#but it's still much smaller and doesn't have a proper avatar
glowingplant · 2 years
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Avordelle, of the celestial tree
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opinated-user · 10 months
When it comes to MO’s art, which I agree is really nice when she puts extra time into it or when they’re personal projects. But if I recall correctly, LO said herself that she’s not an artist and has no interest in being one or going into the field…so wtf kind of authority does she have to say that the idea of practicing proper anatomy/proportions is gaslighting to artists? I agree that it’s important to at least have a basic understanding of anatomy regardless of your art style, but I also think that one shouldn’t be too hard on themselves and be too perfectionist about it either if they haven’t completely mastered it or are just starting out or have been doing art for years, as long as you have fun and are willing to learn new things and take your time as your work evolves. I am an artist and would like to pursue it as a career. I struggled with perfectionism regarding anatomy and realism, but later learned not to be so hard on myself and started to have more fun in doing so again, but still recognize that the basics of those things are still essential, but don’t be obsessive about it. She acts like such an authority on art, writing and the animation industries throughout her videos, yet she apparently has no education on these subjects and probably no friends that are/were actually present in those industries to give her this inside information. But maybe she just said that, just so she could get MO to crank out more art for her as much as possible.
LO wants all avatar of herself to have super small waists and huge boobs, but that's not anatomically correct so anatomy is a way to gaslight artists. it's really no more deep and complicated than that. that phrase specifically came out from the stream in which LO was "guiding" MO during the process of creating her new avatar (the one she doesn't even use anymore). MO kept trying to make the waist bigger and LO kept insisting that it should be smaller. MO said that her first instinct is to apply what she knows of anatomy and LO said to forget all about it. (demostrating clearly she has no idea how art, stylized or otherwise) works)
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ultfreakme · 9 months
So, fanfic ideas.... If JJK characters were in Non- Curse world, what would their job be if not become Jujutsu Sorcerer (in your opinion)? Why? Please pick your top 5 fav characters...
Also if Akashi (from Kuroko) or Zuko (Avatar) were in JJK world can they survive as a sorcerer? Can you guess their CT that fitted them? What do you think....?
Sorry it's just for fun, hope you don't mind.....
YAYYYY THE HAPPY AU!!! Non-jujutsu sorcerer jobs!!
Our beloved MC Yuuji: This has canon information, he'd be a firefighter. I can't think of anything else for him too tbh, it's the perfect job for him, he'd have been awesome at it. I love firefighter Yuuji it's adorable like AHHHHH good job kid!
Gojo: Not a teacher that's for sure. Probably some kind of researcher in astrophysics who also does martial arts competitions on the side. And a chess or shogi player too. He's the guy who randomly shows up in places he really shouldn't be.
Nobara: A fashion major in Tokyo. I feel like she'd go for a job that pays high even if it isn't particularly her interest and be ruthless in climbing higher. I'm just picturing her in a Devil Wears Prada movie situation where she's the assistant to Miranda Priestly who somehow can actually go above and beyond what Miranda wants from the start and leaves her to the dust to get a better opportunity with someone else.
Geto: Cult leader Teacher! He actually has the ability to be a good influence on the younger generation, I think he'd find joy in helping kids out and providing them with a safe environment. Probably volunteers a lot on his free time, still has that hero complex which he had at the beginning of Hidden Inventory but this time it doesn't go bad.
Junpei: He probably went to school for film and media, but I think he'd go on to work in counseling or switch to that. Supporting students, working in places that help with bullying. Determined to become a proper adult who isn't stuck playing the hierarchy games of high school(weirdly enough I see him becoming somewhat like Nanami in attitude). Oh my god Akashi and Zuko in JJK!!!! i was thinking about this a lot!
Akashi would THRIVE in JJK in terms of power but emotionally he'd be a wreck. His Emperor Eye is somewhat like Gojo's Six Eyes combined with precognition. I honestly think he'd be like Gojo; Emperor Eye would be an inherited trait like Six Eyes with the ability to see everything that's occurring in his surroundings and through that he has precognition to see what moves anyone would make within a specific radius(it probably extends to all of Japan and more or something that ridiculous) The smaller the radius, the more accurate and farther into the future his precognition is.
His CT....hm, probably has something to do with disabling or scrambling someone's cursed energy so that they become unable to use it. I'm trying to replicate the effects of an ankle break on a large scale lol in terms of CE. Hmmmm......I've entered Gege nonsense territory and come up with a way for this to work.
