#my IG is mostly just travel photos now
cinematicnomad · 1 year
okay, this might sound a little weird, but you know the disney short with the paper airplanes and one of them has a lipstick stain on it? your aesthetic is the woman in that short movie. she’s a smart dresser, she wears her hair loose but nicely brushed, and she wears really standout bright lipstick. also, I wanted to say that I love your travel photos! do you have a favorite type of photo to take? like landscape, food, people, streets, etc?
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i know the exact short you mean and i loooove her aesthetic so this is super flattering anon 🥰
also—thank you so much!! i'm so happy to hear you like my travel photos. i'm not big on buying souvenirs or knick knacks or whatever, so usually my go to memento is photos. honestly, i love taking photos? and i have since i was a kid but i never really got the opportunity to do much with that interest other than a random semester in high school were i was in yearbook class. i was talking with my brother about this during our trip and he said he'd be willing to let me borrow his canon for a week so i could play around with it and decide if i want to invest in my own camera. i'm honestly super excited for the chance!
in terms of favorite thing to photograph, i think i tend to be most into photographing architecture/streets and nature/landscape. part of that is probably just bc i'm such a novice and those are easy things to keep still and frame out without being worried about losing the shot lol.
✨tell me my aesthetic on anon✨
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kanmom51 · 10 months
Jikook in Japan November 2023
What we have so far.
First thing first, I want to thank all of you for your good wishes in the comments to my last post. I did miss you guys, and I'm hopefully on the mend, if not fully there yet.
So, JM and JK in Japan. Do we all see just how big that is? We know just how important their trip was in 2018, they told us all about it ever since. And now we have them travelling to Japan again, one last trip before enlistment. Together. They spend time in Tokyo (we know cause they flew into Tokyo - great detective work going on here - and the pics that JM posted on his IG - and I'll get to that soon too). But they are also travelled to Sapporo, where they are right now. Sapporo, where this happened back in 2016, just to remind you all.
Anyways, let's go back a sec to their departure. Cause why not, really?
As they walked into the terminal JM signalling JK to come in closer to him.
And after going through the departure doors while waiting for their security check.
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Same same...
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JM came to us last night posting on IG with two "my boyfriend too my photo" pics.
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Are they doing a walk down memory lane? Is JM sending us down memory lane? I mean, let's get real here. They know. They see it all. They knew about the threats and hate preceding their trip, they know about Jikookers talking up this trip, Jikookers love of GCFT. And in saying that, was his choice of pics posted just random or purposeful? My bet is on the latter. Everything JM does is thought out. That is, until he has JK standing right in front of him. That's when he loses control, lol. And that, my friends, is why JM is unwilling (and probably rightfully so, as hard as this is for me to admit) to go live with JK. I kind of think that JK realised the same of late, after that live tiddy grab, lol.
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JM posted at 11:44 pm or 23:44 pm. And here are the numbers.
I'm done with "it's a coincidence", cause it is not. It wasn't when JK started lives at 11:08. It wasn't when JK posted his letter to Army at 6:13. And it's not now either. At this point that's what I believe. Take it or leave it.
And just incase those that saw them leaving for Japan and are still struggling to come to terms that perhaps the two are literally travelling together, we had someone that saw them together in said restaurant eating together, sitting at a table for 2 (and not for the lack of bigger tables available at the restaurant).
We also saw the two leaving for Sapporo. Of course, again, said very 'nice' - NOT - people having a field day with them not caught in one frame on their way out of Tokyo.
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And I guess just for these 'nice' people's benefit (not really, but am I a bad petty person for being glad they got this right in their faces??) we had the two arriving in Sapporo TOGETHER.
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Also looks familiar.
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And did I mention the matchy matchy grey coloured sweatshirts?
At this point nothing surprises me anymore.
So Sapporo. A winter paradise. A city known for it's beer and breweries. The city that recognized same sex marriages. A known couples destination.
There have been sightings. And they are mostly keeping the information to themselves at the moment, seeing that the two are still in Japan. But, point being the two aren't hiding it. They are out in the open, together, enjoying themselves.
I know that they are having the time of their lives.
I know they are creating cherished memories for years to come.
I know that they are and will be happy!!!
I know that.
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thegreatdenden · 6 months
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I've got so many backlogs that I feel the need to dump the happenings of my life here, even though nobody asked. Tumblr has been my refuge from this cruel world. Haven't had Facebook since the last quarter of 2022. Along with that, I archived all my photos on IG; it's just stories now. Mostly motivational quotes and random reels. I rarely post about my travels too because there are too many gossipmongers with shaky big mouths. IYKYK. 🤣
After x number of years, my friends and I finally managed to crawl out for a reunion. Even we’re not complete. I still cherish the fun days when we were teens, a solid crew of 14. And now, just 6 of us remain tight. Half of them don't hang out anymore because they're either in relationships, getting married, already hitched, popping out kids, christening them, or starting businesses. Lol. It's true, you know, reaching a point in life where friendships get outgrown. But that doesn't mean we stop cheering for each other's successes, even if we're not in touch or hanging out as before. Monday drama, right? Anyway, I just want to say that we finally made it happen. Dang!
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pensat-i-fet · 1 year
Trust (Èric García x Reader ft. Ferran Torres)
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**There is a reason why I moved this request to the first one on the list and it’s that I got it the day I had a dream about Èric. So I used the dream and changed it a bit to create this imagine. I had joked about doing that before getting the request so the timing is hilarious. And don’t judge my dreams. I only dreamed a tiny part of this, the rest is made up. Also, I fall asleep checking my IG explore and there were photos of him with the Betis kit so my brain did that. Second also, I don’t want him to go to Betis but we move…Enjoy!! ❤️**
Word count: 2801
“I mean, the train tickets are pretty cheap but it’s almost 7 hours on the train. It kind of defeats the purpose of trying to spend as much of my free time with you”, you complained, closing your laptop and sighing.
“It’s only 2 hours if you take the plane”.
“I guess…I don’t want to make this harder for you by complaining but it’s like when Ferran left for Manchester all over again”.
“Is it?”
Eric’s tone confused you. It was almost like he sounded bothered by you comparing both situations but yeah, your best friend leaving to go to England was similar to your boyfriend leaving to play in Sevilla. Because in both cases you were stuck first in Valencia and now in Barcelona.
“We’ll make it work. That’s all that matters”.
He nodded, smiling at you. And you couldn’t help but move closer to cuddle him. It really was important to make the most out of every single second together. You always had but now that your relationship was turning into a long-distance one, it became even more vital.
Your work schedule was pretty flexible, so your plan was to play it by ear every week comparing yours to Eric's so you could find a way to travel to Sevilla on his days off. And so you could try to attend as many of his games as possible.
“I’ll come back whenever possible too. It’s not fair that only you make the effort of travelling”.
“Yeah, I know”, you said, “I mean, your whole family is here so you wouldn’t be just coming back for me but I’ll be looking forward to that”.
“Don’t tell my parents but I’ll be mostly coming back for you”.
You both laughed and you kept just staring at his face, as if trying to memorize it. And it was while looking at him that you fell asleep. Eric, however, was awake most of the night. And not just because of the nerves of moving to another city and another club again. No, there were bigger issues preventing him from falling asleep.
The next morning you took your little suitcase and made your way to the airport with Eric. His family was going to join you there, but they planned on going back to Barcelona later that evening. You, however, were supposed to stay with Eric in Sevilla for a couple of days. It wasn’t going to be your first time visiting the city but it was your first chance to make memories there with your boyfriend.
“Nervous?”, you asked Eric, taking his hand so you could hold it.
“I guess a little”.
“It’ll be fine. Young players going on loan is a very normal thing”.
“I know”, he sighed and you stopped talking about it, noticing he wasn’t in the right headspace for that conversation.
By the time you arrived at the Benito Villamarín stadium, your nerves were getting worse. Sevilla was so far away from Barcelona. What if you couldn’t make the relationship work? What if Eric met someone while you were away? And if he didn’t do well…you wouldn’t be there to comfort him. You needed to stop overthinking because you were about to have a panic attack.
"Ready?", asked one of the Betis people who had been with you since you landed in Sevilla.
Eric nodded, taking your hand and you followed them to the little room where he was going to sign his contract and take photos.
When it was your turn to pose with him and the white and green shirt he was going to wear at the new club, you forced yourself to smile as big as possible. He needed you to be positive so you would be.
"Our car has arrived. Have fun, lovebirds", said Eric's mum before giving you both a hug.
"See you in a couple of days", told you his sister and you nodded. "I can pick you up at the airport".
"Don't worry, I'll call a taxi. But thank you".
They all left, leaving you and Eric alone for the first time since you left your home in Barcelona that morning.
"I booked a table at a restaurant that's supposed to be really good".
"Romantic dinner for two?"
You smiled, feeling a bit more relaxed now that the formalities were done.
The restaurant was great and you didn't know when you'd be able to spend two nights in a row with Eric again, so you also made sure that was special.
But once again, Eric couldn't sleep well. And this time, you noticed.
"Why are you awake? It's only 7".
"I didn't sleep much".
"You ok?", you asked, caressing his jaw and noticing how tense he was. "Eric …".
"I worry about you".
"Me? Don't. I'm a big girl. And it's not as if I'll be all alone in Barcelona. Your family is there and I also have Ferran".
"Yeah, I guess you could always go to him if you feel lonely".
That tone again. What was wrong with him?
You sat up, not sure what was going on.
"What is that supposed to mean? And why are you using that tone whenever I mention Ferran lately?"
"Because I found out about you two".
"Excuse me? What about us two? You know we've been friends since kindergarten. There’s nothing else to know about us".
"I do know that", he said, unsure how to approach his next few words. "What you two forgot to tell me was about how you two used to sleep together".
Eric could tell he had messed up the moment he saw your reaction.
"When did that happen? I must have missed it".
"I saw the video…".
"A video? What are you even talking about now?"
"It's ok. I just don't like that you didn't share it with me. I would have liked to learn that from you two…".
"How am I supposed to tell you about something that didn't happen?!"
You couldn't believe what he was saying. So you got up and started to pack your things.
"What are you doing? You are staying with me for another day".
"No I'm not staying", you laughed angrily.
"Why? Please stay".
"Eric! I don't want to stay with someone that doesn't believe me when I tell him I didn't sleep with my best friend and that thinks I'll do the same the moment he leaves the city".
"I don't…".
"Just stop talking and making the situation worse".
He listened to you and stopped talking. He just looked at you while you packed the few things you had brought with you and didn't do anything when you walked towards the door.
"I don't know what you believe you saw", you said, turning back to look at him. "But it hurts that your trust in me is so easily replaced by whatever thoughts are going through your head right now".
Eric swallowed, feeling more stupid than he had ever before. He really had messed up.
Later that day, he was back at the little apartment the club found for him when he heard his phone ring. He hoped it would be you but it wasn't. It was Ferran.
"What did you do?"
"What do you mean?"
"Oh you know, just that I asked my best friend about why she was back already when she was supposed to stay for a couple of days with her boyfriend and she screamed in my face", Eric sighed hearing that. "And when I asked what the issue was she told me to ask him because he thinks he knows everything. Just quoting so…what did you do?"
"I fucked up".
"I guessed that much, yeah. But how exactly?"
"Ferran, I need you to be honest with me, ok?"
"I always am".
"Did you two ever sleep together?"
There was a moment of silence before Ferrán answered the question. "First of all, gross. She's like a sister to me. Second, where the fuck did you get that idea from? And third, how were you stupid enough to tell her that?"
"No need to answer them in order, smart guy. Just answer".
He wasn't feeling very smart just then.
"Someone sent me a video".
"A video?"
"I can send it to you".
"Send it", said Ferran, hanging up so his friend could send him the video and when he saw it, he was even more mad.
Eric was waiting for his friend to call back again. The seconds feeling like hours.
"Is that not you two?"
"Yes. And you're a bigger idiot than I thought. Please tell me you didn't show her the video".
"I didn't".
The video Eric had been sent showed Ferran approaching a group of people at a party. When he made it there, you ran towards him and jumped in his arms, kissing his face and making him laugh. The video ended with you two leaving the place holding hands and the guy who was recording saying "now she's single she'll go back to fucking him again", to which someone else said "she probably was doing that behind Roberto's back".
