#but if you’re coming out just spewing bs at me I just don’t
gojonanami · 5 months
i love how the mood here undulates and change
sometimes, i can almost feel new people coming in and bringing their energy with them
i've got to say though – i'm really grateful that this is overall a happy space & i hope that we are making this a comfortable space for you, sab
i really hope you view this as a space where you can relax & take your mind off of things
(also – absolutely loved chapter five & i absolutely adore 'the ethics of relationships' series xxx)
I’m so glad because I feel the exact same way babe!!! this place is so so happy and nice and peaceful— it’s definitely an oasis for me and I hope it can be for all of you as well.
you guys definitely make this such a wonderful place to be and I am grateful to every one of you so so much
thank you bb I love you so much 🥹💕 for this message and also for enjoying the series. I appreciate you so so much
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
The problem when people say that they’re tkkrs, and they don’t engage in the vile rhetoric they often times spew + they say they love Jimin is the fact that there is no accountability and it makes them complicit to the other shit tkkrs do.
I’m not even defending jkkrs because they have a problem of their own, BUT the difference is that a MAJORITY of people who love and support Jikook call each other out. Whenever we see misinformation being spread we do our best to correct it and snuff it out and we come with facts and receipts. We hold each other accountable so that we make sure Jungkook, Jimin and Tae are humanized and not seen as characters in an AU.
So even though you - anon wants us to believe that tkkrs are nice and pro Jimin, the reality is that because your breed continues to be toxic, continues to spread lies, continues to harass people when the narrative doesn’t fit to your advantage, and continues to fetishize and I want to make it clear IT IS fetishizing, that even though they’re “nice” you’re also all silent.
The fact that your solution is to block and report but not try to correct the narrative not only proves the way you are complicit but it shows that looking away from the problem IS why tkkrs are so toxic.
And I’ve been an ARMY for YEARS, YEARS, and no matter how nice you tell me tkkrs are at the end of the day, as you said, anon, it’s used as a way to “de-stress” and ship fictional/non-fictional couples together, it invalidates the point you’re trying to make because TAE, JUNGKOOK AND JIMIN are real people. People that are living in an ANTI-LGBTQIA+ society that doesn’t accept them. So for you it might be merely shipping them but for actual QUEER PEOPLE our lives are not a fucking way for you to live bi-curiously or join in the “camaraderie” as you so eloquently put it.
And the fact that you bring up the point that people just want to claim Jk or invalidate him to fit a narrative is precisely the issue. JUNGKOOK is a real person, not someone we covet or “ship” with Jimin, he isn’t a stand in for us to fuel our fantasies, he is a person THAT WE listen to and respect and support.
Miss me with that bs that some of you are nice, esp when the nice ones I’ve met in my 5/6 years of being an ARMY talk and think about Tae in inappropriate ways AND in fact do use Jungkook as way to fantasize some weird ass shit, because the moment that Jungkook does something to show you all that DOESNT FIT YOUR NARRATIVE, you all throw him under the bus. Not a single tkkr has been speaking out about the mistreatment that JK’s getting rn, and you want us to believe you see him as a person and that you’re nice?. Go and talk about important shit, not about how it’s a flip of a coin to trust tkkrs……..
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Stop coming to our safe spaces and taking to us, leave us the fuck alone, why can’t you all just stay in your lane and not interact with us?!. TF???!
Because it's you... and I love you. And I agree with you and everything here. Imma post it even though I closed the topic. @chikooritajjk summed it up nicely. Imma just also add that it's not a flip of a coin to just trust anyone honestly. The amount of people I trust on this app I can count on one hand. And yall know who you are 🥰 I've yet to find a tkkr that ships taekook and doesn't let the harmful narratives spread around continue to be spread around. It's kinda like how people say "its not all men" when women talk about our experiences in the world and when the #/me too movement was happening. "It's not all tkkrs" gives the same energy. I understand where everyone is coming from here, but it is what it is. If it's not you, then you don't need to defend tkkrs or shipping. If you aren't doing these things and you are standing up against it or trying to call people out, then you don't need to get upset. No one then is talking about YOU. But if you aren't doing those things, then you are part of the problem too. And that goes for all shippers too.
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astrolaurical · 2 years
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This has been in my drafts for a few days.
Good thing BTSTarot is deactivating their account so they can’t spew harmful misinformation like this anymore. Like tell me you know nothing about Korean culture and have never been in korea without telling me. And remember, I said that I have agreed with SOME things they have said in the past. This was wayyyy back during the YNWA era where Jin was getting unfair treatment. That I 100% agreed with BTSTarot. But conspiracy theories like this that can seriously harm others? I cannot get behind. I will wholly change my views if it comes out that I am wrong in the future, but until then, I am cautioning readers AND posters to be careful about posting things like this and labeling personal choices like buying an expensive house with hard earned money as “living in a dungeon” or getting thought-out and meaningful tattoos labeled as “being branded like cattle”. Please choose your words more carefully.
1. Koreans have a hard work ethic going back to the Korean War, WWII, and even back to Joseon Dynasty, really. Korea had rarely been free. They have always been ruled by another country or fighting someone else’s war. This has made Korea for CENTURIES a very poor country. Some of the older generations (boomers) in korea don’t even know how to read because they were too busy working for WWII and are attending primary school with their grandchildren. There are reality shows about this. This generational trauma of poverty has created a hard work ethic in Koreans still seen today. Korea has a minimum 9 hour workday. Many go for an average of 10-12 hours. Then you have the 회식 after work hours. So like really 16-18 hour work days. All to make an average of 40 million won ($32,000/yr). And this is the average day for a Korean office worker. Hmmm I wonder why the suicide rate in Korea is so high then?
So you’re wondering why idols have their fandom names tattooed on them? Because idols aren’t working 18 hour days. We’ve seen behind the scene videos of them at dance practices. Or the multitude of BTS documentary films. Idols put their bodies on the line until many have permanent damage (just look up any SM idol- 80% chance they will have had 1 serious injury). Seventeen even had a reality show filming when they were trainees!! All when they were minors, too, mind you. Documenting their battles before they even signed a contract! So I don’t blame these idols for getting tats of their fandoms. On Idol Quiz Show, JK even said how important and precious fans are, especially at the beginning of an idols career. Fans not only mean support, but also sales and money, like a paycheck.
2. BTS worked hard and put in hours of overtime, emotional and physical harm to their bodies to get to where they are. To discredit their hard work and say they are living in the company building??? Uh no. They live in gated apartment communities. Why would they choose to live in the company building that has a PUBLIC MUSEUM ON THE BOTTOM FLOOR? Where anybody can get to them?? All 7 of them didn’t drop $7 million in cash on their high security apartments for bs rumors like this. They did it to keep naysayers like people saying they live in dungeons away from them
3. Yes the company does monitor what they say and do (Tae even said so on JKs live… but Tae and JK also said that BTS is so big that it doesn’t matter why the company says. The company needs to listen to BTS to survive. Remember BigHit almost was filing for bankruptcy and BTS was their last shot. And BTS owns shares of the stocks. Hybe is already prepared for a drastic drop in stocks when they all enlist. That is why they are focusing so much on TXT, Enhypen, and Le Serrafim.
All I’m trying to say is those who read things like this: use media literacy and common sense. Dissect everything you read like I have just done above. Don’t believe everything you read, especially if it is so nefarious like this.
