#but if anyone's interested in following me on IG and seeing my stories when i'm traveling seriously feel free
cinematicnomad · 1 year
okay, this might sound a little weird, but you know the disney short with the paper airplanes and one of them has a lipstick stain on it? your aesthetic is the woman in that short movie. she’s a smart dresser, she wears her hair loose but nicely brushed, and she wears really standout bright lipstick. also, I wanted to say that I love your travel photos! do you have a favorite type of photo to take? like landscape, food, people, streets, etc?
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i know the exact short you mean and i loooove her aesthetic so this is super flattering anon 🥰
also—thank you so much!! i'm so happy to hear you like my travel photos. i'm not big on buying souvenirs or knick knacks or whatever, so usually my go to memento is photos. honestly, i love taking photos? and i have since i was a kid but i never really got the opportunity to do much with that interest other than a random semester in high school were i was in yearbook class. i was talking with my brother about this during our trip and he said he'd be willing to let me borrow his canon for a week so i could play around with it and decide if i want to invest in my own camera. i'm honestly super excited for the chance!
in terms of favorite thing to photograph, i think i tend to be most into photographing architecture/streets and nature/landscape. part of that is probably just bc i'm such a novice and those are easy things to keep still and frame out without being worried about losing the shot lol.
✨tell me my aesthetic on anon✨
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menofchaos · 7 months
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Note: Third time I'm trying to send this out! I missed sleep to write this, which usually means it'll end up being one of my favorites like the Vegas story. I do have more of this written, so please let me know if anyone would be interested! This is the first installment of Coco x museum! reader. Picture credit goes to @richardcabralofficial on ig & divider credit goes to @spideyspeaches. Enjoy!
Coco lit a cigarette as he walked down the sunny streets of downtown San Diego, Angel and Gilly planning their evening of bar hopping. They decided to head down to the beach for a long weekend, a getaway from the pressures of Santo Padre.
“Damn, that’s a big ass building.”
“Ain’t this the museum you wanted to go to?” Angel asked.
EZ nodded, “Yeah at some point. You guys don’t have to come in.”
The four of them turned down the street toward the entrance and Gilly laughed, “Oh I’m definitely going.”
Angel frowned, “You wanna go to a museum? You good, homie?”
“If all the chicks in the museum look like that? Fuck yeah, I do,” he scoffed and nodded over at the museum steps.
They all looked up to see two men in suits talking to a woman, her long curly hair flowing gently in the wind as she laughed. Coco’s eyes widened when he saw ink covering her throat, bright acrylics on her tattooed hands. His eyes followed her curves, covered up by her professional attire. He licked his lips when he heard Angel mumble, “Damn.”
EZ shook his head, “I didn’t mean we had to go now.”
“What better time than the present, boy scout?” Gilly smirked, “You guys in?”
Angel looked over at Coco, who shrugged, “Why not?”
“Alright,” Gilly clapped, “Think she dresses like that all the time?”
“She’s way out of your league,” Angel snorted, shaking his head as they crossed the street.
“You think you have a better chance?” Gilly arched an eyebrow.
Coco laughed, “You two gonna bet again? Since it went so well last time.”
Both men glared at him before going back to arguing over who would ask her out. The men in suits walked away and the woman turned to see the four of them heading up the stairs.
“Welcome,” she smiled and opened the door, “Ticket counter is to your left, let me know if you have any questions about the exhibits.”
Gilly looked her over slowly, “Thanks mami. I do have a question. Are you the exhibit?”
She laughed politely, “No, I’m not.”
“Too bad, I can’t stop staring,” he winked, heading inside. 
“All these artifacts and I can’t take my eyes off you,” Angel smirked and followed him in.
EZ shook his head, “I’m sorry about them, it’s their first day in public.”
Coco took off his sunglasses as she laughed, “It’s all good, I’ve heard worse,” she closed the door behind them, “Enjoy the museum,” she winked at Coco before a younger employee called her over.
Coco watched her walk off, hips swaying. Gilly and Angel were still quietly bickering over her. While they were distracted, he took a few steps toward where she stood with another woman wearing a regular museum uniform. The woman went into the exhibit and she turned to Coco.
“Can I help you?” she asked him.
“Just wanted to apologize again for my brothers,” he told her, “They’re harmless.”
She smiled, “That’s sweet, thank you. Like I said, I’ve had way worse pick up lines than that. I was a little bummed I didn’t hear one from you, though,” she admitted.
Coco’s eyes widened and he smiled, “Oh yeah?”
She nodded, “See if it was more original than your brothers,” she teased.
He laughed softly, “They didn’t exactly get creative, did they?”
“No but at least they didn’t say they’d nail me to the wall,” she shivered slightly in disgust, “That one grosses me out.”
He shook his head, “I wouldn’t have let them get away with that one.”
“What’s your name?” she asked.
“Coco,” he held a hand out to her, “Yours?”
She introduced herself and shook his hand, “I guess you wouldn’t let them get away with that, would you, boogeyman?”
His eyes lit up, “You know that story?”
She smiled, “Of course,” she scanned the patches on his leather. Coco held his breath for a moment, waiting for her to dismiss him, “Santo Padre? What brings you to San Diego?”
“We wanted to get out of the desert for a few days,” he murmured, “Hang out at the beach.”
“That’s why I live here, so I can be on the beach whenever,” she smiled, “How long are you in town for?”
“Till Tuesday,” he bit his lip, willing his heart to slow down.
She nodded, holding his gaze for a moment, “So, you got a line?”
He shook his head, “No lines,” he licked his lips, “But I’d love to take you out later.”
She smiled, “I can’t tonight but I’ll take your number and call you tomorrow?” she pulled her phone out of her pocket.
Coco recited his number to her, smirking when he glanced over to see Gilly and Angel glaring at him. She nodded, “I’ll see you soon?” she took a few steps back, smiling.
“See you soon,” he smiled slowly, his eyes on hers.
She giggled and turned down a hallway, out of his sight. He rejoined the other guys.
“What just happened?” Angel asked, “You get her number?”
He shook his head, “Gave her mine. Thanks for making me look good,” he smirked as EZ handed him a ticket, “Thanks, bro.”
“Motherfucker,” Gilly swore, “You’re such a dick.”
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After the museum, the four of them headed to dinner, then a bar on the beach. They stood around a pool table, EZ and Angel against Coco and Gilly.
“I still can’t believe you snaked her from me,” Gilly shook his head.
“You don’t have a claim on her, homie,” he smirked, taking a sip of beer.
“You come on too aggressive, bro,” Angel said.
EZ snorted, “You weren’t much better.”
Angel scoffed, “I wasn’t as bad as him!”
“All I did was give her my number,” Coco watched Gilly take his turn, “It’s not like I stole your girlfriend or some shit.”
Coco was in the middle of his turn when a loud cheer erupted behind him. He looked over his shoulder to see a high top all holding their drinks up, laughing.
“Wait, isn’t that her?”
Coco grinned when he saw her sitting at the high top, a pink margarita in her hand and a relaxed smile on her face. She caught his gaze and she smiled wider, waving at him. He held up a finger, turning back to finish his turn, “It is.”
He sunk two balls and missed the third, setting his cue down when he heard, “Lord have mercy. Look at that.”
All thought left his mind when he saw her heading toward him. She had forgone her professional attire, a longer asymmetrical skirt with a button up and blazer, for a tight black and white dress that hit mid thigh. Her long curled were tied up in a ponytail, two braids nestled among the strands. Her darker lipstick made him want to smear it.
“Hi,” she smiled.
“Hey,” he murmured, “You look beautiful.”
She giggled shyly, “Thank you. This is a coincidence.”
“Your plans for the night?” he asked, glancing at the table that was not so subtly spying on her.
She nodded, “College friends in town for the night. We’re going to the beach tomorrow before their flight leaves.”
Coco smirked, “We’re going to the beach too. The one down the road.”
“So are we,” she laughed, “Another coincidence.”
“Or fate,” he suggested, failing to keep himself from checking her out.
She felt butterflies under his gaze, “Could be. I gotta get back but how about this? If you find me at the beach tomorrow, you can take me out to dinner.”
His eyes lit up at the challenge. Between his military training and club antics, he knew he could meet it, “I’m down. See you tomorrow, ma.”
“See you tomorrow,” she kissed his cheek softly, walking back to her group. He couldn’t stop smirking the rest of the night.
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Coco sat down on a lounge chair between Angel and Gilly, “Why the fuck do we stay in the desert when we could be here?” he asked as Angel passed him the blunt.
Angel laughed, “We should convince Alvarez to start a San Diego charter.”
“Coco just wants to be near his new girl,” Gilly opened a beer.
“You still bitching about that?” Coco arched an eyebrow, “How many chicks are out here, go pick up one up if you got that much game.”
