#ingore me im tired
Gn reader/no specific pronouns used. (You/they/unknown person) (lol)
(I would be happy if you reposted my dream or like <3)
welcome, outlander God(S) ♥︎
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CREDITS: [I was in a rush and my friend found it on Google for me, so I am not sure if it's correct so here's the title] Art, manga, boy anime #730263 on animesher.com [or you can just type what my friend searched "chained up hands manga"]
Traveler steps into a abandoned domain. They moved the tree branches that over-grown into the domain and searched around the area.
"Nothing seems to be here Paimon. I think we were just hearing things."
"But Paimon was sure she heard something!"
The traveler tries to reassure Paimon that they were just hearing things until the traveler leaned on the wall and pushed a hidden button. They both paused as they heard some stone moving.
Traveler carefully stepped into the new founded room...nothing...happened? They went in the room still cautious. It was pitch black so the traveler has to spread the arms out and just try to imagine what the rooms looks like and so they don't bump their head on something.
Suddenly, the Paimon screamed, the traveler quickly turned around and headed towards Paimon's scream. The traveler stood there shocked and horrified. They saw a eyeball staring at them. Black liquid drips from the opened eyeball as it stared at the 2 trespassers. Suddenly, the liquid that seems to come out non-stop became read then gold.
The light was suddenly on.
Paimon was grossed out as the traveler tried to not laugh at her reaction. A chill went down on their spine, then panic as both of them couldn't move. Their heart almost dropped into their stomach as they heard a voice.
"Oh? I didn't expect guests to be here. My, my."
The unknown person chuckled. They got closer to them as the traveler shivered from the cold hands that touched their face.
"Quite a beauty. Such pretty golden hair."
The unknown person was finally revealed. Well...not really since seems like a veil is covering most of their head. It was quite a length. While the clothes were fully covering their body.
Both of them were stunned when they heard multiple voices that sounded exactly the same if some didn't sound like their vocals was damaged or something.
"Look! There's a flying kid!"
"You mean a fairy?"
"No. It must be a realistic, human machine"
"Emergency food?"
Paimon stomped her feet in the air, pouting from the comments.
"Don't be mean. I'm sure she's just a living person" [The original you]
Paimon almost broke into tears. You're the first person who hasn't called her emergency food or some fairy at least once.
Their voices was terrifying in a way. Some was fine, but one of them had some kind of glitch in their voice or maybe gurgle noises as if their Drowning.
"Ah. Don't mind them. I'm the original."
'Original?' The traveler thought before stumbling into your arms when they were finally released from the paralyzed state they both were in.
"So....their your clones?"
The unknown person (you) laughed. Clutching their stomach as they fell on to their knees and holding on to the wall for support.
"Pfft- haha! That's quite funny"
Gosh. Perhaps would you die from laughter with Cyno's jokes because of your horrible humor? They thought.
"Well....they aren't exactly clones. They are just....versions of myself? I have many, perhaps infinity of them. But there somewhere else. These are just "me's" who will go soon. So just ingore them."
The traveler was stunned, before they could say anything, they witnessed the "you's" turning into statue, liquid or anything then disappearing. Although, they didn't question further since you looked tired from the questions. They looked over to the chains on your legs and wrist. About to ask this one last question but you soon changed the subject.
"Oh. Are you...ah, yes! Lumine/Aether?"
The traveler paused. Sweat dripping from their forehead as they looked at you in fear. They haven't told anyone their name. How did you know?
"No need to fear me....I wouldn't dare to hurt such a beauty. You're quite too cute to do that"
The person chuckled, seeing the traveler face flushed a slight bright red. The traveler finally opened their mouth to say something after 5 minutes of awkward silence.
"Do you know....my brother/sister?"
You paused. Seemingly hesitating.
"And....what if I say I do?"
The traveler looks at you and went straight forward.
"Please! Help me find my sister/brother!"
The traveler begged.
"Well....sorry to disappoint you, I don't know their location. But I could help you on your travels."
You hold their chin while smiling. The traveler heart suddenly quicken and pounded into their chest. You and the traveler noticed that Paimon was passed out on the floor, cold. You gladly offered them to help lead the way to the exit while carrying Paimon.
"Teyvat....looks so different......how long did I sleep?? God damn, I slept better than sleeping beauty for real!"
The traveler looked at you cunfused before you coughed awkwardly and asked them where do you go with them. Suddenly, the 4 archon appeared.
"[Name]...is that.....really you?"
Zhongli asked. Hands trembling as he reached out to you.
"Yes Morax- wait. Rex Lapis? No, God Of Contracts?"
"Zhongli. It's Zhongli"
He awnsered. Ei interrupted,
"[Name]..! You look......exactly the same"
You nodded. You almost fell as Venti jumped on your back.
"I'm going by Venti!"
