#but i am proud of myself bc for my standard i gave short answers!
daddy-ul · 3 years
I was tagged by @62kh a couple of days ago but of course I'm doing it only now sjdjdjdjdj
1. why did you choose your url?
2. any side blogs? if you have them name them and why you have them.
This is my sideblog fjdshfjhdf I had another one but i deleted it bc I couldnt even remeber why I created it.
And I have this sideblog so I can put my obsession for metallica in one single place and leave my main as a mixed bag of fandoms and stuff.
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
Uhhhhh, since 2013, I think?
4. do you have a queue tag?
Nope and honest to god I didnt even know what a queue was till last year dhfjhsfjks like, i saw these recurring tags that people had with the word queue in it but I never understood what that was about. Yes, I am a genius.
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
At first I wanted to emulate the ‘daddy ul’ portrait buuut the pic was too small, so no. I still wanted to recreate it somehow, so I needed a younger Lars pic. Aaaand I love scrunchie faces, so I picked this one!
7. why did you choose your header?
THE IRONY! Also I wanted a “contemporary” pic, bc I find the idea of living in the past kinda boring. I love metallica now as they are, I am a fan now. So here, let me show that! (before this one, I used the one where they are failing to hug on stage, struggling and laughing)
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
No idea, gotta check, but I am PRAYING for it not to be the one with the official tallica dad shirt merchandise.
Okay, I dont know where to check but i think is the mulletallica interview.
9. how many mutuals do you have?
... what’s with the numbers questions? How can someone know that? Should I go on my follow list and count? too lazy for that, sorry fhdjfhsjfj
let’s say I have enough of them.
10. how many followers do you have?
Okay, now that’s a number question that I know how to answer easily: 300+
11. how many people do you follow?
Another number question? Are you Lars?
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
That I did, but i prefer rb other’s shitposts bc this fandom is PEAK shitposting. I love you all, please keep it up.
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
No, really what’s with the numbers questions? You are not Lars, you are the one writing the emails to Lars before the Metallica Mondays!!
(I honestly have no idea and it varies on how busy I am that day? like a normal person?)
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
the idea only of that happening is making me tired fdjskfkjsfhs so no, please.
One should be only fight for fun! With your fists! Possibly in a dojo!
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
It triggers my “YOU TELLING ME TO DO SOMETHING???? GUESS WHAT, DUDER” and i skip the entire post fhjsdkhfjsdfhk
16. do you like tag games?
yep!!! bc I love to read other ppl answers and it’s fun! it’s mindless! it busies you when you are bored! I am bad at them, tho, bc i forgot to do them myself most of the time.
17. do you like ask games?
Also yepp! or i wouldn’t rb them. but I know sometimes they are too much, so i limit it to 1-2 every once in a while bc all the answers to the asks can clutter others’ dashboard.
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
I’m gonna take this as a sarcastic question bc what does it even mean? fdksjfjsf
so, yes! they are all famous...ly nice and funny people! I truly didn’t expect a fandom so chill and cozy when I started the blog. I know that is v small but I enjoy it bc I like to recognize urls and ‘style’ of posting and not being drown in content.
.... but I’m digressing, as usual.
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
URGGG sarcastically thank you for this question bc I read it, and bc my answer would have been obviously “no” and I am not made to be simple, I start thinking abt possible puns with the word “crush” and my brain, scrambling for something, unearthed AWFUL lyrics from an okay song. So thanks!, now I have an earworm that keeps singing melodramatically ‘you are a car crash... and i cant look away”.
Catch me groaning and begging my brain to stop ✨✨
20. tags?
the usual suspects! duders, sorry if you were already tagged! @newsteds, @the-mighty-het-speaks, @breadfan, @cxrgans, @mewstashio @andiftheycare
9 notes · View notes
Thoughts/ reaction to AWAE 3x10
So, I mentioned in a post I made around midnight (standard Bulgarian time), three hours before this episode aired, that I wasn’t feeling quite like living and that this episode was one of very few things keeping me alive. Since then, I went through a lot more that showed me life really is worth living, and after a small celebration of my birthday (I’m two decades old, yay not so yay really), it’s finally time to open my last, and, hopefully, best present. 
I’ve been going out of my way to avoid spoilers, which is something I never usually do (bc spoilers can be a lifesaving trigger warning), so I’m diving into this episode 100% unprepared for whatever is to happen. I hope I was right not to spoil it for myself. 