“Oh now you got game?” Gilly asked, “With that crooked ass nose.”
Coco passed the blunt to EZ, retort on his tongue when his phone lit up with an unknown number. He opened it to find a picture of her smiling, sunglasses covering her eyes and her long hair tied up in a messy bun. He could only see from her shoulders up, a table with beer pong set up in the background. It was accompanied by a text.
I’m here! Ready for your mission?
He smirked, typing out, ‘Mission accepted’ before standing up, “Well you fuckers can keep playing with each other, I’m going to get a date.”
EZ grinned, “Good luck, bro.”
Coco fist bumped him, “Good luck with these two,” he joked and grabbed his phone and cigarettes, sliding his sunglasses on as he walked up to the top of the sand. He remembered the size of her group the night before and knew they wouldn’t be that hard to spot. He checked the picture again, his heart skipping a beat at her smile. Another text came in as he tried to study the background for clues.
No clues but I do have a drink waiting for you
He noticed rocks behind her and scanned the beach, grinning when he saw a cliff to his left. He walked down to the water, taking his time to smoke a cigarette as he made his way over. A large blue canopy with a long table under it was set up next to the cliff, coolers and bags scattered around towels and blankets set up on the ground. He swore under his breath when he spotted her in nothing but a black and green two piece, a drink in each hand. Tattoos covered both arms and curled around her long legs, a few on her back and sides. She was talking to two other women, one in a pink one piece and the other covered by an oversized white t shirt and men’s swimming trunks. Four guys stood at either end of the beer pong table in different colored bathing suits. He walked up, ignoring the looks the guys gave him as he tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around and grinned.
“Coco!” she leaned in to kiss his cheek, “That didn’t take nearly as long as I expected.”
He laughed, “I was a Marine, baby.”
“That’s not fair,” she pouted, “Here’s a beer if you want it. Let me introduce you to everyone,” she offered him the bottle.
“Sure, thank you,” he took it and followed her around the tent, shaking hands with everyone. They all went to college together, getting picked up and invited in by others in the friend group. They used to be a bigger group, she explained, but fights, moves and break ups splintered the group until it was the remaining seven of them. She hung back with him as the guys kept playing, one white boy, Dan or Dave or something, glancing at him often with a glare.
“Your friend in the green doesn’t like me that much,” he teased a few minutes later.
She looked over at the canopy and sighed, “He claims he’s protective, but he’s not like that about anyone else. He’s just one of those white knight guys.”
“White knight guys?” he frowned.
“Yeah, if I do something he thinks could hurt me, he acts concerned for my well being but he just has feelings for me and gets jealous,,” she explained, “He did the same thing in college when he found out I was dancing.”
He arched an eyebrow, “Dancing?”
She nodded, looking up at him, “I didn’t come from a good family or anything, so I had to pay my own way through college. I got some scholarships but it didn’t cover everything so I started stripping to help pay my bills and shit,” he watched her as she spoke, knowing this was a test of his reaction.
“That’s smart, you probably made bank,” he winked.
A  smile lit up her face, satisfied in his response, “You know I did. No student loans for me.”
White Knight Dan/Dave called her over for her turn but she declined, telling him she’d play later. His disappointment was visible, tossing another glare Coco’s way as he went back to the game.
Coco smirked, “Damn, I’m making all kinds of enemies talking to you.”
She took a sip of her beer, “Who else?”
“My homie’s still mad,” he laughed.
“Tell him if he can find it in his heart to forgive you, I have a bunch of hot, single friends I can introduce him to,” she offered.
He laughed softly, “That might do it, thanks mami.”
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concernedbrownbread · 29 days
Hi I read your This Unbearable Tragedy and I’m having a blast! And yes please I would like to hear your thoughts on your fic
OMG thanks for asking!! Sorry for the late reply. I had so much to say that I wrote wayyy too much and then had to cut it down, lol.
(Also for those reading the fic rn, Chapter 3 is delayed to next weekend.)
So, the main things that I immediately thought of when I started planning a fix-it was "there's not enough Ben in s4" and "why would they set Allison and Reginald up to parallel each other and not follow through?" and also "that is NOT where I saw these characters going". In essence, I thought that s3 was setting up a certain narrative with all of this and then was like ???? when they went (haha) off the rails. So I'll talk about those three points below. SPOILERS for the fic and s4. It's a long post!
Before I start: one of the major points of this fic (and s4 ig) is that timelines are spilling into each other. That doesn't just mean artifacts. It means people. The Keepers get memories of other timelines. Why shouldn't Ben and Reginald?
Character Arcs
Yeah ... I think the general consensus was that the characters weren't themselves in s4. I actually had no problems with the set-up in ep 1-2, but then ... Five and Lila happened. And the narrative seemed to hate Diego, reduce Luther to a himbo and not much else, and for some reason try very hard to make Reginald a dad to Viktor. Klaus, Allison and Claire had a kind of nice sideplot but I didn't love it. It tortured Klaus for no real reason and made Allison his saviour? And for what?
Anyway, for my fic, I start off the characters the same with some subtle differences.
We don't see Diego at his job. His job is to be a dad. That's his whole thing, that's the best part of him. He's a brother and he's a father, and the narrative will reward him for that
Lila starts by screaming. Can you tell she's NOT okay? She deserves a break and a breakdown, and she'll get both I swear. She is NOT a house wife because she simply wouldn't be. She loves working. I did almost make Diego a househusband though
Side note on Lila's parents: they don't exist because why on earth would Allison think of that and not think of bringing Sissy back? It's clear her fantasy timeline is selfish.
Luther is a stripper still but again, his job is a side note. His first scenes is with Klaus (which, again, was a relationship set up in s3 and never explored??). He's trying damn hard to keep his family together and I want people to appreciate that!!
Allison's first scene is still the studio, but I wanted to expand it to include Klaus. Her story is still of love.
Also Klaus has his own place because he has goddamn agency in this narrative. He and Luther deserve to have a home of their own, and they'd make hilarious roomates imo.
Ray of course, exists
Five is interesting to me because while it makes sense for him to be in the CIA, I can't see him staying with the CIA. This will be explored in ch5. I have a really cool piece written for him.
Viktor my beloved <3 I have no notes, I just want to say I love him. I will of course not let him near Reginald unless to beat Reginald up.
Anyway, I'm going to write a whole separate post for the characters. You opened the Pandora's box anon!
Ben (and Klaus)
I gotta say ... I tried, I really tried, to like Jennifer. She's just such a non-character. We know very little about her, her trauma barely gets explored, the Squid is stupid because all it does is exist and then Ben is like "hehe I have tentacles too! Means we're connected" WHAT?
I was excited for Jennifer. Curious about the Jennifer Incident. Very vindicated when I learned Reginald killed them because lets face it, that's super in-character. But I just ... couldn't get behind Jennifer. So I scrapped her.
Look, if there was anyone that Ben was going to be soulmates with, it was Klaus (platonically).
I mean, isn't that what we learned over two seasons? That Ben and Klaus are inseparable?
(I also don't get the whole Durango thing. TUA has never been all that science-y but at least they tried, but this season they didn't care at all. They really just threw in matter/dark-matter and pretended it was something.)
Anyway, I also don't understand why the fact that Ben was DEAD in another timeline is never bought up properly. In fact, Ben is barely bought up by the siblings? After they discuss his death, they all go off on their own. Viktor's the only one who seems to care (which is fine, I love Viktor and seeing him try to reach out to Ben was nice). Five and Diego are fighting each other during their fight against Ben??? Doesn't make sense - Five saves Ben in s3, Diego hugs Ben so tightly in s2, WHERE. IS. THE. PAYOFF.
(I think that is really what I hated about s4. There is no payoff to all that was built in s1-3. They bring in whole new narrative points without concluding the old ones, and then everyone dies. The end. UGH.)
Anyway, MY BEN needs his Klaus. His memories are a little janky, because timelines, but there has always been one constant. There has always been Klaus. I think even in childhood, they were close (and I'll try to explore that more in the memories). More than that though, Ben needs his FAMILY.
And he might deny that they are his family, but they are. And they will do so much to help him. Including, but not limited to, BEATING REGINALDS ASS (/j)
Allison and Reginald's choice
Okay, the final scene in s3 where we see Allison & Ray and Reginald & Abigail made me think that s4 was going to take this further. Allison and Reginald both made a selfish choice - not in resetting the timeline, but in directly going against the wishes of the loved ones they magicked into the timeline. Ray in s3 is very clear that though he loves her, and will always love her, his place is in Dallas 1963, where he has people he cares about. A life he cares about. Abigail is a bit more subtle, but I remember thinking that it was clear that she wanted to die/was content with dying. I was a pretty casual fan then so I don't know if this was true, but that was the vibes I got from s1, and I was pretty happy that s3 confirmed it just ... not in the way I wanted? I don't mind she destroyed the world because she wanted to die - it's clear Abigail and Reginald think themselves above human lives. I just wish they explored it more.
