#but i grew the fuck up and moved on acknowledging that whilst it holds some nostalgia and i might occasionally watch one of the dvds i own
sp00ky-scary · 5 months
I wanna rant about how people will use the term "seperate the art from the artist" and then talk about fucking JK Rowling however I think I'll sound too much like an asshole so I'm just going to say I think it's super fucked up when people say "seperate the art from the artist" when talking about a bigot who is alive and whos bigotry is so ingrained in their works that even when they aren't actively involved in something it is still present. It shows a misunderstanding of what the term means and a disregard for the people that person is harming and in the case of Harry Potter has become an excuse for people to continue supporting and funding a known transphobe and all round bigot and her works that aren't even that fucking good.
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rxgueone · 1 year
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Word count: 2,672.
Pairing: Austin Butler x oc
Summary: Austin is called for a certain job. Which requires him to be a Butler. In the process, he takes Aurilia (oc) on a date.
Warnings: mentions of violence, substance use, death, angst, fluff (?), human remains, manipulation, smoking, and guilt tripping. All I can think of.
Tags: none.
Note: LIVE FAST, DIE YOUNG isn’t a story that’s meant to be happy. It does have love involved but please don’t get your hopes up for a happy ending whilst reading. This chapter was inspired by a scene in Fight Club. Thanks for 1 follower btw. PT. 2 PT. 3
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Austin flung the door open to the basement, Nik lazily following behind. Al looked up at his kid brother. “What was that soap made of?!” He shouted, fuming with anger from what he had just done. Approaching his eldest brother, Keith the second moved in front of Austin. Pushing him back before a fight escalated between them.
“It’s just soap.” Al got up from the box he was sitting on. “Dun matter where it came from.”
“You were the one who taught me how to make soap Alphonse.” Using his brother's full name was weird for Austin. But he was serious, he wanted to know. “You were the one that snuck me out to a liposuction clinic to get fat!”
“Then you know how it’s made, Butler.” Al stepped forward, causing Nik to come in between the two. Keith remained silent, his brown eyes gazing at the three.
“I’m not fuckin’ sellin’ that.” Austin refused to sell something such as that. Something that contained things of corpses. Just the thought of it grossed him out.
“You’re gonna sell that!” Al had pushed Nik to the side. Who spat out his cigarette, grabbing Al as well.
“Aye back off tincan!” Nik shouted. Without any hesitation Keith pushed his way through. Austin could see them both fall to the ground, he wouldn’t get between them. Keith, who was much shorter, had already beaten Nik to a pulp. Holding Nik by the collar of his flannel, his hand balled in a fist. He was restraining Nik from doing anything.
“You’re selling it.” Al seemed to ignore them as well.
“No, I’m not.” Austin refused to acknowledge it, accept that he would stoop this low. “I’m not selling something with human fat!” He protested against this.
Alphonse grabbed Austin’s hoodie by the front. Yanking his brother towards him, gripping the hoodie so hard it seemed to be ripping just by how aggressive Alphonse was being. “You sell weed and heroin. Don’t forget the cocaine you use to sell too. You ruin peoples lives with the drugs you sell. You’re the reason Tyler overdosed, you’re the reason his mother had to bury her own son! You’re why Eddie dropped dead, you’re why Ryu dropped dead! Don’t you forget that.” He shouted from frustration. “And after all those overdoses from the shit you sold to them. What did you do?”
“…” Austin’s head hung from his shoulders as if he was admitting defeat. Slowly craning his head to face his eldest sibling. He opened his jaw, but not a sound came out. Looking to the left, avoiding Alphonse’s gaze. “I kept dealing.”
“Yeah you did… you kept ruining peoples lives. Maybe if Riley hadn’t been high with the weed you supplied her when she went out for a drive. Maybe she’d still be alive. But she ain’t. She’s dead.” Alphonse was now taking the piss out of his brother. Pouring salt on the wound. The guilt that they both carried grew bigger with each word Alphonse spoke. “You continued to deal after your clients died. Drugs kill. Soap cleans. So sell the damn soap!” Shoving Austin away. He shamefully looked up at his brother, for some reason Austin felt like crying from all the frustration and anger he was feeling.
His eyes welled up, his hands were balled. “At least you’re actually fucking cleaning instead of killing.” Alphonse turned his back on Austin. Knowing his little brother was too weak to even land a measly punch on him. Keith took Alphonse’s motions as orders, letting go of Nik. Who quickly popped up onto his feet, looking at his ride or die. That said ride or die, looked crushed. “Keith, give them the other pills.”
Keith reached into his pocket, taking out six pill bottles. Three for each of them. Five bucks per bag. Austin and Nik obediently took them, shoving them into their pockets. “I get that you don’t wanna sell.” Alphonse was glaring straight at Austin. As if he could see through. “But listen we’re blood, you’ve been doing this when you were twelve. You’re nineteen now, you’re too far gone.”
“I know Al— I apologize for that.” He was sincere with his apology.
“It’s fine kid, just come back tomorrow same time for the soap… get outta here.” With being dismissed, Austin and Nik were both gone.
Nik popped in another cigarette. Watching Austin who was screaming in the middle of the park from pure frustration. He was punching at the grass repeatedly until his knuckles bled. Austin caved in, his head hidden between his arms, with his forehead pressed against the grass.
Nik watched in silence, seeing the shoulders of his best friend shake. His body trembling from the anger he felt. Only to have it end with him audibly sobbing. Austin was pawing at the grass, trying to hold onto something. But- this only made him feel more alone than anything.
Austin opened the door to Aurilia’s place. She had given him the spare key. He was allowed to show up unannounced so he could sleep. Aurilia was still up, and she turned to face him.
Her dorm-mate poked their head up from their bed. They recognized Austin due to them sharing the same fourth period. “Hey Aus!” She greeted.
“Hey Steph.” It was a nickname he had given to her. Her real name was Stephanie, and she was on the basketball team. That’s really all he knew of her.
“You look like shit.” Aurilia looked at him.
“Hello to you too, Lia.” He looked at her, she was sitting at her desk. With a laptop in front of her, she had been studying. Aurilia didn’t say anything, she just sat and stared at him. Austin looked terrible. From looking like the handsome guy earlier in all black. He looked like he had just been crying his eyes out. His hands were stained with what looked to be dirt, they were cut as well. His black hoodie was covered in grass, and the front of his chest was wet with- she could only assume mud.
“What happened to your hand dude.” Steph flicked her head to Austin’s cut hand.
“Just a fight.” He brushed it off.
“Pull up a chair, from Steph’s desk. Sit with me.” Aurilia offered, which Austin took. Grabbing the spare chair, he pulled up beside Aurilia. She held her hand out, tilting her head with raised brows. He reached his hand out, placing it into her palm. She looked at it quietly, her palms and fingers tracing his veins.
His hand was bruised and callused. Looking at the back of his hand to see his cut skin. She could see a scar in the shape of an X across the back of his hand. Clearing her throat, she got up to grab cotton balls, gauze sponges, alcohol, and hydrogen peroxide.
When she came back, he held his left hand up. She poured pure hydrogen peroxide onto Austin’s cut knuckles, he showed no emotion. As if he was use to this. As she cleaned his hand, Austin sat there.
Why did he come here? He never came there on his own tuition. If he wanted to sleep, he’d walk to an empty alleyway. Sit down, and sleep. Maybe he was here because when he was with Aurilia, he felt comfortable. He didn’t have to put up a wall, she always kept it real with him. He appreciated that. He guessed, he was here cause she was his safe place. His home.
“Y’know if anything happens to you. You have my number.” Austin said, which broke the comfortable silence between all three of them.
“I know I know. Why do you think I called you when I got drunk last night.” She let out a measly scoff. “I knew I chose right.”
“Chose what.”
“You.” She looked at him dead in the eyes now. The measly scoff washed away. Her eyes were narrowed at him to show she meant it. Her face finally distorted after three seconds, a playful smile. “Y’know? As my best friend.”
“Yes, I suppose.” He agreed.
“What? You don’t agree.” After she finished, she held his hand. Her fingers were tracing the shape of his hand.
“No, I do.” He looked down at their hands. Gently, he held hers as if it was a delicate flower. “You and Nik, you’re all I have.” His tone was soft.
“You have your brothers don’t you?”
“No- nono they’d kill me.” He was firm on that. “They would… they would kill me. Like I never existed.”
“They wouldn’t do that to you. They’re your brothers. You love them and they love you.”
“I mean-“ he breathed in, collecting himself, “-yes. We love each other. It’s just- it’s hard to explain.” He murmured. “They know when to-“ he was cut off by his phone buzzing.
Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out his phone. Aurilia was still holding his hand, his grip relaxed after he read what was on his phone. Shaking his head, he slipped it back into his pocket. His left hand slid from Aurilia’s grip, as he got up. “You going somewhere?”
“Yeah. I gotta go.”
“Can I come?” She asked. He stood there for a moment, listening to Steph drink her cup of joe. “Stephanie will be fine. Right, Steph?”
“Oh yeah y’know. Get it!” She responded with an uncomfortable amount of enthusiasm.
“…right…” He muttered, side eyeing her. Looking back at Aurilia, he prodded her over. She grabbed her sweater, putting it on and went to his side.
“Today, I’m gonna teach you how to make soap like how my brothers taught me.” Austin started, Aurilia was holding his hand. She was interested in this, being taught how to make soap. “We’re gonna have to do this quick.” He said calmly, quickly letting go of her hand to take his hoodie off. It was xxl, so he folded it up a few times to make a mat.
Without warning, he started sprinting at full speed. Aurilia reacted quickly, following behind.
Turning to the next block, he could see trash bins, around the bins were chain fences that were layered with barbed wire. Throwing his hoodie over the barbed wire, he grabbed at the fence. Quickly jumping over it, he watched Aurilia.
She effortlessly jumped over it, landing beside him. Grabbing his hoodie, she handed it to him. Where they both ran in front of trash bins, crouching down and leaning back. “Y’know consumers don’t give a fuck about what’s in the product, they just want it.” He began.
“How do you know that?” She countered.
“When was the last time you actually looked at what your bag of cheetos was made of? Or what your soap was made of?” He shot back.
She quickly backed down. “True.” Scanning her surroundings. She saw a huge biohazard warning. “Where are we-?”
“A liposuction clinic.”
“Huh-“ her jaw dropped.
“What? You expect me to kill someone and suck out their fat?” He retorted. Quickly getting on his feet, he turned around, grabbing the lid of the trash bin. He threw it open. Aurilia sat there for a moment. I mean… I’m pretty sure Austin could do that. He looks capable of killing. She watched him as he grabbed a transparent bag filled with fat. “Gold.” He looked at her, only to see her face retort and wrinkle in disgust. He passed the bag of fat to her, which she caught.
“Ew- oh my god Austin.” She closed her eyes, weakly fluttering them open. He threw another bag to her. Until she had in total five bags of fat in her arms, he jumped out the bin, closing it.
“Alright, you climb out first, and I’ll pass you the bags.” He grabbed them from her arms, putting them down on the ground. She gave a nod, Austin grabbed her waist, picking her up to give her a boost. She grabbed the top of the fence, throwing his ripped hoodie over the wires. She jumped over them, hitting the ground but jumped up to her feet. “Ready?”
“Yeah yeah just hurry up tin—“ a bag of fat hit her straight across the face, causing her to fall down. “Y’know what fuck you too tin—“ another bag hit her.
“Just catch them, Lia.” He teased, a small smile on his face. Throwing them over again, she caught them. When it was finally finished, he jumped on the fence, climbing out quickly. He grabbed his hoodie, pulling it back before it ripped any further. In fact, Aurilia watched as the hoodie ripped its sleeve off.
“Wow… you’re an idiot.” She proclaimed in confidence. Austin didn’t respond, simply ripping the other sleeve off to make a sleeveless hoodie. He tied it over his waist, picking up the bags.
“Alright lets go.” He started sprinting.
Pulling up to a parking lot, Aurilia recognized the tall figure. It was Nik, Austin’s best friend. He was smoking a cigarette, a strong one. He flicked it away, grabbing another then quickly lighting it.
Austin and Aurilia stepped in front of him. Austin dropped the bags, took his hoodie off, put the bags in, handed it to Nik. “Appreciate that.” Nik muffled through the cigarette, taking the hoodie that was filled with fat. Nik took out a bundle of cash.
“So it seems.” Austin nodded. Turning around, Nik threw the hoodie over his shoulder. Leaving the two of them alone. Aurilia looked over at Austin who unbundled the cash. 400 bucks dead. “Alright, here.” He gave her 300, and kept 100.
“No split fifty. You get two hundred.” She handed him five twenties.
“No no you—“
“Oh my god Austin. Just accept it.”
“Kay, my bad.” He apologized. Shoving the twenties in his pocket.
“So, you’re a night runner?” She asked. It was already 3:30AM.
“Yeah,” he paused, “yeah… yeah. I guess so.” He still denied it in his head. But he did work during the night. “I’ll walk you home.” Their fingers intertwined with each other, as they walked side by side down the street.
Opening the door to her place, he looked down at her, where she stood in front of him. “Thank you, for walking me home.” She leaned on the door frame.
He smiled a bit, giving a nod to show it was no issue. He wasn’t use to someone thanking him, especially if they weren’t his client. “Yeah you’re uh… y’know yeah, course. No issue.” He was tripping over his words like a new born foal. “That’s what I’m supposed to do. I’m supposed to protect you, you’re my best friend.”
She lifted her hand up to cup the right side of his face. He looked over at her, a small smile on his face still as her thumb gently stroked. “You’re a good guy Aus… even though you’re a bit of a tin head.” She teased, stepping into her dorm. “See you tomorrow?”
“Cya.” He promised. Closing the door for her. Aurilia yawned, for some reason she had the biggest smile on her face. What Austin did- was ultimately… disgusting. But, was it fun? Yes. It was the most fun she had in a long time.
And for Austin? He had already forgotten the night. With his left hand in his pocket, he was fiddling with the bottles in them. He was already making his way to a club, a perfect place to sell everything he had.
“Hello Butler,” the bouncer greeted him.
“Hey Simon.” Dipping his head, he walked in
“Have fun in there!” Simon teased.
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emeren · 3 years
soft touches - eren jaeger
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🍓 anon request 
pairing: eren jaeger x fem!reader 
word count: 1.7k 
content warnings: 18+, smut, vanilla sex 
notes: i tried a new, more descriptive approach to this oneshot! as usual im unconfident in my writing capabilities however i hope you all enjoy it! i was definitely not expecting to start AND finish it today!! love you all, enjoy! <3
SUMMARY: eren shares a tender moment with the reader after an innocent cuddle session. 
the warm, fresh air seeped into the room as your eyes drowsily watched the leaves dance in the wind. it was an entirely peaceful moment; born of love and content. you could clearly see a small bumblebee bump carelessly into the window screen, the muscles in your face too lazy to produce a smile. 
there was a comforting weight on your stomach; that of your boyfriend’s head. his breathing would have you believe he was asleep, but he was far too preoccupied in memorizing the way your fingers lightly combed through his soft hair to let rest overcome him. 
in the distance, someone started up a lawnmower. you loved peaceful june afternoons, fresh out of the school year and ready for recuperation. eren seemed to feel the same; the way his arms tightened around your waist at the sound indicating so. 
“such a nice day,” you sighed, eyes half-lidded. eren hummed against your abdomen, the vibration eliciting a quirk in your lips. he was rarely so relaxed, normally on some kick to create chaos. it was this duality only you were so fortunate to experience that made you love him so. “we should probably go outside to make the most of it.” 
eren groaned in disapproval. “mmm, too comfortable.” 
his head shifted on your stomach, the fabric of your shirt lifting slightly. it was hot today, eren clad in just a pair of shorts. the heat had you incapacitated, unable to protest his nagging need to maintain physical contact. 
your fingers lifted from his hair, teal eyes snapping open in annoyed response. “it’s too hot in here, i feel like i’m suffocating.” 
eren propped himself up, one arm on either side of your waist with his legs off to the side. “i don’t think so.” he pouted. 
“you’re hardly clothed!” you groaned out, gesturing to his lack of a shirt. eren smiled childishly, collapsing down onto you whilst burying his face in your neck. you could feel his lips ghost a kiss on the flesh. 
“y’know,” he mumbled against you. “that’s an option for you, too.” 
“please,” you chuckled lightly, trying to ignore the feeling of his lips moving up the crook of your neck. “not all of us like walking around practically naked.” 
your boyfriend rested his head down again, fingers tracing circles on the skin of your bare arm. “more freeing that way. and, not as hot.” 
“you’re impossible,” you heaved out in a feigned annoyance, a gust of warm wind rattling through the leaves outside. eren said nothing more, subtly rubbing his cheek against your neck. 
moments passed; possibly minutes, or maybe even an hour. either way, the two of you basked in your silence together, the feeling of an inescapable heat beginning to settle on your brow. as if sensing your discomfort, eren lifted himself above you. 
a soft breeze blew through the window, ruffling his slightly wavy hair. he was looking down at you, eyelids half closed and gaze sleep ridden. 
“eren, if you’re tired you should sl-” he cut you off by swiftly leaning down, pressing his lightly chapped lips against your own.
you realized quickly that eren was the heat; he was the way your stomach bottomed out and your heart swelled. it wasn’t the burning of summer but rather the passion and intense emotion of a deeply flawed yet beautiful human being. you were sure the kiss was meant to be a simple gesture, but it quickly became more as his fingers caressed your jawline.
you found yourself inviting the heat in, parting your lips slightly as his tongue swiped hungrily against your own. he was a dominating presence, shifting his hold against your body so that his hips could straddle above yours. you brought your hand up to his broad shoulder, eren deepening the kiss at the feeling of fingers against his bare skin. 
surely eren knew the way your body ached for him, desperate for his touch. his sharp nose pressed into the soft flesh of your cheek, mouth glued to your own as he intrusively invited more of himself within you. 
your mouth was completely occupied with his tongue at this point, the smell of freshly mowed grass heavily overpowered by the scent of his cologne. eren was intoxicating like that, your brain becoming heavy with the overwhelming power of him. by the time you were able to acknowledge the burning desire within you, he’d already consumed the rational part of your mind. 
your lips wrapped delicately around his tongue, head bobbing gently as you sucked on the exposed muscle. this was the one action you knew drove eren especially crazy, a deep rumble rising from the bottom of his chest. he groaned out, the erotic sound only egging you on. the burning heat of summer and his exposed body was too much - it was too much to bear. you pulled back, resting your head against the pillow. 
there was without a doubt a sheen of sweat against your forehead, eren wordlessly continuing his assault on your inner temperature. his lips were hot, placing wet, open mouthed kisses down your neck till he reached your collarbone. you suddenly understood why he favored walking around shirtless, the thin layer of cotton feeling like a wool sweater as he sucked generously on the skin above your bones. 
he didn’t say anything as he lifted himself up, burning fingertips lifting the hem of your shirt. you raised enough for him to peel the article of clothing from your warm body, the newfound coolness swiftly being bombarded by eren’s heat. 
his lips once again found your own, but the action was sloppier this time. his mouth was slick with saliva, fingers tracing the place where your waist dipped towards your hips. it felt as though he left his imprint wherever he touched.
speaking of imprints, as you whimpered into the kiss you could feel pressure beginning to make itself known against the apex of your thigh. eren shamelessly ground his hips into yours, the well known heat spreading itself between your legs. 
“eren,” you moaned into his mouth. he pulled back at the sound, lips parted as he panted in your face. eren had always been a sucker for eye contact, his gaze steely as he pressed his hard cock against your clothed center. 
“fuck,” he hissed, glancing down to the spot where your bodies melded together. his biceps were flexed on either side of your head, eyes catching on the way they were beginning to glisten with sweat. look who’s hot now. “do you want it, baby?” 
the heat was intrusive, your clit throbbing unceremoniously as you looked up at your boyfriend. the way his hair swayed in the summer air, pupils dilated with something of lust. the words were out of your mouth without question. “yes, now please.” 
eren chuckled lightly, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “so needy.” 
as he propped himself up to yank his shorts down, you quickly slipped your own down your hips. 
being with eren was a normally extensive and emotional affair. it involved build up, tension, and often times, some sort of repressed aggression. and you loved every second of it. 
but it was the times like these; the times where eren looked at you with love as he slid the tip of his cock against your entrance. times where he leaned down to press a tender kiss to your lips as he slid into you, his size a comfortable stretch within your walls. it was times where eren really showed you just how much you meant to him. 
you bent your knees upwards as eren pressed his sticky chest against yours, the feeling of his cock sliding in and out of your tight cunt only making the room feel insufferably hotter. his hips were moving tantalizingly slow; each thrust a deliberate brush against your cervix. there was a buildup in your stomach, eren’s breath fanning across your shoulder as he watched his dick stretch you out so nicely. 