"Venti, the famous drunken bard?"
You chuckled, Laughing at Venti's reaction. He pouted and hit you in the shoulder even though it felt like nothing.
You looked down, seeing a child.
"Oh? And who are you?"
Nahida looked up at you and fidgeted her fingers.
"I'm Nahida....I heard a lot about you from irminsul!"
She said excitedly. The traveler just stood there in the background, with Paimon in their hands. Although...you felt the presence of someone but quickly ingores it as you listen to everyone's words. Perhaps Nahida should introduce you to Wanderer
You should be careful with the Fatui and Tsaritsa
—to be continued—
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ghost-wysteria · 2 years
Can you do if yn just came in their house just saying nothing and ingoring them and just going straight to their bed and sleeping 😴 ☠️
I love this and i had way to much fun with this, also im going to make this where the reader gets extremely sleepy for no actual reason(lmao me with an iron deficiency),(also modern au ig)
Coming into their house and saying nothing and lying on their beds
Vance: you had a long day at school and just wanted to lay down, but you got locked out of your house, so your next location was vance hoppers house, you forgot to knock on the door and just let yourself in, you went straight to his room where he was in the bathroom, you just flopped down on his bed, sighing aggressively, he came out ready to attack someone breaking in, only to find you, on his bed. "y/n what the fuck are you doing here? y/n? are you dead?" Come to find out, you had already passed tf out.
Billy: you wanted to see your boyfriend and you were extremely tired, you had slept plenty but that didnt matter, billy had invited you over to his house that day, but you were supposed to show up in a few hours, not at 6 am on a Saturday, billy was out delivering newspapers and he left his door unlocked, so you just walked right in, his parents were off at work already, about 30-45 minutes later, he came back home, after he put his shoes away and put the dog inside the fence, he walked up the stairs and went into his room, only to find you, dead asleep on his bed, sprawled out like a starfish(me), he sighed and carefully moved your limbs into a more, usual position, and covered you with his blanket and kissed your cheek.
Finney: you both had just gotten home from baseball practice, after sitting at home for a good ten minutes you got bored of your house and decided to go over to Finney's, you knocked on the door and gwen opened it. "Hes in the shower, but come in" so you came in and went to his room, you sat on his bed, and you did intend to wait for him, you did. But you got really sleepy and decided to just "rest your eyes" when Finney came out he was shocked to see you to say the least, he didnt expect you over already, so he woke you up. "Come on y/n get up."
Robin: you remembered that you and Robin were supposed to do homework together, so you slipped on your shoes, stopped by the grabNgo, walked your silly little ass over to robins house and knocked on the door, his uncle answered. "robins in his room" "thank you sir" you smiled and walked to robins room, robin was on his game and didnt hear you, you were already tired before you even left your house, and as you walked in you realized that, you and robin weren't supposed to do homework today, you were supposed to do it tomorrow, so you ultimately decided to just flop down on his bed, not even kicking off your shoes, as robin just watched you in confusion, you were out like a light.
Bruce: you decided you didnt want to go home today, you didnt feel like it, besides, Bruce's bed was the best place to sleep, so, you turned left, away from your house and onto the street bruce lived on, you knew his parents wouldn't let him hang out with anyone on a weekday, he has to study, so you climbed through his window, his was at his desk doing his homework, and you just waltz over to his bed, took off your shoes and your flannel, and cuddled up underneath the blankets, bruce heard rustling and turned around, he saw you in his bed, cuddling up with his stuffed animals. "y/n wtf your not supposed to be here!" He whisper-shouted at you, while you just ignored him and fell asleep.
Hope you enjoyed :D
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kstarlitchaotics · 2 years
Rules - Tag 10 people you wanna get to know better!
Thanks for the tag @kuebiko-kei! 😊❤
favourite time of year; Autumn - love the colors the coolness afterwards of dreaded overly hot summer long sweaters farmer's market pumpkin apple picking along with any other activities you can think of Autumn is the prefect season for it (not to mention spooky season 👻) 🍂🍁🧡 though the down side of fall for me i can't enter a store without feeling like I'm gonna pass out due to those overly-wheleming smells just ugh no 😣
comfort food; both either Italian or Japanese is favorite depending on the mood though occasional eating of classic American things comes around too
do you collect anything; 😅 mostly Manga(s) books DVDs a lot of unused art supplies 😅 DVD are most important seeing on how I'm trying to get more into DC series and movies I'd start on the comics but im content with the app for now
favourite drink; Tea mostly hot regular tea I have tried some of the flavors and too much for my taste buds 😝
favourite song / artist; - Oh I have so many so not gonna list but my favorite genre is mainly alternative rock classic rock classical and a bit modern don't ask me about anyone new from this century cause I won't be able to know who they are 😅
current favourite songs - well since I got into the Umbrella Academy stupid Footloose song is still ringing in my head
favourite fics; so many but recent ones -
https://archiveofourown.org/works/40554099- Batman and Catwoman find a tiny child trying to steal the Batmobile tires. The resulting custody battle involves breaking into each other's houses and stealing said child in the middle of the night. It works until it doesn't.Or: Batman and Catwoman's marriage of convenience for co-parenting purposes. (Even if you're not a major CatBat fan this is actually very cute)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/32907448/chapters/81667327 -Dick Grayson has stepped down from Batman and become Nightwing again. But when Red Hood is attacked by a villain identified as Renegade, how will the Batfamily react? And what is Deathstroke up to this time? A Pre-New52 Story-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/35671243/chapters/88939798-When the Court of Owls kidnaps Dick and very nearly succeeds in turning him into their Talon, Jason doesn’t just want justice or revenge. He was going to track them down one by one and show them exactly what happens when you try to mess with his family.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/40796481 -Tim gets hit with Fear while on a league mission, and it's Damian's job to get him home in one piece.
