#but i had to get this off my chest coz i was thinking about it
billfarrah · 2 years
Simon’s journey to find his own voice and autonomy in season 2 after being constantly tossed aside and silenced by the people around him is something that’s grown more powerful for me the more I’ve sat with the season over time. Yes, he’s a young teen who had his heartbroken and spends a lot of time in his feelings about that, but he consistently tries to take control over his life and his situation, and while he doesn’t always succeed and makes some bad decisions (Marcus being the #1 bad decision), he does it because he’s trying, in his way, to fight back on everything and everyone that’s done him dirty in the past. That’s why he sets the terms on his interactions with Wille, that’s why he quits the rowing team when he’s getting mistreated, despite believing he needs it to get better grades, that’s why he fights back against Jan-Olof for taking away his solo, that’s why he walks out on Wille when he realizes Wille hasn’t been honest with him about August, and that’s why he walks away from Sara when he discovers she also withheld the truth about August from him (and fell in love with him, no less).
Simon wants very much the same things that all of the other principle characters in the show want - love, acceptance, freedom - but unlike his privileged classmates (and even his own sister when she moves into the school and becomes one of them), he’s the one that’s always getting the short end of the stick and has to try so much harder to get what he wants, and we see him constantly fighting this throughout season 2. He doesn’t initially realize he’s fighting the same issue with Marcus - who is constantly controlling the pace of their relationship and talking over Simon - because he has it in his head that moving on should be good for him.
That’s why it’s so powerful when Simon pulls Wille aside before the Jubilee and tells him what he wants and what he’s willing to do to get it, and Wille stays completely silent and lets Simon have his voice (unlike Marcus who wouldn’t let Simon communicate his own reasons for ending their relationship and constantly speaking over him through their entire relationship), then immediately, through his speech, sets Simon free so that Simon will never have to be silenced due to his association with Wille ever again. Their relationship feels earned because Wille consciously works to undue the inequality he created in their relationship. Simon stays absolutely firm in his principles and is critical in Wille developing an understanding that actions have consequences for people outside of the sheltered bubble he grew up in, as his personal revenge on August satisfied him but did absolutely nothing for Simon. They may not know each other that well yet, but what they developed over the course of season 2 was a bond of deep respect and solidarity, and I’m more intrigued now to see how they continue to develop in the finale.
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norrizzandpia · 7 months
bff reader x lando where they’re at a party maybs in monaco? pool party and stuff and the night gets messy but lando and reader stays out in the pool till late,and he becomes all clingy bc it’s getting cold and he likes reader 🥹 coz i’m a sucker for bff x lando aswell as cute smutty jealous lando,idk if you’ll be able to make something out of this but thank uuuu ☺️ xoxo
I love a good best friends to lovers
His (LN4)
Summary: When a fun pool party turns into a hurtful disaster, the only good thing to come from it is two confessions.
Warnings: wandering hands 😏, y/n’s ex, slightly jealous Lando, PROTECTIVE lando, the use of “whore” (not in an attractive way) language, major fluff at the end like i was blushing at my own writing
To be honest, nobody told Y/n that her ex, David, was on the invite list. As she stood next to Max, him a rambling and blushing mess over Pietra - who was laughing with her friends in the cutest bikini across the way, Y/n tried to convince herself that her eyes were lying. There was no way in hell David was walking through the door to the backyard of whosever house Lando had dragged her to. There was no way in hell David was making eye contact with her, a sickening smile on his face as her presence greeted him. There was no way in hell David was walking toward her.
No way in hell.
Except, there was!
David’s hand squeezed the flesh of her arm as he grinned down at her, “Y/n! What’re you doing here?”
She blinked a few times, her fingers slightly denting the plastic of her cup as his sliminess seeped into her skin, “David! Lando brought me here. What about you?”
The problem with David was that he was always intimidated by Lando. Whether that was because Lando had a bigger build and had a few inches on him or because of the fact that Lando was more successful, she never could tell. However, all she knew was that one of the reasons they broke up was because of his continuous insecurity that controlled their fights over Lando. No matter how many times she reassured him or told him Lando was just a friend, David would never relent. In his mind, Lando and her were basically fucking on the side.
His eyes turned a darker shade, “Lando’s here?”
She nodded, “Yes, he got invited and had a plus one.”
David scoffed, “Oh, and you’re the plus one, I suppose.”
“Yes, she is.” Lando’s voice interrupted the conversation. His body stuck to Y/n’s side like glue, his hand around her waist, as he stared the man down. Another problem with their previous relationship - Lando and David hated each other. At first, Lando had kept an open mind to his best friend’s boyfriend, albeit he was a little standoffish, but the moment Y/n started to show up at his door - sobbing - in the middle of the night because of some bullshit David had said during a fight, Lando was immediately turned off.
Lando was always protective over the people he loved, attentive and caring to its fullest potential. But, with Y/n, there had always been an inherent need to be there for her through everything from the moment he met her. The way he was with her stood out among the rest. They could try and explain the deep connection away with certain things they shared in common, they had tried, but everybody knew.
David’s chest puffed up higher, not enough to scare Lando though, “Lando.”
Each syllable drenched in a need to exert dominance, David’s words made the McLaren Driver glance down at the girl tucked under his arm. His eyes, the ones she could always read, asked for her to trust him. She always would. She smiled back at him.
With the reassurance, Lando’s hand came to rest dangerously low on her back, “Is there anything more you need to say to my girlfriend?”
She did trust him, just didn’t expect that to come out of his mouth. Her fingers almost ripped through the cup in her hands as her firm hold continued.
David’s eyes bulged, “Girlfriend?!”
From some place deep within herself, one she had never met before, Y/n nodded feverishly, “Yeah, we got together a few months ago.”
Lando’s body leaned into her and it all began to feel… comfortable. They would never address it, but there was always some sort of unspeakable tension between them that made hangouts and interactions a bit intense and awkward, too much for people who were supposed to be the closest of friends. For once, as their hands were allowed to sit nicely on places they had been too aware of every time they touched each other, that sense of heightened uncertainty was completely gone.
Replaced was warm palms.
A soft smile plastered on Lando’s face was quickly gone the moment David laughed, “Oh, I saw this coming for ages.” His gaze, dangerous and angry, shifted to Y/n and Lando almost moved his entire body in front of her. Honestly, he wished he had as David mumbled in her direction, “Whore.”
Max, sipping on his drink off to the side, choked as he watched Lando’s entire body tense up. His arm, that was once wrapped around his “girlfriend”, very quickly came to clutch the man’s shirt, shoving him harshly.
“What’d you say?!” Lando said, right in his face as Pietra came to pull Y/n away. The two girls held hands tightly as the entire party’s attention was turned toward the spectacle that was Y/n’s ex-boyfriend and her speculated new one.
David’s face went pale, “Nothing.”
Lando pushed him away once more, slapping his chest harshly before pointing a finger in his face, “Say that about her again and I will make your life a living hell, I swear to God.”
David coughed out an apology to which Lando spit on his shoes and said, “Say it to her not me, dick.”
Her eyes caught his as he stuttered it out, pure fear etched into them - something she had never seen before. He was always eager to make her feel scared during an argument. It was weird to see him in the same position he had put her in multiple times before.
When he stumbled away, out the same door he had come from twenty minutes before, Lando stopped being concerned with the cameras around him, waltzing right up to his Y/n and holding her head in his hands. He whispered, “You good?”
She nodded, leaning into his hands as he began to lead her into the house. She knew it was his friend’s house, but she didn’t expect for him to know the complete layout of it when he brought her to the kitchen so effortlessly.
She looked around, “I’m not hungry.”
He nodded, shrugged, “I know, but I thought we could hide out in here while everyone filters out.”
Her head peeked around the corner and, sure enough, the guests who were once lingering around the pool in the back were now scurrying through the door.
Lando chuckled, “Guess David’s a downer.”
An hour later, dinner ingested and everybody gone, Y/n found herself back in the backyard. Her body laid against the concrete of the pool as she stared at the place where David had been, calling her names, an hour and a half before. It hurt to think about, wonder if that’s what he had genuinely thought of her throughout their relationship. Nobody knew that it all got to her, the comments under Lando’s posts about her being something entertaining for him and the others on Twitter talking about the same things David had muttered before, but it did. No matter how much she tried to make it seem as though she knew those claims were ridiculous, a part of her did, she had gradually begun to internalize it all, creating a deep sore spot.
Nobody knew.
Well, except for him.
Lando’s footsteps pattered against the cold ground before they begun splashing around as he submerged himself in the water. She turned around to see him, one arm hanging on to the edge of the pool while the other wadded in the water. He smiled at her as he begun swimming toward her, coming to rest skin-to-skin right next to her.
He looked on at the spot she was so infatuated with before whispering, “You know what he said was completely wrong, right?”
All she could do was nod, her voice would not be convincing. She knew that. Lando knew that and that’s why his arm creeped around her torso, holding her close.
His mouth was right next to her ear, “It’s not true, Y/n.”
There was a deep sincerity in his words that hit her heart hard, prompting her fingers to trail up his arm before clutching his shoulder. Her head turned, their faces inches apart, and she smiled, “Thank you.”
His body fell further into the water as he let go of the edge, pulling her flush against him right after. He was gentle in his touches as he guided her legs to wrap around him, continuing to hold her waist as her arms wrapped around his neck. A dark, starry sky above them illuminated the twinkle in Lando’s eye. One Y/n found hard to explain away.
He pushed the wet hair out of her face, “He didn’t know what he had.”
Her fingers traced and memorized the sharpness of his cheekbones, “Are you saying you do?”
Her question, however bold, opened their friendship up. For once, one of them was giving the other the opportunity to confess whatever had manifested throughout the time they’d spent together.
She could see it in his eyes, the hesitation and fear in moving into that space with her. Sure, they had been uncomfortable together before, but this was different. This was an opening for something that could make or break them.
This was life or death to Lando.
Though, by the way she smiled at him, he knew he would be stupid, wrong her like David had, if he continued to sweep it all under the rug, “Yes.”
Her hands stopped moving about his face, instead cradling it, “What does that mean, Lan?”
Her question made his heart stop, the moment it all came down to, “Y/n, I hated seeing you with him. I hated seeing you with all of them. I couldn’t stand to see you hanging onto someone else’s arm. It made my skin crawl. And, today, when I got to be the guy that had you under his arm, especially when I got to look your satanic ex-boyfriend in the eye and tell him you were mine, nothing felt better than that. I’ve always known what I had when it came to you. I just wish you would let me show that.”
Her hands tangled in his hair as he continued to hold her, his feet stabilizing them as he stood in the pool. She exhaled a breath, took a moment to think, before leaning closer, “I never said you couldn’t.”
Even in the cold of the night, his face warmed with a tinge of redness. He squeezed her lightly, allowing a moment of silence to pass as they looked at each other before whispering back, “It’s chilly out here.”
Her giggling warmed his body, “Lan, what does that have to do with any of this?”
His hand moved delicately up her back before resting on the nape of her neck, pulling her lips closer, “I’m thinking a kiss or two might warm us up.”
She smiled again and her thumb rubbed against his jawline, “Oh, I got it. I love that idea.”
Max and Pietra watched from the living room, hearing Lando laugh before the two were kissing in the soft light of the backyard. The couple rejoiced on the couch, jumping and down with no regard for Max and Lando’s friend yelling at them to get down. However, once he looked to see what they were screaming about, he joined them too. It felt like everyone had been waiting for this moment. The moment when Y/n and Lando realized that their friendship was never just that and the love they had for each other was never just love. It was something completely indescribable, but as long as the whispers of love they shared between kisses in that pool continued, that would feel like enough.
It sure as hell was more than enough for the smiling, blushing idiot of a Brit who was kicking himself for not telling his Y/n just how much of his she really had been all along.
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chilschuck · 4 months
Hii!!! I just discovered your blog and i have to say, dude i loooooove the way you write about Chilchuck!!! Absolutely lovely!
If your requests are open, id really like to know your thoughts on Chil intereacting/dating with a reader who's also a hafling? Maybe they're also the shortest of haflings even tho they are an adult? (T^T projecting hard coz I'm 21 and havent grown since 6th grade, literally 4'10 lmfao)
Feel free to ignore if you dont feel comfortable with this ask! Again, love all your works 😭💕
`✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ WAAAAAH ANON THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! (;;;w;;;) i was so happy to write this because my insert is also a half-foot, so this was fun to do!!! i made this super fluffy so i hope you enjoy it!! <333
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— CHILCHUCK: x half-foot reader hcs.
꒰ warnings: ꒱ none, sfw + gn!reader! suuuuper fluffy!!
꒰ wc: ꒱ 562
✦ hope this is okay anon!!! this was so fun and now i’m in such a fluffy mood. (;;;w;;;) just wanna pull him close and give him so much love, waaaaah.
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✦ Chilchuck would definitely use the height difference he has to his advantage. When you’ve been dating for a while, I like to think he’d pull you to his chest and rest his head on your shoulder, enjoying the proximity. Maybe he even rests his chin on top of your head when he’s feeling affectionate.
✦ Cuddling with this man as another half-foot is so nice. He’s going to be the big spoon most nights to feel protective, and in doing so he’s wrapping you up in that warm body of his. If you feel like spoiling him, snuggle your head into his chest as he holds you, wrapping your arms around him. He’d probably melt into the blankets.
✦ We know Chilchuck isn’t very affectionate in front of others, but I like to imagine him still pulling you close behind closed doors and burying his head into your neck after a long day. Maybe he comes home and wordlessly kisses your forehead, pulling you into him and sighing. (He’ll probably not talk about anything that happened at work, but at least he shows you he’s there!)
✦ As you’re another half-foot, dancing with him is a must! Especially after he’s had a few drinks in his system. We know from that one piece of official art that he can, in fact, dance a bit, so I can see him pulling you in as well. Any time you two can, dance with him and enjoy how big his smile is when you grab his hand that’s held out to you.
✦ I saw other people headcanon this, but imagine wearing his clothes and having them be a little baggy on you. You enjoy it a bit too much, going through his laundry and finding something of his to wear. Chilchuck will get a little red in the face at the sight of you in his shirts, but he’ll wave it off and mumble how nice you look.
✦ Leaning up to kiss his cheek and pulling him by his belt towards you will definitely get him a little flustered. We know how this man is with affection, but if it’s from you, it gets his heart beating a good bit. Decorate his face in kisses by pulling him down gently by his neckwarmer and watch as he lifts his hands up to shakily hold your waist. Sometimes he even pulls you to his lips to get what he really wants if you keep teasing him like this.
✦ Going back to cuddling, if you decide to share a bedroll with him, he’s the perfect sleeping partner. Seeing as he likes to sleep on his back, you can easily slot up against his side and rest your head against his chest. He’ll wrap an arm around you to subconsciously pull you closer in the middle of the night. (Be prepared to get super warm and toasty while sleeping now!)
✦ Chilchuck thinks your height difference is cute, but he’ll never admit it out loud. You can use it to your advantage too by walking past him and kissing his shoulder. Maybe even wrapping your arms around his waist and kissing the back of his neck. Chil will jump a bit at first, but lean into your touch, especially if you nuzzle into his shoulders. After all, you’re definitely a soft spot for him.
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— dividers by @/cafekitsune!! <33
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offside-the-lines · 4 months
Give my all to you | Nico Hischier
Summary: It's been two years since Aurora was set up on an unwanted surprise date with Nico. He's become her best friend and her son's favorite person. Aurora finds herself wondering if this truly is all she wants from him. Title inspo: Best Part by HER & Daniel Caeser
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This fic is dedicated to @wyattjohnston for her birthday bingo. Happy birthday, Demi! You are an absolute gift to this community and to my life. I hope you have the best day. Here's to 30!!! 💖 Pairing: Nico Hischier x F!OC Word count: 5.8k Bingo card tropes: match-making, single parent, FREE (friends to lovers), sworn-off love, coworkers (barely mentioned tho lol oops). Warnings: Kid fic! The kid does get injured, but he is okay! (Please let me know if I missed something) Some Swiss German words used: Schätzli (little treasure), Bärli (little bear). This fic is un-beta-ed coz I wasn't about to make you edit your own b'day fic. LOL Masterlist
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Aurora has always hated being late, even when it wasn’t her fault. It wasn’t her fault the production meeting ran late. It wasn’t her fault that there was something wrong with the subway line she needed to take. It wasn’t her fault that her bag strap decided to snap, spilling its contents onto the busy 8th Avenue sidewalk halfway through her approximately twenty-block walk. She had texted Nicole to let her know she was running late; she didn’t have the wherewithal to consider how strange it was that she never got a response. 
By the time she had gotten to the restaurant, she was sweating and looking forward to a cold drink. Which is why she was even more annoyed when she couldn’t find Nicole in the restaurant. It was garnering her strange looks from the maitre d’ who had told her there was no reservation under either of their names. 
Aurora checked the location twice before stepping back onto the street and pressing ‘call’ on her phone. It was a precarious balancing act, with her bag grasped to her chest.
There was no response.
As she pressed ‘call’ again, her eyes caught sight of Nico Hischier. A pit was beginning to form in her stomach as she began to realize what was happening.
No response.
At that moment, Nico looked up and caught her eye. His smile and wave all but confirmed her suspicions.
She quickly typed out a message as she ventured back inside.
To Nicole 💁🏼‍♀️: nicole laud, what the fuck have you done. if this is what i think it is, im going to fucking kill you.
“Hi, Aurora!” Nico smiled; it was endearing, the way it dimpled his cheeks and crinkled his eyes. He stood up to give her a hug and pulled the chair out for her.
“Nico,” she said, “It’s nice to see you! Although I’m a little caught off-guard, I’m not gonna lie.”
He scrunched his brows. “Oh? What do you mean?”
“Nicole didn’t tell you?” She paused, examining his confused expression, and sighed. “She didn’t tell you.”
“Tell me what?”
“Look, Nico, I don’t know what Nicole told you to get you to come here, but this is not that. I thought I was meeting her for dinner, but it seems this has been some sort of setup. I’m really sorry if that’s not what you were expecting. Especially after waiting for me, which, I hope she at least did you the courtesy of passing along the message that I was running late?”
“She did,” Nico said.
“Well, at least there’s that,” she sighed, “I know you’re a great guy and everything, but I’m really not looking to date. At all. I mean, even if I was, I don’t date coworkers. I’m really sorry. She shouldn’t’ve done this. We can just call this a night if you want.”
Nico let a brief flicker of disappointment cross his face before schooling his expression into a soft smile. “Well, I mean, we’re already here, and you look like you might need a drink and some food. We can just have dinner as friends. Or colleagues if that’s what you prefer. I don’t mind either way. It’s up to you.”
Her stomach rumbled, reminding her of just how long it had been since she’d last eaten.
“Yeah, okay,” she said, “I’m pretty hungry, and I was really looking forward to the gnocchi.”
Despite the way the evening started, Aurora admits she had a good time. Nico was easy to talk to: open, attentive, and responsive. Maybe it was just the bottle of wine they shared, but it was rare for her to get as comfortable with someone so quickly as she did with Nico. How quickly they were both willing to share the deeply personal stories they usually kept to themselves.
Nico talked about what it was like to leave his family and move to a new country as a teenager. He shared stories of his siblings and his childhood in Switzerland. He confided in Aurora about the pressures and joys of being named an NHL captain so young.
Something about Nico made her feel safe enough to share her life story. It was rare for her to talk about her son with someone who was practically a stranger. But she found herself telling Nico about the ex-boyfriend who broke her heart at the age of 20, disappearing when she was in the third trimester of her pregnancy. 
Nico indulged her by asking her question after question about Theo; admittedly, it’s always her favorite topic of conversation. Nico seemed genuine when he mentioned that he looked forward to meeting him, even going as far as offering to take her son skating for the first time. It was a nice thought, but she didn’t think he would follow through on it.
The time passed quickly, and soon, her phone alarm was alerting her that it was time to relieve the babysitter. 
“Ah, shit,” Aurora said, “I need to get going.”
“No problem. Do you need a ride?” Nico asked, smiling warmly.
“No, it’s okay. Should we get the check?”
“Don’t worry about it,” Nico said, shaking his head, “I got this.”
“Come on,” she prodded.
“No, no. I feel bad; you were absolutely ambushed today. It’s the least I could do.”
The earnestness on his face made her pause, eventually relenting. “Okay, fine. Thank you.”
“No problem! I’m serious, though. I would really like to be friends. And I would love to take Theo skating.” He took out his phone and handed it over. “Here, type in your number, and we’ll figure out a time to make it happen.”
“Okay,” she said. She felt warm and bubbly; his smile settled her for some reason.
Later that night, after she had gotten home and checked in on her son, she responded to the two unread messages on her phone.
From [Unknown number]: It’s Nico! Lemme know if you got home okay! When do you wanna do skating? To Nico 😈: home! weekends are usually a good bet for us. especially before the reg season starts. From Nico 😈: How’s next Sunday? Maybe after practice. I can reserve some ice time at the rink.
From Nicole 💁🏼‍♀️: he thinks you’re cute! you should give it a shot. he’s a really good guy. To Nicole 💁🏼‍♀️: i know you were trying to help, but that was kinda fucked. he IS a great guy, and i think we WILL be good friends. but i’m still really pissed that you ambushed me like that. From Nicole 💁🏼‍♀️: i’m sorry. i didn’t think it through. To Nicole 💁🏼‍♀️: it’s okay. just don’t do it again.
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[two years later]
Aurora watches as Nico chases Theo around the rink; with all the time he spends on the ice with Nico, he’s getting so good. As they skate past, Nico slows to send her a smile. She waves back.
She hears someone sit down in the seat next to her, and she doesn’t need to even turn to check who.
“Teddy’s getting good,” Nicole says.
“Yeah, he is.” Her gaze never leaves the boys going round and round the ice.
“Must be all the help he’s getting from our dearest Captain,” she laughs.
“What do you mean?”
“Oh, you know.” She knocks her shoulder into Aurora’s. “First overall. Captain of the NHL team. Not everyone gets dedicated skating lessons from someone like that.”
Aurora doesn’t respond to that, but she does let her eyes drift over the other players on the ice: Curtis with his kids, Erik with his kids, Brendan with his kids… She swallows the lump in her throat. 
“When are you and Jesp gonna have kids?” she asks.
“Shut up,” Nicole laughs, “You’re deflecting.”
“Deflecting from what?”
“Fine, we can talk about something else,” Nicole sighs. “When are you going to start dating again?”
“Oh my god, I can’t believe we have to go over this again. I don’t want to date. At all.”
“Oh, come on,” she whines, “Teddy’s seven already. It’s time. When was the last time you even got laid?”
Aurora doesn’t respond, focusing on the squeals of laughter and the scraping of blades on ice.
“Rory, I just want you to be happy,” Nicole continues gently.
“I am happy. I’ve got a great kid who I love,” she grinds out, “I just want to focus on him. He’s enough.”
“I know, Rory. Of course, he is, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t want more.”
“Well, I don’t,” she pouts. She knows it doesn’t come off nearly as resolute as she intends it to.
“I don’t believe you,” Nicole says; she sounds so sure. “You’re a romantic, Rory. You’re always reading those books and watching the shows and movies.”
When Aurora doesn’t respond, she sighs, adding, “When are you going to stop punishing yourself? And don’t say that you’re not. I know you still beat yourself up about it. You’re a great mom, Aurora. You can still be a great mom while dating.”
They let the silence linger.
“I don’t want to introduce new people into Theo’s life. I don’t want to have to explain to him why these men come and go from our lives,” she responds finally.
“Things don’t have to happen like that, you know?”
“Like what?”
“New guys coming and going.”
“What do you mean?”
“It doesn’t have to be someone new at all,” Nicole says carefully.
Aurora finally tears her eyes away from the rink and finds Nicole’s eyes boring into her own. “What the fuck does that mean?”
“Oh, come on, Aurora,” she says, rolling her eyes, “Be so fucking for real right now.”
Aurora just keeps glaring at her.
“Okay, fine, be like that,” Nicole huffs. “Be honest, how much time do you two spend with Nico? Like, every day when he’s not on a road trip, right? Nico’s down as his second emergency contact at school. He was a new guy at one point, but he sure isn’t going anywhere.”
“Nico’s different,” Aurora says, grinding her teeth together as she turns back towards the ice. 
Her eyes immediately find Nico; he’s leaning over the bench so casually, so easily, as he helps Theo with his water bottle. When he looks up, his gaze locks with hers as if he knows exactly where to look. He smiles, and she can see his dimples even from here. She feels herself smiling back. A laugh bubbles in the column of her throat when he turns back to stick his tongue out at her son.
Nicole snorts. “Yeah, he’s different, alright.”
“Yeah,” Aurora sighs, not at all picking up on the subtext. “He is. Not every guy is like him. God, I don’t even know if there are any guys like him.”
Nicole hums, “Uh-huh. So, why won’t you date Nico?”
Aurora’s head whips around so fast she has to blink at her friend for a second.
“Nico’s a really good friend. That’s it. And that’s all it will ever be,” she bites out.
“You know, he agreed to go on that date with—” She cuts herself off when she sees Aurora’s glare. “Okay, I know we don’t talk about it, but just hear me out. He wanted to go on that date with you. He’s into you.”
“Yeah, he was,” Aurora says, shaking her head. “That’s before he knew I had a full kid who I am responsible for 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. No one wants to walk into that situation. Someone like Nico definitely doesn’t want—”
“I’m gonna cut you off right there,” Nicole says. “Nico literally has lunch with you at work most days he’s here. He takes Teddy skating as much as he can. He goes with you two to museums, or zoo, or whatever, almost every week. He helps you make dinner and watches kid shows like Paw Patrol. Like, I just don’t understand why you refuse to see this, but he’s all in, Rory.”
Aurora feels her throat tighten and tries to cool the heat in her cheeks.
