#but i keep seeing like the wiki say its just one foster father. with no source. i think mayhap you are homophobic !
finalgirlfailure · 2 years
Pmdd is so funny bc yesterday I had crazy panic attacks and didn't sleep at all and today I'm crying thinking about hide tokyo ghoul and unable to sleep bc of it
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archtroop · 1 year
[Reposted from discord, so I can gather more hot takes on this ramble]
It's like the gift that keeps on giving, I am sure that whenever you rewatch it new stuff floats up to the surface
Mind blown
Matt Reeves has a pair of 🎱🎱
Ok this is a feverish "I've connected the dots/you've connected nothing"
In the movie, Selina is shown to have been some kind of favorite of Falcone. In what capacity, that is not deliberated. Enough for him to be touching her in a smarmy way in the 44 Bellow, and for them to show that they recognize each other in a more than just "she works there" way.
We also know she was sent to foster care at age 7, so Falcone wouldn't know or care of what happened to her anyway.
Later in the movie she asks for an audience with him, to kill him actually, but either way, he grants it, but then she reveals she is "Maria's kid" and he looks like "Oh, yes I remember her", which suggests HE DIDN'T KNOW Selina was his daughter.
So I would like to ask this. So Selina warmed and wormed her way through the club to get to Falcone. She knew he was her father.
In what FASHION did she win his attention??? Without laying out the daughter card from the get go???
That is a fucking risqué shit the movie suggests.
Ok but say, this is a setting that fits the bill, this is a club of notorious reputation, Gotham has notorious reputation, and Selina was born right into this, under the makeup table of the gogo girls, so.
But here comes another interesting one: Selina and Annika.
Selina is, or so it seems, older than Annika, and if not by age than by experience. Selina was born and raised in Gotham, in its literal underbelly. Annika is an immigrant (a fandom wiki states she is 22? We are shown her passport, so it may as well be true), but she is referd to by Selina as "Jesus, she is just a kid", implying that, whatever their age gap is, be it 1 year or 8 (if we presume that Selina and Bruce share a birth year?), in any case Selina views her as "a kid".
She cares for her and for all it's worth takes her under her wing.
She says Annika is her friend. But also reserves her the nickname "baby", while when being condescending she calls others "honey", but when she cares for another, she uses " baby" (that one is a polished theory I've read here somewhere, hey if you wrote this theory and reading this, you are a genuis), and anyway.
Let's be real, no one for a moment here would deny that Selina and Annika slept together.
Like it's just. It's literally there.
Selina has "a thing about strays" and loose morals (as far as some might assume) so it fits.
What I'm trying to point out, is that, Reeves DOES NOT shy from the vagueness of relationships and is embracing The La Problematiq (tm), he's just really good in concealing it without bumping the rating up to the skies.
He shows Bruce laser focusing on the Mayor's kid, when at the crime scene early on. He is incapable of NOT seeing himself in the boy.
When he saves him at the church from the ramming car (BTW, the car with the poor corrupt DA in it was spraypainted DOA on it. Dead On Arrival. Love the details in this movie) the car swerves early on sideways and isn't even on the trajectory that would hit the kid. Bruce is laser focused on the boy anyway, like he is the only person in the hall at all. He grabs him and all that hero shenanigans, but the kid was literally not in harm's way at all. It was extremely excessive.
Here be my post on this from way back.
And later on he pulls the kid from the rubble during the flood. Three times is a charm. This kid probably already has a "saved by a dark tall man" complex.
Twice he makes eye contact with The Batman, and one time he is literally smothered to the floor by Bruce himself.
Dad killed brutally, then he finds him. Then almost gets killed in dad's funeral. Then almost drowns at the elections day, all within *a week*. Poor kid has a bag of ptsd now the size of China.
Goddamn, The Batman has a full on ready to go stage for introducing Dick Grayson, and if by the end of it, if Reeves keeps his balls and nerve, Bruce will be kneeling by that kid as he implements those iris cameras like the ones he gave Selina, and he will hold the kids chin up to see that it sits well, and the Cinema hall will be soooooo uncomfortable.
And Dick will have his heart in his throat. He'll get all of his wires crossed like Christmas lights in storage.
The Batman has set the tone and stage for "weirdness" (tm).
Now I wonder how brave they would be about it, if at all.
We are shown how Bruce, The Batman, makes people react. Make them tell him things. He is, with not so many words, manipulates people like nothing.