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cloveroctobers · 2 years
Thoughts so far while watching episode 4 of S3 OBX
John b being shook over his father’s actions is interesting to see considering how much bs he’s currently into lol
But old man’s kinda a bit obsessive when it comes to these artifacts — yeah yeah it’s ur thing or whatever but you allowed your son to think you were with the water Christ over this shit and you done resurrected and are still at it like?? Get it together four eyed Tarzan
Kie not bothering to mention that she was held up in a room with Rafe will probably come back to bite her in the ass…as usual
We love to see the bonding between Pope & Cleo!!! 🫶🏽
Barry’s hair is…a choice.
Lunatic Rafe’s hair > Barry’s
But love “he’s got my check.”🤭
Side note in regards to Jiara so far—I personally didn’t mind it in the beginning like season 1 but then certain fans had to take it to the extreme to the point it’s apparently reflecting outside of the show which is…idk whack? So it’s not really my top ship or I don’t really care for anyone to be shipped atp lmao I’m just here for the good ‘ol platonic friendship group!
Just me I guess. ☕️
I’m not going to say Jiara is coming out of nowhere because I do agree there were hints of it back in the previous seasons, however it does seem like they’re pushing that fan service—only because—we missed a huge portion of those two privately bonding on that island.
No we didn’t need a whole dragged out episode or more to see that but I would like to see at least a damn flashback. Mind you, I’m only! On episode 4!! Yes they’re acknowledging it now (with it still feeling like jj cares how it’ll make pope feel? Don’t like that. Man is still hurt obviously. Glad Cleo is there to take his mind off the foulness of it all) — good for them yet I still feel like it’s bad timing idk but to each their own.
Still don’t agree with these writers having Kiara go from one to next (from kissing John b, then worrying about how JJ feels about that, to having a night with pope but lacking the proper communication on what the intentions of their romantic relationship was and just down right being cold to my guy, to circling right back to wondering about the what if’s with JJ like??? I get it they’re teenagers and you’re not going to have it all together but it’s one thing after another can we relax?) and it feels hinted that’s what her mother did? From being a kook hinting that she messed around with pogues (possibly JJ’s own father or at least there’s some form of history there between them based off his drunk-tellings idk) + marrying a pogue—kie’s father?
I felt like it was implied that’s the side he came from when her mother spewed her hatred for the pogues at kie who wants nothing but to be declared as such but then they’re so hypocritical!!! trying to forget their own skeletons—if you want to even call it that
So it’s basically history repeating itself and I did a whole mini think-piece on why I’m not feeling jiara romantically. Yes there was a sprinkle of chemistry but in the long-run I don’t think it would work. Ship has sailed and they should have thought about that before they decided to do that bs with Kiara & pope 💯
Give Kiara a gf atp 😜 or maybe not worry about the romance…considering they’re all constantly watching their backs rn?
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My opinion was solicited by the stupidity swirling around.
I don’t like Alida Morberg based on what I have seen of her. I obviously don’t know the woman personally or give a fuck to know her personally. She strikes me as an attention-seeking socialite who is interested only in herself and using her relationship with Bill Skarsgard to do…I don’t know what. The phrase that comes to mind: Swedish Kim Kardashian.
All that said: beyond that opinion, I think the hate blogs dedicated to this chick and the constant vitriol spewed about her in all of the BS tags are utterly ridiculous and frankly put: weird.
It speaks to an interest and an obsession with an actor’s personal life that is unhealthy. Y’all, we are fans of this dude’s work and the physicality he brings to his roles. None of us know him personally etc. That’s it. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Do yourselves a favor and stop obsessing over what appears to be Bill Skarsgard’s shit taste in women and go watch Clark or Hemlock Grove again and fap.
Please don’t give me the bullshit about, “but we care about him!”. Dude, you don’t know him. Free speech is fine. I get it. I just exercised my free speech by essentially agreeing with rabid Alida haters that there is something gross about her. However, there comes a point where the extent of one’s opinion on this sort of shit crosses into creepy territory.
There are limits where one’s opinion begins to get confused with…your opinion mattering. You don’t know him. You’re not friends with him. Stop being creepy. Please and thank you.
In short, chill the fuck out, go watch some of Bill’s work and enjoy it and stop giving a flying fuck about the dude himself or his baby mama.
Because it don’t matter.
Thank you and have a nice day.
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rosethreeart · 1 year
I LOVE UR ABIGAIL ANALYSES the subtle differences in dynamics between characters always gets me heeheeing with a horribly evil grin on my face…
I feel like a lot of people tend to overlook how America being a woman would affect the way other countries–especially ones with shared history–interact with her in favor of talking solely about how it would change the way they View her. Which, don’t get me wrong, is a valid analysis; I looove “power hungry America who kind of scares the shit out of everyone”, I just think there’s a lot of hidden potential in the question of “how would people TREAT her as a woman?”
I know some people hc nations to be sort of “above” things like misogyny and racism because they’ve lived for so long that it’s almost below them at this point to even care anymore, but imo it’s the complete opposite. They’ve lived with/under those ideals for so long that it’s extremely difficult for older nations to really shake them off for good, so while they don’t go off spewing misogynistic bs all day, every day, they do still hold some of those fundamental ideals that (cough negatively cough) influence the way they interact with female characters. (Abigail, in this context)
I think a lot of older countries, especially ones with a heavy history of chivalry/“fair maiden 🥺” ideologies, would be MUCH more “protective” of her, so to speak, because of an ingrained perception of women as needing to be protected. So they’re not protective in a genuinely affectionate way, just in a “You can’t be mean to girls, dude!” way. Which opens up a whole other can of worms in regards to patronization + the way Abigail responds to that but I will Not get into in ur inbox for the sake of your sanity bc this ask is already way too long LOL
ANYWAYS ALL THIS TO SAY, I love your analyses and I especially love how you focus on the physical/ interactive dynamics between characters and not just other characters’ internal perception(s) of a character.
YES YOURE SO RIGHT!!! There are so many things that people don’t really talk about when it comes to the “if X was a girl instead”!!! ESPECIALLY when it comes to woc (which I won’t speak too heavily on as I’m extremely white(/white passing)
And while I do think that a lot of nations WOULD be more open minded I still think they have a lot of those negative beliefs ingrained in them still, just because they’re aware that the way society treats them is wrong doesn’t mean they’ve done all the work to unpack all those beliefs and how they’ve been affect by them as well as their role in the participation of it.
Like these are people with really dark pasts just purely based on the nature of their life spans and what they are (I’m not even gonna get into the whole cans piled onto cans of worms that the really bad and morally wrong stuff here). They’ve done bad shit and have been through a lot of bad shit. It would 100% affect the way that they interact with others and even view themselves. These are prideful creatures (for the most part I have options on how Abigail would view herself as a personification, person, and US citizen that beg to differ)! They’re all stubborn as hell and while extremely adaptive towards change (as it can quite literally be a matter of life and death if they don’t) but that doesn’t mean that they completely understand why the change is occurring or what that means for them as a person, let alone to the other nations around them.
also PLEASE do go into it id love to hear what you’d have to say!!!
The internal perceptions when it comes to characters is only half the fun!! What’s the point in analysis and delving deep into it if you’re not gonna SHOW how it affects their interactions! Honestly this probably comes from a place of autism and the need to mask heavily and trying to understand others perception of the world lmao.
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kouomi · 2 years
HEY HEY I hope you’re having a wonderful afternoon! I was wondering if I could request an Xreader where y/n breaks up a fight! Not in the “look at me🥺look at me🥺this isn’t you🙁” way but the “knock it tf off😐” pulling the boys apart telling them to cut the BS way! I was thinking with Atsumu or Iwa? Eathier is fine! And if u feel like if you could throw in the cute little helping them with their bloody nose busted lip stuff! Tho it is perfectly fine if u don’t wan to! THANK YOU!
