#but it was the cheapest one at the yarn store so it’s okay for this project
enzersquiltingdiary · 2 months
patience quilt 8/4/2024
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Okay soo as im on a yarn ban and learning to quilt..my mother found my determination amusing but told me to start with something that…wouldnt drive me or my friends insane…which i realized she was right. So i began digging and thanks to a jelly roll sale at joanns…(look they were on sale and i have receipts and coupons!!) and finding this i can..hopefully cut 750 rectangles…and hand sew each one. The point is to teach me PATIENCE. and this is a quest i put on myself and asked friends who could to help me on this quest.
my journey to be patient… thanks to joanns having a sale (for my friends in the euros its a fancy smancy fabric store that once in a blue moon has good sales and lets us cheap stray cats in) and i have bought the cheapest rolls in the store known as keepsake calicos. on avg theyy vary from $15-$20 2 of the same kind i got for $14. the rest were $11.24 holding 6 calicos and i have to cut…all of these…into 2.5” x 4.5” rectangles…making a total of 1,080 of them…if not more cause kind friends gave me some. The whole point is not let my inner dragons take over and get frustrated in anything and im hand sewing EVERYTHING. The colors i got and kinda renamed Bridal white 2.5" x 42" Assorted White Cotton Fabric Roll 20ct by Keepsake Calico | JOANN
gothic black 2.5" x 42" Assorted Black Cotton Fabric Roll 20ct by Keepsake Calico | JOANN
multicolor acid trip x2 2.5" x 42" Multicolor Cotton Fabric Roll 20ct by Keepsake Calico | JOANN
2.5" x 42" Multicolor Cotton Fabric Roll 20ct by Keepsake Calico | JOANN
and basic rainbow x2 Rainbow 20Pc Sew Classics Cotton Fabric Roll | JOANN
The pattern of choice for this quest is.
Color Catcher Rainbow Quilt PDF Pattern Download, Scrappy Quilt, Throw Quilt - Etsy
I will update as soon as I get the box.
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littlewalken · 7 months
feb 23
Okay, quite plausible I will have all of my personal things out of storage and home by the end of today. And I do have more than I thought but here's some reasons why-
The summer of 2021 I was going to sort, catalog, photograph, and part with dolls, and quite probably fabric and some other craft things. Any tubs with contents from the one dollhouse do not count. There was no other way to pack them up without losing track of them.
Numerous other things were packed quickly but not in the most efficient space saving manner. It was pack everything you ever wanted to see again as quickly as possible and put it in storage.
There was no time to separate my childhood Breyers and horses from the Life Ruiner's hoard when we first packed. We were able to thin them out when we moved in to the shit shack but they are still a mess. I chose to keep the MLP and several others because I knew I could pass them on to other people on the doll board. Someone out there must be looking for Fashion Star Fillies.
You would not believe how good it felt to send off the birthday party ponies for what I got for them. Don't try to change my mind that I could only chose from the cheapest pair of on sale at the drug store shoes for school because my sister had to have those.
My yarn is surprisingly compact. There are other things like toy stuffing and batting that were to be used for their intended purpose years ago but like with the stuffing I buy a bag, have to pack it away because we're moving (in six months), then when I want it I can't find it and have to buy another that gets packed up.
Someone decided all the toys and miniatures should be put together in unsorted bins so obviously anything with a doll is mine which isn't exactly.
More books will go, I'll either find a place online to download or "borrow and screenshot or scan them myself.
Once everything is here next steps include- basic sorting, like crafts here and dolls there, making sure all the big tubs are the same kind as things get "sort-packed" which means like all the fabric for the wizard quilt is in there, all the dolls needing to be rerooted and rerooting supplies in that one etc even if the bin isn't full. Or if there's room to share then like the wizard quilt might have another quilt with it.
Smaller projects will get in to smaller tubs. Honestly if you have ADHSquirrel or something having everything you need for a single project ready to go in one container is nice.
I will sort my reroots in to gallon sized bags, each bag has a doll and the hair she'll get, so it's grab a bag and my tool kit and go. I also pre cut doll clothes or quilt patches and bag them for when my hands need something to do as well.
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on-a-lucky-tide · 4 years
Hi, I'm nice anon again 💙 I feel awful asking for something, especially since your prompts are closed and you already write so much for us and take so many prompts. I just. Well. Only if you have a little time in the future and you really want to, I would love Lambert going through a rough patch and someone comforting him/listening to him/cuddling him and making him feel loved and supported, even if he insists he's okay and rebels furiously against it at first. Maybe wolf pack? (With or without bard). Yeah... I may be projecting a lot. BUT listen, ONLY when you are free and ONLY if you want to, I promise I LOVE your writing in any shape or form and I find it super comforting already, so you don't have to add anything to your schedule for me, I'm not going to be disappointed at all if you don't do this. You are an amazing, generous human being and I'm so glad I found your blog. Best of wishes 💙
Hey! Never worry about asking for things and reaching out. Projecting on characters is also fine; they’re fictional. Fiction is a great way to work through things and issues that trouble you; to mould the characters into shapes that resonate with you. Writing, reading, daydreaming, projecting; it’s the cheapest therapy out here. That’s what fandom’s for! I hope this helps...
Lambert struggles in the first month following the Grasses...
