#but it still crashes only on that specific lot 😭
Why must my game keep crashing on the only lot I really wanna play on 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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weebsinstash · 8 months
Babe! A new Helluva Boss episode just dropped! And Ozzie and Fizz are just so goddamn cute! 😍😭 and Ozzie is such a sweetheart! (I hope he’s genuinely such a softie and not playing an act, we need more softie demons).
Can we please talk about Yandere! Ozzie again? Pretty please with a shit ton of sprinkles on top? 🥺
Bestie thank youuuu I watched that shit immediately and I have so many thoughts
This episode actually shows a big reason why I haven't really published a lot for like, Ozzie or Valentino in terms of actual fics because, my take on Ozzie's personality based purely off his debut appearance would've been a lot more different and now we see that, bro he's, suave yeah, but also, a huge green flag lovable cinnamon roll dork??? Valentino, we only have seen so much of. To be honest the way he's been presented seems to sway from "scary as fuck during gangster business stuff" to "he's kind of a ratchet ho, actually" and I'm not, entirely super confident writing stuff for him because like, I'm more of, assuming? I can't, analyze his character like I can for other characters with more material out for them.
For real though, my current stance on this matter is: Asmodeus, you could go to him and ask for his knowledge and advice on like genuine issues or things you're curious or concerned about like, legit you could sit down and have STD talks with this man ("h-hey Ozzie is it normal to have xyz on my you know what" "oh honey yes that's just like a blood blister from friction you're fine" "oh my god ok good because I was worried it was cancer" "HONEY NO 😩") meanwhile fucking Valentino over here would be like "bitch why you got cellulite" and like make backhanded comments like, oh maybe he could reward you with a boob job instead of your next paycheck (as in like, cosmetic surgery 💀 you know I've thought about that? Yan Valentino who's crazy for ya but, not crazy enough to not make certain, tweaks to your actual body. Maybe he dyes your hair or has it styled a specific way and basically refuses to let you do whatever you want with it. Gets your boobs or ass done. Makes you get fillers/botox for any wrinkles/static lines. Controlling your wardrobe is a must. You're like his little.... pursedog)
(That being said though. I'd still let him hit 😩 reader who gets drunk and fucks around and finds out--)
Anyways though, over here in our corner we believe in unapologetic self indulgence and I still believe a Reader who has magical abilities or powers and whatnot and can travel the rings through whatever convoluted means is a fun time. So. We're gonna do that! I mean. Asmodeus honestly seems chill enough that even if you like, somehow crashed into his club, as long as you were polite and respectful, he'd be chill with letting your hang around, maybe even getting a kick out of teasing you (but never pushing anything too far unless you show interest, and if you show any discomfort or trauma he backs off to re-strategize). I imagine his club would actually be pretty fun? Drinks, live music, although, kind of makes me wonder, how openly horny is this place? Probably not like "coochie in your face" like working for Valentino, so, Reader could even be all "honestly this is such a much more safe welcoming environment to engage in like sexuality" and Ozzie hears this and its like, dude. You might as well have just struck him through the heart with cupids own arrow, but, also, he's curious, what other places have you been?
I'm kind of convinced that if a little imp cunt like Crimson thinks he has the balls to stand up against Ozzie, hostage or not, I kinda feel like. Valentino would probably openly treat Asmodeus like shit. He'd probably be a catty fucking bitch to him. He probably looks at Ozzie as like, a diet coke version of himself, a version who has so much power but doesn't go far enough, and probably scoffs at Asmodeus' romantic attachment (even though Val has some weird on-off thing with Vox himself). Valentino doesn't give two fucks about consent and would probably openly mock Ozzie'e values
Or. They could be big business partners because, maybe there's some sort of inter-Ring porn trafficking pipeline or something, smuggling the good shit up from Lust and trading it with stuff from Sinners, who have more visual variety besides other perks etc
But just picture, Asmodeus and Fizz are, minding their own biz, at the club, chilling, listening to music, eating food vaguely shaped like clocks, and Ozzie's cell rings, and they're both like "aw I bet Reader's calling to say they're having fun at that party or whatever" but they answer it and you're like, hiding in the bathroom or a closet or something, crying, whispering under your breath "d-do you still have a place for me to stay like you said before 🥺 Valentino is really, REALLY drunk tonight and he's really scaring me, he grabbed me and--"
They're both at your exact location in like less than 5 minutes and maybe have to play it off, Ozzie distracting Val while Fizz steals you away, or, juicier, like. Imagine Val snatching your phone from your hand, going through your messages, "who the fuck have you been talking to?" And he pulls like the classic abusive boyfriend move and when he sees you're in frequent contact with someone named "Ozzie" he calls him from your phone and as soon as a male voice picks up, they're both going at it "bitch who the fuck are you?" "Bitch who the fuck are YOU?" "Why you got my baby's number?" "Why do YOU have MY baby's PHONE???" "I'm about to HAVE my foot up your ass, you--" like, you know what I mean? Asmodeus is rolling up and these two are all but butting heads with each other as you have to awkwardly explain how you know both of them and of course, suddenly there's a not quite comfortable conversation about which one of them you... "belong to", neither of them wanting to leave you with the other (although I imagine in a physical fight Asmodeus would win but Valentino would have homefield advantage involving his security dudes)
Either way like.... oh my god watching them lounge in that nice big bed together. Fizz being on Ozzie's chest, like. Give me that 😩😩😩 "oh Reader, baby, so glad you took up our offer for a place to crash, but, since it was so short notice it'll have to be with us tonight" type shit and like you're fine with that but then bedtime comes and. There's Literally Only One Bed. And you're like ok you know what I'm not really in a position to be ungrateful, Valentino could have actually fucking hurt me or trafficked me or whatever, but, you're still small enough that Asmodeus could hypotheticallyyyy just, reach an arm over and scoop up you into his chest for a cuddle, or just have you in the crook of his arm like a cat or a teddy bear. Ozzie definitely sees an immediate perk on Fizz not being so much of a troll as to give you the airhorn treatment your first morning there, so, obviously, they have, multiple motivations to, keep urging you to stay 👀 after all, Val is going to be looking for you in the Pride Ring, and you don't have any other friends, so, you're kind of stuck with their whims aren't you? Unless you try to run off on your own, and I mean. Really. They can just hire someone to bring you back lmao. Or get you themselves. Could you imagine feeling way you uncomfortable around them and slipping away and suddenly you find a little white demon dog on wheels happily rolling up to you out of nowhere and it's. Fucking tracking you for Fizzarolli and Asmodeus, like. Damn, can't even trust the dogs in Hell. Demon dogs in Ohio be like
Anyways idk I just like the idea of like. Combining several ideas, you do the whole "accidentally did the whole Death Fall From The Sky and crash into Vals sunroof, he keeps you in servitude because you have to repay him, eventually you Fall into Lust and you start basically doing double jobs at both clubs and prefer Ozzie and he eventually has to rescue you". Also like Valentino "canonically" humiliates his partners on social media so I can imagine he's just publicly belittling and negging you all the time. One second you're happy at Ozzie's listening to music and eating unholy amounts of onion rings with your quirky well intentioned clown friend, the next week Asmodeus sees a Sinstagram post where Valentino is just like "cutie was whining she couldn't get any tips so I helped her out 😜🤭🍈🍈" and its just. A photo of you in your work uniform where he clearly just reached forward and tore open the front of your blouse and he is just. Full on deadass without any hint of irony making you basically work in your bra and he's just without any remorse posting photos of your running mascara and you're clearly crying but what can you do?