Warnings: fighting (duh)
Word count: 1,461
A/N: I had so much fun writing thisss (sorry for the wait, catching up on my requests post hiatus!) also every time I write Atsumu it points out how much I speak like him. Weird. :)
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Posted: June 23rd 2022, 5:06 AM ET
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It was normal to walk into a room and find Miya Atsumu mid punch. The sight, though one you found incredibly irritating, was unfortunately a common one, and one you had come to almost expect when checking in on your boyfriend. It was more common for him to be littered in small injuries from his daily fights with his twin than for any of them to be a result of volleyball.
You had told Atsumu multiple times how much you hated to see him in these fights, that they were stupid actions caused by stupid arguments and there was no reason they should happen — especially as frequently as they did. You always ended up being the one who had to clean him up after said fights, and each time they happened the angrier you were about them. There was a certain extent to which you understood teenage boys fighting their brothers, but it seemed as if Atsumu went out of his way to exceed this limit at every opportunity.
He understood you hated when he fought. He could tell by the look on your face and the curtness of your words afterwords that you despised it. It wasn’t as if he purposely got into fights just to make you mad, but the little jabs and aggressive nudges Osamu made throughout the day inevitably ended with the two of them rolling around on the gym floor; much like it did today.
The last straw for Atsumu had been when Osamu “accidentally” served the ball into the back of his head during their practice game. Four of their teammates on their side as well as the six on the other side of the net watched with amusement as Atsumu slowly turned around, picked up the ball, and promptly threw it back at his brother before running towards him. As soon as Osamu had managed to recover from the volleyball that had managed to hit him in the middle of his chest, Atsumu was already in front of him and tackling him to the ground. The two rolled around on the court, a blur of identical faces and dyed hair with shouts and insults spewing from them both.
When the doors to the gym swung open, all heads swiveled towards it; all but two who were too busy facing each other. There was silence as a lone pair of footsteps crossed half the court and then stopped beside the flurry of fists. You stared down at them, watching with angry annoyance as your boyfriend shoved his twin brother down onto the floor by the collar of his shirt.
From where he laid on the ground pinned beneath his brother, Osamu watched as you flicked Atsumu’s forehead, saw the confused anger take on his expression, and then the way his face fell when he turned and saw you standing beside him. Your hand moved to the back of his shirt, yanking him up by his collar and pulling him slightly away from the fight.
“Knock it off.” You say, stiff and final.
Osamu looks between Atsumu, you, and then back, flashing his brother a look somewhere between smugness and apologetic before pushing himself to his feet and walking towards Suna who had been watching with humorous enjoyment. He enjoyed watching the twins fight just as much as everyone else, but it became just that much better when he could see Atsumu get ridiculed by his girlfriend for doing so. Suna, Osamu, Atsumu, and the other boys who watched all waited for you to start yelling at him, or perhaps even flick him again.
But, nothing of the sort came.
Instead, you stepped around him and walked towards the door you had entered shortly before and left without so much as looking back.
Atsumu blinked at the now closed double doors, surprise and confusion pulling his brow together and leaving his mouth slightly agape.
“Dude,” Osamu says, calling his brothers attention. “She’s mad.”
Shit. Atsumu thought. Shit.
“Tell Kita I went to the bathroom!” He yells over his shoulder, now running out of the same door you had.
It takes a few minutes, but he manages to catch a glimpse of you rounding a corner of the main school building and then once again disappear from sight. He called your name, but the spot where you had been remained empty. He lets out an annoyed puff of air before taking off again, eventually rounding the corner and finding you a short ways down.
“Y/n! Hey, wait up a minute, will ya?”
You continue to ignore him, now walking away even faster. It didn’t take very long for Atsumu to catch up, his hand landing on your shoulder and forcing you around to face him.
“Look, I’m sorry, okay? ‘S just ‘Samu was really gettin’ on my nerves, and I-“
“That’s what you said last time. And the time before that. I’m sick of it, Atsumu.”
He huffs. “I know, it’s just-“ He lifts his hand to run it through his hair, but his fingers graze the open cut on his forehead and he winces.
You watch as he swipes away the blood that starts dripping into his eye, drawing his split lip between his teeth.
You sigh, begrudgingly. “Sit down.”
“Don’t make me repeat myself.”
Atsumu glances at the wooden bench you pointed to and silently sits down, looking up at you as you set your backpack down on the bench beside him. He watches as you rummage through one of the pouches and pull out a small pack, opening it and pulling out a small rag. You take a few steps away and stand in front of the water fountain attached to the wall of the school, using your hip to press it and wet the cloth.
It’s silent as you come to stand before him, save for the occasional breeze and chirp of far off birds. You don’t say anything as you take his chin in your hand, avoiding his eyes and lifting the rag to clean the blood from his forehead. Atsumu winces though doesn’t complain, continuing to try to get you to look at him.
“Grab a bandage from in the bag.” You instruct.
“Oh, she talks?” He replies, a lopsided smile working its way onto his expression.
“Atsumu,” You warn.
“Alright, alright.” He turns, making sure not to twist out of your hold, and rummages through the small bag until he pulls out a small package and hands it to you. He frowns when you pull your hand away to open it, following your movements and watching you remove the bandaid and press it against his cut.
You lean back and double, triple, quadruple check your work, using it as an excuse not to look down and meet the deep brown eyes that you could see trying to meet yours in your peripheral vision.
“Y/n…” He trails off, unsure of what to say to get you to talk to him again; unsure if there was anything he could say.
“You said you were done getting into fights.” You don’t look at him as you talk, don’t reach out to him again, only keep staring at the bandaid on his forehead.
“I know.”
“Then what the hell was that?”
“In my defense, ‘Samu served at the back of my head.”
You can’t help the small laugh that bubbles past your lips at the thought of seeing the ball fly out and hit him, tucking your chin into your chest to try and hide the expression from him. He sees it, however, and he smiles, taking this as an opportunity to reach out and coax your hand into his. You don’t resist, letting him hold your unmoving hand in his.
“Look,” He starts, leaning down and forcing himself into your field of vision. “I shouldn’t’ve gotten into a fight with ‘Samu. But ya have ta know it’s inevitable. He annoys me too much.”
You heave a sigh, finally meeting his eyes. “I know. I just… I hate seeing you all beat up every time.”
“Damn, ya make it sound like I lose all of ‘em.”
“You know what I mean.”
“I do,” He agrees. “But it’s okay if I get ‘all beat up’ sometimes ‘cause I got you to clean me up.”
“Oh, really?”
“Yep.” He pulls you closer by your hand so you now stood between his legs. “Ya missed a spot, ya know.”
“Did I?” You ask.
“Yeah, pretty sure ‘Samu split my lip.”
You hum, taking his chin in your hand again and using the pad of your thumb to wipe the small trail of blood on his bottom lip.
“Almost,” He grins, pulling you down towards himself and reaching out, guiding your face towards his.
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nerajaana · 3 years
In regards to the qitn theories. It's okay if Arya isn't a queen. It doesnt mean there is something lacking in her, it just means that she doesnt want the position. She herself says 'thats not me' when her father says she'll marry and have sons who will be kings. She enjoys her freedom and probably wants to travel the world.
Disclaimer: My tolerance for repeating my opinions about issues that have been extensively discussed before is pretty low and the the ask comes off quite condescending for my tastes so if my answer comes off as rude, feel free to take offense and block me.
