#but it will haunt me until i do it.. all my other dragons have one (assuming an available base)
which-waychip · 8 months
AUGH i gotta draw cinder and alloy on my pearlcatcher base now for pureus but i don't feel like it..... especially alloy.....
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shorthaltsjester · 2 months
doing questionable things like rewatching a bard’s lament for “fun” and scanlan and vex you will always be famous. the fact that scanlan brings up that they’ve travelled across planes to fix vex’s daddy issues but then it’s vex’s daddy issues that ground her rebuttal to scanlan when she tells him to stop treating kaylie like an object. and god. vex’s “fuck him! fuck him for not saying anything sooner. and fuck us for not asking.” in the immediate aftermath, and then once she has time to put her walls back up, vex’s “my take-away from scanlan is that we all talk too much.”
the fact that vex was the one who made that comment that without his magic scanlan is just some guy but he’s also the some guy that vex spends the campaign looking up to (even if she does it through barbs and snark), the fact that when vex was fighting against saundor hearing things like “unproven ally” scanlan was all jokes until he realized how much vex believed what was being said to her. the fact that when scanlan comes back, it’s vex who literally sees through his disguise.
what do you mean scanlan was a deadbeat father who discovered a daughter that he did love but loved only as an object until vex called him out on it? what do you mean vex was a woman who struggled to forgive in part due to her crapshoot father and she was the first to forgive scanlan when he came back?
vex and scanlan also have such interesting interactions in terms of the balance of snark, silliness, and sincerity. it’s not uncommon from any characters of sam or laura’s since they are both silly little guys who also love drama and roasting each other especially when it comes to character rp, but as always it’s so dynamic when it’s the two of them bouncing off each other, especially when they’re doing so through scanlan and vex who are already bitchy characters (affectionate) with humour as a deflection method. but it’s a silly and deeply sincere moment when vex finally puts the witch hat scanlan gave her back on with his promise that he won’t run away from the final battle. it is one of my favourite laughable moments in c1 but it also reeks of sincerity when scanlan asks vex if she prefers planetar scanlan or normal scanlan and vex tells him he is fucking hot as a planetar, but she loves him like he was and he’s her favourite when he’s just himself.
like. they’re insane do you understand. the dawnfather asks vex to prove herself and scanlan turns her into a dragon to help her succeed, pelor asks vox machina what vex means to them and scanlan says she’s greedy and mean and the most perfect of them all. the knowing mistress asks scanlan to prove himself and vex escorts him on a broom he unlocked for her and then she picks an impossible lock for him, ioun tries to remind scanlan that his strength is the joy he provides to his friends and he makes a deflective quip that he’s really powerful and vex undercuts his deflection with a sincere assertion that he is. scanlan cast his last wish spell letting her see her brother on her wedding day. vex sent herself across the continent alone with her worry and grief while scanlan’s corpse lay awaiting resurrection to ensure that his daughter could be there to either bring him back or say goodbye.
they are the platonic chosen soulmates of all time to me. i make a post like this like once a year minimum and it’s because they Haunt me. both sam and laura said what if we made high charisma characters using their charisma as a shield and humour as a weapon and they saw through each other’s masks but they never explicitly talked about it to one another. good riddance to talks machina but i will never forget the episode post bard’s lament with laura and sam where sam revealed that vex was the only one who said anything that actually got through to scanlan and another episode where laura revealed that the reason vex was so angry and sad when scanlan left was that vex felt like her and scanlan had a unique bond where they were the only two who really saw one another’s masks for what they were. also laura providing the insight that while vex was actively working on being more forgiving, another reason she was so open and happy with scanlan when he came back was that vex didn’t want to scare him away again.
what am i supposed to do with all that? be normal about scanlan and vex? literally impossible
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divinesolas · 3 months
The Rockstar and Me
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requested: would it be okay, if I requested a rockstar!jace x reader? were theve been best friends since childhood and the reader has a crush on jace. jace is a really popular upcoming rockstar and is super busy. he dosnt see reader the same way (just as there bestfriend) and kind neglects the reader bc he's really busy. so one night the reader has enough and they decide they need to take a break from there friendship, so they don't talk for a while. and then jace kinda realises he missed up and took the readers love for granted. In this time he he realizes he like her too.
w.c: 1.6k
c.w: just some minor angst and some fluff :3, not proofread
masterlist - requests open
You are going to scream.
Not of horror and certainly not of pleasure but you were just so annoyed.
Your roommate would not stop playing their fucking songs, most people would call you crazy but you swear you were about to look for a new apartment and put in big red letters, DO NOT REPLY IF YOU LIKE THE WEST DRAGONS. You have nothing against their music but it all just leads back to him.
Childhood best friend and crush turned ex-best friend rockstar Jacaerys Velaryon. He was your best friend for so long and you had liked him, a part of you still does. A part of you still misses him but you did what you had to do.
You could not just sit around and let him ignore you like that, time and time again he would blow you off to the point you grew sick of it and blocked his number and never looked back. You didn’t just ghost him. instead opting to send him a long messages about how you needed space and he was no longer the guy you knew anymore and told him you were gonna reach out anymore.
That was three months ago and your sure he hasn’t even fucking read it let alone try to reply to it. Three months since your life flipped upside down, moving to a new place, still in the same city but further away from him, new job and some new friends, it was odd at first and still is, being away from him but you won’t just let yourself be walked all over like that.
You had planned to stay in tonight like you normally would but your roommate had other plans, standing in the middle of the room bickering with you while you try to block out the sound of their music in the background.
“I don’t wanna go out sab.” “Come on live a little, come out to the bar with me.” “Maybe another night.” “Nope you are coming tonight. right now. get dressed.”
With that she sprints out of the room and you groan knowing she won’t take no for an answer and get up to get ready. Its just one night out, it won’t be so bad, plus it a good excuse so you don't have to hear his music anymore.
Yet when you walk into the bar its packed with people lining up in front of the stage, you turn to sab and tilt your head. “What is going on?”
She looks at you with a big grin on her face, “I didn’t tell you, oh my god the west dragons are performing here in a few.” Your stomach drops.
No you had to leave, maybe you could fake an illness? No she would catch on and force you to stay. You could make yourself throw up? that would cause too much of a scene. You were definitely going to be sick when you see the lights dim and they walk up on the stage.
He’s the drummer he should not even see you right? you’ll just sit at the bar and count down the seconds until the show is over and you can book it out of the room. Aegon greets the crowd as the groups lead singer and your stomach continues to churn. You met him a handful of times and he was always nice to you, he had a nice voice you could agree but you felt so sick anytime you heard their songs.
The show went on without a hitch and you wish the ringing in your ears would get louder so you wouldnt have to hear it. You find yourself reminiscing about your time with jace with every song that plays. You miss him. Much more than you’d like to admit.
You dont allow your eyes to drift behind aegon, yet you hear him, the sound of the drums, it haunts you, sometimes you can see his hands peak out, when aegon moves you can see his dark curls but never look too close to see his face.
They are taking a mini break with aegon entertaining the crowd, the show is almost over, you could not wait to go take a shower and try to act like this night never happened. Aegons eyes drift around the crowd while he’s talking and they land on you, you watch as his eyes widen and he stumbles over his speech for a moment as he turns back for a second to look at jace.
That was not good. Not good at all. “What was that? do you think he thinks your cute?” “definitely not.” Your words come out more strained than you would like and she looks at you confused, “Is something wrong?”
You open and close your mouth unable to know what to say. Your chest feels like its closing in on its self as she grabs your shoulders worriedly. “I need some air.” You quickly stand and rush out of the bar, sab quickly following after you. The two of you don’t notice the pairs of eyes that trail after you.
You lean against the wall on the outside and try to catch your breath. You did not think this would affect you so much, maybe because your whole life has been around him that now it just feels odd that he’s not around. This whole thing reminded you too much of going to his gigs and him coming up to you after the show to ask you what you thought.
“Who cares if i liked it jace? the people loved it.” “I care, you matter more to me than them.”
“Okay what the hell was that?” You run your hands along your face and stare at sab as she looks at your worried. “Its nothing.”
“oh fuck off its not nothing, nobody just runs out the room looking like they just saw their ex boyfriend over nothing.” She gasps at her own words and covers her mouth, “Oh my god wait did you actually date aegon? fuck if i knew i wouldnt have brought you here im sorry-” “I didn’t date ageon sab and i didnt date any of them.” “Then what happened?”
The two of you freeze as someone clears their throat and sab gasps as she turns around. “Im sorry to interrupt but, do you mind if we talk?” Jace. He was staring right at you. Sab looks between the two of you and gives you a look that says she wants to hear all about this before she runs off.
You stand in silence,, not wanting to be the first to speak. He puts his hands in his pockets and kicks on of the rocks on the ground. “How,,, um how are you?” “Im good.” He nods and continues to simply look anywhere but your face. “Thats good thats good um..” Its awkward. So awkward. It was never this way before but you guess thats just what time apart does to people. And you hate it.
“How are you?” He looks up at you shocked before he stumbles over his words, clearly very nervous. “Im good, im good, um, no no im not good actually. I miss you, so much.” Your breath hitches as you watch him continue to speak, “I regret how i treated you, so much. Im so sorry i miss you more than anything please, i just want us to be friends again, ill do anything to make it up to you.”
You don’t know what to say what to do. This is what you’ve been dreaming of for so long but your heart aches at the thought of returning to being just friends.
“I can’t be friends with you jace.” He stumbles back as if you had shoved him and he looks around attempting to compose himself. You swear you can see tears glazing in his eyes, “I um,” His voice cracks as he speaks and he coughs into his arm, “I understand yes of course, im sorry for bother-”
“I cant be friends with you jace because i cant bare being just friends. All ive ever wanted for so long was to be more with you, and if i go back to being just friends ill spend the rest of my life miserable because ill just be dreaming to be more with you.”
You do not even know when you had begun crying but you feel the tears begin to run down your face as you close your eyes and tilt your head down towards the ground. You feel his hands grip your face and pull you up to look at him, seeing his own tears running down his face.
“Im sorry, im so sorry. I love you. Im sorry it took me so long to realize this and that i had to be apart from you to know but ive realized i need you, i love you so much youre my best friend, the only person i need, i love you.”
You shake your head in disbelief, “You dont mean it.” “I do i do mean it, i love you so much.”
He presses his forehead against yours and you sob harder. “I love you jace.”
“I love you so much, i will work everyday to earn your forgiveness to even be worthy or your love.”
He shakily presses his lips against yours in a peck and you two smile at one another.
“No more ignoring me?”
“Never, never again.”
perm jace taglist <3
@tyronesien @itsbookworm987 @cruelworldlana @smurfelle @ireneispunk @hxtd @venmondiese @urmomsgirlfriend1 @jacesvelaryons @ravenn-darkholme
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neptuneiris · 11 months
Behind the Scenes (01/05)
Behind the Reencounter
pairing: actor!aemond × fem!reader
summary: Due to your work as a make-up artist and wardrobe assistant, you meet Aemond, a very successful young actor with whom you work and all professional relationship breaks down and a secret relationship arises, until you get pregnant and decide to run away from him so as not to ruin his successful and promising career. After almost two years, you and he unexpectedly meet again.
word counter: 7.6k
series masterlist • next part
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hello! i'm back with another mini series! yay!
god, i'm so excited about this, it's nothing like what i've written before but the excitement and inspiration got the better of me.
also i must say that i had seen stories with this plot about daddy aemond and i wanted to make my own, adding angst, which i know you like and a story that i came up with that i really hope you like a lot:)
without more to say, enjoy beautiful people, I look forward to your comments, don't leave me without knowing what you think please!
warnings: angst, language, sexual content, smut
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Your state of nervousness and anticipation is not much of help when it comes to the first day of your new job.
The film studio is a world of constant activity and you know that just on your first day it's going to be hectic. At least in your area which is Wardrobe and Makeup, it's a completely active area and you have to be available almost all the time.
You let out a long breath and before you leave, you stop in the studio's small nursery where your son, Aenar, barely a year old, spends his day while you work on set.
You can't help but watch him with adoration, a certain sadness and longing, for nothing would make you happier than to stay here with him, but you know you can't afford it.
These last few months have been hard, your income has been complicated and you need the money from this new job to be able to survive and make sure nothing is missing for him, your little boy.
Aenar crawls on the floor, exploring the world around him, while the woman in charge keeps her distance from you and him, taking care of other children. And when his big, curious blue eyes look up at you, he lets out a giggle of joy and stretches out his arms to you.
You bend down with him and take him in your arms tenderly and adoringly.
"You don't want me to leave, do you?" you murmur fondly as you leave a kiss on his cheek.
He babbles excitedly, unable to formulate coherent words, but his smile completely lights up your insides and you respond with giggles and smiles.
You take advantage of the little time you have before work to play and laugh with him for a moment. But eventually your time to leave arrives.
You leave a kiss on his forehead and with a sigh of defeat, you say goodbye.
"Mommy has to go but she'll be back soon, okay, my little dragon?"
His little hands explore for a second all over your face, making you laugh and you leave a couple more kisses on both of his chubby cheeks, loving to hear his laughter and loving to see the huge smile he places on his pink lips.
"I love you, sweetheart."
You leave one more kiss on his forehead and make sure one last time to cover his head well with his cap, taking advantage of the fact that it's November and Winter has arrived to hide his straight hair.
You distract him with all the colorful toys that are distributed on the floor for all the children and take the opportunity to leave, otherwise he will cry if he sees you leaving. You exchange a look of understanding with the woman in charge and finally head back to your workplace.
The trailer door opens with a soft creak as you enter, feeling the mixture of excitement and nervousness run down your spine. You had been looking forward to this moment with anticipation, but also apprehension.
For you knew that your past would come back to haunt you.
But you know you need to be here.
The first thing you see are the lighted mirrors with their respective chairs and vanities in front of them, where makeup and wardrobe experts hurry to prepare the actors for the day's filming.
A scent of pressed powder and beauty products fills the air, creating a familiar atmosphere. And when you barely have time to absorb the scene, a brown-haired girl approaches you with an enthusiastic, warm smile.
"Hi! Y/N, right? The new makeup artist."
She points at you with her index finger and a thoughtful look, without wiping away her smile.
"Hi, yes, it's me," you nod to her, as you return the small smile.
"Perfect! I'm Jess, the wardrobe assistant," she extends her hand to you in a friendly gesture, "Nice to meet you and welcome!"
You can't help but be relieved by the friendly reception, then shake your hand with hers.
"Nice to meet you too, Jess. Thank you for having me."
"Oh we're so excited to have you here, I've been looking forward to your arrival," she confides, "Let me show you where you can drop your stuff off and then I'll give you directions, okay?"
Again you nod, grateful for the kindness of Jess, who leads you toward a row of lockers where you can store your things, then gives you directions.
"First, let's go over the schedule for the day," she tells you, opening a folder with the itinerary for the shoot. "We have this first scene where we need to make sure every detail is perfect. And you'll be in charge of the wardrobe for the main characters today."
She indicates without losing the kindness in her tone and you nod, understanding.
"So, take the wardrobe list for each actor and check that we have everything in order."
He hands you a detailed list, making sure that you with your new addition are aware of every detail.
"After that, we'll move on to makeup," she instructs you, "Sam, our talented makeup artist, will give you a brief orientation on the look we're going for. Don't worry, she's amazing and will guide you through the whole process."
Jess grabs a pair of robes and hands them to you.
"Now, let's get to work on the wardrobe. When you've gone through everything, head over to the makeup area, okay?"
Again you nod, understanding the directions perfectly and dive into your tasks with enthusiasm, getting off to a very good start and feeling completely comfortable.
Besides, this is nothing you haven't done before, as way back when you used to work for the BBC television network right here in King's Landing as well, this was your job, so there's nothing new or complicated for you.
When Jess, frantically going through her checklist, looks up at you.
"Oh, Y/N, we need more pins for costume fixes. Could you go to the prop depot and get a package, please? I'd really appreciate it."
You nod with a small smile.
"Sure, I'll be right back."
With a determined pace, you step out of the trailer and head to the depot which isn't far away and start looking for the package, which you didn't think would take you some time since there are so many packages of different things mixed up.
You search through many huge boxes, until you finally find the package of pins and let out a relieved sigh.
You leave the huge room and close the door behind you, walking back. And as you walk, as you pay attention to your surroundings, you feel a mixture of nostalgia and nervousness, as these hallways, permeated with the buzz of film activity, take you back to memories you've been trying to bury.
You let out a long breath, not wanting to think about it now, and concentrate on your work.
As you enter back into the trailer, everything is immersed in a constant murmur of conversations and the activity of preparations, at the same time as the trailer door closes with a soft click behind you.
You are about to enter the area where the tables and chairs and mirrors and everyone else are when you hear a somewhat familiar voice in a distant echo in the middle of it all, completely stopping your footsteps.
"…they said at the training scene I wasn't supposed to look any different in particular."
You frown, thinking that maybe you're mishearing and are mistaking that voice for someone else's.
But still you advance just three steps, sharpening your hearing with a wary face, waiting, wanting to make sure.
"And which one of these for that scene?" you hear one of the girls in charge of wardrobe.
You wait for the answer from that attentive and completely cautious voice, thinking that it must probably be a figment of your mind that wants you to believe things that aren't.
"I think the brown one," you hear that voice say back to the girl.
Your heart stops completely in that instant.
It can't be.
You think completely incredulous and terrified.
You stand completely paralyzed and with a face of total shock as the sound of that voice continues to echo softly throughout the interior of the trailer, flowing conversation between him and the makeup artist.
