#romione one shot
be11atrixthestrange · 7 months
Bathroom Light
It's been two years since I've written anything, but I heard the song Bathroom Light by Mt. Joy, and this story wrote itself. Rated M for Ron's thoughts. <3
Find me a lane to drive through
In a Halloween costume
I'm an astronaut without you
As usual, the Three Broomsticks was bursting with Hogwarts students on a Saturday night. Echoes of conversations bounced off the walls, cluttering Ron’s mind like a cloud of wrackspurts,  which made it even harder than usual to focus on his date. Lavender had been chatting about a new beauty charm she learned from Parvati. Or was it from Witch Weekly? Honestly, Ron didn’t know, but apparently it had something to do with volumizing curls. Maybe. 
Ron stared into his half empty butterbeer. Although he was tempted to chug the rest of it, he just knew that if someone in particular saw him gulping it down like a river troll, she’d disapprove. He shouldn’t care what that someone in particular would think, as they weren’t even on speaking terms, but for some reason he still did. 
“Are you listening to me?” 
Ron’s skin prickled at her question, and his fingers clenched around his glass of butterbeer. “Yes, of course I’m listening,” he lied. 
“Then what did I just say?” asked Lavender, one eyebrow raised. 
“Something about beauty charms…”
Lavender’s eyes narrowed.
“Beauty charms that you don’t even need.”
Ron’s shoulders relaxed when Lavender’s face softened into a grin. “Aww. You’re sweet.”
He smiled back at her and took in her features. She wore a different color lipstick than usual for their date, and it had taken Ron by surprise when he first saw her. Lavender had seemed hurt by his reaction. He tried to assure her that he didn’t think of her lipstick color as good or bad, but apparently that was the wrong thing to say. 
Truth be told, he didn’t actually know what Lavender looked like without all the effort, but he knew better than to mention that. She took great pride in her appearance and wanted validation — that Ron could understand. Some guys equated makeup and beauty charms with deceit, and Ron really didn’t want to be one of those guys. But was it wrong to want to know what your girlfriend really looked like? 
And honestly, he’d love to go on a date that had the potential of ruining someone’s perfectly curated hair. Lavender wouldn’t even watch one of his Quidditch games if it was raining for fear of ruining her appearance. Even though that would mean so much more to him than finding a never-before-seen shade of lip balm just for him. He couldn’t shake the image of someone else sitting in the stands at a particularly stormy Quidditch game, her curls soaked down to heavy waves that stuck to her face, completely unbothered by the fact that she looked like she’d nearly drowned in the great lake.
As if reality read his mind, those same curls caught his eye, bouncing along the edge of the pub toward the loo. His eyes immediately followed Hermione until the light of the bathroom hallway illuminated her. Who was she here with? Harry or Ginny? Neither had mentioned anything about going to Hogsmeade tonight, and the thought made his stomach feel as heavy as a bezoar. Was she on a date? 
The persistent thought, the one that he was usually pretty good at keeping at bay flooded into his mind like a dam had broken. What would happen if he followed her?
We're twisting our way to the back of the bar
Yeah, locking the door, falling into the stall…
Maybe she would respond positively. Those canaries meant something. No one would attack a person for kissing someone else if they only held platonic feelings. Ron definitely wasn’t wrong about that. It was possible that she’d welcome a grand gesture from him. 
Was following her into a bathroom stall in a crowded pup a grand gesture? It surely wasn’t on the same level as hiring a string quartet or writing a romantic poem. But if memories of a rogue mountain troll served him correctly, it wouldn’t be the first time their relationship changed in a bathroom.
Suppose he got up, followed her, and she invited him in. Then what?
That would never happen. But it didn’t hurt to imagine, right? 
Stripping you down to your jewelry
You're breaking the rules just for me
What a life under big stars and a good woman in charge
Got me falling in, got me falling in hard.
Would she want him to kiss her the way he kissed Lavender in the common room that first time? Because honestly, he probably couldn’t. It would be so different.
If he kissed Hermione in that bathroom there would be no hesitation. His mind wouldn’t freeze and turn on autopilot without a moment’s thought about the fallout of his actions. He’d kiss her not in spite of the consequences, but because of them. Could a kiss ruin their friendship? 
So be it, ruin the friendship. Sometimes things needed to burn down to grow back stronger. 
It wouldn’t just be a kiss. If the scars on his arms meant anything, she had passion. Sure, that manifested poorly sometimes, but it wouldn’t in that bathroom. He could just imagine her tugging at his shirt while he plucked at the buttons on her blouse, pieces of clothing hitting the floor one by one, until all she was left wearing was that perfume he got her back in fifth year. 
