#but i;m posting now bc i'm impatient
puffpasstea · 2 years
Random blurb idea - could you please do a blurb maybe where Matilda travels to surprise harry on tour, and maybe has her text notifs off bc of travel so harry is upset/concerned bc she’s not responding to his messages? Like a mix of angst and smut?
Sorry if you hate this and its nothing like you wanted.
Warnings: angst, smut, (brief) mentions of mental illness.
"I'm sorry, okay? but to be fair, I never said I'd come for sure. I only said I'd try." I adjusted the phone in my hand.
"I didn't say anything!"
"You didn't have to. I can practically feel you brooding all the way over here."
"'M not brooding. Know better than to expect you to just drive out cuz I happen to be playin' a show nearby. Even though we haven't seen each other in months."
"But you're not brooding or anything, right?"
"I have to work, Harry! Not all of us can just change our plans on a whim and expect the whole world to accommodate our schedules, you know. Some of us have real jobs. Plus, you know I get anxious about this kind of thing. I'm not a professional rockstar-"
"No, you have a real job."
"C'mon, you know I didn't mean it like that."
"'S alright. I have to go, anyway. Sound check starts in a bit."
"Talk soon?"
"Bye, Matilda."
The wheels of my carry-on squeaked gratingly as I pulled it across the airport. I couldn't believe I was actually going through with this. I felt foolish. Like some love-struck teenager sneaking out of her bedroom at night for a boy who doesn't even know her name. Except I'm an adult. And Harry- well, it's complicated. But my therapist did say that I needed to start getting out of my comfort zone and doing things that I wouldn't normally do. Something about practice making things easier, or whatever. I've certainly never done this before. Granted I've arrived way too early for a domestic flight, and I'm sure I've overpacked for this weekend trip. Hopefully, the look on Harry's face will be worth it though.
A knot formed in my stomach every time I thought about how I spoke to him on the phone the other night. All he wanted was a chance for us to finally see each other again, but the thought made me feel threatened somehow. Like I'd admit to being attached to him if I were willing to come all this way. Of course, I could've been nice about it, or at least avoided implying that his job was less real than mine. All I can do now is hope that he doesn't still remember all that.
My fingers were shaky against the screen of my phone as I selected the "airplane mode" and plugged in my headphones. Perhaps getting four shots of espresso in my crappy airport coffee wasn't the sanest decision, or maybe the trembling was simply nerves, either way, I needed a distraction. Launching the music streaming app, I went for the "downloads" tab, and played "Matilda" as the pilot announced our take-off.
I ran across the airport, my squeaky luggage in hand until I reached the crowded escalator, regretfully bumping into the person in front of me before reaching a halt.
"E-excuse me, sorry." I whispered, but the man didn't seem to care. I peered beyond him at the long line of people. Damn was this thing crowded. I needed it to move faster. I needed to use the restroom. Airplane bathrooms gave me the creeps. And drinking soda with my stale complementary pretzels on the flight was a huge mistake with a bladder like mine.
hurry, hurry, hurry. I tapped my foot against my carry-on, impatiently, and earned a side-eye from the person in front of me.
"Again, sorry, sir."
I stared at my reflection in the foggy bathroom mirror. Gross airplane smell isn't exactly the scent I want Harry to associate with me. I took out my TSA-approved, mini-toiletries and began damage control. Freshening up, re-applying make-up, and spraying some perfume might help counteract the post-flight aroma and general vibe.
I promised myself that if this ends up going badly, my therapist is going to have to pay me next week.
The shorter the distance between Harry and I, the louder my heartbeat felt. It was practically in my eardrums by now. I hated keeping secrets from him, but I've also never surprised anyone before. If I was being honest, there was a tinge of excitement and anticipation about this, underneath all the self-loathing and embarrassment. No matter what happens next, I should be proud of myself for trying, right? I should...
At the arrivals gate, I deselected the "airplane mode" to access the internet and put in Harry's hotel address. The second that my phone caught signal again, my notifications were blowing up. It took me a minute to get over the vibrations and buzzing, and when the flood had died down, I look at my screen, blinking intensely.
Harry Styles, 12 Messages
Harry Styles, 16 Missed Calls
Harry Styles, Voicemail
Holy shit! What had I done? I worried that he'd been trying to reach me to let me know how much he hates me; how he's glad I never ended up coming out to see him after all. What if this whole thing was a mistake?
My brain froze. I hastily scrolled through his messages, too paralyzed by anxiety to process the words on the screen. Vaguely, I caught sight of "Apologize" "Just missed you" and "worried you hate me" across all 16 messages.
jumping in the cab, I relished in his voice messages and listened to them repeatedly it with a stupidly wide grin blasted on my face the whole time.
"Please don't ignore my messages. It's one thing to do that when we're within driving distance and I can just bang on your door and call your bluff, but I kind of hate when I can't do anything about it now."
"I'm really worried, and I know it's manipulative of me to say this, but, I really don't want to go onstage knowing that you're mad at me."
"okay, I'm starting to think that you do want to upset me. Don't be like this. I just missed you. Can ya blame me? The show was hell in case you care to know. I mean, I couldn't not sing Matilda now, could I? You know what I thought about the entire time I was singing it, though? Remember the one time you decided we should go to your place instead of mine, after filming? You made us dinner and I fucked you against the couch? left a nice bruise on your neck. Some of my best work, I must say. Have you been with anyone...you know, since... It's not like you can't be. Why stay celibate. I'm not your boyfriend or anything. I could be. But you don't want that, so... anyway, they're knocking on my door. Bye."
What a giant idiot.
It was a little past midnight by the time that my cab pulled up to the lobby of the hotel Harry and his band were staying in. I gave the receptionist the fake name he usually uses for reservations like this and they eyed me from head to toe a few times before finally confessing his room number. It was a large penthouse-sized space on their top floor. No doubt booked specifically with all his gear, luggage, and concert items in mind. During the elevator ride to the summit, it occurred to me that he might have brought someone back with him for the night. Or maybe gone out. He'd told me some stories, from the beginning of his performing career, when he'd go to afterparties, and after-afterparties and pick up women and smoke and drink and do things that I could only imagine. But, he's also told me that he has since turned in the opposite direction, opting instead, for a very structured routine on tour. He'd found that performing the very next day with a raging hangover and on very little sleep made his stage presence shaky and lackluster, and he felt it was his responsibility to always give every performance his full capacity. So, it was very likely that he'd be getting ready to go to sleep soon, but what if tonight is the exception? what if he'd decided, on a whim, to go back to his old ways, just this once?
how would I feel if I were to find his lips attached to someone else's neck right now? And before I could wait around to make up my mind about it, I found myself knocking on Harry's door.
the door creaked open, and, I could swear I saw the wheels turning in his head.
"If you must know, no. I haven't been with anyone else since being with you. Not that it's any of your business."
He went from barely looking at me through droopy eyes, clutching the middle of his bathrobe, trying to keep his chest covered to looking as if he'd seen a ghost, to grabbing the cross on his necklace, kissing it, and looking up at the ceiling.