I’m rambling oof  So without further ado, here goes my reaction to AWAE  3x10:
Oh my my, what a start. I never expected this. Even after everything Moira has hit me with, I never expected a cold open to include a crying Winifred. Sure, I didn’t expect her to take it lightly, but, well, it seems just a bit too much to me - coming from her, that is. Other girls, on the other hand... by all means, I am immensely grateful that Ruby got over her crush on Gilbert before this happened. Of course, I am so happy for her and Moody, but even if she hadn’t moved on to somebody else immediately, I’m glad her romantic feelings for Gilbert no longer exist because seeing him get together with Anne, one of her closest friends (they are getting together soon, I know it), would have broken her heart. Was that last sentence too long? I hope not. Ok, moving on. 
So, I understand that Winifred must feel cheated, led on, used and whatnot, and that shows that, for whatever reason, she must really have very strong feelings for Gilbert. I’m not saying she loves him the way Anne does - because no one ever could - but I’m saying that for her to be so affected, there have to be some true and strong feelings. On a semi-related note, though, is the idea of her and Prissy getting together off the table? Because it definitely is still very much there in my head. Just saying.
I cannot believe this, and yet it seems to be true - Gilbert broke off the engagement with Winnie before it happened (good) while still thinking Anne doesn’t love him back (bad, so bad). How do these things happen? He must be very, very sure in his own feelings for her then. I cannot wait for him to find out... but how can he find out? I need answers. I need closure. Now. 
Props to Gilbert for telling Winnie that she is exceptional (true) and deserves to be truly loved (very true). Our boy might not love her, but he cares for her very deeply and it must be awful to watch her cry because of him... I hope they can still be friends. And I really hope Winnie and Anne can be friends one day. 
Did he just promise not to tell anyone he’s not engaged to Winnie for two weeks? Do you realise what this means? If he keeps that promise, it might be too late for him and Anne. And he still doesn’t know that she loves him back, and how can he possibly find out without bringing up the fact that he didn’t propose to Winifred? My, that was some cold open. 
My sweet Ruby... wasn’t it only half a season ago that she was only going to Queens to be close to Gilbert? And now she doesn’t want to go without Moody. I’m happy for her, but she seems to have re-attached very strongly in a very short time. I sure hope she doesn’t get hurt. I mean, Moody wouldn’t hurt her, right?
Anne eyeing Gilbert and Gilbert looking back at her... the room is filled with tension, and yet that between the two of them is of a completely different kind. I want this to be resolved already. 
Diana saying she’ll faint if she turns out to have passed the exams is ironic/ funny on a purely linguistic level. She’s practically saying she’ll pass out if she’s passed the exams, get it? No? Just me?
She got in! People, Diana got into Queens! With zero special preparation. I have no choice but to stan. 
The little smiles Anne and Gilbert exchanged when they found out they tied for first place... it almost looked like they forgot all the tension and were just genuinely happy for each other in that moment... and then there’s the extremely awkward “Congratulations” scene which is just another misunderstanding. 
“Potato light bulbs forever!” Well said, Moody, very well said indeed.
Poor Anne is still so disappointed in Gilbert not giving her any response to her note. Poor unfortunate note never reached him, or else things would be vastly different right about now.
Oh my, oh my, they will be roommates, if you know what I mean. What would I give to see this... unfortunately, there was one spoiler I could not avoid, and it is the very real fact that AWAE has been cancelled. But I really want to  see so many more things. Please, people, we can make it happen! #renewAWAE #AWAES4
Poor Diana. I hope there is a force on Earth that can convince her parents to let her go to Queens.
“It is your future, not theirs.” / “It’s not your future, it’s ours!” Oh the tragic parallel, I can’t even. Poor Diana. 
Ok, Winnie I can take, but Eliza Barry is going on my nerves with her crying. True, Diana did go to the exam by lying about where she was going, and she did one more secret thing that would positively make her mother self-combust (I’m talking about Derry and where is my Derry resolution?), but this is a bit too over the top.
Look at the Cuthberts + honorary family member Jerry picking corn together like a true farming family... how idyllic. Also, Jerry is back! And the looks on his and Matthew’s face when Anne starts talking about corsets is just priceless. I love these two. They need their own spin-off. 
Oh my, Matthew, what are you talking about? Sure, giving Jerry his own room at Green Gables is super heartwarming and, sure, the much missed smile was back on Jerry’s face for a couple seconds, but this is just such a callback to Anne’s original problem with Jerry when both of them first arrived at Green Gables - she feels like Matthew and Marilla are replacing her with him, like they’re getting the boy they originally wanted and she’s out of the family. What a heartbreaking turn of events. 
They’re showing us family after family, and in two out of three so far things have gone bad. I hope this is not the case with the Lacroixes. Hazel just told her son she’s proud of him. It seems like their misunderstandings of the past are water under the bridge and that makes me happy. Just please don’t let this take a turn for the worse.