He’d run his fingers through her perfectly voluminous curls that needed no beauty charms, and maybe she’d bite down on his lip as her bare legs wrapped around his waist. His fingers would dig into the skin of her thighs, and she’d groan her approval, which would have a similar effect to setting Ron on fire. 
Something Ron loved about Hermione was her relationship with rules. She knew the ins and outs of every rule in the book, so when it came time to break them, she was the one to ask. She could get away with anything without risking her perfect reputation, especially for someone she cared about. Setting a professor’s robes on fire? Check. Blackmailing and transfiguring a nefarious journalist? Check. Jinxing the D.A. sign up sheet? Check. That one time she snuck a flask of firewhiskey on a prefect round, and they skipped patrol to drink in an empty classroom? Check. Harry didn’t even believe Ron when he told him about that last one, and honestly, Ron preferred it that way. It made it seem special. 
If breaking rules was Ron’s love language, Hermione was fluent, and she only spoke it for him. 
So even though he was on a date with someone else, and maybe she was too, it wasn’t difficult to imagine her fully letting him in under the dim bathroom light. He’d prop her up on the sink; she’d tug on his front zipper and slip him out of his trousers. And despite the fact that they were in a dingy stall in the bathroom of an overcrowded pub, he’d do to her what he’d only ever imagined in his dreams. Fuck the consequences.
Shag her best friend in the bar bathroom? She definitely would. Check. 
So, come on, baby, let's do this right
I think I like falling in love in the bar bathroom light
I won't question it, I won't mess with it, if it's there go grab it
Tell your friends you love who they are
“Ron, are you okay?”
Lavender sat with her elbows on the table, head cocked to the side, a look of concern on her face. 
“Yeah. Why?” he asked, trying his best to hide the resentment creeping up from the fact that she yanked him from the most beautiful daydream. 
“You seem distracted.”
Ron immediately felt heavy with guilt. What was wrong with him? He was here with a gorgeous woman, and couldn’t control the trajectory of his fantasies. 
“I’m sorry. Just tired,” he lied. In fact, he was more energized than ever. “Can we go back?”
“Yeah,” said Lavender, with a brief flash of disappointment on her face. “Want to finish your beer first?”
Ron glanced at his butterbeer, still half empty. Hermione obviously wasn’t looking, so he put the glass to his lips and chugged it. 
“Let’s go,” he said. The pair stood up to leave, and Lavender reached for his hand. Who was he to think of makeup and beauty charms as deceit when he was the one imagining shagging someone else in the bathroom?
Yet, on the way out the door, it took everything he had to avoid stealing one more glance toward the bathroom at the back of the bar. 
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wafflinglumos · 5 days
Romione height difference and eye contact send tweet
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marauderfic · 2 years
by OtterAndTerrier
After escaping the Ministry, Ron is having trouble doing things like getting a bath with his injured arm. Hermione will try to help, no matter how much it hurts to think that it's not really the time for romance. One-shot with a parallel, set in DH.
I absolutely love R/H fics that take place in canon. In this fic, we see them dealing with the war and their feelings for each other in two contrasting scenes: one when Ron's hurt and under the influence of a Horcrux and another when Hermione is dealing with the physical, mental and emotional consequences of Bellatrix's torture.
It has wonderful true-to-canon characterizations. I can totally see them hold back their feelings, knowing full well that they have to stay focused on helping Harry, and yet they have these little moments of intimacy with each other when they're vulnerable. It shows that their feelings are more than just a superficial romance.
Illustrative quote:
'Pity?' he repeated incredulously. 'I don't pity you. I think you're amazing. Just wanted to make sure you're all right.'
Another tear rolled down.
'I'm not.'
'I know.'
'Everything... everything hurts,' she said in a very small voice.
