#but idk if that’ll convince her to give me the marks back
victory-cookies · 4 months
if anyone was wondering I handed in my assignment 5 minutes late 💀 rip 5% of my grade
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acciotaylorswift · 2 years
“a certain hatred.”
A/N : So, i’m going to try to write and actually post my fics more, just because I absolutely ADORE pre-one-year-but-post-war-romione and i can’t find many fics like that so i’m gonna just give it to you and that’ll fulfill me so yay !! this takes place like december 1998, christmas holidays, this story isn’t ROMIONE-romione but it’s still romione. the ending is sorta awkward but idk what do to about it lol, maybe i’ll change it later or something
“Oh my— UGH!— I Hate her!”
Hermione was in a certain mood. hatred to be exact.
“Good morning to you too.” Ron said.
“Oooh, who do you hate?” George asked, He never seemed to be into gossip, but he had to admit, once in a while it was fun.
“Rita Skeeter!” She answered angrily, Sitting down beside Ron.
“Why?” George inquired
“She got her job back somehow, and started creating rumors again!” She said, pointing at the headline of the daily prophet. ‘Harry Potter and Hermione Granger, Possible secret relationship? trouble with the trio?’
George didn’t look that surprised. This had happened in His sixth year, and Both Harry and Hermione Were very clearly mad about it.
“Wait, at one point she didn’t have a job?”
“Yes. Thanks to me.”
“Do either of you have a jam jar I can use?” she asked, getting up.
“Calm down, love,” Ron said gently. pulling her back down.
“I want to trap her again!”
“Trap her?!” George asked, looking most shocked at the ‘again’ part of it.
“Oh.” Hermione said. “You don’t know…”
George urged her silently to tell him
“Remember back in our Fourth year when Rita was coming up with all those crazy rumors about both me and Harry’s Love lives, and finding out about personal things, like Hagrid being a half-giant, me and Viktor, Harry’s scar hurting as well?”
George nodded.
“Well, At first I was too angry to Realize it, but then I realized she wasn’t allowed on school grounds. ” Hermione paused to breathe for a second, “And when she knew Harry’s scar hurt that one time in divination, I knew something was up, but didn’t know what to do about it, And the realization sort of stuck with me, So when I was in the hospital wing, I looked on the windowsill and I saw a beetle, I wasn’t going to do anything about it, but then I noticed the markings around her antennae were exactly like those stupid looking glasses she wears, so I trapped her, And then found a book going through all of the animagi laws, and she was marked as ‘Unregistered’”
“Breathe, Hermione.” Ron said.
She took a deep breath before speaking again, “And so I used a small glass jar, and trapped her in it, using an unbreakable charm, And I talked to her saying I’d let her out in London, And that if she kept telling the world Those stupid lies, I’d notify the ministry somehow, and tell them she was an unregistered animagi.”
George looked flabbergasted.
“Yeah, I know, It’s been three years, I’m still shocked to hear the story again.” Ron said.
Hermione laughed lightly,
“It’s been three years and i’m still shocked about the fact I actually did that!”
They all laughed,
“Now, Do you have a jam jar or something like that?”
“Why don’t you just tell the ministry she’s an unregistered animagi?”
“Because, on the very, very slim chance she convinces them that she’s not,” Hermione said, “She can still write the terrible things she does, without any problems.”
“‘Mione, just write her a very angry letter telling her to stop this,” Ron said, “or you’ll tell, then hope she does,” “and if she doesn’t, you know the minister of magic personally. Then you don’t have to track her down.”
She sighed, “Fine.” She said, picking up the Prophet again, She crossed her legs and leant on Ron and Began Reading through it, skipping The article about her and Harry. As Ron Kissed her forehead and was playing with her hair, George wondered how stupid the world would have to be to think that Hermione And Ron don’t completely Love and appreciate each other.
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dreamyyang · 3 years
hi bb hope yr doing well? can you do a 127 reaction where the reader tells them she needs to talk to them / tell them smth & she starts crying but it’s becos she’s confessing that she was in love w them? like she was nervous LOL and they comfort her ofc ehe smth fluffy,,???
surprisingly, I’m in a good mood lol. I hope you’re doing good as well ^^
god I haven’t written reactions in like five years shsjdhs I hope you like it, love. tysm for requesting 💖
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summary: you're finally about to confess to your crush of god-knows-how-long but your nerves get the best of you.
pairing: nct 127 x reader
genres: fluff, humour, crushes to lovers
warnings: none except for a lot of cursing lol
word count: 0.7k
note: these reactions are based on my interpretation of the boys' personalities so I'm sorry if this disappoints you
requests are open
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concerned bubu™
honestly thought you were gonna tell him you had a terminal illness or something
conducts an impromptu therapy session
“what’s been going on in your life?” “mhm, and how does that make you feel?”
when you finally manage to tell him that you like him he looks so done with you
“I like you too y/n but you didn’t have to cry tf”
literally doesn’t know what to do/say
just wraps you in a hug and goes, “I promise you, nothing could ruin our friendship.”
which makes you cry harder bc holy fuck taeil is such a sweetheart :(
squeezes your hand and encourages you to continue speaking
“go on, there’s nothing to be afraid of.”
gives you a big kiss and can’t stop smiling as he does it because he also has the fattest crush on you
turns into your personal hypeman, “y/n, babe, you’re the baddest bitch alive and don’t you DARE let anyone tell you otherwise”
isn’t focused on what you’re trying to say, just wants you to feel better
so he’s completely thrown off-guard when he’s scooping out ice cream for you and you go, “so yeah...I have a huge crush on you”
ice cream is now on the floor
“wait where are we going?” “ice cream parlour for our first date. you’re paying.”