Hazel being soft with her baby granddaughter is so heartwarming... but I’ve been hurt before and I just hope this scene isn’t giving me a false sense of security. 
Gilbert is alone at Green Gables. What could happen? What did he come for? Oh, I can’t, it’s the pen, you guys! Oh my, he’s writing a note to Anne... oh, the parallels...
“My Anne with an E”... I cannot, I simply cannot with this. I can’t, he’s talking about being engaged to her, calling her his Anne... and he still doesn’t know she loves him back. Boy has finally decided to act on his feelings. Took him some time, that’s for sure. That slate to the head must have totally dimmed his senses in order for him to miss the signs. I wonder what Anne’s excuse is.
I can’t help feeling that Anne has somehow reverted back to her 1x1 self. Getting Matthew a cup of water he didn’t ask for and asking if he needs help with the milkers, and just nervously trying to do any chore just to prove she’s useful... poor Anne. So many years of love and acceptance and found family happiness have been pretty much erased by Matthew’s comment about more or less replacing Anne with Jerry. Why, Matthew? I trusted you.
Their cows’ names are Pride and Prejudice? Doesn’t take much to figure out who gave them those names. But now one of them has been sold to the Andrewses. I just hope they treat her well. My, am I getting worried about a cow I don’t even know now?
Oh Anne, how could you say this? There is no way for any place you’ve been at to go back to the way it was before you. Seriously, Anne has this way of changing the world around her for the better that just can’t not leave a trace in a decent person’s heart. And Matthew Cuthbert sure is one. I know he didn’t mean what he said the way that Anne perceived it. I’m sure there is some explanation.
Oh my, Anne found the note. So far this one is doing better than the first one. And... I spoke too soon. Goodness, Anne, why? You couldn’t just read it, you had to tear it up beyond repair and throw it out the window. Shirbert should be banned for life from writing notes. 
Sure, Anne. Act before you think, think a second after you act. Dammit, smart people can be so stupid!
Anne stinks at puzzles. The way she arranged the words made the note look a totally different size than the original. And she saw it clearly before she ripped the life out of it. 
I just cannot with these two. Gilbert takes Anne’s drunken ramblings about pirates to mean she doesn’t love him. Then Anne rearranges Gilbert’s note, which she destroyed herself, to say he doesn’t love her. Thanks, I hate it.
Poor Diana, indeed. Can’t this episode stop making me suffer? This was supposed to be a nice birthday present. And this is supposed to be the last episode ever? No, guys, we can’t let that happen. I did not sign up for this suffering. 
Just seeing the way Marilla acts around Anne makes it perfectly clear that things have changed dramatically in the last three years, and yet somehow it feels like Anne still doesn’t feel like her place in the Cuthbert family is secure. But I understand her. I fell into a great crisis before going off to college, too. I just hope she gets to feel better soon. Girl has been through so much already. 
What could have made Bash jump up so suddenly and run like this? Oh, I cannot believe it. It’s Elijah. He’s back with John Blythe’s things and it seems he’s repenting. But Bash isn’t having it. Oh my, I knew things would get worse for the Blythe- Lacroixes, too, I was just hoping I’d be wrong. Why is this episode doing this to me?
Right on, Marilla. Talk some sense into Eliza Barry. She’s been needing this for a long, long time. 
“Soar to the highest heights” and “plunge to the deepest depths” - that’s Anne alright. She’s literally had both happen within the same day. Multiple times. She’s a “passionate individual”, after all, if I may use Gilbert’s words. 
This scene with Anne and Miss Stacy is such a beautiful contrast to the way they met. Anne sure wasn’t quite herself that day and I’m glad to see she and Miss Stacy are not just a passionate progressive teacher and a curious, headstrong student - they’re great friends now. 
So that letter Marilla received had to do with Anne’s lineage? I want to know any information about it just as much as Anne does. 
I don’t like it that it’s Matthew who has to be called out on his actions, but I’m glad Marilla is calling him out. Whatever his intentions were, and I’m sure they were nothing but good, what he said took Anne back to square one, only with so much more to lose now. 
This episode has too much crying in it. But now it’s coming from Matthew and it’s breaking my heart. 
Idyllic Blythe-Lacroix family scene in the orchard? Apparently this is not that scene. I see Eljah is still there. And from the way he acted at his mother’s grave, I could tell he truly repents for what he’s done. He just wants to be part of the family. And I want to know how that goes. 
It looks like they accept him in. For now, at least. I hope things can smooth over between them. 
Anne has her hair up... and she’s... is she wearing a corset? Little girl sure has grown up. 