“Yeah, as I said. Nico’s a great person. He’s probably the best person I know. But he’s a 25-year-old NHL player. He doesn’t even date ‘cause he wants to focus on his career. He certainly doesn’t want to be tied down to a family already.”
“Oh my god,” Nicole laughs humorlessly, “Like, serious! Do you hear yourself?”
Aurora just keeps glaring back at her.
Nicole shakes her head. “You know, he used to date, right? Or, at least, hook up. Jesper says he hasn’t seen Nico pick up in well over a year. What do you think that’s about? You got an excuse for that, too?”
And for once, she doesn’t know how to respond. She didn’t know that. She has always assumed that he didn’t pick up when she was around, so she can let loose a little without having to worry about Theo too much, knowing that Nico has her back. She has always assumed that he hooked up on the road. And she doesn’t know what to do with this information.
Luckily, she doesn’t need to, as a loud thump makes her jump.
Theo’s banging on the glass in front of her with the biggest grin on his face. Nico leans against the glass a few feet over, beaming at him.
“Hi, mama!” he yells, “Nicki’s teaching me how to use my edges better when I skate backward. See?” 
He grins so wide before he puts his hands in front of him, tongue poking out of the side of his mouth, as he begins to wiggle. Aurora admits she has no idea what she’s looking for, but she smiles and cheers all the same. Her eyes flit over to Nico, and he’s tapping his stick; she recognizes the proud look on his face.
She looks away quickly, only to catch Theo losing an edge and falling to the ice. It makes her breath catch every time. Nico raps his knuckles on the glass twice before skating over to check on him. By the time he gets there, Theo’s already back on his feet, doing little hops.
She watches as Nico bends down to talk with him. They skate another lap before heading towards the exit together. She watches as Theo hops up onto the bench, and Nico kneels down to unlace his skates for him. She doesn’t know what they are chatting about, but Theo’s being especially animated.
Aurora is startled when she hears Jesper behind her; she has forgotten Nicole’s there.
“You ready to go, älskling?” he says, bending down to give her a kiss before sending Aurora a smile. “Hi, Rory.”
“Yep!” Nicole stands up, her hands sliding easily into his. She smiles at Aurora. “See ya later, yeah? Think about what I said?”
“No,” she laughs, sticking her tongue out like her son does, “Bye, you blond assholes.”
She watches Nico and Theo go down the tunnel together. Theo’s holding Nico’s hand despite telling her that holding hers was embarrassing; she tries not to be a little hurt by that. She sighs and makes her way over to the locker room. 
It doesn’t take long for them to emerge, still sweaty. Theo can’t shower at the rink, so Nico usually also skips the shower so she doesn’t have to wait. Theo chats excitedly on the way to the car. Aurora and Theo had moved into Nico’s apartment building, a few floors down, not long after they had met, so they will carpool occasionally. Those days are always Theo’s favorite.
They hit traffic on the way back, and Theo’s questions and musings gradually fade out until he passes out in the back seat. Nico and Aurora sit in companionable silence for the rest of the drive, both happy to let the kid sleep.
It does mean that Theo is cranky when he is awakened from his nap, refusing to walk and then refusing to let go of Nico to let him shower in his own apartment. She sends him an apologetic look, but he just smiles and shrugs as he carries her son back to their apartment, Theo’s cheek resting on Nico’s shoulder as he blinks at his mom lazily.
She makes dinner as the boys shower, singing and dancing along to a playlist they have been adding to for two years. She feels, more than hears, Nico returning to the kitchen, his hand on her hip, a warm presence at her back, as he watches her stir the creamy chicken pasta. He steals bites off the spatula every now and then, laughing at her mock horror.
Theo has lost all the energy he was filled with only a few hours prior, and it makes dinner a battle. She feels guilty about the way Nico bargains with him to eat the vegetable. She should be able to get Theo to eat his dinner without help, and she knows she absolutely could do it, but it’s nice to have the help. 
Besides, Theo wasn’t in the mood to listen to anything she had to say, always looking to Nico for guidance instead. Asking Nico for his bedtime story when the time came for it.
She’s not jealous, anything but. It fills her heart with warmth to see her son so smitten with her best friend. But that doesn’t stop the ache that fills her chest: this could’ve been Theo with his father. He should be getting this with his father. And it’s her fault he isn’t. Every day, Theo grows a little bit more as a person, and while it’s bittersweet, she always wonders if he would be different if he had a dad. If her mistakes are holding him back.
Aurora is startled out of her thoughts when she hears her son’s voice get progressively louder and more upset. She rushed into his room.
“Why not?” Theo whines, his voice wet with tears and his bottom lip trembling.
“Bärli, I—” Nico says, voice wavering and raw. When he turns towards her, he looks white as a sheet, his eyes darting back and forth between Aurora and her son. 
“What happened?” she hisses at him as he stands up to give her space on the bed.
“I—I really don’t know. He asked—Never mind, not important right now,” he whispers, nodding at Theo, who is now bawling. 
She rushes to her son’s side and pulls him into her arms, shushing him. She presses soft kisses to his forehead and just holds him until his sobbing subsides. Eventually, he tires himself out enough, hiccuping occasionally as his eyes drift close and his body grows heavy. Once she’s sure he’s asleep, she slips out of the room.
Nico is leaning against the wall in the hallway, worrying at his lip. His head snaps up as soon as he hears her exit the room. She pulls him out of the hallway and into the kitchen, the furthest place from her son’s bedroom.
“What the fuck happened in there?” she whispers.
Nico presses the palms of his hands to his eyes. “He asked me—Fuck—He asked me if I was his dad. Obviously, I said no. And then he got really upset, and I don’t know why. I have no idea what happened.”
“What do you mean he asked—How did that even come up?”
“I don’t know,” Nico sighs, finally looking at her. His brows are pinched tight, dark strands of hair falling like a curtain around wet eyes. “He was saying something about the kids at school all having dads. And then he asked me if I had a dad. And then he just asked me, ‘Are you my dad?’ And then he kept asking me why not. Like, ‘Why don’t you wanna be my dad?’ What the fuck am I supposed to say to that, Aurora?” His voice breaking at the end.
She feels the claws of panic dig into her chest, sharp pain in her sternum as her head spins. Technically, it’s not the first time he’s asked that. He used to ask about ‘dads’ a lot when he was a toddler; before he really understood what the word ‘dad’ meant. He hadn’t brought it up in years so she had assumed he was over it.
“Fuck,” she breathes.
“Rory, stop. Don’t apologize.” He pauses and takes a deep breath. He runs his fingers through his beard, a nervous tick she has seen enough times to set her on edge. “When are you going to tell him, Aurora? He deserves to know.”
She clenches her jaw. This is not the first time they’ve talked about this.
“We’ve talked about this, Nico,” she says.
“I know we have, but you’re being selfish, Rory. You should’ve seen his face. He thinks no one wants him.”
Aurora’s heart clenches, the panic spreading through her whole body. She feels the sweat prickling at her back, her neck, her forehead; it makes her itchy all over.
Nico is still talking. “He doesn’t understand why everyone else he knows has two parents, and he doesn’t. He thinks I don’t want him. And I can’t—”
“You can’t what, Nico? Because you don’t have to do anything. You’re right. He’s not your son. What I do or do not tell him is none of your business. You can think I’m selfish, you can think I’m a bad mother, you can think whatever you like. It was none of your business then. It’s none of your business now. It won’t be your business ever,” Aurora hisses, her chest heaving as she rants.
The silence hangs between them, thick and stifling.
“I don’t think I can keep doing this,” Nico says, voice so small and so raw.
And if she felt hot before, she doesn’t anymore; the words feel ice cold in her ears. She’s plunged into freezing water, falling through pristine ice into a frozen lake. Her fingers feel numb where the nails dig into her palms. 
“Can’t keep doing what, Nico?” her voice sounds foreign even to her own ears.
He doesn’t answer.
“Can’t keep doing what?” she says, louder, “because I didn’t ask you to do anything, be anything. Don’t worry; you’re under no obligation to be anything to him. So, if you can’t put up with this anymore, then just leave. I won’t be upset. I won’t be anything at all. Because you’re right, you—”
“Schätzli, stop,” he interrupts firmly, “that’s not what I said.” He reaches for her, but she shrugs him off.
“Maybe. Maybe not. But I heard what you meant. I’m fucking up his life, right? Fucked up my own, practically was a teen mom. But that’s not enough. I’m not enough for him.” She doesn’t even register the tears streaming down her face.
“Schätzli—Aurora, please. You know that’s not what I meant,” Nico says, and he might be crying too. His hand keeps coming up, reaching for her, before going back to hanging limply by his side.
“You don’t get to tell me how to parent my son, Nico. You don’t get to tell me that I’m fucking it up.” The words spill out of her mouth, and she has no control over it anymore. Through the tears, she can’t even see his face anymore, can’t see the heartbreak in those brown eyes she loves so much. “You don’t get to say this shit, Nico. Because you’re not his dad. You’re not his anything.”
She hears what may be a sob, but she can’t tell if it’s coming from her own mouth.
“Schätzli,” he whispers, “You don’t mean that.”
“It’s the truth, isn’t it?” she says, wiping her eyes. 
“Aurora, please, come on. You know that’s not true. You can’t say that after the past—” He takes a breath. “I know this is hard for you. But I’m trying to be here for you. To be what you need.”
“What are you trying to say,” she whispers.
“You have to know I would be anything you asked me to be. You can’t possibly not know that by now.” 
“I’ve never asked you to be anything. To me. Or to him. And if you can’t understand that we don’t need anything from you, then you should just leave,” she says through clenched teeth.
“Schätzli,” he pleads.
“Please just—just go.”
“Aurora, I want to be there for you. Both of you. I love Theo. I love—”
“Don’t,” she warns.
Nico sighs. “It’s always been fine that you don’t want me like that. I don’t care about that. It’s fine. But this… This makes me feel kinda fucking used, Aurora. This makes me feel like you think I’m nothing to you. No one. And that’s—Fuck—You need to decide what you want.”
“I’m asking you to leave,” she says through gritted teeth.
“Okay. Fine, I hear you. God, I’m so—” He stops himself, tipping his head back to stare at the ceiling for a moment before continuing, “Fuck. Yeah. Okay. I’ll go. I’m leaving.”
Aurora doesn’t respond; she just keeps looking at the floor until he finally sighs and walks out of her apartment. When the door clicks shut, she slides down the wall and sobs into her hands.
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The next few days pass excruciatingly slowly. It’s the longest Nico and Aurora have gone without talking in the two years they’ve known each other. He opens the text thread with Aurora countless times: typing and deleting, typing and deleting, before giving up. Every time he steps into the apartment building’s elevator, he stares at the button for her floor, but he never presses it.
Nico finds himself checking his phone so often that the boys have begun to notice and chirp him for it. He has never had a problem with focus before, always pouring himself into hockey when things go awry. It’s usually the one thing that keeps him centered, but for the past few days, it always feels as if his skates are too tight, the edges too dull, or his stick too short. 
It all grinds to a halt when he sees the missed calls, voicemails, and texts from Aurora after an unsuccessful pre-game nap.
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It’s Saturday, and Aurora’s exhausted. She can’t remember the last time a week has gone so poorly. For the past few days, it’s felt like everything in her life has been moved one foot to the left: out of place and disorienting. She has been lying awake at night thinking about Nico, playing their conversation over and over again in her head, pouring over the past two years. Every morning, she wakes up feeling more tired than the day before.
Theo’s not been much better. He has been grumpy and whiny. It seems like nothing she does can cheer him up. He asks her at least ten times a day about Nico: where he has been, what he is up to, if we can call him, and when we will see him next. It has been tearing her up inside that she doesn’t have an answer for Theo.
She has only known Nico for two years, and, between away games and the summers, it’s not like they are together every day. She shouldn’t feel his absence so acutely, but she does. She finds herself looking at the empty chair at her dining table and his empty spot on the couch; she feels the ghost of Nico so acutely. It hurts like a phantom limb, a gaping hole in her life, and she doesn’t know what to do about it.
Aurora thinks she’s holding it together until she isn’t.
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When it happens, she doesn’t think anything of it. It’s hockey. She’s seen Theo fall during hockey countless times. It looks like any other fall until Theo starts crying, still lying on the ice, clutching his hand. And it’s as if the entire universe focuses in on that one point.
She doesn’t remember getting up from her seat and running down to the bench. She doesn’t remember the conversation with the U8 coach. She doesn’t remember the walk to the car, clutching him so tightly to her chest, despite the fact that he is far too heavy for her to carry now. 
She’s trying to calm herself down enough to drive to the hospital, head on the steering wheel, gasping for air, when she hears her son speak up.
“Mama,” Theo says, voice wet and wavering.
“Yes, baby?” she manages to respond.
“Mama, it’s okay. I’m going to be okay. Nico always tells me, when I’m sad or hurt, to take deep breaths. I think you might need to take some deep breaths, Mama,” he says between quiet sobs.
It makes her chest feel cracked open and raw; it takes everything in her body to tamp down the sob that threatens to spill out.
“When did you get so grown up?” she says, her voice sounding thin and reedy.
“Mama, I’m 7. Nico says I’m a big boy now.”
Aurora swallows around the tightness in her throat and tries to take three deep breaths before starting the drive to the hospital. 
The panic only subsides long enough to get them to the hospital. By the time they receive the X-ray results, she can hardly process what they are saying. The words “broken arm” and “no surgery” ring loudly in her ears. 
Somewhere in her consciousness, she knows she calls Nico. She knows it’s a game day, knows his routine. But some part of her hoped hearing his voice would make things alright, even just a little bit. She calls a few times, pushing down the disappointment when he doesn't answer. It’s a game day. She knows the routine.
She is sitting in the waiting room, staring at her hands clutched tightly in her lap, when she hears Nico’s voice call her name. 
She blinks and feels a pair of warm hands envelop hers.
“Hey,” Nico says, kneeling in front of her. “Hey, Schätzli, it’s okay. You’re okay. I got you.”
She deflates like a balloon, tilting forward to tuck her face in his neck as sobs wrack her body. His solid arms envelop her, hands rubbing her back. He keeps murmuring in her ear, a combination of English and Swiss German. She has no idea how long they stay like that, but eventually, she feels the terror and panic begin to subside.
“Nico,” she says softly, “what are you doing here?”
“You called,” he says as if it was the simplest thing in the world. He squeezes her hands.
“Oh god, Nico. Don’t you have a game? What are you doing here? You shouldn’t—”
“Rory, it’s okay. I called out. I told Coach that an emergency came up. I wanted to make sure I was here for you if you needed it.”
“You’re skipping the game? For us?” She swallows down a sob. "For me?”
“Yes, Schätzli. Of course, I did.” He reaches a hand up and tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “Is Theo okay?”
“Yeah,” she hiccups, “he’ll be okay. He broke his arm. And they’re just setting it and putting in a cast to make sure it heals right.”
“I’m so sorry, Schätzli.” 
His hand cradles her face gently, wiping at the tears as they fall. There is a long stretch of silence as she leans into his hand.
“How did you get in here? This is the family waiting room,” she asks.
Nico blushes and turns away, mumbling something.
“Sorry, what?”
“I told them I was his dad,” Nico mumbles, rambling, “I didn’t mean to—It’s just, they weren’t letting me in. They said it was family only. So I had to tell them that. I’m sorry; I totally overstepped. I didn’t mean to. I get it if you’re mad—”
Aurora reaches out a finger and presses it to his lips. He stops abruptly, eyes wide.
“It’s okay, Nico. I’m not upset,” she says. She takes a deep breath, and with sudden clarity, she asks, “Is that something you might want to be one day?”
“What?” he squeaks.
“Theo’s dad.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, God, I hope I’m not reading this wrong. But—Well, earlier this week, you said I needed to decide what I wanted. And I just kept thinking about that conversation and how unfair I was to you—to us—by totally underplaying the past two years. ‘Cause they’ve been two of the best years.
“Theo loves you. I love you. You are the second most important person in my life, and I’m sorry it took this mess of a week to realize that,” she sighs. “I don’t know what I’ve been so afraid of. Or what I was waiting for. But it’s so clear to me now that you have been there the whole time. You never asked or expected anything of me. And maybe I was taking advantage of that while hiding behind my past.
“I know I can raise Theo alone; I know I can do it. But I don’t want to do it alone anymore. I don’t want to do it alone if I could have you by my side instead. And, oh God,” she says, her eyes darting frantically across his face, “I really hope I’m not misreading things. Nicole keeps saying that you—I feel like I’m being—”
In an instant, his lips are on hers, warm and soft and insistent. She closes her eyes and lets herself melt into his embrace. The kiss is chaste, but it feels like everything finally snaps back into place. 
“God, Aurora. Schätzli. I would be whoever you want me to be. Whatever you’re ready for. I’ll be here. I’ve known that since the first time we met, Liebling.”
“God, Nico,” she says breathily, “I want everything.”
“Okay,” he smiles, “Everything it is. We can take it as slow as you’d like.”
“Haven’t we wasted enough time?”
He laughs, dimples appearing on his cheeks. “Fuck, I love you, Aurora.”
“I love you too, Nico,” she smiles.
They share a few chaste kisses. And they wait, Aurora wrapped in his steadying embrace, until the doctor finally comes to tell them that Theo is in a recovery room and is doing great.
When they walk into the room together, Theo immediately spots Nico and his eyes light up.
“Nico! You’re here!” he yells.
“Yeah, of course I am,” Nico says warmly, walking across the room to pull Theo into a tight hug.
“Where have you been? I’ve missed you.”
“Yeah, Bärli. I’m sorry.” He runs his fingers through Theo’s messy hair and smiles. “I’m here now. And I promise, I’m not going anywhere.”
He looks up, eyes meeting Aurora’s, and he smiles. And she never doubts for a second that he means it.
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cowboybeepboop · 1 month
Can you write something with Javi and Tyler with reader? Maybe like a 3some if you write those. I don't have a plot but I love how your writing them huge fan of yours!
A/n: Hi! Thank you for the request (and ofc your compliment) 😣🙏 I just don’t write threesomes so this is like a “choose your own adventure” type thing if that makes any sense at all. I really don’t know what I'm doing. I just thought this would be an interesting way to work this request while staying in my comfort zone.
Pairing: Tyler Owens x fem! reader x Javi Rivera
Warnings: 🚫 NOT A THREESOME 🚫 and a little bit of awkward fighting
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You and Tyler Owens are the top tornado chasers in the country, each with a reputation that precedes them. You’re known for your methodical, data-driven approach, while Tyler is famous for his daring, instinctual chases. Your rivalry is legendary—every storm season, you find yourselves competing to capture the most intense footage and data, often ending up in the same storm, glaring at each other from across the swirling chaos.
Despite your professional rivalry, there’s an undeniable spark between you. Your banter is sharp and filled with double meanings, your competition fueled as much by mutual respect as it is by the desire to outdo each other. Friends and fellow chasers joke that the tension between the pair of you could power a storm all on its own.
Your team pulls into the motel that Tyler and his team are also staying at. You hop out of the passenger seat stretching as you leave the truck. Tyler, leaning against the side of his truck, notices you stretching from across the parking lot. His eyes roam over your form with more than a hint of appreciation, before he pushes himself off the vehicle and saunters over to you.
"Look who it is," he drawls, his voice laced with a familiar smirk. "You just can't stay away, can you?" Crossing your arms over your chest you give him a playful glare.
“And how am I supposed to stay away when this is the only motel in the area?” You walk past him brushing his arm with your shoulder. Tyler falls into step beside you as you make your way towards the motel entrance. He glances down at the spot where your shoulder brushed against his arm, his gaze a little darker than usual.
"Oh, so you're just here for convenience, huh?" He teases, his smirk never leaving his face. "Here I was thinking you just couldn't resist the opportunity to see me again."
”What would make you think that cowboy?” Your lips curve into a smile as you turn on your heel, looking up at him sweetly. Tyler chuckles, his arms crossing over his chest as he grins down at you. His eyes roam over your face, slowly taking in every feature.
"You know I could list countless reasons, darlin'," he drawls, his voice dripping with a southern twang. "But they'd all just boil down to one simple truth – you can't resist my charm."
”Charm?” You giggle, “I wouldn’t call you charming.” You turn once again, getting the key to your room from the front desk.
”No? Then what would you call me?” Tyler's smirk only grows wider as you turn away, his gaze locked on you as you retrieve the keys. He follows you to your room, his broad shoulders filling the hallway, making it feel far more crowded than it truly was.
"Coz let me tell you, sweetheart" he murmurs, stepping so close that his chest is nearly pressed against your back "Charm seems like the right word to me." Unlocking your door you swing it open, standing in the doorway.
”I’m thinking something more along the lines of arrogant,” your voice laced with amusement. “Yes, arrogance is the perfect way to describe you,” your playful smile widens.
Tyler laughs, his hand braced against the door frame as he leans into the door to loom over you. “Arrogant, huh?” He echoes, raising an eyebrow. “I like to think of it as confidence. I know what I’m about.”
He reaches out, his fingers trailing a path down your arm, leaving a trail of heat in their wake. “Besides, darlin’, you've never had a problem with my arrogance before. Seems more like you're trying to rile me up...”
You look up at him, your eyes landing on his lips. “Why would I want that?” You put a hand on his chest. Leaning toward him you stand on your tippy toes, “What would I get out of trying to rile you up, cowboy?” You murmur against his ear.
A shiver runs down Tyler's spine as your breath fans over his skin. His heart rate increases, his broad chest rising and falling rapidly. He swallows hard, trying to maintain his cool facade, but the heat in his eyes gives him away.
"I can think of a few things, sweetheart," he murmurs, his voice thick with barely concealed lust. He grips your hip, pulling you closer, his fingers digging into your flesh.
“Yeah?” You run a finger over his jaw, “So are you gonna keep playing games or will you come inside and do something about it?” Your eyes darkened by desire as you look up at him. Tyler's self-control snaps with your words.
With a low growl, he pushes you back into the room, closing the door behind him with a slam. He pins you against the door, trapping you between the hard wood and his hard body.
He towers over you, his hands planted on either side of your head, caging you in. His gaze rakes over you, his eyes dark with a mix of desire and barely suppressed need.
"You're playing a dangerous game here, darlin'," he warns, his voice rough. "But I never back down from a challenge." Your arms wrap around his arms pulling his face close to yours you hover your lips over his.
”Are you sure about that, Owens?” Tyler's eyes lock onto your lips, his breath hitching at the closeness.
"Absolutely sure," he murmurs, his breath fanning over your skin. "And don't call me 'Owens' in that voice. It drives me crazy, damn it." he murmurs before crashing his lips against yours.
The kiss is fierce and possessive, his tongue demanding entrance as his hands snake around your waist, pulling you impossibly closer. Your arms pull him closer as you let his tongue in your mouth.
He breaks the kiss to gasp for breath, his forehead resting against yours. "You really enjoy pushing me, don't you?" He pants, his chest heaving.
”Of course I do, Owens.” You smirk, he growls lowly, his eyes narrowing at the use of his last name.
"You're walking a thin line, sweetheart." he warns as his hands slide lower down your waist, his fingers gripping your hips almost to the point of pain. "Keep it up and I'll have to put you in your place." His lips brush against your ear, his warm breath sending shivers down your spine.
”Is that so?” You push his chest away from you, moving past him and hopping onto the bed. “I’d like to see you try,” your smirk grows as you slip your shirt off, tossing it to the side of the room.
Tyler's eyes widen at the sight, drinking in every bit of flesh revealed with hungry eyes. His jaw clenches as his fists clench, resisting the primal urge to pounce on you right then and there.
With a low, frustrated groan, he takes a step forward. "You just can't help yourself, can you?" he mutters, his gaze glued to your body.
He stops at the edge of the bed, his eyes roaming over your form, his breathing ragged. "You're playing with fire, sweetheart. I hope you're prepared for the burn." You pull him to you by the loops of his jeans, your hands sliding up his shirt.
Tyler lets you pull him closer, a low groan escaping his lips as your hands make contact with his skin. The touch of your fingers against his bare flesh sends shivers down his spine.
"You're going to be the death of me," he gasps out, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he tries to maintain control.
But the sight of you, half-naked in front of him, threatens to break his restraint. Lifting up the fabric of his worn shirt, you motion for him to pull it off as your lips trail kisses over his abs.
Tyler obeys your order without hesitation, quickly pulling the shirt over his head and tossing it aside. He looks down at you as you kiss his abs, his breathing becoming more ragged with each touch of your lips against his skin.
His hands tangle in your hair, holding your head against his stomach, silently encouraging you to continue. A loud knock interrupts you, “Hey Y/N are you in there?” Javi’s voice rings through the air.
“Yeah, just a moment,” you respond, shoving Tyler toward the closet. “Hide, don’t make a sound.” You warn, your voice a quiet demand. Tyler's eyes widen in surprise, but he obeys your command without question. He slips into the closet and shuts the door softly behind him, just enough for him to peek out.
He watches you through the crack in the closet door as you respond to your friend, a mix of annoyance and amusement playing across his face. You open the door completely forgetting about your missing shirt.
Javi glances towards the closet, only to see... nothing, his eyes widen slightly as he grins, "Aha! You got a man over don't you." He chuckles, leaning against the doorway.
He gives you a nod, "He's in there right?" Javi continues, his tone turning to a more questioning one. He eyes the door that was in front of the closet before turning his head towards you. His face now is a mix of both confusion and amusement.
”No,” you laugh stiffly blocking him from moving toward the closet door. Javi takes one last glance at the door before turning his attention back to you, giving you a teasing smile.
"Alright, alright, I believe you." His eyes dart back to your exposed chest for a brief moment. You cross your arms over your chest as he takes a step toward you.
Javi notices you become a bit more defensive, a smile plays on his lips, "What's the matter? Aren't we good friends?" He leans in, kicking the door shut, his tone turning seductive as he eyes you with a small smirk on his lips.
