#but if i focus too much on it then i'll get emotional bcs it brings back memories as well
mayuichi · 9 months
“Darling, I'm home.„
Kazuha Kaedehara x Reader. Warnings: somehow angst, mention of self harm and suicide
Do not read if it makes you uncomfortable, I'll post more fics in the future without those!
Note: the few next posts will be repost and rework over the fictions i first wrote on wattpad (around a year or two ago), and i felt bad to not bring them here. but i need to rework on some first bc theyre cringe now... and i can only focus on that and not create new one since my health isnt getting any better for now
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Official art from Hoyoverse.
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It's a bright and sunny day. You're at the Kamisato Estate. You're used to come here now, especially whenever you aren't feeling too well. The scenery is so peaceful it calms even your noisy mind. And today? It's one of these days.
Unfortunately for you, Thoma is away with Ayaka, and Ayato is busy inside. You wouldn't believe the Kamisato siblings would be avalaible for you, after all, would you?
Sitting on the bench, you look up to the sky. You sigh, pulling up your sleeves. When did it all started? And why did you even started it ? Do you remember? All you know is you've done it too much by now. And it isn't the soft cuts anymore.
They're so deep. Even if it ends up healing, if you ever succeed in not opening them again, you'll always have their marks on your arms. But who can you share your burdens to?
Everyone in town loves you, yes, thanks to your business. You're nice and sweet, you wouldn't even hurt a fly. You always seem so confident and sure of yourself. No one could believe you need help.
Whenever you'd see your body, you only feel ugliness. Who wouldn't? It's decorated with scars. On your arms, legs, even on your hips.
Yes, you do have some friends. First, the Kamisato siblings. Even in the nations you already visited. You even managed to have a somehow beginning of friendship with Scaramouche.
So why can't you at least be truly happy? Why can't you be normal once again? Something within you hate to see them hanging together, getting along so well. Is it jealousy perhaps?
“Of course not. I can't be jealous over something so stupid.„ yet, why can't you believe your own words? You sigh. You know since the beginning in what you engaged yourself. She's just your boyfriend's boss. It's thank to her he can live the life he wants and be able to come back every once in a while with you.
Your eyes become teary as the doubts fill your mind. Does he love you? His life is one of sailing, so why did he returned your feelings if he can't be here?
Just this morning, your short blade grazed against your skin, making new scratches. And you just hide them under your sleeves once more. It's time for you to head home.
On your way home, you're lost in your thoughts. Doubts and self loathe fill your mind to the point you don't even notice Ayaka and Thoma coming back from their business. They had to stop you to be able to strike a conversation.
“Oh, dear... Are you alright? You seem pale...„ Ayaka reaches out to brush her fingers against your cheek, her eyes filled with worry. “Oh no.. It's alright. I just need some rest.„ you fake a faint smile.
“If you need, I'm sure my lords wouldn't mind lending you a room for tonight.„ Thoma's gaze softens. He knows that as long as you don't bother neither of them, you would be able to stay. But you dismiss his words. “I appreciate it but... He comes home today..„
You feel your heart pounding at your words. It's true. That's also one of the reason for your emotional distress. After a month, he finally comes back. And your stress couldn't be higher.
Muttering an apology, you hurry home. It isn't luxurious or too spacious, but it's alright. It's more than enough for you.
When you thought your anxiety couldn't become worst, is when it proves you were wrong. You expected him to be already home, but he isn't. You're there, alone. Walking to the calendar, you sigh. “He said he'd come back today...„
You know it's probably just the ship taking more time than what was planned. But your self destructive thoughts never take rest. The voice in your head keeps the same old speech as always. That he's with her, and he's going to leave you.
What could you do now? Beside wait, nothing could be done. Your shoulders dropping in defeat, you silently sit on the couch, staring at the floor.
Three hours passed. Three hours doing nothing more than staring around and overthinking. In the end, you believe he just left without warning you. And just as you're about to give in your despair, you hear a door, and that familiar voice.
“Darling, I'm home.„ you want to get up and jump in his arms, but your body doesn't answer your command. You're so happy he's here, and yet... Tears sting in your eyes. Why are you crying now? He's here, with you. Do you even know if it's tears of joy or not?
His footsteps creep closer, until his head peeks through the doorframe. “Are you home?„ his eyes land on you. He stares at you. Seeing your shoulders shuddering, hearing broken sobs, he's quick to come next to you.
“Love... Are you crying?„ you don't answer. How could you when your voice doesn't want to come out of your throat? He sits down next to you, carefully slipping an arm around your shoulders, his other hand resting on your thigh to caress it in a comforting gesture.
He doesn't pressure you. He knows better than to force you. So he waits until you speak by yourself. “Why... Why am I so hideous..?„ he doesn't say anything. He lets you go on hating yourself for now. He doesn't even know what to do or say exactly, but if just listening can help you, he'd do it.
You rent about everything, not even caring about anything. Your insecurities, your fears, your doubts, even your self harm. He doesn't mention any of that. It's when you finish speaking that he says one thing.
“... Can you let me treat your wounds?„ he doesn't even wait for your answer. He stands up to get some bandages and alcohol to disinfect. You wince at the slight pain, and he tells you to hang in there.
He clearly has no idea how to comfort you, so he then places down the alcohol and bandages, gently wrapping his arms around you.
“I know I sail a lot. That worries you too, but I promise you there isn't a single day I do not think of you. You know that Beidou is nothing more than a friend, and you're the only one in my eyes. I'd never trade you for anyone better, because no one can be better.„
His words make your eyes light up slightly. It's stupid, but just that makes you feel better. Knowing he looks at you so highly. You lean against him, head resting against his chest. His hand caresses your back in gentle stroke.
“As for your... self harm issues. We can work through it together. You can tell me anything, I'd never judge. Just, don't keep it for yourself. You can lean on me whenever you need.„
He chuckles as your eyes stay on him. He kisses your forehead, taking the blanket on the other side of the couch to place it over you.
“You'll get better, and I'll be here along the way for you. We're going to overcome that together. Perhaps I could make you join me for the next sailing with Beidou?„
And just this way, you stayed in his arms for the rest of the evening, and night. What a great way to finish a stressful day.
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/ᐠ - ˕ •マ Ⳋ mayuichi's property. do not copy, repost or translate without permission.
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yearningaces · 6 months
Letters of Yearning
Ok, so, for some reason or another (an accident or an attack from another giant or creature), Ofius ends up severely injured. It's a deep gash, something he can't simply walk off. Though you try your best, running around bringing him large cloths and trying to help him stop the bleeding, the sheer size of it makes you feel completely useless. You love him so much, he's done so much for you, and you have to watch helplessly as he grits his teeth and does his own stitches. As he dresses the wound on his own, with hands trembling from the blood loss.
When all is said and done, he can finally focus on you: your hands, the front of your clothes, almost all of you, stained with his blood, the mix of sorrow and panic on your face. He notices it all and does something that breaks your heart even further. He apologizes- for getting injured, for getting blood on you, for causing you pain. The sincerity in his voice is what finally breaks you, and you start to cry. Between breathless sobs, you say how useless you are, how you don't even know why he keeps you around, how you couldn't even help him this once as he's helped you countless times before.
