#but im getting better at telling when my body is starting to increase pain and spasming and taking painkillers then
steampoweredskeleton · 7 months
0 notes
ashascoven · 4 months
❃☆ showering w/ the pyromaniac rat man ☆❃ pt. 1
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☆ so hi!! um!! welcome to my first fanfic lolz (im nervous about posting this can you tell ?!?! o(*°▽°*)o)
☆ im rlly new to posting on tumblr, but ive been reading fanfics on here for a WHILE!! it's inspired me to write a silly one about my favorite lanky robber <3 if theres any mistakes, PLEASE hit my line abt it (i beg)
☆ here is part 2, which is smut/nsfw, also on my profile!
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☆ FANFIC DEETS! junkratxreader ☆
reader is a female who's known for working with plants
VERY lengthy build-up fanfic (LOTS of reading, buckle up yall)
emotional stuff, but nothing intense (??)
first time writing an australian accent, pls lmk if anythings weird!!
hope u enjoy :,D
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“Hggshmmshh.. peeaachh c-c.. cobbler.. mmh.. eeheeheeheh!! Piee..”
“Dammit! Move over, rat-ass!” 
You felt as if you had finally managed to doze off only a couple minutes ago. 
One second you're about to drift away into a somewhat decent sleep, counting flying sheep and letting your drool start to fall.
The next, you're getting whacked in the head with a metallic hand or shoved by a wooden peg in one of your sides.
Having to share a bed with a loudly snoring pyro-freak who reeked of gunpowder and body odor was not a promising night of rest, especially in a room of pure humidity and sweat. 
The mattress beneath you two was unbalanced and squeaky, the walls surrounding it adorning overgrowing vines and tears in its paper.
His twisting, turning, n’ noises didn't make it any better, but it was kind of reassuring in the sense that you weren't sleeping alone.
When was the last time he even showered anyway? 
Does this man know how to?
How does he sleep like this?
The more you questioned the Australian in your head, the more his body managed to keep sprawling across the queen sized mattress you two shared. 
Both his normal and prosthetic limbs jabbed at your back, his armed belt straps and gauntlets not contributing to your comfort whatsoever. 
“Fucking- MOVE!”
You gripped at the bed and gave him one kick in the ass with your bare foot. 
The maniac yelped himself into a giggling fit, somehow still remaining asleep. 
God, what's his secret to being such a happy sleeper?
With one last scoff, you nearly pushed him off of the bed, but you didn't think twice about it.
Rolling your eyes, you returned to your previous position with your back facing him, crossing your arms and trying to let your eyes close again.
You thought about the mission you two were given together, recalling it hundreds of times in your head to hopefully quench at your inability to have a comfortable sleep.
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Back at one of those Overwatch HQ meetings, they discussed wanting to try something new while still maintaining everyone's duties. 
Experimenting with how different heroes and scientists worked one-on-one with one another for “observational purposes,” they said.
Gibberish about increasing the rate of productivity within our cause by cutting down our dispatched team sizes.. 
“More groups of heroes can get sent out on more missions if distributed differently..!”
You ignored all of the blabbering at the time, your ears only ever being open for what sounded most important and intriguing.
“It'll be an educational experience for great future references-” 
You reaaaallyy didn't think you'd be in one of the duo dispatches, yet here you were, somehow still in the flesh.
All that was asked of you both was to keep a watch out for anything suspicious at some abandoned town in the middle of who-even-fucking-knows.
Wooden huts n’ houses that were falling apart, yet they somehow still formed and held a small community of humble elders.
Supposedly, this place was a possible target of some well-feared terrorist group, and “Grandpa Jack” wanted you two to scout.
Discussion about exposed plans for making sure as many innocent people as possible experienced war “too” made your blood boil. 
It didn't make sense to you, the whole “no pain, no gain” mindset.
Clearly these people chose to live all the way out here to get AWAY from the danger, why force that on some old people anyway?
With their lack of clean drinking water and functioning power in an empty desert, you were sure they've already seen enough.
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“Haven't we lost thousands of innocent civilians already? Omnic or not, they can't just keep coming up with all of this frivolous shit and throw it at us..!”
You grumbled to yourself outloud, unconsciously turning to face the ultimate rat that was laying behind you.
“Why would they send us here if they KNEW there were people out here who needed help? Wasting precious time by sending two of us out here instead of a whole team is beyond me, honestly! We'll just keep getting killed and..” 
Your eyes ended up catching onto your distorted reflection on the goggles that Jamison wore to bed.
It made you trail off and unball your fists, causing you to think about the old people again.
You thought about how much you were gonna get onto HQ's ass to seek a better home for them all.
They were sweet to you and Jamie, and you were pretty sure he would try to take one or two to keep as parents of his own.
Considering he didn't have any living ones anymore, it would check out.
Your eyes wandered off onto the flickering of the dying light bulb hanging bare off the ceiling.
The bulb hung right behind mister sleeping beauty, holding on by torn wires.
You were surprised your sleeping partner hadn't managed to somehow pull it down in his sleep yet. The thought made you smile for a bit, letting your face rest.
Then, your hand reached up to Jamison's face. 
You didn't think much about it since your mind was more on other things still, but you unconsciously held his cheek.
You watched as he smiled in his sleep, gently putting his own hands on yours and nuzzling into your touch. 
The feeling of his rough palm against your skin along with the metal of his other one sent a chill through your body, but you didn't pull away.
Just looking at him resting like a baby put your mind at ease for a bit.. It helped calm your grumpiness from not being able to sleep these past few nights.
It’s been the longest mission yet, and also the first one that you’ve slept together with a person you were sent with.
You ran your thumb over his lightly chapped bottom lip, your mind finally winding itself down.
You two had somewhat of a record of being assigned missions together, but you were never as close to each other as this. 
Something about the way your silly acquaintance slept carelessly in front of you was strangely inviting.
You swallowed your emotions and repressed your urges to suddenly hug the rat man, drawing your thumb lower to his chin. 
You ran it over his speckled face hair, still letting him hug your arm. 
“Mmmmh.. G-gosh, so.. so waaarmm..! waarmm like a maarshmaallooww.. eheeh..!!”
He chuckled in his sleep as his hugging turned into more aggressive snuggling.
It made you wonder if he'd remember anything once he woke up.
Outside of those thoughts, you were heavily caught off guard.
You didn't know if you wanted to comfortingly rub at his hair, continue holding his face, or try to hug him entirely.
Internally? You wanted to do all of those things, but it didn't feel right yet.
Despite all the deep talks you've had with Jamie on the drives and flights to missions together, you guys were still just friends at work, right?
Would it be weird to treat a friend as such? 
Did he think you two were even friends?
You always had a tendency to overthink the simplest of things.
Questions would fog your mind the split second a minor inconvenience popped up, you struggled to help that “problem” all your life.
Yet, your time spent with him so far made it feel like your questioning wasn't a problem at all. 
You always wanted to know the specifics and the “why” or “how” in anything that interested you.
Jamison was similar. He fed into your talks about figuring out what's after death, your master-list of alternatives to milk JUST for enjoying it with cereal. your wonders about what being an omnic felt like, and even your rambles about plants having feelings.
He was so invested into the plant talk that he now avoids stepping on anything green to show you that he cared about nature's heart too.
He admired your outlook on everything, the way you approach things by being your real self.
He also liked that you didn't look down on him for having an explosive personality. 
Everyone else at HQ had something against the lanky robber, but you didn't hate him at all. You two matched each other in the way that you were both transparent and almost always had a fixation or a story to share.
His eyes practically turned into sparkles whenever you two got into your deep conspiracy talks because no one else bothered to entertain his yappering about bombs, especially with mutual ranting about something else.
It was nice, soo..
You guys had to at least be friends, right?
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“Mate! Earth’s waitin’ for your grand return! Ya aren’t dead yet.. Are ya, plant woman?”
Friends.. Yeah. You thought you two were cool buddies for all it’s worth.
“Aye! I knooow, me charmin’ physique’s too much to take in aaall at ooonce but-!”
It’s crazy how you were thinking about his eyes sparkling because.. Huh, how come they’re doing it right now?
“I can’t have ya dyin’ on me yet.. Ain’t no doctors around to come and shock ya awake!”
Gosh, who knew the local bombardier had such a twinkle to his eyes anyway?
“Is yer brain workin’? Want me to.. rewire it for ya?”
Twinkle.. twinkle.. twinkle..~
“Well, she’ll be apples! Ya goootta snap outta it mate! What is it ya want this time? An autograph? Some lollies? Aye! Aye..!”
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You were so zoned out into the thought of his eyes, you didn’t even register that you were now actually looking at them; he had woken up.
Your hand was still on his face too, but he wasn’t hugging it anymore. 
His robotic right hand was knocking the top of your head lightly while his skinned left one was holding your cheek. 
His facial expression was one of concern despite his messy blonde hair and some drool glistening off the side of his mouth.
With the way he clearly scooted closer to you, you two were actually really close to each other this time.
“Woaahh.. Ooh.. Oh..? OH!!” You froze up again, covering your mouth and (almost literally) getting knocked out of your trance.
“Whew!” Jamison sighed in relief.
“There's me’ plant woman! Turns out me charm was too much for ya to handle afteraaalll!” He chuckled, quickly shifting into a lounging model pose and striking you a sly grin.
“O-Oh.. Oh my gosh! H-How long was I like that?” You panicked a little, wiping sweat from your forehead and quickly rubbing it into the tail of your shirt.
“Since me eyes opened up! Let's say.. ‘bout half a’ hour?”
“H-half an hour?!?”
“Yeah! Are ya alright? Did ya think me eyes were THAT gorgeous?” He chuckled, rubbing his chin. 
“Pshh..” You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms once again.
“It’s alright if ya think so! I think so too! But, ya aren’t allowed to tell me fans that! Ehehe~!” He grinned, suddenly wrapping his arms around you and jokingly snuggling his head against the top of yours.
“E-eugh!! Fans my ass! Wait until they find out that you probably don't even wash yours, you stinky!” You exclaimed, trying to push your way out of his arms but to no avail.
“S-stinky?!?! Hey-! There's a’ supa’ top secret special essence in me junker way o’ livin..! T-the cleanest ya'd ever know!! How 'bout ya take a smell~!??” He challenged, immediately shoving his arm pits in your face and keeping you in his grasp.
“GOD! Quit it!! You smell terrible-! Ugh!!! Let me go right now!”
“Nuh-uh! Hatin’ on me wondrous magnificence ain't nice!”
“Your breath's gonna kill me, you bastard! Agh!! You literally need a bath!!!” You were muffling into his arms, trying to push him away even harder. 
You managed to push yourself upwards, but you still were trapped in his grasp as he giggled n’ snuggled away. 
As much as you hated to admit it, his silliness was really comforting, charming in it's own way even.
Yeah.. he didn't smell the best, but!!.. He was kind of fun to be around. It was hardly ever boring around the rat man.
“Fine, whatever,” You sighed, no longer fighting to leave his sweaty arms.
“Your eyes are.. nice to look at. Anyway, I'm tired and somehow comfortable in this position so if you move weirdly, I'm pushing you off the bed.”
He loudly gasped, his eyes widening and sparkling so much so that you could've sworn staring directly into them would've blinded you.
“Y-ya really m-mean it?!!?!! A-about.. me eyes?!? OoooOOoohh~! I.. H-How I could jus’ kis-”
You cut him off by wrapping your arms around his head. His face was buried into your chest while his arms were still around you.
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You felt him freeze, his immediate blush against your chest practically able to burn through you. He didn't scream or pull away, just sat there for a bit, shocked at someone hugging him back for once.
You sighed out again in content, now leaning your face on top of his head. His hair felt surprisingly soft against your cheek, but he still smelled bad.
“God, you smell so terrible.. but.. you're kinda.. comfy and..- Okay you're actually very comfy what the hell.” 
You gushed, your leaning turning into you practically snuggling against his hair.
The rat man stayed frozen in his position, shock taking over his body. For once, it wasn't one of those triggering shocks that turned his trauma into adrenaline; it was a.. refreshing kind of shock? The kind that was making him realize how starved from affection he really was for so long.
He felt like a deer mesmerized by headlights.
“If only you didn't move so much in your sleep, tsk tsk.. I can totally get over the strong burnt tire smell for how snuggly your hair is thoug-”
“Ihh shay..”
He suddenly muffled through your chest, but quieter than his normal tone.
One of his fingers twitched.
“..Ihh shay shihh!”
“Fucking- Get out of there and spit it out!”
You pouted, pulling his face out of your chest’s cave to look him in the eyes and hear him properly.
“I-I’ll stay.. still! m-mighty still.. i-if ya keep on.. rubbin’ that pretty face on ma’ skull.. p-please? please mate!!”
‘Absolutely the fuck not!’ is what you almost instinctively said, but something about this weird man’s vulnerability around you gave you a feeling his request wasn’t ill intended. 
He nudged you into a softer tone towards him for the night, so you silently raised a brow. He kept pleading, his sparkling eyes bouncing between you and the rest of the room.
“I-I ain't had anyone.. touch me ‘air, l-let alone me whole body i-in years! Feels comfortin’- so- i- uh- p-please mate! i won't be buggin’ ya’ rest any longer i-if ya felt kind ‘nough to.. perhaps grant me thee honor-!?”
“I’m doing it, so hush up.”
“Y-yes m’lady”
He quickly blurted out, before burying his face back in-between your chest with a relieved giggle.
“Hah, for someone who goes by being a rat, you're sure acting like a puppy right now.”
“Y-ya really think so!?”
“Yeah sure, but- hmph, the ‘junk’ part still applies. I'm so close to dragging you into a bath myself..”
“Wait.. This kinda gives me an idea..” 
A mischievous grin growing on your face as you mumbled to yourself.
“Whaddya say?”
He grumbled, oblivious to your scheming. You slowly tried pulling away from him, but to no avail.. He unconsciously scooted closer into your arms with each pull.
“..nothing, ratty-poo.” 
You pushed him away quickly with your hands now gripping his shoulders.
“A-ay mate! W-whaddya push me away foorrr? I was enjoyin’ me time in there.. :(“
He yelped in response, his arms now crossing with a pout.
“No more snuggling until you take a bath!”
“I'm not cuddling your hair until you wash it.”
“..noooo :((“
“No shower, no snuggle!!”
“:(((... Fine..”
“W-wait- You're giving in that easil-?”
He yelled, diving back into your chest with his arms around your waist once again. You scoffed, not cuddling or holding him back.
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“Y-yes m-m’lady..??”
“I'm giving you five seconds to get off of me, or I'll kick you off.-”
“N-no!! P-please mate!-”
“I'll go and grab a bucket of ice cold water to throw at you so help me you don't mov-”
You've never seen a tall grown man back up to the edge of a bed so quickly.
You yelled, pointing violently at the bathroom door.
“You want more cuddles from me, right, ratty-poo..?~”
Your tone softened as you twirled your hair and pleaded your eyes at him.
