#but imagine Quartz becoming Sun Quartz and naming Rose as their Moon
alex-fa-ch · 3 years
imagine ancapistan re establishing the government as a monarchy, bc democracy clearly didn't work
imagine Quartz somehow stumbling their way into being the first Ruler, i think it'd be nice alskfjsksk
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hermeticimp · 4 years
Witchy Then Vs. Now #WakingWitchblr
Hey guys! So, I’ve seen a bunch of posts on witchy things we’ve done as children. I really love the idea and have been meaning to do a post on it for the longest, but I wanted to add a bit of a twist. Instead of just making a list, I want to compare and contrast my childhood witchy things to my practice now. This is definitely something I want to see other people’s takes on as well, so feel free to tag this under the #WakingWitchblr or #WitchyThenVsNow. Without further ado, I’m going to do mine! 
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Elemental Work
Then: I was super into shows like Shaolin Showdown and Pokemon, which had plenty of abilities that were linked to particular elements. Back then, I found myself very attracted to fire, wishing that I could have the ability to manipulate it. Kimiko was my favorite because of that (besides the fact that she was the only female member of the group). I was also into water pokemon like Squirtle and Staryu. I found it funny when I found out I was a Fire Rat under the Chinese zodiac. Despite knowing that Libra was an air sign, I identified more with the passion and intensity of fire. 
Now: I work with all the elements! XD Nah, but seriously, now I see the strengths and weaknesses of each element, then use whichever one or ones work best for the situation. I do a lot of work with fire through candle and sun magic. I work with water via cleansing, water magic, and lunar magic. I use earth when grounding, relaxing, and using crystals and my wooden wand. I use air when I work with the wind, humidifiers/diffusers, and incense. I still love fire, but not so much for the cool factor. I find myself much more aligned to air now, actually. Of course, I now know I’m an air sun, fire moon, and water rising, so that’s entertaining. 
Then: Speaking of signs, when I first picked up an astrology book in the 3rd grade, I was only aware of sun signs, as most people do when first stepping into the subject. I was fascinated by the different signs and figuring out who was which based on birthday. I would read off sections from books or apps I had and found it hilarious when people freaked out about how accurate things were. In middle school, I started learning about moon and risings signs. It was an interesting experience, but I still focused more on sun signs. 
Now: Goodness gracious, I’ve come so far. XD Not to say I’m an expert at all - far from it - but I now understand more about astrology as a whole. I can read a birthchart, I have an astrology mentor, I understand that there are placements for each of the 10 planets. Astrology has become a major aspect of of my craft. I (try to) follow the moon cycles and other transits. I utilize astrology in my divination readings. I’m fascinated by seeing the different ways people express each of their placements and their charts as a whole. I’m a student of astrology (primarily modern and evolutionary) who is always eager to learn more. Soon, I’ll share some of my notes, but not quite yet. 
Then: I was super into reading books on space as a child. I often found myself nose deep, learning about galaxies, stars, black holes, meteors, comets, and so on. It wasn’t odd to find me staring up at the stars and Moon whenever I had the chance. I was fascinated by astronomical events, like meteor showers or lunar eclipses. I adored planetariums. I wanted the glow-in-the-dark star stickers on my ceiling like my cousins had. I wanted a constellation projector. I was ecstatic to work on a project regaring Haley’s Comet. Space excited and thrilled me in a way nothing else did. 
Now: It’s a shame, but I don’t really focus on space much outside of celestial magic and astrology. Don’t get me wrong, I still find space exciting and I will always have eyes for the Moon and the stars, but I’m not keeping up with the science like I used to. There’s still a sense of affection when I happen to read articles on new discoveries or technology or when I see pictures of the solar system and galaxies. However, my focus is mainly on the movements of the heavenly bodies and how that impacts us. I work with the energy of different planets through associations and timing spells for planetary hours, but that’s about it. 
Then: Oooh, boy. So I was a major nerd as a kid (if you haven’t caught onto that by now. Honestly still AM. XD), so I adored going on science trips. At museums, it was common to find all kinds of rough crystals for cheap. I thought they were cool. I loved the colors and the feel of them against my fingers. I was drawn to rough rose quartz, amethyst, granite, and quartz back then. With tumbled stones, it was amethyst, ruby, sapphire, topaz, and tiger’s eye. I collected them as a child and was always excited to add to it. This interest kind of faded out as I went on less and less school trips to science museums. 