Of course, seeing you cry makes him cry as well. There aren't enough words to tell you how much you have helped him, how merely your presence feels like balm enough for his wounds. He grabs your hands, places them on the freshly dressed gash, tries to compose himself and says:
"Loving me 's enough. My little love, having you here- s'all I'll ever need. What I do for you-", his voice breaks a little, still choked up, but he continues, "What I do for you will never measure to what your love has done for me. Do not doubt yourself."
When he's done saying this, he scoops you up and holds you up to his face. He leans into you, breathes your scent in, and in a shaky exhale whispers: "I love you. I live for you." He uses his own tears to try to wipe off his blood from your face. You cling to his finger and kiss it.
You love him, you love him, you love him. He lives.
(Sorry if this was a bit of a mess -u-; I just love Ofius so much. I swear I was gonna submit smth fluffy but then angst happened and now we're here. I struggled a bit with capturing his voice so sorry if it's a bit OOC,, Anyways, hope you're doing well 🤍 so happy to see you back on my dash.)
YOU BE NICE TO MY BOY RIGHT FUCKING NOW(hurt him, the best way to know a character is to hurt them I am being fed content of my own lads and I love it bc I cannot manage to write anything that ain't feeling far too OOC and your rendition of him is wonderful never doubt your writing. His voice can be though of as a gruff low tone of someone who doesn't talk often or much and makes do with a few short words UNLESS he's emotional which only happens with his lil love. Man has a complex relationship with vowel sounds. Has never pronounced the 'g' in any word ending in 'ing')
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sunskate · 3 months
VM show: ep 4 physio and chocolate milk
the ordering food part of this is cute and memorable, but there's a lot more going on --
S: we also try and use that opportunity to discuss how we're feeling. it's so busy *at* the rink [there's a clumsy edit right here] we'll hold on to a lot of feelings for a long time
say more lol (argh, show- give us what he really said)
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idk when this look at Tessa is from, but it's a different softer mood than he's going to be in in the next moment they show -
he's really bothered by Marina not giving him validation or positive feedback - he's dwelling on it
S: Marina said to me today before i went out there, "go out there and really attack it" you know? then afterwards she said "i think you went after it too much" ARE YOU KIDDING ME? (interesting how he says before "i" went out there, not "we" - he's feeling what Marina said personally)
Tessa actually says some vulnerable things and is trying to connect with him--
T: i felt really good until kind of leaving the dressing room, then i got really nervous, and i was just trying to bring it back to you, i just - [stops talking as they share a look for a beat] actually, when you were kind of emotional like then i felt like, oh this is real. (he smiles a tiny bit and says oh that's good) like you know i felt more connected to you, so. it inspired me (her voice here is so sweet, but he gets a little moodier instead of really taking in what she said) i just - it brought me back to the moment, it made me feel more present
he's thinking about Marina again-
S: that's good (slightly sarcastic) i'll be more real but i got shit for that too - T: you did? S: that i was too emotional T: she told you that? (he makes a frowny downcast face) i actually loved it
then she gets more animated here like she raises her energy bc his is low -
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T: actually when you're - i felt like there was a lot of pressure on the twizzles and that's when the focus hit home - i out loud said to myself, as we did that hop into them, "you can do this" (windmilling her arm, laughing) positive messaging S: (quietly corrects) you're *going* to do this T: i need to forget about this, i just need to move on. i'm frustrated, i'm mad at myself S: (his way of moving on- he said this at High Performance Camp too) let's eat
then the ordering food, which is adorable but also him demonstrating how well he knows her, or at least her drink preferences and what her reactions mean
so - Marina telling him essentially, "you were too much" really bothered him. he probably got that message a lot growing up- too much emotion, too much temper, too much temperament, you're too much
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enchantedblackrose · 2 years
Happy birthday, Resa!
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**Not my gif. Please lmk if it's yours.**
Jay Halstead/Reader
Summary: It's your birthday and it's possible your boyfriend has plans you don't want to be a part of.
Warnings: none? This is just a little ficlet for Resa's birthday. Not much to it. Everyone make sure to send her happy birthday wishes on the 13th. Posting this early bc I actually finished this in time and so you can maybe enjoy it in time as well.
This also fills the Free Square for @resanoona 's 3k Fiesta Bingo!
Work sucked. There was no other way to put it. Of course you had to go into the office today when most days you were able to do your work remotely.
Feeling defeated and overworked, you unlock the door to your apartment after the exceptionally long, and, to be blunt, stupid, day. You probably pictured this exact moment a dozen times today: coming home, slipping your shoes off, changing out of your work clothes and into your pajamas, and popping open a bottle of wine before plopping down in front of the TV.
As you open the door, something feels…off. You can't quite figure it out, but it's almost too quiet, too dark. Dread quickly fills you, because while it is your birthday, you are in no mood for a surprise party. It's why you had plans to celebrate it this weekend instead of today.
Ever so slowly, you flip on the nearest light and mentally brace yourself for the yells and throngs of people. A fake smile takes over your face and…
Jay pops up from behind the kitchen island. 
Just Jay.
Well Jay and a bouquet of a dozen red roses. There are takeout bags from several of your favorite restaurants, three balloons, and a small bakery box on the counter in front of him. But no one else is jumping out of obscure hiding places in your apartment.
Slowly, a genuine smile takes the place of your fake one. Jay chuckles as you finally leave your spot near the doorway.
"I gotcha, didn't I? You were worried this place was littered with people."
You nod sheepishly.
"I think I know my baby girl better than that. Come here." Jay opens his arms, inviting you for an embrace. You step into him and as his arms wrap around you, you let out a deep breath finally able to relax.
"Happy birthday, love." He kisses the top of your head. He starts to pull away, but you shake your head no into his chest.
"Not yet," you murmur. He holds you tighter.
"Do you wanna talk about it?"
"Work. Sucked."
A small laugh escapes him. "Yeah, I got that idea when I saw your text with all your profanities and angry emojis. So...?"
"It was a bunch of little things, ya know? But I'm better now. I'm home and you're here. Can we just focus on that?"
"Of course."
With one more squeeze, you finally let Jay go. You look up at questionly, "What are you doing here anyway? I thought you'd be working. We're going out this weekend."
He shakes his head. "My plan was always to be here with you if I could. I still have our reservation for Sunday. But Stella and Sylvie are taking you to the spa on Saturday. And I have a card for you from everyone in Intelligence. Kim did it. She even got Platt to sign it." You can't help but look surprised. It causes Jay to shake his head. "You're really loved in case you forgot. And your friends want you to know that. Always, but especially on your birthday. They understand not wanting to do a lot after working all day, but they weren't going to not celebrate with you."
You smile. The swirl of emotions you feel has momentarily left you speechless.
"Go change your clothes. I'll get dinner set up," he tells you with small smile, bringing you back to this moment with him.
"Can we eat in front of the TV?"
"Can we watch whatever I want?"
"Are you doing whatever I want because it's my birthday?"
