#but i guess i found a healthy balance because i am glad to announce i love both exo AND noblesse.
yaoiplug · 4 years
im sorry i dont make gifs anymore all my creativity is wasted on making these stupid memes
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#dont rb!!!!#i put raizel there on purpose just so none of you can relate to this#anyway the reason i went from making so many gifs to not making any at all in like ... idk has it been two weeks?#is bc i started working again basically and no longer work 2 shifts per week (still working from home doe dw)#and its kinda hard to balance it out#plus while i was in a dump and didn't want to come on here i tried to look for something to distract me...#twitter worked i found some new friends too :3#but also i started reading noblesse again after three years and idk if i will be able to#....reach any sort of productivity until im finished with it#since im currently hyper fixating on it#its kinda weird... i was never good at keeping more than one interest at once#which is why i ended up dropping out of kpop two times since i started 5 years ago 💀#(ew time)#but i guess i found a healthy balance because i am glad to announce i love both exo AND noblesse.#its an accomplishment for me...#bc im always afraid to gain interest in things bc i end up feeling guilty for not providing giving enough attention to the other part of#forgot what i was gonna say....#its too soon to say because maybe I'll get a hold of schedule soon and maybe I'll try to do something on the weekend#but im kinda used to the idea that if i dont do something for a week then I'll probably never pick it back up again#or at least not for a while...#im talking about making gifs specifically not my interest in exo or kpop#as usual my tags end up not having anything to do with the post sjjdjei#what can i say... thoughts are being thunk..#i think its good for me to rant sometimes bc i never make sense of whats going on in my head until i write it dowb#cheers :3
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wickedmilo · 3 years
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PLACE: A bookstore TIMING: Way, way back when Milo first became a vampire SUMMARY: Milo and Willow accidentally cross paths, and realise they both have the power to distract each other from their problems WRITING PARTNER: @willcwthewisp​ CONTENT WARNINGS: None
Milo couldn’t remember the last time he had unironically set foot in a bookstore. After graduating uni, it all felt a little pointless. He had books, though they were at his parents’ house, far beyond his reach now. And reading felt too trivial considering the latest developments in his life. Why would he ever need books? What could they possibly have to offer him? But this evening, against his better judgement, he had been struck by the overwhelming urge to go to a bookshop. To steal back a semblance of the normalcy belonging to his previous life. With Harsh’s constant, and unexpected support, he was feeling more in control than ever before. Though his grip on his cravings remained tenuous at best, he figured he was capable of a short visit. After impatiently waiting for the sun to set, he had hurried into town, slipping quietly through the familiar door. The bell above him rang out, announcing his arrival, and the sound caused a wave of nostalgia to wash over him. Maybe he missed this more than he thought. Once upon a time, before he had allowed himself to spiral, he would come here. His mom would find new books for him to study. His dad would nudge him away from the children’s section, towards the classics that were technically beyond his reading level. If it’s easy, then what are you learning, Milo? You need to be challenged. He could still hear his tone, the exact way he would make not being able to choose his own stories sound like a privilege rather than a frustration.  
Drifting through the various sections, taking in the new sounds, and scents he had never been able to appreciate before, it wasn’t long until he found himself standing where his parents used to encourage him to stand. They would search through the shelves, talking amongst themselves to determine which novels were best suited for their son. Even now that he had a choice, he was drawn to the books they had selected for him. Maybe it was a warped sense of loyalty, maybe he missed the simplicity of having every decision made for him. Gently running his fingers along the spine of Great Expectations, he wondered whether Charles Dickens had lived in a world of vampires, and ghosts. Certainly Edgar Allan Poe had to have known about the existence of the Supernatural. It made him want to revisit the tales, search for any hint that might indicate the world had always been this confusing. Finally pulling Great Expectations from the shelf, he turned to walk towards the seating area, completely unaware of the person walking in the opposite direction. He stumbled backwards the moment he saw them, very nearly walking into them. A sheepish grin on his face, he did what he could to hold his breath. Harsh had already warned him doing so would draw attention, but he didn’t see any other option when people got so close. “Shit- I’m sorry. I didn’t see you.” 
Willow was to the point of desperation when it came to finding the book she was looking for. For some unfathomable reason it wasn’t available anywhere that she could find online. Maybe it was simply so popular that most sellers had run out of it, but either way she’d ended up braving the trek to the bookstore after hearing they had a copy in stock. Books were one of the few ways she’d managed to stay sane in her self-appointed isolation, filling her head with stories of the outside world that she couldn’t bring herself to experience anymore. But she should have known going out into public once again was a terrible idea, and that became clear the moment she nearly collided with another being. Her eyes widened in alarm at the severity of the close call, already imagining how she could have sent the young man standing in front of her flying through multiple shelves of books.  
“Oh god-” Willow gasped as if she’d been startled at a haunted house, hand clutched to her chest as she took a few, healthy steps backwards to put some space between her and the stranger. “No, no- I didn't see you there either, I’m sorry.” Her nerves had been set on edge by the near run in, and she was doing her best to steady her breaths, trying not to think about the ten million ways this interaction could go poorly if the stranger got too close. “I was just- I wasn’t watching that carefully where I was going, I guess.” A lapse on judgement on her part. She should know better than to walk blindly when she was a walking disaster waiting to happen. 
