#but if someone is closed cuz they've been hurt one too many times and they just need patience why not to give them that
deetherusalka · 2 years
idk what's this telling about me or my relationships but all people I was close with or dated were strictly cat people
#život#just an observation of my life ig#past week is big on reflecting on my relationships with people be it friendly or romantic#something about me see's emotionally closed person and is like this one I will open them up like a piñata#the fact that it actually works out mostly is what gets me tho#like most of people really just need patience and trust#and there's scarcity of those in world#but jokes aside it's not like I actively choose emotionally distant people that's just something in my subconsciousness really#and then I realize it like 3 months later like oh shit oh fuck what did I get myself into#but like somehow it never like actually backfired on me which is even more confusing#am I the red flag all along??? and isn't it actually pointless to search people for supposed warning signals#cuz at the end you it's all about trusting your guts and feelings and if someone is asshole you can't change that#but if someone is closed cuz they've been hurt one too many times and they just need patience why not to give them that#or you know some people are just introverts and need time#and relationship ain't instant thing anyway#and so it seems I'll accept my fate as the patient one approaching slowly the cat#cuz it's not like I know how to do anything else#i have lot's of thoughts on this topic most is just trying to make sense of patterns I repeat in my life#and if it's good or bad#but actually this false morality makes no sense that's the thing#the way we try classify relationships and make false tables on what's good and what's bad is just a fucking illusion of safety#like if you actively hurting and are unhappy then run#if you ain't feeling it simply say goodbye with respect and best regards#like idk if there's things which for you are no go then that's alright just don't go with them#but that doesn't automatically makes everyone who doesn't fall into your preferred characteristics bad#of course I'm not speaking about abusers and other stuff#this is just my personal rant of girl after breakup
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flamingoinkart · 1 month
too tired rn to make any doodles but i wanna ramble about my airboarder x space kicker hc because it's been brewing in my brain for a long time but i've always felt too embarrassed to share it and i still feel a little cringe anyway click below if you wanna read all that
In my hc, I think Apollo (my name for the ourple SK) tries out playing space soccer professionally but doesn't make it/like it, so he becomes a photojournalist for the Diamond City news team on earth because of his lack of fear of heights (Warioware and RH take place in the same universe/city). His little platform-thingy can get him really close to the action compared to helicopters or on-foot footage, so when a monster is attacking the city, Apollo can get much more interesting shots and angles. Not many other journalists are brave enough to float hundreds of feet in the air without being strapped to something secure so Apollo has that advantage. And when you're from space with black holes, meteorites whizzing by at thousands of miles per hour, radioactivity that will kill humans, and god knows what abominations lie beyond their galaxy, a little height won't really hurt you lmao.
Enter Airboarders, cuz someone has to protect the city from giant monsters and other evils and bad guys of course. There are multiple Airboarder teams that rotate shifts, and the ones you see in-game are Team Zephyr consisting of Cirrus (the leader), Stratus, and Cumulus. The team becomes very familiar with Apollo as they work 2nd shift and they often see him working the camera for the evening news.
Cirrus and Apollo grow closer as the other Airboarders are fairly camera shy, but Cirrus likes the attention and it helps build his credibility as a 'hero' for the city, and Apollo's eager to get to know someone doing a tremendous good for the city. Cirrus admires Apollo's dedication to his work and bettering his craft. Apollo admirers Cirrus' bravery and confidence in leading his team.
and then they become closer and kisssssss or something idk i didn't think too much about the logistics of them becoming a couple. it's almost midnight here so i might elaborate further another day. I feel like they would get a late night snack at a convenience store after work is done and then collapse in bed immediately after coming home cuz they've been on their feet all day, simple domestic stuff like that
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damnfandomproblems · 9 months
@ 4234:
Not sure if they're checking for any responses, but mostly I wanted to agree. I haven't been in many fandoms, but even the main one I'm in now is alot more "cliquey" compared to years ago when RP and ask blogs were still really common. Now, alot of RP is mostly in Discord, and while I agree the messaging is easier/better than on Tumblr, Discord groups feel more closed off and gatekeepy at times. Plus my OTP is a NOTP for alot of people in the fandom, and I'm not interested in the juggernaut ships, so I get left out of alot of fandom events.
