#but i think peter and jenna really made it work
mulderscully · 2 years
btw just bc i enjoy the doctor and clara's relationship does not mean that i think moffat was a good showrunner or a good person, he can still eat my shit along with chris carter and joss whedon and every other shitty male writer who stumbled into creating smth i love
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spirantization · 11 months
i actually really like peter capaldi as the doctor. i did watch his run all at once in 2016 or 2017, not as it aired, and i don't remember having very strong feelings about it. i think i was just checked out and not invested anymore. coming back to 12 now during this rewatch has made me appreciate capaldi a lot more. i watched "heaven sent" last night, and it is genuinely GREAT, and that is because it is 100% capaldi just giving it. he has a very different energy from 9-11, but it works so well. it helps that moffat is a little less moffaty in the material at this point.
unfortunately for 12, i can't stand clara. nothing against jenna coleman, i'm sure she's lovely, but two and a half seasons of clara was painful. can i tell you anything about her character arc? her wants vs needs? anything at all about her life? no. i can't. because none of that showed up at any point over the course of her THIRTY-SEVEN episodes.
now i have made it past the Clara Era, it is time to watch some christmas specials i've never seen before & revisit BILL, who i remember being great. and then capaldi's final episode, which i also never got around to watching. i may actually catch up with 13 as well before the 60th anniversary, which is pretty wild. it's taken me like two months to get this far. i will never attempt this again.
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allyriadayne · 10 months
I gotta ask favourite doctor who era, doctor and companion?
hii. favorite era, well, RTD's for sure. never liked moffat or chibnall and what things i liked were too far in between. rtd is silly and writes characters like actual human beings with lives outside of the doctor. and of course, actually did interesting things with the doctor too besides having "mad genius" as a character trait. also i can't think of anything as singularly groundbreaking as creating jack harkness in 2005.
favorite doctor hmmm okay yeah pretend you didn't read the last paragraph. ready? okay my favorite doctor is twelve. but hear me out: for a LONG time my fave was ten because david tennant is just that ridiculously charming 15+ years after playing the doctor, plus i liked his story and arc and i cried BUCKETS when he regenerated (still can't listen to vale decem), had the best companions too and being the last of an era made me appreciate him more when eleven did nothing for me. so twelve right? he was still a moffat doctor and eleven had left me such a sour taste because we get it moffat, he's you and you get all the girls and you are a genius and nobody gets you; but peter capaldi was SUCH a good fit. i loved how irascible and dismissive he was, his reserve and the oodles of charm capaldi was able to turn into the best performance on who of the last 5 years. i'm not going to say i liked most of his storylines because i didn't (so now that the master is a woman you make up a romance subplot? really?) but the ones were he and jenna coleman bounced off each other made them good at the very least. and again, cried buckets. "doctor, i let you go" made me reckon with myself like "huh so you like dw again i guess". i really don't know what moffat put in the twelfth doctor but that's the only thing i give him. my third favorite is nine :)
favorite companionnnnn ROSE! rose tyler, only girl in the whole universe!!! maybe it was because i was in A Place in my life where i didn't know how my life was supposed to go, or what i was supposed to do but rose tyler, shop girl, age 19, gave me a lot of comfort. she lived with her mum, worked in a shop and had a lame ass boyfriend who preferred to watch football during their dates, OF COURSE she would go with the doctor! and event though the show doesn't condemn her choice i love that it showed how the little people rose left behind felt. from an outside pov it was an irresponsible decision (and i see that both moffat and chibnall think so too bc they had their companions put rules and Only see the doctor on tuesdays or smth.... it's a time machine!!! live a little!!) but rose just wanted to live. be different, better, greater than herself. to see who she was outside of being jackie tyler and her dead dad's daughter, outside of the council state and her boring lower-class life. and the thing was, rose didn't change at all (the doctor did!! quite literally!!), she just became more and i love her so much for it.
thanks for the question.
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anotheruserwithnoname · 11 months
A few thoughts about the Doctor Who 60th
I haven't been posting about the 60th anniversary of Doctor Who because the show lost me back in 2017 and it double lost me with The Timeless Children (I've read the script and had discussions with unfortunates who have seen it). So I've been observing the goings on related to the 60th anniversary essentially as an outsider. And as an outsider, I have a few observations now that the BBC, true to form, only this week confirmed that the 3 David Tennant/Catherine Tate anniversary specials will be airing as a 3-week mini-season on Nov. 25, Dec. 2 and Dec. 9 on the BBC (outside the UK you need to have Disney+ to see them now; I've seen no mention of cinema screenings, though that may be because there's no single production this time). Plus, Russell T Davies has been teasing an apparent 4th story (probably a mini-episode) that is speculated as being for Children in Need which is I think Nov. 17.
The first thing is, while 60 is not generally considered the same level of milestone anniversary as 50 anyway, I've noticed general apathy. Back in the 50th, you couldn't ignore the anniversary whether you were a Who fan or not. Hell, in the weeks leading up to the 50th even shows unrelated to Who snuck in references (I've forgotten most of them but Marvel's Agents of SHIELD had a toy TARDIS visible in one scene, etc.). There was a lot of promo for the cinema screenings worldwide. Books, audios, documentaries, the An Adventure in Space and Time TV movie. This time, you'd be forgiven for thinking "Oh, is that in November?" Most of the excitement I've seen has been coming not from general fandom but from fans of the actors (if Jenna Coleman was appearing in one of the specials, I'd be all over it).
I'll be very curious to see how the ratings numbers hold up. While numbers from Disney+ may be difficult to gauge directly, the numbers from the BBC will tell a tale. I expect them to be pretty good because Tennant and Tate are very popular, as is Neil Patrick Harris, so I would expect them to be higher than anything from the previous era - or, indeed, the Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi years (50th anniversary special not included). If they are not... I bet the BBC narrative changes, because if Tennant, Tate and NPH aren't enough to bring viewers back, then I don't know what will.
If things go well, I would still not take ratings success on the specials as any guide to future ratings once the Ncuti Gatwa era begins. Certainly, ratings after the 50th didn't really retain momentum. And that was before Moffat's successor ushered in the most fanbase-destroying era of any franchise (and I'm including Marvel Phase 4 and Star Trek Discovery in this). Between the casting decision to the Timeless Child retcon that turned away many who had cheered and supported the former - well, the BBC ratings tell the tale, right? It's been reported that the BBC was even going to cancel the series (that came from Chibnall, not some Youtuber, and while he couched it in claims that it was budget and logistics that nearly sank it, there was a time when the BBC was willing to shell out for the show; and lots of shows and films still got made during the pandemic, so that's no excuse). Likely the only reason it's still on is because RTD came back (plus the Disney deal likely helped too) and they threw a Hail Mary pass by having Tennant be a surprise buffer Doctor. They aren't just offering us a plate of memberberries by bringing him and Tate back - they're trying to make fois gras with them.
After the specials air ... then what? Will anyone catch that Hail Mary? Yes, we have the Ncuiti Gatwa era coming. All I have ever seen of Gatwa is the few seconds in the trailer. I have not seen any of his other work, nor does it interest me; it would be like me predicting how Peter Capaldi would play 12 based on Local Hero and listening to a Dreamboys record. So no judgement or assumption on how well or how poorly Gatwa will play the role; RTD chose well with Eccleston and Tennant and Gatwa could end up ranking alongside Tom Baker and Capaldi. And as with every new Doctor there will be a viewership spike from the curious. But if his era follows the same downward trajectory as his predecessor (+1) - and if the Disney+ ratings end up being low - I would expect the BBC to announce a series finale special to wrap it up and cut their losses. Especially if Disney - which is not averse to cancelling shows (try watching Willow: The Series) - pulls out.
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jaggedwolf · 1 month
pll rewatch 2x09
Aria has Ezra-Jason sex dreams while Emily and Hanna play lookout for Spencer snooping in the morgue. This hospital has the worst security, typical competency you can expect from Rosewood professionals
Hanna is okay with her stolen $100 cream giving her huge muscles but not with it giving her back acne or chin hair
I am instead distracted by the photos on the table next to Hanna. Is that a photo of her, Caleb and Emily together? Cute
Emily is suspicious of even her food this episode
“We all know you love to fix things” - Emily to Aria.
New Liar categorization has dropped. Fixers: Aria, Emily. Breakers: Hanna, Spencer. 😂
Emily is the worst friend to tell about a sex dream. I can’t even tell if she’s judgy because Aria is in a relationship or because Jason is Spencer’s top suspect.
Sometimes the other liars forget that Emily is the Most Puritan of them and get surprised by her being judgy about their choices
Hanna would’ve loved to hear about this sex dream. Aria really letting a friend down  by not telling her. But I suppose Aria was looking for a shut down, not enabling.
Aria knows zero biology. Doesn’t know what a cornea is this episode, last episode had Spencer explaining to her what the cranium is and her giving an ulcer patient coffee
“Well, for one, she will be able to aim a gun” - Spencer on Jenna regaining sight
These girls continue to be publicly so deranged about a blind girl. There’s one Rosewood High student out there who hears all these comments and is going what the fuck is wrong with these girls
I like this shot of Spencer sneaking in the greenery, even though she is being the world’s least camouflaged detective
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Not the last time we’ll see random animals on Spencer’s sweaters
Calling her a detective made me imagine her as a washed up detective in Disco Elysium a la Harry Du Bois and well, sometimes they have similar amounts of tact so who can say how ridiculous a comparison this is (obviously Emily is Kim, because the homosexual underground conversation happens exactly the same way)
Samara shows up, jumpscaring my friends, because one of them forgot she existed and the other forgot she and Emily were actually dating.
Ashley shows up in time to be an #Ally. Like mother like daughter
It is a sweet scene for Emily. Her parents worked through their reaction to her sexuality, Pam much slower than Wayne, and are OK now, but I’m glad she has an adult who wouldn’t even think of blinking and is going out of her way to make it clear
Back in S1, Ella clearly did not know Pam wasn’t okay with the gay thing, even though Aria and the other liars were always in the loop about the Fields’ reactions to Emily coming out. It’s not the sort of thing Aria and Spencer would mention to their parents.
It is, I think, the sort of thing Hanna mentions to her mom. In the midst of other ramblings about school or gossip, Hanna throws in a “Emily’s mom is being a real jerk about Emily being gay” (which is also how Ashley even learns that Emily’s gay XD) 
I like the above as background for Ashley’s response in this scene
Veronica is completely undisturbed by Peter burning the hockey stick and goes yeah I would do the same, while Spencer once more loses her damn mind all across the living room. 
Bet Spencer thought she could have a normal time in her house after Ian died. Nope!
Time for lesbian poker night! This’ll be the most at-least-implied-to-be-queer characters we’ll see in one room for a while. 
They are playing with real money??? This tracks for Samara’s prep school coterie but Emily Fields, tsk tsk, somewhere in Texas Pam is frowning very hard
She is apparently very good at poker, which I have trouble buying and am convinced that Samara’s friends are throwing to Samara’s new girlfriend who goes to public school lolololol
TBF Emily wouldn’t be stressed about lying over shit she doesn’t care about, like poker
Emily calls Aria for advice on the blackmail text. Doylistically, this is because this is an Emaria episode for liar pairings in the first half, since Hanna is occupied by Caleb and Spencer is occupied by mystery. Watsonianally...IDK? How would Emily decide who to call when getting blackmailed by A, I don’t know
Aria gives no useful advice to Emily, which is what Emily deserves for being so judgy about a sex dream
Caleb is really fucked up about the mom revelation. We get our first scene with Haleb on the swings. I like that set for them, and at some point during this scene there’s a very pretty shot of them with the light in the background
I make fun of Byron all the damn time but the scene where he realizes what’s going on with Mike is sobering, as his little conversation with Ella after
Having a brother that killed himself while he was a teenager would probably want to make you want to be a helicopter parent. 
Ella immediately shuts down the idea of Mike being depressed, huh. 
Mike's behavior here makes his previous comment of “I wanted a gun so I could get out of here.” scary in a different way
Emily's mannerisms while Samara breaks up with her...it's almost like she's gone numb from the whole A torment? She doesn't even really try to fight for Samara, she's like well....I guess this is happening :/ I've had thoughts on Emily's instincts moving from freeze to fight as a reflex, but she is all freeze here
I love that while Hanna is watching the Katy Perry concert at home alone, Emily and Spencer are off breaking into Jason’s shed
I really like Haleb these past couple of eps. They’re so solid and good to each other. Caleb's voice is so torn up when he says his mom said he sounds just like his dad, aw buddy.
I think this is our first Hanna -> Caleb ILU
Jason is gross for confessing to and then kissing a high schooler, but my second thought about the kiss was “I wonder how far down he had to bend to do that kiss”
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oswincoleman · 2 years
Is it possible that Jenna Coleman could retire her role as Clara Oswald in Doctor Who?
Recently, in an interview for Best magazine, Jenna said:
It could happen in the future, who knows? I think, at least for a good while, Clara is probably broken down somewhere in time and space, trying to understand how to work a TARDIS! But I had an incredible three series on Doctor Who. I took away so much from my time working with Peter [Capaldi], Matt [Smith] and the rest of the cast and crew on something so loved and revered. It was such a special time in my life.
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Now, a number of news outlets have picked up on this, suggesting that she could return. For instance, Bleeding Cool (https://bleedingcool.com/tv/the-sandman-star-jenna-coleman-on-doctor-who-return-it-could-happen/ ), Screen Rant (https://www.google.com/amp/s/screenrant.com/doctor-who-clara-jenna-coleman-companion-return-possible/amp/), or Radio Times (https://www.radiotimes.com/tv/sci-fi/jenna-coleman-doctor-who-return-could-happen-newsupdate/ )
I don’t want to be too pessimistic about this, but I do want to point out that we shouldn’t be getting our hopes up for a Clara return from this comment. Though he his does differ from some previous comments in which she ruled it out, I would say the chances of her ever returning are still very, very slim.
For instance, see what Jenna said when she was asked the same question in 2016 in an interview for Collider (https://collider.com/jenna-coleman-doctor-who-clara/)
Who knows, in the future. But I think, at least for a good while, Clara is probably broken down somewhere in time and space, trying to understand how to work a TARDIS with Ashildr/Maisie [Williams]
That is, almost word for word, the exact same comment she made for Best magazine now. So I would say her attitude towards returning is very similar to what it was back in 2016, her attitude towards returning doesn’t really seem to have changed at all.
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sunnys-rewatch-blog · 3 years
S2, E10
"Touched by an 'A'-ngel"
Jason's house has been broken into like, three times now. He is being way too cool about it. If Peter Hastings hadn't put an end to this poor man installing a fucking fence, maybe he'd have some privacy.
So much to unpack with this "weird photos of Aria" thing. First of all, there is no scenario I can think of where this would make sense for Alison to do. It reads like the writers are just using her as a scapegoat because they wanted to shock us, without regard for whether or not it made sense. If you're going to set us up to look at something a certain way just to give us a shock factor, the alternative can be used to develop characters and teach a lesson. But the girls never learn not to to jumping to conclusions like this, and I don't think Ali's motives for this are ever explored. It makes about as much sense as if you told me the milkman dropped a roll of film behind your bush, and contribute about as much to the story.
"Jason, you have to admit, this looks really bad"- that's rich, coming from you, Aria. Personally, I think the worst part of it is that your friends broke into his house. TWICE. Does it not occur to any of you that no one has to live their whole private lives doing only what "looks good" to you?
Here we go with this weird club thing.
Yep, this looks like a good place to talk to your (former) teacher about your secret relationship. Right here at the high school where he was a teacher a few weeks ago, months at most, during college fair day when the place is crawling with people.
A stable is a really odd place to go on an impulsive detour for lunch. Don't you usually have to make reservations for this kind of thing? I have never seen a place where you could just show up like this.
Why does Kate assume Hanna has any idea what's going on, here? It was Mona who said she went to this camp. They just rolled up here and didn't even ask if she was familiar? Even as a course of conversation? I'm imagining Mona starting a sentence like "This one time, at Equestrian camp-" and Kate squealing her tires straight into this parking lot.
Kate would have been a more effective villain in Season 1, before Hanna fully re-bonded with the other girls.
I understand Hanna having no knowledge of horse riding techniques, but has she really never seen one up close? Even at a fair or something?
I would still swear Ezra knew Aria's friends knew.
I don't think anyone ever mentioned what a shit friend Hanna is to Mona. They spent the summer bonding only for Mona to get dropped like a hot rock. On my first watch it really took me a while to warm up to her, I remember wishing Hanna would drop her as a friend- and she has been rude and generally terrible sometimes, to the point that I would fully respect it if Hanna did fully drop her for something like bullying Lucas or pressuring her to skip school in front of her mom- but some of their interactions are painful for other reasons.
How long was that microphone broadcasting? There was quite a bit leading up to Hanna's offensive comments. I'm not saying the rest of the conversation would have made that easy to hear, but the context might have softened the blow. I would like to think, if it were me in Kate's position, I might have been hurt and confused but I'd realize I had to make peace with her not liking me or wanting to share hobbies. I would take it as a sign to back off. Of course, I'm a full grown adult with a different life history and mindset. And I'm not a villain.
Why does Jenna talk like she's narrating a Stephen King novel?
Marlene was definitely reading either Twilight or one of it's derivative works when she was deciding how to write Ezria.
Kate's phone call with Hanna could have been written by a dungeon domme.
How many sessions did these girls go to? I only know about two, maybe three each. They're talking about it like they were going for months.
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sassy-starker · 4 years
Five Times Stark Industries Employees Saw Peter Parker
(And One Time They All Found Out Who He Was)
Word count: 9128
CW: none
Notes: I promised @tony-is-my-daddy that I would tag them in my fluff fic and that was literally almost 2 weeks ago so I’m really, really sorry. I got caught up with finals and everything, but, I finally present to you, A Self-Indulgent Fic Where Peter and Tony Act Sappy And Confuse Employees
Peter couldn’t focus.  His eyes were bleary and his mind was wandering.  His attention was completely taken up by the hollowness in his chest.  The workshop felt all too empty and quiet, but he knew that background noise wouldn’t help.  He needed someone there.  He needed people— hell, even just a person— to be with him.  His mind felt distant, yet all too aware at the same time and it was driving him insane.  He hated the winter.  He hated seasonal affective disorder.  He hated this.
In a rash decision, before his brain could even think, Peter pulled out his Stark Phone and tapped into messages.  He tapped on his most recent contact and began to type.
Peter: hey, do you think i could go down to the intern labs and just work down there?
Peter: like the ones with the individual workspaces?
Peter: i need to be around people
Tony: Of course! I should be done with my meeting at about 5 so then we can go binge shitty rom-coms and cuddle and eat Chinese food
Tony: Pepper saw me on my phone. Gotta go
Peter: <3
Tony: <3
Peter, now with confirmation, gathered up what he was working on in his backpack and shoved his phone in his pocket before getting up and moving to the elevator.
“Where to, Peter?” FRIDAY asked him.
“Fifty-fourth floor please.”