His interactions with Selina were literally "I know your name and where you live and who you live with, now you work for me". He literally did that.
He talks to Jim Gordon, in Jim's own language in a way that Jim becomes reliant on Batman in a way, and trusts him without questioning too much at all.
With a glance he made our beloved Officer Martinez tell him nonsense that came to be extremely useful. Like, Martinez is us. He's that human who saw a freak but by the end of the movie was almost blushing in the presence of The Bat.
The new mayor Bella Reale! She now has to endorse Batman! He literally dragged her out of the flooded rubble.
I wonder will we ever be shown Bruce realizing the power he has over people ---
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dontbesoweirdkira · 4 years
Can you do a list of Mic being pure w/ his favorite student, (y/n) (like, he’s not afraid to show it), but she’s living with her friend and their family since she’s alone in Japan, and trying to keep it a secret. But when he finds out he’s just “ASDFGHJKLWHAT”, and he’s trying to help her with so many things, which soon evolves to “custody of child—”.
A/N: I first would like to say I ALSO HAVE EATEN A NUCLEAR REACTOR...it tasted like radiation and strawberries yummy!  Here’s your soft present mic X student. I hope you enjoy.  
(I kind of made it where you aren’t fully living with your friend. Just bouncing from the streets to her house every so often if that makes sense??)Requests open
-So at first Mic didn’t notice anything was up...well no he did but he kind of brushed it off since he didn’t want to cross any boundaries.
-Like when he asked for your parents signature but they were always somehow “out of town” or “working overtime” 
-Or when he was going to offer you a ride home since it was pretty late but you just insisted to walk by yourself. And how you didn’t bother to call them and let them know you were going to be home a bit later than usual. 
-He was always curious but like i said he didn’t want to cross a boundary and make you feel uncomfortable about something so personal. Besides how would he bring it up?
-”Hey Y/N, Why do you always conveniently “forget” to fill out your home address on forms?” 
-Yeah see his dilemma?^ And like what if it was nothing and it really was just a convenience.  It seemed better to leave it alone and not worry. You’d tell him if something was going on, right?
-Maybe one day you’re talking to your friend and He’s just around the corner so he overhears the conversation.
-”Hey Y/N, my family is going out of town for a few weeks. I- i would ask if you could come with so you’ll have some place to stay but we are going out of the county and you know how that is..”
-”Oh..um..Don’t worry, I'll figure something out.”
-”Are you sure? I- i can always leave the house key so you can have somewhere safe to go? But uhm, My cousin might come over every so often to watch a game or to check the house so be alert and make sure he doesn’t see you.” 
-”N-No it’s okay, seriously. I’ll find somewhere to go, thank you though. ”
-”Well, I'll leave the key under the doormat if you change your mind, we’re leaving in the afternoon tomorrow so after then the place will be yours for a bit.I’ll text you later, ‘kay?”
-He’s shocked?? Like he thought maybe your at home life wasn’t good or maybe you were embarrassed about living in a low income place, but you were homeless?? And you’ve been staying with your friends every so often?? Why didn’t you tell him? Did you not feel comfortable? He’s in this weird state of shock and acknowledgement.
-For the rest of the school day hE Is cOnTemPlaTiNg oN WhaT tO Do. He’s not sure how he should bring it up or even if he should bring it up. 
- *is casually being torn apart internally as he’s trying to teach english*
-*dEeP sPaCe STarE while he is standing at the board pointing to the sentence structures*
-”Sensei, are you oka-”
-lolol but once classes are over he taps you on the shoulder and asks if he could walk with you home for a bit. You visibly nervous, you reject and say “Umm It’s all right Mr.Hizashi, you’re busy and I don't want you to take up any of your time plus it’s late and I'm tired and i have to go and-”
-”Y/n...You don’t have to make up excuses, I know you don’t have anywhere to stay.”
-stopping in your tracks, your eyes went wide and you faced him 
-”I heard you talking to that friend this morning.”
-M-mr.Hizashi I can explain-”
-cutting you off once again he begins “Hey, you don’t have to do any of that. It’s your business. But I don’t want you to just roaming around or staying anywhere alone anymore, okay? If you would like, I have an extra bedroom at my house, you can stay there until we get everything sorted.”
-”No..Mr.Hizashi...It’s okay..I’ll be okay, I’ve always have. Plus you have been such a great teacher and already went out of your way more than what I could have asked...staying with you would be too much.”