Milo was already tense, doing his very best to hide it. But it made him feel a little better to hear the stranger’s heart pounding in her chest. Clearly he wasn’t the only person who had been caught so off guard, and clearly he wasn’t the only person so panicked by the close proximity. The relief didn’t last for very long though. Whether he wanted to admit it or not, the sound of her pulse served as an unwelcome reminder of how dry his throat felt, the new reality he was desperately trying to ignore. Before he could take a further step back, the woman had done so for him, and he watched her curiously, wondering whether she might also a reason of her own to keep her distance. “Are you okay?” He asked, genuinely concerned for her. “No- I wasn’t looking either, it was my fault as much as it was yours!” He insisted. If he had been more careful, as careful as he should be given his current situation, this wouldn’t have happened. But he was already tired of being careful. Was one evening too much to ask for? One evening of reading books in a bookstore like a regular human being? “I, uh-” He held up his copy of Great Expectations, still holding his breath between sentences as though such a desperate gesture might be able to fix all of his problems. “I was distracted too…”
“Oh- oh, I’m fine!” Willow tried to assure, not wanting the young man to think he’d startled her too badly— even if he had done just that. “Are you alright?” she asked out of politeness. He didn’t seem very shaken, but it was only in her nature to ask in return. Forcing a chuckle, she clutched the book she’d fetched to her chest, as if it could protect her. “I think we’re gonna have to either agree to disagree, or just let me take the blame.” She wasn’t particularly in the practice of letting the guilt fall on someone else when it came to situations that involved herself. “Oh, are you reading Great Expectations?” she asked as she took in the title and cover of the book. It wasn’t one of her favorites- mostly because she’d been forced to read it in highschool, but it was still a classic and staple. In her opinion, it had ghosts that weren’t really ghosts, and that was something she’d been drawn to. 
Smiling at the woman’s insistence that she really was okay, Milo allowed himself to relax as much as he dared to. It wasn’t easy, trying to find a balance. Trying to stay aware of his surroundings, while also staying aware of himself. He could only hope one day it would become a part of his routine, something he did without even needing to focus. “I am.” He answered quietly. He wasn’t sure how true that was, but he sincerely appreciated the question. “I mean, if you want to take the blame I have a track record of avoiding responsibility.” He teased, laughing quietly at the fact that he was being entirely honest now. “I’m not going to try and stop you.” Glancing down at the book in his hands, he stared at the cover for a moment too long. There were so many childhood memories connected to it that it was difficult to look away from. “I guess so.” He grinned, offering her a shrug. “My parents made me read it as a kid… I’m kind of missing the simplicity of that, you know? My biggest worry being how quickly I could get to the end of a book.” Finally tearing his gaze away and looking back up at the stranger, he realised he had yet to introduce himself. “I’m Milo, by the way… So, are you going to tell me what you’re reading? Hopefully something far less cliché.”
Part of Willow was glad that the young man hadn’t insisted on taking the blame as many people were often wont to do. Generally that just resulted in a tiring back and forth until they found some sort of compromise, or forgot what they were talking about altogether. “Perfect,” she settled the burden of blame with a chuckle, her smile still warm. “Glad we agreed on that as easily as we did.” He seemed nice despite her nearly running headlong into him. Her head tilted curiously to the side, listening closely while he spoke of his parents and books. “Oh- well that’s...sweet in a way. And it makes sense.” She could certainly relate to wishing for a simpler time, often thinking of the days she’d been able to walk free without fear of breaking someone in half via telekinesis. “Books are a good way to forget the world for a bit.” They were her favorite method of escaping behind painting. “Oh- I’m Willow,” she replied quickly, a little embarrassed that she’d forgotten to introduce herself in the first place. “I don’t think Great Expectations is necessarily cliché,” she offered politely with another little laugh before continuing on. “But mine’s called ‘Leave the World’.”
Amused by Willow apparently being grateful he was readily allowing her to take the blame, Milo realised he was genuinely beginning to enjoy her company. His smile only growing as she talked about the ease of the decision, it was refreshing not being seen as somebody argumentative, or petulant, even if the context could barely be considered serious. “It was a pleasure discussing business with you.” He replied, feigning sincerity as he caught her eye. Raising his eyebrows as she called his actions sweet, he wasn’t sure he would use that word but perhaps from an outsider’s perspective his explanation could be seen as sentimental. “Yeah, you could probably call it that.” He admitted, absentmindedly tapping his fingertips against the cover of the book still in his hands. “I don’t know… I hadn’t really thought about it. I don’t even know why I came here really, I think I might be looking for something that’s just... impossible to find, you know?” His old life, his humanity... Realising the stranger was right, his smile softened into an open, and unguarded expression. Books were a good way to escape, however briefly. And though there were no hidden doorways here allowing him to step back into the past, maybe a brief escape would enough for now. If achieving one was even possible. Maybe it needed to be enough. “Leave the World?” He couldn't say he had ever heard of it. “I don’t suppose there are any tips in there? I could use a vacation from this place.”
