#but if there was someone who can teach something to Enjolras it would be Feuilly
So I've been seeing a lot of Les Amis teacher related stuff on here lately and I walked into 3 of my old highschool teachers today (yay /s). So I decided to jump on the bandwagon.
Les Amis as things my teachers have said or done:
• Enjolras: put up polls all over school during pride month to see if lgbtq+ kids felt safe (and how they could make sure people did feel safe) at school and would verbally destroy anyone who said something insulting. As well as inviting lgbtq activists to his class to make sure people got the proper education.
• Combeferre: gave a 15 minute speech about the differences between bees and wasps and why they're both important after someone killed a bee in class and called it a wasp. Or alternatively, took revenge on the student who pulled pranks on him for years by calling him in the last minute he was supposed to call people who didn't graduate and told him "I have bad news for you... you'll have to wait another minute so I can tell you you graduated."
• Courfeyrac: showed up to school with a Spice Girls shirt under his more formal attire one day. He was so exited about it he was practically jumping around when he showed us and dramatically danced to some songs before starting his class.
• Joly: that one overprotective teacher who'd constantly check if you're okay and made a fuss out of everything (they mean it well though).
• Bossuet: send an email 10 minutes before the class had started to tell us that they were gonna be late cause their dog ate their husband's hearing aids and their son had broken his arm and their bike had issues and they'd nearly fell down the stairs. Or alternatively, showed up to class with half of his face covered in bruises, a broken arm and a concussion cause he fell off his bike.
• Grantaire: often disrupted other classes with the weirdest stuff. Like this man would just randomly walk into a different class, look around, just go "just wanted to see how you guys are doing" and leave. He would also just walk in purely to start a discussion with the teacher giving the class, usually throwing in at least one reference to a book or movie. He's also walked in just to put a broomstick in the middle off the class, straight up supported by nothing and left without saying a word. (He also made jokes about his name a lot as his name was [first name] Engels, which translates to English and that's also the subject he teaches.)
• Jehan: made you deal with difficult situations by writing them down and doing music (usually group) related exercises to help you cope and calm down as well as teaching you to work together.
• Feuilly: could give you incredibly detailed speeches about almost every art supply the school owned and what you could do with them.
• Bahorel: gave a whole speech about how cool it would be to be alive during the apocalypse, because "I could say I was actually there when the apocalypse happend! That would so cool" And after the class pointed out that there wouldn't be people to tell this to after the apocalypse cause there wasn't really a society anymore he just went "I could fight zombies though!"
• Marius: filled half their class with a speech about Napoleon.
This was a lot harder than I thought so I'm sorry if some are a bit out of character.
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wilwywaylan · 3 years
Tangled Up in Blue - part 1
Fandom : les Misérables
Modern!AU, Enjolras & Bahorel & Grantaire & Feuilly oh my !! - 3300 words
Written for the @lesmissamepromptficchallenge, "Person A gently tilts Person B's head up". Of course I Couldn't finish it in one go so have the first part right now.
Béta-ed by the amazing @paon-de-jour
For @mu-mumie and @citron-au-miel, my eager readers !
Also on AO3 !
Left, right, left again. The fists struck the leather with dry, satisfying thuds. Bahorel was humming under his breath, following the rhythm of his hands as they hit the punching bag. That was the part of his training he liked the most, when his gestures became automatic, on autopilot, a metronome lulling his thoughts in an almost hypnotic way. During those few precious minutes, he was as close to peace of mind as one like him could be.
A noise came to disrupt the rhythm, pulling him out of his trance, steps coming from the open door. Of course, it couldn't last. Most of the time, he could only get a few minutes a day of this glorious state of being, before being cruelly called back to the mortal world. A glance at the clock told him that it was already a few minutes past six. All lessons were done with since four, and he hadn't any appointement he could remember. Then again, he tended to forget those, as they were only for the added paycheck and usually consisted of too-eager people who had watched one action flick too many. But as hard as he tried, he couldn't remember having any lessons today. So either someone had gotten lost in the hallways, or that someone was looking for him. Which one was better, he didn't know. Maybe if he stayed completly still and silent, the person would just go their merry way and not bother him.
A knock at the door. Ah. So much for not being seen. He vaguely thought about scaring them away, playing the role of the big bad asshole. But no. That would probably hurt at least his job, if not his reputation. And as much as he wanted to be on his own, he wasn't an asshole on purpose. So he composed himself a friendly smile and turned to the door.
For now four years that he'd been teaching boxing and kickboxing here, Bahorel had seen many different people cross that door, from children, impatient to start learning, to women looking for self-defense classes (they were often wary of him, but quickly warmed up to him), to people trying to stay in shape. Tall, small, large, thin, burly, willowy, he'd seen all.
But that one... Bahorel had never seen anyone like them. Not because they were tiny, even if they totally were. Almost pocket-sized, Bahorel inwardly snickered, but he'd never say it because he was not a totall ass. That one was tiny enough to get into heated conversations with Bahorel's collarbone, but there was something about them. What exactly, Bahorel couldn't put his finger on, but you couldn't just brush them off. Not just because they were cute. No, scratch that. Cute was for the tiny girls in the ballet room at the other end of the hallway. Or for the puppies he liked to pet in the park. Or... but not that one. As a lover of fine persons and pretty faces, Bahorel had seen his share. But that one could blow every one out of the water without even trying. Because they were not even trying. They were wearing a very baggy, faded red sweater that fell around their thighs, black leggings, and red converse that had certainly seen way too many things. Their long, blond hair fell in soft curls to the small of their back, but it was hastily gathered together without care, and from there, looked quite tangled. The few strands that had escaped framed a very delicate face, a soft oval with high cheekbones and a slightly upturned nose. But the skin was pale and a little red around the eyes. Nice eyes, even from there. Blue and large, with long eyelashes. And a black bruise around one eye. Another one marked their cheek, a dark purple almost shocking on the pale skin. Looking closer, the pretty mouth was split in two spots, and there was a cut across their forehead. Bahorel could recognize a severe beating from across the room, and that one was quite an impressive one.
He suddenly noticed that neither the intruder nor himself had moved from their respective spots. He stepped forwards, offering his hand. The tiny blond one shook it, firmly. Their knuckles were scrapped raw. At least they gave back as much as they got. Good. From up close, they were even prettier. Or they would have been, had they not been scowling that much. Granted, they still looked angelic, but in a ferocious kind of way. Really, Bahorel was starting to like this one. Several badges were pinned on the red hoodie : a purple, grey and black one, a red one with a white slogan, and a large, very obvious rainbow one. No need to be a genius to understand that one.
- Hello, kid, he said with a welcoming smile. I'm Bahorel, pleased to meet you. Pronouns are he / him. What can I do for you ?
The newcomer's expression briefly crumpled a little at "kid", but it smoothed as quickly when they heard the rest.
- I'm Enjolras. He / him too.
So the tiny one was a boy. Good. Not that Bahorel had anything against girls who wanted to learn boxing. Or non-binary people.
- And what can I do for you, Enjolras ?
- I need boxing lessons.
- That, I can guess.
Enjolras frowned for a second, then seemed to remember either where he was, or the wounds on his face.
- Can you take me as your student ?
When someone came at him for lessons, Bahorel usually gave himself a moment of reflexion, assessing his future student's stamina, determination, and especially their willingness to stop and listen. But there was something about Enjolras... He couldn't put his finger on it. Maybe the attitude, the way he was carring himself, ready to take on the whole world. The wounds on his hands were proof of it. Or something else entirely. Some kind of... radiance. A magnetism. Since he'd come in, Bahorel hadn't been able to take his eyes off him. And there was an edge in his voice...
Suddenly, his hand flew to Enjolras' chin and lifted it a little. To Enjolras' credit, he didn't flinch, just looked at him, a little wary. From up close, the bruise around the eye was really impressive, all black, purple and blue, the swelling still noticeable. What did they hit him with, a brick ? That must have hurt like hell...
Bahorel suddenly noticed where his hand was, and quickly let go.
- Seems like you can give as good as you get.
- I don't turn the other cheek, Enjolras retorted. So ? Can you ?
Talk about determination. Bahorel clasped his hands, to break the weird spell Enjolras seemed to cast around him, and announced :
- Well, ki... Enjy, how about you show me what you can do, and then we'll get the paperwork going.
Enjolras scrunched his nose a little at the nickname, and Bahorel was sure he was going to bolt without looking back. But no, he put his bag down, pulled the sweater over his head, and joined Bahorel near the punching bag.
- Okay, Bahorel started. First, you need to stretch, like this...
The chime of his phone pulled Bahorel out of his concentration. He glanced at the clock. 7 PM. It was time for his next lesson. Usually, he would have been quite cross to be kept so late, when there were so many best things he could have been doing instead. But he couldn't bring himself to be more than a very little bit annoyed.
He barely had time to stop the punching bag from moving, when Enjolras came in. He looked way better than three weeks earlier ; no more traces of what had happened. Maybe there was still a very faint white mark across his forehead, but you'd need to be very close to him to notice.
Enjolras took off his jacket, and walked to Bahorel.
- How are you today ? Bahorel asked with a smile. Ready to box ?
- I'm fine. What about you ?
- Strong as an ox ! Bahorel boasted, hitting his chest with a fist.
The gesture made Enjolras smile, and Bahorel's heart did a little jump. Of course it did, Enjolras' smile was beautiful, radiant, without a hint of cynism. Bahorel knew of many people who would have given their right leg and the foot attached to it for a smile as gorgeous at that one. Bahorel did his best to keep a straight face, and went through the warm-up moves with him, as usual. And it was a good thing for him that he was so used to the course of his lessons, because Enjolras' presence was very distracting.
When it came to aesthetic preferences, Bahorel was quite flexible. None of that "prefers blondes" or "only dates pretty ladies with long legs and nice boobs". It didn't take much to reach his heart : a nice smile, a fun-loving view of life, gorgeous eyes, lots of stamina, .... Nothing too complicated. Just someone who could keep up with him in every activity. A pretty face and a nice body were just a bonus.
At first sight, Enjolras may not fit with his criteria, as loose as they were (the criteria, of course. Bahorel wouldn't judge anyone for their promiscuity or lack thereof). His words were laced with fire and determination, but not the fun kind that Bahorel loved. The way he focused on the bag, as everything he did, told him that Enjolras was quite the serious person. Not that he never had fun, he probably did, everyone did. But not the kind of fun Bahorel liked to have.
But there was still this presence, this vibe that attracted the attention as soon as he came in and seemed to suck in all the oxygen in the room. Staying around him hadn't help with making Bahorel immune to that effect, either. Even now, as he was several feet apart, he could feel the draw, guiding his eyes back to the slight form of his student. Which didn't help in the slightest with his predicament. He was supposed to work (out), not oggle him. And still, every time he tried to focus on his gestures, on the way he hit the sack, and note what would need to be corrected. Instead, his eyes kept crawling back to the back in front of him. Enjolras was wearing only a long, thin shirt and leggings - leggings ! Each time he moved, the hem lifted, unveiling a thin band of skin. And those legs... Bahorel had to refrain himself from going higher than mid-thigh. He was a gentleman, at least in that regard. But his self-control was wearing thin.
Finally, after what seemed both like three seconds and an eternity, the clock struck 8 PM. Bahorel signaled the end of their session. Enjolras stretched his back, arms thrown over his head. Bahorel did a titanesque effort to keep his eyes glued on the floor. Only when the red hoodie disappeared from the bench it's been thrown on did he deem the situation safe enough.
- You're getting good, he said as offhandly as he could.
- Really ?
Oh please, no, don't sound that giddy. But Enjolras did, with a smile so bright it put the fluorescent lights to shame. Bahorel's heart did a sommersault, but he did a great job at bringing it back to its righteous place.
- Yeah. Soon your punches will be as devastating as mine.
- Don't mock me.
There was no hint of hurt in Enjolras' voice, and Bahorel was glad he didn't take offense.
- I'm serious, he insisted. You're making progress.
Enjolras nodded. As he gathered his stuff, he suddenly dug through his bag, and pulled out of it a slightly crumped sheet of paper that he held out. Bahorel's first reaction was to wonder if it was some kind of invoice, but no. Why would Enjolras give him an invoice ? Besides, it was brightly colored, too brightly, even, with large letters announcing something. Nothing incriminating there, he could take it.
It was a flyer, advertising some kind of social justice club. Very ugly flyer. They probably didn't have any graphic designer or art student in their little group. But the name in large, blocky letters was the same than on Enjolras' badge, and he seemed so proud that Bahorel would bet his montly wages on him being the leader, or at least had a hand in creating the group.
- What's that ?
- We meet each Friday night, Enjolras explained, beaming. Well this, and rallies. On Sundays, usually. We'd like to do it more often, but it's difficult getting everyone... (He coughed a little.) We're holding meetings to discuss all kind of social questions, discuss them, and try to set up ways to either implement changes, or raise consciousness about them.
Bahorel nodded along. He was right, it was a social justice club. Not that he minded them, of course. But he ? In a club like this ? because Enjolras giving him the flyer meant that he wanted him there, to talk about issues and march to protest them. All good, but Bahorel's approachs tended to be a bit more... hands-on. What could he bring to a group of well-meaning students ? But Enjolras was looking at him with such an expectant look that he couldn't bring himself to crush his hopes.
- Maybe I can drop by, he finally answered. I need to check first.
Enjolras gave him the kind of brillant smile that made him want to do something very stupid, and left with a wave. Bahorel glanced again at the paper in his hand. Then again, maybe it could be fun ? He wouldn't lose more than a few hours of his time, going there, and it's not as if his time was accounted for and precious. Going there wouldn't ask too much of him, and maybe it wouldn't be too much boring. And even if it was, there was still Enjolras to stare at, discreetly, of course. Whatever happened, the evening wouldn't be lost on him. Yeah, he would definitly check this out. All in good fun.
- So, how is the new kid doing ?
Bahorel refrained from telling Grantaire his new pupil wasn't a kid anymore, but that was Grantaire for you. Anyone younger than him was a "kid", except Bahorel, and that was only due to the fact that he could throw (and already had thrown) him through a (first floor) window.