Lambert fiddled with the yarn between his fingers and tried to ignore the hollow feeling in his chest. Since the Trial  barely a month ago, he hadn’t felt right. Not surprising. His entire body had been broken down and reshaped into this… thing. This thing he didn’t recognise when he looked in the mirror. Two bloodshot yellow eyes squinted back from the face of a monster.
The snows seemed to swallow the valley the second he was able to walk again. His limbs felt permanently numb, the cold seeping through the thickest furs he managed to scrounge from the equipment stores. It was as if winter itself lived inside his skin. With the ice and snow came longer nights and shorter days. Lambert couldn’t even bear to look at the sun when it was up; his pupils fluttered, his eyes stung, and he found himself skulking into the shadows, looking at the floor.
When the few remaining boys from his year tried to extend comfort—yeah, we feel rough too, it’ll pass though, the older boys said it’ll pass—he snapped at them angrily and stormed away. What the fuck did they know? They were as lost as he was. A mutant freak. Noone actually cared.
Not even training provided an outlet for the roiling frustration and misery, and one afternoon he simply threw the wooden training sword into the dirt, returning to the keep with his fists clenched and his shoulders bunched. 
The instructors gave some leeway to the freshly ‘turned’, but Lambert knew he wouldn’t be allowed to wallow in this cesspit of rotten emotion for long. Witchers weren’t meant to feel, after all. Maybe this was that. The numbness creeping in. The mutations taking hold. Lambert sat on his bunk with his back to the window, pulled his knees to his chest, chin tucked into the narrow valley between them, and stared at the wall. 
Should he be crying? Isn’t that what people did when they felt miserable? Yet his eyes remained dry, wide, visionless as he burrowed deep into the back of his head. 
One of the instructors—Barmin, by the smell of clove and smoke that followed him around like a haze—left some food at the foot of the bed when the sun set, but Lambert ignored it. What was the point? His stupid fucking Witcher body probably didn’t need to eat now anyway. He didn’t need food, didn’t need the instructors, or his classmates. Witchers walked alone. Forever. Until a monster ripped their throats out and left them bleeding in the wilderness. Noone would care if he died now, then. He was on his own. This was what true loneliness felt like.
The next person that entered the room made him look up. Warm honey, freshly fallen snow and an eclectic collection of herbs probably still clinging to his fingers. “Eskel?” He was closely followed by another, his scent softer. Geralt. Lambert’s shoulders tensed. “What do you two jokers want?” When they operated together like this, there was no telling what they were up to. 
Neither spoke but took up position either side of him on the narrow cot. The dormitory was empty but for Lambert, with the rest of the cohort in the grand hall for yet another mealtime he’d missed. They sat in silence for a bit, shoulder to shoulder, crowding Lambert on either side with broad chests and thick arms. The wisecrack bubbled in the back of his throat, but faded when a new feeling crept up on him…
A feeling. In the sea of numb misery. It was small, barely there, like thin, spidering cracks through the ancient stone walls around them. Without thinking, Lambert reached out and gripped Eskel’s wrist. It was like grasping a warm tankard in freezing hands. Life. Sensation again.
Eskel tilted his head, matching amber eyes soft in the dim light of the candles on the beaten old nightstand. When Lambert’s other hand reached out for Geralt, settling tentatively over the back of his hand, the White Wolf looked across too. A moment of stillness, and then strong arms folded around Lambert’s smaller frame to hold him tightly. A shuddering, tearless sob ripped out of his chest, but he bit it back, turning his face into Eskel’s grey shirt and gripping Geralt’s hand tightly where it rested on his bicep.
The numbness shattered. The feelings burned. Acute, painful. Anger, betrayal, helplessness. But here, with Eskel and Geralt, he at least felt safe enough to face them, even if just for a moment. He shook in their arms, eyes scrunched closed, refusing to cry. They wouldn’t tease him about this. Their japes and fuckwittery would focus on something more innocuous, less raw. 
Because they both remembered what it was like in the first few months. To have everything you knew yourself to be ripped from you, to be reforged, to have all the doors slammed shut but one. The one that led to the Path. Those first few weeks as a Witcher were the hardest. And doing it alone? Impossible.
But Lambert wasn’t alone, not really. Geralt and Eskel would always be there to hold him up, even when he tried to push them away.
For Witchers were lone hunters, but even a lone hunter can use a helping hand now and then.
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Tag Game
I got tagged by @nerdygingerandproud, y’all!
1. Relationship status:  Single
2. Lipstick or chapstick: Definitely lipstick. I have one in a light pleasant pink and another in a dark red and that last one especially is one of my favorite things.