Val posting a photo of him literally shoving a tip INTO your bra, his FINGERS in there, and other like little clips and snippets of him demeaning you while you're like actually fucking blubbering "and make sure to get me extra ice!" "*sobbing noises*" "I didn't hear a REPLY! Do I need to take some of those nice tips I'm helping you make?" "N n noOo I'm sorry" "sorry WHAT?" "M sorry mister Valentino, I'm sorry, I'll get your drink right away mister Valentino" and Val is just slapping your ass HARD as you turn to leave like and just laughing like this is the most fun he's ever had
like I feel like Asmodeus realistically would only be able to do so much IN Pride itself (because would You show up in your boss' turf doing your own shit? Big risk) BUT, I mean. You go down to Lust and you're basically fair game. You show up to your next shift after The Boob Incident and Ozzie's like "giiiiiiiirl imma keep it real with you, I know you wanna try and be independent but I got some concerns--" and he's barely even halfway through it before you're just, TEAR EXPLOSION, "i hate working for him, I HATE IT, I wanna work HERE full time, but I don't have a place to staAaaAaay" and just. Some UGLY crying because you're at wits end
Zero hesitation here's Asmodeus "Sweetie what kind of apartment do you want??? You want a penthouse? I can get you a penthouse?? You want some shopping money?? Tell Big O whatever you need." and the next thing you know Valentino is scrolling through Sinastagram and has to do a double take as your account starts posting all kinds of photos of you looking cute and having fun and, poolside in a bathing suit and you're becoming more comfortable with your body and your sexuality and, he's thirsty absolutely, goes to try and tease you or make fun of you and you're just like "you wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid" and just ignore him as Val is forced to watch you pal around with Asmodeus (either as just friends or total fuck buddies like, deadass catch me out here "hey so, there's this position I've always wanted to try--")
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tiney-tadpole · 4 months
Hellow can I have more info on these guys pls???
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YES, these are actually two of my most important ocs lore wise. Amarelyss(left) is the sun god and Deuluv(right) is a reincarnated piece of the moon god. Slightly long post :3
A few centuries after the world began, there was a divine war among the gods, Amarelyss is the only one who went unscathed. Ironic because she's the one who started it. She only survived because her moon sacrificed themself to end the war. They crashed into the ocean, tearing the world in two and shattering themself three different pieces. Each piece later reincarnating into its own person.
Deuluv specifically is her body and soul reincarnated. He was born from her corpse in the deepest part of the pocket dimension that was created when she broke the world.
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He looks close enough to the daemon who inhabit this underworld, so they always assumed he was one of them. Their queen found and adopted him, and eventually he became ruler. The underworld is slowly dying because it has no sunlight, and thus no magic. Resources are scarce. He is constantly sacrificing vast amounts of his own magic to hold it together and keep it from crumbling into the abyss.
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He's trying to find a way to bring the underworld to the overworld. He's made a lot of deals with foolish folk from the overworld who are desperate, promising them power, love, wealth, whatever they may want. All lies, but if he can just get them to open the tiniest rift he could take it from there. He had no problem lying to and manipulating overworld folk if it could get him what he needed. All his efforts have ended in failure, Until the day Amarelyss took notice.
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She lives at the highest point of the world where the sun never sets. With her angels and her cathedrals and her dragon and EVERYTHING she could ever want. Except her moon. It was all hollow. She felt a familiar presence one day though, the light of her moons soul had come back in the form of Deuluv.
Through a series of manipulations she was able to bring Deuluv up to her mountain. She was the sun god, she promised to share her light with the underworld if he came with her. So of course he went with her, he would sacrifice anything for his home. His freedom was a small price to pay. He really didn't care what she wanted with him. To her credit, she did at least keep her promise.
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Amarelyss' full plan is to find the other moon pieces and revive them proper. She still needs to find the moons divinity and her memories. A small black cat and a book that can only be read when held up to a mirror. Her obsession with reviving the past will eventually lead to her downfall. She was never satisfied with what she had and it almost destroyed the world for a second time.
Writing this made me realize I do NOT have any good finished or recent art of her 😭😭😭 I need to get on that.
I do have a picture of their kid though, Eclipse. His lore needs more thought.
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ok it’s time for dana to hoot and holler about zexal
finished ygo zexal for the first time last week and i absolutely adored it and am STILL thinking so much about it (as i will be probably for. a While now if my relationships with the other ygo spinoffs ive seen are any indication).....time again for me to do my little personal rambly yugioh series retrospective post as the brainworms truly start to set in. kattobingu feel the flow high five the sky build the overlay network let’s goooo!!!
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more under the cut. a lot more lol. spoilers for a decade old anime, naturally
GOD. YEAH. THIS ONE MIGHT BE MY FAVORITE YUGIOH SERIES IVE SEEN YET. HOLY SHIT. 2021 Dana was really out here thinking Zexal looked kind of annoying (based on mild DL characters/plot osmosis) and not terribly interesting and I want to go back in time and shake her shoulders and say NO. NO YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND. ZEXAL FUCKING ROCKS. every yugioh has some degree of Danabait to it (probably because. watching Duel Monsters as a child was the catalyst to what Danabait even is lol) but JESUS MARY AND JOSEPH Zexal is like being hit by one nuclear bomb of shit genetically engineered in a lab to make me insane after another.
THE ART STYLE. OF ZEXAL, FOR ONE. makes me absolutely rabid animal bonkers--I LOVE seeing the way the ygo art style has been honed and developed and evolved over time. YGO influenced my art style more than I can articulate, and then zexal comes in swinging with the ygo art style at its Most Zany. The EXPRESSIONS in this show!!!!!!!!! Fucking rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A MASSIVE CHUNK OF THE CAST DOESNT HAVE MOUTHS HALF THE TIME AND YET STILL ARE SOME OF THE MOST EXPRESSIVE YGO GUYS EVER!!!! Constantly making expressions I LOVE to draw!!!! and oh my god the COLOR DIRECTION OF YUGIOH ZEXAL?!?!? genuinely absolutely phenomenal and one of my all time favorites i’ve seen in any cartoon, western or anime. you mean to tell me we got a lighting and color budget now??? we get yugioh scenes looking like this??!??
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ANYWAY as usual with my ygo watching i was primarily watching the dub (absolutely thrilled to have a Completed Yugioh Dub to watch for the first time since DM, MAN.) but I did end up watching...over half of Zexal II’s sub; stuff just gets so absolutely insane with the Barian Emperors that I desperately wanted every possible inch of their lore so I ended up watching both (sometimes back and forth at the same type like an unhinged wild animal) for the full picture. I like Zexal’s dub a lot!! its comedic timing is ON POINT, EXTREMELY FUNNY DUB. and really like..all of the main dub VAs are so, SO good (as they usually are.) There are a lot of bizarre things they cut though, a lot of childhood flashbacks and little character moments and the like. It’s a shame! I can only imagine a lot of them were cut to leave more room for ad time which. Sucks a bit 🥴A lot of duels do whip a lot harder in the sub too, especially in the back half..... still though, enjoyed my time with the dub. there’s a remarkable amount of stuff i am SHOCKED they actually did keep in?!??! The car crash that killed Shark’s parents is just straight up presented as is with like one or two small cuts. A LITTLE GIRL’S DEAD BODY IS SHOWN?? ON SCREEN??? ZEXAL DUB!! KIDS LOVE IT SO!!! MY GOD!!!
ok enough on that. some breakdowns/specific points like I usually do with these roundups:
Stuff I Didn’t Like: always get this one outta the way first. There really wasnt a whole lot I straight up disliked with this one!! It’s extremely solid all around. It does, of course, have some...Choices, being made, like. Girag’s lips. and. Girag’s backstory. Love the guy but oh my god why did they do that to him 😭Yugioh Racially Questionable moments ride again!!! At this point it’s just par for the course, definitely not the first time a ygo has. Done stuff like that. Ah well. Worth mentioning though.
What’s really a shame is that Zexal has some of the COOLEST, MOST FUN GIRL CHARACTERS, and time and time again they just dont do anything with them!!!!!!!!!!!! IT’S SO FRUSTRATING. i LOVE rio but the poor girl is fridged for literally 2/3s of the series!! She’s in the hospital like five times!!!! Rio and Anna and Tori and Dextra and Kari are all like, some of my favorite ygo gals YET but they have maybe 5 duels between them. Konami let your girls DUEL CHALLENGE. PLEASE.
hm what else. I guess also the final showdown with the series “Big Bad” was. uh. kind of let down lmao. But to be fair I was positively spoiled last series with the Z-one duel lol. Can’t win ‘em all. As cool as the concept of “the protag and rival team up to duel the Big Bad” is, and as cool as Don Thousands Entire toxic manipulative dynamic with the Barian Emperors is for like the Entire Rest of Zexal II is, they just....don’t. Do much with him for that last Donny T duel?? Would have loved more backstory elaboration or just like. Anything. It was over so soon and I was like “...that was it??” HDFHGSDFG thankfully the last two duels of zexal whip like hell so we bounce back!!
i also kind of wish don thousand kept his sick as hell demon armor form but c’est la vie i suppose. sad! well there’s other guys.
