#but i think that's smth i can deal w tomorrow
aro-aizawa · 5 months
god i love when i finally get round to doing stuff that i've been meaning to for 2+ years. it feels so satisfying but at the same time i have DESTROYED the surrounding area. i am so sorry mum your sewing room JUST got clean and here i am cluttering it up again lol
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zoekrystall · 9 months
Did I ever complain abt that publicly idk anyways I need to get to the big city (2h to and 2h back, not much for the states but sure for me) and next to not wanting to bc cold, they gonna stab bc blood test and my body hates making that easy to locate (dif place but I will never forget the time I got stabbed like three times and still no blood so new appointment had to be made, I have a fear of needles otherwise it would be whatev), and even more risky bc gatherings were recently do I prob hate the most that like. I'm hungry.
I'm hungry and I suck at eating enough so I often go out w not much in my stomach. I survive but it sucks really bad that I can't either buy smth once I arrive to eat on the way back or pack smth to like eat on the journey bc no-one wears a mask and the virus stays rampant so I can't take my mask off until I'm back home. At the inbetween stop I maybe could but I rather won't risk anything. Esp in winter I could bring smth warm to drink w me at least but I rather don't in the crowd I gotta walk through. Least people are when I'm only a few mins away from home and at that point I can always just wait a bit longer.
Tbh I dread going outside and limit it to only shopping and appointments bc even if I could walk here prob somewhere without many people do I rather just stay indoors and try to limit irl reminders of how many people can't be bothered to care bc that just nosedives my mental health. It doesn't help that I still try to nudge my irl friends to care more.
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noxtivagus · 2 years
this week's gna be so hellish
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toastsnaffler · 1 year
why does being at my parents make me feel so physically ill. theyre not even HERE.
#I can feel my lifeforce draining away I cant do anything and I keep crying randomly for no reason. trapped in the torture labyrinth#i just want to fucking work out. but i cant and my head hurts and im giving up and walking onto the railway track behind the house#I think I just deal rly badly with change + transitions even if thats just travelling which is a shame bc I actually like travelling#and I like spending time w my family but theyre not even here rn anyway so#zero executive function turtle on its back type shit going on here and im so!! lonely!! i need a thousand year long hug#dies and dies and dies and dies and djes and dies and#except its fine like its rly not that bad. and being in the flat is its own different but not necessarily better type of insane#like okay my brain isnt working here. but what have I been doing the last couple months there. exactly lmfao#the problem rly isnt even being here its just me. but idk how to explain that to other ppl bc theyre just like well dont go home!#u dont owe anything to ur family! like not to be rude but shut up. that might work for u but clearly u understand nothing abt me#or my relationship with my family. like yeah i complain abt them + being at home but ur perception of that is heavily biased#bc im not going to complain to u abt u or how mentally ill i get in the flat. am i now. exactly. they all probably think im fine lmfao#or if not fine then like. coping alright. instead of being in survival mode half the time#who fuckinf cares whatever ik I dont mean all the shit im thinking anyway im just in a piss poor mood !!!!#im going to shower. and then go get smth to eat. and find a movie to watch. and hopefully ill feel better then#and if not well theres always tomorrow or next week or next month itll pass#urgrjhfhdhh#.vent#sorry everyone if ur reading this im blowing u a big kiss for being so tolerant of my dumbass ranting ty
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sugar-omi · 1 year
Ramble incoming - Do you think Cove could be a crybaby drunk? Cause I find that image both hilarious and adorable at the same time. Like idk what would lead to it but imagine MC being the more coherent of the two and watching Cove stare at his pet fish then suddenly he just starts sobbing which makes MC panic and ask what’s wrong to which he answers something weird like “It’s just… *sob* what if the fish secretly fish they could- *hic-* could fly but they’ll never be able too cause they’re fish…” *More sobbing* and now MC’s just standing there like “..what??”
And if we’re looking at a more fluffy/cute route imagine Cove taking one look at MC then getting emotional and sobbing cause he’s all like “Oh my god that’s my partner they love me awwww” *Sobbing*. Like I can’t help but imagine MC taking care of Cove while he’s like this and having to deal with his incoherent rambling about how lovely they are it’s just smth like:
MC: “Do you need to throw up?”
Cove: *Sobbing* “You’re so niccee.. I lovvve youuuuuuu..”
MC: “I love you too now cmon let’s go to the bathroom before you vomit on the couch”
he so would be!!! first he'd start off very affectionate, bc i think he is also a touchy/affectionate drunk (at least with his s/o, altho he's still touchy w friends like pulling them into hugs n stuff)
and while cove is weighing you down by sitting in your lap he starts crying abt how much he loves you n how he's so lucky to have you<3
also if you're not married or engaged yet then he'd start going on abt how he wants to marry you. if its early in your relationship its very surprising but it also makes you happy. pleasee bring it up to him in the morning, he's so cute blushing and stuttering and shyly admitting that yes he'd like to marry you one way
if you're already married then he'd forget and start wishing you were his spouse, n whn you remind him "honey we are married" he cries bc that means he can wake up to you tomorrow and youre so pretty/handsome. thanks you for marrying him (smth he'd do sober honestly but seeing him get teary eyed/cry abt how lucky n happy he is to have you for a spouse makes you very happy)
if you're engaged then he goes on about how beautiful/handsome you'll look on your wedding day n how excited he is to have you for his spouse
no matter what, will propose to you again <3
cove will be propped up on the table, head in his hands and watching you. when you ask what he's looking at, he just says dreamily. "you're so cute... marry me."
for the first minute he's drunk he's a total flatterer, flirting w you and being all sweet. then he turns into a cry baby the more he gets drunk <3333
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deviantartdramahub · 4 months
Goddamn does this loser think they're cool by repeatedly saying the R-slur to offend all people with mental disabilities/disorders?? Nah dumbass you're just proving me right lmao! https://web.archive.org/web/20240524072337/https://www.deviantart.com/liesoft/status-update/The-retard-tangent-continues-As-1055575468 Why must you make creepy comments when people stand up for each other and shit? You defended Evie in the past, so does that mean you simp for her?? XD
And because I stand up for Tri and Club, do I apparently simp for them by your standards?? Despite the fact I'm a minor?? Oops looks like the real predator's been exposed. And if you don't want me saying these things about you, maybe you shouldn't have made that stupid argument. :)
Anyways just one more, we can get through this friendos https://web.archive.org/web/20240524175756/https://www.deviantart.com/liesoft/status-update/More-retarded-shit-presented-by-1055638063 Anyways once again saying I'm not allowed to defend myself for being a minor, which def gives off groomer vibes.