Now: You will pry crystals out of my cold, dead hands. XD Seriously though, I have a whole bunch of crystals. I keep them on my altars, in a metal box by my bed, and all over my room, honestly. I favor tumbled stones more than rough ones, but there’s still an affection for rough rose quartz and quartz. I adore tiger’s eye, amethyst, carnelian, moss agate, and amazonite.Crystals are a major part of my work. I use them in just about all of my spells, from the ritualistic ones to minor aches and pains-based ones. I occasionally meditate with them. I will most likely be found wearing some kind of crystal jewelry. My spells may be infrequent, but they’re a regular ingredient (which I’ll get into in another post). 
Then: As a child, I believed everything had some kind of spirit, from the stars, to the Moon, to the wind, to my stuffed animals. I remember talking in my head to the moon anytime I could. I imagined hearing her speak back to me (and a lunar deity very well could have been, who knows?). I remember when I would play games reminescent of Noah’s ark, wanting to bring everything I loved with me in the event of a disaster. I’d place all my toys under my blankets and feel at ease, knowing that everything was safe and had its place. I very well could have been influenced by media like Toy Story or Cars. Either way, I vividly remember all of that. 
Now: I now know that this is the concept of animism. It’s an ideology that I still believe in whole-heartedly. I still talk to my stuffed animals (room’s full of them), I’ve dedicated some to my deities, I’ve spoken to the spirits of plants and trees, I greet the Sun and talk to the Moon as I used to, I have a spirit in my pendulum. It’s a part of my practice and philosophy. I’m not as all over the place with it as I was a child, but it still matters deeply to me. 
Then: I was first introduced to mythology by a friend in 5th grade, as I’ve mentioned before on this blog. Or rather, I was introduced to Greek mythology at that time. I had grown up reading Native American and African stories, such as those of Anansi. I found Greek mythology to be fascinating. Haven grown up in a Christian family (though my parents were rather lax about it and encouraged us to explore our personal beliefs), I’d read the Bible plenty of times. I didn’t really believe in those stories, particularly because God was either portrayed as an omniscient and violent being or omniscient, omnipotent being of perfection and love. Neither sat right with me. It also didn’t make sense to me for there to only be one god. So when I read myths as a child and learned what polytheism was, I jumped on that ship in a heartbeat. I didn’t worship anyone, but I loved the idea that there were gods of different things. With Greek mythology, I especially loved it because the gods were portrayed as having flaws, of being human in a sense. They were powerful, but not all-powerful. It was mindblowing to me at the time. I fell in love with the stories of heroes and tricksters, I expanded into Egyptian, Norse, and Japanese mythology. I took these stories as stories but also as accurate depictions of gods. 
Now: Mythology... doesn’t really play a part in my practice. Contray to some polytheists, I don’t take the myths seriously. To me, all they are are human made stories about higher entities. I used to get so angry when I imagined the horrific things that deities did. I balked when I saw people question why worship or work with these deities that were notorious for doing horrific things to each other and humans? I made jokes about Zeus and his supposed indescretions, which I largely regret now. The turning point, I believe, was hearing @underworldariel​ discuss how you didn’t need to follow the myths or worship if that didn’t feel right. And for me, it didn’t. Suddenly, it made sense. When I started considering the cultural aspect of mythology and began working directly with deities rather than attempting to worship them, things were easier. They slotted into my practice effortlessly. I do take some inspiration from myths, namely associations, relationships, and domains, but not much else. To me, they’re just stories - which is what myths means. There’s a part of me that cringes away from the people who use mythology in a literal manner to call Zeus or Poseidon or Hades a rapist despite that... not being the truth? And that “rape” had a waaaaaay different meaning back then. I’m not saying the gods are perfect and infalliable - I think they make mistakes and have regrets too - but I don’t think they have anything to do with the stories. Deity work is a core aspect of my craft. I adore the gods with my whole heart. The stories are still fun, but I’ve learned to dissociate them from the gods I know. I’m not saying that this is the right way to approach it - that depends on you. That’s just my take on it. 
And that concludes this post! At least for now. I may find some things to add later. I’m curious to see the comparisons you guys all come up with. Feel free to tag me if you do! 
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fantroll-purgatory · 6 years
Capraa ??????
(I know we discussed this troll over IM but I am still filled with misery thinking about him. Get ready for some sadtroll times.)
 I was prepared for him, I have already read him, and yet reading him again has filled me with new DESPAIR….
Universe: Beforus!
Name: Capraa ??????
“Capraa” is just “Capra” with an A tacked on. The goat, Capra aegagrus, was one of the first domesticated animals, linking to the Bronze affinity with animals and also his… unfortunate association with them. [Also a very… very minor reference to Dark Soul’s Capra Demon, of which I based a little visual inspiration off of] When asked for a surname he gives “Castan”, but that’s because he can no longer remember his own.