Favorite Season: I actually have no idea how Zexal is split up into seasons, so I guess Fav Arc would be a better term? Anyway I loved the World Duel Carnival Arc, I’m one of like 5 people who actually enjoy tournament arcs but i think theyre FUN and this one is a blast. There’s Arclight Family Agonies coming from every direction and there’s the INSANE DUEL ROLLER COASTER and Vetrix is bouncing around being a little freak, it’s GREAT
anyway and then Zexal II came in and grabbed me by the head and threw me into the drywall
LIKE. MY GOD. ZEXAL HAS THE FUCKING EMOTIONAL PACING OF MORAL OREL. YOU HIT Z2 AND SHIT STARTS GETTING REAL AND GOING HARD AS HELL AND IM OUT HERE GETTING MY BRAIN SCRAMBLED. I love like. All of the arcs of zexal II it’s hard to pick a favorite but I DO really like just that first third or so where the Barians are just starting to show up and the horrors haven’t quite begun and everything’s so silly and Ray Shadows is Very There. gives me gx season 1 vibes a little bit. it’s a delight.
Favorite Characters: oh right I should. talk about that. pained smile.
i joke about this a lot but usually every ygo series has like. A Character That’s My Actual Favorite, and A Character That Makes Me Absolutely Insane (syrus vs. zane, leo vs. aporia, etc.) but, uh. this time I GUESS THAT’S JUST. THE SAME CHARACTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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SORRY. TO BE BASIC. BUT WHY DID THEY DO THAT TO ME. WHY DID THEY PUT A CHARACTER IN ZEXAL WHO ALREADY LOOKS LIKE MY ART STYLE. ALREADY LOOKS LIKE I DREW HIM. AND THEN MAKE HIM FUCKED UP AND SILLY AND A SAD LITTLE JACKASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ABSOLUTELY NEFARIOUS!!!!!!!!! 2021 dana had no CLUE they were hiding this fucker in the back of one of the ygo spinoffs. never could have predicted it. vector’s genuinely one of the best ygo characters of all time to me. what if a yugioh character had the most absolutely bonkers expressions youve ever seen and he was constantly doing little bits and acting like a little funnyman and then the devil fucking Kills Him. he’s perfect. the madness has only just begun to infect me i fear.
ANYWAY other than The Carrot in Question, I fucking love like...all of Zexal’s cast; I think this is the first time for any ygo where a series just didnt really have any characters I straight up Did Not Like. it’s such a solid, colorful cast that just checks so many boxes for my fav kinds of characters. I didn’t think I was gonna like Yuma but I ended up LOVING HIM!!!! I LOVE SEEING A YGO PROTAG THATS LIKE..ACTUALLY BAD AT THE GAME, THAT GROWS BETTER AND STRONGER OVER TIME BUT STAYS SO SILLY. I love what Zexal does to “traditional” yugioh character archetypes--Shark and Kite are both such cool rival characters and the shit they do with Shark especially?!?! NEVER COULD HAVE IMAGINED THEM DOING THAT. WITH A YUGIOH RIVAL. KAIBA COULD NEVER.
Narrowing down a top five fav Zexal guys is so hard, they really came in swinging with Catostrophic Families AND insane alien guys, but after pondering I think I’d have to say rn it’s Vector, Shark, Nistro (my fuckin  MAN!!!!!!!), Trey, and Alito. Immediate runnerup also being Tori. I fucking love Tori, new favorite main ygo girl. She bore witness to All That Shit and never folded. SHe’s Yuma’s FRIEND his CONFIDANT his EMOTIONAL SUPPORT!!!!! Absolute boss. Yuma would be dead in a ditch somewhere by episode 20 without her around.
Favorite Duel: BEEN GOING BACK AND FORTH ON THIS A LOT but I think my favorite duel was and still is the Trey vs. Yuma duel in zexal I, it’s just fantastic. The COLORS AND LIGHTING!!!!! The stakes!!! The SICK DUEL ARMOR!! Trey literally threatens a world-ending murder-suicide because he wants his family to be proud of him and well i’ll just explode into bits all up and down the road about it. Goes hard as hell. Trey and Yuma’s dynamic is one of my favs in Zexal but that’s it’s own post.
I also love all of Alito’s duels (especially the tag duel with Nistro, which is one of the most atrociously danabait duels ever (slash pos) and his last duel against yuma, which ALSO has some of the fucking coolest shots and lighting of any yugioh duel to me) and the last duel between Shark and Yuma. Shit rocks.
Zexal is also pretty unique to me in that it’s the first time i can really concretely say ive had favorite EPISODES as opposed to just favorite duels. There are so many episodes left and right that just make my fucking head explode. The BASEBALL DUEL FRIENDSHIP GAMES EPISODE. The EPISODE WHERE YUMA AND SHARK ARE IN THE HOSPITAL. The “VECTOR GETS STRAPPED INTO THE ALIEN GOD THRONE AND MR. HEARTLAND IS BEING INSANE AND THE ARCLIGHTS ARE IN A SUBMARINE AND ERAZOR IS GOING TO FUCKING KILL YUMA’S FRIENDS” episode. THE. UM. THE EPISODE WHERE THIS HAPPENS
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^BROKE MY WHOLE DAMN BRAIN IN HALF. I AM STILL RECOVERING FROM THE DAMAGE zexal II comes in swinging with episodes that just knock your tits clean off and you LOVE to see it!!!!
Miscellaneous Other Zexal Gushing: IT’S JUST FUCKING GOOD!!!! THERE’S SO MUCH TO LOVE!!!!! I love the cast, I love Yuma and Astral’s dynamic and just how much love is there. I LOVE yuma’s friend group, they are SUCH perfect dweeby little middle schooler weird kids. I love the ways Zexal parallels Duel Monsters (and imo takes a lot of elements from DM and does them even better), I love Yuma’s grandma and Kari, ABSOLUTE REAL ONES!!! I fucking love Orbital 7. I love the Number cards and how theyre just completely thematically not related to each other at ALL (sometimes it’s a bug! sometimes it’s a guy! sometimes it’s an entire floating civilization!!!) I love the ABSOLUTELY BONKERS RELIGIOUS MOTIFS AND SYMBOLISM FLYING AROUND IN ANY AND ALL DIRECTIONS. THEY DID THAT FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! ASTRAL CHRIST ALLEGORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I just...adore how fundamentally Zexal is about kindness and hope and love, and also about how it’s so important to not lose yourself or your sense of fun as you grow up!! That theme absolutely EVISCERATED ME when gx came out swinging with it in its last season, and it’s GETTIN ME AGAIN HERE!!! IT’S ABOUT HAVING FUN!! IT’S ABOUT THE BONDS WE MAKE WITH OTHERS!!! IT’S ABOUT HOW CEASELESS KINDNESS CAN BE AN UNSTOPPABLE FORCE THAT MAKES EVEN THE IMMOVEABLE MOVEABLE. yuma has SO much joy and love and forgiveness in his body and it makes me WAIL.
Duel Monsters really ends on this note of “goodbye” with Atem leaving, and it works well for that story’s themes of grief. Meanwhile I think it’s very special that while Zexal also ends on a goodbye with Astral leaving, it feels so much more like a “see you later.”  That hanging note of “we’ll meet again.” It’s so sweet. The themes of past and future at play really just make you root for these kids and hope they grow up into the best versions of themselves.
Also it’s so fucking funny that like All of the Cast That Died and Went to Hell Came Back Except Mr. Heartland Who Definitely Died For Real. gay WRONGS.
God. what else. I’m sure I’ll think of 8352389 more things I love about Zexal immediately after I post this. It’s just that good. So thrilled I gave it a go. I love you Xyz Monsters I love you Dyson Sphere I love you Vector’s dub and sub voices I love you Duel Monster Based Off of the Titantic I love you Dr. Faker’s absolutely insane character design I love you Barian World I love you Arclight family I love you Zexal II Dub Opening Song That’s Sung By Bruno 5D’s VA I love you YUMA AND FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!! ZEXAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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cant wait to port all these kids to the college AU. it’s already happening. I love them so much
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tojisun · 7 months
I’ve only watched three k-dramas and two anime’s in my life
The glory, goblin, and hi bye mama
Death note and kakegurui (?)