“taking it so good,” he grunted out, his eyes coming up to trace along the frame of your face. something about you pressed beneath him, face shiny in the swelter of summer as you scrunched your nose up to keep from making too much noise sent him into a frenzy. he couldn’t help himself, the way you clenched around him nearly too good to be true. 
he dug his hips into yours, the rhythmic thrusts forcing you to fist the sheets beneath you. each stroke of his dick had you falling closer into yourself, his large hand coming to squeeze your breast as he lost control of himself. 
there was sweat trickling down his furrowed brow, the normally disgusting bodily function only serving to shove you further into your arousal. the way he was fucking you so intentionally making your toes curl. 
“gonna cum,” eren growled, clenching his jaw as he bucked his pelvis against yours. you could feel yourself approaching your high, inching ever more closer as his hand left your breast to rub feverishly against your clit. 
the heat reached its high as you pulsated around eren’s cock, the wave of dopamine crashing over your body as your limbs grew cold in ecstasy. your breathing was labored as he pulled himself from you, giving his dick a couple of desperate pumps before he was cumming against your stomach, painting you as his canvas. 
“that’s hot,” eren grinned, his chest heaving as he pressed a steamy kiss to your lips. you smiled, swiping your forehead dry with your hand as he pulled away. 
“well, when i said i wanted to make the most of the afternoon, that’s not exactly what i had in mind,” you sighed as eren grabbed a rag to wipe at your stomach. he looked content, hair messy against his shoulders. 
“let’s go take a cold shower,” he suggested, standing to offer you a hand. you graciously accepted, interlocking your fingers. the heat he’d so intently placed inside of you beginning to fade. eren gave you one last kiss to the forehead, that hazy look back in his eyes. “i love you.” 
“i love you, too.” 
<3 <3 <3 
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jossambird · 3 years
The Scent on your coat P4
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Summary: You reflect on your life choices, and despite your wants, Life had other plans for you.
Otto Octavius x F!Reader
Words: 2k
Warnings: NS/FW Subjects, No Doc in this Chapter (or is there) but building to the next part, mentions of emotional Reader, heartbreak, yearning for things you can’t have.
Ao3 Fic Link for previous parts, or on my masterlist!
“I've only ever wanted you.” You repeated into the silence of your apartment, barely listening to the news that played on tv. Images of various villains flittered on the screen, your eyes falling on the one face you couldn’t stop seeing behind your eyelids. You shut the tv off with a huff, eyes watering at the whole mess.
Hands slinging your blanket over your back, you bundled yourself up and sat in bed, pulling your other blanket over your legs and feet. You couldn’t even begin to find the correct words for just how much you had missed Otto.
Even after all this time, Otto remained as handsome as he had been the last time you had seen him all those dreadful months ago. His soft brown hair that shined red in the sunlight, his gorgeous brown eyes that used to always seek you out in a crowd.
You sighed, replaying his words in your mind. Did he mean everything he had said? He had never been a liar, that you knew…
For weeks after his accident, you had thought him dead. For months, you had listened to the radio and new outlets, slandering his work and very career once he had emerged, tentacles and all, turning to a life of crime.
How long had you mourned him, mourned the fragile friendship you had had together, mourned his work but most importantly, mourned your love for him? It had taken weeks, months even, to finally be able to step back into this laboratory and work, and not be pitied by every living soul here.
They had all known of your deep and dark secret, the love you had held so dear for the Scientist, but stayed silent.. all except for one.
Peter Parker. Sweet Peter Parker, always there for you no matter, always asking if you needed help or a shoulder to cry on, always asking how you were holding up with everything.
It had been Peter, of all people, who had saved you from the endless internal darkness that had started to consume you slowly but surely, depression sinking its claws into you and pushing you towards dangerous thoughts.
He, who had asked you if you wanted to go see a movie together. He, who had walked you home every night afterwards, only ever smiling and offering his arm whilst you tried to say it was okay.
He, who had tentatively asked you if you wanted to be his girlfriend that one summer night after a quiet walk, knowing full well how your heart held a part of itself for another.
It was he, who had kissed your lips, reassuring you that he understood what it felt like, having already lost the love of his life too.
And so, telling yourself that maybe this was what you needed to finally forget Octavius, you had given him a chance; slowly taking your time together and learning about one another, becoming closer and closer by the passing day.
Peter’s secret identity hadn't been kept from you long after you noticed Spiderman arriving at your Oscorp to walk you home, just like Peter did. He had practically fallen off a building when you asked out loud if he was done stalking you like a creep, his laugh echoing softly in the noisy New York streets.
“Aren’t you afraid a villain will come and kidnap me Pe- Spiderman?” You had asked him, grinning even though your heart clenched at the idea of *one* villain kidnapping you. Thoughts like those were burned and shooed away, trying to focus on the good and kind man that loved you.
“Don’t worry, Ill always protect you Y/N.” He assured you with a whisper, bowing his head as you stepped inside your shared apartment complex.
You had come to love him too, in a way, over time.
Your first time together was the moment you realized your heart was irreparable; Peter’s hands were on your hips, holding you softly as he fucked you but in that moment, another man’s name found itself on your lips, a name all too familiar to you, trying to make its way out and into the air between you. You hadn’t let it, swallowing both it and your shame down, sorrow coursing through you as Peter called out your name.
A few days later, on an early September day, as you turned away from the amazing view from your apartment window, the wind blowing your hair from your face, you had felt it; Nervous energy in the air, shudders wracking your body.
Peter Parker asked you to marry him on the same balcony moments after.
No amount of preparation would have ever prepared you for the absolute heartbreak you had felt as the man before you wore bruises shaped like claws, deep cuts and barely fading scars, crooked grin smiling up at you with a ring in hand, waiting.
“I know I’m not him, and you aren’t her, but I'd like to love you for the rest of my life.”
You had sobbed under the loud noise of the shower until the water turned cold, and after.
Though now, sitting here alone in your living room, you wondered why life sought to hurt you so.
Soon you would be married to a sweet man who loved you, adored you, and all fantasies of the tall Doctor Octavius would have to be forgotten and erased.
You sighed again, burying your face into your blanketed hands, trying to will yourself to stop feeling this way. Peter deserved someone who loved him with all their heart, not someone who craved another and had let said man eat them out in their previous work place.
A knock sounded at your front door and you frowned, standing, wrapped in your blankets still, to answer.
Would it be possible… that he would come? Would he knock on the door, or simply open it, hands seeking you out and untying your robe, touching what he had already accidentally claimed?
As you turned the handle and opened the door, your inner shame grew, eyes landing on the smiling face of your best friend Allie.
“Thought Id come see how the bride-to-be was feeling! How- Oh my god Y/N what's wrong?” Allie said in a rush as she saw tears form in your beautiful eyes, stepping inside in a hurry to comfort you. You could barely let out a sob, let alone words, arms wrapping around the woman.
“Y/N, babydoll, what's going on? You can talk to me, you know that right? Nothing leaves this room, only between you and me.” Your best friend whispered, holding you tightly.
She pulled away, arms still wrapped around you but just enough to see your face, and you knew she had figured it out, knew she had pieced it together. “Oh, Y/N… It’ll be okay, it’ll go away.”
What Allie failed to know though, was that you didn’t want it to go away, still feeling his soft but firm fingers holding your thighs and ankles, kisses laid against your skin.
You didn’t want your love for Otto Octavius to disappear, just like the words of love and adoration groaned along your thighs and core, expressive brown eyes seeking yours out in desperation. Desperate for what, you still didn’t know, but it made your heart race, thinking that the renowned Doctor Octavius and villain Doctor Octopus wanted to see you reach ecstasy by his hand and his alone, desperate for only his name to find itself on your tongue.
And you felt even more horrible for it.
Allie held you close, blankets wrapped around the both of you as she flicked through channels on TV.
“Want to talk about it?” She whispered, eyes still trailed on the TV but you knew her attention was solely on you.
What was there to say in a situation like this?
“No.” You croaked out, snuggling closer against her in an effort to forget everything, forget the outside world, forget the fact that the very man you wanted most of all was also somewhere out there. You weren’t surprised when Allie sighed, the sound of the TV shutting off. She laid down beside you, worried eyes gazing back at you.
“You know, it's not…” Allie paused, breath caught in her throat at the sight of you.
“It's not abnormal for marriages to be cancelled.” She continued, her eyes flickering over your face for a sign that you were understanding her meaning. You could barely breathe as she waited, the implication of her words sounding out.
“Allie thats- Peter, he-“ you tried, heart breaking at the idea of telling Peter you could no longer marry him. Allie, the beautiful thing she was, faked a gag and rose up, sitting beside you.
“Y/N, forget Pete for the moment okay? He doesn’t exist right here, right now.” She started, turning back towards your surprised visage with a finger pointed at you.
“I will always be here for you. I know you aren’t happy… I just want you to know that it’s never too late to cancel anything.”
You cried that night, silently into your pillow, never acknowledging the words she had spoken. Allie remained with you for the next few days, never uttering another word of the subject she had begun, helping you instead prepare for your wedding.
That night, you dreamt of large hands pulling you close and whispers of love pressed against your breast, heartbeat steady as he asked the one thing you could never lie about:
“Do you love me, Y/N? Me, and only me?” He whispered, lips moving against your collarbone, heated kisses following his words.
“I've only ever loved you.” You whispered back and watched the Otto before you smile, his hold turning bruising.
New York, even at night, was never silent. Noises could be heard everywhere and anywhere, people out and about, some heading home and some heading out.
Allie liked the hustle and bustle of the town, always eager to find a new Hole-in-the-wall type of bar or restaurant to get drunk in, and tonight, after saying she wanted to make you feel better with sushi, hadn’t been any different. She hummed under her breath and dutifully followed you back to your apartment, the both of you enjoying each other’s presence.
Convenience store bags in hand, you looked back at Allie as she wobbled, her steps mismatched, a half empty beer can in hand.
“Come on Al, we're almost there!” You laughed, watching her try to Hopscotch along the street. She stopped, eyes wide and smile even wider, throwing the beer can into the air and away from the both of you, making you cringe as it hit the ground.
“Oh my god- Was that a laugh!?” She yelled happily, the smell of beer and sake wafting off of her as she ran up beside you and held you close, arms trapped in her hold. You couldn’t help but smile at your best friend, mouth opening to chastise her for littering but you didn’t have the time; a faint melody met both your ears and Allie beamed, disentangling herself from you. You barely had time to register what song it was before she leaned away, breathing in sharply and letting loose.
“You should have bought her flowers!” She sang out, words echoing in the streets around you. Sang was perhaps too kind of a word though, as she scratchily belted out Bruno Mars lyrics.
“Shh! Oh my god Allie, shhhhhhh! Shut up!” You tried, running after her as she continued back to your apartment complex, uncaring of the people passing you by.
“You should’ve held her hand! Should’ve given her all your hours!” You barely made it in time to her, free hand rising to try and quiet her, heart racing as you imagined someone hearing-
“But now she’s marrying another man!”
Her words felt like a bath of freezing cold water, any remnants of alcohol in your system instantly evaporating.
She was right. You were, and no matter what fantasies and dreams you liked to imagine, you knew that life couldn’t continue like this, childishly hoping and wishing for another man to come sweep you up.
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mitsukijuni · 3 years
yet another smut fic of mondstadt npcs, this time Wagner and his apprentice, Schulz🤥
Summer in Mondstadt means days of living through hell for us blacksmiths.
While the others are busy frolicking around in the grassy hills, winds intertwining in between their hair, the both of us are trapped in this cramped space; sounds of metal pounding against metal, water evaporating swiftly into hot mist as hot red iron was dunked into it. The small canopy on top our heads a slight reprieve from the smoldering heat.
With that said, the heat is a blessing in disguise. Summer in Mondstadt could mean a lot of things to others, but to me summer means that my master, Wagner, strips himself off of his shirt more often than any other seasons.
Opportune time for me to let my eyes wander about.
The scars scattered on his arm attracting my eyes, moving like water as he flexes his hand, shoulder blades tensing, hammering down on a rod; shaping it. Sweat dripping down his chest, making him gleam in the light. His presumably rock hard abs clenching as he heaved yet another lift with his hammer.
Although, this does bring some unwanted attention from the others, the town folks walking by our store repeatedly, sometimes even pretending to forget something, their actions deliberate and yet he seem to take no notice. Hell, even Captain Kaeya made a move on my master, leaning in too close for comfort, his only eye lidded with obvious lust.
Okay, maybe I am being a bit overprotective. Not my fault he's so hot.
I never knew when the seed of this —whatever it is— had been planted deep in my heart. But the one thing that I do know of is that, he'd probably never reciprocate this feeling that I have for him, the thought of it making my heart aches. Does he even, feel anything for me, I catch myself wondering at times.
Even when I had begged to him, face facing down into the dirt below, to accept me as his apprentice, he had begrudgingly took me under his wings. Every time I had presented to him a new craft of mine, a simple huff would be his answer before he melts it back down. But, its fine. As long as I get to be by his side, I would be fine admiring from the side.
A hand; calloused and bigger than mine, circled my wrist, pulling it away roughly. I winced, the hold tight, almost bruising. "Watch what you're doing," he scolded, brows furrowed deeply. The slight panic in his voice alarming me back to reality. I raised my eyes to look at his bearded face, confused as to what happened that elicited such a reaction. That's when I noticed, the melted ore dripping down, my hand mere inches from it and nearly disintegrating my hand had it not been for him.
Silence fell, the topic dropped, faster than I could craft a dagger. The air around us tense as we continue to work and if there was a distance between us whenever we passed each other, neither of us did acknowledge it.
"Wanna go out for a drink?" I had blurted out, a silent hitch of breath escaping my mouth, scolding myself internally. He looked up, his dark eyes gazing into my own, his workspace now tidied and put away. "Sure," I almost missed it with how quiet he had whispered it out. My face lit up but I scrambled for words, explaining to him that he isn't obligated too but the tangent was cut short, "It's okay, Schulz. Let's just go already."
Knowing that I'd never get any other chance like this, I gathered myself, quickly catching up to his retreating figure, already heading towards Angel's Share. "Wait up, master!" I shouted, as I near him, walking briskly, following his pace. The night was silent, cicadas chirps filling it, when he said, "Just Wagner is fine, we're off work." It was my turn to stare at him, wondering since when he's become so, talkative. I hesitated.
"Okay, Wagner."
By the time we had reached the tavern, drinks were passed around, men and women stuffing their bellies with wine and countless pints of beers. The young lad, Venti was there too, drunk as it seems by how flushed his face had became. We sat on opposite ends, facing each other, between us a single pint of beer each.
Few minutes passed, the drink in my mug almost finished and yet not a single word was exchanged, leaving us-maybe just me-in an uncomfortable silence. The bearer stopped by our table many times, each time leaving a mountain of alcohol. And each time I drank and drank until I could no longer see the man in front of me clearly.
"I like you, Wagner."
I had messed up, I knew that and yet, I couldn't help but to gush out all of my feelings; bottled and finally being let out. Wagner sat there, his drink untouched. Empty beer mugs filled the space between us, the sight of the wooden table underneath vanished. By the time I had finished venting, an awkward silence hung amid us.
Wagner stood up, silently heading towards the bar, his pouch in hand. That's it, I was rejected, point blank. He must have left by now, the seat in front of me now vacant, my head hung low, tears brimming. A hand awkwardly clamped down on my drooping shoulder, sweat warming the spot. I glanced up, slowly meeting black eyes, red hue staining his cheeks.
He came back.
"Do you want to, um, come back to my place?" he sheepishly said, his other hand massaging his nape. I looked at him, surprised at what he had just said. With each seconds passing by, the red shade on his face grew brighter. "So, you're going to come or-"
Or so I said, brimming with confidence too. But now as I sat on top of his bed, palms gripping onto my knees tightly, my thoughts wandered wildly to where this would lead us. Wagner waltz into the room, face still flushed from the amount of beers and ciders he had swallowed.
Rustling caught my attention; the man trying to —clumsily— untie the laces of his corset. The saliva welling in my throat felt heavy, I swallowed it before nearing his stumbling figure. "Would you like a hand, with that?" Wagner looked down at it for a second, accusing almost before relenting; his arms hanging limply by his sides.
Shakily, I held the ribbons, sweaty palms making me lose my grip on it. I let out a nervous laughter to which Wagner replied with a warm smile, my giggles fading, bright red blushing my cheeks.
We stood in silence, my fingers deftly working on the ties of the corset, metal clasps making a loud 'snap' sound that echoed in the room. I became aware that, the both of us are alone, in his room, whilst I was untying his corset and we're alone and I could see the chest hair peeking through from the laces of his shirt and
I have an erection.
'Fuck, why now,' I lamented, tilting my head back in frustration.
"Is everything alright, Schulz?"
And my erection grew harder, the way my name rolled off his tongue, albeit it came out slurred, was just incredibly sexy. My thighs shifting, trying my best to cover up said growing problem. Wagner however, was sober enough that he noticed the tent, proceeded to grope it, a drunken crooked smile creasing the corner of his lips.
"Wagner, wait!" At this, his hand stopped, the air becoming tense by the seconds. "You're not thinking right, let's send you to be-" my words were cut off with a simple punch to my shoulder, eyes wide as I looked at the taller man. "Schulz, you idiot. Why else do you think I invited you here?"
I stared off to the side, feeling the embarassment creeping up my neck, unwilling to make any sort of eye contact with him. Calloused hand cradled my face, bringing me forward to look at him, warmth in his gaze as he lowered his head down, meeting my lips halfway.
The room, only lit by a candle, left us in darkness. Harsh breaths echoed in my ears as we deepened the kiss, my mouth clumsy against his own, experienced one. I let out a yelp when his hand brushed against my groin, making a shiver run down my spine.
Wagner's lips slowly moved away, leaving a trail of saliva and started to mouth at my neck, "You seem to enjoy this," he whispered with a tint of humour in his tone. "You don't even know the extent of it," I sighed out as his hand continues to rub against my cock.
A clank of metal and my cock was out, twitching upon hitting the cold air. The first stroke made me lean against the wooden wall, lips still attached on my neck, as Wagner leisurely jerk me off.
Hitched whines and gasp was the only sound that came out of me, his fingers lightly scratching the sensitive head before he flatted his palm against it, rubbing and rubbing until drool dribbled down my chin. "Fuck Wagner," I breathed out, eyes rolled back when he cupped my balls, rolling it in between his palm.
Suddenly, he ceased all of his doings, making me groan in frustration. "Can't have all the fun," untying the laces of his pants, Wagner sat on the bed; creaking under his weight, expectant as he looked at me. I gulped.
This was my first time doing anything remotely sexual afterall.
Kneeling in front of him hesitantly, I looked meeting the lust filled stare of his before opening my mouth and taking him whole. Which proved to be a mistake since moments later, I spluttered, choking on his length. Wagner's finger trailed over my throat, comforting, as his other hand slowly direct my head into motion.
Taking in his cock, inch by inch and with the help of Wagner, I was able to reach the base, breathing loudly at the effort taken. Wagner growled out a moan, the sound so feral making my own cock spasm. Mouth stretched open, painful yet pleasurable, I bobbed my head up and down, the tip of his cock hitting the back of my throat.
"Is this okay?" I asked, the words muffled and the only indication that Wagner was feeling anything, was the grip in my hair tightening. A popping sound echoed as I stopped to take a breather, momentary it seems when Wagner grabbed my head and started to fuck my mouth, leaving me gasping and holding onto his knees.
Just as sudden it happened, he halted, although his hips are still trying to buck into my throat. "Come on," was all the warning that he gave, dragging me up the bed effortlessly. 
Wagner, now stripped fully, crawled over me, his whole figure encaging mine. A dip and a kiss and I was writhing under him, clawing at any muscled surface I could reach. Tongue licking stripes over my neck, chest, stomach, and finally settling against my taint, leaving me a shuddering mess. Lapping at my puckered hole, he inserted a finger making my whole body tense.
He studied my face for a while, inserting another finger in, rubbing and searching for something. "Ah!" Wagner smiled, knowing. He pressed down, stroking it over and over, pre-cum pooling at the tip of my cock, face now scarlet all over. Mouth wide open as I tried to suck in air, desperate before Wagner took his fingers out, leaving me craving and hole throbbing in need.
Arms laid limp by my side, reaching out to spread my cheeks revealing my hole to Wagner, “Please,” a sharp intake of breath and he was on top of me once again, stealing all my air with a kiss, hands clumsy on my waist. I moaned into the kiss when I felt the nudging of the tip of his cock against my hole. 