"Thank you Jesus. God, thank you, thank you!!"
I frowned. "I didn't know you were religiou- ahhhh"
He grabbed me by my shirt collar, dragging me into the room and shutting the door behind us.
"Aren't you gonna- ask- why I'm here..." I attempted to remain cool and collected as Harry busied himself with separating me from my luggage, shoving me up against the wall and kissing everywhere his lips landed.
"Don't care" he whispered in between leaving a trail of kissing down the side of my jaw and neck. "Just care that you're here."
"H-harry, wait. I just got off a plane, there's like airplane germs all over me." I swallowed my giggles, feeling tickled by the stubble he appears to be growing.
Harry used, looking up at me through his lashes.
"Fine" He relented, his arms still around my waist, squeezing gently, as if to verify that I was really here. "You can take a shower. There's a very nice bathroom here."
"That'd be nice." I leaned in, kissing his cheek, and enjoying the blush it caused.
Harry's fingers danced down my body and took hold of my hand. "Let me give you a little tour."
"Ooo fancy!" I scanned his residence enviously, until my eyes landed on his massive, and unmade bed. "You were sleeping?"
"Not exactly....was about to. But that doesn't matter now. Cuz I've got company!" he turned around to face me, his hands cradling my face, his sparkling green eyes looking directly into mine. "are you really here or is this the dream I'm having after going to bed thinkin' about you and worrying that I haven't heard from you? Is my subconscious just makin' this up? if so, I don't ever wanna wake up."
My heart melted in my chest. I didn't know what to say, so I simply kissed his lips, causing his eyes to flutter shut and his feet to momentarily lose balance before he held onto me to steady himself.
"Ca-can I...join you in the shower?" he asked, looking down at his feet.
"Seriously, Harry? shower sex? do you know how impractical that is?"
"N-no! not shower sex." He looked at me, briefly, before sheepishly looking down at the floor again, his arms finding their place around my waist. "N-not that I don't wanna fuck you. Just-- uhh...I just wanna hold you. If that's okay? You can say no! I can just wait."
I was glad Harry wasn't looking at me because I'm sure my face would've given me away instantly. I grabbed onto the sleeve of his robe, leading him to the bathroom. "Fine. You can come." I could feel his excited gaze on the back of my head.
"Food'll be here in 40 minutes." Harry placed the hotel phone back in its place.
I nodded, my eyes on the tv.
"So..." He stood by the side on the bed, towering over my scarcely covered body. My hair was still damp and he insisted I wear his t shirt even though I'd packed my own pajamas. "How long are you here for?" he spoke as he crawled onto the bed, situating himself squarely in between my legs.
"just- for the- uhh- the \ weekend" I stuttered as Harry's hands slipped under the fabric of my clothes and found my breasts, his thumb and index fingers lightly running over my nipples.
"Mustn't waste time, then" he kissed a line of wet, open mouth kisses from my belly button, reaching the band of my underwear. "May I?"
"Yes. God, yes." My breath quickened. Harry's soft voice asking for permission always got me even when we were sleeping together every other night. Tonight, it downright melted me. "P-please." I mewled, instantly embarrassed.
"Eager, are we?" the grin was obvious in his voice.
"Yes, what?"
My heart fluttered in my chest, skipping a beat. "Yes, sir." I corrected.
"hmm.." Satisfied, Harry hooked his fingers through the band of my underwear, slowly, teasingly, dragging it down my legs. "That's my good girl."
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squeeeshsims · 9 months
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Denver: "How did I never notice you were so hot? I always thought you liked girls." Mara: "I do, and I don't."
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Mara: "You just never got out of your comfort zone... I hate to say it, but you're wasting your time with Aylin... she still has to grow up a lot. And I say that with affection... she is my BEST friend."
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Mara: "You just need a real woman... and that's what I am."
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D: "I don't want to hurt her..." M: "You won't... She just wants fun right now, nothing serious." D: "Maybe that's what I want, too... just fun." Mara chuckles. M: "Then come on, strong boy. Let's have fun."
(posting another one today bc I'm impatient to share the dramaaaa)
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gatzbright · 1 year
3 4 & 11 🫶🫶
BELLA hi !! :D ♥️🫂
3. Describe the creative process of writing a chapter/fic
oooo ok okay. for fics usually like half the time it honestly starts with a title, because recently that will come from a song that has inspired the vibe or story i wanna write. i love pretty lyrics and they just jump out at me straight away and i'm like THAT NEEDS TO BE A FIC TITLE. then i start writing but a lot of the time i write random scenes that come way later bc i am impatient in my writing, but also entirely all over the place, and i just have scenes come to me in full force and i have to get them down. this is also not helpful when i have a 5k doc and only like 1k of actual coherent and Chronological fic. but yeah it gets written in the end after much chaos (hopefully. i mourn my fic graveyard on the daily ... shout out to australia fic. goodbye goodbye goodbye u were bigger than the whole sky and u will be missed). my attention span is also nonexistent on a bad day (adhd is so fun) and i will repeatedly find myself zoned out and staring at a wall. but then there's good days and i DO write :D i very much have to be in the mood to write too, and i am also a slow writer, but each to their own ya know! we are all writers n people and we are all different, and that's what makes life so fun. don't be hard on yourself guys bc u have ur own way of doing things and u ROCK (trying to convince myself that slow writing is fine. we will get there. whew). then comes posting time and i both love and loathe doing tags lmao. i love writing the free random tags but then remembering what people may Actually search to come across my fic is hard and annoying pft and i usually just get my previous fics up and look at their tags or the ones for other fics i know are similar. summaries and formatting and links also suck so bad. my god. i usually copy paste all of it over from my previous fic again and change where necessary. but yeah that is it and then i hopefully have a coherent and fun fic to post :D
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
i answered this one in the post before this so if anyone wants to read it is there :)
5. Link your three favorite fics right now
OOOOOO MY GOSH. YES. love this lets go (heads to my email to zero in on the fics i Know made me sob endlessly). house of gold (rated m) by tippysleeps is one of the most beautiful and heart wrenching fics i have read lately, if ever, and i sobbed at the end very hard into my pillow and made it extremely damp. this is so pos please read it i am yelling. it's like george moves to florida n then lots of domestic slice of life moments almost vignette style but still so in depth, and it reached into my chest and squeezed my heart n slotted right in next to it and there it shall stay. tippysleeps is a genius everyone needs to read his fics go go go. asystole (rated e; no minors) by womanhunt is incredible and i also cried while reading this fic (shoutout to bella !!!). dream and george go to london and george is experiencing being back there for the first time since his move, all alongside seeing dream in the city he grew up in. it's fluffy established relationship, while also making ur heart ache, alongside some flashbacks that i adored, and entirely full of love—it is love and dnf captured in a few thousand words. instigate the paradigm by nervouswaltz (also rated e; minors don't interact) i loved this fic so much it tore me to pieces when i read it. bird is such an incredible writer (ily birdy) who's words are always so visceral and he ties love and life and the experience of being human all together into every fic he writes. this one is a bodyswap fic and i think it's a very important read to make u think n see yourself from another persons eyes, and is all about learning to love yourself. it's so beautiful guys :( buh. please check out birds fics !!!
