#the washing up is literally a maybe 10 minute task
aro-aizawa · 5 months
god i love when i finally get round to doing stuff that i've been meaning to for 2+ years. it feels so satisfying but at the same time i have DESTROYED the surrounding area. i am so sorry mum your sewing room JUST got clean and here i am cluttering it up again lol
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robinhobiii · 1 year
i love boo | boyfriend! b. sk
summery : seungkwan is your best friend but he’s also your boyfriend
Part II, Part III
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“Babe, I’m telling you Girls’ Generation is better than Wonder girls!”
“You take that back this instant. Don’t disrespect my favorite girl group like that.” He said as he snatched the remote
“Maybe, I wouldn’t have to if you didn’t scream “I want nobody nobody but you” in the shower at 7 in the morning! ”
“Stop being jealous that I’m better at singing than you. ”
“Sure, kwannie. Keep telling yourself that.”
“Hey! I literally won the singing competition last summer!”
“Yeah against kids.”
“The age range was anyone from the ages of 13 to 18!”
“You’re 25.”
“. . . S-so, I still won. Winners succeed in life, y/n. Take notes. ”
“I’m not taking notes from a man that took a 13 year old’s thunder.”
“Shut up! I hate you sometimes!”
. . .
“Kwannie, hurry up!” Y/n whined as she continued to wait on the sofa.
“Just a minute. I’m almost done.” He replied.
“You said that 20 minutes ago.” She muttered.
“What was that buttercup?”
“Nothing, just hurry up.”
God, he was always late to everything. Y/n thought she was the one the took forever to get ready, but Seungkwan was another level. He took even longer than her.
“I’m ready, my love.” He sung out after another 10 minutes.
“Wow, you look amazing, beautiful, gorgeous, wonderful.” She said sarcastically as she finally put her shoes on and waited for Seungkwan to do the same.
“No, say it like you mean it or else I’m not wearing my shoes and we’ll be even more late.”
The audacity of this man. Let me just strangle his stup-
“My beautiful Kwannie. You have wonderfully graced my eyes and I’ll forever be grateful to be in your ethereal presence. Now shall we get going my love bug?”
Seungkwan giggled. “Yes, of course!”
. . .
“Y/nie, I’m so cold right.” Seungkwan said as he shivered.
Y/n took his cold hands and intertwined them with her slightly warmer ones, and shoved their hands in her coat pocket.
He blushed as he said “you know, I’m supposed to that.”
“Can’t have my beautiful Kwannie freezing on me.” She said teasingly.
He rolled his eyes as his free hand reached into his pocket. “Oh no!”
“What’s wrong, babe?”
“I forgot my lip balm.” He whined out. “Now, I’m cold and have dry cracked lips.”
Y/n chuckled as she felt her lip balm in her other pocket. But it wouldn’t be fun to just give it to him. She came to a stop and Seungkwan turned to look at her. “What? Did you forget something too?” He said as he scanned her face.
She only smiled and looked straight at him. She then put her hands on his shoulders and went up on her tippie toes to place a warm kiss on his cracked lips.
He blushed like crazy and looked at her all flushed. “W-what?”
“You said you needed lip balm, so I gave you some.” Y/n was also blushing red.
He licked his lips out of habit and tasted her strawberry lip balm.
“We should head home.” She said as she made her way away from him.
“W-wait for me. I’ll get you back when we get back home.”
. . .
“Do you think Seokmin oppa ever washes his hand?”
“Never. One time he was tasked with cutting the watermelon and Channie told me that he didn’t wash his hand when Chan asked him.”
“Eww!” She laughed. “Did you eat it?”
“Jeonghan hyung told us to wash it thoroughly and not to tell anyone else. I refrained from eating it though. ”
“Note to self, don’t eat anything if Seokmin oppa didn’t prepare in front of us.”
They both laughed. “What other stories do you want to hear about the boys?” Seungkwan said as he raked his fingers through her hair.
“Hmm, how did you and the boys meet. And no embellishments on the stories. You always over exaggerate everything.” She slightly scolded.
“Me?! Over exaggerate?! I would never!”
. . .
“One iced americano and one hot chocolate with two chocolate croissants, please.” Seungkwan said.
After they got their order, they both sat in a more secluded part of the cafe.
“You know, kwan, you have to stop drinking that vile drink. It tastes so bad.” Y/n furrowed her eyebrows.
“It’s a taste you have to get used to, sweetie. And clearly your childish taste cannot comprehend the complexity of this beautiful drink.” He said with that smug look on his face.
“Kwan, you’re eating a chocolate croissant and I’m having a hot chocolate. If anything hot chocolate has a more complex flavor than that abomination.”
His eyebrows twitched as he said “Oh, is that so?” with a slight irritated smiled.
“Y/n, one day, you’ll understand the wonderful taste that is an americano.”
She rolled her eyes. “Whatever, I know you’ll never let this go.”
“It’s cause I’m right.”
“Sure, you can continue to like your Americano and I’ll continue to like my hot chocolate.”
“You’re totally missing out.”
“I’m not missing much.”
“I’ll be waiting for the day you drink it.”
“That’ll be never. I hate the taste.”
Seungkwan smirked as he leaned forward towards her.
“You may hate the drink, but I love you and your chocolate covered lips.”
She blushed as she touched her lips and felt some chocolate smudge off.
“Y-you idiot! You should’ve told me earlier. You know how many people I smiled at when they walked passed us? I probably looked like an idiot with my face covered in chocolate” She whined as she wiped her lips with a napkin.
“Hey, at least you’re my idiot.” Seungkwan said with a lovesick smile.
“I’m going to kill you one of these days, kwan.”
. . .
“I love you.” Seungkwan said.
It was 12:03 am and all the lights were off. They were on laying his living room floor. The tv was playing songs from their shared playlist and the vibes were perfect. And so naturally Seungkwan said the big three words. She was silent for a bit.
“I like you too.”
“Hey! I said I love you!”
She smiled. “Say it properly, baby.” Seungkwan pouted.
“I did say it. I like you too.”
“Don’t be like that!!” He whined out.
“I’m going to sleep.” She said as she made her way to the bedroom.
“Y/n, say it backkkk.” He whined again as he followed her.
“Good night, kwannie.” She announced as she got comfortable on the bed.
He sighed and pouted his lips. His back was facing her and she silently giggled. She turned around so her chest was pressed against his back.
“I love you more.” She whispered finally.
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coal15 · 9 months
Just finished the first draft of Ch.10 of my Good Omens fic All Roads Lead Back. This chapter is a bit different because it's mostly backstory of a new OC. I thought of the idea like a month ago and I knew exactly how I was going to introduce her. I'm hoping to have it locked and posted w/in the next couple of days. So, here's a little excerpt:
Once upon a time an Angel was sent to a small town about an hours' drive outside of London to monitor and protect the local squirrel population until further notice. Why? Well, the longer she remained there, the more she suspected literally no reason at all besides Gabriel’s desire to show the Almighty what a tight ship he was running. Everyone occupied with tasks and missions. Or maybe the pompous dick just didn’t like her. A squirrel or two occasionally stopped to socialise, but mostly they just squirrelled about in proper squirrel fashion and paid her no mind.
Her only escape from the boredom was gardening and music. When weather allowed, she would fling open the doors and windows of her small cottage and blast Fleetwood Mac, Bowie, Blondie, or whatever, whilst she tending to flowerbeds. Generally no one complained about this habit of hers because the homes in her village had a decent amount of space between them, so it wasn't like she was blowing out anyone’s eardrums. Besides, they all appreciated her taste in music. With one exception.
. . . “The Sex Pistols were not well received,” the Angel says with a giggle as Aziraphale and Crowley listen to her story with tingling curiosity. “So I removed them from my gardening soundtrack rotation right away.”
“That was very polite of you,” Aziraphale says with a smart nod, quite certain he also would not appreciate the musical stylings of a band called The Sex Pistols. 
. . . One day the Angel was weeding between the peonies and primrose when a handsome young man who often roamed about with his dog wandered over to the fence around her little patch of the world. “No music today?” He asked with a gentle smile.
“Nah. I need to replace the needle on my record player, it scratched up Miles Davis pretty bad the other day. But I probably should have replaced it ages ago, so. Joke’s on me.”
“Bummer.” The man’s smile went from gentle to shy. “I, uh, when I take Pippin out for walks I usually go by this place just to hear what you’re playing. You have killer taste.”
“I get that a lot.” Something about the man’s smile made her insides feel warm. 
“Have you heard of Cyndi Lauper? She’s pretty new.”
The Angel flipped through her mental catalogue and came up empty. “Ummmmm, I don’t think so.” 
“You should check her out. She’s got, like, the most unique voice.”
“I’ll add it to my list.” Ask his name! She shouted at herself with a bizarre urgency she didn’t quite understand. “Sorry, I didn’t get your name.”
“Allan. And I already know your name-not in a creepy way!” He yelped the moment he said the words and heard how they sounded. “But, you’re, y’know the Garden Music Girl. You’re kinda . . . known. Around here. In general.”
The Angel didn’t know what to say. She bit the corner of her lip as her insides got even warmer and she wondered what Allan’s favourite food was. If it’s pizza I know a great spot, I could take him there. And maybe a pint at Salty Dog if he-
“I am so stupid!” Allan interrupted her inner dialogue. “Christ, what an idiot! I can get you a great deal on a new needle. Or hell, a whole new player if you want. My family runs a record shop in London.”
. . . . “Zoe!” Aziraphale cuts off the story with a sharp gasp when he makes the connection, then turns to Crowley. “Darling, this is Maggie’s mother!” 
Crowley tilts an ear closer to Aziraphale, wondering if perhaps he misheard. “How’s that?”  
A fond expression washes over Zoe’s face as she thinks back on her mortal days. “It took me a minute to realise I was in love with Allan but as soon as I did, unplugging from Heaven so we could grow old together and have kids was the easiest decision I ever made.”
“And as a human, you never . . .”
“Nope.” Zoe shook her head. “I had no idea you were an Angel. To me you were just the sweet, quirky guy who owned our building."
********to read Chapter One, go HERE
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prettyboybecomes · 1 month
🥀Self Exorcism🥀 First
Sneakers on, headphones grabbed, water bottle filled with whatever refreshes you most. We are going on a walk my friend. It can be anywhere from 10 minutes to 45, but you need to quite literally touch grass. Photosynthesize. Be one with the wind or whatever you want, but get outside.
Then, with your tennis shoes still on (Pro tip for adhders, shoes on means brain in Go Mode), you’re going to set the mood. Hopefully this is taking place after school or work, or on a Saturday evening. Your first inside goal is to find the tea lights, the candles, the fairy lights, hell, even lamps will work. You’re going to turn off the big light, light your candles, and turn on the playlist of music that makes you feel like the most unashamed version of yourself.
Crack the window, strip the bed, and start a 20 minute tidy. During this tidy, i want you to practice gentle parenting yourself. Say things like “It’s okay to make big messes, we just have to clean them up” and “No one is angry at me, no one is mad, i haven’t disappointed anyone”. Whatever the child in you would most need to hear after being in a slump. (Pro Adhd tip: use a pile system while cleaning. Books in one pile, clothes in another, trash in another, etc.)
After all the piles are sorted and put away, shake out any rugs in your room and sweep. Nothing makes you feel as clean as a freshly swept room.
Finish up by wiping down your surfaces and cleaning mirrors. Make sure to dust any places that have been collecting for a while first.
The used sheets go straight into the wash, and the new sheets, a towel, and your nicest pair of pajamas go into the dryer so that they’re warm and cozy for after your shower.
Take a break to grab a snack and a drink that will tie you over. Make sure to have something that nourishes your soul AND your body. (My personal favorite is a hot chocolate and a small fruit and veg platter. Odd pairing, i know, but for me it genuinely is about getting nutrients in after a depressive episode.)
Here’s where things get a little more personizeable. If you have long hair, or like me have short hair but are really into self care, this is when i want you to oil and massage your scalp. Doing this helps clear out any built up oil and debris on your scalp, and can help with hair growth if that’s your thing. You can use things like Coconut oil, or even Virgin olive oil depending on your hair type. Let that sit and soak in for about 25-45 minutes.
While that sits, i want you to open a journal or your notes app. You can either start a brain dump OR, if that’s difficult for you, then follow these three prompts: What is going on in my life? What isn’t going on in my life that should be? And what is going on in my life that shouldn’t be?
Shower time, babes. whether it’s an everything shower or a relaxing one is up to you, but make sure you exfoliate and wash your hair. The goal here is to feel as clean and fresh as possible. I want you to feel reborn after this. Make sure to do your full skincare routine and brush your teeth really well.
After your shower you’re going to put your (still hopefully warm) favorite set of pajamas and nicest (but still comfy) underwear on. I want you to be as comfortable and confident as possible. I know they sound contradictory, but i promise it’s possible.
Then, we’re going to turn on a comfort movie, and do some self care. We covered the basics, food, water, touching grass, clean environment, and clean body, so it’s time for the more pampering things if you have the energy.
Do a face mask, under eye patches, maybe buff and paint your nails. Just pick one task that’s going to make you feel good.
Make sure you go to bed at a reasonable time, preferably before 10:00 pm if your schedule allows for it. The best way to end your self care is to get the sleep you need.
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wikiangela-fanfics · 2 years
Fictober22 - 9. Sounds like a you problem.
