#but it might be my favourite we've sent yet
arabela25 ยท 2 years
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Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2022 countdown: 7 days left!
Anos 70 - Nicolas Alves, Portugal ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡นย  ย  [x]
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luv-kakashi ยท 12 days
One of us is dead
chapter four | chapter six
chapter five - practise exam
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Fun facts about Akira: He has very light brown hair and hazel eyes. He looks up to his father a lot and is immensely grateful for everything his mom does to support their family. His father unfortunately passed away when he was young. He has an older brother He's also incredibly passionate about changing the shinobi world so that the future generation doesn't have to go through what he did. He kinda basically looks like Kenya from Erased hehe :) (Edit: Just realised he also looks like sakuta too lmao)
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Anyways on with the chapter!
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"Why is Shisui back at the academy? Isn't he chunin? Didn't he just serve in the war?"
"I heard that he was the only one from his team that came back?"
"I wonder if Itsuki has come back too."
"Well I heard that Shisui let Itsuki die on the front lines. I'm not surprised considering he's an Uchiha."
It had only been 5 minutes since I took my seat next to Akira, and the entire class managed to stuff the room with talks of a shinobi named Shisui Uchiha.
An Uchiha. We learned about the major shinobi clans in the Kirigakure academy. A clan known for their visual prowess allowing them to visualise chakra, mimic jutsus and induce a deep hypnosis more potent than any normal genjutsu.
In the Byakuya, we were given strict instructions to retreat if we made contact with a shinobi that the Byakuya considered to be 'blacklisted'. The name Shisui Uchiha made frequent appearances in the blacklisted books, his speed and deadly precision were legendary.
"Bakakira, who is this Shisui everyone seems to be so infatuated with?" I asked, poking his sleepy head.
"Oi will you stop that! Shisui was a classmate and a friend who graduated a few years earlier than us. He was promoted to chunin and just served in the war. Now stop bothering me." He whisper-yelled before resting his head in his arms.
"Quiet down class! Today we're having an exam to prepare you for graduation exam." Kisuke sensei said, causing groans to interrupt him. I zoned out from whatever he was saying as Akira leaned towards me.
"This is the 6th 'exam' we've had this week. I swear to Kami if it's another written test, I might just jump off the hokage stone faces and drag Kisuke sensei to the grave with me." Akira whispered to me, causing me to giggle โ€“ not so loudly- in front of the entire class.
"You find exams funny, now do you Y/N chan? Well, we'll see if you're laughing when it's your turn to spar." Kisuke sensei retorted, "Stay behind after class."
I sent a not-so sarcastic smile his way as Akira chuckled at me.
Just wait Akira, I'll get you soon.
Kisuke sensei continues with his lesson, explaining the values of taijutsu and the details of the exam.
"It's a taijutsu exam then. FYI everyone here is pretty mediocre apart from the kid at the front who no one talks to, Shisui and yours truly." Akira boasted, pointing his thumb at himself.
"I won't believe it until I see it Bakakira." I said just as the lunch bell rang, "Kisuke sensei talks too long, I'm sure we could have had 3 pairs spar by now."
"You haven't even had the worst of it. I've had him for the past three years." Akira groaned, "I'm heading to the bathroom then the tree, meet me there if you want."
"Okay, I'll see you there."
"Oh, and enjoy your scolding from sensei."
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After a ten-minute scolding from sensei about respect and patience, I finally started making my way to the tree; it was mine and Akira's favourite place out of the entire academy.
Jeez, he really talks for too long. No one gives two shits about respect and patience. Well, patience can perhaps get you somewhere in this shinobi world.
But respect is completely unheard of. It gets you nowhere, not when you're just used like a tool, discarded the moment you're no longer needed.
I hadn't even made it half way through the corridor before I slammed into something, more like someone and fell yet again on the cold hard ground.
I think Kami haunts this academy and loves to trip me up for fun. Or maybe I just have a natural affinity for floor.
"I'm sorry." I said, my face turning a bright red.
"Watch where you're going kid." A stoic voice snapped as a pair of onyx eyes glared down at me.
"I said I was sorry, jerk."
"What did you say?" He asked, raising his eyebrow. His eyes flooded with a deep red tone as he continued to stare down at me, looming many feet above my body.
The sharingan
I got up and dusted my legs and stared straight back at him. So, this must be the Shisui Uchiha everyone's talking about. And that must be his sharingan.
"You heard me. Do Uchiha's not know how to accept apologies?" I retorted as I turned my back on him. I started to make my way to the tree where I was supposed to meet Akira, but before I could a certain black-haired, onyx-eyed Uchiha tightly held my wrist, squeezing it hard and turning me to face him.
Start the water works now Y/N, Start them real quick. Can't let him suspect for even a second that I'm also a shinobi and not just a child in the academy.
"You're the one who bumped into me and now you're going to cry. Seriously? You're in the academy, training to become an elite shinobi, yet my grip has you on the verge of tears. The leaf doesn't need a cry-baby to protect them. Grow up or give up." He spat as he shoved my wrist and walked away.
Are all Uchiha rude bastards?
Lunch break sponsored by kirby itadori yuuji!
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"Alright, for the first part of the exam, I'm going to pair you up with one of your classmates and I want you to spar.
You know the rules, no weapons, no ninjutsu and avoid the groin. I can't believe I have to reiterate that.
The battle ends when one individual is unable to get back onto their feet. Understood?" sensei asked us as we all nodded in agreement before he looked back down at his clipboard.
"Great, Y/N Uzumaki and Katsumi Aikawa are up first." He said as the girl, Katsumi, and I stepped forward to the sparring spot.
"Are you two ready?" Kisuke sensei asked as we nodded in unison before starting our match, "BEGIN!"
Surely people expect a kunoichi from a shinobi clan to know some sort of taijutsu, so it must be okay for me to defend myself and even hop onto the offensive. They shouldn't suspect anything.
I charged towards Katsumi and we began throwing a barrage of jabs towards each other, all whist blocking the others hits. The longer the match went on, the more gasps filled the air. I noticed the Uchiha stare at the match in front of him, making me smirk right back at him
'Yeah, you watch Uchiha.'ย I said to myself as I finished off the match with a roundhouse kick, sending the poor girl to the floor.
I pounce on her back and hold two fingers near her neck as my other hand tightly pulls her left arm, pinning her to the floor.
"It looks like Y/N wins, that concludes this first match." Kisuke sensei applauded, as I made my way to Akira.
"Looks like the donkey has skills." Akira scoffed
"Haha you're funny" I said, rolling my eyes at his remark, "I'm not some helpless girl I'll have you know."
"I never said you were, donkey."
"Akira! Stop disrupting my lessons, in fact, you can go next! Your opponent is Shisui, now hurry up and get here!" Kisuke sensei barked, clearly annoyed at our little conversation.
"Well good luck, and do me a favour and knock the Uchiha off his high horse." I whispered
"Since when were you all fiesty about Shisui?"
"Ever since lunch. Stop asking and go fight him." I said, shooing him to the spot, "Good luck Bakakira."
Akira made his way to the spot and charged straight towards Shisui, going in for a kick which was soon blocked by Shisui. The entire class was captivated by the barrage of kicks and punches thrown by Akira, evident by the series of "woahs" and "wows" which followed every move.
But something was off about the match. More like something was off about Shisui.
He dodged and dived each of Akira's attacks lifelessly, swaying side to side with no vitality, refusing to even make contact with Akira. His eyes held the same, still, stoic look as he dodged each punch and kick.
A look I'm all too familiar with. A look that never disappeared from my face when I worked for The Byakuya.
A look that may look apathetic, cocky and inanimate at first, but after penetrating past its defences, you find yourself staring at a bottomless abyss which stares right back at you with one word plastered over its eyes.
Akira, being the idiot he is, grew increasingly impatient with the flow of the uneventful fight and attempted right hook at Shisui.
"Stop holding back and fight me coward! This isn't like you!" Akira yelled.
The next series of moves happened so quick; it had the entire class, including Kisuke sensei, in awe. Shisui ducked and avoided Akira hook, leaving Akira open. Shisui took this moment to kick straight at Akira's chest causing him to fly straight into our lunch tree.
"And the winner is Shisui. Akira, Shisui, come make the unison sign." Kisuke sensei asked as everyone cheered for him but me.
Akira made his way to Shisui and the two had a stare-down: one with his sharingan blaring the other refusing to blink. Before the stare-down could go any longer, Kisuke sensei interrupted them both.
"Now boys, we don't have all day."
Both boys raised their hands, the entire class expecting them to perform the unison sign but what came after was (to say the least) unexpected.
Akira and Shisui raised their fists, and not a second later, they punched each other right in the face. Noses bleeding, they stumbled back, each clutching their face in shock and pain. For a brief moment, they stood frozen, staring at one another with wide eyes, before Kiuske sensei interrupted.
"Shisui! Akira! What is the meaning of this? I thought the class honour students might be able to stick to the basic shinobi rules! Yet, the both of you can't even make the unison sign!" Kisuke sensei bellowed, "You two used to be so close, I thought that just maybe this would promote some healthy competition between you two."
"Bastard, why did you hold back?" Akira asked, disregarding everything Kisuke sensei just said as he yelled at Shisui.
"Whatever, I'm leaving right now. I have real chunin duties to do, I don't have the time to be playing around with children." Shisui said, before turning his back on the whole class and making his way out of the academy.
"Akira, stay behind. The rest of you are dismissed, now go!" Kisuke sensei said. I mouthed Akira a quick bye and took off with the rest of the class.
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Sigh. Was the only thing that came out of the Jonin's mouth as he leaned against his desk, looking at the young shinobi infront of him.
"Well, what was that all about?" He asked.
"Sorry Sensei. I didn't mean to lose my cool, but I'm sure you saw it too." Akira said, his head held between his hands, tugging at his hair in frustration
"I know."
"When he came back, he looked at me as if he didn't even know me. And that's not even the worst part. That isn't Shisui. That's not the brother I promised to protect this village with. His eyes looked so empty; it was like I was staring at nothing."
"This is the harsh reality of being a shinobi. We see and do things in the name of 'justice' but when in reality we just commit crimes to protect those in a mirage we call peace and stability." Sensei said ruffling Akira's hair, "But kid, your generation has the ability to stop these unwanted deaths and violence."
"I can't imagine what he must have seen to make him go from the humble goofy idiot we all knew to this lifeless stranger."
"Akira, you are going to go through many hardships as a shinobi and whatever's happened to Shisui may happen to you or your peers. But don't forget, shinobi are human too. I think Shisui is torn between his loyalty to being a shinobi and just being human, he's trying to lock away the very things that make him 'weak'. Talk to him, let him vent his emotions."
"Thank you, sensei. I'll bring back our Shisui." Akira smiled; determination painted across his face. He was sure to bring his brother back into the light.
.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- Looks like Y/N has some moves of her own! Just what could have possibly happened to Shisui for him to become so unrecognisable to Akira?
Sorry if Shisui seems OOC, there is an explanation! Stay tuned to find out in the next chapter! I have just finished editing Chapters 9-11 and they are long but I'm so excited for you, dearest reader, to read them!
Loving you always, Suri ๐ŸŽ€
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tewwor ยท 3 months
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๐Ÿง you know how long that'd take me to list out??? anyways, i'll limit the ones that have made me the most feral over the years โ€”
@huntershowl + litho : yall want to talk about slow burn? that moment where we both clapped and they mushed faces together will forever be ingrained in my brain. 4 entire years worth of waiting....
@hnjwn / @cordoliae + chanyeol : insane. they're insane! the sheer depth they somehow fumbled into is just.. outstanding tbh. even though they're both hibernating, i had to mention them
i'm personally only comfortable with romantic age gaps of around 10ish years. and, yes, i'll admit that does bleed into my characters a lot.
just before sexual foreplay + more. not that i really delve into that a lot anymore. but hey! if the stars align and the mood's right, then it still might happen.
with mutuals? no..... god no........ granted, chemistry is still a very big thing. not every random pair of muses will stick and that's okay! but if you have even an inkling of joy with a romantic ship between our muses, i'm almost always on the same exact boat. so please never, ever be afraid to voice that!