The pulse in your throat beats with a mixture of surprise and anxiety, suddenly losing strength in your body, so you lean against one of the walls as you feel an emotional vertigo begin to emerge.
All those buried memories, suddenly resurface, as it is no imagination of yours and you know it is him because his voice has not changed and you could recognize it anywhere.
It is him.
He is here.
You close your eyes for a moment, trying to regain control of your emotions, but you can't, and you can't believe this is happening right now, on your first day of work.
Completely cautious, you slowly peek out, wanting to be even more sure and wanting to see that it's all just your mind making it up.
But as soon as you catch a glimpse of that signature flash of platinum hair, your heart rate begins to race faster than normal.
And there he is, with his hair pulled back in a small low bun as he discusses the details of the scene with the makeup artist, a scene that resonated with similarities to moments you and he shared in the pass.
Disbelief completely invades your eyes and your entire face as you watch him, surprised to see him after exactly one year since that day. You notice every gesture and every feature that is still etched in detail in your mind.
He, oblivious to your presence, continues the conversation, but something in your expression begins to tremble.
You go back in time to the spark you both shared in the corridors of that studio, the looks of complicity, the many nights you shared together and the whispers in the dim light of the dressing rooms.
But you also remember that day, when you saw him completely frustrated but willing to be there for you, where his manager and his entire team talked to him about the consequences and you also remember everything he promised you, on hidden, which is why you decided to run away when you were only three weeks pregnant with him.
A lump forms in your throat and standing there, watching him, after so long, tears begin to invade your eyes.
But Jess announces your presence as she emerges from the back where the dressing rooms are, watching you at the entrance completely static and with a look she can't instantly identify.
"Y/N! There you are! Did you get the pins?"
And that's when it happens.
Saying your name loud enough for everyone inside the trailer to hear, it catches his attention, who confused and attentive watches where Jess is heading and that's when the gazes meet.
And in that instant, a spark of recognition crosses the face of Aemond, Aemond Targaryen, the man you decided to run away from so as not to ruin his career and the father of your child.
His healthy eye opens wide and surprise and disbelief overcome him as he sees you, right there, less than five meters away from him, the woman who carried his child with her and whom he sought so much after she disappeared completely from his life.
Silent, with the urgency of tears threatening to overflow, you step back, watching him cautiously and fearfully, at the same time beginning to tremble all over.
"Y/N," he utters your name with a tone of surprise and longing, as if he can't believe it, beginning to slowly rise from the chair.
You recoil further, as all the sadness, pain and anguish wash over you as you remember the past and think at the same time of your son, your sweet little boy.
However, your first instinct is to run away. Again.
Without a word and without looking back, you turn around and exit the trailer quickly before you could no longer hold back and tears involuntarily flow from your eyes, taking with you the image of Aemond and the echoes of a past you cannot escape and forget.
You don't care about your job, you don't care that you left everything just like that, you only think about running away and going quickly for your son, crying and completely terrified.
Aemond watches you walk away, unable to move and unable to speak, with a look of deep disbelief, surprise, bewilderment, regret and remorse while the people around him do not understand anything.
He knows that he made many mistakes in the past and he knows that you have a right to feel upset and hurt. But he also knows that you also made mistakes and you recognize that too.
But for now, you run away and he stands still, losing strength, where you both barely process what just happened and at the same time travel to the past, where it all started and where it all ended.
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At just twenty-one years old, you barely graduated from college and landed a great job opportunity with the BBC television network to work as a professional makeup artist and wardrobe assistant.
And now at the age of twenty-two and having been working for the network for two years, your life couldn't be better.
You have the job of your dreams, you have achieved so much despite the fact that your parents had no faith in you for choosing to study something that didn't guarantee you a future, and now your income is enough to allow you to live an independent life where you lack nothing.
When then, a new project comes up, a new TV series where you participate full time and where you are passionate about what you do.
That's when you meet him, one of the main actors of the show, Aemond Targaryen, a young, successful twenty-four year old actor who has already attracted the attention of the show business in his early days with a very promising future.
But it was not only for his incredible talent, he was also recognized and attracted a lot of attention for his unusual appearance, beautiful bright blue eye and a peculiar long platinum hair.
In his interviews he explains the origin of the genetic descriptions of him and his family, which is what causes a lot of doubt in every interviewer and also in his fans, wanting to know his origin.
That's why when they tell you that you will be assisting him in his makeup and wardrobe, you can't help but feel nervous but also a little excited to work with him.
And when the day finally arrives, Aemond Targaryen is actually quite a nice and accessible man to work with.
In the first few weeks of working and shooting the show, your interaction with him was completely professional.
You take it upon yourself to bring out the best in his image for the screen, where he does his part, always being friendly, willing and cooperative with you to follow directions and achieve the perfect look.
Always both of you at the beginning had normal and casual conversations to start forming trust, where everything becomes routine.
And it's not until he would say anything silly to make you laugh and where you both got to the point where you allowed yourselves to talk completely freely without being judged.
The shared laughs and casual comments created a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere, where the relationship started to become more friendly and slowly stopped being so strictly professional.
And when you least expected it, you looked forward to working with him, doing his makeup and wardrobe, enjoying his company.
Even when he would arrive first at the trailer to get ready, he would look forward to your arrival.
And when you arrived, you couldn't help but smile a little shyly in his direction because of his intense gaze on you through the mirror, making you feel a little nervous.
As you carefully applied his makeup, Aemond couldn't help but notice that attention you paid to every detail on him, having you so close to his face, being a moment he also longed for it to come.
And as the days passed, accidental brushes and gestures that went beyond professionalism began to emerge.
During makeup sessions, the glances became more intense and prolonged, as if you were looking for something beyond the superficial appearance, where you noticed how he was looking at you beyond the professional surface.
But it wasn't something that bothered you, on the contrary, it made you feel inexplicable sensations that at the same time pleased you, knowing perfectly well that he wasn't like that with anyone else in your area, only with you.
And you both also made sure to act that way only when it was just the two of you or to do it subtly when you were around other people.
But you also knew the dangerous game you were both playing.
However, it was too late, you really started to like him too much even though you knew that the idea of him and you could not be possible.
In the film industry, relationships between colleagues are technically not allowed or frowned upon. Rumors and speculation about romances can alter fan perceptions and, in some cases, affect job opportunities.
In addition, you both have studio contracts and other projects in progress. And acting in such a way, where the intention of both is more than clear, can affect casting decisions and the perceptions of directors and producers.
And for Aemond, being an up-and-coming young actor with a solid fan base, the revelation of an affair can bring negative criticism to his public image.
His manager and team have told him that maintaining the coveted bachelor image may be convenient and commercially advantageous for him in his projects to attract audiences, as he is attractive and very talented.
Even though he had an accident as a child where he lost his left eye and now wears a prosthesis, that attracts more attention from people and they want to know more about him, causing him to be more relevant.
But all this mattered little to Aemond as he shared more moments with you.
As the relationship became more enjoyable, his feelings and emotions became more and more evident and so did yours, starting to overcome the barrier imposed by the entertainment industry.
And one day that line of professionalism that both were trying to maintain but was becoming increasingly difficult, finally broke down completely.
On a filming afternoon, you and Aemond meet in the wardrobe area, where you make sure he looks perfect in his required clothes for the day and he stands completely still, cooperating and watching you at all times.
The conversation between the two of you flows naturally, as it has so many times before, but this time, something in the air seems different, like a gentle tension.
"After we finish this final scene, we should go celebrate, don't you think?"
He suggests with a soft little smile, but his eye reflects an intensity and that desire he can't hide when he's with you.
"Sure," you say with a willing little smile, still securing his clothes, "With John, Rose and Lana?" you mention your partners.
"No," he murmurs, shaking his head softly, "Just you and me."
You look directly into his eye with a slightly surprised and bewildered look, not expecting to hear that, beginning to feel nervous at his words and also at the proximity of the two of you.
"But…" you look at him a little incredulously and with a small sad and disappointed smile, "We can't."
"Yes we can," he tells you softly, "We just have to be very careful and not tell anyone."
You watch him with a small spark of amusement on your face, smiling softly in his direction, not believing he's serious.
And it is at that moment that the looks on both of your faces makes it clear that the connection you both share is deeper than you both believed and where Aemond, more than anything else, makes his true intentions clear and wants to put them into practice, after so long.
A complicit silence surrounds the two and it is as if time stands still for an instant.
Aemond, with a soft expression, unable to contain himself any longer, gently takes your face in his hands and you let him, because you want him, even though you shouldn't.
"There's something I've wanted to do for a long time," he confesses, his voice laden with sincerity.
You, intrigued and captivated by the intensity in his eye, his beautiful blue eye and the closeness of the bodies, look at him with attention and desire.
"What is it?" you murmur, almost in a whisper.
And without another word, Aemond leans toward you and closes the distance between you, bringing his lips together with yours in a needy but slow and deep kiss that you reciprocate instantly.
It all happens in an instant of surprise, followed by a sweet surrender to the attraction that had grown between the two of you.
Time comes to a complete stop as you both sink into that first kiss, where Aemond's hands gently grip your waist and you respond with the same intensity by locking your arms around his neck and clinging to his lips.
You don't want him to stop, you don't want any of this to end.
Everything feels perfect and just as you imagined in your fantasy mind of wanting to live this moment.
And the moment doesn't end, as he pulls you further into the dressing room while still kissing you, leaning you against a vanity and pressing your body completely against his, making you gasp and respond to his needy kiss in kind.
Unfortunately, the kiss doesn't last as long as you would have liked, as a voice screams throughout the trailer.
"Next scene in five minutes! Everyone to the set, please!"
You and Aemond part abruptly, with surprised and terrified looks on your faces, instantly keeping your distance and pretending nothing has happened.
You head along with him toward the set, trying to hide any trace of the intimacy you both shared moments ago. And as you immerse yourself in the frenetic pace of the shoot, the complicity between the two of you manifests itself in small gestures and stolen glances.
And that's when the little relationship secretly begins.
Keeping the relationship a secret became a balancing act for both of you. As the connection you and he shared intensified, the need to hide the relationship became more and more crucial.
In the trailer and on set when you were around more people, as he did you had to learn to act as naturally as ever, carefully concealing any trace of intimacy.
Encounters became completely secret, kisses and caresses behind dressing rooms or in the trailer when you were alone, always alert to the possibility of being discovered. Even in the dressing room, it became a meeting place, where they could enjoy a moment alone.
You could also talk freely by call or text, but both he and you preferred to see each other in person.
That's why on days off, which were few, Aemond always took you to more private places. One night, for example, he took you to dinner at a small restaurant outside of town.
If it wasn't a restaurant, it was to invite you to a small coffeeshop and more discreet places, out of the reach of prying eyes, where he still had to go covered by his characteristic hair.
And when neither of them had the spirit to be always alert, you went to his apartment or he to yours, where they could act with total freedom and even go further.
In Aemond you found a friend, an accomplice and practically the perfect man for you, not because of what he possesses and who he is out there for everyone to see, but because of who he really is, inside.
You simply couldn't help but fall deeply in love with him and that fortunately he reciprocated as strongly as you did, wanting you and only you.
And although the fear of discovery added a touch of dangerous excitement to the relationship, the weight of keeping it all a secret was beginning to generate emotional conflict.
The strain of keeping up appearances and the constant need for vigilance began to wear on you. And as the relationship progresses, you can't help but wonder if there will ever be a chance to be free with Aemond.
But you both know it's not possible.
Much less will it be when one day, Aemond lets you know the news.
"I need to talk to you about something," he says in a serious and defeated tone, taking your hands in his.
He has come unexpectedly to your apartment and that seemed strange to you, but now that he is telling you this and behaving like this, you know it is for a reason and it is not a good one.
"Is everything okay?" you ask him intently and with your brow furrowed.
He sighs before answering, looking sad.
"Production and my manager are pressuring me to fake a relationship with my co-star in a promotional campaign. They say it will help generate more interest in the show."
And there are the consequences of having this relationship on the quiet with him.
Aemond's face contorts in anguish as he sees the expression on your face of mild surprise and definitely not expecting to hear that.
"I promise you that I refused and did everything in my power not to do this Y/N, but I didn't accomplish nothing and…. I-It shouldn't take more than three months, I swear."
He explains, but the sharp pain in your chest is already there and remains, as you begin to imagine what this is all going to be like.
You press your lips together in a thin line and not knowing what to say or what exactly to do, you let out a long breath and watch your hands with his, processing what he is telling you and what he will have to do next.
Even though you understand the demands of the industry and everything about marketing, still the idea of Aemond faking a relationship with someone else makes you feel weird and uncomfortable.
But what can you really do? Nothing.
This is his job and you're not going to get upset with him when you know it's not his fault and that this is what he does in order to make a living.
"When?" you ask him watching him with your soft gaze but with a slightly sad expression.
He lets out a sigh.
"I don't know, I just know that they are already setting everything up," he tells you frustrated with his low and serious voice, "But I need you to be okay with this, Y/N," he looks at you worried, "I know it will be hard for both of us but I don't want this to affect us when you know the truth behind everything and why I do it."
You watch him for a few seconds without saying anything, as you feel a lump in your throat and also feel the helplessness he conveys for all of this, as he really doesn't want to do this.
But he must meet the professional expectations of the production company and you have no choice but to support him.
"Well," you say softly, trying to hide your hurt look by forcing a small smile to reassure him, "These are the production company's decisions and you must do it. And you don't need to worry about me, you know I'll support you."
He takes his gaze away from yours for a second, letting out a longer sigh than before, then takes your face gently in his hands.
"Of course I worried about you, sweetheart," he murmurs with tiredness, then draws you into a tight, tender embrace.
He leaves a gentle kiss on your head and even though he is relieved that you understood, he still feels remorse and anguish because if he were you, of course he would disagree and it would hurt quite a bit.
But this is work and he really doesn't have much choice.
And when you least expect it, the moment arrives.
The next few weeks are a complete whirlwind of emotions for you as you watch the fictional relationship of Aemond and his co-star, the famously gorgeous actress Cerelle Lannister, prepare to come to light.
Joint promotions take them both to photo shoots and interviews where they must show complicity and affection. And seeing Aemond sharing moments that used to be just yours and his, now in the public sphere with someone other than you, becomes a painful test.
One evening, you see photos of Aemond and Cerelle having dinner at a famous restaurant downtown and all the photos show the complicit smiles and affectionate gestures.
And even though you know it's part of the act, you can't help but feel a knot in your stomach seeing them together. And even worse, seeing how the public is fascinated and in love with their relationship.
It is for all this that you no longer see him frequently and there is only communication by messages.
And when he finally has a space in his schedule, he takes the opportunity to see you, where you at all times try to look as if you are not affected by all this, so as not to worry him and frustrate him when you know he has a lot of weight on his shoulders.
He still apologizes and tries to make it up to you, but in the midst of your soothing words, the pain is reflected in your gaze.
And that's what you do for the next few weeks, you continue to support him from the shadows while he and Cerelle put on a show and are the center of attention.
At first you had told yourself not to see anything about them on the internet, but you can't help it and you see the pictures, read the headlines in the magazines and with each new performance, you feel a slight sharp pain in your heart.
When the day of a big awards event arrives where directors, producers, script writers, the academy members, the press and of course the actors and actresses attend, where precisely Aemond and Cerelle attend together as a couple officially in front of all public eye.
Images and videos of the two sharing laughter and affectionate gestures spread through every social network, while you, from your apartment, watch the scene with a mixture of pride as this is important in Aemond's career but also feel a deep sadness that threatens to overflow.
You wish it was you instead of her.
It's been months since you and Aemond started this relationship behind everyone's back and you want that, to be able to touch him and be with him in public.
But you can't.
And you can't stand this anymore either.
You decide to watch movies and change the channel, not wanting to focus on them anymore, trying to ignore your emotions and your wounded heart, not wanting to do anything else tonight but just forget and stay in the comfort of your bed.
After two hours, your phone starts ringing, indicating an incoming call and when you look at the screen, Aemond's name appears, but you decide not to answer.
You don't feel like talking to him, you don't want to get upset with him when he is not to blame for anything and start an unnecessary fight, so you prefer not to talk.
But after that call, Aemond insistent calls you a couple more times, in which you decide not to answer as well.
At your lack of response, he can't help but feel worried, thinking that you must be feeling bad because of him even though you understand why he's doing all this. And once the rewards are over, he in covered takes his car and drives to your apartment.
As he drives, his mind is filled with thoughts of how to talk to you and find the right words to ease the tension in both of you. But the nervousness doesn't let him think clearly nor has he forgotten the overwhelming awards he had to attend to.
Once he arrives at your door, he just hopes you're okay, even though he knows you're not and knocks three times.
"Y/N? It's Aemond," he says cautiously and hopeful that you will open the door, wanting to speak and see you.
The silence lingers for a few moments before you finally open the door, where the slight surprise of seeing him here at this hour is reflected in your gaze, not understanding anything. And he just sighs, feeling guilty.
"You didn't respond to my calls or messages and I got worried," he explains to you briefly and in a soft voice, "I needed to see you."
Despite all the emotions you're feeling, the fact that he's come looking for you shows you that he really cares about you and wants to do everything he can to make you okay.
You watch him silently for a moment and nod slowly in his direction with a look of understanding.
"I'm fine," you reply softly, wanting to convince him as well as yourself.
"No, I know you're not," he insists, concerned, "I-I… I know this is all very difficult and I don't want you to feel pressured, but…" he lets out a frustrated sigh, "I'm here to talk if you need to."
Appreciating his sincerity silently and seeing how terribly worried he is, you let him in.
The two of you have a difficult but necessary conversation, where neither of you have any intention of ending this thing you have together and where he's willing to show you that he doesn't care about Cerelle, just you.