Age: Roughly 7 Sweeps
Theme/Story: Capraa is a troll who’s in so over his head that he’s drowned and floated back to the surface. Originally a bright, intelligent troll, and a master of animal behavior and study, his talents were taken advantage of by his superior, whom he blindly followed. She took all of his connections and spun them into something that played by her rules. She took his name, his memory, and any way of contacting the outside world.  Now, he’s some kind of lusus-troll hybrid, and he can’t seem to tear himself away.
Strife Specibus: Clawkind, Hoofkind
Capraa was never much of a fighter in the first place, but after his transformations, he can’t really wield conventional weapons anyways, so he uses his new natural weapons to defend himself from training drones and angry mobs alike.
Don’t forget hornkind. That’s one of the main tools of the goat, after all. 
Fetch Modus: Lycanthropy
Capraa originally had some other kind of Modus, but he doesn’t remember what it was. In fact, he has a hard time remember ANYTHING about what he had before having this one. His superior designed it and gave it to him as a gift. Each item has a lunar phase it starts in, and he can only pull them out when they’ve turned on the Full Moon. Too early or too late and, nothing.
Blood color: Bronze
Capraa is the definition of a Bronzeblood who craves stability. He craves it to the point where he’ll settle for a ground filled with glass as long as it doesn’t move. Back before everything fell atop of him, he was very much a classic Bronzeblood- he keeps little trinkets of his previous life all around him, but he cannot remember anymore what they mean, only that he must protect them with his life.
God… him surrounded by all these literal connections to the past that he quite literally is being Forced to deny because he can’t remember them… what a page of blood.
Symbol and meaning: Absolutely Ironic,
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Trolltag: [TT] tacitTherianthrope
“Tacit” is a word meaning “implied or unspoken” but is most often used in the phrase “tacit approval”, an ironic adjective for someone who’s been experimented on past the point of humanity. Perhaps obviously, “Therianthrope” is “someone who turns into an animal”, a catchall for all animal based shapeshifters. The connection is obvious. Crypha knew what she was doing.
Quirk: hrrrrrrrrrrrr…. It’s hard for Capra to communicate without vocalizing some kind of grrrr…. Growls or howls into his speech. When he gets ANGRY, he’ll BARK certain WORDS almost at random GRRRRRRR
This is so good… and I want to help him.
Special Abilities (if any): As the premier (and only surviving) experiment of Crypha’s into the nature of Lusus/Troll bonding, Capraa’s entire limbs have been replaced with those of his lusus. He possesses the claws and hooves of his former mammalian custodian. In addition, she took the horns from his lusus and grafted them onto his head, giving him two pairs of horns that weight down his head.
Capraa used to have a Bronze-related power to soothe even the most savage beasts, which he could channel through his voice. Now, even being in the same room as an animal or lusus causes them to go absolutely berserk, threatening to tear him to shreds if he draws closer. He hasn’t tried to weaponize this, mostly because it terrifies him,
In dubious terms of “ability”, Capraa’s been fitted with more of Crypha’s control spores than anyone else. Who even knows what they’re programmed to do, but will most likely kill him shortly after activating them.
Goddd I want to help him!! I want to make him happy. 
Lusus: A odd wolf-goat hybrid that Capraa lovingly called “his favorite shepherd”, his lusus was murdered and experimented on, before being welded into and onto him in various horrific ways. Sometimes he thinks he can hear its voice in his pulse, warning him to run, run, run! The wolves have all fled this blasted land!
 Listen to your lusus, Capraa. I love the idea that he gets a kind of Dream Jadequerelsprite protectiveness… Lesser, obviously, since the lusus is just a tiny little voice, but still… precedent!
Interests: Veterinary Science and Medicine, Animal Psychology, The Coevolution of Lusii and Trolls, Not Being A Disappointment, Really Rare Meat, New and Exciting Forms of Compartmentalization
Appearance: Capraa’s seen better days. His eyes are starting to turn into… something else. He doesn’t have a mirror to check, but he can feel them start to be uncomfortable in his skull. His hair has been shaved, giving his dead, faraway eyes some context. The four horns on his head affect his posture, causing him to lower his head at all times. He hides the limbs that are now his own but should not be beneath a giant, white hospital gown that is his uniform. The Sign of the Cherished -a symbol he cannot remember- hangs painted on a piece of wood hung loosely around his neck, as much a punishment as it is a identity.
Since he’s got some lusus in him and the capra demon has a white head, I might put some patches of white starting to form on him as well… We’ll see. He’s going to be great fun to sprite.