Jay laughs. "Yes." 
You grin before turning towards your bedroom, but you stop.  You stand on your tiptoes and place a quick kiss on Jay's lips.
"Thank you for being here. And thank you for knowing me well enough to know this," you wave a hand indicating to the food and him, "is what I want for tonight."
"You absolutely don't have to thank me for that. And after dinner, I'll show you just how well I really know you." Jay gives you a wink. His playful innuendo is not loss on you and despite your best efforts you feel your cheeks heat slightly.
This time you really do turn for your bedroom and find your comfy clothes, taking a minute to send a quick text to your friends thanking them as well before changing.
Feeling significantly better than you did when you first arrived home, you head to your living room to devour your favorite food with your favorite person. You take a spot on the floor next to Jay. An array of food and plates sit on your coffee table. Wordlessly Jay hands you the remote for the television. You take it with a smile and find your show, kicking off what you're sure will now be the perfect birthday.
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for-a-longlongtime · 8 months
Last line tag
@perotovar tagged me, ty bb! this is straight from the doc I'm currently working in:
“Pretty Benny,” you say softly as you run your hand through his blond locks. You’re pleased to see how his head tips back as he swallows, his Adam’s apple bobbing, and the anticipation in his eyes when you slowly twist some of his hair around your fingers. “Tell me something. You like being told what to do?” His eyes become glassy at your words, and you feel a little jolt of triumph run through your body - once again, you guessed right. You give a slight warning tug at his hair and he whimpers, squeezing his stiff cock through his pants as his gaze remains on you.
also I need to emote for a moment:
so i don't know about y'all, but my brain goes haywire when 1) i realize too late that I won't be able to make a deadline re: something I care about, particularly if it's due to my focus/adhd - and 2) when I disappoint people, particularly if i've promised them something. combine the two and obv it gets worse, because I've heard a little too often 'but i know you're capable of doing this thing, so then why isn't it happening?'.
it makes me feel like people will think that thing X is not a priority for me, that i'm inconsiderate, or that i just left it until the last moment to work on. that's when 'not being able to do what I promised' turns into 'obv this is a massive personal failure for you and people will hate you for it'. the logical part of my brain gets that this isn't true, but you know... the anxious part of my brain is a fucking liar that enjoys fucking me up even more.
anyway, the point of me bringing this up is bc the the excerpt above is from my ezra x reader x benny miller fic - which should've been posted on the 18th for the Peg that Middle Aged Man (PMAM) campaign. right now i'll be lucky if I can get it done today or tmr, and that shame/dread actually almost stopped me from even putting up this 'last line' post because i worried 'what if people who know i'm writing on it are gonna be like JEEZ LOUISE WHY ISNT THIS DONE YET'
... but then i remembered y'all are much nicer than that. <3
ok as I'm typing this and wondering if I really need to do this kind of 2010s livejournal emoting on my tumblr --- I'm suddenly reminded of the Hollywood Reporter round table so ha, okay, fine, i'll just actually post this little bit of rambling instead of deleting it and retreating further back into my 'failure'. have some gifs, made by @trashcora!
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Steve harrington x reader with anxiety
But I will give you some symptoms of what it's like for me so you don't have to do research
First the anxiety
Knee shaking literally all of them time
Zoning out
Fidgeting with hands (so much)
Not really crying but hides everything inside bc I'm shit with emotions
That's just a brush up, now the req
I will die for Steve just seeing your knee shaking and putting his hand on it. He doesn't try to fix you, he just tried to make you happy
If he sees you fidgeting with your hands he grabs them, and holds them.
He smiles when he notices you fidget with his hands (rubbing circles, tracing)
He is patient with you, he doesn't mind when you zone out during something.
You don't have to write it but if you do it's great
Thank you so much for the request! I hope you enjoyed it and I have another idea with this type of request so keep your eye out for it ;)
It seems like you have always had an anxiety issue. You've learned to live with it for the most part but there are still days when things get too intense. Today was sadly one of those days for you. Steve was coming over for movie night, which you usually love, but today your anxiety has been at an all-time high. It seems like you can't focus on anything and you were worried that you won't be fully present during the movies.
Steve showed up a bit earlier than initially planned but he had brought everything needed for the night. He brought movies and snacks and even some fluffy blankets that he knows you love from his place. "Hey, babe!" Steve greets you and kisses the crown of your head, he walks in past you and sits everything down in the living room before turning back to you. And that's when he notices you're anxiety must be high today.
There you stand fidgeting with your hands and picking at your nails. "Oh, baby" He walks over to you, grabs your hands from you, and brings them up to kiss them, "Is everything okay?" You nod softly, "Yeah I'm okay just a bit anxious today but I'll be okay Stevie." He nods along to what you're saying. He holds your hand and walks you to the couch before wrapping you into a blanket. He starts the movie before pulling you into his lap and kissing your shoulder. "I got you, sweetheart."
As the movie plays you start to alternate between playing with his hands and hair and all he can do is smile and lean into your touch. For as long as he has known you he knows that you try to hide your emotions from the people around you so knowing that you are comfortable enough around him to allow him to see this side of you means the world to him.
As the movie continues playing he can tell that you are zoning out, which doesn't bother him at all but he knows you're going to try and apologize for it. Which you do end up doing.
The movie is almost over when you snap out of zoning out and you feel awful. Oh god, I missed almost the whole movie! You turn to look over at Steve and before you can even open your mouth he speaks before you. "You have nothing to apologize for so don't even try" You blush and smile shyly. You lean up and kiss his cheek. "You're the best" You whisper to him and it's now his turn to blush.
I hope you enjoyed it! If you do please consider liking, commenting, and reblogging! And if you like my stuff please consider following :)
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atlasofthestaars · 1 year
another amazing chapter!! i would honestly love a movie marathon with them <3 and i love the focus on johnny this time, he's really just a guy with a good heart! bringing reader a blanket and a pillow :((( liu kang at the end there ....... hes so in love with the reader wtf ?!#$??!"? and bi han showing he cares in the most hostile way possible 😭😭😭 bxnsnsnd the only reason i dont want mileena as a love interest is bc i really wanted to see how you would explore her and tanyas dynamic :") kitana as a love interest tho..... thats wife 🤭 and ik this is getting long, but i have a couple questions; do you have an outline for the whole story prepared or is it being changed as you go? since you said adding shang tsung as a love interest would alter the story a bit? and (if it spoils anything, dont worry about answering!) how would you plan on ending it since reader's got a reverse harem going on? do you plan on giving reader an endgame with someone? again, sorry this got a bit long!