"Do you want to know what really happened that day and after that little clip you saw?"
"Please, explain it to me".
3 years earlier
Finding out your boyfriend had been cheating on you was the most devastating thing that had happened to you. Days were spent crying and not wanting to leave the bed, until one of your friends forced you to go to a party with her and some other of your friends.
Your now ex and you shared so many friends, it was almost like they had to pick sides. Most of the girls picked yours…and all of the boys picked his.
At the party, you saw them but you didn't see him so at least there was that. But it hurt. It hurt a lot. And the only way you thought it could stop hurting was by drinking. One shot turned into four and then shots weren't enough and you moved to something bigger. Something stronger.
You were so wasted, your friends didn't know what to do with you so they called Ferran. He was the only friend you had that didn't belong to that group and the boys always gave you a hard time because of it. To them, he was Ferran the footballer. To you, he was the guy you became friends with when you were both told off for trying to eat the Play-Doh when you were 4.
"Where is she?", he asked, not noticing the phone pointed at him filming him. They did that a lot, hoping they could find him in an embarrassing situation and make money out of it.
"Ferriiiii", you laughed, jumping into his arms and kissing his face.
Ferran put you down, holding your hand so you wouldn't fall or get lost in the crowd. And he led you home.
But you didn't want to go there so he took you to the beach. The place where you were always the happiest.
"The stars are pretty", you said, lifting your arm and trying to touch them.
Ferran only laughed, laying down in the sand next to you and staring at the same stars you were so hypnotized by.
None of you noticed the tide rising and all of a sudden, the sea touched your bare feet, which made you get up and scream.
"Stop that!", said Ferran, grabbing your arms and sitting you down in the sand again, away from the sea. "Never drink this much again, please".
"He broke my heart, Ferri", and hearing you say that broke his again.
"I know. You should let me break his face".
"Just break his dick".
"Too small. Why bother?"
You both laughed.
"I'll never let anyone do this to you again".
"You'll never let me date anyone again".
"I will if you find someone I trust".
You looked up at him. "Maybe I should date you".
And you didn't even finish saying that before you both burst out laughing.
"And that's you".
"What do you mean that's me?", asked Eric, who had been silently listening to his friend's words.
"You are the person I trusted enough to let you date her. And now you do this. You don't know how long it took her to recover from what that bastard did to her. And those comments from the video? They used that to justify his cheating on her. How could it be wrong if she was my friend? If there was surely something going on between us?"
"You were wrong then. I don't deserve her".
Ferran rolled his eyes, even if his friend couldn't see him.
"You do. But you have to fix this and quickly. Every day she hurts because of you, my trust in you diminishes".
Eric sighed. "What am I supposed to do? I'm stuck here for the next few days and she won't come back to see me".
"Think of something then. You messed up, you fix it".
Eric knew his friend was right, so the next day he asked if it was possible for him to do all the media stuff he needed to do in one day. That way, he could go to Barcelona for a couple of days and talk to you.
“I mean, sure. But it’d be exhausting to do all of it today. That’s why we planned for it to be done in three days”.
“I don’t mind. Let’s do it”.
When you got home after work, you noticed a few things that worried you. There was nothing in the mailbox, which was unusual. And when you opened the door, you noticed it wasn't locked. Who could have…
But you didn't have to wonder for long because Eric called your name when he heard the door open.
"What are you doing here? You should be in Sevilla".
"I managed to get back for a couple of days".
"To make sure I didn't sleep with anyone?"
He closed her eyes and let out a sigh. "I'm sorry".
"I'll need more than that".
"I spoke to Ferran. He explained everything to me".
"Why couldn't you speak to me before accusing me of those things? I get he’s your friend and you’ve known him for longer but I’m your girlfriend".
"Because I was scared. I was sad about having to leave on loan and then I got a message with that video and…".
"What video? That's the part that made the least sense out of everything you said to me".
Eric had asked Ferran if it was ok for him to show you the video now and after some arguing about it, they decided you could only understand Eric's reaction if you saw it.
When you took his phone, you saw the name Sergio Goiko as the person who sent it. Your ex's best friend. Of course.
"You might want to see this".
"Now you're leaving Barcelona, she'll be there all alone with her "best friend"...".
"I see you've seen my message and still didn't dump her. She's lucky to be dating someone so dumb. Easier to do all of this behind your back".
The last message was sent the day of his presentation as Betis' new player. Sergio must have seen your photos together and realised his plan didn’t work out the way he expected.
"I mean…I get being manipulated like this can confuse you, Eric. I don't blame you for that. But why didn't you ask me? Why didn't you trust me to explain this to you?"
"I don't know…".
"I…I struggled to trust you when we first started dating. Not because of you. Because of what I've been through in the past. It’s an issue I’ll always have to deal with, probably".
"I never felt like you didn't trust me".
"I didn't think it was fair to let you know that when you did nothing wrong. But I've always worried. I mean, just the other day I was worried about you meeting someone else in Sevilla and dumping me, you know? But I didn't want to tell you because it wouldn't be fair to hurt you just because I am insecure. Don't do that to me".
"I won't. I'm really sorry. And if you ever have those doubts, just talk to me so I can reassure you".
When you put your arms around his waist and your head on his chest, he could finally breathe easily again.
"I made some food for you"
"You did?", you looked up to see him nod. "You really worked hard for that apology, huh?"
"Anything for you".
"Will you learn how to make Andalusian food for when I visit you?"
“I like that you trust me but maybe you shouldn’t trust my cooking abilities that much”.
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zenoiredottore · 2 months
Hoyofam and what I think their igs would look like
[disclaimer I may or may not have used navia and vyn for their pfps cuz I really can't find any images that fit my hcs... if you think they would look different in your hcs, that's fine! Pls just ignore the images of the ones I have placed. P.s. I got the images all from pinterest and all images belong to their rightful owners!]
check my previous posts if you're confused
THEMIS - THE it girl. posts fit pics, selfies, anything nice and pretty. Would sometimes post pics of her sibs. Makes tons of reels mostly vlogs and grwms She posts recipes and such. Posts like 10 stories a day... Most people probably don't even know who she is, they just assume she's one of those girly influencers cuz of how many followers she has. [her followers also don't rly know who she is and they were so shocked that she's part of the hoyofam]
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HSR - Almost never posts a pic of himself... If you want to see his face you'll have to stalk themis' account. BIGGEST MERCH COLLECTION YOU'LL EVER SEE.. NAME A FRANCHISE, HE'LL HAVE A HUGE COLLECTION OF THE MERCH. Posts memes and brainrots. Does postspics of himself in goofy outfits but his face is cropped out or never shown... He posts cars that he doesnt drive...[not even his in the first place. Mostly genshin or honkai's cars] Posts gaming clips on reels]
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Hi3 - posts and reposts motivational quotes. Doesnt post much since retirement but does still put updates on her stories from time to time. I like to think that the 9th pic is when she announced her retirement. She posts all of the mech stuff she made to share how passionate she still is about it.
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Genshin - very rare posts, somehow the most followed. Very formal even though it's his personal account. Doesn't take/know selfies. All the pics here are taken by the sibs. [i googled how many genshin players there are and I put it as the number of their followers but looking at this now I realized this is just too much.]
Tons of hate comments under his posts but also a lot of good comments. Likes to put pics from his travels if he ever takes good photos. [he uses a high quality camera for his nature pics] There's a lot more but he just doesn't feel like posting any. Known by a lot of ppl cuz of how often he's in the news...
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poupeesdecirque · 3 months
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Travel Blog - Dokomi 2024 - Saturday
Or: "That Park is huge"
Up to the second day of Dokomi, I have to say I was maybe quite tired (sleep is for the weak) but overall felt better than expected.
I was really looking forward to the next day as I was about to meet up with Laquaza, a friend from the doll hobby, I know for long but we never met as we live in different countries. Also I hoped to finish the artist alley and just ... have a nice day.
I was up super early after a short night. After breakfast I got myself some cinnamon rolls from the bakery to snack on them while I wait for the halls to open as I wanted to be at the con earlier to have as much time as possible.
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It was still pretty early so I got make up on in the hotel and ... walked through the football team from Belgium in full cosplay.
This time I put the freshly made prisoner outfit under crown clown as it was forecasted to be awfully hot and I wanted an option to ... have a cooler outfit (spoiler: I did take the coat off for like 5 photos and only took off the glove 1 hour before I left so... I simmered a bit in that coat for the day).
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Depite the heat I was pretty much looking forward to the whole day, I even decided to put the curse on again and tiny Tim was with me again. Sometimes in my cloth but mostly curled around the claws to be carried.
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Inside I decided to have second breakfast ... for the sake of the joke "Cinnamon roll eats cinnamon roll", fun fact: this was my second ever cinnamon roll as they aren't a thing where I live, you get other patries but no cinnamon rolls.
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But it was delicious I have to say. I saved up the other one for the ride home the day after.
As the halls opened my first mission was to continue to explore the artist alley to at least finish that and then see what would be nice to see next. My arranged meet up time with Laquaza was later that day so I had time.
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Aside the artist alley I also went to the commercial sellers again and took a peak at the Matsuri. The commercial seller even had the Customs there ... which is kind of a ironic thing as customs here have to deal so much with collectors. The Matsuri was games you could play, very different from the Matsuri I knew from other conventions in which it was games and food vendors.
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After I finished the artist alley and aquiring some more DGM Prints and this utterly cute Clown Cat (LOOK AT HIM HE'S TRYING) I got my daily bubble tea and then decided to head towards the park to check out the location and a lot of my cosplay mutuals were in the park the day before.
On the way outside I was found by xbloolii, whom was in the DGM Anniversary Project as well and was surprised to meet a Cosplayer of the Earl :O still amazed by that. (pics a bit later here)
Then .... a tiny shock which almost got me hard was that I took pics of the other entrance and then noticed one of my claws was gone q_q
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I searched for it by walking all the way back and had to get pass the security again but luckily found it T_T I checked it a million times after that and made sure to hold my hand differently to not lose it again. (I now have added a bit to avoid any slipping, lesson learned).
Then I entered the ... park.
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And photos don't even show a glimpse of how BIG that place is, I'm not gonna lie but the whole park is bigger than the village I live in. What a beautiful location I really really love it. The convention area itself is okay, nothing special, but that park, wow.
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As I roamed the park I luckily came across a few cosplayers I already knew and met some new faces. Ya'll got my card I hope to find you again T_T Lavi is Ryhm (IG), I already met her at the Bookfair. I even found a Komui and we had a super nice talk.
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As I spotted a Kanda & Allen I found Hiwari who luckily let me have a place on their blanket and I had some time to snack. We somehow always forget to take a selfie :'D but Hiwari is such a darling. Seriously. Met her first time last year at the Nicon.
After that I decided to slowly walk towards my meeting location with Laquaza aaand I was recognized by two very sweet Ladies from France. They asked me for photos and were so glad to find D.Gray-man cosplayer, we agreed that Cosplays from older fandoms have that very special vibe and bring so many positive emotions with them. I'm still in awe I am able to easily hold conversations in english T_T
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Theeeen I finally met Laquaza, it was such a pleasure to meet her, we talked a lot and walked around in the park and took photos before we parted again (about 1,5 hours later). Thank you again for your time I enjoyed every second <3
Back in I decided to ..
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Finally free my arm. As much as I love the look this was the worst part the artificial leather glove. Oof. Of course I was found by another DGM cosplayer and asked for photos (last Allen in the collage) just after taking it off :'D
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Followed by dinner time and it was a rice bowl that day followed by another soft serve ice cream and a huge serving of churros. I kinda traveled the world in food regards that weekend.
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Then i checked the gaming hall for a few minutes to find a booth with blind boxes but I felt I was truly done for the day and decided to check that out the day after. Same for the J-Fashion area as Laquaza told me there was one with doll eyes and you never have enough eyes, right?