And idk if you want me to call you out for something new, ig go commit horrific war crimes or smth.../j
But that little comment just proves you only do this for entertainment, and you think being a terrible person is fun, I suppose. Sooo...what makes you think anyone with functioning brain cells would trust and believe you? Not gonna happen dear. I would tell you to have fun building an army of morons, butttt no one ever likes or replies to your post except for Evie one time...likeee you two losers are the only ones who care about supporting your idiotic slander/libel anymore, just go do something productive with your lives...but I guess you ruined that chance when you chose to spam slurs on social media :P
Also I don't give two fucks if you're reported, you could have all internet access permanently removed and I wouldn't give a damn. In fact I'd laugh my ass off. What I DO care about is that saying those things is morally wrong, and also I'm making fun of you for proving my point right. >w<
And ohh, ig because many other people do it, it's okay? Nah honey that's not how it works, do you think murder is slightly more okay to do every time someone does it? I'm using an extreme here to hopefully make you realize how fucking dumb your point is. Ohh nooo saying ableist things and harassing disabled people for existing is ableist? Noooo :c
You poor little thing, you're just a victim, aren't you?/s
And this drama absolutely involves me, tf you talking about. I was first dragged in to this drama for defending my friend. And I have plenty of examples of you and your allies spewing shit about me. All Ninja did to me was DEFEND me! Why are you trying to manipulate me into not trusting them when all they did was stand up for me? So pathetic. Ninja's been nothing but helpful and supportive towards me whenever we interacted. And then you...? Straight up ableist to me, yeah I sureee wonderrr who I'm trusting in this situation! Oh dear, guess I'll have to use my critical thinking skills which you lack! -n-
We got through another one troopers, let's see what bullshit we'll deal with tomorrow evening! But anyways I'm gonna go spend my time on something that actually brings me joy until I'm once again forced to defend myself :>
One can only hope the answer to the first question isn't yes.
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catmaidetho · 2 years
:0 i would love to hear how you write etho!
after making that post and going to bed i've realized that it's so hard for me to describe all the thoughts that go into it so
tl;dr: i have consumed an ungodly amount of ethoslab content to the point that writing him is kind of second nature
you could also probably go thru my archive for etho text posts i've rb'd, cuz those have also influenced me a lot and i'll link a few at the end. i also sincerely recommend watching and rewatching his hc7 because that is like, everything i love about etho in 40-smth episodes.
long and kind of complicated/messy answer under the cut. i tried to go as in-depth as i could w/o being overly rambly
when you think of etho, what do you think of? you probably think "mysterious cryptid redstone guy who is scary." that is the devil talking. he is not mysterious, a cryptid, or scary at all. he is just a guy who's reputation is bigger than him.
here's some (very basic) traits i'd assign to etho before any of those:
*reflective in the sense that he mirrors other people's energy.
originally i had a whole rant typed up explaining these personality traits, but i realize you are probably a fellow ethogirl and a lot of these need no explanation. if you want an explanation/to better understand why i chose those personality traits, i am going to once again recommend his hc7, as well as checking out anything he's done with team canada (pick a series and just start watching. if you dont know where to start, one of my beloved mutuals has a neat little guide for ppl new to etho's content that includes some staple team canada content.)
some things i apply to my etho that make sense to me that might go overlooked by the casual enjoyer:
he is so incredibly neurodivergent coded. i am not going to make any assumptions on etho's brain structure, i dont think its my place, but seriously. give your etho some silly thing to be super passionate about on the side. make him easily distracted/get off topic easily. make his storage system start out well but quickly descent into chaos as he gets too lazy to use it.
he goes with the flow! this goes along with me describing him as a reflective person. he "yes, and"'s stuff like there's no tomorrow. he takes whatever energy is thrown his way, and he chucks it right back at you. he gets dragged into shenanigans and goes "oh this might as well happen! let's see how far we can take it."
he likes to avoid problems he doesn't see as immediately his own/aren't immediately affecting him. his response to moon big was literally "i'll let the other hermits deal with it. look this low gravity makes not having elytra so much easier! lets go build a bee farm." if it doesn't affect him right this instant, or there's nothing he can do about it, he will worry about it later (and probably forget to worry about it.)
he prioritizes the "fun" factor above all else. if you know what the bamboozler is, you understand this. also, the bee farm i just mentioned. if there is a very efficient/straight-forward way to do something or a very fun way to do something, he will go with the fun way most of the time. if the only option is boring, he'll find a way to make it fun.
his reputation precedes him, but his reputation is a little inaccurate to modern times. someone who doesn't know him very well might think he's menacing or scary, but the reality is that he's just a silly little guy. don't get me wrong, there is a reason he's seen as menacing, and if he wants to be he can be, but most of the time he's just here to chill.
his humor is very roundabout. he tells a very long story to get to the punchline, or he tells something that plays into stereotypes so much it's ridiculous. here are some examples. he is also a professional "your mom" joker, like i literally cannot link enough examples his staple joke is "your mom."
most importantly, i think, is that etho doesn't take himself too seriously. i think a lot about the quote from cleo that goes like, "etho doesnt say he's a grownup, he giggles and runs away." so dont make etho too serious!
HE IS LITERALLY JUST SOME GUY. i cant stress this point enough. he should have "just some guy" energy. tiny voice he's doing the best he can. things happen to him and he is mildly bewildered. something goes wrong and he needs like, one second dedicated to panicking before he does anything about it.
