#but in the end my heart goes back to nagas and I am home
yandere-sins · 2 years
I love nagas so much, it’s so fucking weird because I’m not a snake girly at all. (I touched one before tho! Not scared just not particularly interested) But I think about them, write about them, read about them and I’m just....
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They make me so happy I can’t describe it ;;
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Fire Keeper: Chapter 21
Douxie x fem reader
Masterlist in Bio!
Series Summary: You are Jim’s older sister who is taking a break from college and has moved back home to Arcadia. You end up joining Jim and his friends on their adventures.
Chapter 21 summary: You're back in the future, but things don't go well.
Warnings: temporary death and grief
A/n: Wow, last chapter for a while, cue bittersweet emotions. I hope you like it!(sorry for any typos)
Jim’s words echoed in your head. “We need an edge. I'm sorry.”
You and Claire had protested, but he wouldn’t listen. “It's the only way!”
Then he had turned into that beast and told you to run. Which you did, and you regretted it. You couldn’t have stayed, but how could you leave? Guilt haunted you and you knew Douxie wasn’t doing any better.
His aura was overwhelmed with his own guilt over Merlin’s death. “It's all gone. Everything. The Heart of Avalon, Camelot...Merlin.” Douxie looked away, but you could see tears shining on his face.
“Maybe we should say a few words?” Claire suggested.
You nodded. “That’s a good idea.”
“Yeah, okay. Ahem. Battleship. November. Fruit punch.” Steve sobbed. “Purple!”
Douxie sniffed, turning around. “Oh, what can I say about Merlin? He was... he was, uh... He was everything. He was all that we had.”
“We'll get through this, together. We need you, Doux, now more than ever,” Claire consoled, handing Douxie Merlin’s book. “The world, our friends are in danger.”
“And the Order's about to kick off an arcane apocalypse,” Archie added, nuzzling Douxie.
You took a seat next to him. “In our line of work it’s hard to find the time to grieve and now it’s harder than ever with this new threat, but we’ll overcome it. We’ll figure out a way together.” You gave him a hug.
Douxie leaned into you and opened the book. He sighed. “But Merlin didn't tell me anything. And of course, he gave us a book that I can't even read. I mean, what is that supposed to be? Orcish? Elvish? Naga snake tribe?”
Archie gasped. “It looks like...Ancient Draconic.”
“Draconic?” Steve’s eyes widened in panic. “Dracula! Oh, no, Dracula!”
Claire rolled her eyes. “No...as in dragons.”
“As in...” Douxie trailed off.
“Charlemagne, the Devourer,” Archie finished, leaping into the air and transforming into a Dragon.
“Charlemagne, the Devourer. Keeper of the most sacred stones and treasures. A vicious dragon,” Douxie elaborated for yours, Claire’s, and Steve’s sake.
Archie circled the clearing landing on top of a piece of Camelot. “Which is why we shouldn't trouble him. Maybe someone else can translate.”
Douxie shook his head. “Come on, Arch! This is clearly about the Genesis Seals. And if the Order finds them first-“
   “Yes, yes, yes, we're all doomed.” Archie proofed back into a cat. “I suppose we'll have to pay Charlemagne a visit.”
“What about Jim?” Claire asked as Douxie called the flying ship to him. “I need to find him.”
“I’m worried about him,” you added.
“Go back to Hex Tech. Research any dark magic that can help him,” Douxie advised.
“Claire, do you think you can handle that alone?” You asked. “I think I should go with Douxie.”
“Of course. I’ll save Jim and you keep Douxie from doing anything crazy.” She made a waving motion. “Okay. Let's go, Steve.”
“Aw! But the dragon quest!” Steve protested.
“What're you going to do, get eaten again?” Claire sassed and you laughed.
“If I can I’ll get you some pictures, Steve,” you promised.
“Thanks, Y/n,” he said, but you could tell he was still kinda pouting. Claire rolled her eyes and sent him through a portal.
“Also if it’s not too much trouble, could you have Toby feed Mao?” You asked her before she could disappear into her own portal. You had left your familiar back at Hex Tech with Toby and Nari seeing as it didn’t seem like a good idea to bring a kitten into the Arcane Order’s Castle. You couldn’t wait til this was all over so you could spend some quality time together.
“Will do,” Claire said, hoping into the void.
Douxie helped you onto the ship. “Well, let's hope we get some answers... before the Order does.”
   You went over and leaned on one of the rails as Douxie put his staff in the key. The ship hummed to life and flew into the air.
   “Here goes nothing,” Douxie whispered, turning the staff. The ship lurched forward and you fell against the rail.
   “Do you know who to drive this?” You asked.
   “Of course,” Douxie said at the same time Archie mouthed “No.”
   Douxie turned the staff again and the ship shot ahead. You couched the rail, afraid that if you let go you’d fly off.
   Douxie didn’t really talk and so you retreated into your thoughts. You were worried about Douxie. Sure, he was distracted now, but you knew Douxie and he was an open book. With you able to read his aura you could clearly seem the grief in it. It was so overwhelming, you were tempted to stop looking for auras, but you also wanted to understand how he was feeling.
   Not only was their grief, there was blame and you knew he was blaming himself. Douxie liked to shoulder the world, you recalled how Strickler used to call Jim ‘Young Atlas’, but to you, the nickname seemed to fit Douxie perfectly. You wished he would let you take some of the weight.
   His sadness was another overwhelming emotion and you wondered how he wasn’t curled into a ball and crying. You had a very strong instinct to go over and hug him and promise him that things will get better, but you were a little scared to let go of the rail, you would do it later though and you’d make him a pie for good measure.
   Archie shouted directions and it wasn’t long before Douxie was lowering the ship to the forest.
   You looked ahead to see a rogue tree sticking out of the canopy, but Douxie didn’t seem to notice.
“Douxie!” You screamed. “There’s a tree there!”
“I see it, love.” The ship made a sharp turn and you fell to the other railing, taking Archie down with you.
“Sorry, Arch,” You apologized.
“He may know how to drive everything from a car to a stagecoach, and he may have learned how to drive this, but it doesn’t mean he’s good at it,” Archie grumbled.
   This time you held on a little tighter and the cold rail bit into your skin. You didn’t have to be uncomfortably gripping the rail for long though. Archie gave one last direction and the ship shot down, making a surprisingly gentle landing.
Douxie helped you down and looked to Archie. “You've told me tales of Charlemagne, the Devourer, for centuries.”
Archie hopped down. “The truth may be stranger than fiction.”
   “Who is he?” You asked.
“Oh...I've heard terrible tales-whoever stole his treasure got baked alive into a blood pie,” Douxie explained.
“And burned, and singed,” Archie added. “Oh, here we are.”
���Sounds like this’ll be fun,” You muttered, shivering a bit from the cold night air.
Douxie looked down into the old well Archie had gestured at. “I really don't want to be a blood pie.”
“Let’s try to avoid that then. We aren’t here to steal his treasure, we are here to ask for help,” you said, looking into the well for stairs or a ladder.
Douxie stood on top of the well. “How do we get ther-“
Rocks slid and Douxie fell into the well. You winced as you heard him tumble.
“Oh, no!” Archie flew down after him and you hoped in as well, but instead of free falling like Douxie you levitated.
You touched down to see Douxie lying on the floor as Merlin’s staff hit him. “Ugh! All this...ugh-“ the book hit him “-for a book.”
“A very important book,” you reminded me, lighting your hands up with orange flames.
Douxie moved his staff around and screamed. You went to help him stand and you looked down to see the two of you were standing in the middle of a giant foot print. “Oh fuzz buckets.”
You heard and growl and you yelped. You and Douxie looked around for the source, ready to defend yourselves. “I do not want to be baked into a blood pie!” Douxie repeated.
THe ground shook and something stomped up from behind you. The two of you and you whirled around to see a huge white dragon.
“Oh...fuzz buckets,” Douxie whimpered and you grabbed onto his arm.
“We can do this,” you whispered. “We’ve battled a Nyarlagroth and won.”
Douxie didn’t respond, but the dragon did. “Look what the cat dragged in. Get it? 'Cat drag-in'! It's a play on words!” He laughed a big hearty laugh that made you smile despite your fear. “I slay myself! Archie? My cuddly little shapeshifter. Come here.”
“Oh, Father!” Archie touched his face to the dragon and your eyes widened. Not that you knew they were related, you could see it, they had the same eyes.
“When did you get so big?” Charlemange asked.
Archie rolled his eyes. “Very funny, yes. You don't see me talking about all those grey scales, do you?”    
“What? Charlemagne, the Devourer, is your father?!” Douxie concluded, lessening his tight grasp on your arm.
“Dad, these are my dear friends, Douxie and Y/n,” Archie  introduced and you gave a small wave.
“Nice to meet you, sir.”
“So, I finally get to meet your wizard familiar. Mm! Which one is it?” Charlemange looked between you and Douxie.
“I am.” Douxie cleared his throat. “Um, pleased to make your acquaintance, Mr. Charlemagne, the Devourer.”
Charlemagne laughed. “Please. My friends call me 'Charlie'. Let's retire to my dragon's den.”
   As you walked you gently nudged Douxie. “And you thought you were gonna get eaten.”
   “This guys is the most feared dragon out there, you can’t blame me.”
   “Don’t worry, your screams were cute.” You kissed his cheek and went to stand next to Archie.
Charlie lit the fire. “I'm sure Archibald told you all about my famous blood-berry pies.” He set a gigantic pie down in front of you and you admired the craftsmanship.
“'Blood-berry'?” Douxie asked, shaking his head. “There's no time for tea! The Arcane Order is back. They-“
“Killed Merlin,” Archie finished.
“Merlin's...dead? So, you're after the Seals, hmm?” Charlie asked.
Douxie nodded. “And we think this will tell us how to find them.”
“Hmm. Of course.” Charlie took the book and opened it. “He never wrote anything in large print. Mm. Ancient Draconic.” He gasped. “The first letter is an 'H'.”
“Aw, come on! We don't have forever! The world's at stake here!” Douxie shouted, frustrated.
“I'll need my reading glasses. Be back in two shakes of a wyvern's tail.” Charlie promised. “Where did I put those things?”
Douxie snapped to Archie. “Oh, a 'real monster', eh?”
Archie licked his paw. “You think you're the only one with father issues, hmm?”
“Archie, why did you make your dad sound like a terrifying beast?” Douxie asked.
“They're here somewhere!” Charlie yelled from across the room.
Archie sighed. “Truthfully, I was embarrassed. Dad's a walking pun factory. The legends seemed better than the truth. Then again, compared to Merlin, who was...”
“Not the type to make tea and biscuits,” Douxie finished.
“Yes. And now that he's, well, gone, I'm more worried about you. You know you can talk to me, right?” Archie asked.
“We’re here for you, Doux. I know what you’re going through,” you added.
Douxie took a seat and you followed suit, wrapping him into a hug. “I can't help but think...what if Merlin was more like Charlie? If he hadn't saved me in that alley-” Douxie sighed “-would I be a completely different wizard?”
“We don't get to choose everyone that comes into our lives,” Archie said.
Douxie looked down. “Or when they leave.”
You gave a small smile and Archie came over to join your hug. “You’re exactly who you should be, Douxie,” you consoled.
“Ta-da!” Charlie said, coming back over. “Would you believe they were on my head the whole time?”
You gave a small chuckle as Douxie held up the book. “Please. Just tell me what it says.”
Charlie looked at it thoughtfully. “Mm. 'Hisirdoux, if anyone could figure this out, it'd be you. Since you're reading this, clearly, I'm dead. I kept many secrets close at hand, but now I entrust you with this, my final one. The Genesis Seals can be reached by destroying my staff.'
Douxie jumped to his feet, retreating away from everyone. “What? Wait, destroy his staff?”
“There's no time to waste, my boy. You've got a world to save!” Charlie said
Douxie clutched the staff.    “A wizard's staff is everything to them. Look, are you sure that you translated it correctly?”
Charlie swiped at Douxie, trying to get the staff. “Uh!” He yelped, coming to the edge of a small cliff.
“Hey!” You yelled.
“Dad!” Archie scolded.
“Wait! Don't rush me!” Douxie begged, raising his hand, a spell ready.
“Douxie, Dad, play nice!” Archie called, trying to mediate.
“Guys! We can talk this out!” You added, ready to use your own magic to stop any fighting.
“Careful, boy. You're playing with fire,” Charlie growled, letting out a string to show Douxie he wasn’t kidding.
“Oh, dear,” Archie whispered.
“Never challenge a dragon,” Charlie roared. You and Archie rushed to stand between the two.
“Father, Hisirdoux, I miss him, too. But you know, Merlin's not the only family you had,” Archie pointed out.
Charlie sighed, baking down. “He's right. Family isn't only who you have. It's also who you're with. Did you know, Archibald used to be the cutest little dragon you've ever seen?” Charlie turned around and showed you a picture frame. You squealed. It was a picture of Archie as a baby nestled in what you assumed was his egg, wearing Charlie’s glasses.
“That is just too cute!” You squealed.
Archie gasped.  Father, please! Burn that!
Charlie shook his head. “Archie always wanted to explore the world, even before he took his first form. And when he chose a cat, that broke my dragon heart. He became a familiar- a lower profession. But if a cat is what he wants, a cat is fine with me. I realized I had to let him go, so he could spread his wings and soar. And accepting that set me free. And r-r-r-right now, your people look to you-to stand up, to lead.” Charlie let out a breath and a sort of brownish mist swirled around Douxie. Smiling figures of Steve, Claire, Jim, you, Archie, and Merlin appeared in it.
“I know you're still grieving.” Charlie continued. “I know this is too much. But in order to save your family-to save the world-you must let him go.”
The mist cleared and Douxie looked up to Charlie, determination burning in his eyes. “Do it. Destroy it.”
Charlie nodded and Douxie held up the staff as flames engulfed it. Douxie braced himself against the ground, tears streaming down his face. He screamed and the staff shattered, letting out a blast of blinding green light. The light faded, but Douxie was nowhere to be found.
“Douxie!” You and Archie yelled.
You rushed over to the pieces of the staff and picked up the remains. “What happened?”
“If I had to guess, he went into a wormhole Merlin created to store the seals in,” Charlie said. “We just have to give Douxie his time.”
You nodded. “Okay...”
Charlie came up from behind you. “I have more baby pictures of Archie to show to pass the time.”
“Father!” Archie complained as you moved back over to the pie.
“Feel free to have some,” Charlie called over his shoulder while he looked for the pictures. You did as he suggested and got yourself some. Honestly you were shocked when you bit into it. It was warm and gooey and utterly amazing. The crust was perfect and flaky as well. The pie was perfect and you said as much.
Charlie thanked you as he came back over and handed you the photo album. You went to open it but paused. “Could I take a picture of you please? My friend, Steve, wanted to meet you, but he had to go with our other friend, Claire. It’s a long story.”
“Of course,” Charlie beamed and you took out your phone. “Say cheese!” You called, snapping a picture of Archie and Charlie. You took a few more for good measure and then sat down to look at the baby pictures.
You had no clue why Archie was so embarrassed of them. He was the most adorable baby dragon you had ever seen, though you hadn’t seen many of them.  The pictures of him learning to fly were your favorite. Charlie was in the background of some of those, encouraging Archie. Seeing how cute baby Archie was really cheered you up.
You were only on the seventh page though, when a cloud of green fog billowed out of nowhere from the corner of the room. When it cleared away Douxie was standing there.
“Douxie!” You yelled, immediately jumping up.
“Mordrax's miracles, you found them!” Archie exclaimed and you looked at what Douxie was holding.
Charlie smiled. “Well done! I knew you'd do it, little buddy!”
Douxie admired them. “The Genesis Seals! Now we just need to get back to Hex Tech and regroup.”
   “Um, Doux!” You called as you looked down to the street Hex Tech was on. “You need to see this.”
   Shards of ice were all over the place and bits of everything was burning. There was no sight of your friends.
Douxie gasped as he hopped out of the ship. “No! No, no, no. No, no, no! No!” You all rushed over to Hex Tech, but the lights were off and ice was everywhere. “Claire! Steve! Nari!” Douxie called.  “What happened here?”
You heard someone groan and you rushed over to see Krel. He was trapped in ice and looked on the edge of consciousness.He wasn’t the only one you saw though, Mao was licking away at the ice trapping Krel. You grabbed her and waited for DOuxie to free your Akiridion friend.
“Krel! No.” Douxie blasted the ice that was trapping Krel and you moved to heal him.
“Where is everyone?” You asked.
Krel groaned. “Couldn't stop them. Took Nari. Oh, wait! He can show you.” He stood up and grabbed the head of a glitching robot with a human face. You shivered a bit at the creepy sight.
“Wahoo! How are you, buckaroo?” The robot head asked. Krel pressed a button and a video of Krel screaming and running appeared on a big screen. There was a lot of screaming as the camera was rolled around until Toby grabbed it.
“This looks like the end!” He cried. “I leave my classic VHS action movie collection to my nana and my warhammer to Y/n!” The video was taken from Toby and showed the fiery person from the Arcane Order who crushed the camera.
With that the video cut out. “That's all fo-beep-boop,” the robot said.
You continued looking at the screen in horror. “Not them too.” You squeezed your eyes shut as tears ran down your face. You hated the Arcane order. Gumar had already taken so much from you and here they were to finish it off.
“No, no, no, no, no, no, no! This wasn't supposed to happen! No! Oh, please tell me there's something in here to help,” Douxie begged, setting Merlin’s book on a table leafing through it.
Archie put his paw on it, covering some of the words. “You don't need the book to tell you the answer, Doux. Merlin was clear. If the Order has Nari, we can't let them get the Seals, or it's arcane Armageddon.”
“But I can't just leave our friends to die!” Douxie protested.
“No we can’t,” you stated, determined. Your friends were not going to die. You weren’t gonna lose anyone else.  
“It's not easy being a leader,” Krel said.
“The Order will never stop coming after the seals,” Archie reminded and you nodded.
Douxie sighed. “We'll spend the rest of our lives running.”
“Save our friends or save the world? You have to make a decision. We're out of time!” Krel complained.
Douxie’s head snapped up. “Or maybe...time is all we have.”
   “What do you mean?” Archie asked, but it hit you.
“We send the Arcane order through time,” you concluded.
“It’s a crazy idea, but it just might work. Arch, remember how before we met Merlin we used to do the Lad of Fortune trick with the cup to earn money? We do that, but inside the cup is a smaller heart of Avalon. Krel you mentioned something about magic and Acaridian tech earlier, can you fashion something out of the heart of Avalon that will send the Arcane order through time?”
Krel shrugged. “Maybe.”
“Well, ‘maybe’ is all we’ve got right now. We can only hope this works. Let’s get to work!” Douxie exclaimed.
You turned to him. “I’m gonna go leave Mao with my mom, but I'll be back to help soon, okay?”
“Okay, stay safe.” He kissed you and you wished you didn’t have to go. You wished you and Douxie could just hang out and date like a normal couple, but alas, the fate of the world was in your hands.
You made it back just in time for Douxie to explain his plan to you. He, Krel, and Archie had gotten a lot down in the short amount of time you had been gone and were ready to put the plan into motion.
You watched as Douxie closed his eyes, projecting himself so he could talk with the Order. “Arcane Order, Hisirdoux is here!” He spoke. ”Ah-ah-ah-ah--! Hold your hexes if you still want these.” He held up the seals and you realized how weird it was to be on the other side of astral projection. “You want them?” Douxie asked. “Well, come and get them. I'll be at the cafe.” Douxie’s eyes opened and gave you a thumbs up before he turned to walk over to Krel.
“Your designs were complicated, but I'm 98.442 percent sure that this will work.” He set the device down and it spun to life. “Akiridion tech and magic are so compatible! Who would have thought?” Krel laughed.
“No turning back now,” Archie said as Douxie picked up the little-yet very important-trinket Krel had made.
“Wasn't planning on it. Arch, pass me those salad bowls, then head out. Y/n, prep the airship,” Douxie requested.
“I'll always follow you, Doux, but this could be a huge mistake,” Archie warned.
“'A wizard doesn't make mistakes-he makes unexpected possibilities,'” Douxie quoted, courage and determination ringing through his voice.
You smiled at him nervously as you walked out the door. “Stay safe and don’t forget you still owe us brunch.”
“Hold on, big guy. I'm about to bust you out. Agh! Cheap lighter!” Steve whined as you entered the room. You nodded to Archie and he sent his own fire to free Aaarrrgghh.
“I did it! Sir Steve is your savior!” Steve cheered and you rolled your eyes.
“Helpful as always, Steve,” Archie said as he flew around freeing everyone. You sent your own blasts of fire, but you were distracted by Jim, or what was supposed to be him. You knew your brother had to be in there somewhere, but whoever was in control of him was not your Jim.
The beast roared at Archie, ready to fight and you got ready to protect, but Aaarrrgghh stepping, punching Jim. “Please stop, Jim!” Aaarrrgghh growled. “Don't make me hurt you, Master Jim!”
“Stop it, Jim!” You scolded, your big sister instincts kicking in as he hit Aaarrrgghh .
“Wingman, no!” Toby cried as Jim punched Aaarrrgghh again, knocking him down. Toby ran over there, ready to face the beast if it meant saving his wingman.
“No!” Claire called as Jim got ready to punch Toby. You were ready though and sent a shield their way. An orange sphere blossomed protecting them, but Jim never attacked.
A guitar riff played and you knew that Douxie had arrived. Jim covered his ears and you laughed, your Jim wouldn’t enjoy this type of music either.
“How about a little music to soothe the savage beast? Is everybody all right?” Douxie asked, knocking Jim out with his guitar-staff.
You rushed over to him. “Did it work?”
Douxie nodded. “So far so good. Now we just need to get everyone out. Is everyone all right?”
“Douxie!” Toby exclaimed. “I'd hug ya, but I can't move my arms.”
“Where is the Arcane Order?” Claire asked, getting to her feet.
“I have them preoccupied.” He gasped. “What's the Queen of the Apocalypse doing here?”
   “What I should have done long ago-deal with my brother,” she said, moving past Douxie. “Get your injured to safety.”
   You moved to help Aaarrrgghh up. “We need to find Nari.”
“Nari!” Douxie exclaimed. “She's not here with you?”
Claire shook her head. “They locked her up somewhere. Douxie, did you get the Seals?”
“Uh...” Douxie hesitated. “I'll explain later. Let's go.”
“Grab Jim,” Claire requested.
Aaarrrgghh grunted. “Got him!”
You raced out of the castle and to a ledge were Douxie whistled. The ship rose out of the clouds, hitting the castle. You winced and covered your ears as metal on metal screeched.
“Whoa, whoa! Whoo-hoo! Whoa! Sorry, sorry! I'm still getting the hang of it,” Krel apologized.
“All right, everyone on board. Krel will take you down to Arcadia. I have to get Nari, see my plan through to the end,” Douxie explained.
Douxie held out his hand to help you onto the ship, but you didn’t take it. “I’m coming.”
“No, you go with them. You need to keep them safe.”
“Fine.” You took his hand and hopped on. As he walked away you could only hope that he would be safe. You hated not going with him, but you also knew he was strong and could handle himself. The Arcane Order were still going through time anyways.
   You went to take the steering staff from Krel, hoping you’d be a slightly better driver.
   “He’ll be okay,” Claire soothed and you nodded.
   “What should we do about Master Jim?” Blinky asked.
   “Restrain him,” you replied, raising your hands to perform the spell, but before you could his eyes snapped open.
“Oh, no!” Claire yelped.
“Oh! No, no, no! Go back to sleep, Big Jim!” Steve yelled, trying to whack Jim with his axe. Jim caught it and sent Steve flying over the edge.
“Steve! No!” Claire yelled as Jim sent the axe flying right at you. Toby pushed you aside and the axe hit the staff instead, sending the ship spiraling out of control.
The ground grew closer and closer and you sent a spell to slow your fall. “Hold on!” you screamed. The ship bounced on the ground and you all fell from it.
You did your best to shield everyone, but you still had a nasty fall. You were very glad you hadn’t been impaled by a branch from the tree you had somehow landed in.
"Y/n! Claire!” Toby screamed and you hopped down from your branch to see Aaarrrgghh and Jim fighting.
“Jim!” Claire cried.
“Aaarrrgghh remind Jim who he was.” Aaarrrgghh pinned Jim to the ground.
“Master Jim, snap out of it! We are your friends,” Blinky tried.
“Your family!” You added, blasting him with a stun spell. It only seemed to enrage the beast though and he threw Aaarrrgghh onto you, Krel and Blinky.
Your back hit your old tree and you felt the wind get knocked out of you.
“Oh, no!” You heard Toby gasp. “Come on, Jimbo. It's Toby, your best friend. Oh, no, oh, no!” Jim roared turning to Toby, but Claire sent a portal and Toby popped in next to you.
“Jim Lake Jr., I know you can hear me! I know you're still in there!” Claire yelled as you got up. Her eyes glowed purple and Jim’s golden outlining turned the same color.
“Get out of my head!” Jim roared, attacking CLaire who portaled away.
“I promised I'd come back for you! Now fight it, Jim!” Claire begged sending a swirling blast of magic at Jim when he continued to charge.
“No! My soul belongs to the king!” Jim growled. You got ready to take over the fight when a blast shook the ground, knocking you back down.
“Morgana!” Claire yelled, but her voice turned into a scream.
“Jim, no!” You got up again, already chanting a spell.
“Oh, no!” Toby cried as Jim squeezed Claire.
“Claire!” Blinky called.
“I love you, Jim. We all do. Please...” she begged and his markings once again faded to purple.
   You were soon distracted though by a piece of the castle crashing to the ground on top of Morgana and Arthur.
   Another blast almost sent you to the floor, but you braced yourself. As the energy faded you looked over to Jim.
“Claire? Y/n?” He asked.
Claire smiled. “There you are!”
Jim beamed, but your euphoria faded when you saw stone spreading over him.
“Oh, no!” Toby cried.
   “Claire!” Jim panicked. “Y/n?!”
“Jim! Jim!” She sobbed. “No! Jim! No! No!”
