#but i will have a boygenius hoodie
riddler-apologist · 1 year
preordered a boygenius hoodie because i have two jobs and i have money (INSANITY)
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percervall · 1 year
one day I’ll forget about it (knowing it probably isn’t true)
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Pairing: Carlos Sainz x fem!reader Words: 2129 Request: Carlos Sainz + boygenius - Cool About It Warnings: angst? heart break, mentions of a break up, mentions of the shitshow that is Ferrari 2022/2023
In which you're trying to be cool about it
The thing no one talks about when it comes to grief is that it’s not only a side effect of death. Or at least not of death in the sense of a finite ending of a person. Because when it comes to grieving the end of a relationship, there is no finite ending; There is no closure, no matter how much you talk things through and dissect the whys and hows of the ending. There is no closure, you discovered, because while you were left reeling and dealing with what felt like the loss of a limb, he moved on –moved away. 
Perhaps that was something to be grateful for. Not having to see him at every event in the lives of your overlapping friend groups made it more bearable to pick up the pieces, to smooth over the jagged edges of you he left in his wake as he tore himself away. You had almost convinced yourself that you were okay, when your best friend mouths an apology as you lay eyes on him entering the pub –Carlos. You give her a tight-lipped smile to convey you are fine while you watch him walk to where your group of friends is sitting. You almost hate him then –almost being the operative word. He looks good, hair tousled as usual and dressed in jeans and a knit polo. Conveniently for you, your wine arrives and you can busy yourself with taking a sip as he greets everyone. During the rest of the evening you try your hardest to avoid interacting with him unless you really have to. Of course this leads to some funny looks from Lando, who’s become the centre of what used to be the Venn-diagram of you and Carlos and has remained a close friend after the split. I’m trying, you want to tell him, he has broken me beyond repair, but you do what you do best and hide behind the stereotypical stiff upper lip.
The text comes a couple of weeks later. Lando sends you the link to an article and the preview of it is enough to leave him on read. In hindsight you should have expected nothing less from him when your phone rings later that night; Lando is nothing if not persistent.
“Have you read it?”
“Hello to you too,” you deadpan as you settle on the couch.
“Sorry. Hi, have you read it?”
“Lando-..” you start, pinching the bridge of your nose. 
“No don’t give me that,” he interrupts, “Read the article and then please ring me back. Just-.. Please?” 
“..Fine.” You finish the call and click on the link. Taking a deep breath you begin reading a chronological account of the 2022 season that reads like a comedy of errors. At first you’re not sure why Lando sent you this; They won podiums, sometimes even in P1, but the further you scroll down, the more you realise just how much things have taken a turn.
“What do you want me to do with this?” you ask Lando as soon as he picks up. 
“He is struggling a lot. This season is even worse. I need you to understand that he is not fine, not by a long shot. You may think that he has moved on but he hasn’t.” 
“Lando, he broke up with me. I might not remember much from that time, but I distinctly remember you letting me cry into your hoodie for days on end that winter. How is this my problem?” You can’t help the bitter tone of your voice.
“Because once upon a time he had someone in his corner. This second fiddle role is gonna break him. I know he fucked up, that he broke your heart, but please I am begging you, you were the only person who could get through to him. Please help me help my friend?” 
“If -and it’s a big if- I say yes, I’m only doing so because I love you.”
“I will be forever in your debt,” Lando replies and you can pick up on the desperation in his voice. Things must have gotten really bad if he offers you a carte blanche like this. 
“Just-.. Get me one of Daniel’s t-shirts and a sweater and we’ll call it even.” 
“We’re flying to Hungary together, why don’t you join? I’m sure he’d love to give it to you personally.” You sigh, flopping back onto the couch and as you stare up at the ceiling, you agree to his plan. A part of you wonders whether you’re just a glutton for punishment. Who’s to say Carlos even wants you there? Only one way to find out, you think and drag yourself to your bedroom to start packing. 
The flight to the Hungarian Grand Prix goes by a lot quicker than you had anticipated. It helps that you haven’t seen Daniel for months and the two of you have a lot of catching up to do. For a moment you forget why you’re even at the track in the first place when you keep being stopped by the other drivers on the grid for a quick chat, but that all comes to a screeching halt when Charles spots you. 
“Oh thank God,” he breathes and pretty much sags into your arms as he hugs you. You have no time to respond or ask questions before he leads you to Ferrari hospitality, Lando in tow. As you sit outside, sipping your coffee, Charles tells you just how messed up things have gotten at Ferrari, how while Charles is fortunate to have the entire force of the Tifosi behind him, Carlos doesn’t share that same protection. You can see the pain in his eyes at not being able to fulfil his godfather’s dreams and the weight of that on his shoulders.
“I have tried everything, but he has shut me out completely. Will you please talk to him?” 
“Charles, why do you think he will listen to me? I-.. I am no longer part of his life, he made sure of that,” you all but whisper.
“Because he is still in love with you,” Charles says and it feels like someone has pulled the rug out from under you. 
“It’s true,” Lando offers, “Not a month has gone by where he hasn’t asked me how you were. I get that you don’t believe us. Hell, I wouldn’t believe it either if I were you.” You stare into your coffee cup, swirling the dregs of your espresso around not too dissimilar to how their words are swirling around in your head. 