And again, this parallel was something I got from just the ending of s3. It wasn't a deepdive or anything. I feel like it was such an obvious choice for s4 to go "What happens if you can't let go of the person you love?" And then ... they don't even mention Ray properly. Damn.
I just don't understand why they didn't do it? They set it up so perfectly. UGHHHH.
The main reason Ray exists in my fic is because Allison has to reckon with the fact that she really did pull Ray out of his time, out of his life. And I want her to realise how awful a choice that was. At the same time, I want Reginald to face the exact same thing and choose to do the opposite - hold onto Abigail tighter. Chapter 3 is going to explore a bit more of Allison and Ray, while further down the line we'll see more and more of Abigail.
(ALSO OMG!!! Abigail and Five parallel each other in wayyy more interesting ways than Reginald and Five. I cannot WAIT to write that. But this is more a headcanon hehehehe.)
Other Notes
I think s1-3 set up a lot of things that I assumed was going to be explored and wasn't. I'm going to try and touch upon all of them
the Jennifer Incident felt lacking. s1-2 really were so good because there was a slight mystery to it all, and when there wasn't, there was a ton of dramatic irony - ofc we knew Viktor was the bomb, but it was interesting to see the family figure out that mystery. In the same way, ofc we know Ben is the bomb, but I really though s4 would allow the family to actively search for why and how to stop him. I'm more of a angst & fluff writer but I shall try to write some semblance of mystery here.
Marigold. I will explore. I have Thoughts. chapter 3 will answer more on why it was found by Ben in particular.
Relationships that were set up in s1 will be revisited because as the "last season" I expected it to be. Ofc, Klaus and Ben is the big one, but also Klaus-Diego, Viktor-Allison, Allison-Luther, Five-Viktor, etc. Some new ones will be there, especially with Ben who had little interactions (on account of him being a ghost) and with Lila.
Five continues to be old man on this side of crazy. Sometimes he has good advice. Other times his ideas are unhinged. Early chapters he's mellow because life is normal now but when things go to shit ... oh boy let's NOT forget how paranoid this guy is.
Lila is also a little crazy. Good for her.
Commission!Five is explained more than just a throwaway line in the Five Deli. Five Deli and the Subway is explored more too ofc.
DOLORES MENTIONED BECAUSE SHE IS GODDAMN IMPORTANT TO UNDERSTANDING FIVE. Not even as a "love story" (Five's love story is his familial one), just as a part of his psyche. She is mentioned in EVERY season. She deserves to be mentioned here.
Pogo. I will not say more.
Reginald. Is Reginald.
Anyway, I have a lot more to say but I'll stop here. Sorry this is so long! Thanks for the ask <3
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ocicat-n-nil · 28 days
Welcome to our account. :]
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We are Ocicat and Nil, a couple of best friends in a QPR working in a project together.
In this blog we'll be posting stuff related to our in-progress webcomic, Cacophony of Solitude.
The story focuses on a struggling queer teenager named Cliff, trying to figure himself out and get back on his feet after the end of the global COVID-19 pandemic. The story deals with the aftermath of the quarantine. The loss of his social life, his self-esteem, and the psychological effects it had on him.
If it interests you, consider following us, and make sure to help us reach more people!!!
If you're searching for trans, aromantic, and QPR representation, this story is for you!!!
So anyways, we hope you accompany us through this journey.
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Hi I'm Ocicat!! :3 I'm the main artist of Cacophony of Solitude and one of the directors!
I'll post a lot of art, mainly original art because I love my ocs but there'll be fanart like every 6 months. I also really like cats.
Trans (he/him) and aro ace!!
Will Wood, Ghost and Pals, Bo Burnham, Sodikken and Lemon Demon listener
I'm from Mexico 🇲🇽
Currently VERY obsessed with Hamilton, my last obsession was Will Wood
Get scared is my favorite band :3
Hollow Knight is my favorite game, but I'm a Metroidvania lover overall
Other games I enjoy: Omori, Tboi, Undertale/Deltarune, Dark Souls, Minecraft
Chess enjoyer
I'm learning to code and aspire to make a game some day
Very anxious and awkward to put me out there but also interested in musical theatre and DnD
You'll know it's me when I use this (ᨐฅ) emoticon!! I try to interact as much as possible and I'll probably follow back anyone that follows us!!
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Hello, my name is Nil. I'm one of the directors of Cacophony of Solitude and its main writer. Here's some stuff about me Ig:
I don't have a gender.
My preferred pronouns are "Void/It", but I go by any, Idrc.
I'm aromantic.
I'm an anarchist and I'm annoying about it.
I'm a vegetarian, tho I'd like becoming a vegan in the near future.
I'm from Chile. 🇨🇱
I like politics.
I'm a singer, I like doing covers when I have the time for it. I'm also trying to learn piano!!!
I love writing. I usually write scripts for stories, but I like writing poems too.
I like acting a lot, I'm still a beginner, but I like writing scripts and then performing them. My main passion is musical theater.
I also love dancing and learning choreographies. I go dancing through life.
I'm trying to learn how to get better at drawing thanks to Ocicat!!! I like it a lot too, but it's not my main form of expression.
I'm learning how to be a programmer.
I like Dark Souls, Hollow Knight, TBOI, Omori, Kirby, Minecraft, Undertale/Deltarune, chess, and other games!!!
I'm a Starkid fan, and also like other musicals like Heathers and Hamilton.
I like Batman a lot, and in general the DC universe. I also like Invincible.
Aside from musicals, I also listen to Will Wood, Bo Burnham, and OST from my favorite games.
I'm passionate about playing DnD, especially interested in becoming a DM.
I probably won't post a lot, since I'm still learning how to draw and I don't feel like uploading my other interests will help a lot to boost this account. However, I will keep putting all of my effort into writing Cacophony of Solitude, and making sure you have as much of a good time reading it as I do working on it. I will try to interact too, I like giving my opinions. You'll know I'm the one talking when you see this "👁".
Thank you for your support!!!
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afreakingdork · 1 year
I noticed in another as you replied with 'Arc 4', and (since many things fly over my head) I was wondering if you could explain the arcs that Weak Spot already went through?
(You don't have to answer the following if it spoils, if you're uncomfortable doing so, or if you just dont want to)
Is there a set ending for Weak Spot? [I know there's a happy ending tag, but is there a definite ending that you're working up to?]
How many arcs do you have planned, and does that number change, or is it a set number? Or chapters ig?
Im also assuming that the Bastard Three are gonna show up again, but is that true?
Weak Spot is one of my favorite fics, and I absolutely love reading what you reply to when asked about it.
I also dont usually subscribe to fics/authors to get emails about updates, but i had to with Weak Spot. Happy stim whenever I see that email!!!
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Aw you are so sweet; I'm delighted to answer all your questions. Let's see...
So the fic is unofficially separated into 4 arcs. These are done on my end and help me mark certain milestones. They go as follows:
Arc 1: Chapters 1-9 Arc 2: Chapters 10-19 Arc 3: Chapters 20-28 Arc 4 "Antics" Chapter 29-onward
Only Arc 4 has a name and will go straight until the final arc of the story which probably will be Arc 5.
There is in fact a set ending and has been from the start!
The arcs were never set in stone since they were more for my reference then for anyone to actually categorize the fic. When writing Weak Spot I always had specific moments I was getting to and outside of that I leave the inbetweens loose so I can add chapters if need/want be.
The Bastard's Three! They sure are a loose end in terms of the fic as a whole, aren't they? 👀👀👀
Thank you oh so much for your kind words!! It's truly an honor that you follow me and I hope I keep up that interesting content for ya! 💖
If I didn't answer something or you have more questions, feel free~
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cbsxreader · 1 year
just a silly little thought after seeing the Pirate CBS au, because I kinda like it ngl just like imagine S/o is like a siren thing, prolly got lost in one of his island, and who know maybe he found them (human form) and like few days later found out they arent even human (by how they act in stuff ig-) its just a silly thought however...
Hehe silly thoughts go brrr
Pirate!CBS x Siren!S/o!!
Christian grinned as he pointed his machete and ordered his men to cause havoc on a poor village he had brought fear into.
As the pirates stormed into the village, a lone, single person didn't run. They immediately caught Christian's eye as they looked around in confusion. Amidst all the screams and panic, Christian approached this strange person with a grin.
"Not scared of pirates, are ya?" His dark voice rang through their ears. They kept quiet as they backed away from him, only for him to step even closer. Just as they were about to be backed into a wall, they ran for it.