I though Matthew would have that talk with Anne, but it seems like he, too has reverted back to his day 1 personality. What is this? Why are they both throwing their character- and inter-character development out the window like this?
Oh my, look at all the girls, all grown up. What girls, they’re practically women now. All so elegant in their lady dresses and their corsets and their hats. Such a glow-up. Not that they needed a glow-up, but it looks good on them all.
Deaf/ mute representation. I love it. Now more than ever we need a season 4 to expand on the girls’ relationship with Lily. And with curfew, which is “not a suggestion”. But especially Lily. 
The way the girls act in their dorm room just goes to show that even with the lady dresses and the corsets and everything, they’re still teenage girls that just want to have fun. I love these girls. 
I know Jerry doesn’t do all that much in this episode (where is my Derry conclusion?), but I’m just so glad to see that he and his beautiful smile are back. And right now he’s bringing the most important letter of all. And don’t worry, it’s not written by Shirbert, so it’s not getting lost or torn to pieces. 
I cannot with all these Shirbert parallels... at about the same time as Anne, Gilbert gets a life-changing letter, too. He’s going to the University of Toronto. I knew it. 
I just can’t... (gosh, this episode has stripped me of all the ability to can) Delly might have just lost her Uncle Gilby to UofT, but she’s just got her big brother Elijah back.
Josephine Barry... I like where this is going. If we get to also see Cole this time...
Now this is what dreams are made of. He’s there. He’s there and he’s looking as elegant as ever. I missed my boy. I’m still waiting for an interaction between him and my other boy Jerry... and we all know that ain’t happening unless we get them to renew AWAE... we can make it happen. 
I can’t. Once again I’m unable to can, this time because of how amazing Anne looks in this dress. I’ve been waiting so long to see it, and it’s more gorgeous than I could have imagined. Anne is, too. Matthew’s face says it all. Green dress who? No, I mean, it’s still absolutely stunning, but this one is way more Anne in my opinion. 
Why the suspense, Anne? Read it out loud, for goodness’ sake? The lack of background music and the ticking of the clock just make it so much more suspenseful.
See? This is why I missed Cole so much - well, not just this, but this too. His beautiful friendship with Anne, that is. Can you believe he hasn’t seen her in so long and yet he still knows her better than anybody else in that room, and, as Anne said herself, they’re all her family. I need more of their friendship. 
There we have it, guys, gals and nb pals, Matthew’s opening up. It was about time. I’m so proud of my man.
“My Anne”, along with the several times Anne was referred to as their daughter, or Marilla and Matthew as her mother and father... beautiful. I’m literally tearing up. 
So Mrs. Thomas does have information about the Shirleys after all. And while Anne is off exploring the town, her parents are looking for... her birth parents. And they’ve sort of found them in this book, The Language of Flowers. Turns out Bertha was a teacher. Like mother, like daughter. Even if she didn’t have the chance to raise her. 
I’m getting chills. Anne and Winifred... oh my, this is bad. This is a bigger misunderstanding than there has ever been between Shirbert, if that’s even possible at this point. Seriously, for two exceptionally smart girls, these two are dumb. 
Oh dear, Diana in her lady dress and hat looks so much like her mother, it’s scary. Well, that’s if her mother was an educated, brave woman ready to take risks for what she believes in. But in terms of looks... it’s almost creepy. 
Even dressed as a beautiful young lady, Anne is just as clumsy as ever. I love her just like that.
The look on Diana’s face scares me. Poor Gilbert here, a victim of the circumstances, doesn’t know what hit him... and it’s not a slate this time. This is not a school crush anymore. We’re talking courting and marriage here. And Diana, best of friends in the world, has had it with this series of unfortunate misunderstandings between Shirbert. 
Did he just jump off of a moving train or something? That’s right - run, Gil, run like the wind! We’re getting closure on this whole thing after all. I hope. 
Oh my, they’re going to- the time for words has run out. They were never any good when it came to these two. They’re going to kiss!
Wow, that was some kiss! It was like Gil here has been holding this in ever since that slate broke over his head. And I’m pretty sure that’s how it really was. Intense, wasn’t it? And then Anne pinching herself to make sure she’s not imagining this - are you telling me she’s been having fantasies of kissing Gilbert?
Wait, he’s still asking if she loves him back after they actually kissed? I don’t mean to sound like a broken record, but - smart people are really dumb. 
A second kiss? Initiated by Anne? Now that’s the stuff of fanfiction. I may have to pinch myself too to make sure I really saw what I saw. 
“Pen pals?” Pen pals, huh? I mean, as long as they don’t intend to share one single pen and as long as they don’t hand-deliver the letters in the absence of each other... this could actually work.