Tbh, I know it's not for everyone, but I've done better in a multi-fandom server I joined compared to any of the servers that are specific to the fandom I'm in. The one I joined I only did,cuz the admin is someone I already knew from my main fandom. I knew they were fair and kind, and they had modding experience in other servers, and it's been overall a great experience, until the server unfortunately died a while back, just due to the admin and other mods having irl stuff come up and take up all their time.
The only other server I've had a good time in was one that's specifically for fic writers in the fandom, which has events and showcases fics of people in the server, so it's alot of us pumping each other up and infodumping about our ideas and AUs.
Something I've had to learn to look out for when going into servers is in rules. Channels that state people's triggers and squicks is well-meaning, but unfortunately, in every server I've been in that had that turned into a wankfest sooner or later, usually with 2 or 3 BNFs in the server attacking each other or smaller creators in the server, using things in the trigger and squick list to harass or claim they were being harassed. Similar wankfests happened if the server has a list of topics and/or ships that aren't allowed to be talked about. Even if someone doesn't mention a forbidden topic/ship in the server, if they post stuff about it on Tumblr, Twitter, or ao3, they usually end up getting attacked in the server or just straight-up banned.
The servers I had/have good times had few if any forbidden tropes/topics/ships. If anything, it was only asked they only got mentioned in certain channels. The few times any wank came up, it got shut down within the same day.
Unfortunately, I don't have any advice for navigating fandom on Tumblr (and I avoid fandom spaces on Instagram and Twitter). I tend to just keep to myself on here, only ever talking to 2 or 3 people and not even all that much.
I hope you're okay, #4234. I'm in a small fandom, too, and I know that gossip runs rampant, so people end up hearing about callouts, even if they don't see the actual post. I've never been in that situation, so I don't know if this is good advice or not, but I'd suggest only sticking to talking to a few people for now. There will be some people who will refuse to interact with you, but even if others aren't actively reaching out, there are others who don't believe the callout, whether cuz they know the person posting it isn't credible or they've become skeptical when it comes to callout posts in general. So there will still be people willing to hear you out, if you choose to stay in that fandom and try making friends in it again.
Definitely close your asks (or at least close anon) if you haven't done that already, and depending on the level of harassment you're getting, I'd suggest making your posts nonrebloggable. I'm not sure if you're a creator in the fandom, so I know it can hurt to keep creating and not get any notes, but it's better than people reblogging your art, edits or writing only to add hurtful comments to keep harassing you.
I might not know who you are, but I'm rooting for you and hope you'll find a space in fandom (current one or another fandom if you decide to move on) that welcomes you.
Posting since this is a response to a previous problem.
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charlieslowartsies · 7 months
RAHH it’s so cool to see that other people are rereading kgau too, cuz it’s done nothing but lurk in my mind ever since I first found it a few years back, AND that’s what IVE been doing too and I’m having a blast!!
Any commentary on Danny or his character? Or how you came up with him as Jeremy’s kid? Idc I just love that little dude he’s so cool
I often wonder how many times people have reread. If we go by hit count on ao3, I THINK GS or DS has been hit the most? What's funny is they're older and they've been completed for a hit minute, and they're around 10k hits. LW is ongoing, incomplete, and arguably one of my faster completed fics and it's at 10k too lol. I have Danny Fitzgerald comments I suppose! I am VERY tired so I hope these make some semblance of sense xc
Danny was created because I kind of felt Mike had grown used to his surroundings very well. I liked that about Mike! One of the blanket themes of KGA is of course, Found Family. But...I also wanted to explore a more 'holy shit! living robots' reaction. I also needed someone Mike wouldn't LET the gang bully/be cold to.
While Mike worked on ridding them of that learned fear, in the meantime he focused on hiring people that were chill and wouldn't give him more headaches.
So I needed a teenager I decided. I was very hesitant to make him at all. I'm not a huge fan of OCs when it comes to my own writing. It complicates things, and if I wanted a story of OCs I would make that. (Reading them is more fun ^^)
However, the kga series proved I could make something I liked well enough from scratch. Like I've said before, the content we had for Mike Schmidt's character was, yanno, zilch. He might as well have been an oc for a while, until more games and lore appeared over the years. (Obviously KGA does not follow the 'correct' lore. I'm 100% okay with that.)