At least the ask wasn’t about trident so small mercies I guess lol
Did it ever occur to you that Arya was rejecting the idea of conformity, that she’d be set up for failure if she were to be in that situation? Because she’s never known that she could be a lady in more than one way, not just what the septa and Sannsa represented. That cow of a septa was quite instrumental in beating down Arya’s sense of self esteem, it doesn’t take a fucking genius to figure things out as they are so explicitly laid out in the text. And her mother. If you could read in between the lines a bit, you’d see Catelyn was an unconventional lady but ofc she didn’t reinforce those standards when it came to teaching her daughters. Seemed like a case of “do what I say, not what I do” tbh. Maybe I’m wrong, but that’s my interpretation. And yes, Arya did say *that’s not me, that’s sansa*. She was betrothed to the crown prince, the future King, and look how things turned out. Robb was supposed to be the Warden in the North, the Lord of Winterfell. He died, and now Brandon’s the lord stark. He said something similar, how he’d never be a lord, that it’s for Robb and his Frey sons when maester luwin commented on how he’d make a good Lord of Winterfell someday.
You’d think after reading five whole books the main characters always tend to end up in a radically different position than what they’d have expected with the adults around them spewing almost-prophetic things. But if you wanna stick to the point that everyone’s endgames Centre around what they’d thought they wanted in the beginning of the series, kudos to you. Knock yourself out mate, the last two haven’t come out yet. Speculate away💫
And pray tell, who the flying fuck ever said anything about Arya being inadequate if she doesn’t end up as the qitn? First of all, bran erasure. Secondly, she’s already hella powerful, and a princess. Heck, she’s the Lady of Winterfell, by proxy. What are you really trying to convey?
“I don’t care. I want to go home.” Arya, ACoK
She dreamt of home; not Riverrun, but Winterfell. Arya, ASoS
There were no more Starks but her. Arya, ASoS
And she was so tired of running. She'd run when Ser Meryn came for her, and again when they killed her father. Arya, ACoK
For half a heartbeat she let herself pretend that it was her home ahead.
.....She told the captain as much, but even the iron coin did not sway him. Arya never seemed to find the places she set out to reach........... Braavos might not be so bad. Arya, AFFC
She always is missing home. Constantly. The writer couldn’t have made it more obvious, he laid it pretty thick tbh. But I s’pose the practice of selective reading might’ve blinded you to the facts. I mean, honestly, it makes no bleeding sense for her character to finally get home and take off again. D&D’s moronic bs is not considered canon nonnie, if no one took the time to spell it out for you, well I just did I guess. You’re welcome :)
The one time she truly considers going away from it all is when she hears about bran and rickon’s supposed deaths:
She chewed on her lip, hoping. If I had wings I could fly back to Winterfell and see for myself. And if it was true, I’d just fly away, fly up past the moon and the shining stars, and see all the things in Old Nan’s stories, dragons and sea monsters and the Titan of Braavos, and maybe I wouldn’t ever fly back unless I wanted to.  Arya, ACoK
Really, you’d think basic comprehensive skills are all that is needed to understand the fairly simple language used in the books.
And honestly, Bran’s the one who’s gonna rule the north, and his wife will be the qitn. Arya’s leadership foreshadowing imo indicates the possibility of holding a position/seat of power in her own right, rather than a consort. And all that building up of a character over five massive books only to make her pull off a motherfucking Ferdinand Magallen (or in twoiaf’s context, an Elissa Farman) would be outright dumb af and for all his faults, the author is quite good at story telling. The only way I see her setting off on a voyage is her leading a host of ships carrying her people in search of lands to seek refuge, a lá Nymeria of Ny Sar.
enJOys hER frEeDom aNd wAnTs tO tRaVEL child go read the books before embarrassing yourself like this jfc
All it takes is using a brain cell once in a motherfucking blue moon and basic comprehension gods above why do we, as a fandom, keep going in circles like this?
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gayri-chmac · 3 years
if i could rewrite glee, i'd specifically pay attention to santana's coming out story and the absolute destruction of finn's character.
i would still have finn out santana but it be framed as an emotional outburst, as santana had literally been berating and bullying him two seconds before. anyway, he would out her in a moment of blind rage but immediately apologize after realizing what he did, but the damage had already been done. the niece of reggie "the sauce" salazar had overheard and reported back to her uncle about everything.
(i would word finn's rant better to make it make more sense for this. kinda like "hey santana, we both have things we're ashamed of. you call me fat and disgusting and i feel horrible about myself because of it. you pick on other people's insecurities and pray we don't find out about yours. so just own up to being in love with brittany. we all know you are.")
(i'm sorry i cant write dialogue 😭)
i think the way that RIB wrote finn in these two episodes was absolutely awful, and i don't wanna take away from santana's story, but i feel very passionate about this.
it was very, very, VERY out of character for finn to out santana with no remorse whatsoever until she's been publicly humiliated. i feel he's grown a lot since burt chewed him out in the basement of the hudmel house for literally calling kurt a slur. after seeing what happened to kurt, who i think has forgiven finn after he apologized many, many, many times, he understands how absolutely horrible it is to be bullied and targeted for your sexuality. he wants to be better and help but he still has a short temper. i mean, santana had been bodyshaming and bullying him since season 1. outing someone is a disgusting thing to do if intentional but as i said, in this rewrite finn didn't intentionally do it and i think he would feel horrible about it.
off of that very long tangent, the ad about santana would be made and everything would relatively go the same. sue, burt, and mr schue would talk to her and she would be rightfully upset and terrified, the trouble tones would still knock it out of the park with rumor has it/someone like you, santana would still slap finn (and i do believe that finn was actually complementing the trouble tones when he whispered to rachel).
(i would also re-word the slap scene to be:
santana: what did you just say to her!
finn: i said i thought you were great
santana: no you're lying
rachel: no he literally just said that
santana: you tell her too? everyone's gonna know now, because of you!
finn: everyone already knows, and you know what? we don't care. we still love you.
santana: not just the glee club, you idiot, everyone!
finn: what are you talking ab-*SLAP*)
finn would defend santana against the teachers and then would give her a proper apology in the hallway instead of the bs he spewed. instead of having an assignment in glee, mr schue and shelby would choose to have the tt's and nd's be together for the week after sensing there was still some animosity. kurt and blaine would still sing perfect to santana bc i thought it was actually kinda sweet. there would also be a scene where kurt would chew out finn bc i feel kurt would have STRONG words about this.
finn being concerned that santana would become suicidal due to the outing is, in my opinion, kinda out of the blue in the episode. but in this rewrite, i think it would be becuase he felt guilty about outing her and couldn't stand the thought of santana hating herself because of something he caused.
finn would in now way sing "girls just wanna have fun" for santana. first of all, it was cringy and weird, and second, it was SO not the right song. instead, i think that when they're talking in the hallway right before the song, santana would be touched by finn caring so much about her mental health and she would forgive him. she would also apologize for all the times she bullied him and they would hug it out.
i kissed a girl would be a brittana duet in the choir room. why it was a group with all the girls, i will never understand. i imagine it to kinda be like i wanna dance with somebody in episode 17. obviously, they would knock it out of the park
sadly, i would keep the scene with santana and her abuela but have the fallout be a scene with britt at school the next day.
(sort of like she told britt that she was going to tell her aubela and britt comes up to her at school the next day and says like "how did it go?" and santana completely breaks down with britt comforting her)
constant craving is good ending to the episode and in a perfect world it would be a kurtana duet with no shelby in sight.
this was very long but i hope it made sense with my discombobulated thoughts.
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seaofashes · 3 years
Yeah hey so I have a question...why the fuck do you think it's okay to be a Crosshair fan? Why are you so hyped about the episode today? I literally hope he dies he's a piece of shit and I can't believe he had the audacity to spew that shit to Hunter. I hope they leave him to die in their escape from Kamino. And I hope you and every other fan chokes.