”We are,” you draw out as he steps closer to you.
Javi continues to step closer to you, his smirk becoming more apparent the closer he gets, “Then what’s wrong?” He begins to lean down slightly, almost as if he’s planning to steal a kiss from you.
A flush creeps up your neck as Javi brushes a stray hair out of your eyes. Javi leans in, his smile still prominent as his hands reach around your waist, his lips gently pressing against yours, but only for a split second. His eyes gaze back into yours before he pulls away.
Your eyes widen as he pulls away, your breath hitching as you hear Tyler clear his throat, stepping out of the closet. He steps into the room and makes eye contact with Javi, raising an eyebrow as he eyes you both.
“What the hell are you doing, Javi?” Tyler's voice is filled with rage as he balls his fist.
Javi raises an eyebrow, a grin appearing on his lips, "What? Is my girl not allowed to get kisses from me?" Javi crosses his arms, looking from you to Tyler as if he's daring him to continue.
"Your girl?" Tyler crosses the room, getting right up to Javi as he looks him in the eyes, "Since when did you own my girl?" You step between the two of them.
“Okay boys, let's be civil,” you glance between them sighing as you try to think of what to do next.
"Civil?" Tyler’s face scowls as he looks back at you, "He kisses you and you're asking for civil?" His eyes look at you intently as he puts his fists on his waist.
Javi crosses his arms, glaring at Tyler. "Alright, listen," he holds up a finger, "One, she's not yours, get that in your head," his eyes now only focus on Tyler, his brows furrowed, "Two, you're lucky it was just a kiss and not something a lot more"
Tyler's now right next to you, looking at Javi with a look of pure anger in his eyes, "You have some nerve," he continues to clench his fist as his temper rises, "Thinking you can kiss my girl then threaten me, you’re lucky I don't beat your ass."
Javi grins, a hint of madness in his eyes. He looks Tyler in the eyes, "What are you gonna do about it?" His eyebrows furrow, "Cause I sure as hell have no problem taking a swing at you."
”Boys, seriously stop it,” you say sternly, narrowing your eyes at them.
a/n: this is like the choose your own adventure part of this idek, but this is the Javi version if you’re interested in his over Tylers idrk.
“Javi, just go okay?” You push Tyler away from Javi as you try to calm the situation. “We’ll talk in the morning. We can just talk in the morning.”
Javi gives a nod, looking from you to Tyler. He rolls his shoulders, "Fine," he walks towards the door before turning back to look at you, "We have a lot to talk about."
“I know,” you sigh as he leaves, slamming the door behind him. Tyler stands in silence for several long moments after Javi leaves, his chest heaving with anger and jealousy. He turns to you, his jaw clenched tight, his eyes burning with barely concealed possessiveness.
"What in the hell was that?" he growls, his voice dripping with venom. "He just barged in here, kissing you, and you just... let him?" Your hand goes to his arm as you look up at him.
“Ty, I didn’t know what to do, it was completely out of nowhere,” your eyes scan his face, your eyebrows furrowing as you try to read his expression. Tyler's jaw clenches tighter at your touch, his body rigid with tension. He takes a step closer to you, his eyes boring into yours.
"What do you mean you didn't know what to do? You should have pushed him away, told him to back off,” he grits out. “You’re supposed to be mine, damn it!" You flinch softly, taking a step away from him.
“Tyler.. I didn’t…” your voice trails off as you drop your hand from his arm. Tyler's heart clenches at the sight of your flinch, his hand immediately reaching out to grab your wrist, preventing you from backing away from him.
"Hey, hey," he says, his voice a little softer, "I just... I didn’t like seeing him paw all over you like that, especially since he had no right to." He steps closer, his free hand reaching out to gently lift your chin, forcing you to look at him.
”I know, I should’ve done something..” a sigh leaves your lips as you set your hand on his waist squeezing his bare skin softly.
Tyler's tension eases slightly at your touch, the feel of your fingers on his bare skin sending a shiver down his spine. He lets out a breath he didn't realize he was holding, his body relaxing a bit.
"You should've," he agrees, his voice still a little gruffer than normal. "But I understand... it was unexpected, I get it." He lets go of your wrist, his hand coming to rest on your hip, pulling you closer to him.
You press your cheek to his chest, wrapping your arms around him, hugging him tight. Tyler's arms wrap around you, holding you against him, his hands running up and down your back in slow, soothing motions.
He buries his face in your hair, inhaling deeply as he tries to calm himself down. "I just... I can't stand seeing him put his hands on you that way,” he murmurs, his voice muffled as he talks into your hair.
”Maybe you can talk some sense into him tomorrow,” you mumble against his skin, “but.. can we not let that ruin what we have going on?” Tyler's hands still on your back, his fingers pressing into your skin. He leans his head against yours, his breath fanning your ear.
“Yeah.. yeah, I’ll talk to him tomorrow, I’ll knock some sense into him, make sure he keeps his hands to himself from now on,” he mutters, his voice still holding a hint of anger.
But then his tone softens, and he pulls away slightly to look down at you, a small smirk tugging at his lips. "But you’re right, we shouldn’t let him ruin our night, right?"
“Mhm,” you press a kiss onto his shoulder moving your hands up his back, onto his shoulder blades. Tyler’s eyes flutter shut at your kiss, a soft hum escaping his lips as you press yourself against him. He lets his hands wander up your sides, his fingers brushing over your bare skin.
He shivers at your touch, his mind quickly turning from anger to desire. He turns his head to your ear, his breath hot against your skin as he speaks. “You’re so damn distracting…” he mutters, his hands gripping your hips just a little tighter.
”A good distraction,” you murmur in between kisses “I hope…” your hands slide down his back as you press your chest against his.
“A very good distraction,” he agrees, his voice low and gravelly. His hands slide lower down your hips, his fingers digging into the soft flesh of your thighs. He sucks in a breath as you press yourself against him, his body reacting instantly to the feel of your bare chest against his.
“You're making it real hard to think straight right now,” he groans, his eyes slowly raking over your body. You smirk and crouch leaving a trail of kisses down his body as you lower yourself onto your knees in front of him.
Tyler watches you with darkened eyes, a low groan escaping his lips as he watches your lips travel down his body. His hands reach out to tangle in your hair, his fingers gripping the strands tightly as he watches you move lower and lower.
“You’re playing a dangerous game, sweetheart,” he grits out, his voice strained, his body already reacting to what he knows is about to happen.
You look up at him through your lashes, a mischievous glint in your eyes. "I know exactly what I'm doing, Tyler," you murmur, your voice sultry and filled with promise. Your hands make quick work of his belt buckle, unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans. Tyler's breath hitches as you free him from his confines, his eyes never leaving yours.
You wrap your hand around him, stroking gently, watching as his pupils dilate with need. His fingers tighten in your hair, guiding you closer as you lean in, your lips parting to take him in your mouth.
His hips jerk at the contact, a groan escaping his lips as you begin to suck and lick with a practiced skill that leaves him trembling. His eyes fall shut, his head tilting back, as he gives in to the pleasure you're giving him.
You continue to suck him off with a fierce dedication, your mouth moving in a rhythm that leaves him gasping for air. Tyler's eyes fly open, locking onto yours, the intensity of your gaze sending a bolt of electricity through him.
His hips rock into your mouth, the pressure building as you swirl your tongue around the tip of his cock. His grip on your hair tightens, guiding you faster and deeper, his breathing growing erratic.
You can feel him swell in your mouth, his muscles tensing as he nears the edge. You don't relent, taking him as deep as you can, your other hand cupping his balls, gently massaging them as you suck.
His legs wobble, and a string of curses fall from his lips as he finally releases, the warmth of his cum filling your mouth. You swallow it all, not breaking eye contact as you slowly pull away, leaving him panting and thoroughly satisfied.
With a fiery hunger in his eyes, Tyler pulls you to your feet, his grip on your arms firm yet gentle. In one swift motion, he lifts you off the ground and tosses you onto the bed, the mattress bouncing beneath your weight.
His movements are swift and deliberate, fueled by the passion that's been building between you for what feels like an eternity. You giggle in surprise, your cheeks flushed with excitement as he crawls over you, his eyes never leaving yours.
He pins your wrists above your head, his strong thighs straddling your waist, and captures your mouth in a demanding kiss that leaves you gasping for air. His tongue tangles with yours, tasting the remnants of his own desire on your lips as his hips grind against yours, the friction sending waves of pleasure through both of you.
His kisses turn into nips and licks as he trails his way down your neck, his teeth grazing your skin, leaving a path of goosebumps in their wake. You arch into him, your body responding to his touch like it's been starved for it.
With a growl of pure need, Tyler releases your wrists, he takes in the sight of your heaving chest with a hunger that makes your pulse race. His thumbs hook into the fabric of your bra, pulling the material down to expose your nipples. He takes one into his mouth, suckling it hard as he plays with the other with his thumb and forefinger.
You moan, arching your back as pleasure spikes through you. He kisses a trail down your body, his mouth watering at the thought of feeling more of you. He reaches your jeans, his hands deftly unbuttoning and unzipping them before sliding them down your legs, along with your panties.
His eyes darken as he takes in the sight of your wetness, a testament to how much you want him. He lines himself up with your entrance, the anticipation almost too much to handle. With one powerful thrust, he enters you, filling you completely, eliciting a gasp from your lips.
His strokes are deep and rhythmic, hitting that spot that makes your eyes roll back in your head. Your legs wrap around his waist, urging him closer as you meet each thrust with equal fervor. The electricity in the air is palpable as you move together in a dance of passion and desire.
He fucks you with desperation and hunger, his hips pounding into yours, each thrust punctuating the unspoken words of need and longing that hang in the air between you. Your nails dig into his back as you try to keep up with the ferocity of his movements, your breaths coming in short, sharp gasps.
Your bodies are slick with sweat, sticking together as if trying to become one. Tyler’s eyes never leave yours, his gaze a mixture of fierce possession and blazing desire. He’s claiming you in this moment, marking you as his own in the most primal way possible, and you can’t help but feel the same need to claim him back.
The tension in the room is thick, the tumultuous passion unfolding on the bed. Each stroke feels like a declaration of war, a battle of wills, but one that you’re both eager to lose in the sweet surrender of climax.
As your bodies reach their peak together, Tyler's hips stutter to a stop, his cock pulsing deep within you. You tighten your legs around his waist, your muscles clenching around him, as you both let out a symphony of moans and gasps.
The tension breaks, and in the aftermath, Tyler collapses on top of you, his weight pressing you into the mattress. His breaths are hot and ragged against your neck, his chest heaving with exertion. Without breaking the intimate connection, he shifts slightly, his mouth finding your skin once more.
He sucks hard, leaving a dark hickey in the crook of your neck, a brand of his ownership that sends a shiver down your spine. You arch into his touch, the sting of his teeth mixing with the sweet ache of your release. His hands roam over your body, possessive and tender, as he marks you with more bruises of passion.
Finally, he pulls back, his eyes locking onto yours, the heat between you still smoldering. "Damn, darlin'," he whispers, his voice hoarse with need. "You're mine." Your heart swells at his words, the intensity of the moment etching itself into your soul. You stroke his cheek, smiling softly. "Always have been, Tyler." You murmur, your voice filled with a quiet satisfaction.
He grins, his eyes sparkling with mischief as he rolls off of you, pulling you into his arms. You both lay there, tangled in the sheets and each other, finally at peace in the eye of the tempest that is your rivalry and desire.
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woso-lover234 · 6 months
Ausenal + Leah Williamson x (platonic) reader- jacket
“Caity no. I'm not cold" you whined as Caitlin held up your jacket infront of you
"you are but you just can't feel it because of the adrenaline running trhough your body and the fact that you played 105 minutes of soccer" she said as you shook your head
"no I promise I'm not!" You exclaimed as this time she shook her head aswell as sending you a disapproving look
"Y/n you grew up in Darwin. You struggle with a normal Australian winter what makes you think your gonna be fine in London?" She asked as you just shrugged
"Exactly now cmon put your jacket on before you freeze" she said holding it out to you again as you shook your head stubbornly and she sighed
"I wanna play with Kyra" you stated as you crossed your arms over your chest
"You can once you put your jacket on, cmon the quicker you do this the quicker you can go annoy Kyra" she stated and you gasped and held your hand to your heart in offense
"I'm not annoying!" You exclaimed and she shrugged
"Many people would disagree with that statement" she said and you rolled your eyes and crossed your arms again
"If this is your way of making me put on my jacket it's not working" you said and turned your head away from her
"You sure coz your looking a bit cold" Caitlin said
"how?" You threw your arms up before slapping them at your legs
"Well you had your arms crossed, that's what people do when they're cold" she explained and you shook your head
"they also do it when they're angry!" you exclaimed about to cross your arms but thinking better of it and keeping them at your sides "better?" You asked and sighed when she shook her head. you then moved your arms out to the sides and just when you did that you felt a jacket being slipped onto your body  you were slightly confused though since Caitlin still held your jacket. Caitlin then stepped forward and zipped it up following that by tapping your shoulders
"Better" she said with a smile while you had a pout as she kissed your forehead and spun you by your shoulders to see a smirking Katie as you scoffed
"You’re meant to be on my side" you exclaimed as Caitlin handed Katie your jacket as you had hers
"I usually would but I can't let my partner in crime freeze to death can I? I'd be a crap partner then" she said and you sighed again and let out a tiny I guess.
You went on Katie's back getting carried around the pitch and waving to fans, sometimes stopping to sign things or take photos with fans. You hated to admit it but your legs were starting to get really cold since they weren't wrapped up in your jacket like the rest of your body and the temperature difference made it worse .
"my legs are cold" you complained and you could see Caitlin smirk and share a look with Katie "and before you say anything putting on my jacket earlier wouldn't of helped!" You added quickly before the two could say anything as Caitlin held her hands up in defense. Katie walked around for a little bit longer before it became too much and you slipped off Katie's back onto the grass, sat down with your knees to your chest and Katie's big puffer pulled over your legs as your cheek laid on your right knee. Caitlin and Katie stopped walking and came over to check on you but when they realised you were content to just sit there and warm up a bit they left you with a kiss on the forehead from each of them, a ruffle of your hair and a 'call out to us if you need us' before you were alone again were you quickly drifted off to sleep even with the crowd screaming to try get the attention of their favourite players.
When the rest of the team had started making their way to the changing rooms and Caitlin, Katie, Steph, Kyra, Alessia and Leah noticed you still hadn't moved from your spot Leah waved the others off and decided to go get you herself. She slotted herself on your right side and was surprised to see you asleep, in the middle of the pitch with the fans screaming but then she remembered it was you; the girl who could sleep anywhere. She started gently rubbing your arms and back to gently wake you up from your slumber and when she noticed you waking up more she started caressing your cheeks and attempting to warm them up slightly with her hands.
"Hey kiddo, you’re awake" she said when she saw your eyes open and your hands lift to wipe the sleep from them
"Hey Le" you said as you leant into her which she welcomed and guided your head to her shoulder while you woke up properly
"I heard about the jacket shenanigans" she said and you sighed
"I was cold" you said and Leah looked at you to continue "when cait first asked" you continued and Leah seemed to grasp what you were trying to tell her now
"Why didn't you want it?" She asked gently while rubbing your left arm while you looked towards the ground and were you could see your boots poking out from under your jacket
"I did but for some reason, in my head, I didn't want to do what she said" you shook your head "or i didn't want her to be right, for some reason my brain made me think she was trying to prove a point by making me put it on because she knew I was cold or something" you shook your head again "but my heart knew she was just doing what was best for me because she loves me but my brain overpowered my heart so I just didn't want it" you explained and Leah nodded in understanding
"You're right she was just doing what she knew she needed to do to keep you safe and healthy and she would do that bend if you're being stubborn because she loves you. It's fine to feel like that, you know, sometimes our brain is tired and it isn't thinking logically and it makes haste decisions like that and that's fine" she placed her hand on your knee as you finally looked up at her
"So they'll still want me?" You asked with teary eyes since you were a little bit scared of the answer as you were still tired and everything seemed more exaggerated then normal
"Are you kidding they would never get rid of you! Kyra maybe. But not you!" She joked as you let out a laugh and hugged her
"Thanks Le, love you" you said into her jacket as she rubbed your hooded head
"That's okay, love you too" she said pulling away, kissing your forehead before standing up and pulling you up "cmon we gotta go inside" she said but you stayed rooted in place
"my legs are still cold Le" you whined while looking up at her like a pouting child. It was moments like these that Leah remembered that you were still only young. she just laughed before unzipping her jacket and pulling you into another hug before she zipped her jacket back up
"That better?" She asked and you nodded against her
"Much better" you said dozing off to sleep against her
"hey no sleeping this is cuddle time" she joked but could tell that she was already loosing you so she hoisted you into her arms which seemed to wake you up a bit more
"le your knee" you said looking at her with worry and trying to get out of her arms
"my knees fine" she said but you shook your head "I promise" she said looking you in the eyes as you finally nodded and leaned you head against her shoulder and into her neck where she could feel little puffs of air hitting her skin from your breathing.
When she made it back to the locker room everyone cooed at you as you lay sleeping in Leah's arms and took lots of photos and videos of you with or sweet captions. Leah made a mental note to bring up the conversation the two of you had with Caitlin, Katie and Steph but for now she was fine with the attention she was gaining due to you. Unbeknownst to you and Leah your interaction on the pitch had already been posted on multiple social media platforms and fans were awwing over how gentle and kind Leah had been and how genuine your relationship was with the older girls in the team and the stony faced captain.
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zirconika · 2 months
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This chapter is part of a two-part fic entitled 'Chivalry is Dead.' Click the link to view the series masterlist!
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PAIRING: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader WORDS: 5.8k SUMMARY: You’re smitten with the archer you meet at the quarry who doesn’t believe in romance, vowing to make him yours, but it eventually becomes frustrating when he’s never clear with what he wants. WARNINGS: fluff. angst with comfort, then angst with no comfort. reader is very flirty with daryl.  SETTING: the quarry, the farm, and the prison
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Prim and proper, clean-shaven, wears an authentic watch, bothers to use cufflinks, gets a neat haircut often, works in corporate…
You liked your men worthy of an introduction to your family. The kind of guy who you could, with no shame, flaunt to your family. A guy who would do well in the role of a sweet, loving husband and father in the comfort of the suburban home you built together.
Shame that they’re pretty hard to come by lately, not to mention that it doesn’t even matter anymore—
“…Y’know what I mean?” you rambled to the archer who had a permanent scowl itched on his face. Unbeknownst to you thanks to your drunken stupor, he’d been listening to you going off about your type.
He watched as you held an almost empty bottle of alcohol pressed to your chest, your eyes manning the space around you as if you were talking to a crowd of people. Much to your luck, the rest of the people had eventually retreated to their own tents, leaving you to the company of this — sorta cute — redneck.
“Like, where do you think I could even get them these days?” you laughed, your eyes going back to him. “But then, like, y’know, it doesn’t even matter ‘coz I got my family killed! And I didn’t even do anything, I just ran like a fucking coward.”
Daryl decided an hour and a half ago that he’d up and go off to somewhere else, maybe to hunt. But he couldn’t bring himself to leave in concern for the drunk woman beside him who’d sooner or later become another hunter’s prey. Maybe even the undead’s.
Pain in ‘ma ass, he’d thought to himself while watching you with a scowl as he sank back down to the log in front of the campfire. 
“I could use a bar of chocolate, but… This is the closest thing.” You made to gulp down more of the alcohol, but he reached out to snag it away from your hands. You yelled at the archer. “What are you—!”
“‘Yer a fuckin’ idiot,” he spat, setting the bottle aside. Daryl met your bewildered gaze, and he was certain you wouldn’t even remember it the next day. “Ain’t no reason blamin’ yourself for somethin’ ya couldn’t prevent. And ‘yer worried about all the wrong things, too! I’s out there huntin’ and I couldn’t care less ‘bout what kind’a girl I’d snag, I actually worried ‘bout somethin’ that matters! Like the fuck the camp’s gonna eat, which one of us would those stinking geeks get next and—!”
Daryl zipped his mouth shut for a good moment, realizing he’d said too much. Oh, fuck. He was thinking of ways to save this. He didn’t have an inkling on how to comfort a girl, much less a drunk and crying one. Your eyes turned glassy, your face contorting to…
“Pfft!” you laughed, further confusing the archer before you. He watched as you leaned backward, laughing. It was sort of a relief to watch and to hear; some great change of scenery to what he’d grown accustomed to seeing on the daily. “Y’know the” — you hiccuped — “funny thing about the guys I used to date? They ended up screwin’ some other pretty girl looking for the same guy as me. See, I cracked the code!”
You blinked a couple of times. Daryl remained silent. You couldn’t help but giggle as you leaned closer to the archer, and he couldn’t help but feel a surge of warmth in his chest as you came closer, your nose closing in on a couple of inches away from his. 
A buzzing sensation crawled from your chest to your cheeks, warming your face up as you felt something begging to be unleashed from within you—a confession, perhaps?
He got a good whiff of the alcohol from your dry lips as you opened your mouth to speak. “I should’ve been looking for someone like you!”
Daryl felt heat rush to his cheeks. He wondered if that was a good thing or a bad thing: Good because you considered him worthy of being chosen or bad because that would mean he was the opposite of everything you thought was ideal in a partner?
Why did it matter to him?
You leaned closer. “Better yet, I think that you’re—”
The warmth he could feel inside of his chest was now outside too, pouring on the surface of his shirt with alcohol and bile mixing in the humid air of the night.
“Fucking hell!” he cursed in a whisper as your body slumped forward, passing out asleep on his lap. Daryl would have done the same as you if somebody told him that that night was the beginning of an epic love story.
The following days went by like a blur, with Daryl’s suspicion that you recalled everything dissolving into the relief that maybe you really had no idea what happened that night. You acted normal the day after that brilliant occasion, save for groggy eyes that lasted the entire day as well as a visible temper. 
You paid him no mind the entire time, but he assumed you were just embarrassed for confrontation. However, the entire week passed and you made no comment whatsoever about what transpired. 
His eyes always lingered on you a second longer than he’d intend to in an attempt to get a glimpse of embarrassment. He’d been meaning to tease you about it as revenge, but… Looks like you’ve forgotten. He probably should, too.
This very relief went away when you volunteered to come along with him to hunt for food. “I’m coming along, you should teach me how to use your crossbow,” you said, dagger in hand.
He wanted to argue, but worried he’d say something that would trigger your memory, he only nudged his nose up as a nod. 
The entire walk in the woods would have been a painful silence if not for the rustling of leaves in the trees and the subtle whistle of the wind.
You watched the broad shouldered archer before you made his way with calculated steps, even while you couldn't yet pinpoint a target. “Well, aren’t you stealthy?” 
Daryl spared a glare your way. “Why’d ya go huntin’ anyway? And with a blunt knife at that—are ya and idiot or somethin’?”
“‘Cause I was thinking maybe you should teach me your weapon of choice.” You looked at him as if he said something mad. “Didn’t I just say that, like, two minutes ago?”
He noticed that you said ‘should’ instead of ‘could.’
“Let me get this straight,” the archer started, halting, and you knew a scowl would greet you before he even faced you. “Ya went into the woods to hunt, but ya don’t even have a clue how?”
“Oh, honey, I didn’t say I needed you to teach me how to hunt. Didn’t even say I was gonna hunt.” You stepped closer to him. You noticed he took a subtle step back, and you couldn’t help but grin. Could it be that this rugged gentleman is nervous? “I said I wanted you to teach me how to use your crossbow.”
He cleared his throat, pulling back his armor of a scowl matched with an anger that was certainly uncalled for. “Oh, yeah? It’s fuckin’ stupid of ya to think I go around grantin’ everybody’s requests! And I ain’t gonna just stand here and take this, hunt by yourself.”
Daryl turned around, a casual swagger to his walk. You had to smirk at his back, knowing what he’d do next once you hit him with your first ammunition: intel. “I know something you stood for and took like a champ.”
The archer froze. 
“Thanks, by the way. And sorry you had to deal with that!” you exclaimed. “See, between the two of us, I’m not the stupid one. You could’ve used that against me, but you didn’t. And that just made me more interested in you—like, wow! You’re a lot more of a gentleman than you think you are.”
Oh, Daryl was pissed. Why were you the one making fun of him when it’s you who should’ve been abashed by what happened? “You remembered all along and ya didn’t say sorry?”
“I just did,” you said blankly.
Daryl faced you, shaking his head in a stubborn way. “Nah, ‘ya didn’t.”
“Yeah, I did. I said ‘sorry you had to deal with that.’”
He scoffed. “Doesn’t count.”
“Does too!” you spat back, this time grinning at the archer. You couldn’t help but laugh at his growing frown. “Come on, if you could take that with dignity, surely a crossbow lesson with Coach Daryl can’t be that bad.”
“Why do ya even want one? Thought ya said it wasn’t practical, righ’?” he asked, recalling all the times you called his weapon all kinds of things when you were drunk: “It’s way too heavy and takes up arm space! Can’t fit it in a pocket! It looks like a toy!”
You laughed out loud from his poor attempts at imitating you. Daryl felt the slightest tinge of embarrassment. He wanted to cup his own cheeks to make sure he wasn’t imagining the heat in there, worried he’d gone red. And if he did, he hoped you’d mistake it for the effect of the Georgia sun.
“Yeah, I did say that,” you said as-a-matter-of-factly.
Daryl raised a brow. “So why want it?”
You stepped forward again, taunting him. “Because I have a thing for the guy giving the lessons.”
The warmth that paid him a visit that one fateful night made its presence clearer, this time from the burrows of his chest. What the fuck was wrong with him? 
“I ain’t interested,” he said. Daryl was all things, but not a liar. This time, though, he might just be one.
Although he was looking down at you, he felt as if he was the one being challenged from above. He gulped. 