I hemed and hawed a lot with just keeping Jeremy alive and making Ghost Strings star him, but a fic I loved reading at the time also had an amazing Jeremy and I didn't feel I could write my 'own' version and do it justice. Jeremy as well, if anything, would have a much darker history with the restaurant. Danny was essentially a blank canvas, while still having a reason for being there. He was a fraidy cat--rightly so--but he was determined and he forced himself constantly out of his comfort zone. (I'm sure GS would have been a much different story if Mangle had been active/in the restaurant.)
So, Jeremy had to go. And then I realized I wanted to work on death and loss and that kind of pain.
Danny obviously joins the restaurant for deeply painful and close to selfish reasons, but he's still someone we root for. He's just a dumb teenager looking for something of his father's, not realizing he's the reason he has so little to remember the man by.
All we are made up of is memories. Ours and others, things we take from important people in our lives.
Danny's theme/lesson in GS was 'Even bad memories have a place in a Good life' after all.
Danny's presence in the story helped me explore that mystery, and grief, and what happens when we try to heal ourselves, or when we rely on others to help us, like Bonnie helped Danny. It became a great parallel for Michael/Max Afton, since we learn in Last Shift, YEARS later in the story, this wasn't the first time Bonnie kept something safe for someone out of sheer love and devotion, like Max's beloved cassettes and music-tastes. This was despite Bonnie and the gang being so deeply hurt by Max's attack on them, but he still held on to the Good alongside the Bad.
And of course, giving Bonnet to Danny seemed...so fucken cute and fun and easy. She needed someone, he needed someone, and they just clicked.
My favorite thing about Danny is that everyone liked him so much more than I expected, even just in his first fic. I pursued Finding Freddy with the best intentions, and as hard as that fic was for me, I do not regret making it a Danny!centric fic. It also helps that when he shows up in Lies Within he's clearly done lots of growing, but he's still very mortal and he's very able to die. He still tries to help the restaurant, choosing to embrace the mantle of Day Guard that his father held in the Toys' era. That continued loyalty to Mike ends up being a pretty powerful weapon against the Virus.
Also something I need to explore more is Max is such a puffy little trash cat over Mike when Danny comes onto the scene, although he does lower his hackles within a few months, (and by the time of Lies Within) he's guarded and cautious around Danny. However once Max decides Danny belongs with them, that's it and Max considers him family as much as he's attached to Mike.
One thing I hadn't expected was liking the broship between Ness and Danny that's cropping up in LW. I absolutely want to mull that over more! Vanessa obviously has different...ties and hangups... to Bonnie models, but they really are interesting foils for each other. Esp considering Danny's choices in his older stories and her choices now, including the ones she might still have to make ;)
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atztranspm · 11 months
Yunho PM 5 : 07/25/23
Today you did a good job ❤️
Hiㅠㅠㅠ *cutely*
I did idol radio well and came by!
I missed atiny so much
Tumblr media
(Hehe describing the live again!)
He said hi to everyone joining and then said that he was going to do a live on the way back to the dorms but waited till he got home to do one instead.
He said he had a flight in the morning so he had to pack his luggage still (if you didn't know, they going to Japan to preform at waterbomb on the 29th Japan time)
He said that he didn't end up doing his laundry and that he would have to take care of it later (in a previous pm with hongjoong he offered to do the laundry 💀💀)
Someone asked if he was tired and he said nope, he was super excited to do a schedule with atiny
He said that during idol radio, he was able to meet gyuvin of zero base one and they filmed a dance challenge together! (I'll cry cuz gyuvin is literally a successful atiny and I know that means so much to him and to yunho as well)
Yunho said they got close and comfortable with each other and it was nice being able to meet him and do the show with him today.