**please know that i probably missed a ton ( rip my work shocked brain ), but these are just the first ships i can think of where we've had in threads or yapped ooc!**
currently established:
@huntershowl / @icarusplunged + seph/litho & seph/jie/ricochet & seph/adal/lior & rusa/ricochet โ€” need i say more? the original marked dating sim hard launch tbh OHGAWOIGH anyways, doesn't matter how long either of us go on hiatus. one of us keeps crawling back
@miidnighters + bella/jie & hartley/cruor/iris โ€” the way both of them just stuck? it's amazing, jaw dropping, heart warming!!! every aspect of a robust, well rounded relationship can be hit in either, i love them both so, so much.
just starting ( and super excited for ):
@xinxiins + jie โ€” don't get me started on how many times my heart's ached already. there's such a cultural connection that guts me Every Time ๐Ÿ˜ญ
@chth0nia + cruor โ€” every time i think of them, i think of that crying dog pic you sent. exactly how i feel about them!!!!
@bloodykneestm + whoever you want lbr โ€” i've yet to write those starters for iggy and alastair but just you Waitโ€ฆโ€ฆ
@interxstitial + literally anyone โ€” like, okay yeah there's ravi sure ( i do love them though ), but if there's anyone else that piques your interest... you just let me know and i'll fedex express ship them over. i'll even cover the cost dw
@temporalobjects + botan/clarence/pildo & iwai + chanyeol : i don't think i've ever had a canon latch onto a ship so quickly before? and the fact that it's technically post canon and he's lumped with two sunshiny loveable dorks! then there's... yknow.. the other two that keep dancing around each other. shed many tears from angst and laughter over both ships, drawn at least 1 or 2 things for each โ™ก
@womanlives + mercy/jie & dez/clarence : my 'missing you' letter. i hope you know that those two ships have brought me such immense joy and tears at the same time. truly have a special place in my heart โ™กโ™กโ™ก
more like showing interest, i feel like? asking can be sooooo anxiety inducing ( i know it can be the same with just mentioning it ), but there's a very good chance i'm already jumping up and down in glee with the exact same thought so! just let me know!!
it's toned down a bit ( barely ) ever since i've been overtaken with how dear and important other types of connections are. but yeah, still love ships with all my heart
just let a clown know. yall know where to find me in my lil' clown corner. if you're more plot heavy, then hell yeah! we can chat up a storm! if you're more 'throw things at the wall and see what sticks' intensive, then hell yeah! i love punting these idiots out and see what happens in the weirdest ( or saddest ) situations. applies to both monogamous and polyamorous ships!
tagged by : i was tagged... in it so that counts right? ( thnkx @huntershowl muah muah )
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rowretro ยท 7 months
can you please write abt Chaeryeong having a crush on her friend who is a girl, not knowing that her friend is secretly in love with her too?
๐“œ๐“ธ๐“ป๐“ฎ ๐“ฝ๐“ฑ๐“ช๐“ท ๐“ฏ๐“ป๐“ฒ๐“ฎ๐“ท๐“ญ๐“ผ
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โœงwarnings: none that I know of but the reader is a female reader,
โsynopsis: Y/n had feelings for her dear friend Chaeryeong, and Chaeryeong had feelings for Y/n, yet the 2 had never told each other about their feelings...
Two very pretty girls, who are sweet and friendly. They're basically any boy's dream come true. Y/n however, didn't see Chaeryeong as just a friend. She fucking loves her. How could she not? that sweet comforting smile, her warm hugs that she gave you every single day, her playful teasing, her pretty eyes. She's a goddamn angel sent to earth on a Lilypad. But she could never tell her that.
She feared to take the risk of exposing her feelings because she doesn't want to lose her. They're such great friends, and she'd playfully flirt, and y/n loved it. What if, when she tells her how she really feels, Chaeryeong ices her? or maybe even shame her for having feelings?
"Yoi! what are you thinking about pretty girl?" She asked as Y/n flinched. "Should I paint my nails blue or pink?" she asked as Chae smiled "Pink... it makes you look cute!" She said with a smile. Y/n didn't just look cute in pink, she looked cute in anything. She could wear a potato sack and Chae will still find her cute.
Because she's been in love with her for longer than Y/n has ever been in love with anyone. In her eyes Y/n is a goddess and no other woman can top her beauty off. Only one person knew about Chae's feelings and it was Lia. Lia supported her all the way, encouraging her to make a move, take her out on a little friendly date that'd progress to a romantic date where they'd celebrate their 1 year aniversary.
"Y/n... please take these flowers and be my girlfriend..." A male asked as Chae frowned. It was the hallway hottie, the classroom's crush, fucking Lee Minho. She didn't even want to see the scene unfold, knowing you'd probably say yes. Chae walked out hastily, Lia following behind. "I'm sorry Minho... but I like someone else... I love her actually..." Y/n kindly declined.
"Chae, you may still have a chance I mean- you don't know- she might have rejected him..." Lia tried to comfort her as the girl sniffled "Lia who are we kidding?... she only sees me as a friend because that's all we've ever been... god Why didn't I shoot my shot? I fucking love Y/n!" She cried. Her cries almost immediately being interrupted by the feeling of two arms wrapping tightly around her waist.
"I'll let you two be-" Lia mumbled, walking out. "Why didn't you tell me?... I thought I made it obvious that I'm crazy over you!" Y/n said as Chaeryeong turned around, her arms wrapping around the girl as her lips planted a soft kiss on her forehead. Y/n blushed at the feel of her lips. "Well... Will you be free tonight pretty girl? I want to take you on a date!" Chaeryeong asked with a smile as Y/n smiled back "Yes! we can go to our favourite place~" She added as she linked arms with Chaeryeong, leaving the empty classroom.
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a-s-levynn ยท 8 months
Handwriting asks!! Don't mind me if I do~
12 / 30 / 38 ๐Ÿ˜—
It got long because of course it got long. Okay one page is my quote but it is one of my all time favourite ones but however long it may be, it pretty much explain why i love the Riyria books so much. It's not just witty bromance banter in a fantasy setting but there is also real substance there.
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transcript under thet cut
12. the first 5 words that come to your mind currents, passing, effigy, expance, sirocco
30. write something for the person who sent the ask Oh boy, what do i write? I'm not the best with words besides a few rare, sudden bursts of inspiration... So allow me to do a cheap-out and write you about how you and the moon became inseparable in my mind at this point. How, on nights like this, when the rain clouds are obscuring the moon, i'm not only missing the gentle light coming through the window anymore, but i have this unexplainable ache to see my friend whom is very much like the moonlight still. Your existance is undeniable, because your presence is felt so strongly, but i still mourn the fact that i can't hug you. I miss you my friend, even if we've yet to meet. <3
38. favorite quote(s) "I used to remember things... times and places, both good and bad. I would see something that reminded me of my past and wish i could go back. I wished i could be the way i used to be, even it it meant pain. Only i could never find my way around the wall. Do you know what i mean by the wall? [...] I tried to find a way to go on. I could see familiar traces of the path that was my life, but there was always the wall behind me. Do you know what I mean? First you try and climb, pretending it never happened, but it's too tall. Then you try to go around, thinking you can fix it, but it is too far. Then, in frustration, you beat on it with your hands, but it does nothing, so you tire and sit down and just stare at it. You stare because you can't bring yourself to walk away. Walking away means that you're giving up, abandoning them. There is no way back. There is only forward. It's impossible to imagine there's any reason to move ahead, but that isn't the real reason you give up. The real fear--the terror that keeps you rooted--is that you might be wrong."
Myron (Riyria Revelations, Heir of Novron)
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clubwnderland ยท 14 days
โ†ณ ๐‘ซ๐’Š๐’‚๐’“๐’š ๐‘ผ๐’‘๐’…๐’‚๐’•๐’† โ€” ๐‘ฑ๐’‚๐’๐’ˆ๐’Ž๐’Š เผ‰โ€งโ‚Š
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[ The recap of the last few months for Jangmi ]
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Have I ever told you how much I love swimming?
This weather has been so nice! Perfect for going to the pool and beach! I bought this super cute one piece and I honestly think I lived in it for a bit!
I've been doing some thinking, a lot of thinking. I want to live. I love the club, I love dancing, I love my friends and even though I love my life, I want to be able to do more! I've been thinking about going to those events, the make up ones, Miss Irene said I would be perfect for it and I'm going to try!
I also, maybe, have the chance to work with the circus a little bit more! They want me to do Busan and Daegu as well so I might do reply back to them and do that as it'll be a couple weeks of work but what an experience! The show went well, Jongin took lots of photos for me so I need to get another photo album~
I'm a little scared though... what if I mess up?
I want to travel, I want to explore! I've been working really well on my bravery, did you know? I still get scared but I went hiking all by myself and I got to the very top and that's a big achievement for me! My feet hurt so bad afterwards though... but I felt brave for doing that!
I've also been trying to teach Doom about social media and helping him use his phone more! It's been really funny! He's like an old man and a big baby all wrapped up in one but sometimes, he says things and I remember he's a God. He doesn't talk a lot about himself though, if I want to learn things, he gives silly answers BUT we've progressed to Jeon Jangmi! PROGRESS! Now, just need to teach him to drop the Jeon!
The other day, Alpha came over with my favourite flowers! I love when he thinks of me and brings me stuff, it makes me feel so loved and cared for. It's so silly but every time, I feel like a high school girl with a crush, kicking my feet and giggling but I think I'm getting better at hiding it?
What will the future hold for us?
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They sent me this really pretty dress and some pretty pink roses! It was so much fun! I loved it! See! I'm trying new things and being brave and doing so well!!
Thanks to doing the stuff with the circus, I've also added more to my routine for the club performances and I have so many people coming to watch me. Is it wrong that it makes me feel so good seeing them lose their minds over it? I really want to show Alpha but he doesn't really like coming to the club... Doom saw it though! I think...?
Why are men so confusing? Maybe it's because I have terrible experience with men... I don't understand them...
No, I haven't said anything to Alpha yet! I'm trying to be brave but every time... I just think it's safer not to! There's a difference between being brave and being silly! It's silly to think Alpha loves me like that, right? So silly!... Oh my God, that's right! I went to see a fortune teller the other day and she told me that my love life looks bleak! Ugh, last time I pay to get my fortune told when I visit Hongdae because that was so DEPRESSING! I told Jongin and he laughed at me! Meanie!
Whistler got taken to the vets the other day. I was really worried because he wasn't very active and normally he follows me but he was breathing a little funny and I nearly cried because he's my baby! He's okay though, while I try to keep the apartment cool, apparently the heat has been really bad so he's been getting too hot! I asked Jongin and Miss Irene if I can bring him with me for a little bit, just so I can keep an eye on him but... they don't think it's a good idea...
Maybe a sitter? But I don't want to leave him with just anyone...
Oh! We had this new guy come into the studio! He's here for a couple of months and is helping Jongin with this group he's working with. Aaron! I think he's from America... he's really sweet! Bright smile! He was showing me how he recently went to Thailand and ugh, I want to go! I wonder if Alpha will go with me!
He's probably busy with work... but I'll ask! I haven't travelled overseas before! Well... not... yeah...
I can't wait to see what happens next!
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First of all, don't I look adorable? Secondly! I found this really cute camera and have been taking so many polaroids with it! It's literally my new favourite toy right now!
Aaron has been helping me with my aerial hoops, he's stuck around a bit longer because it seems the group Jongin is working with... they are taking forever to master the choreography so the two of them have been getting them ready for their new performance but in his spare time!! I've managed to fix my spins which is super handy because I nearly messed up the other week and that was so embarrassing!
I really like journalling, it helps me work through my thoughts and it also means that I can take my little book out on dates to really cute cafes that I want to visit! I've been doing that a lot! Apparently, self love is really important and... I've been trying to treat myself better.
You know when I said that I wanted to live? Well, I booked myself a pamper day with nails and massage and facial, the works! I even went on a bus tour around the city with my camera and took lots of photos! I did one driving lesson... I called Alpha crying because I slammed on the brakes too hard, the guy yelled and it was a horrible experience... but I tried! That counts for something!
