#and this blog enables me ngl
yandere-sins · 2 years
I love nagas so much, it’s so fucking weird because I’m not a snake girly at all. (I touched one before tho! Not scared just not particularly interested) But I think about them, write about them, read about them and I’m just....
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They make me so happy I can’t describe it ;;
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No shade on the blog owners but I feel like the people that go here are genuinely some of the weirdest people out there, and not in a good way. I understand liking furry stuff but then half of it just just blatant admittance to saying ‘I like animal parts’ and WORSE. People have every right to say they hate a fandom when it’s full of a bunch of zoos and frankly massive fucking weirdos, weirdos who are enabled by others online to be WEIRDER, I expect this from Twitter ngl. I was so goddamn disappointed when I finally discovered what the rainworld fandom is like, like haha okay pretty sure half of this would get you guys on a list but silly me what do I know!!
And the people saying the ‘puritan’ side?? Pretty sure that’s just people who don’t wanna see animal nsfw. Thats pretty normal, if some of you don’t know that. The karma 2 symbol is imagery of ANCIENTS who are HUMANOID and actually LOOK like humans. Slugcats are bipedal and fairly intelligent? Okay, so like any smart animal like a chimpanzee or? People saying monsterfuckers aren’t registering that these aren’t monsters, they’re ANIMALS. Everyone complains about minors in the fandom as if this game is nsfw central because it’s NOT, sorry that some people want to see pleasant things just because you want to scream about your barely disguised kink. Don’t know why people are so scared to say this (I know at least a few want to) but whatever
The mods of the blog put up with some weird shit ngl and I wish for them to have both sides of the pillow cold. Or warm, if that’s their preferences.
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hamelinsnightmare · 2 years
hello! i'd like to start a stimboard blog, but i have not a clue where to find resources/how to format/etc. do you have any tips/resources on how to start a stimboard blog? itd be appreciated, thank you in advance <3
how to make stim blog & stims: informal guide by hammy
1- its best to use desktop instead of mobile tumblr. while you can technically do it on mobile, i wouldnt recommend it because mobile tumblr breaks format often.
2- when making your own gifs, it is recommended to make your gifs in a 1:1 ratio format, so basically a square (100x100 ratio).
3- if you are using other peoples gifs, always remember to keep track of whose gifs you are using and properly credit to the best of your ability. i usually start my posts in my drafts and then use my likes to keep track of what gifs i use, but you can also save drafts with them and stuff to not lose them. link to the direct post, do not just @ the blog, thats the best way to credit but as long as you make a conscious effort to credit its not a big deal
4- format wise its up to you man its your blog and you get to do what you want, but i will say that when crediting the way i do with emojis or Xs or whatnot, it is better to have a space between each item so that on tumblr mobile it doesnt merge the links or break the credits
(good: x x x / x x x , bad: xxx / xxx)
5- tags, how you handle requests, dni, etc are all up to you, whatever works best for you. but please keep in mind that you should probably tag triggers if making any sensitive content or marking it with tumblr's new mature content labels and stuff, though trigger tagging might be better bc the content labels tumblr has might hide your post from people who unknowingly have the "do not show posts" enabled
6- ezgif dot com is your friend. i dont have photoshop or anything so i basically live off of it lol. btw, might want to have an adblocker for it though since some of the ads can take up too much space
7- ?????? i think thats it, im pretty tired ngl
I do appreciate you coming to me and asking about it, it means I must be doing something right /lh
EDIT: I almost forgot! tumblr does weird shit to gifs on here so if you are using someone elses gifs, how to download them properly: right click + open image in new tab, the end of the url will be ".gifv", get rid of the v in the url (".gif") and then press enter to refresh the page. THEN you save that image. otherwise it will be in garbage webp unusable shit
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distort-opia · 2 years
You're braver than me for mentioning Khoa and Joker parallel in this hellsite that very much hate Joker lol. Im holding myself back from pointing out the same thing everytime i read Khoa story in fear someone gonna attack me. But anyway what do you think are the differences between their relationship (ghostbat & batjokes) since they're quite similar with each other. Cause tbh with you the way many describe ghostbat here feel just like they're describing batjokes instead
Ngl, this is one of the things that both depresses me and pisses me off about the current state of fandom. It sucks to hear you're too afraid of getting attacked over expressing a personal opinion on a literal blogging platform, built for this express purpose... regarding fictional characters and within a fandom, which is supposed to be fun. The block button and the filtering options exist for a reason though; I tag my stuff accurately so that people can blacklist, and I don't mind if people block me (I'm quite liberal with it myself). It's just part of curating your little niche, so I definitely encourage doing the same, Anon. Besides, despite the hellsite having its downsides, I've interacted with very reasonable and fun people as well, who dislike Joker or Batjokes but are fully capable of treating others with maturity and respect.
That being said, I agree that Batjokes and Ghostbat share a lot of similarities. I guess that for some it affords the fascinations of this type of dynamic for Bruce without the baggage Joker's character would unavoidably bring (both within Universe, and within fandom). However, there's definitely some essential differences between Ghostbat and Batjokes. Perhaps the most important consequence of them is that unlike Batjokes, Ghostbat has significantly higher chances of not ending in tragedy.
The thing about Joker is that, despite how seemingly desperate for attention and in love with Batman he canonically is, he also... hates Bruce's guts. And I'm making the distinction between 'Batman' and 'Bruce' because Joker himself makes it. Joker needs Batman on a fundamental level. He perceives his own current identity as having been shaped and defined by Batman, and he sees Bruce, the person underneath the mask, as the source of potential weakness and a threat to the Bat's existence. That's because Joker thinks of his own humanity as useless and weak, having decided to discard it and stomp it out. He then proceeds to try and do the same with Bruce's. This has literally been their main conflict since Death of the Family onwards.
Khoa also takes issue with Bruce being driven by emotion. He also considers it a weakness-- Bruce's need to save people, his vigilantism having revenge at its roots instead of a desire to perfect an art. However, Ghostmaker wasn't a direct result of Bruce's actions (accidental or not), like Joker is. Khoa's identity is much more stable and independent, not irrevocably intertwined with Bruce's Batman to the pathological degree Joker's is; and as a result, he's less extreme about it. Khoa can allow for disagreement without resorting to destroying Bruce's life, whereas Joker (at least of now) cannot allow any compromises, any pause from conflict-- because he needs it. Khoa, however, is able to stop and make peace. He challenges Bruce and his need for control just enough, right up to the point of fully enabling Bruce's darkness and self-destructiveness. Joker never stops. He keeps escalating the trauma, the horrors; a pit of knives Bruce keeps throwing himself into.