-”Y/n, it’s okay to ask for help. I seriously don’t mind. At least stay for the night so you can eat and have a roof over your head, then in the morning we’ll figure something out.”
-You hesitantly accepted but you told him that you’d be out of his hair as soon as the next morning hit.
-That night going to his house was...nice to say the least. The guest bedroom that he had was bigger than your friend’s kitchen and nicer than any place that you’ve stayed at. It really was heaven. So warm and cosy. There was a nice sense of nostalgia and security, something you’ve haven’t felt in years. His home was somewhere anyone would want to live in their whole lives. 
-”Once you’ve settled down, you can come to the dining room. I ordered some take out, I figured you’d be hungry.”
-For a moment you sat on the fluffy bed and just took in everything. God was so good to you right now and honestly you thanked him. Although it frustrates you to think that this would only last for a second and you’d be back on the streets, roaming around. Yeah yeah, Hizashi wants to help you but you knew soon he’d get tired of your presence in his house…..they all did. 
-Taking a deep breath, you went to go meet hizashi in the dining room.
-He welcomed you then motioned you to sit down at any of the seats at the table. “Oh hey, there’s miss america. You may sit anywhere you’d like. And help yourself to the food here.”
-You sat down across from him, only not to look at him just to have your eyes on the empty plate in front of you. You didn’t really touch any of the food actually or even make a sound. You weren’t trying to be rude or anything, you just..there was a lot on your mind and facing hizashi seemed difficult.
-”Are you okay Y/N? I hope sushi is okay. I- i meant to um ask what you would like to eat first. I’m sorry.”
-”No I’m sorry for-,”  twiddling your thumbs for a moment you then looked towards the blonde fellow “Mr.Hizashi..My parents left when I was around three but they left me with my aunt. She was a very good person and took good care of me but she got very ill...and um you know. At first I was living in her apartment but i couldn’t pay for it when it was time for rent so..I stayed with my friend for a couple of months. But her parents kind of got tired of me staying there and it was this thing, so I lied and told them I found a family member to stay with. And um up until now I've been staying on the streets. Sometimes having a sleepover once every so often.”
-”I didn’t tell you because I was so scared… I didn't know what to do and I really really don’t want to go in foster care or anything so I just thought I was better off keeping it from you. But I guess it backfired anyways because you still found out haha….I’m sorry Hizashi. I hope you don’t think of me any less. I- it was a tough situation and all and you know how that is...”
-He immeadately stood up, walked over to you and hugged you. It was with So mUcH compassion and genuine love. You really was his favorite student no scratch that HIS FAVORITE HUMAN i swear he would end the world for you. 
-He gave you a little cheek kiss and was like “I’m not letting anyone put you in foster care and I'm sure as hell am not kicking you out even if i have to take custody of you.”
-”w-wait what? wAiT wHaT???”
-”KID IM fucking keeping you here safe with me even if i’m in court all year. We are going to make this work somehow, you aren’t doing this alone anymore. Do you understand?”
-YeAh hEs cRyInG iM cRyinG yOuRe CryInG wE aLl CryinG 
-He whipes the tears of your cheeks and ruffles your hair 
-”it’ll be okay Y/N, I promise.”
-I swear he’s like rushing to the computer and trying to figure out how to adopt you.
-”HoW tO aDoPt a ChILD wHen You aRe a hEro.”
-There's an actual wiki-how about it???????
-No but he’s really doing his research and is visiting lawyers trying to find the right one. He has them immediately looking into everything and making sure that his chances of getting you is as high as possible. 
-He’s up late at night on the phone, emailing,  and writing
-He has pounds and pounds of evidence that he is the most fit person to take care of you. He is not playing whatsoever
-He already let’s you decorate and he even gives you an office so you can do work or whatever. He most definitely brought you clothes and stuff for your room.
-When the courts and everything finally approves it after a long year of fighting, he picked you up and spun you around.
-”What did I tell you?!? I was not going to lose you and i made sure of that. And starting today and the rest of  forever you’ll never have to be alone.”
-100% takes you out somewhere super fun and nice. 
-”Wait we must take a selfie, The first day we are legally Father-daughter!”
-The most chaotic duo now, Everyone at school knows he adopted you and like he won't let anyone forget it.
-He has a minivan now. It also has a ‘Yeah I’m a soccer dad and i’m proud’ sticker on it.