The younger man’s words brought a laugh to Willow’s lips, and she was grateful for the bell-like sound as she reminded herself how few and far between interactions like this had been. Sure- she’d talked to people in her self-imposed isolation, had even seen a few humans here and there, but there was nothing that could replace the actual company of another living and breathing person. “I hope I don’t have a bill coming in the mail for this business talk,” she teased back. Her shoulders relaxing another inch while she let herself slip a little further into comfort. 
The expression on her face took on a more sincere air as her head tilted curiously to the side, a gentle nod of understanding shaking it in the end. “I think...a lot of people feel that way, if we’re being honest.” And she didn’t see any reason not to be. Even ghosts were looking for something that seemed impossible to find. After all, that was why they’d stuck around in the first place. “But I also haven’t met anyone that hasn’t eventually found what they’re looking for. Sometimes you just need help, you know?” That was the job of the medium or exorcist in her mind— to extend that helping hand when someone needed it. “And sometimes the answer isn’t what we expect, but I think you’ll get there eventually.” Another chuckle shook her gently before she gave her answer. “No tips in there unless you’re looking for ways to survive and deal with the apocalypse. But if you’re looking for some ‘vacation’ books I can take you to some of my favorites?”
Milo laughed too, his eyes shining. “I wasn’t going to but now that I think about it my rent is probably due.” He teased, unable to help himself. He could hardly consider their conversation business talk, but he was enjoying it more than he would ever have expected to. Although he liked his time alone, socialising had always come naturally to him. He had no issue with talking to people, getting to know them when their paths somehow managed to cross with his own. He missed this, he missed making new friends. His smile fading somewhat as Willow became serious again, he appreciated her honesty. It made him sad to know what she was saying was probably true, but it also helped him to feel less alone. Sometimes he just needed to be reminded of that fact. “Yeah, I guess you’re right…” He murmured, knowing the sense of relief would be temporary. How long until he convinced himself otherwise? Until his own mind erased Willow’s wisdom? “It’s easy to forget sometimes, you know? Especially when your problems are so… specific.” He admitted, offering her a hesitant shrug.  
A smile tugging at his lips again, the mention of hope was comforting, regardless of the fact that everything felt pretty hopeless right about now. He was more stable than he had been, though still not used to his new life, still close enough to his old one to actively grieve for it. “You really think so?” He asked, knowing his longing would be obvious in his voice. He made no effort to hide it, too distracted by the mention of finding answers, by the sound of Willow’s heartbeat, by the book in his hands still reminding him of his childhood. “I really hope so…” Maybe she was right. Harsh was helping him now, and things were getting better. The progress was slow, but it still counted as progress. “Thank you.” His smile became more genuine as he felt a strange rush of affection for the woman he barely knew. Apparently she believed in him, apparently she was convinced one day he might actually be okay again. “Hm, I think tips on how to survive might be more useful to me than vacation books.” He was only half teasing. “But if you’d be up for the company, I’d love to see some of your favourites.” 
“Well- you’ll just have to send over the prices so I can get a look at them. My sister’s actually better with stuff like that anyway, so I’ll probably pass them on to her,” Willow chuckled. It was true though. Meg had needed to negotiate quite a few contracts along with her manager when it came to her spot as a blossoming celebrity. She’d missed this as well. Even though she’d always been a little more on the quieter side, Willow had always loved seeing a new smile wherever she could find them. Her warm expression shifted into concern another time as Milo continued to speak of his problems. She might not have the abilities to go along with being a proper medium, but she’d still been raised as one, and along with that came a compassion geared towards helping. “Well if you ever need reminding just message me, alright? I’m easy enough to find on the town forums. My full name’s Willow Finch if you want to search me, though.” Maybe she was coming on too strong when it came to being helpful, but it’d always been hard for her to draw that line. If she wanted to help, why shouldn't she make sure the other person knew it without a doubt?  
“Of course I think so,” Willow repeated with another soft smile, already happy to see the smallest flash of hope enter into Milo’s eyes. “I haven’t met a person yet that couldn’t find what they were looking for. Even if it took time. And even if it wasn’t what they were expecting.” The poor guy. She could practically feel the desperate wanting in his voice, could recognize it because she herself was on a seemingly hopeless quest for answers when it came to her own problems with telekinesis. There had to be an end...right? But a smaller voice in her mind reminded Willow that endings weren’t always happy. Nevertheless she brushed it aside, and turned to start on her way towards her favorite section of the store. “Come on- I think we can find some books that fall into both categories,” she finished with a grin over her shoulder. 