Send recs !!!!!! My friend told me to watch crash landing on you
ohh!! im not into much kdramas so i cant give u some, im sorry tomie :((
but uhm if u want painful stuff: miracle in cell no. 07! its a (korean) movie though n not a series
if u also are into j-series, pls give alice in borderland a try!
now anime on the other hand, i have lots! (although theyre probs what youd call ‘mainstream’ but oh well)
ofc pls watch jujutsu kaisen teehee!! and attack on titan (specifically bc of this one unhinged science nerd named hange zoe - i love them sm). oh and demon slayer!!
sports anime genre is also so fucking good so: haikyuu and yuuri on ice (this one still makes me tremble w emotions my god i wish i can rewatch it for the first time again)
07 ghost still confuses me but the aesthetics of this one is phenomenal!
beelzebub for shits n giggles n delinquents n (baby) demons
school babysitters!! my goodness ive never wanted a younger sibling so bad!! theyre so cute, its :(((
all of studio ghibli films for a psychedelic n aesthetic trip
tbh im blanking rn so idk what else 😭
thank you for asking ahhhh <333
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saint-bestial · 1 month
5, 15, 23, and 25 for Sylvester! :3
5. How do they like to sleep?
sylvester likes to curl up to sleep, generally picking small enclosed spaces like closets to do so unless he feels comfortable enough to do otherwise. he'll pile up clothes or blankets to sleep in. but if he's sleeping with kiryu in a bed he tends to enjoy being the big spoon lol.
15. Who is their greatest enemy?
hmm, overall? probably gods. the crimson dragon in specific. i mean sylvester literally tried to kill it back when he was a signer dragon and that started this whole mess in the first place. despite his memory being mangled and suppressed the contempt remained. and then after a lot of time to think in the aftermath of the dark signer arc the earthbound immortals weren't all that great either. gods have only ever used and abused him for their own gain. he wants nothing to do with them.
it's tempting to say jack or yusei for this but. the animosity doesn't run nearly as deeply and personally. jack hates him but he's just some prick. yusei doesn't hate him but sylvester doesn't like him bc he killed kiryu during the dark signer arc, still he isn't really a significant threat. the crimson dragon held a grudge against him even when sylvester had no memory of his actions. the earthbound immortals intended to use him as a weapon. two guys have nothing on that.
23. What do they do to relax?
post crash town arc, sylvester likes to unwind by hanging out with his animals and riding his horse tempest around :) he'll also pester kiryu until he sits down somewhere so he can get pets lmao. sylvester melts surprisingly quickly with that lol. also he likes chewing on things.
before that though, sylvester didn't have much in the way of relaxation. the closest he'd get would probably be hanging out with kiryu and. well it's kiryu even that could be stressful. sylvester just kind of existed with a constant level of alertness and stress 😭
25. What's an item or garment they're never without?
a knife lmao. sylvester always has at least one on him, and if he doesn't he'll figure out how to make one himself with what he has. he hasn't managed to keep the same one throughout the years however. besides that, probably the card of his dragon self. because it's a part of him and if anything happened to it, that would be Bad.
thank you for the ask!!
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come-along-pond · 10 months
Could you tell me more about your role reversal AU? How did Aziraphale fall? How did the situation in the Garden of Eden play out? How did they meet Viviana/Gaia? (I love the name by the way, I'm always a sucker for Greek myth names)
Okay! So!
In both my canon, and my au, Viviana is only created a few weeks before the beginning, God personally creates her for the earth, she is the first thought of earth. She is life on earth, hence her name.
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So, you have to understand a bit about OG Viv first, she’s been on earth since it’s creation and talks to Aziraphale a lot in Eden, ‘distracting’ him. She meets Crowley in his snake form and tells him to go away lol, cos he’s blocking her view of the river. Then they properly meet on the wall.
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AU time!
Viv is now called Gaia because @purpleyearning recommend it as a name, so i thought perfect name for an au.
I like the think that really Aziraphale’s fall from heaven was one big misunderstanding (in his words).
While Crowley “sauntered vaguely downwards”, Aziraphale tripped and crashed. and burnt. I don’t have a specific event in mind but anyway his animal is a black swan because
“It symbolizes transformation, death, and rebirth. The black swan is also a reminder that we must go through the dark night of the soul before we can emerge into the light. The black swan is a symbol of hope.”
And i think that really sums up my ideas for Demon! Aziraphale, he’s kind, but tired, a demon, who was once an angel.
Anyway, Angel Crowley is just Crowley 😭. he’s always been kind, always liked animals, always loved the starts.
Gaia meets Crowley when doing some sneaking about heaven so she could see the ‘sparkly things’, and she meets Aziraphale in the Garden when she complains to the swan that it was ridiculous for her to make edible food, but not have people eat it, so he very innocently goes “you eat it,”
and she does. and then Eve sees and copies. so really, Aziraphale tempts Gaia who tempts Eve.
They tell this to Crowley who CACKLES.
Aziraphale still has his book shop, just not acquired totally legally, Crowley has his car, which has a sun roof now to see the stars. Crowley’s plants are loved, but he has one that keeps dying and Gaia can’t bring it back.
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Anyway, Gaia’s transformation into death goes a bit like this.
she still creates as life, but in this universe she becomes fed up with humanity rather quickly, and notices her hair is darkening, so she hides it from her *cough* partners *cough*!best friends, and she also keeps seeing death around the place, and all her plants are dying, and she’s so scared,
“i think— i think this is my version of falling”.
she seals her fate by creating a pomegranate tree in her sleep.
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OG post: https://www.tumblr.com/come-along-pond/726363064952340480/qocc-oc-challenge-day-three-august-22nd
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boy-armageddon · 5 months
man could i get like. a crash course on your oc's. i don't know anything about any of them godbless
EEEE YAY OF COURSE!!!! (Insane ramblings about my world and 4 of my characters (technically like 6-7 though I mention some briefly) under the cut)
Okay so quick tldr thing for their world because there’s A Lot: set in a sort of fucked up future Detroit with a lot of pollution with this Alien God Blood/Fuel Substance (aka anti-essence) with a lot of. Basically killing machines of animals created from ingesting it (Reapers) who have changed a lot of how humans live and also the population in general is way down, so most of them live in cities now. Very compact and very low quality of life. The aforementioned Reapers are entities, which are beings created by old gods (aforementioned alien god things. Too much lore to get into but what you need to know is that they do exist and they do cause trouble for people and can possess people sort of. Not Reapers though they’re a weird exception). This is all I should say because Oh My God I run my mouth LOL
Enter my main protagonist freak, Jeong Chin-hae. Investigates entities freelance because of his strong moral convictions with helping people always no matter what it may cost himself or sometimes other people and all, and also partly because he is semi-possessed by an entity! Got nearly beat to death and a Shade (another kind of entity, friendlier than the others and distinctly nautically themed) tried to possess what it thought was his corpse but woopsies! He was still alive so they’re just stuck together LOL. Also other things of note about him: anger issues, autistic (specifically has a lot of sensory issues around being touched and has a special interest in hardcore punk and some of its subgenres. Like me yeah I know LOL), recently moved to futuristic Detroit and is sleeping on his friend’s couch. His friend is Dave btw she’s so cool but not too relevant rn, just know she’s Jeong’s ex (no tension or anything it was just kind of a funny thing and they just realized “oh yeah we’re just friends” and broke it off then) and only friend at this point and also a polyamorous weed dealer to the neighbors (not dating them though, just the weed dealer to them of course)
Speaking of the neighbors!!!!!!!! Cassy (Castillo) Navarro Villanueva :3 one of his mothers is an old god that feeds upon the fear of the afterlife/death and the one who made shades. Cassy specifically feeds more on sleep and has dream related powers, ironic considering he’s an insomniac LOL. Lives next door to Dave and yknow. Buys weed from him. Would have been a film major if he could’ve afforded it and still like constantly watches and talks about films (likes weird artsy bullshit and some stereotypical film bro movies. Wears a fight club shirt a lot but in entity affairs world it’s called Altercation Association). However! He is currently. Um. An organ harvester 😭 long story about that but that whole underbelly of the medical industry was basically his only option as, due to being half old god, he looks. freaky in a few ways (notably the multiple eyes and the hand mouths and other stuff). Very predatory industry stuff blah blah blah so that’s why he’s there. He’s also a cannibal AND in a weird gay relationship with Jeong they are So bad for each other ❤️
Other neighbor who mooches off of Cassy, Homhe! Pronounced like Hawm-hey does that make sense. Too much lore to get into but they’re like 17 year old albino amalgamation dipshit being manipulated by this one old god into doing so many horrible actions. A huge asshole on purpose yet is weirdly protective of Cassy (like the only person who hasn’t gotten fed up with them yet which is why). Technically some sort of entity but moreso a vessel, long story. Because of this, they can sort of leech off of other entity’s power stuff. Like a sponge! Hates Jeong so bad too. It’s a jealousy thing but not romantic jealousy OBVS LOL
Finally, out of my main character. My fave oc ever in the universe… Cecilia Moore!!! Yes Cecilia like Cecilia and the Silhouette Saloon. Constantly wears businessy clothes and has a flat affect and died once. She’s okay now though Cassy’s old god mother, Reorzæk, revived her because she just took a special time interest in her. Of course this is in exchange for being basically her “follower,” or a person (isn’t always a person specifically just any sentient life form) who just does the old god’s bidding, and is specifically assigned to the. Organ harvesting stuff, for the purposes of making more vessels (long story related to Homhe). Cassy’s boss basically. She’s very tired constantly and super overworked but she actually does have a similar music taste to Jeong (if liking more prog stuff than him), so when she has the time she either listens to music or reads (usually random super wordy books for fun.) Jayson’s older sister (not talking about my token cis guy rn because he’s not a main character, but if you want to you can ask more about him), transgender lesbian, generally the goat. To me
There’s more I can talk about obvs because look at how much I’m talking but alas. It would be a millenia to talk about it ALL in one post. Sorry for rambling 😭
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rodolfoparras · 3 months
!! I do use ibis paint !! I love it it's very easy to use :3 I can draw with my finger but I prefer the pen so aside silly doodles, I'm waiting til my delivery with my new pen comes in :3
When I finish art of him I'll share it with you if you want !! Can't say when It'll be because my package hasn't even shipped yet😖
I'm working on LOTR ocs now, they're all pretty old and in need of updates since I've changed so much since I created them !!