*cracks fingers* okay anon I have had ALL day to sit and think about this ask and how to approach it and honestly just I'm gonna straight up start this out with a go fuck yourself for that last bit. Who the fuck gave you the right to think of yourself in such a high spot that it's okay for you to tell people that?
Now I don't know if you're aware but it's no fucking secret I'm a fan of Crosshair and his story which is drastically different to his brothers. Like hi peep the URL. I am 90% sure I KNOW who sent this anon but hey it could be someone else too, there's a lot of you coming at people today. But whatever.
I love Crosshair's story, he's an incredibly interesting character and they took a very interesting approach with making such an obvious choice deviate (granted not willingly but still) it was something we all saw coming but still hit a lot of fans. Throughout the show you see both sides, you see the rest of the brothers struggling to survive a quick change throughout the Galaxy and having to adapt. You see random bits of guilt and sadness about leaving their brother behind but little beyond that plan wise. And they had opportunity, they could have adapted missions to reroute and try to get Crosshair back but they didn't. And each time Crosshair was aware they left him again and again... and again.
Now this episode that all came out. "They don't leave their own behind...most of the time." "You weren't loyal to me" "I'm going to give you what you never gave me. A chance" all of these show Crosshair is definitely hurt by the fact they all came for Hunter but never came back for him, never tried. Yet still shows he does care for them. He says his chip was removed but I'm not buying it, and I know many others aren't either. He's probably trying to guilt them even more with that, saying it's who he is and his chip is gone when it's really not. But there is definitely a high chance it's malfunctioning big time ever since the blast. I find him interesting, I find his story and path interesting. He's not perfect, he's about as far from it as can be and I love that. Star Wars is all about characters with flaws. Look at Anakin, Kallus, and just literally any SW character ever! Flaws everywhere but people still love them.
Crosshair had the audacity to say what he said to Hunter because it was the truth. And he had every fucking right to say it. Now if this is who I think it is that sent it, I'm well aware of how big of a Hunter Stan you are. But I'm aware you also don't like talking about your favorite characters and their flaws or mishaps. Hunter needed to be called out though, he needed to realize what he did. What they all did. And that was leaving their (youngest) brother behind in a time he needed them most. It's going to be interesting to see where they all go from here but don't you dare sit there and come at people for liking a fictional character who they find interesting. I'm not saying his actions have been okay, but he hasn't been in control of those actions for a while. No one blames Rex for what he did during the time his chip was active...why are you guys blaming Cross? All I'm saying is that maybe stop and think about it and maybe chill out over attacking others. Some of your are flat out telling people to k*ll themselves over a fictional fucking character. You need to sit down and think about that. Most, not all, if us who like this character have literally done and said nothing wrong. And you're out here attacking people. Who's in the wrong? I like all of the batch for different reasons but I'm also well aware of the issues with them and I do hope it gets fixed during season 2. But seriously it's a fucking animated show and while I'm aware of DOES impact others irl...so does what we say to one another.
I'm sorry if most of this doesn't absolutely make cohesive sense but it's been a really shitty day, I'm tired and I just want to be done with this bs.
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accio-victuuri · 3 years
Hello! Feel free not to answer this, since it kinda ventures into the realm of talking about antis, but I was on twitter the other day (side note: ggdd twitter is insane holy—) and I saw someone saying something about dd CAUSING 2/27 to bring gg down and boost himself up, and I was wondering if you knew why some people genuinely believe this? Like, they put some bs “proof” which was just inane and non-sourced statements. It was quite shocking.
Hey Anon! It’s okay for me to answer this cause this is more of why people are quick to believe these baseless statements. and this is not just with bjyx and the entertainment world ; We are in the golden age of misinformation. People believing without verification is everywhere and it’s affecting elections, people’s health decisions and even the environment. So back to your specific question.
• language barrier and lack of context - This is a big thing especially if you are someone who sees this screenshot and a caption that says THIS IS WHAT THIS MEANS and proceeds to spew lies. It could literally be a random paragraph/ post and you will never know cause you have 0 idea on the language. take for example this one I just made.
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you can’t verify it unless you know someone who understands it. even then, it’s important to get some context. What i mean is, who is this person who posted? Is this a well known yxh account? Have you seen their track record on wb? Is this one of those accounts that GG and Web are actively suing? Most of the time, these accounts are saying damaging things about other artists too. If you are on international platforms, the same steps apply. What does this person usually post? What posts do they like and interact with?
• people are inclined to believe statements that agree with them - it’s just how our brain works. It’s motivated reasoning. You tend to agree on things that are agreeable with what you believe in. I wanna say majority of them don’t really like Web in the first place. What’s sad is, some of those who read these are not really antis and just have little doubts. but because of these words, fueling their doubts, they go and believe it. even repeat it to other people and make it their reality. It’s like when you have a friend that you feel like their s/o is shady and one day your friend tells you you’re right. In your head, you go— “i knew it! i knew it! I was right and he/she can’t be trusted!” This is what it’s like- the BIG difference is— there is no confirmation w/ these rumors. The “confirmation” is a lie that these antis are paid to post about. Some are not even paid antis, I see this a lot in international platforms. In their mind, they are defending their idols. from what? well i don’t know..
• lazy thinking and just scrolling - people generally don’t have that time or really care that much to fact check. most of these people are ones who didn’t have to use a library and read books to finish their reports in school. especially if it’s an outrageous claim, oh lord! then it’s much more attractive! when you’re mindlessly scrolling after a long and tiring day, these kinds of things are what catches your attention. Especially if it’s a picture with big red circles and underlines. with ‘insider’ information and all the trigger words. It’s like an Ad that wants you to look at it. Look at this product. Don’t think too much, just believe this thing i’m saying and buy into it.
• if a lot of people are saying it, then it must be true - there are so many accounts that spread this kind of bs. not only on twt. even on youtube. instagram. everywhere. The worst thing in the world right now is not to be wrong, it’s actually to be RIGHT and have to lose all your energy trying to prove it. It’s the logic of, well, if everyone is saying it then it must be true. Which is what these antis want. If a disparaging article about xx always come out once or twice a week, if you are just a passerby, you’re opinion of xx artist will somehow be affected too. This is why these twts/posts are mostly targeted to new fans. Or they may even try to mask themselves as a fan. Saying, i was once xx fan but now I know the truth or some shit like that.
I’m personally not safe with these kinds of information. I try very hard to look at the source and even then i fail. My general rule is if it reads like an Anti wrote it, then it must be from an Anti. Even if it sounds like good news.
This is a good article on How your brain tricks you in believing fake news.