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philippageorgiou · 4 years
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we are a way for the cosmos to know itself | a space playlist
moon – sleeping at last // cosmic pickup – jeff russo // under the milky way – bebe bettencourt // dream – alan watts // calling occupants of interplanetary craft – gro anita schønn // looking upwards – benn jordan // space oddity – chris hadfield // onward to the edge – symphony of science // pale blue dot – stellardrone // total solar eclipse – sleeping at last // to go beyond – enya // a thousand moons ago – johannes bornlöf // whirlpool galaxy – chris warner // waves of light – brian cox // eclipse – enya // creation du monde – vangelis // glorious dawn – carl sagan // in space – röyksopp // stardate – jerry goldsmith // cassini – curtis schweitzer
listen on spotify | image credit
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riverswater · 3 years
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And it's only for the brave 💓🏳️‍🌈✨
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apricote · 3 years
i speedran luella's university in like a 5 days lmaoo talk abt hyperfixation NOW i need to figure out how do i wanna do the bc
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clefairymuke · 3 years
the nanny | one shot
pairing: levi x reader
word count: 4.6K
tw: dom/sub dynamic, oral (m. receiving)/face fucking/throat fucking, vaginal sex, authority figure (boss), degradation/humiliation/ slut-shaming, infidelity, age gap, name-calling [slut, whore, bitch], daddy kink, size/stretching kink, dumbification, spitting, slapping, impact play [hand/belt], biting, gagging, choking, hair pulling, recorded on a nanny cam, creampie
themes: modern au, smut, possessive dilf levi x nanny reader, he's super mean in this tbh but there's also some soft dom levi at the end, everything in those horrifying warnings ^, trigger warning brief mention of aftercare (lmao sorry guys i'm just here for the breeding)
note: hi guys i don't know what my deal is lately with writing thousands of words of levi brutally dominating me but at least others can benefit off of it too. enjoy my loves<3 (i'm reposting it bc i posted in the middle of the night and like nobody saw it)
Everything started slow.
To begin, the interview process to live-in nanny for the Ackermans took three entire weeks. The pay was worth killing over, and everyone around you was so experienced. They recited anecdotes of time spent with the children of the wealthy and famous and powerful. As a freshman in college with no experience looking for rent money, you figured it would be best to fade into the background at first. You just fidgeted with your hands, trying to stay quiet and avoid Mrs. Ackerman’s hawk-like eyes while still keeping her husband’s generous attention.
You noticed it from the first day. From the second you saw him, your knees were weak and your heart pounded between your legs. Deep, captivating irises the color of storm clouds followed every move you made, shooting you sly winks when his wife’s attention was directed elsewhere. All of the other young girls and people without five or more years of experience were cut after the first interview — except you, of course.
He made his move slow, too. Four months after you were hired, you received the first of many messages from Mr. Ackerman — Levi, he’d asked you to call him that night. You stayed up until morning talking to him, venturing over to suggestive conversation around five o’clock. He’s typically so dry and reserved, but he worshiped every nude photo you sent him with praise. He’d describe his fantasies to you, detailing every depraved thing he wanted to do to you despite the twenty years that separate you. And you loved it. You still do. You love him.
Levi hadn’t touched you yet, after another three months of doing this routine damn near every night. The closest he’d come was whispering in your ear about how irresistible you looked when you were free from prying eyes. Sometimes he’d send you naughty texts across the kitchen table from Mrs. Ackerman’s side, hungry eyes watching as you blush and squeeze your legs together, but that’s as far as he would go. So, growing impatient, you started seeing someone: a sophomore business major named Eren Jaeger.
In hindsight, your actions weren’t exactly the most calculated. At the permission of Mrs. Ackerman, you had Eren over while the couple and their son took a vacation to Europe. Once everyone had gone, you and your new fling had a romantic stay-cation. What you did not account for, however, was the nanny cam that sits on the mantle above the fireplace.
Which is how you got to where you are now.
Mrs. Ackerman and their son, Farlan, are gone at the movie theatre, leaving only you and Levi in the house alone. When she mentioned it yesterday evening, you were aching with excitement. Now, you’re overcome with dread.
Levi sits next to you on the soft, brown suede couch, the typical flat expression on his chiseled face. Thirty seconds ago, he had pulled you from the laundry room by your wrist without a word and tossed you down to sit here. Needless to say, your heart is in your throat. As the footage of Eren rough fucking you over the arm of the same brown sofa plays on the flatscreen, it goes totally numb.
Your eyes shoot open as you turn to gawk at Levi, but he’s just facing forward with his jaw set tight. Paralyzed with shock, you lock your gaze back on the video. You silently give thanks that the camera didn’t record audio as Eren yanks a fistful of your hair back and says something vulgar in your ear, fucking you harder and landing a firm smack on your ass.
“Do you have anything to say for yourself?” Levi asks, not taking his eyes off of the television as he finally addresses you. While he speaks, Eren shoves your face down into the couch cushion as you writhe underneath him, clearly cumming hard.
You swallow, feeling your nails start to dig into your palms as you see Eren put you on your knees and tap the head of his dick against your tongue. “I didn’t know we were um —” you stammer, seeing yourself swallow Eren’s load and smile up at him. “Exclusive,” you finish.
Levi chuckles, pressing a button on the remote and skipping to another video. Eren’s pinning you against the wall by your throat, your thighs wrapped around his hips and his dick pounding into you. You wince as you watch him spit on your face, and your eyes squint shut when you smile wide and open your mouth wider for more. You hear Mr. Ackerman’s belt buckle clink.
Five minutes of scolding and heavy petting later, your newly naked back is flat against the front of the sofa, Levi’s rough hold on your hair pinning your head back on the cushion as the head of his thick, pulsing cock pushes at your lips. Your eyes are wide and innocent, although the slick from your cunt is starting to leak onto your thighs as you admire the angle of his jaw. “Stupid fucking slut,” he insults you, slate-colored eyes full of fire. A sweet, desperate moan vibrates into him as you squirm under his grip.
“You couldn’t wait a couple of months? You’re that desperate to get fucked, huh?“ Mr. Ackerman growls, pushing his length past your teeth and wedging your mouth open wide. You whine against it as it inches deeper, creeping to the back of your throat. His dick is intimidating; the thickness alone has your jaw aching before he’s even gotten started. The puffy vein along the bottom pulsates against your tongue, a threatening countdown.
Levi lets out a breathy moan as he rocks his hips slowly, not pushing further. “You looked like you loved sucking his cock, didn’t you? Letting him cum in my tight little throat,” he scolds, pulling hard on your hair until you look him in the eyes. “Petra says it’s Grisha Jaeger’s son, is that right?”
