful not to, now won’t I?” He smirked down at you before he moved your hair back taking out the stud you had in your ear to place his earing in the hole instead.
You fluffed your hair a little, but kept it behind your ear to show off the new accessory.
“What do you think?”
“Now you look like a punk girl.”
“Oh, because my style and hair didn’t already say that?”
“Eh, now it’s no question.”
“Whatever you say rebel.”
“Remember that princess.”
Both your faces fell at the realization this would be the last time you would see each other for awhile. Neither would admit could be the last time either, but you could never allow yourself to believe that. You both put each other into a tight embrace.
“You take care of yourself princess.”
“You too Rebel. I’ll miss you.”
You held onto him tighter not wanting to let go, but he had to break your embrace. He placed another lingering kiss to your forehead before rushing into his car and taking off after his dad’s car and the moving truck.
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supersoldierslover · 7 years
Friends Part 4
Summary: You and Bucky are friends for a long time, but lately you start to develop romantic feelings for him. One day one of Tony’s parties everything changes but maybe not the way you wanted or expected.
Paring: Bucky x Reader
Words: 2643
Warnings: Fluffy, loads of Bucky being a cute pie some sexual innuendos and some sexual tension.
Thank you @amrita31199 you are amazing.
credits to the gif owner
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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You take a sip of your coffee as you look at the computer in front of you; you are never going to understand why you accepted a job at the Stark Industries, sure they pay you really well but looking at budgets all day was starting to make you crazy.
To be honest, the budget in front of you is the least of your concerns, it’s been five days since Bucky went on a mission and you still haven’t heard from him. Usually, he texts you to let you know that he was alive and well. But so far nothing, according to Natasha they are fine but the mission is a lot more complicated than they anticipated.
You wish they would be home soon, you hated worrying much, you couldn’t sleep when you were worried.
You almost have a heart attack when you hear your phone ringing, you look at the id caller expecting it to be Dan but no it is Wanda. This is odd she never calls you “Hey Wan is everything fine?” Your mind goes to the worst scenario possible, afraid that something might have happened to Bucky.
“Yes of course everything is fine, I want to take you out for lunch. Then we can go buy some swimsuits, come on it’s going to be so much fun.” You take a deep breath relieved that nothing bad happened, you really should solve the problem with this damn budget in front of you. Your boss would kill you if this ins’t ready by the end of the day “I don’t know, I have a lot of work to do and a meeting in 3 hours and I don’t even know what it’s about.”
“Please, you are working so much this week. You deserve a break, and I am already on the building so get ready I will be there in 5.” You agree not having the energy to argue with her. You are tired and starving , as promised in 5 minutes she is knocking on your office door and taking you to eat a burger.
“So are you gonna tell me why you are working so much? And before you lie to me remember I can read minds and I know that you leave the office almost 8 pm every night.” You take a sip of your iced tea looking at her “It’s nothing, I have things to do and 8 pm is not even that late. It is only some extra hours.”
“Sure tell that to yourself, but you and I know that is too much. But how was your date last night? ” You smile thinking about last night, Dan came to pick you up from the office with some beautiful roses and he took you to a Japanese restaurant close to your home.
Your night was really good, you and Dan talked and laughed all night. You were really starting to like him, being around Dan was reassuring, and he was always trying to make you smile. At the end of the date he walked you home holding your hand, he gave you his jacket when you complained about the cold and when he kissed you in your front door he didn’t’ try to get into your apartment to have sex like any other guy would do.
“He sounds amazing, a really good guy. The kind of guy that would see you in a bikini, blush and say you look beautiful instead of hot.” You smile at her because you don’t doubt that he would do exactly this.
Wanda tells you about all the things she solved about the party, from music to the flavor of the cake as you two eat hamburgers with fries. You were happy to see your friend so excited for something, usually, she is only this happy around Vision , it is nice to see a change in her behavior.
After lunch, you two go to a small boutique to find some bikinis, you want something simple, cute and cheap. Unfortunately for you, Wanda had others plans, she made you try a lot of swimsuits.