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cinnamonest · 4 years
My breeding kink and Mommy/subfem is coming out. Step dad! Diluc, Childe, Zhongli, or Albedo breeding their darling is hbnbgffd - maybe even aunt/step mom/adopted/ or even bio, just older female darling, makes me feel things. Being a confident, wise, and determined women only to be broughtd down by a younger, cocky, man who you only really saw as a kid or little brother (sexism in my porn? more likely than you think) who keeps spewing the same bs about how you stay at home, filled with cum and keeping having his kids as he pounds you into the dinner table. My current fave is “older” s/o being uncomfy with Venti’s advances because he’s “young” and “doesn’t know what he really wants” plus he’s a bit too... feminine for your liking, perhaps he can change that with a baby inside of your belly? Archon! reader being older than zhongli/morax and trying to subdue his more feral acts and behave more as a “gentleman” than a brute. You don’t really have a say as he pins you and has his way with you - why would you? this happens all the time during war, don’t be selfish and make it about yourself. Love ballads come from your unions - now bastardized as true love without the force, of course it exists however many see it as anti-liyue and lies. Being diluc step mom/Former sugar baby when his dad dies, baby fever kicking in as you comment about the other women, vain and spoiled! s/o not listening to your traumatized stepson- and diluc, being a stupid and grieving 18 year old clearly understood that you’re just being hysterical and “in denail” needs to get clossr to the family by having a couple of kids or ten. Being a high ranking official in liyue and meeting the “odd” young man, Xiao, who clearly needs a motherly figure and just getting fucked into oblivion. Childe’s fatui senior can’t help but squeal as he continues making her cum, he has to make sures she’s knocked up. Razor’s older sister feeling joy at finding her long lost brother until said brother presses her down and forces ro carry his children. a senior Alchemist going to meet Albedo to congratulate and see this successful prodigy with their own eyes and realizes just how fucked he really is - and i’m going to have stop or imma keep writing paragraphs about this.
"sexism in my porn? more likely than you think" ANON SAME please feel FREE to write paragraphs about this
God all of these are nice but for some reason I just really really like the idea of being Crepus's widow and inherit all his stuff instead of Diluc, just. You got this kinda distant, cold stepson you can't help but see as aloof and ignorant in his age. Needs to be brought down a peg so you get all condescending at him and one day he just decides he's had enough and fuck it, you were much more tolerable when you were just a subservient housewife, back before you got all arrogant, you know that? Maybe you need to be put back in that position. He's been wanting a cute wife too, you know.
I also hadn't even thought about Xiao in that way ngl but I also love the idea of like, *technically* being younger than him, but bc he looks like a young man and you're an older woman you treat him like a baby - when you're sweet, he secretly loves it, but when you treat him like some dumb inferior kid? It just infuriates him and he fucking loses it, just breeding you while constantly snarling at you and degrading you, making you take back all those times you mocked him, making you call him your master and tell him how superior he is to you.
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dabi0118 · 3 years
“You’re no better than predators grooming minors.”
Listen I completely agree with your sentiment no fucking minor should be interacting with 18+ spaces but are you fucking kidding me?
They are the minors, they endanger everyone in situations like that, most importantly themselves because they’re children and children cannot safeguard themselves
It is wild because I completely agree with you but that statement is maddening
They’re terrible people who are endangering themselves and creators but you don’t need to compare them to pedos to get that point across
Ohhh I'm sorry- no I'm not.
First off, since ya know so much about child predators already, lemme just give you some quick definitions and examples of grooming.
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If you so happen to grace us with your reading skills- grooming includes the act of manufacturing a FALSE BOND of trust in order to get something out of another individual. Which is what child predators do. When they groom minors. It is a valid comparison. And I'll tell you why.
Oh and another thing? Don't fucking talk to me like that. You don't know me.
You might think I'm just spewing bullshit out of rage, or you've already stopped reading at this point because you can't bear to accept my honest opinion- which by the way, fuck off. If you really hated my statement so much, just block me and ignore me. Can't believe I'm sitting here typing out a useless fucking response. But I'm going to, so you and all these other shit for brains can maybe understand where I'm coming from.
Didya know that minors can exploit/groom other minors? Okay. Well did you know minors could also do that to adults? No?
Well it happened to me. 😍
Now listen, I'm not talking about 12 year olds pretending to be 18 on roblox.. I'm not talking about 6/7/8 year olds stumbling on omegle. No.
I'm talking about 17 year olds who deliberately lie because they think- oh one more year isn't so bad. Then continue to build and form trust with adults who really don't want to be involved in this shit. Then they distribute harmful content to them. They possibly even make the really awful terrible decision of sending inappropriate photos to them- unsolicited!
I'm talking about 14 year olds like sugarbunkatsu- YES I'M NAMEDROPPING - who flew under everyone's radar and built trust by trying to "expose" minors herself- sending me and other people suspicious evidence of other accounts... Pretending to be 18 when she was really fucking 14. And she knew it was wrong. She knew. You know how many people were fucked up after that purge post?
In my case, when I was 18, I was mentally and emotionally manipulated and exploited by somebody younger than me. He was a minor. He knew he was doing it. He built false trust with me for years before this, making me believe shit, literally was overly nice to me just to paint a good guy act- and to top it all off, he painted me as the villain infront of family and friends.
Of course I got blamed for it, because I was the adult in the situation.
And even as I tried to cease contact and communication, he guilt tripped me. Made my life a living hell. I still have nightmares about him, and his entire presence still triggers me and fucks me up to this day. I am 22.
But I'm supposed to excuse that cause he was just a child and he can't safeguard himself right?
So yeah, as you can see, it makes me fucking mad to see minors do this. There's simply no excuse. It is predatory behavior to scope out ADULTS to interact with even when they see that big ass MINORS DNI on the front fucking page of 18+ blogs. It is GROOMING when they build trust with someone for some time just to get what they want- IN THIS CASE, it's NSFW roleplay.
Yes you're right, minors are harming everyone in this case, including themselves. But I'm talking about the fuckasses who know they are. The ones who think this is all a joke, or a silly little game to satiate their desires- which is OH!predatory behavior.
in the end.... Who gets blamed for all this shit? Us.
The adults.
We're the ones responsible for this bs even if we wanted nothing to do with it in the first place.
I made the comparison because I want everyone to know how fucking serious this shit is. I didn't make this comparison for fun, I didn't just take an uneducated leap of faith writing that shit. I meant every word. I WILL compare them to "pedos" to "get my point across" because they are acting just like those pedos that enrage you so much.
Of course, after all of this, if you don't agree with my opinion, or you want to keep fighting..
Unfortunately I don't have the time to sit around and explain myself for 5 hours just for my words to fall on deaf ears. If it's an argument you want, go fuck with someone else.
Goodbye. I better not see you in my inbox again.
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samwrights · 4 years
Pining After You pt. 6 [hc]
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This request is brought to you by @90s-belladonna hope you enjoy bb!
Also, minor warning. Osamu gets a little dirty. I’m not sorry.
Y’all really just here for Pining, huh. I see how it is. If you want sad, mutual pining, and want to support my writing, you can check out my new mini-series called Elixir here
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His pining comes out in the form of aggression, this isn’t up for debate.
He doesn’t understand why the melodic lilt in your voice gives him the willies or how every time you glanced at him after class, his skin would crawl.
Or why it bothers him so fucking much when you make it a point to greet everybody in class but him
But only six more months and you both were done with high school, ready to begin the next chapter in your lives.
Ngl, he’s a little sad about that but, again, he doesn’t know why.
It frustrates him more when he genuinely can’t stop thinking about why he doesn’t understand why it bothers him, and he’ll end up spiking a ball so hard everyone swears he left a dent in the gym floor.
He knew he wasn’t the most approachable person, but for someone to deliberately ignore them made him want to pull his kneecaps out through his shins.
Ushiwaka’s a tad dramatic, he hides it very well though.
With the end of the year encroaching, he decides to actively focus on letting go these strange bitter thoughts he has about you. What was the point in him resenting you when he was never going to see you again?
When he masters this skill is when you finally say Hi to him. For the first time in three years, he was the last one you greeted in the classroom—everyone else noticed it too.
All of his hard work and practice and discipline was out the window now.
He tries to confront you during lunch, but you had retreated as quickly as you could to find your friends, succeeding in aggravating him more.
At the end of class, he calls your name in his typical, gruff voice, successfully stopping you before you could make your escape.
“Uh, hi, Ushijima.”