-He joined the PTA 
-Always hugging you and giving you little cheek kisses when he sees you in the halls
-Made a titled track called “Now a dad”
-he most definitely wears ‘Best Dad’ shirts now. He also is in a ‘Single dad’s in Japan’ group now
-”I think we look just alike, Don’t we Y/N?” you both smiled and posed at the same time
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atamascolily · 4 years
lilyliveblogs “terminator 2″ for the first time, part 2
When we last left off, I was a pile of shipper goo, so time to get back to the movie.
(Part one here)
Someone -- the female doctor we saw before who looks kinda like Sarah? -- watching the video, smoking. I think I can see how Sarah is going to escape now. Oh, wait, it's Sarah, with Dr. Silbermann, watching herself on screen. The two asshole guards are in the background. Her hair's combed. She's subdued. Silbermann is still a jerk.
She wants to see her son. Silbermann's not going to let her, is he? Asshole. She denies crushing a Terminator, their existence, claiming Cyberdyne covered up the evidence. Cut to '90s computer nerds in their cubes, doing experiments that are probably going to trigger Judgment Day. Like you do.
They're doing experiments on "it," and new employee wants to know where "it" came from, so Dyson the manager can tell the audience. "Don't ask," is the answer. Everyone's wearing clean suits, which can't be good. There's a door with two keys that needs two people to open it. Yeah, this really can't be good.
Showdown at the Cyberdyne factory with whatever Terminator goes rogue in here??
Cyberdyne has built a safe for that one little fragment they got from the original Terminator... maybe there are more in different jars; it's a really big vault. Yup, there's the arm. The manager stares at it, and you can see the muscles in his cheek twitch as he contemplates it. He's probably going to die by strangulation at the hands of the Terminator if this movie keeps up with its dramatic ironies.
Of course Silbermann won't let Sarah see her son, so she tries to strangle him with his own tie.
Arnold on a motorcycle spies John Connor on a motorcycle, and the game is on!!
I'm like... 90% certain that's the Los Angeles River that John Connor is cycling down... because it's channeled and running through LA and barely has any water in it and everybody LOVES to film there... going to wiki that later...
Fake police officer asking girls for info about John. They're also delightfully '90s. John is an the arcade, delighting in his ill-gotten funds.
Terminator has disguised his gun as a... box of roses? Did I see that right?
The police dude ASKS THE PUNK FRIEND shows him John's photograph, and the friend says "Nah, I don't know him," BECAUSE HE KNOWS BETTER THAN TO TRUST THE COP. Of course this gets John's attention and they run. And then the friend tries to point the cop in the other direction, but the cop just shoves him aside.
(I'll say this much for the punk friend: he tried. He was a good friend.)
LOL, the fact that John Connor knows better than to trust cops is what saves him. Otherwise, he'd've been a sitting duck. Except he runs right into Arnold...
Arnold flips over the rose box, revealing the gun, and it looks like all hope is lost as the cop comes around the corner... and Arnold tells John to get down and shoots at the cops. His first line in the movie.
When this movie first came out, I bet the audience FLIPPED THEIR SHIT at this twist, but I was a) kinda tangentially aware of it from pop cultural osmosis and also b) that fake cop guy was HELLA SUSPICIOUS, so I'm just like... yeah!!! Because the only way to top being hunted by Arnold was to either a) BE HUNTED BY MULTIPLE ARNOLDS, or b) HAVE ARNOLD ON YOUR SIDE, and of course they went with the latter, because WHY NOT?
the cop's hit but gets back up, John is freaked out, and we the audience realize SOMETHING'S UP. A poor bystander gets murdered as the Terminator uses himself as a human shield to save John, who is screaming...
Arnold busts him into the voltage room out of the way and we have a Terminator on Terminator shoot-out, which is kinda incredible, except that Arnold has a bigger gun, so he gets to keep shooting while the police dude tries to recover from the impact.
That moment where the bullet holes are all silver-y as the police guy re-heals himself, and the CGI is obviously early '90s, but still quite effective and horrifying. And then he gets back up and they start grappling and going through walls AND NOW THEY'RE IN THE '90S MALL, OH MY GOD.
John Connor, not surprisingly, gets the fuck OUT. I wonder if Sarah told him what the Terminator looks like, and if he's surprised to see it defend him?
LOL random dude snapping photos with his SLR he just happens to be carrying around.
John's motorcycle won't start for reasons of DRAMA, lol.