Christian quickly ordered for a few of his men to follow him to hunt the poor thing down. The cheering and yelling from the bloodthirsty pirates only encouraged this mysterious person to run faster, eventually disappearing out of sight.
When Christian and his men stumbled onto the reef, they were confused. No sign of this person whom they had chased.
Just before Christian was about to turn back, he threw his weapon into the water out of anger. But just as he did that, something big in the water got disturbed and he could clearly see a dark spot quickly swim away from the shore.
Over the next days, he wandered the entirety of the island, searching for the one that got away. But he got nothing. It was strange, him and his crew could've seen anyone leave the island, so where had this one person suddenly gone?
Though it was one night while sleeping in the raided village when he heard faint sounds that sounded like singing. He didn't mind "visiting" people to release pent up desire from being out in sea for so long. He went to investigate without a second thought.
He followed the alluring voice and he stepped onto the sandy beach again. The moonlight shined on a figure sitting on a boulder slightly off the shore line. He could sneak a few steps further before the figure looked over their shoulder. His eyes widened, it was the person he had scared off.
"Captain. You seem a bit less glamorous than the last time I saw you." This time, this mysterious person spoke up and sounded rather confident, peaking the captain's interest.
"Well...you did call me unexpectedly." He said with a raised brow.
"I didn't call you." They bluntly replied.
"Oh, but after hearing such a beautiful song, I couldn't resist." He headed more towards the shore, looking a bit smug.
"I've heard a lot about you, Captain. I take it you go out in the sea often?" Their voice dropped by an octave, sounding more seductive.
"The sea's my home, don't really have anywhere to return to." He replied, shrugging his shoulders and stopping right before the water hit his toes.
"How sentimental. Can you come a bit closer? I'm having trouble hearing you over the waves." They soothed, turning more to face him to tempt him.
He smiled "Sea water's must be in your ears, darl', I can hear you just fine."
Their brows slightly knitted together "Well, I cannot. I-"
"I've met creatures of your kind before, the first one fooled me, but you won't." He interrupted.
With a bit of a pause and a confused look, they sat there in disbelief "...That's why I wanted one of your men instead." They growled under their breath.
Eventually, they got to an agreement and the siren got closer to him while he sat on a rock. Christian gladly told his stories to them, secretly growing a liking to them. They seemed too curious about him and humans in general, so it was a rather...peaceful interaction.
Always up for an adventure, Christian decided to visit his beloved siren numerous times, each time the conversation becoming more and more light-hearted but also more flirty. Each time they met, the siren got more and more above the water, only to get compliments from the captain.
And when they got on the same rock, the tension was undeniable. One thing led to another and Christian had the siren's chin in his hand and he looked deep into their sparkling eyes. "You can get a kiss from me, if you promise you won't drag me down to the bottom of the sea." "I can't promise that..." "That's good enough for me..." And with that, he made his sweet, cold-skinned siren have hot cheeks.
When the sea called him again, Christian made an offer to his now S/o: Either they split ways or they follow his ship. After that, the next morning, he set sail again, secretly thinking it's just him and his crew again.
Secretly, he thought that was the end of it, he got on his ship, set sail and didn't look back. So, when he was just relaxing on the deck by himself and he heard a familiar voice, his ears perked up and he looked over-board. There was his S/o who had clinged onto the ship to keep them in one place.
He was happy to finally have a partner in his life, so happy in fact, he kept it a secret from his crew to make sure he gets to keep a siren all to himself. They continued all their little talks and flirting and sometimes Christian even gave his S/o a gift from his treasures.
His S/o knew it was over for them when he seemed to be the one luring them in instead of the other way around. Even when Christian takes a moment to himself and lights a cigar to smoke, they seem to not be able to resist poking their head out of the water to let him know they're there.
After one visit, he suggested for his S/o to come on board. And after climbing an itchy rope, his S/o suddenly found themselves in his captain's cabin. "Are you sure Captain?" "Don't worry darl', no one's allowed here but me~"
If his S/o noticed a storm or another ship ahead, they made sure to inform him. And sometimes they got something in return from him, either a fish or a poor sailor's liver. Same goes for when he walks someone off the plank and his S/o gets to drown them.
If they take things to the next level and are really in love, Christian might actually present his S/o to his crew as his partner. They get their own outfit and everything along with a threat from Christian to his crew to not even lay their eyes on his lover.
Sorry for taking a while on this!!
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
Regarding recommendations of your fic, are you more comfortable with people not ‘advertising’ it on tiktok and such? I know that the comments people make on there can be pretty intense. My point of asking this is, where is the line for you about how much you want your fic talked about outside of tumblr? I think we’ve all seen it before, fics blowing up online is a double edged sword, so I understand you wanting to keep in ‘contained’. I just love to gush about my current favorite reads, but I also don’t want to cause you any trouble.
okay i feel like this answer is gonna get long lol but. yeah generally speaking tldr is i'm not really comfortable w people posting abt my hp fics on tiktok anymore
and like. i don't wanna come off as like...ungrateful ig. like it does make me happy when people like my fics enough to recommend them + i appreciate the kind words + love etc but!! honestly if someone is wanting to let me know that they appreciate my writing the best way to do so is by commenting or sending me a message here, bc im not gonna see any tiktoks unless i go searching for them. and while i appreciate people reccing my fics i also like. have no desire for any sort of 'advertising' like i appreciate recs to the extent that they're someone telling me 'hey i loved ur writing!' i don't like. have a desire to grow an 'audience' or whatever so! that is not something i am asking anybody to help me do and if someone does decide to try and make my fics more popular i'm not really gonna be grateful bc like...i didn't ask for that lol.
and the two big reasons i'm specifically wary about tiktok are:
1. every time i have seen a fic go viral/gain popularity on tiktok there has been a simultaneous influx of hate, entitlement, and just general fuckery that has made the fic writer's life worse. so in this case, specifically with atwmd, i am 100% sure that if it did gain popularity via tiktok that i would get an influx of hate, especially bc it's like. a complex story with very fucked up characters lol. i mean just look at the people who take up arms bc atyd wolfstar is 'toxic' or whatever...i do not want 2 see what would happen if that crowd read my wolfstar in atwmd lmao
2. i have very mixed feelings abt writing hp fic in the first place and am trying to limit my personal contribution to hp's popularity. like. with ao3 people aren't going to be stumbling across hp fic unless they're already seeking it out; tumblr is, for the most part, a similar type of self-curated space where my hp fic pretty much remains limited to what are already hp-fic reading circles.
but bc of tiktok's algorithm, my fic could end up on the fyp's of people who aren't really interested in hp and pique their interest, drawing in new people to start engaging w hp fandom who otherwise wouldn't. and i don't really like the idea of that happening! i don't want the fic i'm writing to contribute to like. growing hp's popularity. i'd rather keep it in circles of people who are already choosing to engage w this content, rather than have it float into the lives of people who might otherwise not see it.
i also feel like. on ao3 anyone finding the fic is gonna be someone searching for like. those specific tags--someone who wants to read a story like the one i'm writing. on tumblr, the only people really hearing abt it r people who follow me + so have like....seen me talking abt the fic + are basically knowing what to expect. on tiktok, any posts tagged like #marauders or whatever could end up crossing paths w a bunch of people who specifically would not read this type of fic, and i do not want those people to read it and then get upset with me when the story isn't what they wanted (something else that i have seen happen to other writers). so that's kinda what i mean by the 'breaking containment' thing
anyway. i don't have any issue w people reccing my fics to like their friends or closed discord servers or whatever--spaces where like. u know the people ur reccing it to are people who would like the fic + not treat it like a product for consumption etc. and as stated previously i appreciate those sorts of recommendations bc it does mean a lot 2 me when someone likes my writing enough to want 2 share it!! there are just specific pitfalls w tiktok that i have grown uncomfortable w to the point that now anytime someone mentions seeing my fic over there and i go search up the vid, even if it's super sweet and has like lovely comments that make me smile and literally nothing negative i still get a kick of anxiety at the thought of who might see this video or what might happen if it goes viral.
i've accepted at this point that i can't control how people are going to respond to my writing once i've posted it on the internet; all i can do is say 'please don't do x with my fics' and hope people listen. but i'm not gonna like get mad at people for posting on tiktok or whatever bc obviously not everyone is gonna see this post or read my faq, and i don't want to send any hate towards people who are posting tiktoks abt my fics--like i don't need anyone defending me or whatever. usually those vids are just out of sight out of mind 4 me. but!! since u have taken the time 2 kindly ask (ty btw) this is like. the very long answer abt where i currently stand on tiktok lol
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Finally saw the season premiere of The Mandalorian.