Carefully, he pushed in, a gasp of pain released from my lips; breaking the kiss. Wagner braced an arm before leaning down, nipping and kissing my collarbones in an attempt to soothe my nerves down. It took minutes but finally, he was fully sheathed in. "Can I move?" Wagner breathed out, face scarlet and brows furrowed.
And with a nod, he moved. First, out all the way before going back in, making sure that I was opening up to his length. Tongue finds it to way my nipples, sucking in and sending jolts of pleasure, taking me away from the numbing pain.
He soon picked up his speed, brushing against that one spot, flashes behind my eyes. Muscled arms came to cradle my figure, bringing me closer to his chest as he slammed into me. Mouth wide open, a silent scream hitched, and with each thrusts I couldn't help but to just hang onto him.
Heat coiled in my gut and sweats trickled down my back; I am close, that I was certain of. Wagner seems to know that too, a warm palm circling my cock, jerking me in time with the thrust.
"Wagner, I, ah! I'm going to-" a kiss cut me off, moustache tickling against my chin. And with just a few more thrust of hips, I was cumming in his hand, stomachs splattered white and my insides filled.
We fell back into the bed, Wagner shifting his weight off of me, his cock slowly going soft in me. "Well, how's that for a first date," I laughed at that, Wagner letting out a huff. I let out a small whine when he pulled out of me. "Don't cry, there'll be a next time."
And to that, I looked at him, shocked.
"There's a next time?" My face was dusted red when Wagner gave me a look. "Of course there'll be a next time," hand ruffled my hair, making it unkempt even more. Smiling at him, I leaned forward to give him a kiss, Wagner grinning back into it.
"I like you too, Schulz."
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melancholy-mikey · 4 years
New perspective | C.H
summary: reader has never managed to get herself off, and in the middle of a rather disappointing masturbation session, Calum comes to her rescue.
word count: 1950+
pairing: Calum Hood x fem!reader
includes: intense sexual themes, brief mentions of masturbation, oral (female receiving)
song rec: new perspective - panic! at the disco
a/n: thoughts and feedback are greatly appreciated, my loves :)
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With a huff, her shoulders slumped disappointedly, her lips curling down ever so slightly out of frustration. She muttered a couple inaudible expletives under her breath, her body just not cooperating with her like she had wanted it to.
Yet again, she had attempted trying it, though to no avail, and she hadn't a clue what on earth she could be doing wrong. Was it her fingers? Were they not long enough? Maybe she was doing it wrong. Whatever it was, she just couldn't get herself off. She had tried countless of times, over and over again, and it felt good, really good, however the build up she had worked so hard for just never seemed to release. The feeling in the pit of her stomach never erupted, her legs would tremble, the feeling so astonishing, as if she was at her peak. She wasn't. She never let go, just came down from a load of worked up pleasure, not an orgasm. And even though she knew she couldn't help it, she still decided to blame herself, fingers fiddling with the blankets that barely covered her naked bottom half as she lay in her bed.
She had been staying in a rather luxurious villa with her friends, Luke insisting that she tag along on their holiday, claiming it would be a good time to get some inspiration, though it was a given that all he wanted was a bit of freedom, some sun and sea would do him good. So, with a room all to herself, she certainly wasn't going to put it to waste. She would relax herself as much as she could, and she had a method in mind, she was just very unfortunate. This wasn't at all different to any normal day. She sighed, rubbing a hand over her face in misfortune, the sheets shifting along her bare breasts, the little droplets of sweat she had earned still accumulated her forehead.
"Need some help, darling?" Her head snapped to the intruder, eyes widening before quickly shoving the sheets over her body, trying her hardest not to let that strawberry blush coat her cheeks, though she became noticeably flushed and if the room hadn't been so dark, she was more than sure he would've seen it. He would've smirked, but that would've been no different to what was painted upon his lips already.
"Please. Go away," she spoke exasperated, chest heaving, not only from her friend Calum, but from the built up frustration she had given herself.
He clicked his tongue in mock disappointment, easing himself away from the doorframe and quickly closing the door. It had only been open a crack, though maybe it was the noises she had made, disappointment and satisfaction. She had a feeling that was it.
"Come on, baby," the moonlight reflected off his eyes as he moved deeper into her room, "you seem so frustrated," he was extremely right, and the enticing look in his eyes almost immediately made her want to say yes, however she wasn't so sure, her mind flickering with possible scenarios of the morning after. She just hoped to god it wouldn't be awkward.
"You'll be able to finally cum, and I," he smiled whilst biting that pretty bottom lip of his. "Well, I get to see this gorgeous body of yours, don't I, pretty girl?" She whimpered slightly, though loud enough for Calum to hear. He smirked, crouching down next to her side of the bed, grasping the covers and peeling them away from her body. She was completely naked, a light sheen of sweat coated her body and made her look so deliciously sexy, he couldn't refrain his cock from twitching under his jeans at the sight.
His eyes flickered to the sight of her two fingers, her slick noticeably coating two of her digits. Grabbing a hold of her wrist, he brought them to his mouth, letting her slip her fingers into his mouth at her own accord, humming around them from the taste, mouth detaching from them with a pop.
"Tell me, sweetie," his one hand trailed along her jaw, thumb stroking her cheek causing ear eyes to flutter shut. "Has any man made you cum?"
She shook her head, no, completely under his spell, utterly smitten and her submissive side coming out to play.
"Good," he smiled, "I'm the only man that can," she bit her lip, looking up at him from under her lashes, his body now on top of hers, hovering over her dominantly.
"I-I'm not sure if you can," she muttered, not intending to sound playful nor cocky, but more insecure and shy. She didn't want to disappoint, and he could see that as he stared at her with glossy eyes and smiling lips.
"Well, we'll see about that," his face was inches away from hers, mouth ghosting over her lips, teasing her by pulling away before she pushed towards him. "I'm gonna make you feel so good, pretty girl."
His mouth attached to hers firmly, their lips coming together into a hard but nonetheless passionate kiss, one hand supporting him above her, while the other weaved itself into her hair, tugging and pulling ever so slightly earning little groans in response.
Her heart rate grew furious, thumping in her ears from the close proximity of Calum. He had always been a flirt, though she had the idea that he was like this with anything that had a pulse. She just shrugged it off, she didn't consider herself as anyone special, though the moment he stepped foot into her bedroom, she couldn't ignore that hint of excitement and need in the pit of her stomach, not even beginning to acknowledge the crush that she had built up on him for god knows how long.
Strong hands traveled down her sides, squeezing her hips before stopping in their tracks, smoothing over the apex of her thighs softly, feeling her skin beneath his rough fingertips. Spreading her legs apart at the knee, he took in the sight of her, her bare pussy in front of him completely catching him off guard by how wet she had become.
"Oh, sweetheart," he breathed, "you're dripping." Her hands stroked up and down his already bare back - Calum decided on discarding it way before he had even gotten outside of her door. "Messy girl."
With a quick peck to her lips and a slight adjustment in his position, his head was between her legs, his already bruised lips trailing up the inside of her thighs, switching sides between every kiss. Her hips bucked up impatiently, whining every now and again for him to get on with it, though she inwardly enjoyed the attention he was paying to her, the time he was taking and how attentively he spent it, she enjoyed that very much.
"You have no idea. How long. I've been waiting to do this." His voice was muffled by her skin as he spoke through kisses. "How long I've been waiting to kiss you, to taste you," he paused all movements, using this time to gaze into her pretty eyes. "To fuck you," she let out an involuntary moan, chest puffing up and down from how heavy her breathing had gotten. It was all because of him, because of Calum.
"God, babe, we've been friends for years and seeing you with other guys, it makes me- it makes me jealous," he nipped at a patch of skin on her left leg, so, so close to her pussy it almost hurt from how frustrated she had gotten. Though it was nothing compared to only moments ago, this was the good kind.
"And knowing that they didn't pleasure my baby girl- I gotta make you feel good, my darling," he stuttered slightly, the look in his eyes getting harsher, irises getting increasingly darker, his words made the thumping of her clit increase in pace, causing her to struggle in his tight yet tolerable grasp.
"Only I am able to make you cum, princess," he smirked, "nobody else. Just me."
Without even a hint of a warning, his lips were around her peaked clit, throbbing furiously and finally getting the satisfaction she needed. His tongue swiped over her bundle of nerves, sucking harshly whilst collecting her arousal for extra lubricant. Breathy moans and whiny whimpers sounded throughout the room, y/n couldn't help but to let the noises slip, even after trying ever so hard to keep them in. She knew she was a goner the minute his tongue slipped inside of her, thrusting in and out of her so skillfully, for a second she had wondered how many girls he had possibly done this to. Though she quickly shook that from her mind, she wanted to enjoy it as much as she could, afraid she wouldn't ever experience this kind of pleasure again.
"O-oh, Cal!" Her head snapped back, eyes squeezing shut, such obscene noises falling from her lips, she hadn't a clue she had it in her.
"Feels so good," she could feel him smirk against her heat, joyous to have his gorgeous girl moaning his name like that.
He knew he was good, but he didn't quite realise how much exactly.
The cockiness soon faded, however, as she tugged at his short hair, her lips stuttering as she tried desperately to get her chosen words out.
"I-I'm going to cum, Calum." her voice came out in gasps, her breathing far from steady as she braced herself for the impact that was about to come. She knew it would be big, after all, she hadn't really ever experienced an orgasm before. "Cal, I'm so close. I'm so, so close. So close,"
"I know, darling, let go for me," he decided against adding a finger inside of her, knowing that if he did, it would be too much. She hadn't ever felt this good before, God, Calum felt like a dream. Course, she had been with other men, though the few she had been with never managed to make her feel as good as he did, let alone get her to cum. "I want you to make me proud, babe. I want you to cum on my tongue."
With one last swipe of his tongue and a couple kitten licks towards her clit, her legs had started to shake, her orgasm washing over her like an immense tidal wave she would be lucky to get away from. No words, nor noises (except the little grunts that managed to escape) fell from her lips. Her body stuttered silently, pussy quivering, clit still throbbing though not in need, in satisfaction. Satisfaction from letting go. Letting go after such a long time of building up her release though never managing to chase it down, always letting it slip through her fingers at the last second. Not this time.
Coming down from her high, she began to laugh, her sweet little breathy giggles bouncing off the walls and becoming a new form of music to his ears as his mouth detached from her, smiling up at her cheekily, though the adoration and awe was evident and obvious in his smiling eyes.
"D'that feel good, princess?" He questioned, already knowing her answer, just wanting the satisfaction of hearing how good he had been, letting out what sounded like a purr from him as a response to her grateful answer. He climbed up next to her, being ever so careful where he put his hands, knowing how sensitive she had gotten, her pretty figure still trembling.
"Rest up, my love." His hands cradled her cheeks warmly, nuzzling his nose against hers, though eyes still dark with what she guessed was lust. "We've got a lot to get through."
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cowboywaffles · 3 years
pretty boy javier x john nsft
i like the start of this but i suddenly hate all of the rest. ty to my friend for introducing me to these two as a ship,ily
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Ever since javier and arthur had rescued john from near death on the edge of the mountain all those weeks back, the man had seemed withdrawn. 
More than usual. Hed seemed more moody, more aggressive. He wandered around camp antagonising anyone who dared look in his general direction, uncle taking the brunt of it all.
Not only this, but abigail had vexing him the whole time, Calling him a stupid man for being damn near eaten by wolves, and not being a good father to jack. 
He'd been het up, he needed a release. 
John slumped himself by the campfire, his ass hitting the floor as he groaned, the stitched up cuts on his face stinging in the warmth of the nearby fire, embers flying dangerously close to his wounds.
One other man sat opposite him. Javier. He hadn't bothered to acknowledge John, he just sat with his legs crossed, his hat dipping over his face, covering the top half of it. John glared at the younger man, the light from the fire illuminating the visible parts of his face. It was only then did John find his mind beginning to wonder.
He'd never seen javier as anything more than a member of the gang, but something about the way he sat so unbothered, a half empty bottle of whisky in his left hand, his handsome features and facial hair. 
“Scars lookin pretty,” Javier smirked, lifting his head to look John dead in the eyes, catching him staring. John was taken aback by this. He looked away quickly and began fumbling with his hands, a shade of pink hitting his cheeks. 
“Never did quite thank you” john hesitantly chuckled, avoiding the way javier's eyes now wondered about his own body, looking john up and like he was a meal.
“Well it wasn't all me amigo, Arthur helped too”. Javier still didn't take his eyes off of john. The older man felt like prey under his predatory gaze. 
“Well maybe there is a way I can thank you” John spoke. He instantly regretted his choice of words as the atmosphere grew silent, his rugged breathing and the cracking of the fire was the only thing that could be heard throughout the night. 
Javier shifted himself forward in a swift motion, avoiding contact with the fire. He hoisted himself onto John and began straddling the man's hips.
John entwined his fingers in javiers hair and pulled his head down so that their lips could meet. The kiss was harsh and quick, sloppy if you will. Javier playfully nipped at johns lip as he began grinding on the man's thigh, rubbing his now apparent erection against the denim of johns jeans.
John let out a pleading gasp as javier rutted against john clothes cock, causing him to grip harder onto javiers hair, earning a breathy moan from the smaller man who rode johns thigh as if it was a horse.
Javier seemed skilled, he thrust against John on time and with rhythm, running his hands over John's chest and jaw line, hitting all the right spots to make John whine. 
John began to grow impatient. He flung javier down to the ground, before the man had time to reply, John had already undone the buckle of his belt and was now shimmying javier's jeans down his legs. Javier watched with a smug face as John stared in awe at his now free erection. John began fumbling with his own pants now to free himself, more than eager to pursue javier who lay like some sort of house cat in front of him practically purring.
“Come on papi, getting impatient here” javier cooed.
John stopped what he was doing and scowled, “dont”. Javier chuckled as he sat up and reached for John's pants. He undid John's jeans with skilled fingers, and freed John's tent in his pants. He pushed John back onto the dirt and clambered in between his legs. Javier lifted up John's shirt and began planting kisses down his stomach, every so often sticking out his tongue to taste the sweat that had pooled near John's abdomen. 
Javier finally came face to face with John's erection, he planted a playful kiss on John's tip, the taste of the man's precum lingering in his mouth. He pressed his lips once again to John's tip, but this time opened his mouth, taking John in as far as he could. 
John began to let out soft groans as he felt javier begin to bob his head. The feeling of the inside of the other man's mouth around his cock, pleasing him, was  more than any common whore could ever supply him with. More than Abigail ever did. It was pure bliss to john.
Javier placed a hand on John's thigh, spreading the man's legs more, whilst he reached down and began pleasuring himself, softly stroking his cock in unison to his head bobbing on John's cock. 
“That's a good boy, just like that” John growled, staring shamelessly at Javier getting himself off whilst also having a mouth full of him. 
Javier responded well to this praise, John felt him grin against his sensitive skin. Javier moved  his hand from John's thigh and placed it on John's hand. He brought the older man's hand to his hair where he let John once again tangle his hands in his slick black hair. He looked up at John and gave him a nod of approval.
John did nothing for a second, not realising what Javier expected him to do.
Then it hit him. He took a firm hold of Javier, holding his head in place, and began bucking his hips straight into the man's face, his cock hitting the back of Javier's throat, making him gag violently. 
Tears began forming in Javier's eyes as John picked up his pace, caring only about pleasure in the moment, his cock engulfed in the warm wetness of another man's mouth. “Fuck, atta boy, fuck, letting me face fuck you like a whore” john grunted between breaths.
He felt his orgasm approaching as his cock began to twitch inside of javier's throat. Javier had adjusted to John's size, and took it like a champ, the odd choke escaping his lips now and then, but was usually followed with an almost desperate moan, begging John for more. 
Looking down, John saw a pool of cum formed under Javier, and splashed up his naked sweaty thighs as he continued to suck off john. Javier must have already cum at least twice from the look of the mess he made. 
John couldn't take it. With one final thrust, he released into javier's mouth, spewing his seed into his mouth as javier eagerly swallowed and lapped up every bit of johns cum. 
The par sat back as they gathered themselves. John looked over at Javier, who had what could only be John's cum dribbling from the side of his mouth and down his chin as he panted for air, his hand on his forehead as he gasped, still out of breath. 
John chuckled, he leaned forward and planted a kiss of javier's mouth, licking the exces cum from javis lips
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demonofthechili · 3 years
Adler x OC - Grown Regret
A/N: Enjoy Adler revealing how he acquired his scar while dealing with a miriad of issues. It's a long one, but one that I've had cooking for a bit!
T/W: PTSD (implied/mentioned), Vietnam (spoken about), Adler crying!
Upon seeing some items that weren't hers laying in her kitchen on the counter, Tex wasn't as alarmed as she probably should have been; her instinctual thought was that Woods, who had a spare key, had decided to crash at hers as a surprise for when she got back from her meeting with Hudson.
Of course, however, there was the possibility that Adler, who also had a spare key, was the culprit... but Tex reasoned that it was highly unlikely. After all, he was the type to prefer knocking over entering unannounced, let alone while she was out.
Tex removed her shoes and placed them neatly by the front door, shrugging off her jacket to hang up before making her way across the open planned kitchen and living room, heading to her bedroom.
The door was ajar, making her pause in thought (how should she enter?), before her hand grasped the handle and she stepped inside, ready to crack a joke. What she saw took her entirely off guard and ripped the words from her mouth.
Sat on the edge of her bed, a drink in one hand and cigarette in the other, was Adler; his hair was slightly disheveled, shoulders dropped, and he was hunched over as his gaze, hidden behind his sunglasses, looked up to her in silent recognition.
"Adler?" She asked after a moment of silence, brows tightly furrowing, "What are you doing here?"
"Waiting for you," He replied in the usual matter of fact way he tended to speak, glass raising to his lips so he could take a sip. Yet, despite his bravado, Tex felt something was incredibly off.
"How long?"
"If I'm honest with you, I'm not sure," He raised his cigarette next, taking one last drag before stubbing it out into the ashtray that was propped on the bed beside him, "Where have you been?"
"Hudson," Spoken as she moved to pick up the ashtray and sit in its place, setting the item onto her bedside table, "Why were you waiting?"
"Have you been drinking?" She cut him off, suddenly smelling the familiar scent. It wasn't intense by any means, which was a good sign. Her eyes glanced to the glass in his hand.
"A little," He nodded, taking a quick sip to prove his point, just in case there was any doubt, "How was it? As riveting as usual?"
"Yeah," Tex worked on removing her watch, setting it aside as he closely watched, "It was the same-old shit. A little argument, we came to an agreement, I'll be getting a call in a few days - - that doesn't answer why you were waiting for me."
Adler was quiet for a long moment, as he sometimes did mid-conversation when in thought, and merely watched as she slid off her mustard yellow turtleneck. Behind tinted lenses he observed the jagged scar that traced her neck, the one she hid daily and so adamantly wanted to keep concealed.
He recalled when she had confided in him how she had acquired it; a calm night, much like this one, and her somewhat drunken hands had unbuttoned the top few buttons of the shirt she had been wearing.
He knew of her injury, after all he did visit her while she was hospitalised, but he had never actually seen it until that point. She felt ashamed, weak, that it broadcast her failure... everything he thought about himself, though tried so forcefully to keep down.
The same man who had to be held back when she (trying not to hit a nerve) jokingly asked about his fresh facial scars, was the one she so willingly trusted to keep her story and the night to himself.
It was a resonating moment, one that had filled him with a slowly mounting guilt.
Was he a bad guy?
"I've been thinking," He began, waiting until she placed her turtleneck aside. "About the past... about us."
Her movements stilled, brown eyes fluttering from his tinted lenses to his glass of alcohol; a sudden shift in her demeanour accompanied her slow, knowing exhale and stiff posture.
He was thinking of the past, about them, about the hard times, the bad times, the times he so vehemently dismissed as simply having happened: he did all of this whilst drinking. A deadly combination that Tex knew all too personally.
"You've had enough," She finally stated matter of factually, hand reaching across to take the glass from him.
His hand reached out and abruptly gripped her wrist to still her attempt to take his drink; it wasn't a harsh, painful grab by any means, and served only to firmly stop her.
"I'm fine, Tex."
Fingers, which had curled into a fist involuntarily upon his grabbing, stretched back out, and she ever so slightly pushed against his hold towards his glass.
"Hey," Her voice grew low, intimately tuned to him and him only, as if the furniture would be able to hear. "Friend to friend, alcoholic to non-alcoholic, Jessie Gibbons to Russell Adler... you do not need the drink. It won't help your thoughts. It won't help you. Let's just talk it through," A pause. Nothing. "Trust me, Russell."