You nod, your mouth too preoccupied with Levi’s painful girth to speak as you cower underneath him. He pats your cheek twice. “Good girl,” he praises. “Maybe I’ll let you cum after all.”
Without warning, he snaps his hips forward, burying his cock in your mouth until your lips are flush with the hilt. Your eyes water before fluttering shut as you lament the sharp sting of your throat stretching like rubber around him, a muffled cry escaping your taut lips. Levi starts thrusting without allowing you to adjust, his low, pleasured growl sending chills down your spine as saliva starts to froth at your lips. The pain is more thrilling than anything — the feeling of him pulsing in your mouth and the sounds of approval leaving his parted lips are so sweet that you don’t mind it in the slightest.
“I hope I don’t see him around anytime soon,” Mr. Ackerman admits as he pumps in and out of your inexperienced throat, drawing a series of harsh gags from your drooling mouth. “If I can’t get my anger out on this pretty pussy, I’m afraid I might end up with an assault charge.” Levi chuckles, wrapping a firm hand around your neck and squeezing just hard enough to make your head buzz and your cunt throb. “You wouldn’t want me to go away to jail, would you, princess?” he asks, slowing his strokes as you try to catch your breath underneath him.
You shake your head back and forth, Mr. Ackerman’s dick poking against the insides of both your cheeks as you move, and he smirks down at you. “You’re so well-behaved. It’s a fucking shame you can’t keep those pretty legs closed, or I wouldn’t be so harsh with you.” Levi’s length strokes slowly back and forth in your mouth before planting deep in your loosened throat again, and he unwraps his hand from around your neck. “Apologize to me. I want complete sentences — at least three. Make it clear or you’ll start over.”
You knit your eyebrows together before your muscles constrict around his cock and another gag erupts from your tired mouth. “Levi —“ you begin, but break off as soon as you hear it come out closer to gibberish.
He tuts three times. “Come on, little girl. I know you can do better than that,” Mr. Ackerman mocks you, stuffing himself a little further down your throat. You open your mouth as wide as you can, but Levi’s overbearing size doesn’t allow more than a centimeter to move your mouth.
Each nasty late-night conversation with the married man speeds behind your eyes as you decide how to best gain his favor. Every word comes out muddled, but he grins down at you when you speak. “I’m so sorry for what I did,” you begin, putting every individual brain cell into enunciating your words around the massive gag. “I shouldn’t have let him have your pussy, daddy.” You suck in a breath through your nose. “I’m a stupid slut.”
A faint, staccato sting in your cheek makes you moan instinctively in pleasure as Levi’s hand comes across your face. “Not good enough. Do it again,” he demands.
Your jaw starts to ache as his cock sits still in your mouth. Pleading with your eyes, you recite your apology over. “I’m so sorry for what I —“
Another light smack stings at your cheek, pulling a wince out of you. “Start over. You took the Jaeger boy’s cock down your throat so easy, baby girl. What’s the problem now?”
“He’s not as big as you,” you answer honestly, feeling his dick twitch in your mouth as you try to speak around it. You take it even slower than before this time, sounding out every syllable. “I’m so sorry for what I did. I shouldn’t have let him have your pussy, daddy. I’m a stupid slut,” you say, leaning into his hand as he threateningly caresses your cheek, just waiting for you to stutter.
Levi’s cock slides out of your mouth slowly, pulling long strings of your spit along with it and leaving your throat feeling hollow. The pain in your scalp has long been numbed, but you notice that his grip on your hair doesn’t relax. Drops of your saliva hit the hardwood floor as his dick stands engorged in front of you, but you can only focus on his gorgeous face.
“I still don’t forgive you, of course, but you’ve put me in a better mood,” he says, sweeping his fingers over your cheeks and making you whimper. “I’ll let you decide what I’ll do to you, since you’ve been such a sweet little thing.” Levi swishes something in his cheeks before speaking up again. “Open your fucking mouth,” he demands, and you obey immediately. Jerking your hair a little harder, he spits harshly onto your tongue before clamping your jaw shut with one hand. “Swallow it. What a good little bitch.”
His gray eyes hold tight to you as he fixates on the sight of your bobbing neck, his warm saliva running down your sore throat while his cock stays throbbing in front of your face. He looks at you expectantly, and you remember your other task. The yearning between your thighs takes over your tongue as you speak, leaving your filter behind. ”I want you to use me like a fuck doll,” you plead, feeling your walls clench around empty space as you give him your widest puppy-dog eyes.
“Are you sure that’s what you want, baby?” he asks, pausing to brush his thumb over your bottom lip as his irises shift to a deep, dark charcoal color. “I won’t fuck you as gently as those little boys you’re used to. I’m going to make you fucking cry. Is that what you want?”
You shudder at Mr. Ackerman’s threat, but it makes your core throb with need. “Please, daddy,” you whine, trailing off into a sharp yelp as Levi yanks your hair back harder.
You fall to the ground with a thump when he lets you go, stepping back to pull his shirt from his toned torso as you struggle to get reoriented. He yanks his belt free from the loops of his jeans, folding the black material in half twice and squeezing it firm in his fist. “Go get on the chaise,” Levi commands, gesturing to the long, leather chair on the right wall. “I want you face down, ass in the air, with your pussy spread open for me. Do you understand?”
You nod slowly, the belt in his hand sending a shiver down your neck. As you stumble over to the chaise, Mr. Ackerman has more orders. “Grab the camera from the mantle and put it in front of your beautiful face.”
Sucking in a gasp, your eyes shoot to the camera. Again, you’ve let it catch you being dominated in the Ackermans’ living room. “Yes sir,” you squeak, hesitantly plucking the near-invisible black sphere from above the fireplace on your trek to the chair. You lean into the cool leather with your knees, crawling forward on your forearms until your ass sits just at the edge for your employer’s convenience. Extending your arms forward, you nestle the little camera in the crease between the cushions and bury your face deep into a yellow throw pillow.
The only warning is the quiet click of footsteps against the floor before Levi’s thick, hot length slides scarcely against your clit to rest between your thighs. “Can you hold still, or do I need to tie you down for this?” he asks condescendingly, palming one of your asscheeks in his large, rough hands.
You try to think quickly as you suck in a sharp breath. “Are you fucking me, or are you spanking me, sir?” you inquire, trying to sound as well-mannered as possible. A whimper escapes your lips as he rubs circles around your hole with one finger, and you push yourself back against it gently.
Levi chuckles, dipping the tip of his finger into your cunt before pulling it back out and tracing circles again. “I won’t punish you because I know this is your first time, but you’d be better off only speaking when prompted if you don’t want me to leave a mark on your pretty face.” He grinds himself against you, the pulsing skin of his dick brushing against your sensitive, needy core. You buck your hips back, but he doesn’t let you move.
Mr. Ackerman’s cheek brushes behind your ear as his lips come to rest on the lobe. “Stay still for me like a good whore,” he murmurs, sending static through your body. “I’d hate to bruise these sexy little legs by mistake because you couldn’t stop squirming like a bitch in heat.” Levi pulls away from you to stand up straight, leaving his dick in the same torturous position as the sound of the belt snapping behind you makes you flinch.
