#but i'll put em out there lol
ineffable-gallimaufry · 3 months
characters in les mis (musical) ranked on how good their introductions were:
jean valjean: 9/10 he actually says his name and like . conveniently gives us his backstory while talking to javert which was nice
javert: 10/10 literally says his name and then says "do not forget my name" so forcefully i managed to not forget his name immediately so that was good
the bishop: 5/10 solid but not enough context. could've used a whole five minute song about only him beforehand tbh (kidding i swear)
fantine: 9/10 she does have people say her name which is good, she doesn't say it directly but like she does fill in her situation well. also i would feel bad for giving her a low score since her intro is literally her having a horrible time
bamatabois: 3/10 he never says his name and he's a huge asshole . only gets a three because it conveyed his character well + javert was there. but he also gets a three because i hate him
fauchelevent: 10/10 because. it's the runaway cart man . best song in les mis. also they do say his name so it works
cosette: 10/10 her name is said over and over again before she's even onstage + her introduction really shows the bleakness of the situation she lives in with the thénardiers
mme thénardier: 8/10 she doesn't say her name but it is a good introduction nonetheless . 8/10 instead of 9/10 because it isn't like. my favorite favorite but it is good
eponine: 6/10 controversial but sorry. i feel like they introduce us to eponine as kind of a brat (with her name which is nice) and even maybe as helping her mother directly to hurt cosette whereas we don't get a good enough reintroduction to her character in act two that gives us a better idea of her character as someone who's arguably just as hurt by the thénardiers as cosette. it's still okay though
m thénardier: 10/10 they say his name and then immediately he gets master of the house? it's a good introduction to the fact he's a big old thief and it's also kind of a bop. no notes
gavroche: 10/10 his name is in his first line. and it gives you a very good impression of him. i don't have any notes alright . i mean they kinda give the impression he's not related to thénardier but i can't fault them for not including that since it's not a HUGE plot point
enjolras: 2/10 i genuinely do not think anyone ever adresses this guy by name. i only remembered he was supposed to be there after i watched the play and then had to hunt down the actor's name in my playbill so i could see if i remembered him. like he just felt like another member of les amis tbh. two points because at least he's still characterized well
marius: 5/10 we hear his name from enjolras and because we get no context for his life before this point he feels so damn uninteresting... like all we get is the "ooh marius is in looove" without ANY context of his life outside of that. literally just there to fall in love with cosette and it shows
les amis de l'abc: 4/10 i am grouping them together because they literally get NO distinguishing qualities from each other in their introductions. grantaire making fun of someone is alright for things grantaire would do but like. can we not give that to courfeyrac?? why are all of them such non characters in this introduction?? like at least we get a few name drops from enjolras but i am just not really a fan. courfeyrac should be in here more since marius lives with him but i guess that doesn't matter because marius had his whole backstory surgically removed to make room for the brick to not be a million year long play. whatever. probably why lesgle gets nothing either despite the fact he introduced marius to les amis. didn't know this got on my nerves so much
patron-minette: 5/10 i mean. it's AN introduction but also to be fair i can't get mad too much since they're not major characters+ they are kinda interchangeable in the end. only montparnasse got a name drop but they did also keep my favorite eponine moment largely intact so. eh. whatever they get a five for being mediocre
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mgrace-art · 3 months
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"We're always here for sailors' delight!"
SRL Musicology Department's latest find, idol duo Red Skye at Nite! Composed of serious inkling Skye, and bubbly octoling Red the duo rose to fame for their electro-swing music and their live comedy performances.
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thysanniia · 7 months
What are your thoughts on pterosaurs?
aaaaaaaaaa i completely forgot about this ask it's been here for months i'm so sorryyyy T^T
I love pterosaurs!! They're wonderful and deserve wayyyy more love than they get. I've been meaning to make more art of them for ages, and I have a bunch of unfinished pieces of them but no finished ones yet because I suck at finishing stuff.
As an apology for taking so long to reply to this, have this Dearc sketch I made like a year and a half ago!
