#but i have to admit it certianly had an impact
targaryenfamilyorgy · 5 years
3, 14, 15? :D
3. list your fandoms and one character from each that you identify with?
Why don’t u present me with the lady or the tiger, that’d be so much easier. I don’t know what fandoms I’m in or who I identify with. Anyway. Dragon age is probably Dorian bc of his personal quest. Star Wars uhhh the space worm that tries to eat the millennium falcon, I too am grumpy and hungry often. Star Trek is Julian Bashir babeyyyy(even if I’m not actually in that fandom)
14. are you a musician?
This question almost made me black out bc it made me remember for a second that I almost signed up for something but it’s all good I never actually agreed. But yeah, sadly I play the violin. And yes I am biased against every other instrument and think the violin is the best. My violin(w/e the fuck kind it is) is named Yzma and the bow is Kronk. And I’m learning some motherfckuing concerto rn that needs to stop being the way it is or I’m going to burn down my whole house and throw myself into a river
15. five most influential books over your life?
The Overlander Chronicles didn’t have to go that hard but they did, they did it for us. Every single Brandon Sanderson book. Someone says Brandon Sanderson and I eat a whole hat shop and my left foot. Also Narnia. u know what else fucked so hard? The Giver. I still cry over that bc I’m weenie hut jr
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n7punk · 2 years
Hyperfixation doesnt even have to mean you’re “doing” anything about it! Ive been obsessed with other things way longer than ive been obsessed with she ra, but she ra has had the strongest mental and emotional impact than any of those other fixations”- for lack of a better term.
i partially qualified that because i know people do view me as A Writer even though im just in fandom like everyone else, but dude. this. yes. i call she-ra a special interest because, well, 1) im totally obsessed with it, i have a she-ra shrine in my house and tattoo on my body, i've sought out as much information about it as i could, and ive developed so many worlds related to it and i think about it when i wanna relax/be happy, but also 2) its that impact. like, DA was a very long hyperfixation for me, and thinking about my inquisitor or whatever got me through some tough times i'll admit, but it didn't... just make me happy the way she-ra does?? it wasnt as good, certianly wasnt as Nice, and didnt provide the support (in the show, fandom, and people i personally knew because of/relating to it) that she ra does, whether we're talking DA or the batfam or anything else. while i would say those two were my two "second biggest" (and my two longest thus far) hyperfixations, none of them have done for me what she ra has done
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fictionkinfessions · 3 years
I miss my children so much. It almost hurts. This is a message to all of you, my family.
Mylo: You were always a raskal. Always getting into trouble, ones that your sisters or brother usually had to get you out of. I remember how many times I had to patch you up after getting into a fight, which reminded me alot of my younger self. You always stood up for Jinx, and I remember giving you a stern talking to after you'd get into a partiularly nasty fight, when someone had said something bad about Jinx. You loved her, even if you didn't want to admit it. You had my stubborness, and I wouldnt change it for the world son.
Claggor: Thank you for looking out for your younger brother and older sister. You made sure they didnt get themself too terribly hurt, and always knew to get Vander or I if things went too badly. You knew you could take a fight, thanks to your training with Vander. I miss those late nights where I would bandage you up or give you an ice pack after a long session, and i wish i had spent more time with you, my son.
Vi: You had Vanders fighting spirit, burning ever so brightly in you. You remind me of him, before he gave it all up. I may not remember much of our few interactions, but I certianly remember how much you cared for Jinx. Even after the fights you'd have, you cared for her. You comforted her after the nightmares in the tender hours of the night, or you'd fix her up after an expermiant gone wrong. You're still my daughter, even if we had some rocky moments.
Jinx: I'd be lying if I said you werent my favorite. Arguably I have the most memories with you, but thats besides the point. I may not have showed it, but i always loved how you would doodle on all my things, I always thought it was endering. I kept a tally of all the doodles, i always noticed the new ones. I kept all your drawings in a drawer in my desk, and i even put some of those little faux bombs in there. You made an impact on my life and you'll always be my daughter, no matter what.
