#but idk where my recording of the tape playing back off the tape deck is so you get the clean audio version
cheddar-baby · 2 years
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Remembered this triptych of poems i made about ghosts and decided why not share it and the photo of the doll i made to go along with it.
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usedtobecooler · 2 years
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Pairing | Eddie Munson x fem!reader Warnings | sexual content (18+ minors DNI), lap dances, fingering (f receiving), squirting, PiV sex, dirty talk (kind of? idk), tiny bit of tenderness at the end. Word count | 3.2K A/N: i'm totally aware that i'm way out of my depth here with this HOWEVER somebody had to write my ultimate fantasy of giving eddie a lapdance to pour some sugar on me and here i am, fulfilling it myself. this is based in the Summer of '87, a year after the goings on of ST4, and if it wasn't obvious everyone is still very much alive. also thank you so much for the little amount of love on my last fic, it spurred me on for this one <3
It's the August of '87, Summer was almost over and your job at the local record store had paid so well that you were able to treat yourself to the brand new tape Walkman that had been taunting you in the window for months. Dave, the guy you worked with on occasion, had let you know about the new Def Leppard album, Hysteria, that had been released just days prior.
"It's gonna change your life," he'd buzzed, sliding the tape across to you over the counter. It cost $5, and you were wondering if you could spare it, but the cover work and track list that line the tape taunted you into buying it. You'd listened to some of their music before but you were personally more of a Sabbath girl, glam rock wasn't really your thing.
"Not Def Leppard," Eddie had groaned mere hours later when you appeared outside his trailer, a hot red flush on your cheeks from climbing the steep hill to the park in the heat of the Summer sun, "they fucking suck. They're the band your mom listens to when she's horny."
"Don't talk about my mom like that," you screw your face up at him in disgust, shoving your way past him into the darkness and heat of his home, no A/C because he was a stingy asshole who paid for nothing he didn't have to. You didn't want to think about your mom getting hot and bothered over some rock dude, it was gross.
"I'll fuck your mom," Eddie quips back, looking like he's actually contemplating it, "she's hot, just an older you but probably with a nicer rack."
You shoot him a look over your shoulder, a mixture of annoyance and confusion, "Shut up about my mom, I'll fuck your dad," the hint of a smile is in your voice as you flip open the cassette deck on Eddie's boom box, transferring your tape from your Walkman into it.
"Ha, my dad's dead," Eddie folds his arms on his chest triumphantly, a smug look on his face like he's proud of the fact his dad's dick is off the cards.
"Well look who the real loser is here." you mutter to yourself, making yourself busy with fiddling around with buttons to rewind the tape back to where you need it to be. You catch Eddie throwing himself down on his sofa out the corner of your eye, with a rolled blunt in one hand and a zippo in the other. His t-shirt rumples up a bit so a little expanse of his tummy shows and his legs are spread wide. He looks comfortable.
"Prepare to have your mind blown," you smirk, turning around to grin at him knowingly as the first bars of Pour Some Sugar on Me play. He looks at you with a quirked brow, interest clearly piquing as the riff kicks off.
The song just has this feeling to it, it makes you want to dance and rip your clothes off. It makes you feel sexy. Your best friend would call it a 'stripper song', and she'd be right because that's exactly how it felt. You feel your hips swaying to the beat, Joe Elliot's raspy voice sounding so good.
"What're you doing?" Eddie asks, confusion etching his features as you slowly slide your way over to him, his dark brown eyes looking blown out whilst they drink in the sight of you before him. Your black skirt and fishnets have a rumpled up, worn in look to them from working all day, your Metallica band shirt stuffed haphazardly into the waist line of your skirt, but you look so pretty.
"C'mon, Eddie," you giggle a little, shimmying your way over to his lap, just hovering as you look into his stunning dark eyes, "have some fun with me, let loose a little. This song is just so good it needs to be danced to."
"I'm not much of a dancer," Eddie breathes out, head feeling fuzzy and he can't tell if its from the weed or you. Maybe it's both, he's unsure. His hands are trembling a little, clearly unsure of what to do with himself, unlit half smoked joint now abandoned by his side.
"Well," you hum, finger tapping your chin like you're deep in thought, "how about I dance for you?"
Eddie chokes on his own breath, spluttering a little at what you're insinuating, "Dance for me?" he asks quietly, "As in?"