"I only want you, baby. You and no one else," he murmurs lovingly and with desire in his gaze, closing his eye and catching your lips in a needy, deep kiss.
You respond in kind, gasping into his lips and bringing your hands to stroke his hair, clinging to him completely as he brings his hands to your waist and ass, squeezing the soft skin of both your ass cheeks.
"Do you mean it?" you ask in the middle of the kiss, beginning to feel the wetness between your legs.
"Yes, I fucking mean it," he replies against your lips, biting and sucking on your lips again.
You moan as he begins to leave a trail of kisses all over your neck, biting and leaving little marks on your sensitive skin, making you shiver all over your body and begin to feel the hardness in his pants against your pelvis.
Absentmindedly he brings one of his hands up and caresses one of your breasts over your shirt, making you moan and continue kissing him as he brings his hands back down to your thighs.
"Oh, Aemond," you whine.
"Fuck," he murmurs in delight, making you wrap your legs around his torso and feel directly on your needy clit, his cock hard and in need of release, "Such a needy little thing, arent you?"
His mouth roams and kisses every exposed part of your skin, as he pulls you along with him towards your couch, making you sit on top of him and you desperately begin to seek relief as you cause friction between your bodies.
He groans into your mouth, feeling his cock throb and ache.
"Can I take this off?" he grabs the edge of your shirt and you nod desperately, needy.
You are not wearing a bra and when your breasts are out in the open, Aemond lets out a curse as he stares at your breasts fully aroused to take one of your nipples into his mouth, making you arch and bring his face closer to your breasts.
Not long after that he too takes off his shirt and you free his cock from its confines and then start riding him, unable to wait a moment longer.
"Shit," he hisses, "You feel so good, baby. So fucking good."
You moan loudly as he brings one of his hands to your already swollen clit and starts massaging it with two fingers, making you moan and making you move your hips with more fervor on top of him, as your skin slaps and rattles with his beneath you.
That night, not only does he fuck you on your couch, he fucks you on your bed too, not being able to get enough of you, loving to see your whole face contorted in pleasure as he fucks you against your bed hard, his cock continually thrusting in and out of you, the sound of skin against skin being heard.
You bite down on his shoulder and wrap your legs around his torso again, feeling him deeper, as Aemond kisses you and draws his eyebrows together in concentration and pleasure.
"Are you going to let me fill this pretty pussy with my cum again, baby? I want to feel you fucking cum all over my cock."
He brings his hand to your clit again and begins to massage it furiously, wanting to watch you crumble and feel you do it around his cock, while you moan and bite his shoulder and neck.
"Oh y-yes, Ae-mond,"you moan.
You close your eyes, escape a quiet moan, arch your back fully and feel the whole wave of euphoria wash over your entire body, seeing stars behind your eyes.
And with one last hard thrust, Aemond cums inside you letting out a grunt and hiding his whole face in the curve of your neck, leaving a couple of wet kisses once you both come back to earth and melt into each other's arms.
A few weeks later, you're back at work and Aemond starts filming a new movie for Netflix, so you don't see each other as often as you used to.
Aemond's schedule is very tight and he still does everything he can to be able to see you and spend time with you, while you in comparison to him have more free time but can't spend it with him because of his work.
And it is in that same time that you start to feel strange, but you hadn't connected the dots until the signs became too obvious to ignore.
One day, while working on set, fatigue suddenly overwhelmed you and a persistent nausea made you realize that something was going on. Suddenly lack of appetite appeared and seeing things too sweet or chicken or meat meals made you sick to your stomach.
Or also weird cravings started, which your mind started to scare you with possibly confirming what you were thinking.
During a break in the filming, you discreetly retreat to the bathroom, feeling the need for a moment to yourself. And as you look in the mirror, you notice the pallor on your face and the different glow in your eyes.
Completely terrified, you wait for your break from work and rush to the pharmacy, buying three pregnancy tests of different brands and supposedly the best.
And once at home, everything is silent, as the seconds tick by and you feel like you are drowning in your own thoughts.
You're not ready to be a mom, in fact the thought of having children was never something you wanted or wanted in the long run, because you're still young, you have your dream job at only twenty-two years old and to stop focusing on your dreams and goals to focus on those of a child… it's not something you want.
But the pregnancy test you hold in your trembling hand confirms your suspicions, as do the other tests, all positive.
Fear totally grips you, not only because of the fact that you are pregnant, but because of the implications this brings to your life and also to Aemond's life.
God, Aemond.
You think completely terrified, starting to cry, feeling the pressure in your chest.
You know this will stop and totally ruin his career.
You imagine yourself facing the critical gaze of the media, the headlines of magazines and news websites, as well as the constant speculation about your personal life.
You feel completely scared and hopeless, having no idea what Aemond's reaction will be, but you know this is not good, a baby, right now is not good, not for you and certainly not for him.
But you must tell him. You know you must. Regardless, how could you keep something like this from him?
It takes you two days to finally get up the courage to tell him and as you wait for him in your apartment, the pregnancy test rests in your trembling, sweaty hands, feeling completely frightened amidst all the silence around you.
Your eyes burn from crying so much, you feel like you have no strength, you feel weak and you haven't been able to sleep well and you don't even want to imagine how you will be later when Aemond finds out and everything between you will probably go wrong.
The sound of the door makes you jump nervously, knowing it's him.
You feel more fear and uncertainty flood you but you force yourself to get up from your couch and head to open the door, feeling that you will burst into tears at any moment.
As you open it, Aemond's handsome face and his usual smile was nothing like your face, being quite the opposite, so noticing your state his smile drops and he looks at you completely distressed and worried as you let out a few tears silently.
"Hey, hey," Aemond holds your face in his hands, his thumbs gently caressing your cheeks. His concern is palpable in the way his eyes search yours for answers. "What happened, baby? Are you okay?"
You sniffle your nose, inhale deeply and keep your eyes closed for a moment, only causing Aemond more unease when you don't utter a word.
"Y/N, what happened?" he insists, his tone laden with anxiety and seriousness.
"I'm really sorry," you murmur sadly to him, feeling each word weigh heavy in your chest and a sense of hopelessness creep over you.
"You're sorry, for what? What happened?" he asks again, completely confused and uncomprehending.
"I'm… I-I'm pregnant," you mumble in a broken voice, as if uttering those words would make reality more concrete.
Aemond's face remains completely static, his eyes wide open, watching you as tears slide down your cheeks. The gravity of the news is reflected in the tense silence that appears between the two of you.
"What?" he mutters under his breath, barely audible but laden with disbelief.
You nod slowly, reaching out to him for the proof you hold in your trembling hand. And every second that passes as he analyzes it feels like an eternity as you wait for his reaction.
But he barely processes the information, takes the evidence between his fingers and the seconds stretch out like hours as you feel your heart beating too fast.
But Aemond's face shows neither anger nor joy.
And finally he reacts by bringing his hands to his hair, his eye fixed on the evidence for a moment and then looking at a spot in your living room, beginning to see frustration and surprise invade him more.
He lets out a sigh and turns his gaze back to you in a desperate manner.
"Hey, baby," he says to you now nervously, "Are you absolutely sure?"
You nod slowly.
"I did three tests, all three came back positive."
He brings a hand to his forehead, averting his gaze from yours for a moment. His eyes reflect tumultuous thoughts, a mixture of thoughts ranging from disbelief to concern.
"But how?" he watches you blankly, still with surprise painted in his gaze.
"You didn't use a condom and I took the pill, but it didn't work," you tell him in a hopeless voice, trying to explain the inexplicable.
"Oh, fuck," he murmurs, biting his lips and bringing a hand to his chin.
"I'm sorry, I really am. I didn't mean for this to happen either," you admit to him, your tears streaming down your cheeks.
You feel the need to apologize as if this burden is something only you should carry, the vulnerability clear in your tone of voice and on your face, which worries Aemond more at seeing you in such a state.
"Hey, no, don't, don't do that, don't apologize," he says instantly, turning back to you and placing a hand on your cheek, "We're both part of this, you understand me? You're not to blame for anything and I'm not going to leave you alone," he assures you, completely honest and determined with his words.
And despite the gravity of the situation, you feel a huge relief come over you knowing that you are not alone in this, as he looks at your sad face, with your dry tears and red eyes.
And then he places a soft kiss on your lips and encloses you in a comforting embrace that is all you need at that moment.
You knew that Aemond would eventually have to tell his manager and his team as well, however, you didn't expect him to do it on the same day you let him know the news and you didn't expect all his people to start working so soon on this, on your pregnancy.
You call his agent and in an instant he, along with his publicist and his team of public relations people, invade your apartment.
And his agent, Criston Cole, doesn't have time to start reproaching him for having had a secret relationship with you all this time, although the anger is there but the important thing is the baby on the way, where he can't do anything either because it's already in your womb.
So he only talks about solutions.
And it is precisely because of these painful solutions for you that you decided to run away and disappear from his life to save his career and also your child.
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multific · 3 months
Haunting You
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Astarion x Reader
Summary: A ghost story turned love story.
A/N: The ghost mentioned below is based on the ghost in Mama 2013 movie.
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The world was filled with all sorts of creatures.
Vampires, fairies, demons, dragons, witches and ghosts.
Astarion had seen many of these creatures, killed many and fucked even more.
He would say nothing surprises him anymore.
But that would be a lie.
He never cared for haunted places.
Until one night he had to hide in one.
It was an old castle, on the verge of complete destruction and yet, something held it all together.
It was easy to deduct, the place was filled with magic so dark, it almost made Astarion run out.
Suppose certain death wouldn't be waiting for him outside. And yet, the new blood following him didn't enter.
Maybe then knew better like he should have.
He turned to his left at the end of the corridor. He wasn't sure what made him go that way in the first place.
But he heard possibly the most blood-curdling scream of all time. It was followed by low moans and groans.
It made Astarion stop in his tracks as he looked down at the long and dark corridor. He could make out the faint line of a woman. But her body seems to be broken in more than one place.
She kept on groaning as she just stood there.
Astarion has only ever felt this fear in life. The undeniable feeling of death.
The woman kept watching Astarion and he was sure, this would be his end.
Who could have guessed a haunted castle would bring his end?
The woman raised her broken arms as if she was preparing to charge at him. And he was sure it would be quick.
He knew deep down, that this was the end. There was no way he could outrun a ghost, an angry, vengeful ghost at that. Those were the worst.
He could feel his heart in his throat as he was sure he was taking his last breaths.
"Mama." a voice startled him, making him shake as he looked at the woman who just spoke. "He is a guest. We treat guests nicely."
You stood there, to his right, slightly behind him by the window.
Your eyes fixed on the ghostly figure at the end of the hallway.
You were a witch, Astarion was sure, he had seen your kind before.
But he had never seen someone like you, someone so beautiful.
He didn't dare to look at the woman but you, he had no problem looking at you.
Your eyes soon met his.
"Apologies for her, she is rather... protective." Astarion noticed that the ghostly apparition stood right next to him, watching his every move with her eyes, eyes fixed on Astarion who was too scared to look away from you.
"Who is she?" is what he managed to say in the end.
"I would say she was a loving woman with many children before her husband turned on her and killed her. Now, she is looking for her children. She often comes by there."
"How exactly do you know that?"
"You are rather sassy for someone who I just saved from death. But she told me the story. Come, you must be hungry." you said as you turned and walked away, he followed, leaving the woman standing there.
"What would you wish to eat? Meat? Or would you rather have blood?" you asked looking at him as you guided him to your living chambers.
"You are a witch." it was a statement, not a question. You both knew exactly what the other one was.
Not like either of you was hiding it.
"And you are a vampire."
"Actually, I am an elf-vampire. So, you were only half right." Astarion wasn't even sure where his confidence came from.
But you didn't seem to mind. 
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@castellandiangelo @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl @manduse @jacalineiscomingforyou @mandoloriancookie @deliciousfestsalad @lilliumrorum @asgards-princess-of-mischief @fallout-girl219
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weirdsht · 2 months
Platitude (Cliché pt. 2) - LoTCF & Venion Stan! Reader
notes: I didn't plan on making a pt. 2 but the idea has been haunting me even in my sleep. If you haven't read pt. 1 I recommend you do. Most of the context in this fic will be seen there.
tags: Reader will be referred to as Venion, Raon focused, mention of torture, mention of vomit, hints of eating disorder, angst (not really I think), hurt/comfort(?), hopeful ending
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don't repost my work anywhere without my permission
Constructive criticisms and any kind of interaction are more than welcome
Requests are currently closed but my ask are still open (read navi)
Buy Me Dessert
Navigation Masterlist Cliché (pt. 1)
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He is great and mighty.
The dragon believes– knows that he is great and mighty.
He has known it since his he hatched from his egg. Knows that his kind is the greatest existence to ever grace this world.
Despite all those things, he can’t show just how great and mighty he is. 
And it’s all because of these stupid chains that shackle him down. Chains that restrict his movement. Chokers that rendered him unable to speak and use magic.
It doesn’t make him any less great though. He’ll be even more great and mighty once he can use magic but he is plenty great and mighty now.
That’s what he tells himself every day. What he tells to comfort himself as this atrocious noble named Venion Stan tortures him. What gets him by day by day without giving up. Without succumbing to the pain.
Words that he whispers to himself might be words of comfort, but it is not unfounded. Even at merely 3 years old. Even without magic. He is still a majestic existence. 
For he still has his wits. 
Hence why he noticed that Venion Stan is unwilling in the things he does. At first, the black dragon thought someone else was ordering him and he had no choice but to follow. Perhaps someone like the Marquiss, his father.
“Sto– ugh!”
“Did you say anything, young master?”
“No. Something just got stuck in my throat.”
That was the moment the dragon decided to look at it from a different perspective. 
He was sure Venion Stan was about to say “stop”, but was unable to because an unknown force was physically stopping him.
After that day he decided to observe the noble’s actions. 
Slowly but surely he connected the dots. Saw the signs of unwillingness in his eyes. Noticed how he would deliberately twist his words to sound evil because something would stop him if he didn’t. Felt the way Venion would secretly care for him. 
Witnessed how his eyes died a little more every visit.
The baby dragon is the one being tortured. However, he can’t help but feel pity for his torturer. Venion Stan’s mental anguish is deep. So deep that those green eyes of his almost look black from how soulless they are.
Both of them are unwilling victims in this situation. 
Once the dragon realised this fact, his heart could let go of some of his hate a little. It’s not fully gone. It can never be fully gone until he gets his revenge. Because how dare lowly humans capture and torture someone great and mighty like him?
He is not irrational. He knows how to give credit where it is due. 
And in this situation that credit mostly belongs to whoever is controlling Venion Stan’s body. That and he once overheard that a secret organization is responsible for capturing him.
The black dragon believes that they must be the ones to pay the price of his wrath. 
Which was why he has decided to look kindly upon Venion. 
Over the course of the year, they have spent together, the cell the black dragon lives in has become more comfortable. Pillows and other soft objects are placed everywhere. Warm lighting replaced the white, cold ones. His chains are not as heavy and even have soft fur in them. Sometimes, he can even eat delicious and filling meals.
His living conditions are great. Well, great for a prisoner at least.
The same thing can’t be said for his torturer.
Venion Stan looks like he's the one being tortured. And honestly, the dragon also thinks so. He has gotten skinnier. The bags under his eyes have gotten deeper, as well as the despair in his eyes.
His not even eating anymore. At first, the black dragon thought that it was just an excuse to give him the food.
“Young master, I’m sorry to interfere but you did not eat dinner. You also barely ate during breakfast. This lowly servant of yours urges you to eat more.”
It wasn’t just an excuse to give him the food.
The black dragon had at least hope that Venion Stan was eating his fill. He needed it, with all the vomiting he does. It’s bad for him to not eat anything…
Speaking of vomiting. Another thing the dragon had noticed was how there seemed to be blood in his vomit nowadays. He hypothesises that it has something to do with the young noble pushing the unknown restrictions to make him more comfortable.
Drip. Drip. Drip.
“Young master! Are you okay!? I’ll go call for a healer!“
“No need. This is just from the heat outside.”
The black dragon observes as blood drips down from Venion’s nose. It happened almost immediately after he ordered his men to lessen their business in the back alleys.
Blood must be the payment whenever a restriction is violated. However, Venion Stan doesn’t seem to be aware of it. It looks like he truly thinks it’s just from the heat.
Luckily it doesn’t happen again.
The blood in his vomit was still there, but he didn’t have a nosebleed after that incident.
Not that the dragon cares of course. He just thinks that it will be a pity if Venion drops dead before he can get his revenge.
Venion Stan must stay alive until he can get his revenge.
“I promise after tonight everything will get better…”
The fool whispered in his ear one random night. He was merely resting his eyes but Venion must’ve thought he was asleep and begun whispering a bunch of nonsense in his ear.
But he lets it be.
He doesn’t know why, but his instincts are telling him to pretend to sleep and see what Venion will do.
It was silent for a few moments, but then he suddenly felt a soft hand stroking his head. The hand was skinny. Boney even. It wasn’t the ideal head pat. Nonetheless, the black dragon felt an odd sense of comfort as Venion stroked his head.
He felt two lone tears wet his horns. Tears that are full of suffering. The tears of someone who is carrying a different shackles than what the dragon does.
After that, like a dream, Venion Stan goes out of the cave.
When he opened his eyes again he could see servants removing the decorations that adored his cell. Turning it back to how it used to be; cold and uncomfortable.
For a moment the dragon thought Venion Stan was abandoning him.
The thought alone makes him feel a sense of dread. But he doesn’t know why. For surely, it can’t be because he has learned how to care for that cold-hearted bastard.