Fandom: 911
Relationship: Buck x Eddie
Words: 725
Note: I don't even know what this is, just another silly ficlet that I wrote in 10 minutes in the middle of the night lmao
When Eddie wakes up, he feels Buck before even opening his eyes. Buck is literally sprawled on top of Eddie, pinning him to the bed. This tends to happen quite often, because, as Eddie found out rather quickly at the start of their relationship, Buck is a cuddler. Every morning they wake up together, Buck is all over Eddie, either spooning him, using his chest as a pillow, or laying almost fully on top of him, like right now.
Eddie loves it, honestly, and on a lazy Sunday morning, when they can sleep in, and he knows Christopher would sleep late, too, he wants nothing more than to just stay in bed as long as he can with his boyfriend. Normally that’s what happens. This morning, however, he needs to get out of bed right away, since his bladder feels like it’s about to explode. Maybe those few beers last night were not a good idea.
The problem is, there is a heavy weight pinning down his whole torso and his arms, and he can’t really move. He glances at the clock. It’s barely 6am, and he doesn’t want to wake Buck up, but he has no choice. 
“Babe.” he says, managing to pull out his arm from between their bodies, where it lay across Eddie’s stomach. That causes Buck to murmur something incoherent in protest to the movement. “Buck, I need to get up.” he adds a bit louder, shaking Buck’s arm lightly.
“No.” Buck responds sleepily, not moving an inch. His voice is a bit muffled, since his face is burrowed into Eddie’s pillow right next to his head. This man has a whole other side of the bed and a perfectly fine pillow, but still is as close to Eddie as he can. It’s annoyingly adorable. 
“Please let me go.” Eddie chuckles. “I’ll be right back.”
“I’m comfortable. Not moving.” he sounds like he’s still half asleep, but with each second he’s more alert. Eddie really hates having to wake him up. 
“I need to go to the bathroom.”
“Sounds like a you problem.” Buck mutters, stubbornly staying still.
“It’s gonna be yours, too, if I piss myself in the bed right now.” Eddie says half-jokingly, half scared that it’s gonna happen. “I’ll be gone a minute and then we’ll get back to cuddling, I promise.” he adds, rubbing his hand soothingly over Bucky’s back. He can be grumpy if he’s woken up way too early, especially if he’s sure that he’ll be able to sleep in as late as he wants, as was the case today. 
“Ugh.” Buck grunts, as if it’s such a difficult task. “I was so comfortable.” he complains, finally rolling off of Eddie, eyes still closed. “What time is it anyway?”
“Early. Go back to sleep if you wanna, I’ll be right back.” Eddie rushes out, then sprints to the bathroom. God, drinking alcohol soon before sleep is so not a good idea. After relieving himself, he washes his hands, and goes back to his bedroom, on the way checking on his son who’s still fast asleep. 
Buck opens his eyes when Eddie enters the room.
“You woke me up, now I can’t fall back asleep.” he complains as Eddie gets under the covers, and then, as expected, Buck wraps his arms around him and puts his face in the crook of Eddie’s neck.
“Sorry.” Eddie chuckles. “Not my fault you like to sleep on top of me.”
“I like to do other stuff on top of you, too.” Buck drawls, his breath tickling Eddie.
“Oh really?” he can’t help a smile, as he runs his fingers through Buck’s hair. 
“Mhm. And now that you woke me up…” he pulls away slightly to look at Eddie with a mischievous smile. “We need to do something to occupy all that time we have to ourselves right now.”
“Do we? And what if I wanna go back to sleep?” Eddie teases.
“Tough shit, I’m wide awake now, and it’s your fault.” his tone is playful, too.
“Well, I guess we do have time to kill.” he grins, pulling Buck closer to give him a kiss, which quickly turns heated.
And, well, Eddie can’t get out of bed for much longer then, again because of Buck pinning him down, but this time he absolutely does not want or need to. 
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balamist · 2 years
could you please share your meditation ways? (writing to you from adhd hell)
IDK how useful what i can say about my ~meditation ways~ might be for others as i've only been practicing for 2 weeks + i work from home which allows me a lot of flexibility with hours and all that.
(Spoiler: 10/10 activity if you can commit to it, i recommend. With it i can actually get myself to do chores that i sometimes put off doing for days - like cooking, putting away dried laundry, or vacuuming.)
I meditate for 10-15 minutes right after getting up + ideally once somewhere in the middle of the day and one more time before going to bed. There are many ways to meditate (google "adhd meditation techniques" or smh similar), personally i just turn lights off, sit down in a comfy position, and focus either on my breath or on some random made up word that i don't associate with anything. Whenever i notice that i'm thinking about something else i force myself to focus on the subject of current session again.
The goal is to enter The Zone (no idea how it's officially called lol) in which i notice stray thoughts pretty much as soon as they start forming, and not when i'm already 3 minutes into an elaborate daydream. Thoughts become easy to discard. It's a genuinely addicting state of mind because your brain goes so, so quiet. You get to choose what to think about. You start noticing the world around you. Buuut i don't always manage to achieve it because i'm very easily distracted. Literally any sudden noise or physical sensation like my hand beginning to itch can get me ( ・ᴗ・̥̥̥ )
But even when i don't manage to enter The Zone by the end of a session meditating still has a great effect on me. For a while i can easily switch between tasks; tasks that used to feel repulsive stop being so; and cravings, obsessive thoughts, and anxiety die down.
(One thing it doesn't do though, is helping me with work that requires intellectual work. Unless i manage to enter The Zone, my ability to focus on demanding tasks remains the exact same.)
Meditating in the morning helps me to stick to my morning routine - exercise, shower, breakfast - without taking long breaks to browse the internet. I've been meditating every morning for the last two weeks and haven't broken the routine even once, which is An Achievement. Meditating mid-day helps with stuff like cleaning/cooking/shopping/whatnot, or simply tunes down anxiety if i was feeling too agitated. And meditating before sleep helps me to complete remaining small tasks that i have a habit of leaving for the next day, like washing my tea cup or putting away my clothes properly lol.
So yeah, while my experience is nowhere close to that of people who claim that regular meditation has cured their ADHD (maybe it really does after a couple of years, who know lmao) it has definitely improved my life a bit and helped me to deal with daily chores. Like i said at the start 10/10 activity, definitely give it a try ( ´•ᴗ•)ก
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letrashbag · 1 year
I woke up at like 5:30-6 this morning and then I spent 2 hours cleaning my whole house, which is so therapeutic I cannot even, but now its like 10 o'clock and I have nothing to do.
Anybody else ever get that feeling of something just like itching in your skin so you have to do something, but the second you try doing anything it just gets so much worse. I am barely holding it together right now, actively typing this.
I can't watch youtube videos (short dumb videos aren't engaging enough and long serious videos are too engaging), I can't listen to a podcast (I need something to do physically with my body and the thought of listening to something while doing something else sounds like actual torture right now), I can't draw (I need to be listening to something and again the idea of having more than one thing take my attention sounds miserable), doom scrolling is out (I already reached my end point for tumblr and going down any other rabbit holes will only last a couple of minutes before I'll reach the point of wanting to tear my hair out), there's nothing I can clean or organize that will take enough effort to engage me but still be quick enough that I'll feel a sense of accomplishment for, I can't read an online comic because the words are so small and my eyes hurt, I can't read my webtoons because it's been a while since I've read anything and the idea of having to catch up sounds exhausting, any shows or movies I could watch are either too new and would take emotional effort to get invested in or are too familiar and won't be stimulating enough.
Basically I'm gonna die.
There are literally a million things I could be doing, and the idea of doing any of them sounds absolutely miserable. But I'm barely staving off the rising pressure by typing this out and I know the second I stop it'll creep up and I'll die.
Maybe I could go running? Except then I'd have to change clothes and my exercise clothes are disgusting. I can't do laundry cause my family's dryer is broken, so I can't wash my clothes yet. I also can't wash my towel so I can't take a shower.
Ugh, my hair is so disgusting right now. I have it all tied up in a weird way so that I don't rip it out of my scalp. I can't wait until I can shave my head, then I won't have to worry about this.
So I can't do my self care activities, and I can't accomplish a task that is very important to my everyday functions, and that's breaking me brain.
Maybe when I rant like this I'll figure out what makes me feel this way.
I'm so tired, I want to take a nap, but I know I won't be able to fall asleep. I want to clean some more, but there isn't anything for me to do really. Especially since I have family members out and about getting in the way. UUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
It's fine.
I'm fine.
I'm doing great.
I'm losing my mind.
Maybe I should write poetry? I haven't done that in a while. But it sounds too involved. I already drew a bunch of angsty stuff after the fight with my mom. We're both just ignoring it by the way. I'm avoiding her as much as I can without making it obvious, and neither of us are addressing it. I only have one more week and then I'm gone. I'm so excited to leave.
Okay, I think this is it.
My brain is giving up on me.
I knew this wouldn't last forever, but it lasted for a bit, and for that I am grateful.
Okay, I'm done.
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August 10: Rain, Worries
As always, I feel like the end of this week is really chewing me up and spitting me out. It's disappointing and frustrating that I haven't done any writing since Monday and I'm getting a little worried, not so much about having enough writing time coming up, but about having enough time to write AND do other things and I'm feeling a little overwhelmed with other things.
I got caught in a rainstorm after work (literally, ugh--the forecast said 'scattered thunderstorms' which usually means nothing... I left early to walk out to the Wawa and get some stuff--ended up outside in the 15 or so worst minutes of the storm, rain coming in under my umbrella, through my umbrella, just totally soaked from the waist down, and I didn't want to deal with Wawa in that but I had this extra time which just meant waiting longer in the rain) and that sort of took any ambition out of me. I barely remember getting home. I'd had an early lunch so I was super hungry, so I had a snack and watched some TV. Then I thought I'd 'rest my eyes' for a little, and fell asleep for a couple of hours I think.
When I woke up I was just concerned about eating something but I've been so terrible at anything related to my kitchen this week... cooking, washing dishes, cleaning. It's just a mess. I don't really have a lot left that's, like, simple to make. So I kind of had to scrounge up a put together dinner. I was also really thirsty and really desirous of like... smooth, cool things. I'm still not really sure I ate the right amount or the right stuff.
Also my nose is a little sniffly, which worries me. I just feel blah. But it's probably just a Thursday thing.
I made a list of stuff to do at work tomorrow before I left for the day and I'm hoping it's the right number of tasks to get me through the day without too much trouble. I have to, have to, HAVE TO spend some time cleaning the kitchen in the evening, at least doing dishes. But I also hope to do some writing and then go to sleep early. I have a pretty good sense of this next scene, since I've been rolling it around in my head all week. I'd like to just... have enough energy to just get it down. And if I do that tomorrow it'll make my goal (the section finished by the end of the weekend) that much more reasonable. Last weekend's writing went well enough that I feel like maybe it IS possible to get this whole monster written by the final deadline and this idea is really driving me even though it's far from a sure thing. But like, I don't write full time lol. And the time that my real job eats up is just the start because not every weekend can be one where I ignore all responsibilities in favor of resting and writing, like last weekend was. I just.... I gotta balance everything and I'm so bad at that.
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nctsjiho · 3 years
Sleeping Beauty
warnings: none
era: fall of 2020
❀ Shotaro gets tasked with carrying a sleepy JiHo back to her dorm
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It’s interesting how people can grow so comfortable with each other so quickly. Maybe it’s the environment that comes along with being a K-pop idol; Being in a practise room for hours together, helping each other with lyrics and difficult choreography during afterhours. Needless to say, idols spend a lot of time with their members – whether they like it or not.
JiHo had met Shotaro less than a year ago, yet somehow they just clicked. Of course being half Japanese and speaking the language fluently made it so Shotaro naturally gravitated towards the female member, but even besides that, he genuinely felt comfortable around JiHo. Although she gave the impression that she’s older than him, because she had been taking care of him ever since they met, Shotaro would always see the sweet, cute side of JiHo. The same side that made him feel protective over her.
It was late when the group had finished day one of their NCT World shoots. With all the energy they had left, the group climbed in their respective cars and made their way back to the dorms.
Caught up in a calm conversation with his manager, Doyoung started to notice how the older man kept stealing glances at the rear view mirror. His curiosity spiked once he noticed the soft smile on his manager’s face, prompting him to look back towards the people in the back seats.
Looking past a sleeping Johnny and Haechan, he noticed the two youngest members – currently in the car – snuggled up into each other. JiHo’s head rested on Shotaro’s shoulder, while his head rested on hers. Doyoung also noticed how Shotaro wasn’t wearing a jacket, instead the piece of clothing was placed on both of their laps. Well, more so on JiHo’s than his, but it didn’t seem to bother him as the two continued to sleep peacefully.
“They’ve gotten really close.” The manager said in a hushed tone, causing Doyoung’s head to snap back to the front. “Hmm.” He hummed in agreement. “I’ve never seen JiHo like this though. At least not so quickly.” “What do you mean?” The manager asked. “She’s close with the other members as well, but seeing her literally cuddled up with someone. I’ve never seen that. I guess she only does it with Yuta hyung and Jungwoo sometimes, but Jungwoo is usually forcing it on her.” He chuckled remembering the times JiHo protested while Jungwoo pulled her into hugs for movie nights. She’d eventually give in, but being asleep cuddled up was usually territory the members didn’t visit when it came to JiHo.
Now the manager hummed, but a sudden thought interrupted him. “Doesn’t she hug the members more now? Like, every time I see Lucas and JiHo he has her in his arms.” This time it’s the manager’s time to laugh. “Well yes, she’s gotten used to skinship a lot with the group. But sleeping? She usually doesn’t like being hugged or touched in her sleep.” Doyoung’s eyes fall back on the sleeping duo. “It’s only been a few months since JiHo and Taro met too, I’m surprised they are this close.” “Don’t you think it’s nice though? He’s new, but JiHo’s been his support system.” Doyoung just nodded, the cute visual in front of him was hard to look away from.