You don't dignify him with a reply, there's not long left of the song and you'll lose your nerve if you think too much about what you've just said, so instead you turn around so your back is to him, hands braced on his spread thighs as you nestle between them, swaying your hips from side to side in a sensual motion.
Eddie's breath hitches, his eyes going bug wide whilst he looks at the swaying of your ass in his face like this. "Can I touch you?" He asks, the words tumbling out like an intrusive thought before he can even stop himself. He internally cringes, prepared for you to say no.
The music is flowing through your body, all nervousness disappearing as you wiggle your ass back against him, just barely brushing along his jean clad crotch. "Of course you can," you say breathily, keening into Eddie's touch as his large hands grab at the meat of your thighs, fingers digging lightly under the material of your fishnets.
You honestly have no idea what's come over you, why this is even happening. You'd never thought about Eddie in this way before, he was just your weed dealer who you'd on occasion come to pester when there was nobody else around. All you spoke about was drugs and music, with the occasional joke thrown in, but there was nothing else to it.
God damn you, Def Leppard.
Your fingers run up your sides slowly, body still swaying to the song rhythmically and your ass occasionally rubbing back further to glide against Eddie's crotch. You don't miss the way his hands dig into your thighs deeper at that, short nails biting at your flesh deliciously.
"I'm gonna take my shirt off," you breathe out, shocked by the sexy way the words roll off your tongue. Your fingers grip the sides of your Metallica shirt and you take it off in one swift motion, leaving behind just the black lace of your bra to keep yourself covered.
The song is still playing loudly but the thrumming in your ears is blocking it out, just a faint 'pour some sugar on me, ooh in the name of love' gently being heard behind the buzzing. You tilt your head back so it's resting on Eddie's shoulder, his hair tickling the side of your face and neck, as you grind back with purpose now.
Eddie's eyes are glued to your tits, barely covered by the lace covering them still, he can see your erect nipples peaking out and his hands trail up the softness of your tummy slowly, the biting cold of his rings making you hiss a little, "Can I?" he asks, lips sweeping across your ear.
You just nod silently, watching his hands come up to cup the mound of your breasts, his fingers grazing your nipples softly making you moan quietly.
"Do you like that?" Eddie asks, only a little teasing in his voice. He was a guitarist in a band, he had his fair share of women. If you looked over onto his coffee table you'd see a pack of Trojan's hidden not so gracefully under a magazine, a tell tale sign that he was used to this. But nobody had ever done this for him before and you were different, he'd never figured you'd be interested in him in this way.
He'd thought about you sometimes, in his weaker moments with a hand wrapped loosely around his cock. He thought about your plump lips, your soft tummy that was covered up all the time, your thick thighs that were always nicely covered by a skirt or shorts. He didn't think you'd ever worn jeans around him before.
Eddie couldn't believe he was actually touching you and you were letting him, whilst giving him a lap dance nonetheless. His cock jumps when you moan right next to his ear, your hips still tantalizingly grinding up against him.
The song comes to an abrupt end, your hips stilling slowly as the tape fades into another song. Eddie thinks this is it and that's as far as he'll ever get, you'll put your shirt on, steal your tape back and excuse yourself from the trailer.
Only you don't do that.
Instead you turn around, leaning forward into his chest, "Do you want to feel how wet I am?" you ask quietly, batting your pretty eyelashes at him. You take Eddie's left hand and drag his palm under your skirt, letting him feel how hot and achy your pussy is through the lace of your black panties and the nets of your tights.
Eddie gasps quietly, letting his fingers run between your lips and, yeah, you've completely soaked through them. You've gotten this wet giving him a lap dance, "You've got more of these right?" He asks, slipping his fingers through your fishnets with purpose. You nod your head quickly and he takes that as his cue to bring up his right hand to meet his left and rip your fishnets apart, leaving just the lace of your panties in his way.
With one swift movement he flips you down onto the couch so you're on your back with him hovering over you. His eyes look wild, his skin flushed red and his fringe already starting to matte down to his forehead. You can't help but think he looks so beautiful like this.
"I'm gonna touch you now, is that okay?" Eddie asks and, god, he keeps asking and making sure you're okay and you've never had that before. Maybe he's too sweet and this is too perfect, maybe this is just a dream and not really happening. You nod your head anyway, then he's pushing your skirt up your hips and slipping your panties to the side.
It's almost as if he knows what you like immediately, his calloused guitar player fingers slipping between your folds to rub at the length of your cunt, gathering up the juices on his fingers. He slowly slips his middle finger into you, loving the gasp he elicits from your open mouth when the cool metal of his ring hits your entrance. His thumb comes up to play with your clit, rubbing it in slow circles.