- Silco [#👁☀️🪄]
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calliecat93 · 3 years
ST:TNG Season 6 Finale/Season 7 Premiere Watchthrough
Descent: Well folks… this is the final finale/premiere two-parter of the series. So let’s go ahead and hop to it.
Part One: The Enterprise encounters the Borg once more… but they are acting differently. Namely, they are acting emotionally and individually. They even have names/use singular pronouns when referring to themselves. That’s crazy enough but to make it worst, Data is also having sudden emotional bursts. Yeah, folks, we’re getting a follow-up to I, Borg. There’s a 50/50 chance that the show will follow up on something so I am very glad to see the Borg plot continuing~! And holy Hell folks… this was wild. The Borg plot is enough o get me interested especially without the question of if the changes are happening due to Hugh? Which Starfleet makes it very clear that if those conditions happen again, he is to initiate his original ‘destroy the Borg’ plan from I, Borg no matter what his morality says. Data is struggling with re-provoking the anger he felt and I like how Troi told him that emotions are not inherently positive or negative, it’s the actions we take when we feel them that determine if they’re good or bad. That is so true… although it gets horrifying when Data admits to feeling pleasure when he killed a Borg. Then a Borg they captured manipulates him into betraying his friends to feel again… just holy shit. Like when Data says that he’d be willing to kill Geordi to feel again, just… I’m positive that something funky is going on, but still. That was just chilling. It only gets worst when we find out who the true villain of the piece is. After over two seasons of waiting… Lore has returned. Yeah, the tension is massive compared to Time’s Arrow and even Redemption. We have the Borg. We have Lore. We have everything happening with Data. If I was watching this weekly when it was airing, this certainly would have made me stay tuned for the next part. Speaking of, can P2 bring us a satisfying conclusion? We shall soon see. 4.5/5.
Part Two: Things could NOT be worst for our heroes if they tried. Picard, Geordi, and Troi have been captured, Crusher’s been left to captain the Enterprise and forced to flee by the Borg, Riker and Worf are left on their own with no aid, and Data has betrayed his friends and joined Lore. As it turns out, Lore is essentially using the Emotion Chip to drug/brainwash Data with emotions and is planning to take over the Federation an kill ‘inferior beings’ with Data at his side. I’ll go into my thoughts on this part of Data’s plot in the Overall. Again, this was intense. There is a Hell of a lot going on. We even get Hugh back! Again, more on him and what his return with his newfound individuality caused in the Overall, but it’s so nice to see him again~! It honestly gets hard to watch like with Chain of Command, though not quite as hard to stomach. Data slowly killing/almost lebotimizing Geordi and with Geordi’s VISOR taken from him on top of it… Lore, I felt bad for you in Brothers but after this? After what you did to your own brother? F*** you! There are a lot of really cool moments like Crusher being a badass Acting Captain and everything regarding Data and Lore’s final standoff once Data’s come to his senses. I also loved Taitt, both cute and intelligent~! I assume that this is the end for Lore consideirng that this is the final season, and… I kinda wish that it was a bit more epic or he’d gotten at least one more appearance prior to this to truy build-up to it. Though him corrupting a group of vulnerable Borgs is certianly a good endgame direciton for a villain like him, it just needed a bit more build-up to be just a bit more impactful. Still this was one hell of an episode and a perfectly good way to end this chapter of Data’s saga… sort of, but again Overall. I was still happy with it and as a second part/series premiere, it worked perfectly. 4.5/5.