You sank to the ground. “No! Not again, This will not happen again. We’ve already lost too much.” You buried your face in your hands as sobs wracked your body. In the few seconds that Jim had been yours again, hope had built itself inside of you and now it was getting destroyed. It felt like your heart was getting ripped out of you.
Jim was gone again, and unlike last time you had seen him die. It was. over, there was no way you could get lucky enough to get your brother back again. It was over now and this time you’d actually half to tell your mom.
You sobbed harder, it just wasn’t fair. Jim couldn’t be gone, he had barely lived his life. Sure he had his fair share of great adventures, but that didn’t make it any better. You may have your memories, but all you wanted was to have Jim back.
   You only stopped sobbing when you heard a crack.
You looked over to see Jim breaking apart. You began to sob even more, angry at the world that wouldn’t let him be. You couldn’t even have his statue apparently.
After a while you felt a hand on your back and you looked up, expecting it to be Claire, Toby, Steve, or even Douxie, but who you saw shocked you even more. Jim, human Jim was smiling at you. “Y/n...”
You stood and wrapped him in a tight hug. “You’re okay! I missed you so much!”
“I missed you too.” You stayed there, hugging him for a while, trying to soak up all the happiness you were feeling from your brother. You couldn’t believe he had lived, but you were so so happy that he had.
Now to make this day even better Douxie would come. Nari and Archie had already arrived, you were just waiting on your boyfriend to figure out the next phase of the plan.
You looked up though when a blast rocketed across the sky. Your eyes immediately found Douxie’s body falling through the debris.
You barely registered Steve and Toby shouting as you and Nari took off. The forest blurred behind you as you ran. This could not be happening. You had just gotten Jim back and now Douxie was free falling to his death. The world could be so cruel.
   A flash of blue light briefly lit up the clearing in front of you and you raced to its source. Douxie was lying on the ground and you could barely sense his aura. You dropped to your knees and searched for a pulse and though you found one, it was so small there was nothing you could do, not that both you and Nari wouldn’t try.
   You placed your hands on his chest and went through every magical healing spell you knew, even trying normal things a human paramedic would do, but nothing worked.
   Your emotions were thrown right back into the dark lands of grief.
“I can’t be too late. Come on Douxie. You’re gonna be okay. You can’t leave me here. I can’t do this without you. You can’t die now. I need you,” you sobbed, tears soaked Douxie’s jacket as you mourned.
You couldn’t even process it. Your emotions had been thrown through a blender and it hurt so much. Your heart ached with the pain of knowing that this time you had actually lost Douxie. There was a small part of you that was still hoping though, maybe today was a day of miracles and Douxie would live?
The demons that had taken over your rational thoughts laughed at that idea. More tears fell as you sank deeper and deeper into despair, grief and guilt. Maybe if you had run faster or convinced Douxie that you could take on the Arcane Order with him, then he would still be with you.
You barely heard your friends talking and were only relieved from your dark thoughts by the impossible, Douxie’s chest was moving.
“Y/n...?” Archie asked and you realized that he had been on your shoulder, lying on Douxie with you.
Douxie coughed. “Eh...?”
“You’re okay!” You cried, jumping into his arms.
Archie copied you. “Douxie! You brave, foolish boy.”
Douxie groaned. “But everything hurts.”
Claire smiled. “I can't believe you're okay.”
Archie laughed. “Barely! Seems you're the one with nine lives. And don't you ever do that again.”
“Happy you're alive, Teach,” Claire said as the two of you plus Steve helped him up.
“Easy,” Douxie rasped. “I just came back from beyond the grave. But wait, where's Jim? Mordrax's miracles. It seems I've missed a lot.”
“Same, but glad to be back,” Jim said.
Douxie looked around. “What about Arthur?”
“Squished,” Aaarrrgghh grunted.
“Indeed,” Blinky confirmed. “And I'm afraid with their demise, Excalibur...”
“Is right over here!” Toby yelled, racing over to try only for the sword to not even budge. “Okay, I just had to try. It’s kinda fun. Y/n you should try.”
You chuckled. “Thanks, but I’ll pass.” Honestly you just didn’t want to let go of Douxie.
“What of you, Master Jim?” Blinky questioned.
“What?” Jim asked.
You helped Douxie forward. “Jim, Blinky's right. With Arthur gone, someone needs to wield Excalibur.”
“Who better than the Trollhunter?” Claire pointed out.
Jim looked down. “But without the amulet, am I still the Trollhunter?”
“This means nothing, Jim. If I've learned anything, it's that we don't draw strength from magic artifacts like amulets and swords. Our strength is something far less enchanted, but no less special—our friends. We are the protectors of this world. That's why I made the gamble I did: because the only way to stop the Arcane Order and save this world...is to do it together,” Douxie explained.
“Are you sure our Douxie came back from the dead? This one is super sappy,” Claire joked.
“Cheeky,” Douxie said and you all laughed, but you noticed Douxie stopped soon after. “It's time Nari and I got a move on, before the Order catches up.”
Claire frowned. “You're leaving? Already?”
“Yeah, you just finished a whole speech about saving the world together,” Steve reminded, as Douxie, Nari, and Archie got onto the slightly damaged ship.
“Where are you going?” Jim asked, coming up to stand next to you.
“I promised Merlin I'd keep Nari safe, which means taking her far away from here. Don't worry, I'll be seeing you champions of Arcadia soon enough,” Douxie reassured.
“We’ll make sure to visit, we just have to keep moving. Staying in one place too long will give them time to catch up to us,” you added, climbing onto the ship.
“We?” Douxie asked and you took his hands.
You gave a small smile. “Yeah ‘we’. You’re gonna need me.”
“What if you get hurt?”
“We’ll have each other's backs,” You said, petting Archie. “It’s gonna be okay.”
You turned to wave goodbye to your friends and family. It was a bittersweet ending, but like Douxie had said, you would see them again soon.
Yay! It's done-ish!! I can't wait for the movie so I can finish it!! I really hope y'all enjoyed this series and I can't wait to write more for Douxie. Thank you all so much for your kind comments and I hope y'all will have a fantastic and safe weekend.💙 And happy Halloween!!
P.S. if you want to be on the taglist feel free to ask. I hope it works and please message me if it doesn’t.
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veritylane7 · 3 years
+mydecember+ Twilight ver. 13
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( 10:50 PM )   Math-class doodle of Rukura (Raphael), airbrushed. Came out nicely. ^.^       ( 10:07 PM )   John's suggestion for a feel-good song that Mr. Rozario (school principal) should play over the PA system in the morning? Children of the Damned by Iron Maiden.... how I agree! ^____^
We're sick, sick people. Can you tell we're related??
song of the moment: "Genocide" by the Offspring. I really gotta get some of the Offspring cds... I want Smash, Americana, and Conspiracy of One.... *sulks*
( 9:57 PM )   Ribby-chan... s'all being taken care of. Mike and Matt be lookin' after me closely, and if Dan does anything else, he's in for some serious trouble. *heh* Mike or Matt my soulmate? Dooood, Mike's a pal, and Matt's like my older brother (he's actually my most recent ex-boyfriend in a way). Thanks for the concern, tho! And don't worry... I beat Dan up nice. If I have my way, he'll be singing soprano come next week.
*heehee* I think I've FOUND my soulmate, anyhoo. *pointed look at someone who's screen name rhymes with punkin' pie* *heartheart* ^__^
( 9:49 PM )   *runs around screaming fangirlishly* YUMMY! YUMMY! I GOT A CUTE, SCAAAAAAARY DOOD FOR THIS TEST!!!
Ideal anime guy test...
# 1 Zagato from Magic Knight Rayearth # 2 Ashitare from Fushigi Yuugi # 3 Chichiri from Fushigi Yuugi # 4 Hotohori from Fushigi Yuugi # 5 Kiryuu Touga from Shoujo Kakumei Utena # 6 Taikoubou from Senkaiden Houshin Engi # 7 Hayama Akito from Kodomo no Omocha # 8 Kyoichi Saionji from Shoujo Kakumei Utena # 9 Morisato Keichi from Ah! My Goddess # 10 Nakago from Fushigi Yuugi # 11 Ohtori Akio from Shoujo Kakumei Utena # 12 Ryohji Kaji from Neon Genesis Evangelion # 13 Eagle Vision from Magic Knight Rayearth # 14 Gabriev Gourry from The Slayers # 15 Ikari Gendo from Neon Genesis Evangelion # 16 Nagoya Chiaki from Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne # 17 Chiriko from Fushigi Yuugi # 18 Li Shaolan from Cardcaptor Sakura # 19 Tsukishiro Yukito / Yue from Cardcaptor Sakura # 20 Eriol Hiigarizawa / Clow from Cardcaptor Sakura # 21 Ikari Shinji from Neon Genesis Evangelion # 22 Kinomoto Touya from Cardcaptor Sakura # 23 Shiirou Kamui from X (X/1999) # 24 Tamahome from Fushigi Yuugi # 25 Monou Fuuma from X (X/1999)
( 9:46 PM )   Ideal anime girl test... how'd they know that I adore Skuld, Ami-chan, and Misato? o.O
# 1 Skuld (Oh my Goddess) # 2 Amy (Sailormoon) # 3 Misato (Eva) # 4 Belldandy (Oh my Goddess) # 5 Kari (Digimon) # 6 Rei (Eva) # 7 Lita (Sailormoon) # 8 Mina (Sailormoon) # 9 Fuu (MK Rayearth) # 10 Serena (Sailormoon) # 11 Hikaru (MK Rayearth) # 12 Sora (Digimon) # 13 Bulma (Dragon Ball) # 14 Mimi (Digimon) # 15 Misty (Pokemon) # 16 Rei (Sailormoon) # 17 Umi (MK Rayearth) # 18 Videl (Dragon Ball) # 19 Asuka (Eva) # 20 Urd (Oh my Goddess)
( 9:44 PM )   Slayers kyara test... now THESE results are good.
# 1 Gaav the Demon Dragon King # 2 Beastmaster Zelas # 3 Luna Inverse # 4 Valgaav (Vally-girl! ^_^) # 5 Xelloss Metallium # 6 Zelgadiss Greywords # 7 Gourry Gabriev # 8 Lina Inverse # 9 Rezo the Red Priest # 10 Filia Ul Copt # 11 Martina Whatever-Her-Last-Name-Is # 12 Amelia Wil Tesra Seyruun # 13 Naga (Wil Tesra Seyruun? I think so) # 14 Kopii Rezo # 15 Prince Phil
( 9:41 PM )   Sailor Moon test results... scary. O_O
# 1 Nehelenia # 2 Setsuna/Sailor Pluto # 3 Artemis # 4 Galaxia # 5 Haruka/Sailor Uranus # 6 Taiki/Sailor Star Maker # 7 Hotaru/Sailor Saturn # 8 Michiru/Sailor Neptune # 9 Minako/Sailor Venus # 10 Rei/Sailor Mars # 11 Yaten/Sailor Star Healer # 12 Luna # 13 Makoto/Sailor Jupiter # 14 Princess Kakyuu # 15 Ami/Sailor Mercury # 16 Chibiusa/Sailor Chibi Moon # 17 Seiya/Sailor Star Fighter # 18 Mamoru/Tuxedo Kamen # 19 Usagi/Sailor Moon # 20 Chibi-Chibi/Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon
( 9:39 PM )   Pokemon test...
# 1 Satoshi/Ash # 2 Shigeru/Gary # 3 Nyarth/Meowth # 4 Kasumi/Misty # 5 Pikachu # 6 Takeshi/Brock # 7 Kojiro/James # 8 Musashi/Jessie
I'm Ash and Gary... isn't that damn close to weird?
( 9:37 PM )   *laughing again* CHECK IT OUT!!
CCS Kyara test results:
# 1 Kero-chan # 2 Syaoran Li # 3 Touya Kinomoto # 4 Tomoyo Daidouji # 5 Eriol Hiiragizawa # 6 Sakura Kinomoto # 7 Yukito Tsukishiro
I'm Kero-chan!
( 9:35 PM )   EEEEEEH!!! O_O; For the X/1999 test... I'm Satsuki! O_o
# 1 Yatouji Satsuki - dragon of earth # 2 Kuzuki Kakyou - dragon of earth # 3 Sumeragi Subaru - dragon of heaven # 4 Monou Fuuma - dragon of earth # 5 Nataku - dragon of earth # 6 Shirou Kamui - dragon of heaven # 7 Kishuu Arashi - dragon of heaven # 8 Shiyuu Kusanagi - dragon of earth # 9 Kigai Yuuto - dragon of earth # 10 Sakurazuka Seishirou - dragon of earth # 11 Aoki Seiichirou - dragon of heaven # 12 Arisugawa Sorata - dragon of heaven # 13 Kasumi Karen - dragon of heaven # 14 Nekoi Yuzuriha - dragon of heaven
( 9:32 PM )   *laughing like a total idiot* CHECK THIS OUT! HOW FUNNY!!! I find that the results for my taking the Eva kyara personality test are very well done!
# 1 Asuka Langley Sohryu # 2 Gendou Ikari # 3 Ryouji Kaji # 4 Misato Katsuragi # 5 Touji Suzuhara # 6 Kaworu Nagisa # 7 Kouzou Fuyutsuki # 8 Ritsuko Akagi # 9 Aoba Shigeru # 10 Makoto Hyuuga # 11 Shinji Ikari # 12 Maya Ibuki # 13 Hikari Horaki # 14 Rei Ayanami # 15 Pen-Pen
( 5:56 PM )   Speller!!! You owe me Mickey ears, and I want Lance's underwear!! AND FEEL MY WRATH!! *wraths Speller* MWAHAHAHAHA! JOYCE IS DEAD! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!       ( 7:36 AM )   Morning Blog!
Nah-nah-nah! Riot Ink business caaaards! *heehee*
I'm okay, really.
I am headachey!!! As Amy would say... my head is doing the achey brakey dance of PAIN. So, I imagine I will get nothing done in class. Ms. Fotinos is gonna kill me for skipping anyway... *sighs*
Querida! I shall continue my efforts to make dad buckle!!
Meagen-san.... really, I know what you mean. Technically, I can draw, but I kinda lack depth in my art (from what I can see). There are very few pictures that turn out with the emotion or realism I want them to come out with..... and funny enough, that kyara that I tend to make look how I want is good ol' Lucas.
Lucas: What can I say? I'm perfect. *mutters* Yeah, right...
And yes, you're getting fanart. Now if only I can manage to scan it....
Meg's Art Corner! Raphael-chan, or as I refer to him in RPs, Lian's Rukura. This is a fine example of what I draw in math class on scrap paper. And querida? It's not THAT good. ^##^;;;;
That's all from me!
Over an' out!
( 10:48 PM )   Of course my idea is good, querida! I'm so smart after all! *tosses away IQ test scores that say only 142* Lucas with blue hair.... streaked with green!!!!!! Yeeaaah, baby!       ( 3:23 PM )   Warning, incoming rant!
STUPID! GODDAMN FLIPPIN' STUPID!! What a GOOD way to get yourself killed! Doing f*cking drugs! STUPID STUPID!!! Goddamn it! I mean, pot, okay that's bad. Bad and STUPID. But 'shrooms?!! HOT DAMN IS THAT STUPID!! And not only that, getting yourself into a situation where you get thrown out of your mom's house?! F*cking stupid! *fumes*
(note: never mind, needed to vent.... friend issues)
( 2:00 PM )   At home and skipping civics class.... *whistles and rocks back on her heels* 9.9
You know what's scary? It's scary when a dood whom you eat lunch with even jokes about wanting to rape you. That's scary. Even scarier is when he pins you against the wall and you have to fight him off, and when he comes back, your best (guy) friends beat the living sh*t out of him. Not quite sure what to make of this.... big super duper hugs and thank yous to Mike and Matt, my new bodyguards. Dan, touch me again, and they'll kill you for sure. I'll see to it. *sweet smile*
( 7:32 AM )   Morning blog!
Querida: Yep, the Mark plot is similar to our dj idea... except a bit more profound. *heh* And seriously, tho, a good plot would be something to the effect of Mark goes baaaad-niichan and tries to end the world, and you gots to stop him. There's a plot. Hooray for plots! Cam's efforts on trying to get Mark to put some sort of value on his own body should start working someday. I mean, HOW many times has Cam explained it? Not to mention, Mark has a nice idea of how Cam thinks now that he's been inside his mind. Mark-niichan's a slut.... but I love him anyway!
Cam: *pounds the living daylights out of Meg for calling Mark such a thing*
*heeheehee* Animal comparisons! *heehee* I gotta try that! Rukura = gecko Poya = otter Yuken = viper Lucifer = duck Michael = horse Zachariah = pot-bellied pig (personality wise) Gabriel = peacock Kanson = crocodile (someone patch in a call to australia, let's get the Crocodile Hunter in here, please... *crosses fingers*)
Meagen-san: I'm working on a fanart for you of SailorM. I shall prolly CG it tonight or tomorrow, okie?
School blows! I don't wanna go to school! WAH!
over and out.
( 6:35 PM )   For fun, and just to annoy him... Rukura's stats!
Name: Raphael Harrison Nickname: Rukura Age: 17 Date of Birth: February 28th Hair: purple Eyes: green Height: 6'4 Occupation: student Descent: Angel Family: human family includes Jacob [father, deceased] and Mary-Anne [mother, deceased]. Original family includes Kanson [father], Europa [mother, deceased], and Uriel {Yuken} [half-brother] Friends: Lucifer, Pandora {Poya}, Michael, Zachariah Current Residence: Atlanta, Georgia Likes: music, reading, daydreaming, being anti-social Dislikes: homework, unwanted attention, medication, and fighting Skills: singing, getting weirdly good grades Setbacks: has a rather serious heart condition, which despite medication and various attempts, is damn near impossible to treat, suicidal, and generally miserable Notes: reincarnation of the Messiah. Human mother died in childbirth, human father committed suicide a few months later. Is considered a "problem child", as he usually gets into fights at school. Been shifted around to foster homes all his life, never staying in one particular home longer than 1 1/2 years. Most recent foster family died in a car crash, leaving him the only living "relative" to claim his foster father's fortune. Lives alone.
( 6:24 PM )   Chris-kun: Dood, a meant the person playing as being Mark... ^__^;;
Meg-chan's on net restrictions, lalalalala... she's gonna get in trouble if she gets caught on the internet, lalalalala... she's rewriting stats for LotM, lalalalala.... she's TOO attached to Raphael-chan, lalala--
Rukura: *belts Meg in the head* Don't call me that! Meg: It's your legal name, isn't it? I like it better 'an Rukura...
Dan wants me to hit him. In the eeeeeew kinda way. Do I really come across as that much of a dom? @_@
( 7:16 AM )   Morning blog!
This is bound to be a short enrty, as mom is home. Sooo...
I had a really funky dream last night, but I don't remember it. All I remember is waking up a lot, upset, and trying to recall where I was. Bennett was curled up to me most of the night (good spiritie dood ^_^), but I don't think it helped much.... ah, well, it's the thought that counts.
Yesterday, I blew $44 on prismacolor pens. I got the box set of cool greys, plus a replacement 60% warm grey as mine is running out. That's me broke for another month now.
BMB is cuuuuuute today. *giggles* I want my verra' own Mik! I *heartheart* Mik! Rach, you better get me a Mik for my birthday! Or else!
I can't draw worth beans lately. *cries*
to Chris-kun: Thanks for the comment on the layout... and maybe now I'll bug querida to do an AH game (I honestly didn't think about that @_@).
*ponders* Yeah, you could go arouns as Mark in the game, and you could sleep with every second person you run into---
Cam: SHUT UP! *thwacks Meg* Meg: Hey, it's not my fault that your hubby is a total sl--- Cam: *throws a table at Meg* Meg: Itaaaai. X_X
Otaaay, enough out of me. Over and out.
( 11:44 PM )   Hal is GOD... lalalala! Hal is thy holy master!       ( 11:27 PM )   Purple is a nice colour! It's the colour of hentai. ^__^;       ( 12:30 AM )   BEHOLD THE NEW LAYOUT!!!
....very purple, isn't it?
( 3:58 PM )   This close >< to shooting myself...       ( 3:56 PM )   I WILL get this to work.... I swear I will.       ( 3:53 PM )   HTML is annoying. Background image, where are you?       ( 3:50 PM )   Let's hope for the background image now.... *crosses fingers*       ( 3:45 PM )   Playing with the layout...       ( 3:25 PM )   This is the temp layout, as I'm altering this puppy to look how I want it to. New version should be up tonight.       ( 2:43 PM )   Chris-kun: the Boa cd has two names. One is the japanese release, the other is for the international market. It's either called Race of the Thousand Camels or Twilight (like this here blog!). And the Limp Bizkit cd is called Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavoured Water. And Hannibal is a lot different than the Silence of the Lambs, isn't it? I liked it, but I stand by the fact that Jodie Foster made a much better Clarice Starling than Julianne Moore could ever hope to be.
My Bennett still isn't home... Dora, is he still with you? If not, you'd think he'd be home by now... *sighs*
Okay, time for me to book it outta' here for a bit afore dad calls and has a fit 'cause the line is busy.
( 8:05 PM )   Interlude...
Meg: Cain and Yuken! KAWAII!!!! Yuken: *giggles and twitches his neko-mimi, looking all innocent* Rukura: ICK! Who the HELL would touch HIM!? *points at Yuken* Meg: Well, you 'touched' him once... Rukura: NOT BY CHOICE, GODDAMMIT!! .... *sneezes* Yuken: *eyes Rukura venomously* Rukura: I'll be running off to Lian now... *heads for the hills as fast as his (verra' long) legs can carry him*
( 8:00 PM )   Querida, thank goodness it's not bronchitis. That's something I get a LOT, and it's not fun at all. And ten pounds? ALRIGHT! You GO, girlfriend!! *tackleglomps* You'll be okay.... I know so! ^.^
I got the "Play" cd (Moby), which came with the edit of South Side for free. Bonus, baby! ^_____^
( 7:24 AM )   Morning blog!
Well, I feel mighty stupid this morning. Yesterday, I kinda pulled a muscle in my left leg (riiight in my calf), but it stopped hurting. Woke up from a funky dream and got up to find it hurt. Now, being the idiot I am and not usually restricted by physical pain (hey, that's what ended up breaking my ankle), I went for a shower. Feeling headachey and cramped, I worked my way down the stairs, only to pull the same muscle again and fall about halfway down and land on the cat at the bottom. ^___^;;; <---- feels very dumb
*falls over* Meagen-san, you had me scared a minute there! If you had MEANT Mark, I would have had to call in paramedics and stuff to make sure you weren't doped up on anything!!!! @_@
List of kyara and colours this blog is gonna be themed on in order of layout updates: Cam/purple (this weekend, hopefully) Lucas/red (whenever) Mark/blue (whenever) Sybandial/pink (whenever) Jesse/green (whenever)
Each layout will have a background featuring the kyara, too! ^_^
I really need a life. Over and out!
( 9:51 PM )   Song lyrics... one of Cam's most recent themes! "Learn to Fly" by the Foo Fighters
Run and tell all of the angels This could take all night Think I need a devil to help me get things right
Hook me up a new revolution Cuz this one is a lie We sat around laughing And watched the last one die
I'm looking to the sky to save me Looking for a sign of life Looking for something to help me burn out bright I'm looking for a complication Looking cuz I'm tired of lying Make my way back home when I learn to fly
I'm done nursing the patience I can wait one night I'd give it all away if you'd give me one last try We'll live happily ever trapped if you'd just save my life Run and tell the angels that everything's all right
I'm looking to the sky to save me Looking for a sign of life Looking for something to help me burn out bright I'm looking for a complication Looking cuz I'm tired of trying Make my way back home when I learn to fly Make my way back home when I learn to
Fly along with me, I can't quite make it alone Try to make this life my own Fly along with me, I can't quite make it alone Try to make this life my own
I'm looking to the sky to save me Looking for a sign of life Looking for something to help me burn out bright I'm looking for a complication Looking cuz I'm tired of trying Make my way back home when I learn to
Looking to the sky to save me Looking for a sign of life Looking for something to help me burn out bright I'm looking for a complication Looking cuz I'm tired of trying Make my way back home when I learn to fly Make my way back home when I learn to fly Make my way back home when I learn to...
( 7:06 PM )   Tay, I've decided the theme for my next layout... good ol' Bennett and the colour purple. How... fitting. ^__^
Now if only I can get this stupid HTML editor thing to work... *binks it*
( 11:05 AM )   Morning blog (late again)!
Yeaaah, I just went to first period class this morning and got my classes for next year reviewed. Then I came home because the muscles in my abdomen are spasming and it hurts like bugger all.
To all my blogging friends; I'm gonna change the layout of this blog in the next week (I have a LOT of links to add). I'm gonna theme it around an AH kyara, so lemme know who you think would be best, please. Just post your opinion in your blog, as I read most of them daily anyway. ^__^;
( 8:23 PM )   Yeah, I've neglected my duties as a blog-person lately... I have a life, you know. (Hey, the LEAST you can do is smile and nod! T_T)
Not much is happening, really. My civics class keeps getting cancelled, so I think I'll skip it tomorrow and come home early. What else to say...? Ummm, not much.
Song of the moment: "The Kids Aren't Alright" by the Offspring. I'm on a REAL Offspring kick right now... dunno why exactly. Maybe 'cause they just amuse me. ^_^;
Grammy awards. Bleeeek. *makes a face*
Amy, kids who don't like cheese are stupid! HA HA!
( 3:33 PM )   ...afternoon.... blog!
This morning I spent the whole time trying to get my scanner to work, so thus, no morning blog. But I've got some stuff say for a change!
Today, lunch period was spent bothering Dan for the most part. He really ticked me off yesterday, and I'm extracting my revenge. So, I was making him jealous by glomping Matt at every opportunity (Matt doesn't mind too much, and he's nice to hug 'cause he's always warm.... and no, Mike, he's not my boyfriend! JUST A FRIEND!! T_T). It was rather comical. Civics class was cancelled, since Ms. Fotinos was at the Raptor's game with the people who signed up to go... the half of my class that was at school for the last three periods of the day got transferred to a Grade 12 geography class, in which was SO awkward that the teacher took pity on us and sent us all home. Redoing Angel Hunter again. This time, on the right sized paper... I'm sticking with the page layouts, tho, as I think I've got the look I want.