This time, you raised a brow at him. “Oh, you’re not into girls?”
“I’m kidding. Y’know I thought the same, maybe you weren’t interested in me.”
Daryl shrugged, composing himself in an attempt to restore the dynamic he had in his head where he could be in a position where he could intimidate you. He couldn’t. “Yeah, ‘cause I ain’t.”
You continued to ramble on. “I was thinking, hey, maybe this guy doesn’t have any feelings for me!”
He put his hands on his hips, challenging you. But you weren’t quick to back down from a fight. “‘Cause I don’t.”
“Right,” you mused. “Didn’t you bring me a warm cup of tea the day after to help with my hangover?”
He watched you with question, but he worried you’d see the static coming from his chest and spreading to his arms. “Yeah, that woman Carol asked me to.”
“Huh,” you scoffed with a smile, ready for the look on his face to come and indicate your victory. “Funny. I was ready to ignore what happened, think of your kindness as nothing but kindness. But see, I came by sweet Carol’s tent to thank her but imagine my surprise when she said ‘What tea’?”
He had no answer to that. Usually, Daryl was a man who could think on his feet. Heck, you expected him to have some brilliant excuse. He was a hunter, after all. It was natural of him to think quickly.
You licked your lips, staring at his with that smirk of yours he wanted so badly to wipe off. “I’m gonna court you, Daryl Dixon. And you’re gonna say yes.”
The archer grunted, swinging his beloved weapon across his shoulder, shaking his head in denial. “I ain’t ever sayin’ yes to anything.”
“Sure, not today, not tomorrow, but a little push and I know I can get to you.”
Daryl spit somewhere on the dead soil surrounding you as he walked off to the trees. “Nah, never.”
As he disappeared into the forest, you couldn’t help but grin, feeling confident. You saw that moment of weakness. Somehow, some part of you knew it would happen. “Never say never, Daryl Dixon!”
You saw his middle finger raised just before he disappeared further, and you couldn’t help but laugh. Game on, archer.
It went on like that for a while. Daryl said he hated it, that ‘allat romance crap’s worth nothin.’ Still, those little slip-ups in his expressions and gait let you know that there was an opening there somewhere. 
He did start teaching you how to use his crossbow, and the first time you were able to shoot a deer with it, you felt as if his silence was born from both his shock and the fact that he was possibly impressed. 
“I can feel your boner from here, Dixon,” you smirked as you carried his crossbow with you as you began to walk over to your successful capture.
“Shuddup,” he said in response. He wouldn’t admit it, but he was definitely thrown off by how he was feeling watching you walking with his weapon. 
“Help me with this,” you said, grabbing the animal by its hind legs. “Carry the deer so the gang could see how kickass I look with your crossbow. No wonder you like it, it makes me feel sexy.”
When you faced the archer, you raised a brow. He’d been staring and out of focus longer than he intended to be, not that he did. You smirk at this.
“You’re starting to like me,” you said, pointing at him with an accusatory finger. “You were staring.”
“Nuh uh,” he said, composing himself as he hurried to haul the animal over his shoulder. 
“Is it the crossbow? ‘Cause I get it. I look at you with it and I think, ‘Oh, now that’s a man.’” You adjust the crossbow on your shoulder as Daryl watches you with confusion and… Maybe admiration? “I’m gonna do an experiment. This is hot.”
You move the crossbow to your hands, extending it outwards, posing for him with a slouch. “Not hot.”
You kept going on; hot with the crossbow, not hot for the crossbow. Until Daryl stopped you.
“Yer wastin’ time, yours and mine, when yer hot either way.” Daryl froze. So did you. His eyes widened, his cheeks redder than ever. “Not hot. Either way. Hey, I—!”
“You think I’m hot! You said I—!” you exclaim. Daryl clasped his clean hand over your mouth, pushing you against the tree. 
“They’re gonna hear ya.”
No walker came by. You could hear nothing but Daryl’s breath and yours, at least until he dropped his hand.
On the walk back to camp, you were grinning the entire way. Daryl remained silent, afraid he’d say something that you could use against him.
“That was a Freudian slip,” you said with a snort. 
Daryl wanted to argue, but knowing he couldn’t trust himself with talking, he kept his words short. “A what?”
“You subconsciously said something you actually meant. I get it, really.” You make a show of holding his crossbow. “I like you, you like me. But then you feel embarrassed that I’m going after you before you could go after me because you feel weird about a woman pursuing you even though you clearly really have the hots for her.”
He fought to keep his face stoic. “Nah, I don’t.”
“Yeah, you do.”
“Alrigh,” Daryl said just to end the conversation.
“Alright as in yes you do?” you tease the archer. 
Daryl smirked, determined to get you to admit defeat on your mission to pursue him. “Alrigh’ as in I don’t care.”
But you weren’t a quitter. He’d shown a glimpse of how he felt, and you were determined to get it out of him. By the time you reached camp, you handed his crossbow over to him with a glimmer in your eyes.
“You seemed to enjoy having your hands on me just a couple of minutes ago.” You flip him off as you walk away to go help out with the rest of the people in the camp. “See ya, Dixon.”
Though he wouldn’t show it, Daryl would rather sleep in the woods alone, weaponless than admit that he did. 
It wasn’t just that. He didn’t hate the things you were doing to him and for him. He hated that he wished he thought of pursuing you sooner so he’d have the upper hand. . .
Nah, nah, I don’t. He shook his head to himself.
But it became harder to deny whenever you went out of your way to do something for him, especially when he lost his brother. When he mourned Merle, you were there. And you weren’t a menace like he thought you would be.
You were just. . .there. Giving him the bigger half of whatever food you had, lingering just ever so near, and more. Daryl was surprised to realize that he enjoyed your company. 
He knew he was fucked. Especially when he realized he missed you flirting with him, but he’d never tell you that.
Looking for a missing child was way easier when there were no corpses roaming the land of the living, back when there was no need to distinguish what’s alive and what’s not. You were hoping that Sophia would turn up as soon as possible. 
You felt a twinge of guilt realizing that your hope for the child being found was just Daryl’s return, but it wasn’t like that at all. It wasn’t that you had this silly crush on the archer. Yes, you did, but you needed the right time to talk to him about what happened at the CDC.
You’d never felt so mortified. For the longest time, you’ve been saying that you wanted to accept death in exchange for peace. You always thought that when the time comes, you’d be ready. It was a fucked up way to realize that you weren’t, and you found yourself out of breath, unable to chase your breathing.
Daryl was hysterical, but upon seeing you, he immediately rushed in front of you, cupping your face with his rough hands. 
“We’re gettin’ outta here alive,” he’d told you as your chest heaved from realizing you were nearing your doom. He then held you against his chest, his calloused fingers caressing your hair with the most gentle care, as if holding you wrong would cause you to break. You weren’t able to process the rest, but you remembered him at first assisting you in walking until he eventually carried you in his arms out of the facility right before it deteriorated.
You never got to speak to him since then except for when you encountered the herd on the road. He just asked if you were okay, and that was it. 
He’d been preoccupied looking for Sophia ever since. You didn’t want to assume that he’d only been looking for her just because that would make you the biggest insensitive asshole in the world. 
Just then, a young blonde girl came out of the house, a tray in hand. 
“Hi,” she said. You could tell right from how she held herself that she was of good nature. “I’m Beth. I brought you some tea and some oatmeal.”
A small smile came on your face, and you couldn’t help but let it grow brighter when you watched the girl realize why. 
“Oh, I gave this to you on my own—nevermind,” she sighed. “He told me not to tell you ‘cause he said you were—”
“A pain in his ass?” you teased with a grin. “Verbatim?”
Beth considered what she was going to say, but she eventually smiled as well as she set it on the small stool table beside the rocking chair you were sitting on while you stared in the distance. “Well, yes.”
You laughed together with the girl. It was easy to talk to her, you felt light. 
“But he also told me to watch after you.”
You waved your hand, dismissing Daryl’s order to the girl. “Oh, you don’t have to do that. In fact, we should share this oatmeal. It looks good!”
Beth gave you the warmest smile anyone’s ever given you for the past week. “No, I’m okay. He specifically told me to make sure you eat enough. Said he’d bring in something later for you later.”
This time, heat rushed to your cheeks. You stuffed it down. “I’m pretty sure the meat’s for all of us, just including me.”
“I don’t know,” Beth said, leaning against the railing of the house’s front porch. The air certainly felt different in the farm compared to every other place you’ve been to. The sun was setting, and the view of the sky could make anyone oblivious to the newfound horrors of the world. “He was talking about how you needed it, but my dad said you weren’t in need of any medicine. You just needed to eat somethin. And if you needed something for your headache, we have it.”
“I see,” you said, your shoulders sinking. “He’s probably just avoiding me.”
Beth faced you, confused. “Why would he do that?”
“Well, that’s Daryl.” You shrugged, thinking back to what he’d done for you at the CDC. You could almost feel his arms carrying you again, and you couldn’t help but feel the heat in your cheeks return. You instinctively look down. 
Beth noticed your brow furrowing just before you reached out to feel your temple. “Do you need anything?”
“Sorry you have to take care of me,” you say with an apologetic smile. “Just whatever you have for headaches and a decent sleep.”
You awoke around the middle of the night to the door to your room shutting closed. At first, you thought that someone came in only to find that you were completely alone. You then heard the faint sound of footsteps walking down the stairs just outside. 
Stirring awake, you sit up straight to rub your eyes. Outside, the sky was dark. You must’ve slept for around eight hours, because you could no longer feel sleep returning easily. The urge was there, but you knew sinking back into a deep sleep would be for nothing. 
You yawn and scratch at your neck. On the nightstand to your right, you’re relieved to find a glass of water. But what stole your attention was what sat right next to it.
You were surprised to find three packs of chocolates: KitKat Bars, Kisses, and Hershey’s. There were also some packs of M&Ms.
Thinking back to the footsteps rushing down the stairs just a minute ago, you hurriedly carried all of the chocolates with you and ran down the stairs as lightly as you could so as to not wake anyone. 
You swung the screen door open, trudging down the stairs of the porch. You reach Daryl just before he enters the tent. You chuck the pack of KitKats to his head, to which he yelped. “Ow!”
“Do you like me?” you ask directly.
The archer faces you, picking up the pack of KitKats you threw at him. “What’d ya do that for?”
“Do you like me?” you ask, firmer this time.
There’s that pause. That two-second, lingering, suffocating pause. “I don’t.”
But that pause meant maybe. Both of you knew it, he just didn’t want to admit it, like he always does. Annoyed, you throw the rest of the chocolates to his feet. “Then you shouldn’t be doing things that make it seem like you do!”
You don’t know if it was the painkillers or just your interrupted sleep, but you definitely felt your temper controlling you. 
“I was bein’ nice.”
“Nice is opening the door for someone. Nice is handing the water pitcher at the dinner table. Nice is not asking someone to take care of me while you’re away, nice is not you bringing me chocolates like it’s Valentine’s to cheer me up when you know damn well how I feel about you. Nice is not making me feel like you feel the same and then take it back then just act like you do feel the same again!”
Daryl stood there, taking it all.
You rubbed at your eyes, your shoulders slumping. You feel a lump in your throat and your eyes begin to water. You stare at him for three seconds before turning around to return inside when he grabs you by the wrist to pull you into that same embrace he’d wrapped you into that day at the CDC. 
He was warm. God, he was warm. You hated that your body craved the press of his. 
He held you until you stopped crying. Until, for some reason, you were holed up in his tent, eating the chocolates he got for you while the two of you talked about everything and nothing. 
You realized how easy it was to speak to Daryl, too. How it came naturally, and how you felt comfortable being yourself around him outside of the flirting. Maybe it really was better to remain friends.
You were just being nice to each other. But if Daryl really did feel an ounce of what you felt, then that wouldn’t be very nice of him.
For a while, you accepted that. You stopped pursuing him altogether and maintained a respectable distance with him. He then always seemed to be everywhere you went, but you told yourself you were in over your head thinking he’d ever even feel the same way.
Life was good. Save for the nightmare that was facing the Governor, of course. The last time you felt a grudge against him was when he left with his brother, but you stopped yourself from feeling anything. After all, that was his brother and you were…
A friend. He’d apologized leaving by bringing you more chocolates from his run. Things have been good lately. You loved being friends with Daryl.
Sure, you’d find yourself in feats of attraction towards the guy ever so often, like the time he carried baby Judith. . .
That was something.
It didn’t help that he was looking at you while he was carrying her, even playing with her and showing her to you. You hated that even though you say you feel nothing anymore, sometimes everything resurfaces.
If only you knew what was going through his mind when he passed baby Judith to you. 
Those were little tests that failed to weaken your belief that you were better off as friends. You survived them. Yep, you were fine being friends. It was just a silly crush anyway.
“[Y/N],” Daryl called from outside your cell. “[Y/N], we’re heading out to get some meds, ‘ya need anythin’? Chocolates again, maybe?”
You were covered in two blankets head neck to toe, your back to the cell door. You said nothing, much less did anything to indicate you heard him. Daryl stepped inside, feeling bad that he’d crossed over but he somehow felt like he had to.
By the second Daryl laid his hands on your shoulder to tap you, he knew he had to turn you over. You were shivering in your half-sleep, and yet when Daryl pressed the back of his palm against you, you were burning up.
“Jesus, you’re—!”
“I think I caught it,” you said. You try to sit up, and Daryl helps you up. You turn the other way to cough. “I was gonna bring myself to the quarantine cell block, but I couldn’t stand up.”
“Here, I got ‘ya,” he said, helping you up. “You sure ‘ya don’t wanna stay here in your cell instead?”
You shook your head. “I could turn and infect everyone. I—”
“Hey.” He cupped your cheek with his hand, gently tapping it to keep you in check. “You’re not gonna turn, I’m not gonna let that happen to ‘ya. I’m goin’ out and gettin’ ‘ya the meds, then yer gonna be fine.”
“Well, that’s awfully nice of you,” you said drunkenly. On the way to the isolated block, you feel yourself losing your step… Losing your consciousness…
“[Y/N]? [Y/N]!”
And it all went dark.
The days that followed promised a new routine. After the supply run, you were the first stop Daryl visited. He talked to you, took care of you. He’d tell you stories about him and his brother Merle. You’d tell him about the guys you dated and every single terrible date experience you’ve had.
“Yeah, you said you hated dating ‘em. So you wanted to date guys like me instead, y’know, the kind you’d be embarrassed to introduce to your ma and pa.”
You laughed. “Oh, come on. I didn’t mean it like that.”
Friends, friends, friends. That’s how it is, how it should’ve been right from the start. It’s so easy to laugh with Daryl, so easy to be with him.
That was until you got better. You were out, making the rounds.
“Ya shouldn’t be here,” he’d told you when he caught you walking the perimeter with a revolver. “At least not yet. I’ll take over from here.”
“Nah, somehow I feel way sicker when I’m not doing anything.”
He shrugged. “You could read a book.”
“Oh, yeah?” you chuckled.
“Oh, yeah.”
Silence again. It was just the two of you in the dead of night, and you wondered if you only imagined the flurry of emotions back then when you were separated when you got sick.
You wanted to stay there in that moment forever, just standing in the dark with Daryl. But you felt a sort of suffocating sensation the moment you thought of him fondly. You were a bit sleepy anyway.
“Actually, maybe I should go.” Yawning, you stuff the revolver back to your holster. “Good night, Daryl.”
You only got to walk past him a couple of steps before he spoke.
“[Y/N]?” he called out to you just before you were about to return to your quarters. You felt sleep about to take you in deeply, but you fought it off, telling yourself it’ll be quick.
You face the archer, raising an interrogative brow in response. 
For some strange, mundane reason, you found him extra lovely tonight. You were forced to discover why as he leaned forward, pressing his lips into yours in the most gentle way he could. You pull away.
There’s a question in your eyes, and so he only kisses you again in response. You kiss him back, this time with desperation. You don’t know where to put your hands, overwhelmed by this gust of exhilaration washing over you as his hands caress the nape of your neck. 
He pulls away this time.
You couldn’t believe it. So many thoughts ran into your head. Pursuing Daryl used to be something you were just looking forward to as a challenge, maybe even just for the sole purpose of enjoying a fling knowing the end is near.
But you got to know him. He got to know you, and you let him. You felt heat rush to your cheeks, bringing them high enough for the most genuine grin to show in your face. “Does this mean—?”
“Nah.” He takes a step backward, and your grin instantly dissolves into a frown at the sight of him shaking his head. “No, I…”
You shake your head in disbelief. 
What the fuck?
Your smile faltered further. The butterflies in your stomach you thought you felt suddenly felt as if you were about to throw it up again.
“No?” you utter in disbelief, the taste of his lips still stuck somewhere in your mouth. You step backward as well, staring into space as you touched the lips of yours he’d just kissed with so much passion, opposite to the coldness he’d brought upon you with that one word. The rush from the kiss was being drowned by an otherworldly anger threatening to be unleashed. “What the—No?”
You turn your focus to him again. He says nothing, his back to you as he stares into the dark greenery outside of the fence. 
“You make me chase after you like a fool and ‘No’?”
Daryl sunk into himself. He didn’t deserve you. He didn’t deserve anything you gave him. He didn’t know what to say. “I didn’t ask ‘ya to.”
He wanted to disappear. 
“Right.” You had to laugh. “Turn around. Face me.”
The archer obliged, and you couldn’t read his face enough through the tears born from your anger. He hated that he wanted to grab you by the waist and pull you into another kiss, to press his lips against your neck and down to your chest. He wanted to caress your hair, to—
“Back at the CDC, I wanted to stop pursuing you. But then” — his heart broke as your voice cracked — “you held my hand when we found out we could die and you looked at me with those fucking eyes of yours on your goddamn face and I thought maybe there was something real, something I could get out of you if I tried hard enough.”
“We’re gettin’ outta here alive,” he’d told you as your chest heaved from realizing you were nearing your doom. He held you against his chest, his calloused fingers caressing your hair with the most gentle care, as if holding you wrong would cause you to break.
“Then you were cold again, and I thought maybe you were just being kind like usual back then but you—argh! You got me chocolates when I was scared shitless from almost dying and called it being nice and friendly before holding me again!”
You rubbed your eyes, frustrated more than ever.
“You just had to take advantage of the fact that I’m weak for you! You nursed me back to health when I got sick, you spoke to me as if you felt the same way, just—everything! You say you didn’t ask me to chase after you but when I did stop, you find ways to get me back on your trail and now you kiss me and then you take it back?”
You felt your heart begging to be freed. You couldn’t breathe. The lump in your throat was building up, and you knew it did its work once you felt your cheeks begin to wet. 
You couldn’t even see him clearly through your tears. “What the fuck do you want, Daryl?”
How could he tell you? What could he say? He didn’t even know what he wanted. Still, you waited in hopes he’d give you an explanation. That he’d at least explain himself.
“Do you like me?” you ask him again. No response.
You steel yourself for what you were about to ask next. 
“Do you love me?”
“God, I’m so stupid."
Realizing the chance you gave him is all for naught, you shook your head with a mirthless laugh as you walked away. The embrace of sleep never returned, and you were left to stare at the ceiling, waiting for daybreak to come just so you could fight an unwinnable war.
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GREENER THAN WYOMING - Clegan (Barbed Wire Hearts AU series) fic
Posted here on ao3
Part 5 in my BWH buck x bucky series, again wrote in a day and a half coz god I needed this installment so bad, I had so much fun writing this. Hope you guys love this one as much as I loved writing it!
Didn't realise I wrote 12k+ words for this. Oops
BE WARNED: there is slight smut in this one :p
@swifty-fox @trashbag-baby666 @moghraidhs (if you want to be added to the tag list when i add more posts about this story, let me know!)
There's still sand and grit stuck to the side of his face when Bucky makes his way through the back of the bull chutes into the direction of the announcer's box, sweat making the fine granules plaster themselves to his skin and get stuck to the damp ends of the dark curls falling messily across his forehead.
He can feel also the sand that had gotten lodged in between his vest and shirt, some of it having fallen in against the skin of his ribs, but nothing he hadn't felt before. It came with the territory, and he couldn't help but feel the adrenaline still ebbing and waning in amongst his limbs and muscles like a familiar friend.
Despite it only having been a practice run before the current rodeo they were preparing for at the end of the week, it was still a good run. The fact that he'd half face planted into the dirt on his attempted dismount from the practice bull was only schematics. Easily brushed off in the grand scheme of things.
Sometimes he managed to land unsteadily on his feet, other times he got a little bit flung or the dismount was a little less graceful than he would have liked. But no one really batted an eye at it. All the other boys were used to it themselves so it was just another day at the office.
As he turns the corner building, absentmindedly bringing his hand up to brush some of the dirt away from his nose with a sniffle, Bucky can't help the way his heart picks up its still already racing tempo when he zeroes in on the familiar line of Buck's back standing just outside the door of the sponsor's office.
The other cowboy has his back to him, blond hair flicking up at the back from underneath his signature black hat, arms folded across his chest, making his shoulders that were only marginally slighter than Bucky's own seem wider as he talked calmly to whoever was standing in front of him. The white Wrangler logo stitched across the expanse stretched out slightly on his black button down he had worn that day.
Letting his eyes linger on the other man's form, a few seconds longer on the shape of him in the well fitted blue jeans, John made his way closer until he was standing at Buck's side. He brought his hands up to rest against his own hips, shifting his weight between his feet and realised it was Chick that Buck was currently locked in conversation with.
The older man glanced at Bucky with a smile and tip of his hat, a silent acknowledgement between them before focusing back on Buck with barely so much as a pause in the conversation.
"Really think he'd be a good fit for you, Buck. He's been in the circuit down in Kentucky for a couple years now. Still a little bit of the amateur class but he's looking to rise up and play with some of the big boys,"
Bucky only took half interest in what Chick was saying, still hearing the rush of sound behind his own ears and the ebb of adrenaline start to fade to the point that his body was sinking into that familiar lazy afterglow. Could feel his left knee wobble a little bit under his weight.
"What are we talkin' about?" Bucky asked offhandedly, looking between Buck and Chick in question.
Buck turned his face in his direction slightly, bringing him into their conversation as easily as a shift in his shoulders.
"Chick was just-" Buck paused momentarily, a hitch in the flow of his words when he looked at Bucky's face, a frown knitting his brow as he reached up and absentmindedly brushed away some sand off of Bucky's eyebrow and forehead in one flick before resuming what he was saying like he hadn't even stopped.
"Chick was telling me about some of the new boys he was thinking of adding to our circuit. Some new ropers this time too, and he was asking if I'd be interested in taking one or two under my wing for a bit. Test drive 'em and see if they can hold some mick up to the rest of us."
"That so?" Bucky smiled, looking down at Buck and the blank expression on his face, like always. But he could see the excited spark behind his eyes, the telltale clink of a spur being toed at with the other boot down below them.
He had to stamp down the sudden need to reach out to curve one hand over the blond's hip and pull him closer into his side.
Chick chuckled, a deep and amused sound as he nodded at Bucky from underneath the brim of his cap. "Figured our Buck, here, would be better than any to put them through their paces. And we got just under a week to see if they'll make a good fit."
"I'd be more than happy to," Buck grinned, aiming the last half of that smile towards John. "Got some new bull riders wanting to start too."
Bucky raised a brow in question, his own teeth glinting in a smile as he looked at Chick. A hound being sicked on the trail.
"Oh, fresh meat?" he drawled playfully. It earned him a barely felt side kick to the ankle from Buck, that only served to make him smile wider. "I'm kidding! But also, not really."
Chick laughed at him, shaking his head slightly in the way of a father being exasperated by the antics of an unruly son.
"As green as they come." Chick told him. "Couple of boys from the Juniors who just turned 18 and wanna come sit the big dogs."
Bucky nodded, thinking on back when he was that age and first sat on the back of one of the proper bulls, all 1500 pounds of muscle and agile rage between his thighs. Thought of the way he shook like a leaf for a good hour once he had his feet back firmly on the ground, but an adrenaline fuelled smile that he couldn't wipe off his face.
He hadn't stuck that day, being tossed within a mere 2.4 seconds, but it slotted something in to place for him and confirmed then and there that there was nothing else he would rather do from that point forward.
His only thought was when he would do it again, already chomping at the bit like a little kid wanting to take another go on the roller-coaster at the county fair.
"I'll look after 'em," Bucky told him, smile turning a bit softer. "Don't you worry that big head of yours, Chick."
Chick eyed him and hummed with a smirk, slightly disbelieving but fond.
"Im sure, I'm sure." He turned his amused gaze back to Buck, an air of seriousness now amongst the familiar comraderie. "The new ropers are due to roll in tomorrow, I got the word that they were headed out yesterday, so they should be here by mid morning. Mid day at the latest."
"The guy you were telling me about, Rosenthal," Buck questioned. "You say he was a heeler?"
Chick nodded. "Heeler and Header. He's whatever you need him to be, Buck. Guy near had a coronary on the phone once I told him I was handing him off to you to take care of."
Bucky didn't miss the slight colour that rose to Buck's cheeks at Chick's words, blue eyes lowering in his usual gesture of bashfulness at any praise or hint of reverence that came with his name.
It was something that Bucky would never cease to feel absolute endearment towards the other man for, and he couldn't help the way his heart stuttered every time he saw it. Like Buck still couldn't believe he was a revered and well know name amongst the rodeo and its fans and competitors alike. And it only served to make Bucky fall harder and harder each and every day, the humble nature burying itself deep down in his soul.
"I'll make sure to have Ken on stand-by, then." Buck muttered, and Bucky couldn't help the laugh Buck's words pulled from his chest.
Chick looked between the two men with a small smile, an air of pride obvious in the way he straightened his posture with a small nod. "I'm counting on you two. Now go on, get outta here. I've got paperwork to settle and I'm sure you've got somewhere important to be, shit to get ready."
