#but if it turns out the christians are right
chaggiehearts · 2 days
I'm gonna be brutally honest: I think it'd be far more satisfying to watch Lute redeeming herself than dying as a villain.
I know a large part of the fandom hates her (although thankfully most people here on Tumblr don't) and I'm not gonna act like I don't understand why. She's a sadistic genocidal woman who won't hesitate to hurt everyone that goes against her corrupted morality. Even outside the series, her words and beliefs might remind a lot of viewers of extremist Christians, and since a lot of us are LGBT we might be reminded of ugly things we've been told in the past (I'll admit that even though I don't interpret that scene as her being homophobic, the "Their love is vile and blasphemous" comment might hurt me if I watch that scene when I'm feeling too sensitive). Lute is clearly not a good person and the series doesn't try to hide this fact at all, specially given her fixation with hurting/mutilating/killing Vaggie. Even though she's my 3rd fave character, I admit that she kinda sucks as a person.
However, I think that all the arguments on why she's irredeemable fail to be convincing once you take something into account: Lute is the Vaggie that never left her Exorcist position.
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Their characters are clearly parallels and meant to be narrative foils. Vaggie is what Lute could turn out to be if she admitted she's wrong. Vaggie is my favorite character but I can't deny that before her fall she was despicable too. We know that at the very least she killed 2,000 sinners (going by the "thousandS of Sinners" comment) and I highly doubt the actual amount is that low given the number of Sinners killed by Lute during last Extermination. My personal headcanon is that it's around 10,000-15,000, but we don't know, at least not yet. Vaggie WASN'T a good person, even if she had doubts from the very beginning (which we don't even know if it's true, let's be real here) she still did horrible things. She took part in the Exterminations and, according to Adam, she was one of the most efficient Exorcists (perhaps second only to Lute herself). This is why I adore the dynamic between them, because the mutual hatred comes from the rejection of certain ideals: Vaggie hates what she used to be in the past, which is represented by Lute, a perfect reflection of who she used to be, and Lute hates the idea that Exterminations might be wrong, that she might be wrong, that her entire worldview might be flawed, which is represented by Vaggie.
If Vaggie was able to redeem herself, if we can collectively agree that she regretted her actions and improved as a person, if we can understand that Hazbin's concept is that EVERYONE can be redeemed, even the worst villains, even the nastiest individuals, if we can see that the structure of the Exorcists greatly resembles a sect (I will analyze this better another day, but they're literally a patriarchal sect in which one has to adhere to all of their leader's beliefs and not doing so will result in abandonment, punishment and isolation from your entire circle), isn't it logical to think that Lute might reach the same conclusions as Vaggie one day? Why would Vaggie deserve compassion and forgiveness and a new life and not someone who's overall very similar to her? As I said before, yes, I do understand why people hate Lute more than Vaggie, specially given what she did to her, one of the protagonists, but they're not that different at all. The issue is that we've only seen evil Lute and good Vaggie so far, but the series might explore other aspects of their characters. Hazbin Hotel criticizes the black-and-white mentality of Heaven, Lute's very mentality that has led to what she is right now. Putting Vaggie in one end of a morality scale and Lute in the other is imho a flawed interpretation. They're both in a gray place, they're both complex people.
Lute is going to do horrible things in the future and, if I'm allowed to speculate, I heavily believe she's going to be worse than what Adam ever had the chance to be, way worse than Vaggie ever was. After losing Adam, revenge will probably make her go from evil to downright monster. And honestly, I want to see that fall, that corruption arc (does it count as a corruption arc when the character was already corrupted from the beginning?). I want Lute to metaphorically fall into the darkest pits of Hell. And you know what? I want her to get up after that, start a new life just like what Vaggie did. I think Lute searching for redemption would be a great test on Charlie's ideals, because she probably wouldn't be too enthusiastic about this idea (since her body language in Episode 8 clearly shows that she knows about what Lute did to Vaggie, her role in Vaggie's fall). I think something beautiful might come out of something like this happening. Charlie realizing that she doesn't have to personally empathize with someone to help them become a better person (and the whole concept of redemption being proven right because if someone like Lute can do it then literally anyone can), Lute seeing the error of her ways, growing and searching for the light she lost in the shadows and Vaggie empathizing with one of the residents in a deeper level. Even though Lute doesn't deserve Vaggie's forgiveness, I'd love to see Vaggie extending that forgiveness to her and seeing her past self in Lute, but this time not the merciless Exorcist Vaggie that she hates, but the hurt, lost and scared Vaggie that had just arrived in Hell after her worldview had been flipped entirely. If these two made amends, I think we would be able to see a very sweet new side of Vaggie, because even though she'd love to help Angel Dust, Husk, Cherri Bomb... She'll never fully get how they ended up down there. But she would get Lute, she'd understand how addictive bad actions can be for an Exorcist, the search for purpose and acknowledgement from Adam, the self-righteousness. If there's anyone in that hotel that would know what it's like to be an Exorcist that regrets her actions, that's Vaggie.