I took Doom hiking the other day! We went up the top of this popular trail and it was so nice! We watched the morning sun and everything waking up around us!! He then did his rift thing and we got back to the apartment really quickly hehe I tried to explain that sometimes it feels nice doing that but he was confused! I wonder if living the way I do is boring to a God who has lived thousands of years? There are so many more interesting people out there and yet, he puts up with me! Does he feel boredom? I don't want to ask him because he'll look at me with those eyes and I know he knows everything but I don't want him to know TOO MUCH!!
Tomorrow, I signed up for this pottery class! I want to see if Alpha will come! It'll be fun and I see videos of couples being all playful and stuff. I want that!
I'm happy though, I am. I have a good life, finally.
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georgieluz ยท 11 months
do you write any fan fictions? If so do you think you could give us a little overview of what youโ€™re currently working on? No pressure.
hello! thanks for the ask, i do indeed write fic! ofc i can give you an overview of what i'm working on atm :) i tried to not make this too long as it's just an overview, but feel free to ask me to expand on any of these! i do actually wanna talk more about my fic but i just never know if people wanna read posts about it or just wait until i upload the fic itself. do people want extracts? information about aus? character stuff? idk??? lemme know if you wanna know more, i'm chucking in a read more too bc it got a bit long
a hbo war f1 au. [working title: you're crashing, but you're no wave]. okay, so this is probably the biggest scale thing i'm working on atm. it's multi-chaptered and atm i've been writing it in an almost serialised format, since it's got quite a few narrative strands and numerous characters from both band of brothers and the pacific. i probably would have included some gen kill characters too, but i hadn't watched the show when i was planning and starting to write this, and i don't wanna add too much more into it, so i've stopped myself. i've written a lot for this one and i'm considering posting a few chapters soon. if you wanna know about any character's role in this one feel free to send me another ask because i'd love to talk about them more!! some are drivers (we've got rookies, seasoned drivers, eight-time world champions, the lot!!), some are behind the pit wall in management and engineering roles, some are retired drivers, etc etc. but yeah, it's andy haldane's final season before he plans to retire and let's just say the racing world has decided it's going to be the most chaotic yet! i'll drop some clues about what it entails: snafu and liebgott scrapping their way into weekly dnfs until one of them is kicked from the team. rookie driver eugene sledge having to deal with the consequences. webster somehow making it into his dream team with his dream teammate, yet, his focus remains on beating one person and one person alone. eddie jones is the very successful (and very hot) team principal of andy's rival team. hoosier is there being his usual self. leckie is the f1 journo who somehow knows everything about everyone and boy, the fans love it. we also have the much-loved fan favourite george luz and his race day engineer carwood lipton! retired-world-champion-now-team-principal dick winters and his ex-teammate boyfriend lewis nixon! and i also have a fair few OCs for this au, they aren't written romantically with any of the boys though, but i love them a lot! i might do a post about them later.
next up, is my k-company space pirates au! [working title: one way trigger (step inside the sun)] ok so it probably won't sound very piratey right now, but stick with me, ok? this is actually the one i'm enjoying writing the most right now. i've drafted all the chapters (6-8 depending on whether i cut this one incident or not) and i've written a lot for this too, so i'll probably be posting this one first. very basic synopsis: eddie jones is an expert in data retrieval. eddie jones is also on the run, and a very, very wanted man. maybe the most wanted fugitive in the galaxy. through an unfortunate twist of fate, romus burgin has been dragged along for the ride. andy haldane was a highly respected intergalactic officer, a captain loved by his men and the authorities above them alike. he also risked it all to aid in their escape. now, he's harbouring them both on his grandfather's old and battered ship, picking up a small ragtag team along the way. whilst they're trying to lay low, a distress call, with a code embedded into the message, is sent directly to the ship. one of the team recognises the code and realises it could only have come from one other person in the whole universe, someone asking for his help, someone he could never say no to. it's the worst time, possibly ever, for them to go on a rescue mission but somehow that's what they're doing.
then we have, an early 2000s battle of the bands au. this is mostly band of brothers, but a few people from one company in the pacific does have a role in the narrative, i'll leave that as a surprise though. basically, george luz enters his newly formed garage band into the campus annual battle of the bands competition, certain that they have a decent enough chance at winning. his bandmates disagree. especially after they see who they're up against. this is actually my other favourite to write at the moment! maybe even more so than the k-company space pirates one. it's a chaptered fic, but i'm trying to keep it contained and not super super long. i'm hoping to keep it at around 6-8 chapters max, but i have a bad habit of not sticking to my drafts, so we'll see. but yeah, i'm having a lot of fun with this and feel free to ask me about who the band members are and other roles that other characters will have!
call it fate, call it karma. aka, my 'eddie jones made it home from the war, but andy haldane did not' oneshot. i'm almost finished writing it, i just have a fair bit of editing to finish up.
the ballroom extravaganza. my winnix spy au! the intelligence officer to secret agent pipeline is too real and lew must suffer the consequences, i'm afraid! i've got this drafted and partially written as a two-shot but it's begging to be expanded on, so i've got it waiting in limbo right now, whilst i decide what i'm gonna do. someone make the decision for me please?
i have two male OCs that i've written for liebgott and nixon, if you wanna know more about them then i'm happy to talk about them and introduce them, but i'm not sure how much people would wanna know so i'll wait.
i have another OC based off a friend that i'm almost finished writing a thing for, i just have to change some things to fit the overall series better.
i also have a silly little thing that i wrote up bc i got depressed and hyperfixated on the tv show bondi rescue for the last two weeks resulting in me basically planning a whole bondi rescue lifeguard au for the pacific boys. i have no idea if anyone other than me would be into that so it'll probably stay in my scrivener files lmao
then i just have some vague gen kill things partially planned but they need a lot more work before they see the light of day lmao. but yes, they're all fucking bradnate. apart from the one bradnatemike thing that my brain begged me to consider, which i promptly gave in to right away.
anyway, sorry i know that was supposed to be an overview but it turned into a very long overview. oops.
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purplesurveys ยท 8 months
Were you awake before 9am today?ย  Not quite. I woke up a few minutes past 9. No work today, so I got to sleep in :)
Do you have an alarm clock, or just use your phone to set an alarm?ย  I use my phone, but I'll be the first to admit that my alarms won't even wake me up sometimes. 90% of the time I kind of just have to count on myself to wake myself up near the time that I have to.
Do you own any shirts with wording on them?ย  I may have a few but generally I'm not a fan of text on my clothes.
^ If so, what does your favourite one look like?ย  It's not a statement shirt per se but I like my Se So Neon band shirt, because it has their tour dates at the back and I've always wanted a band shirt that has all their stops printed out hehehe.
What beverage do you prefer to drink in the mornings?ย  I need my coffee always otherwise I'd get super out of focus.
Tell me what some of your nearest & dearest like to eat for breakfast.ย  My dad likes to have either tapa or dried fish...or both, he has a huge appetite. Eggs with runny yolks also a must for him. My mom likes sardines and grilled eggplant. My sister's easy to please and would already be happy with just a cheesy omelette.
I've rarely had breakfast with Angela but if I had to take an intelligent guess, I'd think she's the type to like a Western breakfast, so she might be into bacon and eggs.
What colour was the last car you travelled in?ย  White.
Have you added any books to your shelves lately?ย  Yes, Angela and Hans got me Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982 and The Midnight Library for Christmas. I haven't gotten started on either yet save for being around 20 pages in with the first book, but it's something I'm planning on getting to once I take my resignation breather.
Have you bought any new cosmetics or toiletries lately? Which?ย  I got BB cream and hair serum. The latter has been a fucking game changer and I can't believe it took me this long to start using one. I can almost hear my frizzy, thick hair whispering 'thank you' hahaha.
When was the last time you bought a new pair of shoes?ย  I got a pair of running shoes last December. I thought it would finally convince me to take up running but it hasn't done shit so far lmao. Maybe sometime this year.
^ What did they look like?ย  They're a pair of Adizeros with purple accents on them.
Do you own any sparkly accessories?ย  I love sparkly things, but no I don't have any.
Do your pets have a specific type of food that they prefer?ย  Not so much a food preference issue, but Cooper in particular needs to have the exact. same. dish. as the one we've fed him ever since taking him in. Can't change even one component of it or change the proportion of the ingredients, because otherwise his #2s get majorly affected.
When was the last time you ate one of your favourite foods for dinner?ย  I had pizza last night.
Whatโ€™s your favourite variety of apple?ย  I don't like apples.
Does anything you own have an image of a cat on it?ย  No.
Are you looking forward to anything within the next few days?ย  Not really. The next few things I'm excited for would be leaving the company, seeing Andi, and watching Miss Saigon on stage but all three things aren't happening until April.
How have you mostly been feeling today?ย  Relaxed. I haven't really felt this at ease since December. January was a big mental and emotional trainwreck, so I'm really grateful to have this feeling again. I spent the whole day just watching a Kdrama with my sister and playing a game on my phone, and sometimes such lazy days are just what you need.
Does anyone you know own a pocketwatch?ย  I don't think so.
Do you know what youโ€™re going to have for breakfast tomorrow?ย  Coffee and my leftover baked potato.
How did you meet the last person you sent a message to on social media? At a college rally. I was really just supposed to mind my own business that day but they were wearing a wrestling t-shirt and my social battery couldn't resist, lol.
When you woke up today, did you have unread messages on any social platform?ย  I woke up with a dead phone because apparently I let my phone play videos all night long haha, but yeah when I charged it back to life I had a few notifications.
Do you watch any costume dramas? How about medical dramas?ย  None from either genre.
Which of your physical features do you receive the most compliments about?ย  My dimple and eyelashes.
Look around the room and name 5 random items.ย  A lamp, a physical journal, a guitar pick, a reed diffuser, and a wireless microphone.
0 notes
respectable-username ยท 3 years
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๐Ÿ” Why You (Probably) Don't Need A VPN
A rant by a software engineer sick of VPN ads from her favourite YouTubers
Here are some legitimate reasons the average internet user might want to use a VPN:
To connect to their company's internal network
To bypass the Great Firewall of China (or other types of website blocks at country or organisation level)
To watch Netflix etc as if you were in another country
Here are absolutely rubbish reasons to use a VPN:
And today, I'll tell you why.
Hang on, won't a VPN stop hackers from stealing my passwords?
I mean, it does encrypt the web traffic coming from your device.
You know what else encrypts web traffic coming from your device? Your browser.
Yes, in the year 2021, pretty much all websites on the internet are accessed over HTTPS. The "S" stands for "secure", as in "your request will be securely encrypted". If your browser is using HTTPS, nobody can capture the data you're sending over the internet. More detail in the "I like too much detail" section at the bottom of this post.
It's very easy to check if you are using HTTPS by looking at your URL bar. In most browsers, it will have a lock on it if secure:
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(From top left to bottom right: Chrome on iOS, Safari on iOS, Chrome on Windows, Edge on Windows, Firefox on Windows, and Safari on Mac. Screenshots reflect the UI at the time this post was written. Oh gosh this has taken over 4 hours to write.)
But isn't moar encryption better? What if somebody breaks HTTPS?
For starters, nobody's breaking your HTTPS, and there isn't any benefit from double encrypting. This is because of the maths behind encryption/decryption!
Encryption works kinda like a lock and key, except the lock is maths and the key is a special number only known to the person allowed to unlock the information.
The important thing is, without the key, all the locked data looks like complete and utter garbage. Completely unusable. Barely distinguishable from random noise. There's absolutely no way to tell what the original data was.
The other important thing is that the key is nearly unguessable. As in, with current technology, will generally take more than the lifetime of the universe to guess by chance. And when technology gets faster, we just make the numbers bigger again until they're once again secure.
For any major website you use, they will use a strong encryption algorithm (ie lock) with big numbers so your keys will be strong enough to withstand an attack. This means your data is safe as long as that lock icon is in your URL bar.
A VPN will not make the existing garble any more garbled. The extra $10/month or whatever you're paying for does not buy you any extra protection.
If you want to know more about how encryption and HTTPS in particular work, see the "I like too much detail" section at the end of this post.
Something something viruses
How's a VPN going to stop viruses? It controls the path your internet traffic takes, not the content that gets sent down that path. I guess it could block some known virus-giving hosts? But if it's known to the VPN provider, it's probably also known to the built-in antivirus on your computer who can block it for you.