He eyed Bucky up and down, head to toe, taking in the still sweat slick hair and sand and dirt that was covering one side of him like an overgrown half-sugared donut, smile feigning innocence.
"And a shower." He tacked on as a last minute thought.
Bucky threw Chick a lazy salute in reply, grinning as the other man turned and wandered back into the office muttering under his breath.
He turned to look at Buck, plastering on a wide innocent smile. The blond could only look at him in exasperation, but the small smirk Bucky spotted underneath the black brim of Gale's hat took any serious bite out of it.
Just like Chick had promised, the new crew rolled in around 11am the next morning, a train of brand new Chevy pickups dragging along new and old goosenecks and trailers through the grounds to park in a polite and organised manner amongst the others across the camp ground.
John watched from afar, seated in a fold out chair lazily underneath the awning of Buck's trailer with Curt and Crosby while half a dozen unfamiliar faces filtered out of the trucks. Some boisterous and brash, loud young men who were obviously the greenest of the bunch, while two or three others leisurely surveyed their surroundings, taking in the arena not far off aways and the atmosphere that this particular ground gave off.
A couple of the men wandered back towards the rear of the trailers, swinging open double doors and Bucky could hear the thundering steps of horses banging in the back, obviously eager to step off and on to new soil after being holed up in the small spaces for hours on end.
Letting his head roll back loose on his neck so John could look back towards the closest end of the arena, he let his eyes settle on the familiar form of Buck perched up on Baby's back where he'd been for the past half hour, expertly turning her this way and that with barely a twitch of his fingers on the reins.
The mare went easily and obedient, golden coat gleaming under the not-too-harsh sunlight as she spun on her heels and started off at another lope in the opposite direction. They reached about half way before Buck made a low noise, eyes tilted downward at her neck and she planted her hooves in a dead stop, backing up a few steps before spinning and repeating it with a light squeeze from Gale's leg against her flank.
Bucky couldn't help the shiver that trailed up his spine as he watched Gale so expertly put her through the paces of a warm up, keeping her movements quick and agile and working as a perfect team that most other ropers on the circuit could only dream of accomplishing with their own horses, even after years of training and experience.
Riders that had been in the saddle for longer than Buck had been alive still struggled to mirror the air of confidence and partnership that the two had.
It made a coiling heat sit in the bottom of John's stomach as he took in the barely-there grip that Buck had on the long pieces of leather in his hands, delicate looking fingers only twitching here and there in practised commands that Baby could obviously feel against her mouth, no matter how light.
John had to swallow harshly against the sudden dryness of his throat. Images and flashes of memory of those same fingers threaded through his hair and tugging insistently in the throes of a quick bout of passion earlier that morning, tucked away in Gale's trailer as the sun was barely creeping its way up above the horizon invaded his mind.
When the rest of the campground's occupants were still dead quiet and lost to sleep. Bucky had rolled over still half asleep himself when Gale had elegantly climbed his way over him to start getting himself ready for the day, and he'd watched through the small opening from the bed loft into the extended living space of the trailer as the other had wandered naked and quiet gathering up jeans and a shirt from the wardrobe, pulling his belt from a hanger with a clink of metal.
It had only taken a few minutes of John watching him through half lidded eyes, taking in the sight of Buck's tanned shoulders, the small spatter of scattered beauty marks here and there that broke up the perfect expanse and the curve of the cowboy's toned and perfect ass before Bucky had felt his cock stir to life underneath the sheets.
He'd waited silently, feigning sleep until Buck got close enough to the loft's opening before he'd struck out in one quick movement like a rattlesnake and grabbed the blond by the arm, pulling him back in and up onto the bed with an answering surprised yelp that had Bucky grinning like a mad man despite himself.
Despite Buck's quiet protests that he had shit to do and he didn't have the time, it only took a few instances of lips pressed expertly to certain places against the taut line of his throat. John's large hand buried in the back of sandy toned blond hair to pull his head back to expose more of it, ripping involuntary and slowly growing rapid shaky breaths and sounds, that had Buck finally breaking and growling out a sharp frustrated shout like an infuriated mountain lion and flipping Bucky onto his back in one expert movement.
He couldn't help the self satisfied feeling that enveloped him when Buck surged up to kiss him, insistent and hungry, teeth sinking into the plush skin of his bottom lip. Proud and smug knowing that he could melt away Buck's carefully crafted resolve and self control with only a few words or touches of his hands or lips in certain areas, with certain pressures. Could have the other lose it and charge forward head first into Bucky like a captured wild horse that had just had the gates to freedom swing open right in front of him and out into the wilderness.
He had expected the usual, Buck pressing all the right buttons in the abandoned way he always did, driving John to near madness with starved yet soft kisses that would slowly begin to trail downwards, first over his throat before descending to his chest.
A prisoner to the way Buck would drag his talented fingers and lips over the sensitive buds of his nipples, looking straight up at him with those baby blues, clouded over with something dark in lust like a storm cloud when Bucky would have to lift his head just to get a glimpse of him that he would always be helpless to crave.
Just a quick look before it became too much for his melting brain to handle and he would have to let his head fall back against the blankets before it was over a lot quicker than he would like.
He would lose himself even more to Gale's ministrations, not long before the blond would open him up on those same talented digits while perfect lips enveloping his cock as he worked, leaving John a writhing mess of a man before feeling Buck sink perfectly into the warm wet heat of him.
But Buck had crawled back up the length of his body, studiously ignoring the heavy heat of his cock that was leaking in unrestrained want against the dark hair trailing against his stomach and grabbed his chin between thumb and forefinger.
He'd pulled Bucky's face back down to his own, making him focus on blue eyes that seemed far too bright and electric, manic, with so little light, and it had made John pause and just stare at the sudden vulnerability there that had mixed itself amongst the lust.
Gale had kissed him, sweet but still frantic, a whispered "Gotta be quick, we don't have long," before kissing John once more and then leaning back.
Bucky felt the cold shock of the air in the absence of Gale's warmth, thinking he had meant they had to be quick before the other boys started to stir awake themselves with the progression of the sun's rise.
But the thoughts had whisked themselves away into nothingness, swept away into just pure dumb want as he watched Buck reach in to one of the little side nooks around the edge of the bed, pulling out the small tube of lubricant they'd stashed away and then reaching back before working himself open on his own fingers.
Something in John's brain completely misfired, crackling into an exposed and heated live-wire, could only prop himself up on his elbows and watch helpless and open mouthed as Buck moved. The hand not currently moving inside himself reaching out to grip against John's knee, shaky and flexing without thought.
John's eyes had darted over every inch of Gale's body, the way his back had been bowed backwards slightly to accommodate the angle at what he was doing to himself. The expression on his face screwed up in pleasure but also with a timid far away concentration that had him make eye contact with Bucky for a few fleeting moments before he closed them and colour had risen to his cheeks.
It was that nervousness John could pick up on there, the vulnerability that had Buck's body trembling from it as well as the sparks of pleasure he was feeding into himself, a small broken noise sounding in the back of the blond's throat, that had Bucky finally break out of the melting hold his mind was currently suffocating him with and reaching out for Buck.
Pulled him into his arms, into his lap with hushed whispers of "C'mere, oh my god, Come 'ere" until the other had been positioned perfectly in the envelope of his hold, still shaky and trembling and pressing his forehead against Bucky's with eyes squeezed shut, arms draped over John's wide shoulders loose and careful.
It was a fleeting moment when Buck finally opened up his eyes to connect with John's, wide and shy but that little hint of courage John found there had him lifting his hands and fixing themselves firmly over Buck's waist, swallowed up by the size of his fingers and palms like a puzzle piece slotting perfectly into place.
He had gently lifted him, feeling Buck straighten up onto his knees from where they were sat at either side of John's hips, never breaking eye contact as the other man reached back with one shaking arm.
Bucky could only let out a small exhale, just as shaky as the vulnerable cowboy in his arms against similarly parted lips when he felt Buck's fingers wrap delicately around the girth of him.
Could only mirror the sound Buck made against him with a gentle frown, eyes still glued to Buck's as the smaller man slowly positioned himself over the still leaking head of his cock and lowered himself, panting at the stretch.
The arm still around John's shoulders flexed, pulling their chests together tighter, a whine escaping from the back of his throat as he sank down those last few inches until he was fully seated in John's lap again, filled to the brim with him.
John had brought one of his arms around the lower half of Buck's back, just holding him there as a silent support, not game enough to move in fear of scaring Buck out of whatever had made him brave enough to pursue the feeling, of allowing John access to the most vulnerable side of him.
It was a rare occurrence that Buck ever truly opened himself up physically to John in the same way he had emotionally. Too stuck in his own past of never being allowed his own thoughts and free will, being taught by his father from the moment he could step up into a saddle that emotions were worthless, they clouded minds and made you weak and that giving up any kind of control, be it physical or mental, was something to feel shame for.
Something to lock away behind reinforced walls with a key that you should melt down into a useless pile.
It was something that Buck had come to expect a closed fist against his cheek or against his ribs for if he showed anything that could be named as vulnerable.
Bucky had felt a sense of awestruck wonder, staring at the man he was holding safely in his arms now, feeling the reach of what felt like forbidden pleasure coil low in his abdomen when Buck had slowly started to move.
Another sense of privilege mix in when he was subject to the primal sounds of slightly restrained rapture escaping between Buck's parted lips and whisper against his own.
In the aftermath of it all, when Buck had painted the space between them without so much as a brush of John's hand against his own neglected need and left it dripping down the planes of both their stomachs, had held him so tightly as he shuddered and trembled through his release in a strangled cry against John's throat, John had been helpless but to follow suit.
Had filled him deeply and reverently with every single ounce of raw emotion that had been coursing through him with his own low groan against a shivering tan shoulder.
Both ended up laying together, sweat dripping over warm skin and breathing harsh but satisfied, and John had gathered Gale back up into his arms to hold him through what he knew was probably an incredibly daunting and scary thought process.
Yet judging by the relaxed muscles he could feel underneath the tips of his fingers as he stroked them up and down Gale's arm in thought, the blond letting out a long winded sigh against his pectoral, he didn't feel as if the other was freaking out as much as he would have expected at having given himself over to being vulnerable and controlled.
He had felt a strong sense of pride at being something Gale would gladly give himself over to when his courage allowed it.
The quiet chuckle he had let become audible, as well as the comment that 'I didn't think Champion Rider extended over to me, too, Buck," had earned him a bony elbow to the ribs in reply, but also the feeling of a grin being pressed to his side.
Curt's hand slapping in to his chest from beside him brought Bucky's thoughts back to the present like a well aimed cattle prod, and he jerked slightly in his seat from where he was still looking over at Buck to face the smaller brunette questioningly.
Curt had a knowing smile pulling at the corners of his mouth, but he nodded in the direction of where the new cowboys were still unloading their horses and gear. One of the tall ones, who John could only just make out had dark hair underneath an off-white cattleman hat, was walking in their direction.
Looking back to where Buck was still working Baby, John let out a high sharp whistle in his direction to get his attention, and the blond's head snapped up, alert and questioning.
John gestured with a wave of his hand out towards the line of new trailers and the newcomers, and saw the barely there nod Buck sent his way with a tip of his chin in acknowledgement before spinning Baby with practised ease and walking her up the length of the arena leisurely towards the gates.
When Bucky focused his attention back towards the approaching new cowboy, the man had stopped near Crosby just under the edge of the awning, hands coming up to rest on his hips and tipping his hat in greeting.
Piercing blue eyes scanned over the three of them, but not in a judgemental way, just in a gesture of taking them in, curious and friendly. He hazarded a glance around, tongue darting out to swipe over his lips in a nervous gesture underneath a neatly trimmed moustache.
"Gentlemen," he said brightly, small smile beaming. "Figure this is the right place. I'm Robert, Robert Rosenthal, but just Rosie's fine. I'm with the new bunch of ropers, Chick said you knew we were comin'?"
Crosby nodded at him, leaning forward in his chair to reach for Rosie's hand in a friendly greeting and introducing himself before Curt and John copied and did the same.
"Sure did," Crosby smiled, all typical cowboy friendliness turned up to a full ten. It was a move John knew well, watching the barely veiled curiosity and calculated observation in both Cros and Curt's body language, taking in the new guy and if he was as genuine as he was giving out in first impression. John couldn't help the small grin from tipping up one side of his lips. "Right on time, actually. Hope it wasn't too hard finding the place."
Rosie smiled even brighter at the welcoming air he was receiving, a small weight lifting off of his shoulders.
"Nah, just followed the signs. Was easy enough even after the GPS in the truck conked out on us halfway here."
Crosby chuckled at Rosie's words, the last of his demeanour softening, and in turn John felt his own reservations melt away about the man as he shifted further down in to his seat and shoved his hands into the pockets of his hoodie comfortably.
"Say," Rosie suddenly piped up, expression turning just that touch of sheepish around the edges. "Chick was saying when we got here I was meant to go see Gale Cleven? Said he'd know where to point us to get us settled?"
As if on queue, the distinct sound of a horse sidled up to Bucky's left, and he turned his head just in time to see the gold sheen of Baby's distinct coat come around the corner of the trailer, said Gale Cleven seated up on her like a king astride his steed.
The blond shot Bucky a quick fond little private smile from above, using his tongue to move the toothpick currently sitting between his lips from one side to the other before he looked up and focused in on Rosie. The classic friendly Cleven smile painted itself on his face in a matter of moments.
"Howdy," Buck drawled, tilting his chin in greeting and oozing with unintentional charm, and John snorted in amusement like he was witness to an inside joke. Gale leaned forward with an air of ease and leaned his elbows on the horn of his saddle. "You one of the new boys, I'm guessing?"
Rosie stared at Gale for a moment, eyes widening and jaw going slightly slack before he sputtered and collected himself with a shake of his head. He reached up and removed the hat from its perch above somehow perfectly styled near black hair and stepped up to Baby's shoulder, hand reaching out to shake Gale's hand.
John saw the telltale signs of worship and respect from a mile away, a slight tint rising to the new cowboy's cheeks as Gale reached down and gripped Rosie's hand in greeting.
He didn't know why something started niggling against his gut like an insect buzzing for the pure intent of irritation, but he swallowed it down, eyes flickering back and forth between Gale and Rosie like a hawk, a frown threatening to crease his brow.
It wasn't the first time another cowboy had been star struck by meeting one of the top ropers in the country, Gale Cleven. He was the golden child of the rodeo world and had a famous last name spanning back three generations to prove it. A downright western nepo-baby but with the talent and good nature to keep that good name going and do it justice instead of just relying on the name alone to garner the fame.
And with looks like that as well as the humble disposition and talent on top, Curt had quickly learned not to make bets with Bucky on how many buckle bunnies sidled up to Gale at each rodeo, all sickly sweet smiles and daisy-dukes paired with bedazzled cowgirl boots and low cut tops trying to tempt the rider into their beds.
Only to be shot down politely with a charming smile. Much to their disappointment. And Bucky's sharp, self satisfied dangerous grin that usually followed them from over Buck's shoulder as they turned away with dramatic pouted botox lips over said cowboy.
Rosie looked like he'd just met a damned God, expression bashful and eyes diverting every few seconds from Gale's gaze as he brought a hand up to nervously run through his hair before sitting his hat back atop his head.
"Yessir, Rosie Rosenthal. We just rolled in," he glanced back at the trailers in the direction he'd come from, Gale's eyes flickering to the same direction before focusing back on each other.
"Yeah I thought so. Chick mentioned you yesterday, said you guys were comin'. Hope the trip wasn't too hard on you and your boys."
Rosie scoffed dismissively but friendly. "Ah we did alright. Took a bit of-"
"Hooooly shit, you're Gale Cleven!"
All five cowboys looked up at the same time to see a kid no younger than 20 years old come jogging up from the direction of the new trailers, breathless and wide eyed. Bucky didn't think he'd ever seen a greener roper in his life, bright eyed and overly confident in his steps and the line of his shoulders.
He stepped up next to Rosie, who suddenly had an expression of fond exasperation, looking down at the ground with a slow shake of his head. Like a big brother tasked with having to look after a younger sibling and slightly embarrassed to be associated.
"When Rosie said we were gonna be riding with the Gale fuckin' Cleven, I honestly woulda believed him more if he said pigs fly," the kid smiled. "The name's Nash."
When he walked up to shake Gale's offered hand, the blond still smiling with the greeting charm turned all the way up to ten on the dial, Bucky couldn't stop the smile from breaking out onto his own face at the way Baby turned her head with an evil eye, ears pinned back slightly and teeth bared as she attempted to nip at the kid's shirt.
Gale didn't even react besides picking up the reins and secretly forcing her mouth in the opposite direction without anyone being the wiser or even noticing. She huffed out a sharp breath, nostrils flaring and shifting her back feet in disappointment.
Bucky had to bring his hand up, pretending to brush his fingers along the hair of his moustache to hide his amused smirk from the others.
"Nash from Nashville?" Curt leaned over and whispered behind his hand and Bucky nearly palmed his face away with a slap. He was barely hanging on to his composure by a thread from watching Baby.
That horse would be the death of him, right alongside the cowboy still perched up on her back. Gale had leisurely hooked his left leg up and across the pommel of the saddle in front of him, all the air of a calm and cocksure cowboy if there ever was one. And Bucky knew he didn't even do it on purpose. Didn't even have to try.
"Well, it's good to have you boys joining us. Needed some fresh new faces to join the ranks." Gale grinned, toothpick bobbing.
"Where you boys from, anyways?" Crosby piped up, asking as if Curt's offhanded joke had sparked some genuine curiosity.
Nash turns to Crosby, suddenly aware that there are, in fact, more people privvy to his starstruck excitement, and Bucky sees the moment the kid's eyes widen even further and wonders if maybe they should have brought Ken in for standby medical attention.
"Oh lord, you're Harry Crosby!" Eyes pan over to Curt, zipping between him and then to Bucky, mouth agape and sputtering. "The John Egan, and Curt Biddick!"
Curt leans over to Bucky, eyes watching the kid like he wasn't sure if he should be moving backwards in case he spontaneously combusted on the spot. "He knows who I am?"
Nash looks shocked at Curt's words, hand flying up to palm his forehead underneath the red flat cap he was wearing. "Oh man, of course I know who you are! I've seen those tiktoks of you backflipping over those bulls like it's nothin'!"
Curt gets a satisfied smile lighting up his face at Nash's enthusiasm, propping his left ankle up on his knee in an air of nonchalance but doesn't say anything further as Nash focuses in on Bucky.
"And you! Man, you're the reason I nearly changed my mind from ropin' to bull ridin'. My sisters love you!"
Bucky chuckles, suddenly gaining an air of fondness for the kid, like a little brother who can at once annoy the ever-loving hide off of you, but one you'd also show up at 2am for when they call drunk saying they needed your help. Has a feeling if the new ropers stick around and fit the bill that at some point he'd end up having to do just that.
"Texas," Rosie suddenly pipes up, answering Crosby's earlier question before Nash got them all side tracked. "Me and Nash are from Texas. Other boys are a mix of everywhere."
Gale nods in acknowledgement from his perch on Baby, demeanour still interested and warm. "Texas, huh? Heard it gets awful hot down there, can't say I've been too often, not during the warmer months anyways."
Rosie laughs, a hearty sound with still that hint of shaky nervousness, no doubt from having Buck's attention back on him. He rubs in a bashful gesture at the back of his neck, smile small but no less bright.
"Yeah she does get a little warm. Me and Nash did most of our first shows down there, did a few roping clinics as well in the beginning."
"One time we practised for twelve hours straight!" Nash piped up, bouncing on the balls of his feet, excitement still at the forefront. "Ended up stripped down to nothing but our underwear it got so damn hot, near fell off my horse at one point!"
Bucky looked between the two men, eyebrows climbing up towards his hairline. He didn't have to glance at Buck to know the blond wore a similar expression, calm facade broken for a few seconds.
"You boys… rode in your underwear?" Bucky slowly asked, a smile crawling onto his face as he pictured it with ease but also with a feeling of sympathetic discomfort. Saw Buck grimace from the corner of his eye, no doubt thinking on how uncomfortable that would have been on their privates, saddles digging in with the rough motions from the horse's movements.
Rosie had the sense to look embarrassed, cheeks heating up into a bright hue of red and eyes diverting from the boys for a moment or two as he chuckled nervously. They glanced up at Buck like he was about to be reprimanded by the horseman.
"Ahh, yes sir, that we did."
But Buck didn't have a cruel reprimanding bone in his body, not unless you were downright abusive to your horse or an idiot to the point you put yourself and your men or your horse in danger, and that amused smirk coloured the cowboy's expression once again as he watched Rosie with something akin to fascination.
It only served to bring light back to that uncomfortable coiling burn still perched in Bucky's stomach and chest, irritating to the point he had to bring a hand up and rub questioningly at his sternum with a confused frown. He could feel Curt's eyes currently searing a hole into the side of his head, but chose to ignore it.
"Can't say I envy you on that," Buck laughed, straightening up in the saddle with a stretch of his torso and a small groan, muscles probably aching from the morning warm up with Baby. "How about I come on over with you to meet the rest of your boys, make sure you lot get settled in okay and help out a little?"
Rosie looked lost on words, eyes raking over Buck quickly that John managed to catch easily, frown finally shaping his brow above sharp eyes and pursed lips.
"Yeah, yeah! Sure thing, we'd all be glad of it. I'm sure the other boys are busting their asses to meet you." Rosie stuttered, turning his body but his head still turned back to keep his focus on Buck.
Gale urged Baby forward with a nudge of his spurs and a barely audible click in his throat, the mare tossing her head as she was finally pushed in to moving. She walked along for a few steps before being pushed up further into a trot, going along happily as Buck directed her over towards the new trailers and the line of men now visible standing with their horses tied up against the sides of them.
Bucky watched as horse and rider got further and further away, the blond cowboy rising and falling in the saddle perfectly in time with Baby's gait like he was part of the horse himself, Rosie and Nash following behind at a more subdued pace.
Noticed Rosie watching Gale's form in the saddle as well as the other moved ahead of them.
John couldn't help the way he turned his head to Curt, the other man still watching him with no shame, icey blue eyes focused on him like an accusation, chin propped up in the palm of his hand. One eyebrow raised slowly as John looked at him, a smirk curving one side of his mouth.
"I ain't sayin' nothin'." Curt drawled slowly, never breaking his stare with Bucky.
John sighed and looked away, extracting his pack of cigarettes out from the pocket of his hoodie where he had his hands rested, pulling a single white stick out with his lips and teeth to light with a more aggressive than necessary flick of his wrist with the lighter.
"Nothin' to say, Curt."
After the new ropers had been officially settled in, horses finding a place and getting their programs from Chick at the office, the rest of the week was a long winded process of practices and warm ups from sunrise to sundown.
Along with Rosie and Nash, there were a total of two others out of six that had travelled in with them looking to recruit themselves in the the current circuit alongside the roping greats that were Gale Cleven and his team.
Each and every one with hopeful smiles and talent as quick-footed and sure as Chick could have ever hoped for. A lucky draw of a bunch, and with them came high hopes as well as pre-drawn contracts ready and waiting for after the rodeo set to play out at the end of the week.
Rosie's main crew consisted of the pre-mentioned Nash, the youngest out of the lot, still singing praises of each and every cowboy he met with a pep in his step and bright smile as he followed John or Curt or Crosby around like a new puppy at his master's heels.
The main header who Rosie said was a spitfire of a man with a roping hand as sticky as molasses was Winifred "Pappy" Lewis. A stout young fellow just as eager and fresh as the rest but with an air of maturity to him that had him quickly gain favor with Buck.
He took in every single thing that Gale told him and every pointer and piece of advice he got as if he was a sponge, and Bucky could tell that Gale had nothing but respect for the kid and knew he would go as far as he wanted if he put the effort in.
Pappy often had his best friend, another bright and intensely eager man who went by nothing other than Speas, which made Bucky smile with amusement at the information in a quaint understanding, noting that even Pappy would always and only refer to him as such.
It reminded him fondly of him and Buck and the nicknames that they often only teased each other for in the beginning when they first met before that mutual respect was earned.
As such, most of Gale's and Bucky's days were filled with either practice of warm ups leading up to the main rodeo event, leaving little one on one time between the two of them. But it was to be expected. And it wasn't something either men were new to, especially having brand new charges under Buck's wing that he was given full responsibility for, and the task of having them all ready for what was ahead.
In the few moments in between being behind the chutes and the rare scant moments of free time he had, Bucky would often perch himself up against the rails of the arena and just observe Buck and his new little team of amateurs with a fond smile.
The blond cowboy looked right at home out there, voice clear and authoritative as he ordered them around and through their paces, keeping an air of respect about him that kept that respect well received continuously amongst the newbies.
He never got angry, never lost his temper no matter how stupid Nash or Speas sometimes got when exhaustion started gripping them towards the day's end. And John knew that alongside Buck's more often than not kind and calm demeanour, it was also a conscious effort to keep the teaching mellow but firm, not violent and dismissive, not too strict, like his father.
Knew Buck recognised that being a friend as well as a mentor got the younger ropers further and more willing to listen to him and have that information stick, rather than hold them under an angry hand with a cuff around the back of the ear for not listening well enough.
He found gentleness and conscious effort and time was more productive in the long run, much like the training of a young horse.
You couldn't whip a young horse for making a step left instead of a right and expect the horse to know what it did wrong from the violence alone with little to no feedback. It didn't work like that.
It had Bucky's affection for the other cowboy continue to grow and grow until he felt like he would fall to knees under the weight of it.
Often having to find the strength not to slip through that arena fence and march right up to Buck, perched high on Baby and grab the other man and pull him down in to a crushing kiss every other moment. Often keeping that affection pent up until the two found a few seconds alone like they'd always done and slip between trailers to steal a kiss in privacy, or in the quiet moments in Buck's trailer they were all but lucky to have at that point in time.