Adler relented at her words after a silent few seconds, releasing her wrist and handing her the glass. He watched as she placed it out of reach and then returned to his side, placing a supportive hand atop his shoulder.
"What do you want to talk to me about?"
"Back when you asked me about my scar," His beginning was met with a tightening on his shoulder and speculating gaze. He moved his head to look at her eye to eye, "How I reacted... why haven't you asked since?"
Feeling very suddenly thrown in front of a firing squad, Tex waited for a punchline or anything to prove this was a joke. When that didn't come, she swallowed thickly.
"Considering how we left it? I figured it better not to ask. Clearly a touchy subject, no matter how much you may trust me. Or not trust me."
As she spoke, he placed his head into his hands, quickly putting a stop to that possibly telling behaviour to instead run a hand through his hair, "I--"
For the first time since they had met, Tex found herself witnessing Adler being genuinely speechless. There was an aura of something unidentifiable about him. If she had to guess, it would be shame or dispair.
"I'm sorry about what I did and said back then. No matter the risks I was facing, you didn't deserve that from me."
"It's exactly the issues you were facing that make it okay, Russell. I overstepped my boundaries. I'm sorry for that."
"That's another thing I've been thinking about. You told me how you got that," He gestured to her neck, "When you had every right to do the same thing I did to you. Why?"
"Oh, well, because I-" Cutting herself off before anything regrettable could be uttered, she drew in a breath, "-because I trust you. You may be a wooden bastard sometimes, but you're alright."
The smile and chuckle that left her made Adler's heart sting. The guilt he was already feeling from years of thought and consideration grew tenfold. Before he knew it, the familiar sting hit his eye; it wasn't because of a punch this time, so he decided to do his best and hold it back for as long as he could.
To top it off, he felt the distancing and dissociative feeling that came with remembering vivid details of such events.
"We were in Saigon investigating rumours concerning Perseus in the area. Our deployment there was to be short, which meant that we were strapped for time following the lead."
His words were a strange mixture of hollow and heavy, defeated, even. Tex had seen it all too often, had even had it herself; reliving such a traumatic event was rough on even the most iron willed of men.
Her hand slid from one shoulder to the other, effectively side hugging him, as the other came to rest on his forearm, "You don't need to tell me."
"I know," He confirmed, tearing his eyes from her to stare ahead. He reached up to remove his sunglasses, resting his elbows on his knees, and then allowed his revealed blue eyes to focus onto her again, "We followed a path that had regular patrols, and found ourselves in the middle of a Vietcong ambush a few miles in. With no other option, we called for support; men had already died, so we saved who we could and loaded them onto two choppers."
Oh. She could see where this was going. The familiar knot formed in her stomach. She too had lived through similar situations, and she too had to live with the knowledge that she lived when others were more deserving.
"What we didn't see was that Charley had an RPG. He hit the other chopper, and it collided with us. There's the usual spinning and bracing, and then it goes blank for a while. I remember pain, but they kept me out of it until I was taken back to America. That's when I was told about my eye among other damages. I truly believed I... I wouldn't be here and that my life was over."
"Adler," She whispered with a frown, watching a stray tear escape his glazed over eyes. Her hand left his bicep to wipe it away, "It's okay to cry in front of me. To be sad. I know how you feel, and I'm so fucking sorry that, for however long, you've felt like you owe this to me. You don't. You owe me jack shit. But... I hope you feel more complete, telling someone."
Another tear fell, one that Adler acknowledged this time around; he reached up to gently grab her hand as she went for the fresh tear, leading it away from his face so he could lean in and rest his head in the crook of her neck.
Still for a moment in shock, the hand upon his shoulder shifted to rest on the back of his head, lightly playing with his hair, and she drew in a silent breath, "It's okay, Russell," Soothing voice accompanied the tight gripping of his hand, "I've got you."
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short-stories-club · 4 years
It happened in November, on a cold Thanksgiving night. I hurried home in the rain and peered over that familiar but unwelcoming meadow that leads directly into the narrow strip of concrete which we called our driveway. The dirt road was wet and muddy, and my toes grew cold and damp through my thin shoes. Tonight was a frigid evening, one that makes your finger tips and extremities numb to the point where one’s dexterity is limited. I cut across the road and hiked atop the mound. My house peaked out at me slowly as I trekked over the hill whilst I quickly caught a glance at the driveway. I noticed that the unsightly old automobile was parked out front; beat up with the scratched paint like it always had. I wasn’t mistaken; he was here tonight, that vile creature I so hated to call my Father.
Aside from the surprise visitor, nothing was different or out of the norm about our landscape; grey, stiff and dead trees still filled the majority of space within the front yard with leaves scattered throughout from yesterday’s windy weather.  The property’s countenance remained consistent year around, and my mother never wanted to repair or fix the exterior of the home although it definitely needed it. This lack of upkeep with the property disturbed me, as it constantly reminded me of my Mother; she always put off her own problems at the expense of others. The ironic part of this situation was that we didn’t own a doormat, and I always joked that she likened herself to one so we didn’t need it.
I got inside and neatly put my shoes aside; I was relieved to finally dry my feet. Peering onto the wall next to my closet, I gazed upon one of my Mother’s favorite family photos. I looked into the quaint picture and studied my sister’s countenance. She was always so positive and full of life. The image jogged my memory; reminiscing on my childhood, I thought back about when father left. I was only 12 years old when this happened, and he left for another woman to top it all off. This was just 5 years after my older sister passed away in a car accident, and I often wondered if Father leaving was ultimately due to her death. He could have felt responsible since he was driving her that day. My older sister was father’s little dream girl; he favored her, undoubtedly, which is why I grew so close to mother and distanced myself from him growing up. Desperate I was as a child, I even hoped that her passing might make draw the two of us closer, but I learned early that having faith in him wasn’t a fruitful endeavor. Nonetheless, he sporadically visited throughout my teen years whenever he felt stimulated to do so. My grip tightened when I analyzed the portrait further; I glanced towards the still image of my father. I don’t remember specifically when I began to disdain my father, I always hated how he hurt mother, but the hatred grew deep as I got into high school. I disrespected my mother for so being so readily available for his presence, but she was a broken woman who couldn’t be fixed. She was truly so kind, forgiving and thoughtful when it came to others, yet self-negligence was her specialty.
“Hey, Damien!” my father yelled from the dinner table. I peered around the corner; he looked thinner and drunker than I remembered. “I haven’t seen you in a good year, why don’t you sit down at the dinner table and entertain some sweet conversation with your old man?” I stood there silent as I glanced at mother, who smiled faintly with her back to me as she stirred the soup. After a good couple seconds I replied “Why are you here? Did you tell mom you were coming?” He looked down, and took a deep breath and stood up. “You aren’t going to give me a warm welcome then, ha? Well… listen he-“My mother quickly interrupted him: “He called me to tell me something important before he came, some big news… he also wanted to tell you in person.” Her attempt to calm the mood was a success; I gazed at him ever so confused. What else did he do besides piss his days away with that whore he claimed? I was glad he left. My mother had been spared for the last 5 years from any beatings, and I was planning on it keeping it that way permanently. “What the hell are you talking about? What’s going on?” I couldn’t read him. I never really could anyway, but this time he unusually more timid. He abode almost bore a sense of grief. “Its crazy son... you’ve sure grown a ton. You’re probably taller than me now…”  His countenance softened as he sat back down, receiving my mother’s soup at the table. I was indeed taller than him now. I’d grown almost 4 inches this year. Quickly brushing the complement aside, I retained my composure and sat opposite him at the dinner table while my own bowl of soup was graciously donated. “Well you see Damien… I wanted to come see you in person to apologize… for how I’ve treated you and, well…your mother over the last few years. You see, uh, Cindy and I aren’t really seeing each other no more, and uh... Well, I’ve been diagnosed with cancer, it’s the shitty kind too... and I wanted to see you both and tell you in person I don’t have much more than a couple months left...”
I was stunned. My chest hurt and throbbed in disbelief. My mother started to tear up and went back to the sink. I couldn’t believe this outcome. How dare he? I hadn’t seen him in almost 2 years and he shows up to tell me this? Conversely, the idea of my father passing away hurt too; a deep part of me always wished things would have worked out for the better. My Father appeared the least big distracted and fully embraced the moment with us.  Nevertheless, my soul erupted with rage as the perception of the gesture was spoiled because of how he had been in the past. So many nights I wished our family hadn’t fallen apart, and that things could be reconciled someway, and this couldn’t simply serve as justification for all of the vile behavior our family witnessed because of his sins. I noticed the blank expression on both of my parent’s faces as they gazed upon me, wondering what I was going to do, or say next.
“You’re a coward...” I said with my head down. I didn’t want my expression to be noticed. “You had your whole life to live this out, yet you chose violence, selfishness, and addiction.” I struggled to articulate myself, careful not to be reckless with my words. He sat there wide eyed. I never saw a submissive countenance overcome the massive, burly figure of my father like this before. I had his full attention and it made me feel powerful. I continued “I couldn’t give two fucks… To me you aren’t a Father figure … you’re nothing but a vagabond who aimlessly moves around in life…also I won’t simply forget the multiple nights of bruising and violence I witnessed at your hand!” A violent passion overwhelmed me. I was upset; I was trying to hold back tears as well. I couldn’t convey the part of myself, of which was so deeply embedded, that wanted affection and acknowledgement from him. He deserved to be punished. There were so many emotions present at the tip of my tongue and I couldn’t find the lexicon to display it verbally. Physically, I was on the brink of violently writhing; Nonetheless, I couldn’t let this wretch see how badly he destroyed my psyche over the many years which comprised my childhood. I chose to conceal myself and put on a façade; I exemplified rage which was an attempt to obscure the ability of my father to apprehend my true countenance, which was one of sorrow and grief. I needed to finally become a man and confront my Father on his many shortcomings.
After a couple of chilling seconds, my father stood up and stared deep into my soul with a gaze that pierced through my proverbial barriers. I really pissed him off with those words. Perhaps he was calling my bluff; he was always able to intimidate me with relative ease, but this time I didn’t want to back down. I stood straight up, facing him with my shoulders square and fists clenched. After all, I was physically much larger now. It really didn’t surprise me that the sweet act lasted only for a moment. Being affectionate was like pulling teeth to him.
He seemed excited as he began walking slowly towards me with a look I’ve never quite seen before. This startled my mother, whom began running at him and took hold of his shoulder with haste; “Stop it! Don’t take another-“My Father abruptly froze as he aggressively grabbed my mother’s wrist. He always despised my mother for trying to alter his temperament. His blood shot eyes began to enlarge as he stiffened his body and took a different countenance immediately. He erupted, and exclaimed for her not to touch him as he swung his right palm with a mighty force towards her soft, delicate face. The sound was deafening as she slammed against the chair, ultimately breaking it, and crashed onto the pale floor. The raw, unhinged scene of violence that I just witnessed triggered me to new heights of dysfunctional behavior. I hadn’t seen this level of violence from my father; did he mean to kill us? I was surprised to new heights of confusion and fear, so I began to panic. Preemptive of his next move, I white-knuckled my dinner fork and swiftly thrust it into the upper region of his figure with all 180 pounds of my strength. I was careless of how much damage this could potentially cause him.
It wasn’t until a moment later I realized I landed a good shot on him. My weapon landed right below his throat area, above his collarbone. Time stood still; he immediately began fondling the sharp object stuck in his throat with desperation, which was about a couple of inches deep into his neck. He trembled, and appeared stunned. With his hands on the silverware, his eyes shifted momentarily, at the ceiling, then back at me. He seemed possessed if only I hadn’t noticed the expression in his eyes; all of his other bodily extremities were so preoccupied with the newly found hunk of metal sticking out of his throat that his eyes were the last physical vessel through which bore his true and utter terror. Those ugly pupils bled with such vile expressions as they bounced around the room, in and out of focus, trying to find a solution to the predicament which beheld him.
He bluntly pulled the fork out and began coughing, which sounded gargled and distorted. His body language regained familiarity, yet he curled inward as he was maimed and defenseless. My heart was beating; I was scared yet curious; I accomplished this with my own physical willpower. I stood still in awe taking the moment in. I could still smell the delicious aroma of soup in the air.
I came back to my senses as he was screaming some sort of expletives, though they were difficult to discern. I stepped forward towards him and grabbed his dinner fork, of which was conveniently located near his bowl of soup. I knew I had to finish what I started. It was too late to choose grace at this point. I grasped the second weapon with all my might, and began stabbing him profusely. I cared only to stab him in his upper regions; above his chest area and below his forehead. His screams were in rhythm with my thrusting motions; beads of blood drenched my hand and decorated the furniture around me. I could feel his body convulsing with each blow, yet his endurance slowed as consecutive attacks ensued. He was half alive; his arms kept reaching out at me like tentacles of which aimlessly attempted to defend against the impending offense, yet they weakened with each and every passing second. I stabbed him for all the times he wasn’t there for me, for all the nights he hit mom, and I even stabbed him because of the fact I couldn’t admit I had deep feelings for him.
It took me a while until I realized what I had accomplished; perhaps a good 5 minutes had passed by until my adrenaline faded. I was truly an abhorrent monster. My mother and father both lay unconscious, but my Mother’s heart still beat. I escaped my own body; I knew I was a monster at some level of intellect, yet I felt absolutely nothing. My body was void of all human emotion. I stood up, drenched in blood, and gazed upon at the disaster I created.
I walked to the kitchen, and did the only thing left I knew to do. I grabbed the sharpest knife above the microwave, and slit my wrists. I fell to the earth, beholding both of my parents at my feet. The heat of the moment captured me. I lacked the post processing that a normal brain, under normal circumstances, possessed. The pain in my wrists slightly brought me back to the earthly plains. The smell of the soup was now masked by the musky smell of blood and sweat. I threw up, and began to feel overwhelmingly dizzy. My senses faded, the room looked grey and lacked color. My head felt heavy and I kept drifting in and out of darkness for what seemed to be an eternity.
The contrasting moments between murdering my father, and the resulting, utter silence that ensued after the fact was almost comical. This was it? No standing ovation? Perhaps God will think otherwise when I proceed into the afterlife. It was at this moment I realized I had been weeping for God knows how long, my eyes were cold and wet; they drained the last remaining life juices from my soul. I took my last breathe as I proclaimed to myself that I had done a good deed, bringing justice to my Father.
The door slammed opened, and the firefighters and police crowded into the small, beat up home. Moments turned into hours as yellow tape stretched around the crime scene. “Looks like a case of domestic violence if you ask me, then he took the easy way out.” The officer exclaimed, as he gestured towards the teenager sprawled out on the kitchen floor. He stepped aside as a very tall man with a trench coat walked inside. “Indeed, looks like a perfectly normal family function gone wrong.” The policeman quickly replied, “Where is the girl?” The detective smirked, and turned his head to focus on the officer. “What do you mean?” He replied, “Well, look” He pulled a picture off of the wall from near the closet and gave it to the large man. “Ah… I see.” He gazed into the photograph and studied each face that made up the solemn family of four. He noticed the how her expression was bright, excited and full of passion. “It’s odd she didn’t join her own family on Thanksgiving Day.” The detective wasn’t fazed. “I was briefed during the trip out here; she passed away years ago in a car accident. Seems like nothing really worked out for this family. Sad ending, really… how’s the Mother holding up?” Both men glanced into the kitchen where the forensic group was hard at work trying to gather as much information as possible. “She is awake finally, although in a great deal of shock. She hasn’t spoken at all and she is as white as a ghost.” The detective grimaced as he handed the photograph back to the officer. He walked into the crime scene, quickly studying each body that lie there. “At least one made it out alive. We should take her back to the hospital, freshen her up. Hopefully by next week we can figure out what the hell happened here.” The officer set the photo back into its proper location near the closet door. “Of course… that’s a good idea.” He made some cryptic calls over his intercom and stepped outside.
The detective’s attention was intrigued by the expression on the boy’s face in the kitchen. He stepped carefully over the tape and into the heart of the scene. “How long has he been dead?” He motioned to one of the able bodied young men nearby. “I’d say a good couple of hours now sir.” He replied abruptly. The detective stared into the boy’s eyes which to his surprise were still opened; he noticed some tears streaming down his pale face. “It’s almost like his soul is crying out, trying to tell us he was innocent.” The worker stopped, chuckled, and slightly nodded. The detective continued, “We’ll figure out one way or the other; cases like these often have a lot of back story.” The detective took his gloves off and wiped the tears away from the boy’s cheek whilst brushing his eyes shut with the palm of his hand. “Rest in peace, kiddo.”
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virgilsinferno · 4 years
✎ sunset season ༉‧ ♡*.✧
this is my gift for @officialladynoirette !! happy new year 
↷ ·˚ ༘ !! 
special thanks to @secret-pv-presents !!
ships: bridgette & felix || allegra & claude 
word count: 3874
read on ao3
Felix caught himself painting the sky again. He somehow never gets tired of it, filling the sky with beautiful warm colors just as the sun begins to set. It was something he always looked forward to. The scenery is just so calming. The blending of colors, the aesthetically pleasing view, the way his canvas feels as soft as the clouds when his paintbrush comes into contact with it. Everything about the experience is simply fascinating and magical.
It’s also something he does to pass the time. Since he grew up without a mother and his father is only home at night time because of work, he’s often alone. Sure he’s got friends, but they’re usually busy as well. He hangs out a lot with his best friend Claude. Claude isn’t as busy as everyone else, and probably never sleeps. The two are nearly inseparable. Their other friend, Allegra—who also happened to be Claude’s girlfriend, had to move away to study at a different university that would give her better opportunities.
Felix finished his painting and placed his supplies back in the box, making sure to bring his canvas with him. It was still wet with paint, so he made sure to hold it carefully. He left his easel in the field and walked back home. He never brings it back inside knowing that he’ll be back to paint there anyways. The field was part of their land since his family owned several plots of land around the area—especially near their custom-built mansion.
It didn’t take long for him to get back home. Surprisingly, his father got home before him. Which is strange considering the fact that his father normally gets home at around 18:00, and it was only 16:21.
“Father, I didn’t expect you to be home so soon.”
His father hummed in acknowledgment, busying himself with the paperwork that needed to be finished by tomorrow morning. “Yes, well I had to be home to see my son leave, don’t I?”
“I won’t be gone for too long, just a couple of business meetings to attend to.” He was young, some might say that he’s too young to be making big decisions for their company, but his father trusted him.
“Make sure you don’t lose Claude in the big city, alright? Heaven knows that boy is terrible with directions.” He patted his son on the shoulder, who shared a laugh with him.
If he were to be honest, it was going to be difficult to adapt to the new surroundings. He lived in Italy for almost 6 years and enjoyed the provincial life that Paris could not give him. Although he had a choice to live in a less populated area in France, he preferred to leave the country in hopes of starting anew.
Now, he and his friend would be taking a flight to New York City. He despised the place knowing how loud and chaotic the city could get. He had a feeling Claude would fit just fine with his lively personality.
Speaking of, the doorbell rang and Felix opened the door knowing exactly who was outside. There stood Claude who had with him two suitcases and a duffel bag on top of each suitcase. Felix was just about to comment on how Claude must’ve packed for a 2-week trip, but his father ordered them both to start putting their things in the car.
As Felix struggled with bringing his things down the stairs, Claude chatted with Felix’s father. He told him about how difficult it is to get Felix to talk to other people and how awkward he gets during any sort of social interaction. They spent about 20 minutes laughing and sharing stories, which was just enough time for Felix to sort things out.
After taking one last look at his things, he returned to the living room where Claude and his father are. He nudged his friend in the ribs and gestured to the car. Getting the message, Claude took his things with him and put them in the car.
Just like every scene wherein a person leaves, they couldn’t leave without at least one emotional moment. “I won’t let you down,” Felix said as he turned to his father.
“I know you won’t,” He smiled and pulled the two boys into a quick hug. “Claude, you take care of my son. You can be his babysitter or something.”
“Of course, Mr. Agreste, sir!” Claude gave a salute and pretended to have a serious look on his face. He couldn’t hold the seriousness and had to laugh for a few seconds as Felix looked at his father with a clearly offended expression on his face.
Once they were all done with their goodbyes, it was time for Felix and Claude to leave. Felix’s father waved goodbye to the two boys until they were out of sight, wiping a few tears here and there.
Meanwhile, Felix won’t stop asking if they had left something back at home. His friend constantly tried to reassure him that they didn’t leave anything behind but stopped trying once he realized that Felix will not shut up at all.
It took nearly an hour for them to get to the airport. Once their flight was called, they brought their bags with them and went through the gate. They waited a while for the plane, keeping themselves occupied by using their phones. When people started to board the plane, they gathered their things and boarded the plane as well. Upon entering the plane, they were greeted by the flight attendants and looked for their seats in business class. It was going to be a long flight so Felix decided to sleep for a bit whilst Claude watched some horror movies. The classics, of course.