In the end, the only thing I'm sure of at the moment is that Lute's story is far from over. Things could go either way and redemption is a viable path for her. Who knows, maybe she'll do something so extremely evil in the future that I lose my faith in her ability to change after that, but for now I'm still holding onto that hope :)
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amica-aenigmata-naboo · 23 hours
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Christian Yu / Mito x Y/N - drabble - 1.1K WC
Warnings: jealousy, fluff, hurt/comfort, sweet af, Christian being a great boyfriend
You sat on your couch watching the TikTok Live that showed the airport Christian was supposed to be arriving at. Finally he emerged from the gate, and was immediately swarmed with fans, his security doing everything they could to get him to the van waiting for him outside. You smiled seeing him, knowing he would be home soon. You had been dating for over a year but his team still said you needed to be kept a secret. Neither of you liked it, but you did it to support his career the best you could. You watched Christian smile and wave while walking before one fan slipped through security, coming face to face with him. She pulled him into a kiss by the collar of his shirt. Your stomach dropped; Christian’s security dragged the girl away before practically shoving Christian into the van. You turned off your phone, throwing it on the seat next to you. You were jealous and you knew it was a stupid, unfair jealousy. He had no control over it, yet you couldn’t help but feel jealous that some rando got to kiss him in public but you couldn’t? His long time girlfriend couldn’t even be seen with him, let alone kiss him in public. You picked up your phone as it buzzed repeatedly. Opening Twitter you saw an endless amount of comments and tweets about the mystery girl who kissed Christian. People were actually shipping them. You huffed throwing your phone back on the couch before marching yourself to the bedroom. You stripped down, thinking a hot shower might wash it all away. As the beads of warm water danced over your skin you almost felt calmer. Almost. You saw the comments replay in your head.
“She’s so thin and pretty!!”
“Awwww meet cute for the win!”
“Future couple?!”
“I just know this man is gonna marry her!”
You don’t know when it happened but you felt something hotter than the shower run down your cheeks. Sniffles and sobs followed quickly. You sat in the bathtub, letting the water hit your back as you sobbed into your hands. 
Christian was confused at the silence he heard when he opened the front door. He took his shoes off and left his luggage by the front door, wanting nothing more than to be wrapped up in you after being on tour for 6 months. When he heard the shower running as he got closer to your shared bedroom he smiled. He slipped his shirt off, closing the bathroom door softly. Then he heard sniffles and a small sob. 
“Baby?” Christian said, pulling the shower door open just to see you sitting on the stone floor. 
You didn’t even move to greet him, feeling angry with yourself that this is what he had to come home to all because you were jealous over something stupid. 
“Get out.” you mumbled.
“Baby what’s wrong?” he said, starting to lean into the shower, water cascading down half of him.
“I said get out!” you said, harsher than you intended. 
Christian backed up. He knew when you asked for space to give it to you. Yet he couldn’t help but feel a pang of hurt when your first instinct to seeing him was wanting him to go. He left the bathroom, changing his clothes and sitting on the bed patiently for you to come out.
You sat for another few minutes before sighing and getting up. You finished showering and got dressed in the bathroom, not wanting Christian to so much as look at your body right now. You took a breath before walking out, seeing him sitting on the bed. When you looked in his eyes you could tell it was Mito and you knew exactly where his mind went when you told him to leave. He stood up, his eyes not meeting yours with a solemn look on his face. You walked over to him, wrapping your arms around his waist, letting your head rest on his broad chest.