Personality: Capraa’s never been the type to deal with other people well. He makes awkward jokes, he doesn’t remember birthdays, he’s a hellspawn created by mad science. Even before all the trauma, Capraa had always preferred animals to people. He desperately wants friends, but animals always seemed to respond better to him. Less fiddly bits to get in the way of his raw friendliness. He’s always been a bit of a space-case, able to put disparate thoughts together in ways that didn’t make sense at first but suddenly jump out as obvious once he voices them. A genuine prodigy in his field, he’s always found it hard to communicate what he understands in ways that other people find reasonable or manageable. He’s always worked on what feels right as opposed to what is good protocol or what is legal and safe, so while he was good at what he did, nobody ever wanted to rely on him for it. Now, nobody can rely on him now.
He has a bad habit of being timid to a fault, and he doesn’t like loud noises or people getting angry, so he’s always apologizing for something. He tends to gravitate towards people with stronger personalities than him, subconsciously seeking a kind of confidence he doesn’t have. All this ever gets him is another set of insecurities.
My boy you were so set up for pain and you got the Worst imaginable dose of it.
Title: Page of Blood
Active Classes That Remain: Maid, Witch, Thief,
Passive Classes That Remain: Sylph, Page   
Capraa’s a long suffering Blood player who’s had all the energy he had to make bonds absolutely obliterated. He clings to the rules presented to him under the delusion that this will make the people above him happy, and therefore will make them like him, and be his friend and equal. This will not happen. Capraa’s the kind of person to overburden himself in order to take the burden off of others- even if that burden he believes he is taking is imaginary, a kind of Breath inversion.
As a Page, Capraa just kind of… sucks at all of this. He’s unreliable, he doesn’t understand social cues very well, and he ends up having people with related Aspects go on and exploit his right out from under him! Pages end up often being the playthings of people they think are their friends, and Capraa is no exception. [In fact, he’s quite like another Bronze Page with a Cerulean troll above him….]
Perhaps some time in the future he could grow a backbone, learn some social skills, and actually use that animal magnetism for something productive for once. That, of course, would involve him being able to not scare anyone and anything just by existing, but… details.
I’m sure once he gets grounded in his session he can get himself better established and create a better web of connections… I like the idea of him advancing and developing as a page and when he finally god tiers just. Fucking Crypha up. I know we’ve discussed it, but… him exploiting his bond with Crypha in order to fool her. She’s so used to him being submissive that he just has to act the part and then take a stab at her. But also him forging new friendships with others and then passively using those bonds to give himself confidence to stand up for himself and take back control of his life…
Land: The Land of Rose Quartz and Mazes
Capraa’s hooves click as they land on a land of bleached stone. At the surface, there is nothing but the baking sun. Before him lies a crack in the rock that leads further down into darkness. He looks around, but there is nobody to tell him to move on. The sun beating down on him eventually becomes unbearable and he reluctantly moves, hoof in front of the other, down into the cool darkness of the earth.
Capraa’s land is one gigantic, planet sized maze. Dead ends hold cities filled with disparate factions, all looking to discover the secrets held at the maze’s center:The Denizen and its horde. It’s not going to be easy, and it’s going to take every ounce of diplomacy he can squeeze out of his personality to make it there, but he thinks -just maybe- he could do it.
The eyes of a beast were made for the dark, after all.
 Your planets are always so gooood. 
Dream Planet: Prospit
Capraa is a quintessential Prospit dreamer- he was energetic, emotional, and perceptive, and knew how to conform and adapt to conflicting rulesets without missing a beat. It was these traits that led him to being taken advantage of, but they are also the traits that have kept him alive. He is the perfect Igor, the perfect Henchman. If Master wills it to be so, Capraa can contort himself into whatever they demand.
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Oh man, I had to play some troll anatomy jenga here. I lowered the head to emphasize the arch of the back just enough to make things look uncomfortable and slouched while also extending the body to make up for the lost length… Hope it worked, haha. 
Horns: Obviously I based them on his sign and then on the wild goat’s horns. 
Eyes: I tilted them and made them sharp like wolf eyes, but gave the eyes goat-like pupils. I also had the white areas I mentioned extend upwards to the head, trying to just vaguely reference the headshape of the capra demon. 
Mouth: I gave him both some underbite teeth and some overbite teeth, because I wanted both wolf and goat elements in there. 
Outfit: I just wanted his outfit to be relatively plain and simple, so I kept the design elements to a minimum, but I Did put some vague wood hints on the sign. 
Legs: I’ve gotta admit, I referenced Aurthour here. 
GOD I love this poor, unfortunate man… 
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witchywitchstudies · 3 years
Witchy note before beginning New Moon Ritual:
Snow brings so much to me
I love and appreciate what it symbolizes to me as well
Rebirth- growth, refreshed. Restart. Build over. Covering footsteps of the past. Leaving no trace or clear boundary of where earth and water begin. Reflection, light bearing, soft, beautiful but also dangerous if not respected. (Not very different from Lava now that I think about it!)