After trying on 15 different swimsuits, you really liked a simple black bikini, it had a good support for your boobs and it fit really well.
“I don’t know, you look nice but you could look better.” You look at Wanda rolling your eyes, what she wants from you? “I am just saying, maybe a little color? Something that people can’t take their eyes of you.”
“It’s your birthday, all eyes should be on you. I am fine with this.” You say gesturing to your body “Come on, try this one if you don’t like you can buy that one.” She hands you a red two piece and as you try on you can’t deny you look hot.
The top made your boobs look amazing but was still comfortable enough and the bottoms hid any imperfections you might have. People dream about finding a bikini like this, so you decide to buy it “I knew it you would love this one, it has your name all over it. Come on I will pay for you, consider it an early birthday present."
You only manage to have a decent night of sleep on Saturday, sure you were relieved that you solved your budgets problems on work but this wasn’t the reason. The real reason was that Nat finally texted you saying that Bucky and Steve will arrive in half hour into the compound and more importantly they were fine.
After sleeping for 11 hours you are feeling well rested and ready to face the day. You hated the bad habit that you had to check your phone first thing in the morning, sure sometimes there were important things from work but usually, it was the group chat that you had with the girls and one or two texts from some random people.
Bucky had sent you 5 messages since last night, you smile thinking about him. Doesn’t matter how tired he was he still took the time to text you.
Hey, I am sorry I did no text you soon, but was a complicated mission. I am home now, talk to you tomorrow.
And yes I am okay, kind off I  have a deep cut on my cheek but I am pretty sure that a good night of sleep it will solve all my problems.
Okay, don’t freak out but here is a picture.
The fourth message was a picture of his cheek, it looked awful. The cut was so deep, with so much blood that your heart breaks a little to imagine the pain that he might be in. And the last text made you smile, it was so adorable.
Good morning, I hope I didn’t scare you with the picture I know that you don’t like blood. I am going to be in your house in 10 minutes , for us to have some breakfast. I am bringing bagels and muffins, make some coffee for us.
You look at the clock is being 8 minutes since he texted you, you really should get up and make coffee for the two of you.
“I missed you.” You say opening the door, hugging Bucky. He pulls you closer to his body, kissing your hair “I missed you too, I had to share my bed with Steve one night. Can you imagine sharing the bed with someone that size?”
“I can, I share my bed with you almost every day.” You say looking at the cut in his cheek ,is so much better than the picture he sent  you but still was there. You trace your fingers gently over his cheek, making him lean into your touch “Sorry about the bed, I should buy you a bigger one.”
You laugh, closing your front door “Don’t worry, I kinda like it. Come on let’s eat, I am starving.” You serve coffee for the both of you, sitting on the couch next to him “How was the mission?’ You ask, taking Bucky away from his thoughts “Honestly, I hate undercover missions. Steve is the worst person to be around in these situations.”
You nod, knowing that he is not allowed to give any details “The real question here, doll. You didn’t watch any episodes of This is us while I was away, did you?” You shake your head no “No, I stay working late almost all week, I didn’t cheat on our little tradition.”
A year ago you and Bucky started a tradition to binge watch TV series together. In this one year you two already watched, Parks and Recreation, Modern Family, Riverdale, Friends and the most awkward of all True Blood.
There was so much sex on that show, every time someone on the screen was getting on you were blushing and your mind was in a dirty place where you were the one doing whatever what was happening on the screen with Bucky.
You still have dirty dreams about one of these scenes “So what did you do this week?” You shrug “I worked a lot, really I never worked so much like this past week. I went shopping with Wanda, I baked a cake and I started to watch a Disney Channel show… please don’t judge me but was really good and I finished the first two seasons.”
He laughs taking a sip of his coffee “Sounds like an interesting week, do you still have that cake? And did you sleep, because doesn't sound like it?” You shake your head no “ No for both, but that show was so interesting and sad at the same time with so many life lessons. I need it some emotional support watching and the cake was there, waiting to be eaten."