More first/gut/spoiler reaction thoughts under the cut. I might have more thoughtful thoughts tomorrow (or never) but these are just my initial impressions. My opinions only, don't @ me.
that cannot be how jon dave favloni decided to explain away din's Season 3 goal. YOU DIDN'T THINK PEOPLE WOULD HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT SCENES THEY KNOW NEVER HAPPENED IN SEASON 2?????????????
did no one vet this fucking planet or was the armored gator part of the ritual please someone fucking explain this shit to me like i'm five.
i see them gendered visors and i will never have peace (i understand from a design perspective but it's the 21st century, we should be moving away from this already)
how did the jawa get their hands on it anyway how did it get off mandalore who went to mandalore
i am weak for space whales i am weak for all whales but that's just about it because i never watched Rebels
Nevarro is Disnehyland. Nevarro is Space Renn Faire. Nevarro lost everything that made that city/world so fucking interesting. They fucking gentrified it.
i get genres and i saw a wonderful glimpse of it in the confrontation with the pirates... the pirates fucking ruined the vibes tho. how dare.
actual serious thought: the whole thing with IG-11 is actually fucking grotesque and disgusting and I can't believe Jon Dave Favloni thought this was a good fucking idea. it's so gross. i can't get over it, especially when IG reverted to default programming and went after Grogu like it's Season 1 all over again.
it's fucking gross. it's so gross. what the fuck.
pirate designs were cool. the dialogue was not. who voices that pirate king. i swear i know that VA
Jon Dave Favloni out here fitting 3 whole episodes into 30 fucking minutes by cramming in a short scene with Bo-Katan and explaining why she's sitting around all depressed and alone with a droid standing watch outside
this is not a good look for mandalorians in general. i'm not getting the best impression here. getting strong Monty Python english peasants vibes. they'll follow just about anyone with a crackling black sword.
3 whole episodes into 30 fucking minutes Jon Dave Favloni have you ever heard of pacing. talk to the ghibli people. they know when to let a story take a deep, deep breath.
Episode 2 better slow down a bit and fucking tell a fucking story I swear.
the Volume was really strong in this one. I actually never paid too much attention to what effect Volume was having on these shows but when I started studying the screen caps for my most recent art post, it because pretty obvious what was going on and now I can't fucking unsee this shit
Episode 2 had better be better because omigod I feel like I've been clowned on. how old am i. what the hell even was this episode. who was it made for. what even are the stakes here.
re comparisons to Andor: no, i don't want this show to be exactly like Andor. we don't need every star wars show to be so steeped in politics and social commentary and have such a tense grim tone. what i wish is that every star wars show is handled with the same care and respect Andor's people show both to the star wars and to the fans and watchers. maybe that's why Andor consistently had the smallest audiences but the majority of the tweets, comments, and posts i've seen really appreciated what the show was doing. you can have a fun space western and also have some thoughtful commentary on diaspora and post-war societies! you can eat your cake if you just try!
that's it, that's the first reactions post
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lesbiancarat · 2 years
since i've gotten a lot of new followers from the whole twitter debacle, i wanted to make a post to introduce myself and let y'all know how i run my blog. and it gave me an excuse to finally write some kind of faq, which i've been meaning to for a while. whether you're a new tumblr user or not and you have any questions about this post or anything else related to my blog, feel free to shoot me an ask! :3
below the cut since it's a long post
about me
hi, my name is melia! i've been listening to kpop since 2016 and a carat since 2017, i stanned right around clap era. i listen to a bunch of other groups but i don't stan anyone except svt. and as you might have been able to tell from my blog header, i am, in fact, a huihui :')
my main blog is @corvid-lesbian. you can follow me there if you want, but it's a mess of untagged reblogs, so it may not be that interesting. but i mainly wanted to bring it up since you may see the username in replies and i want y'all to know that's also me!
about this blog
this is a sideblog that was originally just for reblogs of svt/kpop stuff but i started running it as an update blog in late 2019. caratblr and kpop tumblr in general used to be really active when i first got into kpop, but over the years more and more people left for twitter or became inactive in general due to life stuff. when all the general svt update blogs became inactive i didn't want to see caratblr die, so i thought, fine, i'll do it myself >:3
unfortunately i can't speak korean so i'm not a translator, and i live on almost the exact opposite side of the world from korea so i'm not in an ideal timezone for updates. but i'm dedicated to what i do and i like to think i've gotten pretty good at scoping out information and resources about seventeen and conveying it to the tumblr sphere over the last few years :')
what i post
my rule of thumb is i try to post updates within 24 hours. on the rare occasion i can't meet that, i'll make a post notifying that updates will be late
if there's something you expected to see that i didn't post within 24 hours, you're welcome to send me an ask about it :3 occasionally i will just miss something or there may be a reason i didn't post it which i'll be happy to explain, but there are some kinds of content i just generally don't post (as specified below)
most of my posts are updates from twitter, instagram, and tiktok
i don't currently post instagram stories
i do post youtube links for certain things like teasers, mvs, and appearances on channels other than the official seventeen/hybe channels. i don't tend to post youtube links for regular content like gose or inside seventeen, etc. though i will occasionally
i do post links for article interviews (i don't post articles that are about seventeen but are not interview based/contain original content from svt)
i don't usually post anything related to merch
i also primarily stick to official seventeen channels (so for things like magazine shoots, i do post any promo shots uploaded to svt's twitter or instagrams, but i don't post any additional promo shots posted to the magazine's social media)
theoretically i also post weibo updates, but a lot of the stuff jun and minghao + pledis post these days are also cross posted on twitter or instagram so i haven't been as good at checking it recently
i don't post event information that is region specific (to korea, japan, etc.) i do post general event announcements (tours, online concerts, etc.)
i'll also post random information/updates that may be of particular interest or significance, even if it doesn't fit within the categories i normally post (there may also be other categories i could add to this list that i'm forgetting)
for all the things i say i don't post, there are always exceptions. but those categories are usually one's that i have posted in the past and have learned people don't have an interest in, or (like ig stories) are too intensive to always post even though i know people would appreciate seeing them
i am one person, and i've learned to limit myself so as to not experience burnout, and because i've been suffering from wrist pain since summer of 2021 or so TT so please be understanding that i can't post everything ;-;
as i said before though, if there's something you expected to see and haven't, or you're looking for information or have a question about something, you're welcome to send an ask about it. I love being helpful and i love answering questions about seventeen! i don't have the answer to everything 100% of the time, but i do know quite a lot :3
tags i use
common tags
all update posts are tagged with the date in YYMMDD format
p: p stands for platform! it indicates where the post/update originated from, be it twitter, instagram, tiktok, weibo, etc. i also use "p: article" for article interviews
t: t stands for translator! all translators are twitter handles unless otherwise specified. translators are also credited within the body of posts themselves after "trans cr."
melia.txt used for all non-update posts, though they can sometimes be unofficial updates if you want to call it that? sometimes it's info about svt, sometimes it's a rant or joke, sometimes it's about a different group or kpop in general, sometimes it's about my personal life. really just a catch all tag for my ramblings. if you're here only for updates, feel free to block it!
melia.ask ask tag, older asks previously tagged as ask. asks from anons will be tagged anon, otherwise tagged with the asker's username
less common tags
ad: for advertisement, it's a tag i started using in the latter half of 2022. i usually delete hashtags for aesthetic purposes since they don't translate well to tumblr. but sponsored posts are typically indicated in the hashtags, and it felt wrong to erase that information, so i tag sponsored posts as ad: [name of sponsored brand]
tw: hello this is pledis for any official announcement from pledis entertainment. i know the tag sounds a bit funny, but i do know some people who get genuinely stressed by these types of announcements as they can bear bad news. so it's available for people to block as needed
not svt used for reblogs related to other groups that are not svt. i don't use the not svt tag for melia.txt posts
gfx, gif, meme, fanart used for reblogs of graphics edits, gifs, memes, and fanart respectively
melia.spo general spoiler tag, i honestly don't use this too much but you may see it occasionally if i want to talk about a particularly plotty gose without spoiling it
s: stands for source. used to indicate information that came from an unofficial channel (ie. a fan's username) but that is not a translation. it's been a long time since i've used this since i mostly stick to official channels, but you may see it on an old post
mutuals for reblogs from mutuals
ok to rb and don't rb/d0n't rb stands for ok to reblog and don't reblog respectively. since tumblr introduced the feature of turning off reblogs you probably won't see these, but they show up on old posts
htr.cw content warnings for each episode of hit the road
melia.pd101 liveblog tag from me watching produce 101 season 1 (finished, though my liveblogs trailed off toward the end)
melia liveblogs ip2 liveblog tag from me watching idol producer season 2 (finished, liveblogs also trailed off toward the end of this one)
melia.eft liveblog tag for exclusive fairy tale
queue for queued posts, rarely used anymore
who i block/behavior expectations
i like to think i'm pretty lenient with people i block, but i do have some expectations
bots there are a lot of bots on tumblr, which is why i always check new follower's blogs. if your blog looks too much like a bot, you may end up getting blocked. i try to give some benefit of the doubt for this one, but i do advise new users to change their pfp and header image to avoid being mistaken for a bot :3
being shippy in the tags or reblogs of my posts i don't care what people get up to on their own blog, but shipping real people personally makes me uncomfortable. and if you're in the tags of my post making shippy comments or writing explicit self-insert fanfiction (yes this has happened) i'm going to block you. just make a separate post so i don't have to see it and we'll all be happy
being antagonistic in my inbox or on my posts the inevitability of posting on the internet is that sometimes people don't agree with you. i've had a lot of healthy discourse on this blog and i don't mind engaging with people who disagree with me on things. but if i feel like you're coming at the conversation in bad faith/being overly antagonistic or trying to argue with me over something i didn't even say, i won't entertain it. luckily this doesn't happen often, but it has happened
also want to put it out there that blocking isn't personal, i just want to curate my tumblr to be a pleasant experience so i can continue to enjoy running this blog for a long time :3
finally, welcome to my blog, and, if it applies, welcome to tumblr! i'm always open to asks and questions and i love talking about seventeen!