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delumineight · 11 months
romione fic list
because it’s hard to find good ones
disclaimer, these are mostly all on ao3. this will be updated every now and then and open for suggestions !!! if you have any suggestions please reblog with them. this is an ongoing list that i will be adding to whenever i find something that i like enough to rec.
list below the cut, just so people who aren’t on my account or in the tags for this don’t have to see it.
rec list
the reasons by incalculablepower
— RATED T: background harry/ginny, past lavender/ron, a tad of inappropriate humor at the end, takes place at the end of sixth year or half-blood prince
SUMMARY: “As the school year comes to an end, it's time to reflect on the one that's passed and prepare for the next year. And with their two best friends otherwise occupied (that is, snogging all over the castle), that means a lot of quality time spent together...”
resistance of the mind by tuesday_piracy
— RATED G: background harry/ginny, current lavender/ron, pining hermione, black hermione, black lavender, takes place during christmastime sixth year or half-blood prince
SUMMARY: “Hogwarts is hosting a Winter Solstice Ball for their older students, and naturally, Ron and Lavender plan on attending together. However, as the night of the Ball arises, Ron is racked with familiar concerns over his attire, his looks, and his hair. So, naturally, he turns to Hermione, and she can't help but aid him. — Or: Hermione gives Ron a haircut. Absolutely nothing (something) happens.
anywhere with you by kieunlocked
— RATED G: takes place during deathly hallows during the horcrux hunt before ron leaves, discussing where they would rather be then in a damp tent in the middle of nowhere
“One-Shot of Ron and Hermione talking about places they’d rather be than the cold, miserable tent during the Horcrux Hunt. / “Though, to be honest I might rather be in the Potions dungeon right now than in this bloody cold tent any longer,” Hermione groaned, wrapping her arms around herself. / “Not the Potions dungeon, Hermione!” Ron said with mock disgust, slinging an arm around her easily, effortlessly. As if he’d done it a million times. And when Hermione thought about it, he really had been doing it quite a bit lately.”
don’t talk (put your head on my shoulder) by sarahxxxlovey
— RATED T: shell cottage, pre relationship, aftermath of torture, missing scene, takes place during deathly hallows
““I don’t know what I would’ve done if—” Ron said in an uncharacteristically tender voice, pulling away slightly to cover her cheeks with large hands, tears dripping down his nose. “I couldn’t— I thought I was going to lose my mind.” / “Me too,” she said, swallowing and nodding, looking up at him. “I didn’t think I could take it… I—” / Words failed her. She broke down into sobs again. / “Hermione,” he said, his voice cracking, kissing her wet cheek quickly before hugging her even tighter. “I’m just so glad you're okay.””
let the golden age begin by incalculablepower
— RATED T: missing scene, during lavender/ron, during apparation testing, maybe a tad and i mean tad bit of emotional cheating, as in people mistake them for boyfriend and girlfriend and neither of them make corrections, half-blood prince, sixth year
“A couple of awkward moments in a still-healing friendship. Half-Blood Prince missing moment.”
funny little frog in my throat by anonymous
RATED T — pining, specifically pining ron, fluff and humor, idiots in love, my personal all time favorite, they’re still magical but no war au
“Ron loves Hermione. It's an ugly business, he's very upset about it, but he loves her and that seems to be the axis on which his world turns.”
self recs
meet me in the woods
— RATED T: secret dating au, starts at the end of sixth year and runs until the shell cottage scene in deathly hallows, written for romione week 2023, oblivious harry, 9k words… oops
““We could just… not tell him.” / “Just keeping it a secret? Okay.” / Whatever Joanne wrote for Deathly Hallows was NOT real. This is (trust me).”
that damned cat
— RATED G: post-war, hermione’s eighth year, crookshanks fic, cuts to around 2009/2010 i think, cat dad ron, and just general dad ron, wine uncles drarry
“Ron hates that cat—but he loves Hermione more.”
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unhinged-romione · 7 months
what is your favorite romione fics and what are the ones you’ve written you like the most 👀👀👀👀👀 finding fics on archive have been impossible and a girl is desperate 🌞
Oooh chileeee *rolls up sleeves*
Okay, so I'm listing my all-time favorites below (mostly on FFN since it's been YEARS since I've been plugged into this fandom).
As for my stuff *buries head* this ridiculous ass fic that I wrote when I was FOURTEEN is my main claim to fame (it's trash but also still kinda slaps?). BUT I'VE BEEN WORKING ON A TON OF NEW STUFF. I have six fics coming out this month through the @romione-trope-fest (btw the best active Romione writers are participating in that fest, so you should definitely follow it if you haven't been already! Here's the AO3 collection for the fest.).
ALSO I saw that you are a Renaissance fan. I have one that's 50% done called "Virgo's Groove" (EDIT: it's here!) and it takes place in the seventh book when Lupin announces Teddy's birth. I can share a snippet tomorrow if you'd like 🙂
Okay enough self promo lol. On to my recs!
Seven Simple Years by HalfASlug (FFN): Best Romione missing moments series ever. I think HalfASlug has the best Ron voice. Everything she's ever written for Romione is worth reading.
