#but idk what a like mega rich persons bedroom would look like
beannary · 1 year
ok what do rich people rooms look like
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mouthbites · 7 years
jaewin headcanons
self-indulgent jaewin shipmeme answers mega post noone asked for (au context, all fictional etc)
Who is a night owl: win
Who is a morning person: bbj
Are they cuddlers: ,,,yes
Who is the big spoon and who is the little spoon: they switch
What is their favourite sleeping position: nothing too entangled? i picture them wanting to have a bit of space to themselves. they would like sleeping next to each other but dont need a lot of body contact
Who steals all the blankets: win prob
Who likes seeing the other wearing their t-shirt: bbj prob
Who accidentally punched the other in their sleep: sdfgh win
Who can’t keep their hands to themself: bbj
Who’s the one to make breakfast: bbj obv
Who would suggest a quickie in the morning before work: both prob, when the mood hits
Who chooses the movies: they would decide together
Who initiates kissing during the moving, thus distracting the other from the movie all together: bbj, win if he's bored but that's rarer
Who steals food from the other’s plate without asking: win
Who asks to go get ice cream like a five year old: both tbh
Who cooks dinner: again, bbj obv
Who cleans up the kitchen afterwards: i wish i could say win but tbh they'd prob leave it and let dishes pile up for a couple of days before dealing with it, unless jh was in a cleanly mood
Who stays up until 2 reading: win
Which one sexts like a straight white boy? BBJ
Which one cried during a fucking disney movie? win prob
Who put a goddamned fork in the microwave? win
Who does the silly hands-over-the-eyes “Guess who” thing? ugh i h8 this... bbj
Who puts their cold hands/feet on their partner? both
Who had that embarassing Reality TV marathon? win
Who laughs more during sex? bbj
who is more excited for halloween? win
who gives the best gifts? jh would prob give something bland and expensive whereas maybe win would put more thought into it
who actually finishes a book they’ve started? both, but win would read more
who falls asleep during a movie? win...
who plans a surprise getaway vacation? bbj
who comes home with useless decorative knick knacks for the house every single day? sdfgh win
who takes more pictures? win
who keeps a weekly planner? bbj
who actually watches the discovery channel? bbj to seem educated, win bec he's actually curious abt stuff
who fixes things around the house when they break? idt either of them would be good at that stuff....... win would try to improv a solution, bbj might be more methodic abt it but it would still flop in the end
who leaves their dirty towels on the floor? win......
who makes the coffee in the morning? both
who gets jealous over very petty things? win......
who exercises more? as in going to the gym: bbj
who actually reads the newspaper? bbj prob,,, but again, mostly to seem educated
who believes in love at first sight? ugh prob bbj would secretly be into cheesy shit like that
who started liking the other first? bbj........
who is more likely to suggest a romantic, candle-lit dinner? bbj, unironically. win thinks it's silly but goes along w it
who’s behind the wheel more often during road trips? u know i might be wrong but i always picture bbj getting his license as soon as he's allowed to drive whereas win would procrastinate it for years so, bbj
who sets up the tent and who gathers firewood during a camping trip? as if these rich city boys would go camping lol
who goes all out on the other’s birthday? bbj. win would stick to smaller but more meaningful gestures
who sings louder while cooking? while showering? who teases the other for said singing? look,,, jaehyun is obv the Singer in this relationship and they both know it and sc might be a bit selfconscious abt not having a singing voice but as soon as theyre comfortable enough around each other he would sing anyway even if it's terrible....... and jh would tease him abt it but only Very Gently bec he knows how sc feels abt the subject
who drags the other to fortune tellers at fairs? win prob
who would carry who over the doorstep of a new home? yIKES. again, bbj would be into cheesy shit like that
can’t stick to the grocery list: WIN...... he'd just throw in whatever he's in the mood for bec he *ww voice* has a lot of money
would be addicted to Netflix (and chill, if applicable): win the one to get hooked on a show and bingewatch... jh only watches a sensible two epis after work on a tuesday evening (as for the chill, jh might try but it wouldnt work lol)
is the better city driver and why: bbj (se above)
walks around the house in their underwear: win prob.....
instigates sex most often: both
likes having candles around the house: bbj
always misses the clothes hamper: win........
is more protective: bbj
prefers a quiet night in: win. jh is the perky extrovert who wants to go out and do stuff
Who is more organized: bbj
Who initiates bedroom fun: both?
Who’s the cuddler: bbj is slightly cuddlier
What’s their favorite non-sexual activity: playing video games prob... like, a lot
Who kills the spiders: i would like to say both but then i remembered win's manly squeak at tiny bug in nct life...... so bbj
Who is louder? during sexual activities? i feel like neither would be very vocal
Who is more experimental? sdfgsdfh look i dont like thinking abt ~experimental stuff in general but...... i feel like bbj would suggest normy kinks but think they're edgy whereas win would suggest weird stuff that aren't even sexual bec he's just curious and why not right
Do they fuck or make love? they're 20yo dudes. they fuck
Who is more likely to be caught masturbating? sdfgh i'd say win bec bbj would prob plan ahead a bit whereas win would just go at it when the mood hits
Who is better at oral and who prefers it? hhdfhfdshhf ok i think win would be a pretty messy blower but he'd get the job done so to speak and jh prob thinks it's hot anyway...... but like they'd both like receiving
Who usually initiates things? in general? jh
Who has the most patience? bbj
who throws things in a fight? bbj, but not anything that would break
who goes to their parent’s house for a weekend when things get bad? i mean,,,,,, assuming they live in korea,,, bbj
who is more adverse to physical contact? win... not adverse per se but he prob has some boundaries and a bigger need for personal space than jh but i think jh is pretty good at reading him so it's usually not a problem... and if sc needs to shrug him off or smthing i hope jh wouldnt take it personally
who hates/dislikes their neighbors the most? bbj lol... win would be more chill with annoyances
who thinks their partner turned out a different person than they thought? both, to some degree. jh would be so polished when u meet him but then his dark sides come out... ww otoh would be a bit nervous around new ppl but loosen up when u get to know him
who is more likely to cheat? UGH tbh. jaehyun. idk why
who is the more experienced (sexually or otherwise)? jh has prob had more Relationships but ww's had his fair share of flings and hookups
who wants to go to social gatherings the most? bbj
who is most likely to be dishonest? omg....... jaehyun
who is more emotionally closed off and how does this affect their partner? hmm. i feel like jh would be the one to hide his emotions and passive-aggressively pretend everything's fine lol whereas ww would more shut off when he's uncomfortable and not communicate. neither r very good at dealing w the others response to conflict so that's smthing they'd have to work on...
who is the dessert person? both lmao
who is more conservative? bbj prob...
who hates/dislikes oral sex? neither.....
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