And, for fun! Rukura's theme song lyrics!
Home by Depeche Mode
Here is a song from the wrong side of town Where I'm bound to the ground by the loneliest sound That pounds from within and is pinning me down
Here is a page from the emptiest stage A cage or the heaviest cross ever made A guage of the deadliest trap ever laid
And I thank you for bringing me here For showing me home, for singing these tears Finally I've found that I belong here
The heat and the sickliest sweet smelling sheets That cling to the backs of my knees and my feet I'm drowning in time to a desperate beat
And I thank you for bringing me here For showing me home, for singing these tears Finally I've found that I belong...
Feels like home I should have known From my first breath
God sent the only true friend I call mine Pretend that I'll make amends the next time Befriend the glorious end of the line
And I thank you for bringing me here For showing me home, for singing these tears Finally I've found that I belong here.
( 7:11 AM )   Morning Blog!
This song is tripping me out right now, but goddamn, do I love it! *grooves to "Home" by Depeche Mode* It's a really dramatic song... and it's sooooo making me think of Rukura. >_<;
It's very cold this morning. At least I think so, anyway, so I'm sitting here wearing the couch blanket as a cape. I feel like a doooork.
Meg's Art Corner (Freckle-chan, you copycat! T_T)
A special little picture; Lucas in his newest style of dress. Drool factor, out of 10? 12.
What else to say... ummm... Mom didn't leave me lunch money again. T_T;
Over and out!
....yep, for the first time in YEARS, I'm the proud owner of twp pairs of blue jeans. I've not worn blue jeans since I was about 5... and these ones fit niiiiice. I have hips and a waist.... @__@
Anyway, mom and I went to Sears and then to Curry's Art Supplies. I got my two pairs of jeans, two men's dress shirts (one white, one black), a new sketchbook, 4 new warm grey prismacolors, and a new 05 pigment pen. I am a happy Meg-chan!
Blue jeans that fit... *in shock*
( 9:09 PM )   I have officially started rewriting the Chronicles of Benjamin Carter! WHIHAI! Here's a bit of what I've written so far.
Frail. Benjamin was frail. He was about 5'4, fifteen years of age, and pale. He was small and slight in build; a boy and not yet a man. Right now, he looked more fragile than he really was... curled up under the blankets of his rather small bed, bruised and crying. It was a familiar scene.
Benjamin wiped at his eyes with the back of his hand in a vain attempt to push the tears away. However, it was pointless since more just spilled down his cheeks as if to spite him and his efforts to stop them. He hated crying. Hated it. But at times like this --- only at times like this--- he couldn't help himself. He was so tired of being forced into the clutches of rich men; predators that liked their pleasure taken out on the young boys who could be bought if the price was right. He was sick of the violation and the abuse. Most of all, he was sick of his father pushing him into it. His own father. He hiccupped in his efforts to restrain his tears.
Benjamin wanted more than anything to run away. Run away to another city, another country, anywhere but where he was. Just out of the clutches of the people who hurt him so much. But he was trapped like the birds his father kept in the iron cages that lined the back yard. He was a prisoner, shackled to the bars of his perpetual cage. Derkshaw would catch him if he ran. Derkshaw always caught him.
"Damn him to hell," Benjamin thought bitterly, though he regretted thinking it for reasons he couldn't quite explain.
There was a tap of boots in the hallway, and Benjamin closed his eyes, breathed deeply, and pretended to be asleep. The heavy, even steps stopped outside his door. The door squeaked as it opened slightly.
Benjamin tried to keep his breathing slow and deep, tried not to flinch. He felt Derkshaw's gaze on him. It burned.
'Go away, papa, go away....'
The door opened a bit more, and the tap of boots carried into the room.
It would be a good half hour before Derkshaw left, the blood on his hands and shirt not his own.
( 2:28 PM )   Man, am I grateful for mom. She just brought me the most wonderful little care packet of a bottle of ibuprofen and a Terry's Dark Chocolate Orange bar. *sniffles happily* Thank you, mommie!
Amy, Amy, Amy.... you have no idea how much stress is gone already. *heavy sigh* I can't thank you enough.
Spellleeeeeeerrrr, next weekend is go for coming over to my house to watch movies! You like freaky movies, I'll make you watch freaky ANIME movies! On the roster so far: Perfect Blue and X. Maybe I'll make a trip to Roger's Video and snag Devil Man or something. But I will get you hooked. I will. Your time will come (*sings* thy will be done!).
*laughing at BMB* Yeah, Mik, you dirty minded cutie! You think those nasty thoughts about Harley! *laughing*
Oiiii, Freckle-chan... you posted a nice list of couples you like. I think for fun, I'll do the same!
Cardcaptor Sakura Touya and Yukito - kawaii! KAWAII!!!! Sakura and Tomoyo - so sue me!
Oh My Goddess! Trobadour and Urd - they were cool! Too bad he's such a dork. Keiichi and Belldandy - well, DUH!
Magic Knight Rayearth Ascot and Umi - I'm a sucker for Ascot. What a little cutie! Clef and Presea - ditto that, 'cause Clef is so cute and so short!
Dragon Half Mink and Lufa - not likely, I know, but still.
Bakuretsu Hunter Tira and Carrot - feh on Chocolate. She's not half as cool as Tira. Marron and Gateau - I don' like Gateau too much, but Marron is so hot. *_*
Ranma 1/2 Ranma and Shampoo - not likely, either, but I think Mousse is too wussy for her. I've always been a Ranma/Shampoo 'shipper.
Shamanic Princess Kagetsu and Tiara - it's a sad relationship... Sarah and Tiara - um, don't ask.
Slayers Lina and Gourry - he's so funny around her... ^__^
Sailor Moon Usagi and anyone but Mamoru! T_T; Chibi Usagi and Pelulu [Perelu, Perele] - *heehee* Cute fae-ish boy with white hair!
Neon Genesis Evangelion Shinji and Asuka - I think she really does like him. She just doesn't know how to show it. Misato and Koji - funny funny! She's a player, tho.
RPing kyara [involving mine] Cam and Mark - for obvious reasons. Rukura, Lian, and Gabby - yes, a yaoi threesome. They're all so cute. Sola [Soren] and Sybandial - so innocent and sweet. ^_^ Jyrian and Quoik - I don't talk about these two much, but their relationship is really cute. Jesse and Rach - how can I not like this? He's cute, she's cute (haha, Rach!) Lucas and Lila - I liked this possibility... too bad she's dead and we won't find out what woulda' happened. Lucas and Carter - this is a slightly more demented relationship. Cadence and Lexiel - a more intellectual relationship... even if Lexiel is kinda big on sex for sick reasons. ^_^; Cadence3 and Cam - I'm a sick, sick girl. Lucifer and Setsuko - if we get Setsuko back, then we can resume this. They're cute too. ^_^
Other Stories Kiih and Ro (from Dora's "Three O'Clock") - I don't really know why... these two just kinda hit it off in my mind. Len and Yuri (see above) - ditto the above again.
Book Series Ron and Hermione - need I explain? Sirius and Remus - again, need I explain? Lestat and Louis (Anne Rice's VC books) - strange but yummy relationship Lestat and David - intellectual and alluring. Marius and Amadeo - Stokholm syndrome. Cal and Meg (A Wrinkle in Time) - KAWAII!
That's that done. ^__^;
( 10:41 PM )   Sap warning ahead!
I have the best best friends in the whole world! My best friends are Speller and Amy!
Speller, who I know I don't mention on here too much (I'm sorry! ;_;), is the smartest person I know. She's also one of the most talented writers, too. How many people can write a whole novel before/during high school? Aside from Amelia Atwater-Rhodes, not many. And her poetry kicks ass! She has a lot of it published. She can also draw better realistic stuff than I can, which makes me mondo jealous. It's not fair, I tell you! And she must learn to watch out for Hannibal. Beware him. Speller likes pudding. And pears. Damn those pears.
Amy and I have been friends since 7th grade, when she was the "new kid". We actually first met in drama class. She ran over a possum on her way to work. Yeeeah! She, too, is an amazing writer. It's not FAIR! She came runner up in the story writing contest a while back. I was proud. And I SCREEEEEEAMED the loudest when she won the Todd Bayless award. I live to embarrass.... ^_~
I am grateful to have such good friends. I love them. This concludes the sap. ^___^;
( 9:04 PM )   Querida, you're cooler than Simon and Milo! (Personally, Milo's a tad too butch for my liking, but Simon is a cute little brit guy with the sweetest little sentiments!) ....anyway.... yes, you have a neck. I hope. ^_~
And to complete the phrase you know you have problems when...you obsess over a cartoon with no neck, no nose, and huge eyes!
( 7:29 AM )   Morning blog!
I watched Perfect Blue last night. It downright scared me! Seeing Hannibal didn't scare me, seeing the Rage; Carrie 2 didn't scare me.... but Perfect Blue DID. The "real Mima" (the one who's forever in the Cham costume) is SCARY!!! And the Mimaniac is pretty scary too. o_O Iffen you haven't seen this movie, get it. Especially if you like stuff like Neon Genesis Evangelion, X, or Serial Experiments Lain. I warn you, there's nudity, a rape scene, and a lot of gore. This movie freaked me out more than Eva did.
In other news... going to the art store tomorrow!!! And, I'm also skipping 5th period today. Maybe even 3rd, 'cause I'm stuck doing NOTHING all class anyway. -_-;
Hopefully they have the 10x15 paper I want... 'cause, you know, that being the traditional dimensions for comic drawing. Y'all knew that, right? *gives you a loooooook*
And I best be off to get ready... JA!
( 7:02 PM )   Blogger hates me.
I'm having a hell of a lucky streak this week. Today, in the mail, I got an AUTOGRAPHED Simon and Milo picture, FRAMED!!! *swoons*
And I got Perfect Blue!!!!
( 5:14 PM )   Gonna go see Hannibal with Mike and Chris in about half an hour! ^__^       ( 7:21 AM )   Morning Blog!
Last night, began a really angsty RP with Cam and Mark (well, it was angsty on Cam's end). Now, I only just realized that I think up really weird stuff that follow pretty much all the major time/space/reality laws. And all on a whim and at random. It's strange. You know you study this stuff too much when.... Yep, it's not every day when I come up with plots like that puppy. Using the imprints left in the reality weave to reconstruct a Mark.... that's some strange stuff (but it actually makes sense, which is what throws me). Huh.
I feel guilty... I got mad at Amy last night. She was being a little more depressing than usual, and I just couldn't stand it. I'm sick and stressed and I don't need to boost her ego all the time.
I've had this urge for the past couple of days to draw Cam shaking Lucas by the shoulders and looking very upset while Lucas looks blank. I don't really know why.... the caption for it has been running through my head, as it is this: "What am I to you?!" Trippiness.
Well, being the idiot I am, I didn't do my civics homework. My group is gonna love me for that.... then again, they're sticking me with the job of reading the presentation on Spain because I'm the only one that knows how to speak some Spanish. *sweatdrops*
I'm having urges to draw the weirdest things.... I hate it when Cam angsts at me from his little spot in my mind.
Meg's Art Corner A really weird little picture of c3 and a Chibi Cam. C3 is drawn more in my gothic anime style than my normal one. Turned out quite well! ^_^
Over and out!
( 7:16 PM )   Neeee, imouto! If you're not gonna be doing Yunga Neko for a while, you should get a guest artist to do, like, weekly panels just until you can work on it again. *volunteers*       ( 7:14 AM )   Morning blog time again, kids!
I'm feeling okay this morning, so school for me. *sigh* School is so boring. Lunch is okay, mind you, because I have (as Speller said) "so many male bitches that work" for me. ^__^
I've been doing a lot of drawing since I got those pens. It's scary... can't wait to get more! ^__^ I also gotta get me some 10 X 15 paper, 'cause that's the standard comic size. I don't feel up to fighting with printers because the size ratio on 8.5 X 11 is uneven. Screw it. I'll just redo it all on standards.
I'm having the straaangest breakfast. Pork chops. Don't ask me, it was the only thing I could find...
Song of the moment: "Cruel Angel's Thesis (Harmonia Remix)" from Evangelion. *slobbers* I forgot what a COOL remix this is!!!
Meg's Art Corner Ben Carter, looking cute and vaguely distant! (Hey, he's a Blink fan, too!) Mark makes a scarilly cute girl. o_O Appearently, so does Lucas. Onna-Cam makes me think of Rally from Gunsmith Cats for some reason.... How cliché.
Over and out!
( 5:30 PM )   Nah nah naaaah! Meg has Sympatico access!!
Anyway, Meg also got herself some niiiiice grey prismacolor pens yesterday! Meg drew some pretty pretty pictures with them, too! Meg is happy, so she is!
Meg's Art Corner With her new prismacolors in hand, Meg is proud to present her latest creations! Angelique, the evil evil bitchy whore of a Demon from AH. She's pretty, tho. ^_^; "Legacy of the Messiah" cast shot; Rukura, Lucifer, and Pandora as kids! Carter and Lucas, a strange relationship these doods have. Carter looks somewhat like Cam, doesn't he? Quoik, Meg's only fae kyara!!
( 2:25 PM )   Tiredtiredtiredtired....
At the Office Place, they have a set of 24 prismacolor markers for about 40 bucks. I WANT THEM, but mom says "no, I don't have that kind of money right now". So, what we're gonna do, is I'm gonna drag her to Curry's Art Supplies store in a few hours and see how much THEY'RE selling them for.... maybe she'll buckle and take me back to the Office Place. ^_~
I need grey markers...
...oh, note to all who talk to me at night online. I won't be on until really late 'cause the network will be down. Unless mom hooks us up with Sympatico tonight, I'll be on around 2am. *sniffles* I'm gonna be without my querida fix! *snifflesniffle*
( 8:34 PM )   Lack of bloggingness today, as you all may have noticed. Dunno why, I was home again....
song of the moment: "Under the Bridge" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I *heart* Flea.... what an AMAZING bass player. Too bad this song doesn't showcase him much. If you want good bass by the dood tho, "Californication" is an order.
*cheers* The restrictions to see Hannibal have been changed from R to AA! In other words, I can get in to see it! Heeey, Dan, Amy, Speller, anyone? Wanna come with? I warn y'all, tho, it's been said that this movie is grotesquely violent.
Tomorrow is gonna be a very busy day. I'm going into town with my mom and brother for most of the day, then it's home for a few hours (like, two), and to the mall where I shall meet with Quinn-chan and Chris to go for our ritual Riot Ink business meeting. Then I shall return from the depths of Quinn's anime/transformers shrine of a home and return to my humble lair around midnight. Then I'll prolly talk to my baaaaybeeeeee (aka: querida) for the remainder of the dark hours of the evening.
Oh! Celeb Jeopardy! Two of my faaaaavourite doods were on there! Seth Green from various shows such as Buffy, and Steven from the Barenaked Ladies! DOOD! And Seth has his hair buzzed in sooooo damn short that he looks bald. 0_o
Kick ass! 3 Doors Down are playing at the Warehouse on March 11, and tickets are only $27... man, I wanna GOOOOO!!!
( 12:37 PM )   For Whom the Bell Tolls by Metallica Make his fight on the hill in the early day Constant chill deep inside Shouting gun, on they run through the endless grey On the fight, for they are right, yes, by who's to say? For a hill men would kill, why? They do not know Suffered wounds test there their pride Men of five, still alive through the raging glow Gone insane from the pain that they surely know
For whom the bell tolls Time marches on For whom the bell tolls
Take a look to the sky just before you die It is the last time you will Blackened roar massive roar fills the crumbling sky Shattered goal fills his soul with a ruthless cry Stranger now, are his eyes, to this mystery He hears the silence so loud Crack of dawn, all is gone except the will to be Now the will see what will be, blinded eyes to see
For whom the bell tolls Time marches on For whom the bell tolls
( 12:17 PM )   Okay, today's guest BMB is quite good. ^__^
*points out the window* Heehee, a mini-plow!! *giggles*
song of the moment: "Sunny Came Home" by Shawn Colvin (so sue me, I like this song... ).
( 12:08 PM )   Why is it on days that it's not supposed to snow, it snows the most? We've gotten about 13 cm since last night and it's still coming down... -_-;
song of the moment: "For Whom the Bell Tolls" by Metallica. Heeheehee....makes me think of AH. I shall post the lyrics on here later.
( 7:42 AM )   The Wheel of Excitement on Neopets loves me... I just won another 10 000 np. O_O       ( 7:35 AM )   Morning blog!
Here I am, killing time while I wait for either mom to call me or for me to call mom. Stupid morons in Wal-Mart, you call the main office and ask to be patched through to Electronics, and they put you on hold and hang up on you. Figures, it was mom's boss that just did that to me. Moron.
I got slim to no sleep last night due to sickness. Man, do I hurt... I feel like my guts are being put into a dryer's spin cycle constantly. And after drinking 3 L of cranberry juice, I'm not too good right now. I'm kinda waiting for mom to call so I can ask her what to do... I dunno if I should stay home or go to school. I bet I'm missing a fair bit. Well, there's always Fiona and Harpreet to ask. ^_^;;
I bet Dan's gonna kill me if I'm off another day. Mike's prolly beaten him up a few times by now without me there.
*drums her fingers* Mom, I asked you to phone me... you've got 10 minutes, and then I phone YOU....and hope I don't get hung up on...
Oh! BmB's on it's guest week. Y'know, with guest artists doing the panels. I'm not liking it too much. Yesterday's was a tad too blunt, with not enough joke 'ahind it. Maybe next time, I'll try for a guest spot on there. I'd be sure to do something involving Cy and Skids. I love Cy and Skids. ^__^
I'm running very low on straight kyara. Querida manages to turn them all gay! *shakes her head* Bennett, Lucas, Rukura, Sy.... who next? *turns to Tiirak* Dood, you're not gay are you? Tiirak: No way. Meg: You sure?? Tiirak: Yes, I'm sure. Meg: *looks suspicious*
Mommie bought me the Silence of the Lambs yesterday. It's such a good movie, and all the better if you've read the book. The casting for the movie is very good, too... Jodie Foster makes such a cute Clarice Starling. It really pisses me off that Julianne Moore is playing Clarice in Hannibal (which comes out tomorrow, check your local listings ^_~). She is SO not Starling material. But as long as Sir Anthony Hopkins is still good ol' Hannibal Lecter the Cannibal, I'll watch it.
*calls Mom* Wow, I got through....!!! Maybe that's because I cheated and used the associates-only code. How would I know THAT? 9.9
Looks like I get to stay home again today... *feh* Boredom and a half. Amy, if you're home, feel free to phone me or something.
Over and out!
( 10:50 PM )   Yeeeeeeeee! Querida can read my mind and alter my dreamstate!!!!
No one should have to drink 2 litres of cranberry juice in 5 hours. x_X
( 9:21 AM )   Morning blog!
I'm home sick! And it's only the 4th day of semester 2. Seems that whatever the hell was wrong with me before is wrong with me again... pain hurts, you know. T_T;
I've not much to say today... doesn't that suck when you wanna say something but you're outta' stuff to say?
OH!!! GOOD NEWS! AH Issue one is officially coming along WELL! Looks like I won't have to go to version 16... ^___^
( 9:32 PM )   Rukura and Lian... I got bored and messed around with PC Paintbrush...       ( 6:41 PM )   *looking from her cat CC to her mug of hot chocolate* CC is staring at the marshmellows like they're evil..... *inches away*       ( 6:29 PM )   The Angel Hunter church stainglass window...?       ( 4:00 PM )   Okay, I know.... I didn't blog this morning. I was running mighty late. I had to hop fences to get to school. ^_^;;;
What did I do today? Not much. I got yelled at three times and nearly booted out of my history class (why? for drawing! >.<;;), and I nearly fell asleep in comm tech. Thankfully, Mr. Dewitte let us out early.
The layouts for pages 1-4 of AH have been redone. This is version 15... and I'm LIKING it! FINALLY!
Heeey, imouto! Mercutio was the best kyara in that play. I also liked Benvolio, he was cool too (my once-best-friend Brittany took to calling me 'Volio 'cause I liked him so much). Mercutio, tho, had one hell of an attitude, and he was interesting and VERY funny. Too bad he had to die... I'm glad you liked the little snippet. Allow me to post another, just for you! ^__^ This is another bit I quite like.
Benjamin found it facinating to watch him, he was so calm and so... well, he was the very picture of freedom as far as he was concerned. Yes, that was it. Benjamin admired Lokistrant's blasé attitude towards life. Envy, almost.
When one night, Lokistrant was late on his ritual visits to the plantation, Benjamin worried. Could he have been hurt?.... no. This was Lokistrant. He didn't GET hurt. But maybe he just didn't want to see him anymore?
Abandonment. A reoccurring issue. His throat felt dry suddenly. He curled up on his bed, blond hair over his eyes, and wished for morning, when he KNEW that Lokistrant would not come. No second guessing when daylight was involved.
Minutes passed. And quite unexpectedly, Lokistrant was there, startling the boy. Leaning against the far wall, watching quietly, decked out in his usual dark reds and silvers. Benjamin sat up. "How long have you been there? You scared me!"
Lokistrant smiled his usual enigmatic smile, the impression of fangs something no longer unexpected. "Carter, deepest apologies for being so late." The smile was kind, but the voice was final, the tone stating that there was to be no questions asked. Lokistrant held out his hand to the boy. "Care to come with me into town for a while?"
( 7:45 AM )   Morning Blog, part II
Oh! I saw Cast Away over the weekend! It's SO good! Tom Hanks is a surprisingly good actor... I mean, who else can get away with talking to a volleyball so convincingly? And we all know that Amy likes to imagine him naked (Tom, not the volleyball). You should all go see it! NOW!!!! That's an order!
Heehee, now a little quote for fun from a story I am going to re-write.
Benjamin stared across the table at the stranger, worried. The man seemed in his twenties, if that, and had long brown hair that spilled over his shoulders and down his back. His eyes were an unnatural ruby red, and they were very intelligent eyes. Benjamin had learned early in life to be cautious, especially with the smarter ones.
The man crossed his hands on the table in front of him, casual. "Benjamin Carter, correct?"
Benjamin could dect a vague, though unrecognizable, accent. "Yes sir."
"You're fifteen?"
"Yes sir."
"Such a shame to see someone so young forced into... what you're familiar with."
Benjamin sunk down in his chair. "Why are you here? Why did you pull me away from papa?"
To match Benjamin's withdraw from the table, the man leaned forward, and smiled. Benjamin could have sworn he saw fangs. "You remind me of someone."
( 7:22 AM )   Morning blog!
Man, do I feel WEIRD this morning. I'm not sure why, exactly, but I just feel weird. I dunno. I think a certain spiritie dood slept in my bed with me last night.... *points at Bennett* 'Cause I actually slept.
Last night, during a particularly good RP, my ISP died and wouldn't let me back on. I wasn't happy. It was getting SO good, too... *pouts*
I'm so quickly out of things to say.... ^____^;;
O'er an' out!
( 11:17 AM )   Meg's random contemplations I'm considering re-writing Carter's story, which ties in with a fair bit of Lucas' story. Been considering it for a while... Carter's got some serious problems, and he's fun to write because he's so screwed up. He's got a really weird past. His dad was SUCH a jerk.... and up until becoming a vampire, Carter was good little Bennie; never had the nerve to fight his father. *ponders* It's an interesting story. Maybe I'll start on it again after I get home from seeing Cast Away....       ( 10:56 PM )   Okay, people, special announcement!!!!!!! Congrats to Bennett and niichan on the birth of their daughter, Candra Arael Bennett! ^___^       ( 3:32 PM )   Woohoo! I got switched from Casement's class to Apostolou's class! Hooray!!! And I am already SO ahead of all the people in my comm tech class. I seem to be the only one who knows how to use Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Publisher, and Premier, as well as Quark and a few other programs. Damn, am I ahead. *_*       ( 7:36 AM )   Morning blog!
Wow, I only slept 3 hours and I feel okay.... *falls out of her chair laughing at today's BmB* Cy and Skids are a riot! I hope they do turn out as a couple! *laughing*
New semester starts today. I'm not too happy about this, as I have history and math this semester, and history is my homeroom class. With Mr. Casement. *cries* NOOOO!!! If I get called by my last name ONCE in his class, I'm gonna commit suicide (okay, not really).
My room is now a nice shrine of large wall hangings. On the walls around my bed, I have three Card Captor Sakura wallscrolls (two anime, one manga), and one kick-ASS Prozzak Saturday People promo poster. Thank you, John. *smilesmilesmile*
On Neopets, I am neopoor. Looks like my pets are gonna be eating at the soup kitchen a lot. -_-;
Meg's Art Corner! I know, I've not done much in the way of art lately. You know what's weird? I tend to draw more in school than at home. I think it's because I'm around so many people. Cam's SD Panther form, doodled in MS Paint. I was bored, okay? And it DID turn out cute. Part of my MS Paint family portrait. I still have to finish the pictures for John and Dani, and the kids too if I have enough willpower after screwing around with the stupid program afterwards.
Song of the moment: "When Doves Cry (Fatboy Slim remix) by Depeche Mode and Prince. I love this... don't ask me why. ^_^;
Quote of the moment: "Listen sister, if I want your opinion, I'll BEAT it out of you!" -- Elvira, Mistress of the Dark
Okay, that's it for now. Ja matta ne! *disappears in purple smoke*
( 12:38 PM )   Song of the moment: "Misere by Andrea Bocelli and John Miles. I have a very....expansive taste in music. So sue me. *sings along*       ( 11:45 AM )   To Chris-kun: Dooood, I don't hate you, and I'm not mad at you..... jus' chill, man. S'your blog, you can say what's on your mind...