Diana! And was that Mr. Barry coming to his senses after all?
Spare your steps, Gil! The guy really got on the carriage then right back off just to kiss Anne a third and fourth time - not counting the knuckle kiss, which, by the way, totally counts. 
The Cuthberts (yes, including a certain Shirley-Cuthbert) are going to make me cry... 
Funny that “I look like my mother” is the first thing she wanted to tell Gilbert in her first letter... but, I mean, that’s something incredibly important to her and they’ll be talking about all kinds of stuff, so why not? It’s actually beautiful. 
Sure, I want a fourth season with all my heart and soul, but even if we never get one (which we will), this was the most beautiful finale I could have imagined. 
I mean, there are certainly three things I wanted to see resolved by this finale: (1) Derry’s storyline - they sort of acted like it never happened and I’m not ok with that; (2) Ka’kwet’s family’s storyline - not even mentioned, like they were never there. This is the same kind of erasure that the White Man’s Burden prison school was doing. Not a fan. I demand closure on Ka’kwet’s story. (3) Closure on the Andrews family and Josie - this storyline can't have been introduced just for the sake of talking about abuse, consent and freedom of speech.
To sum up, in this rollercoaster of a season finale we saw: lots of crying - unexpected but justified from Winifred, way over the top by Eliza Barry, devastating by Diana, and heartbreaking by Matthew - bonus: a breakdown by Anne after a disappointing letter, then a tear of joy upon learning about her family; lots of the usual Shirbert stuff - tension, longing looks and misunderstandings; the misadventures of another love note; an overwhelming amount of parallels with varying degrees of subtlety; Diana gets into Queens, Gilbert gets into U of T; Elijah is accepted into the Blythe-Lacroix (mostly just Lacroix now) family; Anne and Matthew erase three years’ worth of character development - then get back on track, luckily; Diana is an absolute queen; a pair of cows named Pride and Prejudice - not actually shown on screen; all the girls looking classy in lady dresses and corsets; Marilla helps get Diana to Queens; Jerry + his smile and Cole are back for the finale; Shirbert share not one or two, but five kisses (counting the knuckle one); pen pals Shirbert.
51 notes · View notes
tobesoadores · 7 years
Wedding in Hawaii || Part 2
hi. well i must say that part 1 went down pretty well, you all seemed to love it which makes me extremely happy! currently i’m working on part 3 and considering that harry styles just rocked up to the airport in a pair of glasses and a shirt that says “women are smarter” i am going to have to write about that too so get seated loves! i hope you’s will enjoy part 2, it’s really really fluffy and you will cry if you are sensitive. even if you aren’t you will shed a tear or two bc harry’s amazing. ok i shall stop rambling. hope you’s enjoy, don’t forget to like and follow and i think there’s an option to turn on my post notifications as well so if you don’t wanna miss out on cute harry stuff i suggest you turn it on 😘 
Part 1 •  Part 3
Wedding Buddies - book based on this series
Masterlist: x
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It was around 12 pm when Harry and I finished our time in the gym that Harry desperately wanted to visit. He said it tends to help with his hangover and I knew about that because he’s done it before, I just didn’t think it helps. For me at least.
Once we got back from our work out session we both showered then got into something comfy to go and hang out in with the others.
Harry was wearing blue shorts with a grey shirt that had an eagle on the front, white sunglasses and a yellow snapback.
I think it was safe to say that he looked stunning. Gorgeous. Absolutely breath-taking. Beautiful.
You get the gist.
While he was literally shining I was looking like trash next to him but I didn’t mind because his beauty was enough for me too.
“I lost count on how many times I’ve caught you staring at me just since we got back from the gym,” Harry told me as he laughed.
We were sitting on the grass because we liked to make a show of ourselves in front of other people. It was chill as we were both having a glass of champagne, not minding one bit that we just got over our hangovers.
That’s how you roll when you’re a wedding guest, right?
“Can you blame me?” I asked him as I brought my glass up to my mouth and took a sip of my cold and bubbly drink. It felt good as it slid down my throat into my stomach, the coolness of it giving me a refreshing feeling for a little while. “You’re quite possibly the prettiest human being here.”
“You compliment me too much. It should be the other way round,” he shook his head which I saw from the corner of my eye. “Sometimes I feel like our roles are reversed.”
“Don’t know,” he shrugged. Wow, thanks for helping me. “I just do. But I don’t mind. It feels good to have someone like you beside me. Giving me compliments when I feel down and stuff, always making sure I’m grounded. I’m glad to have you.”