“just breathe, okay? take as much time as you need.”
ends up cancelling his plans bc he’s really worried
starts coming up with ways to hide the body cause he’s convinced you killed someone
honestly isn’t surprised when you confess, you were being so obvious these past few months
now he’s kinda mad cause he cancelled on father-son bonding time with shotaro
half “noooo my lil baby please don’t cry” and half “well this is awkward”
he’d probably want to impress you and seem like really chivalrous and shit
holds your hand and comforts you or gives you his jacket if you guys are outside and it’s cold
is a bit awkward but really happy when you confess to him
expect to get teased constantly
“hi this is my s/o y/n, did you know they cried while confessing to me?”
okay it’s so ironic that I just wrote a hurt/comfort fic w jae but pFFT this boy does nothing
gives you blank stare, and on a good day, he might even nod encouragingly
there’s a chance he’ll hold your hand, rub your back or do some action that’ll comfort you, but that’s it
jaehyun just strikes me as the type to be quiet and let you say what you have to before reacting
gives you a cute smile and a kiss on the cheek after the words, “I really like you” leave your mouth
he laughs, feeling relieved it wasn’t something bad and actually finds it cute when he thinks about it later
like jae he just feels like he wouldn’t really say something aside from some words of encouragement
if he feels like you’re really upset he might try to make you laugh
“you don’t have to tell me right now”
can’t help but laugh at you when he finds out you were just nervous to confess
cuddles afterwards while watching your favourite movie/show to help you calm down (netflix and chill 🥴)
he might joke about it later but not as much as hyuck and doodoo
panics and gives you a fucking bro hug
awkward back patting and all
literally the most awkward interaction ever cause you’re too scared to confess and he’s too scared to do anything that might upset you further
“dude it’s all good, just like, chill bro. you know you can tell me anything bro”
you manage to stop crying but only cause you’re laughing at how terrified mark looks
you end up confessing to him mid laugh and honestly all he does is just stare at you
mark: *ten minutes later, telling jungwoo the whole thing* anyway so I think I have an s/o now idk I’m still very confused
hyuck gives me “imma annoy you into feeling better” vibes
“stop doing that thing with your face you look ugly” “stfu I’m literally crying”
at some point you stop crying and start beating his ass with a pillow
“okay now that you’re back to being murderous instead of a depressed lil bitch what’s up?”
tries to act smooth when you tell him but he’s honestly ecstatic because he has liked you for literally the longest time
like doyoung, he will make fun of you 24/7. actually scratch that, he’s even worse than doyoung
let’s just say he’s lucky that he’s cute
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© dreamyyang, 2021
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thedreamingscorpio · 3 years
Endless Embarrassments
Please filter this tag if you don’t wanna read these snippets of me reliving the same.
This is the first one and there’ll be plenty more, since my day doesn’t reach completion without embarrassing myself at least thrice lol.
This happened a little over 4 years ago now and after receiving a call from one of my friends, who is notorious for bringing up my embarrassments no matter how old, I just had to start with this.
Had thought this would be in this narrative format, but then figured out it would get too long and require effort, not something I wanna do for this kinda thing?
So I’m just gonna explain it, how I would when I want to take the chance to embarrass myself first, before someone else starts with the glorious tale(happens a lot).
So we’d just come back from yoga, and there was this note to be written in our planners. I’d met the class teacher in the hallway and he’d told me that it was one of those super important notes he’d get into trouble for if not noted down by everyone, even the absentees needed to be informed, look at them now, that he’d sign it in the morning I think it was the syllabus for the upcoming UTs? Idk, but I do know that it was super long.
Anyway, I rush in and tell them not to get mad at the length of the note, write it and get done with it. So they were like, you send us the pics of the thing, that’ll work and it would’ve if not for the sign. We’re still talking when this other guy comes in and he’s like I don’t know how to tie my shoes and I’m like you can’t be serious right? But he makes no move, doesn’t even argue and I can hear the people coming and leaving, packing their bags. I’m hastily putting blue tick marks, when the party of guys I was convincing is now going to their seats packing when the guy in front of me says, why don’t you write the planners? And I’m left there feeling like...but-but...but then I agree and I ended up writing almost all of the planners. The guy comes again and he’s sounding really desperate now, getting a little fussy about how he told me that he couldn’t wear shoes and that I don’t understand. At this point I’m really like...oh what the hell and just bend down and get to work, when I ask him if it’s tight enough, that I’m not hurting him, he’s just like... 😮, and the class had gone quiet, so I assumed that it was another planner again, so I basically asked them to hurry up and give me any planner I’d possibly left. Returning to the task at hand though, the guy had gone from being...um...to....okay okay that looks good, see I knew you could do it. I ended up tying every guy’s shoelaces as well.