The elevator moved relatively quickly down the floors, and it wasn’t long until it dinged and the doors opened, revealing rows and rows of worktables with interns scattered around and working on individual projects.  Peter knew that they moved on and off the floor, depending on whether they were working in groups with their department or solo.
People looked over to the unknown young man while he set his stuff down on a table.  He paid no mind, feeling comforted by having people around.  He always felt nice when he knew that he wasn’t all alone, that the world was still there and time was still moving on.  Just as he sat down, though, a lab director from some floor below them walked right up to the desk.
“I’m sorry. I don’t think you’re allowed to be here,” he said in a sickly sweet, obviously fake voice.
“Excuse me?” Peter asked politely, looking up to the man.
“This space is for interns and employees. You don’t appear to be either,” the man elaborated.
“No, I’m allowed to be here,” Peter shot back simply before looking away from the man and reaching for his bag to pull out his project materials.
“Who do you think you are?” the lab director interrogated. “I’ll get you kicked out of this building!”
“I’m Peter-” the young adult started, but was cut off by FRIDAY interrupting.
“No last names, Peter,” the AI warned. “We don’t want anything to happen to you.  I can assure that Peter is allowed to be here.”
Peter simply looked up and gave a shrug to the lab director before continuing to pull out the materials from his bag.  The man looked up to the ceiling fearfully before retreating back to his own workspace.
That was the first time they saw Peter.
The next time Stark Industries employees saw Peter could only be described as chaotic.
The door to the stairs opened and somebody rushed out, weaving their way around people and workstations with practiced ease, all while laughing so hard that there were tears falling from their eyes.
Upon closer inspection, the employees realized that it was, in fact, the mysterious young man from only a week earlier.
Moments after Peter rushed in, the elevator dinged and the doors opened, and out ran the Tony Stark, covered in red and blue glitter. Not to mention that he looked furious, but not the type of furious where he was genuinely angry. It was more like that fond kind of furious, where you’re annoyed and upset, but can’t help but find the situation a bit funny and the person responsible is somebody you care about.
Tony ran out of the elevator, also weaving around his employees and their projects, obviously chasing the young man. By that point, though, the young man was laughing so hard that he had slowed down considerably. Thanks to that fact, Tony caught up and tackled him to the ground. All the employees were frozen in shock and just watching as their boss stood up and rubbed glitter off his skin to get it onto the man he was now standing above.
“No!” shouted the younger, getting up from his spot on the floor and giving the engineer a light shove. Both of them were still smiling and laughing about it though. “This is gonna take forever to wash off!”
“How do you think I feel?” Tony retorted, sprinkling some glitter into the other man’s curly hair. Once again, the younger man gave him a light push.
That’s when the two of them became acutely aware of the attention they had garnered.
“Sorry for disrupting your work,” Peter apologized to the crowd of employees sheepishly.
“We’ll send somebody to clean up the mess we made,” Tony told them, eyeing the trail of glitter he had left on the floor, “but get back to work.”
Hesitantly, they all began to go back to their workstations, but kept their eyes on the two men as they talked quietly and walked back to the elevator. Nobody said a word until the elevator doors had closed, obscuring their view of their boss and the mysterious man.
“Who the fuck is that kid?” Ashley questioned, turning to the coworkers she was in an experimenting group with.
“I have no idea,” Dylan answered, slowly tearing his eyes away from the elevator doors.
“He’s definitely a weird one,” Jenna piped up decisively. “I mean, have you ever even seen a picture of Tony Stark smiling that fondly?”
“And he talked back to him!” Dylan added on. “Like, holy shit, that kid shoved him and Stark only laughed!”
“I’ve seen a lot of strange things while working here,” Ashley told them, sparing a glance at the elevator, “but this is definitely one of the strangest.”
“Please?” Peter begged.
“No,” Tony answered for what felt like the hundredth time. “Gossip spreads across the building quickly and basically every employee is already trying to figure out who you are! I don’t want them finding out and leaking it to the press!”
“But they already know, so what does it matter? It’s not like the rumors will go away if they just don’t see me again!” Peter argued, jumping up from where he was seated in order to stand in front of his boyfriend.
“The rumors will die down if they don’t see you again. They’ll eventually move onto talking about something else,” Tony replied, grabbing Peter’s hand and pulling him close. Peter embraced the man and the two just stood there for a few moments.
“I just want you to be safe,” Tony told him quietly.
“I’ll be fine,” Peter responded, pulling away but still holding onto his boyfriend’s hands. “All your employees sign NDA’s, so even if they did leak something to the press, which I doubt they would, legal would be on their ass and sue them for all they’re worth.”
Tony sighed, realizing that Peter had a good argument that he just couldn’t counter.
“Fine. You can come help me with the presentation.”
Peter pumped his fist in the air and let out a whoop in victory, causing Tony to roll his eyes fondly.
When the employees working in R&D walked into the small auditorium on the 16th floor, they knew Tony Stark was going to be there, but they didn’t expect the infamous mystery man to be there.  On the stage, Peter was talking animatedly about something or other while Tony just listened, a fond smile on his face and his eyes sparkling.
The crowd walked in hesitantly, everybody’s eyes on the two men up front, who still hadn’t acknowledged them.  When everyone was seated and the clock struck the exact time the presentation was supposed to start, the two finally turned to them to get started.
“Hello, R&D department! I hope you’re all doing well!” Tony greeted with his press smile on. “You all know who I am, but I have somebody else here with me today.”
“What’s up? I’m Peter,” the younger man introduced himself, hitting the woah as he said his name.
“Did you just-” Tony started with a sigh before cutting himself off. “You and your fucking tiktok dances.”
“You say that as if you didn’t ask me to teach you the Renegade last week!”
“That was different! That was for the Stark Industries tiktok! I need to be relatable so I stay relevant!” Tony defended.
“And yet you still won’t let me teach you the dance to ‘Say So’ even though it’s iconic!” Peter shot back.
“You and I have different ideas of what counts as iconic,” Tony said dryly before turning back to the crowd of employees. 
“Anyway, today Peter and I will be telling you all about the new prosthetics line that your department will begin developing!”
Despite the importance of the presentation, the employees were only half listening as they were more focused on whispering about the mystery boy.
“Okay but what the actual fuck happened at the beginning of this?” Jenna asked quietly as she leaned over to her coworker on the right of her.
“No fucking clue. I can't believe this dude is just casually talking and joking around with Tony fucking Stark!” Dylan whispered in reply, not taking his eyes off the stage.
“And apparently he taught Stark how to do the Renegade. That’s fucking insane,” Ashley added from Jenna’s left.
The three turned their attention back to the two men on stage, finally listening to what they were saying again.
“Street smarts!” the younger man exclaimed, jumping in about something they were saying before.
“Stay alert out there,” both Peter and Tony quoted with large smiles. As if nothing happened, they jumped right back into the presentation.
“This is the weirdest fucking thing in the world,” Dylan declared quietly.
“I second that,” Ashley muttered.
“I third that,” Jenna added on without taking her eyes off the stage.
The presentation went on a bit longer, but it didn’t drag on.  It helped that the entire time the two men were joking around and making the employees progressively more and more confused.
Peter and Tony wrapped up the presentation soon enough and the R&D employees began to file out, most of them keeping their eyes on the two men talking quietly on stage.  Jenna, Ashley, and Dylan walked out together, some of the last to exit the auditorium, and the three made it to the elevator before Jenna realized she left her jacket behind.  She told her friends that she would catch up to them and way back to the now empty seats.  Not paying attention to the world around her, she looked for where she had sat and made her way through the row until she reached her seat and found her cardigan.
“See, I told you it would be okay,” said a voice from the stage.  Jenna turned around and saw Peter talking to Tony, the men standing close together.
“You know I just get worried,” the billionaire replied, his voice more sincere than Jenna could’ve ever imagined. “I just want to make sure you’re okay.”
“I can take care of myself, Tones. You don’t need to worry so much.”
Jenna felt like she was intruding on a private moment, so she started to make her way out of the rows of seats and back to the door as quickly and quietly as possible.
“Just because I don’t need to worry doesn’t mean I won’t. I care so much about you, Peter. You know I love you.”
Jenna froze in place, right at the end of the row of seats and about to step into the main aisle that led to the doors.  Against her better judgment, she found herself staring up at the two men on the stage, her gaze stuck on them.  She just couldn’t look away.
Peter and Tony were basically right up against each other.  They only were a couple inches apart with both their hands intertwined.  She couldn’t see it earlier, but, now that they were right next to each other, Jenna could tell that Peter was about half a foot shorter than Tony.  The younger man was looking up at the billionaire with a bright smile that was returned.  It was like nothing she could’ve ever imagined; a ball of sunshine and pop culture references right next to a man known to be scuffed up and rough around the edges.  It was like this boy brought out a completely different side of Stark.
“I love you too,” Peter replied softly before leaning up on the balls of his feet to give Tony a soft kiss on the lips.
Jenna, sucked in a breath of air harshly, the sound being enough to alert the men to her presence.  The two men stared at her with wide eyes for a moment and she stared right back.
“Shit.” Tony broke the silence of the room, his voice conveying the concern written across his face.  Peter put a hand on his forearm and schooled his features into a comforting look.  The man looked over at him and tried to take solace in his lover’s gentleness.
“I told you something was gonna go wrong,” the billionaire said with a mix of concern and fear on his face.
“We’re not getting into this argument again,” Peter responded decidedly, his tone making it sound final.
“I- I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize I was walking in on anything. I just came in because I forgot my jacket! I . . . please don’t fire me, Mister Stark,” Jenna stammered once she had broken out of her shocked stupor.
“He’s not going to fire you,” Peter reassured her with a kind tone.
“Well . . .” Tony said, but his tone was a bit humorous.
“You’re not gonna fire her because we decided we couldn’t wait until we got back to the penthouse to be all sappy.” Peter gave the man a stern look and it occurred to Jenna once again that this soft, delicate-appearing brunet clad in pastels had somehow reined in the man who had spent so many years being known as a playboy.
“I’m not going to fire you, but you can’t tell anybody, not even anyone within the company. If you do, my legal team can and will sue you for all you’re worth. Understood?” Tony had a dangerous edge to his voice, letting the girl know that he was completely serious. There was no way that this was an empty threat.
“Understood,” Jenna replied with a curt nod. “But I just have one question.”
“Shoot,” Peter told her.
“How old are you? Because . . . well, you look pretty young.”
Tony started laughing and Peter gave him an annoyed look.
“Stop laughing! You do this every time!” Peter exclaimed, lightly slapping his arm.
“Everybody thinks you’re, like, sixteen! You look barely old enough to have your license!” Tony shot back, his laughter dying down.
“I’m twenty-one,” he told Jenna. “I’m not underage, if you were wondering. Tony may be a bit of a mad scientist, but he doesn’t date people who are underage.”
“Okay, good. I was just worried for a second. Um, thank you for not firing me and I swear I won’t tell anybody. I should get going,” she rushed out with a relieved smile.  Without another word, she made her way out of the auditorium, holding her jacket close to her chest.
When she got back to her floor, Dylan and Ashley bombarded her with questions about what took her so long, but she just told them that it took her a second to find it.  Of course, they weren’t satisfied with that answer, but Jenna didn’t let anything slip.
That was the third time Stark Industries employees saw Peter.
When Jenna walked into work the next morning, early as always, she found an envelope sitting on her designated area of her group desk, which separated into four sections for her project team to sit at. Across the front, it had her first name written out in a neat, cursive scrawl. She furrowed her brows as she looked at it, questions racing through her mind as she wondered who it could’ve been from.
Without another thought, she ripped it open and pulled out the contents. She unfolded the paper that was inside only to find a letter written in the same handwriting.
Dear Jenna,
I wanted to write you a letter, but realized that I never caught your name yesterday. I hope you don’t mind, but I asked FRIDAY who you were. Thinking back on it, that definitely makes me sound like a creep, so I apologize.
I wanted to thank you for not completely flipping out on Tony and I in the auditorium yesterday. I know that the whole thing was definitely crazy and it would’ve made sense if you freaked out. I also wanted to thank you for not immediately telling anybody. Seeing as no news stories have come out and nobody in the building has confronted Tony, I’m assuming you didn’t leak it, which is relieving.
I hope you’re doing well and if you need literally anything, just drop off a letter in the company mailroom in box 106.
As a thank you, there’s a Starbucks gift card also in the envelope! I wasn’t sure if you liked coffee, but seeing as you work in R&D and most of the employees in that department survive off coffee, I’m going to assume you do. Enjoy!
I’ll (hopefully) talk to you soon!
P.S. Tony might not say it, but he’s also grateful that you haven’t leaked anything! I can promise that you’re good in his books :)
“What’s that?” Ashley asked, sneaking up behind Jenna and startling the woman.
“It’s nothing,” Jenna replied quickly while shoving the letter back into the envelope and cramming it into her bag. Ashley gave her a suspicious look but let it go, sitting down at her area of the group desk that was beside Jenna’s.
“I have a prediction!” Dylan announced as he entered the almost empty floor and waltzed over to Jenna and Ashley. He collapsed onto his stool and dumped his bag onto the floor beside him.
“This should be good,” Ashley muttered sarcastically, crossing her arms.
Jenna just looked away.
“So, we’ve established that it’s strange that nobody has ever heard of Peter and how, out of nowhere, he shows up!”
“Yeah, that’s kinda why we all think it’s weird,” Jenna shot at him, hoping that it covered up her panic.
“It’s also odd that he’s got a bit of a resemblance to Stark,” Dylan continued, decidedly ignoring her.
“I don’t see it,” Jenna interrupted once more, but the man didn’t stop.
“Maybe, just maybe, Peter is Stark’s son who he didn’t want in the spotlight until he was old enough to handle it!”
Ashley gasped while Jenna glanced away from them with a look of both panic and amusement. 
“Or Peter is Stark’s illegitimate child and he doesn’t want to have a scandal!” Ashley built on the theory with an excited smile and wide eyes.
“What do you think, Jenna?” Dylan asked, and both of Jenna’s teammates had their eyes on her.
“I think you two are full of bullshit,” Jenna told them, trying hard to keep her voice steady. “He’s probably just Stark’s intern. Maybe he’s a super genius or something.”
“Bor-ring!” Ashley replied with a roll of her eyes.
“Yeah, our theory is way better,” Dylan bragged, a bit of humor in his tone.
Jenna stayed oddly quiet for the rest of the morning.
When lunch rolled around, Dylan and Ashley went off to the food court floor of the building, but Jenna decided that she wanted to make use of the Starbucks gift card she’d been given. When she opened the envelope back up to get it, she discovered that it was a two-hundred dollar gift card, which left her in shock for a few moments. Still, she shook herself out of it and went to go get a sandwich and a coffee.
After lunch, she found herself back with her teammates, working on their project, but sipping on a venti white chocolate mocha this time around. Around half an hour after they’d come back from lunch, the elevator doors opened to reveal Peter, wearing a sunny yellow sweater that matched the smile on his face. He walked out of the elevator and seemingly ignored all the eyes on him. He made his way over to a table working on prosthetics and began to help them out, the team there looking a bit surprised but extremely grateful for the assistance.
When Peter looked up and spotted Jenna, he gave her an even brighter smile, which she returned. She shook the coffee cup in her hand a little, bringing his attention to it, and he gave a silent chuckle. Jenna took a sip of her mocha and turned back to her project.
“What the fuck was that?” Ashley asked, drawing both of her teammates away from where they were designing arm prosthetics.
“What?” Dylan and Jenna replied in unison.
“That little interaction you just had with Peter,” the blonde woman elaborated, looking at Jenna accusingly.
“What interaction?” the man piped up before the brunette could respond.
“She and Peter made eye contact and smiled at each other and then Jenna held up her coffee cup and Peter chuckled!”
Dylan gave Ashley an incredulous look before shifting his gaze to Jenna.
“It was nothing,” Jenna defended with a level voice before getting back to work.
“Does this have something to do with the letter from this morning?”
“What letter?” Jenna and Dylan asked in unison.
Ashley sighed. “Jenna, come on, just tell me what’s going on? Is there something you know that we don’t?”
Before the brunette could even respond, Peter passed by their table.
“Hey, Jenna!” the young man greeted cheerily.
“Hey, Peter,” she responded, a smile on her face.
When he was gone, she went right back to her work, ignoring the looks from her teammates.
Jenna knew it was going to be a long rest of her day.
That was the fourth time Stark Industries employees saw Peter.
By the next Friday, the questions from Dylan and Ashley had died down, but the suspicious glances were definitively not stopping, nor becoming anymore secretive. Luckily, though, Jenna was becoming better and better at ignoring the looks from her coworkers.
There were no more appearances from Peter, but Jenna had been enjoying exchanging letters with the brunet. The letters would sometimes be accompanied by pictures, mostly of Peter and Tony, and the woman had fun printing dumb pictures of her own and sending them back. The two would share funny stories and talk about themselves, though Peter still never shared his last name, but the brunette didn’t blame him for that; she knew he wanted to continue to keep himself on the down low. Tony would sometimes put in a few sentences on a letter, mostly a short quip about something his boyfriend wrote, and Jenna couldn’t help but find her boss’s dry wit rather humorous.
As the weekend approached once more, Jenna found herself feeling glad to get away from her teammates’ conspicuous looks and probing questions. When it reached midday, she was beyond happy to escape to the food court, rushing in order to get ahead of Ashley and Dylan. 
When she walked into the food court, she knew there was something going on. The chatter of the floor was quieter than normal, despite the normal amount of people being there. It was less conversation and more pointed whispers. When she followed where everybody’s eyes were looking, she discovered Peter sitting at one of the round tables on his own.
The young man had a couple slices of pizza on a plate in front of him, with one slice in his hand. He had wireless earbuds in and his phone was propped up using a pop socket attached to the back. It was obvious that he was watching some show or another.
Jenna simply shrugged and went to grab her own food, paying no mind to the whispered gossip spreading across the floor. She got a container of Chinese food from one of the stations and looked around to find a place to sit before realizing that she didn’t know where to go. She usually sat with her teammates, but she had been trying to escape them until she had to get back to work, which left her with nobody to eat lunch with.
In a strange and unusual burst of confidence, Jenna walked across the floor and toward Peter’s table, decidedly brushing off the eyes that followed her. She put her food down and sat in the chair across from her boss’s boyfriend, attempting to act casual as the quiet chatter toned down in order to hear what happened next.
Peter looked up when she sat down, seemingly confused that somebody was joining him at his table. When he saw that it was Jenna, however, he cracked a bright smile. He took out his earbuds and put them back into the carrying case before shutting off his phone and setting it face down on the table.
“Hey, Jenna!” His tone was bubbly, an air of familiarity to it. Just hearing him talk made Jenna feel calmer; the boy had a way of doing that.
“Hey, Peter,” she greeted back, less excitedly but still conveying that she was happy to see him again. “What’s up?”
“Not much! Tony’s in a meeting and I decided to come down here for lunch. I didn’t like how quiet it was.”
“I think you mentioned that once. That you don’t like being alone in spaces, I mean.” Jenna paid attention to every word in every letter she received from the young man. She felt like she connected to him in a way that she’d never connected to anybody before; it wasn’t like any friendship she had in the past.