(Oh yeah, 3rd party antivirus is another thing that's not worth paying for these days. Microsoft's built-in Windows Defender is as good as the third party options, and something something Macs don't get viruses easily because of how they're architected.)
Honestly though, keep your software up to date, don't click on anything suspicious, don't open files from sources you don't trust, and you'll be right most of the time.
And keep your software up to date. Then update your software. Hey, did I mention keeping your stuff updated? Update! Now! It only takes a few minutes. Please update to the latest version of your software I'm begging you. It's the number 1 way to protect yourself from viruses and other malware. Most major software attacks could have been prevented if people just updated their damn software!
But my ISP is spying on me!
Ok, it is true that there are TWO bits of data that HTTPS can't and won't hide. Those are:
The source of a request (your IP)
What website that request is going to (the website's IP)
These are the bits of information that routers use to know where to send your data, so of course they can't be hidden as the data is moving across the internet. And people can see that information very easily if they want to.
Note: this will show which website you're going to, but not which page you're looking at, and not the content of that page. So it will show that you were on Tumblr, but will not show anyone that you're still reading SuperWhoLock content in 2021.
It's this source/destination information that VPNs hide, which is why they can be used to bypass website blocks and region locks.
By using a VPN, those sniffing traffic on your side of the VPN will just show you connecting to the VPN, not the actual website you want. That means you can read AO3 at work/school without your boss/teachers knowing (unless they look over your shoulder of course).
As for those sniffing on the websites end, including the website itself, they will see the VPN as the source of the connection, not you. So if you're in the US and using a VPN node in the UK, Netflix will see you as being in the UK and show you their British library rather than the American one.
If this is what you're using a VPN for and you think the price is fair, then by all means keep doing it! This is 100% what VPNs are good for.
HOWEVER, and this is a big "however", if it's your ISP you're trying to hide your internet traffic from, then you will want to think twice before using a VPN.
Let me put it this way. Without a VPN, your ISP knows every website you connect to and when. With a VPN, do you know who has that exact same information? The VPN provider. Sure, many claim to not keep logs, but do you really trust the people asking for you to send them all your data for a fee to not just turn around and sell your data on for a profit, or worse?
In effect, you're trading one snooper for another. One snooper is heavily regulated, in many jurisdictions must obey net neutrality, and is already getting a big fee from you regardless of where you browse. The other isn't. Again, it's all a matter of who you trust more.
For me personally, I trust my ISP more than a random VPN provider, if for no other reason than my ISP is an old enough company with enough inertia and incompetence that I don't think they could organise to sell my data even if they wanted to. And with the amount of money I'm paying them per month, they've only got everything to lose if they broke consumer trust by on-selling that data. So yeah, I trust my ISP more with my privacy than the random VPN company.
But my VPN comes with a password manager!
Password managers are great. I 100% recommend you use a password manager. If there's one thing you could do right now to improve your security (other than updating your software, speaking of, have you updated yet?), it's getting and using a password manager.
Password managers also come for free.
I'm currently using LastPass free, but am planning to switch after they did a bad capitalism and only let their free accounts access either laptop or mobile but not both now. I personally am planning to move to Bitwarden on friends' recommendation since it's not only free but open source and available across devices. I also have friends who use passbolt and enjoy it, which is also free and open source, but it's also a bit DIY to set up. Great if you like tinkering though! And there are probably many other options out there if you do a bit of googling.
So, yeah, please use a password manager, but don't pay for it unless you actually have use for the extra features.
No I really need to hide my internet activity from everybody for reasons
In this case, you're probably looking for TOR. TOR is basically untraceable. It's also a terrible user experience for the most part because of this, so I'd only recommend it if you need it, such as if you're trying to escape the Great Firewall. But please don't use it for Bad Crimes. I am not to be held liable for any crime committed using information learned from this post.
Further reading viewing
If you want to know more about why you don't need a VPN, see Tom Scott's amazing video on the subject. It's honestly a great intro for beginners.
I like too much detail
Ahhh, so you're the type of person who doesn't get turned off by long explanations I see. Well, here's a little more info on the stuff I oversimplified in the main post about encryption. Uhh, words get bigger and more jargony in this section.
So first oversimplification: the assumption that all web traffic is either HTTP or HTTPS. This isn't exactly true. There are many other application layer internet standards out there, such as ssh, ftp, websockets, and all the proprietary standards certain companies use for stuff such as streaming and video conferencing. Some of these are secure, using TLS or some other security algorithm under the hood, and some of them aren't.
But most of the web requests you care about are HTTP/HTTPS calls. As for the rest, if they come from a company of a decent size that hasn't been hacked off the face of the planet already, they're probably also secure. In other words, you don't need to worry about it.
Next, we've already said that encryption works as a lock and a key, where the lock is a maths formula and the key is a number. But how do we get that key to lock and unlock the data?
Well, to answer that, we first need to talk about the two different types of encryption: symmetric and asymmetric. Symmetric encryption such as AES uses the same key to both encrypt and decrypt data, whereas asymmetric encryption such as RSA uses a different key to encode and decode.
For the sake of my writing, we're going to call the person encrypting Alice, the person decrypting Bob, and the eavesdropper trying to break our communications Eve from now on. These are standard names in crypto FYI. Also, crypto is short for cryptography not cryptocurrencies. Get your Bitcoin and Etherium outta here!
Sorry if things start getting incoherent. I'm tired. It's after 1am now.
So first, how do we get the key from symmetric crypto? This is probably the easier place to start. Well, you need a number, any number of sufficient size, that both Alice and Bob know. There are many ways you could share this number. They could decide it when they meet in person. They could send it to each other using carrier pigeons. Or they could radio it via morse code. But those aren't convenient, and somebody could intercept the number and use it to read all their messages.
So what we use instead is a super clever algorithm called Diffie-Hellman, which uses maths and, in particular, the fact it's really hard to factor large numbers (probably NP Hard to be specific, but there's no actual proof of that). The Wikipedia page for this is surprisingly easy to read, so I'll just direct you there to read all about it because I've been writing for too long. This algorithm allows Alice and Bob to agree on a secret number, despite Eve being able to read everything they send each other.
Now Alice and Bob have this secret number key, they can talk in private. Alice puts her message and the key into the encryption algorithm and out pops what looks like a load of garbage. She can then send this garbage to Bob without worrying about Eve being able to read it. Bob can then put the garbage and the key into the decryption algorithm to undo the scrambling and get the original message out telling him where the good donuts are. Voila, they're done!
But how does Alice know that she's sending her message to Bob and not Eve? Eve could pretend to be Bob so that Alice does the Diffie-Hellman dance with her instead and sends her the secret location of the good donuts instead.
This is where asymmetric crypto comes in! This is the one with private and public keys, and the one that uses prime numbers.
I'm not 100% across the maths on this one TBH, but it has something to do with group theory. Anyway, just like Diffie-Hellman, it relies on the fact that prime factorisation is hard, and so it does some magic with semi-primes, ie numbers with only 2 prime factors other than 1. Google it if you want to know more. I kinda zoned out of this bit in my security courses. Maths hard
But the effect of that maths is easier to explain: things that are encoded with one of the keys can only be decoded with the other key. This means that one of those keys can be well-known to the public and the other is known only to the person it belongs to.
If Alice wants to send a message to Bob and just Bob, no Eve allowed, she can first look up Bob's public key and encrypt a beginning message with that. Once Bob receives the message, he can decrypt it with his private key and read the contents. Eve can't read the contents though because, even though she has Bob's public key, she doesn't know his private key.
This public key information is what the lock in your browser is all about BTW. It's saying that the website is legit based on the public key they provide.
So why do we need symmetric crypto when we have asymmetric crypto? Seems a lot less hassle to exchange keys with asymmetric crypto.
Well, it's because asymmetric crypto is slooooow. So, in TLS, the security algorithm that puts the "S" in "HTTPS", asymmetric RSA is used to establish the initial connection and figure out what symmetric key to use, and then the rest of the session uses AES symmetric encryption using the agreed secret key.
And there you have it! Crypto in slightly-less-short-but-still-high-enough-level-that-I-hope-you-understand.
Just realised how long this section is. Well, I did call it "too much detail" for a reason.
Now, next question is what exactly is and isn't encrypted using HTTPS.
Well, as I said earlier, it's basically just the source IP:port and the destination IP:port. In fact, this information is actually communicated on the logical layer below the application layer HTTPS is on, known as the transport layer. Again, as I said before, you can't really encrypt this unless you don't want your data to reach the place you want at all.
Also, DNS is unencrypted. A DNS request is a request that turns a domain name, such as tumblr.com, into an IP address, by asking a special server called a Domain Name Server where to find the website you're looking for. A DNS request is made before an HTTP(S) request. Anyone who can read your internet traffic can therefore tell you wanted to go to Tumblr.
But importantly, this only shows the domain name, not the full URL. The rest of the URL, the part after the third slash (the first two slashes being part of http://), is stuff that's interpreted by the server itself and so isn't needed during transport. Therefore, it encrypted and completely unreadable, just like all the content on your page.
I was going to show a Wireshark scan of a web request using HTTP and HTTPS to show you the difference, but this has taken long enough to write as it is, so sorry!
I could probably write more, but it's 1:30am and I'm sleepy. I hope you found some of this interesting and think twice before purchasing a VPN subscription. Again, there are legit good uses for a VPN, but they're not the ones primarily being advertised in VPN ads. It's the fact that VPN ads rely so heavily on false advertising that really grinds my gears and made me want to do this rant. It's especially bad when it comes from somebody I'd think of as technologically competent (naming no names here, but if you've worked in tech and still promote VPNs as a way to keep data safe... no). Feel free to ask questions if you want and hopefully I'll get around to answering any that I feel I know enough to answer.
Nighty night Tumblr. Please update your software. And use a (free) password manager. And enable two factor authentication on all your accounts. But mostly just update your software.
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notsuchacleverboyq ยท 3 years
This Scene Confuses Me
Since I was a child, my family enjoyed watching 007 movies (even if they used to stick more to the vintage versions of it).
So, I've never been new to this fandom nor to the general plot and everything that comes with it.
After becoming a fan on my own, my favourite 007 movies absolutely turned out to be Skyfall and Spectre.
More Skyfall, to be honest.
I was eight when it first came out, but I started questioning details (and getting obsessed over characters) only after nine years.
And it is my ability to overthinking that caused this shitty and useless post.
There are plenty of details that are worth a debate and I think that 90% of those are just how bloody lucky (and unlucky at the same time) Bond can be.
But today we'll be discussing about a specific scene, which involves Silva and 007.
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What the hell is going on?!
This scene confuses me every time because I don't know what I'm supposed to get from all of the details in here.
The way Silva touches Bond, the way 007 reacts, their chat...the whole just doesn't make any sense to me.
1) Silva
Obviously, my queer brain jumped to conclusions: Silva is gay.
He does give off gay vibes, but it just seems random for a character like him to put up such a scene just for pleasure.
There must be something else.
This is the point in which I got lost under a comment section of another YouTube video.
I found out that there are three kinds of people:
Silva is gay;
Silva is trying to make Bond uncomfortable;
Both at the same time.
We've already clarified that we can agree on number 1.
What about number 2?
He has tied up Bond to a chair, he's basically undressing him and touching him in way too intimate spots, he's listing any of Bond's bad results from MI6 tests...
I think it might make sense for Silva to be doing anything he can to make 007 uncomfortable.
In that comment section, indeed, the most popular explanation was Silva hitting several weak spots at the same time, in order to open Bond like a can of tuna and leave him helpless.