In a way, shipping Ghostbat is indulging in a dynamic similar to Batjokes, but one that can have a happier ending. Bruce can be a person with Khoa, whereas Joker would tear vulnerability to shreds. The parallels between Joker War and Ghostmaker's introduction arc are so interesting to me also because they showcase this from the start. The final confrontation with Joker, in Batman (2016) #100, has Joker stab Bruce in the back and then almost cut his face off, talking about how he'd then have "to start from scratch." Joker is tearing everything down to have Bruce rebuild it-- alone. The final confrontation with Khoa also includes him telling Bruce he's not enough, he's weak, he needs to become stronger; it also includes being stabbed in the back, but while in a fair fight that has rules. And then Bruce wakes up to Khoa sowing up the wounds he himself inflicted.
That's the crucial difference between the ships, I would say. Despite their disagreements, Bruce and Khoa are on the same side, and Bruce can expect to survive showing weakness to Khoa. Joker is, paradoxically, on the side of Batman alone and also against Bruce. That's not to say it couldn't be different, and that a happier ending is impossible to imagine for them too-- but it's a lot more complicated. Personally, I enjoy Batjokes so much because of how difficult a relationship would be. It inevitably has to involve Joker allowing himself to be human (since otherwise he would not allow Batman to be) and that's such a heavy and complex deconstruction of trauma that's fascinating to delve into.
Hope this was interesting to read through! There's a lot more stuff to say about the differences between Khoa and Joker as characters and their brand of psychopathy, and how that impacts the dynamic with Bruce, but I'm waiting for Batman Inc. and their interaction there to see where DC takes it. (Please let it be good.)
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slashingdisneypasta · 5 months
I know nothing about the DmD trio other than from your blog... But you already know how in love with the Tinman I am XD I had to send an ask for my random few thoughts.
- please- indulge me for a moment. You know that ship dynamic of the gentle giant and the overprotective short stack? That's what I've been imagining with Tinny. Him getting an S/O who is smaller than him (though that wouldn't be hard, I guess XD), but I will absolutely throw hands on his behalf. If he could without hurting them, he could pick them up and set them aside before dealing with the danger himself. Because he'll fight for them too ^^ (Also made me think; If Scarcrow got a Tinman's second in command!S/O and Lion has a Scarecrows assistant!S/O, what if Tinny got a Lions best warriors!S/O? Assuming he has his own army. Or someone associated with Lion?)
- In general; Tinny knowing what it's like to be loved through you ^^ and just- realizing he's no longer in an abusive relationship the longer you two are together 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 you don't yell and insult him, you don't order anything from him, and you never expect him to commit terrible crimes for you. You just want your lovely tin man <3
- Imagine taking in interest in his crafting hobby and sitting with him, or even asking him to teach you! Even if you just want to enjoy his company and have no desire for metal bending, Tinny will be so so so happy and elated to have you here with him ^^
- KISSING TIN!!!!! Holding his cold, metal face delicately while rubbing a thumb along his cheek, maybe brushing against his sharp overbite, your guys' eyes filled with love for each other before you lean in and carefully press your lips against his needle like teeth and lips??? SIGN ME UP! 📃📃📃📃📃
(.... Uh... *cough* I'm not sure if Tinny still has the ~equipment~ or the ~desire~, but you can try to grind on a smooth part of him, or convince him to get extensions. I'm certain he'll want to make happy in bed as well 😏 ok bye-)
- hm... Ngl I'm already wondering what a Yan!DmD!Tinny would be like... I have no self control 😅 of course you know his character more than me, but I like the idea that if he truly went full yandere mode, completely love struck with someone more hopelessly than with Dorothy, he would be more persistent in gaining their affections. It feels like with Dorothy that he'll try something with her, she'll hurt him, and he'll give her some space before trying again. And was slowly realizing that she didn't love him, before Glinda stepped in. But he still hasn't given up. Can you imagine how amplified that'd be if he were yandere?? Maybe even fully deluded that you'll love him instead of just listening to what others tell him? 🤔 what do you think? If you want to comment.
All I've got for now XD as you can see, in my mind, we're already married, live in a cottage in the woods, and are raising three robot children that we built togetger XD (omg this is another example of us falling in love with partner characters(?) You have Scarecrow, and I have Tin... It sounds like we might share Lion though XD) I hope these make you smile! ^^
Okay first of all OMG YES!! It is another Norman/Wayne / Psycho/Greasy / Granny/Big Bad kinda situation!! 🤣🤣🤣 I love this, I love that we do this XD YESS Lion is like Wheezy, we both love him and need to appreciate him more XD
Okay okay okay now onto your actual points- I must take a deep breath first XD
... hoo, okay. Let go.
Gentle Giant/Over Protective Short Stack: Yessss 🥺🥺🥺 Oh boy, does he need it. He needs someone who will CROSS the throne room the millisecond that Dorothy crosses the line and curse at her like a sailor like how DARE you!?- And that second part?? Tin picking his crazy small S/O up (Very carefully, with those fingers of his) and placing them somewhere to the side (Maybe into the arms of one of his tin soldiers- yes, he has entire army fully at his command. They're tin/biology hybrids frankensteined together by Scare) before Dealing with the situation himself. I can see it so clearly it is making my heart ache. Tin scooping you up, saying 'thank you, spring blossom (he'd use all sortsa cringy cute names like that genuinely XD ), but please, please let me handle this for you. The last thing we want is for you to be hurt', and carefully passing you off to another soldier he trusts. He carefully pushes some of your hair behind your ear, then turns back to the threat; straightens up to his f u l l building-like height, and takes care of shit. And the whole time, he wouldn't let even one piece of whoever he's Taking Care Of to hit you (The man is THOROUGH).
Tin Accidentally Hurting S/O:
He was on his knees, again. You told him a million times he doesn't need to do that, but the sweet, dramatic man just cant help himself. And honestly? You don't mind it, actually- You can kiss him and fluster him a lot easier this way. But this time?? This time he was on his knees profusely apologising. And you couldn't take it!! There was no need!! He just accidentally sliced you across the cheek with one of his fingers- he didn't mean to, and you both know it! You hear Dorothy give a snigger from her throne nearby, baring witness to this. You also see the Scarecrow drops his head backwards and sigh heavily at the display- but you don't care about Tin's so-called friends. You care about Tin. You take Tin's big metal head in your hands. " -so sorry. I don't know what came over me, I can do better. I would never, ever fetter your perfect skin on purpose- " "I know, I know." Instead of insisting he don't be silly and he cant help it sometimes!!, which is what you want to do!, you focus on calming him. Because everyone is watching, and he's probably mortified. You just want him to be okay. "Please Tin, its fine. Everyone knows you wouldn't hurt me on purpose." There's a hint of panic in his voice when he speaks next, a little quieter; following your lead and acting as if its just you two, here. Just him, and you. Safe. "Someone might think they could care for you better then me." "Doesn't matter." You whisper. "I know, they couldn't."