“I- u-uh- y-yes m-m'lady but-”
He whined another ‘no’ in response, crossing his legs and arms while looking away.
You sighed, before crawling across the bed and hooking your arm around his.
“Lord.. What am I gonna do with you..”
You yelled again as you held him in a headlock position.
As he whined, you held him there for a bit, thinking.
“You l-let go of me t-this instant mate! T-the junkers back in me home town w-wont be pleased with how you're behavin’ towards me greatnes-”
“What if we took a bath together?”
“-and once they find out what you've- huh-!?!”
“You and me, we bathe together. I'll literally help you clean up if it means you won't stink in bed.”
You said casually as you quickly faced him towards you and dropped him onto the bed. He landed on his back with his arms above his head while you sat on top of him.
Questionable position if you may, but you dare not complain about the view.
He was too in shock to notice it either.
He stared at you wide eyed. 
He opened his mouth and put a finger up to say something multiple times, only to close it with more thought and look away, his finger curling up and down with each pause.
He thought about the offer for the long time.
Then, he rubbed his chin. You watched carefully, not letting your guard fall in case he felt like randomly wrapping himself around you again.
“Hmph.. if t-that’s what it'll take.. then I suppose a.. mighty handsome fella like me.. wouldn't mind bathin’ with a.. pretty.. f-flower woman like you!”
“Uh huh..-”
“B-but under one of me’ own conditions!”
“.. you're what now-”
“Bath cuddles?”
He clapped his hands together in a praying motion, pleading with those damn sparkly eyes again. It's like he just does it in command at this point..
“God, what are we, a couple?”
You yawned with closed eyes. 
“I-I.. W-well! Your one an’ only gentleman of’uh bombardier wouldn't complain!”
He nervously smiled and blushed, his gold tooth shining comically as he said that.
It earned a giggle out of you, followed with covered mouth mumbling.
‘You’re so silly, it's kind of attractive..’
“Whaddya say, me’ pretty plant-y mistress?”
“I said, you're so silly, it's kind of.. u-uh- cool-? I guess??!? I don't- Mistress!?- I- W-whatever- C’mon, let's go! Into the baaathh we goo..! C’mon c’moonn..”
You spurted out, getting up and dragging him by the arm into the bathroom. 
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You didn't really think through the fact that.. this man would be so close to you while you two were undressed.
Oddly enough, he didn't give the vibe of someone who'd try anything, but it was still weird. 
One second you're forced to share a bed with this guy.. And the next? You've convinced him to take a shower with you??? Weird..-o!!
When you two made it, you both kind of just stared at the bathroom and each other for a minute. 
It was a decently sized room, but the entirety of it was a shower.. literal shower room?.. whatever.
There wasn't a sink or toilet like the bathrooms you were used to. 
Instead, there was just one large shower head in the center of the room, a drain in a corner, and tiles that patterned the floor and walls in a creamy gradient. The two handles for the shower were next to the doorway, labeled for their temperatures.
There were also two slim windows higher up on two walls facing each other, slightly cracked for the steam.
The only light you guys had came from either these windows, or from the doorway to the room you shared, so it was acceptably dim.
Some vines creeped through corners here and there, but it was surprisingly much cleaner than the rest of the hut you guys stayed in. The non-direct warm lighting really set the vibe.
As you turned both of the handles halfway, you watched in surprise as the rat man happily stripped at whatever he had on, going for a dive on the shower floor as if it were a kid’s waterslide with a ‘yippee!!’
It immediately followed with a groan of pain from him, and a reactive facepalm from you.
With a sigh of ‘Oh, what I'll even do with him..’ (ironic), you quickly undid your hair and stripped off your clothes while he wasn't looking.
He swiveled around right as you finished, watching in awe as you awkwardly shuffled onto the floor next to him with a travel sized bottle of soap and a mini loofa.
“S-ssheesh..” he gaped, “what a beautiful woman..”
“T-thanks, b-but don't look too hard, silly guy.” You joked lightheartedly and rolled your eyes, your initiative agenda from before going out of the window because of the attractive man in front of you.
The hot steamy water combined with how it washed away some of the rat man’s dirt made his revealed skin slightly harder to not drool over..
..but you fought any urges or sudden fantasies you had right then and there. 
‘It’s just the lack of sleep getting to me,’ you quickly scolded yourself in your head, ‘.. there's no way I shoul- COULD see him like that, yep..’
“You're.. not too shabby yourself..” You muttered to get it out of your system, painfully controlling your hands from wandering. Thankfully, he probablyyy didn't hear you. 
With that, you were getting to work with your soap on his arms, trying not to think too hard about the man before you.
“Caaan I have me cuddlin’ time with ya noooww, plant womaaan?”
“Noo! I just started with you and I'm not done yet, rat-head.. Be patient n’ be quiet.” You grumbled, finishing his arms and scrubbing his back like a concerned mother.
“Pleeeaaaaseeee…????” He covered his eyes and whined as you made way to his torso with your loofah. The scrubber was barely holding on and you weren't anywhere near finished..
“Don't make me tie you down in here just to get you clean, bastard..” You threatened, moving from his back to his front side. You held at one side of his torso, scrubbing away.
He moved his hands from his face to his sides, looking down at you with that puzzled gaze once again. You glanced up at him with a raised brow before looking back down at your work.
You weren't actually all too irritated. Tired, yes, but it was actually kind of destressing being able to work your hands at something like this. 
You were also literally.. bathing a grown ass man, but you'd be lying if you said anything about preferring to be at home, bored and alone.
At least this mission gave you some kind of purpose, and alongside an entertaining goofball as well. It could be much worse, but it really wasn't bad at all which you liked.
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Suddenly, he started patting your head, a close eyed grin on his face.
“Oouuhh… M-mate, ya know.. Thanks a lot for this! I appreciate ya’, I really do!”
“Don't sweat it, poo-face, you were already sweating enough in bed anyway..” You chuckled with another playful eye roll.
“If you weren't gonna bathe yourself, something had to be done for BOTH OF us to catch some rest for the mission, and goddess KNOWS I can't sleep with a loud stinky man..” You responded mindlessly, gently grabbing his face by his jaw and scrubbing his neck.
“It gets.. hard sometimes,” he threw his head back with a sigh, “I know I'm supposed ‘tuh.. do it all me’ self but, I lose me’ mind to the world o’ bombs!” He chuckled.
“You don't say…” You coughed with sarcasm, still listening and cleaning. He's used to your personality by now, and he knows you never really mean any harm.
“Oh, but I do! Even with me’ prosthetics, it jus’ makes it harder n’.. I could never fancy the time to.. uh.. keep takin’ em’ on n’ off..”
“..It bugs me, the pain, it's a reeaall.. buggin' feeling, both in me’ arms n’ legs.. n’.. the mind. It does somethin’ to ya, makes people call ya crazy!” He gestured by wiggling his normal arm, then his robotic one in comparison. 
You put his arms down like an annoyed cat, but you weren't actually annoyed, just trying to reach over him to attempt washing his hair.
“..but really ‘m not.. I.. I just resort to.. expressin’ what takes it all away.. and uh! bein’ me!, ya’ kno- Aauh.. T-that feels.. holy..” He cut himself off, sighing in relief. You had bowed his head under the running water for you to better reach him, unknowingly giving him a more direct view of your bare chest. 
“A-Anything to take me’ mind off the.. A-ahem-.. the uh.. rot.. the distinct feelin’ of not bein’ the same as everyone else.. anymore.” He cleared his throat, awkwardly trying not to stare as he spoke, but you didn't think much about it.
“People stay clear of me all the time! N’ they think I don't be noticin’ b-but I do!” He ran a hand through his hair after you moved down to his legs.
“It hurts, but.. I just keep doin’ me’, I try not to stay in me’ past, live for me’ mum, n’ keep it movin’!”
“Oh! That's also why I like ya’ mate!” He smiled, throwing up finger guns.
“Whuh- Really?” You looked at him.
“Yeah! You don't treat me funny for me’ quirks! You always seemed like.. a couple screws loose in somebody’s noggin never bothered ya’! Me’ motors don't drive ya’ wild, do I?” 
“Pshhh… You definitely drive me crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm never down for a wild adventure with you, rat-ass.”
“See? Ya’ get me! I know your tired n’ all, n’ I'm sorry for takin’ away from your beauty rest like this but..” He scratched his chin and sighed, looking to the side.
“Thanks mate, r-really..” He mumbled, shuffling closer and wrapping his arms around you for a genuine hug.
“I- U-uh-.. Your.. welcome? All I've done was treat you like.. a normal human being? As you.. should be?” You awkwardly hugged him back, confused.
You pulled away, your hands on his shoulders.
“Despite our friendship, I don't know what it is you've REALLY really been through, but no matter how tired or over it I may seem, I still think you're hella cool of a guy.” You warmed up to his hug, patting his back.
“Whenever you wanna chat about.. literally anything in the world, you know who to come to, silly.. Seriously, don't ever sweat it.” You smiled and yawned, going back to washing his upper body off for a second, more gentler time. 
You were surprised he didn't question the hot water in hot weather or how quickly it managed to cool you guys off. It was definitely making you more sleepy though.
“T-thanks, plant woman..” He wiped away a tear, sighing with a contentful “aah” as you tended to him. He leaned back, taking in the feeling of your care.
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“Ya know, you're reeaaal good at this.. are ya’, perhaps, experienced ‘n bathing other people?” 
“Wh- This is.. how baths are meant to be taken, no?”
“T-together??!? Mate, I’d kill to have this luxury of bein’ cleaned by ya’ like this all the time!!”
“Whuh- No! I m-meant.. the soap and water, you fucking peanut.”
“Ooh.. W-well!” he pointed a finger up, “I don't care ‘bout standin’ under some lousy water for a’ hour! But.. ya’ make me want to if it means you'll be the one cleanin’ me!”
“You're an adult, Jamie.”
“Don't forget me’ prosthetics-”
“They're literally waterproof sealed..”
“How would ya’ even know that!?”
“You told me this in our past rant sessions, twice I might add.. Something about avoiding radiactiv-”
“Screw you, mate! ( ` ロ ´ )”
“..You probably would though. (>ᴗ•)”
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☆ if anyone actually makes it this far, tysm for reading!! feedback is 100% welcomed and appreciated <33
☆ i promise ill get the smut out for this eventually.. ill also make a pinned request post soon!! with graduation coming up, im a bit busy :((.. BUT ITLL ALL COME!
☆ ^^ update, here it is!!
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☆ enjoy ur day/night yall! eat, stay hydrated, and keep loving junkrat fr ♡( ◡‿◡ )
94 notes · View notes
raccoonfallsharder · 11 months
Ok so like I'm now obsessed with chonky Rocket and keep making headcannons...
Can you imagine that like, he's always been in some form of Chronic pain. He assumes it must be because of his implants and surgeries, etc.
After putting on a little bit of weight and filling out, the pain subsides a lot and he feels stronger and healthier than ever. And he's just like "are you flarking kidding me right now??? That was it this whole time?? I just needed to eat more?"
this made me think of creamy fajita pasta nonnie ♡
hey, you’ve done your research since getting your new sometimes-houseguest. you know that the studies on diet and chronic pain have produced… varied results. some say hunger competes with and thus diminishes pain sensations. others say it sensitizes a person to them. more consistently they argue that different foods increase or decrease muscle inflammation and thus impact pain indirectly, though few can agree on what the beneficial foods are.
but whatever the case, you knew the minute you pulled rocket over your threshhold that the boy was hangry. not just for food and bodily nourishment, you suspect, but also for… rest. safety.
luckily you are in a great position to provide all three right now. that favorite family recipe? you’ve got it cooked up in no time. comfort food, you tell him. at first he’s wary — of course — but he soon realizes you’re too slow and unskilled at any kind of combat and like? weirdly warm-natured? to be an actual threat to him. so he tries the food and it’s so good and tasty and warm and soon it becomes a regular thing: him coming over for meals and movie nights, crashing on the couch so you’ll make him breakfast on your free mornings.
it’s almost all rib-sticking food, and stick to his ribs it does.
his elbows stop looking so sharp and his muscles start looking less brittle, and his belly gets soft and round. his fur’s goddamn luxurious now and you have caught him studying his arms and tail, almost preening, more than once. not that you’d hold it against him — the guy deserves to feel good in his body for once.
it’s the first snowfall of the season one morning. nothing is sticking yet, but it’s pretty and it makes everything seem quieter. you toss a french toast casserole in the oven while he stares out the window at the dancing flakes with a blanket over his shoulders. you come up behind him and hand him a cup of cocoa, and you stare with him, soaking it in.
“didn’t even realize the temperature dropped,” he utters hoarsely after a long silence.
you feel your brow crease. “no?”
he clears his throat. “usually the screws in my bones get all… shitty. when it starts to get cold.” he hesitates. “less pain than usual, i think. in general. don’t know what happened.” he looks down at his cocoa. “maybe it’s the food,” he decides after a moment. “yeah. maybe terra’s good for something.”
“rude,” you say mildly, and he casts a sly sideways wink up at you. you can’t help but laugh.
maybe it’s the food, sure. the new lack of starvation in his body. maybe it physically helps him be more comfortable, cushions his nerves from the dull ache and sharp heat of his broken and re-rigged bones, his icy metal implants. maybe it just makes him less irritable and grumpy, which in turn makes him less physically tense, and when his muscles relax the pain eases a bit with them. or maybe it’s just that he can rest easy once he walks through your door: roll out his shoulders, wrap himself in something warm, indulge himself with your company, and not feel like he has to justify his existence for a few fuckin precious hours.
it may or may not be the food, but rocket’s whole body is feeling better these days.
hey i uh resonate with rocket a lot as someone who also has a super-fucked-up skeleton and i wish so badly that food could just be the simple answer for this little guy. and me actually lol while im at it. and everyone else with pain. it is. not great lol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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wanderrghost · 1 year
I had a horrible time with hormonal BC. I had a bi-salp just last year a few years after having a horrible surgical experience (not the doctor's fault but my body hates anesthesia and pain killers and there were other issues) and the salpingectomy was totally different experience. I honestly wish I'd found my doctor and had the surgery sooner. I'm always happy to answer any questions if you or anyone else has any. I hope you feel better soon. Lots of hugs coming your way!
(So, somehow this ended up in my drafts instead of posting!!?? Im so sorry!! Originally this was answered on june 19!)
Thank you so much for this! It will happen one day, I've just gotta get my brain screwed back in correctly first and keep it that way for a little while. :') I trust the obgyn I picked, and I know she'll do a good job. So we'll get there eventually! I'll definitely drop by your messages when I get ready to schedule, cause I know I'll have questions lol.
It's bananas how much different my mood has been since removing my implant though - I haven't had a meltdown since the day after i got it removed. It used to be a daily occurrence. I even had a moment today where I could tell I was about to start spiraling, and it was... surprisingly easy to put a stop to it before it got out of control. A week ago, that was unthinkable. I couldn't stop the spiral no matter how hard I tried or what I did.