Your breath hitches, "Oh, Eddie," you moan, eyes slipping shut as he fucks you with his finger at an almost languid pace. The feeling of his thumb on your clit is mind blowing and soon his ring finger is meeting his middle and sliding into you with ease. Your back arches off the sofa, a soft mewl leaving your lips.
"Do you like that, hmm?" Eddie asks and the teasing tone in his voice is obvious now, you can tell he's smirking down at you even with your eyes shut. You feel his free hand come up to move the lace of your bra away from your left nipple, exposing it ever so quickly before his mouth comes down to latch around it.
"M'so close," you gasp, eyes opening so you can look at what he's doing to you, one hand coming up to grasp at Eddie's hair, the tip of his tongue lapping at your nipple feeling like absolute heaven, quiet little 'uh, uh's falling from your lips as he fucks his fingers into you quicker, his thumb on your clit matching the pace.
Eddie's mouth comes off of your nipple slowly, the grin on his face so wide as he watches you fall apart, your hooded eyes looking down at his dark brown ones, blown out with lust. He's looking at you like he wants to eat you alive, like he's starved and you're the first meal he's had all week. "Come for me then, sweet girl," his voice is deep, almost primal sounding and it has you falling apart. Your legs clamp together and shake violently as your cunt squeezes around his fingers sporadically, a sudden gush of wet forcing his fingers out of you.
You gasp loudly, not wanting to open your eyes because Eddie has pulled himself away from you, sitting back on his haunches to see the damp patch left on his sofa between your legs, "What the hell was that? Did you just squirt?" he asks, confusion in his voice.
"I am so, so sorry," you whine, throwing your arm over your face to mask the red of your cheeks, "I've only ever managed to do that to myself, I don't know what happened."
You babble on and on, muttering 'sorry's until Eddie hovers over you again, pulling your arm from your face, "Hey, look at me," he speaks, brushing your cheek with the back of his hand until you open your eyes begrudgingly, "don't apologise, I didn't even know I could do that to someone. It was... it was so hot."
Eddie's voice is gravelly and you can tell from the way he speaks that he means every word, that him making you do that turned him on as much as you enjoyed it. You let your eyes wander south now, and his cock looks painfully hard pressed up against the seam of his jeans.
"Can I?" You ask quietly, bringing your hand down to the front of his belt and sweeping your nimble fingers across it. Eddie nods wildly, brushing his hair slightly out of his face to watch you unbuckle his belt. You've done this before, he can tell by the way your hands don't shake and how you pull open his belt so easily, the way you unbutton and unzip his jeans in one motion.
Eddie helps you pull his jeans and checkered boxer shorts down over his thighs, but he doesn't miss the way you gulp and suck in air sharply as his cock is freed.
It's pretty, you think, as you take hold of it in your hand. From dark, curly hair that nestles at his pubic bone, the way it curves ever so slightly to the left, the dark red of the tip, shiny with precum. It's thick, but not too thick. It's long, but not too long. It fits Eddie perfectly, you can't explain how but it just does.
You give it an experimental tug and Eddie sighs loudly, head falling forward to watch your hand slide along his length, "If you keep doing this I'm gonna cum before we get to fuck," he chuckles, but there's an edge in his voice that you know means he's telling the truth.
"Then what are you waiting for?" You ask, batting your lashes at him, not missing the way his cock jumps in your hand a little. You release him from your grasp quickly, letting him adjust himself so he's back in between your legs perfectly.
Eddie grabs hold of his dick by the base, lets the tip of his cock catch and drag between the lips of your pussy, getting it all nice and wet. You moan, eyelids fluttering a little, as he breaches your entrance, your cunt swallowing up every inch of him like he's meant to be there.
"Fuck," Eddie moans, head falling forward as he bottoms out, "you have no idea how good you feel around me."
You feel so full with Eddie buried in you like this, you can feel his balls nestled at your ass, feel the roughness of the hair on his thighs on the backs of yours, you can even feel his cock twitch inside of you, "Move, please," you beg, shifting your hips a little to get him going.
Eddie does just that, pulling back then shoving himself back in to the hilt. He already has no restraint, you know this isn't going to last long. Not by the way he's already moaning and already quivering.
"Can't believe we're doing this, sweetheart," He moans, draping himself over you as he fucks into you quicker, a rhythm finally setting in, "I've thought about you before, about your pussy, your tits, your face as you cum. I've thought about it all."
