#but like my room isnt ornate or anything
beannary · 1 year
ok what do rich people rooms look like
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im-ovulating · 10 months
Gurll, i had this idea of my mind lately, so aro and reader where he choseses her to be his mate cus he find her quite intersthing and reader here is very afraid of him cus he is strong as af and is vampire but one day reader tells aro that she isnt his toy and aro gets mad , the rest is up to you bestie 💅😌
(A/n: Sorry, babe- I was in an angsty mood when writing this😅)
(A/n: Not proofread and written on mobile, so forgive any mistakes-)
Word Count: -
Summary- Choices have consequences. Though... some consequences can be dealt with if you're willing to make a new, darker choice. (Aka: Aro "Sulpicia's" the reader, ifykyk)
Warnings: None
Age Rating: None
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Aro Volturi x Fem! Reader: Choices
You hate him.
You give a tug to the window, but to no avail. It's one of the highest windows, so you don't know what you would do if it did open. You're not that desperate yet. Though, considering how Corin is probably just outside the door, you doubt you ever will be.
Who does he think he is? You're a person, not a goddamn animal he can cage.
Moving to sit on the bed, you glare at the locked door. Maybe if you stare long enough, you can bore a hole into it, you think pathetically.
You fucking hate him.
All you had wanted to do was go shopping. I mean, if you're going to be stuck here forever, you might as well get to know the good shops from the bad ones early on. But no~
That's what Aro said when you told -keyword: "told," not "asked"- him you were going out today.
"No." Aro doesn't cease his reading to even spare you a glance.
"I wasn't asking," you scoff, turning on your heel to exit the throne room.
One second, you're leaving the ornate room. The next, Aro is in front of you, blocking your path.
"Neither was I, dear." The nickname is sour, dripping with condescension. " You're not to leave the castle without the guard. Do you see the guard here today?"
Your jaw sets. "Does talking to me like a child make you feel like a big, strong man, Aro?" You are surely going to regret this later, but you are past the point of caring right now.
"You have got to know you're pathetic. That's why you keep me under 24/7 surveillance, isn't it? Can't keep a partner with free will - you've got to lock 'em up?-"
Before you can dig any deeper, Aro has your arm in a bruising grip, practically dragging you through the castle.
He ignores your protests and struggles.
Before long, you're standing in front of a heavy, oak door. There are two lower guards standing on either side and a woman waiting, poised to open the door upon instruction.
The grin Aro turns to you with sends a shiver down your back.
"Since you're so eager to throw around the phrase "locked up", I figured it is only fair to show what it is really like. Corin?"
The woman opens the door, revealing a massive bedroom.
Two and two click together at the sight. "You can't be serious! No! You can't do this!"
"Oh but I can," Aro responds, pulling you inside.
"Until you learn to behave, this is where you will be staying. And don't think about doing anything rash - Corin will make sure you remain docile."
The woman -Corin- gives you a mock head bow, "At your service, M'lady~"
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Answering this ask because my clumsy ass deleted the draft of the ans as well as the ask idek how that happened
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A tomb.
This place was a tomb.
How can someone be proud of doing something cruel to someone? If they are the saints they claim to be why do this to Tamlin bro? Istg i will NEVER to this understand how on earth did the editors agree to the plotline of the destruction of Spring Court?
Lucien had not come here to make amends during Solstice, I realized as Tamlin opened the door to the dark library.
Lucien had come here out of pity. Mercy.
Bruh why? why? wud he underestimate their bond like that? he speaks as if they hadnt been each others only family for centuries
Tamlin claiming an ornate cushioned chair on one side of it. The only thing he had that was close to a throne these days.
oh fck u little shit atleast tamlin doesnt OPPRESS his people!!
“If you’ve come to gloat, you can spare yourself the effort.”
Tamlin is so non-combative here and people still have the audacity to say Rhysie is the bigger male????
“Do you see any sentries around to do it?”
Even they had abandoned him. Interesting. “Feyre did her work
thoroughly, didn’t she.”
ISTG this asshole someone needs to kick him in the balls. HARD.
I smiled. “Oh, no. That was all her. Clever, isn’t she.”
No sir she is a dumb teenage girl who taught to destroy a court DURING WARTIME?
tbh if Spring wouldn't have fallen the war would have never gone down i said what i said.
I didn’t smile as I countered with, “I suppose you think I should be
thanking you, for stepping up to assist in reviving me.”
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“I have no illusions that the day you thank me for anything, Rhysand, is the day the burning fires of hell go cold.”
my boi tamlin is so savage like??
Tamlin deserved what he’d brought upon himself, this husk of a life.
He deserved every empty room, every snarl of thorns, every meal he had to hunt for himself.
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Seriously? Tamlin, sweetheart, for the love of good kick this man and his bat dick pls.
Tamlin had burned them long ago, Feyre had told me. It made no
difference. He’d been there that day.
I really want to emphasize that Tamlin DID NOT take part in their death.
Had given his father and brothers the information on where my sister and mother would be waiting for me to meet them. And done nothing to help them as they were butchered.
U expect a boy to go against his evil, physically abusive father? NO, strike that.
No tell me? how was Tamlin supposed to fight a HIGH LORD and his brother??? Three against one??
And even if he tried to help them? we will never know? we get only rhysie's side of the story never tamlin's pov
“You brought every bit of this upon yourself,”
Yes yes lets go tell a suicidal person he brought every bit of his misery on himself
Yeh lets all applaud him
“You won,” he spat, sitting forward. “You got your mate. Is that not
"You deserve everything that has befallen you. You deserve this pathetic, empty house, your ravaged lands. I don’t care if you offered that kernel of life to save me, I don’t care if you still love my mate. I don’t care that you saved her from Hybern, or a thousand enemies before that.”
Why doesnt he care that tamlin has saved BOTH their lives on MULTIPLE occasions???
at this point 50% of the IC owe their life to tamlin
“I hope you live the rest of your miserable life alone here. It’s a far more satisfying end than slaughtering you.”
well he isnt even strong enough to keep his people in line and not a hair's breath away from rebellion, i doubt he'll be able to slaughter the HL who tore apart Amarantha, who fought a hundred of Hybern's monsters and soldiers in their camp ALONE, at the same time helping feyre escape AND was able to "drag" another highlord to war
*Drops mike*
But Tamlin only stared. And after a heartbeat, his eyes lowered to the
desk. “Get out.”
Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present to you the bigger male
Tamlin didn’t have shields around the house. None to prevent anyone from winnowing in, to guard against enemies appearing in his bedroom and
slitting his throat.
It was almost as if he was waiting for someone to do it.
This breaks my heart so much. No, Tamlimn doesnt deserve this. NO ONE deserves this. Imagine being OKAY with someone being suicidal?!
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Geralt x reader We're Married? Part 2
Ok here part 2! Its probably crap but anyway...
part 1
Pairing: Geralt x reader
Warnings: Blood, cursing, mentions of past sexual abuse, violence
The second you entered the hall was the second you forgot who you were supposed to be..
"HOLY SHI-" a rough hand quickly clasped your mouth shut. "If you wouldnt give us away in the first 5 seconds that would be terrific" Geralt muttered.
"Mmmph mmmph- alright alright sorry" he removed his hand. You sighed and looked around, more quietly this time. You'd been to a party like this before, well snuck into a party like this before.. but never this lavish.
The royal family spared no expense it seemed considering every inch of the great hall was exquisitely decorated. Long tables were lined with delectable looking dishes, which you would definitely visit later...
And there were many eating tables that had beautiful flower petals atop them. In between was a large area which was meant for socializing and dancing most likely. Boy did you feel out of place..
The man on your arm felt the same you guessed by the way his face contorted watching all the "fancy people" socialize. "I have a bad feeling.." he spoke quietly to himself.
Curious you turned to him "why do you say that?"
His eyes scanned the room suspiciously, "Because something's not adding up.."
"Y/n listen to me" he suddenly turned to you seriously.
"Hmm?" You eyes rose
"This thing..whatever it is..is different from what we've encountered before" he started
"Yeah I know that.." What was he getting at?
He grunted before continuing, "Promise me something" he said with earnest eyes which was incredibly rare for the witcher. It always made you soften tho.
"Sure anything.." you were worried now.
"When the monster shows up-whatever it is. You will leave with Jaskier"
"Except that" you deadpanned. "Are you crazy?? Why would I leave??" You unlinked your arms and faced him fully.
He pressed his lips tightly and led you to a corner away from people who began to notice the dispute.
Jaskier sensing the rising tension, stepped away.
"Y/n listen to me" he said firmly, "we don't know what we are dealing with, and for that reason it's not safe for you"
You threw up your arms in disbelief, "When has monster hunting ever been safe Geralt?!"
He huffed, clenching his jaw, "You will leave when it shows up and that's final" his tone leaving no room for argument.
You decided causing a scene would not be wise so you settled for giving geralt your best, "I'm angry and this isnt over face" before swiftly walking away.
"Y/n!" He caught up with you and just as he grabbed your arm an older couple blocked your path.
"Why I don't believe we've met before?" The older man dressed in blue said with bright eyes.
Geralt forced a smile and stood beside me, "I suppose we just havent had the pleasure yet"
"Well allow me to introduce myself and my dear wife count and countess Barano at your service" he bowed his head slightly and his wife followed suit.
"A pleasure" you chimed in moving slightly away from Geralt. "This is my husband, sir Bartholomew Tristan, and I'm lady Lina Tristan." You gestured lazily beside you.
The next half hour went similarly like this, a new couple introducing themselves every now and then, and talking about nonsense. You could hardly focus on anything they were saying. All you could think about was how Geralt was being an absolute arse wipe.
How dare he try to keep you away from all the action?! You're training had been relentless since the incident with the visser. And you were more than ready to fight anything that came your way. Geralt has been this way the last few missions. Although he never told you to completely leave before. Maybe a stay back or a few to many be carefuls. But run away?? What's the point of training if you couldn't even use it!
The dinging of a bell shook you from your thoughts. Dinner time..great more boring conversations with people you didnt like.
Playing the part of the ever so doting husband, Geralt pulled out a seat for you. You didnt even spare him a glance as you sat down. He sighed as he sat beside you. Throughout the evening he had tried to talk to you but it always ended badly. You were both pissed and stubborn..
"Y/n-" he began but was cutt of by lady borano.
"So tell us about yourselves, it's not often we meet new friends." She smiled sincerely.
Geralt turned with a hand in the air, "What would you like to know?"
"How long have the two of you been married?"
Geralt thought back to the extra information Yavert told him, "3 years"
" Ah still practically newlyweds" sir Borano joked.
"Any children?" A beautifully wicked idea formed in your mind,
"Unfortunately no, my dear husband here can't perform."
The sound of a feminine gasp and the whip of his head made you smirk as you took a sip of the wine before you. Its contents easing your mind, and your tongue for that matter. He forced a smile in an attempt to ease the awkwardness.
" ah I see..." she responded quietly." Well children aren't everything" she also made an effort to improve the mood.
"And thank god for that, because she'd make a terrible mother".
This time you were the one whipping your head around nearly choking on your drink. That little!! "I'm sure that's not true.."sir Barono offered with an uncomfortable smile.
"Well you can't raise children by lazing around all day and eating crumpets" he laughed while the others laughed along too, awkwardly that is..
"Well at least you know where I am, on the other hand I sit at home all day wondering what you and our servant boy could possibly be doing taking so long attending to "business". All eyes shifted to a fumbling Jaskier who stood behind us, "that's uh...not...she didn't..." he tried defending himself.
If looks could kill you would have been a goner. Geralt fists clenched beneath the table. Good, he deserves it for being a butthead.
In a few sentences you had emasculated him and implied he was having a passionate affair with the servant boy. Not bad y/n, not bad at all..
To the relief of the table, the royal family entered cutting off all conversation as everyone stood up. Curiously you peeked over the shoulders in front of you to get a closer look.
The king and queen of servia were announced along with their daughter the princess Annora. She held her head high and had an unreadable expression. She was very beautiful, long flowing hair, slim figure, beautiful blue dress. Total cliche if you ask me. But one thing stood out, the cute little fluffy puppy she held in her arms, he wore a little golden collar with a bell. Awwww litte baby pooooo.
The rest of the family was dressed obnoxiously with large puffy sleeves and glittering jewelry. No question who they were. They were led to a large table in the front center of the hall with 6 ornately decorated chairs. Makeshift thrones basically. They stood in front of them but didnt sit, which meant that you couldn't either.
A moment later another set of doors opened. In walked what you could only assume was the king, queen, and prince of Targeris. There was nothing special about them, without the fancy outfits they would've looked like any other couple. The sons attention was immediately on the princess. His eyes raked over her body without a hint of subtlety. Ew have some class dude. She on the other hand kept a straight face, not acknowledging him in the slightest.
Finally they sat down and dinner went by rather uneventfully. You and geralt hadn't said a word, although the tension was definitely still there.
Most couples had taken to dancing for the rest of the night, you however felt suffocated and decided to escape outside for a breathe of fresh air.
This was not how you wanted the night to go, you let out a sigh, watching the air turn slightly foggy. Why was Geralt acting like this? Why doesnt he trust you? What's it gonna take for him to see you as an ally instead of a weight he has to carry around?!?!
Ughhhhh you dragged your fingers across your face and through your hair. This was so frustrating! Leaning your head back you closed your eyes and let the cool air wash over your flushed face, relaxing you slightly.
When you opened your eyes again a flash of blue caught your attention. You peered downwards leaning over the balcony slightly to see. Oh it's just some couple from the party..
Wait a minute..
You leaned over more narrowing your eyes, Is that?...no way it can't be...but...you quickly walked back into the party, eyes aimed at the royal families. C'mon where are you??
You scanned every inch searching for the princess but she was no where to be found. The other members were deep in a political conversation and hardly noticed that their daughter had snuck away.
So that was her?? What was she doing? Feeling something amiss you made your way to the entrance and down the long staircase. Ugh stupid heels, you kicked them aside on the steps feeling much more free.
Oh I hope no one trips on them..oops...
You ran around to the side of the castle where the balcony was above you. Frowning when all you saw was an empty garden. Now where did she go?? You stepped further into the garden listening for any out of place sounds.