He pulls you into a hug, saying sarcastic “Poor thing, did you cry?” You nod pouting “A lot.” You say pretending to be sad “Do you want to cry some more and watch another episode of This Is Us while we eat?” You nod, turning on the TV.
You don’t even notice the 40 minutes of the episode passing, or that your head is on Bucky’s shoulder or the tears in your eyes “Oh crap I have to get ready for the party, we have to be there in half hour.” You say when you notice that you two would be late if you didn't start to get ready now.
In your room, you strip really fast, putting the swimsuit but you are so nervous that you can’t tie the knot correctly. You take a deep breath, looking at yourself in the mirror before calling Bucky “Hey can you come here for a second?” In a few seconds, he enters your room, but he stops in the middle of the way when he sees what you are wearing “Wow, you look really good.”
“Thank you, can you tie me up?” You ask turning around, showing that you are holding your bikini up on your boobs “Sure thing.” He takes your hair out of your back,  tying up the bikini for you “Make it firm, I don’t want to be topless on the pool.”
He laughs, making tighter “You know that I am super soldier, right? If I make this too tight you will never be able to get it off and I would have to rip off you.” You shiver at his words, especially because the way he said was so sexy “Please… don’t do this. Bikinis are expensive.”
You say putting the first shirt you saw, trying to cover your chest “Well if you need any help to get out of this ,you know where to find me.” He says giving you your shorts, you finish getting in a few minutes. Putting your shorts, some sunglasses and your hair up you were ready to go.
When you and Bucky arrive to the party, Wanda pulls you to hug and you can see that she is already a little tipsy, which is odd in two years you never saw her drunk “You are late, Vision is shirtless and he has abs. Can you believe abs!” You laugh giving her, her present “Thank youuuu, you didn’t have too. Be here I will find a drink for you.”
You take off your shirt looking for someone to keep you company, you doubt that you would see Wanda soon “Hey boys.” You say seeing Steve and Sam talking close to the pool “Hey, you look good, this explain why Bucky ran away for his bedroom.” You hit Sam arms “Don’t be gross, Sam.”
Steve laughs giving you a beer, you thank him “You know your boyfriend is here.” Your attention comes back to Sam as he says this, you don’t know what he is talking about it. You never invited Dan like Wanda wanted “What? I don’t have a boyfriend.” Sam rolls his eyes at you “Fine, your date Dan. Last time I saw him he was talking with Tony by the grill.”
“If you guys excuse me, I have to kill a witch.” You get inside of the compound, not wanting to deal with this situation. You weren’t ready to see Dan again, the fact that he is here makes this a date and not just any date a third date and everyone knows what happens on third dates.
You hear someone calling your name “Hey I was looking for you. What is the problem?” You look around relived that it is Bucky and not anyone else. Part of you knows that you are being silly, Dan would never force himself on you, but you are looking forward to have a nice day on the pool and not a nice date on the pool.
Before you can respond, you hear a door closing and someone saying “You are here.” This time it is Dan, he kisses your cheek, as he introduces himself to Bucky. They shake hands, you notice that Bucky puts a little more strength on the handshake than necessary but this doesn’t affect Dan he smiles at Bucky and says “I remember you from the other party. Where is your girlfriend?”
You feel Dan’s putting his hands on your waist in a protective but not in a possessive way. There was a lot of tension in the air, Bucky looks angry that Dan brought up the Josephine subject and Dan looks like he doesn't care.
Watching this was like watching a train wreck, you hated but you couldn’t look away even if you wanted. Bucky made himself look as big as possible without breaking eye contact with Dan, while Dan had that playful smile on his lips saying that he wasn’t afraid.
Sometimes you hate men and the need to be in control of the situation
“I don’t. You didn’t tell me that you were still seeing this guy.” Bucky says looking straight into your eyes “Yes, we had dinner a few days ago.” You wish you could disappear right now, the atmosphere in this place was so heavy “You didn’t tell me. “ Bucky says again, this time sounding almost hurt.