“Yeah. It just feels nice to know that the world is still turning and I’m not completely alone.” He looked sad for a moment, eyes glazed over and distant. It was a somber kind of happiness, a mix of emotions that weren’t supposed to be mixed in case of an explosion, but not a loud one; it was more of a combustion, internal and quiet, soft and powerful. “But, anyways, what’ve you been up to?”
“Not much,” Jenna replied, trying to move on from the delicate moment. “Been working on the prototype for the prosthetics and I think it’s going well. There’s a few bits and pieces that me and my teammates have gotta work out before we send the design to our lab director, but I think we’ll get there soon.”
“That’s really cool! I honestly can’t wait for the prosthetics line to go into production! I think it's really gonna change the game since it’s gonna be a high tech line but also more affordable than the competitors!” Peter’s eyes were shining, the gleam replacing the far off look from only moments earlier.
“I’m excited for it too!” Jenna admitted. “I know it’s gonna help so many people and I can’t wait for it to go on the market!”
Peter opened his mouth to respond, but his phone buzzed before he could speak. He picked it up and read the notification, giving a small chuckle and typing out a response before looking up at Jenna.
“Was that . . .?” Jenna trailed off, unsure of how to finish the sentence but sure that the brunet caught her drift.
“Yeah,” Peter responded easily with a fond, but exasperated, look. “He finished his meeting and asked if I saved him some food from my lunch. I did, but I’m tempted to eat it myself and tell him to go get his own food.”
Jenna snorted.
“I’m not that mean, though, so I’m gonna take him the last two slices.” He slid his phone into his back pocket and his earbuds case into his front one before standing up and grabbing the plate with the two slices of pizza.
“I’ll see you later, Jenna!” he called as he walked away, heading towards the private elevator.
“See you, Peter!” With that, the woman went back to eating her lunch, as if nothing had happened at all.
When two people sat down at the table, Jenna looked up at them, only to find her two teammates, who had bewildered and suspicious looks on their faces. Dylan’s brow was furrowed and Ashley’s eyes were narrowed, the blonde obviously more dubious than him.
“What the actual fuck, Jenna?” she asked, voicing everybody’s thoughts.
“What?” the brunette replied as if she didn’t know.
“Don’t act all innocent! How are you so friendly with him?! This shit doesn’t add up!” Dylan nodded along to Ashley’s words. 
Jenna gave an exasperated sigh.
“Sorry, but that’s confidential information. NDA’s and all that, ya know?” She was trying everything she could to weasel her way out of it, but it was the first time she’d given her teammates a semi-straight answer, even if it wasn’t that revealing.
“Oh, come on, Jenna!” Dylan finally spoke up. “It can’t be anything that serious! Just tell us what’s going on?”
“I’m afraid that Ms. Locke is right, Mr. Hoffman. This is confidential information that Ms. Locke does not have the authority nor the necessity to reveal to you,” FRIDAY interrupted, garnering the attention of the people watching.
Jenna only shrugged under the intense gazes of her coworkers, but it still shut them up about it.
That was the fifth time Stark Industries employees saw Peter.
It was relatively quiet for the next few weeks after the food court incident. While the suspicious glances remained, the questions had died down, though whispers still followed Jenna around as her coworkers spread rumors about how she knew Peter.
Speaking of the brunet, he hadn’t shown up since the incident, but he and Jenna had continued to exchange letters, becoming closer friends as time went on. The next time news about Peter came, it was only news for Jenna, as nobody else had any clue of how the young man was involved.
It had happened when Tony Stark had come to the R&D floor to talk to the employees there about the progress on the prosthetics line. Everybody had been trying extra hard to look busy as the man went around, all of them hoping to seem like they were valuable employees who actually did work.
Jenna’s team was the last that the billionaire came to, but as soon as he started talking to them, the brunette noticed something.
He had an engagement ring on.
The woman mentioned nothing, though she did freeze for a moment when she noticed it. Still, she pushed through and continued with the discussion about the progress they had been making.
When her boss later stepped away to answer a text, she quickly told her coworkers she had to use the restroom, rushing away and going down the hallway that Tony had gone down, which happened to lead to the bathrooms.
When she got there, she found him smiling down at his phone and typing quickly.
“Did you guys get . . .?” Jenna started, but trailed off at the end, startling the man a bit. He looked up at her, eyes a bit wide, but immediately recognized her. He looked confused at the question for a moment before realizing that her eyes were on his ring.
“Yeah, we did,” Tony answered, looking a bit sheepish as a blush painted his cheeks.
“How did it happen?” It was obvious that the girl was excited to find out.
“It’s actually pretty funny. I got down on one knee to propose and he looked so exasperated and I freaked out because I thought he was gonna break up with me or something. Instead, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring box. He was planning on proposing that night too.”
“That’s absolutely incredible!” Jenna told him excitedly, but still kept her voice quiet.
“When we told our friends, they all looked so unsurprised that something like that would happen for him and I.”
The two both laughed before the billionaire’s phone buzzed again.
“I’ve got a meeting in, like, five minutes, so I should probably go.”
The two said their goodbyes and he started to walk back out to the main area to head to the private elevator, but stopped and turned around before he could.
“Just do you know, you’re invited to the wedding.”
Without another word, he walked away, leaving Jenna standing there in shock. A million thoughts were racing through her head and her eyes were still trained on the end of the hallway where the man had disappeared from.
“I’m invited to the wedding,” she whispered to herself. Taking a moment, she shook herself out of it and began walking back to her team’s table to get back to work.
Before she could get there, though, Ashley rushed at her and grabbed her arm, pulling her back the way she came. The blonde pulled her into the women’s restroom and checked every stall to make sure they were empty before turning back to her coworker.
“What the fuck it this?!” She held up a letter and  Jenna immediately knew who it was from. She snatched it from her co worker's hand and skimmed through it, praying to Thor that it wasn’t one of the letters that explicitly mentioned Peter dating Tony. She then proceeded to thank Thor when she realized that it was one one of the notes that mentioned a relationship, but not outright who it was with.
“Okay, Peter and I have been talking through letters. So what?” she replied, attempting to keep her voice steady so it sounded like she wasn’t fazed by the whole thing.
“Are you fucking with me?! You’re friends with this mysterious dude who’s all buddy-buddy with Tony fucking Stark and you’re expecting me to just let that go?! You’re out of your mind!” Ashley was obviously worked up about the whole thing and the brunette didn’t know what to say, but, luckily, her coworker started talking again before she could get a word out.
“You’ve been so secretive these past couple months and it’s been annoying as all hell! You’re not telling me anything and it feels like I’m so disconnected from you! Just tell me what’s going on!”
“I can’t! I can’t tell you what’s going on! I’m sorry that I don’t wanna lose my fucking job just so you can know every aspect of my life! Just let it go and leave me and my letters alone!” Jenna blew up, which was something she didn’t do very often.
Unsurprisingly, Ashley looked taken aback, shock written across her face. Jenna immediately regretted it.
“I’m sorry,” she told her friend softly. “I just can’t tell you.”
Jenna turned around and left the bathroom, the letter in her grasp. As soon as she was out, she went to her lab director and asked if she could leave a little early, giving the excuse of feeling sick. Of course, her lab director was understanding as always and let her go. She quickly gathered her stuff, ignoring the looks from Ashley and Dylan, and hightailed it out of there.
“Dylan!” the R&D lab director, Kelsey, called from her office.
The man shot up from his team’s table, where the silence was as dense as molasses and the tension was so thick that you could cut it with a knife.
“Yes?” Dylan asked as he made his way over and placed himself in the open doorway. The director stood up and handed him a couple files.
“I have to go to a meeting, but these files need to be turned in. Could you take them up to the boss’s office for me?”
“You- you want me to take these to Mr. Stark?” His voice was a bit shaky.
“It’s not that big of a deal. You go to floor 89, you find the office with his name on it, you knock on the door, you tell him that I sent you, you give him the files, and you leave. I promise it’s not as stressful as you think it is.” Kelsey’s tone was comforting, but it did little to ease his anxieties.
“Okay,” he muttered, turning around and heading towards the elevator.
When the doors opened and Dylan stepped in, he found himself alone in the elevator. The silence was filled up by his anxious thoughts about what could go wrong. He spent the entire ride up trying to take deep breaths and remember that it was a simple job; just go in, give him the files, and leave.
The elevator stopped and he stepped off onto the eerily quiet office floor. It seemed that nobody was there and it freaked him out; it felt like a horror movie. He crept along the halls until he made it to a door with his boss’s name on it. He raised his hand to knock until he heard voices coming from inside.
“I don’t get why it’s such a big deal.” That was Tony Stark’s voice, and Dylan recognized it immediately.
“It just is!” A voice replied. It took Dylan all of three seconds to realize that it was the mysterious Peter who seemed to show up at the most random of times.
Against his better judgment, Dylan peered through the semi-open blinds that covered the windows of the office. When he did so, he found Peter sitting on the edge of the desk and Tony a couple feet in front of him.
“It doesn’t seem like that hard of a decision. If you don’t like this guy, don’t invite him to the wedding! It’s so simple!” The billionaire looked confused at the dilemma at hand, though Dylan had no clue what they were talking about. He was getting married?
“But it’s not! I don’t want to invite him, but it would be rude if I didn’t!” Peter looked worked up about the whole thing, face slightly flushed and fiddling with his hands.
“It might be rude, but if you don’t want him there, then don’t invite him!”
“It’s not that simple.”
“Except that it is.”
“Maybe for you!” It wasn’t a yell, but it wasn’t quiet. Peter had stopped fiddling with his fingers and was now pulling slightly at his hair.
“What do you mean?” Tony spoke like he could accidentally shatter the young man in front of him if he wasn’t careful.
“I mean that you’re Tony Stark. You’re a famous billionaire that can do whatever you want. If you don’t want to invite somebody, you don’t invite them. You don’t care if it’s rude because you’re Tony fucking Stark and you can do anything you’d like. I’m not like that, I can’t just do whatever I want. I’m Peter Parker, an average guy from Queens, and I’ve always been just that. If I’m rude, there’s consequences and it can actually affect my life. I have to think things like this over, even if you see it as trivial.”
Tony paused for a moment, letting the words sink in.
“Except you’re not just some average guy. You’re Peter fucking Parker. You’re incredible. You’re gonna change the entire world. Maybe I don’t get these kinds of things because I was raised in such a different world than you, but all I want is for you to be happy. Whatever choice you make here, I’ll be fine with, but that isn’t what I care about. I care about you, because you’re the most amazing person on this planet. You’re Peter Parker, the man I fell in love with.”
Dylan’s jaw dropped as he finally found the closure he’d been seeking for months. He knew what Peter’s last name was, he knew what relationship he had to Tony Stark, he knew who Peter was. He had never expected this, though. He cringed as his mind went back to that theory he had about Peter being Tony’s son.
He watched as the two shared a short kiss and finally moved back in front of the door, feeling the need to give his boss the files, run back down to his floor, and tell his teammates everything.
Dylan knocked on the door and he could almost feel the two men inside freeze in shock. It only took a second before the door opened, though, and revealed Peter Parker standing there with Tony Stark slightly behind him, both of them looking worried.
“Uh, I’m from R&D and my lab director, Kelsey, asked me to deliver these files,” Dylan stuttered out, failing at his attempt to remain casual.
“Oh, uh, yeah, yeah, thanks,” Peter replied, seemingly relieved as he took the files.
“I, um, bye, I guess,” Dylan stammered before turning around and booking it out of there. He could feel the two men’s eyes on him as he left.
When Dylan got to the elevator, he pressed on the button a few times, praying for it to arrive faster, and jumped on the moment the doors had opened wide enough to get through. He then adamantly pressed the button for the R&D floor. The elevator ride down felt much longer than the one up.
When Dylan did get to his floor, he raced through the doors and to his teammates, grabbing each of them by the upper arm and dragging them into the men’s restroom. He checked every stall to make sure they were alone before locking the bathroom door and turning back to his teammates.
“You guys aren’t gonna believe this!” Dylan announced. “I found out some crazy shit!”
“Why am I here?” Jenna asked him in a deadpan voice. “Can I leave?”
“Jenna, you’ll actually wanna hear this! I found out who Peter is!”
Ashley and Jenna both froze, but for different reasons.
“You gotta tell us!” Ashley exclaimed excitedly.
“No, you better fucking not!” Jenna said over her.
“What?! Why?!” Dylan looked genuinely confused.
“Because we’re not supposed to know! It’s obvious he wants to keep his identity a secret! You can’t go around telling people! You need to tell him and Stark that you know so they can feel sure that his identity won’t get leaked!”
“God, you’re such a buzzkill, Jenna,” Ashley shot at her.
“No, I’m a good person.”
It made her teammates go silent, the words piercing through them like knives.
“If you wanna go and tell and lose your job, then go ahead, but I want no part of it.” Jenna turned around and started to leave.
“Do you know?” Dylan asked her, making the woman stop in her tracks.
“What?” Jenna slowly turned back to him.
“Do you know?” he repeated, voice cold and serious.
Jenna stayed silent for a few moments, mulling over what she could say.
“Not on purpose . . .”
“And you didn’t tell us?” Ashley questioned, betrayal written across her face.
“Sorry I respect their privacy!” It was obvious that she was very much not sorry.
“Wait . . . did you find out when you went back to get your jacket after the presentation?!” Dylan exclaimed, looking like he had put all the puzzle pieces together. When Jenna stayed quiet, he knew that he had gotten his answer. “Holy shit! What happened?! Did you, like, see them kiss or some shit?!”
“Kiss?!” Ashley shouted.
“Jesus Christ,” Jenna muttered, putting her head in her hands.
“No fucking way! They’re in a relationship?!”
“That’s it,” Jenna declared decisively and turned around.
“Where are you going?” Ashley asked her, bewilderment shining in her eyes.
“I’m going to go tell them that Dylan figured it out and that you know,” Jenna told the blonde, voice laced with venom.
Jenna unlocked the door and left, not letting her teammates get another word in, but the two followed her out and watched as she stormed past all her coworkers and to the elevator, disappearing as soon as the doors opened.
“I might lose my job,” Dylan muttered, eyes wide and trained on the now closed elevator doors.
“Is it true?” one of the other employees, Amelia, asked as she walked up to Dylan and Ashley.
“Is what true?” Ashley replied.
“That Peter and Stark are in a relationship? You guys were implying it in there, and you aren’t exactly good at being quiet.”
“I’m definitely gonna lose my job,” Dylan whispered, correcting his earlier statement.
“So it is true!” Eric, another employee, shouted.
Everybody started talking, the floor turning into a storm of chattering.
“We’re so fucked. We’re absolutely, completely, utterly fucked,” Ashley murmured, only loud enough so Dylan could hear, and the man only nodded in agreement.
The two slowly walked forwards, looking around at their gossiping coworkers as they made their way back to their desk. They looked completely horrified, and guilt was quickly eating away at Dylan.
Before they could sit down, the elevator doors opened and Jenna walked out with Tony and Peter in tow. Everybody stopped, staring at the three of them. Peter looked nervous and tears were glistening in his eyes, but Tony just looked furious, his expression mirroring Jenna’s.
“Okay, which of you knows?” Tony asked the room, his voice deadly calm. He didn’t yell or scream, but that steady tone was almost worse than him blowing up at them.
One employee raised their hand, and everybody else followed, the last people to put their hands up being Ashley and Dylan.
“All of you, go to the auditorium. Now. All the other employees will meet you there. Do not say a word of this to them before I get there to talk to them about it. Do I make myself clear?” 
If looks could kill, all of the R&D employees, minus Jenna, would be dead. All of them mumbled their confirmations or nodded and slowly shuffled off to the elevators, heading to the auditorium floor.
Ashley and Dylan had fallen into the back of the crowd and were the last to get onto an elevator, meaning they could see the floor before the door closed. The two watched as Tony turned back to Peter and Jenna, who were looking regretful and heartbroken respectfully. The last thing they saw before the elevator started moving was Peter beginning to cry and burying his face in Tony’s shoulder as the man embraced him and Jenna putting a comforting hand on his back.
By the time the R&D employees reached the auditorium and began to make their way into the seats, other employees were either already there or just getting there. There was chatter, a mix of people confused why they had been called there and those who knew praying that they wouldn’t be fired. The chatter seemed to die down a bit as everybody was seated, all of them waiting in anticipation for whatever was going to happen.
After a few minutes, the doors of one of the entrances to the auditorium, which had been closed, slammed open. Everybody turned, though plenty of them couldn’t see the doors, and watched as Tony Stark stormed down the aisle towards the stage, Jenna Locke behind him and looking slightly less, but still plenty, furious. The two made their way up the three stairs that led up to the stage.
All the employees gazed up at the two standing center stage, and they were glaring back at them with serious faces. After a moment of silence, Tony finally spoke.
“I’m sure the majority of you are wondering why I called everybody to the auditorium. Today, somebody found out something that they shouldn’t have about my private life and, instead of coming and talking to me about it in order to keep it confidential, they went and told somebody, and those people’s department overheard. That person who found out and told will be fired and the person who was first told and was complicit in revealing information about my life will be put on probation.”
In the back of the auditorium, Dylan and Ashley sank down in their seats.
“You may also be wondering why I have one of your coworkers up here with me today. If you weren’t already aware, this is Jenna Locke.”
Jenna gave the audience a curt nod.
“Jenna also found out about this information a couple months ago. Instead of telling anybody, she talked to us and promised to keep it to herself, and she has kept that promise. She was also the one who told me about the information leak.”
The employees, minus the R&D department, were on the edge of their seats, eager to find out the information but scared of their boss and what he could do to them if things got out.
“Seeing as nothing can seem to stay a secret here, I have elected to talk to you all about it. Keep in mind that what happened in terms of this information being revealed was a serious breach of confidentiality and disrespected not just my own privacy. Take this as a warning. If any of you are to tell anybody outside of this company about this, your employment will be terminated and my legal team will sue you to kingdom come. This is not a three strikes you’re out situation. Do not tell a soul about this. Keep in mind the fact that you all signed non-disclosure agreements when you took this job. This counts as a company secret, and you will treat it as one.”
Everybody seemed to nod or give a murmur of confirmation. It wasn’t much, but it appeared to satisfy the man.
“Moving on, I’m sure you’ve all either seen or heard about Peter. Only a select few of you know who he is, though without his consent, and others have seen us interact but never known who we are to each other. This information about our private lives was discovered and we have no choice but to let you all know in fear of rumors and gossip being spread around and taken outside the company. Everybody, please meet my fiancé, Peter Parker.”
The room was shocked into silence, the only sound being the clacking of Peter’s shoes as he softly walked out from the wings and to Tony’s side. None of the employees uttered even a sound as they looked up at the boy, whose eyes were still slightly red and puffy from when he had cried only ten minutes earlier.
“Hey, everybody. I’m Peter. You’ve all probably seen me around,” the young man introduced himself, voice only loud enough to hear. “Like Tony said, we weren’t planning on telling people yet, but we don’t get that choice anymore.”
They were still silent.