‘But he isn’t really cold-hearted…’
He pushes his thoughts away as this mysterious red-haired man carries him out of the cave. Showed him what the night sky looked like for the first time.
The mysterious man sets him free. He doesn’t try to keep him. Tells him to live his lie how he wants to.
And that’s exactly what he does.
He felt a sense of attachment to the man named Cale. So he follows him around. Hunts food for them to eat.
But that’s not the only thing he has been doing.
One night, for just one night a few days after his escape. He doesn’t follow Cale Henituse.
Instead, he follows Venion Stan.
It was easy to track him down. Both men are going to the capital after all. It merely took minutes for the toddler to find out where he was.
Honestly, he has no good reason why he would visit his torturer. Maybe it was curiosity. Maybe it was to ensure he didn’t drop dead before he got his revenge.
Nonetheless, the dragon visits Venion to see the terrible state he is in.
Terrible doesn’t justify the state Venion is in.
As the black dragon peeks at the windows he can see the blonde sitting straight in his bed. With nothing but a singular candle to accompany him in his large, and lavish room.
Venison Stan looks horrific. There’s nothing behind his green eyes. No emotions whatsoever. His eyes were green but they looked like black holes.
He looks like those creepy things On has told stories about. The ones possessed by ghosts and don’t know who they are anymore.
Yeah, that was it. 
Venison Stan looked like someone who has lost his sense of self.
He looks like a puppet waiting desperately for his strings to be cut off.
“One more year… Just one more year and everything will end… I have laid out everything. Have done everything I could.”
Venison Stan started muttering to himself.
“But why? Why must I suffer like this? Was I that bad in my past life?”
His voice was emotionless, yet the dragon could hear his despair loud and clear.
“I think I lived decently… I did, right? Maybe I thought it wrong? Maybe I was atrocious… Maybe I deserve this. Maybe I’m meant to not be able to have free will. Maybe the gods thought that giving me free will is a bad idea…”
Venion did not spill a single tear. But the dragon could tell he was weeping.
Unable to hear anymore, he flew back to where Cale and the others were.
That night he feels his heart become as heavy as the choker that used to chain him down.
“...It’s okay. I said it’s okay”
The black dragon mumbled to himself as Venion Stan walks by.
He may feel a sense of kinship with the noble but it does not erase the trauma he has experienced. Even if he knows it was traumatizing for Venion too.
But just like he couldn’t stop his shaking limbs when Venion approached them with that vicious look he had. He also can’t stop himself from checking how the blonde is doing.
‘He still eats so little… His dizzy, he grits his teeth like that whenever he feels dizzy from not eating enough.’
The emotions other people had mistaken for anger... only the black dragon could decipher what they truly mean.
Maybe time really brings a sense of familiarity.
But he keeps his mouth shut. Doesn’t tell anyone, not even Cale, of Venion’s real state.
Because he doesn’t care. He shouldn’t care.
He doesn’t care but he still checked on Venion during the terrorist attack. Makes sure that he is alive and in one piece. 
He doesn’t care but still thinks about him every night. Thinks about those mutterings he heard that night.
He doesn’t care but he hopes and prays that Venion has not dropped dead yet. Hopes that his eating as well as Raon is doing.
He doesn’t care, it’s all just part of his revenge. He must get the perfect revenge.
But the sweet, young dragon could only lie to himself for so long.
Raon spoke the night before they were supposed to kidnap Venion Stan.
“There’s something I haven’t told you about that bastard.”
Cale opens his ears as Raon spills everything. Listens to every word coming out of the toddler's mouth. 
And after all that Cale asks him.
“What do you want to do now?”
If he doesn’t want to proceed Cale wont force him. That’s what he likes the most about his human. Cale respects every decision he makes. Attentively listens to everything he has to say.
“I still want to kidnap him. But… I don’t want to torture him. He has already been tortured enough.”
Raon buries his head on Cale’s chest. He stops his tears from flowing.
“Human, his still suffering. Even after my chains got removed, his shackles remained.”
“Okay, we’ll do what you want.”
Cale doesn’t fully comprehend what he means but he respects his decisions. Raon knows that Cale doesn’t understand.
“You’ll understand what I mean once you see his eyes.”
That was the only thing he said to his human. He wanted Venion’s gaze to tell the rest of the tale.
Venison Stan did not disappoint.
He delivered exactly what Raon wanted to show everyone.
Showed everyone just how much melancholy his eyes held.
In fact, there’s so much anguish hidden behind those eyes of his that even Raon was shocked.
If Raon thought Venion’s state was terrible a year ago, he has no words to describe him now.
The man looks dead. No, he looks like his desperately waiting for death.
And it brings a sick feeling to Raon’s stomach.
“Do you have any questions left for him?”
Cale asks after the blonde man faints from coughing blood. He says no, his curiosity has been quenched. The answers he provided and the clear repercussions of his restriction satisfied Raon.
“Human ask him for Venion’s servant! The granny that wears her hair in a bun! She knows just how little that punk eats!”
“Tell him about how he can’t control his words and actions! Tell him about how doesn’t want to do most of the things his doing!”
“Human what sentence did Venion Stan get? Is he okay? You told them to not send him to prison right? You told them he didn’t have a choice right?”
“Human, are you busy? Can you call Taylor and ask him how Venion is doing?”
“Are we going anywhere this week? If not can we go visit the Stan territory?”
“Maybe if I bring him apple pies he’ll eat more?”
Raon doesn’t even know what his doing. He doesn’t realise just how much he is looking after his supposed torturer.
However, no one calls him out on it. They just indulge the child and let him do whatever he wants.
“Venion is inside that room young master. You can try to speak to him but it’s unlikely that he’ll respond… Are you sure you want to go in alone?”
Taylor Stan asks one more time and Cale just nodded in affirmation.
“If you need any assistance a servant will be waiting here.”
With that Taylor leaves leaving Cale to enter Venion’s room alone. Well, he and Raon but Taylor doesn’t know about the dragon’s existence.
“He also looked like this when I visited him that one night.”
As soon as the door closed, Raon turned off his invisibility and flew over to the bed where Venion was sitting up.
“But that time he looked more alive. He looked like he was looking forward to something. Turns out he was looking forward to his death but that it was still a better look than what he has right now.”
Cale clicks his tongue but Raon ignores him. Instead, he directed his words to Venion.
“That night, before the human got me out of that cave. I’m sure you remember it. Did you know that I heard what you told me that night?”
Raon feels like Venion is listening to him.
“You told me that after that night everything will get better. And it did, after that night everything did get better for me.”
The toddler placed his paw on top of Venion’s still hand.
“But what about you? Why did nothing get better for you after that night? Even now you’re still being tortured. You’re shackles are still holding you down even after you broke mine.”
Raon raised his shaking paws to hug the man. From the side, Cale merely observes, ready to step in when needed.
“Consider this as payment for patting my head that night.”
The black dragon feels a lone tear grace his head. He doesn’t say anything about it. He didn’t even raise his head to look at Venion.
They stayed like that for at least 2 minutes. At some point, Venion’s arms had also embraced Raon. His hold was weak and lifeless. Like when you force a teddy bear to encircle his arms around you. 
But it’s the best he can do right now, and Raon will take it.
“We have to go, but before we go I’ll leave you one of my apple pies.”
Raon places a lone apple pie on the nightstand.
“Beacrox made it! He makes delicious food! Maybe if you eat something that tastes good you’ll eat more! Next visit I’ll try to save some of the Crown Prince’s cookies for you to try!”
With that, Raon waved his hand goodbye after promising to visit again.
A few days after that meeting, Cale receives an update from Taylor Stan saying that his brother is eating a bit more now. He excitedly tells Cale how he's been eating the desserts Raon sends.
Cale smiles at the thought of Raon’s happy face once he hears how Venion Stan is slowly recovering.
And indeed Raon was elated at the news. He immediately urges Cale to go visit Venion again.
He may not be fond of the guy, but Cale smiles a little as his kid frantically packs a bunch of things to bring to the Stan territory.
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rhaegonthinker · 11 days
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“do you see him when you look at me, sister? do you see our father?” aegon licks his chapped lips, looking into her bright violet eyes, wanting to see into her mind, know every waking that crosses her mind—of him. “tell me, rhaenyra, is that what you see? all you see?” aegon says a bit more desperately, gritting his teeth in pain, his flesh still burning, skin scorched. he wants to kill aemond for ruining him, taking what will to live he had left. he wants to take revenge on him like he wanted to on his sister for murdering his son, until he found out the truth. that she had no part in it. a son for a son is what she wanted, but when she found him—her half-brother—half burned, half broken like their father, she took pity on him, sparing his life, putting a price on aemond’s instead—the other brother who they both want revenge on now. something else in common they share besides their dragon blood.
rhaenyra looks at him with more softness in her eyes than she ever has and aegon wishes she would say something.
“tell me, nyra,” he rasps, tears falling down his face, stinging his burns. tell me you see me, your brother, your blood, your equal. tell me you see someone besides a replica of our father, half dead, half decayed. he clenches his hands into fists, his whole body going rigid and aegon wants milk of the poppy, needs it to dull the pain, the suffering of her silence.
because aegon wants her. his heart. his soul. his spirit. even his body, his belly rippling with a river of feverish desire. desire he hasn’t felt in many moons. not since it was torn away from him, like sunfyre.
but rhaenyra has awakened the dormant dragon within him. and it roars to life, demanding attention, her touch, her affection, her love. he’s about to beg her, say please, when her clear voice breaks through his all consuming thoughts.
”yes,” she answers honestly, truly, and aegon’s heart skips a beat, because at least it’s the truth, but she isn’t finished, giving him a smile. “but i see the good parts of him in you,” she runs her fingers over the side of his scarred cheek, caressing it lightly, wiping away his tears, careful of her sharp nails. aegon gulps, imagining her running them down his naked chest, where the flesh isn’t ruined, where she could inflict pleasured pain born of passion. “you have a good heart, little brother. i see it now.” rhaenyra places her right hand against his hammering heart, gentle as a mother’s kiss upon her babe’s brow. “some parts that are our father, your mother…even me.” rhaenyra leans in close, breathing deep and placing her left hand on the other side of his chest, leveraging her weight against him now. and it makes his breath hitch, wishing her warmth, her body would burden his always, for he’d always carry her with him—always will from now on.
“but, sweet brother,” the affectionate words roll off of rhaenyra’s tongue like an aphrodisiac and aegon’s already drunk off them, his lips barely brushing hers and he whines low in the back of his throat, wanting to taste the saccharine sweetness. “i see all of you, only you, my aegon—wholly.”
wholly. the word rings inside aegon like glorious bells awakening, tolling victoriously. because his sister, his queen, sees him for who he is, has always been, not a ghost haunting them both. not just parts and pieces of a whole.
aegon kisses her hungrily, tasting no bitterness or poison, but pure honey; initiating and igniting the war their mouths wage on one another’s, their tongues battling for dominance. a dance of dragons that both of them deem to win, until rhaenyra’s the first to bite his bottom lip, draw his blood, tasting his coppery crimson for herself.
“sister,” aegon hisses, his hands grabbing onto her for dear life, groaning when she sucks his lip desperately, for it’s not painful, but blissful to bleed for his sister. for every piece of himself attaches to her, every part, aches for her eternally.
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mrs-willow · 2 months
"A Raven and a Falcon" benji x oc
Disclaimer: I am not familiar with the Dance of Dragons books or the accurate storyline, so I have decided to change it to fit this story. I could not find an exact or reliable family tree for either House Blackwood or House Arryn, so I just made my own characters.  
The dance never actually happens!!! Viserys doesn’t die until he reaffirms Rhaenyra as his heir, and after that big family dinner, Rhaenyra returns on Dragon back, and she and Alicent talk out everything. There are mutual apologies, tears, laughter, and everyone lives. 
This is a sappy slow burn with angst, fluff, smut later, and everything I make up when I disassociate.  
This is literally my first post on here or any other website, so please be nice. I am writing this solely for my own enjoyment… there needs to be more Benjicot Blackwood material on this app.  However, I would still love feedback, and if there is something that you think would add to the story, message me, and I’ll see what I can do. 
Summary: Lady Lillian of the House Arryn reaches her eight and ten in a fortnight and has yet to be wed or promised to another Lord. After returning from Kings Landing for the coronation of Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, she is informed of her Father and brother's plans to wed her to a man she has only seen glimpses of and whose reputation is insanity and bloodlust. Lillian learns to love this new stranger, or will she be forced into a life of loneliness and solitude and made to produce heirs until she dies?
Warnings: smut (later), blood, violence, cursing, period typical sexism, alternating POVs, (idk lmk if I should add more stuff)
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Chapter 1
As Caelan strode through the corridors of the Eyrie he pondered the rumors of the castle being haunted just as Harenhall is. The man had grown up running through these halls with his siblings, escaping the septas and playing games of war and duels, and yet he could not remember the strange sound of wind whistling through the columns and doorways, creating the strange feeling that someone was trying to speak with you. That fate awaits one as one grows from boy to man. 
Caelans riding boots echo on the dark stone as he makes his way to the Arryn family's apartments. The decorations adorning the walls turn from mosaic replicas of the vast mountain range the Castle was built in, with striking figures of falcons soaring through twenty-foot billowing clouds to soft tapestries displaying a man, his wife, and four beaming blonde children. Metalwork of falcons and moons adorns the tall arches of doorways, and vases of flows rode in from the reach sit colorfully in vases. 
This deep into the castle, the man and the flowers are protected from the harsh rain and winds whipping through the outermost corridors and open rooms. Still, as he enters Lord Arryns personal study, Caelan finds all four hearths of the great room lit as the aging man cannot escape the chill of a month's travel on the King's Road during winter.
At the sound of someone entering the great room, the old man looks up from the pages he had previously been contemplating. It's funny how a few words can cause so much stress. Robert Arryn was a kind man, loved by his bannerman, and respected in court and on the battlefield. His Knights of the Vale were among the fiercest armies in the Seven Kingdoms and were recently praised by the new Queen Rhaenyra when Robert matched them south as a show of support for the true Queen and a warning for those who mean to harm her. Among his Knights, the Seasnakes Armada, the Blackwood host, and the Northmen showed formidable support for their true queen. Yet, Robert is no longer a twenty-year-old man poised for battle and all manner of foolish, daring adventures, and this long trip has taken its toll on the man's bones.
He muttered as he met his son at the table. 
“The realms delight should’ve lived up to the title and held the coronation in spring to spare all us old men the pain of the cold set into our bones.” 
The young man subtly rolled his eyes away from his disgruntled father. “If you had listened to my warnings of the rain while on horseback, perhaps you would not be in such discomfort, Father,” Caelan teased with a small smirk. 
Robert sent the young man his most fearsome glare, “I will not be laughed at in my own home, boy. Now go get your father a pelt so he might not freeze to death in the damn winter.” 
Calan rose, joking that the “bloody Starks are always right at some point. Winter is Here.” 
The two men sat side by side momentarily, gazing into the crackling fire. One old man sat grateful that he had not been called to fight another war, “so much death and cruelty in the world,” he thought, “thank the old gods and the new that my children will not know war.” The younger man sat gazing at the flames, contemplating his father's reasons for calling him here at such a late hour with the castle all but asleep. His mind immediately drifted to the worst reasons for the summoning, and he prayed his worries would soon be eased when his Lord Father stopped being such a dramatic old crow.
“Father, why have you summoned me at such an odd hour?” Caelan questioned. The man knew better than to press his father for answers and thus sat patiently like a little boy waiting for his father's commands. 
Robert sighed. He then rose and retrieved the papers he had been studying when Caelan first arrived in the study. Wordlessly, Robert handed the letter to his son and resumed his place at the table, once again falling silent.
As Caelan reads the letter addressed to Lord Robert Arryn of the Vale, the reality of getting older becomes present and clear as the childhood he once knew begins to fade into blurry memories filled with love and laughter.
Caelan reaches his father's eyes, “Lillian is to be…” he pauses and lets his father's eyes answer his question. 
“She is to be Married,” Robert affirms. “She is nearly ten and eight; the time has come, and it would do her more harm than good to shelter her here until it truly is impossible for us to let her go or her to let us.”
Caelan leans back in the oversized chair he adorns, “She will be livid,” he warns his father. 
“Aye,” Robert agrees, “but that is the way of things and she cannot hide in these mountains forever.” 
“Father, I agree, but truly to that man?” Caelan questions. “You cannot possibly think that giving Lillian to a psycho would be wise?”
“Mind your tongue, boy,” Robert warns. “His father is one of my oldest friends and closest allies.” Robert reminds his emotional Son.
“Yes, of course, but that does not discredit the news we hear of his son. We mu-”
Robert rose swiftly from his chair, “I will hear none of this. Samwell Blackwood and I were raised side by side. We learned to shoot, ride, and wield swords together, and I trust that the man I grew up with raised a son who is equally honorable and just as he is.”
Caelan slumped forward, defeated. “At least allow me to inform her of this change to her life?” the man asked. “She will be more forgiving if it comes from me rather than you.”
Robert sighed. He felt pride swell in his breast for his eldest son and his three younger children. He was proud to have raised them in a manner that made them friends and confidants rather than enemies. He knew then and there that his eldest son would be equally loved and honored as Lord of the Vale when death came for him. 
“I will allow it, but it must be done in the morning. She will leave the day following her name day.” 
“Thank you, father. If I may retire to my chambers, I sense tomorrow will be a trying day.” 
Robert raised his hand and bid his son a good night, then called after him, “Caelan? Please tell her that I’m sorry.”
Caelan paused and sighed, “Father, you must tell her this yourself. Soon, she will no longer be a short walk from your own chamber.”