(p.s. can i be ☄️ anon? i plan on sticking around for the whole story hehe expect me after every chapter bcus ive subscribed to it on ao3 🫡)
Thank you so much! A movie marathon would be wonderful with the champion squad, but I can imagine how chaotic the emotional whiplash it could get if they all got to chose movies. Like imagine going from a lighthearted rom com to like??? A dark and gritty action movie LMAO I enjoyed writing for Johnny this time around, but I do worry I made him a bit (?) Out of character for his characrer progression, but I'm glad you enjoyed him nevertheless aha ^^ I did really like writing him as a dude who just means well, since he really just is that! Liu Kang is definitely feeling SOMETHING for the reader HAHA Mr. Fire God catching feels? Or is he just really nice 👀? Bi-Han struggles with showing he cares, but he really does. If only there was a therapist character to help him though HAHA Oh I definitely get why you'd want that! Mileena and Tanya's dynamic was interesting for me in this game, so I will have fun portraying that if she doesn't get voted in. If she does, uh, I'll definitely have to figure out what to do LMAOO I love Kitana 🙏 She's my fave female chara and my main in Mk1 !!
I don't mind it being ling at all, I love reading stuff like this and being able to interact with you all!! I don't know many people in my personal life who are willing to hear me obsess over Mortal Kombat like this HAHA
I do have a rough outline of the general story! As well as more defined plot points I like to hit within the arcs of the story. For example, I consider the part of the story we're in to be like the training/pre Outworld arc?? And I have certain moments with characters I want to hit before we move on with the plot! Of course, I am a very impulsive person so I leave it open and easy to change if needed. Events that happen later also tend to change to better fit the flow of the story, but I generally know the direction I want to head with everything.
I plan on giving every love interest an ending (think like endings in mortal kombat for each character!) So ideally I'd like to give each character their own unique ending/epilogue with the reader! People on AO3 also have requested a harem ending which I am open to making, but can't gaurentee due to characters like Shang Tsung. I mighttt make one without certain characters depending on how it all ends, one with everyone, or not one at all! I don't want to stress too much over that right now so that one is still up in the air whether I'll do it or not (especially since we've like, barely started ahaha)
And you can be ☄anon!! I'm happy to hear I have your support on this journey <3 and ty for supporting me there too! I love to see all the feedback from everyone, so I will happily await any comments you make! Thank you again for your kind words and support!
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raytorosaurus · 2 years
i feel like people forget about desert song a lot. im probably biased cuz it's my favorite mcr song, but i haven't seen much of anyone bring it up recently (and even then i feel like people focus more on the desperation in "from the earth to the morgue" than the rest of the song, which is just. so wrong to me). the vocals feel like a knife twisting in my chest throughout the whole thing and nobody seems to notice how gut-wrenching "did you come to stare or wash away the blood" really is, especially in the context of the song itself and the album it was for
oh fr??? that's interesting bc i feel like when they played it this tour that was all my dash talked about for a while, and i feel like it's one of the more widely-discussed/appreciated deep cuts. it definitely deserves all of that because it is an insanely emotive song and performance but at least in my circle idk if i'd say people forget about it...so yes i agree it totally deserves the hype, including parts that aren't "from the earth to the morgue," but like to compare it to my other recent ask about another slow-paced emotional-breakdown song, i feel like it gets more appreciation than early sunsets when both are pretty equally deserving imo. i know desert song also has ~lore attached to it but i reckon the stories from the studio abt early sunsets hold their own against that too, yk? so i'll give you underrated but idk if i'd consider it a contender for most underrated
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waveofstars · 1 year
get to know the author!
name : angie
pronouns :  she/her
preference of communication : i honestly prefer to start off on tumblr ims and then migrate to discord if we get to chatting/plotting! tbh i've been so bad with communicating this year and finally getting better at it (and better at being active in general! so come hit me up!)
most active muse :  chey! she's been my main babe since 2013 and she's not going anywhere. i used to always feel bad that my main focus was on her, but not anymore tbh. she's unapologetically my fav.
experience / how many years :  oh man, i've been writing since the dawn of time. i used to write privately with friends back in the day through e-mail, polyvore, MYSPACE! literally anywhere and everywhere. i didn't find tumblr rp until 2013.
best experience : i have to say wholeheartedly some of my best memories come from the 2013-2014 years and that's largely thanks to @mutatedangels! the summer was full of nights where i'd stay up writing and plotting until the sun rose the next day. it was so fun being giddy over ships and having a blast writing whatever we wanted.
rp pet peeves : refusing to write with certain faces or being too rigid with rules in general. i also never really like when someone chases a face and has no interest in what the actual character is like. i totally get preferences, but sometimes it just feels a little crazy to be so strict with certain rules that really don't matter at the end of the day. it's tumblr rp, we're all here for fun!
fluff, angst, or smut : i'm a sucker for fluff & angst. i love anything that brings on strong emotions! i'm not against smut, and in fact really love the idea of it when i have a great ship - i just SUCK at it. and i get bored writing it pretty quickly. but again, not against it!
plots or memes : oh plots for sure. most of the time i don't really need a big plot, i just like a connection to build off of. almost all my muses have a set bio, stats, etc so sometimes i can't make them work for a specific meme bc it doesn't make sense for them. there's only a few characters of mine that i'm willing to change for the sake of a meme or plot.
long or short replies : i'm a sucker for long replies. i don't always need them to be SUPER long, though i tend to get carried away. i pretty much can NEVER write under a paragraph- so one liners are a no-go for me.
time to write : mostly at night, but sometimes i get some inspo when i have desk time at work and i'll crank out a few replies (or do something like this 😈)
are you like your muses : i have a lot of the same interests as some of my muses! i made a lot of my muses BECAUSE of those interests of mine. sometimes my life experiences inspire me for a character. for instance, i used to be in the film industry and hated it. but i knew someone like chey would LOVE it. so, little things like that! but there's no muse of mine that is quite like me.
tagged by: @wynterlanding tysm hun! <3
tagging: @chronicxwanderlust , @sinsoakedsaints , @kierankyleculkin , @thanaredreamtof , @inexorcble , + anyone who wants to!
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I think it's for the better that JA's Louis was not written "a coward at his core" like his book counterpart. As a rule of thumb, fandom hates "soft and scared" characters, and love the "loud and wild ones". The absolute victim-blaming Louis and Claudia suffered after episode 5 is a good case in point.
I'll be honest, anon, I actually didn't see a lot of "victim blaming" after episode 5??? if anything, most of what I saw was people blaming the fans who were upset at the graphic depiction of domestic violence against a black man on screen. maybe that's bc i've curated my dash so specifically that i barely interact with blogs who have different show opinions than me but that actually brings me to my point:
The fandom that already existed, that the showrunners explicitly cited time and time again as part of their target audience, LOVES Louis!!! We’ve been here the entire goddamn time!! Of course Lestat is a fan favorite in a fun-loving kind of way, but I think what draws fans to these books in the first place is the emotional vulnerability with ALL the characters!
Louis is the embodiment of his own grief, Armand deals with crippling loneliness, Lestat acts out because he's so desperate to distract himself from the gaping emptiness inside him.
There’s so much nuance to these characters, and I wish they allowed Louis that room to breathe as much as they did Lestat. 
There was so much focus on Lestat’s backstory, like he gets multiple monologues expressing his trauma, whereas every time Louis’ grief is expressed it feels like a sloppily written afterthought, or something to be rushed through. 