I got my pretty pretty new cladagh ring in the mail yesterday! *kisses said ring* Mi querida gave it to me!! Isn't that sweet? ^__^
I have come to the conclusion that Cam would make a really scary bad guy. Like, not c3... but if CAM were bad. He'd be scary. I mean, he's already got some issues with where his loyalty lies... and he's pretty much infinite in power. Not to mention, after being killed about 200 times, I think he knows the painful ways to kill people. Wonder if niichan (currently my neechan) sees this? Well, at least now he knows about Cam's possibilities for becoming nothing more than a lethal weapon.
I have three neopets! My blue wocky named Cadence, my green shoyru named Lokistrant, and my yellow eyrie Poyania! ^__^
"My December" is © Linkin Park. The art is mine. Don't take. Information on the layout is thus; this is Damien McKinnley, a character of mine whom I've been roleplaying for a little over a year now. He's Simon McKinnley's oldest child, and he's kinda angsty and depressive. Art done in paintchat and added some snow in Photoshop.
Name: Meg Graham AKA: DJ Rabid Armadillo Age: 17 Birthday: May 1st Identifies as: a depressive and obsessive compulsive bisexual artist and writer Hair: black Eyes: grey Bands: Depeche Mode, Iron Maiden Movies: Fight Club, Velvet Goldmine, Hedwig and the Angry Inch Books: As I Lay Dying, Harry Potter, Fight Club, A Clockwork Orange, and the Repairman Jack series. Anime: Fruits Basket, Kare Kano Manga: Fruits Basket, Kare Kano Artists: Takaya Natsuki, H.R Giger, Tony, Firefly Family: Tony, Julian, Dora, Poe, Mina Lives for: Firefly, art, music
Legacy of the Messiah Deviantart
Brittany Deanna Lisa Firefly Dora Becky Dan Julian Tony (blog) Alex Heidi Megan Hana Gerrad Kiran Amy Zalina Katarina Matt Ribby Chris Meagen Poe Tsua Frecklegirl Rikki Mina Blair
Journeys Down Boy Meets Boy Little Machine Litost Satellite Yunga Neko Lean On Me Chronicles of a Drow Sorceress Spider Born Haato no Kagami Arcana Tiger/Tiger Separation Anxiety Nymphs of the West
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queenofcats17 · 5 years
Last Meeting
After @insane-control-room‘s announcement that their Joey would change after their newest installment of The Big Picture, I decided my Joey needed a last goodbye. So we kinda rped. 
"Hey...Jo?" Freckle pokes his head in. "Are you...going somewhere? My creator saw something about that. I mean, the exact words were changing but...Um..." He fidgets a bit. Johan's head lifts from his desk, working on his computer. He is silent a moment.
"I think I am going to die," he says calmly, quietly, after a moment.
"What...What the Hell is that supposed to mean?!" Freckle stalks over. "You can't just die!" He doesn't mean to sound so accusatory, so angry. But he's afraid. Johan stares at his hands. 
"I don't know," he sighs, tired. "I can't see anything past a few weeks from now, at best. Like there is nothing there. Dead zone."
"But your story isn't over!" Freckle's not sure who he's yelling at. "You can't just disappear!"
"What do you mean, my story isn't over?" Johan sinks in his wheelchair. "It should have ended long ago."
"The thing my creator saw said it wasn't over." Freckle begins to pace, gnawing at his lip. "So it can't be over. You...You can't die. It's your story and it can't be over." He doesn't want it to be over. As long as it's still going on, he has a friend. He needs a friend.
Johan's thin fingers snake into his hair, and he fists his hands in an attempt to quell his anguish. 
"There is nothing there," is his hoarse reply. "It ends."
"It can't end," Freckle mutters. "It can't!" He hits the wall with his fist, then winces and draws his hand to his chest. 
"It can't." He repeats weakly.
"Freckle, please," Johan weakly says, not referring to anything in particular. He reaches to him with a scarred hand. Freckle hunches his shoulders, looking very much like a guilty child. 
"I'm sorry." He sits down beside Johan, taking Johan's hand in his.
Johan leans his head on Freckle's shoulder. "I'm glad you're here."
Freckle hesitates for a moment, then leans his head against Johan's. "I'm...I'm glad to be here. You're my friend and I care about you."
"I love you man," the young and tired man says, choking up. "I'm happy that you can... call me a friend." Freckle's expression softens. 
"I love you too." He whispers. Johan wraps him into an awkwardly angled hug, but tight and warm no less. Freckle lets out a soft laugh, returning the hug as best he can. Johan smells like cinnamon and spices as he hugs him tightly, swaying slightly. 
"If I am, somehow, still alive," Johan swallows. "Please, do come visit me...."
"I will." He replies without hesitation. If Johan is still alive after whatever strange event his creator knows is coming, he will visit him. Maybe Johan won't remember him anymore, but he doesn't want to lose him. Johan's watch buzzes, and he ignores it, hugging Freckle tighter still. He sniffles, and hides his face on his shoulder, trembling. Freckle wants to tell him that it will be alright. But he doesn't know that. And he doesn't want to make any more false promises. 
"I'm here." He says, gently patting Johan's back. Johan shudders and quakes. 
"I don't want to die," he bemoans.
"No one ever does," Freckle says without thinking. His voice is dark and his eyes far away.
"I don't want to die feeling like this," Johan corrects himself. "Feeling wrong."
"Is there anything I can do to help?" Freckle drags himself back to the present. If Jo is going to die, he wants him to be happy when it happens. 
"You are now," Johan whispers.
Freckle smiles again, soft and genuine. "I'm glad."
Johan doesn't want to let go, but his hips (why is he so feminine?) are starting to ache. He still doesn't let go, but shifts a bit in pain.
"Are you okay?" Freckle feels his heart leap in panic. Why is he so afraid? Jo isn't going to die. Not yet at least.
"I'm fine," he lies as another electric pain shoots up his back, and he pulls away a little.
"Bullshit." Freckle gives him a look. "What's wrong? Are you hurt?" 
"Back," Johan mutters. "From my whole... disability."
Freckle nods, standing up and gathering Johan in his arms as best he can. "You got a couch nearby?"
Johan nods and looks to it, over by the left wall.
"Alright." Freckle grunts a bit, making his way over. He is not a big man, neither in height nor weight, so it's a bit difficult for him to carry a tall being like Jo.  Johan blushes from being carried, and leans onto Freckle's chest, closing his eyes. It feels nice.
"There we go." Freckle lowers himself and Johan onto the couch so that they're both laying down. Gods, he can't remember the last time he actually spooned someone. Johan gives a small crying giggle, like a child that got a boo-boo might after being cheered up. He snuggles against him best he can with his weakened limbs. 
"Hey," he breathes, finding a patch of Freckle behind him and holding it gently. "Thank you."
"You're welcome." Freckle gives him a big goofy grin. Johan can't see it... but he can tell it's there, and appreciates it. Satisfied, Freckle rests his head gently on Jo's chest. Johan's arms tighten a bit around him. It feels nice to be close.
Freckle stroked Johan's hair, humming to himself. He wanted this to last forever. He wanted to just stay in this moment. He felt his old compulsions creeping up again. The old desire to force the world to conform to his will. But he couldn't. He couldn't do that again
Johan let out a soft chuckle, not a happy one. "You're thinking too hard."
"Yeah, I guess I am." Freckle laughed weakly.
"Take it easy," Johan mumbles. "It's all gonna be alright."
"I'll take your word for it." Freckle nodded, trying to ignore the heavy feeling in his stomach. Everything was going to be alright. Their creators had a plan. It was going to be fine.
“That means a lot,” Johan whispered trying to hold on.
Freckle sighed, staring up at the ceiling. "Do you think it'll go better this time around?" He asked. "Your story, I mean."
Johan wrinkles his nose a bit. "No clue."
"Yeah, I guess you wouldn't know." Freckle chuckles. "Here's hoping, though. You deserve to be happy."
"Mm." Johan doesn't agree in the slightest, but he's far too exhausted to argue.
"You deserve to be happy." Freckle insists, pressing his face into Johan's hair. "You're a good person."
He can feel Norman's blood on his chest, constricting, pressuring, just as the man's body was in his death. He can hear Johnny's wails, Sammy's pleas, everyone's suffering. 
"Well...A better person than me." Freckle corrects himself, realizing his mistake. "You didn't murder your whole studio just because you were afraid to admit you failed." He'd been deliberately cruel. Experimenting, torturing. Their lives had been of no consequence as long as he could get what he wanted. Look at what that had gotten him.
Johan tucks his legs up, trying to make himself as small as possible. He'd never even come to as close as good as Freckle is.
"Hey. I can feel you being self-deprecating." Freckle pokes Johan's cheek. "Stop that now." He tries a smile. It's amazing how small a seven and a half foot man can make himself. He's now nearly a hundred percent spherical, and he doesn't reply.
Freckle sighs. "I guess I ruined the moment." No wonder no one ever stuck around him. Whenever he opened his mouth he just stuck his foot in it.
"It's not you," Johan mutters. "I'm just. Bad. I don't deserve you around at all."
Freckle blinks, staring down at him. "I...You know what I've done right? The murder and the ink and the trapping? I'm not a good person. At least you felt bad about what you did. I didn't feel bad until Esther forced me to acknowledge what I did."
"You at least had a reason," Johan whispers, somehow curling even more. He's tired and cold. He still doesn't want Freckle to go. Selfish.
"It was a stupid reason," Freckle mutters, trying to distract himself from the fact that he will have to leave at some point. He doesn't want to go. What if the new Johan hates him? What if he doesn't want anything to do with him? What if he's better?
"Still a reason."
Despite himself, Freckle lets out a quiet laugh. "Fine. It was still a reason."
Johan reaches out a hand to find Freckle. He's so balled up he can't tell left from right.
"You're like a little kitten." Freckle leans down so Johan can find his face. Johan squeaks embarrassedly, exactly as a kitten might, and the ends of his fingers curl in Freckle's hair. He is very glad his face is hidden, as he doesn't know how burning dark it is now.
Freckle's smile widens. "You're so cute."
“Yeeeees. You’re adorable.”
Johan's pout is audible in his voice. "Prove it."
"First of all, you're adorable when you pout." Freckle is trying very hard not to laugh. "Second, you're curled up like a little kitten right now. Third, your hair does this really cute curly thing sometimes where it reflects your emotions." 
Sounds indescribable escape Johan, and ironically, in that moment, his hair spikes up in surprise, and curls back in fluster.
"See? It's doing the thing!" Freckle reaches out and pats his hair. "It's like you're a cat or something."
"Most people say snake," Johan manages to squeak, his hair curling around Freckle’s fingers slowly and steadily.
"Oh yeah. There's some universe where you're a naga or something." Freckle's voice goes quiet as he watches the hair curl around his fingers. Like snakes. Like a Medusa.
"I know that," Johan smiles a little, though it's nearly impossible to see with the way he's curled. "Have you met that me?"
"No, but I know Esther has." Freckle stifles a snort. "She tried to take him home."
"Oh my goodness," Johan giggles a little. "Poor snake's never even seen a house and she planned on taking him home."
"She likes to think she's the sensible one, but she's the one who always brought home stray animals." Freckle snickers. "She's always been the mothering type."
"Mhm." Johan seems to have uncurled a bit.
“She probably embarrasses those kids of hers all the time.” Freckle laughs. His smile quickly fades though.
"Heh, yeah..." Johan smiles a bit, and unfurls some more. "Kids are like that."
“Especially Rachel.” Freckle’s gaze softens. “She’s just like I was at that age. So desperate to be grown up and mature.”
"Weren't we all?" Johan chuckles a little. "Until we grow up and want to be kids again."
Freckle nods, his smile fading. "Makes me wish I could go back and do it over." He pauses, then snorts. "God, I sound old."
"Me too," Johan says almost inaudibly after a minute.
Freckle lapses into silence, stroking Johan’s hair absentmindedly. “I hope you get to do it over.”
Nothing else is said, even when Freckle has to depart, his heart heavy. He hopes things will be better for Johan. He hopes the other man will be happier this time. He hopes he’ll still remember him.
10 notes · View notes
moczothe1st · 6 years
Let’s Play Fire Emblem IV: Genealogy of the Holy War, Part 11: A Little Pegassistance
Part 10
Welcome back to Fire Emblem IV: Genealogy of the Holy War.  The only game that is also a secret government idiot-detector; unfortunately it can only detect the idiots in its own script.  
When we left our heroes, they had officially been declared murderous traitors by a pair of men who look like, respectively, a blood-crazed Viking and a parody of a Nazi colonel, thus proving that people in Jugdral genetically have no ability to judge character by sight. Fortunately, Lewyn’s mom, the Queen of Silesse, offered us sanctuary in her own country, and we escaped. Let’s see how that goes!
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Sigurd is now a traitor in the eyes of his beloved Grannvale. In desperation, his army flees to find refuge in the northern kingdom of Silesse.
Silesse was founded by the Wind Crusader, Ced. It lies under the watchful guard of valiant pegasus knights and wind mages, and for over a century since its foundation has maintained itself as a neutral nation and resisted all invaders. However, since the death of its king several years ago, the royal family has been plagued with strife over its inheritance and shades of war creep over the peaceful land.   
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(You may have heard of him.)
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and has confined himself to Zaxon Castle in protest.
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has set to work raising an army for himself as Thove Castle. Out of disgust at his uncles, Prince Lewyn left Silesse to travel the world years ago.  
(“Rather than killing them both, which he could have done with his eyes closed.”)
Is there no end to the dukes’ avarice? Their lust for power will condemn Silesse, a beautiful and majestic land, to the searing ravages of a brutal war.
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(Sigurd! She’s a queen, even if her sprite is just a recolor of that lady who gave Lex his Brave Axe. It’s ‘your majesty’.)
Rahna: I know Sailane is perhaps too small to house all of you adequately, and I’m sorry. But please, bear with me a while longer. I’m doing all I can to hasten your liberty. I’ve sent letter after letter to Belhalla to advocate for your innocence. As of yet, however, I’ve still heard nothing at all from King Azmur.
Sigurd: This… this has to be Reptor’s doing! First he betrays my father, and now he’s stopping your emissaries! He must be!
(Sigurd Logic Moments: 2! He’s growing!)
Rahna: Calm yourself, Lord Sigurd. I know well the pain you’re feeling, but you cannot let your grudges rule you. Your anger will not save your father. Hatred will only destroy you from within. I swear to you, we can and will find a way to set this right, but you must be patient.
Sigurd: You’re right… I’m sorry, your highness. I really appreciate all you’ve done for me.
Rahna: It’s alright, Lord Sigurd. Oh, before I forget… there actually has been some good news from Grannvale of late.
Sigurd: Good news, you say?
Rahna: A previously unknown daughter of Prince Kurth has been discovered. All of Grannvale is rejoicing at the news.
Sigurd: What?! Is that even possible?
(… Well you see, Sigurd, when a prince loves another man’s wife very much, he puts his royal sword into her Loptyrian cloak, and…)
Rahna: It took King Azmur only a glance to recognize her true heritage. She bears the Brand of Naga, the proof of a true heir to House Belhalla. There is no doubt, she is Kurth’s child.
Sigurd: I see… thank goodness. At the very least, this means the royal lineage won’t go extinct.
(“And if I had been paying even the slightest attention to the backstory, I’d know that’s my wife!”)
Rahna: That’s not all. The princess and Duke Arvis are in a relationship. King Azmur has given his blessing, and a magnificent wedding will soon be held.
Sigurd: Arvis? Really?
Rahna: All who’ve seen the happy couple eagerly attest that this beautiful princess and Duke Arvis are perfectly matched. To say nothing of how happy the couple is said to be! Young love is wonderful, isn’t it?
Rahna: … Oh, Lord Sigurd, I’m so sorry. I forgot. Your wife is still-
Sigurd: Deirdre… my wife’s still gone, yes… it’s been over a year since she vanished. She’s missed an entire year of watching Seliph grow up.
Rahna: I’m so sorry, Lord Sigurd, but be of good cheer. I know you’ll reunite someday.  
Sigurd: You’re right. I feel it, too. I can’t give in to sorrow yet. I can’t give up on finding her.
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Rahna: Ah, of course. I’ll be with you in a moment. Lord Sigurd, one last thing… beware Duke Maios of Thove. I regret to say my brother-in-law has long hungered to claim Sailane for himself. It’s only a matter of time until he goes so far as attacking you. I wish I could provide you with reinforcements, but…
Sigurd: I know. The capital is under the very same threat from Duke Daccar of Zaxon. You cannot afford to weaken your own guard.  Daccar would pounce upon you given even a hint of weakness. Don’t worry, Your Highness. There’s nothing the Thove army can throw at us that we can’t handle.
Rahna: Ah, of course. I should be more confident in such veteran heroes as yourselves. … Oh! I’ve been talking for so long, I lost track of the time. Take care, Lord Sigurd.
Sigurd: You, too, Your Highness. Thank you.
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Lewyn: You just chatted for hours and hours with Sigurd, yet you can’t even acknowledge your own son?
Rahna: My son? The one who abandoned me two years ago, going gods know where? How do I talk to someone who’s clearly not here?
Lewyn: Heh… so this is how it’s going to be. You’re still made at me, then?
Rahna: Of course I am!  Do you have any idea how hard it was without you, and how worried I’ve been after you? That my own son could be so cold-hearted… I thought I knew you better than this.
Lewyn: Look, I know you’re upset, but I had my reasons for all this.
(“They were bad, but I had them.”)
Lewyn: But come now, I’m home safely! Surely that counts for something and you can forgive me? I swear I’ll make up for it and be the very picture of a good son. Hew, how about I give you a shoulder massage to start.
Rahna: Oh! What nerve, treating me as if I’m an old crone! Look, Lewyn, there are more pressing matters we need to discuss, and soon. Come to Silesse as soon as possible. Do not forget! Do I make myself clear?
Lewyn: … Sigh. I thought she’d never stop.
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Mahnya: Indeed, she hasn’t been anything as lively as this since before you left.
Lewyn: Thanks, Mahnya. Knowing you’re at her side is a big relief. Look after her, okay?
Mahnya: Yes, sir! Rest assured, I will protect the queen with my life, on my honor as the captain of the Silessian Pegasus knights.
Lewyn: Thanks… oh, and one more thing. Are you gonna leave Erin here with Sigurd?
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Mahnya: Oh. Eavesdropping, were you Erin?
Erin: You were about to tell him too much, so…
Mahnya: Ah. My apologies, Erin. There are things he shouldn’t know just yet, of course… Erin, I’ll be leaving with Queen Rahna and returning to Silesse Castle shortly.
Mahnya: You’ll stay here and keep an eye on Prince Lewyn. Best of luck.
Erin: Thank you, Mahnya.  
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(… What?!  No! Don’t leave!)
Quan: Rest assured, we’ll be back, leading the full military might of Leonster to your aid. May that day come soon, my friend.
(I don’t need them! Finn is about to promote and you’re a godlike shatterer of men! Forget the army and just stay! AT LEAST LEAVE THE SPEAR!)
Ethlyn: I’m going with Quan, Sigurd. Don’t worry, though. We’ll be back before you know it! Take care of yourself.  
(… eh, don’t feel the need to rush.)
Finn: By your leave, sir, I’ll be departing with my lord. Thank you for all you’ve done for us. Don’t give up, sir. I know the charges against you will be cleared and your good name restored. I know you can do this.
Sigurd: Thank you. You’ve got quite the journey back to Leonster ahead of you. I wish I could do more to help you on your way. May your journey be a safe one!
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And there goes two units I will sorely miss for this map.  Also Ethlyn.
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You know, this world would be a lot safer if people stopped decorating their castles in red.
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Maios: Very well, relay my orders to Cuvuli: Move in on Sailane! Dithorba, I trust your pegasus corps are already briefed on their mission?
Dithorba: Yes, sir. Our task is clear. My squadron is to raid the enemy from above, disrupting their tactics.
Maois: Good. Now get to work! Grannvale will owe us a handsome reward for bringing them the heads of their infamous traitors!
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And here we go.  First and foremost, of course:
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Mmmmmmm. Normally I would say Aideen is not  combat unit material regardless of promotion, but her levels this run have been so great she actually is. Her magic in particular is so bonkers she’ll be nuking fools with the most basic of tomes now that she can fight; I have her buy a thunder tome from the armory and prep her for the arena. (Oh, and Alec is joining Noish on the sidelines. He’s not very good, and experience is best shared among the increasingly awesome super killers I’ve assembled.)
Sigurd: 7 wins, gained two levels: +2 HP, +1 Strength, +2 Speed
Arden: 4 wins, Gained two levels: +2 HP, +1 Strength, +1 Defense
Lex: 6 wins, Gained three levels: +2HP, +1 Skill, +3 Strength
Azel: 7 wins, gained three levels: +3 HP, +3 Magic,
Aideen: 5 wins, Gained two levels: +2 HP, +1 Skill, +1 Speed, +1 Magic, +2 Luck, +1 Defense
Midir: 2 wins, a new low. No levels.
Holyn: 7 wins, Gained two levels, +2HP, +2 Skill, +2 Strength, +1 Magic
Ayra: 7 wins, Gained two levels: +2 HP, +1 Strength, +1 Luck, +2 Defense
Jamke: 7 wins, Gained two levels: +2 HP, +1 Strength, +2 Defense
Dew: 7 wins, Gained five levels, +3 HP, +3 Skill, +1 Strength, +1 Magic, +3 Luck, +2 Defense
Lewyn: 7 wins, gained three levels: +3 HP, +3 Skill, +2 Magic, +1 Luck, +1 Defense
Lachesis: 7 wins, Gained six levels: +3  HP, +3  Skill, +4 Strength, +2 Speed, +4 Luck, +1 Defense
Beowulf: 2 wins, what did you do, eat some of Midir’s loser pills? Gained no levels.
Erin: 7 wins, gained five levels: +4 HP, + 1 Skill, +1 Strength, +3 Speed, +2 Magic, +1 Luck, +1 Defense, +1 Resistance
Bridget: 7 wins, gained three levels: +2 HP, +1 Magic, +3 Luck, +1 Defense, +1 Resistance
Taillte: 7 wins, Gained three levels: +1 HP, +2 Skill, +1 Speed, +1 Magic, +1 Luck, +1 Defense
Claude: 1 win. He is no Aideen, to be blunt.
Wait, you say. Seven wins… for DEW?! Well, see, in among those arena wins, we also had much better stuff:
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Oh, man, I’ve been watching them all languish in the teens waiting for this; the Paragon Band switched hands several times, and I do not regret any of them, even though they were stupidly pricey. Because our team’s overall power has just skyrocketed. Dew and Lachesis in particular just jumped from liabilities to ridiculous frontline killers.  In addition to their giant physical stat jumps, both gained Pursuit as an ability, and Lachesis got a horse (!) and the ability to use any non-legendary weapon (!!!!!).  
But… Midir. Uncool there, man. You need a jump.  Where could we get something like that…?
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Aideen: Of course. I bought it for you, after all! Silesse’s pegasus knights are a formidable foe. With a bow of this caliber in hand, I know you’ll be better prepared to fight them.
Midir: Milady… I still can’t believe this isn’t a dream! I can’t believe we’re actually married…. I’ve dreamed of this for so long.
Aideen: I’ve long dreamt of the same myself. I had wanted to act upon it for so many years, but I couldn’t, even at my loneliest… But… I think by now you can just call me Aideen. I’ll always look out for you, Midir. I’ll always pray for your safety.
Sweeeeeet. As I’m sure you can work out, this is something you’ll only get if Aideen and Midir are married; though to avoid you being totally screwed, if she married Jamke he gets the Brave Bow instead. I prefer Midir just because he needs the bow way more, frankly. Jamke’s Killer Bow is just as good and his stats are better than Midir’s by a solid margin anyway.  
Trivia, if she marries Azel, then she’s the one who gets a present, a unique staff of some sort that I don’t recall off the top of my head. But they in general aren’t a great pairing otherwise.
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So here’s the map. It looks wide open but it really isn’t; the whole southern half is totally closed off to us until we deal with Maios and Thove Castle to the far northeast.  The current enemy force consists of a huge squad of wind mages moving toward our castle, a bunch of bandits moving toward all the villages because fuck you, and Dithorba’s pegasus knight unit who will start moving on the first enemy phase.  
Not much to be done at first because nothing is near us; I just have everyone move out as far as possible; our first priority is to get to the villages before they burn.
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Cuvuli: Move in! Teach the traitorous scum the terror of a wind mage’s wrath!
Okay, first of all bro, you’re literally committing treason, so maybe stop judging us.  Second, wind mages are actually pretty wrathful, but they can’t actually reach us, so what follows is a scene of them all moving one space into the forest. Wrathfully. Afterwards, off to south, Duke Evilton Sr. has some fun.
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Daccar: Heh heh… why, this little drama is finally getting interesting. Wouldn’t you say, Pamela?
Pamela: Indeed, sir. However, as I recall we didn’t account for Sigurd’s fugitives being here. Their strength poses a real risk to the plan. If Maios at least succeeds in weakening them, perhaps Silese’s fall will still go smoothly?
Daccar: Even if he fails, I still have my private deal with Grannvale in my favor.  Their Lord Andre should arrive shortly with a battalion of reinforcements.  
(Eep. And on an even worse note, Andre was mentioned last chapter; he’s Aideen and Bridget’s brother. If he’s working with Reptor and Langbalt…what happened to their father? We haven’t heard anything about him, but he was a friend of Prince Kurth just like Sigurd’s dad. He can’t be in a safe place right now…)  
Daccar: Hehehe… my victory is certain, Pamela! I’ll be sitting on the Silessian throne by the end of the week.
Pamela: Without a doubt, sir!
Oh goodie, so Grannvale’s coming up here too.  We can assume the deal is something like, “We make you king and you’re basically our governor in the region”, which you’d think an ambitious fuck like Daccar wouldn’t be down for, but maybe he really just wants a crown.  Once again, our turn is just moving; the enemy should reach us next turn.
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Unless they don’t move. Lazy bums. Well, we’re close enough to clear the first village.
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Mmmmmmmmmm she’s such a badass all of a sudden. Nothing much else to do, though, so end turn…
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Would you guys pick it up?!