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But it was time to leave the con, around that time I was on tour for more than 10 hours and the heat did the rest. But hey look at that cool bus.
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You can imagine how good it felt to finally get the coat off. Oof. The only thing I wanted then was to shower.
... and yes that's how I carried Tim around for a part of the Con when he wasn't curled onto the claws.
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burnwater13 · 10 months
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Grogu here. I know I don’t usually do this. I don’t usually talk to you directly. I mostly tell you stories about how I think things went, how I wish things went, and how I think some things may go, some day in the nebulous future. 
I pretend that I can’t speak Gal Basic, although my reading level is pretty darn high and my vocabulary is pretty vast. I’m not sure how many of you have noticed that, but I thought I should confess to it, just in case you thought my scribe added all those embellishments. She doesn’t. I do. 
I also pretend that I’m in a galaxy far, far way. With my dad. The Mandalorian. You know the one. Din Djarin. The ‘The’ himself. But if I’m here with you, in your Milky Way galaxy, how could he be with me? I famously come from a species of critter that lives a very long time, so maybe, just maybe, it makes a tiny bit of sense that I’m here… but Din Djarin? He’s a human. How could he make the trip? In a word, he couldn’t. That’s a couple of words I know, but bear with me. 
One word. Wormhole. I know I’ve mentioned this before and I’m not an astrophysicist. I just read what they write. Ponder it for a while and then say, ‘Wow, those folks are pretty smart and good at maths’. I take them at face value and if they say the solution to inter-galactic travel is wormholes, then that’s how I did it and brought my dad with me. Easy peasy. 
Any way, why I’m here, talking directly to you today, is I’m a little tired of telling you the same story over and over and over again. Why, just this month alone, I’ve told you eight different stories that mention Ahsoka Tano. That’s a lot of stories about a person I knew for not that long a period of time. For example, I spent a lot more time with Peli Motto, IG-11, Kuiil, and Ian, but Ahsoka is the one who shows up in the photos, time after time. 
Now, Ian famously doesn’t like to have his photo taken. I’m never surprised that he’s managed to avoid being in the stack I use to tell these stories. He’s crafty that way. And he manages to find his way into a lot of stories even if I don’t have a photo to remind me because he just meant that much to me. I hope telling you about him has made him special to you as well. 
A few people have mentioned to me that all these great photos of Ahsoka may have been timed to support the release of her show. I hadn’t thought of that. I just thought that since the Empire had fallen and Vader was gone (actually, really gone, unlike that other guy), she had become a little more carefree and happy. While that may be true, it doesn’t really come across in today’s photo. Nope. Not at all. She’s being all fierce and kind of angry or resolute or annoyed. I’m not really all that good at reading Togruta facial expressions. Maybe she’d just stepped on a rock?
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I didn’t really set up this stack of photos that I use as prompts to tell the stories. That was done by someone else and all I can say is I hope they get better at it. I mean, you don’t just watch the same episode of my show everyday, do you? Of course not. You watched it once, or twice and then went on to watching something else. Hopefully Ahsoka’s show. Or the one about my old master, Obi-Wan. Or even that one that Diego stars in. Now that’s a great show. I’ve actually re-watched that one a couple of times. 
Which ever way it goes, I just wanted to take this moment to let you know that for the rest of the year there’s unlikely to be eight or nine stories about Ahsoka. Or Morgan Elsbeth for that matter. Wow, I think I only spent about ten minutes in her dark presence and it really left a mark. Ouch. 
Um, ahh… so just bear with me. I’ll do my best to make the rest of the stories, stories, for one thing, and funny, or thought provoking, or just pleasant… you know, like your first cup of caf in the morning. I’m joking about that. Din Djarin doesn’t let me drink caf. I just managed to finish a little bit of his this morning when he got distracted because R5 dropped a dish he was washing and it broke and got everywhere. Don’t worry. I didn’t get hurt. The Mandalorian didn’t get hurt. And R5 is just fine. He’s gluing that plate back together as I speak. 
Oops! Gotta go. Dad just noticed that his cup is empty. Dank Farrik! May the Force be with you. This is the Way. And have a nice day. I have spoken. 
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horce-divorce · 2 years
Top Surgery June 2023 Recovery Fund & Countdown!!!!
⭐ ☀️ 🌻 ✨
🗡️ 33 DAYS REMAIN 🗡️
. email | ko-fi | photos | insta .
*im going to try to keep this post updated; see below for a shorter one you can reblog!*
insurance will cover my procedure, but I have to travel for surgery as well as for my follow up/postop appts, I have existing health conditions that require extra care/supplies, and I need button up shirts etc, and all that along with my usual living expenses in the meantime!!
my disability application is 90% processed and I am anticipating a denial any day now. i may choose not to appeal it, but until that happens, I cant look for a job anyway; basically what I have available to me is art sales, a bit of freelancing, and begging for donations. this post is about that :)
.・。.・゜✭・. Ways You Can Help!!!! .・✫・゜・。.
Buy something from my Ko-Fi Shop! I currently have 5 pairs of needle minders available as well as slots for customs! I may also list some stitch markers and earrings soon! I also occasionally sell the beloved Fuck Off keychains via Glitter & Gleam Co. I'm working on a Pride flag series for June, so stay tuned & do feel free to drop a flag request you'd like to see!!! :) I may also be open to making customs of the FO keychains just bc they are fun.
Buy me a coffee or leave a tip just bc you like me! Ko-Fi also gives me this option, so if you're sympathetic to my cause but you don't need OOAK trinkets and craft supplies, feel free to donate! (Venmo and Paypal are also idleseas!)
Hire me for transcription/captioning! I've got 8 years of experience doing every subject from medical to legal to corporate to podcasts to video captions & subs, and I type verbatim at 130wpm. $1.50 per audio min, usually 24hr or less turnaround. Shoot me an email if interested!
Hire me as a photographer! This one's a long shot, but if you're in Michigan and you need an LGBT-friendly photographer for any reason, I'm your huckleberry! I'm on the west coast, but Im willing to travel a bit within reason, since, it's Michigan. (Seriously, you name it, I'm down: events, drag shows, live music/album art, pets/animals, senior pics, engagement/wedding, products, boudoir, real estate- I've even done remembrance/stillborn photos and retouching.)
Buy photo prints or other junk from Redbubble! Working on this one! Note to self!
Buy me something off my Amazon WL! I am considering sharing this but seeing as I live in a very small, remote, rural town and have a very distinct deadname so maybe pm me about this if we're mutuals? feedback welcome if you have another idea or reassurance abt this lol
Follow my photo blog or Insta accounts! If you can't send any money, hey, I get it. in this economy? yikes. the good news is, I also benefit vastly from moral support! I post a lot of my landscape photos right here on tumblr at @idleseas (not to toot my own horn or anything but. im good) rattiebastard @ IG is my personal insta where I post my art & creations, sales, life updates, and goofy stuff like memes. idle_seas @ IG is my photo account, mostly nature photography and info about the Great Lakes.
Boost my current donation or sales post! Currently it's this one! Reblogs are free and always greatly appreciated :) I LOOK like an account with a lot of followers but trust me, in reality, my blog is just super old.
Good old fashioned kind messages of support also do wonders! anon is currently (ON), so remember Thumper's golden rule: if you can't say something nice, then shut the hell up and don't make me regret this! :)
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izzymcfeegles · 3 years
Yet another post about Sebastian Stan:
I'm seriously tired of making these posts, but over the past few days, there has been a lot of controversy surrounding Sebastian's most recent IG post, and as a result,more things are resurfacing and its become impossible for me to ignore. I'm going to try my best to give a fair assessment, but if I'm being honest, this all appears to be a pretty troublesome pattern of behavior. Before I get into any of that, I think it's important to mention where I stand on cancel culture. As someone who is a longtime fan of wrestling and classic rock, I'm no stranger to seeing some of my favorite artists act in ways that would be considered unacceptable by today's standards. I do think that stan Twitter has a tendency to be a bit harsh when it comes to judging things that people have done in the past. That being said:
Context is important. The reality is that there were many things that were considered to be socially acceptable at one point in time, that we've since learned can be harmful, particularly to those who are marginalized on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc. Something that was considered to be acceptable 2005, we later find can be toxic and harmful. Do I think it's productive to cancel for someone for something they did decades ago that was considered to be acceptable at the time? Not necessarily. However, if this person continues to exhibit the same behaviors to this day, then yes, they should be rightfully taken to task.
In Sebastian's case, he has a documented history of saying and doing things that are ignorant and tone-deaf. In the early 2010's he made an comment about playing Bucky as a "transvestite," a word that is considered to be dated and offensive to Trans people. If I'm being honest, if I saw the interview the date it aired, I probably wouldn't have blinked twice as I was not as educated on Trans issues at that time. I now know that the comment was unacceptable and hope Sebastian does too.
Regarding the Jeff!Seb pedo memes, I'd be lying if I said my edgy 2009 self wouldn't have found them funny at one point, however in 2017, my adult self was not amused. And coming from someone who was playing an abuser at the time, liking those memes was a bad look. Same goes for the Kneegate meme, especially when you consider the amount of hatred black NFL players were receiving from people including the President of the United States for kneeling in protest during the national anthem. It was tasteless, tone-deaf, and he should have known better. The fact that his "apology" over the incident was surrounded by quotes, and as some fans speculated, copied and pasted did not help matters. Mind you, many fans were willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and forgive him, and for a while things seemed okay.
Fast forward to 2020. After the man made it a point to shame Miami spring breakers for vacationing during the pandemic, he is seen months later vacationing in Ibiza and later Tulum. The fact that he used his money and Romanian passport to go on vacation while many of us were either stuck at home or worse, putting our lives at risk to put food on the table, understandably did not sit well with many people, especially when taking his previous comments about pandemic vacationers into account. The fact that his traveling partner is a socialite who has a history of doing cultural appropriation, including doing brown face and using the word "savage" in reference to her friend doing a native war cry made it sting even more. I'm not going to go into depth about her because she doesn't deserve the attention and this is about holding Sebastian accountable, but the fact that he is still with her and they appear to be inseparable, it's clear that her history of CA is a non-issue for him. Make what you will of that.
Moving to recent actions. The current project Sebastian is working on is controversial in its own right. As someone who has been a Mötley Crüe fan for almost 20 years, I am familiar with the history of that relationship and how toxic is was and will never defend Tommy and the abuse Pamela suffered at his hand. While my issue is mostly with the producers, it doesn't change the fact Sebastian and Lily are still willfully participating in a series that Pamela herself does not wish to be made.
Sebastian's most recent post seems to be catalyst for the most recent wave of Twitter outrage. I am well aware that Tommy is/was a practicing Buddhist and that things like Buddha statues were part of his home decor. That's not the issue. The issue lies in the face Sebastian chose to make in the photo where he appears to be prying to the statue, along with the caption "find your zen fuckerz." Once again, I am aware of Tommy's speech patterns and get that it was "in character," but to use the combination of that photo and that caption as a non-Buddhist, it's understandable why some Buddhist fans were offended and saw it as disrespectful. And as a non-Buddist, I don't think it's right to tell these people what they should and should not be offended by.
So for those of you who hate paragraphs, TL/DR:
Sebastian has a documented history of ignorant behavior and posts and as of now does not seem to be interested in addressing these things and learning about why the aforementioned behaviors are problematic and why some fans are hurt. This is not okay and we should not be defending him.
I understand that for many of you, he has been a source of joy. Bucky is still my comfort character and I will always be grateful to Seb for portraying the him with the nuance and care he deserves. I'm not asking anyone to stop staning Bucky or to take down your Seb x Reader fanfics. Life is short and you're entitled to the things that make you happy. Just understand that his actions have hurt a lot of people and why fans are upset and lashing out. While I do not condone any threats or doxxing aimed at his direction, the same goes to people who criticize him. I've seen people go to some vile lengths to defend him, from going after Pamela, a victim of abuse, to telling Buddhists how they should feel about their own religion, to anons telling the blogs who call him out to go kill themselves. None of this is ok. At the end of the day, Sebastian is a 38-year-old white man who has a great deal of money and influence and has more social capital than the people calling him out. He will be fine regardless of what happens and does not need people to protect him. The same cannot be said about the people he hurt through his actions.
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sohoharlem · 4 years
Tumblr media
[I included the blinds in this one if you want to post this one instead.]