3. Three favorite foods:  Hmmmm. Burgers (particularly this burger joint back home in VT is just... fucking incredible, my dudes), strawberries, aaaaand I’m gonna go with the steak that my brother makes, because when I was still at home and he was working at the grocery store and tired all the time, he learned what the cheapest cuts of meat in the store that still tasted good were, so he’d bring home five dollar cuts of meat that he’s so good at cooking, and idk, I’ve been missing it a lot lately
4. Song stuck in your head:  this is a weird pull, but when I went home last weekend my brother and I rewatched the Simpsons episode “Homer’s Barbershop Quartet”, and there’s this bit where Jasper’s singing to the tune of “Theme from a Summer Place” but instead of the lyrics he sings “it’s the theeeeeeme from a suuuuummer plaaaaace, from a summer plaaaace, it’s the theeeeme from a suuuummer plaaaace”, and on and off ever since it has been going in a goddamn loop in my brain
5. Last movie you watched: if documentaries count, an American Masters on Edgar Allen Poe. It was only okay: they were bending over backwards to excuse how Poe was kind of a dick (although he’s not a dick in all the ways we commonly believe him to be, which the documentary was pushing pretty hard, he still married his thirteen year old cousin, so)
6. Top three shows— Classic: I always went more hardcore on classic movies than classic TV shows and my brain is a garbage fire in general, so these will probably be the ones that I remember (some of these I haven’t even seen in ages but remember loving dearly), BUT: Monty Python, most of the early SNL stuff, and The Twilight Zone. I haven’t watched enough Star Trek OTS to call it a favorite, but I’ve seen enough that I like and appreciate it a bunch.  Recent: The Good Place, Brooklyn Nine Nine, and American Experience. Really, any PBS documentary is good with me.
7. Books I’m currently reading:  I haven’t been reading as much as I have been listening to audiobooks, so for audiobooks I’m working on The Radium Girls: The Dark Story of America’s Shining Women by Kate Moore and Five Came Back: A Story of Hollywood and the Second World War by Mark Harris. The physical book I’m trying to finish is Queer City: Gay London from the Romans to the Present Day by Peter Ackroyd. Queer City is very well written, and pretty interesting, but it advertises as being a history including gays, lesbians, transgender folk, and that it is not very good at it. It’s mostly a history of gay men, and also some lesbians, and a very small amount of trans folk. As a gay male history of London, it’s exceptional, but as far being an all encompassing queer history book, it definitely falls way short of the mark.
8. Last thing I googled:  "queer city book”, because I couldn’t remember the full title or author, and it’s on my bookshelf but I do not have the vision necessary to read the author from here and my comforter is very warm.
9. Time: 5:52 pm
10. Dream trip: God, dudes, I want to travel so bad. I think I answered one of these recently talking about how my next trip I wanted to be to NYC, and that is still true, but as far as dream trip, fuck, man. I would love to do a road trip across the US because I’ve always wanted to do a road trip, but for one thing that costs money, and for another a loudmouthed queer woman traveling on her own across the country is... probably not a good thing to be doing at the moment. But I also really wanna go to Britain. I’m really interested in English and Irish history and would love to travel to see historical landmarks (yes, I would be that tourist), I’ve been a Shakespeare nerd since I was about seven or eight and I’ve always wanted to see a production at the Globe, I have friends in Britain I’d love to see (looking at you, @dont-offend-the-bees and @lavellington).
11. Anything you want:  Gosh. Well, okay. I’d like for the world to not be such a fucking nightmare, and if the US weathers Trump, I would really like for liberals and the left to not dust off their hands and go “yay, we fixed it!”, because getting rid of Trump will not mean “we fixed all the problems that led us here”, and we still have a lot of work to do with racism and misogyny and transphobia and homophobia. Getting rid of the asshole at the top of the system does not mean we have fixed the problems inherent in the system.
That, obviously, is the big one. On a smaller scale,  I’d like to be able to set up a both at craft shows, for one thing, I love crochet and I’d love to be able to showcase it to a bunch of people and have a bunch of people buy my stuff (and definitely validate my yarn habit). I would love to get a book published- I have a couple long term book plots churning, but I think an anthology of poetry and short stories would be good for me. I want to lose some weight cause even though I actually really like being fat, I have arthritis, and the less weighing on my joints, the less I’ll be in pain. Kind of foiling that last wish, I really want a plain untoasted bagel with a smoked salmon schmear from the cafe about eight minutes from me.
All right, I’ve definitely fuckin talked enough, let’s get tagging. I’m supposed to tag fifteen people, but I always struggle with hitting the exact number, so I’m gonna do my best and if y’all feel like doing it, go for it.
@dont-offend-the-bees, @klaudiart, @princessparadoxical, @punkpuppydragon, @singlemaltantiseptics, @lavellington, @elijahwoodnot
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ecofinisher · 4 years
¡Vamos a España! - Chap 3
Chapter 3
Two days later Gerda stood inside the library of the owner of the building storing books into an empty shelf alone. While she was on it she hummed a tune and checked the remaining books she had on the small cart behind her. Afterward, she took from a wooden box a narrow wooden board and placed it behind the last book with the one labeled side forward for her to recognize the letter K on it.
„Wow, only 30 more shelves, and I‘m done,“ Gerda commented, then heard the bell ring as someone opened the door, then Gerda walked past the cart out to the front of the library to see a woman in a dress and a pinafore with the book slogan on it, then Gerda smiled recognizing her boss. 
„Hey, Freya. I just managed to finish about half of the bookshelves of the store,“ Gerda mentioned making the woman smile, then she pulled out of her dress an envelope to hand it out to the girl.
„That‘s good and I just came along Mrs. Hanners. Thanks for delivering her the order. She was quite happy about it,“ Freya said watching the girl stove her envelope back into her jacket‘s pocket. „This only lasts as a one-way flight and it was the cheapest one the King had to offer,“
„It is fine, really. I just want to be able to help Rollan get back to Spain, so he could help his mother,“ Gerda pointed out. „Thanks for passing by. Did Harald and Anders like the books they received?“
„They were glad about it, good that you ask. I forgot, that King Harald asked me if you could talk to your brother and paint a family portrait of him and his son. If it was possible he would have to pass by the kingdom,“
„Okay, I will pass it on to him. Thanks, Freya. Do you need anywhere help?“ Gerda asked making the woman shake her head.