just for bonus content, some of my favorite posts/clips that heavily influence the way i interpret/write etho. he is so ^-^ | he calls food poisoning an adventure | evidence that etho's a former scene kid | obviously your mother never loved you 'cause you're some sorta monster :) | "you jerk" compilation | etho teasing scar in among us
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dykeza · 3 months
Once you graduate highschool (awful but inevitable) (must be American to complete sorry) a few key things will happen: one parent will become ultimately more liked than the other parent, you cannot undo this (for me my mom came out victorious). Then, you’re gonna fail somebody in some meaningless little “ways of life” thing and you’re not gonna feel too bad about it (“ways of life” things are typically, actually, “things society does” such as learning to drive, getting a job, moving out of your parents house, etc etc.)— you’re always gonna fail SOMEONE because you’ll fail to do one of the stupid little things Adults are supposed to do once they graduate high school, sorry. Finally, it’s gonna be the same as it ever was for like, forever. You’ll be asked “do you feel any different?” And you’ll have to wrestle with the fact that no, you dont, what the fuck is going on. Then you’ll answer with either “Yeah, I’m an adult now!” (Lie) or “Nah, it’s about the same as it ever was.” (Truth) and the person asking you is gonna be like “Oh!” And then you’ll have failed them in a “way of life” thing. Congrats, you’re no longer a high schooler. The way I’ve learned to deal with this is to, 1.) get dressed every day even if you really don’t want to or aren’t going anywhere, just go put something on that isn’t your PJs. You don’t even have to wear a bra or anything just put a shirt on and some pants or a skirt or smth. 2.) brush your teeth. Brush them. You don’t HAVE to floss (first time I flossed in a few weeks was today bc I’m outside of the house today), but at least brush your teeth and use some mouthwash if you think you need it. 3.) eat breakfast. “But it’s 1pm” Don’t care, eat breakfast. I’ve been eating a Chobani Flip Yogurt Cup and a banana every day, today I skipped the banana (going outside, didn’t have time) but ate a little s’mores yogurt cup. It was delicious. Eat breakfast. 4.) If you’re a gamer, or just have a PC and want/have to be on it, turn on your FUCKING LIGHTS. No cave dwelling for you, no sir, turn on that overhead— “aesthetic” lights don’t count, “small” lights only count if it’s bright enough in your area to make a noticeable difference (you can see clearly w/o help and you don’t have to apologize for it being so dark if someone walks in). I repeat, No Cave Dwelling, turn on the big light if you wanna have computer time. 5.) Have a face to face conversation with at least one person, make plans to go outside later in the week— I’m out of the house with my family today, I (hopefully, if schedules line up) have DND tomorrow with my friends. Not to be that guy, I sound like my fucking Father, but Go Outside. Talk To People. You sound like a damn extraterrestrial trying to hold a conversation after 2 months indoors in your cat pajamas. Much love, Achilles.
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seelestia · 2 years
dw he can always come home and rest in my arms after dealing with all the, uh, interesting people, throughout his day lol-
sweat is just. evil. icky. yucky. ew ew get it away from me D; it's unfortunate that i can't get away from sweating every time i'm outside here. tropical country whyyyy ;w; so far no plans for another vacay anytime soon sobsob we'll see... it'll have to be next year for sure :c hbu??
lmao i don't think he finds my jokes funny enough rip 💔 it is!! that's why i did try to pull for him despite having too many polearm characters already ;w; oh well.
xiao: "don't talk nonsense, my power is meagre compared to morax." // me: "yeah no shit i still haven't built him yet-"
you bring him so much entertainment and that's one of the things he just loves about you lolol al haitham looking back at you skeptically like 'what in the world is this little creature barking about...'
hskdhfjsdhf the way you're cheering on us pls that's so cute ;w;
omg you're a genius yes yes i can totally see you walking around with a few dogs ;w; ayato made sure they're trained so well too (flashback to that one time when you first got them, they were untrained and almost made you fall down the stairs bc they're just a bunch of excited balls of fluffs), always walking by your side and never tugging on their leash (altho the moment you unleash their harness they just zoom about everywhere). v v cute <3
ayato and lia having a mini friendly debate session hsdhjs thoma is so used to bringing you tea while you're in the middle of doing this and he's always so amused (he might even cheekily add in his two cents too) hehe
I HAVE SEEN IT YES and gosh i love love love it so much, the colors and shading and lighting is just sosososo gorgeous ughghghghghgh ;w;
i'll let you know when i finish them archon quests ahhhh i did finish the events but i need to start on them sllsdjflksd
us indulging and screaming about each other's selfships 🤝
also your birthday is tomorrow yes? :) hehe. hehehehe >:)
give 👏 the 👏 man 👏 some 👏 rest <//3 if not for the obstacles he had to face as the geo archon, now he has to deal with unique people after he retires LOLLL as a hu tao kinnie, i am afraid i might not be able to help alleviate his suffering. (/lh)
the continuous summer 😭 it's like can't we get more creativity in terms of seasons here?? me eyeing the orbit 🤨 (/j) aaaa, you deffo deserve to go on more vacay trips! they're so therapeutic <//3 i'm not sure about me either, but the highlands have a special place in my heart, so we'll see! expect strawberry-related pics if i do >:)
WAIT, YOU'RE RIGHT. *squints at zhongli and xiao* it's either your fav weapon is polearm or you just happen to like people who like polearms JFWKDKSK dw, rin jie, more characters to pull for soon! it's either tartar sauce or angy shortie now 👀
in alhaitham's eyes, i'm just a puppy trailing after him angrily <//3 whatever do you see in him, my dearest cousin? is it the iq? the brains? his voice? but alhaitham's could never compare to your hubby's (/j)
lia walking with kins of her kind is a sight to see 🤫 we need more fanarts of ayato with animals, i will cry 😭 the power of fanarts over us is smth else <//3 and true, thoma just got himself a ticket to a live debate show in the kamisato estate! he'd put down the tray in ayato's office and just comment on how 'spirited' the both of us are LOLLL ayato isn't vv fond of work, so i might as well do smth to help him get thru it easier, hehe. iirc, in his voicelines, he expresses ironic (?) shock if you tell him that some people who treat their work as a hobby. he just goes "how... exceptional." HELPFKES i think paperwork traumatized him (/j)
I KNEW YOU DID 😭 i just knew you went thru the artist's page and honestly??? so valid because i did too 🤝 if i come across more zhongli fanarts, i'd definitely trip and run over to you in an instant! >:)
YESYES lmk! and take your time~ i love how sumeru is going thru a crisis while mondstadt is just 💃🍃🥂 ✨ LOLLL but i wasn't expecting how the wienlesefest event just went straight for those with parent issues HELPFKWK i thought this was supposed to celebrate wine and autumn... OUCH. 😟 but at least, we got pieces about crepus, razor's parents, amd even kaeya's father. and angst
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cheemken · 1 year
Hey Knight you want to talk about The Owl House AU? Maybe about the Unova kids or the Coven Heads? Or whoever you want to?
Also quick question, are wild witches still seen the same way as canon? Because Belos’ whole thing was wild magic while Diantha’s deal is humans
The Unova kids brainrot real today tho perfect timing cnmxnx hahaha
Like it'd be cool if N was the one similar to Amity tho, like he had his own friend group now, and he was once friends w Hilbert and Hilda, but the three grew apart when Ghetsis didn't want N to hang out w the twins, as they were like Willow, late bloomers, or rather they didn't know what kinda magic they specialized in. Either way, N grew distant, and his only friends were Concordia and Anthea. Ofc, those two weren't like Hilbert and Hilda, N always wanted to hang out w them again, but seeing them w Cheren and Bianca kinda broke him, and maybe he believed that their friendship couldn't be salvaged
And like cbdmdb imagine tho since in my au, N's good w illusions and beast keeping, he'd often make illusions of Hilbert and Hilda to keep him company as they play w the beasts and such, and for N that was enough. Imagine Iris seeing that tho, like after classes maybe, as she's about to go home back to Drayden, she saw N in the forest, creating illusions of Hilbert and Hilda, then he's there talking about his day while petting his fox Palisman, Zorua. Iris felt bad ofc, N just wanted his friends back, wanted to have some sort of connection outside his illusions maybe, so she made herself known to him
"what are you doing here?" He asked, tho his voice was laced with panic, getting rid of the illusions, Zorua was on his shoulders, ready to pounce.