“Want to know something funny?” Doyoung’s ears and eyes perked up and he nodded. “The staff call JiHo the boys’ little mascot. She’s always cheering everyone on and making sure everyone is feeling alright. Definitely Shotaro and Sungchan these days.” A big smile washed over Doyoung’s face. “She really is.”
A sudden shake of Jiho’s arm woke her up. As soon as she opened her eyes she noticed the car had stopped moving and she heard the two figures next and in front of her talk, but she was to disorientated to make actual sense out of anything. “W-What’s…“ She mumbled and she heard the two people chuckle. “JiHo we’re at home, let’s go inside.” Doyoung explained.
The three members had made it out of the car – rather slowly one would say – when Doyoung noticed the current state JiHo was in. She could barely stand on her own two feet yearning for support, which she received in the form of Shotaro’s stretched out arm. The girl could also hardly keep her eyes open. Realising JiHo would be having a hard time getting up to the dorm without help, Doyoung looked at Johnny in the hopes he could carry her up, but the tall guy was busy supporting an equally as sleepy Haechan inside the building.
This time Doyoung’s eyes fell onto Shotaro. The Japanese boy was sporting an amused smile as well as a loving glint in his eyes as he watched JiHo try her hardest to keep herself up straight. “Taro?” Doyoung said in a hushed tone. “Yes, hyung.” He quickly answered, his eyes wide looking like a kid who got caught stealing a cookie out of the cookie jar – a sight so endearing and maybe too common but the members, and fans, wouldn’t have it any other way. “Could you help JiHo up?” Shotaro quickly nodded and turned to the sleepy girl.
“JiHo, let’s go up hmm?” He said in Japanese and JiHo nodded. They only took one step before JiHo stopped. “What’s wrong?” Shotaro asked noticing that JiHo wasn’t budging even if he slightly pulled her forward. “Too tired.” Her answer was in Korean. “I know that’s why we should go upstairs.” It took every ounce of willpower not to tease JiHo in her current drowsiness. Shotaro always thought of JiHo as cute, but right now she was just adorable. “I can’t.” “What do you want me to do then?”
Helplessness started to settle in as he saw Doyoung had already left the parking garage to get to his dorm as quickly as possible. JiHo had invited Shotaro to stay over since they had a schedule together the next day anyway, so Doyoung had no problem leaving JiHo with the boy. They’d find their way to the dorm, he was sure of it. It might just take a little longer, but the moment Doyoung left the parking lot, that wasn’t his problem anymore.
Once Shotaro looked back at JiHo he saw her hands reaching up. “Carry me.” The comment was Shotaro’s prove that JiHo was sleep drunk. No, not drunk, absolutely wasted. Never in her right mind would she ask Shotaro to carry her, and definitely not with, what some would call ‘aegyo’ but knowing JiHo would refuse to admit it, a better way to refer to it was, a hint of cuteness.
Shotaro didn’t know if he was supposed to be shocked or embarrassed. And even tough he felt a slight blush creep up on his cheeks, he just found it endearing yet amusing.
He turned his back towards the girl and squatted down, his arms reaching back to support the girl. “Get on my back, I’ll give you a piggy back ride.” With his back facing JiHo he sadly had to miss the loopy smile on her face as she climbed onto his back.
“Where’s JiHo and Taro?” Taeyong asked. He had reached the dorm earlier, having taken another car to the dorm. His transport arrived about 10 minutes earlier, sparing him enough time to take a shower before his other roommates arrived.  “I left him to help JiHo up. She could barely walk.” Doyoung said in an exhausted tone. He had plopped himself down on the couch as soon as he entered the living room. “Shouldn’t you have helped her?” The leader chuckled sitting down next to Doyoung. “Couldn’t be bothered.”
Just then Taeyong watched the door open and there emerged a Shotaro with a sleeping (?) JiHo on his back. “Need some help?” Taeyong laughed seeing the young boy struggle to take his shoes off. “I got it, don’t worry, but thanks.” He didn’t fail to send Taeyong one of his cute smiles – eye smile included – and then disappeared into JiHo’s bedroom. “They’ve gotten close.” Taeyong turned to Doyoung who seemed to be loosing his battle with sleep. “Yeah…” The tired boy mumbled. Taeyong then got up, slapping Doyoung’s butt in passing while walking to his bedroom. “Get up and head to bed before I have to carry you like Johnny did Haechan and Taro did JiHo.” An amused smile played on his lips as Doyoung slowly got up and dragged his feet to bed.
Side note: Hello Future is so good 🌈🌻
130 notes · View notes
fictionalabyss · 4 years
Mated : Forgotten.
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Pairings : Alpha!Sam x Omega!Reader (onesided), Alpha!Sam x Omega!Jessica Moore, Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader.
Word count : 6,071
Written for : @spnabobingo​
Square : College Au
Warning : Angst ahead! a/b/o dynamics, one sided attraction, best friends to strangers, hurt, depression, feelings of abandonment/being forgotten, mating, struggling with school, canon death, reunion, more people getting hurt emotionally, Sam isn't handling things well.
Prompt that inspired this fic : “When I told you your shirt was inside out I didn’t expect you to take it off right in front of me” - Sent by @sorenmarie87​
Masterlist • Patreon • Ko-fi.
Part 1 of Mated.
SPN A/B/O Bingo Round 5 Masterlist.
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You were sitting on Sam’s bed flipping through one of his philosophy books as you waited for him to be ready to go. Since his class ran later than yours, it left you waiting on him while he headed off to the showers. When he finally returned, you glanced up from the book and chuckled, eyes going back down to barely look at the words on the page before you flipped to the next one.
“Your shirt’s inside out.” you smiled to yourself. You glance up to see him roll his eyes at you before he reaches down and pulls his shirt up and over his head. The smile on your lips fades. Sam is built. You’ve always known he was built to some degree, the muscles in his arms under a t-shirt were no secret. He was an Alpha, he was strong, and god damn, he was built. His stomach flat and hard, muscles showing definition that had you swallowing. Sam was.. You let out a shaky breath before tearing your eyes away. “I uh. I forgot I had to do something.” You scrambled up from his bed, tossing his book aside.
“What? What do you mean-”
“I’ll be like 10 minutes, max, okay. I’ll meet you there.”
“Y/N?” he called after you.
“I’ll meet you there!” You hurried from his room, praying he hadn’t smelt it, that you got out of there quick enough. You needed to get away from him, needed to calm down. You’ve known Sam since you started at Stanford. Your room was just down the hall from his. You partied together, you hung out together. Sometimes he helped you study. But in all that time, you’d never had this reaction to him before. Then again, you’d never seen him take off his shirt before.
You hurried into your room, slamming the door behind you just as someone scented the air and turned towards you. Leaning on the door, you closed your eyes and took deep calming breaths. You couldn’t let him smell you like this. You couldn’t let him know just how he affected you. He was your best friend, nothing more. You weren’t even attracted to him in that way.
Were you?
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It took some time to calm yourself down, then you had to hit a shower to scrub at your skin in a desperate attempt to get rid of the ‘horny Omega’ smell that you felt like you couldn’t shake. Then it was get dressed and rush out to meet Sam. You were a little later than you’d said, but you knew Sam wouldn’t mind too much.
You rushed to the restaurant near campus that you two often frequented together. As you approached, you looked through the window, smiling at first, as Sam was sitting at your favorite table, but he wasn’t alone. Your smile fell fast as you watched the blonde smile at him as they spoke. She tucked her hair behind her ear, looking down as Sam smiled back at her, and you swallowed down pain.
Why did it hurt to see him like this? He was your best friend, you wanted him happy, hell, you’d been his wingman a time or two while drinking, but right here, right now.. It hurt.
Tearing your eyes away, you turned your back to the restaurant. You didn’t know what to do. Did you go in there and interrupt whatever discussion they were having? If you did, would you suddenly become a third wheel? It looked like they were having a good time, maybe he’d invite her to eat with the two of you. Or did you leave, walk away, let him have his moment and pretend you either were never there, or that you are happy for him?
Why did this have to hit now? Why the sudden shift?
Squeezing your eyes shut tight, you tried to picture Sam as he’d been just a few hours ago. Your dorky bff who liked to tease you like you were his little sister. The guy you’d annoy to no end just because you could, because it was fun, because you knew that somewhere he had an older brother and admit it or not, Sam missed him.
But you couldn’t. Picturing him brought back the image of him pulling off his shirt as if it was nothing, because it should have been nothing. Hell, it probably still was to him.
You turned, looking back over your shoulder at the window once more. She was talking to him, and he was looking around outside. He glanced over his shoulder and you whipped around, back to him once again, half hoping he wouldn’t spot you. Praying he hadn’t. You steeled your nerves, glanced back and you knew, he had. He was looking right at you with a confused look on his face.
Taking a deep breath, you turned and headed inside.
“Sorry I’m late.” you mumbled as you got to the table, not making a move to sit anywhere.
“You okay?” He looked worried.
“Fine.” you gave him a forced smile. He didn’t look like he was buying it.
“I’ll leave you two to your dinner.” The blonde gave you a small smile as she got up from her seat. Sam’s eyes went from you, to her, and he looked like he was about to stop her, and that only hurt you more. If he did, you’d excuse yourself and head back to the dorms. “Looks like you two could use some privacy. It was nice meeting you, Sam.”
“Yeah.. you too..” he watched her leave and go to another table, then he was looking at you again, waiting for you to sit, to say something, but you seemed to just stand there awkwardly. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong.” He motioned to the seat across from him that she just vacated and you sat awkwardly, hands in your lap like you were going to bolt at any moment. “Nothing’s wrong, Sam.” you lied.
He studied you for a moment. “Then why’d you bolt?”
“Told you, I forgot to do something. I’m sorry I’m late, okay, it took longer than expected.”
“You forgot to shower?” Your eyes shot up to meet his with mild fear in them. How’d he know that's what you did? Did he smell just how turned on you’d been before you ran out? “I can smell it. You used so much body wash, too much.” he scrunched up his nose as if it offended him. “What happened?”
“Nothing.” you reiterated, trying to sound annoyed at his prying. You grabbed a menu as if you didn’t already know the damn thing by heart and pretended to look it over, using it as a barrier between the two of you.
“Why were you just standing outside? Why didn’t you come in?”
“Because you looked like you were having a nice time with blondie, so I considered just going back to the dorms. Are we ordering? Or would you rather I leave so you can get back to that? I don’t mind getting food to go.”
“I’ll go.” you stood, ready to leave, but Sam grabbed your wrist to stop you. “What?” you snapped. “And don’t ask me what’s wrong again, I’m fine, so just drop it.”
“Sit.” When you didn’t move, Sam sighed. “Please sit. Come on, it’s our night. I wouldn’t bail on our night for anything. You’re my best friend.” Sam gave you a half smile and you rolled your eyes at him.
“You’re lucky you’re cute.” you muttered, dropping back into your seat and Sam smiled. Sam Winchester and his smile were going to be the death of you.
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A week later you’re practically skipping up the hall to Sam’s room. Figuring he’s showering, as usual, you barely knock before entering. You freeze, however, when you see a familiar blonde sitting on Sam’s bed. “Oh, uh, sorry, I wasn’t aware someone was in here.”
“It’s fine.” she smiled, waving it off. “Sam went to shower, he should be back any minute.”
“Yeah..” you nod, but stand awkwardly in the middle of the room. It doesn’t take long though, for Sam to walk in. He’s wearing jeans and a button down shirt that he’s still buttoning up, and that makes a smile cross your lips as you cock an eyebrow. “Little over dressed there, Sam.” you tease, and he looks up, freezing in his task.  You see something you wish you hadn’t seen. Confusion and then guilt. He forgot.
“Uh-” he looks from you, to the girl on his bed, then back at you.
“Let me guess, you’re bailing.” He opens his mouth, but you cut him off. “It’s fine.”
“I’m sorry.” you can hear her apologetic voice behind you. “I didn’t know you guys had plans.. Sam must have forgotten..”
“Yeah, it’s easy to forget something that happens on the same day every single week for two years.” You gave Sam a tight smile. You weren’t going to hide the hurt this time. “But it’s fine. It’s not like you had any way to let me know at any point today, right?” With that, you started for the door.
“I’ll make it up to you.” He promised.
“Yeah, I know.” you glanced back at him. “You kids go have fun.” You gave them a smile before headed out and hurrying to your room. Once the door shut behind you, you felt the sting of tears. So much for not bailing on your night for anything.
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“Are you mad at me?” Sam stood in your room a few days later while you worked at your desk, your back to him.
“Why would I be mad at you?” you answered, without looking back at him.
“You won’t even look at me.”
“I’m studying.”
Sam sighed, licking his lips before going to sit on your bed. “And usually you let me help you.”
“Usually you let me know if plans change.” you counter, still not looking back at him.
“So you are mad.”
“Not mad, no. Hurt.” this time you do turn. “You said you wouldn’t bail on me for anything, and literally the next week, you bail on me without a word like I don’t mean shit, Sam.”
“I just forgot-”
“Forgot that we had plans? Or forgot to tell me? Because I call bullshit on both.” Sam opened his mouth to respond but you didn’t let him. “Here’s the thing, Sam. Either you asked her, knowing you had plans, or she asked you and you said yes knowing you had plans.” Sam sighed, looking down at the floor. “As for forgetting to tell me, I’m three doors down. You know my schedule, you could have knocked any time. You have my cell number, you could have called or text me.”
“I just forgot, I’m sorry.”