„No, it‘s fine. Just move the opening sign. I will soon leave too, I promised my daughter to make chicken soup tonight and I haven‘t gotten my order from Niku‘s butchery,“
„Okay see you next week,“ Gerda signed off getting out of the store, then walked along the sidewalk toward the crossroad, then she saw from afar the horse carriage for the commuters come along, then Gerda stopped by the sign for the ride, where already three other citizens were waiting. As the carriage got closer a raven-haired boy glanced up, which Gerda recognized as her boyfriend, which saw her and waved at her.
„Hey Gerda!“ Rollan greeted the girl, which smiled waiting for the carriage to stop in front of the commuters, then all got up and Rollan leaned out his hand to help Gerda up, which sat beside him in the carriage.
„Hey Rollan. I wasn‘t expecting to see you here,“ Gerda mentioned, then saw Rollan‘s small backpack in front of his legs, then glanced up curiously at the boy. „Where are you going?“
„I heard there‘s a container hotel on the outside of the kingdom, which is cheaper than being at Viru‘s cabins,“ Rollan answered. „With the current money I‘ve got and the fewer opportunities, I thought about going there instead,“
„Are you sure it‘s a good idea? How are you thinking about getting into the kingdom again? There are not so many rides for you to get in here?“
„I know, but as long as I don‘t find a job for me to be able to hold myself on my feet it will be hard for me anyway,“
„And…..have you thought about what you will do about your mother?“ Gerda asked placing her hand on her pocket.
„No, so far as long as I‘m in this state I won‘t be able to go down to Spain. I could ask Alfida for a ride, but I don‘t want to bother her and even I would want to pay her I don‘t have anything I could offer her in exchange,“
„Hey, I‘ve talked with my dad and Kai about how much it meant to you to go back to check on your mother…..What do you say, if we would have helped you out in finding a way in going down to Spain?“
„Have you found one?“ Questioned Rollan. „Is it better than autoestop?“ Questioned the boyfriend making Gerda chuckle at the pronunciation of the foreign word.
„Well let me say, it‘s familiar,“ Gerda stated taking out an envelope to show it to Rollan.
„Wait…..you‘re not going to give me money, aren‘t you?“ Rollan asked surprised, then Gerda shook her head and pressed the letter against his hands.
„Nope it‘s a confirmation, that you can join a flight over Europe and Spain is one of the stops on the list,“ Explained the girl watching Rollan open up the letter to see an A4 sheet with more information to his flight to Spain.
„Estimated time: Around 90 hours, 4 days and 3 nights…..Hmm,“
„What do you think?“
„How did you get to this?“ Rollan asked. „Not everyone can get the money to take a flight,“
„Dad, Alfida, I and Kai took our savings to get you one of these. It only helped you to finance the flight cost. You may need to get your own food up at the flight,“
„What you all gave out your money just to help me buy a flight?“ Rollan asked shocked earning a nod from Gerda. „You shouldn‘t have done that. Your family needs the money too, Gerda,“
„Don‘t worry Rollan. We still got the money Orm brought the other day, which will sustain us for the next few days, don‘t worry,“
„Okay, but you don‘t really have a problem with that? I don‘t want to let you all alone just like my mama is now,“
„It‘s fine Rollan. See it as a……. missed birthday present,“
„Okay,“ Rollan snickered. „That‘s fine, then“ Responded the boy, then looked through the sheet he received from Gerda followed by the girl, which pointed at one part of the letter.
„The flight is already tomorrow?!?“ Rollan asked gazing at the girl, which nodded.
„It was the earliest one they had. The next one would be in a month or two,“
„Okay, at least I can earlier make it to help out mama. Hopefully,“
„Yeah, do you have any idea on how to get to make some money to help your mother out?“
„Probably need to get a job somewhere to earn some money. Hopefully, I‘ll get to find one fast,“
„Just do the right thing. I know there is a job out there, that was made for you,“
„I‘ll see,“ Responded the raven-haired boy, then watched Gerda pull his backpack closer to him as passengers passed in front of them to sit on the back of the carriage as it had stopped to load people. Gerda noticed on the entrance a man from the forties wait down at the entrance as he spotted a brown-haired woman head quickly to the carriage, then Gerda get up and moved her finger toward the woman, which both recognized as Una, the mother of her and Kai.
„Is she coming to us?“ Rollan questioned watching the mother approach the vehicle, then Gerda waved at the woman and handed out her hand, so the woman could give her the bag she was carrying in her hand.
„Hey Gerda, that wasn‘t necessary,“ Una commented, then climbed up onto the vehicle and waved at the passengers, that held the door up for her to enter. The mother saw Rollan sitting, which smiled at the woman afterward Gerda sat down, followed by the woman sitting next to the girl.
„Hey Mrs,“ Rollan greeted.
„Hey Rollan…..are you moving again?“ Questioned the woman earning a nod from the boy.
„I heard on the outside there was a cheaper place to stay,“ Rollan mentioned. „As long as I‘m unemployed it‘s good,“ Commented the Spaniard making Gerda nod, shortly afterward she had an idea and spoke.