Here are the things Silva tries:
He ties Bond to a chair: it's a detail that is so common in these movies that people don't even consider it. It is necessary for Silva to tie Bond, in order to prevent him from escaping; but when Silva unties him it is clear that he isn't worried about 007 at all. They're on a damn island where the only people are Silva and his men: it would be stupid to even try something on your own. It also was Silva's plan to be captured by MI6, since the beginning. Which leads to an only possible conclusion: 80% of the reasons why Bond was tied up was just to get him annoyed by it. It also connects to the following points;
Silva touching him: this is the part that made all of that confusing to my eyes. Being a former MI6 agent himself, Silva knows how double-0s work, think and act. That's they key of the whole scene. So he knew how 007 could have played it cool in any possible situation and that's why he tied him up. Double-0s can fake complicity even in the most horrible scenarios, but what if it is happening and they could do nothing about it? This was Silva's strategy: getting Bond in the position in which he can't switch from being a victim to being accomplice of it. Silva started running his fingers over 007's skin and scars, stopping on the weakest spots (such as the throat);
Silva attacking Bond's identity: it connects to point 2. This the moment in which Silva gets flirty, since I don't have a better way to call it. Someone's sexuality is part of their identity, so Silva attempts to overstep Bond's boundaries by violating both: his touch is intimate and gentle, despite the situation, his voice is soft and the gaze is too dary. But 007 quickly makes clear how he has no problem with all of that and how it isn't his "first time";
Silva attacks Bond's patriotism and loyalty to M: we well know how Silva has completely lost trust in M and it seems that, for a moment, he's trying to get Bond on his side. In my opinion, that's not completely true. At first impact, it's easy to miss it, but Silva attempts to get all of Bond's beliefs to falter. He firstly tries with M: he tells 007 about how disloyal and unfair the woman can be, reproaching him even how she has sent him on missions even after he failed all of the tests; then, Silva tries with England: he tells Bond about how the Country he still defends and believes in is already dead, fallen, and how useless it is to save it. Nothing of this works and it's misunderstood as an attempt to get 007 on the evil side, since Silva's lost trust both in England and M;
Sรฉvรฉrine: after all of the above didn't work, Silva is left with only one thing. We know know that Bond seduces Sรฉvรฉrine in Skyfall and then Silva finds out; so, he decides to put up a sadistic game to get rid of her and punish 007 at the same time. All of Silva hopes is that Bond got affectionate to the woman and he suffers as a result of the game. Eventually, Silva has to shoot Sรฉvรฉrine himself and Bond reacts as if he couldn't have cared less.
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In conclusion, we can agree to point 2 as well.
So, yes: Silva might be gay and trying to make Bond uncomfortable at the same time.
Yet the most confusing part still needs to be discussed.
2) "What Makes You Think This Is My First Time?"
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I have several questions, but the first is: what the hell does that mean?
He has already been in such a situation;
He has already slept with a man;
Let's consider the quote Silva's just said before James':
How you're trying to remember your training now.
What's the regulation to cover this?
Well, first time for everything. Yes?
Considering that Silva is trying to discard Bond's sanity, I guessed that he alludes to rape when he asks 007 what his training can do for that situation.
Double-0s are prepared to face anything and get out of it almost as nothing has happened. This might explain Silva's reference to the training.
Bond's reply suggests that he had already gone through that and could do it again if circumstances required it.
It all connects to Silva trying to make 007 uncomfortable through homosexuality.
It wouldn't be new that Bond, due to his job, has needed to seduce a man. We could expect such.
So he might fly over Silva's gender and sex.
I'm still really confused over this point and don't know what to think. But James being a rape survivor is somehow an underrated Headcanon and probable, considering his job.
If someone has different ideas and explanations they're all well accepted. Maybe we can end up to a conclusion that makes sense.
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sparrowmoth ยท 3 years
"that's a blorbo from daggery's shows" PLSSS DKFJLDKJF that IS and i am very fond!! and that reminds me, i would spiderman point back to you and be like "that's a beloved blorbo from sparrow's game" but i saw your pinned friend id post when i sent you that ask the other day so i downloaded twst, i hadn't known there was an app for it!!! i havent started it yet but im going to soon so the blorbos from your game just might are about to be the blorbos from My Game As Well? >:)
@daggery hehehe <3<3 I am fond of your blorbos though I have not seen the show (one of these days I will watch it though and then I will start tagging these things blorbo from OUR shows jdksajgksdjkg)
now now as for the blorbos from my (OUR?) game !!!!! THIS MAKES ME VERY HAPPY ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ I saw this ask and I got very excited and messaged Sofia @moorsgrimhilde like "WE GOT ANOTHER ONE" JKDSAJGKSDG ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ we are both very excited 'cause we've been living in a little fandom bubble of two the past several months, but yeah they just released TWST in English this month and I could not be more thrilled about it being so much easier for frens to join and play now because it's so much fun and I want to share the blorbos with everyone. The blorbos are getting an anime at some point in the near future which is even more exciting and I'm not ever going to stop talking about it because have you SEEN my sons and their rainbow world of villainous virtues, they're just so *fist clench*
all that to say jdkajgksjdkg........ I hope you enjoy the game!! And the story!! Especially the story because that's the MOST important thing. There's only two officially translated chapters out rn and chap two is my least favourite but anyway jdkasjkgsdg chapter one is great!! You are gonna meet goldfishie in wonderland. He is a good. <3<3
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bloededhoine ยท 4 years
world building cause twn doesn't part 7: the first northern war
this is actually the part that made me want to start this series! but a wise idiot told me that none of it would make any sense without a bit of exposition. well, 6 parts later, let's go!
colour code cause i fucking love colour codes - already happened/introduced, probably s2, important background info, stuff that might be in the prequel, extras
this war takes place entirely in ciri's timeline in twn, which is actually one of the most logical thing the showrunner's did
basically, nilfgaard is BIG into expanding and conquering new territories, cause sapkowski was actually kind of a comrade
in 1263, emhyr var emreis, the emperor of nilfgaard, turned his focus north, to the lovely kingdom of cintra. since nilfgaard already controlled all areas south of cintra, it was not at all difficult for them to get there
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you probably remember this angular looking gentleman as cahir mawr dyffryn aep ceallach, a nilfgaardian vicovarian officer. he is SUPER important for twn, so here's what you need to know:
cahir's family is incredibly well established, even though they aren't "real" nilfgaardians. cahir's great aunt is even one of emhyr's favourite mages.
he is also a Lot younger than the show made him, like i think he's maybe 18, but he could be as young as 16. this is a literal child, but a very smart child, so emhyr tasked him specifically with capturing the cintrian princess, cirilla, and bringing her back to nilfgaard
invasion of cintra
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the red line on the left is the nilfgaardian army's path from alba to the marnadal stairs, the only pass from the south to cintra. they were led by menno coehoorn, but we don't see him in twn (yet! he is super important for a ton of major battles).
the cintran army, led by queen calanthe and her bisexual trophy husband eist tuirseach, was waiting for them at the red star on the map on the right. unfortunately, eist was shot through the eye and killed, only a small group of survivors were able to escape
this group, including calanthe herself, were able to make it back to the capital (shown by the red line on the right) and warn the others that nilfgaard was coming
but, since calanthe had sent all her soldiers to the marnadal pass, there was no one left to defend the city and basically everyone was either killed or imprisoned, with queen calanthe committing suicide
pro tip: if a woman in the witcher makes a big mistake, such as leaving your capital entirely open to attack, and then commits suicide after having an emotional moment with her chosen daughter, something big is about to happen
BUT... princess cirilla fiona elen riannon, lion cub of cintra, heiress to inis ard skellig and inis an skellig, carrier of the hen ichaer, and all around badass, managed to escape with a small escort *whoah!*
by some weird coincidence (or destiny??), this escort ran right into cahir and his group. a scuffle ensued, with the only survivors being cahir and ciri
now, cahir's plan was already a little off the rails, so he just grabbed a terrified and screeching ciri and started running. lucky for him, she fainted pretty quickly
cahir disguised himself and (still unconscious) ciri with mud and shit and tried to join a refugee group, but he felt that this was too risky and decided to take ciri and book it (again)
when ciri woke up, cahir tried to calm her down, but since they didn't speak the same language this was pretty unsuccessful. like, imagine being 10 year old child and waking up covered in dirt with some random slightly-older-child speaking gibberish.
eventually, they both fell asleep, but ciri was able to run while cahir was sleeping. cahir moped back to nilfgaard, and was imprisoned for a year due to his spectacular performance.
obviously, this is very different from the show, but i need everyone to know how perfect my SON is
obviously, cintra was a massive victory for emhyr (aside from the missing heir to the kingdom he conquered).
next, coehoorn and his armies marched (red line) to upper sodden (red star) and had another huge victory. they were planning on conquering lower sodden (for some reason it's geographically north of upper sodden?), and therefore all areas south of the yaruga
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BUT... temeria, redania, kaedwen, aedirn and a shit ton of other allies, including 22 mages, were ready to fight at sodden hill (blue star)
of the people we've met in the witcher, a huge chunk of them were at sodden. seriously. yennefer, triss, vilgefortz, foltest, sabrina, tissaia, yarpen zigrin, and crach an craite were all fighting for the north
despite nilfgaard's huge winning streak, manpower, money, and superior weaponry, the north won both the battle and the war
emhyr was not happy. at all. he didn't throw menno coehoorn in prison, but he did put him in time out in cintra
this also gave emhyr a pretty hefty vengeance against mages, especially yennefer, triss, sabrina, philippa, and enid.
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keith-claes ยท 3 years
Again my writing skills airnt that great this will possibly be more than one chapter too depending how well it does.
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(Girl from the future)
*Chapter 1*
One week before Katarina started work at Ministry of Magic with Maria, Katarina walks around her family gardens alone wanting alittle time to her self, once she starts her new job she wasnt going to be at home that often and wanted to visit some of her favourite hang outs, before checking her veggie garden she took a trip to her favourite tree she likes to climb, she walks over and spots something or someone passed out up in the tree.
Katarina: "is that a girl? She doesnt seem to be moving, I better check if shes okay"
She runs over to the tree as she climbs up, shes gets a good look of her, she appeared to be breathing still which was a good sign, she takes her hand as she checks her over, she looked awfully familiar to her, she has the same blond hair as her brother, so she wondered if perhaps this is a relative of Keith's possible cousin maybe that's why shes at the Claes mansion.
Katarina: "hey are you okay, you shouldn't sleep here, you might fall"
The girl slowly opens her blue eyes same shade of blue as Katarina's, luckily she was sat up in the tree, she places he hand behind her head as she winces out in pain"
Katarina: "hey are you okay"
???: "my head hurts... where am I, last I remember I was kidnapped and dark magic was casted on me by one of my uncles"
Katarina: "dark magic?, where are you from?, maybe I can help what's your name?"
Alice: " my name its Alice Claes, but um its werid now I look at you cause you look alot like my mom"
Katarina: "Claes? I never meet you before, oh you must be one of my cousins.... wait I look like your mom?"
Alice: "yeah my mom is Katarina Claes"
Katarina: "oh my name is katarina claes too, that's pretty cool"
Alice: "that can't be right... if your Katarina and you look like my mom..... what year is this?"
Katarina: "2021?"
Alice: "Wait what! But how, it can't be unless..... I was sent back to the past.... which means...."
Her body starts to tremble with fear, katarina holds onto her stopping her from falling.
Katarina: "time travel! Wait I think I studied about that in class, theres black magic that can send someone to the past or future, if that's the case then...."
Alice: "I have to go back home, I can't say anymore with out changeing the future I've said enough"
Katarina: "from what you said does that mean your my future daughter!"
Katarina wasnt expecting this, she was in shock, but remained strong for Alice who was scared, thoughts ran threw her head, if this really is her future daughter then who is her father and who sent her to the past like this, was this part of her future doom flags. Was someone going to target her threw her future child.
Alice remained silent not wanting to talk anymore about where she came from, one wrong word or move she makes could change the future.
A voice calls out to Katarina taking her away from her thoughts it had also pulled Alice away from her thoughts too. They both looked down the tree and see Keith calling.
Keith: "hey sister we've all been looking for you, Anne has tea and sweets prepared"
Alice: "I know him to he looks alot like someone I know...."
Katarina places her hand on her shoulder.
Katarina: "why don't you join us, are you able to climb down?"
Alice: "I don't have much of a choice do I?"
Katarina: "nope, your eatting sweets with me and Keith, I guess that would be your uncle Keith right"
She teases her as she Pat's her shoulder.
Alice: "I can't say anymore, I've gave too much away already telling you your my mom"
Katarina: "wait so he might not be your uncle?, hmmmm well I will stop asking, let's go down shall we?"
Alice nods and gives her a sweet smile, she follows Katarina down the tree, Keith watches both girls coming down but was curious who this other girl is.