Their 12-hour flight consisted of sleeping, eating, sleeping again, maybe watch a movie but fall asleep halfway through, then eat again. Overall, it was boring, especially with the limited amount of things one could do whilst inside a plane. The worst part was that their flight was taking forever.
A couple more hours later, Claude was awoken by his friend, who was woken up by the sound of the pilot speaking. They then exited the plane and hailed a cab, but had a bit of an issue with their luggage since their things would hardly fit in the tiny cab. Apparently, no problem was too difficult for Felix to solve. He laid down the suitcases horizontally inside the cab below the seat and filled the backseat with the rest of the bags. The other bags that didn’t fit were placed inside the trunk. Claude sat in the back with the bags and Felix sat in the front to give directions to the driver. Soon enough, they were on their way to their new place.
No house was too expensive for them either. Felix’s father got them a huge house that was slightly further away from the busier streets. It was smaller than Felix’s home back in Italy, but it was certainly too big for just the two of them.
Claude dashed right in, letting his luggage follow behind him as he excitedly ran around and admired their new living space. Felix went straight to the bedrooms. He wasn’t exactly sure which floor had the bedrooms so he had to figure that out. He first checked the third floor, since it seemed to be a reasonable floor to have the bedrooms. And he was right. He claimed the biggest one and began to unpack. He made sure it felt as close to home as possible, even moving some of the furniture to imitate his room as best he can.
The unpacking didn’t take long since he packed his things according to category. Right after all that was done, he decided to take a well-deserved nap. Meanwhile, Claude had decided to pick a room before continuing his adventures. He chose the second largest bedroom and messily placed his belongings into wherever the hell he wanted to put them in. He did sort them into different categories but was too lazy to actually make sure his things were placed properly. It didn’t matter, he wanted to go look at the different rooms more than he wanted to make his room look pretty. After fucking up his room, he went back down to the kitchen to make himself some tea. He sped it up by taking advantage of technology and continued with the “tour”. Basically, he pretended to be the tour guide and be the tourist as well.
Eventually, the tour came to an end and Claude sat down on the recliner couch with his nearly empty mug of green tea. Everything was too silent, which meant Felix had probably fallen asleep. He didn’t know what else to do, after having explored every nook and cranny in their new house. Just then, to his surprise, the doorbell rang. He didn’t know whether to answer it or not since they did not know anyone around the area yet, but he had nothing else better to do so he decided to go see who’s visiting. He opened the door and, lo and behold, there stood his girlfriend, Allegra.
“Hiya Claude, I brought cookies!”
“Holy shit, Allegra, I’ve missed you!” Claude hugged her and spun her in the air. “Hold on, how did you know where we would be staying at?”
“I have a tracking device on you.” She said in a sarcastic tone. Claude’s eyes widened in horror. Allegra let out a laugh, pinching her boyfriend’s cheeks. “Felix texted me the address! I wanted to surprise you.”
Claude let Allegra in and the two sat down on the couch. He let Allegra tell him stories about what has been going on in her life so far, and Claude told Allegra all about the shit that had happened back at home. Their loud voices must’ve disturbed Felix ‘cause they heard a loud thump coming from upstairs.
They spotted Felix walking down the stairs with his hair all messy and looking exceptionally tired.
“Woah there, Felix. You want a cookie?” Allegra held out an open container filled with sweet chocolate chip cookies, her specialty.
“That would be nice.”
As they were chatting about things, Allegra’s phone rang and both Felix and Claude were curious to see who was calling. She gave them an apologetic look as she answered the call.
“Remember the newly opened theme park I was talking about?” Bridgette said through the phone, having it on speaker since she was fixing her shoelaces.
“Yeah, what about it?” Allegra asked, having a feeling that she knew where this conversation was headed. She was not a fan of those horror mazes Bridgette was so fond of.
“Well, Allan and I bought some tickets! I’ve actually planned this with Claude beforehand since you mentioned that he and his friend would be staying in the city for a while.”
She turned to Claude with a confused look. She wasn’t aware that they knew each other but knowing Claude and Bridgette, they seem like they would be great friends.
“You know Bridgette?” She asked Claude, who shrugged in response.
“She contacted me because she wanted to know—and her words, not mine—who her bff’s boyfriend is and if said boyfriend is treating her well.” Allegra seemed embarrassed and was about to scold Bridgette, but Claude quickly reassured her. “All is good, don’t worry.”
“Let me just settle a few things and we’ll be there.” She replied, giving Felix a knowing look. He won’t be able to make excuses to stay home this time.
“Great! Meet us at Cafe Noir, we need a ride.”
Allegra ended the call, and Bridgette went to go grab some snacks while waiting. Allan knew the owner of the cafe and started a conversation with her, leaving Bridgette to keep herself from getting bored. She pondered on getting a drink, but she figured that milkshakes can wait. She’s gotta give a good first impression to Claude and his friend. Bridgette ordered a blueberry cheesecake and scrolled through Twitter. 20 minutes isn’t that long, so she just sat there eating her blueberry cheesecake, looking at the door once in a while.
Apparently, they got caught in traffic so it turned into a 30-minute wait, but Bridgette and Allan didn’t mind. Allegra arrived with a guy who looked around their age, holding a tumbler that most likely contained tea. Allegra excitedly ran up to Bridgette, and she knew exactly just what Allegra wanted. She took a forkful of her blueberry cheesecake and fed it to Allegra, who happily thanked her in return.
Bridgette then realized that she hasn’t even properly introduced herself to Allegra’s boyfriend. Stepping forward, she held out her hand for Claude to shake. “It’s good to finally meet you in person. I’m Bridgette.”
Claude tilted his head and raised an eyebrow. “You’re a lot shorter than I expected… you don’t look threatening at all.” Bridgette narrowed her eyes and squeezed Claude’s hand, causing him to yelp in pain.
She smirked. “I’m not known as the tiny terror for nothing.”
“This is Felix, he’s not great at socializing,” Claude said to Bridgette, gesturing to his friend. Felix glared at him.
Surprisingly, Felix spoke. “We’ve met. We went to the same school back when I was still living in Paris.”
Bridgette was about to object but realized that this was the Felix she obsessed over back then. “I hardly even recognized you! Still as antisocial as ever, I see.”
“And you’re still as annoying as ever.” Felix rolled his eyes.
Bridgette smiled and put her hand on Felix’s shoulder. “I like my men like I like my coffee—cold.”
“Ew, she drinks iced coffee?” Claude whispered to Allan.
“Disappointing, I know. She drinks iced coffee every morning.” Allan whispered back to Claude.
The tiny terror, otherwise known as Bridgette, glared at the two with the fiery anger of a thousand suns.
Allegra decided to stop hell from rising by ending this segment of their conversation. “Anyways, Felix and Claude this is Allan, Allan this is Felix and Claude. He’s better than Bridgette. Now, let’s get in the car!”
Claude and Bridgette raced each other to the car, yelling at each other. Both wanted to sit at the front, but only one would reign supreme. Bridgette ended up getting there first. Claude sadly admitted defeat. Huffing, he sat in the back with Felix and Allan. They were using Allegra’s car so she was the designated driver.
The car ride consisted of Claude, Allegra, and Bridgette belting out the lyrics to the songs in Frozen 2, whilst Felix and Allan had a decent conversation. Felix found that Allan was better company than the others. Allan was chill and specialized in music and music was something Felix was experienced in. Though they preferred different genres, they still had a meaningful conversation.
Due to traffic, it almost took them an hour to get there. Since both Claude and Felix still haven’t adjusted to the time of day, they felt that it was best to avoid certain rides like rollercoasters and such.
“Looks like it’s your first time at a theme park.” Bridgette joked to Felix, nudging him with her elbow.
“It is, actually.”
Bridgette looked at him in disbelief. She could not believe that he had never experienced going to a theme park. She then made it her duty to show Felix all the cool stuff there, starting with the horror mazes.
“I’m going to the spooky area! Who’s coming with?”
“We’re going to ride rollercoasters!” Allegra said as she pointed to the left.
“I’ll be playing games,” Allan said. He wasn’t fond of rides, but would probably join them later on.
“Alrighty then, Felix, you’re coming with me!” Bridgette dragged Felix to their first horror maze, which was themed after haunted houses. The line wasn’t too long, and six people entered at a time.
Immune to most of the scares, Bridgette started a conversation. “So, how’ve you been?”
Felix scoffed. Out of all the places they would have a proper conversation at, it was at a haunted house maze. “Good, I suppose. Better without your annoying self.”
“Aren’t you a charmer,” Bridgette said sarcastically. “Still a renaissance man then?”
“I’d-” he jumped backward a little due to being frightened by a passing actor. He composed himself before continuing where he left of. “I’d hope so.”
This maze was a quick one and they were out after 3 minutes. Bridgette wasn’t done yet, though. She dragged Felix onto the next one, and it had a significantly longer line than the last one.
“You paint, right?” Bridgette asked as they waited in line.
“How do you know?”
“Answering a question with a question. A classic. You used to forget your sketchbook in the library all the time.”
They finally got to the front and 10 people were let in.
“The trick here is that they don’t start early. Give it a few seconds, and actors will start popping out but can’t touch you.” Bridgette told Felix, who she noticed seemed a little tense after the last maze.
“I figured.”
Bridgette frowned. The most she had gotten from him was a sentence or two.
“Did you know I had a crush on you back then?” She asked casually.
“You were way too obvious.” Felix looked straight ahead, avoiding eye contact. “Everyone knew. I didn’t like you back then because you had the voice of a mouse and the height of one as well. Glad to see nothing changed, though.”
“So you like me now, huh?” She teased playfully, paying no mind to the ‘insults’ because she knew he didn’t mean them.
“I’d say more tolerable than before.” He yawned. It wasn’t that late yet, but the flight really messed with him.
After that maze, they received a text from Allegra to meet her and Claude at the food court. They checked a map of the theme park and saw that the food court was quite far from where they were.
Upon encountering a cotton candy stand, she left Felix for a second to buy two. She offered the other to Felix, which he took from her hesitantly.
“I’ve never tried cotton candy before.”
“You what?!” Bridgette asked with a mouthful of cotton candy. “Go on then, try it!”
Felix stared at it for a second before taking a small piece and putting it in his mouth. “Too sweet.” He commented.
“Of course it’s sweet, it’s candy.” Bridgette rolled her eyes.
It took them a while to get to the food court, especially since Bridgette kept getting distracted by the smallest things. By the time they got there, Allan and Allegra were chatting and eating some sort of pie whilst Claude was fast asleep with his head on Allegra’s shoulder.
“Took you guys long enough,” Allegra said with a smirk.
“If only someone here didn’t get distracted by everything,” Felix began, gesturing to Bridgette. “we would have gotten here sooner.”
“Sounds like you two got your shit sorted out. We should probably head home, Claude’s heavy.”
Their seating arrangements in the car were changed slightly since Allegra couldn’t drive with a sleepy Claude refusing to let go of her. Felix offered to drive. There were fewer cars around that time so the drive back didn’t take as long as it did before.
Claude then suggested that they should all stay at his and Felix’s place for the night, to which Felix agreed to. Allan, Allegra, and Bridgette were fine with it as long as they could get a couple of their things first. Allan gave Felix the directions to where the three of them stayed, which apparently wasn’t too far from where they lived.
Once they had the things they needed, Felix drove to their place and parked the car in the garage.
As Claude and Allegra built a huge pillow fort in the living room, Felix went to the kitchen to get some water. It’s been a while since he’s enjoyed the company of other people. Bridgette went to the kitchen as well and got some water. She’s had far too many sweets that day.
“You’ve got a nice place.” She said, leaning against the counter.
“I suppose.” He replied, staring at his glass of water.
“Something wrong?” Bridgette asked, eyes filled with concern.
“The city’s filled with noise, it’s something I’m not quite used to.”
“You’ll manage,” This side of Felix was not something she’s quite used to. He looked lost in thought, and she figured a distraction would probably help. “Maybe you could show me some of your paintings? It’s been a while since I painted, and I still haven’t mastered the techniques.”
“I could just give you the smaller pieces. I have a lot and I never know where to put them.”
Bridgette smiled and uttered a quiet “thanks” as Felix headed up to the third floor where his room was. He opened one of his suitcases that kept his smaller paintings and took about 5 of them. He went back down to the kitchen where Bridgette still was, except this time she was sitting on the counter.
He handed over the canvases to her. “I’m quite proud of these. I could show you the larger pieces tomorrow morning if you want, there’s some kind of story hidden behind a few of them.”
“That would be nice.” She told him. Felix yawned, feeling a little sleepy. “It’s getting late, let’s get back to the others.” Bridgette carefully placed the painted canvases down on the counter, which she would retrieve the next morning.
There in the living room, the other three were watching a romantic comedy which neither Felix nor Bridgette knew the title of. They managed to build a fort that covered almost the entirety of the living room. Bridgette sat down next to Claude, and Felix sat down next to Bridgette.
“What took you guys so long? We’re like, a quarter into the movie.” Allegra said.
“Kitchen.” Felix simply replied.
Claude grinned at him. “See, I told you I could get you to socialize!”
“You didn’t tell me anything,” Felix said, crossing his arms.
“Oh, I must’ve told your father then. I’ll call him first thing in the morning and tell him about how well his son is doing so far! He’s going to be so proud of me that I will become the ultimate best son!”
Felix rolled his eyes at that as the other three laughed at Claude.
The rest of the night was spent watching whatever movie Allegra wanted to watch. Felix was the first to fall asleep, next was Claude, then Allan. Bridgette said something along the lines of “men are weak and have succumbed to the inevitable need for sleep” but was betrayed by a yawn.
Once Bridgette had fallen asleep, Allegra decided that she should turn off the tv. The only problem was that Claude was heavy and he was using Allegra as a pillow. She had to wake Bridgette up and ask her to turn off the tv, who grumpily did as asked.
That night, Felix slept peacefully in the midst of the city’s noise. It turns out, maybe New York can be tolerable.
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kaheyama · 4 years
this is my new beginning (1,529)
RATING: teen and up audiences
TAGS: established relationship; future fic; post-canon; moving in together
for todobakumonth2020: day 29 - [new beginnings]; wedding
read on AO3 or under the cut
“Come on,” Shouto starts impatiently from behind him. “Put the key in already.”
“I will, I will!” Katsuki argues back. Still, for a moment longer he just stares at the key slot in front of him, attached to the door of his very new home.
Of his and Shouto’s new home.
Back in March, when they graduated from U.A. high school, when the sakura trees just started to bloom, Shouto proposed to Katsuki.
That’s a joke.
He didn’t, but in a way it felt like he had.
After the ceremony was over, before they went out with their class for celebrations, Shouto pulled Katsuki to the side and held his hands and asked, “Will you move in with me?”
The thing was, Shouto had already bought an apartment. Rich kid, and all that. (Actually, after all the publicity Katsuki got over the three years and with the amount of hero work he’d already completed Katsuki had some money to his name too, but there was still no comparing, at least in his mind.)
And he had a job lined up too—his own office, albeit under Endeavour’s name, but still with sidekicks and everything else a proper hero agency would have. It was just for a few years until Shouto could properly set up his own agency.
Not that Endeavour knew that.
“Yeah I’m pretty sure he wants me to inherit the agency and continue the legacy or whatever,” Shouto told him, “but no.”
Katsuki, on the other hand, hadn’t looked at houses at all, and still hadn’t decided if he was going to apply as a sidekick or immediately launch into being his own boss and being others’ boss.
He honestly considered combining the two at some point. He couldn’t picture himself working under someone else and not have the freedom he desired, but he could imagine himself sleeping in some building then waking up and going to work there the next day.
With Shouto’s question, however…
One of those issues would be solved.
But that didn’t mean he could just accept.
“I…” Katsuki had looked into Shouto’s eyes, so telling and endearing, and then finished very stupidly, “Money?”
Shouto shook his head.
“It’s been paid for. And I’m not asking you to like, room with me. Where you’d have to pay rent. I want you to live with me. I want us to share the apartment. But if you really want to, I wouldn’t stop you from paying half the amount. Or working towards it.”
“Yeah okay,” Katsuki replied immediately, because why wouldn’t he want to live with Shouto? Even if Shouto hadn’t worded it like that, even if he called it them being roommates, he’d still want to move in with him. “I do want to pay my half, by the way. Just… After I find a job.”
“Oh about that… I also wanted to ask whether you wanted to work with me?”
“What?” Why did it feel like Shouto had thought so much about his—their future, whilst Katsuki didn’t even know if he’d remember that he didn’t have school tomorrow?
“I like being with you.” Katsuki blushed. “I want to spend time with you.” Katsuki’s cheeks grew hotter. “And if we worked together we’d get to fight villains together and—”
“Couples who fight together stay together?” Katsuki chuckled. It was something they came up with at the start of the year, when they seemingly kept finding their dates getting ruined by sudden villain attacks. Katsuki had no complaints though, even if he never shut up about how he never got to eat that one mapo tofu dish that one time (why did that keep happening to him?), because nothing else could compare to the adrenaline rush he felt when battling an opponent with Shouto by his side.
“Exactly. Ah, but officially you’d have to be a sidekick. My dad wouldn’t let me give you the same privileges I’m getting.”
“But that’s just gonna be on paper?”
“Yeah. You won’t even have to do the administrative shit I’ll have to do. Wait actually…” Shouto tapered off then glanced at Katsuki with a glint in his eye.
“I am not going to be doing your taxes for you!”
“Hey, is that any way to talk to your boss?”
Katsuki rolled his eyes. “I’m going to regret this, aren’t I.”
“So it’s a yes?”
“Of course it’s a yes,” Katsuki confirmed. He took Shouto’s head in his hands and kissed him square on the lips. “I can’t wait to start this next chapter of my life with you.”
At the end of June was when Katsuki and Shouto really started to finalise things for their apartment.
They had spent a month and a half travelling, enjoying a relaxed time off for the first time in three years, but finding themselves missing the daily action as well.
The next six weeks were spent, to put it quite simply, procrastinating everything to do with their house.
It wasn’t even like they had a lot to do—add Katsuki’s name to the contract; buy some furniture; pack their things; move in.
Except it was so much easier to not do any of that, and instead go on dates around the city and meet up with their friends and spend time with their family.
Incidentally, a dinner with his parents was what urged Katsuki to get a move on.
“Katsuki,” his mother had started, “when’re you moving out?”
“Huh? I already told you, there are still some things we have to—”
“And I haven’t seen you make any progress on said things.”
“We’re taking our time, okay?” Although his mum did have a point. Not that Katsuki would ever acknowledge that.
“Yeah, too much time. What’s stopping you, huh? I’m sure Shou-chan would’ve moved in months ago if it wasn’t for you.”
“Why do you think it’s my fault? Also what the fuck, aren’t mothers supposed to not want their kids to move out? What’s wrong with you?”
“Clearly a lot, if I raised a slowpoke like you.”
“What did you just say, hag?”
“Oh I think you heard me very clearly, child I no longer claim.”
Katsuki then proceeded to have a glaring match with his mother until his dad coughed from between them.
“Guys, Shouto-kun is still here. And we’re trying to eat dinner.”
Right. Katsuki sat back and flashed Shouto a smile as if nothing was wrong.
His mum then said, “Shou-chan, sorry you had to witness that. And I’m sorry about Katsuki’s pace.”
Katsuki’s eyebrow twitched, but he kept his mouth shut.
“It’s alright, Mitsuki-san.”
“Please, call me Mum! You’re practically a part of the family.” Katsuki’s mother’s words were true, but still it made Katsuki blush. After a glance to his right, he found Shouto’s cheeks tinted pink as well. “I just hope Katsuki won’t dawdle on this as well and propose to you soon.”
Following that, everyone except Mitsuki choked on their food or drink. Katsuki swallowed down his rice without much chewing which hurt before promptly exclaiming, “Mum! You can’t just—!” And then he turned to Shouto, “Don’t worry, I’m not—”
“You’re not?” Mitsuki cut in, and then Masaru laughed because Katsuki and Shouto were both blushing like crazy and unable to deny her suggestions.
The very next day Katsuki put his signature down on the document next to Shouto’s and dragged him out to buy furniture. Then they got home, set up their bed and couch as well as a few of their shelves, and started filling the kitchen.
Katsuki was on such a surge to do as much as he could just to spite his mum he was even tempted to paint the walls for no other reason than to be able to send a picture to her and say, ‘Who’s taking their time now?’
In the end he had just collapsed onto their newly put-together couch with Shouto in his arms, appreciating the moment and taking in their small apartment which suddenly appeared a lot more liveable. They still had a bit to go until they could move in, but it was starting to feel like home.