I’d just like to add as a side note that before this, in early 2020, Sebastian had become more active again for the first time since around 2018, after drama went down with his ex. It had appeared that he was making a turn around for the fandom and becoming himself again, or at least attempting to.

Late March - June of 2020 

TFATWS stops filming. Sebastian starts looking rough through quarantine. 

March 25th he does a podcast with Don Saladino where he critiques people who travel during the pandemic, calling them dumb fucks and that it pisses him off.

April 29th Seb does solo pap walk with latex gloves.

May 3rd Seb does solo pap walk with mask and latex gloves, he even waterfalls his water bottle.

May 13 he posts a picture of NYC saying “Happy Days will come again” and puts a praying emoji.

May 15th he posts beautiful pictures he took of his city NYC during the pandemic and tags it “I love New York. We’ll be back.” (talking about pandemic being over.)

He appears in his friend’s Aaron’s video wearing a mask and looking at people without a mask and looking disappointed in them for not wearing one.
He does a few other interviews, including one with Variety, where he talks passionately about thanking healthcare workers and how he claps everyday at 7PM out his window to thank them.
It is evident he takes the quarantine and COVID very seriously.

Mid-Late May

He starts looking rough and it becomes evident to his fans that the quarantine is not doing him well. 

After his May 15th posts he stops posting.

May 22nd 2020 Sebastian Stan is signed with CAA.

*where things get weird*

Fans start wondering if he is doing okay and begin to grow concerned, especially after his most recent story showing him singing that he can’t wait for this year to end.
He is MIA during the George Floyd and BLM movement and fans begin leaving comments on his instagram interrogating him for not speaking about BLM and for his silence.

Fans begin leaving comments such as “Silence is an answer” on his Instagram and talk about his past start to arise on Twitter. (About his ex who used the N-word, and his assistant that he fired because she was Islamophobic. 

Other fans are still worried for his sudden silence during a time where most celebrities are being extremely vocal about BLM. 
While they are upset, they are still concerned.
On the news, his neighborhood is one of the areas in NYC shown on TV for being looted and attacked by vandalism. 
He is still silent.

May 31st he posts a NYTOpinion video about race, hash tagging it #justiceforGeorgeFloyd .

In the screen record for his video the names of his assistants come up on his phone. 
Sebastian does not say anything else for about three weeks when he then posts another charity on June 12th, one supporting Anthony Mackie.

JUNE 2020 

June 15th he posts another charity: one for conscious kid and one for Rayshard Brooks. He uses tag #blacklivesmatter .

Sebastian goes silent again. We don’t hear from him all month and fans grow even more worried now. 

He is silent for the rest of the month.


July 2nd/3rd He is seen on his friend’s Luke’s instagram in IBIZA for his manager’s birthday. Camera pans to Seb briefly and he looks unamused, almost trying to hide his face.

Fandom is in hysteria, and mostly confusion, because him being across the ocean during the pandemic went against everything he spoke about. 

Fandom is very upset with him. Especially since he is unmasked.

July 2nd/3rd, paparazzi pictures are released of him on a yacht laughing and kissing AO. Fandom is a mixture of confused, upset, but also happy for him because he looks like he is having a good time.

Fans on twitter start to aim ‘cancel culture’ and Sebastian Stan is Over trends for a few hours.

Paul H makes tweet defending his friend.

After July 4th and that week, fans uncover AO’s cultural ap. photos.
Some fans began interrogating her on her instagram. During this time we hear nothing directly from Seb.

He is silent on IG. 

July 3rd She posts Jet-ski picture without tagging him. 

Sometime this week they go to a very crowded strip/dance club of some sort. A friend records them and AO is seen sitting next to Seb and dancing against him.

July 7th AO does photoshoot in Madrid. New pap photo. Seb looks strikingly unhappy compared to pictures from July 3rd on the Yacht.

July 7th 2020 blind item, blind Item #11: “He might live in the US full time and be a naturalized US citizen, but this alliterate foreign born A list most movie actor used the passport he has from his birth country to take a vacation in Europe.”

Mid July to late July

Jul 8th - 12th silence. We assume they are still in Spain together, but we are not sure. We know she is.

July 12th, Ale posts first picture that we catch for being a throwback. It’s her on a beach, but we find out it’s old. We still don’t know where Seb is confirmed to be.

Silence again until the 14th when both Seb and Ale are called out for blocking fans on instagram that are attacking them. 

July 27th, Ale posts picture of the Netflix show she was on.


Nothing until August 11 when she tags her friend in a post saying she misses her. 

August 13th Seb posts his mother on his Birthday and also a The Devil All The Time clip.


August 14th she posts from Bermuda.

We soon make the connection that she uses this as loophole to get into the United States during Corona Virus. 

She posts several stories from there, including a boomerang of her throwing a towel at the camera. 

August 16th Seb posts another charity event that he did in Spain for a children’s hospital and school. 
His teams says it was planned many months in advance after fans question his reckless action.

We still don’t know where Seb is. 
There are no pap pictures during this time.
August 20th she posts Bermuda again.

August 21st their 3rd pap walk in the United States in NYC. Both masked and holding hands.

August 23rd he posts another Charity.

August 25th AO posts Bermuda again. Assumed throwback. 

August 25th another Pap walk outside his front door. Fans are shocked since he is so private. They both look very off guard even though it’s labeled Backgrid, meaning paps were called. This could’ve been taken the 24th but I don’t have access to byline to confirm.

It is assumed by many fans that around this time is when they see private information about his loft being rented. let me know if you would like me to leave this part out, but I feel it might be important.

August 27th he posts a Bucky throwback.

I don’t remember the exact date, but sometime between August 28th and 31st, Seb is supposedly spotted by a random fan at LAX.

August 31st AO post’s a video from Jersey City, NJ.

At this point in time we are aware that The Falcon and Winter Soldier will resume filming in Atlanta in mid September. Article states that crew and cast are to mandatory quarantine prior.

We don’t know where they both are at this point.


September 4th, AO posts another picture from the Netflix show she was on.

September 11th Seb posts a 9/11 picture that he took of the city and labels it “Thinking of NYC today”
September 11th, Ale posts a photoshoot picture of herself.

September 12th, Margarita unfollows Seb.

I don’t remember exactly when, but at a certain point, Ale starts posting videos and pictures of herself in what appears to be maybe Atlanta. Before this, she posts a picture of Sushi. 
She baits with picture of a script and also a book that she could possibly audition for.

September 14th Seb posts another Bucky picture.

September 15th, Seb posts another charity.
TFATWS commences shooting around this time.

September 15th 2020, Blind Item #11: “This studio really wanted to film their new streaming show for their own stream. They want nothing to shut it down so are covering up positive COVID tests of the cast and crew. Not Netflix. Not amazon. Revealed: Falcon and The Winter Soldier”

AO continues to bait fans with pictures and videos of food and a TV watching movies.

September 18th AO posts a hiking picture that fans quickly find out is a (very very plausible) throwback from Costa Rica.

September 19th Seb posts a very strange video of himself watching gossip girl in an apartment that fans see looks very different from where Ale was “baiting”. 
Some fans claim maybe he’s just in a different room. In the video he is drinking wine and even pans the camera to his ex girlfriend on tv and then back to himself when he swallows huge gulps of wine.

September 22nd he posts a VOTE picture with Mackie. Another “Link in my Bio”. 5th one in the last few months?

September 25th she posts from what we later find out is an Inn in Atlanta where they stayed before going to Prague.

September 30th 2020, Blind Item #9: “This foreign born alliterate A/A- list mostly movie actor has brought a new escort stripper on set everyday he has been shooting. Revealed: Sebastian Stan.“

*this is when Seb’s health starts to worry us

October 5th she posts a picture of Seb and her jumping in front of a bonfire at the Inn. Seb’s face is blurred out and she does not tag him.

October 6th, Seb posts video promoting his move 355. 

October 8th Seb posts the Charity water video from Atlanta.
A little after this time, AO’s location changes over to Spain. 
We are unaware of how long she is there for.

Her baiting stops for a bit.
October 14th 2020, Blind Item #7: ”This alliterate foreign born A list mostly movie actor brought in an Easter European porn star to have sex with he saw online. The whole fake girlfriend thing is not believed by anyone, so just give up.“

October 16th and 18th AO posts old photoshoot photos and tags her team
** Fans grow concern as AO continues to post work related content and we hear nothing about Seb.

** Seb is rumored to be in Prague, but no sighting or baiting is every mentioned. It is not confirmed they ever interacted while in Prague. 

** AO’s location finally changes to Prague and she posts pictures with someone that shocks fans - her manager. 

** AO posts fake pictures of what looks like a play she might audition for and we realize is just printed out photos. Videos of her holding fake play is recorded in a hotel lobby with her manager.

** A foreign online article that follows shooting in Prague follows AO and mentions her in their story as Seb’s GF.

October 21st,  AO posts picture of Prague with her mother
** Seb is still MIA and fans are still confused as to where he is and why he is suddenly so quiet.

** Rumors of that there might be covering something happening behind the scenes start to come out. Fans are worried it might be his health or something worst.

I think after this her Location changed back to Spain. 

October 24th AO posts old photoshoot photo.