All that could be heard was the wind rustling some rose bushes and the chirping of crickets.
A girlish giggle made you spring into action. Following the sound you discreetly peeked around a column of the garden.
There stood the princess flirtatiously pressed up again one of the Servian ambassadors you were forced to socialize with earlier.
The man himself was wrinkly and balding, why was the princess interested in him when all night she seemed to detest everything?
Why did her laugh feel...wrong somehow? "Let's go somewhere more...private" she smirked pulling him by his wrist. The puppy you noticed was there as well following behind her. What a well trained dog...
Lifting up your dress again you followed the couple at a distance until you saw them stop at a hanging tapestry on the wall. What are they doing?
Annora smiled and lifted back the tapestry, it revealed a small opening only big enough for one person. She led the way and they soon dissapeared from sight.
After waiting a few moments to be safe, you stepped lightly after them. The opening they went through was pitch dark and every bone in your body was telling you to turn back.
Then you heard the giggles again, sucked it up and moved forward.
You kept walking until you ran into something soft.
What? Oh? Another tapestry? You shoved the material aside and it took your eyes a moment to adjust to the light.
You were in a candlelit hallway with several doors on either side. You heard a door click close and laughter coming from inside.
Hmm well you couldn't just barge in now.. I guess she does like him..wonder what her fiance would think of this. Well anyway it wasn't any of your business..
What a waste of time geez.. you spin around in the direction you came about to pull back the fabric.
"WAAHHHHH" you jerked around when a loud scream broke out. And not the fun kind either.
Without a second thought you kicked open the door with a bang.
"What the fu-" the princess snapped her head around with a growl. "Who the hell are you?!" She hissed.
"Better question, what the hell are you doing?!" You questioned eyes wide in disbelief at what you saw. Annora had bound and gagged the pitiful man. He was tied to the end bed post and sat whimpering on the floor. Why was he so afraid?
"Doesn't matter, you're going to die soon anyway" she smirked and her eyes flicked to something over your shoulder. It was then you realized there was another presence in the room.
Whipping your head around you came face to face with a four legged beast. Its ribs protruded crudely and its body was covered in a sickly black goo. Its eyes were red and fiery and the realization came crashing on to you when you saw the same golden collar around its neck. Fuck...
You blindly felt around for the short sword hidden under your dress. You just managed to grab it in time before the "puppy" lunged. Swinging the sword you caught its face. It hissed in pain and you took the chance to bolt through the door.
A loud growl erupted behind you. You sprinted further down the hallway and about had a heart attack when you saw Jaskier casually walking. His eyes lit up when he saw you but then widened in horror. You grabbed his arm probably giving him whiplash and the both of your were running for your lives. There was no way you could fight that beast in the tiny hallway.
"Jaskier what are you doing here?!?!" You shouted panicking.
"I-I was just following you!! I saw you leave all of the sudden and got worried!!" You both sharply turned into a corner. Thank god for these long ass hallways.
"So mind explaining WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING!!" He screamed frantically.
"Princess bad, monster bad, I'll explain the rest later when we're not about to be dog food!!" Fuck you were approaching a dead end, think think think!
"GROWWWWWWWWL" the beast was gaining on you two. You did the only thing you could think of, which was shoving jaskier into an open room and spin around to face the beast head on,
"Barricade yourself in Jaskier!" You shouted.
"W-what no! I'm not leaving you" he yelled back.
Ugh idiot! Theres no point of us both getting chomped! "Then do something to help!" He looked around frantically. Something to help something to help.."GERALT!!!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs.
Youd be lucky if he could hear that..
The beast was finally upon you, its row of razor teeth glinting in the candlelight. Fuck.. one bite and youd be literally chow.
You braced yourself as it charged forward, it leaped up and you waited until that moment to run and slide under it. You were successful but the damb beast was quick to turn around and catch your shoulder with a sharp claw.
"Aghh" you let out a welp of pain as it pinned you down.
"Y/N!" Jaskier shouted worriedly
You gripped your sword and thrust blindly upwards. It howled as the sword ripped through its flesh.
It reacted by throwing you across the hall. You rolled over in pain. Fuck, bad dog.. Its attention was on the frozen Jaskier who lamely held up a candle stick in defense.
"Jaskier run!" You winced getting up again and charging at the monster, you picked up your fallen sword and lunged onto it's back stabbing its head.
"GROOOOOOOOWL" it wildly whipped its head side to side trying to throw me off.
"JASKIER GO NOW!" he wasted no time and bolted around, "I'll go find Geralt!!" His voice faded away with his hurried footsteps.
You couldn't hold on much longer due to the stinging in your shoulder.
You fell off and rolled away nearly getting hit again by its claws.
"Y/N stay down!" A large whoosh of air shot over you as you pressed yourself flat on the ground.
"Geralt!" You exclaimed in relief. He ran over to you and helped you up. Before he could ask if you were alright the monster shrieked. God why wont it just die?!
Geralt grunted pulling out another sword and stepping in front of you.
Jaskier gently pulled you back, "Are you ok? Your shoulder-" he began but you gasped,
"Fuck!" You left him bewildered as you pushed him aside and ran back the way you came. The princess, the man, just what was going on?!?!
You flew into the room, eyes locked on the princess who stood over the unconscious man.
She tilted her head in your direction, and you narrowed your eyes noticing something that wasnt there before. Her eyes were an electric purple, and her hair was flowing around her slightly.
"You're....a mage?" You asked completely confused.
She chuckled sinisterly, "you managed to escape my dear pet, no one has been able before" she walked a couple steps in your direction.
"No matter, I'll finish you off myself" she raised a manicured hand up and the air around you seemed to get thinner.
You tried to step back but some invisible force was holding you in place. Fuck it was getting harder to breathe. Geralt I hate being the one needing to be saved but your appearance would be much appreciated.
"I-if I'm going to die anyway, tell me what's going on".you said in a hoarse whisper. The least you could do is have her distracted why you tried to find a way out of her spell.
"Hmm well I suppose it would be entertaining to watch the horrified look on your face". The side of her mouth flitted up.
"Lemme start by introducing myself, my name is Lisanna, and you're half right, I AM a mage, the princess I'm currently controlling however is nothing more that the poor dear that was too desperate to know better"
"W-what?!" You were on the floor now starting to feel lightheaded, you milked it a little so she wouldnt notice your hand creeping to the back of your head un clasping the long hair pin.
"Yes, it was some time ago I came to the princess in a dream. You see I was cursed along time ago, my soul was trapped outside my body, so I improvised. I summoned the power of the dark spirits and was able to enter whatever vessel I so choose. The only downside is they had to be dying or willing which was very annoying. If the vessel I'm in dies, I die along with it. And as you could imagine there weren't many willing people. But that's when I came across dear Annora here." She gestured to herself.
"T-the p-princess was willing??" you coughed out confused.
"Well, when I found her she was desperate you see. Her marriage had just been announced and she was willing to do anything to escape it. I very graciously, offered a solution. Let me temporarily control your body, and I'll make sure no one forces you to do anything you dont want to again."
You gripped the pin and brought it down by your side, "that still doesnt explain everything? The dissapeances the-" you coughed again.
She laughed to herself, "Oh that? That's just good old fashioned revenge, you see our poor princess has suffered at the hands of these perverted old men for years. No one cared enough to believe her, in fact they shamed her. Does that seem fair? No it doesn't" she kneeled before you and tilted your chin upwards.
"I rather enjoyed kidnapping them and torturing them till I put them out of their misery days later. It was the perfect plan, Runald, got a little excited though and killed the man right here on the floor. It was a truly gruesome sight, but dogs will be dogs" she shrugged as if it was the most casual thing in the world.
"W-why would y-you help?" You whispered shakily.
"Well you see it's all part of the bigger picture, the king is the one who needs to suffer" a look of disgust flashed across her face.
NOW! You jabbed the pin in her neck and the spell dissipated instantly. "YOU BITCH" she shrieked crawling back in pain clutching the bloody pin.
You gained your strength and stood back up running to her. "Why the king?! Answer me!" You tackled her binding her arms with the curtain tassels.
She struggled violently, her neck bleeding profusely. "If you keep moving you'll just bleed out faster.." you glared at her.
"Tell me everything and I might save you.." you stood back up allowing her some space.
"He deserves it! He fucking betrayed me!" She said angry tears beginning to fall down her flushed face. "He said he loved me! He said he'd leave her! And then she got pregnant and he threw me out like garbage! He let all those stupid men influence him! I begged him! And when I tried to kill his bitch which I had every right to do, he got a mage to put a curse on me! He has to suffer!! They all do!" She was shaking now.
You thought over her words for a moment, "So the men..the murders.." You couldn't believe what you were hearing.
"Two birds with one fucking stone, the princess and me have similar interests, we deserve justice! It doesnt matter how it happens, one by one or an all out war! They all must suffer! We didnt deserve this!" You looked down quietly ,
"You're right... you both didnt deserve that, but this.." you gestured to the unconscious man, "is not justice, it makes you like them, criminals.."
"So what!? They can call us whatever we want, it doesnt mean anything! If they get what they deserve they can call us whatever the fuck they want!" The angry tears were streaming now.
"No" you shook your head softly. "It does matter, because it's not over for you yet. I won't let it be.." you crouched beside her, "I'm sorry for what they did to you... to the both of you... but there has to be a way..a way to move past the pain and move forward"
She scoffed, "What the hell would you know! You've never suffered like I have".
Memories of your master flashed through your mind and without a second thought you threw your arms around her shaking form.
"I do.." you whispered quietly.."pulling her tightly against you, "Someone came along...someone stronger, and prettier, and better than me...and he threw me aside...like everything we ever went through never happened...he was everything to me and I thought I was everything to him..I felt like the whole world was going to collapse onto me. For a long time I was lost..and so so angry. I too wanted revenge..more than anything..but then I realized I couldn't let him control me anymore..that the best revenge was to live a better life. A life where I didnt have to depend on some stupid guy to give it meaning. And I was ok thinking that I would be alone for the rest of my days. But then things changed because I made them.. I found people who are truly good. And now I thank god that I didnt let myself be consumed by my feelings of rage, because now I'm truly happy...and I promise you" you squeezed her tighter, "your story is not going to end this way.." .
Her soft sobs grew louder as she buried her head in your chest. You smiled gently and with one hand untied her bindings. She immediately wrapped her arms around you and let out all the pain and sorrow she had built up.
"Its going to be ok" you gently cupped her head, "I promise".
When she finally looked up, her tear filled eyes met yours, "It hurts so much" you gently stroked her tears away, "I know, but amazing girls like us cant spend the rest of their lives obsessing over some scumbags now can we?" You laugh softly.
She matches your smile and leans in close to you, "thank you..." she whispers kissing your cheek.
A visible purple aura formed around her before altogether gathering and leaving the princess. You smiled sadly and watched Lisannas soul dissapear through the window.
The princess's body went limp in your arms, a moment later she stirred, "where am I?" She whispered confused and exausted. "Don't worry..you're safe now, everythings going to be alright" you held her close and tied a piece of fabric from your dress on her neck wound. Luckily it wasnt too deep.
That same moment 2 very disgruntled men rushed in, "Y/n?!" Geralt came over and knelt beside the two of you.
"I'm alright..we both are.." you smiled at him. "I'm getting the feeling we missed something.." Jaskier raised his brows looking at the man rousing on the floor.
You couldn't help but let out a laugh as the both of them gave you a weird look.
After the events you had a long talk with the princess. You were proud as she stood in front of the room and told everyone of the scandalous crimes that the king didnt bat an eyelash towards. Anybody who looked as if they were going to protest were promptly shut up with one stern glare from the witcher.
Everyone agreed that a new era of peace could not begin with a foundation of crimes. The king and queen were arrested by Targeris guards and the princess was crowned queen right then and there.
There was actually alot of protest but a certain mage was able to convince everyone. Something about making the room dark and the floor quake made everyone agree that you couldn't argue with destiny. Thanks Lisanna, I hope to see you again some day. Well as long as your not possessing someone against their will...then again how will she really live without doing that? Eh whatever shes good now, its probably fine...probably..
The princess-well queen now decided that she would not marry the prince, however the peace had to continue. Everyone was too scared to "go against destiny" again so everything seemed to be ok for now.
As for the missing officials, we explained there was a monster but we swiftly took care of them. Actually, doggy poo was turned back to normal when the suffocating spell broke and he sat wagging happily by the queens side. Usually jobs didnt end this happy. Not bad y/n, not bad at all..
"Ouch.." you wince as rough hands rub a cool salve on your aching shoulder.
"Sorry.." Geralt apologized and tried his best to be gentle.
The mood was peaceful, the only thing illuminating the two of you was a few flickering candles. The two of you sat quietly on a bed in one of the guest rooms. You felt more vulnerable than usual as the dress you wore was pooled on the floor. A thin strapless slip was the only thing covering you. Geralt was gentle as he tended to your shoulder. You felt ashamed at the way you behaved earlier. He was being annoyingly protective yes but..you may have taken it too far.
"Geralt?" You said quietly turning to face him.
"Hmm?" His golden eyes like fire in the flickering light.
"I'm sorry for the things I said...and how I acted...but I'm not sorry for getting upset at you telling me to leave." I said truthfully.
He sighed and I expected a protest, "No I should be the one apologizing.." he finished wrapping your shoulder and gently stroked the bandage
"I know telling you to back off was unfair but.." he looked troubled.
"But?" You urged him on.
He looked down, "Everytime we encounter another monster, I cant help imagine that its going to end up with you almost dying" he looked back up and the look in his eyes was so raw you caught your breath. He was referring to the last time when the visser had almost killed you.
"Geralt..." you whispered leaning forward so his forehead was touching yours. "I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere..." you placed a hand on his shoulder and leaned back smiling, "Besides who else are you going to engage in witty banter with? Jaskier?" You teased and a corner of his mouth lifted. "Dont think I've forgotten what you said.." he raised a brow.
"Hey it's not all my fault! Just dont leave me out of things again and we'll have no issues"
"Alright..I promise I won't do that again ok?" He offered.
You nodded your head happy now that you had finally come to an agreement.