I know it can take a while for hormones to re-regulate after birth control, and im still having some increased anxiety, but so far I'm very encouraged by the progress.
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Few things:
Body odor: I smell different. I was somebody who, if i forgot to wear deodorant on accident, wouldn’t smell much different because i produced about no body order anyways. Now, my body odor is literally different than it was before. Like, it’s not just stronger, it’s a different smell.
Acne: Acne is in full swing, and I just got a facial yesterday. It’s all over, including chest, back, and stomach. I’m fighting tooth and nail over here. The  aesthetician recommended i amp up my BHA+AHA peel to three times a week starting today, and I’m going to get a chemical peel within this month. Fingers crossed; this acne will be KILLT cus shot three is in a couple days and i will peel my face off as many times as it takes. p( Ò ‸ Ó)q 
(I haven’t been smoking weed lately, but tbh i think im gonna if i can squeeze it into my schedule; my skin tends to get better when i’m smoking because i’m less stressed haha.)
Sent to the pain dimension: Along with the said facial, i also got a brazilian wax. Listen. I’ve gotten brazilians before, so i thought it was no big deal. Oh how wrong i was.
Idk why the increased sensitivity down there didn’t occur to me but. I. Listen. That shit hurted. Hurted like it never hurt before. I was sweating bro. I sweat THROUGH the paper on the massage table from sheer pain. It was disintegrating like toilet paper. I saw stars; the heavens. Ave maria. I was sent to the fuckin shadow realm. That shit made me crave a shot and a cigarette like a solider recovering from war. After the torment was over, the waxer slathered my coochie with aloe to “help with the irritation”. Thanks. 30 hours later I still feel like a freshly skinned raw chicken.
I thought i’d save money by buying the brazilian wax in a set of four. Now, i gots to see it through my boy. It can only get worse from here. Tune in next time for when they rip my dick off.
Passing: Also, I went to a party that day and this guy i was talking to bashfully asked me (after a very long pause trying to carefully choose his words) “are you a chick?” Lol! I was already pretty androgynous before I went on T, so T probably has nothing to do with it, but it’s nice to see that people can’t tell wether i’m assigned male or female at birth.
I noticed him staring when i walked in, not because he was gonna make a move on me; i think he was just trying to figure me out.
when this happens, usually i can feel if the person is being judgmental or a bigot, and this guy wasn’t at all. in fact it was kind of nice.
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bl00dgutsgl0ry · 4 years
Let Me Feel You For a While
Pairing - Zhongli x Fem!Reader
Warnings - 18+ NSFW SMUT DO NOT INTERACT IF YOU ARE A MINOR PLEASE!!! Breeding kink (im sorry), slight blood, marking/biting, accidental voyeurism? THIGH RIDING YES PLEASE, AND SHARP TEETH MAKE ME DROOL. Oh btw spoilers for the Farewell Archaic Lord I think? General spoiler warning for genshin.
Word Count - 1.7k.
 Other Comments - You guys have NO IDEA how much I love Zhongli oh my god I love him. I slept on him at first but ever since my eyes were opened I realized how wrong I was for that. Anyway enjoy!!
@sadpsychologist @barbqtos​
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      Zhongli had money, he was just dumb and never brought it with him; too used to the routine of just making more Mora if he ever needed to buy anything while he was an Archon. This being said, that also meant he had one of the most elaborate bedrooms you’d ever laid eyes on. The room was filled with rich browns and shimmering golds, his bed sheets made from the finest silks. Archons never really slept, which meant the Zhongli had made this room as ethereal as possible just for you. 
     You were laying across the cold white gold sheets, hair clinging to your forehead from the sweat. Your fingers were dancing around your clit, rubbing harshly at times before dipping into your wet cunt and pumping them in and out roughly. You were so horny it was uncomfortable, and since you had gotten accustomed to your lover's large member, your fingers were doing much for you. You needed something better. You shakily stood from the bed, before kneeling down and pulling out the box and you guys only got into when the two of you were really in the mood. You quickly found what you were looking for, as it was the largest thing in the box. You pulled the dildo out of the box before quickly shoving the box back under your bed.
     Zhongli didn’t really like when you took matters into your own hands, as he wanted to always be the one thing that made you melt. He wanted to pleasure you in ways that you never would have imagined. At this point you were quickly pumping the dildo in and out of yourself, lost in the pleasure as you moaned out loudly. You weren’t worried about anyone hearing since you were alone in the house and Zhongli wasn’t going to be home for a while. You can imagine your shock and horror when you opened your eyes to see Zhongli standing in the doorway, dick already straining hard against the large man’s dress pants.
     “Ah you finally noticed my presence.” Your face was even redder when those words left his lips. How long had he been standing there watching you fuck yourself roughly with the large silicone tool. You let out a low whimper, beginning to pump the object in and out of yourself again, too worked up to be embarrassed. You heard Zhongli chuckle lightly before the loud sounds of his dress shoes against the hardwood floor could be heard. You felt Zhongli’s gloved hands halt your movements before brushing your hand away and pulling the dildo out, setting it aside for cleaning at a later time. Soft desperate whimpers falling from your mouth as your chest heaved up and down. Zhongli pressed soft kisses to your face, his gloved hands running up and down your naked body, brushing against your nipples causing you to jolt.
     “You’re so sensitive my dear.” Your hands were looking for purchase on any part of his body, finally landing on his strong biceps. You squeezed his arms hard, wiggling around and continuing to whimper.
     “Nothing feels as good as you Zhongli, please… please help me. Fill me Zhongli, stuff me.” Your voice was barely above a whisper, your lips swollen from chewing on them.
     “Well it looked like you were having a good time with the dildo sweetheart.” Warm embarrassment bloomed in your chest and you desperately tried to pull Zhongli down by his collar. Zhongli’s lips attacked your, passionately biting at yours, Zhongli’s sharp canines drawing blood before he swiped it away with a quick flick of his tongue.
     He continued this assault on your flesh as he went lower. He made sure to mark you anywhere that was visible, it made his pride swell when he saw you walking around Liyue trying and failing to cover up bitemarks and deep purple hickies. Zhongli pulled back to admire his work, before propping himself up on the edge of the bed. Strong arms manhandled you, forcing you to straddle his thigh. You blushed profusely when you realized what Zhongli wanted you to do.
     “But- but your pants Zhongli, I don’t want to ruin them…” A small smile and eyes filled with pure admiration poured into yours. He carded his fingers through your hair, pushing back any strays behind your ear in the process.
     “My dearest, you have always been so considerate, but for tonight don’t worry about anything, just do what comes natural to you. My clothes can be cleaned, and if not I will buy another pair.” Zhongli’s hands gripped your hips tightly, starting to move you back and forth on his thigh. You clit was ecstatic to finally be getting some friction, moans already being ripped from your throat. The ex archons dick was uncomfortably hard, outline clear as day from how hard it was straining against his slacks. Once you finally got yourself into a rhythm he let one of his hands fall from your hips, giving in and palming himself through the thick fabric.
     You moans began increasing in volume and frequency as you got closer and closer to the edge. You gripped onto Zhongli’s broad shoulders, your body quickly becoming tired. The man in front of you noticed this, letting his hand return to your hip as he helped steady your rhythm once again. Tears were threatening to fall from how good you felt, everything starting to become light and fuzzy as you continued to get closer to your climax.
     With a couple more rough thrust against his leg, the coil deep in your gut snapped, sending waves of please surging through your body. Your back arched hard before slumping into Zhongli’s chest. He kept your hips moving, letting your ride out your orgasm on his now soiled pants.
     “My love, do you still want me to fill you up?” Zhongli’s voice brought you back to reality, where you realized how hard he was. The thought of Zhongli filling you to the brim reignited the fire that was just extinguished in you. You nodded reverently before rolling off his thigh and onto your back, presenting yourself to him. A low groan sounded from Zhongli’s throat as you spread your leg wide, the site of you littered with markings making his brain go fuzzy; his only focus now on making you both feel good. You’ve never seen Zhongli rip off his close at such a speed before, until he was stark naked and crawling on top of you; caging your head with his arms.
      Once again Zhongli began to attack your neck, except not as rough, not wanting to cause more pain than pleasure. Without warning, he slammed his dick into you, since you had already worked yourself open for him. Despite this, your walls still clung tightly to him, his large cock dragging deliciously against your walls as he hit all the right places. Both of your were on cloud nine, as he ruthlessly pounded into your.
     Normally when the two of you had sex, right before Zhongli came he would pull out and cum onto your stomach which he of course would clean up later. Not for any particular reason as to why since you were on birth control, it had just become a habit. This time however you wanted to do things a little different. You were getting close, and you could tell he was as well, as his breathing became more uneven and more low pitched noises started coming from him. Your walls fluttered around his cock, causing him to shutter and let out a low grunt. Before it was too late, you tightly wrapped your arms around the ex Archons next, and pulled him down closer so your lips were mere centimeters away from his ear.
     “Cum in me Zhongli, stuff me with your cum. I want every drop of it please I wanna feel you inside me even after you pull out. Archons please please Zhongli let me feel you cum. Breed me.” Zhongli’s eyes widened, those words causing something to snap in him as he was hit with another wave of pleasure, his thrust still maintaining their power but becoming more erratic. You could feel Zhongli’s calloused fingers rubbing quickly against your clit, sending new waves of pleasure through you. The moans coming from the two of you were matched perfectly, as the two of you got closer and closer. With a couple of final thrusts, Zhongli sheathed himself in you as deep as he could go, cumming shooting deep into you. The feeling of his cum filling you up is what sent you over the edge, cumming for the second time; your mouth falling open to form a silent scream. You could feel Zhongli beginning to ooze out of you as he pulled out, which made you shiver.
     “Let’s get you cleaned up shall we darling?” Zhongli was still a little out of breath as he stood from his position on top of you, holding his hand out to you. You grabbed a hold of him, before catching him off guard and pulling him back down.
     “Let me stay full for a little while longer.” Sleep was slowly starting to take over, as your eyelids couldn’t stay open. Your words went straight to Zhongli’s dick, but that was an issue he would take care of himself. For right now, he just pulled you into his chest, allowing you to drift off into blissful slumber.
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hornime · 4 years
watch and learn | iwaizumi hajime x f!reader x team japan
there were two things they all had in common: the growing bulges in their pants that they were urgently trying to distract themselves from, and the fact that their full attention was on you.
warnings: 18+, timeskip!everyone, BIG MANGA SPOILERS BASICALLY, exhibitionism, voyeurism, orgasm denial
w/c: 3.1k
a/n: now i don’t know if iwaizumi hajime (27) athletic trainer learned about female orgasms when he was studying sports science at irvine BUT he def knows how to show a girl a good time which is reason enough for me to write this. also, i read this article to prep for this piece and it was super enlightening, so i do recommend giving it a read if you’re interested!
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in the middle of his morning run, iwaizumi slowed momentarily to check the repetitive buzzing of this phone, curious as to who was messaging him this early. when he’d left the apartment, you were sleeping, and you had the tendency to still be sleeping by the time he returned, so who else could it be?
he unlocked his phone, quickly finding the source of the notifications: the team japan group chat.
[06:43 AM] miya: hey @iwaizumi—you know stuff abt the human body right?
[06:43 AM] miya: cus like you studied it in college and shit??
iwaizumi rolled his eyes. i spent four years in america to earn my degree, came back home to support my country’s olympic team, and dealt with the biggest idiots of volleyball, only to get treated like this?
[06:44 AM] iwaizumi: yes, miya. i took many courses on the human body. in fact that’s the purpose of my job. to know the human body. because i am a fucking athletic trainer.
[06:44 AM] miya: okay okay i get it. dumb question
[06:44 AM] iwaizumi: why? is something up? you need help or anything?
[06:44 AM] miya: uhhh kinda
[06:44 AM] miya: @hinata i’m not fucking asking this
[06:44 AM] bokuto: bro just do it
[06:44 AM] miya: @hinata @hinata @hinata 
iwaizumi cocked an eyebrow. what the hell are they going on about?
[06:45 AM] iwaizumi: so am i needed or...
[06:45 AM] hinata: YES
[06:45 AM] hinata: we had a question
[06:46 AM] sakusa: by “we” he means him, miya, and bokuto
[06:46 AM] suna: yeah don’t bring us into this
[06:46 AM] hinata: don’t listen to them! both suna and sakusa wanna know too
[06:46 AM] iwaizumi: okay. what’s up
[06:47 AM] hinata: we wanted to know how to make a girl cum
he chuckled in disbelief.
[06:47 AM] iwaizumi: you’re telling me that you guys are in your mid-20s, literal olympic athletes, and you don’t know how to make a girl cum
[06:47 AM] iwaizumi: have you never done it before??
[06:47 AM] miya: NO
[06:48 AM] bokuto: ME TOO
[06:48 AM] bokuto: i think
he laughed out loud, briefly startling another runner on the sidewalk.
[06:48 AM] iwaizumi: you guys are unbelievable
[06:48 AM] hinata: i mean she says she finished but idk what i did to make that happen
[06:48 AM] bokuto: ^^
[06:48 AM] hinata: so like i wanna know how to actually do it
[06:48 AM] suna: actually im kinda interested in this too
[06:48 AM] aran: i pray for your future girlfriends. this is painful to see. im out
[06:48 AM] kageyama: i’m with aran on this one. you guys are dumb
[06:48 AM] hinata: shut up. you suck.
[06:48 AM] miya: cmon iwaizumi, help a guy out
[06:48 AM] sakusa: it wouldnt hurt for you to give us some pointers at least
iwaizumi sighed.
[06:49 AM] iwaizumi: @miya @hinata @bokuto @suna @sakusa meet in the locker room after practice. ill give you guys a lesson in the art of pleasing a woman
to teach effectively, he needed a volunteer, though he was sure you wouldn’t need much convincing. you’d always loved the attention, and the biceps, of the pro athletes. he spun on his heel and jogged home.
you woke up to the sound of your apartment door opening, your boyfriend creeping inside, forehead damp with sweat.
“hey,” you said quietly, making your way towards him.
“hey, baby. sorry for waking you up, i was trying to be quiet.”
you giggled sleepily. “s’okay, haji. you spoil me too much anyway, always letting me sleep in for hours while you’re off doing god knows what.”
at that, his eyes crinkled in amusement, and as you tried to step into a hug, he shuffled back. “woah there, baby. i gotta shower, ‘m all gross from my run. and then,” he gave you a peculiar look that you couldn’t quite place, “i got a proposition for you.”
after his shower, he waltzed out of the bathroom, steam wafting out from behind the door. his tanned body made you feel things you definitely shouldn’t be barely an hour after the sun’s risen, and you reached out to massage the tension in his shoulders. “so, what’s your proposition?”