Moments by Armaysha (FFN): Another missing moments (I'm a sucker for those) that I feel kind of mixed about, even though it's still one of my favs. The writer has a different take on Romione than most of the fandom. It generally works IMO, but some of the choices she made I really didn't understand. But what she did well, she did really, really well.
I Must Not Tell Lies by TMBlue (FFN): I think this is the best one-shot of Romione's first fuck. TMBlue is GREAT at writing Ron and she's like the queen of Romione smut.
Six Foot of Ginger Idiot by Pinky Brown (FFN): This classic is HBP from Ron's perspective. Pinky Brown is another iconic Ron writer. You can't go wrong with anything she's written, but Biscuits (her missing moments series starting in Book 1) starts dragging in the last few chapters IMO.
Australia by MsBinns (FFN): Post-war series, arguably the greatest Romione fic of all time. To be totally honest, I didn't finish it because it does kind of drag. But I'm always meaning to get back into it. Just know that it's heavy.
Love Me Forever by Aloemilk (AO3/FFN): I JUST read this and I can't stop thinking about it. It's a post-war series that has a great mix of angst, trauma, and fluff (lighter than Australia). The slow burn from Romione's first kiss to a full-fledged adult relationship is perfect and the smut is SO GOOD. Reminds me of the time I stumbled upon porn that made me ugly cry (in a good way?)
Not single fics but thesecondself and realmer06 (both on FFN, although realmer06's next gen stuff is also on AO3) are my favorite one-shot writers.
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arianatwycross · 7 months
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Hi my tumblr name is arianatwycross (this is not my real name but you may call me A or Ari) I'm a pommy that lives in Australia, I have a golden retriever that owns my heart and I'm addicted to cheesy romance novels.
I write mostly Jily but have been known to delve into Romione and am dipping my toe in some wolfstar!
last updated 18.03.24
The Process of Wanting- University Muggle AU / Jily-microoops March prompts
Headlines - Muggle AU / Popstar James
once upon a dream - WIP Hogwarts AU / Lily has a crush
To send or not to send? - (Two Parts) 2023 April Jily Challenge / Theme: Letters, Notes and Texting
A (not so) bad day - (Two Parts) - Hogwarts idiots in love
We'll be a fine line -WIP a chapter a day for jilytober 2022 / a muggle au
Only for the Summer -WIP Rated E / Muggle Job AU / Friends to Lovers
Beach Reading -  Rated T. July 2022 Jily Challenge / Theme: Summer Prompt: “i really, really need this summer job, so please stop distracting me with your wiles/good looks. you’re going to get me fired”
The Art of Fake Dating - WIP written with @vertraymer / For the Mixed Up Writer Fest 2022 / Prompt: Fake dating AU!
Unlearnable - WIP, Rated M. Muggle AU. Angst.
Strawberry Lipstick State of Mind - Rated E. Canon. Seventh Year.
Just a touch - Rated E
Teenage Kicks - Rated E / Celeb AU with minor wolfstar
you are the sun - Rated M (Three-parts) Muggle AU/Secret Relationship
One Shots:
Skinny Dipping Part 1 - a jilymicrofic
Just the two of us - Hogwarts / Forced proximity, Hurt/Comfort
A Sweet Meet Cute - Muggle AU, small town romance
A romance of their own - Jily Valentine Gift Exchange 2023 / Celeb AU
Wet, Cold & Bothered - Rated M / 2022 Jily Challenge December Christmas challenge; prompt: Snowball fights
Muggle Christmas Traditions - Rated G/ 2022 December Christmas Jily Challenge. Prompt: The night before Christmas
The One Where Remus Has no Filter - Rated G. Jily Challenge December Christmas challenge
a year and 22 days - Rated T. Summer of Jily 2022 / lyric: all that I know is you caught me at the right time —"golden hour" (kacey musgraves) Scenario: late evening with friends in the garden
The One Where Petunia Can't Drive - April JilyChallenge / Meet uglies + prompt "i hit you with my car/broom and was the only one to visit you in the hospital"
two fools - Rated T / Feb 2022 Jily Challenge romance theme + prompt " “It’s not like I've thought about kissing you, or anything…”
Shut up & Kiss me - Rated M / December Jily Challenge, Winter theme. Muggle AU
Crush Phase - Rated T. Muggle AU
A Year Later - Rated M / Jily Challenge August 2021 . Muggle AU
consciously unaware - Rated GA / Jilytober 2021 bingo (5 prompts in one). Canon, friends to lovers.