He shook his head, "Well at least if you're by me, I can keep an eye on you......speaking of..."
Uh oh bad feeling. Geralt was shifting into scolding mode you could feel it..
You scooted off the bed slightly ready to escape if need be, "Why the hell did you go after the princess by yourself!?" He was more stern now.
"Jaskier? Is that you calling? I'm coming!" You dashed off the bed swinging open the door, "We can talk later Geralt! Jaskier needs me!"
You bolted down the hall ignoring his bark of protest behind you, "Y/N! Don't--ugh" he sighed shaking his head. That woman was gonna be the end of him...but he couldn't help the smile plastered on face. His fingers gently touched where her forehead was. She sure was a special one. He grunted and left the room, now where did she run off too...
Ok so there it is! I didn't feel very confident about this story but wanted to finish it anyway. Hope it was ok xoxo lemme know if I should write more stories, till next time!
@marvels-gurl @shane-isa-shame @waitingtobeimpressed @viking-raider @dream-alittlebiggerdarling
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Can you do one where a jealous ex of Jaskier comes back and tries to sabotage the Reader and Jaskier into thinking the other isnt interested, and the two of them almost painfully part ways before they realize his ex was lying and confess their feelings?
Fandom: The WitcherPairing: Jaskier x ReaderWord Count: 1,355Rating: GTaglist: @heroics-and-heartbreak @whatevermonkey @mynamesoundslikesherlock @magic-multicolored-miracle a/n: I popped in some Valdo cuz I couldn’t help myself. Oooops
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The evening started out as perfect as it could be. Jaskier had successfully swallowed his nerves and asked if he could escort you to the betrothal he was performing at and you had eagerly agreed. When the two of you walked into the hall, both beaming and excited (and sickening for poor Geralt who walked in behind the two of you), you felt the night was rife with romance.
And then Millicent walked in.
And then Valdo watched Millicent watch you walk in.
And then the two caught each other’s eyes and just like that, the two began to plot.
The pair of you were blissfully unaware of their machinations as you took your places, Jaskier in the center to perform and you at a table right out front so you could watch and clap along.
“Do you mind if I sit here?” an unfamiliar voice asked and you gave only the briefest glance at the woman who took the seat beside you. Jaskier’s eyes were fixed on you, not seeing anything else.
“Doesn’t he perform handsomely?” the woman asked. Your chest swelled with pride.
“He’s brilliant,” you praised.
“I was worried he wouldn’t come but I’m so glad I was able to convince him to give it another try. To give us another try,” the woman said offhandedly though she slid you a side-glance to check your reaction as the words resonated.
“Wait – what?” you asked, turning to face her.
“Oh, Jaskier is my former beau. Well, used to be former. Former-former I suppose since we have an understanding again,” she said with a tinkling laugh.
“But he- no, he asked me,” you insisted.
“Oh you must be Y/N! He’s told me so much about you! Thank you for being such a good friend to Jaskier as we worked through our little misunderstanding,” she said, clasping your hands. You rose and ran from the hall, not looking back as tears clouded your eyes.
Stupid. So stupid. How could I have thought this was anything more than friendship. At most a distraction.
You muttered the words under your breath as you wandered, not sure where to go but knowing you couldn’t be around either of them.
“Are you well?” a voice asked. You turned and saw a man approach. He was tall and handsome, green eyes filled with tender concern as he approached, offering a handkerchief with an ornate VM sewn into the border in deep emerald. You accepted it and used it to wipe away your tears.
“Pray, what has inspired such sadness in such a lovely woman?” he asked, his voice silk and honey.
“I’ve just been an ass I’m afraid,” you said with a sad little laugh. His shook his head slowly and raised a hand, long fingered and perfectly manicured and soft against your cheek, to wipe away the tears that still fell.
“Perish the thought,” he said fervently, “Whatever has happened, I promise it wasn’t your fault.”
A pained gasp pulled your attention away and you saw Jaskier standing in the entrance, pain-stricken eyes taking in the scene before him. You looked away, unable to bear the sight of him, and Valdo wrapped an arm around you comfortingly as he walked you away, shooting Jaskier a malicious grin you couldn’t see. Jaskier watched helplessly for a moment and then his hurt was replaced with anger and he started for you.
“Jaskier, love,” Millicent cooed, coming out of the shadows to pull him into an embrace.
“Millicent what the hell are you doing here?” he asked, unwrapping her arms and trying to use his lute as a tool to push her back.
“I’ve come to put you out of your misery,” she said sweetly.
“You’re going to murder me?” he asked, warily peering behind her back for hidden daggers.
“No, silly, I’m going to take you back!”
“I’d rather you murder me,” he said darkly, moving to pursue you again though you were already out of sight.
“It’s not like you to chase after women who have clearly chosen other company,” she called after him and he stopped in his tracks, considering her words. It was true that you hadn’t looked like you were being forced in any way. You were gazing into his eyes and you held his handkerchief and maybe, just maybe, he had been wrong about your intentions. Maybe you truly did view him as a friend alone. Maybe, and this was the ugly, jealous side of him that he tried to force back, maybe you had used him to make Valdo jealous and you had secretly always intended to leave with him. Jaskier turned around, Millicent watching him with a faux-sympathetic look on her face, holding her arms open. It would be so easy to fall back into them. To continue this dance until the next time she wanted him out of her life. It would be so easy, but Jaskier was tired of the easy choice. Not when doing the hard thing may have a greater reward. Before Millicent could say anything more, he ran full tilt in the direct he’d last seen you walking.
Valdo had led you to a little bench by the garden, the smell of roses thick in the air, taunting you with their romantic aroma. He kept his arm around you but did not many any untoward moves, simply holding you close as you finished crying.
“I’m afraid this is a rather awkward introduction,” you said with a little laugh.
“Not at all,” he insisted with a smile that was not unkind, “I find that tears are not uncommon when Jaskier de Lettenhove is around.”
“You know him?” you asked.
“I know of him,” he said, a distinct tang of disdain in his voice as he spoke the words. You sighed heavily.
“Am I terribly stupid for assuming I was special?” you asked miserably.
“No,” he said, tilting your chin up to meet his eyes, “You are special. That he doesn’t recognize this is a reflection of his own poor taste, not your value.”
You swallowed hard and admired the curl of his hair and the feline grace of his features, the green eyes gazing into yours in a way that was tempting but also… reminded you of the blue eyes you missed.
“Valdo Marx,” a voice rent the air in an angry roar and you jumped back, looking towards the door where Jaskier stood, holding his lute out straight like a sword.
“Jaskier de Lettenhove,” Valdo sneered, his beautiful face curling into an ugly mask of hate.
“Y/N this isn’t what it looks like, I don’t know what he told you but it isn’t true,” Jaskier said.
“So it’s not true that I’m special?” you asked peevishly.
“What? Of course that’s true. But you’re special to me,” he insisted.
“Tell that to Millicent,” You sniffed.
“Millicent is a scheming ex. Do you believe the words of a stranger and a vagabond over mine?” Jaskier asked imploringly. You considered his words and you felt Valdo’s arms tighten around you. You stood quickly and walked over to Jaskier who lowered his lute though his eyes glowered darkly at the bard still sitting at the bench.
“Just answer me one thing, Jaskier,” you said.
“Anything,” he said, his eyes softening as they turned to look at you.
“Why did you ask me here tonight?”
“I asked you because I wanted to walk into the room with the loveliest woman in the land. And more to the point, the woman I love,” he said, the words he’d struggled to parse into rhyme or song suddenly falling from his lips in a sound more beautiful than any song he could contrive. Your face brightened instantly and you leapt into his arms pulling him in for a kiss.
“Does this mean-”
“Yes! Of course I love you, Jaskier, of course I do!” you said, laughing as happy tears fell down your face. He set down his lute and wrapped his arms around you in a deep embrace, the pair of you dead to the world, unnoticing as Valdo awkwardly shuffled around you to stalk back inside.
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Hi, I Have Another Request For You. Can You Do “I thought I’d never get to see you again.” With A Prinxiety Tangled AU? (Something About That Line Gives Me Big Tangled Vibes,,)
Sorry this took so long! Tumblr was lagging on my inbox :T
Virgil didnt exactly have the best memory, everything from his child hood was basically a hazy blur. All his memories seemed to be a mush of images and information given to him by his father. The only thing he seemed capable of holding onto was the name Roman, but he didnt know who that was. His father had always told him that it wasnt important, that he should forget he ever heard the name to begin with. But his father was always keeping secrets, there was always something off about his smile. But Virgil supposed this was all in his head. He was safe in the tower, his father kept him fed and warm, why would he need to mistrust him.
Virgil glanced over at the small spot grey cat hiding by the fireplace. He'd found the cat trapped in his abnormally long hair one day and decided to keep him. Of course his father couldnt know about the poor thing or it would be straight out the window with it. He named the cat Patton, it seemed fitting for some odd reason. "Are you going to come out or are you still asleep?" he asked, odd sort of thing to do, talk to a cat like it was a person. But Patton got up either way, meowed, and proceeded to bound over to the middle of the room, where he promptly laid back down across Virgil's feet. Virgil sighed and picked him up, cradling him as though he were a small child and not some fluffy animal that liked to raid his closet and eat his clothes for fun.
"I'm working on something new, do you want to see it?" he asked the cat. Patton purred and rolled over in his arms. Virgil took that as a yes and placed him up on a pedestal, climbing up himself and pulling aside the curtains. Behind was a stunning mural of a sunset, with Virgil and an unknown person sitting underneath at what looked like a picnic.
Patton meowed and reached a paw out towards the mural. "Dont touch it- the paint isnt dry yet," said Virgil, covering the mural again and jumping down from the pedestal.
He felt a jolt of fear when he heard a voice from outside the tower call "Anxiety, Anxiety! Let down your hair!" he rushed over to the window, not daring lean his head over the edge until he was sure Patton had hidden himself safely once more. Only then did he hoist his vibrant purple locks over the side of the tower. He tried not wince as his father climbed back into the tower. His father, who insisted on being known only by that title, was a rather gaunt man dressed primarily in red and black. It seemed to be the only thing that didnt blind him, he absolutely despised Virgil's paintings, always claiming they were to bright and obnoxious.
"How was your journey father? Did you find anything new?" Virgil asked in his calmest voice. He'd hoped to go outside for his birthday, to see the world as it really was- outside of the dusty old tower he'd grown up in, and he feared the only way to do that was to convince his father he was old enough for it.
"Only dust and ashes my flower, makes a man feel his age doesnt it?" he said, taking a seat on an ornate chai. "Could you sing something for me ?" he said, grabbing a brush from the nearby counter. Virgil was used to this routine, it was an every day sort of thing for him. So he sat down and muttered the same incantation as always. Incantation, that's what he'd always called it- it never sounded like songs to him.
"Father- I wanted to ask you something, about my birthday," the words escaped Virgil's lips in a hoarse whisper.
His father raised an eyebrow "What is it?" he said, his tone icy.
"I-I was wondering- if we could go into the kingdom for my birthday- to see what its like out there," Virgil said, a little louder this time. He regretted mentioning it as soon as he saw the snarl upon his father's face.
"What could you possibly want from the village that you dont have here? Have I not done everything I can for you?" he said, there was hurt in his eyes, the wave of guilt Virgil felt might have been strong enough to kill a man. "I've tried my best you know, but you children are just so unpredictable sometimes, forgive me if I'm not perfect," he said.
"But father I-" Virgil's words were cut off by his father pressing a finger to his lips.
"You are not leaving the tower, that is final." he said, swapping from sorrowful to cold in what seemed like milliseconds. Virgil felt like he might cry, he'd been working up that courage for so long, and now it was all just- gone. His father seemed to notice this "Oh, and now I'm the bad guy, aren't I," he said. Virgil looked down at the floor, blinking back the tears forming in his eyes. "Is there anything reasonable you could think of?" said his father, another tone shift, he always did this- always changed himself to make others act how he wanted.
"I guess I wouldnt mind more paints, I've been running low. . ." said virgil. His father planted a quick kiss on his forehead, but it didnt feel genuine, it never did.
"Very well, it will be a few days before I can come back though, I love you," he said.
"I love you more,"
"I love you most," said his father as he lowered him back out the window. The relief Virgil felt watching him disappear into the woods was overwhelming.
That relief lasted a mere hour or two. For as Virgil had been brushing his hair, or more accurately keeping Patton's claws out of his hair. He heard boots land on the stones. He peered over the rafters and immeadietly felt his face turn red. The man on the floor below might have been the most stunning human he'd ever seen, with dark Auburn hair and stunning ruby eyes, Virgil felt as if he might faint. That is until the man started speaking.
"Stupid horse- chased me all the way from the town to this miserable tower, how am I supposed to make a living if that beast keeps coming after me!" he said.
He's a criminal. . . thought Virgil fearfully. So he did the only thing he could think of in the situation, knock the man over the head with whatever was nearby.
He awoke later with a groan, and immeadietly became startled at the sight of his chains. "Is this. . . hair?-" he said quizzically.
"So, you're finally awake," Virgil said, surprisingly smug. The man looked up and his eyes went wide.
"Look I dont know who you are but-" he paused and looked around "- where is my satchel."
Virgil smiled "somewhere you'll never, ever, ever find it," he smirked.
The man looked around the room once more before stopping on a vase, "Its in that, isnt it." Virgil promptly knocked him out again.
"NOW its somewhere you'll never find it, and you'll get it back after you do something for me," said Virgil.
"I dont even know your name emo." said the man.
"And I dont know yours, but who's in who's hair right now?" said virgil.
"wait- this is YOUR hair?" said the man, he seemed oddly more comfortable now.
"Yes. And unless you take my offer you wont be getting out of it." Virgil responded.
"Alright, but can I at least get your name?" he said.
"You first,"
The man rolled his eyes, "Call me Rogue,"
"Virgil, now onto my demands," he said calmly. "I want you, to escort me into town for my birthday, I've heard of the shows and festivals they hold on that day and I want to see them,"
Rogue looked oddly stunned, "You've, never been into town before." he said.