Milo continued to smile in response to the joke, leaning into the way this woman seemed able to distract him from his problems, if only for a brief moment in time. He could see she was being genuine, that she actually wanted to help, and he wasn’t used to that. Not anymore.  “I hope she doesn’t take a cut of the check?” He teased, his smile growing as she insisted she was always going to be there if he needed a reminder that all hope wasn’t lost. It was an odd thing for a stranger to offer, but given his life as of late, he didn’t feel as though his gauge on what was normal even functioned anymore. It had been permanently shattered when he woke up as an official member of the undead. Slipping his phone from his pocket, he held it out to her, encouraging her to plug her name and number into his list of contacts. “I might take you up on that, you know…” Why not? What did he have to lose by making another hesitant friend? “Willow Finch… your name has superhero vibes, has anybody ever told you that?” His eyes were shining as he was reminded of who he used to be, the kid who spent his free time split between the comic book store, and the many questionable establishments White Crest had to offer him. He was still very much that person, but nothing felt quite so simple anymore. He only wanted things to be simple.  
His smile fading when Willow insisted he would eventually find what he was looking for, some sense of peace, some way of being content with what he had become, maybe even some level of control when it came to fighting against the bloodlust continually scratching the back of his throat, he was impatient, but he was also happy just to believe that the answers were out there. He would find them, and maybe, just maybe, he would be okay. Surprised when she started to walk away from him, he faltered before hurrying to fall into step beside her, holding his breath as her movement caused the smell of her blood to permeate the air. He didn’t know what she meant by both categories, surely survival books and vacation books were on two very different ends of a spectrum. But he didn’t care, he wanted to understand, he wanted to follow her. Because, for some reason, she made him feel like there was hope, like he existed as more than some miserable outcome, and that was proving to be incredibly rare. 
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youarejesting · 4 years
Femme: 38
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Pairing: BTS - OT7 x Reader,
Rating: Mature.
Warnings: America (just kidding), talking on talk shows, mentions of periods, swearing.
Length: 1.5k words
Announcement: 700 Followers!!! That is so crazy you guys, I hope you are enjoying this story.
Recap: Pushing Namjoon to confess brings more bad than good. Jungkook returns his feelings and the two grow close. Seokjin, however, is left longing for love. And though you swore you wouldn’t interfere with matters of the heart you encouraged him to confess. He was given the love he longed for. 
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The weeks of planning your trip had passed, and the boys had all grown quite close. You had spent some very passionate evenings with them. One of your favourite experiences was the night Yoongi, Hoseok and Namjoon disciplined yourself and the maknaes. Tied with the night Jin held your hands while Namjoon and Taehyung were making love to you both. 
Landing in America, feeling extremely jet-lagged and airsick from the pressure of landing, left your ears blocked. This was causing your body to teeter off balance. Seokjin held you to his side trying to relieve the dizziness, as you all scrambled into a maxi-taxi to the hotel.
With no knowledge of how you had made it to your room, you slept through until dinner. Feeling absolutely lethargic and disgusting you realized due to the length of your siesta, you hadn’t been drinking water. The water in the taps tasted strange, almost making you gag. Chlorine. Taking your glass, Namjoon handed you a bottle from the minibar.
“This will taste better, love” he smiled kissing your temple. “Are you hungry? The boys bought some groceries, but we can also order room service if you wish” Searching the canvas bags, you found peaches. You had been dreaming about them so often you knew you wanted to have it. It was everything you wanted and more.
“Where did the boys go?” Stretching on the balcony because it was stuffy in the room, you smiled fondly at the beautiful night view. “They wanted to go explore the town and do some shopping. Will you be okay for the interviews tomorrow?”
“Yeah, I can’t believe we went from one TV interview to three TV interviews five talk shows and a radio appearance.” You sighed, once you announced that you were going to America on your Channel other companies called to schedule you.  “It is going to be a busy two days”
You all woke abnormally early due to the time differences, it was still dark outside. Deciding to start the morning by vlogging for the channel, you all spoke about your first day in America. Jiyong had called up some of his connections in order to get you a hair and makeup team. They worked wonders and you all felt like a million dollars wearing the Dragon couture made by Jiyong himself. 
Your tummy was feeling a little upset, from all the travel, strange sleep schedules, the different food and water and to top it all off your period had started thankfully quite light, what a combo. You live-streamed all the way to the venue telling everyone to tune in online to see your interviews and the talk shows afterwards. The boys were nervous, Jungkook had been mumbling to himself a small speech in English he had prepared a week earlier. 
The interviews were fun. The people were super nice and seemed to have so many questions. Taking a break for Lunch before you headed to the studio where you were meeting someone who was the 3020 Ellen. Straightening your collar, you were feeling a little nauseous with what could only be nerves. The waves of sickness seemed to fade the moment you were introduced and the crowd started clapping.
“Please put your hands together for the newest internet sensation, BTS Femme!” You lead the way, walking to the host and shaking hands. Waving to the crowd before you sat on the plush couch. The boys were all waving at the camera. Seokjin blew kisses before they were reeled in by Namjoon to sit down and behave.
They all looked so happy and you couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride for being with them. You started talking explaining the name and why you started the channel. “It was scary, I was in a different country in a different time, with people I didn’t know and I knew other Femmes must feel this way. I thought to make a Femme guide, to teach others what they might come across within the Femme program and not only to the applicants but to other Femmes out there to show that they aren’t alone and yes it is scary. But it is also beautiful.”
