#but i will if i have to for viability
titania is unreasonably high in my useage stats due to being my Fissure Speedrun frame but i also genuinely enjoy playing her so this is fine actually
the only problem is that idk how to make her good for steel path bc i've Yet To Do That
like no she doesn't die but the things around her don't die (fast enough) either. i bring her to SP mirror defense and murmur bossfight for utility bc some bitches can't parkour well (hi it's me i'm bitches) and everyone else brings their best damage anyway
the answer might be a more reasonable version of the crit nonsense my sib is doing (which hurts me bc 10% base). it might be fireblast (rip tribute you did your best but i need something to help me murder). it might be something else idk i'll figure it out maybe
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eggy-tea · 3 months
the thing that is SO WILD to me watching usamericans on the internet talk about their upcoming elections is that this is one of those incredibly rare occasions where you are choosing between two guys who have ALREADY DONE THE JOB.
look, i’m canadian. we have a first past the post parliamentary system and i don’t even get to vote directly for the person who will lead the country because i don’t live in any of the leaders’ ridings. i don’t live in any of the big important cities or even the big important provinces. i know ALL ABOUT “it feels like my vote doesn’t matter.” and all the same, i’m incredibly worried that a lot of people will vote conservative because they don’t like trudeau (fair! he sucks!) and hey, who knows, poilievre might be better. let’s give him a chance. time for a change etc. etc. (and of course there are a bunch of people who want what he’s selling and that’s depressing as hell too but they’re not the swing voters who will make a difference here.) never mind that the dude seems very happy to cozy up to our own local fascists. we don’t know for a fact what he’ll be like as pm, because he hasn’t been pm yet, and we DO know what trudeau is like, and we don’t like him.
the argument for change because it might be good is very compelling to our little animal brains when the status quo is BAD. poilievre is even banking on this! he’s been keeping his promises and stances deliberately vague so people can fill in the blanks with whatever they hope will happen.
and what’s so absolutely mind-breakingly incomprehensible to me is that THIS IS NOT THE CASE IN THE US but so many americans KEEP TALKING LIKE IT IS. each of these dudes has already done the job. they are known quantities. and you (realistically) only get to choose between the two of them. the political machine is going to go through with all of the usual debates and campaigning and thinkpieces and op-eds and rallies and whatever else pageantry, but biden and trump have told you who they are. they’ve SHOWN you who they are. it’s not often you get such a clear-cut choice with so much solid information behind it. you either vote for one of them and live with your choice or you hide your head in the sand and pretend that if you don’t vote one of them won’t win. and then you live with your cowardice because when the time came to choose you couldn’t bear to look.
(which is guess is also why so much effort is going into convincing people to just fucking vote oh my god i get it if you can’t because so many people have been deliberately disenfranchised in the us but if you can and you just don’t so help me…)
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ante--meridiem · 5 months
"I knew I didn't want to stay in academia because I want to do something useful" wish I could say the same. Unfortunately I do not sincerely enough want to do something useful. Maybe I want to want to do something useful. Probably most accurately I want to want to want to do something useful.
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bi-dykes · 21 days
y’all are insane, I was talking about my bisexuality with my feminist history professor and referred to myself as a dyke and she didn’t leap over the table and slap me and say I can’t say that because I’m bi and not a lesbian. Like you do realize that people see all of us fruits whether bi or gay/lesbian as a bunch of fruits no matter the flavour, right?
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sieglinde-freud · 3 months
genuinely believe laslow and nyx’s support conversation, regardless if you get their S or stop at A, is among both of their most important conversations they have because it allows them a rare moment of vulnerability. while they have a lot of good conversations, a lot of them have both laslow and nyx taking the part of either comic relief or as the listener/observer which is very fitting for both of them! but then they never get to delve into their perspectives and thoughts on some of their more vulnerable traits the way that they do with eachother.
with laslow he never really talks about awakening he references it but its never the topic. his words and actions are obviously influenced by it but you very rarely get to him be this introspective. hes very observant with his support partners but this and his odin support are the only time where hes forced to confont himself. sometimes he'll be sad and melancholy but he never discusses WHY. if youre lucky, he might mention he had a mom at some point and thats about it!! knowing inigo, we as players know why hes like that. he was pigeonholed into the role of keeping morale up, he lost one of the gemstones needed to perform the awakening in the bad timeline, ditched that world (which. his feelings on really only get discussed with nyx!!! which is insane?!?!), then had to start killing real people in order to survive until he met up with the shepherds again! but he never talks about it! i can count one hand the amount of times in both awakening and fates he does and i still have fingers left!!