“Please, just-.. Please, will you try and talk to him?” Charles asks you again, desperation evident in his voice and eyes when you finally look up at him. You don’t trust yourself to speak, so all you can do is nod. Relief floods both their faces and you brace yourself a little to see him again for the first time in months. Charles leads you upstairs to the driver rooms, leaving Lando behind who promises he’ll wait for you. Rupert and Caco are seated on the same floor, both shooting you a hopeful look as you pass them on your way to Carlos’ room. Charles knocks quietly, pushing the door open ever so slightly.
“Not now,” Carlos bites back.
“Mate?” Charles calls out in the hopes he will turn around. Whatever insult Carlos was about to hurl his teammate’s way, dies on his lips when he sees you in the door opening. 
“Hey,” you offer quietly. Charles whispers that he’ll be downstairs if you need him, squeezing your arm as he leaves you behind. Carlos can’t stop staring at you, mouth slightly agape and eyes round. 
“Hey,” he finally manages as you step into the room, sliding the door closed behind you and leaning against it.
“What-.. How-..?” he tries to ask, struggling to get a coherent sentence out.
“Lando. He’s worried about you. So’s Charles. I’m a last resort apparently,” you try to joke, but the nerves make it impossible for you to keep your tone teasing. Carlos sighs and slumps down on a chair as he mulls this over. It allows you a moment to look at him, to really look at him. His hair is a mess, which is not uncommon for him, but you can tell he has been running his hands through it in frustration. His stubble is slowly edging towards unkempt rather than rugged, and there’s a sadness and exhaustion in his eyes that makes you ache for him. 
“Carlos..” you start, stuffing your hands in your pockets to refrain yourself from reaching out to him. He looks up at you, tears threatening to spill.
“I’m sorry,” he murmurs, voice breaking, “I’m sorry. I hurt you and pushed you away and I am so sorry.” 
“Why?” you whisper.
“I thought-.. I thought that it would be for the best. When the call came that Ferrari wanted me, I was so excited but I could never ask you to give up everything for me. So I figured this was for the best, that letting you go was for the best. God, was I wrong…” Carlos all but whispers that last part but the pain is tangible. 
“We could’ve made it work. Had you talked to me, we could’ve figured out a solution. You didn’t have to do this all on your own.” You want to be angry at him, unleash the heartache you’ve had to bottle up for the last three years, but instead your heart breaks for the man you once loved –the man you still love, despite it all. 
“I never stopped caring about you,” you say, not daring to look at him out of fear of seeing any ounce of hope in those brown eyes that once offered you so much solace, “I probably also didn’t stop loving you which made it so much harder to see you out there, living your dream while I was left with a gaping hole in my chest. Seeing you at the pub that night made it so much worse. You seemed so confident, so carefree, whereas I had barely managed to put my heart back together only for it to fall apart all over again. I’m not saying I forgive you, but I understand now, or at least somewhat understand why you thought you had to do what you did. It will take time for us to figure out where we stand, but in the meantime I can at least offer you friendship. I’ll be here all weekend, you have Lando to thank for that. If you need someone to talk to outside of this circus, I will be in the McLaren motorhome.” 
“Thank you,” Carlos whispers, “I know it doesn’t fix or prove anything, but I also never stopped loving you. I have been anything but okay, guess I was just good at pretending I was. The races kept me distracted from the pain at first, but now it’s only adding to it. I don’t know how much more of this I can take…” He looks up at you, tears threatening to spill. You step closer and he allows you to pull him into a hug, face buried against your chest and arms wrapped around you, almost as if he’s afraid you might disappear if he doesn’t hold on for dear life. All his worries come tumbling out, about how he’s had to become both driver, strategist and race engineer during the weekends, how the team prioritising Charles again and again has begun to put a strain on their friendship and how the media’s commentary on said treatment is only making things so much worse since it has put both of them in a loop of damned if we do, damned if we don’t, how his dad continuously commenting on his future has made it difficult to even be in the same room as the man he once called his hero. You listen to it all, rubbing your hand up and down his back, easing the tension out of his muscles. When Carlos has run out of tears and words, you lift his face so you can look at him, brushing your thumb across his cheekbone.
“That’s a lot to carry, Carlos, but you’ve got people in your corner. I will always be in your corner, no matter what. How about you take a nap, I will still be here when you wake up and we just take it one step at a time, okay?” Carlos nods and you see the tiniest glint of hope in his eyes that is mirrored in the tiniest spark in your heart, that maybe this –all of it and any of it– is not beyond salvation just yet.
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Yeah, so this kind of took on a life of its own? I don't know man, I listened to the song on repeat and started thinking about the different ways we can grief and how sometimes appearances function as a shield to deflect from how you're truly hurting and suddenly I was over 2k into a fic that was supposed to be a blurb? Oops? If you'd like even more heartache, most of this was written while listening to Bon Iver's re:stacks
Massive thanks to @moneyymaseyy for letting me talk through the plot and being my beta reader
Please, feel free to let me know what you think, your comments, tags, and likes mean the world to me 💜
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gingerjolover · 1 year
Unspoken - Lucy Dacus x fem!reader
Synopsis: Lucy and Crew!Reader don't have to say it but they're in looooove
G's notes: Thank you guys for all the support :') I have had the shittiest month and feel so grateful for all the sweet messages and encouragement I've received. Things are finally returning to normal, so this is literally like 1/5 stories I have to post! (lmfao)
Julien fic is up next!!!