“well,” he hesitated. “it’s a bit... unconventional. the team asked me to show them how to make a girl cum,” he took in your intrigued expression. “and it’d be a lot easier to explain if i had someone to do a live demonstration with. so,” his eyes flicked up to you. “that’s where you’d come in.”
“a... live demonstration? like you’re gonna make me cum in front of them?”
“yeah, essentially.” he gave you a devilish grin. “you want that, baby? wanna show those boys how a real man treats a gorgeous woman like you?”
you rubbed your thighs at his words. “yeah,” you purred. “i do. wanna show them how good you are to me.”
and that’s how you found yourself nestled between iwaizumi’s muscled thighs, back pressed against his chest, completely naked, with five of japan’s best volleyball players staring at your body in awe.
practically an expert in his field, iwaizumi knew the human body inside and out. this had many benefits; of course it allowed him to catapult up the ranks and work with the country’s best athletes to keep them at the top of their game, but it also had a unique side effect: an overwhelming vault of knowledge on how to make a woman feel good anywhere. 
you’d seen the proof firsthand; he knew exactly where to push, prod, stroke, and tease to have you cumming in seconds, over and over, as many times as you wanted. he was amazing, and you were well-aware just how lucky you were to have such a talented man in the sheets.
“oi,” iwaizumi snapped his fingers, drawing each of the players’ eyes away from your glistening cunt. “pay attention. i know more than anybody that she’s hot as fuck, but you gotta listen to what i’m saying or else there’s no point to this.”
he lightly pressed his lips against your collarbone, slowly tracing them against your jaw, the contact making you squirm. “if you wanna make a girl cum, first thing you gotta do is make her comfortable. if she’s worried about how she looks or sounds or smells she’s gonna be too stressed to let go.” he moved his hands to grope your tits, his calloused fingers brushing over your hardening nipples. “so reassure her, tell her how irresistible she is, how pretty her moans are, how tasty her pussy is. shit like that. the sexier she feels the better it’ll be.”
he leaned into you, whispering into your ear. “feeling good, baby? we can stop whenever.”
you nodded weakly, afraid to open your mouth, barely holding in your whines as his palms worked wonders on your chest and stomach, sending shocks of heat wherever they touched. 
you craned your neck up to observe the men before you. atsumu was flushed red, wringing his hands as if he was worried they’d do something embarrassing if he didn’t keep them occupied. hinata was bouncing his leg up and down, wiping his palms on his shorts as he took in the plushness of your thighs. bokuto was basically drooling, greedily tracing your soft curves with his eyes. suna maintained his indifferent expression, but the reddening tips of his ears showed that he was a lot more hot and bothered than he let on. sakusa stood quietly to the side, leaning against the wall, mask tucked under his chin as if he’d just realized how much the temperature had gone up in the room.
there were two things they all had in common: the growing bulges in their pants that they were urgently trying to distract themselves from, and the fact that their full attention was on you.
"make sure to try different things; there’s multiple ways to make a woman cum. only like a quarter of women experience orgasms just from penetration,” someone made a sound of shock. “yes, the number is that small, bokuto.” 
his fingertip slowly trailed past your belly button, dipping into the mess between your thighs, causing you to slightly arch your back into the solid chest supporting you. “foreplay with the clit is your best bet; even stupid fucks like you probably wouldn’t screw it up too bad.”
hinata opened his mouth to speak, but iwaizumi anticipated his question and continued.
“i know you’re wondering where the clit is. it’s around here, under this hood of skin,” he slid his digit between your labia. “s’not gonna come with a label so you gotta explore a little bit. i know where hers is like the back of my hand, but for you guys, with your girls, you’re gonna have to move your fingers around. slowly. and pay attention to her expressions.” he began to rub in a circular motion around your clit, causing you to make small whimpers of pleasure and shift your hips to meet his movements. 
“if she clenches up or twitches when you feel a certain spot, like this,” your legs flexed as he increased the pressure, “that’s the clit. be kind, it’s not a volleyball. be gentle n’ make small circles, whether it’s with your fingers or your tongue.” 
he thought for a second. “speaking of which, oral’s important. very important. most women cum when they’ve been eaten out, so use your mouths for something more useful than just dirty talk. suck on the clit, maybe tongue-fuck her a ‘lil, but your main focus should always be the clit.”
he removed his hands from your sopping pussy, and you made a pathetic noise of frustration. “’m sorry, baby,” he muttered seductively in your ear. “don’t wanna have you finishing too early. lesson’s barely started.”
he turned his attention back to your audience, his lustful tone being replaced by a more instructional one. “there’s other places that’ll help a woman orgasm, too: her nipples, her neck, her ears—”
“her ears?” sakusa questioned. he blushed profusely as everyone turned to look at him, surprised that he’d opened his mouth. “what? we were all thinking it.”
“s’a valid question,” iwaizumi said. “yeah, you can lick ‘em if they’re sensitive. hers are.” as if to prove his statement, he licked a stripe on the shell of you ear, making you wiggle helplessly at the stimulation. “‘n leave kisses everywhere else. feels good for them just like it does for us.” he wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him and forcing your movements to stop as he traced patterns with his tongue all around your neck.
“something you should know about an orgasm is that it’s something called a positive feedback loop.” he looked up and was met with five blank stares. shouldn’t have expected anything from these dumb jocks, he lamented. “basically that means that, once you start releasing sexual tension, things will feel better and better until you climax.”
“oh!” atsumu chirped. “like how my sets get better and better throughout a game.”
“no, not really,” he quipped. “your sets suck throughout.” atsumu frowned at that.
iwaizumi exhaled exasperatedly. “the general idea is that the body gets more and more sensitive, muscle contractions become more and more frequent, and touches feel more and more stimulating until you cum. all right?”
they all made noises of understanding except for bokuto and hinata, whose eyes had glazed over at the first mention of an academic term. whatever, iwaizumi thought. they’ll get it through example.
"don’t worry about it too much if you don’t get it, that’s just an orgasm on paper. in practice, though, this is the crucial step: listen to her. she knows what feels good. never forget that you’re just an idiot with a cock.” he took a breath, gathering his thoughts before proceeding with his lecture.
“if she tells you to slow down, you slow down. if she tells you to go harder, you go harder. if she tells you to keep doing what you’re doing, you...”
“keep doing what you’re doing”, they all chimed in at staggered times.
“that’s right. don’t go faster or else you’ll mess up the rhythm and she won’t cum. and you wanna make her cum, don’t you?”
they nodded simultaneously.
“so if you keep up the tempo and force that feels good to her, you’ll be fine. questions?”
suna spoke up. “what about,” he choked on the word. “penetration?”
hinata hummed in agreement and bokuto jumped in. “yeah, what if i wanna make her cum on my cock?”
iwaizumi made a weird face. “that’s some pretty advanced stuff, but i guess i can go over it. when you try it, though, you have to be patient. with both of your bodies. s’not rocket science but s’not always easy. also it depends on the woman but sometimes she physically won’t be able to finish from penetration alone. just make sure you’re communicating.”
his swirled two fingers over your hole before shoving them in, your wetness making it easy for him to thrust in and out as your entrance stretched to accommodate him. “f—fuck!” your eyes flew open at the intrusion and you body lurched forward, but you were held back by his strong forearm. “ohmygod, oh my g—ah! feels s’good haji, s’good!”
“i know, baby, i know. you’re taking it so well.” he turned his attention back to the men, each of who were gulping heavily. if that didn’t signal to you that they were evidently affected by your moans, the way they shifted in their workout shorts did.
“boys, focus.” he curled his fingertips, brushing at the spongy spot at the top of your walls, ripping a pleasured wail from your throat and causing tears to prick at your eyelashes. “when you’re fingering her, you’ll feel an area inside that’s a bit soft and squishy. that’s the g-spot.”
you trembled in his arms as he mercilessly struck the same place over and over again with his fingers. “when you’re fucking her, try to keep the pressure building there, but it’ll be harder to make her finish since you can’t see what you’re doing.”
your breath hitched as iwaizumi’s incessant movements brought your body tantalizingly close to your release. he suddenly stopped and you almost sobbed in disappointment, until he plunged his fingers impossibly deeper.
a guttural scream of ecstasy came from within you, and your eyes rolled back as he began playing with another part of you, your body putty in his hands. “hngh, haji, ah! so good, s’good...” you threw your hands back around his neck, nails digging into the skin as you desperately tried to keep yourself grounded. your soft moans filled the air.
“stop clenching,” he hissed. “can barely move my hand.” you tried to relax but failed miserably as the tips of his fingers grazed your cervix. 
“holy fuck,” suna muttered. “you’re a god.”
“she sounds so pretty,” atsumu said in amazement.
“i wanna make a girl feel good like that, too!” bokuto sulked.
“you can do it, bokuto!” hinata hit him on the arm. “just listen to iwaizumi. clearly he knows what he’s talking about.” 
their eyes refocused on your figure, writhing in pleasure, prompting white hot waves of arousal to pool in their stomachs. 
“yeah,” sakusa said. “clearly.”
“stop talking,” iwaizumi ordered. “and listen. beyond the g-spot is the cervix, which is basically the end of the vagina. if you’re long enough,” he briefly scanned each of their faces, “which i’m sure you are, you’ll be able to reach it if you bottom out.”
“haji—hajime, please.” the stimulation was coming absolutely unbearable, and you could tell he was sadistically holding you at the edge, refusing to give you the satisfaction of finishing. “lemme cum, please. please lemme cum, please, please, i can’t—i can’t take it ‘nymore!”
“what was that? you can’t take it anymore? gonna cum?” you helplessly bobbed your head up and down, hoping that he’d give you permission. “well,” he growled, “we can’t have that happening, can we?”
he abruptly halted his thrusts, pulling his fingers out of you with an embarrassing squelch and popping them into his mouth. pearly tears rolled down your cheeks as you grieved the loss of contact and relief.
your viewers looked on in horror, feeling immense sympathy for you; you just looked so dejected from being denied yet another orgasm.
“why didn’t you—why didn’t you let her cum?” bokuto asked.
“why do you think?” iwaizumi snapped. “don’t want you guys to see her when she does. that’s for me, and only me.”
“oh, okay,” he responded, disgruntlement clear in his voice.
iwaizumi’s glare could cut glass, it was so sharp. the possessiveness that had enveloped his mind made him hyperfocus on just one thought: being alone with you. “so, any other questions? if not, we’re done here.”
you pouted at that, not wanting the demonstration to be over. “but haji,” you mumbled into his collarbone. “i di’nt get to cum. and i wanna.” you looked up at him, eyes wide with want. “please make me cum.”
iwaizumi sent a harsh glance to the players that nonverbally communicated his message loud and clear: get out. they shuffled awkwardly out of the locker room due to the hardness between their legs that they would most definitely need to deal with soon.
your boyfriend turned his attention back to you. “’m sorry, i know i had to deny you a bunch of times. i just really hated the idea of anyone but me seeing the cute way you look when you cum.”
you made a small noise of acknowledgement and a little whisper of it’s okay, haji. he looked down, sensing the way your poor, desperate cunt was pulsing around nothing, the erotic sight injecting him with the pure need to ravage you.
he shifted his head to kiss you passionately. “why don’t i make it up to you?” he breathed between your parted lips before picking you up by the backs of your thighs, forcing you to lock your ankles around his waist. 
he delicately situated you onto one of the recovery beds at the back of the room, before murmuring something that made your pussy throb in anticipation: “i’ll make you cum whichever way you want, however many times you want, all right? all you gotta do is lay back and take it.”
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© property of hornime 2021. do not plagiarize any of my writing and do not repost/copy my writing onto any other sites.
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4dtk · 3 years
Mark lee cheating sex
have you ever watched japanese p*rn and the people in there are just oblivious to these two characters fucking. yeah. just imagine that. also don’t cheat y’all, obviously. i don’t condone it, talk it out with your s/o! (i say this but i gotta admit this is so indulgent im sorry this was so hot to write 😭)
warnings: CHEATING/INFIDELITY, blowjob, facial, deep-throating, clit stimulation, sorta exhibitionism, doggy standing up, creampie/breeding
taglist: @goingbananasoverpotassium
mark hisses both in pain and panic when you push him against the door, body and hair fresh from a shower — the situation which is inches away from your boyfriend who was eating his lunch outside. the television luckily drowns out the sounds of your hands unbuckling his belt, but you’re sure your airhead of an boyfriend would be oblivious to any of the things happening in the room.
just for caution though, you’d keep your voice down.
“(y-y/n)… he’s still outside,” you giggle into his underwear, cock painfully hard despite all of his refuses to your advances. you know it in the way he looked at you, from being your roommate to nice gestures for you. he’d provide notes for when you were sick, he’d converse with your boyfriend whenever he was over, but he also couldn’t help but fuck his fist whenever you’d sashay around the shared dorm room in booty shorts and the thinnest camisole.
“calm down, mark. he assumes i’m taking a shower. which i did, only to find you waiting innocently in my room.” you hold back a gasp when you take his dick out, painfully hard and leaking with pre-cum that with one squeeze, he’s already moaning out loud. the wooden doors aren’t exactly soundproof either — only to an extent — you found this out when you’ve heard him say your name as he jerks himself off.
“who’s the one making noises now?” you spare him no mercy, immediately taking him into your warm mouth. the gesture makes him melt against the door, poorly held up by the doorknob and his feet on the carpeted floor. in one go, your nose nudges against his skin, his cock hitting the back of your throat. “you’re so fucking hard, aren’t ya? were you hoping for this to happen any time soon?”
mark can hardly answer, though, biting the skin of his thumb as you start to bob your head. you tease him by swirling your tongue over his tip and length, making the lewd noises become more prominent. the way mark looks down at you with furrowed eyebrows and soft whimpers leaving his mouth does things to you, but the taste of him is even better. you can’t deny the wetness pooling in your panties, until its interrupted by your boyfriend talking through the door.
“hey, mark, is my girlfriend done showering?”
he looks down to you, panicking. you nod towards the door in a way to tell him “answer him”, a hand reaching down to your centre to play with your clit.
“a-ah, yeah! i don’t think so, just came in here to give her a new towel — said she didn’t want to bother you or somethin’.” mark manages to get out just as you continue your assault, making the sloppiest noises that he was sure you were going to get caught.
“aw shame, could’ve seen her naked. well, i guess that just happens when you’re too invested in soccer!” your boyfriend’s clueless to how your knees burn against the floor, taking mark deep into your mouth.