“Yeah.” you turned back to your books. You want to be mad at him, you want to tell him to fuck off just so he realizes just how bad he hurt you, but another part of you, a part of you that realized just how much Sam Winchester means to you, wants him to come over, hug you and tell you that no one else matters to him as much as you do. “You sorry for not talking to me for three days on top of that?” you ask casually. “Must have been a hell of a date to forget that everyone else exists.”
“Yeah, I’m sorry for that too.” He’s quiet for a moment, watching you work. “Are we still on for this week?”
“On if you have plans.” you look over your shoulder at him. “Because apparently my standing appointment is subject to changes without prior notice.”
Sam rolled his eyes. “Don’t get all fine print on me.”
“Then don’t add fine print. If we have plans, and they change, have the balls to tell me.”
“I will. I promise. And I’m sorry.”
“Mhm.” you turn back to your books. “Blondie sticking around?”
“Jess.” he answers and you can hear the smile. “Her name is Jess, and maybe. I mean, it went good.”
“If blondie hurts you, I’ll kill her.” It’s the best friend thing to say, right? But it’s also the truth. The idea of her being around makes your chest ache. But if she hurt him, if she hurt the single most important person in your life, you’d kill her.
Sam laughed. “Yeah, yeah. And I’ll kill any guy who hurts you.”
“Guess I won’t need to be saving up any money for bail. There is no one.” No one but you, you idiot, and you already hurt me, you think to yourself.
“There will be.” Sam smiles behind you. “You’re a catch. Only an idiot wouldn’t see it and jump at the opportunity.” You scoff at that. “What? It’s true! You’re smart, and beautiful. You care about other people, you’re loyal-”
“To a fault.”
“It’s a good thing.”
“Tell that to my constantly breaking heart.” you mutter.
His smile is gone. “Either someone hurt you, or you are mad.”
Rolling your eyes, you toss a book back at him that he easily catches. “Either help me study or get out.”
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That week had been just you and Sam and you were thankful. There was no mention of blondie, just dinner, drinks and a movie, like old times. Smiling and laughing with your best friend. You wondered if maybe it had been a one time deal. As much as you wanted him to be happy no matter what, he was your best friend after all, a part of you was happy at the idea of her being out of the picture again. Now that you knew how you felt about Sam, you could gauge if he felt the same.
So that was your plan for this week. Figure out if Sam could feel the same.
You were smiling as you headed to your usual restaurant, but you were confused to not see Sam at your usual table at the window. The only time he sat somewhere else was if it was occupied, but it sat empty. Maybe you were early.
Opening the door, you smiled at the waitress before scanning the room. The smile fell fast when you spotted him. He wasn’t sitting at the usual table because he was in a booth along the wall and across from him, blondie.
Slowly, you made your way over. “What’s going on? Did you forget me again?”
Sam smiles up at you and chuckles. “No. I thought maybe we could all hang out this week. You and Jess could get to know each other.” You glanced over at her across from him, and she smiled. “Is that okay?”
“A heads up would have been nice.” you answered. Where were you even supposed to sit, next to her? Hell no. And sitting next to Sam while he’d be looking at her like that felt just as weird.
“Come, sit.” Sam scooted over in the bench, giving you room. With a sigh, you sat. “Jess is in the nursing program.” Sam praised, smiling over at her.
“How lovely.” you answered, grabbing for a menu as Sam continued to talk her up. He was telling you everything about her, her shy smile on him as she chimed in a few times to add or correct something. But he just kept smiling at her, talking about her..
You couldn’t do it. You couldn’t sit here.
Getting up, you headed for the counter. Stopping the waitress there to give her your order and tell her it was to go. A moment later, Sam came over. “What’s going on?”
“Being the third wheel is not on my list of things to do today, Sam. Why am I even here?”
“You’re not the third wheel. You guys are getting to know each other-”
“I’ve been here for ten minutes, and you haven’t said a single thing about me.” you looked over at him, and you knew he could see the pain he caused you again. “It’s all about blondie.”
“Jess.” he corrected.
You roll your eyes and turn back to the counter. “Next time you want to have a date on friend night, just fucking tell me.”
“That’s not what I want-”
“It’s what it feels like. It feels like I’m nothing more than an afterthought. You said you’d kill anyone who hurt me, right?” you look at him again. “You’re hurting me, Sam. You want to date blondie, date her. But don’t turn our time into date time. It’s bullshit, it’s unfair and you know it. I had a shit week, okay? A long shitty week, and all I wanted was to relax with my best friend. Instead, I get to unknowingly sit in on date night.”
“I’m sorry. I guess I didn’t think it through..”
“No, you didn’t. You should have at least told me.”
“Come back. Please? We’ll go for drinks after, and-”
Your order was placed on the counter and you smiled at the waitress as you handed over a few bills. “No, I think I’m just going to head back to the dorms.” you picked up your order and turned to him, a glance going over to Jess as she watched you and Sam. “Enjoy your date, Sam. Call me whenever you’re free to hang out again.” and with that, you left.
Once outside, you turned back and looked into the restaurant windows. You could see him crossing the restaurant, his eyes on you and a look on his face that furrowed his brows and turned down his lips. But then his attention was off of you as he disappeared out of sight and towards the table she was waiting in.
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Your relationship with Sam from then on, was strained. Bullshit conversation starters were sent via text, or online messaging. A ‘hey, how are you doing’ but not much beyond that.
It hurt.
You barely saw him. More often than not, when you did, it was in passing. Walking past him in the hall, or out on campus. A lot of the time he was with her, or on his way out, likely going to see her. You were barely even an afterthought these days.
Your mood only plummeted further as the weeks turned to months.
Then one day, coming back from class, you get to the top of the stairs for your floor and you see him, box in hand, and you freeze. “You’re moving.”
That’s when he seems to notice you’re there, his eyes coming up to meet yours and he smiles sheepishly. “Hey! Yeah. Uh- me and jess.. We got a place off campus.”
“Moving a little fast there, don’t you think, Sam.” you try to keep it light and teasing, try to hide some of the pain. But then you notice something. He’s different, his scent, it’s off. Your brow furrows as you lean in and scent at him. “It’s changed..”
“Yeah, about that..” He shifts the weight of the box. “We mated.”
You feel your heart shattering all over again. He mated her? She’s only been around a few months and he mated her?
“The new place, it’s not that far, so we can still hang-”
“We don’t hang out as it is, Sam, so I doubt it.” you shrug and start away.
“Have a nice life, Sam.” you hurry into your room and slam the door just as the tears start to fall. You’re sitting on your bed, head in your hands when the door bursts open and Sam’s storming in. “Get out.”
Ignoring you, he drops his box on your desk. “What the hell is wrong?”
“Get out.”
“Why do you hate me?”
“I don’t hate you.” you sigh, still not looking up. You can’t, you can’t look at him.
“Either you hate me, or you hate her, and you don’t even know her, you refused to get to know her. I thought we were friends!”
“Best friends.” you snap. “At least I thought we were.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean? I’ve been there for you, I’ve always been there for you.” You laugh at that, giving your head a shake. “What do you mean, no? Up until you started hating me for being happy-”
“I don’t hate you, you fucking idiot. I love you!” you snapped, glaring at him.
“I love you. How could you not see it? I’m not mad because you found your mate, Sam. I don’t hate her for being with you. I’m hurt. I’m hurt because while you found your whole world, I lost mine to her.” Sam just started at you. “I stopped being a part of your world and that hurt more than anything. I don’t hear from you, Sam. I get a half hearted text once in a while, and that’s it. You were my person, you were the person I talked to every single day, and suddenly I don’t have that. Every time I accept it, you pop up, and you give me false hope just to vanish again. Three fucking doors down, and not once did you stop by.”
Sam looks down, looks ashamed. Like he’s finally realizing just how long it’s been since he’s seen you face to face, spoken directly to you.
“All I wanted was some of your time. It didn’t have to be every single week, Sam. I just wanted my best friend and I lost him. You have no idea what that’s done to me.”
Hearing you sniffle, Sam looks up, watches the tears streaming down your cheeks. “I’m sorry.”
“Yeah. Me too.” you wipe at your cheeks and turn away from him, ending this conversation, ending this whole encounter. You want him to hold you, to tell you everything will be okay again, but you don't expect him to. You aren’t that close anymore and haven’t been for a while now. So you hope he’ll leave.
You hear him move to the desk, hear his box shift across the papers there, but he doesn’t leave, not right away. “You’re failing..” Turning, you see him looking at one of your last tests, his eyes scanning the page and then looking up at you with a confused look. “How are you failing?”
You shrug. “Don’t exactly have my study buddy anymore, do I?”
“You could have called, I-”
“I did.” you give him a sad, heartbroken smile. “I did call, a week before I had to take that. You were busy. You said you’d call back and you didn’t.”
“Shit.. I must have forgot..”
“Yeah.” You stand there watching him, he's looking at all the other papers on your desk. Papers and tests all graded and showing the steady decline in your work. “You should go, Sam. Blondie’s probably waiting for you. Wouldn’t want to upset your mate.”
“She’d understand if I’m a little late, she-”
“My heat’s due.” his eyes shoot up to meet yours. “Please leave before you make it worse. It’s been bad enough as it is the last few months.”
Sam’s eyes slide over you before he nods, putting down the papers and picking up his box. He quietly stands there for a minute, like he’s trying to figure out what to say, trying to find some way to make it right. But there isn’t. With a pain filled sigh, Sam slowly makes his way out of the room.
Tears stream down your face as you hurry to close the door behind him. Your body shaking with sobs as you lean against the door and cry out your heartache for what feels like the millionth time.
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It’s been a month since he moved in with Jess, a month since he’s seen you. You blocked him online, you didn’t answer his texts when he tried to reach out. It made him realize how you felt all those months.
After the encounter, he’d been upset. He told Jess a quick version, leaving out a few details, basically just told her how he’d forgotten to maintain the relationship he’d had with you in his excitement of meeting her, and it left you feeling alone and depressed. Jess told him to make it right, make it up to you, but he couldn’t, could he. Not really, you loved him, and he was in love with someone else.
But then he remembered what you’d said. You just wanted his time, just wanted to be in his life.
“Jess?” he called out, before getting up and going to find her in the kitchen.
“Would you mind if every other Saturday I spent with Y/N? Just me and her?” Jess turned and looked at him. “You guys were right, I neglected her and I need to make it up to her. I hate that she’s not talking to me. It hurts, and I know it’s not even close to how bad I hurt her.”
Jess smiled at him. “No, I don’t mind at all. You should go tell her.”
“I will.” Sam smiled before leaning in to kiss her. “I love you.”
“Love you, too.” she smiled back. As Sam was leaving, she called out “Let her know she can come over any time, and there’s an open diner invitation. I’d really like to properly meet her one day.”
“Will do.” Sam called back before the apartment door closed behind him.
It didn’t take too long for Sam to be hurrying up the stairs in his old dorm building. A smile spread over his face, excited to see you. He’d missed you and he couldn’t wait to surprise you. He hoped that the gesture would be enough to start bridging the gap he’d put between you. He didn’t expect for things to be like they had been, he wasn’t sure it could ever be that again, but he hoped that he could have you back in his life.
He barely knocked on the door before opening it, but once inside, his smile fell. It was empty. The bed stripped bare, the desk empty. No more belongings, no more decorations, it was like no one had ever moved in. It was the right room, he knew it was. He moved around the room, looking for some hint, some clue, but other than a layer of dust, nothing.
“Oh, Hey, Sam.”
Sam turned and found John, the RA. “Where is she?”
John shrugged. “Went home, I think. Said she needed a break from school. She was really struggling.”
“About three weeks ago?”
Three weeks? You’ve been gone for three weeks and he hadn’t noticed? Sam dropped onto the bed as his mind raced. You left without a word. But then again, he’d done the same thing, right? Moving out of his dorm without ever once mentioning it to you. It was chance that you’d come up the stairs just as he was about to go down them. It was chance that you’d found out. If you hadn’t would he have ever even mentioned it? Or would he forget that like he’d forgotten everything else.
“I really fucked up.” he muttered to himself. “Hey, John? She leave an address or number or anything?”
John shook his head. “Nope. Just let me know she was going. Figured you knew, being her best friend and all.”
“No.. No, I didn't. We haven’t talked much lately..” Sam mumbled. “Thanks, John.” Sam stood, and started out of the room.
“Take it easy, Sam.” John clapped him on the back as he headed past.
“Yeah.. you too..”
There was an ache in chest as he slowly made his way back home. An ache he knew Jess saw as soon as he was in the door. “Sam?”
“She’s gone.. She left, she went back home.. I can’t fix it, Jess. I lost my best friend for good.”
Sam dropped into one of the kitchen chairs as Jess came up behind him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, her head leaning on the back of his. He pulled out his phone and tried one last time. One last time to reach you and then he’d leave you alone.
<< I’m sorry. I’m sorry I hurt you so bad you had to leave. Please, just let me know you’re okay.
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Heading back home to the midwest had been the best thing you could have done for yourself. You blocked Sam on everything, ignored texts and calls. After about three weeks they stopped and you were finally able to heal, finally able to forget all the pain Sam put you through.
You had contact with a few people you’d known in a few classes. Thankfully none of them mentioned  Sam to you.
Not until they told you about the fire. About Jess.
You found yourself back in Palo Alto, dressed in black and standing with people you barely knew for a girl you never bothered to get to know. She might have been nothing to you, but she’d been everything to Sam. Your heart broke for him. Losing a mate was the hardest thing anyone could go through.