Iris raised her arms, almost telling him she wasn't there to fight, "nothing, I just saw you and.. well, thought you wanted company."
Altho he tried to sound menacing, he really failed, he scoffed, "I don't need the company of a human. The Empress had said humans like you are dangerous."
"do you see me as a threat?"
"..you're friends with them."
"aren't you friends with them too?"
He sighed, looking down, "not anymore.."
And ofc, Iris realized that he saw her as a threat bc she was friends w the twins and even their new friends, not in a way where he believes she could actually kill him. He saw how Iris was like w the beasts of the isles, she was gentle and patient, smth he never thought any human could be, so she's not a danger, ofc she's not. Even the beasts tell him she was a kind person. But.. she was everything N wanted to be. Free from Ghetsis, and could be with his friends again.
Iris knew they weren't that close yet for her to really comfort him, she doesn't know much abt N, only enough from the stories the twins tell her, and before she left, she turns to him, giving him a soft smile, "yknow.. they missed you. If you want, you can join us tomorrow at the library, I'm sure they'd wanna see you again." And finally she left
It took a lot of prompting from Zorua, but N decided, he'll sneak out of the mansion and head to the library tomorrow, he really wanted to see his friends again
As for the wild witches,, yknow I've been thinking abt that cause like, yeah I think Diantha would try to like,, be like Belos in a way where she doesn't want others to have that same power she has, and if anything, if they truly want to, then they should be devoted to her enough and join the Empress' Coven, sealing their fate and staying loyal to her. Tho, even w that, some are still bound to the sigils of the first covens they joined, bound forever in those covens. Perhaps it's Diantha lying yknow, to show them this false hope that once they join the Empress' Coven, they won't be bound by any of the other covens, and honestly it's just Diantha's sick and twisted game just to see people kneel before her and worship her as a god
Idk you could even consider Dia a wild witch, the only one who's capable of doing a lot of different types of magic, even knowing how to harness the power of the glyphs, and the only other one who could do that was Iris, and she hated how a human could do so much magic and even discovered the glyphs before she discovered Drasna's journal, she hated it so so much, she wanted to get rid of her and the rest of the humans as soon as she can, terrified that if Iris could do such feats, then maybe every other human could too. Then again, Drasna was like that, and Lysandre was too... She believes every other human was like Lysandre, and Titan be her witness, she will make sure every human on the other side of the portal will perish by her hands.
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piplupod · 2 years
idk how to stop shaking and heart racing and how to stop breathing abnormally (i just keep not breathing every 30 seconds or smth) and I've taken an anxiety med now but i just cannot sleep. i think thats one of the worst panic attacks I've ever had and i just dont feel safe at all in this house bc of the spiders. i can deal w abuse but i apparently cannot fucking deal with spiders. i just feel so sick and i want to sleep but im scared of tomorrow so idk what to do. i cant sleep bc my nervous system refuses to calm down and I've tried so many things already to fix this
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wingedbeings · 4 years
hsjdhs whyyy D:
#the one time i rly wanted my meds to work bc i need to sleep early they r like hm no normaly u are knocked out in like a minute n now u will#simply lie awake for hours like awesome hsjdhs#i could tske my emergency sleeping meds but im still being delusional abt some medical stuff n im anxious abt it#but if i wait any longer i wont be able to take it anymore bc then it'll last too long n w my cfs/me that'll fuck up my ability to wake up#well more like get up#dumb bitch hours ):#moss.exe#i guess i'll make myself bc i have a rly long day tomorrow even tho i'll b rlt anxious abt it#theyre benzos anyways sso they shld help on that#im jst hh abt it also bc i already have like muscle weakness n smtimes the effect of benzos can jst like fuck me up tht way? augh tjis is#hard )):#if i dont sleep enough i'll struggle w symptoms n if i take emergency meds i'll struggle w symptoms n i can't pick but i have to pick now or#the decision is made for me by it being too late to take my emergency meds#augh i cannot make decisions w out input ):#tjis is Hard why don't my antipsychotics just do their job when i need them to#hhhhh i guess i'll try to sleep one more time or smth?#im jst tired and yawning but twisting n turning ):#i hate having to deal w my thoights like fr how can anyone fo to sleep without being knocked out by medication#i have had such bad insomnia since i was like idk 4?? i think even before then i struggled w sleeping#adhd rly is jst like no sleep for u :^)#the only thing tht fixed my sleeping problems was antipsychotics n sometimes theyre jst like hmmm just not gonna do my job today n its like#tjis is awesome this is so epic i am not suffering right now or anytjing#if u have sleeping prpblems n u just dont throw meds at it u are braver than any us marine idk how u can live like that#ok its been 3+ hours since i took my antipsychotics theyre not jst magicaly going to work huh#normally im knocked out in like an hour tops#augh i dont wanna take the benzos im experiencing thots of evil#im so hhh i dislike tjis i guess its rly starting to get close to too late too aaaa#fuck man how do u make decisions i am fear#i hate the inability to trust my gut like if i did tht my psychosis wld go haywire#i'll jst have a snack n some water n maybe watch smth in the hopes of falling asleep after
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sailorhyunjinz · 3 years
Do you write yandere? If so, can I request skz yandere headcanons on how they would react when S/O rejects them because she doesn't wanna deal with whole drama that would come with dating an idol?
i mean kinda?? i have a seungmin yandere fic in my drafts sooo BUT YEAH
oh also, requests are not open but im just gonna do this one cause headcanons are kinda fun BUT REQUESTS ARE CLOSED <33
also why is the felix one so short-
Warnings; yandere!skz, rejection, k-dnapping, slight gaslightning or like manipulation, restraints, threats, aggression, mentions of masturbation, stockholm syndrome
nobody rejects him. nobody.
you two were friends from school and you were sooo happy when chan made it as an idol, finally persuing the dream he had been yapping on about for years. 
but in the midst of that he realized that he had feelings for you, he missed you all the time, just wanting to hang out with you and maybe explore the things he had on his mind. so,, he decided to confess when you guys were at a cafe.
“look y/n,,, there’s something I wanna tell you” he started to which you tilted your head
“nooo,,, are you guys going on a tour again,,, i wil miss you sooo much channie” you said with a pout but the boy shook his head.
“i like you y/n” 
your mouth stood agape, this was not what you expected and truthfully,,, not what you wanted. 
“chan,,, y-you know thats not possible” you said with a frown, looking at him straight ahead.