Say my name - Rated M. Canon.
Backseat Rider - Rated T / Muggle AU
One Shots:
Willow - Rated GA. Written for M.Windsor for the 2021 HP Romione Discord Secret Santa!
It’s better In the front seat… - Rated M (Backseat Rider One shot)
Confessions - Rated E / Canon
Books & Freckles - Rated T
Nobody Compares - Rated T / Muggle AU, professional football player Ron
Skinny Dipping Part 2 - a wolfstarmicrofic
Teenage Kicks Spinoff coming soon!
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greenerteacups · 9 days
I think that the main problem with romione is that because jkr didn't want to deal with teenage sex, they took too long to get together and it ended up looking like they are completely incompatible.
Not being able to get together for four years when you are that young, very good friends AND you are bad at hiding your feelings is a big fat red flag for romione that is hard to get over. The narrative tiptoes around it, too, everyone knew they had a thing for each other, Fred and George didn't even make fun of them.
Draco didn't make fun of them! And you know he would!
If they started dating at the end of the fourth year with Harry becoming a perpetual third wheel (or at least in the middle of the sixth year) - that would have been a realistic teenage couple that had a shot at becoming a stable couple in their adult years. Also it would have been hilarious but thats neither here nor there.
When Ron and Hermione couldn't discuss their feelings and reach a consensus even when they were on the run in the forest and the society was their best friend who approved of that relationship - that's just pathetic tbh. They just don't like each other then, come on.
With hinny I think i was just triggered by them as a child, so I can't perceive them at all. Both the description of Harry's love for her (the beast metaphor frightened me, it was so unlike Harry, although now its just feels turbo cringe), and the fact that Ginny had to change into a tomboy popular hotgirl, who occasionally behaved like she and Harry were married for 45 years at least and was never unreasonable or angry with him.... it just sucks
Yeah, I don't disagree about the Ron stuff. I dunno if it was JKR's general weirdness with romance or her not wanting Ron and Hermione to get together early because it would third-wheel Harry and fuck up the dynamic — which you have to imagine is also canonically one of their concerns, too — but it didn't hit for me. In their defense, they are usually Preoccupied With Other Shit, but after a while the bickering gets grating and it ate up so much space in substantially crowded books that I gave up on it. It's definitely realistic; kids IRL will have these miserable situationships that last all throughout high school because they're so petrified of talking about it, and sometimes that's literally all that ever happens.
The problem IMO isn't anything that Ron or Hermione actually do, it's a problem with the author not creating believable chemistry. There are few plots that believable chemistry can't fix, and only few love stories that can survive a lack of it. But chemistry is also in the eye of the beholder.
Also, I think the parts in Book 6 where they make each other jealous on purpose with Cormac and Lavender are just awful, and that's just my thing — jealousy is and can be sexy in romance fiction, but trying to invoke jealousy on purpose is just like. Not hot to me. IDK. It reads as immature and as deliberately trying to hurt the other person, which I don't... okay, well. I don't find it hot in that context.
I like Ginny and Harry together, though.
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xoxonxo · 2 months
i love you, i’m sorry
a snippet of my romione fic
about hermione’s perspective during
the halfblood prince
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“Hermione, are you even listening?” Ron let out an exasperated sigh, dramatically rolling his eyes. No. “Yes, sorry. Uh—What were you saying?” Hermione grimaced when Ron shot her a look, before he shooed the idea off with his hand. “Forget about it.”
She felt a twinge of guilt at Ron’s words. It wasn’t her fault that she kept on daydreaming, she couldn’t help it! “Did you smell anything from the cauldron?” Hermione’s words shot out quickly, catching even herself by surprise. The question had been pounding in her head since she had left Potions, and if it weren’t for Ron’s hum of acknowledgement, she would’ve thought she hadn’t said it out loud. For someone who had always been so opinionated, Ron’s expression was unreadable.
“It was far away.” That was a lie. From the second Hermione stepped into Slughorn’s class, she smelt the bubbling mixture. It was strong and it enticed her. It begged her to step closer to it— that and they were sitting near the front of the class. Ron’s sense of smell was remarkable, and that was a fact no one could deny. He could identify a home-cooked meal from miles away. Ron’s eyes searched for conformity in her own, “My mother’s cooking.” Hermione blinked slowly, patiently waiting for him to say more. The clock in the common room ticked, each click sending a rush of anticipation through her veins.