“Did I do something wrong?” he asked, leaning his cheek on the top of your head as he hugged you back.
“No, I’m just being stupid.” you sighed, hiding your face in his chest.
“Wanna tell me about it?” he asked.
You paused for a moment; you knew he’d be understanding but you felt so shitty for even wanting to bring it up. “The girl at the airport…” you started.
He pulled back slightly, panic swarming his face. “She kissed me - I didn’t want to, you have to believe me.” he said, his voice cracking slightly.
You held his face in your hands, “No baby, I know. I’m just… jealous.” you said begrudgingly. 
His eyebrows furrowed, “Jealous?” he said questioningly. 
You let go of him, flopping onto the bed. You stared at the ceiling, “I just… wish I could kiss you in public. Hold your hand. Go on dates. Hell - just be with you in public. I don’t want to put your career in jeopardy, it's the last thing I want. But it's… hard sometimes. Being a secret. I love you, you love me. What do we have to be ashamed of?” you babbled on, finally letting your emotions spill forth. 
Mito climbed on top of you, “You’re right.” he said simply. He kissed over your face gently, moving down your neck and chest slowly.
You hummed at the contact, your body finally remembering how much you missed him. 
Mito held your face in his hands, thumbing away the last few tears that slipped from your eyes. “I love you and I have missed you terribly… let me show you?” he asked slipping his hands under your shirt to rub circles into your hips. 
You smiled, leaning up to kiss him. You nodded and watched as he descended you body, shimmying your underwear off.
Christian watched you as you slept on his chest, his fingers tracing over your shoulder absentmindedly. He opened Instagram, posting a picture of you two from a few weeks ago. You had built a blanket fort in the living room and were snuggled up against him, both of you wearing hoodies with animal ears on them. You two looked so incredibly happy and nobody could deny that. He looked at it for a while, then at you. He wanted you forever, he just hoped you wanted him too. He wrote a short caption before posting it. Turning his phone off he wrapped his arm around you, kissing your forehead before falling asleep himself.
You shook Christian awake, “Christian Yu why do I have over 40,000 notifications?” you asked.
Christian smiled, "Do you wanna go out to dinner tonight?” he asked in return.
“What? You know we can’t go out together.” you said, looking at him confused.
“We can do whatever we want now.” he said, handing you his phone and showing you the post. 
You looked down with shock before throwing yourself on him, “I love you, but respectfully, were not leaving this bed…” you said as you tugged at the waistband of his underwear down.
Christian laughed, pulling you into a kiss as he let his hands roam your body.
Naboo's Note:
Hey all :) I hope this is a good one, it is based off a request. Sorry fics have been slow to roll out, work is insane and I'm on call this week so next week will probably be better for fics because I get off early and can actually do whatever (i'm going to smoke so much weed it would make Willy Nelson jealous). I hope to get some more request soon, love y'all! XOXOXOXOXOXO!!!!!!!
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its-so-zazzy · 2 days
Yesterday I was kind of numb about all of this, but after waking up today I am just filled with rage.
I truly cannot comprehend how everyone involved in this let it come to such a point. To turn the possible retirement of one of the most loved F1 drivers into this circus... Allowing him to be put in such a situation, crying in front of reporters, saying goodbye to his career in such a sad way without having a definite answer whether it is the actual end is just disgraceful. Even in that godawful McLaren team, he had a proper sendoff, with cowboy hats, and goodbye messages, and donuts. And it is incredibly rich, after judging Zak Brown for the way they treated him, for Christian Horner and company to find a way to do even dirtier by him.
(And I also can't help being angry at Daniel's team. How is it possible that they were incapable of at least mitigating this a little bit?)
Even if this isn't the end, and they end up letting him finish out the year, or even offer him that RBR seat, why would he take it? To continue to be treated this way? How can they possibly correct this in any sort of way?? And if not, what do RBR think they're gonna achieve? Test Liam with six races in that shitty VCARB for a possible seat at RBR in 2025? And when that inevitably fails, then what? They're left with a shitty lineup at VCARB, and they are left with Perez in RBR, loosing sponsors at VCARB (because Visa and Hugo sure as hell aren't there for Tsunoda or Lawson), with a permanent stain on their name for what they did to someone like Daniel...Truly mindboggling...