you can also check out my carat-resources carrd (linked in my bio and pinned post) for links to various official and fanmade resources that i've come across in my years of being a carat! i continuously update it and am open to suggestions of resources to add :3
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soyezheureux · 5 months
hello someone who always proud about your beautiful date of birth! actually i'm typing this on april 18th coz i suddenly remembered you and found it funny that i could miss "us" in the past hahahaha
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
and it turns out that if i look at the archive of our old chats like this, i still laugh and feel that i'm a funny guy and has natural talent to be a comedian 😎 you might be annoyed to read this, but in case you forgot, you often to post me in your IG story or on tiktok coz you said i was funny 😎
i'm not too happy to know that you're now seeing someone, but please remember that it doesn't mean i want you to come back to me. whoever you end up with, i really hope you find someone funnier than me, so you can be happy and laugh a lot! if i may ask, please don't ever bring me into your relationship, ok? i don't think it's wise to tell anyone who's gonna be your bf about me. it's not that i'm too arrogant(?) i just wanna avoid trouble. suddenly being hated by your ex's new bf is no fun. wbk i'm pretty experienced with things like this, right? 😎 i know i'm cool, but i'm a lover of peace and don't wanna make any trouble with someone who's precious to you.
sometimes it's quite hard to act normal as if nothing happened after you're no longer in my daily life. i have no one to share about my (not so) fun stories or my best dad joke with. oh, but now it doesn't matter. i still have this platform and someone who can really distract my world. sometimes it's hard when people ask how you're doing or how our relationship's going coz what the heck?? but again, it doesn't matter. the most important thing's that i know you're doing fine. there's nothing i wish for more than your happiness.
i'm sorry that you still can't meet "me" in my best version. also i'm sorry i couldn't fulfil my own words last year. turns out i can't just be your "someone to talk to". just still having your contact is a huge improvement for me. but to stay connected and be good friends? with my ex?? i guess that's not for me. as time goes by, this feeling's completely different. you really feel like a stranger. it's strange to know that you were the person i wanted so badly in the past and now you're the person i wanna avoid. this is the answer why i'm not reply to your text.
holy crap, a lot of our memories are suddenly playing back in my head 🤣 it's funny to remember that you were just a kiddo who i wasn't even interested about your life. yet in the end, i fell in love with you even though you were just obsessed with chasing and hitting me coz you said i was annoying. you can never do it, right? of course, i'm taller than you and my run's faster than yours 😎 it's funny that you were the first person to make me fall in love with someone younger than me. thanks for breaking my perception that someone younger than me ≠ childish hahaha ✌️
dear fadilla my best friend in 2022, happy birthday! congrats on your graduation too! 🥳🎉
thank you for always being patient and understanding me. thank you for all the lessons about life that you give to me. thank you for accepting the offer to date me that night without thinking twice. thank you for always tryna keep my feelings coz you know i'll turn into 1001% a rubbish when i'm jealous and you hate that. thank you for all your efforts to make our relationship work. i'm very thankful and grateful to have had you in my life even though it wasn't for long. 2021 to 2024, it's short coz i once hoped for forever. i guess it's true what people say, it's not the goodbye that hurts. it's the flashbacks that follow. hahaha i hate that i can't hide my feelings that i'm sad rn 😠
it's been a pleasure to be with you and watch you grow from freshman to college graduate. feels like just yesterday you were complaining to me that your assignments were hard and you wanted to give up. but i always believe that you can get through it and it's been proven, right? i'm proud of you, fad! you know, it feels like i've succeeded in the bean sprout experiment coz it can grow well and produce mung beans again hahahaha. yet i'm sorry i won't be there on your graduation day. i know you're graduating next month. i also have plans to go on vacation to the city where you study, BUT i'm going with my gang hahaha. so it's impossible for me to go to your campus. and please stop insinuating me under the guise of reposting tiktok videos about this situation hahahahaha.
at our very first meeting, we shook hands while introducing ourselves. for this time, should we shake hands to congratulate each other on our success in letting each other go? HAHAHA nah, i'm extremely joking.
fadilla, i always told you since day 1 that it was very nice to meet you, right? but from today on, let me say that let's never meet again. let's be happy with the new people, new situations, new experiences, and new learning in the future 🤜🏼🤛🏼 we've always talked about this for a long time that every person has their time and every time has its person. we both know that our time is over. so.. let's never meet again, let's never reconnect again (:
happy birthday, fadilla! may you bloom and grow forever.
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souljournaler · 2 years
Ive managed to gather an interesting group of ppl to witness via the twitter equivalent of this blog
Sorry I'll have to put a readmore later bc I'm on mobile and havent figured that out yet
It's mostly like, three or four (maybe five??) people that I'd love to be friends with but am intimidated by how cool they are so I'm just ok to witness and Like their tweets when i Can Relate(TM)
Usually on twitter i dont feel like anything i have to say is important or meaningful enough to add, so i simply Dont. I usually rt things or Like them if i vibe-- i dont feel particularly compelled to rephrase things in my own way if someone else already did it well enough. Sometimes i post OC too but it's often venting or journaling.
Some of the ppl i follow on the twitter equivalent of this blog are just,,, people who i admire about some things but would never expect to be friends with. Like, sometimes, they say some rly profound shit that is really cool. Sometimes they say some shit that makes me wonder (& assume a little bit) if theyre white & from california or portland or phoenix or smth. Like... sometimes it's rly "never have i ever read something so brazenly White Cis Dude Who Values Anything That Happens In Silicon Valley" but with a Buddhist twist, and I'm like "wow.......... live ur dharma my guy" and i Must Step Away. Nuance in all relationships ig.
Like... have you ever met someone who is Post-Cringe about liking something? Like, they know it's silly and temporary, but theyre having fun, so they love it anyway and have some absolute dogshit takes while theyre at it. Yeah. Thats these guys. In a way that prevents me from ever pursuing a friendship of any depth, but also still keeps me reading their tweets just in case they say something cool.
I'm hoping to build a much different community online going forward. Like, yes the whole wide internet is out here, and anyone really can find this blog if they know where to look, but i want to treat my blog and the twitter equivalent of this blog more like a little corner, where just we see the stories that unfold. It'll just be us for now, and i like it that way.
So yeah
It's nice to meet you. Let's get to know each other.
- Sol
0 notes
【30 Questions of CP, OC & Fandom★】  
| Credits to @mukami-kuron-mrsadisticcat !! Hopping in to be cool as everyone else- |
1. How long have you been in this fandom?
Around three years I guess? Taking in mind that I abandoned this blog for like two years- HAHA
2. Who's your fictional boyfriend/husband?
Sanji Vinsmoke-- AHEM, if we're talking about DL then it's Kanato xD
3. Why do you like them?
I liked him because he's cute and I believe he's one of the brothers that gets the more tender when he loves his S/O but there are other brothers who also do that so...
I think I never really liked Kanato, I remember that I focused on him because he was assigned to me on a roleplay group around 7 or 8 years ago xd
4. Have you make acquaintance with anyone that ships themselves with the same character?
5. How do you feel about it?
No comments jdbskfbs
6. Do you feel any negativity towards them?
7. Do you like seeing their oc(s) interact with your man/woman?
8. Do you feel competitive against them?
9. Confident, or pessimistic?
I'm confident all the time but as everyone it varies ksksksk
10. Would you like more to get to know about your ship, or would you rather it being lowkey?
I honestly don't care anymore for the ship, I just wanna roleplay with people because it's fun 🤸
11. Do you follow any of those people (them whom ship themselves with your fictional lover)
Yes! I used to follow @barashikki-dialoversoc when they posted more often, but it's not as active than before. Even though I always liked Bara and her headcanons and writings ksjsjs
12. Are you friends with them?
I think so 👉👈
13. What do you think about the 'stans' ?
It's alright ig, I don't care djsbdksb
14. Are you worried about plagiarism or copying of your oc(s) by others?
Nah, there's always bad people around but I'm not worried about it xd
15. How do you handle such a situation if it happens?
I would try to talk it and if that doesn't work or they block me I'll try more drastic ways (?