WC: somewhere around 1.2k...again
Warnings: RPF, smoking ciggies, kissing, julien calling you punk, swearing ig
feedback is appreciated and welcomed but pls be kind!
boygenius, “the tour,” 25 shows come and gone. It’s dark outside, the Red Rocks amphitheater slowly emptying, fans and crew alike buzzing from a fantastic performance to end the US leg of the tour. It's hard to tell if the elevation in Colorado is dizzying or if the post-show high is slowly infiltrating the band. 
You and Julien are sitting backstage, hoodie-clad and shivering but still leaning against the back of a truck, smoking cigarettes out of sight from the exiting crowd. “You sure you don't wanna help them?” you ask Julien teasingly, pointing to the crew loading equipment into the vans. “Oh fuck off!” Julien laughs; it's obvious she’s staying as far away as clean up as possible, her willingness to help often making it harder for the crew.
Lucy approaches the two of you, changing out of her stage uniform into a pair of flowy pants and a hoodie. Her eyes glimmer, her cheeks flushed, and her hair slightly messed up from pulling her hoodie over her head. She smirks as she walks closer to you, the tension rising as you stare at each other, smiling.  
There’s something unspoken, not quite a relationship but more than a friendship, bubbling beneath the surface. Julien smirks, noticing the tension, coughing softly before taking another drag herself. 
Lucy leans beside you and takes your cigarette, taking a long drag and exhaling a puff of smoke,
"How about that show?" Lucy says. "It felt like it went by in a blink."
You can’t help but let out a contented sigh, nodding in agreement. Having spent hours on the road with the band, working and chatting, it's impressive how fast shows fly by. 
“You did great, Luce, like always,” you smile, eyes twinkling, tucking some of Lucy’s hair behind her ear. 
Lucy smiles back at you brightly, her lipstick slightly messed up from kissing Phoebe and Julien on stage. She leans her head against your shoulder, enjoying the closeness. There's something so familiar and comforting about you; Lucy knows she can trust you with anything, and the natural connection that seems beyond words is evident to everyone around them.
You nonchalantly kiss Lucy’s forehead, avoiding Julien’s teasing eyes and wide smirk. Glaring at Julien, you turn your head away to take a drag from the cigarette.
Lucy's face flushes at the touch of your lips. What’s seemingly a quick, innocent kiss on the forehead makes her heart race.
“Jules… you want the rest of this?” you ask, holding up your cigarette, blowing the smoke out of the side of your mouth, away from Lucy.
"Nah, I'm good," Julien responds, smirking. She looks between you and Lucy, giving Lucy a subtle, knowing smile.
You hold out the cig for Lucy, waiting for her to take it between her lips.
She gently takes it, nodding playfully in thanks. She inhales and lets out a slow stream of smoke. Without thinking, her gaze drifts downwards, staring at your lips.
“Pretty,” you mumble softly, pulling the cigarette from her mouth. 
Lucy blinks and looks back up at you, blushing and embarrassed at having been caught staring at your lips. She keeps a minor distance between you both, leaning against the truck. You take another drag on the cigarette and smile, maintaining eye contact with Lucy.
"You look pretty good yourself," Lucy quips playfully, surprising the both of you.
“You feel okay? Still flushed from the show?” you ask, noticing Lucy’s pink cheeks, thumbing the meat of Lucy’s warm cheek. 
Lucy flushes even more, trying to stay composed and ignore her growing attraction, but her feelings are becoming more apparent.
"Yeah," she replies, attempting to act nonchalant. "Just...still processing everything, I guess." Lucy takes another drag on the cigarette and watches as the smoke evaporates in the cold night air.
“I’m gonna go grab Pheebs,” Julien says, awkwardly exiting. She’s a few yards away when she turns around, wiggling her eyebrows and winking at you. 
Widening your eyes at Julien, you turn back to Lucy, smiling at her softly. “So, you ready for Europe?” you tease Lucy, staring at her eyes and lips. 
Lucy nods and huffs out a breath, slightly taken aback by your teasing expression. She doesn't know how to respond, not often getting stuck like this; her eyes are drawn to your lips again.
"For sure," Lucy replies with a forceful laugh, attempting to sound chill.
"I've heard that European crowds are even more enthusiastic than back home, so hopefully, you’re prepared,” you tease in a sing-song voice, leaning closer. 
Lucy crushes the cigarette on the ground with a slight grin. "So... what about you? Are you ready for the next leg of the tour?" she asks, biting her bottom lip.
“I’ll only be seeing y’all in a few cities, unfortunately,” you pout, “but I’ll be back on the fall leg,” you reassure, stepping closer again.  
Lucy's cheeks flush ever so slightly at your remark, her smile dipping momentarily when she realizes there will be some separation soon, having gotten used to your presence working on the tour.
"Well, I’ll miss you while you're away," Lucy says softly. “I… I mean, we all will, you know, because you are such a big part of the crew…” Lucy trails off, swallowing the lump in her throat as she stares into your eyes. You grab her hand, rubbing it with your thumb. 
A brief silence passes, and Lucy breaks it again, her voice softer.
"I..." she stops, finding it difficult to say what she wants.
“You don’t have to say anything Luce,” you murmur, interlocking your fingers, eyes staring into Lucy’s, dropping to her lips. “I feel it too,” you say softly, smiling widely. 