Glancing around, you were surprised he wasn’t there. You expected him to be here, to be with her family as they grieved the loss of their daughter, but he was nowhere to be seen. You looked forward again, watching as people took roses and gently placed them on her coffin. You decided to do the same.
Taking one in your hand, you slowly made your way closer, stepping up just as the person before you stepped away. “I’m sorry.” you whispered quietly. “You didn’t deserve this. I’m sorry, Jess.” Placing the rose with the others, you quietly walked away.
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You were sitting in the bar you had frequented in your time at college. Lifting a drink to your lips, you paused about half way before you set it down and pulled out your phone. Licking your lips, you opened a text chain you had long ago ignored. You hoped he hadn’t changed numbers.
<< I’m sorry for your loss, Sam.
Closing your phone, you put it down and picked up your drink again, downing the last of it before motioning for the bartender to bring you another.
It was about twenty minutes later when you heard a surprised voice behind you. “Y/N?” You turned, and there he was, in a dark suit all funeral ready, and so much pain etched into his face. If you didn’t know better, you’d have thought he’d actually gone to the funeral. Maybe he said his goodbyes alone after everyone else left. “What are you doing here?”
“Heard about the fire. I might not have been friends with her, Sam, but she was everything to you. I came to pay my respects to your mate.”
Sam gave you a half smile at that. “You really would have liked her if you’d have given her a chance. I had hoped you two would be friends too.. Eventually.”
“Maybe we would have. But I was too hurt to try.”
“I know.. I know, I’m sorry. I tried to make things right, I showed up at your dorm but.. You were already gone. I think that’s when I fully realized just how bad I ruined our friendship.” he gave you a sad smile. “Jess had wanted you to come over for dinner.”
“I really am sorry, Sam.”
“I’m just glad you’re here.” The look he gave you, you knew he needed a hug. You turned in your seat and opened your arms for him. Sam happily moved in for the hug, holding you tight against him as if he was afraid you’d leave again. “I’m really happy you’re here.”
“You needed me. How could I stay away.”
When you both pulled away, you cupped his cheek for a moment, and he smiled sadly at you. “I missed you.”
“I missed you, too.”
“Hey, Sammy!”
You turned to the newcomer who stepped up to you and Sam. Sam glanced back at him, and opened his mouth to say something when you spoke first. “Hey, Dean.” That stunned Sam.
“Hey, princess. What are you doing out here?”
“How do you know my brother?” Sam asked, a confused look on his face as he looked from Dean to you.
“That’s your brother?” Sam nodded, and you glanced to Dean, who smirked with a wink. “I didn’t know he was your brother.. Uh- Couple weeks after I left school, Dean was in town. Helped me through a bad heat.” you shrugged. “We talk, I hear from him every few days at least. Meet up when he’s close by. I didn’t know you were coming here.”
“Been here since the fire. I’m the one who pulled Sammy out of the house.”
You looked to Sam. “You were inside.. You saw-” You swallowed at the look on Sam’s face. “Uh- drinks on me tonight.” you turned to the bartender as he handed you your drink. “Make it three.”
“So.” Dean sat in the stool next to you. “The guy you mentioned who loved someone else-”
“Your brother.” You gave Dean a sad smile with a nod. “Yeah.”
Dean turned and looked at his brother. “Is it bad that I’m glad he did?” he teased with a smile. “I got to enjoy the sweet little Omega he let slip away.” Dean licked his lips with a smirk.
“Fuck you, Dean.” Sam snapped, taking up the seat on your other side with a scowl.
As the bartender put the drinks in front of you, you sighed. “Keep ‘em coming.”
“Will do.” he nodded and wandered off.
“So, princess. How long are you in town for?” Dean lifted his drink to his lips.
“Not sure yet, why?”
“Ruts due next week. Was thinking of heading your way for it anyways.” he smiled. Sam growled next to you. “She ain’t yours, Sammy.”
“She ain’t fucking yours, either.” Sam growled before downing his entire glass. “Why her, Dean? Of all the fucking people you’ve fucked, why her?”
You answered before Dean could. “Because I deserve a bit of happiness too, Sam.” The anger he’d been showing melting away to guilt. “I’m sorry it’s your brother, but I have fun when I’m with him. There’s no bullshit, no heartache. I know where I stand.” Sam licked his lips before looking down into his empty glass, and that’s when you turned to Dean. “I’ll stay as long as you need me to if you’re sticking around. If not, we can meet up in the usual place. Just let me know.”
Dean leaned in and kissed your cheek. Sam stood and stormed his way outside, Dean watching him go. “He’s not taking this well.”
“But now he knows what it feels like.” you muttered, lifting your glass. “Feeling like you’ve been replaced and forgotten. Did you meet her?”
“Once.” Dean answered. “She was nice enough.”
“Was he happy?”
“Yeah, he was happy. Was about to interview for the law school.” you glanced over to Dean. “He didn’t go. He’s taking the fire bad, this.. you and me? Just making things harder for him.”
“If he wants to be in my life, he’s going to have to get used to the idea that you’re a part of it now.” you gave Dean a soft smile. “Just like I had to accept that she became his.”
“Where are you staying tonight?”
You chuckled at that, ducking your head down a touch. “I don’t think tonight is such a good idea, Dean.” you looked up again, but glanced to the door Sam had stormed out of. “But I’ll be there for your rut if you want.”
“Oh, I want.” Dean grinned, but then sighed. “I guess I better go after him, huh.”
“Yeah, probably.”
“I’ll call you later.” this time when Dean leaned in, his lips brushed against yours. “See you around, princess. And don’t worry about him. He’ll come around eventually.”
“Yeah.. I hope so.”
Dean downed the rest of his drink before heading out after his brother. You watched him go and sighed softly to yourself. A part of you felt bad. You never expected to get over Sam using his own brother. But at the same time, Dean was so different from Sam. He’d been exactly what you needed. In fact, despite everything today had thrown at you, you found yourself smiling as you looked forward to helping Dean through a rut.
“Can’t seem to shake the Winchesters..”
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Tagging :  Sam -  @evyiione​
Dean - @akshi8278​  @adoptdontshoppets​   @evyiione @karikatz12481​ @idksupernatural​  @deandreamernp​
SPN -  @sandlee44  @just-another-busy-fangirl  @mrswhozeewhatsis   @deanandsamsbitch  @deans-baby-momma  @thebescht @67-chevy-baby @supraveng   @musiclovinchic93 @holyfuckloueh  @ksgeekgirl   @hobby27 @maddiepants  @roxyspearing @onethirstyunicorn    @fandom-princess-forevermore     @kalesrebellion   @deanwanddamons   @thoughts-and-funnies​
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princesscandijane · 3 years
Chastity Tips by Candi Jane
These tips are coming from the perspective of a sissy(me😀), these things still help without the sissy element.
I have been hearing sissys keep saying that you want to do long term chastity, but are too weak. I am hearing about how you want to feel helplessly desperate and horny. But as you get too horny and before you reach helplessly desperate you grab the key, unlock your little clitty, and jerk off. Then you have to start the process all over. Ideally you would have a keyholder, someone that forces you to keep honest, but most of us are not fortunate enough to have one. So here are some things that may help. Notice how I always use the plural for keys? Chastity devices come with more than one key, so make sure you are keeping them all together😁
Mail your keys to yourself:
Pretty self explanatory, take a self-addressed envelope, put a stamp on it, seal your keys in the envelope and mail it away. This is a great one to get the keys completely out of your possession and away from you for a period of time.
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Though I recommend at least using your real address so the keys get back to you 😜
Depending on how the mail runs in your area this could be a 2-5 day event, for the cost of an envelope and a forever stamp. If you mail it on Saturday night after pickup, the mail will not get picked up until as early as Monday, so that is an extra 36 hours. There are also holidays to consider in which the mail doesn’t run, so if you mailed your keys after pickup on Saturday of Labor Day weekend, the earliest the mail will pick up your keys will be Tuesday. By that point you will have already had almost 3 days of chastity, add that to how well the mail is in your area, you may end up in a week in chastity! That is not even mentioning mailing during the holiday season when the mail is at its busiest, at that point you may be hoping that the keys did not get lost in the mail 😬 Which is one downside to consider when mailing. How well do you trust your postal service? Sometimes things do get lost in the mail 🤷‍♀️
Freezing your keys:
This one does require you to have a fridge/freezer that you can use to freeze your keys. This one is a bit difficult to do if you share your fridge/freezer. Unlike mailing the keys to yourself, the keys will be with you, so there does require a little bit more restraint, but this can be a lot of fun. I had a lot of fun experimenting with this one, a proper sissy school girl doing proper sissy science 😚 So first and foremost don’t do what I did first and use a glass bottle. I first tried putting the keys in an old glass liquor bottle. That was a horrible idea
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As I learned, as water freezes it freezes from the outside in and expands which makes the frozen water less dense than the liquid water which is why ice floats. I also learned that it is a really strong force and will break the glass, as I learned when the bottle neck broke in my hand and crashed to the floor 😨 I was not injured😅
So next I used a plastic gallon jug, which has a couple of pluses. First and foremost it will not break into harmful pieces(at worst crack open), and second a gallon is more than twice as large of volume as the normal 1.75L that the large liquor bottle has (3.785 liters = 1 gallon) so it will take longer to defrost. Second mistake I made was dropping the keys in the bottom to freeze.
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As everything melts from the outside in, this would be the first to defrost and makes the size of the container mostly obsolete. Solution: I tied the keys to a string, lowered it down until it was halfway in the container and taped the string to the jug.
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Do not fill it to the top, remember water expands as it freezes so be sure to give it room. Freezing takes about 24 hours. I recommend checking in on it periodically, because ice freezes from the outside in and you will see your keys floating surrounded by its ice prison, and if needed you can add more water.
The first time I froze the keys in the gallon jug(keys at the bottom), I checked how long it took to defrost at 74F in the shade, and it took less than 8 hours. Those that are familiar with cooking meats, know that ideally you wouldn’t defrost at room temperature, but allow it to defrost in the refrigerator. After 24 hours of freezing I put the jug in the refrigerator. Following times are based on my fridge being set at the factory recommended coolness.
After a day the water on the outside has melted, so if my keys were at the bottom I would be able to pour them out at this point.
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After 3 days the ice has defrosted enough in which I can now start to see the keys trapped in its frozen prison
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Every day I see a bit more ice thawed, slowly and slowly seeing my keys becoming closer and closer to freedom
Finally after 7 days I see my keys floating freely in liquid water
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Only one problem
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The ice above is not thawed enough to let me pull the string out 😫 So I put it back in the fridge, and five hours later my keys were free!
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From freezing to thawing was just over 8 days of chastity.
So the numbers I have for a gallon jug of water is: freezing - 1 day, thawing at 74F in shade ~ 8 hours, thawing in the fridge ~ 173 hours.
During this time you can start focusing on doing important things. At the longest it is 8 days, and that is plenty of time to accomplish things. Many sissys have maid fantasies, well use that time to clean your home, not just a little clean, but really deep clean your house(bonus if you have a uniform). Imagine your mistress/master will be inspecting it later. Ask yourself, “Would I want to serve someone that accepts this kind of work?” or “If I paid a couple hundred dollars for cleaning service, would I be satisfied?” whichever🙃 As you are locked up and cannot jerk off, you can start practicing on your blowjob and anal skills. Use this time to learn to deep throat, or work towards that ever elusive sissygasm. Set goals at the beginning of things that should be done by the time the keys are defrosted.
Because the keys take 8 hours to defrost at room temperature, certain tasks can equal x amount of time out of the fridge. Such as if you are practicing your deep throat skills, every time your nose touches the wall/floor equals five minutes out of the fridge. 8 hours would be roughly 100 times, or even for every second your nose to the wall/floor is five minutes. That gives over a minute and a half total of your throat being filled 😄 Cleaning your home can work in similar point systems too. Each chore is x amount of points, some may be more than others, as cleaning the bathroom takes a lot more than doing laundry(unless you are washing by hand). They don’t have to be sissy/sub tasks. You can make some of them for your better wellbeing. Such as, maybe you are someone that needs some motivation to get in shape. Have each mile jogged/walked/run can equal half an hour. Or can go simple and for the amount of time you spent working out is the amount of time spent out of the fridge. The plus side is you can work on your sissy figure and improve your regular quality of life 😁 These goals can really be for anything that you may need to work better on yourself, like reading more(yes I am talking to you), learn/practice a new language, learn/practice an instrument, even things that will help improve your career(insert your own examples lol). These are only a few examples. But make some tasks/goal(what needs to be accomplished) and rules(the rewards of completing a task and punishment for failing). Simple punishment is it goes back in the freezer. Remember to make sure your tasks/goals are realistic, and don’t try to tackle too many things at once. So often people get this huge motivation and think of all of these things they are going to do, but then when things aren’t working out the way they planned they give up. Schedules get made and when we can’t maintain them we give up. That is how those 10 dollar gyms are successful, their pay plan only works when the majority rarely/never show up. So if you set a really high goal that is unrealistic, say from never exploring anal to wanting to take Captain Ameica’s cock(see Chris Even’s cock) in that time period, maybe unrealstic. Or spending an hour a day working on your blowjob skills. Or the working out goal, you plan to run 2 miles every day, or every other day. That sounds great in theory, but if we fail to meet it we have a tendency to give up. You start out good for a day or two, then on day three you make an excuse on why you cannot and by day 5 you feel your goal is too far out of reach and give up. If that is the case, then adjust your goal and the tasks along with it, the first one may have been too ambitious. So if your goal/task is too difficult, instead of giving up on it, adjust it. Maybe I should be a Sissy Life Coach lol 🙃 Make the goals realistic, try to better yourself as either a sissy or even in your regular life. These are just some of my ideas on this.