The cool, smooth leather drags across the skin of your left asscheek, making figure-eights just to watch you shiver. You take in a deep breath as you wait for the first impact, but it doesn’t come. “How many times did you cum for him when I wasn’t here?” he asks, slapping your right cheek lightly with his free hand to get your attention.
You think, trying to count in your head while Levi gropes you possessively. “Eight, sir,” you reply nervously, chewing on your lip before tacking on, “I’m so sorry.”
A loud, unforgiving pop sounds in your ears before the pain of the belt landing hard on your ass registers, a raspy moan tearing out of your chest.
“From this point forward, you will not speak to me unless spoken to.” Pop. A yelp. “You’ll keep this pretty cunt nice and still for me,” Pop, on the right cheek. On the already red and aching left side, Mr. Ackerman lets the belt down again twice as hard. Crack. You squeal. “You’ll do as I say when I say it,” Crack. He massages his hand across one cheek. Pop. Pop. Your high-pitched cries just grow louder. “And you’ll lay there and take it until I’m finished with you.” Crack. You whine out at the eighth lick, the raw, bruising skin on your ass cheeks stinging like a thousand papercuts. “Can you do that for me?”
Your breath catches in your throat as his length starts to slide backwards, moving to position himself at your entrance. “Yes, sir,” you breathe, nodding your head eagerly into the soft pillow.
As the head presses at your tight, restricting hole, you realize you haven’t had a chance to loosen up at all. Levi pushes harshly against the gate, but it won’t open for him. “Too big, daddy,” you say in a muffled sigh as you rock your hips back against him. Sharp, sudden pain shoots through you when his palm smacks flat against the reddest spot on your ass, making you shout.
A wet splash of Mr. Ackerman’s spit hits the back of your neck, and his tip pushes harder against your cunt. “Are you fucking stupid? I didn’t ask you a question,” he sneers, suddenly gripping your hip bones so tight that little yellow bruises are already beginning to form.
“I’m sorry, daddy,” you moan, grinding back against him and enduring the sting of his thick, rigid cock stretching past your opening. “I’ve never had one this big,” you pant, clenching around the head as he thrusts himself in. “Need you to loosen it up for me.”
The growl that sounds behind you is so animalistic that you aren’t entirely sure it came from your lover as Levi plants one harsh hand on the back of your head and lays an intricate assault on your swollen clit with the other. His already rough thrusts become twice as intense, stretching your slick, velvet walls around him as he forces his way into you. The extreme, unrelenting waves of pleasure from his fingertips dancing over the sensitive little nub fill up your throat with squeals of ecstasy that distract you from the impossibly thick cock pushing further and further towards your cervix.
“Fuck, baby,” Levi groans. “It’s so goddamn tight. Like a fucking virgin.” Sharp canines embed on your shoulder blade, stifling a long, low moan. “I haven’t had pussy like this in a long time.” He’s halfway in now, and you already feel yourself teetering on your orgasm. His circles around your clit become overwhelming as he presses his fingers in deeper.
“Keep taking it, slut. Nobody else will want you when I’m done with you, you hear me?” Levi shoves his length a little deeper, making you cry out. Still, you rock your hips back against him, desperate to take all of it. “I’m going to stretch your cunt until you fit me like a cocksleeve. Will every frat boy in the city still want to bend you over my sofa when you’re loose and fucked out? You’ll be following me around on your hands and knees like a little bitch in a few hours, I fucking promise.”
Mr. Ackerman has always been a man of his word — which is confirmed once again by the way your vision whites out when he finally submerges his length to the hilt. The pain is gone in an instant as the head of his swollen cock batters into the deepest part of you, morphing into a feeling of complete and utter fullness. His dick brushes against every corner of your soaking core, filling you with a satisfaction you’ve never before experienced.
The belt smacks against your ass again, making you flinch. “Be fucking still,” Levi scolds, and you do your best to obey. The constant, rhythmic waves of pleasure from his relentless pounding and the overwhelming electricity of his fingers at your clit are more than enough to distract from the pain. As the second lick lands with a snap, you let out a breathy moan.
The winding coil in your stomach is suddenly rolled tight as Levi fucks into you roughly, taking the hand off your head to wrap it tight around your throat. Your cunt clenches around him with urgency, begging your mouth to tell him you need to cum, but you’re afraid to speak out of turn with your orgasm so near — and so easily taken away.
He lands three more stinging licks over the next minute or so, alternating from one cheek to the other as a static feeling starts to wash over your bruised and welted skin. Still, you stifle your cries and protests until you hear the silver buckle clatter against the hardwood.
“You feel so good, baby,” Mr. Ackerman praises you as he deepens his strokes. “How do you feel? Are you okay?” he asks, rubbing one of the welts on your ass with a warm hand.
“Mm, love it, daddy,” you mumble out, drool starting to leak out on the chaise. “Need to cum.”
Shaking your ass against him, you lift your head to look over your shoulder. Levi looks like a god — his tousled black hair is slick with sweat around the ends, little drops trickling down his pointed nose and angular jaw. Plush, pink lips are parted to expose white teeth and a panting tongue.
“You can cum for me, princess,” he approves, pulling back his merciless assault on your clit to let you ride out your orgasm. Your toes are numb and your vision is static as your walls twitch and convulse around his cock, a loud, shameless moan leaving you as you release.
Levi thrusts steadily until you’ve come back to Earth before pulling out of you and flipping you to your back in one fluid motion. Your knees touch your shoulders as he pushes up your legs, and you reach to hold them in place. “Good girl,” he praises you, running one hand down your stomach and looping his thumb around your sensitive clit.
He positions his hips parallel to your thighs as he lines himself up at your entrance, pumping his length in one hand twice before starting to press in. You whine as his cock stuffs you full again, the tip prodding at the very back of your cunt as he rocks into you, picking up the pace. Levi’s hands pinch and poke at your nipples, making you squeal when he pulls on one harshly, before dropping it and planting a wonderfully painful smack on your sensitive breast.
“This is better,” he moans as he thrusts deeply, kneading your tits with a rough grip. “I didn’t think you’d get all sweet and stupid so quickly, angel,” Mr. Ackerman admits, leaning down to press his forehead against yours as the room spins around you. “Makes it hard to stay upset with you.” His hands run down to rest on your hips, drawing circles with his thumbs. If your mind wasn’t so cloudy, you’d be brimming with anxiety at the puffs of his breath hitting your face, not to mention the alluring stare his slate-colored eyes lock you into, only an inch from your own.
Each individual cell in your body tingles when Levi’s soft, salty lips brush against yours, hesitant at first and then immediately overwhelming. He kisses you deeply, slipping his tongue past the threshold to entangle with yours as his length rocks steadily against your depths. Tired, sweaty limbs wrap around his body without asking your permission, locking your ankles at the small of his back and digging your fingers beneath his shoulder blades. His strokes lose their rough, unforgiving edge as they morph into something slow, deep, and passionate.