Like, the same people who gave us “there is an ocean between christ and myself” made us watch louis’ brother die on screen, his sister abandon him, and the only time it’s addressed is in the 2022 interview where louis says “i was grieving my brother” in the most unconvincing, scripted delivery LOL 
like don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love the moments where Louis get s to lean into his anger because that’s canon too, but I don’t think this is an either/or situation like, you can have him be soft and meek in moments and aggressive in others like that’s The Whole Point!!!!
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all-timepanic · 2 years
I watched shazam fury of the gods yesterday and I have thoughts. It has bothered me all day so I need to leave this somewhere. So I guess here is my sort of review. But it is kinda rambly. Or something. Idk I just need to get it out. It also got a lot longer than I planned it to, sorry in advance.
Of course it wouldn't be as good as the first one. Sequels, especially from superhero movies, rarely are. (but maybe I'm just too much of an origin story fan for this as well) This sounds kinda negative, I know, but believe me, I liked this film. A lot, actually. But I'll probably leave out quite a few of the things I actually liked. The main focus is the "bad" stuff. Maybe someone agrees with some of these things. Maybe I'm just overthinking a fun, hero movie. Who knows.
It felt kind of... generic? I liked the first one for its humor. The characters were great, the villain seemed fun and they had fun with some superhero tropes. (+ i loved a lot of the way it was made, from the different shots, to the sets etc.,).
This one fell a little flat for me. Of course, it might be funnier once I get to watch it in english (I can only watch it in my native language here, sadly) but a lot of the jokes just felt like they are forcefully trying to reach the first one in levels of fun. (And don't get me wrong, I was laughing quite a bit as well, there were some HILARIOUS bits in there, but they didn't stick with me as much as some of the firsts ones, y'know?)
The plot kind of felt a bit more boring as well. Yeah, the entire "figuring out the new superpowers" isn't something you can repeat in a second movie, obviously. Instead it went with the kinda family/trust/fear of rejection angle which is nice. It is obviously something that effects Billy. I was excited to see this storyline followed through. But it kind of felt like the movie was just going through the motions? The movie obviously needed to go from point A to B to C but Billy's progression just felt very quick and forced. The speech from the wizard before the showdown didn't feel earned enough for me.
Like, plot angle they were going for was great. Of course everything Billy went through would change him and his behaviour. There is quite a lot of trauma there. And I know with the tone this movie has that is not something that will be unpacked completely. I just wish it was handled slightly differently? (I would have to think more about what bothered me about this, but it isn't handled the way I wish it would be considering it was the very first thing we heard about Billy in this film)
I also disliked how little we actually saw Billy as a teenager? I enjoy Zachary Levi's acting as much as the next person but let Asher Angel get at least some screentime? I don't know if it was because of scheduling or whatever but there were a lot of scenes where the characters didn't need to be in superhero form but they just sort of hung out in adult form.
And it is just a small moment but I still wanted to call it out, because stuff like this annoys me. When Pedro came out everyone answered that they already knew. I hate that. Yes, it was supposed to be a funny moment so of course it wasn't going to be a big, emotional thing and it doesn't need to be. But it always irks me when people "knew" beforehand. bc it always feels like they are saying "people always know before" or "don't feel proud of yourself for opening up, it's old news" (am I explaining this okay? It just diminishes it and if everyone already knows, why add this moment? Especially in this scene where no one would realistically bring the topic up?). Maybe it's not a big deal but imo it was not a good moment.
The biggest thing I hate though is the big, emotional death of a main character with a long scene of the character accepting their fate, grieving friends and family and a funeral (!) just for them to be revived without consequence? Not saying that this is the movie that needs to pull off such a dark twist but... why? It was a very nice emotional part of the movie but it ended up feeling cheap? Especially bc it felt like an excuse to push in a cameo last minute. (It was a nice callback to the fist ww scene, a sort of gotcha we actually have the actress here, but at what cost).
Like I said, I never expected Billy to die, he is THE title character after all and DC would never have the balls to do that. Especially in the 2. film. + they did push Freddy into a more active role, which I love, but especially Adam Brody wasn't built up in a way to take over the franchise, so I knew this would't happen. I was still disappointed. It always cheats the audience out of their emotions. We just wasted 10 minutes of emotional stakes just to be cheated out of the satisfying conclusion?
anyway, I also wanna mention a few things I liked before I leave:
Like I said, the humor was still nice. It felt familiar in a way. And the immaturity was what I expected and hoped for. It makes sense in this film + for the characters. I love the design of the lair. Of course they would bring a bunch of stupid stuff in there. It fit their personalities. (And making the wall in the back a climbing wall was fun, idk why but it was)
I loved Freddy. I liked his character in the first movie as well but I liked him even more here. He got a lot more stuff to do on his own, more screentime and more own struggles to deal with (there are a few things that aren't great but they aren't that big a problem for me)
The monster design was great. I am a sucker for greek mythology and for twists on well known creatures so this one kind of hit a soft spot for me. I liked the way the monsters looked, from the minotaurs to the harpies, and the unicorns were great. I like that they were the fearsome predator type animal in the bunch. and the dragon. I loved it so much. Yes, being made of wood IS sort of a design flaw but you cannot tell me that it didn't look epic. And the way the fear was incorporated into its abilities? Amazing (wish we could have seen more uses of it)
On a similar note the fight scenes were really fun. they played with a few nice ideas and incorporated the superpowers well. ( I especially thought Ana's power were nice to watch, although they weren't often used in direct conflict)
....so I guess that's it? Like I said in the beginning, I really enjoyed this movie but there were quite a few things that felt off, in a way? Maybe I'll feel differently after a rewatch but it just doesn't feel as comfortable as the first one, if that makes sense. It doesn't feel as tightly knit or as satisfying. It is still a fun movie to watch but idk. If anyone wants to discuss this feel free to reblog it and add on or whatever.
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sillysadduck · 2 years
Ok so I scroll down on your account and read from the last thing I liked on your blog each day, so apologies if someone already said this, I haven't caught up yet and I'll forget if I don't write this down.
Also, Sorry if I just took what you and the asker was saying and just reworded it, I'm tired and I barely comprehended what was being said.
So referring to this ask, I thought, "What if Warren was a part of the love cu- *ahem* "club" for a long while and had a sort of mission to go recruit some other people."
He stumbles across Lily and Todney and thinks "Well, this is good enough", and starts interacting with them so he can uh... "smoothly" slide in the question of them joining. This takes a few days, so they all bond and get to know their stories and such. Once Warren asks the big question, they have no idea what they are getting themselves into, but they heard "love" and "family", so they're all in.
Warren grows to actually like them and enjoys their company. He learns of their home situation and is... frankly a little concerned. But he's gotta focus on bringing them to Shrigs and Malcolm.
Once he brings them over, him and Shrigs talks about initiation and celebrating and stuff while Lily and Todney become fast friends with SO.
I'm getting lazy on ideas so stuff happens, Warren ends up finding out about the marriage thing, thinks "this whole situation is NOT very cash-money", and just bails with all three of the kids.