He read a comment about what he was going to be wearing for waterbomb (the teasing they've been doing with their waterbomb fits has me on edge cuz if you haven't seen what idols do on stage with this festival, it's wild) he said that they were really important and he joked about wearing a long padded jacket but it would be too hot so he said maybe a scarf (they're playing us I just know it, this long padded jacket talk is getting to me yall. Watch them actually walk out in those big puffy jackets 🧍🏻)
Someone said something about ASMR he whispered in our ears a little 💀 (made me blush I'm ngl)
He was like mid sentence saying he was going to wash up but then ended up popping his neck, the sound was so loud I cackled cuz it scared me.(It wasn't even me whose neck almost broke but I was in shock for a second, and so was he) He was like "omg 😟" and then franticly said that he was fine it just sounded bad, it didn't hurt and that he got all embarrassed. It was so cute. His ears turned red (I cried a little)
He quickly recovered from that tragedy and then said his good byes, said to have a good night, sleep tight, rest well, and to have a good day since it's day for many and then said "ddududuk heartyu" cuz of his broken back and then ended the live.
(This live was so funny to me like I genuinely couldn't stop laughing at the face he made when he heard his entire spine realign 💀💀💀)
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Watch "Light Cycle Battle | TRON: Legacy [Open Matte]" on YouTube
These bikes are extremely fast and handle extremely well people who buy them our version go around and beat every single car and motorcycle on the Earth we catch them going up and down the highway racing and chasing down brand new Ferraris if we build and they beat them by 300 miles an hour they go down the road they come back in the front and they lap it. There's a lot of stories but one story is a fiery driver got so mad they punched it and almost hit the guy pulls over and says I apologize and got really mad I can't stand it your bike is so damn fast he gave him the card and said this is where I got it and we see you out there and you might not be so lucky as I was to find someone like you and he says okay and you know what it meant and it was a clone and it was on okay the guy went out and bought one in there racing and the cologne came up next to him and started sticking his foot out and the guy slowed down and he looks and it was too late the wind had caught his leg and smacked it into the bike and he was out forever
They know they're going to die. They're not wearing the appropriate gear. Usually the helmet scatters it's not strong enough. And that's how they got there they're forced to. Now you guys think this is normal but no these people have grudges against each other and they've been fighting for some time now and they're clones and their BG and Trump and VGA and other people who have big grudges against these people and they hate each other. But yeah you can hear scream so fear hatred really it's just I'm going to die and they're screaming and horror. It is extremely intense what has developed here from this war in this medium shows it
There are many more stories about the light cycles and it is legendary and our son becomes a legend and daughter and several others of us Freya and I become very famous his arms is huge and they can't figure it out it's the same thing but huge. And they see them and they don't get them cuz they can't and we won't let our son have when we go too fast here. And there's the car and that comes out and we do sell it and they buy some and these guys love them because they're easier to drive for them they have gear too and they need it badly and they start to grab the clones.
That Daddy has a version and he wants to raise this version and my son's character is up there shortly and it's going to be waiting for him and it's Florida so pick a stretch of highway and we'll shut it down and you won't even touch him mack. It says he's going to do it like the movie it's going to look over and see if I let him win I'm not doing him a favor or me and it's true too. Mac is aghast and he wants to buy some of them even before seeing it.
This is incredibly difficult genre to exist in the people who ride these ride super bikes to go almost 300 mph the speed and pace of action is so fast they can hardly see what they're doing and you've seen races and even with Trump and he's dirty and mean and he gets hurt a lot because of that and when he buys one we hear stories that he's still dirty and mean and people race up to him and stop him right away and it doesn't last long he stops doing it.