“I didn’t think that you would want to know about that, Bucky. You hate to talk about my dates. “Dan let go of your waist, he looks at you and you can see what he is mentally asking you “Do you want to talk to him alone?”
“So he is your boyfriend now?”
You never get the chance to answer, you hear a loud noise coming from the pool and you decide to take the chance to run away from this awkward situation “I will see what is happening, we continue this conversation later.”
You leave, letting the two man on the couch, before you can close the door you hear Dan saying to Bucky “Are you jealous? “
So this was my favorite part so far so please leave feedback because i really want to know what you guys thought about this. And if you want to be tagged or untagged let me know.
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lapeacenasumusulat · 3 years
I often ask myself, "What the hell am I doing with my life?" I started asking this question when I entered 7th grade. I was 12 years old at the time.
Today, I turn 22 and ask myself, "Why the hell am I still alive?"
I sat up straight from my bed and looked at my calendar above my meager closet. The dates April 5, 15, and 20 were encircled with red markers.
On April 5 in the morning, I will buy 10 novels from my wish list and then start reading. In the afternoon, I will submit my resignation letter to my boss. In the evening before going home, I am going to buy 10-days’ worth grocery.
On April 15 in the morning, I should be done reading all my books. In the afternoon, I will donate my books together with the 10 new ones to my old high school's library. In the evening, I will prepare a few clothes to embark in a travel.
I will buy another 5-days’ worth sustenance and lay waste to my absolutely unappealing apartment. Through my fabulous ability to procrastinate, anything is possible.
On April 20, I am going to escape.
For now, I let out a sigh as I open my apartment door and made my way through this building's sloppy elevator. April 5 is still four days away.
I know what you're thinking. It was along the lines of, "Wow! You were born April 1st? What a nice surprise if your parents used you to go 'April fools' on your grandparents." Except my father really did that. That is why 22 years later, my grandfather is always reminded how his son pulled off the greatest prank.
I entered the elevator carefully as it was older than myself. Most tenants opted to use the stairs for the fear of falling but I was never afraid of heights. Or flying. Or falling. Or flying and then falling from great heights. I was in the 28th floor. No big deal. As no one uses this elevator except myself, I have the honor to technically call it mine.
Or so I thought.
At floor 27, sadly, another human being entered my personal space. It was the first time in 3 months that someone entered this elevator while I'm in. I gave him room and moved myself to the utmost corner where I belong.
At floor 23, I started fidgeting. Like I always do whenever a new human being is close. I also forgot how this elevator practically takes at least 2 minutes in each floor and another 1 minute to start its imaginary engine. How lame this elevator can be, right? You think that's funny? Because I thought it was. Until someone got in it at the same time, I was in.
At floor 21, I started admiring my shaggy short hair, my round ancient glasses, my properly dry skin, my round reddish cheeks, my standard baggy clothes and my short legs in the rusty reflection. I catch a glimpse of the human being with me and I am reminded how humans on Earth can be beautiful. With that jet-black hair, long eyelashes, eyes the color of different blue shades, chiseled cheekbones, full lips, and at least 6 feet of height. He's an eyesight, the kind of eyesight I never wanted to look at. Also, I could paint him in a canvas except I don't paint humans.
At floor 15, the human being started to speak. "It was the first time in 5 months that I entered this elevator with someone else," he said with a warm smile. And here I thought I owned this elevator.
At floor 14, I opened my mouth to answer but ended up with a choke. Wow. What a good conversation we're having here. The human being just stifled a laugh.
At floor 13, I can see the human being's reflection grinning at me. I think. He was grinning at me, right? We were the only ones in here.
At floor 12, I bowed my head. I started counting until we reached 1st floor. When the elevator door opened, I ran fast. I know. I know. What perfect socializing skills as a neighbor, right?
I made my way to the reception area then asked Mr. Stowe for my package. I always get packages from Mom and Dad every birthday.