Being able to gaze upon it, especially while reflecting with friends from the heart over the phone, has been such a healing experience.
I think seeing beauty in front of me helped me process the beauty in everything and the beauty that was happening now and around me- with our conversation and time together, and even helped me see the beauty in me- which I will say is rare for me to be aware of, that self reflection and self love. (Have I ever realized over the past few days, how life is definitely a team sport! At least for most of us- I imagine the only people that don’t, live a solo life- in the woods/mountains- in a cabin chopping wood, etc.)
I feel Nature could be the best medicine for any ailing mind, body, spirit, even soul. Or someone experiencing all of the above.
Just wish I could remember its with me everywhere, and able to be carried anywhere- my hands, feet, eyes, ears, etc.
Best way to help me fight those unwanted animalistic behaviors humans biologically have on the daily, yo.
Fight those unwanted animalistic behaviors I feel don’t help me be the best that I am. Nature, help remind me that I am human, and human only. Full of imagination, power of creation, light and love, but also mistakes and unrealized behaviors. We must walk in self-love, kindness, compassion, forgiveness, and humor.
Hope/Wonder probably wouldn’t hurt either. ;)
Alright! New Moon Ritual Time!
Sat. ~2:30PM
Notes for New Moon Seeds taken earlier in the week:
It’s a New Moon today
And it’s starting to snow for the next 4 days
Pretty magical and awesome
What seeds do I want to plant for this next moon cycle?
—Start research/first steps towards becoming educated in Social Justice, Human Rights, and how to properly be an activist.
— First steps towards being an activist, sign up for Social Justice and Human Rights and Civil Rights (taking the next steps following the above)
— Research Viking/Nordic/pagan similiar gender fluid terms/genders
— Start a Patreon Draft-write out draft/business plan/purpose/schedule; post weekly versus bi-weekly, mental health, social justice, art process, personal facts, personal art, the development and maintanence of the artist artistically, spiritually, physically and mentally-etc- nail it down to x amount of topics, etc., goodies, etc.
— Practice walking in Self-Love every day. Build Ego strength, confidence, emotional IQ and awareness. Take note of what self image/identity/ptsd flags are
— Rituals- draft pm and reasses am
— Reading book list
— Create create create, draw draw draw
— Wolf Paw Pins!!!
— Organize (and maybe prioritize?) big goals- patreon, comic, tarot deck, store merch-schedule timing of releases(if do able), twitch/discord, super hero personaetc.
Animals popping up-
Hearing humminbird
Raccoon stories
Coyote stories
Bear stories
Have been really digging listening to podcasts made by WOC - “Thanks For Your Concern” and “The Self- Love Fix” podcast to name a few
Been really enjoying the work rituals that have fallen into place- naturally happened. Maybe feel that out with home as well?
I’ve been heavily enjoying journaling during my break, and listening to motivating self love podcast.
Gives me a sense of calm. Peace. Closeness to self, or at least closer before approaching an unpredictable day. (A fear I am working more on facing- unpredictability. A moment of calm/self time/moment/quiet/no distractions/focus/freshness before doing anything, especially outside, helps a lot in this area.)
This cycle’s crystal pack: Business, Motivation, Self-Love, Creativity, Human/Civil/Social-Justice/Rights, Identity
Fluorite: Business, motivation, creativity, self-work
Jade: Business, justice,
Lodestone: business, motivation, spirituality (find your path),
Malachite: Business, self work, transformation
Tiger’s Eye: creativity, success (business), self-work,
Tourmaline: business, self-work, transformation, self-love
Amethyst: Justice, self-work, creativity
Carnelian: Justice, creativity, self—work,
Rose Quartz: Justice, self-love
Tarot Reading: (2 cards fell out, as soon as I started to ask- and got paranoid they were not the cards. I looked at them anyway, just in case. Guess what. I shuffled, cleared the mind, shuffled, cut the deck and pulled the bottom of the deck- rare for me to do for the moon ritual. ALL THAT IS HOLY. The cards were the same xD Hilarious. Thank goodness my deck and the universe is so kind, especially with my suspicions and paranoia. XD)
Ace of Wands: Good Judgement needed more than ever, don’t rush into it. Thrilling to embark on new journey- growth all around, ideas and outlook expand, creativity seems endless. Fertile time- Expansion and Inspiration
The Sun (Also in last Full Moon’s reading): Spend some extra time outside today, be grateful for the radiance of the sun and the life force it gives all creatures. Soaking in warm rays- nourishing, healing, all aches and pains fade away. Sun brings amazing energy into life, Vitality and health abound-feel assurance and clarity in all doings- Vitality, enlightenment.