We're selling our version and we might sell some tonight we're not saying we're going to be talking to people it sells for about 1 million dollars each and Brad sell for about 75,000 each and you'll be able to tell why because if you modify hours to make it a fly cycle it's Bill to go 25,000 miles an hour. People are aghast they're surprised they're in wonder and when this begins they will be an absolute shock but it's necessary because the clones want them and they're going to be up there tonight in force we're already seeing them build up and so our son says we should stage the area and we're going to go ahead and do that and close the block down and then approving it now
Thor Freya
Wow that's intense I've never seen so many people and they're mixed which is great I'm starting to close the lockdown and they all want in and they noticed that they think they can't get in and so you have to sell tickets and we have to get a fence and I see he did it because so we're having that and we have some boots out there that look like life cycle blues and we're going to have my bike and we have our breads and a lot of others and mine is slightly different but I built my own it's based on his techno and his design. You should take it easy on them and get him something it's kind of boring he's never in the action or limelight or anything suppose when he starts getting bigger he will be but we don't want to do something for that and we're going to meet too up there in Tampa about the apartments and condos bars and more
What a wonderful night I'm actually having a lot of fun and I'm going to get this done this is going to be wonderful we have troops up there and heavy nearby and we're going to keep it calm and recording off the area and Tampa and Charlotte county and will push them back and if they try it we're going to hold them out he may use the event no he's trying to so we're going to use it against him
Thor Freya
You always try and use it against me no but I see what they're saying don't get the scullion I won't even let that happen and it's miserable it is
Tommy f
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A SUBWAY LUV STORe «U n i are not tha same>
We look at each other b4 the train doors close , i leave u barely just enter Im in love with ur hello kitty ear muffs and Neon green tights and I tell u i am but it's a rat race, the subway fills and ppl push me off u and i stand frozen while the train doors close and life comes to remind me that everything goes on without my permission cuz the train runs straight ahead, i look for u in every single window and our eyes lock for the last time.
It's been a long week since i've blogged properly cuz there has been too much on my head, feelin so preoccupied emotionally / mentally .. tho still high key unemployed i've been tryna work on mi styling portfolio n focus on finishing my classes / keep networking n make good memories like .....
Gettin to k hole with my friendz and make out at the park, finding a floral Amex card on tha floor of a club n buying everyone drinks n buying urself a taxi home wiff it cuz it's untraceable <Lowkey wanting to go to target n get 10000 visa gift cards but like Lmao thts kinda mad illegal than just illegal Lmfao> holding hands with ur bffs on rooftops while having deep molly talks, taking LLO00OnnG naps wiff them n singing them to sleep, throwing house parties n making music til 3am, playing dress up with Ppl'Z boyfriends and playing sleezy photographer by Feeding K to them in random mansions in W village, Doing mushrooms on first date at maria hernandez ... N while we r tripping give each other massagez n tell each other the diff shapes we see in the sky <but get high key lied to ab how long they've been in Nyc like why do ppl lie ab little shit like that Imfao>
Im just reminded tht U and i are not the same, u clap when u land on the airplane wi clap every time i get to the right stop on tha subway! U and i are not the same, I have an pussy tat tht says MEOW , u tatted ur full name on ur knee so when u black out they know who u Are.
i kant even afford an ambulance!!!! Im still waiting for moi mf unemployment card from Keybank in the mail!!!!!! U and i r not the same , Im hurting ab another 2 1/2 week situationship and ur in a perfect relationship of a year +. What’s numbing about dating in nyc is that u never know how to truly prepare for when its last time u r gonna see someone , there are so many people who ghost u , so many people that just don’t know how to communicate (misc connections with all the disorganized attachment styles)… how do U prepare for heart ache ???? And how do u tell them and urself lovingly that it will probably be experienced many more times than we wanna believe it will ?? I think we just have to continue to accept things 4 how they Are . So…
Im gonna stop asking why ppl r the way they are and instead accept that ppl can truly just b inconsiderate n reckless loveless ppl . And that as much as i’ve tried to not fall into the prototype of the “misunderstood sad loner romantic artist bitch that no one kan console” i am often reminded that now as an adult i kan totally talk to anyone n read the room n “blend in” but that the differences r still there , and that i am still left feeling like an outsider . Sure i kan propbably say that in a positive light i may be more advanced , or think of love in more of a virtuous way , like I think mayb when ur gonna be going out of town u should probably communicate that at least a few days before u actually go , or maybe set proper boundaries so I’m not the one approving which clothes u pack in ur luggage r parent proof , but i guess every1 thinks of balance and hierarchy and boundaries in diff ways .
I Almost fought a triple cancer on the street in front of webster hall cuz he said i should go get some real chainz and i told him he was culturally appropriating cuz he had a chinese tat on his neck while he claimed he wuz half thai. He tried to correct meh and tell meh mandarin is the character while it’s a fuckin language and i rly wanted to just throw handz rite then n there plus a promoter wuz filming meh encouraging meh to . But i yam a pacifist (I don’t bite) but boy oh boy do i love barking . I yam a 10 but I bark and it hurts a lil . Tht one thing forsure ab meh is tht ima mf let u know . Got invited to b at wiz khalifas vip table n ditched cuz idk man!!