I say this as doing this by yourself, but this is something that can be done in a keyholder relationship. And the keyholder can devise the tasks that serve them best.
Now freezing does take some freewill, there are plenty of ways to cheat, and get around things. It isn’t instant, but still freewill is required. Freewill doesn’t require you to freeze or mail or anything. So this last tip I have is: try to get better than the last time. I say this over and over, but remember baby steps. I did not go from buying my first chastity to 60+ 24/7 consecutive days. It took time and practice. I went an hour, then maybe two hours. If I got too horny or it got too painful, I would take it off. The next time I would try to go longer. My first attempt to sleep in chastity I gave up not even halfway through the night, it became too uncomfortable. I worked my way from there, now I prefer to sleep in chastity. So each time try to get better than the last, and if you fail, unlock and jerk off, or if you complete the time and are rewarded with unlocking yourself, well that’s a perfect time to work on becoming a cum eater 😛(again baby steps). If you always lose the urge after, then try to push yourself to at least bring some of it to your face, after that push yourself to taste just a little, and then go from there until you are eating it all 🤤 It may take some months but keep working at it😀
Have fun and drink cum ❤❤❤
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yarichin-imagines · 3 years
Hi!!! okokok, how bout a s/o who has a kind of quirk (just like bnha!), how do you think they would react? Like, I think they'd probably integrate into something related to sex or develop a kink (? LMAO
y'all i am so into bnha you have no idea!! also, for neutrality purposes, i'll be using the quirks of deku, todoroki, bakugou, uraraka, kirishima, denki, sero, iida, and satou, all from class 1A, mostly just because none of their quirks rely on physical appearances!!
tw: impact, dubcon (drugging, somno), dummification if you squint
Toono – S/O's Quirk: One for All – This Quirk is a union of two different Quirks, one that stockpiles power and one that passes itself on to another. The user can momentarily gain strength and speed far greater than any other Quirk and hero.
thankfully by the time he'd met you, you'd mastered the use of your Quirk
you were never the prance about type to flash around your power anyway
you preferred to use it for more mundane tasks – like opening pickle jars and carrying the groceries into the house in one trip
he found out about it on accident
he was on his way out when he caught you in the parking lot coming in––
with your car in hand, two feet off the ground
you'd dropped your fob somewhere underneath it and couldn't see
toono passed out
when he came to, his first questions revolved around whether or not the car was okay
once he wraps his head around it though..
he's way more into it than he tells you
but it also fuckin terrifies him
so much so that he really doesn't want you to use it on him
definitely has watched you use it so intently that he can nut off to it later
maybe one day he'll pluck up and ask you to activate it for some pictures he can keep
Kashima - S/O's Quirk: Half-Cold, Half-Hot – This Quirk splits the user into two, half of the user's body can emit ice, the other half emits fire.
honesty is a pillar to kashima's relationship
your quirk came to light a month or so into seeing him
and at first, he was mostly excited about the health benefits
he decides then and there that you gotta do him a solid and chill his side of the bed
that way he can keep cool when he sleeps
even if he's half asleep
he'll grab your right hand with a lil soft tug
and in your drowsy stupor you chill his pillow so there's no need for a flip
makes him grin like an idiot every time
when he comes home from practice or from the gym he has you freeze and unfreeze the bathwater-- saves you guys a whole lot of ice
he doesn't mind letting you ease his muscles with your left side after all the heats works wonders that would make any rice pack green with envy
as a top, kashima's got complete control in the bedroom
all day, he'll ask you to close your eyes and heat something up, maybe it's a vibrator or a dildo
or when you chill something, they're usually beads or a plug
all for him to torment you with later on that night
Yacchan – S/O's Quirk: Explosion – This Quirk allows the user to sweat a substance similar to Nitroglycerin from the user's palms and ignite it to create explosions.
kyosuke recognizes it's too dangerous to use in the bedroom
but that being said, there's plenty of other stuff around the place to let you show off
your firework shows are always the best on the block
especially when he sets some off right when yuu isn't expecting it
mainly, yacchan appreciates your quirk when it comes to pulling pranks
It's really funny when you're popping ziploc bags full of nothing right outside tamura's dorm when he's trying to power nap before exams
and even funnier when he storms out in just tighty whities to yell at you
only to meet the flash of yacchan's cellphone
toono will fall asleep during study sessions sometimes and yacchan will facetime you so you can let out a boom and wake him up
he will most definitely fall off the bed and yacchan will most definitely record it
the two of you are the best of the worst that way
Shikatani – S/O's Quirk: Zero Gravity – This Quirk allows the user to cause people and items to float on contact. There is a weight limit on how much the user can levitate, and if this Quirk is used to much, it will cause the user to get sick.
it's really helpful when you help him deep clean
after all, if the supplies are gracefully floating behind him, that leaves his hands free to do twice the work, saving him half the time
but you're content to watch the beautiful boy work
if you help him clean like that, he won't ask for much more that day
he is very very conscious of how much you use your quirk
because he cares about you too much to let you get sick
since he knows for a fact that because of his ocd he won't be able to take care of you
and that stings
so on the days where the chores have all been done he gets the honor of experiencing the effects of your quirk in bed
he likes how it feels when your tease him from the air above
your throat feels more open
but it's not like he can do too much about it since the instant he gets too eager you always float just out of reach
sometimes if he's behaved very well, you'll suspend him
the headrush he gets is euphoric
but the best is how good you are when you blow out his back with your strap
after all, without gravity, your stroke game is literally out of this world
Akemi – S/O's Quirk: Hardening – This Quirk allows the user to harden any part of their body. This shell can withstand several tons of metal falling on the user, along with shock waves, explosions, etc.
there's nothing cuter to akemi keiichi than a brat
if you want to misbehave?
by all means
go right ahead
he'll leave it to you to exhaust yourself
that's the first time he saw you use it
he wasn't aiming to cause any major damage, he was only spanking you with his hand
but he'd been at it for almost an hour
then suddenly he'd pushed you off him after he'd slapped what felt like a solid rock
not that it could stop him
his eyes only grew darker
from then on out, it was all a game to see how far he could push before the shell wore down and you gave into him
Itome – S/O's Quirk: Electrification – This Quirk allows the user to discharge electricity out of the user's body. It goes out in all directions around the user, and can be used to even charge objects, such as batteries. There is a limit to how much this Quirk can be used, and if used too much, the user will short circuit their own brain, and won't be able to do anything for an hour.
of course you can charge his phone in a pinch when it dies at the worst possible moment
hotwire his car when he's already running late
restart the fusebox when there's a power outage
after hours, itome's not a hard dom
not in the slightest
but every once in awhile, he can be particularly malicious
like when he has you overcharge your vibrators to give him the liberty of overstimulating you for longer
really it's less about the scene and more about what comes after
due to the limits of your quirk, aftercare is all on him
that's what he likes the most
taking care of you completely
being able to coax you through your braindead state
clean you off and pose you all comfortable
you're all the sweeter when you come to, when you come back to him
Yuri – S/O's Quirk: Tape – This Quirk allows the user to shoot extremely strong tape from openings on the user's elbows.
the tape is good for fixing most messes yuri gets himself into, clumsy fuck
also waxing!
of course he's gonna be into it
he loves the sting it leaves when you pull it off him the most
and he feels it all over again when there's red rectangular patches all across his skin the next morning
though the gluey part is a bit of a pain to wash off
sometimes he'll leave it for him to pick at throughout the day -- that way he'll get the shivers, makes him hot all over again!
he literally cannot get enough
when you do your school work or anything that diverts your attention from him, he'll be tugging at your elbow
this way you can restrain him until you're ready to ahem
put him to use
you can also use your tape to toss him around, floor to bed to floor to wherever
sometimes you even tape up his face, cover his mouth until the drool renders the tape into a thin flimsy strip
you tie his hands tighter and tighter every time, and it never breaks him
he loves it
on the other hand, yuri can be quite the slippery fuck
for emergencies, you've got some of your tape stored away
you've woken up more than once hogtied, your quirk turned against you
like it or not, yuri can easily turn the tables and you're almost never expecting it
you might have an unlimited supply, but he's too quick for your own good
Tamura – S/O's Quirk: Engine – This Quirk gives the user incredible speed by engine-like protrusions in the user's calves. The engines are fueled by orange juice, and carbonated drinks will mess the engines up.
he calls a 40 meter dash every single weekend
he sets his treadmill to train for it the whole week
but he never beats you
and it seriously pisses him off
you're always faster, no matter the game
if anything, it motivates him
he'll take the bruised ego if it helps him get into better shape
the fact that sometimes, you let him win makes his "engines" overheat faster than you can blink
he'll chase you and chase you for hours
fueled on adrenaline and testosterone, there's no way he'll tap out before you
expect a long, hard bite once he catches you
he goes absolutely animalistic
that lilt in his voice when he finally gets to sink his teeth into your shoulder, even if it's through a shirt, that doesn't matter to him
"caught you"
Jimmy – S/O's Quirk: Sugar Rush – This Quirk allows the user to become stronger and faster every 10 grams of sugar they eat for three minutes. The more the user uses this Quirk, the dumber they get.
every time he catches you snacking on a chocolate bar his whole brain turns off
he's practically jumping, the way he bounces around
waiting for you to inevitably choke slam him against the nearest surface
wall, couch, bed, anything
he likes it when you just toss him over your shoulder
even more the way your hits are harder than usual
he antagonizes you on purpose
making sure to stuff a grocery cart full of sweets he knows you like so that he can catch you snacking and make him pay through the nose
he always asks so nicely
but when you won't give in, well that just won't do!
doses your miso with sugar, drops in three extra cubes in your milk tea, encourages extra flan for dessert
for the next three minutes, you're nearly tripping over yourself
everything is lighter
and then when the crash hits---
jimmy can finally take what he wants
and karma is quite the bitch
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ackercrushing · 3 years
A Little Wager
Ok, I don't usually write. If I do, I rarely complete it. I either have grand ideas that just don't come out or I read something similar that scratches that itch and I don't have to write anymore. But this little fluff nugget has been my constant daydream for a while. There are no warnings for this. It's lighthearted and fun. I suck at writing smut so I doubt I'll continue it. If someone wanted to pick up where I left off and do a shower scene, I would LOVE that! Anyway, here it is. Be gentle :)
It was mid afternoon when you and your squad made it to the training grounds.  Captain Levi’s squad was supposed to be done in the next half hour. You like to get your squad there early when the special forces are training to provide a little inspiration.
You choose Emily to lead the squad in stretches before they hit the course.  All the while, they’re watching Levi’s soldiers expertly soar through the air completing maneuvers it will take years for your squad to accomplish. While stretching, you hear the oohs and aaahs, sometimes shocked gasps as another soldier completes in flight stunts that look impossible.  You notice Levi, arms crossed, watching them intently.  He never has to yell out instruction or commands.  His squad is a well-oiled machine.
“Alright guys, what’s the bet today?” you ask your team, breaking their reverie.
“Isn’t it your turn to pick, Captain (y/l/n)?” asks the unofficial leader of the squad, Leo. “Besides, every time we come up with a bet, it’s almost guaranteed defeat.”
“I’m not stupid guys. The tasks get harder depending on what we bet.  If you bet I walk topless through the mess hall at dinner time, Malcolm (glancing over to the brave boy who dared make that wager), you better believe I’m giving you a nearly impossible task.” Malcolm blushes.
“It was worth a shot.” He says sheepishly. Amelia punches his arm playfully saying “That’s gross Malcolm, she’s our squad leader.”
“Anyway, I think you’ll like this offer.  How about you nail all your maneuvers I assigned last week and two more surprise tasks, and I’ll do all your laundry for a week?”  While this bet wasn’t as exciting as a topless Captain at dinnertime, it did get the squad’s full attention.  You knew some of them were wearing clothing for the second, maybe third time between washes and they stunk!  This bet was more for you than anyone.
The slight turn and side eye from Levi let you know he wasn’t watching his squad as intently as you thought. He was eavesdropping.
“But you have to land properly.  No biffing the landings!” You add, hearing groans from some of your soldiers.  More groans when you tell them the surprise maneuvers they are to complete.  They’re difficult but not impossible for their skill level.
“All right guys, I think this is doable.” Leo chimes in, pumping up his squad mates.  Some were already looking defeated, having the most difficulty with their landings. They all circled up and started motivating each other.  Levi might have the elite group, but no one could rival your squad in the heart department. These guys gave it their all every time, training or battle.
You had a way with these “kids” as you called them that few squad leaders did.  They loved your inclusiveness and your no-blame leadership style.  You made sure they knew they were a team.  Mistakes were learning opportunities, even the fatal ones. Those most of all.  And they did happen to all Scout squads.  It was just the nature of the job.
“OK Captain (y/l/n), we accept the bet!  Get the soap ready!  Let’s do this!”  The whole squad was pumped and ready.  You couldn’t help but grin and hope that you had a lot of laundry to do this week.
“Alright, it’s on.  Keep stretching and warming up!” you say as you walk over to join Levi and watch the last of his team’s maneuvers.
“Well, your team is certainly inspiring some young ones today.” You grin and bump his shoulder.
“Is that why you’re always early?”
“Yes sir, I’ll take all the motivation we can get.”
“So what’s up with that bet? Sounds like a recurring thing with you.” He asks, never taking his gaze from his flyers.
“All the motivation I can get, right?  They really respond well to the bets we make.”
“Did I hear mention of a bet that would have had you walk topless through the mess hall at dinner time?” This question did pull his gaze to you with raised eyebrows. You couldn't help the blush that stained your cheeks.