“You’re gonna make me cry, stop,” I laughed. As the words left his lips I just suck all of them in which totally messed with my emotions. He just had his own way of making me feel all these things and I will never be able to explain just what he does to me. “You deserve it all, honestly.”
“How much do you wanna bet that you’ll be the one to get down on one knee?”
“I’ll be getting down on two tonight,” I blurted out which caused him to just look at me with a smirk on his lovely features.
“Y’know what I meant you cheeky girl,” he squeezed my thigh, his hand eventually going more and more up. “I swear you got more confident ever since we got together.”
“Ever Since New York.”
“Your song, silly boy.”
“Still don’t know what you’re saying.”
“You said I got more confident ever since we got together. But those are not the lyrics to your song.”
“Oh,” he said. “Oh my godness, baby, really?”
“I’m a proud girlfriend. Did you know that by the way? I’m proud of you. Like, super-duper proud.”
“Thank you,” he smiled and leaned closer, his lips touching mine in a sweet, champagne flavoured kiss.
A small moan escaped from me as he massaged his soft and tender lips against mine, his tongue slightly tracing over my upper lip causing me to open my mouth. Soon enough our tongues were slapping together and tasting each other, the familiar taste of the champagne rolling off of his sweet lips and tongue made my head spin and body shake. 
Our kiss started off totally innocent then ended up quite heated. But I loved it. Every time Harry and I kissed I just fell in love with him more and more.
The heated moment was interrupted when a ball was thrown our way, our lips parting ways quickly with a smacking noise. My cheeks were turning slightly pink as I licked my lips and turned my head where Harry was looking.
“Harry, play with me!” the little girl asked him, well, more like demanded then soon enough she ran away.
She was basically in love with Harry. Her name was Lily one of the men’s daughters, only 5 years old if I remember correctly. She was the cutest little girl I have seen in a long time; her neediness for Harry’s attention reminded me a bit of myself.
I looked back to Harry who was laughing as he was already staring at me with his eyes, licking his lips which caught my attention straight away.
His lips were pink, shiny and kissable. Whenever he would talk I’d sometimes just zone out and admire his mouth, the way he forms each word is just absolutely mesmerising to me.
Well, everything he does is mesmerising to me.
“Guess I better go and play,” he laughed before pecking my lips softly. I put my hand on the side of his neck, biting into my lower lip as I scanned over his face not missing one bit before seeing his little side smirk appear alongside his dimples. “You’re literally obsessed with me, aren’t you, pretty girl?”
“I just love you. I’m in love with you. Badly,” I told him what he probably already knew. Wow I loved him so much I would jump off a cliff for him if it meant he’ll be happy for the rest of his life and nothing bad will happen to him.
“I love you so much,” he said as he pressed a kiss to my forehead then got up to play with Lily.
And if I wasn’t an emotional mess before than I sure as hell turned into one the moment they started to play.
Harry had his phone in one hand while his champagne glass was in the other one and Lily was just chasing after him as he jogged in front of her. Their laughter added to the vibe of the people who were already talking and it made the atmosphere livelier and more welcoming to those who only just got to where we were.
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Moments later Harry gave me his phone as he continued to play with the little girl. When he bopped her nose and she laughed then he joined in as well my whole heart melted like a big block of butter in the hot weather and I couldn’t stop the semi-loud “aw” rushing out of my mouth.
That was honestly the cutest fucking thing ever.
Lily was so small and Harry was so tall and gorgeous and the way he just messed around with the little girl was so adorable and all I wanted to do was get pregnant and give him a baby. I know I sound crazy but honestly.
He was so damn adorable I wanted to cry in happiness. He was just the man of my dreams. No, wait, scratch that.
Harry was better than any man in any of my dreams ever. Harry was something else.
He was better than anyone I have ever met, he raised my expectations and standards to an unhealthily high bar and I almost felt stuck up for it.
I loved him so much it was quite pathetic and indescribable; he made me so happy I sometimes wondered what my life was like before I got to know him.
“What are you thinking, pretty girl?” his voice was so close to me I almost jumped out of my skin. I wasn’t expecting him to be next to me but I guess my thoughts totally drowned me.
“Nothing much,” I answered finally as I looked up to him.
“Alright, if you say so,” he sat back down next to me, pushing his sunglasses up so that they were resting on his head on top of his snapback. “We have a dinner to attend tonight. Would you do me the honours of being my date for it?”
“I would absolutely love that,” I told him smiling which he returned. “You get tanned so easily I’ll have to get my game on.”
“You’re so fucking competitive,” he shook his head laughing.
“I am. Do you have a problem with that?” I asked back sassily.
“No just know that I will not let you win. I will be tanner than you are by the time we are going home.”