Lucy's eyes go wide. She hadn't anticipated that response and hesitated momentarily before leaning closer toward you. She brushes her lips gently against yours, a moment of pure intimacy. Holding the kiss for a few moments as if time had stopped moving.
Lucy slowly pulls away and looks at you, her heart racing. She can feel the heat from the kiss on her lips, and her entire body is awash with emotion. She looks back into your deep eyes and tries to control herself.
Your smile widens, leaning back into Lucy, connecting your lips again. Your hand cradles her jaw, tongue softly sliding against Lucy’s. 
Lucy's hand moves up to your waist, pulling you closer.  You share a passionate kiss, mouths pressed together with a growing intensity. Lucy's body trembles, and her heart pounds rapidly in her chest. She can feel your shaky breaths between kisses, and the sound of her pulsing heart fills her ears.
You kiss for several more seconds before finally pulling apart. A deep silence hangs in the air before you lean forward again to brush your lips against Lucy's cheek.
“Hey punk, you got a light?” Julien calls to you somewhere hidden backstage, likely standing with other crew members. 
Leaning back to not yell in Lucy’s ear, “Coming,” you shout, rolling your eyes and making Lucy giggle. 
Some of the band is approaching Lucy, so you turn to her gently. “I’ll be back, yeah?” before leaning to kiss the corner of her mouth. 
Lucy watches you walk away, her eyes trailing down your body. She’s distracted as she greets the band, leaning up against the truck with her, with a small smile despite so much left unspoken.
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trueblueidiot · 1 year
A Little Lovin'
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platonic!boygenius x reader; lots of sister!Lucy x reader moments
Warnings: This is a comfort fic about a breakup, so proceed with that information as you will. nothing super in detail about the reader's ex-partner. minor swearing. lots of fluff and comfort.
requested by @julienbakerloverr: hey! if you do requests could you maybe do one where reader is like lucy or pheobe sister and like she just broke up with her ex and she come over to her sisters house on boygenius night and they all comfort her?? and possibly julien x reader?? but only if u want to!
“W-W-We broke up.” you sob over the phone to your sister. 
“Oh, sweetie. I’m so sorry. I’m at home if you need to come over. Please come over. Julien and Pheobe are over, too, and we can all hang out. I don’t want you grieving alone.” she states in a rush of words. 
Sniffling and whipping your tears with the cuff of your hoodie, you agree to come over. As you go to hang up the phone, you hear Julien and Pheobe yell their “I love yous” before the line drops. 
Taking a deep breath, hoping to steady your breathing, you set on packing a bag. As you enter your bedroom, you rummage into your closet for your overnight duffel bag. Locating the old thing, you shove the necessities into the bag and zip it without a second thought to what you’ve shoved in there; if you’re missing something, Lucy is bound to have it. As you’re walking out of your apartment door, you glance at yourself in the mirror by the door. The bags under your eyes are deep and purple, your eyes bloodshot, your hair a knotted mess, and your outfit is purely for comfort. The tears threatened to spill over as you looked at your sorry state. But, before the floodgates could open, you snap back into getting out the door, snatching your keys from the hook by the door, and shoving your feet into your slippers. You head out of your apartment and down the stairs to your car. 
Pulling your car into Lucy’s driveway, you see the front door of her house slowly crack open to reveal your sister standing in the doorway. Retrieving your bag from the back of the car, you shuffle up to her wide-open arms, throwing yourself into her embrace. The tears come immediately.
“It’s ok.” Lucy coos, rubbing her hand up and down your back in soothing strokes.
Lucy stands with you in her arms for a while, letting you get out all the tears and sniffles.
“Tha- Thank you, Lu. I needed that.” You half smile, whipping the tears from your cheeks.
“Of course. Let's get you inside. The boys are in the living room right now. I thought we could watch a movie or some trash TV. It’s your pick. Also, Pheobs went ham and bought a bunch of snacks, so there’s a whole feast of junk food on the coffee table if you’re hungry.” Lucy rambles, ushering you into her home.
Stepping through the doorway and into the foyer, you drop your stuff by the stairs. Looking into the living room, you see Pheobe and Julien fluffing pillows and throwing blankets onto the couch. Pheobe makes eye contact with you and gives you a small smile. 
“Hey, get in here!” Pheobe beckons, grin growing wider.
Shuffling your way into the living room, you glance around at the space they were preparing. The TV was opened to Lucy’s Netflix account, casting a soft glow in the dark room. The fairy lights you had hung up with Lucy when she first bought her place illuminated the space, and the sofa was piled high with throw pillows and fuzzy blankets courtesy of Pheobe and Julien.
“Thank you for setting all of this up. I need this.” You smile, tears welling in your eyes.
“No need to thank us! We’re just happy you decided to come over and hang with us.” Julien states, pulling you into a hug that Pheobe joins in on. 
“Let me in!!” Lucy yells, entering the living room and joining the group hug.
“I love you guys.” you choke, the tears finally spilling and rolling down your cheeks. They pull you even closer if that is even possible, and you bury your head into Julien’s shoulder. As you cry into your friend's arms, you feel Julien’s hand moving up and down your back sweetly, Pheobe’s lips as she plants soft kisses on your forehead, and Lucy’s hand squeezing your bicep reassuringly. You lean into their comforting embrace and release all the pent-up grief you had bottled up. Slowly, your sobs become sniffles, and your sniffles become deep breaths as your tears cease and your breathing evens.