For some extra spice, I'd like to think that Shrigs is basically hunting them down to 1) Find his daughter and 2) to kill Warren for taking his sorta child away with no warning. I'd like to think that on that journey, Shrigs thinks a whole lot about SO and it kinda sinks in for him like, "damn, I care about this kid more than I thought" (like, in a father/ daughter type way) and he reflects on what he's noticed with SO and how she must be feeling and starts to actually question Malcolm.
For some MORE spice, the twins family is after them too, not out of much care or concern, but because they need the twins to find new mothers in order to get the family discount. So if they get their hands on the twins... they'll probably not be able to leave the house to get new mothers ever again. And they will kill Warren, like, for real. No hesitation.
So yea all four of them are on the run.
Then Shrigs could find them all, have a talk with SO, everyone makes up, blah blah blah, then the twins family shows up and it's like a final showdown. I'd honestly think that Warren and Shrigs would put up somewhat of a fight, but then Shrigs gets hurt real bad or something and they all just flee.
They're all just sorta... constantly on the run for a while, since Shrigs is having a hard time dealing with all of these emotions about Malcolm and he feels like he is unworthy of going back, Warren doesn't have an actual place to stay, and the kids have nowhere to go.
Eventually they do live somewhere but man I'm just here for the angst and redemption arks, I'm not good with coming up with happy endings, y'all gotta do that for yourselves XD
But anyways I'm so sorry this is loooooong.
(Idk where to put this but I HC that Shrigs is homophobic, but because he's just uneducated, not out of pure hatred. When he gets use to it and learns about the LGBTQIA+ community, then he'll be either and ally or he'll realize he's actually pan.
Also In that whole story, I saw Warren as a teenager (around 15-17 idk), not an adult. And idk about Shrigs but he's pretty young too, probably 19-21ish. Maybe a little bit older.
And this wasn't suppose to be a ship thing with any of the characters mentioned!)
Thank you for reading :,)
THIS IS SO COOL TYSM!!! I really like this concept, it would be so cool if the kids met bc of the love cult but then they end up leaving thanks to Warren. And Shrig joins them too! Maybe they end up living at the trio's house like the other teachers lol they probably have enough room😭
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pilotheather · 2 years
also love these designs for real
actually take that back this cunts just come into focus
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i justsaw the spiky arm bits those looked class to me
i'll be real i think one thing i will say is like.. i dont completely RATE the visuals of the chibnall era-and ive said why, with a lot of them ultimately bein very shallow despite being pretty, yada yada, BUT... i like how theyre not DARK-dark. u kno what i mean. they are always very colours and gorgeous even if a lot of the time its just sort of silly.
okay funny bit why does no one appreciate dans funny bit
okay sorry liveblogging so theres a kid. cool. wtf was that. timeless child stuff? maybe .
alright break time
hang on now we're getting a fucking dan moment. nevermind. fi-
oh classic are we going to get more funny whittaker era flimsy morals. sorry thats mean. but also come on man. you know what i mean. arghgh dont fucking genocide the daleks [willlater genocide the daleks]
is this the master....
the joker ⤵️
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KIND OF EATING... I HAVE TO BE HONEST. the headpiece is still really .. dodgy . it looks like someones got a doily, stiffened it and wacked it onto the back of its head with a pritt stick.
okay this was my concern just jumping about like a mad man okay holy shit theres one thing like its ONE thing to like ... purposefully try to, like, be a bit insane and disjointed but god the way theyrejust ....
yaz: 😬
hang on
wow! im sure that staticky thing will have no relevance later! really fucking subtle, writers!
alright master. sure.
"pinky promisey" i like that
god the pacing on this gthing is bloody boring
we've had 30 minutes of fucking setup. epic. and we're setting MORE up. i told you fucking hell too much SHITE packed in....
"you were HALF CAT." "mans allowed to experiemnt 😼" okay that made me grin. miaow.
okay but for real how is there so much fluff here and yet its just random jumping about and yaz is so right just going from point a to b with no explanation also like if this is what ur trying to evoke FROM the episode ur just not pulling it off man its like so dry thus far i dont even CARE sorry . SORRY
i dont get why they bring old companions back sometimes, man. it just feels so... pointless-0
i think the traitor storyline could have been actually interesting sorry who gives a damn about the rest of this crap. i dont know. i suppose actually having an idea and investing it and exploring it to any deeper level than having shit randomly fucking fly across the screen would be too much to fucking ask
SORRY IM just. i dont care . im so sorry i dont even want to pretend to careany more its going to be over in 50 minutes
i forgot ...that guy was there...
also the rasputin bit its slaying a bit actually i will give them that but nothing about the delivery of it its like the lights and dancing this could
it would be so funny if literally whittaker never came back after this bit
anwyay as i wanted to say earlier. i dont GET why they bring back old companions, just.... because. do you know what i fucking mean? like- when sarah jane first came back, that was the story. it had the space to explore that properly... it had intention. now we justfucking drag em in . do the obligatory "woah, you LEFT us. lets make the other companion feel like shit also." and thats it and they never... and ITS LIKE SORRY BUT WHAT IS THEIR STORY ACTUALLY CONTRIBUTING TO THIS EPISODE? OTHER THAN TAKING UP TIME?