October 26th 2020, Blind item #2: ”Not to be outdone by his alliterate foreign born co-star, this A/A- list actor has several women each day visit him on set. That was the same reason why he got divorced a few years back. Revealed: Anthony Mackie/Sebastian Stan“

October 27th we finally hear from Seb and it’s a picture from a bridge in Prague.


Ale posts that she’s jet lagged on her story with her Macbook Pro. Bait.

Silence. (I think. Someone fill me in if I missed something here.)
October 30th, Seb posts a video of an alien documentary. We later find out this is from a hotel in Mexico. Tulum.

October 31st Seb posts fans Halloween costumes of Bucky.


November 1st, Deuxmoi posts that he was spotted in Tulum reading a script. 

AO posts video from similar hotel room where his Alien video was. Bait.

November 7th a very suspicious influencer (who we later find out works for PR) takes a video of Seb and Ale walking on the beach in Mexico. Seb is walking about 30 feet way from her and she looks awkward following behind. Another video where she appears topless and he almost looks like he’s looking directly at the influencer’s camera.
We hear of (another?) influence who is recording them. She takes pictures of them laying in a bungalow. There is a video she records of them kissing but video is never seen by the public.

November 7th Seb posts his congrats to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. 
AO does the same on a story.
November 9th 2020, Blind Item #7: ”The foreign born alliterate A list actor who likes to often cheat on his sketchy girlfriend is being called out for yet again traveling to a foreign country for a vacation. Third or fourth one in the past few months. Besides realizing he was busted on video for not following the same rules he advocates, he is also vacationing in countries from which his girlfriend is allowed to get back into the US.“

November 9th we get the pap pics of them in Mexico and they appear very planned. Seb also appears skinny. Seb is talking on the phone, strips just his shirt as AO waits for him in water. They kiss briefly in awkward embraces, only once on lips, she gets hit by wave and he leaves her in water.

*** Around here is when Seb starts posting throwbacks and he starts looking sick 

November 12th, Seb posts a throwback to when he was on set on Endings Beginings.

November 15th he posts a throwback video for Charity on set of TFATWS with Anthony.
He makes a post for another Charity (same is bulletin prior) and he looks sick and tired. His hair is also very thin but some fans say it’s just sea water. Others are still worried about his health and think something is wrong. His left eyelid is a little swollen.


Around this time is when AO starts posting the same sushi from around September. (possibly same.)
We make conclusion she is in LA when she then posts story with LA in background. 

November 18th she posts pictures in LA.

November 19th Seb posts a Bucky picture.

December 6th 2020, Blind Item #5: ”This foreign born alliterate A- list superhero did a video supporting a charity, Great. The thing is though, he used the opportunity to call out everyone who has called him out and said that he is great because he is taking the time to make a charity video. Probably not the video the charity had in mind. Revealed: Sebastian Stan.“

We assume he is in LA with AO. 
Rumors of them moving in together start to come up as she later continues to post pictures of a Christmas tree in a house.
Seb’s friends are in LA for thanksgiving. This is when drama with Toby happens and he changes his picture of where he posted Seb to say “throwback.”

AO continues to prove she is in LA. Bait.

November 30th/31st AO posts a picture tagging Chanel. *sorry I had to laugh at this one*
He does another charity which he forgets to promote this time on his IG. 

December 7th AO posts a shadow picture in LA tagging Seb. He does not approve this original photo into his tags.

December 7th Seb posts a quarantine video from his NYC apartment “Thank you for the love, thank you for the hate. Be safe.”

After fans start to speculate that he is in NYC again, on December 8th, Seb posts a Christmas tree and says “First tree in 20 years…” it’s a selfie and second picture is same tree Ale posted but cropped to find entire IG post. Background is blurred out.
AO continues to show LA house. Bait.

December 10th new pap walk admits rumors of TFATWS trailer dropping soon.

Seb is holding keys for car place that rents cars for PR purposes and there is a lot of distance between him and AO.

December 10th, Seb posts TFATWS trailer that drops and the poster later that night.
AO continues to post things about herself.

Seb continues to allow memes making fun of her and their rs to come through his tag.

She posts a video of a dog.

December 13th Seb posts a video of himself and a cat, but house looks different than LA house. He also looks very different from that pap walk, with a full beard. It is speculated his video is old but unconfirmed. 

AO posts TIFF movies and Seb does the same.

December 16th, Lily James and Seb project is announced. 

December 16th AO posts LA picture.

December 17th AO posts picture in grains yard of LA house.

December 18th AO posts another script in English and Italian.