You gasp into his ear at his admissions, legs wrapping around his hips tightly as he fucks you with purpose, his cock catching and dragging on that sweet spot inside of you, his pelvis rubbing deliciously against your clit, "Really?" You ask, "What did I do in these fantasies?"
Eddie can't help the groan that escapes him, "Thought about your legs over my shoulders as I fuck you, thought about how your pussy would taste, how your mouth would feel around my cock. I bet you're so good with your mouth."
The moan that comes out of your mouth sounds absolutely feral, you grip hold of his chin with your hand to get him to look at you, your back arching as he fucks you deeper than before, "Fuck me until I can't remember my name."
It's like your words churn up something in Eddie's gut, because he's pushing your leg up to your chest, driving into you deeper and faster than before. The sounds are almost disgusting, the wet slap of his hips against your ass, the slick sound of his cock catching and dragging in and out of your cunt. It's delicious, he's driving you fucking wild.
"I'm gonna cum again," you pant, feeling it building up inside of you quickly, the tightening in your gut intensifying rapidly, "oh God, Eddie," when his name comes out of your mouth it's a loud cry, your cunt gripping around him sporadically as you shudder through your orgasm, hearing him grunt and moan above you as he drives into you faster than before, at an almost brutal pace.
"Oh fuck, fuck you feel so good, so good on my cock," Eddie groans, burying his face into your neck and biting down gently as he rocks into you roughly, cumming with so much intensity that he swears he's died and gone to heaven.
Your pussy is better than heaven, he thinks. He'd quite happily die now with his cock nestled inside of your tight heat.
He keens into your touch as you run your hands through his hair, burying them in when he slumps forward onto you, whole body going limp on yours.
"I take back everything I said about Def Leppard," Eddie mutters silently after a moment, mouthing still at your neck, "they clearly turn me on as well."
You can't help the little, barking laugh that escapes your mouth, that soon dies when Eddie catches your lips with his own, silencing you completely when his hand comes up to rest on the side of your neck, fingers behind your ear and nestled in your hair, thumb caressing your cheek. Kissing makes all of this real and wow his lips feel good. He's slow and gentle, kissing you slowly, completely different to the way you just fucked. It's nice, a stark contrast.
You'd talk about this soon, you were sure of it. But for now this was enough.
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atypical-artisan · 6 months
i remember u saying a while back great tiger has autistic swag. not that i disagree, but can you say why you think that is? id love to hear your thoughts :3
Sorry for making this sit in my inbox for so long!! I kinda forgor about it lmao
Ne ways on to why I think tiger has autism™:
Primarily, it comes from vibes
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I can't look at him and NOT think he's autistic like, idk how to describe it other than me just projecting on to him lmao
I think maybe what spurred me to this is actually seeing his clones talk to each other??? Because it reminded me of how I stim/overthink by talking to myself and will sometimes laugh out loud to jokes in my own head. Plus the weird 'drink your mothers milk' idiom definitely comes off as an awkward insult I'd come up with
With that being said here are some random hcs related to his autism:
He stims most frequently with music and actually loves it being turned up super loud/live performances if he likes the music enough
One of his special interests, other than big cats, is with making music, music theory, and audio tech- he has a particular fascination with tape recorders and decks
Because of this interest in music, he's been able to teach himself to play a couple dozen different instruments all on his own.
His parents are really supportive of this interest and always have been- more than happy to get him tech, music lessons, and instruments when he requests them.
Tiger's also a cuddly autistic- he's SUUUPER touch starved and cannot live without cuddles
Talks/hums to himself all the time and gets really embarrassed when ppl bring it up
Def bad at insults without a lot of time to think something up- this means he'll just say super weird/awkward stuff sometimes, esp in english where he sometimes forgets certain words
He mumbles and slurrs his words quite a bit when in regular conversation- all his ring quotes took a lot of practice for him to sound good
Pretty sensitive to temperature changes
Cannot eat greasy or cold bitter stuff
Cold food in general is pretty hard for him to handle
Baaaaad at understanding idioms and memes, but once he DOES get them he'll abuse them endlessly
finds jokes funnier when they're explained, even if he understands them initially
dishes are worst chore and having to do them can p easily trigger a meltdown
Can recite a music textbook he read 7 years ago perfectly but will absolutely forget your name 5 seconds after you tell him
Loves infodumping about his mlp ocs and fursona
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