“of course it is,,, why wouldn’t it be? w-what are you trying to say y/n?!” his voice started growing louder, you looking around in order to see that people werent turning their heads towards your table. 
you have made a big big mistake my friend- 
wont even hesitate to keep you hostage in his basement LIKE IM NOT JOKING-
might just tie you up and like,,, not even do anything to you, just talk to you and admire you, maybe tracing your facial features and cuddle closer on the cold floor
just wants to keep you as a pet or smth and you are scared out of your mind cause you cant move cause of the restraints, you cant speak because you have silvertape across your lips that he only removes to feed you but if you start screaming you wont get any so you deicde to just stay calm and quiet before someone saves you and play along. 
i mean you do,,, kinda fall for him but you know you cant,, but you cant help but to fall for him and miss him whenever he’s out on schedule things
he always returns to you and you get so happy when you see the little crevice of light from outside when he opened the basement door
whenever he lies next to you, you put your head against his shoulder and take in his scent the best you can
he told you everyday that he would let you go if you agreed to date him but you shook your head,, maybe cause you liked being his prey. 
he’s more of the threatening type of yandere,,, like,, not that he’s violent but if you try to block his number he will create new ones and keep on sending you messages about how you have betrayed him and how he wished that you loved him back and all that,,,,
you guys often meet because you go to the same college and are students in the same department sooo,,,, avoiding him is pretty impossible 
he stares a lot at you,,, you guys have a couple of classes together and he just stares the entire time, his eyes are just filled with revenge, he somehow wants you make you his, own you but he doesnt know how yet, for now he can just look.
watch this fucking message conversation just be this;
[why did you talk to him during class?]
[you could have just asked me]
[nobody loves you like i do. no one y/n]
you are never getting rid of him basically,,
he’s gonna get to you first ;))
i feel like he goes more to the stalking route than the kidnapping and drugging and whatnot- 
ok,,, you rejected him,,, but that doesnt mean you’re getting rid of him.
ohmygod what if he turns into a peeping tom- cause he obviously knows where you live. 
like yall were not even that close?? he just saw you backstage at one of the concerts and thought you looked good so he decided to go up to, you werent an idol so no problem he thought.
but he gets a bit too,, hasty with his decisions and often falls for people randomly and so when he politely greeted you and gave you his number you simply shook your head, explaining that this wouldn’t be possible since you worked in the same industry and you needed to stay clear out of any scandals in order to keep your job. 
no was not answer in Hyunjins mind. 
luckily he managed to catch your full name by flickering through some papers in an office and also saw your full adress there, knowing exactly what he was going to do on his free time. 
if im being completely honest,,, i have no idea-
like,,, he gives me kinda pervy yandere vibes,,,
what if youre like his ex before he became an idol and now he wants to get back together with you-
oh,,, he masturbates to your pictures-
i feel like he always thinks about you, wondering what you like and wants to write songs about you but he doesnt do much-
but when he finds out that you have been hired by the same company as him to work as a like,,, economics accountant thingy he is all of a sudden vEEERY interested-
always asking the manager of when the group will have meetings with the accounting team,,, although they had nothing to do with them-
he just wanted to be in a conference room with you (and think pervy things about you in your tight office skirt and white blouse)
you went to the toilet on day and you saw him lurking around the same floor,,, WHICH ONCE AGAIN WAS NOT CONNECTED TO THE GROUP AT ALL- 
and idk,,, probably sneaks in with you and locks the door before you even react that theres someone else in the toilet- 
i feel like he’s pretty mild,,, but when he’s alone with you he is aggressive broooo
probably pins you to the wall and threatens you or smth along those lines,,,,,
(writing this is what my life has become to-)
“what do you think you’re doing?”
you turn around again, you had just thought of just leaving with a vague answer to his question but he was not having it. 
his words sounded cold, his dark voice making an entrace, the exact one you’ve heard on many of the songs you listened to.
“felix,,, you have to understand,,, u-um,, if we date theres gonna be some issues” you said but he just stared at you with cocky eyebrows and a dark gaze, running his tongue on the inside of his cheek.
“do you think i care? would i ask you if i cared?” he said to which you shook your head automatically, what more could you do?
“you get until tomorrow to think and if i don’t get the answer i want well,,, we’ll see what i’ll do to you.”
he plots shit behind your back yk?
he’s more of the sneaky type of yanderes (oop spoiler to a fic heh)
like he makes this like fucking year long plan where the objective of the mission is to make you obssessed with him-
he starts kinda subtely,,, first its going to the same gym as you and like,,, knowing where you placed your stuff
and then he starts putting small notes like under your waterbottle when you went to grab something that say like “i think youre cute, call me” and then his number
you obviously dont react,,, because why the fuck would you contact a stranger at the gym 
BUT THEN you realize that its him, its mf kim seungmin. yo,,,, u didnt know he went to this gym,,, that was not,,, the best-
of course you got a bit interested,,, you wanted to know how he was off camera,,, like just in his everyday life and i meeean,,, he was attractive but obviously you should stay away bc,,, he’s a celebrity but seungmin didnt want to stay away
he notes somehow started to get more aggressive,,, suddenly being like “why are you ignoring me?” and such,,,
and one night you were left alone in the gym with him,,, it was sooo quiet, only the sounds of your strained breaths as you lifted a dumbell
here where the plan came to play ;))
he’s obsessed with you and you are not going anywhere, even if you rejected him. 
he’s more clingy?? LIKE HE WILL NOT LEAVE YOU
ok sure,, he falls more into the stalking category too,,, 
also veeeery much a obssessed kinda yandere,,, like his mind is not thinking about how to like capture you,,, more about how to make you soooo comfortable and fool you into loving him despite the circumstances?
i just imagine that you work in a cafe and jeongin often meets you there when he buys coffee and you are already in awe when you see fucking yang jeongin enter the coffee shop on your shift but you were even more excited when he leaves his phone number on a napkin and slides it over the counter before leaving. 
you thought about it,,, contemplating multiple times but,,, you decided it would be best not to since well,,, safety purposes 
but he would visit you and every day his face got more and more perplexed cause he wondered why you didnt call
mf would not leave you alone, he would even wait outside the coffee shop until you finished your shift and walk you home,,, so now he knew where you lived- 
and then do the same thing over and over again until you talked to him.
does. not. give. up. 
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ifmywishescametrue · 3 years
i don't know if you're still taking prompts (so please ignore this if you aren't) but i cant stop thinking about your recent buckytony fic (and how much i love breaking up and making up as a trope) - so i was wondering if you'd be up for doing smth else w that trope for buckytony?? maybe they re-unite at a mutual friend's wedding?? and it brings up emotions about their almost wedding?? idk i just really love breaking up and making up as a trope and i really love your writing :))
thank you!! I'm very much up for doing another buckytony break up/make up, plus you deserve nice things for finishing law school - congrats on that!🎉🎉hope you like this one 😊
There's a ring on Bucky's finger.