With that, the heir to House Arryn headed back toward his chambers and noticed that the howling in the halls sounded sweater, slightly more musical and feminine.
Back in the study, Lord Arryn stood in front of the hearth in contemplation. He reminisced about the times his family was still whole and couldn’t help but feel that he was chipping away yet another piece of his soul in allowing his daughter to leave the safety of her family.   
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villainscharm · 2 months
BLOOD AND BONES | davos blackwood
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paring : davos blackwood x f!original character
summary : when queen rhaenyra’s letter left unanswered, she had no choice but to send the young lord from house blackwood to compromise the infamous house lairwyn, whose rumours haunted the riverlands for centuries — a mission which led to an arranged marriage between the two houses.
a/n : basically i’m not confident enough abt my knowledge to create an oc from the already existed houses so i’m trying to be creative (do i actually know what i’m doing?) i separate benjicot and davos in my writing depends on the story and the role they’re performing for their house. pls excuse me if any of these are inaccurate for asoiaf universe.
word counts : 393
warnings : original house and characters. dark theme. mentioned of death. implied of vampire history. arranged marriage. eventual smut.
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House Lairwyn of Bloodstone was an old forgotten house located in the Riverlands. Their seat was at the Bloodstone, an old eerie looking castle with a resemblance of a bat’s figure, their symbol. The Lairwyn sigil was a black bat with blood on its mouth in front of two crossed swords upon a dark taupe escutcheon.
They earned their reputation and served the realm as executioners of kings, hence their words “commander of death”, but its meaning was beyond that. After they retired from their positions, they were simply strange people with no apparent reason to socialize and slowly disappeared from watchful eyes.
Other than their history of beheading people and so, they also earned a frightful reputation in riverlands as well. House Lairwyn had a very oddly small number of generations of descendants compared to other houses in the realm, given the fact that their house was as ancient as others. According to their closer companions, each member of their blood had lived a very strangely long life since their founder lord Sander Lairwyn who lived until the age of hundred and two.
Rumours spreaded all over the realm of their dreadful custom that had been the secret of their long life. Bloodsuckers they called them, savages in the form of noble lords and ladies who tortured the living and took their hearts out to feed themselves. With lack of proof, they remained unimportant and unapproachable for others until this day.
For their appearance, the Lairwyn were known for their sickly pale skin in contrast to their thick black hair. Through the whispers of riverlands they were described to have two fangs stuck out of their mouths and sharp long nails which contributed to their infamous alias as heart-rippers.
It was important that each house participated in this war whether they wanted to or not. During the war, house Lairwyn had only two remaining members left in line — lord Carlos Lairwyn and his younger sister, lady Celia. Ravens were sent to the lord of Bloodstone from both queen Rhaenyra and king Aegon, asking them to choose their side or meet with fire and blood. But what would they choose if blood and fire were what they desired at most?
꒱࿐ Lord Carlos Lairwyn of Bloodstone.
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꒱࿐ Lady Celia Lairwyn of Bloodstone.
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ghost9whore · 2 months
Lighting’s Reign and Thunder’s Roar VII
House of the dragon x male oc
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“They’re only two Targaryens worth mentioning; Aegon the Conqueror and Caserys the Haunting”
“If Caserys was so pretty why would they call him the Haunting”
“It means that his face was one no one could forget, He drove people mad with desire.”
(Caserys’ P.O.V)
“Why do you train Rhaeraxes like this?” asked Rhaenyra
“Like what?” I responded
“The way you treat Rhaeraxes, it's different than any other dragon's training. He won't stay in the dragon pit, won’t eat any food given to him, and no one ever sees him” Rhaenyra began
“Hmmm" I begin to ponder a suitable answer or then just I don't want to. "I do not like the way the dragon master would train the dragons so I decided a different way”
“Yet it’s not only been that instance of difference between you and the rest of us. Everything about you is different. Your hair is more black than white and the rumors of your dragon breathing lightning instead of fire. What sets you apart from the rest of us?” Rhaenyra finally asked
“Hmm I’ve never thought about it” I lied
Of course, I’ve thought about it. Why was the storm on my birth connected to my birth? How was I able to bring Rhaeraxes back from his cold egg and why is he growing so quickly? Why is my hair darker?
I have more questions than answers. However, my family seems to have their own opinions.
My father says the storm was due to my “Velayron blood” being able to enrage the seas with my life
My mother says my hair comes from her Baratheon family members
And my siblings say it was the Faith of the Seven
Allowing myself to forget I was with someone Rhaenyra pulled me back into the land of the living. "Are you okay?"
"Yes I'm sorry, cousin, if you'll excuse me I have to get ready to leave King's Landing" I responded back to Rhaenyra
(Daemon’s P.O.V)
That’s what this is. I am humiliated. I have been denounced as my brother’s heir and been replaced by Rhaenyra. My brother doesn’t understand how to be a King and now he doesn’t understand how he doomed the realm.
I need more power and more men
Caserys, I could use him, his father’s men, and his family’s dragons but I would never be able to gather his father's support.
I need to wait, biding my time until I am ready to strike
That’s the key to win
(Caserys’ P.O.V)
Driftmark seems so cold now. I have been away for quite some time. My room is very clean but hasn’t been lived in. The rock near my room where Rhaeraxes would perch has old burn marks yet no new ones.
King’s Landing has been comfortable but too crowded for Rhaeraxes meaning I hadn't seen him. He had been staying away from the dragon pit and the people in King's Landing in general. That meant he stayed away from me for most parts of the day. I could only recognize his roar from a distance or notice his shadow in the sky when I was alone.
Now I can se—
“Cassy!” I feel hands grab my shoulders turning me forward
As I turn at my new nickname to see my sister Laena. She’s smiling perhaps happy to see me or my reaction to her new name for me.
“Why Cassy? It doesn’t sound like a man’s name at all” I ask
“Hmm I suppose it does not however I believe that's why it suits you even more” she responds
“Oh? What is that supposed to mean?” I question her again
“Nothing important, Father wants to speak to you.” She replied
Cutting my conversation with Laena I begin to look for my father to find him in the Maesters room.
Third Person View
Caserys walked into the room to find his father sitting down looking towards the ocean with the Maester whispering into his ear.
Once he had noticed Caserys he had called him to move forward.
“Hello my son” Corlys started
“Hello father” Caserys replied
“My son, tell me what you know of Daemon Targaryen”
“Why father?”
“He has notified me that he will aid our battle for the stepstones to reclaim our land” Corlys smiled back somewhat twistedly
“I’m sure you can guess he wants the crown he believes was taken from him. I suppose if helping you would rally your support in his cause I imagine he would.”
“I gathered that, but what of his interest in you. The crown wouldn’t justify his sudden interest in your life”
“I haven’t the slightest clue perhaps you should speak to him yourself”
“Watch your tone Caserys, I merely mean what of his plans require your help?”
"Forgive me, Father, for I do not know"
"Very well, understand that with our battle of the stepstones, your help on dragon back will be most crucial. Laena hasn't bonded to a dragon and Rhaeraxes outweighs Seasmoke"
"I understand, I will be ready"
(Caserys' P.O.V)
After exiting my father's chambers I make my way outside the castle to find my dragon. To finally be able to see my dragon in the flesh. Rhaeraxes' large body exits the sea caves from underneath the castle, finding a new hiding spot from his rock.
As he approaches me, I notice the large horns on each side of his face, resembling Meleys. Rhaeraxes' three black horns on both sides dawing six horns.
He leans down his face right next to my body. As I place my hands I feel the texture of his rough scales underneath my skin.
"We're going to have to fight soon, We just can not lose control again..."
Rhaeraxes curls his head close to me finding comfort in my presence. Yet feeling a different presence, Rhaeraxes finishes his huddle into my body and then travels back into the sea caves just as Caraxes flies over Driftmark Castle.
"Daemon's war for the crown is going to kill us..."
A/N Back from dead... Feeling pretty good. I'm trying to speed these chapters along for season 2. This chapter is loosely based on Episode 2 but the next chapter will be more coherent and better attached to the timeline. For reference, Rhaeraxes is around Drogon's size perhaps a little smaller so maybe more around Rhaegal. I also changed the spelling of Rayraxs' name to Rhaeraxes (again pronounced Ray-rax-sis). Seeing y'all soon loving you guys my ghost whores.
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sapphire-writes · 1 year
Winter Rose
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pairing: Aemond x Stark!Reader
summary: Raised among wolves, and raised among dragons; throughout time Targaryens and Starks seem to find their way to each other.
warnings: mentions of death
word count: 2.3k
note: this is mostly fluff! enjoy my loves 💙
You had been a small child when your father died; when your elder brother Cregan was named Lord of Winterfell, Warden of the North. Though he was just a boy of three and ten at the time. You remembered the funeral of your father, the way Cregan held your small hand in his own.
“You need to be brave, sister,” Cregan had whispered in your ear. 
Your eyes were wide as saucers, gazing upon the still body of your father. You expected his chest to rise and fall, as though he were simply in a deep sleep. He remained motionless. You had only seen one other corpse in your life, that of your mother.
The image of her flashes in your mind. Beautiful, wild, and gone. Petals in the wind. Your father would lay beside her for eternity in the crypts of Winterfell. The thought comforted you, your parents in the earth below you, and your brother. Simply sleeping beneath the mighty fortress of Winterfell.
Cregan squeezes your hand. 
Your uncle, Bennard Stark, was to rule as regent until Cregan came of age. A feat that does not bode well when Cregan reaches adulthood. But Bennard succeeds nonetheless. 
You grow alongside your brother, both of you fierce, both of you spitting images of the First Men. Both are haunted by the ghosts of wolves before you. You and Cregan are one and the same until you come into your maidenhood.
That is when things seem to change between you, suddenly you are thrust into the role of a soon-to-be mother, though still unwed. Lords vie for your hand, present themselves to your brother for the chance to bed, and breed you like a prize mare. You are having none of that. 
“Lord Umber is a fine choice!” Cregan yells, running after you as you flee from the great hall.
“You heathen!” you snap at your brother.
You stop, causing Cregan to nearly run into you, glaring at your brother. 
“You’d ship me off to Last Hearth, is that it?” you accuse, “who’d do your booking then hmm?”
Cregan flushes with embarrassment. 
“I’d make do without you,” he says.
“You’re shit at bookkeeping,” you accuse. 
“You’re a lady, it’s your duty-”
“My duty!” you scoff, “How very convenient to you!”
Cregan frowns, visibly frustrated by your angry disposition.
“You like Lord Umber.”
You look at him incredulously. 
“He is my friend, Cregan, it does not mean I wish to bed him.”
“Sister, you must listen!”
But you are off already, across the yard, angry tears wet on your face. They do not last long as you hastily wipe them, crystalized in the cold air they fly like diamonds to the gravel below. 
The news comes to Winterfell when House Stark is invited to the capital to represent the North at King Viserys nameday. Evidently, all the great houses are to feast in the capital, with tourneys and celebrations to last for several days. 
“Allow me to represent our house, and when I return I shall not fuss about marrying Lord Umber,” you tell him, bile rising in your throat as you panic at the thought.
Cregan senses your hesitation. Brothers are like that, sensing your lies. 
“You shall?” he asks.
You roll your eyes. 
“I shall.”
The journey to King’s Landing is long and tiresome, taking the better part of a month. Layers of clothing are shed the closer you get to the capital, as the air around you warms, snow melts and flowers bloom. It is as though you are blooming as well, pushing through the soil and towards the sun.
You are presented at court, as unwed ladies often are, to the king and the royal family. Though King Viserys is not in attendance, represented by the Hand instead. 
The first of the festivities you attend is a tourney. 
“You do not wish to participate, my prince?” you ask, out of courtesy.
“I do not care for tourneys, my lady,” the one-eyed prince tells you, “I believe them to be a foolish waste of time.”
You smile slightly at his honesty.
“They are said to prepare men for the battlefield,” you tell him, “though I do not know whose enemy would wait for his opponent to pick up his sword.”
Aemond glances at you as you take a sip from your cup. He glances at the tourney field, understanding your jest as he observes two knights waiting to fight. A flicker of a smile appears on his chiseled face.
“Most knights simply wish for the attention of those of court,” Aemonn tells you, “Fame and glory; to be a page in a song.”
“To have the favor of a pretty girl,” you agree.
Aemond looks at you once more. A pretty girl. You meet his eye, smiling. Aemond looks away quickly, clearing his throat.
“Have any of these knights won your favor, my lady?” Aemond asks.
You shake your head.
“No, I am afraid not,” you tell him, “I prefer a real warrior to a pretender.”
Aemond watches as you excuse yourself and walk away, a curious expression on his face. 
The feast later that evening is boisterous and full of merriment and delight. It makes you miss home, an ache appears in your chest that you cannot shake. No matter how many lords you dance with, how many ladies you chat with. Though you wished for an escape, you so miss the walls of Winterfell. Cregan’s hand in yours. Perhaps he is right. Perhaps the North is where you belong. Winterfell, Last Hearth. Did it matter which castle, truly?
“My lady,” the voice of Prince Aemond pulls you gently from your thoughts.
He is kind, you can tell. Though his exterior is cold, reptilian almost. Like the snakes that slither in the greenhouses of Winterfell, searching for warmth and life in the frozen ground. Simply trying to survive. Aemond bows to you, offering his hand, violet eye scanning your face. 
You want to ask him about it. But you bite his tongue. You know all too well how people enjoy poking the bruises of others, teasing out the memories of pain a person holds inside them simply for their own selfish curiosity. You shall not be like them.
You take his hand and allow him to lead you to the dance floor. You cling to the young prince for the rest of the evening, finding calm in his cool presence. It is nice, standing beside him feeling as though there is no silence you need to fill. Feeling as though he simply enjoys that you are there. 
When you return to your chambers, a blue winter rose rests its petals on your pillow. You pick up the flower, inspecting it carefully between your fingers, the cerulean petals catching the moonlight. A reminder of home.
The remainder of your visit to the capital is spent on Prince Aemond’s arm. In the library, on walks through the gardens. He even entertains your passion for hawking, joining you as you travel into the Kingswood. It is nice to have a friend among so many dragons. Someone to talk to, someone who enjoys your company. 
As the days pass, you have collected a bouquet of winter roses; they sit beside your bed in a glass vase, the first flower only just beginning to lose its petals. They scatter across your chambers like freshly fallen snow. 
A raven arrives, confirming your brother’s visit to the capital. Cregan is often impatient and comes to the conclusion that he must join his sweet sister in the capital, bringing Lord Umber with him. A determined pup, your elder brother can be. 
Aemond senses a shift within you as you wait in anticipation, though he cannot quite figure out what the cause is. When your brother arrives, you avoid his presentation at court entirely. Though Cregan is relentless, and spots you as you attempt to escape to the gardens. In your haste, you nearly run into Aemond. You clasp his arm.
“Quickly,” you say nervously, shifting on your feet, “I must go, quickly.”
“It is your brother,” Aemond says, looking over your shoulder, “why do you wish to run from him? Have you not missed him this time apart?”
Aemond knows you have been missing him, missing home. It is why he took such care with the flowers left in your chambers. He had enlisted Helaena for help; winter roses are fickle plants that require delicate care outside of the North. 
“Of course I have,” you tell him, trying but failing to hide behind his tall frame.
Aemond smiles slightly as you grab his arm. Cregan has spotted you, a determined grin on his face. Lord Umber has joined him on his journey to King’s Landing. He has brought the wedding to you. There’s nowhere to run anymore.
“Then why do you hide little wolf?” Aemond asks, chuckling.
“He wishes to marry me off,” you tell the prince, “ship me off to Last Hearth.”
Aemond’s face falls slightly, he glances over his shoulder as your brother comes closer with each passing second. Aemond turns back to you, eye scanning the distressed expression on your face. 
You bring your gaze back to the prince, an idea coming to you. 
“My prince,” you say suddenly, “do you trust me?”
Aemond frowns, not fully understanding what you are asking.
“Of course my lady-”
“Then kiss me.”
Aemond’s jaw slacks as he looks into your eyes. 
“Quickly, please,” you beg, “Aemond.”
His eye flickers from your lips to your eyes.
“Trust me,” you say softly.
The one-eyed dragon prince needs no more convincing. He bows his head to your height, and you stand on the tips of your toes, hand caressing the back of his neck bringing his lips to yours. Aemond is gentle with the kiss, as though he has never kissed someone before. He nearly pulls away after the first peck, but you secure your hand on his neck, opening your mouth against his, deepening the kiss.
Something comes alive in Aemond as you slip your tongue into his mouth. Fire curls in his belly, desire lodges at the base of his spine, and his cock strains against his trousers as your nails scrape his scalp. 
You pull away when the sound of someone clearing their throat pulls you from the prince’s trance. Lips reddened by the hasty kisses, Aemond’s violet eye is wide as it meets yours.
“Sister,” Cregan says awkwardly, “It is good-”
“It is a pleasure to meet you, Lord Stark,” Aemond interrupts, nodding to the young wolf.
“Your grace,” Cregan says, bowing slightly.
“Delightful to be surrounded by kin,” Aemond tells him.
“Kin? I do not understand,” Cregan tells him.
“My betrothed has missed her brother for too long now,” Aemond clarifies, much to Cregan’s and your surprise. 
“Betrothed?” Cregan asks, looking between you two. 
“Yes,” you tell him, sliding next to Aemond, pressing your body against him, “Prince Aemond has asked for my hand. And I have accepted.”
Cregan’s eyes narrow, ever so slightly.
“Without informing me?” he asks.
“We wished to surprise you,” Aemond says softly, “your sister was so excited by your arrival, she wanted to tell you in person.”