“Thanks.” you croak, laughing softly at your hoarse voice. 
“Of course, that is why we are here. To be your shoulder to cry on.” Phoebe says, wiping your tears with her thumbs and kissing your forehead. 
Plopping down onto the couch, you sit by Julien, and Pheobe sits by Lucy. You all get comfy on the couch, grabbing pillows, blankets, and of course snacks. Once everyone was settled into their spots, Lucy grabbed the remote and clicked into her profile.
“Ok, what are we watching tonight?” she asks, flicking to the search bar. “Hmmmmmm, Gilmore Girls?” you respond sheepishly. 
“YES!” Lucy squeals, scrolling through the main menu to find the show. 
It’s midnight when you see Julien and Pheobe have passed out on the couch. You look over to Lucy, who is also looking at the sleeping duo. She looks up, makes eye contact with you, and smiles lightly, shaking her head.
“Why am I not surprised they were the first to fall asleep,” Lucy whisper-yells, grabbing the blanket slowly slipping off them and tucking it back into place. You giggle at her statement and shake your head. 
“Julien can never stay up past her bedtime.” you joke. 
“Well, apparently, neither can Pheobe.” Lucy laughs.
You throw your head back in quiet, stifled laughter at your sister's comment. 
“I’m glad you decided to come over,” Lucy smiles, reaching across the snoozing duo to squeeze your arm. 
“I’m sorry they were such a jerk and broke up with you over the phone, though. That was shitty.” 
“They weren’t the best partner in the world, and I had a feeling it wouldn’t last. I mean, it is what it is, but it still hurts,” “When you put so much time into a relationship trying to make it work, and your efforts end up being for nothing. It sucks. But, I think it was for the best because I couldn’t see myself being with them in the long run.” you state. 
“I’m sorry it had to happen this way though. You know this invitation is extended to however long you must stay here. And that my door is always open, even if I’m out on tour.” Lucy says.
“Yeah, you’re the best sister I could ask for. I love you, Luce.” 
“Love you too.” 
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brandogenius · 8 months
Hihi i don’t really know how to describe what type of request this is ( blurb? i think) but can we get moments of all of boygenius with a bestfriend that loves stealing their clothes and wearing them around. Bestfriend is a known singer who has been friends with the boys for years and there’s just so many different moments and pictures where they’re in the boys clothes. (I hope i worded this correctly)
you can indeed my love!! i’m sorry this took so long D:
BLURB - the boys & you sharing each others clothes
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you and pb have a similar everyday style. long oversized t-shirts and jeans or shorts. you like to make your own clothes and are known for it. having your own clothing brand you’re often seen wearing the first editions of your clothes. the test starters if you will. the ones that are made as a trial run before the official design comes out.
being close friends with phoebe the two of you love to share clothes. you could be seen wearing one of the boys tour merch hoodies that belonged to phoebe. pb could be spotted by fans with one of your oversized button up’s on.
fans have dedicated twitter accounts like “PHOEBE BRIDGERS WARDROPE!” and it’s all updates on what clothes she is seen wearing and where to buy them, how much. but 99.99% of them are yours that you made first edition so most people get repeats “phoebe was photographed with a fan wearing readers hoodie!”
you and lucy are almost just almost the same as phoebe. the both of you love going shopping picking up clothes both of you end up liking snd the other ends up buying it. knowing it’ll be swapped back and forth between each other.
“can i wear this skirt today?”
“yeah! if you let me borrow your shirt tomorrow?”
a lot of fans notice when you wear the same clothes, they pick up on it quickly. from it being the same jacket or hat. they are quick to freak out. they think it’s cute though.
you have a personalised jacket you decorated yourself with pins and patches that lucy is seen out with the boys one day. nobody is surprised when they find out it’s yours.
you and julien have similar style it’s almost a bit harder to tell when you wear the same clothes.
julien stays over so much at your apartment, her clothes end up having their own little designated area in your closet. same goes for you.
your first show on tour you walk out in a pink tshirt that fans realise is the same shirt julien was seen in the not strong enough mv. it suited you a lot. you ended up adding it to your own collection.
however fear not. julien takes something of yours also. both of you swapping and trading clothes like pokémon cards. she ends up taking a bunch of band t-shirts belonging to you. cutting them up to be a bit shorter / chopping off the sleeves. you didn’t really care, it suited jb and you’re all here for upcycling
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Went to the Boygenius show in Dublin yesterday and I'm trying to combat post concert amnesia by documenting everything before I forget it. So here's a bunch of the best bits
Phoebe just casually walking on stage in a hoodie to announce ye vagabonds and tell everyone to shut up while they're on
Muna have amazing stage presence like I already knew that but woooww
God bless whoever was in charge of the camera for all the beautiful shots of Jo I was struggling to breathe honestly
Katie's jacket was so low cut and tight
Naomis mic was ON
Katie crying during kind of girl
Phoebe silk chiffon verse, her voice was lighter and airier than I expected, everyone else came on for the 2nd chorus
No one in the crowd seemed to know Muna very well I heard them talking about "the bassist" and "the one with curly hair"
The energy was so good they are amazing performers
Katie being an "annoying American with Irish grandparents and a celtic tattoo" in her own words
Saw Catherine Clinch from An Cailin Ciun in the gold circle
Lucy resting her head on Phoebe's during without me without you ahhh so cute
Slippy floor on Phoebe's side of the stage, Julien checked it, Phoebe cleaning her hands with "purell' that's just funny to me cause it's so American
Julien telling the story of getting a minor chemical burn from just picking random things up in chemistry class, Lucy teasing her that she was the reason for eyewash in labs, Julien joking that she'd found her career.