They had gone for coffee after their training session, as usual. For three years now that they've been practising together, it's become their own ritual : a no hold barred match, followed by coffee and a snack, and eventually some first aid applied to their bruises and bumps.
Finding a sparing partner, getting friendly with him and setting the routine had been way easier than choosing a good coffee shop. They had tried almost half of Paris', but always, there was something wrong with them : the place was not clean enough, the coffee was subpar, the baristas were stingy, it was too cold, too warm... always, there was something wrong, and they were left coffee-shop-less once again.
Until they stumbled into the Café Victor, by accident. It's been raining all day, but the weather patiently waited until they were outside to unleash all its fury with a hail hard enough to cut them into pieces. They rushed through the nearest door for shelter. And that shelter was a little coffee shop. Like every trendy place, it had the dark metal / light wood combo, with fancy light fixtures hanging from the ceiling, and those weird high chairs that had a very low back. Grantaire hated those things. But it managed to have a distinct atmosphere, with many plants scattered around the room, and the walls being covered in frames : pictures, drawings, collages, in black and white or vivid colors. The main room was connected to a second one by two steps, with chairs of normal-height. A low stage had been set against the far wall, under a large, abstract, very bright piece. All this managed to give the place a cozy, welcoming feel, and Grantaire and Bahorel happily adopted it as their favourite coffee place in the world.
To the displeasure of one of the baristas. "Fiery redhead" surely sounded like a cliché, but Bahorel had never meet someone that fit it so well. He was a bit on the short side, built like a twig, covered in an array of freckles, and always gave the impression that Bahorel had been put on Earth for his personnal aggravation. Which wasn't entirely wrong. Bahorel was a flirt and a bit of a smart mouth, nothing too mean, of course, but the guy didn't seem like he could take a joke, and he had a tongue sharp enough to retort everytime. Which, of course, was like an invitation for Bahorel to keep his act.
They ordered their drinks, gigantic and full of an unhealthy amount of sugar, but that's what you needed after a good sparing session, the bruise on Bahorel's face bearing witness of the energy they put into it. The redhead was already busy behind the counter, but it didn't stop Bahorel from winking at him as he grabbed his drinks.
Once seated, Grantaire asked, around a gulp of coffee :
- So ? The kid ?
- Good, good. Lots of fire.
- Of fire ? Is that a metaphor, or real fire ? Because if it's like that girl, the one with...
- It's not like that ! Bahorel quickly amended. He's not an arsonist. Just.... very enthusiastic.
- I like that in a man, Grantaire said with a raised eyebrow.
- You like everything in a man, you scoundrel.
- And women, don't forget, but what can I say ? My love is a pyre that only needs the smallest spark to catch on fire.
- And you'll burn your wings.
- Such is the life of Icarus, what can I do ?
Bahorel fondly rolled his eyes, but they knocked their mugs together.
- So, Grantaire said again after drinking almost half of his coffee in one gulp, tell me a bit about the recruit.
- You're weirdly curious, but I'll humor you. So... just picture this : this high (he gestured above the ground), with long blond hair, very curly. Blue eyes, too, and...
He didn't go farther than that before Grantaire dissolved in a fit of giggles. Bahorel knew that it was no use trying to calm him down or ask him anything. So he just enjoyed the rest of his drink, waiting for him to stop.
It took almost five minutes before the giggles finally died down enough for Grantaire to breath again. He hiccuped a little, but managed to wheeze :
- Are you telling me that Goldilocks came into the bear's house and asked him for boxing lessons ?
Bahorel pondered on the merits of pushing him backwards, then decided to let go.
- Keep your snark for yourself. He seems like a nice guy.
Also, he's really cute, he mentally added, but did he want to say this ? Of course not. He'd never hear the end of if, not in this life, and maybe not even in the next.
- Oh, I bet, Grantaire retorted. A paying customer...
- You're despicable, Bahorel said in his best Daffy Duck impression.
Grantaire snorted in his cup. The redhead barista, who was refiling the napkin dispenser, glanced at him, but quickly went back to his work. Probably rolling his eyes. Bahorel stuck his tongue at him, causing a new eruption of giggles.
They ordered a new round of drinks, and went on to chat about their last training session. The wind was blowing the rain across the window, but it was warm, inside, and the coffee was delicious. Neither was in a hurry to go home, and they stayed there, enjoying their drinks and each other's company.
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jabbers-of-jay · 4 years
Les Amis as Parents
Ummmmm I’m not sure where this came from. It’s overly long. But that seems to be the way of Jay. So.... here yous are. How I imagine the Les Amis as parents in certain scenarios 
Enjolras is wonderfully patient with the kids. He always gets on their level and explains things to them. He’s a strong advocate for talking to children and making them feel heard. Grantaire’s favorite thing was always watching Enjolras soothing their babies back to sleep while quietly talking to them about whatever. But he always talks to them like they are an equal
Grantaire encourages their interests and will often draw with his kids. It’ll be some mashup of something he’s created but also with a child’s stick figure or scribbles. But he always calls them his best masterpieces. Enjolras came home one rainy day to find that Grantaire had basically turned an entire room into canvas and let the kids go wild. There were footprints, handprints, lines, and shapes all over the canvas. Grantaire looked slightly sheepish when Enjolras discovered, but all he could say was the paint was nontoxic before Enjolras was kissing him because the sight was so beautiful
Combeferre is the quiet, steady, loving, alway there to talk parent. Even as a teen, the kids find themselves talking to him about their problems. Courfeyrac swears he has a magic touch with babies and can calm any crying baby with just a simple touch. Combeferre roles his eyes and says babies just recognize emotions so if you’re calm the baby will be calm. Courfeyrac can remember many a night of watching Combeferre calming their babies, or the one time where Combeferre slept on the floor in their son’s room for a week so the monsters couldn’t get under the bed
Courfeyrac always brings the kids out of their shells and seems to know how to encourage them to be themselves. He’s increbidly loyal and stands up for his kids in every instance. Combeferre has had to drag Courfeyrac out of the principal’s office on more than one occasion to keep him from shouting at the principal. Combeferre didn’t necessarily agree with the principal either, but he also knew shouting at the principal would get them no where. Courfeyrac doesn’t show it, but Combeferre knows Courfeyrac worries about their kids. Combeferre has lost track of the times he’s found Courfeyrac curled up in a chair, fast asleep, because one of their kids had a sore throat and Courfeyrac was worried, so he slept in a chair in their room. Combeferre’s favorite photo is Courfeyrac asleep in the rocker in the nursery, with the baby fast asleep on his chest
Joly is an intense worry wart, but he’s also really good at teaching. Whenever the kids enter the stage where they continually ask “Why?” Joly will keep answering. Musichetta timed it one time and Joly spent 2 hours answering a chain of Why? questions from their daughter. Bossuet and Musichetta always stand in the doorway whenever Joly is helping their kids with homework, because they’ve never seen someone who can teach the answers so well and really get the kids to listen to the explanations.
Bossuet is naturally really clumsy, and all the Amis were very worried that Bossuet would actually drop the baby on its head multiple times. But, he seems to have this knack for always cushioning the baby’s fall. When he was teaching the kids how to bike, Bossuet somehow always managed to be the one that would scrape his knees. He always seems to be around to help the kids pick back up and dust themselves off, both literally and figuratively. Unfortunately, at least one of the kids seems to have inherited some of his bad luck, but at least Bossuet understands. Musichetta can’t help but laugh remembering the times one of their kids has nearly knocked themselves unconcious from running into a wall or something else
Jehan encourages their kids to be very free spirited, often allowing them to express themselves in whatever way they want. Their kids and Courfeyrac’s often get into dress offs, where they have a competition of who could express themselves the most through their outfits. At first, the kindergarten teacher thought Courfeyrac’s and Jehan’s kids were siblings because they were always the kids showing up in their favorite princess dress or costume. There’s a photo from picture day one year where Courfeyrac’s and Jehan’s kids were some superhero, princess, ballerina, combo.The teacher was convinced the parents would be horrified, but it’s Courfeyrac’s favorite picture, and Jehan thought they looked beautiful.
Barhorel is the most support, soccer dad type, there is. He is always really involved when he can be, constantly on the sidelines, volunteering to be the team dad or coach. Whatever is needed, Barhorel is happy to be there and supporting. He always dives in 100%. Usually, though, one of the Amis will try and help. They have decided though, Barhorel and Courfeyrac cannot coach together. While Courfeyrac is great at getting the kids’ spirits up, he does not do well in keeping Barhorel from losing his temper at unfair calls. The Amis all love the photos of Barhorel coaching with the kids all surrounding him, looking at him in awe
Feuilly is the super supportive parent that always has a life lesson to impart. Feuilly volunteers to help with anything the class needs, he’s always at the fundraisers, running a booth and teaching the kids about how to have an effective fundraiser. He also ends up always donating more supplies than the teacher asks for. Barhorel’s favorite memory is watching Feuilly help their kids get better at maths by teaching them fractions through baking
Marius is the oblivious dad that makes all the dad jokes without even trying. Courfeyrac makes them on purpose, Marius will say something and wonder while all the kids are giggling or groaning, but he usually just shrugs and moves on. Marius is really good at giving the kids a hug and firmly believes that they some times just need a good cry to get everyting out. He’s also really good at getting the kids to talk about their emotions and realize that it’s okay to have their emotions and express them. While some of others are good at getting the kids to express their emotions through different mediums, Marius is the one that can actually get the kids to talk about their emotions and face them. 
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Some more cute Les Amis headcanons:
This one doesn’t ignore the deaths whoops
-Madame Houcheloup needs more space so she puts the piano that had been collecting dust forever into the back room where the Les Amis gather and everyone’s a lil confused and they goof around on it and Courfeyrac makes some off-handed comment about it sounding out of tune but how would any of them know? None of them knew how to play. Fast forward and Enjolras comes in- he had gotten caught in a discussion with a professor -and he notices the piano right away and looks at the boys confused, and Grantaire is wailing away on the keys poorly and he scoffs and goes over and asks what the tell he’s doing and Grantaire just goes ‘Courf wanted to see if it was in tune so we were testing it out’ and Enjolras is like ‘you morons that’s not how you test if a piano is in tune’ so he shoos Grantaire away and sits down and starts playing this beautifully haunting melody.
-(see: the last one) Enjolras refuses to teach anyone anything on piano or answer any questions because he feels it would take away from the discussions of the revolution, the more important topic, and besides, he had given it up a long time ago and barely even remembered the piece he played for them and he didn’t even like piano, but once Courfeyrac forgot his hat and had come back to get it and found Enjolras at the piano, playing another beautiful song, and he’s so concentrated on the notes that he doesn’t even notice his friend come in.
-Bahorel is blind as hell and refuses to get glasses because he thinks it’ll make him look like a nerd (Combeferre resents this) but managed to keep it a secret for a long time until Combeferre asked him to read something out and he most definitely could not.
-Grantaire can sing. Very well, actually. And he will sing often in the main part of the Cafe with the lads before and after the meetings.
-Courfeyrac actually secretly worries about his pals, like, all the time, especially Enjolras and Combeferre. Enjolras has terrible bags under his eyes, and Combeferre is falling asleep in class. He forces them to take breaks and scolds them for not eating when they should. Enjolras once points out that Courfeyrac has taken over Combeferre’s loco parentis, to which he received a book to the back of his head.
-Combeferre has more weapons than he knows what to do with because of his father having been in the army. This is a fact only Enjolras and Courfeyrac know, and once made Combeferre almost quit the Les Amis, because he feared Enjolras’ wrath that would never ever be used against him.
-When describing Enjolras, Grantaire will usually use ‘Apollo’, but once when Enjolras lost it on the group for goofing around when he was trying to give a speech, he could only breathe out ‘Ares’. He turned to Jehan at the end of the meeting and whispered ‘he’s the face of Apollo with the wrath of Ares’ and Jehan turned it into a full sonnet.
-The sonnet (see: the last one) is somewhere in the Cafe, lurking about, and in one of Marius’ visits after the barricades, he finds it hidden in a book somewhere and nearly cries at the words that immoralized not one, but three of his friends.
-(see: the last one) at Enjolras’ funeral, Marius read a part of the sonnet, and he swore he saw a flash of a blood red jacket, or a glimpse of forest green vest, or a peak of orange hair, but when he looked back at the crowd he only saw a sea of black clothing.
-Marius pulls an Eliza Hamilton and does everything he can to immortalized his friends. He gets a plaque made for the group, he insists on keeping the backroom at the Musain as it was, he gathers all of Jehan’s best works and sends them off to a publisher, he gathers as many of Grantaire’s sketches and completed works as he can and gets them framed to hang around his and Cosette’s house, his eldest son is named Jean Courfeyrac Pontmercy, he sends Combeferre’s research off to a company that can do good with it, he keeps a pocket full of candy like Joly did and when someone was having a bad day he would hand them out, he made sure the cockades would be in his home in a frame, much like Grantaire’s work, and used Feuilly’s signature in the frame, he told stories of the brave Bousette and Bahorel, and kept Enjolras’ speeches close, some hung around his house, some off to the publishers (they came back rejected several times, in fear of the king), the sonnet Jehan and Grantaire wrote about him circulating around. When he passed away, the stories of the brave souls who wanted nothing but the best for their country were handed down through the generation.
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Favourite headcanon for each ami?
(Sorry this took so long!)
Ooh, that's a great question. I did something like this last year too, and I'm doing this without checking it first and am really excited to see how much my understanding of the characters has changed!
(I'm doing modern AU because I want to, and this is gonna be in America because Gav's HC refers to ICE and also it's the setting for my current WIP.)
Enjolras: Basically the only white person in Les Amis, which of course he's received ribbing over from R over "white savior complex" and all of that. Shrugs off the jibes, though, and basically does everything to assure that he uses his privilege for good. Often gets asked to speak at events for minority groups (because he's a good speaker and beautiful); accepts the invites and passes BLM off to Musichetta, education reform off to Ferre, trans rights to Courf, disability rights/access to Joly, immigration reform to literally anyone who isn't him/Ferre/Marius, etc.