The one I'm updating rn is my very first LOTR oc !! Originally they were a fem elf , in love with Legolas... Tbh a very basic oc for LOTR I made when I was like 13
But !!! I'm making him ftm and instead of Legolas, they eventually date Haldir :3
He was an elvish archer alongside Haldir but one time on patrol he ends up encountering something strange and gets possessed😧 he didn't wanna go back in fear of Haldir finding him disgusting or assuming he's a monster and trying to kill him, so he lingers in the forest, close enough to still keep an eye on the people of Lothlorien (and his beloved Haldir)
I don't have much more worked out but I did make him in a picrew
also most old people are very rude, I think they have the "respect your elders" mindset that they think they an be assholes to everyone younger than them and we just gotta respect them??? Like shouldn't you be in a grave by now why are you still being hateful??
My goodness I sent a whole reply and then the app crashed 😭 but if you feel comfortable please share if you want to and when you can I’d love to see it!
Y’all have such creative backstories to all these ocs I know a lot of them are inspired by the specific show or video game they exist in but I’m still so very impressed with how y’all take an existing idea and transform it into something better!
Also his background story sounds so sad but so lovely! Imagine having a whole future planned with the one you loved now you’re only allowed to watch them live that life without you😭
Also you’d think spending sm time on earth would make you a more understanding individual but every old person just turns bitter and cruel
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what is the top reason they would (theoretically) go to the hospital
The reason why each of the 4town members would end up in the hospital headcanons
Robaire - since Robaire cooks the most out of all the members, he has had his fair share of cuts and burns, especially when he gets over-confident in his culinary abilities. Robaire is really skilled at preparing and cooking food fast, and seemingly without effort, but if he starts chopping ingredients too fast, it doesn’t always end well. This has caused him to need stitches more than once, which really embarrasses him because it is so preventable, but the other members tell him not to be so hard on himself and that they’re just glad he’s okay.
Jesse - Jesse can be neglectful to his health sometimes, because he is constantly looking out for everyone else, so sometimes he will have minor health issues that can build up over time. When the other members find out about this they immediately take him to the hospital, which earns lots of groans and complaints out of Jesse. He has broken small bones like fingers before, and just lied to himself that he could fix it with a splint, and then he winds up having to go to the hospital a few weeks later to get treated professionally, which he HATES.
Tae Young - Tae works to rehabilitate animals in his free time, so that means he has to deal with all different kinds of animals that may not be very comfortable or relaxed around people. This can occasionally lead to some not so pretty accidents that sometimes include bites, scratches, and other injuries that have required him to get emergency vaccinations and stitches. Tae is an expert on how to approach intimidated animals, but sometimes things don’t always go according to plan. He doesn’t ever regret it though, because he loves working with all animals.
Aaron T - T skateboards a lot, and although he is really good at it, there have been a couple rare occasions where he loses balance and crashes. He has had minor sprains and scrapes that don’t require much medical attention, but Z still took him to the hospital because he wanted to be sure he was ok. He has also slipped and fallen in the shower before 😭. The other four were all hanging out, and then a loud THUD was heard followed by an “OWWW!” coming from the bathroom, and then Z had to go in and help him up. Falls like these don’t even require hospital visits (they usually just end in lots of bruises) but once again, Z needs the reassurance that T is ok :’).
Aaron Z - Z will get really anxious if his catastrophizing gets too out of hand, and this has lead to a couple intense panic attacks. Whenever they happen, they are always in the middle of the night when he’s alone or the only one awake. They’re the kind where he freezes up, goes numb, and can’t form coherent sentences. In the times that T has seen him like this, he gets really worried and immediately takes him to the hospital. A hospital visit for this wouldn’t be necessary, but it can be really hard to tell a panic attack from something more serious. Typically for this reason, Z never likes to be alone, specifically at night. This is pretty much never an issue though, because he is always with T + usually the other members.
I hope you liked these :’)
Keep sending requests!!
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
i hate second manga route for haruka and especially takane's stupid arcs but LIKE I ALWAYS SAY its got so much going for it. ayano and shintaro especially. ayano being the shittiest sister ever and shintaro being Literally the awesomest brother really gets me like its so funny
shintaro being so. Weird/mean in more typical routes because of retaining eyes even if it's repressed/inactive... i know its because kagepro was written in the course Of Years and it's honestly a game of telephone so it's more a matter of lack of consistency rather than this but i like to explain it with that lol
in main route shintaro and momo barely speaking, not being close at all. but in an original way they were THE closest siblings... sniff sniff. like so much was sacrificed in the way to their happy ending, their relationship being one. and for shintaro (with retaining) to eventually remember this but not momo... and how it'd cause a shift in his behavior bc he REMEMBERS all these moments they spent together in some other lifetime and how he felt about it then, and it's simultaneous with how he feels with this lifetime and this specific relationship he's built with his sister. it's a lot!! he doesn't stop being him, but all these other routes are overwritten over one another and how he feels in each one is completely simultaneous with how he feels about the present. augh. this is complicated for all his relationships ofc like (drum rolls) takane because of Many reasons but for example he fucking killt her once and he KNOWS that. but hehe. kisaragi siblings. that was just my obligatory takane mention bc i can't help myself BUT IM TALKING ABT SHINTARO AND MOMO
momo just sees shintaro acting awkward and trying to approach her and she's like 😐weird. ofc she still reciprocates!! like DAMN shintaro wanting to be her brother and get closer to her?? it's one of her biggest wishes come true!!!! but its awkward as fuck!!
shintaro is dealing with MANY things as he goes through life with all these memories + living past the end of the story, and momo is terrified of scaring shintaro away because she doesn't KNOW all he knows and he's shit at trying to communicate and just talk. but maybe their mom can come home and be like oh. u guys are watching tv together?? thats strange. and theyre like oh. yeah i guess <- wrestled for who got the remote, momo obviously won, shintaro complains but still stays to watch whatever the hell obscure tv show momo is into. shintaro keeps criticizing it and momo's like just leave if it bothers u so much and he's like NO. im googling the directors and writers of this as we speak.
also i know ive said this 1000 times but car guy shintaro. this guy gets his license and is everyone's taxi driver. but ESPECIALLY momo. he drives her to school everyday and they scream sing together the entire way. momo makes a car playlist to sing with him but will never admit it's a playlist specifically made with shintaro in mind and how funny she thinks it'll be when call me maybe comes on and shintaro will be like AUGGH THIS SUCKS LOWER THE VOLUME but immediately starts singing too.