Having a Healthy Relationship with Tin: My heart <3 Yes! I can see him struggling with that- even before Dorothy went bad he was willing to give her anything. But imagine any time he offers you something, you're like 'oh that sounds nice! good idea Tin! lets do it together ^^' and leading him off before he can protest. And he s l o w l y starts to feel so so comfortable with you <3<3
"Moon flower, could I get you a drink?" "Oh yeah, I'd love one! Thank you! ^^ Lets go, and we'll get you some oil as well, love." *connecting arms and towing him towards the kitchens* *Eyes wide* "Oh- but I'm fin- " "I can hear you squeaking. Lets go!~ " *gentle voice* "You don't need to worry about me, my love." "No, I don't need to, but I don't mind." *pats his arm gently*
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Kissing, Affection & Sex: Yes yes yes kissing Tin <3<3<3 Oh my goodness. Cupping his large face and stroking his cheeks, leaving feather-light kisses all over his smooth metal cheeks and underbite, gently scraping your nails down his chest or any other smooth part of him and he SHUDDERS (I don't know how physical feeling works for him, especially since Scare was able to pop open his chest and enhance his heart without Tin feeling a thing but when Amy sliced it open it hurt him, but I don't care. It works. It is all in working order because I say so XD), curling your fingers between tangled springs and wires and hearing him gasp, kissing the side of his pointy nose, absentmindedly and gently sliding your finger along the dull side of each of his fingers, etc. Him stroking the dull side of his pointer fingers under your chin when he wants you to look up so he can see your pretty face, him being afraid to touch you or kiss you himself but asking you to touch/kiss him, him raising his hips or his leg (Or wherever you've deemed it safe to rub yourself) in an effort to make it feel better for you- aghhhhh XD I'm not okay XD
And- EXTENSIONS?? Omg yes he would absolutely do that for his S/O XD You wouldn't even have to ask man!! He'd anticipate it, once you two actually got together!! XDD But like, the thing thats getting me here?? SCARECROW IS THE ONE WHO'LL HAVE TO MAKE THOSE ADJUSTMENTS XDD
"I'm sorry, uh, old friend, let me just... let me see if I fully understand. You want to...? " "I want to make some necessary improvements to my body for the sake of my human love's pleasure. At night." "... uhuh. And that means?" "I would like to be fitted with the tool's a human man has, or something better, for- " *impatient with Tin's awkward pussy footing* "Are you asking me to attach a Dick to you, Tin Woodman!???" "... Yes. Will you do it?" "... Fine... For Science."
Yandere Tin Woodman!!!!!: Oooooookay. I'm struggling to gather my thoughts here XD To an extent, I think Woody is actually already kindof Yandere XD I mean, before Dorothy even shows her 'true colours' herself, he's doing some not-so-above-board things for her. Like forcing his people (The Winky's) to walk for days non stop to the Emerald palace to be her army. And then, when she seems displeased, letting Scarecrow do what he wants with them (He's shocked when he finds out WHAT Scare did with them, which was Frankenstein them of course (which killed a good portion of them before he got the procedure Right), but he was miraculously easy to convince that it was a good idea when Scare and Glinda said Dorothy would like it). As well as letting Scarecrow adjust Tin's own heart with magic For Dorothy. So... yeah, to an extent, Tin is already obsessed with getting her to like him. But if he was All The Way Yandere like you're thinking... oh boy.
There would be no getting away. Remember how he's got a whole army at his disposal?? And d u n g e o n s??? 👀 Yeah. He'd be like 'I know you don't love me yet, and it is painful my sunlit dandelion, but you will eventually. You'll fall for me, eventually'.
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS ASK!! Aghhhh, you're really enabling me here XD
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terraliensvent · 1 day
It's the first time for me posting here I wanted to share my thoughts on the Oil situation even if I might be late to the party lol... I'm scared to share things on these kind of blogs-
I believe that Xil is a dangerous person currently, especially because of their current tastes in OCS designs.
Persé they didn't do anything to get them called very serious names, people shouldn't jump to that conclusion immediately, but they should be reprehended for the things they posted and said.
Their actions are extremely harmful and recognized as harmful for minors. Especially because their influence can make said minors migrate to dangerous places out of pure curiosity and/or because a person with influence said "it's not that bad". No Xil.. that's bad, very bad. They should understand what kind of power as a moderator they have over people.
Latex is not sexual alone, Xil is correct.. but people will not look at the singular thing of an artwork or oc, but the context and the context of that SD is around BDSM gear at worst and Dominatrix/Dom kink at best.
(you don't buy/commission/look at OCS and art because of 1 singular thing everyone looks at the general context of the digital good. Both aesthetic, theme and context whise.)
Going to a more technical side of the situation:
BDSM, to my knowledge can be counted as "harmful and obscene" material, which can be reported to the authority. Of course it depends on the type and intensity but Xil might be found guilty to at least exposing kids to these kind of materials and can be possibly get at least a charge of misdemeanor or pay idk a 1000$ fee or something.
I'm not saying they will or should, but they should be mindful to what they share as it can be technically reported to the authorities.
Not only that but they can encourage others to take harmful actions on minors, such as showing more contents of that nature at best and actual enabling grooming at the very wrost from third party people out of their knowledge and control.
They can also encourage minors to do these kind of actions towards other minors which is illegal.
I'm not saying Xil will do so, but it can happen! We can't just brush it off because "eh there's the 1% of it happening" as adults it's our responsibility to not let things happen especially mods and staff or to brush it under the rug.
(this is according to my current knowledge, please don't take it as legal advice or anything to attack them do not harass anyone.)
I leave these sites in case someone wants to educate themselves on the matters, please do, as these things are very serious and dangerous. Protect yourself and know your rights especially you kids! The internet in dangerous and 2024 should be the wakeup call for how many are getting exposed for these kind of things.
More general things for minors here:
Going to Smile Demons.
Them not wishing/wanting for the species to be turned to a 18+ species can enable and create a very concerning and unsafe environment for minors.
Popularity online it's not an excuse to enable harmful and dangerous behavior as it's not only Xil the sole member part the terra/SD species. Xil should be more then aware as a moderator or staff member in general that third party people can have and will have bad intents!
Toyhouse does have people like that, never forget the reality of the world we live in, and on the internet everyone can be a monster under the sheep's clothing.
Never, never sacrifice who's most vulnerable safety's for your personal interest.
Smile Demons are quite visibly a species aimed for 18+ audiences.