“That was never going to happen.” You outline the tasks you gave your squad that day.
“Yeah, that would be hard for my group to accomplish.” Levi smirks. “Would you like to join us during our next training session? Maybe my squad would like to try betting on something.”
“That would be amazing! Thank you!” You are beaming. Training with the elites will certainly boost your squad’s morale.
“Alright, day after tomorrow at 1pm.”
“It’s a date.” tumbles out of your mouth.  Levi briefly side eyes you with a slightly scrunched brow at your choice of phrase but continues walking to his squad for their debrief.  You are blushing thinking he might have taken that the wrong way.  Oh well, nothing to do now but show up at 1pm in two days.  Your squad was going to freak out!
The joint training sessions became a regular once a week thing with the two squads.  The bets initially started out pretty tame.  Levi and you lost several but when they were “Do 100 push ups” or “Clean all the floors in the barracks”, it was ok.  Neither of you minded losing those.  But the soldiers started getting braver with their wagers.
You knew something interesting was in the works when you see Sasha Braus bouncing on her heels and clapping her hands before you both even make it over to them.
“Alright Sasha, what do you have for us today?” Asks Levi, arms crossed and one eyebrow raised.
“Ohhhh, this is a goooood one!”  Her voice quivers with excitement.  “If we complete all our maneuvers flawlessly, landings included, Captain (y/l/n) has to do 10 push ups.”  She’s so excited, she can hardly continue.
“Sasha, that’s not a challenge.” You add, knowing there has to be more to it. You notice Jean, Conny, and Eren look slightly uncomfortable.
“That’s not all!  With every push up, you and Captain Levi have to KISS!”  She literally squeals. Your eyes grow large.
“Sasha, that only works if both parties are consensual.”  You roll your eyes, knowing Levi will not agree to this.
“What do you mean Captain (y/l/n)?  You wouldn’t consent to that?”
The phrase you could hear a pin drop is very apropos in this moment as all eyes are on Levi with gaping mouths.  You could swear you heard the wind of heads turning.
“You mean to tell me YOU consent to that?” You ask incredulously.
Levi takes your arm and pulls you aside.  “The task fits the bet, right?  Here’s what we’ll have them do.”  He outlines his plan and the butterflies in your stomach still. But you’re not sure if you’re relived or disappointed knowing your squad will definitely not be able to pull this off. Were you hoping to lose this one?
“Perfect. Let’s tell them.” You grin.
You both walk back over, and Levi lays out the maneuvers they’ll have to perform in order to win the bet.
They are obviously shaken but the elites take the young ones aside, and after a 10-minute pep talk and possible strategy session, they return and accept your conditions. Is this task as difficult as Levi thought? They seem pretty confident. "We accept!" Sasha yells.
Levi looks at you and winks. “Alright, get going then.”  In pairs, the two squads enthusiastically enter the training arena.
The last teams are nearly finished.  You look over at Levi nervously.  All the pairs assigned to you were flawless.  How could that be?  The elites really were inspiring, but you realized you might have been going a little too easy on your team.  What a sight to behold.  And your squad was so proud of themselves.  You would have made a bet to kiss a titan for this!
Levi’s mouth is agape as he slowly turns his head to look at you.  You both just stare at each other in disbelief, his expression saying everything you needed to know.  His group was flawless as well.
“Holy shit.” You mumble under your breath, heat now creeping up your neck, your palms sweaty already.
Levi regains his composure, that cool mask of confidence back on his face and in his stance.  He strides toward you looking way more collected than you feel.
“Alright, new strategy.” He says, a sneaky glimmer in his eye. “They didn’t say what kind of kiss, right?”
You pause for a second, realizing what he’s saying and your breath that you didn’t know you were holding is released in a relieved sigh. Is relieved the right word?
“I know where you’re going with this.” You say shaking your head.
“Every time you lower yourself, I’ll turn my head and you kiss somewhere on my face.  Forehead, cheeks, nose.  We’ll keep them guessing.”
“They’re going to be so mad!”
“They should have thought of all the loopholes before they finalized the deal.” Levi stated coolly with a shrug.
Sasha, back to bouncing and clapping, yells “Ok you two!  Assume the position!”
"This is stupid.”-Conny
“I don’t think I can watch this.”-Eren
"Why does Captain Levi get to do the kissing?" -Jean
Meanwhile the girls are giggling messes of anticipation.
Levi lies on the ground, hands casually behind his head like he’s relaxed and getting ready for an afternoon nap. Huh, to feel that relaxed right now. You crawl up his body, your knees straddling his hips and your hands to either side of his neck. Hoots and hollers from the two squads do not help the blush on your face. You raise to plank position, then slowly lower yourself.
Levi’s head remains still until the last second, then turns to the right, offering his cheek for the first kiss.  You lightly feather his skin with your lips before returning to plank.
“Hey, that’s cheating!” Sasha sounds so defeated.
“You didn’t specify what kind of kiss Sasha.  Let this be a lesson to you.  Negotiate better next time.” Levi says smugly. “I want to hear you count!  That was 1, 9 to go!”
The next 4 kisses were met with increasingly under enthused counting as the cheek, nose, and forehead barely-there-pecks were administered.
At the start of the 6th, Levi says to you “My turn.”  Your eyes narrow in confusion and he clarifies “I’m going to kiss you now. Move however you prefer.”  You nod, really just wanting this to be over with. You agree with the squad that this is underwhelming.
You move your head so kisses land on both cheeks, your forehead, and your nose.  Time for the final kiss.  As you start to lower your body, Levi removes his hands from behind his head and places them on either side of your face.  Your eyes widen when he says “Let’s give them a little something more, huh?” You feel those butterflies again as you nod your head in agreement.  And time passes in slow motion.  You continue lowering until your lips meet Levi’s.  At first, the kiss is just a brushing of your lips together.  Levi gently pulls your face away just a bit to look you in the eyes, then lowers you again, this time kissing you properly.  You can’t feel anything else.  Your body feels weightless.  His lips part and his tongue grazes your bottom lip.  You open your lips to him and the kiss deepens, tongues swirling and gliding together.  There’s no one else here but the two of you.  The gasps and cheers from the combined squads don’t reach your ears. You have no idea how long this kiss lasts but you can honestly say you don’t want it to end.
The only thing to break the spell is Eren saying “Geez, are they going to come up for air?”  Levi reluctantly pulls away after a few more brief kisses.  You slowly raise your body, as your eyes open and lock with Levi’s.  “Damn” he mutters softly.  You can’t help but grin a little as you complete your final plank.  You blink your eyes a few times, trying to rid yourself of the spell Levi’s put you under.  You push up to your feet, face flushed and lips swollen.  You offer a hand to Levi, who takes it, even though he doesn’t really need it to get off the ground.  Once vertical, you expect him to release your hand, but instead, he intertwines his fingers with yours and says “Ok kids, show’s over.  Hit the showers.”  The soldiers don’t miss the fact that you’re still holding hands as they depart.  Sasha and Mikasa keep looking over their shoulders, hoping they won’t miss anything else.
Levi whispers in your ear “What do you say Captain?  Ready to hit the shower too?”
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spriteno3 · 4 years
Study tips/reminders for the lost
For some reason I’ve never been able to study. To sit down and revise for hours was impossible, especially during A-Levels (luckily I got pretty good grades at GCSE with little revision)- I would sit down for maybe 5 mins at a time before freaking out, getting severely distracted or overstimulated and finally, navigating to somewhere on the Internet, usually Youtube, and getting stuck there for hours on end. And so it continued. I was scared, overwhelmed by how much I needed to do, and felt hopeless because it took me ages to understand or memorise anything properly, and anyway I’d already lost so much time. Unsurprisingly, my final results were poor. I remember opening the envelope and feeling numb, I’d expected it. I tried to put on a positive smile, and slipped away off home on my own. The point is I was struggling and I didn’t get or ask for help. I’m 22 now and doing an apprenticeship at a well-known british media company. University was never something I wanted to go through after Sixth-Form Hell- and that’s okay: it’s not for everyone and there are other options. I’ve also finally found how best I study. If any of the above resonated with you, it may help you too?
Don’t make it into a big deal, literally nothing matters anyway, what will happen, will happen.
Make LISTS - make a to-do list and break it down into manageable chunks. It’s clear then what little things you need to do to make a big difference- and checking tasks off your list will feel so good. You’ll feel productive, accomplished and not guilty, allowing you to sleep better at night too.
Don’t worry if you don’t understand things first time round, just read and let it wash over you.
USE THE POMODORO TECHNIQUE - this time-management technique has saved my shocking attention span and me from my ability to get distracted- breaks are built in too which is amazing.
Decide on the task to be done.
Set the pomodoro timer (traditionally to 25 minutes).
Work on the task.
End work when the timer rings and put a checkmark on a piece of paper.
If you have fewer than four checkmarks, take a short break (3–5 minutes), then go to step 2.
After four pomodoros, take a longer break (15–30 minutes), reset your checkmark count to zero, then go to step 1.
TAKE BREAKS - If you’re not using the pomodoro technique, at least make sure you take sufficient breaks and regularly, set a timer for 25/30/45 min chunks to work and then go outside for 5/10 mins, get a cup of tea, have a screen break, talk to someone, stretch your legs, jump around, dance, sing or do something else that makes you happy.
STEP-BACK/REST  - Feeling overwhelmed? Teary? Stressed? Like you’ll never get through and it’s all hopeless? You’re literally just tired- your brain is like “nah I’m overstimmed...I’ll just shut down”. So you need to step back and get perspective or you won’t be productive- try a walk, a break, or an early night. Better sleep will mean you can cope for longer periods of time.
Make up stories - this is the best way I’ve found to memorise info- especially acronyms and numbers. Create a narrative with the information as the characters, and imagine it visually in your head. Add detail, and anthropomorphise/personify objects to make it weird and memorable but also make sense and resonate with you. For example to memorise the order in which to build a PC, I made up a story about the relationship between a CPU and a motherboard... Your brain has the capacity to memorise 3x the Internet apparently, or so my Chemistry teacher once told me (even if it’s only 1x, that’s still a fair bit).
SLEEP - I cannot stress enough how important sleep is. Without it you won’t cope- trust me, I know. Try to get 7/8 hours a night, and make sure to go to sleep before midnight- I like to aim for 10:00pm, then read a book for half an hour to calm down. Getting enough daylight helps, and also writing a to-do list before you sleep. If you still can’t calm down...
Exercise - If I’m still buzzing with thoughts, worries, or maybe the urge to do a million things that aren’t studying but I need to get to bed, I will do a home workout/yoga or just dance to my favourite music. Also my brain gets tired out my listening to music as I fall asleep- kinda like brain exercise.
Remember: this isn’t forever.
And finally.... 
Always have an evening treat - if you need to study all day, make sure you have time for yourself in the evening, and do something you love, preferably away from the screen if you’ve been on your laptop all day and your eyes are starting to ache. I like to draw, paint, maybe bake cookies or force myself on an evening walk, even if I think I can’t be bothered because I always end up feeling amazing and tired out, in a good way.
You haven’t failed until you give up!
Dinroswen x
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hey! i sent in the ask for the party fic with ethan (which was so good holy shit) and i was hoping you could do the SFW alphabet for him? can I be ⚙️ anon, as well? (get it?)
⚙️anon (thats so clever ily for it) , welcome !! im sorry this took me forever , but here’s your sfw alphabet - this came so easy to me i spend too much time consuming ethan content - anyway ! i really hope you enjoy this ((: reblogs are always appreciated <3
AYO LOOK AT THESE : soft , fluffy ethan content , no tws ! also , yall rockin with the new blog theme ⁉️
a = affection (how affectionate are they? how do they show affection?)
ethan is incredibly affectionate in all senses of the word- big gestures, small moments, and everything in between. he brings you flowers or food quite often, just something small to show you that you were on his mind while he was out and about. you two would have a designated date night once a week where he’d clear his schedule to spend quality time with you; either taking you out to dinner or cooking and watching movies at home with spencer. also, ethan would definitely go out of his way to do little things around the house to help you out - washing the dishes, vacuuming, folding the laundry. however, ethan wouldn’t shy away from larger gestures of affection, either: he’d take you on surprise vacations or road trips for holidays or anniversaries. 
b = best friend (what would they be like as a best friend? how would the friendship start?)
being ethan’s best friend would be so much fun. he’s definitely the kind of guy that would send you a text when he was 10 minutes away from your house because he was bored and wanted to go do something together. you’d never be bored around ethan- he can talk for hours, and would 100% know how to make you laugh, even if the two of you were just chilling on the couch. a friendship with ethan would be filled with adventures; concerts, midnight snack runs, campouts in the backyard and lots of fun with spencer. 
c = cuddles (do they like to cuddle? how would they cuddle?)
yes, 100%. thinking back to unus annus, ethan was a vvv touchy guy with mark, and i think that would only be amplified with his significant other- touch is one of his love languages, for sure. he’d be the type to always have some soft of physical connection; a hand on your thigh while he drives, mindlessly drawing patterns over your skin while your working, aways holding your hand in public type beat. if ethan wasn’t getting your attention when he wanted it he, would not hesitate to pick you up over his shoulder and carry you to the closest soft surface before plopping you down and wrapping you in his arms. i think he’s probably a fan of having you laying on your side, facing him so that he can hold you, but still see your face/ talk to you. he’d also love laying on your chest because he’s such a boob guy but that’s a conversation for another time ,,,,,
d = domestic (do they want to settle down? how are they at cooking and cleaning?)