„Oh right mom, Rollan accepted our offer and since the flight is tomorrow I think it would be a good idea to have him overnight at our home,“ Gerda mentioned. „You‘re okay with that idea, Rollan?“
„I don‘t want to be bothering anyone of you at home,“ Rollan implied passing his hand behind his back.
„We don‘t mind your presence, don‘t you worry,“ Una assured earning a nod from the daughter.
„Yeah and you can overnight in my room tonight,“ The blonde offered.
„I think he should overnight in Kai‘s room like the other time,“ Una told Gerda, which shrugged and glanced at the boyfriend.
„I‘m okay,“ Rollan mentioned, then he observed Gerda‘s mother showing her daughter a few balls of yarns, then had let the daughter pick one out to analyze its thread. Rollan in the meanwhile took out from his jacket the letter he received from his mother to take a look at it, then frowned tragic.
„I‘m going to help you,“ The boy commented staring at the words on his letter, which were written in his native language.
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disfira · 7 years
Steps Closer to Oppa: A South Korea Traveling Yarn Revealed
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A 5-day journey finding another home.
Annyeong! After several-month-hiatus, I come back! Just in case someone’s missing my writing, anyway.
For those who are still curious and haven’t read any of my (almost covering the whole) stories during my trip in South Korea, worry not, sweetheart. I’ll serve it for ya!
Actually, the story had been posted in bwamgosh’s blog entitled as Traveling to South Korea & Being A Temporary Seoulite Starter Pack by Disfira. Yup, I joined the giveaway as the participants needed to share the South Korean experience with BWAM Trip as the organizer. I reposted my original story in this precious blog as well.
I know you would be inconvenient reading with the unproper-loaded page since Tumblr is being blocked in Indonesia, hope you find the story as an enjoyable stuff. :)
Traveling to South Korea & Being A Temporary Seoulite Starter Pack
Annyeong yeorobun! To begin with, I would like to give a brief introduction about me. Disfira Ika Amelia who succeed being a Seoulite even though it only lasted for a few days. A Yogyakarta-based online media worker. 25 years old. Life motto: Seoul is where both my heart and home is supposed to be. Through the motto, I bet you can guess what this article is going to talk about. South Korea! In case you don’t know, Soulite is a phrase to call someone who from or pertaining to Seoul. Kekekeke.
As we hear “South Korea” is mentioned, there would be 3 kinds of response that will follow. First, that would be, “Oh my goodness! That is where my home is!” The second, “Meh.” like they are not giving even a slight of their attention. Or even these “What? Where is that?” who knows nothing about this country. Undoubtedly, put me as the first responder. Hahahaha.
I was introduced to K-pop since 2009, specifically when Boys Over Flower drama made the girls in my class deeply excited all day long. After that, I am still not able to completely go out of this addicting world. Around 2015, South Korea has been pinpointed by myself.
“I should be there once in a lifetime.”
Yep, that was my self-promise and became the strong motivation for me to save more each month. People around me sometimes seemed like underestimating me for keeping it as a motivation. Well, it happened, didn’t it?
Let me commemorate the day when I fulfilled this dream at last. November 4th, 2017 around 9 am was the very first time I stepped in the land of Daehan Minguk. Sound impossible but I did. It was all thanks to BWAMTRIP. The journey of being a first-timer traveler started here. Please bear yourself while reading this later. I will mix the language into Bahasa and English. Probably a little of Korean as well!
Intinya sih, di sini akan dikupas tuntas tentang perjalanan “naik haji” ala K-popers yang pertama kali jelong-jelong ke luar negeri bersama Nadia dan Lina. That’s the shortest summary, actually.
Reasons why I chose BWAMTRIP are…..
Your mutual would ask about what travel agent did you choose for traveling to South Korea. For me, I decide to choose @bwamtrip. The reason is as simple as this: BWAMTRIP offers the most affordable price (for me)! Buat budak start-up yang uang jajan bulanannya segitu-gitu aja, yang terpenting adalah cari yang hemat bebeb dan ramah buat rekening tabungan. Karena liburan pake duit sendiri itu sebuah perjuangan keras.
Before joining, along with my friends, Nadia and Frylia, did a small survey to several Korean travel agents that based in Indonesia through Instagram. We found about 4 travels to be compared based on their packages, price, and itinerary. In the end, we agreed to choose BWAMTRIP. For a 5-day trip, we could afford it by around 8 Mio Rupiah. 8 million Rupiah! 8 juta rupiah! Who would believe we could travel there with that (super) cheap package? I screamed too. Okay, you can thank me later. Nadia, Lina, and I ended up registered in March for Autumn Backpacker Package. Sadly, Frylia couldn’t join us.
What makes BWAM Trip cheaper or cheapest than other, they NOT travel agent. They are trip organizer! They organize the round ticket plane, guest house, T-money, and visa. The itinerary and the rest are up to you. You can roam around anywhere without feeling rushed by the tour guide’s schedule and curfew.
“Will you go somewhere alone? Aren’t you afraid being kidnaped or lost there?”
The answer is, being lost in Seoul is fun and addicting. We three were excited making the itinerary and exploring the places we were curious about. As a first-timer abroad traveler, we were naïve and idealist. We wanted all places got to be visited! Hahahaha.
It was departure time from CGK! Woohoo!