“Freshly mown grass,” Ron’s words left his mouth slowly, the crackle from the fireplace breaking the ever growing tension fueling between them. Hermione swore she felt her heart skip a beat. With a loud cough, she cleared her throat, pressing further, “And what else?” Her voice trembled as she watched Ron form ideas in his head. He hesitated before his eyes flicked towards hers,
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toorumlk · 19 days
Your Romione art is so beautiful and inspiring!! I love them so much and I’m sure my next Romione one-shot is going to be inspired by something you post lol
(I’ll make sure to tag you)
hi friend!! thank you so so much for liking my romiones, i just have the best time ever drawing these boogers :’D
and ohhh man if my art even inspires a single line in a fic that is the greatest honour and gift, thank you so much and i’m so glad my art was able to give you the inspiration <33333
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💗 Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. spread the self-love! 💗
Thank you for this!
The Pride of Burrough House -- Regency romance Muggle AU with multiple plotlines, all the Weasley siblings' canon ships. Writing this is an absolute blast. I get to write all the tropes, and while we haven't got really spicy yet, the ship dynamics run the gamut from Percy/ Miss Dawlish and their repressed pining, to one ship I won't reveal right now who are going to have a Bridgerton-esque carriage ride...
Days That End In Y -- a flash fic collection about Percy's romantic relationships/ encounters/ missed connections over the course of his life -- I play around with various dynamics until about halfway through we get to the one that really captures his heart, and from there on it's all the Percy/Audrey love (and a few chapters dealing with Percy as a dad). I've been able to create some really fun OC's for this fic, such as Percy's former Hogwarts academic rival turned friends with benefits Remy Chadwick-Esposito, and a pretty young woman who works in a record store whose name unfortunately is a dealbreaker for Percy...
Kiss Each Other Clean -- a soft post-war Romione fic that I am just really glad I wrote -- it emphasizes their friendship and trust and comfort with one another as much as their newly emerged romantic feelings.
Clair de Lune -- a one-shot about trans Luna finding herself in the context of her relationship with her late mother.
Irrational -- the fic that started me on my Percy obsession... 15 years ago (omg). It's not my best writing ever, and if I had to do it over there are some tweaks I might make, but it's actually kind of a cool demonstration of the evolution of my writing over the years as the chapters go on. And it's just all about someone who adores Percy for exactly who he is, and how he responds to receiving this unconditional kind of love. I reeeeeally need to update...
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seriouslysam8 · 3 months
Did you had Ron and Hermione divorced in legardemain but why I thought their life was good in that universe any reason ps not a Hermione lover just a curious reader dying to know why that's all don't hate me
I like writing about real problems. Harry’s addiction to Felix Felicis in Brontide. Sirius’ mental health struggles in Brumous. How all of the abuse, neglect, and trauma affected Harry as an adult in all of the MIT series with all of his little quirks. Andromeda finding happiness with another man after Ted’s death in MIT. Draco still being a little shit in Entombed when he’s initially unwilling to help Harry until Astoria convinces him. Then Draco’s entire societal withdrawal in Legerdemain after the death of his wife.
Divorce wasn’t something I ever wrote about. I sure as hell wasn’t going to divorce Hinny - though, again, I showed them having realistic martial issues in Brontide when Harry’s addiction spiraled before he knew what was happening and desperately tried to hide it. As I was writing the MIT series, Ron and Demelza’s friendship was so fun to write. I started to want to see them together. At the time, I was hellbent on never leaving the MIT universe. I had so many stories planned. So, I thought I’d just do it. Tackle the storyline and do what I wanted to do. When the hate and the annoyingness of it all happened, I stepped away from that series and started fresh.
I am giving myself more freedom when I write. I have both series going. I have a few one-shots. While I’m not updating weekly like I was, I am having more fun writing some side projects. Like last week I was just going through it and I wanted to write something completely fun and silly so I wrote Heliophile. I didn’t let the pressure of you need to write your angsty stories so don’t write anything else box me in. After writing my fluff piece, Brumous has been a lot easier to write this past week in a way it wasn’t last week.
So, I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’m writing what I want to write now. I was never a big fan of Romione or Hermione. I think that’s evident with the lack of both in the MIT series. Ron was always around but Hermione barely was. When the chemistry between Ron and Demelza really started to pop off the page, I simply just wanted them together. I thought their personalities meshed better and it would be more fun writing them as Hinny’s main couple friend. And I thought writing a divorce would be fun as well.
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casurlaub · 3 months
Currently on mental health break
(Look after yourselves!)