“How long were you frozen for?” The host smiled “A few months over a thousand years”  “What about you boys what was it like seeing, y/n for the first time?” “We had heard from the seminars that a Femme can be very wary and closed off, not to mention the dark stories on the web,” Namjoon rubbed his hands together periodically looking over the boys and the crowd “But she was so open, she didn’t shy away and tried to get to know us almost instantly. I guess we are lucky to have such an open and accepting partner.”
“Tae was the first to speak. He said one word, which at the time I didn’t know what it meant but he smiled as he said it and it made me smile. Do you remember the first thing you said to me?” “Gwiyeoun,” he said, making grabbing motions with his hands, Namjoon decided to explain for everyone.  “Ah what he says means cute or adorable, because she was so small stepping out of the big cryogenic pod” 
“So fast forward to the present, you are all engaged to be married, it is rare for Femme’s to wed all her applicants, usually they choose one or two, what made you choose all of them?” You played with your ring. “I am going to be real with you here. These boys are sweet, attentive and encouraging. We have open communication because every healthy relationship needs good communication. And for us it opened the door we could share our feelings, and those feelings happened to turn into love.”
“That’s so sweet, and can I talk about some of the special guests that you have on your vlogs? I really fell in love with the group you dub the boys next door, I hear they recently made their own name TXT which means Tomorrow by together.” “Ah our Dongsaengs, we see them as our annoying little brothers,” Yoongi spoke slowly getting cut off by Jungkook who laughed talking in Korean.
“He says that he finds them annoying but he actually really loves them” Namjoon translated and they all explained the Christmas break-in story, which you had never told the fans. Everyone was laughing.
The talk show was over and you were going to move onto the next. Making a short stop to the toilet you realized you had forgotten to bring your feminine hygiene products in your bag. You went to the stall taking out your phone. Trying to decide whether you text one of the boys to purchase some products for you. When you notice you weren’t bleeding any more. 
It had been a stressful week and you did feel a little dehydrated, it would probably return later that evening when your body relaxed in the comfort of your hotel. Not dwelling on it, you sat through another two talk shows before dinner. Dead on your feet by the time you headed back to the hotel, glad that was all for today. But tomorrow was the radio appearance where you luckily didn’t need to dress up as you wouldn’t be seen. 
“Next time we will pay the hair and makeup team for extra days, I can’t do a packed schedule again” Yoongi groaned laying face down on the bed. Seokjin was ordering room service through Namjoon and you had cuddled into Taehyung’s chest. 
Feeling something wet on your face, you stirred awake to Seokjin cleaning the makeup from your skin. You heard Yoongi swearing at Hoseok who was trying to do the same thing.
“Just let me wipe your makeup off” Hoseok was now sitting on Yoongi’s chest trying to restrain his arms and legs.  “Suck my dick!” The small mint haired male growled at Hoseok.  “I kind of hoped you could suck mine”  “You still owe me from last time” 
You sat up and headed to the bathroom.  Starting the shower you undressed slowly, leaving the door wide open, an invitation. You washed your hair and face and Taehyung, joined his eyes barely open as he began washing the products from his hair and skin. You both ended up sitting on the bottom of the shower until Jimin lured you out with the promise of hamburgers.
You were sitting at the dining table your back aching from maintaining your posture on camera. Hoseok took pity, massaging your body, moaning you leaned back against his chest. Letting his hands wander to your breasts, giving them a small squeeze, you threw his hands off crying out. 
“Why would you do that?” You accused him, he looked shocked his hands up in surrender, “that hurt!” “Jagiya I am so sorry I didn’t know”  “I’m sorry too, I get emotional around this time of the month” you excused yourself to go to bed early. 
The rest of your free time in America left you kind of miserable, after the stress of tv appearances and interviews. You had developed a cold unable to stop sneezing. Wanting to go back to your home. The idea of sleeping in the living room on the soft plush futons, cuddling your boys.
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Femme Media 38
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cleverwolfpoetry · 7 years
Psycho-pass Movie Novel Chapter 4 - Final Part
Sorry, sorry, sorry for making you wait for so long, it may take me some time but I’ve not stopped working on Psycho-pass novels at all. Two jobs and a family are not easy to handle. Anyway, here we are with the final part of chapter 4.
As always, the sentences in italics are the characters thoughts.
The line of vehicles had been arranged in a huge elevator as it was. It didn’t give the sense of being on the top of a building, that huge elevator. Large as a soccer ground, it was climbing steeply the city tower, heart of Shambala Float. When the elevator came to a stop with a loud sound, the top floors of the city tower opened up to the eye with their magnificent view. The sky gardens of Krita Yuga. A lot of green — not artificial, but real plants growing everywhere. One could tell at first sight they were real because of the taste of the refreshing air.
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In the pictures: the huge elevator and the sky gardens of Krita Yuga.