Xil not wishing or suggest such change just because of frivolous reasons are very red flaggy behaviors and Xil should be quite ashamed of themselves ngl.
I give them the benefit of the doubt because Xil is 18 and they probably don't know any better yet. But 18 it's a serious age now and people will use it to judge how they behave. But I believe they can do better as anyone can, they aren't horrible for what they believe currently, their brain is still developing.
My final general thoughts:
Please, please PLEASE adults.. stop sharing things with minors. They are not developed enough to handle things, please find people your age. Don't vent to minors, don't share kinks with minors, don't expose them to harmful topics.
For minors, please don't engage in harmful behavior and do not migrate in dangerous places because of pure curiosity or because you think you're mature for your age. No you're not, stay in safe circles and educate yourselves on your country laws! Not only for personal knowledge but so you know the consequences and actions you must take if something happens. Also please stop sharing things between yourselves is illegal.
Stay safe everyone and God forbid people keep your preferences to yourselves smh.
I care to repeat though, to not harass anyone, spread knowledge yes but don't aggressively go to people with it or they will never learn or accept it.
If they refuse: report, block and move on.
I'm sorry blog owner, if this was a heavy topic but I wanted to let go of this thoughts of mine from the start i got knowledge of the situation.
links provided:
this is a very good post anon, and i agree with a lot of what youve said here
this isnt saying Xil is actively a groomer or targeting minors, thats a very serious claim to make with no evidence
BUT their talking points and insistence on ride or die-ing for smile demons (like other terra mods in the species do) has the potential to be dangerous!
based off the red flags we have already seen, i think xil should be demoted or fired. its better to take preventative measures rather than retroactively scratching your head and saying "what could we have done" in the event something ever DID happen.
thank you for the links as well anon, its really important for people to know that this isnt fun and games and you should not be dancing around what is and isnt ok to have around minors.
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I'm actually really angry about this ngl:
This is why I don't believe fandom advocacy (i.e. arguing on behalf of a fictional character) necessarily equates to an actual conscious understanding of the topics at hand. Soft-blocking my blog and then making a follow-up in your own space discussing whatever problems you had in my post is one thing. I can respect that.
Reblogging my content and then immediately blocking me so that I can't see it -keeping my content on your blog (while misinterpreting everything I said) and enabling the rampant anon hate to funnel into my blog is an entirely different matter. And now I can't see anything, or even understand the arguments being thrown my way. That is incredibly disgusting fandom behavior - more so considering that I was speaking to a specific crowd that makes those arguments. And EVEN MORE, because my post was NOT an admonishment of the Darkling.
I made multiple points about oppression within oppression - I gave multiple examples of the ways it works with the dynamic between revolutionary characters and their relationships with people within the race/group (specifically women of color v. men of color; revolutionary v minor). I came from a primarily misogynoir angle - as I am a black woman. But the points were central and could be applied to any in a similar situation. And for the REAL WORLD IMPLICATION of my point to be ignored in favor of the fantasy element of the story is very heartbreaking and annoying. And very, very frustrating.
How are only implying real-world morals when we need to justify or sympathize with him? Like - I've seen so many comparisions to racism with Darkling and then none of the actual real world implication of what that may look like in a character. Like - think about Hoteps who oppose white supremacy only because they cannot participate. Racism is an ideology. Think of white feminism and how its opposition to patriarchy stems from the fact they cannot participate. Think of the way DV and abuse happens in minority homes as a result of racism. I really implore people to read Notes of a Native Son by James Baldwin. It talks about the inheritance of plight and how these manifest negatively in the household and creates trauma. And how we can reconcile (if ever) the anger and oppression with our own personhood.
I gave the reason I didn't like the *specific angle* of constantly sanitizing the Darkling's action in regards to two things (1) the other Grisha and (2) the comparison to real world racism. I believe the argument can be made, but not sustained. Because the world building is not strong enough to support it. I said this AGAIN specifically because I said that the Darkling's actions tend to be dismissed in regards to other Grisha. And it was why I made allusions to characters like Magneto and Kilmonger. I don't give a shit was anti darkling arguments are - I didn't make those claims.
There are problems with the Darkling situation - yes. That was my point. With both the character and writing. But my problem with fantasy racism is that the real world implications only become relevant when discussing a character and then everything (1) in opposition to the character and (2) outside the *acceptable* real world implications is just..ignored. I made a whole post talking about the way oppressed revolutionary men oftentimes parrot or assume oppressive ideologies toward those beneath them (i.e. women of color and minors) and allllllll of that was ignored for the sake of an argument I DID NOT MAKE about the Darkling.
That is the tragedy of his character - and it is in some parts well written and other parts not. That is the point.
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weebsinstash · 9 months
"If you're so successful and happy why do you feel the need to do this"
I'll throw you a bone bestie
Because it's genuinely hilarious and cathartic
I don't feel the "need" to do it, I just think it's funny to dunk on people who suck in various ways. Like yourself. Like ngl when I stumbled across your blog at first, seeing how horrible and loserish of a person you were simultaneously disgusted me so much and made me laugh so much. If someone is a loser but a good person, you feel bad for them and want to leave them alone or even help them. If someone is a bad person but isn't a loser, you have nothing to cringe at or look down on them for since they're doing better than you. But being a loser AND a bad person is like, you're the funniest person ever to get a rise out of and also you set off a disgust response that makes people want to give you shit. People don't pity you for your loserish life because you're an asshole, so we view you as undeserving of pity. That's why people like you, i.e. loser + a bad person, get shit online. Look at boogie2988, Chris Chan, Yandere Dev etc. for other examples of people like you. You'd get along with Yandere dev btw he's also a creep who likes rape porn :)
You've given me SO many laughs over the past year after I was stressed from studying for a tough exam, a busy week at work or other things in my life. This whole experience has been nothing but positive for me tbh. Sounds weird but my life and mental health have actually gotten a lot better. I can be resilient now for people who need me to be strong for them without getting stressed myself and people appreciate that. I've helped people through tough times because my stress level is lower and I can be zen about things I normally wouldn't be
All of this is literally just entertaining. I'm not trying to do anything or fight for a cause. It's just funny and cathartic to me. Seeing everyone in your degenerate rape porn community get bent out of shape over ridiculous and hilarious spam like "bitch lasagna" and shitty photoshopped porn. Maybe I have a weird sense of humor or something but whoever told you people only troll others if they have miserable unsuccessful lonely lives lied to you to make you feel better. It's genuinely just fun especially for people like you who give big dramatic reactions to things most of the time. Like this whole calling the police thing over me "going to your house" and being so goddamned confident I'm about to get arrested 😂 this type of shit is why I continue and you constantly insulting me makes me want to do it more and also not feel bad about it because you deserve it. I can troll people who suck and it's guilt-free fun. Like trolling a child predator, you don't feel bad about it yknow, it's just funny. It's just for kicks.