"No, but you're going to take me,"
"What makes you think that?" Patton appeared out of the shadows and perched on Rogue's shoulders. He looked suspiciously at the cat as Patton subtlety flexed his claws. ". . . Right," he said, "I guess that's what,"
"So do you accept?" said Virgil. Rogue simply nodded. Virgil pulled the ties slightly to loosen them and they fell off easily. He jumped down from the pedestal he'd been standing on and raced to the window. "No time to waste then!" he said, excitedly flinging the hair over a hook. Rogue simply pulled out two knives and began scaling down the tower side.
Virgil stepped out onto the platform, the wind blowing in his face felt almost to good to be true.
"You coming my chemically imbalanced romance?" said Rogue, who had already reached the ground somehow. Virgil took a few steps closer to the edge, and scaled down the tower, holding Patton under one arm and to his chest so as not to hurt him.
Virgil's hair fell moments after he did with a thud.
"Quite a lot of hair you got there huh?" said Rogue, taking a closer look now that they were in better light. Virgil felt his face go red again.
"They'd barely even left the forest when Virgil started wanting to go back. Every twig snap and rustle of the leaves seemed to sound like his father might pop out to drag him back home again, but he was so close- he didnt want to give up yet.
"Are you alright? You seem unsettled," Rogue took Virgil's hand in his own and flashed him a grin that might have caused him to melt on the spot.
He shook his head "I'm perfectly fine- just nervous, this being my first time away from the tower and all," Viegil said. Rogue simply pulled the vibrant-haired man closer to himself and continued on through the woods, his free hand resting on the knife in his pocket. Oddly enough, this made Virgil feel safer. His father had always said men were nothing but trouble, yet Rogue seemed different, almost in a familiar way.
"Are you hungry? We can stop by a place I know and get something to eat," Rogue said, the devilish grin still across his face. Virgil nodded slightly, which prompted Rogue to part away from the path they'd been on for so long and head along yet another, Virgil could've sworn it hadnt been there before.
The place Rogue took him to didnt bode well for the mysterious path either, and the people inside still less. Especially from the moment they tried to drag Rogue off to the castle guards. Virgil was never good in stressful situations, so he did the only thing he could think of, panic. This proved an effective distraction, as it turned out, the British ogres that ran the place were mostly just theatre rejects, and all it seemed to take was a solo from Rogue to get them to let them go. Rogue and Virgil had only just started their celebrations when the sound of hooves caught up to them. Virgil turned just in time to see a brown and tan horse preparing to charge. He grabbed Rogue by the arm and booked it to the ledge of the mountains. He held his breath, counted, and jumped across the chasm. Everything seemed to slow to a halt before he and Rogue plummeted into the water, which promptly washed them into a cave.
"What are we supposed to do now!" said Rogue indignantly. Virgil was to busy examining the rock work to listen.
"Start pulling on the rocks- quickly," Rogue opened his mouth to argue before he noticed the water spilling into the cave. Virgil began singing frantically, and the cave was filled with violet light. Rogue's shocked face might have earned a laugh had the situation been less dire, and had the smell of blood not just reached his nostrils.
By the time they'd washed up on shore Virgil felt as if the world was spinning. Patton gently pawed at both he and Rogue's faces to make sure they were still alive.
"His hair glows- why does it do that??? People's hair doesnt just DO THAT????" Rogue said, jolting up.
"That's not the only thing it's good for, but we need to find somewhere to camp," Virgil said, getting up. Rogue stood up as well and sort of just stared at him in awe. Virgil's face flushed.
By the time they'd managed to set up camp, night had fallen. They were sitting calmly on a log when Virgil finally remembered Rogue's bleeding hand. "Give me your hand- I can fix it," he said, Rogue hesitated before reaching over to him. "Dont, scream." Virgil said, making direct eye contact before closing his eyes. The incantation felt different this time. When he sung for his father he always felt tired and drained, yet with Rogue it felt almost serene. Virgil opened his eyes to face Rogue, who's jaw was so far down it may as well have been on the floor.
"Im- going to go get firewood- and I'm taking the cat-" he said, getting up and walking out of the clearing. Patton followed him, the cat seemed happier than usual that night.
Which only made the next voice Virgil heard even more of a burden. "Well done, Anxiety, you've really out done yourself with this havent you?" his father stepped out from the shadows, a very familiar satchel draped across his arm.
Virgil froze "f-father I-" his father lifted a finger to his lips to shut him up yet again.
"Come along Virgil, we best be getting back now that you've had your fun," his father tried to grab onto his arm. But something in Virgil didnt want to leave that spot. He dug his heels into the ground, it burned, he'd forgotten he never wore shoes.
"No." he said simply. He'd never forget the look on his father's face at that notion.
"No? Is that what you're telling me? I'm simply trying to protect you, and you tell me you'd rather die out here with a criminal than be safe at home with me?" he said. Virgil flinched as his father tossed the satchel at him. "Give him this, see if he cares what happens to you then," he said, growling.
"I will- I'll prove you wrong father." Virgil said, fighting back tears as he watched his father disappear back into the woods. Rogue stepped out from trees and seemed immeadietly aware of Virgil's discomfort.
"What is it? What's wrong?" he said.
"Its nothing, Rogue, I'm just tired," said Virgil. "But, I do have something I need to show you," he said. He felt like he'd regret this later, but he showed him the satchel. Rogue's eyes lit up as he took the bag in his arms and put it back on.
"Thank you, so much, it probably took you a lot to trust me with this didnt it?" Rogue said. He looked as though he were pondering something. "Perhaps I should trust you with something new as well. . ." he said, looking at Virgil quizzically. Virgil's eyes went wide and he stood completely still, while trying to maintain a calming presence.
"What is it?" he asked.
"My real name isnt Rogue, that's just a pseudonym, my real name is Roman Prince" he said. Virgil felt as if his world had shrunk several sizes. Roman?. . . But I would have remembered him being a criminal- I'm sure of it he stared at him in awe.
"I-I recognize that name- from when I was little.
Roman stared at him, and simply grinned wider, "I was wondering how long it would take you to figure it out moonbeam, I thought I'd never see you again after all that," Roman moved Virgil's hair out of his face, which was beet red suddenly. "We'll talk more about it in the morning ok? You look exhausted," said Roman. Virgil couldnt seem to find an arguement, so he simply allowed himself to be lulled into sleep.
It didnt last long, or so he thought. The rain was much to annoying to sleep through. Upon waking up he recognized that it was in fact not raining, but there was a horse looming over he and Roman as they tried to sleep.
"What the-"
"Hey uh- Virge- A little help please-" that's when Virgil turned to see Roman, stuck to a tree via some kind of knife. Virgil sighed and glared at the horse.
"Look. . ." he searched the horse for a name tag and found an insignia on its breastplate titled 'Logan' ". . . Logan, it's my birthday, and Im really excited to be getting to the town tonight, especially since I just reunited with someone I havent seen in decades, so if you could fight him later- please- that would be great," said Virgil, his voice clearly shaking. Patton draped himself across his neck and gave a quizzical look at the horse. Logan contemplated this offer for a minute or two before resigning and grabbing the knife out with his teeth. Roman fell to the floor and dusted himself off with an indignant huff.
The town was beyond Virgil's expectations, everything was so bright and happy, much better than what he was used to. But he couldnt seem to focus due to the pain in his skull.
"Virgil, I think we need to do something about all this hair," Roman said from behind him. He turned to see Roman holding up a long coil of the purple locks, and stifled a snicker. They spotted a group of girls playing jump rope on the streets, and Roman called them over. The braid worked surprisingly well, well enough in fact that he and Roman were able to dance and race through the streets without a single issue.
The issue would later come on the boat ride they'd expected to be romantic for their reunion. It was cut short by Roman's excusing himself to a seemingly deserted island, which Virgil followed him to. Only to bed left at the mercy of two men he didnt recognize, who told him what he had hoped were lies about Roman's character, until they had personally dragged him to the shoreline to watch Roman sailing away into the distance. Virgil's insides writhed. He felt like he'd just been gutted like a fish.
"And you know what he promised us?" said the first of the two men.
"A man with magic hair, who'd keep us alive and healthy as long as we want," said the second. Virgil felt a cloth cover his mouth, he ran, he ran as fast as he could until his hair got caught in a tree and his legs gave out. Then he panicked and cried, he heard a distant thud and felt a familiar hand on his shoulder.
"Father. . ." was all he could mutter. His father gathered him up in his arms, he felt even smaller than usual, like he was a child again.
He woke up seemingly hours later, back in the castle, the braid in his hair completely gone, the flowers from it burning in the fireplace. Virgil glared at the flag Roman had gotten him. It was a flag of lies, from a kingdom of lies. Or so he thought, upon closer inspection of the stars and wings on the flag, he began to notice something. He stared up at the ceiling, squinting at it, pondering it. Until stars began to swim in his vision, and the sound of birds wings filled his ears. He gasped and rushed out of his room.
"What's wrong Anxiety? Are you alright?" said his father, with that fake expression of kindness on his face.
"I'm the lost prince" Virgil muttered. He flinched as his father let a plate slam into the table.
"The mumbling, Virgil, what did I tell you about *mumbling?" he growled.
"I'm the lost prince- those murals, the flag, the stories- that's all me- you're not my real father," Virgil said again, louder. His father glared at him.
"Virgil, this is nonsense!" he said, advancing toward him. Virgil backed up, but he didnt have much room to flee. Soon enough his father caught up with him, and his vision went entirely black.
He awoke to the sound of a groan, and his eyes opened to a dark tower and Roman falling to the floor in front of him, his chest oozed with blood.
"ROMAN!" he tried to scream, but it was muffled. He shook the gag off his mouth and looked around for his father. He felt himself being dragged toward the trap door his father had told him was to remain locked, and he tried to fight against it. "Let me heal him!" he yelled.
"Nonsense! You dont need to heal a theif! he means nothing!" said his father.
"If you let me- I'll go with you, no arguments, no fights, no nothing," he said. Roman tried to shout in protest, but he sputtered with blood.
"Very well, you can heal him. But he cant follow us." said his father, walking over to Roman again. He tied his arms around a nearby post and allowed Virgil to crawl closer to him.
"Virgil. . . please don't. . ." said Roman, his voice was barely above a whisper. Virgil didnt listen, he brought his hair over to Roman's wounds. Roman cupped his face in his hands, and just as he had begun to sing. . . his hair was made lighter. He gasped in shock, the hair on the floor and on Roman's body rapidly began to turn black. Virgil's father swore and began rapidly gathering up the hair, looking for some sign of the vibrant purple it once was. His features had rapidly shifted from young to old in what seemed like milliseconds. Patton grabbed onto some lose hair by the window, and Virgil's father disappeared over the edge. Virgil began panicking, he latched himself onto Roman and tried desperately to get the incantation to work. He buried his head into Roman' chest and began screaming it until his voice went hoarse. But it was no use, he felt Roman's chest cease its heaving, and he began to sob. Patton buried himself under Virgil's arm.
Suddenly, the room began to glow with purple light, Virgil looked up to see where the source of the light was coming from, and noticed odd flower-shaped images emitting from Roman's chest. He gasped and retreated. He watched as Roman stirred, and slowly began to wake up.
"R-Roman?. . ." he said, crawling back over to the man. Roman smiled and took Virgil under his arm.
"You didnt think I'd let you face that old hag alone did you moonbeam?" he laughed. Roman stood and picked Virgil up off his feet. It seemed like he wasnt even bothered by the previous events. Patton clawed his way up to Virgil's shoulders, and the three descended back down the tower. Logan was awaiting them outside, he seemed worried.
After hours of travel back to the kingdom, the endpoint seemed to cause Virgil's stomach to turn, he was finally going to meet his parents.
"Just breath, Virgil, it'll all be ok," Roman said. The two stared out over the kingdom from the palace balcony.
Virgil heard footsteps, and then felt the embrace of someone he didnt recognize.
"I missed you so much. . . I'm sorry I ever let you out of my sight. . ." said the man hugging him. He had round glasses, and his light brown hair was streaked in cotton candy pink. Virgil looked to the man behind him, a man with black sunglasses, and dark brown hair that covered nearly all of his face. These were his parents, these were the real people who should have raised him, and he didnt even know their names.
"Its me, it's your dad, Emile, I wish you could remember me, I'm so sorry you cant. . ." said the pink-haired man.
"Em, it's not your fault," said the other man, walking over to join in the hug. He looked over at Roman and beckoned him into the hug.
Virgil felt as though nothing in the world could change this moment, and he was glad to find that it was true, he never wanted to deal with any of that again. He was safe, and happy, and he would stay that way from that point on.
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teamvnla · 5 years
Cutscene : The Lavender Gala
The twins travel back to the base was quiet, Lye seemed lost meaning Van had to lead her the majority of the way. The moment they stepped through the threshold of the loft, she kicked off her shoes and made her way to the bed not so much as greeting Kash or Russ. She threw herself onto the bed, grabbing one of the pillows she held it close to her body curling up around it.
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"I take that it didn't go as planned?" Kash stated the obvious, he sat at the counter next to Russ who was going over some information on his scroll.
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"Nope, I'll explain more later but how fast do you think we could get me a suit?" Van folded his arms thinking, his left leg began to bounce slowly.
Kash and Russ looked to each other before leaning in closer to Van, they recognized that he was coming up with a plan for something. The afternoon continued with the boys speaking in hushed voices in the kitchen as Lye remained up in the bedroom.
Nava grew up with events like these being prominent in her life, she grew used to the rooms full of people paired with the empty formalities. This was one of the more open ones, the focus being the latest Spring collection meaning they were playing to potential buyers as well as entertaining loyal investors. There was a dinner with music and dancing before the main event, no expense was sparred.
She managed to slip away excusing herself to the bathroom, the meeting with the twins had been weighing on her mind the entirety of the evening. She didn't care too much for these events, but her guilty consious wasn't helping her in the slightest to get through the evening. Her heels clicked against the marbled floors as she walked through the empty hall, she paused her stride glancing around make sure no one else was in the hallway before moving aside the curtains and slipping out onto the balcony. She closed the ornate glass door behind her quietly, the balcony looked over the main courtyard in the garden. She stepped out to the end, closing her eyes and basking in the chilly evening breeze.