"Ms. Evans, what pleasure to be graced with your presence this morning," Mr. Stowe greeted. "You'll be surprised. Your parents outdone themselves yet again."
I sighed. Every year, the packages gets bigger and heavier. Last year I carried it with two hands. The year before, I carried it with one hand. The year before that, I carried it in my pocket.
"How big, Mr. Stowe?"
Mr. Stowe shook his head. "I'm afraid the question should be: 'How heavy', Ms. Evans."
I couldn't believe it. Seriously, parents? Seriously? I eyed Mr. Stowe, prompting him to take back what he said. As today is April 1st, he must be joking.
"I'm not kidding, Ms. Evans. It's too heavy for you."
All I could do was groan in frustration. I contemplated going back to my apartment. I could ask my adorable muscly gay best friend Milo to pick it up for me tomorrow. Or I could ask Mr. Stowe to bring it up for me.
I looked back at him with my most pleasing and pleading eyes. "I am too old, Ms. Evans. I'll break my back for you but my wife will break not only that if I do so."
"What about your son?" I asked.
"He's out on vacation."
"What should I do, Mr. Stowe? My mom will expect a photo later."
He looked up and down as I wait for suggestion. My palms are already sweating. I've been out for almost 20 minutes and I can't feel my body anymore. Nausea is starting to encompass my stomach up to my throat. Should I pass out, my parents will be on me again. Four years and I managed, I don't want to break right now.
"Ms. Evans? Ms. Evans?" I snapped out of daze as I heard the old man's voice. Concern was hovering his features as I blink away an upcoming foolish episode. "Are you okay?"
I nodded. "What did you say?"
"I said Mr. Finnian will solve our problem." I blinked once again and directed my head at the man beside me. I profusely shook my head at Mr. Stowe. I could always tell my mom that I slept early and forgot to take a photo with my birthday gift. I'd rather persuade Milo to soil his hands than ask for a stranger's help.
"You are so kind, Sir, but I'd rather not bother you."
"It's no bother at all. It's always a pleasure to help a neighbor," he responded with a dashing smile that made my heart sank. I am a nervous wreck. I feel nauseous around new people. I especially feel nauseous around new people with accent. I did not realize his accent back at the elevator. It was suffocating. "You really do not have to help me. I can call my best friend for this," I started to say.
"Nonsense." He started to push the reception door and followed Mr. Stowe in the back room. I wanted to scream and I've been keeping all my energy on both hands to stop it from pulling my hair. I feel so heavy and my foot is sinking on the carpet as I follow both men.
I don't want help. I don't need help.
Mr. Stowe moved few little boxes before pointing at my package. Mr. Finnian made his way to it but I ran past him and tried to lift it with all my might. I managed to lift it just above my ankle before I brought it down again. Oh, my god. This is heavy why did I even tried? They're going to laugh at me. Please don't laugh. Seriously, parents?! What the heck is this?
The laughter did not ensue. Instead, I felt Mr. Finnian's light touch on my shoulders as he gently moves me away. Mr. Stowe was saying something but I couldn't hear any of it.
"This is really too heavy for you," Mr. Finnian whispered as he lifts it with ease. He started for the door again and I quietly followed while persuading my teeth not to bite my tongue.
We exited the reception area with Mr. Stowe just behind us. Back to his marbled reception table, the two men chatted with ease as I write my name on the log. I am going to be with a stranger in the elevator again. I never hated that sloppy elevator until today.
Although I often see Mr. Finnian around the building, I never really knew him well. In fact, this is the first time I learned of his name.
"Ms. Evans? Ms. Evans!" I looked up to their waiting stares. A bit dizzy from zoning out. "Aside from the package, there was another letter that came in for you today. Would you like to have it?" I eyed Mr. Stowe curiously for asking. I remember telling him that I don't want any of these letters. I got so nervous after reading the first one I accidentally crumpled it. Nothing is scarier than receiving an anonymous letter thanking me for something I couldn't even remember.