“Is that what you think?” I raised one of my eyebrows, challenging him. “Fifty quid when we get home?” I put my hand out, knowing full well he’s gonna have to pay.
We’ve done this before when we were in LA and I was twenty quid richer when we got back home. I had to raise the bar by thirty to make some profit.
“Alrighty, miss,” he took my hand and shook it. “Fifty quid right as we land at Heathrow.”
I winked at him, lifting up my new glass of champagne and taking a sip. I can’t wait to spend that fifty quid on shit that I don’t even need.
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stellarsquad · 7 years
ur turn to answer all of them, lets hear it
thanks michelle ur the binch best
1. Is a kiss considered cheating?
depends on the circumstance, but I’d say yes.
2. Have you ever faked orgasm?
3. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
shapeshifting, or the power to refill things bc lets be honest that one (1) post was actually quite logical
4. Do you think you are going to be rich in 7-8-9 years?
mmmmmm, maybe. maybe not 7 - 9 yrs but maybe sometime
5. Tell us some funny drunk story.
i don’t drink, so none on that front. 
6. Why are you no longer together with your ex?
didn’t love her romantically, feelings didn’t go both ways. we’re g now though.
7. If you had to choose one way to die, what would it be? 
hmmmmm, probably drowning. 
8. What are your current goals?
ace my exams.
9. Do you like someone?
fuck yeah i do!!! 
10. Who was the last person to disappoint you?
not sure, actually. generally if someone disappoints me they make up for it pretty quick. 
11. Do you like your body?
it does its job (mostly)
12. Can you keep a diet?
is that a joke??
13. If the whole world listened to you right now, what would you say?
let people live
14. Do you work?
yeah, i tutor beginner trumpet students.
15. If you could choose only one food to eat to the rest of your life, what would it be?
sushi, probably
16. Would you get a tattoo?
maybe, but probably not. not rlly my style. 
17. Something you don’t mind spending all your money on?
18. Can you drive?
i can,,, but am i a good driver?? up for debate.
19. When was the last time someone told you you were beautiful?
not sure
20. What was the last thing you cried for?
i’m playin the lead in a short film about a woman who’s husband dies in a crash and we filmed a scene at a graveyard for that this week, so i cried there about my ‘husband’ dying.
21. Do you keep a journal?
not anymore.
22. Is life fun?
honestly it’s looking up. so i’ll say yes.
23. Is farting in front of people irrelevant?
i don’t,,, even know what this question is asking??? yes?? no?? maybe?? 
24. What’s your dream car?
mini cooper, teal. or red.
25. Are grades in school important?
mmmhmmm don’t fuck around in school kids.
26. Describe your crush.
literal angel honestly, the sweetest boy i’ve ever met. 
27. What was the last book/movie that really impressed you?
fuckin baby driver!!! that was good shit!!!
28. What was your last lie?
“dont pull that shit again i stg i will rearrange ur spinal structure until u resemble a goldfish”. it’s a lie i don’t even know how to do that.
29. Dumbest lie you ever told? 
um,,, idk most of my lies are pretty stupid one likes that ^^^ and i don’t lie a lot nowadays anyway. i try to avoid it where i can.
30. Is crying in front of people embarrassing?
this is kind of a double standard thing for me, like,, i don’t mind if other ppl cry in front of me and i certainly won’t shame anyone for crying in public / in front of other but i’m always embarrased crying in front of other people. sooooo, idk. 
31. Something you did and you are proud of?
topping 3 of my classes atm, i think. 
32. What’s your favourite cocktail?
once again, not a drinker.
33. Something you are good at?
i’m okay at singing, i think.
34. Do you like small kids?
mmmm, depends on how small. 
35. How are you feeling right now?
exhausted but i always am sooooo,
36. What would you name your daughter/son?
lmao me?? having kids?? is that a joke??
37. What do you need to be happy?
music, my best Friends and/or my boyfriend. preferably all of em.
38. Is there some you want to punch in the face right now?
mmm, not really?? myself mostly for not doing my work. 
39. What was the last gift you received?
um, idk. probably smnthn for my birthday?? that was at the beginning of the yr i don’t remember. 
40. What was the last gift you gave?
i gave a sloth enamel pin to one of my friends this thursday just gone.
41. What was the last concert you went to?
twenty one pilots!!
42. Favourite place to shop at?
h&m, or jay jays.
43. Who inspires you?
sebastian stan
44. How old were you when you first got drunk?
are there gonna be more of these drinking questions??
45. How old were you when you first got high?
i don’t even drink bruh,,,
46. How old were you when you first had sex?
umm, well i’m ace so,,, no.