Overall: So how does the episode stack up when judged together? Holy Hell, it was intense. There is so much happening. We find out what happened with Hugh and the Collective when he was sent back. Essentially, chaos happened. They don’t ignore the consequences of what the choice would cause and Hugh is certainly unhappy that the crew allowed it though he does still care about Geordi and their friendship which saved the day in the end. But these events left the remaining Borg of that Cube vulnerable for Lore to swoop in and sway them to his side save a few like Hugh. He was always an emotional manipulator, but getting the Borg under his command? Just… damn. Then we have Data’s plot. So… I’ve made my feelings on Data’s emotions clear. In hat he has them, he just expresses them differently than the ‘norm’. So it’s always been frustrating when it seems that the show can’t decide if Data has emotions or not. But the one constant is that at the very least, Data doesn’t believe that he does. He felt anger very intensely, and it worries him. This, the drugging/brainwashing caused by Lore, and his eternal struggle to become more human left him prime and vulnerable to be manipulated and corrupted like he was. Lore purposefully feeding him his negative emotions, turning off what is essentially his conscious… as I said above, this made me thoroughly detest Lore. Again Iw ish his end was a bit more epic, but as sad as it had to be for Data, Lore was dangerous, manipulative, and at this point a genocidal monster. Did he mean his final words expressing that he loves his brother? Maybe it’s true to some extent, but even then Lore has proven a manipulative person who will only harm Data. Data reactivated/reassembled him all the way back in S1 because he was his brother… ut, in the end, there was no chance of Lore redeeming himself or being forgiven. Data deactivated him once more, and that is how Lore will remain forever. As for the emotional ship… I’m gonna save it for whenever I get to Generations for now. I’m not inherently against the idea of Data holding onto it even though IDT he needs it, but… let’s just say that I’m gonna have words cause I know how this will go, but I wanna be fair and save it for the correct time and place.
If I was going to rank all the finale/premiere two-parters it would be The Best of Both Worlds first, then Descent, then Redemption, and finally Time’s Arrow. The last one was fun, but pretty low stakes and tame compared to the others. Redemption has a strong first half, but the second half just kinda fizzled out. IDT I need to explain why The Best of Both Worlds is the best, getting the tension, drama, caracter develpment, and thrill exactly right and working perfeclty as both a finale/premiere and as an whole episode. Descent lacks the epicness despite Part 1 doing a good job in setting it up, but Part 2 just couldn’t quite match it. But it does succeed in everything else. It’s exciting, it’s dramatic, it has character development, and it serves it’s purposes both spitu-up and put together well. It was hard to see Data put through this, especially towards Geordi. i eman Hell in P1 he tried to get Geordi to remove a Holodeck safety when re-creating the fight even though it could kill him with Geordi understandably disturbed by such a request. But as a sucker for thesekinds of plots, it was done well. In the end, second place is a pretty good place to end up. 4.5/5.
And thus, that concludes Season 6 and begins the seventh and final season of TNG. Yep folks, only 25 episodes left to go. After three months, even longer if you count me starting in Spring and then stopping for several months after finishing S1, the end is near. I’ll muse more in the upcoming Top 5 Best/Worst list, which will be up sometime tomorrow morning once I have it queued. But if all goes well. by this time next week aside from the films, TNG will at last be finished. But that’s for then, for now time to work on wrapping S6 up~!
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boulevardk · 4 years
I apologize for how inactive and silent I have been on the app as of late. Originally, a little over a week ago, I had logged off to focus on my studies. And then I just stayed logged off to focus my attention on spreading awareness for the Black Lives Matter movement on twitter, which I would say is the main social media platform for accurate information about protests and the injustice the poc- SPECIFICALLY the Black community- face every day. But I definitely need to address the same situation here.
George Floyd, an innocent and unarmed black man, was murdered by police in Minneapolis on May 25, 2020. There were four police officers repsonsible for his death: Derek Chauvin, Tou Thao, J. Alexander Kueng, and Thomas K. Lang. And as of today, June 2nd, only ONE of these four monsters have been convicted. While all of them have been fired, that is not enough. Especially when the officer who WAS convicted, Derek Chauvin, the criminal who suffocated and murdered Floyd by pressing his knee into Floyd’s throat for over 8 minutes, a VERY INTENTIONAL MURDER, was only convicted on charges of third degree murder and second degree man slaughter.