As I can feel Mr. Finnian's stare, I accidentally choked a 'Yes'. Mr. Stowe, delighted for some reason I couldn't comprehend, handed me even the old letters I refused to receive before. After logging my name again, Mr. Finnian and I made our way back to the elevator.
At floor 2, I rested the letters in one of my pockets as Mr. Finnian brought down my package on his feet. I moved at the utmost corner where I belong and he did the same on the other side. I thought he was going to say something. Perhaps he decided against it.
At floor 5, I am yet again fidgeting. How can I even ask a stranger's help? What audacity of someone as ugly as myself for doing so.
At floor 7, I held my right hand closely at my heart. Trying to embrace that blasted pumping thing inside my chest. Trying to regulate the insufficient air inside this blasted elevator.
At floor 10, I snapped my head at Mr. Finnian's direction who seems to be a lot closer right now. "What did you say?" I asked stiffly. "You look pale. Are you ok?" I nodded and held my heart tighter.
At floor 11, Mr. Finnian moved at the farthest side and sat on the floor. My breathing felt a bit better and I started to relax.
At floor 12, I sat too. My knees were shaking and I'd rather not risk it. I'll be imposing to Mr. Finnian once again if my knees fail suddenly.
At floor 13, Mr. Finnian spoke again. I didn't hear him as I was in the zone. My stomach clutched as I zone back into his voice. I can see his smiling face and all I could say was, "What did you say again?"
"My name is Seth. Call me Seth."
"Seth. Seth Finnian." He nodded.
At floor 14, I spoke again. "Mine's Hope. You can call me Hope."
At floor 16, the elevator made a loud grinding sound. Seth stood up abruptly and came closer to where I was. The grinding sound stayed in my head for a long time. The elevator stopped. I thought my hands wanted to smack my skull but I didn't feel any pressure in my head.
At floor 17, I can hear Seth mumbling something so I zoned in again. He was counting in thousand. I looked up at him as I felt myself sinking. He was too close. I can see the color of his eyes. It's different shades of blue is like the color of the sea reflecting the softest blue sky. I felt his hands holding my two wrists. "It took 5 minutes before the elevator moved again," he said—his voice as if we're in water.
At floor 20 or so it should be, we were falling. It was either us or just my heart alone and I wouldn't know the difference. I wanted to pull the air and put it directly in my lungs. I feel too light and I want my mom's or dad's or even Milo's embrace to compress my body tightly and glue back my essence.
This is not one of my escape plans.
This is not one of my escape plans.
This is not one of my escape plans.
I am not afraid of heights. Or flying. Or falling. Or flying and then falling from great heights. This is not one of my escape plans.
At floor 17 or so it should be, I realized that the embrace of pressure I was longing for has been there all along.
At floors between 15 and 14 or so the elevator was trying to show, the gravity stopped pulling. I almost flew but a strong force put me safely in place. My ears are still ringing and I couldn't even see. I was too dizzy to zone back in. I needed to be back on my apartment room as soon as possible. I needed my books, or my canvas, or my piano to help me focus. I knew I was zoning out, I couldn't even feel myself. My body feels hot except my foot. It is exceptionally cold. My face is wet from tears. Oh, my god. I'm crying. Oh, my god. I suddenly remember that Mr. Finnian was with me. He's going to laugh. He's going to laugh.
I tried opening my eyes to no avail. It was open but I couldn't see anything but gray and white. Oh, my god. He was going to laugh at me. I finally realized that he's been supporting my body and weight through the fall. I am so embarrassed with myself right now. I shouldn't be this weak and imposing. I pushed him with little strength and I felt his arms loosening. He was saying something or perhaps he's already laughing but it doesn't matter anymore since all I hear is a muffled sound.
Was it a muffled sound? Or a humming? I am slowly zoning back in after hearing a very familiar hymn. I massaged my temple to hear clearly. I was right. It's a rendition of one of my original piano composition.
When I was totally back, I opened my eyes again as Mr. Finnian's face loom in front.