“hh- y-yeah, totally, dude!” the other shouts out an obnoxious thanks! before going right back into the living room and the smile on your face makes mark’s stomach turn, both in good and bad ways. “y-you… haah… (y/n), we can’t do this—!” mark’s cut off by his own moans when you increase your pace, compensating for your mouth and reaching for the parts where you couldn’t cover.
your hands and mouth is all he ever imagined, sucking and stroking him to the point of not even being able to talk. that makes two, when you choke yourself on his length repeatedly until you’re babbling nonsense. “i- i’m gonna-“ mark announces, but you’re ready for his cum anyways, spilling his seed all over your face while his thighs shiver under your touch. he’s making the cutest noises, whimpering out your name with such lilts you want to suck him off for life. your mouth is connected to his length with strings of your saliva mixed with his cum, finally coming off of him with a lick of your lips.
standing up, mark assumes it’s the last of it, and while he’s disappointed, he’s also glad. that is, until you brush your fingers over your cunt, dripping, to show him.
“look at how wet you got me, markie…” you pout, pressing your body against his that he has no choice but to put his hands on your waist. he likes it more than he admits. “are you gonna make me feel good, baby?”
mark splutters, looking for words, but you take matters into your own hands when you brush the tip of his cunt against your pelvis. it soon finds your clit, and the way his cock twitches in your hand is so adorable that you only grind your bud down against him even more. “you want this pussy, hm? want to fuck my tight, little cunt?”
the male only flushes red in your words, but like always, his dick reacts to your words heavily. his eyes roll back once you turn around and flash your butt at him, teasing his tip around your hole. and then it never stops, the whites of his eyes are all knows when you finally insert it into your needy hole.
your walls are so fucking warm, closing in on him that he has to refrain from cumming. your juices are enough lube, and even if his mind tells him ‘no’, he only sinks deeper and deeper into your pussy. your name is falling from his lips like a prayer when he bottoms out, stilling himself as he looks to you for approval. with an intoxicated smile, you look back at him. “fuck me, mark. fuck me better than your fleshlight. make me your fucking cocksleeve.”
mark loses control, then. your words of confirmation are all he needs before he pulls out and thrusts right back to the hilt. he holds you close to his front, hips rutting into you in order to feel your walls hugging his cock and your sloppy hole taking his length so well. “f-fuck, fuck, s’good, you feel so good, baby.”
you laugh breathlessly, “do i, now? y-you’re gonna have to fuck me good whenever he comes over, hm, markie?” mark is too lost in pleasure to answer you, pounding into your back that his balls slap so hard against your ass and the arousal from your sex coat his dick more and more. he only comes to his senses when he hears your voice call out to your boyfriend.
“w-wait, (y/n)-“
“shut up and keep fucking me.”
“yes, babe? what is it?” you have to stop yourself from rolling your eyes, but soon that facade is masked by your sweet smile. mark holds his breath behind the door, but he realises your claims might very well be true because your boyfriend isn’t questioning why you keep moving back and forth behind the door.
“c-could you be a good boy and get another towel for me?” you’re doing everything in your right mind not to show how good mark’s cock is impaling you, but even so, you can’t help the soft moans leaving your mouth. the racing of your heart, mark’s frustrated grunts, it points to how much you actually like the secrecy of everything.
“sure thing, babe. you doin’ okay?” and while a normal person would’ve picked up how mark was in the room with a naked girl, an attached one at that, your boyfriend could only ask stupid questions. “you seem kinda pale, and you’re sweating. let me-“
when he pushes, you do too, knuckles white curled around the door, “i’m fine, honey. j-just get me that towel.”
long gone over your cunt, mark finally groans out when the door slams close, pelvis meeting your ass rougher and faster. it’s like he’s exasperated at the way you lead people on, at how you smile so sweetly and tempt others behind their back. mark’s the first and only victim, and while he chastises himself for going against his own morals, all he can think about is the squelch and slick that reverberates throughout the room.
“gotta cum soon, baby. cum in me- mmh- before he comes back.”
“i-in you?!” maybe then he’d be able to finally mark you, even when you were in a relationship. mark knows it’s wrong, mark knows it’s disgusting, and yet the idea of filling you up (where he was sure you and your boyfriend hadn’t fucked yet) before he did sends a surge of excitement.
that flips a switch, and soon the male doesn’t care about getting caught for a second, he doesn’t give thought to the groans leaving his lips, never stopping his thrusts even when you clench around him. skillfully, he guides a hand towards your clit, shadowing you with his hand on yours to add on to the pleasure and you loudly moan out.
“m-mark- fucking hell, oh my god! gimme all your cum, please-” you’re sobbing out, body held up by the other until his hips stutter in you.
“i’m cumming-“ his cum leaks into you, ropes and ropes of his hot seed filling you to the brim to the point where there’s a wet pop! as he removes his cock. you mewl out at the sensation, mixture of yours and his cum splattering all over the floor that gets mark into a daze. so this is what cumming inside meant…
“babe? i’ve got your towel!” the daze puts ideas of seeing your hole leaking his seed, of you begging for more until all you could taste was cum, into his head, body moving on its own accord and mark snaps his fucking hips into you, brushing against your sweet spot all in one go. in a burst a sensitivity, you scream out, “f-fuck! mark!” and there’s no way that your boyfriend doesn’t hear it.
“that’s it, that’s my girl,” and while it only brings rage from the other side of the door, you can’t help but giggle profusely at this newly awakened mark, who’s desperate to get you as his and your wet, weeping pussy around his cock all year round.
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dienamights · 3 years
Elliptic Paraboloid | K.Bakugou | Drabble
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Where you don’t seem to mind tutoring Bakugou some good ol’ calculus.
» Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Fem!Reader.
» Word count: 0.8K 
» Genre: Smut MDNI, college!au
» Warning(s):  Smut 18+ MDNI please, choking, size kink, swearing because bakuhoe,  exhibitionism if you squint.
» Author’s notes: based off of this post, idfk don't ask. needed to get it out of my system. plus bakugou w rings is immaculate, I HATED this subject in uni so im making myself feel better by inserting bakugou, pun intended lol
» Masterlist | Requests
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Honestly, trying to explain calculus to Bakugou is such a pain in the ass, always ending the same way, it was the worst. You both know he’s smart and fully capable of teaching himself this subject, but he always seems to have a problem with three dimensional planes, and whenever you draw them for him he always frowns, proceeds to tell you that ‘whatever the fuck you drew don’t make sense’ so you try imitating the planes with your hands.
Today is no different, you both sit in the library, you start by cupping your hands, where your wrists meet each other on both hands, leaving your fingertips pointing up. “That's an elliptic paraboloid”, you say, using your chin to point at the book for him to look at to compare the figure with your lousy imitation. It takes him a minute to drag his eyes away from your hands to look down at the book, and you assume it's because he's focused.
“And when you close it up,” you attempt to meet your fingertips together to make the shape you were aiming for “its an ellipsoid, like that” it leaves a gap in the makeshift sphere you’re trying to make with your hands, and you look through it at Bakugou, whose eyes are already staring at your hands, to decipher the shape, of course.
He’s pressing his thumb against his lip before lightly pinching it in concentration, fingers adorned by silver engraved rings, his nails painted midnight black to complete the aesthetic of his outfit. He was easy on the eyes, and only after checking him out do you realize that he's lifted his eyes and is now staring right back at you.
The garnets you’re so used to looking at, now dimmer in concentration, you think, and it pulls a smile from your lips. Until he opened that sewer of a mouth. 
“Yer hands fuckin’ stopped growin’ when you were five or somethin’?” it should bother you, how many times he points out how small your hands are, you’ve always thought your hands were fine, you know, appropriate proportionality with your body. But this asshole snatched any opportunity to make fun of how ‘small’ they are.
“My hands are fine asswipe, yours are just freakishly humongous, see?” a surge of confidence allows you to pull his hand from his face, pressing your palms against his in an attempt to show him how large his hands are. “See? Woah-” a shiver runs down your spine at how his cold rings press against your palm, almost feeling the engraved designs of the rings on your hand. Your ears pick up the groan that escapes Bakugou’s lips, before he tugs his hand back, scowling at you. “Told you, smurf hands.” the way his ears pick up color doesn’t pass by you
“I do not have smurf hands!” punching him in the face sounds so appealing right now. Just sucker punching him right in the fucking nose. 
So how do you exactly end up in one of the quiet rooms in the library, back against the table, getting your pussy stuffed by Bakugou with his hands wrapped around your throat. The frosted glass doing nothing in hiding how your body rocks on the table with his sharp thrusts.
The way his hips snap against yours has you moaning against your better judgment, you feel your air supply cutting off, the cool metal pressing against your throat, your heart racing as the adrenaline pumps through your veins with as the pressure increases against your windpipe, a tut pulls you from your euphoria and you meet those scarlet tantalizing eyes, staring down at you with a grin.
“What? You wanna get caught? Hah, s’that what you want?” the edge of the table scrapes against you as you hiss in both pain and pleasure when he lifts your leg to his shoulder for a better angle. His cock fucking you faster and harder, his balls smacking against your ass in rhythm. “Want everyone to know how much of a needy bitch you are?”
“Noooo-” you moan despite your answer, Bakugou squeezes your throat and you whimper, that one prominent vein dragging along your clit as his cock twitches inside your walls.
“Look at you, clenchin around me when you ain't got no more air to breathe.” you can't help but clench around him again when you open your mouth to try inhaling, your eyes screwed shut and your hand wrapped around his wrist, your fingers barely meeting and he groans loudly at the realization.
You writhe under him when you give your release as his dick throbs inside before he comes, slipping out and brushing against your clit as he covers you with his hot cum. Both of you panting as you look at each other. 
Calculus wasn’t really that bad, now was it?
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no words
Borrowers (taglist):
@tteokdoroki​ @katsukichu @vibrant-leaf @jirou-s​ @theehoneybunii​​
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kittehkwrites · 4 years
Summary: Erik does not understand the importance of nap-time. 
Warnings: Fluff, dad!Erik, Soft!erik
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Before your son was born you thought you’d be the mother of a momma’s boy or somethin... Boy were you wrong.
From in the womb, your baby boy would only calm down at the sound of his father’s timber voice.
“Aye lil man, yo momma’s tired right now and you doin all that kickin is keeping her up.” He’d say all serious but you couldn't help but smile at how he was acting and he followed on with “i’m gonna need you to bring it down a few notches” At that, your son would kick back at his father’s hand and the look on Erik’s face was too funny.
it had your stomach shaking and the little boy inside you pushing his hands and feet inside of you so that you could both feel and see his clear displeasure at being told to relax.
“Don’t get fresh lil boy.” You had to let a little ‘oop’ out when his voice got deeper and your thighs clenched up since it’s been a while. Ain’t his fault, the doctor just said to lay off it since the last time you guys went “a bit rough” and they didn’t want to chance an early birth.
The baby relaxed the same way you did when he used his authoritative tone.
“That’s right lil man.” He said after feeling the baby calm down at his command. He was smiling at you when he caught your eyes and you smiled back when he started to caress the bump caring your “future prince” as he’d always call him, since Erik stated he was the King and you’re his Queen so ‘lil man’ is the prince.
“Erik. You better make it up to him before he takes it out on me.”
“You lucky.” He said with a look like ‘what you think this is?’ But he saw your stern face and he remembered the nights of discomfort increasing since the baby was getting closer and he didn’t like you being in pain or uncomfortable during what was supposed to be a beautiful moment so he did what he could in hopes it’d pacify the baby for the night.
“Aye baby boy”- you always thought it was cute when he said that-” you know daddy loves you, right?” He pulled back from the close proximity to your stomach, waiting for the little hand or footprint to press against his large hand.
“Right?” He would look to you and you’d rub your underbelly to get the baby to respond to his now pouting father. You're convinced your baby inherited his attitude from, which would mean he’d be bratty from time to time because they can’t handle restrictions to their freedom.
“Come on baby boy. Daddy’s out here pouting”- He shoved you a bit and you just let out a bit of a scoff before continuing- “and momma can’t sleep with y’all fighting at each other” A little more rubbing and your little boy was pushing out his foot to meet the spot in which both you and your husbands hands were sat on your underbelly.
“I love you lil man. Can’t wait to meet you when you get here.” And with that, he’d put a little kiss on your belly before coming up to you, hands still on your stomach and fingers still brushing against the stretch marks that laid on the sides of your belly, and give you a soft kiss that gave you the same sparks as the first time you both kissed.
“I love you too baby.” He said before pecking your lips “don't forget it.” He said before turning off the bedside lamp and then laying behind you before letting sleep take over the both of you.
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That was approximately 8 months ago.
The baby is now 6 months and your husband was a damn hog.
“Erik! Give me my baby!”
You and your husband have been playing an impromptu game of hide-and-seek with you son, Erik initiating the game after you wanted to put the baby down for a nap before heading to your parents house for family day.
“He’s mines too” He’d call out quickly before turning back to your son in his hands, continuing to make faces at the little boy and getting squeals of joy from the little body.
“Not for long you shit!” You huffed out as you started to make your way up the stairs, following the baby laughs. You were just tired and your husband wanted to annoy you, as you were convinced no man would keep the baby up for this long and not want to pass off their child to the mother. 
“He needs to sleep or else he’ll be cranky and I already have to deal with you! I don’t need to be dealing with the both of y’all at once, plus my family members coming up to me afraid to ask you what’s wrong or tell me how to raise my baby!” You continued, finally approaching the two bodies located in your husbands office. 
He gave you a look as he saw your slightly angered and annoyed expression, but he didn’t care. 
He had has lil man and his momma could stay mad, he thought.
“Babe. It’ll be alright. He don’t give no trouble, right lil man? Tell yo momma to go lay down before she pops a vessel.” He said in that ‘baby’ voice that annoyed the crap out of you but you couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow up at the nonsense spewing from your husbands mouth.
So you nodded your head, went over to the baby and checked his diaper before kissing him on the forehead and making your way out of the room.
He don’t even know.
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Just as you said, so it happened.
You guys reached your family gathering and guess what happened within the first 20 minutes of greetings from aunts, uncles, grandparents and such?
If you guessed a cranky baby, then you were very right.
“Baby?” You ignored your husband who now had his signature stoic expression placed on his face, but it slowly formed into a confused scowl at the jerky limbs and loud hollering coming from the sleepy child who, may I remind you, ‘don’t give no trouble.’, according to your big headed husband.
“Baby? Your so-”
“-oh now he's my son? i thought you had that covered? Correct me if i'm wrong but didn't you say he didn't give any trouble?” You were making sure he’d hear the judgement in your voice at his foolish comments made earlier. 
“Yea bu-”
“-but nothin. Handle it before he ‘pops a vessel’” You said before seeing one of your favourite cousins and going to them, leaving your husband in a state of confusion while your son just wanted to sleep.
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This went on for another 15 mins before your cousin and a couple other relatives came over and asked what erik did to the baby.
You simple said “He wouldn’t let me put the baby down for a nap.” which resulted in a few head shakes and inhales from the surrounding bodies, knowing that a nap could be the best thing for the baby and the parent.
“Girl go help that man. He probably over there trying to give the baby commands like some drill sergeant.”
“Don’t do my man like that” You couldn’t help but laugh at the way they all saw erik as this military man but to you he would always be your big softie, especially after the birth of your son. He just showed his love differently than others and you didn’t fault him for it. 