So I hope they lose even the 2nd place in WCC, and I hope Max loses WCC as well (nothing to Max, I would love for him to win it over Norris, but my hatred for RBR burns brighter right now), and I hope it all burns down around them, so not even Checo's sponsors can help them pick up the pieces....
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my brother in christ jefferey dahmer
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good-soupmens · 1 year
Ik the good omens fandom has different takes on God as a character, but I like the idea that she DOES have an ineffable plan, and Heaven is doing their absolute worst job carrying it out.
Most angels never talk to God, and they're usually selfish, they don't do the right thing (only what they're told), and it's even possible they're working under a corrupt power (like the Metatron). I like that theory because Metatron IS the barrier between God and the angels. He could easily lie to them and change plans, and we the audience know that "friendly old man metatron" swindling Aziraphale is not what he seems.
But from the beginning, we see inconsistency. Crowley falls from heaven after asking questions/hanging out with the wrong group while Aziraphale is allowed to lie about the flaming sword and change Heaven's plans. God can see how much he cares about humans and the earth by his actions (Crowley being the same), which makes me think that him getting away with it is intentional, not inconsistent or neglectful. ESPECIALLY if Aziraphale and Crowley run heaven and hell respectively in season 3. They have the power to change things, just like they stopped the world from ending the first time. I think Crowley and Aziraphale ARE the ineffable plan.
Their love could bridge the gap between opposing forces in a way that it couldn't if they were both angels. After all, both heaven and hell think they're doing the better thing while they're both not. Crowley and Aziraphale are the best of both sides.
If bringing them together was God's plan, it'd be a powerful story for queer Christians!! A lot of us have been hurt by the church, but we hold on to God's love, which doesn't fail us. We stay in a religion with a history of fighting queerness not because we're all brainwashed, but because we wholeheartedly believe in a God that loves us. Sometimes I see good omens' heaven as an analogy for toxic churches, and I'd love nothing more than for Aziraphale to realize heaven is working against God. Not to mention God using a gay couple to save the world/save heaven from corruption?? I'd kill for that storyline
Secondly, Aziraphale's devotion wouldn't have been for nothing. If God was awful the whole time, it defeats the times he and Crowley reached out, and the moment in the GOs1 finale where Crowley says, "what if you're going AGAINST God's ineffable plan?" to Gabriel and Beelzebub. (It'd almost defeat the purpose of her being the quirky narrator following their story, too.)
Even Crowley, never fooled by "heaven is all good" calls for God in his time of need ("God listening? Show me an ineffable plan.") (Possibly when he reaches to the sky in order to stop time) (Calling for God before Satan in the burning bookshop) (Looking up and muttering "God" after realizing Aziraphale is going to leave him in s2)
Lastly, after the trauma that both Crowley and Aziraphale went through, with Crowley falling and Aziraphale coming to terms with heaven's corruption (and both being mistreated by their side) it'd be nice to have been for a reason. They have every right to grieve and be angry for all that they went through, and the centuries that they weren't supposed to love each other, but I believe the series will end on a positive, sweet note, like the rainbow after a storm.
Like Job, they're losing almost everything (their relationship as it was, the bookshop, and the life they carved out), but they have each other. I think they'll lose everything to save EVERYONE, and in the end, the reward will top the pain. No holding back, no forces hunting them down, just them together after a PAINFULLY long time with everything they'd wanted.
We know that God doesn't get around to answering many questions, but her speech to Job was in part to say "trust me"
She laid the foundations of the earth. She made every living thing. Job couldn't see past the destruction of his life, but she has a plan. Job is a valuable human being, but he doesn't have the power and knowledge of God. God will share her plan when he can make a whale. Otherwise, he can trust that "Most things are fine in the end"
*Aziraphale voice* That's ineffable!