Combeferre: Wanna make Ferre mad? Bring up the education system. His mom's a teacher, and everything about her experience, his experience, and the politics and funding surrounding education actually baffles him with how terrible it is. He will maintain that the education system is the most easily identifiable evidence of systemic racism, and he has deeply mixed feelings about the middle of his three older sisters going into education. (oldest is a stay-at-home mom, youngest is in med school; he's the baby they always doted on/teased)
Courfeyrac: Wants to help recent immigrants so badly, and he does what he can (is going to school to be an immigration rights lawyer). He tried to volunteer to teach English to non-speakers on evenings, though, and it...didn't work. As it would turn out, for all of his enthusiasm and passion, Courfeyrac cannot teach to save his life. Instead, he keeps an eye out for people who seem like they'd be good teachers and recommends that they volunteer (he has an impeccable sense for these things). When R starts doing well with getting clean, Courf invites him and discovers that R is kind of an amazing teacher in small-group environments.
Jehan: Their first published work was a fantasy novel written ironically to prove that there is a really basic formula to getting published and receiving awards. Received lots of awards, acclaim, and money, and since they have only published experimental works that are basically the opposite of their first work. Most of their fans hate everything they've published since, but Jehan does have a small dedicated following (which they refer to as their "Romantic Army") who is obsessed with their later works and considers the first work to be pedantic drivel.
Bahorel: Werewolf
(and Samoan--has pe'a, goes to umu with his parents and grandparents, was suuuuuper-excited to take his niece to see Moana when it came out)
Feuilly: Growing up, Feuilly was in and out of foster homes, and it became very important to him to establish his own sort of norm and be able to provide for himself at a very early age. His first-ever job was when he was fourteen in response to an ad posted by a son who needed someone to drop in and look after his aging Polish father. Feuilly did this throughout high school, even long after he'd picked up other jobs and tried refusing the man's money (who insisted). They became very close, and Feuilly became nearly fluent in Polish and loved listening to the man's stories of revolution and change. When the time eventually came that the man passed on, Feuilly was summoned for the distribution of the man's property, where he discovered that he had been willed a beautiful sword that the man had always proudly displayed over his mantel.
Joly: They adopt any superstition they come across because he knows exactly how mortal we are and doesn't plan on changing how they live otherwise. Life is short, gotta enjoy it! Definitely appreciate all the things that life has to offer in the here and now.
Bossuet: He's Thai and only came over when he was already 12 and barely spoke any English. Loves food and basically aways has a snack with him. When people see him and Joly (Japanese-American) hanging out and ask if they're brothers, they answer "yep" and start making out.
Grantaire: Grantaire's already seen what happens to people who hope, again and again and again, especially with family still in Brazil suffering from Jair's persecution and JBS's corruption as they try to go through the legal system to protect their rainforests. His inane rambling in meetings is, yes, to dissuade Enj, but also to get them off-topic and distracted and also to hide his own anxiety over what might happen to his friends and loved ones should they continue down this path.
Honorary Amis
Marius: He'll always volunteer to do stuff for the group when given the opportunity, even when he doesn't seem like he knows anything about how to do it...and then the task is always completed flawlessly and on-time the next time everyone sees him. Courfeyrac once found Marius passed out in front of his computer with the "recent searches" available, and it turns out that he actually researches every single thing they ask him to do (not to mention a lot of other more inane searches like "how to do laundry" and "Napoleon problematic?" and "Mexican comfort foods," the last of which makes Courf tear up a little)
Cosette: Poster girl for body positivity, honestly. Also, for some reason people always assume that a fluffy girl like her could never be that strong, but she once benched Courfeyrac. Loves going to the gym with her papa. She's belatedly trying to learn about her Dominican roots (her mom was deported before Fantine could teach her much, and Valjean's hands were a bit full just trying to raise a child), but by and large she identifies a lot more with the African American community.
Éponine: Has a managerial position in a bank. Nothing funny flies with her--once she got away from her parents, she made a point to get a degree in something straightlaced and clearly-defined, something where she would be in-control and her livelihood wasn't constantly at-stake. Some members of the Amis have tried to address the predatorial nature of banks with her, which she privately agrees with but also shrugs off because Not All of Us Can Go Back to Living with Mommy and Daddy While We Go Off Saving the Whales or whatever. Still, does her best to steer people away from predatory loan practices and give actually good financial advice and advocate for loans for people who need them.
Gavroche: Doesn't give a fuuuuuck, Gen Z personified. Wears the brightest, craziest clothes and looks out for kids falling off to wayside because "the government sure as fuck won't." Always gets word about when ICE is on the prowl so the local community can be prepared. Not bound by the confines gender, usually he/him or they/them.
Musichetta: Haitian and proud. Doesn't practice voodoo, but conservative racist assholes don't know that. Put herself through online business school and got her Master's degree, which she is very extremely proud of and has displayed in the Musain over her graduation picture where Bossuet and Joly have her lifted on their shoulder. Lives with and cares for her mother.
Montparnasse: A foster kid with Feuilly, he dropped out of school around eighth grade to start running with a local gang (PM) between homes, and the system kinda lost track of him. He did a lot of research and practice on how to act and speak posh and acts all hoity-toity, and he's clever as hell and extremely steeetsmart, so a lot of times people forget he never even got a high school education until starts tripping over things like basic science and geography.
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readyourimgaines · 5 years
Chapter Six: Ready or Not
The chapters might start to slow a bit now because I start school next week and my beta-reader, @thatbarricade, starts school later this week, but I’ll still try to post these when I can. Please enjoy! 
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Summer was still kicking, though this July night was cooler than most. The group of eight decided to take advantage of the cool night and cram into Courfeyrac and Combeferre’s living room to watch a movie. There was some debate over what was to be watched, but in the end, it was decided that a horror movie on Netflix would be fun.
“Why are we watching a horror movie?” Enjolras asked. He’d never been a fan of them. There were times when Jehan would try to get him to watch one with them; he’d always managed to find a way out of them.
“You’re just scared,” Jehan pointed out.
“I’ll proudly admit that.” Enjolras scoffed. “Why would anyone watch something to scare themselves? I personally don’t find enjoyment in terrifying myself, so I’m not going to watch them.”
“Well, what’s one that’s not too scary?” Courf asked. “Barbodook wasn’t too bad.”
“It Follows was good,” Feuilly voiced.
“You don’t show that movie to a virgin. It’ll turn them off for life.” Bossuet shook his head.
“Says the virgin,” Courf snorted and the room burst into laughter.
“Cabin in the Woods is pretty good. Chris Hemsworth is in it. It uh...what’s the PS4 game with Freddie Mercury in it?” Ferre snapped his fingers trying to remember what it was called.
“What?” Marius chuckled.
“The...I don’t know. Something to do with the morning?” Ferre shook his head. “It’ll come to me when I’m trying to sleep tonight, I swear to God.”
“You mean Until Dawn?” Jehan offered. “With Rami Malek?”
“That’s the one! Thank you.” Ferre nodded. “It’s a little like that, but without the prank thing. Also, there are zombies instead of windagoes.”
“That sounds...doable…” Enj gave in. He wasn’t going to stop the other seven from enjoying their night, but he appreciated their efforts in trying to compromise with him.
“We’ll turn the lights on when it gets dark if the movie’s still on,” Joly said. “I’m not a huge fan of horror movies either, but Bossuet loves them. That’s our rule. He can pick the movie, but the lights stay on after it gets dark.”
“Oh! If we don’t want total horror and gore is alright with everyone, Cabin Fever is good too. It’s about this flesh-eating disease that gets spread through a town’s water supply.” Grantaire sat on the couch next to Enjolras. He placed the bowl of microwave popcorn on the coffee table before leaning back and put his arm around Enjolras’s shoulders.
“Who votes for what?” Enjolras asked, leaning into R’s side. “Most voted Cabin in the Woods.”
“Wait, what one do you want to watch?” Bossuet asked, looking to Enjolras.
“I asked what people want to watch. I can’t vote.” Enjolras dismissed. “The Cabin thing got more votes.”
“You were able to catch that?” Feuilly asked. “Sounded like one big mess to me.”
“He’s gonna be lawyer,” Courf put in. “He needs to start practising that sort of thing. Hearing separate answers in one big, yelled mess.”
“You haven’t been in the same room with his parents and his maternal grandparents. They’re always talking over and interrupting each other. Now that’s a mess.” Jehan shook their head. “Your grandparents are cool, Enjy. It’s your parents that can kiss my nonbinary ass.”
“Alright, let’s get this movie going,” Joly said, taking the PS4 controller from Ferre’s hands. “I haven’t seen this one, I don’t think.”
“It’s not my favourite, but it’s good,” Courf nodded. “It’s not the highest on the jump scare factor, so I’m in favour of it.”
“I hate jump scares.” Feuilly shuddered.
“Don’t play Until Dawn,” Jehan, Ferre, Courf, and Enjolras said together.
“Are you familiar with horror movies, Marius?” Courf asked. The boy had been basically silent up to this point.
“Not really, no.” The shaggy-haired teen shook his head. “I’ve read a couple of mystery books, but there were all crime mysteries and not related to monsters or anything like that.”
Marius was newer to the group than Enjolras and Jehan. Ever since the day at the beach a week ago, Courfeyrac and Joly had taken an older brotherly liking to the teen. He was still rather shy around the group, but he was glad to have more friends and a chance to spend more time away from his grandfather’s.
Between dates with Cosette, work, spending time with Eponine, and now hanging out with the boys, he was hardly home anymore. His grandfather wasn’t too pleased, but Marius couldn’t be happier. The school wasn’t even in session yet and he was already spending more time out of the mansion-like house. He figured that he’d rarely see his grandfather at all between school, work, clubs, Cosette, and his new friends.
Enjolras had stayed glued to Grantaire’s side ever since the movie had started. Every time there was a bump in the movie or there was a thud from across the house when someone got up for the bathroom, he’d flinch and tuck into R’s side. Ferre and Courf were doing well since both of them had seen the movie already, though Courf would still jump every now and again. Jehan and Feuilly were clinging together most of the time while Joly was seated comfortably on Bossuet’s lap.
“I don’t get why this so scary,” Enjolras spoke up after a long while. “I mean, there are so many scientific reasons why zombies are impossible.”
“Yet so many of how they are,” Joly said. His voice was muffled by Bossuet’s shoulder.
“Not proved or believable ones, though.” Ferre put a piece of popcorn in his mouth.
A door in the movie slammed and everyone but Ferre, Courf, and R jumped. Feeling that the movie was making the room too serious, Courf leaned forward, took a handful of popcorn, tossed a piece at Enjolras, and put the rest in his mouth like he hadn’t done anything.
Enjolras, whose eyes were glued to the TV, squealed when the popcorn bounced off the back of his hand. Grantaire chuckled, hoping to anything and everything holy that Enjolras couldn’t feel the butterflies flying around his stomach.
Grantaire looked at Enj and opened his popcorn filled fist when Enjolras reached out to it. The blond took a piece and aimed for Courf, but ended up hitting Joly instead, which inevitably lead to a full-blown popcorn fight.
Marius took the pillow behind him and used it as a shield to deflect the debris, using his other hand to throw pieces at the other boys. Bossuet had tried to reach for just a handful and ended up knocking half the bowl onto the floor when he lost his balance and slipped.
The horror movie continued to play in the background, though it was all but forgotten. Popcorn flew from every direction; most of them had popcorn in their hair. They were laughing and shrieking, and probably disturbing their neighbours, when a single knock sounded at the front door, echoing throughout the room. Everyone froze.
“Someone’s got to answer the door.” Jehan broke the silence.
“Nose goes!” R yelled, everyone, touching their pointer fingers to their noses.
“Courf.” Ferre nudged his boyfriend with his elbow.
“You’re not afraid of zombies,” the younger protested.
“Because they don’t exist.” Ferre nodded. “I’m just too lazy to get off the couch. Go answer the door.”
“Fine. If I die, it’s on-”
“Go.” R gave Courf’s shoulder a push. He sat back down again, Enjolras curling back into the brunet’s side.
Courf opened the door, his heart pounding. “Hell- Oh.”
“Is Julien here?” Came a woman’s voice.
“Who the hell is Julien?” Bosset asked.
“Mother?” Enjolras pushed himself off the couch. “What are you- How did you-”
Combeferre leaned forward on the couch. “Enjolras, I-”
“Oh god.” Enjolras pushed past Courf and walked outside, shutting the door behind him. “You can’t just show up here.”
“Your friend gave me the address and said to wait at least a week before coming to see you.” Mrs. Enjolras said, fiddling with the zipper of her purse. “You weren’t answering your phone. I thought I’d come down to see if you were doing well.”
“If someone isn’t answering calls and texts, it means they don’t want to talk to you. I blocked both you and father’s numbers. Neither of you cared how I was that night last week, so I assumed you still don’t.”
“Julien, I do care about you. You’re my so-”
“No. I’m not. Not anymore. You stopped being my mom- I was no longer your son- the second you let your husband kick me out the door. You know, I didn’t block your numbers until the other night. Not until five days after I was out of the house. No calls, no texts, I thought you had completely cut me off. So I completely cut you off.
“If I’m your son, where you when I was going through my first panic attack? When I was feeling like I was a monster, a letdown, and a disappointment. It’s Combeferre who holds through the pain, who kisses my forehead each night before I go to bed. It’s Courfeyrac who makes me laugh when I feel like I can’t even breathe anymore. It’s Grantaire who teaches me how to cook and who tells me I’m not alone, or that I’m not a freak because of everything that’s happened. If I’m your son, where the hell have you been?”
“Is everything alright?” Marius asked slowly, tucking one of the pillows to his chest.
Courf, Ferre, Jehan, and R all looked at each other, wondering how much was okay to reveal. They didn’t want to say anything that would upset their blond friend, but they knew that the questions would come later if none of them said anything now.
“He doesn’t get along with his parents,” Was what R settled with. “He came out recently and his parents didn’t take the news so well.”
“Is that why he always beats me here?” Marius asked.
“He lives here.” Ferre nodded. “Has been for a little over a week now.”
“Things have been rough with your father, Julien. I haven’t been able to get away much. He doesn’t want me talking to you at all. Every time I text or call you I have to delete the records. You know how he is— he’d be upset if he found out I’ve been trying to contact you.”