(The day after that, he started looking at rings, but he wasn’t going to tell anyone that, least of all his mother.)
The moment Katsuki turns the key, Shouto pushes past him and through the open door.
Katsuki shoves him to the side immediately to try and get ahead, because “I’m going to be the first one inside!”
After some wrestling and a struggle to hold Shouto back whilst taking off his shoes, Katsuki finally manages to take the first step into the apartment.
Except it’s Shouto who beats him to calling out, “Tadaima!”
However, Katsuki doesn’t feel like he’s lost.
Instead he turns to Shouto and smiles, replying, “Okaeri.”
He glances around them, at the now fully-decorated space. Sunlight streams through the ceiling-to-floor window of their living room, hitting the vibrant green leaves of the plants scattered about the room.
This is his new home.
This is where he’s going to go to sleep every night and wake up every morning before going to work with Shouto.
This is his new beginning.
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arabellaflynn · 4 years
Hello, all. It has been a rough pandemic.
As you may have figured, since I am in the performing arts, I have been completely out of work since this shitshow began. The earliest venues will open up here in MA is September, which is not helpful for me, because I need to be out of my current place by 8/31. No one will rent to me on my Patreon income, so I've been trying to figure out how to supplement that with other online work.
My first thought, frankly, was camming. I'm attractive and I know that, and I don't care about being naked in "public". I have a lot of opinions on the legitimacy and legalization of sex work, but making a statement would be a convenient bonus; I'd be in it for the tips. As the appliance menagerie on the Flintstones used to say, "Eh. It's a living."
The best camera I currently have is attached to the slightly-less ancient laptop. You know, the one with the broken hinge that won't hold the screen up on the right. Only the wifi on that computer has quit working. The onboard chip was always kind of flaky, but for some reason it has chosen now to deteriorate to the point where it no longer acknowledges a router on the other side of the goddamn wall. Shooting in the living room with an ethernet cable is not an option, because another housemate is already doing that.
I bought a dual-band USB wifi adapter with antenna. It's a Realtek chip -- not gold-plated, but also not total junk. I specifically checked to make sure it worked with Ubuntu Bionic before I ordered. I have now installed three separate sets of drivers in three completely different ways, read everything ever written about this on AskUbuntu, and still the computer refuses to acknowledge its existence. Not even if I blacklist the onboard chip to keep it from falling back into previous bad habits.
The other elderly laptop (with the working wifi) has a cam that tops out at 640 x 480, which I suppose might squeak by as a tiny facecam on Twitch, or for tutoring where no one cares about pixelization. The microphone, however, is crap. It's a tinny omni on the screen bezel that likes room noise more than my voice. I don't have an external microphone, and there's no onboard Bluetooth for my wireless headset. So I bought a USB Bluetooth adapter, which this computer is ignoring as hard as the other one is the wifi dongle. I have a wired headset with a mic, but because this computer is probably mere months too old to know what to do with an inline mic on the same jack as the output signal, it doesn't register at all.
The camera on my phone is potato quality, because that is honestly about how much the phone cost. Ditto the refurb Kindle. Neither is smart enough to keep up with streaming video, which I found out when I tried to do a video rehearsal for something months ago. 
I have no place to do any kind of professional non-entertainment streaming work (e.g., tutoring) with my terrible equipment in any event. I don't own a desk. If a free desk appeared on my doorstep tomorrow, I would have nowhere to put it. My bedroom is small enough to contravene the Geneva Convention requirements for POW cells and I'm basically stuck in here, for reasons of both air conditioning and not having to interact with a house full of people who very much want me gone.
What I do have is a set of working emulators and some free video editing software, so I decided to take a stab at a subtitled Let's Play. I can certainly ramble on for 30 or so hours of Final Fantasy II. At the very least it'll give me something scheduled to do. So I pulled everything out and set it up, only to find that my controller was "pining for the fjords" -- no lights, no acknowledgement from RetroArch, no response to any button presses.
...okay, well, at least we're down to a level of equipment I can afford to replace. So I am waiting for the mail carrier to bring me another $10 gamepad, whilst stuck in bureaucratic hell. I'm down to emergency public assistance, which keeps asking me to send them random documents, inconveniently one at a time. Even when I can submit them online I'm required to wait a minimum of 2-3 business days before a human can look at them. I'm trying to not be mad -- they are clearly horribly overworked -- but it also leaves me with a lot of time to do nothing but busy-wait. They've finally decided I'm destitute enough for food stamps, so now I have to sit on my hands until the card arrives in the mail.
The chronic, crushing lack of resources is not helped by (or helping) the fact that I'm just not functioning very well. I was already on the edge of disintegration when the lockdown orders hit anyway; I was taking every piece of work I could find in an effort to scrape together enough for first/last/deposit on a new apartment, and honestly that's more than I can handle. I can consistently get to about 20 hours of "stuff that can't be done while in bed, wearing pajamas" per week, with occasional spikes up to about 30, before I start losing the ability to take care of myself. I skip showers, let my living space become a complete disaster area, and go to bed without dinner because the whole process of choosing something to eat, preparing it, eating it, and cleaning up after myself is so overwhelming that I just burst into tears and don't do it. I fed the rats twice a day and cleaned their cage once or twice a week, but couldn't manage to do the same for myself.
It's difficult to explain to people the state of being physically and mentally exhausted without also being sweaty and shaky from muscle fatigue. Perhaps the single most salient example I can give is lying in bed at night and realizing I kind of vaguely needed to pee. Not like urgently -- just enough that I knew if I didn't, I'd wake up the next day with an uncomfortably full bladder. Then just lying there anyway, not because I thought suffering was noble or I deserved it or anything idiotic like that, but just because taking care of it would involve standing up, walking into another room, and initiating a new task, and I did not have the capacity to do any of those things.
If you suggest I start making a to-do list, I will sit down right now and invent a brand new Blunt Object Transfer Protocol (botp://) expressly for the purpose of punching you, personally, in the face over the goddamn internet. I will even credit you in the patent application. I will not share the licensing profits, which judging from social media right now, would be approximately all of the money on the face of the Earth. I do not need "life hacks". 
What I really need is a case worker, or possibly a babysitter, or just to have shown up at the ER about two months ago, because that is the only way I have ever found to get people to pay attention when I ask for help. Otherwise I get triaged out of sight and out of mind -- they ask if I'm suicidal, I tell them no, they tell me 'okay, here's a prescription for six Xanax and a packet of resources, go home and fix it yourself'. I'm just like, you sons of bitches, do you think I don't know how to Google things? If I could fix this on my own, I wouldn't be talking to you. Except I can't right now, because plague.
Everyone wants to fob me off on someone else. I was referred to an SSDI attorney by a friend, because frankly that's where I'm at right now. I wrote to them, specifically mentioning his name and the associate who helped him, and explained that I was basically a vegetable and I needed help applying for disability. I'm a college-educated suburban white girl, who grew up hearing her parents make rude jokes about welfare queens -- I have no idea how any of this works and I'm so broken I kept losing my place in a blanket whose pattern was literally "knit-purl-knit-purl to end of row; turn work over; repeat". Their response was "Sounds like you need some help applying for SSDI/SSI disability. Here's the website for the Boston Bar Association, good luck!" Crisis lines of both the psychiatric and financial varieties keep directing me to one of two national clearinghouse sites for social support services, both of which direct me to each other, because neither has any programs in my area.
I am trying really, really hard not to resent the ever-loving fuck out of anyone who has any sort of support system right now. One housemate has almost the exact same list of medical problems that I do, and is also completely out of work right now. She is married to the one who has a grown-up salaried WFH IT job, and will never have to worry about having a roof over her head or food in the cabinets. The single housemate has supportive family literally a five minute walk down the street; if she ever gets her feet kicked out from under her, she can stay with them temporarily while she scrambles back up. Another friend yote out to California right before lockdown to stay with his family. A local offered to help me with paperwork, then ghosted me intermittently before explaining that he was having a hard time himself right now and barely had the capacity for his own life. I have an elderly rat, no more savings, and no options.
I don't even know how I'm going to move the little I own. How do you even ask people to do that in the middle of a pandemic? If I don't have the money to move, I definitely don't have the money for a moving company, and I'm envisioning all of my community-minded friends pursing their lips in judgement and declining because like all the good people they are diligently social distancing.
I have also discovered, while hauling an empty suitcase out to Watertown and a full one back home again, that I do not cope well with face masks. It's fine if I'm not doing much, especially if I'm in a climate-controlled space like a store or the T, but as soon as I exert myself at all, I see spots. And no, it is not a matter of "just get used to it"; I have tested this by trying to wear a mask during my home workouts. It is just stuffy enough under there, and there is just enough reduction in air flow, that the world keeps going all film-grainy and dark on the sides, which I know from experience is the first step on a very short path to the Magical Land of Syncope. I had to stop during the outdoor trek and sit on the suitcase about twice a block through the commercial district, where it stayed on because there were people. This was when it was 72 whole degrees out (and the AC is generally on 74°F inside) which doesn't bode well for moving my heavy shit around in late August. 
I'm normally good at catching things at the weird-vision stage, although enough random strangers and T employees have asked me if I'm okay that I have to assume I look as ill as I feel at that point. And I have an absolutely tragic talent for talking people out of calling emergency services when I do actually keel over, but everyone is so health-panicked that I don't think it would work right now. I know what's happened and why, but I can't exactly communicate that to bystanders when I'm unconscious. As nice as EMS is, I don't feel like waking up to a round of Twenty Questions ("How many fingers am I holding up? Who's the President? Do you have a seizure disorder?"). So I just don't go out.
Alison over at Ask A Manager got a question about this the other day that suggests this is considered legitimate can't-(always-)wear-a-mask territory, and I am able to wear a mask where required in MA, which is indoors/during interactions with other people when it's actually useful, so I don't have any qualms on the scientific or legal front. I have just never been a good judge of how much potential peril/damage it's "reasonable" to put up with, and I don't have the capacity to explain myself over and over again a million times a day. 
I'm fucking tired. I'm tired of covid, I'm tired of living in a big glitzy continent-spanning banana republic, I'm tired of anxiety, I'm tired of other people carping at me to do things I can't in order to fix their anxiety for them, I'm tired of not having the space to dance, I'm tired of asking for help before things fall apart and being told 'well, come back when it is an emergency', and most of all I'm tired of this cycle where I tell myself "I'm going to stop being lazy! I'm going to put on my big-girl pants and wake up early and work 40 hours a week and support myself like an adult!" and then fail at it again because I just do not have the capacity to do that. I do not know how to make the system understand that I need some kind of support right now. 
Sorry for yet another depressing update, but that's where I am right now.
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rwbyremnants · 5 years
WARNINGS: Aftercare, near-fight. Also this chapter is pretty short.
So... I made an oops and posted chapter 9 as chapter 8 haha (on AO3). But I figure hey, it was already online so I'll just scramble around and add both chapters at once. Early Christmas gift or something!
=Chapter 9
The first to move was Glynda, who backed away from them both to sit back into her knees. Bowing her head slightly, she couldn't help but smile. "I hope I was to Master and Princess's liking."
"YES!" Winter burst out with a weak chuckle. "You… yes, that was… yes." A weak hand reached up to wipe the sweat from her forehead. "It's… I don't know what I was expecting coming up here tonight, but this definitely exceeded those expectations!"
Giving a light tap on her hip, Qrow chuckled to himself as he said, "You're telling me! Jeez, you're so fuckin' tight back here…" Although he took a moment to lean to one side so he could spy Glynda for himself, and gave a nod in her direction. "And thanks for helping out there. Didn't think you would with it being me, and the close quarters and all."
"Oh hush." She smiled back, hopping back to her feet again instead to find her robe. "You stuck to your word in that I didn't have to touch you, I appreciate that. And we both agreed, the point was for Winter to have a good time."
"And I did," the woman in question sighed contentedly, reaching over her shoulder to tousle Qrow's hair. "How long have you two been planning this, this… sandwich with a Wintry centre?"
"About two weeks." Qrow continued to pant, moving his hands to her hip for a moment to prepare for his exit. He wasn't about to start until she was good and ready though.
"Yes, not long after you told me of… what happened." There wasn't an easy way to say it, but Glynda sensed it was the best way. Donning her robe again, she claimed a seat to one side of them. "I took the liberty of messaging Qrow to see how you were, as well, and we both came up with the idea. We thought it might help."
For a moment, Winter merely lay in Qrow's lap and processed what they had done, and why. She found it touching in a way that not much touched her anymore. Then she cleared her throat and whispered behind her shoulder, "I… am ready to get you out of me when you are, Master."
This last was said a bit teasingly, as their play had clearly ended. With a small smirk, he gripped her hips properly, slowly pushing her upward and off his length. Finally, he felt his member slide free, flopping to one side as it exited her body. Only then could he worry about removing the latex covering.
A shuddering groan floated out of her as she grew used to having nothing holding her sensitive ring of muscle open, the sensation of air upon her insides. "Ohhh… that was intense, wasn't it?" Grinning wryly over at Glynda, she said, "Thank you, by the way. For all of this. You didn't have to agree to another session with Qrow just for my sake, but you did, and I acknowledge your sacrifice."
"Oh hush," she dismissed, collecting Winter's robe as well to pass over to her once she was stood again. "You deserved a good session after the incredible one you gave me, and he seems to make you rather happy." Although, when looking back over to their master whilst he tucked his member away and tossed the condom, she smirked. "Well, a part of him does, at least."
"More than just that part," Winter countered with a chuckle. Then she told him more directly, "Don't forget there are wipes in the bag. In fact, I'd like one, if you don't mind."
Nodding, he pulled out the wipes and handed a couple over to Winter right away, then grabbed one for himself. As he cleaned himself up, he asked, "So, what did we wanna do with the rest of the evening? Thought about sticking around to watch some more of the scenes myself."
"Works for me," Winter said amiably as she took care of herself, as neatly and without mess as she could manage. "Unless you wanted to go somewhere else, Glynda?"
"Oh, I'm happy to tag along if you'll have me. I could collect a few more Dom cards while we're on the floor for myself. Perhaps one day I'll have my own personal arrangement with one Dom in particular."
It was clear what she meant. She had noticed both Qrow and Winter growing rather close in their time together, more than what was usual for a Dom/sub partnership. Establishing a steady routine. Even if they never mentioned it or brought it to attention, it must be something more intense for someone outside the relationship to notice it. But deciding not to bring it up, Qrow only picked up the last of his clothes, shoving them on as quick as he could so as to avoid delaying the two any further. Once ready, he held the door open for them.
"Thank you, gentleman," Winter answered in kind, forcing down a giggle. Then she made a grand, sweeping bow and gestured forward. "Lady Snowmane, after you."
"Why thank you, Your Highness." Glynda played along, smiling back toward her as she followed out of the room as well, followed by Qrow once he'd collected their bag and turned off the lights.
A quick stair journey later, past a Cheshire who was wearing a grin that befitted her name, and they were back to the main scene room. There hadn't been too many additions, other than a few switched places and a few new viewers. Now that he knew what to look for, he noticed there were a few people wearing the lanyards in the area. How long ago that now seemed to him.
"A lot of new faces tonight," Winter remarked, apparently on the same mental wavelength. "Must be doing some kind of promotion… or maybe there's an event we weren't told about."
"Feels kinda good to know I'm not the new guy." Qrow grinned to himself. However, he found his attentions looking to one of the acts in the corner. A woman in leather, holding the leash for her pet wearing a choke collar around her neck. Just the ticket for him, exactly what was on his magazine that Winter found on their first meeting. Turning slightly, he said, "Be right back; gonna try my luck with some people in that corner."
As Winter's eyes were entirely focused on two men splayed out below a dripping candelabra, being toyed with by two women in spiky leather outfits, she could barely spare enough attention to say, "Hmm? Oh yes, fine. You do that."
Wandering away from the group, Qrow headed straight over to the area of interest to him. It didn't take too long at all for him to strike up a conversation with one of the Doms, and even with the sub wearing the collar. In fact, she was more than willing to let him take the leash and lead her in a circle a couple of times. Certainly something to get him thinking of such activities in the future.
But despite collecting a few cards and being in a good mood, when Qrow turned back around to find the others again, such a happy mood vanished instantly. There was a sight in one of the other areas he didn't want to see again. That same well-dressed, ginger-haired menace was casually leaning against one of the walls, talking to a new attendant who was wearing a lanyard. For some reason – probably just a general dislike of the thoughtless Dom – he felt strangely protective over the newcomer, and so kept back for a moment to continue watching their conversation.
Which seemed to be going frighteningly well, considering he'd just laughed. "Well, lemme tell you now, Li’l Red. Your partner's in their right mind to let you experiment with this stuff here if it’s not exactly her bag. There's no better way to finish the day than with a release."
"W-well, I'm still not sure about all this," she was saying nervously, pressed right up against the wall. "I mean, it's kinda… out there, huh? So, um, I think I'll j-just keep watching a little longer, if that's okay?"
"Oh absolutely. But I can assure you, you won't find a better Dom if petplay's what you're into. Lemme give you one of my cards and you can consider it."
But the instant he did just that, pulled a crisp business card out of his pocket and went to hand it over to her, it was knocked away. Qrow had seen quite enough and marched over to the two, and was now grabbing the scalawag by his shirt and slamming him back against the wall with a great force. A slam that was certainly loud enough to distract a few of the club members.
"Wh-what-?!" was all the girl he had been talking to could get out, wide-eyed and alarmed by the sudden violence.
"You shouldn't be handing your cards out to anyone in here, pal!" Qrow was growling through his teeth, near enough holding the other up off the floor with how tight a grip he had on his shirt. All eyes were on him and the scene before them, something far different to all the others in the room.
But his victim only let out a breath before smirking. "Pal, hey, you're interrupting everybody’s scenes. Don't wanna scare the newcomers, do we?"
The girl's voice finally spoke again, but it was soft and completely incensed. "U-uncle?!"
The words seemed to fall on deaf ears. Qrow was far too distracted with the man he was pinning, growling loudly, "I'll show you a fucking scene!"
"HEY!" came a call from one of the other members of the club. One of two women that were experimenting with the candelabra had noticed the scuffle, and left her position to immediately walk toward them. As did a few others, Doms and subs alike. Folding her arms, the girl asked, "Is here a problem here, boys?"
"N-no, no problem," the short, red-haired girl told them, raising both hands to ward the Dom off. "This guy was being kinda pushy, and my- um… the guy here was trying to protect me, I think." But the way she said "guy" made it sound as if she knew who he was, very personally; she simply didn't want to let on to anyone else.
It took a long while for Qrow to calm down. Even when he could feel the eyes on him from all around the room, he still wanted to do nothing more than pummel the man within an inch of his life. For both scaring a newcomer, and for how he treated Winter. But he resisted.
That didn't mean he was going to hide his reasons from the group.
"You don't want this scumbag to be your Dom, newbie." He still hadn't noticed just who he was talking to. Was still far too distracted glaring into the other man's eyes. "Guy's been ignoring safe words, shaming people for using them. My friend was in tears for the shit he pulled."
"Those are some strong accusations there!" Roman Candle laughed nervously, placing his hands on the top of Qrow's to try and pull them off his shirt. But it wasn't working. "With all due respect, I'm not the one threatening someone right now. Why should she believe a newbie Dom and his fake story over me, an attendee to this fine establishment for years?"
"Because he has a witness."
At last, Winter had walked over to join them where they stood, arms crossed over her chest. Her face was set and grim, not at all the nervous mess it had been the day Qrow had to pick her up. Glynda was at her side, though she had elected to keep silent for the time being.
"A-and a second instance." From the back, one of the other members raised her hands. Another of the somewhat newer faces that wasn't around that first time they came here. “He spit on me when I tried to tell him I had enough - and we hadn’t discussed spitting at all!”
But she wasn't the only one. There were a couple of other women who raised their hands, stepping forward in addition to Winter. Enough to certainly get the people who were initially there to stop Qrow to think twice. And the would-be cocky ginger knew it. He was growing more and more nervous by the second, having to fake arrogance to get anywhere.
"Oh this is bullshit! So I might have a hearing problem and didn't quite catch that safeword – so what? People make mistakes!"
"This is a mistake you can't make, Roman. Not more than once… yet it looks like you have." Winter gestured around to all the hands. "You don't seem to be learning your lesson."
"Oh god," the younger girl was breathing, trying to edge along the wall away from the man who apparently would have provided a less-than-ideal first experience with petplay.
“What’s so bad about what he did?” asked a voice. As it turned out, it belonged to Cinderella, who was standing at the edge of the crowd with her arms folded across her leather-and-lace-clad chest. “From the sounds of it, he did stop when the safeword was used. There’s nothing saying you have to like being asked to end a scene that was showing promise until that point.”