Phoebe in her suit pacing around with her hands on her hips looking very Father
Everyone wore their suits, Julien took off the jacket halfway through and rolled up her sleeves it was awesome
Sound quality not amazing I would have loved to hear more of their harmonies, the balance of vocals to music was a little off in my opinion
The boys had to stop multiple times for people to be taken out, they passed around water
Julien sang the "best song love song you've ever heard", and "familiar characters" in Anticurse and I could not believeeee it
Lucy getting the words of bite the hand mixed up singing I can't see you in the first line instead of I can hear you and giggling about it
The band absolutely slapped, the trumpet was so good
Phoebe asking for the pics of everyones dogs before me and my dog
Julien giggling and screaming about the cute dogs
Julien playing the piano was amazing so beautiful omgggggg
Everyone being so respectful when phoebe asked for no phones, phoebe just sinking back into the crowd at the end of the song
The boys coming back on super fast for the encore and phoebe saying "we just go back there, get some water and high five, that's it"
Everyone saying they loved each other and Julien "dangling my feet off the edge of a tangent" but stopping herself because there was only one song left. What did she want to say????!!! I want to knowww
Lucy going down to the audience during salt In the wound to kiss the crowds hands
I underestimated how hard the songs would hit I was teary eyed for a good portion of the concert
Julien absolutely slayes the " gnashing my teeeeeeth like a child of Cain" part in Salt in the wound
Katie coming on for salt in the wound in a hoodie
Couldn't keep track of who kissed who all of the boys kissed each other I think
Everyone was on the ground in a pile kicking their legs in the air and then Julien got up again for some last minute zoomies to finish out the guitar
Katie trying to quietly leave the stage and Phoebe motioning for her to come back and take the last bow with them
Lucy and Julien hugging, piggybacking off the stage
Overall amazing show would 1000% go again, because I love Muna and boygenius so much I basically got 2 in 1 so def my favourite concert thus far
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tboybuck · 1 year
🎶✨️when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)🎶✨️
Shamelessly snatching this list from my pining playlist
Cool About It by boygenius
Ghost Stories by The Narcissist Cookbook (this is more spoken word poetry than it is a song but god its gonna be on my Spotify Wrapped this year i can feel it)
Hoodie by Hey Violet
Glimpse of Us by Joji
Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls
Crush by Ethel Cain
Fall For Me by Sleep Token
You get 7 because it's impossible for me to not add Sleep Token and Ethel Cain
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caspianxth · 10 months
Hi Em! I haven’t had a lot of eggnog but I have fairly decent memories of it. However I was thinking of picking some up at the store a few weeks back so now I’ll have to give it another shot! Also I would definitely want reputation merch too: I dream of the snake ring and the end game peach hoodie.
For today, fun little game idea: if you had to make a christmas ep with five of your favorite (or most tolerated) holiday songs and five favorite artists to cover them, which songs would you match with which artists? As an example, here’s what I’d do:
1. Last Christmas - Rina Sawayama (she’d absolutely sell this)
2. Sleigh Ride - boygenius (I can’t explain this one but it’d be so sweet)
3. Silent Night - Stevie Nicks (just came to me but I need it now)
4. Rockin Around the Christmas Tree - Beyoncé! (I feel like her riffs would be awesome)
5. All I Want for Christmas is You - Taylor (obviously she is not making a Mariah remake but I think she could put a really warm country spin on this! Imagine the earnestness of Timeless/Emma Falls in Love and the sounds of Debut)
This is a long one but I’d love to see what you come up with. And I hope you had a nice day! — your secret santa, ☃️
hi secret santa bestie!!! I much prefer vegan nog to the real thing also works better in frosting in my opinion and I can add some (vegan) milk to cut it so it's not so thick (I don't do that for frosting just when I drink it) it's a fun time. also saur true endgame peach hoodie u are so so so missed but I think I'd wear the black one more u know? but that's just me ur so valid for the endgame peach hoodie I hope u get it some day!!! also same re snake ring such an iconic piece of merch!!
this is such an interesting game hmmm....
I think that sabrina carpenter would absolutely feast covering all santa tell me so that would be fun!!
I think olivia rodrigo would so such a fun rock version of rockin around the christmas tree but I do agree that beyoncé would Kill rockin around the christmas tree I just think w olivia's rock sound a la all american bitch it would go so hard for her u know???