even graham coming back. what is he going to BRING to it. like- i dont know man. we had the end of s5, where they all came together, but it was so much better paced over those two episodes where they all had a solid purpose in the thing and their own proper story instead of just standing there and saying hohhh im HERE. [makes a reference] . and their stories all connected properly whereas like
now its just a load of fucking
okay im going to be honest
i stopped talking in here now bc i started rambling on discord but literally
i dont. czare i dont even care
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hitaka5ever · 9 months
I haven't been on social media much for months and I'll explain why here and how I plan on finishing the rest of the year and what my goals for next year are (I will probs forget to do it later, hence why I'm doing it now)
Anywho, my main reason for being away is for my mental health that has gotten much worse since the end of summer, mainly of course to do with the genocide of Palestinians and the amount of information that has been shared by millions. I've kept my eye on the atrocities on and off since it started, getting some info from family, who I visited recently, but for the most part I've avoided minute-by-minute coverage
I'm a very empathetic person. This means I have a strong sense of noticing others' emotions that become a part of me after enough exposure to them. So for example, if someone I know is extremely sad or cries, even though I'm not experiencing their sadness or pain, I get emotional along with them (since I spend 99% of my time with mum, we feed off each others' feelings and physical attributes the most)
So my depression and anxiety are the main reasons for my absence on everything but YouTube and email. I ultimately have to take care of myself before I can worry about anyone or anything else
I'm back to seeing a therapist every other week on Thursdays via Zoom. She's the first therapist I've ever had that's asked me what my main goals with therapy are and what I'm looking for. My last therapist asked the same thing, but we never actually went over anything practical. Right now, my severe anxiety is what's ruining my life the most, so I wanted to focus strictly on that for now. I want to know what I need to do to combat my anxiety in specific situations, like being out in public places
I've brought up before that I have severe hearing sensory overload. If too many physical noises (meaning stuff not on a screen or through speakers) surround me, I get very jittery and weird feeling in my head and body. I have to leave the room when it gets really bad. Normally I can calm down within 5 minutes of leaving the situation, but that's only if I'm in between 2 people talking with each other. It's a lot worse when they're talking over one another. My worst experience was having sound inside and outside my house that surrounded me on all sides. It took ~30 minutes to return to normal after I went into a secluded area to listen to music with headphones on. As you can imagine this is way too much stimulation for my broken brain to handle, so finding jobs out in the real world are very hard on me
That comes to my next bit of information: I'm still unemployed and looking into temporary disability through my therapist while I learn to take control of my anxiety. I have severe PTSD from being bullied in middle school, living with a mentally abusive parent, and having experienced a terrible car accident almost a year after I graduated high school (this was in 2009) So trusting people on and offline (less so online) has made my adult life very difficult. Riding in vehicles to reach a certain destination was the absolute worst symptom of my mental illness from 2009-2021, and even now I get very subtle anxiety knowing when I have places to get to. I'm obviously loads better than I was back then thanks to meds, but now I have employment to think about, which brings on its own problems
Finding jobs that don't include retail, fast food, or talking to people face-to-face or via phone, especially in my shitty small town, is a nightmare. I've tried finding work remotely at home, but there's always at least 1 requirement that makes me ineligible for the job. I want to make money making digital art, but I lack the skills and exposure in a world where even the most experienced freelancers are struggling to make ends meet (bc of artificial images (AI) taking over the community) As you can tell, this gives me very limited job opportunities and I don't know if I qualify for disability on a normal basis rather than a temporary one, so either way I have less than $150 left in my bank and unable to pay my parents rent bc of all of this
But things here aren't all bad. I enjoyed going to stay with my sisters for all of November where they live, getting to spend time with 4 cats and a foster baby (I did get a bad cold the last week of vacation, but that was the only bad thing about the trip) and coming home to have something I haven't had since 2020
We are fostering a purebred Pitbull girl named Stella for the rest of the year. She's 8 years old but still in her prime and we have become best buds (and napping pals) since day 1. This was a trial run to see if she would be the right fit for the family, and so far everything's been going great, minus her ear infections that we're taking care of. Stella has basically become my dog and we're likely keeping her for the remainder of her life. She's the sweetest and most chill dog I have ever met and I fell in love with her immediately. It took her 2 days of coaxing to be used to getting on my bed, with and without me, and she follows me everywhere I go, so we're bonded for life lol
So that's the most exciting news I have to share about what's been happening with me. I get to go into the new year owning my very own dog and learning how to cope with my anxiety before and after it starts, so I'm looking forward to the new year
Speaking of the new year (I'm almost done, promise!) I have a few goals for 2024 that I really want to stick to my guns about
Run a successful Kickstarter making and selling fire-breathing insect and bug stickers
Making extensive reference sheets of my OCs and fan fiction characters (eg my werewolf au and LoZ stories)
Learning (digital) art restoration. When I visited my sisters, my oldest was gathering foster kid stuff when she became a foster parent, and she got a set of Mega Building Blocks that had significant wear and tear. Some of the pieces with stickers on them were faded and peeling off, so I want to remake those stickers, get them printed, and give them to my sister so she can restore the broken pieces for her future foster kids. This gave me the idea of restoring art that has worn down or ruined over time. I like taking electronics apart and putting them back together again and I enjoy the assembly and design of things, so I think restoring physical items could become a potential art job
Learn basic idle animations of characters and objects. A Clip Studio Paint user makes tutorial videos on the official English CSP YouTube channel, and their latest is simplistic animations in CSP, so I want to try it out and offer it as a commission option if I'm comfortable with the process
Cartoonify famous or interesting places from real life, such as cool cities/towns, schools/colleges, or the Seven Wonders of the World, etc
Visit my friends at our homes or going out to restaurants and into town. My anxiety has made being around the friends I've grown up with really hard as well, not just with employment, so I want that to change a lot too
Legally change my name and gender after wanting to for the last few years (Rocky Dean (dad's middle name) Fuller (mum's maiden name))
Look into getting top surgery in the next 3+ years. I'm finally to the point where having breasts is ruining my life physically (back pain) and mentally (dysphoria) so I need to find a surgeon that doesn't require weight loss or hormone therapy to do the procedure
Just do art in general
That's all for now!
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l0v3lyr0ses · 3 years
We don't talk anymore
Characters: Glamrock Freddy
type: Angst with comfort
Summary: Nearly a year ago, y/n and glamrock Freddy had a nasty argument, and left on bad terms.
djks idk what it is with me and glamrock fred but i'd gladly take him, bc more than half of the male population do not have the amount of respect he has and a soothing voice-
y/n was looking at the cameras, yet their mind wandered to Freddy. y/n missed him terribly, but they had squabbled nearly a year ago and y/n wasn’t on speaking terms with Freddy anymore.
We don't talk anymore We don't talk anymore
“We don't talk anymore” y/n’s breath was unstable, at the thought they didn’t talk, and it wasn’t the way it was before.
y/n felt tears well up in their eyes, y/n took a deep breath. They did not have the time to get emotional on the job, even if the beating heart yearned to simply apologize. Freddy would probably shut her out, what was the point in trying to fight for it?
he doesn’t care for them anymore, what was it all for? What was the night’s spent together, holding each other? y/n had heard some security guard had managed to befriend him, y/n couldn’t pretend y/n didn’t feel envious of them, but this wasn't anyone else's fault but theirs.
y/n just couldn’t move on, no matter how hard they tried. The moonlight shining into the pizza plex had her thinking of Freddy. Everything made her think of him, but she wonders how y/n couldn’t move on as easily as he moved on.
y/n was tasked to leave their office for once because Vanessa was concerned about the amount of time she spent in her office. Y/n felt everything, his past touches, their conversations together. But now it’s y/n l/n, all alone again. Because she was too proud and got angry at him and shut him out.
She hoped y/n wouldn’t see Freddy tonight because then she might just fall to her knees and cry salty tears. And he’d simply walk past and pity her right? Because this was all her fault, even if she apologized and begged him to stay.
“dammit!” she cursed, stupid friendly bear that she fell so hard for and now. y/n can’t focus on the task at hand.
Regardless she bottled it up because for this patrol past Freddy's dressing room, y/n couldn’t deny the offer of a higher pay this week. y/n speedily headed towards the hall Freddy’s dressing room was in, her heart beating a thousand miles an hour,
She was not aware of it, but she was talking, not to anyone in particular. Then it was just to hope no one could hear her having a mental breakdown, her breathing labored. As she leaned against the wall, she could feel the tears beginning to well up in her eyes.
“I just hope you're lying next to somebody” y/n croaked, hands shaking, y/n couldn���t stand someone else taking care of him, that used to be her job.
“Who knows how to love you like me..” y/n cried silently, tears freely streaming down their soft cheeks, her legs felt weak like she’d never been able to stand up again.
“There must be a good reason that you're gone.” y/n softly sobbed, her tears dampening the sleeve of her shirt, they gripped her pants’ fabric hard enough to turn the knuckles white. y/n knew saying this was not going to bring him back, but perhaps y/n hoped he would be nearby and hear how much in the dumps she is without him.