Cold air stings your lips when he pulls free from them, peppering kisses down your jaw as his cock rakes against your pulsating walls. “So good, baby,” Mr. Ackerman murmurs into your neck. “Maybe I’ll save the crying for next time. Would you like that?”
A whimper gasps out of you as the head pushes against your sweet spot again. “Yes— fuck. Yes, sir. Can I cum, please?” you ask innocently, running your hands over his shoulders to trace the muscles of his marble-smooth chest and abdomen, sweetly and convincingly as possible. The knots in your stomach will soon untie on their own if he doesn’t give you the green light.
Levi’s lips come to brush gently over yours again as his pace picks up just slightly, weaving his hands beneath you to wrap his tense, strong arms around your back. He moans quietly into your skin before he says, “You can wait for me, princess. I’m close.” Mr. Ackerman’s lips take onto yours before you can think to reply, pushing his tongue past your teeth and kissing you deeper than before.
His cock pulls out to the very tip before sliding down to the hilt again, slow but intense as he repeats the motion rhythmically. The taste of hibiscus tea radiating off of his wandering tongue is the only thing you can think about as you whine steadily into Levi’s mouth. Stiff, painful pressure shoves at the gates of your climax as his long, languid thrusts throb inside of your cunt.
Mr. Ackerman’ swollen, red lips pull off of yours with a pop, remaining parted beneath a drawn brow as he accelerates his pace — which is beginning to become sloppier by the second. The sweat collecting on his forehead is cool against yours as he presses your noses together, staring down at you through heavily lidded eyes. “Tell me you love me,” Levi murmurs, caressing your cheek with his thumb.
Your eyes are rolling back in your head, so surely it couldn’t be admissible as evidence — but you don’t hesitate before, “I love you, daddy,” rolls off of your tongue.
A husky moan falls from his mouth as he squints his eyes shut, brushing a chaste kiss over your lips before speaking again. “Are you ready to cum when I say so, my love?” he whispers, and you nod your head desperately against him. “You’ve been such a good girl for me. Are you going to give my pussy away again?” Mr. Ackerman inquires breathlessly.
“No, sir,” you answer, feeling yourself clench around him as your release threatens to break free before he allows it to.
“Cum for me, baby girl,” Levi pants, attaching his sweet, hungry lips to yours as the sky breaks apart around you. Your orgasm bursts through you like a shotgun, blurring your vision and squeezing every muscle in, compacted tight. Most overwhelming is your pulsing, over-sensitive cunt as it milks his throbbing cock, which he’s buried snug and deep against your spot just to see you writhe.
Levi’s low groans of pleasure as he twitches inside of you bring you back from paradise as he sinks a bit more of his weight onto you, beginning to come down. His shoulders rise and fall heavily while he leans in to kiss you one more quick time, pecking the tip of your nose on his way back. An uncomfortable hollow feeling radiates through you as he pulls himself free from your newly stretched hole, although the hot stream of Levi’s cum leaking down your thigh brings you a bit of comfort.
You feel his warm, calloused hands before anything else as he lifts you bridal style off of the chaise, holding your head against his chest as he adjusts your positioning. The smell of bourbon and mint and Pine Sol floods your nose when you nuzzle it into his bare skin, eyes fluttering shut, as Levi’s feet start towards what you presume will be the soft, comfortable king-sized bed in the furthest room to the right.
part two | masterlist
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tetsvya · 4 years
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❛ pumpkin guts war! ❜
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷  nothing ever seems to go smoothly when you’re surrounded by your favorite group of people, so why would you think pumpkin carving would be any different?
➼ pairing! karasuno vbc x manager!reader, a little ennoshita bias bc i adore him <3
➼ warnings! none
➼ type! fluff, reader is in their second year, takes place in october 
➼ author’s note! hi! this is my first time posting on tumblr and first time writing for hq so i hope this goes okay. i apologize beforehand if there are any mistakes or the characters are ooc, i'm trying to get the hang of them. anyways, this is a halloween inspired fic and i'm hoping to post some about some of the other schools as well! i'll probably link them at the end of this post if i can! anyways, happy halloween, stay safe, and enjoy this little treat! <3
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It was very rare that the Volleyball Club had a day off, and it was even rarer when one of those days were dedicated to a team bonding activity. But it had been a rather long time since you guys had last had one, so with a little planning from you, Kiyoko, and Yachi, it was decided that the VBC would spend a few hours together, and instead of tossing a ball back and forth, it'd be spent carving pumpkins. That's how you found yourself where you are now, sitting on a tarp in one of the school's empty soccer fields, Ennoshita to the right of you and Tanaka to the left of you, Noya besides him, Narita across from you, and Kinoshita besides him. The third and first years were in similar circles on their own tarps a few feet away from you guys.
"Noya-San, what are you carving?" Hinata called from where he sat beside Kageyama, eyes only for the hyperactive second year. Noya shrugged nonchalantly, a cocky smirk turning up the corners of his lips as he cradled his pumpkin to his chest.
"It's a surprise, obviously!"
"Oh!" Hinata's eyes lit up at the prospect and, he too, pulled his own pumpkin tight against his chest as to shield it from anyone's searching eyes, "Mine will be one too, then!"
"Idiot!" Kageyama called from his spot beside Hinata, narrowing his eyes at the boy, "You're probably carving a volleyball!"
Hinata's cheeks grew red at Kageyama's words but that didn't stop the shorter boy from scowling at him, "Am not!"
The two began to bicker back and forth and you turned your attention away from them with a smile, averting your attention back to your own pumpkin that rested in your lap.
"He was so going to carve a volleyball" Ennoshita leaned in to whisper to you. You turned to him, laughing with a nod, and Ennoshita couldn't help but join in.
"What about you, Ennoshita?" You asked, leaning closer to peer at his pumpkin. While he hadn't got to actually carving the pumpkin yet, he had sketched a face onto the surface of it. A smile broke out on your face at the cute design, and you looked up to meet his eyes, "It's cute, Chika-Chan!"
Ennoshita felt his cheeks warm up at the sight of your bright smile, but he brushed it off with a laugh, leaning into you to peer over your shoulder. You moved quickly, though, jerking your pumpkin out of his sight before he could take a glance at it. Ennoshita's eyebrows shot up at your sudden movements, "What? I can't see your pumpkin?"
You shook your head, clutching it tighter to you when he tried to take another glance, "No! You have to wait until it's done!"
"Fine" The boy sighed, rolling his eyes at you as he leaned back, picking up a carving knife as he got to work on carving out the face of his pumpkin. You watched him for a moment longer, before glancing back at your own pumpkin. You picked up a marker, popping off the cap before bringing it up to your pumpkin. Unbeknownst to you, Ennoshita glanced at you from the corner of his eyes, smiling to himself when he saw the concentrated look on your face. Your eyebrows were knitted together in concentration, and the tip of your tongue was poking out between your lips. The boy felt a nudge against his shoulder, and he glanced at Kinoshita who was sitting beside him. His fellow second-year winked at him with a knowing smile. Ennoshita rolled his eyes, but he couldn't stop the blush from blossoming on his cheeks. Kinoshita let it go, turning back to his pumpkin with a smug smile. The next few moments were relatively calm. The low chatter coming from the others and your quiet hum that only the second years surrounding you could hear. The boys finished far before you, and the only time you looked up from your pumpkin was so you could look at their finished products. You complimented each and every one, and they all accepted your praise with a proud smile. They, in return, waited rather impatiently for you to finish your own carving.