It's the first thing Tony notices when he walks into the bar for Natasha and Sharon's joint bachelorette party. He stands there in the doorway, frozen and staring until someone clears their throat pointedly behind him, and he mumbles an apology as he moves out of the way.
He thinks about turning around and not coming back, just ditching the event entirely and maybe even the wedding tomorrow, but he tosses the ridiculous thought the second it comes. He promised Sharon when she asked him to be her man of honor that he could handle Bucky being Nat's. Living on the other side of the country afforded him to miss the rest of the events and planning along the way, and he could deal with one day of being cordial to his ex, even if the day comes with walking down an aisle together.
But now there's a ring on Bucky's finger.
The silver catches the light, and it's on prominent display with his left hand wrapped around a beer bottle. It shouldn't be possible for him to have moved on that quickly. Eight months shouldn't be long enough to bury three years of memories. Three years of hopes and dreams and plans for a future built together. Years of love so blindingly intense that it burrowed into Tony's soul to make a home and refused to be evicted just because it was supposed to be over.
Tony wonders what the timeline is. Did he find someone new while Tony was still just beginning to pick up his own scattered pieces? A first date for him while Tony was barely getting out of bed. When was it that he replaced Tony as the last person to have his heart? And how did he find forever in someone else so soon after losing the one he used to call his soulmate?
Natasha notices him first, still hovering near the entrance, and she raises a single eyebrow that calls him a coward. He rolls his eyes at the accusation, though it's accurate. She elbows Sharon to catch her attention, and before he knows it the entire small group is turning their heads his way, giving him no choice but to join them.
It's less bachelorette party and more pre-wedding celebration with the crowd they've gathered, all mutual friends of both brides with no regards for gender traditions that usually come with this night. Tony used to fit in well with them all, back when gatherings like this were just a typical Friday night. But he made himself an outsider between the move to California and the breakup with Bucky. All he has now with most of them is a dead group chat that hasn't been used in months. He wonders which one of them made the new one without him in it.
Sharon is the first to pull him into a hug, then Natasha follows suit. He gets a nod from Sam, a wave from Clint, and what might pass as a smile from Steve. Bucky stares so intensely that Tony can feel his eyes with his back turned, but when Tony looks his way, he pretends to be interested in the floor.
He had a plan before the ring threw him off. Step one should have been the entrance. Head held high, shoulders square, perfect outfit that shows everything off and compliments the Malibu tan he has now. Step two should be nonchalance. A light hearted greeting to everyone, accompanied by an easy grin and relaxed body language, and catching up with subtle brags slipped in. Show them all that he's doing better than he ever was, sitting on top of the world these days, even if most of the time it feels like he's barely above rock bottom.
Step three in his ideal scenario involved Bucky breaking down and begging to get him back. Some versions even had him on his knees for it, with tears running down his face. Others required it to be raining outside, and the cloudless sky ruined that before the ring on Bucky's finger did.
With steps one and three out the window, he tries to salvage step two.
“Hey,” Tony starts, a little too loud. He swallows the lump in his throat and tries again, “Hey, Bucky. It's good to see you.”
Bucky nods, a strained, jerky motion. “Yeah, you too. How, uh, how have you been?”
“Good. Really good, actually. Company just had its highest sales quarter yet, so it’s been a little crazy around there, but good.”
“Good,” Bucky repeats, and there’s a long awkward pause.
“And what about you?” Tony asks, and then because he can’t help himself, he adds, “I see you got engaged. Or, hell, I guess it could be married, even.”
Bucky freezes with parted lips and wide eyes for the briefest of moments, like he wasn’t expecting Tony to know about it or bring it up, and his eyes shift to the ring on his hand and stay there.
“Yeah,” he says slowly. “Engaged. Last week.”
Tony ignores the ache in his chest and plasters on a smile like he’s happy for him. “Congratulations. Who’s the lucky guy?”
“Oh, you wouldn’t know him. Steve introduced us. They work together.”
“So he’s at the museum then? I thought you used to say that you hated all those stuffy guys and Steve was the only one worth knowing.”
Bucky smiles, a fond thing that widens the crack in Tony’s heart. “Yeah, well, I guess I was wrong. Felix is a great guy.”
Tony resists the urge to roll his eyes. Stupid name that probably matches a stupid, punchable face.
Some masochist thing pulls at him to make him keep digging for more information, a twisted need to know even as each word pushes the knife in deeper. He aims for casual, leaning back against one of the high top tables as he asks, “So how long have you been together?”
“Just a couple of months. Kind of fast, I know, but when you’re sure about something, it doesn’t really matter, right? Why waste time waiting?”
“Right, of course,” Tony says, a little flatter than he intends. “So why isn’t he here tonight? Hope it wasn’t to spare my feelings, because it’s really not necessary.”
Bucky falters, “It’s not? You, uh, you’re dating someone, then?”
Tony nods, and he wishes he had grabbed a drink before this so he could hide behind it as he lies through his teeth. “Only a few weeks, though. A little too early to be a wedding date, but I’m sure your guy will be there tomorrow right?”
“Oh, um, yeah, definitely. Why wouldn’t he be, right? There’s no reason I can think of,” Bucky says, stumbling around it. “But tell me more about your thing. Your person. How’s that going?”
Tony shrugs, and he finally pulls off that easy smile he’s been trying for. “Well, it’s not get engaged in a couple of months good, but it’s been really great. We’re taking it slow. Trying not to rush anything and just get to know each other first. I think it could really be something, though.”
“That’s good,” Bucky mumbles. “You deserve something good.”
He isn’t meeting Tony’s eyes anymore, almost like he’s upset that Tony moved on, and the vindictive part of Tony wants to be happy about it, but another part wants to be angry because it isn’t fair. It’s not fair to act like Tony should stay stuck in time, forever longing for him when he already moved on with someone else first. It’s hypocritical and selfish, even if Tony is lying about there being anyone else.
“Well, I’m gonna go get a drink,” Tony says, pushing down every feeling. “Should catch up with everyone else, too, while I’m at it. I’ll talk to you later.”
He heads over to the bar and isn’t surprised when Sharon joins him a moment later, right after he orders a double shot of whiskey. She puts an arm around his shoulder and asks, “Are you okay?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” Tony laughs, running a hand through his hair. “My ex is engaged to somebody else and apparently doing really fucking well. Meanwhile, I’m making up fake boyfriends that I’m taking it slow with, because last week I went on my first real date in eight months and cried in the bathroom in the middle of it. And then, at the end of the night, he literally told me to my face that he didn’t think a second date was a good idea. We weren’t even talking about it, Sharon. He said it unprompted when we were still ten minutes from his apartment, and I was driving.”