God, this new Terminator can run freakishly fast, it's inhuman.
Of course no one is going to question a cop chasing anyone, sigh...
(I feel like this movie works eerily well for social commentary in 2019 on SO MANY LEVELS.)
The running terminator runs up to a moving truck and tosses out the driver and keeps driving... wow.
ok, this is all great, but I really want more Sarah, where is Sarah in all this, will she ever talk to another woman in this movie PROBABLY NOT. How about more Kyle Reese flashbacks/dream sequences, can we have those? I am but a simple soul.
Okay NOW there's a chase scene in the Los Angeles riverbed.... that little tiny rivulet in the midst of all that concrete is the river. SOB.
Well, I gotta hand it to the human resistance for sending a Terminator after another Terminator, but it also works because JOHN CONNOR LIVED THROUGH THE EXPERIENCE AND REMEMBERS WHAT THE HELL HIS FUTURE SELF DID... timey-wimey paradox ball...
OH MY GOD THAT LEAP AS ARNOLD'S MOTORCYCLE LEAPS INTO THE RIVERBED. No wonder this movie is so frikkin' famous.
John Connor's bike getting run over by the truck is SO a callback to that tiny little toy truck getting run over by the Terminator in T1...
I like how the police Terminator is so focused on John Connor to the exclusion of ignoring the other Terminator unless he's actively in the way. The intensity in his blue-eyed stare is FANATICAL and inhuman and I love it because it's so gosh darn creepy.
Arnold shoots out the truck's tires, and it catches on FIRE. i love how arnold is prepared to shoot anything that comes out of the flames, but they've bought themselves at least a little time. Of course the CGI silver man comes out of the flames as soon as they leave and melts back to normal. He looks like the frikkin' Oscars statue, only silver.
Even his clothes regenerate back on, which raises interesting and troubling questions as to WHY since he couldn't just re-generate his clothes back on when he came out of the sphere, he had to steal them. I have no clue why this is.
Of course, Arnold and John stop in an alleyway to have their conversation. JOHN KNOWS THIS IS A TERMINATOR, OH MY GOD. (Do you think he feels bad for bad-mouthing Sarah earlier now??)
I think Arnold's talked more in this scene than he did in the entirety of T1, lol. The irony of him being John's father-figure now is just priceless, really.
John handles this much better than Sarah in T1, precisely because this is pretty much EXACTLY WHAT HIS MOM'S BEING TELLING HIM FOR AGES, so at least he has a FRAMEWORK for weird shit like this.
John Connor fighting alongside his own father and re-programming a Terminator to BE HIS OWN ADOPTED FATHER FIGURE OH MY GOD. No wonder he's so fucked up.
Arnold: "The T-1000 would definitely try to re-acquire you there." John: "You sure?" Arnold: "I would."
BAM. That's cold. I love it.
They go to a phone booth, and John doesn't have any quarters because he used them all at the arcade. He's going to try to warn his foster parents because he's not a complete asshole, but I... don't think the T-1000 is interested in killing them? Like, they already cooperated with this dude because he was in uniform. John doesn't seem to GET that not everybody responds to police the way he does.
Arnold slamming the machine to get more quarters is AMAZING and the look on John's face is PRICELESS. Also, parallels to his robbing the ATM earlier...
John's foster parents have a German shepherd that won't stop barking, oh this isn't good... the foster dad doesn't like the dog, which is further proof he's an asshole.Oh, wait, it’s John’s dog, this is probably the same dog we saw with Sarah at the end of T1 or its successor, ahhhhhhhh.
I really feel for Janelle. I feel like she's stuck in a relationship with this asshole Todd, and she deserves better and she's probably going to die, and I'm gonna feel bad about it.
Then we hear a gun cock, and she sticks her arm out, and we realize that holy shit, it's the Terminator mimicking Janelle's face as well as her voice, just like the Terminator did with Sarah's mother in T1, and we realize THAT's why she's being so OOC to John over the phone...
Arnold takes over the call and starts mimicking John's voice. John just stares. I think he's starting to get it.
The T1000 doesn't know the name of the dog. Arnold hangs up and tells John his foster parents are dead. Well, fuck. At least Janelle is dead. Too much to hope that the T1000 didn't just tie her up in the spare bedroom and Todd will find her later after "Janelle" goes to look for John? Sigh.