“Then how are you here?” Enjolras leaned against the stair’s railing and crossed his arms.
“He’s at a business meeting and won’t be home for a few hours.”
“You sneaked out.” He scoffed. “Mother, you aren’t married to the man. You’re a serf. No one would blame you if you divorced him. He’s a monster. Even you know that. I’ve heard the things he yells at you. You’ve heard the things he’s yelled at me.”
“I can’t leave him.”
“You can’t have me while you’re with him.”
Enjolras thought a moment, trying his damnedest not to show any of the wild seas of emotions flooding around his head and his heart. “You can’t pick your family. You can’t. But you can make one if everyone tries. Mother, I tried. I did. It was just one-sided. Those people in there-” he pointed at the door to the house- “are my family now. They all accepted me with open arms. I’m basically a stranger to all of them but Ferre and Jehan. They didn’t give a second thought to welcome me and Jehan into their family.”
“I do want you. I do love you. You know I do. Please, let me show you.”
“Why didn’t you show me the night you let father throw me out? How is that showing you cared? Grantaire mentioned you helped to pack up some of my things when he went with Combeferre and Courfeyrac. Why didn’t you try to stop them? You all but signed my lease!”
Enjolras cursed himself as he wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. He couldn’t hold it in anymore. He was tired of crying this week. The boy had finally felt like he belonged, and here was his mother making a mess of things all over again.
Grantaire looked at the door, the worry heavy in his eyes when the group heard Enjolras’s muffled voice outside. The pained look turned to Combeferre, silently asking if either of them should go out and see what was happening. Combeferre gave a subtle shake of his head in response. The interaction went unnoticed by the rest of the group.
“Julien, you don’t need to cry.” She tried to reach out to the boy, but that night was already racing before his eyes. His father striking him. The skin below and around his eye was still a yellow-green as the skin was continuing to heal.
Enjolras took a step back, moving too quickly and losing his balance. He hit the back of his head on the door as he landed, catching himself on his hands and scraping the heels of his palms on the step.
“Don’t touch me. J-Just go.” The dam broke and the woman scurried off to her car just as the door opened, Ferre and Grantaire appearing on the front steps.
“What was that?” Ferre knelt in front of Enj while R knelt beside the blond. The sandy-haired teen looked over his shoulder to see Mrs. Enjolras’ car pulling onto the road and out of sight.
“I’m fine.” Enjolras sniffled. “I’m fine.”
“Your hand’s bleeding.” R said, holding his friend’s wrist to get a better look at his palm.
“I’m fine.” Enjolras tried to pull away from R, but he pulled Enj into a side hug.
“Did she hurt you? What happened?” Ferre asked, looking over Enjolras’s palm.
“She reached for me and I just...freaked out, I guess. I lost my footing and bounced my head off the door.” He didn’t try to stop himself from laughing at how ridiculous it sounded. “I’m a mess, huh?”
Ferre chuckled. “Maybe a little. That just means you fit in perfectly with our group of messes in there.”
“You don’t have anything to worry about. We’ve all got something fucked up at home.” Grantaire hugged Enj a little tighter before helping him up.
“Let’s get you inside. I’ll clean your hands and get you some ice for your head.” Ferre opened the door and was shocked to hear the vacuum going. “Whose idea was this?”
“Jehan’s,” Courf, Bossuet, and Feuilly answered in unison.
While the three were talking on the porch, the others had taken it upon themselves to clean up the mess of popcorn after Jehan’s suggestion. Joly was the one running the vacuum; Marius was heating up more popcorn in the microwave while Jehan refilled everyone’s drinks from the two litres in the fridge.
“Thanks, boys.” Ferre walked Enj to the bathroom and had him sit on the side of the bathtub so he could disinfect the younger’s hands. Ferre had closed the door behind them.
“I’m sorry, Enjy. I shouldn’t have said anything to her about where you were. It wasn’t my place and I wasn’t thinking.”
“I appreciate what you were trying to do, Ferre. I’m not mad or upset, or anything. I don’t think I ever could be at you. Not really. I just… You’ve been here for me in ways that you shouldn’t have to be. And that goes for R too. You guys don’t have to raise me, that’s not your job. You didn’t even have to take me in and you did anyway. I owe you so much.”
“You don’t owe me anything. You’re my best friend and you’re crazy if you think I was going to let you stay out on the streets. You needed a place to stay, I just happened to have that place. It’s a no-brainer, Enjy. Courf and I have really enjoyed you living with us for the last week. Courf’s an only sibling and he’s found four in you, Marius, Jehan, and Gav.”
“Can I change the topic?”
“Slight sting.” Enjrolas flinched a little when Ferre gently touched the cotton ball with rubbing alcohol to the bloody scratches on his palm. “What’s up?”
“How did...How did you know you had feelings for Courf?”
“Well, I always felt natural around him for one thing. We never hide anything from each other. I don’t know exactly when I started having feelings for him. I just heard him laugh one day, the same laugh like any other day, and I knew. No singing angels like they show in the movies. I don’t know what it was. I mean, he was just being his weird, yet adorable, self and I just thought, ‘Ferre, this is the guy you’re going to marry.’”
“R, can I talk to you on the porch?” Courf requested. A few of the boys made sounds like grade-schoolers do when a classmate gets called to the office.
The two curly-haired young men stepped out on the porch, no anxiety or tension between them.
“What’s up, Courf?”
“You know how I’ve been giving you constant fuss over your crush on Enjolras?”
“No. I had no idea you’ve been saying anything about it.” R’s voice was dripping with sarcasm. “If you came out to kick my ass, I haven’t made a move on him.”
“No, no. That’s not why- You’re a boxer.”
“I couldn’t kick your ass if Joly and Feuilly were helping me.”
“Probably not, no,” R chuckled. “That’s beside the point. What about my crush on Enj?”
“I’m not going to give you shit about it anymore.”
“No? What changed your mind?”
“The way you look at him. You look at him the same way Ferre and I look at each other… I thought, for a couple of days, you liked him because of his looks. Because he’s new to the group. I guess I should have known better than that.”
“I’m a little hurt you thought that, but I get where you’re coming from. You’ve met my father before— and there’s an old saying, ‘like father, like son.’ But yeah. I don’t like him because of his looks. Those are just a plus, man.”
Courf shook his head. “Just, don’t do anything until he’s 18. Please.”
“Why does that make you so uneasy? He’s like a year and a month younger than me.”
“I don’t know. Just, you’re 19...You can watch porn and smoke and shit. It’s weird. An adult dating an 17-year-old? Just, ugh.”
“We’ve talked about age differences, you know. He wouldn’t be grossed out by it.” R chuckled at the mock look of horror on Courf’s face. “So you’re done bullying me over my crush?”
“Yep. No more teasing. I’ll even tell you if and when I think he’s got a crush on you. Dude, this is gonna be so much fun. I haven’t gossiped like this since high school.” Courf opened the door and lead the way inside.
“You gossiped about crushes in high school?” Grantaire closed the door behind him.
“Hell yes. I was openly gay in high school. Girls would come to me to see if a dude was gay or who he was dating. I’m telling you, I was the GBF of my time.”
“Are we finishing the movie tonight?” Jehan asked, setting the cookie tray loaded with cups on the coffee table.
“We’ve got to,” Enjolras said as he and Ferre emerged from the bathroom. “You and Pontmercy refilled snacks.”
“Everyone can crash here if we can make the space,” Fere invited. “The couch pulls out into a bed, and we can get blankets for people sleeping on the floor.”
“We can fit maybe three people on each of our beds. We can fit everyone,” Courf confirmed. “Let’s get this movie goin’ again.”
By the time the credits were rolling most of the group was asleep. Enjolras was sleeping, tucked into Grantaire’s side as he had been before. Ferre was half asleep in Courf’s arms, Courf nodding off every now and again himself. Jehan and Feuilly were leaned against each other, falling asleep, while Joly and Bossuet were curled up together on the floor watching the cartoon Netflix had put on. Marius had decided to drive home for the night and get some real sleep in his own bed, as he had work in the morning.
Grantaire kept a light hand on Enjolras’s head, mindlessly playing with the golden locks that slipped between his fingers. A couple of times he adjusted how he was sitting; each time Enjolras would shift closer in his sleep, nuzzling his nose against R’s shoulder.
“Hey, R?” Courf whispered sleepily with a small smile.
“I think he does.”
@iamnotbrianmay @board-certifiedbastard @mayonnaiseismycomfortfood
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thehumantrampoline · 5 years
E/R 8, 9, or 18 (or all three cause you love me)
Fine but just bc I'd do anything you ever asked me to and you made me popcorn last night
("things you said when you were crying,” “things you said when i was crying,” “things you said when we were the happiest we ever were”)
It isn't a proper meeting, really, just a small envelope licking session. There hadn’t even been many words spoken, or a lot of work done. That’s not why Enjolras wishes more people had shown up, though. If it were a real meeting, there probably would be someone in attendance who would know what to say or do, as the cafe closes up and Enjolras packs their supplies, about Grantaire starting to cry as he leaves. But it’s not, and there isn’t. There’s only Enjolras, and he’s not going to just pretend he didn’t notice.
“Hey, hold on a second,” he calls, jogging out the door after Grantaire. Grantaire stops and turns, swiping a little at his eyes as Enjolras approaches.
“What can I do for you, Apollo?” he asks, his voice just a little wobbly.
“Are you… okay?” Enjolras ventures. Grantaire gives a watery laugh and pushes the heel of his hand into one eye.
“Fuck, chief, did nobody ever teach you to pretend not to notice when someone cries?” he says.
Enjolras freezes. Courfeyrac would never have made this mistake, he thinks. But Grantaire grins crookedly and shakes his head.
“I’m kidding. I’m fine, I’m just… leaking depression juice, you know, it doesn’t mean anything.”
“Are you sure?” Enjolras frowns. He is not reassured by Grantaire’s smile faltering.
“Yeah,” he says. “It’s just… it’s a lot, sometimes. You know?” Enjolras doesn’t know, but he doesn’t say so. A fresh tear breaks down Grantaire’s cheek, hastily brushed away. “Shit,” he mumbles. “This is so embarrassing. Sorry.”
“It’s fine,” says Enjolras, because it is. “If you ever need to talk,” he adds, because it seems like the right thing to say.
Grantaire’s smirk returns a little, as though he finds the offer as ludicrous as Enjolras does. Who would voluntarily talk to Enjolras when they were crying unless there was nobody else available?
“Thanks,” says Grantaire. “See you next week, yeah?” Enjolras nods. Grantaire nods back, and Enjolras stands in the dark and watches as Grantaire walks off.
Combeferre is running an errand with Feuilly. Courfeyrac is manning their homemade hotline. Several of the are already out on the streets. All in all, it seems nobody but Grantaire notices when Enjolras slips out into the hall, leaving his phone behind on the table.
Grantaire isn't sure what he's expecting to see when he follows Enjolras to the hall, but it isn't this. Enjolras is leaning against the wall, his head bowed and his hand over his eyes.
“You okay?” Grantaire ventures, and Enjolras looks up. Grantaire was guessing at a headache, was about to offer to hunt down some aspirin, but Enjolras’s eyes are red and wet, and Grantaire takes an involuntary step backward.
“Grantaire,” he greets, wiping his cheek. “Did you need something?”
“Just checking if you were okay,” Grantaire repeats, because he suspects Enjolras didn't hear him the first time.
“I'm fine,” Enjolras says, wiping his eyes more firmly, and Grantaire takes a‍ step forward.
“Hey,” he says. “You don't have to be fine if you're not.”
Enjolras stops at that, as though the thought hadn't occurred to him until now.
“Thanks,” he says. “It's just…” He pauses, searching for the words. Grantaire thinks of the crisis still carrying on in the room behind them, the mess Enjolras probably left behind on his phone.
“It’s a lot,” Grantaire says. “I know.”
Enjolras nods.
“It... is,” he says slowly. “Yeah.”
“Take a few minutes, dude,” Grantaire says. He hesitates, almost doesn't offer because why would Enjolras want him hanging around, but. “Do you need any company?”
He's surprised when Enjolras nods, but Grantaire comes over and leans against the wall next to him. He digs in his pocket and holds out a battered pack of doublemint.
Enjolras laughs and takes a stick.
Enjolras is so focused on remembering his lessons and not stepping on Grantaire’s feet, he almost doesn’t hear Grantaire saying his name.
“Enjolras,” Grantaire says again, and Enjolras focuses on his face again.
“Hm?” says Enjolras. Grantaire’s eyes are twinkling.
“Be in the moment,” Grantaire murmurs. “It's just a dance.”
“It's our first dance,” Enjolras says.
“We've danced before,” Grantaire says. “We'll dance again. As soon as this one's over, even.”
Enjolras puffs out a faux-irritated breath at the willful misinterpretation, and Grantaire laughs gently and squeezes his hand.
“Hey,” says Grantaire, and smiles. “Love you.”
And that's all it takes. Enjolras isn't thinking about the steps anymore, or how the pictures will turn out, or even the roomful of their dearest friends surrounding them. He isn't thinking about the thousands of little moments that got them here. He's just thinking about Grantaire's dark eyes, and the privelege of holding him.
“I love you too,” he says, tears starting to prick his eyes.
The look on Grantaire's face says he knows exactly what he's doing as he smirks and adds, “husband.”
Enjolras's vision blurs, and Grantaire laughs (sounding pretty watery himself) and bumps their foreheads together.
“It's a lot, right?” he says, and Enjolras shakes his head.
“It's exactly enough.”
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feuillyys · 7 years
Tbh, what do you think the Les Amemes™ would do for jobs?