Katarina: "wow you really can climb trees"
Alice: "yeah my mom taught me, through my father doesn't like me doing it he thinks it's to dangerous so I get into trouble alot.... hes pretty stricken and to over protective of me"
Katarina: "sounds alot like someone I know, my mom scolds me too for climbing trees"
She giggles as Keith runs over to her.
Keith: "sister dont tell me you've seduced another one!"
Katarina: "oh no it's nothing like that Keith! Shes lost right Alice"
Alice: "yeah...."
Katarina: "hey you know, now that I look at you both you guys could be twins"
She couldn't help but laugh at there reactions as Keith and Alice look at each as there faces flush red.
Keith: "sister what are you talking about, I dont have a twin, we look nothing alike either"
Katarina: "oh that's right Keith, this is Alice Claes, shes been sent from the future and she needs help to get back home, isn't she so adorable!"
Keith: "wait what.....future! Is that really possible, I didn't think time travel was possible"
Katarina: "yeah, someone casted dark magic on her and she ended up here, oh shes also my future daughter, how cool is that Keith!"
Keith: "wait did you say daughter? Shes your future daughter?"
Alice remains silent not wanting to interrupt them. As Keith looks at her.
Keith: "if that's true then how do we send her back to her own timeline, and who's her father?"
Katarina: "who knows she won't tell me, something about changing the future?"
Alice: "if I say anything about the future it may change things..... as for who my father is, I thought maybe you might of worked that out by now based on who I resemble most"
Katarina: "hold on not twins you guys ain't twins, woah hold up, for real! I know who it is, it has to be you keith! She has my eyes, and she's clearly resembles you in looks and same hair colour too!"
Keith's faces flush red as she points at him.
Keith: "wait what!"
Alice nods as they both look at her.
Alice: "yeah he's my father, I cant say anything else about the future, enough has come out as it is, I may of damaged the future enough as it is coming face to face with you both...... I just want to go home to my mom and dad"
She clings to Keith as she cries into his chest, Keith really didnt know what to do at this point, he was shocked, but yet happy too, hearing he will one day win Katarina's heart.
Keith: "dddddd daughter, I have a daughter with........"
Katarina: "I'm shocked, Keith! I know you confessed lately but this, I never expected"
Keith: "I think we should talk about this later sister, shes really clinging onto me in tears, we should do something"
Katarina: "I know what to do!"
She goes over placing her hands on her shoulder .
Katarina: "hey, it's going to be okay, let's eat some sweets then we can go and see a friend of mine, he knows alot about dark magic, maybe he will, know how to send you home"
Alice: "uncle Raphael and uncle Sora?"
Katarina: "yeah, through maybe you shouldn't call them uncle when we see them"
Alice: "yeah your right, I don't want to mess anything up, dad will be super annoyed with me if I mess the future up, I call all my mom's friends aunt and uncle, it's a habit I have, I will try and not say it if I see them"
She let's go of Keith as she wipes her tears.
Keith: "makes sense I'd be annoyed if you messed up the future, what's been said today stays between us three for now, lord and madam can't know about this either, for now we tell them your a guest staying for a few days till we can find away to get you home"
Katarina: "oh man, wish I could tell everyone I have a really cute furure daughter"
Keith: "no sister, bad idea if Geordo and the others find out, don't you think they'd end up hurt? That could most definitely change the future, they can not know about her"
Alice: "he's right, they can't know, if they ask just tell them I'm a distant cousin, its okay to tell sora and Raphael, the rest is to stay between us, through I'm finding it real hard to call you both by your names, I mean your both going to be my parents one day"
Katarina: "hm then why dont you just call us what ever makes you feel comfortable, but only when where alone? I don't mind if you call me mom"
Keith: "Sister!"
His face turns red with embrassment from hearing her say that,this was all a shock to him still, he never expected to run into his future daughter and here's Katarina acting all normal with this situation.
Alice: "sure if you don't mind me calling you mom"
Alice smiles at her, causing Katarina's heart to flutter she has that same cute innocent smile as Keith did as a child.
Katarina: "your so cute! Hey how old are you"
Alice: "I just turned 15, so um i dont want to sound rude but, I'm getting pretty hungry"
Katarina: "yeah me too, hey Keith or should I say dad"
She nudges him in his side with her elbow as she teases him.
Keith: "hey! Sister don't call me that, its embrassing!"
Katarina and Alice both giggle at his reaction.
Alice: "he hasn't changed a bit, he even calls you big sis still"
Katarina: "what for real?"
Alice: "yeah, I asked him about it once and he said it's a bad habbit of his"
Keith: "you really are from the future huh? Which means you weren't making it all up, your really my daughter?"
Alice: "sure am, I have two younger twin brothers and another sibling on the way, you will have your hands full future dad"
She playfully winks at him as she links onto Katarina's arm. Keith's face couldn't go any redder than what it was already.
Keith: "that many, lots of kids? With sister!"
His heart was racing in his chest to the point he felt like he was gonna pass out. What struck him the hardest was being called dad, it felt kinda nice to him but also made him feel weird.
Katarina: "hey hurry up Keith, or we will eat all the sweets with out you"
Alice: "yeah hurry up dad!!!"
Keith: "ah! I'm coming sister..."
He mumbles alittle something to him self not wanting them to hear.
Keith: "does she have to call me that, I'm not prepared to be called such things...."
To be continued.
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nightshadeshadow123 ยท 5 years
Paw prints on the Agent's heart๐Ÿพpart 3:
Alex Danvers x reader๐Ÿ”ซ๐Ÿพ
Here's part three, hope u guys enjoy.
Tag list:
@retro-aesthe @blackluthxr @samustar @aznblossom @ibe-anne @lezzzbehonesthere
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Kara landed on the balcony and make her way into the facility, searching for her sister.
"I'm here." Kara founded her discussing plans and other mission with J'onn and two other agents.
They turned their attention towards the blonde.
"You two are dismissed, we will talk about the failed mission later." J'onn dismissed the two agents, watching as they leave to do their other work.
"Sorry I'm late, Cat was on my neck about that article and had to finish it before finding time to slip away unoticed." Kara explained, hugging Alex before releasing her as J'onn smiled warmly at the two sisters.
"It's quite alright, don't worry Supergirl." J'onn assured the blonde Kryptonian.
Alex took a seat, waiting for her sister to sit next to her while J'onn sat on a sofa in front of them.
"We found out something about the wolf girl." J'onn began, gaining a curious look from Kara.
"What about her?"
"Winn were snooping around on their computer data system and have manage to find a list of people they've expirimented on, and turns out that she was one of their best expiriments yet. Their favourite weapon until someone betrayed CADMUS and helped her to escape." J'onn explained.
"That's....unbelievable, hate the way they use humans and aliens as test subjects." Kara looked at Alex when she putted a comforting hand on her shoulder, knowing full well that she was thinking about her father and history with CADMUS.
"We need to get this wolf before CADMUS." J'onn went on.
"I agree, we fear what might happen if they find her first." Alex agreed with J'onn.
Kara nodded. "Yeah then let's make sure they don't. I'm tired of all the problems they cause."
"And maybe I can ask Lena Luthor if she knows something of the she wolf." Kara went on.
J'onn thought the idea over while Alex casted her a concerned look.
"Kara I don't think that's a good idea." Alex warned.
"I don't think so either." J'onn looked reluctant."But she might be able to give a few awnsers."
Alex let out a sigh at that, not too happy about the idea.
"Well then, off to Luthor corp." Kara waved them bye before leaving but not before noticing the concerend look Alex wore.
"Well good thing she doesn't know I'm Kara." Kara said under her breath, landing on Lena's office balcony.
She reluctantly knocked on the glass doors, trying her best to not look nervous, hoping that she is doing the right thing.
A few moments later Lena opened the door, curiously looking at Kara.
"Supergirl? What are you doing here? I'm not done with the project yet if that's why you are here." Lena smiled at the blonde Kryptonian.
Kara returned the smile. "No it's alright. I'm here for a completely diffrent reason." She assured Lena.
"Oh, okay then. What is it?" Lena asked, staring down at National City below them.
Kara nervously cleared her throat.
"I....I just wanted to find out if you know something of..."
Lena spared her a quick glance.
"Know what Supergirl? Spit it out, I don't bite." Lena urged her.
Kara smiled at that."I wanted to know if you perhaps know something of that wolf all over the news. I've found out that she've escaped CADMUS with the help of someone and since your mother, your brother now I suppose is the leader of CADMUS that you might know something? Maybe who helped her escape?"
Lena gave her a look over her shoulder before looking down at the city again.
"I know that she was my mothers best expiriment and weapon to use against her enemies. And for who helped her escape, I don't know who it was. Maybe it was someone with a death wish." Lena explained, grip tight on the cold rails.
Kara kept quite at this.
"And my mother made her even stronger than she already were. She wanted to use her to defeat you but before that could happen she have escaped." Lena went on, still not looking at the Kryptonian.
Kara looked shocked at this.
"Wait? What? Well good thing she escaped, I just hope I can find out who have helped her escape so I can thank them."
Lena finally looked back at Kara.
"Maybe it's a good thing yeah. All the suffering she had went through, I wouldn't wish that on anyone." Lena tilts her head to the side slightly, swiping some of her dark hair over her shoulder.
"Thanks Lena, I must go now. Duty calls." Kara said as a alarm went off in the distance.
Kara took off once again.
"Farewell Supergirl." Lena said before going back into her office, a tiny smile tugging at her red lips at the person now sitting at her desk.
"Good afternoon, and how may I help you today?"
"Ugh these damn CADMUS agents." Kara huffed out, hauling him into the DEO prison cells.
Alex were helping to put another one away too.
"Yeah, they just keep getting even more annoying everyday."
"Agent Danvers, Supergirl." J'onn greeted them.
"Get ready for an outing Supergirl, got a little piece of information that the wolf have been spotted somewhere and I want you to go and have a look." J'onn said to them, waiting for them to follow him. "And Alew will be closeby."
"I've got eyes on the wolf." Kara said into her ear piece. "And she's with someone."
"Keep her in sight, and who is the person with her?" J'onn asked through his ear piece.
"I can't make out who the person is. My Xray vision won't work, the person have lead on them somewhere and they are wearing a hood." Kara explained.
"Mhm, what are they doing?"
"The person appears to be not treat...yet, and the wolf seems to be trusting of them." Kara squinted, keeping a close eye on them.
Kara went to step closer to the ledge of the building she have landed on but ended up tripping over a pipe contected to the roof and she end up falling to ground, grabbing the attention of both the person and the wolf that whipped their heads in her direction.
"Ugh why did I had to be clumsy in this moment?" Kara muttered under her breath, slowly pushing herself to a half up right position.
The wolf looked at the hooded person, making a slow jerk position to the side in what Kara suppose means that the person should run.
The mystery person, patted the wolf's side, whispering something in it's ear before spritting away into the darkness.
(Y/N)'s POV:
I stare the blonde Kryptonian down, growling lowly at her when she tried to stop her from running away.
Kara held up her arms in surrender, keeping a safe distance and not make any sudden moves.
"Hi." Kara awkwardly greeted, waving a hand.
I let out a huff, steping towards the blonde. She's still as akward as she was when we were little children back on Krypton. How I miss those days.
You stopped right in front of her, glowing red eyes meeting with her sky blue eyes as she looked at you cautiously as your wolf form towered over her.
With that you turned into your human form again, still towering a tad over her in height.
"We meet again short stack." You smirked down at her, (E/C) glistening with amusement at her now shocked state.
"Wha?Wait?!โ€ฆ(Y/N)?! But how?!" Kara fired out questions, a mix between shock, excitement and also a bit emotional.
"Not that I'm not happy to see you! But how?!" Kara rambled on.
You chuckled at her. "Kara Zor-El calm down. I'm was sent her by my parents before Krypton was destroyed. They wanted me safe and got me here." You explained.
Kara stopped, looking at you while you explained what have happened.
"Okay we'll talk about that later but now I really need to come with me to the DEO."
"Nope, I won't go there, they've been trying to catch me for years. I can't go there." You glared at her.
"Why not, we aren't your enemy. And we need your help against CADMUS." Kara tried to reason but you tensed up at the word CADMUS.
"No way. I won't go anywhere near them."