Those moments seemed to get further and further in between though, with the amount of time training and practising took up for the rodeo lately.
And now with Buck having his new charges, Bucky often would enter Buck's trailer for the night to find the blond already dead to the world face down on the trailer's loft bed, face peaceful and once or twice only having managed to take off one boot before sleep took him under.
It was something Bucky didn't mind in the slightest, understood on a different level because they were in the same boat. And on those nights he'd quietly remove Buck's other boot and put his hat up on the hook by the trailer door before climbing into bed, careful not to disturb the other, before pulling the smaller man into his arms against his chest and letting himself drift off to sleep to the smell of Buck's hair and horses under his nose.
The only problem that had arisen, as well as that uncomfortable burning sensation against Bucky's chest from the day the new ropers pulled up, was that the quiet moments or scant few minutes Buck and him were able to achieve were getting less and less.
Especially when every waking moment that Buck had was filled with the other ropers and their attention, or Rosie. Who very quickly came to be who Buck started to fill most of his time with.
The new roper had all but become Buck's shadow, following the blond around either on foot or horse-back, that ever growing reverence and smitten expression intensifying with every word or look Buck offered him.
The man practically had hearts for pupils, and Bucky didn't know if Buck was stupid or ignorant, or just that damned innocently clueless that he didn't realise that Rosie had the biggest damn crush this side of the equator, but it was really starting to rub Bucky the wrong way.
It left a sour taste in his mouth, especially when he noticed more and more the answering soft smiles or laughs Buck would direct right back at Rosie.
That burning feeling deep in the core of him started eating away, until his heart started constricting in a valiant effort to protect itself from the flames, until his thoughts were swallowed with it every waking moment.
It only seemed to drive the flames further that very morning when for the first time in a while, Bucky had woken up to the realisation that Buck's side of the bed was empty, already cold from the amount of time that the blond had been vacant from it.
It had taken him a few groggy moments to blink the sleep away from his mind, frowning in confusion as to why he hadn't woken up to the smaller man being tucked into his side and waiting for him to wake before he started to get ready for the day.
He'd stumbled out of bed, yawning wide with a stretch and walking over to the small kitchenette to flick the kettle on, intent on making coffee, when the familiar sound of Buck's laugh had reached him from outside the trailer.
Bucky had walked over to the small trailer window that was faced towards the arena in the distance, and had managed to notice the two figures by the rails in the early morning light.
Buck was standing beside Baby, the mare fully tacked up with her head down managing to slip in a quick nap, his arms rested up on a higher rail, his posture relaxed and easy going. He had his back to the trailer, but John would be able to pick that cowboy out among a crowd of a million.
He would have also been able to pick out Rosie, who was standing on the other side of the fence, his own horse pawing lazily in the sand behind him in boredom as the two men talked in a low murmur into the early morning air.
Bucky watched in silence, breath catching in his throat as Rosie smiled, all timid but flirtatious, and reached out to put his hand on Buck's arm where it was leaned against the rail.
Buck laughed, face tilting down to stare at the dirt below, and didn't move his arm out from underneath Rosie's touch.
Bucky made himself look away, something horrid and hurtful squeezing his chest and throat.
He reached for the kettle which had started squealing at him as if it was mocking his misery.
The night before the rodeo, the usual tradition of beers and bonfire gets amped up in to full swing, a pre-rodeo celebration as well as a late welcome party for the new ropers before the big day.
The fire is bigger than just a measly fire pit this time, Curt and Ken having convinced Chick to call in to the owners of the current rodeo grounds and get permission to build a bigger bonfire in one of the designated spots on site.
It only takes a couple of hours to have the permission texted back, and even less time for the group as a whole to have built up a fairly decently sized bonfire that crackles and whooshes to life to the answering manic cackling of Curt like some mischievous gremlin in the echoes of it.
Brady and Hambone had gone into town in Brady's pickup to get the alcohol, and promptly returned soon after with enough cases of beer of several different brands, as well as a few bottles of stronger stuff that in whole could satiate an entire army and still have a fair portion left over in the morning.
By the time the sun has disappeared behind the distant hills, a familiar lull of some random country playlist murmuring behind the voices of the boys from a Bluetooth speaker, Bucky had already meandered his way past Brady and a few of the others to pluck two beers from the crate on the fold out table and flop himself into his usual camper chair.
He observes the others in a calm disinterested silence as he pops the top off his first beer and takes a heated and long pull from it, relishing in the sharp taste as the cooled liquid slips down his throat.
It settles on top of the burning pit that had become a permanent fixture in his abdomen, soaking it up and dampening it a small amount once the alcohol finally starts digging its fingers in.
In a good turn of events, the newer boys, Nash and Speas and Pappy had all but been accepted rightfully and instantly amongst the league of the others, all fanning off into their respective little circles to talk and make good atmosphere.
They melded in like they'd always been there, and it did make Bucky happy that Brady and Cros and all the other boys had ushered the others into those circles like long lost brothers.
Rosie had been accepted just as easily too, the man's good nature and kindness earning him the same back tenfold amongst the boys.
But as Bucky's gaze comes to rest on the man in question from across the fire, standing close with Buck, smile soft and direct as he lowers his head closer to Buck's ear to be heard over the roar of the fire and the music, Bucky can't help the possessive jealousy that instantly cuts into his very soul at the sight.
Feels even worse when Buck looks up at the other roper through his dark blond lashes with an answering soft smile, and tries to dampen the feeling again by taking another aggressive mouthful from the beer bottle in his hand.
He can feel the jealousy spark and rip up into him when Rosie obviously tells Buck something that has the blond throwing his head back in a laugh, Rosie's eyes trailing over the expanse of his throat, and Bucky toys with the idea of getting up and waltzing over there to plant one very giant possessive and territorial kiss onto the cowboy's mouth in a show of dominance.
Knows that he can't, though, just in case.
Knows that none of his boys would bat an eye at it. But he doesn't know the thoughts of the new boys, of Nash and Speas and Pappy, enough that he would risk him and Buck being shunned because the new men were the same type that would have crucified them where they stand and then proceed to slander his and Buck's names through the rodeo circuits like a disgusting curse, all because of bigoted religion.
The way that Rosie is currently staring at Buck though, all wide eyed and giddy and adoring, has Bucky half ready to do exactly what his invasive thoughts are screaming at him to do, let that festering possessive emotion culminate into acting on it.
He's just about to rise from his seat, thighs tensing when Curt's voice sounds from right beside him, close enough to his ear that it has the larger cowboy startle and nearly lose the the death grip of a hold that he has on his beer.
"The wind changes too quick and your face is gonna get stuck like that,"
Bucky whips his face around to the smug grin of Curt's right next to him, but the shorter man's eyes are currently looking over to where Buck and Rosie are still standing. Still talking close and soft.
Still ripping at Bucky's insides in a dangerous game.
Bucky lets a long winded sigh rush from his lungs, making his body settle back into the chair at the feeling of Curt's hand coming up to rest on his shoulder and squeeze from where he's bent over to talk to John.
He pats John's shoulder in a good natured gesture before taking the empty camp chair beside him, throwing himself into it with a grunt.
"Your boy's been making new friends, huh?"
John snorts, a cruel, sharp sound, and takes another sip from his beer. "Somethin' like that."
He's focused back on Rosie and Buck, surprised neither of them can feel the heat of John's stare, but he can see Curt glance at him from the corner of his eye. Can see the way the other observes him, running his eyes up and down John before sighing and clasping his hands together in contemplation.
"And.. how do you feel about it?"
John forces his eyes away for a moment, looks at Curt in a questioning way, before looking back across the fire. "He can do whatever he wants. 'm not his keeper."
Curt lets his head loll back in exasperation at John's words, disbelief as he looks up at the dark night sky above them before looking back down at Bucky.
"True. True, but, you are his man. His whole world, if you wanna put it bluntly I 'spose."
Bucky flicks his tongue out to lick his lips, the heat of the fire leaving them dry and uncomfortable. A complimenting feeling to the one in his chest.
"Seems his orbit has extended a bit," Bucky remarks, and isn't prepared for the feeling of Curt's hand cuffing him up the back of the head in a rapid strike.
His hat flies off and falls into his lap, and he can't help the affronted noise that makes its way out of his throat as he turns to Curt with wide, shocked eyes and a slack jaw.
Curt's staring him down with a look of disbelief and barely concealed annoyance, light blue eyes cutting through the very recesses of his soul and down to the bone. It makes Bucky want to shrink down into the collar of his coat, like frightened turtle hiding itself away from a predator.
"The fuck y' do that for!?" he yelps, rubbing at the back of his head tenderly at the still smarting impact that Curt made. It was more shock than anything, barely something resembling actual hurt, but he rubbed at it all the same.
Curt pointed his finger at him, jabbing in his direction, face still impossibly hard and serious. "I know you're a bull rider, but god, you can't actually be that dense."
Bucky opens his mouth to protest, but Curt shushes him, making him snap his jaw closed.
"That man over there thinks the goddamn world of you, John Egan. I've seen and heard things I wish I never did, but by god if there's one thing I do know, is that he only has eyes for you, no matter what your dumb mushed up brain is telling you. Or how much better Rosie's moustache is than yours,"
John looks at Curt with feigned hurt, an affronted scoff falling from his mouth but before he can retort, Curt cuts him off again with another well aimed jab of his finger, this time straight into Bucky's chest.
"I may have known you since highschool, Bucky, but I've known Gale a long fuckin' time too. Long before you showed up in our circuit. That man is the sweetest, most loyal soul in existence, and if you ever think that he'd give you up when he looks at you the way he does, I'll bury your body myself and leave a fuckin' note on his trailer door."
Bucky swallows, letting his eyes wander from Curt's back over to where Buck is standing with Rosie, still talking, and feels his heart stutter when Gale's eyes finally find him over the flames.
They lock on to him, and his expression and smile softens into something so adoring and beautiful that it steals John's breath right from his lungs.
He doesn't have the chance to smile back before Buck turns back to his conversation, Nash having joined him and Rosie, and John forces himself to look back at Curt again.
The other man is staring at him, no less intense, but there's something understanding there now too. He looks between Bucky's eyes, sitting back when he finds whatever he was looking for, and plucks Bucky's beer right from his hand to steal a swig.
John doesn't even try to protest, just glares un-bitingly in disapproval as he takes the beer back with a swipe when Curt offers it back.
"All I'm saying is, think for a minute or two for me, yeah? Before you go ripping Rosie to pieces over something that's not even there. You'd be surprised." Curt tells him softly, reaching out to Bucky's knee to pat it before hoisting himself up and starting to walk around the fire to where Ken is sitting with Douglas and Everett on the tailgate of Brady's pickup.
He watches as Ken's face lights up like the moon sitting high above them, letting Curt fit himself in between his legs dangling over the edge of the tailgate and leaning down to press a gentle kiss to Curt's lips.
Everett wolf whistles in a quiet tone as Curt pulls Ken's arms around his waist with a smile, before Curt turns back around to Bucky, fixing him with a pointed look before bringing two fingers up and making the telltale 'I'm watching you' gesture between his own eyes and John's several times.
Bucky sees Ken look up to him too, a knowing smile aimed pointedly at him and Bucky feels like he's being judged over information he's not at all privvy to.
The rodeo the next day goes off without a hitch.
John absolutely decimates the lineup of bull riders with a near perfect score that has him throwing his hat off into the crowd with a well aimed toss as the announcer praises him name over the loudspeakers, just barely audible above the sound of the crowd and their exuberance.
He even landed on his feet this time, granted wobbling just that tiny bit and nearly face planting in to the sand as Curt rushed past him in his rodeo clown get-up to distract the bull, before he managed to catch his balance and sprint up to the chutes and leap his way out of the bull's raging war-path.
He had felt the heat of the bull's breath over the denim on his thigh as it had brushed past him, but it only kept that adrenaline rushing through every vein in his body, ramping it up to that next level as he'd been grinning like mad man, laughing at the rush.
After he'd calmed down and made his way into the alleys behind the chutes to get a better view of the arena, sweat damp hair falling into his eyes, he'd waited patiently while the officials had raked over the arena with the tractor for the ropers.
Felt the rapid thundering of his heart in his chest speed back up in anticipation of watching Buck take his run, only giving the thought of him partnering with Rosie as his heeler a momentary allowance before the speakers crackled back to life and the crowd started filtering back into the stands after a brief intermission.
Speas and Pappy went first, nailing their run and managing to heal and head the steer in almost perfect form, the two men smiling wide and giving each other high fives from where they were seated up on their horses as they rode past and then back into the alley to make way for the next pair.
It was a waiting game for Bucky, three more pairs of riders having their goes before finally he spotted Buck trotting a very eager Baby up to the starting pen.
The mare was bobbing up and down in excitement under him, nostrils flaring and tail swishing while Buck checked his rope, one set held between his teeth as he coiled the excess into perfect loops in one hand, giving no mind to Baby's barely contained energy.
Bucky couldn't help the smile from spreading across his face, bringing one boot up to rest on the bottom rail as Buck and Rosie finally squared up into their positions.
He kept his eyes resolutely on Buck, seeing the moment he glanced down at the cowboy manning the steer chute and giving that telltale nod.
And then they were off.
It barely felt like a blink in time as John watched, seeing the two riders move perfectly in sync as they took off after the steer, hot on its heels and lassos twirling with practised ease.
Buck had cast his out into a perfectly aimed arc and roped the steer's horns in a matter of seconds, shortly followed by Rosie capturing its heels and then it was a quick flurry of the two pulling their respective horses into the normal halt.
The horses knowing exactly what they were supposed to do and making everything look so easy Bucky wondered if they could have done the maneuvers without their riders, just memory alone.
John was expecting it, knowing that the fluid movements both Rosie and Buck had worked were the picture perfect dream team, but even as the scores were tallied up at the end of the event, he couldn't help the way his heart raced at hearing Buck's name spoken out in victory, letting out a loud celebratory whistle in the blond cowboy's celebration.
Seeing the way the other man had looked up into the crowd, taking in the fact that they were cheering for him and Rosie and the wide, bright smile that had lit up his face in turn lit up Bucky's entire soul, and he couldn't help mirroring it.
But he also couldn't help the way that the sinking feeling returned to his stomach when he watched Buck and Rosie ride up to each other, clasping hands and pulling each other in to a quick one armed hug, smiles beaming.
So when all was said and done, he turned his eyes away and decided to make his way back to Buck's trailer to strip off his gear and start to settle himself down in the adrenalised aftermath.
He resolutely ignored the tight restricting feeling crawling its way up his throat.
He had only been in Buck's trailer for a matter of minutes, hands fumbling with the straps of his protective vest in anticipation of stripping himself of the heavy material, when the trailer door had slammed shut behind him and startled him in to turning around.
Buck was standing there, but was very pointedly staring at the trailer floor, hands on his hips over the leather of his chaps and taking a long, deep breath out from his nostrils, face blank and unreadable.
Bucky took a small step back when he felt the sudden tense air fill the small space of the trailer, taking in the hard and trembling line of Buck's shoulders, heaving slightly with what John could only discern as barely concealed rage.
He didn't dare speak, just standing there with his fingers still paused in the movement of undoing his vest straps, and watched the way Buck's eyes still wouldn't meet his, the steely blue gaze hard and unflinching but flickering back and forth with silent thoughts.
Both cowboys stood there for what felt like an age, neither daring to move lest the other lash out like a snake at any sudden move, and Bucky could feel his heart sink lower and lower the longer Buck kept silent, dread crawling up his throat and into his mouth in a sickening wave.
When that feeling felt like it was about to bubble out of him like an overflowing shaken up coke bottle, he parted his mouth, trying to get some type of sound or word out, but snapped his jaw shut again when Buck whipped his head up to stare straight at him.
It felt like those blue eyes were boring holes into his very soul, stormy and enraged and something else that Bucky couldn't quite discern and didn't necessarily want to.
He kept himself still, not wanting Buck to unleash whatever was building there inside his head, just stared right back, wanting but not able to break their stares for fear of what would happen if he did.
So when Buck finally moved, making a beeline straight for him, eyes still sharp and unreadable, Bucky found himself taking another small step back, steeling himself as Buck got closer and closer until he got so close that Bucky felt himself swallow in a suddenly dry throat, ready for the rage of Buck's words to finally pour out.
He took a small breath, not afraid of Buck but afraid of how truthful Buck's words would be, but instead found himself making a small sound of surprise as two hands came up to grab the sides of his face and drag him downwards into a fierce bruising kiss against the other man's lips.
It only took him a few scant moments before he let the tension ooze out of his body and melt into the other, allowing his eyes to close as Buck kissed him harshly, digging his thumbs into the sides of Bucky's jaw until he parted his lips properly and was rewarded with Buck's tongue invading his mouth with an energy he was struggling to compete with.
He risked moving his own hands, abandoning the straps he didn't realise he was still holding on to and fit them perfectly against the curve of Gale's ass, squeezing against the denim and soft leather of the chaps and pulling the smaller man's hips against his own.
Bucky couldn't help the disappointed groan he let slip when Gale pulled his lips away from his, breath panting hot and rapid over his lips in a staticky wild energy, both men's eyes still squeezed shut at the onslaught of emotion suddenly coursing through them.
He felt Buck's fingers shift back from his jaw to grip harshly at the longer curls at the back of his head, pulling until a sharp pain made him groan again against Gale's lips.
"You're such a fuckin' idiot, John Egan."
John felt his eyes fly open, a confused frown pulling at his brow as he finally looked at Buck, who was staring at him with that same stormy anger he had seen when the other man had entered the trailer.
He let his gaze scan over Gale's features, sitting on the kiss swollen redness of his lips before making eye contact again.
Buck sighed, sharp and irritated and tugged at John's hair again that had Bucky hissing through his teeth as Buck knocked their foreheads together harshly.
"I said, that you're an idiot, and I can't believe you thought for even a second that I would ever think of replacing you, or be jealous of Rosie, for Christ's sake."
John gaped at Buck's words, feeling hot shame and embarrassment coil into his stomach, and had no doubt that his face was turning a bright shade of red as he cringed.
He looked away from Buck's eyes for a few seconds, trying to wrangle that shame under control before he looked back at him. He could feel the way his face melted into something sad and shameful, and he couldn't control it.
"Buck, I-"
"Shutup, and listen to me for a second. When I told you, all those weeks ago that you had made your home in my heart, I damn well meant it. And I don't know about you, but I mean what I say."
The shame increased for a few moments before something that felt suspiciously like relief started to chase it away, a new sensation building as he stared at Buck.
He took in the raw emotion that was growing in the blond's expression, the way his lips trembled slightly and the crease between his brows, a bead of sweat trailing from his hair and down the side of his face.
He couldn't help but think Buck was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, a thought that often overtook every waking moment.
"Rosie is not interested in me like that, John. And I can tell you that with complete honesty, right now. He respects me, is starstruck by me, has looked up to my dad and now me since he was a kid. There is nothing there besides respect and adoration for my riding and my name."
John swallows heavily, the shame now disappearing completely, and he suddenly thinks that he would really, really like to kiss the man standing in front of him again. "But I-"
Buck brings one hand around to grip Bucky's jaw in between his fingers giving him a gentle shake to quiet him again.
"Besides," Buck murmurs suddenly, a small grin crawling its way on to his lips, and Bucky watches the motion with reverence before returning his hold on Buck's eyes, which have gone softer in their intensity. "He likes Crosby."
Bucky feels his brain short circuit, like someone has cut the wires again, leaving him in a state of sudden confusion and shock like Buck had just slapped him with the hand still holding his jaw.
The sudden images of small secretive smiles, of giddy looks and signs that he had resolutely ignored, had pushed down into the back of his mind like unimportant information because all he had been focused on was Buck and Rosie, suddenly made him feel, indeed, very stupid.
He frowned at Buck, mouth opening and closing a few times as Buck watched all the pieces click into place in his mind with a self satisfied smirk on the blond's lips.
"Crosby!? Wh- How the hell do you know that?"
Buck laughed, low and quiet, and let his grip on John's jaw loosen slightly, thumb stroking over the sharp angle of it.
"Curt." He said simply.
Bucky sputtered, still trying to process the onslaught of information that he had suddenly been made aware of in such a short amount of time, and his head started to ache.
"How the hell does Curt know that?" John questioned. He brought his hands that were still sitting against the curve of Buck's ass up to rest comfortingly against the shape of his waist in a comforting hold. Buck rolled his eyes, his smirk only growing. "Curt knows everything, you should know this. He's also the reason I found out you were being a jealous idiot for the past week."
Bucky cleared his throat at Buck's words, averting his eyes in embarrassment and cursing under his breath, but was quickly pulled back by Buck's hand so he was face to face with the other man once again.
He was also face to face with Buck's sudden look of complete fond adoration, eyes partially lidded and staring over the contours of his face, eyes scanning every inch of it like he was seeing the stars for the first time.
He felt the continuous movement of Buck's thumb running against the skin of his jaw, the barely there whisper of movement that sent a shiver straight up his spine in an electric over load from being the sudden subject of Buck's soft attention.
"Told you you should'a worn a helmet. Your brain's startin' to turn to mush," Buck smiled up at him, amusement plain on his beautiful face and Bucky felt himself mirror it with a raised brow.
"Oh ha ha, Cleven's got jokes," he purred, slowly lowering his face down to Buck's until he pressed his lips gently against Gale's, feeling the ghost of his smart-ass smile melt away into John's ministrations.
He flexed his fingers against Buck's waist and the other leaned into the kiss perfectly, hand that had been gripping John's jaw finally releasing its hold and running down the column of his throat, fingers caressing in a barely there touch that had Bucky groaning into him.
The sound of familiar muffled voices outside the trailer suddenly had Bucky snapping his eyes open with realisation, pulling away from Buck's mouth suddenly as he leaned over to the window, reaching out with one arm.
Buck made a disappointed sound where he was still held carefully with John's other arm as the bull rider flicked the glass of the window open, face leaning closer to the opening as he shouted out into the open campground.
"You're a fuckin' traitor, Biddick! A big fat goddamn traitor!"
Curt's barked out laughter reached them from a short distance away, a half cut off 'You're welcome!' shouted back in answer as Bucky slammed the sliding glass shut and cut the world out again, leaving him and Buck standing in the ensuing silence.
Turning his attention back to Buck with a soft smile, he noticed the blond cowboy's eyes had dropped from his face down to the expanse of his chest, and he followed his gaze down to where Buck was suddenly fiddling absentmindedly with the still half-done straps of his vest.
Buck cut his eyes up to his again, smile spreading across his face, all sweetness and barely concealed mischief held behind the blue, and Bucky felt his cock stir unhelpfully against the harsh denim seam of his jeans.
With slow practiced ease, Buck lent up, by-passing Bucky's lips completely and instead brushed his lips against the shell of John's ear, making the taller man shiver and tighten his hold back on the waist between his fingers.
"Get this off, and get your ass up on that bed, now," Buck purred, low and so dangerously rumbled that it had Bucky huffing out a breath of surprise as Buck suddenly moved back and pushed a hand against his chest, making him stumble back a few steps.
He watched Buck with wide eyes as the other started fumbling with the buckles holding his roping chaps around his hips, eyes never leaving John's and Bucky felt his brain suddenly kick back in to gear, heart pounding in excitement.
He turned away from Buck for a few moments to hoist himself up onto the mattress of the bed in the loft, almost tripping in his haste and hands flying down to rip the straps of his vest open.
"Sir, yes sir, King Cleven," he teased, letting out a breathless 'oof' as he turned around to recieve a boot straight to the center of his chest, grabbing it before it fell to the floor with a laugh of surprise and then a yelp as a body quickly followed.
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copypastus · 1 year
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A bit of a rant under cut coz ACOFAS broke into my house, tore my heart from my chest and smashed my feelings with a sledgehammer.
Warning: Strong Feelings about a Fairy Book Xmas Special
Why is this book so fucking mean to Tamlin? Dude messed up at the beggining (with good intentions) but after a certain point he's doing everything right to make up. He drags Beron to help in battle. He save's Feyre from Hybern. He passes on the INCREDIBLE opportunity to be a petty bitch and revives Rhys with a 'Be happy Feyre' and then fucks off to be sad by himself. What more redemption do you want? What more can the dude possibly do?? Clearly nothing. As multiple characters just randomly think to themselves he's just the worst and no matter how much good he does it'll never make up for *checks notes* locking Feyre in a house that one time. Like I'm going crazy here. Dude's not doing anything anymore. Not like he's coming back with a vengance he's just highkey depressed in his sad house. And here's Morrigan thinking how much she'd like to kill him one day. Here's Rhys poping in to berrate him. God forbid he fixes things with Lucien. Stay miserable you sad fuck. Ok maybe he feels a little bad after but everyone assures him it's fine acctually. It's always moraly ok to bully Tamlin. You're the bigger male most times. ugh Then you think ok maybe he'll fix it, maybe there was a point to it all. Sure enough here comes Rhys again. His approach is a little better! 'Eat, Tamlin'. Wow did he get some godamn empathy for Solstice? But no he just can't help himself. 'You can waste and die when it's convenient for me. What you thought I'd actually had sympathy for you??'
I just??? it's so MEAN. so petty. If it was the villain Rhysand arc I'd be cheering. But I'm supposed to be rooting for this dude?? I thought it was a low stakes filler book where they exchange gifts and have a delightful little snowball fight. what is this???
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webslingingslasher · 8 months
you’re too sweet ily and i am being brave about being sick and looking after myself coz i am alone ugh where’s the fictional boyfriend who can cook me food and make me hot drinks….
you told peter the only fix would be some chicken noodle soup, he told you, albeit nicely, that he doesn't make soup. peter offered to order you some and he'd gladly bring it, and maybe it is a little dramatic, but you told him it wasn't the same. it had to be homemade.
sitting in bed, blanket tucked under your chin, you felt horrible. your nose couldn't decide between being clogged or a leaky faucet. coughing burned your throat, and you were fighting a fever.
your boyfriend sent you an 'incoming' text, you blink around the room. death would be easier, you think.
just like he said, a gentle knock was produced at your door. you appreciate peter coming by, but you don't dare let him in, you keep telling him you refuse to get him sick.
it takes longer than a minute to rise, you hope he doesn't mind. shuffling towards your door, you peek through a crack, he has a smile so wide and bright you copy it, just for a second, until a cough comes and you hide behind the oak.