Sigh. Well, on our turn, we’re close enough to take shots at them.  Let’s rock this shit and try to clear out as many mages as we can before the pegasi get here.
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Not bad! They’re generally pretty troublesome folks; wind magic is light and accurate, so the mages are usually pretty tricky to get rid of.  But we’re making solid progress and nobody is in a position to get hit too hard. End turn!
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*wince* Well, we took some hits, but mostly only to Erin, who can thankfully handle magic damage well. That jerk putting Azel to sleep is the real annoyance.  Only Claude can fix him, so now I have to get him up there. Claude cannot fight to save his dumb life, so the first thing to get done here is to clear out the area. Kids?
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Once again, not bad! I really love how Dew is able to fight an enemy and kill it in a single turn, like how real units do. And even better (I legit forgot this) Restore is a distance staff, so Claude doesn’t have to get too close after all.  I then have Sylvia dance him, and he hits the army with the Fortify staff to pop us all back up to full.
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Yes, he did gain two levels in a row there. Fortify is a Hell of a staff. Now then, some cleanup. Let’s see if we can remove Cuvuli and his leadership stars from the equation.  
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Nobody tell him that he’s only the first miniboss of the chapter and fighting him isn’t very far at all.
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And there he goes! No more leadership stars and especially no more Sleep staff. I end the turn by smacking a few more of his pals.
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Sigurd, you really need more strength. Even with your ring that gives you more strength. Well, only four mages left and we can start moving east at top speed. End turn!
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…. Okay, three mages left. Not sure what that one guy who went after Bridget was thinking, but hey. Time to purge the last ones and move ourselves into the edge of the range of the pegasus squad as they just barely start to reach us from the east.  
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And yes, Taillte did go twice in there. Sylvia is running with the team because I actually want her to get married now. Claude gets himself a wife! And speaking of Claude…
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Claude: I did return to Grannvale and attempted to relate the truth to His Majesty. But Reptor interfered before we could meet, and now I too am branded a traitor to the motherland.
Sigurd: Ugh. I’ve had enough of just sitting here and letting Reptor have his sorry way! I swear, I’ve half a mind to storm straight into Grannvale and end this once and for all!
Claude: No. You know better than to rely on brute force or to risk the common folk’s safety. For now, Lord Sigurd, we must endure.
Sigurd: But, Father Claude…
Claude: Make no mistake. I feel your pain, too, too but this crisis’s end now lies in fate’s hands. There is nothing any of us can do to save ourselves anymore.
… … … … Holy shit, Claude. Fatalist, much? I end my turn, fully aware of the crushing hand of oblivion slowly grinding me down.
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Only Jamke gets attacked, and only one enemy hits him.  But who cares? We’re all doomed and only fate and random chance can save us. *sigh* I… guess I should fight back, even though it’s pointless.
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Sigh, there were a lot of misses there. It’s because of how there’s no point in fighting your destiny, I guess. Fate determined we should lose.
End turn. If it even matters.
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One of the Four Great Heavenly Princess Falcon Queens of Silesse hits Midir, and does about six damage while leaving herself totally exposed.  So, uh…
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Thus passes Dithorba, I suppose.  Don’t worry, she’ll have plenty of company soon.
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And that’s the Pegasus unit broken. Time to move east, and fast; some of these villages are starting to get dangerously low.  While the turn prepares to end, however, something new to show off…
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Some happy couples have formed!  Beowulf and Lachesis was pretty much set in stone, but I honestly wasn’t sure how Ayra would end up; either Jamke or Lex was the endgame, but I legit wasn’t certain which would end up coming on top. She spends more time with Jamke since neither has a horse, but Lex gave her that Brave Sword and got a boost from that.  In the end, Jamke wins out, which works just fine for me. Hail Verdane!
Anyhow, now that we’ve broken Maios’s opening lineup, the defenders become our next issue. The castle has three lines of defense; two small ones made up of a mage commander and two mooks, and a major squad around the castle of three more mages and seven armor units.  Pretty basic stuff, barring the fact that all the mages are using Wind magic and so they’re far more annoying than what we’re used to. Particularly this one:
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Blizzard is the wind-magic siege tome, and it will be very annoying as we proceed. He’s hidden among the second small line with no indication he might be there, which, you know; always remember to look at your enemies, kids.  Time to start our charge! First, Lachesis clears a village.
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It’s so delightful that she can just do that now. I can’t express it.    No other combat happens, sadly, because Silesse is full of goddamn forests and progress is very slow.  Remember back in Verdane, when the map was full of forests and everything was slow? It was annoying then, and making it snow hasn’t changed that. These villages will not be giving us much money.
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Though thankfully when we actually reach them, it’s pretty easy to clear ‘em. And we are finally able to reach the attack range of the enemy defense line, so on their next turn they should be taking a shot at us. It won’t end well for them. End turn!
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I warned ‘em. Now let’s rock this shit.  
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Awesome! Now it’s time to get Erin and Azel to the final village, and we have four turns to do it. I think we got this. Unless something goes terribly wrong, of course.
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Maios: Without this key, there’s no way they’ll ever get over here. Heh heh… I almost wish I could see the looks on their faces!
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Nope, that actually isn’t a problem, we can lower that bridge again, and even if we couldn’t, we do have a pegasus now. Still, I mean, A for Effort. If some earlier bosses had tried that, we’d have lost back in frickin’ Jungby.
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Also, Blizzard Dude takes a shot at Erin, but she’s a dodge champ and it doesn’t connect.  
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… Azel, less so. I didn’t realize there were more than one Blizzard Dude. See what I said about checking your enemies? I need to follow my own advice. Aideen patches him up and levels.
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God her magic stat is so huge. What even is happening.
Erin hits the final village, but isn’t able to clear it…
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She’s gotten a bit strength-screwed this run, I’m afraid. Still, I think we got this. The only way that village could fall totally is if she and Azel both somehow miss twice next turn.
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… Unless we die from being Blizzarded, jeez. All three hit, and not one had an even 40% to do it. Just one of those little reminders FE doesn’t actually like you. Luckily, Lachesis still has a healing staff on top of her other amazingness, and she steps up to heal her hubby. He takes advantage of this to run up and clear the village, letting the rest of the army move on toward the Blizzard Jerks.
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… You know, this is really weird. The speed and skill are normal for a pegasus knight, but she somehow managed to trade the normal ‘high offense’ for a fairly solid defense growth you usually don’t see in her class. She can actually take hits better than she can give them at this point. It’s weird and I’m not sure I like it, but it’s interesting to see.  
Anywho, with the Blizzard Dudes burned down, let’s take some time to clear villages before we open up the path ahead.
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Info Kiosk: If it’s still drawn and you don’t have the key, you’re not getting across. Mind you, if you have a thief’s sticky fingers at your service, that might not be a problem…
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Info Master: Divine heirs can wield even the most advanced weapons with ease, and’ll have an easier time growin’ stronger. ‘Course, it’s not every day you meet someone blessed with that sorta blood.
…………………….. That… really should have been shared in the first chapter, honestly. I mean, I already knew it, but…
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Actually Innocent: If you don’t mind, perhaps you could do a little dance for us? It’s been so long since we’ve had time for respite or fun…
Sylvia: Yup, not a problem! If you think it’ll cheer everyone up a bit, then I’m gonna dance my feet off! … Okay! Heeeeeeeeere we go!
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Sylvia: Whew… well, how ‘bout that? Everyone feelin’ a little better?
Not Even a Creep: Oh! What fantastic dancin’! I dunno how, but now I feel like I’m ready to give life my all! I can’t thank you enough, miss.  Here, perhaps this magic sword’ll help ya out. It oughta do a fine job of keeping ya safe.
Sylvia gets the Shield Sword, which grants +7 defense to anyone holding it and which, nothing personal honey, she absolutely will not be getting to keep. It’s going to someone who fights.
As you might have guessed, this scene only pops up if Sylvia visits this one specific village, which doesn’t look any different from any of the others. It’s not even like, ‘the closest to the castle’ or something. It’s second closest to the castle. Totally arbitrary 
No, the game doesn’t give you any hint to this.
Now, as the game hinted at earlier, Dew can lower the bridge by going to the space where it was lowered before. However, I don’t want to do that yet; this is a chance to kill off some of the enemy while leaving them unable to swarm us. I have Taillte and Midir move into the range of the enemy who have distance weapons, and get Lachesis and Aideen ready to heal them. End turn.
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… It’s only as  I do this that I realize his Brave Bow means he’ll be killing most of what he fights. So, uh… hopefully he dodges a lot!
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Score. Midir, you can stick around.
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… Taillte, Midir just rocked this, do not screw it up for me.
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… Taillte, you just got a great level, do not die and ruin this for me.
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Yessssssssssssssssss. Okay, now we can lower the bridge.
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We’re still not friends, you little shit. And with the way clear, we can, as the kids say, slaughter our foes.
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Score. All that remains is three armor units and the boss himself, and none of them can reach anyone who they could reasonably kill in a single turn.
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… Wait, why did they go for Midir at range…?
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Okay, better. I mean, it’s not that I want to lose, but I feel bad if they don’t at least try. Now, let’s kill them all!
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And here we go!  The enemy army for Thove Castle is broken, so nothing left to be done but kill Maios himself. He’s a baron, because of fucking course he is, and he’s packing the A-rank wind tome Tornado.  Get used to this sort of thing from here on; 99% of enemy bosses are going to be barons with great weapons that will ruin your day. Lewyn’s other douchey uncle is going to be one too.  Fortunately, we have him super, super outnumbered.
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Once again, bro, insulting us by calling us traitors loses some impact when you’re in the middle of treason.
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On the other hand, Midir basically bounces off him.  This is going to be a giant pain in the…
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….. Never mind, forgot she had this.
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Okay, battle’s over. What follows is mostly people whiffing at him for three turns, but there is one good moment…
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Well. He almost succeeded in family victory.
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There we go. Not much left to do but clear out a few villages and start moving people South to the big giant half of the map we conspicuously can’t enter.
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Info Master: House Velthomer wields the power of fire, as bestowed by the fire goddess Vala. And House Freege wields thunder, as bestowed by the thunder god Tordo.
… Neat? Yeah, other than the sword, they’re all like this, generally giving game backstory you probably already worked out because it’s blatantly obvious. It’s like someone screwed up and put these villages in here when they should have been in the prologue.
A few empty turns of moving later, we have two fronts; one protecting Thove, and one getting ready to hit Silesse to the south.  Don’t worry if you don’t think to do this; the game gives you plenty of time to run back to either or both if needed. That set up, let’s take Thove!
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(God, nobody likes their nobles in this world.)
Info Master; The entire population of Thove is rejoicing at his downfall!
Sigurd: Hm? Are you sure? I mean, I just conquered you. Am I not the enemy here?
(Does this count as a Sigurd Logic Moment?)
Info Master: Lord Maios was nothing but a tyrant. All he ever did was bleed us dry.  You fight in the name of Queen Rahna, and there isn’t a Silessian alive who doesn’t bear the utmost adoration for our queen.
(“I mean, besides her two brothers-in-law and their revolutionary armies.”)
Sigurd: Is that so? Thank you. Anyway, in the interim I think I’ll leave governing Thove to you, sir. Once the crisis has settled, the queen will arrange a proper successor. Until then, I’m sure you’ll be a just governor to help heal Thove’s wounds.
Info Master: Very well. Please, Lord Sigurd, do all you can to protect the queen. She is a treasure to us, and a beacon of peace and kindness.
Sigurd: Rest assured, my good man. So long as  I live, I will let no harm come to Queen Rahna. You have my word.
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And with a zap of Aideen’s Warp staff, Sigurd heads off to join the southern front and Thove is ours. Let’s call it a fair end for the week, and cut off things here.  Next week: Everything goes to Hell!
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lueminous · 7 years
Hi!! Do you have any reylo fic recs?
here are some fics i really love:
crave my heart (it's bleeding in your hand) by @mnemehoshiko​ 
She wakes with the taste of salt on her lips and screams in her head.
i’ll let the author’s tags speak for this story 
yes I wrote this solely to deflower Kylo Ren in a brothel
Requiem for the Damned by @checktheholonet​
Ben Solo first learns tenderness as a child, in another lifetime, on another world long ago.
this is heartbreakingly sad but also somewhat hopeful. i think it captures kylo’s voice perfectly.
The Great Big No by @kylo-wouldnt-like-those-chips​
Kylo Ren is third generation rock royalty, a reigning brat prince starting to feel the burn of the fame he reached for with both hands.  Rey is an aspiring singer on the verge of a big break, provided her A&R guy still has a job by the time she reaches LA.  Their paths have crossed briefly, disappointingly, before.  What happens when they collide? 
the most suspenseful and nerve wracking modern/90s/band!AU you’ll ever read i shit you not
and find your way back home @greyjedireylo​
To end the war, Ben Solo kills Snoke. To save Ben Solo, Rey kills Kylo Ren.
Free for the first time in his life, Ben wanders the reaches of the galaxy alone, searching for the balance. Once a year, Rey follows him, hoping he's found it.
im not saying that this is the most perfect after-canon au ever, but it has perfect characterization, perfect dialogue and perfect romance.
Midsummer Night's Shared Dream by @shelikespretties​
“We’re not on an approved airfield, but look,” she held out her datapad with the map of the crash location. “Xa-Tla City is on the other side of this forest. We can make it there on foot, and, if we start now, we’ll get there before the solstice celebration begins.”
Kylo lifted a mocking eyebrow. “You’d risk the spirits of the forest?”
Rey scoffed. “I don’t believe in ghosts. Let’s start walking.”
the premise of this fic is a simple one and its kind of in the title, but it is executed in such a heartfelt fashion that IT MADE ME FEEL A LOT OF EMOTIONS OK DONT TOUCH ME
That Blooms in Adversity by @hauscrashburn
Kylo Ren is sent to Jakku to find a rare and prized item for Supreme Leader Snoke. The Force calls to him, leading him to stumble upon a simple scavenger. He offers her a job: find this for me and I'll feed you for days. He discovers her sensitivity to the Force and a bond develops between them, nurtured by their growing desire for one another.
angsty and sensual at once. this story is a treat.
Judging of the heart by @red-applesith​
Rey goes undercover to find out where Kylo Ren's true allegiance lies 
exactly what it says on the tin. it says true to the characters and the confrontation between rey and kylo is explosive and super tense.
Informant by @pissbabysithlord​   
With Poe Dameron injured, someone needed to take his place to meet with an informant with data on the First Order. Rey decided to take his place with a single warning to prepare her, "Don't do anything reckless."
featuring regretful, smitten kylo and a grumpy, worried rey.
The World In Its Dark Grace by tyrantsandcreampuffs
After years of war end in a call for an armistice, an arranged marriage is proposed to maintain the new and fragile peace between two kingdoms. Rey, captain of the Rebels, the elite warriors of her kingdom, has volunteered to be a bride of the former enemy, the Knights of Ren, in order to seek vengeance for her fallen friend -- by marrying the man who killed him, Kylo Ren.
its an arranged marrage au ok, and kylo makes a lot of darcy-esque declarations of adoration and love towards rey. READ IT
Operation: Stormtrooper Threesome by @cosetteskywalker​
The scavenger from Jakku and the Imperial Archives bookworm formed quite the team in various tombs and old temples, but now came the time where even them couldn’t run around forever. Now, it was those talents the Resistance needed, in particular for this undercover mission. Finn would be useful as well, considering he had been a Stormtrooper once.
Though, for this mission, the itchy wig wasn’t the worst thing for Ben. He was still furious at Finn for the wig: he looked terrible as a blonde, not to mention the glasses looked like something Naga Sadow’s grandmother would wear.
features actually no threesome BUT THATS OKAY because the story is hilarious and cracky, its gonna make you laugh. featuring one of the best finn dialogue ever.
these are only some of my faves and i might add some more to this list. in the meantime, i hope you’ll enjoy these stories as much as i did
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sambart93 · 7 years
2017.12.24 Bungou Stray Dogs Stage [Review]
Official Site here Official Twitter here Press Coverage 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 Video Coverage 1, 2, 3, 4
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Torigoe Yuuki as Nakajima Atsushi Tawada Hideya as Osamu Dazai Teruma as Kunikida Doppo Nagae Ryoki as Edogawa Ranpo Kuwano Kousuke as Tanzaki Junichiro Saito Akari as Tanzaki Naomi Hironouchi Hitoshi as Miyazawa Kenji Imamura Miho as Yosano Akiko Hashimoto Shohei as Akutagawa Ryunosuke Masaki Kohei as Kajii Motojiro Hirata Yuka as Higuchi Ichiyou Kuwae Sakina as Izumi Kyoka Ueda Keisuke as Nakahara Chuya Ensemble: Elizabeth Mari, Okamura Tatsuki, Obigane Ryouta, Jintoku, Suzuki Ryouhei, Funaki Atsushi, Kurihara Sayaka, Takei Mirano
NON-SPOILER REVIEW This is very faithful to the original anime and manga story, and I feel Hideya, Ueda and Teruma were the perfect casting for their characters, they did not disappoint. Nagae as Ranpo was also a surprise and it was interesting the different ways they had him woven into the stage and story. There was a lot of comedy in this and there's some moments that are exactly as you would want them to be, especially Dazai's idiot moments like trying to die in ridiculous places and ways, as well as his trolling of other people. The way they showed the powers was great along with the use of projection mapping. The best scenes were definitely Dazai and Nakahara's scenes together; they also got the biggest applause. The ending, where you should start clapping, is rather confusing to figure out because they don't bow when they start doing Character Credit Names and Powers, but now you know if you see it live. It's obvious they have intentions of continuing on this seies and I do think that'll happen. Personally there were a few things I wasn't happy with; the tiger fight scene wasn't very smooth or perfect and I think would be confusing to those who haven't seen the anime nor know the story. The one scene I was really excited to see wasn't up to my expectations. And finally, the ensemble were a big distraction for me because I felt the dancing they did was not needed for this stage, and looked rather odd; I strongly feel a normal ensemble cast would've been better and more apparent and fitting. BUT I think many fans and people will be able to thoroughly enjoy this show and see how much effort went into it and how great the casting-to-characters is and everything. Objective Rating: 8/10 Subjective Rating: 6/10
As mentioned above, the stage is very faithful to the original material. I haven't read the manga so I can only say the stage copies the first season of the anime faithfully. So if you want to know what happens or what to understand what the hell is going on before you see this stage, then I recommend you watch / read that.
Part one was probably the strongest out of the two - although I think this is a habit of mine. I really struggle with stages that have a break in the middle; all my energy and excitement is usually used up in the first half and then during the break I get too chill and relaxed and I also somewhat zone out for the second half =/ I'll try and fix this!
I loved the opening for this stage because Nagae/Ranpo comes out from the right side door and comes down the aisle and approached someone saying 'you're in my seat... yes you are... oh you have a ticket with your seat? I don't have a ticket!' and then comes onto the stage and is almost like a narrator introducing the world and the stage. 
Nagae did such a great job with his adlibbing and natural comedy. This little shit, he always plays little shits, keeps growing on me every damn stage! But he's getting better and better every time too! I still can't get over how young he is because his confidence and acting on stage makes him appear so much older and more mature! Even though he does mess around and have fun. Nagae was a GREAT choice for Ranpo and he went way beyond what I was expecting him to do as the character! Which makes me sad, I loved him as Ranpo so much but, as we know, his participation in the first season of Bungo is so small! So I'm excited to see all the stage time and scenes he'll have in the next one!
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And of course, as we all expected, Hideyan and Teruma as their characters are spot on and great! They were the best choices for those characters. 
Hideyan went way above and beyond my expectations for him as Dazai because he is just PERFECT as Dazai! You couldn't have asked for a better choice in casting. So many Dazai moments he was faithful to and did perfectly. The moment where he does the wavy arms to  Kunikida is in there. The while him trying to commit suicide with his legs sticking out of the big bin/can is in there. The classic where he tells Kunikida loads of stuff and then goes '...I'm lying' is in there. So many amazingly classic and memorable moments of Dazai were in this stage!
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Torigoe used a LOT of energy in this stage so I could start to understand why he was cast as Atsushi instead of (what I wanted) UeChan. He never stops running around the stage or switching from yelling to turning to the audience and stuff. I am impressed at how much energy he had and could use!
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This stage is very, very funny! We were laughing for a lot of this stage which keeps the nature of Bungou's anime/manga at heart which is great!
I giggled a few times at Kosuke because I couldn't imagine him as the sister-incest-relationship-character but I actually really liked his section of the stage too! He looked so much like he didn't want his sister all over him and his facial expressions were very funny.
I feel like 90% of the audience were there just for UeChan. Him, or a combination of him and Hideyan. Because at the end of UeChan and Hideyan’s final scene, they got a MASSIVE and the BIGGEST round of applause at the end. So much so that even though the lights went up to signal the start of the next scene, the audience CONTINUED clapping! The poor actors had to wait until we were down with our massive round of applause so they could start the next scene. I found it absolutely fascinating. 
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The fight scene between UeChan and Hideyan was so good! I was so impressed with how HIGH UeChan can kick his legs and their movements matched very well; it was overall a solid and great fight scene.
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Their entire two major scenes together was just perfect.
I really liked towards the end when Akutogawa and Atsushi were fighting and to show Akuto's power, Atsushi was physically wrapped in black cloth and it looked really good visually and worked really well with the scene and the intensity of it.
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Masaki didn't disappoint me as Kajii! His scene is one of my favourite ones and he was crazy and did a very faithful job of the character! While the scene was somewhat ruined by the ensemble, his performance of the character was solid and enjoy his performance.
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I remember really liking the subtle coughs and stuff Shohei did as Akutogawa but he was very much off to the side and just being like this looming and overwatching character in this first stage rather than being all that active. Only the final scene at the end is Akutogawa somewhat active in the play, so, just like UeChan, I have hopes that his stage time and activities will increase (just like they do in the anime) in the next stage. I did like that they did the flashback scene between him and Dazai and Hideyan looked for freaking good and badass in that flashback! Shohei did good as Akutogawa in his two major scenes (the flashback and the end scene) but I can't confidently say he was a good choice or he's a good Akutogawa until I see more.
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After the first round of applause, Nagae came back on stage the second time and he said ‘Do you see this? *pointing to the 'THE END' sign on stage* It means we're done. Go home.... You know it’s Christmas…. what the HELL are you all doing here?! Out there is Yokohama, you can— oh whatever’ and we all died laughing and he walked off.
And finally, a random comment related to the goods; the photobook and pamphlet have absolutely stunning photos and shots in them. I’ll put them below.
In the non spoiler section I mentioned three negatives (but now in more detail):
- The tiger fight scene at the beginning of the stage wasn’t very smooth or perfect and would be confusing to non-Bungou fans or knowers. This mainly comes down to how bad the projection mapping of the tiger is. It's very jittery and doesn't really move around the stage smoothly and sometimes it didn't looked like Dazai's attacks were going in the directions of where the tiger was. 
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- The one scene I was really excited to see, which is the scene when Atsuhi and Kyoka go on a date through Yokohama, really wasn’t up to my expectations at all. For those who have seen Honoo no Mirage, I was expecting something similar to that where they would put background and locations of Yokohama on the stage through projection mapping and we'd see Kyoka dragging and pulling Atsushi to all these places. But in reality we got a song and dance (see picture above) and the song was 50% in English (if I remember correctly) and it was just them dancing in the middle of the stage. There were no obvious Yokohama locations or Yokohama-esque things in the sequence at all and I was so super upset and disappointed with it. That was the one scene I was so looking forward to seeing and they, in my opinion, missed the opportunity and butchered it. 
- The ensemble were a big distraction for me. I felt the dancing they did was not needed nor really fitted for this stage, and looked rather odd and out of place. The actors would be in the center of the stage talking about something or being serious and then the dancers would come on doing these strange movements or were being passerby but would do it by dancing their way through the stage and to me it honestly looked ridiculous and distracting. Honestly, I strongly feel a normal ensemble cast where they just were normal people and normal passerby and did the normal helping out with the stunts and stuff would’ve been better and more apparent and fitting. Even now, weeks after watching this stage, feel like the ensemble looked bloody ridiculous and stupid. ALSO I watched KuroMyu AFTER this stage where they too had a dancing ensemble and it worked completely fine for that stage! I think it's because dancing ensembles definitely fit musicals and songs better than just a normal stage and that's where my problem with them in the Bungou stage lies. Seriously, I was so in love with the dancing ensemble for KuroMyu (review here).
Okay I'll try and tone the rest of the negatives down:
- There was no questionnaire with the stage. I opened my leaflets and checked their twitter and their official website but no paper questionnaire, no QR code or website link for a questionnaire which I think is super strange. I know most people were saying they wanted a questionnaire so they could complain about the lack of trading bromide stock but I always write a questionnaire, I always write what's good, what's bad (which would've just been the ensemble and the date scene) and I always write ' hey maybe try this' or 'I want to see this' or 'this particular actor was great, if you continue please keep them on' etc. so I felt somewhat naked without them supplying a questionnaire to us. I hope they often them at the Tokyo one or something and get a friend to write it for me xD
- They only did Daiza trolling Kunikida with the '...I'm lying' joke ONCE! I’m so upset! It’s like one of best comedy parts. It should've been done at least three times throughout the stage.
- Another personal gripe was my seat. I got my ticket in the very FIRST lottery of tickets and yet me seat ended up being 4th to back row on the 3RD FLOOR. And I know for a fact there were MANY seats empty on the first and second floor. So I was super pissed I got such a crappy seat to say I got my ticket so damn early into the ticket sales.
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- It's not really a negative but more of a confusing moment: they don’t bow at the end to signify the end of the stage. They finish the final scene and then the ensemble come back on (just them) and go a sort of dance before going off and then the members come on one by one with their name and then their ability is shown on the stage walls. So we got about two cast members in before we all realised we should be clapping! It was really confusing and somewhat awkward. So now you know if you go!
- They didn't do any curtain call speeches at the end of the show. It was the final Yokohama show and you'd think, with the sotry being set in Yokohama, that they would do a speech at their FINAL YOKOHAMA SHOW. But no; poor Nagae had to come back on stage twice and be like 'thank you all for clapping and I know you're expecting speeches but we're only doing them at the final Tokyo Show. Everyone is already backstage and undressing out of their costumes. Sorry but the show is finished for today.'