You know whats actually so embarrassing
When I initially said the whole karma works in reverse for you, I was talking about being ditched by your family, and your hysterical ass thought I was talking about your assault. You misinterpreted what I even said and used it as your excuse to act like a histrionic freak for almost a full year
You have literally done nothing but prove my point that you are an objectively shit person, and anyone who would be friends with you is probably a subhuman enabler and also a compulsive liar much like yourself. You use your alleged assault to cry victim and use it to harass other people. You cry victim blaming but then spout blatant ableism, misogyny, transphobia, and racism more than once. You have typical White Woman Feminism, screaming and whining that you aren't a slut but calling everyone else whores for having kinks you don't like
You're sitting here further incriminating yourself, writing so many paragraphs I'm not even reading them all, spending hours and hours and hours. I'm at work making a living supporting my family and you're at home, on your phone, for hours. When do you even sleep lmao. Homie you literally lied pretending to be a teenager, you could lie about anything. Does writing fanfiction about having a partner help heal the wounds from knowing you did something stupid and got thrown away like a used tissue
It was something with a dog, wasn't it? I know your types. You need attention from literally wherever you can get it. That's why you don't even care if everyone is screaming at you, you just need acknowledgment. This is such stereotypical neglected child behavior and you're so bitter and angry you're barely even coherent
Go dye your hair blue and attend a republican rally since you share their politics. I'll at least have the peace knowing I've never been so obsessed with a complete stranger I have to obsessively keep checking if they've replied to me. That's shit MIDDLE SCHOOLERS DO, but oh no, you're allegedly so successful and intelligent 😂 so successful and intelligent you're acting like a QAnon 4channer for entertainment on Christmas. Hey guys the person who spent literally hours and hours on both Chrisrmas Eve and Christmas wants us to believe they have a partner. Who wants to call cap?
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belfrygargoyles · 8 months
ngl my take on the whole dni thing is that yeah to a point they're mostly useless. from using broad/undefinable terms ("general dni criteria" what is that "racists dni" most people who are racist do not self identify as racist, "women dni" define a woman for me, quickly. etc) to being useless at actually deterring the kinds of people you dont want interacting with you ("transmisogynists and terfs dni" if a terf wants to bother you about terf shit a dni isnt going to stop them, etc), by and large they're for appearance to signal to others the kind of bigot that you're not.
the one kind of place they do actually kind of work though. spheres that remain encapsulated microcosms of 2015 era tumblr microlabel identity politics. the places where, regardless of if you're a self identified transmed or a proud tucute, you wouldn't be caught dead interacting with someone on the "other side", because the second someone brings up "umm op made a post last year about xyz" you have to RACE to denounce any and all knowledge or interaction lest the people on "your side" put you on a list of "blogs unsafe for xyz" that you'll be arguing against anons about for months. if you're really unlucky, someone will make a callout about op and include you in it as an enabler and a bigot by association.
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atempause-art · 1 year
i follow u for all ur art and posts and that includes ur gay cryptids keep posting whatever the hell u want this is ur blog B)
enabling me to draw more of the same stupid stuff is a dangerous game ngl
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ciderlikethedrink · 2 years
re: your chip post i assume you got blocked by suckmydynamite/gl1tchygreml1n lol i got blocked too a while back actually i think shes got most of the old chip fandom blocked because we set the boundary that she wasnt welcome here AT ALL.
tl;dr - she is extremely problematic lol there is A LOT more shes done but the main shit is that shes a huge fucking dick who has a history of being transphobic, enbyphobic, anti-covid, anti-vax - you get the picture lol (she ran a blog called hail-parsec001 which was full of political shit, its long gone but i think its still on the wayback machine lol but beware theres a lot of transphobia on that blog) she says "shes changed" and "shes not like that anymore" when she really hasnt, one, shes friends with someone who doesnt even hide the fact theyre transphobic on twitter, and two, she enabled her friends to almost drive one of my other friends to suicide because xe literally called gremlin out 4 her bullshit (xe's okay now i think) - take that as you will anyone whos spoken up on this as a whole just ends up getting dogpiled by her friends
ughhhhh i hate talking about this shit now but more people need to know about her actions (im shaking as i type this) i used to be vocal abt this shit but nowadays ive just kept my mouth shut out of fear (which is why im on anon >__<)
yeah i lowkey stalked her blog because i am desperate for any chipspeech content & the whole "pedro is an entirely fanon character so i can call them he/him if i want" thing really rubbed me the wrong way. because in the conversation they have the cider, he uses they/them for pedro (& in other interactions but that's just the first one off the top of my head)
but honestly cidandy shit ravine is enough of a red flag. & yes i did get blocked lmao it was so funny. not to kinkshame (i am a little bit) but also the writing also sucked. i'm too morbidly curious for my own good ngl.
also i can't believe a 23 year old woman is mad at a 15 year old on tumblr for vague posting about her scat fic.
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ramu-ego · 2 years
mind sharing your other fandom favs then? you have me sort of curious if ego is tots ur type LMFAOA .. omg aftwr u-20 win ego was such a proud dad the face he made was honestly sort of emotional ..!!
NEVVER APOLOGIZE 4 WRITING ANOTHER FIC IDEA HEL i think with my pussy half the time and i read ANYTHINGGG as long as it’s dom!reader (can you tell i’m desperate ORR WHATT?) ngl your “pussy dragging on the keyboard” comment made my ass giggle for a full minute LMFOAO i’ll be using that as well thanks!
personally 4 me i never was really into nikko ASSS MUCHH.. but i can see the hype .. cant stop thinking how sweaty and greasy his forehead must be after those thick ass bangs though.!.!?!