The rest after the cut…
Positioned across the large courtyard, the Chairman’s official residence was a compromise between the colonial style and a medieval palace. Got off the car, Tsunemori’s group stepped into the Chairman’s official residence. Rather than human soldiers, security drones made in Japan were overwhelmingly larger in number. Under Nicholas’ guidance, she advanced all the way to a special parlor.  
“Excuse me”
Walking through a thick door made of the best mahogany wood, she stepped firmly onto a luxury carpet.
Chuan Han, the SEAUn’s Chairman, was already sitting at the head of the table far from the entrance.
“I am Tsunemori Akane, Inspector at the Japanese Ministry of Welfare’s Public Safety Bureau”
“I am Chuan Han”
Han went to offer his hand to Tsunemori who was standing up. She answered with a rather unconvinced smile.
“Surely I didn’t think that the Chairman would have met me personally”
“The thing is that I am very interested in you”
Han sat down. Then, he invited Tsunemori to take a sit too.
A dictator, leader of the military clan — . Though she had been told so, she hadn’t realized straight away*. An intelligent elderly man, well-trained for his age and dressed in a custom-made suit that really suited him.
“Our Shambala Float. How is it? I would really like to hear your impressions as an inspector from Japan, birthplace of the Sibyl System”
“I think that even with limited machineries and materials, you’re searching for the best way. However, you still have many things left to do…”
“Ah ah ah, this is harsh”
Han laughed in a businesslike manner.
“…this time, I’ve been told I can receive your help in the international investigation?”
“The man you’re after, I heard he’s a terrorist who’s supporting the guerrilla, isn’t it?”
— the fugitive Kougami Shinya.
“…we have such a suspicion but…”
“About the measures against guerrilla in this country, I simply want to repress it. I don’t call that an investigation”
Even while laughing, Han was intimidating her with an inner glow in his eyes.
However, Tsunemori also stared back at him without flinching.
“Won’t I receive help?”
“…of course you will, you’ll receive unstinting aid. Only, the situation of this country and even its foundation are different with the ones of your country. I hope I can get your understanding at least on that”
“…I understand”
“In case you go out of this special district of Shambala and visit the key facilities, always act together with the guard that’s been arranged here”
“Together…with the guard?”
“Is it a nuisance?”
Han looked towards Nicholas,
“I’m counting on you. Treat her right”
“Leave it to me”
It had been arranged that Tsunemori would stay in the residence for foreign important guests located in a corner of Krita Yuga’s sky gardens. Despite its name of vip guest house, hers wasn’t a place where people with a status of heads of state or ministers stayed for the night, but a relatively modest sleeping quarters for the retinue. RELATIVELY MODEST* — .  And yet, it was doubtlessly the same class one could find in the suites of first category hotels. A loft structure built in a cottage-style mainly made of grained wood. She could enjoy the city view from the big windows.
The self-moving suitcase had reached the room first.
“Open case”
At Tsunemori’s words, the suitcase opened on its own.
The contents were scarce, the bare minimum. However, Tsunemori noticed a pouch she didn’t remember placing inside that case and let out a doubtful “mm?”. When she picked it up to examine it, she saw it was accompanied by a card with Karanomori Shion’s kiss mark.
On the card, the sentence “open it if you’re in trouble”.
“Geez, Shion-san…”
She appropriately took off her shoes and clothes and lied down on the bed.
Tsunemori opened the documents she had previously prepared in Japan on her portable terminal. Visual and written data got displayed one by one on the holographic monitor.
— Chuan Han. Former General of the Army. The Shogun leading the military which has fought for the hegemony on the union.  
He gained the support of Japanese Government on condition that he created a special district governed by Sibyl within SEAUn’s territory and overwhelmed the rival powers. He founded the newborn Parliament.
However, the voice opposing to the political power obtained through the military force hasn’t stopped, and the situation within the territory is unstable as ever. Even in the special district of the maritime Shambala Float, the arrangements for a strict defense are ongoing by means of a collection of unmanned weapons…
The terrorist group who entered Japan illegally…after all, I guess they are members of the antigovernment guerrilla. Han’s power base lies just in the Japanese Government’s support. The distant Sibyl System is the one supporting Shambala Float. Military drones. So, has Tōkyō become a target of retaliation terrorism…?
At that moment, the room interphone announced a visitor.
“Excuse me, may I come in?”
“Ah, yes”
A young girl dressed in modest maid clothing stepped into the room. She must have been around 14 years old, right? A healthy brown skin and lovely round eyes. She was wearing that collar showing she was a latent criminal.
“I am honored to look after you. My name is Nyan Yō. If you need anything, I’m at your service”
“I am glad to meet you too”  
“I can surely arrange your meal immediately. I don’t have to care about access restriction so, if you let me link to your portable terminal, I also shall be able to receive your order through that. Even late at night me or my coworkers will meet your requests. Besides, I was told by Nicholas-sama that in case you go out, as long as it’s a building classified as restricted or ‘the other side of the bridge’, there is no problem even if you move by yourself, Tsunemori-sama”
“I see”
“As the restriction on buying and selling of alcoholic products is going to start in a week thanks to the System’s influence, if you want to try some this is the right time. For the time being, you can control entirely the room features with the touch panel on your bedside table. If you need a holo avatar…”
“It’s a personal question so, is it right for you?”