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The special thing about this particular balcony was that it was one of the few places on the estate that was considered a blindspot. It gave her the chance to breathe freely. Since her return many have practically pounced at the chance to use her to build a relationship to her parents. The majority of her social interaction felt hollow and rehearsed. Outside of Cinnamon and Slate those she considered friends were sparse.
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"Y'know your securities pretty shit. They let me through no problem, I dunno if they just assumed I was part of the staff cause of my ears or if they were just so distracted dashing good looks and charm. Either way I expected more of a challenge."
Nava flinched at the voice, she hadn't heard him approach. She didn't even sense his aura, her lack of training was showing clear as day. She was getting rusty.
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"Still so full of yourself I see." She looked him over, his hair was swept back out of his face, the suit he wore was one assigned to their staff for this particular event. If anything figured he ditched whatever tray he was suppose to have some vicarious way. Had she not known him she would have assumed he was just another staff member.
Van gave a grin, he leaned back against a wall bring a black wrapped cigarette to his lips. A orange glow illuminated his face as he lit the cigarette, the light caught his ruby red eyes making it look as though they were glowing.
Since leaving their meeting something didn't sit right with him, he considered himself good at reading people. So had he missed or overlooked something that would explain Nava's attitude, there was no way he had gone soft. He wasnt just being hopeful...was he? Optimism was never a good look on him, he knew that and still.
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"What's your deal?" He asked her straight out, he tilted his head.
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"Deal? I just came to my senses, is that so hard to believe." She rolled her eyes. "Why am I even humoring you, I should just call security."
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"It is hard to believe." He stated ignoring her other statement, he took a drag from the cigarette. "Can ya guess why? Because the girl who's spouting off about how its nonsense for someone of her status to considering being a Hunteress is also the same girl who was seething when she saw people boarding air ships instead of staying behind to help. The same girl who told me it's our job to help people. Something that makes you home hmm isnt it?" He let out a puff of smoke, using the cigarette to point at her.
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"Weren't you always one for theatrics? It useful to know what one favors when you have to play to them, ah but you know that quite well don't you. With your previous line of work." She knew he was sensitive about his time in the White Fang so she decided to prod at the topic.
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"That's true, I think I'm pretty good at it. I'm pretty good at telling it apart too, only took me a day or two to pick apart the perfect little heiress act." It didn't seem to work, she had to press harder.
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"Yet you couldn't pick apart the one that followed. The naive wide-eyed worked far better than I ever expected, even on a stone-cold killer like yourself."
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"...." She watched as his gaze sharpened, he didn't respond.
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"I already had to lower myself to point of sharing a room with not one, but two Faunus and one was also a killer. Can you imagine my shock, ugh it still makes me shiver how easy the other two accepted you. I bet they were just scared what you could possibly do to them while they slept, after hearing what you had done how could they not. It was like a monster in the closet except the monster was in the bed across the room."
Even with the lack of light she could the sharp snap of the cigarette as his jaw clenched, his hand moved for a brief moment she had thought he was going for a weapon instead he scratched at his forearm. It was a habit she noticed from as far back as when they were assigned on the team together, she had never pointed it out assuming she would have time another time to do so. Clearly she wouldnt, she was practically holding a torch to the bridge before her.
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"Now why don't hop along little bunny, I already have one scurrying rodent serving me I dont need another at the moment." She felt guilty for how she was refering to him and Cinnamon, she knew neither of twins looked being referred to as bunny in such a way but she had to end this. "You should be grateful generosity, why is such a trait so hard to find in your kind."
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"Tch." He tossed his cigarette off to the side stomping on it, he stepped forward not to Nava but passed her. Hopping up onto the railing, he spared a glancing at her before hopping off disappearing into the darkness and foliage.
She wait a few beats before she dropped to her knees, there weren't any cameras here she knew that and yet she still didn't try to apologize or inform of her current situation. Was she a bad person? She could have told him, knowing Van he could have helped her. Why didn't she just speak truthfully with him?
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She brought her hands to her face and sighed heavily, she decided she would have a few drinks tonight. She stood up fixing her appearance before went to open the door and reenter the event. She felt thick cord like ropes wrap around her, in an instant her mouth was covered and limbs restricted. She tried to the activate her Semblance, her eyes went wide with fear as she couldn't even force open her palms. The cord wound tightly around her hands balling them into fist, who ever was behind this either knew her Semblance and did this intentionally or she just had really bad luck.
"That was far too easy." She heard an unfamiliar voice speak and a pair of footsteps land on the balcony.
"Wasn't she suppose to be one of the harder ones to snag?" The other figure commented as they approached Nava's tangled body, she could see any identifying features. Both figures wore heavy cloaks and peculiar owl mask. She could feel her heartbeat pounding in her ears.
Hearing a loud shattering of glass and the sounds of screams, she thrashed around in a panic.
"Stop that! Don't be troublesome." The figure that the aura rope seemed to be coming from spoke with an annoyed groan, she felt it tighten around her body. A strangled gasp slipped from her lips as it tightened around her neck as well.
"Hey! The doctor's going to get upset if she comes back too beat up." The first figure spoke again hitting the other in the shoulder.
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Feeling the rope loose and a figure behind her she leaned forward before reeling back smashing her head into the face of one of her captors. The returned force of the mask hurt the crown of her head, but that hurt far less than the impact with the wall as she was slammed against it.
Her vision spotted before going black completely, the last she heard was alarms and shouting.
Van let out a frustrated groan, in a swift movement he raised his leg and turned. Venting some of his frustration by kick the streetlamp, the metal creaked as it bent forward. He hadn't intended to hit it so hard, he was just upset okay?
He gritted his teeth, the dress shows he was wearing weren't as protective as the metal toe boots he typically wore. He continued his walk home despite the stinging in his toes.
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'I missed something I had to have missed something, I've been out of the game too long dealing with people is harder than Grimm. People can be unpredictable.....but they use to be so easy to read..'
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'You've gone soft. You like her too much to believe she was playing you.' The voice in the back of his head countered. 'You should know better, Amorette was just the same.'
He scratched at his forearm, he needed to stop slacking. Lye, Russ, and Kash expected him to be their cool unfazed leader, he had to uphold their expectations.
It was far into the evening when he got home, he opened the door sliping the dress shoes off in the entrance. As the door shut blocking out the street light from outside his eyes sharpened and adjusted to the sudden darkness.
His gaze met another two other pair as Kash and Russ had stirred from their slumber, it was a habit that came with their line of work.
When both saw that it him they both returned to their previous position, Van grabbed a pair of pajama pants and headed to the restroom. The loft apartment didn't have a shower so he had to settle with washing the product out of his hair by shoving it in the sink.
He hung up the suit before joining to other two in his usual position it the middle, doubts and scenarios plagued his mind resulting in little sleep.
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Jae awoke to sound of the TV from the main room, he didn't pay too much attention. He considered pulling the cover over his head and sleeping until late, but he knew that would only result in a scolding from Opal. With a groan he threw off the covers and got out of bed, make his way to the bathroom he shared with Leo. After washing his face and brushing his teeth he made his way to the main room of the suite, it was quite nice comfortable housing Jae and the three adults. The places they had stayed were all provided through the company Tarragon and Opal were under.
He passed Opal who was sitting on the couch watching some daytime news show, entering the kitchen he opened a cabinet and gathered what he needed for cereal. He sat at the counter lazily eating going over notes he had from his last session with Leo.
"...attack at the Lavender gala last night has resulted in 3 dead, 4 injured, and 9 missing. " One of the hosts from the talk show brought up, hearing the name caught Jae's attention. Since they arrived in Mistril he became more aware of how prominent the Lavender name was, it was somewhat jarring to see the face of the same girl who nearly burnt down the Beacon dorm's kitchen atleast once a week on the front page of multiple magazines.
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It took a him a second to process what he heard, the conversation the host were having moved forward. He abandoned his cereal bowl to stand behind the couch, he stated at the tv his brows furrowing as more information was given.
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"I thought you didn't like this show." Opal commented glancing at him over her shoulder.
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"I don't, but I know her." Jae muttered a response, gaze focused on the screen as a slideshow of pictures of those missing were shown with their names listed.
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"Who?" She ask, he pointed to the screen as another image of Nava popped up. "Nava Lavender? How? Wait, we've been in Mistril for how many weeks and you're just now mention you know the Lavenders?"
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"I know one Lave-" He cut himself off as screenshots of security footage were shown, in most situation he would have written the situation off as the Lavenders needing to heavily update their security but the brief figures he saw at the edge of the screens told him this was more than that.
There barely entering the side of the screen were figures wearing ornate owl mask, she slideshow stopped with a mention of there having been a cut in the footage that they managed to get their hands on.
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"Did you see that?" Opal gave a confused look before Jae took the note backing up into the program and pausing on the last screenshot.
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"Call Cherry." She commanded standing up and rushing to the room she shared with Cherry to retrieve her laptop.
That morning the group had been out, Russ though taking Lye would help her get over the disappointment of the day before's meeting. They had seen her spiral before, so he didn't want to leave her alone in that state. He decided to take her to get groceries for dinner, maybe window shop some while they were out.
Van and Kashmere had head to a nearby guild for mission postings, taking lower rank ones helped with laying low and the people requesting tended to overlook their lack of official liscense. The only down side was the lower pay, the higher paying ones that would let them work were trickier to sniff out through just the description list"Wheres the next exam being held? If you and Lye go take it and get your official licenses you could sign as teachers for me and Russ." Kash suggested as he scrolled through the screen of missions, he was starting to grow bored with simple Grimm bounties.
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"We could, but we dont have anyone to sign off for us. Our dad can't remember?" Van pointed out.
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"Remind me why that is?" Kash knew that it had been mentioned to him before but he couldnt quite recall.
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"The kingdoms dont recognize tribesmen as the same level as Hunters, theres a different category or something for them." Van explained in simple terms, his father had the skills of a Huntsman even more really and he had trained all of the Marigold children to the extent of unlocking their aura at the bare minimum. It ticked it off a bit to see someone so close to him skills go unacknowledged, but he knew that if the laws were to change suddenly many Hunters would be upset. In his opinion if the person had the right set of skills what did it matter if they went through the academies.
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"That's kinda bullshit." Kashmere commented tone deadpan which earned a chuckle from Van, the rabbit's ears shifted picking up on a conversation nearby.
"They're seriously sending these out to posting all over Mistril?" A tall man stated with a surprised tone to his short companion.
"Crazy right? But if my daughter was missing I'd doing anything to get her back." The androgynous short figure next to the man responded.
"That's true, the Lavender girl was probably the perfect target for those creeps. She so sweet and docile, almost like a doll." The pair continued their conversation about taking the job or not.
She had made him so angry the night before, but hearing that she was missing made his stomach drop. Even if what she had told him was said with the intent to hurt, she had still been his friend. She was still the girl who cried during romcoms, the same girl who had her ears pierced in their cramped first year dorm room. He ran a hand through his hair growing frustrated with his own conflicted feelings.
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"Let's head back, Lye and Russ are probably already back at the house." He gestured for Kash to follow him out of the building and start heading back to the apartment.
Russ held the paper bag filled with the ingredients they needed for dinner tonight, the pair took their time to look into the window displays of shops as they passed by. Lye's stride slowed as they passed a bakery, a few pastries would be nice to have to tomorrow morning.
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"Let's grab a few." She nodded towards the door, she held it open letting him in first. Russ looked curiously over the sweet smelling confections that currently sat in the display. The bakery had a small coffee bar where a few people sat, their attention was directed at the small tv stationed on the wall, the women behind the counter watched as well.
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Curiously Lye approached, on the screen was the tearful face of Koa Lavender. Her hands gripped the sides of the podium she stood at as she spoke her voice wavering every so often. The mother begged and pleaded calling on local Hunters to take up the mission the family was offering for Nava's return, struggling to get through her words she turned burying her face into her husband's chest who took over the conversation. Maru Lavender gave the numbers of where to find the information required to take up the mission, before giving a final plead as well as the conference finally ended.
"Poor girl, she must be worried sick." One of the patrons muttered, bringing her coffee cup to her lips.
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"What happened?" Lye spoke up softly, her stomach was twisting in discomfort.
"Apparently there was an attack at the Lavender event last night, Maru and Koa's daughter was one of the people taken. They're offering a pretty hefty reward for her return." Another patron explained, expression compassionate as they looked at the screen.
Russ brought a few pastries before they left, Lye carried the box. She had gone quiet on their way back to the apartment.
"Are you worried about her?"
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"Of course. Even if our meeting didn't go how we wanted it I never wished for her to get hurt."
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"Well her parents seemed pretty adamant about doing everythin' in their power to find her so I'm sure it'll turn out alright." Russ tried to reassure Lye, her ears had folded against her head a clear sign of her shift in mood. 
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"Oh?" He rose a brow noticing the figure standing in front of their apartment door, he moved to stand in front of Lye contious not able to see the strangers face yet.
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"Cinnamon?" Lye muttered recognize the mouse Faunus from behind, hearing the name clicked instantly in Russ's head.
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"What're you doing here?" Van voice surprised both Lye and Cinnamon as he and Kashmere approached from the other side.
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"Please! I know how harshly Nava was in your last meeting, but you have to understand the position she in." Cinnamon looked at the group with wide pleading eyes, they had brought her in. Van suspension on why the Lavender servant had shown up at their door step.
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"Why us?"
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"I saw your fights from the festival and read your mission reviews, you two are skilled and I assume those who you travel with are as well, and someone under the radar such as yourselves would have an advantage in your search." She glanced to Kash and Russ briefly.
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"We not official hunters, they wont offer us the job."
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"I-I can get you the information. Just come with em to the estate and I can transfer everything to your scrolls."
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"We can atleast see the information and see if it's in our range of abilities." Lye spoke up glancing to the others.
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"That's not your desicion."
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"But you gotta admit the rewards pretty appealing, would be useful." Russ placed a hand on Van's shoulder, he had a soft spot for Lye.
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"That's only if we succeed with the mission..." Van paused looking between Kashmere, Russ, and Lye they were a team he reminded himself. "Do you all want to do this?"