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Shortly, our visas were all approved in September 2017. For you who are wondering the step-by-step of South Korean visa application, you can kindly check my previous post.
I did purchase a round trip plane tickets from and to CGK-JOG as well.
November 3rd, 2017 finally came. By the time waiting for Nadia and Lina arrived at Soekarno Hatta International Airport, I installed important apps that will be needed exceptionally in South Korea. Including the maps, subway-thingy, and others, you can find more here! Be prepared, the subway will be your new best friend in South Korea!
Around 8 PM, we were finally together and waiting for the appointed meeting point. After having dinner and chit-chatting all things, we met Kak Cindy, the Founder of BWAM Trip that would be our trip leader. Then, we met the other participants, probably around 20 people in totals. Please meet the 155 cm-ish squads!
Around 10 PM, we headed to the terminal did the check-in and so forth. At 11:55 PM, the autumn groups took-off to Incheon International Airport. Julbal!
Day 1
November 4th, 2017
Our itinerary for day 1 is quite simple. Arrived then be at Epik High’s We’ve Done Something Wonderful concert hall in time. It just… happened. Since the concert date was clicked with our trip, why not? Again, we asked to help BWAM Trip to purchase our tickets and succeed!
Before going to the concert, we needed to head to some places and I was overwhelmed. Would we really make it there?
We arrived at Incheon International Airport around 9 AM. After the customs, baggage thingy, and hearing the “bad news” around 10 AM, all of the participants headed downstairs catching the subway!
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We transferred twice and take the baggage of both the escalators and stairs back and forth. You could imagine how we struggled back then. Even a local woman helped me lifting my 28-inch trunk! We arrived at Sangsu Station at last and walked 5 minutes to Mamas and Papas Guest House! Reading this would make you tired already.
After took shower and well-prepared, we went to Sukmyung Women’s University at 1 PM. There were things for friends of my friends who studied at that uni. After the barter was succeeded, we finally ate something! Streetfood at its best!
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We muched it all till exploding. Our stomach was fully prepared, then we head to Ewha Womans University Station to meet Danny oppa (who helped BWAM Trip) and took our Epik High tickets. He was so nice and thank God, he can speak English! Hahaha.
The transactions went well, we headed to Itaewon Station! Finally, please wait for us, Epik High ahjussi!
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At 3:30 PM, it took around 15 minutes walking from Itaewon yeok (station) to the venue. Some people were queueing. It was pretty crowded but acceptable since the queues were neat and not chaos. Thank you for the staffs, they could speak English and so much cooperative. At last, we could gig together with one of my favorite K-hip-hop musician ever with their new-released album! Bonus watching IU and Kim Jong Wan as a plus! I was so touched but couldn’t even cry! We ended the day 1 with the ear-to-ear smile until sleeping.
Day 2
November 5th, 2017
The theme of day 2 trips was K-pop! Our first destination was YG Entertainment and started at 10 AM! We had breakfast in Sevel and bought kimbab, samgak kimbab, and milk! Eat like locals! The good news was, it was placed near to our guesthouse!
Since we also needed cash to live for the next 4 days, walking was the best option to find bank as well. We needed 30 minutes to reach YG Entertainment building where our oppas worked and signed! It didn’t make me tired at all. All places over there in Seoul were so much photostable-you-cannot-resist-I-swear. Jinjja, I don’t lie!
Anyway, if you are wondering where our guesthouse is, these photos are the sneak-peak. 5 minutes away walking from Hongdae, convenience stores, and cafes everywhere! What a perfect neighborhood!
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The next places, we headed to Gangnam where K-Star Road is. From Hapjeong Station to Apgujeong Rodeo Station, it took around 30 minutes by subway and taraaa! We were welcomed by the statues! Taking photos with some of theme was an obligatory! Lolz!
Not wasting time, we put our strength back and walking to find SM Entertainment. While went there, we were distracted by the watery thing afar. Yep, Hangang Park and we didn’t regret going there. The peacefulness was what I found there. If I were given a chance going to South Korea again, I will definitely revisit Hangang Park just for sitting on the grass and daydreaming.
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After being amazed by one of the longest rivers in Daehan Minguk, we continued our journey going to SM Entertainment. 5 minutes taking photos, we walked again to look for JYP Entertainment building. Again, 5 minutes spent taking photos, we head again to the Gangnam main road.
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What makes three of us clicked besides K-pop honestly, we love “doing research” in secondhand goods. In Gangnam, there is Vinprime that sells secondhand goods! After crossing 4 or 5 zebra cross, the Vinprime is spotted! Jajjan!
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What we can summarize about secondhand goods in Korea is the price is quite expensive. Better buying the new ones there.
The clock ticked at 3 PM, we decided to eat at a dakgalbi restaurant near to Vinprime. The ahjummas greeted us with their humble smiles even though we just order chicken for 2 person portions. Here is the dakgalbi! We mixed it with rice and ramyun as well. It made us so much full! What makes chicken in Korea is different to in Indonesia, it is more chewy and juicy. Nggak alot sama sekali lah ya pokoknya. Tinggal ditelen aja bisa. Hahahaha.
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The journey had not ended, yeorobun! Ewha Shopping Street waited for us! No one could stop us shopping wildly there! Two words only: ALL CHEAP! Anything like socks, clothings, headbands, beauty product stands, all of them were on discount we could even decide where to stop by. We went back to the guesthouse surely happily like it would last ever after.