'my poor baby,' he somehow eased himself into your room while you were busy trying to catch your breath. his lips were slightly cold on your forehead. 'you feel a little warm, have you taken your temperature?'
'yeah,' you sniffle, your back to not being able to breathe. 'it's going down.' another kiss, you push him away, your eyes catching on to a hand behind his back.
'what's that?' rather than tell, he shows. a container filled with chicken soup, homemade for sure. you gasp, eyes sparkling wide, you reach for the plastic; it's still warm.
'i thought you said you don't make soup?'
'i don't. but, may does. and she was more than willing to provide when i told her how sick you are.' you hug the container to your chest, it was an action of love. from peter's aunt and him.
'can you facetime her? i need to tell her how grateful i am.' your boyfriend's already pulling his phone from his pocket, but he still takes the time to tease you. 'and nothing for me? spider-man sailed across the city so his girlfriend could have hot soup.'
you bow your head, 'thank you, spidey.' peter's phone rings out, he doesn't seem happy at your response. 'close enough.' may's face pops up, you shove the container into the camera, your own face shortly after.
'peter said you made me soup. thank you very much.' a shocked laugh, she brushes you off. 'oh! you're very welcome, but i didn't do much. i just supervised peter.'
you wack peter's arm, he pouts at his aunt while you pester him. 'you said may made it! why are you lying to me?' you crack the lid and take a deep inhale, the steam fights off the sinus infection, it smells like home.
'in case it's bad.' it's may's turn to berate. 'peter!' you take a sip of the broth, it coats your sore throat and you need every bit of it. 'peter's the one that said he needed to learn how to make it. i just hung out in the background.'
‘thanks for tattling, may.’ peter’s made sure you got to bed safely. grabbing a spoon and hunkering down, you shove a mouthful, you'd share but you're selfish. 'this is so good, honey. thank you.' may sees it wipe over her nephew's face, he's proud. you asked and he delivered, next time he could even do it on his own.
'you're welcome, my baby. want some water?' you nod, watching peter walk around the room before holding his arm out. 'say goodbye, trouble.' you wave and say thank you when she tells you to feel better, peter sits next to you and refills your water.
'anything else?' he made you soup. something he never does, and he did. he learned for you. 'yes,' you scooch over, 'i need as many cuddles as you can give.' 
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starsreminisce · 1 year
The trope treasure trove that is Elucien is what is keeping me going
If Elain is insisting to be a part of the NC, she’s eventually will have to interact with him, especially if he’s at a point where he’s reporting directly to Rhys.
We literally could have:
He falls first but she falls harder
side glances and pretending not to pay attention
the breaths close to the skin
the near touches or brushing of fingertips
Elain learning more about him through other people
Lucien discovering Elain’s dry wit and humor
Elain slowly tracing his scars as he tells her they were because he stood up to people he cared for and how self-conscious he is about them
Lucien getting to see just how angry Elain is with everything and smiling saying “finally”
angsty confessions hopefully in the rain
angry aggressive kissing hopefully in the rain
sneaking around coz of they’re not ready to tell people
prim and proper in the streets, freaky in the sheets
IC trying to guess what exactly is going on between them but they don’t know themselves coz they can’t keep their hands off each other when they’re alone
trying to justify it’s the bond that’s making them feel this way about each other
the freaking banter that would happen between them!
“I have done everything - everything - within my power so you can be happy, what more can I do?”
“My own mother was trapped in a marriage she didn’t want, do you think of me so cruel as to wish that life for you?” “It’s not that.” “Then what is it? Why would you want to subject us to this purgatory?” “Because I can’t breathe when I try to reject the bond. I’ve tried. I’ve tried and I just … can’t…"
"Lucien, I was supposed to be married. I was going to have the life I'd dreamed of since I was a little girl." "And I will never forgive myself for taking that from you." "But I do. Because it wasn't the dream I wanted."
"Who was she?" "Nobody" "Didn't look like nobody by the way she was talking to you." "Lady Elain, are you jealous?" "No ... I ... I just didn't like the way she was talking to you." "I wasn't aware you had a habit of watching other females talk to me. Quite nasty, actually." "You're insufferable." "Am I? She didn't seem to think so when she was talking to me."
"I'm sorry! That was a mis-" "No, Elain, never a mistake. Never."
"Why don't you run along to that little bat boyfriend of yours. I'm sure he's hanging around here somewhere as though I am not allowed be around my own mate." "He's not here." "He's a terrible spy, of course he's here." "He is not. He's the best we have." "Please. He was in love with Mor for 500 years and couldn't figure out that Rita's is a gay bar?" "MOR IS GAY?" "Told you Azriel was lurking close by”
"You are such a ... such a ..." "Say it" "PRICK!" "... now I know you definitely hang around Feyre too much."
"You're staring, Lady Elain." "Am not. I had a vision." "Fascinating" "What?" "Just every time I take my shirt off, you seem to have a vision, is all." “Probably to shield myself from looking at your body.” “Are you having another vision again?” “No…” “because you’re staring at my chest again, Lady Elain”
“I wanted to take Feyre’s place when Tamlin abducted her, but now I’m thankful that I didn’t.” “Confidently, you would have broken the curse within a month.” “I know for a fact I wouldn’t. I would have condemned you all to her rule.” “I doubt that, not when I was helping Tamlin along.” “That’s the problem. I would have fallen for you instead.”
“Must you smile at every female who walks by?” “How am I at fault that they smile at me first?”
“I don’t see why you have a problem with your scar. It’s a sexy scar.” “A sexy scar?” “Yes… ohhh… you know what I mean.” “I don’t. Indulge me.” “Lucien, please.” “No no no no. You started it so might as well finish it. What do you mean by sexy scar?” “You know … a scar … that looks sexy…” “That’s a horrible explanation.” “You’re my mate so you’re supposed to know what I mean.” “So I’m your mate now?” “I hate you.” “I don’t think you do when I’m your mate with a sexy scar.” “Prick.” “I know.”
“Is it really that hard for you to say that you love me?” “Yes, it is” “Then what are we-” “Those three words aren’t enough to convey how I feel about you. I love you doesn’t even begin to cover how I deeply feel about you. It’s more. I more than love you. I am willing to betray my own morals for you.” “You’d … kill for me?” “If you wished for it, yes. Without hesitation.”
“Oh yea? This is you ‘I’m Lucien Vanserra, I hate the scar on my face so much that I don’t notice how every female gawks at me’ that’s you!” “Well I’m Lady Elain Archeron. I am so beautiful that I bring kings to their knees and I don’t notice how everyone turns their head at me. That’s you!” “I’m Lucien Vanserra and look how strong I am with my muscles and my thighs.” “I’m Lady Elain Archeron and look how pretty I am with my lips and my doe eyes.” “I’m Lucien Vanserra and look how broad my chest is for you to … drag your fingers across and … to steady you as you ride my gigantic cock.” “I’m Lady Elain Archeron and look how perfectly perky my breasts are and how quick my nipples harden when you … when you...” “Finish your sentence.” “What?” “What?” “What were we arguing about?” “I don’t … I don’t recall.”
"Are you going to die for Jesminda or are you going to live for me?"
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neteyamslovrr · 1 year
Hi can I request number 30 with Tonowari from the fluff prompt list? Thanks
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ahhh!! my first tonowari work!! i made him young in this one coz like imagine baby tonowari (he's like a 20yr old man in this fic) but so byy so bbygorl
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Tonowari was young, his new tattoos still red and agitated as he earned his rites, stepping into the leadership of the clan. He was to rule over the Metkayina one day and he was to have a strong, kind woman by his side to oversee the protection and flourishment of his people.
He had one woman in mind. You. You were fierce, the clan’s best fisherman, a woman who tamed her Tsu’rak with ease, a brag worthy accomplishment. He looked up to you with admiration. You were an astounding woman, who wouldn’t want you as a mate?
“So brother, it is heard that you want to take Y/N as your woman?” Tonowari was sat in one of his friends marui all sitting as they shared a fish they had caught in the early morning.
Tonowari felt his stomach swirl at the conversation turning to you. He was not open about his romantic feelings towards his friends, it was something he thought would be more precious if it was between him and the woman his heart lies with.
“She is a marvellous woman…” His friends looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to confess his affections towards you. “And I have taken it upon myself to court her.”
A choir of cheers came from his friends, all giving him pats on the back. “Our mighty chief getting himself a mighty Tsa’hik!” Tonowari gave his friends a look, embarrassed of talking about his feelings, to be teased was creating a flurry of butterflies in his stomach.
As the night continued, he couldn’t help but think about you. Your graceful figure, you fill his mind with happiness. He is truly in love with you, he only hoped that you feel mutual. That you would want to oversee the people with him and be by his side.
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Tonowari was walking towards his own marui, taking a detour to the shore, wanting to be close to the sea as he walked.
Lighting up the path in front of him was your familiar figure. He felt his heart stop as he watched you walk closer to him. “Wari!” you were waving happily, almost skipping to see him.
“What has got you in such a joyous mood?” He gazed over your body, going back to your love-struck eyes that were pulling him in.
“Hmm just something I heard.” Tonowari’s brows furrowed, curiosity washing over him as he wondered what you heard.
“Hm and what was that?” You giggled more as his stoic features turned even more confused.
“Something along the lines of ‘she is a marvellous woman and I have taken it upon myself to court her.’” Tonowari felt his chest drop, his face grow pale as you were still smiling brightly up at him.
“You were not supposed to hear that!” You were still smiling as you took his large hand in yours, tracing the lines on his hand as he stared down at you.
“I think you’re pretty marvellous too.” His breath hitched as you trailed your hand up his forearm. Along with your words showing your affections he felt as if his heart was going to burst.
“You do?” It was breathy as he questioned you, blown pupils staring into you.
“How could I not?” With the end of your sentence you reached up to him, soft hands holding his cheeks as you brought his lips to yours. Letting explosions off in your chests as you both hungrily kissed each other. Something that both of you had only fantasised about.
Tonowari broke the kiss, resting his forehead against yours, listening to the fast pace of your heart. “You truly are marvellous.”
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tags: @8resa @ilovejakesullysdick @neteyamsblog @live-laugh-neteyam @reyalvr @trashfox @darkacademictrash
thankyou sm for reading bbys!!
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sexygrass · 11 months
forcing Mark to apologize for being disgusting but not before you do to him the dirty things he wanted you to do to him
-anon, hihih
I...I think my vision went black for a second–
This was lowkey rushed, so I hope u enjoyed it :)
I'll will get better by time, promise (idk how to end fics :') )
Dirty Desire
Pairing: mean dom!fem!reader x sub!non-idol! Mark
Warning: pegging, degradation, slight fluff, stuttery mark, shy mark, needy mark, praising, pet names, teasing, lmk if I forget smth.
Word count: ~ 0.7k
Your boyfriend mark has been nothing but sweet and caring. He was everything you would ask for. He was your good pretty boy who would cook you breakfast in the morning whenever you came back home late at night and overslept in the next morning, even though you told him to not do that (for 2 reasons: coz he didn't have to and you were scared to wake up to the house being on fire)
He would massage your sore muscles and would run you a bath and would get so blushy when you ask him to join you. He was your good boy who had never disobeyed you or made you worried about a thing and was always on his good behavior for you.
So, on one evening when you came back home earlier, you found Mark with his laptop on bed, eyes focused on the screen as his fingers were playing with the edge of the sheets. He was doing nothing, and you wanted to bite his face off for how cute he looked.
What you had failed to notice is his growing bulge in his basketball shorts and the low whine that slipped his lips when his fingers brushed on his thigh.
Stepping out from the shower wrapped in a towel, Mark's head snapped your way like a puppy and his eyes were darker shade of black and his ears were bright red. Tilting your head at him, you walked to the bed and asked him to come closer to you.
You saw how he gulped down and quickly shut the computer off and crawled to the edge of the bed. His eyes were so shifty that you had to grab his chin to make him look at you.
"Are you okay, baby?" You brushed his hair away to see his face and asked him softly. Your silky velvety voice went straight to his throbbing dick and he had to squeeze his eyes shut to suppress a whimper.
"Mommy..I," he sighed, fidling with the hem of his hoodie. You noticed his neck slowly turning red. Oh, he has something to say. smirking, you sat down next to him and swiftly made him sit on your lap, "open your eyes and look at me, baby," your voice had an amusement edge as you watched the boy in your lap squirm under your gaze.
Seeing him taking deep breaths, you soothingly brushed over his bare thighs, and a low whine slipped from him. "Mark, why are you so sensitive? Did you... do something without me?"
His eyes snapped wide in panic. You knowhe would never touch himself, but the way his round eyes were begging you to understand him and give him what he wants made you want to tease him till he cry. When he leant to kiss you, you stop him by pressing your flat hand on his chest.
"I asked you a question." You voiced sternly and a shudder ran down his spin, "fuck, no..i did nothing, i..im so horny right now, it hurts." He mumbled before burying his face in your neck, eliciting a giggle from you.
"Aw, is my baby boy shy cause he's so needy?" You cooed, and Mark whined in your ear, "No, it's um...uh...I," rolling your eyes, you squeezed his waist, warningly "stop stuttering and tell me what you want, baby boy. I know you want something and i wont be able to give it to you if you dont tell me what it is," you whispered, licking his ear before gently nibbling at it and his hips bucked up, lowly rubbing againt your lower stomach.
"I watched this video jaemin sent me about a man getting fucked by a dildo and I uh want you to do that to me, mommy," his face nearly exploded from the embarrassment so you quickly cupped his face and made him kiss you cause he looked so cute.
Feeling your lips moving against his, he moaned in your mouth as his hips bucked again, wanting to feel you againt his hard cock but you pulled away and slapped his thigh, "I let it slip once, don't make that make you think that I'll alow you you hump me like a puppy in heat." You warned, and he whimperd, "s-sorry mommy.. I.."
"Take your clothes off and be on four. Be good for mommy and i will make you feel so good," you purred in his ear, and his dick twitched, " fuck, yes, I'll be good just please...please, i realy need you" he sniffed as he hurriedly stripped and positioned himself like you ordered, baring his cheeks for you and you happily slapped his right cheek, enjoying his strangled moan.
"So so needy...bet if you touched your dick, I'll find it leaking precum." Mark moaned when your thumb rubbed his sensetive slit, "oh god, y-yes. I need to cum please," humming, you grabbed the lube bottle from thr drawer and your harness with your favorite blue dildo.
Kneeling behind your boyfriend, you leaned and kissed his shoulders, watching how he shivered, you rubbed his thighs "Relax, baby, I got you. I got you. It might feel uncomfortable at first, but you have to trust me on this, okay? I won't hurt you. What's your safe word?"
"Canada." Smiling, you leaned and kissed his cheek, "good boy," you grinned to yourself at the low moan that left him. Pouring the lube on your hand, you stroked the dildo and slowly eased the tip of your ring finger in his willing rim to stretch him a bit, and Mark's hands nearly gave up. "Shit, more mommy, I need it, please,"
Arching a brow, you added a second finger and thrusted them in and out quickly, enjoying his blabbering and incoherent words.
"Is this how I taught you to beg? You're ordering me around, Mark?" You curled your fingers in, and he cried at the pleasure, "sorry, I.. please don't stop. I..I want...I want -" Taking your fingers out, mark whined at the emptiness. Looking over his shoulder, his dark, lustful eyes met yours, and the smirk he caught on your face made his stomach tighten as his orgasm was quickly building up.
Feeling the tip of the dildo breech his rim, his mouth fell open, a short gasp falling as you bottomed in and the feeling of being so full made him switch from Korean to English as you hit his prostate. Hearing his mumbling and blabbering, you looked at him to see him drooling because he didn't know how to keep his mouth shut.
Seeing his thighs shake, you mused, "are you close, baby? Going to cum from me fucking your tight hole?" Mark threw his head back with a mwel, "yes! Yes- gonna cum—please let me cum, please I need to cum —" biting your lower lip, you thrusted in him harder and faster, enjoying how his body jerked forward as he clutched the sheets for dear life.
Feeling him still, the sheets got a dark stain on the silky blue material as he cummed so hard, his vision went black before he fell on the pillows. Helping him ride his thigh, you slowly pulled out and disposed your harness before Helping him flip back on his back.
"You here?" You brushed his hair away, and he nodded, eyes hazy and dark. Straddling his lap, Mark's hands went to your hips, and a whimper escaped him when his sensetive cock brushed your wet core.
"M sensetive, can't—" wrapping your hand around his softening dick, you felt it twitch in your hand, "so greedy, ungrateful slut. I made you cum and you won't make mommy cum?" You pouted with a tilted head and tears fell down his face and his abused red lips in a pout, his head shaking side to side.
"I fucked your ass and no single thank you mommy were uttered," you sigh and Mark hiccups, "I'm...I'm..sorry..." You rolled your eyes, unimpressed, "you can't even form a correct sentence, " you tilted your head, "my nasty, dirty baby boy," you cooed, wiping his tears, "I'll tell you what to do. You're going to apologize for me for asking me to do such a filthy thing, and as a reward, I'll ride you." Mark's whole face became more red of embarrassment, and his hips shyly lifted up as his lips started shaking to say whatever you wanted him to. He got hard at your degradation and was desperate for another orgasm.
Clutching your hips tightly, his breathing hitched, "I'm sorry for thinking all those dirty stuff I wanted you to do to me," he moaned when he felt your hand stroking him slowly and pumping him at last when you got what you wanted.
"That's my boy," you praised, and Mark felt his heart jump in his chest, a small smile curling on his lips and his whole body buzzed with excitement and satisfaction. Aligning your sopping hole with the tip of his dick, you slowly sank, and both of you moaned at the feeling.
"I think I cummed—"
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theglitterypages · 2 years
Jujutsu Kaisen Boys Headcanons 1 Presents: What kind of person they're most likely to fall in to? And how they would fall in love? Featuring Gojo Satoru
Gojo Satoru
•There's not much that I know (we know) about this man's past but judging his behavior and attitude, Gojo most likely grew up with almost everybody treating him like a god.
• In my perspective, Gojo probably didn't have a chance to enjoy his own childhood and this will explain his childish antics despite his age. This man is basically just healing his ✨childhood trauma✨ in his adulthood so let him be.
• Having the skills and powers he inherited, people from his own family lionized him and even those in the Jujutsu Sorcerer community does. So instead of being a child who's suppose to play and enjoy, I bet Gojo was pretty much taught to held himself to a higher standard as a jujutsu sorcerer even as a kid. So he was forced to abandon his own childhood, they straight up want him to work hard coz he's got what it takes to rule the jujutsu world.
• Gojo just comes off as cocky but that's just a result of how everybody acts around him. They just praise him too much that it sticks to him.
• With these points being said, Gojo Satoru will most likely fall to someone who's not a jujutsu sorcerer.
• Gojo craves for something “normal” becausehe's too fed up of what he encounters in his everyday life, he's exhausted of being the "strongest jujutsu sorcerer" Because he actually wants to get that burden out of his chest.
• How did he meet you? You could thank his love for sweets for that. Everywhere he goes, Gojo makes sure to buy anything sweet for himself, he's got an appetite of a child and he wants to try every sweets he sees.
After a mission and a meeting with the higher ups, Gojo needs a damn break from anything that has something to do with Jujutsu Sorcery. He needs something to relieve his stress and his eyes was caught by something unfamiliar in this street.
He spends most of his time looking around here, so he knew most of the buildings, shops and other establishments in the area. It's not hard to spot something unfamiliar specially with the powers he possessed.
With his hands stuffed in his pocket, he made his way to the newly opened shop and entered in a good mood. Now he needs to know what kind of sweet delicacies can he add in his favorites today?
His eyes scanned the menu and he could almost feel himself drooling because of what he sees. This is a paradise for people like him who loves sweets! He was
"Good afternoon, Sir! What would you like to order?"
When he looked up and saw who spoke, everything stopped.
Gojo felt like he was trapped in his own domain expansion and all he could fucking see was the woman standing in front of him.
Holy guacamole, you are the most beautiful thing he's ever seen apart from his own reflection.
Now that's a voice much sweeter than any cakes or mochi combined. And he knew he had to snap out of his thoughts if he didn't want to look stupid.
"Ah hey, hi! Hi! I just ahm.. Can I have these?"
Gojo the mfing Satoru just stuttered, his senses have been dialed to 11, his mind is about to explode because there's too much thought in his mind in every second.
Your hair, oh yes, you've got that shiny hair that smells like lavender, and you look so precious, he'd like to protect you at all cost. You look so small in front of him, he imagines that you'd fit perfectly in his arms oh he definitely love that idea.
You jot down his orders—he ordered every variation of the cupcake available and you're also taking your time to admire the human form of a great piece of art sculpted by Greek gods and goddesses themselves.
"Hmm, yeah I got it. Please sit right there for a moment, Sir. Would you like a glass of water?" You offered and he smiled, yeah he needs to rehydrate right now, he thinks he's gonna faint because his heart is beating crazy fast.
After that day, Gojo visits the shop regularly just so he could see you, trying to get to know you, trying to see if he has a chance.
You look so innocent, cheerful and you're literally shining in his eyes.
"You know, you don't look like a teacher." You told him as you flip the sign on the shop's door so that the people would know that you're already closed. Gojo was helping you clean up and he talks about himself,after asking stuffs about you.
"I know, I surprised myself as well." He said as he follows you to the kitchen.
You chuckled before looking back at him with the sweetest smile playing on your lips, "But do you love what you're doing?" You asked as you took the cake you baked for you and Gojo.
Gojo felt like he forgot to breathe after what you said.
He never had anyone asked him that. All his life he's been told how to live his life but here you are asking him what he loves, what he wants and he didn't want to sound so soft but he wants to hug you and cry.
So he did.
He charged himself towards you and hugged you tightly, "Thank you." He whispered, his voice shaking, trying to stop himself from crying because that's not the Gojo Satoru that he should be according to what he was taught and told.
You noticed how his voice trembled and you hugged him back, it's the first time you've seen him like this. To you, he always look confident but there were times where you see him often lost in his own thoughts, you've already assumed that he's more than the confident man who ridiculously love sweets.
"Hey, it's okay. You can cry if you want, I won't tell anybody and you don't have to tell me about it. You can just cry and I'll pretend that it didn't happen."
That was when he knew he's fucking whipped for you.
And surprisingly, Gojo let himself cry in your arms, he didn't bawl his eyes out, he just quietly cried as he buried his face on your neck and you just listened to his sobs while patting his back gently.
When he's finally finished, he let himself feel your warmth for few more minutes before he gently pulled away from you but his hands remained on your waist, he just stared into your eyes and all he could see was the look of genuine worry and care that he never saw in anyone else but you.
You reached out for his face and wiped away his tears. You smiled at him while you pinch his cheeks gently, "Come on, try tomorrow's special and tell me what you think about it." When he removed his hands off your waist, you immediately missed the warmth of Gojo's hands while he missed the warmth of your body that melts the frozen walls he built in his heart.
He watched you slice the cake before you reached out for his hand and pulled him to your side, you picked up the fork and fed him the first bite.
The flavors exploded in his mouth along with his own erratic heartbeats. All he could see at that moment was you, the way you smile and the way you look up at him. It was all you.
Gojo let himself enjoy that moment, the precious moment where he finally let himself look vulnerable, where he was finally able to let the tears he held in for so long.
He loves you so damn much and one day, he'll be brave enough to tell you.
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cowboybeepboop · 1 month
Take me higher
A/n: I got a request for something between reader, Tyler and javi but I just don’t write threesomes so this is like a “choose your own adventure” type thing if that makes any sense at all. I really don’t know what I'm doing. I just thought this would be an interesting way to work this request while staying in my comfort zone. If you’ve seen the other one just ignore my ramble 😭
Pairing: Javi Rivera x fem! reader x Tyler Owens
Warnings: 🚫 NOT A THREESOME 🚫 and a little bit of awkward fighting
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You and Tyler Owens are the top tornado chasers in the country, each with a reputation that precedes them. You’re known for your methodical, data-driven approach, while Tyler is famous for his daring, instinctual chases. Your rivalry is legendary—every storm season, you find yourselves competing to capture the most intense footage and data, often ending up in the same storm, glaring at each other from across the swirling chaos.
Despite your professional rivalry, there’s an undeniable spark between you. Your banter is sharp and filled with double meanings, your competition fueled as much by mutual respect as it is by the desire to outdo each other. Friends and fellow chasers joke that the tension between the pair of you could power a storm all on its own.
Your team pulls into the motel that Tyler and his team are also staying at. You hop out of the passenger seat stretching as you leave the truck. Tyler, leaning against the side of his truck, notices you stretching from across the parking lot. His eyes roam over your form with more than a hint of appreciation, before he pushes himself off the vehicle and saunters over to you.
"Look who it is," he drawls, his voice laced with a familiar smirk. "You just can't stay away, can you?" Crossing your arms over your chest you give him a playful glare.
“And how am I supposed to stay away when this is the only motel in the area?” You walk past him brushing his arm with your shoulder. Tyler falls into step beside you as you make your way towards the motel entrance. He glances down at the spot where your shoulder brushed against his arm, his gaze a little darker than usual.
"Oh, so you're just here for convenience, huh?" He teases, his smirk never leaving his face. "Here I was thinking you just couldn't resist the opportunity to see me again."
”What would make you think that cowboy?” Your lips curve into a smile as you turn on your heel, looking up at him sweetly. Tyler chuckles, his arms crossing over his chest as he grins down at you. His eyes roam over your face, slowly taking in every feature.