For those of you who don’t already know, these charges are nothing short of lenient and unacceptable, to say the least.
Third degree murder is defined as ACCIDENTALLY killing someone, as second degree manslaughter implies as well. There was absolutely nothing accidental about Derek Chauvin’s actions. He wanted to kill Floyd, and he is being shielded by the corrupt, notoriously racist system that is law enforcement. Not only was his sentencing nowhere near as severe and incriminating as it should have been, but Chauvin has also been granted protection by the Minneapolis PD after there were threats on his life. This monster is being protected by the fascist, racist, amoral system that condones and promotes brutality against the Black community.
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Floyd’s murder inspired protests for the Black Lives Matter movement in cities across the United States. The last time I checked, there were only two states within America that didn’t have protests happening.
I cannot stress this enough, the protests and standing for justice is of the utmost importance. Time and time again, law enforcement and politics have failed the American public, putting its inhabitants- SPECIFICALLY POC AND EVEN MORE SPECIFICALLY BLACK LIVES AND CIVIL RIGHTS- in danger. We cannot wait for change to come; we must actively fight for it ourselves.
George Floyd was just the tip of the iceberg. There have been thousands of cases just like his. He was not the first innocent, unarmed black person to be murdered in cold blood because of their race, and he won’t be the last UNLESS WE STAND AND FIGHT FOR JUSTICE AND CHANGE. And if you don’t believe law enforcement is corrupt and racist, just take a look at the statistics:
- There were only twenty-seven days of 2019 where police did not kill someone
- Black people are at minimum three times as likely to be murdered by police than white people 
- 99% of killings by police from 2013-2019 have NOT resulted in officers being charged with a crime 
(source: https://mappingpoliceviolence.org/)
The facts speak for themselves. 
This movement and these protests are absolutely essential to protecting and fighting for the civil rights and lives of black people everywhere. 
Not only is law enforcement composed of evil, racist individuals with god complexes and vindictive, violent vendettas who abuse their power and murder innocent people because of their race, but the government is filled to the brim with the same type of hate and injustice. 
In response to the protests, the spineless, inhumane, evil tyrant Trump (the monster that part of America actually elected to be President) tweeted:
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Which was so violent, hateful, and racist that Twitter flagged it as having violated their policy about glorification of violence. 
The saying, “when the looting starts, the shooting starts” was originally said by fellow racist Miami police chief Walter Headley in 1967 in response to black protesters fighting for civil rights. He was notorious for abusing his power and actively inciting violence to fuel his racist agenda.
From one evil racist to another. 
(source: https://www.npr.org/2020/05/29/864818368/the-history-behind-when-the-looting-starts-the-shooting-starts)
This tweet incited even more violence. While power-hungry, corrupt, abusive cops were already at protests, arresting innocent protesters (primarily black protesters), firing rubber bullets and spraying teargas and mace against protesters (AGAIN primarily black protesters), Trump’s insensitive, evil tantrum on twitter only incited more violence. As of the past day, Trump has sent in the National Guard, a highly militant group, into cities with protests. Not to mention, racist white supremacist civilians have been at protests, heavily armed themselves. A statement from these monsters stated that they were waiting for Trump to “give [them] the green light” to start shooting protesters. If you are not disgusted with this, you are part of the problem.
(Evidence below)
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If you follow, support, or even voted for Trump, unfollow and block me. You may not recognize or admit it, but associating yourself with that monster makes your just as evil as he is. And YES you ARE A RACIST if you voted for/support him! There is no reasonable, valid dispute to that fact. 
Ahmaud Arbery. George Floyd. Christian Cooper. Breanna Taylor. Atatiana Jefferson. Kathryn Johnson. Anthony Hill. Kevin Davis. Walter Scott. Jordan Davis. Renisha McBride. Tamir Rice. Philando Castile. Sandra Bland. Tayvon Martin. Oscar Grant. John Crawford. Alton Sterling. Nicholas Thomas. Amadou Diallo. Eric Gamer. The Charleston 9. 