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Originally I was gonna develop this into a full piece, but then I decided to do a different composition of the same concept, so this went unused and forgotten. I'm hoping to get the final version finished before the end of the year, so look forward to that! And hey, maybe I'll develop this version a little further too someday, I do still quite like it :3
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tradingjackbs · 9 months
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Attempted to do a photoshoot for the one and only cosplay I'll probably ever do and. These are the only pictures I got that matter
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fisheito · 2 months
Imagine you have to set up yakumo's enclosure for the next couple months. How do you set it up and what do you put in there?
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i am standing in my room, leggies rooted to the floor. i am in shock .frozen and i have no idea how to proceed. there is a perpetual pathetically sobbing serpent under my blankie.
#stares at the camera and stage whispers#i can't be responsible for another living creature. i can't. or . er. i can. but I SHOULDN'T#i'll have to suppress every violent urge in my body to keep this thing alive for several months#i CANNOT fling him out the window. i WILL NOT grab his entire face and squeeze. I SHALL NOT chew on his tail.#now i'm reminded of that post where it's a pretty princess cage on the floor and comments go [that aint big enough for a dog]#and OP is all [it's not FOR a dog 😀]#yeah. that's me right now imagining a full grown yakumo in a cage by my bedside#SO FOR EASE OF MY IMAGINATION AND TO increase yaku's chance of surviving these next months#i'm going to try real hard to imagine him exclusively in pocket snake form (scrunches up my face in valiant effort)#his enclosure (crib?!?!) is flanked on all sides by eiden plushies#since yaku is an adult there is a smaller chance of him suffocating on eiden in his sleep. wait. actually#arranges the eiden walls to give some pockets of air. i don't trust him. he WILL suffocate on eiden given the opportunity#he gets one of those tiny dollhouse cooking sets for enrichment LOL#or i'll give him a bunch of those make-your-own gummy kits with elaborate setups and tiny egg gummies#crying yaku is the excuse i need to finally get a humidifier#i can survive not misting myself.. usually... but yaku will cry himself into dehydration. it's misting time#he gets an entire alcove closed off in the corner with his basic needs met. i cannot perceive#he can lurk in privacy as much as he wants. there are at least TWO hot rocks in there with garukaru's faces painted on em#there is a duplicate open-space alcove next to it for when he actually wants something from me LOL#is he a free range snake? can i take him to a bunch of restaurants and shove food into my sleeve for him? he wants to sample the delights..#tempted to put a bell on him just so if he gets loose in the basement i'll know to fish him out#but he's pretty cautious... he won't get into any fatal situations in the house right? ...does he know how to swim?!#at least one day is reserved for testing yaku's swimming capabilities.#he is going into the bathtub while it has a film of water. gonna test his traction. i hope i won't get panic-strangled#asks
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bonetrousledbones · 7 months
an interesting way to do things is to never ever come up with names for fics until the very second you are actively posting them. the name of the wip i'm working on currently is "something's wrong with this guy" and the one before it was named "HEHEHEHE"
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alatar-and-pallando · 8 months
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I'm so obsessed with my latest mug -- I think I've spent 6 hours on it so far? I even put a secret beetle on the bottom. May the kiln gods have mercy on my soul
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jojissalsa · 1 month
Hey, I saw negative comments on your uncel Leon fanfics. I'm sorry that you got hate. You're an amazing writer, and you are not nasty for writing about that stuff.
thanks anon ur such a sweetheart <3 i kinda knew i was gonna start getting hate bc of it so i'm not shocked at all LOL some people need to learn the block button exists 🙄 i know a lot of people enjoyed that fic and that's what matters!!!