Nope. No luck. Todd is dead and the T1000 has shifted its arm to be a FRIGGIN' SWORD. Fuck, I didn't know they could do that.
This is supposed to be played as black comedy, but it's just horrific, really, even if the dude was an asshole.
Okay, I get it, the T1000 didn't steal the original cop outfit, he just mimicked it? along with the appearance? That's why he only took the gun. Only the earlier models needed to actually steal clothes.
Oh, good, we cut to Arnold explaining all this to John. Thanks, Cameron!
Oh, and now the T1000's going to kill the dog, right? Because it can. Sigh. And the dog's name is on the collar, so it knows that John knows that it wasn't really Janelle on the phone OR it was talking to a Terminator instead. Clever. Poor doggie. IT WAS TRYING SO HARD. IT DESERVED BETTER.
Sarah is being shown photos of the original Terminator from T1 from the security footage at the police station. Apparently, they saw him on mall footage, too. The police are mad that Sarah has no reaction and I'm like... you spent years telling her she was crazy, and NOW you want stuff from her?? Sigh. Is this the drugs that are responsible for her apathy or is it something else? I think she's contemplating her next move...
Silbermann being an ASSHOLE about it...
Honestly, not sure I blame Sarah for not cooperating given how she's been treated thus far... she knows from experience that even the most well-meaning officers are functionally useless against a Terminator because they don't really GET IT.
But she gets a paper clip. And knowing Sarah, that's all she needs to pick a lock and GTFO.
John says he grew up in Nicaragua as Sarah studied from paramilitary officers throughout Central and South America. He uses the word "shack up," which implies Sarah traded lessons for sex, but I hope... she found some sort of comfort there? It's clear from her hallucination she still desperately loves Kyle. SOB.
John realizes he's been an asshole about Sarah all this time because she WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG. The whole theme of this series is that pretty much everyone except for Kyle TOTALLY BELIEVED SARAH WAS CRAZY, so it's nice to see John finally back on track again. He's younger, so he hasn't been indoctrinated into the patriarchy quite as hard as everyone else in this movie.
of course they're going to go try to bust her out, but she might be out on her own by the time they get there...
But of course the T1000 is going to try to get her so he can copy her and he's going to kill her after that, because that's standard operating procedure. I'm not sure how a T101 would necessarily know that, but maybe he ran into some in the future before he was sent back? Whatever, it sounds plausible.
"Fuck you! She's a priority to me!" YEAH, JOHN, YOU TELL 'EM!!
I like how all these random muscle dudes are all coming over to investigate when John starts shouting about being kidnapped... only to be so confused when he blows them off. I'm sure the T1000 will be around to question them later, of course.
Oh, T101 is programmed to obey John Connor... even the younger version. LOLOLOLOL.
John is such a little shit. YOU CALLED THOSE PUNKS OVER TO HELP YOU, WHY ARE YOU BEING SUCH AN ASS NOW? All you had to do was say "Look, sorry, just a misunderstanding, we're good," and MOVE ON instead of this Macho power trip.
(I take back what I said about John and the patriarchy, btw.)
Oh my god, the random dude who tried to help his friend gets SHOT, WTF JOHN, THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT, YOU STARTED THIS!!!
In which John Connor learns that Terminators are NOT toys. DAMN STRAIGHT YOU LITTLE PUNK.
Of course the police can get into the state mental hospital without question. The guard doesn't even check ID or ask questions, just waves him through. (It probably saves his life, though.)
AAAAAHHHH, the creepy guard is assaulting Sarah when she's strapped down eww gross please no. I suppose I should be grateful it wasn't anything more graphic than him licking her face. She can't react because she's got the paper clip in her mouth.
(Kyle Reese would be so proud of her right now.)
Ahh, it's night, but everything's so brightly lit. This is going to be freakin' beautiful action scene.
Sarah ties her hair back! This is a symbolic gesture, of course, and a practical one, but also a huge question for me: what is she using for a hair tie? No way they gave her one... what is she improvising with?
AHHHH THE T1000 IS IN THE FLOOR HOLY FUCK THAT'S CREEPY. And that's how he acquired the guard when the guard walked over him. WOW.
So the gun on his hip when he originally shifts is a fake? It's part of him- because the T1000 can't make weapons. So he has to take the guard's gun. I think that's what happened?
It's going to be really hard for me to mourn when that asshole orderly that's assaulted Sarah gets what's coming to him. The only question is whether Sarah's going to get him first.