"Done!" You called out finally, a bright smile on your face as you turned around your pumpkin to show the waiting second years.
"Wow!" Narita spoke first, eyes twinkling as he looked at your pumpkin, "It's really good!"
"Thanks!" You beamed as the others nodded along to their friend's words.
"Yeah, it looks gr—" Noya was cut short as Hinata and Kageyama's bickering grew louder and louder. Your eyes were instantly drawn to where all the first years sat, raising an eyebrow as you wondered just what they were fighting about now. The two continued to argue back and forth, and Tsukki regarded them with a bored stare as Yamaguchi stifled his laughs behind his hand. Yachi could only stare at the two hopelessly. You couldn't quite make out their words, but you figured Kageyama said something that really ticked off Hinata, if the orange-haired boy's next action was any indication.
It was as if time slowed down as Hinata reached down, scooping up some of the pumpkin guts that he had tossed into a bowl earlier. He pulled his hand back, and before you could even try and tell him not to, he flung his hand forward, the mess of orange pulp and pumpkin seeds flying through the air, heading straight for Kageyama. The setter had the foresight to duck down, however. You let out a breath of relief, tense shoulders dropping forward. However, that relief was short-lived when you realized just where the glop of pumpkin guts was heading now.
Daichi's laugh was cut short as the glob of pumpkin insides landed right on his head. He blinked once, twice, three times. Everyone seemingly held their breath, eyes wide as they stared at their captain. Daichi opened his mouth to say something, but promptly shut it when he felt the glop slowly began to droop down his head, inching lower and lower until it finally slipped off his head and landed in his lap with a quiet splat.
You could practically see the anger grow in Daichi's eyes and you made a mental promise to Hinata that you'd stop Noya from photoshopping him into some of those fake clouds because you were sure if Daichi didn't kill the boy himself, Hinata would die of utter fear and embarrassment. May he rest in peace.
When Daichi opened his mouth once more, you had half the mind to shut your eyes and cower away, not really wanting to see the captain's angry outburst, but before he could even utter a word, a boisterous and hysterical laugh broke through the tense atmosphere. Everyone's eyes were drawn to the source of the sound, and when you peered over Ennoshita's shoulder, your eyes landed on Suga. He was clutching his stomach, head thrown back as he laughed and laughed and laughed. You couldn't help but feel your lips twitch up at the sight, and Daichi turned to his best friend with narrowed eyes. He reached out, scooping up the pumpkin pulp that sat in his lap before launching it at the grey-haired boy. Suga's laugh was effectively cut short as the pumpkin guts hit him right in the nose. His mouth dropped open in shock before, he too, flung it right back at Daichi. Some of it hit the captain's shoulder, but the majority of it splattered against Asahi's chest. That was when all hell broke loose.
"Pumpkin guts war!" Noya rose to his feet, pumping his fist into the air before throwing the goop that he held in his other hand straight at Tanaka. The short-haired male gasped, narrowing his eyes at his chaotic counterpart before throwing an even bigger glob at Noya. Noya's eyes hardened before he grabbed his bowl full of pumpkin insides, throwing its contents in Tanaka's direction. The boy ducked, however, and instead, both you and Ennoshita were hit. Tanaka and Kinoshita promptly burst into a fit of laughs, clutching their stomachs as you and Ennoshita shared a look, a mental conversation being spoken between the two of you. You both then averted your attention back to Noya, who's own laughter stopped instantly.
Noya's eyes widened under the heat of both your's and Ennoshita's angry glares. He held his hands up in surrender as he scrambled back, "Uh, wait guys! I'm sorry, I didn't m—"
The boy was cut short as you dove at him, tackling him to the ground, "Now, Chika!"
Ennoshita picked up his own bowl of pumpkin guts before jogging over to where Noya was struggling from under you, smiling devilishly before spilling its contents all over Noya. You giggled, taking Ennoshita's hand as he held it out to you. He hoisted you back up to your feet, and the two of you dashed away from the angry libero who chased after the two of you. The war between the three of you raged on for a few minutes, with Tanka and Kinoshita joining in as well until the boys were eventually drawn into a fight against the first years. You took the moment to catch your breath, laughing to yourself as Hinata was struck right in the face by Tanaka. From the corner of your eye, you noticed someone standing a few feet away from you, and they were far too clean for your liking.
"Oi, Narita!" You called out sweetly, and the boy visibly blanched, tensing up at the sound of your voice. You giggled, before lurching forward, wrapping your arms around him from behind.
"You're the worst" He groaned, accepting defeat as he stood still in your hold. He didn't have to see his back to know that he now had pumpkin all over him.
You laughed, hugging him tighter, "You love me!"
"Mhm," The boy hummed playfully, breaking out of your hold before turning around to face you. He smiled cheekily before reaching out, patting your head sweetly. However, you should have known that the gesture was anything but sweet. Your eyes widened and mouth fell agape as he broke out into laughter. The pumpkin guts that he had plopped onto the top of your head slowly began to slide down, before it eventually fell into a heap at your guys' feet. The two of you both glanced down at it before meeting one another's eyes, promptly bursting out into laughter.
"Ay!" Tanaka shouted, pointing at the two of you with a hard stare, "Get your asses over here and help us beat these losers!"
You and Narita shared a look before jogging over to the boy. The 'war' continued on for a few more minutes, the third years eventually ambushing all of you as Kiyoko stood a few feet away, not a single seed on her, as she watched with an amused smile as pumpkin flew back and forth, accompanied by joyous laughter.
"Well" A voice drawled cynically, and all movement stopped as everyone's eyes were drawn to the sound. There stood Tsukki, a sour look on his face as he scowled at all of you, arms crossed over his chest, "While I'm sure you guys had fun making complete fools of yourselves, I doubt you're going to have much fun cleaning up the mess."
His smug face soon had the entire group of you scowling at the boy, and without a second thought, you all turned your bodies to fully face the boy. The smirk was soon wiped from his face as he took notice of the mischievous looks in your guys' eyes, and he took a defensive step back, "What are you guys doing? I swear—"
"Now!" Noya shouted, cutting off the blonde. Everyone pulled their arms back before launching them forward, handfuls of pumpkin insides flying straight for the bespectacled blonde. Tsukki had no choice but to accept his fate, eyes wide as he stood frozen in place.
A beat passed before Tsukki blinked, glancing down at his clothes now covered in pumpkin guts. He blinked once more, a heavy sigh slipping past his lips before he lifted his head to meet everyone's eyes once more, "I hate you all."