You waited another two minutes before gulping down the rest of the juice in your cup before heading to your husband and distressed baby.
“Alright papa. Momma’s hear. I know, i know. Daddy doesn’t have the magic touch huh? Maybe he’ll listen to me won't he? wont he? That’s right. Come on papa, nap time.” You said, taking him out the grasp of your husband after washing your hands in the kitchen sink and drying them off once you reached to the two inside. 
You checked his diaper and it was dry, probably changed before you got here since your husband probably thought he had a soiled diaper. You also saw the half empty bottle of milk in the baby bag near where you were seated on the couch and chalked it up to your husband attempting to silence the cries of the infant.
You had placed him on your legs once you got comfortable on the couch. Fingers running over his eyebrows, his cheeks, his nose and back up to his forehead and ears in the soothing motion. Within 5 minutes he was sleeping and your husband couldn’t be happier. 
“Yes mr know-it-all” You responded smartly, not taking your eyes off the small body in your lap.
“Don’t get smart now.” You had to refrain from clenching your thighs together and looked at your husband with challenging eyes.
You saw him deflate slightly once he remembered he was in the wrong. 
“I’ll listen next time.” You let out a little hum and turned back to your son in your lap. 
You just sat in awe at the life you created with the man next to you. You were so lost in thought that you didn’t realise your husband had grabbed your chin softly before turning your face to his, placing the sweetest, most gentle kiss on your lips that left you weak once he pulled back.
“I love you” He said. That glint in his deep eyes made you swoon like it had when you first met him at the black owned coffee shop near the outreach centre.
“I love you too” You said softly before smiling at the grin that broke out on his face after knowing you weren’t so mad with him. 
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Hey y’all!
Hope your week started off alright and that you’ve enjoyed your weekend😊
This is the main account that i’ll be posting on in regards to my written work because i couldn’t interact as i wanted to on my side-blog.
But I won’t be deleting anything on that blog, im just moving over to this one.
Let me know what you thought of this soft imagine and who you’d like me to write for or just ask me anything😁
Remember to like, share and/or comment and be safe!
Love y’all and thanks for the support.
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❝ words: about 1.3k.
❝ warnings: nsfw, oral sex (male receiving), unprotected sex, mention of bodily fluids, language.
❝ a / n: don’t forget to comment and reblog if you liked it, i’d really appreciate it!
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Today is your first anniversary and you don't need to be a genius to know that Javi has forgotten. He has too much to worry about in his job and you're not going to blame him; you have bought yourself a present from him. A black set of lingerie with transparencies that leave a little to the imagination. After decorating the living room with some fruity scented candles and putting on his favorite red lipstick, you wear his DEA's t-shirt —the one he hates the most but you don't understand why he keeps it.
At least he's on time when dinner is ready.
Carrying his jacket in his hand, he walks in closing the door behind his back, frowning as soon as he notices the piece of clothing covering your body. Wrinkling his nose disgusted and upping a side of his mustache, he shakes his head.
“Quítate eso”. He simply demands, crossing both arms on his chest.
(Take that off).
“¿Por qué? A mí me gusta…”
(Why? I like this one).
“Porque tú eres mía, no de la DEA”.
(Because you're mine, not DEA's).
You shrug your shoulder raising the gems of the t-shirt to remove it over your head and let it hang from your index finger for a second, until letting it fall to the floor. Just like Javi's jaw dropping and his jacket slipping off. Then, he notices the candles, the smell… But his eyes can't fly away from your body, licking slowly his bottom lip. Horny, but starting to panic.
“¿Qué estamos cel— fuck”.
(What are we celebra— fuck).
Javi starts to babble nonsense, trying to excuse himself, trying to apologize, trying to say something. Until you shut him up with a soft move of your left hand. He looks at you like a beaten puppy, taking a couple of steps closer with his hands kept in the back pocket of his jeans, finding some calm when he sees you smirking provocatively.
“¿Te gusta lo que mi novio me ha comprado, ah?” You say turning around with both arms raised at the sides of your torso, so he can have a better view.
(Do you like what my boyfriend has bought me?)
“Tiene buen gusto, sí”. He whispers fascinated, having to clear his throat seeing you more closer.
(Has good taste, yeah).
Embracing you against himself, you cup his cheeks onto your palms leaning on your tiptoes to peck his lips with so much tender, calmly, with no rush. His hands land on your ass, not losing time on squeezing it while grunting very pleased when you urge him to walk backward to the sofa. His fingers don't loose the grip on your skin whilst taking a seat, reclining against it and getting comfier. You slide down through your shoulders the strips of the bralette before taking it off and throwing it somewhere.
Javi can't stop looking at you, enraptured by any move you make, heavily gulping a knot of saliva when you kneel between his legs without being asked for. You have been craving him all day since you woke up alone much to your regret, but now, he's all yours. And you're going to take advantage. Your fingers are quick undoing his belt, the metallic button and the zip, gasping inevitably when he arches his back to help you, and his hard dick springs free as soon as his clothes roll down to his ankles.
Wrapping your hand around his length, you take an ephemeral lick from his glans, tasting the salty precum covering it. Usually, you like to play with him, and Javier loves to play with you, but Steve has called you again to tell you it hasn't been a good day either. You're already used. You know pretty well how to take care of Javi. And this time, you don't tease him, swallowing his most sensible skin until your mouth is completely filled, pushing the limits of your throat. Your boyfriend can't help but loudly moan, closing his eyes as he places his hands on the back of his neck. Until he's forced to tangle them in your head when the gag you produce makes his cock vibrate deliciously.
“Oh, fuck, cariño”. He growls tossing his head back, spreading his legs a little more, not being able to speak in Spanish as his mind is focused only on your touches.
You bob your mouth up and down, circling it around his most sensitive skin, as your tongue licks all his size as if it's the succulent food you have ever tried. You mark the rhythm, sometimes quicker when he's relaxed, sometimes slowlier when he's eager. And yes, you could kill him just like that —sucking off his soul and squeezing his balls when you force your throat and offer him another gag.
His vocals soon become louder, conscious that Javi is so close to cum, watching him maintain your gaze with his darkened lustful eyes and biting his lips, trying to control himself. Trying to last a few minutes more.
“Fuck, basta…” He begs pulling your hair back when he's at the edge.
(Fuck, enough).
Your boyfriend helps you to stand up, to push you onto his lap. He needs more. He always needs more from you. Pretending to take off the only piece of clothing that covers his favorite part of your body, Javier stops you.
“Déjalo”. He just says.
(Leave it).
Putting it aside, he tours your soaked entry with his fingertips. Your arousal wet his digits, bringing them to his mouth to taste you. He loses his ass for you —sucking them clean before colliding his lips with yours. Now, the two of you can taste your juices mixed in your saliva. The filthy kiss that is broken when, directing his glans to your cunt, you just simply let yourself fall over it, digging his hardness deeper than you two could expect.
You grip the back of his head while Javier nails his hands in your hips. He urges you, forces you to rock them, to bounce on his cock. You're desperate for feeling him, dancing your body keened, anxious at the moment his teeth and his lips meet your nipples. Kissing, biting, sucking, pulling them. He tortures you with a sweet pain that makes you roll your eyes to the back of your head.
Increasing the pace as you arch your torso, you find a new weak spot, hitting your g-spot with every bounce. Javi feels it too, he can feel the same pleasure reclining against the sofa and enjoying the view of your breast jumping every time you impale yourself with his cock. He could die right now happier and satisfied than ever in his life, with the addition of the soft fabric of your panties rubbing his length in every move.
“Fuck, I'm gonna cum, baby”. He gasps with a very marked Texas accent, closing his eyelids.
“Yeah?” You mumble leaning forward and placing your hands on his shoulders to press your lips on his. “C'mon… cum inside me, mi flaco”.
The pounds to your soaked pussy are insane, just like the kiss he gives you —hungry of your mouth, obscene, dirty. Javier doesn't need anything else to explode, drinking and swallowing the animal grunt that escapes his throat, as he forces you down to push his dick to your guts making you find your orgasm too.
You both are breathless, but that doesn't stop you from fighting his tongue with yours as the pleasure continues shaking your bodies.
“Feliz aniversario”. Panting, he brushes your lips with his, wrapping his arms on your middle back to hold you closer. “Lo siento que me olvidé…”
(Happy anniversary. I'm sorry I forgot it).
“Está bien…” You whisper spreading sloppy and exhausted kisses all around his face. “No estoy enfadada”.
(It's okay. I'm not mad at you).
“Te voy a compensar, lo prometo, mi amor”.
(I'll compensate you, I promise, my love).
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GENERAL TAG LIST: @mayans-sauce @peoniarose @destynelseclipsa @band-psycho @myakai13 @petlaufeyson @-im-fantastic- @horsesandwolvesaremyanimals @rocketqueen @rosieposie0624 @ellyseveronica @Jessprins13 @diaryofkali @ravenmoore14 @starrynite7114 @kenbechillin @miahelen @monkeyluver4546 @sheeshgivemeabreak @jadesamhart @rawrlittlepanda-95 @megapeacelovemusic-blog @katsav17
NARCOS: @trulysuccubus @purrrrfect @diogodxlot @danniburgh @velia27 @catcher11 @pedritobalmando @mys2425 @tanyaherondale @kalimont83 @scullys-alienpussy @acourtofsnakes @pascalesque @encounterthepast @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @gemini0410 @nikkixostan @lozaa94 @arveeee @thoughtfulpandelwasteland @cjbtw @goldielocks2004 @aurelie-celine @spideysimpossiblegirl @agirllovespancakes @kingpascals @im-an-adult-ish
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shinsouskitten · 4 years
Shinsou Hitoshi nsfw alphabet
damn kat back at it again with the thirst i hate myself 
Idk how I haven’t done a nsfw alphabet for my KING yet but I’m disappointed in myself for it
this post was mostly finished before the whole ‘this cold makes me feel like im dying’ thing so i just had to add a few and it was ready for publishing (bonus points if you can tell which ones were added in my cold-induced craziness)
Warnings: you know it, you love it, the thirsting of a lonely writer
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Shinsou is a king when it comes to aftercare. Hot baths, massages, cuddles, you name it. You mean the absolute world to him, and he’ll go out of his way to show that, both in and out of the bedroom
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and their partner’s)
Shinsou can be pretty self critical, but if you pushed for an answer he’d probably say his hair, cause he knows how much you like it. For his partner, horny Shinsou would immediately go for your neck (literally too). He loves how a single kiss can turn you into putty in his hands, and he’ll leave marks in places he knows you can’t hide just to prove to the world that you’re his
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Inside you, on you, he doesn’t really mind. Whatever you prefer, he’s happy with. If you want to get messy, he’s more than happy to help, but if not he’ll keep you clean (ish). Although he’s unlikely to admit it, seeing you swallow his cum ignites a fire in Shinsou, and sets up quite a few more rounds so he can give you a reward for being so good
D = Dirty secret (pretty clear, a dirty secret of theirs)
Shinsou’s pretty open with what he wants, but when you first start getting intimate there’ll be a few things he doesn’t really want to say in case he scares you away (he could never, but he still worries). He wants to experiment, but he makes sure he knows your boundaries before he suggests anything too out there. The thing he keeps secret for the longest is the desire to wrap your neck in a beautiful collar emblazoned with his name, simply cause he doesn’t want you to think it’s weird
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He does his research, but hands on experience is pretty limited before you. It’s a learning curve, both of you learning what makes the other tick, what causes you the highest amount of pleasure, and what to steer clear of
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Loves to see you ride him. It gives you the power to control the tempo, but also gives him a beautiful view to tip him over the edge of ecstasy. More needy Shinsou (aka when he’s in hornball mode) likes doggy style, cause it means he can pull your hair or hold you up against him and kiss your neck
G = Goofy (how serious are they in the moment?)
He’s not going to whip out a joke book in the middle of sex, but he’s also not going to act like an uptight secretary who’s only able to follow the rules (well, not unless you ask 👀) 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Keeps himself trimmed, possibly even shaved. It’s no nonsense and means it’s also more enjoyable for you if you’re giving him head
I = Intimacy (how romantic are they in the moment?)
He’s an intimate guy, but he’s also not above teasing (though there’s another letter for that so I’ll keep on intimate for now). Like I mentioned in B, Shinsou can be pretty self critical, and sometimes he can get scared that you’ll leave him if he doesn’t prove how much he loves you, which to him means intimate sex and reassurance (aka, saying ‘I love you’ every two seconds)
J = Jack off (what are their views on masturbation?)
He does it when needed. He’s not insanely horny, so chances are if he is you’re there to deal with him. But if you’re not, and he’s especially needy, he’ll most likely call you up for a little phone session. The thought of you is incredible, but being able to see and hear you is even better
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
I think we all know the phrase kitty, right? Well inference leads me to believe that Shinsou would be down for trying out pet play. And yes, as I mentioned before, he would 100% have a collar for you with his name on it. I don’t take criticism for that one
L = Location (favorite places to do the dance with no pants)
More traditional. Sex between the two of you means intimacy, so he’d prefer privacy. You have yet to find a surface in your house he hasn’t tried to fuck you on. That being said, your comfort is of the utmost importance to Shinsou, so if he’s going to fuck you over the kitchen counter, he’s going to make sure you feel comfortable while he does it. So yes, that means he’ll take pillows off the sofa’s just to make you comfy
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going, etc)
You. Simple as. There are certain things that especially turn him on, such as you biting your lip or being extra attentive to him in what would seem like a normal scene to anyone else watching. Put your hand on his thigh when out at dinner and pay the price when you get home. Or maybe that was your plan all along
N = No (turn offs, something they wouldn’t do)
Shinsou never wants you to be in pain (well not unless you want to be in pain). He’ll leave hickies all over you, but that’s about as far as he’ll go with marking you. Maybe a spank here and there, but he won’t scar you or leave any marks that won’t be gone in a few days
O = Oral (do they prefer giving or receiving? how skilled are they?)
Shinsou prefers giving, but he’ll never say no to receiving either. He wants you to feel good, but if you decide to turn the tables he’s not going to deny you. Once you’re finished though, he’s repaying the favor tenfold. And just as a note, pull his hair when he goes down on you. He adores it
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Yes and yes. It all depends on the situation, his mood, the usual things. He’ll do whatever provides you with the most pleasure (while also allowing him to tease you)
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies)
He doesn’t love them, but if they’re the only way to get some gratification then he’s willing (only if you are though). He’s careful about location, he doesn’t want someone walking in and ruining the whole thing, even if the risk of being caught makes everything a little more exciting. Chances are he won’t engage in quickies unless he’s been to the place at least once before (he wants to know which wall you’d look best pinned to). He has to feel slightly comfortable in the environment
R = Risk (how risky are they willing to be?)