“Since this will be your only chance to do so, we’ll be answering questions about this,” Peter continued. Nobody spoke, until one person in the third row raised their hand and the young man motioned to them. “Yes, go ahead.”
“How, uh, how old are you?” the woman asked quietly, looking slightly concerned.
Peter sighed as Tony looked to him with a humorous smile.
“Don’t you fucking dare,” he told the billionaire, who didn’t have a chance to respond before Jenna started laughing a bit. “You too?! I can’t believe you would betray me like this! This happens every fucking time!”
The employee who asked furrowed her eyebrows, seemingly mirroring the confusion of the rest of the audience.
“I’m twenty-one,” Peter told her. “Tony likes to make fun of me because I look like I’m not old enough to drive. Jenna’s laughing because she asked the same question when she found out.”
The woman nodded along with the explanation and everybody went silent again before another person raised their hand and Peter pointed to them.
Eight Months Later
“And this is your team!” Kelsey told the new employees excitedly. “Meet Jenna and Ashley! They’ve been here for a while and are definitely excited to show you the ropes!”
“It’s nice to meet you!” Jenna greeted. “What’s your name?”
“I’m River,” the new guy replied quietly, cheeks flushed.
“I’m glad to have you on the team, River!” Ashley exclaimed.
“I’ll leave you all to it!” Kelsey gave River one last smile and walked off to talk to some teams about their projects.
“We’re finishing up some last touches on the update to the prosthetics line,” Jenna explained to the new recruit as he sat down. He nodded along as she began to explain the project.
Jenna was cut off by the elevator doors opening and Peter walking onto the floor.
“Excuse me for a second,” the woman told her team before jumping up and running over to the brunet.
“Who’s that?” River asked Ashely as he watched Jenna excitedly embrace the man and begin to talk to him.
“Have you signed all your NDAs?”
River nodded.
“Peter!” Ashely called. “Come meet the new kid!”
Peter bounded over eagerly, a large smile on his face as he approached the two employees, Jenna trailing him.
“Uh, hi, I’m River.”
“Nice to meet you, River! I’m Peter Parker. It’s always great to see new faces around here!”
“It’s great to be here,” he replied awkwardly.
Peter nodded and was off again, going around to teams and helping with projects, but, more importantly, just talking to the employees in general.
“Is he a director or something? Everybody seems to know him,” River questioned his team.
“He’s even better than a director,” Ashley told him with a grin. “He’s Tony’s Stark’s fiancé.”
Shock painted itself across River’s face.
“There’s no way that’s real!”
Ashley and Jenna glanced at each other before turning back to River. They didn’t say anything else to him, which was unnerving to the new employee.
As if on cue, the elevator doors opened once more and the Tony Stark walked out, a small smile adorning his face. Peter worked up from where he was helping a team and flitted over to the man happily. The two shared a short kiss before Peter turned back a bit.
“We still on for lunch on Friday, Jenna?”
“Of course!”
Peter shot her a smile and the couple entered the elevator, talking quietly as they disappeared behind the metal doors.
“Okay, so maybe it is real.”
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lilydalexf · 4 years
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Old School X is a project interviewing X-Files fanfic authors who were posting fic during the original run of the show. New interviews are posted every Tuesday.
Interview with Jenna Tooms
Jenna Tooms has 37 stories at Gossamer, plus you can find X-Files stories and more by her at AO3 (as misslucyjane). I've recced some of my favorites of her fics here before, including the MSR Christmas story An Acceptable Level of Happiness and the historical AU Katherine of Ireland. Big thanks to Jenna for doing this interview.
Does it surprise you that people are still interested in reading your X-Files fanfics and others that were posted during the original run of the show (1993-2002)?
Yes, definitely. I had no idea there was still an active X-Files fandom.
What do you think of when you think about your X-Files fandom experience? What did you take away from it?
For the most part, it was pretty good. I made a lot of great friends that I'm still in contact with, and I think I learned a lot (by trial and error) about how to behave online.  Writing fanfic with a built-in audience did a lot for my confidence as a writer.
Social media didn't really exist during the show's original run. How were you most involved with the X-Files online (atxc, message board, email mailing list, etc.)?
Message boards at first, then mostly email mailing lists.
What did you take away from your experience with X-Files fic or with the fandom in general?
Writing fic made me a better writer. Fandom has introduced to a lot of amazing people.
But there were some bad feelings, mostly the vitriol directed at Doggett and Reyes, towards the end of the series that ruined the rest of it for me. I've kind of held back from getting super-involved in fandom since.
What was it that got you hooked on the X-Files as a show?
I've always liked things like ghost stories and cryptozoology, so that drew me in at first. I think my first episode was The Host in summer reruns, as I was working Friday nights at the time and only learned about it from my dorm mates. We lived together again in an off-campus apartment a year or two later, and by then XF was on Sunday nights so that was our standing Sunday night appointment TV.
I feel old.
What got you involved with X-Files fanfic?
I knew what fanfic was, more or less, and had been writing since Star Wars: A New Hope was originally released. When I first wanted to get involved in XF fandom I went looking for other fans, and found the OBSSE (Order of the Blessed Saint Scully the Enigmatic) newsletter, which had fanfic recs. I can't remember what story it was specifically but I'm pretty sure it was by MustangSally.
What is your relationship like now to X-Files fandom?
Like an ex whose good times were very, very good, but whose bad times were horrid.
Were you involved with any fandoms after the X-Files? If so, what was it like compared to X-Files?
I've been involved, to various degrees, in Harry Potter, Supernatural, Doctor Who/Torchwood, MCU, and Sherlock fandoms, and dabbled in a few smaller ones.
I've also playing in a multi-fandom role-play game since 2004, that introduced me to some great fandoms and some amazing people. The game is kind of a fandom in itself, and is the only thing I've been as intensely involved in as X-Files.
Who are some of your favorite fictional characters? Why?
Dana Scully, Steve Rogers, Sherlock Holmes (any incarnation), Deadpool, Sansa Stark, Aang, Groot, Peter Parker, Wonder Woman. Yes, I am looking at my Funko Pops :).
I tend to like characters who are trying to do good in the world, or who stay strong in the face of adversity. I have no explanation for Deadpool except that he's Deadpool.
Do you ever still watch The X-Files or think about Mulder and Scully?
No, not really. I haven't watched the new series or any of the movies since the first one. I think of Mulder and Scully fondly, but I don't feel the need to revisit them.
Do you ever still read X-Files fic? Fic in another fandom?
X-Files, no. If I come along something promising in a fandom I'm interested in like the MCU or Sherlock, or if something is recommended by someone whose taste I trust or written by an author I ready like, then I'll read it.
Do you have any favorite X-Files fanfic stories or authors?
I really liked bugs, Rachel Anton, David Hearne, Plausible Deniability, Penumbra, Terma99, and OneMillionStars, I think their pen name was? [Lilydale note: I think this is Onemillionandnine.] Some stories I liked are "Condemned to Repeat It" [Lilydale note: by Branwell], "Cherry Ripe" by Rachel Anton [Lilydale note: co-written with Laura Blaurosen], "Cadenza" (part 1, part 2) by Terma99, and "Twelve Inches" by Federal Dust. There were more but all my saved files were lost several computers ago. 
[Lilydale note: try as I might, I could not find “Twelve Inches” online, not even a mention of it. However, I have a copy saved from 2003 (!!). It’s a season 8 story with the summary “In trying to understand his own feelings about women and relationships, Doggett inadvertently helps Scully understand Mulder.”]. 
What is your favorite of your own fics, X-Files and/or otherwise?
Favorite X-Files fic is Draw Down the Moon, a Scully/Doggett post-canon AU.
Favorite in general is Apocalyptic Love Songs, a Supernatural Dean/Castial fic I wrote for a Big Bang challenge. I'd had the idea for a modern-day Grail quest for a long time -- originally as an XF fic, in fact -- but could never figure out how to do it until Supernatural came along.
(Because of the actions of some unscrupulous persons, all my fic on AO3 is locked to members.)
Do you think you'll ever write another X-Files story? Or dust off and post an oldie that for whatever reason never made it online?
No, I don't see that happening.
Do you still write fic now? Or other creative work?
I write a little fanfic now and then, mostly for Yuletide or other challenges that catch my eye.
I have been writing and publishing original work since 2007 with a small publisher that is now shut down. I'm now publishing independently.
Where do you get ideas for stories?
It's hard to say. Sometimes I hear a line or two of dialogue in my head and want to see where the conversation goes. Sometimes I just have a random thought of "What if..." and have to find the answer to that question.
What's the story behind your pen name?
I get bored of names easily so I've changed it a few times. I currently write fic as Misslucyjane, which is a nickname my mother calls me.
Do your friends and family know about your fic and, if so, what have been their reactions?
They knew I write it, they don't know the content. I'm okay with that.
Is there a place online (tumblr, twitter, AO3, etc.) where people can find you and/or your stories now?
Fanfic is at misslucyjane.me (though I haven't updated it in ages) and Archive of Our Own (as misslucyjane). Original fiction, largely M/M romance, is posted or linked at jennalynnbrown.com. I hang out on Twitter as @misslucyjane.
(Posted by Lilydale on September 22, 2020)
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letterboxd · 3 years
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The Eyes of TIFF.
Programmers for the 46th Toronto International Film Festival chat about the degrees of intensity they look for in a festival film, and help us zoom in on the gems from TIFF’s 2021 program, by genre and region.
“Intensity can be achieved in so many different ways. I know it when I feel it. You feel it in your gut.” —Cameron Bailey
It’s almost business as usual for TIFF this year. In-person events and red carpets return, but a healthy virtual program is also available for Canadian-based folk unable to travel, as the Covid-19 pandemic continues its onslaught.
TIFF co-head and artistic director Cameron Bailey has been with the festival for just over half its life, and says while some of the technology has changed in that time—“you’re no longer sitting in front of a TV monitor with VHS tapes… or waiting for 35mm prints to be spooled up and projected for you”—the “basic process of falling in love with movies” has not.
It’s a challenge, Bailey says, to winnow down the films he falls in love with for the final TIFF lineup. And even then, it is an annual challenge for film lovers tight on time to narrow down their own selections. So, ahead of the fest, Bailey joined fellow TIFF programmers for a Twitter Spaces conversation with our editor in chief Gemma Gracewood, in order to help Letterboxd members make some watchlist decisions.
Joining Bailey were Thom Powers (TIFF Docs), Peter Kuplowsky (Midnight Madness), Robyn Citizen (senior programming manager), Diana Sanchez (Special Presentations, Spain, Latin America, Portugal and the Caribbean), Diana Cadavid (International Cinema) and Nataleah Hunter-Young (Africa, “the Middle East” and the Black Diaspora).
Edited highlights of the conversation follow, so have your watchlists close at hand.
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‘The Eyes of Tammy Faye’, written by Abe Sylvia and directed by Michael Showalter.
Thank you all for joining me today. You watch a lot of films as you’re going through the selection process. How does one make itself stand out to you? Cameron Bailey: For every programmer it’s going to be something different. For me, it comes down to an intangible quality of intensity. That can be emotional intensity, it can be the intensity of formal elements, the cinematography, the performances, the writing. Some sense of concentrated emotion and momentum, where you get the sense that a filmmaker is trying to find a way to distill the essence of what they’re trying to do and communicate it to an audience through all of the tools that cinema provides. That doesn’t mean the movie has to be fast-paced or have a lot of dramatic jolts, as intensity can be achieved in so many different ways. I know it when I feel it. You feel it in your gut.
What would you say are some of the performances that have struck you the most this year? CB: Jessica Chastain is the lead in a film we’re premiering called The Eyes of Tammy Faye, directed by Michael Showalter. If you were watching TV in the ’80s and ’90s, you will remember Tammy Faye Bakker, and her husband, Jim Bakker, who were TV televangelists. You couldn’t miss Tammy, as she had these giant eyes and makeup with giant eyelashes, and this is essentially her story. It’s hard to know at first that it’s Jessica Chastain underneath all of that makeup, but she gives a performance that’s not just about the exterior. It’s about a woman who is shaped by a difficult upbringing, shaped by this incredibly deep need she has for affirmation, to be on TV, to be in front of the camera, and that guides her decisions into extremes. She’s fantastic in it.
Benedict Cumberbatch is back with two films. He is the lead in Jane Campion’s The Power of the Dog. It’s an understated, slow-burn performance in some ways, which he can do so well. He’s also in a film that’s on the opposite end of the dramatic spectrum, The Electrical Life of Louis Wain. It’s based on a real person, and when you watch the film you will be amazed that this person actually existed. Wain, in the early part of the twentieth century, was a prodigious painter who turned his talent towards painting thousands of cats. Cute cats, big eyed cats, fuzzy, adorable cats. He’s largely responsible for cats becoming as big as they are as domesticated pets. It’s a wild story.
I’m still recovering from watching The Power of the Dog’s trailer earlier today, and had to promise myself that I wouldn’t take up this entire time talking about Jane Campion’s obsession with hands. The Spencer trailer dropped as well, which has a lot of buzz around it. CB: Yes, Spencer is a remarkable portrait. Some of us remember Princess Diana, some of us have watched The Crown, and so have a very recent image, but this is a completely different performance that Kristen Stewart gives. She’s remarkable in it. I think everybody’s going to want to see this film.
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‘Charlotte’, written by David Bezmozgis and Erik Rutherford, directed by Tahir Rana and Éric Warin.
Are there any other titles you’d like to get the buzz started for, Cameron? CB: On the animation side, I would say people should look out for a film called Charlotte, by Tahir Rana and Éric Warin. It’s a Canadian film telling a story based in World War II Europe about a woman in a Jewish family [exiled] in France during the occupation of France by the Nazis. She can feel what is coming. She decides to paint everything about her life, and her family’s life, trying to document what she feels is going to be very fragile, and what she might lose altogether.
As it turns out, before the end of the war she was taken away to a death camp by the Nazi regime, and she didn’t survive, but her paintings have survived and they were turned into a book, along with the story of her family. The animation is just gorgeous. I think that’s one that awards bodies are going to be paying attention to. It’s one of the best animated films I’ve seen in quite a while.
Thom, what are some of the documentary titles that you and the team think those awards bodies will have their eyes on? Thom Powers: A big one to pay attention to is The Rescue, by Chai Vasarhelyi and Jimmy Chin, who won the Oscar for their last film, Free Solo. Their new film is looking at the Thai cave rescue [in 2018], when a group of young soccer players and their coach got trapped by monsoon floods in a cave. When we were watching the news, we were seeing the journalists reporting from outside the cave. What this film does is bring you inside that rescue using footage that’s never been seen before. Chai Vasarhelyi and Jimmy Chin are masters at the documentary adventure genre, and also [at] bringing a real human side to the people involved, which they do again here.
I’ll also mention Becoming Cousteau, by Liz Garbus, and Julia, a film about Julia Child, directed by Julie Cohen and Betsy West, who made the Oscar-nominated documentary RBG a few years ago. So many of us during the pandemic had to rediscover ourselves in the kitchen, and Julia Child’s life was about making people feel more comfortable in the kitchen, which makes it a terrific film to watch at this time.
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‘Saloum’, directed by Jean Luc Herbulot.
Peter, what’s a movie from this year’s Midnight Madness lineup you’d love to recommend? Peter Kuplowsky: We’ve got a lot of firsts at Midnight this year. We have Saloum, the first time a West African film has ever been in Midnight. We’ve also got Zalava, which is the first Iranian film to play in Midnight. Our opening film for Midnight Madness is Julia Ducournau’s Titane, which is playing at the Princess of Wales theater, and will be a spectacle to behold. When I’m looking for Midnight Madness, I like hearing the audience make certain noises in the room, whether that’s a gasp or screams or laughter. I feel that every note on the scale is going to be played during Titane by the audience.
Brilliant. Now, we’re going to bring in some audience questions. First up is Vincent, who says that one of their favorite films is Georges Franju’s Eyes Without a Face, and asks if there are any films in this year’s TIFF lineup you could recommend for a fan of that film? PK: I’ve really been encouraging people to check out the films I just mentioned, Zalava and Saloum, and I think Zalava especially would fit here, as it’s more of a horror-drama. It begins as something that is steeped in the supernatural, but as it escalates it becomes something of a pitch-black comedy while still maintaining a gravitas to it. I think it’s one of the most fascinating discoveries in the genre space this year.
CB: I’d also add Good Madam, by Jenna Bass, from South Africa. It is a chilling movie, with a bit of an Eyes Without a Face vibe. If you like that sort of approach to cinema, I think you’ll like that.
PK: Vengeance Is Mine, All Others Pay Cash just won the Golden Leopard at Locarno. With a title like that, this is a film that feels like it’s going to be sort of a strictly pulp crime film, but it’s so much more. It’s deeply romantic, incredibly eclectic, and beautifully shot on 16mm film. It feels like a film that was hidden away, shot in the late ’70s or early ’80s. It’s a throwback to 1980s Hong Kong action films, while also, I can’t stress this enough, being one of the most romantic films in the festival. You’ll fall in love with this relationship while it’s also working in fight sequences and magical realism.
Nataleah, what’s something you would recommend from your TIFF selections from Africa, “the Middle East” and the Black Diaspora? Nataleah Hunter-Young: One I’d highly recommend is Costa Brava, directed by Mounia Akl, from Lebanon. Even amidst what’s going on in Lebanon right now, the film offers a beautiful and engrossing portrait of a family that includes a grandmother who’s a non-actor, but has impeccable comedic timing (that travels through the subtitles if you don’t speak Arabic).
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‘Snakehead’, written and directed by Evan Leong.
Robyn, what’s a movie that surprised you most during your selections this year? Robyn Citizen: I always recommend that people check out our Discovery section because that’s where we find new talent and nurture new voices. The film that really surprised me this year was Snakehead, by Evan Jackson Leong. Some people will know him from a documentary called Linsanity, and he did another documentary about evangelism in Korea. Snakehead has been a ten-year labor of love for him. He had to do a Kickstarter for the film, which is loosely based on the life of a woman named Sister Ping, who had a human trafficking ring that was the biggest trafficking ring for about 20 years.
The film tackles what’s going on now with vulnerable populations being trafficked into America, in particular Chinatown in the US, and the main character, played by Shuya Chang, has to fight to find her daughter. It’s an exciting film, and very moving. It’s extremely tightly edited, and it looks fantastic.
We’ve got our next question here from a member who says their favorite genre is science-fiction. While Dune is at the top of their watchlist, are there any other sci-fi selections you could recommend? PK: I would recommend After Blue (Dirty Paradise), which is a perverse science-fiction by Bertrand Mandico. It reminds me a lot of the French animated film Fantastic Planet. This one is about a planet which is inhospitable to men because of the way hair grows. The plot follows a young teenage girl who accidentally unleashes a notorious criminal that she and her hairdresser mother have to stalk through the alien landscape that is full of bizarre creatures and liquids and gases. I feel it’s kind of like the inverse of Dune, and an opportunity to explore a bizarre ecosystem.
NHY: I would totally insist that this member see Neptune Frost, from Saul Williams and Anisia Uzeyman. It’s a difficult film to put into words, but I’ve been summing it up by calling it an Afro-sonic sci-fi musical.