“You’re already on thin enough ice,” Winter snapped at the brunette, who glared back. “Stay out of this.”
Finally, Qrow released Roman's shirt from his grasp. What was at first glared teeth had vanished to a sly smirk instead. While he hadn't done the satisfying act of knocking his lights out, he had achieved a similar enough goal. No one was about to play with Roman again after all this.
And when he looked around to the hands and the angry faces, he rolled his eyes. "Are you serious? After how long I've been here, you're all pulling this shit now? Unbelievable."
"Too long, apparently," Glynda grumbled under her breath. Not that she had a personal stake in the outcome, since she preferred female Doms, but a single friend being made to feel less than happy by his hand was more than enough reason to put in her two cents.
"Maybe you should leave for tonight," Winter told him firmly. "Think about your choices, and how you should probably change the way you operate. Or else things might get… unpleasant."
"Perhaps you should… or do I have to ask Candy to get security?" that Dom who had first approached asked, folding her own arms as she nodded in the bouncer’s direction. The forming crowd already had their attention, though they weren’t approaching just yet.
Finally, Roman let out an annoyed sigh. Straightening his hat, he glared once more at Qrow, then to everyone else who'd stood up against him, before calling up, "Neo, get our stuff. We'll continue our fun at home, away from all these… party poopers!"
And within a few moments, once his flustered sub had collected hers and his belongings and got dressed, they made their exit down the stairs. The small crowd that had formed disbanded, up to and including Cinderella, and everyone got back to their previous scenes they'd been playing out. Qrow had taken a moment to look in Winter's direction, but from how she had been simply smiling at Glynda, he could tell she was alright.
"Sorry about that, newbie," he spoke up at last, finally turning toward her. "Saw you looked a little uncomfortable so I figured- …Ruby?!"
All his young, apple-cheeked niece could do in response was smile awkwardly, rubbing at the back of her head. Luckily for both of their peace of mind, she was simply dressed in what Eastern cultures affectionately dubbed "gothic lolita" garb; a bit kinky with all the black-and-red lace, but her body was quite well-covered.
"Ummmmm… hey, Uncle Qrow! Wh-what's up?"
"You- I- the f… What are you doing here?!" He looked around for a moment to make sure no one was listening. The last thing he needed was someone pointing out relations between them to humiliate them both.
"W-well, I- thing is, I'm not really… like I'm not about to do all this stuff! I was just curious about-"
"Oh my God," Winter said, now that the danger had passed and she was finally focusing on who was talking to her Dom. Too bad Qrow’s hopes were dashed by her noticing. "You're… Yang's younger sister, aren't you?"
Ruby's smile was most definitely forced as her eyes flicked between the two of them. "O-oh, yay! Weiss's sister! Just… all the sisters, all over the place! This is… great! So great."
"How did you even find out about The Clamp? Penny knows you're here, right?" There were so many questions Qrow had for his niece. After all, this wasn't exactly the place he expected to see someone so young, and especially not someone who he thought had no interest in any sexual activities, period!
"W-well, yeah, we discussed this first," she went on, cheeks growing redder the longer she had to stand there discussing such things with her own uncle. "Um… Winter, you have very nice, uh, leather…"
"What? OH!" Looking down, Winter realized how uncovered she was; though thankfully, her own outfit for the evening did not have open areas over strategic spots, as Glynda's did. Wrapping her arms around herself slightly, she cleared her throat. "I, um… well, this is… a very interesting situation."
Taking a moment to step back away from Ruby, Qrow ran a hand through his hair. This really was the most awkward thing that could have happened during their outing to the club. Not only was it someone he was related to, but it was someone who could relay the information about them both to more people they cared about. And he knew in Winter's case, that was even less acceptable.
"Alright, well uhhhhh, you probably know the rules of this place; what happens here stays here. But I need you to promise you can keep that. Especially with me and Winter being here. That means no telling anybody – especially Weiss or Yang, no matter what. Got it?"
Ruby nodded, wide-eyed and completely ashamed of herself. Then she suddenly looked up, as if realizing something a bit late. Which she was. "Wait a second… what are you doing here?! And with Winter! Is…" Then she gasped and pressed both of her hands against her mouth. Even with it being muffled, the "Oh my GOD" was still just barely understandable.
She had clocked on. As much as Qrow didn't want her to, his niece realised what was going on between him and Winter. If anything, that was the part he was more concerned about, rather than just the kinkier side of it. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he laughed nervously. "Look, this is just as weird for you as it is for me, kiddo. How did you even find out about this place, anyway?"
"Well… that's my fault, I'm afraid."
Winter was the first to say, "Blake!" when she spotted the raven-haired woman coming up behind them. She was wearing a red leather outfit that left little to the imagination, with studs everywhere. Crawling along the floor behind her was Sun, on a leash and looking happy as could be about it. With the small crowd of them that had gathered, Qrow could barely believe how bad his luck had gotten. And to think initially his goal was to do something nice for Winter, and it had turned into protecting his niece from a not-so-trustworthy Dom. Throwing his hands up into the air, he resigned himself to the fact.
"Great! Everybody’s here, including my family. Kinky as hell. Just great. Maybe we oughtta move to Alabama."
"Well, I'm only curious about it," Ruby tried to remind him, but her words got lost in all the shuffle.
"She’s been asking us about this kind of thing for a while," Blake explained, not looking the least bit guilty compared to everyone else. "And she's old enough to drink now, so she's old enough to make this decision herself. Nobody had to 'make' her tell Penny; they talked it over all on their own."
Qrow scoffed loudly. "Oh, yeah, she's old enough. That makes it so much better! That makes seeing my niece in a sex club way easier to handle, totally! Are Yang and Weiss here too? Hiding in the hot tub? I wouldn't even be surprised at this point!"
Up until that point, Blake's pet had kept from speaking up. Not any longer. "Don't be dumb, man! They wouldn't do any shit in public, they’re famous. Obviously they have a room upstairs."
"They do not," Blake said in exasperation, but she did smile slightly at Sun’s joke. To Qrow, she said, "I'm sorry, I honestly didn't think you'd be back to the club when I saw you here weeks ago, and I haven't seen you since, so… I thought it wouldn't hurt anything to bring Ruby along, let her satisfy her curiosity."
"And that's all it was, Uncle! I swear, I just wanted to have a look around, see what I was missing out on! Not that, um, I'll be doing any of this stuff…" Wincing at something she spotted between the bodies surrounding her, she added in a lower voice, "That is not where candles are supposed to go."
Finally sighing in defeat, he knew things couldn't get any worse than they were. The main thing was Roman had left, which meant that Ruby had no risk of getting an untrustworthy Dom if she did ever want to try. And she was surrounded by friends.
"Look, do what you want, but just stay safe… and don't mention I'm here. Or any of us. I won't tell if you won't."
"Oh, I, um…" Glancing over at Blake and Sun, then at Winter, she sighed deeply. "I don't think I'll be coming back. Don't get me wrong, I'm still curious, but, like…" Her face squirmed a little as she looked up at him. "I… think maybe coming to the same sexy theme park as your uncle is… kinda weird?"
Blake couldn't help it; she had to laugh. "Sorry, sorry. I should have realized. I mean, I wouldn't mind texting you guys to make sure you never come at the same time, if that's any better."
"Hmm…" The girl was mulling it over, thumb and forefinger on either side of her chin as she tapped her black-booted foot. "Well… I was thinking about coming back before this happened… I just don’t wanna cross the streams. Y’know?" Nobody spoke for a moment. "Ghostbusters? Really, nothing?"
"If it helps, this was just sort of a… special occasion kinda deal. Last time we came was midweek." It was somewhat embarrassing they had to make this form of compromise with a family member, but it needed to be done. Scratching his head, Qrow looked over to Winter. "I guess we could do Wednesdays if we did wanna come regularly."
Ruby dipped her head lower. "Sorry! I mean, Blake and Sun never told me you came here… but, I mean, that's probably because you're not supposed to tell who comes… but if I knew, I wouldn't try to invade your territory!"
At that, Winter had to chuckle, laying a comforting hand on Ruby's shoulder. She was adorable. When the younger girl flinched very slightly in discomfort, she patted it a couple of times and let her hand fall. "This isn't really Qrow's 'territory', either; he's only been a few times, so it's no more his than yours."
"In all honesty, I'm good whether we keep coming or not. I've only really got my eyes on one sub, anyways." And he meant it. Even if this was one of the stranger, and probably less ideal situations to bring it up, he really did mean every word: he only wanted Winter on his leash and nobody else. His curiosity about other scenes was solely with the intention of learning about the BDSM community, getting pointers.
While Ruby wasn't looking, he spared a quick glance toward Winter just to check her reaction, smiling. And of course, Winter returned the smile, softly but without reservation. What she said, however, was, "Perhaps I won't bring you on a regular basis, then. However… Blake, would you mind if I had your number so we can make sure there isn't any conflict?"
"Oh! Um, sure, here." Retrieving her cell from the bra of her kinky red number, she pulled up her number and held it out for Winter, who had to reach down into their "bag of tricks" for her own.
"You could just ask for mine," Ruby sighed. "I don't bite."
"Well, yes, but…" Winter had clearly been about to say something about her being Yang's little sister, but decided against it. Instead, she finished inputting Blake's number and held out her hand for the younger girl's phone. "Very well, I guess that would be wisest."
Yet again Qrow continued to scratch his head as they awkwardly stood together, trying to look away from both Ruby and Blake's outfits for the sake of his own sanity. Although, there was a small laugh that was distracting him from that. "What are you snickering at, butt boy?"
"Oh nothing." Blake's 'pet' was continuing to laugh to himself, shrugging his shoulders. "Just that you've definitely got the most out there story to tell if anyone ever says their life is the weirdest."
"No, he doesn't!" Ruby put in immediately as she took back her phone, waving her arms at him. "Nobody's telling anybody about this! Ever!" As Winter and Qrow both nodded their agreement with her, she glanced down. "Um, your name autocorrected to 'Princess'. Hang on, I'll change it."
Winter cleared her throat. "No, that's… well, whatever will help you remember."
In the awkward silence that passed as everyone exchanged numbers, Qrow continued to try and look around anywhere but in anyone's eyes, scratching his head nervously. Everyone else was no better, all wondering what to say. Finally, Sun perked up again, saying, "So… how about the cocktails here?"
He may have meant well, but all Qrow could do in response was roll eyes. "Go fetch some then, Fido."
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grcndel · 5 years
sources of damage, trauma, and evil in grendel’s early life / developmental stages:
humanity as a whole;  particularly humanity’s inherent hatred and violent distrust of anything visually unlike them.
the dragon,  who lied to grendel multiple times about his purpose in life just because it found his confusion and self-hatred amusing, and took advantage of grendel’s need for a friend / some kind of authority figure to tell him the truth and look out for him because  ...  telling grendel that the only reason he exists + the only reason he will ever exist is to be hideous and cruel was  ...  funny, i guess.
his mother,  who actively neglected him despite later turning up in TWAU to be much more intelligent than anticipated  ...  and still refusing to love her son, or even to acknowledge his existence beyond using him as a means of garnering pity and fooling those around her into trusting her.  he basically raised her and that shit just isn’t fucking okay.  he was a baby, and in the novel he expresses discomfort at how she used to touch him, which i really don’t  ...  like.  at all.
beowulf,  who carried a legacy of half-truths with him overseas because he wanted power and was willing to kill for it.
the rest of grendel’s family,  who were simply too unintelligent to offer him any relief from his seemingly eternal lonesomeness.
hrothgar;  grendel was disgusted by the concept of royalty and greed from day one, but to see hrothgar take an underaged bride for his own was just too much, especially given how grendel empathized with her and her martyrdom.  he recognized these things as Wrong from an early, early age, and while he satirized the situation in the movie, he was still completely fucking repulsed.
religion,  which taught the rest of society that grendel was inherently evil due to his blood-relation to the biblical cain.
himself.  whilst understandable considering everything he’d been through up unto that point, his insistent self-isolation  --  and eventual lean towards self-harm / suicide  --  did him Zero favors.
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sources of love, friendship, hope, and healing in grendel’s early life / developmental stages     ( and how they came to hurt him worse, or how the world ruined them for him ):
unferth,  who grendel empathized deeply with but, ultimately, realized that neither of them were allowed / able to pursue a relationship beyond rivalry.  they were pushed into circumstances that forced them to conflict with each other, robbing both of them of a very significant Potential Friend.
wealthow;  another person grendel empathized with and, in a very objective sense, thought beautiful.  she was blinded by the insistent tales of grendel’s monsterhood.  he wept often at the notion that she suffered similarly to him, and grew to resent her when the sympathies turned out to be one-sided.  still, he never could bring himself to kill her.  she was his angel from afar.  he felt protective of the girl, whether he wants to admit to it or not.
nature,  grendel’s only true home.  he stopped feeling safe anywhere when even his roots turned on him.  what began as blissful, childish appreciation of life became disgust and jealousy as he grew older + more knowledgeable of the honest workings of the world.  he both envied and despised the grand simplicity of it all  --  life as a complex accident,  &  nothing more.
the shaper,  whose talents moved grendel long before any other man could reach his heart.  i do believe he was in love with him  --  or, at the very least, in love with what the shaper could create;  towns paved in gold formed of nothing but syllables, songs like dry sticks.  the shaper shaped reality, and grendel loved this until the reality the shaper shaped was one in which grendel was the villain.
art / writing / music,  which grendel had a similar affinity for as his liking to the shaper, and still does to this day.  he has always recognized the impact of creation on the human perception of life.  while he’s since reclaimed these skills as coping mechanisms of his own, there was a time where this thing that awed and delighted him was used to further the ‘bogeyman’ narrative, attracting beowulf to heorot  &  assisting in grendel’s demise.
fellow societal outcasts,  though all human, whom grendel attempted many times to befriend only for said friends to allow fear to get the better of them.  he ended up eating these men, after awhile.  their attempts to slay him when he’d curl around them to keep them warm at night were as piteous as they were traumatic.  eventually, he stopped trying at all.
himself, again;  all the kindness, compassion, and sentiment he holds  ...  and, of course, the time he lost his grasp on it  --  a blossoming slip-of-self that killed him, in the end.
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yisolbyeol · 5 years
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hey ya’ll just cal back at it again with this easy-going chaotic child of mine. i’ll keep this short and simple: below you can read about yi sol byeol, or sollie as i tend to call him. he’s a bb and i would love to work out some plots if ya’ll are interested. hmu either here or on discord. kthanksbye mwah !!
name: yi sol byeol | sollie or yeollie or sol job: unemployed age: twenty gender: demimale pronouns: he/they sexuality: pansexual birthday: 01/29 zodiac: aquarius personality type: adventuerer | isfp pinterest board: HERE
regular order
an iced vanilla latte
looking up at the sky whilst standing in the rain
a blurry figure in the distance you can’t make out the details of
a soft press of lips to your temple as you drift off to sleep
theme song: to make noise (sing) by hozier
remember when you'd sing, just for the fuck of it any joy it would bring honey, the look of it was as sweet as the sound your head tilt back, your funny mouth to the clouds i couldn't hope to know that song and all its words wouldn't claim to feel the same we felt as the first time it was heard i couldn't name that feeling carried in that voice was it that or just the act of making noise that brought you joy?
positive & negative
affable ( adj ) : friendly, good-natured, or easy to talk to.
imprudent ( adj ) : not showing care for the consequences of an action; rash.
he has always been stuck in his own head, ever since he was a child. no matter what went on in the world around him, sol byeol remained in a day dream of his own creation. it was due to this, the dreaminess in which he moved through life, that allowed his parents to dictate and control as much of his youth as they did. it was isolating, being in his own little world, and left him without many friends. after all, who would play with the boy who couldn’t follow your conversation or seemed to be having five conversations at the same time when you only agreed to one linear one ?? it didn’t matter much to sol as he still had his older brother and that’s all that mattered to him. he would be fine so long as his brother was by his side.
it was a bit funny. regardless of the ways his parents could move him like a little pawn, they still favoured his eldest brother. perhaps it was because, despite the ease in which they could dress and take sol around, his dreaminess never allowed him to act the way they wanted him to. he never performed outstandingly in school, nor did he seem to care much about any sort of work related events they dragged the two siblings to. his teachers would write home about how he would sleep in their classes and never seemed to get along well with the other students. his parents grew frustrated and tried many ways to get him to engage. they tried tutors, violin lessons, etiquette training, etc, but nothing seemed to work.
solbyeol didn’t mind. his easy going personality and cloud filled mind kept him lost to the inter-workings of his family. he never craved or desired his parents positive attention and any scolding or punishment often failed to teach him any lessons his parents wanted to. eventually, it caused him to simply be overlooked. if he could simply be a background figure in their life then fine. it was much better than him standing out due to negative attention, as far as they were concerned.
little did they know that things were bound to change. there wasn’t a significant trigger that started or caused his quote unquote rebellion. perhaps this could be due to his lack of voice when it came to explaining his thoughts but as far as his parents were concerned, one moment he was in the shadows and the next he suddenly became his parents number one embarrassment.
little did his parents know, but it was a matter of time until solbyeol bloomed. at fifteen, there was a specific shift that they overlooked. he started reading books on gender theory and feminist theory. he delved into a wealth of knowledge that his parents would have banned him from, had they paid enough attention to him to notice. the more he learned, the more his day dreams shifted away from the fantastical and took on more of a literal/realistic tinge. so the changes started small, in regard to visibility, and progressed to the point where he dipped his fingers into make-up and fashion. his parents were completely blindsided when their child suddenly began to appear with make-up and in skirts. they were determined that this was him trying to ruin them, especially when he appeared at one of the most important events for his family all dolled up. 
his brother had asked him at one point if he really was doing all this to get back at their parents. it wasn’t unusual for sol to be confused when pulled from his day dreams and yet his brother couldn’t help but be surprised at the sincerity of it when sol questioned why he would think so. it was almost comforting to his other brother, as if sol’s act of ‘rebellion’ had truly made him second guess if he knew his sibling, to find out that solbyeol was only dressing and doing what he wanted to do. 
if only their parents could respect that. to be fair, many didn’t. a masculine individual dressed in skirts and make-up?? he’d get quite the looks when he went out and occasionally situations that were far from pleasant occurred, yet they never seemed to bother him and he had a strange amount of luck that allowed him to get out of any situation that was truly trouble without any penalties. perhaps that is why, when his parents eventually kicked him out and distanced their selves from him, that he still managed to stay on his feet. 
it wasn’t an unexpected event- getting kicked out, that is. it also didn’t matter to sol either way. at this point, his parents either offered backhanded insults whenever they bothered to interact with him or simply ignored him. at least in this situation, his parents could pretend he was off making a living for himself rather than- well, no one was quite sure what sol did. his parents always assumed it was something nefarious and indecent, while his brother could never get a straight answer out of him. 
still, whatever he managed to get up to sustained him easily. he made enough to feel comfortable packing up his stuff and putting it into storage and taking a one-way flight to l.a. to visit his friend he’d’ met online years ago for the first time. that was two months ago and he didn’t appear to have any interest in moving back to seoul anytime soon.
solbyeol is currently living with jimi !! has been since he came to visit his friend two months ago. since arriving, he has been a fairly regular customer at the brew and can often be found wandering around the streets. 
a bit of a quirk sol has is, well, he gets lost. he never really lost his dreaminess quality and so often gets lost in his own head that he could go out for milk and be gone five hours because he made a wrong turn or simply was pulled away by a distraction.
despite how easily he gets into strange and potentially dangerous situations, sol has some pretty unfailing luck. its something he hasn’t verbally acknowledged over the years, but if you know him long enough, you can pretty much figure out this kid is really freakin’ lucky.
sol is a very touchy and feely person. he loves platonic skinship as well so if you’re friends with him expect hand holding and kissing from his end if you’re comfortable with it !!
despite his artistic ability with make-up, sol goes in and out of phases where he dresses up. most of the time he can be found looking like a rat in a pair of sweats or skinny jeans, a battered pair of vans, bed hair and a sweatshirt he just swims in. yet, he also can look like a whole snacc when he wants. taking the whole nine years, make-up, jewellery, hair, clothes, etc. he knows how to work it. 
he’s a very laid back and relaxing individual that is also kind of chaotic. he’s very easy to get along with and it’s quite difficult to make him upset. should you, however, make him angry or sad, both emotions tend to result in tears on his part. he also has no qualms with feeling freely in public so if you upset him ?? he’s gonna burst into tears in the middle of the a busy street.
kind of ,,, romantic relationship stupid. like, will have no idea you have a romantic interest in him unless you tell him.
he loves !! animals !! will try to take them home, tbh. whether they belong to him ro not and is not very smooth about it.
a little bit clumsy, a.k.a. very clumsy. not uncommon for his knees to be bruised and/or scraped. 
he’s currently unemployed yet he seems to be doing just fine for himself. he has no problem spending money and although he can be found and or hired for odd jobs, it can’t possibly be enough to sustain him...can it??