AND ALSO he tries teaching her how to drive and she crashes their mom's car and shintaro takes the blame. as punishment he can't use the car for a while. in that while momo still gets her license Somehow even though she is an awful awful driver and now since shintaro isnt allowed to drive for a bit momo is taking him and he's FIGHTING FOR HIS LIFE.
anyways kisaragi siblings😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 also ayaki not only watching shintaro managing to get closer to momo in this lifetime too, but also sees ayano be this supposedly perfect big sister.
post str ayano with all this guilt over abandoning her siblings and feeling totally incapable of everything, both academically and emotionally. but ayaki is still a little jealous bc even if she Knows how ayano must feel (despite not even being in her head like with shintaro. she knows bc she IS ayano) kano kido and seto DO see her as a good big sister. i think ayaki harbors certain "hatred" for the surviving ayano because she. hates herself. and this ayano has everything ayaki fought for and is still just as incapable and it pisses her off. i think both ayanos feel horrible specifically about kano's involvement in everything and what he had to deal with when ayano died. ayaki thinks god. i/she still failed for protect him. this SUCKS. she knows ayano hates herself bc she hates her and she is her💥
....and also in case of shinaya ayakis like THIS IS RIDICULOUSSS!! HIM OF ALL PEOPLE?!?!?! COME ONNNN. erm anyways💥
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spinoff-antithesis · 1 year
[@distinguished-turtle-enjoyer ]
i actually have not stopped thinkin bout your bb!edit like,,,, its so good and scratches my brain right
how long have you been doin edits for? do have any tips for someone, who hypothetically, wants to start doin edits too? what programs do you use? how did you do the cool animated bits?
im so sorry for all the qustions 😭😭 i just think youre very talented and inspirational and i hope you have a good day ^_^
hi firstly oh my gosh you're literally so sweet i am gently shaking you i love you so much /p. secondly, i apologize for the long answer! (it's all under the cut. this got away from me. i'm so sorry apparently i have a lot to say.) (also you're so good about the questions i would constantly be asking one of my professors questions during class to the point where she said i didn't have to go "i have a question" every time i approached her)
i've been editing since 2016! around march/april, i think? loved it so much i went into film & video production in college as a major so i could do editing for a living. (i have done more motion graphics for my classmates than i have done edits outside of class assignments, BUT!)
the program i use is after effects - i started learning it when covid first hit the united states because i had nothing better to do with my time (other than music theory but i failed that bc my professor focused more on the history aspects than the actual theory soooo) and my ipad kept giving me the "no more storage" whenever i tried to use videostar lmao. (vs has, apparently, gotten a LOT of good updates, so if you're looking to start editing and have an ios system, i'd look into it! only downside is you have to pay for some of the cool stuff).
also the program i use for masking (i think i explain this later dwdw) is superimpose. i've been using it since 2014 and it's SO nice bc i can use my fingers to erase backgrounds & stuff instead of hoping i can get it to work correctly in ae or photoshop (photoshop my DETESTED i'll use it but i'll complain the entire time).
for people who want to start editing: tutorials on how your program works and how to do specific transitions are gonna be your best friend when you're first figuring things out! i forced a friend to literally walk me through how after effects worked when i was first figuring it out, and when i had swapped to videostar back in 2017/2018(?) i had watched a Lot of tutorials. that and played around a lot and figured things out on my own - which is also always a good way to start!! it's also totally valid to look at other people's edits for inspiration - most editors don't really care, as long as you don't flat-out remake their edit (some people don't like that!). i have a style insp folder on instagram where i save edits that i like so if i need transition ideas or i'm doing a different style, i can look there for inspiration. at the end of the day, as long as you're having fun with it that's all that matters!
also, starting simple is always okay!! my edits for a year were just me slapping gifs & video segments together on a timeline in cute cut pro bc imovie didn't load them lol & it'd crash every time i breathed. ++ it never hurts to ask people for feedback/constructive(!!!) criticism/etc! (also not to sound like everyone else but practice? good. it's so good. if i showed my 14/15y/o self some of the edits i can make now they would've passed out on the spot bc i was still trying to figure out transitions back then. programs can also sometimes make a difference in edits, but usually it's not super noticeable until you start getting to the Complicated Shit.)
a lot of popular programs i've seen are ones like video star (ios only), alight motion (android only), after effects (i recommend 🏴‍☠️ing it tbh, i only use it legally bc i had to use adobe programs for school), capcut, and i think some people still use sony vegas pro & maybe cute cut pro (i've heard it may have actually gotten better since i last used it in 2018)? i have no idea. programs also depend on whatever device you're using to edit on! since i've been using my laptop, i'm able to use after effects (it's computer-only), but when i used my phone/ipad to edit i used ccp & vs.
for the animation - it's a lot of cutting up the image and masking! more complex animations, like the one i had of leo walking down that red 'hallway' have several different layers that have been masked. (i removed the background & filled in the spot where leo originally was in two different apps - superimpose (taking leo out) & photoshop (filling in the bg)) in after effects, the way i've done this was mask out the specific thing i wanted to move (like an eye) and then put that mask on what i've called a "base" (not animated), and then stick a solid behind the base to match the color of the object. (some of my layers are not named appropriately; base 2 is the left arm & the four "SIX_[...]" layers are the mask/bandana tails)
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an example of this would be for any of the eye blink animations i did! this (above) is the same shot, with and without the eye - since it's masked out and i have the background solid behind it, it doesn't look too unnatural/have a black outline/mass where his eye should be.
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what it looks like without the solid layer behind it ^ (the red lines are from the null layers - ignore that)
this is what my timeline looks like if it's a more simplistic animation - the only five things being animated here are leo & raph's eyes. (there's only this many layers bc it's two characters in one shot & i was also animating their pupils - typically, an eye-blink animation is about 4-6 layers for me (solid, base, mask, & null to animate with, 6 if i'm animating both eyes & 4 if just one))
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in after effects, there's this really cool tool called the puppet pin that one of my friends (lovingly) yelled at me for not knowing about - which. yeah fair she wasn't wrong it's SUPER useful in animating, provided you chop up your image first. if you don't it's a mess.
(separated by layer vs i should've really put the mask tails & leo's head on separate layers and didn't bc that was the 2nd to last animation i had to do and i was losing my mind bc i wanted to be done with the edit lmao)
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the way people animate depends all on their style (there's two common ways to do blinking animation - having the anchor point at the bottom of the eye, or the middle of it) and the program they use. it's been a while, but i could probably tell you how to do some basic animations on videostar still even though i've been doing them in after effects for about 2-3years now. ALSO the best way to have an animation be noticeable is to over-exaggerate it/make them Big - which, yes, can mean 'breaking bones' and having the limbs be a little wonky at the start. (if you want it to be realistic though go Just to the point where it looks uncomfortable lmao)
uhm. again i am so sorry that this is so long i THINK this is everything? if not: my inbox/dms are always open if you ever want to ask more questions, wanna follow up on something, etc etc!! (also if you ever start editing please send me your edits!!! i'd love to see them <3)
#this got away from me im SO sorry (just put this in google docs out of curiosity. 1255 words. i am so sorry for the essay.)#uhm. ANYWAY YES like i said if you have any other questions feel free to reach out!!! i am always alway willing to help people out#with stuff like this!!! i can talk your ear off though if this wasn't enough proof of that /j#if nothing makes sense it's bc i'm responding to this at like. 5am my time. so. my bad if there's typos i'm so sorry#like i think i saw this ask at 4:40ish am and i'm still making sure i've got everything covered and its like 5:32am LMAO#me when i dont sleep bc i have no routine now#ask box pals#art creds in the screenshots to trubblegumm !! <- tagging to be safe#still in shock at the amount of positive feedback im getting from my bb!leo edit like oh my god you guys are incredible ilysm /p#sorry i discovered in the middle of typing out my tags that you can edit them now after you've hit enter where am i.#also this is offtopic so its down here but i am Not complaining about doing more motion graphics than actual editing.#a bitch has won two awards for their motion graphics at festivals and i've been doing them for a YEAR#(laughs in the first time i ever did a real one i won a student award. idk how. but i DID and i won the pro category this year <3)#it would be nice tho to do more editing for short films tho :( had a professor tell me i was good at it.#i should rly start using my camera and shoot my own stuff and edit it huh. maybe i will eventually i have a few ideas.#anyway. i need to stop rambling abt my experience as a film student and go to bed i apparently need to be up in the morning but idk WHEN
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spoopy-fish-writes · 1 year
Summary of so far because I got WiFi literally 2 minutes ago 👍
Random plane + trip thoughts under the cut ofc because there’s a lot <3
My mum knows people in Germany, in the Netherlands, in Italy, and yet the one place where she doesn’t know anyone is the specific part of Egypt that we’re flying to are you kidding me
I’m gonna start knocking out children on this plane fr shut up
I need to go to the bathroom so bad but I would rather die than go to the bathroom on a plane :/
I took a nap but it was only like 20 minutes and I wasn’t fully asleep so I could still hear everyone around me this is so upsetting what was the point of the nap
Being on this plane felt more like I was in a car honestly it was moving and shaking so much even when there wasn’t turbulence wtf. It was so scary man fr like every time we would hit turbulence the lady on the communicator would give the seatbelt warning sounding so scared and her voice was so shaky and it would constantly be cutting off like please I’m already worried about this trip don’t tell me you’re worried about crashing because of this too
Everyone on the plane was so loud and I have even more reason to hate iPad kids and parents that raise their children on technology
Maybe if your kid wasn’t so used to only going to sleep if they were watching something then they would have been asleep and not screaming the whole time we were on the plane and I also wouldn’t have to listen to Little Baby Bum for 90% of the trip. PLUS THE AMOUNT OF TIMES THESE KIDS DROPPED THEIR IPADS ON THE FLOOR JUST HOLD THEM FOR THEM OR GET THEM TO SLEEP
There was a group of like 4 toddlers who had like 5 minutes where they just chanted “baby shark baby shark baby shark” like they were trying to summon something
I realised like half way through the flight that I’ve never stayed in a hotel before and I got so anxious for no reason about it. It’s only for a day and a bit as well though it might have been my concern over the fact that I didn’t pack a toothbrush or hairbrush since I assumed that we were going directly to my house instead of staying 2 days in a hotel before getting another plane to get to the house but also it’s normal to assume that a hotel in Egypt would have that available to you
Meeting people from Egypt while being Egyptian is like having an internet friendship and the same with meeting someone from England while being English but this exclusively applies to parties and such in that context but it only lasts for like 3 hours before you never see each other again for the next 7 years where one of you miraculously recognises the other. You learn their entire life story within the first 10 minutes and only learn their name after it’s been 4 hours and one of you thinks to ask just before the other leaves but you never give each other your numbers and never intend to see them ever again.