Whoa, that sounds like a whole new subgenre. NHY: That’s just the beginning. There’s a lot to experience in this film. It’s a cosmic romance that follows an intersex hacker and a coltan miner who make their way to this kind of dream space where they connect with others as they travel through these lush mountainous regions of Rwanda and Burundi. It’s a beautiful anti-narrative that is impeccably colored and totally consuming. It’s a must-see for anybody who loves cinema.
Diana, what would you say is the best debut feature that you’ve seen among this year’s international selections? Diana Cadavid: There are so many wonderful new talents, but I think I’ll go with an Argentinian filmmaker named Agustina San Martín. Her film, To Kill the Beast, is a co-production between Argentina, Brazil and Chile, and she worked for nine years to put this all together. She started working on it when she was 21, and we were actually having a conversation yesterday about her process, and how it’s a film that deals with the growth of a woman, and female desire. There’s this idea of the beast, something that’s either from inside or from outside forces, trying to control the human mind and body. It’s a very interesting film, gorgeously shot and very atmospheric.
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‘Yuni’, written by Prima Rusdi and Kamila Andini, directed by Andini.
We’ve got another question here from David, who says their favorite films are humanistic dramas, citing Hirokazu Kore-eda as one of their favorite directors. Would anybody have any recommendations for David? CB: I can recommend at least one film, called Yuni, an Indonesian film from Kamila Andini. This is a naturalist drama about a high-school girl who is one of the top students in her class, and has a great group of friends. We slowly begin to see that her life is being constrained by one man after another, and then something happens at school, which begins to narrow her possibilities for her future. She’s trying to figure out things like sexuality and romance and what she wants to do with her future, and all of these obstacles keep getting placed in her path. It’s told in a very gentle way, but very incisive as well. Each scene really matters, taking you deeper inside this girl’s life.
RC: Our senior programmer Giovanna Fulvi programmed a film called Aloners, a South Korean film by Hong Sung-eun. This is her first feature, and it’s very much a film of our time. It is about a woman who works in the gig economy at a credit-card customer-service call center. It’s a very transient existence. She doesn’t talk to anybody, she eats by herself, she doesn’t really want to associate with the people in her apartment building. One day, one of her neighbors who has tried to talk to her many times passes away, and she has to re-interrogate the way that she’s been living her life, and figure out if it’s worth starting to form some human connections.
Next up is a question from Matt Neglia, from the Next Best Picture podcast. Matt says that he’s a massive fan of epics, whether they’re three hours long or just telling an expansive story with lots of world-building. Apart from Dune, are there any other films in the lineup that you would describe as epic? CB: While Joachim Trier’s The Worst Person in the World might not strike you on reading its synopsis as an epic, I think it actually is an emotional epic. It’s the story of a young woman who’s trying to figure out her life. Her romance with one boyfriend doesn’t quite fit the bill for her, and she begins this looking and exploring. Trier and his writer and lead actor do remarkable work, blowing open the idea of a person trying to define who they are at this turning point in their life. They make these stakes massive and they have all kinds of interesting, innovative, formal elements in [the film] as well. It’s incredibly cinematic. If you’ve seen Joachim Trier’s other films, this is kind of the conclusion of a trilogy that he’s made.
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‘Listening to Kenny G’, directed by Penny Lane.
Next up, we have Sarah, who is looking for movies about music, and also some body horror. CB: We’ve got a number of great music docs this year. I have to mention Dionne Warwick, the queen of Twitter, who is the subject of Dionne Warwick: Don’t Make Me Over. It tells the story of this incredibly talented, determined and glamorous musician who broke so many barriers. She toured in the south during the Jim Crow era, making gains as a Black woman in the music industry and in the pop-music industry, not the so-called race-record or Black-music industry, which simply wasn’t done at the time. This documentary tells that story, and also shows her later work in the ’80s contributing to the fight against stigma and hysteria during the AIDS crisis.
PK: I’ll follow up Cameron by mentioning the Alanis Morissette film Jagged. We’ve also got a film about the great jazz pianist, Oscar Peterson, called Oscar Peterson: Black + White. Lastly, there’s a film about Kenny G, called Listening to Kenny G.
Diana Sanchez: For the body horror, I’d like to mention the debut film by Ruth Paxton, titled A Banquet. It’s about a young woman who insists her body is no longer her own, and is a service to a higher power. Her mother has no idea what to think. She stops eating, and her mother doesn’t know [whether] to believe her or not. I love Ruth Paxton’s work, the way she shoots the film, the way she shoots the food. It’s almost, as she refers to it, pornographic. It looks delicious and gross all at the same time.
I’d also like to flip to comedy quickly to mention Official Competition. The film stars Penélope Cruz, Antonio Banderas and Oscar Martínez. Cruz plays a filmmaker who puts together a well-known theater actor and a well-known box-office glamor guy, played by Banderas. The film speaks to the tension between high art and more popular art, testing those boundaries. It’s incredibly funny.
We’d love to squeeze a few more films out of everyone for our watchlists. Could you each recommend one film and try to sell it in ten words or less? CB: Let me try. Sundown, by Michel Franco. Tim Roth falls apart beautifully in Mexico.
TP: I’m going to go with the Mexican documentary, Comala. Filmmaker Gian Cassini explores the legacy of his father, who was a Tijuana hitman.
PK: I’ll go with Saloum, which is basically From Dusk Till Dawn in West Africa.
RC: I’m going to say The Wheel, a movie by Steve Pink. If you like Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, this is like that with a younger couple in a much more humane, intimate key.
DS: I’ll say I’m Your Man, a sci-fi where Maren Eggert dates a robotic Dan Stevens.
PK: I know Diana has been recommending a film called OUT OF SYNC, about an artist who begins to experience the sound of the world going out of sync. She starts hearing sounds from the past because people and things are out of sync with their surroundings.
NHY: I’ll go with The Gravedigger’s Wife, directed by Khadar Ahmed. It showcases the horn of Africa unlike you’ve ever seen it on screen.
Finally, for Cameron: with fall coming, what is the best TIFF 2021 movie to watch under a blanket, either because it’s cozy or because you’re terrified, or both? CB: Great question, which gives me a chance to talk about Earwig, the new film by Lucile Hadžihalilović. If you’ve seen Innocence or Evolution, her two most recent films, you’re prepared in terms of tone, but you’ve not even seen Lucille make a film quite like this. It’s eerie, disturbing, hypnotic, mesmerizing. You can’t stop watching, but you’re always afraid that something awful and horrifying is about to happen… and maybe it might.
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‘Night Raiders’, written and directed by Danis Goulet.
To bring it all back home, what would you say is the Canadian film of 2021? CB: It’s always hard to say, but I think in a year where we have Danis Goulet’s feature Night Raiders, that’s got to be the one. Danis has made some exceptional short films over the last few years that people might know. Her feature takes on the horrific, devastating story of residential schools and children torn from Indigenous families and put in institutions where the goal was to erase their Indigenous identity. She takes that terrible, real history that we’re grappling with right now in Canada, and turns it into a piece of speculative fiction, a kind of propulsive thriller.
By turning it into fiction rather than reality she can use all of the tools of cinema to tell a terrific story that’s exciting and has high stakes, but also has this deep resonance of a truth that we are, I hope, coming to terms with in this country.
The Toronto International Film Festival runs from September 9 to 18. This conversation has been edited for length and clarity. Follow TIFF on Letterboxd, and follow our Festiville HQ for regular festival updates.
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bobbyshaddoe80 · 3 years
Liberated Audio Reviews
Blake's 7 - The Liberator Chronicles Vol. 6
Recorded on: 2, 10 and 30 October and 13 December 2012
Recorded at: Moat Studios
Review By Robert L. Torres
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Incentive by Peter Anghelides
'The Liberator crew are recovering from a Galactic War and searching for their lost members Blake and Jenna. But it’s a search that leads them into terrible danger…'
Because this story marks the return of Steven Pacey to the role of Del Tarrant, I think it is best that I get my views on the character out of my system before getting to the rest of the review.
Honestly.... Out of the main characters that have come and gone on the show during its four season run, there are two that I do not count as my favorites.
The first is Soolin, largely due to how bland and one note the character was compared to the character she was brought on to replace in Series D... Cally.
The other character is Del Tarrant, and I shall endeavor to explain why I dislike him despite Steven Pacey's fine performance.
From the first moment he appeared on the show, there was something about him that just rubbed me the wrong way. For years I knew it was the character himself that seemed like the problem... But I could never work out why.
This story finally brought to light why I disliked Tarrant's character. He was a young, cocky, hot shot with loyalties only to himself... Basically a less charming and less endearing version of Star Lord. He was impatient, brash, and only seemed to be throwing in his lot with the resistance for no other reason than for fame and glory.
In addition, Tarrant seemed to go out of his way to get under everyone's skin (or rather just Avon's), and always bristled under Avon's command.
I understand that with Gareth Thomas having left the series, they needed to create a new character to go up against Avon on the decision making, much in the same way Avon used to butt heads with Blake. Except the dynamic between Avon and Tarrant, from what I remember, was different and far more antagonistic than it was between Blake and Avon. Avon was an Alpha dog, but Tarrant was also an Alpha dog. This is probably why most of their disagreements, from what I remember, tended to come across like dick wagging contests.
It has been a while since I saw the series proper, but there are only two things of any significance regarding Tarrant that I remember. The first was the Series C episode 'Death Watch', which I think involved his twin brother Deeta. The other was the episode 'Sand' from Series D, which involved him and Servalan being trapped on a planet together... Having conjugal relations.
While the character of Del Tarrant isn't my favorite, Anghelides does a pretty good job of at least attempting to shed a bit of light on his character. This is accomplished by focusing on his desperate desire to stand out from the crowd and make a name for himself on par with the legendary Blake and Jenna.
The story begins not long after Tarrant and Dayna have officially joined the crew. During their latest attempt to locate Blake and Jenna, Tarrant and Avon are captured and interrogated while strapped to an electro-shock lie detector. This dual focused narrative split is in itself a pretty interesting dig at unreliable narratives, especially given that both Tarrant and Avon receive electro shocks whenever they aren't being completely truthful in their recollections.
By the way, kudos to Adrian Lukis for his exquisite portrayal of Interrogator Bracheeni. The scenes that featured him interacting with Tarrant and Avon were actually some of the best parts of the story. The revelation of who and what Bracheeni is added a great deal to the narrative, especially in providing an explanation as to why the Liberator crew had to abandon the search for Blake and Jenna.
All things considered, it is nice to get an actual in-universe explanation as opposed to what actually happened: the plot thread being dropped without explanation, forcing viewers to accept the fact that Blake and Jenna weren't coming back... Ever.
While there are some interesting ideas and set ups featured in the story, the narrated recollections are not really that engaging. In addition, my problem with this story is the same problem I had with Volume Three's 'Armageddon Storm'. Its a narrated story that should have been done as a full cast audio.
Final Score: 6 out of 10 Plasma Bolts
As it stands, this story does its job of filling an hour and retroactively provides answers to lingering questions, thus making it essential. However, this is marred by being an uneven story that is only half engaging.
Jenna's Story by Steve Lyons
'Jenna's story is finally told - from her escape from the Liberator during the Galactic War, to her determination to continue the fight against the Federation alone… with the odds stacked against her.'
When Big Finish Productions obtained the rights to produce new stories set within Series A through C of Blake's 7, this not only opened up story avenues to provide greater focus stories for many of its characters, but also an opportunity to fill in a couple of gaps in the narrative.
While 'Incentive' was an uneven story, it still managed to do what the show itself was unable or unwilling to do at the time: explain why the Liberator crew abandoned their search for Blake and Jenna.
Answering lingering questions seems to be this boxset's central theme as the next two stories are focused on what happened to the characters that literally jumped ship at the end of Series B, Jenna and Blake.
According to dialogue spoken by Cally in early Series C, it was always assumed that Jenna was with Blake when they abandoned ship during the Galactic War. It was also naturally assumed that Jenna had been with Blake the whole time during Series C and D.
Turns out that wasn't the case at all... Which actually works to the benefit of this story and the next.
Here, Jenna recounts how she spent her time surviving and fighting during the events of Series C and leading into Series D. It provides Sally Knyvette with great material and also serves as a reminder of what made me, personally, fall out of love with the series during Series D... Particularly with the way the series ended.
Let me be clear, as much I personally didn't like not having Blake and Jenna around on the show anymore, Steve Lyons managed to craft an exceptional Jenna-centric story that absolutely had to be told. This story, as well as the next one, managed to do a much better job implementing the central themes of what was meant to be on display during Series C and particularly during Series D: how the crusade that Blake started with hope and optimism slowly but surely devolved into cynicism, suspicion, self-interest and ultimately self-destruction.
This is highlighted well during Jenna's dealings with Correll, played by John Banks, and his disrespectfully dismissive attitude towards people with 'noble causes', his derogatory disbelief in 'heroes', as well as his overriding, self-serving self-interest.
Kudos to Banks for portraying someone that's basically an unlikeable, selfish jerk without becoming despicable.
The crux and climax of the story is based on a line of dialogue Blake tells Tarrant during the series finale regarding Jenna's ultimate fate. While the moment itself is thrilling and well executed, I had hoped that it was a lie as part of Blake's test or something. Still, what was crafted here is suitably tragic as it showcases the depths of Jenna's devotion, and even her love, for Blake.
The ultimate tragedy being that, in the end, she never did get to tell Blake how she felt about him... and how much he meant to her.
Final Score: 10 out of 10 Plasma Bolts
A superbly satisfying sendoff and sublime swansong for Sally's Stannis!
Blake's Story by Mark Wright and Cavan Scott
'Blake's story is finally told - from his escape from the Liberator during the Galactic War, to his new life as a troubled, scarred man on a distant rebel world…'
Before getting into the review, I have to state that while I understand the reasons why Gareth Thomas and Sally Knyvette left the show at the end of Series B, it is my opinion that the show lost quite a bit of its inherent identity once Blake and Jenna were gone.
While many contend that promoting the late Paul Darrow to lead actor was the creative booster shot the show needed, there is a reason the show was still called Blake's 7 and not Avon's 7.
No matter who is given the spotlight and focus, Blake's presence is still very embedded within the show's DNA. Despite his absence, Blake's influence is still keenly felt by those that inhabit this fictional universe... Both directly and indirectly.
While the storytelling avenues may have opened up for the rest of the cast, the audience would still inevitably wonder, 'Where the hell is Blake? When is he coming back?' Largely because the audience was still interested in seeing Blake's story continue.
Both Gareth Thomas and Chris Boucher no doubt understood this to be absolutely true. As long as the Roj Blake character remained alive, but missing from a show that bared his character's name, then Gareth Thomas would not have been able to truly move forward in his career.
Which is why its no surprise that the most memorable moment in the entire series came about at Thomas' insistence.
But this isn't about how Blake's story ends... Its about the circumstances Blake experienced during Series C and D that led to his ultimate fate on Gauda Prime. And I am pleased to say that Wright and Scott do an excellent job filling in the blanks of Blake's journey.
From landing on the planet Epheron in his escape pod, to attempting to reunite with the Liberator (which includes Blake visiting the planet Shorlan post-Armageddon Storm), to being captured, tortured and accused of treachery by the Resistance (thus explaining the scar over his eye he displayed in the series finale), its all presented here brilliantly. I also appreciate how engaging these moments are, and aren't treated as plot points to check off.
The late Gareth Thomas really did a great job with this material, displaying the same charisma and intensity he had shown throughout his tenure on the show, which is doubly unfortunate that he had opted out after Series B.
The framing device utilized for Blake recounting events is brilliant, and the twist reveal is actually rather clever... If a little unsurprising. However, it serves the narrative well as it goes to the heart of the tragic and ironic inevitability that lies ahead for Blake, particularly in his connection to Avon.
Despite their disagreements and opposing ideals... And no matter how often Avon secretly wished to be rid of Blake... They still needed each other.
It often reminds me of why the Doctor chooses to travel with companions, the companions keep the Doctor grounded and keep the Doctor from going too far for the sake of selfish self interest and so on.
While neither one would ever admit it, Blake and Avon had the ability to keep each other in check. And even though Blake said at the end of 'Star One' and even near the end of this story that he always trusted Avon... Its only with the benefit of hindsight do we question whether or not that trust was warranted.
Final Score: 10 out of 10 Plasma Bolts
A truly satisfying sendoff for the original star of the show.
Final score for Volume 6 of the Liberator Chronicles, in its entirety, is 8 out of 10 Plasma Bolts.
This is an essential set of stories for longtime fans. Even though there are six more boxsets of stories left in the range, if the Liberator Chronicles audio range ended here, it would have ended on a major high note.
As an aside, while the next six boxsets have produced some outstanding stories, I personally feel that both 'Jenna's Story' and 'Blake's Story' should have been the stories utilized as the finale for the Liberator Chronicles range overall.
Questions or comments:
Bobby's Facebook Page
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celebritytgcaptions · 3 years
Requests (5/8/2021)
Hi lovelies! I just filled up the queue through May but I have a LOT of requests left. So I’m posting the remaining requests below! If you see your request here that means it’ll be posted in June at the earliest. If you don’t see your request it means it’s probably going to be posted in May (although I did delete two messages that weren’t “requests” as much as “demands”, messages that said, “Do this,” or, “Make that,” which I don’t respond to). There are some requests I addressed in a post on April 27th though that won’t be posted until June also so be sure to check that out. Thanks for the support lovelies! Hope you like what’s to cum. ;)
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Anonymous said:
Could u do emma stone from amazing spider man i like her look from the 2nd one but its fine whichever u use
Yep! Second one it is. :)
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Anonymous said:
Hi was wondering if you could do a caption of a superhero that is captured by their villain and turned into an evil hench woman thought about anne hathaway as cat woman if you could thanks love your captions btw
Sure thing!
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Anonymous said:
Could you do a caption where a white guy gets turned into Kerry Washington. And becomes addicted to sleeping with black men? I was thinking of using the scene from little man where shes in bed after a night of "doing it". Can that be done or is that too graphic of a description?
I don’t think it’s too graphic? I’ve never seen Little Man (idk what it is tbh) but I googled “Kerry Washington Little Man” & found a pic I think works so I can do this.
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Anonymous said:
I don't remember if I requested this already or not but could you do one of Haley atwell from captain america I was thinking like a super soldier test turns a guy into her but he then finds out that was the plan that the government wanted to make super sissies instead
You did not request it and I can do it!