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- Final personal gripe; Not enough UeChan BUT again that's because he, just like Nagae's Ranpo, isn't really all that present in the first season of the anime. So he'll definitely get enough stage time in the next one!
As mentioned above, the pamphlet and photobook is gorgeous and definitely worth the money!
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teefa85 · 4 years
So, as I’m wracking my brain in working on this scene (Filia has just found out the truth about the Ancient Dragons from notes left behind by the former elder in the secret chapel of Laurent) I figure I want to talk about the history of my Slayers Rewrites.  Because I find it A LOT of fun to retell various RPGs with the comedic nature of Slayers...
Cut for ramblage...read if you want!
So, I first heard about Slayers on the internet in the early 2000s.  I just happened upon a crossover MST series through searching for stuff about a game I like, and both Zel and Xellos had roles within.  There were also a few bad Slayers fics being made fun of on it so I got to somewhat meet the four mains and Xellos a bit more (Lina/Gourry/Zelgadis/Amelia are a team in every season, Xellos appears from NEXT onward, Sylphiel is in the first season and NEXT, same with Zangulus but he’s an enemy in the original, Martina is NEXT exclusive, Filia is TRY exclusive...no I have yet to watch Revolution or Evolution-R though I know a bit about them and you can blame that on laziness).  And being the internet savvy girl I was, I was looking up A LOT of stuff online to learn more about the show and the cast to see if I wanted to buy it.
Now, I get some VHS Tapes (this was an era before boxed sets and DVDs were more expensive than VHS) and see the first thirteen episodes.  That gets them through the first arc and ends with Lina, Gourry, and Amelia heading off to Sairaag in the second arc.   I didn’t have money to buy more at that point in time...so what’s a girl to do?  Simple!  Write a stupid fanfic that only requires basic knowledge of the series to do!  What I chose was to set the story after TRY, but only feature Lina and Gourry since I’d seen a lot less of Zel or Amelia to get a grasp on writing them.  I knew there was going to be something between them on the road, but never 100% get together by the end of the show.  Thus, shipping and getting married would happen!
The way I did it was write a parody...using Legend of Mana!  Basically, Lina and Gourry get sucked into Fa’Diel and have to do all the quests in LoM using the magic swords they found before being teleported.  Also, those two and their bottomless pits for stomachs worked wonders in giving them excuse to go to new towns or even new dungeons at times.  For added stupidity, all of the quest characters who joined you and all people related to their quests were character shifted to a variety of other RPGs (several Breath of Fire games due to the many demi-humans, Tales of Destiny because I needed feuding siblings, Arcana because I was self indulging my Muse, Lufia for the elf siblings by giving Jerin a twin).  It had some fun gags with food, Lina teaching her young apprentice to Fireball anything that annoyed him with every Wisdom they visited, Gourry being way too good hearted, treasure hunting with Lina...and of course Lina finding a curse lifting charm but losing it before she can give it to Zelgadis after getting home because Xellos is an ass!  It definitely is not half as good as the later attempt at novelizing LoM with Touhou, but it was hella fun to write!
Sometime later, after watching all of Slayers and having a grasp of all characters, I wrote a parody of Grandia with the cast.  This started my joke of having an “introduction” that is Teefa bantering with Sky and the cast with a cast list describing each role and then saying who is playing it.  With the cast lists, she usually had to post them in a rush after SOMEONE (usually Xellos) caused trouble and she had to intervene (like the time he got Lina riled up enough that she burned down the trees near the atelier, brought her lamp to life to terrorize everyone...or outright started a war with Filia).
My excuse for using Grandia was actually due to the second game!  Millennia had reminded me of an unholy cross between Lina, Naga, and Xellos, but the characters didn’t work for a parody using that one.  It had the hilarity of having TWO Nagas running around because only she and Eris made sense to be the Three Witches and Naga did get cloned TEN times (not counting the one with opposite personality).  Also, Amelia re-named Puffy to Justice because...Amelia!  This was also the first time I made Zelgadis from a race of people with Chimeric powers like his, due to the sheer number of demi-human races in Grandia (don’t ask why he played Rapp...but character importance, relations, and themes are more important than personalities since I can change anything).  It also was the advent of the “anti-magic collars,” as I had to keep finding reasons for Lina to get kidnapped as she played Feena (the first time, Amelia was taken instead as bait...second time, “that time of the month” but since the show didn’t abuse it I couldn’t...third, a special device Mazoku use to seal a more dangerous sorcerer they need kept alive).  It also started the tradition of Phibrizzo just offing Gaav like in canon (Valgaav wouldn’t betray his master upon hearing his true motives like Mullen did, thus Phibrizzo causes him to make a truce with Gourry and the others).  The fic also had the most uncreative name in “The Many Adventures of Gourry Gabriev,” (MAGG for short), and was so long I put each disk of the game in its own folder!
Next up was “Sword of Light,” aka a parody of Vandal~Hearts!  Featuring a lot of gender swapping (too many male roles vs. a show with a large cast of females and less males), having to BS a large cast (I even had to use minor characters and some non-Mazoku antagonists like Rezo and Eris as heroes to fill out roles), and Lina nuking a prison and just missing killing off several main antagonists by a few hours!  I also have fun with the fact that Eleni’s past self is also named “Leena” by making the name change just the fact that the outlying village and the main part of the country spelled the name differently.  And as the cast stayed together instead of rotated, there were a lot more comedic moments between more characters...notably when Xellos wins them a fight by purposefully antagonizing Filia in the right way!
It was not long after that when I decided that it would be cool to do Seiken Densetsu 3 (remember...worked on in 2006, no English name yet).  Why?  I’m not sure!  Might have been I was just playing it at the time.  Might have been after finding the LP archives and finally reading an LP to find out what happened after I failed to kill Zable Fahr on my own file.  I actually began it in 2006, according to some old journal entries from back then, however I know the initial idea was from my senior year in High School because I remember writing about it in a journal we had to keep for a class and write a page a day about whatever the hell we wanted.  But I don’t think I’d written either of the other two parodies at that time (due to some dated humor in my Intro for the first), so it was probably me just taking an old concept and renewing it it.  I mean...a mage, a swordsman, a cleric, a demi-human of sorts, a blonde girl associated with dragons, a sly violet haired guy.  Which cast am I talking about?  Trials of Mana?  Or Slayers TRY?  I chose to name it “Hikari no Ken Densetsu” in honor of the fact that this game was only released in Japan and most fans called it by its Japanese name.  “Hikari no Ken” is the Japanese name for Gourry’s Sword of Light, so it also fits in the way using the English name worked for the previous game!
I’m still not sure why I stopped writing at Elmekia(Valsena)...only there was reference to an interesting idea I wanted to look into.  And I never picked it back up!  Until now, when the Remake has gotten my interest in the game and its characters up to the highest level it’s ever been!  Even if I know I’ll probably go off and write a Hawkeye/Riesz shipping fic in between sessions at some point!  Especially if writing goes on long enough that I’m back to the Stupid Sexy Hawkeye run...because Fenrir Knight gives me LOADS of really dumb ideas for fanfic fodder!  Both ones I’d share and ones I’d keep to myself!
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olivebranch311 · 7 years
Fire Emblem Fates Holders of Fate
After the deaths of both the Hoshidan and Nohrian children in different worlds, both Corrins lead their armies through the unknown land of Valla, guided by Azura, to defeat the true evil of the land, in search for why their children died, and to seek vengeance for it. And now they stand at the end, against Anankos, fighting against their precious children.
Arthur and Percy: Arthur: What beast- having me fall down suddenly isn’t- wait. Isn’t that-?
Percy: …….
Arthur: Percy! Say it isn’t so, my son! You-you truly died… I cannot believe I didn’t make it! The one time my luck had to cost my little boys life!
Percy: …….
Arthur: But I cannot say regrets, my son! For I am here to make this all better. You would tell me to stop crying, since heros never give up. I, Arthur, shall be the Hero of Justice to save you, my son! And after this is done, no more Deeprealms! You are officially coming home, young man! And you shall be my Sidekick in Justice!
Benny and Ignatius: Ignatius: ……..
Benny: Ignatius?! Is that you, I see?
Ignatius: …….
Benny: Oh Ignatius… You really did get defeated, didn’t you? And I wasn’t there to save you at all. You must’ve been so terrified. I’m sorry I didn’t get there in time. I can see it, you clutching your charm I made you and the shield in your hand, waiting for me to come and make the pain stop… I am so sorry, Ignatius.
Ignatius: ………
Benny: But Dad is here now. And I will make it so that nothing bad shall ever touch you. Even those bugs that sneak into your bed, I’ll make sure they don’t come close. My son, when all is said and done, I want you to come with me, out of the army and onto a more domestic life. I’m sure you’ll protest, but I would love to see you happy once more. Now, no more talk. Let us see who is the better protector!
Keaton and Velouria: Keaton: Velouria! It’s you, I’ve been trying to find you everywhere!
Velouria: ……..
Keaton: Sheesh, what’s with the smell? You don’t smell anything like how you usually do, so what gives?!
Velouria: ……
Keaton: Velouria… I’m sorry. You just want my attention because I stay for a while and leave you alone. All you wanted was to get my scent to have some piece of me on you, to make you feel better, and here I am complaining! I’m a terrible father…
Velouria: ……
Keaton: Velouria… I’m not going to remember what happened in this place. I’m gonna forget all about having to fight against you. But maybe that’s a good thing. I don’t want you to think that Daddy doesn’t love you anymore, I still love you, Velouria. I’m just gonna have to beat you up, to wake you up! And then you can sniff me, and we can look for treasure. I promise, Velouria!
Niles and Nina: Niles: This is something I didn’t want to do.
Nina: …….
Niles: You know I was hoping for you to talk to me, then I didn’t have to fill the void with all of this… conversation. And you don’t usually like to listen to me talk. Speaking of that, why didn’t you listen to me when I told you to run, Nina?! I was trying so hard to protect you and you just dashed in front of me. Aren’t you supposed to argue with me, make a comment? Come on, say something, Nina!
Nina: ……….
Niles: Nina… It’s pointless to try and talk to you, isn’t it? You just won’t respond to me, the silent treatment is so terrible to use against your trying father. But I understand, no more time for talk. I’ll make you take your just desserts, and then I am going to bring you home, over my shoulder and you kicking and screaming. Let’s go, Nina!
Odin and Ophelia: Odin: I had a vision of this very event as soon I crossed this threshold. It came as predicted, that my sensory skills have not failed me.
Ophelia: ……
Odin: Ophelia, I once told you that heroes don’t die. But that, dear star, was just a lie, a story I told you. The real truth is, hero is dubbed a hero after passing onto the realm after this one. And they only attain that status after becoming a legend. I apologize, truly, that you cannot become a Heroine just yet.
Ophelia: ……
Odin: I won’t let that lie be the last thing I ever say to you. We must cross blow now, and it hurts me to do this to you, it does.
Ophelia: …….
Odin: Mother…. Please, protect my dearest Ophelia when I raise my tome at her. Protect her so that when it is over, I can hold her in my arms and speak to her of Ylisse…
Ophelia: ….
Odin: *deep breath* Here goes…. Hark, O’ shade! Odin Dark releases you from the confines of puppet strings! My aching blood boils eagerly to meet my daughter in single combat! By the name and magicks given to me, I relinquish darknesses hold upon you! I cast out the evil hold on you, daughter!
Leo and Forrest:
Leo: Is that you, Forrest, and not some feigned mirage?
Forrest: …….
Leo: I am sorry, Forrest. You wouldn’t be like this if I had faster and stronger for you, if I had been a good father and protected you. I have called you so many things, just because of what you like, what you wear… That itself is something a parent should never do.
Forrest: …….
Leo: I found your hat, which was left in the dirt of your Deeprealm, by the by. I cleared the dust off, so it is as good as new… I hope.
Forrest: ……..
Leo: Nothing? Truly, no reaction to your most favored clothing item in the dirt? No thank you? At least you’ll forget about that… But I am also glad about being able to forget this. The last thing I ever want, Forrest, is to attack you with Brynhildr. I shouldn’t be raising it at my own son, let alone a child.
Forrest: ……..
Leo: Gods above hear me… Protect my son, keep him safe, if my prayers even come to you. But enough of my prattle. I will have my son back and give him the rightful treatment he so deserves from his father. And when that time comes, I will hold him gently and tell him that he does goodness for the world. And if my plea doesn’t come to the Gods, I know it will be heard by you, Forrest.
Laslow and Soleil Laslow: Soleil?! Why do you look like that? Oh no… I suppose that truly means you were defeated back there.
Soleil: ……
Laslow: *sniff* I am so sorry! I never meant to get there too late, I truly did try, Soleil! But I suppose… if you never did defend me, I would have never made all of the allies I made. I wouldn’t have been able to help fix the rift between Nohr and Hoshido… technically, as they are from another world. Just like me and Odin and Selena….
Soleil: ……
Laslow: I know my life has never been told to you properly Soleil, and I won’t forget what I will tell you. I will just forget that I will tell you now. I am not a resident of Nohr. I never have been Soleil, I was born in another realm, son of a dancer. I gave you her headband, and by Naga, you have her hair too. That pink shade belongs to your grandmother.
Soleil: ……
Laslow: My name isn’t Laslow… It is another name, one where I will tell you another time, for now, my dear sunshine, I must cross blades with you, but know that I do so to free you from his control, and no matter what, Soleil, I love you.
Soleil: ……
Laslow: It is pointless for me to cry for you. You are smiling in front of me, and as such, I shall smile for you. We’ll both smile and I shall welcome you home forever.
Xander and Seigbert: Seigbert: ……
Xander: Forgive me, Seigbert, I loathe having to come at blows against you. And yet, here we are. I taught you once that a prince never flees from hardship, and yet this one time, I hoped that you didn’t heed my teachings… It… It got you killed, my son. My teachings have always made you anxious, you wanting to be exactly like me, and you trying to shoulder every burden that you come across. You wanted to live up to everyone’s expectations, the ones of your friends, and mine.
Seigbert: …….
Xander: I will say know that you must push pass those things I have taught you. For I know when you told me that you would take care of it, you would fight, tooth and nail to prove yourself to me. I should have stopped you, made you stay behind. I… I wanted to be a father that was different from my own. I wanted to keep you safe from harm. But I know someday, I will have to step aside and watch you with pride as you hold the mighty Siegfried in your hand.
Seigbert: ……
Xander: I will soon forget what will happen here in this realm. But there may be a place in your heart in which remembers these series of events, Seigbert. And if you do… Do not hesitate to pull me into an embrace. Your embrace is the only reward I can ever hope to have, my son. And I shall place my hand on your shoulder, to show you that I am always at your side. Until then… Forgive me, Seigbert, for I must raise this divine weapon against you!
Silas and Sophie: Silas: That horse is gaining on me fast, who is the rider?
Sophie: …….
Silas: Sophie?! I can’t- you really did die. I can’t believe it. Oh my little girl! I never meant for you to get hurt!
Sophie: ………
Silas: Heh… Look at me, I’m supposed to be a role model for my child and yet here I am, blowing up at myself for making horrible mistakes… I see that Abel is being a good boy Sophie, he hasn’t bucked you off once.
Sophie: ……..
Silas: Sophie… Its been a while since we sparred, huh? But this isn’t any usual battle, this is to make you safe and happy again! I will protect my friends, but more importantly, I’ll protect my daughter!
Jakob and Dwyer: Jakob: It has been quiet sometime, Dwyer, and here I thought you were just going to be a lazy oaf and decide to not come and face me.
Dwyer: …….
Jakob: Not going to take the bait? That’s never stopped you before, or perhaps are giving me, what some call, the ‘silent treatment’? It is very unlike you to just stand there, silent, when I prod at you in that manner.
Dwyer: ……
Jakob: I always despised you getting the better of me more than anyone. Unfortunately, there’s not much I can do now, with how the way you are at the moment. Why didn’t either of us see what was most important at the time? All we ever did was argue, whenever I came to visit you. It wasn’t as if you didn’t know when there’d be a time I couldn’t visit anymore. Even so, I’d still think to myself, “It’s fine. Dwyer’s too lazy to even get himself into any kind of danger.” Don’t I feel foolish now? I have had… in a way, my head in the clouds. You knew it as well, didn’t you, Dwyer?
Dwyer: …..
Jakob: Mmm. Well, it is not over yet. We can change things back, there is still time for us, or so I believe. You see, Dwyer, you have inherited your stubborn trait from me for a reason. I will make you wake up, even if it requires me to have to kill you. I won’t apologize. I won’t remember this, and neither will you, so let me say… I care for you, Dwyer. Now, enough talk.
Kaze and Midori: Kaze: Midori! Thank goodness I found you. I do not see any marking on your body… or perhaps is it the shade around you that blocks my sight?
Midori: …..
Kaze: Midori… I see. My daughter is too far away for my voice to reach her. Midori, your home in the Deeprealm was destroyed when I came across it, but that may be a good thing. It may be a sign that you are destined to finally leave that realm. It would be upsetting for you to have to wait in my chair and sit for hours, staring at the door and waiting for me to return.
Midori: ……
Kaze: I will never give up, Midori. I will use any means necessary to save you from what has cursed you. I apologize Midori… This may hurt a bit, but I will make it quick.
Subaki and Caeldori: Subaki: Caeldori?! You there! Could that really be you, Caeldori?!
Caeldori: …..
Subaki: I knew it. No matter your appearance, I could never make the slightest mistake of the form that is my daughter. And strangely, I thought I saw the last of you after- oh yes! Why didn’t you listen to me when we were at the Deeprealm, Caeldori?! It wasn’t safe for you to fight such strong foes without proper training!
Caeldori: ……
Subaki: I’m sorry… You gave your life to defend mine, and here I am complaining about it. And that outburst wasn’t the least bit perfect, wasn’t it, Caeldori? All the same, there was no perfection in what you did. I am strong enough that I would’ve protected you and myself at once. I would have never died in that miserable place.
Caeldori: …..
Subaki: I shall save you from this place, if only you take my hand. I will not let you out of my sight until we have restored you to yourself. Properly this time, and perfectly, I shall protect you!
Hayato and Rhajat: Hayato: AH! Spirit begone from this place and- wait! Come closer, you look familiar….
Rhajat: …..
Hayato: Huh?! Rhajat?! It-it really is you. Not some mirage, or doll, or copy… but my real daughter. Turning my own daughter against me, is there nothing this dragon won’t stoop to? If it were something else, I would set fire to it no problem! But my own offspring… of all the horrible things to do…
Rhajat: …….
Hayato: Hey! N-no I am not crying! I am just sweating is all, okay?! … Fate is cruel, though, I must say. Now that your in front of me, I don’t know what to say, your magic is strong but it didn’t save you in the end, just like how I didn’t save you… G-Gods why was I late to save her?!
Rhajat: …..
Hayato: It’s not like I can apologize to you, but words do have power, so hear me now, daughter, I promise you, by my power, I will release you from this world and it’s curse. Rhajat, I WILL free you, no matter what!
Kaden and Selkie: Kaden: Selkie! You’re here! You can’t fool me, Selkie! The seeing sees! Uh, it should.
Selkie: …..
Kaden: You’re so cute, Selkie! You thought you could run from me, but I always catch you whenever your in trouble. That being said… Why didn’t you run away Selkie? I just don’t get it, I tell you to run and you don’t do what I say, and you died because of it! Not everything is a game, Selkie, why didn’t you know that they were going to hurt you? Is it because I’m right that you won’t talk to me, Selkie? Please tell me I’m right!
Selkie: ……
Kaden: Hmph! If you’re going to be like that, I won’t play with you anymore… I almost thought that was enough to bring you back to me, but I’m not that optimistic. You haven’t seen me in so long, I’m actually getting ready for you to pounce on me, like in the old days, when we wrestled. The deal is, if I win, you have to come back with me. Don’t worry if you mess up my fur, Selkie, I’ll forget that you even did it, anyways. And then you can hold me tight like you usually do when you haven’t seen me in forever! Okay? Let’s go!
Azama and Mitama: Azama: Hmm. Where did I go wrong? I have been thinking on that subject on my way to you, and curse you for making me reflect on my duties, Mitama.
Mitama: …..
Azama: Alas… your soul slumbered before I ever had the change of waking you from your deeds of sloth. Death comes for everyone, after all. If you had died, I would feel nothing. However this… this whole event has changed my perspective, if only just a little.
Mitama: …..
Azama: I understand. As luck would have it, your soul has not yet passed on. Sleepers, like yourself, need only the push to awaken. As I have done many times when you were younger, I will be doing now. You carry a bow with you, that shows me you are not as lackadaisical, yet I know that my daughter is still asleep. This has the potential to turn violent, so be so kind as to not wish the wrath of the Gods upon me. I will greet your spirit with a hearty, wakeful slap~
Hinata and Hisame: Hinata: Am I hallucinating or…?
Hisame: …..
Hinata: Hisame! No! So they really did get you in the Deeprealm… Damn it! That must’ve been so scary for a kid like you to fight monsters. And meanwhile I was getting ganged up on. If I had just won, maybe I could’ve saved you in time…! I’m sorry! It’s my fault, you can blame Dad if you want to! I don’t mind, cause I got Lord Takumi and some others to help fix the problem! But thing is, I’m not gonna remember what happened here Hisame, but maybe you will! So next time, just hug me and I’ll pat your head! I just ask you don’t shy away, like you usually do.
Hisame: …..
Hinata: Here goes nothin’! It’s been some time since we sparred, right? I don’t ever remember you winning, but hey! This is some good practice for you, Hisame! I won’t falter no matter who I’m fighting! Prepare yourself, kiddo!
Takumi and Kiragi: Takumi: Kiragi! Is that really you?!
Kiragi: …..
Takumi: I can’t believe it… I never… I thought I never see you again. I was too late in trying to come save you. I am a terrible father aren’t I?! I wasn’t able to save and because of that your just standing across from me… blank eyes staring back at me. I hate it. I want to see your eyes bright and alive whenever I see you! I want to hear you talk to me, to say anytning! … Will you say anything, Kiragi?
Kiragi: …….
Takumi: Kiragi… No, I get it. I’ll get you back to the way you were before. Then we can practice with the Fujin Yumi. You would tell me you love me… but you seemed to know I do to when I never said it, I’m sorry I’m so…. emotionally stunted. But I feel happy when your around me. And when I do get you back, I’ll catch you in my arms when you jump at me in joy, I promise.
Saizo and Asugi: Saizo: Saizo, that’s you, isn’t it? Because if it is, you haven’t been training, you’ve lost your touch in being concealed and out of sight from enemies and allies. If you don’t train enough, you’ll disgrace the Saizo name.
Asugi: ……
Saizo: … I want to thank you for what you did in your Deeprealm, despite doing something idiotic as protecting me. You should have been more concerned for your wellbeing. But if this is what it cost to protect me, I couldn’t ask for a nobler son. You know how I feel about the traditions of the clan, but this experience has taught me something… I will let you leave the title of Saizo, so that you may be Asugi. You can’t hear me anyway, that much I’m certain of. Hell, I’ll even forget I even said it. But if I didn’t, it would never feel right. If I never said it, however, then it really never happened, correct?
Asugi: ……
Saizo: Hm. Glad that you understand. Let us see what Asugi can do against Saizo the Fifth. Come at me, son.
Ryoma and Shiro: Ryoma: Shiro? Shiro! You look… strange. Do you not recognize me? It’s your father, Ryoma! Remember? Your dad. Look at me, Shiro! Say something!
Shiro: …..
Ryoma: Damn that dragon… this must be a dream of some kind… Or so I want it to be. I finally have you within my sights to take you back home and now I can’t. I truly must raise Raijinto against my own son? Gods above forgive me for killing my own son. You should be yelling at me right now, to stop talking and to just fight you. Aren’t you going to tell me how you want to hold it right now? That you want to beat me with it! Go on, Shiro! Get mad at me when you know I’m right!
Shiro: ……
Ryoma: Damn it all! You know I must strike you down, right? But know that I am doing it to save you, to bring you back. I want to mess up your hair again whenever you manage to land a hit on me. And yes, perhaps it would be nice to have you argue with me again! You are not allowed to die, you understand? A parent should never have to burry their child.
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carminasiderum · 7 years
Sao/Echidna plot stuff from discord
Before this, Sao was getting teased about crushing on Echidna, Balance blabbed something about her crush on Amelia, and then this happened.