Sharon nods slowly as she processes the rant. “He told you he got engaged?”
“Yeah, thanks for not telling me, by the way. It was really fun to get blindsided by it.”
She ignores the complaint to ask, “What else did he tell you, exactly?”
“Oh, just the whole line about how you know when you know, and Felix is such a great guy, and all that bullshit.”
“Felix,” Sharon repeats.
Tony knocks back the rest of his drink and orders another. “Please tell me he’s not better looking than me. Tell me it’s a downgrade. Don’t lie, because I know I have to meet him tomorrow, but please give me something that will make this better.”
“Well, I can guarantee he’s not as attractive as you. But he’s a little too perfect, you know? Like how could this guy possibly be real, he’s so unbelievably perfect,” Sharon says.
“I told you to make me feel better, not worse.”
Sharon shakes her head with a smile, the arm around him tightening into an approximation of hug. “I wouldn’t worry about it too much. I don’t think they’re going to last. He’s kind of flaky, too. Always cancelling at the last minute and all that. Bet he won’t even show tomorrow.”
The amusement on her face that she’s failing to hide confuses him. He’s starting to feel bad, though, for making the night about him when it should be about her and Nat.
Resolving not to dwell on it anymore, he squeezes the hand on his shoulder and says, “Alright, enough sad drinking, and definitely enough about me. We’re celebrating you and Nat and a lifetime of sickeningly wonderful happiness for both of you.”
Sharon grins, “Hell yeah, we are.”
“Is that even a question?”
He wakes up with a headache and hazy memories. Shots of tequila that turned into shots of vodka when Nat got involved, then Clint’s terrible suggestion to try a shot of every liquor they had to offer. He vaguely remembers the round of toasts and drunken impromptu speeches from everyone, locking eyes with Bucky and failing to look away on both their parts. There’s a blur of wandering hands and heated, messy kisses. A bathroom stall turned into a cab ride which turned into his hotel room. He knows what he’ll find next to him when he opens his eyes, and guilt comes in full force.
“I know you’re awake,” Bucky says, voice still rough with sleep. It used to be Tony’s favorite sound in the world. “And I know we’re both sorry about what happened, but pretending to be asleep isn’t fixing nothin’.”
Tony shifts over to his back, and if there was any question before about what happened between them, the all too familiar ache in his body would answer it. He stares up at the ceiling to avoid the acres of bare skin on display next to him.
“You should probably leave,” Tony says to the walls. “I’m sure your fiancé is wondering where you are.”
“I doubt it.”
Tony puts an arm over his eyes, partly to block out the light that makes them ache and partly to hide his face. “Just go, okay? It was a mistake, and it won’t happen again, and we don’t have to talk about it.”
“Was it a mistake?” Bucky asks. “It didn’t feel like one to me.”
He doesn’t answer, and it’s soft and broken when Bucky says his name. Too much for him to handle.
Tony pushes back the blankets and searches for Bucky’s clothes in the mess they’ve made. He finds the shirt first and throws it at him. “You’re engaged, which means it was a mistake.”
His boxers are on the back of the couch, jeans right in front of the door, and they join the pile on Bucky’s lap. “You promised the rest of your life to somebody else, and I’m pretty sure fidelity is supposed to go with that.”
He tosses a shoe in the general direction of the bed, and it hits the nightstand with a loud thud. The second shoe is still in his hand when Bucky gets up and walks over to him, taking it and letting it drop to the floor.
His eyes hold a level of intensity that Tony has spent months dreaming about, and Tony couldn’t look away or move from this spot even if he tried.
“Felix isn’t real,” Bucky says. “I made him up when you asked, because I didn’t want to tell you the truth that I haven’t moved on in the slightest. That I’m so pathetic that I’ve spent the last eight months wearing an engagement ring that I bought for a guy who doesn’t love me anymore because I don’t know how to let him go.”
Tony stops breathing. “What?”
Bucky slides the ring from his finger, holding it between them so Tony can see the inscription. Always yours. He can’t remember the last time he heard the words get spoken.
“When?” Tony asks hoarsely. “When did you get that and why didn’t you ever ask me?”
“About a year ago,” Bucky says, slipping it back on his own finger. He sits back on the edge of the bed and stares down at it, twisting it around. “I thought about doing it on your birthday, but Nat and Sharon had just gotten engaged the week before and I didn’t want to take anything away from them. You were working a lot of late nights after that, and I thought it would be better to wait until things slowed down. You were so tired all the time, and you deserved a better proposal than when you’re falling asleep in the middle of dinner. It never slowed down, though. And then you got that big promotion and somehow we fell apart instead. If I’m honest, I still don’t really know how. One minute I’m getting ready to come with you, and the next you’re telling me not to bother.”
Tony sits down next to him, shoulders touching, and he pulls Bucky’s left hand into his. “You didn’t really want to go.”
“That’s not true,” Bucky says, but Tony shakes his head.
“All you talked about was how much you would miss New York. How much you’d miss your friends and your family and your job. Every day, everywhere we went. Even the fucking hot dog stands got sonnets about them. It really didn’t take a genius to figure out that you weren’t exactly looking forward to leaving.”
“I still would have gone for you,” Bucky argues. “I told you I would go anywhere with you, if it was what you wanted.”
“And then what? You move with me, and you’re miserable all the time, because my job never slows down so I’m still not around as much as you want, except now it’s compounded because you’re in a city that you hate with no one else that you know. You resent me for making you go, and the outcome is the same in the end either way.”
“Or I move with you, and I finally ask you to marry me like I’ve wanted to since almost the day we met. I find new friends and a new job, and even if it’s not perfect, it’s still worth it because at the end of the day I have a husband coming home to me.”
Tony runs his thumb over the ring and murmurs, “I wanted you to be happy. I didn’t think I could do that for you anymore.”
Bucky cups his cheek, tilting his head up to meet his eyes. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but baby, you’re an idiot.”
“Oh, thanks,” Tony laughs.
“You’re my idiot, if that helps.”
Tony smiles, still fragile but growing more hopeful. “Am I?”
“Always have been,” Bucky says. “Always will be if you stop assuming I’m going to leave you all the time. Let me decide for myself what I’m willing to sacrifice for us.”
Tony nods slowly, then says, “I’m sorry for ending it like that.”
“I’m sorry for making you feel like you had to.”
Tony climbs into his lap, circling his arms around his neck, and Bucky pulls him in closer with his hands on Tony’s hips. The ring is strange to feel against his skin, but also completely right. He wants it to stay there and to mean what it was always supposed to. Wants one of his own to match.