WOAH our timezones r so different HELLPP.. by the time you said it was 6:40 am, it was at least night for me, polar opposites in a way sorta! godd you’re a chronic coffee drinker?? i’m more of a tea person myself but coffee does power through most things with ur day anyways, don’t overdose on it or something!! (unless u alrdy do LOL)
i’ve been doing great as ever, taking my time to relax before i’ve got to get back to that tiring education life again.. 🥲 your blogs has been a good way to pass the time though so a win win for me!! for the blue lock anime last week, episode 10 was surprisingly good considering i was scared shitless of animation budgeting and if they would butcher it, sometimes the cgi makes me giggle but hell i’m such a blue lock supporter that i just move on from all of the questionable moments with the animation!
i’m a sub watcher for all animes (which, i haven’t touched a lot of animes .. if you’re an avid anime watcher, any recs?)
for me, u-20 match was an INSANE ride for me, def my fav and i always reread it in a way, i think everything leading up to it like the 3v3 or 4v4 matches were great too, but u-20 match was hype like no other !! whiichhh brings me to my next point, i need to see more of hiori as his design was just too cute for me to pass up, just the hair and the eyes were so ?!? eye catching imo..
oh jeez and there was this one panel with this blue lock player with the most nicest hair but he just. NEVER APPEARED LMFAOO? i haven’t seen him ever since — don’t even think we got a name
ah jeez i’m SOOOO SORRY if my messages get a bit too long, I HATE JUST RESPONDING INSTEAD OF. CONTINUING A CONVERSATION (if this makes sense?) .. so i tend to ramble ^^’ don’t feel pressured to mirror the length though!! i’d be heading off to bed as i send this message in, so this is sort of my goodnight :P - 💌
-this will be a dead give a way to some of my very very old followers who've accidentally re found me after I achieved my last blog and took a long hiatus. I have very specific...qualities...to a lot of them that overlap...
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in order from top left to right; Kurono Yuichiro (Fire Force absolute love of my life and a near 1:1 character match to Ego honestly), Hanma Shuji (TokyoRev), Sir Nighteye (MHA), Asagiri Gen (Dr Stone), Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Ginoza Nobuchika (Psycho Pass) ...three out of the six are played by the same English VA so you could say I have a type 😂
To be fair my other categories for favs are literally all copy and print similar too. My "These are my babies I'm breastfeeding them and enabling them" favs are near identical copies in every anime I watch 😂 then the third less talked about group...the dreaded libra group 😒
ok but to gush a moment before forgetting the Ego during the U-20 match...that panel!!! Oh god that panel!!! Of him telling Isagi that what happened to him and his career didn't matter, that he was fine to be blacklisted from the sport he loved bc he assured all 22 of them had a career in soccer after this game, win or loose, OH GOD THAT PART. I will literally fist fight anyone at this point who wants to shit talk Ego and say he "doesn't care" bc that man was ready to throw away his livelihood for them to succeed on a world stage in the sport they love. Man's got protective dilf energy and I'm giving him a child this uterus is open for business rn
Niko is....Ok I'm blaming it on his VA actually (sorry I watch dubbed I just literally can't focus on subbed) and his English VA is a well known one but did a creepy high pitched voice with it and I mean I'm willingly fucking Ego like I'm advertising I'll kiss that weird man's ankles but Niko- Niko is just too fucking weird for me. But apparently the pussy wants to challenge that bc fuck me with a six plus page story over god damn nipples! Niko is still....too ugly for me RIP
My time zone is fucked at the butt end of everything so I am WAY use to being the last one up and last one to go to bed in every fandom I've ever been in 🤣 Learned that as a teen when literally no one was ever awake when I was RIP. But yes I'm a chronic coffee drinker I've always have been the bean it calls to me I must have it (given I don't drink enough to like NEED it or get a headache I just enjoy the taste but love tea too) Drank it thru my pregnancy and drank it breastfeeding no one's pulling the beautiful bean from my mouth. Love me a good tea though I won't deny good green, black and other teas hit different. Just no herbal shit stuff makes me wretch istg
Glad to hear I started this blog in good timing then! Ain't nothing like relaxing with some good pegging when you're trying to forget that book bullshit 💅 And honestly even though I picked up the manga right after like episode two (needed Ego I wasn't waiting lololol) I've been very happy with the animation cuz like the manga is illegally beautiful. Holy shit is the manga just so well done and the drawings are top tier throughout the entire thing (coming from tokyorev and jujutsu god I miss manga artists that don't just scribble on things like a coke addict) Questionable animation or not they keep slut drawing Ego's hands so damn fine and that man's watch I'll forgive any animation doozie long as my weird looking stick man looks fine as hell
I don't watch sub (I just can't take in the actual show and read plus I got a mad voice kink so....dubbed it is for me) But I've watch a fair share of anime. Don't really watch it for like...the sake of just watching anime (prefer western cartoons a little more) but I've watched some really good ones though. First on the list, Fire Force. I've single handedly convinced like two dozen people to watch this. It's my favorite of all time and will be tattooing the weird looking man in the collage on my body at some point bc of how much I love that series. Mob Psycho 100 is amazing as always for so many reasons and it has a bit of everything for everyone. The Case Study of Vanitas was better than it was aloud to be and I hate vampires. Dr. Stone fucking nerdy funny and entertaining. Psycho Pass is a good like murder mystery book. Sonny Boy and Space Dandy done by the same studio and will make you question your existence. Kekkaishi is old but still one of my favorites ever. And Blue Exoricst I wrote a 60+ chapter fan fic on it for a reason and its still going strong and written by a woman! Don't know about any of their sub versions but their stories and characters are so good they're worth it.
That entire block from the five round selection to the U-20 game was just- Fucking illegally good for a sports anime?? A sports anime for crying out loud?? Even the way they introduce so many new characters is so smooth and not even clunky and you genuinely take an interest in everyone even if you only see them for one game?? Hiori is cute...a little more feral than I expected when we first saw him being cute with Isagi and Nanase. But Hiori, Otoya, Karasu and Kurona haven't like wowed me yet. I'm invested but I'm still going real fucking soft on Yukimiya right now like. God. The eye thing. LET ME BABY YOU AND HAVE THAT SAD MAN. God he's gonna be so fucking pretty when he's animated I'm screaming already
Was that the panel of the dude with Gagamaru and Raichi? The one that's shown on the blue lock screen but we never have an actual manga cap of him?
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mushrooms-soup · 9 days
I love seeing u in my notes bc its like oh hell yes I'm being enabled snd getting a good grades in making posts 🙏 /pos
ngl this fucking JUMPSCARED me when i saw it djsnfksjfn you’re like one of my absolute favorite mcyt artists so it’s very !!!!!! to know that i am apparently getting such a good grade in tag screaming that you like, actively look forward to it?? extremely flattering
anyways you are literally always getting a good grade in making posts i am eating your entire blog with a spork
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alirasworlds · 2 years
Sooo I wrote a thing based on possibly there being sever missions for the YW, ik its not a thing that will happen but I can do that stuff in my fics sooooo. Season of the Haunted in my stuff is both longer and so much more PAINFUL to say the least. So! Have Crow comforting Alira after she was unable to complete her severance ^^
Alira looked so peaceful while asleep, Crow couldn’t help but notice when he saw she had fallen asleep before him.
She was curled up to his side, ear resting on his chest with her arms wrapped around him, with his own wrapped around her in return tightly.