You nod eagerly as Aemond speaks, and Cregan raises an eyebrow at you in question. You smile widely, showing too many teeth. A she-wolf, daring him to question you aloud. 
“Tis true, brother,” you tell him, “Who am I to deny a dragon prince?”
“I suppose if you did not want to, you would not,” Cregan says, sighing, “A stubborn woman, my sister is.”
“One of the many reasons she is so charming,” Aemond agrees, his words causing your heart to flutter inside your chest.
Warmth pools in your belly as the prince smiles down at you. Cregan raises an eyebrow, nodding in approval. 
“I dare ask, what else has entrapped your attention, my prince?” Cregan asks, “It is my understanding the Queen wished for you to take a wife for some time now, to no avail.”
Aemond nods.
“Your sister is a rare find, much like a winter rose south of the Wall,” Aemond begins. 
Your heart leaps in your throat. Though you had expected it, now it is confirmed. It was he who left you the flowers. He who took such care with them. 
“However, did you do it?” you ask, eyes wide. 
Aemond smiles at you knowingly. 
“Precious flowers take time to bloom, they require special care,” he tells you, “but they are well worth it.”
You flush at his words, believing he means more than just the flowers. 
“A marriage must be treated with such care as well,” you agree, lacing your fingers through his. 
Aemond’s hand is rough from training with the sword, but your hand fits perfectly in his. The warmth of his palm settles the flurry of nerves in your stomach. 
“Are you prepared to give this union such care?” Cregan asks, his voice hardening, “This is my sister you are marrying, and she deserves nothing but the best.”
Aemond smiles, looking down at your intertwined hands. His thumb rubs against the back of your palm. 
“I would gift her the world if I could,” he admits, “I promise you, I shall spend the rest of my days devoted to making her happy.”
Your eyes well with tears and your heart swells with pride at his words. You tug him closer to you, taking his other hand in yours.
“You must excuse us brother,” you tell Cregan, “though I have missed you, I require a moment with my betrothed.”
You lead Aemond away from Cregan, away from the curious eyes of court, until you are in a secluded area of the castle.
“Where are we going?” Aemond asks, a smile playing on his lips.
You tug him closer once more until you are pressed up against him.
“I wish to kiss my betrothed unwatched,” you giggle, bringing his mouth to yours once more. 
This time, you do not stop.
HOTD TAGLIST GENERAL: @bluevxnuss, @thattargboy, @xlilacfrostx, @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed, @marvelescape, @geminithrone, @deltamoon666, @i-killed-ramsey, @tempt-ress, @eddiemadmunson, @zillahvathek, @hangmanscoming, @jojoesq, @f4ll-for-you, @rwdkarla, @cc13723things, @filipiniamultifandom, @watercolorskyy @alexxavicry @sachafirebringer @polireader @jamespotterismydaddy @grv7ay9In35s @sofiaadler @sophielangdonx @doublesparrows, @sophielangdonx, @alitaar, @castellomargot, @paodemorangol1l1, @nik2blog, @arkainea @eddiemadmunson, @malfoytargaryen, @eudximoniax, @targaryen-world, @ghostheartbeat @savagemickey03, @aemondsdaemons, @candypurplebutterfly, @eddiemadmunson, @xxnaly2, @ghostheartbeat, @savagemickey03, @dieg0brandos-wife, @paodemorangol1l1, @hb8301, @padfooteyes, @valeskafics @doublesparrows, @bornbetter, @beyond-the-ashes, @clairacassidy, @aslanvez, @loglady00, @gettheetoanunneryimmediatly, @minami97, @serving-targaryen-realness, @chaotic-fangirl-blog, @possiblyafangirl, @shmexie, @winter-soldier-101, @kaelatargaryen, @urmomsgirlfriend1, @floswife, @mizfortuna, @strawberryduvet, @girlwith-thepearlearring, @arryn-nyx, @namelesslosers, @hopelesswritergall
@coldcomputerkoala, @louislouve, @alicetargaryen @fidelias, @earthangels-things, @shinypoetryface, @klara-lily, @ensnaredinwonderland, @bubblyabs, @green-lxght, @cheerbaitromanjosi, @billiesbeans, @hufflepuff1700, @asumofwords, @angelheavensblog, @natashaobo, @zavriocibrouku, @tssf-imagines, @delilah92590, @shit-posts420, @evattude, @heyykarolina, @brie-annwyl, @wondergal2001
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midnightstar16 · 2 months
I am done with this show.
I came into season 2 with hope and excitement. Season 1 ended so shockingly, and I was curious how it would play out in the next season with all these complex characters. Would Rhaenyra finally become the book Rhaenyra who fought her brother and kin for the throne? Would Aegon finally embrace his role as king? Would Aemond work with his brother to plot and defeat the blacks?
It is safe to say I was disappointed. As the show progressed, I felt my enthusiasm falter and destroy. From the top of my head, I can only remember episodes 2 and 7 living up to their expectations. Why is this? If they couldn't make a book-accurate show, they should never have thought to make one in the first place.
They've omitted characters (nettles) and ruined others. Somehow sheepstealer is in the vale?
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The above picture is from Martin's blog posted this month. It is obvious that the writers think that they can do whatever they want.
Rhaenyra who was supposed to be ready for war, is suddenly against war again. Alicent, who wanted her son on the throne and hated Rhaenyra, is suddenly yearning for her. Daemon is in his "haunting of Harrenhal" era. Criston Cole, who was named Kingmaker is such a useless shit in the show. He sits around, has s*x with alicent and then sulks.
I will not say that they butchered everyone. Aemond and Aegon's writing was done nicely. Leaving the rook's rest part. That didn't make sense in many ways.
This show has just become men bad, women good. It is obvious. Aemond, Aegon, Cole, Daemon, heck- even Jace; they're all portrayed as insecure, abusive and bad.
It was jace who came up with the idea to get Targaryen bastards to claim Dragons but they made him insecure and gave his plot to Mysaria. Oh and talking about Mysaria... She was talking about her abusive father and how he r*****d her and Rhaenyra became horny and kissed her? That scene was actually suggested by Emma Darcy, Rhaenyra's actor and it shows. But the fact that the writers actually allowed it shows their naivety.
Criston was a GOATed character in the book, he was a father figure to Aegon and Aemond but he acts and looks younger than them.
Daemon is in his haunted movies era. After laena showing up in s2, I predicted we'd get Viserys all rotten up and we did.
The set is amazing, the dragons are amazing, the characters are supposed to be amazing and so is the writing, but it is not. Season 8's cinematography, music, set, everything was groundbreaking but its writing was bad. This is exactly the same.
From what I've seen so far, episodes 2 and 7 were amazing, I can't lie, episodes 1, 3 and 4 were on the average side. For episode 4, many might criticise me because it was rook's rest, but this was a huge battle that shook the ground. It was downplayed to what? 10-15 minutes? As for episodes 5 and 6, I don't even remember what happened in them, because there was nothing to remember.
Episode 7 was good indeed. I thought they finally redeemed themselves. Until episode 8 leaked. Indeed. Last time, about 2-3 episodes leaked and this time was no different. The finale leaked.
While I will not talk about it until Monday, I will say this: I, who watched season 8 twice, who is a huge a song of ice and fire fan, will most probably not watch this show from now onward.
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ashley-jones · 2 years
Aemond Targaryen x Innocent Niece OC
OC name: Amelia Targaryen first of her name, heir of Driftmark
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Your innocence drags me closer to my madness, instead of an eye for an eye, I shall take you as my bride.
Warnings: Cursing, smut, death, murder, dagger, knife kink, corruption kink, innocence kink
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King’s Landing is a once lively and beautiful place of freedom. Where lords and ladies could walk the halls arms linked, giggling and talking aloud of gossip. An area the royal family of House Targaryen had raised their families with peace and alliance of love and family. The sun would shine down on the kingdom, encouraging the dragons to soar through the skies with their riders. But now it was nothing but a darkened hole of depression, no longer filled with life, but instead covered in the faith of the seven. The seven-pointed star haunted the halls of the Blacks as they entered, staring at the unfamiliar halls that brought an uncomfortable shiver to the children.
The only daughter of Rhaenyra and Harwin Strong stared up at the star in confusion, her brother’s having run off to the training grounds. “I do not get it. What does it mean?” she whispered. Her guard shifted from beside her staring up at the star, then looking down at the princess. “It is a religion of the seven gods princess,” he answered. She hummed, turning from the star and walking in the same direction her brothers had walked mere minutes ago. Walking down the steps of the court, holding her dress seeing her brother standing at the weapons table. “Luke!” she called out. The younger looked away from their older brother smiling at his older sister, his arm lacing her when she stepped up beside him.
It amazed Luke how happy his sister was. The only reason they were back in Kings Landing was to push the claim of Driftmark to another because she is deemed a bastard. But she smiled without a care, too naive to come to terms with the title bastard. She was named heir of Driftmark the moment she was born after Jacecerys and that is the reason they are here; to be pushed down and away from the throne of Driftmark, where she will sit. Jace led towards a crowd that surrounded two wielders, one that tall with long white hair, and the other was Ser Criston Cole, or as Daemon called him, Ser Crispin. “Aemond..” she whispered to Jace. “Could be Aegon,” Jace muttered back. Her head turned growing more interested in the others surrounding the two, her guard standing tall behind her watching the prince and king's guard. “Well done my prince.” Ser Criston spoke. Her head turned back seeing it was indeed Aemond, a smile spreading across her features; while Jace and Luke looked uncomfortable. “Aemond..” she whispered. “You’ll be winning tourneys in no time.” Criston complimented. “I don’t give a shit about tourneys. Nephews, niece.” Aemond spoke, slowly lowering his sword with a spin. “Have you come to train nephews?” he asked. “Kepus..” she spoke, but Jace grabbed her quickly turning her away from their uncle. She was far too innocent to understand the conflict between the two families, being hidden away and under-knowledged all her life.
Her smile faded quickly when the gates opened presenting Veamond Valerian. Her guard stepped forward, hand pressed over the handle of his sword when Vaemond stopped his pace staring at the princess. Her heart sped up in her ears, breath froze in her throat nearly choking her. Jace and Luke stepped up beside the guard, watching as Vaemond looked away without a word escaping him. “Asshole..” Jace muttered. “Don’t say that,” she whispered. Her guard didn’t let her move until Lord Vaemond was out of view, then gently ushering her forward, back towards the kingdom. Luke looked back towards Aemond, noticing the way his uncle watched his sister, a look of hunger and lust hidden behind his lilac eye.
Aemond wanted to corrupt his little niece and watch her fall apart beneath him. He wanted her cheeks to be soaked in tears, eyes filled with nothing but pleasure and want. He wanted to hear her beg and plead for him to fuck her til she no longer had a voice to beg with. He was tempted to drag her away, take her into a brothel making her look upon the world's sins of sex. Force her to listen as the women and men moan out in pleasure, profanities leaving them. Make her smell the strong scent in the air that filled the pleasuring halls. Aemond wanted to watch her break and fall, pleading for him to pick her back up and fix her, making her his in every single way possible; then toss her aside watching her mind break as no other is able to please her the way he was able to do so.
Her head turned back looking at her younger brother and then at him, her brown Hughes meeting his lilac one. She smiled gracefully, then called to Luke who quickly turned and followed after his siblings. They re-entered the Red Keep, the girl splitting from her brother’s going for her own chambers, guard following as always. She entered her old chambers, humming at the lack of change, making her way over towards the lounge in front of the fireplace, quickly sitting and lifting her legs. Her guard smiled sheepishly at her, the soft whispers of words leaving her didn’t bother him. She had visions just like Helaena did, Daemon had started calling her Amelia Velerion the pure Dragon Dreamer. It was a title that always made the princess smile, which would earn her a head pat from the Rogue Prince. “The strong that strikes the green wishing power will fall to his knees..” she whispered.
A knock on the door made the guard turn and unlatch it, pulling the door back and coming face to face with the one-eyed prince. “Prince Aemond, princess.” her guard informed her. She turned resting her chin on the back of the lounge and smiling at her uncle as he entered the room. “You can go, I wish to be alone with my niece,” Aemond ordered. The guard looked towards the princess for confirmation to which she nodded with a kind smile. He bowed, turned, and walked out closing the door behind him and taking a post beside the door. Aemond walked towards her, to which she watched him with a naive gaze. “I didn’t get much of a hello in the courtyard, dear niece.” he rasped. “My apologies uncle,” she whispered. She lowered her legs, standing to her full height, which wasn’t that tall. She was tiny compared to him, his hand reaching out and grasping at her right arm pulling her closer to him. Her innocent dough eyes stared up at him, her hand curling around, wrapping around his forearm as he did with hers.
He slowly stepped forward, making her take a step back waist hitting the lounge chair’s armrest. He leaned forward, his other hand moving to her waist pulling her into his chest and pressing against him. A small pitched yelp escaped her, hand grasping at his tunic, heartbeat speeding up. His hand moved from her arm, wrapping her in his strong grasp. She lowered her arms and wrapped them around his torso hugging him back, smiling softly. To her this was innocent, but to him, it was a cage that she was slowly falling into. She smelled of golden roses with a hint of lavender incense, also a small hint of dragon stench sitting on her skin. She relaxed in his hold, tucking her head into his shoulder, listening to his calm heartbeat.
“Let me touch you,” he muttered. She was confused, hands moving to sit against his chest. “You are touching me kepus..” she whispered. His knee moved to push her legs open, one hand moving down and beginning to pull her red golden laced dress up, til it bunched at her waist. “No. Let me truly touch you,” he muttered. “Aemond no..” she gasped. “It’s okay sweet girl. I’m only showing how much I’ve missed you.” he pushed. She looked uncertain, whining as his knee pushed into her covered cunt, eyes linked to his uncovered one. “Move your hips little one, it’ll make you feel good,” he whispered. She looked down at the connection between them, slowly grinding her hips down onto his knee, a strained gasp escaping her. “That's a good girl. Keep going, grind your pretty little pussy down on my knee,” he ordered. She whined obeying his words, hand pressed into his arm grinding herself down on him. Every 3 movements, he would flex his thigh, which would push into her clit causing a louder moan to escape her lips.
She looked up at him, lips parted, hands moving forward grasping at his waist pulling him closer. Pitched whines escaping her, while he watched her with a hazy gaze. She leaned up, nose pressing to his, heated breaths escaping her, and falling onto his own. Finally, she pushed forward, glossed lips molding with his, but he didn't kiss back. No instead he grabbed her throat pushing her back, a confused look forming in her eyes. "Aemond.." she moaned in disappointment. Pushing forward once more, only for him to lift his chin stopping her from kissing him.
Once he realized her want for control, his wanting lust slowly disappeared. He saw a look that matched Daemon's gaze of control, the eyes of a true Targaryen wishing for power. Those innocent eyes disappeared the further she got into pleasure. "Aemond.." she whispered. He moved away, pushing her back against the armrest, her hand catching herself so she wouldn't stumble. "Aemond." She repeated. But he just let out a deep hum, turning, and walking away no longer interested. He opened her door and walked out, listening as it shut behind him. She looked down in confusion, letting her dress fall back into place, teeth cutting into her lower lip. Her guard re-entered her room, head turning towards him quickly standing up straight and straightening herself. "Are you alright princess?" he softly questioned. "Yes.. Yes I'm alright." she stumbled.
She looked at him closely, standing straight and tall with confidence. His armor was black as night itself, his brown hair was pushed back leaving a few strands to frame his face. His eyes were the colors of emeralds, reminding her of her own dragon's eyes. His jaw was nearly sharp enough to cut paper, body lean but muscular even more noticeable beneath the armor. He had two swords by his side, one black with silver linings and a crown embroidered to the cover. The other golden laced with the same gems gems that sat on her neck, pronouncing him as her personal guard, her knight in shining black armor.
She didn't know what came over her, possibly it was hazy arousal Aemond had left her in that gave her a large amount of confidence to tease her guard. She grabbed the helmet from his hand, quickly stepping back and hiding it behind her back. He looked confused, eyeing her closely slowly stepping forward to take it back, but she stepped back once more. "You must earn it." she whispered. "How would you like me to do that princess?" he questioned. His deep voice sent chills down her spine, goosebumps gathering beneath her dress. "Touch me." she whispered. She could see him tense, then take in a deep breath and release it, replaying her words in his head. He walked forward, a large veined hand moving to sit against her left arm, slowly moving down to sit against her waist. Her eyes never moved from his, the helmet falling from her hand clashing with the stone flooring. "Please.." she whispered. The desperation in her sweetened tone made him give in. Leaning down, their lips mere inches from one anothers, breaths fading into one. Slowly she moved forward, placing her soft lips against his, muscled arm wrapping around her waist pulling her closer to him.
Her arms moved up, wrapping around his neck pulling him closer to her smaller frame. His hand slowly began to undo the dress atoning her figure, pulling the strings of the corset loose then carefully pulling the dress down her arms. His lips pressed to her cheek, her jaw, her throat, her neck, her shoulders, then right above her breasts. Every inch of skin he uncovered, he worshiped, kissing, licking, biting, but never once leaving any marks. Soon he was on his knees, his emerald faze lifting to her loving brown Hughes. "Grey.." she whispered. A deep hum escaped him, carefully lifting one of her legs resting it over his shoulder placing kisses along the inside of her thigh. Her head fell back against the wall, his kisses getting higher and higher, until finally they reached her cunt.