I LUVVVVV my job and modeling !!! tbh i have been in weird ass situations b4 and like hate photographers so much but like recently being on set with the 15-20 models for oun magazine this weekend was like fucking beautiful and inspiring and i love being around other artists who uplift each other n other poc queer artists/models who express themselves freely and i know that nyc has given me crazi imposter syndrome esp now that nyfw is coming up and i’m def still not 5’8+ or have a 24 inch waist but i am getting asked to attend castings and agencies are replying to all my email inquiries and i am trying my best to stay confident and accept that rejection is actually super normal in this industry and to not take it personally cuz with each rejection comes each acceptance with each casting !!!!!! Like the fact that over 1,000 models applied for the mag i was just in but meh and 15-20 others got picked out of them like …???? Henlooooo bitch thank u. Shoutout 2 rocky u kan kiss meh anytime.
YES i do 2 bumps of K for tha commute to run errands and all dat AND WHUT. molly is fucking shitty tho i Yam not touching tht shit prob ever again / def not dosing myself with 3 pills in a nite ever again like Wtf was i thinking . Also how the fuck u gonna come into my house party acting like ur too kool to talk to meh Im sorri but nxt time I c u ima let u kno in person ur a fuckin weirdo . Post molly ren is NO FUN like hell no i am not sleeping like 20+ hours in a day like tht is such a waste of life!!! I am capturing every single day as a fuckin blessing ESP cuz now i’m almost 25!!!! Im planning moi party NOW i got tha venue down just need dj’s and to make an official flyer n plan to set everything up All Kool n themed obv!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“today i am 24 and today i remember that i used to blow out each candle each year wishing i wasn't but i'm 24 now and realize we're here then we're gone and pain is simply apart of life.
this year i drove across the country...twice. i made memories with friends, both old and new. laughing and singing while we spend in beamers in vegas, buying wigs in philadelphia, eating deep dish in chicago, and passing 100mph to new york getting tattoos in places i never thought i would. this year i went to arkansas, colorado, vegas, indiana, ohio, utah, texas, missouri, michigan, and new jersey.
this year i got laid off at my 40K a year professional job as a socialworker for the LA Country department of aging and had to file for unemployment. i survived a global pandemic. this year i realized that 12 year old ren / "teresa" would be proud of who 24 year old ren is - and i know that because 12 year old ren always strived to be true to themselves, even if no one supported them or believed in them. scarred and traumatized, using tumblr as their only outlet besides trips to the hospital...this year i realized that baby ren looks up to 24 year old ren. and that if only baby ren knew that in double the amount of years they were older that they'd be living in new york, a model, tattoo artist, manager of a bar, and have amazing friends who defy society with them...rebels with noble causes....anarchists and punks...rockstars and fashion designers.....they would be grateful they were alive....blowing out each candle with sincerity, intention, thanksgiving....that pain truly does pass.....and that the world is bigger than they could have ever dreamed or imagined.....new and widened eyes baby ren blow out your candles now.
<come pick me up i'll pay for gas there's no where else id rather be and you'll drive fast and i won't ask to pick the music on the street and we'll talk about whatever and pretend that we won't tell even pretending to ourselves .... i like to feel my heart beat with my eyes shut ...... forgive me for wanting to break but i'll still be here in 5 years making every mistake 16 turned to disappear to a week and a half you know it's not an act there's just still a lot i haven't put into words yet .... i like to talk about the hospital and go when i don't need it just to show the world i feel it but i only ever did it once and it was selfish it was fun.....i'll still be here in 5 years making every mistake 16 turned to disappear to a week and a half you know it's n out an act there's still a lot i haven't put into words yet...>
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 2 years
Nj name drop jk on purpose yet jm didnt give a reaction. If it was older jm he would have either acknowledged the fact w smth like 'ah yes jungkookie is dancing hard' for ex or would say smth like 'oh he didnt tell me' in case he didnt know. I know we cant know things for sure unless we see them all together but there are so many patterns that are just not the same anymore. Also it's so bizarre how they talked like most dont know what the other does except for some of them. Nj and jm seem almost always to be in the same closeness yet nj looked like he really didnt know abt jm's vocal lessons. And i think jk probably wanted to do a lot of individual stuff without sharing it w some of them and I find that if that has been the case it would hurt jm to see jk not share thibgs with him. Also bts' family agenda has worn off cuz even if they must have wanted to have individual time away from each other they feel so disconnected and even i, someone who never bought into that agenda, wouldnt have expected them to be 'strangers' to this extent.