16. Is your cp public or only between a particular circle of friends?
It's public but ppl may not notice it at first becoz I don't talk about Tomoky x Kanato as often xd
17. Do you lock a specific cp ship, whats the reason? (I dare you to tag them~!)
Oh fuck yeah
I REALLY love TomokyxShoma (@komori--shoma ), it wasn't planned at first but it was like they had a click- HAHA, they're just so cute together and they're like one for each other KSBSKDJS 💕
I would like to mention that I highly like Mystic x Tommy too (@mino-diabolik ) but we're working on a it uwu however they will always be best friends jdjsdj 💖
18. What kind of behaviors do you suppose is pretentious to you?
Mmmmm anything unpleasant, hateful or possesive maybe, be nice.
19. What kind of comments do you dislike the most when it comes cp feedbacks of your oc(s)?
Ummm I donno! I've never gotten any but I would be very sad if someone said that their story is bad or boring when I've been doing my best to bring an interesting lore.
20. Have you receive hates about your oc(s) before?
Thankfully no uwu
21. Do you have a complete love story of your cp?
For Kanato x Tomoky: Hmmmmmmmmm not really and I'm not planning on doing one either ksbdksbf
For Shoma x Tomoky: Nothing's set yet haha, I guess that at the moment they used to be good friends and caught feelings, but I'm willing to doing or planning their whole story 💖
22.  Do you allow joint of alternate universe with the canon version of your cp story?
Yeah! Actually Mystic (@mino-diabolik ) is Tomoky's best friend and I was planning to make it part of the 'canon' version of her story dkbsdksj
23. Are you okay with people shipping their oc(s) with yours?
Yeah! As long as we build the relationship with love and smoochies then it's fine kdbskdbs
24. Ever gone through a bad experience in the fandom?
Thankfully no.
25. The ocs that you admire in this fandom are? (Tag them~)
Are you challenging me-
*Deep inhale*
@lured-into-wonderland @mino-diabolik @daughter-of-royalty @komori--shoma @strawberry--bride @bluebird-dolly-bride @smonie @sunny-flower-spot @kurosawa-family @fruit-of-infidelity
Even if we haven't talked or so I admire each of you 🤲💖
and if you're not here it's because there are lots of OCs, but i love everyone!! And i'll support everyone as long as I can, kisses ❤️
26. What is the moment that caused you to feel most disappointed or excited?
Dissapointed: Coming back to Tumblr and realizing I abandoned and missed my friends and their content for almost 2 years 💀
Excited: Bro I get excited every time I get a response to roleplay or so ksbsidjs so many things make me excited
27. The scariest era that you have come across in the fandom?
This one- Right now- I'm trying my best to deliver quality content to the people that follow me and look after me so I always check my writings and posts more than twice
28. The most wonderful thing you have come across in this fandom?
29. Say something towards those that sup port and admire your cp~
I love you all so much and I appreciate you and ya'll can count on me on everything and I'm really thankful ❤️❤️❤️
30. You've worked hard, keep up the goid work! ★★★
Yay! Thank you!
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maxverstepponme · 2 years
you love to criticize Kelly on this blog (that I love, I usually just scroll when it's about her, nothing against you admin and nonnies 🫶🏻) you comment on everything she does or post and because I don't follow wags on ig, I thought she was the worst, but Charlotte is another level imo 💀she's always always making ads (that's talked about more on the other blog) did she ever went to a race without making ads? like, to genuinely support Charles? you said Kelly made Max' special day about her the other day because of her caption, Charlotte wrote for "don't miss MY Sunday race" today and is making a whole skincare ad because wAtChInG a RaCe iS sTrEsSfuL💀💀 like, aren't you embarrassed?? you're invited because you're someone's girlfriend??? I'm not excusing Kelly but she's more low-key to me, you can honeslty miss it (I don't follow her or keep up with her so when I went to her account to see what you were talking about, I didn't see the date of "special day" matching with Max' ceremony before you mentioned it, I thought it was related to her having done something 😅 to me, based on her account, she looks like an influencer, a good mommy and a supportive girlfriend having a great time with her partner, you can't straight-away see she's taking adventage of him imo and Max looks always so happy when she's there in the parc ferme so I never thought about her that way before this blog
there's some pretty pictures on Charlotte account, but so many hidden ads (all the clothes given to her by Loavies - mentionned on the other blog - or swimwear). I'm pretty sure it's not legal to not mention it was given to you in order to promote the brand 🤔 all the ads she made during her holidays + the (fake) paps pictures, that's really cheap in my opinion: can't you buy your own clothes or just wear the ones you already have? maybe it's just my view on things, but I would be so embarrassed to make ads out of someone else. for the driver, being walking billboard is in their contracts, it's not really their choice, wearing Puma or certain watches (Illman pointed out many drivers didn't even set the right time on their watches, it's just something they had to wear BUT they're 1 of the 20 F1 drivers in the world, they're known for being successful athletes), when she's just going to a race to support the person she's supposedly in love with, how can you take advantage of it that way? (for professionnal models or athletes, it's more understandable imo if they were wearing the brands they have contracts with as models, and I'm not sure Luisa or Sara made ads that way? maybe Sara with Replay once 🤔 but she was already working with them before. I don't think Lily or Tiffany did it before?)
Charlotte's stories from today were awkward to watch, girly, you have a degree in architecture, just use it. the only time I got a bit interested in her (I just like to see the wags' outfits & fashion sense. Lily's style is something else ❤️ + I love Carmen's), because people were hyping her, was in Monza last year, I truly was disappointed when I saw it was a fake Chanel bag, fake Valentino sandals and a Shein dress, so I never really cared about her since and I think I was right. can we talk about her Passocorto shoes' price?? her jewellery scam?? how can you charge +100€ for something small businesses sell for around 20 to 50€ max when they have many bills to pay? (I'm not talking about the micro elements, but necklaces or bracelets). to those who follow her, why are you doing it? I always see negative feedback about what she posts or do, but yet she has more and more followers 🤔 aren't Charles' fan accounts reposting what she posts about him when she needs engagement as Max' fan accounts do?
(I'm sorry it was really long and there's still so much to say)
The thing with Kelly -I think- is that not only she acts like every other wag -promotion, taking advantage of Max or anyone who breathes- but she has been in a lot of drama that many times she started herself and has been exposed for being racist and even rude. I think this is why people -me included- tend to criticize her more.
But I completely agree with you, 100%. At this point the amount of ads Charlotte is doing is crazy. Also, the thing here is that not many people were talking that much about her here in the blog until this week or the week before. Which to me, means something.
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 3 years
The fact bts can follow only bts and comment only bts is weird. I don't feel it's a genuine thing. They have a private chat so why they're chatting under their posts. Clearly it's all for fans. And Jimin didn't like it so he disappeared. I don't think he was happy to have ig. It was a group decision. But everyone are happy with that except him. Taekook can flirt online in public all the time, I don't care. And that's not fanservice lol? Only jikook was fanservice right? I agree with the anon that say something changed. I see members with different eyes. I'm glad Jimin stays away from them.
I think them following only each other probably has more to do with being cautious about who they are associated with. People make assumptions and people talk, I mean wooshik only follows Jungkook and Taehyung so my guess is that he knows Jungkook too. There are magazine editors who only follow Taehyung, there are others who only follow Jimin, Jimin is the favorite and is followed by gorgeous models and actresses that don't follow the rest in BTS, and that's perfectly fine; you can't like all of them the same and maybe you're not even interested in liking all of them the same. BTS too are friends with and like one or two members from other groups, it doesn't mean that just because Jimin was friends with Kai for example, he also had to be friends with the rest of EXO. If Jimin, or any BTS suddenly followed one single member from another group, be it male or female, we would know that said BTS member likes/is friends with/knows/is interested only in said Other Group member. I think that following only each other is about avoiding all the unnecessary gossip that would bring following other people. Their BTS_twt account too mostly follows people they've worked with.
On the other hand, I seriously hope that BTS would start interacting with more people outside of the group, especially women because it needs to be normalized. The fandom is not used to it, they act like children everytime it happens or they act blind like nothing happened. It could also be a nice start up to getting people used to the idea of them dating and dating WOMEN, an idea to which most of the fandom is adamantly opposed to, even if they don't say it. (I think Taehyung especifically is trying to normalize his interactions with women, but you didn't hear this from me).