“This is now the second time in our three years of being in class together that you’ve ever said hi to me.”
“I-I’m sorry.” Sorry? For what?
“I’m confused.” You stood there, cowering in his gaze while looking at the speckles in the lineoleum flooring, the way there were rings of dirt around the legs of each desks—anything but looking at him.
“You, uh, looked like you were in a better mood today, so I finally felt like I could say hi to you...” He doesn’t ever recall you being bashful. So where did this new facet of your personality come from?
“Are you saying you felt that you couldn’t before?”
“Y-yeah? You always just looked like you hated me, so...” Unsure of what to do, Ushijima bows before asking if you would allow him to walk you to your locker before he attended practice. So formal.
As the two of you walk, he explains that he didn’t understand why you made him feel certain strange sensations that he was unfamiliar with feeling, things he’d only heard about in passing from others. They were foreign.
Most of all, he explains how ashamed he feels that the reason you never said hi was because of these underlying complexities of not understanding. Without words, all you could do was give him a shy hug, and hope he doesn’t throw you off of him. All he wanted to know was why
Why did he feel like a child being wrapped in his favorite blanket when you gave him a hug? Why did he feel remorse for inadvertently upsetting you to the point where you didn’t want to say hi to him? Why did he have the overwhelming urge to hug you even tighter?
To found out why, he had to just do it. So his burly arms pull you in close, swallowing your torso as he nearly lifted off the ground, soothing the irritation that had built up over the last three years.
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Oh, Yahaba. This dirty, shallow mfer.
You’d think he would grow out of his stupid antics when took over the team as captain, or you only hoped when you finally caved in to being the manager in your guys’ third year.
“Why do you want me to be the manager exactly? I know nothing about volleyball.”
“Our manager has to be hotter than Karasuno’s, duh!”
He always spewed some shit about how you were the most beautiful girl in the school, blah blah blah.
Was anything ever sincere coming from his mouth?
He found a new girl to obsess over every week not that you were jealous or anything.
It was just really tiresome trying to keep him on focusing being the captain. With you as the manager, you felt it was your duty to drag him by the collar to make sure his team was ready to go. Duty, not envy.
Despite finding a new “most beautiful girl in school”, Yahaba always came back to you.
Every chance he got, he amped up the charm 100 fold, just to try to get you to indulge him
No matter what, your response was a roll of your eyes and a shake of your head while you continued writing down notes.
Yahaba loves irritating you this way, thinking that your hard-to-get attitude was the sexiest thing. Loves it so much that it drives him to flirt with others more upon seeing the envious shade of emerald paint over your irises.
“Ya know, captain,” you drawled at practice while he was making salacious comments regarding a second-year he’d acidentally bumped into earlier. “If your flirting skills were a fraction as good as your volleyball skills, maybe you wouldn’t have to thirst over every bitch that doesn’t want you.”
Kindaichi is fucking rolling—you’d never called Yahaba out THAT bad before.
But homie isn’t phased. Nah, instead he just rests an elbow atop your forehead, disregarding the fact that y’all were literally in the middle of practice.
“Baby, the only one I’m thirsting over is you.”
“You literally just proved my point, I don’t want you either.” 💀💀 RIP
You’ve had enough of this shit and, with permission from the coaches, you pull Yahaba outside to give him a stern talking to.
“You need to knock it off and take this seriously, dude.”
“[name], I’ve been serious this entire time.”
“No you’re not! All you’re doing is bs flirting with every girl you see—“
“[name], I’m flirting with you. I only say stupid things because it makes you mad and you get all red and it’s fucking hot.”
For once, you hear the sincerity in his voice, yet you can’t help but retort with, “I still don’t like you.”
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The dichotomy between Osamu’s two internal monologues contrasted more than day and night. They were the sun and a black hole.
But even more so in the fact that star giants eventually cave in on themselves, and become a black hole.
That was what you did to Miya Osamu.
You were profane and vulgar and your favorite past time was playing with the twins to see you could get a rise out of more. And you were good at it too.
While Atsumu really couldn’t give less of a shit about your teasing antics, mostly because he would easily dish it right back, it drove Osamu insane because you were giving his twin brother more attention.
You knew that it got under his skin, but that was all the more reason you did it. You wanted to see Osamu snap. And you wouldn’t stop trying until you succeeded.
The first time, you dropped your pencil on the floor, picking it up in front of the boys after ensuring your skirt was pulled up high enough that they had a prime showing of your underwear. “Oops sorry, ‘tsumu.” You’d tease after returning to your seat.
“No need to apologize, we know you’re a hoe by nature.”
The second time was at the beginning of class when you had a quiz. How you managed to unbutton nearly all the buttons on your uniform top just so that the edge of your bra peaked out, was beyond Osamu. Unfortunately for him, Atsumu sat in front of his twin and was able to see your cleavage that day.
“Looks like you could use a good fill in there.” Atsumu drawls, referring to said cleavage.
The final attempt is what causes Osamu to snap. Everyone is filtering out of the classroom, with you following behind his twin brother cracking jokes about how you’d dropped your pencil again in the middle of lab just so you could get a closer look at the natural bulge in his pants.
Osamu slams you up against a locker, red in the face and sweating profusely as he’s painted and doused with rage. “Why do you only ever fucking pay attention to my shithead brother?” He snarls, unable to look you directly in the eye.
A lopsided grin touches your lips as you unabashedly tilt his chin up to make him look at you. “Because I know it gets under your skin.”
It felt like gravity was being pulled through his chest—the sun giving way to its weight and collapsing in on itself. Giving into the black hole.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” His voice, while not lacking intensity, was now lacking in volume as it barely came above a whisper. “How is that funny?” He asks in response to your sudden bubble of laughter.
“This is everything better than I thought it would be.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Another laugh dances on your lips before you pull the grey haired twin to you, kissing him deeper than a black hole.
“Atsumu told me you get real mad sometimes, so I wanted to see it for myself. It’s even hotter than I dreamed of.”
“I’ll fucking show you angry.”
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@ Salters Please Get This Through Your Heads
I see y'all seem to think that for some reason the show runs on the whole "protagonists and antagonists can't be flawed" cause for some reason most character fixated salters get some weird ass hateboner for dragging characters through the dirt with their salt. Like guys, we get it, you don't like characters with flaws or layers and it sure as hell shows through y'all's art, fics and reviews. And the worst part about this is that in the content you create, you constantly either replace their good qualities on a character you want to amplify bc they're your go-to martyr (I.E. alya's good qualities going to chloe (or some occasions lila and to the person who uses this trope constantly You Know Exactly Who You Are.) and making her lila's lackey or taking Adrien's good qualities and implementing them onto luka and then making adrien a harrasser and abusive. Like what are y'all on. You know full well that this isn't true so why do y'all do it. And don't give me the bs about "canon divergence" cause that does not apply in any shape or form to what y'all do. that trope literally means au and what y'all do constantly aren't aus, they're needless character bashing and my god, i have almost a whole list of salters who constantly try and say this bs, like you don't get the gist of it at all. Most of the time all y'all do is cry and whine about how the show isn't going the way y'all want and i'm like, "but that's how a show is supposed to go?" i'm all for making jokes/roasts about my fave character, or villain aus, but the way y'all do it isn't in good fun or lightheartedness it's deadass just malicious intent all the fucking time from the thinly veiled racism to the watering down of abuse, bc when ppl make those fun aus y'all seem to think they're salt because that's all y'all do everytime a new ep comes out, just needless bashing no one except salters partake in unless it's thinly disguised so even unwitting ppl get sucked into it.