[10:21 AM] Ash (theheartsofheroes): Sao: sits on the tip of the arrowhead of her Voyager brooding. [10:22 AM] Star: Echidna: comes in ten minutes later and just watches her from the entrance [10:30 AM] Ash (theheartsofheroes): Sao: can feel eyes on her but doesn't move [10:31 AM] Star: Echidna: thinks it over for a moment before climbing up and sitting next to her, staying quiet, figuring Sao'll talk about it if she wants to [10:36 AM] Ash (theheartsofheroes): Sao: Why do you stay? If not becuase of me, then why? Surely you have other things to do back home.(edited) [10:37 AM] Star: Echidna: is quiet for a moment Just waiting until I get my orders to go after Chantal, I guess [10:41 AM] Ash (theheartsofheroes): Sao: You guess? I thought your people didn't make guesses [10:43 AM] Star: Echidna: just stays quiet [10:45 AM] Ash (theheartsofheroes): Sao: I just...i wish people would stay out of my business. I keep my feelings quiet for a reason. [10:46 AM] Star: Echidna: Have you tried telling them that? [10:46 AM] Ash (theheartsofheroes): Sao: They're a nosy bunch. Balance knows, but you heard what he said. [10:47 AM] Star: Echidna: just nods [10:50 AM] Ash (theheartsofheroes): Sao: So, yeah. I just... I have rotten luck when it comes to who I have feelings for... she looked at Echidna with wide eyes and spoke quickly Not that i have feelings outside of friendship for you I just...Balance bringing up how I felt about Amelia just brought up all these shitty memories. [10:51 AM] Star: Echidna: nods [10:58 AM] Ash (theheartsofheroes): Sao: You're lucky. You'll never get to feel what heartbreak is. [10:58 AM] Ash (theheartsofheroes): Sao: I've felt it too many times. [11:00 AM] Star: Echidna: looks at her for a moment .....I'll listen if you want to talk about it... Granted she won't know what the hell to say but the offer's out there [11:09 AM] Ash (theheartsofheroes): Sao: sighs heavily and lays back, arms behind her head. First man I fell in love with only wanted me for my body. My first girlfriend cheated on me, with her cousin. that was a hellova scandal. sighs and then...Amelia...I thought that'd be it...that I could have something great with someone wonderful. But she was still reeling from her asshole ex and i didn't want to feel like I was pressuring her into anything by admitting my feelings, and I wasn't sure if I could handle the rejection. And then...when I finally thought I could confess...she tells me she's dating Tsurugi... [11:13 AM] Ash (theheartsofheroes): Sao: so caught up in her memories she forgets she's talking to Echidna And now...my current crush doesn't even have emotions...there's no way things would work out... [11:14 AM] Star: Echidna: slowly reaches out to rest her hand over Sao's I see.... [11:14 AM] Ash (theheartsofheroes): Sao: feels the contact, hears the voice, remembers what she said and who she's talking to. Goes red. But doesn't move her hand [11:16 AM] Ash (theheartsofheroes): Sao: speaks quietly So...yeah...I've got worse luck than Garu it seems. [11:19 AM] Star: Echidna: stays quiet, she has absolutely no idea what to say [11:20 AM] Ash (theheartsofheroes): Sao: sighs and pulls her hand away just forget I said anything... [11:22 AM] Star: Echidna: Are you sure? [11:22 AM] Ash (theheartsofheroes): Sao: ... [11:27 AM] Ash (theheartsofheroes): Sao: Doesn't matter if you forget it or not. You have no emotions, and unlike Naga, you don't want them. [11:29 AM] Star: Echidna: .... moves to hop down, looking back up at Sao We'll just have to see won't we? [11:31 AM] Ash (theheartsofheroes): Sao: sits up and looks at Echidna with some confusion [11:32 AM] Star: Echidna: just leaves it at that and goes to check on things on her ship [11:33 AM] Ash (theheartsofheroes): Sao: when Echidna is gone Sao groans and flops onto her back again [12:14 PM] Ash (theheartsofheroes): Sao: A few minutes later, she climbs down from her Voyager and goes to seek out Amelia [12:15 PM] Star: Amelia: is sprawled out on the couch on the bridge reading [12:22 PM] Ash (theheartsofheroes): Sao: Hey...can we talk somewhere private? I've got a lot on my mind. [12:24 PM] Star: Amelia: blinks Yeah sure sets her book aside and stands up [12:25 PM] Ash (theheartsofheroes): Sao: leads her to a currently unused room and makes sure it's shut before telling Amelia about her conversation with Echidna [12:27 PM] Ash (theheartsofheroes): Sao: So...now I'm just confused... [12:27 PM] Star: Amelia: I could try to talk to her to get her to explain? [12:29 PM] Ash (theheartsofheroes): Sao: Do you honestly think it will help? I mean...It's not like I have the greatest luck in the universe when it comes to relationships [12:31 PM] Ash (theheartsofheroes): Sao: And I don't want to make it seem like in forcing her into anything... if she doesn't want me she doesn't want me... I have to live with that [12:32 PM] Star: Amelia: I dunno I just thought I'd offer.... [12:37 PM] Ash (theheartsofheroes): Sao: I know...but really look at my track record. In the end what I want and what I feel doesn't matter. and at this point she's holding back tears [12:39 PM] Star: Amelia: hugs Sao [12:40 PM] Ash (theheartsofheroes): Sao: as soon as Amelia hugs her Sao is openly crying I just...i can't win. I know we have bigger things to worry about than my love life but I can't help but see everyone around me and wonder if there's something wrong with me... [12:43 PM] Star: Amelia: I wish I could help but I don't know what to do.... [12:44 PM] Ash (theheartsofheroes): Sao: ....sometimes you can't fix what's broken... [12:47 PM] Star: Amelia: pulls back to give her a flat stare Hey you're not broken, okay? I may not know how to help but I know that much boops her nose [12:48 PM] Ash (theheartsofheroes): Sao: smiles a little, but it doesn't quite reach her eyes [1:20 PM] Ash (theheartsofheroes): Sao: I just...even Garu, who has the shittiest luck out of all of us, has Lucky... [1:21 PM] Ash (theheartsofheroes): Sao: I don't want to seem like I'm pressuring Echidna...but I want to talk to her again. [1:22 PM] Star: Amelia: Then do that, explain you're not trying to pressure her. [1:23 PM] Ash (theheartsofheroes): Sao: I.... sighs okay. [10:37 PM] Ash (theheartsofheroes): Sao: A few hours and a nap later, Sao makes her way to Echidna's ship [10:38 PM] Star: Echidna: is sitting on the boarding ramp fiddling with her communicator [10:40 PM] Ash (theheartsofheroes): Sao: stops a couple feet away Hey... [10:40 PM] Star: Echidna: looks up, setting the device down How long have you been there? [10:42 PM] Ash (theheartsofheroes): Sao: I just got here. her usual confident demeanor is gone, replaced with uncharacteristic nervousness [10:44 PM] Star: Echidna: stands up and makes her way over What's wrong? [10:45 PM] Ash (theheartsofheroes): Sao: looks up at Echidna I... sighs I can't do this she turns away [10:46 PM] Star: Echidna: Do what? [10:47 PM] Ash (theheartsofheroes): Sao: spins back around This! Coming here. Talking to you again after what happened earlier! I just I don't even know what I want to say! [10:49 PM] Star: Echidna: looks at her for a long moment Take as long as you need to figure it out.... [10:54 PM] Ash (theheartsofheroes): Sao: sighs heavily I do want to say this. Whatever I feel, I won't force it on you. I respect who you are, hell, sometimes I'm jealous of you, but in the end, you're my friend before you're my crush and what you want matters more in the end. [10:54 PM] Star: Echidna: Jealous? How come? [10:56 PM] Ash (theheartsofheroes): Sao: When I feel, I feel it strongly, and some days I wish I didn't feel a damn thing. It would be better than having to deal with the constant heartache of loving people who don't love you back the way you'd like them to [11:00 PM] Ash (theheartsofheroes): Sao: sighs But, I'm not like you, and I can't shut off my emotions at the drop of a hat. So, I stay silent, and I suffer, and I love and I hate and I experience emotions while trying not to let them show [11:01 PM] Star: Echidna: tilts her head as she listens [11:04 PM] Ash (theheartsofheroes): Sao: And I promised myself, after Amelia, I wouldn't let myself fall for anyone else. But damnit, you had to show up. You had to needle your way into my life and my heart with your infuriatingly cold personality and your bluntness and how ridiculously attractive you are and I hate you for it. I hate it because there's no chance you'll ever feel the same and once again I've fucked myself over when it comes to love. [11:05 PM] Star: Echidna: glances away, she's not sure how to respond to that [11:07 PM] Ash (theheartsofheroes): Sao: lets out a frustrated sigh [11:09 PM] Star: Echidna: takes a step forward, looking slightly conflicted about something [11:10 PM] Ash (theheartsofheroes): Sao: just stares at her, a pained and slightly confused expression on her face [11:15 PM] Star: Echidna: very hesitantly raises a hand to brush some of Sao's hair out of her face before slowly leaning in to very lightly brush her lips against the archer's; she knows she'll be in for it if this gets back to the people she works for back home, though [11:17 PM] Ash (theheartsofheroes): Sao: her eyes go wide with shock. She never expected this. And especially not this soon. She had no idea what to do, what to think. Her first thought is to grab Echidna's face and deepen the kiss, but she stays still, she doesn't want to make the assassin feel pressured. [11:19 PM] Star: Echidna: pulls back as soon as she realizes what the heck just happened and looks anywhere but at Sao I... [11:20 PM] Ash (theheartsofheroes): Sao: is red faced. She can't seem to find any words [11:22 PM] Star: Echidna: she can't think of anything to say either, so she just....turns to head back aboard her ship, grabbing her communicator as she goes by [11:23 PM] Ash (theheartsofheroes): Sao: she watches her leave. When the assassin is out of sight and the event had time to process, the archer lets out a tiny giggle before heading back to the base
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keikaku-sama · 7 years
Book of the Atlantic: Chapter 2
Rating: Some early chapters are rated T. Some later chapters are rated M. Reader discretion is advised.
Side note: Sentences in Italics without quotation marks are thoughts. Sentences in Bold and Italics with quotation marks are characters saying things angrily, venomously, for emphasis, or the like.
 Snake stopped in front of a lavish town house, and scanned it. His eyes stopped at a window on the first floor, as he saw a white haired girl flail in anger. The golden eyed male chuckled at her, before opening the gate, and walking to the front door, then knocking on it.
 The white haired man on the porch chuckled at the girl’s yelling, before stopping, as the door opened, to reveal an angry girl in sweats. The anger soon turned to happiness, as she saw who it was. “Egin!”
 “Hello, Yuki.”
 The man’s snakes hissed happily at her, making her hiss back in delight. “Oh! Why don’t you come in?” The snake man nodded, before stepping into the house, and closing the door behind him. “Yuki, is there anyone else here?”
 “No, but Soma and Agni should be back soon….Let’s go up to my room. They won’t disturb us th- Wait. On second thought, let’s go to the basement. They’re terrified to go down there. We definitely won’t be disturbed there.”
 Egin stared at her, before nodding silently, following her to the sub floor. Which was just as lavish as the first floor. “Why are they terrified of the basement if it looks like this?”
 “They watch too many American horror movies.”
 “I see.”
 Yuki sighed, as she sat down on a couch, the snake man following suit. “So, what’s up?”
 “I need to know where a couple of people are.”
 The ghoul raised an eyebrow at that. “And what do these people look like?”
 “A lad possibly an inch or so taller than you-” The half demon dodged a pillow to the face, tilting the top half of his body to the right. “Maybe a year younger than you, and has slate hair.”
 “And the other one?” At that, Egin nearly crushed the arm of the couch they were sitting on, clutching it so tightly in anger that his knuckles turned white. And he was glaring death at the floor, with a snarl marring his face. “A man I hoped to never see again, no matter how much I wished to catch him a century ago.”
 Yuki looked at her friend sadly. “And I suppose now that you know he’s still alive, you’re bent on catching him again?”
 “Yes….But how is he still…..I thought……”  
 “He was reincarnated as a demon, in another world, where time goes by much faster than it does here. That’s how he’s still alive. That’s what he told me, at least.” The half Naga stared at her with wide eyes. “What?”
 “He was with Ciel because he’s his demon butler. Five years ago, they made a contract. The deal was, that he gets Ciel’s soul, as long as he helps him get revenge on whoever killed his parents. After that, he will go back to Gehenna, or whichever Hell is his home.”
 “Smile’s…..in danger?”
 “Very much so.” Egin looked at her with a concerned frown. “Is there a way to get him out of the contract?”
 “There are a few ways. One of them is to turn Ciel himself into a demon, and the other….”
 “What is it?”
 “The other is to get Michaelis away from Ciel for twenty four hours, transplant a ghoul heart into him, making him a ghoul in turn, and have Ciel defeat Michaelis in battle.” The snake man looked at her confusedly, as she drummed her fingertips on her thigh in irritation. “I don’t understand….”
  “I suppose Amaimon hasn’t told you about the non-human food chain yet. Ghouls are higher than demons. Vampires are higher than ghouls. Demons are higher than vampires……I honestly don’t understand it one bit.” The half Naga stared at her with wide eyes. “Ghouls are higher than….seriously?!”
 “So you could defeat my father and I in battle?”
 “It depends. You and your dad know how to use magic?”
 The half demon nodded. “Father has Lightning Devil Slayer, Lightning Dragon Slayer, and Lightning Angel Slayer magic. I however, have only begun to learn how to use magic, so I only have lightning devil slayer, and lightning dragon slayer magic.”
 “You two would wipe the floor with me.”
 “I have Ice Devil Slayer, Ice Make, and Water Angel Slayer magic. My magic is based on water. Electricity based magic like you and your dad’s would electrocute me if I tried to fight you.”
 “But what if you were really determined?”
 “Hmm…Maybe.” Egin gave her a cute look, his eyes sparkling in excitement, and his mouth open wide, gaping at her. The ghoul blushed, and looked away. “Um…..Yuki?”
 “Could you tell me something?” The blue eyed girl looked back to him, raising an eyebrow as he looked serious now. “Sure.”
 “Did….Smile and…..Michaelis….kill Joker and…..the other first stringers?”
 Yuki looked at him sadly. “Ciel didn’t kill them…The Heathen did. And…Joker’s still alive…he’s in the Fairy Tail guild’s infirmary, recovering from his wounds….”
 “Joker’s still alive?!”
 “Um…..Yeah…..I saved Joker….But….I couldn’t save the others…I’m sorry…”
 Egin stared at her, before suddenly wrapping his arms around her, and pulling her close to him. “Thank you…..Thank you, so much…..”
 “Huh? But I didn’t…..”
 “Just knowing that you tried to save all of them means a lot to me, Yukino. I appreciate it.” The girl went silent for a moment, before letting out a sob. Both her, and Egin, then began to cry. ○———————————————○  A short time later, the two had stopped crying, and were now just lying in each other’s arms. “Yuki?”
 “Amaimon brought my father to one of our meetings two weeks ago.” The ghoul looked up at that. “So, you got to meet him, and talk to him a bit?”
 “I did.”
 “And is he as awesome as I’ve heard?”
 “He is, despite what I thought over a century ago. He is a very likable man.”
 “Cool……Did you tell him what happened?”
 “No need. He said that he visited this world occasionally to check up on us, and Adrian told him what happened, the day after the murder.” The white haired girl hummed. “How did he react?”
 “He was devastated, and furious. He had hoped that Mother would die in peace, of natural causes, not be brutally murdered by ‘some douchebag trying to play God’, as he put it.”
 “Did he tell you why he left?” Egin nodded at her. “He did. He said that he left because he was getting too powerful, and needed to go somewhere where he could seal his power, and that ended up being Earthland. He left to protect Mother and I, as he feared that he would accidentally hurt us. He truly did love my Mother….”
  Yuki gave him a small smile, as she bonked their foreheads together, making him frown cutely, and his eyes widen in surprise and confusion. “W-What was that for?!”
 “My cousin used to do that to me to cheer me up.”
 “To cheer you up?! All it would do is make you a bit angry!”
 “And then you’d forget why you were sad! It works!” The snake man stared at her, with his eye twitching. “Is your whole family like this?”
 “Yep~! Along with my extended family in Fairy Tail~!”
 “Your family is crazy.”
 “Well, technically they’re your family too, as your dad is one of the people that founded Fairy Tail.”
 “Yep. Mavis Vermillion, Yuri Dreyar, Warrod Sequen, and Precht Gaebolg were the four that founded Fairy Tail one hundred and four years ago.” Egin stared at her. “But…”
 “And your younger brother was the third guild master.”
 “Alu’s mate, Zeref is the current guild master. He became the master six years ago, after a dragon called Acnologia destroyed Tenroujima, or Sirius island, where a team of some of Fairy Tail’s strongest, along with your brother, and grand nephew were.”  
 The snake man blinked at her. “So they’re dead?”
 “No!” The white haired man jumped, startled when she shouted angrily at him. “S-Sorry….”  
 The ghoul glared at him, growling with her sharp teeth bared in anger, before turning away, and breathing deeply, to calm herself down. “No….I’m sorry…..I just……get upset when anyone says that they’re……Sorry.”  
 Note to self: Never make Yuki angry. And by extension, never make anyone in Fairy Tail angry.
 “Y-You’re fine…Um…they’re not….”
 “No. They’re just in a protective stasis field called ‘Fairy Sphere’ that Mavis’s spirit cast. It’s weakening, and should be down by my birthday next year.”  
 “They’re alive?”
 “They are. Fairy Sphere suspends the target in time, essentially halting physical aging, so you may get to meet your little brother next year, if you so wish to.” The half demon hummed. “May I ask how old my brother is? Father didn’t tell me.”
 “Eighty...Ninety four.” The white haired man smiled at her, in thanks, before she spoke again. “How is your dad so powerful?”
 “He’s been revered as a deity in Japan since the fifth year of the Yamato period, and is a Nagaraja.” Yuki stared at the half demon. “Holy shit….Can I seriously not tell them?”
 “No. I’m sorry.”  
 The ghoul groaned in frustration, before looking back at him. “What are you going to do?”  
 “I’m going to infiltrate Phantomhive Manor and kill Jack the Ripper.”
 “You said that your family, and extended family, is crazy. Your extended family technically includes me, so, yes, I am.”
 “But- But-“
 “I-Is everything alright down there?! Agni and I heard you yelling! Did the basement murderer get you?!”
 Yuki’s eye twitched at that. “I’m fine, Soma! Just talking to a friend that I let in!”
 “Oh~! A friend~?” They heard two people run down the stairs, before seeing an Indian duo, made up of a teenage boy with purple hair, and a twenty something man with white hair. The teenager looked absolutely ecstatic that they had a guest, while the man was glad that his friend was excited. “Any friend of Yuki’s is a friend of mine! Tell me, what is your name, friend?”
 The snake man glanced at Yuki, who’s arm was being slithered upon by Bram the King Cobra. “I….I am Egin Nichols….Though I go by Snake…”
 “Well, Snake~! Welcome to the Phantomhive townhouse! I am the caretaker of this wonderful place, Prince Soma Asman Kadar, and this is my butler, Agni! Would you like some curry, Snake? Agni makes the best!”
 Egin looked to Yuki, who shrugged, before responding. “I would love some, but I’m kind of in a rush to get somewhere…”
 “Oh! No worries, then! We’ll just make you some curry buns, and you can be on your way in a jiffy! ….Yuki, did I say that right?”
 “Agni! Some Curry buns for our friend Snake, Please!” The man behind Soma bowed. “Right away, my prince!” ■————————————————————————————■  “Egin-“  
 “You cannot talk me out of this, Yuki.”
 “I said no.”
 “Listen to me!” The snake man looked at her. “What?”
 “Don’t attack him head on. Don’t provoke him. Play along with the lie Ciel will tell you, act like you don’t know what happened to the first stringers. Bide your time, and get stronger.” The half demon raised an eyebrow at her. “Why?”
 “You’re my friend. I’m only trying to make it so you don’t get hurt, or worse. Just do what I said. Alright?” He blinked, before nodding.  
 Yuki smiled at him, before suppressing their spiritual pressure, as Phantomhive manor came into sight. “Hide in the green house. Don’t attack him if he goes in there…I’ve gotta go now. Call or text me if you need something. Bye.”
 Egin smiled at her, before waving goodbye. After the ghoul left, the snake man hid in some shrubbery, waiting for the last few people arriving to go inside. “Let’s bide our time somewhere until night falls. – Says Keats.”
 The half demon then quickly ran to the green house, and shut the door behind him, before looking around.  
 Plenty of places to hide…Yuki said to bide my time..,I’m going to do just that.
 The white haired man then sat on a short brick wall, and pulled the bag of curry buns Soma and Agni gave him, out from his coat pocket. “It’s so warm here. It’s like paradise, don’tcha think? -Says Wilde.” ■————————————————————————————■  The door of the green house creaked, as Sebastian closed it. He had found a snake inside the manor, and in his Young Master’s room, no less. So, he had followed the scent the snake left when it slithered into the manor, back to the green house.
 The demon quickly glanced at every nook and cranny that a human, or demon, could hide in. He growled, when he didn’t see anything. Before his eyes widened in surprise, as he just barely dodged a sudden spark of lavender electricity.
 “Ah. I hadn’t expected to see you again so soon, Mister Snake…..Or should I say, Egin Nichols?”
 A loud roar, that sounded something between a hiss and a growl, was heard, as a white haired snake man jumped out from behind some bushes with lavender lightning sparking around his whole body, and…..black markings appearing on the right of his body, going over his eye, making it glow an electric lavender, as the man rushed at Michaelis.
 Snake bared his teeth at him in anger, and pulled his fist back, it charged with even more lightning, before he launched the fist at the crow demon.  
 Sebastian’s eyes widened, as he sensed extreme danger from that lightning. He narrowly dodged Snake’s fist, the lightning grazing his cheek, making it burn terribly. The black haired man breathed sharply in slight pain, as it actually hurt…..and wouldn’t heal. The demon kneed Snake in the stomach, before quickly knocking him out.
 Or, tried to knock him out.
 The white haired half demon had better reflexes, and was quicker than Michaelis thought. The half breed recovered from the knee to his stomach, and dodged the fist to the back of his head, before having the lightning travel to his leg, and wiped out the older demon by kicking the leg that Yuki nearly crushed with her kagune one hundred nineteen years ago.
 Sebastian grit his teeth, and growled inhumanly in pain, barely managing to refrain from screaming, as that would only wake the people remaining in the manor. The lightning fueled kick hurt immensely, but not as much as having the bones in his leg nearly crushed by a biological weapon.
 The full blooded demon fell onto his back, before Snake quickly straddled him, and opened his mouth wide, revealing a ball of lavender, and yellow lightning, sparking inside of the snake man’s throat. The maroon eyed man underneath him widened his eyes at that, as the lightning quickly traveled into the white haired half demon’s mouth.  
 The half breed was going to take his head off by burning it to ashes with some strange lightning. Sebastian quickly slid out from underneath Snake, the lightning narrowly missing the taller man’s bad leg.  
 Michaelis growled, and roundhouse kicked the snake man in the head, knocking him out before he good do anything else. The crow demon panted, trying to get air back into his lungs as he glared at the unconscious half breed, before glancing at his leg, then getting up.  
 And losing his balance, gritting his teeth and taking in a sharp breath, as the pain he had felt in his leg when he was human seemed to be coming back full force. The demon growled, then leaned against the glass wall nearest to him, before looking around the green house.  
 It was a mess. 
 One bed of flowers and bushes had caught on fire, the lightning having touched one of the leaves, a lightning strike that had moved toward the black haired man left a trail of an ugly burn mark across the stone on the ground, and where that…..elemental roar, had aimed, where the demon’s head had been, was a large circle shaped burn mark, that Sebastian doubted he could get out with only soap and water.  
 Michaelis gaped at Snake.
 How the hell did this half breed, this half Naga, get to be so powerful in just one hundred nineteen years? ■————————————————————————————■  “Well, now that the professor has gone home, I shall see to luncheon-“
 “Hm?” Sebastian tilted his head in confusion at his young master, who raised an eyebrow at him.
 “I kept silent because it seemed like you purposely didn’t want to bring it up in front of him, but…you haven’t explained how Phelps’s murder occurred.”
 “Anything else, Young Master?”
 “Why the hell are you limping, and why is there a scar on your cheek? I don’t know what happened, but shouldn’t it have healed?”
 Michaelis hummed. “That’s just the thing. I tried to heal it myself, but it just won’t disappear….And, the limp…We had another visitor at the manor, in addition to our invited guests. This visitor put up quite the fight, and I fear he was strong enough to permanently damage my leg.”
 The Earl’s eye widened at him. “What?! How?!”
 “I don’t know, but it must have had something to do with that lightning…….magic he was wielding.” The demon growled, and put as much venom into the word ‘magic,’ absolutely hating it, as Yuki, Crowley, and one of the many demons in Gehenna that he hated, wielded magic.  
 Ciel blinked in confusion, before speaking again. “That is most unfortunate. I do hope that you will be able to continue your duties as my butler, despite your leg.”  
 “What kind of butler would I be if I couldn’t?”
 “You wouldn’t be a butler at all.” Michaelis chuckled, as the slate haired boy sighed. “So, tell me. Where is this thirteenth person?” The demon blinked, before his eye twitched, as he crouched with a bit of difficulty, and pulled out a large crate with chains and antique padlocks surrounding it. “What the hell is that?!”
 “As I was not expecting him so soon, I showed him to these special accommodations here.” The Earl walked to stand next to Sebastian. “The killer is in there?”
 The old crow grunted with effort, and pain, as he used the crate to pull himself up, before leaning on the table, ignoring his master’s look of concern. “Yes, he is…Or rather, they.”
 “Let me see what’s inside.”
 “Are you certain?”
 “Just open it!”
 Michaelis nodded, and obliged. He pulled a pair of giant plyers out from under the table, and used them to break the chains on the crate, honestly not wanting to crouch again. He then dropped the plyers, and attempted to quickly dodge a strike of yellow lightning.
 He dodged it, but not as quickly as he wanted to, seeing as his leg was busted.
 I may have to get another cane for myself…
 Ciel’s eyes widened at the lightning, before he looked at the one in the crate.  
 “Snake?!” The white haired man ignored the slate haired boy, and glared at Sebastian, yelling muffled profanities at the full blooded demon. Michaelis sighed, before explaining to Ciel what had happened. After doing so, the Earl stared at Snake, his eyes wide. “He tried to kill you?!”
 “Let’s just say that he and I have had a long running feud.” Snake’s muffled yelling became louder, and sounded much angrier, when Sebastian said that. “Oh, do be quiet, Snake. We can’t understand what you’re saying, so why speak at all?”  
 The white haired man snapped. Yellow and lavender lightning discharged from his body, making Ciel quickly move backward to a safe distance, while the crow demon just stood where he was, and sighed exasperatedly. And, despite Snake’s confines being metal wire, the lightning burned it to ash, not electrocuting the man.
 Snake was cut off when Sebastian wrapped both hands around the snake man’s throat, and strangled him. The half demon coughed, as he choked and gagged, trying to get air into his lungs, as he clawed at the crow demon’s hands, tearing apart the man’s gloves.  
 Ciel tensed, as his eyes widened in fear, when he looked at his butler. Michaelis was glaring pure death at Snake, his body engulfed by pitch black shadows, the only feature of him visible being glowing red eyes.  