I don't think he "name dropped JK on purpose"; Jimin said that he took lessons and Namjoon said "I heard JK took dance lessons", he was just following the conversation.
I understand what you mean by patterns but also, a lot of conditions about BTS have changed, and so patterns will change according to the conditions and rythms of their personal and worklives. Maybe these are the new "patterns" and it doesn't have to mean that they're in a bad place, maybe this is the "new normal", you know what I mean?
I also happen to think that there's a lot Jimin doesn't say about Jungkook, so I didn't think this was weird. I mean, they went to the beach in LA and Jimin never said he went with JK or Taehyung, or both. It was never a bad thing, tho this time it might feel like it is because of how much time has passed since they've last publicly interacted + the slight paranoia that JK has caused with his song reccs. And because admittedly, we all kind of just expect for Jimin to always say something about JK, since Jimin talks so much about him. He pretty much constantly "name drops" JK himself. Didn't he even talk about JK in like Vogue or GQ? T_T
Yeah, it really isn't the first time they've talked like they don't know what the other members are up to. Even jikook have talked together like they were just catching up after some time. I mean last year Jimin didn't know that JK did that drawing for Hobi's birthday and he was asking about it on vlive. Sometimes those conversations are kind of performative, too, just so the fans can know what everyone's been up to. But it's really hard to say when they're doing it for the fans and when they actually didn't know about each other.
Their family agenda has been wearing off since like 2018, I'm afraid. They can try to keep up appearances but in the end it just shows. I still laugh at how bighit ran to release a statement about JK's first appartment in October 2018. Before that there had been news about Jin, Hoseok, Namjoon, Yoongi, I think even Tae buying their own places and the company didn't say anything but suddenly it was JK and bighit was like "We don't confirm this" LMAO I'm sorry but it was hilarious. The little one can't possibly be leaving the family house, can he?? If he leaves what's left for the rest? Empty nest realness.
They're friends. They love each other. But they also need to branch out and keep up other friendships and relationships and their own hobbies. They used to do everything together, used to work lots of hours together. Now, for different reasons, they even work less hours together. I don't think they're purposefully staying away from each other, but I guess it's natural to do so when you've spent the past 10 years surrounded by the same 6 guys and now you have more free time to do other stuff and meet other people (this kind of applies to jikook but it also kinda doesn't, because I do have other "expectations" about them if they're actually dating, but that's another topic). It's clear tho that they aren't the most attached, I mean no one mentioned visiting Jimin after he got out from the hospital... If my friend had just had surgery and she's home now, I'm gonna be the second person after her mother to go see her. And I know my friends would do the same if I went into surgery. But none of them said or showed anything about visiting Jimin, most probably they didn't. I mean, Hobi posts pictures of a toilet brush and he wouldn't say anything about visiting his friend after surgery? I've been saying they never actually developed attachment to each other. Maybe that's why all of them are single 😒
Some of them still get together to have drinks just because they want to and not because they're working and I think that's amazing. I think that's companionship. I think it's actually incredible that Jimin and Tae still want to and can talk for two hours on the phone after not seeing each other for a few days. I just think it's beautiful when people talk to people. (I also love that Jimin is a phone-call type of guy btw I think he's said this before). Things have changed for sure, and yeah they hurt, as much as I can rationalize this or that, it still hurts.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
It was a huge number of things happening here in punta Gorda it's a crazy house. For real this place is getting turned upside down because his Max have had it with them. Right now they're going after a number of individuals and it is for homicides and the charges are very serious. They're going door to door looking for these people and Dan is a wise ass I need number his house and put the number on our son's door we're more likely his father's as he did something in town like again he pulled the weapon on people. As I'm starting to think about it the post office got all screwed up afterwards. And he pulled a gun also in a convenience store downtown and it's only one and that's where he was and the guy said get out of my store with that s***. The guy said I don't care get out yes no I want the money she says open the drawer I can't get it open until it wouldn't open all day I've been closed and there's nothing in here so Dan couldn't figure out what to do and he said give me the money you have since I don't have any money my stores been out of commission. And all sudden he said are you out of my store you're a huge miscreant and it means for it to f*** off and it's going to be gone damn look at him and said oh it's you he leaves he says he's going to get it for laughing at me have you heard this I'm going to get you before you get near me just as I always do okay Mr Moorg sleeper. So it comes out with a handful of stuff the cops are already there the rest of them and then they said you said you're going to try and hurt someone in jail they put him in jail it's been there all night as a sign to people. That's one thing.