47. When was your first kiss?
recently, actually. it was good but the second one was so. much. better.
48. Something you want to do until the end of this year?
stay in a relationship with my boyfriend, and beyond the end of this year, too.
49. Is there something in the past you wish you hadn’t done?
[pulls up 178 slide pptx] where the fuck do i start
50. Post a selfie.
how’s this: https://stellarsquad.tumblr.com/post/159788715857/flora-200417-artist-and-photographer
51. Who are you most comfortable around?
my two Best Friends ever nd my boyfriend.
52. Name one thing that terrifies you.
fuckin hell, spiders man.
53. What kind of books do you read?
fantasy and adventure
54. What would you tell your 12 year old self?
trust your damn instincts. don’t be blind.
55. What is your favourite flower?
orchids!! or roses. hmmm
56. Any bad habits you have?
i scratch nd pick at my face a lot
57. What kind of people are you attracted to?
i don’t,,,, know? i don’t rlly know if i have a type, but lookin back at the people i’ve loved, good sense of humour and good jawline. i guess.
58. What was the last thing you cried for?
fuckin,, cried in A Dogs Purpose in the cinemas i’m weak.
59. Is there something you don’t eat? Some food that truly disgust you?
if u fuckin come at me with chicken liver,,, i will fight
60. Are you in love?
yeah, yeah i think so.
61. Something you find romantic?
i fuckin love,, holdin hands. like thats dumb but i love it.
62. How long was your longest relationship? 
abt 3 mnthn. 2 ½ i think. 
63. What are 3 things that irritate you about the same sex?
girls are catty sometimes, and some girls think they’re the Queens of Everything regardless of where they are / who they’re with like,, sit down please you don’t have any power here at all.
64. What are 3 things that irritate you about the opposite sex? 
misogyny is one thing but that’s grouping all guys together a bit generally so based on one of my guy friends, who is pretty much the only guy i have any contact w besides my bf: if i get any more texts from u tryna argue abt religion when you’re high i’ll delete ur number and change your netflix password.
65. What are you saving money for?
a camera
66. How would you describe your bad side?
a ghost but i think she’s dead. 
67. Are you actually a good person? Why?
i try to be but,,,, hmm. 
68. What are you living for?
idk my friends i think.
69.Have you ever done anything illegal?
70. Do you like your body?
haven’t i already answered this??
71. Have you ever made someone feel bad about themselves intentionally?
i try to avoid it but when i’m sometimes when i’m roasting all hell breaks loose.
72. Ever sent nudes?
73. Have you ever cheated on someone?
no and who the fuck would honestly.
74. Favourite candy?
mmmmm, milk bottles.
75. Is there a blog you visit every day, or almost every day? Tag it!
not rlly sorry. my own?? my sideblogs?? idek. 
76. Do you play any computer games? What is your favourite game?
77. Favourite TV series?
The Checkout. yeah i’m a nerd!! come at me!!
78.Are you religious? Does God exist?
yeah, i’m Christian but im probably not a very good example of one. and God’s out there alright. He exists. 
79. What was the last book you read? Did it impress you and why?
honestly,, Emma by Jane Austen can die
80. What do you think about vegetarianism/veganism?
props 2 anyone who can do it u are dedicated.
81. How long have you been on Tumblr?
since like,, 2014 i think??
82.Do you like Chineese food?
yeah boyyy
83. McDonalds or Subway?
84. Vodka or whiskey?
-  _-
85. Alcohol or drugs?
-     __-
86. Ever been out of your province/state/country?
heck yeah
87. Meaning behind your blog name?
space gang
88. What are you scared of?
being forgotten
89. Last time you were insulted?
My Best Friend (if she even is that,, MICHELLE) called me a preschooler yesterday nd she can choke
90. Most traumatic experience ?
nov2015 to like,, jan2017
91. Perfect date idea?
stargazing and makin out tbh.
92. Favourite app on your phone?
93. What colour are the walls in your room?
purple nd white
94. Do you watch Youtube? Who is your favourite youtuber?
not rlly anymore?? probably still dan and phil.
95. Share your favourite quote.
“And just remember, bad times, are just times that are bad.” its from fuckin,,, animal crossing i love it so much it’s so dumb.
96. What is the meaning of life?
live for others, and others will live for you. its,,,, cyclical.
97. Do you like horror movies?
no no no nooooo
98. Have you ever made your mum cry? What happened?
yeah, i went to state level in a public speaking competition and she cried bc she was proud.
99. Do you feel lucky or special in a way?
i’m lucky to have an actual angel as a bf, my guy
100. Can you keep a secret?
yeah. i’m good at those.
and thats all of them!! sorry this is so long guys
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