and then with nyx its similar because while she does discuss her past its mostly just for explanation and not to delve deeper into it. which, makes sense as shes probably not too into trauma dumping on a bunch of strangers but then shes never forced to see that part of herself in someone else and do some reflecting on her own. heroes obviously came out way after fates but they kinda confirm that nyx's curse in part due to herself: its a self punishment that shes not conscious of but its driven by her not being able to forgive herself WHICH IS SO COOL but. you know. fates dropping the ball with writing. used to it. but while yes, that curse did come as kind of like some magical divine karma, she has already attoned for it: she’s grown up, matured, and taken the time to change that selfish part of herself that only valued power and nothing else. the only thing holding her back from moving on is herself.
so, laslow and nyx to having that moment in their supports where they both admit their guilt and let themselves be judged by eachother kinda breaks them out of this cycle of self hate theyre on and it gets them both on the path to forgiving themselves which they never really accomplish anywhere else. some supports teeter on it, but they brush it off pretty quickly. in a weird way they kind of mirror eachother, but they’re not used to looking at a reflection thats not so distorted by their own beliefs. they admit to eachother that no matter what happened in the past, they’ll never see eachother as anything less than a trusted ally and friend, and if they can do it for eachother, maybe one day they can do it for themselves.
and if they hit the s support, you can already see the change. laslow spouts the absolute banger of a line:
Laslow: Well, much as I might want to, I can't bear your burden. Nor could I expect you to bear mine. But with burdens so heavy...don't you think we could lean on each other a bit?
and its just such a fitting conclusion to the story of two people learning how to love themselves and walking that path of forgiveness together. anyways so im really normal about them
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yuwuta · 2 months
dealing with reposters is so ANNOYING esp on wattpad bc they want your whole government name and address as “proof” that your original content was stolen you can’t just flag it or report it normally jfc
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hungersauce · 7 months
creating physical and digital media scratch WAY different itches its so unfair
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antirepurp · 9 months
in my perfect little world digivolution mechanics are slightly tweaked so that ultimate and mega digimon are harder to evolve into, rookies and champions are viable for a longer time when repeated digivolutions make them strong enough to face even higher digivolution stages without being at a significant disadvantage, ultimates feel like the natural peak of a digimon's lifespan and seeing them in fights is a sign that shit is REALLY going down, and megas are showcased sparingly due to extremely difficult requirements for evolution that only rise in the direst of situations that might only happen a few times over the course of the story. alas -
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glassandmetalwings · 1 year
Pokémon bring back mega evolutions challenge.
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OK, Im gonna make a new blog to put my dumb oc drawings & posts on, so if thats been something you've at all been interested in, u can follow me over at @evilevilevilevilnotevilevilagain
I have GOT to get myself off of instagram, so im gonna TRY and make a commitment to post on the blog instead when the urge overtakes me.
Also maybe like, share writing & music inspo & just have somewhere to ramble abt ocs/story ideas cus I don't really have anyone to torment with it to such a degree. And unfortunately I just think abt it far too often,,,,
(also was wondering if maybe making a fresh blog would be better than bloating this one w all the super old followers n all that...... wud maybe make me less embarrassed v_v; its cringe when youre an almost 30yo adult doing this silly shit, n theres people seeing it who arent in the same boat,, but its also hard to make it into anything more substantial than just the sillies in my own void..... )
(...so maybe if its a specific space carved out just for that with similarly minded people, itd feel less discouraging...)
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katatty · 1 year
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Nora: We miss you at the dorms! How’s it going with Jayden?
Starla: Oh, great! It’s so much fun living here. Me and Hallie have become really good friends, too. I never had a girl best friend like her before.
Nova: Shame she’s straight, huh?
Starla: I, um, what? I don’t know what you mean.
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(Out of curiosity I had Starla “scope room” and she not only confirmed my suspicions she’s super into Hallie, but rolled wants to go on dates with the dudes Hallie is involved with? Girl.)
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scare-ard--sleigh · 1 year
when you talk about the worst fandom, are you referring to the one that became something extremely toxic, or the one that you left very quickly Because it was clearly toxic, or is there another metric like 'did the most psychological damage' or 'turns out the creator was a n*zi all along so I can't even count it among my other experiences bc so many people chose to ignore it and proceed anyway and Fuck That!'
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nighthawkes · 6 months
synergetic idealism makes me want to hurl
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aturinfortheworse · 7 months
Can someone who watches the walking dead tell me what they do for food? Are they mainly foraging for preserved food or are they doing agriculture? If the latter, I have questions about farming techniques, particularly concerning ploughing and crop rotation.
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A couple of the nurses on my unit are doing a study on moral distress, so at least one shift a week they’ll pass out surveys to rank how morally distressed you’re feeling and why. Monday night was one such night (when I was caring for the very sick baby in my last post). I was very busy and barely had time to sit and chart for longer than 20mins at a stretch. The nurse came up to me at the end of the shift, “George, did you get a chance to fill out your survey?” She knew full well that I hadn’t.
Me, “Sure fucking didn’t.” and I handed back the blank survey to her. She just laughed and walked away with it. 
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