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Anonymous said:
Hi could you do a caption using Betsy brandt? Shes the aunt from breaking bad incase you didnt know I just think shes beautiful and hope you could do a caption for her idk what about maybe something about milfs thatd be good ig whatever you decide anyways thanks
I DO know who that is! And there have been quite a few MILF requests (as you’ll see) so all you MILF lovers will be happy going forward. :)
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Anonymous said:
Hello first off big fan 2nd off im sorry if this is too much but I have abit of a list for ya if u can do these thats great if not its ok just sorry i know its alot.  Emma thompson(saving mr banks)  Sean young, (ace venture)  Rhea Pearlman, ( matilda)  Christina agulara( burlesque)   sigourney weaver, (alien or ghostbusters)   emma stone (cruela)  thank u there will be a part 2
Heres part 2 its just ones I dont really have any specific thing in mind.    Tia and Tamara. Idna menzel.   Adele.    Bonnie Tyler.    Ruby rose.    Sarah chalke.   Kristen schaal.  Melissa McCarthy.  Megan trainer.    Elizabeth gillies.   Like i said if u can great if not thats alright atleast u'll have some stocked up for a rainy day thanks again and sorry again
Hello im the one who gave the list of requests sorry once again I just wanted to further explain one of them the christina Aguilera from burlesque one to be specific I would like the one where she is wearing the bowler hat with the  loose frizz curls thats the only one I can think of to elaborate on the rest are up to u thanks again sorry again
Ok so this is A LOT of requests and in the future I would like to ask people to limit their requests to three celebs at a time, but I’ve never said that before so it wouldn’t be fair to the person who requested all these. So yes I can do these requests. The only one I won’t do is Sean Young from Ace Ventura because her character in Ace Ventura is really really transphobic (or, more specifically, how that character is written). And I can do that specific Christina Aguilera one. Also since this IS so many requests I’ll probably be sprinkling them in through instead of doing them all at once, & I already wrote an Elizabeth Gillies one coming out towards the end of May.
Anonymous said:
If possible could you do Elizabeth perkins as Wilma Flintstone I had the idea of it litterally being set in cave man times and depicting the forat instance of feminization, the first sissy, being of a weaker evolution and stuff causing the tribe to pick him as the tribes cave sissy
Oooo, sounds fun. Totally!
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Anonymous said:
Could you do Marissa tomei? Was thinking hero type story by night hes a crime fighing vigilante by day She is a stay at home sissy wife waiting for hubby to get home to pleasure him
I can do this!
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Anonymous said:
Could you try making one where a boy who’s always been short his entire life gets feminized by his friend? I was thinking someone like Skai Jackson would be great for this
Sure thing! I found one of Skai where she’s of age so I’ll use that. :) (I won’t use a GIF of here her though since most of them are from Jessie when she’s under 18)
Anonymous said:
I was wondering if you could do one about a college professor named Peter whose autocloset gets hacked by his students.  They transform and feminize him into a sexy latina milf so they have someone sexy to look at during class.  Actress of your choice, someone over 30 please.
Oooo, I’ve got the perfect celeb for this. ;)
Anonymous said:
Hi I actually have 3 u may have done them before but if u can thatd be great. 1 Natalie Portman (V for vendetta ) the little girl outfit with the pigtails I was thinking like a lost bet. 2 P!nk (beautiful trauma) the house wife look is so good.  3 Elizabeth olsen (wandavision) when shes in the bed wearing her costume like a morning after thing.  Thats all like I said if u can thank u love ur captions
Ah gotcha. I can do these!
Anonymous said:
Hi id like to start off by saying i love your captions. Was wondering if you could do one of Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Ramona flowers when she had Green hair as far as the story I dont really have anything other than green being the guys fav color idk hopefully you can do something with that anyways thank you for your time have a good one
I can work with this. :)
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Anonymous said:
Hey I have a specific scene in mind its of kaley cuoco when she was on the big bang theory I dont remember the episode but its where shes sitting on the couch when her BF walks in and shes dressed in this purple lingerie and shes got her hair up its beautiful I was thinking if u could do a caption on that? Maybe like a roommates thing sorry I dont have enough info on the scene
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Anonymous said:
Could u ro Lindsay sloane from bring it on I had to look up the name I just remember her as "Big red" what they called her in the movie
Yep! I love Bring it On. :)
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Anonymous said:
Omg i love the Alex kingston caption u did recently whenever u get a chance could u do more River song captions also the billie piper one again whenever u get the chance
You got it. :)
Anonymous said:
Ok if you could i have an idea for a caption of a guy who wants to be internet famous but cant cut it as a guy so he pretends to be a lady on an onlyfans but doesnt show off anything too much then he gets surprised by his Male roommate who found out and his roommate blackmails him into making more "Private" videos to get cash I was thinking using meg turney if u could thanks
Sounds fun. Sure thing! :)
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Anonymous said:
Hello I know you mightve done this one already but the one of Katy Perry from "Hey hey hey" music vid could u do another one from that still her with the blonde hair but when shes just waking up instead thank you
You bet!
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Anonymous said:
I know you got alot of requests lately but if you dont mind one more could you do Drew Barrymore from Batman forever?
I had to double check how old she was in that but yes! I can do this. :)
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Anonymous said:
I know I probably wont see this for awhile but if u could can u do a caption of debby ryan from jessie where she is dressed like a little kid and has her hair in pigtails? I was thinking like a babysitting gig gone wrong for the story like dress up goes too far or something anyawys thank u
Do you know what episode that’s from? I found the image and I think it looks great but I just want to make 100% sure that Jessie was an adult when she made it. If you know the episode feel free to message me & I can go ahead with it. :)
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Anonymous said:
I have 3 if u could do them 1. Zazie beets  2. Zendaya  3. Tessa Thompson. Thats all thanks
I actually have Zazie Beets and Zendaya caps coming up before May ends, but you’ll get the Tessa Thompson one in June. :)
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Anonymous said:
Hi could you do another caption tor jenna fischer from the office please?
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Anonymous said:
Could you do a cap where a teacher named Peter gets feminized into a latina housewife and use Marisol Nichols from Riverdale?  Can't ignore the MILFs.
Damn right you can’t! I’ll be sure to do this. :)
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Anonymous said:
Addison Rae or Ariana Grande please
I’ll do both! :)
@tammyboy25 said:
Hi there! I was wondering if you could please do one where a sister or best girlfriend guilt trips a boy into being their maid of honor for her wedding? Bachelorette party, Dress shopping, getting their hair done, dancing with other boys at the reception are some ideas I had. Thank you so much either way!!!
Ooooo I love this! You got it sweetie. :)
Anonymous said:
Wow, I really loved the "From the Amazons" caption you did with Wonder Woman! Could you do something similar with a guy named Rene put into the body of a sluttfied superheroine?  Maybe Scarlet Witch/Wanda? Thanks!
“From the Amazons” has been getting a lot of love so thanks everyone! I can totally do this with an Elizabeth Olsen pic. :)
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Anonymous said:
I'm not sure if youve seen falcon and the winter soldier yet but Erin kellyman who plays kharli in that is a relatively new actress so I could understand if you dont know her but if you do could you make a caption for her? Thank you
I actually do know who she is! I saw her in “Falcon & Winter Soldier” and Solo so I can totally do a cap with her. :)
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Anonymous said:
Hi, yesterday I said how much I loved that Wonder Woman caption you did with Gakl Gadot. And I've since discovered the manips made by Saturdays24. My name is Rene, and I'd loved to be turned into a girl in one of his pics, particularly Taylor Swift! Thanks!
Sure thing! @saturdays24 gave me permission to use their stuff a few years ago so I can do any caps with their manips. :)
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Anonymous said:
Can you please do Priyanka Chopra captions
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Anonymous said:
Can you do Lala Anthony captions. I am a big fan of her
Totally! (For some reason I can’t find a good GIF of her though)
Anonymous said:
Can you do a cap with the new Billie Eilish Vogue Pics? That would be so so amazing.
Anonymous said:
billie eilish or addison rae?
Anonymous said:
Hi I remember someone else asking for a billie eilish caption since she was of age now but it was still too recent to have any pics of her at the right age well now shes 19 and I just saw she was on the cover of vogue afew days ago ....would that work?
Don’t worry, a Billie Eilish cap from British Vogue is on the way! She is an adult now & so I can make caps with her. :) (Also to the person who asked about Addison Rae, like I said earlier I’ll make one for her too. :D)
Anonymous said:
I really liked ur newest caption of Kelly lebrock as a boss being spotted enfemme I was wondering if u could do a follow up to that one? Maybe with her from woman in red. Id just like to see the coworker confront the boss
I like that idea! Totally. :)
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Anonymous said:
Could you do a caption with Jhene Aiko or Jenna Ortega? They’re both similar to me in body build so it would be pretty amazing to see them in a caption.
Jhene Aiko yes. Jenna Ortega MAYBE. Jenna Ortega only JUST turned 18 and that was during the COVID-19 pandemic so there aren’t going to be a lot of projects where she’s an adult to pull from. So if I can find something maybe otherwise you might just have to wait a bit. Sorry if that’s a bummer. :/
Anonymous said:
Can you do Nikita Dragun captions please?
I’ve no idea who this is, sorry.
Anonymous said:
Idk if u know the band pentatonix or not but if u do could u do a caption for Kirstin Maldonado they just came out with a music video for 90s medley and she is gorgeous in it much appreciated :)
I’ve actually done some Kristin Maldonado caps already so I can totally do another. :)
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kimsgoeun · 3 years
muses and fcs i wanna use. lmk if you’re interested! 
fcs i wanna use
adeline rudolph
aisha dee
aldis hodge
amanda seyfried
anna diop
antonia thomas
ashley madekwe
brenda song
choi sooyoung
hwang in-yeop
jamie chung
jessica henwick
ji chang wook
john kim
jurnee smollett
kang han na
kang tae oh
kim do yeon
kim tae ri
krysten ritter
lana condor
lee da hee
lee do-hyun
lee pace
lee sun bin
lupita nyong’o
melissa o’neil
mena massoud
michael trevino
ni ni
okamoto tao
park bo young
park so dam
park yoo na
quintessa swindell
rachel hilson
rahul kohli
raymond ablack
rebecca ferguson
samara weaving
song kang
tahirah sharif
timothy olyphant
van veronica ngo
yoo in na
yoon so hee
muses i wanna use (some are more written out than others due to newness lol - down for other plots not listed)
-alisha murphy; 38; fc: billie piper
general practitioner at a small town practice; sweet; married to her job and will drop everything to help someone; surrounds her office/home with different plants; doesn’t really have time for romance but loves love; gives all the advice and never takes her own
plot ideas: 1, 2, 3
-charlotte kwan; 30; fc: jung eun-chae
medical resident; sarcastic/dry humor; straightforward; will stand up for herself and others; slightly competitive; has a good work-life balance
plot ideas: 1, 2, 3 
-chester “chess” mao; 52; fc: lucy liu
works for a supernatural verse if wanted (shapeshifter and/or immortal being)
oddball; works random jobs to have some cash but otherwise lives comfortably (by her standards); likes to help strangers and people in a bind; observant; likes to travel to random/obscure places; isn’t very serious; can sometimes talk in circles rather than getting to the point; loves cats; can be petty when provoked
inspo: phoebe buffay (friends), nick miller (new girl)
plot idea: 1, 2, 3, 4
-cordelia lee; 38; fc: song ji hyo* (alt. park bo young)
works for a supernatural verse if wanted (vampire or magical abilities)
astronomer; lived against her family’s expectations; fell in love at a young age but lost them to unfortunate circumstances; mostly a “spinster” due to it; finds comfort in the nighttime; goes camping; soft
plot ideas: 1, 2, 3
-evelyn wan; 31; fc: go bo-gyeol
interior designer; usually on the quieter side unless she’s talking about her work; type of person to be in love with their best friend and never say anything; homebody; also doesn’t sleep because she overworks herself
plot ideas: 1, 2, 3
-harmony rosales; 26; fc: cierra ramirez
got married too young and is now going through a horrible divorce; ex is an asshole; loves loves, so super sad about her marriage failing; also a marriage counselor; cares about everyone and everything; comes off sophisticated, but is a mess; likes to surround herself with pretty things
plot ideas: 1, 2
-isabelle wollf; 51; fc: rachel weisz
professor of biology and drama; lives in santa cruz; science nerd; goes to play, concerts, and art galleries; comes from money but doesn’t seem like it; disorganized teacher; tends to go on tangents when lecturing/speaking; was in one serious relationship set up by their families
plot ideas: 1, 2
-katharine goodwin; 42; fc: rosamund pike
money launderer; conwoman; pretend heiress essentially; likes to live lavishly; manipulative; will be cold/curt if she doesn’t know them/doesn’t like them; fiercely loyal to people she cares about; willing to get her hands dirty, but prefers not to; doesn’t have family ties
inspo: rio (good girls), mazikeen (lucifer), emily thorne (revenge)
plot ideas: 1, 2, 3, 4
-kayla driscoll; 41; fc: rose byrne
art curator; moved away from her family in australia for her job; paints in her free time; middle child of two sisters; makes bad choices when she’s interested in someone; ignores red flags all the time; always gives people the benefit of the doubt; constantly gives people a second chance
plot ideas: 1, 2
-kim joo won; 31; fc: choi sooyoung
works for a supernatural verse if wanted (fallen angel or immortal being)
enjoys antagonizing people; flirty; doesn’t think about boundaries most of the time; likes having stupid fun; has a difficult time opening up emotionally to others; collects art, clothes, and jewelry; made her money through investments and owning property
plot ideas: 1, 2, 3, 4
-lucinda “lucy” dyer; 46; fc: amy adams
bad at communication; uses physical intimacy as a distraction; black sheep/ostracized from her family; works at a book store; passed law school/exam but decided against her career; smokes and drinks a little too much; witty; comes off standoffish; pretends to not care; lonely; doesn’t know how to ask for help
inspo: fiona gallagher (shamless), camille preaker (sharp objects), jessica jones (jessica jones)
plot ideas: 1, 2, 3
-marlow mao; 40; fc: elodie yung
family made their wealth through shady means; sold out her father’s criminal activity and had to “runaway” essentially; artist; sells her work under a pseudonym; lives in one of those rich, beach towns; personable but private; doesn’t let people know about her past; worried/concerned about her family/her father’s connection’s finding her
plot ideas: 1, 2, 3, 4
-natasha chung; 29; fc: shin se-kyung
event planner for upscale events; temperamental; difficult in relationships (trust issues, jealously, not emotionally available enough, indecisive); doesn’t necessarily trust people in general because her social status/family wealth; can be a tad immature at times personally; badass at work; high-end taste
plot ideas: 1, 2
-quentin dae; 25; fc: nam joo hyuk* (alt. lee young hwa, lee do-hyun)
actual nice guy; carpentry and repairs are his thing; very much a quiet nerd growing up; looks like he has it together, but does not; will highkey freak out and worry during inconveniences; rarely crushes on people and tends to like the same person for long periods of times; is very bad at flirting
plot ideas: 1, 2
-rosaline perkins; 29; fc: elizabeth lail 
architect at a big international firm; moved to paris for a job; found out she was pregnant after a one night stand; didn’t bother finding the bio dad before the move; decided with family support to keep her baby; can either be working in paris or has moved back to wherever else
plot ideas: 1, 2
-sun hee “sunny” park; 29; fc: lee sung-kyung
script supervisor; had a childhood best friend (and crush) that moved away without warning; feels like she’s surrounded by idiots a majority of the time; loves her job but hates it for dealing with people; has worked in the industry for nearly 10 years; super organized; slight control freak; social interactions exhaust her
plot ideas: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
-tara hwan; 49; fc: sandra oh
baker; owns a bakery shop in the city; very confident in herself and her abilities; comes across scary but is surprisingly sweet; likes to end her day with a glass of wine and trash tv; constantly thinking of new baking ideas/designs; doesn’t put up with rudeness or entitled people
plot ideas: 1, 2
-tinsley porters; 28; fc: jodie comer* (alt. adelaide kane, chloe bridges)
doesn’t stick to a job more than a year; like adventure/traveling; gets restless easily; immature at times; child at heart; can be reckless; believes in soulmates; follows treat others the way they’re treating you; avoids problems and serious situations/conversations; orphaned at 3 years old; believer in found families
inspo: peter pan (peter pan)
plot ideas: 1, 2, 3
-winona renwick; 30; fc: poppy drayton* (alt. jenna coleman, amber stevens)
aspiring chef; spent a majority of her time taking care of her father (widowed and an alcoholic) when her mom passed away; lost her mom in her early teenage years; decided to move away for college to live her own life; worked 3 jobs until she found a steady income after graduating; doesn’t know how to do healthy relationships due to her dad; doesn’t want to have to rely on anyone for help or be a burden; passionate when it comes to cooking
plot ideas: 1, 2, 3 
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What am I looking forward to?
I get asked what I’m looking forward to in terms of entertainment as 2021 trundles along. I thought I’d put together a list of my thoughts of the things I have marked on my calendar (or am prepared to buy, as the case may be!)
Klokkenluider, The Sandman, The War Rooms: Obviously I’d be failing at my duty to not include Jenna Coleman’s trio of upcoming projects! I have a confession - I’ve yet to watch all of The Serpent, too. Hoping for a DVD or (even better) Blu-ray release of that later in the year too. UK has one already. Netflix does release many of its shows to permanent media so hopefully The Serpent will be one of them (ditto Sandman and War Rooms down the line).
Free Guy: the much-delayed video game-based film starring Ryan Reynolds and Jodie Comer. Reminds me of Ready Player One, which was one of my favourite films of the last few years. And it’s the first leading film role for Jodie Comer from Killing Eve and it looks like she might be playing a nerdy version of Villanelle (without all the murdery sociopathic stuff; at least, I assume!). 
No Time to Die: Some aspects of the trailers have me concerned, and whenever I hear people talk about “new directions” I get antsy because that rarely ends well. But this is Bond and while there has been the occasional poor 007 film in the past (A View to a Kill and Quantum of Solace are the only Bond films I dislike and avoid; not a bad ratio out of 25) the odds of me liking it are pretty good (hell, I even consider Spectre to be one of the best Bonds ever, and I know that’s unpopular opinion). I was concerned about Phoebe Waller-Bridge being one of the writers due to my opinion that Fleabag is overrated (I know, another unpopular opinion), but that was before I saw her work on Killing Eve. If she brings some of that spirit to the film, it’ll work. Some of the things people are complaining about don’t bug me, especially regarding the 007 designation which belonged to somebody else before the events of the 2006 Casino Royale film and in all likelihood they’ll reboot continuity with whoever follows Daniel Craig anyway so none of that matters. They could kill Bond off and it wouldn’t make a difference.
Lower Decks Season 2: Speaking of unpopular opinion, Season 1 was one of the most pleasant surprises of last year. I think the backlash against Lower Decks is primarily a case that, for many fans, their dislike and disappointment of the current state of the franchise is so high that even if they do something good, it’s rejected automatically. I’ve given up on Discovery, have little interest in Picard (I had good things to say about it last year but it’s not aged well) and don’t care to see Strange New Worlds. So I was prepared to pooh-pooh on Lower Decks (I could have worded that a bit more elegantly; I dedicate that to Seth McFarlane) but, while it’s obviously a non-canon spoof, it still feels like Trek, which I cannot say for the current live-action shows. Basically that means it’s The Orville done for Star Trek. Which is fine, because it works better than Discovery’s and definitely Short Trek’s attempts at Orvilling (which in my opinion was about as entertaining as gerbilling - did I type that out loud?). And I think Beckett Mariner is the most interesting lead character of a Trek series in years. Speaking of The Orville...