Tae has liked and commented on other people's posts, tho. https://twitter.com/thetaeprint/status/1487267931276791808?s=20 Namjoon gets tagged by other people. Jungkook was answering instagram story questions of that girl a while ago, and sending mesages in aegyo to a hybe producer or something.
It seems to me so far that they can interact with whoever they want to and however much they want to interact.
I don't think all the comments and interactions are for fans only. I have private groupchats with my family and friends but we also talk on social media. Sometimes I could even be talking privately with someone and simultaneously commenting on their SM posts. Maybe they are doing it for the fans, but they could also be doing it for themselves too.
I'm actually more inclined to believe that if it really was for "work", Jimin would be more active lmao, sharing pictures about concerts or the group activities in general. He hasn't done any of that. Maybe he will be more active when the break is over.
Everyone else is using Instagram the same way anyone of us would use it. Namjoon, Taehyung, Hoseok and Jungkook have even shared pictures of the places they live in. It doesn't feel like work to me. Yes, it's a way to connect with the fans, but bangtan bombs, weverse, twitter, memories, RUN, all of that are ways to connect with fans too and that is work, all of that is filmed while they're "working". So where do you draw the line? How do you decide which is genuine and what's not genuine?
Honestly, a lot of people are making decisions on what's genuine and what's not genuine based on their feelings. Before, Jungkook used to post for every Jimin's birthday and nobody was talking about how "it's performative, it's for the fans, it's for work, he wished him privately" blah blah blah 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 so was his 2019 birthday tweet a performance too?
In 2020 and 2021 Jungkook didn't wish Jimin a happy birthday on twitter and all those discussions started. All of a sudden jikookers were talking about social media presence and social media performance and how a happy birthday tweet would out them to the world and they'd have to live under a bridge because of the horrible disgusting homophobic society they live in. It's healthier to just admit that you were waiting for a happy birthday tweet and were sad that there wasn't any.
Taekookers too they have now decided that every interaction Jungkook and Taehyung have is a boyfriend reveal, but all the years before they were saying that all interactions and posts on social media are fanservice. They too are making decisions based on their feelings and what fits their narrative better.
I can't agree on that last bit about Jimin 😭 I'm not happy he's staying away or that they are staying away from him. I seriously 100% honestly had a dream about him last night in which we were friends. I woke up on the verge of tears. I just hope he's okay.
In conclusion, yes it was a team decision and Jimin doesn't like it, or doesn't care about using it for whatever reason; just as he doesn't care using any other platform, which is not a minor detail. No, I don't think it's work for them and if it is then I hope Hoseok is getting those extra coins cuz the man has been working hard.
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veedraws · 3 years
The "VEE" Experience
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If you're also horny for 2D characters OR you like yume (ex. Jade x Vee) content you'll have a good time here. I like drawing yume with confident, chaotic, and horny on main girls. You won't get passive girls here.
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About me
Personality quiz results that may or may not give you a hint as to who I am as a person.
INTJ | Slytherin | Chaotic Neutral | Brat
Octavinelle girl with an Ignihyde job
If Azul and Floyd had a baby who is as horny as Rook, that baby is me
That Jade fucker who is unapologetically horny on main.
Has the largest Jade and Floyd official merch collection in North America. Eel collection thread. (I buy Floyd only to keep Jade company)
Fish keeper, I know too much about aquariums.
Strongest Jade Main on TWST EN, all cards Maxed, see for yourself: Mbd8erD8
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Hey! Hey! I just read your answer to the writing reader x character fics ask and wanted to bonk you with a LOT OF APPRECIATION FOR CALLUNA!!
I'm so amazed by it still, it's so heartwarming that you've written something so beautiful inspired by one of my pieces and from where I'm currently at, the story, the plot, SAERAN, the MC/reader, every other character, they're all so on point. I just love it so much, your use of words is wonderful and the whole fic is incredible, I still cannot comprehend how good it is?? I can with no doubt say that you're currently my favourite MM writer out there, everything you come up with is just so incredibly well written and thought of. I've had to hold on giving any feedback till now because I wanted to finish reading it first before throwing all the love I have for it at you, since I'm currently just on chapter 11 because I was following it as it was getting published at first but then school got the better of me (since I always read fics at night and lately school has forced me to go to sleep way to early to do that, and I'm so deprived of fics oh my god), and as I'm only on chapter 11 I know that there's still a big storm coming because sadly someone happened to spoil something about the fic for me, but you bet I'm gonna throw even more love at you when school gives me time for that and you BET I'll be drawing some art for it too 😌💞 It's what you deserve
Also, the post itself really resonated with me, like the things you said about writing what makes you happy. It wasn't only relatable with me drawing things I enjoy, there's also the fact that I've been writing fics for myself lately. That writing has also kinda replaced my activity of reading them as much, but I really enjoy it! Idk why I never did it before honestly, but writing them just for myself is really...therapeutic in a way? There's no pressure of anyone judging you and you can do anything you've ever wanted, it's so comforting. I'm just not showing them to anyone because 1. I feel ashamed of them, I'm not the best writer but I find doing it fun 2. my headcanons are sometimes really different to others' and I sometimes feel bad for that or afraid of getting backlash/into arguments for my headcanons. But writing them is fun, and the same goes for you, I hope you continue to do what makes you happy! Though I do enjoy some good old reader x character fics, reading about Lila is also interesting and sometimes she sounds a lot like what Sunset would do so that's just a huge plus lolol
(also me 🤝 you
giving Saeran CMCs who like lolita fashion)
Pat yourself on the back! That Prince Ray art just lit a fire in me with an idea that was already in the back of my head for a while and it smacked me in the head the second that I saw that handsome boy. It was only the moment I saw a pretty boy in a crown. I am nothing but a simp.
That's the good thing about being in fandom. There are people in these places that make art inspired by writing or writing inspired by art. I love seeing that because it's a testament to the harmony in fandom and it is so easy to look to each other when we feel as if we're making an impact on everyone.
It just feels so good to create something from nothing, even if it's art or writing. The process is cathartic and we cannot deny making something makes us just feel accomplished! Your passion to your art is something that we all see and recognize! I'm glad to have been able to watch you progress with your art because you are very talented and you will only continue to better the more you have fun and practice.
Goodness Gracious, I don't know I'm prepared to see anything from the fic drawn out! I have all of these outfit references for Sparrow and for all of the other cast members in the story but I've not been able to flash them out myself. There's just something really sweet about the aesthetic that exists within fairytale AUs that I can't ignore. I am sorry to hear that someone spoiled you on one of the events in the story.
At least you don't know how it builds up or leads to that point in the story where the incident occurs. I've been spoiled in a few stories before and how I reason with myself is that: I don't know how we get to [Spoiler] and that means the full experience isn't robbed from me. I'm glad that you've enjoyed it! I put a lot of care into the story because it was such a great piece of art to work with.
I'm not ready, Seeme. Don't kill me. I don't think we can handle it. Prince Ray already kills me on sight.
Shfksnrowneoehe! Sunset is really cute. I always love seeing her on my Instagram or over here on DailySaeran. Her hair is really bouncy and sweet and it just makes me feel some kind of way. I just love frilly clothes and we need more cute MCs in big skirts. I'm very OC positive and I try to make sure that all kinds of people in this fandom know that they should shamelessly write what makes them happy.
I am glad to hear that you're exploring writing for the first time. I hope you know that you don't have to share with other people of you don't want to do that. You put your heart and soul into your writing even if there's spelling errors, translation errors, or what have you within the story, you put a piece of your heart into what you're writing. I say this with the utmost sincerity write for you and nobody else. Write what makes you happy no matter what anyone says.
I don't care if that means you're writing Self Insert Fics where you have cat ears, rainbow hair, or everyone loves you without question. Or If you're writing about an OC who loves without reason or can do "impossible" things without trouble. It's your story.
You create the canon. You create the universe. You put yourself into it. It is unashamedly you.
If it makes you happy, you write it. Put your heart into it. We put ourselves into the characters, not just our OCs. But, we put our soul into the cast of canon characters. So, just know that even if you do not share your writing, you should never feel like you have to share it for it to be proof of skill or talent. If anyone hits you with discourse if you do share it one day, let me know. I will mess them up with a Hello Kitty bat all the while wearing the cutest dress.
I've got a lot of Saeran x Reader story ideas, I'm gonna make a poll with my general ideas and let people vote on that later once I get home. It'll be a Google Form. I'll probably link it on my IG too. I hope you guys are interested in that! I hope that you're able to slow down and enjoy yourself soon here! I know that school must be really rough with everything right now. I gotta wish you luck with that.
Meanwhile, I gotta go smack myself or something, I admire you and here you are hitting me with the same thing. Djwkdhekdnodbeie
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