I hate planes now though fr I cannot take the hour flight home just give me the 8 hour trip by coach to my house
Realised while on the plane that it’s Heaven Official’s blessing and not Heaven’s official blessing 💀
The second one sounds so correct 😭
Shi Qingxuan and Xie Lian’s interactions >>>>
They are besties and I love them. Dianxia please save me from the reality that Shi Qingxuan is eventually going to die 🙏
Xie Lian really delivers one of the most lines ever in the series and then just goes “haha, can we please pretend I never said that just ignore that it ever happened please stop looking at me like that-“
Why did everyone clap when the plane landed
No one on this plane knows anything about Egypt omg “I can’t see the pyramids where’s the desert” MY GUY YOU ARE NOT IN GIZA
Forgot how lanky Egyptian guys are there mfs are TALL
Everyone is so annoyed that we’re Egyptian lmao because as soon as they heard that we came from Britain they assumed that they could scam us out of an extra £15 for a taxi ride that was 10 minutes long and such and came running but started arguing and complaining once they realised that we knew the actual prices for the stuff and services that they were selling and how the system in Egypt worked when it came to British and American people
We need to buy plugs for the chargers because both my phone and my mums are dying and we have the charger but no plugs because my mum assumed that they would have plugs at the hotel. They didn’t. Which was weird. Because it’s basically common courtesy here that hotels have things like toothbrushes and hair brushes and plugs. Realised it’s because they had a terrible group of guests that literally stole everything from pepper to toilet paper when they left literally the day before so that’s not on them
Need to draw :/
I HATE Jun Wu right? But people who draw him with greying hair are. Y’all are right. Keep doing that.
NORMALLY that doesn’t make a person more attractive to me it’s just with him and Leo BUT he has such a detestable face to me that giving him the grey hair makes me go 👀 BECAUSE IM NOT REGISTERING HIM IN MY HEAD AS THE SAME PERSON BUT ALSO I AM BUT A DIFFERENT VERSION OF HIM IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN and also he’s not one of the exceptions I have to young looking powerful people that I like. He just needed to look older and more correct. It’s… the dilfness. Yano
Don’t look at me or say anything I saw a tik tok with Jun Wu with grey hair and it reminded me of some yandere stuff I wanted to write for pre calamity Jun Wu and I am never going to recover from that because I don’t actually fully remember what the thing itself was and I’m not normal anymore
I’m not gonna have wifi until tomorrow or be able to charge my phone help
I can see why Sharm El Sheikh is such a popular tourist spot now the ocean there is SO clear
Also a flying fish jumped a little ways in front of my mum which was cool
You can see schools of fish around really close to the shore there has to be a reef close by
There was a reef close by!!
I went diving which was really cool but I got bit by a bloody Parrot fish that wouldn’t leave me alone for the whole thing hate that guy and he’s in every photo that we took while scuba diving like get out this isn’t about you
The reef was so cool though but it would have been cooler if I could actually see because my goggles were fogged up a bunch :/
Found a bunch of coral on the beach also which was fun and very cool looking which I’m taking with me back to England
I found a bunch before I went diving and most of it was white so I assumed that it was a dying reef nearby considering how close the fish were but it was probably just really old coral at that point
There was a bunch of clams in the reef as well and you could see the blue outline of the mouth and I’m so upset I didn’t bring a waterproof camera with me or as the camera guy that came diving with me to take photos of the reef too
Please if anyone knows of a fic anywhere where Shi Qingxuan chooses He Xuan when they’re given the ultimatum please please please tell me I need it so bad it’s important
Half because I could never be strong enough to choose my brother over He Xuan as myself currently because it’s He Xuan how am I meant to say no to the black water sinking ships when they look that fine alright but like I get why Shi Qingxuan did because their brother isn’t my brother ofc and I would kill to have Shi Wudu as a brother but I need to know what would happen in a situation where Shi Qingxuan decides, not necessarily when asked but at a point when it would still have a significant impact to choose He Xuan that their brother fucked up but big time or such and such. I need to.
Oh yeah the other half is just because I want beefleaf content. Might not be able to read it until I’m back in England though </3
Got given a plug I’m unstoppable now 👍
The son of the owner of the hotel found out that a fish bit me and said that people say it’s good luck because fish rarely do that here. Then followed up by saying that he doesn’t know who people is but they say it
My mum switched to my brother’s fiancé’s Egyptian SIM card so we can use data here until we can get my cousin’s old one for her and then I’ll take the fiancé’s one but that’s not the point of this and she is getting so many spam calls like girl what did you do to have someone from Seattle calling you 2 minutes after someone from Denmark 😭
Why can I remember my aunts address but half the time can’t remember my dads phone number. Keep in mind I haven’t been to this aunts house in 7 or so years and the last time I had to say my dads number to myself or someone else was literally 2 months ago
I’ve taken so many naps while at this hotel like I’ve spent most of this day sleeping randomly
We’re getting a coach to our next destination at 5am please don’t do this to me. AND we have to get a taxi before to get to the pick up and after the drop off to go to the villa
We’re late for the coach 💀
Egyptians and their weird ringtones I’ve been listening to random songs and sounds as ringtones for the past day and a bit. It might just be hotel people here though my mum uses the default one on her phone
Driving laws DO NOT exist here help lmao
Need fo figure out how to change my time zone it’s just not doing that automatically and I’m done with adding 2 hours on every time I look at the time
They’re talking about us getting stopped by police on the way and bringing in sniffer dogs on the coach :/
These people are too casual about taking their hands off the wheel while driving 60km but all of the roads are empty and we’re on a main road and also in Egypt so yeah makes sense
No wonder they’re so upset that we’re Egyptian there are no tourists here wtf. Christmas is their second biggest time for tourists and there’s no one here they get most of their revenue from tourists but it’s 5am and everything is already closed this never happens
I need to stop taking naps I’m hungry for some reason and I’m never hungry and it’s weird and hurts and I don’t like it and the naps are the only things that’s different about my day. If anything I’ve been eating MORE than usual so I’m very confused
On the coach and slightly less hungry despite not eating anything. Teeth feel and taste weird though because I couldn’t find the toothpaste because it’s somewhere at the bottom of one of the bags because we repacked after the day in the hotel :/
I’ve been falling asleep in exactly hour and a half intervals on the coach each time wtf I’m taking too many naps and still feeling tired this is evil and cruel and horrible and wretched
I haven’t seen my room in several years but I remember exactly how it looks I’m really excited to go back to it tbh
Omg I’m gonna take so many of my old toys back with me to England they’re all in this big basketball container thing that I used to use the lid of for pretend surfing when I was younger and am definitely going to this time too while I’m not sharing the room with my sister but if I don’t find my lion toy I’m going to scream and cry and also my old McDonald’s toys
My mum wants to go to my grandma’s house first thing after we get back to our house but my grandma doesn’t even know we’re in Egypt do you want to kill or get killed by this poor woman 😭
Omg I finally have a chance to show you the waterfall in my house!!