I feel the need to make one of those intro posts because recently a few blogs started following me that seem to be more into the fanon interpretation of things, and I don't want anybody to get the wrong ideas about what to expect from this blog.
About me... I'm 29, she/her, pan/bi (I don't care which label), and demi (my, it took me so long to figure that out).. I used to be a judge but dropped out because of a myriad of reasons but mainly because of... well, depression. I cannot, for the life of me, remember how many letters there are in the alphabet, I love carrots but they make me nauseous, and my socks always have holes.
So... let's move to the important stuff.. JK sucks, and parts of the canon suck too - like the house elf stuff and her naming "skills" which are very telling, her fat shaming, and the anti-trans shit that is even written into the original source material. But for the most part, the characterization isn't one of them. So on this blog, I will defend the canon version of characters, flaws and all.
To make myself clear: hc characters as trans and writing characters as gay etc is great and I fully support that. What I mind, however, is the heteronormative, mysoginistic cliches we keep seeing under the guise of 'progressive' queer ships. If you not only change their gender or their height but also their personalities so that they fit heteronormative stereotypes that's problematic. Same goes for the casual racism going on in this fandom. Portraying non-white people as huge, buff guys with anger-issues is - you guessed it - problematic!
What to expect from this blog:
Me applauding the many great people out there. Do you even know how great you are???
Me geeking out, especially about the characters and ships I love most (and sometimes writing/sharing anti-posts about my own favs when I'm too fed up with the fanon version of them).
Me writing long-ass metas at two in the morning because that one post was the final straw.
Me brain-vomiting stuff into the void of the internet that really no one asked for and no one cares about.
Me ranting and contradicting myself.
Nuance - or at least, I try. But I'm just a person with biases, and I read the books through the lens of my own experiences, so yeah. And of course there's always a range, even when sticking to canon.
(I say I care about nuance, but you'll find me swaying to full-force apologetism the next second - get used to it, I'm a hypocrite).
Some writing. I shared some microfics/one-shots already (soulmate microfic, over 30 microfic, fix it one-shot, wolfstar raising Harry one-shot (sort of), drabble collection), but I'm working on a long wolfstar fic starting in 1971 and carrying all the way through to 1998. It's solely from Remus' s POV and I'm trying to pay attention to everything (!) in canon so that it makes sense with all the scenes we see in the books - although I wouldn't call wolfstar canon. I think itl'l be around 900k-1 million words in the end. Right now I'm at 950k but I need to add stuff, cut stuff and just generally work through it. I plan on starting to post it before I turn 30 (which will be in mid-December).
Remus/Sirius will always be my OTP, and I've made a post about why I think they make sense even from a canon perspective and with their canon personalities (not saying they are canon, but don't tell me I haven't read the books). But I do feel the need to point out that I disagree with most of the depictions I see nowadays in this fandom as the characters I fell in love with are barely recognoizable. I prefer post-PoA wolfstar (or AUs), but I think Hogwarts wolfstar can work. It's just indefinitely more difficult to make it work with their canon personalities. Btw, me loving wolfstar doesn't mean I negate the co-dependency James and Sirius have going on - which is obviously canon. I also love James and Sirius so much.
As for other ships... I love Scorbus, Jily, Hinny, Romione and Grindelore. And I love a whole bunch of characters regardless of any ships, including but not limited to Ron, Dumbledore, Ginny, Fleur, Luna, McGonagall, Hermione and Scorpius. And I'm not anti Tonks - I'm just anti Remadora because I think they both deserve better. But it is what it is, jk wrote that and for what it's worth I do think Remus loved her in some way.
I can get very passionate about fictional characters, but I'm an adult, and I know they're fictional. And I believe I can take criticism, so if there's anything on your mind...
It's always my personal opinion I'm talking about; I don't think I'm some kind of hp authority, but that goes without saying.
What not to expect from this blog:
Art (I reblog, of course, but you don't want me to draw, believe me).
Dumbledore hate / Remus hate (don't confuse with criticism, I'm all for criticism). No ATYD hate either. I have my issues with it, but it's not the author's fault it has become the fandom's new rulebook.
Me dumbing down James and Sirius, etc.
Me abandoning James and Peter. But, sorry not sorry (and wolfstar aside), I will keep pushing my "Remus and Sirius were close friends at Hogwarts" agenda (but as were Remus and James, obviously, and Remus and Peter, and so on, with James and Sirius being inseparable).
Jegulus/Slytherin skittles stuff. If that's your thing, that's fine, but it isn't mine.
Me keeping it short.