“Every now and then I think you might want me to..” y/n began sobbing quietly, unfortunately, she couldn’t keep the noise down, she slid down to the floor. “Come show up at your door” y/n softly nearly whispered, tugging on her hair tightly, she wanted to feel something else than sadness, regret, and so many other sad things. "But I'm just too afraid that I'll be wrong” y/n finally admitted, but it was too late now. Was it not? Too late for apologies and too late to win him back.
y/n was clueless about it but someone large slid down next to her, it was all so unbearable that she couldn’t feel the metal body sitting next to her. Or she was pretending not to notice that he was there at all.
“We don’t talk anymore.” y/n said, eyes puffy and red from bawling her eyes out, and y/n sniffles.
“F-Freddy..” y/n gasped in surprise but then avoid his gaze, wiping the tears away with the sleeve of the security guard uniform shirt, and all y/n could think about was what he must think of y/n now. y/n was definitely not mentally stable, and he must’ve seen it all by now.
“I forgive you..” he cupped her cheeks’ his gaze soft on the sad human before him. y/n couldn’t understand why he forgave them, I mean y/n did hurt him. y/n never meant to, but y/n really doesn’t deserve such kind treatment.
“But I hurt you.” y/n protested against Freddy’s words,
“You may have hurt me, but you did not mean it.” Freddy’s touch calmed the sadness, panic, all of it really, y/n’s lips curved into a soft, silly, smile.
“Besides you’ll always be my superstar”
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Encanto MBTI!
So I'm no expert and I literally read the functions for fun more than actual passionate belief, so feel free to disagree! In fact, I'd love y'all to reblog and say your theories of their personality types, bc it's obvious that we'll interpret the very short amount of screentime for most characters differently. Anyway here we go!
Mirabel: ENFP-A (Ne, Fi, Te, Si)
Bruno: INFP-T (Fi, Ne, Si, Te)
Alma: ESTJ-T (Te, Si, Ne, Fi)
Pepa: ENTJ-T (Te, Ni, Se, Fi)
Julieta: ISFJ-A (Si, Fe, Ti, Ne)
Luisa: ISTJ-T (Si, Te, Fi, Ne)
Isabela: ISFP-T (Fi, Se, Ni, Te)
Antonio: INFP-T (Fi, Ne, Si, Te)
Dolores: INFJ-T (Ni, Fe, Ti, Se)
Camilo: ESTP-T (Se, Ti, Fe, Ni)
Félix: ESFP-A (Se, Fi, Te, Ni)
Agustín: ISFJ-A (Si, Fe, Ti, Ne)
Mariano: INFP-A (Fi, Ne, Si, Te)
Guide For Beginners!
Mind: I - Introvert vs. E - Extrovert
Energy: N - Intuitive vs. S - Sensing/Observing
Nature: T - Thinking vs. F - Feeling
Tactics: J - Judging vs. P - Prospecting
Identity: A - Assertive vs. T - Turbulent
Definitions based on 16 Personalities (I'm lazy)
Introverted individuals prefer solitary activities and get exhausted by social interaction. They tend to be quite sensitive to external stimulation (e.g. sound, sight or smell) in general.
Extraverted individuals prefer group activities and get energized by social interaction. They tend to be more enthusiastic and more easily excited than Introverts.
Intuitive individuals are very imaginative, open-minded and curious. They prefer novelty over stability and focus on hidden meanings and future possibilities.
Observant individuals are highly practical, pragmatic and down-to-earth. They tend to have strong habits and focus on what is happening or has already happened.
Thinking individuals focus on objectivity and rationality, prioritizing logic over emotions. They tend to hide their feelings and see efficiency as more important than cooperation.
Feeling individuals are sensitive and emotionally expressive. They are more empathic and less competitive than Thinking types, and focus on social harmony and cooperation.
Judging individuals are decisive, thorough and highly organized. They value clarity, predictability and closure, preferring structure and planning to spontaneity.
Prospecting individuals are very good at improvising and spotting opportunities. They tend to be flexible, relaxed nonconformists who prefer keeping their options open.
Assertive (-A) individuals are self-assured, even-tempered and resistant to stress. They refuse to worry too much and do not push themselves too hard when it comes to achieving goals.
Turbulent (-T) individuals are self-conscious and sensitive to stress. They are likely to experience a wide range of emotions and to be success-driven, perfectionistic and eager to improve.
(notice how literally everyone except Julieta, Mirabel — and I'm not even certain over whether she is assertive or turbulent here — and literally the men that come in Julieta, Pepa, and Dolores' lives are assertive 😀 the perfectionism and heavy stress in this family yo)
Cognitive Functions!
Developed by Carl Jung. I'll be quoting Well + Good here
Fi: Introverted Feeling - concerned with authenticity, individualism and values. Introverted feelers know what they believe, have a strong sense of self, and can easily identify their personal experience of emotion. They are often outspoken activists, and love to help those in need. They don’t have stronger feelings than others who utilize this function, but they do have more mastery over them and can put them toward change—of self, of others, of society.
Fe: Extroverted Feeling - concerned with harmony, bringing people together, and caring. Extroverted feelers are great at reading the emotions of others; they are big empathizers, absorbing the feelings of others around them to the point that they sometimes cannot tell which feelings are their own. They easily squash and step around conflicts, and they are typically very social.
Ti: Introverted Thinking - function that seeks to understand personal ideas using a deeply specified framework. Introverted thinkers are constantly mining their own thoughts in an attempt to be rational and reasonable, slowly ruling out other ideas before coming to their own firm conclusions (and they’re often guarded about how they got to these conclusions).
Te: Extroverted Thinking - outwardly conveying thoughts using logic, reason, and analysis. Extroverted thinkers are clear and concise, direct, and unmoved by emotional appeals. They are often strong orators and writers, who have thoughtful, well-researched arguments and theories. Extroverted thinkers like to convince people of their thoughts and implement new ideas.
Si: Introverted Sensing - understanding the world through past precedent and experience. People who are introverted sensors thrive using routine, tradition, organization, and rules. They are often very attuned to their bodies, and have specific ways of doing things that work for them in order to get the job done. They are responsible, reliable, and cautious.
Se: Extroverted Sensing - using taste, touch, smell, sound, movement and sight to easily absorb information in the physical world. As strongly observant, these people pick up on details other people do not notice, and some even have a photographic memory. They love excitement, spontaneity, new experiences, and material goods.
Ni: Introverted Intuition - described as “knowing without knowing how,” as well as “thinking without thinking.” It’s the most mystical of all the MBTI functions. People with this function tend to reach conclusions without having a clear idea as to how they got there. They are wise, convicted, and always have a plan to work toward a bigger picture and seek to build and understand complex systems. Introverted intuitives are always processing in the background, and regularly have “a-ha!” realizations when answers simply come out of nowhere.
Ne: Extroverted Intuition - noticing patterns, symbols, and connections in the world that others may not see. Extroverted intuitives live for possibility, often expressing themselves through a tumble of ideas, or a constant external brainstorm. They may talk about many things they want to do, but not ultimately follow through. For them, it’s all part of the process to get to the best idea.
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