 “You would do well to remember your place, half breed. You are nothing more than a weak, worthless child, who thinks he can bring justice upon his mother’s killer, who clings to others like a parasite, afraid that the people he loves will leave him, just like she did.”
 Tears threatened to escape from Snake’s tear ducts, but he refused to let them fall. “N…no…….you….you’re wrong….”
 “What was that, worthless child?”
 “I…..I may…..be weak…….but I……..am not…..worthless…..” The half demon suddenly dug his claws into Sebastian’s hands, making the older demon let go of the snake man. The half Naga quickly crawled away from him, before coughing, and hacking, to get some air back.
 “Every person is worth something…..Everyone is important….Yuki and….another friend of hers once told me…That they’ve travelled the whole universe, and travelled to other universes…..and during their travels…..they’ve never met anyone who wasn’t important…….
 “So how fucking dare you put people down like that. No one deserves to be treated like a piece of shit. No one except people like you, who step on, use, and walk all over others….you’re nothing more than a piece of shit yourself.”
 Sebastian growled at him, as he limped over to the half demon, who didn’t cower away. Michaelis caught sight of a blue, metal thing, under Snake’s shirt, and went to grab it, when the half Naga viciously bit his arm, the white haired man’s fangs breaking skin, and drawing blood.
 “Don’t you fucking dare touch that.”
 The black haired man raised an eyebrow, and smirked, before going to grab it anyways. “Sebastian! Stop it!” The demon scowled, before using his left hand to pull Snake’s hair, essentially pulling the half demon’s maw off of his arm, then limped back to Ciel.
 The Earl glared at him, before walking to the golden eyed male. “Snake.” Said man looked at the slate haired boy with uncertainty. “You may have come here to try and kill Sebastian, but….you know what happened to the other first stringers of the circus, don’t you?”
 “Yuki didn’t tell me everything. She only told me that most of them were dead.”
 Ciel and the crow demon blinked at that. “Most of them?”
 “She saved Joker. Told me she tried to save the others too, but didn’t get there in time.”
 “She went into a burning building to save a man she doesn’t know?”
 “Yes. It’s just the kind of person she is.”
 The Earl and his butler’s eyes twitched. “Did Yuki tell you what they were doing?”
 The slate haired boy stayed silent for a moment, before speaking. “Your circus troupe was kidnapping children one after another from each stop on its tour. We joined up with you to seize any evidence of those crimes.”  
 Snake’s eyes widened at that.
 Could this be the lie Yuki mentioned?
 “J-Joker and…..the others…..were….k-kidnappers?”
 “Yes. I won’t tell you the full details, as I’m sure Yuki would be able to tell you if you asked her….Could I possibly ask your real name? And who your parents were, along with your legal guardian’s name?”
 The half demon stared at him, before nodding. “My name is Egin Nichols, though I go by Snake. My legal guardian is Adrian Crevan, an Undertaker. My father is Yuri Dreyar, a powerful demon called a Nagaraja. And….my mother…my mother was Mary Ann Nichols.”
 Ciel’s eyes widened, while Sebastian glared at the half breed.  
 “Mary Ann Nichols?! But she was killed by Jack the Ripper! While I have no doubt that Sebastian has murdered quite a few people in his life, but I’m pretty sure that he’s not The Whitechapel Murderer. And besides, no one ever saw the murderer’s face clearly.”
 “I have.”
 “Well, you could’ve just mistaken Sebastian for him.” Michaelis glared at Snake, silently telling him to play along with Ciel. The half demon was silent for moment, before he spoke with a sad frown. “…I…..suppose I did……I remember seeing red, and my vision was a bit distorted by anger, when I saw him….”
 “Alright then…..Snake….What with your legal guardian being Undertaker, I’m sure he let you read, and watch movies, about Jack the Ripper, along with a few detective movies, right?”
 The white haired man nodded. “Tell you what. You come to my manor, and help me close the ‘Jack the Ripper case.’ And you can stay here until we solve this, or, stay long after. How’s that sound?”  
 Sebastian looked at his master in surprise, before glaring at Snake, whose eyes were wide. “R-Really? You…..You’ll help me…..catch him?”
 Ciel gave him a rare smile. “Yes, but, don’t get your hopes up. He’s avoided being caught for one hundred twenty six years, so who’s to say that he won’t be caught for a another century?”  
 The half demon stared at him, when tears suddenly started streaming down his face, before he hugged Ciel, and sobbed into his blazer. “Thank you! Thank you so much!”
 That surprised the Earl, who stood there, letting the snake man cry, with his arms awkwardly wrapped around the half Naga. “T-There, there….” ■—————————————–■  After Ciel had gotten Snake to stop crying, the Earl had told him that to stay at Phantomhive manor, he would have to act as a footman. The half demon eagerly accepted, and was now sitting in a room of his own, with his snakes slithering along the floor.
 He was waiting for the Earl to get back from a funeral for Michaelis. Why they were having a funeral for someone who wasn’t dead (yet), he would have to ask Yuki, or Adrian.
 Speaking of Adrian, he just barged into the room with a scowl on his face, which wasn’t completely covered by his bangs for once. “What’s with you?”
 “Having to deal with that insufferable demon is tiring.” The renegade reaper sat down next to his charge, before collapsing behind him, then pulling the white haired half demon down, and snuggling with him.  
 Egin blushed at that. “A-Adrian! I’m not a kid anymore! You don’t need to snuggle with-“
 “Let me sleep.” The snake man shut up at that.  ■————————————————————————————■  “YIIIKES, SNAAAAAKES!”  
 “Do pipe down. They will not bite until he commands them to do so.”  
 At that, Snake nervously peeked around the doorway, and looked into the kitchen. There were four people in the room, excluding Sebastian, who hadn’t been able to get an actual cane for himself yet, so he was just using a contraption he made, which was basically just two walking sticks Ciel didn’t want anymore, stacked on top of each other, and kept from falling apart with duct tape.
 Michaelis walked to stand next to Snake, then slapping the half demon on the back harshly, making the white haired man stand up straight. “Stand up straight now! Introduce yourself in a loud and clear voice! Now that you are here, you must follow our below-stairs rules!”
 He’s enjoying this, isn’t he?
 “I-I’m Snake. W-We look forward to working with you. -Says Oscar.” The snake man’s cowlick trembled, as he introduced himself.  
 A cute green eyed boy looked at him confusedly. “Umm…You’re Mister Oscar?”  
 “No! This is Snake, and I’m Oscar! -Says Oscar.” The half Naga pointed to himself and the green snake on his shoulders respectively, before pointing at some other snakes in the room.  
 The snake next to the red haired girl. “That’s Emily…”  
 A snake above the blue eyed man. “And the one next to you is Bronte.”
 A snake on the counter behind the cute boy and the short old man. “And Wordsworth is over there.”  
 A pitch black king cobra with glowing red eyes, currently being charmed with a flute by the old man. “And the one by you is Bram.”
 After Snake finished that sentence, Sebastian clapped, his temporary cane leaning against the wall behind the snake man, as he put his weight on his good leg, getting everyone’s attention. “All right. That will do. Let us leave the introduction of those servants for another time. Else it will be night before we know it. In any case, he is the Phantomhive footman as of today. Do try to work together, you lot.”
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shianhygge-imagines · 8 years
REQUEST: Divine Intervention [Ravus/Reader] AU
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Edit 1: Guys, I would appreciate it if you didn’t spam that person who sent me the request, okay? It was my mistake, I am sorry. 
You all wanted Ravus... so here’s Ravus :3 If you were wondering why I wasn’t posting much... it was cause of this, lol (8 pages) The ideas put into this is a chain of events. The butterfly effect. How different Ravus’s story would be if something didn’t happen. The alternate universe of my Ravus Headcanon. And I shall graciously take those cookies, thank you! :3
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You had listened to the young Oracle, and you had carefully considered her words, yet you had only smiled and continued on your path away from gates of House Fleuret.
You loved Ravus, yes. But you refused to be a second priority to him. Your pride and your heart could not let you continue on this path. And a voice whispered in the back of your mind, soft, rumbling, yet irrevocably male, but it’s always been there. Ever since you were young.
The Fallen Prince, in his heart, seeks only a vengeance and to protect his sister. Should you turn back from your decision, you seal his fate. But should you stand firm, have comfort that the one you love may be saved.
So you kept walking, back straight and head held high despite the tears that gathered at the corners. You didn’t know if you could trust the words. Didn’t know if someone was trying to deceive you. All you knew, was that Ravus had to change his ways, and you couldn’t be there to help him.
You left. Not just the place you had called home for your whole life. Not just Tenebrae. You left to go to Lucis. Far away from the man you love.
He was on his knees, kneeling with a pool of glass around his feet. Ravus had seen his sister speak with you, and saw you stand at the gates to his home before turning and walking away. Many have come to believe that Ravus was cold and unfeeling, a determined and no-nonsense commander, but it was only half true. Somewhere, buried, was that kind and compassionate boy from eleven long years ago, but only those near him could find that boy. You had been one of the only ones who could still see the best of Ravus, could still see the hurting boy crying out for those he’s lost. And Ravus had loved you for it. He’d loved you for the longest time. Fifteen years of love and he had still managed to push you away.
His hands were cut up from gripping the shattered glass frame of an old picture. It was a photograph that the two of you had taken long ago, there was a smile on your childish face as Ravus gave you a chaste kiss on the cheek. You had been 13 years old and he 14. It was a year before his mother was killed, and it was a happier time. And suddenly tears found their way down from his mismatched eyes, landing on the picture. He’d driven you out with his selfish ways, had taken his anger and frustration out on you. And now you were gone.
There was no one to blame but himself. He had been blind. Had assumed that you would be by his side forever. But what was his vengeance worth now? He’d known that his loved ones had disapproved of his blaming King Regis, that they believed that he should have directed his anger at the Empire instead. But he had been stubborn. But what good was his blaming King Regis now if it meant losing you. It was worth nothing.
So with a sob, Ravus stood and rethought about his goals, lamenting that he had to lose you before he could see how foolish he was.
Though he still cried because, “I never had the chance to tell them that I love them.”
It was challenging, moving to another nation and start anew, but the people were kind, and you found a new calling, not as a servant to a royal family, but as a Hunter.
Fighting had never been important in Tenebrae, and many in Lucis could probably get away with not fighting. But as the nights grew longer, and more daemons appeared, that voice urged you to learn. Take up the blade to protect the light. He had said solemnly, though you’d decided to refer to him as Sage, or Sagesse. Sage never spoke to you but to direct your actions, and you had come to learn that when the voice spoke to you, it was best to listen. Especially if you were traveling. You’d learned the hard way what happened if you didn’t heed Sagesse’s advice.
It was on your way to the Chocobo Farm that you found the ruins of Costlemark Tower, and you had wanted to explore the ruins, expecting it to be full of weak daemons given that the centipede-like creatures outside were easily killed. Sage had told you immediately to camp or continue to the Chocobo Farm and to forget about the Tower ruins.
Instead, you had ignored him and ventured forth, watching as the ruins opened to you once the sun set. You only needed to descend to the first room before you sprinted out of there, only to be met with a Red Giant at the entrance of the ruins. You would have perished from your stupidity if Sage wasn’t kind enough to guide you to the campsite, where the glowing blue runes protected you from the Red Giant and a few Mindflayers staring you down.
So, lesson learned. You always listened to Sagesse from then on.
You’ve tried to hold a conversation with Sagesse a few times, but it didn’t seem that he wasn’t all that interested in what you had to say, often keeping silent no matter how much you thought or spoke aloud. But he kept you safe, so you suppose you shouldn’t bother him too much.
But his guidance led you back to your beloved.
In leaving Tenebrae, you had diverted Ravus’s path away from his and your original fates. An early death, turned into a daemon and forced to obey. And you, left a widow in a world of darkness, forced to watch the people around you succumb to the darkness before perishing yourself. Your decision to leave had left scars on both yours and Ravus’s heart, but it had been for the best.
Reconsidering his actions and feelings, Ravus no longer sought after the Ring of Lucii. Instead, he placed his efforts in assisting his little sister with fulfilling her duty as the Oracle. Yes, perhaps it was inevitable that King Regis would perish by Glauca’s sword, and Insomnia reduced to ruin, but Ravus had not lost his arm that day, and would, therefore, not need a magitek prosthetic. And when Lunafreya was killed by Ardyn, Ravus would immediately defect from the Empire in order to assist Noctis traveling with the young Prince and his friends to Gralea to retrieve the Crystal. But most importantly, Ardyn would no longer be able to turn Ravus into a daemon.
Your love for Ravus would have killed him, but in walking away, you had saved him.
You would not see Ravus again until after the world had been sent into permanent darkness.
You had been with the Hunters for a whole year now, although Dave had reluctantly took you on as his apprentice. Sagesse had directed you to the Hunter’s Headquarters very thoroughly after you had agreed to help “defend the light,” and you found yourself asking for training before your knew it. In the beginning, Dave had you on for a trial period given that you’ve only ever use a chef’s knife before. He quickly found that he should never let you near a melee-type weapon unless he wanted someone who wasn’t the enemy killed.
In the end, you took up the crossbow because you were absolute shit at close range combat. And with that settled, Dave eventually started sending you out on small missions. Killing Abar eventually came to hunting minor daemons. And while you’d gone solo for the longest while, Dave eventually had enough faith in you to lead a team of hunters when the world was thrown into permanent darkness. It wasn’t a mistake to have you lead a group of hunters, but it was a mistake to send your group of young hunters to fight a group of Sir Tonberries.
You watched with abject terror when a Sir Tonberry cut through another of your six man group. You had been sent to retrieve a stranded group of civilians, but the intel had been wrong about the number of enemies involved. It was reported that there were only two Sir Tonberries, which could have been dealt with slight difficulty, but not four Sir Tonberries plus Hobgoblins and two Nagas.
Clicking your tongue in thought, you dove out of the way in order to cover your teammates, “Vergil, Seb, take Devon and run back to the truck. Isa, Kelsey, I need you two to escort the civilians to the truck. I’ll draw the daemon’s attention.” You shouted, dodging the strikes from a Sir Tonberry to flip and shoot at the Naga. Your teammates start to protest, “I don’t want to hear any complaints! It’s either most of us get out of here, or we all die.” That shut them up, you grimaced before taking off your dog tag and throwing it at Vergil, who caught the metal thing with a fearful look. “If you’re fast enough, you’ll get back to me on time with reinforcements. If not... “ You didn’t finish your sentence, instead opting to push your teammates away. “Go!”
“We’ll be back, Y/N!” You could hear Isa shout back at you, but you don’t respond, too busy trying to buy them time.
Always willing to sacrifice, Y/N. You could hear the taunt in Sagesse’s voice sometimes, as much as he would like to simply be an unfeeling spirit. There is not much to feel for, mortal. And then he goes and speaks like an all knowing being, and then you aren’t quite sure whether you heard the first part at all. Tail to your right. You roll to the left, dodging the Naga’s tail before moving away from the Tonberries and Hobgoblins closing in. Hopefully you could survive an hour.
After assisting Noctis in infiltrating Gralea, Ravus had gone back to Tenebrae to assist with the evacuation of his people, using Aranea’s airships to fly the surviving citizens of Tenebrae to Lestallum, where he worked to secure a safe home for his people. But with the influx of refugees from Accordo, neighboring towns, and Insomnia as well, space became tight. What more, with the limited space, there were a limited amount of Hunters who could protect those unwilling to fight. So Ravus found himself traveling with Gladiolus, Prompto, Ignis, and Aranea to the Hunter’s Headquarters a few months after Noctis was pulled into the Crystal.
He didn’t know what he had been expecting, a large and secure building perhaps, but it was not the open yet well-lit outdoor space that the Hunter Headquarters actually was. And least of all, Ravus didn’t expect the utter panic as various individuals hurried to and from, escorting civilians from a small truck. There was crying, but most of all, screaming. From what he could make out from the various voices speaking at once, a group of hunters had gone out to retrieve a stranded group of civilians at a nearby campsite. Their intel had been wrong about the types of daemons surfacing around the area, and were not prepared. And in order to get their job done, the group leader had sacrificed themselves as a decoy for their team to get out.
A noble act. Ravus thought, his heterochromatic eyes darted towards the dogtags that a young woman named Isa waved around.
“We have to go back and save them!” Isa demanded with a stomp of her feet.
The man she chased looked to be in his late thirties to early forties, hair closely shaved, and stern looking. But when Ravus took the time to look at the man more, there was an air of authority and subtle kindness. The man thought for a moment, eyes hard before shaking his head, “We can’t afford to send out more Hunters for your leader. I’m sorry, Isa.”
“But it’s Y/N!” the woman emphasised, drawing a surprised look from the leader, “Dave, Y/N was our leader during this mission.” When the older man didn’t move, Isa drew herself to her full height, a less than impressive 152cm, but she still went to sternly cup Dave’s face in her hands. “Y/N L/N,” Ravus’s eyes widened in shock at the leader’s full name. “Dave, you trained Y/N, and I know you have a soft spot for them. And if you have any love for me, or for Y/N, you’ll let me gather a team to go after them.”
The older man let out a long suffering sigh before relenting, “Fine.” though he quickly pulled Isa into a kiss. “Gather whoever is willing.” Dave’s eyes soften for a moment, “But come back to me, Isa.”
The younger woman smiled fondly, brown eyes twinkling with love, and nodded, “You know I would walk to the ends of Eos to get back to you.”
And it is at that point that Ravus turns away, feeling like he should not bear witness to the privacies of the couple. Instead, his mind is filled with thoughts of you. His beloved that he had pushed away two years ago. And now, he was so close to finding you again, only to be under threat to lose you again. No. The former Prince shook his head and stomped over to his new friends. He could not lose you. Not again.
Gladiolus noticed the stormy eyed man approaching their trio and directed a worried look at Ravus. “Is there a problem?” Ever since Lunafreya’s death, Ravus had joined them on their journey, and while it was strange to have a man who used to be the enemy on their team, they had all tried to be civil with one another. But as it turns out, Ravus was actually a man that Gladio could respect.
Ravus clenched and unclenched his right fist, his head bowed slightly, “There is to be a mission to retrieve the escort team’s fallen leader. And I have decided to join the effort.”
Ignis, though his world was still dark, could imagine the high commander’s posture given the tone of the man’s voice. It was dire, but not as subtle as when they first encountered one another at the Imperial base nearly a year prior. A life was in danger. “Do you require our assistance?”
“-Wait just a minute.” Gladiolus interjected, much to Ravus’s annoyance. He had wanted to keep details sparse so that they could leave immediately. “I want to know why you care about this mission.” When Ravus didn’t speak, Gladio could only go on, “You know the team leader, don’t you? What I don’t understand is how that person could be important to you. Don’t get me wrong, we will go with you, but I just want to know why.”
The former Prince let out a heavy sigh, his face still stern, but his eyes softened ever so slightly, “Y/N L/N.”
Prompto cocked his head to the side, blonde hair rustling with the motion. The gunman recognized the name, “Dave’s apprentice? That’s the leader’s name?”
“Yes. But I knew Y/N long before they came to live in Lucis.” Ravus’s eyes darted towards Isa as she left Dave, watching as the young woman asked around for volunteers to help retrieve you. “We were friends in our youth, and I lo-... I’ve come to hold them quite dear to me.” Ravus cursed himself for nearly saying his feelings.
Meanwhile, Gladio and Ignis were not fooled, having heard Ravus’s slip up. Though both hid their smirks well. Instead, Gladiolus strolled over to the older man and clapped his shoulder, shocking Ravus. “Well. We should go join the retrieval team, then.”
As the younger men left to go speak to Isa, Ravus stood in deep thought. He had thought that he lost everything. He had failed to protect his beloved sister, yet he had succeeded in bringing Noctis to Gralea as well as bestowing King Regis’s glaive to the now sleeping prince. And he had pushed you away two years ago when he should have kept you by his side. Now, he had a chance to find you again… Ravus brow set into a determined stare, and he marched with confidence towards the truck, which Gladio, Ignis, and Prompto had piled into. “Wait for me, Y/N.”
There were various hisses and cries from below you, but you could only wince. Your wince was heard by your tiny companion, who only purred and cuddled into your side, careful to keep its weapon away from you. Seriously, it was the cutest, yet deadliest little thing, a product of a stupid decision you made earlier, but you didn’t regret it. Simply having a tiny Tonberry cuddling up to you was adorable.
The little thing had wandered into the battle and had tried to attack you along with its more powerful counterparts… and then the Hobgoblins, for whatever reason decided to gang up on the little one. And seeing how the Sir Tonberries and Nagas weren’t going to help the little daemon, you’d run over to rescue it, getting jabbed in the side by a Sir Tonberry before you sprinted to a cliff face and climbed, putting your new friend in the hood of your cloak as you climbed… and after a while, the Tonberry actually warmed up to you… but now you were stuck.
“Corvo, we’re in some deep shit.” You muttered, pulling the tiny green daemon into your arms. It only purred, nuzzling its snout under your chin. “And Sagesse hasn’t been speaking to me at all.” you pouted, wondering where the miracle voice in your head had gone.
“Keu?” The Tonberry tilted its head to the side in question.
You merely sighed and pat your little friend’s head gently, “Never you mind, Corvo. Let’s just concentrate on surviving, savvy?” But not only ten seconds after you spoke, you saw the unmistakable headlights of a hunter truck rolling down the road. “Well, damn. They actually came back for me, Corvo.” Your little friend cooed in worry. “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure they don’t hurt you.” Corvo gave out a happy purr before hopping into your hood, holding out it’s lantern to light the area around you.
The daemons below had noticed the truck’s return and had left the area below you to surround the truck. You couldn’t make out the individuals that came to rescue you no matter how much you squinted, but you started climbing down regardless, wincing occasionally when you irritated the wound at your side.
Once you were down, you gently pulled Corvo into your arms and ran towards the truck. You had lost your crossbow earlier, but you were better off without it, running without any weight carrying you down. “We’re almost home free Corvo.”
You were nearly to the truck when you saw the group that had come to rescue you, and you nearly tripped when you saw the white haired man fighting alongside the Prince’s companions. Ravus. You screamed, a high pitched stressed sound akin to a mix of a behemoth and a daggerquil, and even Corvo looked up at you in alarm. Though you probably shouldn’t have screamed, because the next thing you knew, you felt a deep pain in your back before falling. From the floor, you glanced back to see a Sir Tonberry advancing towards you, and little Corvo trying to protect you. Suddenly, a bullet collided with the Sir Tonberry, and you were lifted by the arms, though in your daze, you managed to call out for Corvo, catching the little Tonberry in your arms as it jumped into you.
You blinked in and out of consciousness, the darkness creeping at the edges of your vision, but the last thing you saw were the worried and scared heterochromatic eyes of the man you love.
Ravus held your unconscious form to him tightly as he boarded the truck, the other hunters fending off the daemons behind him. His body trembled in fear when he examined the deep cut in your side and the burned slash on your back. He’d heard you scream at him. Saw your shocked face and the Sir Tonberry that crept up behind your back. But try as he might, had wasn’t fast enough to warn you, wasn’t fast enough to protect you. There was a small coo from the Tonberry latched onto your form, it’s tiny fish tail tucked between its legs as it showed its worry. It was a strange thing, having a tame Tonberry protect you, but Ravus was grateful for the little daemon’s help nonetheless.
“You succeeded where I nearly failed, little one.” Ravus cautiously pet the Tonberry, “My thanks.”
You woke up to the soft beeps of a heart monitor and the soft coos from Corvo sleeping on your chest. Blinking the sleep out of your eyes, you moved to sit up from the medical bed, aware that various tubes were attached to your arms and that the room lights were dimmed slightly.
Your head snapped to the left and it took everything in you not to look away from the tall white haired man across the room. It had been two years since you’d seen Ravus. The last time had been… you averted your eyes… If you are unable to stand by my decisions, then I don’t need you by my side. Leave. The unforgettable cold stare of his blue and brown eyes was still ingrained in your mind. What were you to say to a man you loved, but didn’t want you by his side? You couldn’t come up with anything, so you settled with a, “Hi.”
Ravus furrowed his brow at your response. He didn’t know what he was expecting when you awoke, he had pushed you away and hurt you those years ago after all. But he didn’t expect you to be unable to meet his eyes. Unable to speak to him. Once upon a time the two of you were as thick as thieves, never withdrawing from the other’s company. And now, because of him, everything was so different. What does one say to one that they have wronged?
Remember what you told me, big brother? “Go to Noctis. Show him the truth of your heart.” Perhaps it is high time that you showed Y/N the truth of yours.
He could hear his sister’s voice as if she were still alive, still standing next to him, wise beyond her years and smiling encouragingly.
You heard his quick footsteps, and quickly turned to face him in alarm, but he had pulled you into an embrace, careful not to squish Corvo, who rested on your lap. His left arm wrapped around your shoulder, and his right came up to hold your cheek. And you’d only a few seconds to stare into his eyes before they closed and his lips were pressed against your own. You barely had enough time to kiss back before he withdrew, and you saw that he was shedding tears. “Why-?”
Ravus cut you off with another kiss, deep and pure, muttering against you, “Please don’t leave me. I’m sorry. I’m truly sorry, Y/N. I’m a fool for pushing you away. Forgive me.” He gripped your shoulders tightly as the tears fell, his face losing its sternness as he confessed, “I love you, Y/N. Forgive me for not seeing it until I had pushed you away.”
And you kissed back. Because you had loved his man for so long, and to hear him tell you that he needed you by his side, that he loved you back… There were no proper words, only actions.
“I love you, Ravus. I won’t leave. Never again.”
There is a rumor that the Astrals loved to play with the lives of mankind. That among their beloved playthings and pawns, they often chose favorites. Ramuh favored the Prince of Lucis. Titan and Shiva favored Lunafreya. And Ifrit favored Ardyn. But what of Leviathan and Bahamut? Leviathan held no love for man, and therefore held none in favor. But Bahamut... once in a millennia, Bahamut would come to favor a human, though only through proving their worth. But just this once... He had chosen two. One Ravus Nox Fleuret and one Y/N L/N.
Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed my work, please consider buying me a Ko-fi!
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