"You know I could list countless reasons, darlin'," he drawls, his voice dripping with a southern twang. "But they'd all just boil down to one simple truth – you can't resist my charm."
”Charm?” You giggle, “I wouldn’t call you charming.” You turn once again, getting the key to your room from the front desk.
”No? Then what would you call me?” Tyler's smirk only grows wider as you turn away, his gaze locked on you as you retrieve the keys. He follows you to your room, his broad shoulders filling the hallway, making it feel far more crowded than it truly was.
"Coz let me tell you, sweetheart" he murmurs, stepping so close that his chest is nearly pressed against your back "Charm seems like the right word to me." Unlocking your door you swing it open, standing in the doorway.
”I’m thinking something more along the lines of arrogant,” your voice laced with amusement. “Yes, arrogance is the perfect way to describe you,” your playful smile widens.
Tyler laughs, his hand braced against the door frame as he leans into the door to loom over you. “Arrogant, huh?” He echoes, raising an eyebrow. “I like to think of it as confidence. I know what I’m about.”
He reaches out, his fingers trailing a path down your arm, leaving a trail of heat in their wake. “Besides, darlin’, you've never had a problem with my arrogance before. Seems more like you're trying to rile me up...”
You look up at him, your eyes landing on his lips. “Why would I want that?” You put a hand on his chest. Leaning toward him you stand on your tippy toes, “What would I get out of trying to rile you up, cowboy?” You murmur against his ear.
A shiver runs down Tyler's spine as your breath fans over his skin. His heart rate increases, his broad chest rising and falling rapidly. He swallows hard, trying to maintain his cool facade, but the heat in his eyes gives him away.
"I can think of a few things, sweetheart," he murmurs, his voice thick with barely concealed lust. He grips your hip, pulling you closer, his fingers digging into your flesh.
“Yeah?” You run a finger over his jaw, “So are you gonna keep playing games or will you come inside and do something about it?” Your eyes darkened by desire as you look up at him. Tyler's self-control snaps with your words.
With a low growl, he pushes you back into the room, closing the door behind him with a slam. He pins you against the door, trapping you between the hard wood and his hard body.
He towers over you, his hands planted on either side of your head, caging you in. His gaze rakes over you, his eyes dark with a mix of desire and barely suppressed need.
"You're playing a dangerous game here, darlin'," he warns, his voice rough. "But I never back down from a challenge." Your arms wrap around his arms pulling his face close to yours you hover your lips over his.
”Are you sure about that, Owens?” Tyler's eyes lock onto your lips, his breath hitching at the closeness.
"Absolutely sure," he murmurs, his breath fanning over your skin. "And don't call me 'Owens' in that voice. It drives me crazy, damn it." he murmurs before crashing his lips against yours.
The kiss is fierce and possessive, his tongue demanding entrance as his hands snake around your waist, pulling you impossibly closer. Your arms pull him closer as you let his tongue in your mouth.
He breaks the kiss to gasp for breath, his forehead resting against yours. "You really enjoy pushing me, don't you?" He pants, his chest heaving.
”Of course I do, Owens.” You smirk, he growls lowly, his eyes narrowing at the use of his last name.
"You're walking a thin line, sweetheart." he warns as his hands slide lower down your waist, his fingers gripping your hips almost to the point of pain. "Keep it up and I'll have to put you in your place." His lips brush against your ear, his warm breath sending shivers down your spine.
”Is that so?” You push his chest away from you, moving past him and hopping onto the bed. “I’d like to see you try,” your smirk grows as you slip your shirt off, tossing it to the side of the room.
Tyler's eyes widen at the sight, drinking in every bit of flesh revealed with hungry eyes. His jaw clenches as his fists clench, resisting the primal urge to pounce on you right then and there.
With a low, frustrated groan, he takes a step forward. "You just can't help yourself, can you?" he mutters, his gaze glued to your body.
He stops at the edge of the bed, his eyes roaming over your form, his breathing ragged. "You're playing with fire, sweetheart. I hope you're prepared for the burn." You pull him to you by the loops of his jeans, your hands sliding up his shirt.
Tyler lets you pull him closer, a low groan escaping his lips as your hands make contact with his skin. The touch of your fingers against his bare flesh sends shivers down his spine.
"You're going to be the death of me," he gasps out, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he tries to maintain control.
But the sight of you, half-naked in front of him, threatens to break his restraint. Lifting up the fabric of his worn shirt, you motion for him to pull it off as your lips trail kisses over his abs.
Tyler obeys your order without hesitation, quickly pulling the shirt over his head and tossing it aside. He looks down at you as you kiss his abs, his breathing becoming more ragged with each touch of your lips against his skin.
His hands tangle in your hair, holding your head against his stomach, silently encouraging you to continue. A loud knock interrupts you, “Hey Y/N are you in there?” Javi’s voice rings through the air.
“Yeah, just a moment,” you respond, shoving Tyler toward the closet. “Hide, don’t make a sound.” You warn, your voice a quiet demand. Tyler's eyes widen in surprise, but he obeys your command without question. He slips into the closet and shuts the door softly behind him, just enough for him to peek out.
He watches you through a crack in the closet door as you respond to your friend, a mix of annoyance and amusement playing across his face. You open the door completely forgetting about your missing shirt.
Javi glances towards the closet, only to see... nothing, his eyes widen slightly as he smiles a grin, "Aha! You got a man over don't you." He chuckles, leaning against the doorway.
He gives you a nod, "He's in there right?" Javi continues, his tone turning to a more questioning one. He eyes the door that was in front of the closet before turning his head towards you. His face now is a mix of both confusion and amusement.
”No,” you laugh stiffly blocking him from moving toward the closet door. Javi takes one last glance at the door before turning his attention back to you, giving you a teasing smile.
"Alright, alright, I believe you." His eyes dart back to your exposed chest for a brief moment. You cross your arms over your chest as he takes a step toward you.
Javi notices you become a bit more defensive, a smile plays on his lips, "What's the matter? Aren't we good friends?" He leans in, his tone turning seductive as he eyes you with a small smirk on his lips.
”We are,” you draw out as he steps closer to you.
Javi continues to step closer to you, his smirk becoming more apparent the closer he gets, “Then what’s wrong?” He begins to lean down slightly, almost as if he’s planning to steal a kiss from you.
A flush creeps up your neck as Javi brushes a stray hair out of your eyes.Javi leans in, his smile still prominent as his hands reach around your waist, his lips gently pressing against yours, but only for a split second. His eyes gaze back into yours before he pulls away.
Your eyes widen as he pulls away, your breath hitching as you hear Tyler clear his throat, stepping out of the closet. He steps into the room and makes eye contact with Javi, raising an eyebrow as he eyes you both.
“What the hell are you doing, Javi?” Tyler's voice is filled with rage as he balls his fist.
Javi raises an eyebrow, a grin appearing on his lips, "What? Is my girl not allowed to get kisses from me?" Javi crosses his arms, looking from you to Tyler as if he's daring him to continue.
"Your girl?" Tyler crosses the room, getting right up to Javi as he looks him in the eyes, "Since when did you own my girl?" You step between the two of them.
“Okay boys, let's be civil,” you glance between them sighing as you try to think of what to do next.
"Civil?" Tyler’s face scowls as he looks back at you, "He kisses you and you're asking for civil?" His eyes look at you intently as he puts his fists on his waist.
Javi crosses his arms, glaring at Tyler. "Alright, listen," he holds up a finger, "One, she's not yours, get that in your head," his eyes now only focus on Tyler, his brows furrowed, "Two, you're lucky it was just a kiss and not something a lot more"
Tyler's now right next to you, looking at Javi with a look of pure anger in his eyes, "You have some nerve," he continues to clench his fist as his temper rises, "Thinking you can kiss my girl then threaten me, your lucky I don't beat your ass."
Javi grins, a hint of madness in his eyes. He looks Tyler in the eyes, "What are you gonna do about it?" His eyebrows furrow, "Cause I sure as hell have no problem taking a swing at you."
”Boys, seriously stop it,” you say sternly.
a/n: here’s Tyler’s version idk
“Tyler, why don’t you go?” You shove his shirt into his chest as you sigh, “We can just talk in the morning okay?”
"You'd like that wouldn't you?" He stares you down, almost wanting to start something with you, "Don't worry, I'll go"
”Tyler.. I’m sorry,” he rolls his eyes walking out of the door slamming it shut. You exhale deeply and turn back to Javi, who looks pleased with himself. He leans against the wall, arms crossed, and lets out a chuckle.
"Looks like you've got yourself a little admirer," Javi says, a smirk on his face. You look at him, feeling irritated and flustered.
"What the hell was that all about?" You ask, your voice laced with irritation. The kiss was still on your mind as you cross your arms over your breasts once again. Javi simply shrugs, looking at the door that Tyler had just walked out of.
”Javi, what the fuck?” Your eyebrows furrow as you look at him confused. Javi's smirk widens and he shrugs again, walking over to you slowly.
"What, I can't kiss my best friend?" He says, stopping in front of you. He looks down at you, his tone now teasing. "Don't act like you didn't like it." He reaches over, brushing his hand over your exposed shoulder.
”You’ve never kissed me before..” you shiver as his hand caresses your skin gently. “So why now?” Javi leans down, his breath against your skin as he runs his fingers over your collarbone.
He smirks, and pulls you closer, his other hand finding your hip as he brings you against his chest. "Maybe I just wanted a taste," he whispers, his voice low in your ear.
He gently pushes you up against the wall, his body pressed against yours, trapping you between him and the wall. “Javi..” you mumble his name, “Why are you acting like this all of a sudden?”
He brings his hand up, grabbing your chin and forcing you to look him in the eye.
"Like what?” He asks in a low voice. He moves his face closer to yours, his breath against your skin, "like I'm not tired of watching you look at other guys... like I don't want you all to myself?"
He leans in, his lips just brushing against your neck, sending a shiver down your spine. Your lips part, letting out a strained gasp at the feeling of his soft lips against you.
“Mm, and how long have you been feeling like that?” Your arms wrap around his torso. His lips continue to graze over your skin, gently kissing down your neck to your collarbone.
“Too long,” he murmurs into your skin. His hands move down to your hips, pulling you even closer, pressing your body against his. “I’ve sat by for months watching you give other guys attention, and it’s starting to piss me off.”
He bites down on your neck, leaving a small mark. Your eyes flutter shut as you lean into his touch, your body reacting to his every movement. “It didn’t help that I chose to bring Owens in here, did it?” You murmur, knowing that your charade finally caught his attention.
Javi growls and his grip on your hips tightens at the mention of Owen. He lifts his head, looking at your face intently.
“Yeah, that didn’t help.” He responds, his tone cold. He moves one of his hands to your chin, tilting your face towards him, the other still firmly on your hip. He looks into your eyes, a mixture of anger and lust.
“But it sure did bring out my possessive side.” He says, his eyes darkening. Your hand slides up his shirt, your fingers running over every muscle in his back.
“Good,” you lean forward, kissing his jaw. “That's exactly what I was hoping for,” you whisper into his ear. A shiver runs through Javi at the feeling of your lips on his jaw, his grip on your hips tightening even more.
“You did all that just to get a rise out of me?” He asks, a hint of anger in his voice, but it’s overshadowed by the low growl that escapes his throat. He pushes you further into the wall, his body now fully pressed against yours, his hands moving down to your thighs.
”I had to do something to get you to make a move…” you murmur against his neck as you press kisses into his skin. Javi's breathing becomes ragged as you kiss his neck.
He grips your thighs, lifting you up with ease and pinning you to the wall. He presses his body against you, making sure you can feel every contour of his body pressed against yours.
“You could have just asked,” he growls into your ear, biting at your earlobe. Your hands move up to his shoulders as you wrap your legs around his waist.
“Well, where’s the fun in that.” You say with amusement in your voice. Javi grunts, the feel of your legs around his waist sending shivers down his spine.
“You’re such a tease,” he mutters, his lips traveling down your neck to your collarbone. He nips at your skin, leaving a trail of small bite marks in their wake. He slowly rocks his hips against you, letting you feel how much effect you’re having on him.
Moans fall from your lips as your head falls back in pleasure. “Fuck, you’re so hard.” Javi’s low chuckle sends a wave of desire through you as he rolls his hips against you again.
“You feel that?” He asks, his voice rough. He leans in, his lips next to your ear, “That’s all because of you.” He presses you even harder against the wall, his grip on your hips tightening.
You can feel how much he wants you, the desire written all over his face. His lips find your neck again, but this time he sucks on your skin, leaving a trail of marks down your collarbone.
Your nails dig into his shoulder blades, your hips moving down on his. Javi’s hips continue to grind against yours, his movements becoming more frantic as his breathing turns into harsh pants. You can feel the heat and need building between your legs, your own arousal reaching a crescendo.
Suddenly, Javi's body stiffens and he lets out a low groan, his grip on your hips tightening as he reaches his climax. His release coats your thighs, his body shaking slightly as he gasps for air. For a moment, he holds you there, his forehead resting against your neck, his breathing ragged in your ear.
Then, he pulls back, a smug smile playing on his lips as he looks at you, your eyes still glazed with desire. You, however, are left feeling more frustrated than ever. Despite his climax, your own body cries out for relief, your need for release unfulfilled.
Javi's smug smile turns into one of pure hunger as he throws you to the bed with ease, he takes in the sight of you sprawled out on the bed, your bare skin glistening with a sheen of sweat. Without wasting a moment, he tugs at your jeans, pulling them down along with your panties in one swift motion.
He gently unhooks your bra, freeing your breasts to bounce against the mattress. His eyes darken as he licks his lips, and you feel a rush of excitement at the knowledge of what's to come. He positions himself between your legs, his hands pushing your thighs apart as he lowers his head to your exposed center.
He starts by kissing the insides of your thighs, his teeth grazing your sensitive skin, making you squirm with anticipation. When his tongue finally reaches your clit, you let out a gasp as the pleasure hits you like a bolt of lightning. He circles it with the tip of his tongue, applying just the right amount of pressure to drive you wild.
Your hips buck upward, seeking more of his touch as he delves deeper, lapping at your folds with a fervor that leaves you trembling. His hands hold you in place, his strong grip on your thighs keeping you open for his exploration.
His mouth works its magic, bringing you closer and closer to the edge of orgasm, until you're begging for release. And when it finally crashes over you, he doesn't stop, savoring every spasm, every drop of your pleasure as your body arches off the bed in ecstasy.
Javi’s kisses traveled from your neck to your chest, peppering your collarbone and the swell of your breast’s with feather-light touches that sent electric shocks through your body. His teeth nipped at the sensitive skin of your neck, making you gasp and arch into his touch.
His hands roamed over your bare form, caressing every curve and valley with a possessive urgency that made it clear he wasn’t going to be denied. You could feel his hardness pressing against your thigh, a silent reminder of his own need, but he focused solely on you, his thumbs brushing over your now sensitive clit as he kissed and nibbled his way down your torso.
His mouth found your navel, his tongue dipping into the small indentation before moving lower, tracing the line of your hipbone and the crease of your thigh. You moaned and writhed beneath him, your body begging for more, as his fingers continued to dance over your clit, the pressure building steadily.
He was taking his sweet time, savoring every moment of your pleasure, and the knowledge that you’d orchestrated this situation only added to his own enjoyment. His eyes met yours, filled with a mix of amusement and desire, as he whispered, “You’re going to pay for all this, teasin’ darlin’.”
And with that, he lowered his head to kiss and lick the insides of your thighs, his hands pushing them further apart to expose you fully to his gaze. His tongue swiped over your folds, tasting you, teasing you, and you could feel yourself getting wetter and wetter under his ministrations.
The room was filled with the sounds of your desperate moans and his hungry groans, the air thick with the scent of your arousal. And as he finally took your clit into his mouth, suckling and flicking it with his tongue, you knew that this was going to be a night to remember.
Javi's tongue and fingers work in perfect harmony, bringing you to the brink of another orgasm. Your hips rock against his mouth, your moans echoing in the small motel room. As you reach your peak, he slows his pace, making the moment last until you're practically begging for release.
With one final flick of his tongue, you shatter, your body convulsing in pleasure. He smirks as he pulls away, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction as he watches you try to catch your breath. You sit up, your own desire now focused on him. You take his erection in your hand, your grip firm and sure as you stroke him.
His eyes roll back in his head, his breath hitching as you take control. You lean in, pulling the hem of his shirt up, pressing kisses to his chest and stomach as you continue to pump him, watching his reaction to every movement. His muscles tense, his breathing becomes erratic, and you know he's close.
With a few more strokes, he cums with a groan, his warmth spilling over your hand. The tension in the room shifts, the air now thick with a sense of victory and the scent of sex. You lean back, a smug smile playing on your lips as you wipe your hand on the bedspread.
Javi climbs on top of you, his muscular frame hovering over you as he captures your lips in a gentle, claiming kiss. His arms wrap around you, pulling you into his embrace as he rolls over, settling you onto your side.
He tucks you into the crook of his arm, your bodies pressed tightly together. His hand finds its way to your hip, his possessive grip securing you against him as he whispers, "You're mine." His voice is a soft rumble, filled with a tenderness that surprises you, given the intensity of the moment.
As you melt into the warmth of his hold, the exhaustion of the day's chase and the passionate encounter finally catch up to you. Your eyes drift closed, and you allow yourself to be lulled into sleep by the steady beat of his heart and the comfort of his strong arms holding you tight.
The last thing you feel before drifting off is the gentle kiss he presses to your forehead, a promise of more to come once the storm outside matches the one inside you both.
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tommyshelbyswh0re · 1 year
In our hearts forever- tommy shelby
summary- mrs shelby has a cough which turns out to be a lot worse than they thought.
warnings-angst, death, talks of the afterlife, grieve, not edited or proofread coz i’m lazy, just really sad tbh
psa- i know absolutely nothing about medicine or illnesses. i googled most of this so it definitely isn’t historically accurate.
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it started with a sore throat on a random thursday afternoon. she thought that tea with honey would help. and it did. it soothed her aching throat for a couple of minutes before she again found it hard to swallow or speak. she passed it off as a winter cold.
by 10pm, tommy had returned home to find his wife in their bedroom asleep. he thought it was odd because his wife was always a night owl. there was multiple occasions where he snuck downstairs with a revolver in his hand in the middle of the night because he heard clashing of pans in the kitchen only to find her humming a tune and baking treats. he adored her for it. he loved going to work with a lemon muffin in his briefcase because his wife knew he barely consumed anything other than cigarettes and irish whisky. “thomas i don’t know how you don’t faint mid-day when there’s nothing in your stomach” she would roll her eyes at him.
he shook her awake out of concern. “sweetheart, are you ok?” he asked. “im fine” she mumbled in her half-asleep daze before she had all but a coughing fit. thomas didn’t know what to do. ofcourse he had seen his wife sick but he did not have a good feeling about this. “water” she heaved out whilst trying to reach for her glass of water on the bedside cabinet. he quickly passed it to her and helped her sit up. “i think i’m getting ill” she whined.
“oh really? do you think?” he sarcastically chuckled. this caused her to giggle which furthermore caused her to return to her coughing fit. once she had stopped she pressed a kiss to her husbands knuckles before attempting to go back to sleep.
thought the night she kept awakening with her coughing fits. this kept tommy up and he knew that he would take the next day off work to help his wife get better.
“thomas you don’t have to, i’ll be fine” she told him the next morning once she knew of his plans to stay home.
“no, as of today i am at your beck and call. whatever you need, let me know” he kissed her forehead.
a couple of hours later he heard her coughing again. this time it sounded a lot worse than before so he ran upstairs to check on her. he was not prepared for what he saw. he saw his wife sweating buckets whilst shivering. her teeth her chattering with a trace of red and it was then that he knew she was coughing up blood. that and the droplets of blood on the bed sheets from where she had struggled to pull herself up. his first instinct was to panic. he knew that this wasn’t just a cold from the cold winter weather. he grabbed her a glass of water and mentioned something about ringing the physician. his wife couldn’t tell though because she was focusing on trying not to dry heave.
thomas ran downstairs to the phone to ring the doctor who came straight to the home. once the doctor knocked on the door, tommy immediately let him in.
“you called mr shelby?” the doctor asked. “yes, my wife, she’s not well. she’s had a sore throat and cough since yesterday and today it has gotten worse. she’s shivering and sweating at the same time” thomas spoke with panic wavering his voice as he lead the doctor up the staircase and in to their spare bedroom. “sweetheart the doctor is here, he has come to check over you” he said after entering.
“okay” she whimpered.
the doctors pressed a stethoscope to mrs shelby chest and ask her to breath in. as she did so, a loud wheeze escaped causing both tommy and the doctor to furrow their brows. the doctor looked concerned which in turn panicked thomas even more.
“rest now mrs shelby. mr shelby, may i speak with you outside?” the doctor whispered the last part to thomas to which he responded with an immediate nod of his head and lead the doctor out into the hallway.
“it seems mrs shelby has signs of spanish influenza. as of right now, there is no cure of this illness. i’m afraid she doesn’t have long left” the doctor patted tommy’s arm.
“i don’t believe you. there has to be something?” thomas was getting angry. he had already seen his first love gretta die from this and assumed by now there would be some kind of medication.
“im afraid not. the fatality rate of this disease is 100%. she will not survive this. spend as much time with her as you possibly can” and with that, the doctor let himself out.
thomas stood in the hallway for what felt like hours, but was really 10 minutes. his brain tried to process this devastating news. how can his y/n be taken away. she had done nothing in her life to deserve this. she was good. she had a kind soul. she had dedicated her life to selflessness and helping others in time of need and now there was nothing to help her. thomas didn’t understand it at all. he had murdered, inflicted pain, lied to get his own way and used people and yet he was still healthy. he could breathe without feeling like his lungs would collapse and he could speak at full volume without having to take breaks to finish a small sentence. his y/n was happy and healthy less than 3 days ago. and now she would be taken away from him and this world far before he ever imagined. he had ultimately decided not to tell y/n that this could be her last day on earth. he didn’t want her to know that she would never see him again.
he walked back into the bedroom and sat at her bed side. he took her hand in his and kissed her knuckles. with his other hand, he stroked her hair and accidentally grazed her forehead, realising how hot it was. he stood up, walked to the adjoining toilet and placed a towel under the cool water. he came back and gently placed it on her forehead making her smile in her sleep.
“im going downstairs love. i’m going to update pol on what the doctor says. i’ll be back in 10 minutes, don’t go anywhere.” he meant that in the sense of dying. don’t die y/n. not whilst im not here. you don’t deserve to leave this earth without love surrounding you.
“where would i go?” y/n whispered jokingly with her eyes closed, still not aware of her diagnosis.
“places love, places” tommy smiled sadly.
he practically ran down stairs and rang polly.
“hello, polly speaking” she answered the phone.
“pol it’s tommy. y/n’s not well. it’s bad. the doctor came and said it’s spanish influenza and there’s nothing they can do. she’s going to die. please come, she needs you” he hurriedly spoke through the phone.
“what are you talking about thomas?” she hastily asked, panic setting in her bones.
“my wife is fucking dying. you need to come” he nearly shouted down the phone.
“we are on our way” pol’s voice cracked.
“please hurry, i don’t know how much time we have with her” he sobbed and out the phone down.
he walked back up the stairs to find y/n’s fingers turning blue. she was still shivering.
“im back love” he whispered
“i knew you would be” she used some of her remaining energy to pat the bed next to her and invite him to lay with her.
“you need to rest” he denied.
“please thomas? i know i haven’t got long left i can feel it. i want out last conversation to be with my head on your chest, listening to your heartbeat so i know you’ll be okay. i want to die in the arms of my lover.” her voice cracked and tommy’s eyes watered.
“okay” he whispered back and he slowly walked towards the bed and layed down gently in hopes to not cause her any more pain.
she struggled but eventually snuggled into his arms and spoke up.
“i love you thomas. you know that. you’ve always known that just as i know you have always loved me. i don’t want you to lose faith in this world. there is not a reason for everything and sometimes thing just happen. i know i didn’t do anything to deserve this and you need to know that this is not the world getting back at you for the mistakes you have made either. we fell inlove when i was twelve and you were thirteen and it doesn’t end here. my love for you shines thomas. so whenever you feel hopeless, look into the sky and the brightest star represent me and my love looking down at you and encouraging you. you can do whatever you put your mind to. everything you want in life can be yours if you set your sights on it. we weren’t blessed with children but you are going to be an amazing father one day. with another woman-“
“no. your my last love. i never want to feel another woman’s love because it wouldn’t even compare to the feeling of yours” he shook his head. there were tears falling down both of your faces.
“im not telling you to go out and be a ladies man” she chuckled. “but don’t run away if it finds you. i want you to move on with the right woman. i want you to have a home and a family. don’t sacrifice the quality of your life because i’m not here anymore. live it for both of us. we will meet again thomas. when and where the idea of death is in the past and we don’t have to worry about ever loosing one another again. i’ll wait for you to return to me and i’ll welcome you with open arms. i’ll scope the afterlife out and set us up with an eternity of love. don’t forget thomas, i’m always watching and encouraging you. and certainly don’t forget that i love you, always have and always will.” her voice weakened as she spoke and her energy was going fast.
“i love you my dearest y/n. i’ll never forget you. i’ll live for us both and every achievement i receive is ours. everything i do is in your memory. you are the love of my life. i don’t know what i’m going to do without you.” he sobbed.
she used the last piece of her energy to lift her hand to his face “you will be ok.” and with that and a murmured last ‘i’ll wait for you’ her hand dropped and so did her chest. she was gone, and with that, so was a chunk of tommy’s heart.
when polly arrived to see that y/n was already gone her heart broke. not only for y/n but for tommy. their love was a type of love you read about in books and she knew tommy would be lost without his y/n.
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