-there's so many people walking around to a convicted of crimes the police just started to pull them in they were doing it for a while but now they said apparently everybody around him is a known felon and escapee or recently committed a crime so in trial for or is it the have not gotten caught for it and it's going on all the time with this idiots and so they realize they're hitting themselves mostly but that's the job and they're strained by it and it's causing them to get hurt so they're pulling them in I said there's way too many here is always complaining these people are s*** heads and they're all over me so they called for people and tons came in and the rest of them. Well dan get out but he was in there for about 8 hours. It encouraged a lot of people. So he starts this gay s*** here and he's getting hit. And the rest of tons of them. Half of them are still in jail which wasn't happening and they're waiting trial and they're going to go to prison now leaving attacking the bases in the United States and wasting them, obliterated them. Last night they hit 500 bases of size and that's a lot and we're talking about the bases in a 20x20 in the Western hemisphere it's only about 500 more and then there's 20 or 30 mega thunderstorms don't have bases except for trillions of teeny ones, like four or five houses or one city block a small city block if that usually it's like half a quarter city block and they're all over the place and one of those get pulled out they leave to go somewhere, but recently been sitting in them not moving. Time to see it too troops are everywhere went after them. And today they're going after Florida such a scourge I never did it goes by they hire more macs they're pretty soon they're going to have enough.
-there are other things happening here in punta Gorda. The too and the apartment either side I'm going to find eviction notices on their door this morning and then put there last night and then put there by the government. He only have so many days to vacates premises and usually they ignore it today we figured something out they don't care if they're evicted. And they're just going to sit here so they just said. Hey do it every time cuz they've gotten three notices before well not recently but that's what they do. In this case the notice is vacate the premises immediately and it says you are evicted for misconduct and violation of the law well I should have a contracts and serious infringement on someone's civil rights and is a list of reasons it is pretty big and it goes on to explain if they're not out in one day they'll come and pull them out and take all their stuff out for inspection and for trial for home invasion so they're illegally and they don't have any agreement and Dave was kicked out last year he's been forcing people to do stuff to his apartment these people boobs and bums and you lift their day hands and mouth no matter what you do no matter what they do and it's gross and the eviction notice is serious and yes stan drew it up downtown. And it's about his civil rights and freedoms being violated by freeloaders who are here illegally with no contract you put in writing instead he oughta to be happy with that. This whole thing is going to change today cuz he's two morons and sicho fants out
-there's more of them in the neighborhood getting evicted. And notices are coming forward from the state and from the federal government for them to vacate the premises and it's not because of sick building it's because freeloaders a trespassers haters and terrorists murders and all sorts of stuff they got the reasons right there on the eviction notices.
-we have a few more things that are happening here in punta Gorda and it's important there's drastic changes occurred and everything is red light all the time. Is going to be no more harassment at the laundromat and that's what he said today he said if you come down there and start harassing me and him with this vulgar s*** and you sit right on him when you put in like 300 loads start talking smack as a matter of fact you just come down there your going to get arrested. Can't have a simple business with you idiots around. And he said it and he was really bad and it's very true these people are complete asses so they're getting ready to pull them in if they start doing that s*** it takes their vehicle out of there one by one just keep grabbing them cuz it's insanity it's really a good reason to arrest them and to get information and they need it on devices and more money banks and what they plan to do
-we need to go after these two this is a Max are doing the best they can and they can't do that with right now we need to go after them and take care of them right now immediately
Thor Freya
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