I hugged my knees tightly as I contemplate what to do. I should have included this elevator as one of my escape plans. After I calmed myself, I said with a drowned voice, "I'm so sorry for the trouble, Mr. Finnian."
"I thought you're going to call me Seth."
I remained silent. He definitely laughed at me at some point. He was intently looking so I looked away. "You were saying 'this is not one of my escape plans' earlier. What does that mean?"
It means a falling elevator is not included as a method of going away for good, I wanted to answer.
If only I could hug my knees tighter. When a piece of paper scrapped my fingers, I pulled it out of my pockets. It was the latest letter.
I opened it and digested its contents. After reading, I laughed to myself. Seriously? An invitation for a birthday on the 20th? It was the day of my escape. It would take more than an invitation to stop me.
I found myself pulling another one of the letters randomly.
"I heard your piano and it was beautiful; I saw your paintings at the museum and it was marvelous; I have read your sad poems in your blog and it made me want to be with you," the letter said.
I laughed for its atrocity. How can this human being even hear my piano? Except my parents, no one knew that I play.
"Your apartment is directly above his. He listens whenever you play."
"What did you say?" I snapped.
"You asked how did he knew. I knew because much to other tenant's dismay, some rooms are not soundproof."
"What are you talking about?"
"I said, some rooms are fortunately not soundproof so I can hear you when you play."
What is he even talking about? I'll just stay in my safe zone until this elevator falls again. This is officially the best escape plan.
This is .. This is ... What the heck am I saying?
He was talking gibberish. I don't understand. He should stop. I'll zone back in if he doesn’t stop humming. This is embarrassing. I've imposed too much of his time already. How can I ever repay Seth for all these embarrassments?
Much to my dismay, I really did zone back in due to Seth's humming. I finally understood what he was saying, "You were not on a safe zone and this is not going to be one of your escape plans."
I shook my head. What blasted lie. I'm just so tired today I wanted this elevator to fall. I feel like I'm already falling anyway.
"We're going to get out of here soon, you know. I can hear the rescuers above."
I am so tired. I feel so defeated. How can this guy even get me out of my safe zones? He's not mom, dad, nor Milo. The audacity.
"I told you, it was not a safe zone. Why don't you build a new zone? I'll help you."
I pulled out another letter and read a short one. I refuse to believe it's Seth's. The handwriting is so clean and neat and beautiful like a female's handwriting. The letter was saying that he liked me since the day I showed him around. His first day of moving here. Impossible.
"What is so impossible with that? You were fidgeting but you showed me around the building because you thought I might get lost. You were scared of people but you did it for a new neighbor. You were so brave."
What petty reason. Anyone would do that.
I couldn't take it anymore and wanted to confront him. I don't want to hear anymore lies. Or April 1st jokes. Perhaps he planned this with Mr. Stowe. I loved that old man dearly but sometimes he can really be mischievous. I wanted to shout. I wanted to scream. But my soul sank little again. I couldn't confront a stranger. My will can't. I am too weak for these kinds of things.
"I knew you were scared of people and crowds and I waited for you to decline. But you didn't. You put your fear aside for a stranger and in that moment, you made me want to meet you."
"I couldn't even remember showing you around when you were new."
"I don't care. I've liked you from a far, Hope." He said impatiently. He's been tapping his fingers on the floor.
"Today is April 1. I've been used to this. You can't fool me."
"My god, woman, what is wrong with you? I've been liking you from afar to the point of sending you constant love letters in place of myself. My personal presence will scare you away!"
"Your existence is scaring me right now."
"I'm sorry."
I heard both of us heaving a sigh. I am not equipped for this. Please fall, elevator. Please fall. Since I feel like already falling anyway, why not go full throttle?
"Stop it." He was warm. My hands were shaking but his firm warm hands clasped it tightly. He warms up something inside me I hope it was my heart. "I don't want to fall this way. We'll fall differently. I'll create a safer, lovelier, better escape plan for you. One with me."
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