A personal favorite it gets a bit heavy with the violence but so good a lot of Batbros togetherness ⬇️
https://archiveofourown.org/works/37196782/chapters/92801314- Almost a year after Hood attacked Robin at Titans Tower and four months since he agreed to stop killing, Jason struggles to cope with the horrific violence he inflicted on Tim now that he has the Pit under control. Well. Mostly under control.
Gonna tag @dayenurose @you-dont-want-to-be-alone @weirdgirl92 @party-with-books @xfangheartx @nerd-nowandforever @hahaalaine @asongofstarkandtargaryen @iconuk01 @sk8trniel @trippinphilosophically (yep disobeying rules with number of blogs to tag) free to participate or ingore 😁
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corruptedsilence · 2 years
I swear to fucking christ im so fucking tired and i just wanna go home and im so tired im crying in he parking lot. I cant do shit im a complete failure and everyone just takes advantage kf me and im so tired of it. Im tired of people spitting in my face saying they care
Im tired of people pretending to like me because of the people i associate with. If you dont like me just fucking block me im so tired and terrified of doing amything because so many people ive been told hate me and hate what i do and i get it people dont always click but please just leave
It hurts more when people reassure me they like being here and want to interact and then fo nothing or ingore my attempts to do things andnim just tired. Im tired of trying and doing nothing im tired i only get attention by certain ppl if its smut but idfk what else id write cuz im useless otherwise just as always
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thingstotellthem · 2 years
I am so fucking sick of you and everyone else pretending those violent dont happen or theyre the equivilant to crying! As if glass shattering isnt terrifying!
I am so sick and tired of being the only one who cares about it. For being the only one who distances myself because its emotionally draining and i hate seeing you break everyone! Of making everyone abide by your rules!
I am so sick of being the blacksheep because you make up everything i needed emotionallu with money and it never worked. That cause your nice sometimes somehow makes you the perfect parent.
You wonder why im disrespectful? Why i dont like spendimg time woth you? Its not cause im a ‘spoiled brat’ its cause i remember that it can all change in an instant you’re not satisifed and then im a ‘stupid girl’ and im ‘arrogant and selfish and a know it all’ even though you’re describing yourself! Even though im trying to have a normal conversation!
I am sick and tired of being blamed for not forgetting the harm you caused, for choosing to avoid you and the pain you gave me.
I hate how my brother and i can’t talk without argueing cause he respects you. I hate how my mother cries and cries but still tells me to ingore the pain you cause to all of is.
I hate being part of this family; because of you
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alex-fa-ch · 3 years
imagine ancapistan re establishing the government as a monarchy, bc democracy clearly didn't work
imagine Quartz somehow stumbling their way into being the first Ruler, i think it'd be nice alskfjsksk
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a-sirius-mess · 4 years
i’m so tired.
#not to vent on main but im gonna vent uh#yeah so a week ago i was fine i was okay sure i was bored snd ibwas tired of not being sble to see anyone or lesve my house but i was olay#i dont know if i was genuinely okay and didnt have sny probems or i had just pressed all my shit down so deep that i didnt even notice it#i couldnt tell you#i reslly genuinely couldnt tell you#flash forward into this week: hi im fsllung apart#and before we get into the heavy shit i judt wsnt to comment on the fact that i am well aware that many othes are in much worse situations#much worse than my own without a doubt#and if you dont want to resd thus you dont have to i just need to get it out of my head#i cant fucking focus on anything#the idea of school makes me upset#let alone actually going#im so tired of being around my faly not even because im tired of them i just NEED something or someone different#i fall into the sale fucking routine everyday nothing changes and i can only keep myself occupied with something for so long#ive started spoutung things at dinner that i would never in a million years let my parents know because im terrified of how theyll respond#ya know tonight i made a joke at the table about how ive hardwired my brain to ingore google classroom notifications#my mom immediately went silent#when me and my sister were done laughing at each other she went over my dad and daif they should start coming into our bedrooms#and making us do our work and that they should be prepared for both their children to fail out of school#see i was joking#she wasnt#and i havent even gotten started on how fucked my head has been#right before isolation started i was gonna talk to my school health center snf my parents sbout how i think i hsve adhd#now im scared out of my mind about telling them#i comvince myself daily then im just stressed or im faking it but i notice it more and mote everyday and im too scared to tell my parents#my mom wants to give away my dog because i dont take good care of her#my sister either makes me laugh or makes me so self concious i dont leave my room#i hevent let myself think sbout my gender because i have no clue what will happen if i fo#i feel like i dont have a name anymore and being called samantha by all my teachers is Not Helping.#i miss my friends. im so tired.