He’s down for a little risk, but nothing that would be too mortifying for you. If he’s going to screw you somewhere other than your home, he’s going to vet the place over a lot, and find the best place where you have the comfort of being private but the thrill of being caught if someone were to venture too close to your hideout
S = Stamina (how long do they last? how many rounds?)
Freaking hell where does he get it from? Like, he just doesn’t stop. Not that that’s a bad thing, mind you. Most of the rounds consist of him pleasing you, and he’ll only give in and finally fuck you when your throat is hoarse from begging, or when he feels the smallest amount of pity at the tears rolling down your face (did someone say crying kink)
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them on a partner or themselves?)
Vibrating panties. I said he doesn't physically act on desires when in public, but touching a remote isn’t the same thing as touching you, so he makes an exception. He’s not insanely cruel. For him it’s more about teasing that mortification, so if someone senses something’s wrong, he turns off the remote until they give up. But the moment they’re gone, it’s back stronger than ever
U = Unfair (how much do they tease?)
*roblox oof sound effect*
Once Shinsou gains his confidence with you, he’s not going back. His teasing is often coupled with praise, telling you how good you’re being for him while he denies you pure bliss again and again. He’ll edge you to hell and back if you give him the chance, but don’t worry, it’s worth it in the end
V = Volume (how they sound, how loud they are, etc)
Small moans and louder grunts are the main sounds coming from Shinsou when he’s enjoying himself. He swears a lot, and it’s always easy to tell how close he is to the edge by how creative his swears become. As for his partner, he wants to know how well he’s doing. He wants to hear you whine and beg while he edges you, and the pornstar-like moans that fill the air when he finally gives in and gives you what you really want
W = Wild card (a random headcanon)
You think I forgot about his quirk. Ha, I could never. I said in my hcs that it takes a while for Shinsou to integrate quirk use into sex. As much as you assure him you’re in full trust, he’s anxious about the inability to say no when he has you under his control. The longer you’re together the more willing he is, but even when he does use it it’s usually a way to make edging even more dangerous, with you unable to resist his words when he tells you you’re not allowed to cum just yet
Okay maybe we have 2 wild cards this time cause I also wanna mention his capture weapon. Again, it’ll take a while for it to be available in a less-than-pg manner, but he’s more willing to use his capture weapon than his quirk. Main reason being, you can still use a safeword when tied up. But tying up goes both ways, so even if he prefers to be the one giving the pleasure, he’d never deny your wishes
X = X-ray (let’s have a looksee in those pants)
I’m trying not to be biased cause I love him so much but I feel like Shinsou’s kinda packing. A good 8.5-9 inches (no, I won’t take criticism) and on the skinnier side. But the amount of attention he gives you before his pants are even off means taking him is never difficult
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Not the highest, but when you’re around it increases significantly. He’s not going to fuck you every time he sees you (I mean, he thinks about it) but he also isn’t a nun. It’s a good level, cause most days you can walk, and then on the weekends you’re a little bedridden
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He’s a bit of an insomniac, so screwing the energy out of him is one of the best ways to get Shinsou tired enough to sleep. He likes to hold you, so once he’s satisfied with the aftercare, he’ll crawl in bed for cuddles until the both of you pass out
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miyaniacs · 3 years
Mafia AU - Bokuto x fem!reader
A/n: uhmmm sorry for not updating ... i haven’t been motivated to continue this and then i did and forgot that i had this update lol... so here you are. The beginning of the downfall is here. Sooo Tbh it will Kinda depend on your responds to this chapter if it will take months for me to continue it - or days 🙇🏼‍♀️
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Chapter 12 - A decision is made
Index ; masterlist ; Chapter 11 - The encounter
Warnings: uhhh... violence? Mentions of guns
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Bokutos POV
Monday 12 am
I want to punish him. I want to hurt him the way he hurt her, by messing up her life.
He looks at Ushijima with hate filled eyes, his whole aura shifts when he sees his arrogant smirk.
Why is he so sure of himself?
Does he really think that he, Bokuto, wouldn’t beat the shit out of him, right here in his office?
“Oh and Bokuto - hope you have fun with that hoe.” Ushijima smirks and now Bokuto fully breaks.
“Call her a hoe one more time.” Bokuto hisses. Furious wasn’t enough to describe what he was feeling right now. He was boiling with pure hate, his fist was ready to collide with this arrogant face of the male in front of him. He was ready to sent him straight into the hospital, hell he was even ready to kill him right here.
The one thing that was holding him back was the fact that such a quick death would be way too ‘nice’. He needs to suffer, he wants to break him, makes him feel all the pain in the world. Slowly peeling the skin off his body, until he begs him to finally kill him.
“And what are you doing then? Huh? I’m just telling the truth. She would have went to bed with you straight away the first time you saw her, just to get close to you and get informations.”  Ushijimas face is now almost touching his, sparks flying, both ready to beat each other up. “That’s only because you’d force her to do so.”
He laughs again. What is so funny, was it all a joke to Ushijima? A joke that he ruined your life, forcing you to throw yourself at random man, just to get information out of them? And for what? A small amount of money, comparing to what Ushijima probably owns? Oh he has to deal with the consequences at some point, he has to ... feel the consequences.
He can already see him hanging on a wall, blood dripping off the several cuts on bis body, his arrogance long gone as he looks up at him with eyes, showing that Bokuto did it, that he broke him.
Suddenly he feels someone tugging on his arm and he spins around, taking a few seconds to understand that he is still im the office. The fire in his eyes burning up again as he sees the fearful look on your face. He wants to comfort you and ask what happened, but then the shook took over him. You’re afraid of him.
He takes a few steps back, giving you some room to breath.
He couldn’t talk to you, the knot in his throat hindering him from telling you how sorry he is. Bokuto is lost in his thoughts the whole way back to the car and during the drive.
He is filled with guilt.
He hates himself for showing you this side of him.
All he ever wanted was to be a save space for you, to make you feel home and at peace.
He never wanted you to feel fear when being with him.
He has to do something and he knows exactly what.
“Go inside, I have to discuss something with the boss.” He says without looking at you his eyes still fixed on the street.
“Kou… let me explain… please.”
His heart breaks, you really feel the need to explain? To apologize? When he is the one that hurt you?
“Later.” He says way to cold for his own liking, but he couldn’t start crying now, even though he feels like it. He swallows the emotions that start to well up inside of him “I promise we talk later.” Placing his hands on your face he softens. You’re so beautiful.
He frowns when he sees small tears rolling down your cheeks.
No, why are you crying? He slightly starts panicking inside but tries to not show it. “Don’t cry my love.”
“I’m sorry.”  Here you go, apologizing for nothing, at last he doesn’t see a reason why your should apologize to him.
“No, don’t apologise. Non of this is your fault. I should have known better. You already told me how you’ve met Ushijima. It was my fault.”
Regret fills him up again.
Why was he so stupid?
He walked right into Ushijimas trap.
And now you were afraid of him.
He wasn’t good for you.
He wasn’t the right one for you.
The life he lives wasn’t one for you.
He had to get you out of this whole mess, you deserve so much better than this.
Even if that means, for him to leave your life completely.
He leans in for one last kiss.
“No. Don’t say anything. I promise you, you will never see me like this again. I can’t bear knowing that you’re afraid of me, even if it’s only a tiny little bit of you fearing me.” He mumbles before kissing you again. “Now please, get inside. And I hope to find you in one of my sweatshirts when I get back home.”
He hated lying to you.
But he had to.
“Okay, I can’t promise not to take your Vetements one tough.” You laugh and he smiles.
“Whatever I own is yours.”
My heart, my home, my car, my everything, he’ll make sure that you are save when he wasn’t with you anymore.
His cheerful smile dropped the second you were out of sight, he speeds through the city, not caring about the red lights or the other cars.
Monday 3 pm
“Sorry the Boss isn’t here right now.” One for the guards says.
Bokuto rolls his eyes and walks around in the empty office.
“What are you-“ the guard begins, “ I write him a note.” Bokuto huffs and scribbles something on a piece of paper.
“Make sure to keep Y/n save.”
He storms out of the building.
The Adlers really think they could simply tick him and the others? By putting Y/n in his life to spy on them? Are they really that desperate to involve such an innocent and pure soul as you into all of this?
The hate he felt for them just increased the more time he got to spent with you. Your pure soul lightens up his day, he smiles whenever he looks at you, his heart warms whenever he sees your smile, when he hears your laugh it’s the sweetest sound he has ever heard. All those days he got to spent with you for now, have been the best days of his life.
And how can such a beautiful person like you, work in such a dark world.
This isn’t a world that’s meant for you.
Sure he knows that you’re strong... but he isn’t stupid.
He can see that all of this is just a mask, you got used to this life, but it is not the life you wanted to be involved in. All your sarcasm, the cold look in your eyes, the raised eyebrow with that light smirk playing on you lips, whenever someone is saying something that could definitely get them into jail.
It is all an act.
And he knows that you know that he can see right through it.
Those nights he spent awake next to you, making sure to reassuring you that everything is alright and that he is right next to you, trying to keep all those nightmares away from you. He sees how you turn in your sleep, how your face frowns, he hears all those small no’s. And it breaks his heart whenever he feels your hands grabbing his shirt, clinging on him, burring your face in his chest while you whimper something only you can understand, your whole body shaking out of fear of whatever hunts you in your dreams.
Sure, you play tough, but he knows that deep inside your heart you want to leave all of this behind.
Enough was enough and he certainly had enough.
He takes his phone and type three small words before getting out of his car.
Opening up the trunk he pulled off the flooring revealing countless of guns and knifes.
It was a true old fashioned kamikaze mission, but he didn’t care.
Putting two of the small guns in the back of his pants, he grabs the loaded submachine gun in one hand, takes a deep breath and opens the door.
I’ll get you out of all of this, you’ll be able to live a normal life again, with or without me.
And he pulls the trigger, shooting the first guard.
Your POV
You stand in front of the big window, looking down at the passing people and cars, always looking out for one specific black one, but you couldn’t spot it. The longer you wait, the more restless you get, Bokuto was away for way too long now, he would have told you if it would take longer right?
So why haven’t he come back home now.
Your phone vibrates, before you could check it, you hear the door burst open.
“BOKUTO?!” You can hear Atsumu call out.
“Atsumu?” You walk over to him.
“Where is he?” The person next to him, Sakura asks.
“I was about to ask you the same thing, he dropped me off and told me he has something to do... but that was hours ago...” you mumble the next part, “ You... you don’t know where he is?”
“Does it look like we do?! The Boss is sending all of us out to find him!” Atsumu growls.
“Tell us everything that happened today.” Sakusa demands and you begin talking, describing the whole situation that happened with Ushijima and how Bokuto behaved slightly strange the way back to his.
The three of you stare at each other after you’ve finished and your attentions shifts to the TV.
“BREAKING NEWS - Countless of shots have been heard from the Casino, related to the infamous Adlers, we’re live - Cassie, what do you know?
‘ We all know nothing, civilians could all leave, all of them are talking about only one men, entering the building. The police is still clueless, but a few minutes ago, the shooting stopped and -“
“FUCK!” Atsumu screams and he and Sakusa run out of the door, “YOU STAY HERE!” He shouts before pulling out his phone already calling someone.
No. No. No no no. This can’t be real.
Your mind is racing while you collect your things and rush out of the apartment.
If there is one small chance that Bokuto is still alive, you have to take it, you had to save him at all costs. Even if it means breaking his heart and revealing everything... you just have to everything you can.
Looking down at your phone, you remember the message you got.
From: Bokuto
Please remember that I will always love you.
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@tendouthighs ,  @lilacshouko​@softhourswithseb​ ​@theperksofcoffee ​@cuddlesslut @shhhlikeme​​, @kynyta​​ @yammmers​  @asahi-is-jesus-periodt​​ @hxnni-bxnni​​ @theduvetpirate​​ @chromaticstudio​​@gywjd0131​​​ @haikyuusimp91​​​ @kara-grayson04 @saucysamu​​ @brokeyiam​ ​
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carouselofrats · 3 years
All for the Best (No It Isn’t)
“Oh, how I pity you, Roman.” He chuckled, turning his back to the Side and feeling his own eyes begin to water as he lost control. The Lord of the Lies was only so good. It felt physically painful to walk out the door as he heard Roman break out into sobs behind him.
You’ll never get to hold him in your arms.
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32061952
Pairing: Roceit
Word Count: 2017
CW: Janus has a panic attack but he gets comforted don’t worry :)
Janus wasn’t sure exactly when he’d fallen in love with Roman. All he knew was that at some point, over all of the theatre scenarios and courtroom flirting, he’d fallen head over heels in love with the wonderfully dramatic prince. It was terrifying, to suddenly care so much for another. Because of this, it was both a comforting and depressing fact that he could never act on his feelings. For one, Virgil would kill him. He was already suspicious and hateful enough of the snake, he didn’t even want to consider the backlash that would come if he tried to romance Virgil’s best friend. I used to be his best friend .
There were times, of course, where he did wish for more. When the light of the imagination’s stage caught Roman’s face at the perfect angle while they traded lines; When they accidentally brushed hands or shoulders while talking over one of Roman’s scripts and he had to force himself not to linger; When Roman had had a nightmare and chosen to come to his room for comfort.
He finally reached the other facet’s door and knocked politely, as he’d become delightfully accustomed to doing over the past few months. There was a shuffling on the other side before a visibly nervous Roman opened the door.
“Hey Jan! Come on in, sit wherever you’d like!” Okay, now he was nervous. Something was off, very off.
Janus sat down on the corner of Roman’s bed, glancing around the familiar brightness of his love’s friend’s room. Roman gently sat next to him, causing the deceitful Side’s gaze to snap to him. Roman sighed.
“I asked you here today to tell you something important.” Janus’ heart clenched. Please don’t be what I hope think it is.
“I’ve been wanting to tell you for a while. We’ve had a rocky friendship, what with all of the stuff Thomas’s gone through, but I'm so happy that we got to the point we’re at now. You’ve become so incredibly important to me, Jan. It’s incredible how passionate you are about your role--and that’s coming from the literal embodiment of passion--and how much you care, even though you don’t like everybody to know it.” Roman chuckled a bit, Janus giving an exhale of amusement as well as the fear in his heart grew.
“I guess what im trying to say…” Please, god, yes no. “...is that I’m in love with you, Janus.” No. No, no, no.
Roman’s nervous yet earnest gaze travelled up from his lap, where it had drifted earlier, to Janus, searching for his reaction. Janus had short-circuited, his entire body frozen.
No no no, this wasn’t supposed to happen. How could he possibly love you? You can’t say you feel the same, no matter how much you want to, you know that. You’ve already hurt him before, if you tell him it’ll happen again and then you’ll really lose him and he’ll never look at you with his beautiful eyes or smile at you with his beautiful smile ever again. He can’t really love you. Just let him lose his infatuation. It can’t be real love. It might hurt him now but it will be way better than what you would inevitably end up doing to him.
No one could ever love you.