I'm always happy to discuss stuff! :)
Most important information for last, right? If I speak ill about Remus, it is always with the most love possible. I keep saying Sirius is my favorite character, but he has a lot of fans out there, and avoidant, self-loathing, passive-aggressive, manipulative, ruthless, but also smart, brave, kind, loyal, empathetic, thoughtful and selfless (yes, you read that correctly) Remus holds a special place in my heart.
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marauderfic · 2 years
by Ineffabilitea
Hermione knows why you don't judge a book by its cover.
I can't pinpoint exactly what I like about this fic but, with the exception of a few things like both twins being alive and Ron being a professional quidditch player (this was written before DH was published), I feel like this could be canon. There are several details thougout the fic in Hermione's line of thought that make the characterizations and their relationship believable, and showcase why this they are perfect for each other.
Illustrative quote:
To carry off the 'secretly a tiger in bed' look, one needed a bun, she decided, like Professor McGonagall always wore– and that was a train of thought that needed to stop right there.
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saintsenara · 3 months
Dear madam, may I please recommend the only hp fic I've ever gone out of my way to link to people-- "funny little frog in my throat" by anonymous. It's a Romione one-shot and has, I think, one of the funniest, most charming, most believable Ron pov's I've ever read. I think you'll like it, I really do!
thank you anon, this was very sweet.
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unhinged-romione · 2 months
Hullo there! I've had really bad Romione brainrot for the past six years and as a result, I present to you a bunch of fics!
I mainly write Romione missing moments, but I also have a lotta AUs (Muggle and otherwise), a steamy post-war, and a gen ficlet featuring the incomparable ✨Luna Lovegood ✨
And without further ado... *sweeping hand motions*
Mine (T)
A 6-chap 6th year AU where Romione got together and Hinny takes things to the next level. Hermione and Ginny are kinda hoe-y in this and I love it 🤪 WIP - but Romione part is COMPLETE
"What If" Romione Kisses (T)
An anthology of seven one-shots, one for each year, answering the question, “What if Ron and Hermione had kissed earlier?” COMPLETE
Let's Go (T but prolly will change to M)
Muggle AU of Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley meeting one magical night at a pub during their final year of uni. WIP
Ocean Eyes (G/T)
Ficlet of Hermione demanding that Ron explain the meaning behind his Christmas gift in OotP.
moving into me (T)
Yule ball Romione starring transmasculine Ron 🙂🏳️‍⚧️
Before Daybreak (T)
Flash fic of Romione in a secret relationship during DH
Virgo's Groove (T)
The festivities in Shell Cottage when Lupin announces Teddy's birth get a bit out of hand. Also, Ron and Hermione talk about babies…and what it takes to make babies.
Stand Still (G/T)
Ever wonder what was going through Hermione's mind when she asked Ron to Slughorn's Party? I did a lil take on it!
Dive (E)
Hermione finds a particular book that Ron hoped she would never know about. But what happens next is more than he could have ever bargained for. Post-war.
Say Yes To Heaven (G/T)
Romione's dance during Bill and Fleur's wedding.
Gen Fics
What in God's name is the Umgubular Slashkilter? (G)
Missing Hogsmeade 5th year moment post Harry's interview with Rita Skeeter.
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arianatwycross · 5 months
20 Q's for Fic Writers
Thank you @mppmaraudergirl for the tag! 💙
1. How many works do you have on A03? 39
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 449,383
3. What fandoms do you write for? Harry Potter - Jily, wolfstar & romione mostly
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? Teenage Kicks, We'll be a fine line, Strawberry Lipstick State of Mind, you are the sun and Crush Phase
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes but sometimes I get distracted but I usually always go back and reply :)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I don’t think I have an angsty ending! Only happy endings here ❤️
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? All of mine are happy but I think my most recent one shot ‘her favourite regular’ is one where they’re the most content.
8. Do you get hate on fics? No! I’m lucky!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I do and I’m not sure what kind you would call it! It’s normally tension-filled and flirty
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Nope.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Not that I know of!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yep I have! Would love to do more as well!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? Jilyyyy
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Ohhh maybe we’ll be a fine line 😅
16. What are your writing strengths? Idk! I guess I like to write flirty tension but I’m not sure if that would be a strength!
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Maybe staying to my plan haha I tend to like going with the flow which means that sometimes I can lose my flow and get a bit lost on what to write next/ how to fix it
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? No thoughts?
19. First fandom you wrote for? Harry Potter.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? Teenage kicks ❤️
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