I'm gonna call it 'Kaleidoscope'. So what a kaleidoscope does is it has two or more angled mirrors inside a tube of some sort, and an object placed within it is reflected multiple times based on how the mirrors are angled. If you twist a kaleidoscope, the reflections change and create wild patterns. Now imagine that instead of an object, it's CE, and instead of a reflection, it's ACTUALLY getting split up and scrambled in symmetrical fashion.
Kaleidoscope makes it so that a person's cursed energy is split up into parts and twisting according to Akashi's will, so the person fighting him becomes unable to redirect the course of their CE to something stable.
(does this make sense? In my head it makes sense lol. Gege I finally understand your thought process lol).
He'd have a Domain Expansion 100% and I wanna say it'd be a basketball court lol, but I think it'd be something like Sukuna's in terms of visuals; an actual emperor's court.
Onto Zuko!!! I love Zuko so much as a character and I think he's great and with that being said, he wouldn't last a week in JJK. He's dead within 7 days or less. You need to have a certain kind of personality to survive in the JJK world and Zuko's got whatever personality type it is that would not only make him bad at advancing his CT, but would actively kill him.
(he's too caught up in his own feelings of right and wrong, of what is honor and what is shameful. He's someone who wants the people around him to be safe and risks his neck to do this multiple times, also he's a bit of an idiot.)
His CT!!! I think he'd be a shikigami user and his shikigami is Druk(and maybe a few more dragons like Ran and Shao). Probably comes from a large clan and he's considered the clan disappointment because he has no ability to create fire on his own. But his medium would still be fire, I imagine he carries around a light or a wick(but later gains the ability to manipulate and produce fire). Uses dual blades, which are cursed tools, to fight(also another thing his family dislikes him for). The dragon shikigami is likely an inherited trait that the clan actually doesn't like because it relies on external fire sources. I think lightning would also be an inherited trait which Azula got and that's the one they've all been wanting to see. Both re-emerged after hundreds of years.
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So I thought about your headcanon for Tulip being into fashion, then decided to make the SMG version of Ash also have some fashion knowledge, partly learned via osmosis since a lot of his friends are into Contests and Contest Equivalents (and in a few cases like Cilan just generally Have Style) and because Team Rocket is Like That, but also partly because becoming the Avatar caused his actually extremely rare crossdressing gag to exaggerate into an actual habit Because Memes.
Then I realized that with how much smaller Lahar's new Girl Form is than their canon Girl Form, none of her alternate costumes actually fit anymore, either literally or in terms of style, so all she's got is her default outfit which is literally just her original form's default outfit with an added bikini top.
And she can't exactly go to her friends back home for help since the SMGs have the exact same (lack of) fashion sense as her, Etna barely wears clothes, Flonne has extremely different tastes, Sicily is Literally A Child and also has similar tastes to Flonne since they're both Angels, they're still working on getting Barbara used to making decisions for herself let alone other people, and she's not really close with anyone else.
So, Tulip and Ash happen to be nearby while she's complaining about this little problem and...well...
Tulip and Ash: *immediately drop what they were doing and give each other a Look before slowly turning towards Laharl with identical big, unsettling grins*
Laharl: Uhhh... *shrinks back slightly from their Gaze* Hi?
Pikachu, realizing what's about to happen: Nope! I'm out. *hops off Ash's shoulder and walks away* Good luck shorty!
Laharl: Good luck with wha- *is suddenly picked up by the arms, Tulip on her left side and Ash on the right* HEY! What's the meaning of this!? As Overlord, I command you to release me!
Tulip, in an exaggeratedly Proper tone: Now now, don't you worry your pretty little head my delightfully devilish friend. We only want to help you, isn't that right Dear Brother?
Ash, adopting the same tone: Oh, absolutely Dear Sister!
Laharl: You do remember you're not actually twins, right?
*they ignore her and continue to wherever it is their going, and through the Power of Scene Transitions they're suddenly in what seems to be one of the many workshops in Tulip's manor, though this one seems to be a cross between a barber shop and a walk-in closet instead of the usual garage or mad science lab*
Laharl, standing on a round, slightly elevated platform near the center of the room: Seriously, what are you doing!?
Tulip, back in her normal voice: *hold up the measuring tape she just had wrapped around her* Uh, checking your waistline? We gotta make sure they actually fit, you know?
Laharl: No, that's-you just-wait, that what fits?
Ash, rummaging through all the clothes: Your new outfits, duh. You were just complaining about not having any options on Girl Days.