Janus forced his face into a smirk and his voice into something stable. He allowed the mask of the villain to slip over his face. You’ve always been the villain.
“Oh, Roman. You really have fallen, haven’t you?” he crooned. Hurt confusion slowly seeped into Romans face. He desperately pushed down the flash of guilt he felt.
“What are you talking about, Jan?” Roman spoke, his voice quiet and hurt.
“Did you really think that I could ever love you?” Janus hurt laughed. Roman’s eyes began to water, tears slowly falling down his cheeks. Janus stood up, forcing his hand not to shake as he patted Roman’s shoulder for the last time.
“Oh, how I pity you, Roman.” He chuckled, turning his back to the Side and feeling his own eyes begin to water as he lost control. The Lord of the Lies was only so good. It felt physically painful to walk out the door as he heard Roman break out into sobs behind him. You’ll never get to hold him in your arms.
As soon as Roman’s door was safely shut behind him, Janus sank out to his room, collapsing on the bed as sobs overtook him. It’s better this way, he tried to tell himself, he can get over it quicker and you’ll save him the heartbreak. It’s fine. Everything is fine. His heart, which felt like it was physically burning, said otherwise. Janus could barely bring himself to move, weakly shoving his shoes off and wrapping himself in his blankets as he sat there, sobbing. At some point his hat had fallen off. He didn’t care. He lost track of time, trying to tell himself that it was all for the best, you’ll get over it, though he knew he wouldn’t.
Suddenly, Janus heard his door burst open. He was filled with the urge to make himself presentable or even look up but he only succeeded in reducing his sobbing into a gasping panic.
“Why the fuck would you do that to Roman you- Dec- Janus? What the-” the intruder spoke. Janus’ panic only increased and he couldn’t breathe he couldn’t breathe help
Of course, it had to be Virgil. Now he knows and he’s seen you vulnerable. You fuck everything up, don’t you? Can’t go one day without hurting somebody else you stupid, ugly snake.
“Oh shit.” He felt the bed dip.
“Can I touch you?” Janus breathed rapidly, flinching when he felt a hand on his shoulder.
“Okay, okay, just calm down, Jay. Breathe in for four.” Janus tried, gasping, only succeeding after multiple attempts.
“You’re doing great. Now hold your breath for seven.” He did the same again.
“Okay, now out for eight.”
The process repeated until Janus could breathe somewhat normally again. He finally lifted his head up from his knees, feeling pitiful, to look at Virgil. After a few seconds of silence, the anxious trait spoke.
“What- What happened?” Silence.
“Did… did you reject Roman even though you like him back, Janus?”
His sniffling quickly turned to sobbing again as he threw himself into Virgil’s arms, the Side swiftly hugging him back once he got over the shock. Janus’ other arms came out too, gripping the other like a lifeline.
“I had to- he doesn’t- he doesn’t want me. I’ll h-hurt him. Just like in the courtroom. O-or when I c-called him the evil twin. Like- like I did with you,” his voice shrank to a whisper.
“It- it just hurts so bad. Make it go away, make it go away.” He gripped Virgil’s hoodie tightly, sobbing harshly once again. He felt Virgil’s chest rumbling but he heard no words. Suddenly, Virgil started to get up, detaching Janus’ hands from his hoodie. He curled back in on himself.
He’s probably gone to tell the others how pathetic you are.
A few minutes passed, Janus only calming himself slightly. He heard a few sets of footsteps enter his doorway. They’ve come to laugh at you. The bed abruptly dipped beside him and a new set of arms wrapped around him. He opened his eyes and saw a white and gold sleeve. He froze.
“Roman?” He spoke in a small voice.
“Shh, it’s okay, darling. You’re ok.” Roman spoke, rubbing circles into Janus’ back. His voice was thick with emotion, he’d obviously been crying and Janus’ heart crushed with guilt at the notion, more tears and gasps leaving him. He began rambling apologies, all six of his arms wrapping around Roman like they had Virgil.
“I’m so sorry- I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Roman shushed the snake as he spoke, holding him tighter. “I never thought you’d feel the same way so I just b-bottled it up and then when you t-told me I didn’t know what to- to do and I’m so sorry”
Roman suddenly stilled. “So you really do? Love me back?”
Janus had run out of tears, left occasionally gasping for air. He leaned back and sat up, looking Roman in the eye and nodding before sheepishly looking away. Roman put his hands on Janus’ shoulders, causing the Side to stare back at him.
“Why did you lie about it, my love?” he spoke, his eyes full of earnest concern and love.
“I- you don’t want me. I-I’ll hurt you again. I always hurt them. And then they leave. I c-can’t-” but Virgil, who had been awkwardly watching the emotional exchange from the doorway, spoke up.
“We both hurt each other, Jay. It wasn’t all your fault.”
“Oh.” Janus leaned back against Roman as his thoughts swirled rapidly in his head. “Does this mean… that I can love you? I promise I’ll never try to hurt you and-”
Roman cut off Janus’ rambling with a kiss. Oh. Oh. Maybe Roman really did love him after all.
“Okay! Um, everything seems under control here so I’m gonna go,” Virgil hastily exited, closing the door behind him.
They pulled away from each other, both smiling. Janus wiped some of the leftover tears from his eyes, frowning at the wet marks on his gloves.
“I guess I’ve really ruined my reputation in front of you, huh?” Janus gave a light chuckle.
“Your big, tough reputation was ruined for me the moment you showed me your Scooby-Doo collection, you big nerd.” Roman teased affectionately.
“Like your Disney movie collection is any better!” Janus quipped back, Roman batting at his arm in retaliation.
“At least I have a variety to pick from!”
“At least my room isn’t a shrine to a billion dollar corporation.”
“My room only has 101 Disney posters! That’s not that many!”
“Maybe in your opinion.”
“Well, at least I don’t walk around in Hufflepuff-colored garb everyday!”
“I’m severely wounded, you take that back right now Roman Romano Sanders.”
“I refuse!”
“I can feel the dishonor of your insult burning me. I’m dying.”
“Stop being so dramatic!”
“I can see the light now.”
“Okay, fine! I'll take it back!”
“Nope, too late. I’m already in the afterlife. No, wait, I’m in Hell. It burns! It burns so much! But…”
“But what?”
“Nothing can ever burn me more than your insult! The shame! The shame…”
“Will you stop it if I finally agree to let you show me Scooby-Doo: Mystery Incorporated?”
“Suddenly I’m alive! They sent me back.”
“They said that all of you were just so lost without me. Especially you, my dear Braveheart.”
“Well, I can’t argue with that, can I?”
Roman pulled Janus in for another kiss, both of them sighing contentedly. In that moment, everything was perfect. Neither could wait for the many more perfect moments sure to come.
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belit0 · 4 years
Can I request edging Tobirama and degrading until he cries ?
Kinky Tobi✨😌
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Lying next to Tobirama, you understand why you chose him as your favourite escape. The man is really beautiful, he has a shape that seems to be carved by the Gods, and while reading a book, without making the slightest effort, he looks extremely good. You can’t help but admire him, and think that agreeing to go out with him was the best decision ever made.
He’s wearing his typical black turtleneck shirt, his hair is disheveled from exhaustion after a busy day, and he’s just arrived at your house to spend time with you. Your mind struggles between letting him relax or jumping on him and demanding that he deliver what your body needs. Of course, the primal instinct is always stronger.
Leaning your face on your hand, putting the weight of your body on one of your elbows, you look at him hoping to catch his attention and to make him leave his book. When this does not happen, you speak.
“Tobi, I really want you to eat my pussy right now.”
With a mocking grin, he slowly puts down his reading material, and responds.
“The plot is more interesting than that, woman.”
Returning to his task, he closes the matter.
“You know, I really don’t like it when you get all bratty on me.”
Turning over your place, you open the drawer of your night table, and pull out two ropes. Whether or not Tobirama noticed your action, you don’t know. You kneel on the mattress, and before giving him time to think, you take one of his wrists, tying it tightly to the head of the bed.
“What the fuck are you doing [Y/N]?”
“Aha, so you’re going to keep talking to me like that?”
Repeating the process on his other wrist, you secure your work, and smirk maliciously when the stupid book falls to the floor. With the satisfaction growing inside your chest, you get out of bed, and walk to the foot of it. Facing the Senju, who is sitting in front of you, you undress before his eyes, and watch as slowly, a familiar bump appears on his black trousers.
“Now you gonna be a good fucktoy and give me what I asked for.”
Enlarging his teasing grin even more, he challenges.
“And if I don’t?”
“I’ll take it.”
Walking towards him, you climb back on the mattress, and crawl to his waist. Once there, you pull down his trousers and underwear, removing them completely and throwing them on the floor. An almost erect limb appears in front of your eyes, and Tobirama’s torture begins.
You bring your mouth close to his cock, but never really touch it. You brush your lips painfully close to his length, making him believe that at any minute you’re going to give him the pleasure he expects, only to disappoint him a second later. You place bites around his sex, on his pelvis and thighs, and squeeze his sack with considerable pressure.
A few minutes later, his member is completely erect, and Tobi starts to feel the pressure of his mistake.
“[Y/N]… please… just a little…”
“Excuse me? What did you say? It’s just that with you whining like a useless, needy whore, I can’t hear what you’re saying.”
Kneeling between his legs, and facing his dick, you decide to enlarge his suffering. In a daring act, you slap his member, making it bounce back in its place, and drawing out a groan from Tobirama. His body contracts upon impact in its place, and his hands are holding the strings that restrain his wrists.
“Come on painslut, do better.”
By slapping his member again, another stronger moan escapes from his lips, sending fire towards your lower zone.
“Are you going to eat my cunt now, pig?”
Without hesitation, you climbed up to his face, while he slid his body into lying position. Sitting on his face, you positioned your thighs on each side, and started your overwhelming movements.
Between moans and cut breaths, you struggled to speak, and continue to generate pleasure in Tobirama’s mind. Addicted to being degraded and receiving pain, you find it easy to insult him.
“Come on loser, do something good, you’re not going to get a damn thing out of this pathetic work.”
Listening to the muffled groans of the Senju actually threatened to push you over the edge.
“What’s wrong pussy licker? Should I call that friend of yours Izuna to come and do it for you? He would surely make me finish in a second, not like you, good for nothing.”
At those words, Tobirama’s tongue began to move at a beastly pace that your body could not resist. The provocation impacted deep inside him, and made you a mess of moans and juices over his mouth in a few minutes.
Pulling his hair with one hand, squeezing the head of the bed with the other, and moving your hips violently over his face, made you reach one of your best orgasms yet.
Dismounting from him, you sat down next to him, and cleaned up his face.
“ So good Tobi… so good…”
“I’ve been a good playtoy… please…”
“I guess you have been.”
Ready for your second orgasm, you sat down and straddled him without releasing him. You slowly introduced his cock inside you, so that he felt every sensation amplified and didn’t miss anything. A groan came from his lips at the penetration, and you couldn’t help but grin teasingly.
You began to move slowly, gradually carrying his pleasure, delighting in his facial expressions, in how his hands clutched tightly to the ropes when he couldn’t touch you, in how little words escaped him from time to time.
“Don’t close your eyes and stare at me or you will suffer worm”.
Obedient, he tried to carry out your order, until you increased the speed and his eyelids involuntarily gathered strength.
Suddenly stopping all the movement of your hip, Tobirama’s pleasure was cut off without warning, and an almost agonizing moan emanated from his lips.
“What the fuck did I tell you, you piece of shit? Keep your eyes on mine or you won’t cum.”
Resuming the activity, the Senju really struggled to get his red orbs to stick to yours, trying to earn his orgasm, but his body betrayed him just as his peak was about to reach him.
“What’s the matter, you nasty little pig? Are you going to cry because you’re not smart enough to accomplish a simple task? Shame on you, slut. One last time.”
And on that occasion, although Tobirama closed his eyes again, when a tear ran down his cheek, you didn’t have the heart to keep denying him what his body was asking for, and you gave him a terribly aggressive orgasm.
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leafcabbage · 3 years
While I’m here still (sorry for the spam!) I just wanted to say thank you? Back when I was a kid and this whole thing was new, I remember thinking after having bad days in succession with good days that I was failing, and the people around me thought that too.
Just,,, drdi!Ranboo’s support system acknowledging that chronic illness is, in fact, chronic and they’ll always need help and love won’t cure it and that the help they’ll need will increase and looking after him?? That line in the last chapter of winter break, where Tubbo avoids telling Ranboo that the situation isn’t forever? Hit in the f a c e./pos
So yeah. Thank you. Drink some water and stay safe, okay? I’ll just be here :]
im gonna open with two things: im terrible at writing when it comes to actually talking to people and im going to get just a tiny bit personal. you're going to get some [real name] instead of cabbage. incredible. yknow i have an old lady name maybe i should just start using random old lady names. today i will be.... Dorothy. (apparently my name was very popular in the 1930s so that's the decade i shall use)
first off, the fact that this fic has been so... positive? for you? i dont know exactly how to say what im trying to say but i hope you get the idea. it's one of my goals that people can look at this story and no matter who they relate to, see that things can be good. things can be okay. even when they aren't okay, there can be hope. i already said it, but there's too much bullshit about living sad lives and stuff because of a disability or chronic illness or mental illness or whatever. ranboo isn't going to get better. there will be no miraculous recovery, there's no miracle cure. they have a severe tbi, drug resistant epilepsy, permanent physical damage to their entire body, chronic pain, etc. that's not gonna get healed by jesus or some shit. years of pushing themself past their limits is catching up with them. tommy and tubbo, at the point we are at in the story, aren't entirely aware of the extent of what ranboo is living with, but once they are, nothing will change about how much they care and how much they love ranboo and how willing they are to help and be there. another message i hope im getting across in the story is that help is not a bad thing to need! help =/= failure. and that's something ranboo is only starting to learn.
i think it's really important to tell stories of unconditional love through things that are hard, in relationships that are lasting, and we havent gotten it yet but its important to me that everyone supports everyone in it too, there's no one character always being the one struggling, i think that's also a shitty narrative.
some of this is for me. without going too into it, my brain? funky. i take epilepsy medication for bipolar, which is a fun fact i share constantly because its so funny to me. im also autistic but that is a surprise to absolutely no one. and part of life is finding out that some people are gonna support you and some aren't. ive found my lifelong support system. ive found people willing to adjust to my communication style and where i do and dont get "normal" things. people who will support me through manic episode and still acknowledge that being in that position can be hard. i really want to avoid any "babying" in this fic, clear communication on stuff like this is important. but yeah, im sure not gettin' rid of the good ol' bipolar or autism, so its something people who plan to be with me their whole lives have to accept, and ive found the people who do. i want that to be ranboo's story.
my biggest struggle in life is my IBS though-
jk jk, but thank you for this message, i really appreciate it, and i love hearing people's thoughts on the fic, it helps me make it better and realize what parts actually impact people :]
i hope you're staying safe as well!!
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