I think that stephen sanchez could do a pretty rockin little saint nick a la his song shake. that would be fun. or he could do a super croony version of it's beginning to look a lot like christmas and I'd love that also!!!!
idk why I put him at fourth this out of order bc it is in the order I am thinking of them noah kahan should absolutely cover glittery by kacey musgraves he'd kill it so hard.
taylor should cover the jo bro's like it's christmas just to take it from joe but also she'd have such a fun time w it I think and then I could replace that version on my playlist with hers skdjgdkjgh
bonus song even tho it just came out conan gray could feast singing buy me presents by sabrina carpenter or cindy lou who!!!
this was a fun game!!!! and I hope u had a good day and u get some nog soon!!! u can always just get one cup without any other milk at starbucks and make sure u like it before u invest in a pint. my struggle is no one else in my house likes it like I wish I could get two chocolate milk box containers full and not a full pint bc I always have too much left 😭but I also need the nog this time of year 😭 anyways I hope u get some soon!!! sorry I responded to this so late bestie <3
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julienbakr · 3 years
this guy who i haven’t talked to in like 4 years since high school and have only recently talked to him bc he’s a boygenius stan just msged me and said he had a small pb hoodie that doesn’t fit him i
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needsmustleap · 4 years
Tagged by @unremarkablegirl, thanks! I love an opportunity to ramble :P
Name/nickname: uhhhh I often go by some variation of Finn online. Although you could call me something fun like Leapfrog maybe haha
Gender: Female
Star sign: Scorpio
Height: okay I’m either 5′5″ and 3/4 of an inch or 5′6″ and 3/4... either way i wish i was taller :/ Science North lied to me, i had such expectations
Time: 8:02 pm
Birthday: October 28
Favourite bands: MUNA, The Amazing Devil, boygenius, Neon Trees, Dry the River
Favourite solo artists: Phoebe Bridgers, Mitski, Sara Bareilles, Maggie Rogers, Luther Vandross. also (but a bit more secondary of late) Jac Ross, Ben Platt, King Princess. 
(this doesn’t really capture the full scope of my music taste... for a long time I was really into playlists so there are a bunch of individual songs that I love but still haven’t dug into the discographies of the artists who made them. only more recently have I been on a “everything by so-and-so” kick. also there was a long time where I listened mostly to like. broadway cast recordings and stuff. idk just fyi) 
Song stuck in my head: I’ve had Bag of Bones by Mitski running through my head a lot the past few days, but also Shower Day and I Know the End by The Amazing Devil and Phoebe Bridgers respectively
Last movie: Hoodwinked 2 lmao. I recommend the first one a LOT more but this one still has some nice things, especially if you already love the first
Last show: Grey’s Anatomy lol I’m finally watching season 16 and dying it’s the best
When did I create this blog: oufff okay so it was sometime in highschool, I wanna say grade 12, but I only used it off and on until this summer? A few months ago? don’t really remember. No one asked but my first url was fanfreakdeathdomtastic XD i don’t like hate it but i really thought i was doing something lmao good times
How it started: a lot of my friends and my brother had had accounts for a long time, and I kept seeing the overflow posts to like fb and insta and stuff and wanted to try it out
How's it's going: So good! Finally gave up completely on having a robust tagging system lol and am just going with the flow and enjoying things. Fell into the witcher fandom, which led to making an ao3 account, and falling back into fanfiction! all good things
What I post: dear lord. many things with little rhyme and a complete lack of reason. Mostly either atla, spop, and witcher fan content, and whatever memes etc are going round? Don’t really know haha
Aesthetic: honestly not convinced I know the meaning of the word
Last thing I googled: definition of the french verb lasser, I’m currently reading a french translation of the silmarillion 
Other blogs: I have a side blog where i go to be angsty lmao
Following: um a fairly eclectic mix of ppl I guess! Some from the witcher fandom, a couple atla/lok blogs, a few ppl who post like quotes and peotry and stuff, and then assorted others lol. For some reason it takes me a while to warm up to the idea of following new ppl so not that many all in all
Followers: 69 heh heh 
Average sleep: i honestly don’t know anymore, my sleep schedule is a mess lol. The past few weeks tho I think it’s been generally at least 8 hours so yay me i guess
lucky number: 31, or 9 often for intramurals
Instruments: sort of play piano, used to sort of play the drums 
what i am wearing: sweatpants and a zip-up hoodie
Dream job(s) (in no particular order): I don’t know anymore.. animal rehabilitator or something in conversation stuff, but also currently feel incapable of doing bio-related jobs lol so idk
Favourite Animal noise: don’t ask me this... there are so many cool animals who make nice noises and i cannot think of any of them... birds? as a whole??? okay actually lmao I really love the call herons make, because they look so majestic when standing still but then while flying they look super gangly and make this horrendous amazing like, squawking... it’s fantastic I love it lol. Also though loons are very nice, and bard barred owls!! but also moose, just because imitating the noise is a fantasic way to release tension, I’ve found. Wolves are cool too
Random: monkeys
Dream trip: eventually I want to see all the provinces and territories, and there’s that train with a nice view probably. Other than that idk but the world is cool so
Favourite food: there are many foods that taste nice
Nationality: canadian
Favourite song: i mean right now it’s Bag of Bones. Me & my dog by boygenius is always a mood... I’m really bad at picking favourites honestly lol 
Last book i read: I think it was On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong. very good! very lyrical
Top 3 fictional universes i would like to live in: oooh okay gotta say the pjo/hoo world in solidarity with my younger self who spent MUCH time imagining being a halfblood :P and then I think maybe LOTR bc being a hobbit is the ideal life i think probably, and the witcher universe i guess even though i’d probably be a peasant and die as a child bc I’m blanking on everything else
Tagging @aubreys-posen and @its-sorcery if they want, and anyone else who wants to!