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gxlden-angels · 9 months
Bro I hate fundamentalists and culturally-fundie parents they'll say shit like "spare the rod spoil the child am I right haha yea my parents used to have to beat my ass with a switch almost everyday but I sure did learn my lesson" but like??? no you didn't??? you were hit multiple times for something you very obviously did not, in fact, learn
Like studies about how harmful even lightly spanking children is aside, you're literally contradicting yourself?? Some even admitted they got worse as they got older cause they wanted to see how far they could push their parents before they got punished
And studies not aside, you're gonna get child raising advice from the same book that tells you to stone your wife if her hymen doesn't break on your wedding night instead of the decades of research we have now?? Just say you're a bad parent and move on my guy. Skill issue
#bro I had a coworker go 'unpopular opinion I think some kids really do need beatings' and I'm like????#unprompted???? what's going on there????#well anyways I ended up going 'yea so I plan on specializing in play therapy with autistic children so I've been learning about talking#to children and the ways their parents and environment affects them'#and they're like hmmm but beating this kid with a stick after they broke something or I upset them to the point of yelling is good actually#had a boss say it taught him and his kids respect cause they were hard-headed#and I'm like?? that's fear not respect! they fear punishment! they do not act out of respect for you!#he's a conservative christian black man tho so he's like 'But Authority!' like bro I don't even respect you what are you on about#'You don't respect police and their authority?' Nope! I fear them! I do not respect cops and every cop/cop-adjacent person I personally know#has reinforced that for me#'We'll agree to disagree' Cool! Doesn't mean you're not wrong! I could believe trees aren't real but that is in fact incorrect#then he pulled out the bible verse and I was like ah okay I forgot you like 'here's how to treat slaves' book you're so right bestie#I'm totally wrong now and so sorry for doubting you and your 2000+ year old book I don't believe in <3#They'd go 'well I turned out fine!' then say something that directly contradicts that#anyways I need christians to get their grubby little hands off the current state of Child Protection and Rights in the U.S.#So we can actually start working on helping kids without the force of christian hands suffocating them#cause homeschooling and child raising by evangelicals are so fucked up bro I'm tired of this shit#I'd only stay in my current state to help children get out of that cycle since I'm in the bible belt#ex christian#religious trauma#child abuse tw
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the-butch-fox · 1 month
how the fuck are you supposed to explain to your mom why exactly you want to start testosterone
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Why can't the churches with choirs and pipe organs and stained glass windows have a bit more theological rigor??
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I think I just read my first tragedy.
It was good.
I do want to fistfight the devil though.
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alertarchitect · 1 month
Y'know, I can tell my newly revitalized Warframe hyperfocus after an unintentional 2-3 year burnout break is hitting HARD because lately I've had more random thoughts about how to fit my Tenno OC into various fanfic scenarios than thoughts about similar stuff with my more original setting and OCs I basically made from scratch
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snekdood · 2 months
ive literally never understood antisemitism and i dont think I ever will. literally 0 basis for any of the conspiracy theories. its always just projection from christians.
#'you want to drink blood and control the world' baby girl you ritualistically drink the blood of your god all the time and convinced ppl#that proselytizing was a Positive And Good Thing You Should Do. dont talk about wanting to control the world.#DONT TALK ABOUT WANTING TO CONTROL THE WORLD- WHEN YOU LITERALLY WANT TO DO IT LIKE YOU MAKE IT BLATANTLY#CLEAR I'VE ALWAYS BEEN AWARE OF THIS YOU CAN JUST SMELL THE AUTHORITARIANISM OFF YOUR SUIT#AND THATS EVEN BEFORE WE GET INTO THE ACTUAL POLITICS! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!#YOU WANT TO CONTROL WOMEN! YOU WANT TO CONTROL PEOPLES SEX LIVES! YOU WANT TO FORCE WOMEN TO GIVE BIRTH!#YOU WANT TO ERADICATE TRANS PEOPLE! YOU HATE PEOPLE OF COLOR! YOU WANT TO CONTROL WHAT BOOKS PEOPLE READ#AND WHAT PEOPLE LEARN IN SCHOOL#YALL L I T E R A L L Y OUT IN THE OPEN SAY YOU WANT TO TURN AMERICA INTO A 'CHRISTIAN NATION'#SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT NEW WORLD ORDER AND TRYING TO CONTROL THE WORLD AND STOP FUCKING PROJECTING#IF ANY POLITICIAN HERE SAID THEY WANTED TO MAKE AMERICA A JEWISH NATION YALL WOULD LOSE YOUR SHIT#BUT SUDDENLY ITS FINE WHEN ITS YOUR CAMP???? IT'S ALMOST LIKE YOUR ISSUE ISNT ACTUALLY BEING CONCERNED#ABOUT JEWISH PEOPLE SOMEHOW NEBULOUSLY EFFECTING AND CONTROLLING SOCIETY AND MORE ABOUT YOU WANTING#TO CONTROL SOCIETY AND NEEDING A SCAPEGOAT TO ATTACK SO PEOPLE DONT SEE YOUR ASS FOR WHAT IT IS#i think yall assume that just bc you want to control everything that so does everyone else and you just dont like what values other ppl hav#you should really live and let live. do some fucking shrooms you square. stop trying to control everything and everyone around#you. worry about you. lord knows you aren't being a perfect little christian like you probably tell yourself- not if you're openly#advocating for tearing away peoples rights.