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bmpmp3 · 2 months
I NEEED to go back to making art that makes it ABUNDANTLY clear that theres something wrong with my brain BUT NOT in a cool or stylishly interesting way. i need to do it in a way that makes people say "hm." and walk away
#sowwy ive been kinda going through it in my fine arts major rn can u tell HJKSDHKFd#ive been feeling like. scared. and paralyzed by marketability and branding.#i cant stop thinking about how other people will see my art. but not like in a good way#when i was younger i thought about it in a good way. like hee hee hoo hoo the act of looking connected us hee hee#but rn i keep thinking about it in like this wretched like consumer product mindset? ouhhghhhhh el problema es el capitalismo#and like maybe this works for some people. to think like this. to make art like this. its what my professors push me towards#not intentionally. they dont say it out loud at least. im not sure if they know or not some of the irony#my professors are nice and pretty smart and talented and i like em. but sometimes i wonder like. the push for us as students to make like#marketable 'avant garde'? stuff thats safe but pretending to be weird and out there#i dont mean to sound pretentious. in general i play it too safe myself (spent too much time as an edgy 10 year old with my#parents freaking out over my shoulder because they think the fact that i drew an anime character frowning means something serious LOL)#but i dunno man. my least interesting art with the least amount of care thought or effort always gets so much more attention in school#nowhere else oddly. online? people like my more passionate but seemingly frivolous art (oc art etc. not frivolous to me but yknow how it is#same with irl artists and other industry people outside my school. whats going on in my school LOL#i know from experience i cant push myself into a supposedly marketable brand. if i try to make something sell it will not.#i dont know why. maybe theres an invisible essence buyers can tell when i didnt care jkfsldjdfrds#but my teachers LOOOOVE the stuff i put no passion in its so bizarre orz but i gotta relearn how to ignore half of their advice#i used to be better at it. but i also only used to ignore like a quarter of their advice. maybe i need to amp up how much im ignoring#that sounds mean. they have plenty of good advice. but also plenty of advice thats clouded by their own biases#and i gotta relearn how to sort out this stuff again. i forget every few months for some reason#you know i always think ouuhhhhh i act so neurotypical ouhhhhhhhhh im outgoing i talk to strangers all the time i seem confident#im so masked IM SO MASKED but then i go a couple weeks where every conversation i have has people looking at me like#i have two heads and neither of them are speaking their language. and then i descend into madness like this HJKLDSHJDS#i'll be fine i'll figure it out. i need to stop trying to get a good grade in being a 'cutting edge' conventional artist <3#i need to just. draw my cartoon characters in peace 😔😔😔
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somelazyassartist · 3 months
I need to make plushies of my little guys so badly. What I wouldn't give for a little Harmony or Hallows to hold
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rattusn0rvegicus · 3 months
I don't care who you are or what you've done. Suicide is not the answer to your guilt.
You don't deserve to die. I want to see you get better, to turn around, to strive to put more good into the world than bad. I want to see you live and love and experience life.
None of it is reason for a death sentence. Not your intrusive thoughts. Not your beliefs - or your old beliefs, or the things you're unsure or undecided about. Not who you are, or who you aren't. Not your current actions, or your past ones.
None of it means you should kill yourself.
If anyone tells you you should, they aren't worth your time. You don't have to interact with people who believe the sanctity of human life ends with a bad action, a backwards belief, a cruel thought.
Suicide doesn't pay anyone back. It doesn't right any wrongs. It just means you're dead. You can't help anyone, you can't do anything positive if you're fucking dead.
As long as you're alive, you can make a difference.
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heatobrienswife · 8 months
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size-two-shrimp · 11 months
"Kuhli loaches are bottom dwellers"
My kuhlis climbing fucking everything:
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hovkinnie · 1 year
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Sploon every day challenge day 1: sleepy pearl
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girlyliondragon · 1 year
This pic is getting a LOT of layers onto it and Sai2's memory usage is screaming at me to chill so I'm doing a personal private thing that's much smaller.
When will you see the eventual gay shit?
In June! :''''D /hj
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heyitslapis · 2 months
Adding to my portfolio on ko-fi i realize that i dont keep a lot of art as line art. I either stop at sketch (be it messy or clean sketch) or I get bored and go all the way to flat color
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