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erintoknow · 5 years
57 adriadne!! bls
57) things you said when no one else was around 
fallen hero: rebirth fan fiction ~400 words
never come up again
So would you teach me I’m the villain, aren’t I?Aren’t I the one constantly repenting for a difficult mind?Push me down into the water like a sinner, hold me underAnd I’ll never come up again
Stay Down - boygenius
The moment the pharmacist hands you the pill bottles you reach in with your mind and wrap the last five minutes in a blur of sound. Her eyes glaze over and she wanders away into the backroom. Oh, what’s that? The pills are on the house? You’re too kind.
It’s taken you over almost a decade to learn, but you can’t hid from the truth any longer. You can’t count on anyone else. They convince you to open your heart just so they can stab it better, or abandon you, or just straight up die. The thought you could ever be like one them, milling about in the throng of the city crowds lost in their empty headed thoughts… it hurts to remember.
The pharmacist is going to get in serious trouble if your ‘free sample’ is caught. Maybe lose her job. Once that would have given you pause but now you swallow the guilt down with a glass a water before screwing the lid back on the bottle of spiro. Every single one of them would hate you, if they knew you. Really knew you. Who you are. What you are.
Why even care anymore?
You crumble the hamburger wrapper into a ball and toss it towards the trash can. It bounces off the rim and into the bush. You have to suppress the urge to pick it up. You feel a strange sense of kinship with the wadded waxpaper. Garbage that missed the disposal.
The moment passes quickly. Your hamburger wrapper can’t strike back at you for throwing it away. You can.
It’ll probably destroy you, but that seems less like a bug; more like a feature.
The estrogen is still dissolving under your tongue when the row of TVs for sale in a store window demand your attention with a news report. The Rangers have finally brought in the boosted serial killer that had been terrorizing Santa Monica for the past summer. Thanks to a tip from an ‘anonymous citizen’ leading to the discovery of her hideout. A grim smile spreads across your face as you stick your hands in the pockets of your ratty grey hoodie. That’s the last of the currently active murdering villains cleared from the board.
No more distractions.
“Well…” You chew on the inside of your cheek. “Time to see what I can do with this city.”
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niceandbluept2 · 5 years
i was tagged by @optimistinme ! thanks dawg!!
answer 21, tag 21 people you would like to know better!
1. nickname(s): jules, gules, idek. my friend calls me dawg sometimes bc we r dorks who actually say dawg and aren’t randy jackson in the year 2019
2. zodiac sign: leo
3. height: 5′4
4. hogwarts house: ravenclaw
5. the last thing you googled: winsor and whipple photography (i’m researching some old photos from as far back as the 1870s i got at a flea market!)
6. favourite musicians: uhhhh lots. pmore, boygenius and its respective members (lucy dacus, phoebe bridgers, and julien baker), bocc, mewithoutyou, frank iero, some embarrassing shit i probably shouldn’t still like, etc
7. song stuck in your head: this arrangement of the soundtrack of a bug’s life we played in concert band like two years ago???? it was a bop tbh
8. following now: idek man over 1,000 i gotta unfollow a bunch of inactives
9. followers: 800 exactly!
10. do i get asks: sometimes! askbox and anons r always on tho so feel free to drop in whenever!! especially if i rb an ask game i love those!
11. amount of sleep: depending on my mood, level of anxiety, time i gotta wake up, how hot it is and the phases of the moon, anywhere from 3-10 lmao. average rn during the summer is like 7 or 8
12. lucky number: 93! no clue why, just always liked it
13. what i’m wearing: oh god i am the epitome of fashion: a plain black tshirt, these men’s gray cotton shorts i stole from my brother, and these slipper/booties things i got from walmart that look like sheep (ears and everything)
14. dream job: i mean i’ve always wanted to do music or be in a band but unfortunately that isn’t feasible bc i’m sorta just. mediocre at music, and my town doesn’t rly have any sort of scene. so i’m currently a psych major!
15. dream trip: idk exactly, i’m not much of a traveller tbh! i’ve never left the u.s., maybe a road trip with buddies! that would def. be fun!!
16. favourite food: french fries, chicken, mac n cheese, can’t beat a good old toasted pb n j! honestly nothing hits harder than a good salad too especially if u r like me and always like about to succumb to scurvy
17. instrument(s): this might sound braggy but i promise u it is not that impressive due to the fact i’m very average at them but: clarinet, guitar, bass, and uke (and i can play like 2 and a half songs on piano but rly badly)
18. language(s): english is p much it as far as being fluent, but i took spanish for four years at one point but i don’t remember shit. i’m learning ASL now tho, which is rly fun and sticking with me a lot better!
19. favourite song(s): too many to count but as far as all-time faves that r especially sentimental: rejoice - jb, volcano - damien rice, my heart - paramore, stage 4 fear of trying - fiatc, and a whole bunch more
20. random fact: i have a betta fish named peanut and i love her! my landlord doesn’t allow pets so this was the closest i could get without getting my family evicted lmao
21. aesthetic: idek i guess like. lots of black clothes and hoodies (never outgrew my emo phase ig) sad music bc i’m That Bitch and just. bein sleeby bc i’m basic but that’s ok!!
i despise taggin ppl bc i think i’m annoying so i’m . not gonna do that but like feel free to do it if u want! i know i’m lame i’m sorry
again thank u for taggin me!!! heart emojies!!! 
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