As a story/together: interesting- there is something big in the center for both of these cards. The Ace of Wands- the center is a radiating blooming wand- (Ume? Shinya and I were talking about? Blooming before spring?) Surrounded by a white light/glowing, and radiating yellow to orange to red, outward. Beautiful. The sun card is bordered with doves flying in each corner direction, away from the center, two up and two down, NE, SE, SW, NW- the center, red hot black sun. Radiating from the darkness, rods, strands, energies, beams, fractals of light, energy, saturation, color and burst-forth ness, but smoothly, from the center of eternity and forever- it seems. Vitality. Goes from black, to red, to orange, to yellow, to green at the birds, and blue beyond that. Radiating further outward when coming from the depths. Ace of wands powerful, beautiful, radiant, but the Sun is vibrant- beaming from a deeper darker place, but shining and bringing forth oh so much light and warmth. Ooooo.. tell-tale of self reflection, love and how it will help me fight for justice?
Rune Reading:
Fehu (again interestingly) - Wealth, especially-
“livestock, especially cattle. Latin made the same associations—our word “pecuniary” comes from the Latin pecus, a cow—demonstrating that for the early Indo-Europeans, wealth was not only transferable, but could move under its own power. Like the Celts, the early Germanic peoples were a cattle culture. Dairy products were a staple of the diet. The most valued beasts were kept through the winter in one end of the communal longhouse. The animals which could not be fed until spring were sacrificed to honor the gods and feed the people. One way or another, wealth was counted in cows.
Wealth to be guarded, not hoarded- “Nor should it lull one into a false sense of security. Welcome though it may be, it must be taken as a gift of the gods. Neither the fruits of the earth nor the love of others can ever be owned (the last verse implies a special warning not to treat women as property!). They are loaned to us only, to be used productively and shared with others. True riches are the wealth the soul gains from a life well-lived.”
“Meanings ascribed to this rune by modern commentators range from the mystical to the practical. Willis believes that the kind of wealth represented by cattle is that which grows when cared for, which can produce more money when wisely invested, but that the rune sometimes means the need to conserve resources. Thorsson, on the other hand, sees in the rune motion and expansion of power, mobility, luck, and fertility.
FEHU is always a rune of productivity, though the context may vary. Spiritual or artistic creativity, physical fertility, or the ability to create or to maintain wealth can be indicated, or it may signify an improvement in one's finances or health.
FEHU is one of the runes used to invoke passion, productivity, and prosperity in a couple being married. (And gardening growth/nourishment!)
Advice Card Reading: (The Four Agreements)
Be Ware of Unconcious Assumptions
Become a White Witch (with my word as well- the biggest!)
0 notes
Congratulations! We survived the first eclipse of the Summer! Now, we have to push forward through the celestial intensity of this week before the second eclipse.
Lovely Venus enters sentimental  Cancer on July 3rd, offering us tender reprove from the eclipse gloom. We are processing our emotions on the 3rd, as we prepare for important decision making on the 4th. Saturn, who is retrograde in Capricorn, links with the South Node of Destiny on the 4th, giving us a big payback on past actions. Mercury starts it’s retrograde journey on July 7th in Leo, taking us back to June 20th (when the pre-retrograde shadow period started). We will have the chance to recuse our lives and only commit to our desires. Healing asteroid Chiron starts moonwalking as well this week. Hours before the asteroid Chiron turns retrograde, Venus comes to square the “wounded healer.” Tears will be shed as we mend our upsets (or, at least attempt to). Chiron will be retrograde in the sign of Aries until December 13th. During this time, we will be able to seek divine guidance within to glue our shattered hearts back together again. Mercury retrograde and Mars connect in fiery Leo on July 8th, forcing us to fight one last time in the name of love. While this may seem like a good idea at first, we will not be able to achieve the desired outcome, which will ultimately cause more ego hits than before. The First Quarter Moon in Libra occurring July 9th sets the stage for the Lunar Eclipse on July 16th. The same day, the sensitive Cancer Sun comes to oppose austere Saturn, while aligning with the North Node of Destiny. The decisions we make on July 9th are fated. We will be coming to terms with our karmic fortune—whether we like it or not.
March 21-April 19
You often don’t cower down from conflict; however, now is the exception. Although you do enjoy the occasional face-off and duel with others, your interests currently lay within. You’re trying to revolutionize your life with self-care. This means staying away from encounters that will set off your anxiety. You’re in the mood for a seasonal cool down from your hot-headedness. Indulge in a childhood activity from yesteryear and cruise through the week with the aim of easing and softening up your life. This doesn’t mean you’re not the number one celestial warrior. It’s just time to give yourself and others a break.