(i realized halfway through this that you might have meant for this to be about 100% less serious than it ended up being but)
enjolras becomes a motivational speaker, and it’s something that shocks everyone. he spent a lot of time in college unsure of what he should do that would have the most positive impact on society and on the people in his life, but it all started by accident when he was filmed going off his soapbox and getting emotional and somehow went viral. he becomes really well known for helping inspire people to overcome their temporary situations, for feeling comfortable in their own skin, for coming to terms with and accepting their gender and sexual identities even if no one else does. he gives a TEDtalk once and all his friends make memes out of it but it stays in the top ten most viewed for weeks after it airs. he finds the best way to make an impact is to inspire others to start trying, too.
grantaire is the art teacher at an elementary school. he had a little bit of success selling his own artwork but put it aside when he found out how fun it was to spend day after day with little kids. he found it wasn’t so hard to get up in the mornings when he was doing it for something he loved. (plus he invested in a really good coffee machine. like. a really good one). he loves teaching the young ones because they don’t care about balance or lines or composition, they just want to create and he misses how simple it used to be. he has an entire scrapbook at home filled with every creation he’s ever been given and when he’s feeling particularly low he pulls it out and smiles at all of them and then let’s himself paint for fun, just like them.
courfeyrac spent a lot of his years struggling to decide what he wanted to do with his life. he didn’t decide on purpose to become a teacher, but it seemed like the logical choice as soon as he filled his schedule with education classes. he’s the teacher that everyone loves, eccentric in his fashion tastes and always making the assignments crafts, but his success rate is exceptionally high and he genuinely cares about his students. he teaches them to be kind, and accepting, and helps them come to terms with their passions regardless of what they are.
combeferre becomes a pediatric surgeon. it’s hard at first, and he comes home to his apartment some days during residency and just cries for hours until his phone rings and he has to go back. but he turns out to be exceptional at it, and he turns out to be a phenomenal teacher to all the residents who come after him. kids adore him because he talks to them like regular people, he teaches them about the medicine and space and moths and Star Wars and any other interests they have, and parents love him because he’s the best there is at ensuring that their kid wakes up safe and sound.
feuilly is a social worker, specializing in children, families, and schools. he takes special care in following up on all of his cases, and he always finds the perfect family for a child to stay with. he takes on a lot of pro bono cases—god knows he can afford it with all the random jobs he takes on the weekends. he has an eery sixth sense for knowing when a fit is right or wrong, but he never closes a case unless he’s certain he leaves a family more whole than when he met them.
bahorel tried law school, he really did, but his passion laid elsewhere. as soon as he dropped out, he convinced his family to help him open a youth arts center where he devotes his time helping kids of all ages advance their skills in drawing, painting, acting, singing, dancing, all of it. the kids he sees come and go often tell him they owe their successes to him, and he cries and hangs up copies of their graduation pictures or stage productions on the wall of his office.
joly gets his medical degree and promptly decides to open up a free clinic. he raises awareness for chronic illnesses and specializes in treatments for amputees, he starts a foundation that is constantly raising money, proceeds going to his clinic so that he can continue treating people but also going to research because medicine is about progressing. he doesn’t necessarily want to be the one to do the research, he chose to work as a doctor in a clinic for a reason, but he knows it’s important.
bossuet becomes a therapist. he’s hand rounds and bouts of bad luck but it’s left him with lots of advice and lots of empathy to give. he makes sure to let each of his clients know that their choosing to come must be on their own times and he takes special care getting to know each and every individual one of them. sometimes when their eyes go tight at the mention of money, bossuet will wave them out the door at the end of the session laughing about how the credit card machine is broken, isn’t that silly, it’s just his luck—and his patients come back the next time extra grateful for him.
jehan is a writer; but the kick is they write under a pseudonym and only a few people in the world actually know. when they finished their first official work, the fame wasn’t as important as the message seemed, so they searched for a publisher who would support the pseudonym and has only told a few people outside of that what they actually do for a living. the rest of les amis assume they just work odd jobs whenever they feel like it. but jehan writes, and sells a lot of copies, and they love it endlessly.
marius is a professor of linguistics at a university. he knows so many languages and is so fiercely passionate about the way language is structured and formed and evolving—his classes almost always fill up first, and have waitlists that are pages long. the students love how interesting he finds words, many of them are entranced by the way he always sees the world through rose-colored glasses, and a lot of them are there to giggle at the way he blushes and stutters just so when someone compliments him in any way.
cosette gives music lessons out of her house. there’s literally not an instrument she can’t pick up and have mastered in five minutes, so she teaches it all. piano, guitar, harp, accordion, a didgeridoo one time, a cello, a trumpet once, singing, even dancing. she just cares about music and wants to give everyone the chance to learn. her youngest student is four years old and her oldest is eighty three, and alongside teaching them musical theory she shows them how to use music to always see joy in the world.
éponine models for a while, before she finds her groove more comfortably in designing clothes. she gets a lucky break when a successful model catches sight of one of her designs, and begs her to let him wear it on the next catwalk. when she isn’t designing clothes, she’s helping r out at the school and teaching new techniques to the elementary kids who hang off of every word she says. she’s always dressed to the nines, but unbeknownst to the majority of the fashion industry is the way she spends her free time making clothing to give to people who can’t afford it. she donates a lot of her creations to homeless shelters, and often enlists gavroche to help her find places to give out clothes.
musichetta owns a restaurant chain. it started off as just a small café hidden behind the streets of paris but got really popular for its delicious sandwiches and atmosphere. her shops are social media famous, and many people visit her now just to take aesthetic pictures of the shop and order a panini and a coffee to go. she beams with pride and her creation but still works at the original, wiping counters and greeting guests and, even occasionally, taking pictures when asked.
bonus;gavroche wants to be just like his sister when he grows up. his style in clothes is a lot different from her edgy chic vintage, but he loves how much she loves it and finds his own ways to make his clothing unique and fun.
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💭🧨🎶 for bahorel <3 and 🦇🔮🌅 for feuilly !
I am sorry this took so long! I was really struggling with finding mental space lately and when I finally found it my brain decided to use it on hyperfixating on writing a fic instead, oops 😅. But it is here now and I hope you like them.
💭 - what's something embarrassing they did that actively haunts them at night?
So believe it or not, but Bahorel was actually quite an anxious kid when ae were young. So at one point, ae must have been around the age of 10, Bahorel was playing outside during a school break and the strictest teacher was looking over the kids. Bahorel realised halfway during the break that ae needed to pee. However ae has to ask permission to the teacher to go to the bathroom and ae is anxious to do so. Especially since said teacher is known for saying no. So Bahorel decided that ae just had to wait. Well.. the break ended up going on for too long, and ae ended up peeing their pants and had to try and hide aer wet pants for the rest of the schoolday as ae was too embarrassed to tell anyone.
Ae might have been 10 when it happend, it still keeps them up at night at times.
🧨 - are they a good dancer? what sort of dancing do they know if yes? do they enjoy dancing in general?
Surprisingly yes. Bahorel is a great dancer. Ae used to go to ballet classes when ae were younger and never lost some of the skill. Only Grantaire knows about this though. R also has a background in ballet and sometimes they have little dancing sessions together.
Bahorel is also quite skilled in more hip hop style dancing. Something ae picked up later in life. This is a skill that's more well known about in the group, but it's not something ae brag about. Ae just pull it out as a partytrick sometimes.
🎶 - i'll give you one song that reminds me of them and one song i think they would listen to
A song that reminds me of Bahorel, umm Revolution by The Score. This is a song that honestly could also fit Enjolras because of it being about revolution and the energy that comes with that (I hope that made any sense), but the overall vibe of the song with the instruments and all reminds me more of Bahorel than Enjolras honestly.
A song that ae would listen to is Repeat by Grace Vanderwaal. I don't even know really why, I just think ae would vibe to the lyrics. To me it just feels like a song Bahorel would listen to a lot.
🦇 - would i rather this character be a vampire or a werewolf?
Oh vampire absolutely. I mean you don't need sleep, so you have more hours in your day to work and put time and effort into passions. Something Feuilly only sees as a good thing honestly. He doesn't really see the benefit of changing into a wolf every full moon.
I mean who would choose turning into a wolf when you can turn that same time and energy into fighting for the right of the people and making sure you can make it through a day by working.
🔮 - what part would they play in a D&D campaign?
I am gonna be completely honest, I don't know enough about D&D to really answer this one. I've been meaning to get into it again and I did look up stuff to try and answer this, but I don't feel like I have enough knowledge still to confidently answer this one.
If you do have any knowledge or like want to teach me more about D&D, please do, like I said I've been meaning to get into it again, I just need to find a way to not associate it with a toxic ex friend.
I am so sorry to disappoint you
🌅 - what time do they wake up? what time do they go to bed? what do they consider to be "late" at night?
Bold of you to assume Feuilly sleeps. People are usually worried Enjolras overworks himself and let's be real that concern is more than valid, but Feuilly is someone who is really good at overworking himself too. Something he doesn't even always notices. You see, Feuilly hyperfixates a lot so he can be completely engulfed into his work and passions and therefore often forgets to take care of his basic human needs like sleep. This means the man pulls all-nighters quite often and when he doesn't it's still often like 2 am by the fact he goes to bed and due to their busy working schedule they have to get up at 5 almost every day. His friends are suprised he hasn't just randomly started passing out yet, and Joly is fussing about him the moment he spots any signs of tiredness on Feuilly's face. Which honestly is almost always.
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eirenical · 7 years
SUCH A GREAT MEME. Courfeyrac and Feuilly? :D
IT IS A GREAT MEME.  XD  And… that cider I had is definitely catching up to me so these answers may end up very interesting.  ;D
(ETA: PFFT.  SORRY THAT TOOK SO LONG @thecoffeetragedy.  I hope you like it?  ^_^)
who’s the werewolf and who’s the hunter
Courfeyrac is the werewolf and Feuilly is the hunter of… PHOTOGRAPHS OF UNUSUAL CREATURES.  Courfeyrac, in wolf form, is absolutely fascinated by this human who’s been hiking around the woods, lying totally still for hours to take pictures and just can’t resist messing around with him a little bit.  This results in situations like this.  Eventually, Feuilly figures out that Courfeyrac is messing with him and demands an explanation.  Courfeyrac switches to his human form and they end up spending the whole day and night talking.  ^_^
who’s the mermaid and who’s the fisherman
Feuilly is the mermaid.  He’s collected human artifacts all his life, completely fascinated by the human world and these strange creatures that walk about on two legs.  With each passing day, he travels closer and closer to land, wanting to get a glimpse–or even talk to!–one of these elusive land creatures.  He sees Courfeyrac on the docks one day, staring off into the distance with his feet dangling in the water and looking so sad.  Feuilly can’t imagine that someone who lives amongst all the treasures of the land could ever be sad and eventually decides that something must be done.  After the initial EH??? moment is past… it’s love at first sight.  ^_^
who’s the witch and who’s the familiar
Feuilly is the witch and Courfeyrac is a bedraggled little black kitten he found outside in the rain.  Feuilly took him in and cleaned him up, brought him to the vet to get checked out, and then took him home to spoil him rotten, thoughts of when his great uncle, Valjean, took him in similarly as a child.  As Courfeyrac ages, Feuilly starts to get the feeling that when he talks to the kitten… he’s getting answers?  But it isn’t until he almost makes a fatal mistake with a spell he’s brewing and Courfeyrac knocks his hand away from the cauldron just in time that he realizes that the stray kitten he took in from outside is so much more than just your everyday cat.  Once he’s realized this, he does all the appropriate spells to make Courfeyrac his familiar so he can understand him properly… and from that point on, he can never get Courfeyrac to STOP talking!  And Courfeyrac has opinions on everything, not just spellwork.  Who knew a cat would have so many opinions on fashion?
who’s the barista and who’s the coffee addict
Courfeyrac is the barista and Feuilly is the coffee addict.
[AHAHAHAHA-- and here we are like TWO WEEKS after I started this response, debating whether I have it in me to finish it--because I have to crash my browser and reopen it which means I’ll have to save this back as a draft--and most likely lose it if I don’t.]
...*sobs Feuilly as he goes back to the counter for yet another cup of coffee and really, it’s almost 11 PM and the shop has to close, but Courfeyrac has been watching Feuilly struggle with this project for WEEKS now and he knows the deadline is midnight and he wouldn’t get in THAT much trouble for keeping it open just long enough for Feuilly to finish, would he?*
who’s the professor and who’s the TA
They’re both the professor.  Feuilly is in the sociology department and Courfeyrac is in the elementary ed department.  They’ve collaborated on grants before and really enjoy working together.  Really.  That’s why they do so many joint research papers.  And grant writing sessions go really late sometimes.  And one will end up crashing at the other’s apartment.  And then you can’t expect that person to teach classes in the same outfit they wore yesterday, can you?  THAT must be how Professor Feuilly ended up wearing Professor Courfeyrac’s sweater.  Right?  RIGHT??  *sweats*  (The students absolutely ship them.  There’s a betting pool going on in both departments.  The department of the winner has to take the professors in the other department out for dinner when all is said and done.  Feuilly and Courfeyrac don’t have the heart to ruin everyone’s fun by explaining that they’ve been dating since college.  ;D)
who’s the knight and who’s the prince(ss)
Feuilly is an adventurer... who’s a prince(ss) in disguise.  Feuilly had known in their heart their whole life that they weren’t cut out to be princess material, but still did their best to live up to the expectations and responsibilities of their office.  They drew the line, however, at the thought of an arranged marriage to a neighboring prince, having heard tales of the corruption of that kingdom’s noble class and and the oppressive taxes heaped upon them by their king.  That’s something they just won’t tolerate being a part of, so rather than take a chance that the son will mirror the father, they flee the palace in the dead of night, only their sword and a small travel pack to sustain them.
Courfeyrac is a wandering bard who meets Feuilly in a tavern one night.  A brawl erupts because one of the rogues who frequents the tavern takes a liking to Courfeyrac’s hat and tries to acquire it for himself.  Courfeyrac is pretty good at the running and charming, but not so much at the turning and fighting.  Feuilly initially rolls their eyes at the nonsense, but when they see how outnumbered Courfeyrac is (and how he’s doing his best to stick to areas of the tavern that will take the least damage from the brawl), they finally step in.  Thanks to a few well-placed slices of Feuilly’s sword, many of the brawlers end the fight with pants around their ankles--and thus faces planted into the floor--and red-faced with embarrassment, but otherwise none the worse for wear.  Courfeyrac is utterly delighted (not to mention thrilled to be saved), and declares that he owes Feuilly a life debt for saving his hat and that they will travel together until he can return the favor.
After many adventures--and a few too many blanket scenarios since Courfeyrac wasn’t nearly as well prepared for his journey as Feuilly was for theirs ^_~--another truth comes to light.