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"At least taking a look at the info doesn't sound too bad." Kash gave a small nod.
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Seeing that the group appeared to accept her offer Cinnamon sat up hopefully. "Then let's make haste to the estate." She stood, the group needed a moment to gather their things and proceed to follow the mouse Faunus to the car she had taken their apartment.
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"Showing up personally allows us not only a look at the incident area, but can give us a personal edge on the job." Opal explained as they approached the gate to the estate, she was quick in the preparations for this meeting. They likely wouldn't be permitted to see the heads of the house yet, but they'd be the first team to observe the area. As dire as the situation may be the family didn't intend to handle the information so sloppily.
"Cherry Tarragon, Opal Amas, Jae Aryl, Leo Cornel." Slate took note of the IDs on his scroll as the group was led to meet him at the front of the main building, the name Aryl caught his attention. What was it with Nava's old teammate showing up out of the blue.
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"Follow me please." He began to lead them to a meeting room to give out the information they had currently and discuss any question they may have.
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At the same time Cinnamon was leading her group through the back entrance through the servant quarters and through winding hallways. She would have to take them to a room out of the way to avoid crossing with any visiting Hunters.
All was going as planned until Lye came to a sudden halt at one of the gaps in the hallway that led down to the one over.
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astorxa · 5 years
Merlin’s beard, what is ( ASTORIA GREENGRASS ) doing out at this hour? For a ( PUREBLOOD ) who is ( 16 ) years old, ( SHE ) really ought to know better. You know, I hear that they’re aligned with ( THE NEUTRALS ), but that could be just a rumor. I do know that they’re ( QUESTIONING ) and a ( SLYTHERIN ) student though. They’re very ( + DIPLOMATIC ) and ( + INTELLIGENT ) but also quite ( - ALOOF ) and ( - OVERTHINKING ), which could be why they remind of ( USING DISTRACTIONS TO PASS THE TIME, SWEEPING YOUR HAND ACROSS A RACK OF EXPENSIVE DRESSES, THE YEARNING FOR MORE, A KNOWLEDGE UNQUENCHED ). Some people say they’re the spitting image of ( SYDNEY PARK ), but I’ve never heard of them. 
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CHARACTER INSPO: Astrid Leong ( Crazy Rich Asians ), Leila Keating ( All American ), Nancy Wheeler ( Stranger Things ), Laurel Castillo ( HTGAWM ), Peyton Charles ( iZombie ), Celeste Wright ( Big Little Lies ).
EXTRAS: pinterest 
It was a particularly cold day in October, upon a house on a hill in Kent, Astoria Greengrass was born quietly, in the late evening. Even then, she came out of the womb easily without much fuss, the labor was short, she cried once and then not at all. Even from a young age, she displayed the traits of a perfect daughter -- quiet, non questioning ( outwardly ), intelligent, stoic, curious but not too curious ( yet ), poised, obedient. Halloween was just around the corner and the Greengrass’ showed off their new daughter at their annual O’Hallows Eve event, only a little over a week old, she was the apple of their eye. It was like she came into the world to be perfect, seemingly serene, lovely, good. The Greengrass’ while frustrated they couldn’t have any sons, settled for daughters who would make the family name a shining example in the Wizarding World and would make good matches when the time came, they just had to be groomed to get there. It didn’t take much grooming for Astoria to play the part, to become the part, to excel at it like she was born to do so -- much to their pleasure.
She was also kind, inquisitive, sneaky, knowing the more she obeyed the less they’d watch her. At a young age, even though she was younger than many of the pureblood children she hung out with, she was the maternal, caring, quiet, warm presence many of them lacked. A quiet warmth among them, trying to give them the love that none of them got by simply being there, being by their side. If you needed something, go to Astoria. If you wanted something done or needed someone to back you up and legitimize your hijinks, go to Astoria. The only time she deigned to stand up against the adults was in defense of her fellow purebloods, as she felt a camaraderie as well as a responsibility for them she couldn’t really explain. Perhaps, it was the fact that they all had similar upbringings, that they were all practically indoctrinated into a society after the First War that was dying. The Greengrass’s were a dying breed and she easily took on the role of diplomat, of perfect dutiful daughter. She didn’t know anything else even though she longed to.
By the time Astoria was 11, she knew society well. Praised in Witch Weekly as ‘One to Watch’, she made subtle waves within society, going back to her mother’s home in Singapore frequently to further integrate with Pureblood society internationally. The name Astoria Greengrass was known in Pureblood circles and by the time she sixteen, she was fairly popular within them. A perfect socialite, a perfect daughter, a perfect diplomat, she’d been groomed since birth and fit into the role perfectly.
EXCEPT. She wondered. In between the traveling, her parents started to be less lenient with her due to her just being the daughter they didn’t need to worry about ( not that they were the most attentive parents in the first place )  -- she slipped in between the cracks and saw a world that was more than what she was given. The hate they raised her with she realized was fear, which was then countered by her need to know, her curiosity that was once unthreatening, propelled her into muggle cities, into muggle books, muggle music. Of course, she never talked about it, with anyone. But she knew. In her mind, there was so much more than what she had and the longing for it started. A life long love affair with knowledge, never quenched but always thirsty, was born.
That’s when the distractions, the hobbies of sketching, drawing, baking, cooking, reading, became needs. Her mind reeled, her mind saw so much more and realized how her family was on the wrong side of history. Sure, she could enjoy the perks of living, she could enjoy her name & her reputation, the money, the privilege she had of being pureblood, but the morality of it all started to weigh on her heavily. The older she got, the more she read about the dead during the First War. The people her family had helped slaughtered ( at least, they were neutral/DE leaning -- by proxy their blood was on her hands ). The people her Ministry parents had let slide, the people who came in and out of their home who were objectively bad people. She baked, though she wasn’t the best. She painted, she sketched, she made clothing designs of ornate dresses, some of which were brought to fruition and many of which were actually worn by Astoria. Witch Weekly asked her when her clothing line was coming out and Astoria became motivated to actually make one. Not due to desire, but due to the guilt of her life weighing down on her more and more -- instead of doing something about it, standing up to her family, Merlin forbid betraying them, she fell deeper down the rabbit hole of her life. They wanted a clothing line of evening gowns? Astoria would deliver. Brands wanted her to wear their clothing? She did and made them her own. Astoria got better and better at living a life that she felt horrible living because what other option did she have?
Astoria was a true hatstall between Slytherin and Ravenclaw.  He saw she was a wonderer, someone who had an unsatisfied need to learn about everything, that she would soar if she was to be an eagle. The hat kept trying to convince her that Ravenclaw was where she belonged, after all she read books, practically soaked up knowledge like a dry sponge & valued it extremely — but being away from her family? Away from the big sister she loved with all her heart and soul, the people she grew up with? Astoria was a Greengrass, but more importantly she held her value of family above anything else. After a few minutes, the hat saw this, it realized that maybe she did belong in Slytherin after all and let her go. Green robes adorned her, and she joined the House of Snakes with a superficial smile. Because underneath all of that, she was nervous, that maybe she had made a mistake. This was something that she often wondered but was able to push it away for years, happy that she was with the people she loved.
The Hat wasn’t wrong in the end, Astoria Greengrass belonged in Slytherin even if she was a Ravenclaw. She didn’t just belong there because of her last name or her company, but because of cowardice born from self-preservation and the deep need to be loyal to her family, to be by her sister’s side, though not prominent in all Slytherin wizards, was in her veins. Doing the right thing seemed much worse than betrayal, saying something against what she was taught was practically betrayal, so she kept her mouth glued shut. Astoria seemingly turned a blind eye to the budding war around her ( even though that was very much not the case, which was worse ), following her sister dutifully as a Greengrass as a socialite, even if she would’ve rather been home reading many of the books she had collected ( even if some where muggle and not allowed, she hid them under her bed & floorboards ). At 16 almost 17 years old, she’s more conflicted but down the rabbit hole than ever -- a small line of designer gowns under her belt, Witch Weekly’s endless love & praise being named Witch Weekly’s Jr. Socialite Of The Year -- something that weighs heavy on her. Her parents are pleased but Astoria is finding it harder and harder to adorn herself with beautiful clothing and look in the mirror like she isn’t as guilty as the Death Eaters by simply standing idly by. "The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis. " Astoria thinks about this quote. Often.
Underneath the grace and demure demeanor is not someone you want to piss off. With a sharp tongue and a sharper mind, Astoria could easily tear someone down, pick someone apart, so observant and very wry, but she doesn’t. She doesn’t need to and realized at a young age that she would gain more with being adored & loved than being feared -- but it doesn’t mean she can’t. This distinction is important.  She bites her tongue, she swallows the blood, but it doesn’t mean she can’t draw it if necessary.
alright i’m gonna stop bc i usually write long intros and i’m trying to learn the art of brevity
ISFJ & libra
has a cat named asteria because she thought it was funny tbh
patronus: swan
none of that blood curse BS bc cursed child isnt valid in my house!!!!!!
boggart: her sister’s dead body which signifies letting her family down and the person she loves most down, losing her family as well
if u didn’t already know daphne is everything to her
plays piano and violin
loves the stars and star jewelry, she does kinda like astrology too
questions her gender v v deep down, doesn’t really acknowledge or talk about it and doesn’t feel there’s room to
knows she aint straight though and is cool with it
buy the stars by marina and the diamonds is her SONG
always looking good. always looking fresh. she dresses up that uniform with so much jewelry, she looks GOOD AT ALL TIMES and is always wearing some sort of jewelry. designer everything on hogsmeade weekends. like ur girl is looking fresh 2 DEATH
it’s astoria or ria, even then only a few people can call her ria. it’s astoria or bust lol! none of that tori shit!
is something of a wine expert?? she’s real posh tbh. she went to italy (1) time and was like wow i am cultivating a Love of Wine and has done so
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fixxofvixx · 6 years
Stay With Me -Demon Leo AU- Chapter 8
Hello all~~~! Demon Leo for you today~
Not a lot of romance in this one but IT IS coming! After all-he is an impatient demon 😉😉😉
Anyway, I hope you enjoy!
Please please please let me know what you think!
You stood there for a moment processing what he’d said.
“What do you mean, ‘handcrafted by a demon’?” You stepped closer and took a look at them yourself. They were the same as you remembered them. It was a set of three ordinary silver pieces. An ornate clock with two matching statuettes of trees.
“They were most likely a gift since I can’t see any type of purpose they would have served. Much like the pendant I gave you, they would have been given as a show of friendship,” he turned to look at your pendant and then his eyes traveled slowly up to yours, “or love.”
Heat spread over your cheeks and you were forced to break eye contact with him. You heard his chuckle before clearing his throat.
“Did your grandmother ever say anything about these?”
“Not really. I had always been intrigued with them and wanted to play with them when I was little but she would never let me. She just always told me that they were delicate and had to be handled with care. One day she called me to her room and handed them to me. She told me to never tell anyone I had them and I should hide them well. About a week later, both of my grandparents died in a fire. My parents never said much about it and they seemed rather thrilled. So I never told them about the heirlooms. They knew about them though. I remember them asking me if I had stolen anything from my grandparents. That they needed it back to remember them by.” You hugged your arms around yourself, your mind wandering back to that time. You missed your grandparents.
Leo’s hand came up to wipe a tear from your cheek that you hadn’t even realized had fallen. You looked up at him and gave him a small smile.
“You did good not telling them. I’m not sure who these came from and, honestly, I’m not sure I want to find out. There are hundreds of demons walking the earth. Some are good and some are bad. I’m assuming since these appear to have been a gift, it was a good one. But demons are territorial and I don’t really want one in my forest. But if you would like for me to find out, I can. For you.”
“No, that’s okay. As long as my parents don’t have them, I’m happy. Besides, I think I can only handle one crazy demon in my life anyway.” You poked his arm and he flinched as if it had hurt.
He turned his body towards you slowly and grinned. Danger warnings went off in your head and you laughed nervously.
“Oh! Kona still has my feather! I wonder what he did with it?” You bolted out of the room and hurried down the stairs.
When you threw open the front door, Leo was already there with his arms crossed, leaning against the door frame. Your heart jumped and you stood frozen for a moment. Catching yourself, you stood as tall as you could and raised your chin at him.
“That’s not fair! You cheated!” You folded your arms over your chest and pushed past him. Walking to the steps, you noticed your feather laying on the ground. Smiling, you hurried down the steps and picked it up. You ran your fingers along the vane to smooth it out.
“Do you really like it that much?” His voice came from directly behind you and you turned to him and shrugged.
“I’ve always loved feathers and wings. I suppose its because I constantly fantasized about leaving home and flying far away somewhere.”
“Yet you are afraid of heights.” He chuckled and you sent him a glare.
“I guess that’s why I was stuck there for so long.” You looked around at your surroundings and laughed. “This isnt as far as I always imagined going but it’s exactly what I wanted.”
“You wanted to live with a demon in a forest?” He was trying to hide his smile but you could still see his face twitch.
“No. I wanted to be happy somewhere. I wanted to leave that awful town behind. I wanted friends. I wanted a life. I have all those things here.”
“For as long as you want it.” He smiled and began to lean his face towards yours. You held your breath as got closer. He was mere millimeters from your lips when he stopped. You opened your eyes to see him staring off into the woods.
Suddenly, Leo grabbed your wrist and pulled you back into the house. He made sure you were inside the door before he stopped. His hand wrapped around the nape of your neck as he leaned forward to place a kiss on your lips. Almost immediately, his voice sounded in your head.
Stay in the house and don’t come out. You are protected in here. Promise me.
Worried, you tried to pull back but he held you in place. You trusted his words but still wanted to know what was going on.
I promise, but what’s wrong? Is it my father?
No, another demon.
You stilled instantly. You had no idea what that meant for you but if Leo was concerned then you would heed his warnings.
He finally pulled away and walked back down the steps. By the time he reached the dirt path that lay out in front of them, you noticed a man walking through the trees.
He was just a bit shorter than Leo but still tall. His hair was jet black but he was too far away to see the exact color of his eyes but they looked to be the same color as Leo’s. You wondered if all demons had the same eye color. He stopped a few feet from Leo and picked some unknown particle from his sleeve.