The waterfall doesn’t have any water in it rn :(
I have so many mosquito bites but they’re all on my hands hello???
Hugged a male cousin that I used to be really close with when I was younger that was a mistake my mum is constantly bringing up the fact that she would never allow him to marry me please shut up he’s basically my brother stop talking
My dads already left it a complete mess please I can’t deal with having to get rid of a centipede as wel
There’s no centipede 👍
I’m less upset with my dad leaving the place a mess than him saying that he paid a bunch of money to get it done and cleaned but clearly having done none of that. He’s done as much as he could on his own downstairs but upstairs just has a bunch of his stuff strewn around for no reason in rooms that he had no reason to go into
Gonna get wifi and data soon 🙏
Finished the matching Scara wallpaper 👍 Now I need to go eat something that’s gonna knock 5 years off my life
Need to add Scaras hat but I don’t know if they’ve fixed the WiFi yet so I don’t know what it looks like exactly and all of the dust in the house is gonna have me incapacitated help
I took pain killers for my headache but I didn’t eat or drink anything prior so I think I’m worse
There’s a painting of my dad here in colour but it used to be in black and white. I don’t know where he got it coloured but they’ve just taken a picture of the original painting and put it through an AI and then painted random parts on top of it and it looks so much worse than it used to :/
His whole face is blurred like his skin and clothes and hair has negative texture now
I have breathed in so much dust help I’m going to die
WiFi isn’t working :/
My room is now clean and livable!! :D
Cleaned out the secret compartment behind my mirror so I can shove my coral and jewellery and such behind it 👍
I am reliving so many memories but I found the lion toy and a rabbit toy and a pug toy that I remember loving so much and also my pink poodle but he’s missing his nose but I need to wash the first three so I can sleep with them and also take them back with me to England
Living around English people for so long without coming here has made me forget that Egyptians primarily communicate via screaming at each other
I’m trying so hard to beat the not able to speak Arabic allegations that my mum spread because she didn’t think I could because I never spoke it with her because I just didn’t want to but it’s so hard when my hearing is shit and I can’t hear what anyone is saying I understand you I promise but give me a second please I cannot hear you I don’t know what you’re saying
I’ve written 4 fics in the past 2 days I am living truly. Gonna finish the Genshin secret Santa fic today too if I can as well as some extras for my mutual beloveds >:]
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leonaluv · 2 years
Heyy it’s me MA🥸 anon! I’m so sorry I just seen the second part of your request for exchange after I send the first one so I’m doing it in this ask if you don’t mind🥰
Drama with Jung Wook Sung: so for the main setting of this drama I see a historical drama so old Korea with the kings and palaces. I see him and being sort of a high rank within the system but there are two people above him in rank. I also see that in this drama is some sort of Crisis that he has to solve. This crisis could be something about the whole of Korea and it’s people. I see you as someone who has a very empathetic personality who cares a lot about other people and this is something that you and him bond over in the drama. (You have a very warm personality🥰🥰 I keep seeing light pink when trying to describe you😍) i see you having slicked back hair but I’m also seeing curls??!? Idk maybe you have curls but you’ve slicked them back? 😂😭 I’m also picking up on the colour yellow? Nothing specific but the colour keeps popping up lol so I thought I would mention it. I also see you both meeting up at night near a river or lake or just near some large water and you both express concern for the people of the country. Between you and him is a bit of forbidden love where even if you wanted it would be difficult to be together 🥲 I think in this drama there is a bit of foul play🤭 so someone wants to betray someone but only him and you know and this betrayal could affect many many people 😭 but in the end he gives his life to protect the people 😭 so a bit of a sad ending, you and him don’t end up together, he dies and you survive 🥲🥲 but you feel a mix of happy and sad since you know he gave his life for a good reason. And towards the end of the drama I can see you as an elderly person who still thinks about him and tells people his story but you never tell them the part about the love you and him had 😭😭😭 I also heard the quote In like a distance “ you gave your life for me and I live my life for you” I’m sorry that it’s a bit cliche and it’s a sad drama but this is what I picked up intuitively 😭
I hope it was a good enough reading and sorry it’s a bit sad but I can’t lie about what I picked up intuitively! If there were any things I got wrong or any questions to clarify please let me know 🥰🥰
- MA 🥸
Hi, it's okay I like somewhat sad drama like that. I do like bright colors and the color yellow too. I think the forbidden love would have to be the age difference and different cultures since it is an old historic drama. I do love good enemies to lovers arc. Seems like a drama like a crash landing or Mr.sunshine love it thank you again ❤
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asexualannoyance · 1 year
i thought i was going insane because i couldn't find this very specific Big/Kinn/Porsche fanfiction where they crash in a forest because of Ken who dies while Big gets injured but it turns out the author deleted the fic and i only know that it got deleted because i got email updates that are still in my inbox and the link gives me a 404 error message and there are no more works on this persons profile 😭 it was such a good fic with lots of Big angst and i liked it very much, very sad that it's deleted now (it was called Alone Together, btw)
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mywjmc22 · 2 years
July 14th/15th
Yeah… I totally crashed last night, I was exhausted. Would not have been able to write coherently. But it’s the final day, writing this on the shuttle to the airport (😭), so I’m going to combine yesterday and today.
It was crazy yesterday- in the most amazing way. We started out by hanging out on Capital Hill until 3. I was able to meet with a staffer of my House of Representatives representative and talk with her about mental illness issues and policies in schools (specifically my own), which was such an amazing opportunity. Amazingly grateful.
She was super nice, and apparently their offices get stocked with local sort of snacks/drinks? I’ve avoided saying my location, but I WILL say I’ve got the World of Coke, but that’s as far as I’ll go. So, I got a can of diet coke! Believe me when I say I’ve kept that can and definitely will continue to do so.
After my meeting, I still had a lot of time, and my cousin who lives in DC came to eat lunch with me! She brought her absolutely adorable dog Yoshi, and we ate and talked for like 2 hours. It was a great time.
After that, we went back to campus to get ready for our gala! A bunch of the girls in our color group all got ready together, which was insanely fun! And once we got there…
Wow. First off, the food was absolutely divine. Amazing. Then the music and the dancing started… I had to take off my jewelry. An insanely fun time, literally indescribable. We stayed out until around 11! I have so many pictures- I’m going to need to make multiple instagram posts!
Like I said, though, I was passed out after I was so tired. It was a million times worth it, though.
And now it’s today! Packing up and leaving the room was so sad. And then we had one final speaker, Ben Wolfe, who was absolutely super cool (then he got relatable and made me cry).
Then they had the absolute audacity to make a video as a summary (to show you how tired I still am- I good only think of that word in spanish and had to use a translator to find the english word…) of the conference and it was so cute and sad!!
(To show you how tired I still am- I could only think of the word summary in spanish (resumen) and had to use a translator to find the english word…)
It was just sad because of it ending. This has been such an awesome one of a kind experience that I will literally never have anything like again. I’m so glad I decided to do this, even though I’ve never done anything like it before. I’m being so repetitive but it was just so irreplaceable.
It’s not quite a goodbye though! We’ve all got each other’s numbers and socials and a big silver group group chat, and plan to stay in touch. People always say that- but I think it will really happen this time.
When people online don’t stay in touch, it’s because both people aren’t putting in the effort. But everyone seems so determined to keep talking, and not lose this awesome group of insanely cool people, that I think we really will keep up. At least a little bit. And I hope I’m right.
I guess that’s that! Feels weird to not have to keep posting this daily… to quote Shakespeare, at risk of sounding so pretentious, “parting is such sweet sorrow”. And honestly I don’t remember the rest of that- it’s almost definitely not supposed to be used in this context.
Well, check the instagram soon! There’s definitely gonna be multiple posts. One last time!
I guess we won’t really be seeing you :(
-Toby o7
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