Day 3
November 6th, 2017
The theme of that day was: strolling around! After getting ready and had our morning kimbab and milk from GS-25, we moved our bodies to Haneul Park! This place is a must to visit when Autumn comes. You can google it and surely eager to be there! From Sangsu Station we headed to World Cup Stadium Station. We still (again) needed to walk around 30 minutes. Passing ahjussi-clothing tent made us stop for a while. Boys will be boys. Either toys or clothes, boy-to-man’s goods can never be cheaps as womans’. The price made us going to walk further. The parking lot, parks, yellowish trees took away our minds, indeed. It was beyond beautiful, I swear! And then this is Haneul Park we had been waiting for!
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Taking photos made us hungry. We could not wait any longer, therefore World Cup Mall became our culinary destination! Lina and Nadia cannot eat pork, the menus in food court is mostly pork. This made us wait longer to decide. In the end, KFC was the safe choice! There was egg tart yeorobun, endues banget sumpah! If we compared the price with in Indonesia, it was all the same. We ate, the happy pills were being recharged! The next destination was Gyeongbokgung Palace since Kak Cindy, our tour leader waited there and would did photoshoot for us.
Actually, we insisted wearing hanbok and visiting Gyeongbokgung Palace.
“Males ah pake hanbok. Turis banget nggak, sih?”
However, we ended up going to Gyeongbokgung in hanbok. Don’t imagine we would look like princess with its elegant hanbok. We wore the hanbok for proletariat. HAHAHAHA.
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The princess time was over. We were back to who we are and heading to Namdaemun Market! We only stopped by in Myeongdong, and walking to this market. Yep, we were hunting souvenirs for family and friends! From chopsticks, chocolates even through kim or dried seaweeds were all there. Bring cash, that’s all. Bringing 2 extra tote bags were not enough to put our goods. Lol!
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The shopping-thingy didn’t stop there, guys! After taking our goods in the guesthouse, we roam around in Hongdae. It is just 5 minutes away by walking from the guesthouse. Sure, it was that close! After Ewha Shopping Street, Hongdae is the place you will have to visit for shopping. Where could you find the high-quality sweater and its other overload cuteness in clothing for 10.000 won?! Please, bear yourself or bring cash as much as possible!
That day’s journey was over, we found a small restaurant that serves its traditional menu. Bibimbap and Naengmyeong were chosen along with soju! I couldn’t finish a bottle, I was afraid couldn’t get up early for the next morning. Hahahaha.
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Day 4
November 7th, 2017
The journey’s theme was going far at its best! Nami Island and Petite France were our destinations! Pssst, we got the free ticket for Nami Island and Petite France entrance from BWAM! We were surprised and happy!
These two places were pretty far, actually. It takes 1 hour and 3 times transfer by subway from Sangsu Station to Gapyeong Station. After that, we took a tour bus and stopped in Nami Island. For you who don’t know, Nami Island is a must-visited place for travelers. The scenery is no joke! After arrived in the Nami Island’s bus, we still needed the walk and went to the island by ferry. The hunger attacked we couldn’t hold it anymore. Thank you kkuldak ahjussi, you save our life! The chicken was surely delicious! Happy tummy every time!
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Autumn is one of the best seasons to visit Nami Island! That’s what people recommend. Please take a glimpse of this romantic island and you are welcome.
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We didn’t spend much time in Nami. After an hour, we headed back to the bus stop going to Petite France. Have you watched “You Who Come From The Star” drama with Jun Jihyun and Kim Sohyun as the lead character? That is one of their shooting locations! After exploring the whole place, we felt satisfied with its France classical concept in mini-me. It is pretty! Jinjja! Here are some pictures were taken there.
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Ah, the journey of these two places were about to end. We took the tour bus again to reach Gapyeong Station. The zigzag road made me dizzy, seemed like the driver wanting to end his shift soon. It was better to sleep for a while. After touching down to Gapyeong Station, we head back to Hongdae (Hongik University Station) as our last stop. We wanted to explore Hongdae from another starting point. This was the best way for us finding a delicious chicken restaurant! Aaaak, making myself happy was as simple as eating Seoul’s chicken! We want more! We want more!
Do you think yesterday’s shopping was enough? Nope, not at all! Our legs automatically stopped by the beauty brand, cute clothing, and sort of. Again and again, our eyes could be easily distracted by things that we wouldn’t find in Indonesia. Hahahaha. We also finally found the way to ALAND, a shopping center that sells Benton and COSRX, if you need the info anyway!
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Lina told us that she really wanted to visit 87MM, a clothing brand, and distro owned by his favorite model. Tons of Korean celebrities wear this brand, therefore people would really curious. It was so much near to our guesthouse, actually! We made it coming to MMLG on its operating hours! The shopkeeper, who was actually a model and spending time there, greet us warmly. I was so shy I couldn’t even look at his eyes and decided to wait outside. Hahahaha. Photo-time in front of its famous spot is a must! That was how they day be well-spent.
Day 5
November 8th, 2017
Beginning exists, farewell too. One of the binary opposition that makes me sad. It was the last day in Seoul. Kak Cindy told us that the 5-day group participants would leave to Incheon International Airport at 12 PM sharp. Three of us only wanted to buy uyu or milk. It was said the milk were much cheaper if we buy in Lotte Mart. We could purchase them in convenience stores actually. Hmmm, this made us confused whether to go or not, since it is in Seoul Station. The answer was yes, we went to Lotte Mart at 10:30 AM. Walking from Seoul Station to Lotte Mart made us think that this station is so huge. “Could me back to the guesthouse on time at 12 PM?” That was what we wondering.