December 18th Seb posts Charity post.
this is up to today’s date. 
If I missed anything let me know.
Mod: I haven't had the chance to read through it all, but it looks fine, doesn’t look like opinions but more fact type of thing so I'll keep it up. Thanks for taking time do that, this is crazy lol
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someone please write this fic
being on lockdown during this pandemic resurrected some major bamon feels. my brain started to obsessively develop the plot for a bamon fanfic and since I do not consider myself a writer, I’m surrendering it to the void.
For your consideration, Bonnie and Damon’s lives after the TVD series finale starts something like this:
Bonnie needs a fresh start after the shitstorm of the last 8 years. Her friends are safe and moving forward with their lives, so she decides to go back and finish up college...far away from Mystic Falls. The idea of exploring anything supernatural is lost on her, so instead of following in Grams’ footsteps as an Occult Studies professor, she takes a different path. Bonnie discovers her passion for Human Rights and Global Health, earning a PhD in Social Epidemiology. Working for a nonprofit jumpstarts her solo trip around the world, traveling through various parts of Africa and southeast Asia.
Her love of travel and social justice advocacy inspires Bonnie to create a digital media publication to share her unique perspective. Self proclaimed anti-influencer, Bonnie creates Currently: Conquering the World with Dr. Bonnie which delivers education through travel – simultaneously offering honest first-hand travel insights, educating followers on important issues faced by the highlighted destinations and checking privilege. The platform uplifts the voices of WOC, POC and marginalized people. It has been featured in a couple of major publications, donates to local nonprofits, hosts a podcast and has a sizable social media following. Bonnie posts a booty shot for every 1,000 new followers to her instagram account to show that there’s no correlation between a badass bitch in a bikini and intelligence.
Magic takes a backseat to Bonnie’s career and she’s okay with it. She still practices and befriends a handful of witches and warlocks through her travels. However, she keeps the magnitude of her abilities mostly under wraps. There’s not a snowflake’s chance in hell that she will let the power of her lineage be taken advantage of again. Bonnie Bennett - joyful, unapologetic BAMF, brainiac and humanitarian - finally found her inner goddess and is making good on her promise to live her very best life.
Bonnie keeps in touch with the remaining members of the Mystic Falls Scooby gang, though marginally - FaceTime sessions with Caroline and Elena when they can fit into each other’s schedules and time zones, long conversations with Matt, and random texts from Damon complaining about anything and everything. In time, the calls become fewer and no news is good news in her mind. Plus, she has a business to run, places to be, people to educate and a patriarchy to dismantle.
At first, Damon struggles acclimating to his new human life. He’s not pleased to have to take up exercising to in order to maintain his physique and misses the strength and agility he once had as a vampire. The lack of bloodlust is a plus. Cooking and eating real food is way more rewarding and enjoyable, another plus. Although, he gets mildly depressed that his body needs to build up an alcohol tolerance and can actually now die from overdrinking. He finally has Elena all to himself which is all he ever wanted and he should be walking on cloud nine, but it’s all so overwhelming. Time is fleeting and he realizes how much he had taken it for granted. He misses Stefan so goddamn much and it doesn’t help that his best friend/favorite drinking buddy skipped town on him. He spends one whole year mourning his brother, wallowing in self-pity, and being the domesticated boyfriend to his Pre Med fiancé before he gets his shit together.
Inspired after binge watching Tidying Up on Netflix, Damon starts applying the Konmari method to the Boarding House. In the attic, he finds his bachelors of architecture along with a set of licenses he got for ‘shits and gigs’ back in the 80s and it sparks something in him. He was productive as a vampire, after all. Damon convinces Caroline to compel NCARB and the State Board of Contractors into reinstating his architect and contractor licenses – because that’s what family is for – and starts a design and contracting firm, working mostly on small tenant improvement projects in and around Mystic Falls. His first project is to renovate the Boarding House which he later hands over to Alaric to run the Salvatore School.
Damon and Elena get married in between the time she ends Pre Med and starts Med School. It’s a spontaneous ceremony at City Hall which Matt documents via Facebook Live. They make it through one year of marriage before things start to go south. With Elena now further away for Med School and Damon running his business in Mystic Falls, they barely make it work to see each other on weekends. Damon falls in love with a dilapidated old bar in the heart of town and purchases it, throwing himself into a major renovation. It serves as a nice distraction from the growing divide between him and the “love of his life.” Year two is the tipping point – Elena wants him to relocate closer her, Damon wants to continue growing his business in Mystic Falls and neither wants to compromise. They see each other even less and argue more until Elena admits she has been cheating on Damon with a colleague, and their decision to part ways is mutual. Not so epic love, after all.
The breakup isn’t as painful as he thought it would be since Elena and him were living separate lives already. He sells the property for which he planned to surprise his ex-wife with a family home and readjusts his plans for the bar to incorporate a second floor loft for himself. It takes Damon almost a full year to finish renovations on his pride and joy, Savior. Blood, sweat and tears went into preserving and restoring original, historic architectural features. He took great care in curating every single detail and it paid off because his bar was voted best in the county and has become the go-to place for intimate date nights and an impeccable drink selection.
Nine years after Bonnie hightailed it out of Mystic Falls for good, three years after founding Currently: Conquering and two-ish years after the grand opening of Savior, the former besties run into each other on the streets of Havana. The run and jump hug from when Bonnie resurrected herself from 90s Hell is relived and they play catch-up over medianoches. Bonnie is leading a group of travelers through Cuba for the next 10 days while Damon is on sabbatical to celebrate his thriving business ventures and divorce. He critiques the photo composition her latest ass shot posted to IG and she points out his new frown lines that would put Stefan’s to shame – and just like that, they’re besties all over again.
Bonnie invites him to join her tour group and having no set itinerary, Damon agrees. It’s truly refreshing to see Bonnie in her element. Bearing witness to the person she has grown into after the supernatural drama of yesteryear only reinforces Damon’s admiration of her. Having no real destination after Cuba, Damon piggybacks onto her next guided tour, leaning into the local culture that his best friend has grown to love so much. He even follows her to Costa Rica before he has to return home.
(Annnnnd that’s where it stopped)
Does a similar fic already exist and I just don’t remember haven’t read it?
Would it be too much to ask for accurate characterization and spot-on snarky dialogue, and like, not written in first-person narrative?
Timing - I’ve estimated approx 9 years until Bamon meet up Cuba. Not sure if it makes logical sense with everything that happens in between.
Damon and Elena’s child(ren?) - didn’t consider them...the Gilbert’s shouldn’t procreate, IMO. I don’t plan on watching Legacies and not sure what is canon. The plot would need to be adjusted if included. Regarding the origins of Stefanie Salvatore - I’d say keep this character as DE’s spawn instead of rewriting as Bamon’s kid. Since Stefan killed Enzo, the name would be a sore spot for Bonnie.
Bonnie’s career - mimics that of Dr. Kiona who runs hownottotravellikeabasicbitch on IG - follow her! She’s awesome.
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erekuri · 4 years
For anyone who may not know who BABYMETAL is, they are a Japanese idol group/metal band with 2 (formerly 3) members. They are popular for the way they combine Japanese idol cuteness with heavy metal, and some have dubbed their style “kawaii metal.” Their music is amazing for real please check it out! 
BABYMETAL are loved in Japan and around the world, and they’ve met many big names in metal/rock such as Metallica, Judas Priest, and Dragonforce. They have choreography in their songs and their performances are really fun to watch :D
So, I was in the shower when this idea came to me. Since originally they had 3 members, I was thinking that the 160 cm trio of Miyoshi, Hatano, and Jitsui would be well-suited for this. BABYMETAL also consists of a band, so the other 5 spies would be in said band, and Yuuki would be the manager. So it’ll look like this:
Miyoshi (center/lead vocalist)
Hatano (vocalist/rapper)
Jitsui (main vocalist)
Kaminaga (drums/waidako)
Tazaki (keyboard/piano)
Fukumoto (lead guitar/violin)
Odagiri (bass guitar/cello/harp/acoustic)
Amari (secondary guitar/trumpet/saxophone) 
By center, I mean that Miyoshi will almost always be at the center of their photos and is deemed as the ‘main member.’ (In K-pop terms, think of visuals and centers such as Yoona from Girls’ Generation or Kai from EXO.) He’s the member who will usually take the lead in interviews because he’s the oldest, though all 3 seem to have drunk from the fountain of youth lol. Jitsui is the main vocalist, so he gets the most lines as well as the high notes if the song has one. Hatano gets the least, but generally the line distribution is even enough that there are little complaints. He will also rap on occasion (think Linkin Park or Hollywood Undead) but most of their songs are singing-based. Hatano and Miyoshi will also do adlibs while Jitsui is known for his stunning vocal runs. Even though Jitsui is their main vocalist, Miyoshi is the one who gets put in the center of their dance formations more often. 
Ah right, their voices. (Since I am more familiar with K-pop rather than J-pop vocalists, they’ll be my main references here. My apologies in advance.)
Jitsui is the main vocalist. He needs a sweet voice to compliment his sweet face, but it’s also gotta be powerful. Ryeowook from Super Junior would be the perfect fit here, because it’s got this sweet tone to it but also nice and clear and the high notes would sound like a literal choir of angels. 
Miyoshi’s vocal color would be like Suho from EXO. Clear and sweet and comforting. His falsettos are the most flawless thing you’ve ever heard, and the emotion he puts into his singing is on another level. His voice is, in a word, PRETTY.
Since Hatano does both vocals and rap, I’m thinking his vocal color would be like Key from SHINee. With that higher tone he has, it suits Hatano’s appearance and personality wonderfully. Both his singing and rapping are amazing and he likes to scream sometimes to hype up the crowd lol.
(All vocalists mentioned are from SM Entertainment groups,,, damn, I really said SINGERS ONLY and I really like all 3 choices I made omg. MY MIND.)
(In the real BABYMETAL, member Su-metal sings the majority but I am not deep enough in the fandom to know how fans feel about it. I don’t mind too much since the songs slap either way lmao. And I think the balance is nice but that’s just me. However, for the 160cm trio, I had to even it up because I am someone who typically prefers more even line distributions when it comes to idol groups.)
As for their dancing, BABYMETAL’s choreography is a unique one where 1 is center and the other 2 are backup. For my AU, however, I’d make the choreo more like EXO-CBX in that it’s suited for 3 people, while also taking notes from Super Junior (for their earlier metal songs) or Dreamcatcher (for their famous ‘anime-style’ music.) 
Because they’re a metal group, Kaminaga will almost always be on the drum kit, and by God he is good at it. The drum kit he uses is one you’ll see in most metal bands, but he also uses an auxiliary drum kit (which is electrical and has sensors and stuff) for the group’s more experimental tracks. When they want to go something more traditional or epic, he’ll bring out his wadaiko (traditional Japanese drum) and go at it. He’s also the unofficial leader of the band. 
Tazaki plays the keyboard. I personally envision Tuomas from Nightwish when I think of this position, but there are other keyboard players in metal bands out there that are fun to watch. Tazaki is generally a calm person, but when he plays he headbangs like crazy. He’ll play the piano when they do softer songs, and his pretty fingers are mesmerizing to watch. Oh yeah, and the keyboard he uses is a synthesizer due to the underlying ‘pop’ aspect in their music, considering it’s for an idol group.
Fukumoto would be the main/lead guitarist. He’d get pretty much all the solos (though Amari might join in as the secondary guitarist). He’s hailed as one of the best guitarists of all time, and he plays a major role in the musical arrangements of the songs. He’s also a prodigy when it comes to the violin, which he’ll sometimes use instead of his guitar for a more ‘symphonic’ sound. In reality, he’ll switch between them as he sees fit. 
Odagiri is the reliable bass guitar; underrated, but without them, the song just isn’t the same. As the bass player, he helps to balance out the guitars. He plays the cello when they want a jazzier theme or an orchestra kind of sound, and when they go the traditional route, in comes the harp. When the boys want to sing an acoustic version of their songs to show off their vocals, Odagiri will be the one to play the acoustic guitar to accompany them.
Amari is the secondary guitarist, and arguably the most versatile player in the band. He can not only play the electric guitar, but he can also play the trumpet and the saxophone. Their jazz songs would require them to be in the same song, but he can switch between the two easily enough, provided he’s given enough time to transition (otherwise he’ll simply use a pre-recording of one while playing the other live.) When a song requires both violin and guitar, Amari will take the role of the lead guitar while Fukumoto plays violin.
(The instruments mentioned are their main ones, though I’m sure they could all play more if they wanted to. I just don’t have the brain cells to spare for this lol. Maybe some other time I can give more thought to the band, but I’m ok with what I have for now. Besides, most metal bands will have 1 person per instrument or will bring in a whole orchestra, so what I have is farfetched ngl, and yet I like it because the D-Agency boys are just so talented at anything they try hehe)
As stated earlier, Yuuki would be their manager. He is known to all as just “Yuuki.” He is the one who brought the group together, as the trio were originally part of an idol group but were mostly in the back, while the others were notable musicians who had no band to belong to. In his prime, he was an acclaimed songwriter and producer, but he’s also super happy doing what he does as a manager/producer for the 160cm trio and the band. He fought tooth and nail for the formation of this group and is more than satisfied with their explosive popularity. He will often clash with the CEO of their label, IG Productions, because he refuses to let them hold back the band’s growth. 
Now, y’all may be wondering… where is Sakuma??? 
Sakuma, Gamo Jirou, Yuriko Nogami, and Miyoko Yasuhara are all well-respected actors under the same agency (not IG but another one lol.) 
Yuriko and Miyoko are mostly in theatre, but Yuriko is a recurring favorite in J-dramas while Miyoko is popular in movies. 