Courfeyrac isn’t just a bard.  He’s a prince.  He’s THAT prince.  The one Feuilly refused to marry.  And he fled *his* home because he’s part of an underground revolutionary group seeking to overthrow the monarchy in his homeland, and really they could use an excellent fighter like Feuilly, if they’d like to join up, too.  Feuilly is absolutely delighted, even though they occasionally chafe at the cliche that they they and their prince end up marrying anyway, even if neither is royalty any longer when they do.  They do both end up senators in the new joint Republic though, so really it all worked out for the best, in the end.  ^_~
who’s the teacher and who’s the single parent
Courfeyrac is the teacher and Feuilly is the single parent.  Courfeyrac has a terrible time trying to figure him out, in the beginning, though.  It seems like every time he runs across Feuilly in school, he’s with a different child.  Eventually he runs into him outside of school with five different kids in tow and can’t resist asking.  Feuilly, it turns out, used to be a social worker, but the work ground him down so hard that he had to step away.  Not wanting to abandon his chosen calling, however, he decided to be a foster parent.  He and his sister, Cosette, had been foster-siblings who’d been adopted by their foster father, Valjean, and it had made a world of difference in his life.  Figuring that if Valjean could do it alone, so could he, Feuilly applied to be a foster parent.  When it became apparent that he had a way with even the most difficult and withdrawn of children, his old colleagues started funneling more and more children in his direction.  Eventually, Cosette and her fiance volunteered to go in on a house with him and help out with the fostering.  It wasn’t long before their father moved in with them, either.  And with four adults in the house, managing so many children became... well, maybe not easier, but at least became more manageable. 
Courfeyrac is amazed and impressed and really touched that Feuilly would choose to devote his life this way.  He eventually finds himself getting more involved with the Feuilly clan--designing special enrichment exercises, organizing family field trips, helping to work with the students who are still too damaged to go to school.  Eventually being involved with Feuilly’s tribe of youngsters leads to being more involved with Feuilly himself and, let’s just say that five adults in the house definitely make things more manageable... but they’re gonna need a bigger house.
who’s the writer and who’s the editor
Enjolras is the writer and they’re BOTH the editors.  And... honestly, my brain is frying quickly and I can’t think of why, but it sounds right?  So, we’ll go with that.  ^_^
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likealichen · 8 years
Les Amis as the living definition of “hold my beer” (or whatever happens to be in their hands at the time):
There’s a theatre performance at the school that PhysEd teacher Bahoral teaches at. He has helped decorate the hall and he’s damn proud of what Grantaire has done with with the kids and this mini-production of Where The Wild Things Are was going to be the best (those grass-skirt tutus Jehan designed were the cutest). There are a lot of parents. Some excited. Some resigned. Some bored. And one particular asshat who is complaining about having to waste two hours of his life watching his son be a tree. “He’s a goddamn tree, Amanda! Why did you drag me to this? If he’s gonna insist on this theatrics crap, make sure he’s the main character before expecting me to show up!”
Bahoral: hold my tutu, Feuilly, imma gonna show this candidate for Douche Parent of the Year just how important being a tree can be. No-one puts down one of their kids like that!
Enjolras’s reputation for being a firey defender of truth and justice comes about honestly. If there’s only one thing you can count on, it’s the fearless leader of Les Amis not letting anyone getting away with any form of dishonesty. So naturally when the current bowler on their opposing team for the tournament steps over the line and refuses to admit it, Enjolras steps up.
Enjolras: hold my ball, ‘Ferre. No no, don’t put it down! It took me forever to clean the gum that stuck to it when I put it on the seat earlier - I don’t have any more wet wipes and I don’t want to have to disinfect it again!
It’s a great day to go to the fair. And when all you want to do is pay the reduced price at the end of the day and ride the rides when most of the crowd is gone, then it’s even better. Which is why Grantaire always takes Gavroche, Azelma and Eponine that time, because they can pack a picnic basket and not have to pay for overpriced food. When the sun has set and everyone’s leaving, they witness exactly what happens to the excess food that doesn’t get bought and can’t get sold the next day because of health code reasons.
Grantaire: hold my picnic basket Ep, me and Gav are gonna go rescue those muffins and fill it up. Jesus Christ, who throws away perfectly good food like that? Why don’t they donate it to the shelters or something? I could live off nothing but those for a week!
Cosette isn’t protective of Enjolras because he is her cousin, Cosette is protective because Enjolras is one of the rare people of the world who truly holds to his principles and is virtually incorruptible. Every other good person she knows - Papa, Marius, Chetta - has backed down from their principles at least once in their life for the greater and future good. But not Enjolras. It was almost as though he’s physically incapable of it; and Cosette loves him all the more for it and would follow him into the jaws of hell itself if her cousin asked her of it. Cosette didn’t really believe that humanity wanted to save itself anymore, because humanity was too selfish. This is why she and Grantaire were closer than most: this cynicism that they understood so well. And both she and Grantaire loved Enjolras in their own passionate and differing ways, because even if they could hardly believe in humanity’s goodness, they believed in Enjolras. Which is why when someone from the crowd started accusing Enjolras of being a hypocrite and not truly believing what he was rallying them all for, Cosette couldn’t just stand there and be silent.
Cosette: hold my cardigan, Marius sweetie. I’m gonna teach that loud mouth a lesson and I don’t want to get blood on it when I punch him in the nose. 
Enjolras walks in with Cosette, hair braided, a flower tucked in behind his ear and talking animatedly with her about something.
Grantaire: hold my wine Joly. because I’m about to lose all feeling in my hand and I just spent my last euros buying this bottle and I don’t want to waste it when I inevitable let go of it.
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babesatthebarricade · 8 years
Feuilly? Jehan? I want to know all your headcanons for all the Amis honestly. Just don't want to take up your time
You’re not taking up my time! I love talking about the Amis, and was so flattered you’d want to know all my headcanons, that I wrote all my headcanons! 
Their first name: As hilarious as it would be if all the Amis’ first name was Jean, I usually imagine Enjolras’s first name as Alexandre. (Side note: it would also be funny if his name was Victor, as in victory/Victor Hugo decided to name the hottest character after himself).Their sexual orientation: Gay. I also often imagine him as being somewhere on the ace spectrum, but I’ve read great fics where he is…decidedly not ace, so I’m not super committed to that headcanon. (Part of the reason I don’t put smut in my own fics – other than I’m terrified of writing it – is I like to leave it up to the readers if he’s ace or not, since I myself waver on where I stand).Where they come from: South of France. That’s about it. I’ve never thought about it too much, since that’s all Hugo gave us. I guess I do imagine him as growing up in a large country house.What do they study or what’s their job? Poli sci and history. And usually I imagine him as being a lawyer, running a non-profit, or being an up-and-coming politician who is going to dismantle the system from the inside.Their family: Only child. And I’m sooo in the minority in the fandom, but I imagine he has two amazing, loving parents. They’re old money, so that causes some arguments. But even if his parents don’t agree with him 100% of the time, they always support him and are proud of his passion and determination. Idk, I just really like him having these tough, smart parents who encouraged him from a young age.Their hobby: Enjolras likes reading. It’s his favorite way to relax (and not just political stuff – he takes recommendations from friends because reading their favorite books is a way to see the world through their eyes). Other than that, between studying and/or work (depending on how old he is) and activism, he doesn’t have time for hobbies. But he does like supporting his friends in their various hobbies. He goes to their games and performances, and always cheers the loudest.The running joke about them among Les Amis: How unfairly beautiful he is. Seriously, has anyone ever seen him have a bad hair day? How does he never have bags under his eyes? There’s a bounty for whoever can get a picture of Enjolras where he doesn’t look good. It’s also part of the joke how completely oblivious Enjolras is about his unnatural beauty.A random fact about them: Contrary to popular opinion, he can cook. He just doesn’t want this knowledge to get out, because then he’d have to cook for everyone all the time.Bonus: Any fancast? Aaron Tveit was my first Enjolras, and remains my favorite, so I picture him a lot. (Not really a fancast if he was in the movie…) But the Enjolras I picture changes on the story I’m reading or writing? So at the end of the day, someone pretty and blond.
Their first name: HenriTheir sexual orientation: GayWhere they come from: South of France, in the suburbs.What do they study or what’s their job? Medical student/doctor. I could also see him as a professor.Their family: Only child to busy top-of-their-field professionals, who love him, but didn’t spend much time with him. His parents got divorced, and he’s closer to his mother.Their hobby: He cannot pick one. Canon had a pretty comprehensive list: studying insects, Egyptology, correcting the dictionary (nerd), going to the opera. I imagine he likes astronomy a lot. He just tries every new thing he has time for. Has a bad habit of picking up a hobby, becoming obsessed, then dropping it like 3 months later.The running joke about them among Les Amis: That he is magic and can fix anything. (It’s also true, but they like to joke about it). They also joke about his Disappointed face and voice, but they joke because they are afraid of it.A random fact about them: When he was a kid he wanted to be Indiana Jones.Bonus: Any fancast? Depends. I usually imagine him as South Asian. (There are bunch of boards on my blog, or likes, but I can’t find them atm, and I can’t remember the actors/models from those boards). He has tattoos and is geek chic (without knowing it of course).
Their first name: LucasTheir sexual orientation: BisexualWhere they come from: a small-ish town in the south of FranceWhat do they study or what’s their job? Either he’s a law student, then lawyer alongside Enjolras of he does like marketing and social media for a nonprofit.Their family: Three older sisters, one younger one. Loving parents.Their hobby: Party planning. I’m talking Leslie Knope level of intense, perfect parties. He also celebrates every single obscure holiday, like Leslie. (Basically his main hobby is making people happy). He also likes dancing, and volunteers at a local animal shelter so he can cuddle all the animals. Did theater while in school. The running joke about them among Les Amis: Where did that glitter even come from?A random fact about them: He can’t roll his tongue, and is therefore irrationally jealous of anyone who can.Bonus: Any fancast? I’m pretty stuck on Fra Fee. (Harry Lloyd is also a good choice. There’s this one gifset somewhere that sold me on him)
Their first name: Rafael or ReneTheir sexual orientation: BisexualWhere they come from: A small city in the south of France (I don’t know French cities well enough to decide which one…)What do they study or what’s their job? Something art-related. Sometimes I imagine him as a very popular, but very cynical political cartoonist. Could also see him as like a freelancer, doing restaurant reviews, and photography, and then teaching random art classes to pay the bills.Their family: One younger sister. Not especially close to his parents, especially his dad, but they can get through one or two family dinners a year without a complete catastrophe.Their hobby: Dancing, obscure martial arts (like single stick. Who the fuck does single stick? Grantaire does), experimenting in the kitchen (it’s either delicious or death. There is no in between), doodling, and exploring Paris.The running joke about them among Les Amis: No matter your need, Grantaire knows a guy. He knows pretty much everyone in Paris. (They played six-degrees of Grantaire, but quit because it was too easy).A random fact about them: Speaks at least 3 languages the Amis know of.Bonus: Any fancast? I’m stuck on George Blagden for Grantaire, even though he’s waaay too pretty. (This is the last one that I can’t separate the movie cast from the character). 
Their first name: MatthieuTheir sexual orientation: PansexualWhere they come from: In the book, wasn’t Bossuet the only one not to come from the South? For some reason, that’s how I remember it, so I imagine him as coming from somewhere in Northern France. (I don’t know France well enough to say where exactly…)What do they study or what’s their job? Was a law student, but dropped out. Now he mainly does administrative work in various offices. He always brightens up whatever office he’s working in.Their family: Divorced parents. He calls them once or twice a month, but isn’t particularly close to them.Their hobby: Watching terrible movies. And conspiracy documentaries. He also likes to do cool card tricks, but always messes up when he tries to show people. (It’s okay though.He knows he can do it and that’s enoug for him).The running joke about them among Les Amis: He has a freakishly good sense of direction. Like you could drop him off in the middle of a dark alley and he would still have a vague idea of where he was and how to get home.A random fact about them: His uncanny sense of direction doesn’t help him get places on time. He’s perpetually late, and always with an absurd excuse that is 100% true.Bonus: Any fancast? Not really. He just can’t have hair. 
Their first name: NicolasTheir sexual orientation: BisexualWhere they come from: A suburb somewhere in Southern FranceWhat do they study or what’s their job? Med student/doctorTheir family: Has an older brother and younger sister, both parents, and grandparents, one set of whom lived with his family and helped raise him.Their hobby: Conducting weird ass scientific “medical” experiments. And knitting. And watching scary movies, getting scared, and getting cuddled by his partners.The running joke about them among Les Amis: He has the ability to sense when there is a cat nearby. He will befriend the cat, then try to adopt it without fail, even though he already has 2 at home.A random fact about them: Surprisingly good rapper.Bonus: Any fancast? Not a fancast, but I love the way batcii draws him. So anyone who resembles batacii’s Joly in looks and attitude?
Their first name: LouisTheir sexual orientation: I usually imagine him as too busy to have a love life (poor Feuilly), so I haven’t given it much thought. Bahorel has dragged him out on some truly horrendous double dates, regardless of his orientation.Where they come from: A city. Probably Paris.What do they study or what’s their job? He studies whatever books he can get his hands on. He does a lot of handiwork, and has worked in a few kitchens and shops.Their family: The Amis! The Amis are his family! (I imagine he also was in a bunch of foster homes, and I kind of like him and Montparnasse being in the same one. And while they’re not like friends they both have each other’s backs no matter what and so are brothers in that way).Their hobby: Arts and crafts! And sleeping.The running joke about them among Les Amis: That he’s a superhero. So whenever he arrives late because of work, and is apologetic, the Amis will wink and be like, don’t worry. We know you were saving the city. It’s a dumb joke, but it always makes Feuilly smile because he knows his friends really do think he’s awesome.A random fact about them: Even though he doesn’t have a lot of money, he always saves up enough so he can travel to at least one new place a year.Bonus: Any fancast? Not anyone in particular, but I usually imagine him as ginger.