Tulip: Like I said, we wanna help.
Laharl: And you couldn't have just offered instead of jumping straight to kidnapping?
Tulip: *levels a flat stare at her* Laharl, you are the single most prideful person I know, including my birth family. Can you honestly tell me that you would've accepted our help willingly instead of being stubborn and telling us off?
Laharl: I...okay, fair. But since when does Ash know anything about fashion? He's worn pretty much the same thing every day since he was ten!
Ash: Hey, you try living out of a backpack in the woods for months on end. Just because I don't have that many opportunities to dress up doesn't mean I don't know how. Plus I know for a fact you've seen some of "Ashley's" outfits.
Laharl, finally realizing she doesn't have any convenient excuse to get out of this: ...Oh, alright. Just don't make me look stupid, got it?
Tulip: Oh don't worry honey, by the time we're through?
Tulip and Ash both having a fashion sense is great, and them both immediately agreeing that "Yeah let's kidnap Laharl and make her fabulous" because it's so in character?? And Laharl admitting that yeah, her pride would've made it so she wouldn't ask for any help is also sweet? She trusts them enough to not only admit that, but trusts them to make her outfit decisions.
And also the Dear Brother and Dear Sister bit is hilarious. You just know Ash and Tulip have done it on more than one occasion.
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loopy777 · 11 months
of your own work, what story do you like the most?
I am incapable of picking just one.
It would be easy to just go with the story I think achieved 100% of what I was trying to do, but I don't believe I ever accomplished that with my writing. Likewise, I could pick a story without some flaw in it, but there's no such thing in my repertoire.
One of the more obvious picks would be my greatest achievement in terms of scope, Traitor's Face. I'm mostly satisfied with how it turned out, and my problems are mainly in wanting to do some light editing. But it's not a story I can experience the way the audience can, since I know all the twists intimately. I can't enjoy it as a reader, only as the person who wrote it.
But is scope the only measure of accomplishment? It's shorter, but I think the character work I did for The Avatar & The Fire Princess might be my best. It was definitely among the most challenging in that it called for me to push Aang and Azula out of character in believable ways, while also keeping them fully recognizable. And I think I did a pretty good job with that, although there are probably people who disagree. I'm also a bit proud that this pairing doesn't get as much fanfic as some of the more prominent ships, so I feel like my effort was put to more efficient use. However, I do think this story has its flaws, and it gets rather emotionally heavy near the end, so I don't find myself compelled to reread it much.
In contrast, I find that I most often reread the work I've done (and will continue to do, I hope) in the Maiko realm. Of those, I especially cherish Black & Blue and Flowers For Mai, as they are probably the most fun I've had with the pairing, and I find them both enjoyably rereadable, even as the person who wrote them. Although it's more about Mai than Maiko, I also am really proud of Samsara: Mai's Long Day for being a fulfillment of my long desire to do a Groundhog's Day story, and being a really good mix of serious character stuff and fun humor. I'd say these three stories probably best embody my skills as a writer.
But then there's stuff I wrote specifically for me, stuff that I think I enjoy more than the audience does. Of course, two of these stories are Maikka. The one that always makes me grin just to think about it is Now Kiss, because it is very uniquely of my sense of humor. Trapped in Yu Dao is another Maikka story and again satisfied a persona genre-desire, in this case a super-spy adventure; I also really dig the background worldbuilding and still want to do a sequel to it someday. Although it's not Maikka, More Than Meets the Head-Mounted Optical Sensors is another very personal project combining Avatar fanfic with a satire of the Transformers franchise, a mix that delights me and roughly three other people in the entire world.
But all of this is my multi-chapter stuff. I've written lots of short stories, and I think the freedom of that format allowed me to hit some real homers, even if their smaller size and impact don't make them as memorable. Of those, I think I most like this handful (although the list is almost certainly subject to change) for finding new perspectives and things to do in Avatar fanfic:
Irko Week - AU
Gazing Above
The Chosen
Working It Off
Lucky Day
(This reminds me that I really need to port my older writing to AO3, now that I know how to mess with the publication date to put it in proper order. But while the AO3 culture is towards letting each short stand on its own, I don't think I want another 100 stories cluttering up my history. I'll probably just dump them in a collection and not bother properly tagging them, leaving them lost to fandom history but there for those interested in me as a writer specifically.)
So I guess all these are the stories I like the most. For now.
I'll probably have a different set of answers next week.
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