Pulling her panties aside, he dove in like she was his last meal. His lips wrapped around her sensitive mound, sucking at it causing moans to escape her glossy lips. Her back arched, fingers pulling him in further. Grey's tongue probed at her tigh hole, fucking into her, thumb pressing to her clit pushing and rubbing it in circles. Slick dripped from her cunt, moving down her thighs. The fingers in his hair tightened, pulling him closer, pleading for more as the knot in her stomach grew and grew, pleading for it to let loose. He licks and sucks got quicker, harder, feasting on her, tasting the sweetened dessert that sat between her legs. Then it burst, her back arched head falling back into stone, a loud pitched moan escaping her lips. Slick poured from her cunt, to which he drank in seconds. Her thighs shook against him as he licked and cleaned her, drinking every drop, not once letting it go to waste. As he lowered her leg she stumbled forward, making him catch her slowly standing and lifting her up. "Do you feel better princess?" he softly questioned. "Yes.. I thank you Grey.." she whispered. He laid her down gently, kissing her forehead in a loving manner.
He walked over grabbing a towel, wetting it then returning carefully cleaning her up. She watched him with a soft smile, the aftercare comforting her sensitive body. After he finished with that he placed another kiss on her forehead, pulling the fur blankets up and covering her, allowing her to slip into her dreams.
He left the room quietly but the sight of Rhaenyra made him freeze in worry. Her lilac gaze sat on him, then smiled softly knowing exactly what happened. "Do not fret, I was the same way." she softly spoke. He let out a sigh of relief, head lowering slightly. "I didn't take her maiden your grace." he whispered. "I know." Rhaenyra softly replied. "Don't let Aemond enter her chambers alone. The same with Aegon. The only males that should be alone with her are you, her brothers, or Daemon. I don't trust the others in this castle." Rhaenyra ordered. "Yes, your grace." Grey replied. Rhaenyra bowed her head, then continued her way towards her father's room.
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Amelia walked through the gardens the next morning with Luke and Grey, awaiting Daemon to retrieve her for the petitions. Usually she'd take Cannibal out, but her mother thought it to be a bad time due to the early morning duties. "The flames will burst due to the lack of control.." she whispered while holding a rose. Luke looked up at her in confusion to her words. He's heard Daemon calling her visions a gift but a nightmare. She had Helaena where both dragon dreamers as Daemon called them, Helaena's being more invasive than Amelia's.
Amelia turned, seeing her mother's red dress in the corner of her eye. "It's time, you two." She softly spoke. Amelia lowered the rose slowly releasing it to lay on the grass, making her way to follow her mother to the throne room. Grey walking directly behind, hand clasped over the golden laced sword. Her heels clicked aling with her mother's along the stone floor, Daemon gently taking his step daughter's hand placing her in front of him, Luke standing beside her along with Jace on the other side. Grey stood beside Daemon, green eyes pouring into Aemond's one eye. The older males gaze darkened, making the Targaryen boy look away in annoyance.
Her head turned to stand front, seeing Otto sitting on the throne made her physically uncomfortable, her family seeming to share the same thoughts. She could feel Veamond's hardened gaze on her, but she never once gave him the satisfaction of her looking at him. Her dress was black with red lace, dragon scale detail was present along her shoulder and down her back. The necklace she was wearing was the same necklace Daemon had given her mother when she was younger, along with a silver dragon scaled collar that wrapped around the back of her neck, the tail springing in all sorts of directions.
"Though it is the great hope of this court that lord Corlys Verlaryon survive his wounds,we gather here with the grim task of dealing with the succession of Driftmark. As Hand, I speak with the King's voice on this and all other matters. The crown will now hear the petitions. Ser Veamond of house Verlaryon." Otto spoke down on them. She could see Daemon's look of annoyance and the way he eyed her and Rhaenyra.
Vaemond looked at her, then stepped forward with his hand clasping in front of him. "My queen. My lord Hand. The history of our noble houses extends beyond the Seven Kingdoms to the days of old Valyra. For as long as House Targaryen has ruled the skies, House Verlaryon has ruled the seas. When the doom fell on Valyrian, our houses became the last of their kind. Our forebearers came to this new land, knowing that were they to fail, it would mean the end to their bloodlines and their name. I have spent my entire life on Driftmark defending my brother's seat. I am Lord Corlys' closest kin, his own blood. The true, unimpeachable blood of House Velaryon runs through my veins." Vaemond spoke at the beginning of his petition.
"As it does in my son's and daughters, the offspring of Laenor Velaryon." Rhaenys defended. "If you cared so much about your house's blood, Ser Vaemond, you would not be so bold as to supplant its rightful heir. No, you only speak for yourself and for your own ambition." Rhaenyra insulted but informed. Amelia's hand wrapped around her mother's wrist, Alicent speaking up with her smart tone, making the blacks send her a sharpened glare. "You will have a chance to make your own petition, Princess Rhaenyra. Do Ser Vaemond the courtesy of allowing his to be heard."
Vaemond turned away from the queen and looked at the blacks with a smirk. Rheanrya looked away, but Amelia lifted her gaze holding him. Her gaze was dark, eyes almost black, making his gaze shift in the slightest. His gaze then moved back towards Rhaenyra regaining his smirk. "What do you know of Velaryon blood, princess?" he questioned. "I could cut my veins and show it to you, and you still wouldn't recognize it. This is about the future and survival of my house, not yours." he smoothly spoke. Rhaenyra kept her face ahead, head nodding holding in any remarks or harsh emotions ready to spill out. Vaemond looked back down at Amelia, then turned away annoyed when he didn't get a shocked look like he got from her brothers, instead turning back to the queen and the hand. "My queen, my Lord Hand. This is a matter of blood, not ambition. I place the continuation of the survival of my house and my line above all. I humbly put myself before you as my brother's successor. The Lord of Driftmark and Lord of the tides." he spoke.
"Without Lord Corlys' here I doubt you have the right to consider yourself successor, when he has already named an heir." Amelia spoke up. "Without proper notice from your king, the Lord of Driftmark and the tides here you can ot call yourself successor, Lord Vaemond." she snapped. There wasn't time for naivety or innocence, she placed her mindset in the view of a queen, the heir of Driftmark. Daemon looked away smiling with pride, Rhaenyra looking at her with a look of pure shock, while Luke and Jace smirked. "You cannot call yourself Lord of Driftmark and Lord of the tides, Lord Vaemond. You are of kin, a second son, and you should know your place." she coldly added. "As should you princess." Alicent spoke up. Just as the princess was about to add a snarky comment towards the queen, the doors opened, the king presenting himself with two guards by his side. Vaemond couldn't snap at the girl like he wanted, especially when the king entered the throne room.
The knights introduced him, as he walked down the isle. The princess turned her gaze back towards her mother who smiled softly, touching her shoulder. "He's here to defend you my dear girl." Rhaenyra whispered. The princess turned her head, bowing to the king who looked at her, pride could be seen in his eyes. He then walked forward, head turning up to Otto Hightower. "I will sit on the throne today," he whispered. "Your grace." Otto muttered, bowing his head. Viserys began walking the steps, showing obvious struggle leaning forward, the crown falling from his head. She moved past her family, walking directly towards her grandsire, walking up the few steps kneeling and lifting the crown from the floor. "Here grandsire, let me help you." she softly spoke. He looked at her, nodding allowing her to help him up the rest of the steps, carefully sitting him. She leaned forward placing the crown on his head, bowing her head. "Thank you my dear child.." he whispered. "Of course my king." she whispered. Turning she walked back down the steps, taking her place beside Daemon and Grey once more. "Thank you." Rhaenyra whispered.
"I must admit my confusion." the king began. "I do not understand why petitions are being heard over a settled succession. The only one present who might offer keener insight into Lord Corlys' wishes, is the princess Rhaenys." the king spoke. "Indeed your grace." Rhaenys replied. "It was every husband's will that Driftmark passed through Ser Leanor to his trueborn daughter Amelia Verlaryon. His mind never changed. Nor did I support him. As a matter of fact Princess Rhaenyra has just informed me of her desire to marry her children Amelia, Jace, and Luke to Lord Corlys grandson and granddaughter; Jaehaerys, Baela, and Rhaena. A proposal to which I heartily agree." Rhaenys informed.
The three children turned their heads towards the three Valeryon children, each smiling innocently at one another turning and looking away. "Well… The matter is settled. Again. I hereby reaffirm Princess Amelia of House Velaryon as Heir to Driftmark, the Driftwood throne, and the next lady of the tides." the king spoke. Amelia nodding, along with Rhaenyra each keeping their eyes forward on the king.
"You break law and centuries of tradition to install your daughter as heir. Yes you dare tell me who deserves to inherit the name Verlaryon. No. I will not allow it." Vaemond spat towards the king. "Allow it? Do not forget yourself, Vaemond." the king muttered. Vaemond glared at the king, then turned and pointed at the princess, to which Daemon shifted, grabbing her shoulder. "That is no true Verlaryon, and certainly no niece of mine." Vaemond growled. Amelia swallowed watching him, her mother ordering her to go to her chambers while remarking to Vaemond. "Amelia is my true-born granddaughter. And you are no more than the second son of Driftmark." the king spoke down on him. "You.. May run your house as you see fit, but you will not decide the future of mine. My house survived the doom, and a thousand tribulations besides. And god's be damned… I will not see it ended on the account of this.." he muttered staring directly at Amelia. Grey pulled her back seeing the way Daemon was shifting Dark Sister. "Say it.." the prince whispered. "Her children.. are BASTARDS!" he yelled. Amelia and her brothers flinched, Rhaenyra quickly covering her children glaring at Vaemond. "And she is a whore… And her daughter will follow in her footsteps." he whispered.
Amelia's heartbeat sped up quickly at the mention of her being a whore, head turning away in shame feeling like the Lord in front of her knew of her doings. The king stood pulling the kings dagger from his side. "I will have your tongue for that.." he muttered. But Daemon got Vaemond first, Dark Sister cut through Vaemond's skull like it was butter. The sounds of gasps and yells escaped the crowds, the sounds of Vaemond's body slapping to the floor, blood spilling on the stone staining it red. Amelia looked, lips parting, quickly turning away eyes wide in fear. Grey's arm wrapped around her, stopping her from looking at the horrid scene. "He can keep his tongue." Daemon spoke down at the body. "Unarm him!" Otto ordered. Guards moved forward to do so, Daemon lifting Dark Sister, cleaning it muttering a 'no need' and rejoining his family.
Grey held the princess' head, Rhaenyra ordering him to get her out of here. To which he immediately obeyed, leading her away, turning her so she wouldn't see the body. Whispers escaped her in a panic, hands shaking as they sat against her ears. The greens watched the princess be removed, Alicent holding her stomach feeling ill with the scene in front of her.
Amelia was led far from the throne room, and taken to the gardens so she could get some fresh air. Grey kneeled in front of her, watching as she whispered to herself, breathing heavily. "Hey little one.. I need you to look at me okay, just me, just hear my voice." he softly spoke. She looked down at him, shaking in fear. "Deep breath in.. Good girl, now slowly let it out.. good. Keep doing that okay, with me." he softly spoke. She obeyed following his breaths with her own, hands lowering to her sides. "Good, good," he whispered. He slowly stood to his full height brushing a few dark strands of hair back. "The green will take and take til the black submit." she whispered. He wanted to question her words, but he knew she wouldn't have an answer so he held back.
Grey lifted his gaze from her lowered one seeing the one-eyed prince standing in the doorway. The princess didn't look up, still doing the breathing exercise, despite the small whispers of visions escaping her lips. "My prince." Grey spoke up. His soft tone was gone when he addressed the man. Aemond moved towards his niece, taking her chin in his hand and lifting her gaze. "Quite the panic niece, are you okay?" he questioned. She nodded slowly looking up at him, memories of him leaving her in desperation coming back. "Answer properly." he ordered. She took in a heavy breath, the exercising disappearing in seconds. "Yes.." she whispered. Her voice was shaky, hand reaching out for her guard, but Aemond caught lifting it to his lips. "I must congratulate you on your betrothal dear niece." he rasped. He released her hand smirking at the panic he put her in, turning and walking away forcing Grey to go right back to addressing her regained panic.
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Before dinner had started or even announced, Aemond had his niece pinned to the stone walls of the red keeps halls. Her back to him, his hand hidden beneath her dress, fingers thrusting in and out of her. "You're enjoying this aren't you? You tell me to stop yet you drip over my fingers.." he whispered hotly in her ear. He had placed her right back into a panicked state, using it as an advantage to manhandle her into the position he wanted.
She had been on her way to get her brothers for dinner, when Aemond had stopped her with a dagger twirling in his hand. He got her against the wall, the blade pointed at the middle of her throat, chest rising and falling at a quick pace pleading for him to leave her be. "Beg more niece." he had whispered. He pressed the blade to her throat ordering for her to turn and lift her skirt, to which she had obeyed despite her pleas for him not to do this out in the open.
"Aemond.." she whimpered. Soon her head fell back giving into his handlings, the blade no longer an issue as it pressed into her skin. She could yell out, and Grey would be by her side in seconds, ripping the prince from her and beheading him; but she didn't, she just whined and moaned into his neck. Her hand moved up grasping at his wrist, not pulling or moving it away, but merely holding onto it. Her Targaryen blood showed the want for any ounce of control she could gain from the moment. Her arm soon raised wrapping around his neck pulling him down closer to her. She pulled his hand from her throat that held the dagger, his fingers moving out of her. Just as he was about to walk away she grabbed him, pulling him back by the leather tunic, her back now pressed into the wall. "Why run away?" she whispered. He looked down at, putting the dagger back into its sheath staring down at her. "Don't tell me you're scared of me uncle." she whispered. "Do I look scared?" he questioned. "Yes." she slowly answered. "You ran away last night, leaving me to handle myself." She lied. "That's quite rude." she whispered. "Kiss me." She whispered. "Make me." he rasped. "If I must, I will." she replied.
She leaned closer, pulling him down to her, lips fanning over his slowly pressing forward. Their lips molded together perfectly, his arm wrapping around her waist. He allowed her to turn him so his back was to the wall, her heeled boots allowed her to meet his height in the slightest. He pulled her into him, pressing her body closer to his, but no matter what it wasn't good enough. He wasn't close enough, their bodies weren't pressed together enough. They needed more, their hands exploring one another in ways the gods would turn their heads to disappointment. She moved away whispering his name, to which he hummed deeply. He leaned down once more kissing her once again, this time his tongue pushed past her lips and inside of the tavern of her own. A soft moan escaped her, tongue pressing into, tasting one another, slowly becoming addicted to the tastes.
Moving away once more gasping for air, tongue sneaking out tasting him on her. Her brown eyes were blown with lust, body flushed and overheated, her dress now becoming a very heavy layer of clothing. His eye searched for her own, taking in every emotion soaring through them. He could see the innocence flooding her eyes, but the want for control was also there. They both wanted control in their own ways, which is why he left her last eve. She wanted him just as he wanted her, but she wished for control, something he only wanted. He wanted full control over her, which is why he put her into a panic in the first place. But even that didn't last long, the lust and wanting pouring through her body took over.
"Aemond.." she whispered. Their lips molding together once more, each fighting for dominance. Dinner was no longer an option, the two already far too gone in each other's want and pleasure. They barely made it back to their chambers, finding themselves inside of the throne room instead. High-pitched moans and deep groans filled the hall, skin slapping skin echoed off of the walls. Taking her maidenhood marked her as his, their families would have no other options but to marry her to him.
'The green will take and take til the black submit.'
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thebadboyfanclub · 2 years
You Are No Dragon (Aemond x Aegon x Reader)
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This was challenging cause I had to correlating a lot of scenes in it but I hope I succeeded your expectations
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“You are no dragon, you are the flame itself”
Daemon always liked to tease his eldest daughter (y/n), she was the result of Daemons and Laenas wedding night, “the siren princess” as the small folk sang for the princesses alluring nature, one stare to her dark lavender hues you would think you were engulfed by the ocean, slowly luring you in to drown you.
The princesses stubbornness knew no ends, she had inherited her fathers temper as well, the family would often reminisce to the distasteful reaction of (y/n) grabbing the queen by the hair when she pulled a dagger to threaten Rhaenyra after her mothers burial, (y/n) was not mad over the action she just found it disrespectful to turn such a grim event to a humiliation of their house.
“I will not stand for this, you are all acting like fools! Aemond lost an eye! I lost my fucking mother and I am exhausted! can we please just go to bed!”
She had yelled when she stood in between the queen and the princess, Daemon was the only one that approached his daughter while the others held their breath at the sight of the deranged girl who had the guts to do such an act.
“Come along my blood, you should rest”
“Well, I would say it is good to be back but I would be lying”
“Come on (y/n) we haven’t been back to kings landing for so long I am sure you will find something to keep yourself entertained”
Just like Gods had planned this particular moment, when Jace finished his sentence Aemond appeared from the main door of the red keep, it was bad enough to not have anyone welcome the future heir to the throne but to send the second son by himself was even worst.
(Y/n) did not mind though, watching Aemond walk down the stairs until he stood right ahead of the family had gained her attention, he was quite taller, broad shoulders and long silver locks, the eyepatch was her favourite part of him as part of the scar escaped from the accessory he had chosen to conceal it.
“My mother the queen apologises for not being able to welcome you back to the red keep, she has send me to escort you to your chambers”
“Tell your mother that sending her little pup-“
“Father please be polite I am sure prince Aemond has the best intentions, isn’t that right my prince?”
(Y/n) interrupted her father. Daemon knew his daughter like the back of his hand, she was the blood of his blood, she acted like him ever since he could remember and he took pride in that, his daughter was no lady, she was a true Targaryen warrior.
Aemond allowed his eyes to explore the princess, he had not seen her since he lost his eye, he had prayed to the seven that the inappropriate feelings that haunted him since he was a young kid had been buried, it only took one glance from her to make Aemonds heart beat like he had ran miles.