April 20-May 20
You’re a truth teller by nature. But, others may not be necessarily upfront with you. Instead of trying to play detective (which can make you feel out of control), listen to your intuition. The answers you are looking for are deep within yourself and you are the only person who will know how to resolve your problems. If you’re chakras are feeling blocked, take a hot meditative crystal bath with clear quartz, citrine, rose quartz, and amethyst with sea salt to clean these trigger points. The guidance you are searching for is within you, trust your gut no matter what.
May 21-June 20
While you are normally too smart to get drawn into the drama this week you’re making an exception. Instead of lending your ears to hear gossip, you’re using your finely tuned Mercurial skills to serve as the diplomatic peacemaker. There’s been a lot of miscommunication happening between the ones you love and you wish to help them mend fences. By week’s end, you will have hopefully  brought your friends and family together. Your intuition is of the purest nature and though it may cause momentary arguments with others, they will come to see you are coming from a loving place.
June 21-July 22
Asserting yourself isn’t a habit of yours. However, when the notion of self-respect comes into play, you are more than willing to stand up for your desires. This week, you may feel as though others haven’t been paying attention to your needs (hence, where the internalized conflict lies) which is causing too much pain in your heart to keep silent. If you can, have a straight forward conversation to discuss your sentiments, without the emotional element, to avoid taking the conversation to the next level. If things get heated, you can walk away knowing that you stood up for yourself.
July 23-Aug. 22
Imagine being at peace with yourself. Yes, this dream can come true. Please allow yourself to calm down from the insatiable need to always win. You’ve been living on the karmic edge for quite some time. This week serves as your cosmic wake up call and celestial do over to get it right. You can have the life you crave and all the riches in the land, if you take a step back from engaging in dramas and competitions. Using your energy to focus solely on yourself, not on others, will help you manifest your dreams.
Aug. 23-Sept. 21
Once again, your love life is extra complicated. This is mostly due to blurred boundaries, which unfortunately is a pitfall or getting lost in the romantic rapture. You’re stuck at a crossroads in your relationship, which will create inner tensions to rise. Before you start questioning your choices, call upon a friend to listen. You need some outside advice to help you navigate through your current turbulent relationship issues. Talking things through with a trusted peer will prove beneficial for you. Not only will you be heard, but you will be able to move forward and become “unstuck.”
Sept. 23-Oct. 22
You’ve been struggling with personal matters for a while and unable to move past situations. While you often get over annoyances in a flash, the most recent frustration has you lost for words and feeling lost. Seek counsel and advice from the ultimate divine source—your ancestors. Use this week to connect with your ancestors and let them help you seek the insight you need to move forward. Honor them with wine, flowers, and candy in exchange for their knowledge. Also, revamp your altar for the season. You will be grateful by what the spirits bring you after you show them respect.
Oct. 23-Nov. 21
It’s been a long road to the throne, hasn’t it? Now, you can sit back and reap the benefits of all your hard efforts. The caveat, is that you are second guessing your desires and dreams—you are wondering if this path is the right one for you. Before you head for an existential meltdown, think about your visions. You may still want to steer down the same path, but with revisions and additions. This week is the perfect time to reassess the direction of your goals and desires. Trust your pendulum to guide you through making important decisions this week.
Nov. 22-Dec. 21
All of a sudden, the choices you’ve recently made have come crashing down on you. While decisions may have looked good on paper, or in your head, reality has proven differently. This week you are trying to hit the rewind button and eradicate the past. Although you may logically feel as if it’s too late and opt to leave situations as they are, your heart and mind will tell a different story. Listen to the voice within that motivates you to take charge. Express yourself with kindness in order to resolve neoteric upsets. Speak your absolute truth to avoid heartache.
Dec. 22-Jan. 19
You’re caught between two worlds this week and living within juxtaposing energies. While you want to give your all to interpersonal relationships, you are feeling apprehensive and scared to commit to others. You’re mostly worried about whether or not you can trust others (after all, your heart has taken many hits this year). Understanding that you don’t have to give up your power to partnerships is key. Strike a balance with others in order to help nurture these relationships, rather than simply letting go. Release the societal social stigma and norms about creating your own definition of partnerships to be happy.
Jan. 20-Feb. 18
You may be feeling a bit off-center, when a person from your past pays you an unexpected visit. Instead of running away in the other direction, which you are very inclined to do, embrace your seasonal caller. Don’t spend time debating about whether or not you should respond to them. Be selfish and use this as a chance to reconcile the past. Put your needs first and embrace your old friends at arm's length to mend your heart. This week is your chance to heal old wounds. Give yourself the opportunity to grow and repair karmic ties with others.