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cowoda · 5 years
ever just accidentally brush ur hand against ur face anf ur like holy fuMK thats cold cuz ur hand r rly cold all thr time ans then u juat cry cuz u kno ur hand r 2 cold 4 anyone to ever want to hold them
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winterpower98 · 2 years
Oof you mentioned the lantern of memories au and wukong being able to hear macaque while hes a statue and wanting to wake up to finish his song
But now im thinking about macaque coming to clean his statue while hes still bleeding and injured from a fight or so tired hes stumbling but its so important to him that he cleans wukongs statue and makes sure everythings as it should be! poor wukong would be silently yelling at him to 'go take care of yourself first!! go sleep? it doesnt matter if theres moss on me, your legs broken!!'
(and if you want to get really angsty, then wukong having to stand and watch while macaque sits on the floor next to him for hours, crying a little every now and then, while still injured because he'd rather be with wukong than go fix himself up, even if hes a statute)
And the thing is, a majority of Macaque's injuries, if not all of them, comes from every time he went up againts LBD or the Mystic Mayor or one of their goons.
So not only Wukong has to sit in silent terror watching Macaque ingore his injuries (and more than once Sandy had to come and force him to bandage himself) but he also has to hear the monkey's broken voice every time he says he had to fight the white spirit or that he couldn't find where any of the kids where or that he still had no idea how to free Wukong
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2bitviking · 7 years
Ranting confession post, feel free to ignore
The past year has been the worst of my life abd i feel like im a far worse person now than I've ever been. Im complusive and angry and ive given up on the majority of life because it feels like anything that happens could be the final straw to break me. I guess what this post is is an attempt to rationalize it all. I made a hard decission to leave the only person who made me feel normal because they were intentionally ingoring and making me feel worthless and instead of my friends being there for me or trying to help me pick up the pieces i got pushed out. Within the week i was bwing called a piece of garbage that wasnt worth her and i was being lied aboit and called an obessive nut job. It was ao bad that i even tried to go back to her only to find out that the only way shed take me back is if i became her sugar daddy while i was strugling to even eat full meals. In 2 monthes i lost every friend i thoight i had within a hunderes miles. I was called scum,and the devil, a monster and asked how i could even look at myself. When i started cutting the few people that even noticed didnt care that i was hurting but were angry becaise they thought i was trying to make her feel guilty. And through all of that i tried to go back to her, even when she started dating the guys that lied aboit me and hurt me because even if it hurt i wanted someone to care and after a while it got better. The assults stopped and i cut her out and i was trying to come to peace with being alone and then she pulled me back. She brought me back to her with the pain that made me help her in the first placr only to keep me at arms lenght for a few monthes and bann me from her life and i think that broke me the most. Its been over 6 monthes since i went a day without thinking about her, wanting to die or almost breaking into tears. Every day i wakr up hoping things will be better but im just slipping into this spiral of rage and sadness. I work two jobs, never have a headphone out of my ear and have delved to an unhealthly level into d and d just to try to try and get out of my own head and get over her and this pain. The only person who will even talk to me anyone is my highschool ex who just keeps me around to bitch to about her day and her b new bf/fiance to be and im so tired of it all and i feel like who i am is just a scattered broken version of what i was but honestly, ive had some pretty fucking hard hits. I may have been cracked before and im definitly fucked up now but show me someone who lost their whole world and didnt get fucked up from it. I just need to figure put how to sweep up whats left and reforge it. Idk i kniw this is rambling and personal and irrelevant, i dont expect condolences or for anyone to even read this for thay matter i just wanted a way to try to convice myself im not the peice of shit everything else in my life keeps telling me i am.
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milesywilesy · 11 years
i feel so bad for celebrities who might make their way onto tumblr somehow and find loads of people saying things like "I HATE YOU OMG YOU PERFECT FUCKER" or "YOU NEED TO STOP THAT RIGHT NOW OH MY GOD" because i can imagine how confused they'll be and just
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