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Brushes With Balor- Part 13
Let me know as always if you liked, thank everyone so much for coming on this journey!
Tags: @briqueenofthenorth @blondekel77 @calwitch @chanelxberlinstark @fioportella @wrestlingfae @whocares006 @dancefaeirie @ramsaypants @alibob687 @lunarchaosqueen @keepyourdreamsalive @meremaidqueen @demonqueen29 
Japan, circa 2014
The crowd away from home was more subdued, and Prince Devitt lived for it. The chance to make people squirm in their seats- do they applaud the crazy foreign man? The Prince would always hold some hearts here in this alien land. He rode in on the shoulders of Fale, towering over every possible opponent, and sure to be seen at every turn. Prince Devitt and the Demon King would bow to no man, woman or supernatural being. The fire burned in his veins, he owned this place, the tension in the air was his oxygen and the bated breaths made his heart pump.
Japan had been yet to learn of the Demon king, but they would. Soon. Was the promise from the king, they would unveil him and Japan would have their new ruler. The plans were in motion and were going to go without a hitch. The Bullet Club would have their supernatural side on full blast, and they would be revealed to the world. The NJPW scene wasn’t the biggest, but once they saw Balor, he would span over media. Balor would reach to the furthest corners of the world, and using Devitt’s body would only enhance it.
Gallows and Anderson were at his side, followed by Bad Luck Fale and Tama Tonga. The club was on their way to the ring, Young Bucks were soon to follow. Balor had been warning the Prince, the Young Bucks would soon turn. It would not matter. They are young, they will make mistakes. But the King and Prince will show them.
Devitt could only agree with Balor, anything for the King.
The match could only be described as how to burn the building down. Devitt had won but it was no easy contest, and this showed when he offered his hand to shake his opponent’s. Another foreign man wanting to make a name for himself. He will unfortunately disappear all too soon over here. Balor whispered into Devitt’s ear and he agreed. Sometimes people just didn’t make it. The audience showed their appreciation, and Devitt saw his opponent blow a kiss to someone in the crowd. He looked in curiosity to see another man clapping and smiling and Balor laughed Love will make you weak. What they didn’t see was the Young Bucks jump onto the ring, and run into Devitt’s opponent from behind. The ringing of the bell was what alerted him to the attack.
The Bucks were stomping and throwing everything they had at the man, but Devitt just froze. Balor was quiet. Devitt grabbed the nearest twin and yanked him away from the slaughter. The Bucks turned to him now. “He’s beaten, leave him.” Devitt’s voice sounded strange, even to his own ears when he spoke this. The twins looked at him like he had another head, the bell ringing had made him feel like he had grown one. “He challenged you, you beat him, we beat him. That’s how the Bullet Club works!” One of the twins was shouting at him now, and Devitt didn’t care to make a note of which it was. The other was slowly circling him now, and Balor noticed that a fight was about to occur. Balor also saw a lack of Gallows or Anderson at ringside, and judging by the bruises decorating the Young Bucks’ hands, Gallows and Anderson had already had their party. “So this is how it ends.” Was the only sentence from Prince Devitt, and he acknowledged the irony of the Prince and King being taken down by their followers. There is a poem for this I am sure, but please focus on the fight. Balor chastised his young body and Devitt shook his head.
The blow from behind had not been expected, and when Devitt turned, he saw Fale standing tall over him. Shit. Fale had been a key follower and reinforcement of Devitt’s reign, and this coup had clearly been building from the inside- judging by the anger in Fale’s eyes, he had been the first to turn. Devitt scrambled to the ropes in an attempt to either pull himself to his feet or roll from the ring, unfortunately, Fale gripped his ankle and pulled him back to the slaughter. Balor was ringing at the door and it wouldn’t be long until Devitt gave him full reign of his body.
Another body slammed down onto the mat.
Prince Devitt’s previous opponent was also going to be treated to the bruising kicks to the ribs apparently.
A scream entered the ring, and Tama Tonga came for the split blood. Devitt knew he would not be having help from the Tongan, there would be no man to ever fully win Tama over- he was only ever on the side that best suited him.
The ringing in Devitt’s ears grew louder and louder, the bell continued and the crowd was now screaming. The body that Devitt was in lashed its arm out, and fire shot from his fingers, catching onto the banners at the side of the ring. The Prince noticed but his assailants didn’t, the Prince also noticed that he was no longer in control. It seemed that Balor was not either, fight or flight had taken over. The body was acting of its own accord in an attempt to save itself. Devitt could only silently watch as the flames grew, and more energy shot from his body. There was a different bell now, a fire alarm. The crowd was dispersing, the blows lessened, and feet ran away.
Devitt struggled to move, the attack had been extensive. He was currently sporting broken ribs, a fractured arm and some form of head injury yet to be determined. He shut his eyes and wished to be in the room at the hotel, the smoke from the flames were reaching him now. I might be able to teleport, but you have to trust me. Balor spoke calmly but quickly, the sense of urgency in his voice unmistakeable; and Devitt had no other option but to allow the Demon King complete control of his body.
They vanished just as a support beam fell from above.
 Present Day
Something was keeping me awake. It could be the fear from the earlier conversation, it could be the fear that every single person I knew had been lying to me.
It could be the fear that I was nothing without this supernatural side. I was nothing before interacting with Finn, there was nothing special about me. I would die here and I would be forgettable again.
My cheek was red and sore to the touch from the conversation in the day, but as I saw street lamps light up I knew something was going to happen tonight- so I had to keep my injuries to the back of my mind. I had to concentrate, tonight is the night that it will happen.
A noise from the door in front of me grabbed my attention. I shifted in my chair, I wasn’t quite ready for my kidnapper to kill me yet, there were still things that I had to come to terms with. The door jiggled again, someone was messing with the lock. I looked around, panicking because I was tied to the chair this time. Nothing came to mind, and even if I did decide to move I’d fall over in the chair and have to die looking like an idiot.
When Seth burst through the door I think I actually peed my pants a little.
He was red in the face and his hair was unkempt, he was followed by Ambrose, Anderson, Gallows and Roman- Finn came in last and attempted to barricade the door. They all looked like they had been running from something. Seth smiled his crooked smile at me and began to run towards me, just as Finn screamed for him to stop.
A light flew from the floor. Straight into Seth. Seth screamed and froze.
I cried out from my chair and uselessly tugged at the restraints, Seth had a look of pure agony frozen on his face and my heart hurt to look. Dean shifted in the background with nervous energy, Roman was sniffing the air whilst Gallows, Anderson and Finn watched Seth. “Fucking do something!” I didn’t even realise my thoughts had been said aloud until everyone looked to me. Gallows turned to Anderson and muttered something, Finn hung in the background and wouldn’t even look at me. Dean shifted into my line of sight “Ya got anything to cut with?” His question shook me out of my rage and I shook my head.
Roman shook his head and his bun wiggled with it, he looked at the floor and kicked a stone across to where Seth was stood. A light came to the stone and I saw cracks form in it. My eyes widened in fear for Seth, who was still stuck in place.
You’re safe, he wants to make everyone suffer. You’re in a protected ring.
The voice from earlier came back into my panicked thoughts and squirmed in my chair, shifting it until I fell to my side. A coin fell from my pocket and rolled just past my head, where it was hit with light and frozen. Anderson stepped forward and scanned the floor “Obviously this was meant to hurt, the rock and coin have almost disintegrated straight away- Rollins is stuck.” He looked to me and spoke again “Think you can catch sweetness?” I nodded and he reached into his jacket, chucking me something small. It landed relatively near my hand, and I scooted closer until I could reach- a pocket knife.
I started working on my bonds, looking up to Seth every now and then to make sure no cracks had started to show. When I was free I jumped up and stood where the chair had been- dead centre.  I looked at the men in the room “What now?”. A distinct tattooed arm wrapped around Dean from behind and pulled him through a side door. Before he disappeared I could already see the shaking smile on his face as his possessor took over. Roman scowled and went after Dean, fur sprouting as he shouted “Orton!” to us. I was left with a frozen Seth and The Balor Club, their leader wouldn’t look at me.
This had nothing to do with me, I had no idea how any of this worked! I was just some tech girl who wasn’t anything special! I was angry crying now, rubbing furiously at the tears as they fell. Gallows and Anderson were talking softly with Finn and I saw Finn shake his head and step further back from them “I’m useless here.” Is all I could see from his lips.
I turned to look at Seth again and my heart hurt at his face, twisted in agony over me. I caused him this much pain. I went to reach for him, and was an inch away. Even that made me miserable, I couldn’t share his pain or take any away from him. I looked into his soft brown eyes and remembered the almost kiss we shared, before something blasted him into the wall. I retreated back into my safe circle. If I had just kept my head down we wouldn’t be in this mess, if I just worked harder and didn’t have a social life then everyone would be fine. I would be alone, but it would be better than this.
Seth had been frozen for too long now, and I couldn’t begin to imagine how painful it was. I began to walk further back from the scene, Seth frozen in place and The Balor Club assessing the situation, testing how far the circle went with whatever they could find.
An arm wrapped around my throat.
A strangled noise came from my mouth before he applied the pressure to silence me completely. “Hello boys” I could hear his smile behind my right ear, and although I could breathe- I wasn’t about to say anything to make him tighten his arm. We had everyone’s attention in the room, and Anderson spoke first “So you’re the one behind all this?” My kidnapper laughed and I could feel him nod. Finn stepped forward “Who even are you?” His voice was blank, and his face said nothing- I desperately wanted him to look at me and tell me it was going to be okay. I wanted some reassurance from someone, hell I’d even take it from Gallows!
“Oh sweetness, I don’t expect you to know me. I’m just here to play.”    
Finn’s face hardened “I don’t want to play. You clearly know who we are.”
He shuffled behind me “But where’s the fun? Prince Devitt was much more open to games.”
Finn tensed and Gallows put his hand on his shoulder. Finn smiled tightly “Prince Devitt ain’t about anymore. Ya got me instead. How about a deal for this game?” I was seriously contemplating killing Finn myself at this point, Seth was still frozen, my kidnapper had his arm wrapped completely around my neck and he wanted to play a game? To make a deal? Whilst I was seething with anger, apparently they had made their deal. My kidnapper whispered some words that I didn’t understand, and Seth unfroze with a scream. Gallows grabbed him from the circle and made sure he wouldn’t stumble back into it by accident.
My chest ached for him, to run and hug him- to make sure he was okay. To make sure he was angry with me. It was my fault this was all happening. Gallows spoke up now “Y/N, stop thinking like that.” I looked to him in shock, with wide eyes. The laugh came from behind me again “Mind reader, idiot.” He stage whispered in my ear and I tensed up against him. He yanked my head to the side and I felt him sniff my neck “She smells good fellas”. Finn tensed but shuffled behind Anderson,  taking Seth from Gallows- Seth looked like dead weight on his shoulders.
“It’s boring without them in your life isn’t it Y/N? Just so normal and PLAIN. You were nothing before you got messed about with these pricks and now look. I was someone before I messed with them, now I’m nothing. I feel like I know how you’ve felt.”
He cackled in my ear once more and I turned my head away from it, the sound horrifically smooth considering how crooked he was. Feel in your pocket. The knife, you moron.
I wanted to growl at the voice inside my head, but it was right. Inside my front pocket was the knife that had been thrown to me, how I managed to put it there was beyond me. As I reached for it, Gallows cocked his head at me- apparently he had heard what had been said in my head. He shook his head slowly to me, and I kept my fist tight around the pocket knife. Anderson looked past my head “How do you know us? You mentioned Prince Devitt- New Japan then.” My kidnapper loosened his grip around my neck and chuckled.
“Karl. You’ve lost weight.” He twitched against my back “Finn- Prince Devitt. You’re more muscular nowadays, but goodness me if that modelling stint didn’t give a guy wet dreams.”  He slurped his lips next to my ear, and made a kissing noise- I tried to wriggle away from him. “Now, now, now- where do you think you’re going?” He grabbed my arm and twisted, forcing me down onto my knees and producing a gun in seconds. I think I was past the point of shock.
Finn was my mate, he was also the Demon King, Gallows could read minds, I had been kidnapped- and my kidnapper had frozen Seth in magic.
A gun actually felt relatively normal in this situation.
“Well, since we’re not on first name terms, you can call me Mason.” The hand that had a hold of my arm moved to my shoulder and squeezed, I wanted to shrug him off but my arm was in pain and who knew what he was going to do next.
‘Mason’ fell quiet and waited. It was a clear power move, he had the answers and he had me- everything they came for was in his hand. But, in The BC’s favour was the fact this guy was batshit crazy. I knew from experience that he wouldn’t stay quiet for too long, eventually his erratic behaviour needed to expand and go somewhere. So it was all a matter of time. I looked to Gallows again in the meantime, attempting to catch his attention without being caught- his eyes flickered to me.
I have a voice inside my head telling me to do stuff. I still have the knife in my pocket. Give me a signal and I can stab his foot or something. By the wince on his face, I didn’t need to have shouted everything towards him, but he still nodded slightly.
The tension hung in the air, and I knew one side had to give in first. “Why are you doing this?” I guess it couldn’t have hurt for me to break the silence. Boy, was I wrong.
Using the butt of the gun, Mason smacked the back of my neck and jarred my head forwards. The three men in front of me tensed, and Finn looked murderous. “Ouch, dickwad.” I rubbed the back of my neck, and craned it up to look at the ceiling when he slammed the gun into my nose- of course it bled instantly. The boys were now protesting and stepping forward, before my eyes watered and I blinked. I sat forward and leant down, blood slipping to the floor and I pinched my nose- luckily it wasn’t broken, or not that I could tell. I got the hint that I was to not talk anymore.
“Since you won’t ask questions, I’ll have to answer hers. 4 years ago Balor- do you remember where you were?” He was gripping my shoulder tightly again, pressing his fingers in my skin deep. Finn shook his head, but his expression was guarded- he knew where he was but wanted Mason to say.
“Your last match in New Japan. Almost to the day it is… Your last match, and you burnt the building down after. There was only one casualty when there should have been two. You fucked up your Bullet Club for your Demon King and when they attacked you burnt the building down!” His voice rose until it was almost a screech at the end. Mason’s fingers suddenly left my shoulder and I flinched- expecting another attack. When I looked up he was pointing his gun at Finn.
“You should be dead. You need to be dead. Dead for what you did to him.” Finn caught onto something at that, recognition swept over his face.
“Tha was you, in the crowd.” His voice was lower and stable compared to Mason’s.  Mason started to nod, and I noticed tears had formed in his eyes. “There’s not a day where I don’t regret wha happened in that buildin” Finn spoke softer, as if he was trying to calm a wild animal. Mason shrieked with laughter:
“You don’t regret it! You live for moments like those! Your Demon KNEW what was happening, and so did you! You killed him! Murdered in cold blood because you couldn’t keep a lid on Club business!”
He was pacing behind me now, the floor vibrating with every step he took. I closed my eyes, it was about the time I stopped watching New Japan because I ended up working on the road with WWE. All I can remember was the Bullet Club turning on their leader Prince Devitt, it had been speculated that he was moving across to WWE after the next NJPW PPV. The building had a freak accident, the cameras had been cut just before the fire came out; but the fire had completely consumed the whole building. By the sounds of it, someone didn’t make it out as it had been reported. I shook my head, of course. Mason’s soulmate.
Gallows had been looking at me and following along in my head, and he leant to Finn and whisper in his ear. Finn looked at Mason. “Your mate.” Mason let go of me completely and paced around the small space we had.
“You see Balor? It doesn’t actually matter if I’m someone important. I am a nobody with nothing who reduced you to this. You fucking strut around like you own the place! LOOK AT WHAT YOU DO TO PEOPLE!” He screamed at Finn who flinched with his words, I guess no matter what you tell yourself, you’re guilty in some ways. By this time my nose had stopped bleeding, but Mason had bit his lip enough that blood and spittle were flying from his mouth.
“He was my fucking world. Is my world. Everything since that day has been about getting back at you. I’m a useless Seelie, but I did my research. I had time on my hands, so much time after he died. I lost direction, but I’ve planned this for the last four fucking years.”
Anderson laughed at him “Wasn’t that great of a plan since it didn’t work out!” Karl smiled at his observation and I closed my eyes, not while I’m still here and he still has a gun Karl. Mason laughed along with him, and slowly Karl’s laugh died off. Mason aimed the gun into the back of my head and nudged my head forward slightly.
“Such a waste, just like killing David was.”
I jerked to the side as he pulled the trigger, and the bullet went through my neck into the ground in front of me. I don’t think I even screamed. I heard the Club shout just as I faded into black.
What a shit rescue.
 Finn’s heart lurched as Y/N fell forward and blood began to pool underneath her. Mason looked down at where she had been with wide eyes- no one had expected that apparently. Finn roared and stepped to the front, intending to go to Mason and rip his spine from his body.
A door behind Mason opened, and Dean Ambrose stumbled in looking dishevelled and wild- spotting Mason he grinned. Mason was oblivious, instead choosing to grin at Finn and point at Y/N on the floor. Roman was next through the door, dragging a bloody Randy Orton behind him. Roman looked over to Seth being held up by Finn and promptly dropped Orton on the floor. The two Shield members started walking over to an oblivious Mason.
Finn was barely keeping himself contained, but knowing he didn’t have any Balor right now made him practically normal. He could smell her blood from where he was stood, and saw the unsteady rise and fall of her chest- but it wouldn’t be long until she bled out on the floor. Roman tapped Mason on the shoulder and he didn’t even turn, his smile spreading as he said “Someone smell wet dog?” Roman rolled his eyes and punched the back of Mason’s neck, making him stumble forward and into the space that was the deadly area. Nothing happened. Mason grinned, there hadn’t been anything stopping them the entire time!
Finn pounced on him.
They landed on the floor and rolled, Finn straddled his waist and punched through Mason’s weak blocks- and his face quickly became bloody. Mason was laughing and encouraging him.
“You was there the whole time Finn! Why couldn’t you save her? There was nothing stopping you!”
Mason laughed, even when Finn’s right hook took a tooth from his mouth. There was nothing left of Finn, he was just a feeling. Pure anger, rage unfiltered. Nothing else was in his head, and he was panting by the time Luke and Roman dragged him from what was left of Mason. Luke spoke but Finn was still focused on Mason. Karl stepped into view, past Mason and over to Y/N. Finn blinked multiple times before their voices came ringing through “-lost so much. It’s a stretch, I can probably take some of it- just not all of it. Get everyone to the cars and bring them round- need to make a quick route to the hospital.” Understanding dawned on Finn, Karl was going to try and take the wound from Y/N’s neck- but she had lost so much blood. The fight they had to even get here was draining on them all. Apparently Mason had set traps for all of them no matter which route they took.
Mason gurgled from the floor and lifted his head to once again grin at Finn.
“He can’t reverse it all bud. I made sure of that, my magic may be limited, but my research wasn’t.”
With the final jab he laid his head back down and coughed before chuckling to himself. Finn went lax in Luke and Roman’s arms, and they set him on the floor. Karl was touching Y/N’s neck gently, and the other hand was on her bare shoulder. Finn watched as some of the neck injury healed, the wound was still deep but the blood flowing from it was significantly lessened. Karl looked pale when he let go and stumbled to his feet, shuffling over to Mason’s body before kneeling next to him. Karl spoke just loud enough for Finn to hear him “I hope you never find your mate again for this. There’s a special place for people like you.”  Karl lunged forward and wrapped his hands around Mason’s neck, not chocking but so he could feel Mason’s neck under his fingers.
Finn stared as Mason’s neck started leaking blood, the wound opening itself on the side of his neck- but not deep enough to kill him. Karl stood from Mason and wiped himself off. “It probably won’t kill him because it’s his magic, but it will still suck.” Mason gurgled in reply and Karl came across to Finn, reaching for his bloody fists and Finn moved them away from him.
At that moment, Dean Ambrose burst through the door they had first come in. Finn hadn’t even noticed The Shield leave. Gallows and Anderson walked to Y/N and picked her up gingerly whilst Finn was offered a hand by the lunatic. Finn studied Ambrose and saw the twitching was still there, making Finn feel uncomfortable, but there was no owl head so he supposed Dean was as himself as he was going to get. Finn murmured his thanks and Dean replied “Of course, Demon King.” With a slight incline of his head they both turned to the door and out to the car.
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