He hoped she was dreaming peacefully, he had seen her slumped figure when the fireteam returned from her severance unsuccessfully. Shame and despair, akin to his own he had felt when he failed his own severance before, he could feel through the bond, even with her tightly trying to restrain it from bleeding through the bond that now tied the guardians’ lights to each other.
Even if she succeeded in hiding it from her fireteam, he saw right through it. He followed her when she sneaked off to a hidden and secluded part of HELM while Raven and Alex had gone to talk to Eris, footsteps quiet compared to her shaky attempts at stealth.
She had been shaking, trembling as he could see the tendrils of the nightmare haunting her, the shifting form itself all but breathing down her neck, taunting her for her failure when he caught up, sorrow, shame and disgust with herself all but restrained from bursting by a thin thread through the bond. 
Thankfully, Uldren saw fit to swiftly chase the nightmare away, Light flaring as the nightmare hissed in displeasure before vanishing away, even if both the memory and Crow knew it wasn’t for good.
Alira had tried to say she was fine, but with a cracking voice and shaking frame, him feeling her light twisting in shame that he was even seeing her like this, he knew she was lying.
Crow had then taken her helmet off for her without much preamble, an act he was shocked she allowed with only weak and feeble protesting, to see she had been crying under her helmet even with her swiftly trying to rub at her face and deny it even still.
Unlike when she had comforted him after his failed severance, he found he was decidedly lacking in words that would reach her as hers did him, having heard the barbs the nightmare had thrown at her through the comms link.
Words that while weren’t nearly as biting to him due to not being the recipient, he still felt the hateful bite, felt them sink into her like a dragons maw and set a deep, painful ache in her heart that he could feel. That nightmare knew what to say to tear any resolve and as much of her as it could asunder.
So, upon dropping her helmet(With her ghost swiftly dismissing it altogether outright) he comforted her as best he could, he drew her close and let her hide her face against his cloak. Whispering assurances he could muster that it was okay, that she’d be able to do it next time whilst she quietly cried and sobbed into his shoulder, clinging onto him as tightly as he held her close. 
Even with her restraining her emotions so they didn’t fully bleed through to everyone else, as physically close as he was to her at this point, he felt her light albut despairing, dimming and keening in sheer shame and disgust and sorrow, all blended together into a painful, soul rending agony settled in her heart, one he was swift to try to soothe and assure, forgoing restraint on his end to let his light try to soothe and calm her own. 
To hell if the others sensed it, felt it through the bond. If words wouldn’t reach her like they had him, maybe, just maybe, his own light would reach hers.
Alira was shaking, hands gripping at his back as he could feel the absolute confusion as to why he was trying to comfort her and saying without words through his light that it was okay, and her albut asking in return without meaning to.
For as forgiving as she was to him, he realized with barely restrained alarm she was genuinely unable to comprehend how her own mistakes could be forgiven. After all that she and her fireteam had done to save the galaxy, one wrong step, one mistake could send everything-
That only made him clutch her tighter to him, trying desperately to convey to her that she didn’t need to force herself to never make mistakes, to hold herself to an impossible standard. Her fireteam would be able to cover any mistakes she made, and….
If needed he would also be there to catch her if she fell. And next time she attempted a severance, both he and her friends would be there for her.
That seemed to just make her cry harder even if he could feel her light being soothed by his ‘words’, gripping onto him even tighter.
Even once calmed she refused to answer the pinging of her communicator, shame welling up in her again at the insistent ringing as she insisted to Orpheus (He knew her ghosts name was that, but with how rarely she said it, it was always a surprise when she did use it) with a begging tone for him to just deny the attempts at the others to contact her.
Crow ended up answering the communicator, assuring her worried friends she was fine, just….
Crow glanced at Alira, but she seemed distracted by her ghost and Glint doing their best to distract her with Fynch babbling on some sort of topic or another. Uldren’s memory floated close by, nodding to Crow as he endeavored to ensure Alira was distracted.
“She’s just…. You both can feel it, from her Light through the bond between us all, right?” Crow kept his voice low, low enough that hopefully she didn’t hear. “Her nightmare… it really messed with her.” Even now, he could still feel the faint, but distinct feeling of the shame, now tightly restrained again, but even so…
“I don’t think she’s in any state to attempt another severance, not soon anyway.” he admitted. “And… I don’t think it’d be wise for you to check in on her, not,” he sighs, struggling to find words to explain it. “Not right now, anyway. She feels like she’s disappointed you both, along with Cayde considering she thinks she let the nightmare get to her despite knowing you three would never say what it said.” 
He knew, just like with him to a degree, what the nightmare was spewing were likely thoughts she had kept deep on what she thought they would or perhaps even SHOULD have said to her regarding her actions in the prison of Elders. Thoughts she was ashamed were coming out now and couldn’t accept. Refused to acknowledge.
“Look, I’ll keep an eye on her until she’s ready, both to try again, and talk to you both.” Crow’s words felt fumbled, awkward considering she had been friends with the hunter and titan longer than she had been friends with him, but she really wasn’t in the best of states to talk to them. “She’s liable to get in her jumpship and flee cause she can’t face you two, let alone even Cayde as well, right now.”
He knew Alira that much at least, she was more prone to run from problems like this to get her bearings than charge at them like she often did the galaxy’s problems. At the very least, she was in no state to see them today and needed some space.
To his relief, the two hesitantly agreed to let him handle Alira for the moment, Raven citing the fact that, while by the time they got back to HELM Alira’s emotions were restrained, in the Leviathan…
Raven, at least, had felt the sharp whip-like crack of the emotions Alira’s nightmare had inflicted on her as if it were the exo’s own when Alira failed to succeed, the miasma of the Leviathan making it crack almost through the very air and not just between the bond. Alira’s near death silence after having profusely apologized despite the assurances that she was fine on the way back having not helped any.
And so, when she had timidly asked if she could stay with him for the night, not trusting the nightmare to not make a return to gloat while she attempted to sleep, he didn’t have the heart to say no.
Though he had offered to let her sleep on his bed while he took the chair, her vehement refusal had put that thought to rest despite the fact his bed was far from made with two people in mind. They had shared sleeping arrangements before, either on purpose or accidental such as after the bonfire so long ago, so it wasn’t wholly unfamiliar, but the circumstances were.
And so, with armor discarded for comfortable clothing, tears dried and the girl having long fallen asleep, Crow hoped she felt better in the morning, the thought making him cradle her closer.