“You know, it took me two hours to get through your barrier. A less dedicated demon would have given up. Are you trying to keep a secret?” The man spoke to Leo but stared directly at you. A cold shiver ran up your spine and slunk farther behind the wall beside you.
“Not really. Just trying to keep the riff raff out.” Leo spoke in a confident tone but the other man laughed.
“Ouch. You know I wouldn’t have had as much trouble if I could teleport. But Dad really didn’t take the time to teach me.”
“No, brother, you just didn’t take the time to learn. You were too busy trying to kill off your so-called enemies.”
Brother?! Your eyes widened at Leo’s words. You had no idea he had family. You watched as anger flashed across the man’s face but he took a deep breath and smiled again.
“All of this doesn’t matter. I’m not even here to see you. My business is with you, beautiful.” His eyes laid upon yours again but you kept quiet.
“You have no business here at all. You need to leave.” Leo moved until all you could see was the back of his head. Leo’s wide shoulders completely covered the man in front of him.
“Aw, come on little brother! I just want to talk to her. I had no idea you had a plaything.” The man’s teasing seemed to awaken Leo’s demon side as you noticed small tendrils of black smoke trailing around his feet.
“Leave. Now.” Leo’s voice was flat and terse. You remembered that tone. It was the same one he’d used when he talked to your father in the town.
“No…..no, I think I’ll stay right here. Why don’t you come out from your hiding spot, beautiful? I just want to talk to you.”
“You only talk to me. Tell me what you want and then you can leave.”
“Well, now, that wouldn’t be any fun.”
You were too busy listening to their exchange you didn’t realize that something was creeping up behind you. Hearing a shuffle, you turned to see a large lynx. It had been a while since you had seen one. Not since you moved from your previous hometown. It advanced on you and flattened yourself against the wall. It lunged and swatted one of its huge paws at you and you screamed as its claws connected with your arm. You turned to run out the door but it managed to lunge again and sink its teeth into your leg, causing you to fall to the porch floor.
“Y/N!” Leo ran up the steps and towards you but the lynx released your leg and lunged for him. The force of the contact sent Leo and the cat back down the steps.
Before you could sit up, arms were around your waist, lifting you up. You turned to see Leo’s brother smiling triumphantly. Ignoring the searing pain in your arm and leg, you struggled against his hold. He effortlessly descended the porch with you in tow, unfurling his wings as he went. Huge, pure white wings stretched out from his back, lifting you both in the air. Your voice only seemed to be good for screaming at the moment as you went higher and higher. Terror enveloped you and you were paralyzed. The man slapped a hand over your mouth while tightening his arm around your waist.
“Enough of that, lovely. We don’t want to disturb the entire forest. I just want to ask you a few questions while lover boy is grounded.”
Your eyes ventured downward to see Leo still struggling with the Lynx. Tears exploded from your eyes. Heights were tolerable with Leo because you trusted him. You had no idea who this guy was or what he intended to do. Trust was the farthest thing from your mind at the moment.
“Now, somewhere in your possession, you have something that belongs to me.”
You only shook your head as his hand was still over your mouth. You had no idea who this guy was, much less have anything of his.
“I know you do,” his lips were next to your ear and you tried to pull your head away, cringing. “A little birdie told me that you do. So tell me where it is and you’ll never have to see me again. How’s that?”
Looking down you saw that Leo was finally free of the lynx that lay motionless a few feet away. As soon as he was on his feet, his wings sprang from his back and he was in the air. The man holding you finally took notice and yelled to Leo.
“What did you do to my baby, you little shit?!”
Leo reached you both in a matter of seconds, black smoke twirling beneath him. He hadn’t turned filled demon yet, but he was getting there.
“Its alive, for now. Let her go and you can go tend to that thing. Far, far away.”
“Not until I get what I came for!”
Leo’s eyes were on you the entire time he spoke to his brother. The bright blue orbs shone with promise that you would be okay.
“And what is that?”
“This one has items in her possession that were crafted by a demon. I want them back.” Your heart skipped at his words. You had no idea how he knew of them but you knew he wasn’t getting them.
“And what makes you think she has them?” Leo drifted closer to you but his brother retreated to maintain distance.
“Like I told her, a little birdie told me. And since when do you fly? You always hated flying.”
“Focus, brother. Give me the girl and we can finish this conversation on the ground.” Leo came close once again and reached for you. His brother wrapped his arms around you tighter, making it hard for you to breathe. The cuts on your arm and leg were screaming in pain now. You couldn’t see them properly so you only hoped the blood loss was minimal.
“I don’t know. She fits kind of nice against me, don’t you think? Can I keep her, brother?”
That seemed to be Leo’s breaking point. His eyes turned almost immediately and his fangs extended. You felt the man’s hold on you falter a bit. as if he was afraid.
“Let her go, now.” Leo growled out his demand.
“Oh, fine.”
With no warning, the arms holding you were gone and you dropped, screaming, to the ground below. You squeezed your eyes shut, waiting for death. You heard a flutter of wings and felt a hand wrap around your wrist and pull you to a stop. Due to the velocity at which you were falling, your shoulder popped and you screamed in agony. An arm wrapped around your waist this time and you opened your eyes to see Leo staring back at you.
“I’m sorry, my love, I will fix it, I promise.”
Relieved that it was Leo who had you now, you ignore the pain once again and wrapped yourself around him. You buried your face in his neck and held on for dear life. Your body was now fully in pain. Tears streamed down your face and your body was shaking.
Your body jolted slightly when he landed on the ground, sending a new wave of pain throughout your body. You raised your head to look around for his brother but he was nowhere in sight.
“He’s gone. Took the lynx and left. He’ll be back though. Let’s get you inside.”
He carried you into the kitchen and placed you on the counter. He placed his hand on your leg just above your knee.
“We’ll heal these first and then I’ll set your shoulder.” You silently nodded and watched as the ugly scratch on your leg slowly disappeared. Once it was healed, he moved to your arm and finished with that quickly.
“He’s your brother?” You asked quietly, not sure if he wanted to talk about it.
“Yes. Albeit he isn’t a very good one, but a brother just the same.”
He didn’t say anything else. He just grabbed your waist and lifted you off the counter. He turned your body around so you faced the counter.
“Hold onto the counter.” He took your dislocated arm in one hand and placed another on your shoulder. “Relax and take a deep breath.”
You did as he asked and as soon as you exhaled he pulled on your arm and you felt your shoulder pop. A short burst of pain caused you to cry out and he smoothed his hand over your shoulder to ease the pain. His lips ghosted over your shoulder soon after and you stilled, the feeling helping to dissipate the pain. He rested his chin on your shoulder and sighed.
“Do you feel okay now? Any pain?” You shook your head and smiled.
“No, I’m okay, thanks to you……again.”
“Always. I’m sure you have a lot of questions.” He kissed your shoulder again before turning you back around to face him. You looked up at his face and saw the sorrow and guilt behind those beautiful eyes.
“I do. But they can be answered in time. I am curious about one thing.” He silently waited for your question so you continued. “What’s his name?”
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mjalti · 6 years
ooh how would u decorate ur house if u had unlimited funds or at least a lot of money (also do u like interior design??)
i really enjoy interior design if it’s my taste, i cant find anything to redeem shabby chic, rustic, mid century/modern styles unless it’s out of necessity. a home should be warm, a ceiling of skylights, many windows, something to immerse you in nature without making you dirty. inside, i always prefer ornate and opulent. carpet on carpet is a demon’s design. tiled floors. fun colors on the walls. pinks, yellows, reds, orange. i prefer powdered blues and blushed pinks personally. in my house currently each room is a different color. i prefer to “signal” the start of a new space in that way, visually to put you in a new mental frame. balconies whenever possible and more than one. i hate staircases in the main room if it is the focal center. a split staircase or one to the side is non offensive. i tend to prefer statement piece in the form of “venetian style” tables, accessories. my home should be open, warm, full of life, opulent, vibrant. no knick-knacks on the table. tablecloths, always. we arent afraid of color or pattern but this isnt a yeehaw barn. calcutta gold marble. the upper level attic would be open so you could see the city and dine in open air (+mosquito nets), which is where we would eat every night. the kitchen is the soul of any house and i love to cook. i am not specifically passionate about open style kitchens, but a large kitchen is necessary. we do curtains, always. persian carpets over nonpatterned tile or wood floors. no sectionals! no cloth couches. mirrors are done up in a glam public restroom in a 5 star hotel style; bathrooms in velvet greens, deep plums, flattering lighting. gardens gardens gardens.  i dont wanna bore you but yeah i have my “house” in my mind and i dont mind building it bc i know im not gonna find it in this aesthetic desert. 
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tedtcnk-blog · 6 years
e.m.t. - intro
I’m abigail but I go by either abby or gail and i go by she her pronouns. I live in edt timezone and I’m a seventeen year old junior in high school. I’m a pretty busy student seeing as i take mainly ap classes and am involved with several extracurriculars so i may not be EXTREMELY active, but im going to try my best to get to know you all and interact with everyone!! <3
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&&introducing your character
[ marlon langeland. seventeen. he/him. ] EDWARD TONKS  has stepped through the barrier to platform 9 ¾. the SEVENTH  year HUFFLEPUFF  student is most looking forward to FEELING AT HOME AGAIN.. their peers describe HIM as ELEEMOSYNARY & FACETIOUS, and has dubbed HIM as the SOILED DOVE. TED  feels FORLORN  about the war raging outside of hogwarts plans to JOIN THE ORDER when the year is up.
&&aesthetic loud and echoing laughs, summer rains, late nights sitting in the dewy grass, watching fireworks light up the stars, goofing around and wrestling for fun, catching fireflies in mason jars, hair frizzing in the humid air, faces lit by lampposts and the moonlight, poofy and patterned duvets, spending all day wrapped up in the sheets, the smell of freshly cleaned clothes, sad songs played on low, tattered jeans caked with mud, sneakers with the soles falling out
Ted Tonks, born with the full given and strictly biblical name Edward Michael Tonks, was born to a family who had three very cut and clean rules. For most of his life, at least the first eleven of them, he followed these rules without a hiccup. The first one was fairly simple; never bad mouth mom and dad, seeing as they feed and provide for you after all. The second was that everyone ate together as a family every other night, and that meant the whole family, including great-grandma and grandpa. The last was the trickiest being that it seemed to be about 100 rules in one. It, however, was the one that was the most unforgivable if broken, that being that it demanded that everyone in the family was to follow, without question, every word the bible said.
Though Ted’s family was fairly huge when you factored in cousins and such, it was mostly easy for him to follow these rules. Being the only child, he absolutely adored his parents and they somewhat adored him back. As a child he was always on his father's heels, begging to go to work with him in the summers and waiting by the front door for him to get home on school nights. The second rule, as well, was easy because he never questioned spending moments with his family and enjoying the good food that was always passed around. It was the third, however that stopped Ted in his tracks.
The way his mother was, it seemed like everything he did broke some rule. She’d snip at him for running in from the garden and dragging mud into the house, claiming that he’d broken some holy rule when really all he’d done was get a bit of dirt on the floor which was mind you, fairly easy to get up. He bit his lip and dealt with it, however.
When he turned eleven however, and it came time to go back to school, everything in his family dynamic shifted. He remembers distinctly the day when he got home from a friends house to his mother who looked like she’d never been more angry in her life. Without a word he fled to his room, not daring to pester her about what was for dinner or when his father was going to be home. Dinner time passed, and as he heard the typically clanking of forks and spoons he also heard bitter voices, speaking in hisses and whispers. Not sure what he’d done, he sat at his door, feeling guilty at every sound he heard as he picked at the dirt that was still smushed into his hands.
Eventually his mother explained to him that he had done something wicked, though refusing to explain, she allowed him to come down and eat his food which had already grown cold. The whole time he ate, he felt his father’s eyes from the living room watching every move he made and the way his mother stationed herself at the kitchen sink made her look like a hawk circling its prey. He finished and was led straight back up to his room, where his mother shoved a letter into his hand and left him to his own devices to figure it out.
During the week that led up to the date that had been so bitterly circled on the paper, Ted had been kept under the hawk eye of both his parents. They hushed him at dinner when he attempted to get answers about what the school was like and his father look down right offended when he asked when they were going to go get his supplies. On the day of departure, Ted was more than ready to leave and finally get answers on to why everything was so hush hush. He known he’d seen something about wizardry around the logo of the school’s letter, but he thought it was merely a joke or some sort of metaphor. Surely he wasn’t being sent to do magic, his mother always told him that it was evil and not real anyways.
Sure enough, only after a few minutes aboard the Hogwarts express did he really understand why his parents had been so quick to mute him and hide him away. Feeling awful, his first few months at school were awful. The kids laughed at him for not having the right supplies and wearing homemade robes that his mother had very obviously made with no care in the world.  Even after he finally was provided with the right things and fully grasped what Hogwarts was, not many seemed to even bat an eye in his direction. He learned, however, to make the laughing into background music and grew accustomed to the fact that both of the two worlds he belonged to would never fully see him as a member of their society.
&&some place magical
Ted has always adored the magical and home-y feel that hogwarts has given off. Though both parts of his life have it’s downsides, he finds hogwarts more of a home to him than his official “home” He adores the way the whole castle is detailed unlike his old shed-like house he grew up in. He was raised well off enough, but seeing as his family had a shared farming business, his parents never found it sensible to upgrade from their first home they’d ever gotten together. The house was fine, just bland. The walls were bare, the house was small, and felt more temporary than anything. It just felt like a home until they got a new one, like a halfway unpacked house.
The detail of the castle, the nooks and hidden halls and ornate paintings, all of it, captured his fascination. He never gets tired of roaming the halls, finding new places to stop for a quick moment of silence or a spot to do homework when his roomates get to loud.
&&anything else
Ted himself can be a bit opposite of his parents fuddy-duddy ways, and while this is a good thing, his childish like humor and attitude can get him into a bit of trouble at times. Its been with him since he was young. His mother was always on him for trekking mud through the house or spending too much in the yard and not inside studying. Now that he’s a bit more mature he knows better, yet his childish ways still sometimes get ahead of his conscious mind at times.