Jirou is super versatile, and he’d be kinda like Robert Pattinson in the sense that he will often make fun of the stuff he’s been in. He likes to take on bizarre roles that test his limits as an actor, and his range is pretty much unmatched. He’s recognizable but people will still lose themselves in his brilliant acting. He is more often seen in movies, but sometimes he’ll star in a drama, especially one where he plays a villain/antagonist or a second-lead.
Sakuma is another J-drama favorite, and he has a legion of fangirls; as of late, those fangirls include aunties who love his clean and respectable image. He made headlines once when he shaved his head for a role as a soldier because it was such a shock that he looked as handsome as ever. He loves being in movies with a lot of angst/sad endings, and don’t get me started on how sad some of the dramas he’s in can be. And as a bonus, his characters almost always die and oof it really breaks people’s hearts. Occasionally, he’ll take on a more light-hearted role such as a friendly teacher. 
Sakuma and Gamo are both openly gay, and many fangirls will wish for them to find boyfriends because they want these actors to be happy. They have starred in movies together and their friendship off-screen can be considered ‘iconic.’ Fans ship them platonically. 
Sakuma would also be a major fanboy of the D-Agency band, and Miyoshi is easily his favorite member. He attends their concerts in disguise because he has a reputation, damn it. One time he dragged his actor friends along, and Gamo fell for Jitsui HARD. Meanwhile, Yuriko eventually starts a romance with the bassist, Odagiri, when she wanders backstage by accident on her way to the restroom. (Sakuma is jealous as fuck that she managed to get backstage but he won’t admit it.)
Alain, Marie, Jean, and Johann are all foreign celebrities, who are all wildly popular in Japan. Marie would be a popular actress who travels to Japan to participate in a film (directed by Jean, a highly-respected director) that takes place there. It’d be a collaboration project between a French studio and a Japanese one. Alain would be a famous pop artist in France, and his songs can be meaningful and uplifting or super raunchy and inappropriate as hell, no in-between. He goes to Japan because he’s interested in their newest idol/heavy metal fusion group. Johann is a talented lyricist/producer and he prefers to write songs for other people and avoid the drama that comes with being a celebrity. Alain drags him to Japan because why not?
Back to the band, their debut song would be ‘Reason Triangle’. ‘Double’ would be for a J-drama collab in which Sakuma finally gets to meet his favorite group (???) idk but their discography would also include songs like:
Taking Off - ONE OK ROCK
Fukagyaku Replace - My First Story
Take Off - 2PM
Cosmic Railway - EXO
Signal- TK from Ling tosite sigure
FEED THE FIRE - coldrain
Kyouran Hey Kids!! - THE ORAL CIGARETTES
And that’s all I can think of for this AU. I can’t believe I wrote so much but this idea just wouldn’t leave my head so I had to write it all down. I hope y’all enjoy my ramblings lol. 
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Pluralistic: 02 Mar 2020 (Disasters vs dystopias, meet me in Kelowna, Cool Mules, astrosovkitsch, drug policy)
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Today's links
My new podcast, "Disasters Don't Have to End in Dystopia": Tired: Look for the helpers. Wired: Be the helper.
The next frontier for school censorware is spying on kids all the time: It's how we'll stop ISIS, apparently.
I'm coming to Kelowna on March 5: It's my first-ever trip to the BC interior and more than half the (free) tickets are gone. RSVP now!
Cool Mules, an investigative series on a Vice editor's cocaine-smuggling ring: From the people who brought you the stunning "Thunder Bay."
Soviet Space Graphics: Cosmic Visions from the USSR.
Apple, Nike and Dell's supply chain includes enslaved Uyghurs: Xinjiang Phase II.
Drugs Without the Hot Air: The best book I've ever read on drugs and drug policy, in an expanded new edition.
This day in history: 2005, 2010, 2015, 2019
Colophon: Recent publications, current writing projects, upcoming appearances, current reading
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My new podcast, "Disasters Don't Have to End in Dystopia" (permalink)
I just posted a new podcast! "Disasters Don't Have to End in Dystopia" is an essay I wrote for Wired about the ways that the stories we tell ourselves make the difference between rising to meet a crisis and devolving into catastrophe.
The podcast is here:
The Wired essay is here:
Though I wrote it in 2017, it really applies today. Our beliefs about whether we can trust our neighbors to have our back in times of crisis informs whether we behave in a way that shows THEY can trust US in times of crisis.
And since every crisis is (eventually) overcome by people pitching in to get things fixed, the belief that our fellow humans are untrustworthy means that crises are more likely to turn into disasters – and the stories we write can instil or dispel that belief.
I know that there's some controversy about Mr Rogers' famous "Look for the helpers" speech – that it's advice for children, not adults.
But the adult version is "BE the helper." That is, prepared to run towards the emergency, not to cower in a luxury bunker while better people than you get the machine started again.
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The next frontier for school censorware is spying on kids all the time (permalink)
We spend a lot of time bemoaning the lack of privacy-consciousness among kids, and then we spy on them at school with censorware and punish them for taking any action that might protect their privacy from us.
Meanwhile, censorware companies – whose primary customers have always been oppressive regimes seeking to control political oppositions – have morphed into full-on student surveillance companies, and their sales pitch is a terrifying slurry of war-on-terror/active shooter FUD.
When companies like Gaggle and Securely pitch school-boards on their products, they claim that they can detect incipient in-school ISIS attacks and the like, and use that as justification to spy on kids in-school and out-of-school online activities. These companies are mini-NSAs-for-hire, tracking social media usage and every keystroke and click on school networks and devices, storing it (insecurely) for years, if not decades.
They make bizarre claims ("the average 7th grader has 6 Instagram accounts" – which would make 7th graders 25% of the entire IG user-base). And they find terrified parents to endorse spying ("If it's going to protect my child, I don't care how you get the info, just get it"). People who sell security need to sell fear. If we want our kids to care about their privacy, we can't make them "safe" by spying on them all the time and banning any steps they take to make us stop.
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I'm coming to Kelowna on March 5 (permalink)
I'm coming to the BC interior for the first time ever, talking about my book Radicalized at the Kelowna library as part of Canada Reads. I'm being hosted by the CBC's Sarah Penton from 6-8PM! It's free to attend but it's ticketed, and the majority of tickets are already gone — if you want to come, now's the time to RSVP.
(and if you can't make it, it's OK! The CBC will broadcast the audio and I'll put it my podcast, too)
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Cool Mules, an investigative series on a Vice editor's cocaine-smuggling ring (permalink)
Back in 2015, Slava Pastuk was an editor at Vice, and he abused his position there to pressure young, desperate would-be journalists into smuggling suitcases full of millions of dollars' worth of cocaine into Australia.
Five of them went to prison, but Slava Pastuk did not (at first). When Pastuk's role in the affair became public and he was indicted and tried, he refused to talk to the press at all, making the whole thing something of a non-story cipher (despite its spectacular details).
Incredibly, though, Canadaland got Slava to talk. At length. And they got the other side of the story, too, both from Slava's victims and those who risked career suicide by turning him down. The result is a new, six-part investigative series called Cool Mules, hosted by Kasia Mychajlowycz, whose work I discovered through the spectacular On The Media.
It's modeled on Canadaland's last, spectacular miniseries, Thunder Bay, easily the best investigative series I ever listened to.
This morning's Canadaland features an in-depth, behind-the-scenes look at the making of the series between Mychajlowycz and Jesse Brown, and it has me licking my chops for the series itself.
Soviet Space Graphics (permalink)
When my grandmother was 12, she was inducted into the Leningrad civil defense corps during the 900 day siege of Leningrad (I wrote a science fiction novella about this called "After the Siege").
The story is also available as a five-part audiobook reading by Mary Robinette Kowal:
http://scalzi.com/atseige/afterthesiege1.mp3 http://scalzi.com/atseige/afterthesiege2.mp3 http://scalzi.com/atseige/afterthesiege3.mp3 http://scalzi.com/atseige/afterthesiege4.mp3 http://scalzi.com/atseige/afterthesiege5.mp3
Eventually (years later) my grandmother was evacuated with the women and children across the winter ice and ended up in Siberia, where she met my grandfather, got pregnant, fled to Azerbaijan and birthed my father. They made their way to Canada over six years, through a series of refugee adventures and crises that could each be a novella of its own (the part where she married my grandfather's one-armed partisan fighter brother, for example, and got caught in a pogrom).
My grandmother completely lost contact with her family in Leningrad, for years. More than a decade. My father vividly recounts how he, as a little boy, heard his mother in Toronto answer the phone and say, "Mama, mama" and begin to cry for the family she thought was dead.
Over the years that followed, my grandmother and grandfather traveled to the USSR several times to see her family, and my Leningrad family came often to visit us in Toronto. Whenever they came, the brought Soviet space-program memoribilia.
There was SO MUCH of this stuff (in the early 90s, Russian sf fans used to pay their way to US conventions by shlepping suitcases full of astrosovkitsch to sell at the event), and it was gorgeous and magical. Some of the best art of the Soviet era was produced to celebrate the space program, and my most cherished toys and knickkacks growing up featured Sputnik, Gagarin, and Valentina Tereshkova. Today, much of that stuff is in our home, thanks in part to Ukrainian Ebay sellers who've taken over the astrosovkitsch market from Russian sf fans.
I'm awfully excited, therefore, by the news that Phaidon is bringing out "Soviet Space Graphics: Cosmic Visions from the USSR." It's a lavishly illustrated volume, produced in collaboration with the Moscow Design Museum.
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If you're ever in St Petersburg and you want to see some amazing historical examples of Soviet space and tech materials, visit the Popov Museum.
Incidentally, my grandmother's baby brother Bora, who stayed behind in Leningrad, grew up to be curator of the Popov. I last saw Uncle Bora in 2005, shortly before his death, and he gave us a curator's behind-the-scenes tour of the museum. You can see my photos from the visit here:
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Apple, Nike and Dell's supply chain includes enslaved Uyghurs (permalink)
Phase II of China's Xinjiang concentration camps for ethno-religious minorities (mostly Uyghurs but also other Muslim minorities) is creating slave-labor factories that serve major US brands.
Nike, Apple and Dell's supply chains are all implicated.
As a reminder, the Xinjiang concentration camps used torture, punitive rape, brainwashing, forced medical experimentation and other tactics to "retrain" a disfavored minority.
"Between 2017 and 2019, the ASPI think tank estimates that more than 80,000 Uighurs were transferred out of the far western Xinjiang autonomous region to work in factories across China. It said some were sent directly from detention camps."
The revelations come from a report from the Australian Strategic Policy Institute:
The workers enslaved in these factories spend their off-hours in brainwashing sessions, living "in segregated dormitories, with Mandarin lessons and 'ideological training', subjected to constant surveillance and banned from observing religious practices."
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Drugs Without the Hot Air (permalink)
I first read "Drugs Without the Hot Air," David Nutt's astoundingly good book about drug policy back in 2012; in the eight years since, hardly a month has gone by without my thinking about it. Now, there's a new, updated edition, extensively revised, and it's an absolute must-read.
Nutt came to fame when he served as the UK "Drugs Czar" under the Labour Government in the late 2000s; especially when Home Secretary Jacqui Smith fired him for his refusal to lie and say that marijuana was more harmful than alcohol, despite the extensive evidence to the contrary (Smith also threatened Nutt for publishing a paper in Nature that compared the neurological harms of recreational horseback riding to harms from recreational MDMA use, a paper that concluded that if horses came in pill form we might call them "Equasy").
Since then, Nutt — an eminent psychopharmacologist researcher and practioner — has continued to campaign, research, and write about evidence-based drugs policy that takes as its central mission to reduce harm and preserve therapeutic benefits from drugs.
Like the first edition of Drugs Without the Hot Air, the new edition serves three missions:
First, to describe how a wide variety of drugs — benzos, cocaine, opoiods, cannabis, etc, but also alcohol, caffeine and nicotine — work in the body, in clear, nontechnical language that anyone can follow.
Next, to describe the harms and benefits of drugs, considered both on individual and societal levels — and also to describe what the best medical evidence tells us about maximizing those benefits and minimizing those harms.
Finally, to recount how governments — mainly in the UK but also in the USA and elsewhere — have responded to the evidence on drug mechanisms, harms and benefits.
Inevitably, part 3 becomes an indictment, as Nutt describes in eye-watering, frustrating, brutal detail how harmful, incoherent, self-serving and cowardly government responses to drugs have been, and how many lives they have ruined — through criminalizing harmless conduct, through treating medical problems as criminal ones, and through badly thought-through policies that caused relatively benign substances to be replaced with far more harmful ones (for example, Nutt traces the lethal rise in fentanyl partly to the successful global interdiction of opium poppies).
One important difference between the new edition and the original is visible progress on this last. In the years since Nutt was fired for refusing to lie about science, he has founded Drugscience, a research and advocacy nonprofit that has scored significant policy wins and made real therapeutic breakthroughs through hard work and rigour.
I don't think you could ask for a more sensible, clear-eyed, and useful book about drugs, from the ones your doctor prescribes to the ones your bartender serves you to the ones you can go to jail for possessing. Nutt is not just a great and principled campaigner, nor merely a talented and dedicated scientist — he's also a superb communicator.
Drugs Without the Hot Air is part of an outstanding series of technical books — mostly about climate change — that have greatly influenced my thinking. The publisher, UIT Cambridge, has several more that I recommend.
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This day in history (permalink)
#15yrsago Media professors' SCOTUS brief on why P2P should be legal https://web.archive.org/web/20050910210056/http://www.nyu.edu/classes/siva/mediagrokster.pdf