"Oh, don't be such a Scrooge, Tsukki!"
"That's Christmas, you idiot!"
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other halloween fics:
what’s new, scooby doo? - aoba johsai
scaredy cat - shiratorizawa
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Fic Writer Questions! (you can find me here on AO3 if you're interested!)
tagged by dear @theburialofstrawberries mwah!
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
112 yowza!
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
750,421 kinda tempted to go delete one word so it can be 750420 which is a far more Pleasing number
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
12ish but some of them overlap: BBCS/Sherlock Holmes/ACD (these are all different bc my bbcs fics are not the same as my own modern fem Sherlock Holmes adaptation are not the same as my ACD Holmes fic; Good Omens; Harry Potter/The Werewolf Draco Malfoy Cinematic Universe; Captive Prince; The Hobbit; Fleabag (it was a crossover with BBCS but Fleabag is the perspective character so it still counts as a separate fandom imo); Doctor Who; The Office; Parks and Rec; Broad City (one a piece for those last 5 but I AM going to write a Parks and Rec polycule fic for @gaykagome)
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
They're all Good Omens fics from the 2019 Summer of Good Omens! Susceptible to Summer, Fragments Shored Against My Ruin, Something So Magic, Enter Serpent, and Anything We Like
All of those have over 2k except the last one, but average engagement for me is like 400 kudos or so
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I try! It depends on what's going on with me. Sometimes I just don't have the energy, and I figure people would rather I spend my brain power on writing new fics than on writing replies to comments. Wish I had a fave button tho so I could let people know I read and reread comments, because I do!
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Oh I wrote this ficlet series called A Chemical Defect about John and Sherlock's relationship in s3 of BBCS, and it's WILDLY unpopular. People don't read my fic to cry sad tears I guess! John and Sherlock are having an affair in the story, and it ends with the implication that their relationship is unsustainable and that Mary knows about it anyway. I intended to come back to it after s4 and write a more optimistic ending but LOL! Didn't have the heart.
7) What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
I know this answer is kinda up my own ass, but like. I think stories that feel true to life sort of feel like they end on a beginning if you know what I mean? You don't really consider a chapter of your life closed until you look back on it from the next? SO that said, I think I'd have to say that it's my big BBCS serial The Only One in the World. I spent 2 years writing it, and it ends with John retiring from medicine to solve crimes and write books full time.
Could also be my WDMCU (werewolf Draco Malfoy cinematic universe) series Moonrise, which starts with Draco isolated in his abusive mother's house, trying to cope with lycanthropy essentially alone and ends with him in love and surrounded by found family in a cozy cottage in Hogsmeade, having gotten some lycanthrope rights legislation passed after working at it for years and talking to Harry about whether they want to have kids. Oh man I feel warm and fuzzy just thinking about it
8) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I have written one crossover. It's BBCS/Fleabag, because me and @loudest-subtext-in-tv were laughing about how John seems like one of the horrible guys Fleabag sleeps with basically out of self loathing, so I wrote this fic to make Nattie laugh, and you should read it bc it's so good and so underrated.
9) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not really, but people don't seem to know that authors can read bookmark tags unless you private the bookmark, and someone once put in the bookmark tag on one of my fics 'writing was meh but it was okay.' Okay so why bookmark it then??
10) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Fuck yes! I'm not sure what 'what kind?' means? People fucking? Sloppy, silly, and awkward, with lots of laughing. I also really like writing afterglow scenes which are even sillier and gigglier and often involve one character cooking for another. Food as love language is a very distinct pattern of mine tbh
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of, but occasionally I'll write a post on here where I make some elaborate head canon, and I'll see people in the tags talking about how they want to write fic of it, and it makes me breathe fire out of my nose like a dragon like PLEASE DON'T. The WDMCU came out of a ficlet post I made on here like a year before I actually wrote the 60k series so like!!! Please don't do that!
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! To Russian and I believe Chinese. Not my entire oeuvre but a handful of BBCS and Good Omens fics
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I wrote a fic inspired by an RP I did with my gf right around when we met (actually now that I think about it, it's two fics), and I waaaaaaanna do a WDMCU collab with my beloved Sally @clytemenestras at some point if he has time bc he inspired me to even write werewolf draco with his original lesbian werewolf story
14) What’s your all time favorite ship?
favorites are hard for me? I always think I'm currently doing my best writing lol so I'll say drarry
15) What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I don't post fics unless theyre finished, so I don't have any WIP up on AO3, but I did intend to continue with my fem Sherlock Holmes series, Your Many Tendencies. I just haven't been in a Holmes mood for a long time. Maybe I'll come back to it idk. This particular series is honestly very unpopular? People will just straight up say they don't read femslash, and it hurts a lot. This series feels really personal too, bc it's about a Black autistic nonbinary lesbian, so it does hurt my feelings that no one seems to care, yknow? I mean the people who read it are extremely kind and thoughtful in their engagement with it, but it has vastly less engagement than my m/m fic, and that's painful. It gets literally 1/10 the attention my fics usually get.
16) What are your writing strengths?
Almost all of my writing is romance, but I tend to write concurrently about recovery and found family, and I think I'm very good at doing that in a way that connects with my audience. I once had someone ask if they could use my words in their wedding vows, and I've had people tell me they started doing things with their spouse that my characters do with their partners in order to express love. I think about that all the time. My Impact. It makes me feel like I have a real duty to my audience yknow?
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
This question is hard for me like I've been writing so long and so much that I'm literally always happy with my final draft! It's always exactly to my taste, yknow? I suppose I could say that my fics tend not to be terribly plotty but so WHAT? That's beside the fuckn point for me. Plot who? I don't know Her. Also honestly like. Stories feel more True to me when they aren't ruthlessly devoted to plot bc like life isn't like that yknow?
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
If you're not fluent in that language, get a beta who is!!!!! That said, I have written scraps of very simple dialogue in French using mostly Google Translate (sometimes I check w Sally bc he speaks French but I am usually too impatient), and I am perfectly well aware that I take my life in my hands each time!!! Also don't do that bullshit thing where it's in italics? That shit is weird and exoticizing. Just write it in quotation marks like normal dialogue.
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
BBCS babey back in 2012. Ended a 5 year dry spell for me after I got my writing degree.
20) What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Hmmmm I think it's probably gonna be the fic I'm working on now that I haven't posted yet, but I know it's called Names for a House, and here's a tiny bit of it
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Thanks again Shreya for asking me to do this bc I really love talking about myself. I tag @the-moon-loves-the-sea, @clytemenestras, @tomiano, @gaykagome and @totallysilvergirl
No pressure <3
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wwilloww · 3 years
w-what do u mean new chapter of sh today stfu i fear for my life now can we have a spoiler of the banner 👀👉👈
i mean i am working on formatting and getting it ready to post for all you lovelies bc i am impatient and love you
and yes of course
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we have to thank @madseok for the image used in this one because originally we were working with this ☹️:
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but we live among geniuses (cough cough M) and i'm so so happy with this new banner!!!
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