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Ayo what’s up? I’m Luci! Nice to meet you! I’m a hobbyist writer! ✍️
I used to make original Genshin Impact themed memes on my HoYoLAB, which you can DM me about if you’d like. (It’s a long story)
I used to occasionally crosspost some of my memes here, but now this blog is basically an archive of fanfiction that I’ve written. because I am an enabler to my own problems :D
I take requests~! Requests are currently: Closed until further notice
🖋✒️Luci’s Masterlist🖋✒️
I do NOT do commissions! I’m not very confident in my writings, so I will under NO circumstances, EVER request money or compensation for fulfilling a request!
Things I WILL write for:
General fluff, crackfics because I thrive off of inane bullshit, yandere/dark themes, platonic relationships, SAGAU, isekai AU
Things I was NOT write for:
NSFW, smut, anything other than platonic or sibling relationships with minors, generally just anything overly lewd imma have to decline sorry :|
I have some tags you can use for navigation!
luci writes - My works(Ik shocking right)
luci shares - reblogs that pertain to fandoms I write for!
luci rambles - Aka my random thoughts that I decide to make the internet’s problem! :)
luci’s assorted shenanigans - reblogs & threads of things I enjoyed that do not necessarily pertain to the fandoms I write for! Honestly this one is just vauge. 😅
luci answers - requests and asks will be marked with this tag!
The Awesome Anons (& refugees🥺):
♣️ Anon
Section Anon
Yokai Girl Anon
Snake Anon🐍
Fruit Anon
Wine Aunt Anon🍷✨
Collective Consciousness Anon
MI-DOR1 Anon
Rapid Anon
Bones Anon (Def toootally not nicebonescomrade)
The Beloved Mutuals:
The ✨legendary✨ @nicebonescomrade
The ⭐️epic⭐️ @bamboowritess
The 🌟incredible🌟 @lovelyy-moraxx
The 💗amazing💗 @ddarker-dreams (Lock is my senpai ngl)(lock deadass brought me to tumblr)
The ☀️astounding☀️ @gi-zxt
The 👏outstanding👏 @iamfriedpotato
The 🫶delightful🫶 @yintsukareta
The 🥰HoYoHomie🥰 @dunno-why-im-here-either (YuYu my beloved<3)
The 🥳HoYoBro🥳 @unknownperson-is-not-known (U.P my bby <3)
The 🌀HoYoUser_🌀 @sectionmoment(User_ my luv <3)
The 👑HoYoQueen👑 @alvedrea (Queenie ily <3)
The ⚡️majestic⚡️ @mari-san-cant
The 🍀glorious🍀 @samarill
The 🧸adored🧸 @genshrineimpact
The 🍃inspiring🍃 @anemoarchonhoe
The 🥳talented🥳 @intothegenshinworld
The Sacred Taglist:
The ✨legendary✨ @nicebonescomrade
The ⭐️epic⭐️ @bamboowritess
The 💫wonderful💫 @numwoon44
The 🎉fantastical🎉 @eccedentesiast-sapphic
The 🎊excellent🎊 @nookiesposts
The 💠spectacular💠 @rizakari
The 🎈awesome🎈 @emperatris-rinaka
The ✏️illustrious✏️ @imaginewriting
The 🍀glorious🍀 @samarill
The 🧸adored🧸 @genshrineimpact
The Slightly Less Sacred Then Came The Dawn Taglist:
Hmm? More about me? Well aren’t you the curious one. Alright then, I suppose I’ll give you a teeeeeny bit of info about me. I’m 20 years old, autistic, and absolutely loathe having to socialize in public. That’s all you’re getting for now heheh~!
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jechristine · 2 years
I also feel like tumblr is low stakes coz no one has to worry about z seeing anything she might feel like she has to hide. Which is why i think instagram and twitter stans police each other when it comes to that (a lil too much sometimes) coz there's a possibility she might see it. In general I feel like all speculation is harmless so long as it doesn't get back to the people being speculated about. But also speculation doesn't change what the truth is which none of us can be certain about, outside looking in etc. Whatever, I'm trying to say is that its harmless so long as #they don't see it and those on the deep end don't treat it as a fact lol
I hear what you’re saying as Zendaya & Tom are human beings, and (with a few specific exceptions ngl) I don’t want to see any human being suffer.
That said, the ethics of fandom is something I think about from time to time, and i think I disagree with the implication that fans are responsible for celebrities’ feelings.
What follows is probably going to be controversial😬
As I see it, the “Zendaya” that I and you interact with is closer to a fictional character than to a person we know in real life. (If you want to get really philosophical, I’d say that we’re all characters to some extent.) It’s not a good or a bad thing; it just is. That’s how and why celebrity culture functions. The transformation from irl person to character—or maybe “avatar” is a better word—is what enables us to connect and engage with Zendaya or any famous person, and it’s also what she then commodifies to have her career and buy her houses…and pay for her private security so that we don’t overreach and threaten the real person’s safety. I’ve blogged about how she’s raised her profile to create her career, and she’s done that as everyone would by becoming a celebrity-avatar. We live in a sm age that’s extremely conducive to doing so but famous people have been at it for centuries.
I do think that process of fictionalization and commodification is probably tough on the psyche, and I’m not without sympathy. If I were Zendaya’s friend and knew she was lurking on social media, I’d ask her what the hell she was doing and tell her to get off and out of there ASAP. I’d tell her to have Scotty or whomever run her public accounts and to personally use WhatsApp or something else private to share photos and thoughts among family and friends. Tbh, I find Zendaya’s social media habits…curious. I know she’s less engaged than she’s been in years past. She probably still has fun with some engagement, and it’s probably very hard to resist interacting! At the same time, I assume she’s at least partly there because she wants fans to be nervous about what they post; she wants to control what they do to what she probably sees as her “Zendaya” avatar; essentially, she at least a bit wants fans to work for her. I completely understand why she would want all of that and I probably would, too, but at the same time I don’t think that kind of control is really fair either, especially since I’m pretty sure she’s not paying those big IG accounts or Twitter accounts to boost her image and help her sell her movie tickets, which they most definitely are, and I think she’s instead manipulating parasocial feelings, which is free to do and very lucrative.
This may sound cold-hearted, but that’s all to say that I’m not too much concerned with the real-life Zendaya and her feelings. Those are the responsibility of her, her loved ones, the professionals she’s hired, and perhaps her therapist. I’m not responsible for hers just as she’s not responsible for mine. I don’t owe her anything just as she doesn’t owe me anything. I wouldn’t be mean or spread hate because I’m not a sociopath and don’t want to put bad things into the world, and I wouldnt harass anyone at all. I also freely use “Zendaya” as a way to think and talk in my little corner and sometimes to have fun around trivial stuff. But at the end of the day I’m here for me and for the people I’m talking to, not for Zendaya Coleman.
If she is reading tumblr and would like to respond to this post I’m all ears, but then she would have completely changed the nature of our “relationship,” and I would probably never blog here again haha
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