“Follow me please”
“Oh gods my apologies, I lost track of time while I was taking my bath”
(Y/n) hadn’t lost track of time, she just did not want to admit that she did not like any of her dresses so she alternate one of them, the result was good enough although the initial target was Aemond her goal swayed when she laid eyes at the oldest son, Aegon.
“Prince Aegon, how you’ve grown”
“I can say the same about you”
Aegon replied when his eyes scanned the princess and her choice of a gown, she had done it intentionally there was no doubt in his mind about that, on the contrary it pleased him to see his mothers disapproving eyes land on someone else for a chance.
“Glad you could join us my flame”
Daemon shared a smirk with his daughter to which she mirrored, father and daughter would often sense that words were unnecessary, their eyes said enough for them to understand.
The princess has come of age it was normal for a lady to start being interested in the opposite gender, Daemon would never force his daughter with wedlock unless she wished for it nor bring her shame in wanting to be desired because some pious septa said ladies should be unorgasmic shells of humans that there only purpose was to breed. Idiotic words spread by men who could never bed a woman so they decided to make them suffer by inventing demons and call it a sin when a woman feels pleasure.
As the supper went by rather smoothly (y/n) could not help but notice Aemond gawking at her, the honourable prince took pride in his ways, he was never interested in bedding women or chasing around whores, a man of discipline was now catching himself wondering what the princesses lips felt like as they were stained by the red wine she drank.
“A word before you leave?”
“Of course father”
One by one left the dinner table clearing the room for them to have some privacy, Daemon even waited for the servants to finish clearing the table until he spoke to his daughter.
“Aegon did not take his eyes off you”
“I could feel him burning holes against my skin”
“You noticed? I thought you were busy eye fucking the one eyed prince”
“Father I-“
“You do not have to lie to me, you are my blood I understand a girl your age raises questions, so who will answer those questions Aemond or Aegon?”
“I seem to have a little bit of trouble deciding”
“Greedy little thing, when I was younger my father put a few swords on the table and asked me to pick one, all of them beautiful and unique in their own way, I asked my father if I could practise with a different one everyday to help me make my decision”
“And what if… none of them were your final pick?”
“Good question, I hated all of them so I snuck into my fathers room and stole dark sister”
“Father are you suggesting-“
“I am not suggesting anything we are just discussing about… swords, you are young and full of life, don’t waste your stamina on one sword”
“Princess (y/n)?”
“Did I wake you my prince?”
“No I was just reading, is there something wrong”
“I could not find sleep, I was hoping if you could keep me company”
Aemond withheld his tongue, he simply moved to the side to signal permission of entering to the princess. A faint mischievous smile decorated her lips once she entered, the fire was doing wonders for the heat of the chamber, (y/n) was thankful for that since her choice of a nightgown was for the summer, if her visit went as she had planned she wouldn’t need it so it did not matter to her.
“Please have a seat”
“What were you reading?”
“A book of Aegon the conquerors”
“Isn’t that written in high Valyrian”
“I like to… practise”
Aemond lost composure fora quick second when he found the princess getting comfortable in his bed, he had dreamed of her in his bed, naked in between the sheets while he held her close, he could almost taste her as he wetted his lips with his tongue.
“I would love to listen to you read, why don’t you join me here with your book?”
Aemond hesitated at the request, she was toying with him for her entertainment, she was stepping in a territory that Aemond had been trying to escape almost all his life. A strange power overtook him and he found himself taking big steps to his bed and almost attack her lips with his, he made himself comfortable on top of her as the kiss deepened, (y/n) let out a small moan that to the princes ears it sounded like an Angel singing.
“Do you still want me to read to you?”
“I think I know another way to put your tongue in good use”
The urge Aemond possessed was immense, a tender lover that took care of the princess, worshipping every inch of her naked body decorating it with his kisses and gracing it with his soft touch.
(Y/n) rode him to the world of euphoria, Aemond was a mess of a man under her power, crumbling with every move and begging her to keep going, to Aemond a siren was nowhere near her, (y/n) reminded him of the dark tales of a succubus that fed off the energy of men during the act, a death so sweet was worth it to him, if his last memory was her face scrunch up from pleasure as the light of the fireplace licked her presence it would enough for him to die a happy man.
When she fell on top of him as the orgasm washed off her Aemond traced her back making goosebumps that caused her to shiver, all that could be heard was the panting of the couple that had worked on one another like it was their last day.
“Stay the night”
“You know I cannot do that, the servants will knock on the door before I can escape”
“Since when does the princess care about gossip”
“That i do not care about gossip does not imply I feed into it on a silver platter”
“Will you visit me again?”
“Mayhaps, rest well my prince”
“Prince Aegon”
“Missed me?”
“Not necessarily”
“I would say I am wounded however you probably feel like that because I have not given you something to miss”
“Yes you may come in, get comfortable”
She mumbled after prince Aegon had already taken the liberty to strut in her chamber like he owned it, well he kind of did since she was a “guest” in the castle that he lived permanently.
Aegon stopped when he reached (y/n)s vanity stand to pick up her perfume and spray some in the air to take a big whiff.
“That smell”
“If you are interested I can ask my lady in waiting to purchase a bottle for you”
“No I would rather get the scent off of you dear (y/n)”
“For a man with your reputation I never would have thought you were to shy to say things directly”
Aegon left the bottle back in its spot when he heard her steps closing in on him, his back still against her still that did not discourage (y/n) from placing her hands around the mans torso and rest her chin on his shoulder, he could recognise that look she had on her face, the big doe eyes with a hint of lust, it drove him insane to see her so… willing.
He broke free from her grip so he can face her as he leaned with his hands to support himself against the wooden stand.
“You haven’t gotten out of your room today”
“I wasn’t feeling well”
“It’s not honourable to lie”
“It’s not honourable to undress a lady with your hungry eyes”
Aegon chuckled at her quick tongue, if she was a whore she wouldn’t even wear that at the sight of a Targaryen prince, if she was a lady at court she wouldn’t have even allowed him in the room and if he even made it in she would stutter and blush with any word, (y/n) was a strong opponent that mirrored her partners actions, an interesting challenge.
“You are right, take off your nightgown”
With one slight slip from the strap on her right shoulder the dress was on the floor, neither of them moved a muscle, a stand off to see who will cave first as the princess stood naked per the princes request.
They moved in unison as they met in the middle and basically fell into each others arms for a kiss, Aemond was tender, Aegon was powerful, before she could realise it he had lifted her off the floor and forced her back to clash to the wall making her groan from the impact, Aegon did not care about hurting her at the moment and (y/n) did not care about linen when she teared apart the white blouse he was wearing to expose his chest, Aegon let his trousers go down on his ankles and soon enough (y/n) took in a sharp breath from the first pump.
Bites scattered along her shoulders from Aegons sexual nature was rough and animalistic, (y/n) responded with living bloody scratches on his back to hold on to him since she was basically in the air. (Y/n) felt like she was on the moon, Aegons dirty words that he whispered in her ear brought more moans, he went in a fast pace gripping on to her chin to force her to look at him as she came undone in his arms, her one hand was locked in Aegons silver locks to bring him closer so she can bite down on his lip as the prince followed her to reaching his high.
“I guess the rumours are true for your abilities my prince”
“I have to say the mystery that followed you made it even more interesting (y/n)”
“You must go”
“I am not done with you”
“I am, mayhaps we can circle back on this tomorrow”
What she did not let the two princes know was that (y/n) did not plan on staying for long, on the morrow (y/n) stood next to her dragon to fly back to dragon stone with her family close by.
The princess’s called for her in one voice, their reaction to hearing one another call out for her is to share a look for confusion with one another as they approached her. (Y/n) smiled at the scene of them running like little dogs behind her, so it was true that the power of the woman held no limit.
“Prince Aegon and prince Aemond, came to say goodbye”
“You are leaving? You never spoke of departing so soon”
“I do not want to overstay my welcome”
She kept her cool to reply to prince Aemond who was clearly dumbfounded at her leaving the red keep, ever since the night they slept together Aemond had grown obsessed, if he could he would have ripped his brain out to stop the thoughts of her on top of him flooding in at all hours of the day, prohibiting him from focusing on anything.
“You told me I would see you tonight”
“I said we might see each other prince Aegon I did not give you my word”
“Why would you see each other?”
“Why are you asking if she is leaving?”
“Let us not cause a scene now, it is better we depart with fond memories of one another”
“Fond memories? Is that what a whore calls it now when she fucks her way around the castle?”
(Y/n) laughed at Aemonds burst of emotion, his harsh words slipped past the princess only to feed her ego, seeing the princes in shambles over her ready to go at each others throats was a wonderful scenario no one would witness.
“One moment, father come over you want to listen to this”
“No don’t”
“Why not? My father would love to hear what you have to say and trust me even if your seven themselves graced the dragon pit they could not save your cocks”
(Y/n) stopped her sentence for a brief moment so she can place one of her hands on Aemonds cheek in endearment before she gave it a small smack like he was a child.
“Such a pity, I thoroughly enjoyed your cock”
“What seems to be the problem my blood?”
“The princes here would like to share a few thoughts they have about me, what was the word you used again dear Aemond?”
“Yes, what was the word you used to describe my daughter?”
Requests are open!
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moongothic · 8 months
It's so funny to rewatch pre-timeskip OP now that I have Terminal Crocodile Brainrot, because like. I don't think I ever really realized how the man just HAUNTS the narrative after Alabasta all the way until he's "reunited" with Luffy in Impel Down. How he keeps on being mentioned time and time again, the story never letting us forget about him like so many other villians Luffy had defeated thus far
Aokiji mentioning part of the reason he let Luffy escape with his life was because Luffy had dealt with Crocodile
That revolutionary explaining to Dragon how Luffy had gained a large bounty after causing not just an incident in Enies Lobby but also was the one who took down Crocodile
Blackbeard targetting Luffy and then bringing in Ace because he wanted the vacant Shichibukai seat from Crocodile
Kuma arriving at Thriller Bark to talk to Moria about the incoming war and how the Government was concerned about him fighting Luffy when Luffy had been the one who took down Crocodile
And let's not forget Miss Goldenweek's cover story during the CP9 Saga, letting us know ahead of time where Crocodile was heading
Not to mention the whole build-up to the reunion during Impel Down. Like the way we cut to Ace and Jinbei a few times and get to see Crocodile('s hook, primarily) as a little tease, and then there's also the few times he gets name dropped by other characters, constantly reminding us that He's Here (like Domino, who mentioned Crocodile taking the traditional 200 Celcius Bath at the prison's entrance like all new prisoners do without batting an eye, or Iva-chan who mentions to Bon-chan that their former boss was being held at Level 6 with Ace). But then there's my favorite, more subtle thing, where Impel Down essentially does a Baroque Works Countdown to reuniting with Crocodile. At Level 2 we reunite with Mr 3, Level 3 we reunite with Mr 2, Level 4 we get to see Mr 1. Skip ahead to the final level and there he is, Mr 0 himself. Like that's a fucking countdown, and it's so cute to me lmao
I dunno man, the way Crocodile haunts the narrative pre-timeskip is so cool in hindsight to me, the way Oda never truly let us forget about the man. And it really makes the way he kind of disappears from the narrative after the Summit War until the Final Fucking Saga so interesting. Like yes, we do get Two Whole Glimpses at the man in total during Dressrosa and Whole Cake (and there's minor stuff like in Punk Hazard when Luffy, Smoker and co are captured Luffy compares it to the time they were "held captive in Alabasta"). So he did keep on haunting the narrative. But it got far more quieter, those regular reminders that Crocodile exists are almost gone. And that's facinating, 'cause during pre-timeskip he was in fucking prison. Like he wasn't up to anything, nefarious or otherwise, 'cause he was behind bars, and yet the story would not let us forget about him and his impact on the story. Post-timeskip the guy's a free man, and yet we heard nothing about what the fuck he had been up to UNTIL Cross Guild happened.
I dunno man, it feels like a lot of weight to put on a character if he's not meant to become actually important to the plot
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chiangyorange · 15 days
Do you have any LoZ/LU fic recs?
i have many! they wont be organized in any particular way tho
i started just hucking links at this until i realized, oh this is gettin really long actually, so im going to shove everything under the cut with the link to the fic itself and some personal notes from me to hopefully get you to read them!!
for Linked Universe;
Two Moon Pearls and the Master Sword by serbii
the chain get sent to the dark world and literally everyone but four, sky, and legend get to turn into animals about it. also baby legend is there <3 this also has an in progress sequel!!! its so fucking good!!!!!!
Absence by Anonymous
wild forgets he has to TELL PEOPLE that he has amnesia. this has consequences. i love wild and warriors dynamic so much theyre such a duo. if i believe in my heart other people can see the vision too.... sobs. WAILS EVEN.
Dearly, Departed by boo_boo_thefool
a series of post-lu oneshots revolving around each of the heroes!! hasnt reached all 9 of the chain yet but still a damn good read. if i think too hard about this one i can and will cry. on command even.
The Missing Link by SparklingWonderQueen
ongoing fic about if the chain met wild riiiiight at the beginning of totk when hes still missing!
willow bark and chamomile by schrodingers__cat
a REALLY fucking good read. like oh my god i just got SUCKED into this from start to finish. if ur a legend fan yes the fuck you are. get in there. go.
Dawn of the Fourth by LazuliQuetzal
also a damn good read!!! time gets de-aged and wind goes "haha im the big brother now. ... OH NO IM THE BIG BROTHER NOW!!!!!!" fucking hilarious. absolutely heart wrenching. these things are both true at the same time
ageless quest by fandomsandshit
OOOOOOOH YOU WANNA READ ABOUT THE CHAIN SEEING THE LIGHT DRAGON AND CONTEMPLATING THEIR OWN ADVENTURES SO BAD OOOOOHHH (theres three installments so far and if i think about THIS ONE i will ALSO cry on command about it. man i fucking love totk zelda so much why did they do that to her poor girl)
To Share, to Speak, and to Hear by NajikaSun
i cannot explain to you how much i love the knights trio. i have many feelings about them and they will sit riiiight here. its about the weight of legacy its about the weight of trying to fulfill your duties. you get it.
darning the threads as they fray by Ammo_Writes
this ones not done but bow howdy does it get my brain CHUGGING!! the tone... the haunting feeling.... augh... AUGH !!!! WHERES MY BOY I MISS HIM SO MUCH.
sorrow, immortality, and hope by virtualpng
READING THIS MADE ME WANT TO TEAR MY FURNITURE APART WITH MY TEETH!!! OHHHH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDD ITS SO GOOOOOOOOOODDDDDD this author's other fics within the series also fucking slap. hard. god. the chain (who havent met wild yet) meet a stranger in ordon
Applejuice Stains on the Past by MjsKindaHere
HEY REMEMBER WHAT I SAID ABOUT THE KNIGHTS TRIO??> sky gets de-aged and wild is NOT normal about it. legacies and expectations and burdens etce etc. you get it
Young volcanoes by jelly_dragons
wild is incredibly fussy about how he was forced to wear the big clunky ass flamebreaker set in his journey meanwhile sky just gets some fancy shmancy earrings about it. the duo go into a volcano. hilarity ensues.
The Ruin They've Made Me by CluelessMoose
botw link's last battle did NOT go well with calamity ganon and leaves him possessed by the damn thing. and then the chain pop in. (owwwww OWWWWWWWWWWW)
Twin Quasar by StrixEye
written before totk released and its still unfinished but MAN AM I A SUCKER FOR GOOD COMPELLING TIMETRAVEL.
hold on, reaper by virtualpng
the chain before they ever meet wild but they pop into his hyrule anyway while hes in the shrine of resurrection. wind meets a ghost at fort hateno. god i fucking lost ghost stories.
steady going under by rebornofstars
the boys.... theyre sleepy.... specifically on top of twilight...
I'm A Riddle In Nine Syllables by SilverheartSP
GOD i fucking love ghost stories. pre-lu in botw where wild meets the chain as ghosts first, and THEN actually meets them
The Legacies You Leave Behind by Eureka5215
flora-centric study about her interactions with the chain. because she cant ever escape the overwhelming weight of a legacy like me too girl so real. yes this is part of my fixation on the knight trio. their haunted sadwoman air surrounding all four of them have captivated me mind and soul
Untarnished by Tashacee
MAN I FUCKING LOVE GHOST STORIES!!!! lovelovelove tash's hero's aspect au obvs the 2nd piece of fanart i did for this fandom was FOR heros aspect but man... MANNNNNNN UNTARNISHED HITS ME DIFFERENT!!!!! first..... ily king <3<3<3
In Flux by zippe
FUUUUUCKCKCKCKKCKC I LOVE FUCKY ASS TIME TRAVEL it can be to heartwrenching and this one is exactly thattttttt augh. AUGH!!!!!! i lose it ever time remembering this one
LOZ in general, but mainly botw/totk(and some aoc);
For The People by myfairstarlight
hey girl where did the divine beasts go. sidon is NOT having a good time about it hes EMOTIONALLY ATTACHED to that thing!!!!
That Brilliant Blue (A Bittersweet Goodbye) by myfairstarlight
hey. what do you mean sidon and mipha are doomed siblings. ill cry.
totk zelda in her time in the past. she is. not doing well!!!!
Again by Drich (drich147)
botw timeloop fic. yeah. theres this one scene where its revealed that guardians have a fuckign partymode???? thats hilarious.
so i'll never die when i'm dead by arashi_the_pancake
OW. FUCK. au where after turning into the light dragon zelda keeps her consciousness about it. shes not doing well!!!
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