This is just a small portion of the black people who have been abused and murdered by racists. Some of which, by the way, were murdered by white supremacists who weren’t cops and STILL were heavily armed. If we’ve proven that no law enforcement official should have these weapons, CERTIANLY civilians shouldn’t have them! And even though these white supremacists who murdered black people were NOT a part of law enforcement and shielded behind a badge, there STILL wasn’t justice. These racist criminals have NEVER BEEN HELD ACCOUNTABLE IN THE EYES OF LAW ENFORCEMENT SPECIFICALLY OTHER RACIST COPS, PROSECUTORS, AND JURORS. THAT’S BECAUSE THE SYSTEM ITSELF IS BROKEN. NO SYSTEM REFORM CAN CHANGE THE SYSTEMIC RACISM DEEPLY EMBEDDED AND WOVEN INTO LAW ENFORCEMENT.
The Black Lives Matter movement wasn’t something that just magically showed up over night after Floyd’s murder. This isn’t some newly found racism and hatred on behalf of law enforcement, politicians, and civilians.
To my white/white passing readers, you have more privilege than you probably realize. Learn about your privilege and use it to fight for justice. Just because you may not be directly impacted by these murders, protests, or injustices does NOT mean they should matter any less to you. We all have a responsibility to stand up for what’s right and to fight for justice. And if you happen to go to a protest, it is CRUCIAL that you do not instigate or provoke any violence. Not only does this make it dangerous for other protesters, but it’s just another opportunity for the media to invalidate the meanings of this movement.
If you are ignorant, there is nothing wrong with realizing and admitting that. The REAL problem with you ignorance is if you recognize it and deliberately choose not to educate yourself. At that point, you are directly disregarding the injustices. 
I cannot emphasize this enough: THERE IS NO NEUTRALITY IN THIS. 
You either recognize your ignorance, educate yourself, and fight for justice or you take the side of the oppressor. That goes for all my non-black readers reading this not just white people. 
To my readers who aren’t black or white, you still do very much have a responsibility to be speaking up about and standing with the movement for justice. And even if you’re not white, you are not immune from racism, ignorance, and/or intolerance.
To my black readers, my blog has always been and always will be a safe space for you. Although I can never fully understand the prejudice, hate, and injustice you experience firsthand, I will fight alongside you. 
To ALL readers no matter what your race, please please PLEASE hold me accountable to anything and everything I say. If anything I say offends you or makes you uncomfortable, please let me know. Not only will I immediately delete or edit my post and apologize, but I will do everything in my power to learn from my mistakes and combat my ignorance. 
If you ever need support or someone to talk to, my messages are always open, and I will do everything I can to help you. Please feel free to reach out. 
As for my parting notes in this letter, I would like to address a few more topics. 
Firstly, on a much more superficial level, I will be posting more resources for the movement on my twitter under the same name @brokenspinez​, and additionally, my DMs are always open there as well if that is a preferred, more comfortable form of communication for you. 
Secondly, and related to the prior topic, I will be making another post shortly addressing Yoongi’s intro to “What do you think” off of his second studio album D2 and issues/ignorance within the fandom. More info for what I think about that particular situation can be found on my twitter as well. 
Third, I want to specify to the non-black readers of this post that this movement is not an opportunity for you to bring up the injustices you have faced. Even if you have suffered from injustice because of your race, now is not the time or place to be talking about your experiences as if to prove that your race has suffered tremendously too. That’s not what’s important right now. Your feelings are valid, but if you only bring up the prejudice your race suffers from in an attempt to silence the #BlackLivesMatter movement, that’s sick and wrong. 