Kard pursed her lips at this. "Why not? And The DEO can help, why not come with me so I can show you that?"
"Well for starters, I don't really trust The DEO, and secondly, no I prefer to stay away from CADMUS, I don't go towards the people that have expirimented on me for years. Heck I was suppose to be dead a long time ago but that grimey wrinkly coot kept reviving me time and time again. Just got lucky to have had made a...friend there that helped me escape." You explained, a distant look crossing your face before meeting with her blue eyes again.
Kara looked at loss for words. "What? But...The DEO won't do that to you. That's not a reason to distrust us....you can trust me, we've been...childhood besties. Always got in trouble together and bother both our father's durning family dinners."
You chuckle light heartedly at the memories. "Man your father was really scary when he got angry, esspecially that one time we've got lost on a strange planet and almost got killed."
Kara laughed. "Yep his face was priceless when aunt Astra took us to him."
Suddenly you snapped back to reality, keeping a close eye on the blonde Kryptonian.
"Come with me please. It can be just like old times." Kara held out her hand, waiting for you to take it, eyes pleading but briefly lingering over your shoulder.
You stared down at her outstreched hand before slowly looking back at her face.
Suddenly you spun to the side, grabbing the person that have tried to sneak up on you from behind, a starled yelp falling from their lips.
"Do you honestly think I wouldn't sense someone sneaking up on me princessa?" You growled against her ear as you held her in a choke hold from behind, their hands on your arm to attempt escape.
"A-Alex?! (Y/N) Please don't hurt her." Kara begged, a tad of fear in her that you might hurt her.
Just gonna leave it on cliffhanger๐Ÿ˜suffer a little. Just have to make a choice now where I want to take it from here. The next part have me like๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜not sure when I'll be done with the next part but I'm trying to make it a soon as possible.
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punkscowardschampions ยท 4 years
Ali & Tommy
Ali: [Let us assume he has gone back to school now and this was a weekend affair] Ali: You forgot your ๐Ÿ•ฏ Ali: expect it in the post, minus the disappointed note from Ro I've taken out Ali: โœˆ๏ธ trips not guilt trips, welcome Tommy: leave it in, LOVE to hear what she's gotta say about why I'M the one being a holy show Ali: You aren't respecting the sanctity of her offering, is very much the point and gist Ali: she put more letters to it, as standard Tommy: 'course she did Ali: It does mean a lot to her Ali: but yeah, nice to have my ๐Ÿ“… to myself again, can't lie Tommy: meant so much she fucked off soon as the ๐ŸŽ‚ candles were out Ali: You know she isn't the party 'til dawn sort Ali: anyway, they'd be coming in for morning service ๐Ÿ˜… Tommy: I know it's her party & she can ๐Ÿ˜ญ if she wants to Ali: If I'd known that was the theme, could've made party bags with ๐Ÿง… & ๐Ÿงป Ali: well, at least you were in your element ๐Ÿ•บ and you kept Meena and Carly entertained Ali: the hostess not being overly concerned herself, like Tommy: this family's hostess with the mostest has & always will be me, honey Tommy: what else do they teach me at this school, like? Ali: I had no idea you were at finishing school, my apologies Ali: how's things with keeping a man then, Holly Housewife? Tommy: Why stop at strutting with ๐Ÿ“š on our heads when we could do it in ๐Ÿฉฐ perfectly en pointe, carrying a sulky ballerina all the while? Basically a Latin motto Tommy: & yet I still can't keep a man, cheers for the reminder Ali: Maybe now you're of age they introduce the final string to your bow Ali: quadruple threat = ๐ŸŽค๐Ÿ•บ๐ŸŽญ๐Ÿ† Tommy: ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคž๐Ÿ™ Tommy: stole your girl regardless, tell her to call me when she's slept off the festivities Ali: No doubt she will when she's between the next couple of parties ๐Ÿ˜œ Ali: your girl is here actually, helping Ro 'organise' her presents Ali: dunno where she parked her ๐ŸŽƒ Tommy: I'll join Fraze in the red corner ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿคฌ๐ŸŽฏ๐Ÿ‘ฟ๐Ÿฅค๐Ÿคก๐Ÿฅต๐Ÿ›‘๐Ÿ’˜ Tommy: those dolls do go walk abouts if you don't keep a ๐Ÿ‘€ but obviously she was ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿ™ I was still there Ali: He might misconstrue that and come to fight for her honour Ali: ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿ™ she's in LDN too, naturally Ali: lots of them are haunted, but that last part of your sentence there is the MOST ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ ever Ali: it's weird when you approach anything fuck boy like Tommy: miscommunication is his thingโ„ข no hard feels or feelings full stop, 'course ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿšซ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿšซ๐Ÿ˜ Tommy: what can I say? being back DOES things to me Tommy: it's all the positive masculine role models this family has Ali: Guess it beats a total lack of @Joseph Ali: though he sent her some book about musical theory so he still manages to be the favourite somehow ๐Ÿคท Ali: and hey, dad is the best Tommy: v catty & then cuddly of you, Kit Tommy: he doesn't respond to MY efforts at being a daddy's girl exactly the same way somehow ๐Ÿคท Ali: we're both living up to what's expected then ๐Ÿ˜ผ Ali: could just be I'm better at it than you though Ali: if your ego will allow it Tommy: can't let our sister fly that flag alone, like Tommy: as for who's better at kissing the arse of authority figures, don't need to dignify that with an answer 'cause my school report will Tommy: you ain't never been a pleasure to have in class Ali: I might genuinely have to shoot myself if anyone ever said anything so asinine about me so you're right Ali: that would be such a waste of potential, not until I've lead a more scandal-filled existence Tommy: you could respect the hustle Tommy: it's getting me ๐Ÿฉฐ perks Tommy: disciplined is the head that wears the ๐Ÿ‘‘ hoe Ali: I know all about discipline, trust me Tommy: we've all read 50 shades, you can't take it as gospel Tommy: Ro could write a better bdsm bibe when she's done at church Tommy: bible* Ali: It's all fun and games 'til I walk in on her flagellating herself Ali: how are we explaining that to the shrinks Tommy: that she misunderstood a more sexy f word? Ali: we don't want to look like we're trying to lock her up for that Ali: way too retro, bro Tommy: She wants to be catholic Tommy: I didn't make the rules Ali: No, then da really would hate you Ali: she's got worse Tommy: Yeah Tommy: I know, no amount of drama from the golden couple could detract Ali: not that I haven't heard enough about that though Ali: guess there's too much to put in a passive-aggressive note Tommy: ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿฅฑ๐Ÿ˜ด Tommy: She wasn't even THAT late & tbh I wouldn't have blamed her for doing a Joe no show Ali: I would've understood if she was upset when she wasn't coming Ali: I am when Joe doesn't, whatever Ali: but I think she was actually MORE upset that she did come in the end, and not just because she was messy, but because Ro thought she wouldn't Ali: I don't get it, they're complicated, always have been but ??? Tommy: she can't hold being a good sister over her, like you can't me being the most fabulous brother in existence ๐Ÿ† Tommy: the fuck ups are more fun to bring to a ๐ŸฅŠ Ali: I guess that's more likely than them being all ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’ž Ali: but fucking hell, does it hurt to hope Tommy: it's hurting you ๐Ÿ˜ฟ Tommy: she'll be too hangry to hope Ali: I have no hope or agenda for your ๐Ÿ† or ๐Ÿ‘‘ dear brother Ali: but seriously Ali: what does she want Tommy: like you said ???? Tommy: there's every chance I'm bringing too much McKenna magic to the motives & she don't wanna bear a grudge til the end of her days Ali: because it doesn't sound like her at all Ali: if you can't be honest in the DMs where can you, eh, to quote that romcom Ali: fucked if I know what to do about it right now though Ali: maybe I need to sleep off the festivities, or get something to eat Tommy: long as you're not so hysterical you run into the path of an oncoming car, to recall another faithful role of hers Ali: have you adapted that for the stage? Ali: get 5 of you to be the ๐Ÿš— Tommy: dibs 'cause I can't do the accent Tommy: not that loads of 'em posh kids can either Ali: they'll have spent enough time gentrifying the east end to have it down, offensively so but all adds to the hysterics Tommy: I'll pitch it then ๐Ÿ’ก Tommy: go down better than her ๐ŸŽค๐ŸŽต Ali: better than her when she got hit by the car, like Ali: give me credit or I'll turn up and make a SCENE Tommy: like I wouldn't be LIVING for that Tommy: if we are being honest in the DMS Ali: I'll work on my RICKKAAAAAAAAAAAY Ali: maybe can convince Ro to be Sharon Tommy: hang around your ma in law & you'll ace it in no time Ali: Ha Ali: she'd accept Peggy, not Pat Tommy: fair, Laoise's ma's the one more likely to express herself with big earrings & animal prints Tommy: but I don't know if Sam Mitchell is a favourable role for Carls, what did she ever even do? Ali: Are you trying to tell me it's NOT a look? ๐Ÿค” Ali: or that you rate Laoise's mum? Ali: The character, nothing, the OG actress lost her nose so we're all agreed that's a no Tommy: I'd rate seeing her da on the doorstep in nothing but a bow tie for how mortified she'd be when I uploaded it Tommy: Grant's also no, he knocked Martine on her arse way before that car Tommy: but if she's Phil, you're Sharon so that's a yeah from me, like Ali: Don't, her dad always gave me those vibes Ali: and you ain't actually on the street still to have to witness that ๐Ÿคฎ Ali: I don't know how she'll feel about going bald, I'll float it gently before getting out the clippers Tommy: Do Rock's while you're there, he looks feral Tommy: even that nonce wouldn't have him Ali: You know his ears would get chapped Ali: hair is essential or he'll fly away on the breeze Ali: and we'd all be devastated, obvs Tommy: don't start me thinking about that scene in Dumbo, cheers very much Tommy: ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ Ali: Such a depressing film Ali: disney gives me bad vibes Tommy: the park is creepy & you won't catch me there Tommy: whether or not Walt was a Nazi it's still a nah from me Ali: Wee bit concerning that emotional manipulation and forced fun trumps facism/literal Nazis for you but we'll ๐Ÿค Ali: ma is in enough of a mood and she'll only direct it at me so nah Tommy: well his racism is disputed depending whether you're in camp ๐Ÿ˜‡ saint him ๐Ÿ™ or camp cast him into the hellfire ๐Ÿ‘ฟ Tommy: the forced fun & emotional manipulation is just facts Ali: ๐Ÿ‘ฟ advocate Tommy: I'm gonna go to hell ๐Ÿคž he's an ally Ali: ๐Ÿ˜ฌ Ali: it's a punishment, not a holiday Tommy: it'll be a grand hol for my pores Tommy: love a sauna sesh Ali: that London smog is not it Ali: how black is your snot? Tommy: as Ro's soul ๐Ÿ’€ Ali: Thomas Tommy: Alison Ali: ๐Ÿ›‘ it Tommy: she'd ๐Ÿ–ค to hear it but FINE Ali: you're an enabler, it is known Ali: not the kind of encouragement I'm after tah Tommy: enabling you & your lady love to have a good time, yeah ๐Ÿ•บ๐Ÿ’ƒ Tommy: & I fully expected her to turn up with a pet raven is all I'm saying Ali: the best was made of it by all, despite it all Ali: even her, in her way Tommy: despite Kayne appearing ๐Ÿคต๐Ÿฅ€ & all in her case Ali: yeah Ali: ugh Ali: he's harmless enough, bless him Tommy: she'd beg to differ right now Tommy: you're gonna wanna hide the ๐Ÿ„๐Ÿ„๐Ÿ’€ til she calms down Ali: You don't need to tell me Ali: I think he's just really oblivious Ali: like all lads Ali: it wasn't you know...assaulty Tommy: It's not his fault she's team true love's kiss & he AIN'T it Tommy: who could EVER measure up to the ๐Ÿ’ญ๐Ÿ’ž Ali: standards, cool Ali: unrealistic expectations, less so Ali: but I can't really advocate for reality at this point in the game Tommy: You don't need to tell me, sis Ali: you're team turn-a-stage-kiss-real, yeah Ali: it's more realistic than fairytales, anyway, look at strictly Tommy: I'm team when's my life been a shitty made for netflix flick never mind a ๐Ÿธ๐Ÿคด๐Ÿ“– Tommy: crushing realism ftw Ali: ๐Ÿ’” Ali: If you didn't have a tragic love-life to complain about, you'd be too insufferable ๐Ÿคด๐Ÿ’ฉ Tommy: comforting Tommy: I'd HATE to morph into Fraze of a few years back Ali: I'll let you know if you start getting freckles Tommy: I'd know if I woke up with those brows Tommy: nowhere to hide, like Ali: ๐Ÿ‘บ Tommy: ๐Ÿ˜‚ Ali: What are you getting ma for her bday/have you got already (suckup) Tommy: I left it there if you wanna find & shake the ๐ŸŽ Ali: Wow, you really didn't wanna pay postage that bad huh Ali: I'll see if I can ๐Ÿ”ฎ Tommy: with what? I'm skint after buying hers & Ro's Tommy: & it'll be ๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ before too long Ali: that's what people really mean when they say dance don't pay Ali: gifting an interpretive dance is nothing but pretentious and unwelcome Ali: I can bodge together however many crafts I need and save my dolla Tommy: been there, tried that one Tommy: so much for your so called genius Tommy: ain't even thought of earning any by busting out the ๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽต classics for a busking sesh, works with ๐Ÿฉฐ too I'll have you know Ali: 'til you knock over an old lady and have to leg it, like Ali: and if you hadn't noticed, I've been a little busy making a replica Ro, tah Ali: my creative juices are juiced right now Tommy: I'll make it look like part of the show & have the punters eating out of my palm when I catch & twirl any ๐Ÿ‘ต before they touch ground Tommy: yeah well you've got time from now, fair game on all things yule from Nov 1st Ali: ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ clearly the LDN ones are more receptive because they're vicious 'round here with their ๐Ÿ‘œs and I'm only trying to give them the tea they ordered Ali: if ANYONE should advocate for Christmas not dragging, like Tommy: it's Irish dancing or fuck all back there, 365 ๐ŸŒง or โ›… Tommy: little girls scam every bit of that trade Ali: ironic when it's catch these hands in every other aspect Ali: so you'll fit right in, eh Ali: feel traumatised yet? Tommy: I'll do my best, as ever Ali: ๐Ÿคด Ali: meanwhile ma will have to make do with whatever IOU present I can knock up Ali: maybe I'll babysit, that's never not gonna work Tommy: she was on about going out ๐Ÿฝ wasn't she? Tommy: Carls will never not be down either Ali: get him to make her a cake Ali: sorted Ali: providing he washes his hands...a full hose down may be necessary actually Tommy: she's survived the ๐Ÿง he brings back from school & we've all seen the state of him at day's end Ali: yeah, cheers for the immunity boost little ๐Ÿฆ  Ali: fair, I'm pretty sure we put some weird and wonderful things into our bakes at his age and no one died Ali: Laoise nearly but you know Tommy: close but no ๐Ÿšฌ Tommy: typical of that bitch Ali: sure a ๐Ÿ™ was said to finish the job at mass Tommy: if you see her ma mascara running in an lbd, I demand to be the first to know Ali: I'll pap her in her time of distress, it's fine Ali: I can hide up trees for HOURS if needs must Tommy: I'm not above piggybacking on the 'tragedy' to get better grades or a hol Tommy: do your part, like Ali: she won't fall for ๐Ÿ„ again Ali: her brother might if Ro puts 'em in her gob Tommy: ๐Ÿ’ž Ali: more of a mood than without Ali: add a little danger Tommy: she'd appreciate the drama more than anything he could ever do Ali: ๐Ÿ’” Tommy: nah, we're not shipping that Tommy: not today Ali: You gotta make some bad decisions before you make the right ones Tommy: a bad decision was the colour of her ๐Ÿ‘— Tommy: the last thing that girl needs is a boy right now Ali: Okay you can't come for anyone vis a vis colour, boy Ali: even if I still see it when I close my eyes after however many weeks sewing Ali: but you may have a point re. a boy Ali: just, some socialisation wouldn't hurt Ali: and as far as they go, he's harmless Tommy: 'Course I do, she can barely exist in front of us Tommy: if they went on a date, what's she gonna do, order a glass of water? Ali: like you haven't seen her fake eat a plate of food Ali: it's only noticeable to all us that she's not actually putting any in her mouth Tommy: ๐Ÿ”ฎโœจ Tommy: if he's TRULY harmless he don't deserve to be harmed by her attitude Tommy: which anyone else not bound by family love & loyalty would call something loads harsher Ali: Don't Ali: I feel bad enough for Meena sometimes Tommy: @ Carly too & we all know it Ali: Yeah, Carly can handle it though, she's mostly unphased even if it is a total thing ๐Ÿ™„ Tommy: She's a ๐Ÿ‘ธ๐Ÿ˜‡ I doubt Kayne is that pure of โค๏ธ or intentions tbh Tommy: & Meena can handle anything so Ali: he's deffo a virgin though Ali: which yes, makes for more desperation, but he can't be that forceful if he dunno what he wants, you know Ali: yeah but God knows why she wants to come 'round here and get more of it at times Tommy: No shit, Kit but everyone's seen a porno, it's not the 70s Tommy: dress for it all you like Tommy: maybe she wants to get out of her own ๐Ÿก Ali: everyone also knows it's bullshit Ali: whatever else she's got that much about her Tommy: does he though? Tommy: all I'm saying Ali: either way, it isn't like she's going to have a miraculous change of heart Ali: we all saw how well it went Tommy: Yeah but what if it makes her heart set on finding someone else to play ๐Ÿคด Tommy: you'd know better than me what goes on in her head Ali: She's 15, I don't see how any of us can say or do anything to stop her if that's what she does want Tommy: 15 technically Tommy: ๐Ÿคท Ali: If we can't make her eat, you know Ali: what hope do we have for anything beyond that Tommy: 0 Tommy: & it's fucked Ali: Yep Ali: but it's not as if that bombshell has only just been dropped, I guess Ali: we'll carry on doing what we can Tommy: ๐Ÿ”ฎโœจ Ali: โœŒ๐Ÿ’š
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phoenix-before-the-flame ยท 6 years
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@not-just-any-fangirl you know I know for who? I might not. I'm horrible at guessing. Is it nalu? Did I guess right?๐Ÿ˜‰
Offer me- one character giving another a gift
Lucy paused at the door, her fingers barely skimming the cold handle to her apartment. Her eyes were pulled down to slits, as they have been for the past few days and now she had a sneaking suspicion that they'd stay that way for quite some time, glaring at anyone who crossed her path. Not that she really had a problem with it. That plus her newly pierced ears meant that'd she'd be twinning with Gajeel.
But fuck, she was tired.
When she wasn't working, she was studying. When Lucy wasn't studying she was working. The papers in the bag strapped to her shoulder were an uncomfortable weight - unorganized, crumpled and always tauntingly reminding her of the next thing she should be doing. It was only by the grace of God that nothing went missing yet,or the will of the devil. Lucy hadn't decided to be honest.
She blew out a frustrated breath, causing the few hair strands that'd slipped free of her ponytail to tickle her nose. The days were starting to blend together. What was it, Tuesday? Thursday? Some other day that started with a 'T'? Lucy wasn't sure, all she knew was that whatever today was, was cut a few hours short by Natsu who'd only sent a simple text saying 'come home. Surprise waiting :D'
Now that could mean anything. Nothing bad of course, but occasionally it could be something with good intentions gone a little bad. Either way Lucy was glad for it, she hadn't seen much of him these past few days. Between her hectic schedule and his late hours they mostly saw each other briefly in the mornings.
Plus her boss was starting to get to her, and she was this close to decking him in the face.
Speaking of her boyfriend, Lucy dropped her hand fully on the handle turning it all the way when her ears picked up on soft shuffling just beyond the door. Mechanically it swung open and she was met with the lovely sight of Natsu's ass, him being half bent over trying and grab at Happy who was winding through his legs.
He dodged through his legs with a smug meow and raced over to Lucy, purring happily as Natsu looked after him with a pout, hair falling into his eyes. But it quickly disappeared when his eyes met hers.
She clicked the door shut. "Love the surprise." Lucy said dryly, stooping slightly to scratch Happy. "When can I play with it?"
"Sooner than later, if you play nice." He responded cheekily, straightening to his full height. Natsu sauntered over to her with an amused grin, pressing a chaste kiss to her lips. "Welcome home."
He absently toyed with the strands near her cheek before gently tugging the bag off her shoulder, holding it to the side with a look of playful disgust, like it radiated some sort of evil.
"You look like you had loads of fun today." Natsu teased, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, pulling her to his side. Natsu played with the hem of her shirt, walking her further inside. "Glad I planned the surprise for today."
"And what sort of surprise are we talking here, oh my god-"
She should've seen it, they'd only walked about 3 steps in though Lucy supposes she could blame her squinty eyes for poor vision at the moment. But the living room, the living room.
Blankets as far as the eye could see littered the floor and draped over every surface, the sofa was absolutely nowhere to be seen under the mountain of soft comforts. Honestly Lucy didn't even think that they owned this many blankets, or cushions to completely transform the room into a trip safe zone.
Though some of them looked suspiciously new Lucy noted as Natsu settled her down, tossing her bag to the side. "Natsu what the hell." She deadpanned, sinking into the softness.
"Wait! Hold that thought!" He ducked away around the corner and raced back before she could even blink properly. One arm held a precarious pile of snack that looked ready to topple over any moment and the other had his laptop, whirring softly as it booted up.
" I got snacks to hold you over until dinner's all warmed up. I went down to your favourite Indian place to get you curry. And I spent the whole day stealing movies off the internet for us to watch. I got all the hobbits, civil war, zootopia and your favourite disney princesses." Natsu plopped down next to her, letting the bags of chips fall haphazardly around them as he set the laptop properly down.
"I didn't really know what you'd want to drink so I got rum, soda, apple juice and water. The choice is yours." He finished explaining with a shrug, grabbing the bag of lays by his thigh and popping it open.
"Natsu this is real nice and all but why?" Lucy asked in confusion.
"For you to relax Lucy. Duh." Natsu said pointedly. "You've been pushing yourself way too hard with everything so I figured I should give you a break."
"And before you try to make an excuse, when was the last time you slept a full night? " Lucy's mouth snapped shut. She couldn't remember.
Natsu hummed. "And the last time you did something other than what's been written down in your bag?" She couldn't remember that either.
"Ate the last time you ate something? " A-ha! There something she remembers!
Today was Thursday right? "Wednesday! " Lucy said confidently with a smile. Natsu shot her an incredulous look, a look not often sent her way but she knew it well enough, a pierced brow raised high.
"It's Friday Luce." He said flatly."That was 2 days ago." Oh so that's what day it was.
"We've both been doing a lot lately and we both need to slow it down a bit, but it looks like you need it more than I do. Not meaning to be rude but you look ready to drop any moment. And between you and be...."
He motioned for her to come closer and Lucy leaned in to hear his whisper. "The dark circles under your eyes are getting bigger and that's no good Luce."
He narrowly missed the suspiciously new looking cushion she threw at him with a giggle, tossing aside the chip bag. He ducked under her outstretched arm and wrapped his arms round her middle, pulling her down with a squeak. He rolled them over, shuffling Lucy to rest on top of him and she fisted his shirt with a pout.
"Ok maybe I shouldn't have said that part but you get what I mean. You need this, and even if you don't want too," his arms tightened on her, " I'll keep you here and force you to relax."
Natsu paused." Ok well I wouldn't really force, just bargain a lot..." He murmured.
Lucy pet out a resigned sigh, dropping herself on his chest. She couldn't even think of a lie or any sort of excuses for him to hear. She wanted this, to stop for a bit and ignore what she had to do. It was only fair to herself. And it was Friday, the day she's supposed to take it easy.
"You won't have to force. I'll relax. But don't get mad at me if I fall asleep on you."
"I'll be glad that you did." Natsu rumbled. She could hear the smile in his voice. Lucy inhaled deeply,eyes pulled to a close and sinking further into his warmth. He was right. She did need this.
Lucy inhaled again, and her eyes snapped open. "Natsu, the curry." She whispered in horror.
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