Taking milk from the racks and paying in chasier only needed 15 minutes. Going back to Seoul Station to Sangsu took ages longer than when we first arrived. We were even lost and took the other way. How. Could. We. Lost. On. The. Last. Day. Minutes. Before. We. Had. To. Back?
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Kak Cindy and the other participants asking where we were in LINE group. The limousine buses had arrived and it was nearly 12 PM. What we could do were to make them calm and told them that we would arrived at guesthouse in 10 minutes. After arrived in Sangsu Station, we ran as fast as we can while handling boxes of milk that actually heavy, yeorobun. Three of us couldn’t even talk while running. What was inside our head: arrived at guesthouse! Finally, we got back safely to the guesthouse. After apologizing to the other participants, we went to Incheon International Airport at 12:30 PM, in silence. I know they were angry since we made them wait. Lesson learned: if it’s available in a convenience store, why choose the far ones? Noted!
Probably after 45 minutes, we arrived in the airport. Checking the luggage weight back and forth making sure there would be not overload did take time. We checked-in and saying goodbyes to our strong tour leader Kak Cindy! It was both sad yet memorable trip for me meeting Kak Cindy in this occasion. Huhuhu.
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We went in and searched for something to eat. The mood of getting tax refund was faded away! Hahahaha. We spent last moment before leaving Seoul by sitting, talking, and contemplating in the waiting room. “Ah, the dream was over. Really? Can I start another chance to daydreaming again, walking around in Seoul again?”
As I walked into the plane, I promised to myself that coming to Seoul again is a must. A MUST. Thank you BWAM Trip for granting my lost-awaited wish do come true. I don’t mind coming back then sitting and daydreaming on the top of grass near to Hangang Park. Hehehehe. There are tons of places in Seoul I still eagerly to visit and living like a Soulite again!
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In the end, Annyeong means both hi and goodbye. This is going to be my next hello to Seoul, hopefully!
0 notes
littlewalken · 6 years
Jan 23
Steven Universe stuff between the pictures so if you’re not caught up to Battle of Heart and Mind/Change Your Mind start after Centipeedle. 
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The fusions? The fusions. I am so old. I have no idea who did Sunstone and Rainbow Quartz 2.0 voices. I’m still with Blue Diamond our gay space rock of mood swings. Still learning about Connie the Hormone Monstress but who else things Blue Diamond likes bubba baffs? 
Now that all that is over I can totally see the movie antagonist being Red Diamond who had been made as a replacement for Pink. Okay, when it comes to Pink White is going to accept SHE’S GONE so they’ll just replace her with someone better. 
As awful as the movie Alien from LA was, the MST3K version is about the only watchable version, the people on the TVs make some creepy points. They go from telling everyone to be on the look out for the heroine to telling everyone she never existed and was just a figment of their imaginations. I can so see White Diamond pulling that. 
Little things like Jasper has horns and bits the color of who she fused with? Was it the other half of the fusion the one Bismuth was looking for?
And if there isn’t a super tall drag queen out there who goes all out White Diamond cosplay out there... It’s only because she’s never seen the show.
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Hobbies cost money. Yeah, so?
I practiced started and my drawing with the pencil I had to have for tests at school and what ever blank paper, or blank sided paper, I could get my hands on. Then I got a big fat pack of copy paper. When I had couch spider change I got the cheapest most amount of paper sketch tablet I could find and a cheap pack of pencils. I had to make do with the shitty supplies grandma bought me at the drug store but I did. It wasn’t until I was in college with a grant that I managed to get anything close to “real” supplies. It wasn’t until I was working and got a tax refund that I was able to splurge. But at work I still had a cheap pencil and tablet, the good stuff stayed home where it couldn’t be stolen, and I had plenty of time to get better.
My first yarn came from the discount store. Dollar Tree has beads, sequins, and glitter. Little 99 Cent Store sewing kits have needles and thread. Bits of felt pop up in discount stores. If Sprawlmart keeps having those yarn cakes for less I’m going to keep getting them there.
The bobbin lace book I first saw in the library 25 years ago, totally bought it when they put it up for sale, encouraged me by showing clothes pins and kitchen string.
Hobbies cost less money when you know where to shop for them. If you can only afford one pencil you have nothing to do but get good with it. And hobbies only get better with practice.
Well, I think today I might have a bit of a string break, unless I can figure a place to spread out the deconstructed cakes to reconstruct them. It took forever to wrap that watermelon colorway, did take out the darkest pink it clashed, and it tangled its self. Ended up with a back ache so I’m waiting to see if today could be lost to a neck pulling my face off headache. 
I want to sort my collage stuff to pick out what to put in the Smash book. Already decided on the yarn labels and fruit stickers so I think that might be a good place for collections of themed stuff like stamps and stickers that don’t have another home. Nothing glued down yet but I can collect and sort. 
With the finishing of Steven season 5 I know that eventually I’ll be back to places like TV Tropes to save the entries off line. Gonna give them a bit of time to write the entries first. I need to save images of the characters too. 
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