#15yrsago Study: Used hard-drives full of juicy blackmail material https://web.archive.org/web/20051223054039/http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2-1487674,00.html
#15yrsago Revolved: Beatles mashup album https://web.archive.org/web/20050221212052/http://www.hearingdouble.co.uk/ccc/
#15yrsago 1121 phrases you can't put on personalized jerseys at nfl.com https://web.archive.org/web/20050304035349/https://www.outsports.com/nfl/2005/0301nflshopnaughtywords.htm
#10yrsago Brits: tell the LibDem Peers not to bring web-censorship to Britain! https://www.openrightsgroup.org/blog/2010/lib-dems-seek-web-blocking
#10yrsago If chess were redesigned by MMORPG developers https://akma.disseminary.org/2010/03/if-chess-were-invented-by-mmog-developers/
#5yrsago America's growing gangs of armed, arrest-making, untrained rent-a-cops https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/crime/private-police-carry-guns-and-make-arrests-and-their-ranks-are-swelling/2015/02/28/29f6e02e-8f79-11e4-a900-9960214d4cd7_story.html
#5yrsago Bruce Schneier's Data and Goliath: The Hidden Battles to Collect Your Data and Control Your World https://boingboing.net/2015/03/02/bruce-schneiers-data-and-gol.html
#1yrago Man-Eaters: Handmaid's Tale meets Cat People in a comic where girls turn into man-eating were-panthers when they get their periods https://boingboing.net/2019/03/02/lycanthropes-v-patriarchy.html
#1yrago Massive study finds strong correlation between "early affluence" and "faster cognitive drop" in old age https://www.pnas.org/content/116/12/5478
#1yrago Comcast assigned every mobile customer the same unchangeable PIN to protect against SIM hijack attacks: 0000 https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2019/03/a-comcast-security-flub-helped-attackers-steal-mobile-phone-numbers/
#1yrago Improbably, a Black activist is now the owner and leader of the "National Socialist Movement," which he is turning into an anti-racist group https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2019/03/01/how-black-man-outsmarted-neo-nazi-group-became-their-new-leader/?utm_term=.e5eb80c543cb
#1yrago Study that claimed majority of Copyright Directive opposition came from the US assumed all English-language tweets came from Washington, DC https://webschauder.de/wer-zwitschert-zum-eu-urheberrecht/
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Colophon (permalink)
Today's top sources: Slashdot (https://slashdot.org), Dark Roasted Blend (https://www.darkroastedblend.com/) and Naked Capitalism (https://nakedcapitalism.com/).
Hugo nominators! My story "Unauthorized Bread" is eligible in the Novella category and you can read it free on Ars Technica: https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2020/01/unauthorized-bread-a-near-future-tale-of-refugees-and-sinister-iot-appliances/
Upcoming appearances:
Canada Reads Kelowna: March 5, 6PM, Kelowna Library, 1380 Ellis Street, with CBC's Sarah Penton https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/cbc-radio-presents-in-conversation-with-cory-doctorow-tickets-96154415445
Currently writing: I just finished a short story, "The Canadian Miracle," for MIT Tech Review. It's a story set in the world of my next novel, "The Lost Cause," a post-GND novel about truth and reconciliation. I'm getting geared up to start work on the novel now, though the timing is going to depend on another pending commission (I've been solicited by an NGO) to write a short story set in the world's prehistory.
Currently reading: Just started Lauren Beukes's forthcoming Afterland: it's Y the Last Man plus plus, and two chapters in, it's amazeballs. Last month, I finished Andrea Bernstein's "American Oligarchs"; it's a magnificent history of the Kushner and Trump families, showing how they cheated, stole and lied their way into power. I'm getting really into Anna Weiner's memoir about tech, "Uncanny Valley." I just loaded Matt Stoller's "Goliath" onto my underwater MP3 player and I'm listening to it as I swim laps.
Latest podcast: Disasters Don't Have to End in Dystopias: https://craphound.com/podcast/2020/03/01/disasters-dont-have-to-end-in-dystopias/
Upcoming books: "Poesy the Monster Slayer" (Jul 2020), a picture book about monsters, bedtime, gender, and kicking ass. Pre-order here: https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781626723627?utm_source=socialmedia&utm_medium=socialpost&utm_term=na-poesycorypreorder&utm_content=na-preorder-buynow&utm_campaign=9781626723627
(we're having a launch for it in Burbank on July 11 at Dark Delicacies and you can get me AND Poesy to sign it and Dark Del will ship it to the monster kids in your life in time for the release date).
"Attack Surface": The third Little Brother book, Oct 20, 2020.
"Little Brother/Homeland": A reissue omnibus edition with a very special, s00per s33kr1t intro.
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migleefulmoments · 5 years
Crisscolfer Strategy #1
I stumbled upon this 2017 post from Abby and I was struck by the first 2 paragraphs because she lays out her strategy for finding cc proof- nothing is surprising but to see her admit the simplicity of the 3-prong approach is breathtaking. For someone who spent a lot of time claiming she knew more than she could share, it’s impossible to imagine where that type of knowledge fits into this simplistic strategy. The rest of this writing covers satangate- I did make some comments but you can skip it if you want: 
(X)Anonymous asked: I've been out of the CC game for a while since I moved but I still ship them. Basically I want to know if there's been any recent interaction between Chris and Darren cuz I can't find anything but I saw Darren's tweet about if you insult his you insult him and it really shocked me I've missed so much!
ajw720 answered: Hi anon. Darren and Chris have not publicly been seen together since the end of Glee. They both did the march in LA last week. But we’re a block or two apart. Fact is. Ours is not an easy ship to sail. To believe. You have to look at everything from the clues on social media. To the messages in chris’ books. And the ones in the lyrics of songs Darren talks about. Some clues are overt, like My Chris Col-Fur, some more subtle like a reference to Flounder a few days after the Little Mermaid. (Here she sums up her strategy and it looks as pathetic as it is. To believe in CrissColfer you have to look for clues on social media, find the messages in Chris’s books and Darren’s song lyrics-not songs he writes but songs he talks about as if he is Blaine breaking into song to express himself at Dalton.  That’s it! That is the cc recipe for finding CrissColfer clues: hyper-analyze social media, read Chris’s children’s books, and hyper-analyze song’s Darren talks about.)  
To be here and believe. You have to be smart, observant, thick skinned, resilient and patient. And you have to be willing to overlook the many lies that have been told. (Now she sets expectations- they spent years bragging about how smart and observant they are. That has stopped in the last year or so- I guess the wedding she didn’t see coming even after Darren, Mia, Chord and a bunch of StarKids all headed to NOLA and Vera Wang posted on IG about a special wedding shook her enough to stop claiming she was observant. Smart? If you spend 5-10 years believing Darren’s life as told only through gifs, screen captures, and anon stories than you are not very smart. You have to be thick-skinned because Abby loved Darren and finding Darren and Mia together was very difficult. You have to be resilient and patient because there isn’t much cc evidence to find. This was written in 2017 - two years post-Glee so she knew that very little evidence was to be had and that the days of Chris and Darren hanging out bts or at work events were long over. The last line is the most. telling “you have to be willing to overlook the many lies that have been told”. Of course, the “lies that have been told" are actually Darren’s truth.)
But honestly. There’s enough. 2 years later and the clues are plentiful. And frequent. And we have the help of Team Beard who thankfully are horrific at their job. Plus. Chris truly is the captain. He can say what he wants about fandom. But he gives to ours a lot. (This is very disingenuous- there weren’t many clues at this point. The clues were in Chris’s books and Darren’s song. Mostly they were still skating by reblogging the cc evidence collected during Glee but that was getting very tired and stale).
Satangate. Not a lot is known to be honest. It was after the DC pops concert. A young fan, said to be about 15 years old, uttered the word Satan. The sound was caught on video. The word was said. No one. No one knows who it was directed at or why she said it. After that Darren left.
Allegedly he returned shortly after. Said fuck you to the young fan. But what’s interesting. No one. Not one single person out of what I understand to be about 10 people caught it on film. So we don’t actually know, do we? Do I think Darren is innocent? Not completely. I’m guessing something occurred. But how bad it was, we have no idea. (This argument is so stupid- Darren walked back in and yelled- it probably took 10 seconds total. The 10 fans were already dispersing and didn’t expect Darren to waltz back in and yell at them. Nobody had any reason to have their phones out or to start recording and it was over in an instant. This was the first time I remember Abby needing  “photographic evidence or it didn’t happen” but only when she didn’t like the story. If it was cc-positive- it didn’t matter who or where the evidence came from). 
Subsequently there was the disrespect tweet on twitter. No doubt that was posted by Ricky or beard herself. Both of whom were present. (See-no proof required. She just knows it wasn’t Darren who posted the words on his Twitter than matched the message he gave to the small crowd of fans. She doesn’t like the Tweet and she doesn’t like Mia so that is all he proof she needs- Mia did it) 
The fall out. Darren got so much hate and for a prolonged period. It appears he called out a young fan for saying the word Satan. Do not get me wrong. No one should be calling names to someone’s face. I don’t agree with that and I think you all know my personal feelings about the people who surround Darren. That is disrespectful. But this was handled terribly and it appears that a young fan was shamed. Not just in person but on social media. By an adult.(Darren does something wrong but it’s everyone’s fault but his-this is a common theme in her writings) 
My opinion? I think a bad situation was made worse by the toxic people in Darren’s life. I think he was pressured and didn’t handle it well. I also think it was greatly exaggerated to show him in a bad light. And I think he regretted it. And Again. The tweet is separate and I’m confident they were not his words. (Besides the outrageous excuses she makes for something he did that she didn’t like, she has to add the part about how he felt. There is no way she could know how he felt. It is comments like this that should worry Abby’s sister and anyone who follows cc because of Abby) .  
The one good thing. She was banned from fan events for quite sometime. She’d didn’t go to We day in London. Nor was she present at the next 2 pops concerts. And the one in NYC included an after party with Darren and any member of the audience willing to pay the price of admission (to support the pops).
Darren isn’t always perfect. Nor would I be in his shoes. But he tries to learn and correct himself. And, I have said this multiple times, something happened to him the week he was in London. He was off the radar for a week. Officially we do not know his travel companion but can absolutely confirm she wasn’t there as she was tagged by friends in LA multiple times over the week. And well. It’s convenient that chris was completely off the radar that week. Darren came back with a renewed energy. And a renewed spirit. The NYC concert was the Darren we love.(”He tries to learn and correct himself” -again not something we know. It’s something she hopes and wants to be true but not something Darren spoke about readily. Every time Darren was not on social media he was “off the radar”. In truth, he was only off Abby’s radar. Chris is off the radar most of the time as he doesn’t publicize the events he does attend and he doesn’t do fan photos very often).  
And I have noticed a difference in the bearding since then. A Major difference. We get heavy chunks of it. But there have been some deliberate choices made and I think Darren has been protecting himself more. She’s limited when he’s working. It was very evident during hedwig when there was little interaction between the two. (In Jan 2017 she was so observant that she noticed a “difference in the bearding” yet he was engaged by Jan 2018 and married by Feb 2019).  
So I do think he learned from that event. And I do think changes were made. And I think that’s the important take away here.
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Dedicated doll IG?            
After reading confessions here I’m a bit conflicted. I was going to just add my doll photos to my everyday IG which is pretty much just a snapshot blog of my life, some travel and my various hobbies and interests but now I’m wondering if it would be better to make a doll IG.
Honestly, it wouldn’t be that hard to switch between accounts for posting, my non-doll friends would never get sick of seeing too many dolls on my feed and ”all dolls all the time” also seems kind of cool, a wall of my dolls. I do have over 10 bjd, various sizes, (blank to finished) and 3 stories established about them so it wouldn’t be just a zillion shots of 3 dolls.
I don’t really see a down side to it? Maybe I’m missing something? I don’t follow many doll IG yet, I mostly follow a few specific kinds of doll hashtags and I’m pretty happy with the results I see in my feed so far. For those of you who have a dedicated doll IG, some pros and cons, please? Do you also have a doll blog or website? Why or why not?
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projectema · 4 years
The “Art” In Me
This quarantine has made me productive, I think.
I was able to organize my professional online profiles hoping that I’ll get my first online/freelance job. 🤞 I also took online courses with free certificates which I can use for my online profiles as additional credentials. I am also keeping up with my fitness as you have read from my previous entry. But, the thing I really enjoyed the most during this “break” is the time I can have for myself and art, mostly writing and photography. I wish I could also go back to painting but I just couldn’t find my watercolor and brushes. :P
I know I’m not a good writer but doing so helps me improve in expressing myself, hence this blog. After stalking reading my friend’s entries from way back, I realized how nice it would be to go back and read the entries I’ve written and see how I viewed life - how I improved as a writer and as a person in general.
I am also back on posting photos on my IG feed. I took a break in doing so, like a year I think, because I was posting more on my IG Stories with no apparent reason. REALLY. Well... Someone was stalking my feed but that was not the main reason. REALLY. Maybe I just got lazy.
I decided on posting more artsy photos now and hiding the non-artsy ones in my post archives. Oh. And I also got interested with film photography. BUT the thing is I am just a poser for now. LOL. I am only using analog camera apps on my phone because 1) I don’t know if our analog cameras are still working 2) I also don’t have an idea where to buy films and how to develop them. So I’ll settle with the apps I have for now. After this quarantine, I decided to take more photos of family, friends, nature, events, travel. I decided not to take these details in my life for granted.
I’d like to loosen up MORE. Yes, plans are plans for a better future. But, as Nathan Sawaya said,
“Art makes better humans, art is necessary in understanding the world and art makes people happy. Undeniably, art is not optional.”
Indeed art makes you happy.
I’d like to rekindle with the art in me.
Bye for now. *wink
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