It's not constructive criticism, it's not critiquing in the slightest and it sure as hell isn't good when it doesn't have a leg to stand itself up on other than the pure basis of chameleon salt which from the getgo, wasn't even all that bad of an ep, sure most things were a bit off but that was bc it was exaggeratted which again, for some reason y'all don't seem to get, but of course that episode was the catalyst that started the domino effect of the rise of salt but like, come on it was one. fucking. episode. Please get over it. Its been i don't know 2-3 years since it aired and if you're still doing salt that relates or is loosely based off of it (and don't try to say bs like we don't do that anymore bc that episode was literally the root of y'all's vitrol and the start for y'all to start spewing this mindless bullshit like the whole mari moves to a new school/city prompt and then yall mistake fanon for canon and vice versa when in actuality its not cause i remember one post saying "canon adrien is douchey and fanon is respectful like thats true) i don't know how to tell y'all this but y'all have a serious rent-free problem and this could lead up to worse problems with the fandom cause almost no one except y'all can stand salt anymore.
Edit: Ok so I got yet another annoyance in my comments a while back so I gotta say this, if y'all think I'm mistagging, I'm not. This is actual critiques but I guess since it's calling out the bs the salters pull time and time again without learning from other people that what they're doing is wrong, it's a bad thing, isn't it. Well I gotta say it isn't. Like ffs most ppl in the fandom are tired of the rampant salt that hails itself as critiques so when ppl go and call them out y'all get mad and say that I'm mistagging even though this is salt? Really? Are y'all that attached to salt that y'all are making it a personality trait now, it's sad my gosh.
edit #2: ok i know i came off as rude but here's the truth, i can't be the only one who can't stand the obsession with negativity in this fandom, like y'all have a serious problem constantly pulling this bs and searching for ppl who like the show just to rag on them seriously? please just get it through that some ppl are tired of the ooc salt that y'all base on non existent characteristics. the characters y'all are talking about don't exist. yall made them up and implemented them onto existing characters who are nothing like how yall made them out to be.
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maybanksbitch · 4 years
Homework || Pope Heyward
pairing: pope x reader
requested: yes. anon asked “Idk if you write for Pope but if you do, maybe one where he’s trying to confess but gets nervous and ends up rambling and the reader kisses him to shut him up”
warnings: none. just good ‘ol fluff.
a/n: posting this because i loved the request and our underrated baby boy pope needs more love.
* i do not own this gif; all credit goes to the owner.
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You got out of your car and made your way down to the docks outside of Heyward’s. You smiled politely at the people you passed and got one back in return. You caught a glimpse of the man himself by the door to the building and sent him a wave as you made your way to the boats to find his son.
You saw him spraying down the dock, ridding it of fish slime and sand. He didn’t see you coming and the smile on your face grew wider as you watched him.
“Hey, Heyward Junior!” you called to your friend, waving as he turned around and his eyes found you.
A grin broke out across Pope’s face and he wrapped the hose around one of the wooden posts. “What’re you doing here? I figured you’d be at John B’s,” he said as he walked towards you.
The whole gang was supposed to go out on the HMS Pogue that day, minus Pope who was helping his dad. You canceled last minute. You wanted nothing more than to be out on the water with your friends, but your grades were slipping. If you started failing classes, there was no way in hell your parents would let you see your friends as much.
“Wellll, I kinda need a favor,” you smiled sheepishly and intertwined your fingers behind your back.
Pope raised and eyebrow, waiting for you to continue.
“I was hoping you could help me with my homework? I’m almost failing History and Math and, you know my parents, it’s bye-bye friends if I fall behind.”
The dark haired boy hummed and nodded. He did in fact remember two years ago when you failed Science for the first grading period and you were grounded until your next report card. It wasn’t fun for any of you.
“Yeah, yeah, of course,” he responded and nodded quickly. “Lemme just go talk to my dad real quick.”
Pope didn’t give you a chance to respond before he was jogging up the dock and right up to his father. You saw them go back and forth for a minute, Heyward glancing your way. The older man smiled softly and said one closing thing to his son before waving him off.
You smiled widely and walked back up the dock to your car, Pope falling into step right beside you. He teased you a bit about needing help but ultimately, he was more than happy to do it. You knew it too. That boy would do absolutely anything for you.
“Oh my God,” you groaned and dropped your head into your hands, “I’m never gonna get this, Pope! It’s useless. I may as well ground my damn self at this point.”
You were laying on your stomach, homework spread out in front of you as you tried to solve the Math problem. Pope was beside you, mirroring your position as he watched you. He let out a small chuckle at your frustration and reached over to take your pencil.
“Try it this way,” he said as he scribbled a new method on a blank page in your notebook.
You took your pencil and worked out the problem much, much easier. You scoffed and looked over at him with a disbeliving look on your face.
“Why didn’t Newman teach it that way in the first place?!” you asked, referencing to your teacher who you were starting to think was horrible at his job. Pope would be a better teacher than him at that point.
Pope shrugged a bit and gave you a small smile. He watched as you went back to work on the paper, using the equation he gave you. His eyes watched your pencil scribble against the paper until they were drifting up to the side of your face.
He gazed over everyone of your features, taking them in like you were going to evaporate into thin air. He smiled softly as your eyelashes fluttered in thought. The corner of your mouth twitched up the tiniest bit when the answer clicked in your mind.
You didn’t notice him looking at first, until you felt him practically staring holes into you. You turned your head to look at him but he didn’t react. His dark brown eyes met yours as though he was in a trance. He was snapped out of it when you let out a small chuckle.
“What’re you staring at?” you asked, tucking rouge strands of hair behind your ear.
“Wha-Uh, Nothing,” Pope shook his head quickly and pointed to your paper, “You’re almost done, keep going.”
You hummed softly and did as you were told, the ghost of a smile lingered on your lips. He began staring at you again as your worked on the last problem. Your lips parted just slightly to call him out on it but he started speaking first.
“(Y/N), I have to tell you something.”
You looked over and met Pope’s eyes once again. Your eyes held slight concern, but they were soft. You were looking at him like he held your whole world in his hands and he began to choke up.
“Y-You look really pretty today,” he blurted out. Your eyebrows furrowed slightly. “Not that you, you know, don’t look pretty everyday! It’s just, today? Something about your hair... and-and you look extra tan!”
You just stared on as Pope continued to spew word vomit, “And your eyes! I think it’s the lighting right now, but wow, breathtaking! I also love your freckles and ithinkiminlovewithyou, that shirt looks nice!”
He didn’t think you heard it, but you did. Your heart soared when those words left his lips. You smiled the slightest bit and Pope felt like his heart was about to beat out of his chest. He just kept talking, and talking, and you listened, to every stupid word that left his mouth.
“I sound really dumb I’m sor-”
This time you cut him off. Your hand found the back of his neck and you pulled him towards you quickly. Your lips molded together in a sweet, gentle kiss, one that made his head spin.
When you pulled away, Pope was dopey eyed and breathless. You giggled slightly and put your hand over your mouth shyly. Your lips tingled, craving to be pressed against his again.
“I’m sorry, but I couldn’t let you torture yourself anymore,” you apologized, causing him to blush. “I like you, Pope. A lot.”
The boy placed his finger under your chin and brought your lips back together again at your confession. He was so happy he felt like he could fly. Never did he think you could possibly feel like same way about him. Why would you when there were Toppers and John Bs walking around?
Your hand rested on Pope’s cheek and when you pulled away, you stroked it softly with your thumb. You grinned from ear to ear and quickly shoved all of your homework off of the bed. That could wait until later. Right now you had more important things to do, like kiss the boy of your dreams over, and over, and over.
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