Feb. 19-March 20
You may be feeling underwhelmed for the first half of the week. This is due to an overall delay in getting your day-to-day activities started. Your calendar may have a lot of “unconfirmed” meetings and your inbox may be empty from unanswered emails. However, after the weekend you will be overheated with old tasks and impending plans that need your immediate attention. While you do like to be busy, you may be extra exhausted from all the planetary chaos and in need of personal time. After this emotional week, you will need a break to unwind through meditation and yoga.
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myselfinserts · 5 years
The sun and moon slowly began their dance as the night crawled in. The sound of the birds began to ease while owls started their songs. The stars slowly began to twinkle into sight. It was the perfect time to gather the night lilies. 
And yet, Lazarus couldn’t keep focused on her task. A gentle hand on her waist, a pair of lips on her neck, and sweet nothings being whispered into her ear. There was so much wrong with this scenario. The person holding her really shouldn’t have been there. The worlds they came from would curse their existence if they knew.
Like she gave a damn what the worlds thought anymore. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?” she teased. “You know there’s a chance I could curse you if you keep this up.”
“I’d endure a thousand curses if it means one night with you.”
L pushed Aizawa off of her gently, trying to return her focus to the task at hand. “If you wish to spend the night, I suggest you help me pick these lilies and maybe I’ll consider letting you. This job is important and I don’t need a merc distracting me. 
“And what, pray tell, are these flowers for?” He plucked one from the ground, admiring how it glimmered like crystal in the fading light of day. “They don’t look normal.
“Marianne needs them for a fertility potion. These lilies have vital rejuvenation properties her magic and mind cannot replicate.”
Aizawa had a light dusting of pink on his cheeks. “A fertility potion?”
“For the local orchards. This potion repairs soil quickly and prevents root rot, easily making a fruit bearing plant produce twice as much as it would at harvest. If we’re to expand to have apples by the fall, we’ll need as many of these as possible.”
“I see...”
L looked at him, raising a brow. “Do you not have plants like these where you come from?”
“No, we do,” he said. “Just only near the mountains. They’re rare, and very dangerous to recover, so only the very the richest and the bravest are able to get them. They can’t grow anywhere else.”
That was interesting to hear. Plants that could only grow in one location were a commodity that any potion maker would brag about getting. She imagined what kind of plants these must have been. L would have loved to see them. 
Perhaps one day she could. 
“How about a deal?” she asked. 
“A deal?”
“Help me gather the lilies and tell me about your homeland. And I’ll let you have whatever it is you are desiring tonight.”
She smirked, watching as his face instinctively retreated into his scarf and a hunger glazed over his dark gaze. She knew exactly what he wanted. And she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t craving the same thing. 
“Alright,” he agreed. “What do you want to know?”
L smiled, continuing the task at hand. Aizawa told her of tall mountain peaks, crystal clear lakes, and entire fields of flowers as far as the eye could see. Of grand storms and enchanted winters, of flowering trees in rose quartz hues. Sunsets and moonhighs filled with the sounds of insect songs. Of temples and shrines and gods aplenty. Fantastic creatures that were too vivid to be believed.
All the while, between gathering flowers, his lips burned against her skin. 
When the sun had completely vanished, they returned to the house Inkwell provided for L, setting the baskets of flowers in the chest by the door out front. It was unlucky to bring night lilies indoors.
“So,” L sighed contently, wrapping her arms around the merc’s shoulders. “What is it you desire of me, Sir Aizawa?”
Aizawa reached out, caressing her cheek in the palm of his hands. “I desire two things.”
“Only two?”
“Only two.” He smiled softly, leaning in close and pressing their foreheads together. “The first...I want you to call me by my given name.”
This was a surprise. Aizawa had made no mention of his given name since they’d begun their tryst. His companion who brought him here used it plenty of times, so she knew what it was by heart. But for her to actually use it?
“And the second desire?” she asked. 
He stared at her contently, his eyes filled with warm. “I want you to promise to love me...no matter how far apart we may become...”
It was as though the air had been drawn completely out of her. She had expected something far different. Something more carnal and instinctive. But his soft hand against her cheek, the warm gaze, the closeness. This was far stronger than any night of passion. 
Something she never realized she needed. 
“I promise,” she said. “I promise, no matter how far apart we are. I’ll always love you...Shouta.”
She leaned up, tlilting her head slightly and pulling him in for a deep kiss. His arms came to wrap around her waist as he lifted her up. A pulsing heat burned through her veins as they began to stagger and tumble toward the bedroom. 
My Shouta. 
She repeated his name over and over in her mind. She was his, and Shouta was hers. And the Worlds be damned if anyone tried to take that from them. 
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