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chikinan · 3 months
Having coffee between errands going crazy about johnny joestar thought I'd write it down but you're not ready it's just me and myself in this thunderdome
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whysamwhy123 · 11 months
Illness be damned, I finished this next OrangeHook fic, holla! Thank God this one's nowhere near as long as the first. It definitely got away from me though, didn't end up being about what I intended it to be about. But I don't think it's terrible? At least, not offensively so? I don't know. I'll see how I feel about it after I'm done editing. Maybe then I'll think about posting it sometime later this week?
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amber-angel · 6 months
If I get one more comment on this discussion board telling me I'm brave or strong for being deaf I'm tearing into the professor for making this stupid fucking assignment
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nyctarian · 1 year
fans of wrestler redacted having to hard pivot to claiming aew is as morally bad as anything wwe mcmahon bc their guy is willing to compromise his stated values if they will give him a job is so funny. like you cant be mad at people for believing aew is better morally than vince mcmahons big conservative fundraiser sponsored by mbs when your guy himself has made his reputation on making the point that wwe bad for nearly a decade now. their are bad people at aew too but it is not systemic to the entire company's existence at the highest levels the way it is in wwe.
also since people on twitter are trying to pretend he was a lone voice of trans rights and got forced out bc of that im also gonna note aew had a trans womens world champion when p*nk was still working for fox's wwe backstage.
#you cant send me anons on my blog bc i have had asks turned off for multiple years now die mad#personal#his elite beef was w a bernie bro a bisexual and two (yes christian) guys who support gay rights and dont support tr*mp like#sorry vince mcmahons still legally wed wife runs tr*mp fundraising#sorry that collision had nyla on once in the second ep for the owen and then literally never again#sorry that collision was the show made for c******e fans and it took ur guy being fired for a joshi wrestler to get on it#sorry ur guy praised zaslov before having to pivot to being the union guy bc kenny isnt online enough to have seen a video from a con lol#i believe he does try to be leftleaning but his overwhelming ideology is of the self not of the other sorry#what he was doing at the end those beliefs were only tshirt deep die mad#i could go further i like adding nuance and details to things but its pointless. i just hope the weirdos who harass people on here over#their favorite guy and who fail to realize that whatever shit they say on their blogs is the same shit twitter people are sayings#i hope they move on to something that actually brings them joy so that they dont need to harass people for having a different opinion#like sincerely if someone interacts w a post of mine or if i look at someones blog bc they posted a good wrestling thing#and i see a bunch of stuff i dont like for a wrestler i dont like#i just block and move on#i really hope they start doing that as someone who used to post on here a bunch several years ago about all the hatereading i would do#it genuinely is an unhealthy mindset and its something i had to work to grow out of i hope they do too
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muninnhuginn · 2 years
trigun (talking original anime not stampede/manga here as I can’t comment on those yet) is actually genuinely really solid in terms of themes and repeating imagery. the way the very setting of a desert with the associated resource scarcity plays into it all. you get monopolies over water where one family holds everything whilst the surrounding areas are left to rot. but then you have small patches of greenery that could have amounted to nothing but due to years of nurturing they’ve grown up into forests. it’s about what you do with what you’re given and what you choose to pass on to others.
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