Their first name: TomasTheir sexual orientation: Straight. (There’s an ancient post on Tumblr about a guy who said he was straight, but then was like, how do I know I’m straight? So he slept with another guy and was like…well that was fun, but no, still straight. I kind of imagine Bahorel doing that).Where they come from: A small town in the south of FranceWhat do they study or what’s their job? An eternal law student. He eventually becomes like a personal trainer, or teaches self-defense classes.Their family: Two slightly older, doting parentsTheir hobby: Boxing, Muay Thai, but he’s down to learn any combat style. He loves extreme sports. And baking. (He got the Amis hooked on the Great British Bake Off one summer)The running joke about them among Les Amis: He’s absurdly competitive.A random fact about them: He is always the first of the Amis to cry during a movie. Always. Also, he’s been dating his laughing mistress for years, and shockingly, is in the most long term and stable relationship out of all the Amis.Bonus: Any fancast? Not really. I’ve seen a bunch I like (like Jason Momoa). Pretty much as long as it’s a person who could kick your ass and look dapper while doing it, that’s Bahorel.
Their first name: This is cheating, but it’s Jean.Their sexual orientation: Pansexual. Possibly aromantic. (I think the idea of Jehan being fascinated by romantic relationships but not feeling romantic attraction themselves is an interesting thing to explore).Where they come from: Like Aphrodite, Jehan floated in from the sea, fully formed. (jk. South of France).What do they study or what’s their job? They study literature and/or poetry. And some kind of Asian studies. (canon Jehan was interested in Asian cultures). They work at either a used bookstore or a plant shop, and write on the side. Their family: Single dad. Was very close to their grandmother before she died.Their hobby: Poetry, obviously. Long walks in nature. Exploring cemeteries.The running joke about them among Les Amis: No one’s actually seen where they live. So whenever the Amis watch a movie or something together, someone will point at the screen and go “that’s Jehan’s house”, and they’ll always be pointing at some dilapidated mansion, or giant Gothic castle, or a spooky crypt, or somewhere ridiculous.A random fact about them: They actually live in a normal studio that is their sanctuary. Also they don’t like sweets, and prefer savory foods.Bonus: Any fancast? Not especially. I usually imagine them as petite, with somewhat elven features
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wilwywaylan · 8 years
the big pairing ask: feuilly/bahorel :D et en anglais, s'il te plait, pour que je le comprenne (MUHAHHAHHHA)
@marcellin-e : sorry it took me so long to do this ! Also…. I may have lost your ideas on Feuilly x Bahorel so I did as I could…. Sorrysorrysorry ! Contains dorks, the french school system, lots of dorkiness and leather.
Big steps in the relationship !
0. But, how did they meet ? They both work in the same french high school.
Feuilly is the deeply passionnate, nerdy history teacher. He’s very invested in his lessons, and tries to make history and geography as fascinating for his students as it is for him. He wears flannel shirts and leather boots, walks to school every day even when it’s snowing, and always has time to discuss with his students, about his lessons or every subject they want to talk about. As a history teacher, he’s in charge of civic education lessons too. Unlike several of his coworkers who think it’s a waste of time and use those hours to teach their main subjects, Feuilly is very invested in it. He thinks it’s very important for teens to learn as much as they can about civism, society and politics. His lesson plans are always very elaborate, and he tries to cover every societal issue they can meet. He’s of course a favourite of numerous students, and at least a quarter of his classes have a crush on him.
When meeting Bahorel for the first time, everything thinks he’s the mecanic teacher. Which, honestly, he could be, because he can fix a lot of things. But don’t let the leather jacket, chains and boots fool you. He’s a litterature teacher. He’s as passionate about it as Feuilly is about Poland (and the rest). He sometimes reads aloud in class and gets really invested. He comes to school on a wonderful Harley Davidson that he fixes with love, has a booming laugh you can hear across the hall, and is as gentle with the students impressed by his stature and personnality that he is with the stray cats he feeds. Almost all his students are scared of him at first, and their principal teacher announcing that he’s the litterature teacher at the start of the year is always welcomed by grunts and shivers. At the end of the year, they are all sad to leave his class.
Of course, they meet in the teacher lounge. They didn’t talk at first because, even if their classes have some common grounds, they didn’t really know each other, only exchanging remarks like “hello” or “those kids, right ?”, usual small talk. Bahorel always makes some coffee and pours a cup for Feuilly who always seems overworked. Then one day, as he’s talking with his good friend Grantaire the art teacher, Bahorel learns about a group called Les Amis de l’ABC, a group about social issues. Lured by the promise of protests and brawls, Bahorel decides to give it a try. When he enters the backroom of the coffee shop where the meetings are held, who’s there talking with a hot-looking blond person ? Feuilly himself. Bahorel decides to stay for a while. The group is interesting, the people there are nice, and there’s the promise of manifestations to make their work conditions better. And there’s Feuilly who’s as passionate here as he is about his work.
They start talking more and more. About the group, first, what happens during meetings and the new friends they made there (and Grantaire extra-obvious crush on the hot blond), and then about other subjects. They look forward to their conversations in the teacher lounge, until it’s not enough. They start meeting outside school, too, just to talk. Bahorel gets Feuilly started on boxing, and Feuilly lends him part of his endless book collection. They end up being good friends, but that’s what happens when you save someone from getting punched at a protest.
1. Who made the first move / who kissed who first ? Feuilly. You can’t be around so much muscular hotness as he is and NOT feel something. It happens one day, very out of the blue. They are all gathered at the Musain after a protest, resting a bit and talking in hushed voices. Bahorel is sitting at the table, a bottle in hand, very calm for once. Feuilly looks at him, then just bends over and kisses him. Courfeyrac is faster to react than Bahorel and has the time to wipe up his cellphone and take a picture before his friend even realizes what has just happened. There is a moment of silence while everyone processes the news. Then Bahorel almost knocks Feuilly from his chair in his haste to return the favor.
2. Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first ? Since Feuilly’s friends are more or less Bahorel’s friends, they tell all of the Amis at the same time, by kissing directly in front of them.Bahorel has other friends, scattered all through Paris. They all learn the same way, when he shows himself with lovebites and announces that they “should see the other guy”.As for family, Bahorel refrains himself to immediatly send a mail to his parents, tellking them aaaaaall about Feuilly and how awesome he is. For at least three days. Then he sends them an absolutly gushing one that he’ll forever deny writing.As for Montparnasse, Feuilly’s foster brother.... let’s just say it took time.
3. What do their family/friends think of their relationship ? Their friends had an ongoing bet to see when they were going to get together and who would make the first move. Bossuet totally won both. Now they are all very happy for them, except when the two decide to make out during the meeting (which luckily doesn’t happy often), or when everyone has to stay away from the supply closet due to… interesting noises coming from it.Montparnasse, who’s closest to Feuilly than any blood brother could be, is happy for him as long as he’s happy. He was wary of Bahorel first, not because he could hurt Feuilly (who’s strong enough to defend himself), but because Bahorel is loud, brash, gets himself in dangerous situations. Montparnasse tried to have the “if you hurt Feuilly” talk with him. It ended with Montparnasse’s nose bloodied with a punch that miraculously didn’t get a drop on his clothes, and Bahorel with a black eye. Now they are friends AND fashion pals, and respect the fuck out of each other.Bahorel’s parents are happy as long as their son is happy. They don’t really count on Feuilly to keep him in line, but after all, that’s not his job. Beside, he’s a nice, polite, hardworking young man, and they couldn’t hope to find someone better for their son.
4. Which couple/family are they closest to ? That’s like asking which one of their friends they love more ! It’s too difficult to choose ! They are very close to Enjolras and Grantaire because R is Bahorel’s boxing and drinking buddy, and Feuilly and Enjolras spend looots of time discussing all kinds of social issues. They are very close now to Jehan and Montparnasse, too, not only because they live close. Montparnasse is weirdly protective of Feuilly, and Jehan and Bahorel love to make shenanigans together, so they see each other often. But really, they are close to all their friends.
5. When do they move together ? Where and how ? Once the relationship is on the road, they move together fairly quickly. Bahorel’s flat dates from the 50s and the heating and plumbing are antique, and Feuilly lives in a tiny place that looks more like a closet than a home. So they decide to find something better, that they can afford with their combined salary. It takes some time, and a lot of disappointments, before they finally find the little lovenest they need. It’s not very new, with the brick walls and the wood panneling in the bedroom, and it’s in a part of the town that’s not too sure, but it’s comfortable, not too damp or cold or hot. And the situation is good, close to the high school and the Musain, and on top of a tattoo shop. Okay, there are weird people going in and out of that shop, strange people that look like a gang except the one all dressed to the nines in Armani (who’s in fact Feuilly’s foster brother so it’s alright), but they don’t care. It’s the nest they wanted, and they are stupidly in love with it.
6. Who proposes and how ? Bahorel. The gang is totally drunk after a fabulous party that lead them from Courfeyrac apartment, then to the park, covered in glitter, for other hijinks (see-saws CAN hold Bahorel’s weight, and Jehan can climb a rope tower in less than one minute), then to a small fast-food place to grab something to eat because it’s late and they are all hungry. They are sitting on the bench, Feuilly comfortably slumped against his boyfriend, when said boyfriend suddently grabs an onion ring and proposes. Feuilly snogs the living lights out of him for the best part of five minutes, under everyone’s cameras and cellphones. Come morning, and after taking care of their hangovers, Bahorel buys him a proper engagment ring since Feuilly ate the first one.
7. Where do they go on their honeymoon ? Probably Poland. Bahorel knows that Feuilly dreams of going back there one day. He went as an Erasmus student and fell in love with the country, and never got to go again because travelling is expensive, especially when you have a thirst for buying books and giving to charities equally. So for their honeymoon, Bahorel arranges for them to travel around Poland for two weeks. Feuilly is so happy he almost faints on the spot.
Let’s talk about sex~
8. Who has the biggest kink (and what is it) ? Feuilly. He loves it when Bahorel bites him during sex. And Bahorel loves doing it because it makes Feuilly writhe and moan way louder. Feuilly doesn’t even try to hide the marks on his neck and shoulders, but no one dares to comment on them.
9. Who initiates sex more often ? Both. They can barely keep their heands off each other at times, and no flat surface in their appartment has been safe from their enthusiastic lovemaking.
10. What kink/kinks turn(s) one (or both) of them off ? Bahorel is a man of many kinks, and he’s always ready to try new things, especially with Feuilly. Who’s very happy to try them witth him. Mostly, anything that’s consensual and not too dirty will get them going.
11. What’s the craziest place they’d have sex ?The Musain’s supply closet. It’s a tight fit, no pun intended, because of Bahorel’s… impressive size. But they made do. It was fun, but they almost got caught, and no, they refrain from doing it (except when, you know, Feuilly looks a bit ruffled juuust like that, or Bahorel’s tattoos are visible juuust a bit under his shirt…)
12. Who is more aggressive in bed and out of bed ? Bahorel. There’s something in Feuilly that makes him want to push him roughly on all the flat surfaces in their appartment, kiss him senseless, rip his clothes off and take him right there. Not that Feuilly complains. Or lays there and take it, the bite marks on Bahorel’s are proof of it.
13. How does the other person react when their partner wears something special (boots, lingerie, etc.) ? Feuilly smiles. Then tries to hide his smile. Then jokes to hide that he appreciates it A LOT. But Bahorel has already seen the smile, it’s too late. And besides, Feuilly likes that his partner knows that he enjoys his efforts. Bahorel just pounces.
14. Lights on or off ? They stay as they are when they start trying to rip their clothes off. Neither cares enough to stop and turn the lights on or off. Bahorel still have a slight preference for the lights on because it means he can look at Feuilly that way. And Feuilly has the most amazing golden eyes you’ve ever seen (yes, Bahorel is a sap).
Quirks and habits
15. What are their quirks while sleeping ? After several years spent backpacking across part of Europe, Feuilly has gotten used to sleep all curled up in a tight little ball, as to fit in the smallest places. Which is perfect because Bahorel just sprawls on the bed, taking up all the space. And he manages to hog the covers at the same time. The best way to sleep is to settle against or on him, to be caught in the blanket roll. Add to this Bahorel’s beloved stuffed dog that Feuilly likes to borrow and cuddle because it smells like Bahorel, and you have a perfect setting.
16. Who is the morning person/night person ? Feuilly is an extremly morning person. Like, he’s up before the sun even, taking time to correctly wake up with a cup of coffee (or five), read the newspapers, go over his lessons plans again, text Enjolras about the latest injustice / Eponine about stupid jokes / Combeferre, Jehan, Joly and Grantaire about nerd stuff. He leaves in advance to be sure to cover everything, from the state of his classroom to his schedule, and does he need to replace a sick coworker ? Compared to him, Bahorel is a lazy bear. He likes to take five more minutes in bed, then jumps in the shower, in his clothes, grab a bagel or croissant and jog / run to work. Feuilly is the first to crash on evenings. Of course, he doesn’t have any energy left, even with coffee, and needs a good night sleep to function correctly. Bahorel likes to stay up a bit longer, grading his papers while watching trash TV. When he goes to bed, he takes care of not waking the sleeping Feuilly and curls up around him. (And then, starfishes)
17. Who wakes the other one up with kisses ? Feuilly. He leaves first because of work, but always stops to kiss Bahorel hello. Sometimes, he wakes him up, sometimes Bahorel is already awake and waiting for his kiss. He always tries to keep Feuilly with him a little longer, and Feuilly escapes the dreaded bear hug with a laugh. On Feuilly’s (too rare) vacation days, the good morning kiss turns into a full make-out session and / or lazy morning sex.
18. Who is the romantic one (Valentine’s Day or other) ? Feuilly is always too busy to think about Valentine’s Day. Besides, his advice on that holiday is that it’s “capitalist crap” (an advice heartily shared by Enjolras) and if you need a day to allow yourself to tell your partner you love them, then you have bigger problems than finding the “perfect present”. Which makes things a bit awkward when he comes home on the first Valentine’s Day since Bahorel and he got together, to be met with a nice, home-cooked meal, Bahorel wearing an apron, and several books wrapped in newspapers (Bahorel’s gesture towards the environnment). He was embarrassed, of course, first because he couldn’t let himself be swept off his feet unless he was to feel like a hypocrit, and second because he didn’t plan anything for him. Bahorel quickly caught him in a bear hug and assured him that he just wanted to make Feuilly feel special and loved, and it was juuust a funny coincidence that it fell on Valentine’s Day. Feuilly absolutly isn’t fooled, but still lets himself be pampered. Now he tries to at least do a little something, like a complex origami or a nice painting, for that day when Bahorel decides to spoil him that always suspiciously falls on the same day each year.