The Orville Season 3: It’s in Red Dwarf territory right now in terms of it taking forever between seasons, and I am worried that being on Hulu might make it too edgy and turn away the many who latched onto it because Discovery was too edgy. But I have faith in Seth McFarlane, so eventually we’ll see it. If not, maybe I’ll give Avenue 5 a shot. Oh, and I am expecting Season 3 to be the end. It feels like getting it made - even taking C19 into account - was very difficult this time around and McFarlane sounds like he has a lot on his plate. If it does end, I hope somebody continues it in novel or comic book form (the comics have been incredible - seriously some of the best tie-ins I’ve read in years, and they’re canon too apparently thanks to being written by the show’s producer).
Magnum PI Season 4: It’s a sweet show and I watch it for the Magnum-Higgins ship (which is currently following the Clara-Danny trajectory). And I keep hoping co-star Perdita Weeks is able to recruit BFF Jenna Coleman to appear someday. So there’s that.
Legends of Tomorrow Season 7 and the conclusion of Supergirl Season 6. Another unpopular take is I happen to really like these two CW shows. Supergirl is calling it a day after 6 seasons, with the final season split into two parts, with the second half airing later this summer. Legends is still midway through S6 but has been renewed for a 7th. Both are fun, with Legends literally being the only show on TV that is legitimately unpredictable (seriously, this past week was a riff on Baby Yoda of all things - and no, Beebo was a riff on Furby. Different merch magnet, pay attention.), plus it’s most likely (IMO) the reason why John Constantine the character is unavailable for The Sandman series (which opened the door for Jenna Coleman to be cast as his ancestor Johanna, which is fine by me!).
Killing Eve Season 4: obviously. It’s only because of Jenna Coleman that you’re not getting wall-to-wall Jodie Comer on this blog. If she and Jenna are ever cast together in anything, I might need to call an ambulance.
Peter Capaldi’s debut album. It’s about time! No it’s not, that would be silly. And I don’t want to thank C19 for creating the circumstances that led to Peter doing a record. But still - a Peter Capaldi album is coming. It just better not be digital-only. I want to see him on the New Release rack at Sunrise Records.
So looks like I have a lot of stuff to occupy my time coming up!
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Pure Blood 17 (Sirius Black x F!Oc)
Words: 2,239
Chapter 16 / Chapter 18
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"What?" I look at him in horror and he nods.
"I thought I had mistaken her for someone else, but I swear it's her!” He shivers.
"You got to be kidding me…”
"Believe me, I wish it was just a joke,” He peeks a little out of the window frame where he can see undiscovered. In a quick movement he hides again. "Here it comes…”
I don't move and I think we both hold our breath. The others act normally, several students pass and I turn in my place and carefully peek through the frame.
"I think she's gone," Sirius checks. We both get up.
"Okay, that was kind of weird, but I really have to go, tell me later, Padfoot," James says, then leaves.
Remus, Peter and Lily approach us. I look at Sirius.
"Are you sure it was her?"
"I swear, if I was kidding, I wouldn't bother doing all this!”
Oh no. This is bad.
"Are you going to explain or not?" Remus says, totally confused.
I sigh and turn to them.
"Trixie is... a bad person."
“She's the devil," adds Sirius.
"Oh come on, it can't be that bad.”
"Yes it is,” Sirius and I say at the same time. I feel a shiver as I remember the moments with Trixie.
"Okay Remus this must be important if Persephone and Sirius agree on something that isn’t part of the plan," says Lily.
“Well, we met Trixie when we were kids, I think we were about nine or ten years old, she’s a pureblood, so her parents and ours were… friends. The thing with that girl is that- "
“She's the devil" Sirius interrupts again.
"Black, if you keep saying that, they won't believe us!” He rolls his eyes.
"No one will do it anyway, they didn't believe us back then!"
"Nobody believes children,” I shake my head and continue. "Anyway, at first we thought she was a good girl, always helping everyone, she was laughing at our jokes and she even helping in some mischief, but it was all a hoax.”
"She has this ability that… I don't know, she plays with your mind, then she starts acting strange and does something horrible, but it makes it seem like it was you!”
We were silent waiting for some reaction from the others. Remus's laugh surprised us.
“Wow, that was incredible, it almost made me think that all of this is true. Did you used to do this when you were children?”
"Remus, it's not part of a game, it's the truth!”
"Even I find it hard to believe it too," starts Lily. "If all that were true. You’re no longer children, perhaps the girl has changed. It was just that, some children are mischievous."
"Oh no… We were naughty, she was another level.”
"Stop laughing, Moony!" Sirius complains looking at Remus.
“I can't help it, your face is priceless. It reminded me of the time James accidentally shaved your eyebrow,” Remus lets out another laugh and Sirius growls.
"You don't believe us, right?" I say looking at Lily while Sirius fights with Remus.
"Let's say I believe a 50%"
I grimace
"Anyway, I have to go, if it's really Trixie, I want to get away as much as I can,” I say goodbye to them and leave the two boys fighting.
I get into the Slytherin the common room, but before I can continue to my bedroom, I hear giggles as I pass by some girls. I stop and see them, as soon as they realize it, they laugh. I frown, but I don't care.
"Look who came. The lioness pretending to be a snake,” says a blond boy. Thorfinn Rowle. I look at him raising an eyebrow.
"What are you implying, Rowle?"
"Oh, nothing, Singh,” The other students in the common room laugh. "Look at her, she's confused!” He says, then laughs like a sick seal, causing more laughter.
"If you're not going to say something smart, I'll go…” I fake a smile and return to my path, but the boy intervenes.
"Where were you now, Singh? With Lupin? Evans' dirty blood? Or did you have bigger plans with Black? ”
"Surely she was with Black!" Someone says in the distance, everyone laughs again.
"Do I have to tell you all my moves, Rowle?" All I want is to go to my bed.
"Not necessarily, we all know what you’re doing,” He crosses his arms and smiles as if he had said something interesting.
"Then why do you ask?" I say fed up. His smile disappears for a second, but he pulls himself together. "Is this your biggest attempt to make fun of me? really?"
"You are a traitor, traitors don't deserve to be in Slytherin.”
"Oh yeah?" I smile. "And why do they think I'm a traitor? because I don't make fun of others anymore? Because I’m not mad at losing Quidditch matches? Because anyone else is more interesting than an entire Slytherin room?”
Nobody responds.
"It's because you turned your back on your blood, on your family," says a male voice behind me. I turn to meet Snape. I laugh.
"You must know the importance of blood, right, Snivellus? Right, halfblood?”
“A halfblood who knows his place. You’re the one who wants to be part of something that is not,” I approach him.
"I don't think you know what you're saying, Snape. Do you know what your place is? I don't think so, right now you're aiming way above it,”
I smile. “If you knew your place, you wouldn't be facing me. Better go back to your potions and play for a while in some corner.”
I take a few steps back and look around me, all eyes fixed on me.
“Does anyone else have a problem with me? Because believe me, I don't care in the least, if I didn't care before, now less. Get into your own affairs, make a life and leave mine alone.”
Everyone is silent. I clasp my hands and bow to Snape, finally going to my bedroom.
I have to admit that I’m quite proud of myself for what just happened. Although my life has hit me hard, I must admit that my confidence was reeling, I didn’t feel completely comfortable with the attention of so many people, something I was used to before, but now… it seems like a great step.
I have to tell Jenna this, and then Remus.
"Is it my imagination or did I just see Trixie Jones?" Regulus says sitting down across from me at the Slytherin table.
"Where!?" I squeal as I duck under the table, revealing only part of my head and eyes. Reg laughs at my reaction.
"Don't tell me you’re still afraid of that girl.”
I look everywhere and little by little I sit again, but I'm still attentive.
"It is not fear... it’s- agh, it doesn’t matter. You won’t believe me, you didn’t do it back then…”
"Well, forgive me for not believing that a 10-year-old girl was guilty of my house catching on fire," I cross my arms and pout.
"I'm sure it was her, but, anyway, where did you see her?" He turns a little and points to the Ravenclaw table. I nod. "It makes sense.”
"Haven't you said hi?” He says in a mocking question.
"Very funny.”
"You know you're not 10 years old anymore, right? Could you talk to her?”
"Sure and suddenly I cut off my head,” I say. ”No thanks, I want to live.”
He rolls his eyes.
"I remember she was good to me, and she gave me sweets," He says, smiling.
“That's part of her plan, Reggie. First she has to win you, then she makes her malicious work.”
“You’re impossible. Can we go to class?"
I growl and nod.
The rest of the day was pretty calm... until it was time for potions class.
“Very well, welcome to a new school year, my students. As you know, the most important exams are this year, so I will do the buddy assignment from now on.”
The teacher began to say names and each one sat down with his partner, Jenna had Lily, that's fine. I feel déjà vu, but this time it is much worse.
"Remus Lupin with... Trixie Jones"
I feel a strong pain in the chest. Damn, me worrying about protecting Remus from my family, I didn't see this coming.
The brunette is a few places ahead of Remus, so she turns to find her new partner. Remus, as he is a damn good person, raises his hand to meet her. She smiles and sits down next to him.
"Sirius Black with, well, this is no surprise to anyone, but since last year, I have found my best students," He laughs as he touches his belly, but seeing that no one else is laughing, clears his throat. "Sirius Black and Persephone Singh.”
It doesn't take long for Sirius to run to my place, he practically throws his books on the table and sits down.
"Am I the only one who heard the tragedy?" He asks agitated
“Trixie's with Remus. He’s going to die, Black,” We both look at the couple, but suddenly the brunette turns and sees us. Neither can react, Trixie smiles and waves at us and then returns to Remus.
"Oh, he's so dead," adds Sirius.
The class continues and during all the time I couldn’t concentrate on what Slughorn says, my gaze always returned to Trixie.
Who sometimes giggles and gets very close to Remus, while he just blushes and laughs too. I clench my teeth every time I hear them. Sirius is also tense with this situation, and he growls as he sees them.
Potions ends and everyone begins to leave. Sirius and I are waiting for the others outside the room and as soon as I see Remus, I run to him and hug him. The brown-haired man seems surprised, but accepts it.
"Everything okay, Percy?"
“Are you injured? Did she do something to you?”
"Oh, don't tell me that this Trisha was in class," says James coming to our side along with Peter, then Lily and Jenna arrive.
"Her name is Trixie and yes, she is... Remus' new partner" I say when I separate from my friend, who scratches the back of his neck, a little nervous.
"Guys, I know what you think, but it doesn't seem like such a bad person. It was actually fun talking to her,” I look at him take a few steps back.
"That is her move, Moony,” Sirius points out. "First she’s a good person, when she’s confident and have some secrets from you she’s going to wait for the right moment to attack."
"Isn't that the snake's move?" says James.
I roll my eyes and ignore it.
"Don't you think you’re exaggerating a bit?" Lily adds.
"Wow, wait," says Jenna, stepping forward and looking at me. "Trixie Jones?" It seems the memories come to her. "You've already mentioned her before, P... Are you telling me that that sweet girl is the same monster that you told me about?"
“Yes, I’ve also spoken to her. She was just transferred from Beauxbatons, she looks like a pretty charming girl. ”
"Nobody listens to us?" Sirius complains.
"I can't believe it," Says a different voice. We all turn to see her. Trixie Jones. "Sirius Black and Persephone Singh!” The girl smiles, then jumps in place and claps her hands with joy.
Oh, this is my end.
The girl approaches until we’re in front of her and analyzes us from top to bottom, she stops at Sirius.
“Wow, time has been an ally for you. You were cute when we were younger, Sirius, but now,” She approaches him. “You’re handsome. Look at those eyes! Surely many girls are behind you. Well, that's what they told me and I was not surprised,” Now she observes me. “And you, my dear Persephone, as beautiful as ever, knew that you were going to become a charming woman.” Those comments are usually made by our aunts.
She stays in the middle of both and then she raises her arms and wraps us in a big hug. Touching part of her skin, I can't help but feel a chill. The hug did not last long and sets us free.
"H-hi Trixie," I say with a fake smile. "I thought I would never see you again."
She laughs, seems not to notice that my comment was not friendly at all.
"I know, since I moved to France we haven't been able to communicate, but don't worry, princess!"
I groan at the stupid nickname she always used with me. I never liked it.
"I'm back, I’ll continue my studies at Hogwarts.”
Neither responds, it seems that we were frozen in our places, so the others decide to interrupt.
"Trix, let me introduce you to the others,” Jenna begins. Wait a second, Trix!? "This is Lily Evans, this is Peter Petitgrew, James Potter, and I guess you already know Remus,” Remus blushes a little.
"Yes, I already know him,” she says looking at him with a shy smile. “It's a pleasure to meet you, I hope we can be friends," Some Ravenclaw girls come up and say something I don’t hear. "Oh, I have to go, I guess I'll see you later" She turns back to us. "It's good to see you guys again.”
@treestarrrrrrrr @siriuslysirius1107   @thagreenmoon   @madmaiden2890 @bloodorangemoonlight   @ren-ela  @avipshamitra  @lizlil @siriusmuch   @may-rapp @chloe-geoghegan1 @reverse-hxlland  @auroraawrites​  @findzelda  @littledeadgirlwalking​
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
Best Christmas of all; Tom Holland x child reader
*Author’s note*
Okay WOW! I am a TERRIBLE Person BUT I GOT IT DONE. To the Watson anon from long ago as well as @artistintraining239​ I FINALLY GOT THE TOM HOLLAND REQUEST DONE!!!!!! Now @artistintraining239​ I made a SLIGHT change in the adoption part of the story so I hope you’ll accept what I ended up doing for that part, and to the Watson anon whomever you maybe, you are LITERALLY THE MOST PATIENT PERSON EVER!! You requested something from me like 2 years ago around Christmas time and I couldn’t do it cause it ended up as shit, so you gave me a second chance and I PROMISED I DELIVER AND SO I DID!!! It took awhile for me to try and add the ideas you had mixed with this other requester listed above but I F***IN DID IT!!! 
Not really any warnings just PURE, TOM HOLLAND FLUFF, foster care (just for characterization), Tessa makes an appearance, and having no knowledge of Tom’s family. I’m just using them here for the story, RESPECT THEIR PRIVACY'S. 
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It’s a miracle when a person can go up on the big screen and become someone famous, it’s another miracle when you get adopted after losing your family in a housefire before you reach your teenage years.  I gained both miracles.  The best place to start is probably from the beginning when I was chosen to costar in the upcoming Marvel movie Spiderman: Homecoming.
I was chosen out of hundreds if not thousands of little girls to play the cousin of Peter Parker aka Spiderman, Jenna Hawkins (Brown spider).  Jenna’s character was that while she was Peter Parker’s cousin, she would eventually become a sidekick of Spiderman who not only was a quick learner thanks to her cousin, but she was the perfect silent weapon because no one would suspect a child (much like how real brown spider bites can be deadly but not really kill).
I had asked my current foster mom if I could audition for the film and thankfully she said yes but she had to run it by the system if I could audition for a film role.  Surprisingly the foster system I was put in allowed me to audition and by a miracle I got the role.
So I was flown out from my home of Colorado Springs to New York where they were filming Spiderman: Homecoming.  And surprisingly the entire cast didn’t treat me with sympathy or made me feel out of place because I was a foster child, they saw the potential in me as an actress and as a person.
They looked past the fact that I was a foster kid and just saw me, which I really liked, especially from some of my heroes like Mr. Downey (oh I guess I should say Robert since he told me that Mr. Downey made him sound like his dad), Tom Holland and of course my true role model Zendaya (since I love KC Undercover).
Now it was getting close to the holiday seasons, my favorite time of year actually Christmas time.  I’ve always wanted to know how people celebrate Christmas unfortunately the foster family I live with didn’t celebrate Christmas (something to do with religion or something) so they just treat Christmas like any other day.
So while everyone was closing up the set and locking their trailers, I was sitting in my movie chair while my agent locked up my trailer.  As I was scrolling through my phone, I heard the familiar voice of Tom call out to me.
“Hey (n/n)!” I looked up and smiled at him.  I got out of my chair and raced up to him to give him a big hug.  “Whoa oh man you really are getting strong aren’t yah? Almost knock me off my feet.”
“Sorry Tom.”
“Hey don’t even worry about it. So you excited for the holidays? You got any idea what you’re gonna get for Christmas?” at that point I looked down and I told him.
“Not really.”
“Why not? You’ve been the sweetest girl I’ve met, I’m sure Santa’s got you at the top of his nice list.”
“Maybe. But I won’t know cause the foster parents I’m with don’t celebrate Christmas.”
“Really?” I nodded. “Well do they celebrate a different holiday? Like Hanukah or Kwanzaa?” I shook my head no.
“The only holidays they really celebrate are New Years, Valentine’s day, 4th of July, and Halloween.”
“Wait so not even Thanksgiving? Cause I hear that’s a big celebration here.”
“They just treat it like a normal day. I think their reason for not celebrating the December holidays is religion or something. And I’ve always wanted to celebrate Christmas but—I was either too young to remember how my first Christmas went or because of now. But what are you doing for Christmas Tom?” I asked trying to lighten the mood since I had seen that I made him upset.
“Well just gonna go home, be with Tessa and my brothers and the rest of the family.”
“Wow, that sounds like fun. I hope you have a good Christmas Tom. I’ll see you in the New Year when we get back to filming.” I turned and went to grab my phone when Tom said.
“Actually (y/n). Would you like to come to London with me for Christmas?” I turned to him and was shocked at what I just heard him say.
“You—you’d really want me there?”
“Yeah. I mean I was hoping to kinda make it a surprise by tomorrow but as you know I’m—pretty terrible at keeping secrets. So I got in touch with your foster parents and the foster system you’re under and they’ve allowed you to come spend the holidays with me.”
“Really? They did?”
“Yeah. So—do you wanna come with me and meet my family?”
“Yes!” I ran back towards him and hugged him again.  This time he picked me up so that I could now wrap my arms around his neck.
“That’s great! So the plane leaves in a few hours, why don’t you get your stuff and I’ll meet you outside with Harry and we can drive up to the airport.”
“Okay.” We then pecked each other’s cheeks and I quickly raced off to find my bag that my agent Mr. Jones had.  He handed me my bag and told me to behave and that if anything happened, just call either him or my foster parents.  I told him I would be on my best behavior and with that we hugged each other and I walked outside the studio and saw Tom and Harrison outside about to get into the taxi.
“Ahh (n/n) over here!” I rushed over as fast as I could before Tom met me half way and picked me up and tossed me in the air making me giggle as he held onto me with one arm before taking my suitcase with his other hand.
“So you ready to see England (y/n)?” asked Harry.
“Yeah. Is it really as big as they make it in the movies?” I asked.
“You’ll have to see for yourself.” He answered.  We all then piled in the car and Harry told the driver to take us to the airport.
“You think Tessa will remember me?” I asked Tom.
“Of course she’ll remember you. She loves you.”
“Is flying over an ocean different than flying over cities?”
“Not really. You nervous about flying overseas?”
“I mean a little. Sorry.”