GOD SARAH CONNOR KICKING ASS IS SO SATISFYING. First the dude who assaulted her, and then Silbermann. Karma's such a bitch, isn't it?
John in his naivete order the T101 not to kill anybody, so he just shoots the guard in the legs instead. John, you'd better be more careful with your wording there....
Oh, goody, another underground parking garage...
Sarah comes face to face with the T101... awkward. She runs away before she sees John, only to get tackled. But the T101 comes to her rescue.
The female guard is the only one to bother him by knocking his shades off, lol.
Silbermann is watching the whole thing go down, he's probably going to spill it all to the T1000, of course...
Of course the T1000 just walks through the bars. Holy shit Silbermann is never going to get over the fact that Sarah was right all along. This is going to totally break him. Either that, or he'll double down on it.to save face. The only reason he survives is because he stays close to the wall and nobody cares enough to stop and deal with him.
Like, the uncanny valley of '90s CGI totally WORKS here, because it's just so fucking creepy. But it's also another sign that this is action and not horror, because action is less focused on blood and guts and gore--the reality and effects of violence.
Oh, good, they steal a car, because they weren't all going to fit on the motorcycle.
The T1000 has given up all subtlety now, and is just a giant silver amorphous human now. Oh, wait, now they ran out of money and he's human again.
LOLOLOLOL Sarah and T101 making John reload in the back seat because OF COURSE HE KNOWS HOW TO DO THAT, HE'S SARAH'S KID.
Sarah Connor is in her friggin' ELEMENT NOW, boys and girls.
god, it's like crossing the Terminator with Freddie Krueger or something (I almost typed "Freddie Mercury," and that's an interesting slip, given how much like mercury the silver goo reminds me of...)
Ahhh, Sarah hugs John and then lectures him for being stupid and reckless, and John just wants love and support... awwwww, he's trying so hard. I love Sarah, and she loves her son, but they don't always connect...
John doesn't want his mom or the T101 to see him crying, because patriarchy. Sigh.
The T101 sewing Sarah up is such a delicious callback to T1 on so many levels. And then she sews HIM up, oh my god.
The CPU of a Terminator is what's in the lab at Cyberdyne that they're experimenting on... which is going to become the core of Skynet... NO WONDER IT TRIES TO KILL EVERYONE, IT'S A FUCKING TERMINATOR AT HEART, IT'S ONLY DOING WHAT IT WAS PROGRAMMED TO DO!!!!
(this explains SO MUCH, honestly)
I wish John asserting his independence was NOT another example of a man telling Sarah Connor what to do, thank you very much. And I hate how she's literally relegated to the back seat, ugh. This is a great example of how horror tropes are more feminist-friendly than action.
John deigning to give his mother money is the most obnoxious thing ever, good for Sarah snatching it out of his hand, counting it, and handing him back a handful. We're supposed to find him endearing and relatable and I just keep wanting to smack him for his sexist bullshit.
Children playing with fake guns at the gas station, like that isn't symbolic of anything. John's seen too much now to take it lightly. Compare the children playing on the playground earlier in the movie with this.