“If I can answer…”
“This…life you’re leading at ‘Shambala’, is it happy?”
After smiling in a slight melancholic way, Yō answered.
“…of course”
“But, that collar… it must be a menace for you. In the worst case it could even take away your life*”
“If I can keep my psycho-pass stable enough I will be safe, isn’t it so?”
“…I’m sorry. Manners here are different from Japan’s, I can’t get used to it no matter what…”
“No, don’t apologize like this…”
“Does it mean that you approve a domination by means of Sibyl System? Even if it was that collar?”
“The inhabitants of this island, every one of them is really thankful to Chairman Han who introduced the Sibyl System”
“…not so long ago, there were no safe places everywhere in this country”
Night came on. The real investigation activity would have been tomorrow. Tsunemori had decided to eat dinner in the busy quarters of Dvapara Yuga lower stories. The bustling streets extended outwards from the base of the city tower. That was the place for middle class citizens with good hue and psycho-pass rather that for the wealthy class. It wasn’t as much a mess as the ‘outside’ of the city on the water but it was rather disorderly.
Tsunemori let her guard down if only just a little at the night view of the new refreshing country. Even the huge images casted by the Japan-made hologram devices had a rich exotic charm and the religious mood was quite strong. A combined atmosphere of labyrinths and a lot of towers — the lower story was like encircled by walls.   Even though it should have been a cramped space, the view of the holograms was open and distorted the sense of distance.
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She roamed absent-mindedly around the bustling streets.
What a hot country — .
The hot air of the daytime still remained on the floor surface of the mega-float. She wiped lightly the sweat formed on her forehead and entered a street with stalls all lined up. There were some stalls selling food and others selling small furniture and accessories.
Tsunemori didn’t enter a restaurant but an eatery with a cheap appearance. She mingled with the local people and ate South-eastern Asia’s typical dishes. A Vietnamese spring roll* made of shrimps and vegetables. A salad with coriander and an acidic dressing. Curry with chicken and potatoes. The curry had a taste different from the Japanese one, the red pepper paste and coconut milk had been dosed with just the right balance. Even if she was tired, that dish tasted like she could eat as much as she liked.
— this heat makes me thirsty.
The sweaty shirt was sticking to Tsunemori’s skin. As in the upper stories the air conditioning was impeccable, it was not probable that this sensation could be tasted there.
Tsunemori, who had finished her meal, bought a bottled beer at a stall. She was slightly surprised because the old man of the stall used an anachronistic unfamiliar utensil called ‘bottle opener’. There was a small park on an elevated ground that allowed to look down on the bustling streets, Tsunemori leaned against a railing there and drank directly from the bottle. A cold beer. The carbon dioxide fizzed in her throat and a refreshing taste popped inside the chest.  
May I have gotten drunk — ? Tsunemori looked at the ghosts*.
Kagari Shusei, Masaoka Tomomi, Funehara Yuki had gathered around her before she could notice it. Everyone sent to Tsunemori an affectionate glance that seemed to ask her ‘Are you well?’  ‘Are you happy?’  
If Kougami Shinya was here, things would be completely like in the past— .
(ah…that’s right)
— maybe in my subconscious I was comparing the Division 1 I had been initially assigned to with the present Division 1.
A good team. The Division 1 from the times Tsunemori was still a newbie. Even now, somewhere deep in her heart, the feeling that they were the best team at those days was still remaining. Even after the Makishima case had been solved, she couldn’t get rid of that feeling. If Kougami, Kagari or Masaoka teamed up with the present Ginoza become an enforcer, what kind of job would have they done?
“That’s not good…isn’t it?”
Unintentionally, I can’t but think about things fallen apart.
Livening up, she swallowed the remained beer.
*Though she had been told so, she hadn’t realized straight away: a little explanation of this sentence cause it may sound not clear. In Akane’s mind, Han’s interest for her doesn’t make sense. Why should a politician, leader of the country, dictator, etc., be interested in a common woman like her? At that moment, she doesn’t understand the reason and smiles unconvinced. Then Has tells her that he wanna hear her opinion about Shambala…well, there may be other reasons to be interested in her. After all he is one of the brains of Sibyl, but we can only make suppositions about it.
*RELATIVELY MODEST: I guess that after 4 chapters you already know why it’s written in capital letters. Same reason of all the other parts: in the book this sentence is written with dots above the kanjis.
*it could even take away your life: I’d like to point out this sentence in the text. Instead of using the verb 殺す (to kill), the author used the verb 命を奪うtake away your life (literally to steal your life). I like to think (but it’s just my personal thought) that it is a way to underline how Akane is always attentive to life and how she keeps it as precious, as her grandma used to say to her.