“No, no there’s no need to apologize love. I remember flying overseas the first time and it can be scary. But you’ve got me, right?”
“Right.” I said with a nod.
“So there’s nothing to be afraid of (n/n). I’ll be right there with you the entire time. And you can always hold my hand if you feel a little scared, okay?”
“Okay, thanks Tom.”
“No problem.” It took a long time but we finally arrived at the airport and we did all the usual stuff they make you do at the airport before we were finally allowed to head to our gate.  It was about an hour and a half wait before our plane even arrived so Tom and I ended up playing Super Mario Kart on our Nintendo switches.
I was in my lead with Mario but Tom cheated and bashed into me with his Yoshi.
“Hey that’s cheating!” I exclaimed.
“All’s fair in Mario Kart my dear (y/n). And Yoshi is the best there is.” He mocked back at me.
“Yoshi’s a cheater and a bully.” I whined as I tried to take back the lead.  Then just my luck, Tom’s cell chimes his text tone and he had no choice but to answer it because for some reason it kept chiming repeatedly.  So as he looked down at his phone, I crashed into Yoshi and took back the lead and won the race. “I win!”
“What oh that’s not fair you knew I was distracted!”
“All’s fair in Mario Kart Tom.” I threw his words back at him.
“Ohh she got you there mate.” Harry laughed.
“Okay, okay then, alright then yah little miss smarty pants.” Tom said with a quirk of his brow while I did my victory dance just to rub it in Tom’s face that I won and he lost.
“1st class flight nonstop to London England now boarding, 1st class passengers only can now board.”
“Ohh that’s us. Get your tickets ready.” Harry said as the three of us grabbed our small bags and we showed the lady our tickets before going through the tunnel and finally getting on the plane.  We got into our seats and I looked out the window seat and waited another long time before we finally started to take off.
As the plane began to take off, I felt my stomach beginning to sink down to my feet. That’s probably the one thing I didn’t like when it came to flying, that and having my ears popping.  I rubbed my ears as I could feel them beginning to ache, that’s when Tom took my hand and said.
“You best not do that, it’ll only make it worse.”
“Then what can I do to make them stop ringing and popping?” I asked.
“Here’s a trick my dad taught me. Plug your nose, like you’re about to dive in a pool.” He said as he demonstrated for me and I followed suit. “Then as hard as you can blow from your nose. That’ll make your ears pop open.”
“Your voice sounds funny Tom.” I giggled hearing how his voice sounded with his nose plugged up.
“Well so does your little missy.” He mocked back. “Okay so let’s blow together on three okay?” I nodded. “One….”
“Three.” And as hard as I could I blew as hard as I could.  “It didn’t work.”
“Try it again, sometimes it takes a couple of tries.” He told me.  He counted down again and I blew as hard as I could again, this time feeling my ears pop however the second they did I was met with this agonizing pain as I began to rub them again. “No, no don’t rub them it’ll only make them worse.”
“But it hurts Tom!” I whined out.
“I know but trust me, the pain’s gonna subside soon. Just give it a moment. Here wanna hear a story about Tessa that my mum told me awhile ago?” I nodded and he then told me of how Paddy taught Tessa a new trick with balancing food on top of her nose before getting the command to eat it.
Hearing that story gave me a good distraction and soon enough my ears were better and no linger hurting anymore.  It was then we were told by the captain that we could now take our electronic devices out and that’s when Tom proceeded to take pictures of Harry and I and he posted it up on Instagram telling his fans that we were on our way home for Christmas.
He then even showed me the video of the trick he told me about earlier. Apparently his brother Paddy managed to get a recording of it as well and he sent it to Tom.  So I got to see for myself Tessa’s new trick.
“Do you think she’ll come to the airport?” I asked him.
“Maybe, mum and dad know how much I love spoiling that Princess of mine. Well next to you munchkin.” He said with a playful ruffle of my hair.
“Tom!” I whined out.  He chuckled and we proceeded to watch all the videos of Tessa that he had.  We continued with a few more games of Super Mario Kart or Mario vs. Sonic the Olympics.  After several hours even with it still being daylight out the window, I began to grow tired.
“It’ll still be a long while before we get to London, why don’t you take a little nap?”
“You sure?”
“Yeah. See that’s the best part about long flights, you get to catch up on sleep. And I know these past few months have been rough on you even with just 10 hours of filming you have to do. So go on take a little nap.”
“Okay, hey Harry?”
“Yeah?” he said as he looked up from his phone.
“Please beat Tom in another round of Mario Kart for me will you?”
“Hey! You win one time and you act like you’ve won the super bowl.” Tom said which made Harrison laugh.
“I’ll win one for you kiddo. Besides someone needs to knock this rotter down to size.” He said gesturing to Tom to which Tom glared at him.
“Okay you cheeky little kitten, go to sleep.” He brought out my pillow and blanket and lowered the window screen down so the sun wasn’t shining in my eyes and covered me up.  I placed myself against the wall and soon I fell fast asleep, suddenly feeling the exhaustion from the past few months from all the filming and jumping and swinging I had to learn for the film.
“(Y/n)? Hey (Y/n),” I moaned tiredly and woke up to see that I had went from the wall to spreading across Tom’s lap. “We’re here.” I looked outside to see that it was still pitch black out.
“What time is it?” I said as I stretched myself out.
“A little past 3am. So it’s still early for you to be fully awake. But don’t worry we’ll meet my parents in the car and you can go back to sleep on the way to the house.” He unbuckled my seatbelt and packed my blanket and pillow away in my bag. He picked up my bag then he went and picked me up. “Okay there we go love.”
I wrapped my arms around his neck and clung onto him like a sleepy koala while Tom walked out holding onto me with his arms wrapped around me.  From my constant eyes opening and closing trying to fight off sleep, I saw Tom walk through the tunnel before we were finally out the gate and I felt him waving.
“Hey mum, hey dad.”
“Welcome home son, Harrison, and this tired young thing must be (y/n).” I turned to look up and as I rubbed my eyes, I saw Tom’s parents.  They looked like nice people but I was just too tired to fully introduced myself.
“Now Dominic, you can tease the girl when she’s fully awake. C’mon you three must be exhausted. Let’s get you all home and into bed.” Tom’s mum said.
“Thanks mum.” Tom adjusted me back into his arms so that I was now lying against him but I still clung onto him as we all left the airport.  I don’t really remember much after that because soon I went back to sleep against Tom’s chest.
When I woke up the next morning I found myself in a bedroom.  It was painted gray and the sheets were a dark blue color.  I heard the door open and the next thing I knew this big mass of gray came hopping right towards me and I was greeted with wet kisses.  I knew only one creature who greeted me like that.
“Tessa! Awww Tess I missed you so much!” I cooed as I scratched her belly and squished her face between my hands.
“She could hardly contain herself when we came home last night.” I looked up and I saw Tom leaning up against the edge of the door.  “It does warm my heart to see you liking Tessa.”
“Why wouldn’t I? She’s an angel.”
“Guess it’s kinda due to her breed. Blue Staffys’ are considered one of the most dangerous dogs here in the UK.”
“But that doesn’t mean she’s vicious. It’s the same with pit bulls. My foster dad back home tries to keep me away from the neighbors white and brown pitbull Titan every time he escapes. But he’s not vicious, unless you count licking someone to death vicious.”
“Man I’m so glad you think that way (y/n).”
“Yeah. That’s what Mrs. Spencer always tells me whenever it comes to dogs. I wish I could have one, or a cat for that matter but my foster dad’s allergic to cats and my foster mom is terrified of dogs, unless they’re the purse dogs but I don’t really like them.”
“Why’s that? Just out of curiosity.” He asked as he came over and sat down at the foot of the bed while Tessa placed her paw on my lap finally calming down.
“Not big enough. I’ve always wanted a dog that I could cuddly with like a teddy bear. Or play fetch with. At my last foster home that I could remember, there was this family that has these Chicha…..Chicas…..I can never pronounce the name.”
“Yes that’s it. They had about five of them and they weren’t very nice. Those are the dogs my current foster dad would say were vicious, because they always attacked anything and one of them even ripped my favorite jeans apart.”
“Ahh man that’s terrible. I’m sorry that happened to you.” He said as he gently stroked down my hair.
“Yeah but it’s better than what it could’ve been.”
“True, true, but you never need to worry about getting hurt by this pretty princess.” Tom cooed as he leaned over and kissed Tessa’s head repeatedly.
“So it’s Christmas Eve, what do you guys usually do first?”
“Oh right it is. Well if you’ll come downstairs with me my lady, I will show you firsthand what Christmas is like in the Holland household.” I then got out of bed and Tessa hopped down and went on ahead and raced down the stairs with Tom and I following behind her.
When we got downstairs, all I could see was pure magic.  Lights and Christmas decorations everywhere.  There were tiny villages out along some of the tables and china cabinets standing all on top of some type of cotton or something, which made it look like the villages were on top of snow.
“Wow, this is so pretty.” I said in awe.
“You really like it dear? My mum and I collected those little Christmas villages every year when I was growing up. Each year we’d add a new addition to our collection and make our little Christmas town grow even bigger.” I looked up and there I saw a woman standing beside me.
“Morning mum.” Tom said.
“Morning love, did you sleep okay?” she asked as Tom hugged her.
“Always. (Y/n) this is my lovely mum Nicola, mum this is (y/n).”
“It’s an honor to meet you (y/n). Tom’s told us so much about you.” She said as she knelt down to my height and held out her hand.  I shyly shook it and said.
“Tom’s told me a lot about his family. You all seem really nice.”
“Well Paddy and Harry cane be rambunctious and tricky little buggers but they’re cool.”
“Thomas behave.” His mom lectured him which made me giggle.
“So shall we get started on the gingerbread houses mum?”
“Yes we shall. But as punishment for your comment against your brothers, you’re gonna be doing the hard part of gluing the house together.”
“Aww mum!” whine Tom which made me snicker. “Laugh it up fuzzball.” Tom said to me.
“Hey who you calling a fuzzball you stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy looking nerf-herder!”
“Whose scruffy looking?”
“Alight, alright enough you two. At this point the both of you are looking at gluing the gingerbread house together.”
“Sorry Mrs. Holland.” I apologized.
“It’s fine dear, now then both of you in the kitchen now.” Tom and I then raced to the kitchen with his mum telling us not to run in the house.  A few minutes later, his dad and his brothers Harry, Sam and Paddy all arrived in the kitchen.  His brother’s were pretty good, especially Paddy who let me in on all the embarrassing stories of Tom.
“And then there was this one time when he was in Year 11 when he went to the winter formal and tried to ask this girl he liked by…..”
“NO! Don’t you dare tell that story!” Tom shouted at him.
“Why not I think (y/n) should hear it.” Paddy mocked.
“What? What happened?” I asked.
“It’s nothing, nothing happened.”
“Tom went outside her house with a boombox playing some sappy love song.” Sam said.
“N you didn’t.” I proclaimed.
“So what if I did?”
“What did you think you were in, the 1980?”
“Hey she loved 80’s movies and Say Anything was her favorite so I figured she’d think it was sweet.”
“Yeah till she said it was corny and turned yah down.” Said Paddy.
“Well I thought it was real sweet the way Tom asked out his date. Of course she turned out to not be the one, but that’s fine because at least now I know that I raised my little Thomas to be a romantic.” His mom said as she came over and pinched his cheek.
“Mum please!”
“Alright, alright enough talk. Let’s get this gingerbread house up and ready to go.” His dad stated.
“So how exactly do you make gingerbread houses?” I asked.
“Just watch us and jump in whenever you think you got it.” Said Paddy as his brother Sam got the supplies.  He dumped out the cookies while Tom’s mom and dad got the icing and graham crackers out.
It was then the Hollands’ began to build their gingerbread house.  Just as Tom was about to glue the pieces together, I decided to step in and I told Paddy.
“I can hold it.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah I got this.”
“Okay now (n/n) be sure you hold this nice and still while I glue it okay?”
“I got it Tom.” He then proceeded to start gluing the walls together then once he was done, he placed his hands over mine to give it a bit more pressure so that the two pieces could stay glued together.
“Hey (y/n) mind helping me out with this? I’m trying to pick the glitter patterns for this year but I can’t figure out what to do.” His mom said.  Tom allowed my hands to come out from under his and I quickly went over and she helped me look over the glitter patterns.
“Hmm……what about the silver and gold pattern? Like in Rudolph.”
“Brilliant. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Oi (y/n), mind helping us pick out the gumdrop patterns. We got the colors we want but can’t figure out the pattern.” Sam said.  I looked over to see the three colors they’ve chosen; purple, green, yellow and red.
“Hmm…..why not do purple, yellow, green and red? Cause red and blue make purple, so by ending it with red we can start back to the purple, even without the blue.”
“Oh yeah. Thanks (n/n).” Sam said as he ruffled my hair.  It took awhile but finally we managed to get the gingerbread house all done and decorated.
“Alright everyone, I officially declare that the 2016 Gingerbread Holland house is officially made.” His dad proclaimed and we all applauded.
“And of course let’s not forget the biggest help of all, Miss (Y/n) (l/n).” Tom proclaimed as his family clapped for me as Tom picked me up and paraded me around the kitchen.
After the gingerbread house we were watching some Christmas movies while his mom was making us some lunch.  Right now we were watching one of the old animated movies, we had just gotten done with Rudolph and now we were watching Frosty the Snowman.
“See before Olaf came along with his warm hugs, Frosty was the OG. He was the man!” Harry proclaimed.
“We get it Harry, you love Frosty and hate Frozen, let it go.” Sam said which made Paddy laugh.
“I see what you did, good one Sam.” They fist bumped with each other.
“You guys are such dicks.” Harry said.
“Harry! Language!” Tom said as he covered my ears trying to block my ears from hearing the words.  Truth is I’ve heard every single bad word in the book thanks to my foster mom’s brother.
“Lunch is served.” Tom’s mom came in with a plate of sandwiches, ranging from ham, ham and cheese, veggie sandwiches, or turkey.  I grabbed a plain ham sandwich and that’s when I felt a nudge at my leg.  I looked down and there was Tessa looking up at me with those big brown eyes, she licked her chops as she eyed my sandwich.
“Ah-ah Tessa, go on scoot. Scoot!” Tom’s dad said as he took notice of Tessa from the chair that was beside me.
“Tess,” Tom said before giving one whistle and Tessa went over to Tom and he told her, “Tessa down. Down. Good girl Tess.” When I saw Tessa lie on her stomach, I couldn’t help but feel sorry for her.  I heard her take a deep sigh as she began to close her eyes.
I looked around to make sure no one was looking before ripping a part of my sandwich off and I lowered it down towards Tessa.  She immediately lifted her head and reached her neck out before finally scarfing down the sandwich.  I patted her head and quickly went back to watching TV.
“I saw that.” I heard Tom whisper in my ear.  Uh-oh busted.  I looked up at him with the most innocent face and whispered back.
“Saw what?”
“Don’t you play dumb, you’re gonna get it later little missy.” He teased as he pressed his forehead against mine before turning his attention back to the TV.  I gulped thinking just what did Tom have in mind.
When the sun began to set, it was time for Christmas dinner.  There was turkey, pudding, pies, cookies (which I helped make with Tom’s mom), cakes and fruits and veggies.  As we all gathered around the table, I ate a piece of turkey, I was suddenly feeling this—bubbly feeling in my stomach.  I don’t know how to describe it, it’s like—that feeling you get in your stomach when you’re sad but also overjoyed with happiness.
“(N/n), you okay?” I heard Tom say.  I nodded and hummed before turning back to my turkey.  “Are you sure? You’ve got the deep in thought look.”
“I’m fine Tom, really. I just…..feel happy to be included in…..a family. For once.” The room went quiet for a long time before Tom’s mom placed a comforting hand on my shoulder and she said.
“We’ve enjoyed having you here with us (y/n).”
“My wife’s right. You’ve been a really big help today, we hope you’ve had an equally good time here with us and that we helped make this a good Christmas for you.” His dad added.
“I have. In fact I—I think this maybe the Christmas I will always remember the most.” I said with a soft smile.  The Holland’s all smiled and I felt Tom pat my back while his brother Harry ruffled my hair and I felt Tessa at my feet.
After dinner we gathered in the living room after getting into our pajamas, I helped place down the cookies for Santa with Paddy. He placed down the milk while I placed down the cookies.
“Okay there’s one last tradition we have before we go to bed.” Tom told me as he sat me down into his lap.
“What’s that?”
“Every Christmas eve we take one gift and open it up, sorta like a sneak peek at what’s coming tomorrow morning.”
“We started shortly after Sam was born, the kid could hardly wait to open up his presents so we decided on one gift just to get him to go back to sleep.” His dad explained.
“I wanna play Santa, I wanna play Santa!” Paddy exclaimed.
“No, no, no Paddy you played Santa last year. Let’s let Tom be Santa this year.” His mom said.  Tom picked me up and I sat beside Tessa and stroked her head while Tom began to pass out presents.
I got my present which was just a simple Christmas bag with red and green paper stuffed inside to hide my present while everyone else got boxes.  Maybe my present was a snow globe or some type of clothing?
“Hang on guys, hold on. I think it’s only fair that we let our biggest help and guest (y/n) open up her present first.” Tom announced once all the presents were given out.  They all agreed before turning to face me.
“Okay, if you all say so.” I dug through the bag and pulled out the green and red wrapping paper to reveal an envelope.  Okay I was confused? Why was I given an envelope, if it was a Christmas cars I doubt it could fit in this small thing.
“Here I’ll help open it, Harry hand me the letter opener by the dining room table.” Tom said as he came up next to me.  Harry got up and he got the small knife and Tom thanked his brother before opening the envelope with a single swipe.
He handed it back to me and I took out a few pieces of folded paper.  I unfolded the hamburger styled papers and I saw at top the name of the Foster Care system I was put under.  There was all these big words but the one thing that did catch my eye was the signature of Tom’s parents at the bottom.  I looked through the other papers and kept seeing their signatures.
“Something I was running through the Foster system as well as my parents. I’ve really enjoyed having you around (n/n), you’re like the little sister I never had and……we want you to be a part of our family.” Tom said as he brought me up onto his lap.
“You—you all…..wanna adopt me?”
“Yes love, if you’ll have us that is. I mean, Tom’s told us so much about it it’s like you’re practically part of the family.” His mom said.
“So what do you say poppet, want to be a Holland?” I was……overjoyed.  A wide smile spread across my face as tears filled my eyes. I couldn’t even form any words as I nodded allowing the tears to fall down my face.  Soon my new family all came up and surrounded me in a group hug.
At this point I don’t care what else I might’ve gotten for Christmas, all that mattered now was this.  I had gotten the one wish I had always wanted, the one gift I hoped I would get someday.  A family.
It was then the next morning, waking up that Christmas day, in fact it became a White Christmas day, I got to spend the entire morning with my new family making snow angels with my new brothers, having snowball fights, learning how to build a snowman with my new mom and dad, and playing around with my dog Tessa.
In the years to come those Christmases grew to be better than the last but none of them will ever compare to my first Christmas I had with my new family.
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