Fourth, do not comment on any social media platform anything along the lines of “not all cops”. I do not care for this justification of police brutality, and I certainly do not care to hear you defend the corrupt system that abuses and murders black people simply because of the color of their skin. In addition, I do not care for or support praise for cops being decent human beings. A cop doesn’t get a gold star and a pat on the back just because they themselves don’t appear to be racist even though the belong to a racist, fascist federation. I don’t care to hear people rave in support over one cop that happens to kneel in solidarity with protesters. Now is not the time to be supporting and defending cops; that is not the purpose of the this movement. Never forget that ALL media outlets- especially news providers- pick and choose parts of a story to make it fit their agenda. Do not fall for the narrative they paint about about these acts of violence from police officers just being a “few bad apples”. That is incorrect.
Fifth, there has been looting at some of these protests. But I implore you to not be so easily fooled by the news that these looters are only black protesters. In fact, a majority of looting and damage to property either comes from
A) ignorant white protesters that won’t be held accountable
B) people not at all involved in the protest who just take advantage of the situation
C) white supremacists/cops who go undercover and commit crimes to reflect poorly on the movement.
Are there some looters/protesters who vandalize property who ARE black? Yes. But it is not the majority. Don’t allow yourself to be tricked. 
(sources: https://www.valleynewslive.com/content/news/Fargo-Police-Saturdays-rioters-and-looters-mostly-outsiders--570911841.html  AND https://www.justsecurity.org/70497/far-right-infiltrators-and-agitators-in-george-floyd-protests-indicators-of-white-supremacists/)
Sixth and finally, I want to link some websites where you can help contribute to the cause. Below are some links to various donations, petitions, and resources with information about protesting. Even if you are not in a situation where you can protest or donate (which is completely valid), there is no reason why you cannot sign FREE petitions, educate yourself on the movement, and spread awareness on social media. 
Here are some links and resources:
1) https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co/
2. A link to a petition for Breanna Taylor, an awardwinning EMT who was shot and killed in her home by police. Police, unannounced, fired 22 rounds, hitting Taylor 8 times and murdering her. Her murderers have faced no criminal changes. JUSTICE FOR BREANNA. http://chng.it/q8PthQmtfX
3. petition for Emerald Black, a pregnant woman brutally attacked by police. She suffered a miscarriage from police brutality after she and her fiancé were pulled over. Currently, there is no investigation being conducted. JUSTICE FOR EMERALD. https://www.change.org/p/san-leandro-police-deartment-justice-for-emerald-black
4. petition for disbarment of George E. Barnhill, a prosecutor who sat FOR THREE MONTHS on the case of the murder of innocent, unarmed black man Ahmaud Arbery because of his own racist beliefs/relationship with the murderers. JUSTICE FOR AHMAUD ARBERY. https://www.change.org/p/federal-bureau-of-investigation-disbarment-of-george-e-barnhill
5. petition to put the cops who murdered George Floyd in prison. George Floyd was another innocent, unarmed black man who was murdered by police. he was in pristine health, and an autopsy paid for by Floyd’s Family through a private forensic pathologist confirmed that it was asphyxiation caused by Chauvin knee on Floyd’s neck that killed him. No matter how law enforcement tries to deny it and say Floyd died because of prexisting health conditions and drug use, we know the truth. JUSTICE FOR FLOYD. https://www.change.org/p/federal-bureau-of-investigation-put-the-minneapolis-police-officers-who-killed-george-floyd-in-prison?recruiter=766698229&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_message&utm_term=psf_combo_share_abi&recruited_by_id=37d65b20-88e6-11e7-9751-b3880c72a222&share_bandit_exp=message-22417260-en-US&share_bandit_var=v2
6. Gofundme link to Floyd’s family to cover costs of legal advising and representation, George Floyd’s autopsy conducted by a private forensic pathologist, Floyd’s funeral, and other various costs. https://www.gofundme.com/f/georgefloyd
Thank you for reading. If you have any other links to add to this post, please message me and I will edit the document. Stand with the Black Lives Matter movement. Stand for justice.
- Jay (6/2/2020)
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