&&ted vs. tech
Ted is actually really well versed with technology and it’s ins and outs. Probably seeing as he grew up in the muggle world, he was used to always being surrounded to these devices and working with them from a young age. That and the only real way he connects with his father anymore is through their love for technology. His father, though his professional occupation is a lot more boring and repetitive, really enjoys messing with technology and figuring out how everything works. While Ted isnt THAT interested in the mechanics of it, he pretends to like it anyways. He’s more interested in the social media side of things.
That being said, Ted is a snapchat GOD and don’t you dare break your streak with him. He’s that bitch that sends streaks every HOUR to make sure none of them are broken and will give his password away to someone if he gets in trouble and has his phone taken.
He’s that person to put his phone on airplane mode as well while he reads dms. Rather be safe than sorry bc that way he can avoid whoever he wants :))))))
His twitter is also nothing but retweets from the account @garyfromteenmom
Want to see Ted go buck wild bananas? Literally play 1 second of goofy goober rock and he will be up and dancing faster than you can turn it off
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ohthewhomanity · 7 years
Meanwhile, in the Capil universe...
[significantSymbolism is pestering idyllicIntegrity]
SS: Where are you?
[error: message not received]
SS: Seriously?
SS: Abby, talk to me.
SS: Come on.
 [significantSymbolism is pestering dynamicDestiny]
SS: Cody, make her talk to me.
DD: who
SS: Don’t play stupid.
SS: Abby!
SS: I think she’s blocking my messages. And she’s definitely been avoiding me since we found Ella.
DD: sophie
SS: Whatever.
SS: Do you know where Abby is?
DD: i dunno alex but she can take care of herself you know that so im not worried
SS: She’s not planetside?
DD: not that ive seen but its a big planet
DD: ive been around the temples all day so if shes anywhere else i wouldnt know but she isnt here
SS: Maybe she left. We do know now that she can do that, go outside of the universe.
DD: maybe
DD: hey man im fielding prayers at the moment so can i log out and focus
SS: Just, let me know if you see her, okay?
DD: will do
[significantSymbolism has ceased pestering dynamicDestiny]
 The sun had begun to set on the western hemisphere of the planet visible through the glass beneath Alex’s feet when the girl in the red dress – Abby Bowman, Sylph of Time – appeared at the edge of the room’s wide floor skylight.
Alex scrambled to his feet, wishing as he did so that there was a more dignified way to do so on such a smooth and often slippery surface. A Knight ought to have some dignity, even as everyone around him seemed eager to take it away from him these days.
“Where have you been?” he demanded.
Abby didn’t really look at him, focusing instead on shifting the chain around her neck to ease the weight of the large, ornate hourglass hanging from it.
“Out and about,” she said.
“Cody says you weren’t on the planet.”
“I’m pretty sure being everywhere at once is not a part of a Page of Space’s abilities,” Abby replied coolly.
“You were gone a long time,” Alex said.
“So you shouldn’t have to be.”
“Maybe I was busy.”
“Abby, you have a time machine.”
Abby shook her head. “I’m too tired to have that semantic argument right now, Alex. It’s been too long of a day.”
“Were you outside of our universe?”
“What does it matter?”
“It matters because just because you can go anywhere and anywhen, doesn’t mean you should.”
Abby made brief eye contact with him, but only to smirk before turning towards one of the doorways leading out of this part of the space station. “Someone would be very glad to hear you say that,” she said over your shoulder as she began to walk off.
Alex took a few steps across the glass, maintaining the distance between them. “You were with her, weren’t you?”
Abby stopped. So did Alex.
“You went to see Ella,” he said.
“Her name’s Sophie, Alex,” Abby said, facing away from him and sounding very tired.
“Yeah, I get that she’s saying that now, it’s not important.”
“To her, it is.”
“What’s important is, you didn’t bring her back with you.”
“That was never on the table.”
“Of course it’s on the table!” Alex’s fists clenched and unclenched, without much if any intention behind the gesture. “You’re the one who can get her out! She’s clearly unwell, and that – that freak show she’s living with now can’t be helping her.”
“As if we’re such paragons of stability and mental health over here, we three semi-immortal teenagers with joint custody over a planet of Furries.”
“We’re dealing!” Alex walked towards Abby. She still wouldn’t look at him, but at least she was engaging; that was something.
“We’re dealing with it,” he said again, stopping just behind her. “We all went through hell, we all lost things – our homes, our families – so why does she get to be so dramatic about it? When she could be here with people who understand –”
“But you don’t understand!” Abby turned to face him then, finally, and he almost wished that she hadn’t, because the game had awoken something fiery in her and it was all directed out of her eyes at him in that moment.
“You don’t,” she continued. “None of us could, though I’m trying to. We can’t understand because what happened to us, and Cody, is not the same as what happened to her, because we got what we wanted out of the game. Here, in this universe, we have what we wanted. I made something, Alex, and it was difficult, god knows losing my father was difficult, but here it is, and I can be proud of this planet like I couldn’t be proud of anything I had on Earth. And Cody, he wanted to be a hero, and he’s off doing heroics and being hailed by the masses every day. And you, Alex, you wanted destiny, and control, and here it is, and here you are, and there –” she gestured at the glass at his feet “– is an entire planet for you to micromanage until it or you turns to dust.
“But Sophie?” Abby let out a bitter sort of laugh. “What she wanted isn’t here. And we only have what we want because of what she did for us, so don’t begrudge her for going off and finding it somewhere else!”
“So if you know everything, lady Sylph,” Alex said, his voice dripping with as much sarcasm as he could muster, “then tell me: what is it that she wanted?”
“People who actually care about her.”
Alex’s jaw dropped. “How dare – I care about her!”
“No.” Abby took the chain off of her neck, wrapping it around the center of the hourglass and tucking the bundle under her arm. “No, you care about the person you want her to be. She went off and found people who care about her, as she is, confused and hurting and trying so hard to be herself again, instead of trying to shove her into a role she never asked for.”
Alex found himself struggling to come up with a retort; though he was angry enough to keep arguing, the words seemed to be missing. Abby let the silence hang for a few moments before sighing.
“Yes, we lost people,” she said. “My father, your uncle, Cody’s sister… But we asked for it. We signed on, knowing the risks. And we tricked Sophie into doing the same, without knowing. That’s a black mark on our souls. She’s under no obligation to have us fix her. Especially not when she’s found people who so clearly love her. Now really, Alex, I’m exhausted, and I don’t want to keep ramming this into your skull, so please do your best to internalize it. I’m going to bed.”
And with that, she turned and walked out of the room, the sliding door automatically swishing open and shut for her, and Alex found himself alone again with the slowly rotating planet miles beneath his feet.
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frankthomas090-blog · 7 years
abby winter porn - 9 Simple Facts About Abby Winters Six Girls Explained
" "Uh, yeah…" I muttered, confused by her sudden appearance. " she asked as I drifted into waking. "Failure to appear will result in forced compliance. " With a perfunctory nod and smile she tore a slip of paper from a booklet she was carrying, and proffered it at me.
There was definitively something off about her, and not just by the fact that she appeared to have broken into my apartment overnight; her neon green pixie cut, numerous piercings, and prolific tattoos of cocks and tentacle monsters savaging women didnt seem to gel with her matter of factly work-a-day demeanour; none of which was helped by her wispy, transparent clothing that seemed designed expressly to tittilate and show of her flesh rather than conceal anything.
" "Well", I suggested, stretching to feel my morning glory blooming under the covers, "perhaps youd be down for a bit of practice? "You are served with appearing at the Capital City Temple within fourteen days for a union with Her Grand Majesty the Most Exalted, The Goddess Persicima, Glory of all the World and Mother to All.
" With a quick flick of her wrist she threw back my covers and gave my cock a long, hard stare. " she said, pulling gently at a band around her throat, sending her clothes (if you could call them that) falling to the floor. "I would advise you to bring your A game.
" "Now…" I said, looking over the slip of paper, "when you say union…" "Fucking, yes. "Normally I wouldnt have time, but your laziness means that youre my last stop for the day", she said with a disapproving click of her tongue and a shrug, "so why not, I suppose? " "Much the same, isnt it? As far as Saturday mornings go, this one wasnt much out of the usual, or, rather, wouldnt have been, but for the woman standing over my bed as I woke up.
"Now get off of your lazy ass and show me what youve got. " Obediently, I got to my knees and shored up behind her, guiding my cock into her already wet slit, my burying it to the hilt eliciting not so much as a shiver. " I asked as she climbed up onto the bed and wiggled her ass at me. As I looked down at her back I was greeted to an ornate scene tattooed into her milky white skin, of a burly man grabbing a woman by the hair and riding her like a stallion, so I decided to do much the same, her short hair smooth and hard to grasp under my annoyed fingers.
" she asked, looking over her shoulder at me. "Not in the slightest. "If thats all you have to work with…" she said with a shrug. "So her majesty and all that likes it rough, is what youre saying? "Im not here to ride you, and what you need practice at is pounding password abby abbie winters a cunt, not getting ridden.
"I hope you do as well, then. "Do try and make an effort. " Annoyed, I let go of her hair and grabbed her hips instead, taking a firm grasp with both hands. A couple of minutes of hard riding later I came, filling her up as best I could with a torrent of hot jizz, having elicited not so much as a single moan from her. "If thats the best you can do, I fear for you.
" I asked, using the purchase gained by grabbing the angels mane to drive myself even deeper. " I offered, before drawing back to put every muscle in my body into pounding her. " she said, ignoring the stains the cum dripping from her pussy left on her lacy garments. " she said with a bored sigh.
Angrily, I balled it up and tossed it into my wastebasket; let them try to force compliance all they want… As far as Saturday mornings go, this one wasnt much out of the usual, or, rather, wouldnt have been, but for the four women standing over my bed as I woke up. " With an idle shrug she vanished into thin air, leaving behind only a wet spot on the bed and the slip of paper on my night stand.
" the tallest of them said. As I fell back, exhausted, she was already well on her way out of the bed and gathering up her wisps of silk. " another one chimed in. "You are expected at the temple. It had been two weeks since my encounter with the angel of Persiwhateverthefuck, and Id not put much more thought into it, a decision I was now rather regretting.
Each of them had much the same look as the last angel had, albeit with slightly less in the way of tattoos and piercings, and slightly less in the way of clothing. With the quickness of a great cat I was on my feet, the bed between me and the four of them, and quickly I made for the door. "You can come quietly, or not.
"Just let me put some clothes on, and Ill come quietly. " I suggested, immediately regretting it as the shortest of them threw herself headlong at me in a gloriously well-executed tackle, sending me sprawling on the floor. "Do we have to tie you up?
"Youre fine the way you are. " the tallest of them said. " Boxing me in, the four of them walked me naked up main street, but not until after affixing a ring around my cock to secure my erection. " she said, squeezing abby winters girls hard. " Kim exclaimed gleefully as she spotted me, but as I turned around to offer my dissent one of the angels prodded me hard with a finger to drive me on.
Fortunately, a summer Saturday morning left the streets all but deserted, but nonetheless I ran into Kim and Alice outside the corner store. Reaching under me to grab my balls, she was quite clear about how this was going down. " I shouted in her face. "Ignoring a summons isnt a good idea! "Oh yeah, Ive been up the temple a few times. " With a shrug, the angel stopped, and let me exchange a few brief words with Kim.
" she said, nodding at the big marble building in the distance. "Youve got some experience with this, then? " "Apart from Dont ignore the summons in the first place. " she asked, staring off thoughtfully in the middle distance. "Is there that much of a rush?
"The second time I got to bring Alice, and we all had a lot of fun. " I asked, and she gave a grin and a nod. " the tallest of the angels said, waving the rest of the abby winters girls out. "Take a deep breath and relax, I guess. " "I dont follow…" I said in puzzlement, but before Kim could answer the angels drove me i love abby winters models winters on.
"Her Grand Majesty will be with you shortly. "In future", a voice came, ringing like a fine silver bell, "see that summons are responded to promptly. There was no imperfection to her near as I could see, and as the moment went on for what felt like a thousand years, I could easily be brought to believe that I had seen everything about her a million times over. " On opening my eyes I was confronted with what was easily the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on, before or since; tall, soft, just the right everything, from the curve of her breasts to the round of her belly, nothing about her hidden from view; if her angels wore revealing clothing, she wore nothing at all, were it not for the fact that she did.
"Try not to embarrass yourself. "I… I will…" I stammered, words hardly finding their way to my mouth. The rest of the journey passed quickly, even with the hot pavement burning my feet, and before long I abby winters.com winters clips was dragged down into the sanctum below the temple and tossed bodily into the massive bed covered with flower petals. " she asked, looking back at me.
" As she slipped out with the rest of them I laid back on the bed, waiting for Perwhatever, my cock throbbing against the cool metal ring around it, my eyes closed against the dim lights of the sanctum. " The strange atmosphere tangling itself about my wits I could barely get on my knees, but somehow I managed, and brushing away the wispy silk covering her rear I got my cock brushing against her eager wetness, immediately eliciting a low, growling moan.
With my first thrust I drew a deep, ringing moan from her, filling the room, and on the second I came, spurting a torrent of seed deep into her. "Now…" she said, climbing up into the bed and getting on all fours, "show me what men are made of.
" she said at length, rolling over onto her back, a finger darting to her pussy to grab a fleck of the juices oozing out of her and tasting it with great relish. " "Well…" I panted, the golden ring falling from my cock as it receded, "theres not much to do for that. "Far too quickly over with, though. " she said with a grin, quickly springing up and pushing me down on all fours and getting behind me.
" As I felt the prod of a ghostly construct prodding against my ass, Kims advice suddenly made sense. "Do let me know if Im being too rough. "Now is when the fun begins. Grabbing my hair and yanking me back up to my knees, the goddess nibbled softly at my ear, before quietly whispering to me. As I filled her up, she loosed a scream of joy, her body twitching against me in orgasm, a glorious celebration of the most perfect sex.
" With a deep breath I grabbed her hips and plunged deep into her, her heavenly cunt forming itself to my exact desires; tight, but not too tight; warm, but not too warm; wet, slippery and deep. " she whispered, driving her magical cock up my ass.
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