*Vietnamese spring roll: in Japanese namaharumaki (生春巻き), in Vietnamite it’s called Ram. Ram is always made from whole shell-on shrimp or chopped deshelled shrimp and some green onion, wrapped in rice paper and deep fried. Ram, like most specialty food items from central Vietnam, are not widely available in Vietnamese restaurant overseas. (from Wikipedia).
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* ghosts: the word used in the Japanese text is   幻   (まぼろし) that means both ghost/ phantom and illusion/vision/dream. Both of the meaning are really fit for the situation. 
Thanks for reading and always supporting me!!!
For more psycho-pass translations you can browse the indexes on my website.
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rudeminnesotan · 5 years
Fic #1168: Feathers and Fireballs by Na’hiel
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12050840
Status: Complete
Chapters: 47 (holy fuck! lol)
Words: 114,077
POV: Harry POV (main), Severus POV (one chapter/interlude), Voldemort POV (one chapter/interlude). 
Read on: 1/25-26/2019 (I honestly power read this in like. Less than 12 hours. Read maybe 10 chapters before work, and 37 from 8pm to 5:30am lol. ‘Twas amazing). 
Series: Harry Potter
Pairings: Harry/Regulus/Severus
Warnings: Potions Accident, Veela!Harry, Bonds, Mating Bonds, One Lime?, Character Death, Psychological, TRIGGER WARNING: Rape, non-con, chan? (Harry is 16), 
Summary: The story starts with the Battle at the Ministry. During the battle, stray spells break a vial and it slashed onto Harry. As he stumbles and falls into another shelf, another potion lands on him. He thinks nothing of it, because not long after Sirius dies and everything else that ensues. Then, on his 16th birthday, SOMETHING Happens and Harry CHANGES. The change involves screaming on his part, so Vernon comes in and yells at him... but Harry has changed. So Vernon starts to rape him. Dudley comes in and joins. Harry goes limp and blacks out. When he wakes up, he's in enough pain to know that they... succeeded... but they're gone. All that is left in the room are smoldering bones. Not even corpses, just BONES. 
Harry flees. 
He does take Hedwig with him. The streets are not kind to Harry and he gets assaulted multiple more times. He often blacks out and wakes up to bodies, skeletons, corpses around him. He wonders if maybe Wizards aren't affected, maybe it's muggles, and goes to Diagon Alley. It's a disaster. 
Harry is eventually found a Death Eater who doesn't seem to be affected at all. This person turns out to be Regulus Black who is Asexual. Before THAT was revealed, I was like, "Ugh this is just going to be a cliche fic of Harry being a tiny sub in a triad (the fic shows the pairing in the summary) and I was like. GROSS. BUT THEN REGULUS SAID HE WAS ASEXUAL AND I WAS LIKE "I'M SO GLAD I CLICKED ON THIS" and really, truly, I am. Ace (but not aro) representation! 
Eventually, they find out that Harry is a veela, somehow, and male veela are very rare and it's VERY Hard for them to control their allure. Severus is brought in because, as a natural occulmens, he is basically immune to the allure. Well, at least until Harry makes a mating bond with Severus too. It's actually quite common for Male Veela to make a mating bond with an Asexual person because they feel safe with them, as the asexual person is, well. immune to the allure and it makes them safe. 
There's an OC in the form of Christelle, a representative from the Veela court. We get some exposition from her, but it is needed. 
Harry and Regulus relationship is like fucking goals for me. They cuddle, maybe kiss a bit. There's plenty of affection but not ATTRACTION. No, that's for Severus. Regulus and Severus had actually been in a relationship years before, but Regulus couldn't be what Severus needed (probably because of the sex thing) so this is actually perfect for them: having Harry there too. I liked that. Sometimes triads seem to be just about sex, but this one seems so.... healthy and balanced. Again, goals. lol. 
My problem with the fic came when Harry developed a third bond with Voldemort. The bond is... cold. And, I mean, it's probably there because of the Horcrux more than anything. There is affection between them, I GUESS, but it's ....... Voldemort is very clinical in his relationships. He does kiss Harry at one point, but Harry doesn't like it at all. Voldemort treats Harry like a possession since he is a Horcrux. Harry is precious to Voldemort... it's just. ... eh. It doesn't seem natural, the way that Severus and Regulus came into being with Harry. 
Narcissa is in the story too, as Harry's healer (and Mind healer, hence the psychological tag. They explore therapy and how it can help). 
Overall, I really enjoyed the fic. The epilogue takes places 20 years in the future, where Harry has a 5-year-old son named Sirius (who was born through a surrogate). Harry came back into the public eye just long enough to announce his 'marriage' to Regulus, who came back from the dead (after having faked his death). Harry becomes a healer, but he doesn't have a lot of patients. He gets a new wand lol. Voldemort and Bellatrix get married and Bellatrix is pregnant. 
The Dark side has won, through Draco becoming Minister of Magic. Harry told Voldemort that "Dictatorships never work" so he changes his approach to taking over the Wizarding World. I liked how the story had a blatantly asexual, but not aromantic character. Representation is very important, and I like being represented lol. I didn't like the bond with Voldemort. That's literally my only complaint. 
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