wow, I’m still only halfway through the movie, who knew this was so deep
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sharedheadspace · 6 years
tin hat hawkes
or, the longass conspiracy theory that suggests that the government in our variation of the fallout world was out to get us, specifically. our deepest apologies if the readmore doesnt work
pinging @peace-love-mapley-syrup, salty come read a very depressing and paranoid multigenerational autobiography
fact: the us was occupying mexico in some capacity (even though the wiki says they werent. i lived there, i know what im talking about)
theory: it was largely through use of a subset of the army that the larger american public was kept unaware of. officers who had too many conduct violations or whatever to remain part of the ‘face’ of the us, with the soldiers underneath being mostly if not entirely comprised of locals forced into service
fact: this included children. like me, age six. on the younger end of those taken from whatever tinyass farm town i came from. i remained a soldier until i was sixteen, when i got caught on the edge of a mine explosion and nearly lost my leg (side note, this is where nina comes from. her memory of our life stops maybe two weeks before that happened)
after a recovery period that was laughably short and, looking back, was more focused on just ensuring i wasnt going to die than on preserving or restoring any functionality, i got transferred to the stateside army. trained as a mechanic just so i could have *some* usefulness now that i couldnt walk without at least a cane
question: why? i was nameless cannon fodder- literally, i didnt have a name for those ten years, ‘nina’ was my birth name in an entirely different world- and its not like there were no qualified mechanics in america desperate enough for steady work that theyd sell themselves off to the military. why not just let me die on the field. why save my leg instead of amputating it, giving me enough mobility to move independently but not so much that i can do so easily
theory: they saw the opportunity for a study on the effects of a persons identity being wholly centered on trauma from early childhood, and how such a person would interact with “normal” people
fact: i met maurevar there, then still going by his given name, icarus callahan. another soldier, said he came straight out of the foster system. a dead mother and an uncaring father. we stuck together, fell for each other, eventually deserted together. and if theres one thing the army hates, its deserters
question: why didnt they try harder to find us? they seemed to put in only minimal effort, considering how tight a leash the army liked to keep in every other situation
fact: nine years later, when the older twins were five, maurevar went into town on a routine supply run. he got caught up in the middle of a protest and arrested. that was the last i saw of him until postwar, when he turned up as a proto super mutant. after being arrested, he said, he was reinstated to his old position in the army, where he stayed until long after the bombs fell. in the 2070s, at least he had been stationed in alaska, overseeing new recruits (said he always felt like that was a deliberate punishment, being responsible for conditioning the young and desperate into the life he had tried so hard to leave behind)
question: why not give him a jail sentence, like nearly all other deserters? why get his old job back?
theory: by that point, they knew who we were. where we hiding. that there were at least two kids. the experiment changed to monitoring the effects of childhood trauma as it relates to becoming a parent/living with highly impressionable small children, with a side branch into adult ptsd and being forced back into the same traumatizing situation that first created it
fact: nine more years later, i was at rock bottom, between all my trauma, losing maurevar, and our wife growing ever more abusive as time went on. advertisements for the cit claimed to be able to improve mental stability and in some cases remove overly-stressful memories entirely. i bottled up my fear of medical settings, cities, crowds, social institutions in general, told the family i was going into town for a quick doctor visit, and you know the rest
theory: as per the recent development of the idea that ex-military and similar combat-trained individuals with few to no social ties were targeted for the brain scan experiments.. well, i was a deserter with 24 years of service to my name. i lived in the middle of nowhere with a wife who wanted me dead and four children still young enough to swallow any story properly fed to them. not exactly what theyd originally planned, but easy enough to work with. they took my memories and stored it for future use
fact: shortly after graduating high school, jasper was arrested for stealing food from his job at a local supermarket. he was given a choice between military service to clear his record or accepting a fine and jail time. where was he initially stationed? alaska. who was his c.o.? icarus callahan
theory: the overall experiment expanded to include studying the effects of children undergoing the same trauma as their parents. and for shits and giggles, to see how the two of them would interact, considering jasper had no idea who maurevar was
fact: after jasper was discharged, he, his younger siblings, and his wife moved into sanctuary hills. one neighboring house was home to an older couple, mr and mrs callahan. nothing about their home indicated they had ever raised a child (and this is in game, too! they even resemble maurevar!)
theory: maurevar was taken from them as a small child, or they were coerced into surrendering him. they were planted in sanctuary hills and told to keep an eye on jasper and the others, with the suggestion that if they kept up regular reports they could be told what happened to their lost son
fact: jasper, nora, and shaun were placed in vault 111. shaun was later kidnapped by the institute to provide the ‘pure’ (ie, not tainted by over a century of nuclear apocalypse) genetic material needed to create human-like synths. he eventually grew up to be ‘father’, the head of the institute and at least one gen3 experiment (synth!shaun, created as a child who could age and grow and have a more ‘normal’ childhood than he received, hanging the entire plan on jasper finding the institute, desiring the family the apocalypse had denied him, and adopting the child as his own. which he did. he did all of that)
theory: preservation of genetic material for the purposes of eventually creating synthetic humans was the point of the vault all along. the vault staff not receiving the promised release signal after twenty years, leading to them all dying in varying ways as their stockpile of supplies dwindled, was intentional. they were never meant to survive
furthermore, my being turned into a gen3 synth was deliberately because of my relation to jasper and to ‘father’. i was allowed to escape after waking up, because my bad leg meant that i couldnt travel far, my aversion to society meant that i was unlikely to join a caravan, and so i would be exactly the sort of person jasper would seek out and try to help (this took place after he was released, they would have known his habits by then)
where things may have gone from there, we cant know. the railroad kind of blew everything up
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