19. Who would lead in ballroom dancing ? Do not let the muscles and the dudebro attitude fool you. Bahorel is a pro at ballroom dancing. That comes with a mother being an opera singer. And he’ll gladly grab Feuilly and drag him in a waltz around the living room, even if they’ll end up in a pile on the couch.
20. Who is the one to most likely pick the movie they watch ? It’s a tight match, really. Bahorel will forever defend Lady and the Tramp, and Feuilly is adamant on Aladdin. Most of the time, they settle it by playing Mario Kart (and then the get engrossed in the game and suddenly, it’s too late to watch a movie anymore).
21. Who is the one who would pay for dates ? Bahorel, because his parents give him a generous allowance to keep him out of trouble and weird jobs (it doesn’t work). Feuilly is not exactly broke, but he doesn’t have lots of money, certainly not enough to treat Bahorel as much as he’d like.
22. Who takes over the beauty/style department ? No one, because they have the same style : t-shirts, flannels, hoodies, jeans. Bahorel just insists that Feuilly sometimes wears his clothes, because they are way too big for him, and he loves how he looks in them.
23. What would they get each other for gifts ? For Feuilly, it’s easy : books, books, books. Novels, non-fiction, biographies, children books with those wonderful illustrations…. Everything works. Bahorel jokes that he’s not going to stop unless he has enough books to built a house with them. Or open his own public library. Feuilly thinks it’s a wonderful idea. And if not books, then art supplies. Lots and lots of art supplies, top-of-the-line. Feuilly loves art supplies.Feuilly buys Bahorel books too, because they both love books. He knows all the small bookshops in town, where he can find that rare, leather-bound, first edition novel that Bahorel would love. He buys him cookbooks too, because they both like to try new things, and baking supplies, so Bahorel can make all those delicious treats. 
24. Who cusses more ? Both. Bahorel cusses a lot, casually, inserting “fucking” and “goddamn” in almost every sentence. Compared to him, Feuilly’s speech is a lot cleaner. But that’s because he swears in foreign languages, so no one understands.
25. Who remembers things ? And who forgets the birthdays and anniversaries (and has to be forgiven) ? Bahorel is the one who remembers everything : anniversaries, dates, rallies, all his friends’ names, hobbies and phone numbers. That man is a machine. On the other hand, Feuilly tries to remember as much as he can, but he already has so much going on in his life, he sadly forgets a lot of things. His remedy is to paste sticky-notes everywhere. They are even color coded. Bahorel keeps finding them in the strangest place (”seriously, Fee, did you really need to put that on my shirt ?” “I was sure to look there.”)26. Who is the bigger cuddler ? Don’t let Bahorel’s big hugs fool you. That man loves to hug everyone, lifting them in the process, and holding them for ten minutes if they let him. But Feuilly has a hidden cuddly side that only Bahorel gets to see. He’ll just sit beside him (or on him) and cling to him like a koala. Most of the time, since he’s always tired, he’ll fall asleep like that and has to be carried to bed.
27. Nicknames for each other ? “dumbass”, “idiot”, “dork”, “nerd”…. They are adorable. When Bahorel feels romantic, it’s “my dork” or “my nerd”. He’s also the only one using “bro” as a term of endearment. Feuilly personnaly likes “my sweet potato” better.
28. Who decorates the apartment ? Both. Bahorel has more knickknacks, picture frames, an expensive hi-fi chain, his boxing equipment… while Feuilly has his fan collection and about a gazillion books. Before coming to live in Bahorel’s flat, he was constantly torn about having to get rid of some of his books because of the lack of space. He abandonned a few of them at Jehan’s or Combeferre’s place, especially because they keep borrowing or lending them to each other. But when they moved, Bahorel pushed aside his own books to make space for them. They still cover almost every flat surface in their appartment.
29. Who initiates duets ? Bahorel loves to sing. Loud. Like, belt out musical numbers or Disney songs. And always tries to get Feuilly to join. It works only half of the time. But on evenings, he is the karaoke monster, and this time, he’s very adamant about Feuilly singing with him. And he won’t stop until he can get Feuilly to join.
30. What do they do to cheer each other up ? Bahorel pampers Feuilly like crazy as soon as he gets the occasion : warm baths, good food, foot massages…. He’ll use every technique in the book and more, to make his little redhead feel loved. The best way is still sugary treats, freshly baked, and presented with a hot chocolate or hidden in his lunch bag before he leaves for work. Feuilly too reaches the heart through the stomach, but he uses homemade dishes, carefully prepared. A good bowl of homemade soup can do wonders for Bahorel’s mood. He sometimes slides little origami animals in his book bag, or little messages. And of course, they send each other pics of funny things or things they know the other likes.
Daily life
31. Who is more tech-savvy ? Depends. Bahorel is the most savvy for everything mechanical. He can fix or built every machine under the sun. But Feuilly is the most savvy for everything about computers and the like.
32. Who drinks all of the coffee ? Feuilly. His coffee absorbtion is second only to Enjolras’, and it’s the only thing keeping him alive and together. He needs his morning coffee first thing in the morning, or he turns into a weird, sleepy-but-murderous beast.
33. Who does what chores ? They try to share equally, according to their workload. Since Feuilly always takes on study time, homework clubs and a few others, he often comes home later than Bahorel, who cooks or, when he can, orders food. They do the dishes together afterwards. When Feuilly cooks, during week-ends, he’s the one doing them, and Bahorel does the cleaning. Feuilly takes care of the laundry, because he’s very insistant on his shirts being just the right kind of soft, and Bahorel doesn’t always read labels before shoving everything in the machine. Bahorel then takes care of the grocery shopping, and takes his sweet time doing it.
34. Who kills the bugs ? Do you really want to be subjected to a two-hours rant by Combeferre on the bugs’ importance and why it’s a bad idea to kill them ? (Feuilly can do the part, but his rants tend to be shorter. And angrier. And with more threats of violence. Just don’t do it.)
35. Who makes the bed in the mornings ? No one. Feuilly gets up before Bahorel so he can’t make it, and he’s too tired when he comes home to care about it. Bahorel just doesn’t care.
36. Who starts getting into holidays way before they should ? Both. Bahorel is more open about it, busting out the sweaters, the hats, the cookies and the songs. Of course, Christmas is his favourite, but he does the same with the other holidays. Except that he doesn’t wear the holidays sweaters because he’s always too warm, and he throws them on Feuilly instead. Feuilly loves holidays too, now that he has people to celebrate them with, and always gets into the spirit very early on. He’s more lowkey than Bahorel, except for the holidays sweaters, that he wears with pride.
37. Who initiates the couple selfies ? Bahorel. He loves grabbing Feuilly and squishing him to take a selfie. No need for a special occasion. He just goes for it whenever he feels like it. He already did it before he and Feuilly were a couple, to Feuilly’s greatest surprise (and growl, and push). Now, he’s used to it, and always gives him his best goofy face.
38. Who always ends up with too much junk food after grocery shopping ? Don’t blame Feuilly. He loves corn chips and cream & onion-flavored ones. Besides, he needs to buy lots because no corn chim is safe when Bahorel is home from the gym and hungry.
39. Who asks to keep the abandoned kitten/puppy they find in the rain ? Bahorel can’t resist anything cute looking at him with big eyes. He jokes that that’s how Feuilly got him. Feuilly always punches him, but neither he can’t resist a poor, lost animal.
40. So how many pets, and who rememebers to feed them ? Bahorel has never lived in a house without a dog. So of course, when he got his own flat, he got the dog that goes with it. Everyone who sees him thinks he’s got a MANLY dog. Like, a German Shepherd, or a pack of huskies. Or a wolf. But no, he has a small corgi named Elizabeth, who follows him excitedly around the flat. She loves to sleep on Feuilly’s lap while he works or read too. Feuilly found four kittens in a box near the river. He was absolutly fuming when coming home, groaning about heartless people abandonning small kittens to their death. Bahorel distracted him by proposing to name them and finding them something to eat while they tried to find a no-kill shelter where they would find a family. Needless to say, they never needed to find another family. Honoré, Emile, Théophile and The Wild Beast have now become a fixture in their home, and they wouldn’t imagine a life without them (well, maybe they could imagine it without them climbing the curtains).
41. Who gets babied when they’re sick ? Bahorel can’t say he loves it when Feuilly is sick, because his tiny redhead is miserable, he’s awfully grumpy, and he still insists on going to work. Bahorel has to physically stick him in bed, and even then, there’s a good 50% chances that he’s going to try and get up again. But once he’s settled, Bahorel has lots of time to take care of him and baby him as much as he wants, without Feuilly running away because he’s late again.When he’s sick, Bahorel turns into a big baby. He lays in bed and alterns between complaining that he’s bored, and that he’s dying. Feuilly checks on him before, between and after work, brings him food and obstinatly refuses to bring him the TV too because he has to rest. Bahorel pouts, but he’s secretly happy to have Feuilly fuss over him (in his restrained way, of course).
42. Who brings breakfast to bed ? To bring breakfast to Feuilly, you need him in bed in the first time. He only gets served in bed when he’s sick. Sometimes, Bahorel will get a cup of coffee on the nightstand, but that’s only when Feuilly is not taken by his morning activities.
43. Who has sole posession of the T.V. remote ? As for movies, it’s a fierce battle, that can only be settled by a wrestling match on the couch. Or paper-rock-scissors.
44. Who comes home drunk at 3am ? Bahorel. Nevermind he has to go to work in the morning, he’s not going to pass a celebration, be it Grantaire’s first art gig, Courfeyrac’s succesful inspection, Combeferre wearing a new bowtie or Joly punching an idiot in the nose (never, ever insinuate that Musichetta is less than perfect). He’s going to celebrate, and celebrate with dignity. Meaning he’ll get totally shitfaced. But whatever his alcohol content is, he’ll always tiptoe around the flat and slide himself into the bed veeery slowly as not to wake Feuilly. Who’ll always open an eye and grumble that the bed is cold.
45. What do they do when they’re away from each other ? Complain Bahorel does his usual tour of the gyms, the Musain, the other coffee shops, sees his friends, punches a few idiots, the usual. He keeps himself busy so he doesn’t feel lonely, and often invites himself to spend the night at one of the others’ place. More often than not, Grantaire offers him his couch and a sympathetic ear, and they watch awful movies and drink until dawn (except when they have early classes).When Bahorel is away, Feuilly sticks to his usual schedule of work, friends and failing to get to bed early because he got caught in a very good book or a philosophical discussion. He just hugs Bahorel’s plush dog tighter when sleeping.And of course, they both send each other messages / call / skype each other as much as they can.
46. What are they afraid of ? Bahorel isn’t afraid of anything ! He’s wild, he’s audacious ! And he certainly doesn’t try to hide behind a pillow each time he watches a movie with possessed little girls. Feuilly is scared to be left alone. Spending time in several orphanages, waiting to be adopted, gave him some abandonment issues, and he’s often kinda sure that he’s going to be overlooked in favor of someone younger, cuter or more affectionnate. He’s working on it, and tries not to be too clingy, but he sometimes still lays awake at night, sure that Bahorel is going to leave him for someone better.
47. How often do they fight ? More often than they’d like, but way less often than before. They may love each other a lot, they still are very different people with very different experience.  Bahorel may forget that he was more privilegied than Feuilly, or Feuilly be too vehement, especially when he’s overtred, and their arguments may devolve into shouting matchs. They try to talk it out now, to step back and calm down before saying things they would regret, and they do their best to avoid going to bed angry. Sometimes, too, especially when they started living together, Bahorel would forget that Feuilly needed his sleep, and would make way too much noise. After Feuilly ended up almost puncheing him, he vowed to remember to be careful and discreet when he knows that his favourite redhead needs sleep.
48. What would they do if the other one was hurt ? The skies take pity on those who dared to hurt Feuilly. If they escape him, they will have to answer for it before Bahorel. And Bahorel will probably beat them to a pulp. Feuilly would not run after the culprits because revenge wouldn’t help anything (but he would totally punch them a bit if he can). He would spend time at Bahorel’s bedside, trying to hide his worry as not to attract attention away from him. And cuddle him to death once everything is fine again.
And once they have kids…
49. How many kids ? Probably several. Feuilly wants to give all those kids in foster care a taste of a real family. He and Bahorel take inside several pre-teens and teens, because they know those kids are often overlooked because they are “less cute” than younger children. It’s not easy at first, those kids are often scared, angry, and wild. But they have time, and they are patient enough to make it work. Their family is weird and mismatched, and they love it like that.
50. Who is the stricter parent ? Feuilly. There’s no need trying to get away with not doing your homework, because he’s adamant about them being done. Education is very important if you want to go far in life ! He’s as strict for the rest : chores, politness, …. Nothing gets past him. Bahorel tends to be more lenient because life needs to be fun, and chores are no fun ! But since he knows that it’s better for the kids to get the same instructions from both parents, he follows this timeless advice : What Would Feuilly Do ? It works.
51. Who stays up late helping with homework ? Feuilly wants to stay up late to help, but it’s already 10 PM and he has to get up at ugh o’clock for his morning classes. So Bahorel often picks him up and carries him to bed, groaning and arguing, to the greatest delight of the kids. Then he’s the one sitting with the kids to help. Feuilly can’t help but get out of bed to correct him (”no, Bahorel, you can’t tell the kids monarchy is “fucking bullshit”, they will repeat it at school and then you’ll have to meet their teacher again.”)
52. Who likes to take the family out and for what ? Feuilly is partial to educative-but-fun outings. Museums are his go-to, but he loves gardens, art exhibitions, movies, days at the library…. He takes great care of choosing age-appropriate things, so everyone has fun. Bahorel likes outside activities more, like walks, football matches and such, but he likes taking them to the spa, hairdresser and on shopping trips too. They are both often reminded that no, protests and such don’t make good outings for the children.
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