i think that if you and ethan were committed and had been dating for a while than he would absolutely want to settle down- but i feel like dating ethan would also include being around each other all the time (constant sleepovers while you aren't living together) so it wouldn’t be that drastic of a change. while he was living on his own, though, ethan obviously had to take care of himself, so he taught himself to cook and clean and do general, domestic tasks. i think he’d be a really good partner when it came to things around the house like that; ethan would always do his fair share and would pick up anything that you needed him to. 
e = ending (if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
ethan just comes off as a very feeling, sensitive person (his brand is literally soft boy what do u expect), so i think breakups would be really hard for him. he wouldnt break up with his s/o until he was 10000000% positive that it as the right choice, and had thought through it multiple times. even then, it would rip his heart out to end things- he wouldn’t be afraid to show his emotions. ethan would definitely break up with whoever he was dating in person- he knows that he owes them that.
f = fiance(e) (how do they feel about commitment? how quick would they want to get married?)
okay, this one is up in the air for me. i definitely feel like ethan would settle down with his person and be completely loyal to them- thats a no brainer. i just don’t know how he feels about marriage? i feel like ethan wants a life partner, i just dont know if he would marry them. (this could 1792049384% be my personal bias peeking through because i think marriage is fkn weird, but for some reason i think he would too ????? maybe thats just me)
g = gentle (how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
ethan is just ,,,,, soft hearted, dude. he’s just gentle in general. i think emotionally he’s a total teddybear, and he feels all his emotions incredibly deep- he rules with his heart, for sure. he wants to make sure that everyone around him is happy, and if they arent, it would affect him more than he’d like to admit. physically, ethan can vary- like i said, he’s always touching you in some way, but i think he’d be down for getting a little rougher in bed when you guys want to. 
h = hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they do it? what are their hugs like?)
ethan is an envelope-the-whole-ass-person kinda hugger, hug-with-your-whole-body type deal. if you look at pictures from unus annus, even old old pictures from the tour he did w/ mark, ethan is always completely wrapped around someone, hugging them with everything in him. i think if his s/o was shorter, he’d love to stack his head on top of theirs, and if y’all were around the same height, he’d bury his face in your neck. he’s very huggy- when you’re out and about, he’s always hugging you from behind, pulling your body closer to his. i also think ethan would love koala hugs, where he was sitting and his s/o wraps their arms and legs around him- he’d sit like that forever, rubbing up and down your back.
i = i love you (how fast do they say the l-word?)
hhhhhhhhhh don't clock me for this one, yall- if ethan was feeling some type of way, he would tell you. i don't think the length of the relationship would matter as much to him as the intensity and depth of his feelings; if ethan really truly loved you and wanted to say it, he would. he’d definitely preface it with the fact that you didn’t have to say it back, that he just wanted to get it on the table and out of his head. 
j = jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do when they’re jealous?)
ethan would be very secure in his relationships, and i think it would take a lot to get him jealous. however, when he was,,,,,,,, it wouldnt be pretty. like, at all. if it was a situation where someone was hitting on his s/o, he wouldn’t step in until you’d already tried to get them to leave you alone- not because he didn’t want to, but because he knew that if he did, it would get ugly. when he did step in, he’d start by saying something (not kindly worded, but to the point), and if that didn’t work i don’t think ethan would be above getting physical- he’s extremely protective of you. 
k = kisses (what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss you? where do they like to be kissed?)
okay- ethan loves to kiss you. he just loves kisses- they feel so personal and intimate to him, and he kisses you all the time, everywhere
he’ll dip you and kiss you in the middle of the grocery store aisles, he dgaf
but i think his favorite spots for kissing you would be your forehead, your lips (duh), collarbones/shoulders, down your spine and on your inner thighs hngggggg
but it goes vice versa too
ethan wants ALL your kisses . all of them , everywhere
He’s such a sucker for you kissing his neck and you cant talk me out of that (:
l = little ones (how are they around children?)
cute. literally so cute. i think that ethan would love other people’s kids, but definitely doesn’t want any of his own- at least, not right now. however, with other people’s babies he is S O F T; he loves to hold them, and would absolutely offer to try and calm a crying baby down, rocking them and singing soft lullabies to calm their woes. i also think that he would LOVE toddler aged kiddos- like 3-6. he’d be cool uncle ethan, playing catch with them, taking them to the park, finding games to play and always letting them win. he’d totally try to teach them how to ride their bike, or how to do a cartwheel, or how to jump off the swings for maximum height. ethan would totally bring them a fun lunch at school or sneak the kid’s favorite candy over to them and eat it together in a secret spot.
m = morning (how are mornings spent with them?)
mornings with ethan would be slow and lazy and filled with golden light filtering in through the blinds. if he woke up first, ethan would be as soft as humanly possible in order not to wake you up & would sneak downstairs to make coffee and start breakfast for the two of you, sometimes bringing it up to surprise you with breakfast in bed. the two of you would spend an hour (at minimum) in bed together, waking up and peppering each other with soft pecks all over. i think ethan would be extra soft™ in the mornings- he’d be super cuddly and affectionate. 
n = night (how are nights spent with them?)
nights spent with ethan would always hold a sort of unexplainable magic- there’s something about the thought of falling asleep next to him thats just so… comforting? he’d be so warm and easy to fall asleep with, all soft and hazy and gentle; he’d fall asleep holding you as big spoon, but when y’all woke up he’d be wrapped in your arms, laying on your chest. also, if you were having a hard time falling asleep, ethan would stay up with you, talking through whatever was on your mind even if he was barely able to keep his eyes open. 
o = open (when would they start revealing things about themselves? do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
i think that ethan would open up more and more as the relationship progresses, going along with the natural advancement of things unless something happened that made it crucial for him to open up; if that did happen, though, you wouldn’t have to pry anything out of him. ethan is a pretty honest, open person and wants to be transparent with you always- trust is something that he values above all else and he wants to remain very truthful with you.
p = patience (how easily angered are they?)
ethan is incredibly patient and understanding- it would take a lot to truly upset him. sure, the two of you would get into little tiffs here and there about stupid things, but the small arguments would be resolved within the hour with lots of hugs and kisses and soft “im sorry”s. however, if yall managed to get into a big argument, i think it would take ethan a bit to calm down and he would want to put some space between you two while he did- not to anger you any further, but to make sure that he didn’t say anything he didn't mean. ethan has a bit of a temper while he’s angry, and he wouldn’t want to say anything just to hurt you out of anger. after he cooled off he would come back and be willing to re-examine whatever had caused the issue with fresh eyes. 
q = quizzes (how much would they remember about you? do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
if you’ve watched ethan ever, you know that the sweet bby doesn’t remember shit (cue the instagram live thats purpose was to help him remember a word)- but listen. i think that ethan would go out of his way to hold on to little pieces of information about his s/o, and would put so much effort into trying to remember little details. he’d store them in his brain (things like your favorite flower, the brand of chocolate you like best, etc) and reference them when he needed. 
r = remember (what is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
a couple moments would stick out to ethan - when y’all first met being his favorite. he’d remember every detail of the moment he was first introduced to you; what you were wearing, where you were, what y’all had been doing that night. it was something that he though about a lot, actually- he loved to reflect on the way you’d blushed as he’d introduced himself, how you’d hugged him at the end of the night. 
s = security (how protective are they? how would they protect you? how would they like to be protected?)
ethan isn't possessive, but he is incredibly protective of you. he secretly hates whenever someone flirts with you, even if it’s strictly platonic- you're his s/o, and he doesn't want anyone thinking any different. like i said earlier (reference letter j), ethan wouldn’t be afraid to step in and put someone in their place of they were getting a little too friendly. he likes when you’re protective of him as well, even if its something very subtle to show that he’s spoken for, such as calling him a nickname or dropping a kiss on his cheek.
t = try (how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
romantic ethan my belOVED- he would try so hard. ethan would plan surprises for you for weeks before they would unfold, even roping your family and friends into his schemes. He’d be so creative with date ideas too; picnics, art classes, different seasonal excursions around california. For bigger occasions like anniversaries, holidays, birthdays and all that, ethan wouldn’t hesitate to go bigger- i definitely think he would take you traveling. he wants to see the world with his love :,)
u = ugly (what would be some bad habits of theirs?)
ethan bites his nails, which is why he’d had you paint them- he’s trying to break the habit
he’s a very sweary human, but so are you; the only issue is he has no filter and accidentally swears in front of kids all the time lmao
v = vanity (how concerned are they with their looks?)
eh. ethan is more particular about certain aspects of his appearance over others, but he’s generally well put together. he likes for his hair to look good, though- that’s the one thing that he’s picky about. 
w = whole (would they feel incomplete without you?)
ethan is his own person and is able to function on his own, but the two of you have developed a sense of codependency with each other, like any couple does. he can’t see his life without you at all anymore, and would much rather have you around than not. the two of you have fallen into a flow together- you and him against the world. life is much easier when you have another person on your team, and he’s honored that he gets to play that role for you. 
x = xtra (a random headcanon for them.)
(this may or may not be a lil hint to a fic i'm working on shshhshshhhhhhhh)
on the night unus annus ended, ethan was a wreck - rightfully so
he had a bit of an existential crisis , and started to spiral a bit
you were worried about him , and knew that he would just continue to get into his own head
so you got him out of bed
and took him on a v special date
thats all for now ;)
y = yuck (what are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
ethan wouldn't like smoking (nicotine), and if that was a habit that you were willing to budge on, he would really try to help you break it. 
overall, ethan is a very considerate and kind person, so someone that was rude or had a sense of entitlement just wouldn’t fit well with him.
z = zzz (what is a sleep habits of theirs?)
ethan can’t fall asleep without background noise. his brain gets too loud when he’s just in bed in complete silence, for better or for worse; sometimes this leads to great video ideas or new concepts for the channel, but other times it just lead to him overthinking his life. when it was that kind of night, ethan would fall asleep to soft music or one of those white noise apps- then he became dependent on it to be able to fall asleep. something about filler noise managed to calm him right down and lull him to sleep, and he pays $5 a month for the premium version of his favorite white noise app.
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tasakesi · 2 years
>night shift once again
>ive been dreading this one since i saw my schedule
>instead of finishing at 9:30 i have to stay til 10:30
>get there, my housemate is nowhere to be found
>maybe she's in icecreams idk. i get a few tasks
>one of the bakers gives me two churros she's been making
>pure unfiltered joy
>go to the buffet
>my housemate is in icecreams
>she tells me her lunch was cut short bc no one was serving icecreams
>she's rightfully pissed
>we discuss talking to the guy who is arranging everything for us. not much baker-confectionery work here for us
>dont want to switch hotels tho
>some time pass
>we're washing fruit
>i laugh
>"i wonder when my personal invitation to the hot kitchen is arriving. hope it's soon!"
>not even 5 minutes go by
>the hot NOT 22 year old chef calls me by name (or well not really)
>tells me to come to the hot kitchen
>there's my invitation!! <3
>i tell him im coming AFTER i finish with the fruit. gotta put your foot down here
>finish with the fruit, say farewell to my housemate and head to the hot kitchen
>i get there
>gets tasked with wrapping tortillas into a tube so ppl could build their own tortillas
>do i look polish to you.jpeg
>i do it
>i finish
>i proudly tell the hot chef (im sorry his nickname is getting annoying)
>he comes to me and looks at it for a bit
>"i need 10 more plates"
>my blood runs cold
> *shows with fingers* "ten"
>i accept defeat and start heading to the dishwashing station, for those 10 plates
>*gets tapped on the shoulder*
>i turn. hes laughing at me
>"im kidding. just one more is good"
>hahah so funny
>what a comedian we have here
>mr wordwide joker man hahahah
>i get my plate and do the fucking tortilla wrapping
>later on i get tasked with cling wrapping various things. i literally am not given any other tasks
>have to get pots of broth or soup into the fridge
>mr worldwide joker man won't let me lift them so he does that for me
>i know i am skinny but come on
>stubbornly lift one myself
>gets a wow exclamation before the pot is taken from me once again
>the curse of being a woman ig..
>break time!
>nothing interesting happens during that time so i dont care to document it
>dinner time at the buffet
>im once again in desserts and ice cream
>the other estonian from our group? i dont know
>told mr worldwide joker man that he should be in the cold kitchen
>he agrees
>i get EXTREMELY busy
>too busy even
>no time to breathe or drink water
>i serve one person icecream and suddenly 5 more pop out
>then i have to check the desserts while im at it
>i briefly glance towards the hot kitchen
>the estonian lad is just standing there serving meat
>later on hes just cleaning
>im literally cracking under pressure here and this guy is tasked to JUST STAND???
>extremely mad
>unlike mr worldwide joker man i dont live my anger out on others
>i ask one of the chefs if i ca go on a 10min smoke break around 9
>he says ok
>i smoke 2 cigs to calm down
>stress is gone
>we're finishing up
>gets told to get whatever food i want
>i get a bit
>mr worldwide joker man approaches me
>oh boy what is it now?
>"when we finish. im taking you home"
>did i hear that right?
>YOU'RE taking me home?
>i dont say no to a free ride so i agree
>he has a nice mercedes
>we finish, i wait for him a bit
>he asks me to give him directions
>im very good at those so ofc
>we discuss the weather and how i like cyprus and all that mundane shit
>fuck it. im solving the mystery
>"hey how old were you again?"
>fucking hell
>"what did you think i was 25?"
>i go along and say yea i wouldn't even think hes 30
>im killing myself again
>we get to the place im staying
>"tomorrow same time?"
>"yep unfortunately"
>"ok see you tomorrow!"
>do i have to start paying him gas money?
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