I was in this no nonsense mode then, and then when I finally wrote my own planner and packed my bag, I noticed my teacher who had the most amused expression on his face, the class matched it, he just shook his head at me and the entire ride home I was slowly becoming aware of the utter stupidity of the whole ordeal, which I was masking poorly as I tried to make sense of it getting louder by the minute.
So the bus also knew by now, my friend sitting beside me just sighed and smiled and shook her head the whole time, the same expression on her face as well as she ended with “...Avni. Avni, Avni, you’re hopeless”, as I exited.
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dershloop · 3 years
ok i know no one asked but in all fairness i havent talked about it but I HAVE NINJAGO AUS nd this is my ninjago blog so im gonna talk abt them. my main one im working on atm is the Hell On Earth AU where the preeminent doesnt get killed at the end of s5 and morro keeps lloyds body as an extra fuck u to the ninja and so he can do semi-human things while traversing the realms. it also includes my ninjago oc, Landon! if u follow me on instagram youve probably seen him but yeah! in my headcanon universe thing??? idk anyway yeah hes lloyds older brother nd kai's boyfriend bc i like him.
also!! they don't have their powers HOWEVER jay, with the help of Nya and Pix, is able to make cybernetic implants to replicate their powers. this however does come at a cost, especially to Zane and Cole.
content warning: gore, m*rder, just a lot of hurtin nd sadness. not brilliant.
Kai is the first to change. after lloyd is assumed dead (he falls off the cliff thing when morro grabs the realm crystal. kai panics and never jumps in but tries to pull him out instead. needless to say, it doesnt work. he does survive but barely, morro is basically keeping him alive at this point.) kai takes all the blame on himself. the others try to tell him it wasn't and they shouldnt have sent the ghost and guy whos terrified of water to help but he just keeps blaming himself and ends up spiralling until he just doesnt care anymore. not caring, however manifests itself in a... strange way. he begins killing (not immediately, its a slow process but after like a good month or so he gets to humans) to feel something and strangely, it helps. othere's something about the helplessness his victims as they realise who he is that just spurs him on.
Landon finds out whats happened to Kai from the others after not hearing from him in a week or so. he's convinced he can help him since they've known each other for years but that doesn't exactly pan out the way he thinks it will. which honestly is stupid on his behalf but he's a bit of a self insert so obviously he's not gonna be smart. anyway he finds kai nd actually finds him in the middle of murdering someone and naturally tries to intervene. Kai nearly kills him in the process but eventually is able to convince Landon to join him. landon also now has a huge burn mark all up the left side of his face that goes so deep his teeth and gums show around his mouth area.
in an attempt to try to kill the preeminent alone in the hopes they'll get kai, landon and lloyd back, 3 of the remaining 4 lose parts of themselves. Jay ends up getting swallowed by the preeminent. Cole gives his soul and Zane gives a quarter of his powersource to get jay back, but he's changed. they've changed too. any basic instinct of self or peer preservation Jay once had is now gone. he rambles, more than he used, and has peculiar delusions and hallucinations. he claims to have a new friend called Em who follows him around. Initially, everyone assumes its a coping strategy. purely an imaginary friend. however, jay can actually see Em and is convinced he's real. Since Jay can describe him in such specific detail and he doesn't seem to be harmful, the others aren't overly worried.
Zane's changed too. cold. calculating. apethetic towards everyone besides Cole. weaker. since he lost even more of his power source, he can't fight anymore. any attempt to over exert himself will just end in him powering down for a while to recharge. In his eyes, he was betrayed by the city they once protected. they all were. so, Zane ends up hiring Kai and landon on as bounty hunters of a sort. hired guns to do the dirty work he doesnt want to send Cole to do.
Cole is Zane's body guard. since he lost his soul, he lost any hint of personality he once had. now he only knows 3 things, protect zane. Lloyd is gone. It's kai's fault.
nya and pixal are in a strange situation. nya didnt lose anything really. shes bummed, sure, but she didnt give her soul or her heart to get jay back because she didnt have to. nya is the outlier of the group; she has developed psychosis or lost her sanity or whatever. shes survived this relatively unscathed. pixal, however, wasn't as lucky. after zane began to change, she tried to hard reboot his systems in an attempt to bring him back, but he wasn't too pleased about that. he took her processer out his system and attempted to get cole to destroy it, however Nya interveened nd saved her. now she lives in the main computer at the samurai x cave where, at night, nya tries to build her a new body out of scraps and parts of her various mechs.
so yeah!! if anyone wants to know more, just shoot me an ask or a dm or smth!! im also actually writing this as a fic so i might not answer question that'll be answered in that early on or if they'll spoil smth lol but yeah!! thanks for reading if u read this far ily mwuah <33
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