“We can fix it, right? We can be us again?”
“I don’t know,” Bucky says, and Tony’s heart sinks for just a moment. “Is your boyfriend as real as my fiancé?”
Tony laughs again in relief, “Yeah, they’d be a good pair.”
“I knew you had to be lying. You’ve never taken it slow in your life,” Bucky grins.
“Do you want me to start now?”
Bucky flips them over in one fluid motion, and he kisses up his throat as he murmurs, “Absolutely not.”
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Episode 7 Time
Ugh I kinda hate that Aphmaus doin her little youtuber intro in front of every episode in these earlier ones bc its like. how the fuck am I supposed to work that shit into the start of literally anything else much less a more conventionally told story
Idk she walks around town n runs into Kiki and her lil hamster party
Something about Kikis design just really irks me and Im pretty sure its her oversaturated darkish pink shirt, even more so when its combined with that bright red hair and big bright red heart on her chest. When I redesign her I'll probably replace it with a more earthy pink tone
The exchange between Kiki n Aphmau can stay the way it is mostly, I'll definitely have to tweak it though and completely rework that last paragraph so it doesnt sound like an obvious explanation of a game/mod mechanic
Zenix is also nearby saying "What strange adorable creatures" which is cute, I think I'd like it a lil bit more if he was maybe also petting/holding a hamster while saying that
She has some fun w/ a hamster in the enclosure, Im kinda hesitant on giving her a pet like that ngl, but I feel like a hamster is a bit less of a 'deal' than her dog so yea, I'll see what I'll do
If she keeps the hamster, she'll drop him off at her house (or maybe in the chicken enclosure idk) and then walk around town talking to everyone, if she gives it back to Kiki she just goes to talk to everyone in town right away
While shes doing that, she runs into Paul ofc and they have the same lil exchange that they have in the OG
Once shes done w/ all of that she goes over to the beach to start building that boat where she meets Brenden, who just finished the docks and is Exhausted. He says the thing about the docks being done AGAIN while wheezing and panting a bunch, Aphmau tells him he did a good job like in the OG and Brendon just thanks her without mentioning poop, thank god
Then she also goes to talk to Garroth, their exchange is also mostly the same except Im changing the line "I'm having an item delivered here for the boat" to smth like "I/Zenix and I have had something built for the boat, we should get it tomorrow" bc I feel like they kinda mentioned that the village is cut off from all the other villages but then they didnt fully realize that that would make things like this difficult yknow?? (or me and whoever wrote this just have a different definition of "cut off" lol)
Aphmau starts trying to build the boat, maybe Brendon offers to help once hes rested properly bc he seems to know a lil more than Aphmau. At this point we should probably do another small timeskip and show the boat being built via montage equivalent or by just showing small snippets and interaction. I'd also like to get Paul and Kiki on board (ha) bc they also know about what happened and they need all the help they can get
I'd also like Garroth and Zenix to help a lil or at least offer some emotional support. Like, I dont remember Zenix at all and I do know that most of the big moments for Garroth n Aphmau come later but some small cute interactions before that could be nice
Okay nvm I watched further ahead in the episode and what she ended up building was more of a raft or smth which could probabls be built by a single person in like 2 days if they had some skill and patience lol. Im keeping those previous points though bc I like the idea of this being a bit of a bonding moment despite it all (and I'd kinda like Aphmau to be a pretty skilled builder in my version idk why)
EDIT: NVM SHIT I MISSED SMTH; so Zenix sneaks onto the boat and looks into the chest/maybe puts something in it??? Dont remember what it is or what it leads up to so Im keeping for now
So yea, thats it for this one babeyyy
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spookyvalentine · 3 years
small town hospitality / my drama below the cut
wow I went into town to get a haircut for my friends wedding on halloween (my first professional one in ten years I’ve just cut my own hair) and was gonna go check out a dessert cafe to use their internet and maybe have a brownie and answer some emails but my truck wouldn’t start after the haircut?
And I was like it can’t be the battery it’s only a year old, maybe it’s my key bc it got fucked up a bit ago n there’d been instances where it took a coupla tries to get the engine to turn over but it just wouldn’t!
So my hairdresser comes out and she has a portable jumper to try to help me and that’s not working so she has her boyfriend come bring jumper cables bc her car is next to mine and we try that and I say I think it’s maybe my key and since we’d been talkin while she gave me my cut I said I’m new in town and don’t have anyone really around so she gave me a ride to a key place and told me about all the fair deal mechanics in town n made sure I only had to pay six bucks for a new key battery
We get back and my car still won’t turn 😭😭😭 so she calls a tow for me and sends me to a mechanic after I say I tried calling other shops but they cant see me today, the tow guy is super nice and easy going and we get to the shop and the guy tells the tow man he can’t leave bc they can’t fix my truck, the problem is my truck isn’t recognizin the key, not the battery or starter like we’d thought
Here’s the thing tho is I drive an old mazda truck (considered an “antique” by the dmv lmao) that was discontinued in like, 04 or smth. But still “recent” enough that the key has a chip. Mazda made Ford rangers at the same time they were makin b series so the shop is like call Ford ill getchu the number n Ford tells me they can’t do it, I call the Mazda dealership n I say b3000 n they HANG UP ON ME
I’m like leaking tears in front of a room of men I don’t know bc my livelihood DEPENDS on this truck n the shop guys take pity on me and tells me to call an independent key place in town, so I call THEM n I’m like I was told yallre my only hope and the guy put me on hold to check n then said aight bring it over I caint promise you nuthin but I’ll take a looksee n maybe tell you tomorrow but I’m real busy rn n just in case he can’t fix the key I call the mazda in Jackson which is three ding dang hours away n THAT guy hears me boohooin n says hon one sec I needa talk to my tech guy
Five minutes later he says my tech is the only one in missippi that does it but even then there’s a chance he caint actually fix it
The tow truck guy took me to the key place the shop recommended n he didn’t even charge me 😭😭😭 he was like hunny you’ll be all right you’ll see I promise n he dropped me off
Then I called my “landlords” the people I lease from to farm/sort of live as a steward of their property and was like can you pick me up 😭😭 but if yallre busy I can take a taxi and he said naw Gwen’s headed your way rn
Gwen picks me up n is like what were you plannin for today? And I said well I was gonna get a brownie n send some emails but I’m kinda wrung out n I don’t want you goin outta your way morn you already did but Gwen went BROWNIE 👀 we’re going I want one and she got me a giant peanut butter brownie w sprinkles and we had a really lovely talk on the way back
Im still worried sick if I’ll be able to drive my truck or not but now I’m home eating a brownie in front of my space heater
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